#rewatched the move-why he so hard to draw
wolffdeservedbetter · 7 months
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bluberryfields · 9 months
"What the hell did you just do?"
Part 2 of whatever. Continuing on with Tadfield Manor scenes, we get to the infamous "Wall" scene. I know it has been analyzed by many so far, but that's never stopped people in the world of literary analysis from spewing their own thoughts on well-reviewed texts. Also, I just want to.
Okay, so once they enter the manor building and see the management training branding, Crowley decides to "help out" and make all of the paintball guns into real machine guns. He snaps his fingers and points double finger guns at the passing "soldier".
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Aziraphale is dumbfounded. "What the hell did you just do?
Such language, Angel! And no physical reaction to it like Crowley did when he said "Heaven's sake" in E6. Huh.
Crowley, meanwhile, is thoroughly pleased with himself. They want to battle? He's happy to oblige.
This plus the scare in the courtyard lets us see Crowley enjoying the few perks of being a demon. It's fucking adorable.
Aziraphale cannot comprehend how Crowley - who just miracled a stain away on his coat because it bothered him - could do something so thoroughly evil. And with a jaunty step!
If Aziraphale had pearls, he'd be clutching them so hard.
To which Crowley takes the opportunity to once again point out the flawed binary system of morality. We the audience will see this argument again in the Body Snatcher minisode, so it's fun to see how these two keep having the same old debates throughout time just with different causes with which to start from.
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Pointing out hypocrisy while slinking down a hall? Crowley, you delicious tramp.
Aziraphale is still thoroughly horrified, but Crowley concedes with a sigh that everyone will, in fact, be fine. To me, his tone is a mix of disappointment at him not being quite as much of a bastard as he paints himself. He can't really hide his true self from Aziraphale.
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I love how he can't stop moving his body. Snakes gonna slither.
Then here is it. The big moment. Smug little Aziraphale feels the need to mention how nice Crowley is underneath his demonic persona.
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We now know that this is a reoccurring exchange, where Crowley must defend his title of Big Bad Demon in front of Azi's kind compliments. There's serious consequences to Crowley being labeled "nice" and Azi knows this by now. So why does he keep bringing it up? To provoke Crowley? To finally break him into admitting Azi is right? It's not like Azi can protect Crowley from Hell's wrath, but he pushes anyway.
I thought Crowley was the shit-stirrer in this relationship.
And now my favorite part. Sister Mary shows up and rightly implies these two are about to nail each other through the drywall. But when she recognizes Crowley, he stops her in her tracks.
The sass! It's off the fucking chart! Only an Angel could withstand such a display!
Aziraphale just straightens his clothes and lets the sass go unchallenged because he's still has a bit of self-preservation instincts left.
So I already talked about the "Luck of the devil" line from Aziraphale here, but it truly is a fun moment in the context of the whole scene. Crowley is worked up from the "nice" comment and Aziraphale's seeming refusal to stop analyzing him.
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Horny Aziraphale is sassy and Crowley looks like he wants to bite through a door frame.
So, obviously, I've spent way too much time rewatching these scenes, but I do find it so interesting how we see so much of their relationship on display within just a few minutes. The different personality traits to draw them together while also pushing them apart.
The way Aziraphale knows how to work Crowley, who in turns knows how to indulge appropriately. (*cough* bullet catch *cough*)
The way Crowley happily taps into his demonic toolbox to spread a bit of chaos without actually causing serious harm. (*cough* Job *cough*)
The way Aziraphale reflexively tows the party line of Heaven even in the face of Crowley's demonstrations of humanity's instincts. (*cough* all of time *cough*)
And basically the way they bring out the best (and sometimes worst) of each other. Some might say they're a team. Or a group. A group of the two of them.
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cvetok1105 · 4 months
My personal Weatherman – Taikan Yohou
The main characters – Segasaki and Yoh.
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I'll disclaim in advance that there will be no plot in this dorama, but that is the beauty of it.
Segasaki is a weather presenter and Yoh draws eromanga. They met at university and fate has brought them together ever since.
Yoh has no money to pay the rent, so Sagasaki offers him a place to live together, but in return Yoh has to agree to everything they ask him to do.
For me personally, it's a little bit of a red flag (Segasaki can easily forbid Yoh to meet his friend in a cafe, and Yoh just has to accept it). I'll be honest, this relationship is weird, and in real life Segasaki is the kind of guy who should be fucked off, not even his godlike beauty could save him.
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As I mentioned before, the eight episodes revolve around the relationship between the two main characters, we are included in all of Yoh's thoughts the whole time, the narration is almost all from his point of view.
Nevertheless, their chemistry is visible even to the naked eye, which is not surprising: the first thing they did when they moved in together was hook up. There is a peculiar problem built around this too, as Segasaki decided that they would only have sex before sunny days. Why?
It's a question that everyone was curious about, and the answer is pretty prosaic. Everything revolves around the weather (it's not for nothing that one of the main characters is a meteorologist).
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– Hey. Why can’t we do it when it rains?
– Huh? Because you said so. When you first moved here and we did it. 
– Huh?
– So you won’t have trouble with laundry. 
I think I've rewatched it about eight times. It's hard for me to explain, but I was touched by literally every action, every look, every touch and misunderstanding.
Of course, Yoh had no idea that he was not just a servant to Segasaki, but the most precious person to him. And Segasaki is not good at using words, which is why we were stuck in the same place for a very long time.
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But every interaction they had, the painfully ridiculous date, the dialogues - it all made my heart ache. It clearly states in black and white: Yoh fell first, but Segasaki fell harder.
Fanfact: when rewatching, I decided to start not from the beginning, but from the middle (first from the fifth series to the eighth, and then from the first to the fifth). And I was right! Exactly in the middle we start to be shown flashbacks of the characters' meeting, to which very nice and interesting references were made in the first episodes. Of course, when watching them for the first time, it is easy to just not notice them. So my idea was not as stupid as I thought at first.
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– Put this in some Tupperware. I’ll eat it all. You’d better not eat any. This is mine.
I’m the only one who has to know that this carry tastes bad. He did the best to make it. That made me happy. That fact is all I need. 
I'm very sensitive to this work, it deservedly became one of my favourites, because despite the simplicity of the plot, the characters are incredibly natural and beautiful in their "ordinaryness".
Yoh is a master of making things up (just like me), Segasaki is a expert at hiding his feelings and thoughts, he is sure that everything is clear to everyone (I can see your thoughts in the subtitles, you idiot. But Yoh can't read minds). As a result, Yoh didn't know they were dating for quite a while, when for Segasaki their relationship was obvious.
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There aren't many characters in this dorama, but there's no need for them. We do fine with two goofballs who can't figure out the nature of their feelings until the last minute, while being stubbornly jealous of each other.
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multifandomfanficss · 3 months
It’s About Time
Ed Nygma/The Riddler x Reader
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Prompt: Ed offers to help you with time management when you tell him you’re stressed at work. Your conversation is interrupted by an attack on the GCPD by the Maniax.
Warnings: Mentions of murder, cannibalism, r*pists, abuse, and general graphic violence. Gotham typical violence. Mental health struggles. Sensory issues and meltdowns common with autism. Panic. Near death experiences. Claustrophobia. References to being buried alive. Nightmares.
A/N: I’m rewatching Gotham and I didn’t realize the missed potential for hurt/comfort the first time I watched this show 7 years ago. My work load has been really heavy lately, but this show broke me out of my writers block and I made time for the writing bug. This takes place in the middle of Ed’s Riddler arc. He hasn’t fully become the Riddler yet, but he has already made his first kill. The reader has qualities of an autistic person, but is not explicitly said to be autistic. I accidentally code a lot of my characters to be autistic because I am, but this was more intentional to reflect Ed’s autistic coding. Feel free to read into it or not! You don’t have to be autistic to read and hopefully enjoy this! Crossposted on my AO3 adriansglasses.
“I’ve been so stressed lately.” You sigh. “It’s like I can’t get anything done that I actually need to get done.” You stand in the hallway of the precinct talking to your friend Ed. You were stressing about this case and Jim Gordon was making you go through hundreds of old files for him. You were never part of the real action, but the horrifying crime scene photos and evidence you had to pull through everyday was taking a toll on you. Gordon’s time crunches never helped either. You understood that lives were often on the line, but that didn’t make it any easier.
“What can some people never get enough of and others say is too much? What has the ability to fly when having fun or is stuck completely frozen when you need it to move?” He smiles. You stare at him blankly. You had not been getting enough sleep. You loved hearing his riddles, but you were never the best at giving him the answers. It was so hard for your mind to keep track of it all. “Do you give up?” He asks.
“My brain just isn’t braining right now.” You laugh. “What’s the answer?”
“Time.” He beams, happy with himself. “You should try to implement a better time management plan. You look tired all the time. It’s like you’re not even sleeping.”
“Thanks, Ed.” You give a dry laugh.
“You know what I mean.” You nod in an agreement with him. “You might be the only person who usually knows what I mean.” He says, fiddling with his fingers and the buttons on his coat.
He was right. Nobody quite seemed to get him, but nobody quite seemed to get you either. You had always felt this odd draw to him that you could never quite explain. Truthfully you think you have feelings for him, but you always bury them. He saw you as a friend and he really needed a friend. Besides he had been pinning over Kristen since before you even got to the precinct. You had mixed feelings towards her. On one hand you felt bad for her. She was always getting mixed up with shitty boyfriends who treated her poorly, but on the other hand she had a mean streak. You never liked how she treated Ed. It was like he wasn’t a person with feelings to her and that made you so angry.
“You’re right. I haven’t been sleeping.” You tell him.
“Why is that?” He asks.
“We live in Gotham. With the terrifying shit we see everyday, I don’t know how anyone sleeps.”
“Are you having nightmares again?” He asks, his face painted with concern.
“It’s fine. It’s just work stress. It’s just this case. I’m fine.” You smile. It wasn’t a real smile. Your smiles always came so naturally around Ed that he knew something was off. He was about to press when you heard gunshots coming from down the hall. Your body immediately froze like a dear in headlights in the middle of the hallway.
You’ve had violent people in the precinct before and it always made you nervous, but this was different. The Maniax were on the loose and you knew they were too unhinged to care about survivors or bargains. With Jerome Valeska at the helm, along side cannibals, rapists, and murderers you were terrified. They’d escaped from Arkham days ago and already managed to murder dozens of people. This was far too close to the action for you, as you heard Jerome’s laugh bellowing down the hall from the bullpen; a laugh you remembered from one of your early cases at the precinct. You had felt bad for him and tried to help him when his mother died. You will never forget the laugh he let out when Jim realized he wasn’t as innocent as you’d thought. It ran a chill through your spine.
Everything started moving too fast when you realized you were being pulled down the hall quickly. Once you realized you were holding hands, you tightly grasped Ed’s hand, not wanting to be separated from him. He brings you further down the hall into the ME’s lab.
