#should i have done this for my other oc pairings too...? probably but then i'd have to take new character pics for them
mattodore · 11 months
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took me forever but i finally finished this couple thing for mattodore! @wldestluv-rs thank you for sending it to me 🫂
#river dipping#oc extras#theodore doe#matthias evanoff#a burning house to live in#echthroi#i meant to do this earlier but i wound up scrolling thru simblr instead and then was busy with other things#should i have done this for my other oc pairings too...? probably but then i'd have to take new character pics for them#maybe i'll update this in a few days with the rest... that's alessandria/delphi dionte/nicholas and imani/romeo... not that many but still#anyway while i was doing that middle section i blinked and was like man. this is all just matthias#i didn't want to leave any of it blank but i will say the cooking housework and driver sections aren't like. all the time.#bc matthias hires people for that. but at theo's apartment it's mostly matthias taking care of things bc theo is normally busy#and when he's with theo matthias prefers to drive them around himself...#and the transparency in the bar section is to show that it takes a long time for the bar to be filled to that point but it does get there#eventually whereas the solid parts are where they wind up just a few months into their..... situationship#also trying to pick a trope for them was SO hard and like. generalizing. like they're multidimensional!! you can't box them in like this!!#but in the end i just went with broad tropes i know are in their little story... the enemies bit really is totally one-sided tho#theo honestly just didn't like matthias bc again. theo makes snap judgments 🤷#and ugh... slowburn my beloved. but fr everything abt their relationship is slow and at theo's pace#the day i finally start writing echthroi out like fr. in novel form. i knowwww that baby's gonna be bare minimum 150k kdvjnjdknjh#...also this means the only thing left on the to-do list from the other day is to write the response to that anon asking abt mattodore#and their routines before bed........ lord. why is my brain like mush now........
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cailynwrites · 6 months
Harry Potter Rec Fest Day 13 - Over 100K
I so appreciate the dedication that it takes for someone to write over 100K words; I think even my M.A. thesis topped out at 30K (with much academic padding). I've read a ton of long fics so there's probably some recency bias here for @hprecfest day 13, but I've also tried to share a couple different pairings ...
Blood Magic (Podfic) written and read by houseofthehebrideanblcks and thestralsofspinnersend Pairing: Draco x Harry Word count: 334,676 Length: 33:05:11 Rating: E
@thistlecatfics already said all the things about this fic in their recommendation for the podfic the other day, and said it in a much lovelier and more eloquent way than I ever could. I guess I came at it from a different perspective though - as someone who is very lucky to feel not too traumatized by life or struggling with addiction or mental health (not a brag, just context), I got to see inside the brains of people like that and feel great empathy for them. Isn't that what art should do - put you in the shoes of different people and make you see the world differently? This is a slow, beautiful story of down-and-out Draco AND Harry heading toward something like peace and love, but it's a long road to get there. Also featuring endlessly patient counselor Luna, supportive Ron & Hermione, and lots of magical creatures.
The podfic is also really well done. The authors recorded it as a podcast originally. If the 33 hour single file on InternetArchive isn't really your speed, you can get the podcast version here, which includes their commentary after each chapter. Maybe not for everyone, but I found it interesting as a companion piece to hear their writing process and talk about trauma, treatment, and recovery in their own lives.
Choice and Chance by @chaoticcrumpets (Podfic by @etl-echo-audiobooks) Pairing: Draco x Hermione Word count: 116,972 Length: almost 10 hours Rating: M
This fic is so interesting. I had gotten a little burned out on Dramione before listening to this fic and this fully resparked my interest. I don't want to give too much away, but it's a mystery, a time travel adventure, and a romance. All the characterizations are very real, even though there might be more than one characterization of some of the characters. Can I use character more times in one sentence? Ah, and the twist at the end!!! *Chef's kiss*
Sweater Weather written by @lumosinlove (Podfic by @itsaash & cast) Pairing: Wolfstar, other adorable OC pairings and more! Word count: 156,108 Length: 15:23:00 Rating: E
I didn't think a hockey AU would be for me, even though I kinda like hockey. I was tempted by the prospect of Everyone Lives (TM) and I'm so grateful for it. This fic is beautiful, the development of all the characters, both canon and original, is incredible. I laughed, I cried, I gasped, I sighed, and when I was done, I wanted to start reading it all over again. At the time, it was newly finished and a sequel was on the way. I've been waiting for a nice vacation or sick day to reread it and its sequel, Vaincre. @lumosinlove has created a wonderful world and I just want to see the characters play around in it forever. I haven't listened to the podfic, but I'd encourage everyone to give it a shot!
This one barely counts as a self-rec because I'm really just gushing about the author ...
Way Down We Go by @xiaq Podfic read by Cailynwrites (with @etl-echo-audiobooks) with beautiful album art by @abrilas-art Pairing: Draco x Harry Word count: 109,767 Length: 13 hours Rating: T
If you had asked me the ratings of my two out of three of my favorite novel-length Drarry fics yesterday, I wouldn't have thought the answer would be T, but apparently it is. This story, along with Away Childish Things, rewired my brain. I love the pace, I love the development of both boys' characters, I love the ancillary characters both old and new. It's just a perfectly told story. Although I should be encouraging you to go listen to my podfic on AO3 or Spotify, I can definitely also recommend the reading experience. Don't skip the adorable author's notes containing the adventures of the author's dog and grad school woes (relatable).
If you want to get a taste for the podfic before diving in, try this snippet or this one.
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lucabyte · 29 days
what would your ocs be as pokemon? or if you've already done that what would they be as bugsnax??
Oh I have never been asked this publicly before (for I have not been asked... anything publicly before this week LOL) but I don't know if you're prepared for how much I have thought about my ocs as pokemon or how much effort I am currently putting in to... Well. You'll see.
So. I have Thoughts.
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Here are my thoughts (names quickly added for this to be understandable by anyone but me. But I've had this image made for quite some time)
(I love that regular wingull appears on here twice. It was kind of the only choice for both of them LOL.)
(also I like how this shows you who my brain considers In A Group with each other... hee hee)
So this is like.. The whole cast of MYMK lmao. Even down to background characters. These are like... PMD style pokemon assignments. I tried to balance "literally looks like them" with "has the right vibes, thematically". So you can see a couple thematic pairs of pokemon like the cherrims, meowstics and such. Then other fun picks like Charizard for Hainu, since he's a, well, hypebeast more than he is a person. Then, Markus and MacGuffin get Silvally and Type: Null for (wink) reasons.... And Miao is Marowak because don't even worry about it. Lupus is Lycanroc-Dusk because funny doggy shounen protagonist :)
Also there are ABSOLUTELY pokemon that fit Tabitha better than Persian does but I've been saying hes one of those since 2015 and I'm attatched to it now.....
The reason I went ahead and planned these out and finalised these recently though.... Is because I also assigned them all ideal ribbons/marks/pokeballs and am going to hunt them all! Right now I'm prioritising getting ones where the ribbons/balls necessitate getting them from gens 4-7, but they're all nearly done and are sitting in ultramoon while I grab the royal master ribbon for a few!
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(Obviously I've named pokemon after OCs before but these will be The Definitive Guys... Until next gen inevitably introduces the perfect guy for someone lol. C'est la vie!)
I've got a couple more already in swsh and scvi (recently I caught Lazulite in swsh! Go Raid RNG!) but this is the big first step. As for how many other steps there are....
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Don't even worry about it.
Anyway! Most of the main characters have fully assigned "if they were a pokemon trainer" Rosters too with some lore. (Chrome does contests, All of Tabitha's pokemon have been gifted to him, Lupus has insane shiny luck, Ali Will Summon Giratina....)
Also! The Alighieri triplets map perfectly onto the shiny meowths! They were the first three I went out of my way to hunt back when I saw shiny G-Meowth and realised!!! Pink Yellow Blue!!! My little guys!!
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And lastly the thing you almost certainly weren't asking was "what would your OCs look like if they were fakemon, but I also have that for, you guessed it, Chrome, Tabitha and Ali.
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Now... As for bugsnax. I have not played bugsnax but I DO have a resident bugsnax fan... So I asked him out of curiosity and they Extremely Delivered. So, Courtesy of @thebrightesteyes....
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(me, going on the wiki for the first time: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE ARE 112 BUGSNAX I THOUGHT THERE WERE LIKE. 20)
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these things are cute i should play this game. i hear there's divorce.
Anyway I've been trying to rotate a PMD AU in my brain for some time now (purrgatorio lends itself well to it, obviously...) I wonder what I'd make the antagonist...
Also, of note. Ali (and their siblings) does actually have a canon favourite pokemon and opinion on pokemon because they're from a real-world setting. Thing is they are like, not a gamer. So...
Ali likes Dusknoir and Seviper because they saw them on trading cards as a kid and likes Hoopa Unbound because Ari showed them on pokemon go knowing they'd like the design. If they gamed though they'd LOVE Giratina but Hoopa would probably stay top spot.
Ari likes Raichu, Lurantis and Toucannon. (Gamer)
Avi likes Clefairy, Meloetta and Brionne. (The kind of person to seek out fanart and gifsets online to reblog)
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wordsandrobots · 4 months
So the problem with my brain's capacity to plan stories is that it doesn't know when to stop.
Because here I am, 6000 words into writing the final part of Wishing on Space Hardware, which is essentially a superfluous coda to make up the numbers and tie off a few loose emotional strands from the main plot, and of course I'm already thinking about the other Iron-Blooded Orphans stories I'd like to write. Indeed, some of them I have already started, because of course I have.
Now, to be fair, most of those ideas are slash. Smutty slash too. Did you know writing sex scenes triggers the same 'choreography goes brr' synapses as writing fight scenes? I didn't until a couple of years ago and now here we are, with at least two collections of explicit short stories in the offing.
First up is Sympathy and Other Mistakes, which I would already call done if not for the inexplicable urge to add more chapters to it. This is the one that I previously mentioned goes well to Great Night by NEEDTOBREATHE and is for the . . . let's call it 'crack-ship taken seriously' that I'm still not sure I want to publish anything for. I'm fairly nonplussed by moral-purity hand-wringing over age gaps and so forth, and firmly of the belief that getting laid is the least problematic thing anyone in Tekkadan has ever done, but it's a pairing that essentially requires the entirety of Wishing on Space Hardware to have happened to work. So, about a decade of character development beyond the show, which probably narrows the audience past the initial 'wait, what' filter. Thing is, it's an interesting pairing that I think actually works incredibly well with established canon. A thoroughly unromantic thing that swerves from dubcon to somewhere that's honestly kind of sweet, rooted in a search for redemption both characters know is ultimately hopeless. So . . . yeah. We'll see.
Second is the one I suspect would be most popular, You, Me and Everyone Else, which is the logical extension of deciding Shino and Yamagi are poly i.e., how much of the rest of the cast can I ship them with?
Technically, I suppose the bit I've written most of already isn't actually that premise at all but rather them unlocking the most blindingly obvious kinks imaginable. Still, it's fun and should be interesting when placed alongside the other ideas I've got planned. To whit:
Yamagi/Shino/Eugene/Sri (OC) -- The poly relationship I've been building throughout WoSH, in a situation I can't discuss yet
Yamagi/Chad/Shino -- Because I'm curious if I can make that work. If you've been following along so far, you'll have noted the emotional heft in the Yamagi/Shino/Eugene relationship is skewed such that Shino/Eugene is more intense than Yamagi/Eugene. I kind of want to play with that in the other direction, by giving Yamagi a partner he's more strongly attracted to than Shino is. Also I want Chad to have nice things.
598/Yamagi/Shino -- Look. My perfect gremlin child managed to squeak out of that game in one piece and so I get to imagine him grown up and happy, OK? And by grown up I mean roughly barrel-shaped and capable of out-wrestling Shino, and by happy I mean slightly drunk and blurting out “You're really pretty" at Yamagi in the middle of swapping 'holy shit, you're not dead' stories. It'll be fine.
(Chapter titles are already themed: Fantasia for Chains, [REDACTED], Variation on a Theme, and Guest Soloist. Because yes.)
Beyond that, I suppose technically that idea of cadet!Cyclase trying to come on to young officer!McGillis is also slash but I don't believe it would actually go anywhere per se. More that McGillis would take one look at Cyclase and go 'not today, thank you', and Cyclase would get to a point in the conversation and come to the realisation that killing McGillis wouldn't achieve much. I don't know. I'm intrigued by the idea of McGillis accidentally prompting Cyclase off the path of vengeance and on to the path of whatever-the-fuck he was trying to achieve in Urdr Hunt, and there is the challenge of actually writing the bastard's POV (I scrupulously avoided writing either McGillis or Orga's perspective in WoSH).
Oh, speaking of POVs, I was considering doing something with the Venus gang as the other side to Eugene Sevenstark and the Hesperus Treasure, but the idea's not really stuck past how the Urdr Hunt plot wound up going. Maybe if the theatrical presentation version gives me more food for thought? (I am crossing everything that they don't pull a diablous ex machina on us and kill anyone else; I already wrote 598 a cameo in the fic I'm posting at the moment, damnit.)
And then, well. Then there's the actual . . . calling it a sequel to WoSH would be a stretch. It's set another ten years on in the same version of events, but it's very much detached from WoSH's plot and would be my attempt to do a 'what if Akatsuki grew up and starred in a Gundam show' story. The short answer is that he's the most throw-himself-on-the-wire pacifist you could hope to meet and he's gone and got himself caught up in a big mess involving interplanetary medical testing, pirates, and the IBO equivalent of the Gundam Fight because mobile suit battles for sport and the Jupiter equivalent of Las Vegas feels like a fun setting to explore. He'd be a dutagonist alongside a female Gundam pilot who I know lots about but don't have a name for yet. And the story would also feature me performing an act of character necromancy so devilish, you'll probably curse me for it. Because I worked out how I could pull it off and now I think I've got to. Overall this would very much be a one-and-done thing. I'm thinking like Narrative is to Unicorn: a story technically following on and handling some of the same themes but with much punchier pacing and an entirely new cast. No idea when I'd get to it and I don't expect it'll have as much traction as WoSH on account of largely being OC-focused, but I think it could be fun.
OK. There we go. Those are the currently-percolating ideas. I will answer questions on them if you have any but this is mainly just me jotting them down in the hopes that if I just focus on these, I won't spontaneously generate more.
*laughs hysterically*
Yeah, we all know it doesn't work like that. But I tried, damnit!
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practically-an-x-man · 7 months
Sick Day
For @can-of-pringles, I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well but hopefully this will make it a little better?
Pairing: Arith x Iriel (not my OCs)
Word count: 1,138
Arith trudged into the kitchen, his eyes half-lidded and steps dragging as he made his way up to the counter. Fixing his coffee was easy enough, though his fingers felt heavy and uncooperative.
"Are you feeling alright?" Iriel asked, already seated at the table. Arith ran a hand over his face, trying to coax his brain to spit out a thought or two.
"Hm. No. Think I'm coming down with something." he mumbled, taking a long drag of his coffee. Iriel made the best coffee, but today it hardly tasted like anything. At least the steam helped clear out the congestion settling into his sinuses - for the moment.
"You can't get sick, you're a demon." Iriel pointed out.
"Would you tell that to my corporeal form, then?" he huffed, "I'm sick, angel. You think I'm making it up?"
"Well... no," she agreed, "But I think it could be psychosomatic."
"Please. Infernal brains are too powerful to be swayed by mortal psychology."
"Tell that to the Slap-Chop in the cabinet."
"The infomercial was very convincing!"
Iriel laughed, high and bright and succeeding in drawing a brief smile from him. She shook her head, then waved him over to the table.
"C'mere, let me see if you have a fever."
Arith obliged, setting his mug down and crossing the room to join her. As soon as he sat down, she placed one hand on his shoulder and pressed the other to his forehead. Her lips pulled into a faint frown. Even worried, her golden eyes seemed to capture the sunlight trickling in from the window.
"You definitely feel warmer than usual." she decided, her hand sliding down to cup his face before falling away. "Maybe you should take it easy for a while."
"That's what I've been saying." Arith grumbled, wincing at the gleam of midmorning sunshine. He'd woken up with a headache, and the light was only making it worse. His bones ached. Sick or not, he was sure he'd be getting nothing done today.
"I think I'm gonna go back to bed." he muttered, ducking away from the sunlight. He'd been compared to a vampire probably hundreds of times in his immortal life, but it had never felt more accurate. If he stayed out here too long, he thought he might simply crumble into dust.
"Alright," Iriel said, "I hope you feel better."
"Thanks, dear."
He wandered back into the bedroom and all but collapsed onto the bed. With his body aching and his sinuses clogged with congestion, he could hardly find a comfortable position. But finally his weariness dragged him under, and he drifted off.
Some number of hours later, Iriel's soft voice pulled him back up to wakefulness.
"Oh, that can't be comfortable."
Arith groaned, shifting upwards and blinking the grit out of his eyes. Somehow, he'd managed to fall asleep on his stomach, with one leg twisted over the other and his head propped up on his arms. When he shifted, the muscles all along his ribs twinged from the awkward position. His right hand had fallen asleep.
He flipped himself around, rubbing his eyes and propping his body up against the headboard, and found Iriel standing by the side of the bed.
"It's nearly two. I made soup." she said, sliding onto the bed beside him. There was a cup of broth in her hands, which she handed off to him as soon as he had a hand free. He took a sip, inhaling a lungful of aromatic steam as he did.
"Mm. Thank you." Arith mumbled, managing another sip. He wasn't sure it would help much, but he hadn't eaten anything all day and knew he had to get something into his system. Besides, it was good soup.
"Have you tried miracling it away?" Iriel asked, rubbing her palm in slow circles over his back as he worked his way through the cup of broth. Arith found himself leaning into the touch, sighing faintly.
"Don't know that I have the strength for a miracle right now."
"I'd offer to help, but I think divine magic would only make you feel worse." she said, sounding a little forlorn about it. She never liked seeing him hurt, and he supposed this fell along the same vein.
"You're still helping." he insisted, "The soup helps. I'm really glad you're here."
She hummed a little at that, and leaned in to kiss his forehead. Arith smiled.
"Do you need anything else?" Iriel asked.
"I don't think so," he said, then reconsidered, "Well, maybe some water?"
With just a snap of her fingers, Iriel had a glass of cool water in her hand. She handed it to him, taking the empty bowl of soup as she did. The broth had settled his stomach a bit, and Arith downed the water quickly. Already he was starting to feel a little better, thanks to the extra sleep and a little food.
When he'd finished with the water, Iriel took his glass and disappeared into the kitchen. She wasn't gone long.
As soon as she returned, she reached out and brushed his hair away from his forehead. Her fingers were gentle as she once again checked his temperature.
"You still feel warm."
"Not much else to do but wait it out." Arith said, "Sleep it off."
"Well, I'll wait it out with you." she replied, slipping back into the bed beside him and tucking her head down onto his shoulder. Arith didn't move away, but he didn't move closer as he usually would.
"Nah, Bambi, I'll get you sick too. I'm alright."
"Ah, I'll miracle it away before it sets in." Iriel argued. It was enough to make Arith relent - maybe not his wisest decision, but after thousands of years spent at a distance, he'd take as many of these little moments as he could get. So he pulled his arm around her and rested his chin against the top of her head.
This time, it didn't take much for him to fall asleep.
The rest of the day passed by in much of the same. He slept as much as he could manage, and spent the rest of his time pushing fluids and eating a few spare meals. After a few hours, he felt well enough to move from the bedroom to the couch, though he still found himself dozing.
But it paid off. By supper, he felt well enough to manage a trip out, and he shared a lovely meal with his angel. His day, as poorly as it started, grew much better in the later hours.
Just as he suspected, Iriel woke up sick the next day. Arith spared only four seconds to tell her "I told you so". The remaining twenty-three hours, fifty-nine minutes, and fifty-six seconds were spent utterly doting on her.
But what else was new?
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What are your hopes for the Dawn of the DCU relaunch? (Not necessarily what you think will happen)
Well ten books have been announced and ten more are coming. Here's my top ten other books I want to see:
Legion of Superheroes - Probably coming and will be written by Johns. His Legion work has been enjoyable for me but I have no clue if modern Johns would be just as enjoyable. Proably not but at this point he's the only one who could sell the Legion in the wake of Bendis' fourth failed reboot. Bring the Retroboot back, don't do any Watchmen or Hypercrisis bullshit and I'd likely enjoy it. For art I'd pair him with Eddy Barrows.
The Terrifics - Damnit I liked them and I want more DC teams that don't have a Bat or Super on them. Do a run with them off exploring the DC Universe, put Brandon Thomas on this and Fico Ossio on art.
Justice Legacy - Way better name than "Legacy League" but basically I want a JL book with the Dawn of DC legacies lineup: Jace, Damian, Jon, Jo, Yara, Avery, and Jackson. Maybe add a few more legacies like Jaime Blue Beetle, but I want to rest the classics for a while as Leaguers and try something new. Ideally I would like to see PKJ write this, he's got ambition and I like his Jon, and for art how about Juan Ferreyera.
Titans - I don't really care what they do, I just want Taylor on this as a way to force him out of the Superbooks where I can safely ignore him. Uh I guess Nicuolo on art.
Suicide Squad - GIVE THIS TO PRIEST ALREADY for fuck's sake he was born to write this book. Get back to supervillains doing the government's dirty work, the last two runs drifted too far away from what the Squad is supposed to be about. For art I'd want Ryan Ottley.
Superman/Wonder Woman - A Jon/Yara team up book by Dan Watters and Del Duca again. Watters did well with both during Future State and I hope reuniting the creative team again will likewise produce good work for both, God knows Jon and Yara could both use it. The Super and Wonder being close to each other as opposed to the traditional Super and Bat dynamic is a great difference between Jon and his dad.
Supergirl - Surprised they haven't announced a book for Kara already. She's going to be in The Flash movie after all, make synergy benefit me for once. Put Josie Campbell and Doc Shaner on this, their Mary Marvel book is great and Campbell loves Kara too.
Super-Man of China - Yang's back so I want him to write a 12 issue mini starring Kenan. If Taylor gets to use his Jon books to keep his OCs alive, I want to see Yang get the same privilege he's working with DC's new head architect Waid on the next big event. That should result in a book for Yang featuring my favorite Superman successor. On art I'd like to get Bogdanovic back for this.
Shadowpact - JLD is such a shitty name for such a cool team, let's use the good name. Watters and Doug Mahkne for this book, Watters can work with fantasy and magic just as well as Ram V going off of his Lucifer book, he's a natural successor to take over.
Zatanna: Mistress of Magic - How have we gone so long without a Zatanna book? Strange is coming to an end, poach Jed McKay from Marvel via signing a deal with Mephisto to erase whatever deal McKay has going on over there and bring him over to DC to do for Zatanna what he's done for Clea. Give me Zatanna on a tour of Dc Mystic, cement her and Diana's friendship as the equivalent to the Superman/Batman partnership, and have fun! Zatanna is the only Dc Mystic character who isn't an alcoholic, let's try to remind people why that is. On art I'd put Yannick Paquette.
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bowievanfleet · 2 years
it's you [jake kiszka]
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pairing: jake x oc (sort of, they have a nickname but y/n still applies!<3)
genre: angstyyy, fluff, enemies to lovers >:)
warnings: mentions of poor mental health and overthinking, cursing, itty bitty tiny mention of skin picking, arguing, emotional whiplash, crying, i am very bad at plot development and dialogue
word count: 4k
inspired by it's u by cavetown :)
a/n: guys!!! its been so long!!!! and i am back with a DOOZY. i don't know what possessed me to write this, maybe the copious amounts of rain we've been getting here is getting to me lmao. but, i am very, VERY happy with how this turned out. this is prob my favorite thing i've written to date. it'll probably be edited/rewritten over time but nothing too dramatic.
also, i'd like to say that the idea to give the reader a nickname to kind of personify them was 100% inspired by the lovely maddie, @hearts-hunger <3 go read her stuff NOW because she's so insanely talented its not even funny. also shoutout to my love @emadamssssssss for helping me out with pepper's backstory. everyone say thank u em!! anyways im done rambling now, i rlly hope u enjoy this. <3
also yes i had to have my little star wars moment at the end. i will not be taking questions or criticisms.
SONGS (v important for this one) its u- cavetown / climing up the walls- radiohead / chinese satellite- phoebe bridgers / i'll be seeing you- billie holiday / lilac wine- nina simone (jeff buckley version also works!)
“oh god, it’s you...”
you genuinely didn’t know why you were there. 
something, maybe an invisible string, or a magnetic field, dragged you to his door at 2 am. you stood in the pouring rain, the water mixing with your own tears pouring down your face. you didn’t have any idea what possessed you to come. you tried to go through the reasons in your head: on the outside, you convinced yourself that he was a last resort, that because no one else was picking up the phone, he was the only one you had left to go to.
“better to be with him than by yourself where you would do something stupid.” you would tell yourself, when in reality, you had only called one other person, josh. who didn’t answer likely because he was passed out on his couch with a bottle of tequila on the coffee table, you knew that was his routine on saturdays. you didn’t have the energy nor courage to call anyone else, which led you to your second reason: 
that realistically, deep inside of you, you knew the reason you had gone to him was because you simply wanted to be with him. you had to do something to satiate the hunger you had been feeling for the past two weeks since you saw him at one of josh’s stupid parties. your body craved him, your mind craved him, every single cell in your body craved him, and it was embarrassing. 
you guessed it was perfect timing, your racing brain giving you a perfect excuse to go to someone. it wasn’t just the fact you wanted to be with him, you needed to be near anyone. if you sat there on your bed, staring at the walls for one more second you knew you were going to break. 
you were overthinking more than you ever had before, mostly about him, but also about everything else. it was all getting too overwhelming, you desperately needed contact with someone, something. it was pathetic to be showing up like this, but what else could you do? text him? “hey, i’ve kinda been thinking about you every single waking moment for the past two weeks, can i come over?” the more you thought about it, the more you realized that even that would’ve been better than standing at his door in the pouring rain. 
you don’t know how long you stood there, contemplating if you should knock or not, 
before he took it upon himself to make the decision for you. you jumped slightly as the door jerked open, earthy eyes taking in your state with a confused and concerned spark in them. 
you were confused as well, until you remembered that doorbells with cameras existed. you looked over to it, silently cursing it. you looked back to the eyes staring at you, and realized what a contrast you two must be. 
he looked the softest you’d ever seen him, in a pair of plaid pajama pants and an old oversized guns n roses shirt. his face had a golden glow to it, courtesy of the various wax warmers and candles that were placed on almost every surface of his home. they reflected off of his eyes, making them seem almost caramel instead of the dark brown you would often see. 
it softened them, turned them from a stony tigers eye to a dark topaz. the sight of him and the energy radiating off of him was almost enough to stop the tears streaming down your face, but then started them all over again as you realized how gentle and beautiful he was. how pathetic was that? his beauty brought tears to your eyes. 
his facade was gone, he was no longer cold and cocky, dark and stoic. he was looking at you like he didn’t want to rip you to shreds for once. 
you had only seen this once before, when he was drunk at josh’s house and you were the only two left in the living room. he was falling in and out of sleep on the couch, and after watching him for a while, you finally trotted over to him and draped a blanket over his half-asleep body. his eyes snapped open at you, but they weren’t hostile. they were almost... loving. appreciative. adoring. 
you went to stand up to go to the guest room, but he caught your hand before you could get too far. you stayed like that for a moment, watching him stare at your hand in his, then with a slow, deliberate stroke of his thumb against your hand, he gently let go. 
he looked at you for a split second, and then rolled over on the couch, bringing the blanket up to his chin and cuddling around it. you spent all night wishing he was beside you in the guest bed.
