#she's either talking to percy or the ares cabin you choose
jjbeanster · 21 days
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"Local Genius forced to explain things to Village Idiot"
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surftrips · 4 months
pairing: clarisse la rue x female!reader
summary: clarisse wonders if you know just how much she likes you.
word count: 2.1k
author's note: this is the first part of a two part series i'm writing based on jenna doe's songs: shapeshift + pink slips. this is from clarisse's pov and the second one is from readers' :) lmk if you want to be tagged in part 2 <3
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i. i think you have a type, and it's not me
Clarisse has been watching you from the second you arrived at camp. Since you spent every day doing more or less the same thing, she was able to pick up on your routine pretty fast. Two sugars in your coffee every morning. A walk around the lake in the afternoon. Archery practice before the sunset. 
She felt weird going to practices at the same time as you, but she couldn’t help herself. Whenever she got a chance to sneak away from her siblings in the Ares cabin, she always found herself back in your presence. However, the thought to approach you like a normal person had never crossed her mind. Clarisse is the kind of person that needs to be in control, and talking to you one-on-one would mean letting her inhibitions take over, so she always made sure to keep her distance. 
Once or twice, Clarisse had seen you on dates with another camper. At first, she thought you were just having a picnic with the girl from Aphrodite, until the two of you began holding hands. The next day, Clarisse saw you in the other girl’s sweater, which made her so sick she avoided you for an entire week.
The Aphrodite girl (her name, Clarisse later found out, was Stacy) began showing up with you more often. Stacy wore bows in her hair and pearl necklaces, whereas Clarisse’s mascara was always smudged and accessories that didn’t double as weapons felt wrong on her. For the first time, Clarisse wondered why she couldn’t just be like all the other girls. Or at least, a girl you would pay attention to. 
It wasn’t for a lack of trying. Clarisse tried to make her penchant for you as obvious as possible, while actively hiding it from the rest of camp. This proved to be difficult because at the same time, she also didn’t want to get too close to you because, well— what would she even say to you?
Her flirting consisted of winking at you during Capture the Flag or from across the dining hall. She had an ongoing list of nicknames of what to call you when no one else was around, but those moments were few and far between. Once, she even went as far as brushing away a stray piece of hair that had fallen on your face. There seemed to be nothing left for her to do except put bows in her hair or maybe paint her nails, and the thought of doing either of those things made her almost as sick as seeing you and Stacy together. 
Between her and the Aphrodite girl, she knew which girl you would choose. Had chosen. 
ii. mold me how you want me to be
Still, that was not going to stop Clarisse. She had never backed down from a fight before, and this was no different. Even if Stacy didn’t know it, she had become Clarisse’s number one enemy, even more so than that Percy Jackson kid that had recently shown up at camp. It just wasn’t fair that she had been watching you for so long and here comes Aphrodite’s daughter out of nowhere to sweep you off your feet. 
Since Clarisse knew your routine by heart, she devised a plan to get you alone. She decided that she would finally make a move, and then you could pick for yourself who you wanted to be with. Easy enough, right?
At night, Clarisse lay awake in bed thinking about you, Stacy, then you and Stacy together. Though she didn’t want to go there, her brain wondered what the two of you were doing at that very moment. Her thoughts ranged from tame, to slightly more unhinged. Like, were you lying underneath the stars on your picnic blanket? Or was Stacy doing your makeup as she straddled your lap?
Clarisse didn’t pray often, but ever since she met you, she had taken to silently wishing you would acknowledge her. Each time she saw you with your arms wrapped around Stacy, she yearned to know what that would feel like. Not that she thought you would come near her with a ten-foot pole. Stacy is sweet, like bubblegum or strawberries from the fields, and Clarisse is the opposite. If you tasted her, she might make your gums bleed.
Before you, she was never the kind of girl to care about her appearance. Gods, she was the daughter of Ares, they weren’t known for their beauty but their strength and power and when it came to those categories, Clarisse knew that she had Stacy beat. 
And yet, Clarisse would change just about anything about herself if it would make you like her more. In your hands, she would turn into putty, moldable clay to take the shape of your ideal lover. Hell, she would change her name if she thought you didn’t like the sound of it.
iii. kill anyone if you ask me to 
A few weeks later, the Ares cabin and yours happened to be on the same team for Capture the Flag. It was the closest Clarisse had been to you ever since you began dating Stacy. The proximity to you was killing her, but she had to stay focused—on winning the game and your heart.
Putting aside her wandering thoughts, Clarisse barked out instructions to the campers. When she got to your cabin, she assigned you and your half-siblings to be the second line of defense for the flag. Clarisse figured this way, she could keep you out of harm’s way. Also, this was her one chance to talk to you without Stacy hanging off your body and she wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass. 
After the first conch blew, Clarisse went on high-alert mode. Her team had lost the last game to Luke and Annabeth’s team, but she was not going to accept defeat this time. Her eyes darted back and forth between blind spots in the forest and you and the flag. 
As she absent-mindedly waved her new spear around, Clarisse heard soft footsteps behind her. She whipped her head around with her weapon aimed in the air, preparing to fight whoever had approached her. 
“Shit, Y/N, you scared me.” It was just you. Wait– it was you.
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to,” you responded, your hands in front of you.
Clarisse almost couldn’t believe her eyes. Did someone poison her earlier and she was hallucinating right now? Okay, keep it cool.
“Is something wrong?” Clarisse managed to ask after composing herself, realizing that you had moved away from your post. 
“Uh, no. I- um… heard about what happened to your spear last week, and I just wanted to say I’m sorry,” you smiled nervously. 
“Why…. am I sorry?”
Clarisse wanted to slap her hand across her forehead. Why did she say that? She meant to ask why are you talking to me right now? What did I do to deserve this? But she didn’t know how to word that in a way that wouldn't make you think she was crazy. 
When she didn’t respond, you began backing away. “Look, I’m sorry if this is a sensitive topic. I just felt bad, is all.”
“No!” Clarisse began panicking. “I didn’t mean it like that- just, why are you talking to me now? We’ve never had a real conversation before.” 
“Does it matter?” She expected you to be confused, but the look at your face seemed more amused than anything. 
“No, I guess not,” Clarisse couldn’t help but smile. Gods, why was she so awkward? Anyone else, she would’ve been perfectly fine, but in the last few minutes, her mouth had gone dry and her legs felt as though they would give out at any second.
“Great,” you beamed in return. Clarisse’s eyes catch yours and the two of you stare at each other in content for a minute. Or at least, you are. Clarisse is convinced an Aphrodite kid has changed her pupils to hearts. “I haven’t seen you around lately,” you broke the silence. 
“What do you mean? I’m always around,” Clarisse stammered for an excuse. 
“Well, sure. It’s a small camp.” You seemed to be enjoying seeing Clarisse fumble for words. “But I used to see you all the time. At breakfast and archery.” 
Clarisse ignored the implications of your comment. “Oh, I guess we just started going at different times then. You know you’re always with Stacy now—” 
At the mention of your girlfriend’s name, your face contorted into something strange and unfamiliar to Clarisse. But before she could figure it out, a noise behind you caused the two of you to turn around abruptly. 
“Y/N, watch out!” Clarisse shouted at you, but it was too late. Someone had dragged you backwards, knocking your weapon out of your hand. You struggled to free yourself, but whoever was holding you had revealed a dagger and you didn’t want to risk accidentally cutting yourself. 
“If you know what’s best for yourself, let her go.” Clarisse breathed furiously, pausing between the last three words in her sentence. You couldn’t see who was restraining you, but you could feel their heart rate quicken at the sight of Clarisse’s spear getting dangerously close. 
“And what if I don’t?” they responded. You knew that they were just putting on a front, you could feel their chest heaving up and down on your back. Clarisse seemed to know this too, she’s always been able to sense fear in people— mostly because she is the one that invokes it. 
“I don’t think you want to find out,” she grinned, a wicked smile on her face. The next second, her spear had jabbed into the camper’s side, causing them to let go of their hold on you. You dropped to the ground. 
“Shit!” the camper swore, rubbing their ribcage. “You’re not supposed to actually hurt me!” You could see their face now, one of Hermes' kids you’ve seen hanging around Luke. 
“Now, what’s the fun in that?” Clarisse laughed. “Besides, the spearhead is blunt. You’ll be fine, drama queen.” 
The kid scrambled away, leaving behind the dagger they had previously threatened you with. Clarisse ran over, instinctively putting her hands on your face. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I think so.” You began to stand up, but Clarisse pushed you back down. 
“Clar, come on, I’m fine.” 
“Are you sure? Let me just get a look at you,” she insisted, ignoring the way your nickname for her made something in her stomach flip over. You relented, knowing it was useless to argue with her. You allow her to scan your body for any signs of harm. Clarisse took her time, unsure of when the next time she would be this close to you again. Most of your body was covered by your armor or clothes, so her eyes drifted toward your exposed arms and the area where the kid had touched you. 
Hesitantly, she reached for the side of your stomach. “Are you sore? Did they leave a mark?” 
“No, I don’t think so,” you shook your head, lifting up the hem of your shirt to see. You heard Clarisse’s breath hitch. “What? What’s wrong?” You were fully sat up now. 
“N-nothing!” Color rushed into Clarisse’s cheeks, causing her to turn her head away suddenly. 
You giggled, her reaction not going unnoticed. “Thanks for saving me, tough girl.” 
“Of course.” Clarisse pulled you up on your feet. “Anything for you, pretty girl.” The words slipped out of her mouth before she could register it. The two of you stared at each other again, it seemed as though eye contact was your main form of communication at the moment. And right now, Clarisse’s eyes were sparkling with something familiar, almost like how Stacy looks at you—
“Oh my god, babe! Are you okay?” Speaking of the devil, Clarisse rolled her eyes at the sight of your girlfriend running up. 
“Stacy! How’d you know something was wrong?” You were pulled into a stifling hug, the air thick with floral perfume. 
“Silly girl, I am the daughter of Aphrodite. I have a heightened sense for these things,” Stacy pulled her arms away and gave you a once-over, presumably to check for injuries, before smothering you with kisses. 
Clarisse coughed, once, and then again a little louder. “Oh!” Stacy turned toward her. “Clarisse, I didn’t see you there.” 
“I wouldn’t be standing here if it weren’t for her,” you said, sensing Clarisse’s uneasiness. 
Now, Stacy’s face contorted into something strange. Shamelessly, Clarisse took pride in being the cause of it. 
“Well, thank you,” she responded tersely. “Come on, let’s get one of the Apollo kids to look at you.” Stacy pushed you away before you could protest. You offered Clarisse a weak smile before turning around. 
Clarisse sighed, maybe if she had been a daughter of Aphrodite, she could shapeshift into someone you walked away with— not from.
That night, she prayed to Ares for the first time in months.
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rustytrident · 3 years
my favourite bnha students as demigods (pt.1)
this is totally not self indulgent what are you talking about-
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ch: ashido mina, sero hanta, bakugou katsuki, kirishima eijirou
(shinsou hitoshi, kyoka jirou and kaminari denki will be in the next part!) (pt. 2)
cw: none, my percy jackson middle school phase
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ashido mina
daughter of aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty
i mean, yeah. mina's gorgeous. that's it, send tweet
but fr she would be the one person who always knows who likes who, she creates daring pools and bets on who will end up with who and when
very experimental with the way she expresses herself and presents her beauty. she generally goes with what she feels like which usually ends up making her a trendsetter around camp
not afraid to put somebody in their place when they call her and her siblings superficial
she does have the ability to charmspeak but uses it in either really dangerous situations or when she's too lazy to get up and needs others (read: denki) to bring her like water or something
other than that, she usually fights with a dagger or uses martial arts techniques like jiu-jitsu
sero hanta
son of hermes, god of fertility, music, art, mischief and deception; the messenger god
he gossips with mina every. single. day. somehow he knows everybody's business and is not afraid to share it
he would also pull pranks on everybody, no matter who they were. he gets a kick out of it, so why stop?
other than that, he's all about taking life a step at a time and not worrying too much about what tomorrow brings
he has borrowed his father's winged sandals and pretended to be spiderman jumping from cabin to cabin (the sandals were confiscated immediately after cause hermes wanted to try that too)
he likes long range battles but i can't really see him fighting with blades of any kind. i think he mostly uses his environment to his advantage to lure and trap his opponent
but if he had to choose a weapon, he'd grab a gun and go-
bakugou katsuki
son of athena, goddess of intelligence, wisdom and battle strategy
you would think he is an ares kid but NO. mr man is an athena kid that will beat you at anything you challenge him to
very intelligent and observant. he knows so much about everything it makes your brain hurt
the fastest learner of the bunch. he tries to evolve as much as possible so he drinks up every last piece of information he can get and forces himself to be good at any skill immediately
he has challenged pretty much most gods to a battle before. just straight up yelling at the sky for zeus to "stop being a whimp and face him head on"
that was mainly because he hates zeus tho
as i mentioned he is an extremely skilled individual, so he could fight with pretty much any weapon he gets ahold of at the moment
his favourites are distraction sparklers and low impact bombs kirishima makes him
kirishima eijirou
son of hephaestus, god of fire, metalworking and crafts
this is very explicitly inspired by leo valdez and festus because i know for a fact kirishima would make himself a metal dragon for funzies
he loves being helpful. adores everything about it: the smile on people's faces, the praise, feeling needed and indispensable
there's opportunities everywhere and kirishima uses them to make things that make people happy
was one of the oldest people to join the camp (he joined at 15) and his attitude did a full 180
he just found his people, ya know?
doesn't really fight, he mainly supports the people who do by making them weapons either on the spot or before a battle
in the rare occasions he has to fight, he chooses something like kick boxing or muay thai
he just has the muscles to support that
(also he is useless with all weapons, he literally calls bakugou to test them cause "why would i learn how to stab somebody when i could be working on a metal dragon my other projects")
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a/n: i love this idea so much. like, very very much. let me know if you would like to see this with any characters from haikyuu as well! take care <33
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demigodsanswer · 4 years
Not sure if you've done this before or anything but could you perhaps do some Clarisse headcannons for just after TLO?
