#seth clearwater one-shot
sethsclearwater · 1 month
i'm BEGGING you for more seth being a new dad and taking care of his postpartum imprint pls!!
seth had quite literally just gotten up to figure out how to bring your newborn daughter's bassinet into your bedroom when you realized how hungry you were. despite both his and sue's insistence on bedrest for the first week, you thought you were going a little crazy sitting around all day just over 48 hours after giving birth.
so, with a heavy sigh, you turned so your calves could hang off the edge of the bed while you grabbed your hydroflask to take a few sips of water while you gave your body a moment to adjust to the movement.
before you even had a chance to try and get up, seth was coming back into the room carrying the empty bassinet with ease, "you wanna get up?" seth asked, quickly setting the bassinet down on your side of the bed as you'd requested before he was crouching down in front of you so he wasn't totally towering over you.
"'m hungry and i'm exhausted but i feel like i'm gonna go crazy if i keep sitting here all day," you rambled, quickly working yourself up which had a rush of tears clouding your eyes as they threatened to spill over your waterline.
"alright you're okay pretty girl," seth cooed, resting his hands on your thighs and giving them a gentle squeeze when the tears you'd been holding back suddenly burst and began streaming down your cheeks, "take some deep breaths, promise you're okay," he reassured, gently running his hands up and down your thighs soothingly while he gave you a moment to cry it out.
sue had already warned you two about all the crazy hormones you'd be dealing with postpartum so seth was more than prepared to help you deal with them while you tried to figure out how the hell you'd underestimated just how horrible it was.
"drink some water, yea?" he suggested, lifting your hydroflask from your lap to encourage you to drink some. you complied, giving him a small nod and a sniffle before you were taking a few sips of water.
you and seth remained like that for a moment, both quiet as you calmed yourself down enough until you were confident you could lift your gaze from your lap to look at him and not burst into tears again.
once you did look up at him, you how his brown eyes had softened as he watched you, "thank you," you whispered after a moment, a few stray tears racing down your cheeks that seth quickly wiped off as he lifted his hands from your thighs to gently cup your cheeks in his warm hands.
"nothin' to thank me for," he reassured, "you're the one doin' all the hard work here," he added, smiling when you let out a breathy laugh at that one.
while seth insisted you focused on healing your body and bonding with your baby, he took on just about everything else. from changing diapers to making sure you were fed, seth was on it.
"now you wanna tell me why you were gettin' up? we can go sit in the living room for a little bit if you wanna change it up," he suggested, smiling again when you nodded, happy with that compromise.
"alright let's do that then, yea? and we can order some food from that place down the street if you want," he added, already knowing all too well just how badly you'd been craving that since you'd given birth.
when you nodded and cracked a smile, seth got up and quickly pressed his lips to your forehead before he was slowly helping you up so the two of you could go into the living room and relax with each other before your baby woke up from her nap.
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be-ready-when-i-say-go · 11 months
She Has My Heart: A One-Shot
What have Leah and Clover been up too since we last saw them in that cute three-bedroom house in VT?
Leah Clearwater x Black!Female!OC. 
CW/TW: Talks of miscarriages (a little crass at point too). Please skip as necessary.
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-----Three Years Later----
Seth’s not sure what to expect when the door swings open. The last he heard there was just a lot of waiting. And waiting. And…more waiting. He hadn’t been able to fly back for the baby shower on account of cost and Black Pack responsibilities. Though, he and his mother did send a gift. The thing about it though is that Seth had a promise. Not that anyone knew of it but Seth knew. 
 “You’re shaking,” Sue comments, smoothing a fly away behind Seth’s ear. 
He’d let it grow out some. It is a reckless tasks, given how his coat in wolf-form was shaggy now too. But Seth sort of liked the freedom it gave him. He was phasing less frequently  so it didn’t matter much about the length of his fur anyway. Seth could see his old self--the one that was truly chipper as the inky strands started to fall across his face. It’s not to say that Seth’s lost any of his sunny disposition. There’s still the joke that his smile might actually blind someone. But the nights he spent mourning his father, the nights spent clawing at his skin for being a shifter aren’t as easy to hide from himself. 
Seth almost feels like he could reach back--when looking at his reflection--and touch the kid he once was with the longer tresses. Like maybe a part of him has never gone away,  just buried to only now be unearthed--sweeped gently when he pulls his hair back.  Seth could now excavate, digging and brushing gently at the depths that time had tucked away. And perhaps the hair is only ever going to be a temporary fix.  Jacob would want him to cut it again soon. Not that Seth thought he’d let it grow much longer than it already was at his cheeks. 
But is is nice. Even if only for a small little while. 
“It’s my nephew. I want to make a good first impression,” Seth returns. 
“He’s a baby. He’s already impressed,” Sue laughs. 
But it’s not just any baby. It’s Leah and Clover’s baby--rainbow baby to be exact. After two miscarriages, Seth figured that maybe they would give up. But Clover insisted. He wonders if Clover’s insistence to try for a last time is out of spite, attempting to prove something since it would’ve been Leah’s eggs again they attempted with. But science, or spite, doesn’t really matter. What does is the fact that the only thing between Seth and his nephew right now is a door. A singular green door, made of three plates, no less than six screws, a knob, frosted windows on the side. A singular man-made object. But yet instead a barrier. 
The green door creaks open, gentle at first and through the crack Seth catches Clover’s voice, “I need a shirt!”
Leah laughs for a moment. “It might help first to actually get off the couch.”
It doesn’t really matter when the house opens to him fully and there, strapped to Leah’s slightly turned back is him--Nova. His cheeks are full, eyes blinking but clearly on the verge of closing. He’s tucked in closely to the board--the blanket holding him is white and navy blue embroidered. “Look at you,” Sue coos, waving gently at the baby. 
“I love him. Already. We’re going to be best buds,” Seth remarks, awe painting his voice. “Can I wear--” 
“Yeah, you can. C’mon  in,” Leah laughs, interrupting the question before it’s fully asked. 
The living room greets Sue and Seth to the arches of the kitchen directly behind the sofa. The house is relatively small. Bigger than what Seth and Leah grew up in by at least a couple hundred square feet. But small enough that it doesn’t over impose. And all the while, in the background of Sue coddling up to Clover--forcing her to stay seated--Seth is ducked into the night of Nova’s eyes. 
“He’s so tiny,” Seth laughs, tucking the strands that fall out from behind his ear yet again. “Like, he looks like he could fit in just my palm.”
“You should’ve seen him fresh. Hearty at eight pounds, but much smaller than now,” Leah comments, gingerly slipping Nova off her back. 
It’s only been two months. How Nova could be any smaller is beyond Seth. “Hi, Seth,” Clover calls out. 
The sound of his name brings Seth back to the living room. He waves at Clover. The ginger in her hair has faded at the roots, giving into the dark brown of her natural curls. It looks shorter than usual, lifted up near her chin where it normally settled at her shoulders. But she looks bright in the face, a smile that feels genuine on Seth’s skin. “You look good for dealing with a newborn. Newborn baby, I mean,” Seth corrects. 
“Thanks,” Clover offers. A tuft of laughter that escapes her as well.  “Thankfully, it’s been pretty quiet on that front.”
“I’d hope so!” Seth teases. 
Clover waives for him to sit, next to her. There’s clattering behind them coming from the kitchen. Leah and his mother’s voice whisper above the rushing water and the click of a machine. Seth’s slow in his descent but he settles and Nova blinks up at him. The blinks get slower, a pout forming for half a second but Seth finds the gentle brush of his knuckle to Nova’s cheek does the trick. 
“How does it feel?” Clover whispers.  
“Well, yeah, besides that. He’ll be up there with you in no time. Just give him some time. But that’s not what I’m asking,” Clover laughs, resting her chin to Seth’s shoulder. “How do you feel?”
Nova roots just a hair into Seth’s touch. How immediate to know he loves someone. How immediate Seth knows that he’d drop anything and everything just to hear Nova gurgles. A bond. One that if he were ever to tell he felt for Leah would have to be tortured out of him. But not for Nova. Not for his nephew. “Feels…surreal. Am I dreaming?”
“Nope. Not in the slightest.”
“What does he do all day?”
“Right now--sleep. Eats. Shits. Sleeps. Wets himself. Eats again. Shits again.”
Seth snorts at the list. “Okay, so maybe not the best question. But he really is living the life, ya know?”
“Yeah I’m sure that’s the shifter instincts. Gotta start him young.”
There’s space between her words. They grow after and softer as she speaks. Seth glances over from Nova in his lap to Clover. Her eyes are shut. “I’ve been told I’m pretty comfy.” It’s an offer. An easy way for Clover to bow out of any obligation to host. “I’m sure Nova must feed regularly--day or night.”
“God, does he,” she snorts. 
“I don’t think Seth is going to let him out of his sight. If you need a nap, take it, love,” Leah states, placing a cup of tea in front of Seth. Her gaze ignores him though and zeroes in on Clover. 
“I don’t,” a yawn interrupts her. “I don’t need to be told twice.”
“By some accounts, I think you were,” Seth whispers. 
Clover’s whack at his side is weak and she pushes away to burrow into the corner of the couch. Before Seth can offer to scoot over some, to give her room, a snore echoes. Leah’s up just a fast and adjusts the pillow and presses a kiss to her temple. She still looks the same. Seth’s not sure why he thought the years would age her so significantly. It was just three, well maybe a tad over three if he could fully recount the month they moved from Washington. It was spring, that much he knows. 
But Leah still looks the same. The same bob. The same pout. 
“You’re phasing still aren’t you?” Seth asks.
Leah nods. “I stopped for a year and a half to try and conceive but I’d been phasing for so long we don’t think the pause really helped at all.” Still behind the couch, she rest her cheek in the cushion of Clover’s hair. “I only tried once. Clover tried all the rest of the way.”
Seth blinks. He hadn’t known that. “So both were Clover?”
Leah nods. “Well, yeah, two of three. Technically, I think. It’s a little awkward. Because while it was a fertilized embryo that they transplanted into me. It was dicey on if it would ever have a fighting chance--it was like 70 against us. 30 for. We took the change anyway but both times with Clover we got results on the at-home pregnancy tests. Went to the doctors test looked good and then before Week 12, there was a lot of sitting on toilets.”
“God,” Seth huffs. “Leah. That’s horrible. How can you say that?”
She shrugs. “It’s  true. And it’s heartbreaking. Literally everything we were trying so hard was just gone before we could do anything about it. But that’s the reality. That’s where we were. Crying over toilet bowls. At night, sometimes, when I was sure Clover was asleep, I’d go out chase the moon. Shockingly, phasing kept my sane. And I’ll never admit that again. Never.”
Seth surrenders to the pointed finger. “Understood. I definitely won’t let it slip during a run with Jake.”
Leah flicks his ear. “Asshat.”
“Hey, hey, young ears here,” Seth returns, covering Nova’s ears. 
“I just--it felt so unfair that we’d been trying for this one thing and couldn’t get it. And the only thing that made sense were the trees, the moon. Phasing meant I didn’t have to think about my wife at home. I didn’t have to think about the bedroom that haunted us. And I’d be back well before sunrise. So do not,” Leath huffs, watching the slack of Seth’s jaw. 
“I didn’t even say anything.” Leah’s arched brow is killer and Seth hurriedly turns back to Nova. “Your mom’s got the evil stare perfected. Be warned,” Seth informs to Nova. 
“You were thinking it. I could hear it,” Leah laughs. “I was always thinking about Clover though. It’s safe to say when I’m not working she occupies about hmm 65% of my brain.”
“Is that why I don’t ever get calls but once a week?” Sue pipes up. “Hmm, I’m very disappointed,” she grins over the mouth of her mug. 
Leah gapes for a moment before popping her head up around Seth’s shoulder to look at her mom in the singular seater. “Mom, there’s a three hour difference. You get angry if I call you at 7 because it’s too late for me here at 10.”
“You need your rest,” Sue retorts. 
“I go in from 8 to 5 every single day. I can spare a two hour conversation with you occasionally,” Leah defends. 
“See that’s your problem. Mom easily needs 3 hours at minimum,” Seth comments. 
“Seth gets it,” Sue waves to him with the comment. Leah sighs and apologizes softly. Seth laughs, knowing there’s no real winning. But it’s like home. It feels like home again in a way that Seth hadn’t even realized he’d missed. 
Around him Leah and Sue bicker--lightheartedly--for just another minute or so, but Seth takes the moment to speak to Nova. Clover’s snores punctuate the faint argument at the most inopportune times but it’s a welcomed cacophony of sounds. Nova’s blinks have ceased. His eyes shut now fully, face lax under Seth’s touch. 
“So you’re used to it already, huh? A pro, I see.” 
“Yeah, unc, with the way my mom’s bicker I’ve learned to drown it out,” Leah teases in a terrible rendition of a bassier voice. The giggles escape Seth with no hesitation. Leah’s laughter mixes with his, but she nudges his shoulder. “Hungry?”
“No, I’m good,” Seth answers when he catches his breath. 
“Whatever’s in the kitchen is free range when you get hungry. I’ve got dishes to do since both of them are down for a nap.”
Seth nods. “Thanks, Leah.”
“We’ve got a tiny deck too if you want some fresh air. Nova sleeps like Dad in that recliner in the sun.”
Seth snorts at the mental image of his father settled into the brown recliner, almost swallowed by the chair but still holding his own in the race of size. Occasionally, a cap would cover his face. But most of the time he’d put on a game--one he didn’t care about but was promising Billy he’d watch so they could talk about it next--and he’d fall asleep within minutes. Even if the TV wasn’t home, if he sat down for too long in the chair, he’d fall asleep. That old recliner, fabric worn in the arms, creaked with every sit. But it had a grip on their father that was most definitely otherworldly. 
Seth takes the note as an invitation and stands again. It’s not hard--getting Nova onto his back. But Seth is slow in his push further into the house. He runs into the office first. The office, which also has a bed that folds out, much like the sofa in the living room is exactly how Leah described it. Two wide bookshelves make up the west wall that borders the half bathroom. Has a desk that faces the window to look outside, the side yard from the looks of it. There’s a lot of light in the room. A single seater with ottoman in the opposite corner as the bookshelves, a coffee like table in the middle of the room. On it, there’s more books, magazines. It feels a bit more lived in than the living room, but still hollow with space that could be filled in. 
Across the hall is the full bathroom but next to the otherside of the half bath is Nova’s room and nursery. Nova’s ceiling is painted a dark blue with white sparkles--stars, Seth assumes. “Do you know all the constellations yet, buddy?” Seth asks. He gets no answer of course, but it doesn't slow him down as he takes in the tan dresser, rocking chair, bookshelf, and opened closet. The open closet is something he has no doubts Leah’s started to do. Diapers are stacked near the changing table. 
“Easy access, can’t be made,” Seth comments to himself. 
Seth knows right across from Nova’s room is the main bedroom. He’s thankful the door is shut. “Who knows what we might’ve seen in your moms’ room.”
“I heard that,” Leah hollers. 
A soft grunt echoes from Seth’s back and he shushes gently, reaching back to pat at Nova’s stomach. It’s a shot in the dark, but the gesture is just enough to keep Nova from rousing fully. Seth takes the side door out the deck, back tracking a little to the side of the office. 
The sun is bright and when directly in the rays warms. There’s some shade but Seth’s sure to keep Nova in the warmth as the May air still has a bit of a chill. The trees are quiet, not even a rustle in their leaves. Though, the trees don’t quite feel like the same echo of those in Washington. This are still trying to change--bringing more green but still echoes of orange and red. The container gardens are exploding--well one of them is.
There’s leaves falling over the 2x4’s. But it’s nice to see the crops still holding on well. They might be the reminiscents of the last winter hauls. The other one looks a bit emptier but Seth assumes from Leah’s recounting that it’s just been planted and soon the winter crops will get tilled and prepared for summer too after a small reprieve. There’s some metal coverings which Seth assumes is meant to keep bugs and critters from getting too close. Though he wonders if Leah takes to marking the edges of the lands. It would work work for a good deal of creatures who might want a snack. 
“I wonder what your favorite veggie will be,” Seth questions to the still air. “What will be your favorite season, Nova? Hmm?” Seth looks back and Nova’s still faithfully asleep. He thinks maybe what could be considered the faintest hints of a smile in on his nephew’s face. “Will you think it’s strange? Two moms? The phasing? I hope Leah brings you up on the stories. I don’t think she’ll stop phasing now. Not with you around. Maybe you won’t care. You’ll only know some kissing the scrapes and someone fixing you your favorite lunch. You’ll run from the bus stop laughing about what some kid said and you won’t ever think what others are thinking about.
I just don’t want anything bad for you. You know? I want you to wear your braids. Wear your beads. That’s an order mister.” Seth laughs at himself. The weight of Nova on his back feels like it’s alway supposed to be there when Seth leans into the railing. “Who am I kidding? I know technically Blacks are alphas, but with your moms’ you’re unstoppable kid. Lightning really.”
A breeze--chilly, but loose--comes by. It carries nothing with it--no bugs, no warnings. The clouds stay white and fluffy. For how long, Seth’s not even sure. He gets a plate of food at some point and eats it slowly. 
“Do you think you’ll like construction trucks? I remember I had a serious truck phase,” Seth mutters. Nova, now cradled into Seth’s arm, awake and taking in the sight of someone new only blinks. Seth’s kept him wrapped up tightly as to avoid the chill that’s settling with the creeping evening sun. 
“Oh, maybe you have such a truck phase you become a firefighter? I think that would be cool.”
Nova blinks, shifting just a hair a little bit closer. 
“Oh, do we like that idea?”
Nova’s brow furrows for a moment. His tiny body tenses for a moment. 
“Thinking hard about it.”
Nova huffs. Seth laughs a little then inhales. “Oh, oh, I see why you were thinking so hard. Just pooped all over my idea.”
Seth carries Nova and the plate back inside. “Who wants to teach me how to change a diaper?” he asks as he crosses into the living room. 
Clover raises her hand and it’s immediately pushed back down by Sue. “I’ll teach ya, Seth,” Sue grins, scooping Nova out of Seth’s arm. “You’ve been hogging him since we got here.”
“Does everyone think I’m broken?” Clover laughs. “I literally pushed a baby out of me. I think I’m so not broken.”
Leah’s voice is soft. “You’re not, babe. But you said you were going to actually let people help. Besides it’s Mom. She won’t let Seth hurt Nova. She’d kill him. Instantly, if he tried.”
Seth pouts. “He’s my nephew! I would never attempt such a thing. Wouldn’t think of it.”
“Careful, Leah,” Clover warns. “There’s no rain until Monday in the forecast. We don’t need it to show up early because you’re being mean to Seth.”
“Someone cares about me,” Seth huffs. 
“Seth, you coming are not?” Sue calls out. 
“Diaper time! I’m coming.”
0 notes
zapreportsblog · 9 months
Can I request platonic Carlisle x child fem witch reader (like 14-15, she ages really slowly), Carlisle saved her from being killed during the Salem Witch Trials? He cares for her so much and since she’s the only one who sleeps in the Cullen clan, he sometimes watches her sleep as if protecting her or something. And he acts somewhat protective of her after finding out she’s Seth’s imprint?
❝the witch hybrid and her companion❞
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✭ pairing : father Carlisle Cullen x reader x imprint Seth Clearwater
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is a young witch who Carlisle had saved from the Salem witch trials, she had been been on the verge of being fully brunt to death when he had grabbed and rescued her, she was fifteen when he had turnt her thus making her the first hybrid of both witch and vampire species.
✭ authors note : this shit so long I gotta make a part 2 because I wasn’t done writing
✭ twilight masterlist
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The year was 1692, and the small town of Salem was ablaze with fear and suspicion. The Salem Witch Trials had gripped the community, turning neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend. Whispers of witchcraft echoed through the narrow, winding streets like a curse.
In the midst of this hysteria, a young witch named (Y/N) found herself ensnared in the web of accusations. She was a mere fifteen years old, with (dark/light) (h/c) hair and hypnotizing (e/c) eyes that held the secrets of centuries past. Her magical abilities had manifested early, and she had done her best to hide them, but the fervor of the witch hunt had spared no one.
One fateful evening, as the moon hung low in the darkened sky, the town's fervor reached its peak. (Y/N) was dragged from her humble cottage by an angry mob, her hands bound, and the scent of burning wood filled the air. The townsfolk were determined to put an end to the supposed evil that had plagued their lives.
The makeshift gallows stood tall in the center of town, a grim reminder of the collective madness that had taken hold. A wooden stake awaited (Y/N), and the flames that danced around it cast eerie shadows on her pale, terrified face.