“...pepper?” he asked tentatively. you were snapped out of your thoughts by the nickname he had assigned to you so long ago. you thought for a second about the stupid name he had reserved for you- 
you were friends with josh for a while before you got introduced to his family. you were college roommates, and one night he finally decided to invite his brothers over for dinner in your apartment. 
you decided you’d make a hearty meal of kraft mac n cheese, but with added seasonings to make it “gourmet” as you and josh liked to call it. 
when you were mixing up all the seasonings, you put in a little too much pepper than needed, but you panicked and just started mixing it around, trying to even it out as much as possible. 
when you awkwardly served everyone, waiting for their reaction, jake was the only one to speak up. “jesus christ this tastes like shit” he said. everyone immediately turned to look at him with wide eyes, surprised and embarrassed that he would be that outright. 
“what?!” he shrugged. “just being honest. if you're gonna make dinner for us at least make it good.” he said, but continued to eat the pasta anyway. 
josh looked at you sympathetically. “it tastes fine y/n, just a little spicy.” he reassured. and it turned out, by the end of the night, everyone’s half eaten bowl of mac n cheese ended up on the counter next to jake's empty one. 
if you had known him better, you would’ve teased him relentlessly. but instead, upon doing the dishes, you smiled fondly at the empty bowl. the first of many small signs that there wasn’t all hostility between you two.
that didn’t make the name stick, however. what made “pepper” become official was at one party the twins had thrown. you and josh were busy setting up everything beforehand, while jake was on a beer run. “what do you wanna start out with?” josh asked, flaring his hands dramatically toward the family’s extravagant vinyl collection. “hmmm...” you debated, kneeling down to scour through the records. once you found what you were looking for you demanded josh to turn around, wanting it to be a surprise. you carefully placed the needle on the black disc, the opening sounds of sgt, pepper’s lonely hearts club band ringing out into the spacious living room. 
josh instantly turned around with a grin, taking your hands in his obnoxiously, the both of you starting to scream out, “IT WAS TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY, SERGEANT PEPPER TAUGHT THE BAND TO PLAY!” 
you loved moments with josh like this, screaming out songs you both loved, not a care in the world. you always felt so alive. that was, until you heard the door open, choosing to ignore it until you saw his figure stalk through the doorway. 
he gave you a simple scoff and an eye roll, before quickly taking the bags in his hands to the kitchen and returning to the living room archway, leaning against it in a manner that made you want to storm over there and kick him. 
“you’re just pepper all the way around aren’t you?” he teased, you flipping him off while josh muttered a “shut the fuck up, jake.” 
you started toward the kitchen to start setting the drinks out, jaw clenched in irritation. 
why did he have to ruin everything? you were having a great time with josh, your own sunshine, before the rain had to storm in and drown it out. 
“awe, did i make you upset, pepper? i’m sorry.” he mocked, fake pity in his tone. “just fuck off.” you gritted, tring to focus on getting the drinks set out. “of course pepper, anything for you.” he teased, raising his hands in surrender and stalking off somewhere else in the house. 
you stared at each other for a long while, almost talking with your eyes. 
after a moment, his flashed with a gentleness you had never before seen in your entire time of knowing him, not even that night on the couch, and the only thing you knew, right then and there, was that you needed to be in his arms. 
you let out a shaky exhale, “jake-” you sobbed, all but lunging toward him. your body crashed into his, your arms winding around his middle and your head finding a home in his neck. 
he stood frozen for a second, obviously not expecting your sudden action, but after half a second of hesitation, he closed his eyes and let you melt into him, wrapping his own hands around you slowly, one belting around your lower back to keep you upright and the other going to the back of your head, threading through your hair and scratching your scalp lightly. 
he would switch between scratching your head once he figured out you liked it, and slowly rubbing his hand over your hair, smoothing it down. 
the two actions made you cry even harder, your hands finding their way up his body and around his neck, trying to get as close as humanly possible to him. if you had it your way, you would melt your body into his. you wanted to mold him for the rest of time, to never ever let go, to always have his body pressed to yours. 
you knew this was the worst thing you could ever do, because the second this was over, you’d never be able to live without touching him again. you’d need it like you need air to breathe. every second of every day you'd need it. how would you be able to go on after this? constantly craving his arms around you, his hands anywhere and everywhere on you, his breath letting out soft puffs against your skin. you didn’t want to even think about it right now, so you let him hold you while you held him. 
he must’ve felt the same way about letting go, so instead of pulling away, he took his arm off your back to close the door softly, immediately returning it. 
he walked backwards to the couch, sitting you down without ever loosening his grip on you. he laid back, pulling you with him as he pushed your face gently into his chest, giving you something to cry on. 
you laid there for what felt like hours, even though it was probably only ten minutes, before all that was audible anymore was your occasional sniffle and his gentle breathing. 
“y/n...?” he whispered, still stroking your hair. “yeah?” you squeaked, bracing yourself for the arguing and embarrassment and teasing to start. but it never did. 
“what happened?” he asked, concern evident in his voice and you knew he genuinely cared about your response. but that scared you. why would he care about your feelings? it surprised you that he was even touching you right now, let alone asking about you. 
it was an act of human decency that he usually didn’t show. jake kiszka couldn’t give two fucks about anyones feelings excpet maybe his brothers’.  
you leaned up on your hands, hovering over him. you stared at each other again, his hands finding a home on your back, yours resting on either side of his face. you slowly sat up, forcing his arms to drop from you. 
“i’m sorry. i don’t know why i came here. just- no one else was answering and it was all getting too much and i just didn’t know where else to go and-” 
“hey.” he interrupted, grabbing your hands from where they came up to cover your face. “i don’t want you to apologize i just.. want to know why you came to me.” he said, trying to choose his wording carefully. 
you chewed on your lip, trying to come up with an answer before you realized the only one you had come up with involved being vulnerable, and you were absolutely not in the right state for vulnerability right now, despite the fact you had just cried into his chest. 
you got up and walked to the kitchen, searching for water and trying to buy a few minutes. you knew exactly where he kept them, so you grabbed one and went back to sit on the couch, further away from him this time. he noticed this, a flash of disappointment coming over his face. 
he looked at you as you drank your water and set it down, being the most patient you’ve ever seen him. 
you stared at nothing for a moment, noticing how his hands clenched and unclenched, as if he was yearning to touch you again. you were yearning too, but you couldn’t touch him again until you knew for certain that this wouldn’t be the only time.
“jake...” you trailed, both of your eyes holding so much intensity. he gave a look of realization, finally reaching to grab your hands like he had been so desperate too. you flinched away instinctively, you were going to keep your word on not touching him again. you started to get frustrated, “why do you all of a sudden care so much? you should’ve just fucking told me to go home the minute you saw me.” 
that cold facade slipped back on his face, a look of confusion and disappointment taking his face. “did you just want me to leave you out there in the fucking rain?! cause i would’ve been glad to do that if you really wanted me to, you should've just said so.” 
“well you’ve never cared before!” 
“i’m not heartless y/n!!” he hissed, pointing an accusing finger at you. 
“you think i am but I'm not. i just don’t see the point in wearing it on my fucking sleeve all the time.” that hurt. you’d always been a very outwardly emotional person, it was one of your biggest weaknesses, and to hear it being used against you stung like hell. he saw that comment affected you but he kept going. 
“if i was heartless, i wouldn’t have sat here and fucking held you like i did. as much as i fucking hate touching you, i did it to comfort you. because i'm not as cold as you think i am y/n.” your head snapped up, something he said catching your attention. 
“why do you hate touching me?” you inquired, brows furrowed. he shut his eyes for a second, before he dodged the question. 
trying to be as soft as he could again, he spoke, “why did you come here, pepper?” 
you thought for a second. “i don’t know. i just needed someone. i couldn’t be by myself anymore.” 
“why not?” he questioned, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. 
“because my mind would’ve driven me insane.” you admitted, looking down at your hands in your lap, picking at your nails. 
you were hyper-aware of the fact that you were slowly drifting more and more towards him. 
“what were you thinking about?” he questioned softly. 
“jake i can’t do this right now. i can’t talk about this.” 
“then i ask again, why did you come here?!” he almost begged for an answer. you finally looked back up at him, trying to distract yourself with the melting chocolate of his eyes. somehow he must’ve known your answer, he could always read you like an open book. 
he could tell that you two were on the same page, you just weren’t ready to be that vulnerable with him. so, he gave you a head start.
“you wanna know why i hate touching you?” he asked, his voice tense. you sniffled and gave a nod. he leaned in closer to you.
“because you, you are so fucking addicting that if i touch you i almost can’t let go. you have no idea how hard it was to let you go just now. i’m so hopelessly desperate for you, pepper. now, i have a good idea of why you came here. but i need to hear you say it, baby.” the pet name pushed you over the edge, and before you knew it, the tears were back and you were babbling out your confession. 
“it’s you, jake. it’s always been you.” you sobbed, leaning forward to press your forehead to his chest. he finally reached up to your hair again, almost audibly breathing a sigh of relief when his hands finally made contact with you again. 
“and i’m scared. i’m so scared of how i feel right now. its a need- i need you. i need to be near you. but i can’t- we can’t. we’re not good for eachother, we never have been jake. we bring out the worst in each other.” 
“i know, i know.” he soothed. “i feel it too y/n, i’ve always felt it. from the moment i saw you. it’s terrifying.” he agreed, and all you could muster was a small nod in understanding. 
“you make me want to be better. sometimes that feels good, the fact that i can change for you, to make you happy. but a lot of the time... it feels like it’ll never be enough.” he confessed. “jake, i don’t expect you to change for me. i don’t want you to.” he soaked in the words, leaning down to rest his cheek on the top of your head. 
“you know, i think you bring out the best in me. you know damn well i wouldn’t do this with anyone else.” he chuckled. you let out a small laugh too, leaning more into his chest. “jake im so scared. t-this feeling... it's so strong, too strong. why do you do this to me?” you begged. “i could ask you the same thing.” he said, hugging you tighter. 
“we have so much to work out before we can do anything. i mean we can't even go 10 minutes without arguing. jake we hurt each other too much.” you reasoned, trying to convince yourself more than him. 
“love is supposed to hurt, isn't it?” he countered. 
you knew that’s what it was, you were just far too scared to actually address it. loving someone that had been heartless and selfish to you for the past 7 years wasn’t possible. but if it wasn’t,  then why did you feel the need to have his body near yours at all times? there was a part of you, and you could feel it in him too, that needed to have the pain soothed by him. it was like a fire burning in your stomach, and he was the water to put it out. his arms were where you were supposed to be. forever.
“we can’t walk away from this anymore, baby.” he added, making your body shake again with sobs. that's all you wanted to do. you wanted to run away and never see him again. 
that way, maybe the fire would die out and leave tiny embers that could be satiated by someone else. but you knew. you knew no one could put it out but him. he was the only one that possessed the right water to extinguish the flame of yearning in you. and you knew you were the only one to put out his.
and so, you let him hold you as you cried for the second time that night, grabbing at each other to get impossibly closer. you knew there was no going back now, that you were about to walk off the diving board and never get back up. but you wanted it. you knew you needed it. 
“there’s too much going against us.” you borderline begged. begged him to find a way out of this, begged him to push you away, to kick you out, to do something to  stop it. vulnerability was your worst enemy. 
“pepper. look at me.” he demanded, forcing your head up with your chin tucked between his fingers. “something has been drawing me to you for nearly 7 years. i’m not walking away from it now that we’ve finally got it out in the open. we have to move on. what’s past is past, and what we have now is everything we need. what are you scared of, darling?” he asked gently. 
“...vulnerability.” you admitted. he let out a sigh, maneuvering you so you were in his lap. “it's scary isn’t it, pepper?” he soothed, running a run up and down your back. you nodded pathetically. curling into him more. 
“you know what irritates me the most about you?” he asked, but not hostile. you scoffed. “everything?” you guessed. 
“no. not everything. there's a million little tiny things, but not everything. the biggest one though, is no matter how hard you try, you can't hide. no matter how much you duck and run, i would be able to pull you out of a crowd of a million people. no matter how hard you try to keep your head down and blend with other people, you can’t, not to me. you stand out like a goddamn star. that's what irks me the most." he said softly. 
“am i supposed to take that as a compliment?” you laughed. 
“mhm. it’s painful for me but you should know. sometimes i feel like you and me are the only two people in the room. you drown everyone else out.” he confessed as your eyes filled up with tears again, but not sadness this time. 
this time, it was an overwhelming blanket of love that draped over you. 
the relief that you were wanted by him. that you stood out to him as much as he did to you. you lifted your face from its place on its chest, resting your chin there instead so you were looking up at him. 
he softly took a strand of damp hair from your cheek, tucking it into place behind your ear. “see? i was vulnerable with you. now its your turn.” he encouraged lightly. 
you looked up at him for a second more. the words were on the tip of your tongue, running through your brain over and over again- iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou 
you finally found your voice: 
“i think i love you, jake.” you stated, voice faltering near the end. he cupped your jaw in his hand, 
“i know.” he nodded, his eyes filling with tears too as your hands threaded through his hair, clutching at every part of him you could reach, as your lips finally melted into his.
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jananakookie · 2 years
Beauty | kth - Chapter 13.1
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Pairing: Taehyung x OC (Reader) , slight Jimin x OC
Genre/Tags: Strangers to Lovers, Idiots to lovers (kinda), single dad; humor (-ish?), slow burn, angst, fluff, smut
Chapter Warnings: angst, mentions of heartbreak, mentions of depression & anxiety
Word count: 10k
Series summary: Taehyung knows what beauty is. He sees it every day.
You feel like you haven’t seen real beauty in a while but you think you remember what it looked like.
Or maybe you both have no idea?
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Chapter 13.1
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“I’m a dick.“
Jungkook tilts his head a little as he looks at his best friend. “I mean… Do you expect me to disagree or something?“ He asks the older guy, looking rather smug while doing it. “’Cause we established that already.“
Taehyung covers his face with his hands, sighing deeply into them. “It’s not unlikely that she didn't want me there anyway, is it?“ With hopeful eyes, he looks at Jungkook but quickly covers his face with his hands again and groans in despair when he sees the look on his best friend's face.
“We could most likely answer that question without having to speculate if you would have shown the decency to… you know… stay.“ The younger one grimaces.
“Tell me again why I’m having this conversation with you and not with Namjoon?“ Taehyung mutters, glaring at him.
“Because he would yell at you and you said, and I quote: “I'd rather be insulted and made fun of by you than be yelled at and put down by Joon because at least, I can't take you seriously“. And then you said something about me being a better friend and way better looking or something…“
Cocking a brow, Taehyung looks at him. “I most definitely didn’t say that last part.“
“Whatever. Can't remember. Maybe I just added it in my head because we both know it’s true, but you’re much too proud to admit it.“ Jungkook shrugs.
Taehyung isn't in the mood to joke around, and he can't concentrate on anything but you anyway, so it comes with no surprise when he doesn't respond to Jungkook at all and instead continues with his whining. “Fuck, what should I do now, Jungkook? She didn’t even call…“
“I know, and I already told you it’s because you were a dick.“ Jungkook declares. “Honestly, how often do you want me to repeat it?“
Ignoring his best friend's not-helpful inputs, Taehyung takes his phone out of his pocket, looking through his mentions once again. No missed calls from you, no new messages from you either. He fucked up.
Groaning, he throws his phone to the other side of the couch in frustration.“I should have stayed and been there for her.“
“I mean, you’re just repeating what I told you earlier, but… sure. You’re right. You’re a genius.“ Picking some dirt from under his nails, Jungkook rolls his eyes. “I don’t get why you don’t just call her instead. Why make her come to you if you’re the one who fucked up?"
“Because I'm not sure if that would be the right thing to do. Maybe she’s mad and doesn’t want to talk to me. Or she just needs more time, or—“
“Or she’s with him and has already forgotten about you.“ Jungkook thinks out loud, instantly regretting it when he sees Taehyung’s spiteful glare in his direction. “I was joking.“ He quickly says, trying to mask a smile.
“Jokes are supposed to be funny. All yours do is make me even more anxious.“ Taehyung states, biting his lip in his nervous state.
Patting his best friend’s back, Jungkook tries to comfort him. “I’m sorry, man. You know how I am. Just trying to loosen you up a little bit.“ He smiles. “___ wouldn’t do that. Have a little faith in her, come on. She’s never done anything that would even remotely justify you doubting her this much.“
Hearing Jungkook say that makes him feel even worse, but he knows that he’s right. He’s probably just overreacting, that's all. “I don’t know why I am like that.“ Taehyung sighs, simply staring ahead.
Jungkook clears his throat, throwing his arm around Taehyung's shoulder in the process. “It’s not that hard to explain, actually. You’re just abnormally insecure when it comes to relationships.“ The younger one states, sounding sure about his words. “You’ve been this way with Jisoo, it just showed a little differently back then. You did everything she wanted you to, broke contacts, changed your personality, changed your style blablabla, all because you were afraid she would leave you. Now you’re doing the same with ___, but instead of following her like a lost little puppy, you do the other extreme and push her away as soon as you fear that something isn’t right. She had a past before you, just like you had a past before her. You dealt with yours, she hasn’t. And now her past is about to catch up with her but instead of being there for her and helping her through it, you decided to make a run for it and come to me to cry on my shoulder about it.“
Seeing the way Taehyung only gapes at him, he chuckles slightly. “I know, I know. I’m hot when I say smart stuff, eh? God, I would bang me too…“
“What should I do now? What if my behavior drove her into his arms even more?“ Taehyung asks without responding to him again, smoothly bypassing Jungkook's last comment.
Jungkook only rolls his eyes. “What if you’re just overreacting as always? It could have a thousand reasons why she hasn’t called yet. I’d say, wait till after work, and if you haven’t heard anything by then, you drive straight to hers and try to talk this out.“
Thinking about it for a while, the older one nods his head once. “Yeah… guess I could do that then.“ Taehyung sighs, not really happy with that solution, but in the end, it may just be the best he has.
“And don't let your insecurities stop you from showing her why she needs to be with you instead of him. Trust me, it's time to come clean with her. Tell her how you feel and what you want, and don't simply assume she knows just because you made her come once. 'Cause that's not the only achievement you should be going for.“ Jugkook adds with a scoff, making Taehyng instantly glare at him.
“Okay, you've had your five minutes of wisdom already. Now don't get carried away.“
At this, Jungkook laughs and even Taehyung cracks somewhat of a smile. “Thanks for being there for me. Even if it's in your own, annoyingly weird way. I appreciate that.“
“Wanna make out? I won't tell ___, I promise.“
And with that being said, Taehyung pushes a giggling Jungkook away from him with as much forth as he can bring up before getting up from the couch at once.
“Would it be alright for you to watch Hyejin today?“ He then asks while grabbing his jacket.
“A little short notice, don't you think?" Jungkook smirks, obviously still playing around, but he soon after nods his head approvingly. “Promise I won't lose her.“
“Honestly, Jungkook. I'm counting on you, so don't mess up.“
“Calm down,“ Jungkook groans, now standing up as well, joining Taehyung at the door. “I'll take care of everything, while you make up with ___.“
Taehyung doesn't miss the winks his best friend sends his way but deliberately doesn't comment on it.
“If you don't come home, I'll take it as a good sign, alright?"
Taehyung doesn't comment on that either, but Jungkook still catches the grin that his best friend tries to stifle before he disappears in his room to get ready for work.
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The weather is incredibly changeable today which makes the photoshoot not exactly easier. Taehyung can't complain too much, though, because while the models are inevitably on the verge of freezing to death, he can at least stand behind the camera in his warm jacket.
“Nari, could you maybe not look like you're stuck in a freezer for one second?" He sighs, realizing he once again can't use any of the shots he just took.
“Excuse me? I might as well be stuck in a freezer. It wouldn't change anything at all. This is ridiculous. Why do we have to wear almost nothing while promoting a stupid hotel?“ She jitters, sounding far less annoyed than she probably would under normal circumstances.
“I know it sucks, but it's not my fault, nor is it my decision. If you want to complain, you're very welcome to go to Mr. Han and tell him how crappy all of this is.“ He shoots back, earning only a glare from her. Sighing, he tells her to get back into position as she does right after. “Look, the sooner we get it over with, the sooner we can wrap it up, and you can wear warmer clothes.“
She doesn't answer and instead simply follows his instructions, desperate to be done here as soon as possible. But right after Taehyung takes the first few photos, he hears someone calling his name from a faraway distance.
“One second, I'm almost done.“ He mumbles, subconsciously knowing they won't hear him but he's concentrating on Nari at the moment and doesn't care.
Already annoyed by the still unknown person, Taehyung averts his gaze from his camera for a second and looks up. He’s a little surprised to see someone jog up to him, hastily waving his arms as if to get his attention. He doesn’t recognize him at first, but with a closer look, he feels like his eyes are about to fall out of his head when he sees no other than Jimin being that person.
When he finally reaches him, he stands in front of him for a while, smiling like they’re long-lost friends or something when it couldn't be farther from the truth.
Jimin extends his hand, much like he did last night, but this time, Taehyung actually reacts to it and shakes it on the spot. “Your name was Taehyung, wasn't it? You’re a friend of ___’s?“
Taehyung needs a moment to process that Jimin, your ex-boyfriend, who probably came here with the simple purpose of winning you back is now here, smiling at him.
“Uh… yes.“ He suddenly coughs. “And you’re Jimin.“
“That I am.“ He laughs, withdrawing his hand. “The one and only.“
“Uh, I’m sorry but… Can I help you? Because I don’t wanna be rude, but I’m kinda working and I don't wanna get into trouble.“
“Oh! Of course, sorry. I was just on my way to ___’s actually and I coincidentally saw you here.“ He rakes his fingers through his hair as if debating what to say next. Taehyung can see that he wants to say more, but he watches how his gaze turns to the floor instead. “Thought you’d have a minute to talk, maybe?“ Jimin then asks, looking up again with hopeful eyes.
Taehyung can’t say he isn’t surprised by his sudden request to talk to him because why would he want that in the first place? Does he know something is going on between him and you? Maybe he put two and two together or maybe you told him something. He doesn’t know, but he doesn’t want to find out either.
And what if it’s even worse and Jimin and you got back together, and he just wants to tell him to fuck off?
What suddenly shakes him out of his thoughts is the sight of Mr. Han, already stomping towards him from afar, and it makes a shiver run down his spine when he sees him fixing his eyes on him in particular as to see what he's up to. “Sorry, uh… I—I just told you, I’m working.“ As he sees his boss coming closer, he immediately starts sweating, not wanting to get in any trouble again. “Sorry Jimin, my boss is very strict. If he sees me talking to you—“
Turning around to see who Taehyung has his eyes fixed on, Jimin squints his eyes to see better. “No problem, I’ll take care of it.“ He suddenly says, “Which one is your boss?“ He then asks, making Taehyung once again look at him weirdly.
“Which one? Wait, what?“
Before Taehyung can say any more, Nari suddenly appears next to him. “He’s the one who looks like he has a micropenis and never sleeps with his wife just so she doesn’t find out.“
Jimin’s eyes wander for only a split second before he nods with an affirmative “got it“ before he’s already on his way to him with fast, confident steps.
Neither Taehyung nor Nari immediately realizes what he’s about to do, but when they finally catch on, they both look like they’re about to die.
“Why the fuck did you tell him that?!“ Taehyung starts to rage. “Mr. Han will literally kill me!“
“How was I supposed to know he wants to talk to him? And besides, don't worry, he will definitely die before you.“
Groaning in frustration, Taehyung continues to keep a sharp eye on Jimin as the ladder finally approaches his boss whose vein on his neck already looks like it’s about to burst just from simply glaring at people. Geez, he should be glad that Jimin will be history in a few seconds, but somehow he feels sorry for him. The poor guy has no idea what’s about to come.
He can’t even look at him so he believes it’d be best if he just averts his eyes but it’s like a car crash, he can’t look away. And so he watches in horror when he sees Jimin speak his first words to the grumpy little dwarf.
But nothing happens.
Instead, he sees something probably no one has ever seen before: His boss is… laughing?
“Tae, am I hallucinating?“
Taehyung faintly hears Nari's voice while he watches the scene unfold in front of him. “Would seem more likely to me than that this is actually happening right now.“ He answers, sounding barely mentally present. “That never happened before. I never even saw him smile. And with him, he’s laughing?“
“Who is that guy because I need him to be around forever.“ Nari jokes as she smacks Taehyung’s arm with a laugh of her own.
“I wouldn't mind either.“ Byeol agrees, now joining the scene as well. “Is he a friend of yours, and if yes, can you please introduce me?“
Taehyung doesn’t know how to answer because, well, what should he say?
Oh, he’s just the ex-boyfriend of the girl I like. He merely came here to win her back, no biggie.
Fortunately, he doesn’t have to give her an answer, when Jimin starts laughing loudly, pats Mr. Han’s back a few times, and shakes his hand after. He then comes walking back to the two girls and Taehyung, who are watching him carefully. And they’re not the only ones. Jimin has the eyes of everybody on the set on him, but he doesn’t even seem to notice.
