scarlettamai · 8 months
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The first time I saw his face
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astervoidtheartist · 4 months
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"🎶and if you go 🎶 I wanna go with you🎶"
I drew Sal a while back but thought I should do him justice. I think this might be the best digital piece I've made so far! :) I'm super happy with it since I used no references and the pose still looks pretty good!!! Woohoo!!
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thegracelessfaceless · 4 months
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Late Night Channel Surfing with Sal
*For nostalgia purposes, this will be written as if YouTube and streaming services do not exist. Sal's world was in a time before streaming (though he loves it now), when channel surfing ruled, and we were plagued by the dreaded misplaced remote*
Masterlist --> here
It's getting late but neither of you can seem to turn your heads off
Sleep remains elusive
After a couple of hours of both of you tossing, turning, blanket kicking and clock checking, you both decide to retire to the living room
But first a stop for a hot cup of tea is in order (non-Addison, please and thank you)
The two of you talk over your tea, listlessly sitting on the couch
Sal has turned the TV on, but no lights other than the kitchen overhead, which filters dimly into the room, but not enough to really light the room.
Muted colors from the TV reflect on the walls as the two of you talk about the weird thoughts that enter the mind of no-sleep
After finishing tea, Sal assumes his normal "I'm relaxing" sprawl on the couch, lying reclined against a pillow on the arm rest with one leg thrown across the back of the couch and the other stretched out along the cushions
This creates the perfect alcove for you to rest in, snugged in against Sal, and he opens his arms to receive you.
He pulls you in against his body as his arms cradle you and his fingers fidget against your skin
Sal mans the remote, flipping through all the sights TV offers after prime time
Trashy talk and reality shows prevail
Along with some pretty funny mature cartoon, on which Sal lingers
The combination of the warm tea in your stomachs and the comfort of cuddling with a loved one soon make it so the time spent on each channel increases over time
A few moments spent on Beavis and Butthead
Turns to five whole minutes on a nature documentary about flying squirrels
Oh hey this looks cool, an old episode of Night Gallery. That's Vincent Price
*Sleepy noises of agreement*
The weirdness of the old seventies show seems to entrance
Both of you are watching glassily, and Sal drops the remote
You're not really sure who fell asleep first, because just after the remote slides off your hip, sleep claims you
You only remember waking up at some later point, in the small hours of the night to the sound of canned laughter
It seems that Vincent Price mindfuck was on a vintage tv channel. An old sitcom is now dominating the screen
And the remote has disappeared, no doubt wedged between the cushions or underneath you at this point
But Sal makes a soft noise in his sleep and his fingers grasp at your shirt where his hand rests on your hip
You look up at his beautifully ruined face, almost angelic in the relaxation of sleep
And you settle back in, basking in the warmth of him
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sigmamale696 · 5 months
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vincentsbullet · 7 months
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xen-files · 1 month
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here’s some recent Sally Face fanart I made :)
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coupleofasexuals · 11 months
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Dude.. Best gf ever! (I just noticed I forgot Sally's mask straps ._.) / Tío.. La mejor novia del mundo! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> (Acabo de notar que olvidé las correas de la máscara de Sally ._.)
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deathmatch0 · 1 year
All hail our lord. Gizmo.
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starbxrst · 1 year
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Salvis bathroom scene fanart 😍😍 yes ik the proportions are weird and sals arm looks weird and 😭 just ignore that pls
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mxnr03 · 1 year
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Sal and Larry
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nellyyowo · 2 years
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sal doodle - heees so fun to drawww eee
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naiad-princess · 1 year
larry: yea, and sanitys fall is releasing-
travis: are you talking about your degenerate rock music again?? it's ungodly!
sal: shut the fuck up, travis
travis, at the record store: what was it called again??? satan's fall?? sanitys fail??
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thegracelessfaceless · 4 months
Coming Home From Work to Sal
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Tw: drug use mention
It's been a long day
You might argue the longest
Regardless of the field you work in
Every interaction you had today was a difficult one
People where whiny and obstinate
Simple tasks turned tedious and frustrating
And the work hours just dragged by
Every second expanding and then collapsing on itself with each tick of the clock hand
Whatever they're paying you...
