#so I made a brush setting I like to doodle little things with and used the little comic to test it
aquacomet · 3 months
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Week 8 @daycarefriendpickup magma art! 🌙💐
Did a bunch of assorted doodles this week including a bit extra to the froggy saga from last week. The lucky frog has a name now so say hello to Raindrop! Also doodled up some stuff for Lumen, if there's merch for the others shouldn't the little guy have some of his own? A little light up plushie seems fitting for a nightlight bot.
Credits to @crabsnpersimmons for their Rain or shine AU! (Also thank you to Eggcromancer and Pineconecrows for inspiring the idea for the flower Moon art!)
🐸 Bonus comic below for "frog attack!!"
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godbirdart · 10 months
Looking at your recent commissions, those backgrounds are soo pretty!! Do you have any tips for backgrounds? I always struggle with them :>
aAA many many thanks!!
backgrounds can absolutely be a struggle but they don't have to be! they just require a little more creative planning~!
whether it be a commission or a personal drawing, if I'm building an elaborate art piece i focus on establishing the background First.
the background is the stage for your character! planning the background first will make it easier to tailor the character's actions and how they interact with the environment around them.
planning the background first can be the difference between your character standing awkwardly front and center with the setting going on behind them, or actually participating in their environment.
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if i'm super stumped for background ideas, i browse stock image sites to get inspiration. sometimes it helps to doodle on an image to generate some ideas - kinda like you're playing with JPEGs like dolls.
that said - while i'm pinpointing WHAT i want to draw, i keep the ideas loose. i don't want to focus on the itty-bitty details until i've got the overall aesthetic and layout in mind, as i might get inspired to add something in later!
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if you're planning a big piece it can be helpful to break it down into something bite-sized before you go all in and start lining or painting. these are "thumbnails" - fast little sketches that establish the scene in a way that doesn't consume a lot of time or effort. it's also great as a little perspective exercise as a treat.
here i decided i want to draw a character walking home in a back alley street. with these photo references in mind, i can plan a layout and how the character will act in the scene. is this a candid shot? are they posing cutely? are they looking down at us in a tense way? there are many ideas to be had!
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after you've chosen the layout / vibe for your idea, you can scale up your thumbnail to your preferred canvas size and start fleshing out the details. be sure to keep referring to your reference images to get additional ideas, such as storefronts, items, props etc!
If you're trying to create a unique environment that photo references simply cannot help you visualize, 3D models exist! This gives you that ability to rotate / scale things for better visualization. Clip Studio has a vast catalogue of 3D models to download For Free that you can fiddle around with. i know there are many 3D builder sites out there as well, though i've never made use of them so i'm afraid i cannot recommend any off the top of my head. hell, you can even use the Sims game to design a setting and go from there!
also if anyone is going to come into my house and say 3D models are cheating: they are not. using a 3D model to better grasp an angle or get a better idea for perspective is not cheating. using 3D models to help plan the environment in your art is not cheating. they are no different than brushes; these are tools made to HELP YOU. use them!
perspective and angles can make a HUGE difference in the art piece. there's nothing wrong with static long shots! if that's what you want to draw, do it!! there's no right and wrong here!
but if you're finding your work to be a little robotic and stiff, slap an angle in there. consider an overhead view. these same techniques are applied to photography and film! nothing wrong with wide shots, but every once in a while it can help to throw in a dutch angle.
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if there is one note i'd like to leave off on, it's that your backgrounds do not have to be 100% accurate-to-life to be Good. unless realism is something you're really striving for in your style, don't feel compelled to nitpick every brick and leaf in your art. us artists can tend to over-prune our work until our art looks a little bare and soulless. flaws can give your work character, and that's often a lot more appealing than how accurate the scale ratio between background building A and building B are [again, unless you WANT to go for that realistic look then you can fuss over those details all you like].
i hope this helped a little! MY APOLOGIES FOR MAKING IT SO LONG AH
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jakeyp · 8 months
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Hey guys!! Here's a tutorial on how to create those little animated doodles for your gifs so that you don't have to look for the exact overlay you want for hours 👍 This tutorial was requested by @fabines :) It's a long process but it's not too difficult, you just need to know the very basics of gif making! The steps are below the cut :)
First we're going to have our gif ready, and make sure you know how many frames it is!! It should preferrably be an even number! (or a divisible number)
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Now we're going to make another gif, which will be the lil animated doodle. Go to file > new or press ctrl+n. Create a new document that's going to be 300x300 px, and we'll make the background black:
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Now we're going to use a brush to paint the doodle! We're gonna set the size to 4px-7px depending on how thick you want it to be (here i used a 4px brush) and the hardness to 100%, and we're going to trace our doodle on a new layer:
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It does not have to be perfect!! It took me a while to get that crown and it looks half assed 😭 if you can use something other than your mouse like a tablet or something i definitely recommend you do it :)
Now we're going to click on "Create Video Timeline":
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Now the bottom of our workspace is gonna look like this:
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We're going to click on those three little boxes on the bottom left to convert to frame animation:
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And there's that! Now for the slightly tricky part.
We're going to set the layer where we drew the doodle to 40% opacity:
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And on a new layer, we're going to trace the same doodle:
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As you can see it doesn't look the same and it's because it doesnt have to be, that's how we're going to make it look animated!
We're going to repeat that process a few times! What i do to not get confused is that for examples when i'm going to draw layer 3 i first make layer 2 invisble, and then for layer 4 i also make layer 3 invisible and so on
My gif here:
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is 40 frames, which means i can make 8 different variations of my doodle and duplicate each 4 times. This is why it's important that you know how many frames your gif is! And it's even much easier if it's an even number.
But what are we going to do to make it look animated? Well, it's all about using the timeline! First, make sure that the frame delay is set to the same as your base gif. I usually set it to 0,05:
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Now our first layer can go back to 100% opacity, since we're going to use it too:
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So this is what we have so far:
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Only layer 1 is visible. So what we're gonna do is click this little plus icon:
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It duplicates our frame. And on our layer section we're going to make layer 1 invisible and instead make layer 2 visible, and you'll notice that now our first two frames correspond to our first two layers:
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And we're going to do the same thing for each layer! Add a new frame, make layer a invisible, make layer b visible, and so on! Here's what my crown looks like after doing this process with my 8 layers:
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As you can see it's too fast, so that's why i'm going to duplicate each frame 4 times, so each variation has 5 frames on the timeline, and that's how we're going to get the same amount of frames as our base gif:
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So once we have our animated doodle it's very easy from here! We're going to click on the bottom left again to convert our frame animation to a video timeline:
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And we're going to select all of our layers (ctrl+alt+a in windows or just go to select > all layers) and convert them to a smart object (right click > convert to smart object):
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So we're going to select our doodle and copy + paste it on top of your base gif, and we're going to set it to lighten or screen, whichever you prefer:
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So now we place our doodle where we want it, make it whatever size we want, rotate it... and we're freaking done!
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I hope at least half of this made sense akdhsk if you have any questions feel free to send an ask! 💙
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egophiliac · 10 months
Hello! Sorry to bother but do you have any digital art tips? I’m quite new to it and any tips, tricks or advice would be helpful! Your coloring style is very beautiful and I love it a lot!
thank you! 💚💚💚 sorry this is a bit late, hopefully there's still something helpful in it!
(also, it got pretty long, sorry!)
I think the biggest thing is to just take things slow -- digital art feels different than drawing traditionally, and it's SUPER easy to get overwhelmed by the billions of cool features that the digital world offers. (I say, as someone who spends a lot of time downloading cool brushes and textures...and then never using them ever.) there is a ton of really cool stuff you can do digitally, but because there's so much, I think it's really important to take time to figure out what is and isn't working for you. spend some time doodling without any intent to do a finished piece, figure out how you like to hold (or not hold) your tablet, what keyboard shortcuts you end up using a lot (and therefore might want to map to your pen/tablet buttons for quicker use)...that kind of thing!
everyone's workflow and preferred program and style are different, so it's hard to give hard-and-fast general advice. but the things that I think of as the essentials for learning digital art programs, and what I think of as a good order to focus on learning them in (although YMMV, especially depending on what kind of art you're doing):
brush customization (e.g. flow, opacity, softness)
layers and layer masks
selections and transformations (e.g. scale, rotate, flip horizontal/vertical, skew) (skew is underrated and I will die on that hill)
blending modes (e.g. multiply, screen)
adjustments/adjustment layers (e.g. hue/saturation, curves)
and I think most stuff after that is gravy! often very good gravy though! but yeah, as overall advice I recommend just taking things one little bit at a time, spending some time just drawing and messing around with each feature and what you can do with it. whether or not you end up incorporating any of it into your workflow, it's always good to try things out and just see how they feel! :D
and just so there is at least a little more concrete helpfulness in here, here's a few more specific things that I think are super important to keep in mind!
use! your! tablet/pen buttons! I mentioned this earlier, but they are extremely useful for keyboard shortcuts that you use often! most programs will also let you create new shortcuts for other things -- personally, I use the magic wand tool to fill in big color blocks a lot, so I made shortcuts for 'expand selection' and 'fill' and then mapped them to my tablet buttons.
flop your work horizontally often! when you're working on something, you get used to the way it looks, so seeing it mirrored is a quick way to see it with fresh eyes! in my experience, it often feels like this:
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(a common thing is to find that everything is sort of 'leaning' too much one way, which is where skew really comes in handy!) (seriously, I love skew, it is my savior)
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if you're working with color, keep a hue/saturation adjustment layer (or a layer filled with black or white and set to Color) on top and toggle it on occasionally to check your values! a lot of people who know a lot more about color than me (and are better at putting it into words) have written about why values are so important, so all I'll say is that the rule of thumb is that your image should still be readable in greyscale:
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there are some exceptions and grey areas (do ho ho), but it's a good general rule to keep in mind! (some programs also have a colorblind mode, so you can check to see how your work will look to someone with colorblindness!)
and finally, here's some digital art programs I recommend, if you're still looking for a good one!
free: krita, FireAlpaca
paid: ClipStudio, Procreate (iOS/iPad only)
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brokenpieces-72 · 5 months
Task force 141! Gangster x Reader
Truth or Pain
This is part 3. Part 2
Leave a comment if you want to be tagged in future posts.
