#seth clearwater oneshot
sethsclearwater · 26 days
i'm BEGGING you for more seth being a new dad and taking care of his postpartum imprint pls!!
seth had quite literally just gotten up to figure out how to bring your newborn daughter's bassinet into your bedroom when you realized how hungry you were. despite both his and sue's insistence on bedrest for the first week, you thought you were going a little crazy sitting around all day just over 48 hours after giving birth.
so, with a heavy sigh, you turned so your calves could hang off the edge of the bed while you grabbed your hydroflask to take a few sips of water while you gave your body a moment to adjust to the movement.
before you even had a chance to try and get up, seth was coming back into the room carrying the empty bassinet with ease, "you wanna get up?" seth asked, quickly setting the bassinet down on your side of the bed as you'd requested before he was crouching down in front of you so he wasn't totally towering over you.
"'m hungry and i'm exhausted but i feel like i'm gonna go crazy if i keep sitting here all day," you rambled, quickly working yourself up which had a rush of tears clouding your eyes as they threatened to spill over your waterline.
"alright you're okay pretty girl," seth cooed, resting his hands on your thighs and giving them a gentle squeeze when the tears you'd been holding back suddenly burst and began streaming down your cheeks, "take some deep breaths, promise you're okay," he reassured, gently running his hands up and down your thighs soothingly while he gave you a moment to cry it out.
sue had already warned you two about all the crazy hormones you'd be dealing with postpartum so seth was more than prepared to help you deal with them while you tried to figure out how the hell you'd underestimated just how horrible it was.
"drink some water, yea?" he suggested, lifting your hydroflask from your lap to encourage you to drink some. you complied, giving him a small nod and a sniffle before you were taking a few sips of water.
you and seth remained like that for a moment, both quiet as you calmed yourself down enough until you were confident you could lift your gaze from your lap to look at him and not burst into tears again.
once you did look up at him, you how his brown eyes had softened as he watched you, "thank you," you whispered after a moment, a few stray tears racing down your cheeks that seth quickly wiped off as he lifted his hands from your thighs to gently cup your cheeks in his warm hands.
"nothin' to thank me for," he reassured, "you're the one doin' all the hard work here," he added, smiling when you let out a breathy laugh at that one.
while seth insisted you focused on healing your body and bonding with your baby, he took on just about everything else. from changing diapers to making sure you were fed, seth was on it.
"now you wanna tell me why you were gettin' up? we can go sit in the living room for a little bit if you wanna change it up," he suggested, smiling again when you nodded, happy with that compromise.
"alright let's do that then, yea? and we can order some food from that place down the street if you want," he added, already knowing all too well just how badly you'd been craving that since you'd given birth.
when you nodded and cracked a smile, seth got up and quickly pressed his lips to your forehead before he was slowly helping you up so the two of you could go into the living room and relax with each other before your baby woke up from her nap.
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thewulf · 2 months
Hiiii! I read your Paul story and I absolutely loved it!!! I was wondering if maybe you could write about Seth Clearwater? He’s always been one of my comfort characters lol and i’ve had literally the biggest crush on him since I first watched twilight when I was like 12 lmao.
Anyways here’s my request. So basically Y/n is one of Bella’s good friends. Although they’re like really really good friends they could nottttt be any more opposite than they already are. Y/n is an extrovert and leans into more of the cliche popular fun girl type? if that makes sense. anyways so bella was invited to come hang out at the beach(i mean like bonfires and burgers and hotdogs.) with Jacob and basically the entire pack and his family. and bella invites y/n because idk she didn’t wanna go alone? And while bella and jacob are dilly dallying leaving y/n alone she goes to go sit by the bonfire. and embry and the other boys come up to y/n. (because totally hot girl they’ve never met duh ofcourse they’re come up to her and chop it up.) and when y/n looks up at the boys and makes eye contact with seth. botta bing botta boom seth imprinted on y/n and kinda just stands there like a lost puppy and the boys just drag him away. later seth comes back and apologizes for earlier and then they spend the rest of the night just talking and have fun!!!!
idkkk i’ve always loved this idea but i’ve never wrote it out! also i just really love fluff and all that lolll. sorry if my request didn’t make sense i tried putting it all together the best i could lmao. anyways ty for your time!!
Stoppp I love this... and I LOVE cliche even more!! My fav is awkward fluffy so this is quite literally perfect. And Seth is just so cuuuuuute!! Hahaha you got it anon!
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The Journey: Part 2
*Hello! This is part 2 to the witch Seth scenario! Hope ya’ll enjoy!
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Over the next few weeks, you learned 3 things:
1. Seth was a shapeshifter.
2. He was also your soulmate.
3. He didn't know witches existed and you didn't know how to tell him.
You weren't sure how you were supposed to tell him that not only witches exist, but that his very own imprint was one. You and Seth had grown close over the past few weeks, especially after he told you about imprinting and you realized he really was your soulmate. You saw each other almost every day and texted each other constantly, so keeping your secret had been pretty hard. Not only did you want to tell him, but keeping your powers hidden had been difficult. The whole pack didn't know witches existed but with their mind link, you knew as soon as Seth found out, the others would too. 
"What are you thinking about?" Seth's voice drew you from your thoughts. You looked over from where you sat next to him on the log. You were currently at the beach with the pack, sitting around the bonfire as most of the boys were rough housing not too far away and the girls sat across from you, chatting amongst themselves.
"Oh, nothing," you smiled at him. You couldn't tell him here. Especially not in front of everyone.
"You sure? You looked pretty deep in thought," he was always so observant when it came to you. He watched your every move, as if enamored with everything you did.
"Yeah, it's not important," but it was. You just didn't have the heart to tell him yet. You were scared that he'd be freaked out, even though deep down you knew he'd still care for you. 
"It's you. Of course it's important," he smiled as he reached over, grabbing your hand.
"It's really not," you squeezed his hand, glancing over at the girls who weren't very far away. He followed your gaze before standing up, pulling you with him. 
"Let's go for a walk," he smiled and told everyone what the two of you were doing before heading towards the forest trail, your hands intertwined. When you got a good distance away, he stopped and turned to you, "Okay. It's just the two of us. What's really going on? Something is bugging you,  I can tell." 
"It's nothing, Seth," you began again, squeezing his hand again, "It's not that big of a deal."
"If it wasn't, then you would tell me," he said, grabbing your other hand in his, pulling you closer to him, "Please, you can tell me anything."
"I… I guess I'm nervous. What I have to tell you… it's a lot," you waited as he just looked at you, waiting for you to continue, "You're probably going to freak out on me."
"I won't freak out," he said, laughing slightly as he shook his head.
"Okay…" You didn't know how to begin. You've never had to tell anyone outside the coven that you were a witch. "Do you believe in magic?"
"I'm a shape-shifting warrior who fights vampires," he looked at you as if the answer was obvious, "I think on some level, yeah, magic has to exist."
"Not the magic that causes you to shapeshift," you began, letting go of his hands, "but kind of like you see in the movies. Like witches and warlocks."
"Why are you asking me this?"
"I guess…" you sighed, walking a little away in thought before turning back to him, "Do you believe people who use magic exist?"
"I can't say I know it does, but yeah, I guess if werewolves and vampires exist, then witches could too," he shrugged, looking at you, "Why?"
"I am," you said, stepping closer and talking quietly, "A witch, I mean. I'm a witch."
"A witch? You? Right," he laughed slightly, shaking his head, "____, I think I know you well enough to know you're human."
"I'm not, not really. I am a witch, I've just kept it hidden from you," you grimaced as you looked at him, waiting for him to speak. You watched him watch you for what seemed like ages before he opened his mouth again.
"I…Are you being serious?" He asked carefully, not wanting to upset you when he didn't want to believe you, "Like 100% serious right now?"
"Yes, Seth, I'm not joking," you said, crossing your arms, "I didn't want to tell you. I was afraid of what you would think but I don't want to keep it from you anymore. I'm tired of hiding who I am from my soulmate. That's what you are, by the way. My soulmate. Just like I'm your imprint."
"I mean, I guess I understand why you hid it," he sighed, running his hand through his hair, "but it wouldn't change how I feel about you. You're my other half, human or not." He stepped forward, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards him, "I mean, if you're being serious, that's kind of cool. My imprint is a witch?"
"Yeah… you don't want me to prove it to you?" You were shocked. He was taking this pretty well, but Seth had always been more accepting of the vampires than the rest of his pack, so you suppose a witch wasn't too far stretched in his mind.
"I mean, I'd love to see it, but I don't think you'd ever lie to me like that, so if you don't want to show me yet, I understand," he hugged you against him, smiling down at you. 
"I'd love to show you," you muttered quietly, wrapping your arms around his neck and reaching up, planting a gentle kiss against his lips, "How did I get such a good soulmate?"
"About that," he began, a smirk gracing his features, "I'm your soulmate, huh? How long have you known?"
"I had a feeling the first time I met you,  but I knew for sure when you told me about the imprint bond and your shifting," you smiled as he hugged you tighter, "I'm really happy you're not upset with me."
"I could never be upset at you for something like this, ____," he smiled down at you, brushing your hair out of your face with his hand, "I love you, no matter what."
"I love you too, Seth." You blushed slightly, as it was the first time you both spoke those words to each other.
