#she looks like a damn powerhouse
maurine07 · 2 years
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@jamespotterthefirst this specific photo!!!! I’m actually loosing my mind holy shit screaming crying throwing up how is this woman even real???
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natalchartnurtures · 24 days
PAC: Mitski, what about me is eternal like the.. moon?
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I had so much fun doing this
Pile 1:
'Cause my love is mine, all mine I love mine, mine, mine Nothing in the world belongs to me But my love is mine, all mine, all mine
I'm sitting right in front of your cards in utter awe. I got goosebumps when I laid eyes on your cards, pile 1. Let me begin by saying this: you've seen some DARK and truly terrible times, haven't ya? Even as I say this, it feels like an understatement. There have been times when you were stripped down to bare bones, and you had to "grow back the rest of you." I apologize for the gruesome metaphor (but hey, I'm just the messenger; this ain't really coming from me :p). Maybe you've had to encounter times when you felt painfully lonely, stuck in your head and in your general life too, like your spirit was beaten down. Or maybe it felt as if the universe snatched away something you thought was incredibly precious? But I hear that it wasn't what you thought it was; that's why it had to go. You probably didn't see it that way at all, and THAT'S ALRIGHT because we don't have Spirit's perspective, now do we? I see that you really struggled to put yourself together after that somewhat 'impossible-seeming' loss. It seemed like it came outta left field.
BUT GUESS THE FUCK WHAT. You, my friend, took this PAIN and these fucked up times and turned it into a damn palace of gold. You read that right. What's eternal about you? Your alchemy. Your fire. Your willpower. Your ability to take life by the balls. Your refusal to let it beat you to dust. Your refusal to be small. Literal goosebumps, you feeling it yet? It's your connection to God/Source/Universe. Your faith. Your mastery of your mind, babe. Yeah. You've somehow mastered your mind in this process of putting yourself back together. Acknowledge that ish! 'Cause you really did do that.
Nothing can ever get you to stop dreaming, and much less trying to stop you from achieving them, love. You're a powerhouse of energy, and God bless anybody who ever underestimates that (you included side-eyeing you right now). Not you getting low key called out, haha.
Don't get me wrong, though; being a powerhouse of energy doesn't necessarily mean being in everybody's face trying to assert your dominance, y'know? It can look like silent crying in the middle of the night and waking up the next day determined to overcome the thing that made you cry the day before.
Your light is what's eternal about you. It never goes off. Like ever. Your dedication to learning and growing through whatever, and I mean WHATEVER, life throws your way is what will never die, sweetie. It's like a part of your essence at this point. I hope you're proud of that and know that it's what will bring you to your success in life, whatever that looks like for each one of you beautiful ass people reading this :)
Haha, that's so cute; I just heard Spirit go "you're going places, sweetheart" ><
And with that, let's end your FABULOUS, goosebumps-inducing (btw, I don't say that about just ANYTHING), and awe-inspiring reading here.
Thank you, pile 1, for sharing your energy with me today. I love you guys so, so much and… not gonna lie, I'm low key honored to have been in your presence today. Haha, see ya!
Pile 2:
My baby, here on earth Showed me what my heart was worth So, when it comes to be my turn Could you shine it down here for her?
My god, why is there so much happening as I tap into your energy, pile 2? And I mean it in a nice way, though. I heard T Swift's song "The Last Great American Dynasty" as I was shuffling for you, and I heard Spirit go, "she's sweet and salty," lol. We'll see how all that plays into the reading eventually.
The first thing I noticed was your incredible balance within your mind and heart. It's shocking. Maybe you've been working on getting these aspects of yours to agree with one another and balance each other out, or it's simply your personality, but… pile 2, this beautiful mind-heart balance is what's eternal about you, love. Your peace. Your calm. The childlike innocence of your heart blending seamlessly with your mind's unending curiosity for life. Your emotional intelligence. The way you flow… like water, I heard. Wow! I find that so amazing, ugh, like can we be friends, pile 2? T-T, 'cause I definitely need some of that in my life right now, not gonna lie, haha.
There's that AND then there's a whole other dimension to you where you give 'life of the party' vibes as well. OH, so maybe that's why I heard Spirit say "sweet and salty," like two very different things but produce a wonderful taste together. Complex. Addicting. You make people want to come back for more, pile 2. Mmmmmm! Love that!
You have this laid-back vibe to you as well that a lot of people in your life appreciate. I see that your ability to lighten anybody's day is what's eternal about you awwww. I heard "she's the sunshine of my life." UGH, this is too wholesome for my heart; please save me. You seem to really perk up people's day/week or just life in general. You give, like, Saggi vibes, bro. It doesn't matter if you have that in your chart, but it's just your soul. The eternal aspect of you feels bright, expansive, loving, and so vibrant in energy, my god. You've also got strong feminine energy too… you must be really good at attracting 'cause you're strong in your feminine energy AND you're chill and detached from it at the same time. Effortless manifester, master manifester are some words that come to mind as I describe this.
Your divinity is what's eternal about you. Your 'witchy vibes.' Your embodiment of your highest truth. Your commitment to maintaining this divine connection in your day-to-day. Bro, what's eternal about you is that you can turn any old mundane task/thing into something fun and magical and full of meaning and symbolism. You live life deep, and even though there aren't a whole lotta people who can join you there, you wouldn't have it any other way. It's your raw authenticity, babe. Circling back to "The Last Great American Dynasty" song, maybe you're like Rebekah that T Swift sings about, "the most shameless woman this town has ever seen." People tend to call raw, authentic women shameless, but you couldn't care less. You will forever do what you like 'cause you're a free-spirited divine mystic in the body of a teeny lil human. Love it.
That's all I have for you, pile 2. Thank you for spending time with me! I love you so much <3
Pile 3:
Moon, tell me if I could Send up my heart to you? So, when I die, which I must do Could it shine down here with you?
Ah, my divine activators. What's eternal about you? Your intensity. BS detection might as well be your middle name. Sherlock Holmes who? 'Cause you're the new detective in town, baby, sniffing out illusions, falsities, fake people, LIES, victim mentality. None of that runs free with you around, I'll tell you that. It's your capacity to hold divine truth, lovingly, which is INCREDIBLY hard, btw. You can't stand half-assed people and people who seem to not have their "heads screwed on straight." Lmao, what kinda people are you surrounded by, pile 3? Ooh, I heard that you're divinely planted where you are so you can activate a lot of people into awakening to their true selves, but it looks like nobody wants to actually awaken. Lmao.
-Side note: My heart goes out to you if you've been surrounded by really difficult and chaotic energies that bring you down a lot. That SUCKS so hard, bro. Been there myself too lately, and it's not a fun merry-go-round to co-exist with. Just keep being your amazing cool-ass self, ok? Things will work out eventually. You already intuitively feel that things will get better, so trust that feeling!-
If I could describe your energy, I would use the Phoenix rising from the ashes symbolism to do so. Ohhhhh, as I told you that, I saw a vision of T Swift's music video of "Look What You Made Me Do," where she comes out of the grave and sings, "Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time." I'm a fan, pile 3. Omg. That's some badass ballsy energy, and I'm so here for it right now. You're the epitome of what psychological death and rebirth looks like. You're the textbook definition. And THAT'S what's eternal about you. No matter where you are or what you end up doing in life, you'll always be able to "rise up from the dead" and do it iconically too. Haha, I literally heard that. Lmao. This ability of yours is an extension of the greater aspect of you - your higher self. Whoa… I just heard you've had this ability for lifetimes and you will take it strongly with you to the next ones as well. Powerful. It's etched in your soul, pile 3. You know what you want and how to get it, even if not immediately; you always do eventually. It's the security you possess within yourself that's eternal, love. Nothing can really shake you at this point. Lmao. You've got a strong-ass foundation.
-Side note: I'm really seeing a healed and fully realized root chakra for you. If you haven't gotten there yet, you're well on your way! Good job! Root chakra work is the most brutal, btw, so… you really have my respect. Haha, moving on-
You have warrior energy present quietly in your personality as well. You give spiritual warrior vibes. You don't prefer to live in it 24/7; it's simply something you tap into when a situation calls for it. Otherwise, I see you being quite heart-centered, full of love, looking at the world with rose-colored glasses. Your inner child is what's eternal about you. Your divine sensitivity and your capacity to hold your emotions without judgment and live big from a place of heart. You embody the energy of water in my eyes, tbh. Life-giving but also destructive if need be, and there's absolutely nothing weak about water. Phew. You are eternal as the oceans are.
Ahhh, pile 3, that was sooo much fun! Thanks for stopping by, and I love you soooo much!
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Jane Powell (Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Royal Wedding)— Pint-sized powerhouse of a performer! She's at her most appealing in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, where she ably handles seven himbo farmer brothers -- all as tall as church steeples. She also matches Fred Astaire so well in Royal Wedding! She's got this strength and presence to her as a performer that makes her very fun to watch!
June Allyson (Little Women, Good News)—the best Jo March—yes, I said it,, the BEST Jo March! I fall in love with her everytime I watch it and I’m going to mention her every single damn time anyone brings up Little Women. Funny and down to earth, with her little scratchy voice, and the best version of the "play" at the beginning. She brings a real spunk and zip to the role nobody else I think has nailed—her Jo has FUN, to her core, IS fun to her core. it makes the sadder scenes all the sadder and really conveys Jo's journey from top to bottom.
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Jane Powell:
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June Allyson:
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whatever problems Good News may have -- and there's a lot (I'm looking at you, Pass That Peace Pipe) -- June Allyson was NOT one of them. No one else can pull off allegedly 1920s (read: the most 1940s dresses I have ever seen) librarian clothing like her. Also she's my second-favorite Hot Vintage Librarian (Marian, my beloved, is first) and she can dance and sing! All-around talented!! She has her own paper dolls and they are gorgeous.
More Little Women photos! Jo March:
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luna-andra · 10 months
Late Night Hotline | Sub!Konig x Reader | Part 1
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Summary: Konig finds himself getting off to his Lieutenant's voice over the phone, and he can't get enough of her as he goes back for more.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warning: This fic does contain mention of dub-con/non-con from the result of involvement of alcohol. This is purely fictional, and should remain fictional. I do not condone real actions of taking advantage of someone's intoxication.
And as always, MDNI, 18+!!!
This was so fucked up on so many levels.
Did it stop Konig from doing it another time? And once more after that? No chance in hell. But how could the powerhouse, the juggernaut Colonel of KorTac fold to the will of his short stack Lieutenant? Tempest… her call sign described her perfectly. The raging storm that took him by force, making the mountain that he is bow before her.
And it was all because of some stupid, drunk call.
His buddies dared him after several rounds of shots. There was always talk about how Tempest had the most enchanting voice in the unit. He overheard some lower rank meatheads say how she could work one of those old-school phone sex hotlines and make someone nut in less than three minutes, flat. Despite how much he agreed, he had those kids run an extra two hours of training that morning. Tempest worked extremely hard to get to where she’s at, and Konig would be damned if he let that kind of harassment fly.
So you can imagine how extremely shitty he felt after slipping away to the bathroom to fist his fucking cock. He thought it was all over for him when people asked Tempest if she got a late night call.
“Well, yeah the Colonel called,” she admitted, her eyebrows furrowing into anger. “I had to talk him through the copious amounts of liquor he was up-chucking, no thanks to you assholes. ”
It tilted Konig’s world, axes shifting, hearing her cover for him. When she had every upper hand on him. He kept his eyes fixated on her as she chewed out each person, all of them standing almost a foot taller than her. But they cowered away from her like she was an angry pit bull. “Get out of my face and go find something better to do.” All of them turned away silently, almost urgently trying to get away from her. Tempest glanced at Konig, her copper eyes laced with the rage she let loose. But he saw beyond it. Seeing the mischief, the kernel of devilry from the night before. She had him completely pussy-whipped.
And she hadn’t even touched him.
“Hope you’re doing better, Colonel.” She gave him a pat on his arm, walking past him without a second look.
“Ja,” Konig managed to say, her brief touch making his stomach flip.
He thought that would be the end of it. An accidental phone call, one that would be swept under the rug as they say. One that made him a begging, whimpering mess in her hands.
He thought he could move on from this, until she called again. It was a few days after the first incident. Konig watched the phone ring in his hand, standing in his personal quarters. “TEMPEST” in bold letters displayed on the screen. His insides turned cold. She never called him at this hour before. Before the last ring, he pressed the green answer button, lifting the phone painfully slow to his ear. “Hallo?”
