#saw the devil walking in the daylight
glupblorbo · 5 months
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"He's noticed that she likes to sit in his hood, peering out at the Isles around them. Of course Uncle will like her—how could he ever not?"
more samah appreciation enjoy this silly little sketch of her and hunter (and also flap and hunter bc something something parallels)
new chapter will be up shortly btw :)
bg from @a-magpie-in-gravesfield (his tutorials SLAP by the way)
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utterlyotterlyx · 2 months
When I Danced Under The Stars
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Azriel x Fem!Reader
Part Three
Summary - Tamlin's visit leaves your soul in tatters, but there is someone who knows your pain better than anyone.
Warnings - mentions of sexual abuse and neglect, angst, mentions of trauma, fluff
Part One - When I Kissed the Teacher
Part Two - When I Met The Devil
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The fear and despair rippled down the path which led to your front door, the pulsating negative energy causing Rhys to roll his shoulders in discomfort.
He imagined your home looking rather spectacular in the daylight, the pale wood and white railings, the small well-kept garden full of blooming tulips, the natural warmth that no doubt usually emitted from the hearth. It was no wonder that Azriel had forgone his own space to spend time in yours.
Rhys had appeared at the end of the cobbled path, wings nowhere to be seen, with tired, worrisome orbs and a heavy heart. It had taken much convincing from Rhys to convince Azriel that he should be the one to talk to you, that if anyone was going to be able to understand your pain it would be him. It felt like eons since he though of Amarantha and what had transpired Under The Mountain, but as he saw you stood there, frozen in fear and overcome with your past traumas, he felt some of his own return to him.
The High Lord had little reason to think of the traumatic events he too endured not that long ago, he had a mate, and a child, and a loving growing family. Amarantha and everything she did was in the past, they had all moved on, he thought he had too but something still lingered deep within his soul, that fear that the past could one day repeat itself. It was a feeling he was doing his best to hide.
Knocking on the door, Rhys sighed when he heard your sniffles, and he pictured you standing on your tiptoes to peer through the peephole at whoever had come to pull you from your turmoil. Then you opened the door, and Rhys wanted nothing more than to bundle you up in his arms and tell you that it was all going to be alright.
Tears stained your red tinged cheeks, your eyes were puffy and swollen, and you were holding yourself, rubbing your arms with your hands whilst standing half behind the door, "Are you here to tell me to leave?"
Rhys could have cried at your broken strangled voice, it was like Lucien had said, Tamlin had the power to strip the light from you, there was no love in your eyes, just pure unfiltered fear. Rhys tilted his head to the side and shook his head, "I'd like you to walk with me," he stepped into your home, and it looked exactly as he had imagined it.
Childish artworks were strewn across the coffee table of your living area, workbooks were marked and stacked to the left of the said artworks, books upon books were stacked on the floor since your bookcases were bursting full of other titles. It was light and airy but oh so comfortable, he could picture you and Azriel cuddled up on the deep rooted love seat talking incoherently about your shared dreams. A faint scent of coffee clung to the air from the not-yet-emptied filter left in the coffee pot in the kitchen, it mixed with the aroma of the burnt firewood from the evening before.
Rhys took a step forward and plucked your cloak from the railing by the stairs, noting the neatly placed belongings on the table there, lined up in a row so that you wouldn't forget anything during the morning rush before school. You stood unmoving by the door, your eyes flickering furiously as he draped the garment over your shoulders and offered you a hand which you stared at for a moment before sliding your hand into his embrace, shuddering in a mixture of fear and and comfort as he placed your hand on the indent of his elbow.
The Sidra bubbled along the rocks, pebbled stone skitted beneath your shared weight. Neither of you said a word, Rhys was content in just having you near, where he knew you were safe, and you were equally as content looking at the night sky full of stars and wonder. A stark difference to the sky of the Spring Court.
"I'm putting you all in danger," you muttered, eyes still fixated to the dancing starlight weaving in the moons embrace, "You should send me away."
Rhys slowed to a stop and turned to face you, examining your features with a look void of any anger, in a way it was unsettling. You were far closer to Feyre than Rhys, it wasn't like you weren't friends, but you'd never spent a moment alone with him, "I'm not sending you anywhere, y/n," he told you softly, with an understanding speckle of kindness in his eye. Your High Lord lowered himself to your level, placing his hands on your upper arms and stroking the clothed skin there, "I'm here because I want you to know that I understand."
Leading you to a small ledge, Rhys perched beside you on the lip of earth, his legs dangling beside your own as the Sidra swam along down the stream, "I know what it's like to be used against your will. I know what it's like to feel tainted and unworthy of anything good. You feel like you don't belong in a way, that everything you went through was deserved and the Mother must see you as evil," he paused and brushed his arm up against your own, to give you some form of caring contact, a break of sunlight in your clouded mind, "I'm sorry that he did that to you, and I'm sorry that you've been living with it all this time. I'm sorry that you felt like you couldn't tell us. I'm sorry, y/n."
Rhys felt the small sobs catch in your throat, you looked up at the sky and blinked hard, furrowing your brow and exhaling softly before looking sideward to him, "Is Feyre angry at me?"
"Cauldron, no," he told you incredulously, shuffling closer to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulder, "If anything she's worried about you, we all are. What you went through is something no one should ever have to deal with, let alone someone as gentle and bright as you."
"You know?" It was a whisper and your chest thundered with the possibility that they all knew what Tamlin had done, that Azriel knew what Tamlin had done. Panic sat in your chest, a birthing monster of gruesome darkness that was threatening to swallow you whole, "How?"
"Lucien," your heart fluttered, Lucien was perhaps the only person who looked out for you then, working directly against Tamlin's orders and desires to set your free, wanting nothing in return but your happiness no matter where you wound up. As if sensing the deep rooted bond between you and him, Rhys spoke, "He's here, he only told us what we needed to know. I hope you don't mind," Rhys' fingers drifted over the tips of your unbound hair.
"No, I don't. It saves me from having to explain it," Lucien was in Velaris. You knew of his bond with Elain, but you never thought you'd ever see him again, you never had the chance to thank him before he threw you onto a horses back and sent you soaring into freedom, "He's really here?"
Rhys hummed in agreement and he felt your chest grow lighter, your shoulders seemed more relaxed and your eyes didn't seem as sad anymore, "I just want you to know that I know what you went through, I went through it too, and if you ever need someone to talk to, someone who understands, then I'm here. I'll always be here."
A small smile graced your lips, "How long did it take you to heal?"
"I'm still working on that. Healing from this kind of trauma isn't instant. I still wake up at night sometimes thinking I'm back under that mountain with her arm draped over me," his eyes glazed over and you knew he was lost in a memory, "Then I realise that I'm next to Feyre, that I'm in Velaris and I have a son. That it was all worth something, it was worth it to be here now with everything I ever dreamed of."
Resting your head on his shoulder felt natural in that moment, like two kindred spirits finding their other half of understanding, "I hope I get to feel like that one day."
Rhys rested his head atop your head and sighed, "You will. I know you will. Velaris is your home and you're safe here, y/n. You're surrounded by people who love you. One day you'll have what I have and look back at this moment and think about how incredibly wise I am."
Scoffing, you rolled your eyes at Rhys, groaning softly as he moved to stand before you, hand outstretched and a wide grin on his lips, "Dance with your High Lord under the stars?"
Smiling, you slid your hand into his, "How could I say no to that?"
It was a tender moment, Rhys placed an arm around your back, his palm flat against the centre curve of your spine, and you leaned into him, head on his chest in the most platonic sense possible as he swayed with you, taking a moment to twirl you under his arm and relish in the joyful giggle that spurted from your lips, "Thank you, Rhys."
"There's no need to thank me, y/n. You mean a lot to us, I think Nyx likes you more than me at this point. Like it or not, you're a part of my family. You make Azriel the happiest I've ever seen him, you've been an amazing friend to all of us. The least I can do is make sure you feel supported and understood."
The pair of you continued to sway, "Azriel is happy?"
Rhys chuckled, "I swear I've never seen him smile so bright or blush so deeply than whenever he returns home from being with you," Rhys pulled away from you slightly, still holding your hand in his, "Azriel would wait an eternity in the depths of hell if it meant he would have the chance to hold you in his arms for a singular moment."
The gaze of your High Lord flickered behind you and his eyes softened as he pulled away from you, "Welcome to the family, y/n. We're all bruised and broken in our own way, you'll fit right in."
That familiar warmth swarmed you, cool kisses snaked up your calves, curling around the small cuts inflicted on you from the broken glass that you hadn't had a moment to clean, "Thank you," your words were sincere and full of blinding relief, Rhys simply bowed his head to you and disappeared into the night.
It was like he knew you needed a moment, just a moment to ground yourself and exhale shakily before your turned into his awaiting arms and flung yourself into his embrace.
Azriel wound his fingers around the back of your neck and inhaled your scent, blinking hard and burrowing his nose into the nape of your neck, "I'm so sorry. I should have told you. I'm so sorry, Az."
"Shhh, don't do that," he told you, his lips pressed against the curve of your neck and shoulder, "Don't apologise for what others did to you. Don't ever apologise for what he did."
"I feel so tainted, and dirty," you sniffled, his shadows caressed your cheeks and he secured his arms tightly around your waist, "I don't deserve you. I'm too ruined, Azriel. Now that he knows that I'm here, I'm not safe. We're not safe."
It didn't escape Azriel's notice that you couldn't even say Tamlin's name, it was like if you did say it then you'd perish into ash. Azriel took your face in his hands, his touch so soft and pure compared to the grip Tamlin had on you only hours before, "I will protect you until my dying breath, and even then I will raise from my grave and return to you. Nothing will ever keep me from you. You are my empire, y/n. You are the one I will burn for, you are the one I will douse myself in blood for, you are the one that makes every single bad day worth the chance of one blissful moment. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise, okay?"
"Please don't leave me," your face contorted and tears spilled from those eyes that he could spend the rest of his days gazing into, "You make me feel alive, like there was a reason I survived. It was to find you."
Azriel's heart sang at your words and he could have crumpled to his knees before you if you weren't the one holding him up.
The stars shone overhead, glittering the sky with endless possibility and Azriel couldn't stop himself from closing the gap between you, capturing your lips on his in the most ethereal embrace, so soul shaping that he didn't think such a feeling was possible. Your tears wet his cheeks and your fingers raked through his hair in desperation, in desperation to feel loved and something other than the heartbreak of your trauma. To feel worthy of something good.
Pulling apart, you were both breathless, and Azriel could see the exhaustion in your eyes. It had been a long day for you, from worrying all day about Nyx and your family, to seeing Tamlin again and feeling the tidal wave slaughter over your soul, to feeling like you had to leave. Azriel pressed his lips to your hairline and held you close, "Let's get you to bed."
You gripped onto him as he went to pull away, "Will you stay? Tonight. Would you?"
"I'd do anything for you," his words pierced your heart, you entwined your fingers in his and allowed him close enough to lift you into his arms, unfurling his wings, "And tomorrow, maybe I can take you to see Lucien? Or we could stay in a read?"
Humming drowsily, you responded, "Lucien, please."
The stars were so close as Azriel soared through the skies of Velaris, cradling you into his chest. You felt nothing but serene slumber pull you into its embrace as the stars sang their sweet lullaby, singing their love to you as your eyes fluttered closed and you became shrouded in their safe, loving arms.
You are safe. You are loved. You are strong. You are worthy.
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Authors Note
Ahhhhh!!!! I hope this was worth the wait x
Part 4??
@fxckmiup @sh4nn @acourtofbatboydreams @lilah-asteria @iloveboba777 @lisanna2000 @brieflyclassymortal @thecraziestcrayon
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mamaestapa · 7 months
Daylight|| Jack Hughes x reader
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•pairing: Jack Hughes x reader
•summary: Your best friend makes you realize that love is golden, and not black and white like you always thought it was
•warnings: best friends to lovers, slight angst, smut (fingering I DIDN'T EXPECT IT GO THIS WAY BUT I HAD AN IDEA AND RAN WITH IT OK), but mostly fluff!
taylor swift song imagines masterlist
You walked into your apartment in Jersey, the air tense as soon as your boyfriend of two years slammed the door.
"You were flirting with him."
You closed your eyes as you sighed deeply. Here we go...
"Ryan, I wasn't-."
"Don't lie to me. I saw what I saw."
You rolled your eyes at your boyfriends accusations. This was the second night in a row he's decided to pick a fight with you over your friendship with Jack. Pair that with the two other fights he's started this month, it's safe to say yours and Ryans relationship has been quite rocky recently.
"Ryan," you said, turning around to face him, "I don't know what you think you saw. I was not flirting with Jack."
"Yes you were, Y/n!" He snapped, the slight raise in his voice making you jump slightly. He never raised his voice at you, only when it came to Jack. Ryan has always been wary of yours and Jack's friendship. He refused to let you hang out with Jack by yourself, and he always had to know if Jack was going to be there whenever the two of you went out it with a group. It's safe to say that Ryan has never trusted Jack. He has no reason not to trust the middle Hughes brother, he just simply doesn't because of how close the two of you are. When you first started dating Ryan, he made you un-add Jack on both Snapchat and Instagram. You didn't think much of it at first, but it only got worse from there. Which brings you to tonight.
You and Ryan met up with some of your mutual friends at a local bar for a casual night of drinking and catching up. While you were there, Jack and his best friend Trevor, who was in town for a game against the Devils, showed up and joined your group. You hadn't seen neither Jack nor Trevor in weeks, wanting to respect your boyfriends wishes to keep your distance from your friends. The night was going well, everyone was having fun and knocking back as many drinks as they could handle. After about three shots of Malibu and a vodka cranberry, you were pretty tipsy and your judgement was clouded. You ended up spending the rest of the night talking to and catching up with Jack. You talked about the current hockey season and your new job. It felt so natural talking and laughing along with Jack. Maybe it had to do with your past relationship...
A small smile pulled at your lips as you thought about your interactions with Jack at the bar. Ok, maybe you were flirting with him. But Ryan didn't need to know that.
"What makes you think I was flirting with him?" You asked as you crossed your arms over your chest. Ryan rolled his eyes, giving you a look of annoyance.
"Oh I don't know," he said sarcastically, "maybe by the way you were touching him." You scoffed, "Way I was touching him?"
"Your hand never once left his thigh or bicep."
"I was just being nice!"
"Yeah because gripping his body is nice, Y/n!" He seethed, glaring at you with an incredulous look. You rolled your eyes once again, this time making sure he could see them.
"Oh don't start that shit with me, hon." Ryan said, voice rising as he shook his head at you. He moved closer to you, bringing his hand up to run through his blonde hair. However, he did it in such a way that made you think he was going to put his hands on you. You instantly flinched, backing away from your boyfriend as tears welled in your eyes. Ryan narrowed his eyes at you, confused at your sudden movements. His gaze softened as he realized why you backed away from him so suddenly.
"Y/n, baby," Ryan pleaded as he tried to reach out for you, "you know I'd never-."
"No," you said sternly as tears threatened to fall. You backed away from him even more, "I can't do this anymore. We're done, Ryan."
You made your way to the front door, ignoring your now ex-boyfriends pathetic pleas and apologies as you exited the apartment, and texted the person that started this fight in the first place.
~time skip~
Jack was sitting on his couch watching Shameless when his phone went off with a text from you. All it said was: "I'm coming over." He was getting ready to get a glass of water from the kitchen when he heard a knock at his front door. He set the glass on the counter, quickly making his way to the door. He didn't know what to expect when he opened the door, so he took a deep breath before reaching for the handle and opening it.
There you stood, standing in his doorway with red eyes and tear stained cheeks. Jacks heart dropped as he took in your distressed appearance.
"Oh sweetheart," he cooed softly, "what happened?"
"Ryan," you croaked, "Ryan happened."
Jack frowned and wrapped his arms around your body, bringing you into his apartment. Of course it was Ryan that had you feeling like this. Jack never did like him. He thought he was a douchebag with zero good intentions. Jack could treat you so much better than him...
Jack led you over to his couch, keeping an arm around your body as he sat you both down. As soon as you felt the soft white cushion beneath you, you burst into tears. Jack felt his heart break as the sounds of your harsh sobs filled his silent apartment. He adjusted his hold on you, wrapping both his arms around you and pulling you into a tight embrace. You wrapped your arms around Jack as sobs wracked your body.
"Shh," he shushed gently, stroking your back as he spoke, "It's OK. You're OK."
You let out another harsh sob as more tears poured down your cheeks and splashed onto Jack's red New Jersey Devils t-shirt. He continued to console you, murmuring sweet nothings as his hands continued to gently stroke your back. You hadn't told him what happened with Ryan, but based on how you were reacting, he knew it couldn't have been good.
After a few minutes, your sobs eventually died down to the occasional hiccup. Once you were calmed down enough, Jack decided to ask you about what happened with Ryan.
"Y/n," he said softly, "You don't have to tell me, but I think it might help. What happened tonight?"
You let out a shaky breath as you lifted your head up from Jack's chest. You sniffled and wiped the remaining tears off of your cheeks before looking up at your best friend with a pained look on your face. Jacks frown deepened as his eyes scanned over your features. It hurt his heart to see your beautiful face blotchy and wet with tears from your cruel boyfriend. You sniffled once again and sighed deeply as you tried to find the right words for Jack.
"We had a fight," you started, voice quiet, "a bad one. He got upset, raised his voice, accused me of flirting with you the whole night, you know the usual."
Jack couldn't help but chuckle at that. Ryan accusing you of flirting with him was the usual?
"What do you mean the usual?"
Jack's question made you tense up. Oops.
"Yeah you know," you laughed lightly, "he always thought I'd rather be with you than him." Jack raised his eyebrows at your statement, "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah..." you trailed off. Jack didn't reply, he just looked at you, noticing the color rising to your cheeks. You were growing flustered as your mind wandered. You totally forgot about Ryan, instead having thoughts you shouldn't be having about your best friend...
Jack broke the silence a few minutes later with a question you weren't expecting.
"Would you rather be with me?"
Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach as your breath hitched in the back of your throat. You always did have feelings for Jack, but you never thought he felt the same way about you. After all, you ended your fling two years ago with each other because your friendship was "too important to lose."
"I..." you stammered. You were at a total loss for words. Jack's gaze softened as he reached out to gently cup your cheek. Before you knew it, the two of you were leaning in, eyes fluttering closed as your lips pressed against each others. The butterflies swarmed in your belly as your lips moved in a perfect slow and sensual rhythm with Jacks. You pulled away from Jack, letting your forehead rest against his as you looked into his blue eyes.
"I love you." You said quietly, your confession making Jacks face light up.
"I love you too, Y/n."
You smiled softly at him, leaning in for another kiss, one that was much deeper and full of even more passion. You knew exactly what this was going to lead to...
~time skip~
You bit your lip at the sight in front of you. Jack stood in front of you clad in black boxers. His thick thighs on display now that his sweatpants were off, and his broad chest, defined abdomen and muscular arms looked absolutely divine in the lighting of his bedroom.
"Like what you see sweetheart?"
Your cheeks grew red, the pet name making you feel your pulse in other areas of your body. Jack chuckled as he took a few steps closer to you. You laid back on the bed, propping yourself up on your elbows as he passionately kissed you. Jack gently pushed you down on the bed, his lips still attached to yours. You wrapped your arms around him, letting your manicured nails softly trail down his bare back. He pulled back from you, looking at you with his lust filled eyes. You eyed Jack as you hooked your index finger under the waistband of your thong, pulling the lace material down your legs. Jack glanced down, a smirk on his face as he saw your glistening folds.
"You're so wet and I haven't even touched you yet," he smugly stated.
You whined at his words, your hands reaching out to grasp his biceps. He leaned down and smashed his lips against yours, both of your mouths moving in sync. He pulled away, his blue eyes soft but full of so much lust.
"I want to touch you Y/n."
"Please..." you whined.
As soon as you gave him permission, Jack brought his hand down to your right thigh, stroking the soft skin of your inner thigh. Your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of his hands on your skin. His fingers hovered over your clit, making you squirm with anticipation. He placed one finger into your entrance as he circled your sensitive clit. You gasped at the feeling, beginning to buck your hips beneath his touch. He pushed your hips down with his other hand, pressing onto your lower belly to hold you still.
"You gotta stay still for me."
You just nodded, arching your back slightly as Jack started to pump his fingers in and out, rhythmically.
"Hmph-Jack." you moaned out. You were completely taken over by a feeling of bliss, feeling yourself grow closer and closer to your orgasm.
He smirked at you as you grabbed onto his forearm, digging your nails into his skin as his muscles flexed with each swift movement of his fingers.
"Jack," you breathed out, "I'm so close-uh."
He thrusted his fingers into you one more time before pulling them out which caused you to whine. Jack eyed you carefully as he brought his fingers up to his mouth, sucking your juices off of them. He slowly removed his index finger from his mouth with a pop. You bit your lip as you watched him clean his fingers off. Only Jack could make eating cum look sexy. Jack chuckled at your reaction as he disappeared into his bathroom. He came back out with a wet wash cloth to clean you off with and one of his t-shirts for you to wear. Jack pressed the warm cloth to your thighs and core, wiping up the remnants of your orgasm. After cleaning you up, he slipped the t-shirt on over your head. The sight of you in his shirt made Jack's heart swell with love. He didn't want to look at anything else now that he saw you in his clothes.
Jack climbed into bed next to you, your bodies immediately turning into each others. All of you, all of him, intertwined. It just felt right for both you and Jack to be wrapped up in the others embrace. You hummed contently as you laid your head against Jacks chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
"You know," you spoke up softly, making Jack hum in response.
"Ryan used to make me believe love was black and white," you craned your neck up to look Jack in the eyes. You placed a soft kiss to his lips, a wide grin appearing on both of your faces as you finished your thought.
"You made me realize it's golden."
hi loves!!
here’s the first taylor swift song imagine! i decided to do these at random and not in order because that’s just what i prefer to do. i put all of the songs into wheel decide and daylight was the one that was chosen first lol (which i’m not complaining because i LOVE jack🤭)
also- i didnt plan on this being smutty at all, BUT, i got an idea (all thanks to @emaanemaa hehe) and i just went with it. i actually like how it turned out though, its the perfect mix of angst fluff and smut ;)
i hope you all enjoyed this! this was my first time writing for jack so i hope it was good enough for all of you jack girlies out there🤍
as always, thank you for all of your love and support! it means so much to me. i also really appreciate you all being patient with me when it comes to updates. i know they’re super slow, and i know you’re waiting so long for me to write something, ANYTHING, but your patience means a lot🤍🤍
love you all! thank you for reading!
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ethereallocs · 11 months
I Will Break You
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen (Pirate) x Fem OC (Mermaid/Siren)
Word Count: 1,700
Content/Warning(s): !!18 PLUS!!, Non-Con/ Dub-Con, Violence, Descriptions of Blood, Attempted Drowning, Abduction, Obsession, Toxic.
Author’s Notes: This is set within The Golden Age of Piracy (1650 to 1726). I don’t know why I thought of this, but I think the best stories are the ones that just pop into your head. I hope you enjoy it.
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Chapter 1.
King’s Landing knew him as “Aemond One-Eye” or “The Kinslayer”. He had become a well-known enemy of the monarchy. After killing his nephew; Lucerys in cold blood he escaped his execution by a hair and in the midst of his exile he created a band of the most ruthless criminals he could find to sail across The Narrow Seas and reek havoc on any unsuspecting ships and pillaging any lands nearby. Many men aboard “Vhagar” spoke of the mysterious sirens that plagued the seas and took many men to an unpleasant death.
Aemond listened to the tall tales and wondered if they’d ever encounter a swarm of them and if they did would they live to tell the tale? It was a rather misty night with the moon high and the entire crew was asleep. Aemond did not sleep often he was usually up planning his next attack. The sea was strangely calm putting Vhagar on a steady course. The sounds of faint splashes against the small waves and soft singing alerted him and he left his cabin to go on deck.
He held a lantern in his hand as he walked across looking out into the thick haze and he saw a glimpse of feminine face. He called out into the darkness. “Hello is anyone out there?! Do you need to come aboard?” All he could hear was the sweet sounds of a woman singing. It was alluring; seductive. He started to lose his train of thought with the melody wrapping itself around him. The sounds of the sea became muffled once those sea green eyes found his and his body moved uncontrollably toward the port side of the ship desperately climbing over it to get to that sickeningly sweet voice.
Without warning one of his men pulled him back aboard just as he was going to plummet into the darkness which was not an easy task. Aemond fought him tooth and nail trying to get to that sound. “No! No! She’s calling me!!!” He finally held his hands over as his ears. “Captain! Fight it!! Ye’ cannot follow the sound. It will lead you to your death!” He pulled him below and smacked the living daylights out of him. He finally stopped wailing like a mad man. He realized he was drenched in sweat and his chest heaved heavily.
“Daeros..? What…what happened?” He ran his fingers through his hair feeling as though his heart was longing for something that he could not reach. It was a dull ache that he wished to be rid of. “Captain..ye’ were bewitched by a sea devil. Ye’ must resist the lot of them or it will be eternity in Davey Jones Locker for ye’.” This particular creature had been following them for quite some time. She had the sapphire within Aemond’s skull by chance one night and she wished to pluck it from his eye socket and save it for the rest of her collection of shiny or precious things.
She had been observing him for quite sometime noting how the darkened circles under his eyes never left and he often seemed without rest. He was the only one on board who didn’t use precautions and stuff his ears like the rest of his crew. Obviously he did not believe in her kind’s existence and his ignorance would be the death of him. But tonight she was deterred and obviously angered by the interference of another. She almost had him she thought. She found refuge within a nearby cove and thought of what to do next.
Daeros left Aemond to get some rest but instead he stared at the ceiling of his room thinking of that voice and those eyes he would never forget them. The next day the sky was clear and the mist dissipated. Aemond wandered into the deck tired as usual still not finding rest. He sighed with that creature still on his mind. It haunted him so such a dreaded creature with eyes that pulled him closer and closer to his demise and yet he would risk it just to see them again.
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Nights had passed and there was no sign of her, but she was there watching and waiting. He was expecting her again and she knew it she could tell by the way he roamed the deck when the moon was high. He paced back and forth and stayed there until dawning hoping to hear her song again. Finally, after days of them pillaging another unsuspecting village they stayed docked for a while making plans to set sail the next day and she knew this was her last and only chance. He had decided to take refuge as large water pool where it stood stagnant away from the harsh waves. He knew he was being watched small splashes alerted him, but he stayed calm and never showed that he knew she was there.
He smirked to himself whistling while the reflection of the moon rested on the body of water. Then in the distance he heard her and his heart fluttered with anticipation. He would finally have his chance, he could see her head peaking from the water far enough for her to swim away and deep enough to pull him to a watery grave, he stood to his feet instantly become captivated by the sound of her voice. Her voice pulled him in and the feeling the ice cold waters didn’t even make him flinch she had him where she wanted him so she swam forward wrapping her arms around him.
He finally saw her face. She was alluring and ethereal. He’d travelled the world and he hadn’t seen such beauty until her. Her wet tresses were as black as the sea and her eyes as deep as the ocean itself. She reached to pull away his eye patch, but was met with the dull sting of a knife being pushed into her tail. Her cries of pain were inhuman it almost sounded like a banshee screeching. He smiled at his victory and the pain her eyes held. She thrashed about trying to escape him and he didn’t fight to let her go, but just as she thought she could flee a net was thrown her, tangling around her.
She fought with all her might, but the pain and loss of blood began to slowly deteriorate her energy. His crew pulled her ashore and carried her away onto his boat. She was to be held below deck within a tub like a pet. Aemond came down to see her and help the wound he caused and she wasn’t happy to see him in the slightest. She hissed at him as her body laid with something that gave off the look of a tub. Her right arms was chained to the floor. Her instinct to push back and make herself smaller as he came closer made her feel helpless. She looked for an exit anywhere being inside of this thing.
“I will not hurt you again. So long as you don’t try to drown me again. Deal?” If looks could kill hers would rip him apart. He chuckled to himself and took the rag with ointment on in and began dabbing it against the wound. “I guess…you don’t speak my language…hmm..I heard your kind looked grotesque and hideous, but you….you are far from hideous.” She flinched and hissed from the stinging pain. “I’m sorry about that, but you would’ve gotten away from me…I couldn’t let that happen.” She stayed silent listening to him talk all the while planning how she could somehow find her way back to the sea.
“Don’t get any ideas…you should get used to seeing me. We are headed back to my home and you are to stay with me. I heard that after some exposure to the dry elements you sprout legs. A painful transition I suppose, but it can’t be helped. You will never see the sea again, well from your window you will.” She could feel tears flowing down her face something rather unfamiliar. She detached from the moment thinking of her sisters that she was leaving behind and the ocean that she loved so dearly. He was to hold her captive like some prized possession and she was going to be helpless.
“P..please…” She muttered lowly. He looked up in surprise. “So you do speak…Wonderful. You will learn to get use to what will now be your life. I can be very pleasant if you can learn to behave.” Her face twisted and she bared her fangs and extended jaw at him. “There she is…you didn’t like that word. I know you don’t know what it is to be tamed…but I will bend you to my will one way another.” He dug his fingers into the wound causing her to screech trying to pull away from him but she was too weak. “Please!!!!” Was all she could say unfortunately it was the only word she knew.
He pulled away and savoring the sounds of her screams. “I will be back to check on you…we will be home soon.” She fell into the tub wrapping her arms around herself and shaking. The rocking of the boat reminded her of the push and pull of the ocean and eventually she fell asleep. She thought it was all a nightmare. But she was awakened by excruciating pain. It felt as though her tail was being ripped apart. She screamed out, tears pooling in her eyes. Hearing her screams he ran to her aid and saw the most gruesome scene.
Her tail was becoming two and her scales were falling off blood pooled within the tub and she reached for him hoping he could make it stop. He for a second felt empathy wanting to throw her back into the dark sea, but he wanted her with him and he could not let her get away. Instead he pulled her from the tub and into his lap wrapping his arms around her as they sat on the floor. It was to be a long night and an even longer day once they got to his home.
To be continued….