As the crowd jeered and cursed, the flames were lit, and the stake began to smolder. (Y/N) let out a piercing scream as the searing pain coursed through her body. She was on the brink of death, her skin blistering and her vision fading.
But then, a figure emerged from the shadows, moving with preternatural grace and speed. Carlisle Cullen, a vampire with a heart that still beat for compassion, could not bear to witness this gruesome spectacle. He had heard rumors of witches in Salem and had come to investigate, hoping to prevent further tragedy.
In an instant, Carlisle reached (Y/N)'s side. With a strength that belied his gentle appearance, he tore the wooden stake from her chest. The townsfolk gasped in shock as they beheld a young man of ethereal beauty and otherworldly strength.
Carlisle cradled the near-lifeless (Y/N) in his arms and vanished into the night, leaving behind the chaos and confusion of the mob. He knew that there was only one way to save her now—to grant her the immortality of a vampire.
As they fled into the wilderness, (Y/N) clung to consciousness, her body burned and broken. She whispered a faint thank you to the stranger who had appeared like a guardian angel in her darkest hour. Little did she know that this mysterious savior would change the course of her life forever.
In the moonlit forest, Carlisle Cullen made a solemn vow. He would teach (Y/N) to control her newfound powers, guide her through the complexities of immortal life, and protect her from the world that had once condemned her. Together, they would find redemption and forge a bond that would withstand the ages.
Carlisle had taken a great risk when he saved (Y/N) from the clutches of death during the Salem Witch Trials. He had severed ties with the Volturi long ago, seeking a life that adhered to his moral compass. His choice to create a vampire out of (Y/N), who still possessed her magical abilities, was a secret he needed to protect at all costs.
The struggles were immediate. (Y/N)'s powers, now amplified by her vampiric nature, were dangerously unpredictable. At times, her emotions would trigger bursts of magic that could send objects flying or set the forest ablaze. Keeping her abilities hidden from both the human world and the vampire authorities became an arduous task.
Carlisle spent countless nights helping (Y/N) gain control over her newfound powers. He was patient, guiding her through the nuances of her magic, teaching her to harness it without drawing attention. Together, they honed her skills in secrecy, for they knew that revealing her true nature could lead to disastrous consequences.
As the years passed, Carlisle and (Y/N) developed a bond that ran deeper than blood. They became a family of two, sharing their eternal existence and the burden of concealing her abilities. It was a lonely existence, but they clung to the hope that they could find others like them, vampires who shared their values and accepted (Y/N) despite her magical nature.
Their quest for companionship led them on a journey across the continent. They followed whispers and rumors, searching for those who might understand their unique situation. It was during this quest that they stumbled upon a coven unlike any other.
In a remote, wooded area, they encountered people on the verge of dying such as Edward, Esme, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett, and Alice.
Together, they navigated the challenges of their unique existence, supporting each other through the trials of immortality and the constant threat of the Volturi's scrutiny. As they honed their abilities and shared their stories, they discovered the true meaning of family – a bond forged not by blood but by choice and shared values.
Their coven became a sanctuary, a place where each member could be their authentic selves without fear of judgment or persecution. And as they faced the world together, they knew that their unity was their greatest strength, a testament to the power of love, acceptance, and the enduring spirit of those who dared to defy the darkness that sought to consume them.
The year was 2005, and the town of Forks had remained a quiet, secluded haven for the Cullen family. (Y/N), now a hybrid of a witch and vampire, appeared eternally fifteen but was wise beyond her years. Her days were spent in the cozy Cullen home, where Esme provided her with a homeschooling education tailored to her unique needs.
Yet, there was a part of (Y/N) that longed for more than the confines of their home. She yearned for the normalcy of teenage life, for the bustling hallways of a high school, and for the companionship of her siblings. Carlisle remained as protective as ever, reluctant to expose her to the unpredictable world outside, but he couldn't deny her the occasional visits to Forks High School.
One crisp afternoon, (Y/N) stood by the school's parking lot, waiting for her siblings to emerge from their classes. She watched as the students filed out, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Her heart ached for the chance to experience such simple joys.
Suddenly, a tiny whirlwind of energy appeared before her, and she smiled as Alice materialized in front of her. Alice's golden eyes sparkled with excitement, and she greeted her sister with a grin.
"(Y/N), you won't believe it," Alice chirped, her voice filled with anticipation.
Arching an eyebrow, (Y/N) replied, "Believe what, Alice?"
With a playful twirl, Alice continued, "Life just got even more interesting in Forks High School."
(Y/N) couldn't help but be intrigued. "How so?"
Alice leaned in conspiratorially, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "There's a new girl at the school."
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Alice's enthusiasm. "A new girl? Why is that so exciting?"
Alice's eyes widened as she explained, "Because, dear sister, this new girl is different. I've seen flashes of her future, and it's...uncertain. There's something extraordinary about her, something that might just shake up our tranquil little town."
(Y/N) considered Alice's words, her curiosity piqued. She had always trusted Alice's visions, and this revelation promised an unexpected twist in their otherwise peaceful existence.
As the rest of their siblings joined them in the parking lot, (Y/N) shared Alice's revelation. They exchanged glances filled with curiosity and anticipation. Life in Forks was about to become more intriguing, and the Cullen family was ready to face whatever challenges the new girl's arrival might bring.
The year was 2005, and the town of Forks had remained a quiet, secluded haven for the Cullen family. (Y/N), now a hybrid of a witch and vampire, appeared eternally fifteen but was wise beyond her years. Her days were spent in the cozy Cullen home, where Esme provided her with a homeschooling education tailored to her unique needs.
Yet, there was a part of (Y/N) that longed for more than the confines of their home. She yearned for the normalcy of teenage life, for the bustling hallways of a high school, and for the companionship of her siblings. Carlisle remained as protective as ever, reluctant to expose her to the unpredictable world outside, but he couldn't deny her the occasional visits to Forks High School.
One crisp afternoon, (Y/N) stood by the school's parking lot, waiting for her siblings to emerge from their classes. She watched as the students filed out, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Her heart ached for the chance to experience such simple joys.
Suddenly, a tiny whirlwind of energy appeared before her, and she smiled as Alice materialized in front of her. Alice's golden eyes sparkled with excitement, and she greeted her sister with a grin.
"(Y/N), you won't believe it," Alice chirped, her voice filled with anticipation.
Arching an eyebrow, (Y/N) replied, "Believe what, Alice?"
With a playful twirl, Alice continued, "Life just got even more interesting in Forks High School."
(Y/N) couldn't help but be intrigued. "How so?"
Alice leaned in conspiratorially, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "There's a new girl at the school."
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Alice's enthusiasm. "A new girl? Why is that so exciting?"
Alice's eyes widened as she explained, "Because, dear sister, this new girl is different. I've seen flashes of her future, and it's...uncertain. There's something extraordinary about her, something that might just shake up our tranquil little town."
(Y/N) considered Alice's words, her curiosity piqued. She had always trusted Alice's visions, and this revelation promised an unexpected twist in their otherwise peaceful existence.
As the rest of their siblings joined them in the parking lot, (Y/N) shared Alice's revelation. They exchanged glances filled with curiosity and anticipation. Life in Forks was about to become more intriguing, and the Cullen family was ready to face whatever challenges the new girl's arrival might bring.
Edward had long been intrigued by Bella Swan, the human girl who had captured his heart. He knew the time had come to introduce her to his family, the Cullens. With a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, he arrived at the Cullen residence with Bella by his side.
The Cullen home exuded an air of elegance and tranquility as Edward and Bella entered. Carlisle and Esme, the matriarch and patriarch of the family, stood together, their welcoming smiles putting Bella at ease. Alice, as ever, bounced with enthusiasm, eager to greet the newcomer.
Rosalie, the beautiful but distant blonde, maintained her standoffish demeanor. Emmett, her jovial and easygoing husband, offered a warm and friendly greeting. Jasper, with his polite distance, appeared cordial yet reserved.
As Bella took in the room full of unique and ethereal beings, her nerves were palpable. Edward gently squeezed her hand, offering silent reassurance.
Edward turned to Bella, his arm draped around her, and gestured toward the youngest member of the family. "(Y/N)," he began, "I'd like you to meet Bella Swan."
(Y/N) stepped forward, her emerald eyes twinkling with curiosity and warmth. "Hello, Bella," she greeted with a genuine smile.
Bella returned the smile, though her gaze flickered with surprise as she took in (Y/N)'s youthful appearance. "Hi, (Y/N). Nice to meet you."
Edward, ever the attentive brother, chimed in, "Bella, (Y/N) is homeschooled. She's rather sensitive emotionally, and we want to ensure she's comfortable."
Bella nodded, not questioning the explanation, and (Y/N) added, "It's lovely to meet someone new. I don't often get the chance to make friends outside the family."
As the conversation flowed, Bella and (Y/N) discovered shared interests. They both had a deep love for nature and a passion for ballet. They exchanged stories about their experiences, and (Y/N) found herself drawn to Bella's genuine and kind-hearted nature.
Alice, always eager to foster connections, joined in their conversation with her trademark enthusiasm. Jasper remained observant but distant, his empathic nature making him cautious around newcomers. Rosalie, on the other hand, kept her distance but couldn't help but sneak occasional glances at Bella, her curiosity getting the better of her.
As the evening unfolded, the Cullens' initial uncertainties about Bella began to fade. It was clear that she brought a light into their home, and her connection with (Y/N) was a pleasant surprise.
Though the Cullens were a family of immortal vampires, they had managed to create a sense of belonging and unity. With Bella's arrival, the dynamics shifted once more, adding a new layer of complexity to their existence. Little did they know that this human girl would play a significant role in their future, bringing challenges and joys they could never have anticipated.
The bond between (Y/N) and Bella had grown stronger since their first meeting at the Cullen household. They shared countless hours talking about everything from books to ballet, and their friendship had become an unbreakable connection.
One sunny afternoon, Bella decided to introduce (Y/N) to a friend from her other life in Forks, someone who was quite different from the Cullen family. She took (Y/N) to the nearby La Push reservation, where she introduced her to Jacob Black.
Jacob, a tall and lanky young man with a warm smile, greeted Bella and her new friend with enthusiasm. (Y/N) was immediately struck by his friendly and down-to-earth nature. She found herself drawn to his easygoing demeanor, which contrasted with the graceful elegance of her vampire family.
As they sat in the shade of a towering tree, (Y/N) and Jacob began to chat. She learned that Jacob had a passion for fixing cars and motorcycles, an interest he'd picked up from his father. It was an unusual hobby for a young man on the brink of shifting into a werewolf, but Jacob loved the mechanical world as much as (Y/N) loved ballet and nature.
"(Y/N), you ever work on cars or bikes?" Jacob asked, his eyes lighting up with excitement.
She shook her head, intrigued by the idea. "No, I've never had the chance, but I'd love to learn."
Jacob grinned, his enthusiasm infectious. "Well, I can teach you if you're interested. We've got an old truck in the garage that's in need of some TLC."
Bella watched as her friend and her new friend connected over a shared interest. It was a heartwarming sight, seeing her worlds collide in such a positive way.
In the days that followed, (Y/N) visited La Push regularly to spend time with Jacob. She learned how to wield wrenches and navigate the inner workings of an engine. She watched with fascination as he effortlessly fixed motorcycles and patiently explained the mechanics behind each repair.
As (Y/N) delved into this new hobby, she couldn't help but notice the parallel between her time with Jacob and the moments she had observed between Rosalie and Emmett as they worked on cars together. She marveled at the beauty of human experiences and how they transcended the boundaries of her immortal life.
Her friendship with Jacob deepened, and she treasured the moments spent working on engines and sharing stories under the open sky. In those moments, (Y/N) realized that bonds could be formed beyond the supernatural world of vampires and werewolves, and that the connections she forged with humans were just as significant and meaningful.
The year had turned to 2006, and the bonds between (Y/N), Bella, and Jacob had grown stronger since (Y/N) started learning about cars and motorcycles with him. However, a shadow had fallen over their friendship.
Jacob had become distant, and Bella couldn't understand why. She was tired of being ignored, and one day, she decided to confront him with (Y/N) by her side.
They arrived at Jacob's house, and the atmosphere was tense. Bella knew something was amiss, and she was determined to get answers. As they approached the house, they heard roughhousing and laughter coming from the backyard.
Bella's frustration was evident as she muttered, "Enough is enough. I need to know what's going on."
(Y/N) nodded in agreement, her concern mirrored in her eyes. They made their way to the backyard, where they were met with an unexpected sight. Paul, Jared, and Sam, all shirtless, were playfully wrestling in the grass.
Bella's patience had run thin, and she spoke up, "Jacob, we need to talk."
The laughter ceased as the three boys turned to look at the girls. Sam, with his wisdom and responsibility as the pack's alpha, stepped forward. "What's this about, Bella?"
Jacob stood nearby, his expression guarded. Bella's frustration boiled over, and she finally confronted him, "You've been avoiding me, Jacob. I want to know why."
Jacob hesitated, his gaze shifting between Bella and his pack members. But it was Paul who decided to speak, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "Well, maybe it's because we've got more important things to do than hang out with vampires."
Bella's eyes widened in shock. She had heard the legends, but this was the first time someone from the Quileute tribe had openly referred to the Cullens as vampires.
A tense silence hung in the air, broken only by Jared's uneasy cough. Jacob's features hardened as he faced Bella, the truth finally out in the open. "Yes, Bella, we know what your family is. We know they're the cold ones."
(Y/N), who had remained quiet until now, felt the tension rise to a breaking point. Her magical abilities had always been a closely guarded secret, but she couldn't stand by as the situation escalated.
Before anyone could react, Bella, driven by anger and hurt, slapped Paul across the face. It was an instinctive reaction, but the consequences were immediate. Paul's body began to tremble, and within moments, he transformed into a massive, russet-colored wolf.
Chaos erupted as the other wolves reacted, growling and snapping at the sudden threat. Jacob, acting on instinct to protect Bella, shifted into his wolf form and leaped between Paul and the girls.
(Y/N), her magical powers flaring to life, sensed the impending danger. She stepped forward, raising her hands, and a shimmering magical shield sprang into existence, surrounding Bella and Jacob, protecting them from the agitated wolves.
The standoff continued for a tense moment until Sam, as the pack's leader, barked a command, and the wolves reluctantly backed down. (Y/N) slowly lowered the shield, and the tension in the air dissipated.
Bella and Jacob were left staring at each other, the truth now laid bare.
The tension in the forest eased as Sam, the alpha of the Quileute wolf pack, intervened and calmed the agitated wolves. He beckoned everyone to follow him back to his cabin, where they could talk more openly.
Jacob turned to Bella, his expression pained. "Bella, try not to stare at Emily too much."
(Y/N) caught Jacob's words and glanced at Bella with curiosity. She followed Jacob's gaze to a woman named Emily who was standing nearby. Bella's reaction was immediate; she was taken aback by the scars on Emily's face.
As they entered Sam's cabin, Bella couldn't help but ask, "What happened to her?"
Sam, understanding the girls' confusion, began to explain. "Emily's scars are a result of a shifter's transformation gone wrong. It's a risk we face when we shift. Sometimes, accidents happen."
(Y/N) listened intently, and as she looked at Emily, her mind flashed back to her own past. She remembered the pain of the flames, the burns on her body, and the scars she had carried before Carlisle had turned her into a vampire. It was a painful memory she rarely revisited.
Sam continued, "We're not just ordinary humans, Bella. We're shape-shifters. We transform into wolves. We've known about the cold ones, the vampires, for a long time, and there's a history of conflict between our kind."
Bella's eyes widened, realizing that the tension between Jacob's pack and her family was deeply rooted. It was a revelation that left her with more questions than answers.
Then, Sam turned to (Y/N), his gaze intense. "And what about you? You smell human, but not quite."
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before she decided to share her truth. "I'm not just a vampire. I'm also a witch. Carlisle turned me during the Salem Witch Trials to save my life, but I retained my magic."
The room fell silent as Sam processed this revelation. The other members of the pack, including Paul, who had calmed down, overheard the conversation and entered the cabin.
Paul, still uneasy about (Y/N), voiced his concerns. "Sam, she's dangerous. A vampire-witch hybrid? Who knows what she's capable of?"
Sam raised a hand, silencing Paul. He turned back to (Y/N), his eyes steady. "Explain. How do you use your magic?"
(Y/N) took a deep breath and began to recount the story of the Salem Witch Trials, how she had been condemned, and how Carlisle had turned her to save her life. She spoke of the magic she had retained and how she had learned to harness it, to control it.
As her story unfolded, the tension in the room began to ease. Sam and the rest of the pack listened with rapt attention, realizing that (Y/N) was not a threat but someone who had suffered and survived against all odds.
As the conversation in Sam's cabin continued, the atmosphere began to relax, and the tension that had filled the room started to dissipate. The Cullen and the Quileute pack shared stories and experiences, forging a fragile understanding. However, a new presence entered the room, and the dynamics shifted once more.
The door swung open, and Seth Clearwater entered, a sheepish smile on his face. "Sorry I'm late, everyone. Got caught up in patrol duty."
He started to explain further but stopped abruptly as his eyes locked onto (Y/N)'s. Time seemed to stand still for Seth as he made eye contact with her, and a series of vivid flashes inundated his mind.
He saw himself dating (Y/N), their laughter echoing through the forest as they went on hikes, their hands intertwined. He saw tender moments of them kissing under the moonlight, their love stronger than anything he had ever imagined. He even saw himself undergoing a transformation, becoming immortal through (Y/N)'s magic, so they could live out their lives together.
The sudden influx of images left Seth bewildered, his heart racing. He stumbled over his words, his apology fading into silence. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a future he had never known he wanted.
The room fell silent as everyone turned their attention to Seth. It didn't take long for Sam to realize what had occurred. He approached Seth, his expression knowing. "Seth, you've imprinted."
Seth nodded, still dazed by the overwhelming experience. He couldn't tear his gaze away from (Y/N), who had a bewildered yet sympathetic expression on her face.
Bella, having experienced imprinting with Jacob, understood the gravity of the situation. She leaned over to whisper to (Y/N), "It's a Quileute thing. He can't help it. It's like he's bound to you now."
(Y/N) nodded in understanding, feeling a mix of surprise and sympathy for Seth. She had witnessed how powerful imprinting could be and how it could affect someone's life.
Seth, still recovering from the shock, couldn't help but act like a lovesick puppy around (Y/N). He smiled at her, his gaze lingering, and his actions becoming increasingly attentive. It was clear that his world had shifted, and his focus had become solely centered on her.
The room settled back into conversation, but Seth's newfound devotion to (Y/N) remained evident. He was drawn to her like a magnet, his presence a constant reminder of the complexities of the supernatural world they inhabited.
As the evening wore on, the Cullen and the Quileute pack continued to exchange stories and experiences, but now there was an added layer of understanding and acceptance. The bonds forged between them grew stronger, and they realized that in a world filled with secrets and supernatural forces, connections could form in the most unexpected and profound ways.
Bella and (Y/N) headed back to the Cullens' house, the forest surrounding them bathed in the gentle light of the moon. Bella pulled up to the driveway, and (Y/N) stepped out of the car, her thoughts lingering on the revelations of the evening.
As she watched Bella drive off, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. She had made new friends, but she was aware of the complications that could arise from her interactions with the outside world. Her hybrid nature, a blend of vampire and witch, held secrets that she needed to protect.
Entering the Cullens' home, (Y/N) was immediately surrounded by her family. Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper all gathered around her, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity.
"Where have you been, (Y/N)?" Carlisle's voice held a hint of anger, but also a deep concern. He had always been protective of her, knowing the dangers of the human world and the risks associated with her true nature being exposed.
(Y/N) took a deep breath, her gaze meeting Carlisle's. "I've been hanging out with Bella and Jacob and some new friends I made."
Carlisle's concern deepened. "New friends? (Y/N), you know the risks. Your true nature, both as a vampire and a witch, could be exposed to humans."
(Y/N) nodded, understanding his worries but also eager to share her experiences. "I know, Carlisle, but I've been careful. And I've learned a lot about the Quileute culture and the challenges they face."
Carlisle couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. He was angry that Bella had taken (Y/N) without informing anyone, concerned about the risks, but also happy that his daughter had made friends outside their family.
However, his world was about to be shaken once more. (Y/N) noticed the change in her father's demeanor and decided it was time to reveal the most significant development of the evening.
"I have something to tell you," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of infatuation. "I've been imprinted on."
Carlisle's eyes widened in shock. "Imprinted? By whom?"
(Y/N) smiled, a lovesick expression in her eyes. "Seth Clearwater."