"I've been wanting to tell you that for a while, just didn't want to scare you," he mumbled, blushing as well, "It's nice to know that you feel the bond as strongly as I do."
"I've been wanting to tell you, too. I just didn't want to say it until you knew the truth."
"Should we head back? I'm sure the pack is wondering where we are," he jerked his head towards the beach as he spoke.
"Yeah… should we tell them tonight about me?" You worried that they wouldn't accept you like Seth did. 
"Only if you want to," he said, kissing your forehead gently.
"I just want to get it over with," you replied, leaning into his embrace. He nodded before leading you back to the beach where the next challenge awaited you.
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
Can I request platonic Carlisle x child fem witch reader (like 14-15, she ages really slowly), Carlisle saved her from being killed during the Salem Witch Trials? He cares for her so much and since she’s the only one who sleeps in the Cullen clan, he sometimes watches her sleep as if protecting her or something. And he acts somewhat protective of her after finding out she’s Seth’s imprint?
❝the witch hybrid and her companion❞
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✭ pairing : father Carlisle Cullen x reader x imprint Seth Clearwater
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is a young witch who Carlisle had saved from the Salem witch trials, she had been been on the verge of being fully brunt to death when he had grabbed and rescued her, she was fifteen when he had turnt her thus making her the first hybrid of both witch and vampire species.
✭ authors note : this shit so long I gotta make a part 2 because I wasn’t done writing
✭ twilight masterlist
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The year was 1692, and the small town of Salem was ablaze with fear and suspicion. The Salem Witch Trials had gripped the community, turning neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend. Whispers of witchcraft echoed through the narrow, winding streets like a curse.
In the midst of this hysteria, a young witch named (Y/N) found herself ensnared in the web of accusations. She was a mere fifteen years old, with (dark/light) (h/c) hair and hypnotizing (e/c) eyes that held the secrets of centuries past. Her magical abilities had manifested early, and she had done her best to hide them, but the fervor of the witch hunt had spared no one.
One fateful evening, as the moon hung low in the darkened sky, the town's fervor reached its peak. (Y/N) was dragged from her humble cottage by an angry mob, her hands bound, and the scent of burning wood filled the air. The townsfolk were determined to put an end to the supposed evil that had plagued their lives.
The makeshift gallows stood tall in the center of town, a grim reminder of the collective madness that had taken hold. A wooden stake awaited (Y/N), and the flames that danced around it cast eerie shadows on her pale, terrified face.
As the crowd jeered and cursed, the flames were lit, and the stake began to smolder. (Y/N) let out a piercing scream as the searing pain coursed through her body. She was on the brink of death, her skin blistering and her vision fading.
But then, a figure emerged from the shadows, moving with preternatural grace and speed. Carlisle Cullen, a vampire with a heart that still beat for compassion, could not bear to witness this gruesome spectacle. He had heard rumors of witches in Salem and had come to investigate, hoping to prevent further tragedy.
In an instant, Carlisle reached (Y/N)'s side. With a strength that belied his gentle appearance, he tore the wooden stake from her chest. The townsfolk gasped in shock as they beheld a young man of ethereal beauty and otherworldly strength.
Carlisle cradled the near-lifeless (Y/N) in his arms and vanished into the night, leaving behind the chaos and confusion of the mob. He knew that there was only one way to save her now—to grant her the immortality of a vampire.
As they fled into the wilderness, (Y/N) clung to consciousness, her body burned and broken. She whispered a faint thank you to the stranger who had appeared like a guardian angel in her darkest hour. Little did she know that this mysterious savior would change the course of her life forever.
In the moonlit forest, Carlisle Cullen made a solemn vow. He would teach (Y/N) to control her newfound powers, guide her through the complexities of immortal life, and protect her from the world that had once condemned her. Together, they would find redemption and forge a bond that would withstand the ages.
Carlisle had taken a great risk when he saved (Y/N) from the clutches of death during the Salem Witch Trials. He had severed ties with the Volturi long ago, seeking a life that adhered to his moral compass. His choice to create a vampire out of (Y/N), who still possessed her magical abilities, was a secret he needed to protect at all costs.
The struggles were immediate. (Y/N)'s powers, now amplified by her vampiric nature, were dangerously unpredictable. At times, her emotions would trigger bursts of magic that could send objects flying or set the forest ablaze. Keeping her abilities hidden from both the human world and the vampire authorities became an arduous task.
Carlisle spent countless nights helping (Y/N) gain control over her newfound powers. He was patient, guiding her through the nuances of her magic, teaching her to harness it without drawing attention. Together, they honed her skills in secrecy, for they knew that revealing her true nature could lead to disastrous consequences.
As the years passed, Carlisle and (Y/N) developed a bond that ran deeper than blood. They became a family of two, sharing their eternal existence and the burden of concealing her abilities. It was a lonely existence, but they clung to the hope that they could find others like them, vampires who shared their values and accepted (Y/N) despite her magical nature.
Their quest for companionship led them on a journey across the continent. They followed whispers and rumors, searching for those who might understand their unique situation. It was during this quest that they stumbled upon a coven unlike any other.
In a remote, wooded area, they encountered people on the verge of dying such as Edward, Esme, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett, and Alice.
Together, they navigated the challenges of their unique existence, supporting each other through the trials of immortality and the constant threat of the Volturi's scrutiny. As they honed their abilities and shared their stories, they discovered the true meaning of family – a bond forged not by blood but by choice and shared values.
Their coven became a sanctuary, a place where each member could be their authentic selves without fear of judgment or persecution. And as they faced the world together, they knew that their unity was their greatest strength, a testament to the power of love, acceptance, and the enduring spirit of those who dared to defy the darkness that sought to consume them.
The year was 2005, and the town of Forks had remained a quiet, secluded haven for the Cullen family. (Y/N), now a hybrid of a witch and vampire, appeared eternally fifteen but was wise beyond her years. Her days were spent in the cozy Cullen home, where Esme provided her with a homeschooling education tailored to her unique needs.
Yet, there was a part of (Y/N) that longed for more than the confines of their home. She yearned for the normalcy of teenage life, for the bustling hallways of a high school, and for the companionship of her siblings. Carlisle remained as protective as ever, reluctant to expose her to the unpredictable world outside, but he couldn't deny her the occasional visits to Forks High School.
One crisp afternoon, (Y/N) stood by the school's parking lot, waiting for her siblings to emerge from their classes. She watched as the students filed out, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Her heart ached for the chance to experience such simple joys.
Suddenly, a tiny whirlwind of energy appeared before her, and she smiled as Alice materialized in front of her. Alice's golden eyes sparkled with excitement, and she greeted her sister with a grin.
"(Y/N), you won't believe it," Alice chirped, her voice filled with anticipation.
Arching an eyebrow, (Y/N) replied, "Believe what, Alice?"
With a playful twirl, Alice continued, "Life just got even more interesting in Forks High School."
(Y/N) couldn't help but be intrigued. "How so?"
Alice leaned in conspiratorially, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "There's a new girl at the school."
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Alice's enthusiasm. "A new girl? Why is that so exciting?"
Alice's eyes widened as she explained, "Because, dear sister, this new girl is different. I've seen flashes of her future, and it's...uncertain. There's something extraordinary about her, something that might just shake up our tranquil little town."
(Y/N) considered Alice's words, her curiosity piqued. She had always trusted Alice's visions, and this revelation promised an unexpected twist in their otherwise peaceful existence.
As the rest of their siblings joined them in the parking lot, (Y/N) shared Alice's revelation. They exchanged glances filled with curiosity and anticipation. Life in Forks was about to become more intriguing, and the Cullen family was ready to face whatever challenges the new girl's arrival might bring.
The year was 2005, and the town of Forks had remained a quiet, secluded haven for the Cullen family. (Y/N), now a hybrid of a witch and vampire, appeared eternally fifteen but was wise beyond her years. Her days were spent in the cozy Cullen home, where Esme provided her with a homeschooling education tailored to her unique needs.
Yet, there was a part of (Y/N) that longed for more than the confines of their home. She yearned for the normalcy of teenage life, for the bustling hallways of a high school, and for the companionship of her siblings. Carlisle remained as protective as ever, reluctant to expose her to the unpredictable world outside, but he couldn't deny her the occasional visits to Forks High School.
One crisp afternoon, (Y/N) stood by the school's parking lot, waiting for her siblings to emerge from their classes. She watched as the students filed out, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Her heart ached for the chance to experience such simple joys.
Suddenly, a tiny whirlwind of energy appeared before her, and she smiled as Alice materialized in front of her. Alice's golden eyes sparkled with excitement, and she greeted her sister with a grin.
"(Y/N), you won't believe it," Alice chirped, her voice filled with anticipation.
Arching an eyebrow, (Y/N) replied, "Believe what, Alice?"
With a playful twirl, Alice continued, "Life just got even more interesting in Forks High School."
(Y/N) couldn't help but be intrigued. "How so?"
Alice leaned in conspiratorially, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "There's a new girl at the school."
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Alice's enthusiasm. "A new girl? Why is that so exciting?"
Alice's eyes widened as she explained, "Because, dear sister, this new girl is different. I've seen flashes of her future, and it's...uncertain. There's something extraordinary about her, something that might just shake up our tranquil little town."
(Y/N) considered Alice's words, her curiosity piqued. She had always trusted Alice's visions, and this revelation promised an unexpected twist in their otherwise peaceful existence.