You’re hanging out with Soap again and he watches you work on a your newest piece. You enjoy moments like these. You feel like yourself, and like you aren’t forcing your part. Soap was impressed with your skill. You were very good with your hands, and your work was great demonstration.
“You want to try?” You offer Soap a brush.
“You think I can make somethin as good as you?” He asks taking up your offer.
“Try it.” You say. A small voice in the back of your head suggests getting him on vandalism but you ignore it. He takes the brush and adds a bit of colour to wall… in the form of a very crude doodle of himself.
You finally take a break with him, warming your hands on the hot cup of cocoa.
“So what exactly do you guys do? Like I’ve seen you guys work but… I don’t get it.” You say, breaking the silence.
Soap thinks for a moment before answering. “We do what needs to be done.”
When he looks at you to see your reaction he finds you silently asking for more details.
“The Los Voqueros sell medicines. Simple stuff that’s not easy to afford. Painkillers, allergy meds. Ya know Farah, woman that ‘elped ‘ide us when those cops tried to grab us? She’s a bit of a vigilante, keepin some big corporation from ruin’in her neighbourhood.
“The problems with the world canna be solved by cops and white collars. They don’a’ven want to. We do. We set the world right, and we ‘ven ave a little fun on the side.”
He gives you a soft elbow to the arm. You smile. But underneath there’s a few things going on you’re not telling him. He’s given you two statements. One that can be used on Farah Karim, for aiding two criminals. The other could start a hunt for the Los Voqueros and their shipments of drugs. It wasn’t what you had been sent to find but it was a start. You might actually be taken seriously at the precinct, people might actually start having faith in your abilities. But… Farah had shown you and a few others kindness and trust. Her neighbourhood was constantly being targeted for demolition and businesses. You knew how expensive medications and drugs could be, you had needed them before yourself. As you sat there continuing to sip your warm drink, you started to ask yourself if this was truly what you wanted to do. The cops were bringing down people who were just trying to help. Sure they clubbed and partied on the side but hell, who doesn’t take some personal time?
You decide to keep the information to yourself for now, after all, Graves would only ask for a report on Soap and Ghost. Farah and Alejandro weren’t the priority.
You think back to your father. He was trying to help too. But it got him killed. You couldn’t let a bunch of gangs run free just because they were trying to help. The man sitting next to you had killed people before. He beat up good cops, stole shipments of drugs, and made it difficult for businesses to expand and grow the economy.
The rest of the day goes by fairly casually. You don’t give Graves anything on Soap, because well, he hadn’t given you anything. Nothing you could prove. Graves is frustrated, but he’s honestly too tired to care and leaves soon after.
A few more weeks go by and try to keep tabs on everything you can. The Los Vaqueros approved of the artwork you came up with, and now they were deciding where they wanted it. Hopefully they would give you a chance to be alone to work on it and you could find more evidence. Soap had mentioned helping with recent shipments so maybe you could get something from there.
The location was an old and empty warehouse, practically deserted. Alejandro and Rudolfo went with you to the location to show you where they wanted it.
It was more like where they wanted you though. Next thing you know, Rudolfo has you pinned against the wall while Alejandro is yelling questions.
“What are you looking for?”
“The fuck are you talking about?!” You yell. Rudolfo holds you tighter by your jacket. “Why are you here? What the fuck you want?!” Alejandro is pissed, but you have to stay quiet. You can’t give them anything.
“For the fucking mural! You asked me to!” You choke out. Rudolfo is ordered to drop you and you hit the floor, coughing.
Alejandro is nowhere close to being done with you. A good man he may be, but with traitors? Few could tell you how that went.
You’re met with a boot against your ribs as a warning.
“Why are you really here… out with it.” He warns.
“I don’t kno-“ before you can finish you get the wind kicked out of you.
“You know damn well why you’re here…tell me now.” He orders. Rudolfo keeps an eye out while Alejandro continues interrogating you.
“What are you talking about?!” You manage after regaining some air. He holds up his phone and shows a photo of you… in uniform.
“What are you looking for?” He asks. There’s some lenience as he lets you get to your hands and knees. Alejandro helps you stand by grabbing you and pinning you to the wall again. You try to kick him off, your heart pounding in your chest and ears ringing in your head.
“Start talking!”
“I don’t know what you mean!”
“I know you’re a fucking cop!” He yells. “You’re undercover! I know you are, so start talking! Who else is undercover? What are you trying to find?!”
“Get off!” You yell back. At this point you’d have enough evidence for assault, but right now you were fighting to remain an assault victim.
“Not until you tell me who else is undercover with you.” Alejandro demands, you get punched in the gut making you cough. “Tell me and you walk away!”
“I…don’t…” another hit, this one to the face. There’s footsteps but you barely notice them. He grabs you by the jaw and gets close.
“Talk and I won’t tell Soap… you walk away and nothing happens…”
“…I’m a cop…” you admit. You were scared. You didn’t know how he knew. You weren’t supposed to say anything. When he brought up Soap though… Soap was the only one who seemed to put any trust in you. Losing that would hurt more than anything Alejandro could do to you.
“Where are your partners? Who are they?” Alejandro asks, his rage reducing a bit. Before you can answer though you hear a thick Scottish accent shouting and Alejandro pulled off of you.
You fall back to the ground and see Soap and Alejandro arguing with Rudolfo nearby trying to break them apart. You can barely make out what they’re saying, but eventually two hands grip your arms and help you to your feet just as Soap turns to you.
“Come on kid.” You hear a deep British voice say and you look to see Ghost is holding you, and lead you out of the warehouse while Soap follows not long after.
Ghost gets you to a car, telling you to get in the back which you do and you sit patiently for Soap to come along and sit in the passenger’s seat. They don’t say anything to you, just start driving.
As they get on the road Soap speaks up.
“Where we takin the cop?” He asks.
Your heart plummets when he says it. The way he says it tells you he’s pissed. With you.
“I’m taking Y/N to a hide out. The boss can deal with them.” Ghost said.
Soap looks back at you in the rear view and you look away. Not out the window, but more at the door. Your body was sore from Alejandro, and you were tired. You were too nervous to fall asleep.
When you get to the hideout, you sit up so Ghost can open the door. He jerks his head signalling for you to get out of the vehicle, and you do, keeping your head down. You can’t look at either of them.
Ghost leads you inside with Soap following behind you. He opens the door telling you to sit down, before stopping Soap from going inside and shuts the door.
“The fuck is this?” Soap asks annoyed.
“You’re emotional MacTavish.” Ghost tells him.
“Have fuckin right to be. We trusted ‘em and-“
“They were doing their job.” Ghost finishes the sentence.
“They used us.”
“You knew this was possible… like father like child.” Ghost reminds him. Soap is still pissed and kicks the ground hard in frustration. Ghost just folds his arms, and leans in front of the door frame letting Soap get his colourful Scottish phrases rattle off while tossing and kicking anything he could get his hands on.
You can hear them from outside and you consider running off, running away and not looking back. Soap and his men had given you a chance, a chance you had been waiting for. Soap was your friend, and he would defend you to no end. Any of his men tried to get handsy or get too drunk and go off he was beside you, jabbing back at them. He talked you up to Rudy and Al, assured Farah you were a good person, kept you close to his side… you start to wonder if it had all been for the case, or if you had done it because you felt like you were a part of something for once.
Ghost soon comes back inside, Soap is nowhere to be seen.
“You broken?” He asks. You fight your tears and shake your head.
“Take your jacket off and roll up your shirt.” He orders. You slowly stand and do as he says, showing a couple bruises. Ghost sighs and gets an ice pack from his freezer handing it to you along with a rag. You take it already knowing what to do, while he pulls up a chair and sits in front of you.
“What’s your name?” He asks.
“Y/n… y/n l/n.” You say shifting a little as you placed the ice pack to one of the bruises.
“…you’re a cop.” He says. You nod, despite the statement being rhetorical.
“Soap was aware that could be the case… given your father.” He says. You look at Ghost.
“We knew your dad. All of us, including the boss. Good man.” He said as if trying to end the discussion. You two sat in silence for a bit while you mulled over what he said. Your father was a cop, did he do the same thing? Go undercover? Did Graves know?
“Keep the pack.” Ghost says standing up. You follow him to the car and he takes you back to your apartment. Before you exit the car he gives you a piece of paper.
“Text this for a ride.” He says. You take it.
“Could you tel-“
“No.” He says. “Tell Soap yourself.”
You nod and leave the car and go inside to your apartment. It’s late, almost midnight and god knows how long Graves has been waiting.
You knock on your own door and Graves soon opens it. When you walk in you hardly pay him any mind as he’s demanding to know where you’ve been. He keeps asking even while you’re getting some painkillers for your soreness and now headache from Graves.
“Nothing happened.” You say.
“Somethin happene-“
“Nothing… got into a fight that was it.” You say.
“You start it?” He asks.
“Who did?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter sergeant, now start talking!”
“I don’t know anything!” You yell. Your whole body tensed as it felt like you were at the warehouse getting questioned again. You flinched when he got closer. You clenched your fists digging the nails into your palms.
“Sergeant this is getting ridiculous. I have half a mind to take you off this case.”
“Then do it…” you mutter. At this point you don’t care. You’re in pain and this case made everything you had started to care for fall apart. What had Graves honestly done except tell you, you weren’t ready and remind you of the expectations you had being your father’s kid? Soap knew your dad, and never once reminded you of living up to him.