The room fell silent as the gravity of the situation sunk in. Carlisle realized that his younger daughter had formed a bond that was far deeper and more profound than any ordinary friendship. He knew that an imprint was a powerful connection, one that couldn't be broken.
As (Y/N) continued to share the story of her evening and the imprint, Carlisle's world came crashing down. He had always known that his family's supernatural existence came with complexities, but the idea of his daughter being infatuated with a young shifter left him with a mix of emotions—concern, worry, and a touch of sadness for the challenges that lay ahead.
The Cullens, a family bound by love and acceptance, now faced a new chapter in their extraordinary lives, one that would test their bonds and their ability to navigate the intricate web of supernatural connections.
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tyb1 · 1 year
Standing In The Rain
pairings: Seth x reader
summary: after weeks of not talking due to secrets being held Seth finally confronts the reader while standing in the rain
warnings: angst then fluff 😋
w/c: 1087
A/N: Thank you guys for 1,000+ notes on Rainy Days ♥️🥺
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“So you’re just going to leave me out in the rain!?” Seth yelled, his hands waving in the air as he tried his best to get your attention.
The rain poured down on the roof of your car, you sat watching the wipers push the hard rain off of your windows. Everything was calm for a few seconds, you had just arrived back from your night class. The news that was spreading on the radio caught your attention, and that was one of the reasons why you decided to sit in the car, the other was the rain that was pouring down. The final one was your boyfriend standing in the middle of your driveway blocking you from entering your house.
It has been approximately a week since you last spoke to him, it honestly didn’t bother you. Every time you thought about him you grew irritated with him and the situation he put you in. No explanation could honestly bring you out of this funk that you were in, however, if you didn’t allow him into your car your parents would come outside and invite him into your house.
With the most stoic facial expression, you unlocked the door, you kept your eyes on him as he made his way around to your car. Once he touched bases in your passenger seat you went back to what you were doing before he interrupted you. Seth on the other hand was pushing every button on the heat to get warm.
Your eyes raised with the utmost cockiness there was, “I thought you couldn’t get sick. Isn’t that the werewolf within you?”
Seth turned to look at you, from the corner of your eye you could still see the water pellets dropping from his skin. “Yeah, but I’m still soaking wet from the water. I’ve been standing out there for like 26 minutes.” He continued to ramble about the rain getting into his ears making them hurt when they dry. And how he was going to smell like a wet dog since his clothes were all muddy. He talked and talked until he finally stopped, he noticed that you weren’t listening to him. Your eyes were glued to your garage, too deep in your thoughts to even give a damn about what he was saying.
“Can I explain myself?” He asked, he reached into your back seat to grab a spare shirt of yours. His hands ran through his hair as he tried his best to dry it with the cotton material.
You looked down at your apple watch, it was already going on 9 at night. Your curfew was at 10 so that meant he only had approximately 10 minutes to explain himself.
“There’s honestly nothing to explain, I’ve heard it all Seth.” You turned to look at him, he was staring back at you with the utmost remorseful look. You could tell he meant no harm from the situation but it hurt knowing that he lied. “It hurts more knowing that I had to hear it from them rather than you.”
His eyes softened as he began to speak, “I know, trust me I was going to tell you but I didn’t want it to be too much on you. You know the whole werewolf thing is one thing but imprinting is a whole other situation. That was something special I was supposed to tell you.”
With your arms crossed you leaned back into the chair. The flashback of that day came dancing back into your head. The boys joking around with their girlfriends, Seth walked away from the group for one second and the beans were spilled. He could’ve warned the boys that you didn’t know, you sat there looking stupid with tears in your eyes. They told you what imprinting was, it sounded like Seth was only with you because he had to. You genuinely had a love for Seth Clearwater and it hurt to know that the same love that you had for him wasn’t the same for him. Seth's love was forced upon him, he had no choice but to you love.
Forcefully your eyes closed, and the hurt you felt from the weeks prior started to emerge. You could feel Seth pulling your arm into him. You didn’t bother to put up a fight, you allowed your body to melt into his wet one. “They made it seem like you’re only with me because of fate. Like we’re supposed to be in love because you imprinted on me. It honestly sounds creepy Seth.” You mumbled into his shirt, you could hear his heartbeat getting faster by the minute. He was nervous.
“See, That’s exactly why I didn’t want to tell you yet. It’s so much more than that (Y/N). I’m not with you because I imprinted on you, I’m with you because I genuinely have a love for you and I want to be with you.” His head rested on top of yours as he tapped his fingers gently against your skin.
“I don’t like the secrets Seth, that’s why I was so upset with you. You can’t hide things like this from me no matter how bad you think they are.”
“I know and I’m sorry. I was just trying to do the right thing. It’s a lot to take on but trust me when I say that I didn’t want to hurt you. I would never do that to you (Y/N). From now on no more secrets.”
He held out his pinky finger which you wrapped your own tightly around. That sealed the deal about everything you two just talk about Looking up at Seth you could see the moonlight reflecting off of his brown eyes, he looked like he was in deep thought. His eyes were panned out to the rain. Gently you shook his arm catching his attention, “Seth, I’m not blaming you for any of this. I guess I was just stuck in my own ways. I understand that you wanted to wait for my well-being which I respect so much about you. But next time could you please give your boys head-ups.” You laughed, Seth nodded his head. The biggest grin on his face.
With one hand under your chin, he brought your lips up to his. “You don’t have to worry about anything else princess.” He whispered those words against your lips before closing the space with his own.
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graceloveswolves · 2 years
One Shots
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Embry Call
You Find Out He’s a Werewolf
He Imprints on You
You fight
You Make Up
Your 18th birthday *
You Find Out You’re Adopted
Freaky Side *
He Stands Up For You
19th birthday *
Dating Embry Call Would Include…
Carlisle Cullen
Insatiable i
Insatiable ii
Insatiable iii
Vogue Challenge
Team Carlisle
Carlisle x reader pregnant
Paul Lahote
He Imprints On You i
He Imprints On You ii
He Imprints On You iii
He Imprints On You iv
Story of Y/N & Paul
Seth Clearwater
Dating Him
My Mom Naming The Wolf Pack
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thewulf · 2 months
Hiiii! I read your Paul story and I absolutely loved it!!! I was wondering if maybe you could write about Seth Clearwater? He’s always been one of my comfort characters lol and i’ve had literally the biggest crush on him since I first watched twilight when I was like 12 lmao.
Anyways here’s my request. So basically Y/n is one of Bella’s good friends. Although they’re like really really good friends they could nottttt be any more opposite than they already are. Y/n is an extrovert and leans into more of the cliche popular fun girl type? if that makes sense. anyways so bella was invited to come hang out at the beach(i mean like bonfires and burgers and hotdogs.) with Jacob and basically the entire pack and his family. and bella invites y/n because idk she didn’t wanna go alone? And while bella and jacob are dilly dallying leaving y/n alone she goes to go sit by the bonfire. and embry and the other boys come up to y/n. (because totally hot girl they’ve never met duh ofcourse they’re come up to her and chop it up.) and when y/n looks up at the boys and makes eye contact with seth. botta bing botta boom seth imprinted on y/n and kinda just stands there like a lost puppy and the boys just drag him away. later seth comes back and apologizes for earlier and then they spend the rest of the night just talking and have fun!!!!
idkkk i’ve always loved this idea but i’ve never wrote it out! also i just really love fluff and all that lolll. sorry if my request didn’t make sense i tried putting it all together the best i could lmao. anyways ty for your time!!
Stoppp I love this... and I LOVE cliche even more!! My fav is awkward fluffy so this is quite literally perfect. And Seth is just so cuuuuuute!! Hahaha you got it anon!
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seraphina-botanica · 1 year
Seth Clearwater Headcanons
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Seth picks flowers for his mum every chance he gets, sometimes he even picks some for Leah
He despises any form of nudity (it makes him very uncomfortable) which makes pack life difficult
He's a silly little history nerd
He loves cats
When his dad passed away, he started to wear his cologne as a way to remember him and remind his family of their lost loved one
He used to volunteer to help with the little kids on the Res and their activities (before he phased) (he liked fingerpainting the best)
He collects sea glass
He hates fish
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0skeleton-tears0 · 9 months
[Jacob Black] X [Reader] 
One shot
Prompt: Unwilling Imprint, ANGST
Pronouns: I tried to be gender-neutral but I may have messed up a few times. 
TW: DESCRIPTIONS OF BLOOD AND GORE. Read at your discretion. A little bit of mommy issues lmao. (laughing through the pain rn) 
Notes: I don’t have the best grasp on what phones were like in the 2000’s so it’s probably inaccurate. Jake is fine y'all please don’t call paw patrol. JUSTICE FOR LEAH CLEARWATER. A little bit of simping for her because idc she's gorgeous and I love her. 
I realized that the timing for this is a little confusing, so its supposed to take place in like the middle of New Moon but I wrote that Seth and Leah had already shifted, which doesn't happen until eclipse so pls ignore that.
Jacob Black had made it clear he didn't want me in his life anymore. Those last words I had heard from him burned themselves into my memory, into my very skin.
"It wasn't supposed to be you." 
I cringed and tried to sink into the bed further, but the mattress wouldn’t let me in. My eyes traced the shapes in the popcorn ceiling of my room, and I tried desperately to think of anything else. Making shapes out of nothing—and stories to go with it. Yet my mind seemed to somehow circle back. Everything seemed to remind me of him. And the last time I saw him. 
The rain pounded against the steps of my front porch, drenching my clothes in muggy water. The deafening sound almost tore me away from the boy in front of me. But he wasn't the boy I knew before. He was taller, bigger, and much meaner. He said nothing for a moment, he just stared at me. I couldn’t read his expression—it was many things all at once. There seemed to be some sort of realization, then confusion, and then hatred. A burning hatred that made me want to shrink away from him. It made my skin crawl. I was suddenly very aware of the way my clothes now hung to my skin, the rainwater adding an extra pound or two.
He shook violently, his breath hitching. His eyes darted around like they were searching for something.
I hadn’t expected him to change so drastically in the two weeks I hadn’t seen him. His long, dark hair was cut short. His formerly lanky figure looked like that of a man twice his age. And his dark skin bore an intricate tattoo located on his right shoulder. It was the same tattoo Sam had. Sam, the man he apparently hated.
"It wasn't supposed to be you."
That was the last thing he said to me, before storming away. Into his truck, and out of my life. 
It hurt to think about it, I tried to convince myself that it was somehow my fault. That I had said or done something wrong. Something so vile that it would make him hate me enough to leave. But why would he be so angry with me? I had called him, I called Billy. I even tried calling Charlie. No one would give me a coherent answer. Charlie was the only one willing to give me anything. Saying something about how Jacob and Bella had gotten into a big fight, and she was receiving similar treatment. But to know that he had at least had contact with her while having ignored me completely. It stung. It made my skin crawl, and I felt a burning sense of rage. But it was overshadowed by guilt. Maybe it was my fault—or was it selfish to assume that everything in his life revolved around me?
I felt tempted to call Bella. It seemed like she knew the most about whatever had Jacob acting this way. I bit my lip, weighing my options. Bella and I were never close, I knew that Jacob liked her. Jacob liked her a lot—I bit my lip a little harder at that thought. I hated the way he would swoon whenever she breathed in his direction. How he would trip over his feet trying to please her. And yet he couldn’t take the hint that she didn’t want him. And she refused to let him go. Wrapping him around her finger and leading him on, only to pull back as soon as he got his hopes up. I stared at my phone, I had Bella’s number saved somewhere deep within my contacts. The last time I had actually used it was weeks ago when I tried to be friends with her—she had denied my advances of course. I reached for my phone hesitantly. My heartbeat quickened slightly. Would she even answer me? Was it rude to try and talk to her just so I could ask about Jacob? Especially while they were fighting? My finger hovered above the call button. I pressed it quickly, it was worth a shot. 
The phone rang for an uncomfortable amount of time, enough for me to start regretting my decision. But before I could chicken out and hang up, Bella answered. She didn’t sound too great. Her voice was slightly hoarse, and it wobbled a bit. It sounded like she was forcing the words out of her mouth.
“Hello?” She answered. It took me a second to remember what I had called her for, though I should have expected this from her. She was almost in the same situation I was in. Almost.
“Hey Bells,” I used the old nickname we had for her when we were kids. I hoped that the friendliness would maybe help convince her to spill the beans about Jacob. “I don't want to pry into your guys’ business, but what's going on with Jacob?” I tried to sound like I was just mildly curious, forcing the worry out of my tone. But I didn't have time to explain my reason for asking before she cut me off.
“He's just not feeling well.” She spoke fast, too fast for me to understand at first. The words jumbled and rushed, slowly connecting in my mind. Not feeling well? He seemed fine to me. 
“Oh,” That couldn't be all that was wrong. “Did he say if he was sick?” I questioned. I wanted to drag this conversation out. I wanted to pry as much information as I could from Bella. 
She paused on the other side of the phone—I desperately wanted to know what was going on inside her head, to hear what she was keeping from me. There was no way she didn't know more than what she was leading on. “Uh, he said it was Mono. Yeah, he got pretty bad Mono recently so you probably won't see him for a while.” She spit the words out fast. Stumbling over them like the way she stumbles through life. I knew for certain that he did not have Mono. That was the biggest load of shit I had heard since Jacob told me he “didn't have a crush on Bella”. People got Mono from kissing someone else with it, and I knew that Jacob wouldn’t have kissed anyone but Bella. And she was apparently Mono-free.
“Oh that’s awful, when did he get it?” I asked. I had no idea whether or not she knew about my recent encounter with Jacob. Only her answer would tell. 
She panicked for a second. “Um, I think it was three weeks ago. Yeah! Three weeks.” She sounded more sure of herself the second time she said it. Bingo. 
Bella had always been a bad liar. She’d stutter over her words more than usual, and she’d start to get antsy the longer the lie went on.
“Huh, well that really sucks. If you get a hold of him could you tell him I hope he feels better soon? I haven't been able to contact him.” I didn't plan on telling Bella about Jacob's midnight appearance. She didn't know, which meant she didn't need to know. 
“Yeah, I will.” She sounded eager to hang up, so I put her out of her misery. I tossed my phone back onto the bed. And began to calculate my next move.
Bella had no idea that I had seen Jacob, so she had no idea that I was certain he was not sick at all. Sick in the head maybe, but he seemed physically healthy to me. Jacob stood in the pouring rain with no problem, in a sleeveless shirt might I add. And showed no signs of any kind of sickness. From the sound of it, Bella knew he wasn't sick. It was painfully obvious that she was trying to cover for him. I had to come up with some plan of action. I needed Jacob to talk to me. It wasn’t fair that Bella was allowed to know everything while his “best friend” wasn’t. 
I inhaled deeply through my nose and exhaled from my mouth. This wasn’t going to be easy. I had no idea where he was, and I knew no one was going to tell me. I could beg Billy to tell me what was going on, he could only handle so much of my puppy-dog eyes before he cracked. I could march my way to Sam’s house and demand to know everything. Both plans of action sounded terrible. It felt selfish. I wasn’t really owed anything, it felt wrong to demand that they tell me their secrets. Maybe once I found out I’d wish that I’d left it alone. Stubborn as always, I decided that I was going to find out. You can’t just shut someone out for no reason and then be upset when they want to know why. 
I reached for the stale glass of water on my bedside table and knocked back a large gulp. I cringed at the funny taste. My thoughts flew a mile a minute. I came up with a new plan of action. I was going to go to Jacob’s house and wait for him there. He couldn’t stay away from his house forever and I was willing to wait as long as it took. He would talk to me, whether he liked it or not. 
I marched to the other side of my bedroom and rifled through my closet. I picked out the first outfit I found, and threw on a jacket. I snatched my keys and marched to my front door. I didn’t care who I had to ask, I would figure this out. There was no way Jacob was getting rid of me so easily. The puddles on the pavement splashed violently as I stomped through them, soaking through the crevices of my shoes and dampening my socks. But I was too preoccupied to care. The car door creaked from the force that I opened it with, I threw myself into the driver's seat and slammed it shut again. I flinched from the loud noise. I need to slow down a bit. I inhaled, closed my eyes, and relaxed my shoulders. I shouldn’t be driving in such a state. I pried my eyes open and started the car, reversing out of the driveway once I heard the roar of the engine. 
The long roads that led to the reservation were more familiar to me than the back of my hands. I had driven there so many times, for as long as I could remember. It hurt to think about every other time I had been here. When things weren’t so complicated. When it was Jake and me against the world. Without Bella. I bit the inside of my cheek, focusing on the pain from that instead of the tears threatening to spill. Breaking down crying while driving was not the best idea. I didn’t need to add a hospital visit and a wrecked car on top of all of the other shit going on in my life. I focused on my breathing, and not crashing the car. With every landmark, I knew I was getting closer. It wasn’t long before I was turning down the road that led to Jacob's house. A cozy, barn-esque house. Where I shared some of my most cherished memories. Though the memories were slightly bitter now. I parked the car in his driveway. Billy Black was sitting on the porch, his eyes bored into my very soul, and I fought the urge to avoid them. He huffed and wheeled himself back into the house.
I shoved myself out of the car and marched up to the front door. I pounded on the stable wood, he wouldn’t ignore me too. Billy swung the door open, looking frustrated and concerned. 
“He isn’t here [Y/N]. I’ll tell him you stopped by.” He turned to close the door again. It hurt to have Billy turn me away. I had never felt anything other than welcome in his home, but I was treated like a stranger now, he was treating me like a girl scout. I grabbed the door before it could close. 
“Then I’ll wait here for him,” I said in the sternest tone I could manage. It killed me to be rude to Billy. But I kept my guard up. I couldn’t show any sign that I would back down.
Billy sighed but made no move to let me in. He glanced behind him into the house, then back at me.
“I hate to do this to you kid, but you really can’t be here right now.” Billy looked me in the eyes again. His tone was stern but comforting. But I couldn’t give up so easily. 
“Why not? Why won't anybody tell me what’s going on?” I was more desperate this time, my faḉade dropping. It took everything in me not to start hysterically screaming.
Billy cringed, it hurt him to shut me out. He obviously knew what was going on with his son but something was stopping him from telling me. He looked up at me again, opening his mouth to speak. But his eyes caught something behind me, and he stopped. I turned around. A red truck pulled into the driveway. Jacob sat in the driver’s seat and huffed when he saw me. I looked next to him, of course, Bella was with him. She bit her lip, and blinked way too many times, looking between me and Jacob. He stepped out of the truck and walked to the other side to open Bella’s door for her. He was just pouring salt on the wound at this point. The pair walked toward me, I opened my mouth to yell at Jake, but he walked right past me, Bella in tow. Billy looked disappointed but said nothing. Bella looked back at me with a look that I couldn’t quite pinpoint. It almost looked like sympathy, but there was venom to it. Not quite a glare, but not friendly. I scoffed. Who does this girl think she is?
“Hey!” I shouted. Jacob paused, his shoulders tensed. But he didn’t turn around to look at me. “What is your problem?” I continued, “What am I not good enough for you anymore? Not cool enough to hang out with you and your new friends?” This went much more calmly in my head. A lot less accusingly. Jacob still refused to look at me. But Bella did. She walked toward me and put her hand on my shoulder.
“[Y/N] I really think you should leave.” Bella insisted, but I shoved her hand off of me. I was even more frustrated that she had the audacity to tell me what to do after she tried to lie to me earlier. 
“No! I’m not going anywhere ‘till he explains himself! He has no right to just cut me off.” I yelled, more at him than her. But she still flinched, and I felt a little bad. Jacob spun around now, jumping at the chance to protect Bella. He got in my face and pushed Bella behind him. 
“Don’t you dare yell at her.” He glared at me. He shoved me back a bit, the force almost sent me flying, but I held my ground. 
“I’m not yelling at her, I'm yelling at you, Jacob. Funny how you only speak to me when you want to protect her. And what the hell does “It wasn’t supposed to be you” mean?” I got right back in his face, confronting him about his last encounter with me. His eyes widened slightly, and he glanced back at Bella. She furrowed her brows and looked at him.
“Jake, what are they talking about?” She held onto Jacob’s shoulder and tried to turn him towards her. But he didn’t budge, only turning his head to look at her.
“Don’t worry about it, Bells.” The nickname made me want to barf. Wasn’t she dating that Cullen guy? Oh right. The Cullens had packed up and moved town a few months ago, the whole town had been so worried about Bella since she was so in love with Edward. I had felt bad for her too, her depressive episode was all too familiar to me. Though it seemed she had moved on and sunk her claws into Jacob now. Suddenly I wasn’t too sympathetic toward her. 
