#so am now on a bench outside it trying to eat while being harassed by flies with the wrong tea and no boba and barely any of my break left.
Today is going to drive me absolutely fucking insane
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Just wanted to let you know your writing is AMAZING. dunno if you take requests or not but if you do I'd love one of protective kuroo, kind of like the akaashi fic you did! I know you just did a kuroo one (which was also amazing, I loved it) but I'm a kuroo girl so i can't get enough haha
Thank you so much for the kind words! I am taking requests on top of the other stuff I’m writing:) everyone is low key a Kuroo girl and if someone disagrees with that they can fight me lmao just kidding! But here you go! I hope you enjoy the story:)
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You hummed softly to yourself as you watched your legs swing back and forth, the bench you were sitting on kept your feet off the ground.
 You looked around and sighed softly, Kuroo was running late. 
 It had been a long time since you guys had gone on a date, he was busy preparing for the Spring Tournament, and you were busy with your extra college prep courses.
 So when he had suggested going to the amusement park that recently opened up, you definitely couldn’t refuse. 
 You were waiting in front of the entrance for Kuroo to arrive, considering he was the one who had bought the tickets.
 “Y/n!” you heard the familiar voice of your boyfriend call out. You looked up to see him waving an arm in the air, smiling at you. Behind him you saw Kenma grumbling to himself as he stuffed his hands further into the hoodie he was wearing.
 Your lips twitched in amusement. That was probably why he was late.
 “Hi Kenma!” you said brightly once they reached you, wrapping the second year in a tight hug.
 “Hi Y/n.” he mumbled quietly, softly returning the hug. 
 “Oi! Why does Kenma get a hug before your boyfriend?” Kuroo grumbled, an annoyed expression taking over his features.
 “Because Kenma wasn’t the one who was late.” you retorted, sticking out your tongue. 
 He huffed angrily and reached a hand out to grab you away from the setter, only for you to slap his hand away, continuing to cling to the pudding haired male.
 “Damn you Kenma!” 
 “Be quiet Kuroo.” Kenma sighed. “I didn’t even want to go. You dragged me out of the house.”
 “That’s because if I didn’t you’d be stuck inside all day playing video games. It’s good to have fun once in a while.” Kuroo stated simply, finally pulling you away from his teammate and into his arms.
 “Playing video games is fun Kuroo.” Kenma shot back, taking out his phone. “Besides, isn’t this supposed to be a date? Why would you have me tag along? You and Y/n haven’t spent much time together recently.” he glanced up looking between the two of you.
 You had forgotten about your annoyance towards Kuroo for being late now that you were wrapped up in his arms. Right now you were incredibly content as you leaned against his tall form.
 “It’ll be fun Kenma! I haven’t seen you much either. Let’s go enjoy the park together!” You said happily.
 You had known the two boys since you were in middle school, and quite frankly once you had started dating Kuroo you kind of expected Kenma to be there half the time. They were a package deal, and you honestly didn’t mind, sometimes preferring the quiet second year’s presence more than your boyfriend’s.
 Kenma sighed in defeat and trailed after you guys as you made the way to the counter to hand in your tickets.
 Once you guys were actually inside the park Kenma seemed to have perked up just a bit.
 You talked animatedly towards Kuroo about what you wanted to do for the day. Your hands intertwined together as you spoke.
 You hadn’t noticed the soft gaze that came over the tall third year. Kuroo couldn’t help but to stare at you. It had definitely been too long since the last time you guys got to be together. He missed you terribly. He missed the ridiculous facial expressions that came over your face when you were talking, he missed the way you pouted whenever he teased you, he missed the way you would play with your long hair whenever you were nervous. 
 Fuck, he just missed you entirely. He felt guilty about how busy he was with the volleyball club, feeling like he was being a terrible boyfriend for neglecting you for so long.
 But you understood completely, you knew how important volleyball was to him and you just wanted to be able to give him unconditional love and support. 
 Plus, those extra courses were brutal. While you loved spending time with Kuroo, you also knew how incredibly distracting he was during homework. So you were grateful for the time apart to get everything done.
 “Do you guys want food?” Kuroo asked, staring at the food stalls. You guys had finished riding the thrill rides, and playing most of the game stalls at the park. 
 You were having a wonderful time, and there were those rare moments where you saw Kenma smiling to himself, he had the most fun playing the stall games, and he was actually pretty good at it. He had won the majority of the prices that were now in your grasp. Much to Kuroo’s distaste. 
 But Kuroo had won you a black cat plushy. Despite the frustration he felt at only being able to win you the small stuffed animal, the look on your face was worth it. 
 He had never seen anything more beautiful; the way your eyes lit up and the wide smile that stretched across your face. It was definitely worth it. Especially when you declared that the cat’s name was going to be Tetsu. 
 While Kuroo went off to go get food, you and Kenma found a place to sit. “You’re really good at those shooting games Kenma.” You stated, sitting across from the quiet male.
 He looked up at you from his phone and smiled slightly. “It’s not that hard, it’s just like some of the video games I play.”
 “I suck at video games.” you sighed, frowning slightly. “Tetsuro always makes fun of me because of it.”
 “I know.”
 “Don’t be mean.” you pouted. Kenma laughed slightly at your expression before closing his phone and standing up. 
“I’m going to the restroom real quick, are you going to be okay by yourself?” Kenma asked.
 You waved him off as you settled down into your seat. You would be fine, this was an amusement park afterall. Nothing bad ever happened at these kinds of places right?
 You were wrong.
 You were definitely wrong about that statement. 
 It had only been a couple of minutes of being alone before an arm draped over your shoulders. 
 You stiffened and looked to see a guy around your age sitting next to you. His friend sitting  across from you.
 “What’s a cute girl like you sitting all alone for? Did your boyfriend leave you?” he teased. 
 You frowned, shifting your body away from the male. “No. He went to go get us food.” 
 “Where? I don’t see him.” his friend said looking around halfheartedly. “Why don’t you come hang out with us?”
 You glanced around to see that people weren’t paying attention to the uncomfortable situation you were in. 
 And Kuroo and Kenma were still gone…
 “No thanks. I suggest you leave before my boyfriend gets here.” you said dryly, crossing your arms over your chest. A hard expression covering your face.
 “Oh come on, don’t be like that.” the one that was sitting next to you cooed, shifting closer to you and grabbing your chin. “We can show you a real good time…”
 You flinched away from his touch, fear and annoyance overtaking your body. 
 While you didn’t tolerate being talked to this way, it was still incredibly scary considering that you were outmatched right now.
You ignored the feeling of dread sinking deep within your stomach and was about to start telling off the two males when a tray full of food was slammed down in front of you, causing you to jump in fright.
 “What the fuck do you think you’re doing to my girlfriend?” 
 You had never seen Kuroo so pissed before. His cat-like eyes were piercing as they glared down at the unwelcomed males. His expression was dark and angry. 
 It was a frightening image to behold.
 Behind the angry and towering male was Kenma. His eyes watching the two males with a calculating expression before flickering over to you, walking from around Kuroo he stood next to you, carefully pressing his hand against your elbow and tugging you gently away from the table. 
 Kuroo’s eyes briefly moved to yours checking to make sure you were okay and not hurt before moving back to the males that were beginning to look frightened.
 Kuroo’s confrontation finally brought other eyes to your area, the people around you looking on which made the harassers even more nervous.
 “Do you two losers usually go around touching girls that don’t want to be touched?” Kuroo asked coldly, this caused an eruption of whispers to take place around you guys, older adults getting ready to step into the situation.
 “How about I show you guys a good time…” he said darkly, cracking the knuckles of his right hand.
 You have never seen boys run away as fast as they just did. 
 You released the breath you had apparently been holding during that encounter. You watched Kuroo’s expression go from dark and cold to loving and worried as he turned his attention to you.
 “You okay doll?” he asked gently cupping your face. 
 You nodded softly. “Y-Yeah. Let’s eat. I don’t want this to ruin our day.” you smiled slightly.
Kuroo stared at you for a moment before nodding slowly. He shared a pointed look with Kenma but didn’t press the matter further.
 You were definitely not okay.
 All too soon the day had ended. You and Kuroo found yourselves outside of your house.
 “Do you want to come in? My parents won’t be home until later tonight.” you said quietly.
 “Oya? Are you trying to seduce me Y/n-chan?” Kuroo smirked leaning down towards you.
 You flushed brightly, slapping his chest. “Shut up Tetsuro. Do you want to come in or not?”
 He laughed loudly at your embarrassed face. “Fine. Fine.”
 You rolled your eyes as you guys stepped into your house. It wasn’t the first time Kuroo had been to your home, he immediately made himself comfortable as he went upstairs to your bedroom.
 “I feel gross. Will you be fine out here if I go shower?” you asked, setting down the prizes you had gotten at the park.
 Kuroo dismissed you as he picked up one of your comics you had laying around, making himself comfortable on top of your bed. You rolled your eyes as you left to the bathroom after grabbing a change of clothes.
 Kuroo felt his phone buzz in his pocket. 
 Don’t leave Y/n alone tonight. She definitely wasn’t okay after what had happened. Kenma texted.
 Kuroo frowned and glanced towards the closed bedroom door, he knew that you weren’t okay. If he was being honest, the rest of the day he was waiting for you to break down crying.
 Kuroo knew that you were a strong person, that was one of the many things he loved about you. But a situation like that, would leave anyone frightened. He noticed that too, the way you would jump slightly at his sudden touch, and the way that you would glance around worriedly.
 Of course he wasn’t going to leave you alone tonight. Before that had happened he had planned on coming over anyway, he wanted to spend as much time with you as possible, and considering that tomorrow was the weekend, he thought it was the perfect time. 
 Kuroo didn’t notice you walk in until you plopped yourself on the bed, drying your damp hair.
 He smirked slightly as he took in your clothes, your soft legs were exposed due to the shorts you opted to wear to bed, and his familiar volleyball shirt hung down your body.
 “Did you steal that?” he teased, setting down the comic book. “I was wondering where that shirt went.”
 “Nooo…” you said, averting your eyes. “You left it here.”
 “Lying doesn’t suit your sweet face doll,” Kuroo drawled out, sitting up from the many pillows on your bed and clasping warm fingers around your wrist. “Who knew that my girlfriend was a thief.” he smirked and yanked you into his lap.
 You fell into him with a loud ‘oomph,’ your face squishing against his hard chest, and then you melted against him.
 Sighing softly to yourself, you shifted against him comfortably, straddling his hips as you wrapped your arms around his muscular shoulders, your head laying against his chest.
 Kuroo’s hands rested on your upper thighs carefully, thumbs rubbing gentle circles into the skin.
 You both were quiet for a moment, just appreciating the comfort and warmth of being in each other’s arms.
 “You know, you don’t have to act tough around me right?” he said suddenly. “I know what happened earlier freaked you out.”
You stiffened and relaxed against his chest. Kuroo just knew you too well.
 “Yeah.” you said quietly. “I just didn’t want you to worry… and I didn’t want to ruin the day…”
 You remembered the way that guy had touched you so casually, and despite the shower you had taken, and the way you had all but scrubbed your skin raw, you still felt gross.
 Kuroo sighed, pushing you back slightly so he could stare at your face. “I already know that you’re a crybaby. Kenma does too. You’re forgetting that we’ve known each other since we were kids.” he said bluntly.
 You huffed angrily at his statement and whacked his chest with your palm, causing a wide smirk to appear on his face. “I’m not a crybaby!”
 “If you’re not feeling okay, it’s okay to tell us,” he finished, ignoring you completely. “It’s okay to tell me, because I’m always going to take care of you. Yeah?”
 The sincerity in his voice and the gentle expression on his handsome face caused you to blush. Your eyes moved away from his and settled on staring at his chin as you tried to get your racing heart under control.