“Alright, you’re excused for about half an hour.“ He beams, looking at a gobsmacked Taehyung who isn’t in the right state to give him an answer. “I promise, I won’t take too long. I just want to talk about something, and given how you seem to be close enough to ___, I guess you’re the right one for this.“
“How did you do that?“ Taehyung asks cocking a brow at Jimin. He didn’t trust him before, but he sure as hell doesn’t trust him now. What just happened isn't normal, and he will be sure to look for three little sixes, tattooed somewhere on this guy.
Jimin frowns as he looks at him in wonder. “What do you mean?“
“Mr. Han never laughs. He never even smiles, and he sure as hell does not give people half an hour off for them to have a chat with someone. He didn’t even want to give me a day off when Hyejin had a fever, so… What are you?“
Jimin just falls into a fit of small giggles as he shakes his head at the younger male. “That my friend,“ He grins, “is charm. I just know when and how to use it. I saved ___ from getting a speeding ticket more than once.“ He shrugs casually, keeping that grin on his face.
It doesn’t look arrogant, though. Somehow, he manages to still look somewhat humble.
“Whatever it is, you have to teach him.“ Nari chimes in, carelessly linking her arm with Jimin's as she smiles up at him with big eyes. “Our Taehyung here is his favorite punching bag.“
“Sure, I’ll show you how it’s done.“ He looks at Taehyung with nothing but kindness in his eyes, and Taehyung almost feels bad that he wished for him to catch the worst explosive diarrhea of his life last night.
“I'm Byeol, by the way, and I'm single.“ Byeol suddenly winks, squeezing herself between Jimin and Nari and placing one hand flat on his chest. Taehyung can't help but roll his eyes while suppressing his laugh. Shameless as always, but if Jimin decided to go with one of them, he'd at least leave you alone.
Jimin, on the other hand, looks a little baffled by their sudden assault on him, but he quickly shakes it off again and replaces it with his typical charming smile. “Jimin. Nice to meet you.“
“Great so tell me, Jimin, do you have a girlfriend?" Nari then asks, unmistakably catching him off guard as he even starts to blush a little.
Before he can answer, though, Taehyung quickly intervenes, not wanting to have this conversation in front of everyone. So he excessively clears his throat and calls for Minho, his colleague, to come over. Luckily, it doesn't take Minho a few seconds before he's standing in front of him. “Take over for a second? I have to take care of something real quick, and then I'll be right back. Mr. Han knows what's up.“
Minho looks surprised but nods his head in agreement. “Can't say I'm happy to be working with this brat, but if the devil himself allows you to, I guess I don't have any other choice, right?" Minho sighs, looking at Nari, who already gives him the middle finger with a grimace.
“Thanks, man. Promise I'll be quick.“ Taehyung pats his coworker's back a single time before motioning with his head for Jimin to follow him.
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And that’s how he finds himself only a few minutes later, sitting on a brick wall a couple of meters from the set, next to Jimin — your ex-boyfriend of ten years. Ain’t nothing weird about that.
The atmosphere is awkward, and it's not like it wasn't expected, but it's still unbearable. Thankfully Jimin is the first one to speak up right after they sat down. “Sorry for just blindsiding you like that and demanding for you to listen to my whining. We don’t even know each other. I can understand that this might be odd to you.“
Yes, absolutely. “No, no. Nothing is odd.“ Taehyung says instead. Yeah, alright, he just can't bring himself to be rude to him, okay? The guy is nothing but friendly, and not returning it (even if he might have a reason) would just make him the asshole. He also can't imagine that you would find that behavior particularly good of him. Especially, since you're always defending Jimin anyway.
So he has to play it cool, try to figure out what he wants from him,, and just get it over with.
“Sorry, I don’t understand what it is exactly that you want from me.“ Taehyung suddenly admits, looking at Jimin with expectation.
Jimin laughs at that as he leans back a little. “I know, it’s out of the blue, but I thought that maybe you could help me.“ He clears his throat, and Taehyung can see how he nervously fiddles with his hands. “With ___ and all, you know?“
“___?“ Taehyung stutters, “y-you want my help regarding ___?“ He just needs to hear it again so he can grasp what Jimin just asked of him.
Taehyung knows his opponent probably doesn’t know what’s going on between him and you, and he doesn’t mean to make it this awkward, but… dammit. Asking that of him is just cruel.
“I know we just met once and I had a feeling that we didn’t hit it off, but you’re the only one I can ask. I don’t know any of her friends here and… I just don’t know what to do.“ Jimin ruffles his hair as he sighs loudly. “Obviously, I don’t know much, but I guessed you guys must be close enough if you let her babysit your daughter. Is that right?“
Taehyung gulps, but he tries to mask it with a little smile. “Yeah. Guess you could say that. She kind of saved Hyejin on the day we first met.“ He chuckles, reminiscing the day again. It feels like it was ages ago, even if it’s only been a few months in reality.
“How did she do that?“ Jimin questions, seemingly interested in the story. Taehyung can see the way his eyes shine brighter and he guesses it has to be because of you.
He wonders if his eyes do the same.
“Ah, you know, my useless best friend was supposed to watch Hyejin while I went to work and he somehow managed to lose her. ___ found her and brought her to the police station. Who knows what would’ve happened if she hadn’t been there.“ He adds. “Hyejin immediately took a liking to her, and seeing how I was in desperate need of someone to look after her, ___ seemed to be a perfect choice.“
“Yes, all of that sounds exactly like her.“ Jimin smiles, eyes permanently locked to his intertwined hands. “She’s always been the type of person to save the day.“ He laughs. “Damn, she saved me more times than she should have. My big mouth tends to get me into trouble easily but with her… I felt like I was invincible.“ Grinning slightly, he stares into the distance. “She’s my guardian angel.“
“Sounds more like a nanny to me.“ Taehyung adds, thinking he only said it to himself, but he hears Jimin chuckle at that.
Frowning deeply, he rubs his hands against the fabric of his jeans. The way Jimin talks about you is like he just jumped out of a picture-perfect Disney movie and Taehyung has no trouble buying every single word he says. But there’s just something he doesn’t get.
How is it possible to love someone so dearly but then manage to fuck it up the way he did?
How is it possible to love someone so much and still hurt them like this? How can it happen that, despite all their feelings, someone manages to drive everything they had with their significant other against the wall in just a couple of seconds?
How can you love someone in this way and still have someone else come in between?
“There’s something you need to explain to me.“ He pauses but when he feels Jimin’s eyes burn into the side of his head, he continues, “So, I get it, you love her.“ He states, finally looking at the other guy patiently waiting for him to get to the point, “why did you throw it all away for someone you barely knew? I mean, that just doesn’t make any sense.“
Jimin stays silent for a moment. Taehyung can see how he nervously bites his lip. “I knew she told you. I would’ve done the same in her place.“
“She never even talked badly about you.“ Taehyung quickly says, watching how Jimin’s ears perk up at his words. “She did tell us the story. But she never… She never made you out to be a bad person or anything like that. She tried to justify your actions but I just– I don't see it.“
The corners of Jimin's mouth visibly drop at that. “Why does that make me feel even worse about the whole story?“
“Because it should.“ Taehyung leans back as well, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he shoots Jimin a testing look. “It makes you realize more who and what you’ve lost.“
Jimin nods, sighing after. “Yeah…“
“Which brings us back to my earlier question.“ Taehyung persists, mustering his opponent intensely.
Realizing Taehyung won’t back down, Jimin groans and shuts his eyes. “I don’t know. It’s hard to explain.“
Upon hearing his lame excuse, Taehyung scoffs. “Is it hard to explain, or do you not know? You should probably decide on one version.“
“Look, I don’t know if you’ll understand—“
“I can try.“ Taehyung interrupts, shrugging his shoulders carelessly as he throws him a look. “Not gonna lie, I am biased. But I’m also curious.“
Jimin squints at him while barely moving his head. He doesn’t want to look him in the eyes. He can’t take any more of those judging looks people give him whenever he has to re-tell the story. It's the same look that Hoseok gave him, the same look his parents gave him when he had to tell them why you weren't coming over anymore. Yes, he fucked up and he knows it but he’s hurting too, even if no one cares about it or thinks he deserves it. It takes a toll on him as well. And to be honest, he simply feels like he hit rock bottom by now. Not that he wants people's pity, not at all, but he just wishes someone would try to understand him too.
“First of all, you have to know that it wasn’t about Minji. At all. I didn’t tell ___ about her because I was fantasizing about being with her or whatever. I know that’s probably what you’re thinking, given how that’s what everybody thinks whenever they ask me about what happened and I get it. It seems obvious, I know, but it's utter bullshit.“ Jimin looks mad while saying all that. As if he felt personally attacked by these accusations. As if it were so inconceivable that one could believe that’s the truth. Taehyung can practically feel the frustration pouring out of him.
“I never wanted to be with anyone but ___. I still don’t. What happened with Minji was… Well, I wish I would know, honestly.“ He scoffs, running his fingers through his hair. “We tried to ignore it. Both of us. Because as soon as I realized that she may have grown a little too interested, I told her that it will never happen. And she accepted that. She knew about ___ and she knew that I wouldn’t leave her and she didn’t want that either. She didn’t want to come between us. That wasn’t her intention at all.“
“Jimin, I don’t need to know all of that. All I wanted was the reason—“
“I felt guilty.“ Jimin suddenly says, cutting Taehyung off mid-sentence. “I tried to keep my distance but I somehow still thought of her when I was home. When I was with ___.“ He looks down in shame when he says that. “It was just mutual attraction. Just a spark. Nothing more I swear. But at the same time, it was too much to just forget about or ignore while I had to see her almost every day. And the guilt was eating me up. Even up to the point where I let it out on ___. I was moody towards her, distant even. That was the last thing I wanted. So I just needed to do something about it.“
Taehyung notices, how he scratches the skin on his arm rather fiercely. Must be a nervous habit, and he doesn't comment on it, although it looks like he's almost about to scratch himself bloody if he keeps it up.
“I knew she’d be mad and hurt but I thought we would talk about it. I thought she would at least let me explain. Never in a million years did I think she’d break up right on the spot and run away to fucking Seoul without a single chance for me to reach her.“ He's unmistakably mad now, this cannot be overlooked but Taehyung knows he's not mad at you. He's mad at himself. It's clear from the way he hurts himself while reminiscing the memories as if to punish himself.
Slowly withdrawing his eyes from Jimin's arm, Taehyung thinks about everything Jimin just told him. Admittedly, up to this point, the story sounded quite comprehensible, but there is something that Taehyung still doesn't understand. “She didn’t leave right away, though. Why didn’t you ever go to her parents’ house and fix things?“
If he thought Jimin looked repentant before, he now looks completely regretful. And he doesn’t even have to confirm anything before Taehyung rolls his eyes in disbelieve. “So much for: I didn’t want anyone but ___.“
“I didn’t! I don’t.“ Jimin quickly says, wide eyes looking at his opponent in terror. “I was drunk, and I was heartbroken. You don’t understand.“
“Poor you. Want a hug?“ Taehyung pouts, knowing full well that it would only add more salt to the wound. He ignores Jimin’s glare and simply looks past him. Not that he cares, Jimin deserves it. You have suffered too but didn’t run to the next best dickhead either. “You’re playing the victim.“
“I’m not. I know what I did wrong.“ Jimin snaps back. “There were a lot of factors that came together and influenced my senses that night. I could no longer think straight. As soon as it came to my mind that I just...“ He pauses, closing his eyes and shaking his head with a sour look on his face. “It was immediately over, I promise. I hadn't even seen her again till a couple of weeks ago when I went to the studio for the first time in months. And I never even thought of her either. Only ___. She's it for me.“
Shit, that hurt. Why does he have to sound so sincere? Taehyung actually believes him, and it fucks with his head because he's not supposed to. Jimin is supposed to be the asshole ex-boyfriend who doesn't deserve you but instead, he's sitting here, withdrawing tears as he confesses about his undying love for you. This is not good.
"So, how do you know it won't happen again, huh?“ Taehyung quietly asks, staring at his lap. “If you felt “a spark“ with someone else once, it surely can happen again.“
Jimin smiles, shaking his head confidently. “No, it won't. I know it won't.“ He notices the frown on Taehyung's forehead and catches him opening his mouth to counter against it, but he doesn't let him. “It's only natural for you to not believe me in this, and there's no way I can explain it to you, but I'm a thousand percent sure.“
Well, what else is there to say. He's certain it won't happen again and Taehyung doesn't believe him because people change and if something like this can happen once, it can happen again. It's not rocket science, it's simply how life and people work. They're unpredictable. Jimin didn't want it to happen the first time either and yet, here they are. Logically thinking, he can never be sure about it not happening again. But Taehyung already realized that nothing he has or wants to say will change anything.
Jimin made up his mind. He believes whatever his heart and his brain tell him right now and you will believe whatever your heart and your brain will tell you. And if you decide to put your trust in him again, then that's your decision, and he can't change it.
All he can do is hope for the best. Whatever the best is.
“I’ve been through my fair share of heartbreaks too.“ He quietly says after a while of silence between the two. “I know it hurts and you aren't always able to think straight or act rationally.“ He catches Jimin's curious gaze on him. “What I'm trying to say is, I don't believe you're a bad guy either. And heartbreak sucks.“
Jimin nods. “Definitely the worst I ever felt.“ He says, brushing his hair out of his face. “How long does it usually last?“
His question comes unexpected to Taehyung, and he is on the verge of throwing a funny remark but surpasses the urge as soon as he sees the look on Jimin’s face. So he swallows what he actually wanted to say and thinks about a more fitting answer.
“It differs from relationship to relationship, I guess.“ He shrugs, “For me personally it never lasted very long.“
Nodding again, Jimin clears his throat. “Well, for me, it’s been eight months but it still feels like it was yesterday.“ He pauses for a while, as does Taehyung. “I truly, honestly regret everything that happened. I hate myself for it and if there is anything that makes me at least a little bit happy these days, it’s the certainty that she is obviously much better off than I am.“ He states.
“Never expected that I could ever surpass the hatred I felt for myself at the time of the accident, but... here we are.“ he suddenly adds, making the atmosphere even more depressed than it already was.
And suddenly, Taehyung feels like the bad guy again. Here he is, desperately trying to find evidence that Jimin is nothing but a piece of shit who doesn't deserve you but instead he sympathizes with him.
He hates to admit it but no matter what Jimin did, he really does love you. There’s no doubt in that. And it stings, coming to terms with the fact that you were right. He may not be a bad guy after all. And that would be great if it wouldn’t lower his own chances with you in the process.
“So, how did it go last night?“ Taehyung then asks, wanting to bring the conversation forward. He's dying to know how things are between you and him as of now.
At least, so far it doesn't look like you've reconciled either, though he'd rather hear it directly from Jimin. That would at least calm his nerves a little bit. Besides, Jimin was on his way to see you earlier — what’s the deal with that? Why would he need to meet you again today if you already talked last night?
Jimin scoffs, shaking his head. “Not too well, honestly. That’s kind of why I asked for your help. I thought maybe she told you something… I don’t know. Do you think there’s anything I could do to make her forgive me?“
Taken aback by Jimin’s question, Taehyung’s eyebrows shoot up. He doesn’t even know what to say to that, it’s that ridiculous.
“I know, what you’re thinking,“ no, Taehyung doesn’t think he knows, “But it’s— I think she doesn’t want me back.“ Jimin’s voice breaks at the last word but he quickly gets himself together and clears his throat. “I was confident coming here, you know? I didn’t think it would be easy, trying to get her back, but I sure as hell didn’t think it would be so…. pointless either.“
“Why did you come here?“ Taehyung asks him.
“Because I love her.“ Jimin shrugs, looking at him as if it wasn’t obvious. It is, but for some reason, Taehyung just likes to torture himself. “I came here because I love her more than anything and anybody else in this world.“ Jimin says with a shaky breath. “And I can’t do it without her, I don’t want to. I honestly think I can’t live without her.“
At that, Taheuyng looks at him with a frown. “Don’t say stuff like that.“ He sighs, turning his gaze back to stare into the cloudy sky.
“No… I didn’t mean it like that, don’t worry.“ Jimin says. “I can live without her, sure… but I don’t think I can ever be happy.“
Now, this Taehyung understands. He knows exactly what he means. But as much as he does understand him, he also knows that this is definitely not the right way to approach this.
“That isn’t healthy.“ He breathes, noticing how Jimin looks at him through his peripheral view. “You shouldn't make all your joy dependent on one person.“ He tells him, turning his head to look at him too. “Not only is that unhealthy for you, but it also isn’t fair on her. She shouldn’t live her life just to make you happy.“
Jimin frowns, wondering if this really is the image Taehyug (and other people) has of him. “No, that’s… That’s not it. I mean, I make her happy too. Or at least there was a time where I did.“
Taehyung doesn’t say anything to that anymore and for a while, they just fall into a beat of silence.
“I was sixteen when I met her first.“ Jimin then speaks up after a while. “She had me from the start.“ Laughing slightly, he squints at the sun that suddenly starts to come out for just a second before it disappears again behind a relatively large cloud.
He doesn’t even notice how Taehyung loses the intense stare on his lap and instead fixes his eyes on him.
“I thought she was way too cool to be my girlfriend and apparently, she thought so too because it took me a whole ass year before she finally agreed to go out with me.“ A ghost of a smile spreads on his face as he’s picking his nails in thought. “At the latest from then on, we were inseparable. For a whole decade.“ Turning his head in Taehyung’s direction, he smiles at him again. Not minding how the latter doesn’t return it.
“Have you ever met someone like that?“ He then asks Taehyung.
Turning his head quickly, Taehyung clears his throat but doesn’t answer. He can’t. It’s a good thing that Jimin doesn’t even notice, seeing how he’s way too deep in his thoughts. Taehyung catches how Jimin once again scratches that particular spot on the inside of his arm. This time, however, Jimin sightly angles it a little differently afterward, giving Taehyung the chance to see the slightly darker lines on the skin of his arm.
“What’s that?“ He instantly voices his thoughts, not caring if his question might be too intrusive or not. He already has a theory and he just wants to hear if he’s right about it.
Following Taehyung’s gaze onto his arm, Jimin scoffs amusedly. “My battle scar.“ The older one grins, examining the little spot on his otherwise flawless skin. “At least that’s what ___ calls it.“
It looks like a bite. That’s the first thought that’s running through Taehyung’s head when he sees it, and it makes him wonder if it has something to do with yours.
Seeming to notice his questioning gaze, Jimin clears his throat. “Has she ever told you?“ He asks. “About what happened?“
Taehyung nods. So he was correct with his assumptions then. It does have something to do with you. “Didn’t know you got hurt as well, though.“
“Eh,“ Jimin shrugs, “Barely as you can see. Unfortunately, between the both of us she was the one who got the worst of it.“ He contorts his face in shame as he tries to hide the scar on his arm again. “That beast got me when I desperately tried to get it off of her. It wouldn’t budge.“ He sighs, reminiscing the memories of the night he hates to think about.
“It wasn’t fair. The only reason she was even there was because I dragged her with me. She didn’t want to, she just did it because of me. To make me happy. And all I get is a fucking bite mark on my arm whereas she was in the hospital for months, in pain. And that wasn’t even the worst part. No, the worst part came after. Depression, anxiety… all because of me.“ He grits. “Yet another time where I was the reason for her being hurt.“
Taehyung remembers thinking that the accident was with no doubt Jimin's fault the night you told them the story. And yet... now that he hears it again, this time from Jimin himself, he sees it with different eyes. After all, he did go back and try to help you; even got hurt himself in the process.
He never intended for you to be hurt. Only now does he become aware of this. Sure, he never blindly assumed that Jimin wanted you to be attacked of course, but Taehyung has never imagined before that it must have been a cruel time for him as well. He can't imagine having to watch someone, especially someone he loves, being brutally hurt in front of him.
“That’s not your fault.“ Taehyung mutters, trying to sound as convincing as possible while he still tries to get rid of the awkwardness he feels around him. He does mean it, but he doesn’t want to sound like he’s just trying to show sympathy in pity.
“Look, I do believe you genuinely mean that, but just try to put yourself in my shoes for a second. Just imagine the person you love more than anything else in your life got hurt the way she did because of some embarrassingly idiotic idea you had.“ He looks at Taehyung and nods with a humorless grin when he sees the look on his face. “Exactly. You wouldn’t believe anyone who told you it wasn’t your fault either.“
Taehyung nods, clearing his throat after. “My opinion doesn’t matter anyway. ___ doesn’t blame you, so who cares?“
“I care. Because it’s my fault, and there’s nothing and no one that will ever make me think otherwise.“ He states. But his deep scowl vanishes soon after as it turns into an expression of pure sadness.
“It has only brought us even closer together, though.“ He proudly says. “We were sure that if we could get through this, we could get through anything.“ He pauses as he wipes at his eyes quickly before clearing his throat. “I can’t believe we came to this point. I would have never thought.“ He breathes, staring at the sky. “She can’t even look me in the eyes anymore. It’s like… I don’t even know. But it’s not like we spent the past ten years as a couple together.“
Having listened carefully to every single word Jimin just said, Taehyung fiddles with the seems of his sleeves. “Well, that's a shame but try to understand her a little. It's not like she can just forget what happened.“ Oof, he knows he's salty, but can you blame him? He can't just sit here and listen to him anymore when all he truly wants is for him to forget about you and leave again.
God, he knows that sounds awful, especially after everything he just learned about you and him, but this is sheer torture.
“Again. I made a mistake, Taehyung.“ This is probably the first time Jimin’s voice is anything but friendly while addressing him. And for a moment, they both glare at each other before Jimin sighs and looks away with a shake of his head.
“I know you don't have any ill intentions but do you think coming here against her will and backing her against a wall to try and make her come back to you was a fair decision?“ Taehyung snaps back.
“At least, I think that was necessary, yes.“ Jimin states, sounding absolutely confident about his decision.
“Well, I think you're selfish.“ Taehyung shrugs.
Gaping at him, Jimin scoffs. “Excuse me? Who do you think you are?“
“Who am I?“ Taehyung mocks, smirking right after. He has a lot to say. He wants to tell him about his relation to you, and he wants to tell him to fuck off and leave you alone but he doesn’t. It’s not his decision to make and he knows it. He won’t be like Jimin. He will respect your boundaries. “I’m her friend, and I deeply care about her.“
Jimin’s hardened gaze immediately softens at that. “And I’m grateful for that.“ He says. “But I love her. And I care about her too, believe it or not. That’s why I even told her about Minji in the first place for god’s sake! Nothing happened. But I was so confused about my feeling at that time, that I just couldn’t look her in the eyes at a certain point. It felt like I was cheating even if nothing physical ever happened.“
“You do know there is an actual term for that though, right? And some people would count emotional cheating as cheating too.“ Taehyung intervenes sharply.
Jimin lowers his head in shame at that particular word. He never wanted to be associated with it but he knows Taheyung speaks the truth. This is the reality of the situation. no matter how much he tries to sugarcoat it. “I know. And despite what you think of me, I don’t wanna play the victim here. I know what I did wrong, and I also know that it will take a lot for her to forgive me—“
“No, it won’t because she’s way too forgiving and you know that. But it will take her a lot to trust you again. And that’s what’s standing in between you two. It’s trust. She lost it. And that’s something that isn’t regained just by simply being able to forgive.“ Taehyung states, sounding somewhat frustrated himself.
Jimin has noticed from the beginning how invested Taehyung seems to be in this issue, and that it really seems to mean a lot to him that you're okay. It's endearing, and it's probably the only reason why he hasn't lashed out on him yet whenever he feels like he's going a little too far with his accusations against him. Taehyung was there for you when he wasn't and it means a lot to Jimin, knowing you weren't on your own and had people who helped you pick up the pieces he caused.
“What is left for me to do now?“ Jimin then asks with a deep sigh after he let Taehyung’s words sink in for a moment. It's hard for him to admit it, but Taehyung is right. Lack of trust is probably exactly what's stopping you from coming back to him. “The hope that the two of us would eventually get back together was the only thing that somehow kept me afloat. What am I supposed to do now? She doesn’t want me anymore.“
“She does, though.“ Taehyung hears himself say in an almost whisper but Jimin hears him loud and clear.
“What?" His head immediately snaps in Taehyung's direction as he stares at him. “Did she tell you that?“
The glint of hope in his eyes is sheer torture for Taehyung. He shouldn’t care about this guy's feelings especially given how he himself has feelings for you and the least he wants is for you to get back together with him but he also doesn’t want to lie and he doesn’t want to ruin anything for you if this is what you really want.
Defeatedly he nods, looking down at his hands that nervously fiddle with each other. “Yeah… She told me.“ His voice comes out as an almost whisper. He feels the huge lump of regret in his throat right after, though.
“Really?!“ Jimin screeches, almost falling off the wall in the process. “Wait— what did she say exactly?“
“Well, just that.“ Taehyung shrugs, not feeling like going into detail. “Just that she… loves you.“ he pauses, attempting to get rid of that bitter taste on his tongue as a result of bringing these words over his lips. “And that you’re a good guy or something like that. I don’t know.“ he then adds defeatedly.
"She said she loves me?" The look on Jimin's face when Taehyung simply nods at that is comparable to Hyejin's on Christmas morning. He looks like someone told him he won a billion dollars or something like that.
“That means there’s still a chance for me then…“ Jimin speaks to himself, completely forgetting about Taehyung’s existence for a moment when a sliver of hope sparks up inside of his chest. “Maybe it’s not all over just yet.“
Taehyung feels his chest tighten at that, wishing he just would’ve kept his mouth shut but, of course, he had to potentially ruin it for himself.
And now what? He can’t undo it. Now he has to wait and see what you're going to do about it.
As if something bit him, Jimin suddenly jumps off the brick wall. “I should go now. I was supposed to meet her half an hour ago.“
“And you kept her waiting for this long?“
“Ah, she's used to it. If I tell her I’ll be there at two she knows not to expect me until three. That’s the way we roll.“ Jimin jokes, cracking a smile that once again isn’t returned. He grabs his jacket, shrugging it on quickly before smiling at Taehyung. “Thank you, Taehyung. Talking to you was very helpful. I can’t thank you enough.“
Taehyung hurriedly gets up as well and reaches for his arm to keep him from leaving already. At this point, he’s just trying to win time without knowing what to say to him anymore. He doesn’t know what he should do but what’s even worse is, he doesn’t even know what he wants for himself.