“What?” Graves looks at you stunned.
“Do it. Take me off the case. It’s probably for the best.” You say shrugging. Graves looks at you pressing his lips together. He shook his head.
“Your fath-“
“I don’t give a fucking damn about my father or how I’m his disappointment of a kid okay? You’re right I’m a fucking joke being his kid.”
“I’ve given you a chance to prove yourself!” Graves argues.
“And what have I done? Nothing! I’m a glorified tagger that’s what you said right?! Fine! Then I’ll be one! You gonna arrest me then?” You’re staring him down now. He just looks back, hiding his surprise. If Graves was being honest, he was tempted to do so.
“…I’ll be back in the morning.” He says and leaves your apartment. As soon as the door closes your pain opens. You’re hurting, he can tell. Something happened that scared you and that’s all he sees. He doesn’t know what’s going on deeper. The act was working but on him. The act of joining a gang in order to get closer, but that wasn’t an act to you. Not anymore. You clean yourself up, apply ice to your bruises, and stare at your father’s badge. How much did he know? How much did any of them know? You keep asking questions the whole night.
Price is sitting at a booth in a restaurant going over some paperwork when Johnny strides over and sits in the booth across from him. Price finishes the sentence he was reading and looks up.
“You knew this could happen.” Price says calmly.
“Don��t fuckin remind me…” Soap grumbles.
“How is l/n?” Price asks. “Simon told me he sent her home.”
“He did… Alejandro got to her before I ever could.” Soap comments.
“Yeah well, from what you told me, she won’t be for long. She has my number and if she was talking cops would be knocking.”
“Now what?” Soap asks.
“We wait.” Price tells him.
Taglist : @H0n3y_L3m0n
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captain-mj · 1 year
Small Switch
It was a small thing. They were born at different times. Ghost a few years later and Soap a few years earlier.
Soap went through Roba and Ghost had the luck to be the new member of the SAS.
Just a tiny drabble about them if they switched places :)
Simon was... surprised. Not disappointed. Absolutely not. The man in front of him was only 5'10 but built. Tattoos decorated his arms. Simon caught the symbol of their unit on his inner arm.
"You must be Soap?" He looked at the skull mask. White over black fabric. There were doodles and little lines of color all over it like Soap had decorated it.
Simon had not been expecting Scottish, but it sounded nice. Really nice. "Nice to meet you, sir. Sergeant Riley. I was told I'd be under you."
Soap nodded. "Understood." His eyes were a striking blue behind dark fabric and even darker makeup. Deadly as a rushing river. that would slam him against the rocks until he suffocated. "Follow my lead. Don't die, yeah?"
Simon fell into step with them. For a first meeting, it didn't seem to be going well. He wasn't sure if he did something, but he had been prewarned that Soap was a bit prickly. Well, the exact term Price used when telling Simon about his new team was "Stone cold bastard". It was said with a shocking amount of affection, even if he was clearly very serious.
The mission was uneventful. There were long stretches of silence that Simon liked. It was calming. He could sometimes hear Soap's breath over the comms. Nice and even.
"Why is it so easy to shoot a fish in a barrel?" Simon had no clue why he decided to talk, but he did.
There was a long pause, Soap's breathing disappeared. After it had started to get awkward, Soap spoke up. "Why?"
Simon grinned and glanced at him. "It's already in the gun."
Soap didn't laugh. He was secretly looking at Simon's smile. The soft scarring on his lower lip, possibly from a piercing but it was hard to tell. Dimples. His hair was a bleached blond that was just long enough to be out of regulation and it curled around his jaw.
Soap looked away from him and Simon decided he wouldn't make any more jokes.
That part wasn't important. What was important was the way Soap interacted with him. Cold. Detached. It set Simon on edge.
Until he saw him interact with Gaz. It was exactly the same. Gaz treated him like a friend even though Soap barely acknowledged his presence.
Simon observed them closely. They didn't touch. Gaz was a touchy person. He had grabbed Simon's arm when they met and casually punched other soldier's shoulders and even threw his arm around him. But he didn't so much as brush his hands against Soap.
"So." It was the first time Soap had looked at him since they had been introduced. "Why is your name Ghost?"
"First unit just gave it to him. Said it was because I was quiet."
"Yeah, big guy. Doubt you're that quiet." Soap was clearly a little more interested in him. The interest made Simon's chest feel funny. Butterflies filled his stomach.
"Get fucked."
Soap laughed. Gaz whipped around to watch him before trying to play it off as subtly as he could. "Alright. You're good." He nodded to him before leaving exfil.
Gaz signaled to Simon to wait so he did. They were the same rank, but Gaz had been there longer, so Simon trusted him. "How did you manage that?"
"Manage what?"
"Soap likes you."
"That's him liking someone?"
"Yes! It took me six months for him to even speak in full sentences to me."
Simon shrugged. "I don't know. I just... I don't know."
It was two weeks later. They hadn't had a mission so they were stuck helping train recruits and handle a few things around base. Soap had a surprisingly predictable schedule. He woke up sometime really early in the morning. Ghost couldn't quite figure out how early, because no matter when his insomnia became too much and he just rolled out of bed to start his day, Soap would already be awake and dressed. He had done the math once. There was no way Soap got more than about 2 hours a night. Even that was seeming unlikely.
But every morning, he started a pot of coffee. He used his own. It was labeled and everything with a giant "Do Not Touch: Soap's" on it. Definitely smelled way better than what everyone else used. He drank it over the hours from whenever he woke up to 7 am when everyone else was finally up, showered, dressed and ready to start the day.
There were several mornings when Ghost and Soap would be the only people up for a few hours. Just the two of them. Soap never asked what kept him up. Ghost never asked him either.
Simon wanted to tell him. For some reason. That he dreamed of his dad. Or that he worried he'd come home from leave to find his Mum beaten again. But he never broke that silence. He just made a cup of tea for himself and sat next to him.
"You want to try it?" He offered to Soap one morning. Soap had the mask on. Ghost hadn't seen him do more than lift it slightly. And even then, it was only times like these. When no one was around but Simon.
Soap shook his head. "Not a fucking brit. Thanks." He continued drinking his coffee.
"Must get tiring. Being surrounded by us."
Soap was quiet for a minute. The cup of coffee was slightly lowered so Ghost could see the scarring. Deep Glasgow's. A line over his throat, right along where his Adam's apple was when he spoke. "What is the biggest export for Britain?"
Simon tilted his head, a bit confused. "Fuck, I don't know. What?"
"Independence days." Soap didn't laugh. He said it so dead pan, Simon almost didn't realize he was joking. And then he did and he was laughing like an idiot at 4:30 am in a kitchen with a man he was told was the embodiment of death.
Johnny, because Soap was not the one that thought Simon was pretty, felt his breath catch. Simon's cheeks had turned red. His laugh was just like his voice. Deep and rumbly and handsome. It took Simon a minute to compose himself, which gave Johnny plenty of time to take his fill of him and make sure he didn't show a single sign of anything. Slipping his metaphorical mask back on since he still wanted to drink his coffee.
Simon put his hand on his shoulder for just a few seconds as he passed him to sit down and Johnny's whole world melted down into that point of contact. His shoulder felt warm from the touch even through Ghost's gloves and his own clothes.
"Knew you had a sense of humor."
Four days later, Simon decided he wanted to show Soap exactly why he got his namesake. He saw him across from Gaz and silently moved closer. Even Gaz and Price, who were facing his general direction, didn't notice him. Both were distracted with other things to give them a little credit, but still.
Simon stopped when he was right behind Soap, standing just so so his shadow didn't fall on him.
"Hey, Johnny."
Soap really, really did not mean to. But as soon as he turned and saw how close Simon was standing, he hit him hard enough in the gut for him to double over and then pinned him face first into the ground.
Soap pressed him down by his head so his cheek pressed to the floor.
Simon's hair was soft. Really soft. It curled around his fingers and Soap realized with a jolt that Price had his arms around Soap, trying to yank him off.
"Jesus, Simon. Why the fuck would you think that was a good idea?" Price snapped at him.
Simon stared at Soap and Johnny felt sick when he saw how scared he looked. It was wrong. He never wanted Simon to be scared of him.
Gaz helped Price yank Soap back, who hadn't actually gotten off of him. "He asked him why his callsign was Ghost a few weeks back and said he didn't believe he was quiet. Were you trying to prove that?"
Simon touched his face. Soap had busted his lip when he had slammed him down. He looked at the blood for a minute.
"It was just an accident. Forgot to make noise."
Soap thought that was odd that Simon's default was silence instead of the other way around. He had a funny feeling Simon was lying about the accident part.
"Won't happen again, Captain. I'm sorry, Lieutenant. I didn't mean to startle you." It was clipped. Perfect professional speech.
Price nodded, clearly not believing him either but if Soap wasn't trying to yank out of his arms to get at Simon, it was okay to let it be. "Go to medical. Make sure you didn't crack a rib."
Simon nodded and quickly stood up. His footsteps didn't make a sound.
Soap swallowed. "Guess he can be quiet..."
No one laughed.
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About the TFRB x AEMH crossover, what do you think the Avengers would think of Priscilla? (Maybe also what they think of her being with Cody?)
Sorry I had to do some quick doodles for this ask. TAKE THEM, THEIR HORRIBLE!
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If I'm allowed to use my hc that Simon is Priss dad, then this will be angsty. And if I don't use that idea, then it would still be angsty as Madeline could work as an antagonist for Tony because they work in similar fields but Madeline steals the products to claim them as hers..