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sfehvn · 7 months
hi hello! saw you had requests open and were looking for some prompts to work on?
i hope you dont mind me sending in one :0
possessive or jealous astarion x reader maybe?
reader is divorced, has been for a while, but their ex and them are still good friends. it was a mutual, respectful separation, because the two had different life plans after being together for some time. ex is a great person with a kind heart (and js brilliant artificer or inventor maybe?) and decided to visit reader some time after the game. nothing nefarious, just some nice catching up with one of their closest friends.
just want a lil astarion jealousy here. how reader reacts is up to you. itd be fun if they just roll their eyes but indulge his possessive behavior a tad.
no need to follow everything to a T of course.
other reasons the ex could be visiting (if theyre an artificer or inventor) is because reader commissioned them for a ring or jewelry or something that lets astarion walk under the sun. fun ideas there where astarion sees the ex hand reader a ring, is almost heartbroken, but it turns out reader got the ring for him was gonna propose or something (ring lets vampires walk under the sun). some angst there wahaha
im so sorry this is so long, i had multiple ideas i wanted to offer but didnt wanna flood you.
i understand if you dont wanna work on this (these?). its still just a joy to share these. thanks!
green eyed devil
A/N: Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy it! xx Rating: M (18+ minors DNI) Word count: 2,290 Characters: Astarion x Tav
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  In the months following the removal of your unwanted little brain passengers you and Astarion had been tirelessly in search of a cure for his vampiric condition. As much as you tried to discourage his masking, there were many mornings you woke to see your lover longingly staring at the covered windows surrounding your bed. Astarion would play it off cooly once the realization he’d been caught dawned on him, but he knew as well as you the agony that hid behind ruby-red eyes. The remorse ate him alive as the color in your own skin began to fade from your previously sunkissed appearance to reflect that of paleness. It stilled in comparison to his, but it was a constant reminder of the fact that, in his judgment, he’d doomed you to a life in the shadows.
  You held him close to your chest and the sound of your beating heart against his ear prompted a moment of weakness. “I feel like I’m destroying you.” His words were a shutter as they left his mouth. You place a small hand on his cold cheek at the sudden confession, commending him to look up at you.
  It was unspoken. You needed no words to tell you how sun-starved you had become and you vaguely recalled the last time you had gone out while it was still beaming. “Hey, I’m alright. We’re making decent progress and have more than a few promising leads. I’m not the slightest worried about it.” Even your reassuring smile and soothing words couldn’t placate the shame he felt.
  “Would you go for a walk at least? You thrive in the sun and instead you’re cooped up in this little room with me until sundown, darling.” You let out a sigh of disapproval and before you can argue the suggestion, he continues. “Do it for me. I can’t bear seeing you like this.” Astarion knew without a shred of doubt that one day you’d grow tired of skulking in the dark with him, given a cure was never found. He’d do everything he could to make sure it never happened. If it did, though, Astarion believed he’d have no reason to continue his miserable existence.
  After a few beats of silence, you finally nod. The look on his face was enough to tell you there was no use arguing the matter away. Evidently, this was important to him, so you sat and readied to do what he could not, what he wanted so desperately: to bathe in the rays of daylight. 
  You trudged about the city with no end in mind. Feeling the warmth of sunshine on your skin was a welcome change, and you soaked up the sensation eagerly. There was heavy remorse weighing in your chest at the thought of not being able to share this feeling with your lover all the while. You’re stopped in your tracks at the familiar face before you. “Tav! Well, you’re looking worse for wear.” The man teased. You grinned widely and wrapped your arms around him in a chaste embrace.
“I would say your words hurt, but it is a testament to your honesty, I suppose.” You quipped and stepped back to get a good look at him. It had been a lengthy amount of time since you had last seen him. You recall the last time you had been in each other’s company was when you had attended his wedding to his new wife, a lovely half-elf you had regularly messaged with. From said messages, you knew they had just welcomed a new addition to his family, and you felt great pride in the man he had become. While, yes, you had once shared a bed and a last name, it felt like a lifetime away.
  “You look well, Conrad. It seems fatherhood suits you well.” He did indeed look great, not a day older than when you had last seen him despite the years passed. Black hair that somehow always looked tousled and neat at the same time, bright green eyes with no darkness marring under them, and he’d taken to toning his physique since you’d been with him, ostensibly.
  You were both far too young when you had made the rash decision of running off and eloping together. Just as hastily as you two had agreed to spend the rest of your lives together, things had begun falling apart. Conrad wanted to settle and start creating a family as quickly as possible, while you were keen just the way you were. You were confident you never wanted children to begin with. Though your thoughts on the matter have recently changed, it is a testament that finding the right person has shown you things you weren’t even aware of about yourself before. 
  “Despite the lack of sleep, we can agree on that.” Conrad chortles gleefully, motioning you to follow him to a nearby bench. Once seated, he turns his body to face you. “You are a tough one to find, my friend. Amira told me you have been holed up in Elfsong for a while, and it was still much like digging through a needle in a haystack. The same old adventurer, hm?” He questions fondly, recalling your nature without abandon.
  “You could say that.” You shrugged casually. Your head quirks as if a thought just popped into your mind. “Why are you back in Baldur’s Gate? You should be home tending to Amira.” You think back to her last letter, detailing the struggles she had been having caring for their new babe. Conrad was a journey away.
  “I am here at her request.” He corrects with a wave of his hand. “It seems you and Astarion have troubled her heart with your story. She can’t stand the thought of two people so in love plagued by such great hardship. Ever the romantic she is.” You smile sadly as you remember your lover confined to the inn's room. He holds up a finger, beckoning your brow to crease as he dug into the pockets of his robe. A quiet ‘aha’ emerged as he seemingly located what he sought. He outstretched his hand to you, a simple silver-banded ring held between his fingertips. “It’s not the cure, of course. At the very least, your search won’t have to be restricted during daylight hours.” 
Your breath catches in your throat as you bite back tears at the kind gesture. “Conrad, I can’t believe this.” You whisper as he drops the ring into your palm. The magic-infused band feels almost as if it hums against your hand.
“Ring of the sunwalker. I must say, it was one of the most challenging feats I’ve committed to.” Conrad muses, clearly proud of his work. You had been in search of one to gift to Astarion but they were impossible to stumble upon and even more impossible to find an artificer who was skilled enough to conjure one up. You clinch the ring in your fist and pull the man into a tight hug, painfully aware of the tears that assaulted his robe.
  “Thank you, Conrad. I don’t know how to repay you or Amira for this kindness.” Your words were earnest, and you dab under your wet eyes.
  “No repayment necessary, Tav. You’re family to us. It pains us to know you’re in such a tight predicament. However, a visit once you and your other half are ready would be welcomed. Got to lay the law out and let this vampire know who he’ll have on his tail if he ever hurts you.” His teasing cadence elicited a laugh from you, bumping his shoulder playfully with your own.
  You two chat for a while longer before bidding goodbye to one another. “Just make sure that gets put to use, Tav. You look like you haven’t had a drop of sunlight in your life.” You reassure that you will with a broad smile.
  The walk back to the inn is painstakingly long given how eager you were to present Astarion with his new ring. The image of your lover once again bathed in sunlight made your heart swoon. When opening the room’s door you can hardly contain the excited smile on your lips. Astarion was unmoving on the bed, trying to slip into a meditative state when you entered the room.
  “The sun is still up, my darling—plenty of fun to be had out there.” There was feigned annoyance in his words but in reality, he was contented to have you back where he knew you were safe. There was something off, though. Astarion pushes himself onto his elbows and stares at you with narrowed eyes. The look made your breathing hitch, your smile faltering the slightest bit.
  Within a second, he’s in front of you, faces a mere inch apart. “What’s wrong?” You asked carefully, hand instinctively reaching for the ring in your pocket. You twiddle your fingers around it but hesitate to pull it out.
  “You reek.” He deadpans, inspecting your body as if searching for a physical sign you’d been laid up with another man. 
  “Well, that’s kind of rude.” You joked, but the silence that followed told you there was more to it than he’d let on.
  “You reek of another, my dear.” His words dripped with condescension, and you let out a chuckle, ready to explain away his worries.
  “Oh no, that’s just Conrad. He actually-” Before you could say anything more, you were pressed firmly between the solid oak door behind you and Astarion’s firm chest. He looks down on you, and you can’t discern if his red eyes radiate that of rage or lust. Perhaps both.
  “Your ex-husband. I leave you alone for all but a few hours, and you find your way into another man’s arms?” Accusatory words were whispered into your ear, the sensation of his soft lips tickling the sensitive skin. His fingertips firmly planted into your hip as he led you to the bed, pressing you roughly to the soft comforter you two had spent so many days wrapped up in one another atop. His greedy hands expertly flip you over. Your ass stood in attention before him, and he worked the skirt of your dress up until it pooled around your chest.
  Before you could comprehend his jealous fit, your underwear was ripped from your body, and his hard cock was buried deeply inside of you. You let out a moan at the sensation of him filling you. His hand slid up your back until it reached the back of your head, taking a fistful of your long hair into his palm as he plowed into you, hips slamming loudly against your skin throughout the otherwise quiet room—your back arches as you allowed him to take you. Your eyes rolled back, and you grasped the sheets tightly in your own hands.
  Astarion had become increasingly possessive of you since the Mindflayer incident came to a close. Still, you’d never put him in a position to react so passionately to any jealousy he may have felt. When his hand wrapped around you to make contact with your clit, you knew you were putty in this man’s hands. He rubbed slowly and firmly, his other hand still in your hair. You cried out in pleasure, everything in your mind melting away as he fucked you into the bed.
  “Bet Conrad never fucked you with such tenacity, hm, darling?” His words were confident, fastening his pace as he failed to receive an answer, a silent reminder that he expected a response from those pretty little lips.
  “N-never.” You stutter feeling winded from the intense pleasure coursing through your veins.
  “Good girl.” He grunted in response, finding a smoother pace. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer with how your drenched core gripped his cock, and his fingers continued their attention over your sensitive clit. “You’re mine. Understand?”
  You nod numbly as stars flood your vision, crying out with the orgasm that electrified your body. “Say it. Say you’re mine.” His words came from gritted teeth, and you obliged, the words falling from your mouth causing him to reach his completion, his seed filling you full. As he shifts to lay beside you, he looks at you with darkened eyes. “Why were you with him?” There was no hiding the distaste in his voice.
  “Before you so rudely, but pleasurably, interrupted me, I was going to explain that to you.” You hummed teasingly, sitting up beside him. Your dress rested around your knees as you did so and you reached for the ring in your pocket. You offered it out to him and you didn’t have to speak a word for him to know what possibilities the simple-looking ring possessed. 
  He slipped it onto his finger and stood from the bed. He walked to the covered window and pushed the curtains aside. There he stood in all his glory, the sun's rays illuminated against his pale skin. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes, letting out the faintest cry of satisfaction at the warmth he had so longed to feel again. You move to stand behind him, your arms wrapped around his waist. Your forehead rests against his back, and a content smile plays on your mouth. “You thrive in the sun, too.” You pointed out softly.
  “Perhaps I owe that artificer a thank you. His scent on you tells me he touched you one too many times, though. That said, I will not like it. And I will not like him.” You knew Astarion would never accept Conrad as a friend due to his possessiveness, but you knew he was thankful. That was a step in the right direction at the least.
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calypsocolada · 2 months
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VIGILANTE | denji <3
synopsis: you're just the vigilante denji has been searching for... request: "yo! was watching birds of prey and got a thought. sfw, preferably, harley quinn! fem! reader x denji. like denji's out on patrol or something idrk and she's out there causing trouble and fighting and basically like the scene where harley was getting chased by the cop and then throws garbage and a truck driver gets shot and she jumps onto a ladder and stuff. lol ik that's a lot sorry. i dont rlly know where to continue on what else sorry 😭😭" authors note: HI! thanks for the request... this may not be exactly what you requested but I still was inspired by your request to write this. this one goes out to you!! <3 i might write a part two, this one was fun :) cw: nsfw but no smut, potential assault/drink spiking, slightly unhinged reader, blood, gore, severing of body parts, characters aged up to 20's, angst, fluff, touch starved denji, lonely denji, not proofread, (let me know if I missed any!) wc: 4.6k
You’d been looking to cause trouble. A lot of things led you to this very moment and to say you were ashamed was just plain wrong. You liked the trouble. You liked making people nervous, you liked that power you could hold over someone's head. After going so long without any power of your own it was nice to finally make someone else feel weak once in a while. No it wasn’t healthy and no you didn’t care. Because it felt good. It felt good to terrorize people. To hear their pleads of mercy. 
You never went after actually innocent people. You hunted devils. And you killed a lot of devils that disguised themselves as humans. The news called you the Night killer, they called you a serial murderer. It wasn’t fair… they didn’t know the true personality of the people you ended. Night was the easiest for you to move around in without being detected. You had things to do in the daylight, boring day to day things. But when the night set it was time to let loose a bit.
You had to be a bit more careful recently though. Some celebrity hero had been patrolling the streets recently. Doing good and all. You knew he was looking for you. And you weren’t sure how well you’d fare against chainsaws. 
It was your birthday weekend so your friends decided to take you out. It was some popular club downtown that you all ended up at after dinner. Sweaty bodies and strobing lights you knew only terrible things could come out of unattended drinks and loud music so you kept an eye on all your friends. That’s when you saw him, some guy with a predatory look in his eyes as he stared down your friend. You could tell his intentions right away. You had a knack for it. You could also tell he’d been just the one you were hunting for. The devil that had killed a woman just last week. You’d watch him for a bit and sure enough, after touching and getting slapped away by multiple women, he walked and chatted up your friend for a bit before slipping away to buy her a drink. You watched him non stealthily slip something into it, a grin spreading across his lips, an even bigger one spreading across yours. He really thought he could get away from destiny? You didn’t think this night could get any better but here was a perfect excuse to spill blood on your birthday. You downed your drink and slinked your way through the crowd and when he turned to make his way back to your friend you purposefully bumped into him, spilling the drink all over the front of his tacky white and gold shirt. 
“Oh… shit, I’m so sorry!” You faked an apologetic look and scrambled for some napkins and pressed it to his wet chest.
“Come on-- watch where you're-” The moment he saw you it was like lights filled his eyes. His eyes widened as he looked from your eyes to your cleavage than back up. “No… excuse me, pretty lady.” You giggled, biting your lip as you looked up at him.
“Can I buy you another drink?” You asked innocently, keeping your hands against his chest.
“Don’t you worry about that, dear.” He crooned and it took everything in you not to cringe. Instead you pushed closer to him, talking into his ear so he could hear you over the loud music. “You sure, baby?” You ask, a rasp sliding into your voice. The man nodded his head, his hand sliding against your waist. 
“Wanna dance?” He asks, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. You shiver in disgust but he doesn’t see it that way. 
“Lead the way.” You say and he sure does, his hand sliding just above your ass as he pulls you on the dance floor, turning you around so he can press himself against your behind. The dance was fueling the fire. You couldn’t wait to lure him outside. You wondered how many girls he’d drugged, wondered how many girls he’d touched without permission. The way he touched you now was telling you everything you needed to know, this man took what he wanted. 
And so would you.
After all you could handle of this man, you pushed him back a bit. 
“Wanna get some air?” You asked and he agreed almost instantly. He slid his arms around your waist and hips as you led the way out of the club. There were a few people loitering outside so you led him to the side alleyway. The moment you two were alone he grabbed you rather forcefully and pushed you against the wall, he leaned in to kiss you but your hand shot up and you grabbed him tightly by the chin. He froze, a look forming in his eyes. He was enjoying this.
“Eager one, aren’t you?” You rasped, he nodded his head, trying to lean forwards but unable to, his eyes growing slightly wide.
“You’re strong for a woman.” He says and a devilish smirk grows on your pink lips as you slowly nod your head. You slowly tighten your hold on his chin and watch as his lips part in surprise. “I want to fuck you so bad.” He whispers, obviously liking your rough treatment.
“How would you do that?’ You asked, your free hand sliding to the knife concealed on your thigh. A trusty weapon you acquired after some idiot tried to mug you on your way home from work. It was a trophy you liked to use on your victims.
“I’d yank that little skirt up, rip those tights open and take you right here.” He growled, disgusted chills ran down your spine but your face was as cool as ever. It wasn’t the worst thing you’d ever heard but it was up there.
“Mhm…” You hummed. “Let me see what you’d take me with.” You whispered and the excitement that man felt was on full display as his hands flew to unzip his pants. You waited patiently and the moment you spotted it the smile that fitted to your lips was downright evil. “Small.” You remarked seconds before that trophy knife of yours sliced his member clean off. There was a split second where it didn’t register with him. He inhaled and then his eyes went wide as pain finally made its way to his brain. When he opened his mouth to scream you clamped over his lips hard with your hand and spun him to press him forcefully against the wall. You wiped the blood from your knife on his shirt and pressed it against his neck.
“Mhm wha tha fu,” He grumbled beneath your fingers. 
“What? It’s okay for you to take what you want? To spike women's drinks and touch them without consent? To kill them? I thought you’d probably like being treated the way you treat others.” You growl. He tried to squirm away from you but you were too strong. You held him against that wall like he weighed nothing and the fear that formed in his eyes at the revelation was delicious. 
“Plea-- please.” He pleaded and the sound was like music to your ears. 
“No sense in pleading.” You growled.
“That’s enough.” The voice to your right halted your thoughts. You turned just slightly to see the celebrity himself. Chainsaw Man. 
“Let ‘em go.” He directed. Your mouth dried, your knife sweaty in your hands. But you didn’t move back.
“You caught me.” You rasped, it was dark so you knew, unless Chainsaw Man had night vision, that he couldn’t see you very well. He paused at the sound of your voice, slightly tilting his head to try and get a good look at you but they didn’t call you Night Killer for no reason, the night was being very friendly to you right now. 
“You sound… hot.” Chainsaw Man said. Everything halted for a moment. You stared at him quizzically. He’d caught you off guard with that. Even the scumbag beneath your blade seemed surprised before he started squirming again and you had to press your blade harder. “I’ve been tailing your kills for months now… Are you-- blonde? It’s hard to tell.”
“You’ll be tailing another kill if you don’t keep it in your pants,” You growled. “Aren’t you supposed to be a hero?”
“I am a hero. But I’m also a man who has great taste. Now let that man go and step into the light.” Chainsaw Man directed. Something about him made you laugh. This terrifying looking devil had layers. Chainsaw Man cocked his head at your laughter. 
“And what would you do if I slit this piece of shit devil's throat?” You ask and the man you pinned squirmed and whimpered pathetically. Chainsaw Man stepped closer, trying hard to get a look at you. One track mind it seemed. 
“What’d he do?” He asks. It gives you pause.
“You care?”
“Did he try to hurt you? I’ve noticed most of your victims all had charges placed against them for hurting women. Is he just like the others?” Chainsaw Man asked. You wondered if he actually cared or if he was biding time for the police. 
“Uh huh.” You answered, trailing your attention back to the dirt bag. You trailed your knife up his neck to the side of his face. “He touches who he wants and slips things into drinks. Naughty…” You tease, the anger inside you coming out as though it meant nothing. You heard Chainsaw Man walk closer and you shot him a warning look. “Any closer and I’ll spill his blood.”
“Do it.” You hear the hero say. “Kill him. He deserves it.” You stare at him, lips parted. He’d surprised you.
“What?” You asked before you were able to mask that surprise.
“Kill him.” Chainsaw Man shrugs. “I could do it if you want.”
“What kind of hero are you?”
“A hero to those who deserve saving. If this man did as you say then I’ll look the other way.” Chainsaw Man says. You were so shocked that your grip on the man loosened. The dirt bag, sensing your attention elsewhere, shoved hard against you. The hard shove sends your hand with the knife back towards you. He gives another shove and the blade plunged into you just above your chest below your shoulder blade. You land hard, dazed a bit. The dirt bag dives towards the knife, straddling you on the ground.
“You dumb slut!” He growls. “I’m gonna kill-” You heard the revving of chainsaws before you felt the warm splash of blood against your face. You watched in object horror as the man’s head slowly fell off his shoulders and tumbled to the pavement. The body above you slackened and fell to the side in a bloody heap. You wiped at the blood, trying to push away from the body but your shoulder screamed in pain. You’d forgotten the damn knife that had lodged itself in you. You hissed in pain as the Chainsaw’s slowly came to a stop and silence was restored. The commotion had gained the attention of bystanders outside the club as people started poking their heads at the other end of the alleyway.
“Can you walk?” Chainsaw Man asked but when you looked up you saw a regular man, blood on his white button up shirt. When you both saw each other in the dim light of the alleyway you both blushed. You furrowed your brow, momentarily forgetting the throbbing pain in your shoulder. 
“Chainsaw Man?” You said, stunned. The man before you nodded his head, glancing down the alley towards the people. “Come on, we need to get you somewhere safe before they get a good look at us.” You let him wrap his arms around you and pull you to your feet, you’d hurt your leg when you fell so you relied on him heavily to take you somewhere safe.
“Is this okay?” He asked and for the first time in years you didn’t feel disgusted by a man’s touch. It was strange. You nodded your head.
“This way,” You directed once you go to a street you recognized. You led Chainsaw Man towards your house, his hand gently holding you against him. Once there you handed him your keys and he unlocked the door and helped you inside. You grunted in pain as he got you to a chair by the kitchen table. “There’s uh-- supplies in the top drawer… grab everything. And grab the jack from the fridge.” You direct. Chainsaw Man works quickly as you lean your head back, cursing yourself for letting your attention wander. You’d never gotten hurt this bad, just some scrapes and bruises. He was back rather quickly, falling to his knees beside you. 
“How can I help?” He asks as you tilt up, reaching for the jack. You take a big swig of it taking a deep breath. 
“Fuck me.” You sighed at the impending pain. You watched his face go through five different emotions before his cheeks blushed.
“What? Now?” He asks as you furrow your brow before realizing he thought you were giving him an order with those two little words you sighed. You laughed surprisingly, shaking your head.
“No, not what I meant.” 
“Oh… yeah of course.” He blushes, turning away slightly.
“What’s your name?” You ask. He turns back to you, looking up at you from his knees.
“Denji,” You say and watch his cheeks go even redder. “I need you to pull this knife out of my shoulder.” You say. His lips part in surprise as he blinks. 
“No medicine to dull the pain?”
“I drank jack, no come on before I chicken out.” You say and Denji nods his head. You both lean towards each other and he reaches for the handle. Pain jolts through you at just a small bit of contact. Luckily for you it wasn’t super deep but it would still hurt like a bitch to remove. Denji looks up in your eyes.
“You sure?” He asks as you nod your head, taking another swig. He nods his head and a second later the blade is yanked from your shoulder. You cry out in pain as the blad clangs against the tilt flooring. Denji reaches for your shoulder, pressing his hand against the blood to stop it as he grabs a towel with his other. “It’s okay,” He says soothingly. “It’s out.” He presses the towel against the wound as you catch your breath. 
“Thank you,” You breathe out, tears pricking the corner of your eyes. You share a moment before you know that the wound needs to be stitched. You walk Denji through the steps and he listens well and takes gentle care of stitching you up and wrapping the wound. Once it’s nice and secure you feel your breath slowly coming back to you. You offer Denji a drink as he’s washing his hands. He grabs two cups and sits beside you at the table. You pour two drinks and slide one over to him. 
“I’ve been hunting you for a few months,” He starts, taking a sip before making a face as though he didn’t like it but then takes another sip. “You put yourself in danger a lot.” 
“Someone has to.” You say, leaning back in your chair. 
“You’re skilled, killing those devils can’t have been easy.” He says as you shrug. 
“They don’t put up much of a fight if you trick them early on.” You say. Denji looks at you over his cup. 
“What’s your name? I think you're a little too pretty for Night Killer.” You can’t help but smile at that.
“Am I now?” You ask, cocking your head slightly as Denji nods his head.
“You’re probably one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen.” He says truthfully. You find yourself blushing at his honesty. 
“It’s Y/n.” 
“Y/n…” He echoes, looking at you dreamily. “That’s better, a pretty name for a pretty girl.”
“Alright, Chainsaw Man, relax.” You jest, taking a sip of your drink. Denji grins at that.
“Can I take you out? Maybe after you’re feeling better?”
“What? Don’t like girls with scars?” You tease as Denji immediately shakes his head.
“I love scars. If you have any more I’d like to see them.” He implored, gaining another laugh from you. 
“Such a flirt.” You wave off.
“I don’t want you to overexert yourself, that’s all.” He says as you nod your head.
“Why? Do you have something really physical planned?” You tease and watch his cheeks and ears go red. 
“What? N-no!”
“I’m teasing you, Chainsaw Man.” You say.
“Denji,” He says.
“I-- I’d like it better if you called me Denji.” He says, barely able to look you in the eye. You’d never seen a man blush this much in your presence. It was adorable.
“Denji…” You say, leaning on your hand. His eyes widen just slightly and you can tell he really likes hearing his name from your lips. 
“So… Can I take you out?”
“Why? You just met me?” You ask amused.
“So? I’d be a fool not to ask a pretty girl like you out.” He says and you laugh.
“I might be pretty but I kill devils for fun, aren’t you part devil?” You ask teasingly.
“I am… but I’m not like the ones you kill.”
“You’re not?”
“No. Those scumbags deserved what you gave them.”
“So why were you tracking me down?” You ask curiously.
“Well… If I’m being honest I… saw you on CCTV. Saw how you protected those women a few months ago. I also saw you were finding bigger devils and got worried that you might get hurt.”
“You were worried for me and you didn’t even know me?” 
“I lost sleep. I was lucky to find you tonight.”
“You’re the reason I got stabbed, you know. That devil was weak.” You say, leaning back as Denji’s eyes widen.
“What? I-- I’m sorry, Y/n.” He implores as you laugh, shaking your head.
“It’s fine, Denji, I’m partly kidding.” 
“But it was my fault… I distracted you.”
“It’s fine.” You smile warmly. He sees that smile and the drink in his hand slips from his grasp, spilling all over the table. He jumps up. 
“Shit! Shit… sorry.” He runs to grab a rag and wipe it up. You watch him curiously. He’s nothing like what you expected Chainsaw Man to be like. He was sort of uncool but… not in a bad way. He was like a dork. It was endearing. It had you smiling in a way you forgot how to do. There was a reason you killed dirty devils for those who couldn’t stand up for themselves. There was a time where you weren’t strong enough to defend yourself. That was the same day you had forgotten what it was like to let someone in. Yet here was Denji, who you’d met mere hours ago, worming his way into your iron shackled heart. Each lock he seemingly had the key too. It was slightly alarming but for some reason it wasn’t scaring you away. 
“I’ll go out with you.” You say when Denji had just finished cleaning up only for the shock of your statement causing him to knock over the rest of his drink. You dissolve in a fit of giggles as Denji profusely apologizes, cleaning it all back up.
“You’re serious? You’ll go out with me?” 
“Are you gonna spill anything if I say yes?” You tease as Denji sits the things in his hands down. You smile. “Then yes. I’d like to go out with you.” He can’t fight the smile that graces his lips. It’s like looking at the sun. “Come here,” You say. Denji is quick to be at your side as you grab a pen, clicking it. You gently grab his arm and write your number on his palm. “My number, I should be healed up within a few weeks.” 
“Can I call you before… just to talk?” He asks and you blush at his innocence. He didn’t seem to want just the one thing most guys wanted.
“I’m a late sleeper and I get off work around five, you can call anytime after that.” You say and watch Denji’s face light up. 
“Can you… promise me something?” Denji asked after a moment. You look up at him.
“Please let yourself heal. Don’t go devil hunting alone… in fact if you ever find someone you want to hurt please call me and I’ll be there.”
“You want to be my accomplice?” You joke but Denji’s face is dead serious. How could someone care this much in such little time? It almost seems too good to be true.
“I’ll kill for you. Anyone you want dead.” The absolute honesty and pure sincereness made your heart race. This man wore his heart on his sleeve.
“You mean it?”
“I am deadly serious.” He affirms. For a moment you just look at him, your eyes drinking in his soft features. He was quite handsome, a sort of boyish roundness of the face with mature eyes and lips you could tell might not have smiled a lot. But something about him was sad, like the profound loneliness in you had found that same loneliness in him. Like a reflection on yourself. You reached for him but your hand paused before you could touch him.
“Can I touch you?” You asked.
“Please.” He whispered almost inaudibly. You gently ran your fingers across his cheek, settling just below his jaw. His eyes drifted closed at your touch as he moved into your touch like he was starved of it and wanted as much as you’d give him. “Please,” he pleaded again, slowly falling to his knees in front of you.
“Please what?” You whispered, blushing from his reaction to your touch. 
“Will you kiss me? Just once?” He whimpered softly. You swallowed, biting your lip to keep it from trembling. You’d do just that. Honestly if he asked you anything on his knees you might just give it to him. You slide your other hand against his cheek and gently tilt his face up by his chin. His eyes opened into yours and the intensity building between you two was thick in the air. You answered his question with the gentle press of your lips against his. He must’ve been extremely touch starved because the noises he made from just a simple kiss were downright filthy. He surged up slightly, wanting to be as close as possible. “May I-- touch you?” He whimpered against your lips. 
“Yes.” You answered as his hands flew up to either side of your face, one hand slotting just below your jaw and the other sliding into your hair. The tension builds, the nervous excitement and eager kisses. The slow rise of heat within yours and his body. The quick, shallow breaths Denji was making. The way your and his hearts beat even faster now. Finally, the hesitation is gone, the urge to go through with it so great that it seems like a natural force acting upon Denji’s body itself. HIs hand slides around your hip as he pulls you off the chair and sits back, placing you on his lap like you weighed nothing. Your chests meeting, heartbeats sounding in unison. Your mouths finding each other, and lips coming together in a long, fulfilling kiss. The shyness is all completely and utterly gone. The heat within their bodies rises even further, breaths becoming more erratic. Lips separating for just a moment, just long enough to take a breath. Then they come back together, meeting just as passionately and lovingly. You’d never been kissed like this, never felt the weight of lips against yours that made your heart flutter like this. You felt like a teenager all over again. You couldn’t recall the last time you’d felt this way. It was dangerous and so so alluring. You’d forgotten about your stab wound up until you raised your other arm to tangle your hand in his hair and the pain was strong enough to pull you back to your senses. You inhaled sharply, a gasp of pain that had Denji pulling back, eyes full of concern.