“He didn’t tell you?” If he wouldn’t, I would. “He showed up at my doorstep in the pouring rain and told me the most cryptic bullshit I’ve ever heard, before disappearing out of my life!” I shouted. It seemed I had called out to some weather god because a light rain began to fall on all of us. But no one made any move to take shelter. At least this was more dramatic now. 
Bella looked confused but didn’t press any further. Jacob turned to me again, he looked more frustrated than mad now.
“Look [Y/N], just go away. If I could tell you I would. But you shouldn’t be here right now.” Jacob started to shake, he wasn’t wearing that thick of clothing, so he was probably cold because of the rain. He turned to walk away again, but my hand shot out on its own to grab onto his shoulder. Woah. I was wrong, Jacob wasn’t cold at all. He was hot to the touch. It almost burned. 
“Holy shit!” I pulled my hand back, and he turned around frantically, my cry alerting him. “Jacob you’re burning up! I think you need to see a doctor or something.” I looked down at my hand, thankfully it wasn’t burned, only a slight red tint was left behind. Even though I was mad at him, I couldn’t help but worry. As much as I try, I’ll never be able to hate Jacob. I looked up at him, my ‘angry face’ was gone now, a look of worry taking its place. His eyes softened for a moment. His shoulders relaxed, before tensing back up again. His gaze hardened, and he huffed. 
“Go.” Was all he said, before turning again. He ushered Bella to follow him, leaving his arm around her shoulder. I stomped forward again and slammed my palm onto his shoulder. 
“Hey! I’m not leaving without an answer, Jacob Black. If you think you can get rid of me that easily you are stupidly mistaken.” I let out a sarcastic laugh at the end of my sentence. Nothing was funny about this but I couldn’t help myself. Jacob shook more, and his breathing sped up. He let go of Bella and looked at me.
“I am not going to tell you again [Y/N].” He emphasized each word, “Leave now, for your own good.” For my own good my ass.
“No Jacob, not until you tell me WHY.” I emphasized my words, mimicking his. He shook so hard I was afraid he would combust.
And then he did.
Within a split second, the sounds of clothes tearing filled my ears. And I felt something tear at my arm. I was flung back from the force of it, landing on the muddy ground. White hot pain shot through my entire right side. I felt something warm run down my arm, contrasting with the cold rain surrounding me. But my focus was still caught on what was in front of me. Jacob was gone, replaced with a reddish-brown wolf. It was the size of a horse. Way bigger than any normal wolf should be. My mind felt fried. This couldn’t be real. This had to be some horrible dream or some hallucination. But the pain in my arm told me that this was all too real.
 The wolf, presumably still Jacob, snarled and growled for a moment before its eyes caught sight of my arm. I looked down. I could barely see anything past the amount of red. It was my blood. The flesh was torn, ripped almost to shreds. Exposing the pink mussel beneath. I caught a small bit of white. Bone. My breath was rapid. The air entering my lungs burned, it felt like they were trying to rip open. I shook. It took everything not to start screaming. I was in shock. This couldn’t be real. 
I looked back up at the Jacob-wolf. His ears flew back, and he shook and backed away slightly. His brown eyes, eyes I knew too well, flickered between my face, and my arm. His tail tucked between his legs, and he ran. With incredible speed, he ran into the forest. My ears rang.
 All I could hear was the pounding of the rain and yelling. I heard yelling from all sides. A woman’s voice. And a few different male voices. I heard something thump on the ground across from me. But as my vision blurred, I was unable to make out what it was. Or, who it was. I felt something pull me from the mud. Two large hands grabbed me and held me tight. I was pulled into someone's arms, and I felt us move. The heat was almost unbearable. It was suffocating. I wanted to pull away. To be left on the ground. But I couldn’t pull together the strength to do anything. I felt oblivious to the world around me. Everything was blurry, and moving both too fast, and too slow all at once. I could make out only some of the words I heard around me. Most were panicking. But over all of that, I heard a calm voice yelling orders. I heard more clothes ripping, and two more giant figures ran into the woods. After Jacob. 
I heard that same voice from above me, it was calm and reassuring this time.
“Everything is going to be okay [Y/N], we're gonna get you some help” It was distinctly Sam. I knew that tone. It was paternal, it was gentle. But it felt so firm, so firm that I believed every word of it. I let myself relax. Black spots entered my vision, everything was blurry again, and then there was nothing. 
The faint sound of beeping woke me, the shrill noise scraping against my ear canal.
I groaned. My everything hurt. I squeezed my eyes further shut, trying to block out the bright light that threatened to burn my retinas. 
My opened my eyes reluctantly as I heard footsteps come through the door. Sam’s large figure came through the doorway. He looked calm, but his brow was slightly furrowed. He opened his mouth to speak, before shutting it again. He looked down for a moment, almost like he was having a conversation I couldn’t hear. Sam inhaled deeply, before stepping towards me. His heavy footsteps resonated through the nearly silent room. The only other sounds were the beeping of the machines next to me. He stepped cautiously towards me, before sitting down in the chair next to my bed. I looked at him anxiously. I knew what was coming, but I didn’t know how. There was no way I could explain what I had seen without sounding insane, “Why yes doctor, my best friend turned into a wolf and mauled my arm. No biggie though.” I bit the inside of my cheek nervously, but Sam gave me a knowing look that calmed me slightly. His look told me he could understand the silent words I was trying to speak. 
“How are you feeling?” Sam’s commanding voice vibrated off the walls. I didn’t know how to answer, I assumed he was asking about my arm.
“Fine, the doctors gave me a bunch of meds to make it hurt less so I’m mostly just numb now-”
Sam raised his hand to stop me.
“No, no. How are you feeling.” He emphasized the word. He didn’t mean my arm. It was clear that he wasn’t going to try and cover up what I had seen. I knew there wasn’t much I could say to him. If anyone were to overhear me talking about my friend turning into a giant wolf and scratching my arm, they’d ship me off to the psych ward without a second thought. I bit the inside of my cheek. For a moment, I refused to meet Sam’s gaze. His eyes were intense—they always were. 
I tried to think of an answer for him. But I just couldn’t put what I wanted to say into words. He seemed to understand my frustration, and he sighed. 
“Look kid, I know that this is going to be hard to understand, but it's time you know the truth.”
I perked up at this. Finally, they were going to tell me what was going on. It only took a traumatizing and unexplainable experience, and my arm getting fucked up to make it happen. Worth it.
We sat there for what felt like hours, as he explained to me the deep, and extensive past of the Quileute tribe's history. How they could turn into wolves, and it was their duty to protect humans from vampires. He also told me about where Bella fit into all of this. The Cullen boy she was dating was part of a family of vampires. And, by proxy, she was now involved with the pack too. But everyone in the pack was sworn to secrecy. And that's why they couldn't tell me. Sam being the alpha made his word law. So they had no choice.
I felt guilt bubbling inside my chest, I was so mad at Jacob and the others for not telling me. But they couldn't whether they liked it or not. It felt like someone was grabbing at my heart and squeezing it. I felt so selfish, so arrogant. I demanded that they tell me everything, and then got myself hurt. I felt so bad. 
Sam gave me a sympathetic look, it was as if he understood without me having to speak a word.
“It’s not your fault. Besides, we would have had to tell you anyway.” I looked up at that. But he paused.
“Why?” I asked. It was hard to find the words I wanted to say. I felt like I had so many questions, but forming them together in a coherent manner was impossible. These drugs were fucking with my head. I noticed that the lights were a bit fuzzy now. 
Sam looked away and contemplated for a moment. But when he looked back, it was obvious he wasn't going to explain himself. Why does everyone have to be so cryptic all the time? 
“I think Jacob should tell you himself,” Sam spoke with finality. There was no wiggle room to try and pry anything out of him. 
I sighed. But I didn't try to push any further. I was exhausted. Taking in so much information was hard, especially while I was barely awake. Sam smiled at me and stood. He towered over my bed, making the giant machines look like children's toys. This explains why the Quileute men are all so big. 
“I'd better let you rest kid, just come to the reservation whenever you're ready.” He smiled and made his way out. 
I sunk back into the firm hospital bed. I ran through everything in my head again. Vampires? Werewolves? What other ghouls should I be worried about? Will I run into a troll the next time I cross a bridge? 
I couldn’t pull together the energy to really care at the moment, the only thing I cared about was going back to sleep. I glanced down at my bandaged arm, moving it slightly, and wincing. I sighed, and relaxed my whole body. I tried my best to ignore the beeping, and clamped my eyes shut. I shifted slightly, and felt a jolt go through my entire right side. I grumbled and settled back down, being more weary of my arm this time. I rolled my eyes, this was going to be a long recovery. 
It took a week before they let me out of the hospital. But the stitches in my arm would take way longer to come out. And I wouldn't even be fully healed for a few months. 
They gave me fresh clothes since mine were basically ruined. I had to wear a shirt that was way too big for me, and shorts that went down to my calves. My socks were a bright yellow, and the worst texture I’ve ever felt, with grips on the bottoms. This sucked. Stupid Jacob. Stupid wolves. Stupid me. 
My mother helped me to the car, but I nudged her away slightly. My arm was hurt not my legs, I could still walk on my own. I half-expected her to try and carry me to the car.
I wasn't allowed to drive while my arm healed, obviously. But at least I got time off of school, and off work. At least one good thing could come out of this mess.
But having so much time on my hands gave me too much time to think. And of course, my mind went to every bad scenario that could happen.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I didn’t know how I was going to be able to face Bella. She had seen everything. But I couldn’t really find it within myself to hate her any less. Hate feels like a strong word, but I can’t think of any other word to describe the way I feel about her. It felt like she had ripped my best friend away from me, and left a gaping, burning hole behind. But was it entirely her fault? He chose to leave me, for her. But at the same time, she didn’t make any move to stop him. I sighed. Obsessing over it wouldn’t change anything. My mom glanced at me from the driver's seat. I could see her reflection through the window, as I stared at the beautiful scenery. The rain cast a thick fog across the forest, giving a gray tint to the world around it. My mom's eyes scanned my face, before quickly bouncing back to the road. 
“What’s wrong honey?” 
I didn’t know how to answer that. So many things were wrong. Jake was gone, my arm is fucked, and I’m way behind on my homework. What was I supposed to tell her?
I sighed, “I just… I just miss Jake.” That felt right. It was the truth, but not in its entirety. 
She grimaced, “I know sweetie, but… when people get older, they tend to drift apart. Maybe it’s just time to let Jacob go. Maybe make some new friends?” She always got over things quicker than I did.
“No. He’s my best friend. I can’t lose him.” But what would I do if I did? It was entirely possible now. He had his new wolf friends and… Bella. A shiver of anger rushed through me at the thought of her. 
“I know it’s hard but-”
“No! I-” I cleared my throat. I didn’t mean to yell at her. “No, I- I won’t lose him.” 
She didn’t respond, she continued to stare at the road ahead. The large pine trees cast a thick canopy above us, rainwater pouring through the gaps in the branches. I sighed and tried to relax. All this stress was bad for my health. I didn’t need to have a full breakdown and end up back in the hospital. 
  The pine trees gave way to a small path on the side of the road. I caught a glimpse of brown fur vanishing into the foliage. I gasped lightly, which alerted my mother.
“What’s wrong? Did you hurt your arm? You’ve got to be careful with those stitches in! And how did you even-” I cut her off before she could start ranting.
“No, no everything’s fine I just thought I saw something in the forest. Like a bear or something.”
Smooth [Y/N].
She looked hesitant, I couldn’t tell if she believed me, but I prayed she wouldn’t push me. I guess lady luck finally decided to cut me a break because my mom sighed and focused on the road again. I wanted to yell for her to stop the car. I wanted to jump out and chase after him. I didn’t care if I was injured, or if I could get lost in the forest. I wanted nothing more than to just at least talk to him. But after… the incident… would he even want to see me? I held back a sob. 
As soon as we pulled into the driveway, I shoved myself out of the car. I needed to be alone for a bit. My mom waited a bit to get out, trailing behind me a few steps. I stood on the porch, waiting for her to unlock the door. 
  Memories flashed at me in waves. Pieces from my childhood, when Jacob and I would play in the grass, or draw in the driveway with our chalk. When Jacob would pull in with that loud ass truck after school to complain about all the homework he had. And when he struck the final nail into the coffin that was now our relationship. I cringed. Everything would remind me of him now. Ghosts of my past would haunt the hallway. Phantoms of what I had lost. My mother didn’t bother to hide her concern. I’m sure I looked like a mess right now. My hair was unkempt, my eyes dark and sunken in, and my skin drained of its warmth. I felt like a shell of my former self. A ghost walking amongst the living, trying to blend in. I sniffled and shook it off. I didn’t need to scream my anguish to the world. As far as they were concerned, everything was fine and dandy. I let myself in as soon as the door opened, and made a bee-line for my bedroom. I ignored the memories, and my mother when I was asked what I wanted for dinner. I let my legs give out and fell onto my bed. Just inches away from crushing my arm. I sighed, and ran my good hand over my face, trying to wipe the stress away. 
  I had no idea how long I lay there. Staring at the ceiling, without even bothering to make shapes in it this time. My phone rang, and my computer pinged. But I made no move to check either. Nothing went through my mind. It felt like time was moving at breakneck speed, and I was stuck. Unmoving. I was catatonic. I felt myself going through my nightly routine, showering, brushing my teeth, and taming my hair. But none of it registered. Like an automated machine. I was on autopilot. When I lay back down, I hoped to just pass out immediately. I should be exhausted. And I should be happy to be able to sleep in something other than a hospital bed.  But I felt nothing. Something was missing and I knew it. 
  But minute after minute of laying there, I felt myself start to drift off. Maybe when I woke up, everything would have fixed itself. 
I was running. Branches and bushes whipped around me, scratching at my arms and face. They caught onto my clothes as if they were trying to slow me down. But my feet carried me through the thick forest. I heard howling, and the sound of something running. But they didn’t stop me. I had to keep going. But what was I running towards? I didn’t stop to think, I kept moving. But I was quickly halted, as a huge, black wolf appeared from the trees in front of me. I stopped as fast as possible, losing my footing and sending myself onto the hard ground. I scrambled back to my feet quickly, without taking my eyes off the wolf. It was as big as Jacob was when he turned into a wolf. More wolves emerged from the forest surrounding me. I could see now that I was in a small clearing, only a few feet big. I turned around, ready to make a run for it. But as I did, I came face to face with a brown wolf. This one was closer than the others. And its eyes bore into mine, nothing was threatening about this wolf. It took a tentative step towards me, and I stepped back. It bowed its head and continued to approach me. But before I could move, its head snapped back up. It growled and snarled. The wolf took a step back. It wasn’t looking at me anymore, but something behind me. I didn’t have time to look before the wolf pounced. Jumping high above me. I screamed and ducked. And then, I was in my room. 
  I sat up in my bed, panting and sweating. My heart was beating so fast, I feared it would fly out of my mouth. I tried to slow my breathing, I wasn’t in the forest anymore. I was home. I was safe. It was a dream. A really weird dream. I fell back into my bed. 
It was clear to me now that the brown wolf in my dream was Jacob. The reddish-brown fur, and the deep brown eyes I had known my whole life. But what did it mean? What was behind me? Why did he attack? Maybe it was just a weird dream, maybe it had no meaning. I assumed that the first wolf was Sam, it seemed a tad bit bigger than the others, and it just felt like it commanded authority. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I rolled over to my bedside table and grabbed at my phone, eventually, my hand made contact, and I turned it towards my face. I recoiled from the intensity of the phone's light, my eyes having been adjusted to the dark. I squinted, 2:45 a.m. Great. It’s not like I was going to school in the morning, not while I was healing. So I could just go back to sleep. But what if I had another weird dream? I could only handle so much weirdness at a time. 
  The door to my room slammed open, and I flinched at the sudden sound. My mother stood in the doorway, still clad in her nightclothes. She looked frantic, and her eyes studied me. 
“What happened?! I heard you scream!” My mother yelled, breathless. I guess when I screamed in my nightmare, I must have actually screamed. That was kind of embarrassing. 
“Oh sorry. I had a nightmare.” I looked at my hands, they were shaking still. My mother sighed a breath of relief, but when she looked back at me, she was concerned. 
“Honey, what’s wrong? You still won't tell me why you were in the hospital, and now you’re having night terrors? Why can’t you just tell me?” Her voice started to waver, I knew I was hurting her by not telling her.
  It pained her to see me like this, but since she didn’t even know what was wrong, she was unable to help me. I felt so bad. But I knew I couldn’t tell her, Sam had sworn me to secrecy, and I wouldn’t betray his trust. Or the pack. 
  I didn’t really know the boys too well, of course, I knew Embry and Quil, as they were Jacob's other best friends—I didn’t know if I was even considered his best friend anymore, it felt weird to call myself that. After… everything. So of course I knew them well enough. But after the whole shift, and then Bella's situation. We grew apart. 
  I blinked, snapping myself back to the present. I think I just made mom more concerned. 
“It was a dog. I saw some stray dog and I was gonna give it some food, but it attacked me.” I lied, I had to make it up on the spot. She didn’t look convinced, but I’m sure I looked rough enough for her to leave it be. She sighed, and gently grabbed the door handle, contrasting to how she had slammed it just a few minutes before. She glanced at me, before shaking her head and leaving. I sighed, relaxing my shoulders and flopping onto my bed. I thought back to the pack. So many of them were so young, too young to be fighting vampires. I thought back to Embry and Quil. Quil still hadn’t shifted, but Sam told me that they knew he would soon. I thought about how much Embry had changed. I didn’t even really talk to him anymore, but any time I saw him he just seemed different. I glanced at my phone. I probably still had his number somewhere. Maybe I should call? I still had plenty more questions about the pack. Why did they cut their hair off? Why did they go through a growth spurt that drastic? Why was Jacob so mean now? I held my phone in my hand and hovered over the call button. 
“Hello?” Embry’s distinct voice echoed through the silent room. I almost forgot what I was going to say, he was still so different, but he sounded the same as he did before shifting. Into a werewolf. The word felt wrong. Like it wasn’t the right way to describe them. 
“Uh hey, Embry. I’m sorry did I wake you up?” I tried not to stutter over my words. I had completely forgotten what time it was. I felt bad for waking him.
“Oh hey [Y/N], no it’s fine I wasn’t asleep yet.” Embry’s voice picked up in volume. The tired tone from his voice had vanished, leaving the excited boy I was familiar with. 
“I uh, just wanted to ask you a few questions.” It wasn’t like that’s the only reason I called, but it must have sounded like it. Because Embry sounded upset like he audibly deflated. 
“Oh, yeah. Of course, uh go ahead.” His enthusiasm from before was lost. 
“No! No! I wanted to talk to you too, I didn’t just call for that. It’s just that since I know about you guys now, I can really talk to you again.” I reassured him.
I could hear him perk up at that. “Oh! Of course! Well uh, what’d you wanna know?” 
We talked for a long time, and he told me a lot more about the Quiluete boys. How their hair translated to how long their fur was, which seemed stupid to me. That their bodies had to rapidly grow to accommodate their new wolf abilities. But when I got to my third question, Embry stopped. He didn’t answer when I called his name. But in a few seconds, he shook out of it.
“Oh uh, well, Jake’s been going through a lot more hormones than the rest of us, and he… He uhm…” He stuttered over his words, it was painfully obvious that there was something he wanted to tell me. But something was stopping him. I’m getting pretty sick of people being all cryptic and keeping shit from me. “He’s just, well… I don’t think I should be the one to tell you.” I was quickly reminded of my conversation with Sam in the hospital. 
“So who should I ask?” I was getting frustrated at this point, but I didn’t let it show through my tone. After all, it wasn’t Embry that I was upset with. 
“I think you know the answer to that [Y/N].” Embry finished. Before I could say anything in retaliation, he said a quick goodbye and hung up the phone. I glared at my phone as it flashed CALL ENDED across the screen. I resisted the urge to chuck my phone across the room in anger. Breaking your phone is counter-productive [Y/N]. I went back to my contacts, gazing at one familiar number. I shouldn’t call him so late.
Waiting overnight and thinking about what to say is probably the smart decision. But I didn't doubt that he would ignore my call anyways. At this point he probably had me blocked. I didn’t know if I should be mad at him for that or not. I was calling excessively, and that was bound to get annoying at some point. I thought about going back to his house, and waiting there for him to show up. But that didn’t go too well last time. But if I was calmer this time? My thoughts trailed off. I thought about every scenario possible. I thought about every possible way he could try and dodge my advances, and I thought of ways to make sure that he couldn’t run away from me. I don’t know when I managed to fall back asleep, but sooner than I thought I had drifted away. I was ready to face my problems. Tomorrow. 
