#schizophrenic artist
moonstruck-menace · 1 month
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Celebrate World Psychosis and Schizophrenia Day with me!
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d1rtgru8-t4lk5 · 5 months
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૮ ﹒︣ﻌ ﹒︣ა < ssome halluciinatory thiing ii ssaw
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schizodiaries · 5 months
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Positive Negative (2024)
Oil on aluminum foil and cardboard
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speakingofpsychosis · 9 months
painting posting !! some of my favorites from the past while.
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my commissions are open !! 💚
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meda-cat · 2 months
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Apparitions, 2024, Digital media
part of my digital art series known as Psychotic Expressionism
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xsaintseraphx · 5 months
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Not doing too good.
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rachymarie · 1 month
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Today I want to bring to your attention the story of Camille Claudel.
[Link to article pictured]
So I'm curious, has anybody else on the schizospec destroyed any of their art in psychosis or "schizophrenic distress"?
Below I detail from first-hand experience just some reasons why this can happen, why one may be compelled to destroy their precious creations like this:
I can relate to this, having damaged one of my sculptures in psychosis.
But luckily in my case I will be able to repair it if I ever find the time and energy some day.
Reason 1:
I thought my room was like the basement in Cabin in the Woods that the whole city would pick items from to hurt me with. And that's why I broke most of the teeth off my Sugarplum fairy (a character/monster from Cabin in the Woods with just a lamphrey mouth for a face) sculpture.
I was also too afraid to do art and when they made us do colouring-in in hospital I was actually terrified because using the colour red was to plan bad things (don't want to get too into detail).
Everyone knew I liked art so gave me activity books on it which were "making fun of all the artists in it" according to my unwell mind, and they took me to the museum when I was allowed to go on outings again with a family member etc. So I was pretty much living in terror. And I actually swore off ever doing art again, in my head.
Reason 2:
I was also terrified by art theft, especially as a woman artist in a world that up until modern times only really celebrated the works of male artists, I was terrified by stories like how Andy Warhol fucked Valerie Solanas over (that's why she shot him): didn't pay her for acting in his film, stole her work etc. [I had a source for this but it turned out to be a pdf, seems to be different stories across the internet that may be contain different biases. And I'm already late for meds so I'll just say Google is your friend]
I think I had also just recently watched Big Eyes, the 2014 movie based on the true story of artist Margaret Keane - whose husband stole her works and sold them as his own. That made a mark on me too.
And while I was in hospital I thought the whole city had access to my bedroom and all the art in it, and they were stealing some of the "breakthrough"/"genius" "revelations" I had come to in my prodromal period of manic overproductive creative output (another thing that people often don't realize makes me get a bit worried when I start being "too productive", lest it turn out I am just in prodromal phase of psychosis again.)
It also doesn't help now that it's getting increasingly harder for artists in general to keep our work (even doodles and WIPs) safe once posted online, what with AI seemingly on a rampage to steal all our IP with no permission. Not to mention Etsy going to shit getting overrun with stolen dropshipped sweatshop products (more on that in another post).
So for some positive reflection:
So while I'm not the most productive artist in the world by any means, I am just thankful/grateful that I am out of that mental space and able to do art without fear if I want to. Because art is kinda what makes my world go round, means the world to me. When I don't feel understood by the world I have my art and the therapeutic nature of it.
So yes please let me know if you relate to any of this if you are psychotic spectrum etc. And if you are a schizospec artist know that your art is very very important/precious, and I hope you are able to keep making art and feel good doing so
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sirenim · 5 months
𓇼Who am I?.⋆⁺₊
🫧⋆。˚⋆❀ 𓇼 ˖°🦀⁺˚⋆。🪸✧˖°.⋆⁺₊✩°。🦪🦈. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖
I'm Nim, I'm Australian, I go by he/she pronouns and I'm 22 years old (minors pls dni)
scorpio ☼ libra ☾ aquarius ↑
instagram: n11mue
this is just my dairy so I don't have any set things I post about but a few things I do plan to post are
🦪art and photography (including music, makeup and drag)
🦪pirates/mermaids/monsters/faeries etc
🦪actually schizophrenic and actually agoraphobic content (TW on heavy posts)
🦪witchcraft and spirituality
🦪fandom stuff
🦪lots of shitposting <3
I've been practicing witchcraft and dream magick specifically since childhood. My older sisters, mother and late grandfather have all been spiritually inclined too so it's always been a part of my life. I share my dreams and astral experiences under the Sirenim Dreamscape tag
If you like
horror, Lana Del Rey (pro everything's do not fucking interact), nu metal or black metal, mythology and folklore, One Piece (fishmen <3), Shameless, Supernatural, ICP, Ethel Cain, or Jackass pls follow me and we'll be friends <3 (I don't follow back ageless blogs, sorry)
please credit me if you repost any of my photos or artwork, thank you so much <3 and if you would like me to credit you for any of the pinterest photos I post just let me know!
Also my inbox is always open but I have memory issues so be patient <3
pro anna and similar content, basically just normal stuff like racist, transphobic, homophobic etc just stay away if you're gross and hateful, I don't want anything to do with you
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kingofkingsschizo · 8 months
Me, I stay with my good voices, the ones that calm me. The voices that put down and are demeaning you need to be really silent in your thoughts. That b.s. will pass. If you are medicated and still have voices. Don’t get involved with the negative in your head. Stay with that positive voice, it’s part of the good side of you.
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thetigerlady · 2 years
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Hello everyone. Sorry it's been so long. I don't even know where to begin. I'm still on vraylar, but hoping something better comes along. Just doesn't work for me like it used to. It's been rough lately with the voices, but I'm still ploughing through. As you can see, I'm still coloring my hair...although it looks a *lot* lighter in that pic than it actually is. I still do artwork when the mood hits, though I find it pretty much impossible to do every day. I did design a tattoo that I want to get. One of those on the chest just under the uh...chesticles. lol. I don't know why I love that word so much. Just cracks me up. Anywho, here it is:
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It's loosely based on Hungarian embroidery..cuz I'm loosely based on a Hungarian. Lol. (My mom was Hungarian...lolol) I did it on my phone with "medibang". My kiddo showed me that app. I sketched half of it, then imported the linework and went from there. I do love that app.
Anywho, I guess that's it for right now.
❤️ Jen
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moonstruck-menace · 5 months
So basing off the community flag posted by @schizosupport
I have made a flyer and tag line as like a call thing.
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So it's the flag, followed by:
moonstruck menace
somewhere between off and odd
I feel psychotics should start being more present in discussions about disability and neurodivergency, but since the communities won't make space, we have to make it ourselves. Hence Moonstruck menace, with moonstruck being a synonym for psychotic.
Somewhere between off and odd comes from the phrase "alternating between off and on"
I use this phrase because I identify with both words and want to express that in my psychosis acceptance.
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schizodiaries · 6 months
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some schizoaffective vent doodles I made
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speakingofpsychosis · 9 months
I have two new paintings available for grabs!
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if you’d like to snag one please shoot me a message.
Please reblog to support a schizophrenic artist 💚
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meda-cat · 4 months
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Breakfast at the Hospital (2024)
Acrylic on panel
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xsaintseraphx · 9 months
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rachymarie · 6 days
My Soul Bleeds (Without Art) - an autistic schizospec artist poem:
Without art
My soul bleeds
I am but a husk
of my true self
Not a real person
Barely even living
Just existing
To suffer through
A world not built for me
Without art
My soul bleeds
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