“Y/n?” He mumbled as a question, lips kissed pink. “Are you okay?”
“My arm,” You said through searing pain. That seemed to bring him back to the present.
“Fuck, sorry!” He mumbled, hand flying up to check the bandage and make sure you hadn’t torn your stitches. 
“It’s fine.” You breathe out. Denji reaches to tuck your hair away from your face.
“We should call it a night,” He says but you can tell it’s something he doesn’t really want but wants for you to heal. “I’ll call you tomorrow?” He asks. You’re still sitting in his lap, still wanting much more that he could give you but your arm was aching. You silently cursed that devil for stabbing you and sighed, nodding your head. Denji stands, taking you with him gently. You two are still so close and you almost just want to grab him and ask him not to go. You felt cold when you thought of Denji leaving but you knew you two would need space otherwise your arm would never heal. 
“I’ll be waiting.” You smile up at him and he returns that smile.
“I-- I almost don’t want to leave.”
“I almost want you to stay.” You return. The gaping loneliness seemed to be reaching out between you both. But you had to be smart, you had to think rationally. You’d just met him hours ago… you barely knew him. In fact you didn’t know him at all. But… that really didn’t seem to matter because your hands had barely gripped Denji’s shirt, your body making a conscious decision before your mind could think better of it. “What if you stayed the night? Would that be so crazy?” You’d had one night stands before… it wasn’t crazy…
“I’ll stay with you.” He says. You don’t let your mind talk you out of it, you just gently pull him towards your bedroom. You have no thoughts of furthering your prior make out sesh… you’d rather just sleep with him beside you. You gave Denji some clothes to change into and he helped you change into something comfortable. Once you got into bed, Denji following you inched close to him under the covers. Craving the warmth he provided. You’d never known how cold you were until this very moment. Denji turned to face you and in the dark you saw him flush red. “Can I hold you?” He asked and you didn’t even bother speaking because you were moving closer the moment he ended his sentence as his arms slotted around your hips, your face pressing against his chest. In his arms you felt more safe and secure than you’d ever felt. You closed your eyes against the thoughts that swam around in your mind. You were thinking too heavily. You just needed to shut it off. Denji’s steady heartbeat gave you something to focus on, that and his soft snoring that sounded moments later. Sleep hadn’t evaded you tonight where it had so many other nights. Denji’s arms gently tensed around you as he drew you slightly closer in his sleep. After a few moments your mind had shut off and you were slowly and finally lulled to a peaceful sleep. One of many with Denji in the years to come.                               
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prodagustd · 1 year
love | myg
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Summary: A compilation of memories as an epilogue.
this is part six of so it goes: series masterlist
< part five
—pairing: rapper!yoongi x reader
—rating: +18
—genre: friends with benefits (kind of? they're in love) to lovers, lots and lots of fluff, smut
—warnings/tags: cursing, mentions of alcoholism, mentions of death, explicit content, unprotected sex, dirty talk etcetc
—words: 16k
a/note: HI FRIENDS!!! I'm finally back with an epilogue for so it goes 😥. I couldn't come with another name for this part lmao but I hoped you like it, it took me so long to finish it and I'm so excited to post it!! Thank you for waiting for me <3 Enjoy it !!! Please feel free to discuss this part in the asks, as always feedback is very appreciated :)
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Yoongi’s childhood home
It has been a long time since Yoongi felt purely in love. In the past, love always came with doubts, fears and an upsetting feeling on his stomach that made him want to vomit everytime he woke up. Love was presented to him with more cons than pros, it was like a dark night trying to find your partner in the middle of the dance floor, like fighting under the rain outside of the nightclub, it was a good moment being ruined by a mocking grin and cruel words, it was like having to hold your breath until you turned blue.
Despite that, Yoongi was not completely at odds with love, he loved many things. He loved his job, his dog, his family and friends, but his tired heart was convinced that the type of love that was supposed to keep you awake at night… wasn’t for him, he just forgot about it, and in consequence of that he stopped waiting for it too, so you just could imagine how confused he was the night he met you. You were love walking in high heels and a black dress that was too short to be yours, you were love wearing bright red lipstick as you kissed him goodbye, you were love laughing at him because you would never settle for a one night stand with him. You were love punching him in the face, announcing that you were about to tear him apart.
During those moments of the night when the lights of the club turned red, the remains of his heart were stuck on the inside of his chest as he kissed another stranger to drown the feeling, to try to bury it in the backyard of his numb mind. Yoongi was a dark cloud moving into the room threatening to rain, but you only saw a tall man ogling you with tired eyes and a smirk capable of killing any girl, any girl but not you, never you, you couldn’t allow yourself to fall for a man who wouldn’t look at you twice. Back then you were sure he was the kind of guy who never noticed girls like you in the daylight, you weren’t as astonishing as the girls he had been with in the past, too rough on the edges, too normal.
You came from two different worlds, Yoongi was doing concerts and throwing after parties all night until the next morning, you woke up at six in the morning and got ready to catch a class at seven. He produced music and wrote songs, you studied history and tutored english to middle school kids. While he was mingling with superstars and models you had a small group of college friends who enjoyed staying home, eating pizza and drinking beer. There was no way you were compatible, from your hobbies to your life styles, to the movies you liked, you were just… different, no amount of mysterious glances across the room could change that.
So, why did he kiss you for the first time that afternoon all those months ago? Was it the sun that was about to set, encouraging him to do it? Was it the devil sitting on his left shoulder? Was it you, just begging him with your eyes to do it? There was no explanation for that kind of thing, but he came back to that memory every other day, he couldn't remember a girl who kissed him so sweetly. Was it your lipgloss or it was you? He swore it was just you.
For you, love came in waves during short periods of time. There was always love in your circle, in your friend’s arms and your childhood home, even the other kind of love always came but never stayed. Yoongi was a rare presence in your life during some time, he was gray between all the defined black and white in your life, which always upset you.
Love comes and goes all the time, but why couldn’t he stay? After so many years of accepting the short time that your past lovers offered, it was strange to want a person so badly, it was strange to want more, to even think about it, you were not used to the feeling of something lasting. However, when he laid beside you every night you wished he could stay against all odds, you wished he could stay in your bed until the next morning, you wished he could stay for breakfast and for the rest of the week if he wanted, but even that would not be enough. Not his burning touch over your skin or the proximity of his body during the night, not his hands finding yours under the table in a crowded room, not the hundred of his kisses or the sweetness of his words could be enough unless you told him the truth. But, could you be sure that would have saved both of you from the mess, the drunk texts and the drunk fights and the drunk-everything? You like to think that it would have helped a little bit, but maybe — just maybe — Yoongi needed a slap in the face before hearing the truth, just then he would realize that being in love wasn’t so difficult after all, and to be your boyfriend seemed to be the easiest thing he had ever done.
It has been a long time since Yoongi felt so purely in love, love like it’s supposed to be, love itself. It turned out to be that he found love everywhere ever since, he found love in the mornings as he tasted the coffee you made for him, he found it in the note you left in your nightstand when you left before he woke up, he saw it in your eyes ever since you told him you loved him too. He had been so blind and you couldn’t blame him, you had been so clueless.
Two months into spring Yoongi had come to the realization that among all the chaos in his life, the calmness that came with your company was all he needed after a long day. It was simple, but it seemed to him that it took him a lifetime to find you (he swore it felt like more).
Loving you was easy, but he thought he needed a bit of practice in the relationship field. The concept of boyfriend had been altered by the months he spent being with you without being official, so what was he supposed to do now? Spend more time with you? Give you more kisses? He was obviously more comfortable than before, now he didn’t need to hold back, he was free from the anguish and the sinking feeling that he felt in the past every time you weren’t around. Now he felt safe, however, it was unclear to him how much of a boyfriend he needed to be, or what type of boyfriend you wanted.
Yoongi sighed for the third time since Jungkook arrived at his studio, trying to focus on the monitor in front of him without thinking of the song that Jungkook was humming and how it sounded just like the one you were singing that morning in the shower. He knew it, he was sure, but he couldn’t remember the name of it. Suddenly, Jungkook started whistling the song but still nothing came to mind, which started to annoy him.
Yoongi sighed again.
“Am I bothering you?” Jungkook asked, a little bit offended. Yoongi shook his head without saying anything. “Are you sure?” He insisted, but Yoongi just nodded. “You’re quiet today.”
“I’m always quiet.” He replied.
“Mmm, yes but more quiet than ever.” He said, spinning in the swivel chair beside Yoongi. “You don’t like my song?” He kept asking, now starting to wonder if Yoongi didn't like the project that Jungkook brought last week for him to work on, but he liked the song, he just wasn’t thinking about it, he was thinking about the song he was whistling.
“It’s not your song, I’m just thinking.” Yoongi said, resting his back on the chair and spinning just like Jungkook did a second ago.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Jungkook offered, determined to know what was distracting Yoongi that afternoon.
“What was that song you were humming?” He asked.
“That’s what you were thinking?” Jungkook wanted to check, knowing it was surely something else that kept Yoongi zoning out.
“Kind of.” Yoongi answered.
“Paramore.” Jungkook laughed “Do you know it? The only exception? Your girlfriend used to overplay that song when I met her.”
Yoongi threw his head back, relieved to finally remember the song after being in his mind since he left his house. Jungkook started calling you that ever since you and Yoongi started dating, he copied Namjoon just to tease him, but it only put a smile on Yoongi’s face. His friend on his right seemed to be the happiest person when he found out that you and Yoongi made up, it was like seeing his parents threaten to divorce but then seeing them coming back together. (Obviously, Yoongi had no idea that half of that happiness came from knowing that his plan had worked, but he swore with blood that he wasn’t going to say a thing, after all, it will be useful for him in the future in case he needed to extort you).
“She was singing it today in the shower.” Yoongi informed him.
Jungkook giggled. “Creepy.” He said.
“Just a little bit.”
It wasn’t that creepy actually, you knew Junkook since you were both nineteen, you were almost connected like twins. If someone knew you as well as Yoongi did, that was Jungkook.
That thought stayed in his mind for a second, and after a while, it lit a lightbulb on top of Yoongi’s head.
“Was that all?” The youngest kept pushing, not fully convinced.
Yoongi thought about it.
“Mmm… No.” He said. Hoping that his friend would help him, but more importantly, that he wouldn’t laugh at him.
Lately he couldn’t name you in front of his friends without them acting like middle school kids, teasing him until his face turned red, and Jungkook was the most annoying of all of them.
“Are you not going to tell me?” He pushed one last time.
“Only if you don’t tell anybody.” Yoongi conditioned, making Jungkook frown.
“You’d be surprised how good I am at keeping secrets.” Jungkook raised an eyebrow, but Yoongi didn’t catch Jungkook’s hint, luckily, he just rolled his eyes.
“It’s going to be our… anniversary? monthiversary? Whatever you call it. The third one, in two weeks.”
“Three months already?” Jungkook asked, surprised that time has passed so quickly. “Wow, what about it?”
“I’ve been thinking.” He said “What do you and Bora do on your anniversary?”
Jungkook looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember every single thing that he did with his girlfriend when that day came around.
“It’s different every time.” He answered “Sometimes we go to a restaurant if we feel like it, but sometimes we just go for ice cream before the day ends. Sometimes I buy her flowers and sometimes she buys me something I like. But it’s different for everyone.” Jungkook paused, observing his friend being absorbed by his own thoughts. “Why? Is that what you were thinking? What to do on your… monthiversary?”
“Kind of. I think I don’t know how to be her boyfriend.” Yoongi confessed, avoiding Jungkook’s gaze to not feel like he was making a fool of himself.
Jungkook didn’t laugh about it, but he found it a bit curious.
“How is that you don’t know?” He questioned.
Yoongi spinned on the chair again. “I mean, what if she feels like our relationship didn’t change at all from when I wasn’t her boyfriend? What if she thinks it’s the same and she gets bored?” He asked, letting the words out like it wasn’t the main concern of the month.
Jungkook was a bit surprised by the way Yoongi’s mind worked, just like Namjoon was when Yoongi told him that he couldn’t allow himself to be happy with you because he had a fight with Jimin. But like before, this made sense for Yoongi, and was a perfectly coherent concern.
“Are you serious?” Jungkook laughed, “A relationship is not defined by what you do on your anniversary.”
“Is it not?” Yoongi joked, but he was still a little unsure.
“I don’t think so.” He said “I’m sure she’s not going to get bored of you, you keep her entertained. She’s in love with you, buddy, you’re not getting rid of her anytime soon.”
Yoongi was aware of that, you spent your free days glued to his chest and sleeping on his bed like it was yours, you made sure he knew every day how in love you were. He knew you loved him, but that wasn’t his problem.
“No, I mean, I know that. But I don’t want her to feel like it’s the same as before, I wonder if she can tell the difference, I hope she does. I just want to be… you know, a good boyfriend.”
Jungkook watched Yoongi playing with his fingers and he bit back a smile, wondering what it was that you had to leave Yoongi so… lost. And most importantly, what you did to him to have him talking about his feelings so openly. Jungkook never thought that Yoongi would try to come to him for relationship advice, but there he was, worried about being a decent boyfriend.
He tried not to tease his friend, he knew that if he did Yoongi would suddenly shut up.
“To be fair, you were already acting like a couple before making it official, so I think it’s normal to feel that way.” Jungkook tried to advise “But if you want her to see the difference, you should probably make her see that you’re serious with her. For example, I know she hasn't met your parents yet, right?”
Yoongi frowned, shaking his head. “No, she hasn’t.”
“There you go.” Jungkook winked at him “She likes simple things, if you take her to meet your parents she would feel like you are making her part of your life. Anyone can meet your friends, but not everyone meets your parents. She will take it as something special.”
That idea never crossed his mind until now. He still remembered when his mom called him when Yoongi’s brother told her that he was seeing a girl when he came to visit Yoongi, back then Yoongi ignored her and told her that you weren’t his girlfriend and didn’t give any other explanation. Yoongi loved his mom, but she was intense, even if he was the youngest of the family, she thought that he should be already married, she thought he should be already settled down with a wife and everything, but Yoongi was never the kind to follow the rules, let alone his parents’ rules.
The problem wasn’t you, it was just the way his mom never liked any of his girlfriends, so she never invited them to their house. This time was different, he knew that both his mom and dad would love you, so maybe Jungkook wasn’t so wrong after all.
Yoongi could still feel an annoying feeling on his stomach everytime he remembered the fight that you had , he remembered when you mentioned how he told you he was going to take you to meet his mom, so this could be an opportunity to make it up to you.
“That doesn’t sound bad.” Yoongi just said.
“Right? I’m always right.” Jungkook bragged “And about your monthiversary date, you should talk about it with her, ask her what she wants to do, it’s as simple as that.”
“Fine. I’ll take your advice, but I know you and I know her, so don’t say a word about this conversation.” Yoongi warned.
“It’s okay, my lips are sealed.”
Later that month Yoongi was just finishing taking a shower at his parent’s place after a long day. That morning he put his bag on the trunk of his car as he thought of what Jungkook said, and without him wanting to, the expression of his mother’s face every time he came to visit appeared on his mind.
When he got in the car he put on a cap and sunglasses and you laughed. He had been asking himself if Jungkook’s idea was working ever since he asked if you wanted to come and visit his family with him, you said yes without hesitation but didn’t say much else until that day. You took off your shoes at the beginning of the ride and played music until you fell asleep.
It was a long ride to Yoongi’s hometown, and you seemed to enjoy it until you made your last stop at a gas station. You got out of the car and bought some snacks, when you were getting back your boyfriend hugged you from behind and told you you were about to arrive. He kissed your cheek and circled the car to get on his seat, he didn’t see your face properly, but if he had done it he would have seen the smile on your face disappear. You got in the car with him and after fifteen minutes you asked if he could roll the windows down.
“I think I’m getting car sick.” You explained, sinking in your seat as you felt how your stomach turned upside down.
“Carsick?” He repeated. “You never get car sick.”
“I do.” You tried to argue, but he didn't believe you.
“I’ve been driving for three hours and you were just fine.” He told you, but you decided to ignore him. He looked at you for a brief second before turning his gaze to the road again. You shut your eyes close and frowned in discomfort, hugging your tummy like you were about to vomit. “Or is it that you’re nervous?”
You opened your eyes, offended. “I’m not nervous, I told you I’m getting car sick.”
Maybe Yoongi tried to forget you so hard months ago that he ended up memorizing every single thing about you. Only after you began to date him, you realized how much he knew about you. He bragged about it, and it was cute when he remembered that you didn’t like mayonnaise or what kind of wine you liked, but it was annoying when you couldn’t keep a secret away from him because he could read it in your face.
The truth was that Yoongi made the mistake of telling you how his mother didn't have a good relationship with his past girlfriends, in fact she didn’t even have a relationship at all with them. She had met all of them in other circumstances but never invited them to their house, she only needed one meeting to decide if she didn’t like them, and now you were in physical pain just thinking of the possibility that she didn’t like you either.
Of course that all this fuss came from your last experience with your ex boyfriend, who’s mother made it very clear that she didn’t like you. You didn’t know what it was, maybe the fact that you weren’t catholic, or maybe that she liked Dan’s ex girlfriend more, who knows? You didn’t want that to happen again. Different from Dan, you really wanted to stay in Yoongi’s life.
When you saw the first sign with the name of Yoongi’s hometown next to the highway, you finally admitted it, hoping that your boyfriend could give you an answer.
“How do I know if your mom doesn’t like me?” You asked him, automatically making him scoff.
“She won’t dislike you.” He just said.
Yoongi was a man of few words, but that wasn’t good enough for you.
“How do you know?” You insisted.
“Because I like you, don’t I?” He smugly answered, making you want to rip off his head for laughing at you.
“But you said your mother thinks you have bad taste in women.” You reminded him, but he shook his head in denial.
“You can’t rely on that.” He said “My mother also thinks that I should be a doctor, she has her own perspective of reality and it’s impossible to please her.”
“That doesn’t make me any less nervous.” You whined.
“You don’t have to be nervous, I’m sure that both of them will love you. You made them a pie!” He tried to encourage you, but you weren’t content yet, your mind couldn’t stop making scenarios.
“But what if they think ‘What a pretentious bitch, she wants to buy us with food’?” You kept insisting. Your question seemed rational to ask, but it only made him fail to suppress his laugh.
“They will think ‘What a nice girl, she made us a pie’!” He acted.
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t believe you.”
“I don’t know how to make you believe me.” He laughed “I can tell you the truth, my mom is a complicated woman, it’s impossible to please her, but if you just be yourself she will like you, if you’re trying too hard that’s when she will dislike you.”
You still weren’t happy with his answer. He seemed too cool about the whole situation, you didn’t understand how he wasn’t at least a little nervous.
“Your advice sucks.” You spat, crossing your arms over your chest “Then, what if she doesn’t like the way I am?”
He sighed, thinking about it for a second. “I mean…” He said, dragging his words “What’s not to like?”
Then, you punched his arm, making him whine.
“Quit playing with me.” You cried.
At this point, Yoongi was just trying to mess with you. He wasn’t lying when he said his mom was complicated, but he also knew how excited she was to welcome Yoongi’s first girlfriend after so long. He knew she would be happy just knowing he wasn’t single anymore, but after meeting you he was sure she was going to love you. Maybe it was cruel, but he decided to keep that for himself.
“But I’m serious!” He protested, rubbing his arm “First, I know my dad will like you, and even if my mom is intense, she will like you too because I know her and I know you. You get along with older people, you’re smart, you know how to cook, you’re a future teacher. What else can I say to stop you from vomiting in my car?”
You kept silent for a minute like he had just scolded you, reevaluating if he had made a good point or not. Maybe you were right and someone like Yoongi’s mom would never like any of his son’s girlfriends, but maybe Yoongi was right and you were overreacting. It hurt you to admit that you were.
Yoongi had never seen a person more nervous than him to see his mom. In front of his eyes it appeared the same image of his mom’s face that he saw on his mind earlier that morning. Years passed before Yoongi stopped doing what his mother thought was best for him, even if sometimes she was right, sometimes she was not, he learned to stop caring what she thought of him. His brother had a more stable job, but it was not until recently that he got a stable girlfriend, so he had two points in the game. Even though his family was proud of him now, years ago her mother considered that his job was not stable and he had no girlfriend until three months ago, so back then he had zero points. Yoongi said fuck the game long ago, his mother’s claims had no effect on him anymore, but he didn’t expect you to react like this when he told you about his mother’s behaviour with his past girlfriends, he realized it was only logical, even if he knew his mother would like you.
“Stop.” You told him, the feeling on your stomach slowly disappearing.”You’re obsessed with me.”
You watched him trying to hide a smirk, but he didn’t deny it.
“You stop.” He said “Stop worrying, I’m sure everything is going to be fine.”
You were not willing to admit he was right, you decided to change the subject.
“So… Will they make us sleep in separate rooms?” You asked, “Since we’re not married.”
Your question was only innocent, it was genuine, but the clarification made Yoongi laugh.
“My mother is insane, not conservative.” He said, like it was hard to tell the difference. “Maybe a little old-fashioned, but no. Besides, I don’t think she thinks I’m saving myself for marriage.”
You rolled your eyes. “I was just asking.” You clarified “It’s not like I’m… fucking you in your parent’s house.”
“Why not?” He teased you, but you ignored him, refusing to take the conversation any further.
That seemed to clear the air at least for now, but when you arrived at his house he was not surprised at all to see you get along with his parents, especially his mother. You didn’t know that you already had a few points in her game thanks to Yoongi’s brother, and you gained even more when you offered to help with cooking. Yoongi thought that was a good sign, his mom never let anyone but his brother help with her food.
His mom kissed both of you in the face as she sent his dad to leave your bags in Yoongi’s room, and not even half an hour later you were in the kitchen, chatting with her as you rolled up your sleeves and started cutting carrots.
What a fool you had made of him, he laughed at him in secret when random sentences appeared on his mind when he looked at you. You were wearing a brown sweater and blue shorts and for a moment he thought you looked like the last day of spring, like summer but not quite summer, like summer before he met you, summer when he didn’t know your name or how your mouth tasted. He saw the dark green color of the walls and smelled the coffee from the morning and it seemed like you always belonged there, somehow, he found you just in time before his mom decided to change the color of the walls like she was telling you, you camouflaged yourself in them like you were part of the kitchen, like you were part of his home. You told his mom that it was a shame to change the color, you liked it that way.
When the food was ready you sat beside him. It only took one question from Yoongi’s dad, who just asked how old you were, to stop his mother from holding herself back and start bombing you with every question you could imagine, you didn’t mind, she was just curious. You tried to ask questions back, trying to know them just as much as they wanted to know you, but it was difficult when Yoongi’s mom was barely interested in something else that wasn’t your relationship with her son. From your job, to your career, your family and friends, and how and when you meet Yoongi. He felt like an observant, like he was five years old and his mother told him that he could only stay at the adult’s table if he could keep quiet. You always said that you struggled at being social, but you seemed so natural as you laughed and moved your hands, telling his father that you were sure that you were graduating this year.
“Yoongi barely graduated from high school!” His dad said, making you giggle.
After lunch he offered to wash the dishes as he saw you disappear in the back door with both his mom and dad, she explained that she wanted to introduce you to her plants in the garden. He craned his neck and tried to spy on you from the window of the kitchen, but he could hardly see you or hear anything. He was not sure if he could leave you alone with them yet, but he knew that you knew enough about plants to charm his mom.
As the day came to an end, you forgot why you were worried that morning. That night, Yoongi searched for you in his living room and found you sitting with his parents on his couch, freshly out of the shower as you shared a cup of tea and his mother showed you some family photos. Yoongi tried not to roll his eyes, it was just a matter of time until his mother pulled their family albums for the guest to see. He sat next to you and noticed that all of you were looking at a picture of him and his brother on a school day, there was a big smile plastered on Jeasung’s face, but a six year old Yoongi looked like someone stole his favorite toy, you laughed thinking it was the same upset face he had when something was bothering him, he still looked the same.
Yoongi’s mom explained that his youngest son never liked to wear his high school uniform, she told you that she had to dress him several hours earlier so he could get used to it and forget he was wearing it when it was time to leave.
“Of course he never got used to it.” She complained, “But it’s normal, life itself it’s like a uniform for this kid.” His mother never failed to tease Yoongi, and he only laughed because he heard you laughing.
But she was not wrong, Yoongi always thought that his clothes didn’t fit him well and that his shoes were uncomfortable for him, he never liked being in his parent's car for too long because the seatbelt was too tight. He was irrationally afraid of thunder and the dark, he liked to stay at home most of the time and watched maybe too much tv. As a kid Yoongi thought that perhaps his body belonged to another planet, he believed that someone dropped him on earth and expected him to get used to this life, a life that wasn’t for him, to a bed that couldn't fit him, to a house full of rules that he didn’t know how to follow. When he grew up he was quick to blame the rural town he was raised in, he used to say that it held him back, but when he moved to the city he found out there was no apartment big enough to fit his heart. And when he met you last summer, he noticed that suddenly his clothes fitted him just right and that his shoes were never the problem. Maybe his body never belonged to earth or to mars, but belonged to you. As he watched you observing his baby photos he remembered what Jungkook said, you liked simple things, he realized he liked them too.
He spent an hour with you and his parents, until his father decided to go to bed and Yoongi noticed it was his turn to take a shower, but his mother didn’t care that it was almost midnight, instead she poured you another cup of tea.
“I’ll go to take a shower.” Yoongi announced, “After that, we’ll go to sleep.”
“You don’t tell me when it’s my bedtime.” You joked, turning the page of the birthday photo album.
But when Yoongi got out of the shower after twenty minutes, he opened the door of his bedroom and found you there, changing into your pajamas. You jumped, startled when you saw him “You scared me.”
Yoongi murmured a quick ‘sorry’, sitting at the edge of the bed as he observed you change, noticing that your pajamas were actually just an old shirt of his.
There were many scenarios where Yoongi pictured you and him together, but this was never one of them. You, in the middle of his childhood bedroom doing basic things such as getting ready to bed. It was different from the bedroom at his apartment, this was the bedroom where he grew up and knew all his life, all those events from today made him feel like an arrow pierced through his chest and made his heart bleed, like he was high and couldn’t open his eyes properly because he was so blinded of love.
He wouldn’t like to call it the honeymoon phase, that would annoy him, but he could tell he was so drunk in you that the withdrawal of you being apart could hurt him terribly. That night he hoped to get tangled with your body one last time before giving away all his fears, he hoped to get in bed, kiss your face and whisper the truth to you, you were part of him, you had embedded yourself in his soul and now he couldn’t picture his childhood home without thinking that you were part of it all along, he had been waiting for you, he had been waiting to feel like everything was okay.
“It’s strange seeing you here.” He told you, making you turn around to see him “It's like running into your teacher in the supermarket.”
You giggled. “It’s strange for me too, being in the room where you probably brought a hundred girls.”
Yoongi looked around his room, asking himself how you didn’t notice yet. He thought that the poster of Slam Dunk in the back of the door would have given him away, maybe the stickers of Batman in his wardrobe, but you were dead serious. “You are crazy if you think I ever brought a girl to this room.”
You frowned, walking to lay in bed next to him. “I don’t believe you.”
“I’m not lying.” He insisted “When my brother left for college and left me the room I was like fourteen, I was not very popular with girls back then.”
“And later?” You questioned.
“Later I moved in with Seokjin when I was like seventeen. Besides, the fear that I had of my mom finding out that I sneaked someone here was stronger than anything else.”
You looked like you were doing the math in your mind, after calculating, you said one simple word that made Yoongi choke. “Virgin.” You pronounced.
Yoongi glared at you, offended. “No, you’re wrong, that doesn’t mean I was a virgin before moving in with Seokjin.”
“So your bed is a virgin.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Now Yoongi turned to you, laying on top of you and placing himself between your legs to kiss you softly. He was just trying to be sweet, but you knew better. He grabbed your hips and pressed you firmly against him, breaking the kiss to leave a few pecks on your lips. “I mean, if you want to…” He offered, making you scoff.
“I will kick you in the balls, stop.” You whined, grabbing him by his shoulders to stop him from kissing you again.
“Okay, I’ll stop for now.” He said, not really convincing you. For now, he changed the subject. “What did my mom tell you in the garden?”
You squint your eyes, trying to remember “Oh, nothing, really.” You replied, tilting your head to see him more clearly. “We were talking about her plants. She wanted to know how many I could name.”
He laughed just by thinking of it, of course his mom would do that.
“What, like a test?”
“It seemed like it.” You said, laughing too. “But the good news is that I think I passed.”
“That gave you points.”
“Do you think?” You wondered out loud “Do you think she liked me?”
“Wasn’t it obvious?” He laughed, “I’ll get her review tomorrow, but dad already told me.”
“What did he say?” You wanted to know.
You noticed that Yoongi’s dad was very quiet, just like him, he said just the right amount of words, unlike his mother, who couldn't stop talking for a minute. Yoongi said that they complemented each other.
“He said you were a very polite girl, and that you were funny but too pretty for me.”
You pouted “That’s not true, you are a pretty boy.”
He smiled, fighting for his life not to blush “That’s what I said as well.”
“They don’t have much faith in you.” You joked. Yoongi sighed, thinking that it might be true, his dad joked and asked him where did he got you from, where in the word he had found you, he kept his answer to himself, he couldn’t say to his father that he felt like the stars aligned the day he met you, he would laugh in his face.
“You said it yourself, I have a bad boy reputation to keep up with.” He murmured, reminding you when he bought you a necklace and you said that you wouldn’t tell anyone that he was so sweet. “But I hoped that changed, he told me not to fuck up.”
You saw his smile and silently wondered when you were going to stop visibly melting under his gaze, the whole conversation had your heart jumping inside your chest, you were afraid it would run away from your chest.
“That’s great advice.” Your voice came as a whisper.
“Yeah, I mean, I’m trying.” He scoffed, laying his head on your shoulder and burying his nose in the crook of your neck.