“Come on, get your lazy butt up.” My mother barged into my room, ripping the blanket off of me and shaking my shoulders. I winced from the cold air hitting my newly exposed skin and tried to pry it away from her. “Wake up, you have a visitor.” That woke me up. My thoughts raced, was it Jake? Embry? Bella…
 I heard a voice from the other room, “It’s okay Ms. (L/N), I could just come back later.” 
I sighed, slumping back down into my bed. I let my entire body go limp, hoping that I could somehow mold into the mattress and avoid all of my problems. But unfortunately, reality came like a harsh slap to the face.
“No, it’s fine hun! I’ll have them up in just a minute!” My mother called back, making a promise that I really didn’t want to keep. 
I groaned into the pillow. My mother grabbed my shoulders again and started to pull. After a couple of seconds of pulling and tugging, I gave up and sat up fully. 
“There you go. Now get dressed, we’ll be waiting in the living room.” My mother chirped and flitted to the doorway. “And fix your hair. You look like a mess.” She threw out one last comment on my appearance, shutting the door before I could respond. I sighed, did she expect me to wake up with perfect hair?
I shook off the last of my blankets and forced myself out of bed. I stumbled a bit, letting my legs get used to the feeling of walking again. I dragged myself around my room, grabbing whatever clothes I could find. To be honest, I was tempted to go out in my pajamas, was Bella really worth the trouble of getting dressed? I contemplated it for a minute, but I knew my mother would chew me out as soon as I stepped out of the door. I got dressed sloppily, not caring if I looked presentable or not. I ran my fingers through my hair, taming it as much as I could. I tied it back, hiding most of the mess. I didn’t bother with shoes. 
I carefully opened the door, trying to refrain from making too much noise. I slowly shut the door and made my way down the hall on light feet. I rounded the corner into the living room, my mother's back was turned, but I had a clear view of Bella. She didn’t look too much better than me, but it was clear she had at least tried to hide it. Her hair was tied back, but the chunks that framed her face had escaped. Her eyes were dark, with deep bags hanging underneath. Her clothes were too big for her, hanging off of her small frame. I felt big just standing next to her. I felt like if I walked by her too fast she’d crumble. Her emotional state didn’t seem much better either. A small frown permanently occupied her light pink lips. Her eyebrows perpetually furrowed. I almost felt sorry for her. 
It only took a moment for her to notice my presence, she looked up and gave a half-assed smile. I formed my lips into a tight line, I could be civil. But she was on my turf. It’s free range here. I smiled a little more at that thought. I made my way to the couch where my mother was sitting and plopped myself next to her. 
She pushed me away slightly, “You’re sitting too close.” She murmured.
 I made a show of scooting to the other end of the couch, exaggerating my movements as much as possible. She scoffed and looked back to Bella. Her expression brightened drastically as she looked at the girl across from us. Way to make it subtle Mom. 
“So what brings you here Bella?” My mother chirped, she took a sip from her mug without breaking eye contact. Bella squirmed under my mother's intense gaze, fidgeting with her fingers and the hem of her jacket. 
“Oh uh, I hope it’s not too much trouble but I’d really like to talk to [Y/N] alone.” She stuttered. She avoided eye contact with me entirely. I hoped that I was intimidating her. 
My mother deflated as if she was hoping that Bella was here for her. No doubt I would get a lecture later, ‘You should be more like Bella! She’s so much better than you in every way blah blah blah’ etcetera etcetera. I rolled my eyes and shifted around. 
My mother straightened again and smiled at Bella. “Oh of course honey! Why don’t you two go to [Y/N]’s room?” I snapped my head toward her, my room? It felt wrong to let Bella in there. As if she was trespassing into my domain like she was tainting my sacred grounds. I huffed, and my mother shot me a deadly glare. I winced and lowered my gaze. I held back a sigh as I pushed myself off the couch, gesturing for Bella to follow me. As soon as my back was turned, I grimaced. She shuffled behind me, watching her every step. Like she was afraid she’s break something if she stepped on the wrong floorboard. I rolled my eyes, knowing damn well I was the same way. 
I shoved my door open and waved my arm in front of me in a ‘ladies first’ motion. She gave an awkward smile and walked in. When she was far enough into the room I walked in after her, shutting the door behind me. Every inch of my body was screaming. Screeching for me to shove her out, to get her out of my room. My brain itched and scratched, I wanted nothing more than to scream at her to leave. I smiled, at her and gestured toward the unmade bed. 
“You can sit down.” I tried not to sound upset about it. Her sitting on my bed. 
She glanced at the bed and hesitated. But she didn’t sit down. She continued to stand in the middle of the room. She bit her lip and blinked too many times. 
“Oh, it won't take that long.” She started, “I just… wanted to talk to you about what-” she paused, “What happened.” I knew exactly what she was talking about. And I grimaced, taking a look at my arm. I chewed the inside of my mouth, debating my response. 
“Oh yeah… That.” Wow. Absolutely amazing. 10/10 conversational skills [Y/N]. 
It was silent. Neither of us dared to say anything. Bella opened her mouth for a moment, presumably to say something, but she closed it just as quickly. I shuffled my feet, taking notice of the fact that I wasn’t wearing any socks. Kind of weird to have my feet out right now. 
“It’s fine.” I blurted. “My arm I mean, it’s healing all right.” I clarified. 
“That’s good. It was uh, pretty bad…” She trailed off, grimacing as she remembered that night. I thought about it too.
I felt tingles run down my arm as my skin remembered the feeling. The feeling of being torn open, the warm blood coating my skin and clothes. Lying on the wet ground with my former friend in front of me. My stomach lurched, and I resisted the urge to double over and empty my guts on Bella’s shoes. I shook my head, shaking the thought away. 
“Yeah. But I’m getting better so.” I gave an awkward confirmation, was this all she came for? She could have just called or something. 
“Um, [Y/N]... I dont mean to pry but…” Oh god, here we go.
“How are things with you and Jacob.” She asked shyly, shuffling her feet and picking at her fingernails. 
I knew this question was coming. I guess it was only fair she wanted to know, but something in my gut told me that it wasn’t just innocent curiosity. I sighed, thinking about my answer for a moment. 
“We haven’t spoken since then.” Putting it bluntly seemed like the best idea. I didn’t know if there was a way to sugarcoat it, but I didn’t bother to try anyways. Bella tried and failed, to hide her excitement. I guessed that was the answer she was hoping for. She tried her best to hide the way her back straightened, and her eyes lit up. But as always, Bella was a shit liar. 
I gave an awkward smile. 
“It’s fine though, I think it’s best to just give him some time before I reach out again.” I ignored the shiver that ran down my spine. I tried to ignore the way that she deflated a little. Maybe she was hoping that I would never speak to him again. She smiled and took one last look at me. Before she politely excused herself. Hopefully to leave my house altogether. As soon as the door was closed, I breathed a sigh of relief. And let myself fall back onto my bed, being careful not to land on my arm this time. I stared at the ceiling. I find myself in this position a lot huh? Whatever. Going back to sleep sounded really good. 
I was only aware of the events that took place in the next few days secondhand. And surprisingly, I made a new friend. 
As usual, the sky was covered in a thick layer of clouds, creating a blanket over the trees. And the air was moist with the promise of rain. I walked briskly, I was completely out of snacks and that would just not fly. What was I supposed to eat? Real food? Absolutely not. 
The posters covering the walls of my favorite convenience store brought a smile to my face. The door opened with a loud ding, alerting my presence to the man behind the counter. A sweet old man smiled at me through bushy eyebrows. His big handlebar mustache moved up with his smile. 
“Hey, Mr. Barker!” I chirped, making a beeline for the snack aisle. As expected, it was recently stocked, and colorful plastic littered the shelves, drawing me in. What I wasn’t expecting, was Leah Clearwater standing in the middle of the small space. Right in front of my favorite chips. I paused, not wanting to alert her. I didn’t feel like getting on her bad side and getting my head bitten off today. But, as if she could sense me, her head turned quickly. Her beautiful dark hair was cut short, as were her sleeves and shorts. Her russet skin bore the same tattoo Jacob had. I had heard of her shifting recently, and of her father's death. I tried not to let the wave of pity I felt show on my face. I avoided her cold gaze and pretended to check out the other snacks. I would have to wait until she’d moved. 
After a few seconds, a hand made its way into my view, holding my favorite kind of chips. I followed the arm upwards until I found the face of the owner. Leah held her hand out, without making eye contact.
“Here, you like these right?” Her voice was assertive like she wasn’t asking me. She was telling me. 
I’m sure I looked really confused because my silence made her turn to look at me. 
“Pack mind-reading. Jacob doesn’t keep much to himself.” She explained. I grimaced.
I was trying not to think about him. She must have noticed because her lips turned up just slightly.
“He still hasn’t told you huh?” She teased, but I could hear underlying sarcasm in her tone. She sounded upset about it. 
“Oh god,” I rolled my eyes, “Not you too.” I groaned. 
It took me a second to realize what I had said. And I slapped my hands over my mouth. I snatched the chips out of her hand and started to speed walk out of the aisle. But, to my surprise, Leah laughed. Not like the sarcastic one before, this one sounded genuine. It was a quiet, small laugh. 
“I know what you mean kid,” I’m pretty sure I’m older than her. “I felt that way before I joined the pack.” She opened her mouth to say more but stopped herself. She peeked her head around the aisle to look at the old man behind the counter, and the various other shoppers. Mr. Barker was blissfully unaware of us, too occupied with his game of solitaire. She turned back to me and grinned for a split second, it threw me off for a second. 
“Do you wanna talk about this at my house?” She gestured behind her with her thumb. Her face was unreadable again.
I felt my heartbeat speed up, just a little. A pretty girl just invited me to her house. What do I do?! I felt my brain moving at lightning speed, trying to come up with a response that didn’t make me sound like a total dork. I prayed that I wasn’t sweating. 
“Uh, sure!” I beamed. Nailed it. 
She gave a small—noticeably strained— smile, I was sure that she saw through me without any trouble. But to be fair, she’s very intimidating. I mean, she could tear me in half like wet paper—the same went for all of the pack to be honest— and she’d look pretty doing it. I cleared my throat and tucked the chips under my arm. Being careful not to crush them. We went to pay for our stuff quickly, I’m sure the old man could sense my internal panic because he sent me the most heartwarming smile. Stupid old man and his silly mustache. I smiled back of course, before hurrying to meet Leah at the door. 
She opened the door, stepping out into the cool air. The rain must have started when I went inside, it wasn’t pouring thankfully. I watched as Leah stepped out into the cold rain with no trouble as if it didn’t even phase her.
I suppressed a gasp as I watched, the water was evaporating as soon as it touched her skin, coming off as mist. 
I guess I hadn’t paid much attention to how warm all the members of the pack were. Thinking back on it, I’m pretty sure Jacob did the same thing in the rain. The water had evaporated from his skin as soon as it had touched him. I hadn’t processed it then, with my mind being so preoccupied, I thought I was just seeing things. 
I pried my eyes away from Leah. It was rude to stare. But as soon as I did, she laughed quietly to herself, before leading the way to her house. I wasn’t as sneaky as I thought. 
The walk to her house was quiet, with nothing but the rain and the sound of cars filling the air. It was hard for me to tell if the silence was awkward or not. I couldn’t see her expression, as she was a few paces in front of me. Damn, she walked fast. She didn’t say anything for the duration of the walk, but thankfully it was short. We made our way up to the front door, she unlocked it quickly. It took a harsh shove for the door to open, it creaked loudly in protest. Leah groaned and held the door open for me. Waving her arm as a gesture for me to go in. 
I was getting a lot of deja-vu from when Bella came over. I’m pretty sure I did the same thing. And just like Bella, I sheepishly made my way into the home. Taking in as much as I could, I watched my every step. Leah walked past me, and I followed her instinctively. 
She led me to the living room, I repressed a sigh of relief. I didn’t know if I was ready to go into her room. That felt a little too personal. She gestured for me to take a spot on the couch next to her. I carefully sat down, feeling the couch creak a bit. She sighed, before turning to make eye contact with me. I resisted the urge to shy away from her intense gaze.
“So, Jake still hasn’t told you huh?” Leah started, “I guess it makes sense since he’s still got that obsession with the leech-lover.” Her tone was malicious, she didn’t try to hide her disdain for Jacob, and whoever the “leech-lover” was. 
“Leech-lover?” I questioned, why would someone like leeches?
She paused and looked back at me. A sense of realization crossed her features, and she grinned. 
“Bella, the vampire girl.” She explained. I nodded my head, humming in affirmation. I had almost forgotten about the fact that vampires existed too. And that Bella used to date one. 
Wait. Vampires. Does that? Mean what I think?
“Wait, the Cullens were vampires. Did they… eat people?” My voice wavered at the thought, were they responsible for the unexplainable deaths in the area? How many people of Forks had they eaten?
Leah noticed my concern and shook her head. 
“No, the Cullens were… vegetarians. They ate animals instead.” She said that like she didn’t believe it, as if it were blasphemy. 
“Oh. Okay, that’s a relief.” I sighed, “So there aren’t vampires running ramped through the streets anymore?” I giggled. Leah’s eyes darted away from mine. Oh god.
“Well, not the streets.” She sounded very reluctant to say that. I felt the color drain from my face, my eyes widened, and my breath hitched. There were still vampires? That wasn't the Cullens. They weren’t vegetarian. Leah saw my face and quickly retracted her statement. “No! No! It’s just one and we’ve got her under control.” 
“Under control? So what you’ve got her like locked in your basement or something?” I barked out a strained laugh, trying to deflect my anxiety with humor. 
“No,” she laughed, before fixing her face to look stoic again. “We’ve managed to chase her off the border, but we can’t figure out what she wants.” So she wasn’t just trying to kill everyone in sight? Good. Great. Cool. 
She inhaled and shook her head lightly, “But that’s not what I brought you here for.” She started. 
I perked up at this. Finally, I’d get some damn answers. I was confident that Leah wouldn’t be as cryptic as the others. Her blunt nature gave me a sense of security. I knew she would tell me the truth. 
“So, did Sam,” she paused at his name, but I didn’t question it. She cleared her throat and continued. “Did Sam ever tell you about imprinting?” She asked. 
“Imprinting? Like that thing ducks do to their moms?” What did that have to do with me? The last time I checked they weren’t ducks. 
“Sort of. But it’s kind of different in our case. So, well- I… ugh” She stuttered over her words for a moment, “How do I explain this?” She sat there for a moment, gathering her thoughts. Before she inhaled and started again.
“When we imprint, it’s like, the whole world stops. As soon as you set your eyes on your imprint, the world stops rotating for anyone else. They are the only thing that matters, you would do anything, be anything for them. It’s a kind of devotion like no other. And there’s no escaping it.”
She didn’t sound too happy about it, now and then her eyes would narrow. I really wanted to see what was going on in her head. 
I was starting to connect the dots in my head, so did this mean Jacob imprinted? On who.
Bella. Of course. Obviously, it was Bella. 
I barked a laugh, “Of course.” Leah looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to continue. 
“Jacob imprinted on Bella!” I could faintly hear her groan, but I was too preoccupied with my thoughts to care. “He imprinted on Bella, but he’s mad she doesn’t like him back so he ended up taking it out on me! Ugh, it all makes sense now.” The way Bella clearly didn’t want me around Jacob, the way he’d always protect her, the fact that he wouldn’t stop pining over her even though she didn’t want him. Of course, it was so blatantly obvious to me now. 
Leah sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose disappointedly. I was taken aback, was that not what happened? I glanced out the window, it was getting late. I sighed and picked up my stuff. I got up to leave but Leah stopped me. 
“Hey wait, that’s not what happened.” She started, then who was it?
“Jacob didn’t imprint on Bella, he imprinted on-” She was cut off by a loud BANG. 
We both whipped our heads to the door, where a young Seth Clearwater stood panting. He barged in frantically and started to shake Leah.
“Leah! We gotta go one of the Cullens is back and Bella’s gonna go to Italy and get them back and Jakes freaking out and, Oh hi [Y/N],” He stopped for a second to acknowledge my presence, but I was still trying to figure out what the hell he was talking about. 
He opened his mouth to continue, but Leah held up a hand and got up from the couch.
“[Y/N], you go home. I’ll catch up with you later.” She ordered, I didn’t have time to say anything before she and Seth hurried out the back door. I jumped from the couch and watched as they ran into the forest, I could see clothes tearing, and fur sprouting. I marveled at the two new wolves, watching them in awe as they darted into the trees. 
I grabbed my stuff and hurried out the front door. The rain wasn’t quite pouring, but it would be a pain to walk in. I hurried down the street, trying to avoid the puddles. They splashed violently against my shins, dampening my pants. I cursed but continued. 
It took me a long longer than I liked to make it back to my house. I was regretting not just taking my car, but walking was good for me and I needed to save gas. Courtesy of my mother. I stomped to the front door, my wet shoes making small puddles on the porch. I fumbled with my keys, and hurriedly unlocked the door. The house was dark and noticeably empty. Mom’s car was gone, and all the lights were off. 
I flicked on a few lights as I made my way inside, but as I set my keys down my eyes caught something. 
A brown leather jacket was hanging on the coat rack, it was way too big to be my mom's. And I knew it wasn’t mine. My heart raced, my eyes widened, and my mouth fell agape. Someone was in my house. 
I scanned the area around me before my eyes landed on the hallway closet. 
Bat! We had a bat in there just in case, and mom called me paranoid. I opened the door as quietly as I could, grabbing the bat quickly. My cold hands wrapped around the hardwood tightly. My knuckles turned white with the death grip I had on the poor stick. I slowly made my way through the house, turning corners quickly, with the bat raised to swing. 
I felt a presence behind me, I was sure whoever it was could hear my heart pounding, and my breath hitching. I felt a large hand touch my shoulder gently.
I whipped around and swung the bat with all my strength. It made a sound CRACK as it met its target. 
“Hey! What was that for?” I recognized that voice. I knew that voice so well, it was the voice I was praying to hear for weeks.
“Jacob?!” My hands fumbled for the light switch, I squinted as I turned it on. But I was able to see the boy in front of me now. Lo and behold, Jacob stood in front of me, like a giant brick wall. But he didn’t look like Jacob. His eyes were darker, heavy bags hanging beneath them. His skin was de-saturated, giving him a sickly look. His hair was messy, and his clothes were raggedy. I stepped back a bit.
“Jake, what are you doing here? How did you get in my house?! Why were you just waiting with the lights off?!” This didn’t make any sense, he avoided me for weeks, and then shows up in my house all creepy? I don’t think I’ll ever be able to understand this boy. I untensed my shoulders, and sighed.
He looked away for a moment, he looked embarrassed. “You weren’t here, and I heard Leah say you were at her house so I thought I’d wait here for you. I didn’t think you’d let me in soaking wet.” Of course, Jacob knew where the spare key was. So he wouldn’t have had any trouble getting in without committing a crime. I sighed and looked him in the eyes.
The air was tense, we both just stood there for an uncomfortable amount of time. Neither of us knew what to say. 
“I heard what you and Leah were talking about.” Jacob blurted. It caught me off guard before I remembered about their whole wolf telepathy. I huffed. I had so many things I wanted to say, but putting them into words was impossible. I thought of everything at once, before just meshing them all into one.
Maybe I shouldn’t have been so vague, but Jacob looked at me with a guilty expression. It was clear he understood, he knew exactly what I was asking without me even having to say it. I tried not to let it show, but I was trying not to cry. I thought of everything that happened the past few weeks, it felt like it had been years since I saw Jacob. Really saw him. 
Within a month I had lost my best friend, fucked up my arm, had my perception of reality shattered, and now my long lost best friend broke into my house. And I still don’t know who he imprinted on. 
I sighed and shook my head. “Why did you cut me off, Jacob? What did I do? Was it something I said? Or did I make you upset? Whatever I did I’m sorry-” I started to ramble, I couldn’t even look at him as I choked the words out of my mouth. I had told myself I was ready for this confrontation, but just thinking about it made my eyes swell with tears. I tried not to let my breath hitch. 
Jacob looked guilty again, grimacing and looking down. When he looked back at me, he sighed. He held my face gently and wiped the tears from my eyes.
“[Y/N] I’m sorry please dont cry.” It was clear he didn’t know how to comfort me, but he was trying his best. I pushed his hands away harshly and wiped my face with my sleeves.