“You answered~”
Konig’s insides turned to ice. She spoke in that sultry tone that drove him crazy. He conjured whatever strength he had to keep it together. “I did” Perfect, I didn’t falter…
The smile spreading across her face was something he swore he could hear over the phone. She was aware of how malleable the Colonel of KorTac currently is. How pliant and submissive he could be, for her. “What are you doing right now?”
He swallowed, desperately hoping that the microphone didn’t pick up on it. “I’m in my room,” his boots touched the edge of the bed frame, signaling him that it was safe to sit. “On my bed.” Did that sound right? He felt like the safe choice was to give her short, vague answers. “What are you doing?”
“Did you wait long for me?” Tempest ignored his question. “Pacing around your room, debating on whether you should get off to what we did the other night?”
Konig squeezed his eyes shut as he removed his sniper hood and balaclava, his hand ran down his face as he tried to regain the composure that was quickly slipping. “We can’t speak about that. It won’t happen again.” A chill ran down his spine from her sinister giggle, feeling his quickly growing length strangle for room in his pants.
“See, I would believe you, but there’s one thing that doesn’t make sense. Why did you pick up the phone?”
His exhale shuddered. This time she definitely heard it.
“Well, I’ll let you go then, you seem pretty set on nipping this in the bud-” his trembling answer told her everything she needed to know.
“N-no. I mean…” Konig gripped the edge of the bed, it creaked in his strangling hold.
“Colonel, relax.” Tempest cooed. “Don’t you ever get tired of calling all the shots? Carrying the burden of every single operator in the unit? I know the answer, it’s in the way you hold all of that tension in your shoulders. Which, by the way, looked a lot less tense after that one night.
“But when you’re behind closed doors, in the comfort of privacy, I can make you forget. Take all the encumbrance of control, empty your mind, along with your balls-”
Fuck, shit. Did he just whine?
There was a pause, so loud it rang in his ears. “Aww, you poor, whimpering thing.” He could hear the rustling of clothes on her end. “Are you still in uniform?”
“Yes.” Why was he still talking to her? Every answer and response he gave Tempest only urged her to keep talking with that sinful, honey-laced lilt. He was so fucked. Every time her voice graced his ears, from here on, would make him want to crumble. In and outside his bedroom. Konig would gladly give her the throne - hell, he would be the throne - she so exceptionally earned. Her siren call snaked like tendrils around his failing will.
“Do you want me to get undressed?” Konig nervously asked, the anticipation within the silence making his heart race erratically.
“Are you asking for permission?” Her voice was stern and sickeningly sweet at the same time.
Konig nodded, then realized she wasn’t gonna get her answer that way. “I am. I need your permission, please.” He passed the point of caring to keep it together, his voice quivered with desperation.
Wasting no time, he kicked his boots off whilst clawing at the buckle of his belt. The metal clinked as it flew off to the side, Konig’s impatience growing. His heavy pants fell to the ground next to his boots. The kevlar vest was like a vice, restricting his airflow. With one hand still holding the phone to his ear, the other ripped away at the velcro straps, maneuvering it up over his head, landing on the floor with a heavy thump. He laid back into his bed, his breathing labored in the aftermath. Tempest probably enjoyed listening to him struggle in his haste to please her.
“All of it.”
Konig’s eyes widened, wondering how she knew that he left his shirt and boxers on. A wave of vulnerability washed over him, feeling like her eyes were on him. “A-all of my clothes?”
“Mhmm,” she confirmed.
The remainder of his clothes collected in a pile at the foot of the bed. He looked down, seeing his neglected cock pulsing, resting against his stomach. It was near painful with how hard this made him, the shame washing over him as he saw his tip was already leaking. Konig was proud of his physique, and worked his ass off to maintain a rock-solid build. He made up his mind years ago that a man who stood at 6’10” couldn’t be gangly and thin. No one would take him seriously, sure his height alone made people back away from challenging him, but he had to look like - and be able to - crush a man’s chest cavity with his bare hands.
But the mere idea of Tempest having a full view of him, baring everything to her made him feel more determined to please her. He wanted to see the delightful gleam in her eyes, proud of her… what was he to her? Her boy toy? It didn’t matter, he just wanted her to have nothing to turn away from when it came to him.
“Good boy,” she whispered. “So good for me…”
His throat went dry, and his hand gripped around the base of his length, holding it there until he was allowed to proceed. He held the same expectation of following orders the same way he wanted it from his subordinates. What kind of Colonel would he be if he couldn’t lead by example? “It’s so fucking hard.” His voice trembled.
Her moan came through the phone, his eyes rolled back with a sharp inhale. “If only these hands trailing my body were yours instead of mine… they’re so much stronger… and can fill me so much better.”
Fuck, this is real.
He couldn’t believe that he was doing this stone-cold sober, that the first time wasn’t some crazy alcohol-induced dream. He couldn’t believe that she didn’t report him, or oust him as some pervert to the rest of the team. “Please, keep talking, liebling..” Konig groaned.
“I will, don’t you worry.” Tempest purred. “On the condition that I get to hear every pretty noise, every breath and every time you moan my name. And you will not cover your mouth or restrain yourself like last time.” She was firm with her command.
He could do that, right? What did he have to lose at this point?
“Let me know my instructions were clear.” She continued.
His throat felt like he was closing, but he managed to respond. “I understand, Tempest.” 
“Good boy,” she praised. “Let me hear those pretty sounds you make when you touch yourself.”
Oh, god finally. His hand started to stroke his cock, the overstimulating sensation pulled a loud moan from his parted lips. His chest started heaving as he kept up a slower pace, not wanting to work himself up too fast. The wild imagination began to swirl in his mind, imagining her small, soft hands working him instead. She would probably have to use both hands, one sliding its way up and down his shaft, while the other caressed the sensitive tip, spreading his precum all over… “Tempest..” he moaned, her name leaving his lips like a cry for help, calling for her beautiful voice to usher him his release.
He heard the squelch of her own body through the phone, followed by a broken moan. “Such a dirty slut…” she whispers again. “You follow orders so well, just as good as when you’re giving them… ordering your subordinates to train harder…”
“Y-yes, don’t stop…” he threw his head back, his breath becoming shallow and erratic. His accent thickened as he became lost in the desperation of chasing his release, the desperation to please her. With his other hand, he reached down to cup his balls, feeling them tighten from the stimulation. “I’m just-”
“You’re just what?” she egged him on, mimicking his whimpering cries. “A pathetic mess? Longing to plunge that aching cock deep inside-ee , ohh fuck .” It drove him crazy how much she was getting off on this the way he was. 
Konig’s body was at the point of trembling, his hips frantically rutting into his palm. “I’m whatever you want me to be, liebling.. You have me, I’m yours.” Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. “Oh, Tempest.” his incessant babbling continued in German, continued as he chased his Everest, reaching close to that peak.
Her moans grew louder, her breath growing shaky as his. “That’s it… just like that… are you close, too?”
“Y-yes,” Konig whispered. He couldn’t take it any longer, the thought of watching Tempest fingering her sweet pussy on the other line had the blood vessels in his temples bulge from his sweat-beaded skin.
“We’re gonna cum together, you and me.” Her moans reached higher pitches, nearly raising up an octave.
Konig squeezed his eyes shut, feeling his spend work its way up his shaft. “Liebling, oh shit… I’m- ” There was no returning from the shockwave that had him roaring her name. His body quaked as ropes of his release painted his abdomen. “Mein Gott,” his hips kept thrusting into his hand, and the tears broke free as he whimpered from the overstimulation.
He had to rip his hand away, laying there completely fucked out beyond comprehension.
All the while, he was listening to Tempest reach her own peak as he did. The line was filled with the sounds of their heaving breaths, her praises coming through in broken sentences. Konig stared at the pockmarked ceiling, realizing how irrefutably fucked he was, figuratively and quite literally, by the chokehold she had on his cock. 
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lullabyes22-blog · 3 months
FnF Characters in an Acting AU + Shipping AMV Reactions
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For you @frostybearpaws
Mel: Former model. Not just any model, mind you. We're talking Iman or Naomi Campbell levels of powerhouse. She is the muse for a dozen fashion brands, from Versace to St. Laurent. Fluent in a half-dozen languages. Has an MA in art history. A prodigy at piano and harpsichord. Her social media is sublime eye candy; she is lauded as a style icon, and highly sought after by Vanity Fair and Vogue for covers.
Champions tirelessly for better roles for black women in TV and film. Outspoken advocate of the #MeToo movement. Passionately antiwar, and works with a number of educational advocacy groups. Has even made a formal speech before Congress.
re: the AMVs - "Oh this is delightfully done." Flattered by the passionate responses of fans, and amused by the spirited fanbase split between Meljay and Melco. When asked who she ships: "Meljay, I'm afraid. Silco has his charming qualities. But Mel needs someone who will prioritize her, and only her."
Violet: Relative newcomer. Mostly typecast in sporty 'tough chick' roles. Had a big breakout role in a "Bend it Like Beckham" type early 2000s film. The scriptwriters chickened out with a heteronormative ending, but fans latched on to all the queer subtext in film. She's got a huge Insta following, due to her popularity in the fandom, her status as an LGBTQ+ icon, or her being an ex-pro athlete.
She's a big proponent for more diverse representation in pop culture. She also has a degree in gender studies, and is an avid fanfiction reader. She's even written some smutty one-shots of her own <3
re: the AMVs: "Wow. Just... wow." Speechless at how horny y'all are.  Like, off the chains horny. And she's totally not judging. At all. But... "Damn. Take a cold shower, guys."
Sssh. She ships CaitVi too.  And she agrees the Nao arc was uncalled for. "Idk what the writers were thinking. Vi would never cheat on Cait. Even if they did break up." </3
Jayce: Child actor who was thrust into the limelight after starring in a 1990s sitcom. It was cancelled, but ended up having a massive cult following. His last big project was the 2000s comedy flick, "Freaks of Zaun," which, despite a critical drubbing, remains a favorite of the genre. He's kind of a douche irl, but fans are still super into him. He's also an influencer, and runs a successful YouTube channel where he posts workout routines, travel vids, and other lifestyle-adjacent stuff.
Huge fanboy of his own character, and never shuts up about him.
re: the AMVs: "You know what? I kinda get it. These are pretty good." Is a little miffed at the whole "Jayce is an idiot" meme.  “Look, he's a fucking scientist. I don't think a stupid guy could pull off the invention of Hextech." He also doesn't appreciate the ship wars, especially when it gets into toxic territory. "C'mon, guys. It's acting. There are no actual relationships. Don't turn this into a hatefest."
Has gotten cancelled once already. He's since learned not to touch that particular can of worms.
Ships MelJay and tolerates JayVik. Blanches at the mention of JayCo.
Jinx: Total newbie to the industry. Was a former gymnast, and an Olympian in the making. A torn meniscus put her out of the competition. Her agent, who'd been trying to convince her to switch to acting, seized the opportunity to get her in front of the camera. She's never had a day's training. But she's a natural. Her energy is infectious, and her charm is unmatched. A real sweetheart, too. Loves dogs and is a vegan. Advocates tirelessly for animal rights.
re: the AMVs: Shrieking at the first video like a kid in a candy shop. "Is this real? How do I join?" The first to suggest livestreaming the cast's reactions. She's not a fan of shipping wars, but has a live-and-let live attitude. Will scroll through instagram liking any video or post that has #Timebomb in the tag - her favorite ship, btw. She also likes Melco, Sevilco and JayVik.
But not Cait/Vi. Or Jinx/Silco.
"Just... yuck."
(CaitVi shippers accuse her routinely of homophobia. She's not homophobic. She's ace-aro. She's just finds the CaitVi pairing boring.)
Sevika: A rising star, and a fan favorite. She was a former MMA fighter before an accident left her with a paralyzed left arm. She'd been content to go the rest of her life as a trainer, until a talent scout noticed her. She was cast as a supporting character in a cop procedural. It ran three seasons, but her charisma made her a longstanding fandom icon. Audiences in FnF have been clamoring for more screen time, and the writers have been accommodating. Rumor has it that they're working on an origin story arc, where she'll be the main character.
re: the AMVs: "How'd this become a thing? You're all fucking weird." Has an opinion on every video. Doesn't hold back. Her reviews are highly anticipated, and fans love her blunt commentary. She doesn’t ship anyone. But she will like any MelCo tags that cross her Twitter feed.
Not because she thinks they're hot, but because she hates Jayce, and thinks it'd be fun to watch him suffer.