As the silence took over the room, Yoongi felt your hands in the back of his neck, running your fingers through his hair and feeling like it was time to sleep, but Yoongi’s mind was still racing.
“Did you have a good time today?” He asked before you fell asleep, you just hummed in response. “Will you come back with me next time?”
“Yes.” You laughed “Will you bring me back?”
“Of course.” He murmured against your neck “I didn’t bring you here just to meet my parents.”
“Didn’t you?” You frowned, making raise his head to look at you again. He shook his head in response. “Was there another reason?”
While you grabbed the wet strands of his hair that fell on his face to curl them around your fingers, he pretended to think his answer. “Yes, I brought you here so you know that I’m serious about you, I want you to be part of every part of my life.” He tried to sound cool, he hoped you didn’t notice he practiced that sentence the whole ride while you were sleeping and minutes ago in the shower.
You couldn’t escape from his words when he was just centimeters away from your face, it was impossible not to blush.
“Where is this coming from?” You asked, not being able to hide your smile.
Where was this coming from? He remembered suddenly. Yoongi knew you from head to toe, he memorized every part of you face, he knew every single mole in your body, he knew what sound you made when you were about to wake up, he knew exactly what you liked and you didn’t like, yet it was ridiculous how unsure he was about your decision to stay with him. In that moment where the light from the lamp on his nightstand illuminated the right side of your face and made only one of your eyes shine, he looked at you and could only read one thing in your eyes; ‘finally’, they said. How relieved he was in that instant.
“From a lot of places.” He confessed. “I don’t want to hide how I feel and make the same mistakes twice, so I needed to tell you.”
It was not shocking to you that Yoongi had these thoughts once in a while, but you were happy that he was okay with talking about it with you. “It’s okay, you don’t need to worry about that.” You whispered “But it’s nice to hear that, I want you in my life too, for as long as I can keep you.”
Yoongi laughed, you had no idea that it was the other way around.
“Forever, then.” He offered, rubbing his nose against yours.
“Okay, but first you have to tell me you love me.” You murmured “To seal the deal, so I can be sure.”
“I love you, baby.” He said in a sweet tone, making your heart melt like it was the first time you were hearing it, like it was a confession.
“That’s good news, I love you too.”
You always believed that to be a good lover, you had to be a good friend first. Maybe that’s why things didn’t work out with your last boyfriend, he hardly ever cared about you the way you cared about him. What’s love if not friendship first? A friend is always there, always knows what to say and if that’s not the case, a friend always listens. A friend always saves your seat in crowded rooms and knows how to read your mind when you want to escape. A friend knows every part of you, even the embarrassing ones, the most damaged ones. A friend knows your past and knows your flaws, knows your favorite songs and the food you don’t like. A friend knows that one person you despise and talks shit about them with you even if they don’t know them, a friend knows your family drama and maybe the color of your toothbrush.
Yoongi was that kind of friend to you, except that he also was the kind of friend who kissed you during the nights and early in the morning, a friend who shared shirts and socks with you, a friend who memorized every part of your body and the kind who took showers with you. If Yoongi wasn’t your friend you couldn’t let him see you hungover, or allow him to hold your hair if you were vomiting in the bathroom, you considered that it was a perfect balance.
Eight months after you began dating, he had left and returned from tour after three months of not seeing him. You barely saw him at the airport when you welcomed him that morning, but as soon as you arrived at his apartment, he fell asleep on his bed after a short kissing session. You only visited him once last month when he surprised you with a plane ticket as a present when he couldn’t be there for your graduation, but a month was too long to be apart from him, even if he texted and called every day and sent pictures of him after his shows. Now his hair was longer and you could see a bit of facial hair on his chin, but you liked him like that.
You wished you could wait for him to wake up to spend the night with him, but he had come back a few days earlier and you already had plans to go to a bar with Yongsun and Nayeon that same night, but you had promised Yoongi that when you were done you would make Nayeon drop you at his apartment.
What is love if not friendship first? If Yoongi wasn't your friend, you would never have allowed him to see you in the state you were in when you came back to his house that night.
Yoongi was about to hit the tenth hour of sleep when he was woken up by the sound of someone trying to open the door. In the distance, he heard the key hitting the wood but never entering the lock, he knew it was you, but he was too sleepy to realize that you were far too drunk to open the door in the first try (or the second and third one). You told him you were coming back not after two, but when he looked at the clock on his nightstand and saw that it was almost five, he decided to stay in bed, thinking that you were just struggling to open the door in the dark. When he thought he was about to enter into another dream, his sleep was once again interrupted by the sound of your high heels stumbling through the hallway. Were you with someone? Your laugh could reach his ears from his bedroom, were you alone? What were you laughing about?
He should’ve known you weren’t in your five senses before your silhouette appeared at the entrance of your bedroom, now with your shoes in your hands, leaning on the wall as you tried not to stumble with your own feet. You clearly didn’t notice he was awake, so he took advantage of that.
In the dark, he saw you walking towards the mirror beside his bed, covering your mouth and trying not to laugh when you saw your reflection. Your make up was ruined and your hair was a mess, for some reason it was the funniest thing to you.
Yoongi waited silently on the bed until you decided to join him, but you seemed to be taking your time, soon enough you began stripping from your clothes as you danced to a song playing in your mind, then you began to hum it. You left your jacket on the floor, then you decided to unzip the black dress you were wearing, staying in your underwear only. Yoongi couldn’t recognize the song, he felt like it was a private moment between you and yourself only, even if he had seen you with less clothes than that, he felt guilty for spying on you, but it was too funny to look away. He tried not to laugh and pursed his lips when he saw that you had almost finished your little dance, you brushed your hair with your fingers and adjusted your underwear. Before you got into bed, you turned around and took one last look in the mirror, except this time you were notably checking your butt.
You giggled one last time before getting under the covers. He closed his eyes, scared to be caught watching you.
He felt your hands shaking his head, trying to wake him up. “Bubba, I’m here.” You slurred, hugging his body close to yours. Yoongi pretended to wake up and opened his eyes.
“What are you doing?” He asked, faking a sleepy tone on his voice and wrapping his arms around your torso. “Why are you naked?”
“I’m not… naked.” You chuckled “Not completely.”
Yoongi took a second to scan your face in the dark, which was smudged with dark gray eyeshadow and glitter. That night you seemed to have worn red lipstick, but now it was all faded, that happened when you drank (vodka, he could smell it).
“It’s cold.” He informed you, feeling your cold feet trying to find his own so he could warm them. “And it’s late.”
It was not usual for you to get drunk, so Yoongi had barely seen this phase of you in the last months. He quickly learned that you were a happy drunk, laughing at him when he told you it was too late to wake him up. It was funny, and Yoongi thought it was the end of it, but when you kissed him, trying to shut him up, he knew you were going to be awake for a bit longer before finally sleeping.
It turned out that you didn’t only smell like vodka, but you taste like it too, that and watermelon as well. If you hardly ever got drunk it was because you didn’t like most alcoholic drinks, of course you were going to get drunk with cocktails. But your kiss was slow and sweet, and he liked watermelon after all. You only pulled away to kiss his nose.
“Did you have a good time?” He asked, hoping that small talk will tire you, needless to say that he was about to fail.
“I was missing you the whole time.” You replied, taking him by surprise when you began to straddle his lap to get on top of him, leaning to kiss his lips again. “But yes, I did.”
“What about your friends?” He murmured against your lips, but you didn’t want to stop kissing him. “Was Nayeon the designated driver?”
“Mhm, yes. She had to take care of me.” You laughed, sneaking your hands under his shirt. “She was afraid I would throw up in her new car.”
Yoongi was sure you were staining him with the red lipstick that remained on your lips when you began to leave small kisses on his neck, but you seemed happy, so he supposed it was okay. “I would be afraid of that too.” He joked. “What about Yongsun?”
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe me.” You exclaimed, being a bit too loud “She danced with a guy and kissed him, he wanted to go home with her.”
“What?” He asked, running his hands down your thighs. “Did she say yes?”
“Mmm, no, girl’s night only. But can you imagine?”
Yoongi hummed, happy to hear you talk about your night but knowing that you were not in the mood for sleeping yet. “What about you?” He continued to ask “Did you dance with a lot of boys?”
You gasped at the assumption “Me? Of course not.” You denied, leaning forward to kiss him again. “However, I must confess, I’m a pretty girl, bubba, a lot of guys approached me.”
“Yeah?” He raised his eyebrows, not willing to picture the image in his head. You nodded “And what did you say to them?”
“I said that I was not interested because I have a boyfriend.” You said in a pout, encouraging him to kiss you again.
Even if he tried to be strong and send you to sleep, he was too tangled in your games to run away from your kisses, or from you anyway. “Mhm, such a good girl.” He hummed against your mouth.
Suddenly, you pulled away from him. “Don’t say that.” You whined. “I’m already horny and I know you won’t fuck me since I’m tipsy.”
A loud laugh escaped from Yoongi’s mouth, surprised at your confession. “Are you horny?”
“Don’t act like you didn’t know.”
“I didn’t.” He denied. “And you’re not tipsy, you’re drunk as hell.”
“Whatever.” You huffed. “I was thinking about it the whole ride home.”
“Is that why you’re naked?” He kept laughing.
“I’m not naked.” You insisted. “But yes…”
Over the past months you naturally made a lists of ‘do not fuck if’ without noticing. You were the one who started it, telling him that you weren’t going to have sex if you were already showered or if it was wednesday, which was the day you were most tired. You had made very clear that you weren’t going to fuck him if you were on his parent’s house or while having a shower in your apartment if Nayeon was around. Of course Yoongi was the one who tried to do it in all those situations like it was a bucket list for him, but he had only one condition that could not be broken: do not fuck if you’re drunk. This was never a problem until that night.
Yoongi noticed that you were letting too many words out of your mouth, words that you would be embarrassed to remember you said the next day, that’s when he knew that it was time to sleep, but first, he wanted to tease you just a little more, that was allowed.
He grabbed your hips and put you down next to him, pressing your body against his. “And what were you thinking?” He asked you, making you believe that he was about to break. You were too drunk to notice that he was just playing with you.
“I don’t know If I can say.” You whispered, grazing your fingers over his face.
“C’mon, baby, you can tell me.” He insisted, but he had an idea of what you were thinking. “You wanted to ride me?”
“Well, yes.” You sighed, looking at his lips, tempted to catch them between your teeth. “But I really don’t have the energy to do that now, so then I thought that you should do all the work.”
It was maybe the first time that Yoongi heard you talk about sex like it was a procedure. “All the work?” He laughed. “Should I just open your legs and do all the work?”
You seemed offended by that offering. You frowned, shaking your head. “No!” You protested, “You must be… romantic.”
Yoongi scoffed. “I’m always romantic.” He said, reaching for your lips, opening your mouth lazily to briefly introduce his tongue, getting your hopes high again. You gripped his shirt, but he pulled away before you could do something else. “Am I not? I bring you to my house, I fuck you in my bed, I let you sleep naked on it, I make you breakfast. I’m romantic.”
“But you aren’t being very romantic right now.” You murmured against his mouth. “And I’m not naked.”
“I’m not fucking you tonight, you’re very drunk and I can be romantic in other ways.” He finally said, but you weren’t willing to give up yet.
“I don’t want other ways.” You kept insisting “I’m literally begging you.”
“You always do that, though.” He said, too cheeky for his own good. You rushed to cover his mouth with your hands, as if there was someone else in the room hearing.
“You can’t say that out loud.” You cried, trying to prevent him from talking again, but he was quick, biting your pinky finger to get himself free. You protested, but he didn’t pay attention.
“You’re the one begging to be fucked.” Yoongi laughed, but the frown on your face wasn’t going away. “Meet me halfway here, I can kiss you until you fall asleep if you want.” He tried to negotiate.
“You can kiss me somewhere else.” You said, making him snort. “I’m conscious enough, and I missed you this whole month”
“No, you’re not. And you’re going to regret saying that when you wake up.”
“Yoongi!” You cried.
“Oh, is it ‘Yoongi’ now?” He asked, wrapping you around one of his arms and making you rest your head on his shoulder, getting you ready to sleep. “It’s only ‘bubba’ when you’re trying to fuck me?”
“It’s only ‘Yoongi’ when I’m mad at you.” You groaned.
“I don’t care, it’s past your bedtime.”
“I didn’t know I had a curfew.” You kept trying to fight him.
“Tonight you do.”
“That sounded hot.” Now you were beginning to test your boyfriend’s patience.
“Oh my god.” He sighed, running one of his hands over his face.
“I like when you talk with a deep voice and you get all serious.” You kept going with your rant, but he was not having it anymore.
“Fine, stop.” He rushed to say “You can tell me all about that tomorrow, I promise I’ll do anything you ask me, but now it’s time to sleep.”
You turned your head to the clock beside you and saw the hour you came back home, you had no idea it was that late. “You could say it’s early.”
“Baby…” He warned you, last warning. Your gaze was kind of blurry and you were not as conscious as you bragged to be. It was difficult to admit that you were about to give up.
“Okay, I’ll sleep.” You said, snuggling near his chest, “But is the kissing session offer still available?”
“No, I don’t trust you anymore.” Yoongi had already closed his eyes “But I can allow a reduced amount of kisses.”
Finally surrendering to his conditions, you stretched out a bit and kissed him three times before falling asleep.
After that night you made sure no one else saw you that drunk, it was like a part of you that you didn’t know. You would have preferred not to remember anything the next day you woke up, but you remembered every single thing that you said. Even if someone erased your memory, Yoongi would have been there to remind you of the whole conversation, he couldn’t stop teasing you for the whole month.
A friend surely was in charge to stop other people seeing you in that state before you start vomiting every word that crossed your mind, but that wouldn’t prevent him from keeping those moments to himself. You promised to control yourself the next morning, but you forgot about it weeks later when you shared way too many glasses of wine with Yoongi one night, luckily there was no one around, and this time you weren’t drunk on vodka like before, so Yoongi laid on the couch and poured you the last glass before deciding it was time to turn off the lights and go to sleep, if were for you, you would have spent the whole night there, talking with him without noticing the words were slipping out you mouth.
You could tell that his eyes were becoming smaller and that his voice sounded deeper, he was getting sleepier but you couldn’t stop talking.
“We should get in bed already.” He announced “Before you tell me all your secrets and regret it the next day.”
“I’m not that drunk, you’re just trying to get rid of me.” You snuggled next to him, shaking your head. “And I don’t think that will work, you already know all my secrets.”
“Do I?” He doubted.
“Like what?”
Maybe Yoongi didn’t notice, but you told him a million things that you never told anyone else.
“Like when I told you that I shoplifted that MAC store back home.” You reminded him, making him laugh. “I don’t tell that to anyone because people think I would steal their makeup.”
“But you were like seventeen.” He said.
“Well, but I don’t regret it.” You admitted.
“You just told me that because I don’t use any makeup.”
You huffed, thinking about it “Maybe I keep a secret or two from you.” You confessed. “But a girl needs to have secrets.”
“Like what?” He asked again.
“Don’t manipulate me into telling you my secrets.” You said, dragging your words. He chuckled, leaning to kiss your lips briefly.
“Tell me all your secrets.” He insisted, whispering against your lips. You swallowed, feeling like his piercing eyes were burning your skin.
“I can’t tell you all of them.” You tried to be firm.
“How many you’ve got?” He kept insisting.
“A few… I don’t know.” You answered, counting them in your head, but you were too tipsy to even try. Even if you could, you would forget half of them.
“Tell me five.” He said, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him. Taking advantage of your position and kissing you once again, hoping you would fall for him, he tried to melt you with slow kisses while caressing your bare thighs with his fingertips. Yoongi was fine with you having secrets, he just wanted to know what you had to say that night.
You sighed against his mouth, “That’s too much.”
“I’m fine with three.”
You guessed you could find three things you never told anyone, three things that you knew Yoongi would keep for you.
(It should be noted that Jungkook’s plan to get you back together was off limits, you were drunk, not dumb)
“I never liked Nayeon’s food.” You said “She thinks that I always cook because I enjoy it but the truth is that I don’t like it when she does. But it’s a secret, don’t ever tell her.”
You didn’t want to be rude, so you kept it a secret. You thought that Yoongi would be surprised for some reason, or maybe it was your drunk self thinking that what you were saying was very shocking, but Yoongi looked like he already knew.
“Is that your secret?” He complained “I already knew that, it’s not a secret for me.”
“How did you know?” You asked, wide-eyed.
“I can see it in your face.” He explained. “I don’t think she knows, but I sure do.”
“Don’t ever tell her, Yoongi.” You begged like he was threatening to do it. “I tried to help her, but she never gets better.”
“Don’t worry.” He assured you “Your secret is safe with me.”
You believed him, even if he didn’t consider it a secret you kept from him. You tried to think of something that he couldn’t know just by looking at your face, which was the most difficult thing when Yoongi could read every expression of you.
“Okay, I have one that I don’t think you’ll guess.”
“Fine, let’s see.”
“I don’t like when you use socks in bed.” You spat “It’s really uncomfortable and you end up taking them off in the middle of the night.”
Now Yoongi was surprised, he never thought you were so bothered about his socks.
“Are you serious?” He questioned, but you seemed really sure of your statement.
“I’m serious.” You confirmed. “You do it especially at my apartment, you never care to look for them after you take them off and they just stay in the sheets until I find them. Do you know how many of your pairs of socks I have in my closet?”
Your boyfriend frowned at the question. He always bragged about being an organized person, what do you mean he has been forgetting socks at your place? What do you mean he never noticed?
“You don’t like when I wear socks to sleep?” He checked again, only for you to confirm it once again by shaking your head. “That doesn’t sound like a secret, that just sounds like you have a problem with me wearing socks when we sleep.”
You rolled your eyes “I get that you have cold feet, but once you are under the covers they get warm, you should know that since you take them off in the middle of the night.”
“Are you asking me to stop wearing socks in bed?” He asked, pretending to be offended. Of course you were too drunk to notice that, and even if he was almost completely sober, he seemed to be infected with your drunkenness as he spent more time beside you. The conversation began to sound silly, but he couldn’t stop pushing the topic. Was it so wrong that he forgot his socks between your sheets?
“I’m not asking you anything.” You whined, throwing your head back against his shoulder. “I’m just telling you my second secret.”
Yoongi scrunched his nose. “Your secrets are not really secrets, baby.” He said, making you roll your eyes again.
“Whatever, that’s all you’re gonna get.”
“Mmm, no. You still have one left.” He reminded you.
You raised your chin, realizing he was right.
Even drunk you could remember that there was a cabinet of secrets that you couldn’t say out loud, not even to Yoongi, like Jungkook’s plan or the things that made you jealous, they were things that maybe you were not ready to tell him yet, not because of him but because you really believed you should keep a few things for yourself. As he booped your nose with the tip of his finger, you thought that you could share at least one of that kind.
“Fine, but don’t laugh at me.” You warned him.
He raised both hands, claiming to be innocent. “I would never.” He assured you.
You squint, but in the end you just said it. “I like babies, I want one someday.” You confessed “Maybe a boy, but I’m fine with anything. I want to raise them in a house with a backyard in a pool. I never had a pool and my backyard was scary as hell, the grass was as tall as me.”
That did sound like a secret to Yoongi, he never knew about that. He stayed there, feeling like the blood drained from his face, even if he wanted to make fun of you, those words were now stuck on his throat. Surprised that having a baby was an illusion of yours, he didn’t know how he never noticed. He saw you cooing at babies on the street and how you were always so good tutoring middle school kids back when you hadn't graduated yet, but the thought never crossed his mind, he never saw you that way.
“You want to be a mother?” He asked. It seemed like you generated a short circuit in his brain.
“Yes, that’s what it means to have a baby.” You said.
“But when?” He continued to ask, almost worried. You laughed at that, of course you didn’t mean now.
“Someday, I don’t know. When I get the house with the pool, maybe when I find someone that wants a baby too.” You teased him, observing how he stopped looking surprised and he began to look upset.
“What do you mean when you find someone?” He protested. “I’m right here!”
“Mmm, I’m not sure about that.” You said, turning around to face him. He grabbed your waist, pulling you closer, if that was possible. “Do you want a baby, bubba?”
“Yes.” He affirmed without hesitation. “I want a baby if it’s with you.”
“Are you sure?” You asked, intertwining your fingers in the back of his neck “You don’t just say that to a girl.”
You were right, people just don’t say that to girls, but you weren’t just a girl for him. Right there, wrapped around your fingers, he felt his heart hammering against his chest, he never had that kind of conversation with anyone else, he wondered if any of his past girlfriends ever thought about sharing more than the present with him. Yoongi didn’t want to keep living in the past, but he couldn’t help but think about how different it was with you, even if it was terrifying to think that someone could trust him with being… a dad, that sounded so weird. The idea of having a kid was maybe years away from that moment, he couldn’t even grasp it. Babies were the epitome of fear for him, but he smiled at the thought that you had been thinking about it, it warmed his heart to think that you included him in the picture.
Yoongi couldn’t even think about the future without feeling dizzy, he was happy being your boyfriend, but it was like you pinched him and woke him up with that secret, was that what he wanted all this time? Maybe.
Being fair, he thought he should confess something as well.
“You aren’t just any girl to me.” He said “You’re the girl I love, the love of my life.”
Suddenly, you felt your heart dropping to your stomach “Am I?” You managed to ask.
Being in love was a curse, being in love with Yoongi was even worse. After eight months of dating him you still melted like butter when he opened his mouth and dropped the sweetest sentence he could ever say.
“Of course, I fought a lot with myself to figure that out, so I won’t back down now.” He murmured.
“I’m glad that you won, then.” You chuckled, leaving a peck on his lips.
He grabbed your face to keep you close to him and looked you straight in the eye, not willing to let it go yet. “Baby, please.” He asked, low enough so only you could hear him “Don’t have a baby with anyone else.”
You bit back a smile, trying to be serious. “I can promise that if you promise not to tell anyone my secrets.”
Yoongi nodded repeatedly, “I can promise that.”
Good thing that a friend knew how to keep secrets.
Now the bottle of wine was empty and your head began to spin more than before, it was about time that you vomited your last words of the night.
“And by the way,” You said, catching his attention with your sleepy voice “I feel like you’re the love of my life too.”
What would Yoongi of the past think of the Yoongi that was seated next to you now? He wouldn’t believe he was now hanging by a thread, hoping that your next words wouldn’t be your last and being so in love that his heart was about to give up. That's how it felt to listen to you, drunk and tired, confessing once again your love for him.
“How is it that you feel it?” He asked, curious enough to let his mind speak for him.
“Do you think it’s too early to tell?” You wondered out loud. “I never loved anyone like you, I don’t think this would ever happen to me again. I just feel it on my chest.”
That made sense, Yoongi felt it on his chest too. He didn’t want the feeling to wear off as one month faded into another, but it stayed, he guessed you were the reason. There wasn’t a trace of doubt in your eyes, he could only hope you saw the same thing in him.
Fridays were always the same since you started at your new teaching job at a high school near Yoongi’s apartment, you woke up in your bed, took the subway, tried to finish your hours peacefully and visited Yoongi to have dinner with him.
This time was different, you took the subway back home and tried not to look at your phone.
You reminded yourself that fights in relationships were normal, but you didn’t expect Yoongi to still be mad after three days. After the big fight you had that night that made you think you wouldn’t see him again, you decided to communicate better, to talk things before exploding, so you didn’t have big fights since then, maybe silly ones about house rules or tiny discussions that were long forgotten within an hour, but never three days.
If you ever thought that Yoongi could not be any more stubborn, you were wrong.
It started on wednesday, when you came to visit like every other day, but he seemed to be drowning in his thoughts, dragging his feet and zoning out every five minutes without realizing. It was not about work, that much you knew, there was something else in his mind, but he didn’t say a word about it.
When you began washing the dishes, he stood by your side, quiet as ever, letting you do all the talking about your day and hardly answering your questions. You were almost sure you had nothing to do with his mood, if something was bothering him he was the first one to bring it up, but this was not the case. He usually saved these moments to tell you something about his week as he waited for you to finish, he struggled to get the words out, but at the end he just said it.
It turned out that Yoongi had some trouble with some deal he closed a few weeks ago, he had been offered to make an appearance at a rap show that was being held a month from now, someone had stepped down last minute and he was offered the spot. He would love to do it, the only reason he wasn’t part of the initial line up was because he had a break planned for this time of the year.
Yoongi had said yes, signed the contract, closed the deal, and the next week found out by Hoseok that none other than Park Jimin was hosting the event. Once again, Yoongi felt like a coward, wanting to call it quits and forget about the whole thing. All of his friends who were going to be part of the show laughed at him for not being aware that his ex best friend was hosting and was also one of the headliners, but these weeks Yoongi had been too caught up with normal life to know who was performing at a show he wasn’t going to be part of to begin with, and yes, maybe he was going to go since he was probably going to get free tickets from his friends who were performing, like Namjoon or Hoseok.
He felt like someone slapped him on the face when he realized he was an adult and couldn’t run away just because Jimin was part of the event.
You knew Jimin and Yoongi's history too well, they met each other as soon as Yoongi arrived to Seoul when he was seventeen, he was still renting recording studios per hour, selling his tracks for cheap prices to pay the rent of the dorm that shared with Seokjin and working full time delivering pizza. Jimin was an aspiring dancer and singer, it was like underdogs seemed to find each other in the streets of Seoul, when Jimin met Yoongi no one could separate him from his older friend.
Ten years of friendship didn’t disappear just like that, Yoongi began to distance himself from everybody as soon as Dasom, his ex girlfriend, started to have problems and her addiction became worse, mostly from Jimin.
Maybe Jimin had a list of reasons that made him want stop seeing Yoongi for good, reasons that chased Yoongi in his sleep every october when he knew Jimin’s birthday was approaching, but he knew that Jimin’s last straw was when Dasom was too drunk at a gathering full of his friends and began to make Jimin uncomfortable when she began to crack jokes about cancer. Dasom was always known for his “dark humor” and not being politically correct, but no one expected her to make those jokes when one of Jimin’s closest friends had passed away of that same disease not even a year ago. Jimin stormed out of the room, having Yoongi follow him to try and talk to him. Back then Yoongi thought Dasom was too overtaken by his addiction to even understand what she was saying, but Jimin knew she never liked the relationship he had with Yoongi, she was jealous she didn’t take all the attention from him, the same happened with his brother and family. Yoongi didn’t want to see it, he wasn’t trying to defend her but he asked him not to pay her attention. Jimin couldn’t do that, he was heartbroken, not hurt by Dasom but hurt by his friend’s words, he wished Yoongi would have stood up for him, said something since his words got stuck in his throat as he expected someone to say anything because he couldn’t utter a word. Yoongi regretted it every night, he will always remember how Jimin said that Dasom had always been horrible as a person, she always made those kinds of jokes and Yoongi just tried to ignore them because he loved her, this wasn’t nothing new of her. That was the last time they talked, even if Yoongi tried to call him, Jimin was determined not to see him ever again, too hurt to even think of talking to him again.
Still so stubborn, that wednesday night, after he vomited all his thoughts, he hoped for you to say that he should go to the show, and that he shouldn’t be uncomfortable around Jimin, he hoped to hear you saying that even if it was bad that he defended Dasom in that situation, Jimin should’ve understood that Yoongi was in a shitty place and couldn’t be in the middle of the two of them. Imagine how upset he was when you told him that you understood his position back then, but maybe he should consider calling Jimin before overthinking the whole situation and figure things out with him, he should at least try, maybe something good could come out of it.
Yoongi was not happy with that answer, he just wanted to hear you say something that just magically would make him feel okay, he was terrified of facing Jimin after so many years. The outcome was different, he went asleep upset and stopped texting after you left for work the next day.
You weren’t mad at him, he needed time to think, you knew that he just wanted someone to endorse his stubborn behavior of running away from his problems.
That night you ate alone, Nayeon was suspiciously out (not to party) for the fourth friday this month, so you were on your own. There were no texts from anybody on your phone, no missed calls, no instagram messages of cat videos, no invitations to a party, not even a mail from the school. Being a substitute teacher wasn’t so hard for now, you had taken the job of a teacher who had a maternity leave, but you supposed she was a workaholic since she sent you the full schedule for the rest of the school year, so that left you with almost no work for the weekend expect for the papers you had to grade.
Embracing your loneliness, you took out a pot of ice cream and put on a movie for the rest of the night.
You thought that a night without you wouldn’t kill Yoongi, but as your eyes started to close and the movie was coming to an end, the sound of your vibrating phone startled you from your sleep. It was past midnight when Yoongi called you.
“Hello?” You answered, your sleepy voice reaching the other line.
“Were you sleeping?” He asked, without even saying hi.
“No, I’m in a club and came to the bathroom to answer.” You teased him, you could almost see how he rolled his eyes.
“Ha-ha, so funny.” He said. “What were you doing?” His voice was soft, being careful knowing you hadn’t spoken since you left his house.
“Just watching a movie, about to sleep, actually.”
There was a few seconds of silence on his line, but then, he made the question he was planning to ask when he called. “Why didn't you come home today?”
“I have a home of my own, actually.” You said, not breaking character.
“You know what I mean.” He insisted.
“I just didn’t think you wanted me there today.” You were just saying that to talk about the topic, sometimes Yoongi believed he could get away from trouble without facing it first.
“Don’t be silly, I always want you here.”
You rolled in bed, looking at the window to check if it was raining yet, but it wasn’t, though the sky looked like it was about to.
“I don’t know about that.” You said in a high pitch. “I was getting another message when you stopped texting yesterday.”
Yoongi was still not ready to admit he got mad at you.
“I guess we’re from different generations, I’m not on my phone all the time like you.” He tried to defend himself.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” You huffed. “We’re not from different generations when you ask for nudes in the middle of the night, aren’t we?”
You heard Yoongi almost choking, struggling to find words to fight you back on the other line.
“Fine.” He said, giving up “You’re right, I’m sorry for not texting. And I’m sorry for getting mad at you, I wasn’t ready to hear what you said, I just needed some time alone.”
You sighed, hearing how the rain began to hit against your window.
“It’s okay, I understand.” You told him “You can take your time, just don’t lock yourself alone in your room forever.”
