#semester 2
books-in-a-storm · 2 months
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Paranormal Star Review
Title: Urban Academy #2 Semester 2
Author: Mazzy J. March
Pages: 127
Synopsis: I ran across the country to give myself a new start, a new life–I never thought it would end up like this. One week I’m a janitor for the Urban Academy, a place rich in things that go bump in the night, including someone who I swear turned from a human to a beast right outside the window. The headmistress knows what I saw and her reaction was to give me a free ride to this college and make me sign a peculiar NDA. Doesn’t matter. I’m getting a free education, room, and board, instead of working myself to the bone to afford a tiny apartment and some scraps of food. The only thing left is to figure out what the hell they are teaching in class and catch up, plus, I have a crush on the guy who turned into the monster. And maybe one or two others… That may be a problem.
First And Last Sentence: Here
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artbyaine · 1 year
Exhibition Wall
On Friday, I printed out all of my favourite pieces, and the work that I felt best represented my project and each of my electives and hung them on the wall in the ceramics studio.
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I chose to showcase my Zine as I put a lot of work into its design, and I feel as though it perfectly encompasses each of my chosen electives.
I hung my ice block photography work as I feel that that was the piece where I most connected with my chosen theme of ice. Despite my missteps along the way, I feel that I left that experiment with some strong images.
I also included my character sheet and final scene as I felt that I was really able to capture the visual look and feel of ice whilst also balancing storytelling elements within the scene.
Finally, I added my Pinhole camera images as I felt that they conveyed my theme in a more abstract manner whilst referencing back to the initial images of the shattered mirror portraits that led me down the route of ice.
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studyinsilence · 10 months
Some goals for semester 2 this year 📖📚
Attend all of my lectures
Study for at least two hours each day (with one rest day each week)
Get 8 hours of sleep every night
Eat proper meals
Enjoy my classes :)
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k00282802 · 1 year
Semester 2 movement brief: statement
For my movement brief, I followed the theme of movement through combat/ fighting. My electives for this semester were painting, animation and graphic design.
I explored this theme through looking at three areas of combat to focus on; hand to hand combat, weapon based combat, and simulated/video game combat. I explored these areas in my primary research and narrowed down my theme to the specific areas of kickboxing, sword fighting and using a vr headset. I connected my three electives by using these three forms, and turning them into characterizations , and used them throughout my elective work
painting- painting using tools related to my theme such as knives, my own hands/fists and pointillism, also explored movement through how I moved while making the painting.
animation- 2d animation of three characters based within a fighting game, cycling through idle animations on a character select screen.
graphic design- three posters based on my three areas of combat explored, inspired by the workshops I did and the artist I researched.
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bukunmiakintola20 · 1 year
Christmas Break and the Dread of School... Generally
Hey pumpkins~
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I hope everyone had a wonderful break!!! Is it too late to say that www Anyways, I finally stopped procrastinating and finished le post. Yay!!! Also alot of you have said you like my Improving in Gyaru series, so if there is a topic you'd like me to write on just let me know! Now on with the post.....
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I don’t know if it’s because I’m a medical student but as soon as it’s November 1st, I was officially counting the days until break would start. So when break arrived I was soooo excited (+ I got to go back to Canada). But then, since you’re normally so busy, having no work feels so unusual and by the time you adjust, its already time to go back to school again… (;ᴗ;) This is what I got up to over the break ^.~
For the first few days, I just chilled for a bit and kinda adjusted to the house that my family was staying in within our neighbourhood (note: the basement at my house burnt down last semester, so everything is getting renovated and the things that can be cleaned are in the process of being cleaned >_< ). My family then went on a road trip to a nearby town where my dad works (though we had to wait until my brother arrived, also an international student).
Photos from new years ★
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When we finally got there after 7 hours of driving, I honestly couldn’t go out much because my younger brother was finishing his IA’s and my older brother was studying for his last semester. If you have strict parents then YOU KNOW you can’t really go out when the atmosphere is like that σ( ̄、 ̄〃) I did do some work of my own like plan a little for the step 1 (USMLE) and look over the courses I have to take this semester. It was break after all tho, so I watched some movies and tv show I didn’t have the chance to watch when school was on. A few days after new years we drove back and I had a bunch of fun. I went to the theatres and watched Avatar and the new Wakanda movie (they were released in exam season so I couldn’t go watch them), went shopping, did a bunch of other fun stuff, and I got my hair braided to go back to school! 
As always, thanks for reading! And if you enjoy what you're reading, hit the follow button at the top of my blogger. It's anonymous, and helps me feel more loved by you all. Buh bye~
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k00283533 · 1 year
Semester 2: Movement
On 11 of January, when exploring theme movement I began exploring the environment around me that caused, affected or used movement such as wind, light, rain, people, animals or concepts that could be considered part of movement such as feminism, communism, peace movements, environmental etc...
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taylastudio2022 · 2 years
“In 1968, American sculptor Robert Morris coined the term ‘anti-form’ to distinguish a new kind of sculpture that had emerged in reaction to minimalism. Where it stressed composition and organisation, the new art preferred decomposition and disorganisation. In place of strict geometries, Morris, Eva Hesse, Richard Serra, Lynda Benglis, and Barry Le Va draped, poured, and scattered material. Their work emphasised material, mutability, and process.”
‘Anti Form’, 1968 Print, Robert Morris
“Anti Form” - Art Forum, Print April 1968
Initial Reading notes:
“The process of “making itself” has hardly been examined. It has only received attention in terms of some kind of mythical, romanticized polarity: the so-called action of the Abstract Expressionists and the so-called conceptualizations of the Minimalists”
“Of the Abstract Expressionists only Pollock was able to recover process and hold on to it as part of the end form of the work.”
