#sexuality and gender
darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
In an era of the United States where books with queer themes are being banned, where bills requiring teachers out their students is discussed and often passed in state legislature, where queer culture is being used a boogeyman by the right day in and day out, where our rights hang in the balance I cannot believe I have to see over and over again that people in the public eye should “just come out already” or “what even are the consequences anyways” or equating peoples privacy, questioning or unlabeled identities as a devious act. The degrading of queer privacy is so real and I’m sick of seeing it put upon people from other queer people.
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frogizz · 3 months
Every ship I have, I can't tell if I want to be with one of the characters or be one of the characters. It's always both characters, and I want to be them in entirety. Their gender, their role in the story, their background, their looks, all of it. I wanna be with and be the characters simultaneously.
I be projecting myself and exploring my sexuality and gender through these mofos.
Two girlies pining in the canon and smooching in the fanon? Yup, I am changing my entire view of myself to think about only them.
Two bois having a close friendship/rivalry in the canon and exploring worlds together while holding hands in the fanon? Yup, I'm thinkin' about them all of the time.
But I always wonder why I never project myself onto straight ships. It's always wlw or mlm ships.
What does this say about me. ._.
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chumbay · 7 months
Some excerpts from an article called:
How Park Jimin of BTS Helped Me Feel Seen in My Brown, Queer Body
Jimin’s “Filter” performance, which I interpreted as a representation of gender fluidity and experimentation, assured me it was okay not to know which box I fit into, to constantly question, and to try new things. I felt affirmed in lacking the perfect word to pinpoint my gender identity. My struggles with my body, impacted by my strict upbringing, had made me feel isolated in sharing my ideal presentation with others. But Jimin had proudly displayed his moves on a global stage that was live streamed by more than 10 million people. In his rejection of gender norms, in wearing whatever he wanted, he’d reminded me that my body was more than the object of ridicule.
It’s easy to say that gender doesn’t really matter, but the K-pop industry is heavily gendered. There have only been a handful of mixed gender bands among hundreds of boy and girl groups, and being openly queer is often completely out of the question for most K-pop stars — even heterosexual artists aren’t allowed to date publicly. Despite everything, Jimin started coming out of his shell, openly wearing outfits originally designed for women, shirts with the words “gender equality” and “radical feminist,” laughing at his bandmates for claiming selfies aren’t for men, and letting his dance moves flow freely.
Jimin reminded me of myself — I was born 75 days before him, 2500 miles away. Yet both of us had tried hard to please society and performed gender in a way we weren’t meant to put on. It both took us time to realize that society’s gender norms weren’t the law, there was no “male” or “female” when it came to fashion and behavior. We would still be loved, even if we took the risk of expressing ourselves in a real way.
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hussyknee · 1 year
The full story of Korin and his Lord can be found here (page 27 - He Died To Save His Lover)
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booksinpiles · 1 year
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A small, gentle miracle happened today (the eye of the universe or God’s eye rested on me for a moment:
I bought this book as a physical reminder of a beloved mentor, but, after I learned of his unexpected death, I never opened it.
Moving books around today, I did.
It’s autographed! 😭🥹 not to me, but still, I like to think it’s best with me. Love you, Dennis. You’re the father I would have picked if we were allowed such things. 💐
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whoathatsalotsposts · 10 months
You ever chase your orgasm into new levels new depths new things entirely
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desdasiwrites · 1 year
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– Bernardine Evaristo, Girl, Woman, Other
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cock-holliday · 9 months
Sometimes wild attraction shit happens when you learn to separate masc/fem from man/woman. I’ve known queer women find the femininity in a man attractive. I’ve known gay men get so hot and bothered by the masculinity of a woman.
There was once a guy who was not really my type but then he did drag and was suddenly wildly attractive to me. And since I’m bisexual it doesn’t give me a crisis when someone is suddenly hot to me in an unconventional way. I used to think this was particularly a bi experience.
Then I’ve met plenty of gay men and lesbians who are also chill about that sort of thing. Sometimes life is like that “oops made out with a twink in Brighton who turned out to be a lesbian who thought I was a lesbian” and sometimes it’s like “hey, I’m not normally into men but this guy has got something hot going on.”
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The line between binary and nonbinary trans people is nowhere near as clean as some of yall think it is
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"oh please everyone has gay thoughts sometimes" so what i'm hearing is that heteronormativity is so ingrained that a significant percentage of the population regularly experiences bisexual attraction? but dismisses it as something that all straight people experience? this is so concerning are you guys okay
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aloeverawyvren · 1 year
I think I've found specific 'labels' that fit me and feel right but idk if I want to.
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bisexualfagdyke · 4 months
Shoutout to asexual butches, because I feel like so much that people say about butches is inherently sexual. Do you respect asexual butches? Do you respect butches who don't want to be sexualised or give you sex? Asexual butches I love you <3
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
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for real! (from kadji amin)
[Image description: Screenshot of text:
What I've realized is that I believe that the matter of gender is practical and relational. It's not about who you are inside, it's more about how you would feel most comfortable in the world. It's not 'Who are you?' but 'How do you want to live?'
Had that been the discourse when I was coming up, I would have breathed a sigh of relief. I don't have to figure out who I am on the inside, I just have to figure out how I want to live.
end of ID]
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booksinpiles · 1 year
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icarusxxrising · 9 months
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
some queer people will never end up with a perfect label that describes them 100% and that's okay. sometimes you just go "i dunno i'm just queer" or "i'm a dyke who's a fag who's a drag queen" or "i'm just some guy" and that's okay. you don't always need a label or easy way to describe it if you can't. you can blaze your own trail
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