As the rest of their siblings joined them in the parking lot, (Y/N) shared Alice's revelation. They exchanged glances filled with curiosity and anticipation. Life in Forks was about to become more intriguing, and the Cullen family was ready to face whatever challenges the new girl's arrival might bring.
Edward had long been intrigued by Bella Swan, the human girl who had captured his heart. He knew the time had come to introduce her to his family, the Cullens. With a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, he arrived at the Cullen residence with Bella by his side.
The Cullen home exuded an air of elegance and tranquility as Edward and Bella entered. Carlisle and Esme, the matriarch and patriarch of the family, stood together, their welcoming smiles putting Bella at ease. Alice, as ever, bounced with enthusiasm, eager to greet the newcomer.
Rosalie, the beautiful but distant blonde, maintained her standoffish demeanor. Emmett, her jovial and easygoing husband, offered a warm and friendly greeting. Jasper, with his polite distance, appeared cordial yet reserved.
As Bella took in the room full of unique and ethereal beings, her nerves were palpable. Edward gently squeezed her hand, offering silent reassurance.
Edward turned to Bella, his arm draped around her, and gestured toward the youngest member of the family. "(Y/N)," he began, "I'd like you to meet Bella Swan."
(Y/N) stepped forward, her emerald eyes twinkling with curiosity and warmth. "Hello, Bella," she greeted with a genuine smile.
Bella returned the smile, though her gaze flickered with surprise as she took in (Y/N)'s youthful appearance. "Hi, (Y/N). Nice to meet you."
Edward, ever the attentive brother, chimed in, "Bella, (Y/N) is homeschooled. She's rather sensitive emotionally, and we want to ensure she's comfortable."
Bella nodded, not questioning the explanation, and (Y/N) added, "It's lovely to meet someone new. I don't often get the chance to make friends outside the family."
As the conversation flowed, Bella and (Y/N) discovered shared interests. They both had a deep love for nature and a passion for ballet. They exchanged stories about their experiences, and (Y/N) found herself drawn to Bella's genuine and kind-hearted nature.
Alice, always eager to foster connections, joined in their conversation with her trademark enthusiasm. Jasper remained observant but distant, his empathic nature making him cautious around newcomers. Rosalie, on the other hand, kept her distance but couldn't help but sneak occasional glances at Bella, her curiosity getting the better of her.
As the evening unfolded, the Cullens' initial uncertainties about Bella began to fade. It was clear that she brought a light into their home, and her connection with (Y/N) was a pleasant surprise.
Though the Cullens were a family of immortal vampires, they had managed to create a sense of belonging and unity. With Bella's arrival, the dynamics shifted once more, adding a new layer of complexity to their existence. Little did they know that this human girl would play a significant role in their future, bringing challenges and joys they could never have anticipated.
The bond between (Y/N) and Bella had grown stronger since their first meeting at the Cullen household. They shared countless hours talking about everything from books to ballet, and their friendship had become an unbreakable connection.
One sunny afternoon, Bella decided to introduce (Y/N) to a friend from her other life in Forks, someone who was quite different from the Cullen family. She took (Y/N) to the nearby La Push reservation, where she introduced her to Jacob Black.
Jacob, a tall and lanky young man with a warm smile, greeted Bella and her new friend with enthusiasm. (Y/N) was immediately struck by his friendly and down-to-earth nature. She found herself drawn to his easygoing demeanor, which contrasted with the graceful elegance of her vampire family.
As they sat in the shade of a towering tree, (Y/N) and Jacob began to chat. She learned that Jacob had a passion for fixing cars and motorcycles, an interest he'd picked up from his father. It was an unusual hobby for a young man on the brink of shifting into a werewolf, but Jacob loved the mechanical world as much as (Y/N) loved ballet and nature.
"(Y/N), you ever work on cars or bikes?" Jacob asked, his eyes lighting up with excitement.
She shook her head, intrigued by the idea. "No, I've never had the chance, but I'd love to learn."
Jacob grinned, his enthusiasm infectious. "Well, I can teach you if you're interested. We've got an old truck in the garage that's in need of some TLC."
Bella watched as her friend and her new friend connected over a shared interest. It was a heartwarming sight, seeing her worlds collide in such a positive way.
In the days that followed, (Y/N) visited La Push regularly to spend time with Jacob. She learned how to wield wrenches and navigate the inner workings of an engine. She watched with fascination as he effortlessly fixed motorcycles and patiently explained the mechanics behind each repair.
As (Y/N) delved into this new hobby, she couldn't help but notice the parallel between her time with Jacob and the moments she had observed between Rosalie and Emmett as they worked on cars together. She marveled at the beauty of human experiences and how they transcended the boundaries of her immortal life.
Her friendship with Jacob deepened, and she treasured the moments spent working on engines and sharing stories under the open sky. In those moments, (Y/N) realized that bonds could be formed beyond the supernatural world of vampires and werewolves, and that the connections she forged with humans were just as significant and meaningful.
The year had turned to 2006, and the bonds between (Y/N), Bella, and Jacob had grown stronger since (Y/N) started learning about cars and motorcycles with him. However, a shadow had fallen over their friendship.
Jacob had become distant, and Bella couldn't understand why. She was tired of being ignored, and one day, she decided to confront him with (Y/N) by her side.
They arrived at Jacob's house, and the atmosphere was tense. Bella knew something was amiss, and she was determined to get answers. As they approached the house, they heard roughhousing and laughter coming from the backyard.
Bella's frustration was evident as she muttered, "Enough is enough. I need to know what's going on."
(Y/N) nodded in agreement, her concern mirrored in her eyes. They made their way to the backyard, where they were met with an unexpected sight. Paul, Jared, and Sam, all shirtless, were playfully wrestling in the grass.
Bella's patience had run thin, and she spoke up, "Jacob, we need to talk."
The laughter ceased as the three boys turned to look at the girls. Sam, with his wisdom and responsibility as the pack's alpha, stepped forward. "What's this about, Bella?"
Jacob stood nearby, his expression guarded. Bella's frustration boiled over, and she finally confronted him, "You've been avoiding me, Jacob. I want to know why."
Jacob hesitated, his gaze shifting between Bella and his pack members. But it was Paul who decided to speak, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "Well, maybe it's because we've got more important things to do than hang out with vampires."
Bella's eyes widened in shock. She had heard the legends, but this was the first time someone from the Quileute tribe had openly referred to the Cullens as vampires.
A tense silence hung in the air, broken only by Jared's uneasy cough. Jacob's features hardened as he faced Bella, the truth finally out in the open. "Yes, Bella, we know what your family is. We know they're the cold ones."
(Y/N), who had remained quiet until now, felt the tension rise to a breaking point. Her magical abilities had always been a closely guarded secret, but she couldn't stand by as the situation escalated.
Before anyone could react, Bella, driven by anger and hurt, slapped Paul across the face. It was an instinctive reaction, but the consequences were immediate. Paul's body began to tremble, and within moments, he transformed into a massive, russet-colored wolf.
Chaos erupted as the other wolves reacted, growling and snapping at the sudden threat. Jacob, acting on instinct to protect Bella, shifted into his wolf form and leaped between Paul and the girls.
(Y/N), her magical powers flaring to life, sensed the impending danger. She stepped forward, raising her hands, and a shimmering magical shield sprang into existence, surrounding Bella and Jacob, protecting them from the agitated wolves.
The standoff continued for a tense moment until Sam, as the pack's leader, barked a command, and the wolves reluctantly backed down. (Y/N) slowly lowered the shield, and the tension in the air dissipated.
Bella and Jacob were left staring at each other, the truth now laid bare.
The tension in the forest eased as Sam, the alpha of the Quileute wolf pack, intervened and calmed the agitated wolves. He beckoned everyone to follow him back to his cabin, where they could talk more openly.
Jacob turned to Bella, his expression pained. "Bella, try not to stare at Emily too much."
(Y/N) caught Jacob's words and glanced at Bella with curiosity. She followed Jacob's gaze to a woman named Emily who was standing nearby. Bella's reaction was immediate; she was taken aback by the scars on Emily's face.
As they entered Sam's cabin, Bella couldn't help but ask, "What happened to her?"
Sam, understanding the girls' confusion, began to explain. "Emily's scars are a result of a shifter's transformation gone wrong. It's a risk we face when we shift. Sometimes, accidents happen."
(Y/N) listened intently, and as she looked at Emily, her mind flashed back to her own past. She remembered the pain of the flames, the burns on her body, and the scars she had carried before Carlisle had turned her into a vampire. It was a painful memory she rarely revisited.
Sam continued, "We're not just ordinary humans, Bella. We're shape-shifters. We transform into wolves. We've known about the cold ones, the vampires, for a long time, and there's a history of conflict between our kind."
Bella's eyes widened, realizing that the tension between Jacob's pack and her family was deeply rooted. It was a revelation that left her with more questions than answers.
Then, Sam turned to (Y/N), his gaze intense. "And what about you? You smell human, but not quite."
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before she decided to share her truth. "I'm not just a vampire. I'm also a witch. Carlisle turned me during the Salem Witch Trials to save my life, but I retained my magic."
The room fell silent as Sam processed this revelation. The other members of the pack, including Paul, who had calmed down, overheard the conversation and entered the cabin.
