#snowstorm 2024
gargelyfloof118 · 5 months
Snow storm coming in. Hubs and I got things prepped so the Horsey boys will be comfortable.
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Fresh shavings and some new buckets for stall water in case we need to lock them in. A water heater in the main paddock bucket!
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Light rain jackets on to keep them dry. The temps aren't supposed to get lower than 23°F (-5°C) so we don't need to put on a warmer blanket. Their thick fur should keep them warm. We are expecting up to 14 inches over the next three days.
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And of course, I had the farm inspector check everything out.
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manitapaleta · 4 months
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Art for @nark-week day 1: adrenaline/discipline
Larks first time flying Nicholas Air™️ lol
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darrinjoakley · 5 months
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Colors of Winter
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nightowlwoman · 2 months
My Thoughts on a Spring Snowstorm in Maine.
In case anyone was wondering where I've been the past few days -- Maine (where I live) was hit by a massive Spring Snowstorm that started late in the evening of Wednesday, April 3rd, and continued until mid-day on Friday, April 5th. In our area - somewhat northwest of Portland - the accumulation of heavy, wet snow amounted to 12" to 15".
We lost the power (along with some 300,000 other households) some time in the early hours of Thursday, April 4th. Repair crews made it to our street this morning and electricity was restored to us by 10:30 a.m. After a bit less than 3 days managing without electricity, heat, running water, a functioning septic system, hot coffee and, of course, internet service and other modern amenities -- my husband and I were very, very happy to be returned to the 21st century!
However, I have been reminded, once again, of all the people in this world of ours who are struggling to live without what we consider the basic necessities of life - much less the modern amenities and comforts we are so fortunate to enjoy. My husband and I had food to eat that didn't need cooking (PB&J, bread, cheese, muffins & raisin bran cereal), bottles of clean water, flashlights and candles and extra matches and batteries. We had plenty of warm clothes for layering and extra blankets for warmth when we went to bed. We had a sturdy roof over our heads and felt safe in our dark and quiet neighborhood. Most importantly, we had the knowledge that there were people working out in the storm to fix things and the absolute certainty that in a few days, at most, things would be returning to normal! How awful it is to know that so many people in our world today have none of these things and, tragically, little to no hope of their lives returning to the normal they once knew. Solutions are neither easy nor simple - what is necessary is good will, kindness and generosity of spirit and action from most of us - not just some of us. I persist in clinging to the belief that while there is life, there is hope - but sometimes the world makes it very hard to continue to believe.
The worst thing about this last hurrah of Winter given to us as a slightly tardy April Fool's gift by Mother Nature is the terrible damage done to the trees and shrubs and plants - all budded and waiting for Spring warmth to open - to leaf and flower. My neighborhood is filled with giant pine trees - very old and straight and tall. The ground is now covered with their branches, from small to huge. The maples and oaks and birches fared little better. When the snow finally melts, the sound of many people and their chainsaws clearing it all will fill the air. From my kitchen window, I can see a huge pine now missing its top half - snapped like a matchstick! Amazingly, it didn't fall on the house that sits near it. I don't think the tree can survive that damage, but it will require a crew of professionals to safely take down what remains.
The smaller plantings also were heavily damaged. A row of small-leaf rhododendrons that we planted nearly 40 years ago - that have survived countless snow and ice storms over the years - are lying bent to the ground by the weight of the snow. Far too many of their branches are snapped and broken away - it remains to be seen what may survive of them and be salvageable. I and countless pollinators and hummingbirds will miss their sweet, pink beauty this Spring!
A lilac varietal that we planted over ten years ago looks to have lost almost all its branches. We had been told it was a "miniature" variety that would stay small, so we planted it in front of our walkway porch. This lilac ignored its label and embraced growth with an enthusiastic abandon - reaching the porch roof, aiming for the sky and the sun. I resisted trimming it back - even as it obscured the view and overhung the railing onto the walkway, because it's purple flowers were so abundant, so fragrant and so beautiful - well, I just couldn't bring myself to limit its zest for life! It blossomed after the rhododendrons, when the weather was warmer and the windows were open, and its fragrance filled the whole house. I shall miss everything about that lilac that is still so young and hope that enough of it survives to eventually grow and blossom again.
Our single broad-leaf rhododendron, thankfully, seems to have weathered this storm with minimal damage. It has not been so lucky multiple times over the last nearly 40 years! It is battered and yet unbowed! I am hopeful that we will be able to enjoy its bouquet-sized blossoms this Spring!
I haven't had the chance yet to assess the damage to various lilacs and forsythia - the snow needs to melt and time will tell. The "grande old dame" of our lilacs, however, took some heavy wounds - not for the first time, either. This lilac has very fragrant and abundant white blossoms and was growing here before we built our house. It has lost major branches, been split in half in a massive ice storm - but it is a survivor and has always healed and continued to grow and blossom - even as it has assumed a different shape and silouette each time. It looks like it may lose about one-third of itself this time, but it's too soon to tell. Some major branches are snapped right off and many more are flat to the ground and trapped in the snow. As I watched it today, one long branch that was held by a lighter layer of snow seemed to break free and flung itself skyward and managed to stay upright on its own - a hopeful sign! When it is completely freed, we will lend it some support where necessary, perhaps do a little trimming and I trust it will heal itself and we will all get used to the new iteration of its appearance.