Married IRL to Mel, whom she met on set<3
Caitlyn: Nepo baby. Her parents were both Academy Award-nominated actors, who met while filming a romcom. They've had an on-again, off-again relationship for the last thirty years. Cait has been in the industry her whole life, and acting professionally since she was five. Her resume is filled with romantic comedies and period pieces. She's been compared to Audrey Hepburn, and is considered a classic Hollywood beauty. Originally, she was cast in the role of Nandi, opposite "young" Silco. But the Vekauran community derided the casting as whitewashing, and her chemistry with young Silco was totally lacking. She was recast as Vi's romantic interest, and the rest is history.
She's a huge fan of CaitVi, and is known for her frequent appearances at Comic Con. Always happy to pose with cosplayers of her character. She also has a penchant for weird memes.
re: the AMVs: Has a very strict rule about never Googling her name. Opts out of the shipping wars, too. "If it makes people happy, who am I to judge?"
Vander: Former action star, and a fan favorite. Played a superhero vigilante in the late 80s. Known for his iconic lines: "We can do this the easy way. Or the hard way." He had a string of hit films before the industry shifted away from the genre. His career suffered, and he found himself typecast in a string of poorly-received knock-offs of his old films. His final movie tanked at the box office, and he nearly threw in the towel. But his manager convinced him to audition for the show.
He and Silco are known for their on-screen chemistry, and were the subject of a lot of "Are they?" questions. In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Vander even stated, "Look, I'd do Silco. It's no secret." Which caused quite the stir on the internet. Sources still aren’t sure if he meant the actor or the character.
He's a huge fan of the show, and a proud member of the fandom. He ships Jinx & Silco, but as platonic soul-family. He's also a CaitVi and Timebomb fan.
re: the AMVs: "Aww, this is cute." He's the most positive out of the bunch.  Is a bit weirded out by the fan obsession with his love life. "I mean, I'm flattered, really. But c'mon, guys. I have a husband." Is super active on Twitter, and frequently replies to fans.
Viktor: Little-known actor from a small country in Eastern Europe. He'd been an up-and-coming romantic hero, guest-starring in a popular soap opera. When a visa snafu kept him from appearing on the show, he was replaced. But the fans revolted. They loved the character, and didn't want to see him gone. The studio listened, and after he found good legal representation, he was able to secure a permanent work visa and keep the role.
Very sweet and reserved; he's not really into social media, or even the internet.
re: the AMVs: Totally geeking out over them. Has a huge crush on Jinxtor, but doesn't realize it's a no-no in the USA as Jinx is 18, and Viktor is 34. He enjoys JayVik as both a scienbros dynamic and as a romantic couple.
Favorite ship is SkyVik. He's even collaborated with a few AMV creators on Youtube on a whole collection of SkyVik videos.
"It's a tragic love story, no?"
Silco: Indie darling. He was a teen star in the early 80s, and garnered a small but loyal fanbase. His first film was a horror flick, where he played a troubled runaway who'd been possessed by a demon. The raw animalism of the performance garnered him a Golden Globe nomination, and his subsequent projects had a similar gothic flair. He's also starred in a number of subversive art house films. His breakout role was the dissolute vampire king in the cult classic, "Blood for Blood" - for which he snagged an Oscar nod.
IRL he's a vocal advocate for unionization, and regularly attends protests in support of worker's rights. Conversely, he's also a vocal proponent of capital punishment.
re: the AMVs: Is mystified at first. Then intrigued. Then appreciative. "This is quite good. The editing. The cinematography. The music. It's not all amateurish, as one might expect." Mostly, he's a silent observer. Always watching, and seldom commenting. A veritable mystery.
He ships CaitVi, but only for the aesthetic. Jilco gets a raised eyebrow and a headshake. Vanco gets a crooked smile. Sevilco, and he'll actually chuckle.
"You are a strange, strange people."
His favorite ship is Melco. Largely because he and Mel had a fling irl during his tenure on the show.
Ekko: Hearthrob of the fanbase. He's an influencer, and runs a YouTube channel where he reviews tech toys and gadgets. His fans are mostly teens, and he has an adorable 'too cool for school' schtick. He's a huge nerd, though, and is actually a prodigy when it comes to mechanical engineering. His parents were scientists, and he was homeschooled his whole life. He got his first TV role by winning a game show, where he had to create a prototype toy that would be marketed and sold to kids.
He's also the funniest out of the cast. And he knows it. Always quick with a zinger, and can turn even the most awkward situation into a comedy routine.
re: the AMVs: Cracks up over the first few videos. Then becomes an avid fan of the whole genre. Has a soft spot for Timebomb, but he and Jinx are friends irl, so he doesn't want to make things weird. Comes up with his own random ships to troll the fanbase.
Ekko/Vi - "A disaster. Imagine how awkward that would be."
Ekko/Mel - "She's totally out of his league. But I'm down to see how it would go."
Ekko/Sevika - "Now, that would be something. She is one hot mama."
Ekko/Jayce - "I'd top him. There, I said it."
Ekko/Cait - "She's totally a virgin. She'd die."
Ekko/Silco - "Fuck this guy, amirite? Literally."
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cerastes · 4 months
I picked up Qiubai from the current banner and know absolutely nothing about her. She worth leveling and if so is there anything I should know about her skills/talents and how best to use them?
Qiubai is one of those units whose banner was very untimely, smack between Lin and Chongyue's limited banner, and the Monster Hunter collab limited banner (not to mention that afterwards, there was Absolute Beast Ines to account for, and a bit farther down the road, fan favorite Muelsyse and Ho'olheyak), so a lot of people decided to skip her, making her one of the rarer Operators.
But I am not a lot of people, and my main reason is "She's Fucking Cool, Your Honor".
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I think she's a damn good Operator worth investing in. The main criticism levied against her, besides the unfortunate timing of her banner, is that she's Not Thorns, which is like looking at a successful and highly skilled physicist and saying that he's shit because he's not Albert Einstein. The actual criticism I would levy against her, as someone that uses her all the time, is that she does require a bit of presence of mind to use her due to the nature of her Talents requiring procs if she's not supported appropriately, and her S3 having a rather long downtime.
So, Talents (E2 no pots): First is whenever she attacks enemies affected by Slow or Bind, she deals 40% of her Attack as extra Arts damage. This is a good extra bit of juice you can squeeze out of every attack, as well as a means to deal with high Defense powerhouses. Second is that attacks have a 20% chance to Bind for 1.5 seconds. Attacks that proc this 20% apply Bind first and then count the attack, meaning that every time she procs her Second talent, her first Talent is also activated. This is true, to my knowledge, to all Operators with similar effects (such as enemies receiving extra damage when Stunned in her range; the Stunning hit benefits from this extra damage instead of having to follow up to start benefiting). Her attack interval is 1.3, meaning that whenever she procs Talent 2, she'll usually get two free Talent 1 procs in, "usually" because sometimes the enemy is actually at the edge of her range or just wandered off, and the projectile doesn't land in time.
S1 is your least used Skill, probably, but it's not useless: It's Bind centric, and Binds the enemy for 2.5 (3 M3; M3 numbers in parenthesis from hereon) seconds, followed by a small AoE explosion of 240% (300%) Arts damage once it expires. It is Automatic and Attack Charged on a low limit of 5 SP (4 SP) so it reliably gets fired off. It's honestly not a bad skill, it's just that her S2 and S3 exist.
S2 changes her range into a single file 4 tiles forward and immediately slashes all these tiles to deal 240% (300%) Arts damage and enemies in this slashed ground are Slowed throughout the duration, 5 seconds. QB gets an steroid of +90% (+140%) Attack for these 5 seconds, and when the skill expired, the initial slash explodes once again for 240% (300%) Physical damage. The slash itself CANNOT hit air units, but QB's regular attack can, be wary of this. This Skill is your go-to for general use when you just need to kill regular enemies and elites, since it gives her phenomenal true AoE capabilities, a strong steroid, and since enemies are Slowed in the slashed area, she will proc Talent 1 every time while Skill is active (against ground units, that is). All of this on a very good timer of 12 SP (10 SP), making this skill's strength its ability to reliable, consistently use it: It's ALWAYS ready when you need it, and on longer fights against very strong enemies that you need to stall for a bit, you can use it several times.
S3 changes her range to one extra side tile forward, changes damage type entirely to Arts, Talent 1 is augmented by 1.5x (2x), gives QB +45% (+55%) Attack, Lord ranged attack penalty is negated, QB attacks 2 extra targets, so 3 total per attack, and each attack animation she does gives her 13+ ASPD for the duration of the skill, stacking up to 6 (8) times. This is QB's burst skill to deal with numerous strong enemies or even just one strong enemy, to be honest. She'll become a machine gun of Arts damage, and since she's attacking so fast, she'll likely keep proccing Talent 2 repeatedly, meaning, even more damage from Talent 1, which in itself also gets augmented. The sole weakness of this skill is that it exists on a 55 SP charge, unlike her very fast S1 and S2. It lasts 30 seconds. I recommend Mastering this skill first because its gains are actually very good, due to the Attack bonus and the Talent 1 augmentation coming into play for a very drastic increase in damage.
S2 is true AoE so you use it to deal with many enemies, S3 is Arts burst so you use it to delete strong enemies. You want to pair QB up with people that can Slow or Bind enemies so you can constantly enjoy Talent 1 bonuses instead of relying on Talent 2 procs. Her Best Match is Suzuran S3 for QB's S3, since that'll just make her become absurdly devastating, but for less bursty options (Suzuran's S3 also has long downtime), you can use Angelina S2, Podenco S2, Ethan, Dorothy S2, and other such Decel Binders and Operators with consistent ability to Slow or Bind. KEEP IN MIND: It needs to be the status effect known as Slow, capitalized, not just any slow effect! Meaning, Ch'en the Holungday, for example, who spreads movement speed slowing areas with her Skills, DOES NOT combo with QB for Talent 1 purposes. It needs to be the status known as Slow (which reduces enemy movement speed by 80%).
QB's main strengths are the ability to vary damage types, synergize well with support units to hose out great damage, have reliable true AoE that can be spammed, and good burst when that is necessary, further improved by synergizing well with a popular and strong Operator (Suzuran). QB's main drawbacks are that her S3 exists on rather long downtime, and that against highly Resistant enemies, her Skills will not fare particularly well, as they all have an Arts damage component to them (you'll mainly want to use S2 here, since her steroid affects her Phys damage output and the expiration explosion is Phys).
Overall, a very fun and strong Operator! I recommend investing in her, yeah.
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PIP: Yes and I'll get the uhm
PIP: I'll get the uh
PIP: I’ll get
PIP: …
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PIP: Lemme get ahhhh
PIP: Boneless Pizza 
PIP: And uh
PIP: Two liter of uh
PIP: Coke
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HEIDI: The fuck kinda pizza?
HEDI: And the two liter machine broke, we got one liter tho
PIP: The fuck you mean B?
PIP: Alright look, 
PIP: Let me get that pizza BONELESS
HEIDI: Uh? Pizza don't got bone in it
PIP: Tf did I just say then
HEIDI: U said "Lemme get it BONELESS " like pizza got a damn bone in it
PIP: Y'all got BONES in ya shit then
PIP: So what's the problem?
HEIDI: DICK HEAD name one pizza that got bone on it
PIP: Just don't put them shits in my pizza bruh how many times I gotta say it
HEIDI: Bruh jus explain to me how tf pizza can be boneless?
PIP: If it don't got bone in it iss boneless
HEIDI: Son, what school u go to
PIP: dawg I don't understand the problem just make my shit BONELESS  DEADASS
HEIDI: I'm deadass not making this pizza…
PIP: Fine, then you deadass  better get me exactly what I want
PIP: Why are you so…
PIP: frumpy?
HEIDI: Excuse me?
PIP: You heard me
PIP: You won't even get me a boneless pizza 
PIP: How do you think that makes you look?
HEIDI: erm.
HEIDI: You wanna play that way, huh?
HEIDI: Number 1, F = (m)(a) = (1000 kg)( 3 m/s²) =
3000 N.
PIP: What.
HEIDI: HMMMM a = F/a = 200 N / 2.5 m/s² = 80kg
PIP: Is there a manager I can speak to?
HEIDI: One is centripetal, two is negative acceleration, three is plate tectonics, four is relative motion, five is slope—
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HEIDI: What do you want you low budget Super Sonic?
TWEEK: Uh yeah uh
TWEEK: What's this thing?
HEIDI: Do you have are stupid?
TWEEK: What?
HEIDI: Do you.
HEIDI: Have are.
HEIDI: Stupid?
HEIDI: Bitch?
TWEEK: What nonsense are you speaking?
HEIDI: That is a MENU
HEIDI: Say it with me
TWEEK: Oh! A Meenew!