“I’m not crying, you’re crying.” I hid my face in my hands, trying to calm myself down. I heard him huff and take a step back. When I was ready, I made eye contact again. I didn’t care if I looked like a trainwreck. My hair was frizzy and messy from the rain, my eyes were now puffy from the tears, and I could only assume the bags under my eyes were prominent. 
“Well? Are you going to answer?” I demanded, I don’t think it was wrong of me to want some damn answers. 
He grimaced, and looked away. His eyebrows furrowed, scrunching together in thought. I watched the way his eyes darted around for a second, I analyzed his every move to try and figure out what would come next. I was waiting for the bad news, for some terrible fate to come crashing down on me. I was waiting for him to look me in the eye and tell me he hated me.
His gaze hardened, and his eyebrows scrunched up. The way they moved seemed harsher this time, more hostile. 
“I had no other choice. I won't get you wrapped up in this.” His voice was firm, unwavering. His eyes were dark, completely unreadable. I felt them burn into my skin even as I looked away. 
“It’s a little late for that Jake.” I mumbled. His huffed, and I saw his jaw tense. His upper lip curled up slightly, in a menacing snarl. 
It was frightening. 
I told myself I wasn’t going to be afraid of him. He didn’t hurt me on purpose, I just happened to be standing too close. 
But as the boy in front of me shook again, I shook too. My heart pounded against my ribs, I pulled air into my lungs violently. My lungs burned from the force of my breaths. My eyes widened, and I took a tentative step back. I tried my best to hold a tough exterior. But it was obvious how easily Jacob saw through me.
He stopped, and blinked. His cold exterior fell for a second, showing the warm, sweet boy I knew before. 
But as soon as it was dropped, he caught himself. I blinked and it was back, sending a shiver down my spine. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, holding his breath for a few seconds. 
He let out a long exhale, and opened his eyes again. His calm and cool mask was back, no doubt hiding the anger I knew he was feeling. 
But he deserved to be upset, after all that transpired. I failed to see where I could have possibly been wrong. What I could have possibly done to piss him off this much. 
“I came to say goodbye.” He spoke, his voice didn’t waver for a second. His eyes didn’t move from mine, his unrelenting gaze intimidated me. 
“What? Wait why are you leaving?” I asked, I didn’t try to hide my emotions this time. I was baffled, he’s leaving again?
“I just… have to. I’m sorry but this is the way it has to be.” My fat fucking ass it is. 
“No it’s not, Jacob stop trying to run away from your problems!” I shouted, “What did I do to you? Why are you doing this to me?” I was frantic now, raising my voice at him. 
“Goodbye.” He gave a curt nod, and turned around, making his way to the front door. I tried to grab at his shoulder to stop him but it was no use. He pushed forward, completely unaffected by my feeble attempts to hold him back. 
He didn’t so much as glance at me as he opened the door, it gave a loud creek in response to being ripped open so suddenly. 
I watched as he walked down the front steps of my porch, into the pouring rain.
I was vividly reminded of the first time he did this to me. 
The first time Jacob had ripped my heart out of my chest, crushing it beneath his big stupid feet. 
I stood in silence. 
Not this time. I wouldn’t chase after him this time. 
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bories · 11 months
masterlist ⋆。˚☆
can you guys tell i love werewolves?
quick background info: i like to imagine reader as charlie's "adopted shortly after bella left him" kid. so she's close w bella but also kinda lagging behind when it comes to hearing about whats going on around her. this also takes place in eclipse <3
!!! i took some inspiration from @the-wolf-moon-diaries' Hold a Light Back to My Soul and the idea from @lunajay33's My Beast and i highly recommend their stories!
i definitely gotta write a pt 2 where we meet up again, don't i? damn
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weird dog ... seth clearwater x reader
word count: 1512, warnings: swearing, running away, giant wolf?? a tad boring
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Some days can be rough as hell around here, and dealing with them can be just as hard. There's not much to do in Forks, besides drive down to La Push, or wander in and out of the small stores around town, or even wander the hiking trails. But regardless, you need out, you gotta go.
Everything keeps piling up, looming over you, and it's all about to come crashing down. You're sick of hearing about some vampire army, and Bella's stupid love triangle, and now even werewolves--so you decide to leave. Slipping into some boots, you run out the door, barely caring if you make noise.
Not sure of where to go, you just pick a direction and run. You break out into a sprint until you get stomach cramps.
Slowing down, you walk and catch your breath as you reach the entrance to a hiking trail. It's far too late into the night for anyone to be out there unless they're camping, and even then they'd be holed up in their tents for the night. Regardless, though, you deviate from the path and just wander through the trees, not wanting to run into anyone.
Never slowing down, you begin to think about your safety in the forest so late.
It'll be fine, you tell yourself, Besides, if I get lost, someone'll just come find me like they found Bella that one time. With vampires and werewolves, it can't be that hard.
You roll your eyes at the thought of both species of weird being unable to track you down.
Your stomach stops hurting and you keep strolling through the forest, dodging trees and hopping off any big rocks you find. Taking in the forest around you, you start to wonder how long you've been gone.
No more than, like, half an hour. Maybe 45. D'you think Dad has noticed yet? you ask yourself. Definitely not.
After a few more minutes worth of walking and avoiding thinking too much, you stop in a little clearing. It's less of a clearing and more like trees getting a little more sparse, but you don't mind.
You sit on a rock and look up. The trees here are far apart enough to get a small, but clear shot of the sky.
"Nice," you smile. And for a few minutes, all you do is stare at the stars in silence.
Your eyelids start to feel heavy as your body really relaxes. You slide off the rock so you're sitting on the ground, leaned against it, still looking up.
I mean, this isn't the most uncomfortable pillow I've used. And I don't think I'd make it home anyways, you think, justifying sleeping against that rock to yourself. I'll go back in the morning if no one finds me by then. Sounds like a solid plan.
You yawn and close your eyes while turning onto your side against the rock. The quiet sounds of the forest lull you to sleep as your mind wanders. It wanders from the Cullens, to La Push, to how you miss the beach, to how you might go there next time you want to run away for a night, to how you'd even get there alone.
Being nearly asleep, you don't pick up on the fact that the forest is suddenly void of sound. Any animals around you have left, the leaves having stopped rustling, even the wind no longer blowing. But it's not until you hear the crunching of twigs behind you that your eyes shoot open, wide and aware. You hear panting, slow and steady, and you don't dare move.
Shit, is it a bear? 'If it's black, fight back,' right? We only have black bears around here. God, should I get up? Playing dead only works on brown bears--shit. Mind racing, your eyes squeeze shut until you come to a decision.
You abruptly stumble to your feet and start screaming, trying to scare away whatever's behind you, until you actually turn around. Your scream shifts from "trying-to-assert-dominance" to "trying-not-to-die-tonight" as you register what's found you. Not a black bear, but a brown wolf. A huge brown wolf. It even pulls away from you, startled by your screaming.
"Holy shit! Holy shit!" You stagger backwards and trip over a small rock, falling on your ass. You curse to yourself and look back up at the beast. It watches you, and for a moment, you two just stare at one another.
Your eyes are full of fear, mouth open, ready to scream, chest rising and falling with every uncertain breath. The wolf huffs and its head dips down towards you as it sniffs you. In response, you weakly try to shuffle backwards, unsure of what to do. It lets out another huff, backing away, never breaking eye contact.
To your surprise, it sits. It sits there and just looks at you.
You take a deep breath in and out and try to calm yourself. "Hoo... Okay," you're cautious to speak, afraid of what might happen. "Hey there, uh, buddy?"
It doesn't move. "You, uh--you won't hurt me, huh? Right?"
It huffs. "Great. Very trustworthy."
Standing up slowly, you're wary of the wolf still watching your every move. You relax as the wolf seems uninterested in attacking you.
You sigh, "Now what? One wrong move and I might as well scream for the Cullens to come bite me."
You start talking to yourself, "This is what you get for being stupid. 'Oh, it's just the big bad trees. What's the worst that could happen?' I said. Yeah, right. Idiot."
The wolf's head cocks to the side as you scold yourself.
"And you," you gesture towards the wolf, "what're you gonna do? God, what am I doing? Threatening a giant wolf? I really am a genius."
You stop rambling and take a breath. "Okay. This is fine."
Your shoulders finally slump as you take in the wolf. It's as tall as the average human, taller even, with brown fur that looks darker at night. It's eyes are brown and captivating, almost unnaturally humanlike. Regardless, you can't help but find it beautiful.
"You're not that scary, are you?" You flash it a weak smile, "I bet you're just like a big puppy. You're so big that if you were red I'd call you Clifford," you laugh.
Taking slow steps towards the wolf, you raise your hand as non-threateningly as you can. "Can I pet you?" It watches you with curiosity.
"That's kind of a dumb question, isn't it? You can't really," your hand is inches from its head, "...respond." It leans into your touch as you begin softly stroking its fur.
"See," you chuckle, "you're not so mean."
It huffs and lies down. "What, you're tired? I bet you had a long day of scaring campers, didn't you?" You sit down beside the wolf, "I'm tired, too, you know? You actually kind of woke me up."
It watches you blankly. "I accept your apology, don't worry."
With a yawn, you start petting its fur again. "Pretty soft for a wild wolf," you mutter.
Your eyes start feeling heavy again and you lean against the wolf. "You don't mind, right?" Your words come out slowly, tired.
A huff in response. "Great, thanks. You're a much better pillow than that rock was," you trail off and close your eyes.
As your body relaxes against the wolf, the pace of your breathing matches the wolf's, and your mind starts to wander again. Wandering from how warm the wolf is, to the sun, to how you used to stare at the sun as a kid, to how you miss sunbathing on the beach, to planning your next day at the beach.
You barely mutter a "G'night," and drift off to sleep.
Throughout the night, the wolf watches over you as you sleep curled up with it. At sunrise, it stands, leaving you lying on the ground, and it begins to nudge you awake with its snout. You're startled awake by the wolf in your face and sit up, finding your bearings.
"Oh," you say, rubbing your eyes. "Right, good morning, I guess." The wolf pants at you, mouth open. "God, I really spent the night out here... Shit--has dad noticed?"
The wolf watches as you stand up and look around, looking for the direction you came in. Once you recognize the way home, you turn to say goodbye to the wolf. It stares at you, tall and unmoving.
"Don't look at me like that, I'm about to be in huge trouble."
Its tongue licks its nose. You smile with a sigh and shake your head, "I'll miss you, too. Don't scare too many people while I'm gone, alright?"
It bows its head as you pet it goodbye. "I'll find you again. I'll come back, tonight or tomorrow. And you better be here."
You turn and begin walking away, thinking to yourself, Weirdest dog I've ever met.
You look back once and it's gone. As silently as it had snuck up on you the previous night, it had gone.
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s9fti3 · 2 months
I HAVE THE FUNNIEST REQUEST FOR YOU (because this actually happened to me and I need to tell someone send help please)
I started talking to this guy on a dating app a few days ago. He's a little younger than me and normally I don't really date people that are younger than me; for context, it's because I had to mature really early on (it's a whole thing, I won't get into it). Anyway, I gave him my phone number when he asked and so we've been texting ever since; he sends me cute little 'good morning' texts, tells me that he hopes I have a good day, etc. (entirely different from my last relationship of several years - for comparison, it's like I was dating Jane or Caius and suddenly jumped to Seth???).
SO ON SUNDAY, I had been up all night trying to get roleplay stuff together and I stupidly went down to the mini Mart by my house early in the morning (still sleep deprived) to get some coffee, and before I left, I took a cute little selfie in the car and sent it to him. Well I was all excited from how cute the selfie was, and when I climbed out of the car, I LOCKED MY KEYS IN THE CARRRRR FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE I WAS TWELVE.
I haven't told him about it yet ...
I also found out that he roleplays like I do, and so I gave him my Sideblog. And when he followed me, I followed him back.
And I completely forgot that you can only follow from your main blog.
ANYWAY, this is all a really long winded way of asking you if you could please ease my embarrassment and write something between Seth and the reader involving these situations and Seth finding out from the reader about it (because my embarrassment is great for writing and I think Seth would be so amused to find out he flustered someone that much)
Thank you for the request, Lovebug!! I hope you like this :) (I have no idea what I’m doing!)
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‘Call me maybe?’- Seth Clearwater Headcannon!!
• You had just so happen to meet Seth through Jacobs 17th birthday party. The conversation was very tame, introducing yourself to one another, talking about up coming events and how you liked the small, yet fun party.
• Seth was going to leave early as he had his ‘studies’ to get to. You took your shot and walked over to him, saying your goodbyes and offering to stay in touch. You had given him your personal number- not your home number, which you usually did.
• Sooner or later you guys started talking… a lot. You guys had also just so happened to share your facebooks with one another over call, friending each other. A very new app, Tumblr, was also something you guys had used to communicate. Well, at least on a fake account that is…
• On a very uneventful day, you had came home and opened up all of your social media to see if anything had happened. New friend request on Facebook? Except. Checking to see if Seth had texted you on Tumblr? Nothing. You had went to your other account that was used for your silly likings. Such as books, or movies, or even just clubs! Your heart sunk when you went through your followers for fun.
• You face bad became at least 3 shades lighter than what it was originally. As if on queue, Seth had called. You stared at your phone before picking it up and flipping it open, clicking on the call button… ‘Hello?’ Your voice ran over the line. ‘You’re into ___? Never knew!’ Seth said over the phone. Embarrassed you were. ‘Hey uh Seth, I’m going to have to hang up. I only have a few more minutes until my minutes run out and I can’t call anymore.’ You replied, almost wanting to die. ‘Huh? You said you had bought some extra minutes like… 2 days ago?’ He said confused. ‘Talk to you later, bye!’ I don’t think you’ve ever hung up the phone so fast.
• As if death had taken you by the hand, you avoided Seth, every chance you got. Of course it broke the poor boy’s heart, but over time you both overcame this little embarrassing moment, and now your telling it at your 3rd anniversary with Seth.
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ashcal99 · 2 months
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Certain Things : Leah Clearwater XIII
Chapter Thirteen
"Something about you, It's like an addiction, Hit me with your best shot honey, I've got no reason to doubt you, 'Cause certain things hurt, And you're my only virtue"
Summary: Conner Swan moves to Forks Washington in hopes to help his sister Bella through her breakup with Edward. In hopes to find happiness again. He finds much more.
Warnings: (18+ only), descriptions of pain and violence, mentions of death, depression, loss, general angst, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of abortion and child loss
Words: 3.2k
A/N: Last Chapter!!! Hope you enjoy! x
Previous Chapter
Series Masterlist
September 7th, 2006
“Sam is going to kill you.”
Jacob’s words seemed to ring throughout the air, Conner’s eyes trained on the tree line where the wolf had retreated. Seconds ticked by, his gaze unwavering as the inevitable sank in. Shit was about to hit the fan, no doubt about it. They were now all in danger, he suspected, sure that the treaty would mean little to nothing to the pack once the news broke out. 
Warm fingertips brushed against his stiff shoulder, breaking his gaze. His eyes turned to Leah, jaw clenching as he took in the sight of his wife, belly swollen with his unborn child. The last thing he would have ever wanted was to hurt anybody in the pack, but he knew that if anyone were to threaten the people he loved most, his sister, his wife, his child, he would not hesitate to do whatever it was he needed to do to protect. 
Conner’s hand reached upward, gently grasping Leah’s palm in his own, bringing it to his lips, leaving a cool kiss to the blazing skin. “He’s right.” He muttered, looking deep into her eyes. “Things are going to get a lot more complicated here soon.” He said.
A deep frown etched itself onto Leah’s face, “I won’t let them touch you.” She said sternly.
Conner shook his head at her words. “You, Bella, and the babies are the priorities here, not me.” He stated, head whipping around to the direction Jake had ran off to, an earsplitting howl ripping through the air. A horrible feeling sink into his cold chest
Turning on his heal, he lead Leah back inside the glass home to discuss the inevitable fight that would be heading their way soon. The conversation was in full swing by the time they made it back to the living room, all of the pale faces, etched with worry. They were a powerful group, no doubt about it, but the likelihood of being able to make it out of this with everyone alive was very slim and they all knew it. 
Dread began to take over Leah’s mind as the reality of the situation began to sink in. Would she really be able to face her brothers in a fight to the death if that was what it came down to? She knew the answer would be yes, because at the end of the day, protecting her imprint was what she would always choose, but that didn’t mean that she would ever be able to forgive herself for hurting anybody else that she loved in the process. 
Her heart ached as her thoughts continued racing on. Not only her pack brothers, but Seth too. Tears pricked her eyes as she pictured his face, the little brother that despite her teasing she loved with all of her heart. She knew deep down that if he were to get hurt in all of this that she wouldn’t be able to cope. First her father, and now Seth? She couldn’t be responsible for two of her loved one’s deaths.
The conversation hadn’t been going on for longer than ten minutes when footsteps came quickly approaching from the woods, Edward and Conner speeding to the balcony to see who the visitors were. Jacob’s figure appeared from the tree-line, Seth not far behind. 
“Get ready.” Jake said ominously, a cold look covering his face. “They’re coming for Bella and Leah.” He said, the words ringing in Conner’s ears. 
Conner stepped forward, determination clear in his voice. “They’re not going to touch them.” 
“Agreed.” Jake said bluntly.  
Jake sat on the edge of his seat, the many stone faces surrounding him, hanging onto his every word as he spoke. “Sam’s lost the element of surprise, and he doesn’t want to take you on outnumbered, so he’s not going to come at you head on.” He explained. “He’s got the place surrounded and he’ll wait for his opportunity.” He continued. 
Leah looked up to her imprint’s amber eyes, squeezing their intertwined hands as her fingers began to shake slightly. The fear of what was to come beginning to overwhelm her. 
Conner glanced down at her, brow furrowing in concern as he felt her fingers twitch in his hold, bringing her hand to his lips to place a comforting kiss to the warm skin, hoping to help ease her oncoming panic.
Emmet’s voice boomed through the room. “He won’t get through without a fight.” He said determinedly, squaring his shoulders as if to dare someone to try to fight him. 
Carlisle’s head whipped around to look at his adopted son. “No fights.” He stated. “We won’t be the ones to break the treaty.” He said, turning to address the rest of the room. 
“The treaty is void,” Jake interjected. “At least in Sam’s mind.”
“Not in ours.” Esme said simply, her want for peace clear in her eyes as she spoke. 
Emmet stepped forward, “Carlisle, no one’s hunted for weeks.” He said, the words seemingly igniting the flames that crawled up Conner’s throat. The need for blood coming to the forefront of his mind. He shook his head, this would not, could not be is priority right now. He would not let his thirst control him when Leah was in danger. He would not let the monster control him.
“We’ll make do.” Esme said pointedly. Conner gulped the flames down, refusing to give the burn anymore attention in that moment. 
Carlisle looked towards the wolf. “You’ve done us a great service, Jacob. Thank you.” He said sincerely, looking over the family who he loved and wanted more than anything to keep safe. 
Leah stood from the couch, letting Conner’s hand drop as she retreated to the room they had been given for the time being. Conner followed, closing the door softly behind him as he came up to her from behind. She stool at the far edge of the room, palms flat on the dresser that was against the wall, looking into the mirror above, worry and dread written all over her tanned face. 
Conner’s fingertips brushed her waist, encircling his stone like arms around her to the front of her swollen belly, resting his chin on her shoulder. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, seeing the pain in her eyes through her reflection. 
Tears prickled her vision as she looked ahead to the image of herself. Swallowing hard, she turned in his grasp, grasping his shirt as she let her tears begin to flow, burying her face in the fabric. Silent sobs shook her frame, the sadness radiating off of her body like tidal waves. 
Conner’s dead heart broke as he held her shaking body, venom stinging his eyes as the sorrow flooded the room. 
September 9th, 2006
Minutes turned into hours and hours into days as the Cullens continued their effort in researching what these fetuses could mean for the two young women. Edward’s hope spiraled the drain as each answer showed more and more dread, his frustration growing by the second. 
Esme had made sure to make Seth and Jacob as comfortable as possible given the situation, giving them meals whenever they were hungry and even offering them beds to sleep in, despite both rejecting the offer. Having Seth there with her had seemed to lessen Leah’s stress just slightly, happy to at least be on the same side of the inevitable fight as her brother.
Conner was happy to see the comfort Seth was providing for her, relieved that something was going their way in all of this, even it if it was something small given the big picture. Despite things going better with Leah, however, things continued to get worse for Bella as time ticked on. Bruises scattered, her thin lifeless frame, pain covering her hallowed face as Carlisle informed her that the baby had broken another one of her ribs. Conner gave her hand a small comforting squeeze, trying to show her that he was there for her, despite her husband not being. 