Part of him knows letting him go to you and talk things out is inevitable and even necessary if he wants you to finally be able to completely finish with the whole thing, whereas another part of him desperately wants to keep Jimin as far away from you as possible, in fear you might choose him in the end. And he couldn’t even be mad at you. This guy is obviously utterly in love with you. He’s breaking apart and seeing him like that is hard even for Taehyung, so he can only imagine what it must be like for you. What if you’ll get back with him simply because seeing him like this makes you feel bad and lets old feelings bloom again?
Yes, that’s probably his biggest fear right now, and it’s not like it’s that far-fetched, is it?
You were so hurt because of him over such a long time and yet, you longed for him and wanted him back. You never made him the bad guy, defended him over and over again. You… loved him.
But is it really past tense, or do you maybe still love him but are simply too scared to fully engage in him again? If that’s the case, he can’t hold you back from being with the person you actually want to be with.
He would try if he had a clue that Jimin was just playing with you. That something like that will undoubtedly happen again, and that he will hurt you again without meaning to, but the thing is, even if he has his doubts as anyone would, Taehyung doesn't think that's going to happen. He believes Jimin when he says he won't hurt you ever again. Jimin lost you and had eight months to move on but couldn’t. He’s still hung up on you even to the extent that he blindly came to Seoul to look for you and get you back. After eight months! Would he really go to such lengths, say such things, and look so distressed if he wasn't one hundred percent serious about you?
Taehyung can only speculate, but for him, it looks like he has learned his lesson.
And you need to make your own decision too. If Jimin is the one you want, if he is the one who makes you happy and who you want to build a life with, then you should be able to do it without somebody else trying to get in-between that.
He should stay out of this.
Taehyung tries not to look too depressed when he calls Jimin's name to get his attention one last time.
“Just, please… Don’t ever hurt her again, alright? She deserves to be nothing but happy.“
Jimin stares at him for a while as he looks over his shoulder, not fully turning around due to the fact that he was on the run before Taehyung had called him back. His sudden request makes him halt, though.
Something about the way he said it, just… seems off. Of course, he’d want you to be happy, given that you seem to have become friends over the past eight months or something. But the tone in Taehyung’s voice, and the fact that he doesn’t dare to look him in the eyes and rather stares at the floor, seems odd for some reason. He can’t put his finger on it, though.
Arching one brow in confusion, Jimin decides to just brush it off. “Wouldn’t dream of it.“ He promises with a determined tone, waving at the slightly taller guy with an unsure smile on his lips before he finally turns back around and is on his way to you.
With his hands tucked inside the pockets of his pants, Taehyung clenches his teeth and glares ahead of him. It feels like he’s fighting every single bone in his body right now to not run after Jimin, tell him the truth, and beg for him to just leave instead — even if he knows it wouldn’t change a thing. Jimin won’t just give up on you like that.
To his luck, someone else joins him at that moment, helping him to suppress the urge to go after Jimin. The only problem is that it's Nari, of all people, who is probably the least qualified to give pep talks to people who need it.
“Well, who do we have here?“ Taehyung hears her voice ring out, and he internally groans already. Even if he does need to get his mind off things, Nari is not who he needs right now.
He turns around with an expression on his face that already tells her to fuck off but to his surprise, she doesn’t look flirty nor happy to see him. Instead, she’s standing there with her arms crossed in front of her chest, glaring at him. “You just have to be the biggest fucking idiot around here, don’t you?“ She then says, sighing right after with a disappointed shake of her head.
“Uhm, excuse me?“ Taehyung asks, taking her accusations to heart.
“Don’t act dumb, you little moron. I’m not stupid.“ She snaps.
Taehyung has no idea what she’s getting at and his face seems to tell, resulting in her sighing in annoyance while she rolls her eyes at him.
“You come here for the last couple of weeks in the best mood we’ve seen you in ever since we first met you, letting us assume that a girl may have an influence on that and now I come here, trying to get a little gossip and what do I hear?!“ She screeches, “You just told that guy to get himself your girl. What on earth is wrong with you?“
Stunned that he was apparently spied on and didn't even realize it, he gapes at her with his mouth wide open. “Why are you spying on me? And how do you get all this information by overhearing that single conversation? I didn’t even say anything about my feelings for her.“
“Oh please, Tae. I’m a model, not stupid. I'm beautiful and smart, I know you can't relate.“ She scoffs. “And I’d fight for the person that makes me happy which seems to be new territory for you as well.“
“I would fight for her, but there’s no use–“
“Spare me, I don't need to hear your lame excuses. Just say you’re too much of a coward to tell her and show her what she means to you.“ She interrupts him.
“I’m not! You know nothing about the actual situation, okay? He’s better for her. And she...“ He sighs once again, feeling sick already, “She loves him, she wants him. And she deserves to be with someone like him. They can start fresh and new, build their own family and just be happy. He won’t hurt her again—“
“Oh my god, can you please just shut your mouth, Tae? Sounds like you’re just looking for a way to justify your utter stupidity.“ She snaps with a deep scowl masking her face.
“You don’t have to be so mean. What the fuck…“ Taehyung mumbles a little taken aback. No need for her to be so brutally honest, jeez...
“See, that’s exactly the problem with guys like you.“ She clips.
“Guys like me?" He asks, waiting for her to elaborate.
“Yeah... the ones who think of themselves as chivalrous while you're actually just being stupid.“ She replies, not letting him say anything to that. “You think you know what's best for her and think you can make decisions for her, well guess what, that’s not your job! We’re not in the fucking sixteens’ century, Tae. Women choose their men these days. And we do know exactly what we want and what’s best for us. We don’t need you to tell us you're not good enough, we already know that, but that's just the general problem with men.“ She says, smacking his arm in the process, ignoring his little protest.
“Do you want the girl?“ She asks with a gentle voice after a moment of letting her words sink in.
Taehyung nods, looking at the floor with a pained frown. “Of course I do.“
“Then tell her that. Don’t send some other useless idiot to take her away.“ The way she looks at him now is new. He isn't used to her showing compassion, seeing how she usually enjoys the suffering of others. It's a nice change for once.
But still, it doesn't change anything. “Nari, you don’t understand. ___ will choose him anyway—“
“Yes, you just said it.“ She nods, resting her hands on her hips. “She will choose. You don’t get to make that decision for her. It is only up to her for whom she chooses and it’s either you or him. So tell me Tae, even if both of you were to make her equally as happy who do you think she will choose? The one who tries everything to get her back or the one who doesn’t show any interest and rather encourages somebody else to win her over?“ And after she dropped that little bomb of much necessary reality check on him, she simply turns back around, leaving Taehyung to stand there on his own in absolute misery.
She’s right. Now it looks like he doesn’t care enough about you to stand up against Jimin and try to be with you. Even if there’s a slight chance Jimin won’t tell you about the little conversation he just had with him, the sheer fact that there has been nothing but radio silence between you and him since yesterday evening must look like he doesn’t want to talk to you which actually couldn’t be farther from the truth.
It’s probably not necessary to mention that he already regrets his decision, however, it is too late to change anything now. Jimin is already on his way to you while he is stuck here and will probably not be able to leave anytime soon.
Unfortunately adding to that, Mr. Han is the next one who finds him, and even if he’s standing far away, his voice cannot be unheard from miles. “Taehyung! I see Jimin has left so why aren’t you working yet?! I'm not paying you to stare melancholically into nothingness.“
Cringing at the loud tone in his boss’s voice, he sighs. “God, I need to find a new job.“ Taehyung mumbles to himself before he grumpily starts strutting back to the set, he left a little while ago.
But no matter how hard he tries, Nari’s words won’t leave his head for good
tag list: @nandananda | @blackswan18 | @travelleratheart101 | @likeshatteredrainbowglass | @lilianm3 | @jenotation | @so-da-1 | @soeur-de-ame | @theclawofaraven
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Forbidden - Chapter 2
Summary- Jess couldn't stop thinking about the guy she'd met in the coffee shop, he was drop dead gorgeous, mature and everything she's always wanted but how would she find him again when she didn't even know his name?
Word count- 3.1K
Pairing- Prof!Chris Hemsworth x OC
Warnings- Swearing, slight smut talk
18+ only!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 13th August 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires @monet-belle
Chapter 1
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The only thing was, he didn't know I was only twenty and I had no way of finding him again.
If fate did bring us back together, would he mind that I was still a student? That I couldn't even drink when we went on dates? 
Who am I kidding? Of course he would mind, he could get any woman he wanted, why would he want me?
"Morning, you feeling any better?" Ellie was awake before me as usual, she spent hours getting ready in the morning and was now sat at her desk finishing her make up.
"I suppose, can't beat myself up forever can I?" I was more the get up and go kind of girl, I could never understand why she'd take hours getting ready just to go to class but I suppose you never know who you're going to bump into.
"No you can not. Not when there's literally thousands of guys here to take your pick of." 
"Psh!" I finally pull myself out of bed after thinking about the thought of possibly bumping into my hunk again I changed my mind about making myself a little more presentable.
"What d'ya mean psh?" Ellie turns to look at you, her mascara wand in her hand and only one eye made up, she looked ridiculous. How could you take her seriously looking like that? 
"I mean I'm not interested in these childish boys anymore El, I want a man." 
"Fuck me, you spoke to the guy for two minutes and already you're acting like you've lost the love of your life." Wow, that hurt a little.
"I didn't say I was talking about him although it would be nice. I just meant I'm sick of playing all these childish games and never knowing where I stand. Don't you get sick of being the one who always falls deeper? Getting messed about and then being the one who's left hurt?" I joined her at the desk, putting on a little mascara and eyeliner. "I want a man who knows what he wants and treats me better. Don't you?"
"Well shit, when you put it like that I can't argue with you. It would be nice, hey I wonder if Mr Aussie has a brother?" She waggles her eyebrows at me, making me laugh. "I gotta go babe, what class you got?" 
"My first Comms class this morning." I did not sound excited at the prospect because I really wasn't. I'd put it off in freshman and sophomore years but thought I better get it over and done with before my senior year.
"Oh really? I didn't know you'd taken that class. I heard a load of seniors talking the other day and apparently the Professor is drop dead gorgeous. I was thinking about taking it up too just to see what all the fuss was about." 
"Well that should make the class a lot more interesting, maybe it isn't going to be as bad as I thought."
"See, every cloud and all that. See you tonight, fancy the bar?" She shouts over her shoulder as she walks towards the door.
"Sounds good, see you later."
I looked over my outfit I'd already chosen for the day, just some jeans and a plain t-shirt and realised it wouldn't do. Not when there's the prospect of a hot Professor to impress. My wardrobe desperately needed an update, especially now I was focused on finding myself a man and not one of these easily pleased college boys, that were happy with anything as long as I showed a bit of leg and tits. I settled with some tight black jeans with a black, lace-rimmed, cami body suit and a cute little cream, cropped blazer to finish it off. It made me feel confident when I checked myself out in the mirror and if I do say so myself I looked smoking hot. I checked the time on my phone, realising I was going to be late I quickly ran the curling tongs through the ends of my long blonde hair before grabbing my bag and rushing out of the door.
In the hopes of catching the eye of this new professor I'd completely forgotten about the hottie from the coffee shop, which was probably a good thing, it's not like I'm ever going to see him again. I kind of wished I would though, especially when I was looking and feeling this great but hey, on to bigger and better prospects.
I thought that being late would mean I'd be stuck with a lame choice of desk in class but luckily the back row was practically empty and I could hide in the corner of the lecture theatre. I laughed to myself when I realised that practically all the girls were occupying the front desks, obviously they'd heard the rumours too.
I pushed my hair behind my ears and fumbled in my bag for my pen and notepad, when I glanced to the door and caught the eyes of a student I hadn't seen before. I couldn't deny how attractive he was, with his bright blue eyes and floppy hair, oh and that smile. Wow! He smiled brightly at me as he made his way to the back of the class, his eyes glinting, shining like diamonds as he ignored the whispers from the girls at the front. The whole row of desks were free so when he chose the desk right next to me, my stomach fluttered.
I kept my eyes on my notepad, doodling on the front cover so as to avoid that eye contact with him again. I could see a cheeky glint in his eyes and I'd learnt from experience what that meant, trouble. I wasn't ready to get myself back into a situation like that again.
My eyes shot to the front as I heard the room erupt into wolf whistles, the girls at the front giggling and whispering to each other, I rolled my eyes at them, how embarrassing. 
Then I realised what all the fuss was about and my heart almost stopped beating, thudding against my chest at an alarming rate. How is this even possible? How the fuck could he be a professor? Surely he's not old enough. Oh fuck.
I sank lower in my chair, willing the ground to just swallow me up or maybe if I got low enough I would escape his notice. No such luck, his eyes scanned the class and when they fell on mine, his face lit up with anger? No not anger. A hunger. His eyes scanned my body, falling over my hair and down to my cleavage. I felt hot under his gaze, was I blushing? Sweating? Oh god, I've never wished for class to be over so much in my life.
My professor was the guy I'd been shamelessly flirting with in the coffee shop. I don't understand how this could be real, I know I wanted to bump into him again but this is such a cruel twist of fate. I'd never even suspected him to be a professor, he was so damn thick and muscly. The clothes he wore were so stylish and he looked way too young to be a professor. He must be so embarrassed that he'd been flirting with a student, I definitely was embarrassed that I'd been flirting with a professor.
I was so panicked, I didn't have a clue what to do in this situation. Squirming in my seat, trying to look anywhere but at the Professor but I could feel his eyes on me as he prepared for the class to start. People were still whispering amongst themselves and I risked a glance in his direction, that made me bite on to my lip to stop myself from screeching. His eyes were still on me, subtly glancing up from the pile of paper he'd just taken out of his bag, his eyebrows furrowed as he studied me. He certainly didn't look embarrassed infact he looked downright feral and the thought of it made my pussy clench, so much so I had to cross my legs under the table.
"I guess you're obsessed with this new Professor too, huh?" The guy next to me leant across his desk to whisper and fuck me if I wasn't imagining it but he was Australian too. Like have we just suddenly had a huge delivery of hot Australian guys arrive at the University? This was just downright unfair, how was I meant to cope?
"No, what makes you say that?" Why did I ask that question? Like it wasn't obvious how much I was sweating and squirming in my seat. Luckily he didn't have time to answer when my eyes were drawn back to the professor as he stood at the front of the class with his hands casually in his pockets and cleared his throat to get our attention.
If I wasn't mistaken, now he looked angry, the muscles in his neck more prominent as he glared between me and the guy next to me.
Was he angry that my attention had been taken away from him and was on another guy? Or because we were talking when we should've been paying attention?
"Now I've got your attention, we're going to use our first session to get to know each other a little better. You'll be doing quite a lot of speeches so it's best if you feel comfortable with one another. I'll start by introducing myself." That sexy accent makes me sweat even more, nevermind the fact that his eyes keep finding their way back to me. "So, I'm Professor Hemsworth and I'm originally from Melbourne in Australia." His eyes meet mine again, a knowing look in them.
"G'day mate." Some idiot from the back shouted, making everyone laugh and I couldn't help but join in a little. Professor Hemsworth smiled at the joke, his eyes creasing in the corners and his smile growing wider when he looked to me and saw me giggling.
"Yeah, very original. Alright, alight, settle down now." His voice is so commanding and authoritive, it's such a turn on. "So, I haven't been here for very long and I'm still getting used to how different things are here. The weather for one." He earned a couple of laughs from people. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, he was so mesmerizing. The way his face animated as he spoke, his eyebrows raising and lips curling.
"I was going to ask you all to go easy on me but that's not going to happen is it?" He got a couple of head shakes and sympathetic looks from the girls. "No, I thought not. Well now it's my turn to torture you. I'll start alphabetically, stand up and tell everyone something about yourself." I swallowed back my fear, this is the reason I'd put off this class until now and as if it wasn't hard enough talking in front of a whole class I now had to do it in front of Professor Hemsworth too.
"Claire Abbott." Fuck. He'd started, at least my name would be one of the last ones.
"Hi I'm Claire." The tall blonde at the front stood up, twirling her hair around her finger and giggling like a child. I rolled my eyes at her and caught the Professor smirk in my direction. "I erm… I don't know what to say?" She looks up at the Professor questioningly.
"Just anything about yourself that we might find interesting, the first thing that comes to mind." He replied.
"Well I own four horses and I'm the cheer captain." I rolled my eyes again, scoffing quietly and Professor Hemsworth had to hold in a laugh as he looked in my direction.
"Talk about predictable." The guy next to me leaned over to whisper to me again.
"Totally." I laughed back at him and when I looked back at the Professor he was glaring straight at us again, his face set sternly.
"You two at the back, we'll wait for you shall we?" Professor Hemsworth said sternly, everyone turned around to look at us but I barely noticed, I was too focused on the way his stern voice made my cunt flutter when he called me out.
I didn't speak for the rest of the class, although I had the urge to, just to hear the way his voice sounded when he was angry. I couldn't concentrate on what the other students were saying, too focused on watching the way the Professor's face changed everytime he looked my way, which was pretty often, to my suprise.
"Jake Hudson." In my peripheral, I saw the guy next to me stand and when he did, Professor Hemsworth's eyes narrowed.
"Hi I'm Jake." He pushed his hands in to his pockets cooly, glancing at me as he did. "I'm also from Australia." He looked at the professor slyly, a smirk forming on his lips, laughing at the other students shouting G'day mate. "I was forced to move here but I'm glad I did because I've just met the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." The class burst into rounds of whistles and cheers as Jake sat down, smiling at me cockily. I could feel my cheeks blushing, I was flattered, he was absolutely gorgeous but hadn't I sworn of boys my own age?
Professor Hemsworth looked even more angry now as he loosened his tie a little, that black tie that draws my view down, like a arrow pointing straight to his cock. I tried to keep my eyes down on my desk, doodling in my notebook so I could avoid that hungry gaze, anxiously waiting for my turn. What the hell was I going to say?
"Jessica Watson." Shit. I stood slowly, trying to give myself more time to think, I couldn't stand everyone's eyes being on me especially the Professors and Jakes.
"Hey, I'm Jessica." I smiled nervously, tucking my hair behind my ear. "These last couple of days have been pretty eventful for me." I looked away from the chalk board so I could search Professor Hemsworth's face. "I'm living the life of a romance novels heroine and I'm excited to see what the next couple of days bring." I sat down keeping the gaze of the professor, I'd forgotten I was in a room full of people until I heard the ooh's and ahh's and my cheeks turned scarlet. The Professor's eyes glowed with heat as he watched me sit down before shaking his head and turning back to the class. Jake also caught my eye as I sat back at my desk, my cheeks still burning, he smiled at me, the kind of smile that crinkles your eyes. I felt kind of bad that he probably thought I was talking about him when in fact I was talking about our professor.
"I hope we all feel a bit more comfortable with each other now, some of you shared some pretty revealing things." He looked at me again. "Some of you, not so much." He raised his eyebrows at a group of guys. "I'll have a schedule for you all next time I see you, anybody that has any questions can see me after class, everyone else is free to leave." His eyes scanned me as he turned around to sit at his desk, I watched a couple of girls approach him predictably.
"Are you going to the party at our frat this weekend?" I had to reluctantly pull my eyes away from the Professor while Jake spoke, so he was a Alpha Kappa, not surprising really.
"Yeah, I think so. My roommate mentioned it."
"Oh good, I'll see you there then. Jessica." He smiled, standing from his seat.
"Jess." I corrected him. I hated being called Jessica, it was so formal.
"Well Jess, I'll see you around." He winked at me as he pulled his backpack on to his shoulder.
There were still a couple of girls taking up the Professor's attention and I wasn't sure yet whether I wanted to sneak past or wait to speak to him. I thought about it for a minute my fingertips drumming against my desk when the girls left and he was alone. As soon as the door closed, his gaze was on me and I could hear the silence in the room like a ringing in my ears. We stayed like that for a couple of seconds, staring at each other, no one saying a word until her cleared his throat. I blinked a couple of times, realising how stupid I must look before getting up from my seat and packing my things away.
"Did you need to talk Miss Watson?" I could hear amusement in his voice as he sat back on his desk casually, his arms folded across his chest.
"I erm…" I walked towards him, my legs feeling like jelly all of sudden and trying not to fall down the stairs. "I wanted to apologise, I had no idea you were a Professor." I said as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I didn't know what to do with myself but I was nervous about getting closer to him. He made the atmosphere feel tense, like if I was to reach out and touch him I would burn my fingers so I stood awkwardly at the bottom of the steps.
"There's no need to apologise Miss Watson, I also had no idea you were a student but I was hoping to bump into you again. Funny how things work out isn't it?" He cocked his eyebrow at me, still looking amused as he watched me squirm. When he said he'd been hoping to bump into me again it made me feel more confident, like I wasn't imagining the way he'd been looking at me for the last hour.
"I think fate can be rather cruel Professor Hemsworth." I smiled at him as I finally closed the distance between us, watching his eyes flare with hunger when I called him Professor.
"Oh really? Why is that Miss Watson?" His eyes narrowed, his Adams apple bobbing in his throat as I got close enough to touch him, I didn't though. I didn't dare break that boundary, not yet.
I smiled at him through my lashes, biting on to my lip. "I was hoping to bump into you again too, only now the thought of what could've happened will have to remain a fantasy." Wow! I was not expecting that, did I sound like a slut? Shit. I looked back up at him and caught him gulp, that hunger in his eyes shining, his pupils blown with lust, he loosened his tie even more and I caught a glimpse of his smooth chest and chickened out. The tension was way too much and I was about to do something I was going to regret, I could live with being a huge tease instead.
"I better get to my next class, we can't have anyone thinking I'm your favourite now can we?" I smiled to myself when I noticed the muscles in his jaw tense as he ground his teeth together. Turning to leave I looked back over my shoulder and his eyes were glued to my hips, watching them sway as I walked and I realised I had him exactly where I wanted him but was it worth the risk?
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angellesword · 3 years
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Description: You and Jungkook were best friends who were in love with each other. What would happen when Soojin, your half sister who you’re trying to impress, told you she’s in love with Jungkook too?
Where did you stand after this? What choices did you have?
“Would you believe me if I said that I was scared of everything too?”
Pairing: Architect!Jungkook x Architect!Reader (side pairing: Taehyung x Yoongi)
Genre: childhood best friends to lovers, family drama, angst, fluff, idiots to lovers, pining, slice of life au.
Warnings: Building collapse, resulting to death and injuries. Homophobia, cursing, and drinking alcohol on a plane, physical abuse (Sin-ae slapped OC)
Note: Texts like this = lyrics from this chapter’s OST which is It’s You by Henry
Word Count: 3.6k
Series: CHAPTER 8 | CHAPTER 10
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When Jungkook claimed that 'the whole family needs you,' what he really meant was that the Kims needed you to convince Taehyung to go back to Seoul.
"No. I'd rather die than go back there." Your brother's face was scarlet, obviously fuming.
You sighed. Defeat was already knocking on your door, telling you to give it up. Taehyung was stubborn, no one could make him do something he proclaimed he hated.
"B-But..." You couldn't give up, so desperately, you looked at him and said "our family needs us—"
"Our family needs us?" He cut you off, voice laced with so much fury it made you flinch.
You hadn't seen him this enraged. Regret washed over you. Perhaps you should've waited for the sun to come up first before dropping the bad news to him. Taehyung woke up with a sour mood since you banged on your bedroom door, forcing him to come out and talk to you.
He had a frown on his face when he opened the door, eyes squinting, he asked you what you could possibly want in the middle of the night.
You told him your concern at once, not minding that Jimin was awake now, calling your name softly like he wasn't sure what was happening or why you're suddenly disturbing everyone's sleep.
Yoongi was awake too. He stood behind Taehyung as he scratched the back of his head, frowning at you.
You ruined their sleep while Jungkook ruined your peace.
He told you that your father and Soojin got into an accident. Apparently, the building which was being constructed by Castle Architectural Firm collapsed. Some construction workers, your father, and Soojin were injured.
Admittedly, you didn't know all the details because your mind had gone haywire the second you heard Jungkook associated your family's names with the word accident.
You could say though that between you and Taehyung, the latter was calmer. When you told him the same thing Jungkook had said to you, all your brother asked was this: "they're...still alive, right?"
You nodded your head, lips pressing into a grim line when he shrugged.
Taehyung shrugged nonchalantly.
"Good. I'll just send them a text message later." He attempted to shut the door.
"Wait!" You stopped him, saying that you two needed to plan your trip back home.
It's his turn to smack his lips together, as if he found your statement ridiculous.
Taehyung told you he would never go back to Seoul. You still insisted on going though, prompting him to say things both of you knew he's gonna regret.
"Why are you forcing me to go back to that shithole?" He snapped at you. "Did you forget what I've been through because of him?"
You could see it in his eyes. He wanted to scream everything—he lost everything because of Taemin.
"B-But..." You were too frightened to think of a proper explanation so you just repeated what you said a few breaths ago, "they need us..." Your voice was actually low, like you weren't sure if what you said was valid.
Taehyung proved that it was bull by cackling. His tongue was prodding at the insides of his mouth.
"Bull fucking shit." You took a step back upon hearing his snarl. Taehyung was glaring daggers at you.
"Taehyung-ah..." Yoongi interrupted before his boyfriend could hurt you with his words. It was to no avail. Your brother didn't stop sputtering things. He was directing his frustration to you.
"What? I'm right, Yoongi." He also glared at his hyung before casting his gaze back at you. "We chose to leave but they pushed us to do it. Our father can't accept me. My mother barely tolerated me. Seokjin and Namjoon-hyung are the only ones who defended me, but where are they now? They stopped talking to me too—" He sounded bitter.
You couldn't blame him. None of them reached out to talk to you and your brother. It had been almost two years since you contacted them. They didn't spare you even a simple greeting no matter how many holidays had passed, no matter how long your messages were.
The Kims never replied.
"Consider leaving Seoul as a sign of you turning your back on us." This was what Taemin said to Taehyung.
And to you?
They never cared about you. As a matter of fact, you felt like you had done them a favor when you left. Even Soojin didn't bother to stop you. She only said you're old enough to decide for yourself, that she got a lot on her plate right now and that she didn't have time for your drama or whatever you're going through.
Taehyung said you were stupid. Why did you keep insisting yourself to them? Wasn't it obvious to you that they didn't want you in their circle? You were an outsider they would never let in.
