#romeo kpop
deanstead · 2 years
This is a kpop boy ramble so you may ignore and move along.
3 years. I last saw him three years ago but the sparkle in his eyes is too familiar, the way he looks at me like an old friend, a smile that said more than 'i remember you' but more of 'thank you for still being here'.
Jong was always a shy boy, he was a (my) dumbass (affectionate) because he never seemed to know what to do when confronted with fans. Should he smile? Should he wave? Should he just look down on the ground? And I was just thankful he let me talk him through it and show him what we just hoped for.
I cried when I left Korea. Real ass sobbing in front of him and I was so embarrassed but he handled it way better than I expected, trying different ways in that 3 mins to cheer me up and make me feel better, assuring me he wouldn't forget me. And he delivered.
Seeing him again today through my phone was nothing short of amazing. I saw the growth - initiating conversation, showing me he remembered me, and all of that just showed once again why even with inactivity, he will always be the boy I have a soft spot for.
Can't show the photo from today so here's one we took in 2019. (pardon my potato face)
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daddldee · 2 months
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✾  ₊ 🦢 ⁺  ➹ i'll see you there tomorrow ⁓
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tyuniwa · 3 months
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Hundreds, if not thousands, of roses maybe in bloom
but only one could save the boy from loneliness.
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The boy finds himself longing for 'you'
as he patiently waits over and over again
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⭑ ๋࣭ "And yet, I have a feeling I'll see you someday." ๋࣭⭑
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eachothersmoon · 3 months
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I will see you there tomorrow 🥀
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rosabie · 6 months
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godsmenusuperbowl · 6 months
Romeo's Sun ~ *Lee Minho*
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Summary: You were the sun and he was your moon. It was a star-crossed love affair. However, your families are determined to pull the two of you apart, no matter how much you love each other...
Pairing: Lee Minho X Fem!Reader
Genre: Angstyish Oneshot
Word Count: 2346
Warning: mentions death, star-crossed lovers, triggering topics, s*icide ideation, hurt no comfort, slight character death
Taglist: @plutonieve @mxnsxngie @maeleelee @kpop-will-kill-me
A/N: I absolutely love this story, you have no idea.
To him, she was the sun. 
As cliché as it sounded, Minho had never met someone who was as vibrant and as lovely like the sun as her. There was never a dull moment between the two of them and she was never without a smile. To him, she was everything and more, and he was determined to stop at nothing to be with her forever.
It was the rumors that made his blood boil; the itching, prickly, unceasing thorns in his side. Ever since he was a child, Minho has heard about her family and what filthy, good-for-nothing lowlifes they were. Despite their considerable rank in society, they were always looked down on others with scorn and contempt. He just couldn’t understand. How could someone as vivacious and dazzling as Y/n be from such a terrible family? Despite all of the nasty rumors, she never let them dampen her sparkle, which she wore proudly for everyone to see. Nevertheless, no one bothered to give her so much as a glance.
Which is why Minho was so confused when he saw her in the royal ballroom on his twenty-fifth birthday. He knew his parents would never invite her family to such an important party, so why was she here? It was because of this question, he knew he had to speak with her immediately.
“Your Highness.” She dipped a polite curtsy as he approached, a small smile still on her lips.
He gave her a bow, a bit less formal. Offering out his hand, he said, “May I please have this dance? I’d like to speak with you.”
It perplexed him even more when she accepted so readily. Most women would play coy, and tease or flirt. But not her. She agreed as if it was her right to dance with him, though many would disagree with that sentiment.
Before he could even open his mouth, she spoke, “I know what you came to talk to me about. You’re right, I shouldn’t be here. You’re also correct in the fact that my parents, well really my father, is a no-good, rotten, scoundrel. A forged invitation, that’s how I got in here. The outfit is a stolen dress and some questionable costume jewelry, as my parents are bankrupt and one coup away from being run off their land. Is that all you were wondering about or do you have more you’d like to discuss?”
At first, he couldn’t find the words, not after she so candidly answered the questions he didn't get the chance to ask. His jaw flapped open and closed several times, which wasn't very princely of him. Nevertheless, he managed to choke out, “Why did you tell me all of that?”
Her smile only brightened. “I do so hate rumors, don’t you? I thought I might as well clear the air, since you seemed so adamant to speak to me.”
“I see.”
“So, do you still wish to speak with me? Or have I lost my mysterious charm?” It was remarkable how quickly her sincere smile shifted into a cheeky grin.
It took a brief pause before he nodded. “Yes, I would like to talk to you. Not only has your story captivated me, but you appear to be an excellent dancer as well.”
Her laugh mixed with the music of the ballroom in perfect harmony, making his smile grow. “Why thank you. You’re quite light on your feet yourself.” After a particularly robust turn that settled back into gentle swaying, she added, “But I suppose you say that to all the ladies to charm them, yes?”
His smile turned fond, before he leaned in to whisper in her ear. “No, only you.”
Not only was he pleasantly surprised, but slightly cocky in the fact he could make her blush so prettily as he did.