Paul, still uneasy about (Y/N), voiced his concerns. "Sam, she's dangerous. A vampire-witch hybrid? Who knows what she's capable of?"
Sam raised a hand, silencing Paul. He turned back to (Y/N), his eyes steady. "Explain. How do you use your magic?"
(Y/N) took a deep breath and began to recount the story of the Salem Witch Trials, how she had been condemned, and how Carlisle had turned her to save her life. She spoke of the magic she had retained and how she had learned to harness it, to control it.
As her story unfolded, the tension in the room began to ease. Sam and the rest of the pack listened with rapt attention, realizing that (Y/N) was not a threat but someone who had suffered and survived against all odds.
As the conversation in Sam's cabin continued, the atmosphere began to relax, and the tension that had filled the room started to dissipate. The Cullen and the Quileute pack shared stories and experiences, forging a fragile understanding. However, a new presence entered the room, and the dynamics shifted once more.
The door swung open, and Seth Clearwater entered, a sheepish smile on his face. "Sorry I'm late, everyone. Got caught up in patrol duty."
He started to explain further but stopped abruptly as his eyes locked onto (Y/N)'s. Time seemed to stand still for Seth as he made eye contact with her, and a series of vivid flashes inundated his mind.
He saw himself dating (Y/N), their laughter echoing through the forest as they went on hikes, their hands intertwined. He saw tender moments of them kissing under the moonlight, their love stronger than anything he had ever imagined. He even saw himself undergoing a transformation, becoming immortal through (Y/N)'s magic, so they could live out their lives together.
The sudden influx of images left Seth bewildered, his heart racing. He stumbled over his words, his apology fading into silence. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a future he had never known he wanted.
The room fell silent as everyone turned their attention to Seth. It didn't take long for Sam to realize what had occurred. He approached Seth, his expression knowing. "Seth, you've imprinted."
Seth nodded, still dazed by the overwhelming experience. He couldn't tear his gaze away from (Y/N), who had a bewildered yet sympathetic expression on her face.
Bella, having experienced imprinting with Jacob, understood the gravity of the situation. She leaned over to whisper to (Y/N), "It's a Quileute thing. He can't help it. It's like he's bound to you now."
(Y/N) nodded in understanding, feeling a mix of surprise and sympathy for Seth. She had witnessed how powerful imprinting could be and how it could affect someone's life.
Seth, still recovering from the shock, couldn't help but act like a lovesick puppy around (Y/N). He smiled at her, his gaze lingering, and his actions becoming increasingly attentive. It was clear that his world had shifted, and his focus had become solely centered on her.
The room settled back into conversation, but Seth's newfound devotion to (Y/N) remained evident. He was drawn to her like a magnet, his presence a constant reminder of the complexities of the supernatural world they inhabited.
As the evening wore on, the Cullen and the Quileute pack continued to exchange stories and experiences, but now there was an added layer of understanding and acceptance. The bonds forged between them grew stronger, and they realized that in a world filled with secrets and supernatural forces, connections could form in the most unexpected and profound ways.
Bella and (Y/N) headed back to the Cullens' house, the forest surrounding them bathed in the gentle light of the moon. Bella pulled up to the driveway, and (Y/N) stepped out of the car, her thoughts lingering on the revelations of the evening.
As she watched Bella drive off, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. She had made new friends, but she was aware of the complications that could arise from her interactions with the outside world. Her hybrid nature, a blend of vampire and witch, held secrets that she needed to protect.
Entering the Cullens' home, (Y/N) was immediately surrounded by her family. Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper all gathered around her, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity.
"Where have you been, (Y/N)?" Carlisle's voice held a hint of anger, but also a deep concern. He had always been protective of her, knowing the dangers of the human world and the risks associated with her true nature being exposed.
(Y/N) took a deep breath, her gaze meeting Carlisle's. "I've been hanging out with Bella and Jacob and some new friends I made."
Carlisle's concern deepened. "New friends? (Y/N), you know the risks. Your true nature, both as a vampire and a witch, could be exposed to humans."
(Y/N) nodded, understanding his worries but also eager to share her experiences. "I know, Carlisle, but I've been careful. And I've learned a lot about the Quileute culture and the challenges they face."
Carlisle couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. He was angry that Bella had taken (Y/N) without informing anyone, concerned about the risks, but also happy that his daughter had made friends outside their family.
However, his world was about to be shaken once more. (Y/N) noticed the change in her father's demeanor and decided it was time to reveal the most significant development of the evening.
"I have something to tell you," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of infatuation. "I've been imprinted on."
Carlisle's eyes widened in shock. "Imprinted? By whom?"
(Y/N) smiled, a lovesick expression in her eyes. "Seth Clearwater."
The room fell silent as the gravity of the situation sunk in. Carlisle realized that his younger daughter had formed a bond that was far deeper and more profound than any ordinary friendship. He knew that an imprint was a powerful connection, one that couldn't be broken.
As (Y/N) continued to share the story of her evening and the imprint, Carlisle's world came crashing down. He had always known that his family's supernatural existence came with complexities, but the idea of his daughter being infatuated with a young shifter left him with a mix of emotions—concern, worry, and a touch of sadness for the challenges that lay ahead.
The Cullens, a family bound by love and acceptance, now faced a new chapter in their extraordinary lives, one that would test their bonds and their ability to navigate the intricate web of supernatural connections.
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graceloveswolves · 2 years
One Shots
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Embry Call
You Find Out He’s a Werewolf
He Imprints on You
You fight
You Make Up
Your 18th birthday *
You Find Out You’re Adopted
Freaky Side *
He Stands Up For You
19th birthday *
Dating Embry Call Would Include…
Carlisle Cullen
Insatiable i
Insatiable ii
Insatiable iii
Vogue Challenge
Team Carlisle
Carlisle x reader pregnant
Paul Lahote
He Imprints On You i
He Imprints On You ii
He Imprints On You iii
He Imprints On You iv
Story of Y/N & Paul
Seth Clearwater
Dating Him
My Mom Naming The Wolf Pack
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railingsofsorrow · 10 months
can I request Seth Clearwater x male reader
plot reader and Seth was always close when human but when Seth phases he leaves reader later reader phases and Seth and reader imprint on each other but reader struggle with abandonment issues and Seth has comfort reader
Invisible String
[seth clearwater x reader]
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A/N: I've never written about seth. this is my first work on him (I loved the experience), I hope you don't find this awful, terrible and trashy. I tried my best, enjoy your reading <3
A/N²: I took some liberties in the werewolf transformation aspect. I picked up different things from research + tv shows + the twilight movies. the wolves turn in the full moon but they have control of their minds during it, at least jacob's pack does. they also have the ability to turn whenever they want to. also, this is not the timeline from the twilight movies. keep that in mind. but some characters are mentioned.
summary: It's you and Seth. Seth and you. Always. Until it wasn't.
pairing: seth clearwater x male!reader; jacob black x platonic!male! reader
w.c: 3.5K
warnings/content: abandonment issues; insecurities; tw!sexual assault is implied (not btw reader and seth!); reader is bitten but the process is not described; break-up (not really); friendship miscommunication; heartache; leah and sam are a thing in here just a warning; explicit description of missing someone; arguments; discussions about transformations and imprinting (I wrote it in another perspective); angst basically; tw!death is mentioned once or twice; jacob is an awesome best friend <3; fluff!!; la push is the actual mc in this oneshot. please tell me if I've forgotten any warning
t.s anthology masterlist
“Hey, is Seth here?”
Your fingers were curling around the door handle as you pushed it open after two soft knocks. The Clearwater's recognized your entrance by now. After hearing the same pattern over many years, it was too familiar not to connect it to you instantly. And your scent, of course. But that, Leah suspected, Seth noticed it before anyone else did, even if he hadn't shifted yet.
“Seth!” Leah yelled out in the house, greeting you with a wink and gaining a nudge from her mother in protest because she was yelling. “Your twin is—”
Seth rushed past them without a second thought. You only had time to say goodbye to Sue and Harry before he pulled you towards the path to the beach.
“... here.” Leah sighed with a shake of her head. She pointed at her mother. “They're doing it again. Bet in twenty minutes his mother's gonna call asking if Y/N is here.”
Sue peaked through the window towards the two teenagers, her smile growing in the corners of her mouth. “I'll deal with her.” She promised, finishing up drying the plates.
Leah scoffed.
La Push was the meeting point for you and Seth. You had your own little spot between the rocks to watch the water. Some days it was wild, almost dancing nearby your feet. Other days, it was peaceful. The waves barely moved and the wind held you quietly like a blanket.
Today, it was a cloudy day in Forks — not that you had lots of sunny days, because the city was practically a walking melancholy. You and Seth sat down in the sand, you crossing your ankles against your thighs as Seth splattered out his long legs in the sand.
“God, I can barely see your eyes,” you touched one of his long dark strands. “How do you handle it?”
Seth slapped your hand away, glaring slightly. You raised your hands with a small smile.
“I'm joking.” You nudged his feet with yours. “You're probably the only guy who looks good with long hair.”
Seth rolled his eyes, turning his face quickly so you wouldn't see the blush coating his tanned cheeks.
“Are you excited about going back to school?”
Pursing your lips, you focused on drawing a letter in the sand. “Sure. New semester.”
Seth let out a chuckle, tilting his head to look at you. “You sound so excited.”