I really don't know in which place of the timeline we would set this up if between seasons 2-3 or on season 4 after Madeline is arrested. But well 😋
-Cap is the type of guy who likes all types of children no matter how destructive or arrogant they are. Though Priscilla is hard to open. I think that Priss would remind Cap of another woman who is hard to open up to, but is nice deep down (I'm referring to Madame Viper. And who knows, maybe Madame Viper worked once for Madeline too)
-Tony might not like Priscilla at first. He is a very busy man and has no time for bratty children, more if they're the kids of his competition. However, after getting numerous propositions from Pynch Industries he ended up desecrating, for then purchasing Simon Innovations. An angry Priscilla comes at his door screaming how he has ruined his family even more... so yea, it wasn't a really good first impression, but they warm up with time.
-Thor as the god of thunder and prince of Asgard would be the most interesting Avenger to Priscilla, and Thor would hate it. The Asgardian knew that humans could be perseverant and an unstoppable force, something Priss proved to be. The girl is 11 and she already had levels of Enchantress manipulation, though Thor knew that she was still a kid who grew up with a mother worse than Enchantress herself. But it still made Thor tremble every time Priss showed up in front of him with a wide smile to ask ¨can I brush your hair?¨
-Banner and Hulk have come to the agreement that Priss is not the worst thing that has happened to them... and even when Priss is annoying at times, is a bit nice to have someone yell at you because you are not a monster but because you are annoying to her as well. Priss doesn't see Hulk as a monster which is surprising for many.
-Hank and Jannet are worried for Priscilla, mostly Hank who after a deep investigation found out what Madeline was doing in the shadows and what was planning if she killed made an alliance with Tony.
-T´challa is impressive as to how obstinate Pricilla is, how cold, and how calculator she could be all thanks to the teachings of her mother. But Priscilla was still innocent, a little kid who didn't know better and was never put a stop as a conscious decision to keep her as an obedient brat. It made T'challa that things were never as black and white as some pointed out. Priscilla has the chance to be the bad guy or the good guy, and T´challa hopes that maybe some of his teaching shows Priss that one route will be better than the other. The route may take away a lot of things/people that Priss loves, but is the best path to live.
-Hawkeye won't stand for Priss shenanigans and will ping her with one of his arrows to a wall just to annoy her and make him leave him alone. But Priss just like Cody is a force to fear, more if you ruin one of her prettiest dresses. Clint learned that with a bomb of glitter exploding on his face...
To summarize, everyone on the team has different views on Priscilla, but they all mostly agree that Madeline played (or well didn't?) a part in Priscilla's education and teaching her how to act. Everyone and Cap would be a bit worried that Cody has a secret crush on her, but the kid has proven capable enough to deal with this (or so they think ashdkjahd)
Wasp is a shipper like Dani so a lot of chaos suffers with this...
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dreemurr-skelememer · 8 months
Hey! I love your art so much and was wondering what brushes and/or art programs you use, I'm an artist myself and am just genuinely curious. Sorry if this is a strange ask or anything... I don't use or get on Tumblr too often. Thanks for reading this ask and have a good day/night. (This is my first ask to anyone I think)
hey!!! i use Paint Tool SAI 2!
as of the moment (which means i constantly change it) here is my main doodling/sketching/lineart brush:
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my coloring brush: any hard edged basic brush will do, you can also use the bucket tool or the lasso tool, it's simply for coloring
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my blushing brush: i blend this brush out by switching to transparency (making it an eraser) and lightly tapping the outside of the paint! (sai users, do this by pressing C on your keyboard. lifesaver been using this shortcut for years) it's versatile, i love using it for gradients
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marker brush (usually for ecto): i use this brush only when i want to paint ecto (which i don't do often) but you can use this for other purposes too! it's not my favorite, not even good enough for ecto imo, because my sai 1 version is much better i blend things out the EXACT SAME WAY as the blush brush so please keep that in mind!
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a basic brush im testing out for shading purposes: it has a little bit of texture and is made for baaasically cel shading but slightly softer and has the tiniest bit of color mixing
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blending brush i barely use and don't actually really like that much: i'm still testing out blending brushes that i like because i can't find one that i like that isn't just blurring colors together or making them muddy when mixed together. if anybody has suggestions, PLEASE let me know! anything like a procreate or csp blending brush that can be recreated would be great
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and finally, my rendering brush: it's basically a basic hard edged brush that can pick up the smallest bit of color i use it to clean up and add final touches by using the drop picker often and over the entire artwork
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ofc, change anything to your preferences. that's how it goes these are just the settings that work for me :) this also goes for the program LOL i know sai is not for everyone (but it's my baby my bestie my 5ever so like this is about ME)
i have an in-depth post about my CSP brushes and how i work with them (and i don't really ever use csp unless it's a big piece so it's not changing anytime soon) if that's what you have or prefer
my #ref tag is also a treasure trove of my old settings over the years if you'd like to see those too
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dirtyoldmanhole · 7 months
YRMR cover progress for the curious!
before drawing, there were a few things i knew that the cover had to have/show:
critically, had to have vibes of an enemies-to-lovers dynamic in the sense of ... the power tilt? even though that's not "technically" the true nature of their dynamic. gunter's not a nice guy in this fic, even aside from the possession, and i also didn't want anybody to run into this unsuspecting the darker parts to the fic. him more looming/threatening than you'd expect in base game, etc.
wanted to emulate kozaki's style through the whole cover in line qualitty, coloring, and composition. thankfully he gives a few tips over on his twitter. it's both a neat little nod at the source material, and also as a style experiment.
a big theme in this fic is gunter being made of so many masks/shells (there's a perfect blue cover, see below, that specifically made me think this composition could work.)
learning that kozaki hews pretty close to grids + the golden ratio was another big lightbulb moment, here's a drawing yoinked from his twitter where he shows it himself.
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after scraping/studying from kozaki's twitter, i made one or two thumbnail doodles below. you can see the solid one had a golden ratio + general line dynamic check squiggled to the side. there's room for the title, the focus is on corrin, it'll work both in a horizontal and vertical crop, looking good so far.
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you can see how pretty tightly to the thumbnail i kept, other than moving the vertical text to the top since i didn't have as much room there. i'm a little worried about the different line quality between how big the face is vs corrin but we'll see.
something i also realized i like about the composition is corrin "could" look like she's attacking the viewer, but she also looks like she could be guarding him with her back to him, which.... heh. comes up in some interesting ways in the last third of the fic (possession wise).
bunch of cleaning up.
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as I suspected since this is 11x17in (much bigger than what i normally draw) i had to grab a different brush for gunter since thin lines were not going to work as they did for corrin. i think kozaki's real genius is how he treats texture with his linework; where he does thin lines, where he puts the thick ones, etc.
corrin's coming along great but there's a spirit to the first face on the left i think i'm missing now, so i'll probably re-insert that. (also decided to at least draw in his face there even though the masks/slices will distort that). i think what also helps is gunter's face is very low contrast and needs to remain low contrast, to help corrin pop out in front.
then i started thinking about typography. a lot of the fonts i had were either way too masculine/bland/modern, or way too feminine/curvy. this title needs a hint of masculinity to nod at FE's general action-adventure RPG roots, but it's also very distinctly the kind of erotica that doesn't easily lend itself to a genre. it's tender horror, it's daddy kink, it's vicious romance, it's ... a lot of things.
here's another thing: when thinking about title typography, another consideration is genre. briefly i considered something like lovecraftian covers; my doujin circle and i had been sharing pictures of old pulp covers. i also noticed a lot of my favorite JP erotic horror doujin have very spiky titles. this title also needs to be scrunched up in a tight space so it's not like we got a sprawl of acreage here either.
what doesn't help is enemies to lovers doesn't really have a visual language in mainstream media.
it's a staple of Ao3 (written) genres, but the closest you'd get otherwise would be romantic horror (kind of says a lot about who makes what huh?). for example, the shape of water (movie) isn't a 1:1, but it's pretty damn close -- unfortunately that poster dodged the question by using an art deco-inspired font typeface that was more about the setting than the genre.
and then i had an epiphany. maybe i was approaching this from the wrong direction: it's the knight/liege romance that's the heartbeat to YRMR.
think more old dragonlance novels. old medieval/fantasy pulp novels; plenty of kinky sex and ass in there, and still close enough to FE. remember everyone and their mamma having a bi ass crush for bad boy raistlin? that's the vibe i want.
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this kind of glorious deranged shit. you're not gonna be surprised at possessed grandpa whip kink if you read these on the regular.
after ~*arcane designer magic*~ (I do this for a living) bolton and magiona display were the two fonts that were gonna work just fine together.
god that looks so much better. this looks believable now.
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the thin/thick line weight contrast in magiona display is going to accentuate the lineart in a way that might be tricky with other fonts that work better on painted covers. bolton's "squished" vertically enough it doesn't compete with the other one, and makes for a good secondary/tertiary font.
few other things happened.
i shrunk gunter's face because not being able to see his jawline (sex appeal u see) was bothering me from a composition standpoint. it's the same reason frank frazetta didn't censor his glorious asses.
(said seriously, by the way. so many people don't give their lust in art enough credit.)
i also needed more room for the title to show, and the line quality/scale difference between his face was also bugging me. does this mess up the golden ratio composition? sure, temporarily, but his armor's weirdly flexible that we can adapt it pretty easily.
it's about this time i'm also looking through my hydrus network stash of favorite covers for what color palette and contrast to use. kozaki tends to skew purple/cooler hues for nohr characters, and that'd go well with these two.
purple/green hues that play well with light purple and the yellow from those old covers i love so much, low contrast midground, and something that'd contrast well with text above. dark/black background for the gothic vibes, and the text will probably need to be white or some sort of light-warm hue for that "pop".
doing color tests is more of a leap of faith and intuition than an exact science, but damn it is it satisfying when you nail it in one go and go 'holy shit i want to read this. :D
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(green/gold for the hint of anankos' mask, also matching the yato and her warmer skin tone. purple flames for him, but the high contrast armor to separate her from his larger shapes. we've got the dragonstone and the yato as flexibility for lighting and emphasizing contrast with her. )
i kind of like how i accidentally made the mask shards reflect(?) a bit of his own face. hell yeah throw it in. this is something that's more likely to work than not. this is something that has that mix of id and horror i've been going after.
here's another version with references to the side and the golden ratio laid on again.