Yoongi smiled as he laid on his bed, wishing you were there with him. “Can’t promise that.” He joked, making you laugh.
There was a moment of silence between the two of you, the sound of the rain filling the room as you waited for the other one to say something else.
“What were you doing awake this late, grandpa?” You murmured, wrapping yourself in the blankets once again.
“I wanted to talk to you, to say sorry, tell you something.” He answered, making you curious.
“What you wanted to tell me?”
“I’ve been thinking about what you said, about calling Jimin.” He said “I don’t know, I was not ready to consider that, not ready to get rejected by him.”
“Things can always be different.” You encouraged him.
“Well, yes. I know, but my mind works in strange ways.” He laughed, you sensed a bit of wavering in his voice “I made a decision today and I called him, just got off the phone with him.”
You gasped, startling him from the other side of the phone. “Really?” You almost yelled, the excitement leaking from your voice. “What did you say? What did he say?”
“Not as much as I would want to, I told Namjoon to get me his number and he did, I spent the whole day thinking of what should I say, imagining what he would tell me” He replied “He picked up, didn’t sound angry or mad, just surprised… I told him I regretted taking so long, he told me it was okay, we talked for about an hour without thinking about our fight, I actually talked him about you.”
“You did?”
“Yeah, I told him you were the one who pushed me to call him, and then decided to meet to… talk properly.” It took almost three years for Yoongi to make that call, and Jimin only seemed to be struck by nostalgia when he heard Yoongi’s voice, he hadn’t stopped thinking about his friend either. It was weird, it wasn’t like he wasn’t angry anymore, but both regretted how things ended. Yoongi didn’t know that, for some reason, he thought that for Jimin it was easier to forget about him.
“Oh, baby, I’m so happy for you.” You said in a high pitched voice. “Everything will work out fine, I know it because you deserve it.”
“I hope it works out too.” He murmured under his breath. “I just wanted to thank you, I guess you were right. You are always right, it’s annoying.”
“You should get used to it already.”
“Yeah, I suppose I should.” He said, you could almost hear him smile. “I’m still upset that you didn’t come home, we could still be mad at each other while cuddling.”
“Mmm, I don’t know about that.” You laughed just by thinking of that situation “I’m having a pretty good time in my bed without your big feet taking up all the space.”
“That’s rude.” He sounded offended. “I’m sure you like my big feet.”
“Oh my god, gross, shut up.” You said, scrunching your nose.
“Whatever, I’m just saying… You should drop by.”
“Now?” You asked, “It already started to rain.”
“I’ll send an uber.” He offered.
“How romantic, I thought you were going to come pick me up.” You kept teasing him.
“The car is in the garage and I’m on my bed already, romanticism can wait until you get here.” He tried to convince you without much success.
“I don’t see why you should stay comfortable on your bed and I should go to you.”
“Because you love me, I don’t know.” He chuckled “C’mon, baby, I just want to sleep with you tonight, in my bed.”
He didn’t need to beg too much before you folded, it didn’t take much to convince you when he said he was going to pay the uber, so you put on a hoodie and your flip flops and waited for the uber at your doorstep.
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“Were you just booty calling me?” You managed to get out, shifting in your place as you laid under him, grabbing his shoulders to gain some balance.
This was supposed to be a cold rainy night, you were supposed to get in Yoongi’s bed and cuddle before falling asleep. That was the usual routine of fridays, you visited him after work and took a nap before dinner was ready, you left parties and meetings with your friends for the weekends, friday nights were to rest. You began to believe that you spent too much time next to Yoongi the way you refused to leave the house after ten pm, especially during winter.
You knew him too well not to notice how the situation was getting sidetracked the more time you spent together in that bed. He hugged you and showered you with kisses as he apologized for not texting or calling once again, asking you about your day and talking about Jimin a little bit more before his kisses began to trail down your neck and his warm hands sneaked under your big shirt, pulling you closer to catch your lips between his teeth.
“Don’t say that.” He groaned, thrusting languidly inside you as his fingers dug into the skin of your hips, setting a slow pace “I just missed you.”
Shutting you up with a kiss, you knew it was one of those nights for Yoongi. You didn’t know if you finally managed to break him at times, but there were nights like these when he couldn’t help but show how maniacally in love he was. He got rid of your clothes and took all the time in the world just for you, burying his head in your neck, being patient and careful, sucking love bites on your chest, showering you in praises and sweet words, fucking you deep and slow as he tried to prolong the feeling of your walls dragging up and down his cock for as long as possible.
He loved to tease and play with you, but he discovered he also loved giving you what you wanted just how you wanted, hearing you purr in his ear and sigh in relief as he sank himself inside your pussy, running his hands all over you body and fucking you lazily enough for you not to know when your orgasm was about to hit.
Arching your back, you pressed your body against him to meet his hips with urgency. He had been drilling in and out of you for a hot minute now, you began to feel your body becoming hotter, or maybe it was just his body, burning on top of you as he rolled his hips against you, responding to your body in an attempt to drive you insane.
“My sweet girl.” He murmured, brushing his lips against your own “Made just for me, always fitting me so well.”
He stole a kiss from your swollen lips, opening your mouth to slip his tongue inside, sucking on your tongue until you forgot how to kiss him properly and moaning on his mouth.
You felt yourself getting tighter around him, you supposed that by now you were well adjusted to his body but every time you seemed to be wrong. You felt his skin brushing over your clit and his body getting heavier on top of you, your orgasm began to build so slowly that you almost didn’t notice it, “I think I’m close.” You cried, digging your fingers into his shoulders.
He nodded, kissing your forehead “I know, baby. I’m close too.” He breathed out, his hand reaching for one of your hands to intertwine your fingers with him. “Where do you want it?” He asked.
“Just… inside me, please.” You pleaded, too intoxicated to think of anything else. He already knew your answer, but your words made his cock throb inside you anyway, making you shut your eyes closed, overwhelmed as he pounded inside you, picking up a faster pace.
It didn’t go unnoticed to Yoongi how in love he felt that night, he was sure that your whines and the little sounds you made were going to chase him in his sleep for a whole week, echoing through his mind, making him wake up in the middle of the night feeling like his skins was on fire. His mind didn’t make fully sense that you were his, so he had to repeat it out loud to you all the time. “Mmm, do you want me to fill you up?” His voice sounded raspy, meaning that he was in the same position as you, he could barely handle the way you were clenching around him.
You nodded repeatedly, not willing to open your mouth in case your voice failed you, but Yongi got drunk with the expression on your face, your mouth hanging open as you moaned, your hooded eyes fighting to see him clearly and your swollen lips just begging to be bit. You squeezed his hand, letting him know you were just a second to come undone, “Baby I’m- Shit, shit, shit.” Your words were cut by the feeling of shock waves of pleasure washing all over your body, sobbing his name as he helped you ride your climax, pounding in and out of your cunt as your whole body shivered.
“You did so well, baby.” He hissed, thrusting for the last time, urging to reach his own climax “Such a good girl.”
Just the sound of you sobbing his name was enough for him to finally snap, spilling himself inside you as he groaned your name, pounding inside you for the last time before he carefully removed himself from you, crumbling on top of you.
Yoongi looked at you, with eyes full of love, about to fall asleep. “You’re so cute.” He murmured, leaving a small kiss on your shoulder “And this wasn’t a booty call.” He cared to clarify once again. You ran your fingers through his hair, laughing. “Sometimes things turn out like this.”
“Yeah, I know, I was just teasing you.” You guaranteed him, kissing the tip of his nose.
“This is not fair, anyway.” He complained “If I want to see you in the middle of the night you have to take an uber to see me, it’s not fair.”
“I live only twenty minutes away, Yoongi.” You reminded him, but he didn’t like that answer, he rolled his eyes.
“I want you to live zero seconds away.” You heard him mumble against your neck “I don’t like this anymore.”
“What is that you don’t like?” You inquired, pulling away to see him properly.
“That you spend more time with Nayeon than with me.” He explained, making you giggle.
“Well, but someone has to pay the other half of the rent.” You said.
He huffed, grazing your fingers over your face “Mmm, I don’t care about that. I just don’t like you being away for so long.”
“For so long?” You repeated, laughing at him “Three days is that long?”
Of course it was, you knew it.
“Three days is eternity, baby.” He groaned, closing his eyes shut “I want to come home to you, don’t you?”
You tried to ignore your heart hammering against your ribcage, “I miss you all the time when you’re not with me,” You confessed, a smirk tugged from the corner of his lips, he looked at you for a second and then scoffed.
“You’re so cheesy.” He blurted out. You wasted no time in punching his arm, making him groan.
“And you’re so mean.” You complained “Don’t you miss me all the time as well?”
As much as Yoongi liked to tease you, you were right. “Yes, I do, I miss you all the time.” He admitted “I miss you right now knowing you will leave me tomorrow.”
“At least I can promise that I’ll text you.” You kept teasing him, but he was very persistent about his argument, he didn’t want to hear any of that.
“No, I don’t want you texting me.” He murmured, pulling you by your waist to press you to his bare torso. “Move in with me, baby.”
Yoongi watched your eyes widen in surprise, not knowing if he was serious.
“You want me to live with you here?” You asked, just in case.
“Yeah, this is basically your home too.”
“But what if you get sick of me?” You tried to argue, half joking, half being honest “What if you don’t like how I make the bed and how I fold my clothes?”
Yoongi squinted his eyes, wondering if that was a real concern of yours “I think we can figure that out along the way.”
You didn’t miss the feeling on your stomach when you thought about living here with him. You had been sharing lives for quite some time now, when he wasn’t at your apartment you were here, when you weren’t sleeping on his bed, he was sleeping in yours, but the routine of everyday was different, Nayeon was always around and you couldn’t act like the apartment was all yours. On the other hand, you could wander around freely at Yoongi’s apartment, you could wake up in your underwear and walk around the house as you prepared breakfast without problem, could dance in the kitchen without fearing that someone would catch you and hang out in the living room for as long as you wanted. But apart from that, waking up next to Yoongi every morning sounded really nice, he felt more like home than anybody else.
“Okay, deal.” You said “But I think I will miss sleeping with you in my bed.”
Yoongi snorts, mocking you. “Yeah, sure. Good thing I won’t.”
It was sad for you to see your bed go when someone who wanted to buy it on Facebook Marketplace came to pick it up by the end of the month, but it only meant a new start. You didn’t have many things, most of the furniture in the apartment belonged to Nayeon, including the couch where you had sex with Yoongi multiple times, poor her, she didn’t need to know how many times it happened.
But anyway, after that, there were many things to be excited about, at first it was your promotion as a titular teacher, there was family and friends and Holly, there was shared bottles of wine and summer nights, music and books, movies and food, there was holding hands during long walks in winter and calling in sick when it’s raining, and at the end of the day, there was always him.
Yoongi had wandered the world feeling like he was different for so many years, he resented the people that passed by on the street, thinking they had any kind of blame that he couldn’t stand living in his own skin, with a frown on his face, a hot black coffee without sugar on his hand and a bad attitude on the mornings, he believed himself to be disconnected from this world. Yoongi didn’t like his birthday, hated taking the bus, hated taxis, hated rainy and sunny days, hated flowers, they were for the death. He waited all year to get on stage and forget about all the people that he had hurt and all the people that hurt him, almost feeling like his life was slipping through his fingers. It was embarrassing to even admit that that only changed when he fell in love with you.
Love? He didn’t know a proper definition for that word, he just know he liked his birthday if you were going to be there, took the bus or a taxi if you were going to make him company, he liked rainy days if he was going to be cuddled in his bed with you, and sunny days didn’t seem so bad if you were beside him when he took Holly for a walk. He even started to like flowers when you bought a tulip for him on the first day of spring.
He wasn’t so different from everybody else, but maybe you were the different one, putting a smile on every situation and being optimistic, adoring your job, loving sugar, laughing at everyone’s jokes, even if they were bad. You had an efficiency to escape from the bureaucracy of school, work, society, life, how come he hadn't met you before?
He spent months trying to run away from you only to find out that he encountered you in every corner of his mind, in every corner of his bed, in every corner of his life. He was a fool if he thought he was the one keeping you, you were the one who decided to keep him.
Well, as you went on kissing him goodbye every morning, sharing baths with him after a long day, buying him tulips on spring days, Yoongi thought that as long as you were there, he should be okay.
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taglist: @rvelvett @kimseokjinbangtan @minmin2022 @minvlush @bids97 @cowboylikevicky @jiimtaee @jjkmspace @localmoonchild @youre-on-your-ownkid @tarahardcore @kookstempo @yoongimentita7 @jwlmnbt @almosttoopizza @floriiansgrave @damn-u-min-yoongi @starbtslove @pelicanpizza @deliciouslydisturbed365 @g0lden-sunset @side-effectss @iwishselena @rosquilleta @funsizemarsbar92 @cosmiclatte-world @miss-jupiter @linosluna @staradorned @bxcndd
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 10 months
Note: Halloween chapter 10. Other chapters here.
Warnings: 18!! smut, fluff, bit of angst. mention of death, animal death, demonic possession, ghosts, bdsm activities.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You learned what would happen if you taunted Sihtric, and he finally opened up about his deal with the Devil.
wordcount: 4,9k
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'Did I tell you to speak?'
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You and Sihtric had been inseparable since that Halloween weekend, but the past few weeks you had barely seen each other. Your job had been very demanding, and Sihtric had been called for help by the church. Now that the agony of being apart was almost over, you both couldn't contain your excitement to see each other again.
You: how's my good christian boy doing? ;)
Sihtric: your good christian boy has a nice prayer chair in his basement for you, lady…
You: oh I remember
Sihtric: good ;)
You: but seriously, how are you, love? I miss you so much…
Sihtric: I'm okay, it's been quite the month, glad it's almost done
Sihtric: and I miss you too, little bat, so much, you have no idea
Sihtric: can't wait to see you again, my heart's been aching for you
Sihtric: tell me what you want to do this weekend?
You: just… something nice and quiet? nothing crazy, really. work's been stressing me out so much I just need to… relax?
Sihtric: anything you want, baby, I'll do for you 
Sihtric: I'll come up with something 
Sihtric: promise I'll treat you good all weekend 
Sihtric: miss you 
Sihtric: miss you a lot
Sihtric: love you a lot too 
You giggled like a teenager at the endless incoming texts from your hopelessly in love boyfriend. You couldn't wait to see him again, but you were also nervous, as you wanted to know the truth about him. About why he had certain abilities that seemed supernatural, or why certain demons knew him all too well.
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The weekend was finally here, and you ran to the door when Sihtric pulled up at your house to pick you up, early in the afternoon. You opened the door and took in his appearance as he got out of his car; the half shaved haircut, the black jeans with the leather boots, a black hoodie underneath a black fleece jacket, and that sweet, huge smile on his face when he saw you. 
You ran up to Sihtric and jumped in his arms, while he was barely prepared, but luckily his reflexes were quick enough to catch you in time.
'Love,' Sihtric chuckled, trying to get a good grip on you as he stumbled a few steps back.
You took his face in your hands and immediately kissed his lips, much to his delight, and it didn't take long before Sihtric turned your sweet kiss into a sloppy one, as per usual. The more tongue, the more he enjoyed it. And you didn't mind, but you did kind of wonder if your neighbours enjoyed the sight of your intense kissing in your frontyard in broad daylight.
'Gods,' Sihtric sighed as he put you down on your feet, cupping your cheeks, 'I've missed you, my shadow.'
'I missed you too,' you pouted, and Sihtric pulled you in for a tight embrace.
'We're never doing this again,' he said as he held you, 'being apart for so long.'
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Back at Sihtric's place, he took off his clothes as fast as he could. If it was up to him, he'd just walk around naked in his house all day. But he figured it's more classy to somewhat cover himself up, so when he found you in his living room, he was just in his slim fitting boxers and wearing that black robe you loved seeing him in.
'So,' you said, still fully dressed, as Sihtric pulled you with him into his kitchen, 'what is the plan for the evening?'
'I,' Sihtric said and lifted you up to sit on the kitchen counter, 'am going to cook for you,' he smiled and cupped your cheeks, 'and then we'll watch a movie, any one, you get to pick,' he nuzzled your nose, 'and after the movie,' he pecked your lips, 'or, maybe even during the movie, I'll make sweet, sweet love to you,' he chuckled and gave you a firm kiss, 'and after that maybe some hot chocolate?'
'I see,' you giggled, 'and what's for dinner?'
'Well, you can have me,' Sihtric grinned, 'or I can make a rice dish.'
'Oh. But what if I want both?'
Sihtric shrugged. 'Perhaps that's an option too,' he winked and slapped your thighs.
You watched Sihtric as he prepared you a whole dish, chopping the vegetables and meat right next to you, and you felt oddly aroused at the sight of the knife in his hands. He carefully took his time to cook for you, and every time he had to pass you to get something, he stole a kiss or two. You opened a few texts as Sihtric heated up some pans, and you scoffed.
'Damn,' you mumbled.
'Hm?' Sihtric looked over at you, 'what is it?'
'No, eh,' you cleared your throat, 'I just got a text from a friend. Apparently her rather new boyfriend ran over her cat, killing it instantly.'
'Oh, shit,' Sihtric said, 'that's fucked up.'
'Yeah,' you sighed, 'poor thing.'
Sihtric suddenly chuckled. 'Weird that,' he said, 'I had a dream a few days ago that I ran over someone's cat.'
'Really? That's freaky,' you stared at him, 'maybe you predicted it?'
'Nah,' Sihtric shrugged, 'I probably did it in another life,' he winked with a smile and continued cooking.
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'Which sauce?' Sihtric held up two bottles to you from across the kitchen, 'sweet and sour or sweet and spicy?'
'I don't know,' you shrugged, 'which one do you like?'
'No, I'm asking you, love,' he smiled, 'or you want to try them first?'
You nodded and Sihtric made his way over. He dipped his finger in the sauce and brought it up to your lips. You expected him to gently push his finger in your mouth, but then, a mischievous smirk appeared on his face. He pulled his hand away from you and smudged the sauce on his bare chest.
'You want to try it?' he smirked, 'go ahead.'
You shook your head lightly with a smile. He didn't even have to try, everything Sihtric did was somehow so erotic, it made you wonder if he was even real sometimes. You brought your lips to his chest. He moved his hands in your hair, and a sharp exhale left his lips along with a soft hum as you ran your tongue over his body, tasting the sweet and sour sauce.
'Not bad,' you chuckled and looked up at Sihtric, who was biting down on his lip with a smile.
He repeated the same action with the other sauce, but this time he deliberately used a little more, making you use your tongue on him again.
'I like this one better,' you said.
'Let me taste it,' Sihtric husked, and he kissed your lips, his tongue entering your mouth with ease. 'Hm,' he hummed and broke the kiss, 'yeah, the spicy one tastes good,' he agreed. 
And then as if nothing happened, he turned and went back to the pan to add the sauce.
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When dinner was ready, you both ate on his couch while watching the movie you picked; The Conjuring. You had both seen it over ten times already, and still loved it all the same. But halfway through the movie Sihtric kept glancing at you, and whenever you looked back at him, he quickly looked away. He kept this up for minutes. Until he realised you started to ignore him, because apparently you thought Patrick Wilson, who played Ed Warren in that movie, was kinda hot, and Sihtric wasn't having it. 
He slowly moved closer and kissed your cheek. You smiled at him and brushed your fingers through his dark curls, which satisfied him, and he smiled sweetly at you now that he had your attention again. But when you brought your eyes back to the tv again, Sihtric glared at you. He knew he could just pick you up, take you upstairs and chain you to his bed, and you'd happily let him. But Sihtric had missed you these past few weeks, so he wanted to be gentle, and maybe he even enjoyed the chase tonight, because he clearly had to win you over here, as your eyes were still glued to his tv. 
Sihtric leaned in again, and you chuckled softly when you felt he nuzzled your cheek, then pecked your jaw, bringing his lips down to your neck with soft, open-mouthed kisses. His hands trailed slowly over your body, to your waist, then slipping under your shirt.
'Babe,' you murmured, 'I want to watch the movie.'
Sihtric sat back and stared at you, then crossed his arms and shrugged. 'Fine.'
You clicked your tongue and chuckled. 'Sihtric, don't be salty now.'
'No, it's fine,' he shrugged, staring at the tv.
You bit down a laugh as you saw his bitter face.
'Siht, the movie is over in like half an hour,' you said, 'patience.'
'No, I don't want it anymore now,' he lied.
You knew if you'd straddle his lap now, you'd feel he definitely still wanted it, but you also enjoyed him not getting what he wanted right away, so you fought your own urges too, just to taunt him.
'Okay, fine by me,' you shrugged and focused on the movie again.
You sat in silence for the remainder of the movie, and as soon as the end credits started rolling, Sihtric switched off the tv, got up, cleaned up the table and kitchen, and went upstairs. You knew he wanted you to take the bait, but you wouldn't, not right away at least. So you made yourself some tea before you finally went upstairs too. Sihtric pretended to be asleep already, and he was so bad at faking it, but you pretended to buy it and got under the sheets, your back turned to him.
Not a word was spoken, but the tension was thick, electrifying. It felt as if you'd touch him now, lightning would strike inside the room, blowing all the fuses, as the lust you felt for each other was too powerful for its own good. And you laid in silence for several long minutes after you had switched off the lights.
'What makes you think you can deny me?' Sihtric's voice rumbled low through the bedroom, like thunder.
'I wasn't denying you,' you hissed, smiling, but he didn't have to know you enjoyed this.
'I should punish you for that,' he said.
'Sure,' you sighed, hiding your amusement and anticipation.
'Fine,' Sihtric said.
He switched on a light, grabbed your ankle and pulled you towards him, he got up and swung you over his shoulder, walking down the stairs, through his long hallway, to the stairs that went down to his "playroom".
'Sihtric?' you laughed, a little nervous now as he walked into the dimly red lit room.
'Did I tell you to speak?' he asked firmly, and a pleasant shudder went down your spine as you felt lightheaded at his tone.
'Wh- what are we doing here?' you giggled.
'Did. I. Tell. You. To. Speak?' Sihtric asked again, slower this time, and he grabbed your chin after he had put you back on your feet, 'hm?' his mismatched eyes stared at you with an intense gaze.
He leaned his forehead against yours, pushing you backwards to the spanking bench, the one which looked like a prayer chair. Sihtric took off your shirt and before you knew it your jeans were gone too, and he didn't stop until you were completely naked, and then he took off his robe. He pushed you down on the chair and grabbed your wrists firmly with one hand, then kneeled down in front of you and cupped your cheek with his other hand.
'Love?' Sihtric whispered, staring into your dazed eyes, 'love, are you still here?' his sudden soft eyes darted over your face.
'Y-yeah,' you smiled at him.
'A little too much, my bat?' Sihtric chuckled lightly.
'No,' you laughed, 'go… go on.'
Sihtric brushed a few strands of hair out of your face and pecked your lips.
'Trust me?' he asked.
'I trust you.'
'Safe word?' Sihtric asked as he held your chin gently.
'Thunder,' you chuckled at the word you both agreed on last time you were together.
'Thunder,' Sihtric smiled, and handcuffed your hands to the chair.
He got up, towering over you, and cupped both your cheeks. 'Safe signal, love?' he asked.
'Three tugs,' you said, and tugged your cuffed wrists three times.
'Mhm,' Sihtric hummed in agreement, 'you good?' he asked again.
'Yeah,' you smiled, and your heart skipped a beat when he kissed your lips sweetly.
'Good,' Sihtric smirked, and then suddenly slapped your face, earning a gasp and satisfied chuckle from you.
Your head was spinning at your dominant boyfriend, and your mouth nearly watered when he took off his boxers and grabbed your chin, teasing your lips with his hard cock.
'Be a good girl for me,' Sihtric purred, 'open.'
You listened to his command and opened your mouth. Sihtric hummed with heavy-lidded eyes, and his lips curled into a smile as the warmth and wetness of your mouth enveloped his entire length.
'Fuck,' Sihtric hissed and threw his head back, while slowly thrusting deep into your mouth. 
His hands in your hair, keeping you in place, and his mischievous laugh made your core heat up even more. You hummed at the taste of him in your mouth, and Sihtric growled at the sensation it gave him. He looked back down at you, loving the way your reddened lips wrapped so perfectly around him, his thumbs caressing your cheeks as he dragged his cock out and back into your mouth.
'Good girl,' he chuckled.
He tugged your hair, forcing you to look up and lock eyes with him. The feeling of his warm hands on you, while being restrained as he uses your mouth for his own pleasure, along with the sight of his muscular body towering over you and his heavy-lidded eyes staring down at you, combined with the sound of his soft moans, deep sighs, low growls and his mischievous laughs and chuckles, it was all almost enough to make you reach your own high without even touching yourself. And it drove you wild.
'You like that?' Sihtric murmured.
'Mhm,' was all you could hum, and tears rolled down your cheeks.
Sihtric enjoyed the sight of your tears, knowing they were not caused by pain or sadness, and he wiped them sweetly before he took a faster pace. You moaned and gagged once, to which Sihtric pulled out, giving you some air, but not before he slapped your cheek again. 
'I'm going to use that pretty mouth of yours, and you're going to take it,' he growled, then sweetly caressed your slapped cheek and pushed his cock back between your swollen lips again. 'Ah, fuck, baby,' he moaned, and looked down at you with parted lips, breathing heavy, 'even better than I imagined,' he smiled, slapping your cheek again, 'good girl,' he said again with ragged breath, 'such a fucking good girl for me,' he hissed, fucking your mouth faster, but still carefully enough for you to enjoy it.
You felt his cock twitch in your mouth, and it didn't take long before you swallowed his cum as Sihtric came with a loud grunt. His heavy breath filled the room while he was quick to pull out, kneel down, and he swiftly freed your wrists. Sihtric picked you up and cradled you in his arms as he sat down on the comfy sofa in the centre of the room. You chuckled tiredly, and Sihtric did the same. He kissed your lips softly and nuzzled your nose.
'You okay, my love?' Sihtric whispered, still coming down from his high.
'Yeah,' you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Sihtric kissed your cheeks and lips softly, over and over again, whispering sweet nothings in between each kiss, like; 'I love you,' 'you're so good to me,' 'you're made for me, darling,' and, 'I can't ever get enough of you, my love.'
'You think you can handle a little more?' he asked after he had recovered.
'Maybe,' you grinned.
Sihtric hummed, smiling, and slowly pulled you with him to the X-shaped cross. He put his boxers on again, but you said he wasn't allowed to put on his robe, to which he smirked and agreed.
'Now what?' you asked as Sihtric pushed you up against the cross, 'restraining me again?'
'Just a little,' Sihtric smiled and kissed your lips, then pushed your legs apart with his knee, and he cuffed your ankles to the cross. 
'Good for you, love?' he asked, looking up at you.
'Yeah,' you breathed, 'not my wrists?'
'No, my queen,' Sihtric said and took your wrists, pressing soft kisses onto your skin, 'you'll need your hands,' he smiled.
Your breath hitched when you felt his lips on your thigh, kissing up to your core. And when he dragged his tongue between your folds, you realised he was right when he said you'd need your hands, as you immediately grabbed onto his hair.
'Fuck, Sihtric,' you sighed.
Sihtric hummed against your skin and you threw your head back, enjoying the way his tongue felt, and you knew it wouldn't take long before you'd finish this way. Sihtric moaned softly each time you tugged his hair, and pressed soft kisses to your wet cunt before he slit two digits inside you. You gasped, smiling, pulling his hair harder, pushing his lips back on you, and the feeling of his tongue and fingers simultaneously pleasing you was almost overwhelming. Tingles spread through your entire body, your knees became weaker with each stroke of his tongue and each thrust of his fingers inside you.
'Come on, love,' Sihtric breathed, 'I want to drink all of you,' he moaned softly, 'my queen. My darkness, give it to me.' 
You desperately tried to push his lips back onto you, and Sihtric chuckled at your dishevelled state. 'Give yourself to me, surrender,' he smiled at you as you looked down at him, barely able to keep your eyes open or to keep yourself up on your now trembling legs.
Sihtric released your ankles and caught you when your legs gave out, and he carefully brought you down to your knees as he lowered his body to the floor, along with yours. He laid down on his back and pulled you on top of him.
'I wasn't finished, angel,' Sihtric smiled sweetly, 'you haven't finished,' he said and pulled your hips up to his face. He hooked his arms around your thighs, pulled you down on him, and he licked, kissed and sucked you in ways you had never felt before.
You moaned, laughed, squealed, cursed and squirmed as he held you in a tight grip, moaning against your core as his mouth never left you, and he wasn't going to let you go until you came for him. And when you finally did, screaming out his name while Sihtric drank you in as if you were the sweetest drink he ever had, your head was spinning and you pushed yourself off him as you immediately became oversensitive. 
Sihtric was quick to grab you, pull you in his arms, and he carefully flipped you on your back. You both breathed hard, trying to catch your breath as Sihtric moved on top of you, and you both started to laugh when you locked eyes.
'What the fuck is wrong with you?' you laughed, pushing Sihtric's hair out of his sweaty face before you pressed a kiss to the shaved side of his head.
'A lot, my princess,' he chuckled, 'but if you didn't enjoy this, then I won't do it aga-'
You quickly hushed Sihtric with a kiss, tasting yourself as your juices still lingered on his lips and tongue.
'Well, I guess that means you enjoyed it,' Sihtric played dumb, smirking at you.
You hummed with a smile as Sihtric reached for his robe, grabbing his phone, and he changed the red lights to a warm white. His mismatched eyes scanned your body, and he asked if you were hurt or felt bruises where the restraints had been, but you were absolutely fine.
'Perfect, my love,' Sihtric whispered and kissed your lips, 'you are absolutely fucking perfect for me.'
He pulled you up to him as he sat back, and threw his robe around your shoulders, covering you up. He picked you up in his strong arms and carried you over to the unused bed, where he laid down next to you and cuddled up. Sihtric pecked your skin wherever he could as you still tried to come down from your high, and when you finally recovered, you returned the favour. You kissed his face, your lips finding each scar he had, letting Sihtric know you loved him entirely. You slowly and softly kissed down his neck, to his chest, trailing your lips all the way down to the birthmark he had, right above the elastic waistband of his underwear. Sihtric's breath hitched and he was quick to pull you back up to him, straddling his lap.