“Why should I be?”
He gave you a smirk, “Okay. Fair enough.” His smiled died down a bit, a serious expression growing as he inspected you quietly. That's something he enjoyed doing when you didn't notice. You never noticed. Seth didn't think you ever noticed him like he noticed you. Which is sad, but he didn't have the courage to change that and ruin your friendship. “We'll meet in the first day of school, right?” He whispered softly, refraining from moving an eyelash that had fallen on your cheek.
“Of course.” You replied. “I'll meet you at your place before. As always.”
Seth was an extrovert through and through. But he hated arriving in places on first days, that's speaking in general. Even at school, where he frequented his entire life. He liked to have you there, by his side. Your presence made everything okay.
You didn't have a problem with that. You and him had always been by each other's side, ever since you can recall your memories. It's you and Seth. Seth and you. Always.
You didn't expect that to drastically change overnight.
Weeks went by since the last time you saw your best friend. According to his family, he was sick on the first day back to school. When this excuse wore out, they'd made up some other one. Always that pity look towards you.
Not even when you stopped by his house, he'd leave his room to speak with you. And you knew he was home. You knew that by Leah's urge to pull you way from the house so you could take a walk at the beach.
What had you done to have him withdraw from you like this? What was happening that everyone was walking on eggshells around you?
“You're hiding something.” You kicked a rock. Leah's gaze laying heavily on your back, that didn't make you stop. “Is he mad at me? Because if I knew what I had done—”
“It's not you.”
You spun around frustrated, “It's not m— It's him, then? Did Seth send you here to break up with me? Cause that's what it feels like, Leah.”
“I didn't know you two were official.”
Letting out a groan, you turn away, ready to leave Seth's older sister alone at La Push, when your arm was pulled back softly, causing you to halt in your steps.
“It's not you.” She said sternly. “Do you trust me? Do you trust my idiot of a brother?”
A pause.
“I don't know,” you said. “He kind of broke all of his promises.”
Her lips quirked up in a smile. “Yeah. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care, alright? Seth cares. He's just...” she hesitated. “He's going through something. And he needs space to deal with it.”
Concern fell over your features and your heartbeat failed for a hot second. What was going on with Seth?
“I don't know how you can do that so effortlessly.”
Jacob was laughing beside you. His hair was damp, clinging to his forehead. You couldn't help but think that if he still had that long hair, it'd be a nightmare to untangle.
The rain picked up quickly. You were lucky to seek refuge under a tree before Jacob could. He was looking like a wet dog.
Well, he was. Kind of.
Forks really was a box filled with surprises. You used to think that the only different occurrence that could happen in the city was the sun coming up for once. But, apparently urban legends were a thing, too. And you were a part of it.
Jacob helped you get used to your transformations after you were bitten — get used to is saying a lot. Feeling your whole body break and twist every full moon couldn't be defined as anything remotely enjoyable. No. It was awful. Some nights you actually felt as if you were about to die. The pain was unbearable.
It would be worse if Jake wasn't there.
He helped you control your anger, how to properly channel it so as to not affect your relationships (to a worst extent, at least). He was your rock in a moment of turmoil. A spot that was commonly Seth's, but he disappeared out of the face of the Earth.
Your Earth, at least. Because Jacob has seen him and even Bella, who you recently met, had seen Seth. Your best guess was that he really was running away from you like you previously thought and Leah's entire speech about him dealing with something was complete bullshit so that he could have his easy way out of your life.
Well, he did it. A round of applause because you would've never expected that from him.
“You see no effort because I practiced a lot to reach this place.” Jacob pulls you back from your wondering. You give him a look. “You'll reach it too. You'll see.”
“Pain makes you human, right? So maybe that shouldn't change.”
Jacob rolled his eyes at your dramatics.
“That's not the point of the saying and you know it.”
You rest your chin against your knee, eyes traveling through the horizon. The rain stopped but the sky was still gray, it almost looked as if it was the start of evening although it was still morning.
The sound of a branch snapping a little far from where you where made you snap your neck around in alertness.
“It's nothing.” Jacob said and you frowned, surveying the forest with narrowed eyes.
“Didn't you hear—”
“Do you want to do it one more time?”
The thought of turning was enough for bile to rise up in your throat.
“I have homework. Lots to do.” You turn away from the forest to stand up. Jacob was shaking his head at you. “I'm not a robot. And I'm not an Alpha. I'm a student and I have responsibilities. Shouldn't you like... praise my good behavior or something?”
Jacob flipped you off.
“Get out of here.” He said as you smirked. “Same time tomorrow!” Once you were far enough, he yelled, which made your ears almost explode.
The sounds were still too loud for your sensitive ears, you were adjusting back to everything.
Not only that but you had that hole on your chest along with a constant guilt swerving at your mind. What had you done to push him away? Is he really okay? Did he just want you out of his life for good?
One thing you knew for sure: if you had known that that day would be your last day together, you wouldn't have let it end so quickly.
You missed your best friend. You missed him so much.
His scent was everywhere. In the clothes you borrowed and never gave it back, in the pictures that had the two of you that were scattered around your room, in the path you took to go home from school.
Seth was everywhere. And nowhere at the same time.
He was there, in front of you. Sometimes you imagined your best friend appearing on your front porch to say it was all a prank that he was playing on you because he wanted to see how much time you could go without him.
You froze in your step.
He awkwardly greeted you with a small wave.
“Hi, Y/N.”
You blinked twice, analyzing the frame in front of you to make sure he wasn't an hallucination. Then, you took three steps back and walked away. Yes, you walked away from your own house.
There was just no way you would face this now. Not after all this time. So you turned your back on him in the same way he did to you.
He didn't take that answer.
“Can we talk?” Seth said in a plea, right behind you. His voice was the loudest thing you could hear, not even the birds and the sounds of the forest tuned it down. Upon realizing you wouldn't stop, he groaned. “Y/N.”
“Give me one reason!” You spat out angrily, turning towards him. His widened doe eyes stared back at you. You had caught him by surprise. Good. “Give me one reason for me to listen to anything you have to say, Seth Clearwater,” your tone balanced to a softer one but it was still shaking in anger. You were so angry. So frustrated. So... overwhelmed. He didn't have the right to make you feel like this again. Your body didn't have the right to react to him like this. It's like you didn't have any control.
But you did. And you couldn't just lose weeks of progress.
“I'm— I'm sorry.” Seth stammers, walking forward but immediately halting as he sees your threatening gaze. “Y/N, I didn't... I didn't know what to do, what to say—”
“To whom?” You asked. “About what, Seth? Because you just vanished, I have no idea why.”
“That's why I'm here.” He walked over to you this time and you didn't react. “I want to explain. I wasn't ready then but I'm ready now.” His features softened slightly and you almost melted at his kicked puppy eyes.
And suddenly, there it was. That pull towards him. That comfort your body felt, that safety your mind cradled in. You weren't angry anymore, but you were trying to hold onto that anger as much as you could. It wasn't fair to just forgive him like this. He left you without an explanation. Without a goodbye.
Your eyes hardened as you folded your arms across your chest. He was staring. Waiting. “I'm waiting.” You said shortly.
Seth seemed to wake up from his daydreaming. He hesitated for a second but then he blurted out something that might have been a joke to you a month ago. But now it couldn't be anything less than the truth. You didn't know if you should be mad or laugh until your lungs screamed.
“Okay.” You cut him off mid-explanation. He blinked up at you. “Sure, Seth. You ghosted me because you're a werewolf. That's a great excuse.”
His face twisted in confusion. “You think I'm lying.” You raised an eyebrow and his brows furrowed. “But you know I'm not lying, right? You can hear my heartbeat.”
You sucked in a breath.
Seth tilted his head, “You can hear my heartbeat, can't you?”
No. Jacob wouldn't do that, would he? He wouldn't tell anybody about... about your condition. No.
Your fingers dig into your arms. “What?”
Seth sighed, “Can you look at me, please?”
You did, albeit against your will. Staring back into his eyes caused all your breath to dissipate. They weren't in their usual dark brown shade, leaning towards a mocha brown. No. They glowed yellow in the same way yours did.
He attempted a smile but he quickly went back to apprehension.
“Do you believe me now?”
You stammered out a response, forcing your head to travel back to all of the moments you missed the signs.
“I'm sorry.” He said softly, his fingers ghosting over the skin of your arm, sending shivers down your spine. “I didn't know how to tell you. When it happened I wasn't—”
“Seth,” you shook your head. “Why didn't you say anything?” And you looked at him as if it was the first time you saw him. His slightly matured features, his now short strands. God, all that hair was gone. He looked different. But his eyes remained the same. That playful kid you met in your ten years of age was still there. Maybe, that boy from months ago was still there as well.
“I was scared.” He croaked out, leaning closer. His eyes sparkled with unshed tears. It physically pained you to see that image. “I never meant to avoid you for so long but I— I was scared. I was scared to hurt you. You have to understand—”
“Stop,” you squeezed his hand. “Seth. It's okay.” your fingers grazed his wet cheek, he immediately melted under your touch.
“I'm sorry.” He let out in a whisper. You involve your arms around his neck, feeling his warmth travel through you. “God, I missed you so bad.”
His nose buried into your neck as you adjusted to his hold, closing all the space you could possibly have. You finally gave in to the feeling of being close to him. This is what you needed. This is what you've been craving.