 Your fingers played with his hair at the nape of his neck. The way you felt about Kuroo was indescribable, the admiration and adoration you had for the third year volleyball captain was too much. It felt like your heart was about to explode from how much you just loved him.
 “Thank you Tetsuro.” You said finally meeting his gaze. “I love you a lot.” you confessed.
 He smiled gently at you, pressing a warm kiss to your forehead. “I love you too.”
 It was quiet for a moment as you rested your head against his shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent.
 “If you want to thank me properly, you should take off your shirt. Well actually it’s my shirt.”
 “Shut up Tetsuro or I’ll tell Kenma."
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Yay Loceit! (Ignore me, I have Loceit brainrot.) Can we see the zoo date? I would love to see the zoo date! (Is there a possibility of encountering Remus and make it a conjoined date? But, like, we don't tell him that's what it is? Because we don't wanna overwhelm the guy.)
(Words: 2712)
Janus: "Don't worry dear fiend. I have Loceit brainrot as well.....ALSo yes!! I totally haven't been waiting to tell someone all about the date. Pff totally not...So basically..."
When Janus arrived by the entrance of the zoo Logan was already waiting outside. They excitedly waved at each other before running up and clashing in a loving hug.
"So how is my one and only still not poisoned boyfriend doing?" Janus asked with a slight giggle in his voice.
“Very well now when I am with you”
Logan leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. His boyfriend already had a big grin on his lips but it only grew with the kiss.
He had on a blue suspenders, jeans and a t-shirt with some dude printed on it. The snake had tried to dress extra nice for his first ever date (!!) so he had his long black skirt and his finest purple shirt.
“That is...Jean-luc Picard..right?” He pointed at Logan’s t-shirt.
He flapped his hands around “Correct! I see that the star trek watching is teaching you a lot!”
“Well I do have a good teacher so of course”
The compliment left rosy blush on Logan’s cheeks. He took his boyfriend’s hand and intertwined their fingers before walking into the zoo. It had a big outside area for different larger animals and then a bulding to the west filled with frogs, fish, snakes, etc, etc.
Neither of them were that interested in the large animals. Though Janus did snark about how he looked like a seal and Logan stopped to take photos of the bears so he could show them to Patty later.
It wasn't until they passed a sign Logan suddenly let up into happy stims. He pointed to a house with big look through windows.
He dragged Janus along with him to one of the windows. kestrels, subirds and kingfishers were flying around and vibing among trees and hung out fruit treats. A small crowd around them was also looking at the different birds.
Logan pointed between his boyfriend and the birds as if Jan hadn’t already seen them. He kept stimming his arm back and forth.
"Their aerodynamics are so fascinating don’t you think. Aside from humans they are the animal that are consistently closest to space and all because of their biology. They are like natural born astronauts”
“I respect any creature who can leave any and all social situations by flying away. Big dick move as some” Remus “says” Janus replied.
“If birds had too big dicks I think it would disturb their flying but yes I get your point” He let out a dreamy sigh “Oh what I would do to be able to inspect bird teeth, not to even talk about their wings!”
Logan squeezed his hand and smiled at him before dragging him over to the next bird. It was several big secretary birds. They were walking instead of flying.
"These ones are known for eating snakes" Lo commented "Are you feeling frightened?"
"Ah yes darling, I am already close to death from fear" He replied in as much of a monotone he could muster. They both chuckled.
Logan went on a long ramble about how the different biology of the species made the flying look and work different. His voice went a bit louder than it usually was, it always got like that when he was excited. Janus wouldn’t have minded it if there weren’t other people there.
He nodded along to his boyfriend’s rant but kept glancing to the people around them. Some of them were looking at Logan. Janus gulped. Suddenly holding his boyfriends hand hurt.
Janus quietly moved his hand away. His throat tightened. The people weren’t looking anymore but it felt like they did, like ants crawling up his skin. It had probably been a stupid idea to wear the skirt.
Obviously Logan noticed but he didnt say anyrhing about it. He finished his rant and asked "Do you want to reunite with your relatives- I mean look at the snakes now?"
"I uh “ He forced a confident smirk “Of course darling. It it prime time to return to my people!!”
They walked away from the birds and went down the sunny path towards the house that stored snakes among other things. It was lined by neatly cut trees and homes for mammals. They didn’t hold hands.
Janus kept fiddling with his gloves to the point of not even looking where he was walking. He bit the inside of his cheek until it was bleeding.
“Are you feeling alright?” Logan asked.
“Never been better!”
“If it is about the hand holding feeling nervous is nothing to be embarrassed about. When I first held hands with Patty I got so flustered I proceeded to walk into a swing and break my glasses”
Janus glanced around to the people around them “Ah yes that is definitely why I’m acting this way. Spot on dear” 
His boyfriend looked in the same direction he did “Oh alright I understand now” He patted him on the shoulder “Well I will have you know I have taken part in multiple physical fights to protect Patty from harassement, I did win most of them. I will of course do the same thing for you”
He said it so casually Janus nearly lost it “Exscuse me wHAT?”
Logan leaned down so they were eye to eye and put his hands on his boyfriend’s shoulders “Sweetheart I can and will break someone’s nose for you”
“That’s the most romantic thing someone has ever said to me”
“I would go for their kneecaps as well”
Janus clasped his hand over his heart and gasped in an overly dramatic tone “Oh such erotiscism you’re showing today!”
“I am legally obliged to show it off every now and then”
He straightened his back and continued to walk down the path. Janus hesitantly reached out to take his hand. Shame tugged at his heart but he buried his face against his boyfriend’s arm to try and ignore it. Logan gently moved his thumb up and down his skin in response.
“....I do still advise that you talk to Picani about it. I am aware it’s hard but if what you’ve told me about your mental health is true I believe it would be beneficial. I could help! I know Picani! Very intimately!”
“Darling please you don’t have to keep reminding me you’ve fucked my fake therapist” Janus sighed “I don’t know if I deserve to take up his time, I’m not That bad”
“Sweetie that is first degree bullshit” Logan replied very gently “There is scientifically no way to accurately compare two people’s mental healths to conclude which is worse. Trust me I did a study on it in college! Do I need to brag about my degree more?”
Janus let out a half hearted chuckle “I’ll think about it. Let’s focus on the snakes for now”
“Thinking about it is good enough for me” He pressed a kiss to his forehead.
They entered the building. The first room was lit in a calming blue because of the giant windows showing off octopuses and rays swimming around. A sign was pointing over to the frog and snake rooms.
Janus looked around the room in awe and- HOLY HELL REMUS WAS THERE. He sat crosslegged on a bench in front of the octopuses. He had headphones on and was focusing on the sketchbook in his hands. 
In a panic Janus started to drag his boyfriend with him to the frogs. Logan saw how flustered his boyfriend had suddenly become and looked around. He saw Remus as well and stopped in his tracks which forced his boyfriend to also stop.
“Does that happen to be the other guy you have a romantic interest in?”
“We’re here to look at snakes not at men Loganson!”
"Aww" Logan flapped his free hand "There are few things i like more than getting to see my partner being loved by someone else they love! We must talk to him"
"Oh- Oh god-" Janus let out while being tugged along.
Remus flinched when Logan shoved his ready to be shaken hand almost into his face. His whole body tensed to an uncomfortable degree.
"Greetings! I have no idea who you are!" Lo exclaimed.
He took off his headphones and looked up at him with panic in his eyes "Uh yeah" He saw Jan and immediately let out a breathe of relief. His shoulders relaxed slightly. "Hiya snakey~ Is This dude your snack?"
Janus was dying. He was dead. This was hell.
"NO! He's my sworn enemy! I'm here to use one of the sharks to kill him!"
Logan gasped "You are? How rude. Such a waste of the shark’s time when a bullet would do"
"Yeah!” Remus added “Anus! If that even is your real name-”
“It’s not”
“-I thought you would be much better at murder! Shark murder is sooo the 70's. Where's the orchestrated acrobatic dance knife throwing???"
Janus let out a dramatic huff "You simply don’t understand how hard it is to be a strong independent complete idiot and a serial murderer at the same time"
Logan nodded in sumpathy "Stranger would you like to accompany us on the rest of our zoo experience?"
He closed his sketchbook. Pages had been filled with doodles of the octopuses "Sure! I'm Remus by the way"
"Ah yes" They began to walk down the hallways lined by animal habitats. He held onto Janus’ hand "You were killed by your twin according to Roman mythology"
"I know!! That's why I chose it"
"Fascinating. I'm Logan. My parents chose it because of the X-man" His parents were also huge nerds.
“Hah dorks!” Remus said while skipping alongside them “Why are you holding hands? Is that a rule at zoos? Oh shit have I been doing zoos wrong???”
“I don’t think so. We are only doing it” Lo glanced at his still flustered boyfriend “.....to aggravate homophobes....yes...”
“COol!! Can I join?”
Logan nodded. Remus proceeded to take Janus’ free hand and happily tugged at it while skipping along. Jan had been wrong. NOW he was dying. His face was so hot from blushing he swore he could melt chocolate on it. The only way this could get ‘worse’ was if he suddenly grew a third arm and Remy appeared to hold it.
“Murder frogs!!” Remus exclaimed while stopping outside a window.
Inside sat several poison dart frogs in a pond surronded by leaves. They were in pretty neon colors and small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. Remus jumped up and down from excitement before pressing his entire face up against the glass.
“They’re the most poisonous animal in the world!!! Snakey you should murder Lo with this one!! These bitches can kill like 10 people with 1 poison thingie!!! it’s so cool!!”
“I have read that they can live to up to 15 years so they have ample time to kill hundreds of people in their lifetime” Logan replied.
“!!!! You are SO right!!! That’s my life goal as well!” Remus turned to look around the room and his eyes turned as big as a cat’s “Fucking hell. Look at how THICK that lizard is!!!”
Janus kept being dragged around between the two while they explored the animals. The saw toads stacked on top of each other, insects swarming around and exactly 1 incredibly friendly chameleon who climbed across a tree to get as close to the glass as it could.
Just holding both of their hands was so much to take in but hearing them rant facts to each other while looking so so happy made his heart feel things he didn’t know it could feel. He wanted to kiss them both and beg them to please never ever shut up.
The zoo melted away as he daydreamed about living as a poly relationship. Getting to see them both be this close and happy every day. Getting to hold them both like this every day. Getting to fall asleep next to them. Oh he was so-
“Hey Snakey you’ve been pretty quiet” Remus interrupted “Whatcha think?”
“dfshkjskj” Janus very eloquently let out. He buried his flushed pink face in the fabric of Logan’s shirt.
“Huh. Exactly what I was thinking! Onwards to the snakes!!”
The snake room was oval shaped. The walls were made up of windows into different giant vivariums decorated with branches, warm rocks and food. In the biggest vivarium several big samar cobras were lazing about. They were both big enough and venomous enough to kill a man.
Janus let go of his crushes to press his palms against the glass and wave at the snakes. He looked back at his boyfriend with a big goofy grin “Look at these babies!!”
“They are indeed very pretty”
“They eat rats! Their venom is able to destroy tissue so if you get the venom in your eyes it can create total blindness!! They-” He stopped himself. Stopped his stimming as well “Sorry. I’m rambling”
Remus patted his shoulder “No. Go on. I wanna hear, about the other snakes as well. I promise” Logan nodded along.
Janus hesitated, but they both looked at him with such loving looks he quietly continued “Okay well what I was going to say was...”
They went around and looked at every snake. The other two happily listened to him infodump about every species there. Sometimes they held hands. Sometimes they all stimmed together. Janus was smiling so much his cheeks hurt.
They stayed sitting by the snakes. Janus leaned his head against the glass to bop his nose to the snakes while Remus and Logan ranted to each other about their favorite obscure sci-fi movies (they also exchanged numbers). 