"—and now you're saying they need us? For what?" He answered his own question after swallowing his spit. "For support? That's rich coming from them, don't you think? How dare they ask something they never gave us when we needed it the most?"
"I don't want to end up like them, oppa." Your voice was barely audible as you trained your eyes on the floor. "You and I both know how painful it is not to have the support we craved. Do you really want to pass that pain to someone else?"
Taehyung cackled, forcing you to cast your eyes back to him.
"That's where we're different, little sister." He licked his lower lip, thunder and lightning were brewing in his eyes. "I don't care about the pain of the people who hurt me. I don't want to be the bigger person here. What? Am I supposed to just forget everything I went through just because my father is in pain? He's hurt for a reason. He deserves it."
Taehyung knew he was being mean. He couldn't help it. Why must he allow toxic people back in his life again? He managed to pull himself from a very dark place. It was difficult. It was shitty. It was heartbreaking. But he did it.
He did it and just because he could didn't mean he'd allow himself to go back to that dark place. Taehyung wouldn't. He would never be sorry for how he protected his peace.
Not going back to Seoul was how he did it.
"But Soojin..." If Taehyung couldn't forgive his father, then he should go back home for the sake of his other sister.
"Ah," your brother smirked. "Kim Soojin. The person who stole the love of your life. Am I right?" He crossed his arms, not waiting for you to reply.
"Sometimes I don't understand you. Are you a martyr or an idiot? Why would you want to help Soojin? You suffered greatly because of her, did you not?"
You were once again lost for words.
Taehyung continued speaking.
"She's mean to you. She's the reason why you're far away from home." He stroked his chin, squinting his eyes at you. "I know now. You're not a martyr. You're stupid. You enjoy loving the people who hurt you, and then you hurt people who love you."
Yoongi grabbed his boyfriend's wrist vigorously. Taehyung ignored his first warning so Yoongi wouldn't allow him to talk to you any further. He was upset and he was starting to hurt you. It's not right.
Taehyung was unstoppable though.
"You love everyone except Jungkook. Is that the reason why you wanna go back home, huh? Guilt finally caught up with you? Do you really want to be there for our family, or is this the only excuse you can think of because you want to see Jungkook again? You haven't moved on from him, have you?"
The storm in his eyes reached you. The thunder was like a booming pain in your head. The lightning electrified your heart that couldn't be revived.
You felt sick, like you were going to faint. Jimin was suddenly beside you. He dug his fingers into your hips, keeping you from falling.
"Kim Taehyung." Jimin growled at his best friend.
"It's okay," you clamped your eyes shut and after a few seconds, you opened them again, staring into your brother's remorseful eyes.
Funny how people instantly pulled themselves together right after lashing out.
"I'll fly back home tomorrow, even without you."
You were true to your words. You booked a flight going back to Seoul while Yoongi pulled Taehyung back to bed, urging him to rest for a while before deciding what he wanted to do with the information you told him.
Morning came and he still didn't change his mind. You had to go home alone.
"I'm going to miss you," but Jimin dropped you off to the airport. Yoongi wanted to go with you, sadly you told him to just stay with his boyfriend.
"Me too." You unbuckled your seat belt and then you turned to your roommate, giving him your sincerest smile. "Thank you, Jimin. For everything."
He was the sweetest and kindest boy you knew. Jimin paid for your plane ticket since you didn't have enough money for it. You told him you would pay him back soon, but he simply brushed you off, saying that it didn't matter to him if you couldn't pay.
"Just be safe, okay?" He ruffled your hair while you studied his face. You could see it in his eyes, he wanted to say more. You could almost feel these words leaving his mouth: and please come back to me.
He didn't say it though. He couldn't ask for that knowing that Taehyung was probably right. You were not over Jungkook.
You dreaded seeing him. What were you supposed to do after pretending like he didn't exist for almost two years?
Taehyung hated you for sending long holiday messages to the Kims despite not getting a response.
You, on the other hand, hated yourself for ignoring Jungkook's handwritten holiday messages for you—well, actually, it wasn't just holiday letters. Your best friend sent you letters from time to time.
He sent two letters a week. This went on for a year but then one day, Jungkook just...stopped.
You thought he got tired of you and it broke your heart and made you hate yourself even more. You were the one who left. He was the one who begged you to stay.
You didn't deserve anything from him, not even his anger. The question was, could you take it? Could you bear seeing indifference in his eyes after getting used to the love always dancing in his eyes?
Probably not. This was why you were trying to calm your nerves by taking advantage of the free wine on the plane. Jimin was the one who booked your flight, choosing business class.
You didn't deserve it. You didn't deserve these good men in your life. Taehyung was right. You always ended up hurting the people who loved you.
You drank the pain and bitterness away. You lost count on how many glasses of wine you had, all you knew was that your head was spinning and you felt like shit when you got off the plane.
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"I didn't know you drink."
You groaned upon hearing Seokjin's remark. You didn't feel like shit anymore.
You felt shittier.
Abashed, you smiled apologetically at your older brother, suddenly regretting his offer to pick you up from the airport.
"Long time no see, oppa..." Two years and he still looked the same: like a deity. Seokjin aged like a fine wine.
"I'm sorry I can't convince Taehyung-oppa to come home with me." Your face was hot and you weren't sure if it was because of wine or embarrassment.
Seokjin noticed your sheepishness as he took your suitcase and handbag, carrying them for you.
"I didn't expect him to come. But at least you're here. Father is expecting you." He started walking so you followed.
"H-How's he and Soojin?" You were stammering since you weren't used to conversing with him. This was probably the longest conversation you had with your eldest brother.
Seokjin had always acted indifferent towards you.
"Jungkook didn't tell you?" He enquired while loading the boot of his car with your luggage.
"He...just told me they're injured."
Your brother sucked in a breath. He closed the trunk of his car loudly before turning to you. Too many emotions were painted on his face, but the most apparent was...exhaustion? Or was it sympathy for your naivety?
"I envy you..." The corner of his mouth turned up as he eyed you from head to toe. You fought the urge to step back. He was making you feel intimidated ."You got to drink. I didn't." He walked towards the driver's seat of his car, opening its door. "The situation is getting worse, sister. You should've drunk more when you still had the chance."
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You didn't understand what Seokjin said to you at first, but the moment he turned on the radio in his car, your world crumpled and you wished you had drunk more wine.
"SPD has confirmed that at least four people died in a commercial building collapse Wednesday afternoon in—"
Your stomach flipped, your brain no longer able to listen to the sickening news.
Baffled, your head snapped to look at your brother who was clenching his jaw, his grip on the steering wheel was tight.
"I thought no one died!" You whimpered, chest recoiling.
"That's fifteen hours ago."
"B-But...you said Soojin and father are okay, right? They're not..." You trailed off, it was physically painful for you to continue your statement.
Seokjin sucked in a deep breath as he realized it was better to tell you the truth now. He said that your father was still unconscious, something big and hard fell on his head.
Soojin was in a wheelchair but at least she's conscious. There were cuts and bruises all over her body because of the fallen debris.
"Can we go straight to the hospital now, oppa? I..." You licked your lower lip. "I want to see Soojin and father."
Seokjin didn't answer but he nodded his head. The rest of the ride was filled with silence. The older man turned off the radio when he realized you were breathing heavily.
You tried to calm down. You really did, howbeit everything was too much for you. The alcohol in your system was making you feel hot even though you're literally covered in cold sweat.
What about those people who had died? Do their family know? How could Castle help them? Who was taking charge?
You whimpered again. When you left two years ago, the situation was already bad. The construction workers were protesting every Friday, demanding to be treated right—to be treated fairly. They didn't have the same benefits as regular employees. They didn't have social insurance. Their daily wage wasn't even enough to get them by.
"Hey..." Seokjin slowed down, glancing at you when he heard you whine for the umpteenth time. "Your head hurts? We can buy coffee if you want..."
Was he worried thinking that you had too much wine?
"I'm okay, oppa. Just thinking about those who..." You swallowed thickly. "d-died."
Seokjin's eyes softened.
"Namjoonie is taking care of it," he exhaled slowly. "Don't worry about it."
It was easier said than done. You thought about this as you headed to the VIP floor of the hospital. Taemin was confined in one of the rooms on that floor.
You were going to see your father in a few and admittedly, you were nervous. Seokjin's words were echoing inside your head: don't worry about it. How could you stop worrying about those workers who had died when there's a possibility that your father might end up just like them?
"Where's Taehyung?" You heard Sin-ae before you saw her. She was guarding the door of Taemin's room, like she had no intention to let you in.
Of course. You expected this day to be difficult. Nothing much had changed in the past two years. Sin-ae still treated with strong contempt.
You noticed the change in her eyes though. Back then, she threw daggers at you, but right now, she looked like she didn't have the energy to do that. Her eyes were...hollow.
"I...couldn't convince him to go home—"
It was sudden.
Not your answer. You had thought so many times while you were on plane the things you would tell Sin-ae and your entire family as to why Taehyung couldn't come home.
He's busy with work, but he's sad he can't come.
He's flying back home in days. Let's just wait for him.
He said he's sorry. He'll call later. Don't worry.
Your excuses were thought thoroughly. You practiced saying it. Hell, you even imagine what they'd say or how they'd react.
You expected them to scowl, to cry...Sin-ae cried.
She cried after slapping you right across the face. She's angry. She's sad. She's frustrated. She's directing these ugly feelings twisting in her gut to you.
"He couldn't come?" She hissed, her eyes were red and tears kept on rolling down her cheeks. She was shaking.
"Jungkook told you to convince my son to go home! You had one job! One fucking job! Why can't you do it, huh?"
"I'm sorry," you were guilty. You avoided her gaze. "I just..." And then you bit your tongue before you said "want to see my father..."
You tried to get past her, but she blocked the way.
"No!" She spread her arms to cover the door. "You are not allowed to see my husband, bastard!"
You shook your head, ignoring her and still insisting to go inside the room. Seokjin said Taemin wanted to see you.
He requested your presence.
"Please." You pleaded. Your voice was shaky too, your blood running cold. Something was wrong. Something was telling you you had to see your father.
The beat of your heart wasn't normal.
"He wants me here..."
"No!" Sin-ae pushed your chest. "We want Taehyung here. Not you! So get lost!"
You pushed her too, making her more aggressive. Sin-ae scratched your skin, screaming. She wanted you to go away.
"What is happening here?" Seokjin arrived. He was so startled to see his mom in this feral state.
"I want her out, Seokjin! Make her go away!" Sin-ae wailed in her son's arm.
Your older brother embraced her tight. He was looking at you using those puppy eyes.
"I'm so sorry," he shook his head at you and then he mumbled "please leave..."
Off you go.
You were defeated anyway. Two versus one. How could you fight your family?
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You were exhausted. Both from your long flight and dealing with Sin-ae. Your head hurt too.
You needed coffee to help you sober up. Fuck wine. Fuck Sin-ae. Fuck this stupid vending machine.
Why couldn't you have your coffee?
It was fucking stuck.
You breathed heavily while massaging your temple.
You hadn't recovered from your throbbing head when a new wave of pain engulfed you.
Someone called your name.
Not just someone.
You knew that voice well.
You turned your head to the side slowly.
You saw the person who called you.
"Soojin..." It was Jungkook who called your name, but what you uttered was your sister's name.
He was with her. Jungkook was standing behind Soojin's wheelchair.
Baby I'm falling head over heels
Your breathing hitched while looking at the both of them.
It was just like in movies. You know, when your eyes sparkled when you saw someone you loved after a very long time.
Looking for ways to let you know just how I feel
You called Soojin yet your eyes were focused on your best friend. The friend you hadn't seen in years.
I wish I was holding you by my side
His voice was soft when he uttered your name. But just like Sin-ae, his eyes changed too.
He was no longer looking at you with fire in his eyes.
I wouldn't change a thing 'cause finally it's real
It was like he's a completely different person. It hurt looking at him like this, like he didn't recognize you, like he was debating if you were real or not.
Were you really here? Or were you just a fragment of his imagination?
You walked towards them, causing Jungkook to flinch.
His chest felt heavy. He gripped the push handle of Soojin's wheelchair with force.
You were standing near them now.
Jungkook blinked.
He wasn't hesitating anymore.
You were definitely here.
I'm tryin' to hold back, you ought to know that
"Hi..." You said to Soojin, voice wavering. It hurt seeing her like this. She had a cervical collar on. It was difficult for her to speak.
You crouched down as you smiled softly at your sister.
Jungkook watched you. He was holding himself back. It wasn't the right time to hold you in his arms.
You're the one that's on my mind
He missed you though. More than so much. Two years and you were still running inside his mind.
I'm falling too fast deeply in love
Everything was dawning to him too fast.
Two years and he still loved you.
Time was irrelevant.
It went slow when you weren't around. He thought those painfully long moments without you by his side were enough to forget his feelings for you.
Finding the magic in the colors of you
Apparently, it wasn't enough. He stared hard at you, like he was looking for something.
Love? Affection? Anger? Longing?
He would take anything you could offer, because after all this time, he was still in love with you.
Little did he know, you felt the same way too.
For Jungkook, you're the right time at the right moment
But as you straighten your back and met his gaze, you realized something:
For you, he was the wrong time at the wrong moment.
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A/N: my mom asked me if i was planning to write fics tonight or workout. i chose the former because MAN my body is so sore i don’t think i’ll be able to move properly. 😩 standing workout IS NOT easier than sitting workouts!!!!! ANYWAY i know there aren’t many jk x oc moments in the past chapters....so ✌️
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Mist | Choi San | Chapter 5
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Pairing: Choi San x OC (Seohyun)
Genre: supernatural (ghost), romance, high school
Trigger Warnings: paranormal, death mentions, violence
Words: 8.7k
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my original character and the story. I do not own any gifs or pictures used.
Full story on Wattpad (don’t spoil here if you read there too)
chapter directory
Seohyun woke up to her phone buzzing. She groaned and rubbed her eyes, checking who was calling. It was San. She declined the call to read the several text messages he had sent. It was something about how they were all going out for lunch and she was joining (funny how they'd stop asking now, just said it) and that she was... to go on a date with him later.
She texted back a simple OK and checked the time. It was already almost afternoon- she had slept in. After showering, she was brushing her teeth when she paused.
It was gonna be her first date with San.
"Ayyy~" she waved at her reflection, resuming. She wasn't one to make a big deal out of stuff, but she had to admit it was... a little bit exciting. And she couldn't say the same about San. He seemed like the type to take these things serious, like first dates. So she decided that she did not want to disappoint him and would put in a little bit effort.
Seohyun checked her wardrobe. She didn't have much 'cute' stuff. Her first priority was always comfort when she picked her clothes. And they were usually monochrome or dark colours. She didn't like wearing bright stuff. Her only mildly cute outfit was the green dress she'd worn the last time with Jiwoo.
She moved on way too early, Seohyun thought. There was no one to help her dress up now. Her mom...
Seohyun realized there was something. Her mother had given her some sort of a top for her birthday last year. She had buried it in the back of her closet because she had deemed it too 'fashionable' for her. Seohyun threw her clothes out to find it. Indeed, it was still there.
It was a purple blouse with lace around the neck and tiny pearls. She shrugged. She'd pair it with pants and ankle boots.
After dressing up and tying her hair in half a ponytail, she stood in front of the mirror. She looked presentable, if one ignored her still-puffy-from-sleeping face. She sighed and put on the only lip gloss she had. That could do. She smiled at her reflection once before grabbing her phone and leaving the house.
They were meeting at a new café that Yunho and Yeosang had been wanting to try on forever. Yeosang had assured them it had good reviews for their desserts too. They were all already there by the time Seohyun reached. She had spent a good minute admiring the exterior of the café while the boys laughed at her unaware self, watching her through the window.
Mingi waved at her once she was inside and they made space for her. After exchanging greetings, they decided they would order food first. They decided on ordering two of everything and sharing, and once they gave the order, they all looked at Seohyun.
"You look... like you actually made effort today," Hongjoong commented.
"What do you mean?" Seohyun asked, forgetting for a second.
"Hey, don't say that, or she'll never dress up again," San pouted, and Seohyun realized, looking down at her dress.
"Is it too much?" she asked, "I've actually, honestly, never made effort. So I need honest reviews."
"It's not too much, it's perfect," Seonghwa assured, "In fact, you could have done more, but since this is you, it's perfect."
"That sounds.... like a compliment and insult at the same time, thank you Seonghwa."
They laughed and Yeosang said, "Hongjoong's the fashionista. You should only ask him."
"Yes, yes, Seonghwa's right. You look good!"
"That's the only top I had," Seohyun sighed, looking at San who was staring at her with an adorable expression on his face. "The rest of my wardrobe, you've seen."
"I guess we're going shopping then after this. I hope you have the card on you that you liked to flex about so much," Hongjoong smirked.
"I do-"
"But we're going on our first date today-"
Seohyun face-palmed. San had done it.
San looked at Seohyun for help and she sighed. "Well, no need to over-react, Wooyoung. As you all know, San and I are... sort of, uh... dating?"
Yunho snickered first before everyone started laughing at how awkward Seohyun suddenly got, and it was her turn to look at San for help. It wasn't everyday she lost her demeanor. Falling in love did make one a different person, she realized.
"Yeah, so you're sort of dating?" Jongho wiggled his eyebrows.
"Yes, Jongho, we're DATING." Seohyun said, "And San was planning to take me on our first date after this."
"You haven't been on your first date yet?" Wooyoung asked, "But it's been days now that you've been together! Sannie, you disappoint me!"
Before San could choke Wooyoung, Seohyun interrupted, "It was me. I was busy dealing with ghosts. It turns out Jiwoo had actually been a saint. Did anyone of you know that she used to do half my jobs?"
Everyone fell silent as they listened, "She was never 'bored' of coming to school with me. She just had so much time to kill that she'd help ghosts instead of me. I kind of miss her more now."
"That's sweet," Mingi said, "She really was a great friend."
"I know right! Anyways, this is the reason we haven't had our first date yet."
Other than San, the boys shared looks, and Seohyun saw with dread the devilish smirks appear on their faces as they announced: "Too bad! We're crashing your first date!"
San groaned and dramatically fell back in his chair while Seohyun gaped at them. "I-I'm speechless for once." Laughter filled the room as she said, "If that's what friends are for, I think I'm gonna change my mind..."
Before anyone could protest, food came and they started discussing Hongjoong's love for fashion and the various items he had reformed. Hongjoong assured her if she had a clothing item or something she would like to reform, he was the man.
"I do have this denim jacket that I'm too attached to," Seohyun thought about it, "Can you write something cool on the back of it?"
"Yes, just give me the jacket whenever you can. It'll take no more than two days, unless we have exams."
Seohyun looked at Seonghwa for confirmation and he nodded. "He also makes custom bracelets for us."
"Nice," Seohyun said, "I'd like some too," she wiggled her brows at Hongjoong, who laughed and nodded.
"So what were you gonna do on your first date?" Wooyoung and Jongho leaned in and asked Seohyun.
"San was the one in charge, ask him," she said.
"I was thinking we'd just walk aimlessly around the city..."
They both tsk-ed at San, muttering something about how he was an 'amateur' and would probably bore me to death.
"Hey, that's a nice idea actually. I don't mind."
"You're just saying that to be nice," Jongho said and Seohyun folded her arms.
"I don't say things to be nice, Choi Jongho."
Everyone hooted at that, having heard her, and Seohyun stared at her drink intensely, contemplating if she should 'accidentally' spill it on everyone.
"But she's right, actually," Yeosang said, "She doesn't say things to be nice. If she didn't like that idea, I'm sure she would have said to San with a hidden insult in between. I'm right, aren't I?"
"Thank you, Yeosang," Seohyun said, "I love you."
Yeosang saluted and San pouted, "Hey! You haven't even said that to me yet!"
Everyone was silent for a good minute before they burst out laughing, including Seohyun. San's pout went bigger and Seohyun poked him.
"Ayyy. I say that everyday, just not in words."
"OHHHH!" Everyone hooted and San actually smiled, trying to hide a blush but failing.
"How do you say it then?" Mingi asked, wiggling his brows, and Yunho made kissing sounds in the air, earning a smack from Wooyoung who was right beside him.
"Next time I encounter a dangerous ghost, I'm actually gonna befriend them," Seohyun said, smashing her now empty glass on the table as she glared at them, "I have a few ideas of how to make you all suffer."
Yunho snickered and Mingi immediately bowed, muttering praises about how Seohyun was the most kind girl he'd ever met. It was Seohyun's turn to smirk.
After they were done eating, everyone got up and they decided to go to the mall. It seemed like Hongjoong was bent on getting her good dresses, and he whispered to her that she should wear them on her dates, which actually made Seohyun flush for a good second.
"Hi," San said, holding her hand in his. He was walking with her now, both at the end while the others were ahead.
"Hey," Seohyun smiled, squeezing his hand subconsciously as she continued walking forward.
"Did you know purple is my favourite colour? I love this on you," San said, and Seohyun smiled.
"I did not. You'll have to thank my mom for this," Seohyun said, "She got me this for my birthday last year,"
"Oh, when's your birthday?"
"21st December."
"Right. So we have about two months. Is there something you want?"
"I wish my mom would be home actually," Seohyun said, "The last birthday I had with her was my 14th. I actually had fun then. Mom's friends had come, there's one that I'm close with. We had a banger then."
"That sounds fun," San smiled.
"It was," Seohyun smiled wistfully, "Now she's always busy during that time. So she just sends me a gift and a cake. And I spend my birthday alone."
San felt quite sad to hear that. "You won't be alone this year, I promise."
Seohyun looked at him. He had said that with such clarity that she believed him.
"I have a feeling that won't be the case," she suddenly said, and San almost stopped.
"What do you mean?"
"It's my gut. It's always right. I suppose it comes with the ghost thing. I just suddenly felt that wasn't going to be the case when you said that."
San put his arm around her, "You probably felt that because you've spent most of your birthdays alone. But now you have us, and there's always a chance your mom could come too. I can assure you, you won't be alone this year."
"Maybe," Seohyun let herself hope, pushing the feeling of dread back.
They reached the mall and Seohyun watched as Hongjoong and Wooyoung took the lead, discussing what would go well with her hair and skin colour, stuff that Seohyun didn't quite understand. She was too busy rejecting the ones Yunho, Mingi and Jongho were picking for her, making sure they got bright yellows and neon shades just to annoy her. They were having quite a laugh.
Seonghwa, Yeosang and San had disappeared to another shop it seemed. Wooyoung threw a top at her, ordering her to hold on herself so they could check.
"This has too many beads," Seohyun muttered.
"There are literally only 6 beads on it, stop being a child," Wooyoung said, snatching the top back from her and she pouted as they put it in the cart.
Hongjoong held another top, checking its size.
"Isn't that too short?" Seohyun asked.
"It's a crop top, Seohyun, of course it is short."
"That's basically the size of a bra! How am I supposed to wear it?!"
Hongjoong and Wooyoung tsk-ed at her. "It's not, it comes to your waist. Wear it with high waisted pants and a jacket if you can," Hongjoong threw it in the cart.
Seohyun threw her hands in the air as she looked back, the trio laughing at her misery. They were clearly enjoying. A thought struck Seohyun. She went to the three of them and asked if she should buy something for San.
"I guess he could use a new jacket," Yunho looked at Jongho and he nodded, "He's been using the same two jackets since forever."
"Help me pick," she said and dragged them to the men's section, and they picked a black denim jacket, putting it with her clothes so San wouldn't be suspicious.
After about 15 minutes, they were all done, and San, Yeosang and Seonghwa joined them as well.
"Where were you all?" Seohyun eyes them suspiciously.
"Just looking around," Seonghwa nodded, and San scratched his neck.
After they all got ice cream as refreshment, they decided to part ways, and Seohyun thanked Hongjoong and Wooyoung sincerely, saying she'd use them well.
"I'll get you both something too. Tell me what you want."
"You don't have to, just wear them, that'd be a gift," Wooyoung laughed.
"No, I can't! You guys put so much effort. I'll get you both something, just you wait," Seohyun promised.
San and her decided to walk back home, carrying the shopping bags with them.
"This is not how I had imagined our first date would go," San admitted.
"I had fun still," Seohyun smiled, "And anyway, the day is not over yet."
"It is! It's 7pm already!"
"Well, what do you say I take you on an adventure after we drop these at home?" Seohyun wiggled her eyebrows, saying, "Unless you have to go home."
"Well, no one's home today so..." San smiled, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Alright, I'll follow you."
Seohyun smiled, skipping as she walked, making San laugh out loud.
San and Seohyun reached home, dumping the several shopping bags in the living room. They decided to eat dinner and rest a bit, and Seohyun said she'd take him somewhere, but it had to be a surprise.
After they got fresh, they had ramyeon and Seohyun fished out a jacket from her wardrobe. It was gonna be chilly. She went to the living room, searching for San's jacket and went to San.
"Try this on," she said, and San got up from the sofa, trying the black jacket on. "Where we're going, it's gonna be a bit chilly."
"Wow, it fits perfectly," Seohyun stood back to check. "It's a gift."
"Really?" San looked down at the jacket. "Did you get this today?" Seohyun nodded. San smiled, thanking her with a hug.
They locked the house, grabbing only a bag with water bottle and chocolates. They took a taxi, a 30 minute drive to a hill. Seohyun told San she knew a shortcut to get to the top, and indeed, after a short hike, they reached the top.
"The view is amazing," San said, admiring how the full moon lit the night sky, the stars in the sky bright too. The city lights down seemed like stars too.
"A few months ago, a ghost teleported me here. He had died of an accident somewhere around here, and wanted help finding his sister, who had passed away with him. Jiwoo was with me, thankfully. It took us the whole day but we found her."
"Wow, I'm glad Jiwoo was with you," San said, and they both sat on the grass, facing the moon. "Imagine if you were alone and had to go back."
"Oh, I'm not sure if they even moved on. They said they wanted to spend some time together before they moved on, since they weren't sure what life ahead had for them. They might still be enjoying the ghost life."
"Really? Isn't that... dangerous?"
"They did promise. I said I'd come back after a year, and if they hadn't moved on by then, I'd personally exorcise them."
San laughed. "That's kind of you."
Seohyun winked at him. San was looking at the stars, and she took that time to admire his side-profile. He really was a work of art.
"Byeol," San said.
"I'm naming our cat Byeol. Now that's an acceptable name, isn't it?"
Seohyun stared at him. "I mean, I was okay with Shiber too..."