“It's called imprinting.” Jacob said, pulling your attention away from Leah and Sam. He leaned back on the three you both were resting against. His damp hair sticking to his forehead. “It happens to two people, usually shape-shifters like us, when they feel this gravitational pull towards one another.”
You turn back to the couple that was playful fighting in the water. They looked like children when they were together, Leah and Sam. You couldn't remember a time where they weren't like this. But you didn't actually know when it started.
“Is it like love at first sight?”
“No.” He shook his head. “It's more like a... strong pull towards someone else. Things make sense with them, they hold you together and they keep you grounded. Have you ever heard of a soulmate bond?”
You nod, shifting closer as your internet spiked up. “Through bedtime stories.”
Jacob hum in agreement. “Yes. It's like your missing piece is finally in its rightful place. A puzzle completed.”
“Have you ever found it?” You ask. “Your... soulmate?”
Jacob took his time to reply to you. And you chose to not question the heavy silence that laid upon the two of you.
“No.” He settled for. “Not yet.”
Seth didn't let go of you for a while. He also explained everything from his first transformation, the main reason why he pushed you away, to the newest gossip in town. It never occurred to you how much you were missing by not having Seth Clearwater at your side at least half of the day — it did occur. A lot, actually. It was all your heart could think of.
“How did you know?” You asked. Your walk took you back to the beach. The first time in a long time since he joined you there. “About me.” You clarified, voice small.
Seth kept on wiggling your fingers in distraction.
“Your scent.” He replied, glancing at you carefully. “It changed.”
A bitter smile graced your lips. “Right.” That's something else you had learnt recently. Humans and shape-shifters don't smell the same.
Seth inched closer, intertwining your fingers. An action that called your attention and made you smile in his direction.
“I'm sorry about the way it happened, Y/N.”
You were aware of what he was referring to. Underlying his words were a melancholic tone accompanied by his soft doe eyes.
Your transformation wasn't the worst thing that occured to you — being bitten was. That you never asked. Something was taken from you that night, you still haven't fully recovered.
“It's a process.” Jacob said once. “One step at a time. And you're not alone.”
You laid your head in his shoulder basking under his warmth in the cold air of La Push.
“Yeah,” you croaked out. “Me too.”
But you were alive and that's what mattered. Someday, the pain would stop waking you up with a bad nightmare that stole your peace in nights and days.
“I should have been there. I'm sorry I wasn't.”
He hummed softly in acknowledgement. You pinched his side and he emitted a sound of protest.
“Stop apologizing, Clearwater. I already forgave you.” You gained one of his grins that hid his eyelids almost completely. And you shook your head, fingers grazing the crinkles beside his eyes. “Just don't do that again. Or I don't want to see or hear from you ever again.”
He pulled your hand to his chest, mumbling a promise under his breath as if he was scared someone might hear it. “Never. I'm not going anywhere, okay? Well.” You frowned and he chuckled. “I mean, it's not like I can, right?”
It took you two long seconds to understand what he meant by that. When you did and he watched realization enlightening your features, you turned your face away to hide the inevitable blush that coated your cheeks. That only sent him into a harder laugh, but he didn't let you bury in your embarrassment much longer because he started kissing every part of your face until you whined and pushed him away, threatening to drown him in the sea.
He said he wouldn't mind because if he died by your hands then he'd happily go into the afterlife. You called him a sap and he agreed.
Your evening was swarmed by his smile and the new things you had missed in the past few weeks. You still knew him and he still knew you. But there was so much more to see, to feel. One thing was very much clear: you weren't the only one that felt that pull. You knew he felt it too.
You'd happily figure out the rest with Seth by your side. You knew that, from now on, he wouldn't be going anywhere.
“I can properly call you Bambi now,” you mocked him, earning a loud groan.
“I am not a deer, Y/N.”
“Eh, you act like it, so that's enough, Bambi.”
sources: [1] [2]
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wolfish-nightmares · 3 months
Twilight Masterlist
The Cullens: 
E for Everyone -
Coming Soon
Edward Cullen: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Alice Cullen: 
Coming Soon
Decode -
Good Dog - No matter how far they threw the stick, you kept coming back.
Jasper Hale 
Coming Soon
Save a Horse -
Good Dog - No matter how far they threw the stick, you kept coming back.
Rosalie Hale: 
Haunted -  
Coming Soon
Emmett Cullen: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Esme Cullen:
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
Carlisle Cullen: 
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon 
Bella Swan:
Coming Soon
Coming Soon  
Charlie Swan: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
The Wolf Pack: 
E for Everyone -   
Coming Soon 
Sam Uley: 
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon 
Emily Young: 
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon 
Jacob Black: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Jared Cameron: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Paul Lahote: 
Coming Soon 
Anger Management - It's like when a cat is being bad, you spray it.
Imprint On My Heart - Your heart has always wanted Paul but as your life begins to shift you learn how much you truly love him.
Embry Call: 
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
Quil Ateara V: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Leah Clearwater: 
Hatred - Leah has always made her hatred for you obvious.
Haunted - 
Coming Soon
Seth Clearwater: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
The Voltouri: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Bloodletting - 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
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lilithslittleworld · 2 days
Masterlist <3 (By Fandom, character, and type)
Just a little reminder link to my character list and that requests are open!!
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Twilight Saga:
Quileute Pack
Seth Clearwater:
Formal Crushing (fluff, oneshot)
Jacob Black:
New Moon if Edward had never come back (Chapters)
Alice Cullen:
Our Little Secret (Alice x fem reader smut)
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Divergent Series:
Peter Hayes
All For You (smut, angst, some fluff. oneshot)
Character Headcanons:
How The Divergent Characters Would React To You Being Injured\In Pain (angst, fluff, headcanon)
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Harry Potter Universe:
Fred Weasley:
Ambulo Aqua (Fred x fem reader, fluff)
Harry Potter Guys
Oliver Wood
Locker Room Tales (Oliver x gender neutral reader, fluff)
Marauders era
Remus Lupin
What Better Way to Relax Than Sex? (Remus x fem reader, smut)
Harry Potter Headcannons
Doing It With The Harry Potter Characters Is Like (smut headcannons)
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Top Gun Fandom:
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
✮ twilight masterlist ✮
main masterlist
✰ bella swan:
✰ jacob black:
wet clothes - oneshot: getting soaked in the rain wasn't really what you thought would happen when waiting for jacob. fluff. 1.2k
the porch’s view - oneshot: bella drops you off at sam's home where jacob and some of the boys are spending their time outside at. you forget about said boys and they get to catch a glimpse of jake's soft side. fluff. 1.1k
all of a sudden it’s not gravity holding you to the planet, it’s her - series: moving to forks was a rather uneventful experience. the people were easy going, not much drama transmitted throughout the area. however when you meet a six foot three hunk of muscle the interest level of this small town in Washington went zero to one hundred real quick. 11.9k (ongoing)
✰ seth clearwater
✰leah clearwater
✰ edward cullen
a kiss in the rain - oneshot: sitting alone in the rain brings a concerned esme and a soaked edward . FLUFF. 0.7k
✰ alice cullen
silent settlement - oneshot: a simple movie night with your two favs lead to you admitting something that's been building. fluff. 1.2k
i’ll be here - oneshot: alice will always be there to bring you back into the light. angst. .6k
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idkaguyorsomething · 8 months
Why you should read Cowboys and Indians
Despite what the title might indicate, this isn’t an AU or western. This is a story about identity, friendship, and one of the best reinterpretations of the Twilight Saga ever written.
Who It’s About: the story centers on, of all characters, Leah and Jasper. Seth and Edward play some minor roles, but most of the story is about the surprisingly heartwarming friendship between those two.
Why You Should Check It Out: this is one of the only Twilight fics I’ve read that actively confronts the shitty racial implications in its source material (Leah’s experiences as an indigenous woman and Jasper’s confederate background) and it makes a really compelling story out of it. Jasper in canon is probably one of my most hated characters because of how little development he gets and how his backstory of having fought for the confederates in the American Civil War is completely glossed over. Here, the author manages to make him into a likable, complicated man, one that you can look at and think “yeah, if vampirism enhances your human traits, he’d get emotion powers” and has him confront his past in a really interesting journey. And Leah gets her due!! If you, like me, hated how canon treated her, then it might be worth it just to check this out because watching her form bonds and open up feels truly cathartic. A lot of how growing up on the reservation shaped her is explored, and she gets some awesome moments. Even if you don’t like these characters or think that a friendship between them sounds unlikely, the writing is so good that by the end you’ll be totally invested in both of them and their friendship. There’s also a sequel oneshot, The Star Quilt, with Alice in a more prominent position where Leah gets a happily ever after.
Reasons You Might Want To Avoid: this fic heavily discusses racism and the history of the USA south, so if you’re not in the mood for either of those or are unfamiliar with the latter, this probably isn’t for you (though I’d heavily encourage you to engage with some form of discussion of the racial undertones of Twilight anyways, there is a lot to be said there). It’s also partially non-chronological, so if you hate that kind of storytelling then this might get under your skin. All-around, it’s really a great story, and the closest thing to any serious flaws this fic has is that it doesn’t have much in the way of a plot. The author goes into detail about why this is in their notes, and the story is more about the development between Leah and Jasper than defeating any kind of an antagonist or finding a Macguffin. Technically, the plot of Twilight is going on in the background the whole time, but it doesn’t really affect the story in any meaningful way, so that’s that.
