#slade wilson x Fem reader
samantha-rae-velcher · 8 months
I Promise
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Slade Wilson x Fem reader
Requested by: none
Warnings: Swearing, angst, Violence, mentions of death.
A/n: If you don't like the warnings please don't read! PLEASE KEEP MY COMMENT SECTION AGGRESSION FREE! If you're comment is rude in any way, you'll be blocked. Ive been wanting to write a story like this for a while but haven't gotten around to it, my service is terrible so the app might just eat this lol
I know this isn't how Arrow went, but I'm just making my own thing out of it 😁
"Y/n, This is Slade Wilson." Moira said, holding her hand out towards a man on the couch.
Y/n felt dread wash through her as he stood, stepping over to her with a smile on his face. He firmly grasped her hand, the smile fading.
"A pleasure, Miss Queen."
"Let him go." Y/n had said, fear in her voice at the sight of Slade holding a knife to her brothers throat.
"Or what, little one? You'll attack me? Not likely."
Y/n and Oliver had fallowed Yao fei's directions to the crash site of a plane, only to be ambushed by a rather intimidatingly large man, Y/n had to admit she found him quite attractive.
"Fao Fei sent us!" She yelled, "I doubt it was so we could be killed by you."
He lowered his brows, staring her directly in the eye. No doubt trying to see if she was pulling a fast one or not. It took a few moments but he let go of her brother, but still didn't drop the knife.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"I'm Oliver Queen, and this is my sister Y/n."
"Sister? Funny, she looks nothing like you."
"I was adopted." Y/n grumbled. "Now who the hell are you, and why are you so fuckin special?"
"I'm Slade Wilson, and I have no idea why Yao Fei sent you to me."
Y/n threw her hands in the air, "Great, Ollie. This is great! We have an army attempting to track us down! We have an Australian jungle man with a sword and no way to get off this fuckin island! Yao Fei sends us here and none of us know why! This is just fuckin great!"
Y/n shook her head and sat on a nearby box. The men watched her, almost as if they thought she'd set the place a blaze with just one touch.
"What?" She asked.
"Nothing." Oliver replied, "But we need to get him out of there."
"Do you two know how to fight?"
"She does, I don't."
"Well then, I guess we begin your training tomorrow."
As time went on the three had gotten close, Y/n was surprised when Oliver learned how to fight. They had rescued Yao Fei, and met his daughter. Only for the poor SOB to get himself killed . Y/n and Slade had been attacked, Slade had gotten hurt and she had to drag him into a cave that was well hidden by large shrubs.
"Stay still, if I don't take this out then it will get infected!" Y/n yelled
"I'll do it myself!"
"The fuck you will!"
"It'd be wise to not argue with me!"
"Then shut the fuck up and there won't be an argument!"
Slade was almost shocked by her words, Y/n was never afraid to fight back or curse someone out, even if they were holding a gun in her face.
"It's not as bad as I thought, I stole some medical supplies on my way out of the camp."
"That's why you stopped?" He asked.
"Well yeah, can never have enough bandages and whatever else I grabbed."
Slade chucked, wincing in pain as she pressed a rag doused in alcohol against his wound.
"We need to keep moving." He grumbled. "They'll find us if we stay."
"We aren't leaving until night. Rest, Slade. I'll keep watch."
"Y/n? Are you alright?" Moira asked, gently gripping her arm.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."
"Okay, ill let you two get acquainted while I grab us some drinks."
When the older woman left the room Slade pulled Y/n closer, his breath hot against her ear.
"What's the matter, little one? You look surprised to see me."
"You were dead, Oliver said he killed you."
"Tell him to check for a pulse next time."
"Here we are!" Moira cheered, bringing a tray of whiskey glasses and the bottle.
"I can't stay." Y/n said. "I have some very important business that-"
"That can surely wait until after we give Mr. Wilson a tour of the mansion." Moira interrupted.
"Yes, Y/n. Why don't you stay?"
"Stay." Slade whispered. "If you leave me and they find this place, I won't be able to defend myself."
Y/n hesitated, ready to run out and find her brother, but her feelings for Slade pulled her back to his side.
"Alright, but one more hour and I'm hauling you out of here."
It was Y/n who saved him, who fought and defeated all those men to get him back to the plane. But he still had eyes for Shadow, when he was healed they began sparring again. Y/n had to watch as the man she loved was being swept off his feet by the woman who wanted Oliver.
She felt sick watching them roll around and tackle each other. Oliver could see how she felt and it made him sad, she deserved to be happy after all she had been through. It was because of him that she was cooped up on this island, nearly being killed every day.
"I'm outta here." Y/n muttered under her breath.
"Where are you going?" Slade asked, grabbing her arm.
"I don't know, I'm gonna go disarm a mine or catch a fish. Just let go of me."
He did. Watching her disappear through the trees, oblivious to how she felt for him.
"What's her problem?"
Oliver shrugged and went back to fumbling with a stick.
Y/n walked through the forest, climbing a tall tree and watching a few soldiers sneak around. She jumped down and took them out, bringing them to a cliff and pushing their bodies off.
She could feel the anger building inside her, the pent up rage just wanting to get out. Y/n wanted to hate Shadow, but it wasn't her fault. She felt so controlled being stuck on the island, not being able to leave, having to worry that she'd wake up in a cage or not wake up at all.
"You have a lovely home, Miss Queen." Slade said, kissing her hand.
"Oh please, call me Moira."
"Of course, Moira. Unfortunately I have to be going, I look forward to seeing you again."
"As do I. Y/n could you see Mr. Wilson to his car?"
Y/n nodded and lead him outside. The trip was quiet, all she could hear was her heart pounding in her ears.
"Slade, why are you here?" She asked, watching as he got in his car.
"Five years ago I made you a promise, Y/n. Well I'm here to fulfill it."
Y/n pointed a gun to his head, tears running down her cheeks.
"You won't do it, princess. You and I both know, your heart won't let you. Best to stop pretending to be someone you're not."
"I won't let you kill her." She whispered.
"How do you know it's Moira I'll kill? Maybe it'll be Oliver, or Thea. We'll just have to see, won't we?"
Tears stung Y/n's eyes as she sat with Slade, the others had already left but she couldn't pull herself away just yet. The sight of him drove a knife through her, his dead body leaned against a crate. A lantern casting their shadows over the wall, the cold of the room making Y/n feel so lost and alone.
"I'm so sorry." She whispered. "If I could've saved you I would've, even if I had to suffer through watching you fawn over Shadow. Id go through that pain, just to have you breath again."
She couldn't hold back anymore, her quiet sobs filled the room as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his shoulder.
"I would give my life for you Slade."
The sound of people yelling outside ripped Y/n from her sorrow. She took Slade's gun and slowly made her way to the noise, watching as Shadow and Oliver were put to their knees by the same people they've been fighting on this island since they got here.
"Where is she!?" The leader yelled, pointing a gun at Oliver.
"I'm right here you fuckin chump!" Y/n called from over his shoulder.
"Ahh, Y/n. So good of you to join us, put her on her knees with her friends."
She was pushed to the ground next to Oliver, all she could think about was Slade as the man started his big speech on how long he's been trying to catch them.
"But you Y/n, you've caused me the most trouble." He growled. "Whenever I got close to finding you or perfecting the Mirakuru, you had to destroy it. You've ruined everything I worked for! So now...I'm gonna make you choose."
"What?" Y/n asked.
"You heard me! Choose! Who do I kill!? Shadow or Oliver!?"
She was stunned by his question, the pain of Slade's death still raw in her system.
"Who!? CHOOSE!"
"Me! You son of a bitch!" She cried. "Me! shoot me for fuck sake!"
The man chuckled, pointing the gun at Shadow. "Wrong answer."
The sound of a gun shot rang through her ears and Shadows lifeless body falling to the ground had Oliver screaming. Y/n shook her head, not knowing what else to do. She charged at the man, throwing him to the ground. Y/n took his gun and fired it at a few of his men, taking Oliver by the arm and running into the woods.
They made it back to the plane and Y/n collapsed, her breathing was rapid and her heart was racing. Her hands shook with the rest of her body as her vision went black.
"Oliver!" Y/n yelled, running into Arrows headquarters.
"What!? What's going on!?"
"It's Slade! He's back! I don't know how but he's back!"
Oliver ran over, wrapping his sobbing sister in a hug. The same memories racing through his head.
"It'll be alright, everything is gonna be alright."
"H-he's gonna kill you."
It had been weeks since Shadows death and here Y/n was running from more men with guns, she had just escaped a cell, and was on her way back to the plane when they came out of nowhere.
"Get her!" They yelled, racing through the trees and vines.
She was about to book it down a hill to the shore, when a hand came over her mouth, and she was pulled into that same hidden cave.
Y/n attempted to pushed the person away when she felt their chest against her back, but she was hushed by a familiar voice.
"Slade?" She asked, her own voice sounding shakey.
"Quiet, Princess. They're right outside."
They watched through the brush and vines as the men ran past and down the hill. Slade loosened his grip on her, allowing Y/n to turn around.
Her eyes scanned his face, not a scratch.
"How?" She asked.
"The Mirakuru. It healed me."
"It thought it killed you."
"Yeah, then it healed me."
Y/n pulled him into a hug, the feeling of his arms wrap around her made her heart race.
"Is Oliver and Shadow alright?" He asked.
Y/n slowly pulled away, dread written all over her face. "It's only me and Oliver now..."
Slade swallowed, "Where's Shadow?"
"After you died, we were captured. And a the guy that made the Mirakuru shot her."
His eyes filled with tears, "Do you know where he is?"
"Y-yes, Slade I'm so sorry."
"Can you take me to him?"
"...yeah, I can."
The two of them made it to the camp, they hid just outside and watched. Y/n could feel the anger and hurt radiating off of him. He's feeling just how she felt whenever she saw Slade and Shadow together.
"Is he in there?" He asked, pointing at the largest tent in the camp.
"Yeah, but he's got guards."
"You stay here, I'll make this quick."
Without another word he made his way through the brush and out of sight. Y/n did as she was told and stayed there, she was expecting him to be out within minutes but when an hour had passed, she knew something was wrong.
Y/n was about to go in after him when she heard a twig snap behind her, and a gun press to the back of her head.
She slowly put her hands up and turned around, it was the man that killed Shadow. His face was twisted into an evil grin. Y/n was about to jump at him, but before she could a hard object hit her in the side of the head.
Y/n woke up in a cell, it was wet and she could hear waves outside. She rolled over to see that she was below deck of a ship.
Y/n sat up clutching her head, she looked around to get her bearings. She saw the man who killed Shadow, a few of his guys and...Slade?
"Slade?" She asked.
He turned, the look in his eyes was hatred and pain. This wasn't Slade, not mentally anyway.
"Are you okay?"
He didn't answer, only stepped closer to the bars of her cell.
"He just shot her, huh?" He asked.
"Shadow! He just shot her!? Funny, he tells me you chose to have her shot!"
"Slade I-"
She was cut off by the feeling of a blade being pressed to her stomach.
"I wanna show you something."
He opened her cell door and stepped away so the guards could grab her, once again she was thrown to her knees in front of the same man.
"Show me how you did it." He growled.
"What?" The man asked.
Slade handed him his gun, "You killed her didn't you, show me how you did it."
"No, she chose."
"I chose?" Y/n asked, getting to her feet. "You wanna know what happened? All three of us were on our knees, he told me to choose but I was so torn from seeing you die that I couldn't comprehend what he said. So he said it again, and I told him to shoot me. And you know what he did?"
She stepped closer, "He laughed, he pointed the gun at her and said "Wrong choice" then he shot her."
Slade looked at her, he could see the tears in her eyes as well as what she was saying was the truth.
"I didn't choose Shadow, he did."
Y/n was expecting I'm to put down his weapon and let her go free, but that wasn't the case.
"I don't care." He said. "If you hadn't chosen yourself, Shadow would still be dead."
Slade turned to the man who killed her. "Is that how you pointed the gun?"
Slade suddenly sliced the man's hand off, taking Y/n by surprise.
"Take him out of here."
Y/n watched them drag him away as Slade slowly came towards her. "You love me." He whispered.
Her heart sank at his words, "How-"
"Oliver told me."
"Two days before I died."
Y/n felt small and helpless as he got even closer, towering over her.
"You would've chosen Shadow anyway, because you were jealous of her. You hated her didn't you? Because she had my love and you didn't."
"That's not true, Slade. I didn't hate her, she was my friend."
"No, I bet you were happy to see her die. Only to remember I was gone as well."
"This is the Mirakuru talking isn't it? You're not acting like yourself, the Slade I know wouldn't blame me for Shadows death!"
"It is your fault!"
"Then kill me! Then fuckin kill me!"
Slade shook his head, and began circling her. "No, you cannot die until you have suffered the same way I have suffered. Until you have felt every single shred of pain I have."
He got close to her once again, she could feel his hot breath against her neck.
"I won't kill you, until you feel complete despair. And you will...I promise."
To be continued...
I hope you enjoyed ❤️
Reblogs are welcome 🤗
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gulnarsultan · 11 months
bruce wayne x reader, scenario where she is a powerful sorceress who is part of the justice league, Bruce likes her but acts as if he doesn't feel anything for her.
The reader even likes Bruce but he has already hinted that he doesn't feel anything for her, so when the Terminator says that the two of them would make good lovers, the reader just smirks and blushes, Bruce gets jealous and Clark and Diana notice.
When on a mission the league goes to the future and a 10 year old boy finds them and then looks at the shocked batman and says "dad" and then everyone is shocked when the boy says he is the son of bruce and the reader.
Bruce and the reader are shocked and then Bruce realizes that maybe he doesn't need to hide his feelings and he can have a family with the reader.
At the end of the mission and the revelation of the son they are going to have, Bruce goes to the reader's apartment and when he gets there, the one who opens the door is Slade Wilson without armor and looks in shock and then Slade gives him a smile and tells him to come in.
When the reader gets out of the shower and sees Slade and Bruce staring at each other in the living room with glasses of whiskey in their hands and then asks what's going on and Slade says "Our golden boy came here because he finally realized his feelings for you, only he I didn't count on my presence my love" and then the reader looks at Bruce and wonders if he's going to say something, and then Bruce says "it's true, I didn't count on your presence".
And then the three of them have an nsfw moment.
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I wholeheartedly believe that these two men will compete against each other as to who gets the reader pregnant first. There will always be competition between them.
With Slade, your lips meet with lust. Slade's hands caress your body. Bruce immediately strips off his clothes. Bruce starts kissing and gnawing the back of your neck. Bruce grabbing your nipples and making fun of your nipples. Bruce is sitting on the sofa. Slade guides you towards Bruce. Slowly Bruce's dick goes into your asshole.
The Bruce tool finally settles within you. Bruce grabs your knees and spreads your legs. You squeak when Slade gets into your wet pussy. Both get you fast. Finally, the three of you reach orgasm. Slade and Bruce cum inside you. They fill you with their sperm.
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froggyfics · 4 months
Play Fighting
You have a training session with Slade.
This was suppose to come out in September 2023...It's now February 2024. We're gonna just be happy this is finally completed.
Additional note at the bottom
I categorized this as a fem!reader, just because I mentioned “girl” once in this fic. So, I hope that those who prefer gender neutral readers will still enjoy this. 
Feedback is always appreciated. Feel free to message me privately or comment below to let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is always welcome! 
Pairing: Slade Wilson x fem!reader
Theme: Fluff
Word Count: 1,279
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You grunt as your back crudely hits the mat once again. The pain shocks your system, but you’re not at all surprised that you’re in this position.
“I told you, I’m not good at this stuff,” you grumble.
“Get back up,” he commands.
Rage surges through your body and if looks could kill, he would be six feet under already.  He laughs heartily, with his palm clutching his chest.
“You think you can intimidate me, doll? A little girl like you?”
His mocking tone acts as a battery for you, and your depleted energy disappears. You grab the sword that you dropped on the ground and position yourself in a battle stance. 
“Make sure you protect your chin,” he instructs.
You ignore his suggestion.
“Protect your chin,” he repeats.
“Protect your own chin,” you mutter.
He doesn’t respond with words, but instead lunges at you. The speed at which he travels makes you shriek, and you can’t help but drop your sword and cover yourself with your arms. You glue your eyes shut, waiting for the impact.
It never comes. Seconds pass before you slowly open your eyes once again. He’s just standing there with a smirk on his face and his arms crossed. His hair droops down due to his sweat and is sticking out in different directions. The rash guard he has on clings to his body - his muscles barely contained by the thin polyester. The sight of him in front of you makes you salivate, but of course, you can’t let him know that you’re desperately attracted to him. You have an intense crush on him, but you know better than to fall for those ocean blue eyes – sorry – eye. 
“Stop looking at me like that, Slade! C’mon,” you exclaim, as you pick your weapon back up. You can’t stand how he looks pityingly at you. “Fight me like a man!” You try to goad him, but Slade, ever the patient one, refuses to indulge you. 
You beg, plead, and even shout expletives at him to resume the training session. Slade continues to stand in front of you, arms crossed, with that knowing smile on his face. 
The situation is more frustrating given that your gaze falls onto his lips every few seconds. You’re so angry that you can’t control your own impulses. It’s cruel that a man with such a hideous personality could look so attractive.
Well, if he’s not going to fight you, you’ll have to bring the fight to him.
You leap towards him, sword in hand, stabbing the air repeatedly as Slade easily dodges your every attack. He’s light on his feet for a man of his stature. Within seconds, you can feel your fatigue overcome you, especially in your arm.
“Getting tired?”
“Not at all,” you heave. You’re definitely tired, but you won’t let Slade in on that information.
“You can tell me if ya get tired. I know pretty girls like you aren’t used to being pushed around like this,” he purrs.
Thankfully, your face is already red from the training session, otherwise, his comment would’ve made you look like a tomato. 
Something in the air changes once the word leaves your mouth. Slade no longer has a playful smirk on his face. He neither smiles nor frowns, but his eye gives away his true feelings. He’s glaring at you.
He lunges at you once more. This time, you don’t cower. You desperately swipe at him with your sword, but it’s useless against him. 
He’s suddenly within arm’s reach, and he slaps your wrist with an open palm. You nearly lose your grip on your sword’s handle, but you recover quickly. 
“I like you girl, but you got one hell of a bratty attitude. Don’t think I won’t teach you a lesson if I got to.”
“You seemed fine with my attitude not too long ago.” You struggle against his grasp, but he has a firm grip on you.
“Yeah? Well, my patience has run out.”
“That’s too bad, I like giving you an attitude.”
He forcibly yanks your arm, and suddenly you’re dangerously close to him. You’re so close that you can smell him. He smells a bit of sweat, with an undercurrent of…vanilla?
“I like correcting attitudes.”
A polite smile crosses your face. “Wait till I tell everyone that the big, bad Deathstroke uses girly body wash. You smell like a bakery.”
Pain radiates up and down the column of your spine. Your back hits the mat before you even register that Slade had leg sweeped you.
For the millionth time in this training session, he has the advantage. He hovers above you in a lunge - triumph oozing out of him. 
You want to humble him so badly. 
He clutches his hip after you punch the bony part of his pelvis as hard as you could. The punch distracts him momentarily, but it’s long enough for you to slither your way out from under him. 
For good measure, you slap him once. Redness immediately begins to surge on his cheek as his capillaries break. You know you’re definitely going to regret doing that later, but you just couldn't resist!
You swing your sword and stop just before it connects to his neck.
Slade wobbles for a moment, still in a lunge, but rights himself within a few seconds. His gaze moves from the sword to you and back to the sword several times. 
It’s at this moment that you think you’ve gone too far, specifically with the slap. Sure, you’re cheeky with Slade every once in a while, but he's always real quick to set you straight when he’s not in the mood.
Based on his expression, he’s not in the mood right now.
However, he’s right where you want him. The upper hand you have - however momentary - makes you all the more confident to do what you’ve been wanting to do for so long.
“Kiss me.”
Slade rarely gets caught by surprise, so you revel in his stupor. “You have a sword to my throat,” he responds with an air of disbelief.