TWEEK: Cool!
PIP: Ignore him, he’s an imbecile
TWEEK: Hey! I'm not…
PIP: Anyways, he’ll have a pudding
HEIDI: We don't serve pudding here
TWEEK: No… no pudding???
HEIDI: No sir, we don’t have pudding
TWEEK: ( starts to cry like a lil bitch )
HEIDI: We have jello?
PIP: He’ll just take a coffee
PIP: Shut
PIP: The
TWEEK: ( Ugly Crying )
HEIDI: Kkkkkkayyyyy…
HEIDI: What does the walking fetus want?
PIP: The what?
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HEIDI: The child
HEIDI: What can we get for your child?
TWEEK: Right! My
TWEEK: My child
TWEEK: Her names Silly String
HEIDI: Cool cool cool
HEIDI: What does… HEIDI: Silly String
HEIDI: Want to eat
TWEEK: What do kids eat?
TWEEK: Do  kids even eat?
HEIDI: Yes, kids eat, captain obvious
PIP: Tweek she’s eating a crayon
TWEEK: Do kids eat crayons?
PIP: No they do not
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HEIDI: Does Silly String
HEIDI: Want the jello instead?
TWEEK: I'm not feeding her that garbage
PIP: Can we just get a round of tater tots?
PIP: Please
HEIDI: Whatever gets me to stop talking to you 
HEIDI: And whatever gets me paid 
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PIP: Well! That went over nicely!
TWEEK: You slapped me
PIP: It's a start
TWEEK: It's really not 
PIP: I'm recovering
PIP: I'm changing
PIP: I'm metamorphosing
PIP: I'm evolving
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TWEEK: Whatever
TWEEK: You seeing this shit, Silly String? 
SILLY STRING: ( Grunt of disapproval  )
PIP: What, so you’re getting your child to hate me too?
TWEEK: You  hate us
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PIP: I mean
PIP: True
PIP: But I'm changing
PIP: Okay I'm lying
PIP: But Estella put me in a fucking time out
PIP: So I have to act  nice
PIP: Even though I really
PIP: Don’t want to be
SILLY STRING: ( confused grunt )
TWEEK: Estella's your grandma, Silly String 
SILLY STRING: ( surprised grunt )
PIP: Ugh
PIP: I hate Mum…
TWEEK: You see her as a mom too?
PIP: She's just so overprotective of us all the damn time
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TWEEK: Don't shout!
TWEEK: There's people behind us…
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TWEEK: Why the fuck are they looking at us like that?
PIP: It's the queer stare
PIP: They're harshly judging you
TWEEK: Oh god…
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TWEEK: Heyyyyy
TWEEK: Silly String, say hi
SILLY STRING: ( excited grunting  )
TWEEK: You all look
TWEEK: SO  cool
TWEEK: Did you come from the Pride Parade?
TWEEK: Er- I mean…
TWEEK: This is my son
TWEEK: …Daughter?
TWEEK: Child?
TWEEK: I don't know what Silly String is…
PIP: Didn’t you call her, “her ” earlier?
TWEEK: I mean,
TWEEK: That doesn't mean I know
TWEEK: What are  you, Silly String?
SILLY STRING: ( I don't know grunt )
PIP: It's a mystery!
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PIP: How are you all this lovely evening?
PIP: Just SWELL I presume?
TWEEK: Pip your eye is twitching
TWEEK: No… no pretty sure it's twitching
TWEEK: …Sure…
(Edits made by @pissblanket and @zemoleinyourtrashcan)
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sgiandubh · 10 months
Hi! Hope you’re well! What’s your favorite SC moment?
Dear Moment Anon,
I'm more than ok: enjoying a calmer week at the office and the lazy end of summer vibe, in this very old and very clumsy city like no other I've ever lived in - how about you?
Sorry for the delayed answer and blame it on the different time zones. I read your message this morning, while having my second frappé of the day and let it hang on somewhere, on the outskirts of my brain. So, there goes (and just so you know, I love this kind of questions):
There are so many, it's almost excruciating to pick one. But if I leave aside all the promo interviews, the BTS and the photoshoots (oh, the epic one in Prague and ah, the tender one in South Africa, hehe), it would have to be this, and not for the ehrm... reason you'd immediately think about:
The NYC Saks Fifth Avenue interview, on April 7, 2016. Blink it and you'll miss it, because it's all about the first 17 seconds of a very revealing moment (yes, her bag and yes, his trousers - IYKYK). He was flustered, he told her so, she immediately got the memo and went into full battledress mode. She did exactly what I would do and what you would do, for that matter: she spontaneously claimed him, calmed him down in two seconds and took the bull by the horns. That, Anon, is not your best friend pulling you out of a quirky situation, but flawless, genuine couple dynamics and Symbiosis 101. You can't make this up. This is not fan service. This is them.
On a very close second place, Icecreamgate in Atlanta (2018). But that is another story, at a different moment in time, when it was clear these people were consistently sharing way more than a spoon. A flat, for example.
And I cannot resist sharing with you what will always be, for me, a flagrant S&C/J&C overlapping moment, something that still moves me to tears, every damned single time:
We don't talk enough, I think, about the beauty that A. Malcolm is, probably because of the book crowd's disappointment. After reading carefully the scene in Voyager, I am going to stick with the movie. I know, oh là là, blasphemy again, but I found the book version wanting and a bit expected. Whereas, this...words are useless: what can perfect mean, when you watch it? Oh, Sam Roland Heughan, the acting powerhouse that you are (and totally unaware of it). But without a real life and love experience, this scene would have looked very differently, I think. Also, knowing what we do, by now, how is it possible not to find completely arresting and utterly moving that "there's the two of us, now" line, right there?
Thanks, Anon. I had something else in mind for this evening and I still do. A bit later, though. :)
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epickiya722 · 10 months
Every time I see someone say they don't find Midoriya interesting, a piece of me just fades away. I know he doesn't look it, but he's batshit crazy. He is a damn wild card.
All Might decided to give OFA after seeing this kid do something crazy (running ahead to save Bakugou from the Sludge Villain... defenseless).
After that, for training, what does Midoriya do?
CLEAN A BEACH!! Keep in mind, he is just a scrawny kid. And then one morning, he just decides "I'm about to do something wild".
He climbs up a pile of trash, and just screams into oblivion with a war cry, shirtless just as the sun is rising.
That's just the beginning!
Kid has punched a robot the size of a building, attempts to fight an obviously dangerous villain with broken bones.
Later during the Sports Festival, he manages to make a new friend with Icy-Hot Princey boy who holds a grudge (I mean rightfully so, but this ain't about him) by breaking his bones and screaming at him and could have got himself killed in doing so. Oh wait! Rewind! Before that, Midoriya goes through an obstacle course race without using his quirk and just being calculating.
AND GETS FIRST PLACE before kids with quirks that can boost their speed!!
After that arc, he faces a whole serial killer!! He gets told not to run off and guess what? He does it anyways!
You know what, let me just list things he is and has done the best way I can because when I say this kid is not what he seems, he is not what he seems.
Doesn't listen, "I do what I want because it's right even though I'll get yelled at for it". Okay, this kid is impulsive sometimes.
Puts up with Bakugou and calls this explosive kid "Kacchan". Who in the hell gives that boom-boom gremlin a cutesy nickname and not once get told to stop using it? Midoriya damn Izuku, that's who.
Wears t-shirts that says other pieces of clothing like "blouse" and "tank top". WHERE DID HE GET THEM?!
Can mimic All Might's face and voice!
Has to be told to keep his emotions in check because they affect OFA, his strongest emotion being anger. And when he's angry, just beg for mercy. Just get on your knees and hope he doesn't break your face or something and embarrasses you. (Muscular got it twice as he deserves!)
Faced an ASSASSIN.
Somehow managed to still move like it's nothing after being shocked by KAMINARI and after that, headbutting through Todoroki's ice wall (by accident). (Class 1A VS Deku fight)
Midoriya is intelligent, he's observant. He's able to work how the function of someone's quirk just by watching. He was able to figure out how Stain's quirk worked and how he's using it. Stain, the Hero Killer.
On that note, he uses his knowledge to incorporate that in his own moves and how he can work with OFA. Midoriya is creative.
Even though he knows the risks, he sometimes pushes his body to the limit and breaks his bones and sometimes still wants to fight despite his body being damaged at that time.
Tried to talk down Dabi the same way as he did with Todoroki and honestly, he deserves some credit for that. It didn't worked, but he tried talking to DABI. Dabi is something else.
There's probably more I missed, but I'm just saying Midoriya Izuku is just more than that sweet round freckled face. And you wouldn't think with that face he would have the body he does. He used to be a scrawny kid. But now? He is a pint-sized powerhouse!
Do not take him lightly. He needs to come with a warning label!
Look, if he's boring to you, fine. I don't care. Didn't write this post to convince you.
I wrote this post to express just how I feel about him.
I know some people are put off by him because "he's the protagonist, he gets a lot of the spotlight".
But that's not stopping me. I mean, Miruko is my number one tied with Midoriya and she shares a lot less focus than he does! To me, a character doesn't have to be minor or a major one to be liked. I look past that role and see their other qualities and in the case of Midoriya, I like his qualities enough for him to be an interesting character to me.
Which is rare for me because my favorites often be the minor characters, characters that don't get as much screen time and aren't as popular. Even for BNHA! A lot of my favorites are characters that haven't spoken in the manga since forever!
(For goodness' sake, I know I'll sound salty for this and I do adore the other characters! The Todoroki's got a whole arc and even an origin to how their whole mess started dating back to when Enji and Rei met! And we still don't know Midoriya’s dad whereabouts! WE KNOW HAWKS' BACKSTORY!! AND WE STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT HISASHI LOOKS LIKE!! Midoriya barely has had focus for how many chapters this whole ongoing war arc now? Just saying, even though there's a lot of characters, let's not act as if Midoriya gets the spotlight all the time.)
That's just me now.
(Don't even reblog and say something like "Okay, I see your point, OP, but I still think he's boring." Or argue why he's boring to you. Don't even come into my inbox with all that. Again, I do not care.)
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ladysisyphus · 1 year
Okay! Now that we have finished it, I would like to take this moment to recommend the Chinese drama The Disguiser.
It is a must-watch if you liked Nirvana in Fire, because of course it's the same director and a significant chunk of that same cast, except all playing significantly different roles with different dynamics.
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For normal people, you should give it a go if you like:
spies in suits
the amazing east-meets-west aesthetic of late 1930s Shanghai
international incidents
acknowledgements that non-marriage-trajectory relationships can still be important and intimate
minimal unfounded valorization of heterosexuality (like, I can't really explain this one without spoilers, but trust me)
but when the heterosexuality happens, it's cute? so you can't really begrudge it for happening
pretty men getting tortured horrifically
some amazing female villains, like seriously, most of the main bad guys are ladies and they're powerhouses
transparently hilarious try-hard patriotic shit
the inherent eroticism of having someone who loves you shoot you with a sniper rifle
did I mention the suits? because damn
an ending that is satisfying and not relentlessly, senselessly tragic
For perverts, let me sell the show to you like this:
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大姐. Elegant and terrifying. Will make you kneel and hit you with a flogger, but only because she loves you. Mommy? Sorry. (Not sorry.)
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大哥. Executive homosexual. Will bend you over a bench and paddle you in the foyer, but only because da jie told him to.
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弟弟. Should not, from what I understand of the book (and the musical???), be the main character, except he's Hu Ge, so of course he's the main character. Spoiled little gremlin. Everybody's baby. Has a real weird daddy thing going with a very bad man, if you're into that. Bisexual slut powers activated, but only patriotically.
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弟弟 #2. Adopted when he was ten. Just like a member of the family except when he's not. Faithful right hand and subordinate of da ge, whom he tops so hard. (But seriously, they're in love.) (No, really. They're basically married.) (I sense the source material has him a little saltier about his station in life, but in the show, he never shows an inkling of being anything but perfectly content doing what he does.) Sultry baritone. Will hold you down so da ge can spank you.
And I'm going to say that pervert shit runs strong throughout what little fandom there is, at least as AO3 would have it:
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Which is what happens if you include everything tagged for the Disguiser. If you filter it by English-language works only...
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And some of those that say they're in English aren't even in English! They're just pretending to be in English! What I'm saying is, if you feel like making kinky things for a bitty little fandom, this is the place.
Now! If I've sold you on it, here is how to watch it:
Option 1: KissAsian. Upside: Subtitled by the same Viki team that did the Nirvana in Fire subtitles, so they're absolutely readable and like 98% comprehensible. Downside: Slightly sketchy site.