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honestly a lot of it at this step is going 'dude you know what would be SO DOPE.... PURPLE FIRE...' 'dude..... fuck yes....' 'what about some sick ass sword effects?' 'YEAH....' and saving a bunch of backups in case of the idea didn't work out.
(am i going so much harder on a literal gilf porn fanfic cover than i need to? hell yeah. gunterfuckers deserve better. :D )
anyway here is when i start questioning everything, so i'll take a break from the colors to tighten up the lineart. now that the composition's settling in much tighter, i'm also thinking about how the two shapes interact with each other and if there's any potential issues with tangent points (where two lines intersect each other in a way that makes an optical illusion.)
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that said i love how his jawline "points" at her face, that kind of line you want.
grinding away on corrin's lineart. also double checking that the shapes/colors/forms for her "make sense" both standalone and with the composition too. what's nice is she's at the point where i can just turn off my brain and polish up.
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naturally couldn't resist poking at it more and this is when the rest of it clicked after figuring out which bit was anankos' mask, which bit was possessed!gunter vs himself (polished up the armor a bit too. at this point i'm pretty confident that it'll stay "set"; the biggest thing i'm likely to change is the blue silohuette to the dragonstone side for corrin.
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here's the last true screenshot before cleaning up the last 2% of the lines. added the pulp cover texture around the border, switched the colors of the text so the cream would stand out more, cleaned up gunter's face and also increased the darkness of corrin's body so it'd contrast more with him behind.
thanks for reading. :D
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theraedar · 1 year
Hello! Sorry if you’ve been asked this before, but what app and brushes do you use for your art? It’s all so beautiful!!
Thank you so much!! and no worries, I actually haven’t gotten this question before! I use procreate and i mostly use default brushes that I edited a bit
For sketching and lineart, I used to use the default ink bleed brush (with some minor setting changes) bc I rly liked the flow of it, but I eventually didn’t like the texture of it. I still really like how comfortable and flowy it felt to use though and it was so hard to find another brush with that feel, so I played around with it to make the texture more subtle. For any procreate users, I just changed the shape source to “blotch” from the source library, but for some reason that messed with the flow so i had to play around with some other settings. I also tend to use it on a little less than full opacity. Sometimes tho when I just want to be really loose, I still use the default brush in the sketching phase bc I was never able to completely match the flow of it with my current brush!
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For coloring and rendering I really just use (lightly edited once again, usually just for flow/taper preference) default hard airbrushes, then medium airbrush for things like blush, lips, gradients, and other soft color applications
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When i haphazardly color doodles (and sometimes in rendering), i use this “kopik marker” which I’m PRETTY SURE I downloaded from an artist but unfortunately I can’t remember from whom anymore 😭😭
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or when I want a watercolory feel, I’ll use spectra which is another default brush
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Those are my main brushes! Other than that ofc I might use a bunch of specialized brushes depending on what the piece calls for, like for nature, magic effects, texture, etc. I have a ridiculous amt downloaded or some i made myself lol
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squirrellypoo · 1 year
I made a tribute IWTV crew teeshirt
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In the official Behind the Scenes documentary, Sam wears a slate blue teeshirt with a coffin drawing on the front, which I really liked, so I did a bit of investigating. It turned out that this was the "crew shirt" for the show - a promo item made and distributed to cast and crew only. Usually these are pretty tacky affairs with just the show logo on a tee or trucker cap, but I really liked the subtlety of this one - it looks like it does have the show name on the sleeve and a bit of text on the back that can't be read (my guess is maybe "Memory is a Monster"?), but mostly, I was into the coffin drawing. I did some cursory searches on eBay but with NDAs these days, I didn't really expect to find anyone selling theirs. So if I wanted one, I'd have to make one myself!
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Since I sew, it was honestly easier to just make myself the base tee rather than buy one. I started with the fabric, using this "Powder blue" bamboo jersey from Textile Express. It's not a perfect match, but it's close enough for me and it's light enough that the black coffin stands out.
For the pattern, I used the Fehr Trade Versatili-Tops pattern, because I liked that it would give it a little something extra than just a standard teeshirt (there's no side seams!).
The next step was to design and cut the coffin detail. The only thing I really had to go on was the scant footage from the Behind the Scenes videos since the graphic was never used in any official promotion material. So I had to recreate the coffin from scratch, using Adobe Illustrator and some rough ink brushes to make it look hand drawn.
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Jacob shared a quick little doodle of Louis ahead of the AMA session on Reddit back in November, and someone on Twitter took his Louis doodle and did Lestat and Claudia in the same style, which I absolutely love (and I wish I took note of who it was that did it so I could attribute - message me if you know!). So I turned this into a vector, as well as recreating the "Of Course!" heart that's one of the most used reactions on my favourite vampire Discord server, and cut these out on my Silhouette Cameo machine in black matte heat set vinyl. I placed the coffin on the front chest, in roughly the same placement as the inspiration tee, with the doodle heads on the right sleeve and "Of course!" on the left sleeve.
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I absolutely love how it turned out, and is a totally one-of-a-kind tribute to the show. I have no aptitude for the skill involved in creating fan art or fanfic, and I'm not really into cosplay, so this is a way for me to express my love of the show in my way.
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And still look like a fairly normal person (joke's on you - I've never been normal!).
PS: if anyone else has access to a Silhouette or Cricut type cutting machine and wants the svg files, let me know and I'll put them up somewhere to download
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quibbs126 · 11 months
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Heck I don’t actually remember if Pure Vanilla/Dark Cacao was a request or if it was something I just planned to do on my own. I know it started out as my own idea, but sometimes that happens and then before I get to doing it, someone requests it and I just make it a request, and I don’t remember if that happened here
But regardless, this was a drawing I made of the idea for a purecacao fankid on it’s own, and I’m posting it as such
Now you’ll notice that this isn’t my usual format. This is because this isn’t her official design, it’s just that last night, I had this idea for a design of her as a young child with Dark Cacaoian clothing, and so I just wanted to make a quick doodle to show you
It was just going to be that picture in the middle, as it’s more sketchy and rough, and clearly not how I usually do these fankid requests. However when I finished, I realized that I made her too small. See, if I may explain some things, for my poorly drawn comics and other things that use that particular brush (it’s the Narinder Pencil if you want to know), and I don’t like enlarging pictures drawn with it because the lines get all blurry and it loses its texture. Prior to the Charcoal Cheese comic, for my poorly drawn comics I tended to enlarge the sketch to fit the screen, and then I’d completely redraw the lines. But here, I had already colored the whole thing, plus it was multiple layers to redraw, so I didn’t want to. But I couldn’t just crop down the canvas to fit it because my square canvases are already 500x500 pixels, they’re very small (and also I think the small size might account for why they may not show up in the best quality, but I’ve been using this size for over 2 years and I’m set with it, and I feel like changing would be too much effort). And I feel like making it even smaller would just tank the quality even more
Though to be honest, I’m glad I made a second version with my proper sketching process, as I was better able to figure out her colors and design
Speaking of her design, yeah this is sort of what I’m thinking for her look, at least in terms of hair, dough and eye color. She’s not gonna keep the braid though, that’s just a kid thing
I feel like maybe I should give her streaks, but I’m not sure where to put them or what color
Also I realize that I forgot to put KitKats on her design. I wasn’t planning to originally since this is a little kid’s outfit, but also in some of the artbook drawings, young Dark Choco had small Oreo shoulderpads, so maybe she should have something similar. I had an idea for her wearing tiny KitKat shoulderpads, but I forgot them. Ah well
Hmm, does she look like a purecacao kid? I’m looking at her and I feel like she looks more like her own character than related to them. Maybe it’s the lack of streaks
Oh yeah, and one more thing I want to add, I’ve decided she’s a post-canon kid, as in Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao got together after the events of the Dark Flour War and canon in general. The story in my head goes that Dark Cacao developed feelings for Pure Vanilla, but was hesitant to tell him about it, maybe because he’s socially awkward and wasn’t sure how to, maybe because Pure Vanilla and White Lily had something going on and he didn’t want to stir up drama between them. But regardless, Dark Cacao felt that it wasn’t so much of a big deal since they were immortal, he could tell him when he felt it was right. But then the Dark Flour War happened and Pure Vanilla seemingly died, with Dark Cacao never telling him how he felt. But then years later, Pure Vanilla came back, and while Dark Cacao was of course overjoyed, it also caused him to realize that even being immortal, they don’t have all the time in the world, and he needed to tell Pure Vanilla how he felt, and so during the events of Odyssey, he confessed to Pure Vanilla, and then likely sometime after Dark Enchantress’s defeat, they got together, and later had this girl
Also this means she has a (probably) 30+ year older brother in Dark Choco, but it’s all good
I feel bad just keeping her unnamed, but I don’t know what to call her. *sigh*
Any suggestions?
But yeah, I just wanted to show y’all this idea. Don’t know when I’ll be finishing her, but I’ll draw her officially at some point
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oftlunarialmoon · 6 months
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5 Agere Activities for a Rainy Day (Indoors Edition)
Ciao lovelies! We’re moving into spring here where I am, and with the spring, comes LOTS of rain. There are many outside ideas to do for agere, (and yes, even some rainy day ones!) but today, I’d like to share 5 of my favorite agere activities to do on a rainy day, or on days where I can’t go outside (snow, too hot, etc.)..
