#save time
thoughtsonthat · 2 years
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herowaterlam27 · 1 year
Affordable and Cheap price..so what you waiting for?go buy it Now!!
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2103-laelia · 1 year
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Khi mọi người không có nhiều thời gian để hoàn thành công việc, họ sẽ càng trân trọng khoảng thời gian hơn. Họ sẽ biết tiết kiệm và đó là điều tốt. Họ sẽ không lãng phí thời gian cho những việc không quan trọng. Khi có ít thời gian hơn, bạn thường sử dụng chúng khôn ngoan hơn.
— Cal Newport, Deep Work - Làm ra làm chơi ra chơi.
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squarecloud73 · 2 months
*I worship you Tumblr don’t remove it
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Red means I love you.
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thrivetrend · 14 days
5 Genius Meal Prep Hacks That Will Change Your Life
Eating healthy, home-cooked meals is one of the best things you can do for your health and budget. But finding the time and motivation to actually meal prep can be a struggle. We’ve all been there – getting home from work feeling exhausted and grabbing takeout yet again because the thought of cooking a full meal sounds overwhelming. Well, those days are over. These five simple meal prep tricks…
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View On WordPress
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themetalhiro · 2 months
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The End
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chuckhistory · 2 months
The Best Time Management Tips And Tricks!
Stop! Don't make this mistake.
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feelo-fick · 3 months
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why are you still here, then????
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weblozy-india · 3 months
Using IT Outsourcing Services to Save Cost & Time in Your Project
Read our blog at
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girlblocker · 1 year
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preserving this here bc op turned off reblogs
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arjunsinghveda · 3 months
Stop Wasting Your Time| Know the practical tips for time management
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Time is a vital resource, and our lives may be greatly impacted by how we handle it. This blog will provide useful time management strategies that can help you maximize your day. As we talk about these tactics, we’ll also talk about how important spirituality — like ISKCON and Krishna — is for finding harmony and meaning in your life.
Make Specific Goals:
Setting specific objectives is necessary before you can manage your time well. Prioritizing activities will be easier if you know what you want to accomplish. Establishing your goals is the first step for Practical tips to time management and towards any kind of advancement, whether it is professional, personal, or spiritual.
Set Task Priorities:
Every job is not made equal. Making the distinction between important and urgent jobs is essential. Using the Eisenhower Matrix, divide your to-do list into four quadrants: either urgent and important, urgent and not important, and important but not urgent. Concentrate on the assignments in the first two groups.
Establish a to-do list:
After you’ve ordered your chores by priority, make a to-do list. Sort it according to preference and due dates. You’ll be able to plan your day better and manage your time as a result.
Scheduling Time:
Take into account using the time-blocking strategy. Set aside certain times for various chores and make sure you maintain attention throughout such times. Productivity may be greatly increased using this approach.
Remove All Diversions:
Find and remove distractions from your work area. Disable pointless alerts on your gadgets, shut off pointless tabs on your PC, and arrange your workspace such that it is comfortable for focused work.
Learn to Refuse:
Overcommitting to activities or duties may sometimes result in poor time management. To avoid burnout and retain your sanity, learn to say no when your plate is already full.
When it’s feasible, assign:
Not everything has to be done by you. As necessary, assign work to others to free up your time for other important duties.
Time-Management Resources:
To keep on top of your responsibilities and be organized, make use of time management tools and applications such as calendars and task management apps.
Finally, before we wrap up, let’s talk a little bit about the spiritual side of time management.
To sum up
A skill that may change your life is effective time management. You may do more and have a more fulfilled life by prioritizing chores, creating objectives, and using time management techniques.
Organizations such as ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) provide spiritual guidance on how to live a balanced and meaningful life. One of the main characters of ISKCON, Krishna, emphasizes the value of self-realization and communication with God. Leading a meaningful and purposeful life may be approached holistically by balancing your practical time management with your spiritual endeavors.
To maximize your valuable time, include these Practical tips to time management into your routine and think about discovering your spiritual side. Time is a gift, so make good use of it.
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elleroseukblog · 4 months
Once a month cooking has been a game changer for me. Our family eats healthier, saves me time, money and stress. Recommend this to everyone!