Option 2: YouTube. Upside: It's YouTube; different translation that's also perfectly okay; hardcoded Chinese subs. Downside: Whoever formatted the hardcoded English subs did not put anything behind the plain white text, so any time the English text appears over a bright background (which is curiously often), the words disappear.
Also there's a musical??? that came out in 2021????? If I find a link to a full production of that, I'll come back here and update. The clips I've seen of it look great, though.
Look, this is not a show for everyone. It's got some gore and torture and onscreen injury that's pretty disturbing. It portrays the truly awful realities of Japanese occupation of China during this period. The rah-rah communism! bits are at best hokey and at worst distasteful. It can be slow at times and way too condensed at others. If you're not familiar with this period of history, it's tough to keep track of all the various resistance factions. Because of the spycraft and double-agent business, it can be legitimately tricky to remember who's lying to whom about what at any given moment.
Nonetheless, pervert shit aside, it's a solid story about a complicated quartet of siblings who love and also injure one another, and all the people who love/hate them. There are plenty of genuinely tense moments. The hairstyling and costuming are perfectly on point. The actors turn in some stellar performances. As I alluded to in my bullet points, it has an ending that includes some tragic elements, but not so many that it'll sink all your ships and ruin your day. And I tell you what, this show is legitimately horny for everyone in this car:
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So if you watch it, let me know what you think!
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mastermindmp3 · 26 days
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Well, we've finally reached it. The song that made me first start crying on my initial TTPD listen.
There's so much to this song, so much about how we use up and discard the women who make culture. Clara Bow is about the women who get held up as touchstones posthumously / very late into their careers. Swift has stated that she pulled from actual examples used about her, but I can think of so many more that could've been pulled in board rooms.
You look like Gwen Stefani, you look like Brittney Spears, you look like a Spice Girl. I can think of so, so many examples, beyond the ones who are listed in Clara Bow. We, as in the public consciousness, forget the women who shaped the imagery we love. Billie Holiday shaped jazz and pop, Anna May Wong as a pivotal film actress in Hollywood's earliest days, and Sister Rosetta Tharpe for rock and roll. For a very long time, any plus size woman trying to get into music was compared to Adele, and now it's Lizzo.
Young women, especially those in the media industry, are constantly, constantly inundated with women we are supposed to be like, but not entirely. We're supposed to be the better version of them, damned with faint praise. A line that has, in hindsight, stuck out to me was "You look like Stevie Nicks in '75, the hair and lips," because... Why '75?
Obviously, part of it is for the rhyme scheme. But the song is told entirely in quotes, something someone said. Swift looks like Stevie Nicks in '75, because she looks like Stevie when she was young, when she was "new," when she was dazzling.
That's not to say that Stevie Nicks isn't a powerhouse now. She still performs, still writes. She performed this year! In 2024! And yet, she will forever be frozen in '75, when she was with Fleetwood Mac and was releasing their self-titled album, in the throes of writing Rumorus. ( side note: please read the history of Rumours writing process. )
It's an endless cycle: women's ideas are taken, consumed by the public, and when only the bones remain, they're used to compare.
"Promise to be dazzling" is the ending line of the chorus - and it's both a beautiful, poignant reminder that the women listed in the song have captured audience's hearts and minds, and a threat. Promise us that you'll be dazzling, you'll forever be sixteen, forever hold up these ideals and stay the exact same.
I think Swift said it best herself, "There's this thing people say about celebrities, that they're frozen at the age they got famous." The demand is: promise to remain the newest thing, and we will always love you.
The truth is that, well, it's not possible. The promise is designed to not be kept. When public opinion turns on these women, it's to detract from their legacy of art.
Getting older is not a curse, it's a gift. We have so many public figures who didn't get that gift, who are frozen at 18, at 22, at 27. And yet, the societal demand is that women stay young, women can only be beautiful, can only be successful if they are young.
A couple of other songwriting notes.
"Did you know you'd be picked, like a rose?" Another question from imaginary men in meetings; did you know, you would be picked to be the new great thing? Did you know, that you too will begin to wilt under the pressure?
I love the repeats of "I'm not trying to exaggerate, but I think I might die if it happened to me / I might die if I made it." Because it relates back to that idea of how caustic fame is. How everyone around the Narrator (very much Swift, in this case) can see how she's being affected by it, and are indirectly praising her for being so strong. Neverminding that this entire album is a statement, a saying of "fame has drained me so, please let me off this pedestal."
But, didn't you know? "[You're] flesh and blood amongst war machines / You're the new god we're worshiping."
That final verse - You look like Taylor Swift, in this light, we're loving it. You've got edge, she never did. The future's bright, dazzling. Her delivery of the lines is soft, but the intent is clear. It doesn't actually matter who the imaginary board director is addressing - it doesn't matter which of the new generation of pop artists look, sound, act, are like Taylor Swift.
What matters, I think, is the warning. Don't let them do this to you. Do not let them tell you that youth is all you have, do not let them make you follow the mold of women before you, that you may only ever be bejeweled right now.
The future, too, is dazzling.
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crackedpumpkin · 10 months
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[ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 ] | [ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ] | [ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ]
The Kidnapper [ 10:00 AM ]: ink or Grey?
The Kidnapper [ 10:00 AM ]: *Pink
The Kidnappee [ 10:30 AM ]: ink is good.
The Kidnapper [ 10:35 AM ]: i despise everything you currently stand for.
“Who’re you texting?”
You subtly place your phone screen-side down, turning to flash Nicole a bright smile. “No one,” You shrug, lying through your teeth. She hums for a moment, thoughtful eyes trained on you before she decides to pass over it. 
“Have you finished your essay yet?” 
“I’m almost offended you asked.” You pull out your essay with a scoff, placing it on your table as your phone buzzes with a new notification. You check it out of curiosity, inhaling sharply.
- [ The Kidnappee ] has changed your name to [ Anti-Hero ] -
Damn. He really got you there. 
Anti-Hero [ 10:37 AM ]: this is a forcibly implemented stereotype.
- [ Anti-Hero ] has changed [ The Kidnappee ] to [ :/ ] -
:/ [ 10:37 AM ]: :/
“Can I have a look?” Nicole takes the completed assignment from your table once you nod, scanning through it. You had barely gotten enough sleep last night, having scrounged up just enough motivation to hand in this assignment early so that you could focus on other things worth your time, and thanking the gods for thesaurus dot com.
For instance, there was a new cafe you’d been wanting to try out lately. You’d heard that they had this new pastry – croffles, as they call it. Fortunately, you happened to have a little spare cash in your rapidly depleting bank account, but as one says, life is only lived when you eat good food. 
Plus, who else to go cafe hopping with than your best friend?
“Oh, I can’t make it today.” You stare at Nicole who cooly informs you of her sudden withdrawal from today’s plans. “My mom asked me to pick something up from her, and it’s pretty much on the other side of town. Plus, don’t you have to babysit tonight?”
“Well, yeah but-”
“I’ll pay for the next cafe.”
“Have fun!” You grin, overjoyed at the prospect of a free meal. One can never turn down food, especially when it’s for free. Nicole rolls her eyes with a slight smile at your response, though you can tell that she’s amused. 
“What about Michael?” 
“He’s got basketball today,” Nicole says, handing you back the essay and sending you an odd look when she notices your raised brows. “What?”
“Looks like someone’s been keeping tabs on him,” You tease lightly, leaning over and nudging her shoulder. She pushes you off with a grunt, lips tugged down into a frown. 
“That’s because he never shuts up.” 
“Sure, sure,” You dismiss with a lighthearted sigh, already starting to text on your phone once more. If Nicole wasn’t free, and Michael was busy…it didn’t leave you with many alternative options. It’s not like you didn’t have many friends per say, it was more of a social network. 
Plus, it never hurts to make connections either. 
Anti-Hero [ 11:00 AM ]: are you busy today?
Anti-Hero [ 11:00 AM ]: or does spiderman have somewhere to be?
:/ [ 11:00 AM ]: i dont think so, dont really have anything on after school. 
:/ [ 11:02 AM ]: why?
:/ [ 11:30 AM ]: ?
You place your phone back into your pocket with a slight grin, paying attention to the teacher who had just started her lesson. The phone continues to buzz, probably more new messages from Miles questioning the sudden enquiry.
Guess you have someone to go with to the cafe after all. 
— — — — — 
“The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.”
“This is an English paper,” Nicole points out. You frown at the paper on your desk, your name scrawled at the top left along with today’s date. 
“That’d explain it,” you mutter, going back to your sketchbook where your half-finished artwork remains. The pages are wrinkled with multiple attempts to erase any mistakes, but the familiar sight of Spiderman leaning back against a bench and chilling is the picture of peace. 
On an empty page is where you’d just started doodling, ideas beginning to flow through you from mind to paper. You’d doodled a rough outline of a bouquet, having lightly sketched two hands holding them out. The flowers were a mix of different types, each with a common meaning - peace. The idea had occurred to you during class, the serenity of the first sketching session with Miles ingrained in your mind. 
It was nice. And that made you wonder what other things were nice and peaceful too. Going on walks counted, didn’t they? Granted, you don’t really go on them often but when you did, it always helped clear your mind of whatever thoughts were plaguing you. Usually you’d head to a nearby park to just walk around aimlessly. The trees were nice during autumn, its leaves turning all sorts of colours and curling up as they withered. 
It’s fun to step on them and hear the soft crunch, the sound oddly satisfying. The flowers were nice too, different types blooming in various seasons throughout the year. Flowers were always given during graduations and ceremonies, especially in the form of celebration and congratulations. You’d heard from Michael that each flower had a different meaning. Roses typically signified love, but it could get as specific as white roses meaning purity, while red roses were a profession of love from one person to another.
You wonder which flower signifies peace. Upon a quick google search (away from the laser-like gaze of your teacher of course), you find out that such flowers included lavender, violets, white poppies, and peonies among the many that did. 
You prop the phone up against your pencil case, grateful for the fact that you’re seated in the back with a lower chance of being caught by the teacher. Pencil meets paper, and you soon find yourself with a half completed bouquet, with incredibly detailed petals of each flower.
However, you’re rudely interrupted by the bell, Nicole having set down a new assignment the teacher had handed out at the end of her class. Your next period was art and you bid Nicole with a hasty goodbye before rushing down the crowded hallways to the classroom. 
Once you open the door, you sit down at your usual spot and open your sketchbook in one fluid movement, continuing to draw while you’re still in the zone. You could feel your productivity practically shooting through the roof, knowing that if you stopped here you wouldn’t be able to continue for quite a while and inevitably end up procrastinating.
But not for this piece, no. It’s something solid. You can feel it.
After what feels like an eternity, you finally look up from the sketchbook, wincing when the stiff muscles in your neck protest from the sudden movement. Taking a moment to look around you, you notice that it’s almost the end of class. Miss Dawson is seated at her desk, looking through homework submissions other students had handed in a while ago. 
She senses your gaze, meeting yours with a knowing smile. You shrug simply, holding up your sketchbook with a smug smirk. Her eyes scan the page, acknowledging the work with a single satisfied nod. Delight blooms in your chest at her approval, setting it down and admiring it for yourself. 
To think that your first serious work after your drawing slump is something that you’re more than satisfied with. 
Looks like this muse thing is working out well for you after all. 
— — — — — 
You don’t run into Nicole and Michael until the last period before the bell rings, the both of them leaving as soon as its shrill chime echoes through the school. You wave goodbye, Nicole shoving Michael away as soon as he tries to drape his arm around her shoulders once more. 
You snicker at the sight, shaking your head fondly at his antics. It’s only a matter of time till they finally get together. You’re more than willing to help, only if they’d just voice it out, the idiots. 
You finally open the unread messages from Miles, but don’t reply even as you exit the school and make your way to Brooklyn Visions Academy. A cool breeze greets the exposed skin of your arms, having taken off the thin cardigan you’d worn to school in the chilly morning. 
The familiar building soon comes into view, and you spot Miles exiting the gates. You check the time on your phone. 2.30PM. Perfect.
“Come on loser, we’re going shopping!” You greet him enthusiastically, waving energetically. The bright smile on your lips only grows when you see the pure confusion and panic in his eyes.
“Wh-What’re you doing here?” He asks you as you skip merrily towards him. Sensing a few eyes on him, he gently grabs your wrist and pulls you to one side, away from most of the crowd. 
You spot the beads of sweat forming on his brow, and the visibly distressed frown on his lips. Although you took great pleasure in seeing him become so unnerved by you, now isn’t the time for such pleasantries to be exchanged. You remove your hand from his grasp, lightly patting his back instead with a charming smile. 