Minho didn’t think she would leave such a lasting impression on him. Yet, he was already desperate to see her the very next day.
From there, their relationship blossomed. Before either of them realized it, they had slipped into a courtship. However, neither of them seemed to mind. If anything, they were happy with how easily they got along.
Until one fateful day…
“And what was so urgent you needed to meet with me right away?” She asked, her angelic smile glowing despite the setting sun.
He rolled his eyes, his hands covering her eyes. “It’s a surprise! Just be a little patient please.”
She chuckled. “Well, judging by the tone of your voice, I think it might be a good surprise. So, I won’t have to murder the crown prince.”
“I’m not sure if I should be relieved or offended.” He chuckled.
“I suppose we’ll have to wait and see if the surprise is worth it or not.” She mused, her smile still cheerful.
“Alright.” He finally stopped. “I’m going to remove my hands, but keep your eyes closed!”
As he gently lowered his hands, her eyes remained shut. He took a step back before taking a deep breath. It was a vain attempt to try and calm his nerves.
“Okay, open them.”
Her eyes fluttered open and she gasped, a hand rising to her mouth. Before her, she could see the sun sinking behind the mountains, a beautiful waterfall tumbling from their rocky cliffs and feeding into the river before her. She marveled at the fireflies that danced between the willow branches overhead that also dipped down to brush between the wildflowers at her feet. It was truly a magical sight to behold.
“Oh, Minho. It’s like a patch of heaven on Earth.” She breathed, her voice delicate with emotion.
“Perhaps you should turn around then.”
“How could I do-” Her words caught in her throat.
He was so thankful his proposal turned out the way he planned it. The perfect setting for the perfect person. It took months to plan all of this out, but for his sunshine, all of his work was worth it to see her expression shining down on him, just like the sun she was.
“Y/n, you make me the happiest man in the world. Title or not, I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else in the entire world. Will you do me the honor of marrying me, so that I may make you happy for the rest of your life?”
“Oh, Minho, yes! Yes, yes, yes!” Tears flooded her eyes like diamonds before she too knelt down to kiss him. And they stayed there all night, together in blissful harmony.
But the sun cannot always shine so brightly forever. Dark clouds of trouble were brewing a storm neither of them were prepared for.
On the day he was to announce the day of their engagement, Minho's parents forbade the union and refused their son access to the outside world, so that he may see her again. Nevertheless, he resisted. He snuck out as often as he could and wrote letters even more often. He hated being away from his sunshine like this and he made sure to tell her so.
“I’ll come for you.” He vowed to her one night by the willow tree where he proposed. “As soon as I am King, I will come for you and we shall be married that very day.”
“Oh Minho.” She breathed, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears as she embraced him tightly. “I love you so very much, moonlight.”
“And I love you so very much, sunshine.”
As the days continued to drag on, the more and more anxious he got. He knew he couldn’t keep her waiting forever. Even though she swore loyalty to him, he knew her parents or his for that matter would do something drastic to split them apart for good. He was terrified of the plans that he did not know about. He couldn’t let anything happen to them, no matter what.
But fate had other plans. 
There was a visitor in his study.
Never in his life did he expect to see the sun so dull and lifeless like he saw that day. And yet there she was, staring out the window, a blank expression on her face.
“Y/n.” His voice was no more than a gasp. “Sunshine, you’re here! How, why-”
“Your Highness.” Her voice was emotionless and precise. She only called him his title once, when they first met. She was never this formal with him, ever. “I have to give you something.”
The ring hit the table, echoing in his mind forever, his heart shattering along with it like glass. It just couldn’t be the truth. She couldn’t mean it. It wasn’t possible.
“Sunshine, I-I don’t understand.” He breathed, barely moving as she stood.
“I’m afraid I can’t marry you. I’m so sorry, Your Highness, but it’s better this way.”
“NO!” For the first time ever, he raised his voice at her, making her flinch slightly at his tone. “No! It’s not better this way! Y/n, we can fix this, please! I know we can! Please don’t give up on us. I don't want to give up on you. I don’t want this to be the end, please. Sunshine.”
She sighed, looking away. “Goodbye, Minho.”
As she was almost to the door, he whirled around to speak to her once more. “Just tell me one thing before you go. Through this whole thing, from the first moment we saw each other to the day I put that ring on your finger, did you love me? Even just a little bit? For even the briefest of seconds, did you ever love me?”
He could just barely hear her gasp before she shook her head. “No. I never loved you.”
And with that, she was gone. His sun had disappeared behind dark storm clouds. He fell to the ground and sobbed for a very long time.
It was well past midnight when the anger hit him. No, he knew for a fact that she loved him. All of that time they spent together, there was no way she could fake it for that long. Either his or her parents put her up to this and he was not going to stand for it. He made up his mind to go find her and get married just like they planned before all of this happened. 
And no one was going to stop him this time.
He raced to her house as fast as he could. He didn’t care about the valet who was trying to stop him. He needed to find her as soon as possible and then they would be gone without a trace.