“W-where are we going?” You stutter. It’s like your mouth can’t keep up with your racing mind.
“Do you trust me?” He looks at you trying to stay calm.
“Ed, what are you doing?” You’re panicking. He can tell. It’s not hard to tell, as your hands fidget and your breathing is heavy. You’re trying to stay calm.
“(Y/N), I need you to trust me.” He places his hands on your shoulders in an effort to ground you with the pressure. You close your eyes and nod, hesitantly. You do trust him.
Ed runs to the cold lockers and opens one, checking to see if it’s empty. He finds a dead body inside. You cringe. Seeing bodies is rare for you and you’re still getting used to it.
“Oh dear… okay… second times the charm…” He mumbles to himself trying to find an empty locker. “Bingo!” He smiles, finding an empty one. The wheels start to turn in your head.
“No! I’m not getting in there!” Your panic increases. Ed shushes you.
“This is our best chance. I promise I’ll let you out as soon as I can.”
“We won’t be together?” Your eyes start to burn. You try to keep back tears. You’re shaking.
“We won’t both fit in the same one. I’m gonna go in the one above you-“
“No no please I- I don’t wanna be by myself! Please don’t leave me!” You cut him off and beg him. Ed awkwardly rubs his thumbs across your shoulders where he places his hands again, still trying to ground you. It’s awkward, but it’s still somewhat calming.
“I’m not leaving you. I would never leave you. I’ll be right next to you the whole time. I promise. I need you to trust me.” You’re not sure if it’s because it’s life or death, or if it’s because it’s Ed, but you reluctantly let him help your shaking body into the mortuary cabinet. When it comes time to let go of his hand and close the cabinet, you don’t want to. Despite quickly running out of time, he knows he needs to be patient. He knows how hard this is for you. He’s always known you’re a bit claustrophobic. He had no idea one of your worst fears was being buried alive. Being stuck in a cold locker wasn’t too far from either of those things. He can hear footsteps far down the hall. The Maniax were never subtle. He kisses the hand he’s holding quickly before closing your locker and climbing into his own. You were surprised by the kiss, but you couldn’t think about that right now and what it could have meant. Your mind couldn’t keep up. He had to leave his own locker unlocked, unable to properly close it from the inside, but he locked yours to make it look more convincing.
When Ed heard you cry, he began to whisper, hoping he could be loud enough for you to hear, but quiet enough for the Maniax to not notice. “It’s okay, (Y/N). I’m still here.” It was enough to quiet your sobs. Tears silently streamed down your cheeks. Ed’s voice had a certain gentleness to it when he spoke to you. He was being especially gentle now. You had seen him angry, upset, anxious, energetic, but his calm voice was reserved for you. Even in this moment when he was admittedly not very calm, he was trying his best to mask his own fears to keep you safe.
You always reserved parts of yourself for each other; parts of yourselves that the other person enabled you to be. You were never as bold as you wanted to be, but when people were rude to Ed you stuck up for him. He brought out a more confident version of you. For Ed, he knew you struggled with staying calm when you were stressed, upset, anxious or scared, even when you were happy. All of your emotions were so big and you rarely knew how to contain them. He tried to stay calm because he knew you saw him as a calming person in your life. He liked being your hero when everyone else only saw him as a weak, odd, nuisance. He also liked that he could read you and that you were honest with him. He trusted you and it helped keep the voice in his head at bay. He didn’t have to question himself with you. He didn’t have to take advice from the voice in his head.
You tried to keep your meltdown as quiet as possible when you heard footsteps approach. They were heavy, not ones you recognized. You knew it had to be one of the Maniax, probably the cannibal. You tried to make your breath as quiet as possible. After what you assume was a poor sweep of the room, the man leaves.
After what seems like hours of being trapped in a corpse you finally hear sirens and then chatter. You hear Ed climb out of the locker above you. He opens your locker and you let out an audible sob.
“I think they’ve gone.” He says, pulling out the drawer to let your body get some much needed air. You start gasping and sobbing, shaking on the drawer of the mortuary cabinet. Your body jolts up. You just want to get away from the locker.
“You’re okay! You’re okay!” Ed catches your body, as your start to fall from the drawer to the floor. You sit on the floor and cling to him, sobbing. At first awkward, he runs his hand along your back, trying to sooth you with the repetitive motion.
“I felt like I was dead- like- like I was gonna get buried alive-“ You gasp for air, sobbing between your words. Ed shushes you.
“We’re okay. They’re gone.” He promises.
You hear fast approaching footsteps. Your brain is moving too fast to decide if the footsteps are familiar or not. You just bury yourself further into Ed’s chest.
“Detective Gordon is here.” He informs you and you relax only slightly.
“Nygma, are they okay?” Jim asks.
“No mortal wounds, they’re just a bit shaken up.” He lets him know.
“You two should probably still get checked out. I need to finish scanning the building for everyone else. So far we’ve got 9 cops dead in the bullpen and… and the commissioner is dead.” He says. It’s almost like you hear Jim, but you don’t. Your mind can’t keep up with anything that’s happening.
After a while you find yourself sitting, waiting for Lee to check you out. Ed had been pulled away for a few minutes to do his job. He didn’t want to leave you, but you assured him you were fine. You didn’t feel fine, but you knew they needed him. As long as you could see him on the other side of the bullpen, you were reluctant, but okay with him stepping away. He left his jacket draped around your shoulders. It helped to be surround by his smell and warmth.
When it was time to go home, Ed guided you to his car. You hadn’t spoken much, but at least you’d finally stopped crying. The car ride was quiet. The only thing that filled the air was Ed’s occasional hum with the radio. Neither of you quite knew what to say. It was a bit ironic considering usually nobody could ever get you two to shut up. You didn’t speak up until he turned onto your street.
“I don’t want to go home.” You said quietly, feeling the panic rise again at the thought of being alone at home again.
“That’s understandable. Would you like to stay at my place?” He asks. You nod, silently. He flicks his turn signal and starts the drive to his place.
“Welcome to Château Nygma.” He smiles, turning on the light. You still have his jacket wrapped around your shoulders. Despite the terror you’ve been through today, his smile is refreshing. You don’t question how he can stay so seemingly sane in times like these, but you’re just glad somebody is. You need that. Maybe you should have questioned it, but you didn’t. He has a nice apartment. It’s not too big. Why would it be for a man who lived by himself? It’s just the right size with cool windows and a comfortable setup.
“Do you want something to eat? I’m a good cook.” He smiles. You don’t know how he can continue to smile, but you’re glad. It starts to make you feel safer. It’s nice to be in a locked apartment with just you and Ed. It’s nice to be in a quiet, secluded place, but not feel alone. It’s far better than sitting on your bed, scared of any serial killers that could be hiding underneath the frame and jumping at any people you hear in the stairwell of your apartment, with an open case file sitting next to you, worried the killers you’re reading about could be onto you any second. Today was a very close call. Too close.
“If you’re not sure, that’s okay too.” He continues, noticing you’re deep in thought.
“Oh…uh yeah… I’m not sure what I want… It’s like my body needs things, but I’m just a little bit too overwhelmed to figure it out.” You look down, shyly.
“Do you want to just sit? I can put on some music?” He questions referencing the record player with his hands.
“That sounds okay. I think I can do that.” You nod. He puts on some quiet music, not too loud to overstimulate you and you make your way to the couch. He brings you a glass of water.
“I can imagine it might be hard for you to have an appetite given your increased levels of adrenaline today, but you should at least drink this.” You take the water from him and begin to sip it. You didn’t realize how nice cold water could feel. You drink it quickly, before setting the glass down.
“Thank you.”
Ed sits down and you gravitate towards him.
“How do you do it?” You ask.
“How do I do what?” He looks for clarification.
“Your job. There’s so much death everywhere.”
“I don’t know. I just sort of do. Honestly I think it’s fascinating…” He pauses, looking away from you. “Sorry. That probably sounds weird.”
“It does, but that’s okay. I like the fact that you’re different and you’re honest. It’s comforting. You’re a better man than all of those crooked cops walking around beating up women and mobsters alike.”
“You think so?” He asks.
“Yeah, I do.” You smile. This time it’s a real smile. Ed smiles too. It’s nice to know after everything he’s done for you to make you comfortable, you can say something to make him feel better.
“I’m sorry all of this has been so awful for you.” He says.
“I know we’re doing good and it’s important to do good in a world of so much bad, but sometimes I just wish nobody had to do it. I can’t even fathom what would make somebody what kill another person. Maybe out of necessity, but it scares me that people actually enjoy it.”
“Yeah.” Ed shifts uncomfortably. You think he must agree with you and that’s why he’s unconformable. You don’t know that he killed Officer Doherty for abusing Kristen just over a month ago.
The two of you talk for quite some time until you end up falling asleep next to him on the couch. He doesn’t mind when you fall into his lap. He lets you sleep, smiling down at you. He didn’t dare move. He didn’t want to wake you. He was afraid of breathing too deeply and shifting too much underneath you. He eventually falls asleep sitting up with you still in his lap.
Everything is peaceful until you shoot up screaming, in a cold sweat. You’ve had another nightmare. This time is different. You’re disoriented. You don’t know where you are. You feel hands touching you.
“(Y/N), it’s me! It’s Ed! You had another nightmare.” You look at his face to see him distraught, unsure of what to do. Your tossing and turning had woken him up. He was awake only seconds before you.
Your eyes begin to well with tears. “I just want it to stop. When will all of this stop?” You cry.
“When will what stop?” He asks.
“Everything! I just want to stop feeling like this. I want to stop being afraid. I should be used to the job by now.”
“Maybe you just need more time to get used to it! I know we talked about time management earlier. I can help you with your schedule.” He offers.
“I don’t want to manage my time. I just want it to freeze. I just wish time would freeze so I could just breathe and catch up!”
Ed looks at you defeated. He doesn’t know what to say. He likes riddles because riddles always have answers. He doesn’t know what to do when there’s a problem with no solution.
“I’m sorry.” He settles with saying. “Would a hug help?” He’s just grasping at anything he’s seen people do when trying to comfort other people with problems and no solutions.
“Yes.” You say quietly, burying your head in his chest. Despite being the one to offer the hug, he’s a little awkward at first. He eventually settles in.
“Is this helping?” He asks.
“Yes.” You tell him. Of course, Ed being who he is, even now he’s still looking for a solution. He doesn’t realize he may be the solution, or at least someone to help make the problem smaller. “You always help.” You add.
“I’m sure most of our coworkers would disagree.” He laughs.
“I never thanked you for earlier today.” You say quietly.
“It was nothing.” He smiles.
“No, Ed. Keeping me safe in a life or death situation isn’t nothing.”
“I’m sure anyone would have done it.” He argues.