You roll your eyes. “Don’t act like you can’t get out of this situation.”
He doesn’t move. You continue to stare at one another. Sweat gathers in the crevices between your palm and the sword handle, loosening your grip. You swallow loudly. Has it always been this hot in here? Did you just make it creepy? Can he not be this damn irresistible?
“Kiss me,” you whine, a bit more desperately this time.
He sighs deeply, taking a moment to mull over his options.
“Fine,” he says. He leans forward to reach your lips, and you raggedly bend over to meet him halfway. The sharp blade presses into his neck, but he doesn’t seem to notice.
When he’s near centimeters from your face, a great idea crosses your mind. An idea that would solidify your victory for this training session. You let him lean even more closely to you - so close that his eye begins to close in preparation for the kiss. Once his eye closes, you remove the sword from his neck and swiftly move to the side.
The sword acted as a barrier for Slade to keep him upright - once the sword was removed, he fell forward. 
Any other person would have laughably landed on their face, but Slade, ever the skillful mercenary, plants his palms on the floor and pulls himself into a half-plank position. 
He turns his face to look at you with a look of annoyance.
You unceremoniously drop the blade and place your hands on your hips. “Oh, Slade, you take things way too seriously. We were only just play fighting!”
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Note: I got the prompt "kiss me...you have a sword to my throat" from @celestialwrites however!!!!! I cannot find for the life of me the exact post that inspired me
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jasntodds · 1 year
Caving In [10]
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Pairing: Gar Logan x Fem!Powered!Reader, Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader
Words: 17,220 
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, fluff, canon typical things, canon violence, mentions of blood, mentions of injuries, angst, there’s a mention of dissociation in a nonchalant manner, a mention of drug addiction, reader and jason share 1 braincell while gar gets to have his own, it’s the start of the deathstroke chapters so lol, kidnapping
Summary: ❝Tell me Atlas: What is heavier, The world or its people’s hearts?❞ You never expected your life to end up this way, turned upside down by an infamous Gotham villain. It’s been a living hell, every single day, until Dick Grayson brings you to Titans tower where you meet Gar Logan and Jason Todd.
A/N: Should I tell you guys who the endgame is? lol Because I do know that and have it all plotted out lol I am easily motivated to post more often when I get feedback 😂 You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary​ and turn on notifications if you prefer that!!
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When Dick comes back to the tower, Rose is still with him. The four of you are collectively surprised until you find out it’s because there was a bomb in the jeep that almost killed the two of them. That’s a fair reason to have a second thought about staying at the tower. But, that brings up the perfect opportunity for you, Gar, and Jason to tell Dick about Deathstroke being Rose’s dad. Dick didn’t have a reaction you could read well but asked to see what you all found, completely choosing to ignore how you found out. That’s a discussion for another time.
In the comms lab, all of you gather around the computer where everything about Rose and Deathstroke is still pulled up for Dick to see.
“That’s Rose’s father?” Rachel asks.
“Yep. The one and only Deathstroke.” Jason’s voice has hints of amazement, the smallest of grins pulling at the left corner of his mouth. Of course, Jason would find it fascinating.
“Is that somebody you know?” Rachel asks, turning to look at Dick.
“Kind of, old Titans business.” Dick says, keeping a straight face and you raise your brows. Yeah, old Titans business as in he killed one of them.
“Check it,” Gar brings up another screen. “Former Delta Force Commando part of hive.” Gar says, the last part almost sounding like a question. “Select soldiers who underwent a series of experimental bio-enhancements.” Gar pauses for a second. “Huh, out of the thirty-five trial subjects, the only one to survive was Slade Wilson.” Gar pauses for another second reading the screen. “Interpol says he retired years ago after the death of his son, Jericho. I-I tried having the computer find something--”
“I’ll take it from here.” Dick cuts Gar off, walking over to him and exiting out of the screens with Rose and Slade.
All of the you watch him with suspension but before anyone can question him, the security alarm goes off. Dick pulls up the screen to the front door where three people are standing.
“So, I guess you changed the code.” The woman with dark hair says.
“Finally.” Rachel says, a large smile on display as she sounds relieved.
“Who’s here?” You ask, looking around the room, not able to see onto the smaller monitor in front of Dick.
“You’ll love them.” Rachel beams, walking over to you and grabbing your hand to pull you along. “Donna, Dawn, and Hank.” Rachel starts as the two of you walk down the hallway, the two boys right behind you. “Donna is Wondergirl.” Rachel starts.
“Sorry, what now? Wondergirl like THE Wondergirl?” Your voice raises, excitement flooding your tone.
“Yep! Dawn, the one with white hair, she’s Dove and Hank is Hawk.” Rachel explains.
“The original Titans, okay.” You nod your head and you are so excited.
The original Titans, that’s awesome, actually one of the coolest things that’s ever happened. They’re real superheroes and it’s Wondergirl. One of the coolest heroes ever. And to top it off, that means the tower is gaining two more women in the tower which is always a plus. Rachel and the boys, including Jason, actually seem really excited to see them which is all a good sign to you.
“You guys have no clue how much this place misses you.” Rachel says as she greets Dawn.
Dawn embraces her in a hug. “This place, huh?”
“Mostly just me.” Rachel says.
“And me, too.” Gar says before he gets his own hug from Dawn, you staying back and observing. It is weird that this is like a thing. They’re all…friends.
“Hey, you’re new.” Hank says from the back, looking behind Gar to you.
You nods. “I am.” You step forward awkwardly, Gar gesturing a hand out to introduce you.
“This is Y/n.” Gar beams.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/n.” Dawn’s voice is sweet and soft. “I’m Dawn, he’s Hank, and that’s Donna.” She says as she jerks her head towards Donna who’s just finished giving Rachel a hug.
“You, too. Original Titans.” You say, a gleaming smile coming to your face. You’re nearly bouncing with excitement while trying not to make it seems obvious how cool this is.
“That’s us.” Hank says, a little exasperation in his voice. “Got any…talents we should know about?” Hank asks.
You hold your hands up, as if to be surrendering before your palms start glowing. That catches everyone’s attention. “Acid generation.”
“And combat clairvoyance.” Jason says from his spot near the fireplace. He doesn’t do the whole ‘welcome back’, ‘glad to see you again’ reunions even if he is glad to have them around.
“Well, alright then.” Hank nods, seeming to approve.
“Did Dick find you?” Dawn asks.
“He did.” You keep it short, not wanting to go over the play-by-play yet again.
“He has a thing for strays.” Donna says, giving you a quick smile.
“Noticed.” You laugh softly.
“Where’s Kory?” Rachel asks, looking to Donna.
You look to Gar for clarification. "The cool alien that sounds like a badass?"
"Yeah," Gar chuckles. "That's Kory.
Dick walks up from behind you and Gar, gaining the entire room’s attention. He asks if they were followed but it doesn’t seem like they were. You, Gar, Jason, and Rachel look around, confused by the question but none of you have the nerve to ask.
“Can you guys give us a minute, please?” Dick asks the four of you.
None of you question him and just do as he asks, Jason hanging back a second wanting to be involved but Dick asks him to leave, too. The four of you go off to your rooms to change for training practice. That’s more than likely what Dick wants you to do while he talks to the older Titans anyway. And it’s a pretty easy way to waste time as you wait for further information. So, you all get changed and head to the training room.
You run through a few drills before agreeing to start a sparring session the way Dick wants you to train. Blindfolds and wooden swords, preparing for the day someone tries to take your other senses from you. You have specific instructions to try and ignore the throbbing in the back of your head while you spar because ‘one day it may not be there and you shouldn’t rely on it’. You just roll your eyes whenever Dick says that. It always sounds so dumb even if he might be right. Whatever Jerry did to you, there isn’t any telling if it’s actually permanent. So, you do your best to ignore it.
The four of you get your blindfolds on, taking positions on the mat with your wooden swords and arm pads to protect yourselves. You stretch your shoulders while Gar hunkers towards the floor, Rachel moving her neck side to side and Jason preparing to attack the three of you. It’s never on purpose, but you do tend to gang up on him a little. Jason is just a force when sparring. It’s like the three of you don’t stand a great chance unless you end up working together. It’s never planned but it seems to always play out that way in the end, with you still usually losing.
“Ready?” Jason asks.
“Yep.” You say.
“Ready.” Rachel confirms.
“Let’s go.” Gar says, Gar and Jason the most serious sounding of the four of you.
Gar lunges forward first, his sword almost hitting Jason as Jason swings at Rachel. You swing your sword near Gar, tapping his arm. And the sparring begins. The throbbing in your head is annoying. It’s not painful but annoying. One of the good things about sparring with three people is everyone is fighting for their lives at the same time. You have a harder time figuring out where the throbbing is pointing in a situation like this because ignoring it isn’t exactly that easy.
When you’re just sparring with Jason or Gar, the throbbing is specifically located wherever they are. If they’re behind you, it’s in the very back of your head right at the base. But if they’re to the side, the throbbing switches and leans closer to whatever side they’re on. This is different though because all three of the others are coming from all different directions and it actually forces you to figure out where they are based on movement and the sounds they make, the sounds of their feet, the wooshing of the air. It’s not easy. The throbbing is still distracting.
Jason hits Gar in the back, sending him forward and in a quick motion, he gets you in the stomach, sending you right into Gar as you both fall to the ground. Before even taking a breath, Jason smacks Rachel in the head, sending her to the ground.
“Houston, we have contact!” Jason yells as he rips his blindfold off.
“You okay?” Gar asks as he takes his blindfold off, still on the floor with you.
“Yeah, you?” You ask, taking your own blindfold off only for you to see a cloud of black stringy smoke coming out of Rachel.
The two of you get to your feet, watching with a sense of worry and a touch of horror. You’ve never seen Rachel’s powers before but now you consider yourself lucky for that. You knew it was a little strange and it is dangerous. Rachel doesn't have much control over it and she tried to explain it to you in a little more detail but seeing it is a completely different story. It's a bit terrifying to say the least.
“Are we still sparring?” Jason asks, getting the sense that Rachel is definitely not sparring.
“That doesn’t look good.” You mutter to Gar. 
“Rachel?” Gar asks with caution but not daring to move toward her.
Rachel’s eyes glow red with the gem-like piece in the center of her forward while she gets to her feet and faces Jason. The slime-like sometimes surrounds her before she lunges forward and grabs Jason by the neck, levitating them both far above the ground. Gar and you watch in a sense of horror as the dark material circles Rachel and Jason.
“Rachel.” Jason chokes out.
Rachel looks to the side with the real swords, tilting them towards Jason. Your mouth falls open as you stand in a mix of panic and shock.
“What the fuck do we do? We have to do something!” You panic to Gar.
“I-I don’t know!” He says. “Um…shoot…acid at them, I guess?” The comment is more facetious than literal.
You narrow your eyes at him. “And make her more angry?!”
“Rachel stop!” Gar urges and that seemed to be all it takes.
Rachel’s eyes widen, the red fading immediately as she drops Jason to the floor. He lands hard on his back while Rachel lands easily on her feet. You immediately rushes over to Jason while Gar stands in the corner, almost too afraid to move from his spot. Jason brushes you off as he gets to his feet, storming over to Rachel.
“You stay away from me, you fucking freak.” Jason’s voice is ragged.
Rachel’s eyes are wide with the remark but you can’t exactly blame Jason. Rachel almost killed him. Just last night, the four of you were discussing if Rose should stay or she’d kill you all. But, Rachel, who does live here, actually did almost kill Jason. All you and Gar can do from your spots if give a wince.
“Everything okay?” Dick walks in just in time, seeing the four of you not looking so good.
Everyone looks to Dick but stays silent for a few seconds. Gar doesn’t wanna get Rachel in trouble or piss Jason off further so he stays silent. You’re right along with Gar, not wanting to make either one of them angrier. And you wouldn’t want them to tell Dick if you suddenly lost control.
“No, it’s not.” Jason breaks the silence walking over to Dick. “Look, I don’t like being left out of whatever plans you relics are cooking up out there, alright?” Jason’s voice raises as he points a finger at Dick.
Dick lets out a scoff, a humored grin pulling at his lips. “You didn’t miss anything.” Dick assures him. “Gar,” Dick jerks his head at Gar. “I need ya.”
“Hey, what about me?” Jason asks.
“Keep practicing.” Dick says before walking off, Gar giving the room an apologetic glance before following behind him.
Jason walks back over to Rachel, fire in his steps. “You need to have that shit looked at…by like a fucking priest.” Jason's words are venomous as he storms off.
Rachel stands there for a second before turning to look at you. You’re on your feet again, giving her an apologetic look. Jason might be your friend but he does hit below the belt sometimes. Of course, you get it. Rachel definitely could have killed him and that’s terrifying, you know from first-hand experience but he should know Gar and you would have found a way to step in if she were going to kill him. You would have shot acid at Rachel if you needed to. He was fine and he is fine, seemingly at least. He should cut Rachel some slack.
“You okay?” You ask walking over to Rachel.
“I didn’t mean to.” Rachel says, her voice filled of defeat.
“Yeah, I know.” You nod. “He was kind of mean.” You scrunch your nose. “I’m sorry about him.”
“It's not your fault. He’s just an asshole.” Rachel rolls her eyes.
“He is.” You agree. “He is my friend though so I feel I should apologize on his behalf.” You chuckle softly. “Seriously, are you okay though? I mean…with….whatever that was?”
“Yeah,” Rachel nods softly. “I try to control it but it just happens sometimes.”
“Like the scratches?”
“Yeah, I don’t know what to do.”
“Have you tried meditating?” You question, Rachel furrowing her brows at you. “I mean, in theory, it should work, right? Calm you down, ease your mind of the bullshit. I guess…I don’t know. I didn’t meditate or anything but I dissociated enough that it worked, not that that’s a good example. But, maybe in the same sense that meditation could help you control it. It’s worth a shot, right?” You offer.
Rachel lets out a sigh. “Yeah, maybe.” Rachel nods softly. “Thank you.”
“‘Course.” You give her a soft smile. “I’m gonna go check on the little shit and make sure he’s not doing something fucking stupid.” You roll your eyes. “If you wanna talk more about it though, just lemme know.” You give Rachel a kind smile and Rachel nods.
You go to find Jason who’s made it to his room by the time you get there. He’s blaring his music, door shut. You roll your eyes as you make a fist, slamming it against the door so he can hear it over the music. You’ve come to figure out Jason listens to a lot of death metal a lot louder when he’s upset about something. It’s only a few seconds before Jason swings the door open, nearly pulling it from the hinges.
“What?” He asks, venom in his voice and jaw clenching.
Jason isn’t in the mood for talking about it. It’s a thing that happened and on top of that, Dick wants Gar’s help. Gar is his friend, but Jason has more experience with whatever the Titans are up to. He’s Robin, after all. He’s getting shoved to the side and every bit of it makes him want to scream and fight everyone in sight.
“Move.” You scoff at him, pushing past him and walking into his room. Jason stands there for a second as if to be processing what just happened like Internet Explorer.
“Sure, come in.” Jason huffs, shutting the door.
You pull the needle from the record, looking at him with wide eyes. “Death metal, really?” You cross your arms over your chest. “And this loud?” 
“Maybe you just need better taste in music.” Jason quips, leaning against his door with a sutble grin but his stance is still rigged.
“Because the thespian would know better music.” You tease, gaining a smirk as you watches Jason’s grin fall, steam nearly coming out his ears. “I’m fucking joking, calm down. Fuck.” You groan with wide eyes. “I just came to check on you.”
“I’m fine.” Jason mutters, looking to the floor for just a second.
“Mhm, yeah, being fine is definitely a normal feeling after being lifted ten feet in the air by your neck with several sharp swords pointed at you.” You quip. 
“I’m fine.” Jason grits his teeth.
“Well, in that case, you gotta cut Rachel some fucking slack, man.” You urge him, figuring if he’s not gonna talk about it, you might as well go on about Rachel. “It’s not her fault and I know that you know that.” You let out an exasperated sigh. Gar is normally the mediator between the two of them, on the account that you tend to take Jason's side a lot more than Rachel's. Gar is better at putting aside bias.
“She could have fucking killed me!” Jason pushes himself off of his door.
“I know.” You nod. “Which is fucked up, I’m not saying it’s not. It’s just…” You pause. “It’s different for people like us.”
“You don’t have any problems with it.” Jason huffs and he can’t believe of all people, you’re defending Rachel right now.
You pauses because yes you do but that’s not exactly easy to admit. But, this is Jason. “Okay,” You suck in a breath. “Promise not to tell anyone, especially Gar and Dick?” You ask.
Jason raises a brow at you. “Yeah? Okay.”
“Sometimes, I wake up from a nightmare with my hands glowing. I haven’t…burned or melted anything but they’re glowing and warm so…I don’t have nearly as much control as everyone thinks I do.” You chew on the inside of your cheek, dodging Jason’s eyes.
Jason seems to sit on that for a second. You’ve never almost burned any of them even when you get annoyed or angry. Your hands never even glowed once when you beat up Jerry, not once. Jason fully expected to have to deal with your powers but nothing. You seemed normal in that moment, no powers, no special abilities. He almost finds it hard to believe you can’t control your powers when you’re asleep. But, you also don’t lie to him.
“I also melted a mug my second day here by accident.” You clear your throat.
“How’d the hell you do that?” Jason chuckles this time, finding that more believable than the nightmares.
“I figured out Dick was Robin and Bruce was Batman. Long story short, I’ve got a bit of an issue with the two of them letting Joker fuck around and kill people, my mom included.” You shake your head, seeing Jason doing the math in his head trying to figure out if it was Dick at the time your mom was killed. “It was Dick, it wasn’t you. You took over, if my math is right, somewhere around six months to a year later.”
“Hadn’t thought of it like that.” Jason looks to his shoes before looking back at You. “Bruce not killing the Joker and shit, the consequences.” Jason clarifies.
He’s questioned Bruce’s methods, of course. He also thinks maybe some of those bad guys shouldn’t be allowed to escape Arkham. But, Bruce always said they’re there to protect people, not kill them. Killing the bad guys, makes them just as bad. It’s a line they can’t cross because it’ll be easier to cross the next time. But, at what point is enough enough when it comes to the Joker? How many people could be saved if it were just that one guy? Jason pushes the thought away though.
“Yeah, most don’t.” You clear your throat. “SO, I’m saying you should cool off and be upset about it, obviously, it looked scary from where I was standing, too but maybe don’t be a dick to her about it.”
Jason is stubborn but you bring up good points. Maybe, he could make an attempt to somewhat try and understand Rachel a little bit. Maybe.
“Whatever.” Jason huffs, caving in.
“Mhm, thank you, Jay.” Your voice waves as you walk over to him.
“Yeah.” Jason still looks displeased.
“Or pout about it.” You chuckle, getting a glare from Jason.
“I’m not pouting.” Jason huffs, but there’s a tint of smile coming to his face.
“Mhm.” You hum. “Well, I’m gonna wait for Gar, have fun being angry with your death metal.” You grin at him, see a full smile coming to Jason’s face.
“Yeah.” Jason shrug as you walk past him, leaving him alone.
You go back to your room, keeping the door open as you wait to find out what Dick needed Gar for. It still bugs you a bit that Dick picked Gar to help and not Jason but Jason was definitely not in a talking mood. You didn’t wanna push your luck with him. So, you hang out in your room and just wait with Ginny & Georgia playing on the TV.
As the second episode plays, a knock sounds on your door. You look over the back of the couch to see Gar walking into your room with a sappy smile on his lips. He walks over to the couch and plops down beside you.
“Whatcha watching?” He asks, chipper as usual.
“Ginny & Georgia, it was just added to Netflix.” You gesture towards the TV.
“How is it?” He asks.
“It’s good!” You say with enthusiasm. “I love Joe so much already. I hope he gets to stay happy.” You pout at Gar.
Gar chuckles softly. “Cool if I watch with you, then?” He asks, eyes filled of happiness and hope.
“Yeah! I’m only on episode two so you haven’t missed much. Georgia’s husband died and she doesn’t seem sad about it. They moved from Texas to Wellsbury which is on the east coast. Ginny and Austin are her kids and Ginny hooked up with her neighbor. That’s about it.” You laugh softly.