'Love,' Sihtric chuckled, cupping your cheeks, 'don't go there. We both won't handle another round tonight.'
'I know,' you smiled and leaned in to kiss his forehead. 
You traced your fingers over his face while Sihtric looked at you, completely in love. He loved the way his black robe hung around your shoulders. You truly were an Angel of Death, he thought, and you simply took his breath away without even trying.
'You know,' you said softly, drawing circles around the small birthmark on his forehead, 'some say that birthmarks are marks of how you died in previous lives.'
'Hm,' Sihtric hummed with a smile, 'I wonder what happened to me then. Got shot in the head by a biker gang?' he chuckled, 'stabbed in my waist with a sword perhaps?'
You chuckled at his fantasies and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his neck.
'You're so silly,' your voice muffled against his warm skin, 'I love you, Sihtric.'
'And I love you, little bat,' Sihtric whispered as he held you tight, 'until the end of time.'
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After you had taken a soothing shower together, Sihtric made you hot chocolate with whipped cream, and you found yourself in his bedroom, sitting across from him in the large, cosy windowsill. The darkness outside hid the view of his backyard, but the rain and wind announced their presence by slamming hard against the window. You were both comfortable and at peace, leaning back against a few large pillows, while your legs tangled together underneath a warm fleece blanket. You were still wearing Sihtric's robe, which he deemed stolen by you now, and he was in nothing else than his black sweatpants. You sipped from your hot chocolate and you chuckled when Sihtric got his moustache covered with whipped cream after his first sip.
'Babe,' you laughed, leaning in to wipe his face.
'I know, that always happened,' Sihtric smiled, 'thank you, baby,' he said and puckered his lips, blowing you a kiss.
You both enjoyed the sound of the rain for a while as you couldn't keep your eyes off each other, giving each other soft, sweet smiles and chuckles, and you earned an occasional soft hum from Sihtric when you smiled at him.
You cleared your throat after a while. 'Sihtric?' you said.
'You know I still have questions,' you said, 'maybe… now's a good time?'
'There was never a wrong time,' Sihtric said, 'we just didn't get to it,' he placed his empty cup on the ground and leaned in to you, 'what do you wish to know, my love?'
'When we were attacked, in the living room, I heard you say that Lucifer owed you one,' you said, cautiously, as he took your empty cup, 'what was that about?' you asked.
Sihtric nodded slowly, placed your cup next to his and sat back, then took a deep breath.
'So,' Sihtric smacked his lips and looked at you, 'a few years ago Uhtred got almost fatally wounded during a mission. I was already involved in some occult practices, and I did a ritual to try and save his life. I fucked up and somehow summoned the Devil himself,' he said, raking his fingers through his damp hair, 'and I made a deal. My soul for Uhtred's life. And, well, as you know Uhtred is still alive.'
'Sihtric,' you gasped softly, 'why on earth…'
Sihtric made a shushing sound and smiled softly. 'Last year during one of my ghost hunting adventures, I encountered Lucifer again. I didn't know it was actually him, until I was about to send the entity back to wherever it came from. Then Lucifer announced himself and, as he wasn't really bothering anyone, I more or less bothered him in an abandoned castle really,' Sihtric chuckled, 'we made another deal. I let him live, so to speak, and in return I got my soul back.'
You stared at Sihtric. 'You've got to be joking?'
'I'm not,' he laughed softly, 'I know it's quite a story. And you're the first one to hear about this, actually,' Sihtric smiled at you. Glad that he could share a story as ridiculous as this one with someone who believed him, and wasn't going to force him into a mental hospital and medicate him.
'But, wait,' you said, 'that doesn't explain how he owed you one?'
'It doesn't,' Sihtric said, 'I encountered him once more, just before you and I met. He showed up at my home.'
You frowned. 'What, the Devil knocked on your door and you let him in?'
'Actually,' Sihtric chuckled, 'that is exactly what happened. He knocked three times, a deafening sound. A sound a human can't possibly make. And, yeah, I let him in. He needed my help.'
'He needed my help,' Sihtric shrugged, 'a demon tried to cross to our world by possessing a young girl,' he explained, 'but that's not how the Devil works, or demons in general. They have rules. They are not allowed to possess or harm unless provoked or invoked. The girl was innocent. Lucifer knew that a priest would turn the demon and send it to Heaven, which is not what he wanted, Lucifer wanted to punish the demon himself. So he needed someone who could do the job, without being, you know… strict about certain rules,' Sihtric winked with a half smile, 'so I helped him, rid the demon of our world, back to Hell, where it would get its penance.'
'Fucking hell,' you murmured, to which Sihtric chuckled.
'Yeah,' he said, 'but…'
'There's more?' you stared at him.
'There's more,' Sihtric said, 'apparently there are a lot of demons who try to cross over like that, breaking Hell's laws. So… that is what I do. And that is what I did the past few weeks, when I said I was working for the church. And, sure, in a way I was,' he smiled, 'but I guess I work more for Satan's church. I answer when he calls, and therefore the Devil will always be in debt with me.'
You still stared at Sihtric, not knowing what to say. He understood it was a little overwhelming, and he leaned in to cup your cheeks.
'And therefore, little bat,' he smiled as he whispered, 'you are always safe with me. Because I got the Devil in my corner, and he's more powerful and protective and caring than many think he is. And he can take on many different shapes and forms, but he will never harm you, I promise,' Sihtric said and kissed your lips, 'I hope this is not going to scare you off.'
'N-no,' you chuckled, 'it's just… a lot,' you said, 'I believe you. And I trust you. But… can he take on human forms too?' you then wondered.
'He can,' Sihtric said, 'but it's rare. And, also… all that shit that happened with Skade, that shouldn't have happened. I should've seen earlier on it was her doing. I promise, baby, nothing will ever hurt you again.'
'I don't blame you for that,' you said, 'it happened, that's done. If anything, it brought us closer together,' you smiled, and Sihtric hummed in agreement, 'so, what happened at the Willow house, the way you opened that door…'
'That was not Lucifer, but a protective energy that many would call Michael.'
'M-Michael? The Archangel?'
'That one,' Sihtric said, 'you can always call upon that energy, regardless of your beliefs, and it's the most trustworthy energy actually,' he said and leaned back again, 'and my only concern at that moment was getting you out of there as fast as I could.'
You felt overwhelmed, not just by this story but by the entire day. You told Sihtric you were tired and needed to sleep this all off, and he agreed. You both got into his bed and cuddled up, and before you fell asleep, your mind went over the events of the night you were attacked. You thought about how Sihtric had ordered the demon to reveal itself by clapping his hands, with a deafening sound, louder than humanly possible. And you remembered how Sihtric said the Devil had knocked on his door, with a deafening sound. And you remembered how Sihtric told you that the Devil can take on many shapes and forms, even the shape of a human. 
And isn't it often said that the Devil is a handsome, charming man?
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx
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padfootagain · 1 year
Book Lovers
Here I am with a new fanfic for my Comeback event! This was requested by @jackys-stuff-blog : “Hey Carole, welcome back sweetheart 😊 I saw your event and can I send something in too? So uhm, can I request a library au where the reader is a librarian in Cair Paravel and they have a crush on prince/king Caspian who visits the library very often (either he is doing researches or just to read books in his free time 🙈), please? Thank you 😊 (Just if you want to write it 🙈)”
This is such a cute requests jfnjneuonrune I love it!!
I hope you like what I’ve written for you here! Thank you for sending this request!
Pairing: Caspian x reader
Warnings: so much fluff your heart might actually melt. Bonus: a very shy Caspian.
Summary: Caspian falls head over heels for the librarian in Cair Paravel.
Word Count: 2997
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You liked humming while you worked.
Whenever the library of Cair Paravel was empty, you liked filling up the empty space with a soft humming sound; a quiet one, barely audible, but that felt merry all the same.
You picked up another book, checking the title engraved in golden letters on the leathery cover, and put it on its designated right spot on the shelf. You breathed deeply the sent of parchment, leather and ink. The safest fragrance there was. Your favourite.
It was a sunny dawn, bathing the beginning of spring with warmth. You could hear some birds chirping happily outside, and the sound brought a smile to your face. You liked that time of the year; when the mornings were still cold and shy but the afternoons were warm enough to let the first flowers bloom. For now, the first rays of sunshine were waking up Narnia and all its inhabitants.
It was early still, and yet you expected for the King to arrive any minute now. It had become a habit of his, really. Whenever he was in Cair Paravel, he took an hour in the morning to come to the library to do some research about history, geography, about old myths or about the kingdoms around Narnia. Sometimes he asked for a precise book, sometimes for a general topic, but he always asked you something. It was the same scene playing over and over again: Caspian passed the wooden doors with a warm smile on his lips, looked around for a while, then came to talk with you for a while, before you would guide him to the right books or maps and he would remain there for a while longer. But then, it would be the end of dawn and the beginning of bright daylight, and he would give you another one of his warm smiles, a polite nod to silently thank you for your help, and he would stride out of the library to attend his first meeting of the day.
And you would look at him walk across the room, longing to brush this rebellious strand of hair that always escaped his bun behind his ear. You would send him your brightest grin while you bowed as he would send one last shy smile your way before closing the doors behind him, and you would pray Aslan for him not to notice the way your breathing had quickened at the sight of his soft gesture, and for him to remain oblivious of how fast your heart was beating. You would stare at the door for long minutes, looking at the space, now empty, that he used to occupy.
And you would do your best to hide that you were deeply, unconditionally, desperately, irrevocably, madly… in love with him.
It was almost comical, really. The keeper of knowledge in Cair Paravel was foolish enough to fall in love with the King. The most unreachable man there was in the entire kingdom. The only man you had absolutely no chance of being with. Comical, really…
Speaking of the devil…
You heard the wooden door open, it made a creaking noise whenever it turned on its hinges. You were thankful for the signal, as it allowed you to climb down the ladder you were perched on, before putting down the book in your hand and heading towards the door to welcome the King. He was wearing a large brown shirt and a pair of leathery pants with high brown boots. He had left the first buttons of his shirt undone, and his hair was loose, falling gracefully on each side of his face to reach his shoulders.
Aslan, he was so handsome…
He offered you this smile of his, the one you were expecting, the warm and soft kind…
“Good morning, Y/N.”
“Good morning, Your Majesty,” you answered, bowing before him.
You finally noticed that he was holding a couple of books, probably the ones he had borrowed from your library the week before. But instead of giving them back to you so you could put them away, He kept on staring at you for a while, his smile a little smaller on his face as it turned into a dreamy expression.
You were so beautiful like this, bathed in the reddened light of the young dawn that came in from the large windows. He stared as you bit your lip, an apparent sign of your nervousness. He noticed the way you joined your hands in your back. He noticed the way your eyes seemed almost afraid of him. Or… not quite afraid, no… Intimated, perhaps. Yes, that was closer to this look in your eyes. Still, your gaze was inviting, as if… as if you couldn’t help but stare at him too. As if you wanted to look at him, even if you weren’t supposed to…
He finally shook himself, realizing that he had been staring at you for way too long. He cleared his throat, looking at the tip of his brown boots to hide the way he was fiercely blushing.
“I… I will simply… I might need your help later, if you don’t mind.”
Caspian silently cursed himself for stuttering like a damn fool…
“Of course! Anything you need, Your Majesty.”
He nodded, still not looking at you, before striding to the closest shelf to hide there.
He made sure you could not see him and rested his back against the rows of books, throwing his head back and letting out a long sigh as silently as he could.
His heart was pounding. He needed to calm down.
It was always the same. He came here to see you every morning, and there you were… It was always the same scene repeating itself over and over again: he would walk in to find you hurrying towards him. He would stare at your welcoming grin as you bowed before him. And he would study how dawn painted your frame this time, how it would embrace your form and paint your skin in a slightly different shade than the day before, thanks to the everchanging qualities of light… And he would find himself at a loss for words, and would have to flee before making a fool of himself. He would need some time to gather his courage again before being able to talk to you once more. And then… then he would talk with you and he would listen to your soothing voice, glancing over at your hand every once in a while, wondering how your skin would feel against his… He would pretend to be in need of your services as the Royal Librarian, when really, he simply wanted to see you. And then, after running out of excuses to stay a little longer, he would finally take his leave, walking out of the room to attend his first meeting of the day. He could never stop himself from looking at you one last time before closing the heavy doors though.
And all the while, during his entire stay at the library, he had to manage to hide the fact that he was completely, entirely, absolutely, eternally, hopelessly… in love with you.
But all of this was about to change. Because Caspian had taken a decision.
This habit of his to come early every morning to see you, under the pretence of looking for books, had been going on for months now, and it was more than time for him to finally be brave enough to tell you the truth.
He didn’t come to the library for the books it sheltered at all, but because of the pretty librarian who worked there…
But this charade had been going on for long enough. It was time for him to be brave, and to finally tell you how he felt.
Or well… not… everything, because then he would probably scare you away. But he did intend to make it clear that he wanted to court you.
Caspian tightened his hold on his books, taking a couple of deep breaths to calm his nerves. Outside, birds were chirping happily, and he took it as a good omen. If the world was happy and bright outside, why couldn’t it be the same in this library now?
At last, he walked away from the bookshelves again, and went looking for you. He forced himself to keep moving forward when he finally spotted you, making piles of books on a large wooden table, so it would be easier to organize them and put them away.
You were focused on your task, and jumped when you finally noticed Caspian approaching.
“I am sorry, Y/N. I did not mean to scare you.”
“No, it’s me… I was lost in thought.”
You exchanged a timid smile, before Caspian would hand you the books he was still tightly holding.
“Thank you for your recommendations,” he spoke with a warm, calm voice that soothed you and yet made butterflies flutter in your stomach. “These were… interesting books.”
“Did you enjoy them?”
“I did. Very much so. Thank you.”
“Anytime, Your Majesty.”
You took the books, eyes glued on his dark stare. His eyes were so brown, they looked black in the early light, and you couldn’t distinguish where his irises began and where his pupils ended. And you couldn’t find the strength to look away…
But Caspian fell silent, and all that remained was a motionless silence bathed in orange light. The sky was turning from red to gold slowly, shades mingling, hues changing into lighter ones. You could barely breathe, didn’t dare to move. There was an expectancy hovering above the two of you, covering your frames with a heavy blanket that seemed to impend your movements and thoughts alike. Impossible to think, to react… you could only wait for Caspian to speak again.
But he opened his mouth once more and failed to summon his voice, blushing hard. He couldn’t look away. He was trapped inside your gaze and there was nothing he could do. Nor move, nor speak, nor think. It was just you bathed in this morning light…
Finally, you gathered enough strength to speak, even though your voice was shaky.
“Do you need anything, Your Majesty? Can I help you?”
The sound of your voice seemed enough to shake him out of his trance and he cleared his throat, straightening his posture. He clenched his fists.
“I… Actually, I do not require your services as a librarian this morning.”
“Oh… very well…” you mumbled, quite taken aback.
“I… I came here to… ask you if you would wish to… perhaps… take a walk with me, this morning.”
Your eyes grew round. It was only then that you seemed to notice how nervous Caspian truly was. Which was unusual for him. After all, he was King. He was used to giving speeches in front of hundreds of people, to deal calmly with the most desperate situations, to take decisions that would set the destiny of thousands…
And yet, there he was now… looking nervous and fragile in front of… you.
Why would he be nervous?
“Did I… did I do something wrong, Your Majesty?” you asked, suddenly terrified. “Am I… Are you going to throw me out of the castle?”
Because there was no other explanation, really. You couldn’t see any, at least. You knew he was kind-hearted, and if you had done something wrong, that required him to send you away, then he might feel guilty about it; hence the nervousness.
But he frowned hard in response, looking at you as if you were mad.
“What? No… no of course not. You… you have done nothing wrong, Y/N.”
“Oh… Then… I do not understand…”
He cleared his throat again, nodding slowly.
He took a step towards you, getting closer, and his heart skipped a beat at your sudden nearness.
“I would like to take a walk with you in the gardens this morning, Y/N,” Caspian repeated. “Would you like that?”
“I… but why?”
He let out a breathy chuckle, closing his eyes and shaking his head.
He reckoned there was no other way to go around all this but by speaking plainly…
He looked at you again, his gaze soft and loving.
“I would like to spend time with you. And… not as a King requiring the services of his Royal Librarian but as… you and me. Just you and me. Because… I would like to know you better. And I would like you to know me better, too.”
You stared at him in silence, suspended to his words because… surely, he couldn’t be meaning that…
You were a librarian and he was a king… you couldn’t be together. How could he ever fall in love with you?
Before your silence, Caspian guessed that he needed to be even more direct, and so he was.
“I would like to court you, Y/N.”
You blinked a couple of times.
“Court me?” you repeated, unable to fathom what his words truly implied.
“Yes. I would like to court you.”
You shook yourself, summoning the strength and the focus necessary to think. You shook your head, frowning.
Caspian could feel his heart breaking in his chest…
“Of course, if you do not feel the same, then… we can always forget that this conversation happened, and we will go back to being only a king and his royal librarian…”
“But you… you are a king.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“I… am quite aware of that fact,” he smiled, quite amused despite the circumstances.
“And I’m the Royal Librarian.”
“Again, I am well aware of this fact.”
“We… I am not a princess or a… a noble woman of any kind.”
He frowned hard.
“I do not care about that.”
“You should. You should marry someone of your… rank.”
You noticed the way Caspian clenched his jaw, lowering his gaze to the ground again. Slowly, he nodded.
“I would like you to answer very earnestly my next question, Y/N. Could you do that?”
“Of course.”
“Are you saying no because I am a King? Or because you feel nothing for me at all?”
He looked up once more to capture your stare in his. You swallowed hard, your palms clammy.
“Please, do not lie about this. Give me an earnest answer,” insisted Caspian.
You should have lied though. Because it was ridiculous to admit to the King that you had feelings for him. Still, you were lost in this pair of black eyes you adored, and you couldn’t tell anything but the truth.
“I am not saying no. But you are King. And I am simply a librarian.”
“If I were not the King… would you say yes? Would you let me court you?”
You took a sharp inhale, before diving…
“Yes, I would let you court me.”
Slowly, a grin spread across his handsome features. You found yourself wondering what it would feel like to run your fingers through his short beard…
“Then, please… take a walk with me.”
“I do not care about your rank, nor do I care about mine. I only care about the way I feel for you. And… I feel… a lot for you.”
You only noticed that you had stopped breathing once your lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen.
“I have… felt this way for quite a while, to be honest,” he admitted, his cheeks and ears now crimson.
At last, you started breathing again, and it was your time to paint a bright grin on the curve of your lips.
“I feel this way as well,” you confessed in a mere whisper. “But I did not think that my feelings were reciprocated.”
His grin turned amused.
“Why do you think I spend all my mornings here?” he questioned in a quiet tone that matched perfectly yours, a soft whisper that fitted confessions.
Your grin doubled in size.
“Really? You came to see me?”
Caspian nodded, his hand slowly raising to your face so he could let his fingertips brush the edge of your jawline, then up to your cheek and cheekbone…
You could barely breathe all over again. In their wakes, his fingers left your skin on fire…
“I… I merely wanted to see you every day, that is all.”
“I… I hoped every morning that you would come… that I could see you…”
He cradled your cheek in his large, callous palm, fingertips lost now in your hair...
You saw his lips getting closer to yours, as if he was falling towards you, diving towards your mouth…
“There is one last thing that I would like to ask you,” whispered Caspian, his lips now mere centimetres from yours.
“Please, don’t call me ‘Majesty’ anymore. Call me ‘Caspian’. Please… please say my name…”
You could feel his breath fanning across your lips, the air leaving your lungs colliding with the air escaping from his…
You closed your eyes, your hands reaching up to hold onto his shirt.
He reckoned he had never heard his name spoken so softly, so beautifully, so lovingly…
Before you could speak again, Caspian had closed the gap between your two mouths, and was pressing a tender kiss to your lips. You were certain you were dreaming, although, when you felt your knees weakening and Caspian wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer, you couldn’t deny that this was real.
You were kissing Caspian…
You were not certain about when one of your hands left his shirt to mess with his hair instead, but when your lips finally parted, your fingers were lost in his soft strands.
You were both breathless and slightly shaking.
You opened your eyes again, only to fall imprisoned in his gaze once more.
“So… what about we take a walk in the gardens now?” Caspian repeated his offer, a grin stuck on his lips.
You mirrored his happy gesture, nodding.
“It sounds lovely, indeed…”
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littlelesbinonny · 5 months
The Devil's Den
Chapter 39: In Which The Daylight Is Fading Pt. 2
You can read this also on Ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46831621/chapters/117962293
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Jesus fucking Christ.
Alcina was about to become suddenly un-internally screaming.
You. You! What was she going to do with you? Yes, you had figured it out. Yes, you were changing. Yes, you were not just a human. Yes, were rightfully demanding answers and Alcina was on the verge of losing it. How in the goddamn hell was she supposed to juggle all of this?! It was her own fucking fault. Still, through it all her greatest fear and determination was to keep you safe. But you had to listen, you had to understand, you had to blindly trust, and fuck, she knew how hard that was. She was nearly ready to cross the threshold and tell you everything just to get the weight off her shoulders. But it would only burden you more, wouldn't it? One loss to another gain?
And Malka. Who was this Malka. An old Jewish Mystic? Really? Were they still around? She scoffed.
You were right. Yet again. It should be her guiding you through this, not some old woman she didn't even know or trust with you! In her absence and lack of ability or will to address what was happening to you she had inadvertently sent you off to another for answers. 
God - fucking damn it all!
She flitted her way back to the church as fast a she could. Her mind could duke it out with her heart later.
Donna was there now with a slew of vampires. Father Archer had disappeared and Alcina was eternally grateful. Father Sullivan was still present as was the shaking, pale as a ghost deacon from before. Poor child. He should be put out of his misery for the pure act of mercy. Seeing his comrade in such a state would scar him for life.
All eyes turned to her as she came in through the same side door and shut it behind her.
Alcina chiseled her features to a stern, stoic facade and joined the group.
"Excuse us, please," Donna enunciated as Alcina approached, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her through to a neighboring room, out of sight and hearing range, "where have you been?"
Her inquiry wasn't sharp nor rude, but dripping with disbelief and genuine curiosity as to why she'd leave this scene.
"She saw it. I had to go after her."
Donna's eyes went wide at Alcina's admission.
"W-what? Who? Your human?"
"She has a name!" Alcina spat, quickly reclaimed her control and took a deep breath, "Just - I'm sorry... I don't know how or why she was here but she walked into it, and I had to follow her and make sure she was alright."
Donna blinked, "Is she?"
"Of course not. But she is fine for the time being. I'm here now. What have I missed?" she asked placing a hand mindfully on her hip.
There was a confused pause but Donna threw it out the window, "I radioed Karl to order mobilization of our troops outside of the underground. If a mutant is here we have to locate it before it gets any farther in the human world and creates who knows what kind of havoc. We can only contain and minimize so much before it becomes a conspiracy theory on TickedTocked, or whatever the fuck humans use for news now."
Alcina sighed, "what about the boys family?"
"That's something you'll need to discuss with Father Sullivan. He's been pretty quiet since we arrived. You'll need to do some serious damage control here."
"I want updates as soon as anything comes in," she mused, taking off your gloves.
"I figured you would."
Donna held out a small radio comm for Alcina.
She took it with a short smile and nodded, "always on top of it. Go, get back underground. I'll take care of what needs done up here."
Malka sat perched on her sofa. Eyes wide, but facial expressions otherwise void of much else.
"I..." you mumbled, "I don't know what to do."
Clearing her throat, Malka nodded very slowly, her vision cast down to the floor now as her lips pursed while she chewed on all of this information.
"I don't know much else, but the feeling in my old gut says Alcina is right; you should be mindful of your safety. You are a novice, though a quick learning and talented one, it seems as though whatever devil has escaped in this world is not to be trifled with, no? Even I, as old and wise as I might be, wouldn't even know where to begin concerning this."
"It's not like I'm going to go out looking for a fight, I just, I just want to be able to help myself, and god forbid Alcina if something goes really wrong."
Malka narrowed her eyes at you, "staying out of sight and out of harms way is the likeliest option right now, ketzeleh. What you described to me, what the foe did to your very powerful Alcina, if that's any indication as to this things power... invisibility would be your best bet for safety. We still don't know the extent of your powers. Perhaps we can try illusion magic, it would be a good additive to aid your mind EMP trick."
"Mind EMP magick?"
She smirked, "yes, that's what I've deemed it. What you did to those boys was clearly a nervous system attack, much like an EMP pulse would do to electronics; it seemed to cause them great pain and shut down their function until they scrambled away from you. So, mind EMP - voila!"
You couldn't help but chuckle a little. You liked that. 
Getting back to present matters, you leaned on your knees and sighed, "ok, so... tell me about this illusions magick. Is it really invisibility?"
Malka grinned, "almost. It's the manipulation of perception; you alter your energy field to match your surroundings in a way that hides you in plain sight. Someone, or something, can be looking directly at you and see you but not comprehend you're standing there. You cease to exist as a singular entity and become one with what is around you. You're there, but cannot be perceived."
"Can you show me?" you asked excitedly.
"Oh heavens, I am not as strong as I used to be and I don't practice my abilities the way I used to so I highly doubt it, but I can try to walk you through it. Go stand in front of the book case."
Doing as instructed, you did so and watched as the little old woman came towards you with her eyes glittering with that mischievous light she held.
She grasped your left arm and made you hold it out in front of you, flattening your palm outwards and stood in front of you.
"Now... close your eyes, find your energy source, and focus on wanting to not be seen. Repeat this silently to yourself: I am my surroundings, I am part of the picture."
Taking a deep breath you closed your eyes and let yourself feel your body and the energy pulsing through you. After a few moments you instinctively pushed your intention through your arm to your palm and slowly chanted in your mind; I am my surroundings. I am part of the picture. I am my surroundings. I am part of the picture. I... am my surroundings... I am part of the picture.
Like a flickering television screen trying to load the picture from a spotty antenna connection, Malka watched as your body began to blend into the bookcase and a large smile took her lips.
"Yes, good ketzeleh! Keep going!"
You tried to focus harder but it seemed the harder you tried the more your memory kept throwing images of Alcina and the scene from the church to your forefront, the argument, the way she looked at you, the fear you could feel from her, and everything else that transpired just a few hours prior. Before long you dropped your shield and huffed, angry you couldn't keep control.
Malka, and the ever nurturing woman she was, came to grasp your arm and brought you back to the couch.
"Come. It has been a traumatic night for you. Don't be discouraged, you managed to flicker a little which is quite a feat! You're very powerful, but you must learn to hone your control better, that's all."
Leo came and jumped in your lap as you slumped back, feeling quite defeated, and not just by failing at your attempt to vanish. 
Your mind and heart was heavy. You knew things were not right. Anywhere.
"Do you really think it wise to disappear at a time like this?" Donna asked sharply.
Alcina did her best not to react, turning her eyes over her shoulder as she was putting a few things away in the shelf behind her desk, "I promised her yesterday I would see her tonight. It will be a short visit."
"It's not safe!"
"I'm aware!" she snapped, "But I intend to keep my promise and we have this place on lock down. Like it or don't, I'm going."
Donna was about to have a fit but knew it would get her nowhere. She bit her bottom lip and felt the tension in her jaw grow tighter, finally accepting the Matriarch's decision and turning to leave. She had too much shit to do.
"Be careful." Was all she offered before she took her leave.
She loved Alcina with all of her heart, but Christ that woman drove her absolutely mad at times!
Donna damn near slammed her door shut when she entered the house. 
She headed straight to the kitchen and poured herself a large glass of blood-wine and leaned her hip on the counter, tapping her free hand on the granite top as she had a stare-down with the floor.   "You know, maybe I'll take up smoking," she muttered to herself, "take this edge off otherwise I may just snap one of these days. Just maybe."
Taking another large gulp she shook her head and made her way with purpose to her own study to make a call to Karl, but she didn't get far until a very strange chiming came ringing from the bookshelf in the living room.
Donna stepped slowly into the room and listened, her keen sense of hearing drawing her eyes to an ornately carved jade box she'd been given by an admirer long, long ago. 
The shrillness of the sound was relieved when she removed the lid to find an old small black cell phone ringing off the hook.
She was hesitant to answer it. How did this even get in here? She'd never had a cell phone and knew no one who did.
But her instincts shoved their way passed her apprehension and she pressed the worn out green phone icon on the front.
"... Hello?"
"Angie!" Donna shot, "oh my god where have you been, where are you, are you ok?!"
Her little cretin sister had been missing in action for nearly over a month, and while she knew she was up to something and likely on a hot trail, she hated not knowing where she was or what she was doing. Angie drove her just about as nuts as Alcina did these days.
"I'm fine, I've been in a wall."
"I'm in a wall, ok? For like, fuckin' weeks - but that's really really really not what's important right now and I need you to -"
"Jesus, Angie, slow down!"
"No! I ain't got time to slow down - you gotta speed up! Shit is going down and it's going down fast and there's not a lotta time to explain because my battery is hella fuckin' low but they're coming - "
"W-what, who?"
"Shut up and let me finish! FIND ALCINA NOW! Get the military! They're coming! They're coming THROUGH the underground! I'm on my way but -"
"A-Angie?" Donna sputtered, "Angie?!"
She pulled the phone away from her ear to see the small screen had disconnected the call. Trying desperately to remember how to operate these fucking things, Donna hit a few buttons and found the call list, highlighting the only one on the screen and redialing.
Barely a ring sounded in the earpiece before an annoying woman's voice told her the voicemail box had not been set up. She hung up quickly and sped through the house to find her comm.
Alcina's mind was unnervingly quiet as she made her way up to the church and through it. It was as eerily silent and she heard every single one of her footsteps as if she'd never heard them before. Father Sullivan was at the alter up front, staring up to the stained glass with his rosary wrapped around his hands that were in a praying formation. 
"The boys mother has demanded to speak with you, Lady Dimitrescu."
His voice halted her in her tracks.
"Was it wise to tell and outsider of our existence, Father?" she countered, eying him thoroughly as he turned and slowly began to walk up the aisle.