"HEY!" San tackled her, tickling her everywhere and Seohyun laughed loudly, "Do you know how much time I spent thinking of a name for the cat!"
"Stop!" Seohyun laughed, and San stopped tickling to hear her out. "I love it. Byeol. Shiber. Whatever you wanna call her."
San shook his head at her. Seohyun realized he was still on top of her. San was staring at her, rather intensely.
San touched her hair. It was a habit of his now, playing with her hair. The grey in her hair was shining thanks to the moonlight. Her eyes shone just as brightly. Her mouth was slightly parted, and San ran his thumb across her lips.
"You're beautiful," he finally said.
Seohyun wanted to tell him that she was not, but she was too flustered to say anything. His broad shoulders blocked the moonlight, making his figure shine instead. He leaned in and kissed her softly, taking his dear time, making sure every peck was slow and good.
Seohyun's internal state was a mess at this time; her heart was beating too loudly, her stomach rolling too furiously, and her mind- oh it was an absolute mess. So she just let him kiss her senseless, her hands going through his hair and back to cup his face as they kissed.
San drew apart and Seohyun held onto his neck, making them sit, and San joined her forehead with his as they caught their breath. He rested her hands on her waist, and Seohyun gulped as she took his hands and put them on her waist under her shirt this time.
San inhaled sharply at the touch, looking at her for confirmation. He was always so patient with her, which she loved about him. Seohyun cupped his face and kissed him, more forcefully now. San followed along, his hands staying at her waist only, his thumb caressing her skin there. She kissed his neck, earning a satisfying moan from him.
"You're being naughty today," San whispered.
"You're being too good today," Seohyun retorted.
"Don't challenge me, Lee Seohyun," San warned, grinning.
"What you're gonna do, Choi San?"
San shook his head once, taking his hands away from her. Seohyun was going to protest but he took off his jacket and kissed Seohyun so hard that she found herself curving back and back until she was lying on the grass. He kissed her face, her neck, her collarbone, one hand on her waist, one roaming around, and Seohyun was a mess.
"What do you say? Do you regret this now?" San asked, smirking.
"Can't say I regret it," Seohyun answered, out of breath.
San laughed, kissing her one last time before lying down with her, holding her close.
Seohyun smiled. "This reminds me of the time when we first kissed," she said, "You were so sleepy."
"I was wide awake internally," San said, making her laugh a little. Seohyun traced his face with her fingers.
"I love you, San."
San's eyes went a little wide in surprise. Seohyun continued, "I know I haven't said it before. I don't know what I waited for. I'm sorry."
"Don't be," San brought her closer as if hugging her, "You didn't have to. I see it everyday."
Seohyun smiled, "Still. I have to say it out loud. I love you. I love you so much that it hurts. If I knew love would make me feel pain like this, this weird satisfying sort of pain in the heart, this ache, I would've run away. But I still love you."
"I feel the same," San said, sighing, "I feel scared for you, I'm afraid that you'll get hurt. You do such a dangerous job. I hope I could have been more help. I love you so much that I wish I'd have to do all this instead of you."
"You don't have to," Seohyun said, "This is enough. You, like this, is more than enough."
San couldn't help it; he kissed her again, and it felt like he could cry.
After a few moments, they finally got up. San wore his jacket, and said, "Oh, I almost forgot."
He took out a box from his pocket and handed it to Seohyun. Seohyun opened it to see a locket with a silver star, a single diamante shining in the middle of it.
"It's beautiful," Seohyun smiled, "Is that what you shopped for today?"
"Yep. Come here," San took the necklace from her and helped her wear it.
"Thank you. I'm never gonna take it off," Seohyun said and San laughed.
"Are you saying I should never take this jacket off too?"
"Well," Seohyun shrugged, "If you can manage."
They were laughing when Seohyun's smile suddenly fell from her face.
"There's someone behind me San," she whispered, not taking her eyes off him. "Don't look."
San almost looked away on impulse but Seohyun took his hand, grabbing his attention. "I said don't look. Smile like you were before, quick. Laugh."
San laughed awkwardly, making sure he was smiling. "Look from the corner of your eyes, can you see something?"
San did, and whispered, "I think I see something moving to your left, but it's a bit far I think."
"It's not good," Seohyun whispered, and San understood. "We're gonna have to make a run for it. On the count of three?"
San nodded, squeezing her hand.
"One. Two. Three."
San took her hand and made a dash, realizing that they couldn't go to the trail they'd come for since it was in the opposite direction. Seohyun took the lead, dragging San with her, trying to remember the other way. She looked back once and saw a sickly old woman almost caught up now. A little scream left her and they both ran, Seohyun stopping to grab a rock and aim at the woman. It narrowly missed her but distracted her long enough that they gained speed.
"Where's the other trail?" San shouted and Seohyun went through path after path, not bothering to reply. They were probably lost now.
Seohyun was about to give up and face the woman when a pair of hands grabbed her and she felt herself teleporting a few feet away from where they were, gaining more distance. She heard San gasp and looked to make sure he was okay, but hands grabbed her and she was running again.
"You!" Seohyun exclaimed. The boy and the girl- the brother and sister that had died here. She could not believe it.
"There's a cave here, we're teleporting again, grab on tight!"
Seohyun squeezed San's hand and shut her eyes. One moment she was running and the other she had jumped through time and space and was in the said cave.
"You call this a cave?" Seohyun asked. The boy ignored her, peeking out of the 'cave' as he covered the entrance with more tree branches.
San still held her hand, out of breath, taking out the bottles from Seohyun's bag and handing one to her while he drank some too.
"She lost us," The boy looked back and smiled proudly, high fiving his sister.
The boy must have been 16- he was a tall, lean kid. His short hair were spiky and his eyes were the same as his sister's- who must have been a year older. She looked at Seohyun and said, "Didn't expect to meet you like this, Seohyun."
Seohyun wiped her mouth. "Hi, Gayoung." She looked at the boy then, "Thanks, Youngjae."
"We owed you one," he said, motioning them to sit and take a breather. "We've been living here, so we kind of knew about the woman. She's an old soul, that one. I don't think you can do anything about her, best if you avoid her."
"Well, she should avoid me! Next time I'm gonna kill her-"
"I see you haven't changed," Gayoung grinned. "Who's that with you? And why is he not freaking out?"
"He's my boyfriend," Seohyun said, and Gayoung and Youngjae ooh-ed. "He knows. There was some accident, so he can see ghosts now too. Can't touch them."
"Interesting," Youngjae scanned San. "I didn't know we could teleport others too."
"Only because I was holding him. I guess because it was the two of you, it didn't require me to properly hold him. Remember Jiwoo? She tried it once. Took me to the ghost realm accidentally, with him!"
"With him!" Gayoung gasped, "Is that why he can...?"
"Yes!" Seohyun answered, "I almost died making that trip."
San elbowed Seohyun. "You call that dying?"
"Shut up. So you live here still?"
"Yes, we'll actually move on before the year completes," Youngjae said, "We're just waiting for our parent's wedding anniversary. We used to celebrate it, so we just wanna see them happy before we move on."
"Ah, that's good."
"Where's Jiwoo anyway?" Gayoung asked.
"She moved on," Seohyun sighed.
"So she finally remembered? Good for her!" Youngjae said and they nodded.
After catching up a few minutes, they decided it was safe to go back. Seohyun thanked them earnestly, saying she owed them one more now because this was too big a favour. They just dismissed it, telling her to stay safe. They guided them to another shortcut and soon the two of them were on the way home.
They stopped by at Seohyun's first, and San went inside with her for a moment, hugging her, telling her she was so brave for keeping her calm in that situation, telling her he was proud. With a kiss to her forehead, he left for home.
Seohyun washed up and fell on her bed, beyond exhausted. She recalled the day in her mind; it was a day well spent, if you ignored the last part. She smiled as she played the moments in her head; San was such a sweetheart today. She was playing with her necklace as she fell asleep.
The few days that followed their rather adventurous first date were as normal as they could get, keeping in mind the fact that it was Seohyun's life in question. She had a tremendous amount of school work to catch up to, and several ghosts to help move on.
Having friends actually helped, Seohyun realized one day as she was doing her homework. She was an average student; she'd do great if she tried, and if she didn't... well. So they'd help her with the subjects they were good at, they'd be her personal motivators, and she'd try to return the favours as well as she could.
She'd been thinking about how she could return the long due favour to Hongjoong and Wooyoung. They'd help her update her wardrobe, and the feedbacks she'd gotten were amazing. She supposed San was a softie and would compliment her even if she was in her worst hoodie, but when critics like Yeosang complimented her, she'd feel glad. She didn't really care about how she looked, but it felt good to dress up once in a while. Special occasions only.
Seohyun sighed as she shut her notebook close and got up, stretching. She found herself going to the music room. There were no drums anymore to relieve her of her stress, but she supposed she could do with something else. The violin reminded her of San as she picked it up, and she kind of missed him, so she put that down. She went to the piano, and inhaled. She'd be playing it for the first time now, after Joon Hyuk.
She tested the keys; it sounded out of tune. But she let her fingers naturally roll over them, found herself playing a familiar tune, the one Joon Hyuk had taught her. She smiled as she played. It had truly been a while.
After she was done, she nodded as she figured out what she'd get Hongjoong and Wooyoung. Something they really needed.
"You're the best!" Wooyoung tackled Seohyun in a tight hug, making Seohyun yell as she tried to push him away.
"How did you come up with this idea?" Hongjoong asked as he admired the speakers in front of him.
"I noticed you could use speakers here without disturbing anyone. And with how loud you all are, you definitely needed it."
Seonghwa connected the speakers to his phone, blasting full volume as he checked them, his mouth turning into an O as he nodded in admiration. "They must have cost you quite a bit?"
"Oh, it's okay. Let's forget about that part," Seohyun waved him off, and Yunho ruffled her hair.
Mingi passed her a juice box and she sipped on it, checking the time. "I have to go now. Mom's coming home tonight."
"Do you want me to walk you home?" San asked.
"Oh, don't bother, enjoy these speakers," Seohyun said, giving him a fist bump as she left. She hummed along as she walked, but she had only taken one turn when she thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye.
Another ghost? She had just dealt with one right after school, before joining the boys in the warehouse.
Something flashed right behind her and she whipped to her left, stumbling. She checked left and right but it seemed the ghost had disappeared. But something about its rotting scent was familiar-
Seohyun's breath left her as she was pushed, and she turned just in time so she'd hit the wall with the side of her body instead of face first. She winced in pain, pushing the hair out of her eyes. There was no one there.
But she didn't have to check who it was. The scent had been enough for her.
Seohyun contemplated running home or back to the warehouse. Ghosts couldn't enter property without the owner or mediator's permission, and since the warehouse was the closest, she decided she'd make a run for it.
She smelt it as she run, dodging one attack but getting scratched on the back near her shoulder with something sharp- she assumed it was nails. Seohyun ran faster; glad for all the running she'd done as a kid, wishing a good soul would appear and help her. But it was only her- a useless mediator with the power to only see and touch the ghosts, against a vengeful spirit.
Seohyun turned and she was in front of the warehouse. She could hear the music blast and she ran even faster if she could, until she came within what she assumed was the boundary of the property. She turned and indeed, she saw the woman, this time in the clear of the day. She wasn't sure if she could even call it a woman at this point; it was a tangle of overgrown hair, pale skin and dark eyes with purple lips. And long, long nails.
Seohyun shook her head as it disappeared and she stood in the middle of the road, contemplating once again if she should go home and risk encountering them again, or going to the warehouse, and encountering THEM.
She threw her hands in the air in frustration and went inside the warehouse.
"Oh, she's back-" Jongho paused mid-sentence as he saw the disheveled figure of Seohyun, with a bruise on her cheekbone.
Seohyun walked to them, looking at San whose eyes were wide. "It's her," she said, "the one from that hill."
San came to her, inspecting her face; the bruise was light, thankfully. "Are you hurt somewhere else?"
"On my back, I think," Seohyun turned her neck to see and indeed, her shirt was torn where those nails had scratched her. San took her to the sofa and Seonghwa brought a first aid kit, Seohyun eyeing it warily. "I should ask why you have a first aid kit."
"For a day like this, I suppose," Hongjoong said, handing her a glass of water. Seohyun looked at him once as she drank.
"How did she find you?" San asked, taking her hand and caressing it.
"It took her a while to find me, it's been more than two weeks."
"What happened?" Hongjoong asked and Seohyun explained, everyone sitting around her to hear her story.
"Why do ghosts start to look like that?" Yeosang asked.
"I don't exactly know, but time does that to them, I think."
"Don't they look scary?" Wooyoung asked.
"They look scary, but I think the fact that they were human once makes it less scarier to me?" Seohyun shrugged. She grabbed the ointment, applying it to the wound on her face. Then she looked at Seonghwa. "Is the wound on my back bad?"
Seonghwa peeked at what he could see from the torn part of her shirt, there were long cuts. "I think you should get them treated."
"Can you do something about it right now? I'll get them treated later," Seohyun said, biting her lip. Seonghwa nodded. He inspected her state, then said in a low voice, "You'll have to take off your shirt."
Seohyun groaned. At times like this, she really did miss Jiwoo.
"Or we can cut your shirt, since it's already torn," Seonghwa suggested, looking at her with a sad look in his eyes.
"I'll take it off," Seohyun said, "Let's not be awkward about this, okay? Which one of you is the best at first aid?"
"Seonghwa definitely," Mingi said.
"Should I do it?" San asked.
"You're the worst at it," Wooyoung muttered, making Seohyun scoff.
"It's just when it's someone I'm close to! I can't bear it!"
The two of them started to argue, and Seohyun decided to stop them. "I'd like you all to disappear to a corner while Seonghwa does his job. Give me some privacy. And San, you can stay if you want to."
The rest of the boys rushed away, and Seohyun bit her lip. "Not how you thought you'd see me without a shirt for the first time, eh San?"
Seonghwa went into a fit of coughs while San gaped at her statement, finally giving in after a few seconds and laughing, shaking his head. "You really pick the worst time for jokes."
"Alright, here goes," Seohyun turned her back to them and took off her shirt, San helping her hold her hair. She was left in a black bra. She wasn't flustered; not when the exposed wound left her skin stinging, and she sucked in her breath.
San helped her sit on the floor and she brought her arms to her chest, her hair covering the rest of her as Seonghwa carefully applied ointment on the three parallel scratches that ran from her shoulder all the way to the the middle of her back.
"She got you bad, Seohyun," San said worriedly, "what if she comes here?"
"She can't," Seohyun answered, "Can't enter property without owner or my permission."
"That's useful," Seonghwa muttered.
"That's actually handy, Seonghwa," Seohyun had noticed the sarcasm in his voice; she supposed he was angry at the whole situation. "I'm glad I was near when it happened." She rested her head on her knees, San watching Seonghwa apply bandages now, so careful with it. He was definitely being extra careful.
San went to get an extra shirt they had around for Seohyun, and Seonghwa finished up. Seohyun peeked at the bandages, impressed.
"Thanks, Seonghwa."
"Don't mention it," Seonghwa put the stuff back in the kit, "I wish you'd be more careful in the future."
"I can't help it, Seonghwa, believe me, I'm the most careful now," Seohyun said and Seonghwa locked his eyes with her.
"I just don't want to see you hurt, Seohyun-ah. It pains me."
"I know," Seohyun sighed, "I understand."
Seonghwa hesitated then patted her head. "I'm sure you did well back then," he smiled warmly.
"Finally. Thanks again," Seohyun laughed, and San was back. Seohyun took the shirt from him and wore it, standing up. "I'll take a taxi now."
"You sure you don't want me to come with you?" San asked.
"Oh no, it's okay now. She can't follow me in a taxi."
"Okay, at least let me walk you out."
Seohyun said thanks and bye to them all, and they told her to be careful. San and her walked out of the warehouse, and San grabbed her hand, bringing her in for a hug. Seohyun hugged him back, her arms on his back, smiling.
"Were you scared back then?" San asked.
"A little," Seohyun admitted, "Just glad I was near."
San broke the hug, putting her hair behind her ears, touching her cheek below the bruise. "Does it hurt?"
"This? Nope. The one in the back, yes, a little."
"Do get proper treatment," San said, looking at her worriedly.
"I will," Seohyun laughed, "Don't worry too much?"
"How can I not?" San shook his head, leaning forward to kiss her. "Your taxi's here."
Seohyun reached home, cleaning the mess around the house, until she heard the sound of the door opening. Her mother was home.
Seohyun said hello and smiled at her. She looked nothing like her mom; she was tall, had pointy features and narrow eyes, and she looked sharp and intelligent. Her dark hair reached her shoulders. She put her handbag on the table and came to gave her a hug.
"How have you been?"
"Just the usual," Seohyun said, "What about you?"
"Ugh, I've been so busy," she said, collapsing on the sofa. "What do we have for dinner?"
"I'll set the table," Seohyun said. She had prepared her favourite dishes with the help of their previous housemaid, who she was still on good terms with. The old woman would drop by every once in a while, and she'd exchange her kimchi and some traditional dishes for Seohyun's pastas and desserts that she loved.
The mother and daughter caught up on studies and work as they ate. She told Seohyun she would have a busy time in the following month, but she'd try to come for her birthday, or else it was gonna be Christmas.
"How's the ghost business?" Her mother asked, drinking water.
"Was going well, until today I encountered an evil one," Seohyun said, "You'd have to help me with a wound I got on my back."
Her mother stared at her. "Are you alright?"
"Oh I am," Seohyun nodded, "I'll deal with her, I was just caught off-guard. She got me for a second."
"I hope you do," her mother said, "Tell me if you need help."
Seohyun smirked at her, "Wrong thing to say."
Her mother laughed, "Yeah, you probably know way more people than I do. Come on, let me have a look."
Seohyun showed her, and her mother winced. She helped change her bandages and gave her a doctor's information so she could visit and get treated, make up a story about how it was a stray dog or something. Seohyun thanked her, and after chatting a while, she left her to sleep.
"When will you return to work?" Seohyun asked.
"Tomorrow evening. I'll see you off for school in the morning. We'll see each other next month then."
"Oh, okay. Goodnight," Seohyun said, coming to her room and lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She wished she had stayed longer. But it was okay.
This was enough.
A week had passed without further incidents. Seohyun was careful; she'd take taxi if she could, or she'd keep the sibling duo with her. She called them in, saying she'd owe them one if they could teleport her when needed. So the duo happily stick with her, saying they were bored of living in the hills and would like to visit a school too.
The boys had become friendly with the duo; they'd either communicate through San (who had given up now; he was quite tired of being their voice) or through the old-fashioned way: notebooks. They'd pretend to be studying in class when in fact they'd be having a conversation with the ghosts.
"I have a question," Yeosang said to Seohyun in the middle of class. Seohyun, who had been staring at Mingi and Gayoung conversing, looked at Yeosang.
"How would you get rid of old ghosts like the one you encountered?"
"Good question," Seohyun said, "There are a few options. I could try to talk sense into them. If that doesn't work, I get help from the good ghosts and threaten them. Like, every ghost had some sort of faith, right? Usually works if you use their god against them."
"But what if they have no faith anymore?"
"Goodnight, then, I guess," Seohyun said and Yeosang gasped. "You take help from actual exorcists then too. I once did. Got quite rough, but it works."
"Sounds dangerous," he muttered.
"Kind of," Seohyun agreed.
Seohyun was walking home after school with her new ghost friends when she sensed something amiss. "Just when I thought it was over."
Gayoung and Youngjae covered her back and front defensively. The woman appeared out of nowhere, stopping when she saw the ghosts.
"Well, well," she said, and Seohyun winced. Her voice sounded creepy. "What do we have here?"
"What do you want?" Seohyun asked.
"Death of you," the woman laughed, "Don't try to talk me out of it. You can't."
"What good is that gonna do to you?" Seohyun asked, genuinely curious.
The woman laughed again, this time sarcastically. "Don't tell me you didn't know? When a mediator dies, there is a short time period during which there is no other mediator in the world. That's when ghosts can do whatever they want; trespass, interact with humans, and much more."
"How is that true? I mean, if it were really true, more people would be trying to kill me, won't they?"
"Oh dear," the woman smiled this time, all knowingly, which sent chills throughout her body, "That's why it's a secret, isn't it?"
Gayoung and Youngjae shared looks. If it was true, they could interact with their parents, which was all they wanted. But they wouldn't harm Seohyun for that. Not after all she had done for them.
"I'll be back, girl," the woman's voice was sure, "When you least expect it. And I'll make sure I hear you screaming before you die."
The three of them watched as she gave her a long final look before she disappeared. They were quite for a few seconds and Seohyun caught her breath. "Don't tell me you both want to kill me now too."
"Oh, we wouldn't," Gayoung said, "We really wouldn't."
"You sound very assuring, noona," Youngjae said sarcastically, earning a tsk as he looked at Seohyun. "Let's get you home. We'll look for someone else who can get rid of that old bitch."
Seohyun nodded and they walked home, the duo arguing while Seohyun just walked blankly. She couldn't get the look the ghost had given out of her head. She sounded so sure. As if she had something already planned for her.
Seohyun sat in front of the TV for hours, her mind blank. All she could think was how her gut had felt when she'd said that. As if that was something that was bound to happen. Was she really gonna die?
Seohyun had never been too afraid of dying; not like an average person. For her, it was a life full of danger. She had welcomed and played with aspect of death. But her life had changed drastically over the past months. She had found people to live for. And that meant she was more scared this time.
Her phone buzzed and she read the text. It was from San asking if she wanted him to come over. Seohyun bit her lips in thought. Then she texted 'come over with chocolate ice cream please'.
And San did so. They sat on the sofa, watching TV and eating ice cream as they talked about this and that. Seohyun somehow found it very easy to talk to him, and so did San. He told her all about how he used to live in the countryside when he was little (hence the slight accent), he had mostly grown up with his grandparents because his parents were busy people.
"Don't you miss your parents when they're away?" Seohyun asked. Her ice cream was finished.
"I do, of course. Don't you?"
"I miss my mom sometimes," Seohyun admitted. "She's not as bad as you all think."
San gave her a pointed look and she threw a pillow at him, which he caught. "Come on, you have to admit. She talks to me. She let's me do normal stuff. She doesn't think I'm crazy. And she remembers my birthday every year. That's more than I can ask for."
"Don't you wish she did more?"
"I used to, but then I just accepted it. It's just the way it is."
San looked at her and spread his arms for her. She just threw another pillow at him, rolling her eyes. "I'm serious."
"Okay, okay. What about the ghost?"
"Well," Seohyun sighed and told him what had happened. San listened intently.
"Is there something we can do about it?" he asked.
"I'll go to that exorcist I know, but San," Seohyun turned to face him, "Something's different this time. I can't shake the feeling that something bad is gonna happen."
"It's probably just you overthinking?"
"No, it's different this time," Seohyun sounded sure, and San was actually surprised, "Something is gonna happen and it's gonna be bad. God, I want to cry."
San watched as she put her head in her hands, sighing. She heard San scoot over and she scooted away. "If you hug me now, I'm afraid I'll really cry."
"It's okay to cry, Seohyun, come here," San grabbed her arm and brought her in for a hug, and Seohyun let herself cry. It had been so long since she'd last cry.
"I'm sorry," Seohyun said, sniffing, "I miss Jiwoo a lot, if she was here, she would have handled this so well. I can't help but feel scared for you."
"Do you think something's gonna happen to me?" San asked as he patted her head.
"No. I don't know. I don't know and it's making me so frustrated," Seohyun said and cried harder. San only patted her back, muttering comforting words.
Seohyun drew back and wiped her face. "Sorry for crying on you."
"Anytime," San laughed. "I can understand that you're scared Seohyun, tell me what I can do for you."
"Just- stay with me. That's enough."
San nodded, taking her hand. "Do you want me to play something for you?"
Seohyun raised her brow, "Can you?"
"I can play the piano a little bit, unless you want me to play the violin and scare the dead away."
Seohyun laughed, "Let's go."
They went to the room, and San showed her what he'd learnt from Hongjoong of the piano. Seohyun appreciated the gesture, and on his insistence, she played the violin for him again, and he watched her adoringly.
When she was done, she put the violin down. "I came here a few days ago. I wanted to play the violin but I couldn't because it reminded me of you and I missed you. I played today. It seems like now I only play for you."
Seohyun was packing the violin when San hugged her from the back, his arms around her waist as he rocked them back and forth. Seohyun smiled. He was such a romantic.
"I like that," he whispered in her ear, making her laugh because it tickled. He nibbled on her ear, making her laugh.
"It's like the music room does something to you, San, you become such a romantic."
"I can assure you I'm the same anywhere else too," he said, still hugging her.
Seohyun looked at the clock. It was already 10 pm and they had no school tomorrow. She broke the hug and looked at him, his hands on her waist now.
"I know it's too much to ask, San, and I need you to give an honest answer, okay? I won't mind. But, can you... stay here tonight?" Seohyun almost whispered, tears welling up in her eyes again. "I'm just- I can't be alone tonight. I feel it. Something's gonna happen."
San touched her face, nodding. "Of course. If you want me to. I'll leave early in the morning."
Seohyun sighed in relief, a tear escaping her eye, "Thank you, San. Thank you."
San wiped the tear from her face. He felt scared about how she was feeling too. It was so unusual. Seohyun was always so strong, and she felt so... human. He couldn't leave her like this. He bent down and kissed her lips slowly, her arms going around his neck and her hands in his hair, clearly glad for the distraction.
She broke apart and took his hand, taking him to her bedroom, only the dim lamp on. She pushed him on the bed, surprising him, as she shut the door and kicked off her shoes, climbing on the bed and sitting on his lap. His arms were holding him from lying down and Seohyun went to cup his face and kiss him, so deeply as if she was saying her thanks through this. San's stomach turned, his heart beating wildly and he took the chance, taking one arm to grab her, but fell flat on the bed.
Seohyun was now on top of him. She stared at him for the longest time, and it made San feel so many different things. He saw the necklace he had given her dangling off her neck, and his hand went to touch it as a smile made its way on his face.
Seohyun smiled too then gave him soft pecks on his lips, both of them smiling through it. She was taking her sweet time and San had enough. He flipped her down, now on top of her, making her gasp in surprise as he smirked. But his smirked wiped off as she leaned forward and took his shirt off, running her hands through his toned body.
"Damn, San, I didn't know you worked out," Seohyun smirked.