“No, they wouldn’t have.” You tell him.
“I’ll always protect you.” He pulls you closer, shifting awkwardly underneath you. “You know… my apartment is always open if you want to sleep with me- I- I mean sleep with me in attendance- I- I mean sleep with each other- I- I mean near each other- you know! In case you have nightmares!”
“I might just have to take you up on that. This is the first night I’ve felt okay enough to be able to maybe go back to sleep afterwards.” You smile, trying not to laugh. You don’t want him to think you’re making fun of him. Truthfully you think he’s sweet and funny.
“You should go back to sleep and since I didn’t get to make you dinner I’ll be making you the best breakfast of your life tomorrow.” He beams.
“You better.” You snuggle into him. Ed is too awkward to suggest you go lay in his bed tonight and you’re too tired to care. You spend the rest of the night on the couch together. You can save the bed for tomorrow night. You know when you wake up in the morning you’ll be coming back. It was the most sleep you’ve gotten in weeks.
Ed wakes up before you and sneaks off the couch to start breakfast. He truthfully was a very good cook. His own sensory issues with food made him very particular about how it’s prepared. You wake up to the smell of something good in the oven. Ed is nowhere to be seen, but you hear him in the bathroom. He’s talking. You knew he often talked to himself, but he sounded like he was talking to someone else. Maybe he was on the phone. You were sure you were hearing one half of a conversation.
“I told you we could trust them. They like me for me. They think I’m a good man.”
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lxtstrip · 11 days
Last to Fade | M. Sturniolo
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TW: alcohol mention and 13RW show/character mention just for a moment and a SLIGHT spoiler of S1xE1 if we still even need a spoiler alert, but no SPECIFIC topics from the show.
AN: all opinions expressed about the show are mine, i do not speak for anyone else. i also knocked this out in 2 hours or so while rewatching the series.
WC: 715
Pairing: Matt x Reader
You watched Matt lift a bottle of Stella to his lips. He repeatedly begged you for Shock Top, but you insisted this was better. Strangely, he didn’t complain about the flavor profile tonight, because tonight was your night with him. He didn’t have to worry about posting anything on social media on nights like this and it relieved him more than anyone could ever begin to fathom.
As Matt set the bottle back on the coaster beside him, you couldn’t help but notice his hand and arm. You always had a thing for his tattoos, same as every other girl in his comments and DMs. However, you got to see the way they moved. You got to take in what they looked like half inside of messy bed sheets. You were lucky enough to experience the mundane and intimate alike.
In the most cliche fashion you were ripped out of your thoughts as Matt abruptly lifted his elbow to his face so he could address the tickle in his throat. Even his coughing could never bother you, no matter how loud it was. You were without a doubt that if and when you were with him long term it would infuriate you, but for now you found it to be something you could put up with.
“I don’t get it…” Matt finally uttered.
“What do you mean?” you asked sitting up to look him in the face.
“That damned smile!” he mocked the brunette on the television.
“We watched this series twice and you still don’t get why she fell for Justin?” you asked.
“The first time we watched it, I wasn’t paying attention to the romance! That’s chick shit.” he said, throwing up his hands in defense.
To be fair he was right, at the time it premiered it was marketed to bring attention to mental health and provoke thought in younger individuals. At the same time when you both watched it for the first time there were multiple sources tearing it apart and even more making fun of it so you two decided to give it a go deciding for yourselves what the final verdict would be. You both landed it deserved every generalized concept it was given.
“I’m just saying she would have been happier with Clay if she gave him a chance from the start of the show.” Matt commented.
“All this from the guy who said he wasn’t watching this for the romance.” you giggled, laying your head back down in his lap.
The credits started flickering across the screen and Matt couldn’t grab the remote fast enough. He didn’t even let the automated timer go off before he was jumping to watch the next episode.
You and Matt called it a night after episode two. There was a bit of debate between why a show would remain so cryptic for so long. Answers could have been given while still drawing people in, but you both decided it was lazy.
It was surprising Matt could draw such astute conclusions. He wasn’t widely known for being well read, just one of 3 brothers with a somewhat influencing career. Truth be told, when Matt wasn’t recording with his brothers or gaming, he was in the books pretty heavily. No genre was off limits for him after he met you. You changed him in the most positive ways; his words, not yours.
You were his favorite everything. He looked at you the same way you looked at him. He was enamored with you. You were his rock after a hard day, you were his passenger princess on dates, and you were his last girlfriend he ever wanted. He would never admit his feelings in that capacity, not now anyway.
Matt pulled the covers over the two of you and gave you a kiss on the forehead before settling in and wrapping his arms around you. A comfortable silence enveloped the two of you between chaste kisses and loving glances. You never knew how watching something on television could wipe from your minds so quickly and fall into your nightly routine. You liked it, there was a pleasant, resounding ambience that you two were made for each other.
To paraphrase the great Adam Young - the spaces between Matt’s fingers where right where yours fit perfectly.
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 year
Imagine the reader teaching their yautja mates/friends teenager some cool human fighting move you see in movies n shit (also have an awesome day ilyyy)
How to Fight
Pairing: Chopper (Male Reader) x Reader
Word Count: 1171
Summary: With a little luck, you were able to entertain yourself while on the mothership. Access to the internet was the best far from earth. Every night, you took it upon yourself to watch movies. Sometimes rewatching old ones or finding new releases. Until, one night, Chopper's buddies caught sight of what you were watching… It went downhill from there.
Author Note: I love when you come bother me! It's the highlight of my day. I didn't know what to with this one so I started in a random place and ran with it. The ball... well it ended up somewhere else I guess.
All it took was one glimpse at a movie you were watching. Worst of all, it was Kung Fu Panda. The whole group was completely intrigued. Within moments, they’re sitting down next to your small frame, elbows on their knees with their chins resting on their fists. All of their eyes were zoned in on the holo screen in front of you.
With some trial and error with the earth’s internet and the Yautja’s network, you were able to figure out how to broadcast movies. As a human on a mothership full of Yautjas, there was a limit of what you could do. Safely. That part was key when it came to staying alive here.
From the rumors that have trailed across the ship, the only reason you’re alive is the fact your mate’s species sees you as his pet. Degrading as it is, you do your best to see the positives in the situation. Your mate, nicknamed Chopper, has lots of friends – you guess that’s the best word for it. They love to come over constantly.
Some of them like to tease you, especially on your size. Due to the translator that sits perfectly behind your ear, just below the skin, you are able to understand them. It’s not perfect but gets the job done well enough. In the end though, you didn’t take it to hard, coming to terms that’s how they are. In a strange, nonhuman way, its their way of showing that accept you. A positive in a situation that didn’t start out all that great. But hey, that’s a story for another time.
Currently, you were happily squished between the hard form of Chopper’s legs. His heavy torso was draped over your own, part of his weight put onto you. An arm as contently wrapped around your abdomen, keeping you secure to him. Chopper’s tresses created a curtain on either side of your head, as if narrowing you down to focus on the T.V.
After a few scenes of Po training and the others showing their skills off, Courtin – a new given to him, stood up abruptly. All eyes were on him. You had to draw the curtain of tresses out of your way to see Courtin. A brow was raised by you.
His mandibles chittered with speech. The translator was quick to start up. “These moves, I must learn them! Could aid us when we hunt, brothers,” he rallied his fellow Yautjas to stand up with him. Even, your sweet, dear Chopper took stand with him. You snorted at the declaration. “Ooman, laughs at me. Why? Think we Yautja can not learn these moves from a flick.” It took you a moment to realize what he meant by that last word. Again, not perfect.
“Courtin, it’s not that.” Now, you decide to rise to your feet and crossed yours arms. Before realizing that was a bad idea. Right, different social cues and body language, for the most part. “This movie is aimed for children, unbloodeds. It is meant to be silly and fun,” you explained to him calmly. The worst thing to do to a Yautja in their presence was to offend their pride and skill.
“You are all talented, blooded and whatnot. But these moves aren’t real. It just for the movie to be filled with action and tension.” All of their eyes were set on you.
Courtin stepped forward, enough to feel crowded within the group of eight Yautjas. Despite the fact he and any of the others were young, he still towered over you. Stupidly enough, Courtin leaned down to be level with you, hands grasping his knees. “You say these moves are useless?” he asks for you clarify.
For some reason, you feel a hair on edge. Though, they would never hurt you, per their honor code, it’s hard to forget they are predators. “In all honesty, yes. They are.” His three mandibles tapped against one another. Courtin stood up fully once more.
“Hmphf.” That made him sound so human. Maybe him and the others were learning a few human things from yourself. One could only hope. “Then, must find other media to consume. Ooman, show more.” Always demanding. You believed that was almost all of their species type.
From one rabbit hole to the next and over countless days, everyone – including yourself – believed they had learned enough. From movies. All from movies. Nothing else. Well, your mate and his friends would have a batter advantage than due to the fact they are trained predators. Yet, here you were, in a private kehrite with everyone.
The heat and humidity was killing you without much movement. Yet, when Jqal-od called upon you to step into the ring – one that reminded you of wrestling, you accepted. Though, they were more focused on the fighting parts of the movie… you focused on a different part. Those who were smaller than their enemies. Cliché, yeah. Guess what though, it works.
Not against someone two feet taller and highly trained. In theory, it works.
Jqal-od placed a heavy paw on your shoulder. You returned the gesture. Together, the two of you shook the other. Then, you two stepped a decent distance away from one another. You and him had your gaze set firmly on the other.
Silence entered the ring as everyone quieted down on their own accord. A deep breath filled your lungs with air before slowly exhaling. Jqal-od’s tongue darted out with a flick before hiding away again.
The next moment, the lean, yet clearly trained Yautja pounced like a leopard. Before you had time to react, let alone think of using a move from the movie, he had you simply pinned. Your back to the mate as he straddled your lower torso. One hand held your two high above your head. Even kicking your knees into his back, trying to hit something of importance did nothing. The Yautja barely reacted to the move.
All you could was stare blankly up at him. The Yautja in question leaned down, tresses creating a curtain. His top mandibles twitched. He was smirking in his own way. “What happened, little ooman?” he teased and snickered down at you.
He finally released you from his hold and stood up. With a hand, he held it out to you. You took it. Jqal-od easily tugged you off of the ground and onto your feet. You brushed off the invisible dust on your clothing and walked away to Chopper. Someone else took your place and challenged the Yautja.
“Well, that didn’t go to plan,” you grumbled and rested heavily on one foot, hips jutting at an angle now. Chopper snickered and placed a hand on top of your head. You turned to look up at him from underneath your brows. “What you laughing about?”
The Yautja just shook his head and patted yours with his hand. The two of you watched the scene in front of you unfold, as hilarious as it was. No one knew what they were doing.
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unlikelyjapan · 10 months
s2e3 rewatch notes
One more before the weekend...