“It’s crushing you from the inside out.” Edward snarled, the corners of his lips curling down into a frown. “Carlisle tell her what you told me.” He urged. “Tell her.” 
Silence rang throughout the room as Carlisle looked between the two. “Carlisle, tell me. It’s alright.” Bella reassured, giving him a small nod. 
The doctor stepped forward towards her fidgeting body, eyes scanning her face once more before speaking softly. “The fetus isn’t compatible with your body.” He informed her gravely. “It’s too strong.” He continued. “It won’t allow you to get the nutrition you need. It’s starving you by the hour. I can’t stop it and I can’t slow it down.”
Tears came flooding into Bella’s eyes as she blinked hurriedly trying to fan them away before they broke through. “At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver.” He stated, Conner looking to the floor as his heart cracked just a little bit more. 
Bella gulped before speaking, trying to swallow the fear in her voice. “Then I’ll hold on as long as I can and then-“ She tried, Carlisle interrupting her words. 
“Bella.” He spoke softly, laying a comforting half on her shoulder. “There are some conditions that even venom can’t overcome.” He informed her. “You understand?” He asked lightly, as if speaking to a terrified child. “I’m sorry.” He said, looking down to the floor, a grave expression covering his features. 
Conner looked to Edward, giving him a pressing look, begging him internally to not hurt her heart further by the conversation he knew was coming as he left the room quietly. 
Letting out a deep breath that his body didn’t need, he sped quickly through the halls back to his room, finding his wife where he had left her, in a deep sleep the mattress the occupied the middle of the room. Despite the despair he felt about the likelihood of losing his only sister, he would be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t equally letting out a sigh of relief that Leah wasn’t in the same boat. The pregnancy had been progressing smoothly mostly, apart from the occasional symptom that would be considered normal for even a human pregnancy. 
Of course, the relief had stopped there, because there was still a pack of angry wolves determined to ruin things. Although he doubted Sam’s ability to hurt Leah, the same did not go for his own safety as well as the safety of his child. If Sam truly thought of the baby as nothing else other than a bloodthirsty monster, then Conner knew Sam would try to take the child away from them. As much as he knew that to be true, he also knew that Sam would be putting the blame of whatever pain he inflicted on Leah emotionally on him rather than himself. 
Conner knew without having to think for more than a second that if it came down to it, he would give his life in place of the Leah’s or the baby’s and as he looked down at his wife’s sleeping form, he couldn’t help but feel at least a little bit of peace in that fact. The fact that as long as he was alive, or as alive as you would consider his current state, that his little family he had created would be safe. 
September 10th, 2006
It was just a day later when the inevitable happened. 
Shit hit the fan. 
Bella had just told Jacob the baby names she had chosen, while he tried his best to hide the obvious disdain for her choices. Edward had just filled her cup with the blood that had been giving her nutrients for the past day, Leah muttering something about being glad she didn’t have to resort to such a disgusting diet, no offense to Conner of course. 
Rosalie had picked up the styrofoam cup, reaching her hadn’t out to hand the container to Bella when it all happened in a flash. Conner watched in horrifying slow motion as the cup hurtled to the ground, Bella’s body literally crumpling after it, spine cracking on the way down. 
Conner stood, frozen in his living nightmare as he gave his sister one last look as they rushed her away. Of course this had to happen the one night Carlisle had been gone hunting. Of course the one person that had the best chance of saving her fragile life was nowhere to be found in that moment, miles away. He gulped, snapping himself out of his trance as he scooped Leah into his arms, rushing to their room. 
Howls ripped through night air, echoing throughout the trees. He sat Leah on the edge of the bed, getting down on his knees in front of her. “Please stay here.” He begged, grasping her hands desperately in his own. “They’ll be here soon, and I know you want to help, but please stay here. I’m begging you.” He said, pleading with her with his eyes as tears flooded her own. 
“Conner, n-no.” She stuttered out, panic filling her chest. “Stay here, please.” She begged. 
He shook his head lightly. “I have to go make sure that Seth is okay, make sure that they stay away from you and the baby.” He said, voice filled with despair. He brought his hand to her now damp cheek. “I love you, Leah. More than anything in the world.” He muttered, crashing his lips to her own, needing the feel of her, the taste of her one last time.
The comfort of her kiss engulfed him, wrapping him in her love so tightly it took everything in him to pull away from her touch, and as he did, his heart gave its’ final break, shattering as he gave her tear stained face one more look before speeding outside. Although being turned into a vampire was the most painful thing he had ever been through, he knew that the pain of the venom didn’t do anything in comparison to the pain he felt in every step he took away from her. 
Shaking the image of Leah’s heartbroken face from his mind, it dawned on him that he could no longer hear his sister’s heartbeat. His chest gave a feeble ache, incapable of feeling anymore pain in that moment. She was gone. Bella was dead. 
He shook the though from his mind as he joined the rest of the coven on their front lawn, facing up with the snarling beasts in front of him. The wolves burst from the trees. The large black one coming straight for his neck in an instant. Sam. He wrapped his arms around the beast’s neck. Holding it back from himself as he pushed back against its strength. 
The wolf wriggled itself free from his grasp, knocking Conner swiftly onto his back. It snapped its jaw menacingly, its large paw holding him down before lunging in for his attack. Conner’s hands shot outward, holding the jaws open and away from his face as his eyes darted to the side, seeing Seth frozen, looking at his former pack brothers. “Seth!” He shouted, gaining the boy’s attention. “Go protect Leah.” He pleaded, watching as he shook himself out of his trance and ran into the home. 
Sam bared down on Conner, forcing all of his strength into his bite, as his sharp teeth got closer and closer to ripping his face off. 
“Stop! It’s over!” Jake yelled, voice ringing throughout the trees. “If you kill her, you kill me.” He stated.
Sam lifted his head, looking at Jacob before lunging in his direction, knocking him back ten feet. 
Jake burst into his wolf form, snarling back at the pack before him as Edward spoke. “Jacob imprinted.” He spoke, stopping Conner in his tracks. He stood in shock, starring at the russet wolf before him. “They can’t hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on can’t be harmed. It’s their most absolute law.” He explained.
Sam paused, dumbfounded, eyes flickering between them all before huffing. His eyes settled on Conner, the fading red still present in his own eyes as he saw him for what he really was, a monster. Was he really going to sit by while this man continuously put the woman he was once in love with in danger, time and time again? The man that would ultimately cause her death by the atrocities he had committed. Fuck laws and treaties, he couldn’t let this go on any longer. 
He lunged forward once more, catching Conner by surprise as he sunk his teeth into his shoulder, a loud yelp ripping from his stone chest. 
“Sam!” A scream rang out. 
Leah stood there on the balcony her white knuckles gripping the banister so tight it began to crack under the pressure. “Please, Sam, leave him alone.” She begged, tears streaming down her red cheeks. 
Sam looked up, hesitating as he saw the pain in her eyes. He stepped back taking in the full view of her. She looked… healthy, much different than Bella had looked in Jacob’s mind. Maybe this wasn’t a death sentence for her like it was for Bella. 
“Please, can’t I have happiness too?” She asked, voice cracking. Sam’s eyes lingered, seeing the pain in her eyes, no doubt caused by him, and suddenly felt an overwhelming shame come over himself. Conner hadn’t been the one to hurt her over and over; it was him. He was the guilty one. He was the monster. He gave the man before him one last look before turning and retreating into the woods, the pack behind him as he returned to La Push.
September 12th, 2006
It had only been two days since the big fight. Bella had still not awoken from her transformation. Conner’s shoulder still held the scar left from the bite from Sam, and was most likely never going to go away. Though the battle was far gone, there he was again, terrified. This time because he was about to become a father. 
Leah had gone into labor, thankfully much less dramatically than his sister just as the sun had set that Tuesday. Conner stood at her side, letting her squeeze the life out of his hand as she pushed with each contraction. Carlisle coached her through every second, assuring her that she was doing a great job. 
Before they knew it, there she was. His daughter. A perfect copy of him and his wife, lying there in Leah’s arms, blinking slowly as she took in the new world around her. He saw right then that this love would never leave his heart, this astounding, world crumbling love for his child. There was nothing like it he had ever felt before, and as he stood, with his little family wrapped in his arms, he knew that whatever life had to throw at him in the future, whatever it had left to hurt him with that as long as he had them by his side he would be okay. 
Because certain things would hurt, but they would be his virtue. 
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lilithslittleworld · 8 days
Formal Crushing
A/N: Felt in a cutesy mood and what better than to write a Seth fluff oneshot? :-) Just a heads up, I'm writing Seth a little ambiguously here, as in, trying to make his age adaptable (staying within the 16-19 age range tho)
I'm also going to add a little music recommendation list for reading this oneshot (aka what I listened to while writing it!)
I did do my research on the Makah Tribe and Reservation for Violet's identity and culture. However, if there are any mistakes, for either Native identity and/or tribe, I deeply apologize for them now. I wanted to be as informed and respectful as possible while writing the Native elements of their relationships.
Summary: Violet and Seth go to the same high school on the rez and the school dance is coming up. There's no way he'll ask her though, right?
CW: Seth Clearwater x Fem Reader (Violet), ONLY FLUFF.
Music list for this oneshot: (4-7 are for the dance)
Sweet by CAS
Love Songs on the Radio by Mojave 3
Say Yes to Heaven by Lana del Rey
Words by F. R. David
Material Girl by Madonna
Yeah by Usher
Stop the Music by Rihanna
Put Your Head On My Shoulder by Paul Anka* slow-dance scene
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It wasn't totally unrealistic of you to hold onto the hope of Seth asking you out. But the weeks had started to fly by this second semester and you had not gotten more than his usual friendly smile or conversation, not that you were complaining. Ever since your family had moved down to Forks that Fall, your eyes had been on Seth Clearwater and his on you. Kind of.
Moving down to a different reservation, with a different tribe around had been an interesting experience. Though the Makah tribe, like the Quileute, were both native to Washington, your presence didn't always feel welcomed by others. Leah, Seth's older sister, had made that clear through her debilitating glares she shot at you as she waited for her brother. Seth hadn't ever noticed, really, as his gaze was always on you. But then again, that didn't mean anything.
Seth, though, was curious about your tribe and liked to find the similarities between the both of you. His eyes lit up eagerly as you shared more about yourself and your own little world, it was hard not to smile back. Your school days ended with two back-to-back classes with him, to which he walked alongside you, opening every door that came your way and carrying your books. It always crushed you a little, to have to say goodbye to Seth, knowing very well you'd see him again the next day. But there was something about him that made you want to spend all of your time talking to him.
Some nights, as you lay in your bed, you'd imagine staying up late into the night with Seth beside you, debating and exploring every fascinating topic that crossed your minds. You knew his family liked telling campfire stories under the stars like your own did back in Neah Bay. The image of Seth listening attentively as his elders told and retold the stories of his tribe made you smile. He seemed like the perfect person to go star gazing, as well, but you could never see that actually happening.
Late into your first January at Forks, the knowledge of the upcoming formal was all anyone talked about. Though it was still a week away, you had hoped to hear of an invitation from Seth. As usual, Seth was waiting for you outside of your calculus class. He always made an effort to coax a smile out of you, knowing how much you hated that class. It always worked.
"Hey, Vi," he smiled at you, "What's the one thing a vampire never, and I mean ever, order at a restaurant?"
His enthusiasm was infectious and you couldn't help but giggle at the corniness of his joke. You had heard rumors about a Quileute rival being cold-ones, you'd even heard Jacob Black and other friends of Seth mention them but you weren't that superstitious to believe them.
"A Bloody Mary?" you replied, sure of your answer when you saw Seth's brow furrow slightly.
"Man, that's an even better answer than the one I read," he sighed, pushing open the door towards the stairwell, waiting, as usually, for you to pass first.
You laughed at his bewildered state. "You're telling me that wasn't the answer?"
"It was a 'stake sandwich'", he responded sheepishly, holding the door for you once again.
"Still one of your best jokes, Clearwater," you responded, shaking your head in exaggerated mock appreciation.
"Pfff, you flatter me," he joked, taking a seat in the first row of seats, always leaving the one next to him for you. Both of your days ended with English, something both of you liked. Unlike the others from his friend group, or 'pack' as he called them, Seth enjoyed reading, something else you both had in common. You liked to watch him take notes, picking up on the neatness of his handwriting, the way his tongue stuck out in concentration, and how he never hesitated to ask the questions that everyone else had too.
The class ended quicker than you expected, fifty minutes isn't a long time when you're having fun, or at least not bored to death. As everyone scurried to gather their things, Seth simply got up, grabbed both of your notebooks and flashed you a smile as you got up to walk next to him. The walk to the parking lot was much more silent than your typical ones, making you uneasy but Seth didn't seem off.
Seth was quiet until you two were outside the building, lost in thought from what it appeared. You could see Leah in the distance, standing next to her truck, waiting for Seth. Her glare pierced into you, sending a shiver down your spine and indicating that it was time for you to part ways.
Seth looked down at you, smiling at you thoughtfully. "See you tomorrow, Vi?" he mused, reaching out to lightly brush your arm.
You sighed, expecting a different goodbye. "Yeah, see you," you mumbled, taking your notebooks from Seth's extended hands. You spun around, in direction to your own truck, the one Billy Black had had Jacob fix for you. Slamming its doors as you got in didn't change anything but it made you feel a little bit better. Was Seth never going to make a move? It was the twenty-first century so asking him out wasn't off the table but it wasn't what you wanted. The last thing you wanted was to force something but it was beginning to drive you crazy not knowing if the time you shared together meant something or not.
The next morning, you were surprised to find that Seth wasn't waiting for you outside your locker as he usually did. He never got sick so that wasn't a logical explanation, and neither did Leah, who was present today. You pursed your lips, flipping back your long, black hair as you brushed past her. Had she gotten to her brother, driving a wedge between the two of you?
Your stomach turned as you saw that Seth wasn't waiting for you outside of calculus either. You rolled your eyes at the tears that were beginning to pool, refusing to let them fall. It was quite silly of you to feel this way, you and Seth were simply friends, regardless of how you felt about him. You were surprised at yourself, almost angry, at your internal emotional outburst for this single absence of his. Maybe you wouldn't feel this way if his sister didn't hide the fact that she hated you, or if maybe Seth had tried to hold your hand. Or if he had even mentioned the formal.
Once English finished, you gratefully leaped out of your seat, making a point to rush out of that dreadful building. Your eyes scanned the parking lot, just in case you saw someone from Seth's 'pack'. Your eyes landed on the Clearwater's truck, fully expecting to see a spiteful Leah looking your way. Instead, Seth stood by his sister's truck, holding a bouquet and fidgeting visibly. A slight smile crept up on your lips as you made your way towards him.
Seth's eyes lit up, the way they always did, as he saw you amidst the crowd of teenagers scurrying to their cars. "Vi," he sighed in relief.
"Hey, you," you smiled at the sound of your name.
"These are violets er- the color is violet. the lady at the store said they're 'violas'. I thought you'd like them since you both share a name," he confessed, running his free hand through his hair nervously.
You took the flowers in your hands, smelling them softly before taking in their beauty. Your had heart fluttered when he had said that, knowing you were named after the flowers.
"They're beautiful," you murmured, looking back up at him in gratitude.
"So are you," he blushed, pulling on the hem of his shirt, nervously. Your own blush mixed with the smile that was permanently spread along your face.
"I-I was actually hoping you'd go to the formal with me. It doesn't even have to be in that way if you don't want it to be, we can go as friends. But Violet, since the first day you walked into my life, I haven't been able to get you out of my head. You're intelligent, sweet, caring, and so funny." Seth took one of your hands in his. His skin was so warm beneath yours.
"And beautiful, apparently," you reminded him, squeezing his hand as you teased him.
Seth let out a breathy laugh. "Obviously." You rolled your eyes.
"So, what do you say?"
"Of course I'll go with you, Clearwater," you grinned, "I've been waiting for a full-blown confession like that since the Fall."
Seth's smile reached his eyes, his body shaking with laughter at your little moment. "That's on me," he replied timidly, "I never wanted to make you uncomfortable or rush you in any way."
"Neither did I," you agreed. It had been worth the wait and the months of platonic friendship you two had had. All the little things Seth had done and said during this time flashed in your mind, with his words echoing behind them. He had kept a safe distance out of respect for you and the friendship you had cultivated in such a short time.
"Regardless, if you change your mind or are uncomfortable with anything please let me know," he said urgently.
"I don't think I'll be changing my mind anytime soon," you winked at him, pulling him in for one of his bearhugs. With his strong arms wrapped around you, you felt him sigh. He smelled like pine and cologne, such a calming and familiar scent. You always felt so safe in his arms but it was much nicer now that you knew how he felt.
"So," you pondered, pulling away from Seth momentarily, "What time are you picking me up at next Friday?"
Seth just smiled his wonderful smile and said, "How's six o'clock?"
It was five-fifty and you were nearly ready. Your deep, purple dress' bodice hugged your body, flowing down to just above your knees. Your long, straight, black hair was down, falling upon either of your shoulders. It was five fifty-five and you were nearly ready physically. Emotionally, that was a whole other story. Your nervous energy had kept you up the night before and now the appearance of slight fear mixed in. It was just Seth but that made you feel butterflies in your stomach now.
A knock on your door broke your mental silence. It was six o'clock, just as Seth had promised. You took one last quick glance in the mirror before heading towards the door.
Seth stood in a long sleeve, white button-up, dress pants and shoes, and a black tie. His shoulder-length, dark hair was loose like yours.
"You look-" you both started in unison before bursting into a fit of giggles.
"You look so beautiful, Vi," Seth murmured, reaching out to stroke your arm.
"And you look very handsome," you agreed, nodding your head for extra effect.
"Hello, Violet!" someone called out to me from behind the shed. It sounded like an older woman.
"Er- yeah, my mom was hoping to get a few pictures of us. I know its not exactly ideal to be chaperoned as I already have my license," he said loud enough so his mother would hear him.
"Oh hush," a dark-haired woman said, "I'm Sue, Leah and Seth's mother. It's so nice to finally meet you! I've been hearing 'Violet this' and 'Violet that' since the start of the school year."
Seth's face froze, mortified at his mother's constant yet criminal chatter. "Mom," he emphasized, pointing towards the camera in her had.
"Ah, yes! Picture time, everybody," she said cheerfully, guiding you both to the nearest tree. "Pictures are always nicer in nature."
"They are," you agreed, smiling. Seth's tensed body relaxed slightly as you said that.
"My mom's just like this," you whispered to him, squeezing his hand.
Sue's excitement was palpable in the car ride towards the school, only fueling Seth's embarrassment and your flattery. Your goodbye was rushed by Seth opening the car door for you and swiftly pulling you out and away from the vehicle.
The inside of the building was pretty much the same, except for some silver party streamers hanging down from the ceiling and a few other sparkly decorations. But that didn't matter, your night was complete with the mere fact of Seth being by your side. He too seemed content, actually, ecstatic seems like a more appropriate word.
"Wanna dance?" he grinned at you, pulling you towards the mostly empty dance floor. "I've got some serious moves."
"And who says I don't?” you challenged.
"Oh, I know you do," he teased, dancing happily. Seth's dancing wouldn't ever win him a spot on Broadway but it made you laugh. You matched his energy immediately, causing the both of you to lose your breath from laughing and dancing. It was so easy to like him, he made everyone around him more cheerful and comfortable. Seth was never afraid of taking the highroad if it meant helping others and that was visible even now.
Neither of you had noticed the circle of people that had begun cheering you on, everyone laughing and smiling as both of you pulled out new dance moves to bewilder the other. You and Seth couldn't stop laughing, even after the songs had started to slow down.
When Paul Anka's 'Put Your Head On My Shoulders' started playing, however, Seth's playful smile softened, extending a hand out to you. You took it happily, as he pulled you in closely, swaying you gently as he did. You placed your free hand on his shoulder and he placed his on your waist. This was the first contact you had both had that wasn't strictly friendly. Both of you felt the electricity run through your bodies as you came in contact with each other.
"Sparks fly," he whispered, reading your mind.
"I never thought I'd feel this way about anyone," you murmured, looking up at him.
"Neither did I."
You swayed in silence together, looking at each other's eyes as you did. You wished you could read all of the thoughts that were passing through his mind at that moment.
"Then again," he started slowly, "I've never felt more sure about something in my life, even if it's new to me."
"Most of the pack's reached this point too, though," he went on thoughtfully, "Paul, Quil, Jacob, even Sam."
"It was only a matter of time," you nudged him playfully, coaxing out another one of his beautiful smiles.
"Worth the wait," he replied simply, spinning you one last time.