“Calm down, I’m just here to pick you up. We’re going to a croffle cafe!” Miles pauses, looking down at you in disbelief. He takes a moment to stare at you, before sliding a hand down his face as his brows furrow, trying to process your words. He exhales, eyes squeezed shut while you wait patiently, utterly amused as you watch him go through the stages of acceptance. 
“A cross between croissant and waffle,” You clarify, tugging on his sleeve. “C’mon, we gotta get there before everything’s sold out!”
He starts to walk, allowing you to drag him along to wherever the cafe is located. He falls into step beside you, matching your pace. It’s quiet for a moment before he speaks, breaking the slightly awkward silence.
“So, you didn’t have anyone else to go with?” He questions, still bewildered and slightly taken aback by your sudden appearance at his school. 
You frown, shaking your head. “Nah, my friends were busy so I decided to bring you along since you said you were free today.” The subtle glance you throw his way doesn’t escape his notice, looking down at his uniform you had given a once-over. 
“What’s wrong with my uniform?”
“Nothing, it’s just…Aren’t you hot or something?” You question curiously, surprised by his tolerance to the sudden sweltering sun that decided to make its presence known to everyone under it a short while ago. 
He shrugs, smirking as he secures the blazer around his waist, unbuttoning it and letting it fall to his sides. “It’s a choice.”
“Like your shoes?” You point out, eyeing the way his untied shoelaces land into a small puddle on the pavement. He nods casually, seemingly having accepted that his afternoon was now going to be spent accompanying you.
“I have choices,” He defends with an emotionless smile. You roll your eyes playfully. Thankfully, the apartment buildings around you provide plenty of shade from the heat, though you were still sweating a rather moderate amount. 
An array of buildings and trees pass by in a colourful blur, the cafe finally coming into view. The interior is both modern and sleek, the doorbell attached to the top of the door chiming as you open it. The workers inside greet you with a cheerful hello, and you nod back with a shy smile, flustered by their warm greeting. You make your way to the second floor without hesitation, setting down your bag on the chair that faces the ceiling-to-floor windows, offering a beautiful view of the bustling junction. 
Miles quickly makes himself comfortable in his own seat, curious fingers pulling his phone out and scanning the QR Code that had been laminated onto the table. You do the same, scrolling through the extensive menu the cafe had. 
“What’s a cherry-ade?” 
“It’s kinda like a lemonade, just cherry flavoured and usually more fizzy. I heard this cafe is known for their savoury croffles, but I really wanna try their croffle and ice cream combination. Plus, I saw that they sell plum-ade here too.” You explain, already placing an order on your phone and setting it down on the table after.
“Chicken and croffles,” Miles hums thoughtfully, glancing back down at a menu option. You lean over the table between you both, peeking at his phone. He instinctively moves it away, but your inquisitive gaze makes him relent, showing you the screen where an order for the chicken croffle and plum-ade is placed. 
“So you’re a savoury person? I bet you like mint chocolate chip ice cream too,” You remark, shifting in your seat and getting comfortable. 
“What’s so bad about mint chocolate chip ice cream?” Miles takes offence to that statement, narrowing his eyes at you. You squint back at him, already gearing yourself up to put forth your stance.
“You’re basically biting into toothpaste,” you state with complete and utter certainty, undeterred by the shock in his eyes when he hears your words. 
“Okay, I mean it’s not any of my business as to what you get up to in the mornings but if getting little gunky bits stuck in your teeth is your idea of a wonderful start to the day, be my guest.”
“Wait, no. Biting? You bite your ice cream?” He repeats, completely baffled by this discovery and forgoing everything else you’ve said. 
“Yeah, and it’s seriously like biting into chocolate toothpaste bro,” You answer coolly with a disapproving shake of your head.  
“Do your teeth not hurt?” He asks curiously. 
You pause for a moment, looking down at the folded hands on your lap before answering. “Not really, but I’ve never really thought about it before. Also, it’s just way more convenient all ‘round.”
“But you wouldn’t get to savour it!”
“And you’d rather have it drip onto your hands and let them become sticky?”
“Use tissues then?”
“God, you’re so weird,” You grunt out through an annoyed huff, though the smile on your face suggests otherwise. Before he can retort however, a sweet voice interrupts you both. The waitress arrives with the tray of food, setting it down on your table and leaving after you both give her your thanks.
“So, this is a croffle.” 
You look down at the freshly made croffle on the plate, the vanilla ice cream on top already beginning to melt as steam wafts from the hot pastry. You shut your eyes and inhale deeply, warmth blooming in your chest from the prospect of a delicious lunch.w
You’re already starting to salivate. 
Your fork and knife are inches away from cutting into the croffle, looking up at him with a frown. Who is he to stop you from digging into your well-deserved sweet treat? 
“Bite into it,” Miles smirks, using his own fork to gesture to the ice cream that was surprisingly maintaining its shape after being scooped. 
“Whatever you say, bug boy,” You shrug, using your fork to scoop a huge portion of the ice cream and instantly bite down, chewing calmly. The vanilla is just as sweet and as velvety smooth as you’d expected, eliciting a blissful hum from your throat.
“Guess you weren’t lying,” Miles purses his lips, taking a sip of the plum-ade. You copy him, the refreshing tang of the plum extract only making you want more whilst the fizziness of the soda water cools you from the earlier heat. The air conditioning helps too, you suppose. 
“This…isn’t half bad,” He muses with an approving hum, taking another look at the glass with an impressed gaze. 
“Love me a good plum-ade.” You nod in utter seriousness, unable to hold back a smile from his short laugh. He looks away and takes another sip, relaxing against the chair and watching people pass by below them.
“So, you found out who I was after you saw me climb up the window? Are you really sure about that?”
“You’re kidding.” You say incredulously, shooting him a dubious look and gesturing to the opposite building. “Like, I almost did a double take just seeing you crawl up the wall and into your dorm. It was as obvious as if you did it right in front of us, right now.”
You almost laugh at his flushed cheeks, spotting the tips of his ears slowly turning a light red. “You really gotta get better at this, Morales.”
“Says you, Ray Paynt,” He shoots back instantly, and you avoid his knowing stare by looking down at your glass, taking another sip. You can feel his eyes on you, taking your time to drink your beverage.
There’s no way he knows that your name is fake…right?
“Anyway,” You clear your throat, nodding at his chicken and croffle drenched in maple syrup though one third of it is already gone. “Is it good?” 
He nods,, taking another bite. “It’s decent.”
It grows quiet for a while, the both of you taking your time to eat and relax. There’s not much to say either. You anticipated that Miles might have some burning questions for you, but he doesn’t voice them out at all. 
Besides, it’s not like you’d answer all of them even if he asked.
The sun starts to set, golden rays peeking through the small alleyways of redbrick buildings. You check your phone, surprised when it shows that it’s 7PM. You pick up your backpack and clear the trays, getting ready to leave.
“This wasn’t half bad,” He acknowledges, shrugging on his backpack. You grin, crossing your arms smugly. 
“Told you being my muse would be a good thing.”
“You never said that.”
“Well, now I did.”
— — — — — 
- [ Anti-Hero ] has changed [ :/ ] to [ Bug Boy ] -
Bug-Boy [ 10:00 PM ]: you owe me $7.50
Anti-Hero [ 10:00 PM ]: ???? for what?
Bug-Boy [ 10:00 PM ]: my time is expensive
Anti-Hero [ 10:02 PM ]: says who
Anti-Hero [ 10:02 PM ]: ?
Anti-Hero [ 10:02 PM ]: ??
— — — — — — — — —
@oh-kurva @brunnettiwik @queerponcho @sleepingnova @1theestallionyas @horologiumwise @ken-zah @sockgoblin @itstooearly-its3am @anuncalledbridge @ditto737 @sophipet @mirophobic @dilucpegg3r @urmotherswhor3 @arraxthatsonjah @ameliabs-world @superiorbyfar @swaqlover @janyiahsucks-blog @choco-malk-blog @akemiixx01 @a-cult-leader @berryunderscore @scarletrosesposts @stargirlhayven @bellstwd @edgyficuselastica @psyche404 @sukisprettyface
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hetr0ph0bic · 1 year
Okay so this is a half baked shuriri request but what about a multi part of them trying to woo a bossed up powerhouse y/n who’s supposed to be doing business with them (maybe PR for a new invention they’ve created)? Could be v spicy, esp if the y/n is bratty/dom herself
tag: shuriri x blk fem reader 
a/n: this is 3 parts yall! no smut in this one, but its sweet im super excited for this 😎😎😎. remember like in stuff if u enjoyed thank yall love yall!
your phone shakes with a green and red button on the screen
“hello” you answer in a drawn out voice.
“yes y/n i see you’re on madison ave, why?”
you roll your eyes at her energy filled tone, “well this is the way to the hotel is it not”
“y/n! i told you, you had to go network at the casino business party” she yells
“ im not fucking doing that” you say in a monotone voice.
“wait please” you can just imagine your assistant pleading eyes 
“no, look ive been working since 6am… im going to the hotel”
“please just 15 minutes in and out! plus, it could open many doors” damn, she does have a point but, no.
“no im not even dressed for that” you look down at your ripped dirty blue jeans
“you’re going to be fine, im turning the car around”
“it goes with your brand ‘young/ reckless/ genius’ plus the shirt and shoes you have on pulls it together, you're going to be fine!” hasani chirps through the phone
the car then comes to an abrupt stop. you look out the window, now seeing your front of some building. ‘casino parties llc’. stepping out of the black escalade and brown boy with a simple tux greets you with a smile. 
“miss y/n of ‘real tech’! right this way”.
 the boy ushers you through the casino. scattered loud conversations and music fill the spacious building. red and gold carpet flooring and walls all over, it seems like a business party. suits and dresses all over, old people talking about bullshit. with a sigh, you begin to join them, shuffling through bodies. time slowly passes as you network around the room. a fake smile plastered on your face, and light wine in your right hand. at last, all the pointless congratulations and empty promises stop. looking down at your phone, about ten minutes have passed, you turn to the backdoor about to leave. seeing something glisten in your peripheral view, you turn to the source.  
hand in hand, there they are. looking down on the floor from the balcony.
 the old friend. riri williams. the girl who helped push your creative mindset and motivation in college. on her arm is a known face, shuri udaku, black panther, and ruler of wakanda.
from above, shuri leans into riri’s side
“woah, that’s y/n from real tech” shuri smiles bright
“ yeah that’s y/n from my 12pm bioengineering class” riri kisses shuri’s cheek with a smile
“ huh… did she always look like that” 
“ nah that’s something new to me. don’t get me wrong, she was always good looking but-”
“she’s grew into herself” shuri finishes the sentence 
riri then leans over the railing, locking her eyes with yours. with her hand she waves lightly, grabbing shuri’s, they make their way down the stairs. the two sport similar blazer outfits. riri's has slacks and a vest, revealing more skin than the other. shuri has the same all-black outfit but with a heavy blazer coat. silver and gold jewelry paints their bodies, mixing beautifully. the couple complement each other so well, clothes and body's. as the two make their way towards you, bodies naturally part, making room for them. after a sometime, they reach you.
“hm funny seeing you here” riri crosses her arms in front of you.
“and why is what?”
“well it isn't mr. roger's stupid class now is it”
“haha thank GAWD it isnt, i hated him” you cover your mouth giggling from the joke 
“whaaa i think he for real had it out for us, but it’s good to see you” you both reach out closing the space between the two of you. riri looks to her side looking at shuri
“this is my wife shur-”
“yes, yes ms.udaku, panther pleasure to meet you” you reach your hand out shaking hers
“yes same here, how’s the party treating you?” shuri asks with a smile
“honestly? okay i guess i was only sticking around for 15 minutes then leaving”
“what why” the couple's face full of confusion 
“i’ve been up since 6am ri. and talking with old people who think you're disrespectful to their dumbass traditions isn’t really my fav pass time” you wave a waiter hand off your cup of wine to them.
“well, seems like we are not the only ones” shuri states looking down at riri.
“i had to drag her over here, literally” riri bumps her body against shuri. the other bashfully smiling.
“how about this we leave here and just get some food and drinks?” riri offers
“ yeah, but only if you are up for it” shuri gives a unsure look at you 
“nah its okay i know a diner close by”
you find yourself in the front side of the royal's car, directing shuri where to go
“yeah turn here on 47th- yeah right here”
‘carve unique sandwiches’ the old sign reads 
the three of you shuffle inside the small  shop. yall take to order food, a big pizza being the main corse. after paying, the three of you find seats close to the cashier. riri passes out paper plates on the wooden table.