"When I was a kid anything that would give me some type of excitement, or amusement or enjoyment would get fucked ... Sometimes they'd try too hard, or they'd make promises they weren't able to keep" - everything in Carmy's AA statement can be related to cooking, the restaurant, drawing, Claire - pretty much the sum of Carmy's parts now.
Second Carmy/Syd kitchen scene:
Carmy is always the first to ask about anyone's parents (but only to Syd) - just like he inquires about Syd's Dad, his first concern is to ask about Marcus' mom while they debate sending him to Copenhagen. Family and people, in general, are always at the forefront of his mind, while progression is always at the forefront of Syd's (even if she does genuinely cares and checks in, it's secondary)
Carmy's "I want to make a suggestion" to go out was so loaded - it was obviously a premeditated move that he wanted to do the food tour with Syd. "I think WE need to go out, and we need to try some stuff"
After he tells her he'll see her in an hour, Goodbye Girl by Squeeze starts playing, and the track ends as Tina realizes that Ebra isn't ever going to be by her side in class *dies twice*
Richie dropping off his daughter: I have a precocious 6-year-old daughter as well and.....they tried to squeeze way too many lines into Eva to advance Richie's storyline when it should have come via Tiff or something - I hate being a negative nelly, but this part is so botched/lifetime drama-y.
(His obvious tenderness is sweet though)
10:44am call with Claire: this is only 2ish hours after his AA talk - I guess the subject matter was resonating with him?
Her forcing the convo on how ingratiated she is with his family makes me throw up my hands and say "no wonder the guy had a fucking panic attack later!". I was just highlighting how in AA how his family tries too hard sometimes - this is a prime example with her "I know all the fuckin' Faks" jousting.
And my god, she knew he was about to tell her that he was busy today, and she claps back "can you not make this weird?" - it literally harkens back to his family's bullying and expectations that Carmy will pacify them. (I know she can't know all this, but damn)
This part of the conversation gets its own bullet point:
"You know, he [Fak] told me that you guys are really close and that he's your best friend" - I didn't realize the first go around how bold the attempt at enmeshment was. With Fishes as context, the toxicity levels in this conversation are off the rails.
Also, her demented smile when she says "really?" when he says "no...no, Fak's not my best friend" - aggghhhh!
"No, no. He is. He's probably my best friend"
What the hell is this? "That's interesting, to sit with, for you" with the continued weird little smile -this isn't flirting, this is her relishing in the fact that she can manipulate him.
Why didn't I clue into how caustically fucked this scene was the first time? I think I was so distracted by the whispy dialogue and cadence of the conversation that I actually blacked out of the dialogue. Thank goodness for subtitles, because this script is mildly psychotic to read.
I know Storer said that one of the themes of this season is "winning is losing" - Claire is definitely playing to win at all costs. Is s2e10 showing that she lost? Or am I sitting through this dialogue again next season? I NEED TO KNOW.
Anyways, Secret Teadrops by Martin Rev (google the lyrics) plays as sydney enters Kasama - God, the music suggests she was thrilled to be spending a day out of the usual context with Carmy, and her checking her phone constantly is killing me.
Twenty Five Miles by Edwin Starr starts playing at the start of the food montage, just as Sydney gets the text from Carmy that she'll be doing it alone.
"I've been walking for three days and two lonely nights, and you know that I'm mighty mad"
After the owner of Avec tells her that she needs a great partner above all else, the lyrics blare again with "although my feet are tired, I can't lose my stride" - she can't abandon faith in Carmy just yet.
After the Pelican meats scene where the butcher (I forget his name, sorry!) tells Syd that he and his wife lost their restaurant in Bucktown after a business partner cut and ran, the song again blares with "I'm SO tired, but I just can't lose my stride"
Syd starts to adjust her language to "I'm not exactly solo" in the next restaurant scene- ugh - painful.
Enter conversations about profit sharing. Naiya assumes that she and Carmy are INVOLVED involved, and when she finds out they're just "gentleman's agreement" partners, she basically tells her to watch her back. Syd registers the statement, but looks so dejected, like she knows she's on a fool's errand now.
The lyrics flare one last time simply with "I've got to walk on"
Cue Carmy's phone going to voicemail as she has the jitters on the loading dock. She looks so sad, but also resigned to her fate at this point.
Sydney calls Marcus right after trying to call Carmy looking for any kind of sign or reinforcement. We're at the triangle again, with Marcus interpreting it one way, and Syd....really not reading anything into it at all.
I feel like Fak making fun of Marcus for "looking forward' with that big, dumb smile on his face means he knows Marcus' affection for Sydney.... and I'm starting to realize all the plots I don't like are the result of Fak's intuition and/or meddling.
Syd awkwardly trying to poach BOH workers is adorably baller and shows how aggressive she is just now realizing she needs to become- and she's so terrible at it, and I love her.
Future Perfect by Duretti Column (what an awesome deep cut) playing - I love that this part of the montage is Syd diving deep into herself and her more analytically-bent creative process and fuck everyone else. It's just her carrying the creative load of the restaurant right now, but she's truly free.
Lyrics repeat "You tell me stories, you speak in pictures"
She's being absolutely present ("Don't live in the future") and letting the food and the city that birthed it speak to her honestly and it's just so beautiful. The old family pictures surface in her memory alongside the plates she's crafting - her own contribution to the chaos menu, her past and present combined, her future (The Bear) undetermined.
Back to The Bear with "Make You Happy" by Tommy McGee playing in the background - I feel like enough ink has been spilled on this scene, but honestly read the lyrics here - ack.
One small observation after Carmy says "I'll let you know" - in the background, Marcus looks completely defeated, Fak's suppressing a laugh or something, and we get Richie's "ooooooohhhhhhh!"while Carm gives him dagger eyes. Y'all....these are not great men.
Syd rightfully realizes she needs to get the fuck away from everyone in that instant if she's going to do anything productive with the inspiration she's culled from her day of exploration and calls in the favor from the kitchen. I love that it almost immediately cuts to her there with her emotional support spoon 🥺
The ravioli failure - i.e. the fantasy vision of the food she had on the plate during her journey day not matching the reality of what she can craft on her own = the fantasy vision of the restaurant/life she could craft with Carmy not matching the reality of what she can is forced to craft on her own.
Oof, taking a break for a few days now....
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grimmcheems · 3 months
Rest In Peace Toriyama 🕊️💫🐉
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DragonBall has always had a place in my heart for the way it was ever-present in my childhood. I grew up loathing weekend mornings because my brother would always drag me out of bed to watch it with him. I suppose that’s why it’s extra special for me, it was a simpler time when me and my brother could just sit and watch what came next in the current arc. The days always felt warmer then, but now I’m grown.
I’m glad Toriyama made this series and ignited something in me, though his passing was harsh and unimaginable for most of us, I hope he has found peace in knowing how many people he’s inspired to be better, and the many that he will continue to inspire. I wish his family healing and condolences for their sudden loss.
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.^An extra illustrating what those Saturday mornings felt like. Dragon Soul was my alarm clock for the better part of my childhood. (It’s also my fav op)
I remember we even had a vhs tape of two specific episodes in which the bunny boss ended up on the moon. I always had bulma’s personality embedded into my head whenever I thought of her in that bunny suit.
I never appreciated that time then as much as I do now. Maybe it’s Goku’s loving nature and fatherly care that left an imprint on me and kept me from forgetting him, or maybe it was the way my brother was obsessed with the series, either way he was somehow always in the back burner of my mind. I even remember having to play with my brother when he got Budokai Tenkaichi 3 for his PlayStation. He even bugged me to wake up when Super came out (though we had already graduated and i would be resting on my days off from work, he was also only visiting for the month) and tried to get me to watch it with him, but Super never really had the same appeal to me as the og series.
Perhaps the connection it has to my brother is what draws me to it time and time again, I feel as though I can’t understand him as well anymore after we’ve graduated and he’s moved on with his life and out of the house. I never thought this random shounen series my brother forced me to watch every Saturday morning of our childhood would have the effect it has on me now. It was last year that I decided to rewatch the entire series since I figured I didn’t actually know what was ever going on, I was just always intrigued by the action and the characters. Surprisingly my child brain remembered the arcs pretty well and I could just have it playing the background and know what was going on for the most part.
Did I mention that my brother also collected the dvd series? Lmao. I was so hype when the Broly Movie came out and when we watched it it felt like I regained that connection to my brother momentarily.
It also inspired me to draw when I was in elementary school, though I thought of it as something I could show off rather than take it seriously like I do now. I never thought I’d draw again after middle school until I got to high school and got back into it. It wasn’t until last year that I first drew something dragon ball related since elementary school, and it felt so surreal to look at how far I’ve come in my art journey.
It was never intentional for me to start drawing dragonball, it was just stuck in the back of my head and it wouldn’t leave me alone until I brought my ideas to life by sketching them out. I literally have two drafts DB related as I’m typing this.😅 oddly enough there’s many things I think about when I think about dragon ball, but they are too many to list. There’s just so much I love about it and so many characters I love. The thoughts never leave me alone when I come up with an idea or headcanon for them and it’s actually so hard for me to try and forget them that I always give in and do something with the idea. It will always be a part of me.
I wasn’t planning on making a painting of Goku ever, yet here I am. I don’t really paint either, which makes the time it took me to make this that much more surprising. I wanted to portray an ease in his expression, something peaceful. I hope it comes across that way, he somehow looks like he’s sleeping and it’s funny because I don’t think I’ve ever really seen Goku relax like this at any point.
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maxwell-grant · 10 months
So, as a lover of superheroes, supervillains, super-science ETC, i've had Venture Bros on the mind recently, for reasons that should be obvious, and my mind has run into an intersting question I kinda want to pick your brain on: Why does Venture Bros work. Like, it's a show that is absurdly cynical and dark and bleak. It's comedically dark, but sitll dark. Downright mean-spirited a lot of the time. And normally, I find that kind of cynicism very dull, but...For some reason, here it feels like it works. Maybe it's just the sense of affection, of real love for classic 60s cartoons and superhero comics sprinkled throughout, but...I don't know, it feels like it should make me as angry as something like Velma does but it just doesn't. I don't know why. ANy thoughts
I said as much that a lot of that has to do with the fact that the show stuck around, and the characters were developed so vividly, that the creators had to answer the "...okay, so now what?" process, that usually stops those kinds of mean dark parodies right on their tracks when they run out of cheap shots to take. But honestly, going back and rewatching it? Venture Bros was always going to go there, the whole Jonny Quest parody thing just did not last past Season One, hell you could argue it didn't even really last past the pilot or midway through S1. By episode one of Season 2, the show had gestated into it's own thing. The show was allowed to grow, and change, and develop. It got to move past itself and say goodbye to old favorite ideas and say hello to new ones, it got to breathe new life into itself with the soft-reboot of Season 6 and keep being so much more with every new season.