“Pollock’s recovery of process involved a profound re-thinking of the role of both material and tools in making.”
“ This involves a reconsideration of the use of tools in relation to material. In some cases these investigations move from the making of things to the making of material itself. Sometimes a direct manipulation of a given material without the use of any tool is made. In these cases considerations of gravity become as important as those of space.” “The focus on matter and gravity as means results in forms which were not projected in advance. Considerations of ordering are necessarily casual and imprecise and unemphasized. Random piling, loose stacking, hanging, give passing form to the material. “ 
“Considerations of ordering are necessarily casual and imprecise and unemphasized. Random piling, loose stacking, hanging, give passing form to the material”
From semester one:
“I really appreciated this consideration of gravity and space, and the autonomy and movement that this allows the sculpture to possess. I myself found/find it hard to plan and expect a certain sculpture or look from this work, as it is often partly dependent on how the sculpture reacts and acts within a space. I cannot invision the exact work until it is done. Anti form really is about the moments within materiality itself. The work will almost never look exactly the same twice.” 
This all remains relevant to my practice. I continue to consider Anti-form an integral aspect of my sculpture works. My work has become more interested in tension and pull, and has expanded to include more materials, and has expanded conceptually, but the chance, materiality, agency, process, are all still focuses of my practice. The added materiality adds more possibilities, and more ways of manipulation, but the nature of the work remains reliant on the materials and how they act after being hung. I think that this connection to agency and movement, and control is still strong within my practice. I am developing elements of my work outside of anti-form, but unintentionally it has stayed relevant, and I continue to apply it and consider the concept in more ways. 
“ Feminism is crucially concerned with the ways in which women’s bodies are controlled within a patriarchal system…” Carson, Fiona. Feminism and the Body. Routledge, 2004.
As I have become more interested in ‘feminine energy’, identity etc - I thought it helpful to revisit some of my past research/writing considering the concept of “femininity” and how it could potentially be problematic .
Excerpt from last semesters Research Paper:
“It is important to acknowledge the complexities surrounding what constitutes femininity. When I speak about reclaiming femininity and bringing equal value to the feminine, I understand that it can be a difficult, and contradicting area. Some women see no contradiction between feminism and femininity, insisting that femininity is a form of empowerment, others view the two as irreconcilable (Hurd).
For many women, femininity is both an intrinsic aspect of their sense of self, and simultaneously a position to be sought after (Mills). A patriarchal social structure has been dominant throughout much of recorded human history, and is still in effect in many societies today (Hurd). Therefore, it can be understood that a patriarchal system framed these ideas. Judith Butler explains how it is almost impossible to escape these constructs and conventions of gender (Gleeson). 
Femininity can describe the qualities we have been taught to associate with being female, which have traditionally been considered to be weakness, passivity, and submissiveness (Hurd). While leaning into this traditionally considered feminine craft and using it in my work I am hoping to challenge these notions of femininity. There seems to be continuous contradiction surrounding what a woman should be, and what a feminist should be. My position is that we shouldn’t be determined by these constructs, but that we should be able to liberate ourselves from what we should do, and simply do what we wish to, and that should be respectable enough.”
All in all, I enjoy depicting both what I consider to be feminine, and what has been constructed as feminine (as if they aren’t the same?), feminine energy, sensuality, passivity, beauty, etc.... Unapologetically. 
It was interesting during my formative critique, a few people described my work to have character ‘feminine energy’ ‘sexuality’ - and felt like a ‘bad night/good night out’ or a ‘hang over’. Its so cool (for lack of a better word) that the materiality, choice of materials, achieved this affect. That the lace, stocking, glue, ribbon, knitting, thread, managed to make those associations. It’s definitely something I want to continue to look into moving forward. As well as understanding identity/femininity..perhaps autobiographically, personally...
Gleeson, Jules. “Judith Butler: ‘We Need to Rethink the Category of Woman.’” The Guardian, 7 Sept. 2021. The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/sep/07/judith-butler-interview-gender.
“At the same time, none of us are totally determined by cultural norms. Gender then becomes a negotiation, a struggle, a way of dealing with historical constraints and making new realities. When we are “girled”, we are entered into a realm of girldom that has been built up over a long time – a series of conventions, sometimes conflicting, that establish girlness within society. We don’t just choose it. And it is not just imposed on us. But that social reality can, and does, change”
“What 'Femininity' Means in 2022“ article:
“While it's impossible to ever fully, accurately pinpoint "femininity"—part of what makes it so wonderful is its ever-evolving, nuanced, and individualized definitions“ 
“Femininity is a double-edged sword....”
“In countries around the world, I've met incredible women and girls; because of them, I see femininity as strength and courage....” 
“It's time to get rid of all the patriarchal connotations attached to femininity. I'm an activist and a feminist who kicks ass while wearing high heels...” 
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trinitycove · 5 months
All PO's (pass outstanding) this Office Simulation week! And 66 wpm in keyboarding 🥳
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o-wild-west-wind · 7 months
ofmd is like not comedy as in sitcom but comedy as in shakespearean where it’s psychological trauma and conflicts of violence but with dick jokes and the promise of marriage in the end
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soaladin · 11 months
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rahdiwae · 11 months
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books-in-a-storm · 9 months
Bishop had stood me up.
-Semester 2, Mazzy J March
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artbyaine · 1 year
Finished Zine flip through.
Here is a flip through of the zine in its final booklet form.
I didn't realise at first, but I am grateful that I left those Zine projects until last in my Movement project as it both combines and displays all three of my discipline electives in one piece. The perfect way to end my semester 2 project.
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belido · 11 months
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hodinodi · 1 month
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they say THAT friendship lasts the looooongest!
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itsamiaamario · 1 year
will english or physics or math be the death of me??
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