The three of them had a sudden realization that they all loved murder mysteries and decided they had to have some sort of murder mustery movie night some time in the future.
(Logan also saw a poster about how around Christmas snake petting spots overseered by snake experts would be open. He didn’t tell the other two. He figured he would use it as a surprise Christmas gift)
Eventually the zoo got close to closing. It was Logan who had to drag them both away from the snakes and octopuses. The 2 drama kings acted like Lo was dragging them away from their children.
Once they stood on the street outside the zoo Remus said goodbye. For a moment it looked like he was moving in to hug Janus but he decided not to. He disappeared down the street to catch the bus.
“So” Logan turned to his boyfriend “Was it a satisfactory first date?”
Janus rolled his eyes before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s waist and moving up on his toes to kiss him on his nose “It was absolutely horrible darling! I hated every second of it!”
“Glad to hear it” His voice softened “I’m proud of you honey”
“It was just a date. It’s nothing. Nothing if it’s with you”
“Well I shall still be proud, because you can not stop me, and I shall still be percentage wise incredibly in love with you” He pressed a loving kiss to his forehead “I will see you at work then”
“Not if I’ve gotten my invisibility spell to work by then muhahah” Janus slowly let go of him “Love you!”
Janus stood by the entrance watching as his boyfriend (it still made him giddy to think that) went to his car. He gulped and tensed his shoulders once he was all alone. He walked over to a more desolate spot and sat down on the side of the payment.
He scrolled through the contacts on his phone while the image of Logan’s smile repeated in his brain. He let out a shaky breathe as he moved the phone up to his ear and listened to the signals.
“Hiya Janister!” The cheery voice of Dr. Picani rang out.
“Hello...I.....I would....I’m just looking to ask if there’s a chance I could book a time for solo therapy? I’m...I’m...honestly not so sure if I’m completely okay...or if my childhood was okay either, but I’m sure I want to get better”
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mangolover · 3 years
Creature of The Dark part 2 (Theodorus van Gogh x reader)
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Find part one here
Title: Creature of The Dark (part 2)
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire / Ikevamp / Ikevam
Pairing: Theodorus van Gogh x gn! reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: nightmares, not eating properly, mentions of losing job, mentions of being homeless, argument, dark thoughts, mentions of a unhealthy relationship (lack of comunication), depression(?), swearing, mentions of harassment (posibbility of if reader sleeps outside), mentions of alcohol
Spoilers: Theo’s route
Word Count: 2000+
Description: He broke yet another promise and you cut ties with the whole mansion, trying to live on your own in city. Losing your job and getting kicked out, you didn’t know where else to go but to the art gallery.
Part 2: Going to the gallery was a bad idea and you become aware of that after the same mistakes got repeated and sparked an argument. Now you are sitting on a bench in the park, feeling hopeless until a faimilliar figure comes to your aid.
This has some first person perspective, but it’s mostly 2nd perspective.
Dark thoughts are going to be present throughout whole series, so proceed with caution.
Only argument is explored a bit deeper, everything else is pretty much just mentioned, but if anything is triggering to you, please skip this one.
Also, when somthing is writen like this ('example'), it's from the suitor's point of view or their thoughts, not reader's.
I am making this in multiple parts, temptation won this time.
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Nightmare flooded your sleep and woke you up with a start. Your heavy breaths could be clearly heard in the silence of the upstairs room in the art gallery where you were currently resting on a couch. You looked around slowly while trying to calm down your breathing, but the memories and promises returned.
That is until your eyes fell upon the painting that Vincent made of you and Theo all those months ago. Two figures walking towards their bright future. But the more you look at it, the less you can see the second figure, instead realizing it’s just a shadow casted by the sunlight.
‘No. Your mind is playing tricks on you, stop it. This is a painting of a happy time when Theo made a promise. A promise he couldn’t keep.’
“Ah, you’re awake Y/n” quickly turning your head around in the direction of the voice, you saw Theo holding a tray with a mug and a plate. “I assumed you would be hungry so I fetched you some breakfast.”
Pancakes with just enough syrup and coffee, both just like you like it, were placed on a table to your right and you looked down. “Thank you” was all you could mutter out.
“You should eat before it gets cold.”
“I-I should go now but thank you for letting me sleep here. I promise I will repay you” your search for your shoes and jacket in rush to get out was blocked by Theo’s stern voice.
“Eat Hondje. You look like you’ll faint any second now. When was the last time you ate?” his blue gems demanded an answer and yet all you could do was avoid them while picking up the tray and putting it on your lap.
You ate the breakfast in silence while Theo just stared at you from a nearby chair. The silence was something you were used to, after all you were isolated for months. But this one felt heavy, to both of you. It was sad to say the least, you both went through so much together and yet neither could find the words to shout to other, both of you standing on islands with a burnt bridge in between.
‘Should I ask him to stay here? Or how everyone is doing? How’s the work going? Or maybe I should just keep quiet and wait for Theo to speak.’
Theo cleared his throat before speaking, prompting you to finally meet his gaze, “we should, err… talk about some things…” the word ‘talk’ sounded so heavy rolling off his tongue that you had to swallow the sudden lump in your throat.
“I-“ you wanted to apologize. For leaving and making him worry when you didn’t show up for months ‘if he even was worried’. For crashing into his life unexpectedly when you needed something from him. For not even trying to work out the problems that appeared in your relationship. But you couldn’t. The words didn’t want to be spoken by you. Instead, you opted to asking about your leave. “When does the door open again?” your voice was small and quiet, fitting the silence perfectly, yet you didn’t dare glance at vampire in front of you.
“I could ask Comte if you want to know?” his tone became colder, you both know this is not what he meant when he said that you need to talk. But is there anything to really talk about anymore? You just expressed that you wish to leave as soon as possible and never return.
‘Come on Y/n! Get your shit together and talk with him. Stop acting like a stranger!’
You placed down the tray after you emptied the plate and the mug and finally sat down properly, you made up your mind.
You opened your mouth, but Theo cut you off before any sound came out. “Where were you this past, what 4 months? Some residents tried to look for you, even Comte, but no one could find you. You made them worry.” (‘You made me worry when I couldn’t find you…’)
“I found a job at a café and a small place to stay on the outskirts of town. I’m not surprised you couldn’t find me; I never saw any of you guys while being out in the town either.” The conversation was running along far more smoothly than either of you feared it would. There was even a small smile on your face as you remembered your independent days. However, the bliss was cut short by Theo’s next question.
“Why are you here?” the words were not coated in venom like some may believe nor were they spat out. They were filled with confusion and you found yourself staring at the wooden floor once again, ‘how pathetic, huh?’
After a pause filled with unbearable silence, you decided to just come out clean. ‘I have nothing left to lose anymore, do I?’ You took a deep breath, “I lost my job two days ago and got evicted yesterday. I didn’t know where else to go, you were my one and last option. I’m sorry if I caused any inconvenience, I’ll see myself out of your life as soon as possible.”
“Hondje, you” he let out a sigh and reached out his hand, before quickly pulling it back, “you didn’t cause my any inconvenience. If anything, we are finally talking.”
“That’s something we were never good at” you let out a humorless laugh and shook your head a bit.
Theo suppressed a laugh with a smile, “yeah, I guess that was our biggest problem.”
And like that silence fell over you two again, soon fading from a comfortable one like an embrace of a mother, to a cold one like a winter breeze that was blowing outside.
“Why?” your question broke the silence and took both you and Theo by surprise. ‘What are you saying?’ But as you looked Theo in the eyes, you felt tears well up in yours, your lower lip trembling. “Why did you have to break my trust Theo? Why did you never rely on me? Why was I always just your useless shadow!?” your voice became increasingly louder with every question, every word painted in all the colors of confusion and hurt. Maybe you hoped Theo would feel guilty, and maybe he did, but he was always so damn good at hiding his emotions, always wearing a blank canvas as an expression.
“Why did you never trust me?” this time you looked at him with wide eyes as he slowly got up, his voice raising in volume. “Why did you always suspect me for anything and everything when you haven’t even asked me what’s wrong? Why did you expect of me to turn a whole new page when you knew damn well Hondje that I needed some time, but that I am trying?!” He was yelling at you now and before you knew it, you stood up as well, getting in his face and raising your voice to match his.
“Oh, were you trying? Because to me it never seemed like that Theodorus! You always neglected me for your work, and when I would ask you, you just brushed me off!” The raw emotion in your voice caused Theo to suck in a sharp breath. For the first time, he may finally see just what he did to you. “You promised! You promised me you wouldn’t do things on your own anymore! You promised Theo! I was with you through everything and you never had one ounce of trust in me!”
You were screaming at him now and his expression hardened, tears drowning your vision. The argument would continue if the familiar blonde man didn’t rush up the stairs and called out to his brother.
“Theo!” his voice was raised just slightly so he could snap you both out of your trance and you finally saw the angel of the mansion, after so long. Vincent van Gogh was standing in front of you, a panicked and worried look on his face, he seemed almost uncomfortable and you couldn’t blame him. “I heard you two screaming downstairs so I wanted to make sure everything is alright.”
He didn’t even acknowledge you, for better or for worse. Guilt washed over you when you realized what you and Theo just did. You didn’t talk once again. You repeated your mistakes. You communicated poorly and got defensive over everything, throwing it all away instead of working it out.
“Sorry boer. My temper got out of hand.”
“Sorry Vincent” you apologized, but before any of them had a chance to say anything, you quickly snatched your belongings before excusing yourself. “Thank you both for letting me stay here once again, I’m sorry for causing you trouble. Goodbye!” Vincent called out after you, but you bolted down the stairs and out of the gallery. You couldn’t stand being there anymore. Memories were like fresh wounds and your lungs were burning from the familiar scent.
Blending into the crowd, you started walking aimlessly. ‘You are out options. And out of money. If it weren’t for Theo, you would’ve starved and froze to death. But maybe that would’ve been a good thing. You wouldn’t be forced to relive all those painful memories you longed to forget. I wouldn’t be forced to struggle for one more day.’
Maybe your old friends really did look for you. And maybe they now know you are alright. But can you really expect them to welcome you back again? Even if it is for a really short period of time?
‘Hopeless. You were feeling hopeless. You are hopeless.’
But can you do anything about it? ‘No. No I can’t.’
Tears started sliding down your cheeks again and you welcomed them this time. They were with you always these past few days when you hit even lower point in your life. If you had some money, you could’ve at least drowned your monsters in a drink. But that wasn’t an option either anymore.
Dejected, you sat at a bench in a nearby park and pulled your jacket closer around your form. This bench will have to do for tonight. You look too miserable to go and look for a job. And all you want to do is just lay down and sleep forever. But you can’t even do that. You need to wait for night to fall so people wouldn’t stare and even harass you. 19th century France was no easy place to live, you’ve been warned about that when you first came here.
You put your head in your hands as you let out a long sigh and replayed that bitter scene in your head. ‘Did I really never show trust in Theo? Have I really been the problem from the start but actively chose to ignore it?’
Starting to replay all the time spent with Theo, you did ask a lot of him. But you were there with him for every step of the way he let you. He’s a secretive person and he always cared for your safety. Even now. But he did mess up. ‘Both of us did…’
He pushed you away and kept you at arm’s length probably to keep you safe from the threats of L’Académie. But in the process, he hurt you. He tried so hard for you to be worthy of you. This was all just a bad misunderstanding. But until you both learn how to talk; everything will only lead to misunderstandings.
You sighed as you wiped the tears from your face with the back of your hands, looking up, you saw sun starting to slowly set. It was truly a beautiful sight and you wish you were gifted by God to be able to paint just like Vincent so you could enjoy the scenery forever. Crossing your arms over your chest, you mentally prepared for what’s coming while sleeping outside, until you heard someone clear his throat next to you.
Turning your head around in surprise, your fight or flight response kicking in before you saw a familiar figure with a small, warm smile on his lips.