Of course 
It was her idea to throw Percy and Annabeth into the lake. She had the idea after Annabeth asked her to keep everyone out of the dining pavilion so that she could shoot her shot with Percy. 
“Yes, of course I can do that for you. Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone in.” *Turns around immediately to Travis* “Alright, so here’s the plan.” 
She gets really frustrated when people say: “You didn’t think about the fact that he’s a son of Poseidon? You didn’t think they’d just stay down there?” 
Because of course she knew that! She was deliberately helping them get more privacy in a very Ares way. 
She spends a few days at camp trying to distract herself from everything that had happened. Eventually, though, she told Chiron she needed a break, which he agreed would be good. 
She spent about a week in New York with Chris, who had just moved into a new apartment in Brooklyn. They spent some time out in Brooklyn, but they they pretty much completely avoided Manhattan. Most of the time, though, they’re sleeping, watching movies, and talking about everything that had happened. 
While she feels better after that week, she does then choose to go home to Arizona for a little bit. She goes home for about two weeks and hangs out with her mom. 
She didn’t fully recover in those three weeks she was away from camp, but it did help a lot to get away. 
Ultimately, the problem is that she has been profoundly changed by the wars and battles, but also camp has changed. There was an idyllic time before anything bad had happened. But it’s not just that she’s been changed and camp is still idyllic. No, she watched Thalia’s tree almost die, she watched camp get invaded, she saw the city overtaken by monsters and titans and gods. 
Fundamentally, what she struggles with after the war isn’t just her friends being dead, it’s that she can never really go home again. The camp that she loved growing up doesn’t exist anymore. She’s different, and it’s different as well. 
The last year that she’s the cabin leader, she watched a ton of new demigods flood into camp fully knowing that they will be thrust into another war almost right away. And there’s nothing that she can do to keep herself from losing all interest in heroism.  
She will never have all the glory of Percy or Annabeth or any of the other seven. But also, they won’t have all the glory of Achilles or Hercules either. Achilles is promised immortality in the form of everyone remembering him for thousands of years. That immortality is no longer available to them. 
That last year she’s at camp, she finds herself becoming more nihilistic and hopeless about these ideas of heroism. She tries to hide it as best she can, but all the demigods who knew her before the war certainly see it. But they are also the ones who best understand it.  
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Thank you for answering my ask! If you're still taking AUs, how about WinterIron, Percy Jackson AU? 😍
Am I aware that Hestia technically doesn’t have her own cabin? Yes, I am. Is that going to stop me from giving her an honorary one anyway because she’s a goddess and deserves an honorary cabin just like Hera and Artemis? No.
1. Technically, Tony is a son of Ares and technically, he’s supposed to live in Ares’ cabin. But Tony grew up with Howard and when he looks at Ares during that first winter solstice, he just sees another Howard so when he arrives at Camp Half-Blood and discovers that everyone is supposed to live in their godly parent’s cabin, he says, “Fuck that.” No one is really sure where Tony lives during those first few days but at some point, he stumbles across Hestia and, well, home has always been important to him. Family has always been important. It will probably always be a mystery how he managed to talk the goddess into it, but, by the end of the day, Tony is the first resident of Hestia’s cabin.
2. Tony arrives at Camp Half-Blood when he’s eight years old after running away from Stark Mansion. For the first couple of years, Chiron tries to convince him to go back to his parents. After all, Tony isn’t a particularly powerful demigod - except for his strange association with Hestia - he could easily spend the school year in the mortal world. Tony refuses and after neither Howard nor Maria come looking for him, Chiron stops trying.
3. Bucky arrives six months later. He’s a son of Nemesis and another year-round camper because he doesn’t like leaving Steve, a son of Zeus, alone. All of his other siblings are half-bloods as well so it isn’t like he never gets to see them and sometimes, he takes trips out to go see his parents.
4. For the first few years, he and Tony don’t have much to do with each other. Tony is smart enough that he learns through private tutor instead of with the other kids his age and when he’s not in lessons, he tends to keep to himself either in the smithy or with Hestia, who’s teaching him...something. No one can get close enough to hear them. Bucky is aware of who Tony is, of course. Everyone knows about the son of Ares who rejected his parentage but he’s busy with his cabin mates and with Steve and he just doesn’t care.
5. But then, Tony turns sixteen and is given a quest - not by the Oracle but by Hestia herself. To no one’s surprise, he chooses Rhodey, the only other camper he talks to and another son of Ares, to go with him. To everyone’s surprise, his other choice - is Bucky.
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thesibyllinebooks · 4 years
The New Yorkers (Part 25)
Percy felt sick to his stomach as he looked at the lake. It was a sickly, bright green color. Chiron had explained the water was growing more and more toxic by the day. Luckily, the campers in the infirmary would be fine. But Percy couldn’t help but think about all the fish, plants, and naiads that were uprooted or worse, killed. It made him hate Zeus.  It also made him hate his father a tiny bit for putting the aquatic life in jeopardy. 
Annabeth squeezed his hand in sympathy. The look on her face was equally pained. “We’ll fix all this,” she whispered sincerely. Then louder, she said to Chiron, “this is ridiculous. And the smell, that can’t be healthy either.” The lake smelled like a vat of toxic waste. Fumes rose in spirals of curling green smoke.
The centaur nodded. “We’ve tried everything we can. The Demeter and Apollo children have been working overtime to discover a cure. But as you both know, godly curses are sometimes irreversible.” They kept walking. Percy looked around the grounds. He and Annabeth had revisited multiple times over the years. The camp more or less looked the same as it did when he’d been a camper there years ago. He remembered the much better times he had at camp- training with his friends, singing around the campfire, strawberry picking, kissing Annabeth at the bottom of the now poisoned lake... Not all of the memories were wonderful, though. They’d had to fight to defend that camp with their lives on more than one occasion. Percy had lost friends on those very grounds. He hated to think that more lives would be lost.
“But we can’t just let this happen,” Annabeth persisted. “I mean, I can’t imagine how sick you are of the gods acting like this. They’ve left you to babysit their kids for millennia.” Annabeth had spent half her life at Camp Half-Blood. Growing up, Chiron was the closest thing to a father she’d ever had. Chiron had done more to turn her into the person she was than either of her parents had. 
“Train them,” Chiron corrected her. “Though sometimes, there isn’t much of a difference.”
As they walked to the Big House, a couple campers waved at them. Percy was sure there wasn’t a single camper who hadn’t heard of him or Annabeth. He hated the celebrity status. After all, he’d just done his duty as a demigod, if it could even be called that. He hated to think any of the campers would put themselves in harm’s way just to live up to his reputation, especially if the oncoming war became a reality. None of it was worth it.
Chiron’s hooves clopped on the wooden porch. “I’m not going to beat around the bush any longer,” he said. “I know the two of you are here because you refuse to heed your parents’ advice and stay out of this.”
“How can we?” Annabeth responded, her expression turning dark. “We know what it’s like to be used by the gods. We’re not letting that happen to anyone else.” Percy nodded in agreement. 
Chiron gestured for them to take the conversation inside. “Yes, which is understandable, but you’re retired. You know how it is. There’s an entire new generation of demigods-”
“They’re kids,” Percy interrupted. He knew what it felt like to be a child at the whim of the gods. He didn’t wish it on his worst enemy, who coincidentally, were the gods at the moment.
“Quite a few demigods don’t even make it to your age,” Chiron continued. “That’s a blessing in itself. That you and Percy can be safe and happy-”
“My mother took that happiness away from me. You know how I felt my entire life. You know I felt like no one loved me. She didn’t care, and she let me feel that way again all because she didn’t want me to jump into her war. She didn’t have a problem with it before,” Annabeth insisted. 
A look of sympathy crossed Chiron’s face. “But she was correct. Even I’d be a fool to act like you wouldn’t do anything for Percy,” Chiron said. “I’ve witnessed it for years.”
“That doesn’t make it right,” Percy stepped in. “That’s our choice to make, not the gods’.” He looked to Annabeth. The fierce determination in her eyes was there. He nodded to her, letting her know it was time to share her plan with Chiron. 
“Chiron, I have a request,” Annabeth said. “It’s going to sound stupid but hear me out.”
Chiron looked like he wanted to sigh out of exhaustion. “Yes?”
“Move my siblings out of the Athena cabin,” Annabeth said. “There doesn’t need to be a Cabin Six anymore. They can stay in the Hermes cabin or the Ares cabin- or let them choose, it really doesn’t matter.”
Chiron’s eyebrows furrowed. His tail twitched like it was swatting an imaginary fly. “For what purpose?” he asked. 
“No more reverence to Athena,” Annabeth said firmly. “That’s where her center of power is strongest at camp. There shouldn’t be any more offerings to her at dinner, or to Zeus. No more using her battle strategies- the Ares kids have plenty-”
“Annabeth, fading the essence of a god isn’t easy work,” Chiron said simply. “Especially the two most prominent gods in the pantheon. It’s risky as well. Incurring the wrath of the gods could be dangerous.”
“It’ll be less dangerous the weaker they become,” Percy reasoned. “Annabeth and I went to Olympus. We asked them ourselves. They aren’t backing down. This is the only way to keep the campers safe.” 
The campers didn’t pay much homage to Zeus on a regular basis and with Jason and Thalia gone, his cabin was empty. But still, he was the King of the Gods, which held a good bit of weight. The Athena kids would be the bigger problem. Athena had multiple children at camp, and they revered their mother fiercely, maybe even more than Annabeth had at that age. 
“Just let me talk to them,” Annabeth said. “Everyone deserves a choice. This is what I feel like needs to be done but if they disagree, I’ll hear them out. I promise.” In truth, Annabeth hoped to all the gods (except Athena and Zeus) that her siblings wouldn’t argue. They were smart and logical, like her. If she explained the imminent danger they were in, they would have to understand, wouldn’t they? She hoped their fear of their mother didn’t outweigh their reasoning or self-preservation.
Chiron was silent for a long while. It was hard to tell what he was thinking. It was probably something along the lines of how sick and tired he was of the gods’ antics and involving their children.
“Frank is getting in touch with the praetors at Camp Jupiter. They’re going to empty out the temple to Jupiter. The Minerva temple well...” Percy trailed off. It was no secret that Athena was basically chopped liver to the Romans. At least that would make their work easier on that front.
“This is dangerous,” Chiron repeated. “But it’s not my job to put the campers at any further risk.
“Is that a yes?” Annabeth asked. If Percy squinted, he could see the tiniest bit of hope in her eyes. Percy couldn’t imagine making the decision to do the same to Poseidon. But, he was way closer to his father. Annabeth appeared determine to erase her mother at all costs. He wouldn’t dare ask, but he wondered how much of it was out of desire to prevent the war, and how much of it was personal.
Chiron waved his hand dismissively. “I’ll allow you to talk to them, not coerce them. If they agree, we’ll bring it up to the rest of the camp.” 
“That’s great,” Percy said to Annabeth. “Thanks, Chiron.”
Chiron nodded solemnly. “I’ll call an emergency meeting with Cabin Six. As dangerous and unprecedented as this is, I’d expect nothing less from you.”
“Of course,” Annabeth agreed. Her mind was already going a mile a minute, ready to convince her siblings to do what was necessary. After all, Athena may have been able to take Annabeth’s memory, but she couldn’t take any of their powers or skill away from them. The best she could do was remover her essence from any enchanted objects she blessed them with. And, other than her Yankees Cap which didn’t work anyway, Annabeth didn’t know of any. Athena could kill them, though. However, the weaker she became, the less likely that would be. 
Annabeth tried to decide the best route to convince her siblings. After all, only the majority of them would have to vote to cut ties with their mother. As long as she could get through to the counselor, her younger sister Sophia, hopefully the rest of the siblings would fall in line. Hopefully, they wouldn’t say one thing and then turn around an pray to their mother. That would certainly throw a wrench in her plans.
“Stay with me?” Annabeth asked Percy. Even though he didn’t like talking to people much, his demeanor was a lot calmer, which would be necessary during such a tense conversation. 
Percy nodded as if to say, duh. “Where else would I go?” he questioned. Annabeth smiled dumbly. Sometimes, she thought she was an idiot to forget that Percy would never willingly leave her side. 
Chiron looked between the two of them. The tiniest of smiles spread across his face. “Great, I’ll call them in now. And Annabeth? It’s admirable that you would make such a sacrifice in order to help the Camp.”
It wasn’t much of a sacrifice to Annabeth. After years of enduring her mother’s apathy, it felt a lot more like justice. 