“Oh, well, okay then.” Gar nods along. “Is it….a comedy?”
“Eh,” You shrug a shoulder. “It’s more of drama. Like it has some comedy but it’s more dramatic.” You explain. “I think Georgia killed her husband so like there’s that.”
Gar’s eyes widen. “Definitely a drama.” He laughs.
“Oh, yeah.” You laugh in agreement.
The two of you focus your attention on the TV and you move closer to Gar, resting your legs over his lap. It makes Gar chuckle but he just goes with it, putting his hands on your shins and you watch together, making easy conversation about what’s going on in the show. This is a comfortable thing you’ve gotten into the habit of doing.
Gar will be playing video games so you sit next to him, usually always touching him in some way or Gar will come into your room where you’re watching TV and he’ll just plop down to watch whatever has your interest. You always moves to sit with your legs over him. And the two of you always make conversation about what’s going on and you get really dramatic and excited when you talk about your shows, it’s how Gar thinks he sounds but you’re not annoying. Sometimes, he thinks he just gets annoying about it but hearing you ramble about why you love a character or hate another, he could listen to that all day even if he has no idea what you’re talking about. It’s so comfortable for him.
After a few more episodes, you both realize no one has bothered you in a few hours. Neither of you even have a text from Dick about training. The older Titans must be keeping him occupied which is definitely nice. Training isn’t actually all that bad and it gives you all something to do. But, Dick doesn’t really give you a day to break. None of you have anything else to do, so Dick just makes sure you’re training all the time in one way or another. The four of you get it, you have to prepare for the big bads, but having a day off here and there would also be nice. And right now, it looks like you’re actually getting the night off and you’re enjoying it.
“Hey, want some popcorn?” You ask, peeling your eyes away from the TV to look at Gar.
“Yes, please.” Gar beams. “Want me to get it?”
“Nah,” You shake your head, sliding your legs off of Gar. “I got it.” You give him a smile. “Just pause it and make sure it doesn’t shut off.”
“Got it.” Gar gives you a nod, grabbing the remote from the coffee table in front of him.
You rush off to the kitchen where you find Rachel making herself a glass of sweet tea. You move around her, grabbing a bag of popcorn and popping it in the microwave before you grab a large bowl to pour it into. You sit on the counter, opposite Rachel, as you wait for the popcorn to start. Just as you get situated and Rachel finishes making her tea, Rose walks in. Instead of gauze, Rose is daunting an eyepatch over the eye that’s now missing.
“Don’t think we got introduced,” Rachel starts. “I’m Rachel.”
“Y/n.” You chime in, with a half-wave from your spot.
“I’m Rose.” Rose says.
“Pretty name.” Rachel says.
“Yeah, maybe too pretty now.” Rose says. “Patch has a nice ring to it.” Rose finishes as you let out a huff.
“I still think you’re really pretty.” You let out a scoff, giving Rose a smile. Rose’s brows furrow at you and Rachel rolls her eyes.
“You hang out with Jason too much.” Rachel states, getting a confused and offended look from you just as your popcorn starts to pop.
“I don’t get this.” Rose starts, ignoring the both of yours and Rachel’s comments to each other while she takes a seat in one of the chairs. “The whole living situation, this some kind of euro hostel or something?” Rose quips making you chortle.
Rachel lets out a huff. “No, we’re just friends.”
“Dick’s got a thing for plucking strays off the streets.” You add in.
"I'm not a stray." Rose defends, but her voice isn't stern or annoyed.
“We saw what happened.” Rachel looks between you and Rose.
“Saw what?” Rose inquires.
“Dick has access to the city’s surveillance cameras.” Rachel explains.
“We saw everything. You fighting and escaping, the whole thing.” You finish.
“Guy with the sword?” Rachel asks.
“My dad.” Rose gains a sarcastic grin.
You give her a yikes expression before hopping off the counter and going to the microwave as the popcorn starts to slow down its popping. Somehow, all of you have fucked up home lives. Seriously, is that a requirement to even be here?
“I’m sorry.” Rachel says.
“Dads suck.” You declare, opening the microwave.
“No dad of the year mug for him.” Rose quips before looking to Rachel. “That thing in your forehead, bold choice.” Rose nods her head.
You pour your popcorn into a bowl as you listen to Rachel, you actually don’t know the story behind it. You never asked.
“Not my choice.” Rachel shakes her head. “My dad put it there for me.”
“He did?” Your voice is filled of surprise and confusion.
“Yep.” Rachel holds out the word a little.
Now, that’s also weird. You figured it has to do with her powers since it lit up when she levitated her and Jason earlier. You have so many questions about it but Rachel’s singular word about it is probably a good indicator that she doesn’t like to talk about it. You can’t blame her there.
“Where’s he?” Rose asks.
“I got rid of him.” Rachel declares.
“Got rid of as in…? Killed him?” Rose asks.
“Yeah, kind of.” Rachel tries to brush it off as she scoffs.
“What about you?” Rose looks to you who’s standing on the other side of Rachel.
“Drug addict who bailed before I was born, foster dad almost beat me to death though.” You state, an almost sarcastic tone coats your words. “Ligature scars from the ordeal.” You lift your arms just slightly so your sleeves fall down enough to show the scars.
“Shit.” Rose states.
“Clearly, the tower is filled with people who had outstanding father figures.” You quips, getting a slight nudge from Rachel.
“Is that what you wanted to do to your father? Kill him?” Rachel asks.
“I did.” Rose nods. “But, uh, I thought everything would be different if he just went away.”
“Doesn’t always work.” Rachel takes a drink from her tea. “Right, Y/n?”
“I know you want me to agree with you but…” You pause. “I gotta say, I’m pretty content with my actual dad fucking off somewhere and me beating the shit out of Jerry now that it’s happened.”
Was that night a mess? Yes. But, talking with Jason about it has made you feel a lot better about it. He's told you countless times he deserved it and because of that, you did save that kid. You got your revenge and now he can't do that to anyone ever again. It didn't help that night, and maybe the act of beating him up didn't help, but preventing him from hurting anyone else did.
“Seriously?” Rachel voice is disapproving. 
You shrug. “I’m not gonna lie.” You laugh softly.
“Guess we’re all members of the bad dads club.” Rose gives the two of you a genuine smile.
“Platinum members.” Rachel scoffs.
“With a discount in endless trauma.” You quip.
“Benefits kind of suck.” Rose states.
“Members are pretty cool.” Rachel smiles softly, Rose matching the smile.
“What do you guys do all day anyway?” Rose questions.
“Train.” Rachel’s voice is flat.
“Listen to everyone complain about training.” You let out a muttered scoff.
“As if you’re not enjoying the night off with Gar.” Rachel quips.
“I am having a lovely time.” You grin. “Which is why, I’m going back to my room where he’s waiting.”
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Rachel mocks.
“We are friends, Rachel.” You defend.
“Okay, Y/n.”
You roll your eyes. “Okay, Rachel.” You mock her before walking off back to your room where Gar is still sitting in the same position.
You think about the conversation you had with Rachel about the boys. There was so much you couldn’t tell Rachel about Jason. Jason would kill you and Rachel would definitely tease him about it, even if it just slipped. You don’t want that to happen. It’s your thing and you kind of like that no one knows about it. You can’t really explain it, but it’s just nice not having everyone know about it.
With Gar, everything is out in the open which is also fine because that’s just Gar. He doesn’t hide things from people, he wears his emotions on his sleeve. It’s something you actually admire about him and it’s one of the things you like about him. But, in a way, there’s this pressure you don’t like. Rachel knew you liked him and she thinks Gar likes you, too. Part of it is on you, sleeping in his room, making him pancakes. But, you just wish you were normal because then it would be this normal gossip thing where no one knows for sure. In the tower, surrounded by people all the time though, everything is so fucking transparent. The tower might as well be wrapped in cellophane. So, you take a seat next to Gar and don’t say anything about how you feel because you like him but you like Jason, too.
“Talked with Rose.” You start, resting your legs over Gar’s as you get comfortable, holding the bowl of popcorn on your lap but close enough so Gar can have some.
“Yeah? What’s she like?” Gar asks, his left hand resting on your shins as his right plucks a piece of popcorn from the bowl.
“Daddy issues like the rest of us.” You chortle, tossing a piece of popcorn into your mouth.
"We knew that, though." Gar chuckles with you, finding you amusing.
"Yeah," You shrug. "I don't know, didn't talk long but she seems cool. Rachel is still in the kitchen with her."
"Think she'll stay?" Gar raises a brow and it worked out with you staying. He's worried about her being Deathstroke's daughter, which might put all of you at risk. But, if she's really in danger. Gar hopes she'll stay. It's safe here.
You scrunch your face with uncertainty. "Ehh," You shrug. "She doesn't seem too pleased with the place. So, I dunno. I hope she does. It helped me." You give Gar a sweet smile.
"Yeah, I think it'd be nice. We'll have to keep Jason off of her though." Gar chuckles.
You brush the comment off. Maybe Jason will be into her and it'll make everything easier. Choosing between the boys sounds like an impossible decision.
"Yeah, right?" You nod your head, agreeing with him but keep it short. You look to the TV and change conversation. "Do teenagers actually get together and do that?" The teenagers in the show are in a basement, a few of them playing instruments while the others are smoking on a couch.
"That's where you're questioning the realism of the show?" Gar chortles next you, grabbing a few pieces of popcorn.
"I mean! Hey, women have poisoned their husbands! They're even called Black Widows! But, teenagers all getting together to drink and smoke in a basement? Like regularly? Do they do that?"
Gar shrugs, finding your thought process a bit comical. "I wouldn't know."
"Right." You nod and laugh. "Forgot, none of us had much of a normal teenager experience."
Gar shakes his head. "Fine with me, seems..."
"Not as fun as they make it seem in the show?” You laugh softly.
“Yeah, exactly.” Gar nods quickly. “I don’t think it’d always be so cool, calm, and collected.”
There's a knock on your door, interrupting your conversation. The two of you turn around to see Dick, standing halfway in your room and half in the hallway.
"Gar, need ya again." Dick jerks his head towards the hallway and your brows furrow. What the hell is that about? Gar gives you an apologetic look as you move your legs off of him.
You spin around, resting your forearms on the back of the couch. "Whatcha doing?" You ask Dick as Gar gets up from his comfortable place.
"Locating Dr. Light." Dick answers simply.
You hum. "Can I come?"
It's Dick's turn to narrow his eyes. "No, I just need Gar for now." 
You groan. "Come on, Rachel is hanging out with Rose and Jason is in a pissy mood."
After the whole Jerry situation, Dick has been keeping a closer eye on you. He wants to trust you won't go rogue again but there is a part of him that worries about it. Dick went back and watched the security footage of everything, listened to the conversation. Jason did not try to stop you but it didn't seem as if you would have listened anyway. He doesn't need someone going rogue. But, if you’re with Gar, at least if you find Dr. Light, Dick can trust Gar to come and get him instead of you both trying to play the heroes.
"Okay, fine. Come on." Dick jerks his head and you beam, happy to be included.
You turn the TV off, practically leaping over the back of the couch and meeting the boys at the door. Gar's eyes widen and beam at the sight of your dramatics. Dick shakes his head but chuckles softly as the three of you head to the comms lab.
Gar slides into the chair and pulls up a map while Dick stands behind him and you stand off to the side, watching everything Gar is doing. You can only assume that with his time at Doom Manor, he had a lot of time to mess around with tech stuff. Maybe that's why Dick is asking for his help for this stuff instead of anyone else. Gar already has some background with computers and tech and he's a new Titan. Maybe it's a preparation thing. But, you’re also just happy to be included.
"Dr. Light will need to refuel if he's planning another attack." Dick starts. "He'll need a large electric power cell and a light source where he can absorb the energy."
Gar leans his elbows on the table in front of him, keeping his eyes on the screen. "So, monitor the power grids and keep an eye out for any unusual disturbances."
"We find where he's pulling the power from, we find him." Dick finishes before patting Gar on the back and heading for the hallway.
"Okay, got it." Gar's eyes scan over the computer screen.
"Oh, hey," Dick says, turning around before entering the hallway. "Everything okay with Rachel?" Dick looks between Gar and you. "She looked a little strange in training."
"She's fine." You answer quickly with the shrug of your shoulders.
Gar nods his head in agreement. "Yeah," He swivels in his chair to face Dick. "That was just...her..." Gar glances to you as if looking for help as he tries to think of something.
Neither of you are going to tell Dick Rachel almost killed Jason and then Jason called her a freak, then said she should be checked by a priest. Dick doesn't need to know everything that happens. You all can handle it.
"Training face." Gar gives Dick an awkward smile, spinning the chair slightly.
"Traning face?" Dick looks to Gar and then to you, completely not believing that at all.
"Yeah, she gets really focused and gets this look." You brush it off.
"Yeah, exactly." Gar agrees with you, the both of tyou lying through your teeth. You’re a bit better at it. "She just wants to be ready in case any of the old Titans wanna spar," Gar's eyes shift side to side for a second. "After, they settle in." He flashes the awkward smile again and you’re so sure Dick is going to call you out.
Note to self: Do not ask Gar to help you rob a bank.
"They're not gonna settle in." Dick states, this time his voice serious and stern. Your curiosity is piqued. Dick doesn't seem happy about them showing up which you find to be weird. Aren't they supposed to be friends? Is this because Deathstroke killed one of them? If it is, you can't say you blame Dick. It was probably really hard. "Hank and Dawn, Donna, they're not staying."
"I thought you guys were friends?" You ask.
"We are." Dick answers shortly. "But they aren't Titans anymore."
Gar's face twists in confusion. Everything was fine the last time they were all together, well, besides the whole Trigon thing. But, everyone got along afterward. "Did something happen between you guys?"
Dick's eyes go distant for a second before he drops it completely. "Keep looking." Dick states before walking off, down the hallway.
You look to Gar as he swivels to face you. "That was fucking weird." You say, shaking your head with wide eyes.
"Right?" Gar says dramatically. "What do you think that was about?"
"Uh...." You pause, shrugging your shoulders. "I mean, could be the death of that Titan, maybe it's like....a thing with them all being here?" You raise the question. "Everyone was there with Trigon, right?"
Gar nods before he turns back to the computer to get to work. "Yeah, I mean, besides....ya know." Gar jerks his head to the left with the quick raise of his brows as he starts searching the power grids. "But, I mean, after everything seemed fine. Dick was...actually in a good mood, actually."
You watch Gar carefully, taking mental notes of everything he's doing. "Maybe it's something with the tower then, everyone being here. I have no idea." You chuckle softly. "Bird boys make no fucking sense."
"Honestly," Gar shakes his head. "What do you think is up with that, anyway?" Gar glances to you.
You shrug. "Well, first full day here, I asked Dick about Bruce and he said that Bruce did the best he could which I always assume means that person sucks at parenting, without intending to." You chuckle softly. "So, could be Bruce."
"I think you just have a vendetta against him." Gar says honestly, giving you a slight wince.
You let out a sigh. "Yeah, a little bit." You move closer to Gar. "Can I sit?"
Gar's eyes widen as he freezes and you gain a smirk. A giggle escapes your lips and it's the cutest noise Gar has ever heard. He scoots back a bit and lets you sit on his lap, you mostly sitting on his right leg so Gar can see and maneuver around the keyboard easily.
"What do you think is up with bird boys?" You ask as Gar goes back to the power grids.
Gar shrugs. "I don't think they know how to handle their problems." Gar deadpans.
You let out a laugh. "Yeah, that's fair." You keep your head straight, watching the large screen. "How do you know how to do all this?" You decide to drop the conversation.
"Had a lot of free time at Caulder House." Gar states. "There wasn't much to do besides this and video games."
"Ah," You nod your head. "It's pretty cool, especially with how quickly tech changes and this is like...a Batcomputer." Your smile widens. Sure, you’ve got an issue with Batman but Wayne tech is cool nonetheless. Your problem is with his moral code about killing, not with much else. You don't even know the guy.
"Yeah, it's clearly coming in handy." Gar laughs softly.
Gar and you fall into a comfortable conversation as Gar explains what he's doing and how he knows what to look for. You follow everything he says, making sure you’re keeping up. The thing with Gar is that he's really good at explaining things without making your feel dumb. Sometimes, people have this habit of sounding condescending when they're explaining something they're good at even if they don't mean to. But, Gar explains it casually but in terms you understand since you don't know much about this tech. In fact, the way Gar explains everything, it makes you feel useful which is a really nice thing to feel right about now.
Over the next hour, you and Gar sit and look for signs of Dr. Light. You like seeing Gar here, doing this. It's clearly his environment, something he's good at and enjoys. He's also helping the older Titans by doing this and you can tell by how focused he is that it's something that also means a lot to him. He gets to be helpful with the thing he's good at.
The two of you share stolen glances here and there. There's something so warm and comfortable about it. While you’re more of a hands-on person, this is nice. You aren't really helping, rather than just keeping Gar company and learning from him. But, it's comfortable and if you’ve learned anything, it's that you should cherish the comfort while you have it.
Gar is so kind and soft and safe that feeling comfortable seems like it could be possible, every single day. He's energic and enthusiastic. You swear there's not a pessimistic bone in his body. And he has this smile that just put the sun to shame. You swear if he just gave you that open-mouthed toothy smile, you’d never get lost in the dark again. And sometimes he trips over his words if you get a little flirty and it make you so happy because he never knows what to do. It makes him that much cuter and softer. He is what you always imagined happiness would look like. If happiness were a person, it would be Garfield Logan. You wonder if you could ever offer him that same comfort and happiness. You wonder if you'd ever live up to that or if you'd just burn it all to the ground.
Gar finds something on the computer and goes to grab Dick. The two of them discuss, figuring the bundle of pings is actually Dr. Light. And then the power goes out as if to be on cue. You follow Gar and Dick out of the comms lab and into the living room. As you all reach the floor-to-ceiling windows, you see a stadium in the distance that's emitting light, indicating that's where Dr. Light is. You get the feeling that's probably not a good sign for whatever is to come next and by the look on Dick's face, he's got the same feeling.
Dick goes off to grab the rest of the Titans to hunt down Dr. Light while Gar figures the rest of you might as well hang out in the living room and watch something on someone's phone. You have gone almost entirely quiet since the power went out. He hasn't said anything, but he's kind of assumed you aren't a big fan of the dark. You usually have the TV on or the blinds pulled when you’re asleep so the room isn't so dark. Gar thinks maybe if he can get everyone in an open area, you'll feel a little better about it. So, you make your way to Jason's room first.
Gar’s assumption would be right. The dark wasn’t this big deal or anything before, but now it’s as if things are lurking in the shadows. You just feel so uneasy not being able to see in the dark. The great thing about the tower, usually, is there are always lights on. The hallway is always lit by small wall lamps so it’s never too dark. The rooms all have large windows that go from one wall to the other and the city does a good job of illuminating every room. But, the entire city is in a blackout and it’s almost completely dark in the tower. You hate it and with Gar’s offer to gather everyone up, you’re thankful you don’t need to explain it. He’s figured it out.
"What's up?" Jason asks as the two of you and Gar enter his room.
"The power's out." You quip, trying to not show you’re uneasy about the entire tower being dark.
"No shit." Jason shakes his head, his phone in his hand to use as a flashlight.
"I figured we'd all hang out together, just until it comes back on." Gar offers, his own phone’s light shining on the ground.
"All?" Jason questions, his brow quirked as he glances to you. Jason knows all does not mean all of the older Titans and he does not want to be around Rachel right about now.
"Well..." Gar pauses. "You, us, Rachel."
Jason lets out a groan before it turns into a dry laugh. "You think I wanna be around her right now?"
"She's sorry." Your voice is filled with frustration. "It was an accident."
"What about the other Titans?" Jason jerks his head up with the question.
"They're probably going to find Dr. Light. I found something on the computer." Gar brushes it off and Jason's eyes widen. You let out a sigh knowing Gar should not have said that.
"What? Why didn't you say so?" There's excitement in his voice as he runs over to his bed, getting on his hands and knees.