There has been a lot going on for me and my husband and family throughout 2023 and so far in 2024 - with no end in sight. Multiple crises, small and large, have been overwhelming at times and have occupied much of my mind and my time. These last few days, however, have had a narrow and more simple focus. The problems weren't really personal, because they were shared by so many. I went to bed early because my old eyes don't do well by candlelight and because it was warmer under a stack of blankets! I slept long and well and recharged my old battery. I had no control over events and, thus, no need to fret or feel responsible for it. Considering that I am a world-class fretter and worrier - that was a novel experience for me! Most of all, I had some very quiet time to think and just be.
I have experienced many difficult and painful things over the years and continue to do so, but if I've learned one thing in my 72 years, it is that things can always be worse! My experience of this storm certainly could have been much worse. Except for my dismay over damage caused by the storm - and Nature will eventually heal and be restored (with a little help from us) - looking at the last few days honestly - they weren't really all that bad at all! That being said - I am totally ready for the snow to melt and for Spring to finally arrive!
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maccaulayblake · 4 months
Who: Open. (@bhqextras) Where: Glow, Brooklyn
The power was going out on and off but the place was still riding on, for a Tuesday with expected bad weather the Drag Queens still showed and Glow drew a decent-sized crowd. The show must go on - as was the theme of the night, and lucky enough (for now) the generator was proving a worthy investment. Was it smart? No, probably not. Was he out there shoveling the main entrance every half hour? Also no. That much was clear when he stepped outside. Left with minimal staff, choosing to stay or go much earlier. The snow still beating down as hard as it was a couple hours ago when one of the only few people within eyesight came near, catcalling out "Ow ow, lookin' fucking fly. Fly and frozen. Should come in...strong drinks. Got a generator..."
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teamnick · 6 months
alpine skiing...pls i'm TIRED
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guyChapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cisco Ramon/Ronnie Raymond/Caitlin Snow, Ronnie Raymond/Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon/Ronnie Raymond, Cisco Ramon/Caitlin Snow Characters: Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Ronnie Raymond Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Short & Sweet, Sad with a Happy Ending, Polyamory, Established Relationship, Multiamory March, Multiamory March 2024, Prompt Fic, The Flash (TV 2014) Season 1, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Emotions Series: Part 82 of take me to your best friend’s house (I loved you then and I love you now) Summary:
In one of the few quiet moments they could afford in the fight against the Reverse-Flash… they could deal with what Harrison Wells being Eobard Thawne meant for them.
Or, the one where Cisco, Caitlin, and Ronnie consider what brought them together. Prompt: Mentor.
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kochlandhomestead · 5 months
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Really feeling this on a day like today!
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carbombrenee · 2 months
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effluvlia · 3 months
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safecastle-sale · 3 months
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Wintry weather returns, heavy snow in northern New England this weekend
A winter storm warning has been issued for northern New England this weekend. The heaviest snowfall is expected in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, with up to a foot of snow possible. 🌨️
Southern New England will see rain instead, with some areas receiving up to 3 inches of rain. ☔️
There is a chance of more showers next week, so be sure to stay tuned for the latest forecast.
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ponpan · 3 months
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dinosaurchurch · 4 months
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Valentine's Day was lovely, we had a storm raging outside for the 3rd year in a row so I spent the entirety of it curled up inside with my SO and my cat. It was nice to have the day off and just work on some drawing. Busted out the heart bath bomb that I had from last year that I had completely forgotten about it but it was still good either way.
I think one of my favourite things this holiday even if I didn't have the chance to spend the day out was being spoiled, I had been eyeballing Lush's 'Goddess' perfume for a while and that was this years Valentine's gift from my favourite person in the world. It smells amazing, like a floral, smoky, and sweet. Definitely smells just like the bathbomb, I'll probably have it for a long time (which is fantastic in my book).
Either way I hope everyone enjoyed their time whether they were taken or single. Pals still make great people to spend the romantic day with (Palentine's Day anyone?).
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shassys-walkabout · 5 months
A little update 14 January 2024
Latest updates for those who prefer reading blogs. #snowstorm #coldaf #dogs #cats #ranch
A little update14 January 2024 Please subscribe, I would be so thankful! By clicking submit, you agree to share your email address with the site owner and Mailchimp to receive marketing, updates, and other emails from the site owner. Use the unsubscribe link in those emails to opt out at any time. Processing… Success! You're on the list. Whoops! There was an error and we couldn't process…
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inkykeiji · 5 months
clari hi ilyy 🍓🍓
strawberry babie!!! hi!!! <3 ily toooooo and imy i hope ur doing lovely **♡( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎  )
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