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inyournightmares97 · 4 years
Love Languages
Sometimes, it’s hard to understand the person you love. 
Warnings: Fluff, some language. 
Word Count:  4.1k+
Note: This is my unfortunate attempt at a birthday present for the lovely @softseunies. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful friend and listener. I really don’t know what I would do without you. Have a great birthday!!!
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As you stood with the soft wind brushing your cheeks and his warm hand entwined in yours, you wondered why it took an entire lifetime for you and Jackson to recognize that you loved each other. His lips gently brushed your forehead and he looked down at you with his familiar, handsome smile. 
You see, some couples blame the delay on bad timing or insecurities. Others blame it on distance and external circumstances. But in your case it was none of those things.
Jackson had always loved you. 
You had always loved Jackson. 
The two of you simply loved each other in different languages. 
1.       Missing Each Other
Jackson missed you most when he was alone. 
He was an extrovert- he surrounded himself with people, with work and distractions of both the good and the bad variety. His days were usually busy and he liked it that way. 
Because when he was alone, he did nothing but think of you. 
Jackson lay back in bed that night and closed his eyes, but sleep evaded him. With all the noise and chit-chat on the surface gone, he was forced to delve deeper into his mind. The hidden part that always missed you, the part that always wondered what you were doing, the part that wished you were beside him. 
His thumb hovered over your contact number. 
You liked to be left alone on your nights in. Jackson knew that better than anyone. You didn’t like unexpected calls and unexpected visitors. You often responded with an annoyed huff when he called you on Friday nights, mostly because he had interrupted your late-night binge-watching or because you were trying to study. 
You didn’t think about Jackson when you were alone. Not the way Jackson thought about you. He knew that.  
Still, he couldn’t resist. His fingers hovered over the chat for a few moments before he typed in the message. 
Are you asleep? 
The little tick mark appeared almost instantly, indicating that you had read his message. Jackson held his breath for a few moments as you typed, wondering if he was going to get scolded for interrupting the latest Song Joong-ki drama. 
I wish, your reply said. My roommate dragged me to this party. I don’t know anyone here and she won’t let me leave because I’m her ride home. I was about to text you. 
Jackson smiled. 
Maybe talk to some new people? he suggested. 
Your response was instant. I’d rather die. 
I’ll drop by. Send me the address.  
You smiled to yourself and closed the chat app. Jackson was always up for a good party. He loved talking to new people. He loved mingling and drinking and being the center of attention.  He thrived in environments like these and everyone loved him. 
Not you. You walked into a party and instantly wished Jackson was there beside you. 
Parties reminded you of how unbearable other people could be and how much you disliked everybody that wasn’t Jackson Wang. Being alone came naturally to you. But making friends, going out and mingling with people took effort. 
It was just so much easier when Jackson was by your side. 
You weaved your way through the packed apartment, navigating sweaty drunken college students who were unstable enough to stomp on your feet and make you want to shove them away. 
You had never felt as lonely as you did at these wild college parties. They made you wonder if something was wrong with you, if there was a reason why the activities that everyone looked forward to so much made you miserable. 
Then you saw Jackson. 
His smile was bright as he made a bee-line towards you. Someone called out his name in a cheerful manner, and he waved at them before finally coming to a stop in front of you. 
“Hey,” Jackson greeted you with a chuckle. “You look like you’ve been imprisoned in a dungeon for months. Why the long face?”
A warmth enveloped you the moment he arrived- not only the physical warmth that came from his arm sliding around your shoulder but the warmth of his presence, the way your body instantly relaxed simply from his being there.
You pouted. “I sat on the couch and a couple nearly fell on me.”
“Should I go teach them a lesson?” he joked. 
“They need a room, not a lesson,” you replied with a sigh. “I need a room too. My room. At home, with my blanket and my pillows and my tv.” 
“You can’t always have those.”
“Then I’ll take the next best thing,” you replied. 
“And what’s that?”
Jackson looked down at you, his eyes twinkling even in the dim lights and the deafening music. 
You, you thought silently as a drunken dancer bumped  into Jackson, pushing you both apart. Jackson laughed and waved off the man's apologies. The unanswered question hung lightly in the air for a few moments before it was naturally brushed aside, by Jackson suggesting that you move the conversation out of the way of the dancing partygoers. 
His grip on your arm was the most comforting feeling in the world. 
You missed Jackson most in a crowded room. 
2.                   Solving Each Other’s Problems
Jackson knew that you didn’t like taking help. You could complain about your problems all day long, and insist that the world had wronged you, but you hated asking someone else to solve the issue.
Which was why sometimes Jackson had to do it in secret. 
“I just know he’s going to fail me,” you whined. One of the TAs in your mandatory classes had been flirting with you all semester. It started out with harmless compliments which you had brushed off, but eventually it escalated into him persistently asking you out and insisting that you let him take you out to dinner. 
A few days ago, you had finally told the TA to go to hell. 
He hadn’t taken it well. 
“He can’t fail you for no reason,” Jackson tried to reassure you. Your face was flushed and you were stabbing at your lunch as though it was your enemy. “There’s a Professor, he’ll put a stop to it. Just focus on the paper and you’ll be fine.” 
You stabbed harder. “The Professor is a lazy piece of shit. Everyone knows he lets the TAs grade the papers and doesn’t even review them. That TA could give me any grade he wants and I wouldn’t be able to stop him.” 
Jackson bit his lip. “What if you went and talked it out with him?”
“I won’t.”
“But what if you did?”
You stared at Jackson in disbelief. “Why should I? He’s the one that couldn't handle the rejection. Why am I responsible for making peace? He should apologize. It’s inappropriate for him to hit on a student and even more inappropriate for him to get all offended after she’s said no. I will not talk to the man. Let him fail me. I’ll file a formal complain with the Dean. Let him graduate with sexual harassment on his record.”
Jackson nodded and smiled. 
It wouldn’t come to that. Unbeknownst to you, Jackson had already talked to your TA. The senior student had been defensive at first, but once Jackson calmed him down and talked to him in his usual friendly way, he confessed that he’d been going through a lot at home. Apparently his family had been pressuring him to get a girlfriend and he'd taken out the frustration on you. Jackson invited the TA to a few parties where he could meet some more willing single women, and even offered to set up a group date so he could mingle with some new people. 
Jackson Wang left that room, as he did most rooms, having made a new friend. 
But he would never tell you the truth. 
You’d be furious. 
“I can’t eat anymore,” you decided miserably. You glanced at Jackson’s empty plate. “You done? Let’s take a walk before you have to go back to class.”
You both took a leisurely stroll in the campus gardens. It was spring and there were a lot of people outside. You glanced towards the basketball court and frowned when you noticed a group of young men standing near the court. 
You tugged at Jackson’s sleeve. 
“Which one of those guys did you say bought his way onto the team with his dad’s money?” you asked. 
Jackson was captain of the college basketball team, and you had often listened to his stories of frustration with his teammate. What the guy lacked in talent he apparently made up for with money, ego and parental influence. 
“The tall one with the tattoo. His father knows the Dean. He never wants to actually practice- I think he just likes being on the team so he can flirt with the cheerleaders,” Jackson sighed and rubbed his temples in frustration. “I can’t even bench him because the coach won't let me. He’s going to cost us the season. There goes my shot at winning the title.”
“You’re just too soft.”
“I am not soft.”
“Yes, you are. You want to solve all your problems with peace and talking and understanding. Well you know what Jackson Wang? Some people just need a good, hard punch in the face.”
Jackson laughed. “And who’s going to give him that?”
“I will. Right now.” 
“What?” The expression on your face worried him and his smile fell. “Don’t do something stupid-”’
You grinned. “Relax. He has no idea who I am and this is an enormous campus. Hide behind that bush so they don’t see you, and let me demonstrate how I handle problems, Wang.” 
Jackson watched with wide eyes as you walked over to the group of men. He couldn’t hear what you were saying- you were too far away, but Jackson’s eyes couldn't miss the sight of you pulling back your fist and socking the guy right in the middle of his face. He doubled over in pain, horrified, while you turned to yell something to the cheerleaders standing nearby and then stormed away. 
Jackson stared in horror as you walked back towards him coolly. You had a smug smile on your face as you ducked down to join him behind the bushes, your face flushed with pleasure and slightly out of breath. 
“Did you just-”
“He just got punched in the face by a girl. The rest of the team will never respect him again,” you giggled. 
“What-what did you say to the cheerleaders?” 
“I told them he gave me herpes,” you replied as Jackson gaped at you in disbelief. You smiled back at him. 
Jackson was a good person, and he saw the best in people. He believed that everyone deserved a second chance. You wondered how such an intelligent man could be so naive about the world. 
Some people just needed a good punch in the face. And if Jackson wasn’t capable of doing it, then you would do it for him. 
Your phone buzzed and you pulled it out to check your messages. 
“Huh,” you muttered. 
“What?” Jackson asked. 
“The TA just texted me to apologize,” you replied, not noticing the grin that spread across Jackson’s face. “I wonder what made him realize he made a mistake?”
“Strange,” Jackson mused. 
3. Supporting Each Other
For the first time in your life, you had no idea what to do. 
You had never handled grief before, neither in yourself nor anyone around you. You couldn't imagine how it felt. The pain caused by the loss of a loved one was something that had no parallel in this world. 
And Jackson was going through it right now. 
"Thank God you came," Jinyoung greeted you in the hallway. He had called to tell you the news and you had driven for 8 hours through the night to make it here. "He was asking about you."
"Is he… is he okay?"
Jinyoung merely shrugged, not seeming to know what to say. "Go in."
"I… I don't know what to do," you admitted pathetically. "I've never, I mean, I've never…"
Jinyoung gave you a small smile. "You're his best friend. You'll know."
Would you? You were nervous as you entered the apartment. It was dark- nothing seemed out of the ordinary and yet you could see the silhouette of Jackson sitting on the floor with his legs pulled up to his chest and his head buried in his knees. His shoulders had dropped and his entire body seemed to have given up. 
Your breath hitched.
"Hi," you greeted softly. "It's just me."
Jackson looked up at you. His eyes were red and he merely nodded, watching you as you quietly took a seat in the sofa across from him. You felt almost afraid to touch him, afraid to do something wrong or hurt him more than he was already hurt. 
"You didn't have to come," he said quietly. 
What would you want someone to do if you were grieving the loss of family? You tried to picture your parents dying and the grief that word come with it. 
In all honesty, you'd want everyone to leave you alone. 
"I won't bother you," you promised him gently. The peace between the two of you felt enormous, but you wanted to give him that space, believed that he needed it in order to grieve. "I'm just going to sit here."
Jackson blinked. "Okay."
You couldn't remember how long you sat there. It could have been hours. The early morning sunlight began to stream in through the windows while the two of you sat in that singular, heavy silence. 
"Are you just going to sit there?" Jackson asked you finally. 
You jerked upright. "Are you hungry? I can make breakfast. Should I make breakfast? Or I can run you a bath or something, maybe the warm water would be relaxing."
Jackson cut you off. "No, not that, I-"
Your heart sank. "Is me being here bothering you? I can leave."
Jackson blinked at you before slowly unravelling his arms from around his knees and holding them out towards you. You stared at his outstretched arms for a long moment, not understanding what he meant. 
Then it clicked. 
You scooted closer, letting Jackson wrap his arms around you tightly and hugging him back in return. He snuggled his head into your neck and you could feel the warmth of Jackson's tears, and every small shudder that racked his body. You felt like an idiot as you gently stroked his back. 
You wanted to support him by giving him space, but Jackson had only wanted you to hold him close.
Your arms tightened around him. 
You would never let him go. 
4. Dealing with Intoxication
As you grew older, and your lives diverged, it became more and more difficult for you and Jackson to see each other. Work, families, obligations…
They were all hurdles, but nothing could fully succeed in tearing you apart. 