As the last song began to fade out, you both came to the realization that the night you had both been looking forward to was reaching its finale. You were grateful that the last couple of songs had been slow, eager to be dancing again in the comfort of Seth's arms.
"Got everything?" he asked gently, scanning the area around you in case you had forgotten something.
"Yup," you said, holding up your heels and cardigan in your hand.
"Do you mind if we wait outside? The sky's clear enough to see the moon and th-"
"The stars," you interrupted suddenly, overcome by emotion at the knowledge that Seth did in fact love the stars as you'd once hoped.
"I just," you stammered, "Really like the stars." Seth nodded silently in agreement, leaving you space to elaborate if you wanted as you two stepped out into the cool night. The night's breeze sent a shiver down your spine as you pulled on your cardigan, thankful that you'd decided to grab it after all. But it was so peaceful in that cool, dark night with Seth.
"There are so many kinds of stars and lights in the sky," you began softly, "Our people have a legend about the Northern lights, the aurora borealis. We believed they were fires that spread along the Far North, passing over a dwarves' village that would boil the whales they caught into blubber."
Seth listened to you attentively, smiling at the story you told him. "My grandpa always said they were fire too," he smiled, "the whale thing is really yours though," he continued, stroking your back softly.
You laughed. "Whales are kind of a huge deal, back home," you reminded him.
"I love hearing about your home, your people. I know our ancestors would be proud of us today, even if we're from different tribes," he said tenderly.
"A real Washington Native love story," you teased, overwhelmed by the emotion in his words before.
"Sometimes though, I think the Hopi are onto something. Each little star being an ancestor who guides us," Seth said thoughtfully.
"I've thought that too," you agreed. There were so many ideas and interpretations about stars and exploring them with Seth only brightened your evening.
"You're unlike anyone I've ever met, Violet," he breathed, ducking his head slightly. You were thankful he couldn't pick up on your blush that was beginning to color your cheeks or your heart that was pounding excitedly in your chest.
"Neither have I," you responded, "Worth the wait."
Seth brought his gaze back up to you, smiling at your words. His brow furrowed slightly, as if you had just asked him a question.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked tentatively, searching your eyes for a response. Your lips curled into a smile at the innocence of Seth and you nodded softly.
Seth held your face in his hands before leaning in slowly, looking at you under the moonlight. Your own hands cupped his warm cheeks. Seth pressed his lips softly against yours, they were as warm as the rest of him. You were grateful for a little warmth his body emitted, as the night only continued to cool. His kisses were sweet and gentle against your lips, only causing you to swoon even more. He ran his fingertips slowly through your hair and your own hands mimicked his.
After the final kiss, Seth nuzzled his nose against yours before pulling away, still holding you close. You laid your head on his shoulder as you both gazed back up at the stars.
"How are you always so warm?" you wondered out loud.
Seth chuckled. "Oh, that's a long story for another day."
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
❝the witch hybrid and her companion 2❞
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✭ pairing : father Carlisle Cullen x reader x imprint Seth Clearwater
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is a young witch who Carlisle had saved from the Salem witch trials, she had been been on the verge of being fully brunt to death when he had grabbed and rescued her, she was fifteen when he had turnt her thus making her the first hybrid of both witch and vampire species.
✭ authors note : this is part 2 to this request and I’m resuming from where I left off at
✭ twilight masterlist
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In the days following the revelation of Seth's imprint on (Y/N), Carlisle's overprotectiveness had reached new heights. He wanted to know her whereabouts at all times, even when he was at work. While his intentions were rooted in concern, (Y/N) found his constant vigilance suffocating.
One afternoon, feeling frustrated and in need of some space, (Y/N) decided to return to the Quileute pack's house. She was aware that her presence might not be welcomed by everyone, but she couldn't bear the overbearing atmosphere at home any longer.
As she arrived at the pack's house, Paul's abrasive greeting didn't surprise her. "Oh great, the freak's back."
Seth, sitting nearby, growled in response, his protective instincts kicking in. He shot Paul a warning glare before getting up and rushing to (Y/N)'s side. His face lit up with a lovesick smile as he hugged her tightly. "I've missed you," he murmured.
(Y/N) blushed and fidgeted under Seth's warm embrace, feeling a mixture of flattery and embarrassment.
Sam, observing the scene, approached with a curious expression. "Why are you here, (Y/N)?"
Unable to meet Sam's gaze, (Y/N) buried her head in Seth's chest and mumbled, "Just wanted to talk with Seth for a bit."
Seth tightened his hold on her, as if silently claiming her presence. He responded with a determined nod, his expression reflecting his unwavering affection for her.
Sam exchanged a knowing glance with the other pack members, recognizing the depth of Seth's imprint bond with (Y/N). While some tensions still lingered, they understood that this connection was beyond their control and something that needed to be respected.
(Y/N) and Seth, in that moment, found solace in each other's presence, away from the complexities and expectations of their respective worlds.
“Here follow me, I know where we can hang out at.”
Seth gently led (Y/N) toward the beach, their footsteps leaving imprints in the soft sand. The sound of the crashing waves filled the air, and the moon cast a shimmering silver glow over the ocean. It was a tranquil scene, the perfect backdrop for their conversation.
They found a quiet spot on the shore, sitting side by side, their toes sinking into the cool sand. They watched the waves roll in and out, the rhythm of the ocean providing a sense of calm.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, Seth turned to (Y/N), his eyes searching her face. "Something's been bothering you, hasn't it?"
(Y/N) sighed, her gaze fixed on the horizon. "Yeah, it's my father, Carlisle. He's been so overprotective lately, and it's suffocating."
Seth chuckled softly, understanding her frustration. "I get it. My big sister, Leah, can be the same way. They care deeply for us, (Y/N). They don't want to see us hurt."
(Y/N) nodded, appreciating Seth's perspective. "I know, and I love him for it, but I also need some space, you know? I want to have my own experiences and make my own decisions."
Seth grinned, his expression warm and supportive. "You're strong, (Y/N), and you've got a good head on your shoulders. You can handle it. Just be patient with him. He's learning too."
They turned their attention back to the waves, their conversation bringing a sense of understanding and reassurance. In that moment, (Y/N) felt grateful for the bond she shared with Seth, one that allowed them to share their concerns and find solace in each other's company.
As they watched the moonlight dance on the water, they knew that the challenges of their supernatural existence were vast, but with each other's support, they could navigate the complexities of their worlds and the relationships they held dear.
Seth's curiosity lingered in the tranquil night air as he turned to (Y/N) and asked, "If it isn't too much trouble to ask, what was it like back then for you?"
(Y/N) contemplated the question for a moment, the memories of those dark times resurfacing. "During the Salem witch trials?"
Seth nodded, his eyes reflecting genuine interest.
(Y/N) took a deep breath, her gaze distant as she began to recount her past. "My mother and I lived in fear, but there was a strange kind of harmony to it. We were both witches, you see. We learned magic from the grand witch, the first to be burnt alive in those trials."
Seth listened intently, captivated by her story.
(Y/N) continued, "The grand witch had been an outcast, feared and shunned by the townsfolk. But she wasn't wicked; she was just misunderstood. My mother and I were the only ones kind to her, and in return, she taught us her magic."
Seth's eyes widened with understanding. "So, you and your mother were accused because of your magic?"
(Y/N) nodded sadly. "Yes. They found my mother using her magic to make the crops grow during a particularly harsh season. The townsfolk believed it was witchcraft, so they killed her. A few months later, they came for me, fearing I was a witch like her."
Seth's expression turned sympathetic as he listened to the harrowing tale. He couldn't imagine the pain and fear (Y/N) must have endured during those dark times.
(Y/N) sighed, her gaze returning to the moonlit waves. "It was a time of persecution and ignorance, Seth. I'm just grateful that I found a family who accepts me for who I am now."
Seth reached out and gently squeezed (Y/N)'s hand, offering silent comfort and understanding. He had glimpsed a piece of her past, and it only deepened his admiration for her strength and resilience.
Seth's curiosity continued to drive his questions as he turned to (Y/N) once more. "Can you tell me what it was like when you were turned into a vampire?"
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment, her memories of the transformation still vivid and painful. "It was... excruciating. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. The venom burned like a thousand fires, coursing through my veins."
She shivered as she recalled the sensation, her voice quivering with the memories. "It was like reliving the flames from the stake all over again. But there was something else, something deeper. My own blood fought against the venom, resisting the change."
Seth's expression turned sympathetic as he listened to her describe the agonizing process. "That sounds awful. How did you make it through?"
(Y/N) took a deep breath, finding strength in the presence of her friend. "I had Carlisle with me. He saved me from the pain of the stake, and he was there to help me through the transformation as well. He's been my savior in more ways than one."
Seth nodded, his respect for Carlisle growing even stronger. He couldn't imagine the strength and resilience it took for (Y/N) to endure such a traumatic experience and emerge from it as the person she was today.
As they continued their conversation under the moonlit sky, (Y/N) and Seth found solace in sharing their pasts and the challenges they had faced.
As (Y/N) and Seth continued to share their stories and experiences, it became clear that their bond was growing stronger with each passing moment. (Y/N) had learned about Seth's curiosity, and now it was her turn to ask about his life.
"I'd like to hear more about your life, Seth," she said, her eyes filled with genuine interest. "Tell me about your family."
Seth smiled, appreciating her curiosity. "Sure, (Y/N). Well, it's just my mom and my sister, Leah, now. Our dad, Harry, passed away when I was pretty young."
(Y/N) nodded in understanding, a sympathetic expression on her face.
Seth continued, "After Dad's death, it was just the three of us. Leah took on a lot of responsibility, helping our mom, Sue, raise me. She's always been strong and protective."
(Y/N) listened intently, gaining a deeper understanding of Seth's family dynamics.
Seth's smile grew as he recounted more of their story. "Leah shifted first, a few weeks before I did. It was a tough time for us, but she managed to navigate the challenges of being a wolf. When I eventually shifted too, it was a relief to have her by my side, guiding me through it."
(Y/N) was struck by the strength and resilience of the Clearwater family, especially Leah and Seth, who had faced significant challenges at a young age. Their bond as siblings had undoubtedly played a crucial role in helping them weather the storms of their supernatural existence.
As the conversation with Seth stretched into the late hours of the night, the moon hanging high in the sky, he eventually noticed the time. With a concerned expression, he spoke up, "It's getting pretty late. I could ask my mom if you can stay over if you want."
(Y/N) smiled warmly at his offer, appreciating his thoughtfulness. "That's really sweet, Seth, but I should head back home. My family's been worried about me enough as it is, especially my dad."
Seth nodded in understanding, realizing the importance of (Y/N)'s family. "I get it. Family comes first."
As they began to make their way back to the pack's house, Seth walked alongside (Y/N), the night air filled with a sense of companionship and understanding. When they finally reached their destination, Seth turned to (Y/N) with a soft smile.
"Well, (Y/N), thanks for coming to visit and sharing all those stories with me."
(Y/N) returned his smile, feeling a sense of connection she hadn't expected when she first ventured out to the pack's house. She leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Seth's cheek. "Thank you for being such a good friend, Seth. I'll see you soon."
Seth's cheeks flushed bright red at the unexpected kiss. He stammered a grateful but slightly flustered reply, "Yeah, definitely. See you soon, (Y/N)."
As (Y/N) turned to head back home, she couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth in her heart. The supernatural world was filled with complexities and challenges, but it was also where unexpected friendships and connections could bloom, leaving a lasting impact on those who dared to embrace them.
As (Y/N) returned home, the familiar embrace of her family awaited her. Carlisle, who had been anxiously waiting for her, enveloped her in a tight hug the moment she stepped through the door.
"I'm so sorry for my behavior, (Y/N)," Carlisle whispered, his voice filled with regret. "I just worry about you, and I love you deeply."
(Y/N) returned the hug, her heart warmed by her father's concern. "I love you too, Carlisle. I'm grateful to have you as my father, even if I'm adopted."
Carlisle smiled, a mixture of relief and affection in his eyes. "You will always be my daughter, no matter what."
Feeling reassured, (Y/N) couldn't help but yawn. The long evening and heartfelt conversations with Seth had taken their toll on her.
Seeing her exhaustion, Carlisle gently said, "It's getting late, (Y/N). You should go to bed."
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before making a request. "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep? Sing me the lullaby you used to sing when I was younger?"
Carlisle nodded, his heart swelling with love for his daughter. He followed her to her room, and as she settled into bed, he sat beside her. He began to softly sing the familiar lullaby that had always brought her comfort.
"The monsters gone, and it's on the run,
And your daddy's here.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl."
As the soothing words filled the room, (Y/N) felt her eyelids grow heavy. She closed her eyes, listening to the familiar melody, and soon, the embrace of sleep overcame her.
Carlisle watched over her for a while longer, a wistful smile on his face. His little girl was growing up, and with each passing day, she was embracing her own unique journey in the supernatural world. He knew that their family's bond would remain unbreakable, no matter how much she changed and grew.
With a final loving glance at (Y/N), he left her room, closing the door gently behind him. The night settled over the Cullens' home, and Carlisle couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and connections that bound their family together, even in the face of the challenges that their extraordinary existence presented.
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tyb1 · 1 year
The Proposal
pairing: seth x reader
summary: Seth proposes to the reader.
warning: FLUFF OVERLOAD!!!!
w/c: 1k
A/N: I may make this into a three part series. THE PROPOSAL, THE WEDDING, THE HONEYMOON!
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Everyone was invited to the wolfpack family gathering. It was being held in the woods, lights were plastered around the trees, and the dance floor was made of complete wood from the trees. Tables with pearly white clothes surrounded that oak dance floor, it was everything you could have imagined. 
“Hey (Y/N)? Can you help me hang this lantern?” Seth asked, it was only you and him here for the time being. You were both assigned decoration duty, it was pretty exciting. Seth did most of the work. It didn’t click in your mind that you would be in the woods decoring. You were too blinded by the fact that you were about to experience this grand event. 
You were wearing a simple white silk dress that stopped at your knees. Cute but fancy. You sat back and watched your boyfriend do all of the work. Being the gentleman he was he didn’t allow you to do anything but sit and watch. You didn’t mind,  nothing was more admirable than seeing his arms flex in his white button-down shirt. We’re not going to talk about how his quads look in the brown slacks.
“What do you want me to do?” You hummed softly. 
Seth held the lantern to the tree, “Hold this right here while I go get the hammer.”
You switched places with him, he then jumped down and ran to the table where the tools were. You continued to hum to yourself softly, occasionally looking up at the moons and the stars. It was so beautiful out here, You genuinely loved the fact that we were under the moon.
“You’ve always told me you never believed in fairy tales which is a complete lie”I looked back to see Seth propped down on one knee. My mouth dropped along with the floating lantern. Instantly I could feel tears brimming my eyes.  “This, right now, what we’re experiencing is living proof of a fairy tale. I keep telling people how I fell in love with you but in reality, I didn’t, I walked into love with you. Each step of the way you were there with me holding my hand, not once have you ever thought about leaving me. I wouldn’t be as strong as I am if I didn’t have your love to help me. I’d choose you in this lifetime, the life after this and even if I can’t find you I’ll make sure I do. I choose you and only you. You’re my world, you’re my life, you’re my fresh breath of air. You’re my everything, (Y/N) (L/N). So (Y/N) (L/N), will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
I wiped the excessive tears from my face, “Seth Clearwater, Yes! I would love to marry you.” 
Before he could stand I tackled him to the ground, I could hear the pure joy of laughter escaping from his lips. You both embraced one another as you cried into his chest.
“You have to get up so I can put a ring on it.” Seth laughed, he held out his hand helping you up to my feet. Smoothly the ring went on, it glistened in the night light. It was the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. Seth shoved his hands in his pocket, clearly, he was still nervous about proposing, “It looks better on your hand other than Jacobs.” You held my hand up in the sky in complete. You watched the tiny rainbows dance in the ring. It was more beautiful knowing that it came from the man of my dreams. 
“Wait, so is there a family gathering or not?”
“Oh yeah, You guys can come out!” Seth shouted, Huh, Seth wrapped his arms around me from behind. He grinned into my neck as you watched your friends and family emerge from the woods. Everyone was smiling from ear to ear, you were pretty sure only the boys and Leach heard his speech but that didn’t matter. It was still beautiful.
“Our plan worked (Y/N)!” Sue walked up to you with her arms out, “You’re finally going to be my daughter!! Ehhhhh!” You both squealed as you embraced each other. Leah soon followed as she also embraced you as well. You all had a tiny family moment, Leah was expressing how proud she was of Seth and you couldn’t fight back my tears. She was watching her younger brother become a man, and you, his soon-to-be wife, knew it was emotional as well. 
Everyone continued to approach you, with nothing but pure joy on everyone's faces. Live music started to play swiftly in the background. Everyone began to chat with one another as the party started to gear up. You placed your hands on your fiance's chest, his arms wrapped around your waist. “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
He gently placed a kiss on your forehead, “I can say the same.” Seth pulled you in the direction of the lantern that you dropped. “I have one more surprise for you.” He dusted it off, “I know how much you would love for your grandmother to be here to experience this moment.” He handed you a lantern, on it was a picture of you and your grandmother, and on the other side was a picture of Seth and his dad. “It hurts knowing that they can’t be here tonight but they’ll always be here in spirit.” 
Seth pulled a lighter from his pocket and lit the candle that was placed in the middle. You held the lantern dearly to your chest as memories of your grandmother flashed in the back of your head. “You’re an amazing man Seth, she’d love you.” You whispered, you never took your eyes from the lantern, the picture illuminated in the night sky. 
“Come on, let’s tell them about the great news.” Seth grabbed your hand, and he lifted it towards the sky higher and higher until the lantern floated in the air by itself. The both of you watched the lantern float into the night sky. He held you in his arms as you both watched the other lanterns join yours.
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goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
Oh wow, I absolutely AM going to lose my shit, if you would write a one-shot with Jasper and Rose as solo survivors. And I also would scream when you write this back-in-Forks outtake. My man would have a heart attack, when he finds out where his wifey is off to, lol. The Snap didn’t kill him for good, so, Alice’s run to Avengers will.
Also, love the Avengers reaction to Seth.❤️
I always had, like, a plan to write a one-shot of what happens if Jasper, Rose, Esme, and possibly Edward are the survivors because that is just a cocktail of disaster.
The outtake is all planned out and it is literal fucking chaos - you have the Cullens back, you have Bella back, you have the Clearwaters back and the Cullen house is trashed, with guns stacked over the table, and someone has taken over the spare room at the top of the stairs and it smells like wet dog; you have Sue and Leah losing their minds about the Clearwater house; Carlisle's rematerialized in a hospital that suddenly has 50% more patients...
Oh, and no one knows where Emmett, Alice, or Seth are. It's going to be so fun, I can't wait to write it!
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spicyandplain · 2 years
Hi! I’ve decided to write one shots on here, since all of my stories have just stopped haha. Please send in your requests, i’ll put a list pf what im willing to write below.
I write for…
Stranger things
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers
Billy Hargrove
Will Byers
Mike Wheeler
Nancy wheeler
Robin (idfk her last name :0)
Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreaves
Klaus Hargreaves
Diego Hargreaves
Allison Hargreaves
Harry Potter
Harry potter
Ron weasley
George weasley
Fred weasley
Cedric diggory
Draco malfoy
Sirius black
Remus lupin
James potter
Lily potter
Hermione granger
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Emmet Cullen
Paul Lahote
Seth clearwater
Sam Uley
Jacob Black
Alice Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Leah Clearwater
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson
James Barnes
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Peter Parker
Clint Barton
Natasha ramonoff
Bruce Banner
Wanda Maximoff
Doctor Strange
Shang chi
Evie Queen ( Actually Evelyn Grimhilde ??)
Benjamin Florian Beast
Carlos De Vil
Mal Bertha Faery
Jay ( son of jafar)
Harry Hook
Uma ( daughter of Ursula)
Zed necrodopolis
Wyatt Lykensen
Willa Lykensen
Eliza Zambi
You can suggest other fandoms and such, i will try my best to watch and write for you :)
I write as….
Gender neutral
Female reader
Male reader
Trans reader ( ftm/mtf)
Give me suggestions if there are others?
Im open to canon stories or Au’s, however if i am not comfortable I have the write to change or not do the request. I don’t do smut with Minor characters, please don’t ask me to. Im not entirely comfortable with ageing them up either - AKA five Hargreaves ect.
If i get enough requests i will make a master list and make even content. I find that there is a lot more of a female reader base than another, and vise versa in some fandoms. So please dont be afraid to ask for anything!
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