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The artbook goes into this quite a lot, actually, with Jackson talking about how Venture Bros started as a one-off gag observation about how Jonny Quest ripped off Tom Swift, and then became a concept when he realized he could fit all of his unused ideas for The Tick and superhero parodies and weird comic ideas. He and Doc Hammer actually specifically address how the parody element faded and why:
I like the pilot. It isn't the show that we made. but I like the pilot. The pilot was made with a different concept. I can watch it and not tie it into Venture Bros. I can go, "Okay, here are these characters in their first bid for comedy,", and it had moments when we both said, "Yes, we will perpetuate these moments. This is who these characters are." And it had moments of single-beat pilot jumps. It was fine. It was not the show that we kept writing, because we couldn't.
There's something about a straight parody that I think has a cap. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe people can write a parody forever, but I think you can only make so many jokes on one thing for a certain amount of time before you go, "We have to develop the world that these people are in.". It needs a revolving door.
You would need to approach it like Harvey Birdman, which said, "We're going to take every character we can get a license for, bring them onto the show, and have them do their thing in our world so we can demystify all the characters you remember from your childhood". It's a great straight-up parody. But if you take Sealab 2021 - that had nothing to do with the original. They took these drawings, and they said, "These are totally different people. We're going to give them their own different world, their own language, characters", and that worked.
We were leaning towards that. Venture Bros was even weirder because we said, "Let's make this world rock solid and deep and long and have just an abundance of information. Let's have the jokes come from everywhere, and the speed is hard to keep up with. You have to watch it twice". And that was nothing that Jackson and I talked about. Let's make this smart, rich and meaningful, and hope that other people have our sensibility and eventually get it. - Doc Hammer, Go Team Venture!: The Art and Making of The Venture Bros.
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There's even this quote from Jackson regarding one of the earliest attempts made in trying to figure out the show's look and design where it was supposed to be animated in CG at Will Vinton Studios, and it was intended to look gorgeous as well as outrageously expensive and within six months everyone aboard had left and Jackson's time in The Tick was up so he had to get production on the new thing moving along. And he describes what wound up being a pretty effective summation of the show post-animation bump;
"Screw the bad-on-purpose sixties Marvel thing. Screw irony. Isn't it way more subversive to do this smart-ass, darkish comedy but have every aspect of it look gorgeous?
That's what got me thinking that it's way cooler to make things well and beautiful than to try to make them crappy on purpose - Jackson Publick, Go Team Venture!: The Art and Making of The Venture Bros.
Most if not everything that makes the show work, that makes it's character work, you can trace pretty directly from that process, of where the show started versus where it ended. It's Rusty Venture becoming a more complicated character and less of a mean caricature. It's Brock Samson needing things to do besides being the action badass who kills armies of disposable henchmen, and the show needing to move past him and make him so much more as a person. It's in how the show was originally conceived in a villain-of-the-week format and The Monarch was a throwaway gag character for the pilot, but The Monarch's defined personality and shtick worked well enough that it made it much easier and more rewarding for them to just go back to him for most episodes, until he wormed his way into becoming the show's other protagonist. It's Hank and Dean growing past literally and textually interchangeable and disposable Hardy Boys pastiches into actual people, distinct people, people who can carry their own plotlines and take center stage and actually be The Venture Brothers as something more than just a throwaway gag concept.
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I'm certainly not saying it works for everyone, or that it works 100% of the time, again rewatching the show is putting a lot into perspective for me and a lot of jokes kinda did just age abysmally, but the show knows what it's doing enough to skirt by and avoid a lot of catastrophic pitfalls that usually happen with similar projects.
And really I'd say the main reason it works is, and it's never really just one reason, is because it was, and is, a painstaking labor of love founded on a marriage by two geeks (I'm not even exaggerating, that's how the two described their partnership at least a few times) shooting the shit at a treefort for nights on end, getting to do all these dumb voices that you only get to do with friends, laboring extensively for years on making this thing they'd created the best that it possibly could be, something they put all of themselves into again and again. It's them making a dozen different comedy duos voiced by themselves and finding ways to make each distinct so they can fit in all these dumb and lovely little conversations and skits, it's that combination of their skills and preferences and even disagreements. It's got that Asterix thing where the work is so inseparably intertwined with the partnership that made it, that the work's growth over time is tied to.
So honestly the best way I can summarize why I think the Venture Bros works is because it was 19 years of Jackson Pollock and Doc Hammer at AstroBase doing exactly this, just replace the cartoon sound effects with deep cut pop culture riffs and in-depth earnest extrapolations of why the comic books and cartoons they love and obsess about are deeply stupid on a fundamental level and why this something great that you can spin endless stories and scenes out of, actually no keep the over-the-top battle sound effects, those are equally important.
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"Jackson and I, we'd go every day and talk and laugh and get to know each other and not even talk about the show, but just find out what our sensibilites were. It was like the process of falling in love"
We played darts and made up these little skits, much of it became The Venture Bros. It was all kind of based around this idea that Aquaman and Black Manta were not who they were but people that were much chattier and more social. It's almost like what The Monarch and Dr Venture became, actual people that have these bizarre jobs: chaser and chasee. This strange bureaucratic relationship with the paradigm of villain and hero.
I'm a goofball and name shit. Of course I named my studio. We took over the place and AstroBase as this entity - a really filthy fucking painting studio - became a creative tree fort. Owning the AstroBase is one of the things that made The Venture Bros.
A place where we could go at two in the morning and scream at the top of our lungs that had nothing to do with commerce. It was a clubhouse. A pure idiot invention. And if we wanted to stay up all night making costumes or rubber swords, we just did. - Doc Hammer - Doc Hammer, Go Team Venture!: The Art and Making of The Venture Bros.
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LITA Ep. 5 Rewatch Thoughts Pt. 3
Ok so I have literally watched this part 37 times all the way through for the purposes of this rewatch thread. People needs years of training to reach the single-minded peaceful state I reach when I see these two kiss, but it also means when the scene started I kept forgetting to take screenshots. Here we go!
Starting off, I love how slow they took this. It wasn't an immediate "ok we're together now, let's kiss so hard we knock teeth!" - every move is so deliberate and so gentle. If it's possible to have a comfort kiss, it's this set of ones.
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I continue to see triangle imagery that may not even be real. Let's take a close look at these kisses. This one looks a lot like their first one, where their mouths are closed and their lips just fit together. So very sweet!
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They let go for a beat, and then press together again with their mouths slightly open. This kiss has a bit more force.
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Rain pushes forward for the third one (and who can blame that eagerness?) - to be honest I'm mostly looking at the way Phayu's hands fit so completely around Rain's neck here.
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Someone REALLY wants more kisses right now - he's gotta wait, Phayu's stroking his face first.
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Phayu then delivers the "you can be my wife or I'll be your husband" line, and then we get this absolutely adorable and besotted expression on Rain.
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This is just so aesthetic okay? I love the where it started, where it is now we're getting with the triangle glass case in the blurry foreground and them peacefully kissing in the background, along with an abundance of yellow+navy blue imagery..
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Yeah I'm honestly melting rn I don't have a lot more to say here. I continue to love the microphone placement because you can really hear when they separate from this kiss.
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Rain calls Phayu out on his choices that aren't really choices (I'm just saying, if someone like Phayu wanted to give me these options I wouldn't have a hard time picking). RainPhayu have such lovely hand-related imagery when it comes to their relationship. Whenever Phayu wants to apologize to or assuage Rain, he does the hand kiss, and when whenever Rain wants to calm Phayu down he does the forearm grab plus adorable look up at him.
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Look at his face
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This is the face of the man who is planning future mischief already
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I can think of other, more positive reasons he might cry Phayu, why did you go with embarrassment?
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... We all saw the word cum in there and did a double take, right? My head wasn't even in the gutter at this point but it was so unexpected.
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Hi, universe? Can I have one of these please?? I could use some help on my future thesis, just saying...
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Yas Rain, own that man! Rain is probably good at riddles, huh? Idk I just feel proud of him rn
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The way Phayu/Boss says laina (cunning - i'm sure I spelt the Thai romanization wrong but that's what I heard) the sheer fondness in his voice and on his face hit me so hard. Literally am a puddle rn please look at this brain altering shot. Phayu just wrapped his arms around and pulled Rain almost into his lap. That must be so warm and cozy ahhhh
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Tell him Rain!!
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Ok the little aaa sound Phayu makes to draw out the affection in this sentence will live rent-free in my list of most favorite sounds forever. It's so important to me (and Rain). Rain's besotted again
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Their faces are making a heart - I'm not coping well
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Rain's little intake of breath when Phayu starts whispering in his ear and the slow blinks are also so important to me. I don't think I understood the term molasses-like atmosphere until I watched this scene.
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They are so close to each other right now, emotionally and physically. The little nod of agreement Phayu gives when Rain asks if he really means what he just said is so lovely.
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One other thing I love about EulBoss' depiction of PhayuRain is how happy they are to be together - you can see Phayu clearly smiling as he goes in to kiss Rain, who is smiling himself.
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The tentativeness of this kiss that comes right after the important thing that Phayu just told Rain (we don't officially find out what he says until later but we can assume it was a confession of some sort based on Rain's question and obvious happiness right after it was said) is a beautiful indicator of how vulnerable they're being with each other rn.
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After a few seconds they start pushing a little harder against each other - the amount of movement is super pleasant to watch!
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To the next part for more sweetness!
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themalhambird · 7 months
I've started my first rewatch of bodies because I have a fortnight's worth of laundry to fold and I don't wanna, so here are some observations on Episode One:
Observations about Episode One. 
-Oh crap, the timey-wimey shit happens in the daytime, doesn’t it, I might have to amend my fics a bit :p
-Hillinghead seems to divide opinion between the constables. PC Byrne seems to look up to him, chatting about growing up in Whitechapel. Officer Webb (who goes on to smack Henry around) has a very displeased “Inspector,” when Hillinghead shows up- given what happens about five minutes later, I suspect Hillinghead’s got a reputation  amongst some of the force for being both uptight  and a soft touch, seeing as how he not only won’t let Webb beat up the poncy journalist, but also sends him home and docks a day pay. 
-On a similar vein, though, the male sex workers aren’t running for cover when the police are showing up. One of them is even eyeing him up. And Ashe hands over those photographs remarkably quickly, all things considered– he could easily have said he burnt them, rather than binned them, and going for a snog is a really bold move. Considering this is clearly all around Hillinghead’s beat, I suspect that: 1) Hillinghead has previously instructed the men not to waste time harassing sex workers in the rookeries, 2) The local queers probably clocked Hillinghead *ages* ago.