"Let's stay in and watch a movie," Jackson suggested. He had driven four hours to come visit you over the long weekend, and you both finally had some time off work to relax and unwind.
You made a face. "I do that every night."
"Let's go out drinking," you suggested hopefully. 
Jackson raised an eyebrow. You weren't the kind of person who enjoyed clubs or any place where copious amounts of alcohol was served. As far as Jackson knew, places like that made you uncomfortable. But recently, you seemed to want to get drinks whenever the two of you met.
"You're drinking a lot recently," Jackson pointed out, concerned. "Is work stressing you out?"
You frowned and flushed. "I only drink with you."
Jackson laughed. "I'm so unbearable that you have to be drunk to deal with my visits?"
You sank into the sofa, not sure how to explain it to him. Jackson wouldn't understand. Drinking wasn't a wild, reckless, party activity like it was for him. 
For you, it was more intimate than that.
You never drank with your co-workers, or even with your friends. Intoxication made you feel vulnerable and it made you honest. Those were two things that you didn't want to be with most people. Your walls were always up, and you didn't like that alcohol forced you to bring them down. 
Except with Jackson. 
You didn't mind the walls coming down around Jackson. 
He was the only person you felt safe enough to drink with, to get tipsy and giggle and say silly things because you knew that he would never judge you. He would never manipulate your vulnerability and would always, always make sure you were comfortable. 
But Jackson regularly drank with people he barely knew, so he clearly didn't feel the same way. 
"Let's stay in and get a movie," Jackson insisted while blinking at you with the full force of his puppy-dog eyes. He had driven four hours to be here and he wanted to see you. To spend quality time with you before he had to leave again.
Jackson Wang could proclaim his love to anybody while drunk. Man, woman, animal, it didn't matter. The alcohol would go ahead and do it for him. 
But you were the only person Jackson would continue to love once he was  sober. 
But he couldn't tell you that. He couldn't tell you that he didn't want to waste the little time that he had with you being drunk, because your adorable face had fallen. 
"Let's compromise," you suggested. "I'll pick out a movie, and you go get us a bottle of wine to share right here."
Jackson sighed. "Fine," he relented reluctantly. You did have a tendency to cuddle when you were tipsy, so perhaps he would compromise and just enjoy the feeling of you snuggled up next to him in his arms.
It was a shame Jackson never understood that you wanted to show him parts of yourself that you never showed anyone else. 
It was a shame you never understood that Jackson valued time he spent with you in a way that he didn't value time spent with anyone else. 
But that was all okay. 
When you're learning a new language, you're bound to misunderstand a few things.  
5. Sharing your love with others
Jackson kept a picture of you on his desk at work. 
"That's the girl I'm in love with," he would announce to anyone who bothered to glance at it for more than two seconds. "She doesn't know yet, but I'll tell her someday. Isn't she gorgeous?" he asked fondly, picking up the picture to admire your bright smile. 
"Uh, yeah," Mark replied awkwardly. "Actually, I was wondering if I could borrow your stapler?"
Jackson nodded. "Sure."
Mark chuckled as he took it. "Thanks. You should tell her soon, or somebody might snatch her up."
Jackson smiled. "I will "
He wasn't ashamed of it- Jackson was proud of you and given the chance he would show you off to the world. Everyone at his workplace knew that he was pining after you- the receptionists had long given up flirting with him. It wasn't worth the horror of having to listen to him while he talked about how much he loved you. 
Leaning back in his chair, Jackson sent off one last email for the day before taking out his phone. He sent you a text with a smile. 
Hey! Done working yet?
You took a minute to respond. Hardly. I'm going to be working late today. There's a Board meeting next week so we're swamped. 
Yikes. Call me when you get home. 
I will, you promised. Are we still going to Skype and finish the last episode of Stranger?
Jackson responded reluctantly. Do we have to? I stopped following around episode 10….
Okay, fine. We'll finish the damn thing. Text me when you get home, okay?
You smiled and tucked your phone away with a smile. Jackson's protests were just him being dramatic- you knew he was as invested in the series as you were, he was just pretending to hate it because it was your suggestion. 
"Well, well, look who's giggling at her phone during work," a coworker teased you.
You blushed. "It's just a friend."
"Just a friend? Sounds like something more," she pressed. "Come on. Everyone knows you have a man in your life, you're constantly checking your messages and blushing. Why won't you tell us?"
"There's nothing to tell!" you insisted.
"Liar," another girl piped in. "At least show us his picture! You must have grabbed a hottie- you have that girl-next-door appeal that hot guys would die for!"
You brushed them off and stood up, going into the break room to get a cup of coffee. You would never show them Jackson's picture or tell them about Jackson. You knew how vicious the girls at work were. They acted like they wanted to see your boyfriend's picture and then make snarky comments behind your back about how you must be dating him for the money.
You didn't want to expose Jackson to that. 
No, what you felt for Jackson was precious, and you refused to let these co-workers get their grubby hands on Jackson or your love for him. 
You guarded your love for him jealously, and with everything you had. 
Perhaps one day you would tell him. 
But you wanted him to be the first person you told. 
6. Lastly, Expressing your Love for Each Other
The day came sooner than you imagined, but much, much later than it should have. 
You planned everything. The place, the time, the atmosphere and even your escape route in case things should things go downhill. You had an entire speech prepared and Jackson would be forced to listen to it whether he likes it or not. 
Afterwards, he would make the decision that determined whether your years of pining after him would be a sweet story to tell your grandkids, or be that one horrifying event in your life that left you a bitter, heartbroken old cat lady. 
Either way, you were prepared. 
"Wow, this place is beautiful," Jackson commented. The beach was empty at night and a cool breeze brushed your faces as you walked with the sand between your toes. "It's pretty great weather to be out here. Doesn't weather like this put you in a great mood?"
You looked up at him nervously."I have to tell you something."
He chuckled. "Is that a warning?"
"No, I- I'm just letting you know that I have something to say. And I've been thinking about this for a while so hear me out before you react, okay?"
Jackson raised an eyebrow. "Okay."
"You've been in my life for a long time."
Jackson tilted his head. "True."
"And during that time, I… I guess I've grown to trust you and care for you. You're a great friend, that's true, but you're also more than that. I love your company. I love being around you, being with you, and spending time with you. I used to think it was a stupid crush that would pass someday but we're past the age for stupid crushes and these feelings aren't showing any signs of fading so…"
Jackson's eyes were soft as he looked down at you. "So?"
You swallowed. "I'm in love with you. I just wanted you to know. But I know you might not feel the same way, so you… you can just tell me the truth straight and I'll be prepared for it whatever it is."
"Are you sure you're prepared for my response?"
You squeezed your eyes shut and nodded. You had imagined Jackson letting you down a hundred times. You had imagined him telling you that he loved you a hundred times more. Whatever he did, you would be prepared. 
Jackson leaned down and kissed you. 
You weren't prepared. 
While his soft lips descended on yours, and his arms wrapped around you gently, your head reeled in shock. You had never envisaged this happening. Perhaps because you had spent so much time preparing what to say that you assumed….
Well, that he would say something in response.
But it's okay, you realized as you relaxed against him and wrapped your arms around his neck. You kissed Jackson back hard and let him hold you and love you in the way he had always wanted to. It's okay if we love each other in different languages. 
Because once you know what love is, you can learn how to say it in any language you want. 
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spilled-some-blood · 4 years
Deal’s A Deal
Freddy Krueger x F.Reader
Welcome to Charlie at 2 am writing for the Freddy fans instead of working on their job application because they don’t make good life choices
Summary: In which Freddy Krueger meets a child who seemed unfazed by him, ending in a strange bond over the years.
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You opened your eyes, your hands brushing against cold stone ground. You swore you had fallen asleep.
Glancing around, it felt all to real, and yet not. Were you lucid dreaming?
That was perhaps the most possible explanation, you were in a dream. That makes sense.
You stood up off the concrete floor, leaves were piled around you. It was dark, still night time and there was a fog in the air.
You had begun walking to the exit of the alleyway you were in before a shadowed figure appeared ahead, walking towards you.
The sounds of screeching metal rang through the alleyway, and you were heavily confused.
Then the figure became more clear the closer he edged towards you. Strolling to you casually.
You didn't move, staring at the man with a frown as he came into view, making out the details.
A striped green and red sweater like one's your aunt would buy you for Christmas. Interesting choice, but you did like the feature of a fedora. You always thought those were cool.
"And who are you?" You rose a brow, intrigued buy the fact his skin... it was burned you guessed, or radiated.
"Your worst nightmare." He cackled, only a few steps away, and you took notice of the claw-like blades.
"That does not answer my question." You reply unfazed, catching him by suprise.
He walked closer, leaning down and his eyes met yours. "Freddy Krueger." He grinned, bringing the claw up infront of your face menacingly. "Are you not scared? I could kill you right here and now." He states, one of the blades brushed against your skin in a small prick.
"I've... seen scarier." You then state with a grimace to the fact. "And this is a dream, it's impossible to hurt me in such a state."
"You're much different from other seven year olds aren't you?" He says with an irritated look.
"Obviously." Was your reply before staring at him. "I'm eight, get your fucking facts right."
He raises a brow, "have not met a kid who swears." Bending down to meet your eye again.
"You pick it up after a while." You shrug. "And like I said, this is a dream." You roll your eyes, brushing past him to walk out the alleyway. You wanted to explore this strange setting. "So where are we?"
"Elm street." He scoffs, following after your smaller form. "You're not scared of me?" He asks for more confirmation.
Your eyes turn to him, widening when his eyes roll back, going into his head and bugs begin to pour out from the empty sockets. You shivered, yet you weren't afraid.
You saw him clench a hand, pulling a centipede from his eye before the eyes just roll back.
"That's disgusting, not scary." You snicker when he scowled, enjoying making him annoyed. You moved away from any bug that did try to crawl at you.
He grumbles something incoherent, and you turn back to continue your stroll, unfazed by his preformance.
You turned down the street, walking down the sidewalk
"Are you real?" You asked, then added; "like... do I know you in real life? I've heard that people you see in dreams you've met in real life."
You ask, curiously.
"I'm very real." He says in a tone that speaks menacing. Though he still follows you. "This is our first meeting."
You pause, turning your head to glance at him. "You say that as though it will not be our last."
"It won't." He states, and you eye him before turning your attention back to exploring the darker version of Elm street.
Like he had stated, it was not your last meeting.
You thought he was calling bluffs when you thought he couldn't hurt you physically, until he proved you wrong.
It was a single small cut on your arm, it hurt like a bitch. You'd tell him repeatedly, still thinking it'd be gone when you woke up.
But once again you were wrong.
You awoke with a hiss, feeling a warm liquid seep into your shirt. You opened your eyes to the dimly lit room, and saw the cut on your arm, still completely real.
You were wrong.
So you had turned more cautious. Not scared, but cautious of his actions.
And yet, he hadn't killed you. Or caused any more harm to your being, after seeing him be so smug as you confessed you were wrong.
Days of seeing him in your dreams turned to weeks.
Nothing in your strange relationship has changed, it seems as though you tried to get reactions from each other.
There was always that one night when he has always tried to scare you, to make you fear him.
In every situation you always said the same thing;
"I've seen scarier."
And them weeks became months.
Months to a few years.
You came home, groaning in frustration as you heard your parents fighting in the living room, again.
You snuck past it, not wanting to be thrown into the mess.
You had homework to do, senior year of high school has not been so easy for you. Although you could celebrate in some ways.
You were almost 18, a legal adult. Eventually you could leave this prison of a house.
You were never scared of the man named Freddy Krueger, because you didn't have many fears.
You have seen scarier, scarier than guts and blood, scarier than bugs or spiders.