“so what happened, after school. in life and appearance wise” she ask while stuffing a pizza in her mouth
“ yeah? apparently you didn’t use to look like this?” shuri chimes in.
“yeah bruh i don’t even know man. now started working for real on my engineering projects after graduation. now i did stop letting people walk over me which was a process and hell on its own. as for my body…. im still eating the same doing the same stuff, so that's truly a mystery.” you grab the pizza and ranch drizzling it on top, and taking a big bite.
“you look good” shuri comments
the compliment take you by surprise, making to choke. clearing your throat, you try to find your balance again 
“umm thanks thanks” you look down at the table, pizza, people walking outside. anywhere but them.
“yeah and we are in wakanda, but you’ve made a whole name for yourself with real tech”. riri says while sipping on a sprite.
“ speaking of that, would you like to work together on a project. i have a new idea for my soldiers and others”.
“what absolutely, how are we gonna make it work tho? when do yall head back to wakanda?”
“ well im free tomorrow i just gotta move stuff around, can we come to lab in the morning?”
“yeah i get up a 6am so be there by then” you pull out for phone putting in their numbers and calling your car. after a bit all the food is finished.
“so ill see yall in the morning?”
“ see you in the morning, y/n!”
you and the couple part, heading to their homes and beds. you quickly take a shower, anticipating the next morning. the couple does the same, the water turns on. steam filling up the walk in shower.
“ so you like her?” riri rubs the soapy rag against shuri’s back
“so do you” shuri shoots back defensively 
“ yeah do, stop being so defensive” riri smack her back lightly 
“anyone with eyes would want her” riri finishes the thought. shuri turns to face her again, looking into her eyes.
“ no matter what, shuri you have to keep your cool and take it slow”
“i know of course, but we are only here for two more days” shuri whines
the couple finishes up, bodies melting into the soft bed.
tags @karimwillia @shurismainbxtch @shuriszn @widowmakker @letitias-fav @rxcently @acommonwhor3 @garbagesleepschedule @nightlife-things @sweetalittleselfish-honey @louderfortheback @heartsforjojo 
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howlingday · 1 year
"Hey, guys?" Ruby asked as she lowered her comic book. Weiss was writing in her journal and Yang was beating her high score on the other end of the couch. "Does Blake have a rival for Team JNPR?"
"What?" Weiss turned to face her leader. "What are you talking about?"
"A rival." Ruby repeated. "Someone she can match up with and pit herself against. Like two heroes who are compara- comper- very similar in their stats."
"Well, it ain't me." Yang said, twisting as she narrowly ended a career ending blow. "Sure, we're both powerhouses, but she's way too strong. She's more of a wild-card who swings at whatever you tell her to- WHOA!" Yang's screen bleeped those ever immortal words in her face. GAME OVER. She set down her controller, took a deep breath, calmly stood up, and declared, "I need to go hit something very... VERY hard." She then left to do so.
"Unpredictable?" Weiss rolled her eyes. "Well, don't look at me. I'm the furthest thing from her rival. If anyone is my rival, it would be Pyrrha Nikos."
"Or Jaune." Weiss shot a cold glare at Ruby. "It's true, though. He has a sword, you have a sword."
"Pyrrha also has a sword, and is world renown athlete."
"Were you a world renown athlete?"
Weiss flinched. "N-No, I was a singer."
"You know who else sings?"
"Puh-lease!" Weiss stood from her chair. "That buffoon's caterwauling can hardly be considered singing!"
"Sounds like he needs a rival to teach him." Ruby teased.
"Argh! You are so infuriating!" Ruby watched as Weiss stamped off in a huff.
"Hm, but if Jaune is her rival, then who's my rival?" Ruby pondered aloud. "Maybe we're all sort of each other's rivals? Like, we're all equally good at what we do, but in comparison, there's room for growth?" Ruby smiled at her very mature thought. "Ack! There's a rip in the page! Oh..." Ruby whined as she looked at her comic.
Nothing good lasts forever, it seems.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Nora shouted as she slammed her palms against the table.
"It means your dialogue lasted only two paragraphs before becoming smut." Blake replied, pushing Nora's notebook away. "Your lewdness lacks story."
"Huh?! I'll kick your ass!" Nora shoved Blake's script across the table. "Your book is too dang long! I was excited to read something juicy, but it took so damn long to get there, you might as well have put a gun to their head and told them to make out!"
"It's called 'pacing', Nora."
"It's 'padding' is what it is!"
"There's no point in writing a story if you can't set the scene and give the readers details on what they need to visualize." Blake countered. "Who are these characters? Why are they meeting? What drives them to give in to their carnal desires."
"People don't care about that!" Nora waved her off. "Just put two people together, and they'll either bone or not bone!"
"Stop saying bone."
"No!" Nora jumped on the table. "BOOONE!"
"Stop it."
Blake huffed a sigh. This was a pointless argument. Nora and her were clearly two different writers. Blake invested her time in her story telling, whereas Nora put all of her energy in the details of the art of smut.
"I liked what you did with the finger and thumb."
"BOOO- Huh?" Nora crouched. "Really? I just threw that in because I thought it would feel good."
"It did." Blake nodded. "I imagined myself in her place."
"Ooh~!" Nora placed a hand over her mouth. "Getting naughty thoughts, are we~?"
"And you weren't?"
Nora was quiet for a moment. "Touché." She hopped down from the table, facing away. "I like when they cuddled afterwards and talked about the future." She smiled. "It made me hope for another chapter." She turned to Blake. "There is another chapter, right?"
With a cheshire grin atop folded hands, Blake gave Nora that little, addictive word every reader wants to hear. "Maybe."
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macatt4c · 6 months
streamer au let's GOOOO
shoutout to @looneyzune for inspiring this fic and to @majimasleftasscheek for having an amazing server where this amazing au developed!
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Raids and Races
Rating: General Audience
Relationship: Kiryu Kazuma & Original Female Character
Tags: One Shot, Streamer!Kiryu, Fluff
Word Count: 1,745
-> [AO3 LINK] <-
It was rare for InariHimari to be live on a Saturday. When the channel was first created, the creator only streamed on Sundays since that was the only day off she had between her weekday job as a hotel concierge and her Saturday gig as a cabaret club hostess. For five years, she worked herself to the bone and only found solace and relaxation in the low-key ‘studying’ streams she did at first. Even now, barely a month since she officially retired from both jobs and became a full-time streamer, she still didn’t go live on what can arguably be considered the best day of the week to livestream. Weeknights full of games and Sunday study sessions, but nothing on Saturdays.
And yet here was Himari sitting at her gaming setup with her LED fox-eared headphones and streaming for the approximately two hundred people that made up her audience. It was microscopic compared to the Twitch powerhouses advertised on the website’s front page, but Himari didn’t care. This was her crowd, her people, perhaps even her friends. Individuals who took precious time out of their lives to spend up to multiple hours with her just because they found her entertaining. She would forever be grateful to all of them and can only strive to get better at this so that they can be proud of her.
“Alright!” Himari said with a quick clap of her hands. “I want to try a new game to spice things up here. Do you guys have any suggestions?”
Almost instantly, the chat flooded with game suggestions. Himari had to lean in to read each title as it crawled up the screen. A majority of them seemed to be games that have just been released, which meant they would cost a pretty penny.
“Let me rephrase that.” Himari chuckled. “Do you guys have any cheap game suggestions? Not trying to go broke over a game I may or may not like.”
Her clarification made the suggestions slow down (most-likely due to viewers searching for potential titles to fit the criteria) until the chat was back to its low-speed scroll. It wasn’t long until one message from one of the channel moderators caught Himari’s eye:
cosmomemory: You should play Pocket Circuit LIVE! cosmomemory: It’s free and all you need is an online account to play
“’Pocket Circuit LIVE’?” A low whistle followed as she leaned back in her chair. “I remember when those little cars were popular back in the eighties. Damn. Now I feel old.”
The chat erupted in shocked and angry-looking emojis, along with a plethora of messages:
fanguu: EXCUSE ME???? brahkest: ma’am you are FORTY looneyzune: HIMARI FORTY ISNT OLD tabbitha44: i know this woman did not just say she was old baybee_bat: boo kokokub: oh no better get granny hima to a nursing home
Himari couldn’t help but laugh at the response. “Alright, alright. I take it back. It just makes me feel slightly older than I really am.”
brahkest: yeah thats what we thought looneyzune: THIN ICE HIMA! tabbitha44: >:(
Another chuckle escaped the streamer before she finally looked up Pocket Circuit LIVE. It took about twenty minutes in total for her to make a new account and download the game to her computer before finally booting it up.
“Oh wow!” Himari gawked at the vibrant colors of the menu screen. “This is really starting to remind me of the original toys…”
It wasn’t much longer until she was officially starting the game. The tutorial was easy enough to understand, but once she really started getting into the races with other online users, the true complexity made itself known. The embarrassment of losing her first four races on the easiest speed setting had very much sank in by the time Himari looked over at chat.
1000014: oh my aquaortus: oh no hima baybee_bat: you can do this himari! keep going! brahkest: yeeeeeesh looneyzune: :o deerstalker28: regret suggesting this game yet @ cosmomemory ? cosmomemory: @ fanguu haven’t decided yet lol
Himari didn’t have to look at her face-cam to know her face was a sheepish red. You’d think someone who’s been somewhat playing games professionally for five years now would at least figure out how to play a game as simple as Pocket Circuit LIVE, right? This was a game mostly played by kids! How could she of all people not get it?
After a couple more seconds of reading the mix of supportive and teasing messages in the chat, Himari took a deep breath and sat up straight.
“Alright,” She said, giving her face-cam her best confident smile. “I’ll try one more race. If I lose again, we’ll just cut our losses and play something else. Deal?”
Just then, a chime played through her headset’s speakers just as a pop-up message appeared on the screen layover at the same time as an identical message appeared in the chat:
JudgementKazzy has raided you with a party of 243 viewers!
Himari’s somewhat-false confidence melted away as a rush of shock flooded her and her eyes widened at the notification. She sat there frozen for what felt like a while before slowly blinking her eyes.
“That’s not…” Her voice trailed off as she swallowed. “That’s not real, is it?”
Just to be sure, she glanced at the chat.
brahkest: WHAT looneyzune: HYLDJGOFD looneyzune: HI UNCLE KAZ!!!! fanguu: WHAT IS UNCLE KAZ DOING HERE?!?!? cosmomemory: I LOOK AWAY FOR TWO SECONDS AND cosmomemory: UNCLE KAZ SHOWS UP????? aquaortus: lmfao he sensed the pocket circuit baybee_bat: omfg hi new people!!
“Holy shit.” Himari blurted out before holding a hand over her mouth, still very much in shock and/or disbelief as the chat continued to unravel.
fishki_nyama: Good evening, Hima-chan! ;) brahkest: NISHIKI!!! fanguu: HOW THE FRICK IS NISHIKI HERE??? looneyzune: IS THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENING? looneyzune: ARE WE ACTUALLY WITNESSING THIS?? brahkest: APPARENTLY cosmomemory: N I S H I K I ? ? cosmomemory: himari you gotta win now deerstalker28: watch shes gonna win five in a row now that the king of pocket circuit is here aquaortus: @ deerstalker28 lol we can only hope
That was as much of her regulars’ messages Himari could read before the chat got flooded with greetings and emoji spams from the new viewers. She was still barely wrapping her head around the sudden raid from one of her favorite streamers of all time. Was Kazuma Kiryu really watching her stream right now? Did he actually bring his viewers to watch her?
What do you mean he knows she exists?
“Oh, wow.” Himari managed to say before attempting to clear her throat. “Hey there, newcomers. I’m… Geez, this has really took me off guard.” She let out a breathy awkward chuckle. “Erm… Okay so, hi. I’m InariHimari, but you can call me Himari or just Hima. I… damn, this is really throwing me for a loop! I’m honestly speechless, I can barely introduce myself.”
As if on cue, another chime played and Himari looked to see a different pop-up:
JudgementKazzy has donated $10.00!
“What the-“
“I heard you were trying out Pocket Circuit LIVE for the first time.” The automated voice of the Text-To-Speech played out over the stream audio. “My chatroom and I wanted to come and show our support.”