TL;DR Cowboys and Indians is a fantastic exploration of a lot of the subject matter that Stephanie Meyer never did anything with, giving us a surprisingly powerful emotional bond between two unlikely characters in the process. Extra recommended for any fans of Leah Clearwater!!
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Series Oneshots
by PurpleSnowDove
oneshots of Movie Series and Tv Series
Words: 1217, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 9-1-1 (TV), Cobra Kai (TV), Karate Kid (Movies), Scream (Movies), The Lost Boys (Movies), Twilight (Movies), Underworld (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Billy Loomis/Randy Meeks, Bobby Brown/Johnny Lawrence, Bobby Nash/Lou Ransone, Carlisle Cullen/Charlie Swan, Chad Meeks-Martin/Vince Schneider, Chris Emerson/Shane Powers, Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Daniel LaRusso/Terry Silver, David/Lucian (Underworld), Demetri Alexopoulos/Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz, Demetri/Paul Lahote, Eddie Diaz/Bobby Nash, Edgar Frog/Marko, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Albert Han (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Gregor/Varga (Underworld), Jacob Black/Edward Cullen, Johnny Lawrence/Hector Salazar, Johnny Lawrence/Terry Silver, Michael Corvin/Kraven, Michael Emerson/Paul (Lost Boys), Mickey Altieri/Dewey Riley, Miguel Diaz/Robby Keene, Mike Barnes/Daniel LaRusso, Seth Clearwater/Jasper Hale, Wes Hicks/Richie Kirsch, Billy Loomis/Stu Macher/Randy Meeks, Bobby Brown/Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Chris Emerson/Edgar Frog/Shane Powers, Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence/Terry Silver, David/Gregor/Varga (Underworld), David/Sam Emerson/Dwayne, Edward Cullen/Paul Lahote/Mike Newton, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Albert Han/Ravi Panikkar, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz/Bobby Nash, Jacob Black/Seth Clearwater/Jasper Hale, Michael Corvin/Kraven/Lucian, Miguel Diaz/Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Miguel Diaz/Robby Keene/Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz, Wes Hicks/Richie Kirsch/Vince Schneider
Additional Tags: Accidental Voyeurism, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Animal Transformation, Costume Parties & Masquerades, Crossdressing, Enemies to Lovers, Falling In Love, First Kiss, First Time, Foursome - M/M/M/M, Friends to Lovers, Fuck Or Die, Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Out of Character, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Harm, Sex Pollen, Sexual Content, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Underage Sex
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44882932
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ao3feed-binarybfs · 1 year
Series Oneshots
read on AO3 here
by PurpleSnowDove
oneshots of Movie Series and Tv Series
Words: 1217, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 9-1-1 (TV), Cobra Kai (TV), Karate Kid (Movies), Scream (Movies), The Lost Boys (Movies), Twilight (Movies), Underworld (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Billy Loomis/Randy Meeks, Bobby Brown/Johnny Lawrence, Bobby Nash/Lou Ransone, Carlisle Cullen/Charlie Swan, Chad Meeks-Martin/Vince Schneider, Chris Emerson/Shane Powers, Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Daniel LaRusso/Terry Silver, David/Lucian (Underworld), Demetri Alexopoulos/Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz, Demetri/Paul Lahote, Eddie Diaz/Bobby Nash, Edgar Frog/Marko, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Albert Han (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Gregor/Varga (Underworld), Jacob Black/Edward Cullen, Johnny Lawrence/Hector Salazar, Johnny Lawrence/Terry Silver, Michael Corvin/Kraven, Michael Emerson/Paul (Lost Boys), Mickey Altieri/Dewey Riley, Miguel Diaz/Robby Keene, Mike Barnes/Daniel LaRusso, Seth Clearwater/Jasper Hale, Wes Hicks/Richie Kirsch, Billy Loomis/Stu Macher/Randy Meeks, Bobby Brown/Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Chris Emerson/Edgar Frog/Shane Powers, Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence/Terry Silver, David/Gregor/Varga (Underworld), David/Sam Emerson/Dwayne, Edward Cullen/Paul Lahote/Mike Newton, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Albert Han/Ravi Panikkar, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz/Bobby Nash, Jacob Black/Seth Clearwater/Jasper Hale, Michael Corvin/Kraven/Lucian, Miguel Diaz/Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Miguel Diaz/Robby Keene/Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz, Wes Hicks/Richie Kirsch/Vince Schneider
Additional Tags: Accidental Voyeurism, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Animal Transformation, Costume Parties & Masquerades, Crossdressing, Enemies to Lovers, Falling In Love, First Kiss, First Time, Foursome - M/M/M/M, Friends to Lovers, Fuck Or Die, Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Out of Character, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Harm, Sex Pollen, Sexual Content, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Underage Sex
read on AO3 here
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
❝the witch hybrid and her companion 2❞
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✭ pairing : father Carlisle Cullen x reader x imprint Seth Clearwater
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is a young witch who Carlisle had saved from the Salem witch trials, she had been been on the verge of being fully brunt to death when he had grabbed and rescued her, she was fifteen when he had turnt her thus making her the first hybrid of both witch and vampire species.
✭ authors note : this is part 2 to this request and I’m resuming from where I left off at
✭ twilight masterlist
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In the days following the revelation of Seth's imprint on (Y/N), Carlisle's overprotectiveness had reached new heights. He wanted to know her whereabouts at all times, even when he was at work. While his intentions were rooted in concern, (Y/N) found his constant vigilance suffocating.
One afternoon, feeling frustrated and in need of some space, (Y/N) decided to return to the Quileute pack's house. She was aware that her presence might not be welcomed by everyone, but she couldn't bear the overbearing atmosphere at home any longer.
As she arrived at the pack's house, Paul's abrasive greeting didn't surprise her. "Oh great, the freak's back."
Seth, sitting nearby, growled in response, his protective instincts kicking in. He shot Paul a warning glare before getting up and rushing to (Y/N)'s side. His face lit up with a lovesick smile as he hugged her tightly. "I've missed you," he murmured.
(Y/N) blushed and fidgeted under Seth's warm embrace, feeling a mixture of flattery and embarrassment.
Sam, observing the scene, approached with a curious expression. "Why are you here, (Y/N)?"
Unable to meet Sam's gaze, (Y/N) buried her head in Seth's chest and mumbled, "Just wanted to talk with Seth for a bit."
Seth tightened his hold on her, as if silently claiming her presence. He responded with a determined nod, his expression reflecting his unwavering affection for her.
Sam exchanged a knowing glance with the other pack members, recognizing the depth of Seth's imprint bond with (Y/N). While some tensions still lingered, they understood that this connection was beyond their control and something that needed to be respected.
(Y/N) and Seth, in that moment, found solace in each other's presence, away from the complexities and expectations of their respective worlds.
“Here follow me, I know where we can hang out at.”
Seth gently led (Y/N) toward the beach, their footsteps leaving imprints in the soft sand. The sound of the crashing waves filled the air, and the moon cast a shimmering silver glow over the ocean. It was a tranquil scene, the perfect backdrop for their conversation.
They found a quiet spot on the shore, sitting side by side, their toes sinking into the cool sand. They watched the waves roll in and out, the rhythm of the ocean providing a sense of calm.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, Seth turned to (Y/N), his eyes searching her face. "Something's been bothering you, hasn't it?"
(Y/N) sighed, her gaze fixed on the horizon. "Yeah, it's my father, Carlisle. He's been so overprotective lately, and it's suffocating."
Seth chuckled softly, understanding her frustration. "I get it. My big sister, Leah, can be the same way. They care deeply for us, (Y/N). They don't want to see us hurt."
(Y/N) nodded, appreciating Seth's perspective. "I know, and I love him for it, but I also need some space, you know? I want to have my own experiences and make my own decisions."
Seth grinned, his expression warm and supportive. "You're strong, (Y/N), and you've got a good head on your shoulders. You can handle it. Just be patient with him. He's learning too."
They turned their attention back to the waves, their conversation bringing a sense of understanding and reassurance. In that moment, (Y/N) felt grateful for the bond she shared with Seth, one that allowed them to share their concerns and find solace in each other's company.
As they watched the moonlight dance on the water, they knew that the challenges of their supernatural existence were vast, but with each other's support, they could navigate the complexities of their worlds and the relationships they held dear.
Seth's curiosity lingered in the tranquil night air as he turned to (Y/N) and asked, "If it isn't too much trouble to ask, what was it like back then for you?"
(Y/N) contemplated the question for a moment, the memories of those dark times resurfacing. "During the Salem witch trials?"
Seth nodded, his eyes reflecting genuine interest.
(Y/N) took a deep breath, her gaze distant as she began to recount her past. "My mother and I lived in fear, but there was a strange kind of harmony to it. We were both witches, you see. We learned magic from the grand witch, the first to be burnt alive in those trials."
Seth listened intently, captivated by her story.
(Y/N) continued, "The grand witch had been an outcast, feared and shunned by the townsfolk. But she wasn't wicked; she was just misunderstood. My mother and I were the only ones kind to her, and in return, she taught us her magic."
Seth's eyes widened with understanding. "So, you and your mother were accused because of your magic?"