However, he found something else entirely. Her father and someone who looked to be a royal guard were drinking in his study. They both appeared to already be drunk.
“…Apparently the wedding is canceled, which doesn’t do me any good.” Her father grumbled.
“And why is that?” The guard asked. “With the Prince out of the picture, her reputation is ruined and she’ll be penniless, alone, and miserable forever, just like you wanted.”
“Well I had concocted a new plan.” He growled, “When that nosy little Prince got engaged to her, I planned to reveal her true identity at the reception. You know she’s nothing but a bastard child.”
“No! Really?”
“Yes. Some whore from a brothel in some nameless town is her real mother. I didn’t intend to keep her but I assumed she’d be useful sooner or later.”
The guard nodded. “Very wise of you.”
Her father gave a smug smile. “It is, isn’t it? After that, I assumed the King and Queen would disown their son due to the scandal and the shame he’d bring. Of course, it’s no skin off my nose if the two of them killed themselves afterwards from the ostracization they’d receive, which I had planned out as well. With no heirs, the kingdom goes to the next in line, and I’ll be damned if that isn’t me. I’ll see to it that every adversary coming after my throne is quickly eliminated.”
Minho gasped. Her father truly was the heartless monster in all of the rumors he heard about her family. To him, it didn’t matter that his sunshine wasn’t a legitimate child. He still loved her with all of his heart and soul, no matter what. But to see that her father planned to kill both of them was truly despicable. He really had no time to waste, causing him to dash down the hall, missing the last bit of their conversation.
“Right now, she’s in her room asleep. I had her chloroformed since she wouldn’t stop crying about her precious moon or whatever it was. I plan on dumping her in an abbey or a river tomorrow.”
Her bedroom door swung open, yet she didn’t stir. He was too late. The deed was done.
He choked on his sobs as he stumbled to her bed. He couldn’t believe it. She was dead. Really dead. His sun snuffed out for all eternity, leaving nothing but tears in his eyes that sparkled just like her eyes in the sun. He couldn’t believe it, but after what he overheard from her father, he wouldn’t put it past him.
What could he do now? Where does he go from here? Why didn’t he come find her sooner?
Minho couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move. A cold numbness overtook him and silent, overwhelming sadness made him tremble. Now what could he do?
There, next to his hand, the answer sat. A bottle with a dark, forbidding elixir called out to him. It would be so easy. Quick uncork the bottle, down the whole thing, and then the sun would return. It would be too easy.
Taking it in his hand, he whispered a promise into the cold night air:
“I would much rather die in hatred than live without your love. I wish we could become flowers when we meet again. I will not become the fool who was sacrificed by destiny again. Even if destiny separates us.”
The cap came off.
A gasp.
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wonniecat · 2 months
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@gyutarsworld txt mb for you!! enjoy
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4sevenseas · 11 months
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fearless (2008)
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army-in-the-stars · 9 months
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Jungkook x Dazed
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lazycatie · 11 months
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wintaswan · 2 months
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ᨳ  ׂ  𓈒 ⠀ introduction ㅤׂ ♡   ୧
♡ ❨ about me ❩
౨ৎ name ﹒winter
౨ৎ pronouns ﹒she + her
౨ৎ sexuality ﹒bi
౨ৎ zodiac ﹒scorpio
♡ ❨ information ❩
౨ৎ interests ﹒music, fashion, performance, ice skating, shifting, writing
౨ৎ hobbies ﹒scripting, singing, listening to music, pinterest hendjdjdnd, writing (songs + media)
౨ৎ music ﹒ lana del rey, ella fitzgerald, raye, the weeknd, billie holiday + a lot more
౨ৎ media ﹒minecraft story mode, gossip girl, girl interrupted, black swan, the vampire diaries, gia, priscilla, outer banks, it stephen king, stranger things
♡ ❨ extra ❩
౨ৎ realities (shifting)﹒minecraft story mode, outer banks, it stephen king (2017), k-pop idol drs, maybe stranger things
౨ৎ characters (kins)﹒blair waldorf + katherine pierce
౨ৎ kpop ﹒æspa (winter) kiss of life (natty+julie) nmixx (all) blackpink (jennie) enhypen (ni-ki)
౨ৎ extra ﹒i am a minor. i play minecraft. i am learning french. i am NOT a dry texter. always making pinterest boards + playlists.
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deanstead · 2 years
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Can’t believe Jong chose the 6th Anniversary of ROMEOSG to have this first ever Instagram live 😭
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coralidos · 1 year
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ㅤㅤ🕯️ㅤㅤ੭ㅤㅤ 𝆬 ㅤㅤ𓏸ㅤㅤ𝖽𝗂ᧉ𝗍 𝗆𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍𝖺𝗂𝗇 𝖽ᧉ𝗐.
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vampyriq · 2 years
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"goodbye romeo" txt stage at mama 2022 / "romeo and juliet" (1996)
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waitingforminjae · 6 months
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call-me-amanda · 1 year
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𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍 • 𝚁𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚝
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