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 years
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oohohoho you just opened the deepest can of worms on the planet
-mod dave, who wrote a fucking ten mile essay
first off, addressing the second anon, no theyre all humans. h., half humans at least. cause yall know me i fucking love my humanstuck aus off my ASS
(that would be funny as hell though. a troll from space walking into a camp on earth going “I AM THE SON OF ONE OF YOUR EARTH GODS. BITCH” like... holy shit)
so first things first their parents. im gonna lay this out, the beta kids and trolls are all greek (EXCEPT sollux hes roman cause his parent has no greek equivalent), and all the alpha kids and trolls are those gods roman equivalents (,,EXCEPT dirk cause he kinda balances sollux being roman out). i havent figured out how thatd happen like 16+ times yet cause in the percy jackson books theres only ever been one instance of two siblings of the same godly descent being greek and roman respectively in HISTORY so like.. i guess th. i guess thats just not a problem in this au
anyway this gets really long so im gonna talk about the beta kids and trolls cause i havent elaborated on the alphas at all ((peep the tags if you wanna see their parents though))
johns the son of zeus, rose is the daughter of athena, dave is the son of apollo, and jade is the daughter of demeter. they were all raised in their respective states, all had to come to new york for various reasons. jades been there the longest, shes been there 9 years and shes been on a couple quests. her biggest accomplishment so far is how she protected the camp from this big vicious angry hellhound that got past the barrier. naturally the girls fluent in Dog Training, so she steps up and instead of trying to kill this thing, she reaches out and tames it as fast as she can. it ends up actually working, and ever since that day she, her cabin, and the camp have a whole bodyguard sleeping right outside the demeter cabin! hes her steed in battle and hes a Very Good Boy. and his name is becquerel
johns the newest kid at camp, he has no idea who he is or why the fuck his school got attacked or why in the hell those anemoi thuellai were so fixated on him or HOW in the hell he absorbed the lightning one threw at him and ended up fine,,, hes just a big mess right now. a big enough mess that when he got claimed by literally zeus, no one else was around, he shrugged it off as some basic magical happening, and he stayed in the hermes cabin far longer than he should have cause no one! fucking knew he got claimed! by zeus of all people! dumbass. he ends up figuring it out though. like an off-hand mention about how this “weird lightning thing appeared above my head a couple weeks ago, haha weird right?” once he figures it out he realizes “hey i might be able to fly” so he sneaks off into the woods to try it. he succeeds fairly quickly but god almighty everyones face the one day the dude just yote himself off a small cliff without warning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
dave and rose are really tight, theyve been there roughly the same time length, and since their cabins are across from each other they just bother each other all the time. daves the resident Doctor even though he really doesnt look it cause hes got the apollo powers. apollo is the medicine god. so if you wound your stupid ass in battle daves in the ER room patching you up with his glowy hands. rose on the other hand is a very good strategist. shes one of the only athena kids ever recorded to actually have a power - telekinesis. she has no idea how she developed it, she thinks its from birth, but it freaks her out. shes training it though.
so the beta trolls, are also all human(ish). aradias hades kid. but i pulled a pjo trope on her based on one of my favorite characters (im not saying for spoilers, but if you recognize the situation, You Probably Know Who Its Based Off) and aradia died. her mom, the handmaid, had been pulling some Shady Ass Shit and ended up getting herself killed, but aradia tried saving her and ended up going down with her.
so handmaid gets sentenced to the fields of punishment in the underworld, and aradia gets sentenced to elysium, heroes paradise. shes like “no i want my mom to be okay” so they take that away from aradia and they put them both in the fields of asphodel, the neverending grey space for Not So Good But Not So Bad people. her mom becomes a shade (shadow spirit, no human resemblance), as all people do, but aradia. doesnt? and she gets dunked in the fucking river lethe and if you dont know what that does it erases your memory. so she just. comes out of the river like “hello? wgat tae fukc goin on??” but she still remembers one thing. there was an “a” in her name.
tavros is the son of hermes, hes just kinda taken on the role of backup counselor for when the actual cabin counselor is out. hes in a wheelchair, but he also has prosthetic legs for when he needs to actually stand up and fight. hes really good at it too. also catch him in winged converse cause he Owns Those and Uses Them To His Advantage. hes trying his best to keep focused on the camp, cause aradia was his childhood friend, he misses her a whole lot, she never got to camp in the first place. and to his knowledge, shes still dead.
sollux is a janus kid. thats a problem cause janus is roman, and this is a greek camp. he grew up with dave, he showed up with dave, hes been at camp as long as dave. but hes been unclaimed since he showed up so he thinks hes unwanted by whatever parent he has. he knows hes a demigod, he got through the camp barriers, so what the fuck is wrong with him? he also feels shitty cause hes shit at the greek lessons, he cant read a lick of it which literally every demigod without exception should be able to do, he cant name any gods- well, he can, but.. he gets their names mixed up. why does he keep calling poseidon “neptune”? and he has a much, much different way of natural fighting than other kids. they slice, he jabs. he wasnt taught to jab. 
karkat is an aphrodite kid with vitiligo, and to make matters worse, hes ace and on the aro spectrum. to make matters WORSE, the aphrodite kids are kinda notorious for being really shallow, really materialistic, and really mean. karkats been dubbed the “runt” of the cabin, he gets made fun of for his spots to the point where he uses make up and magic to conceal them. worst of all? hes the kid of the goddess of love, for fucks sake. being reminded that “loveless people shouldnt be able to stay in this cabin, mom must have made a mistake claiming you” is kind of.. a blow to the self esteem. long story short he hates aphrodite for claiming him, and would have rather stayed in the hermes cabin. but he eventually goes on this big quest thats vague as fuck right now but Its The Main Plot, he ends up proving to himself that hes worth something and that his siblings are wrong, and my FAVORITE LINE IN THE WHOLE THING i came up with is HIS when he deals a final blow to some big monster: “REMEMBER MY FACE THE NEXT TIME YOU REINCARNATE. MY NAME IS KARKAT VANTAS, I’M THE SON OF APHRODITE, AND LOOKS CAN KILL.”
nepeta isnt anywhere near developed as others are unfortunately, shes a daughter of ares and shes really really good at hand to hand combat. shes small but she leads groups of people in things ranging from camp volleyball games to actual literal wars. shes a tough little shit
kanaya isnt really developed either, i have yet to figure out most of her powers too actually, shes a daughter of iris, the rainbow goddess though. (blatant reference to both kanayas vampirism and. h. her. sh. es ga. gay) ONE THING SHE CAN DO THOUGH is iris message at will without water or drachmas so really shes just everyones go to cell phone and its fucking hilarious cause people just come into the cabin like “KANAYA I NEED TO TALK TO [X]” and shes like “You Better Fucking Pay Me I Am Not Your Personal Cell Phone”
terezi is the daughter of nemesis and she has this really peculiar power she hasnt really gotten the hang of yet. she has synesthesia, so while she cant see she can smell and taste the colors of her surroundings and its really helpful. sometimes though she gets messages from her mom. they dont even come as dreams half the time, they come as almost a different plane altogether. tez has the power to literally tip the scales, pretty much. and when she gets like that, she can see. shes not on earth though, shit on earth stops when shes like that. shes just kinda In Her Own Head, i guess? and in her head she holds the two scales in her hands. she is the arms of the scale. and depending on which one she lifts up, she can literally alter the fate of the battle or happening thats going on By Herself. once she chooses she just whooshes back to real life though and nothing has changed. the only downside? it takes a LOT of energy and cant be exploited for little things. her one thing on her bucket list is to tap into said powers while getting something from a vending machine so like three things will fall out but it hasnt happened yet and shes upset
vriskas a daughter of tyche, the luck goddess, come the fuck on you knew i was gonna, i havent really elaborated on her either and im upset about that. but hey now you get a break from all those fucking paragraphs
equius is a hephaestus kid, and he kinda stays in the background. hes a range fighter, he spends a lot of time in the forge, and even though its been a project looooong since forgotten, hes been excavating the tunnels under cabin nine for years. by himself. he has no idea where they lead, but dammit hes gonna find out where. he has no idea about a certain bunker in the woods though...
gamzees just there for a fucking laugh tbh hes a son of dionysus and i love that cause hes the god of wine and parties and insanity. usually gamzees just zoning out somewhere hes Not supposed to be, and hes not affected by the maenads FUCKED UP BULLSHIT that goes down the forest sometimes. also hes so fucking scared of tavroses wing shoes he tried them on once while he was high and JESUS CHRIST
eridan is the son of kymopoleia, a SUPER obscure goddess. lets just say dont fuck with eridan cause his mom is the goddess of violent sea storms,
and naturally, feferi is the daughter of poseidon. cause who the FUCK else would she be the daughter of. WHO. NAME ONE GOD
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If you have a request box and it’s open can I get a Tim x demigod reader. Tim is a son of Hermes and the reader is a daughter of Athena. The reader only likes hanging out with the seven pulse Nico, Will, Grover, and Calyps. The adult figures are Mr. D and Chiron. She only hangs out with the seven Nico, Will, Grover, and Calypso and had been in every quest with Percy and the rest since Percy got to camp. The reader is antisocial and an introvert. Tim somehow worms his way into her heart.
a/n: i am so sorry this is so lateeee! you have no idea how many times i started this and rewrote it. you really gave me a hard challenge lol but it’s here and i hope you like it
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Tim couldn’t stop staring. He knew it was probably weird and he should look away, but it’s fascinating watching you swing your sword. You’re so graceful, so calm and collected when you flex your wrist to make a harsh cut in the air.
“What are you staring at?” is the question that drags him out of his dream like state.
Looking up, he finds his brother staring down at him. Well, not really his brother, but someone he considered as such nonetheless. They grew up together, even though they didn’t share the same god or human parent, just a legal guardian that gave them a home when all hope seemed lost. But he was as much of a brother, maybe even more, as his cabin mates were.
“Nothing,” is his nonchalant answer. Dick already knows what he’s staring at, anyway, he doesn’t even need to ask, but he loves teasing him about his crush.
Dick snorts. “Yeah, sure, I believe you.”
Practice swords clash and grunts fill the air. You stand at the ready, not giving into Percy’s playful taunts. Growing bored, Percy finally rushes at you and you easily sidestep him and swing, getting Poseidon’s son square on his back.
“Stop sulking and go talk to her,” Dick suddenly says after a beat of silence.
Tim can’t help but wrinkle his nose in annoyance. As much as he loves his brother, he really wishes he were less meddlesome.
You flip your hair back and stare down Percy as he tries to counterattack, but you get him again, right behind the knees, Annabeth shouts your praises and it causes Percy to pout and turn to look at his girlfriend, once more leaving himself wide open for you to attack.
“Easy for you to say,” Tim mumbles. “You get along with everyone.” Must be the Aphrodite genes in him.
“Because I make an effort.” Dick nudges Tim’s head with his finger before ruffling his hair just as Percy throws his sword to the ground and raises his arms. “Look, she and Percy are done training for the day, now is your chance.”
This is his chance! He hops to his feet, but suddenly his feet stop as his mind starts over thinking. What if… “What if she wants to be on her own?”
He knew how guarded you were, after all, you had been betrayed in the worst way possible. Betrayed by someone you trusted and looked up to; someone who was like an older brother to you. While Tim was hurt to find out that a housemate—a sibling no less was behind the betrayal, it didn’t have the same impact on him as it did on you. You had been devastated, full of anguish as you tried to deny what became so clear (if any of his siblings—Dick, Jason, Cassandra or Damian—did half of what Luke did, he would’ve lost his mind). He wonders if that’s why you choose to keep to yourself? Avoid the hurt that someone could cause you by keeping your friend circle so tight and close?
He’s an idiot. Of course it is.
Dick rolls his eyes. “Just go-“ he pushes him forward- “and talk to her!”
“What do I even say?” He asks in a panic.
“Ask if you can sit together for dinner!” Dick suggests. “Or if she’d like to train with you tomorrow! You got this, Timmy!”
Yeah. Yeah! He does have this! He can totally do this! Tim nods resolutely, ready to march up to you and ask if you’d like to sit with him, only to find you’re no longer on the training ground. His shoulders fall and he lets out a loud sigh.
With a sympathizing chuckle and a pat on the back, Dick says, “Next time.”
“Yeah, next time,” Tim murmurs.
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He tries his luck as you’re cleaning your weapons, a hand me down celestial-bronze sword from Annabeth and two identical blades gifted to you by Damasen when you fell into Tartarus with your sister and Percy.
You were pretty territorial with your stuff, preferring to clean them and wield them yourself. He’s only ever seen you let Annabeth touch them, and only because she gave you your first weapon.
“Hey,” Tim speaks up slowly, gaining your attention, and you pause in your ministrations. “Um, sorry, do you mind if I—“ he points at the cleaning wax and everything you have laid out to keep your weapons in top condition.
Your eyes fall to the spread in front of you and you nod, raising an eyebrow in his direction.
“Thanks,” he mutters and he gently lays out his own weapons gifted to him by Bruce. They’re not the most traditional of weapons like yours or most in camp and he can tell you’re intrigued by the way your eyes linger on them. “Uh, do you want to try using it?” he asks, motioning to his custom bo staff, made out of celestial-bronze, with his hands.
You shake your head, but the curiosity lingers in your gaze and Tim feels his heart speed up when you don’t look away. “How do you kill monsters with it?”