You eye Gar, as if telling him he should not have told Jason. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"I'm going with 'em!" Jason says, pulling out the case that contains his suit.
Gar gets the look now. "Right..." Gar nods his head slowly. "I'm sure Dick will come get you if he needs you, man."
"Seriously?" Jason puts the case on his bed before turning to face you and Gar. "I gotta show him I'm ready for anything. I'm tired of sitting around." Jason reaches over his head, yanking his hoodie off, you getting the nonexistent hint to turn around.
"He knows what you're made of, Jason." Gar lets out a sigh as Jason changes into his suit.
"Obviously, not." Jason argues. "He didn't come to get me, did he?" Jason gets a little snippy and all Gar can do is sigh.
Jason finishes changing into his suit, making his way to you and Gar. You turn around, feeling him close to you. Jason's head is held high and there's a brightness in his eyes. His entire demeanor changes when he puts on the suit. He's, somehow, even more endearing when he's like this. Filled of so much joy and excitement and determination. You know Dick won't let him go with and it's gonna sting him a lot more than he'll ever admit.
"Well, be careful then, Batboy." You state, knowing there is no stopping Jason.
Jason eyes you up and down, not even realizing he's doing it. A smirk pulls at his lips and he almost has a quip, almost but Gar is standing there, a little too close to you. So, he bites it down like a shard of glass. "Always am." He nods at you before quickly exiting his room, the cape flowing behind him.
"He's a dork." You look to Gar, a smile pull at your lips.
"It's the cape, right?" Gar laughs.
You nod quickly. "Yeah, yeah, something about the cape on him. It's like it swallows him." You laugh again. "It is bulletproof and fireproof though."
"At least there's that." Gar chuckles. "Let's find Rach." He jerks his head towards Jason's door and the two of you head out.
The two of you head down the hall where you run into Rachel. She had been on her way to look for the two of you. The tower is on backup generators now but the power in the tower is limited. This surprises all of you. You all thought, surely, Bruce would have a better generator for the tower. But, none of you say anything about it and decide to head to the living room and find something to do while you wait for the power to come back on and for the other Titans to get back. When you reach the living space, Jason is standing there alone in the Robin suit, the rest of the Titans in the elevator.
Jason's jaw clenches as he sees the three of you standing there looking at him. Rachel isn't surprised and she's actually pleased with Jason being left behind. Rachel doesn't think Jason is ready to help the rest of the Titans, and it's not fair to let him go but not the rest of you. Gar and you, on the other hand, you feel bad for him. He just wants to help and he's your friend. You also know that Jason will probably be pissed about this for the next week and you'll be the ones who have to hear about it. Dick should just let him help, they have the same experience.
Jason pushes past the three of you, not saying a word.
"He's such a try-hard." Rachel mutters as the three of you walk over to the couches.
You furrow your brows as you and Gar sit side-by-side, his arm going behind you as if to be an instinct. "I mean...he is Robin, though?"
"Yeah, but why does he think he should be able to help when none of us are?" Rachel argues.
"He has experience?" Gar questions, his expression matching the confused and defensive one you have.
"Not you, too!" Rachel groans out in frustration. She doesn't get why you and Gar almost always side with Jason.
"What?" Gar asks, unamused over this conversation.
"You guys defending him."
"Well, because we get it." Gar's eyes widen slightly, a hint of annoyance in his voice. The petty arguing and hatred between Rachel and Jason actually drives him insane. Sure, Jason deserves it sometimes but he's not even around right now. Why does it matter?
"Yeah, I mean, it's like important to him." You state, your eyes still slightly narrowed. When you told Rachel to talk to Jason about this, you did in fact mean it. You, too, aren't a fan of the petty arguments either between the two of them or about each other.
"It's important to everyone." Rachel urges. "Why does he think it's the most important thing to him?"
You and Gar stare at each other, as if to be silently communicating 'what the fuck'. Rachel is clearly still upset by Jason's words from the morning. Of course, neither of you blame her but you are Jason’s friend. You both defend Rachel when Jason gets all pissy with her and you both defend Jason. But, this is just annoying. The Titans have gone off to find Dr. Light, you're trapped in the tower without any power. Who even cares?
"You're not friends with him so you don't get it." You brush her off. "And not to sound a bit bitchy, but it's not our job to explain it to you." You shrug and pull your phone from your pocket. "I'm gonna turn my show on, you're welcome to watch with us." You pull up Netflix on your phone before handing it to Gar as he puts in the password.
You rest the phone on the ottoman, using one of the random books from the table to stabilize your phone. Rachel huffs a bit but moves closer to you so she can watch the show. She decides to drop it and maybe she is being a bit unreasonable. She doesn't understand Jason and she probably never will. But, she also hasn't taken your advice about talking to him yet. So, Rachel bites back the other comments she has about Jason and listens to you and Gar explain what she's missed so far.
Only a few more minutes go by when Jason and Rose come into view, the two of them heading for the opposite hallway. You’re the first to notice, followed by Gar. Rachel is too busy watching the show to even care.
"What's going on?" Gar asks, cautiously seeing the two of them walking side-by-side.
Jason looks like he's doing a bit better. "Going to train, nothing else to do anyway."
"You training, too?" You quirk a brow at Rose.
Rose tilts her head just slightly to the side. "Nah," She shakes her head. "I'm gonna kick his ass." 
"Fuck off." Jason huffs, but a smile is on his lips.
"Please, do. Someone's gotta kick him around now and again." You grin at Jason.
His eyes narrow at you. "Yeah, cause you never will."
"One day, Jay. One day." You wiggle your brows at him before looking back at your phone, trying to ignore the weird warmth in your stomach. That is not jealousy.
"When hell freezes over." Jason scoffs but you keep your eyes on the screen and there's a disappointment that bites Jason's bone. His smile falls and he thought you'd have some come back about beating his ass even when hell freezes over or something dumb. But, you say nothing and he's disappointed in that. "Whatever," He scoffs, jerking his head towards the hall. "Let's go." Jason and Rose leave the three of you to yourselves.
You think Gar doesn't notice the short banter that wasn't really banter. You think he doesn't notice the way your eyes narrowed and the way the grin turned stale. You think he doesn't notice how you are with Jason and it hurts Gar. He likes you but he thinks maybe you’re more into Jason than you'll ever be into him. Sure, you’re choosing to hang out with him more but you and Jason still do your flirty thing. It doesn't really make any sense to him if he's being honest.
After two hours, the power finally comes back on. Every light in the tower turns back on and the lights of the city start to shine through the floor-to-ceiling windows once again. The three of you breathe a sigh of relief, hoping that means the other Titans took down Dr. Light with success. You all move the show to the TV and wait on the edge of your seats for the other Titans to come back. Jason and Rose join the three of you just a few minutes later as if to also be waiting for the other Titans. Jason steals the remote and switches to the news.
"Well, you could have asked first, but sure." You quip but Jason brushes you off as he stands off to the side of Gar, arms crossed.
The news plays over footage of the Titans fighting Dr. Light and failing. Dick chooses to save a busload of people instead of stopping Dr. Light. Dr. Light takes off and he's completely out of sight. The news reports that he's nowhere to be seen but everyone on the bus is safe.
"And that's why they should have fucking let me go!" Jason complains, flinging one of his arms out.
All of you chooses not to argue or humor Jason. The rest of the Titans are probably going to be upset when they get back and Jason will have some sort of comment about it. It's not worth it for any of you to argue or agree with him. You'll leave that to Dick and the other Titans.
As soon as the rest of the Titans get back, you, Gar, Rachel, and Jason keep your places in the living area beside Rose who doesn't want any part of it, apparently. You all wait until Dawn and Hank head off toward the bedrooms, leaving just Dick in the living area. Jason takes the lead and gets up first, the rest of you following him
"Where's Dr. Light?" Jason taunts Dick as he walks closer to him.
"Jason." Rachel warns.
"A little stealth job on a guy who shoots what? Headlamps? I mean half the city's on fire and still no sign of Dr. Light." Jason is now about a foot away from Dick, Gar, you, and Rachel standing two feet behind Jason not liking where this is going.
"Not the time, Jason." Dick warns him.
Jason rushes Dick quickly, almost chest-to-chest with him. "Look, I don't take orders from you anymore, man. I do what I want when I want." Jason states, eying Dick with anger. You roll your eyes behind him and Gar sucks in a breath, knowing this is not going to end well.
Dick gets this smile that is almost his way of telling Jason how fucking stupid that is. He goes to walk past Jason but Jason puts his hand on his chest, stopping Dick in his tracks. Dick looks almost appalled. You thought Dick wasn't as great at hiding his emotions when you first got here but the more you watch him, the more you realize he's actually very good at it. He just has resting bitch face. But, it's obvious by the way his brows went up and his eyes widened just a little that he was shocked and appalled that Jason stopped him.
"Get out of my way." Dick's voice is stern and unwavering.
"I think you got it all wrong," Jason shakes his head at Dick, a little close to him for everyone's comfort. Jason hits Dick's chest again with an open palm. "You're in my way." The three of you behind Jason can feel this going south very quickly but none of you want to insert yourselves in it. You’re a bit interested to see where this will go and how Dick plans to de-escalate the situation. "Maybe you need a retirement package."
You and Gar glance between each other before turning back to Jason. You want to help break this up but how? This is not your battle and if you take Dick's side, you'll be hearing from Jason about it. So, you both stand back as Jason turns to look at you for just a second. He's got this determined look in his eye that makes you quirk a brow. He makes a fist and all three of you shake your heads slightly.
"Don't." Dick grits his teeth, his nose scrunching up. Yeah, tonight is not the night to pick a fight with Dick.
Jason tries to charge Dick but Dick is faster and takes an open palm to back of his head, pushing him to the ground. You let out a sigh, hanging your head and holding the bridge of your nose. Gar has resorted to looking down and running a hand through his hair, a look of exasperation across his face. Rachel leans forward, simply surprised.
Dick even looks a bit surprised. "Shit." Dick says softly as he reaches a hand towards Jason. "Here." His voice is flat.
Jason slaps Dick's hand away before getting up from the floor. Jason's heaving a few breaths as if the anger is consuming him from the pit of his lungs. He stands toe-to-toe with Dick but doesn't say anything. He pushes past him and heads off down the hallway. Dick looks at the three of you who all look like you're torn between second-hand embarrassment and yikes.
"What was that?" Dick asks, his eyes directly at you.
"Got me." You shrug. If Dick really can't figure out what Jason is upset about, he's actively choosing to be obvious or something because Dick isn't stupid.
Dick shakes his head and decides he'll deal with it later. "Gar, come on, need you again." Dick starts walking past all of you.
"I'll come to your room later." Gar gives you an apologetic look.
"I'm gonna check on Jason anyway." You roll your eyes and everyone goes their separate ways, leaving Rachel in the living room.
You head to Jason's room where his music is yet again blaring. You bang on the door and he doesn't answer at first. You suck in a breath and decide you’re just going to keep banging on the door until he answers it. It's a solid minute of knocking before the door swings open, Jason's cheeks red and his eyes wide, filled of rage.
"What the fuck?!"
"Move." You move past him and Jason wants to know why you do this? And why does he let you? You spin around. "What the fuck to you? What the fuck was that with Dick, dude?"
"Oh, this is about Dick, huh?" Jason yells, his face scrunching with anger as he shuts the door.
"You were going to fight him." You say through gritted teeth. "Why?"
"He thinks he fucking knows everything!" Jason swings his arm out. "But he got fucking beat by Dr. Light, a fucking dude whose power is a streetlamp." Jason scoffs, the very thought of this guy comical to him.
"Okay." You lower your voice. "So, why not let him wallow in his own mistakes then? Why do you gotta rub it in?"
"Are you fucking kidding me? You're taking his side?!" Jason’s voice goes up an octave.
"NO!" You yell at him. "I'll always take y0our side! Just..." You pause, letting yourself take a breath. "Just, fucking talk to me, Jay." You cave, chewing the inside of your cheek. He's never gone after Dick before. It's like all of them said, Jason gets mad and rants and raves, trains a bit, and that's it. He doesn't go after people, but tonight he did. You’re worried about him.
Jason shakes his head, looking to the ground and you have this way of calming him down. You’re just as hot-headed as he is but when he's screaming, you can just stay calm. It might take a minute, but you calming down and asking him such a simple question, gets him to cool off. It’s the way you call him Jay and it’s like it flips the switch. You call him that nickname, you’re the only one, and he knows he can talk.
"I just wanna fucking help." Jason scoffs, leaning against his door. "I feel fucking useless here and he won't let me fucking help. If I could show him what I can do..."
"Maybe he'll let you actually help." You finish for him.
"Yeah, Robin is like," Jason lets out a scoff. "It's the one thing I've been fucking good at. It feels like it's being taken away from me and there's nothing I can fucking do about it." There's a break in his voice and you feel for him.
It's the first time he's admitted any of that. The thing about Robin is Jason has always been a hothead. He's always liked attention. The world has been unfair to him his entire life. But, he puts on that suit and the hot-headedness actually comes in handy sometimes, dealing with these big bads like the Riddler and the Joker. The attention is on him because he's a hero with Batman. And he gets to level the playing field in the world that's treated him so poorly. He's so good at it, too and he knows it. But, it's all being ripped away from him. Sure, it’s his own doing but, maybe if Bruce or Dick offered him an ear every now and again, they would get why Jason does things like joyrides in the Batmobile and riding a motorcycle in the manor.
"Yeah, I get that." You nod and move to stand next to him, leaning against his door with him. "But, uh, for what's it worth, I would care to argue you're also a good friend. You're good at that."
Jason lets out a laugh. "Yeah, that's real fucking inspiring."
You shrug, laughing with him. "It's better than nothing, right? No, but you're a good reader and you are funny. You are a good Robin. You’re a better Robin than Dick was." You eye him, the laugh falling. "And I'm not just filling your ego." You give him a smirk.
"Aw, can't fill it even a little, babe?" Jason's brows knit together and he's got this half-cocked grin that makes your stomach twist. 
The nickname makes your knees weak. "Absolutely not, shithead."
Jason lets out another laugh. "Thank you."
"Yeah, no problem. You know I'm always gonna be here for ya." You give him a wink. "I don't think Dick's worth it anyway." You let out a sigh.
"Back to having an issue with him?" Jason nods with understanding. He's in a constant state of flip-flopping on having an issue with him.
"Nah, I just mean I don't think he's worth it. If you're gonna fight a Titan, at least make it worth it, ya know? Like, it's Dick. He's whatever and it's like tragic in a pathetic kind of way to watch two Robins fight each other. I mean how fucking cliche. Fight Hank or some shit." You scoff. "Or prove yourself in a different way, one that doesn't involve tagging along where they shove you into a corner anyway."
"I'd obliterate Hank." Jason chortles, his head is high and his chest puffed out with confidence.
"See, exactly!" You cheer.
Jason pauses for a second and maybe you have a point. Maybe he could find a way to show Dick in a different way. He doesn't need to rely on Dick to invite him out onto the field. He could just do it himself.
"Hey," Jason's brows furrow as he looks to you, an idea popping into his head. "Gar still helping Dick?"
Your eyes narrow at him, not liking the question. "Assume so...why?"
"We could help." Jason proposes the idea and you just know he doesn't want to sit in front of a computer as a way to help. Jason is a hands-on kind of hero.
"Mmm." You hum. "What's your angle?"
"You said prove myself in a different way." Jason give you an eerily innocent smile.
"Mhm." You hum. "Yeah, he's probably in the comms lab trying to locate Dr. Light again." You tell him, trying to figure out what exactly he's getting at. Jason is anything but innocent.
Jason pushes himself from the door, gesturing for you to follow his lead. "So, let's help. An apology to Dick, offer my help here."
"Yeah, I don't believe your intentions are so pure if I'm being honest." You state, keeping your stance against his door.
Jason has a cocked grin, eyes devious. "You gonna stop me?"
You should but he didn't stop you. So, you roll your eyes and push off of the door. "Guess not."
Jason has this triumphant smile that makes your heart beat a little faster. Jason opens the door and you follow him. Something in you is saying Jason doesn't want to help with this. Not in this way. You worry he's going this to hunt Dr. Light down himself. But, he went with for Jerry. He never tried to talk you out of it because he knew he couldn't and you know you can't talk him out of this. You needed it and Jason needs this, too. Plus, you aren’t completely sure that’s what his plan is.
You get to the comms lab, Gar quickly typing away as Jason leans against the table, facing Gar. His hands grip the edge as he waits for Gar to look at him. You stand off to the side of Gar's chair.
"Hey?" Gar questions, looking between the two of you.
"Hey." Jason greets a little too kindly.
"You okay?" Gar asks, this time his voice has a little bit of concern. He takes a quick glance at you and then brings his eyes back to Jason.
"Yeah, yeah, I've been knocked down before." Jason nods his head, looking to you.
"Look, uh, Dick just reacted he didn't mean anything by it." Gar says, his voice soft and you want to melt. He's so kind and sweet and caring. He never wants anyone to hurt anyone, physically or mentally. He is so good.
"Yeah, he did." Jason keeps his voice level and honest. He gains this tired grin. "Look, I know what I am. I'm a dirty little favor to Bruce. And probably why they reopened this place." Jason looks around the room. "Scrap heap for rejects." You roll your eyes at the comment before you go back to eyeing him carefully.
"I'm not a reject." Gar shakes his head, his voice displeased and hurt by the remark.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean you." Jason shakes his head before looking at you. "Or you." He looks back to Gar.
"Look, you're not a reject, either, Jason. We're...we're Titans." Gar gets this huge smile, one of accomplishment and pride.
You keep your eyes narrowed as the smile falls from Jason's face. He's manipulating Gar. It's the way he spoke with ease. The way he smiled that wreaked of bad intentions. And that's when you know for certain. He wants to find Dr. Light so he can go after him. Jason wants to help in a different way, meaning he wants to do it all himself. That's the only reason why he walked in here the way he did, saying what he said and how he said it. If he came in here, immediately asking to help, a red flag would have been triggered for Gar. 
Jason turns to look at the large screen. "Hey, can I help you?" Jason asks, gaining the smile back as he pushes off the table.
"Uh, sure?" Gar says, leaning forward and wheeling the chair closer to the controls. "You okay?" Gar asks, looking back to you. "You're really quiet."
"Oh, yeah." You nod, glancing between and Gar and Jason. "It's nothing, it's fine." You’re not gonna get in the middle of Jason trying to find Dr. Light and him going off to find him. Gar won’t let Jason help if you say anything.
Gar eyes you with a bit of suspicion but decides not to press. He moves back to the computer and looks at the large screen that Jason is now standing just inches from.
"I'm just looking for heat signatures. After Dr. Light absorbed all that energy, he's gotta be radiation hot." Gar explains.
"What's that?" Jason points to a blank spot on the map.
Gar zooms in. "Emergency exits on the Bayline train station. Underground, so impossible to read."
"Train tunnels must have underground heat sensors." Jason looks behind him to Gar.
"Good idea." Gar gets this interested smile as he wheels over to the right and starts typing. "I'm just gonna piggyback on the Bayline system." Gar says and just like that, where there was once a blank spot, it's now glowing red. A large smile comes to your face and this is why Dick should give him a chance. He is in fact clever. Jason lets out a single laugh, a large and proud smile on his face. "Holy shit." Gar beams as a similar laugh leaves his lips. Gar wheels back over to the center of the control panel. "You're amazing, Jason. I think we got him." Gar says, barely finishing his sentence before he pushes off the chair, immediately heading for the hallway.
"Woah, where ya going?" Jason calls after him, quickly catching up to Gar before he can leave.
"To tell Dick." Gar states as if Jason should have known.
"I got a better idea." Jason starts and you groan internally. This isn't good. "Look, why don't we go take a quick look to make sure." Jason offers and you’re shocked he isn't going off on his own. You definitely expected him to try and sneak out of here. "Cause if we're wrong, we'll look like assholes."
Gar nods his head, an unamused smile on his lips. "Yeah..." He stops nodding, snapping his eyes at Jason. "No." He quickly turns back around to the hallway.