San only smiled as he kissed her, loving the feeling of her hands all over him. His hands went to her waist and she broke apart for a second, motioning him to unbutton her shirt. San looked at her to make sure it was okay and she nodded, rolling her eyes but smiling.
"Is your wound okay now?" San asked as he unbuttoned her shirt.
"Probably left a scar," Seohyun muttered and he made her sit so he could check.
She was right. 3 parallel scratches had left their scar. It would take time to fade. "You reminded me of that ghost again, San. Distract me."
San kissed her bare shoulder, making her gasp, and kissed and nibbled on her neck, playing with her necklace. Seohyun moaned and felt San smile. She slapped his shoulder, making him laugh. "You asked for it," he said.
"I'm gonna make you moan so loud, Choi San-"
"Sshh," he said, kissing her passionately. Seohyun took that chance to bite on his lower lip while her hands gripped his waist now, and that earned her a moan. It was her turn to smile. San kissed her some more, before lying down with her, pulling the covers over them.
"It's late," he said, bringing her closer, "Sleep now."
"I don't wanna..." Seohyun said, putting her arm around him and kissed his neck, earning a sigh.
"I'm not gonna be able to stop if you keep doing that," San sighed. Seohyun melted at his words.
"Glad to know that," she whispered, but just hugged him, kissing his shoulder innocently now.
"I love you, San. You know that, right?"
"I know," he whispered back.
"I should tell you that everyday. Hell, I should have told you that everyday. I'm sorry."
"Seohyun," San made her face him, "You don't have to. I know that. You don't even have to say it out loud."
"Still," Seohyun said, "I should have told you that everyday."
San stared at her. He kissed her forehead and hugged her. "I love you too. And you know that right? I say it everyday, goofily, jokingly, or sometimes serious. But you still know it, even when I say it as a joke. That's because you know, just like I do."
Seohyun nodded. She buried her face in his chest, going under the covers, his arms securely around him.
"Goodnight, love." San whispered.
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
The Night Shift
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 4,189
Warnings: a few bad language words (sorry Stevie), fluff, I think that’s all
Summary: Your bad day turns worse when you're given the night shift at work. But you find it has more perks than you original thought. 
A/N: Here it is! My first ever posted/published work! This is a bit new for me for quite a few reasons. 1. I usually write OCs. 2. I'm used to writing 3rd POV and past tense. 3. I like writing series and longer fics. 4k is actually pretty mild for me. Also, I'm planning on doing more first date fics with the Avengers, but we'll see if I keep up with that. Thank you and enjoy!
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(Pictures not mine but collage is)
Today is not your favorite day. You woke up late, your laundry isn’t done because the machines were all being used when you tried, your roommate didn’t do the dishes so you had to do them before you left, your car broke down - meaning you had to take the Subway - and now you’re working an extra shift because your stupid coworker didn’t show up.
Who even comes in to get coffee at 9 at night? The sky is dark, the stars are out, and everyone should be getting ready for bed - including you. God. You love New York, but sometimes you wish the damn city would just go to sleep for once in it’s goddamn existence.
You’re practically asleep on your feet, getting ready to close in fifteen minutes, when the door opens, the little bell ringing in response. You rub your eyes and turn from where you’re wiping down the back counters to speak to the wackjob who wants coffee at this cursed hour.
You freeze, your eyes meeting stunning azures framed by dark lashes. Thick, soft, chocolate locks fall down past his ears and into those alluring eyes. Lips, perfectly pink and very tempting, pull up in a delicious smile. He’s got a jawline sharp as a knife, only accentuated by the dark scruff covering it. Jesus Christ this man is attractive. He’s also vaguely familiar…
He strolls up to the counter, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans that pulled taunt around his thick thighs. His shirt is pulled tightly across his shoulders, muscles flexing beneath the fabric, threatening to tear the material with every movement.
“Hello.” You thank whatever deity that might be out there that your voice doesn’t shake as you greet the gorgeous god of a man.
“Hi there, doll. Cody’s off today, huh?” Even his voice is breathtaking.
“Yeah. He didn’t show up. Is he a friend of yours?”
The man tilts his head in confusion, before his eyes light up realization. “Oh, no. No. I just come here a lot.”
“At nine at night?”
He shrugs, a small blush rising on his cheeks. “It’s the only time I get to myself really.” It clicks in your head who this man is when he raises his hand to rub the back of his neck. Black metal gleams in place of tanned skin.
“You’re Bucky Barnes!” You blink at him in disbelief. His hand quickly finds its way back to his pocket while he chuckles awkwardly. “Oh my god. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you. You’re one of my favorite Avengers! After Black Widow, obviously, but-” You stop rambling, feeling heat rise to your face. “God, I’m tired. Uh, what can I get you?” You punch in the order that he gives you and look up shyly. “Is there anything else I can get you?”
He smirks and leans on the counter. “How about a name, darlin'? Yours, specifically.”
You roll your eyes, unable to contain the snort you give. “I’ll be right back with your order, sir.” You start making his drink, avoiding his eyes that you feel watching your every move. Usually you had another worker helping to make drinks, but since there’s only ten minutes until closing, you’re alone to close up the shop tonight.
You also usually only write on the cup when there’s more than one person, but you find yourself writing down your own name on his cup. It is part of his order, after all.
“Here you go.” You repeat his order, handing his cup to him.
He raises an amused eyebrow. “You forgot-” You interrupt him by clicking your tongue and turning the cup in his hands. He looks down at it curiously, before grinning and reading the ink out loud. The way your name falls off his lips has you holding in a shiver. “Thanks, sugar.” You watch him leave the shop, whistling a nameless tune, and wonder if Cody would mind switching shifts more.
Turns out, Cody had been arrested, so your boss had to hire a new kid who, because of school, couldn’t do the night shifts. Which meant your shifts changed. Not that you mind all that much; it gives you more chances to see Bucky.
When he said he comes in often, he wasn’t lying. Occasionally he stays while you clean and lock up and the two of you get lost in conversation under the city lights outside the shop. He usually orders and leaves with a witty comment and a wink, probably off to save the world from aliens or Nazis. He always orders the same thing, but he always asks for a little something extra, different every night.
“The usual?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Anything else?”
“Your phone number would be great.”
“I’ll get right on your drink, Buck.”
“Awesome. Can you add your favorite flowers to that, too? Thanks, sugar.”
“I’m gonna change it up today, dollface.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. I’ll have the usual, but on the side I want to know what your favorite dessert is.”
He’s such a charmer. You aren’t sure if he’s just flirting or if he actually likes you. You think maybe he does that with every girl - waitresses, cashiers, secretaries - and he’s just being friendly. You’re sure after being stuck as a brainwashed assassin for nearly a century, flirting and cracking jokes with people makes him feel more normal. Still, you can’t help but wish that maybe the relationship you have now would become…more.
It’s not until he shows up a few weeks after your first meeting that you finally get an answer to whether or not he really likes you.
The bell rings, signifying a customer coming into the shop. You know it’s Bucky by the watch on your wrist; in the past few weeks of working the night shift, only one other person came in at nine o’clock.
“Good evening, beautiful.” A smile lifts the corners of your mouth at the familiar smooth voice that you could listen to all day. “Whatcha doin’ down there?”
You straighten up and look over the counter. “It’s called inventory. How’s your day been, Buckaroo?”
“Better now that I get to see your pretty face.”
You roll your eyes, face heating up and a small smile gracing your features. “Give me a minute and I’ll have your drink done. Anything extra?”
“This is a bit riskier than normal, but I’ve been wanting to try it for a while. Can I get your schedule?”
You raise an eyebrow in confusion as he smirks confidently. “My schedule?”
“Yeah. I just need to know something.”
“What would that be?”
“You free on Saturday, doll?”
* * * * * * * *
Saturday comes much too slowly for your liking, especially considering he asked you out only two days prior. He didn't tell you what you'd be doing today, so you decide on a casual sundress that you can play off as fancy if you need it to be. The color and style compliments you and your beautiful features perfectly and you can only hope he agrees. Your roommate assured you you looked gorgeous before going out with some of their other friends this morning.
You're just putting the finishing touches on your outfit for the day when a knock on your door sounds throughout your apartment. You check your watch: 10:30 on the dot. Just like he said. You get up too quickly, causing you to trip on your own feet and stumble - but luckily you catch yourself before you fall. Feeling simultaneously embarrassed and relieved he didn't see your clumsy actions, you head to open the door.
A bouquet of your favorite flowers appeared once you open the door, bright cerulean eyes shining at you from behind them. He grins, said eyes scanning your figure. "You look pretty as a picture, doll."
You duck your head bashfully, taking the flowers from him. "Thank you." You not so subtly check him out as you put the flowers in a vase. Like always, Bucky is absolutely stunning: his brown locks frame his face, falling into those mesmerizing blues, which are even more so due to the dark blue t-shirt under the light bIue jean jacket hugging his muscled torso. Dark jeans pull taunt across those thighs, his large hands in his pockets casually. You find yourself frowning when you notice his left hand is covered by a black glove. You want to say something, but decide against it, too anxious to ruin the date with this god of a man.
He clears his throat, which brings your gaze back to his face. You feel yourself heat up at the smirk on his perfectly pink lips. "Uh, I, um, so...what are we doing today?"
"I thought we could have some fun today, since all you ever seem to do is work."
"I don't always work." You quickly defend. He raises a disbelieving eyebrow, making you drop your head again. "Okay. Maybe I don't get out much."
He chuckles. "Good thing. That way I get you to myself." There's that smug smirk again. "As for what we're doing, that's for me to know and you to find out. I'd wear walking shoes if I were you, though."
You give him a curious look, moving over to grab your keys, phone, and wallet, before slipping on your sneakers. "I don't get a hint or anything?"
"And ruin the surprise? Where's the fun in that?" You giggle a bit as the two of you head out your door and down the hall. "I didn't know if you mind motorcycles, so I just borrowed Steve's car." He tells you in the elevator.
You talk about motorcycles and your opinion of them as you walk out your building and into the bright Spring sun. Your eyes widen at the nice Camaro parked in the street that he leads you to. "Wow."
"Yeah." Bucky nods in agreement. "Tony had it custom made for Steve for their anniversary a few months ago."
"And he's allowing you to use it?"
Bucky chuckles, running a hand through his hair as a pink tint dusts his cheeks. "'Allow' is a strong word."
You laugh as he opens the passenger door for you. You thank him, sliding onto the nice brown leather seat. "Does he even know you have it?"
He shrugs, shutting the door and leaning into the open window. "He'll find out soon, I'm sure."
Another laugh escapes you, a smile adorning his lips at the sound. He walks around the car, doing a hood slide to make you chortle again. While you two start driving, you try to convince him to give you a hint, but he's stubborn, denying you answers with that annoyingly charming smirk of his.
You recognize the direction you're going after a while and bounce in your seat as you arrive. "Coney Island?"
"I haven't been here since before the War and I've been meaning to come see how it's changed." He told you with a grin. "Who better to come check it out with than the pretty dame who serves me coffee at nine o'clock without complaining?"
Rolling your eyes to cover how much comments affect you, you smile teasingly in return. "Have you always been such a charmer, Barnes?"
He parks the car before shooting you a wink. "Only to angels, darlin', and you're the first one I've met so far."
You inwardly curse, hating how easily flustered you get around him. He gets out of the car and you're about to follow when he opens your door for you and offers his hand to you like the gentleman he is. You take it, enjoying the feeling of your smaller one against his rough calluses, and he helps you out of the car, shutting the door behind you.
"You ready to have the time of your life, dolIface?"
"As long as you get me a treat." You joke, linking your arm with the one he offers.
"Like I wasn't going to?" He scoffs back. "Who do you think l am, sugar? Now c'mon. Fun's awaitin'."
You laugh, letting him drag you around, loving the child-like wonder in his pretty eyes. Whether or not you enjoy roller coasters, you have a blast: playing carnival games, eating food you both know is terrible for you, but tastes oh so good, and people watching the interesting crowds, all while teasing and playing around with each other. There's nothing better you can think of to do with your free day than goof off with Bucky, no stress or worries plaguing your mind like usual. He even wins you multiple adorable plushies! Being a super soldier wasn't just good for saving the world, evidently.
It was while you're eating lunch that you ask Bucky why he's wearing a glove. "I've already seen your arm. I don't mind."
He hesitates, opening his mouth before licking his lips nervously. "It's not...I know you don't. I just don't...I dunno. I don't wanna freak anyone out."
You frown and put down your food, leaning forwards on your elbows. "First off, I think you're an amazing person. Just throwing that out there. Second, I don't think anyone will mind. You're a hero. An Avenger. Basically a celebrity with a badass arm. And, finally, if anyone does say anything, I'll tell them off. Easy peasy."
He snorts at that, before looking at his gloved hand warily. You reach across the table to give both his hands a squeeze. He meets your eyes and you grin reassuringly back. "If you're not comfortable, that's okay. Just know that other people should never be the reason to hide yourself. Trust me."
"I do." He says genuinely. You give him a questioning look, playing with the tips of his gloved fingers. At his nod, you slowly start taking his glove off, giving him time to say no. He doesn't, letting you tug it all the way off. He blushes when you lift the smooth metal to your lips.
"So, what's next? Wanna win me one of those monkeys with the velcro hands?" He chuckles at your question, telling you he'd win you all of them if you asked. You giggle, tightening your hold on his hand and, after finishing the last bite of food, pulling him to the booth with the monkey prizes.
When it starts getting dark, Bucky convinces you to go on the Ferris Wheel with him, promising to hold your hand the whole time if you're scared of heights (even though you haven't let go of his hand or arm since lunch). It's one of the most stunning scenes you've ever seen. The sun is just barely peeking over the horizon, a few stars dotting the darkened sky, a rare sight living in New York City. The aforementioned city's lights were turning on, causing the skyline to glow brightly. It's hard to think of anything bad about NYC when she looks like that.
"Wow. " You breath, enchanted by the city you've grown to love as home. "There's something almost...magical about it, don't you think?" You turn to Bucky, still captivated by the view, expecting him to be the same. After all, New York has been his home for over a century and so much has changed. Instead, you find him intently watching you, a small, adoring smile etched on his features. You smile shyly, unable to keep his gaze while he's looking at you like that - like you're the most enthralling thing he's seen, bewitching his heart and soul, even with the magnificent picture before you.
"Yeah...there is." He agrees, grabbing your chin between his left thumb and pointer finger gently, making your eyes meet. His right arm is around your shoulders, pulling you into his warm chest, heating you up from the chill the night is bringing.
Your heart drums hard against your ribs when he glances at your lips and you're sure he could hear it, even without his enhanced hearing. Your eyes lock onto his lips as his tongue darts out to wet them. You're suddenly so much closer, his right hand holding the back of your neck delicately while his left cups the side of your jaw. Your hands are gripping his jacket, noses brushing.
"Can I kiss you?" His voice comes out low and raspy.
"If you didn't, I'd probably smack you."
You feel his deep chuckle reverberate through his chest, which you just notice is pressed solidly against yours. Before you can process anything, his lips are slanted over yours. They're softer than you originally thought and they move expertly against yours. It surprises you, before you remember he's technically over a century old, so of course he has experience.
The kiss is over before you want it to be, but the need for oxygen gets too much and your lungs start to sting, so you pull back reluctantly, your hands now in his hair while he's holding your face tenderly.
"Speaking of magic."
You laugh, rolling your eyes as the Ferris Wheel starts turning again. "Who knew Bucky Barnes is such a sap?"
He smirks, leaning forwards to peck your Iips a couple times. "I prefer the term 'romantic'."
Once you get off, you hold onto his elbow, leaning against his shoulder. "Thank you for bringing me, Buck. I really enjoyed today."
"Well that's good considering we're not done."
Your eyebrows shoot up. "Wait, what?"
Bucky scoffs in amusement. "You didn't think that was all, didya, doll? The day's not over; the night's still young!" His right arm slings around your shoulders, pulling you close and kissing your head.
"Okay. What's next?" You ask curiously. He raises an eyebrow, a smirk on those delicious lips. "Another surprise?"
"Hope you're hungry, sweetheart."
Giving you a charming grin, he leads you back to the car. "Guess you'll have to wait 'n see, darlin’."
* * * * * * * *
"Buck.” You groan, toeing the ground nervously. The blindfold covering your eyes was keeping you from seeing anything and, to your embarrassment, you've already tripped more times than you care to admit. “Where are we? l feel like we've been walking forever. Can I take this stupid thing off yet?”
Bucky chuckles softly in your ear, holding you steady as you walk on the uneven surface beneath your feet. “We’re almost there, doll. I promise."
Letting out a huff, you let him lead you further along. Finally, after what feels like hours, though you know you're being dramatic and haven't been walking that long, he stops. "Stay right here," he mumbles, his hands that were on your shoulders leaving, along with his warmth behind you, with a kiss to your cheek.
"Haha. You're so funny."
A couple snickers leave his lips and you can just imagine the smile no doubt gracing his features - the one that crinkles the corners of his eyes adorably. You feel wind nip at your bare skin and shiver slightly, wondering where the hell you are.
"Okay. C'mere." His hands are on you again, the contrast of the two adding to the goosebumps the breeze was giving you. "Right here." You can practically feel his excitement and nerves as he positions you. "Alright. Ready?"
"As much as I'll ever be, I suppose."
His nimble fingers are suddenly at the edge of cloth covering your eyes, which he makes quick work of, tugging it off gently. "You can open your eyes, sugar." He chuckles, seeing your eyes tightly clenched shut. You do as he says and blink them open. The sight that meets you takes your breath away.
He brought you to a beach, which you had kind of already guessed due to the sad slipping through your shoes. In front of you, a blanket is spread out, being held at the corners by lanterns, which are connected by a string of fairy lights outlining the blanket. Pillows are scattered on the blanket, a picnic basket to the side while a single red rose is in a small vase in the center with rose petals surrounding the setup. He really is a romantic.
"Bucky. It's beautiful. When did you set this up?"
He rubs the back of his neck, turning red. You smile, enjoying the fact that you can make him just as flustered as he makes you. “Actually, the team helped me out a bit. It was originally just Natasha and Steve. But, uh, then Tony and Wanda found out and then...Sam."
You giggle, knowing his and Sam's brotherly relationship from previous conversation. "I bet he teased the shit out of you when he found out."
"Please," Bucky scoffs. "I'll be the butt of his jokes for at least a month. At least, this part of me will."
"Well, I love this side of you if that's worth anything."
He grins dashingly at you. "Then let the birdbrain tease, because that’s worth everything. Here." Taking your hand, he leads you over to the blanket and sits you down. "All those questions at the coffee shop and I never asked your favorite drink so I brought red, white, beer, Coke, Pepsi, root beer, and," he pulls out the last bottle he brought with a boyish smile. "Apple juice. There's water in 'ere too. And, o' course, the meal and the dessert, which I did ask about because I'm not a complete idiot."
Laughing, you can't help but pull him in for a kiss. "You're so cute."
He clears his throat, his face heating up while he rubs the back of his neck, tying his hair back in a knot. He hands out compliments like candy on Halloween but he can't take them to save his life. How adorable can one man be?
You two eat and talk about everything from hilarious childhood stories to what keeps you up at night. You love listening to his fascinating tales of playing through the 20s, scraping through the 30s, and fighting through the 40s. You especially love the way his face lights up when talking about his family, the Howling Commandos, and America's Golden Boy, both twink and tank stories.
After a couple hours, you find yourself wrapped in his warm jacket - which smelled amazing - leaning against him as he tells you about his new family. You sip on your preferred drink, your eyes fluttering shut, content to simply listen to his soothing voice talking about Clint and Scott's latest prank on Pietro.
"You tired, doll?" You hear him whisper tenderly, his arms around your waist while his thumbs run small circles on your sides.
You hum and look back at him over your shoulder. "Just feeling the moment." He smiles adoringly at you, kissing your temple.
"It's getting late anyways. We should get you home. Don't want your roommate worrying."
You scoff, but agree. You help him clean up and carry things to the car, despite his protests. You nearly fall asleep on the ride back, his big, warm hand resting comfortably on your thigh the whole way. He squeezes gently when you pull up to your building, murmuring lightly to wake you up.
Ever the gentleman, he walks you inside and helps you bring the armful of prizes he got you to your door. Once there, you unlock the door and lean against the frame, facing him.
"Thank you, James. As far as first dates go, this is by far the best one I've had."
He shoots you a smug grin. "Glad to hear that, beautiful. Does that mean if I asked for a second date you'd say yes?"
You give him a smirk back. "I'd say your chances are very good."
"And if asked for a goodnight kiss from the most gorgeous girl I've ever been blessed to be in the presence of?"
You giggle, ducking your head shyly. His hands grip your jaw, pulling your gaze back to him. He nudges your nose with his, whispering against your lips, "is that a yes?" AII you can think to do is nod. He smirks at your reaction, before he's pulling your lips against his. It's more passionate, less hesitant and experimental, than the few previous kisses you shared. He's angling your face to deepen the kiss, his hands tangle in your hair and his tongue prods your lips open, swallowing the little whimper you let out.
When you pull back, you're breathless, panting against his open month. "You workin' tomorrow, darlin'?" He rasps out.
"No." You try to collect yourself enough to answer, although it's hard with all your nerves on fire, his scent fogging up your brain. You manage to move your heavy tongue enough to say, "I have the weekend off."
A broad grin lights up his pretty face. "Great. I'll be over at nine. Have a nice night, sweetheart."
You nod, an airy "goodnight" leaving your lips. You watch him walk off, a pep in his step and his lips turned up. You lean back against your door, hugging all your new plushies to your chest, still wrapped up in his jacket, and let out a sigh.
You'll have to go visit Cody and thank him. After all, that dreadful night shift gave you the best day of your Iife.
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min-chery · 3 years
Whiskey and smoke | KTH & PJM
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Pairing: Taehyung / Named OC / Jimin
Rating: 16+
Warnings: Bartender Taehyung!au / Rich Jimin!au / vague mentions of sexual assault / drinking / smoking / Written in OC's POV
Summary: She has been bound to follow orders all through her life. Living a life of restraint, Taehyung had become her only source of relief. And one day, he and a very handsome stranger from the bar take a decision that rocks her damned world.
Word count: 2.9k
I swirl the amber liquid in the glass. Pegs after pegs of whiskey already In my system. It does me more good than harm. Has been doing it for the past 4 years.
It has become my companion over the years. I don't lose myself it. Never will. I find myself when have it by my side. I find the confidence I crave for. The world becomes brighter than it ever possibly could.
The bartender keeps a close eye on me, his lips forming a pout. He's sometimes the only one who cares about me. And I'll gladly indulge myself knowing I'm not unwanted.
"I'm alright Tae. It's not my first time drinking." I wave him off.
"That's why I'm worried, noona. Another family gathering?" He inquires.
"Hmm. And a few important clients from his company."
"You should tell them this isn't the life you want, Val. You're drinking yourself to death at this rate."
"It's not that easy." I sigh.
"It is that easy. You've never tried to know that." He whispers harshly.
"Don't act as if you care." I sneer. He talks as if it's that easy to confront them. Them. My manipulative parents.
"I do care, okay! You think I asked you out thrice because I don't care? All you've done those times was throw the same shitty excuse at my face. You won't understand how much I care, Valeria. You're too drunk to even try and understand how hard I'm trying to see you as just a bestfriend when we know we both are not just that." He looks disappointed in me for the first time and it breaks my heart. I look straight into his eyes without letting myself waver and he stares with the same intensity. He finally gives up, slamming the shaker on the counter before heading to the other side of the bar.
To hear him call me by name and not 'noona' or 'Val' makes me almost tear up. I sniffle, pulling my hair towards my face. The world blurs and the scenes from my first time meeting him take over.
It was in high school I first saw him. My bestfriend introduced me to this club. Back then this building had been used as a hangout spot for people interested in motorsports. Jungkook and I sneaked out from school on multiple occasions to meet with the people here. It was everything I had ever wished for. I had nothing to hide about among those people. Didn't have to pretend who I was. There was always free alcohol here. And the first time Jungkook brought me here, a guy had draped his arm over my bestfriend's shoulder and said "Who have you brought here with you, Jungkookie?"
He had smiled so wide at me, I wondered for a second if I was in heaven. How could someone have been so beautiful and been a human?
Jungkook had introduced us to each other and left us alone to get along. And we did. We got along so well and so fast, we were surprised. He talked my ear off about a girl he loved. Narrated so many stories about their happy life together. They sounded so happy and in love, that it struck me like a flash of lightning when he said she cheated on him multiple times. His eyes that had been scrunched up in a smile all afternoon and had suddenly taken a glossy sheen to them.
It had been the first time I had seen a man cry. I remember wondering if I could ever soothe him. If I could see him smile once again that day. But he recovered pretty quick. He had found something else to hold onto and love. Motor racing.
The sound of a throat clearing rings beside me and I lift up my face to look at the person. A man about my age peers at me from above his glass of scotch. There's a slight hint of a smile on his lips as if he's watched the previous conversation with Tae and finds our little fight amusing.
I sniffle and glare at him, which only makes him smile more openly. He sets down the glass on the counter and wipes the liquid off his plump lips with the back of his palm.
"Don't worry about him. He'll come around soon." He says, voice gentle and laced with a teasing smile.
"And I don't need a stranger telling me that about my bestfriend." I snicker. It makes a foul emotion crawl through my skin. To see an outsider talk about Tae, my Tae, as if he knows him better than I do.
"My my I should've probably introduced myself first. I'm Park Jimin. Taehyung's roommate." The smirk that's settled on the man's lips is so frustrating, it makes me want to punch him square in the nose.
"Do you smoke?" He asks. For once it feels like he's not mocking me. I nod, placing my hand in his when he extends it.
It's then I realize that I'm following a man that I've met for the first time outside. Beneath the arrogance, he seems like a gentleman by the way he's curled his fingers around mine. A fragility in the way he handles me.
We walk a few blocks away from the club. Music from the place we just left still faintly following us. Jimin then sits on the clean sidewalk, looking at me to sit down too. And I do. Sitting so close to him, I take to opportunity to really absorb his features into my brain. 'He's beautiful' is the conclusion my mind comes to.
He holds out a cigarette, waiting for me to put it between my lips. I part my lips open for him to do so. He gulps before doing so and then proceeds to take out his lighter. The orange light the flame produces shines on his face making him look handsome in a different way.