#onceamonthcooking #batch
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vjlove21 · 4 months
Workshop + Hot-Seat-Coaching 2-teilig (Video-Training)
Raus aus der Grübelei - Rein ins Leben
Für mehr Energie & leichtere, zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen
Dieser Workshop passt zu dir, wenn mindestens 3 dieser Punkte auf dich zutreffen
  Du leidest unter deinem ständigen Gedankenkarussell und darunter, dass es deine Zeit und Kraft kostet, du es jedoch nicht stoppen kannst.
  Einerseits ahnst du, dass dein Leben leichter und fröhlicher wäre, wenn du aufhören könntest, dir ständig den Kopf zu zerbrechen, gleichzeitig hast du Angst vor den Konsequenzen, die eintreten könnten, wenn du dir weniger Gedanken machst.
  Dir ist bewusst, dass deine Gesundheit ein wichtiger Teil deines Lieblingslebens ist und sich diese durch das Durchbrechen, festgefahrener Grübelgewohnheiten immens verbessern kann.
  Du wünschst dir mehr innere Stabilität, Gelassenheit, Ausgeglichenheit. Für dich selbst und somit für die Menschen in deinem Umfeld.  Weil du weißt, dass du besser für dich und für sie da sein kannst, wenn es dir gut geht.
In diesem Workshop erfährst du ...
  warum es dir bisher, trotz all deiner Bemühungen, nicht gelungen ist, das Grübelkarussell hinter dir zu lassen.       
  welchen neuen Umgang du mit belastenden Gedanken finden kannst, sodass sie dich weniger Zeit, Energie und Nerven kosten.
  wie du souverän & klar Entscheidungen treffen kannst, ohne im Nachhinein von Zweifeln geplagt zu werden.          
  wie du in 3 Schritten dein endloses „Alles-Zerdenken“  effektiv und nachhaltig stoppen kannst.                                    
  wie du dennoch deine persönlichen und beruflichen Ziele erreichst.                                                                                    Für freudvollere Beziehungen und ein leichteres, kraftvolleres Leben.
"Das Glück deines Lebens hängt von der Beschaffenheit deiner Gedanken ab."
- Marc Aurel -
Kennst du das von dir?
Du zerbrichst dir viel zu oft den Kopf über das, was war und/oder das, was passieren könnte, anstatt einfach das JETZT zu genießen?
Entweder du grübelst VOR einem Gespräch, oder im Anschluss... oder sogar beides. "War das gut genug?", "Was hätte ich besser machen könnnen?" "Oh man, hätte ich doch bloß...!?"
Es fällt dir sehr schwer, Entscheidungen zu treffen und falls du entscheidest, überfallen dich im Anschluss doch wieder Zweifel... an der Entscheidung...an dir?
Je mehr du Grübelst, desto schlechter geht es dir, es ist eine Abwärtsspirale, aus der du keinen Ausweg findest.
Ganz gleich, ob es um den Alltag, deine Familie, deine Arbeit, dein Leben allgemein, oder deine Gesundheit geht, ständig sorgst du dich und/oder hast Schuldgefühle, weil du denkst, nicht gut genug zu sein.
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Destruktive Grübelei ist eine von vielen Folgen der Erlebnisse aus deiner Kindheit. Mit meinem 3-Schritte-Plan lernst du sie zu beenden, und Raum zu schaffen für konstruktive, hilfreiche Gedanken.
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favennnnn · 6 months
Mixed signals are the fruit of uncertainty, and being unconfirmed. Ask yourself first, do you like this person romantically? Do you see yourself being with him/her for good in the future? Or you're just attracted superficially? Maybe you only like the characteristics or his intelligence. The talent that made you amazed. The jokes that made your stomach ache. Maybe you just like how she styles her clothes, or maybe you're just bored and want to try something new. Maybe you're just romanticizing him in your head. Or maybe you lack some attention. There could be hundreds of reasons, but ask yourself, "Am I emotionally available? Do I like him wholeheartedly? Am I willing to face challenges with this person? Will I grow with this person? Or do I just like some of his qualities?" Save your time, and save their time. Don't leave them hanging on a cliff. Love shouldn't be confusing.
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thatrandomblogsays · 5 months
Percy: *sacrifices himself to save his friends*
Grover & Annabeth: having PTSD flashbacks
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anna-scribbles · 5 months
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