-Hasan’s relationship with her dad is quietly awesome. He clearly has concerns about her work, but there’s no big blow up about missing his birthday party, only joy to see her. Similarly, he slips so seamlessly into taking over cake making with Jawad  when Hasan gets a work-related call. I <3 Ishmael 
-Whiteman’s instinct’s are all detective. The sensible thing to do is just get the body in the boot and drive, but Whiteman takes his time- he’s trying to figure out what the hell the deal is . And (once his lighter’s retrieved) he seems pleased about being able to open the boot and show Calloway, and thereby get to investigate around a bit.
-speaking of Calloway. Consummate Dad Vibes. I love him. 
-Ashe refers to the Police Commissioner's (married) son as they- “They are my alibi” and frankly I am here for non-binary Victorian person. But I also think that being the Police Commissioner's son is part of the answer to Hillinghead’s “Why risk a photo” question. When anyone who is  likely to go after you for it works for your dad, on whom the whole situation would reflect badly,  it becomes a little less risky to do the thing. It’s a level of protection that neither Hillinghead, nor Ashe independent of any activities with the commissioner’s son, are afforded.   
-knowing who already knows what the hell is going on makes this the same level of entertaining, but in a very different way. Also, the “you’re dead already, and that’s all the warning I dare give” hits hard… I think, perhaps, until that point, the medical examiner had hoped that this was some other random body in Longharvest Lane, and that he wasn’t on the countdown to killing his co-worker/friend
-Maplewood thanking the AI in the car for asking if she’s okay. That’s adorable and I love her. 
-The Composer is drawing on Murray Gold’s doctor who stuff so heavily. This is good because I like Murray Gold but also it’s just funny
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bobbybutterfly · 5 months
I'd love to see how you draw Field Mouse #6 and to know if you have some headcanons for him!
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Here you go!
To be honest I kinda forgot about him. I got him confused for the stuttering mouse in episode 2 I think. Getting excited about developing more a disabled character. Disability is something I should look into. I only have experience with autism because that’s what I’ve got. But that’s for some other day because I looked up Field Mouse 6 he appears quite a fair bit later. Later then I thought because then I confused him with Field Mouse 2 in the 4th episode!
Field Mouse 2 was quite interesting. Instead of the usual blood thirsty psycho he seemed kinda likeable in a smol bean way. But then I remembered he died at the end of the episode so… kinda hard for him to appear in episode 6.
I rewatched episode 6 before drawing him. It’s quite iconic. Flower Hill’s Animal Games are a good backdrop. I really like the environmental design in the 90’s episodes, as a background artist. We also can’t forget the hedgehog waitress! The definition of Slay Gurl! Slay!
But to be honest, if I didn’t actively have Field Mouse 6 on my mind I would have forgotten about him again. I’m sorry. It’s just that Mulmangcho already serves the sadistic quotes and besides that Field Mouse 6 doesn’t have anything that sets him particularly apart from the previous two mice.
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Mulmangcho is in a squirrel disguise if you were wondering.
Non the less, even thought it took me a while to come up with something for Field Mouse 6 I’m pretty pleased with the backstory I gave him. He’s half mouse half squirrel. Instead of him being some biological experiment, like @stju87 ‘s Saccharine, mixed species animals are just a thing. He comes from a town in Mouse Kingdom (that’s what I call the place mice come from) and his father was a squirrel who came to work as a builder. He married a local mouse and that’s how we got Field Mouse 6.
I will call him 6 for short. So 6 growing up struggled a lot with his gender and cultural identity.
He wasn’t accepted as a mouse. Getting bullied and isolated for being a lesser animal. His parents were like, we know it’s hard but you got to pull yourself by your bootstraps child. He didn’t like them very much from bringing him to life.
When became an adult he joined the military. The military looking for mixed species to work as spies (saves on make up costs). They wanted to infiltrate the Flower Hill army so they transitioned him into a male. Which he was surprisingly happy about. I thought it would be nice to have a happy transgender character that’s accepted for who they are.
Why did I make him trans masc? I dunno. We got a diversity of sexualities. Why not gender diversity?
He really likes life in the military. Living life as his preferred gender. Not being the only half squirrel. Getting looked up to as hero for doing something only a few others can. He’s still an asshole thanks to his childhood trauma though.
Kinda makes me want to write a short story about him now. LOL.
Hope you liked my head cannon. Do you have some head cannons for him? I’m also switching up my art style. Moving away from kemono and more towards a western cartoony style.
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chickenstrangers · 8 months
@waitmyturtles sent me a lovely ask that tumblr decided to eat right when I was working on a response. The ask was essentially:
We have been reminiscing a lot recently about He's Coming to Me as you have been making gifs for it. What are your top 3 shows, besides He's Coming to Me, that you feel nostalgia for at any given time, and why? What draws you to them? [apologies if I have misremembered anything]
Thank you for the question! It sent me into a bit of a philosophical debate over the nature of nostalgia and if I feel nostalgia for any of these dramas at all.
For me, nostalgia is very rooted in the sense that the past cannot be returned to, or cannot be returned to in the same way. Of course, every rewatch of a show is a different experience and changes your interpretation of and feelings towards the text. But I watched so many of these shows fairly recently, relatively, and most of them I didn't watch live. I feel nostalgia for shows I watched many many years ago, because I am a very different person than I was and my interpretations and taste has definitely changed. Even though I still love my favorite shows from 10 years ago, for instance, and have rewatched and still truly enjoyed them, it is a fundamentally different experience to when I watched them then, and I can never return to that time.
This could be interpreted also as which show I wish I could watch again for the first time, but I also have a hard time with that. For all of my favorite shows, I only started to truly, deeply love them on rewatch. So maybe I am nostalgic for my second watch of shows. Perhaps the only show I would say I'm nostalgic for the first time I watched is Eternal Yesterday, because I do think watching it will be very different the next time because the experience of suspecting but not knowing with certainty what the ending would be was a very important aspect of how I watched and interpreted it, and it put me so viscerally in Mitsuru's experience of denial and anticipatory grief.
Then, of course, there are shows for which the watching experience itself has shifted, for me most notably GMMTV shows moving to Viki. Despite My School President being in my top 3 favorite shows, the change of medium has perhaps dissuaded me from rewatching so far. And once Bad Buddy moves, the fan lore which is often so tied to episodes and specifically parts of episodes will be lost to some extent. I am fascinated generally in how the medium of the text changes the interpretation and experience (see for example the original serialization of Dracula, then most commonly read as single book, and now re-serialized with Dracula Daily).
People talk a lot in tags about missing shows or characters, and I appreciate the sentiment, but again is not something I fully feel myself. I don't miss Moonlight Chicken, or Jim and Wen, because I think about the show all the time, it lives in my heart. I also know that I can rewatch the show at any time and they will be there, the same as they were before. Fandom tends to move very quickly these days, which is understandable with the amount of shows there are, but sometimes I feel I haven't gotten the memo that I am also supposed to move on. I love seeing people in my old fandom returning to or discovering a decades old show and sharing their love for it, making content for it still. Perhaps that is why I most enjoy making gifs and writing meta for "older" shows like Moonlight Chicken, Bad Buddy, Kieta Hatsukoi, or He's Coming to Me.
TLDR; to answer your question, after way too long a ramble, perhaps Bad Buddy (also spurred on by your and @ranchthoughts' rewatches that are making me itch to rewatch), My School President, and Eternal Yesterday?
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ctl-yuejie · 7 months
3 Will Be Free Rewatch - Epsiode 1
while I adored 3 Will Be Free when it came out, I believe I didn't pay proper attention to it (besides hardly anyone watching it on here) and now that I am also more familiar with jojo, I am looking forward to this rewatch
GMMTV really holds the title for great bar names (only beaten by TheLastGoodBar) Greatest MotherF*cker
I wonder how deliberate Joss' casting was since he not only was still young when this was filmed but he also feels very young. On one side GMMTV hasn't casted main characters over 30 for most of their series (which is now changing since so many of their ogs are around 30 now). I suppose he was mainly casted because of his physique fitting most closely to the other gogo boys but I cannot deny that I enjoy the extra layer of him looking visibly younger than the other two and his customers. They do mention that he is new to the job, so it could very well be that they are leaning into it.
- the card coming up with the '3 months later' and the three gun shots is a thing i can very much live with -
While I knew that the central set-up focuses on why Miw and Neo need money I forgot how central it is to most of the dialogue in the first episode. Not only the need for money in general but if and to what degree it is separated from happiness. Shin's dad wants affection as well and seems to try to include his new wife on an emotional level into the family beyond just wanting her status acknowledged. At the same, time, as soon as she crosses him he speaks of her like property.
With Miw it is interesting because we are shown that her mother needs more money. Still, she draws a hard line between hosting and prostitution which holds exactly as long as it needs for Shin and his friends to turn up. She does mention however that she cannot do it with random customers because she's not attracted to them. First sign that Shin might not just be a job for the money.
Equally curious whether Neo actually entertains Vanika honestly to some degree, since he could technically get more money out of her. Possibly his hard line of not wanting to become too dependant on her money.
The whole Neo Miw dynamic with them slut shaming each other and having differing opinions on what is the shameful way to earn money. No wonder they will fuck about it. 25.000 bhat is a hefty sum (even here where prices are higher than in thailand for sex)
I remember feeling unsure about Tay's acting during my first watch - even though he did improve since - but I very much enjoy his performance this time around (some of it is not that well-rounded, especially when he's in the same scene as Ssing. That man will put everything into the smallest amount of screen time). He is in the closet but doesn't seem too anxious about his friends setting him up to sleep with a woman. I think I will ponder this during future episodes. Why did he chose Miw though. As a reluctant hostess she might not be any good. It is possible he picked her assuming she would turn him down. But then, what is your plan b little gay boy? Shin also doesn't feel self-concious about being a virgin, his nervousness at Miw approaching him was very nicely done. Did they actually end up sleeping together? Do we know?
Max, my love, a short king! Gunsmile, it has been a long time. Jennie really should get bigger roles. I love her and the to men in this show, I only wish she'd gotten more scenes with Max since the diner scene is pretty iconic. And I can appreciate that Max's character is a gangster on the verge of turning into a wife guy. And how fucking scary his run after Joss is. Short kings, I tell you.
iconic scenes
the mustard on that fucking guy in the diner
all of the outfits (+ the stupid lollipop)
the move where Miew removes Shin's glasses and then playfully pulls them against her lips, very hot and novel move. will have to try it
the surprising softness of the scenes between Shin and Miw (even Miw seems surprised by their familiarity)
Joss voice breaking when he panics
Shin being so naive and polite asking for his wallet in the gogobar and sulking at the booth instead of getting out of that place
Neo covering Shin's mouth with his hand to keep him quiet. So hot.
random observations
there was a threesome teased with Kitty...Jojo...I think you have to deliver at some point...
the sound mixing etc isn't great, but better than some more recent shows - even with birds in the background
favourite bit: the connection Shin and Miw form even though they shouldn't feel this familiar and comfortable with each other
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sugarandspisces-writes · 10 months
Abbott Rewatch (1.03 — Wishlist)
jacob, the slurping pLEASE
referring to left handed ppl as southpaws?? never heard of that
the barbershop magazines omg
ma’am… that printer is like 100 yrs old
melissa and her many plugs. she quite literally has a guy for everything.