"Gar! I need this." Jason pleads and Gar stops again. "To make things right with Dick, to show him what I can do. Okay? What we can do."
Gar walks back over to Jason. "He knows what you can do." Gar's voice is sympathetic as he shakes his head. "You're Batman's guy." Gar's voice is quieter this time but still drenched in the same sincerity.
"Was." Jason corrects him. You raise a brow. This is the first time he's thought of Robin in the past tense. "I'm not saying we go rogue." Jason explains. "We'll just do some visual verification, lay eyes on the guy and call Dick. Look, help me out Gar." Jason pleads with him and this time, it seems Jason is being sincere rather than manipulating him. But, you know Jason won't call Dick. "I could use a win."
Gar pauses and looks past Jason to you, your feet seeming to be glued to the floor. "What do you think?" Gar asks. "You haven't said anything."
You let out a sigh, Jason turning and his eyes boring into you. If you say Jason is right, that'll be it. The three of you will go and it could end poorly. If you say Gar is right, Jason will be mad and probably go anyway. At least, if all three of you are there, maybe something horrible won't happen. You kind of owe him anyway and you do kind of agree with Jason. But, you feel like you’re not choosing on if you should go after Dr. Light or tell Dick. Instead, you feel like you’re choosing between the boys with both of them looking at you and expecting you to agree with both of them.
"I dunno." Your voice holds reluctance. "I just..."
"Come on, Y/n." Jason pleads with you now. "You wanna prove it to Dick, too, right? You just said you're tired of being cooped up here. When we went after Jerry, as soon as you said we should call him, we did. It's the same thing."
You let out a sigh because you know that. "Stop kissing my ass." You roll your eyes. "I mean..." You look to Gar. "We could be heroes tonight." You raise your brow at him and there's a drop in Gar's expression but Jason's brightens. You don't want to sit around helping like this either. You want to do something and you do not want Jason to get himself killed tonight.
"Really?" Gar's voice is filled of disappointment. He thought you'd side with him, especially with how you were right after going after Jerry.
"I mean..." You pause. "I've fucked up with Dick, too and it does suck. If we could do this for him, maybe it'll prove that we're more than just those fuck ups. You haven't done anything, of course, but you're like...the responsible one." You state before looking to Jason. "No offense." You look back to Gar. "If we have you with us, maybe Dick will appreciate the three of us working together and being there for backup, ya know?"
Gar pauses and he's not winning this. He can tell by the looks in yours and Jason’s eyes, you're both a bit desperate to prove something. Jason just wants to prove that he is worth something. He's worth the time and the effort and the energy. He's meant to be Robin. You, Gar isn't really sure what you want to prove. But, it's the way your brows furrow and your voice quivers that he can tell it means something to you. Maybe you just want to prove you’re useful. You’re the only one no one who hasn’t been in some type of fight that isn't training. Everyone even saw Rose on the TV fighting. So, Gar caves despite his better judgment.
"Quick look, then we call Dick." Gar's voice is serious and stern, as if he's really taking the comment about being the responsible one to heart.
Jason smiles casually as he nods. "I promise."
"Let's get going then and hurry the fuck up." You walk past Jason.
"I'm gonna grab something real quick, I'll meet you guys outside." Jason says before walking past you, jogging down the hallway.
Gar gives you a look as the two of you head down the same hallway. "Siding with Jason?"
You let out a sigh. "I get it, ya know?" You shrug your shoulders. "Like...I dunno just wanting to be good enough." Your voice is quiet. "We all just want to be good enough for something, right? And I have these new powers and I'm going stir-crazy over it. I feel useless. I'm the only one who hasn't done anything. I beat up some basic ass psycho. He never even put up a fucking fight." You scoff. "I owe him, ya know?"
"You don't." Gar shakes his head. "And you are good enough. Dick knows you are." Gar urges and he doesn’t want you making bad decisions to prove something Dick already knows.
"It's different, Gar." You lick your lips. "Jason never tried to talk me out of going. He knew he couldn't do it. He knew I wouldn't listen to him. So, he came with to make sure I'd be okay and that I wouldn't kill him." You shake your head. "Uh....just...I don't want to get into the nitty-gritty of it all that night but," You look to the floor, watching as your shoes touch the floor. "He did a lot for me that night, like what you do." You nod at him and Gar gets it now.
Maybe you and Jason do flirt with each other and maybe there is something going on. He doesn't really know and a part of him would like to be left in ignorant bliss about it but ever since that night, something was different between you and Jason. Gar can't put his finger on it, but it seemed different. And now he knows why. You got to see a side of Jason no one else ever gets to see. Jason treats you like a person and you do him. Jason makes you feel like a person, an important person just like Gar does. It's just a little different.
Gar nods with understanding. "For the record," Gar lets out a sigh. "I think you're both good enough."
Heat creeps through your cheeks as your face softens. "Thank you, Gar." You feel the giddiness course through your veins. "You are also plenty good enough."
Gar chuckles softly. "Thanks, Y/n." Gar reaches his door, opening it. "Just grabbing my jacket."
"Yeah, I'm gonna grab a different hoodie." You jerk your head towards your room.
The two of you part ways to grab your different clothes. Gar goes with his red and white jacket while you grab a black athletic jacket. It's warm, jet-black, and it's a zip-up. You tie a belt around your waist, the belt lined with varying knives you’ve been given over the last few months from Dick. And you hide it under your hoodie. You know damn well this is going to get ugly and if Gar sees this, he'll back out and tell Dick. But, you aren't going to go unprepared. So, you hide it.
Once the three of you are outside, you head off to find Dr. Light. Jason, naturally showed up in his Robin suit. You and Gar aren’t even surprised. It's completely on brand. You think Jason would sleep in it if he could.
Once you reach the tunnels, that's when things start feeling a little off. You have a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. Something just doesn't feel quite right here. A part of you thinks you’re just anxious over facing a villain. You know Jason isn't going to call Dick. He's going to put up a fight because that's just Jason. He's going against all odds to prove himself and this is a perfect opportunity. So, maybe you’re just anxious about that. But, you try to brush it off because you’re with the two boys who would never let anything happen to you.
"I thought this was reconnaissance only." Gar states as the three of you head down the stairs into the tunnels. "You're overdressed." Gar sounds tired and like he's done dealing with Jason's shit.
Jason laughs. "Exactly reconnaissance on a homicidal psychopath." The three of you stop walking. Jason leans against the railing on his side, facing you and Gar. You stand right in the middle of them. "Safety first."
"Yeah...that's why you wore the suit." You quip as you cross your arms over your chest.
Gar looks at the two of you before shaking his head. "I'm calling Dick." He says, completely through with now the both of you as he goes to head up the stairs.
"Gar, wait." You call but you keep your footing where you are.
"Yeah, come on, man." Jason whines. "Okay, you agreed to help me out. Please?"
"It'll be fine." You assure Gar with the easy shrug of your shoulders.
"See, Y/n’s on board." Jason points at you with an open palm. "Let's go." Jason jerks his head down the stairs.
Gar is so fed up with this already. He just gestures lazily out in front of him for Jason to take the lead again. The three of you walk down the stairs together, Jason feeling fantastic about himself, Gar wants to go home, and you’re stuck in between the two of them, literally and figuratively.
"Alright," Jason says as you reach the bottom of the stairs, all of you coming to a stop. "Let's uh, let's split up."
"Huh?" Gar hums, his voice high-pitched.
You scrunch your entire face at Jason, appalled. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"What?" Jason scoffs.
"Bad idea!" You groan.
"Man," Gar puts a hand on Jason's shoulder. "Don't you remember any of the horror movies we've watched?" There's a bit of panic in his voice.
"One of the easiest rules to remember is to not split up, Jason." You explain dramatically.
"You both wanna get out here fast, right?" Jason nods his head slowly and dramatically. "The three of us will get the job done in half the time." Jason says as he starts walking off.
"One of us definitely needs to go with him." You let out a sigh.
Gar's face is panicked but he manages a frown at you. "No way."
"Hey, I'm not going alone and you and I both know Jason functions strictly on reckless abandon. One of us has to be with him for safety measures." You gesture an open hand down the tunnel. "He's already left us." Honestly, you’re not happy about the whole splitting up thing but Jason seemed to make that decision for the three of you.
Gar lets out a groan. "Fine, okay." He puts a hand on your shoulder and squeezes softly. "I just, I got a bad feeling."
You nod but you choose not to put more worry into him. You don't like when he worries so much. "It'll be fine. You can turn into a tiger, I can melt people, Jason is very good at kicking ass and he does have the Robin suit which has weapons. We'll be fine." You rest a hand on Gar's shoulder and give him a gentle smile. The action was supposed to make him feel better but something about it doesn’t.
"Okay." He nods reluctantly.
"Meet you after." You give Gar a wink before turning and jogging down one of the tunnels to catch up with Jason.
You catch up with Jason, Jason hearing your pattering footsteps behind him. He knows it's you by the lightless of your steps.
"Can I fucking help you?" Jason quips.
"How-how did you know it was me?" You ask as you catch up to him, coming to a walking speed.
Jason lets out a laugh. "You're not fucking subtle." If anyone was going to follow him, it’d be you.
"Ha-ha." You mock him. "I came to make sure..." You pause as Jason looks at you, eyes narrowed and this is like when you went to beat up Jerry. Him in the Robin suit, you in street clothes, going to find a piece of shit. Maybe there's a bit of comfort in reckless abandon. "You don't kill him." You flash him a smirk.
There's a prideful smile across Jason's lips as he looks forward. He got the reference. He remembers telling you that that night.
"Gonna be able to pull me off him, huh?"
"Well," You shrug. "I was trained by the best, ya know?" You lift your hoodie so he can see the knives. "I, too, came a little overdressed for the occasion."
Jason lets out a laugh, his nose scrunching. "Yeah? And how's Gar feel about that?"
"Oh, well, he doesn't know." You let outa sigh, a guilty expression on your face. "He would have told Dick if he saw but I wasn't coming unprepared."
A triumphant smile pulls at Jason's lips as he boasts his chest. "Well, hey, I'm just glad you finally fucking admit I'm the best." Jason chortles.
"Oh, shut the fuck up." You roll your eyes. "Seriously, though," You let out a breath. "This is honestly stupid, like you know that, right?"
The smile falls. "No, he's a stupid fucking lightbulb."
"Uh-huh, yes, but the other Titans seem afraid of him. You don't think that's the least bit weird?" You raise.
"Could just be that Deathstroke is out there and his daughter is at the tower." Jason snarks.
"Fair." You let out a sigh, knowing that might be true. Everything you’ve heard about Dr. Light doesn’t sound too terrifying in terms of bad guys. "You don't seem to mind who Rose's dad is." You look to the ground for a split second, Jason catching it and a smirk comes to his face. Game time.
"Jealous?" He quips, looking at you and you think the mask makes him look a little goofy and he knows exactly what he's doing because you asked him the same thing last time.
"You fucking wish." You mock him and Jason lets out this laugh that bubbles your stomach. You wish he laughed more.
"If I did?" Jason continues and this time you look at him. He's looking straight ahead with a smirk that makes you want to kiss it right off his face. Shut him right up. But, you don't because you do like Gar.
You roll your eyes. "Alright, you fucking smartass."
"You always do that." Jason remarks, his voice drenched in confidence.
"Do what?" You glance to Jason.
"Deflect, backtrack. We go and back forth, and when you get stuck, you backtrack." Jason tilts his head to the right and then straights it back out with a shrug.
"Your point?" You raise, curious where he's going with this, but give him a teasing grin anyway.
Jason shrugs. "No point, just pointing it out." He is curious why you always do it. He wonders if it's because of Gar. Maybe you'd commit a bit more to the flirty banter, keep it going, if it weren't for Gar. Or maybe it's because it's him. He doesn't know but he definitely likes trying to figure you out.
"Mhm." You hum, not believing him. "Well? You and Rose?"
You don't even know why you’re pushing for an answer but you are. They've been hanging out a little more and you’re curious. Rose is cool and you like Rose. You swear it's not jealousy, that's not why you’re asking. You’re just curious.
"Why don't you tell me why you wanna know so bad?" Jason's brows are furrowed as he looks to you, his smirk turning taunting.
You wave a finger at him. "Why don't you tell me why you wanna know about Gar and me so bad?" You match the smirk with pride. 
Jason's eyes narrow at you, a smile pulling up as he licks his bottom lip and turns forward again. He wants to know but only if it's the answer he wants. He'd rather not have to hear that you like him and he likes you. That you're some sort of couple or you want them to be. You are Jason’s friend so he'd suck it up for you, of course, but he doesn't want to actively hear it. The idea of rejection makes his mouth grow sour. But, he's not going to tell you that.
"You first." Jason states and decides to throw the ball in your court.
You shrug. The issue with the two boys for you is that Gar makes you feel stable and safe, secure. He makes you happy and you feel...content. You feel this weird feeling of peace with him that you can't quite explain. In a way, you feel kind of like your old self, but a more mature version of it. It's not about the games or jokes between you, it's just very soft. It is warmth like a fireplace in a brutal winter. You feel like nothing bad or dangerous could ever be happen with Gar because of the peace that just radiates from him. You can't even figure it out which is fun. He makes you feel comfortable, something you really miss. But, then there's Jason.
Jason makes you feel like you’re on fire. Every part of you is bursting into flames around him and it doesn't even hurt, it's just exhilarating. It feels like the two of you could burn an entire city down together. And yet, you feel safe with him, too. There is not a single doubt in your mind that Jason would protect you against anything in the world. And you'd do the same for him. Jason has this sort of recklessness about him that you find intriguing. You don't know what he's gonna do or what he's thinking, something about that is endearing. Jason makes you feel alive with the fire in your belly and that brings you this sense of comfort you have craved for years. And you don't have to hide anything from him, not any of the trauma because Jason has already seen it all and went through it all. He just gets you. But, then you come back to Gar again and the idea of just being soft. The two boys have pros and cons, every person does, and you know what you want but you’re not sure if what you want meets what you need. So, you shrug.
"I mean, she's pretty and you seemed into her." You let the words roll off your tongue as if it's not a bitter sting in your throat.
Jason nods once. "Yeah, she is." He chuckles softly, it's fake though. "Don't know." Jason huffs. "Don't really know her, ya know?"
"Mhm, yeah." You nod your head. "I get it."
"You seem into Gar. He's definitely into you." Jason lets out a breath, deciding to make something up, piggybacking off your reasoning.
"Yeah..." You let out a huff, a sad smile on your lips. "He does sometimes but I don't know."
Your lack of mention about your feelings doesn't go unnoticed by Jason. But, he doesn't say anything. He doesn't want to know. "Oh, no, he does." Jason's eyes widen. "Everyone can fucking see it." He chortles a little more bitterly than he intended.
"Not to me." You scoff. You look to the ground and back to Jason who hasn't taken his eyes off of you. You look forward and that's when you see a little bit of light from the end of the tunnel. "What's that?" You jerk your head forward, Jason shining the flashlight in that direction.
"Found him." Jason smirks, more to himself than to you.
"So, we're calling Dick, right?" You raise a brow at him as you both keep walking.
Jason just looks at you and he knows you’re being facetious. "You gonna call him? Or you gonna let me fucking do this?"
You sigh. "I'm not gonna stop you." You shake your head. "By the time I go call Dick, it'll be over. Go do your thing, I'll be here if you need help and to make sure you don't kill him." You flash him a smile.
"Thanks." Jason's voice is sincere as he walks further ahead of you, ready to take out the walking, talking lightbulb.
Dr. Light is using his energy or taking energy from the tunnels, Jason and you can't quite tell. But, while doing that, it sees he also sucks the energy from Jason's flashlight, it dying while Jason bangs it with his hand. This gets Dr. Light's attention.
"What? The big kids weren't available?" Dr. Light asks once he's on his feet. "They sent Junior Robin." The whole tunnel goes dark and suddenly you’re anxious. Maybe you should have gone with Gar. "Maybe you're just a fanboy."
Jason throws his flashlight off to the side, clearly not having whatever bullshit Dr. Light is going to keep throwing at him. The back of your head starts throbbing, the throbbing echoing to the front. Dr. Light starts firing light bursts, you and Jason dodging out of the way quickly. The throbbing in your head gets louder and more aggressive. Dr. Light lets out a sinister snicker as you move to Jason, grabbing his arm to try and help him up. Dr. Light towers over you both until you get to your feet. You let go and Jason lunges at Dr. Light, punching him in the face with a yell. Dr. Light puts up a good fight and overpowers Jason, throwing Jason right into the wall of the tunnel. He grabs Jason by the collar and throws him to the ground before moving to you.
Your hands glow at your sides, eying Dr. Light. You have no intentions of fighting him today. This isn't exactly what you signed up for but hey, if Jason and you get this guy, that's bonus points for you.
"Some competition." Dr. Light cackles before shooting a light burst at you but you’re faster because of the throbbing. You were out of the way before the light burst even left Dr. Light.
"Maybe for you," You snark, looking just past him where Jason is kneeling, getting to his feet. "Not for us though." You shoot acid at him, just missing as he dodges and he laughs but as he's turning around, you’re already throwing a knife, the knife grazing his arm.
Dr. Light glares at you, feeling the blood trickle down his arm. He's not going easy on either of you now, he will not be beaten up by two little Tikes. But, Jason is back on his feet now, a look of determination and stubbornness that you can make out even in the dark tunnel.
"Hey, Lightbulb." Jason snarks, getting his attention. "Pick on someone your own fucking size."
Dr. Light takes the opportunity to shoot light bursts at Jason but Jason is also quicker and dodges them and blocks them with his cape. You officially think the cape is the coolest part of his suit. The light didn't do anything to Jason or his cape. It's actually really cool.
"Is it light like light beer light?" Jason quips.
"Shut the fuck up." Dr. Light yells, shooting more light bursts at Jason. You stand behind Dr. Light, letting Jason do his thing as promised and you have to admit, this guy is a fucking idiot. Jason and you have him cornered and he can't even focus on both of you. The older Titans are so scared of him...because?
"Fuck you!" Jason yells before he storms Dr. Light.
Jason starts punching him and Dr. Light can't get a single hit in. You stand back and let him just go for it. He let you go after Jerry, so you let him go after Dr. Light. You do, however, stand with a knife in your hand, the other hand glowing faintly as if waiting for this to go south. If Dr. Light suddenly gets this burst of energy, you want to be prepared to step in and help Jason. But, by the look of Jason grabbing him and pining Dr. Light to the ground, you don't think he'll need it.
"This Titan's back bitch." Jason snarls before going in for more punches to Dr. Light's face.
You move closer anyway as Jason's punches get more erratic and aggressive, getting the sense you'll have to pull him off. As you watch, you get a glimpse of how Jason felt that night. Based on things Jason has said, you know he views Jerry like he views any other villain, a waste of space. There is not a single part of you that thinks he was ever against you beating him up. He only pulled you off so you wouldn't be a murderer and have to live with the repercussion of that. And you get it because while watching him is actually pretty badass and, albeit, very attractive, it is worrisome.
He's aggressive and filled of fire. It's like he could go through this for hours and not get tired. You don't want him to be so angry anymore. He doesn't deserve to have so much aggression in him. He's better than that, he's worth more than that. And you want to stop him because there's this throbbing starting again in the back of your head. Dr. Light is on the ground, Jason has him, someone is coming. The throbbing intensifies, right at the base of your head and you know.
You spin around, only to be met with Deathstroke, holding his sword out a centimeter from your face. Your heart stops, your breath caught in your throat while time freezes. This is so much worse than Dr. Light and it’s only going to get worse. Jason is going to turn around and probably lose it. And Dr. Light starts cackling underneath Jason as Jason pauses for a breath.
Jason thinks he's just a twisted fuck for a second. Surely, this guy isn’t crazy enough to think getting the shit beat out of him is funny. That's the only logical explanation except that you haven't said a single word and you’re not in his eyesight anymore.
"Jay?" You call and your voice is so small, Jason's heart sinks.