“I—I don’t,” he answers truthfully. “It disorients them, gives my brothers or Cass a chance to finish them off.” You nod slowly, unsure if that’s such a wise idea. Monsters don’t attack to disorient, they attack to kill, so why shouldn’t he? “But I do sometimes use it as a makeshift sword,” he jokes and for a moment he swears he hears a small puff of air that sounds kind of like a giggle.
It’s enough to have him grinning widely.
“Hey—“ a voice interrupts—Nico. When did he arrive at camp? “You done, yet?” He asks you, not even acknowledging him, which isn’t much of a surprise. Hades’ son tends to keep to himself, preferring to travel on his own, too, but occasionally he’d seek you or the others out for companionship.
“Just about,” you answer him, voice lighter and full of warmth. A tinge of envy shoots through his veins. He wonders when you’ll be able to direct that voice in his direction. “Give me a moment to wipe off—there.” You pause and your eyes lock with his for just a moment. “Do you mind putting all of this away?”
“No,” he answers dumbly, unable to break eye contact with you. “No, I don’t mind.”
“Thanks, Drake,” you murmur and quickly put your weapons away to join Nico for who knows what.
He hopes he can spend more time with you next time.
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Next time comes a lot sooner than Tim thought it would.
He can’t sleep. It’s not the first time, either. His cabin mates usually make fun of him, say his mind is always running and that’s why he’s never able to rest. He’s starting to believe there might be some truth to their words. 
With a sigh, he carefully sneaks out of the cabin, grabbing his red hoodie as he goes. He follows the path to the woods where he knows he’ll find some peace and quiet. He knows he shouldn’t stray far, even with Wayne Tech and the fleece protecting the perimeter, you could never be too careful. He doesn’t go too far from camp, but far enough where he’s sure Connor won’t find him and try to pull some kind of prank on him when he realizes he’s gone.
The twigs snap under his feet as he gets closer to the lake where all the naiads play in during the day. He knows they’re all asleep by now and shouldn’t bother him, or so he thought.
Hands wrap around his wrist, ready to throw him over their shoulder with all of their weight, but Tim is quick. He’s able to pull away and wrap his own arms around his attacker—why are they so light?—and is able to throw them both on the ground where he successfully managed to pin them down. 
Peering down at the person pinned beneath him, his eyes widening almost comically, embarrassment finding a home on his cheeks. Shit.
“Drake?” Your eyes are just as wide and shocked as his, mouth parted slightly as you stare up at him unblinkingly.
Your name falls from his lips the same way, unsure if it’s really you beneath him right now or some kind of mind trick.
The shock drains from your eyes and you grow serious, suddenly bucking him off of you. He gets the hint and quickly scrambles to his feet.
“I’m sorry, you just grabbed me and I—“
You ignore his rambling, wiping dirt off of your pants. “Why are you out here? You know it’s dangerous.”
His brows furrow and he fixes his hoodie. “Could say the same to you.”
You eye him, head tilting and he has to tell himself to keep eye contact—don’t break, don’t break. He swears he can get lost in those endless shimmering eyes of yours. You sigh and turn away first and Tim let’s out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Same,” he answers, voice coming out as a broken squeak. He curses himself for not keeping his voice leveled. He really has it bad doesn’t he?
You don’t say anything, instead you head towards a small patch of grass by the glistening water of the lake and plop down. You bring your knees up to your chest and you just sit there, and Tim doesn’t know how, but he somehow manages to find the courage and strength to drop himself down beside you.
He waits for a beat, and when you don’t tell him to leave, he relaxes, one leg stretched outward and his palms resting against the ground as he leans back.
You spend the rest of the night in companionable silence.
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Tim thankfully has the option to opt out of Capture the Flag this week. On his mini quest with Jason and Cassandra, he got hurt pretty bad saving a child from a wild hellhound terrorizing a small town on the outskirts of Gotham. Not that he’s happy that he got hurt, because ouch hellhound teeth digging into skin is the worst thing he has experienced, and that’s saying a lot as a Demi-god and Robin.
Don’t get him wrong, he gets why everyone gets super excited about it, but sometimes—members of the Ares cabin, like Jason, especially—get super competitive and it becomes this whole thing where everyone fights all day and they take more jabs at one another than usual.
“You still ain’t good, kid?”
Tim spares a glance over his shoulder at Jason, who is geared up and ready. Dick and Cassandra flank his sides both in their own personal gear.
“Hellhound got me pretty good.”
Dick ruffles his hair. “I’ll see if I can get Chiron to spare some Nectar or Ambrosia after the game.”
He had some when he arrived at camp, but it wasn’t enough for a Hellhound bite apparently. “That’d be great. Thanks, Dick.”
“Stay safe,” Cassandra mutters patting his arm before making her way over to her other team members with excitement. He forgets how much she loves Capture the Flag.
Dick shakes his head and Jason chuckles lowly, the two following after her.
“Good luck!”
“Won’t need it,” Jason barks back at him, smirking.
He rolls his eyes and pities the fool that’ll have to take on his brothers and sister.
“Here,” a soft voice says just as a small bag of squared treats falls on his lap and he startles, barely catches it before it can drop to the ground. “I had some extra Ambrosia lying around.”
He blinks at the food and then up to find you looking away from him, your friends just a few feet away.
“I’ve never fought a hellhound, but Percy and Annabeth said they can be pretty vicious.”
“Are you sure—“
“Yeah,” you cut him off, finally meeting his gaze, a small smile on your beautiful face that has his heart racing and the wound in his leg throbbing. “Keep out of trouble, Tim.”
Tim. You called him Tim! This is—that’s great news! Just as he’s registering his name drop, he realizes you’re already walking away from him to join the rest of your friends waiting off to the side.
“Thanks,” he calls out to you and you glance at him over your shoulder, eyes scrunching up and lips turning up in one corner. Shit. How is it that one simple smirk can turn his world upside down and kick his heart into overdrive? It should be illegal to make someone feel so strongly as you make him feel.
If he dies from his hellhound injury right this moment, he wouldn’t regret anything in his life.
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Except he would regret a couple of things. He knows over the last few years you’ve been in and out of the camp, following your sister and the rest of your friends on the prophesied quests, but he wishes he had tried to get to know you earlier. Maybe then he’d somehow be connected to your prophecies too, and he didn’t have to worry about you never coming back.
“Relax,” he hears Jason say behind him as he and his siblings wait with him for any signs of you and your friends. “She’s gone through worse trials than this and has made it out alive. She can handle finding her mother’s darn owl.”
“She’s strong,” Cassandra adds with a resolved nod, completely convinced about her words.
“Yeah,” he says breathlessly. “She is.”
“She may have already found the owl,” Dick reassures, clapping him on his shoulder. “She’s probably on her way to Olympus to deliver it and Annabeth said that might take another week.”
Gods, he hopes not.
It’s another day, and Tim wonders if you’re okay. If you’re keeping safe and warm. He knows Frank and Piper wouldn’t let anything happen to you, you three are as thick as thieves, and trust each other with your lives, but he still can’t help it.
He thinks back on that night on the lake, how you just sat side by side in silence, and more often than not, most nights he’d find himself by that lake with you by his side.
The first time you broke the silence, you asked him more about his bo staff, asking how it worked and if he’d regret picking that as his choice of weapon. He told you it was gifted to him, and he trusted his weapon to get him out of messy situations. You just stared at him for a beat longer before nodding in understanding.
That night, after you had both went your separate ways—you to your cabin and him to his, he lay awake as his thoughts run wild.
Those nights, sitting side by side in companionable silence, or in shy conversation as you watch the water sparkle, feels so long ago now.
He grabs a rock, turning it in his hands, weighing it. He gently raises it and is about to flick his wrist to skip it across the water when a soft voice stops him, the rock falling to the ground and rolling away.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” His head slowly turns, as if trying to process that familiar voice—because it can’t be! Annabeth didn’t think you’d come for another week! “Naiads aren’t fond of campers throwing things in their lake.”
He scrambles to his feet and takes in your form—apart from a scratch on your cheek, you seem okay! “You’re home!”
“I’m home,” you repeat, a slow smile making its home on your beautiful face.
Gods! He could just kiss you out of relief!
“I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long,” you murmur shyly and his eyes widen. “I heard from Annabeth you’ve been waiting for me.”
“No!” he interjects loudly, and the water behind him ripples. Shit. Don’t wake up the naiads, Tim! “No,” he tries again softly, “don’t apologize. I’m just, I’m just glad you’re safe.”
It’s quiet out by the lake, not a single bird to be heard or an occasional giggle from a nymph breaking curfew. It’s like everything is holding its breath, watching, waiting to see what might happen. Or maybe it’s just him.
“Okay,” you bend slowly, turning away from him as your smile turns awkward, strained, “well, I just wanted to let you know I’m back, so—“
His hand reaches for your wrist without thinking and you stare at him, smile falling from your face, but you don’t look scared. Your head only tilts and your eyes sparkle with the reflection of the stars, and he knows you’re only curious.
He’s curious, too. Why did he stop you?
“I—“ he closes his mouth, unsure of what to say exactly. His hand drops to his side and he berated himself. He’s already made a fool of himself, no need to keep doing it.
You sigh gently, facing away from him for a moment before taking a couple of steps to stand right in front of him, the tips of your shoes almost touching his. He has to resist the urge to hold his breath, because wow, you’re even more beautiful up close. “Tim, do you—do you like me?”
“What?” he asks dumbly, having not expected you to ask that of all things.
Heat radiated off your pores, eyes drooping and a sweet flush beginning to appear on your skin. “Sorry, I—wow. I’m an idiot. Um. I’m sorry, forget I asked that—“
Before Tim knows what he’s doing, his hands have somehow made a home on your warm skin, and he watches as your eyes widen, mouth parting in a silent question. He knows he’s being oddly intimate, but he didn’t know what else to do! Probably not this! But you’re not pushing him away so that’s a good sign, right? “I—I do,” he admits. “I do like you. I like you a lot. Since the moment my siblings and I arrived and I saw you training with Annabeth.”
“That was so long ago, Tim,” you say, voice a little breathless and he really hopes he hasn’t creeped you out.
“I—I know, but you looked so cool telling her to stop taking it easy on you.”
“I was annoyed,” you whisper.
“Yeah.” He grins slowly, almost in a haze. “But I thought you looked cool.” Your eyes drop to his hoodie as his hands drop to his side. “I just—I just thought you should know since you were asking and—“
“I like you, too,” you admit shyly, eyes meeting his and he swears he can see himself reflected in your eyes surrounded by stars instead of these dark trees. “Somehow, someway, you’ve worked yourself into my heart, Timothy Drake.”
“Oh, man!” He can’t help but laugh, nerves finally slipping from his tense bones, an unfamiliar heat taking over every piece of him. And he wonders if this is what true happiness feels like? “Can I—“ he clears his throat. “Can I kiss you?”
When you nod bashfully, he presses his lips against yours, relishing on the softness of them as your hands cup the back of his neck, and gods, he could just laugh again because this doesn’t feel real. You don’t feel real, but you are real, and you’re so sweet and soft and he can keep kissing you all night, but it’s a shame you both need to breathe at some point. And so, reluctantly he pulls away, only to press his forehead against yours.
“Have dinner with me tomorrow?” he asks, breath fanning over your lips.
You chuckle and he smiles. “I’ll have dinner with you every night, Tim.”
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Sleeping at Last - Saturn
I think it was a few months ago in calc class when I first came up with this, but it’s the corona house arrest that’s finally making me post it. 
Stay safe everyone, and have some more Percy angst.
Find it on FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13517771/1/Sleeping-at-Last
“I’d give anything to hear, you say it one more time, that the universe was made, just to be seen by my eyes”
He couldn’t sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, the darkness reminded him of that pit and the pain of having to live through it. Sometimes Annabeth’s presence next to him helped, but tonight, she wasn’t with him. The sad truth was that as much as they helped each other heal their wounds, they also reminded each other of what they had been through. For the better part of eight days now, Percy was faced with the heartbreaking pain of choosing between seeing her and either being comforted or being triggered into a panic attack.
As much as he loved her, it hurt to be around her. He was being unfair he knew, expecting her to be the same as before, when he himself was only a shell of a man. But watching Annabeth shiver or snip and snarl at everything, only pushed him deeper still.
The argument that had resulted from that was vicious, and had left more than just the participants shaken.
Sitting up after an unsuccessful attempt at sleeping, he got out of bed and reached for Riptide. The weight of his loyal blade grounded him, pulling him towards the arenas.
There rolled the head, cleanly sliced off from the body.
Another strike. There were the disemboweled guts of a straw man.
It wasn’t enough. No matter how much he stabbed and slashed, it never helped abate the darkness. Riptide would cut through the clouds for a second, a shining streak of bronze. But then they would gather back faster than before.
It wasn’t long until Percy was panting, harder than he should have been. Taking shorter breaths than he should have been.
He tried blinking back the images. But the arena began to transform. He attacked a dummy viciously, face screwing up in determination, trying to fight back, but in vain.
Akhlys was laughing. Annabeth was crying his name. Bob was yelling for him, while Damasen tried to pull his sword out of the dragon’s mouth.
And Percy? He was on the floor. Staring at them from behind an impenetrable curtain. It took him some time to realize he was under water. He was looking at them from the bottom of a lake. He pounded the surface, trying desperately to break free. Even under water, he could taste the sulphurous air on his tongue as it burned his mouth, along with something more metallic. Every breath he took his poisoned his lungs, as if the water itself had turned into acid.