“and that’s a few too many questions” lmaoo love her
“the young man with an earring in his cheek”
“until you wake up and your kitchen is across the street”
“oh lord, the boy is in the trash” 😂
that room is soooo bare
“i like clean :)” oh, gregory
jacob bring unimpressed and janine being so proud of her video
“that thing” *rubs fingertips together* idk why but that made me laugh so hard
“is that european?”
ava turning the hello sign away from everyone and completely defeating the purpose of it HA
“is this an iphone 9? it’s like a walkman”
“can you twerk? it don’t look like you can but i could be wrong” this woman is so FUNNY
look at them all standing around watching the video. so cute.
janine and barb being a mother-daughter duo
child: “i drew a picture of you!” gregory: “oh wow” *in the most unenthusiastic tone ever*
him trying to hide the bag under the desk 😭 please
“maybe the giraffe”
janine being disappointed in gregory for not trying
they really made ava do everything but her job in these first few episodes
i want one of those massage guns!!!
in between the bones?!!
watching janine give out the stickers was so nostalgic 🥺
ava trying to do barb’s voice i’m cRYING
not the the black and white filter 😂
“little johnny” she didn’t lie though, that does have an affect on people
“i pulled out a dollar and she was like viola davis”
ava having an OF 😭
janine’s plan to move to a small town with a tomato stand to escape ONE person is so real
“a comment from luke 14:13” “oooh, what’d he say?” pleasE ma’am
her just dropping the packages right on the table lmao like okay i guess??
“would you just enjoy something? you’re gonna get an ulcer” i can’t 😂
janine panicking like that is so funny to me. that guilt was eating her ALIVE.
janine getting sad at gregory saying he’s only a substitute
“not that i keep count — 27”
aw @ gregory saying he has 26 drawings
lmao not a space durag
no but honestly kids drawings can be so hard to decipher
janine being ready to fight these people for barb LOL
“if you went to the top you wouldn’t be able to find it”; bc ava really said, “let me make the most melodramatic tik tok ever”
“are you gonna give that stuff back?” “oh hell no” i know that’s right, barb!
“your hyperactive little heart was in the right place” this might be the sweetest insult ever??
“i’ll help you decipher” mhmm we know you will ma’am
am i the only one who doesn’t know who don cheadle is? yes? oh, okay.
“where are you seeing santa?” sir in the whole entire picture
jacob trying to make the most out of the printer is so janine of him
mr. johnson just saying “trash” for the whole ep
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Jikook Dynamics Through The Years: 2015 Pt 2
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The previous posts for 2012 - 2015 can be found in my masterlist under Jikook Dynamics as well as I'll link them here for you. These few months in 2015 is when things that things really starting becoming more... interesting between them. Lots happening. Something important to keep in mind that I'll be sharing moments, AND my personal opinions, along with facts. My opinions are my own. You can agree or disagree. I encourage you to go and check it all out, see this content for yourself as well and form your own opinions during this time frame too. I will be splitting this up into multiple different posts probably to manage the length and be able to add more links/photos in each post. But also keep in mind this is not EVERY jikook moment from this year. I'll only be including moments that I personally want to and feel like it's worth drawing attention to and commenting on. This is long. I'm sorry! Part 2 will be covering May and June of 2015.
May kicks off with strong with a jikook selca on Twitter! Thanking ARMY for being there for I Need U promotions and saying they are having fun, even though it's only been 2 day! This selca comes from them being special MCs together. Which you can watch here.
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Bonus. Also on May 1st is a dubsmash video from JK. Not jikook related. But too cute not to include lol
150505 The Show airs an interview with BTS about their I Need U MV. They rewatch the MV and talk about it. Jimin states he wants to burn away weight and stress. JK gives him a funny look when he says weight before agreeing with stress. JK also shouts JIMINSSI as he does when Jimin's childhood photo is shown. Also lots of cute giggles here from everyone. This was filmed earlier, and also on this day, they had a live radio broadcast interview. Which was the infamous interview where Jimin gets asked why he likes JK so much and Tae says that he thinks Jimin just likes men 😅 Lol You can read my full post over that moment HERE.
The after-school club special show happens this day, 150505, as well. Very busy these guys were! Highly recommend watching it if you haven't. Jikook sit next to each other in the front. Lots of cute little interactions with them and with everyone. JK clearly has a lot of energy this episode. I'm not going to talk about everything (just watch it!) I'll just highlight a few answers given. Everyone picked Jimin as the member they want to take on a Rollercoaster ride. Lol Jimin named JK as his bag boy. Clearly JK does a lot of carrying things for Jimin. 🤣 Jungkook in this episode too also named Jimin as the member who helps him relieve stress. Jimin is at this point clearly someone who JK feels very comfortable around, can be vulnerable with and feel safe expressing those stressors and finding help in moving past them or dealing with them. JK also this episode made funny faces at Jimin a few times in an effort to make him laugh.
150506, BTS perform at Show Champion. Performance here. And they release a few days later the Show Champion Backstage Footage. Which includes 10 minutes of cuteness. Including jikook being cute and close, including talking about boxing together and being very playful and teasing about Jimin's abs too. JK was in a tease my hyungs mood that day for sure lmfao
150507, BTS' first win with I Need U. And its a video that emotional as hell 😭 As for jikookery, Jimin got very emotional and ended up not wanting to be on camera while he was crying. JK noticed and tried to lend him comfort over it all before Jimin walked off to collect himself alone for a bit. Namjoon, JK and Hobi all comforting Jimin in the elevator after too 🥺
150508, the morning kicks off with Jimin sharing posts of vminkook and puppies 🥰 and much later in the evening of the day, Jimin posts 3 more times to twt, thanking ARMYs many times for their award. He posts selcas with every member. With Tae, with Sope, with Jungkook Jin and RM. We also see them on this day heading off to music bank in matching fits.
150510, BTS appears on Changmin's Gayo Plaza radio show. Jikook sat next to each other. During the radio show they all mention how they recently moved into a bigger dorm room! Before that, they were all in the single room. Now in this new room they had the roommates of Yoonjin, VhopeMin and Namkook. With them pointing out that JK often just slept in the living room too. Lol when asked about singing and dancing live at the same time, RM said JM and JK should answer. JK hedged around a bit and said because they had 7 members to spilt parts up, it wasn't THAT hard. And Jimin cut him off going "I ALMOST DIED!" With everyone's giggles. They also all talked about how they relieved stress. JK basically said he doesn't get stressed, doesn't know how to recognize that. And Jimin talked about how he doesn't know how to relieve stress and how he likes food, but also needs to lose weight and so he basically does nothing. There is alot more happening in this interview worth watching as well, but honestly it's just a good insight into their mental whereabouts during this time and things going on in their lives. New dorm. Busy lives. Jimin struggling a bit stress wise. JK struggling a bit with vulnerability in my opinion, especially around other people/cameras. Jimin didn't talk too much and JK had a hard time sitting still through the interview, but it was a good one and they all had good energy with the host and each other through it.
Also on the 10th, A safe driving commercial was released. Has nothing to do with jikook, but anyone who hasn't seen it really needs to. Lol as well as JK posting a dubsmash video to twt. On the 10th as well, they depart from the airport to go to Kota Kinabalu to film Summer Package 2015. You can read my post over that here. Lol also a cute aside bonus link.... Taekook got lost at the airport. 😅😂 They are there from the 10th through the 13th. On the 13th before they leave, JK posts another dubsmash. And Jikook film a log in the hotel room together late at night. One they were just hanging out in, not their own. JK was rooming with Tae and Jimin with Yoongi during that trip. So they were just choosing to chill together 💜 short and cute:
On 150515 they held a fansign and jikook had quite a few cute moments. Including Jimin telling everyone that JK hugs him when he sleeps. Cueing a flustered JK trying to deny everything. Lol my post for that here.
Jumping forward 5 days to the next fansign in Ilsan on 150520, jikook once again sit next to each other and have a quite few playful moments (an example). But my favorite would be when Jimin got up to pretend to be a fan and JK reached up and tickled his chin. And looked so proud of himself. Lol and Jimin lost his mind, the definition of shook. Here is a video of the moment. Jimin was literally so taken aback. Lol couldn't stop smiling and saying things like "he just touched my chin! He's never done that before." And JK also could not stop grinning. Babies 🥺
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On 150524, JK recommends a song by Kehlani called You should be Here, an openly queer artist. On 150526, JK recommends a song on Twitter called Can't Help Falling In Love by the Eels. He ends up recommending quite a few songs by them over the years. But for this song, he has it stopped on the lyrics, "If I can't help falling in love with you." Only 15 seconds into the song according to his screenshot. Relatable to his life at the moment or just a song he was vibing with? Who knows.... including it anyway.
On 150527, they are on YamanTV. This one well it feels like hosts are incredibly cringy though BTS handled it well. Its funny in lots of moments, but cringey in lots too. I don't think you'd ever catch them doing a similar type of interview at the fame level they are at in recenf years. Lol This is one where I will say watch if you want, but no pressure if you just want to catch the highlight round clips since it's so long and a bit cringe. Lol jikook highlight clips for those who want to only watch those.... 21:27 Jimin enjoys JKs muscles/forearms. 25:00, jikook arm wrestle. And Part 2 of YamanTV. Both these parts were released in June, but filmed on this day in May. And again, for those who want to just watch specific clips where I'll highlight jikookery.... 1:30ish in, For Jimins segement, his keyword is "pervert" and one of the hosts makes a play on words joke with "pervert" vs "coming out" and says that Jimin is coming out for his segement. Jimin did NOT seem to find this funny at all (don't blame him) and while everyone else laughs and plays it off. Jimin and JK are the only ones who do not. Jimin turns it around to the members. Calls out Hobi as a "pervert" for stroking his body while he sleeps. Jimin then also says JK is also a "pervert" and JK seems a bit nervous about where that is going and Jimin makes a joke about all the cosmetics JK owns with "women scents" since he is sensitive to smell. Which JK didn't really seem to appreciate that too much either. And finally RM for downloading, um "corn" on the computer. 10:30ish in, JK confirms that he is indeed, an ass man. "Touching the members butts before going on stage calms his nerves." Lol and 28ish in, Jimin gets nervous about having to do some funny improv but gets more confident when JK shares out about how "Jimins good at this!"