He turns around slowly and there's Deathstroke with a sword to your face. Jason's entire heart feels like it's been ripped from his chest. It's nearly paralyzed him. He didn't prepare for this and suddenly, he's drowning in his own regret. He should have known better.
"Drop the knife." Deathstroke says calmly.
You suck in a breath, eyes locked on Deathstroke. Jason watches as his eyes are filled with panic and you drop the knife, the metal clanking against the concrete beneath you. You both are so fucked. Dr. Light gets the upper hand now, grabbing Jason by the cape and punching him. Jason lets out a yell as Dr. Light attacks him.
On instinct, you take a step back, turning around to face Dr. Light. You don’t make any further movements, knowing Deathstroke could stab you and kill you at any point. But, you’re not going to face Deathstroke while Dr. Light decides he can target Jason now.
"Just stop!" You yell out. "What? Guys can't lay a hand on the other Titans so you target us?" You yell to try and distract Dr. Light but it's no use.
Jason gets knocked out with one of the punches, Dr. Light considering it a job well done and before you can even process anything else, there’s a harsh hit to your head, sending you unconscious as well.
Gar heard Jason scream and you yelling something incoherent from the tunnel he went down. His heart and stomach drop right to his feet. He immediately starts sprinting to where the two of you went. He knew this was a bad idea. He knew the second Jason brought up splitting up, it would be a bad idea. And he had a worse feeling when you remained silent. It's unlike you to be quiet and he thought maybe it was because you agreed with him, that you should tell Dick. You just didn't want to argue with Jason and only agreed to it because you feel you owe him. But, now, he's thinking maybe it really was just that you wanted this, too and Gar is kicking himself because he should have known. He should have known the two of you going off together would only end in a disaster and his thoughts are confirmed when he reaches the tunnel you were in.
He finds Jason’s tossed flashlight, one of your knives, and two streaks of blood on the pavement. Gar is about to lose his mind in a fit of panic. You and Jason have been kidnapped.
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series masterlist | masterlist | tag list
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Tag list: @fairyofshampoo // @italiana-20 // @jasontoddsmentaldisorders // @purplerose291 // @lovelessamai  // @makaelaseresin // @lenidaslenchen // @thatfangirl42 // @ghostkingblake // @im-done-with-this-im-out // @velvetskies // @lilylovelyxo // @cryinghotmess // @yesimwriting // @vivian-555​
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alessabriel · 2 years
DC Masterlist.
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idea angst (Batfamily x son reader male!)
Grayscale – Y/n Wayne!Venom! x Batfamily  , Part2
Gunshot (male reader). Gunshot- Pt2 (male reader).
coming soon...
coming soon...
coming soon...
Jason Todd | Red Hood
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Beyond two souls - serie, Twins Todd.
coming soon
coming soon...
Bruce Wayne | Batman.
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DadBruceWayneYan! (ReaderFemYan)
Sweet problem (reader fem!, cw: incest implicit)
Damian al Ghul/Wayne | Robin.
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Of lipsticks and discoveries (ReaderFem).
〚 I'm stressed 〛- Damian Wayne Alpha x Male Reader Omega.
polaroid love.
Slade Wilson | Deathstroke.
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Puppy (Slade Wilson x Reader Male)
36 notes · View notes
ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Donna Troy Imagines
by Bonniebird
Arrowverse / Titans: Donna Troy; This book is for CW's Donna Troy . All of my Imagines, prompts, oneshots and moodboard for Donna Troy requested via my Tumblr account; @bonniebird Fics in this book are Donna x Reader, Donna x Fem!Reader or Donna x Male!Reader
Words: 682, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Titans (TV 2018)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Donna Troy, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon, Slade Wilson, Koriand'r (DCU), Robin (DCU), Garfield Logan, Garth (DCU), Teen Titans (DCU), Bruce Wayne, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jason Todd, Dawn Granger, Hank Hall, Raven, Rachel Roth
Relationships: Donna Troy/Reader
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41232990
15 notes · View notes
We Could Be A Team (Deathstroke X Daughter!Reader)
Characters: Deathstroke X Daughter!Reader, Teen Titans x Fem!Reader
Universe: DC, Teen Titans
Warnings: Violence
Request: Would you write another Raven x reader where the reader has the ability to stop time and is part of the titans? Especially friends with Beastboy. The reader realizes that Slade is her father and now is torn between the team and Slade, who insists that she always had the cold, calculating personality for a villan.
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You were brand new to the team, still finding your feet and still learning the ropes and finding your place, but the team was patient and offered whatever help they could so you could settle in quickly. 
At first the idea of being able to stop time didn’t seem that impressive, until you actually thought about what that meant you were capable of. Pausing time and moving would make it appear like you were teleporting, you could save everyone by simply freezing time and moving people of bullets, something you’d done when you first met the team, leading to you joining the team…
Besides the whole thing of having powers, you had a pretty normal, almost dull life. You had a mom that raised you by herself since your dad was never in the picture for reasons not explained, though your mom did tell you he wasn’t a nice man, and that was reason enough to understand why she didn’t want you knowing about him and running off to find him. She knew about your powers after you told her, and after establishing you didn’t get them from your father and it was pure chance of some sort, she made you downright promise to use them for good, which led you to where you were.
“Hey Y/N, this is your first big mission.” Grayson announced entering the main room of the base, making you immediately alert. “Deathstroke is causing trouble.”
The new suit was like new  jeans or shoes, needing to be worn down to be comfortable and you’d not really had the chance to do that yet, but luckily it wasn’t too bad and not painful, just slightly distracting and uncomfortable, not that it was your main focus at the moment. The entire team was ready for the worse from him, though they seemed pretty happy to have you on their side now, pointing out that if he did take a shot, you could freeze time and stop anyone getting hurt, and even use your powers to get an upper hand on him. It felt like a big responsibility, but Raven had attempted to comfort you, saying “We expect you to fail, it’s your first mission and it’s against our archenemy, don’t feel bad if you’re not able to do anything.” You knew she meant well, and it did help soothe you a little along the way, knowing they weren’t expecting you to get everything right. 
You arrived at the location, and you all started to search the area, but Grayson instructed you to stay in the general area, since if you saw him, you could freeze, locate one of them, inform them, then bring them back to Deathstroke. Seemed like a good plan. 
You stayed high up, looking over the streets for any sign of trouble. However, you saw nothing. 
“Don’t move. Don’t use your powers.” A voice said right behind you, and you froze up. You didn’t freeze time, your body just tensed. “You’re Y/N, right? Y/N L/N?” He asked. You slowly turned, coming face to face with the man. His gun was lowered, holding it at his side. How the hell did he know who you were? “You’ve got your mother’s eyes…”
“How do you know my mom? My name?” You asked him defensively.
“She never told you..? I’m your father.” He stated proudly, clearly throwing you off. “Now I don’t know how you got your powers, but they’re quite… impressive. Useful.” He stated, starting to take several steps towards you, until he was looking right down at you. “I would like to get to know my daughter… come with me… we’re one in the same, part of me is in you… we can be a team. A true father daughter bond.” 
You stared into the eyes of his mask. The wind stopped, sirens silenced, and his breathing stopped. You grabbed his weapons, pushing them far out of the way, before pushing his chest as hard as you could. He didn’t move, but the second time started again, he went flying back and curled up in pain on the floor. You approached him again. Due to time being stopped, his body didn’t have time to process the energy of being pushed, so it all hitting him at once was powerful in itself, something you were aware of. He looked up at you, growling through gritted teeth in pain. 
“I made a promise to my mom. The woman who was there and who raised me, not to ever use my power for bad. Now I understand she doesn’t want me to be like you. I’m going to keep my promise.” 
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS: @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @aesthetjic​ @originalpottervengerlock​ @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lena-stan-xavier​ @lady-of-lies​ @sebstanismylife​ @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000​ @determinedpines​
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Summary: You get a call that someone is in town, is this even a good idea?
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Slade Wilson
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI, choking, Daddy Kink, Pet names, Spitting, implied cheating (Not on each other), clothes ripping, Oral (both), swearing, praise, minor deg.
AN: So... I wrote this mostly for @littleredwing89 but you guys can read it if you want.
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Standing in front of the door you pondered whether or not you should just turn around and leave. This had to stop, you were getting married in a few weeks. You couldn't be showing up at his door at god knows what hour anymore. But here you were, it wasn't often he was in Metropolis. You had to see him, had to speak to him and have him-
"There you are Princess, I was wondering what was taking you so long," Slade says, leaning his large bicep against the doorframe.
"Umm, Hi," you say looking up at him. His damp hair hanging in a mess across his face and the white towel still wrapped around his tight torso. A light sheen of water covers him like he had heard your non-existent knock and came straight from the shower.
"You coming in? Or are you going to stand in the hall looking at my door like a lost puppy all night?" He asks you, holding his arm up for you to pass under. You duck, more out of habit than worry that you'll knock your head on his arm. You're almost all the way through the door when his hand wraps around your wrist spinning you and slamming you into the now closed door.
"Your boyfriend know you're here Princess?" He leans down, his rough stubble grazing up the side of your neck.
"No," Your fingers begin to fiddle with the large diamond ring on your finger, his eyes darting down and catching the gleams of light reflecting from it,
"No," He growls into your ear, his hands gripping on your ass. He lifts you into the wall, his barely covered cock pressing into you, his teeth latching onto your ear lobe, "you can't marry that idiot," his hands rip at your clothes, his hips hold you against the wall.
"He loves me," you begin to protest, but are silenced by the hungry way Slade is staring at your nearly naked body.
"He doesn't appreciate you,” he moans, encircling one hand around your middle, “doesn't know what you need," he holds you high, ripping your panties from your body.
"He's trying, he just-"
"He isn't me. Is he, sweetheart?" He steps fast carrying you towards the bed and in a flash his towel is off and his hands are all over you. His mouth latching onto your nipples, teeth biting and pinching while he moans into your breasts.
"Slade," you moan, your hands tangling in his hair and tugging gently on it. HIs name leaves your lips and you know you've fucked up. He flips you over like a pancake, pushing your face into the mattress. His hand connects with your ass and echoes around the room, a deep growl reverberating from within his chest.
"Slade is it?" He slaps you again, "what happened to Daddy, huh?" He grabs the back of your throat pulling you back so he can look at you, "don't want me anymore Princess?" You feel his fingers graze through your lips, "got a fiancé and you think you can just get rid of me?" He spits on you, "you little slut. Feels like you want me," he collects some of your pussy juice bringing it to your lips. "Answer me," he growls, tugging your head back even further. Tears form in your eyes as you look back at him. "Answer me,"
'Daddy," you moan, his fingers thrust into you once before he pulls out and slaps you on your needy cunt.
"Answer me Princess,"
"I want you," you cry pressing back into his hand, "I always wanted you,"
"I don't believe you," he growled, pulling you to your knees, "make me believe it"
You look up at him, his hard cock staring you right in the face while his eyes dare you to defy. Reaching out your hand you take him, giving him a few warm up pumps, your tongue darting out to taste him, "Daddy," you moan taking him fully into your mouth. Your tongue tracing along the hard line of the vein underneath, your hand comes up to caress his balls.
“There's Daddy’s good girl,” he says, brushing your hair back from your face. Gathering it up he forms a ponytail at the back of your head, gently tugging on it to get you to move how he wants.
Your legs begin to twitch as you feel your arousal drip down your thigh. Sucking him right down until your nose tickles the base of his cock, using your free hand to gather some of your juices up and press it into his mouth. His lips wrap around your fingers, a deep growl surrounds them, at the taste of you. “Such a good little slut for me,” his voice breathy as he tried to keep his release at bay. His hard cock throbbing on your tongue as he thrust out of you, spearing back in again. Your lips drip with drool and his pre cum your tongue, he pulls out only to thrust back in and hit the back of your throat, his strong hands handling your hair like an anchor.
"Prin- fuck," he growls taking your face in his huge hands, moving your mouth from him, "stop, baby. I don't wanna come yet," he crawls down over you and you shuffle backwards in the bed until you hit the wall. "Princess," he leans in, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, his hands sliding you up the wall until your legs are on top of his shoulders.
"Please," you pant, thrusting your pussy towards his mouth, his hot breath lingering over you..
"Fuck you smell amazing," his tongue darts out just flicking over your lips, "bet he doesn't do this for you," his lips begin to suck on your clit. Your thighs tightening around his head holding him in place, “doesn't appreciate your perfect taste the way I do,” he thrust his long tongue into you, licking at your insides finding your g spot with years of practice behind him. His thick tongue pressing while his stubble burned your thighs and his lips kissed yours.
"Yes, right there," you moan, grinding down on his face. "Fuck daddy," so close, you shudder his growl reverberates through your body and you begin to shake, your breath speeding up, your mind spinning. Then it stops. He spins you both around dropping you on the bed beneath him.
“Bad girls, who get engaged without asking Daddy don't get to come,” he chastises you, he takes your left hand in his, glaring down on the ring that adorned your finger, “Not until l I say so,” He parted your legs pushing with his thick thighs until his knees were flush with your ass. His eyes inspect your body for marks. When he found none they met yours, electricity racing in your veins. You peer down to his bobbing cock that was a thrust away from your aching pussy, “you want it? Beg for it,” he commands, gliding it through and parting you.
“Please Daddy, please fuck me,” you plead your eyes starting to tear up when his hand presses your gyrating pelvis into the mattress.
“Louder,” he teases, “I want the whole building to hear you,”
“Fuck. Need you,” you begin to squirm underneath him.
“Tell me your mine,” he growls, pressing the tip of his cock into your core, “tell me,”
“I'm yours,” you cry.
“Yes you fuckin are, I'm going to fuck you like he can't.”
“Yours, yours,” you pant as he begins to fuck into you harder,
“That's right,” he says, those calloused fingers wrap around your neck, “you're mine,” his hard grip take a bruising grip on your hip, “make more noise for me Princess,” he squeezes down in your throat his cock twitching at the choking sounds, “There's a good girl,” he praises you when you begin to scream.
“Jesus's fuck,” you cry as his fingers begging to circle your clit,
“Open your eyes, look at me while I split you in two.” He bites down hard on your lip, “I want you to see who makes you cum this hard,”
Your voice echoes off the walls, a mess of incoherent screams and pleas for more. Your hands scraping along his back, your nails leaving markings of your own. Your legs cling to the back of his meaty thighs pulling him in deeper, so his cock could swirl your insides.
“Fuck, I missed you,” his intense stare pinning you in place, his hand releasing your neck to caress your cheek, “you almost there? fuck you feel so good,” He lifts your ass up off the bed holding your hips so he can pound into you, “Baby, I’m close. You ready?”
“Yes, Daddy, give it to me, please I need it. Need you to fill me up,”
“Cum Princess,” he smiles at you and it sends you into a spasm of shaking legs and arms, your torso convulsing like you're possessed. His cum fills you up to the brim.
You collapse on top of him, your head resting on his wide chest. The speckles of silver hair tickling your cheek. You clench down and feel his cock throb inside you, You feel a calloused hand brush the hair from your face and begin to travel along the smooth skin of your back. Leaning back, he plants a soft kiss on your forehead, then another and another, until your giggling in his arms.
“Slade,” you say, your voice breathless while you try to contain the laughter, “how long are you staying for?”
“Why princess? You going to miss me?” he squishes you so close to him, you think he might break a rib.
“I always miss you when you're gone,” you say, twirling his chest hair around your index finger.
“Don't worry Sweetheart, I'll be back in time for the wedding,”
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double-hoe-seven · 3 years
Long Night
Kinktober Day 18 Kinktober Prompt: Thigh Riding/Face Riding Summary: Slade’s back home after a long mission and he knows exactly what he wants. Pairing: Slade Wilson/Deathstroke x Reader Word Count: 1,180 Warnings: fem-receiving oral, face riding, thigh riding, murder mentioned
Fandom: DCEU/Justice League (Snyder Cut) Rating: SMUT, 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
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A hot shower fixed everything. Long day sitting at a desk? Hot shower. Exhausted from your workout? Hot shower. Spend a few hours doing a few side gigs and ended it covered in blood and grime? Extra hot shower. The last one was your position, though what you called a side gig was committing any number of crimes indiscriminately; you'd burned and robbed houses and offices for the insurance money and you'd committed your fair share of murders too but your forte was hacking and theft, you left the murders to your husband. By the time you pulled yourself out of your thoughts, the water had begun to run cold. You washed the remaining conditioner out of your hair and soap off your body before shutting the water off. With a nice fluffy towel around your body, you get your hair mostly dry before strolling into the bedroom.
You immediately yelped in surprise when you saw your husband laying in bed, arms folded behind his head and his eyes-well, his good eye- closed. Your hand that was reaching for the gun in the bathroom cabinet fell to your side with an exasperated sigh. "You know, most husbands greet their wives when they return after being gone for almost two months," you make sure your voice is dripping with sarcasm. "You were in the shower and I wanted to give you peace. Besides baby, I just got home anyway," he reasoned, flashing you an extra tired-looking grin. "C'mon, c'mere, I missed you," he patted his lap and looked at you with his bottom lip in a slight pout. When you started to object, he started gently pulling you towards the bed and when you were close enough, he pulled you into the bed and had you straddle his thigh.
His hands rested on your hips and he grinned as he shoved your towel off, throwing it towards the bathroom "and in case you haven't noticed I'm wearing your favorite of my tactical pants." "I might've noticed," you said, humming at the way his thigh flexed under the fabric that was pressed against your exposed core. "You wanna ride my thigh, babygirl?" He asked, his hands coming up to gently fondle your chest, flicking his thumb over your nipples.
Slowly, you began rocking your hips against his thigh, the rough texture of the fabric providing just enough stimulation to make you want more. Your hands rested on his shoulders for support as you rocked your hips faster, small quiet moans fell from your lips each time your clit came into contact with the material. "Aw, you haven't touched yourself since I left, have you, baby? Been a good girl while I was away?" He asked as his eyes wandered over your already disheveled state. You shook your head; you hadn't had time, you kept yourself busy to avoid worrying about him. "Good, good girl," he praised softly, his hand coming up to wrap around your neck as you desperately moved your hips faster for more friction.
Slowly, he tightened his fingers around your neck and he pulled you down into a bruising kiss. It was almost the embodiment of him; rough, violent, and most of all dominating. A couple of times you felt your teeth clash with his but he held you there, leaving you no choice but to take what he gave. Slade roughly bit your bottom lip and the minute your mouth opened enough, he forced his tongue in, fighting yours for dominance. "Gonna soak my pantleg, baby? You gonna cum just from the friction alone?" He taunted after looking down at the spot on his pants that was quickly becoming drenched in your arousal as you rode his thigh. He knew you were getting close when you buried your face in his chest.
"Stop," he suddenly said, grabbing your hips and stilling them. "Noo!" You objected with a frustrated sigh, you'd been so close. "Sorry, baby, that's not what I want you to be riding when you cum," Slade said, patting your thigh affectionately. "Up." Reluctantly, you moved to sit on the bed beside him while he moved to lay down more full, his head resting more evenly on the mattress. He looked at you with that damned smirk of his "c'mere, babygirl, give daddy a taste of what he's been missing." You didn't hesitate before carefully straddling his face. Your eyes instantly fluttered shut as you lowered yourself onto him, his beard already tickling and scratching your inner thighs. His tongue took long, slow swipes up your cunt before circling your clit.
He smacked your thigh lightly, telling you to move your hips and you obliged. Your hips slowly rocked back and forth, his tongue toying with your entrance every so often between desperate swipes of his tongue. His grip on your thighs tightened before he bulled you down further onto his face, moaning against your lips and send vibrations through to your very center. "Fuck..Slade..." you muttered, already out of breath. You leaned forward and tightly gripped onto the headboard with both hands for support, panting some and closing your eyes. He expertly alternated between sucking your clit harshly to invading your quivering hole with his tongue, using your thighs to hold you as close to his face as possible. You chanted the word 'fuck' like a mantra, all but grinding onto his face desperately chasing your release.