He heard Akhlys whispering as if she were next to him, “You killed me using your father’s powers. Here. See if they protect you now.”
His lungs began to fill. He was drowning. No, he couldn’t drown, he was the son of Poseidon. He choked and sputtered. But that only made it worse.
In front of him, Annabeth had gone blind again, and was desperately trying to call out to him through horrible coughing fits. She had her back turned to Damasen, and through his fading view, Percy saw Damasen yank his sword out from the Dragon and raise it against Annabeth.
Percy fought like a demon against the water then. He tried to control his breathing, but the water wouldn’t let go of him. He had to get to Annabeth. He had to. He swung his sword left and right, trying to fight the element that had protected him all his life. His eyes streamed, and he cried his voice hoarse. He swung his sword with all his might against the water –
His sword hit metal. But he couldn’t see where it came from.
The scene in front of him stilled. Annabeth had her face away from him, and Damasen still had his sword raised, so he hadn’t stabbed her yet.
A low voice from somewhere near him said, “Percy, snap out of it. It’s not real”
Slowly, the mist from his eyes cleared, and he realized he was on his haunches. His throat was raw. Riptide was still gripped under his white knuckles, as if the blade could cure his visions.
“Get up.” She ordered him. She didn’t hold out a hand, so Percy braced himself against the ground and heaved himself to a standing position. He regarded her cautiously, still trying to figure out if she was real or not.
“Do you still have the energy to fight? Because we need those dummies for practice tomorrow.”
Percy was weak, he needed a good night’s rest. His face still stung under the tear tracks. He wiped his nose, and glimpsed a streak of red on the blue of his shirt.
He nodded.
Clarisse raised her sword and swung at him.
Percy parried the strike, and his senses sharpened. He experimentally stabbed at her stomach. She easily dodged that, and returned with a blow of her own.
Slowly, they picked up the pace. Percy went from autopilot to actually focusing on the fight. He noticed that in the time he had been missing, Clarisse had gotten better at the sword. Or he had gotten worse.
He also noticed that Clarisse wasn’t really trying to fight him exactly. It was more like…leading him somewhere. He saw some mistakes in his technique that she could have taken advantage of, but she still let him move to the next position without taking the chance. Almost as if she were listening to him, to what his sword had to say, to what his tired body had to say. He had never heard of swordplay that was meant to be caring, and least of all, he didn’t expect Clarisse to know it.
He let his body go, slowly, but surely. Getting into the flow of their blades. They picked up the pace further, but that only calmed him more. This was sword fighting, it was something he knew. He was in control. In that moment, he was a blur of bronze, pouring his frustrations out into his weapon.
And Clarisse let him. In that moment, he had never felt so rested.
But when the deadly dance took him towards the armoury, a draught of wind transported the smell of gun powder, and with it, Sulphur. His eyes darted to the torchlight bouncing off her sword, flickering against the beams and columns, creating shadows that hadn’t been there a second before.
This time, there was nothing he could do. His mental shields had been down, and he had been too focused on Clarisse to notice the signs. The visions were brutal, as they were every time he thought he had finally evaded them.
He crumpled.
He found himself near the stairs of the arena, sitting up with his back propped against a pillar. He didn’t remember what he had seen this time, and he definitely didn’t remember losing consciousness.
“It’s going to take some time”
He was surprised to see Clarisse still there. She was sitting on the stairs next to him.
“Your blackouts, your hallucinations. It’s going to take some time to get better.”
He stayed silent. Not ready to talk yet. Not ready to accept that he was not getting better, despite Chiron’s healing and Grover’s magic.
As if reading his mind, “Chiron’s ambrosia only works temporarily, and only on the physical pain you feel. Unfortunately, the Greeks either never thought about healing the head, or they never lived long enough to experience PTSD.”
“How do you know so much about this?” he asked, curious.
He had never expected Clarisse of all people to be sympathetic to trauma, especially not like the one he was experiencing. But if he was being honest with himself, he was grateful for her presence. Her familiar scowl surprisingly reminded him of life before Tartarus, and it comforted him. And he didn’t think he was ready to be alone just yet.
Clarisse just sighed. “Ares is the god of war, right? You want to go conquer a land, fight a battle, you make sacrifices to Ares and hope he favors you enough to let you win. At least that’s only how the Greek civilization chose to see Ares, and it stuck.”
She paused.
“But over the years, Ares has come to represent all battles, all wars.”
She looked at him knowingly, “including internal ones.”
They were quiet after that, watching the sun rise over the Long Island Sound. ‘It makes sense’, thought Percy. Although he berated himself for letting his guard down, he had to admit that dueling with her had felt good. Better than he had felt in a long time.
Finally, he asked, “that sword fighting technique, where’d you learn that?”
“What are you talking about? I didn’t have to learn anything, punk. I’m a daughter of Ares, sword fighting techniques are instinct to me.”
He smiled lightly and conceded. Understood.
The dew on the strawberry fields glittered in the morning light. The Apollo cabin, naturally the first to wake up, began to stir, while the dryads in the forest softly greeted the earliest songbirds. Watching the life below him, he felt like he should have had some poetic internal dialogue about permanence and the transience of life. Or at least some epiphany prompted by the sun’s rays through the clouds.
But in that moment, he simply reveled in the fact that there were beautiful things still left in the world, outside his head. Like the tugging of his heart at the sight of a familiar blonde head that emerged from the cabins below, and the warmth of a friendship, reaching out from the person seated next to him.
“How rare and beautiful it is, that we exist”
The title of this fic is from the song Saturn, by artist Sleeping at Last. They’re amazing you guys should go check it out if you haven’t already! 
Also, I haven’t personally dealt with PTSD, but I know that different people deal with / experience it in different ways. Nothing I’ve written here is meant to be harmful in any way.
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blueneptunium · 5 years
Control - Dark Percy
Summary:  Percy is at his last summer at Camp Half-Blood before he goes to live in New Rome for college. His powers are growing exponentially and he struggles for control. (I just really love dark Percy okay? Also yes, this is a lowkey songfic from control - Halsey.) Beta read by @tevi-tevi
Genre: Oneshot Dark!Percy fic, no warnings
Word Count: 6617
Read on AO3
“I sat alone, in bed till the morning
I'm crying, "They're coming for me"
And I tried to hold these secrets inside me
My mind's like a deadly disease”
Percy’s sword arm hurt. He can’t remember how many monsters he’s killed. They just kept coming and coming. How did they get into camp? There were so many of them now that Percy couldn’t see his friends fighting. Suddenly the air turned humid and hot, like it was trying to choke him. As he turned around the comforting landscape of Camp Half-Blood slowly melted into an all too familiar horror. Tartarus. It can’t be. I can’t be back.
More monsters came at him. He recognized everything he’d ever fought or read about. Percy yelled out for help, calling his friends, Chiron, Poseidon, anyone. He looked back to see where they all were, but rather than seeing them fight, he saw something so much worse. A mountain of bodies, stacked up to at least a giant’s height. Blood flowed down like rivers. All the faces were familiar. His mother. Annabeth. Every friend or ally he had ever known. Percy stopped fighting.
His sword was stuck. He turned towards it and found not the Cyclopes he thought he was slaying but rather his best friend. Percy tried to pull his sword out from where it resided in Grover’s chest but somehow he pushed it in deeper. The satyr fell to his knees. Percy tried to speak, to say anything. But the words won’t come. All he can do is stare and hold his best friend’s dying form. Percy called on the water, hoping that it could help heal. The waves came swirling around their heads, but would not go towards Grover. Soon there was enough water to separate them from everything else, trapping Percy in a dome made from the ocean.
“You did this.” Grover spoke before melting into the soil.
Percy fell forward and started to yell frantically. For help or for grief, he didn’t know. The water started to close in. Percy thrust his hand out, trying to push it away, but water from the ground started to rise instead. Quickly. Percy couldn’t control it. He swam and thrashed around, desperately trying to find a way out. Soon the water was over his head.
He couldn't breathe. The water felt clean and normal but Percy couldn’t breathe. Panic filled his lungs where air should be and he prayed to his father.
A deep booming voice resonated through Percy: “You’ve gone too far. You are no longer worthy of the gifts I have given you.” His father’s voice echoed in his head, over and over again until he couldn’t hold his breath any longer.
Percy jolted up in his bed, sweat clinging to him. He took deep breaths trying to convince himself it wasn’t real. But Percy had had visions before. Is the camp under attack? He stood up and walked out of his cabin without bothering to find shoes. He ran towards the Big House where Grover was staying and walked in without knocking. Opening the door of the satyr’s room, he let out a sigh of relief. Grover was in bed, surrounded by tin canes and snoring very loudly, but definitely not dying.
He considered waking the goat to discuss the dream but decided to let him sleep. It was probably midnight. It could wait until morning. He walked back toying with his camp necklace. There were five beads, one for every summer he’d known of this world, as well as a trident pendant his father, Poseidon, gave to him after the Giant War. Once Percy got back to his cabin, he tried to go to sleep, but every time he closed his eyes, images from the dream danced around. After about an hour of restlessness, he got up and headed for the arena.
Percy didn’t know just what it was about saving the world a few times that made people act differently around you, but since the whole Gaea thing, the harpies that guarded the camp and threatened late nighters like himself didn’t really bother him anymore. He, of course, didn’t mind this as sword practice after a bad nightmare was his go-to therapy. He’d either tire himself out to the point where he had to go back to sleep, or he’d sit there practicing jabs and strokes until sunrise where he would sneak back to his cabin and pretend he got up with the rest of the camp. Tonight was the latter option. By the time the sun came rolling around and he was getting dressed for the new day, Percy’s arm was tired and the bags under his eyes were prevalent.
Annabeth met up with him after breakfast, flipping through papers as she walked. “I’m captaining capture the flag tomorrow, you’re leading offense, I’ll take defense.” Percy nodded his head and slipped his hand into hers.
“Sounds like a plan.”
“Not quite. These are the plans.” She gave Percy half of the papers she had. “Those are all my battle strategies I wanna try out, choose one soon so I can match a defensive plan.”
“Ah, great, more homework,” Annabeth laughed at him and turned towards the cabins.
“I’m on cabin check, I’ll catch you later!”
“Wait, Annabeth!” he called after her. He hadn’t seen Grover yet and he knew that if he talked to Chiron, the centaur would make into a bigger deal than it was, but he wanted to talk to someone about his dream.
“What’s up, Seaweed Brain? Is it about Rome, have you heard back?” Percy shook his head. He definitely did not want to think about college right now. It had been hard enough graduating high school that spring, what with his grades and the fact that he’d missed most of the junior year, courtesy of Hera.
“No, I just wanted--” Percy faltered. He didn’t really know how to describe his dream. Annabeth just looked at him, waiting for him to continue. As he thought about, one thing about the dream bothered him almost more than anything else.
“Is it, I don’t know, possible for a god to...take away powers?” He tried. Annabeth just raised her eyebrows in confusion. “Like, if Hephestus wanted to take away Leo’s fire ability, could he do that?”
Annabeth looked down in thought. “I don’t know, Perce, maybe? I mean I imagine if they could, they would have done it to all the demigods that supported the Titans. Why?”
She was looking at him with concern, all stormy eyes. He didn’t want her to worry so he cracked his signature lopsided smile, giving him that special Percy-Jackson-idiocy look. “Just thought about it,” It seemed to have worked as Annabeth just laughed.
“See you later, Seaweed Brain.”
Percy smiled and waved her off. He used to hate the fact that everyone, even Annabeth sometimes, took him for being the happy-go-lucky dumb one. He joked around a lot, and yeah, he didn’t do great in school, but that didn’t mean he was incapable. Lately, however, he almost appreciated the persona people had made for him. The only time his allies delved from that idea was when he was on the battlefield.
Then everyone’s ideas changed. Rachel said he looked fierce and terrifying. Frank said he fought like a demon. Everyone always wanted battle Jackson on their side and were afraid if he wasn’t. It never bothered him much at first, but now it kind of scared him. He’d take happy-go-lucky over demon-fighter any day.
“I paced around for hours on empty
I jumped at the slightest of sounds
And I couldn't stand the person inside me
I turned all the mirrors around”
A wave of demigods all strapped up in armor gathered at the entrance of the woods. It was time for capture the flag and Percy had just explained everyone’s roles, courtesy of Annabeth’s strategy.
He was readjusting his straps that he couldn’t seem to make fit right, despite having done it hundreds of times. He hoped the game would go over well, but Percy’s head just wasn’t in it.
He’d had more nightmares of drowning, and to top it off, he’d gotten a letter back from the college in New Rome. As much as they were “pleased the former Praetor” wanted to attend, his grades weren’t good enough to get into their marine biology department. He would have to write another entrance essay and pass a STEM test to be accepted. Percy knew they were being generous, they did mostly deal with preoccupied demigods, but he still felt flustered and angry.
“Focus on the game, Jackson,” he grumbled to himself as he tightened his shoulder strap. Percy uncapped Riptide and headed out into the woods to get to his post before it started.
The plan was fairly simple, but the Ares cabin was leading the other team. They didn’t have much more strategy than hit everything you see. There were two offensive teams. Percy’s team was the distraction, leading the Ares defense out to fight. The second would retrieve the flag and bring it back to base, where Annabeth’s team was defending in several groups.