Today it just isn't enough
You want nothing more than this shift to end because at least you know that at clock out time, they can't exactly force you to stay
The moment finally gets here
Clock out time
And you beat feet to your ride home
And as you walk up the front steps
There he is framed in the doorway
Sal, hair mussed from his after work shower, baggy pajama bottoms featuring characters from Ricko's Modish Wife, and a band shirt for King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
He holds the door for you and follows behind you as you shed your uniform on the way to the bathroom
And then listens as you unload your day
From the stupid overreaction about a small hiccup provided by Brandy in sales
To the complete Karen of an old woman who just kept haranguing you
To the fact that you totally overcommitted yourself with work duties today that were and weren't actually necessary
Sal diligently follows you from the bathroom and shower, to the bedroom (where he stole a few kisses and maybe a few squeezes too), to the kitchen where you both ate dinner standing up over the sink, and then finally to the living room
To console you on your bad day, Sal turns on your favorite guilty pleasure show
Even though watching it always makes him feel like happily slamming a door onto his head repeatedly
He engages in the show, and finds himself getting invested in it too
Also provided by Sal:
A foot rub after a long foot soak in the foot soaker Maple bought you for Christmas
Warm blankets
A big ol' bowl/joint/blunt/whathaveyou, if you partake. If not, Sal will have already handled this step himself before you got home
Your favorite snacks, along with some of his because he knows you secretly enjoy them
Hot tea/steamed milk/coffee, depending on your preference (Sal actually makes killer coffee despite not drinking it. He's surrounded by coffee drinkers, he had to learn at some point)
And then finally,
When you both retire for the night
Sal reads you a few chapters from whatever book he's reading
He could read you a stereo manual and you'd eat up every minute of it
You constantly suggest to Sal that he should make an ASMR channel on YouTube
Just his deep, raspy voice carefully articulating words so his Jersey doesn't show as much
Lulling you to sleep
And in those last few moments of consciousness, you feel Sal's lips press to your forehead
Goodnight Reader, I hope your day is better tomorrow and I love you
Vent section: For those of you who follow my blog and know my life, I work on a dementia ward. We got a new resident today. She is completely rude and hateful, incessantly talks, picks on/picks fights with other residents, argues for arguments sake, and biological functioned in the hall (TWICE). Needless to say, her presence has thrown off my entire work groove. I tried to compensate by deciding to do linens today, help out... For rooms 13-24... All of them. It was almost too much but I got it done right before my shift was done. I work 12 hour shifts so 15 loads was a completely doable task... Right? Anyway, while I was doing that, two of my residents (besties, Ms. Daisy and Ms. Eileen (all names have been changed for privacy and dignity)) managed to slip through the coded fire doors that lock down the hall (dementia patients wander and get lost easily, we have to keep them locked down for their safety). They didn't go far. The rest of the building caters to elderly people who just need a little help, and Daisy and Eileen went to the dining room on that wing. An elopement is when a resident manages to get completely out of the building, out in the world . So not even really an elopement. But mass panic ensued while we were trying to find out how they got out. Turns out they were camping the doors, and waited for a family member to come through and slipped out... Very crafty. One headcount later, administration finally left and it was back to dealing with the new lady, Glenda, who I'm sure will appear in many incorrect quotes on my blog. I normally completely loathe a new resident when we get them. As you can see, it throws off my whole day. I'll get used to her, figure out who she needs me to be, and be that person for her. I'm sure we'll end up thick as thieves. It's always the difficult ones that I end up liking the most.
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soplilya · 2 months
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and this one is about sally face
she just smokes like a steam train, just like larry
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macaroniandcheese666 · 3 months
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A Reason to Sin - You're my best friend (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1432574888-a-reason-to-sin-you%27re-my-best-friend?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=MacaroniAndCheese666 Travis hates Sal... or does he? Can he finally be himself when he runs away from home with his mother?
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thewretchednight · 11 months
Meet Thewretchednight
Hello I'm The wretched night but you can just call me Toby. I'm a 18+ acc since I'ma post various NSFW fan fics.
I also take Comms for free rn I'm doing the Sally Face fandom so just ask ill do almost anything.
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