All of the ideas I’m sharing today are my personal faves!
Idea #1: Change your doll’s (or stuffies!) outfits….or make them some outfits!
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Super old pic, I know (I have wayyy different hair now, lol), but this idea is still one of my faves. Picking new outfits for my dolls is always super fun and sometimes I even have a mini photoshoot with them after changing their looks. I can also turn this idea into a full afternoon of play by setting up a “doll salon” to select their looks and they each get a spray of choice perfumes and hair brushes :) 
If you don’t have clothes for your dolls/stuffies, you can also make them clothing or accessories! I’m aiming to put some tutorials of that sort on the blog and possibly on the Youtube channel soon, but for now, here’s some tutorials that I have already made to get you started:
There are many fun and simple methods for making doll clothing or accessories, I once again have to highly recommend MyFroggyStuff’s Youtube channel for this! She has awesome ideas and she makes it all seem so easy. 
Idea #2: Take a fun Bubble Bath!
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Taking a fun and relaxing bath is a nice way to both regress, and practice self-care! You can find cute bath toys like these at dollar stores, and bath bombs, bubble bath, bath fizzies, etc as well! I even love buying the “bath puppets” which are just washcloths that go on your hands like a puppet, and are shaped like animals! I have a sharkie and a froggie. When I take baths or showers, I like to imagine going through a checklist with my scrubby buddy (most often Mr Sharkie) to make sure I get 1000000% clean! Sometimes I even make a little song of this and hum it to myself. :)
It’s also nice having access to fun body washes and soap! My current favorite body wash is scented from “Viva las Vegas SWEET” which is some kind of perfume thing, but it smells like candy, and it looks cute out of the tube! (it’s pink and shimmery 0.0)
I’ve also seen body washes for babyshark, Barbie, and other kids franchises! Oh, and even some grown-ups products are still cute for this too! I have a Hello Kitty sugar scrub that was intended for grown-ups, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t cute anyway! :) Oh, and Crayola makes body wash “crayons” as well, the tubes are crayon shaped and the body washes are colorful!
Okie, okie, that’s a lot of me rambling about baths, sorry >.<
Idea #3: Play Video Games!
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Sometimes there’s nothing better than wearing comfy clothes, having a nice snack, and playing video games! On rainy days this activity feels super cozy and wonderful, and there are lots of games out there that are cute and good for agere!
My current faves are Animal Crossing New Horizons on my Switch, Sandbox Coloring App on my phone, Nintendogs on my 3Ds, and Minecraft on my PC! I love that games are on a lot of different devices, so that I can always find something to do~
I think Animal Crossing is a really cool game for age regressors, and the New Horizons one is very cute for a lot of reasons! I can dress my avatar up in cute fashions and i can even buy…..pacis! and…..Cute kawaii dresses!!! :0 You could make your dream agere outfits in this game, and i do it all the time, tbh!
Idea #4: Journaling or Writing in a Diary!
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I love love love my regression journal! I use stickers, washi tape, coloring pages, crayons, markers, and more on it, and it’s really freeing to have a journal that doesn’t need to be neat or tidy. My daily journal is also my regression journal, as I am someone who is semi-regressed all the time! :3 I also do vent journal entries in this journal (to share with my therapist), and lists, collages, doodles, info pages…lots of things! 
I have an article on here actually about Agere Journaling! 
I also want to briefly ramble about my stickers, I have found 2 really good sources of stickers for my journal. The first is a subscription service called Stickii, which sends you a themed sticker pack every month, these packs include stickers from lots of independent artists and I really love each one I’ve gotten so far (I’ve gotten 2 so far.) **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
The second is Blippo Kawaii Shop, which sells sticker mystery bags which I have an opening video of on OFT’s IG! :) I love their selection of kawaii stickers, and it’s always fun getting a package from them. Also… once again: **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
Idea #5: Play with Legos or building blocks! 
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Something that I love doing when I am small is playing with building blocks or legos! I like the Minecraft sets or the dollar store legos! :) I use the legos to build things for my mini town and dollhouse, as well as make dollrooms! :) 
Megablocks have larger blocks as well if you regress younger and want something more simple. Also… once again: **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
You can use building blocks to make obstacle courses for your minis, specific types of buildings for playing pretend, mecha robots for epic battles…….>.<’ sorry my brain totally went to gundam XD
They also sell building block sets for making iconic characters like pikachu and other pokemon, as well as other anime and game characters! I think this type of block is called a nano block.
What do you think of these 5 agere activities for a rainy day? What activities are your favorite when small? Let me know in the comments, I love hearing from you lovelies and having great discussions!
And now for the most important thing in this outro…..I get to say……
STAY AWESOME!! You are awesome, just as you are, and you should look at yourself with love and kindness. Don’t forget to love yourself, whether you practice self-care, treat yourself, or take care of your future self by getting a task done ahead of time, self love is important!
Okie, all my ramblings aside, see you in my next post, video, or whatever comes next!
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jplupine · 8 months
Day 19: Noba ~ Clothed
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Pairing: Noba x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~3.4k Date Published: October 19, 2023 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Sub!Noba, Exophilia, Small Dom/Big Sub, Light Blood/Injury, Teasing, Clothed Sex, Vaginal Sex, Cock Riding, Hair Pulling, Praise, Vaginal Fingering, Biting, Creampie Note: Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used. Wynter also uses terms like 'naughty boy', 'dirty boy', and 'good boy' to refer to Noba. If that makes you uncomfortable, you might want to skip this fic.
Summary: Wynter just can't keep their hands to themselves with how cute Noba is.
You can also read it on AO3!
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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  Digging through a box of mixed candy, I plucked up the same types of candies to sort them into the smaller boxes on the shelf. The shop was quiet with the lack of customers, and Tessai was dusting and cleaning up the front counter. I had picked up a few shifts at Urahara's shop instead of paying for something Jinta had busted and blamed on me.
  The hardest thing about working here was dealing with Urahara and his antics since there were hardly ever any customers.
  Picking up some more candy, I dropped them into the appropriate boxes on the shelf. Ururu's little doodles on the labels made them look nicer rather than having plain, white price tags. Tensei set down the duster and went into the next room after hearing his name being called.
  Feeling something brush against my ankle, I glanced down to see a little stuffed turtle with a bowtie. His small hand was on my ankle, and I gave a gentle smile.
  "Hi, Noba. Do you need something?" I asked, and he held up a sticky note. Bending over to take it, I saw it was a message from Urahara. Reading it, my expression turned irritated. "Why am I not surprised Kon got torn up again? He can fix himself this time."
  "....I can do it for you. If you want me to, that is." Noba spoke up, and I sighed softly.
  "Thank you. He's such a pain to deal with." I crouched while facing him and set the box down. "I can get the sewing kit down for you. I say use the glitter thread. Maybe then Kon will stop getting himself torn up." Pointing while looking at Noba, he didn't respond.
  The little turtle seemed to just be staring at me. Quirking up a brow, I tilted my head. He was usually quiet but not like this.
  "Noba?" I had a questioning tone, and his face turned bright red. It wasn't uncommon to see even if it had surprised me the first time since he was in a stuffed animal body, but I couldn't see why he would be blushing this time around.
  And then it hit me when I followed his line of sight.
  Noba was small enough that me crouching gave him an unobstructed view of my underwear since I was wearing a skirt. Pushing down the fabric of my skirt, I could feel my ears getting warm.
  "I'm so sorry!" I quickly said, and Noba bolted, running away as fast as his little feet could carry him. Heavily sighing, I ran a hand through my hair.
  I could only hope this wouldn't make things too awkward around Noba. He was known to be so shy and timid outside of a fight.
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  Resting the box of Mod Soul dispensers on my hip, I managed to open the door only to freeze when I saw Noba sitting at the small table on the other side. He also tensed while looking at me and was in his gigai now. Kon's limp body and a needle were in his hands while a Gikongan lay on the table.
  Clearing my throat, I stepped into the room to set the box on the table.
  "Let me guess. Kon gave you too much trouble, so you took him out." I stated while looking at the Gikongan. Noba averted his gaze as his cheeks reddened behind his unzipped mask.
  "....Mm." He nodded, and I opened the box of Mod Soul dispensers. Sitting down across from him, I pulled out some of the dispensers to inspect them. Noba pushed the needle through the fabric of the plush lion before pulling the thread taut.
  The room went utterly silent as I made sure none of the dispensers had been damaged in transport. Glancing over at Noba, he was still carefully sewing up the tears in Kon's body. He pushed some stuffing back into the lion and added some more since Kon had lost some during whatever accident he'd been in.
  Watching him for a bit, I then dropped my gaze back to the dispensers. Swallowing, I checked a few more before speaking again.
  "About earlier....I really am sorry. I didn't realize you would've-" I was cut off by a bang when Noba slammed Kon's body onto the table. What was visible of his face was entirely red, and his eyes were wide. However, in his panic, he'd pricked his thumb with the needle. "Noba!" I quickly got up and went around the table.
  He was bleeding, and I quickly looked around for something to help.
  "Man, I didn't think Urahara would make your Gigai this realistic." I dug through the sewing kit, but no band-aids or gauze were stashed away in there either.
  "I-It's fine." Noba muttered.
  "No, it's not. It looks like you got yourself pretty deep." I replied while taking his hand in mine. "Look, it's even still bleeding. Shit." I hissed. There weren't even any napkins around or extra cloth. "Bear with me here." I sighed before bringing his hand toward my face.
  Noba's eyes widened as my mouth opened, and I closed my lips around his bleeding thumb. Even his blood tasted real as it coated my tongue. Noba looked utterly shocked and leaned away while blushing profusely.
  "W-W-W-W-" He began to stutter and jolted with a sharp breath when my tongue ran over the pad of his thumb. Watching Noba, I could feel something stir within. On an impulse, I went slower just to tease him.