If Himari’s face wasn’t red from the embarrassment of the earlier losses, the fact that her favorite streamer is not only in her audience right now but has also donated ten dollars to show support was more than enough to turn her face as bright red as a tomato. She could only stare wide-eyed at her computer monitor (which was still displaying the post-match summary screen from the race she lost ten minutes ago) while chat continued to go wild over what was unfolding in real time. Thankfully, she was able to snap out of it in time to see a few new messages appear in chat:
JudgementKazzy: In order to win a race, you might want to customize your racer with the best components for the race you plan on doing. JudgementKazzy: Body, wheels, etc. JudgementKazzy: It might not seem like it, but these really do affect the outcome if you are new to the game. JudgementKazzy: As you currently are ;)
Himari would have blushed at the playfulness that last message seemed to imply had her face not already been so flushed already. Instead, she cleared her throat and adjusted her posture for the second time that night.
“Alright, then.” She said, placing her hand on her mouse and clicking off the summary screen to open a new race.
Through the delayed speed of the stream’s chat, Kiryu gave simple and helpful advice as Himari took baby steps in customizing her car. It was ridiculous to an extent, a grown woman playing an online racing game while being instructed by a man the same age as to how to best customize the digital car in order to win the digital race. But who cared? She was having fun and so was her audience! Wasn’t that what streaming was all about?
And besides, if this was the only way for her to interact with her favorite creator, she was gonna do whatever she could to make it last as long as she possibly could.
Sure enough, taking Kiryu’s advice paid off as Himari won the next five consecutive races, earning herself a few gatcha pulls that in turn won her a few rare items that would make her race better in the future.
“Sweet!” Himari pumped her fist in the air. “That was really fun. I can see how people can get real addicted to games like this.” She then turned to look at the chat. “I think now’s a great place to stop for now. Don’t wanna get too lost into it, you know?”
Sure enough, there was a few messages from Kiryu a few moments later:
JudgementKazzy: You did great, Himari. You’re picking up on it really quick. JudgmentKazzy: Hopefully I’ll be able to tune in for your next Pocket Circuit stream?
Himari grinned at Kiryu’s messages. “That… That would be awesome, Kiryu. You’re always welcomed here with me and my chat. Hope you have a great night!”
JudgementKazzy: Same to you! Have a great stream! JudgementKazzy: :)
And with that, Himari logged off of Pocket Circuit LIVE for the night and moved on to play a visual novel another chat member recommended.
But the whole time, she couldn’t get rid of the lingering feeling of butterflies in her stomach.
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CH 1. Sin City
Summary: The daggers arrive in Las Vegas and it's just the beginning. Jake sets his sights on a girl he has to get know. Natasha meets an old friend and catches up.
Notes: Mentions of Alcohol, nothing too bad 18+ MINORS DNI
Word Count: 2.3k
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Bradley, Jake and Bob were starting to get antsy. Knowing they should wait for the rest of the squad to join, the excitement of Vegas was starting to seep its way into the minds of Jake and Bradley. “We know where we’re all going to end up tonight so we might as well get a jump on the fun and go somewhere. It’s pointless to wait for the other three.” Jake suggested from the bathroom. “For once you are absolutely right Bagman. I heard this place called House of Blues is supposed to be a cool place, let’s start there and see where we are before we meet up with everyone else.” Bradley added. “I don’t know guys it would be fun to get out of the room, but shouldn’t we wait?” Bob asked cautiously. “Come on Floyd, I bet even you get laid this trip, the sooner we start the better chances you have.” Jake quipped. “Yeah Bob, and it’s not like we are going to go score drugs or head to a strip club, it’s the House of Blues, we’ll listen to some music and figure the rest out.” Bradley added. “I guess there is no harm in getting out onto the strip. Alright let’s go” Bob said putting on his shirt “Whoo!” Both Rooster and Hangman cried out. After five minutes the trio headed to The House of Blues.
After finding open seats at the bar the three men settle on a corner that faced the stage. While waiting for the next act Jake ordered beers for himself and Bradley and a ginger ale for Bob. “Here ya go boys,” the bartender said to them “First one is on the house for our fine military men.” the lady said as she walked away. “Looks like our luck has just started boys.” Bradley let out. “Please welcome to the stage long time favorite Maya Atwell.” A voice over the speakers announced. A tall slender women walked out onto the stage. Her unruly hair tucked into a ball cap that was placed backwards on her head let the crowd see her soft features and her blue eyes. “Hi everyone, how’s everyone’s night going?” The sultry voice asked. The crowd responded with a chorus of woos, whistles and hands clapping. “Those of you who are new, I’m Maya and I can play just about any song, for those of you who know the drill welcome on back. Let’s give a huge round of applause to Mike the owner slash manager and to the fine ladies you see around here serving.” Maya waited for the crowd to follow her orders and for the cheering to die down. “Normally I take requests, but I have plans later tonight so I’m going to be doing a short set of covers tonight. This first one” She continues as she tuned her guitar “Is by my favorite man in black. As always if you know it sing along and if you don’t I want you on your feet dancing. This is Walk the Line by Johnny Cash.” The sultry voice that was speaking to the crowd was not the same powerhouse voice that started on the song. Jake, Bradley, and Bob were all amazed. They stood in front of their stools and sang along with Maya. When the song finished the crowd erupted into applause. “I can’t believe a girl like that knows Johnny Cash” Jakes yelled to his counterparts. “Yeah, she’s something.” Bob added. “Alright this next one is one I love listening to growing up, this is for all of you who are infected with Beatlemania.” The singer started playing Hey Jude. “Damn bro, she is versatile. Who goes from Cash to The Beatles!” Bradley asked his friends. By the end of the song the singer had stopped playing and let the crowd finish out the song. “Okay” Coaxed the singer. “Last one for the night, this is one that I hold dear to my heart it was the first one I learned to play, and I hope I do it justice.” As soon as she started the first notes Jake recognized the song right away “Now she’s playing Nirvana! I have to meet this girl!” As Maya finished Come As You Are, everyone was on their feet applauding her. “Thank You House of Blues! Don’t forget to tip your waitresses.”
The singer exited the stage and appeared on the other side of the bar. “Let’s go meet her.” Jake suggested. “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to go talk to the girl who can command the whole place like that.” Bob interjected. “Come on Bob, what kind of wing man are you?” Jake asked “I’m not a wing man I’m a weapons system operator” Bob responded dryly. “Look do me this favor and I can owe you anything, anywhere, any time. Okay?” Jake added. “Okay, let’s go talk to her.” Bob said in a defeated tone. The three men approached the singer and watched her finish a bottle of water. “Excuse me ma’am can I get the lady a glass of whatever wine she prefers?” Jake asked the bartender. The bartender looked at Maya, and back at Jake and let out a little chuckle. “This gentleman wants to buy you a glass of wine.” The bartender repeated to Maya. Maya smirked before she responded. “No thanks, I’ll take my usual Lola.” Maya said turning her back to the three men. Lola poured a double neat of Eagle Rare into a glass for Maya. This choice of drink made even Jake blush. A woman who knows her liquor. Jake stepped to the other side of her to talk with her more. “You like whiskey, I like that in a woman. I’m lieutenant Jake Seresin.” Jake said, putting his hand out to shake Maya’s hand. “Well lieutenant, I’m Maya, and Eagle Rare is actually a bourbon and I dont just like it, I love it. Best drink to have after a show.” Bradley let out a cough causing both Jake and Maya to whip their heads in his direction. “How rude of me, this is lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw and lieutenant Robert Floyd.” Jake said as Maya waved to the two other men. “Nice to meet you.” At that moment Maya felt her phone buzz in her pocket. It was a text from her friend that she is ready to meet for dinner. “Looks like that’s my cue. Thanks for coming and seeing the show, hope you boys have fun in Vegas.” Maya said as she threw back her drink. “See you later Lola.” “Wait can I get your number?” Jake asked, blocking her path from the door. “Maybe some other time Ken doll.” Maya side-stepped Jake and left through the front door. Bob and Bradley erupted in laughter. “Oh man, that was almost worth coming over here. So glad you owe me.” Bob said in between his laughs. “Shut up. Who knows maybe we’ll run into each other this week.” Jake said with a hint of hope. “Hey, I just got a text from the others they are at the hotel and want to meet up on the strip.” Bradley said. Silencing anymore laughter him or Bob had left. The three men left the House of Blues and headed back to the hotel.
Maya walked into Bubbas Gump’s Shrimp Co. looking for her friend. The hostess asked if she was looking for someone. Before Maya could respond a pair of hands were spinning her around and embracing her tightly. “Oh Ashes, I can’t believe it’s been three years!” a familiar voice squealed in Maya’s ear. When the girl pulled away, Maya saw her best friend. “Natasha! I can’t believe you’re here.” Maya responded. When the reunion of friends ended the two women were shown to a table on the upper patio. “So, how has Vegas been since the last time I saw you?” Phoenix asked. “It’s been good, still working off a couple of debts but I’m so close to being a free woman.” Maya said looking over the strip. “How has the navy been?” Maya asked, turning her full attention to her friend. “It’s been good to me, I got called back to Top Gun. A special priority mission, the best of the best.” Phoenix said puffing her chest and flexing her biceps. “You’ll never guess who else they called back.” Phoenix started. “Fucking Rooster.” Phoenix finished. “For as much as you talk about him, you either want to be with him or you truly hate him, so, which is it?” Maya asked her friend. Before Phoenix got a chance to answer a waiter came by to take their drink order. “Okay, so what have you got planned for this week?” Phoenix asked curiously about her friend’s plans. “Well first and foremost we’ll have VIP bottle service everywhere we go. But I have a couple nights planned on the strip to keep your buddies happy, then a few dinners, a day at the Bellagio cypress pool bar. I made an appointment for us with a special someone for tattoos and we have the Florida Georgia Line Concert tomorrow night.” Maya finished. “I can’t believe you are opening for them; how did you land that gig?” Natasha asked. Maya looked at her friend and looked out over the strip once more. “Oh, you know me Nix, I have my ways. Besides, the owner couldn’t find someone who was willing to be paid so little. I figured I could just have him put it towards what I owe.” Maya responded as the waiter came back over with their drinks. “What can I get ya’ll started with?” The waiter asked. The two women ordered a few appetizers and a couple cocktails. ��What do you plan on doing after you have paid your debt?” Natasha asked, trying to meet her friend’s gaze. Maya looked down trying to search her head for an answer. She already knew what she was going to do. She was going to get the hell out of Las Vegas and never look back. But she didn’t want to let her friend in on the last surprise of her birth week. “Ashes, you know you are always welcomed at my house and I’m sure your aunt would love to see you.” Natasha added when her friend didn’t respond. “HA! The only time she calls is when she wants to update her friends on her pathetic niece.” Maya responded sharply. “Hey! You are not pathetic! You would be pathetic if you stayed with Elijah and kept doing drugs. But you chose to get better, and you chose to make a better life for yourself. The first call I got from you when you got here sounded like you were in your favorite book. Living like Hunter S. Thompson, I was truly worried. But you got help and you are paying back your debt. I couldn’t be prouder. I’m sure your aunt is just worried.” Natasha finished. “Yeah, well you don’t know her like I do, and you definitely don’t want to hear our conversations. But I digress. I might bounce around New York or go visit some friends in Tucson.  I’m not sure yet.” Maya said with a smirk, knowing she would be hounded until she gave her friend a real answer. The food and drinks came, and the two women sat reminiscing about their friendship and catching each other up on their current situations.
“So, my place is a little ways outside of town but it’s huge. It’s on loan from a friend of mine who won’t be back until winter. She is this really cool old lady. I wish you could meet her. She would love all the soldiers staying in her house.” Maya said as the two women waited for the bill. When the waiter put the little black checkbook on the table Natasha reached for it. “Um what do you think you are doing?” Maya asked. Snatching the book from her friends grasp. “I want to pay, plus I can get a discount.” Natasha responded. “No let me get this, okay?” Maya asked but was more or less telling her friend she had the bill. “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you there was this guy earlier. He tried to buy me a glass of wine and wanted my number.” Maya started. “Was he cute?” Natasha asked. “I mean yeah, he wasn’t horribly disfigured, but he was so cocky and kind of had this fuck boy vibe. The type for hooking up and not anything serious. But him and his buddies looked like they were here for a bachelor party, not the type to come to Vegas to gamble and see the sights.” Maya responded. “Did you give him your number?” Natasha inquired. “Yeah right. No, I told him some other time, then I called him Ken doll!” Maya said laughing. “Poor guy, had no clue he was finished before he even started.” Natasha said. The two women left the restaurant, stepping out into the cool Nevada air. “Text your buddies to meet us at On The Record, by the time they get there they we'll be able to start the birth week.” Maya said, leading Phoenix to her car. After a quick trip to the parking garage behind the nightclub the two women’s spirits were high and ready to party.
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