Your movements only became more desperate and your sounds louder as you felt your climax building up, the coil quickly tightening and tightening in your lower abdomen. "Slade!" You nearly yelled out when the coil finally snapped. He eagerly lapped up your juices as you came down, squeezing your thighs hard enough to leave bruises in place of his fingers. His tongue gradually slowed down as you came down from your heavenly high. On wobbly legs, you raised yourself off of his face and let yourself collapse into bed beside him. He looked over at you with a smirk, his beard drenched in you "you were so desperate I didn't even have to use my fingers to get you off." "I missed you, Slade, you know I always do," you mumbled tiredly as you tried to curl up against his side. He stopped you and laid you flat on your back again, this time he was the one straddling you, his arms caging you in beneath him "and I missed you too, babygirl."
"Think you can give me another one?" He asked as he unzipped his pants, pushing them and his boxers down enough to free his painfully erect member. You gave a nod and lazily wrapped your legs around his waist "whatever you want, Slade." He leaned down to capture your lips in a comparatively gentle kiss, making sure you got a perfectly good taste of yourself on his tongue before he buried himself in you with one swift thrust. He sighed reveled in the quiet gasp you made, followed by the whimper of being overstimulated. You'd be in for a long night, you always were when he came back home.
Tag Team: @bdffkierenwalker​
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fandom-go-round · 3 years
DC and Marvel Masterlist
DC Comics:
Dick Grayson/Nightwing:
Motorcycles: Dick Grayson x Reader [smut]
Refuse: Alpah!Nightwing x Omega!Reader [smut] {dark}
  Jason Todd/ Red Hood:
Home: Jason Todd x Reader (fluff)
Present: John Constantine x Reader (fluff)
Incubus!Constantine x Reader HCs [smut]
  Barry Allen/The Flash:
Date Night: Barry Allen x Reader (fluff)
Taking Care of a Child HC: Barry Allen (fluff)
  Bruce Wayne/Batman:
Dealing with Kids HCs (Batman) (fluff)
Batfam Adopting Mermaid HCs
Old Man Bruce Fighting Crime HCs
Non-Sexual Pet Play HCs
Responding to Furry Joke HCs  
Flower Prompt: Wild Rose
Love Letter Event: Battinson
  Slade Wilson/Deathstroke:
Deathstroke x Reader [smut]
  Arthur Curry/Aquaman:
Hugging and Kissing HCs: Aquaman (fluff)
  Diana Prince/Wonder Woman:
Hugging and Kissing HCs: Wonder Woman (fluff)
Yandere HCs {yandere, dark}
  Hal Jordan/Green Lantern:
Omega!Hal HCs
  Clark Kent/Superman:
Shrunken! Reader x Superman HCs
  Harvey Dent/Two-Face:
Reader x Harvey Cuddling HCs (fluff)
  Star Sapphire:
Reader x Star Sapphire Dating HCs (fluff)
Injustice Dating HCs {dark}
Male!Reader x June Switching During Sex [smut]
First Date HCs {light dark}
Love Letter Event
Coming Out: Kaldur Imagine (fluff)
Incubus!Batboys x Reader HCs (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Duke) [smut]
Naga Egg HCs (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Black Canary) [smut]
General Centaur HCs (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Black Canary)
Alpha!Riddler x Omega!Reader Heat [smut]
Squirting HCs (Bucky Barnes, Dr. Strange, Loki, Batman) [smut]
Reader Coming Out as Trans to Batboys (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Damian)
Reader Dressing Up in Lovers Costume (Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Arrow)
Blue Lantern!Reader x Green Lanterns (Jessica, John, Guy)
Poly! Poison Ivy x Reader x Harley Quinn Domestic (fluff)
Poly! Raven x Reader x Starfire Domestic (fluff)
Poly! Constantine x Reader x Zatanna HCs
Omega Verse Batfam General HCs
Batfam!Reader x Batfam! Best Friend Getting Pregnant HCs (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim)
Reader Becoming Doctor Fate HCs (Jason, Tim, Cassandra) [dark]
Monster HCs (Duke, Stephanie)  
Bruce Banner/The Hulk:
Picture Perfect: Bruce Banner x Reader (fluff)
Domestic HCs (fluff)
  Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow:
Too Late: Natasha Romanoff x Reader {angst}
  Tony Stark/Ironman:
Broken: Tony Stark x Fem!Reader {angst}
Cello Music: Loki x Reader (Dissociation) {angst]
Take Me to Bed: Reader x Colossus (fluff)
Horned!Reader x Thanos [implied smut]
  James “Bucky” Barnes/Winter Solider:
Grim Reaper!Reader X Bucky {major character death}
  Doctor Octopus/ Otto Octavius:
Reader x Doc Ock Alleyway Sex [smut]
  Matt Murdock/Daredevil:
Reader x Matt Murdock Underneath You [smut]
Flower Prompt: Lilac
Male! Reader x Viper Anal Sex [smut]
Bedtime HCs: Logan x Kurt (fluff)
Enemies to Friends to Lovers HCs: Nightcrawler x Toad (fluff)
Kissing HCs (T'Challa, Erik Killmonger, M'Baku)
Poly Captain America x Reader x Winter Solider Possessive Sex [smut]
Logan Howlett x Reader x Kurt Wagner Stuck in Wall [smut]
Parents Getting a Divorce HCs (Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Dr. Strange) {emotional themes}
Squirting HCs (Bucky Barnes, Dr. Strange, Loki, Batman) [smut]
Shrunken! Reader with X-Men HCs
Kryptonian! Reader x Avenger HCs (Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff)
Valentine’s Day HCs (Thor, Loki, Valkyrie) (fluff)
Tony Stark x Bruce Banner Flower Prompt: Daisy
Kryptonian!Reader x Avenger HCs (Daredevil, She-Hulk)
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What I write and who I write for
Star wars
Boardwalk Empire
The Walking Dead
The Witcher
Star Trek
Harry Potter
Fantastic Beasts
Stranger Things
The pirates of the Caribbean
The Hobbit
Gotham characters I write for
Oswald Cobblepot
Jerome Valeska
Jeremiah Valeska
Jim Gordon
Harvey Bullock
Ed Nygma
Alfred Pennyworth
Mr. Freeze
Victor Zsasz
Butch Gilzean
Star Wars characters I write for
Darth Maul
Kylo Ren
Darth Vader
Han Solo
Poe Dameron
Lando Calrissian
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Din Djarin
Paz Vizsla
Spartacus characters I write for
Boardwalk Empire characters I write for
Al Capone
Richard Harrow
Eli Thompson
Frank Capone
Ralph Capone
Nelson Van Alden
Arnold Rothstein
Lucky Luciano
Gyp Rosetti
Marvel characters I write for
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Scott Lang
Stephen Strange
Clint Barton
Bruce Banner
Peter Parker
Bucky Barnes ❤️
Pietro Maximoff
Peter Quill
Yondu Udonta
Rocket (platonic! We ain't furries here!)
Groot (platonic)
DC characters I write for
Joker (Heath ledger or Jared Leto)
Captain Boomerang
Chato Santana
Rick Flag
Oliver Queen
Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett)
X-Men characters I write for
Victor Creed
TWD characters I write for
Father Gabriel
Rick Grimes
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
Eugene Porter
Abraham Ford
Paul "Jesus" Rovia
The Witcher characters I write for
Salem characters I write for
John Alden
Cotton Mather
Beelzebub/ The Sentinel
Sebastian Marburg
Star trek characters I write for
Captain Kirk
Dr. McCoy
General Martok
Julian Bashir
Captain Archer
Malcolm Reed
Trip Tucker
Harry Potter characters I write for
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Lucius Malfoy
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Severus Snape
Fantastic Beasts characters I write for
Newt Scamander
Percival Graves
Albus Dumbledore
Gellert Grindelwald (Mikkelsen or Depp)
Jacob Kowalski
IT characters I write for
Richie Tosier
Ben Hanscom
Bill Denbrough
Eddie Kaspbrak
Henry Bowers
Pennywise/ Bob Gray
Barry characters I write for
Barry Berkman
Noho Hank
Monroe Fuches (As father figure)
Stranger Things characters I write for
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson (platonic or as little brother)
Eddie Munson
Pirates Off The Caribbean characters I write for
Jack Sparrow....."Captain! Jack Sparrow!"
Captain Barbossa
William Turner
Bootstrap Bill
Davy Jones
James Norrington
Cutler Beckett
Lotr characters I write for
Samwise Gamgee
The Hobbit characters I write for
NCIS characters I write for
Tony Dinozzo
Tim McGee
Joshany Gibbs
YouTubers I write for
Mully VR
Josh dub
Your favorite Narrator
Eddie VR
Markiplier/Mark's egos
Angry Cops
What I will write
Male character x Fem reader
Traumatized reader dynamic
Mentions of abuse
Mentions of Death
Mentions of Blood
Slight torture
Knife play
What I won't write
Male Character x Male reader (Unless platonic)
Fem Character x Fem reader (Unless platonic)
Rape (depends on Character and how graphic)
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felicitysmoaksx · 2 years
JJ’s Fic Masterlist Updated 7/29/23
Marvel Comics
The One Where Tony Survives (Alt Endgame Universe) || WIP (Series)
A Handful of Moments I Wished I Could Change (And a Tongue like a Nightmare that Cut like a Blade) || Complete || One Shot
Two Worlds (One Family) || Complete || One Shot
The Darcy Lewis Chonicles (Series)
Just Tony || Darcy Lewis and Tony Stark || One Shot
Julie and The Phantoms
Found a Time and Space || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Juke & Williex
In These Small Hours (Series) || Complete
Hollywood Tragedy Aftermath || Complete || Bobby | Trevor Wilson Centric
Do You Hear That Love? || Complete ||  One Shot  || Willie x Alex
Melancholy Kaleidoscope || Complete || One Shot  || Julie x Luke
Little Wonders (These Twists and Turns of Fate) || Complete || One Shot || Julie x Luke and Willie x Alex
One Chicago 
You Held Me Up on Your Shoulders Way Up High || Chicago Med and Chicago Fire || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese and Kelly Severide 
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || Chicago PD || WIP (Series)
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || WIP ||  Multi-Chapter || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess 
Blood Thicker Than Water || One Shot || Complete || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Married But As Friends (Series) Chicago Med || Complete
Delicate || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You Could Still See the Best in Me || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Cause I Clutched Your Arms like Stairway Railings || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Freeze Time, Baby Rewind  || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Friends Don't Look at Friends That Way || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Come Back Be Here (Series) || Complete
Never Stop || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Guilty by Association || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
If I Drift in the Wrong Direction (You Turn the Tide) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You & Me || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Reader Imagines (Series)
Apartment Fire || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling
Doctor Visit  || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Halstead brothers Will & Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling, and Manstead if you squint
One Chicago Soulmate AU || WIP (Series)
Your Words (Burned into My Skin) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
In Your Eyes (and it all makes sense) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sweet Nothing (All You Wanted From Me Was) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Long Story Short  || WIP (Series)
Rare as a Glimmer of a Comet  || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Voight Family Values || WIP (Series)
Yeah, I Just Wanna Take You Home || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Hold On, I Still Want You  || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Bottled Up Feelings are Silently Screaming (You Were Breaking Down) || Chicago Med || WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
What Happened in Russia, Didn’t Stay in Russia || Arrow || Oliver x Felicity (An AU season 2 rewrite) || WIP (Series)
You’ll Always Be My Girl (or Felicity’s first scar and Oliver’s lecture) || Complete || One Shot
Slade’s Promise (Or Oliver’s Overprotective But with Good Reason) || Compete || One Shot
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slowlydrowningme · 4 years
Under the Bright but Faded Lights
Title: Under the Bright but Faded Lights
Rating: T
Word Count: 1546
Warnings: Description of kidnapping and injury, minor mentions of blood and violence
Pairing: Damian x fem!reader
Prompt:  18 and 22 for Damian Wayne x fem reader (Pinterest prompt lost #1) please! 
“You are weak with love for her.”
Notes: Apparently I have issues writing fics that are mostly the requested pair.  I don’t know how this turned into what it did, but there it is.  Fun fact: I started this fic three different ways before I settled on this one.  Good times.
Tags: @this-is-what-makes-us-fandoms
Things are fuzzy when you come back to your senses slowly.  The pain in your head isn’t surprising and neither is the wet, sticky feeling on the side of your head.  The cold is seeping into your skin through the material of your jeans where you’re sitting on the damp concrete, hands pulled above your head secured with chains if the clinking noise is anything to go by.  Your shoulders are sore and your ribs ache with each breath, but other than that you seem to be relatively unharmed.  The pounding headache was by far the worst part.
And it was made worse when you finally decided to open your eyes.
“Y/N…thank god.”
“Di-Nightwing?”  You can barely make out he outline of the man sitting across from you, but the voice and color scheme are unmistakable. “What happened?”
“What do you remember?” Blinking your vision clear, you try to remember the events leading up to that shadow appearing in your bedroom.
“Dinner with a friend,” you say in leu of saying Damian’s name because you don’t know who has you and what they know.  “A movie and then a walk home.”  It had been Damian’s night off and he had decided to take you on one of the most cliché dates ever because Dick had recommended it and you had found it amusing. He would do anything to see that lovesick smile on your face and the whole family (and you) knew it.
“Where did he grab you?”
“Deathstroke.”  Well, damn.  “Where were you?”
“At home.  I had been there about ten minutes.”  The lenses of Nightwing’s mask closed and you knew he had drawn the same conclusion.  Long enough that Damian would have been well on his way home.  “But…I never sent the text.”
The text that you sent every night before slipping into bed and drifting off for the night.  The text that would be replied to immediately if Robin wasn’t patrolling.  The text that you would see the reply to when you woke up the next morning if he was. The text that was sent because you had once told Damian how your mother said her biggest regret was not getting the chance to tell your father she loved him one last time before he died in the car accident when you were ten.
“He’ll notice then.”
“Yeah,” you breath out, blinking slowly as your head starts to fog up again.  “How long have we been here?”
“Me, a couple of hours. You, maybe an hour tops.”  Damian would have definitely figured something out by now.  Whether he had figured it was foul play was still up in the air.
“Hey, N?”  You struggled to keep the slur out of your voice, but the startled look on his face told you that you had failed.  “I’m going to pass out again now.”
“Hey, no!  Y/N?!  You need to stay awake!”  Nightwing called out, but he already sounded like you were listening from underwater, so you knew it was a pointless cause at this point.
The next time you came to, you are still chained up but there’s the distinct sound of fighting in the room with you.  A gun shot going off pulls you out more quickly than the previous time.
“You should have killed me when you had the chance, kid,” the deep voice of Deathstroke, aka Slade Wilson, draws your attention to where he and Robin are engaged in a fight.  A quick glance reveals Nightwing is almost out of his manacles, tossing worried looks between the fighting pair and you.
“Y/N!”  Nightwing relaxes slightly in the shoulders when he notices your eyes are open again.  But that is short lived when another gun shot goes off and something sharp hits your cheek.  You flinch and gasp when the pain in your arms is brought back to your attention.  
You’re aware you haven’t been shot, but you definitely took some kind of shrapnel to the cheek and it stings. But it just serves to remind you of all the other aches and pains that have only gotten worse since your last bout of consciousness.
“Ow,” you muttered, blinking back the bite of tears.
“Jesus,” Nightwing swears, doubling his efforts to get out of his restraints.  It’s a moment later that both of his arms are falling to his sides and he’s crawling over to where you’re slouched.  But your eyes are on Robin and Deathstroke.  You had seen Damian fight plenty of times and every time you’re able to marvel at the terrifying beauty of it.  But he has a katana and Deathstroke is wielding his guns.  
“No, help him.  Help Robin,” you gasp out when Nightwing reaches up to pick the lock securing your hands above your head.
“No.  He’d never let me hear the end of it if I didn’t get you out of here first.”
“Please help him.” But you know your request is in vain because Nightwing is shaking his head and reaching above you still.  Your chest is tight with fear as you keep your eyes on Robin as he focuses on Deathstroke.
“The others are here,” Nightwing says quietly as you feel the grip around your wrists release and he’s gently guiding your arms down.  He’s careful with you, but you aren’t trained to compartmentalize the way they are and the pained cry escapes your dry, cracked lips.  There’s a flurry of movement when the others crash into the room and you flinch at the commotion before leaning into Nightwing as he shifts to protect you from what’s happening on the other side of the warehouse.  
“Get her out of here,” comes a growl that is sadly all too familiar these days and just, how did knowing Batman’s voice become your norm?  “Nightwing, now!”  The order is clear and Nightwing tenses with it but doesn’t argue.  Instead, he loops an arm under your legs and around your back, lifting you easily as he stood.  
“Leslie is waiting at the Cave.  Take mine.” Red Hood shoots Nightwing a glance over his shoulder before taking a shot at Deathstroke.  
You want to argue. You want to fight them all to get to Robin and make sure he’s okay, but the fog is coming back and you’re not certain how much longer you’ll be able to hang on.  But you fight it because Hood’s ride is a motorcycle and you’ll need to hang on for the ride to the Cave.
Thankfully, Nightwing seems to know you’ve only got a little bit left in you and straps you onto his back before you’re flying a breakneck speed to the hidden entrance.  But you’re out again before you enter and when you come back to the world, you’re laying on a bed in the med bay of the Cave and Damian is sitting next to you.  You hand, that doesn’t have an IV attached to it, is held tightly between both of his, his lips pressed to your knuckles as he watches you blink awake.  There’s no hiding the fear in his eyes, or the relief at seeing you awake, so you give him your best shot at a smile.
“Hey,” your voice is rough and you can guess that you’ve probably been out for a fair amount of time given the texture of it.
“Thank gods you’re all right,” he whispers in response, leaning forward and kissing your forehead. You close your eyes and hum in response. “I was so worried.  When you never sent the text,” he explained, leaning back to sit down again.  He kept his grip tight on your hand, placing his lips back to your knuckles.
The darkened expression tells you all you need to know.  Escaped.
“What did he want?”  There had been no exchange between the two of you other than the butt of his gun connecting to the side of your head, so you couldn’t be certain outside of your connection to Robin.
“To make a point.  He failed.”
“He was never going to kill me or Dick, was he?”  Damian let out a snort and shook his head.
“No, he’s too fond of Grayson.  It’s disturbing.  I think he only takes him to prove he still can,” and wasn’t that disturbing.  But you were still glad that Damian’s oldest brother had been there to keep you calm and watch out for you.
“Dami?  What point was he trying to make?”  The question is quiet, and you’re worried about the answer, but you also know you need to hear it.
“You’re weak with love for her,” Slade ground out as he blocked a blow from Damian, throwing one of his own that was easily blocked by the other man.  “Your grandfather would be disgusted with how weak you are.”
“You are wrong.  I’m strong because of my love for her.  For all of them.  That is where my grandfather was wrong.”
“It doesn’t matter. He was wrong.”  The smile he gives you is enough to put out the fire of fear in your belly and when he releases your hand to place his hands on either side of your face so he can press his lips to yours sooths the remaining doubts.
“I love you, My Prince.”
“And I you, Beloved.”
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froggyfics · 4 months
Slade Wilson/Deathstroke Masterlist
Fluff = 💚
Angst = 🧪
Smut = 🍉
Play Fighting 💚 Slade Wilson x fem!reader, word count: 1,279 You have a training session with Slade.
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draw-back-your-bow · 4 years
Y/N Queen | B.A
My Masterlist | Request Guidelines | Send a Request
Pairing: Barry Allen x fem!reader, Queen!reader
A/N: I’m just going through my writing again and changing it all to second person and making other improvements to my old work. Enjoy :)
Summary: You thought that you finally got away from Oliver Queen and his secrets. Key word, thought.
Warnings: Lying, mention of death, mentions of sibling estrangement, brief mention of overhearing sex, car crash, minor injury
Word Count: ~4.5k
You scurried around your apartment, about to leave your house and meet Barry at Jitters. He wanted you to meet some people and sounded excited when you spoke on the phone, so they must be important to him.
Your heart fluttered when recalling his giddiness. His voice was always passionate about whatever he was saying, and merely listening to him talk brightened your day. 
He was definitely the best thing about Central City. 