You had grown up independently, unable to rely on your parents for even a single drop of support your life. They had always fought, and if they didn't fight one or the other would verbally abuse you.
You supposed it was an immunity you had created after such a long duration of exposure to their toxicity.
You didn't even know why they hadn't choosen to divorce.
Seeing Freddy every night in your dreams always reminded you he was the only possible "friend" you had.
It kinda hurt to admit it.
You were well aware of his past when you did your own research (- not snooping around or anything -) at the age of 13. A child murderer.
So why didn't he kill you?
Years past and yet you still ask this. Were you special in some way where he decided to spare you?
You snicker, probably not... though it doesn't answer my question.
He had found out about your life in the waking world when you were 14, breaking down as soon as you woke up in his realm. It had been because your father genuinely looked like he was about to hit you, so pent up in rage it's image was scarred into your memory.
They had never tried to hit you before.
It was the first and only time (so far) that Freddy had seen you in such a weak state. You hadn't let it happen again, regaining your lost composure.
You went into the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar before silently running upstairs.
You evening consisted of studying and homework, eating the granola bar as soon as you sat down.
You fell asleep late, exhausted, and hungry (by the fact you missed dinner, knowing they'd be downstairs.)
"Wakey wakey, sugar-tits."
"That's a new one, when'd you think of that?" You roll your eyes as you get up off the ground.
Freddy watches you amused from where he stood. "You look more mentally drained than usual." He comments.
"Yeah, no shit. My parents are fighting again. And I had to deal with school." You let out a groan, sinking down onto a white wooden bench. He sat next to you, fedora tilted down to shadow his eyes.
To say you had gotten used to his appearance was an understatement. It felt natural to simply sit down and talk, like you two had always been.
You haven't been more comfortable around anyone else.
Which was a funny thing considering your friend was a killer.
You turned, laying back against Freddy with a sigh. "Can't wait to finally move out from their house."
You felt him chuckle, "why not let me kill them?"
"Because, I might be seen as a suspect. I'd rather move out, wait for a year, and maybe I'll ask you to kill them."
"Sure sure." He waved it off, slinging an arm around and layed it on your stomach casually.
You both stayed silent, and you had began to fall to a deeper slumber from your dream state, and he let you sleep the rest of the night dreamless.
You stood at your locker placing your binder and pencil case inside, and took out your small money purse and jacket from the metal box before closing and locking it.
You'd be getting yourself lunch today from a café close by. Knowing you have enough to buy yourself a small muffin too.
You slipping on the jacket; you walked outside, humming a melody you had heard in your dreams. You're sure it was from the little kids you saw every once and a while sing it.
It was actually very catchy.
You were stopped by the gates of the school yard. Of course, (B/n) and her gang steps in to ruin your day.
"Hey there (Y/n)." She snickers, stepping into your personal space.
"What do you want?" You ask, eyes narrowing before continuing your hum quietly.
She holds a hand out, "you'd be owing us some food." She smirks, eyeing the small purse.
"I believe I don't." You mutter, stepping to the side, though she mirror's your action. "Sucks makeup isn't edible, then your inside' could be as "pretty" as the out." You snicker when her face goes red, frustrating her was always as fun.
You were pushed back, still snickering as you hit the ground, fortunate that the layer of snow numbed the fall.
"I don't owe you shit." You grin, eyes challenging her. Perhaps you should ask Freddy to... take care of her for you, after all she has been harassing he freshmen too. She deserves it.
And everyone dies, why not have her date a little closer?
She clicks her tongue, "whatever, you're probably broke as shit anyway."
You laugh again as she along with her proxies walk away back to the school, and you felt her glare at your back as you got up.
Brushing off your clothing you walked off, towards the café with a smug look. I'll definitely bring her up to Freddy... you mentally noted.
You entered the warm café, the warm fuzzy feeling pooled in your stomach. You felt more at home here than at your own house.
"Afternoon," you greet the older woman at the counter, she was the closes thing to a big sister for you. The best family member you could ask for, and she's not even related to you. "Sandwich and tea, please." You tell her, scanning the various flavours of muffins. "And one of those please." You add, pointing to the most appealing.
She chuckles, "what kind of sandwich do you want?"
You grin, "suprise me."
She shrugs with a smile, holding a hand out. "$12.53," she says, looking at the cash register.
You hand her fifteen, muttering a small, "keep the change."
She smiles at you gratefully, and turns to make your order. "How are your studies going? I've told you before you can always come to me for help." She says as she brews your tea.
You shrug, the place was empty other than a few other teens sitting at tables, eating or chatting away.
"It's alright." You answer, then continue; "I promise that I'd come to you for help, I just get a lot on my plate right now."
The 23 year old woman nods, adjusting her dark brown hair pulled up to a ponytail. You had already planned on asking if you could move in with her for a while before getting your own apartment. So you could get on your own two feet.
She passes you the tea over the counter, and you wait as she brings your sandwich and muffin.
"Thank you," you say with a small smile that she returns.
"No problem, your signature spot is still reserved over there." She pointed to the table with two chairs by the window.
You nod, walking over there with your lunch and sat down. Listening to the music from the small speaker in the café as you ate quietly.
After lunch you left the café with a farewell to your "big sister."
You continued with your classes through the afternoon, taking the chance to go to the library when school ended.
You didn't mind going home late, your parents didn't really notice unless they needed you to do something.
You went to a secluded table near the corner of the whole library. You studied, and when you were done you decided to read one if your favorite series of books.
Due to your lack of sleep, you must've fallen asleep cause you felt a familiar set of claw-like blades dancing along your back from where you were hunched on the table.
"Freddy." You mumble with a yawn.
"Falling asleep in the library now? Maybe you should hold back on the late-nights, sugar."
You raise your brows, both a smile and a smirk grow on your lips. "Is that concern I hear?"
You watch him roll his eyes, "don't let it get to your head." You laugh, which makes him grin with amusement. "I'm pretty serious though."
You hum with the nod if your head, "I've been wanting to ask of a favor from you."
"Oh?" His eyes get a mischievous gleam. "And that is...?"
"A small group of bullies at my school, I was hoping you could maybe get rid of their leader? (B/n)?" You smile, not one of pure happiness and innocence. "Seeing their leader dead will most likely have them scrambling." You hum in thought then add; "and if not, I hope you don't mind me asking for you to kill the rest of them?"
He let's out a chuckle, taking the seat next to you and crosses his legs. "What'll I get in return?" He hums, leaning closer and tapping his cheek.
You raise a brow, snickering. "Yeah yeah, okay. Do me that favor though?"
"As long as I can bring this "(B/n)" along with a friend of hers, I'll be letting the other one escape."
"To what? Spread your name?"
"That's exactly it." He replies, laying back. "You'll be there to confirm it." He smirks making your brows knit, and a small scowl grow.
"Your making me join in on whatever nightmare your making for them?"
"Aw sugar, you read me too well." He teases - or is it mock? Either way it has you rolling your eyes with your scowl loop to a grin.
"Fine, I'll go along with this plan of yours." You agree, "now can you wake me up before I get in trouble?"
"No problem, sugar. See you in your dreams."
You walked down the street, looking around for any sign of the two Freddy would be dragging into his dream realm.
You never really had someone else in your dreams other than Freddy. So it may be interesting for a change to experience it. A part of you was giddy, though another part was nerve-wracked. While the thought of being blamed for the weird occurrence was exciting, you did not want to be in huge trouble because of it.
"Freddy?" You call out, starting to get irked by the fact he nor anyone had shown up.
You heard a loud shriek from afar, your heart jumped and you ran towards the scream with adrenaline.
Even if you couldn't be so easily scared, you did for a fact enjoy seeing others scared.
You skidded to a stop as you turned at the sidewalk corner.
(B/n) stood there, petrified as bugs started to crawl up her legs from holes in the ground around her. Her friend stood a meter away, staring wide eyed at the scene.
You whistled, impressed, of course insects would work on someone like (B/n).
"(Y/n)?!" She screeched, "fucking help me!" She commanded, making you cross your arms with a smirk.
"Awh, (B/n) don't you remember what happened erlier today?" You reminded her, almost jumping when a snake was placed around your shoulders. It's face moved infront of yours, peering at you with curious eyes before its tongue slithered out to tickle your nose.
"Frederick." You acknowledge, feeling a hand press to the small of your back, though you didn't move your eyes from the fact (B/n) hasn't stopped staring at the bugs.
Another shrill scream left her lips as she tried to shake the bugs off, jumping up and down.
"Why are you doing this?!" Her friend cried out to you and your companion.
"I'm not the one who's causing it, deary." You smile bitterly.
Freddy moves from your side to them, circling them like a shark. A low and dangerous chuckle left his mouth, tipping his fedora.
And in a quick blink, he vanished.
"One, two, Freddy's coming for you."
Oh dear, here he goes again. You smile with a chuckle, the tune was far too familiar to you.
Two girls skip out from the front yard of a decaying house.
"Three, four, better lock your door." Instead now they began to skip around the two, their faces were blank.
"Five, six, grab a crucifix."
You pet the snake around your neck, waiting in enjoyment as fear flooded of their forms.
"Seven, eight, you better stay awake."
They giggled before continuing, the cement around (B/n)'s feet began to crumble away. Her incoherent yelling was silenced when centipedes crawled into her mouth. You saw her friend gag, trying not to throw up.
"Nine, ten, Freddy's back again."
She let out a loud scream, the ground decaying under her feet and she fell down into the darkness. Her screams echoing until the ground regenerated itself.
The bugs melted into a thick substance, pooling together.
"Would you look at that..." You were grateful that Freddy hadn't killed her in a gory mess infront of you. You walk up to (B/n)'s friend, crouching down infront of her.
"Tell them Freddy Krueger is back in town, will you?" You booped her nose, looking up at Freddy who crouches behind her.
She turns her head back slowly, eyes wide with fear as Freddy leaves a deep cut into her arm with his claw.
A dark laugh left his lips when she screamed, scrambling away. So with the snap of his fingers, she disappears in a cloud of smoke. What you guessed was she went back to the waking world.
You stood up after placing the snake on the ground, letting it slither off into the fog.
"That went more smoothly than I expected." You commented with a grin, sparing a glance at Freddy.
"All planned, sugar tits." He replies, turning you to him. "Wheres the trade, hm?"
You roll your eyes, "yeah yeah, a deal's a deal." You peck him on he cheek, grinning when you didn't miss the slight disappointment that flashed in his eyes. "Somethin' wrong, Freddy?" You played coy.
"Damn fucking tease."
You laughed, not expecting those words. "Indeed I am... though I thought you'd know that by now." You hum, "deal's a deal, what do I get if I do that?"
"The enjoyment." He grumbles, grabbing your collar and pulled your lips to his.
You snickered into the kiss, he wasn't entirely wrong.
You walked through the school yard, glancing at your watch. You were on time, had some minutes to spare too.
You blinked, turning around 180 degrees and stared at the accusatory finger of (B/n)'s friend. The familiar face you saw in your dream stared at you in horror and clear fear.
"What was that?! (B/n) is dead." She said, far to loud than necessary.
You raise a brow, faking a frown. "Is... is that so? I apologize for your loss."
Her brows knit, "no... you were there, in my dream with her and that - that Freddy guy!"
Your face contorted to confusion, "I was in your dream?"
"I'm pretty sure dreams can't be shared," you start your lie, "and plus, I don't remember dreaming at all last night."
From how her face changes, you could already hear the sounds of Freddy's laughter as you try to hold hers in.
"Then Freddy! Who's Freddy?! It was his fault then!" She bursts, stomping towards you.
"Look... I think you're being a bit loud on this," you glance around at the various students who stared. "I don't know who this "Freddy" is, perhaps try and search him up?"
Her face goes red, and you weren't sure if it was from embarrassment or anger, but she walks away, muttering under her breath with clenched fists.