The fight broke out fairly quickly and half of the other team’s defense was on Percy’s group within minutes. They would need to plow their way through these guys in order to get the others to come, making the flag vulnerable.
For Percy, going against the other campers was fairly easy. He had three on him, two bulky Ares kids and one Demeter kid. He disarmed the Demeter kid first, stunning him so he wouldn’t have the opportunity to use any plant magic, and slashed and blocked with the other two fighters. His body was on autopilot from all the battles he’d been in. Unfortunately, those battles were life or death. This wasn’t. Percy went too hard. He slashed towards the left of one and turned to hit him with the butt of his sword, knocking him to the ground. He stepped in close enough to the next one that she couldn’t use her sword and hit her jaw with his forearm. He felt bad for a moment, but the strategy was working. The rest of the offense came up to avenge their teammates.
He tried to take on the bulk to the campers to give the rest of his team a better chance. They were going one to one while Percy was in four to one. His experience didn’t fail him. At this point, he might’ve even been able to beat Luke. Campers went down left and right. Too quickly. Percy’s mind wandered to his dream, the monsters' bodies that went down only for them to be revealed as his half-blood friends. He felt the panic rise up. His movements became slow and one of the campers got a hit in on his arm. He felt one approaching from behind. Percy’s body moved before his mind. He’d lost the Curse of Achilles long ago but sometimes his body seemed to forget and his only instinct was to protect his back.
Percy summoned water from the creek to blast the three in front of him. He turned around and thrust his hand out to the camper, expecting a water wall to push her down. She fell back, but there was no water. Percy realized with a start that he’d controlled the water in her. He had pushed her back. Without even touching her.
Fear overtook him and he dropped his sword to run to her side. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean--”
“Percy, it’s okay, I just fell,” Percy looked at her furrowed brow. She didn’t know. He’d let go as soon as he realized and she didn’t know. He apologized again, or maybe it was several times all rushed together. He pushed past everyone else who had stopped fighting and ran for something.
The ocean. It always calmed him down to sit on the shoreline. It smelled so strongly of the sea and of home that once he got there, Percy almost jumped in to escape his thoughts. But something held him back. Honestly? He was afraid to. How could he have done something as violating as control another person’s body without meaning to? He could still see Annabeth’s face, in fear of him in Tartarus when the met up with Misery. He did that.
Percy could hear the hooves coming up behind him before Chiron spoke. “Percy,”
He turned towards the centaur and nodded. “I’m sorry I left, sir,”
Chiron put his hand on Percy’s shoulder and spoke evenly. “It’s alright, though I will admit I am curious as to why you did. Your team won the game and when dear Annabeth went to find you, the others said that you ran off, after knocking several members of their team unconscious.”
“I’m sorry about that really, I didn’t realize--I don’t know.” Percy sighed and looked down. Chiron had the same effect as his mom did: feeling like you disappointed them was the worst feeling in the world. And Percy was no stranger to bad feelings.
“They are all resting up in the infirmary, perfectly fine. It will serve them good motivation to spend their time in the arena wisely. Now, why don’t you tell me what’s happened?”
Percy did. As he talked, he found himself realizing things he wasn’t aware of before, at least not fully. His restlessness since returning home last summer. His struggle to separate fend-for-your-life battles and training exercises like today. He even told Chiron about his dream and his fear of drowning.
“I’m afraid that maybe one day, I’ll need to control the water to help and I won’t be able to or...or maybe I’ll control it too much.”
Chiron nodded, his face a mask. Percy guessed that after thousands of years of teaching, you could probably hide any reaction. “Percy, you have been through a lot for your young age,” Understatement, Percy thought but didn’t interrupt. “These nightmares and worries are normal from someone in your situation and even expected. However, with your abilities, you need to discover control. You have done well training, but how much time of your training has been devoted to your unique powers?”
Percy thought for a moment. Chiron had a point. His summers at camp had mostly been spent working on his swordsmanship. Sure, he’d practice every now and then, and he almost always used his water abilities in combat or during war games. However, he’d never really practice in order to strengthen those abilities.
“Percy, I recommend that you use this summer as an opportunity to make sure you know your limits before you leave for New Rome. If you would like to avoid using this...blood bending, then you need to make sure you know what your powers feel like, and what their limits are.”
Percy thanked Chiron and walked back to his cabin quietly thinking. He definitely didn’t want to go to New Rome with his powers out of control -- they already thought Neptune was bad enough. He could definitely put some more work into his training.
“Percy, wait up,”
Annabeth came running up to him just before he stepped into his cabin. “Hey, you alright?” Her wrinkled brow and stormy eyes made him smile.
“Yeah, all good, Chiron just gave me some advice.”
“Okay, I was going to head down to the fire with Piper, you wanna come? Jason will be there,” She smiled and held his hand.
“Yeah, okay,” He laughed.
They walked to the amphitheater like everything was fine because, for the moment, it was.
“I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head
They beg me to write them so they'll never die when I'm dead
And I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head
They beg me to write them so I'll never die when I'm dead” 
Percy spent almost the entire day with Annabeth. Normally, that’s not something he would complain about, however it was spent alternating between writing his essay and studying math. Not his favorite activities but at least she was there to help him. Without her, he probably would have put the essay off until the week of the deadline, and it definitely would have been less articulate. Annabeth always had a strategy, even when it came to Percy’s education. This time it was “finish as soon as possible while still being good so you’ll impress them”. If they followed her timeline, Percy would be ready to take the test, which New Rome kindly allowed Chiron to administer, in about a week.
Needless to say, Percy needed to blow off some steam. While the other campers headed to the campfire after dinner, he trudged towards the woods. He thought if everyone was together in the amphitheater, he could be alone to follow Chiron’s advice. Part of the reason he’d never focused his training on his Poseidon abilities was that no one knew how to teach him. No one knew the limit of what he could do--not even Percy.
When he got to the creek, he started with just relating to the water. He stood in the bank and just focused on its power. He could feel it rushing, sense its wildness. He always felt a connection to the water; it was reckless and strong, it refused to be controlled for long, and more than anything it wanted to be free.
Percy wanted to start simple. He willed just a small line of water to rise. It was easy, nothing he hadn’t done hundreds of times. The point, however, was discipline. He dropped the water and stepped out of the river. He concentrated on raising one side of the creek, then the other. The whole stream oscillated back and forth.
Then he started making shapes with the water. Small things, at first: A sphere, a cube, a pyramid. Then he went for intricate. He started to recreate Poseidon’s cabin. First, the basic shape, a generic house. Then the memorized details of spending summer and summer there. The shells embedded in the walls. The curve of the window planes. He was so focused, he didn’t hear it.
Something slammed into his back and threw him to the river. The falling of his cabin-sculpture was enough to startle whatever it was just long enough for Percy to turn around to face it.
Of course, it was a giant scorpion. Percy had his fair share of luck with them. He reached into his pocket but Riptide was gone. Probably floated downstream when he fell. Percy was pinned under the monster and wouldn’t be able to stall long enough for the sword to reappear. As the scorpion's pincers rushed forward to end Percy Jackson’s life, he thrust his hands towards it, trying to push it off.
The monster went flying into the nearest tree. It couldn’t move but wasn’t dead yet. Percy had done it again: controlled the water inside another being. Apparently just as the human body had 80% water, monsters had their fair share too. Unlike during capture the flag, Percy was reluctant to let go. The thing that attacked him was at his mercy. It would be so much easier to end it like this. Even as he thought about it, water started coming from inside the scorpion, swirling around them. If he could take down monsters with just his thoughts, everything could be so much easier. All of his quests, done in half the time. Right before the last of the water was gone from the monster, Percy saw Annabeth’s scared face in his mind.
He let go. He didn’t even finish the monster off with his sword; he felt too guilty for that. It crawled away back into the woods. Percy fell to the ground. He couldn’t breathe. There was panic and guilt pushing on his chest and he had no idea what was happening to him. He couldn’t breathe. The creek responded to his anxiety and pushed water against him, pulling him into the creek. The water was soothing and helped calm his breathing but he still felt the weight of the sky on his chest. Percy realized he was moving upstream. He wasn’t controlling the water, which meant something else was. He started to fight it but stopped quickly. Could it be his father?
Percy let the water take all the way to the ocean. He fell in and instantly swam under, looking for any sign of Poseiden. In the waves, a shimmering figure appeared. It solidified into a woman with dark flowing hair and a soft smile. Percy wasn’t sure how to react so he bowed. “You’re the Nereid that helped me in Santa Monica?” Despite Percy accidentally wording it as a question, the woman held her smile.
“I am, child. It has been a long time since we first me, though I have always kept an interest in you.” She brushed her hand on his cheek and Percy felt warm currents. She still sounded so much like his mother.
“Did my father send you?”
“Not this time. I come for you only; we are shielded from his gaze.” Percy furrowed his brow. Why would she not want Poseidon to know they were meeting?
“It is okay, young hero, no wrong has been done. I simply come with advice.”
“Advice for what? Why haven’t I seen you in so long?” She laughed, a soft sound that reminded Percy of swimming with his mother in the frigid waters during their trips to Montauk. His favorite memories.
“Child, you are more powerful than you know. Like Poseidon, I must keep my distance. Playing favorites among heroes is something Olympus looks down upon. But you are the favorite of the sea, Perseus, and the sea stands behind you.” For some reason, he didn’t mind that she’d called him by his full name.
“What do you mean?” Percy was confused and felt disorientated. “What can I even call you?”
“I have gone by many names throughout your history, though I was never as well known as my sisters. You, child, may call me Maera.”
“Your sisters?”
“The Fifty Nereids, you have met some of them. Amphitrite is married to your father, and I believe you know Calypso without introduction.” Percy’s face warmed. He hoped it wasn’t noticeable underwater. He would always have a soft spot where Calypso was concerned.
“As for what I meant, I think you know. You are growing stronger, but you still have more to gain. To unlock yourself, you must push the limits, Perseus, but be wary. You can do incredible deeds. One day, you may even be able to rival your father. In order to get there, you must keep focus. Do you understand, child?”
Percy slowly nodded. “I think so, but I don’t get why I need to practice. There isn’t much more than Titans and Giants and those are over with.”
Maera brushed his cheek again. “Because one day, a choice of power will come to you, and you will need to be prepared for it.”
“I don’t want power.”
“And that’s what makes you worthy of it. I must go back to Poseidon’s court.” She started to fade back into light. Percy reached out to her, not wanting her to go yet.
“We will see each other again, young hero, I promise. Follow your heart!”
And just like that, she was gone. Again. Percy stayed underwater for a while, not wanting to leave the safety. He sent out a silent promise to Maera that he would do as she asked.
He walked back to the cabins and ran into Annabeth.
“Hey! Are you...you’re wet.” She stared at him like he was on fire and could only be dosed out by a puzzle.
“You’re never wet.”
“Are you okay?” He felt bad for cutting her short, but he didn’t know what to say, except about meeting Maera and something told him that he should keep that to himself. He cracked the Jackson smile.
“I’m sorry, I just started working on training, y’know Chiron’s advice, and I’m pretty tired.”
She gave him a worried smile and kissed his cheek. “Okay, well, get some rest and we’ll work on your essay tomorrow?”
He nodded and kissed her goodnight before heading back into his nightmare filled bed.
“I'm bigger than my body
I'm colder than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones”
Not even Chiron could’ve come up with a more intense training regime. From then on, Percy was entirely focused. He would get up every morning before camp broke and run the length of the beach, racing against various sea animals, or sometimes Blackjack. At first, he had no chance. As the days passed, he started to get closer and closer to winning. He was still yards away from the hippocampi, but he’d bested two dolphins.
Then he would eat breakfast with Annabeth, working on his studies. It was difficult as he was more restless than ever, but Annabeth was determined--and it paid off. He finished his essay in a week and a half and took the STEM exam by late July. His score certainly wasn’t outstanding but he passed, which was enough for the marine biology program.
After that, he was either in the arena, the woods, or the ocean. He would spar with the Athena and Ares kids. Hand to hand, he had yet to beat Clarisse, but he was a lot closer than he’d ever been. She was actually trying now. When it came to swords, however, no one came close. He usually trained with them to keep up the practice, not get rusty. But now he was trying to improve his skill. He didn’t go easy on them. It took a month before he could beat every member of both cabins in one day. As a favor (that may or may not have stemmed from swapping shower times and chore charts), the Hephestus cabin built him three super-powered warriors that could keep up with him. When he first went against them, Percy felt like he was sparring Luke, Chrysaor, and Quintus (or rather, Daedalus) all at once. It was finally a good challenge. It took two weeks before they needed repairs. After that, the warrior bots needed fixed every night.
“Come on man, what are you training for? The bronze versus sword Olympics?” Leo joked. Percy offered to teach him as payment for the constant repairs. He found teaching helpful, it reminded him of old tactics. Soon he had a class of about half the camp that he taught three times a week. Even Annabeth and Jason signed up for a couple. When he wasn’t teaching, people came to watch him fight against the bronze warriors, watching for tips. He’d gotten good at blocking out excess noise and just focusing on the battle at hand.