His eyes lift up from the cancer stick in my mouth to my eyes and fall back on my lips. He's quickly moving away from me as if he's scared of the effect I would have on him.
I take in puffs of the smoke, let it fill my lungs with the toxins. I still don't understand why it relieves me, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't. It's just as good of a friend of mine as is the alcohol.
"So you're the one who's been hooking up with Tae for so long." He says, pushing away the silence that had engulfed us. I nod, letting out the smoke I'd held in my mouth.
"I've known Tae my whole life. And I've seen him cry only a handful of times. The first time was back in high school. When he cut his ex-girlfriend out of his life. For good." He grits out the final part, eyes unfocused as he recollects his memories.
"And then a couple of years later. When you told him about your family. He didn't tell me anything other than how he thinks they're the shittiest people in your life. Didn't go into much detail about it. Just cried in my arms all night until he fell asleep." He's now looking at me with a soft look in his eyes.
"He told me he loved you that night. I always teased him about this Valeria who had his heart. Still has it. The last time I saw him cry was when you rejected him. The first time." I remember that day, I considered it the worst moment of my life. And Jimin wasn't the only one that saw him cry that day.
I woefully smile, feeling a lump in my throat grow bigger. Taking another long drag of the cigarette, I flick it onto the road. It doesn't fall far from me though. Jimin is stretching towards it and tossing it into a waste bin close by without lifting his ass up. He's smirking once again, winking at me. I laugh at his attempt to impress me with his aiming skills.
"They are shitty people. My family. I'm only something they use for their publicity stunts. Attending their business parties, walking around in rich gowns for the men to see. They never for once asked me what I wanted. All they've done is throw things at me and demand at me to be what they wanted me to be." I laugh, but it's anything but with happiness.
"I've abandoned my dreams to be a living doll for those people. I've had strangers my father's age run their filthy hands over my body. And he watched, that man. Watched his friends make his daughter feel like dirt. Can still feel the fingers of the guy my dad wants me to marry on my bare back from just hours ago." My voice cracks, tears no longer being able to be held within the confines of the waterline. As they tumble down my cold cheeks, I wrap my arms around myself. Feeling naked in my backless dress.
Jimin rustles beside me, shrugging his blazer down his shoulders and wraps it over me. He giving me an apologetic look which I wave off. I'm too tired to deal with the problems in my life.
"Why won't you agree to be Tae's girlfriend when you love him? The guy your dad chose is obviously a pathetic excuse of a man."
"I'm not the kind who stand up for themselves. I kept telling him that I'll never be able to turn down my father's order if he asks me to marry a rich businessman. I'd have to cut Taehyung out of my life and I can't do that to him. He deserves someone way better than that." I sniffle, wiping my face free of the moisture. Jimin's letting my words sink in, thinking of a response.
"Look, I've not had a great family either. Left them behind when I was really young. I let them know how forcing their decisions on me was not worth losing me. So, I understand how you must feel. But it's always nice to have someone fight for you, fight the whole world with you. And with Taehyung in your life, I don't know if there is anyone who'll be as careful with your heart as he is."
"Stop trying to set me up with him." I laugh.
"Just saying." He replies, his eyes closed into crescents as he joins in my laughter.
"Got another cigarette?" I ask as I move in closer to him. He worriedly looks at me and then nods. Once again lighting it up, he places it between my lips.
I take in a long drag and hold the smoke in my mouth. I watch Jimin gulp as I move in even closer to him. I blow it to his face, his eyes growing hooded as he looks at me through the toxic air. I pass the stick to him, asking him to do the same. He follows along, hollowing out his cheeks and blowing it to my face.
It makes my core thrum from the intensity of the scene. A hand with the number '13' tatted on the wrist holding a cigarette and the puff of smoke encasing the two of us. We've come incredibly close to each other, faces just centimeters away. He's slowly leaning in, eyes locked on my lips as mine on his. Our noses brush, a spark going straight to my brain.
I shift my head to the side, eyeing his soft ears. I lift up a finger to gently tug at the earring, toying with it as I breathe in his cologne. The soft flesh of his earlobe tend me irresistible and pull me in to press a kiss there.
Jimin's arms have wound themselves around me, his nose buried in my hair as I kiss his ear. Somehow, my mind has deemed him a safe place. Him being Taehyung's roommate playing a large role in my trust in the man I've met for the first time today.
"Val! Jimin-ah! Is that you two?!" Taehyung calls out, rushing towards us. I jump up from the sidewalk, walking towards him with Jimin trailing behind. As Taehyung nears us, he opens his arms. My eyes blur with unfallen tears and I smash into his chest.
He wraps himself around me, forming a protective embrace. I fist his black shirt at his chest, cuddling and making myself smaller in his arms. His hands run through the length of my hair, his cheek smushed at the top of my head. He's my warmth on a cold night and without him, I'd fall into a pit of eternal winter.
"I'm sorry, Val." He says, not letting go of me and I'm glad he didn't. I wasn't ready to leave his embrace yet.
"You had a tough time and came to the club for some relief and me being a dumbass lectured you." He says against my hair.
"Don't call yourself a dumbass." I pout, weakly hitting at his chest. His laughter fills my ears, along with Jimin's quiet chuckle. I look up at Jimin from where I'm buried in Tae's torso. He looking at us with newfound adoration.
"I'm sorry though." He mumbles.
" 's okay."
I'm being moved away from Taehyung's chest after a minute, but still held towards him by my waist. Taehyung looks at Jimin, a quiet conversation between them. And Jimin walks closer to the two of us, his hands going around Taehyung's shoulder.
"Hi baby." Jimin coos, making a faint red dust across Taehyung's cheeks. Jimin then places a kiss on his lips, a quick peck before they're both looking at me.
"I've been wanting to tell you something noona." Taehyung starts, his hands tightening around me.
"I and Jiminie have been roommates since high school. And we've decided to move to The States."
It hits me like a flash of lightning when he says so. He's moving away. Far away from me. And somehow it invokes a deep fear in me. Jungkook also moved to the US after college. I feel dizzy realizing I'd be left alone in the hands of my family. And I'd rather die than let that happen.
"Tae..." I whisper, the tears running down my cheeks almost instantly. His eyebrows pinch in worry, hands holding my face. His thumb brushes my cheekbones, catching the tears as they fall.
"I found an amazing photography program at one of the colleges and it fit right in my budget. I won't even have to get a student loan for it. It was our dream remember? Me taking photography while you took business courses." I nod. I remember talking about it right after we hooked up for the first time. I had laid on his chest, his arms holding me as close to him as possible.
"We're both being stagnant in our lives, Val. How long do you think we can keep hooking up? You're going to leave me behind the second you get engaged to a stranger." His eyes are filling up in pain.
"I'm coming with you, Tae. I'll suffocate here without you. Don't leave me, Tae. Don't leave me." I'm sobbing hard in his arms, clutching hard at his waist as if it would stop him from going away.
Jimin moves in, taking both me and Tae into his arms. He places a gentle kiss on both of our foreheads.
"We'll take you with us if you want, moonlet. You've got a week to yourself before we move. You can take some time and think about this decision, alright? We need you to be sure you want to come with us." he speaks benignly.
"I don't need more time. I want to come with you." I say with determination.
"That's good, Val. Jiminie will take good care of us. He's got a huge apartment in New York. Got a shit ton of money. He's really kind too. And god the things his dick makes you feel." Taehyung groans, throwing his head back and then breaking into laughter. Jimin and I join in, basking in the warmth his smile provides. We both love this adorable boy with a boxy smile and I'm sure it is seen in our eyes.
"You're making me sound like a sugar daddy, you idiot." Jimin says, hitting him softly at the back of his head.
"It is true though." Tae laughs. "Looks like lover boy's starting to feel things for you, noona."
Jimin blushes, trying to stand tall and not shying from our collective gaze. In the end, he gives up, stuffing his face in the crook Taehyung's neck.
"He doesn't have a problem with polyamory too. He's the full package, this guy." he smiles, ruffling Jimin's hair.
We don't stay there for long after our conversation. We head to Jimin and Taehyung's apartment and I stay the night. We all spend time getting to know each other better. Me and Jimin bond very fast, learning we're both similar in a lot of ways. I and Tae let Jimin in on our stories from years ago. I and Jimin even kiss for the first time that night, leaving us warm and blushing.
As the night progresses and we lay in each other's arms on the living room floor, I realize I'm being given another chance at life. Maybe running away from the people who birthed you isn't the best way to start your life again. But it feels good. To finally leave behind the toxicity. In a week's time, I'll be free. And I intend on making the most out of my life after.
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miss-ali-lawliet · 3 years
Writing Request Rules
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This is the post that will delve into my writing request information + some rules that I have! 
But before I get into that, on my blog header it should say when Requests are closed or open, so if you aren’t sure just check there or simply ask!
As of right now though: Requests are open!
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☽ What fandoms I’ll be writing for ☾
At the moment the fandoms I’ll be writing for is Death Note and Attack on Titan! 
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☽ What I’ll be Writing / Accepting for requests ☾
Head canons, imagines, drabbles, if it’s something I am interested in I’ll try to write a full fledged thing. Just the basic things you’d see in other writing blogs. Don’t be afraid to ask for me to write something if you aren’t sure!
When it comes to relationships in death note I’ll be focusing a bit more on character x reader, but if you want to know my head canons or want me to write for a character x character I can try my best. I prefer doing platonic or just a brief overview on how I view the relationship though when it comes to canon character x characters, but I’m pretty open to whatever you may ask for the most part
For Attack on Titan though I'm open to writing for actual ships in top of x readers (romantic or platonic)!
I’m fine with accepting requests for any character! 
When writing for aot I'm also would LOVE to write for my ocs and their pairings, or just to answer and talk about them in general!
My main aot ocs are: Amelia Monroe, Mariana Wells, and Lehya Lebedev for reference.
I will write for almost anything like fluff, romance, platonic, angst, etcetera. I’m not picky or anything
If you request something with Yandere I will try my best to do it, but I will not be romanticizing that type of behavior or anything like that. 
I won't delve into NSFW topics with writing or anything at the moment. I can maybe talk about certain things but I'd like to keep it somewhat sfw on my blog!
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☽ What I won’t be writing ☾
I won’t be writing about Lawlight or any sort of canon character with L in a romantic way (platonic and everything else is a different story obviously). It might seem silly but it’s hard for me to view L with anyone romantically, probably because of my connection with him in my DR.
 L x Readers are completely fine though!
Similar to L, I don't really ship Armin with anyone in canon either, and I'm not a fan of Aruannie so I don't want to talk about it lol.
I won’t be writing anything with racism, homophobia, p3dophelia or anything of those sorts obviously
I don’t really do crossovers, but if you wanted my opinion on how a death note character would be with another character and I know said character I’ll give my thoughts on it or something of the sort
I won't be writing smut or anything that delves into nsfw topics too much
I’m not really picky besides that, if you send something I happen to not be comfortable with writing for I’ll simply let you know but I’m pretty open to everything besides the basic things.
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☽ Some Extra Rule / Things to keep in mind ☾
When it comes to requesting characters I’ll take up to 4-5 per ask, but even then I’m pretty lenient. Just don’t go overboard lmao
If you aren’t specific with a gender for the reader, I’ll keep them gender neutral
I honestly would love if you gave some specifics when it comes to certain requests so that I know what to write and to make it to your liking
I’ll be taking requests over ask mainly, but if you wish to DM me you can (especially if you want specific things included, win win for the both of us)
Please be patient but if you sent in a request and I haven’t gotten to it for some time feel free to send an ask or DM me about it
I’ll be keeping requests open until I have a bit to work on, then I’ll close them temporarily so I can get the ones I have done
Even when requests are closed you can still send in asks!
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That should be it! 
Again, if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask, but I look forward to writing for you all! So send in those requests / asks :)
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To Heal A Lonely Heart - Chapter 1 - Witch!
I wrote a little fanfic (killjoy_assbutt on wattpad and ao3) that I'd like to share.
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x half-elf OC (can also be read as reader)
AU where witchers can have children (but only with elves (smth about magic)) (dad! Geralt!!!!!)
Warnings: canon typical violence, smut, mature language (so basically everything that's also on the show...)
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The people of Vergen hated me. They were scared of me, of what I could do, even though all I am doing is to help them, heal their sick and sell them potions. Once I had brought back a man from the brink of death. That was all it took for them to hate me. They accused me of necromancy, but didn’t have the guts to come and arrest me. Anyway, I did not wake up the dead, only heal a man who was close to death; there is a difference, but the people didn’t seem to care. I originally had come here to find refuge. As a half elf life was not easy, and it was even harder when you are a woman, a woman with the ability to use magic.
I cannot understand why they hate elves so much, humans I mean. All my elders have ever done was helping the humans after the Conjunction of the Spheres, just like what I was doing now. My mother had taught me everything I know about magic and healing. She had always told me to do good, even though the world will be doing the opposite. So here I was, an outcast, healing and helping ungrateful people, who would like it best to see me dead.
I should stop, but then I would starve. So I keep helping them for little coin. Not really a life worth living, but still better than death.
I should hate humans, too. They have taken everything from me. My family, my home. My mother was killed during the Great Cleansing. I was 74 years old when that happened – young for an elf. The humans slaughtered her like an animal. I could escape thanks to my father, but I never really knew him. He brought me here, to Vergen, and told me to hide, to tell no one who or what I was, and to only use magic if I absolutely needed to. He used to visit from time to time, but his visits had stopped a long time ago. I don’t remember much of him, not even his name, or what he was doing. I asked him once, but he told me that it was safer for me if I didn’t know.
So here I am now, brewing potions in a small cottage just outside of Vergen, at the edge of a small forest.
The distant sound of a horse drawn cart shook me from my trance as I was stirring in a kettle and chanting a spell in Elder, otherwise the potion would be useless. I sensed that there was no danger coming from whoever was approaching, but I still grabbed my dagger and pushed it into my belt behind back as I stepped outside.
On the cart lay a coughing young girl. The other woman on the cart, probably her mother, stepped up to me.
“Please,” she said with tears in her eyes, her voice nothing more than a broken whisper, “my daughter… her fever won’t go away.”
I took a step closer to the cart, inspecting the little girl. She was pale, almost as white as a sheet, pearls of sweat ran down her face as she coughed and wheezed, her small body writhing.
“Bring her inside,” I told the woman, “follow me.” I led her inside and pointed to the small makeshift bed I had put up in front of the fireplace I had set up for my patients. “Lay her down,” I ordered as I disappeared into the kitchen, collecting all the herbs, oils and potions I would need. I returned to the main room and started mixing the medicine for the girl.
“Do you have other children at home,” I asked the concerned mother, who was clutching her daughter’s icy hand in her warm ones.
She glanced at me, confused, before returning her gaze to her daughter. “No. Why?” she answered.
“The fever,” I started to explain, “spreads fast among little children.It ends deadly if it is not treated within the first four days. Adults are immune.”
The woman grew pale, counting the days of her daughter’s sickness in her head – I could tell from her expression.
“To-t-tod-today is the fourth day,” she stuttered out.
“Well, then you are lucky that you decided to come to me,” I told her. The medicine was finished now and I poured it into a vial, careful not to spill anything. I left about a spoon full in the bowl and walked over to the bed. I held the girl’s head and lifted the bowl to her impossibly pale lips. “Here. Drink this.” And she did. Within minutes a little colour returned to her face and she stopped writhing. I handed the woman the medicine. “Twice a day, best in the morning and in the evening. One spoon full each time. For the next three days. If it has not stopped until then, come back.” I instructed.
The mother almost wept tears of relief. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
I smiled at her. It was nice to have someone be grateful for once. Nevertheless, I had to be paid. “That’d be 100,” I stated.
Her expression hardened, but she still handed me her coin purse. Picking up her daughter and carrying her out the door, I heard her mutter something about ‘greedy elves’. I ignored that. I’ve been called things way worse; ‘greedy elf’ and ‘whore’ were the nicest things.
Days passed and I kept up with my business: brewing potions, mixing salves and collecting herbs in the forest. The woman did not return, so I assumed the little girl was healed. Either that or she was dead. If the latter was the case then it wouldn’t be my fault, though. I knew how to cure the child, and if the woman refused to follow my instructions, it was her fault.
When I returned to my cottage from my daily search for herbs in the forest the door was wide open. I knew I had closed it! A sorrel horse was standing in front of it, peacefully munching on hay I had laid out for the deer that visited occasionally. Wary, I pulled the dagger from my belt and tiptoed towards my own house.
When I reached to door I pressed my back against the wall, peeking inside, careful not to be seen. Inside was a hulking figure, his back turned towards me. He was examining everything I left on my table. What on earth did he want? And who was he?
I reached inside the room, patting along the wall until I felt the hilt of my father’s sword, which he had left here on his last visit, and grabbed it, pulling it towards me as quietly as possible. Once I had retrieved the weapon I threw my dagger at the man, aiming at his hand that was resting on the table.
Whoever this man was, his reflexes were almost as fast as these of an elf. Before my dagger could pierce his hand, he pulled it away, turning quickly while reaching for his sword, strapped on his back.
I lifted my own weapon as his golden eyes fixated me.
With a cry I charged at him, swinging my sword to block his defensive blow.
He was strong, I could tell, not only from his muscles, but also from his entire stance. He was surprised that I had attacked him, but convinced that he’d defeat me, I could read it in his eyes.
He backed me up against the wall, his sword on my neck. The only thing protecting myself from his blade was my own weapon blocking his. I ducked away under his arm, my sword pointing at his back. He turned and I charged again. Blow after blow being blocked by his sword as I pushed him back out of my door. He stepped a few steps back, just enough to be out of my sword’s reach, and watched me intently as I jumped forward once again, a battle cry leaving my lounges. Now his fighting changed. After blocking my initial blow he was the one attacking, and I was trying my best to keep up with each swing of this sword. I was walking backwards now, trying to escape him somehow, but he followed, pushing me further back towards the edge of my small front yard. As I hurried from his blasts I tripped over the low wall separating my home from the road. Panicked I scurried away from him, still on my back. He followed mercilessly. Within seconds he stepped over the low wall and stood above me. Knowing that I couldn’t escape him I stopped as he lowered himself to his knees, straddling my waist, the blade of his sword resting against my neck, one hand holding me down by the shoulder.
Tears sprung to my eyes as I realized that this would be my end.
“Please,” I whimpered out.
He eyed me intently. “Give me one reason why I should let you live,” he growled, his voice low and threatening.
“I-I, I didn’t do anything,” I choked out.
He contemplated for a moment, then put his sword away, still holding me down though.
Feeling braver, now that I didn’t have a weapon on my neck I spoke up, “Who are you? And what were you doing in my house?” I asked him, slightly angry, but still afraid; he could snap my neck with one quick movement of his hand, I was certain.
He ignored my first question. “I was hired by the townsfolk to kill a witch who has been poisoning the people with her ‘healing potions’,” his deep voice rumbled through me. He was so close. If I lifted my head only the tiniest bit I could kiss him. No! What am I thinking? He wanted to kill me only moments ago!
I huffed. I have never done harm to any of them! “So, this is what they say about me, huh? I did not do that. Let me go.” I wiggled a little under his grip, an attempt to get up, putting emphasis on my last sentence. But he only pushed me back down.
“And what if I don’t.“ His voice was playful now. Why?
Okay. Now I was angry. “Then you might get hurt,” I stated through clenched teeth, balling my fists, ready to use my magic to push him off of me.
He realized what I was doing though, his hand leaving my shoulder as he pushed my wrists to the ground. “Nuh-uh,” he almost chuckled, gaining a growl from me.
“Get. Off. Of. Me. Now!” I hissed at him. And he finally did. He got up, grabbed his sword and sheathed it. I ,too, rose to my feet, walking over to where I had dropped my sword. But he beat me to it and lifted it up. He examined the weapon for a long time, deep in thought, his face almost strained as he tried to remember… whatever.
After some time he finally turned to me, his eyebrows knitted together. “How did you get that? How come you have a Witcher’s sword?” his growling voice demanded.
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leonawriter · 5 years
It Takes Two To Make A Mess Like Us
Also on AO3
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Characters: Dazai, Chuuya, Mori, Odasaku, other background.
Pairings: Dazai/Chuuya, (temporary) Chuuya/unnamed background OC.
Summary: Dazai gets a surge of anger when he hears that Chuuya has got a date, because Chuuya's his dog. He isn't meant to be going on dates, isn't meant to spend that much time on anyone other than him.
Chuuya, meanwhile, has his own problems. And all of them begin with Dazai.
Other notes: Set prior to Dead Apple/Dragon’s Head Rush. Mention of underage drinking.
It comes - at least to Dazai - completely out of the blue. 
"Ugh, Friday? Sure, sure..."
Mori looks up, brows raised in slight surprise. 
"Is there a problem, Chuuya-kun?"
Chuuya sighs, and then, he says it-
"Nah, I'll just have to reschedule my date, that's all."
And those are the words that keep circling around in his head, that he hasn't been able to get rid of.
Chuuya? Date? 
The idea that someone would want to date Chuuya?
When Chuuya was his dog, and should have been at his beck and call from the start? When he should be able to lift a single finger and have Chuuya appear?
The idea of it - of Chuuya spending so much time with someone who wasn't even Mori or Kouyou, was worse than a simple affront, but was purely offensive. 
A hand waves in front of his face. The ice in his drink has started to melt, watering down the alcohol. Odasaku looks... concerned.
"Hello? Earth to Dazai. Everything okay?"
Dazai sighs, and feels that at least the bourbon glasses are sturdy. Bandages on each of his fingers from broken glass would have been awkward to say the least, even if just because it'd affect how he fired a gun - not to mention, the use of his own ability, which was one of his main uses in the mafia.
"...my dog is being disloyal," he said darkly.
Odasaku blinks, clearly confused, even though he's talked about Chuuya in such terms before. It's hardly new. 
"Your... dog? I didn't think you liked dogs."
But then, this is Odasaku. And his odd way of looking at things is part of the reason Dazai likes him.
"I don't," he says, quieter now, and reminded of why he doesn't like dogs in the first place. "Although, I should have known it would turn out like this. Dogs do have a tendency to turn on you and show their true colours when left to their own devices too long. It isn't really that different."
Odasaku sighed, and looked back to his own drink.
Chuuya groaned, relieved not for the first or last time more than he felt that familiar sting of envy of being replaced, that Dazai had chosen to go out drinking with his new friends again.
It hadn't worked. 
It hadn't fucking worked, and all he'd done was make things worse. 
How many times did he have to go through this? It wasn't as though things didn't start out badly. The guy was cute, they'd hit it off well enough, and he was closer to Chuuya's age than not, which meant he could try and act on these feelings rather than tell Kouyou he'd sent another idiot to the hospital.
It'd lasted two weeks, this time. Two entire weeks. Which was longer than most of his relationships put together.
A few conversations here and there, finding lunch between missions a couple of times, and then an actual date, and-
"Look, I just - can we just stay as friends? I don't think this is working out. Don't get me wrong, but - I can't read your mind, and it keeps feeling like you expect me to. If you want me to know things, you need to tell me, not just assume I'm going to know even before you do."
He knew that. 
He knew, damn it.
It was what he always criticised that damn Dazai for, after all, never telling him anything-
Which was what pulled another groan out of him, as he let himself fall from leaning against the dorm door, to sliding down it, hands on his face and hat falling off in an unholy mixture of despair, frustration, desperation, and depression.
What was he supposed to say, though? Who was he supposed to go to? Kouyou? Mori? 
Hey, just so you know, I'm starting to think I might be getting too attached to Dazai, please separate us before I do something stupid.
He could just imagine that going down well. He'd probably be laughed at, and they'd do nothing. And telling Dazai himself was entirely out of the question. He wasn't even sure that someone like Dazai could even return those sorts of feelings in the first place.
To love is to be human, he'd read once, and he couldn't help but snort in ugly laughter, at that. Of course he'd be the one to fall for a heartless bastard like Dazai. Of course he would.
Chuuya realises that his laughter has started to sound wet, and that just makes things so much better, doesn't it. He barely cares about most things enough to cry about them unless it's one of his subordinates getting themself killed, and here he is, crying over this.
He pulls himself up and pushes away from the floor and forces himself not to use his ability, because the last thing he needs in this state is to lose control, and he doesn't think he could deal with Dazai having to save his life because of his own shitty bad decisions. Not to mention needing a new dorm.
His eyes are still red when Dazai finally gets home, looking slightly flushed himself but otherwise he can barely be called drunk, and that just pisses him off even more.
"So," Dazai says flatly, "how did the date go?" And then, after getting a better look at Chuuya's face after he'd looked at Dazai to glare at him, he tilts his head somewhat. "That bad, huh? Did the chibi get dumped already?"
"You know what, Dazai? Fuck off. Just fuck off."
"Ah, I see. That bad. It just goes to show how-"
"Either shut up or get out."
Dazai shuts up, single eye blinking owlishly. He seems to purposefully sit down on the other bed of their shared dorm, bring his game out, and put the volume up aggravatingly high.
It wasn't even the other day, that he'd seen Dazai flirting and putting on airs and graces as if he wasn't some suicidal maniac who couldn't understand the basic decency to spare his partner's ears the sound of virtual cars crashing into each other when he had a headache already. The other week it'd been someone else. A month ago, at least he'd had the excuse that it'd been for a mission. Two months ago, and he'd had to console a crying girl who'd come to him and said Dazai'd flirted with her, and made her feel like maybe she was seen as someone special, and then days later he was talking like that with someone else.
Chuuya honestly couldn't get what it was about his partner that everyone else saw. Sometimes, he wondered if they were seeing the same person at all.
And yet - somehow, he'd just gotten himself so accustomed to Dazai just being his asshole self, the Dazai that he had to drag out of rivers and drag away from the worst of his ideas, the Dazai who drove him up the wall, the Dazai who... was the only one alive that he trusted with all of his past, and who was the only one he'd trust with his life.
Even just a year ago, he'd have laughed at himself - or anyone else - who suggested such a thing.
I'd have every right, he thinks. It's a stupid- who the hell in their right mind would choose Dazai? 
Which just drove the fact home, that maybe it wasn't a choice at all, along with all of those failed dates, because if he could've just moved on to someone else, he would have by now.
Instead, he's left wishing he wasn't here, that he was out still, that he'd chosen to get shitfaced drunk in one of those mafia-run places that let you drink underage, and not finding himself relaxing in spite of everything, just because that asshole is losing his damn game for the third time since he came home.
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