"You left me with a very unfortunate circumstance. There's very few lies I could tell to comfort this woman. The truth was my only option."
Alcina's perfectly arched brow matched the frown in her crimson red lips, "sometimes lies are necessary."
Father Sullivan stopped in front of her, gazing up at her intimidating stature as he secured his hands behind his back, "to you, perhaps. When can I tell her you're free?"
She wanted to scoff but did not, instead her other eyebrow joined in similar fashion, "I am quite busy, finding the one responsible for her sons death and all, you know -"
"Please make time for this. You must make this right!"
"And what am I suppose to tell her, Father?! Yes, dear lady, there's an underground legion of vampires that live beneath your feet - so sorry your poor boy got caught up in a problem that escaped from there, please, tell me what I can do to make this better for your pitiful human existence?! You should have lied to her and saved us more mess! Humans outside of the church should know nothing about us!"
"She has sworn an oath to secrecy."
"Ugh, please. Her word means nothing to me, you have nothing to stand on she will keep it."
"As if you all are so much better?"
Alcina's spine tensed and she inched closer to the man below her, her face riddled with her distaste.
"Your insinuation displeases me greatly, Father Sullivan. Awfully bold for you to throw that at me when you and yours have no defense against whatever is running loose aside from the ones your insulting."
He swallowed hard and clenched his jaw, "you're here to stop things like this from happening at all, aren't you?"
"The best laid plans of mice and men, Father. We cannot see all ends. I've lost more of my men to this problem than you have any idea about," her voice took a dark turn as she stepped in even closer, "if you think I'm not doing everything I can, you are sorely mistaken. You've had one casualty, to which I'm exercising all in my power to make sure doesn't happen again... I have lost over fifty... mind your accusations."
Father Sullivan nodded curtly and backed away from the towering vampire, swallowing once more and straightening his posture, "forgive me, Lady Dimitrescu. As you must understand this has been heavily shocking for us. I'm struggling with... well, many things. As one leader to another, you know the pressure I'm under."
Considering his words with a softening of her face, Alcina relaxed slightly and took a deep breath, "that I do. And as one leader to another, and while you've never faced the terrors I have, know this; when the true struggles set in with vengeance, making enemies of your true allies is the worst move you can make. And we are your allies, Father. Though you cannot see the work taking place behind the scenes, you must trust us the way you always have."
He nodded slowly, "you're right. I will. We will. Forgive my words."
"I'll let you in on a little secret; if I took true displeasure or offense in what you said, you'd not be here looking me in the face. I do kind of like you, Father, but please stay on my good side," she winked.
The smallest of smiles appeared and he nodded once more, "noted."
Without another word she was gone.
Your lit up apartment was a sight for her weary eyes and Alcina scaled your building with ease, allowed herself in your balcony door after sensing her surroundings thoroughly.
The pending conversation was giving her pause but more than anything she just wanted to see you, hold you in her arms, and keep you close and know you were safe as long as you were there.
But where were you?
Alcina scoured the living room until a flickering caught her eye and within a split second there you appeared, eyes wide and your palm held out in front of you. You looked almost as bewildered as her.
"Draga..." she uttered, feeling her heart lurch in her chest at the sight of you, her worries almost melting away as she stepped towards you.
She had almost expected you to be hesitant at her very presence, but you were no where near that as you nearly bolted for her. 
Alcina met you halfway through the living room and you were within each others arms not quickly enough. You buried your face in her chest and she in your hair, staying in silence and comfort that the two of you were safe and unharmed and together amidst the chaos outside.
Before you knew what was happening Alcina had relocated her arms and scooped you up and brought you to the couch, wrapping you up in her strong encompassing embrace like you'd slip away like liquid.
"I've missed you. I've been really worried about you," you uttered in her neck, keeping your arms secure around her.
"Oh draga," she replied softly, "I'm fine. Are you?"
You simply nodded mutely against her and closed your eyes.
"I don't have long," Alcina admitted solemnly, "but I promised to see you and listen to what you needed to tell me."
Damn her, you couldn't stop your smile.
Finally pulling away you looked at those stunning slate colored eyes and leaned in to kiss those plush red lips, "you're a woman of your word, and I love you for that."
Alcina hummed through a soft smile and kissed you back, "for my girl, I am anything you wish of me."
Oh. Oh wow.
"If you're trying to get back into my good graces you don't have to pull out all the stops, you know," you jested trying to shove your tears back in your eyelids.
She cupped your face with her leather glove clad hand and made you look at her, "I mean it, draga mea. I love you. Now... tell me everything."
Alcina was still chewing and swallowing on everything you had told her, but still the hardest to force down was this Malka woman. Was it just her jealousy, which she would never admit out loud, or was it something worth buying into? You'd never spoke of having many friends, and this was the first she'd heard of this woman, and while she was clearly no threat to you and your affections for her, Alcina didn't like the idea of someone else being so close to you. Silly, perhaps. Petty, perhaps. You were her hearts treasure and she was not taking you for granted. Not again.
"And that is why you materialized out of thin air when I arrived?" she asked stroking her hand mindlessly up and down your thigh.
You were leaned back on the arm of the couch with your legs draped over her lap while you had spilled all of your beans to her, making it easy to stay close and intimate but still able to see all of each other.
"I've been working at it tirelessly, I'm really pretty drained right now, but... yeah. It's nice to know I finally got it."
To say she was doing her best to hide her overwhelm was being nice about it. You really were coming into your own and there was no stopping it. Alcina only wished this wasn't happening at the same time everything else was. More than anything she wanted to be here for you on this journey, be part of it, help you discover and uncover and train and work your magick the way she should be. But this was also so very dangerous. Not just for you, but for her. If Mother Miranda were to ever - 
A ruckus from your bedroom startled you both and before either of you could move from the couch, a tiny brunette appeared from the hallway.
"Donna!" Alcina gasped, unceremoniously dropping your legs from her lap and standing with a jolt.
She was a little out of breath as she straightened her black button down, high-collared shirt while approaching the two of you.
Oh, ok, so this was Donna. What the hell was she doing in your apartment?
You stood next to Alcina quite confused and unsure of your own footing.
"I really don't have time for pleasantries," Donna stated, addressing you with a short nod, "though it is nice to finally put a face with a name," her attention immediately went back to Alcina with haste, "we need to go now, this is not up for debate."
Alcina was almost taken aback. Firstly, for Donna to find her, let alone be here, was concerning all on it's own. Secondly, for her to be in such a state, which was hidden immaculately for the situation, made Alcina's stomach twist. Something was terribly, terribly wrong.
You barely had time to register anything before Alcina took your face in her palms once more and looked at you like you would fade away within the second.
"Do not leave this apartment until the sun is up. And do not be outside of this apartment when the sun begins to set, do you understand me?"
Her tone made your face contort into worry, but you nodded, "yes."
"Promise me."
"I promise."
"Lock your doors and your windows. Do not open the door to anyone outside of daylight hours."
Alcina watched your nod of agreement and pulled you to her once more, holding onto you for as long as she could, "I love you, I love you, and I will return to you as soon as I can."
"I - I love you too - "
You were cut off as she kissed you with haste and with one more blink she and Donna were gone.
You stood there in your silent apartment trying to wrap your mind around what just happened.
Things were taking a turn. You could feel it.
It felt awful.
Now all you could think about was Alcina.
"I can see why you're so smitten with the woman, she's beautiful."
Alcina could have run into a wall, that comment struck her so out of left field.
"What the entire fuck, Donna," she spat as they hurried through the city streets, "that's the first thing you say to me after showing up like that? What the fuck is going on?!"
"I know, I'm sorry! I'm panicked!"
"Angie called me - "
"Wh - from where?"
"I'll get there, I'll get there - just let me explain, we have very little time! She hid a cell phone in our house - it rang - it was her - she told me she's been hiding in a wall for weeks and that they, whoever they are, were moving and moving fast and we didn't have time, that I need to find you and get our military moving, that they were moving through the underground - I radioed Karl and basically everyone is running around like headless chickens trying to make heads or tails of what she told me - I had no choice but to alert everyone in the city and all the council - she must mean the mutants because I cannot fathom what else she could possibly mean!"
Alcina's head was fitfully spinning as they rushed through the church like a blur and to the tunnels to the underground.
And then they heard it.
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layce2015 · 11 months
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Sin City
Bobby was working on the Colt, while Dean and I were melting metal into bullets when Sam walks in. "Hey." He said and we look up at him. "Hey, what's up?" Dean asked him. "Might've found some omens in Ohio. Dry lightning, barometric-pressure drop." Sam replied. "Well, that's thrilling." I mutter, sarcastically.
"Plus, some guy blows his head off in a church and another goes postal in a hobby shop before the cops take him out. Might be demonic omens." Sam said. "Or it could just be a suicide and a psycho scrapbooker." Dean said to him. "Yeah, but it's our best lead since Lincoln." Sam said.
"Where in Ohio?" I asked him. "Elizabethville. It's a half-dead factory town in the rust belt." Sam said and Dean sighs. "There's got to be a demon or two in South Beach." He said and I roll my eyes at but I smile. "Sorry, Hef. Maybe next time." I said as I pat his shoulder and Sam chuckles.
"How's it going, Bobby?" Sam asked him. "Slow." Bobby said. "Eh, I tell you, it's a little sad seeing the Colt like that." Dean said to him. "Well, the only thing it's good for now is figuring out what makes it tick." Bobby said.
"So what makes it tick?" Sam asked and Bobby looks up at him, not amused. Sam holds his hands up in amusement. "So, if we want to go check out these omens in Ohio…" I said as I rise up from my chair then I turn to Bobby and said, teasingly and with a straight-face. "...you think you can have that thing ready by this afternoon?"
The boys chuckle while Bobby stares at me, incredulously. "Well, it won't kill demons by then, but I can promise you it'll kill you." Bobby replied and I smile at him. "All right, come on, we're wasting the daylight, boys." I said to them and Dean starts to get up.
"See you, Bobby." Sam said and we start to leave. "Hey!" Bobby shouts and we turn to him. "You three run into anything — anything — you call me." He said and we nod and head out.
"There's not much left for the insurance company. It was a suicide - I saw it myself." Father Gil said to us as the boys and I, now dressed in suits, walk along side of him as we enter the church. "Well, this shouldn't take long, then." Dean said and Gil sighs then points towards the balcony.
"That's where Andy did it. It's the first time I'd seen him in weeks. He used to come every Sunday." He said. "When did he stop?" Sam asked him. "Probably about...two months ago? Right around the time everything else started to change." Gil replied.
"Change how?" I asked, curiously. "Oh, let's just say this used to be a town...you could be proud of. People...cared about each other. Andy sang in the choir, and then one day, he just...wasn't Andy anymore. It was like he was..." Gil said as he started to struggle for words.
"Possessed?" Sam and I asked in unison. "You could say that. Gambled away his money, cheated on his wife, destroyed his business. Yes, like a switch had flipped." Gil said. "Father, did you know the man who killed those folks in the hobby shop?" Sam asked him.
"Sure, Tony Perkins." Gil replied. "Tony Perkins." I said , nodding. "Good man." Gil said. "Would you say that his personality suddenly changed one day, too?" I asked him and he looks over at me, slightly shocked. "I never thought about it that way, but...yes. about the same time as Andy — about two months ago." He said.
"Well, thank you, Father. Appreciate your time." Dean said and we begin to walk away then Sam begins to speak in an undertone. "Two months ago, we open up the devil's gate, all of a sudden this town turns into Margaritaville? It's no coincidence." Sam said and Dean and I nod.
We make it to the hotel and enter our room, Dean chuckles then elbows me and nods at the mirrors on the ceiling. I scoff and shake my head when the door across the hall opens.
"Richie." Dean said as he looks over and the other guy looks up. "I don't believe it." Dean said as Richie smiles. "Hey, Dean...Winchester, right?" He said. "Yeah." Dean said when a tall scantily dressed girl appears from Richie’s room.
"This is my sister, uh, Cheryl." He said. "Hey." She said and the boys and I stare at her. "Cheryl." Dean said as Richie hands Cheryl some money. "There." He said to her and she leaves. "Well, you know...stepsister." Richie said, shrugging, and Dean shakes his head, slightly.
"Come on in." Dean said and Richie comes into the room. "This is my brother, Sam." Dean said as he gestures towards Sam. "And this is my girlfriend, (y/n)." Dean said and Richie nods. "Hey. How you doing?" He asked. "Not too bad." Sam said as I nod at him.
"How do you two know each other?" I asked, gesture towards Dean and Richie "Sam was in school and you, I think, were with your dad." Dean said. "It was that succubus, in Canarsie right?" Richie said to Dean. "Yeah, yeah." Dean said. "Oh, man. You should have seen the rack on this broad. Freakin' tragedy when I had to gank her." Richie said. "Whoa, whoa. Wait. Who killed her? If I remember, your ass was toast until I showed up." Dean said and Richie chuckles.
"Oh, I forgot what a comedian this guy was." He said. "Richie, Richie, know what? I told you then and I'll tell you again — you're not cut out for this job. You're gonna get yourself killed." Dean said and Richie's phone rings.
"Talk to me." He said into his phone then he turns to Dean. "FYI, Winchester — words hurt." He said and I chuckle as Richie goes back to his phone. "Yeah? No, it's not a good time, babe. Later." He said while Dean gives a look towards us. Then Richie hangs up.
"So you find anything in this town, anyway?" Dean asked him. "Ah, no. I got nothing. Oh, wait a minute. You mean as in demons and whatnot?" Richie said. "Yeah." Dean said. "No, I got nothing." Richie said. "Typical. What about your sister back there?" Dean asked. "Oh, honestly? She definitely had the devil in her, but she wasn't no demon, you know what I'm saying?" Richie said and Dean gives him a look of disapproval.
"Right. Seriously. Church guy, hobby-shop guy — they were lunch meat by the time I got there. Hey maybe they were possessed, but I can't prove it." Richie said. "Yeah, that's where we are, too." I said. "You know, let's just say that demons are possessing people in this town. You know, raising hell—" Sam said. "Yeah, but why would a demon blow his brains out?" Dean asked. "Well, for fun? You know he wrecks one body, moves to another. You know, like taking a stolen car for a joyride." Richie said.
"Anybody else left in the town that fits the profile — you know, nice guy turned douche, still breathing?" I asked. "There's Trotter." Richie said. "Who's that?" Sam asked. "Well, he used to be head of the Rotary Club. And then people say he turned bastard all of a sudden? Brought in the gambling, the hookers. ...Ah, he practically owns this whole town." Richie said.
"Know where we could find him?" Sam asked him. "Oh, he'll be at his bar in a few hours." Richie said to us.
Later, the boys and I pull up in the Impala. The town in buzzing, it looks like Mardi Gras — people wandering around with cocktails, sexy girls, and lots of action. "I thought you said this was some boarded-up factory town." Dean said to Sam as he looks around. "It is. At least, it's supposed to be." Sam said.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's do some research." Dean said and I punch his arm. "Ow!" He said and I raise an eyebrow. "I was kidding!" He said and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Mmmhmm. I'm sure. Just to remind you, I know my way around guns and knives." I said. "Careful, princess, jealous doesn't look good on you." He said and I give a playful glare at him. 
He smirks at me then he leans down and kissed my cheek as we head into the bar.
We thread our way through the crowded bar. People were drinking and dancing and seem to be having a good time. Up ahead, we see Richie as he brushes past a woman and approaches us. He's wearing a somewhat shiny orange short-sleeved shirt halfway unbuttoned to reveal a white t-shirt underneath.
"Oh, Richie. Look at you." Dean said. "Hey." He said as he and Dean shake hands. "Bringing satin back." I remarked and Richie looks down at his outfit. "Oh, you like this? Try Thai silk — Canal Street. You'd have to pay $300 for threads like these, easy. Cost to me — fuggedaboutit." Richie said.
"How much is forget about it?" Sam asked. "Ah, forget about it." Richie said, waving his hand, then he points out an older man. "That's Trotter over there. He sits there all night. Can't touch him." He said.
"So, what do we do now?" I asked. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna do a little investigating with that bartender." Dean said and I turn my head to him. "Like hell you are!" I said and he chuckles. "Besides, me and her, we got a little...somethin'-somethin' lined up for later." Richie said to Dean. "Yeah, right." Dean scoffs.
"Stings, don't it? All right. I got to hit the head, release the hostages. Be back in a few." Richie said and Sam laughs at Richie's general cheesiness as he walks away.
"No way he gets a girl like that. I mean, look at her. You could fit that ass on a nickel." Dean said. "You think so?" A voice asked and we turned and see Father Gil sitting nearby. "Oh." Dean laughs. "Busted." I muttered to him. "Sorry, Padre." Dean said to Gil.
"Knew you three would find your way here. They all do." Gil said. "No offense, but what are you doing here, Father?" I asked him. "Like it or not, you go where your flock is." Gil said as the bartender pours him a drink.
"Plus, the clergy drinks for free." She said. "True, and a certain bartender owes me a confession." Gil said to her. "Not in this lifetime, Father." She said, smiling. "I better see your butt on Sunday." He said then he looks at Dean as he leaves the seat. "Nickel or no nickel." He said and he leaves.
"What can I get you three?" She asked. "What's your speciality?" Dean asked her. "I make a mean hurricane." The bartender said. "I guess we'll see about that." Dean said and she walks away and my jaw clenches at this.
"You drink hurricanes?" Sam asked. "I do now." Dean said. "Do you still want your fingers?" I asked him and he smirks at me. "You know, I'm starting to like this jealous side of you. It's kinda hot." He said and I glare at him.
"Hey." Sam said as he hits our arm and points towards two men ar a pool table nearby. One guy raises his gun and shoots the second guy point-blank in the forehead. The crowd erupts in chaos and the shooter aims the gun at his own head.
Dean runs and tackles him to the ground. Sam and I make our way over to them and Sam surreptitiously splashes holy water on him. But the man seems really surprised and outraged by being splashed with water, but doesn't sizzle.
"What are you doing?!" He asked, annoyed, and the boys and I share a look then the man mutters to himself. "He slept with my wife. That bastard slept with my wife!" He said.
"Somebody call 911!" Sam shouts and the bartender runs off.
We were standing in the bar as the cop arrested the shooter and take him away. Then one of the officers comes up to us. "You three ready for your mug shots?" He asked us and the boys and I look at him, nervously, and the cop hastens to reassure us. "The photographer's gonna be here in a few, and...take your picture for the local paper." He said.
"Be an honor, Officer. What a thrill!" Dean said, relieved but also was giving a fake enthusiasm. The officer nods and walks away then I turn to the boys. "Yep, time to go." I said. "Wait a second. Wait a second." Dean said and we look over at him.
"What?" Sam and I asked him. "Where's Richie?" He asked and we shrugged. We looked around the bar as we leave but didn't find Richie so then we head out.
Later, at a different bar, Dean was sitting at a table, a large burger in front of him. His phone was up on his ear but he hangs it up and looks at it, speculatively.
"You do realize there's red meat within striking distance, right?" I said to Dean as Sam returns with some beers for us. "How many times I got to tell Richie, he's gonna get himself in trouble?" Dean grumbles. "Dean, you're assuming he's missing. I mean, maybe he just bailed." Sam said as he sits down.
"He's a moron. I mean, he's a sweet moron, but he's not a coward. He wouldn't just bail. I got to go find him." Dean said. "I'll come with you." I said. "All right. Meanwhile I think I'm gonna trail this Trotter guy." Sam said. "Yeah?" Dean asked.
"Yeah. I don't know. Something about the way he looked at me last night. Maybe there is something going on here." Sam said. "Or maybe he likes you." I remarked and Dean snorts with laughter. "Ha ha, very funny." Sam said as he gets up and leaves.
Dean was able to track Richie's phone which lead us to a large house. We searched the house and found Richie's dead body in the basement, which looked like a place where a ritual could happen. I gasped while Dean stood there and stared at Richie's body. "Damn it." He mutters as he goes over to Richie. "Dean, I'm so sorry." I said and he shakes his head.
"Sam!" Dean shouts, annoyed, into his phone sometime later. We finished giving Richie a hunter funeral and decided to go back to the bar to hunt down that bartender. Dean and I came up with a plan to get her attention towards Dean and she would bring him back to her place down into the basement. That's where Dean would trap her as we drew a devil's trap under the rug in the basement.
Dean went to call Sam but it seems that Sam had to get off of the phone, quickly, as he hung up on Dean. "Sam okay?" I asked him. "Yeah, uh, he said he'd be back here in 20 minutes, so meet up with him and if I'm not back, come find me...or not, I don't care which way." Dean said. "Okay." I said, rolling my eyes. "Good." He said.
"Just remember that whatever I say, I don't mean it." I said as he looks me over. "I know." He said and we share a quick kiss before he heads into the bar.
I stand outside of the door as I watch him sit at the bar and order a drink. He gets the drink from the bartender then another woman, in scantily clothing, comes up to him and gives him a seductive smile and talks to him.
I felt a lump in my throat and anger in my chest as I take a deep breath and storm into the bar. "Are you freaking kidding me?!" I shout as I go over to Dean, who looks up at me in shocked. "Honey, it's not what you think!" He said and I stnad in front of him and fold my arms.
"Oh really?! That's what you said about that bitch from the other night!" I shouted and Dean gives a look of shock and a bit of fright. "You know what? Forget it! Just...just.." I stammered as I try to summon some tears to make it look real. I immediately started to think about my dad and his last moments and this brought tears to my eyes.
Then I glared up at Dean and said. "Screw you! Never talk to me again!" Then I turned and left the bar as Dean calls out to me but I continued to walk out. "Baby, please!" Dean said and he goes to grab my arm. I turn to him and slap him across the face, yank my arm out of his hand then I walk out and away from the door as I wipe the tears from my eyes and composed myself.
I hope that was convincing enough for the bartender to talk to Dean. He'll charm her and then she'll feel pity for him and take him home. Normal girls would hate this plan but I trust Dean enough that nothing will happen, he hasn't given me a reason to not trust him...as a boyfriend that is.
Eventually, I saw Dean and the bartender walk out of the bar together and I stepped to the side of the bar so they wouldn't see me. Dean looks over his shoulder and sees me and I give him a nod then he gives me a wink before he turns back ahead and walk with the woman.
After walking around a bit, I make my way back to the bar and see Sam coming out of the building. "(Y/n)!" Sam said as he comes over to me. "I thought you'd be with Dean?" He asked. "We found out that that bartender is a demon and she had killed Richie. Dean said he'd take care of it but it's been awhile and I'm getting worried. I meant to meet up with you sooner but...I lost track of time." I said and Sam nods.
"I know where to go." He said and he grabs my arm and we head out.
We make it to the house and knocked on the front door. The door swings open and we look at it but decided to go through it anyway. "Dean?" Sam calls out. "Dean?" I said as we check out the place.
I step forward and hear a weird noise under my feet. I look down and see I had stepped on little pink piggy slippers. I shake my head and kicked them aside then we look at a picture of the bartender with a guy, and a cross necklace hanging on top of it.
Sam sees something behind it and reaches around it them pulls his fingers back which were covered in yellow powder. "Sulfur." Sam mutters and I nod.
"Bobby, It's (y/n). We got a big problem. Sam and I found some sulfur, and now we can't find Dean. Call me as soon as you get this." I said into my phone as Sam talks to the barman once we make it back to the bar.
I hang up and look over at Sam, who was annoyed. "So what did he say?" I asked. "Nothing." Sam replied and I sighed then looked over to see Father Gil sitting at a booth. Sam and I exchange a look then approach him.
"Father." Sam said and he looks up at us. "Yes?" He said. "Um...can we, can we talk to you for a sec?" Sam asked and he nods and we take a seat across from him. "So, the, the bartender the other night, Casey. You know her pretty well?" Sam asked Gil, who nods. "Since she was in pigtails." He replied.
"Well, um, she and my brother, they, uh...they...left tonight. Together." Sam said. "Ah. Well...not that I approve, but they are consenting adults." Gil said. "Right." Sam and I said. "I, I'm sorry. You said brother. I thought the three of you were insurance investigators?" Gil asked. "Right, right. Well, well we are. Um, it's like, it's like a family business, you know? And (y/n) here, is an old family friend." Sam said. "Ah." Gil said.
"Anyways, so, we went to Casey's apartment, and they weren't there. Sam and I just have this feeling that they...that they might be in trouble." I said. "What kind of trouble?" Gil asked. "Just...trouble. Dean has a, how you say, a magnet for trouble." I said and Gil looks us over.
"Look, please, Father, we need your help. Is there anything you could tell me about Casey — anyplace she'd go, maybe...?" Sam asked. "Yes, there is a place. Let me get my jacket." Gil said as he gets up. "No, wait, wait, wait, Father. (Y/n) and I can do this by ourself." Sam said. "Son, if Casey's really in trouble, then there's nothing to talk about." Gil said as he stands and puts on his coat.
"Shall we go?" He asked as he has his back to us and straightens his coat. "Yeah." Sam said and we leave the bar.
"So, insurance investigating. You enjoy the work?" Gil asked us. "Yeah." I replied as Gil drives hs. "Yeah, yeah, I...like being able to help people." Sam said. "Ever think about doing anything else?" Gil asked. "Like what?" Sam and I asked in unison. "Mmm, anything. You two seem like pretty smart kids. Somehow I see both of you out in front of the pack. You could do some great things." He said.
"I don't know. I like doing what I'm doing, I guess." Sam said. "Yeah, same here." I said and Gil nods. "Well, it's your life." He said. "And you said that, uh...Dean?" He said to me and I nod. "You said Dean is a magnet for trouble?" He asked and I nod. "Yeah, if he isn't causing it, it'll follow him." I said and Gil chuckles.
We pull up in front of Casey's home, then we get out of the car and start walking towards the home. "Dean?!" Sam calls out but no reply. "Dean!" I shouted and we come upon the front door. "Dean!" Sam and I shout as he pounds door.
"Check that way." Gil said and Sam and I walk off in the other direction around the house. "(Y/n)! Sam!" Dean's voice calls out. "Dean?" Sam and I called out. "Guys, down here! The basement caved in!" Dean shouted as we come up to a grate and see him.
"Dean. Hey, hold on, okay? We're coming. All three of us." I said. "Three of us?" Dean said, confused. "We're here with the Father." Sam replied and Dean turns to look behind him then looked back at us.
"Guys, be careful." Dean said, warningly. Sam and I turn around and see Gil with black eyes. I gasped just as a shot is fired just past Gil's head, destroying a small statute.
He whips around and we see Bobby holding the Colt. Gil then uses his powers to fling him aside then throws Sam into the windscreen of the Impala. I start to run at him but then he flings me back and I hit something hard and I blackout.
I groan as I start to come back to to see Bobby over me. "You alright, girlie?" He asked me as I sit up. "Yeah, just peachy." I said then I noticed Sam wasn't around. "Where's Sam?" I asked. "He just ran inside the house." Bobby said and I get up and make my way into the house.
I just make it towards the basement when I heard a gunshot. I come up next to Sam to see Gil was shot, lightning emits from and circles him as he twitches and dies. Sam then points the Colt at Casey.
"Sam, wait!" Dean shouts but Sam shoots her, and the bodies of Casey and Father Gil, no longer possessed, lie dead on the devil’s trap. My eyes widen at this as Dean stares at his brother as he slowly lowers the Colt, and the bodies bleed out.
"Well, what do you think, Bobby?" I asked him as he, Dean and I walk along the busy sidewalk the next morning. "About what we did here, you think it made a difference?" I asked. "Two less demons to worry about. That's not nothing." Bobby said.
"Yeah, but Trotter's still alive." Dean pointed out. "Humans ain't our job." Bobby said. "Yeah, but you think anything's really gonna change? I mean maybe these people do just want to really destroy themselves. Maybe it is...a losing battle." Dean said to Bobby.
"Is that you or the demon girl talking?" I asked Dean. "Ohhhh, it's me. Demon is dead, and so is that girl it was possessing." He said and Bobby sighs. "Well, had to be done. Sam was saving your life." Bobby said. "Yeah, but you didn't see it, Bobby. It was cold." Dean replied. "Yeah, I'd have to admit that it was pretty cold-blooded of him doing that." I said and Bobby looks at us before Dean stops walking.
"Guys, You think...think something's wrong with my brother?" He asked and Bobby and I look over at him. "I mean, honestly, I was worried about you, (y/n), cause the Yellow-eyed demon said that when you came back from...wherever...it might not have been you." Dean said as he looks up at me and I frown, slightly, at this.
"But now I'm wondering...should I be worried about Sam?" He asked and there was a brief pause before Bobby spoke. "No. I'm sure Sam's okay." He said. "Yeah. Yeah, me too." Dean said then he looks over at me and smirks before he takes my hand and we continue our walk.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester
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glupblorbo · 5 months
have a little doodle ref i whipped up this week while working on saw the devil in the daylight :) featuring coven!hunter and samah :) aka the guy ever and bbg :) from the au that has been overtaking my brain LMAO
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we're going to pretend that sending this to myself so i could post it didn't absolutely fuck the quality ok?