Unlike the arena, his time spent in the woods and ocean were private. He would never tell Annabeth, but he was practicing this new blood bending technique. Only on monsters in the woods, and only to a point. He hadn’t killed any with it, and he didn’t plan to. At least, not anytime soon. He had gotten a fair grasp on it. He could now pinpoint how he wanted the monsters to move, rather than just away.
In the ocean, he worked on bending waves and currents to his will, shaping water and utilizing it. He focused on summoning hurricanes and controlling them. His stamina improved enough that starting a storm didn’t wear him out anymore if he was careful. Though it did make some of the campers who were previously enjoying a nice sunny day upset with him. He talked more with creatures under the surface. Rather than just talking to them when either he or they needed help, Percy developed relationships with them. Learned from them on how to better navigate the ocean and his training. Sometimes he would even go looking for a sea monster.
He always won.
One day, Percy skipped out on dinner to stay under the surface. Not entirely voluntarily. Some fish had gone back to Poseidon with the knowledge of Percy’s training and since then his dear old dad would send various underwater menaces Percy’s way when he couldn’t be bothered to clean up after them. Normally it was fine. Just a big fish or a scaley being, nothing to be too worried about. This time, Poseidon went too far. He sent a skolopendra.
Shrimpzilla was worse the second time around. He was pushing currents against it and throwing sharped water its way, but it wasn’t easy. Percy was defending himself well enough, but just went he tried to go in with Riptide, it all went wrong. One of the tentacles grabbed Percy, the sharp ends tearing into his skin, and threw him out of the water. He went flying. Great, Percy thought, If I don’t die from impact, Zeus will be sure to shoot me down. He landed hard just outside the mess hall, some forty yards away from the shore. As soon as he hit down, the ground shook, as if he weighed enough to pressure it. A small earthquake.
Percy was admittedly pissed. He didn’t ask for his dad’s fights. He certainly didn’t ask to be thrown by some crayfish monster. He didn’t even ask to be a half-blood, which is what it all came down to really. He turned his anger into fuel, called upon water from the air to strengthen him. He ran charging at the ocean. About halfway there, his feet picked up from the ground. The storm he was causing was strong enough to lift him up. In the back of his ADHD mind, he wondered if this counted as Jason’s flying and if that would put him in hot water with Zeus. As he was lifted to the monster, who at this point had emerged from the water, he thrust his hand out and called on the water swirling around him to create a weapon in his hand. He came down on the skolopendra, driving a water made trident right in between its glassy eyes. The monster dissolved under him and he used just a little bit more strength to guide him back to shore (where campers had started to gather) before dismantling his hurricane, leaving him soaking wet.
But Percy wasn’t done yet. No, of course not, he always had something to say.
“Really?!” He shouted at the ocean in a voice that sounded a lot more malice than his own. Several campers stepped back.
“What was that?!” He threw the water trident into the water, it sailing well beyond what should have been capable. He imagined it going all the way to Poseidon and punching right into his desk. “Hmm, I don’t wanna deal with fucking Shrimpzella, so I’ll just send on over to my favorite son, Percy, yeah?!” He didn’t know what else to emphasize his point, but he was angry with his dad, so he uncapped Riptide and threw that into the ocean for good measure. “Then again you never were good at cleaning up your messes, huh, dad?”
He started to walk away but paused. He tore the trident pendant from his necklace off and threw it into the water.
“You can have that back too,” he said, though the malice was gone, and he just sounded tired.
Percy kept his head down as he walked to the cabins. One of the campers tried to grab his arm and stop him, but Percy growled out a “Don’t touch me,” and kept going. Only later did he realize it was Annabeth and apologized to her.
No one brought up the sea monster, at least not around Percy.
“And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"
I can't help this awful energy
God damn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control?”
They were lucky that the Golden Fleece made the camp barrier so strong. The monsters that had gathered just hit against the barrier, causing no damage. A few had followed some new demigods to camp, and then called for backup. Normally, the would just wait it out until they left, but it had been a while. Chiron let Clarisse lead a group to “dispatch” the beasts. Percy counted three Laistrygonians, two Cyclopes, and something that resembled a leopard crossed with a shrimp.
“Group One: take on the giants, Jackson you take point. Rodriguez, you lead Two to go after the Cyclopes. Chase, you’re with me. Attack plan twenty-three.”
The broke up and prepared to exit the barrier. The plan was to divide and conquer. Separate each monster so they couldn’t work together, stay in pairs so it’s always two to one. Percy was paired with someone from the Apollo cabin, Ashley. They would stand back and use a bow while Percy got in close with his sword.
The fighting started the second they left the camp line. Percy could hear the Cyclops in the distance, but focused his attention. He ran at one of the giants while arrows went over his head. He played it simple. Ducking under the Laistrygonian, he slid in between its legs, slashing the calf. The monster fell over and Percy twisted as he stood up to drive his sword into its back, vaporizing it.
He signaled to Ashley to go after the nearest giant. Together they ran towards it. Ashley aimed a flash arrow right on his forehead, stunning him, while Percy rolled through and slashed at the chest. The other two campers fighting got the idea and jabbed their weapons into its sides. The now bigger group went to help with the last giant, who was already on the ground. Percy looked around to take inventory. Two giants down, one Cyclops was missing, and… Annabeth fallen. Whatever the leopard thing was, it was on top of her, claws deep.
Percy felt anger and panic rise in his chest. He was too far away to run to her in time. The Cyclops. It was backed into pond. That would give him enough strength. Maybe. He ran towards it, breaking the pattern. Splashing into the water, he called on its power and rose up. He used the Cyclops’ head like a springboard and jumped into the air. When he landed, he focused his power into the ground, taking in water from the pond, from the air, even from himself. A tremor rolled through the ground, knocking everyone off of their feet. Percy thrust his hands down and with them fell each monster. He imagined their lifeforce, the water in them, in his hands. He slowly made a fist. Then he took the driving force and punched the ground.
After that, everything was a blur. He’d used a lot of his strength. The monsters were dead. He was at Annabeth’s side. She was awake. The cuts across her midriff were bleeding, but they weren’t deep.
She was okay.
Percy blacked out.
When he woke, he was in the infirmary. His head felt like he had banged it against a concrete wall for fun. Annabeth was there, asleep on the chair. Percy sat up and rubbed his eyes.
“You were out for just a day, but I imagine you’ll need a few more for recovery.”
Percy looked up. A man with rugged features and green eyes stared down at him. Poseidon.
“Dad?” He wanted to ask why he was here, but his voice was so raspy, he barely got out the single word. Poseidon gestured to the table next to him. A cup of iced nectar was there. Percy gratefully took it.
“Percy, you are very powerful. After all, you are my son.” Poseidon looked at him as if trying to gauge whether or not his words were sinking in. “But you must be careful when using your power. What you did on the hill, not even I use that ability often.”
Percy was confused. Moreso, Percy was angry. “You’re kidding, right?” Poseidon just blinked at him.
“I have been trying to get you to help me understand what I can do since I was twelve! I only see you when the world is about to end!” Percy yelled. As much as he had forgiven his father for, there was an equally long list of things he hadn’t.
“You send me quests and monsters and expect me to risk my life for you, and now you think you have full range to question my abilities? If you wanted to be able to do that, then you should’ve been there when I was discovering them.”
If Percy had been strong enough to stand, he might’ve pushed the god. Which probably would have been a bad idea. He imagined he could get away with yelling at his father, but at the end of the day, Poseidon was immortal and all-powerful. He wasn’t sure what to expect for a reaction. He did not expect Poseidon to nod.
“I understand why you’re angry. I would have liked to have been there for you, to train you myself, but there are rules which I must follow. And there are rules which you must follow.”
“Demigods are limited by their bodies. There are given godly power but are not born in something that can handle it. I appreciate you trying to connect with the ocean, and gain control over your abilities. But if you keep on your path, you won’t be the one in control. You will burn yourself up, and I am not speaking in metaphors.”
Percy wanted to ask why he was given them. He wanted to yell at Poseidon for trying to mentor him. But he stayed silent.
The god walked over to the nightstand and placed something down. “I must return to my court. I would advise adhering to my warning.”
And just like that, he was gone, melted into water that disappeared before it touched the floor. Percy’s energy to be angry with his father melted with it. He reached over to the table to find what Poseidon left. It was the trident charm he had thrown in the ocean weeks ago.
At least the god had been listening.
Annabeth stirred and he set the pendant down.
“You’re awake.” She muttered.
“And you’re not,” He chuckled back. She reached over and took his hand, but wouldn’t quite meet his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Percy, what you did…” She struggled for the words. “Some things shouldn’t be controlled.”
Percy felt like someone punched his stomach. Those were the exact words she’d said to him in Tartarus, only instead of looked terrified, now she just looked worried. He didn’t know how to respond.
Chiron stepped into the room.
“Percy, I am sure that you do not want to hear this, but you must be careful.” Percy sighed and looked down. He didn’t argue. Chiron was a strong mentor, and even though he didn’t want to talk, Percy knew that he should listen.
“I have never seen powers like yours in my lifetime, and I’ve taught many heroes. What you did, it was godlike, Percy. I do not want your demise being caused by your gifts growing.”
“Chiron, I--” Percy faltered. He didn’t know how to explain it. He still felt as if he shouldn’t talk about the Nereid, but it was beyond her advice. He wanted to understand his limits, his capabilities. “I’m not sure if I can help it from becoming stronger.
He looked down again, speaking softly.
“I’m not sure what I’m becoming.”
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lmao it’s like that john mulaney bit in when he’s talking abt how he’s baffled he’s not gay and how god put all the ingredients in to make him gay but never flipped the switch
except god is rick riordan and the ingredients are how silena and clarisse’s relationship and story arc are similar to achilles and patroclus’s story. but the ultimate result is the same: no gay
like from the sounds of it, rick had that subplot/climax planned out from the beginning, so it really wasn’t necessary for him to give silena or clarisse boyfriends honestly
it would’ve been that much more heartbreaking had silena and clarisse been in a relationship anyway
i do think i can see where rick was coming from from a narrative standpoint, however. hear me out:
silena was recruited by luke/kronos pretty early on right. so she’s been the spy for a while now and has been indirectly responsible for many deaths. that’s a lot of guilt. but kronos threatens her father so she stays the spy.
then she starts dating beckendorf and falls in love, yadda yadda right? and she begs luke to make sure that beckendorf is not harmed in this war and luke makes another promise he can’t keep
then beckendorf dies. after luke promised to keep him safe
that’s a turning point for silena’s character arc, i think. it’s the part in the narrative where she begins to question her role as the spy and what luke promised her. so when the opportunity rises for her to do good, she takes it.
her relationship with clarisse wouldn’t have been so strong by that point had clarisse not gone to silena for dating advice. and if clarisse had no boyfriend to begin with, she wouldn’t have gone to silena in the first place.
the very relationship that ppl want would not have existed had they not had boyfriends within canon
and likewise if silena hadn’t been dating beckendorf, his death would not have been an inciting incident that would ultimately lead her to choose to make the sacrifice she did
and you can’t have clarisse be the one who dies bc then that ruins the whole achilles-patroclus parallel
not to mention, het ppl are really good at looking at history and thinking, “oh man they were such good pals” and it is likely rick could’ve fallen into that. he could’ve read the story and been like, “oh jeez, such a good, heart-wrenching story abt pals. i want to parallel that in my story” lol
all that being said, he still definitely missed a huge opportunity. not to mention there are ways to change the original narrative that would not only parallel achilles and patroclus’s story, but also have silena and clarisse be gay
they could’ve gone through a common lgbtq+ youth experience and thought they were straight, then when clarisse goes to silena for help realized they were gay
you could even have similar events to above happen before percy got to camp so that they’re relationship is established, built up throughout 5 books, then brutally ripped away at the end
in either case, the inciting incident could be clarisse not joining the rest of chb when they initially leave to hold manhattan. bc they’re in a relationship, silena could feel some sort of obligation to convince clarisse (and the rest of the ares cabin by default) to fight with the rest of chb
though, it’s strongly implied that her being the spy and beckendorf dying are the reasons she stole clarisse’s armor and led the ares kids into battle. she didn’t want to see any more death or anyone else get hurt.
in fact, i’d even argue that annabeth taking the poisoned sword for percy was the straw the broke the camel’s back. not necessarily beckendorf’s death. like yeah that played a big part, but it’s not like silena stopped being the spy. of course the circumstances were a little different after beckendorf’s death. they were in the middle of a war, so if she died in the line of fire, kronos could no longer hold her dad’s life over her like he could when everyone was still at chb
anyway, smth annabeth had said prompted silena to then make the sacrifice is what i’m getting at, and beckendorf’s death was probably what gave her the courage to continue with the plan even though she knew she would die
long story long, i’m not really sure how you could change that part of the narrative to still have the emotional punch in regards to spurring silena on to make the decision she did (i haven’t read the song of achilles, so there might be smth in there that could act as a catalyst)
in any case, as a wise viner-turned-youtuber named thomas sanders once said: “could be gayer”
this was way more rambly than i wanted it to be, but i’m short on time bc i have to get back to hw
thanks for sending this in! i enjoyed discussing it
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jerrykatt · 6 years
Voltron/Percy Jackson Xover Part 2
Here's part one. I'd recommend reading it before coming back to this.