(Y/N) nodded sadly. "Yes. They found my mother using her magic to make the crops grow during a particularly harsh season. The townsfolk believed it was witchcraft, so they killed her. A few months later, they came for me, fearing I was a witch like her."
Seth's expression turned sympathetic as he listened to the harrowing tale. He couldn't imagine the pain and fear (Y/N) must have endured during those dark times.
(Y/N) sighed, her gaze returning to the moonlit waves. "It was a time of persecution and ignorance, Seth. I'm just grateful that I found a family who accepts me for who I am now."
Seth reached out and gently squeezed (Y/N)'s hand, offering silent comfort and understanding. He had glimpsed a piece of her past, and it only deepened his admiration for her strength and resilience.
Seth's curiosity continued to drive his questions as he turned to (Y/N) once more. "Can you tell me what it was like when you were turned into a vampire?"
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment, her memories of the transformation still vivid and painful. "It was... excruciating. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. The venom burned like a thousand fires, coursing through my veins."
She shivered as she recalled the sensation, her voice quivering with the memories. "It was like reliving the flames from the stake all over again. But there was something else, something deeper. My own blood fought against the venom, resisting the change."
Seth's expression turned sympathetic as he listened to her describe the agonizing process. "That sounds awful. How did you make it through?"
(Y/N) took a deep breath, finding strength in the presence of her friend. "I had Carlisle with me. He saved me from the pain of the stake, and he was there to help me through the transformation as well. He's been my savior in more ways than one."
Seth nodded, his respect for Carlisle growing even stronger. He couldn't imagine the strength and resilience it took for (Y/N) to endure such a traumatic experience and emerge from it as the person she was today.
As they continued their conversation under the moonlit sky, (Y/N) and Seth found solace in sharing their pasts and the challenges they had faced.
As (Y/N) and Seth continued to share their stories and experiences, it became clear that their bond was growing stronger with each passing moment. (Y/N) had learned about Seth's curiosity, and now it was her turn to ask about his life.
"I'd like to hear more about your life, Seth," she said, her eyes filled with genuine interest. "Tell me about your family."
Seth smiled, appreciating her curiosity. "Sure, (Y/N). Well, it's just my mom and my sister, Leah, now. Our dad, Harry, passed away when I was pretty young."
(Y/N) nodded in understanding, a sympathetic expression on her face.
Seth continued, "After Dad's death, it was just the three of us. Leah took on a lot of responsibility, helping our mom, Sue, raise me. She's always been strong and protective."
(Y/N) listened intently, gaining a deeper understanding of Seth's family dynamics.
Seth's smile grew as he recounted more of their story. "Leah shifted first, a few weeks before I did. It was a tough time for us, but she managed to navigate the challenges of being a wolf. When I eventually shifted too, it was a relief to have her by my side, guiding me through it."
(Y/N) was struck by the strength and resilience of the Clearwater family, especially Leah and Seth, who had faced significant challenges at a young age. Their bond as siblings had undoubtedly played a crucial role in helping them weather the storms of their supernatural existence.
As the conversation with Seth stretched into the late hours of the night, the moon hanging high in the sky, he eventually noticed the time. With a concerned expression, he spoke up, "It's getting pretty late. I could ask my mom if you can stay over if you want."
(Y/N) smiled warmly at his offer, appreciating his thoughtfulness. "That's really sweet, Seth, but I should head back home. My family's been worried about me enough as it is, especially my dad."
Seth nodded in understanding, realizing the importance of (Y/N)'s family. "I get it. Family comes first."
As they began to make their way back to the pack's house, Seth walked alongside (Y/N), the night air filled with a sense of companionship and understanding. When they finally reached their destination, Seth turned to (Y/N) with a soft smile.
"Well, (Y/N), thanks for coming to visit and sharing all those stories with me."
(Y/N) returned his smile, feeling a sense of connection she hadn't expected when she first ventured out to the pack's house. She leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Seth's cheek. "Thank you for being such a good friend, Seth. I'll see you soon."
Seth's cheeks flushed bright red at the unexpected kiss. He stammered a grateful but slightly flustered reply, "Yeah, definitely. See you soon, (Y/N)."
As (Y/N) turned to head back home, she couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth in her heart. The supernatural world was filled with complexities and challenges, but it was also where unexpected friendships and connections could bloom, leaving a lasting impact on those who dared to embrace them.
As (Y/N) returned home, the familiar embrace of her family awaited her. Carlisle, who had been anxiously waiting for her, enveloped her in a tight hug the moment she stepped through the door.
"I'm so sorry for my behavior, (Y/N)," Carlisle whispered, his voice filled with regret. "I just worry about you, and I love you deeply."
(Y/N) returned the hug, her heart warmed by her father's concern. "I love you too, Carlisle. I'm grateful to have you as my father, even if I'm adopted."
Carlisle smiled, a mixture of relief and affection in his eyes. "You will always be my daughter, no matter what."
Feeling reassured, (Y/N) couldn't help but yawn. The long evening and heartfelt conversations with Seth had taken their toll on her.
Seeing her exhaustion, Carlisle gently said, "It's getting late, (Y/N). You should go to bed."
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before making a request. "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep? Sing me the lullaby you used to sing when I was younger?"
Carlisle nodded, his heart swelling with love for his daughter. He followed her to her room, and as she settled into bed, he sat beside her. He began to softly sing the familiar lullaby that had always brought her comfort.
"The monsters gone, and it's on the run,
And your daddy's here.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl."
As the soothing words filled the room, (Y/N) felt her eyelids grow heavy. She closed her eyes, listening to the familiar melody, and soon, the embrace of sleep overcame her.
Carlisle watched over her for a while longer, a wistful smile on his face. His little girl was growing up, and with each passing day, she was embracing her own unique journey in the supernatural world. He knew that their family's bond would remain unbreakable, no matter how much she changed and grew.
With a final loving glance at (Y/N), he left her room, closing the door gently behind him. The night settled over the Cullens' home, and Carlisle couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and connections that bound their family together, even in the face of the challenges that their extraordinary existence presented.
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graceloveswolves · 4 years
Seth Clearwater Oneshots
Your relationship with him
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glitterquadricorn · 6 years
Twilight Masterlist
*Includes 12 Days of Christmas - Year 5*
Updated on: 12/29/2021
Leah Clearwater:
Imprint: part one, part two(???)
Better Together
Seth Clearwater:
Let Me Love You
Would Have Loved Her
Jacob Black:
Make me (cry)
 Paul Lahote:
She’s In Love With The Boy
Embry Call:
Prom Queen
Carlisle Cullen:
As The World Caves In
Jasper Hale:
Travelin’ Soldier
Love Story
Rosalie Hale:
Goodbye Earl
Emmett Cullen:
Edward Cullen:
Happier (part two of traitor)
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heejayy · 2 years
It’s the hormones
Warning: none
Genre: crack, a little fluff
Paring: Paul Lahote x Black fem Reader
Wc: 495
a/n: back on my twilight shit. Also keep writing about pregnant women…idky 😂
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Your body slid down the kitchen wall as you painfully sobbed holding your swollen belly. Your cried and cried letting hot tears spill down your puffy cheeks. Not long after you heard quick foot stepped approaching the kitchen.
“Baby what’s wrong?! A-are you hurt!?” Your husband asked frighten as he squatted down beside your limp body on the floor.
“We- it’s- there’s no moooree” you sobbed in-between your broken sentence that didn’t make much sense to Paul.
“Baby girl calm down, breath and speak to me slowly” he uttered softly wiping your cheeks.
“No…more…chocolate cake” you whimpered as your head hung low. Paul was at a loss for words, he didn’t want to laugh because then that would upset you. So he closed his eyes fighting the smile creeping on his lips and sighed.
“Ok baby I’ll go out and buy you some more…even if it is two in the morning” he grunted the last part as he stood up. “Why don’t I take you upstairs so you can rest you must be tired huh?” You nodded taking his hand as he helped you up.
“Yeah man, She was like bawling on the floor over chocolate cake. She scared the shit out of me I thought she was going into labor!” Paul huffed as he vented to Sam over the phone.
“Haha man it’s the hormones, you should’ve seen Em when she was pregnant. One minute she’s Godzilla the next she’s an angel. No in between, but hey the key to that is patience…which now has got me worried because I know you lack that” Paul sarcastically chuckled.
“Not funny man- oh I gotta go I’m back home I’ll see you in a few hours for patrol” he ended the call as he walked back into your shared home.
“You’re back?!” You beamed waddling over to him immediately grabbing the bag that contained your beloved chocolate cake.
“Thank you so much Paul, I love you!” You smiled pouring your love all over his face with kisses. His face grew a light tent of red letting out a deep chuckle.
“Anything for you my love” you didn’t waste anytime digging into the bag getting out your cake.
About half way through you glanced at Paul who looked just as tired as you, with is body slumped against the coach.
“Paul baby?”
“Hmm?” He perked up.
“I’m sorry for being inconsiderate and bothering you, I know you’re tired too. Please forgive me” your eyes began to water again but not for food but for your attentive husband.
“No baby it’s nothing I swear. come here lemme’ hold you” you crawled in between his thighs as he leaned against the couch.
“I love you baby” he kissed your forehead holding you against his chest.
“I love you too.”
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Twilight Masterlist
©heejayy 2022 — any reposts or translations of my works are strictly prohibited unless granted permission
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