  His eyes were glued to my lips as his thumb slowly slid out of my mouth. Noba was practically frozen in place and still staring. The poor man hadn't blinked in some time either, and I scoffed with amusement.
  "Noba...." I purred his name while looking at his widening pupils. He still didn't move, and his face somehow went even redder. Glancing at his thumb, I saw the bleeding had finally stopped. However, my gaze drifted even lower to see he'd gained an erection that couldn't be explained away as a rumple in his clothes.
  My eyebrows slightly rose as I looked at it. For him to gain an erection meant Urahara had given Noba's Gigai a penis, right? Did that mean he was anatomically correct under his layers of clothes?
  "Is there something you'd like to tell me, Noba?" I questioned while leaning in closer to him. While still holding his hand, I placed my other hand on the floor beside his hip. Noba leaned back on a reflex, having to put his free hand on the ground behind himself to keep from falling.
  He finally blinked again, rapidly, and realized the position we were in with his long legs on either side of me. Noba spotted his own erection and looked even more embarrassed.
  He snatched his hand away from me to zip up his mask. Noba said nothing nor did he move away, leaving us in the same position in silence. He even held his zipper in place to keep it closed.
  "Fine. Be that way. Just know that I'll only stop if you tell me to." I stated before placing my hand on his knee. My palm traveled up his inner thigh, and I heard him take in a shaky breath as the tent in his pants twitched.
  As he remained still, my curiosity grew. Leaning forward, my nose brushed against his through the mask. I kissed him with only the thin fabric between our lips.
  Squeezing his inner thigh, he jolted while making a sound quite similar to a soft whimper. Tilting my head down, I watched my own hand travel closer to his erection. All the while, Noba said nothing and stayed put.
  "You've been wanting this, haven't you? Naughty boy." I cooed before my hand finally reached the apex of his thighs. Touching him, I could feel the warmth of his hard dick beneath my palm. Noba whimpered as his thighs clenched.
  Slowly moving my fingers lower, I could feel the shape of two testicles as well. I could feel myself becoming more excited- Had Urahara really given Noba's Gigai functioning sex organs? He could clearly get hard, but could he cum, too?
  "Noba, have you ever cum in this body before?" I asked as my fingers traced over where the head of his cock was. He whimpered softly rather than answer. "Hm?" I looked up at him again and saw him hesitantly shake his head. "Are you lying to me?" Noba froze again, and a smirk pulled at the corners of my mouth. "You've touched yourself before, haven't you?"
  His grip on his mask's zipper tightened until his knuckles turned white. My fingertips brushed along his length as he twitched.
  "Did you do it while thinking about me?" I cocked my head to the side while still smiling. Noba's breath shook, and he turned away from me. I kissed his cheek and ran my hand up his stomach. He twitched from my touch, and I could feel his heart pounding when my hand reached his chest.
  He leaned back more, now having both hands on the floor to hold himself up. I heard him swallow as I looked at my hand over his heart.
  "You must want me to keep touching you, huh?" I paused while licking my lips. "Or should I stop?" Pulling my hand away, I slowly leaned back. Noba's face turned back in my direction. "What do you want, Noba?"
  He was quiet, but I was determined to get him to say something. I sighed and pulled away more.
  "Maybe you're just too shy to tell me to stop. If that's the case, I'm sorry for touching you." His hand shot out to grab my wrist. I raised a brow and waited.
  "....P-Please...." He hesitantly brought my hand closer to his chest.
  "Please, what?" I grinned and watched him struggle to say what he wanted. He placed my hand on his chest to silently get across what he wanted, but I craved more. "Tell me. What do you want, Noba?"
  "T....Touch me....please." His voice was barely over a whisper, and I placed my hands on his shoulders.
  "As you wish." I lifted one knee to get my leg over his, and then the other while using his shoulders to maintain balance. He took in a sharp breath when I sat on his lap. Feeling his dick pressing against me set my body on fire with desire.
  Grabbing the zipper on his mask, he tensed as I pulled it open. What was visible of his face was flushed red, and his beautiful green eyes looked up at me. His pupils were wide with lust, but he didn't seem to have the courage to keep looking at me as he squeezed his eyes shut and turned away.
  Gently grabbing his chin, I made him face me again before hooking my finger in the opening of his mask. Pulling it down, his eyes were covered while the bottom half of his face was exposed. His blush had spread so far that even his lips were darker from the rush of blood to his face.
  Bringing my face closer to his, I slowly eased into a kiss. His lips were soft, and I rolled my hips. Noba grunted, and the sound went straight to my core. My hand dropped to the zipper of his suit to slowly pull it down.
  Noba tensed but didn't stop me as he drowned in the kiss. When I reached the end of the zipper, I pulled away and looked down. His shirt underneath his suit was nearly skin-tight, showing his lean muscles that had been obscured by his suit. Pulling his shirt up just a few inches, I saw a trail of red hair.
  Biting my bottom lip, I hooked my fingers behind the suit's zipper to pull it down a little further to expose the waistband of his underwear. Noba's breathing had quickened, and I moved his underwear out of the way to release his cock.
  Now that I could see it, I could, without a doubt, confirm Noba's Gigai was fully equipped with a dick and balls. And a pretty one at that.
  With him leaning back and his hands on the floor, his cock was resting against his stomach as clear fluid beaded at the tip. Lifting my skirt, I pressed my body against his, grinding my hips to feel him through my underwear.
  Noba's head fell back with a stifled moan. His mouth hung open with his heavy breathing, and I hummed.
  "Should I keep going?" He nodded but said nothing. "Then say it."
  "....Please....k-keep going."
  "Does it feel that good?"
  "And now?" I purred after moving my panties to the side, and his cock slipped right between my lips from how wet I was. The sound he made was a cross between a whimper and a moan as he covered his mouth with one hand. "You're so cute, Noba.~"
  I was so eager and battling myself between teasing him more and just fucking him.
  "I'm curious.... Did this cross your mind after seeing up my skirt earlier?" I questioned, and Noba made a noise at the back of his throat. "Come on, tell me." He then slowly nodded after hesitating. "Did you touch yourself, too?" I smirked, and he whined. "Dirty boy."
  Circling my fingers around the head of his cock, I began to give shallow strokes that made his hips buck beneath me. Noba really brought out my dominant side. Like prey that made me eager to sink my teeth into him. The sounds he made, from the whimpers to the groans, from barely being touched.... It was delightful.
  I wanted to ruin him. Leave him an utter mess. Wring more of those sounds out of him and watch his blush spread.
  I couldn't take it anymore and lifted my hips. Noba whined through clenched teeth from my absence. Yanking his mask back, his face was fully exposed along with his wild, red hair. Pushing his head down with my fingers tangled in his hair, I made him watch as I sank down on his cock.
  He moaned, and my grip in his hair tightened. He filled me to the brim with ease. Noba's ears and even the back of his neck were red like his face.
  "Put your hands on my hips." I ordered, and Noba did as he was told. He watched with such a hungry gaze as I bounced on his cock and quickly forgot how his mask had been taken off. With my skirt flipped up, he could see nearly everything and didn't look away.
  He may be a shy soul, but he still had desires.
  "Noba." I panted, and he finally turned his gaze upward. He looked dazed and lost with wide pupils. "Do you want more?" His grip on my hips tightened as he processed my words.
  "More. More." He pulled me closer while speaking with such a needy tone. Burying my fingers in his hair, I held his head before hungrily kissing him. Noba moaned into my mouth, and my tongue slid past his lips.
  His hands squeezed my hips before creeping up my back and clinging to my shirt. Despite barely talking, he was so vocal as he moaned and clung to me. It drove me further, riding his cock faster and harder to chase that high.
  Even I lost track of everything else as if it were only he and I in the world. We had to part from the kiss to breathe, and my forehead rested against his as I panted. If I had known sooner this was what he wanted, I likely would've invited him over for dinner and done this in the comfort of my home with my nice bed beneath him. However, I clearly couldn't pass up the opportunity that had been presented with everyone having gone out and the shop temporarily closed.
  How could I possibly see Noba blushing and hard and continue about my day as if I hadn't?
  "You're doing so good." My voice was breathy before I moaned. "Fuck, even just listening to you is driving me up a damn wall!" I draped my arms over his shoulders and buried my face in his neck. "I-I'm getting close. Fuck!" I moaned again while balling my hands into fists as I grabbed the back of his suit. Noba's warm breath rolled over my neck as he panted, and he grunted when his hips bucked.
  "I-I-I can't! I-It's too much! Too much!" Noba's whimpers were muffled when he shoved his face into my shoulder. Before I could even comprehend what he meant, he was groaning as his cock twitched inside me.
  He was cumming.
  His body relaxed when the last drop spilled inside me. Without moving, I took in a deep breath.
  "Fingers or tongue?" I asked, and Noba didn't answer. "Fingers or tongue?"
  "F-Fingers." Cum spilled out as I lifted my hips and his softening cock slipped out. Grabbing his arm, I guided his hand between my thighs and got him to shove two fingers inside.
  "Tilt your palm- Right there. Fuck, yes!" I panted while now riding his fingers as his palm added friction to my clit. "You did so good for me." Kissing his neck, I heard his breath falter. "Now be a good boy and help me cum, okay?" Noba furiously nodded and whimpered when I bit the side of his neck.
  Licking the bite as I groaned, I felt the knot in my gut coiling tighter and tighter. Closing my eyes, I felt my thighs shaking as I continued to rise and fall on his fingers. Cum and slick were no doubt staining the front of Noba's suit by now, but that was a problem to be dealt with later.
  Humming as I bit my bottom lip, I leaned on Noba more. He suddenly curled his fingers, making my hips buck.