And so, now we know that Leo was rejected by his mother's family, his own aunt labeling him a diablo, a devil. We know that he was shunted off into the system with little sympathy and even less kindness. We know that the memory of his mother's death haunts his steps like an eldritch phantom. But now another death plagues him with suffocating guilt. The death of the man who chose to be left behind in a firestorm, knowing that his death was mere moments away but willing to face it head on if it meant he could save one small fledgling life.
He didn't remember much in the aftermath, that much was certain what with the shock that set in.
The fire giving one last heaving roar, reminiscent of a dragon's destructive fury. The unnatural explosion of force rocking the building. A woman's silhouette, standing tall and sinisterly pleased with her spiteful vengeance, throwing one last malevolent sneer in his direction before sinking into the earth below her feet.
The ringing in his ears and the ladder being blasted backwards.
Falling and screaming. An unmerciful impact with the pavement and his vision going black.
Waking up in a hospital, alone and unwanted.
It was all too much of a blur for Leo's young mind to comprehend in his traumatized state. But one of the things he did remember, besides the hole in his life where his mother should have been, was finding out the fireman's name. Or at least, the last part of it.
(That's where we see Keith fit into this chapter of Leo's life.)
Like Leo, Keith was also unfortunately placed into foster care. I haven't decided yet on how they meet after the fire. Perhaps they were sent to the same group home? Maybe they ran into each other after running from their respective foster families, sleeping under the same freeway overpasses? Either way, they might've become friends for a short time and then the classic reveal happens - Leo finds out Keith's last name, and ultimately the fact that his father was Fireman Kogane.
Leo can't face him anymore, not with the knowledge that he was reason his friend's father went up in flames. His flames.
He runs. And Keith? Well...
His mother's glaring absence, His father's death, and now his friend's unexplained rejection.
Each cut into his chest like a knife, as sharp as the blade he kept strapped to his belt.
The same blade that gives him a goal. A purpose.
To find his past. To find some answers.
(Anything to distract from the gnawing resentment, the aching loneliness)
So yeah. Keith takes it hard. But this is the perfect place to pause and explain EXACTLY why I chose Krolia to be Aphrodite in this AU. And, ultimately, why I thought Keith being the son of the goddess of love made SO MUCH SENSE. AND ALSO LETS NOT FORGET SEASON SEVEN ADDING MORE SPICE TO THE MIX
Let's start with Krolia. Krolia and Canon!Aphrodite have... little in common when it comes to personality. At least with the depictions I've read in PJO where Canon!Aphrodite apparently approves of her children breaking hearts (It's apparently a rite of passage in Aphrodite's cabin if I remember correctly). And the fact that her negative traits could be summarized in how one of her demigod children turned out (I'm looking at you Drew). Anyways here's where my idea comes in.
Sit up and away from your computer screen and take a look around at the world. Times are changing, standards are being shattered and rebuilt with each passing day. The concept of beauty itself is being torn into different directions. We have people who still prefer the classic hourglass figure, the full lips and sultry eyes, the flawless skin and the soft spoken nature of a damsel in distress. People who want the pretty princess bride, the stay at home wives.
Not necessarily weak in some aspects, but definitely not at the strongest potential either.
Still, it is the usual form that Canon!Aphrodite takes with little difference made when approaching each potential lover.
And on the other end of the spectrum, we have people who are attracted to independence, intellect, and strength. They want someone as either an equal or more than that. They like big biceps and thick muscular thighs.
We especially have people who don't care for what their precious people look like and end up adoring every part of them anyway. These people are muddled in the middle of the spectrum. They want something more raw, more real. It doesn't matter if the person is thick or thin, hairy or bald, or if they're missing a limb or two. A big nose? Bad breakout of zits? Trust me, for these people, it only adds to the charm.
I'd imagine in this turbulent world where opinions of beauty were being bounced around like a particularly ill aimed bouncy ball (one that would more than likely smack you in the face rather than land safely back in your hand), Aphrodite would end up having an identity crisis.
God's and goddesses have a sustainability that is based on mortal's worship and the strength of their domain. Aphrodite had enough mortals immortalizing her presence in art and literature to keep her remembered, that certainly wasn't the problem. Neither was the concept of love. Love was universal, the goddess of love understood that more than anyone. The problem was that Aphrodite's physical form was constantly fluctuating due to her the part of her domain pertaining to beauty being... constantly reconstructed? Stretched thin? I'm not sure how to describe it. All I can tell you is that Aphrodite ran from Olympus as she felt her powers getting out of hand. Maybe Haggar/Gaea and Zarkon/Uranus had planned to amplify the effects of what a changing society can do to a godly being? Perhaps Aphrodite was chosen to be a test subject to see if such a thing could be used as a weapon?
Regardless of the cause, the goddess fell to earth. She crashed outside a certain fireman's house and when she woke, her form had settled into the one we all know and love - Krolia's. Yep, purple skin, dual toned hair, pointed ears, claws, inhuman eyes, the whole package. I'm not kidding. Also I'm pretty sure if she hadn't sustained a concussion (and hadn't been so... pleasantly distracted by Kogane nursing her back to health) she would have screamed bloody murder at her reflection. She's at least grateful that she managed to keep her mile long legs (even if they now had her towering over most mortals) As it is, her powers are temporarily rendered useless because of the strain of her transformation.
Also the panic attack that she had once everything registered didn't help. Thankfully Kogane managed to calm her down, with a soothing voice and gentle rough hands.
Things settle. At first when they make introductions, she mixes up two of her usual aliases "Kristine" and "Olivia" and ends up blurting out "Krolia" instead, much to her horror. And after an awkward minute of panic she also reveals more than what she was intending to bargain for. Oddly enough, the goddess reveals her true nature right off the bat and Kogane takes it in stride just like he did with the whole Canon!Alien issue. Usually she keeps her lips smartly sealed but.... right now? She's doesn't have the confidence that comes with her preferred, perfect yet almost plastic form. She's disoriented and confused and homesick and a little fucked up in the head right now.
Kogane helps her through it. And with him guiding her, she discovers new things about herself, and is reminded of the better parts of who she is and who she could potentially become.
To no ones surprise, they fall in love. And to Krolia's surprise, she ends up WANTING to stay, even -ESPECIALLY- after giving birth to this man's child. His son. Her son.
Their son.
But monsters from Tartarus have always lied in wait. She leaves just like in Canon. Because of one too many close shaves with beasts and traitorous gods alike trying to snatch away her new found happiness and self discovery. She leaves to protect the person she loves most.
Their son. Keith.
((Again I'm on a tight schedule (needing two jobs sucks sometimes) so I'll wrap this up and talk about Keith))
Now you may want to ask why I chose Aphrodite? Why didn't I choose Hades to be Keith's godly parent? It would have matched his basic demeanor, the basis to his character - the loner (also awesome undead powers would've have been a plus!!). Why didn't I chose Ares? Keith is a phenomenal fighter! Why not Zeus? His fighter pilot skills makes him second to none in the skies!!!
My answer is this: Keith has an unfathomable AMAZING capacity to love.
Think about it. Remember that the reason that he rejects people is because he knows just how much he's risking when he's putting his heart into someone's hands. You only see that in a person who's had their heart torn to pieces by the unspoken consequences of abandonment.
Finally, Look at what this guy has done for a dying man. IN CANON TO BOOT.
Look at what he's done for Shiro even back before his feelings evolved into what can be interpreted as romantic, when his relationship with the man was purely platonic in a mentor/student dynamic level. He SUPPORTS Shiro. He doesn't pity him. He doesn't coddle him. He doesn't look at the fact that Shiro most likely has only a few more years left in him before his body breaks down. He sees his friend that has every right to pursue his dream instead of wasting away on a military base that cares more for its fucking reputation than it's actual students (I resent the Garrison for lying about the mission, make no mistake. THEY EVEN TOOK THE SIDE OF THAT SHITTY BRAT WHO MADE SNIDE REMARKS ON KEITH PARENTS!!! WTF?!!).
This is the man that's promised to never give up on him. The one who reminded Keith that, most of all, he can't give up on himself. And Keith? My Defensive, prickly, hold-everyone-at-arms-length son? What does my firecracker boi do?
He takes it to heart. He fucking takes it to heart.
Now fast forward again - we have Keith beautifully beating the crap out of Iverson and other "high ranking" officials who essentially now see Shiro as a liability, as someone who cannot be let free with his new found knowledge on extraterrestrial life. We have him basically breaking multiple laws to get Shiro out and onto to his bike so he could drive them and their Tagalongs to safety. We have Keith running to Shiro AGAIN AND AGAIN. It doesn't matter who stands in his way - Zarkon could suck on a lemon and those wild beasts on that remote planet in 'Across the Universe'? They can Quiznak right off because He will never give up on Shiro. Enough said.
And one last thought. I'm sure you guys have seen the leaked scenes of Keith staying by Shiro's side while he's in the healing pod, his vitals showing that his conscious is not assimilating with Kuron's body. I'm sure you've seen how Keith pleaded with Allura to think of a way to help them. You probably heard Allura regretfully admit that there wasn't anything she could do to help anymore than she already had. You saw Keith in his disbelief, in his grief. You saw him slam his fist onto the healing pod, head hung low wand pleading to the man within to fight. To stay.
"You can't do this to me again"
And miraculously, Shiro wakes.
I didn't plan on giving Keith Charmspeak. I only planned on giving him an IMMUNITY towards other Charmspeakers. And even now I still stand by my decision on NOT giving him such a power. Because it makes this scene, when adapted into my AU, have THAT much more significance. He didn't need any godly gifts to bring back the man he loves, his own voice, rough and raw and full of desperation.... it was enough. It was MORE than enough.
"Keith you saved me." "We saved eachother"
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wolf-fren-blog · 7 years
I’m just doing them all today
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Day #3: Since Octavian technically isn’t a demigod, I’ll go with Drew Tanaka, from the Aphrodite cabin. Gods, I hate her.
Day #4: Campfire. I love how we all just sit and roast marshmallows, make s’mores, listen to stories and recaps of the day and sing stupid songs.
Day #5: Celestial bronze swords. They glow. Out of existing character weapons, though, I really like Nico di Angelo’s sword. Effective on humans and the dead.
Day #6: *curses* Um...probably Poseidon. “Athena was right for once.” // *gives Percy sand dollar* Spend it wisely.
Day #7: Hera.
Day #8: Apollo! And not only because I love ToA. Because I love music and I always have, I like poetry, I like the arts, and I love the sun. The best spotlight is sunlight. I am Hufflepuff af.
Day #9: Small Bob. He’s just a little fluffball ^.^ I would say large Bob, but Bob...Bob is not a monster. He may be a monster, but he is not a monster.
Day #10: Iris. I love that name, and I love the fact that she’s just a little rainbow...plus IMing is needed.
Day #11: Nemesis.
Day #12: yo i hear Argus’s van is pretty dank fam. Haha jk I don’t talk like that. I don’t have a favorite mode of transportation.
Day#13: I liked the Prophecy of Seven. That’s cool.
Day #14: I like Bar Harbor, Maine, because it’s about a two-hour drive from where I live. Not really for a quest, though, just Grover successfully finding a pair of demigods, so in case that’s not valid the runner-up would be Italy.
Day #15: I really love pegasi. 
Day #16: I really love Arion (I would say Tyson or Ella, but I don;t count them as creatures, I count them as people)
Day #17: Zoe Nightshade’s death T-T if you mean ‘memorable’ in a good way, then the time where Kronos made pigs fly
Day #18: Zoe Nightshade’s death. Or learning that Selena and Beckendorf were evil. Or after Luke (MAH BABY) stabbed himself and he was with Annabeth and dhuakhghakjlghj 
Day #19: Nectar/ambrosia (I prefer nectar) would taste like Grammy Cookies (that’s what I call my Grammy Pam’s homemade cookies). I wonder what Nico tastes...?
Day #20: I like to pretend I am a demigod, so, since I am a daughter of Apollo, I imagine my powers to be singing good and photokinesis (mental/physical ability to control light). But out of existing powers, I think it’s cool that Percy can manipulate water.
Day #22: I don’t get this fully. You mean the Roman side of a Greek god/vice versa? I like both of Hades’ sides. They’re basically the same thing.
Day #23: I hate the movies, but come on, Sean Bean was the perfect Zeus. Who doesn’t like Sean Bean? Ned Stark, guys!
Day #24: Everything. Annabeth was completely wrong. The movie cut out Ares, who was a huge part. They rode NO truck and freed NO zebras/lions. Grover is supposed to be the whitest of the white. Where was his reed pipes? And what about Luke, huh? Where was his scars? Why is there so much technology? And I think Clarisse isn’t supposed to be that hot. Where the fuck was Mr. D? And what about the claiming? What about the Camp Half-Blood shirts? And more.
Day #25: BOB! Or Nico’s gayness...OR ANNABETH AND PERCY REUNITING!
Day #26: Bob.
Day #27: If I’m leading a quest, ya’ll are idiots and you’re gonna die. But I’d choose...Leo Valdez. And Nico di Angelo. Apollo, Hephaestus, and Hades. This isn’t gonna go downhill.
Day #28: Um, no.
Day #29: Least favorite...my favorite, just not my first favorite is how I’m thinking of this, since none of them I can hate. I think that would be The Lost Hero, for HoO. For PJO, it would be The Sea of Monsters.
Day #30: Favorite...House of Hades, for HoO. And for PJO, either The Last Olympian (which made me cry), or The Titan’s Curse (which also made me cry).
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