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Inej Ghafa’s Playlist
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listen here
Savage Daughter
i am my mother's savage daughter, i will not cut my hair, i will not lower my voice
all day, every day, therapist, mother, maid, nymph then a virgin, nurse then a servant, just an appendage, live to attend him, so that he never lifts a finger
Me and the Devil
and i said hello Satan, i believe it is time to go, me and the devil walking side by side
If I Killed Someone For You
i'm sorry that i did this, the blood is on my hands, i stare at my reflection, i don't know who i am
Dead of Night
you can shout or you can scream, but it won't save you from the midnight trickery, when the daylight disappears, you'll find no shelter in this tangled web of fear
You Don't Own Me
you don't own me, don't try to change me in any way, you don't own me, don't tie me down cause i'd never stay
No Time To Die
fool me once, fool me twice, are you death or paradise, now you'll never see me cry, there's just no time to die
Way down We Go
cause they will run you down, down til the dark, yes and they will run you down, down til you fall, and they will run you down, down til you go, so you can't crawl no more
and people look like they're specks of dust when you're, this high off the ground, i'll do my best not to let you down, so feet don't fail me now
i had a dream, i was seven, climbing my way in a tree, i saw a piece of heaven, waiting in patience for me, and I was running far away, would I run off the world someday
walking all alone, you know it's okay, cause my tongue is sharper than a switchblade, you've been tryna elevate my heart rate, but you can't scare me no more
i'm still a believer but i don't know why, i've never been a natural, all i do is try, try, try, i'm still on that trapeze, i'm still trying everything, to keep you looking at me
War of Hearts
i can't help but love you, even though i try not to, i can't help but want you, i know that i'd die without you
For This You Were Born
the touchdown pain, when you feel those thorns, when it hurts to stay, you know to leave hurts more, so you light the way cause you know for sure, it's for this you were born
Aimed to Kill
and i tried to save a life, with these diamond hands of mine, but they're sharper than a knife, i am aimed to kill
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punk4ndisorderly · 1 year
light on
The one where Y/N is the daughter of a legendary Team USA coach and used to attend the development program with the boys. 8 years after they last saw each other in person, a reunion brings Jack and Y/N back into each other’s lives... and hearts.
if you keep the light on, i'll keep the light on
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XIII XIV - speak now or forever hold your peace
“Morning, Hughesy.”
Jack rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, opening them up to find Alex perched over his body, along with three drooling dogs, grinning like a fool.
“Jesus, Z. What the hell?” he whisper-yelled, careful not to wake a sleeping Y/N beside him and not to startle River and David’s pets.
“Sleeping outside with all those predators on the loose? Edgy. I like it.”
“Shh, keep it down.” the Devils' player scolded, getting up and leading his friend inside.
“What did you guys do last night? Stayed up talking, dancing, professing your hardcore crushed for each other? Was it romantic? Under the stars and all that?” the blond man conjectured, chasing Jack around the kitchen.
“We talked. Period.” he enlightened his friend, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Why are the dogs out back?”
“River asked me to take them out for a walk in the woods, I came back through the deck and I saw you two all cuddled up so we decided to say hi.”
Jack glanced at the clock on the wall, placing the coffee pot on the stove. It was about to strike a quarter to seven.
“Do you have any idea how early it is?”
“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Trevor recited, clearly proud of himself.
“Why am I friends with you again?”
“Ha ha, very funny. You were practically on top of Y/N when we got to you, so you should thank me for keeping you from crushing her with your large mammal physique.” his friend joked, taking a bite from an apple.
“I was not.”
“You were.” Alex confirmed, walking into the room.
“How do you know?”
“This one dragged me out of bed to help him with the dogs.” the curly-haired man quipped, slapping Trevor in the back of the head.
“Ow! Turc, it’s about time you lose your fear of dogs.”
“You should talk, you’re afraid of owls.
“I’m afraid of nocturnal animals, because they’re extremely shady.” their friend countered. “Dogs are loving and harmless.”
“Whatever, duce, I just came along because you swore you’d make me pancakes after.” Alex noted, sitting on one of the stools, waiting for the food he was promised.
“Okay, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, but would’ve it killed you to have let me sleep a couple more minutes?” Jack groaned, pouring the coffee he had made into two mugs.
“Yeah, you were starting to snore pretty loudly.” Trevor shrugged, taking a frying pan from the cabinet.
“I don’t snore.”
“Of course you don’t, and we didn’t take pictures of you two cuddled up.”
“I’m going to pretend you two aren’t closeted stalkers.” Jack avowed, picking up the mugs filled with the steaming hot beverage and heading outside.
The three dogs River and David had adopted were laying around the teacher’s sleeping figure. Freddie rested so close to her face his drool was dripping onto her nose, making the brunette man smile goofily as he sat down beside them. Setting his mug next to his legs, Jack gently nudged his friend’s shoulder.
Y/N mumbled something incoherently, slapping his hand away.
“Y/N…” he chuckled, nudging her again. “I come bearing coffee.”
The doctor opened one eye, wincing at the brightness of the daylight, but grinning sweetly once she saw the yellow mug he was handing her. Stretching slowly, she crossed her legs, taking the hot beverage from his hands.
“My knight in shining armor. You’re always one step ahead.” she winked, waiting for the coffee to cool down before taking a sip.
“One of my many qualities.” Jack shrugged, showing her a crooked smile.
“We can cross modesty off that list.” Y/N teased, smirking.
He feigned hurt, placing his hand over his heart.
“I’ll have you know I’m a very humble man.”
“Mmm, definitely…” the coach's daughter laughed.
“Don’t mock me when you’re the one with dog drool all over your nose.” he snickered.
“Oh my god! Really? Finn has never done that to me! Mostly because he’s the size of a small stuffed animal, but either way…” she paused. “Mmm… Yeah… I can definitely smell it now. Wow. It stinks.”
“It probably doesn’t smell that bad. River does make David brush their teeth after all…” the Devils' player man dismissed her statement, laughing.
“Yes, it definitely does. Come here and smell it for yourself.” Y/N urged, pulling him by his shirt.
“Okay, okay…” Jack conceded, leaning in closer to his friend.
The tip of his nose touched hers and they both took a shaky breath as the space between them became non-existent.
He closed his eyes, inhaling the scent of Freddie’s drool. His face contorted in disgust under Y/N's intense stare.
“You were right.” the brunette man stated, only moving a few inches away from her face so he was now looking directly into her eyes.
“Told you.” she spoke quietly, lost in his hypnotizing blue gaze.
“You two are so weird.” Alex grumbled from the sliding door.
Jack jumped back, almost spilling the remaining coffee all over his lap, which seemed to amuse Y/N, who had to bite her lip to keep herself from laughing.
“What have I told you about sneaking up on people?”
“Trevor's the one who usually sneaks up on people so… I don’t know.” their friend reasoned, holding his hands up in defense.
“What’s up, Turc?” the singer sighed.
“Found this beat-up ball in the pantry, there’s an old hoop out in the front. I went to wake Leo up a couple of minutes ago. Are you in?”
“What is it with you guys and waking up people who are sleeping peacefully?”
“Early rise makes a man wise or whatever Z said. We didn’t want to go into River and David’s room to get them because they are young and in love and probably doing it.” the blonde man rambled, switching the ball from his right hand to his left and vice-versa.
“I highly doubt there’s anyone in the world that willingly wakes up at…” Y/N got her phone from her back pocket to check the time. “Seven in the morning to do that.” She chuckled, bringing the yellow mug to her lips.
“Groomzilla is so freaked out about the wedding he gets up extra early to get everything done on time, even though he technically doesn’t need to move a finger. He definitely schedules time for sex and what better way to start a day than by doing the dirty?”
“You need to stop, dude. That's my brother we're talking about” the doctor pointed out, lifting herself off the ground and meeting her friend by the door. “I’m smelling Trevor's pancakes.”
“Yeah, he made a batch. They’re on the kitchen counter. I’d hurry up if I were you.” Alex advised, ignoring her scolding. “Jack, get your fat ass out front in five. Don’t forget to bring your trunks.”
Jack went inside, finding Y/N and Trevor attempting to make a Mickey Mouse pancake. He leaned against the doorframe, observing the way her whole body seemed to vibrate when she laughed at their friend’s terrible jokes, a stray strand of hair falling over her warm eyes, only to be tucked in behind her small ears.
Trevor eventually acknowledged his presence, cleaning his hands on River's Bride Squad apron.
“Jackson! Do you want some? These are Y/N's, so I think they won’t taste as good as mine do.” he boasted, flinching when she promptly elbowed his side. “But you can give them a try." “Thanks, but I should go get dressed, or else Turcs will probably bite my head off. Where’s Leo?”
“He should be down in a minute. David said he usually needs five to ten minutes to stop acting all grouchy before getting up.”
“Like his uncle River, then. Got it.” he nodded curtly, taking one last glance at his long-time crush, but failing to leave.
The coach's daughter licked the wooden spoon Trevor had used to mix the batter absentmindedly, moaning at the delicious taste of chocolate chip pancakes, only noticing Jack was staring at her when she looked up.
“What?” Y/N asked, smiling. “Do I have something on my face again? Oh, shoot, I’ve still got your sweater on!” she gasped, quickly moving to take it off, exposing her midriff and part of her lace bra in the process. “Thank you. I should really go wash my face, though. Pancake mix and dog drool are not a good combination.” the doctor chuckled, handing him the lent item.
She walked past the Devils' player, who was still trying to keep his brain from retaining the memory of Y/N's sexy underwear. How could she make his stomach churn just by showing a little bit of skin and fabric?
“Nice.” his blond friend extolled, wiggling his eyebrows at him.
Jack shot him a pointed look, turning on his heels and heading to his room, the one he hadn’t spent more than two minutes in so far. Putting his trunks on and the trusty basketball shorts he brought everywhere just in case, placing his bag back in his spacey closet, he fled the room, already dreading getting told off by his friend for being late.
“What the hell, Hughes? I thought being on time was a part of having manners.” Alex grunted, throwing him the ball.
“Yeah, okay, I’m like two minutes late, Turc. I was busy.” he explained, shooting and scoring a three-pointer.
“Yeah, getting a b-o-n-e-r from watching Y/N lick a wooden spoon.” Trevor snickered, coming up from behind them. “Nice shot!”
Jack sighed exasperated, shaking his head.
“Are we going to stand here talking about Jack’s crush on Y/N or are we going to play? Because if we aren’t, I’m going back to bed.” Leo snapped, showing them his most menacing glare, which was quite cute if they were being honest.
The three men resisted the urge to laugh at his antics. He was his father's kid, alright.
“No, sir. We’re going to play.” Trevor replied, ruffling the kid's hair.
“Definitely, yeah, we’re in.” Alex confirmed, running a lap around the improvised court.
“Thank you!”
“Y/N, are you ready?” River called out from the other side of the door.
The doctor woke up to the sound of the groom-to-be’s voice, nearly jumping out of her skin. She definitely couldn’t handle all-nighters like she did in her teens. The minute she got to her room, three hours before she had fallen asleep, her phone still resting between her fingers from texting Charlie to check on Joey.
“Mm… I’ll be right there.” she mumbled, her voice barely audible.
The door flew open, revealing River in yet another beautiful outfit, this time beach appropriate.
“You’re in last night’s clothes!”
“I am.”
“You two will be the death of me…” her brother rolled his eyes, grabbing her hands and pulling her up. “Get your swimwear on pronto I only have a couple of hours before the wedding planner gets here and starts testing my patience, so hurry. Oh, and I left some beach towels on a shelf down the hall. I figured you guys would somehow forget to bring those.”
“Aye, aye, captain.” the doctor smiled muttered, opening the closet to find a bag that wasn’t hers.
River probably ran out of storage space and shoved this in here she thought to herself, picking up her bag and rummaging through it to locate the swimsuit she had luckily remembered to pack.
It didn’t take long for her to join her friends downstairs. Leo was tapping his foot impatiently by the door, all geared up with floaties, a bucket hat, tiny sunglasses and several coats of sunscreen on.
“Come on, Y/N! Uncle River said I can only go swimming when you’re in the water.” he whimpered, tugging at her hand.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming little man.” Y/N chuckled, practically being dragged out of the cabin by the seven-year-old.
River and Cole followed and the groom-to-be smirked when he saw David, apparently Leo’s replacement, and the three other men scattered around the made-up basketball court, sweating and visibly out of breath.
“You guys have to admit it, you’re getting old!” he teased, blowing them a kiss.
“As if.” Trevor scoffed. “I could go on for days!”
“Actually…” David stopped moving, passing him the ball. “I’m going to freshen up. Good game, gentlemen.” he high-fived his team member and made his way out to meet his fiancé and their friend.
“Trevor, we’ve been playing for three hours, and you didn’t even let us stop to get water, you little dictator.” Alex reasoned. “I promised Leo I’d teach him how to do a headstand underwater yesterday, so…” he drifted off, following the groom.
“Fine! I’ve still got Jacko!” the blond man shouted, placing his hands on his hips and looking back at the Devils' player. “You want to go with them, don’t you?”
“I’m all sweaty and the sun’s burning like hell, man. I’m only human.” Jack complained, cleaning his forehead with his soaked t-shirt.
“Okay. Leave then!” he snapped. “Go ahead. If anyone asks, Alex and I won.”
“Of course, buddy.”
Y/N set her towel next to Leo’s, undressing herself in a hurry as the little boy continued to emphasize the urgency he had to dive into the lake’s cool water, taking off his tiny sunglasses and the hat his mom had made him wear.
“Leo, stop bugging Y/N. She’s already being kind enough to dare going in with you.” David reprimanded, sitting between River's legs while he applied sunscreen on his back.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. You should see Jo at the beach.” the doctor joked, securing her hair in a ponytail. “Let’s go, baby boy. Show me what you’ve got.” she smiled, holding her hand out for the seven-year-old to grasp.
“Hey, have I been replaced already?” Trevor gasped, taking his Spiderman tee off and running to the pond, making a huge splash around the pair as he delved into it.
Y/N resisted the urge to scream when the freezing water touched her upper body.
“I’m going to kill you.” she threatened her friend through gritted teeth.
“We need to dive, Y/N! It’s now or never!” Leo yowled excitedly.
She looked down at River and David's nephew, tightening her grip on his small hand.
“Only if you don’t let go.” the doctor requested, showing him a goofy smile.
“I promise.”
Jack came down the pathway precisely when the pair arose from the water, releasing small shrieks. He noticed how the black swimsuit his friend was wearing hugged her curves perfectly, showing off the amazing body she sported. It also displayed Y/N's chest in a wonderful manner, not showing a lot of skin, but just enough to make the Devils' player breath hitch in his throat.
“Jesus, Jacko, what the hell are you doing standing there like a spare prick at a wedding?” Trevor smirked, coming up to him. “Seriously? Watching her swim from afar? Dude, seriously, this is starting to get creepy. I know you already came to the conclusion you like her and all that, why don’t you do something about it?”
“It’s not that easy.”
“Of course it’s not easy, it’s like climbing a fucking mountain, but you either go on it or you’ll probably spend the rest of your life wondering why you didn’t. You’re not getting any younger, you know.”
“You’re literally older than me, Trevor.”
“That’s not the point. Act like a normal person, you dork.”
Alex picked Leo up, throwing him into the water as Y/N floated on her back nearby, taking in the peace that nature brought her, smiling softly with her eyes closed. All of a sudden, she felt herself being lifted, instinctively grabbing onto the back of the neck of whoever was holding her.
“Junior, let’s play a game!”
“Put me down, Turc!” the beautiful woman warned playfully, slapping his chest.
“Whatever you want.” Alex shrugged, dropping her. “As I was saying…” he proceeded, once Y/N came up, a deep scowl on her face. “Do you want to play the best water game ever invented?”
Her expression softened when she turned her head and saw the brunette man entering the lake slowly, trying to adapt to its cold temperature. He approached them, goosebumps all over his skin and a tranquil smile on his handsome face.
Seeing him topless wasn’t new to her, but she couldn’t help but bite down on her bottom lip when she glanced at his muscular arms and broad shoulders.
“What’s up?” Jack asked, jumping up and down to try and generate some heat.
“Turc wants us to play a water game.” Y/N explained, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Not a water game, the water game.” their friend reiterated.
“Spill it.” she sighed.
“I want to have a chicken fight!”
“Oh, can I play?” Leo chirped, dog paddling to them, his Nemo floaties keeping him afloat.
“Sure, little man. You know what, you can even be my partner.” Jack smiled, stooping down to his level to help the seven-year-old get on his shoulders.
Y/N looked on, charmed by Jack's laidback approach when dealing with children. It was amazing how he kept on finding ways to surprise her. Those were the little things that made her heart beat slightly faster.
“That means you’re with me, hu?” Alex nudged her side, rubbing his hands together.
“Are you really going to make me fight a little boy?”
“Of course, kids are sneaky and should never be underestimated.” he replied.
“It’s not that bad if I take into consideration your mental age is five.” the doctor agreed condescendingly, patting the top of his head.
“Exactly… Hey!”
“I’m still not fighting a seven-year-old, Turc.”
“Whatever…” her friend groaned. “Anyone wants to take Y/N's place?”
“Leo!” David called from the shore, “Time for a snack break, little prince.”
“But uncle David, Jack and I were going to win at chicken fighting!”
“I know, buddy, but I brought your favorite cookies. What do you say?”
Leo gave Jack an apologetic look.
“No need to apologize, buddy. Cookies are definitely a top priority.” he winked, crouching back down to let him climb off his shoulders. “Race you to uncle David?”
“Ready? Three, two, one… Go!”
The pair swam to the waterfront, the singer slowing his pace down so David's nephew could win. Leo made it to his uncles as Jack was just getting out of the water.
“I won!” the little boy cheered, ecstatic.
“You’re a force to be reckoned with, little man! Well done!” he high-fived his youngest friend, sitting down next to him. “Can I get a consolation cookie?”
Y/N couldn’t stop grinning at how sweet the scene was.
“He’s a genuinely a great guy, isn’t he?” she mumbled.
“One of the greatest out there…” Alex confirmed, a knowing smile on his face. “Get your premium quality ass over here, Hughesy! The chicken fight is still happening.” he crowed.
The Devils' player rose to his feet, saluting little Leo and heading back to the water, meeting the duo who was waiting for him.
“Hey, wait for me!” Trevor pleaded, taking his hat off before trying to run to them.
“Alright, it’s Dumb and Dumber against Rowdy and I.” Y/N declared, standing on the tip of her toes, pushing Aleksander’s shoulders down.
“Y/N and Jack for the win.” he smiled, squatting to let her climb onto his toned shoulders. She chuckled, trying to find a comfortable position.
“Are we doing this or not? Alex has really let himself go.” Trevor nagged, clearly having a hard time carrying his friend.
“I have not! It’s water weight!” the curly-haired man protested.
Jack hesitantly held onto Y/N's wet shins, feeling her smooth skin under his touch. She was light, which worried him, because Alex could probably take her down in an instant.
“You ready, sweetheart?” the blond one asked, a cocky grin plastered on his face.
“You guys are going down.” the coach's daughter countered confidently, smiling down at her partner in crime.
If someone had told Jack a few months before that he’d have his head between Y/N's thighs at a weekend-long wedding he’d laugh and vouch that person had gone crazy. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought about the possibility of seeing his camp friend so often in such a short amount of time, not to mention becoming even closer to her and have her feel comfortable enough to be in such an usually uncomfortable position with him.
Trevor lunged forward, as Alex outstretched his arms to get a hold of Y/N. The doctor laughed loudly when he came close enough to attack her sides with tickles, almost losing her balance, hadn’t Jack held on to her for dear life.
The Devils' player could’ve heard her laugh until the end of time. How could he have become so infatuated so fast? It had to be this strange hold she had on him, on everyone. Y/N was the kind of person anyone would be lucky to fall in love with. He couldn’t help but think he was slowly, but surely, falling for her.
Her giggles brought him back to reality, smiling at the adorable sound coming out of her mouth.
“Push him, Hughes!” she begged him, almost completely out of breath.
“Say no more.”
Jack let go of her right leg, using merely one hand to shove Trevor's chest and make him forfeit the last ounce of strength he had to keep Alex on his shoulders. The dynamic duo went down with a splash.
“Yes!” Y/N chanted, pumping her fist in the air. “Good job, Rowdy!”
Without putting any thought into it, she leaned down, tilting his chin up with her dainty hands and kissing his forehead, hearing someone hoot from the land.
Left speechless by the unexpected sweet gesture, the brunette man dropped down to his knees, letting Y/N get back on her feet.
“We’re still the dream team!” she boasted, heading back to her towel.
Jack didn’t say anything, following suit, only smiling back at her with a grin that could make any woman swoon. She wasn’t just about any woman, but she still bit hard on her bottom lip nonetheless. The coach's daughter could try and deny the immense attraction she felt towards her former theatre partner, but her efforts would undoubtedly prove to be ineffective.
“I’m going to get something to drink. Anyone want anything?” the Devils' player inquired, glancing around for any takers.
“Water, please!” River requested, typing something on her phone.
“Got it.”
He quickly made his way to the cabin, jogging to the fridge to retrieve a couple of water bottles, realizing he wasn’t alone.
“Hey bud.” David greeted, cutting a tomato into tiny pieces on an old chopping block. “Couldn’t have dried up a bit before coming in here?”
“Sorry, I was really thirsty, it’s insanely hot outside… Are you making lunch?” Jack asked, pointing to the pot on the stove.
“Leo insisted I’d make lasagna. That kid knows damn well I can’t deny him anything. Well… Maybe not anything but most of the things he asks for.”
“I guess uncle River is the bad cop then, hu?” the brunette man teased, taking a sip from his water.
“Someone has to be.”
“Right.” he agreed. “I’ll just dry up to avoid being a hazard. Imagine River slipping and twisting an ankle the day before your wedding. I’d be a dead man walking.”
“Hey, hey, hey!” David called out, stopping him from leaving the kitchen. “We need to talk.”
“We do?”
“Yeah, man!”
Jack raised an eyebrow, wondering where the conversation was headed.
“Okay…” he trailed off, chuckling nervously.
“River told me.”
“You and Y/N.”
“We’re not anything but friends, David.” Jack clarified, clearing his throat.
“I must say, I was a little skeptical at first.” the groom continued, ignoring his dismissal completely. “My man is a hopeless romantic and loves setting people up. Sometimes things go wrong, so I’m trying to contain the matchmaker in him.”
“Yeah, well, you could’ve spoken up sooner, he has set blind dates up for me way too many times.”
“How were they?” David asked, adding the meat to the sauce he had been preparing, smiling knowingly.
“Disastrous.” the Devils' player disclosed, inhaling the delicious scent that had invaded the room. “Wow, this smells heavenly. What do you add to the sauce?”
“Oregano and peri-peri. Key ingredients for my lasagna. As I was saying, River loves love. Ever since we started dating, he made sure I knew what I was getting into. It’s ironic, because we were set up on a blind date ourselves… But he was the one who was ballsy enough to ask me out himself months later…I wasn’t really into those things, but Y/N, who knew both of us, practically dragged me there. She said David, if you don’t go I’ll have you know you’ll be missing out on meeting the love of your life. And she was right. If I hadn’t taken the plunge, I wouldn’t have my smart, kind, breathtaking soon-to-be husband. Some people and opportunities only come around once in a lifetime.”
“That’s a good life lesson…”
“I’m not finished, Hughes.” the groom scolded, interrupting him. “As I said, I doubted your compatibility with Y/N because I never cared much to observe others before, so I barely noticed anything between the two of you…” he carried on, stopping momentarily to pour the now properly seasoned meat and sauce on the glass platter. “However… I now think my man finally got one good match.”
Jack's mouth dropped open at David’s words, confused and surprised by what he seemed to be trying to convey.
“You guys have something there. I’m not sure what it is and you two sure as hell don’t either, but you should figure it out, together. It’s not one-sided. Don’t be afraid to show her how you feel. People want you to believe that’s emasculating but in fact being able to express your feelings isn’t anything you should ever be ashamed of. So… You know… Do it. The time is now. Don’t let her slip away. It’s just like they say at weddings: speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Y/N brushed her teeth, ready to go to bed after a fun but extremely long day. The wedding was less than twelve hours away and she could hear River pacing around upstairs. The doctor remembered how nervous she was on her wedding day, laughing at how silly her worries were back then. Is he going to be waiting for me at the altar? What if he gets cold feet? Will I be a good wife? What comes next? Everything that concerned her vanished as soon as she had looked into her husband’s eyes and said I do. She could only hope her brother found happiness that would last him a lifetime.
She padded to her room, closing the door behind her and moving carefully in the dark so she could find the comfy bed she had slept in that same morning. Locating it, she threw the sheets back, nearly screeching when she touched someone’s bare skin.
Rushing to the light switch, Y/N turned it on, seeing a very confused Jack open his eyes and look around, confused.
“What are you doing here?” she panted, checking if her black lace-trimmed chemise was covering up her body correctly.
“Trying to sleep?” the Devils' player replied waiting for his eyes to adjust completely to the sudden clarity.
“I know, but what are you doing in my room?”
“Your room?”
“Yeah, I was the first to get here, so I got to choose where I’d stay.”
“Oh. Shit. It was empty when I got here so I just assumed you changed here yesterday but were staying in another room.” Jack stuttered, stumbling over his words once he realized he was an intruder, blushing furiously as he tried to gather his belongings without looking at her sexy sleeping garment. “Do you know where the spare bed is? David mentioned they had one somewhere.”
The coach's daughter placed a hand on his arm, leading the mumbling mess back to the bed.
“It’s late and we’ve both had little to no sleep this weekend. You can stay here.” she offered.
“Are you sure?” he asked, his eyes shooting up, instantly being met with a breathtaking view.
“Yeah, of course. It’s not like we’ve never shared a bed before.” Y/N pointed out, shutting the lights off. “Scoot.”
Jack moved to the other side of the king-sized bed, nearly falling off it, earning a hearty laugh from his roommate, who grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him a little bit closer.
“You’re very respectful of my personal space, and I truly appreciate that, but you don’t have to hurt yourself. It’s fine, Gretz. Now, snooze. Tomorrow’s going to be hectic. Believe me, I’ve been there.”
The Devils' nodded, keeping his gaze fixated on her serene face while she once again gave into her tired body’s desperate need of rest right by his side. As he felt her shift in her sleep, there was only one thing replaying in his brain:
Speak now or forever hold your peace.
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foxes-that-run · 8 months
20 times it was always Haylor
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Harry and Taylor often write that the other is irreplaceable, though they are built to fall apart and get back together.
I have limited myself to only 10 songs each which was hard!
Out of the Woods: "We were built to fall apart / Then fall back together / (Back together)"
End Game "I hit you like, "Bang" / We tried to forget it, but we just couldn't" and "And I can't let you go, your handprint's on my soul"
Ready for it: "And he can be my jailer, Burton to this Taylor / Every lover known in comparison is a failure"
Daylight "I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you"
Cruel Summer "And I scream, "For whatever it's worth I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?" He looks up, grinnin' like a devil"
DBATC: " I look through the windows of this love / Even though we boarded them up / Chandelier's still flickering here / 'Cause I can't pretend it's ok when it's not" and "You said it was a great love, one for the ages / But if the story’s over, why am I still writing pages?"
The 1: "And it would've been sweet / If it could've been me / In my defense, I have none/ For digging up the grave another time / But it would've been fun/ If you would've been the one"
Gold Rush: "And the coastal town / We wandered 'round had never / Seen a love as pure as it" and "My mind turns your life into folklore / I can't dare to dream about you anymore"
Question..?:"Cause I don't remember who I was / Before you painted all my nights / A color I've searched for since" and "Does it feel like everything's just like / Second best after that meteor strike?"
Snow on the Beach "Life is emotionally abusive / And time can't stop me quite like you did" and "Weird but fuckin' beautiful / Flying in a dream, stars by the pocketful / You wanting me tonight feels impossible"
Stockholm Syndrome: "Who's this whisper telling me that I'm never gonna get away?" and " All my life, I've been on my own (Oh-oh-oh) I used the light to guide me home (Oh-oh-oh) / But now together we're alone /And there's no other place I'd ever wanna go”
I love you: Harry wrote for Alex and Sierra: "Cause I love you, more than you think I do / And I love you, now you don't want me to" and "Every time I try to fight it, everything just turns out wrong /Maybe if I got my timing right, I wouldn't end up alone"
Maybe Someday Harry wrote for Micheal Buble: " For her I bend, for you I break / And if I can't be yours now / I'll wait here on this ground / 'Til you come, 'til you take me away / Maybe someday"
Meet me in the Hallway: "We don't talk about it / It's something we don't do / Cause once you go without it / Nothing else will do"
Sweet Creature: "Wherever I go, you bring me home / Sweet creature, sweet creature / When I run out of road, you bring me home"
Fine Line: "You've got my devotion But man, I can hate you sometimes" and "You sunshine, you temptress / My hand's at risk, I fold / Crisp trepidation I'll try to shake this soon"
Golden "I know you were way too bright for me I'm hopeless, broken, so you wait for me in the sky" and "I can feel you take control (I can feel you take control) / Of who I am, and all I've ever known Lovin' you's the antidote / Golden"
Adore you: "I'd walk through fire for you / Just let me adore you/ Like it's the only thing I'll ever do"
As it was: "Seems you cannot be replaced / And I'm the one who will stay, oh" / In this world, it's just us / You know it's not the same as it was"
Music for a Sushi Restaurant: "I don't want you to get lost I don't want you to go broke / I want you / It's 'cause I love you, babe / In every kind of way / Just a little taste / Know I love you, babe"
Ok one more
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fy-soukoku · 5 months
when you hear "they say looks can kill and i might try" "i don't start shit but I can tell you how it ends/don't get sad get even" "ladies always rise above/ladies know what people want/someone sweet and kind and fun/the lady simply had enough" do you think of Kouyou Ozaki?
when you hear "you're on your own kid/you always have been" "I gave my blood sweat and tears for this" "the jokes weren't funny/I took the money/my friends from home don't know what to say" "I looked around in a blood-soaked gown and saw something they can't take away" "there were pages turned with the bridges burned/everything you lose is a step you take" "You're on your own kid/you can face this" do you think of Nakahara Chuuya?
when you hear "bend when you can/snap when you have to" "when you aim at the devil/make sure you don't miss" "I prefer hiding in plain sight... these desperate cries of a cursed man" "dear reader, burn all the files, desert all your past lives" "you should find another guiding light" do you think of Oda Sakunosuke?
when you hear "there are so many lines that I've crossed, unforgiven" "luck of the draw only draws the unlucky/so I became the butt of the joke" "I wounded the good and I trusted the wicked/clearing the air I breathed in the smoke" "I've been sleeping so long in a twenty year dark night/and now I see daylight" "throw out our cloaks and our daggers because it's morning now/it's brighter now" do you think of Akutagawa Ryuunosuke?
when you hear "fifteen years, fifteen million tears/begging til my knees bled" "that old familiar body ache/the snaps from that same little break in your soul" "sometimes giving up is the strong thing/sometimes to run is the brave thing/sometimes walking out is the one thing/that'll find you the right thing" "you know/when it's time to go" do you think of Osamu Dazai?
I mean you don't have to, but you could.
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