  "Do that again." One of my hands slid up the back of his neck before my fingers were in his hair. He did as told, pressing right against a spot that made me moan even louder. Noba kept going as my body shivered and my thighs clenched.
  When my orgasm finally hit, I cried out. I was cumming around his fingers and rode it out while clinging to him. Taking a moment to catch my breath, I then kissed his cheek and sat up.
  "....Would you like to do this again?" I muttered, and Noba glanced down at his wet hand.
  "Yes." His answer made me smile and peck him on the lips.
  "Good. But we should get cleaned up before the others come back." My statement only embarrassed him further, and when I got up, I saw how wet the front of his suit had gotten from all the bodily fluids. Noba quickly pulled his mask back on to hide his shame and excitement.
  Getting cleaned up and our clothes back in order, I then put away the Gikongan dispensers to be finished up tomorrow. Noba tied off the thread on Kon's body and trimmed it before placing Kon's pill back inside the stuffed lion.
  Kon shot up while gasping for air dramatically and didn't even wait a second before yelling.
  "How long was I out?! What did you do to me, fiend!" Kon quickly stood up and looked over his body to see he'd actually been fixed.
  "Hey, Noba?" I spoke up from the doorway, and both Noba and Kon looked at me. "Can you walk me home? My shift is over, and it's dark out."
  "I can walk you home!" Kon perked up and raised an arm. "You can even hold me if you get scared-" His plush body squeaked when Noba shoved him off the table. I quirked up a brow but said nothing as I watched Noba cross the room and come my way.
  "Thank you." I smiled while taking his hand in mine. He blushed before zipping up his mask, but he didn't let go of my hand. I think he already knew what I had in mind once we reached my house.
  And, if I was lucky, I could coax him out of his shell and get to see him completely naked by the end of the night.
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chiocchi · 1 year
Big fan of your artistry. I love your art so much! And those graphic novels you have on ao3??? Heaven sent! I use them as an imagery reference if I read any similar trope haha!
I asked the same question to leafiloaf since I love them too, but I'll be very interested to know your artistic journey if you don't mind sharing. How did you start with your art?
Tysm for being in this fandom ❤️
youknowmevj! omg thank you so much! You're too kind 😭🥺❤️❤️❤️ And yess lots of love to leafiloaf
Thanks for the ask! I've never told anyone about it and I'm so excited I'll give you so much unnecessary context. Oops long post.
My artistic journey
I've enjoyed drawing since I was little, but mostly I just drew doodles in my notebook. Anime was a big inspiration for my style and I wanted to create digital illustrations too. When I was a teenager, I tried using a mouse and a PC, and my finger and some app on my phone, but the results were always terrible. I told myself it was because I didn't have a drawing tablet, so "of course my drawings will look ugly" and stopped trying.
However, I promised a discord friend that I would do a drawing for her in December 2020. So, I downloaded this app called "Ibis Paint" on my phone and, with all my effort despite my lack of ability, I drew Harry using the app and my finger jskldhfsa
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I was so hesitant and nervous about showing it to her. I could tell it wasn't pretty, just "weird and awkward", and I felt embarrassed. But she told me it was good (LIES) and somehow convinced me to share it with others on the server. Despite feeling shy, I shared it anyway. To my surprise, three people told me it was pretty! I appreciated their kindness.
It wasn't until March 2021 that I returned to drawing digitally and on a more consistent basis. I was mainly doing fanart for a game that I liked.
In May or June (I can't remember exactly), I stumbled upon an artist who created incredible art using Ibis Paint. And I realized that I didn't need a drawing tablet, just more practice and skill, because if they could do it, then I could do it too! That was the moment I began taking art more seriously (still as a hobby, though!).
Due to the pandemic, I had a lot of free time, which I used to watch a lot of tutorials, practice gesture and follow the advice of artists I liked. With every drawing I made, I could see an improvement, which motivated me even more to keep on working hard (drawing became a source of comfort during those depressing times. It was just really fun).
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In late 2021, I mentioned to a childhood friend that I wanted to buy a drawing tablet, and he asked me if I wanted his old one, which I excitedly accepted. Finally, I had the tool that would make my art incredible… or so I thought! I was terrible with it. For the first few months, I preferred Ibis paint and my finger. But I eventually got the hang of it! What I love the most are the multiple brushes and pressure settings. I'm such a hoarder, even if I don't use all of them ksklajdl.
In 2022, I participated in several bigbangs and zines, but what I'm most excited to talk about is the tomarry comic that I started.
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My tomarrymort art
I've read tomarrymort fics since 2017, but I wasn't active on the fandom. In 2020, I joined a writer's server (all love to Amanda) and met the friend I mentioned earlier. So technically, you could say my love for tomarrymort lead me here kek
Even though my main inspiration was a game, here is some fic fanart I made.
This is my first tomarry art (July 27th, 2021). It's a scene from Genius by the Numbers. I think it looks weird kjdshk
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I also made art for A Mating of Convenience, what started in beautiful rooms, Dripping Fingers and for Ale, beloved. (I think I've never posted these before.)
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Then two things happened: I saw comic on ao3 (If I'll Ever See You by festivewind) and I was like "WOW! THAT'S SO COOL" and "omg we can upload comics!"
The second thing was me being rejected as a webtoon background artist (naturally, as I wasn't good enough for the specifics) and the spite made me want to do my own so I could improve my weakness (the grind never stops 💪🔥).
I read some of my old notes for story ideas (I'm not good at writing but I still had some snippets of stories). And boom! Love triangle but the 3 of them are idiots (affectionate). Fun fact: the original version had a murder, someone in Azkaban and someone hating the other forever :D
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Don't pretend started as an anonymous work because some of my friends knew my AO3 username and I was afraid of screwing up the format (I don't know html) and looking like a fool DKJALKSJL I was also afraid of possible backlash (I'm an over-thinker).
None of that happened (comments were very kind and nice!) But idk, it was nice being anon. I'm awkward and shy and I usually don't know what to say to compliments (Sometimes a "thank you" doesn't feel enough but that's all my brain can offer 😭)
Then I made some tomarry christmas art and shared it on TRoR discord server and someone asked me if I had Tumblr and I said no but that gave me the idea of making one.
Since I planned Don't pretend as being a long story, I realized it'd take me a long time to finish it and I wanted to contribute to the complete tomarrymort works! That's the reason I took a pause and made A Soulmate Like You.
Anyway, I made this tumblr on January 2023, and the plan was to fill it with art so, eventually, when I found the courage to make my works non-anon, I could link to this page. Except that I posted one drawing, and that was enough for isalisewrites to know it was me HJKASDJLA. So I stopped the anonymous thing.
I'm still not used to being "perceived" 👁️👁️ but I've learned it's not bad. People have been really kind and I think I'm less shy now! I'm very happy to be part of this fandom with lots of kind and supportive people and incredible fics and fanart <3
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yurissweettooth · 1 year
My Typical Art Process✨🌈
Was gonna reply to anon with this, but figured it was a bit too unrelated so I'll make a separate post! I do kinda wanna share my process anyway for anyone curious. I made something similar for twitter once but I no longer use twitter and my style has changed since then so here's a new one!
Tl;dr I draw for fun only and I have learned that textures and overlays and post-processing can do a LOT when it comes to making something look more "complete" while also not taking a lot of additional time. This is just my personal style spawned from my laziness and my love of harsh colors😆
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I'll put it below the cut because it's long!
So to begin with, when I doodle (as opposed to a proper drawing that I take my time on) this is my typical "lineart":
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I just draw the… what do you call it? The under parts… Like the circle and shapes, etc. to get the pose. Then lower the opacity and do another sketch on top of that. Then I lower the opacity of that and do ANOTHER sketch on top. 😆 I do that as many times as necessary until it looks like something. I don't worry a ton about anatomy or messiness or stray lines, it's just for fun to get an idea out of my head :)
Sometimes I also leave the under-sketches in or sometimes I turn the layer off. For this one I left them in.
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Then I turn on all my textures, overlays, and H/S/L correction layer and crank the saturation up. The selected colorful layer was something I made once and saved it as an image material so I can just slap it on any time as an overlay. You will see it in almost all of my art, she's my beloved crutch and also I just like it lol. Other than that, I sometimes use paper textures that CPS came with and sometimes I make a perlin noise layer with the smallest grain size and set it to 'soft light'.
I also have recently been using a manga screentone overlay that comes with CSP.
Then I start coloring underneath!
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This is how it looks without all of the blinding colors and textures I put there to distract you from the mess lol
Even in ones where I DO put in effort and try to use better anatomy and clean up a lot of the scribbles I pretty much never use clean lineart simply because I cannot be bothered 🤷🏾‍♂️ I don't really do anything different here, I just spend more time one it:
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Also, even then the overlays and textures do a lot of the heavy lifting. Some of the overlays and effects I draw myself like the rainbow boarders around them and of course the doodle hearts. I don't draw backgrounds very often but I don't like an empty background so overlays or little doodles or text effects typically go there.
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I should also mentions that I use the lightroom mobile app to further enhance all of my art, as shown above in the before and afters. I don't really have much to say on this point. I used to use lightroom mobile a lot when I did doll photography and I pretty much just wing it based on what I learned doing that. I like to mess with the texture settings and do masking edits to change the foreground and background independently to get better color balances. Like a bozo I pay for the subscription but I bet you could use any old editing app.
Oh, and I do pretty much everything with these brushes here. I got them a while back when they were free for 48 hours but unfortunately they are no longer free and cost 80 clippy now :( Should also warn you that they saturate any color and idk how to stop it from doing that so I just adjust the color accordingly before using or edit in post. Very nice though!!
Some other (free) things I like and use a lot:
Warm color set
Watercolor paper texture (free)
Cloud brushes
Watercolor auto action
Real paper textures
Prism brushes
Freckle brush
Aaaaand that's basically it!
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