You were far to amused, and the rest of your day was unbothered.
"I should thank you," you smiled genuinely, toying with the glove he treasured so much. "It worked out perfectly."
"All planned," he grinned leaning back against the couch cushions.
"Mhmm... all planned, you sure?" You nudge his arm, slipping the glove onto your own hand.
"You think I don't always plan ahead?" He raises a brow, tipping his fedora and turned your head to face him.
"Oh, I'm sure you did." You chuckle, before your lips could touch, you grabbed his fedora and jumped off the couch. Placing it on your head and snickered at his expression, taking him aback.
"Where is the fun if there's no real chase?" You smile wide.
Thanks for reading if you did -Charlie
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“Thankless Job”. 2589 Words, HisokaxIllumi  Illumi has to work at a Burger Joint and realizes that Customer Service isnt for him.  A Shitpost gone wrong, dont expect perfect english, dont expect perfect plot. kthxbye 
fanfiction.net link
"You need to get a job." Those words have been ringing in Illumis ears for the past week. The way which his father had said it, so matter-of-factly, and the way his mother started wailing almost immediately, talking about "new experiences" "learning normal skills" "honest money". Illumi did not understand how the money he'd get from missions was "dishonest" money, but he also knew better than to disagree with his parents. And so he could do nothing but watch and write applications, while his brothers got assigned mission after mission. He wasn't surprised that a TOPBURGA♪  accepted his application and hired him after a short interview. The place does not exactly scream professionalism and high-class, with it's grease stained walls, the lingering small of something burning in the air, and the sound of screaming children. The sensory input was almost too overwhelming for the eldest Zoldyck son, but he knew that his pool of jobs to choose from wasn't that deep.
And so he stared at himself in the mirror while buttoning up the last button on his brightly orange shirt. The work uniform was atrocious. The shirt was too tight around the shoulders, but  too wide around the waist, and was tucked into pants that didn't even reach his ankles. Gently he pulled his ponytail through the back-end of a white cap, fashioning the talking-burger logo of the chain. A last look into the mirror, going over his form, examining the working-class stranger looking back at him. That could not be him, he thought, resting his eyes on the reflection of the name tag "Iluhmi". 8:30 am. His shift starts.
The first 2 hours had been going surprisingly smoothly. Working as a cashier wasn't difficult to Illumi, he could take comfort in such a repeated, calculated task, blocking out most of everything that was going on around him, including his managers mumbling about 'customer service face'. He got the job done, and he got it done well. Mentally he was preparing for his lunch break already, wanting to breathe fresh air, leaving all the noise behind for glorious 30 minutes of silence. But suddenly Illumi felt something greatly disturbing this make believe peace he has already been looking forward to. A familiar aura, so piercing, so overwhelming, a weaker soul would be inclined to activate a fight or flight instinct that had been driven out of any and all of the Zoldyck children. There was only fight. And yet Illumi wanted to leave, not to flee, but simply to hide, to not be seen. Not like this, not by him. The doors of the small Burger joint swung open, and in came the familiar magician, brandishing is trademark grin, so perverse that Illumi felt it would be justified to call security. But he didn't, instead opting to look blankly ahead, hoping, praying that Hisoka has stumbled into this restaurant by accident, and would leave any second. Hope is for Fools and Prayer never works. Illumi was face to face with the pink-haired intruder now. "My, oh my, what a surprise to see you here, dear Illumi " It is against company policies to assault a customer. "That Uniform looks quite... Dashing on you, might I add." It is against company policies to insult a customer.
"Welcome to TOPBURGA, may I have your order please?" Maybe acting cold and rejecting would work, pretending not to even know this person (by stretch of definition). "Oh, I don't think that's a sufficient greeting for a PAYING CUSTOMER, do you? " It would not work. Illumi could tell by Hisokas widening grin and narrowing eyes that he was prepared to make a scene. Illumi cleared his throat, before digging his nails into the off-color counter in front of him, forcing himself to smile, looking Hisoka directly in the eyes. He had never wanted to murder this man this badly ever before. "Welcome to TOPBURGA♪! May I take your order, please~?" Hisoka clapped his hands together, looking pleased as ever. "Now that's the spirit! Feels wonderful to work with a smile on your face, right?" Illumi felt a piece of a soul that he think he didn't have die. Reverting back to a blank stare, Illumi coldly put in Hisokas order into the cash register, trying to block out Hisokas low purrs of "um"s and "ah"s while he was deciding on his meal. "That'll be 6.99Jennie Please."
As Illumi held out his hand to receive the cash (which was definitely not enough to  compensate for what he was emotionally going through), Hisoka gently placed his hand on top of the cashiers, slowly running his nails over Illumis open palm after dropping the coins. The sensation ran shivers down Illumis spine, but surprisingly he didn't dislike it. Faintly he wondered how it would feel to have these nails run up the nape of his neck, or gently massaging his scalp. Of course Illumi would never let anyone touch his hair, much less Hisoka, who would probably get way too much joy out of it.
Quickly banning these thoughts out if his head , he handed Hisoka his order number. "Your order will be ready in a moment." Illumi wondered if he could pass a note to the cook and ask him to burn an order on purpose, as Hisoka finally took a couple steps back to lean against a wall and wait. Conveniently the business started to fill with customers, keeping Illumi busy and his mind occupied, ignoring the magicians piercing stare on him. Even as a coworker finally handed him his order, he found a table in perfect view of the counter, slowly eating fry by fry while watching Illumi work. Does he not have anything better to do? Is there no one else he can harass?  Of course he's just looking, but anyone who has ever met Hisokas gaze knows that that basically counts as assault. Why does it bother me so much, anyway? Illumis thoughts were echoing in his head. Hisoka took up too much space in his mind, distractingly much. "You're being watched." The soft voice pulled him out of the echo chamber of his mind.
"Pardon?" Illumis eyes focused back on the customer in front of him, trying to process the figure in a soaked black rain coat, hood pulled over their head. The rain had started a couple minutes earlier, and as everyone who had sought shelter in the burger joint had been served, or was simply there to wait our the weather, this lone figure was the last in line. "A customer has been watching you for the past 30 minutes, he sits in the second row to the right." "Oh, him. I've been aware-" Illumis explanation cut short as the figure pulls off the soaked hood of their coat, revealing yet another familiar face. "Chrollo." "Oh, Illumi? I didn't even recognize you in that.." Chrollos eyes quickly darted over Illumis form, before letting out a small chuckle "..lovely attire." "Thank you, I've already been made aware that I look 'dashing', according to my pursuer." Chrollo leaned on the counter, and though Illumi felt proportionally more uncomfortable with the increasing number of familiar faces in this place, he did find comfort in being able to talk comparatively normal to someone for the first time today. "So, is the Zoldyck family planing to become a chain restaurant empire now?"
"Very funny." It was not very funny. "I'd prefer it if you leave this establishment. If Hisoka recognizes who you are, I feel like there is not a job for me to come back to tomorrow." Chrollo chuckled, before holding up an apologetic hand. "Understood, I will just have a water and be on my way. Though.." He quickly glanced over his shoulder "..I feel like he's already preparing to fight me just for talking to you like this. His determination in staring me down is admirable." Illumi glanced at the clock, and sighed in relief, before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. "My break has started. That'll be 1.20Jennie." Without another word, Chrollo placed the money on the counter, took his water, and waved Illumi goodbye. The hard working man at the counter was about to turn and leave for his well deserved break, when something was amiss. He froze mid-turn, glanced back at the interior of the restaurant. He's gone, he thought.
Did he see Chrollo after all? The image of Hisoka confronting Chrollo outside came to mind, but was quickly pushed aside. It was time for Illumis break, and whatever happens outside the restaurant is none of his business. Instead he grabbed his water bottle, and excused himself through the backdoor. The rain had stopped, and the sun was pushing through the thin of the clouds. The back of the restaurant was facing a small park, and a wooden bench had been set up for employees to take a break on. Illumi sat down, grateful that the bench itself had been sheltered under the roof of the building, and took off his uniform cap. A small sigh escaped him, staring away into the distance. What has my Life come to? Is this how its going to be for ever? How did Hisoka get his nails so sharp, and why does he always look at me? Is this an informal way of telling me im out of the family business? Did my fa- Wait. He caught himself mid thought. That magician had done it again, sneaking his way into the back of Illumis mind, like a maggot eating through wood. He could never, ever give him the satisfaction of knowing he had those capabilities. Illumi could practically already hear the self-satisfied purr of the other mans voice. "Whats got you thinking so hard, dear?~" The reality of that voice made Illumis head shoot up, facing the other man who was leaning casually against the wall next to him.
"None of your business." Plenty of his business. Too much of his business, actually. His smug face and awful grin and piercing gaze. "You know, I do like your hair in a ponytail like this, it frames your neck perfectly~" Hisoka reaches out towards Illumis face, but his hand is quickly swatted away, giving a fake pout at this. "Why does the eldest of the Zoldyck children degrade himself to such lowly work anyway?~"
Illumi stood up, determined to leave. He wanted peace, quiet, a clear mind, all things mutually exclusive with the presence of Hisoka. "My dear Illumi, if you really needed money that badly, you could have always come to your good friend for help~" Illumi felt his muscles twitch. He wasn't sure what to address first, that he doesn't need money that badly, or that him and Hisoka are the furthest thing from friends. "I wouldn't mind playing your boss for a while~" The magician was directly behind him, he could feel his aura lingering all over his back. Hisokas low voice purred softly behind Illumis ear "I promise you'd get your own uniform, too~" A hand was suddenly resting on the nape of Illumis neck, and index finger massaging through the small hairs that slipped out of his ponytail. For a fraction of a second, he could feel his blood come to a freezing point, forcing him to inhale sharply.
The thought of working for Hisoka was ridiculous and repulsing. Working with him was already often a strain on Illumis sanity. And now just being in his presence , so close he could swear he could hear the others heartbeat (though it was probably only his own ringing in his ear), it upset something deep inside him. The fraction of a second passes, and his blood shot up to a boil. Illumi turned around, a hand immediately pushing Hisoka back against a wall. "I have no qualms about killing you right where you stand." "I'd let you, if it would calm your nerves~" It was no surprise that the magicians grin had only gotten wider after impact with the wall, and seeing Illumis rage burn through him. Illumis hand was pushing against Hisokas throat, though one of Hisokas hands was just holding lazily onto the others wrist, making no attempt to escape his grip.
Illumi could feel Hisokas pulse through his grip, calm despite the circumstances, which only irritated him more. Neither of them break eye contact, while Illumis thoughts run deafening through his head. The past week had been more stressful than any mission could have ever been. This shift in his routine, in what is normal for him just being torn away, proved to be far more damaging than expected. Hisoka was right, his nerves needed to be calmed. His fingers twitched around Hisokas windpipe, who was still meeting Illumis gaze unblinkingly, licking his lips in anticipation. "You are a vile person. I'm sure you'd get off on it if I were to actually kill you right here." Illumis face inched close to Hisokas, not letting go off the grip around his neck. What am I doing it echoed. "We'll never find out if you don't try~" Hisokas hot breath fell on Illumis lips. Too close. Stop. His head was pulsing, and he just wanted to muffle all of his thoughts. Calm my nerves. Their Lips met, softer than expected, and suddenly Illumi felt like all of his muscles relaxed for the first time in his life. He's just helping me calm my nerves.