You were incredibly lucky to have a friend like Barry Allen. Even though you wish you could be more, he was head over heels for Iris.
You glanced at the clock and saw that you were going to be late if you didn't leave soon. Grabbing your keys, you exited your apartment complex before jumping into your car and driving to Jitters.
Walking into Jitters, you habitually went up to the counter and ordered your favorite drink. Having been to the coffee shop so many times, your movements were muscle memory.
A couple minutes after you paid, the barista leaned over the counter and called your name. Collecting your order, your eyes scanned over the establishment in search of the brunet who summoned you there.
After finding the person you sought out, your breath caught in your throat at the people you assumed Barry wanted you to meet.
Sitting at the table with Barry, was Felicity Smoak and your brother, Oliver Queen.
Oliver's face went pale when his eyes landed on you. 
At his dumbfounded expression, Felicity placed his hand on his shoulder in silent question of what was wrong. But her mouth dropped open in silent shock when she followed Oliver’s stare.
Barry, as naive as ever, was completely unaware of the tense atmosphere that had arisen by his guest’s presence.
Your eyes narrowed when seeing Oliver next to Barry. You had no idea how he managed to find you.
The last memories you had of Starling City was your argument with him. One so awful, that next morning you moved out of the mansion without telling anyone, except Thea, where you were going.
He was keeping secrets from everyone about Slade Wilson. You deserved to know the meaning behind the nonsense he was screaming at Oliver.
He killed your mother, and almost you or Thea. But Oliver wouldn't even tell you why.
After that altercation, you never wanted to see him again and you abandoned the Queen name, refusing to tell Barry or anyone else who asks about your family. 
From then on, you had no relation to the infamous Queen’s of Starling City, and any similarities were simply coincidental.
You took a deep breath before walking over to them. You loved Barry, more than a friend should, but you would not break the promise you made to yourself.
You passed by Barry while muttering, "I have to go."
His face morphed into one of confusion, but before he could question your actions, you continued your way towards the exit. 
Before you made it out of the now cursed cafe, Oliver stepped in front of you, effectively stopping your escape.
"I need to go," you sneered at your denounced family member. 
He was far more intimidating than you, or anyone in Central City, but you refused to back down. 
"Please, just hear me out. I want to talk to you. I need to talk to you." He admitted softly, his voice filled with regret.
"Well guess what, Oliver? I don't want to talk to you!" you hissed. 
You didn't want to cause a scene in the usually passive coffee shop, but you felt like you would combust if Oliver continued to stand in your way.
You pushed past Oliver, his lax stance allowing you to overpower him. 
Storming out of Jitters with steam practically spilling out of your ears, you climbed into your car, deciding to skip seeing Barry and simply drive to work.
You were a photographer for Central City Picture News and worked with Iris. She wrote, while you took pictures.
But your partnership wasn’t always for the best, as you felt a pang in your heart every time Barry stopped by to visit. Sure, you loved seeing him, but you couldn’t help but be envious of Iris when you saw him bring her lunch every week.
In an attempt to rid the sudden sadness brought on by the man who occupied your thoughts, you tried to focus on less depressing topics, like your agenda for the day.
Since Iris didn’t have a story planned yet, you would just drive around town taking pictures of anything that may be interesting. Then later in the evening, you would be accompanying Eddie to the store to shop for him and Iris’ anniversary.
When you moved to Central City, you became good friends with Eddie since you were friends with Iris. Though you couldn’t help but feel bad for Barry, since he loved Iris although she was already dating Eddie.
You knew better than anyone how empty unrequited love felt.
Despite your attempts to prevent it, your mind drifted back to Barry. Though you can’t say that you were surprised since you’ve been thinking about him a lot lately.
You frowned when thinking of the lack of time you’ve been spending with him recently. 
Usually, you would both hang out together, although you suspected it was due to Iris’ free time which was usually spent with him, now being spent with her boyfriend. 
But recently, he’s been distant.
You didn't know him well before he went into a coma. He briefly visited Starling once, but you didn’t get the chance to talk to him as much as you would have liked.
Iris said that they used to always spend time together. But you couldn’t help but notice that his unavailability didn’t just apply to you. 
He was always leaving in a rush, with no believable explanation. First it was Oliver disappearing all the time and keeping secrets, but now Barry too.
Why do people you care about always find something else to do?
You forced yourself to put your negative thoughts aside for a moment as you pulled into CCPN’s parking lot.
You and Iris had recently been gathering information on the hero you dubbed, the Flash. The name had been inspired by the way he appeared and disappeared in a flash of lightning.
Before CCPN, you and Iris were both interested in the mysterious hero and you both created a blog about him. Then, she was hired because of her writing skills. 
You however, were hired because of your photography skills. You managed to take an amazing picture of the Flash in action while he was speeding down the road. Said picture, may or may not still  be framed in your apartment.
You and Iris have had a couple secret meetings with the speedy hero on the rooftop of Jitters. You’ve also met him a few times one on one, and you'd be lying if you said those weren't some of the best meetings in your life. 
Probably tied with the ones you’ve had with Barry.
Walking into work, you were faced with people running around, trying to meet deadlines and get things checked. You loved the restlessness that came with your job, there was never a dull moment.
Your morning consisted of taking pictures, and listening to Iris' ideas on how to get an interview with the Flash. Then, while you and Iris were out for lunch at the only place worth eating at in Central City, Jitters, you both saw them again.
You thought your brother was just stopping by to do whatever he needed Barry for, and then leave. But turns out, he was staying for the day. Your life just kept getting better and better.
You and Iris were chatting about some random topic while walking into the building. You were browsing the room for an empty table when you spotted Oliver, Felicity and Barry for the second time that day. 
Barry was the only one in the group who didn't make you hate ever stepping into Jitters. You didn’t mind Felicity, but Oliver seemed to always accompany the blonde.
Iris also spotted Barry, but she really freaked out about who he was sitting with.
"Oh my God! Is Barry sitting with Oliver Queen? Like Starling City heartthrob, Oliver freaking Queen?!" Iris gushed.
You wanted to both, roll your eyes and laugh at her comment. But you ultimately decided to do neither and instead pretend like you didn't know anything about it. 
And technically, you didn't. You were still clueless as to how Barry knew Oliver well enough to prompt a visit.
"What if he’s a look-alike?" you mused. You obviously knew it was really Oliver, but you figured that you deserved at least some enjoyment from his being here.
Iris gave you an incredulous look, though not for long since she was still trying, and failing, not to stare at him. 
"He's on my threes list!" She exclaimed in her best whisper.
"Oh my god." You murmured while covering your face with your hands in an attempt to erase her words from your memory.
You did not need to hear that. Growing up, your room was right next to Oliver's, so you had already heard plenty of things you shouldn't have heard.
You didn't get to wash out your ears for long enough though, because before you could forget her words, Iris pulled you towards their table, not paying and mind to your begging for her to stop.
Your pleas were either not heard or disregarded, because before you knew it, you both were standing in front of their table.
Iris was still awestruck from being this close to Oliver, and you were the only one out of both of you who was still able to speak in full sentences.
Turned toward Barry's side of the table, you chirped,  "Hi." 
Then, turning to Oliver you mumbled, "Hello," while barely looking at him in the eye and your voice brimming with distaste.
Iris was eighty percent out of her daze when she was able to gather enough sense to sit in the chair next to Barry. 
Then, ignoring the jealousy pooling in your stomach, you pulled up a nearby chair to sit on the other side of him.
"I don't think we’ve met, I'm Iris West." Iris introduced herself while cheerfully waving at them. 
Felicity waved back, and Oliver put on his signature smirk that made all the ladies swoon.
You rolled your eyes at his expression. Sometimes it’s like the island never even happened and he was the same playboy Oliver Queen. Then at other times, he would flip a switch and try to convince people that he’s changed.
Barry looked at Iris like she's grown two heads. So luckily, you weren’t the only one who had picked up on her odd behavior. After shaking the look of disbelief off his face, he turned and smiled at you.
It was beyond you as to how someone like him wasn’t married.
"Hi," he said shyly, looking at you with a delighted face.
You gave him a warm smile, and when he smiled back, you averted your gaze down to your lap, trying to hide your flustered grin. You had to admit, Barry’s presence made this interaction far more tolerable.
Just as things were starting to get better, Oliver turned towards you, "I'm glad you came. I’ve been needing to talk to you."
You were surprised that he actually confronted you on the matter, but you concealed your shock in favor of an unbothered expression.
You noticed Barry and Iris’ puzzled look but refused to address the elephant in the cafe. Mostly because you were ninety percent sure that you knew what they were going to ask.
Ignoring their confusion, you unenthusiastically mumbled, "Sure."
Oliver had a slight frown settled onto his face, but he quickly wiped it off to maintain his carefree charade. Felicity tried giving him a meek smile for comfort. Though judging by his clenched jaw, it didn't seem to work.
Barry must have realized that you weren't going to answer his nor Iris’ silent question. Absentmindedly tapping his fingers on the table, he decided to take matters into his own hands by asking, "How do you both know each other?"
"She didn't tell you?" Felicity gaped, knowing by Oliver’s furrowed eyebrows that he was hurt that you kept your relation a secret.
Iris shook her head, glancing between you and Oliver, surely wondering what you kept from her. 
Decided it was now or never, you held your head up and looked Barry in the eye. Taking a deep breath, you admitted, "Oliver’s my brother."
Barry’s jaw dropped and you almost winced as he recoiled. Iris’ eyes went wide at the revelation. 
Guilt flooded your conscience from keeping such a big secret from them. In hindsight, it was silly to think that you could hide from your past forever.
"Oh," Barry quietly gasped. 
Your previous thought that it couldn’t get worse was proven wrong when you saw Barry’s appearance revealing that of a hurt puppy.
After recovering from the initial shock, Iris was much happier than Barry at the news. "Really? That's so cool!" she exclaimed. 
Your lips twitched as you mentally disagreed with her. Barry obviously didn’t think that you lying to him was ‘so cool’.
Oliver and Felicity were both quiet as they observed the exchange playing out. Felicity looked pleased that you told them. However, Oliver looked defeated that you went so far as to not mention your relation to anyone.
But truth be told, you couldn't care less about their thoughts on the situation. If it had gone your way, Oliver wouldn’t lie to your face about the real reason behind your mother’s death and you would never be here in the first place.
Piercing through the silence, Barry's phone rang and he walked away to answer it. Another thing you had noticed he did that a lot.
Iris and Felicity started chatting away, and for the first time since he’s been back from the island, Oliver refused to meet your eye. Though you couldn’t say that you minded it.
Soon enough, Barry walked back to the table, seeming to have cooled off from your announcement.
"I have to go to work." The CSI announced. And Iris seemed to believe him because she also got up to leave.
"Yeah, I should probably leave too. My boss won't be happy if I give myself an extended lunch break," she added before directing the last of her statement more towards Oliver, "It was great meeting you both!"
He gave her an amused smile, which you could tell was fake, but didn’t comment. Iris however, was too busy swooning to notice. 
"You too," he replied smoothly.
You rolled your eyes. 
With that, Iris left and it was just the four of you. Barry and Oliver were exchanging eye contact as if they were speaking their own language. And Felicity seemed to also understand their secret conversation. So that left you to be the odd one out.
Now knowing that Oliver and Felicity were in on Barry's secret too, you couldn't help but feel hurt. Barry meets Oliver once in Starling City and suddenly they’re better friends than you both were. 
A voice in the back of your mind reminded you that you weren’t the only victim here. You had also kept a secret from Barry. One that was surely bigger than whatever he was hiding.
Also, you weren't even there when Barry and Oliver met. So you really had no idea what even happened between them.
But despite knowing that Barry didn’t have to tell you everything, you were still left with a bitter taste in your mouth at how Oliver’s mysteries and lies seemed to follow you even hundreds of miles away from their origin.
"I'm going to go," you announced, standing up from your seat. Turning to Barry, you added, "We can talk more later." 
You wanted the opportunity to explain why you didn't tell him about Oliver sooner. If you had any chance of keeping him in your life after this, you couldn’t hide anything else from him.
Walking out of Jitters, you didn’t look back at the sibling you spent all of that time trying to forget.
Sitting in his car, you were on your way to a jewelry store with Eddie. He wanted to get Iris something special, and you were one of her best friends. So he brought you along for a second opinion on whatever he chose. 
The only other person he could have asked would have been Barry, but Eddie was convinced that he liked Iris. However, his assumptions weren’t incorrect, so you couldn’t blame the detective for asking you instead.
You knew that Barry loved Iris, no matter how much you wished it wasn’t true. 
You didn't want to lie to Eddie, or expose Barry's feelings. So you simply stayed quiet on that particular matter whenever it was brought up.
You were absent-mindedly staring out the window when you saw a streak of yellow and red follow you down the road. Sitting up straight from your slouched over position, you opened your mouth to alert Eddie.
Before you could get a word out, time seemed to move in slow motion as the vehicle you were in, was thrown off balance and flew to the side of the road.
Trying to regain your senses, you pulled your head up in an attempt to see if Eddie was alright, but your blurry vision only managed to register that he was no longer in the car.
Hearing yelling from outside the shattered window, you snapped your head toward the noise, only for your hand to have to clutch your head from the sudden movement.
"I heard you've been looking for me! All this time, you've been trying to catch me, and I caught you first!" a deep, buzzing voice yelled.
You tried to squint and look outside to see what was happening. But from the position the crash put you in, twisting your neck to face the noise, only made you groan out in pain.
Pausing your attempted escape, your thoughts went wild as you caught your breath. 
From the limited information you knew about the events going down, you had no idea why someone who had been saving people, would all of a sudden decide to go after a cop.
Sure, Eddie and some others had insisted that he was a threat. But you had assumed that was only because of his unexplained ability. People would always fear things that they knew nothing about.
Deciding to quit focusing on the events unfolding outside of the destroyed vehicle, you decided to put the rest of your energy into getting out.
After checking that you could still move everything, you carefully lifted yourself up and stretched out from the fetal position you were curled into. 
Pushing on the car door, it refused to budge, so you stuck your hand out of the broken window to try and alert someone of your situation.
After managing to pull your head out the window, the Flash and you locked eyes, causing you to freeze, whether it be in fear or in awe. Before you could take another breath, you were out of the car and away from the crash site. 
Lying on the road which was luckily, clear, you saw Eddie. Helplessly trying to regain himself in hopes of fighting, or escaping, the spandex-clad hero. Luckily, other than a couple out small cuts, he didn't look too hurt.
Your attention shifted back to the man who pulled you from the car, the same one that caused the crash. 
Gazing into the Flash’s eyes, you didn’t try to escape from still being wrapped in his arms. Not only because you're sure that he could recapture you if he wanted. But also because you felt a force compelling you closer to him… a spark.
Leaning into his embrace, you were close enough to see the lightning flickering in his iris’ before you closed your eyes. 
Just as your lips brushed against his, something jerked him back causing you to snap out of whatever trace you were in. Furrowing your eyebrows at what almost conspired, you shook your head trying to make sense of it all.
Why would the Flash try to kill Eddie, only to save you? Why did he try to kiss you? And more importantly, why did you want to kiss him?
"Let go of her!" a deep voice commended. 
Looking past the speedster, you saw that Starling City’s very own vigilante had shot an arrow with a rope attached that had pulled back the Flash. Simultaneously preventing you from making what could have been a very big mistake.
You gaped at the leather-clad hero. He was a long way from home.
Not seeming fazed by the Arrow’s presence, the Flash taunted, "Let's see if you can hold on.”
In a gust of wind, the Flash ran off and out of your line of sight. However, it was probably for the best that you couldn’t follow, definitely not while he was in the condition he was in.
Seeing red and blue flashing lights approaching, you decided that there had been enough reporting for the night.
You were curled up on your couch, reading some of the articles that had been written about the calamity. You're not sure when your attention drifted away from the words on your phone, but soon enough, you were thinking about what went down.
You still didn't know what exactly happened to Central City’s supposed ‘hero’, and neither did any other article you read. 
But when searching for other crimes that happened before the Flash began acting strangely, you stumbled upon reports of bank robberies. 
Normally, that wouldn’t be out of the ordinary, especially with these super-powered people running around, but the victims claimed that they were overcome with unexplainable rage during the heists.
Then, before the next robbery, the Flash showed up. Only to have to flee the scene after what you assumed was a mental attack.
Connecting the dots, you came to the conclusion that the Flash had been whammied. Therefore explaining why he tried to kill Eddie. However, him being angry did not explain why he almost kissed you. 
And you doubted that you would get the chance to ask.
But your thoughts were quickly disproven when you heard a whoosh of air come into your apartment. Suddenly, all the lights were turned off, except for a sole lamp that did little to illuminate the room.
Seeing the faint outline of a man standing in a dark corner of your apartment, you were startled off of the couch. 
The dim glow coming from behind you did little to reveal the identity of the intruder, but you were able to make out a red suit. That, combined with the sudden darkness, told you who exactly the trespasser was.
Well, not exactly… but you knew him, kinda.
"What are you doing here?" you warily asked. 
Your newfound research led you to believe that he could still be under the influence of whatever the bank robber did to him.
The man stepped into the light and confirmed your theory of his identity. It was the Flash. 
You unintentionally took another step back, now knowing for sure who it was. You couldn’t deny that you were somewhat attracted to the red-suited hero. 
But in your defense, everyone was. Who could resist someone that could literally sweep you off your feet.
But the truth still stood that you loved Barry Allen. The moment you shared with the man in front of you meant nothing. He was in a trance, and you were swept up in his charm.
His words vibrated as he sighed, "I wasn't myself. I was attacked by a meta-human I fought earlier. He made me do something I would never normally do."
Despite his mask, you could see the downward turn of his mouth that displayed his regret. He knew that he had messed up big time and lost the city’s trust, but he still wanted to make sure that you knew the truth.
"I figured,” you consoled, “I read about that guy robbing banks and making people attack each other." 
His stance softened at your words, him being visibly reassured by your belief in him.
You continued, "But, I didn't mean to kiss you. Or... almost kiss you. I like someone, actually. I love someone."
“What?” the Flash snapped, causing you to furrow your eyebrows at his reaction.
Although you didn’t owe it to him, you explained, "Yeah, it’s complicated though. He’s kinda been in love with his childhood friend for a while though. His name is Barry and he's amazing, and adorable, and amazing."
The Flash had now stepped into the light and towards you while you gushed. It felt nice to reveal your secret to someone. All of your current friends were also friends with Barry, and you couldn’t risk them knowing and possibly telling him.
Stopping in front of you, your heart began to beat out of your chest for the second time that day at his close proximity. Before your eyes, he slowly took off his mask.
Gaping at the doe eyes you fawned over every day, your eyes went wide.
"Barry?" you gasped.
Your knees went weak at the revelation. Since you moved to Central City, your only goal was to keep your attraction to Barry a secret and hope that it eventually faded out.
But instead, you ended up ruining the one relationship you would have done anything to protect.
"I love you too," he exhaled, not paying any mind to your shocked expression, "I stopped loving Iris the second I met you."
Your mouth rapidly opened and closed at his admission. Unable to form coherent sentences, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in to meet your lips.
His hands settled on your waist as you tried to convey all of your emotions to the man in front of you. But just for good measure, you briefly pulled away from him.
"I love you," you breathed, lying your head against him.
Barry smiled at you, "I love you."
▣▣▣▣▣ Thanks For Reading! ▣▣▣▣▣
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Donna Troy Imagines
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jZmpVbK
by Bonniebird
Arrowverse / Titans: Donna Troy; This book is for CW's Donna Troy . All of my Imagines, prompts, oneshots and moodboard for Donna Troy requested via my Tumblr account; @bonniebird Fics in this book are Donna x Reader, Donna x Fem!Reader or Donna x Male!Reader
Words: 682, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Titans (TV 2018)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Donna Troy, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon, Slade Wilson, Koriand'r (DCU), Robin (DCU), Garfield Logan, Garth (DCU), Teen Titans (DCU), Bruce Wayne, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jason Todd, Dawn Granger, Hank Hall, Raven, Rachel Roth
Relationships: Donna Troy/Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jZmpVbK
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