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On 150530, to end May off with a tweet from Jimin thanking ARMYs and talking about finishing up their last broadcast. Posted with 2 jikook selcas. And to end off my links I'm going to include for the month of May.... at some point during this month, they filmed all 5 episodes of the Bukbolbuk games they played. You can read about the jikook moments from those here.
To kick off June, on 150603 they do an MWave meet and greet livestream. Jimin seems to be having a somewhat off day. Just a bit moody or grumpy with his members. It's a cute livestream though. Jimin picks the jikook spread from the photobook as his favorite, but didn't really give an answer as to why. Just said they took the photos, seemingly shy/annoyed to be asked. Towards the end, RM also asks Jungkook if he likes girls in bikinis. To which Jimin seems incredibly annoyed by the question and says "people don't really think of us as men." And JK answered by simply saying "I know everything I need to know about bikinis." Which is quite the brush off answer from JK, very dismissive of *liking* girls in bikinis. And quite a bit of annoyance from Jimin. Wonder what's going on with him this day, or what's bothering him....
And then one of my favorites! 150605, BTS are in Malaysia and do a media interview. There isn't much honestly recording wise of this unfortunately. But one of my favorite interview jikook answers pops up here. The MC asks them all to describe the member next to them. So the order went: V, Suga, Jin, RM, JK, JM, Hope, V. Everyone gave copious amounts of compliments, as they often do with this question. And JK unprompted, said he would date Jimin. Lol this wasn't a MC question of which member would you date. JK volunteered that information out of left field. You can find this trans thread of all the members answers. Notice the difference please. As well as a recording of them saying it. And Jimins response to JK 🥺 shook. Translation here and it deserves its own photo. Out of pocket!!
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On 150606, after rehersals they get ice-cream and in the bangtan bomb we see JK feed Jimin bites of ice cream off his spoon looking very fond as well. Jimins cute reaction to the yummy food is adorable too.
On the 8th their Festa profiles were released. They did both profiles written by other members and by themselves. So you can find my post over the profiles written by other members here. Namjoon wrote JKs profile. And JK wrote Jimins. Where he correlated Jimin to a love song and also complimented his looks in all of the ways. 😍 you can find their self written profiles here. Jimin and JK both list RM as their number one subunit want. Jimin making his a trio with namgi and himself. Jimin also listed a jikook subunit as his number 2. He also said that the song that describes himself the most at that time was Dear No One by Tori Kelley. A song JK also ends up singing/saying he likes a different time. You can find the rest of the Festa content here. And then on the 11th, we of course have the Festa Radio Show!
There is ALOT we could talk about honestly in this video, but I'm going to keep it as short as possible here (and yall know me... that's never very short). Mostly there were just lots of small random touching to just touch. Lots of staring happening, lots and lots of giggles and tons of teasing through the whole video between the 2 of them. Including JK proving once again he knows obscure Jimin Facts while teasing him over it a bit too. Post over JK teasing Jimin about Brian Puspos Here. And how everyone teased JK for raising his hand during the question "I like my roommate, but sometimes I envy other rooms/want to room with someone else." His reasoning was that sometimes Joon is too messy and he likes the other rooms too. Wonder whose room and what he liked?? Tae (rooming with Jihope) also raised his hand for this. Lol it was supposed to be anonymous but JK gave himself away and Jimin kept slapping his shoulder/chest and giving him head pats in fondness as he laughed at JK. Lol Everyone also teases Jimin for leaving wet bandanas in the bathroom after showering. (I don't get it Jimin, is it a pseudo washcloth?!) JK says he is like real hip hop. Namjoon says his (Jimins) taste is enchanting, but he used the Korean word which could be a euphemism for kinky. Lol he also said maybe Jimin can take photos just using the collar from the shirt on his naked body (literally what lmfao) and JK goes "that's cool." Yeah, sure is *cool" JK. And Jimin is just dying laughing as everyone teases him before denying things and ending the conversation. They all also tease JK about being a) a muscle pig b) collecting cosmetics and c) being impossible to wake up in the mornings. Lol and towards the end (54ish minutes in) JK starts randomly circling and stroking Jimins finger with his hand?? Lol idk what the thought process there was other than a want to touch? A desire to play with Jimins cute fingers.
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Lol there is also an entire discussion during this Festa about JK very much insisting he is an adult now (and he is and got his ID) and everyone was teasing, asking if he got the idea or not and why he wouldn't let them see it. JK saying yes he got it, because he is an adult now and no because he hates the photo. Lol and once again, Jimin is sitting out of the group teasing JK about something he does to all of them. Not letting them see his new ID.... not answering their calls or texts.... his need for many mattresses/house decor.... we know JK answers Jimins phone calls... seems like Jimin knows more about the ID possibly too. Perhaps he DID get to see it. Lol not that important, but still an interesting difference.
There are no English subs for the 150612 Naver starcast video that i can find.... but it's essentially just 30 minutes of BTS playing games, Jimin enjoying himself and Jungkook literally melting into a giant puddle of goo and love and fondness watching Jimin laugh and smile. Literally watches him for most of the video and this looks like the DEFINITION of "holy crap, I really f**king like this guy. Oh my god, my heart." The heart eyes. MY HEART. The gifs and clips are iconic for most jikookers lol
On the 17th they were on Weekly Idol, and I'll just share the unpretty dance portion. Lol their reactions to each other's dance 😅 Jimin getting stopped early because he "shakes his hips too much for their viewer rating" 🤣🤣
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150619, they do the NicoNico Live Broadcast in Japan to promote their For You single. It's about an hour long and truly a wonderful little video worth watching if you've never seen it. This is honestly a good example of when BTS does fanservice. Lol for anyone confused on what might count or not, here is an example. Very cute interview though for the most part too. It was all about the red string of fate. Please watch it. Maybe I'll make a post about the whole thing one day. Eventually they get told they will do romantic partner poses together in pairs. Lmao Jimin visibly cringes about that. Not a fan of fanservice, our man. Jimin and RM get paired up and Jimin gets so adorably flustered through the whole process 🤣 Hopekook get paired up and Jimin catcalls them and tells them to kiss 🤣 Hopekook decide on doing a piggyback for their romantic pose lol. Later they each pulled on ends of a red string to find a partner to play a game where they had to move a ball around by holding it between their faces with no hands. Lol Jimin doesn't get a partner at first and in an effort to let him get a chance to win, he wanted to try. Everyone except JK complains about having to try to play again. JK just sets up the ropes to see who will end up playing with him lol. JK when asked about his own red string of fate, refuses to say who he thinks it's connected to and when asked about long distance, JK says he couldn't do long distance. Jimin says no one in BTS would probably want to do long distance. When asked about how one can express their feelings and say things like "i like you" to someone when they are really shy, how would they do it. Everyone insisted Jimin answer it since he is also really shy and the most shy. Lol Jimin gets flustered and goes "I don't know either! You guys tell me!!" And JK looks at him so fondly. And Jins answer to that was super sweet too. Watch this interview!! BTS Japan Twt posted afterwards a group photo after the broadcast. JK is sitting in Jimins lap pretty much 🥰
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At some point in June or whenever jikook died their hair lol, they filmed Dope as well. You can find my thoughts over part of the making film from memories in this post here. And you can watch the BTS episode making film from YouTube here too. Naver StarCast also released an article with behind the scenes photos from when they were making the MV. Which includes some police officer roleplaying (maybe, hard to tell from photos lol) from jikook. And the makes this Twitter video extra sus was the fact that it got deleted. Jimin or Jungkook posted this video of them to Twitter or fancafe (I don't remember) from when they were filming the Dope MV.... making kissy faces at the camera and then JK leaning to kiss the camera, but going all the way over to kiss where JIMIN is standing in the camera frame. 👀 and then it was deleted.... so think of that whatever you decide lol
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Some point between the 20th and the 23rd, they filmed Run BTS episodes 1 -2 as well. Also filmed right around that same time was Gayo Tracks 1 - 2 also. On 150623, they filmed Run BTS Episode 5, which you can read my post over here. As well as on this day, they filmed the reaction to their Dope MV. Which was just Jimin and Jhope. I won't say too much, but you could make it a drinking game... how many times does Jimin call Jungkook handsome in 5 minutes? And at some in the middle of June, they also filmed Run BTS Episode 4 and Episode 6. (Episode 3 was filmed in July)
On 150625 they perform on Mcountdown for Dope and have a Q&A backstage with fan questions on sticky notes. There is a lot of chest slapping happening this video from everyone. Lol Jimin looks horrified yet still finding it funny when JK eats one of the sticky notes. 😆 (literally why...) and at one point Jimin gets answered as who is the main character of the Dope MV. And so then JK holds onto him with one arm as he repeatedly slaps Jimins chest with the other hand along with all the other members. Lol
150627, JK posts a twt video of Jimin sleeping. With the caption "Aigoo our hyung-nim is sleeping well. What could he be dreaming about..." and on 150628, Jimin posts a response to the video with his own tweet.... and a translation here where he addressed JK calling him hyungnim lol He also posted a jikook selca thanking ARMY. Also on this day, JK posts another song recommendation, this one called Love Me Again, stopped on the lyrics "could you love me again" lots of love songs being recommended recently. Just his taste or his taste at the moment for a reason? 🤷🏻‍♀️ A Bangtan Bomb was also filmed this day where we see JK film said sleeping Jimin from the first tweet. Lol
150630, warm up interview video. Around 6:30ish in, JK holds Jimin from behind by the waist very cutely. Jimin starts acting up and being silly, but JK just hangs out there for a good 20 seconds just holding him. Lol Also on the 30th, Jimin posts to Twitter with the caption, thank you, 600 photos. And posts screenshots of jikook and jimin selca spam in his camera folder. Lol
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And that wraps up part 2 for May & June 2015! Due to the winning poll, I'm posting this part early, with only 2 months in it rather than 4. Not every moment was included, more just so the ones I personally felt like were ones more worthy of calling attention to and spoke to their bond. I'm not including every skinship moment or playful moment or moment where they looked at each other. Lol and my opinions are littered throughout these posts too.
Overall, I truly think this is the start of a 2015 dynamic shift coming up soon. I think that Jimin is a little more infatuated, I think he is perhaps noticing JK as an adult more this year, particularly these past 2 months. Noticing how he is finding Jungkook attractive and seemingly in more than just the friendly compliments way. JK is starting to really crush hard in some ways it seems. It looks like he is really started to test the waters a bit on what his feelings are and open up to them more. If that all makes sense. I'm not going to say TOO much, because honestly, the next 2 months are when it starts really getting good. Lol
That's all just my personal opinion though. You are all free to agree or disagree with any or one of it! Thanks  for letting me share, and again, sorry this is so long! If you read it all know I appreciate you lots! And again, if some of the timing is a smidge off for when the moments were actually filmed rather than released, I'm doing my best! Lol Thanks again! Part 3 will be next and that will include July and August 2015!
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