Hisokas free hand rested on Illumis hip, in turn Illumi released the grip around his neck, and instead wrapped his arms around the others shoulders, pulling him closer to himself. Hisokas tongue licks along the others lips, and reflex-like he opens them. Tasting him like this made Illumis head spin once again, so sickly sweet, as if he was made out of candy. One of his hands starts holding onto Hisokas hair, not pulling, but curling soft strands around his fingers, a gesture almost too soft, too kind for someone like him. In response Hisokas grip around his hips tightened. A new kind of tension tightened in Illumis chest, coiling around his throat, forcing him to finally pull away, catching his breath. He could feel all of the blood that had rushed to his head, feeling the heat flush his cheeks. Quickly he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, straightening his back. "This did not happen." "Of course not, love~" Hisoka chuckles, stepping away from the wall he had been pinned to, stretching his arms and shoulders as if he had been chained up for hours. "Don't do that. I'm not your 'love', you're a glorified stranger to me." "Oh, Illumi, you hurt me so deeply!" Another fake pout, though his eyes were sparking with scheming intent. "Guess I have to ask someone else to join me on a mission in Yorknew then~!" "Excuse me?" "Well, my dear Illumi, theres a ball in Yorknew, and some very interesting people will be there. And by pure coincidence, I have a +1. Though I can't just take any stranger with me~" Hisokas grin was all telling, the bait was all for Illumi to take. The luxury of a Ball in Yorknew, with the danger of Hisoka being present and most likely still itching to "calm some nerves"...And the escape from this thankless job. Illumi undoes his ponytail, and starts unbuttoning the badly-fitting uniform. "When will we depart, associate?" Hisoka started beaming, overjoyed at having broken down one of Illumis walls. "I'll pick you up tonight, love~"
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blankdblank · 4 years
Next Caller Pt 40
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A warm hand stroked your arm and inhaling sharply your eyes cracked open finding Thorin sitting beside you, “I am so sorry.” You shook your head grumbling softly to yourself rolling onto your back, “I promised you dinner.”
“You were tired. Didn’t want to wake you. Heard you snoring, hard shift?”
“More like hard people just off work and angry for a fix. Ought to ban anyone with a mood like that.” That had you giggling and sitting up, “I might scowl but I’m far from rude.”
“I’ll get up and be out in a minute,” he nodded and gave your leg a pat standing up heading to finish readying the table to grant you privacy.
A full change of clothes was followed by primping and out you went to join him. Closing your cardigan over your t shirt hoping it might be warmer after running out of sweaters you giggled seeing the hefty supply of food set out, “Spared no crumbs I see.”
Bashfully he chuckled replying, “Had to,”
“You didn’t. People get tired. Thank you, but you don’t have to make a feast if you sleep in.” You said sitting down accepting the mug of tea he handed you. “I mean it, thank you.”
“You are more than worth it.” He hummed back catching your flinching gaze, “You are.”
With a nod you replied, “I know, thank you, just, getting used to hearing people meaning it.” He looked you over and you said, “Some people just say it, it was hard, to say the least, growing up hearing you’re nothing without the clan, or even to it. I never wanted to prove them right. Part of how that me died I suppose when I got pulled out of that carrier.” Shaking your head you said, “Sorry, not trying to drop the mood.”
“You aren’t,” he said laying his hand over yours, “Talk to me, about anything. You are so strong, you even said you found a way to escape from where they kept you but they drugged you.”
With tears in your eyes you asked, “I said escape?”
Shaking his head he shifted on his seat to be closer to you, “No you said, end-, oh,” Moving onto your bench he let go of your hand to pull you into a hug, “I am so sorry,” pressing a kiss to the top of your head clutching you tightly to him in feeling a tear hitting his arm.
“There was a loose wall panel under my bunk, they found me chewing on a power cable. Jammed a stun rod in the back of my thigh.” Pulling back a bit you sniffled and he tenderly wiped your cheek, “I’m not like that now though, it, I was tired of suffering because of his name. And I changed my name,” looking up at him you said, “I don’t think I can say thank you enough for what your family has done for me. Even the ones I haven’t met.”
“You don’t have to thank us, any of us.”
“No, but,”
“But what?” he hummed out slightly concerned of the worry in your eyes as he stroked your cheek again with his thumb.
“I’m mentioning Durin’s Blering today.” Making him smirk, “I don’t, want you to be upset, or your family.”
“We love your show, your portrayal of Durin and our relatives. There have been portrayals of other favored Dwarves through history with exaggerated Blering or courting decisions. Blundrun of the Stoonefoot’s had five weddings in one adaptation on film. It’s all taken in good humor when done respectfully. The public isn’t meant to see the full details, it’s private.”
“Even if it involves a walrus?”
At that he laughed saying in a tap of his forehead to yours, “We will love it, and I can’t wait to hear how a walrus comes into play, nor will my family be upset. Now eat up. Big day ahead of you.” You nodded again and he eased back to get to eating the large meal.
“Don’t worry,” he said as you climbed into your car, “Be fearless Mafioso.” To yourself you giggled and were off to work while he inhaled and groaned stretching before driving off himself.
Truly you had faced harsh times and in clarifying the wording it settled in his mind just how much stronger you were for healing on that island prison and bursting free to toil until someone gave you a much needed hand up. You had ample reason to be concerned, it was a tender subject to broach, but with how greatly they loved your portrayal so far he had no doubts they would love to hear your thoughts on how mushy the ever bleeding heart of the teddy bear warrior could get. All the same he sent out a message to his elders who rippled it around with eager replies that they would tune in as they could. And parking in his spot he readied for his cousins to begin their questioning until your show kicked on.
The big show finally came. After leaving off that Durin was left aimlessly staring at the floor of his cabin hours till the door was broken in two and he was drug off in chains on the biggest cliffhanger since when Bunny was kidnapped for your listeners. Durin was refused and taken captive needing saving and healing for his badly breaking heart.
“She has stunning eyes you know.” Durin sighed out.
His captor rolled his eyes replying, “I thought if I got you drunk you’d shut up about her.”
“I had it all planned out,” Durin hiccupped and added after another groan from the captor, “Even hired a walrus to give her the spoon I’d chosen,” after a sniffle the King slurred out, “Same shade as her eyes!”
A thud was heard and a relieved sigh came from the captor, “Finally.”
Near to the end of the show after another odd detour of some random bystanders who watched Bunny storming in to rouse up Durin’s allies to fly off to battle for their King. Surely assuring the audience she did truly care for him in return and was taking her place she had said not to want as Queen and leader to his people a muffled explosion was heard and screams followed before a metal door was sent flying into a distant wall and Durin comes to, “BUNNY! You came for me!”
“No. You borrowed my pen. I came for my Twiggums. This is just a coincidence he happened to be with you.”
Song song like he replied, “You saved me,” Bunny sighed hoisting him up, “You missed me.”
“Back to your ship before your head gets any bigger. I came for my pen and found you by chance.”
Through the halls he was carried and his heart thundered as he slurred out dopily, “You brought my armies and allies. There’s a word for the one they would follow other than me you know.”
“Ya, bribed.”
“No,” he slurred, “My men are above reproach.”
Bunny pointed out a man with an arm full of trinkets he took from the captor’s Palace, “Clearly he’s here for the loot.”
“Norib only loots for a good cause and King, or, you know the word.” He teased.
Through the tea shop, while the story bantered on in the adamant refusals and skirting around the subject while Durin swooned more for his now certainly future bride. Along with Mal who was squealing behind her hands unable to help but blush and smile stupidly at how perfect it was leading to your propping up a notebook to keep from getting distracted by her reactions.
“For Mahal’s sake woman! Have pity on us and tell me if this is in the book!”
With a giggle you replied, “Second.”
“Ugh,” she groaned throwing her head back making you giggle again and guide her out through the halls to the garage again, “It’s going to be so hard to read from behind my pillow.”
“Oh trust me you will be squealing more than once I blushed through just writing half of it not even mentioning the editing.”
“I can’t imagine!” Her eyes scanned over your jacket you pulled back on making her smirk, “That is a male coat, you didn’t happen to steal Thorin’s coat?”
“No, he took me to his jacket place, helped me pick it out. It’s got soo many pockets!” You said showing her the pockets both outside and in appealing to your shared Hobbit love of pockets. “And it’s so fluffy inside!” Lowering your hand you lifted the mail bag you had been given.
“Well it looks amazing on you. Gives the illusion he might be coatless somewhere.”
You giggled back, “But we both know I can swim in his jackets.” Making her giggle too. “Need a ride?”
“No, Kili is picking me up, having a lunch date.”
“Ooh, nice, just the two of you?”
“Yes, apparently they convinced Frerin it would be less of a challenge to keep civilized one on one alternating dates.”
She let out a weak chuckle, “I know, but it gets me twice the dates this week so I’ll take what I can get.”
“Well I hope it gets easier down the line for you.”
“Oh it will. I am too determined to let it go otherwise.” Eagerly Kili was waiting and scooped her and BamBam up carrying them to his waiting car while you walked to yours you unlocked and with the mail in the trunk lowered into with a quick huff shaking your hands to get rid of the lingering tingles from your nerves at how it would go over.
“They have to get married!” You could hear the words being called across the buzzing shop making you peak inside only to have Balin inch in front of you and point to his left ushering you inside the office subtly. Curiously you popped in only to find the food but no Thorin. Walking around the table you sat on the couch only for you to hear, “You’re a Durin! What happens next! Don’t tell us he gets spurned again!”
Thorin gruffly replied back, “None of us know, our clan didn’t write it.”
“But you have to know something!” Was cut off as Thorin huffed entering and closing the office behind him. “Your lover is listed on the Bunny Show voicing it!”
Taking a moment to gather himself before turning around, “Sorry,” you muttered and he shook his head.
“Don’t you dare apologize. It’s a fabulous story. Mainly it’s dead silent so they can listen in then it just erupts afterwards, they’ll head out eventually when their mugs run out we’ve got a two refill limit.” Next to you he settled down comfortably with his leg against yours flashing you a comforting grin.
“Just don’t want you being harassed over it.”
“It’s not harassment. I take it as a point of pride that you are doing exceedingly well.” His smile split wider playfully as he rumbled, “And very nice touch on making him drunk ramble his plans out mournfully. Very true to his character. Gran messaged me she was on the edge of her seat and Gramps said she was giggling like crazy. Amad is curious to know how one could manage to hire a walrus to do their bidding.”
In a giggle as he uncovered and served the food you replied, “They are far more agreeable than elephant seals.” He looked you over and you added with a smirk, “I made allies to keep the crabs away.” Making him chuckle, “Besides they do love a good head rub. Once they see you won’t hurt their babies you’re free to graze through to see what they’re up to.”
“I will pass that on.” He replied in a chuckle. “You ok?”
You nodded, “Yup, just have another bag of mail to sort when I get home. It’s picking up.”
“I bet. I could help if you like.”
“Only if you want to, gets a bit much sometimes. Sorting by state, county then dividing it even more by language as such. Though I can’t imagine the letters I will get from the Professors this time.”
“All in good meaning, helping to correct tiny details I’ve exaggerated or tweaked. Always the thickest but they always praise heavily afterwards on my imagination.”
“Any hate mail?”
“Few, then there’s the ones from family. From the first couple weeks haven’t opened them.”
“Well if you want my clan to reply to the haters let us know. I know Dis could come up with some amazing replies.”
The thought made you giggle and reply, “Thank you, I will keep you posted on that. Mainly so far I’ve just replied to kids. Classes that have been listening or sending pictures and such. So sweet really. I have to think of a way to keep them all together. Might laminate them to make a book maybe with the letters.”
“That is a great idea.”
“I just can’t quite get through the more emotional ones yet. The ones where they share what the story has gotten them through, still not there yet I guess. Will be though someday maybe.”
From there on you chatted more about his seen reactions to your show brightening your mood again and shared more responding messages that came in from his clan leading to once the meal was through you leaned against his side scrolling through them until your alarm when he took your bag from your trunk to add to his. His busy task today had him smirking while you were off as he was joined by Dwalin, Balin and Frerin to head home to dump the bag out on the couch to get to sorting. Easily with the group together the task was underfoot when Thorin got up at the door bell ringing. An odd delivery of seven chests had him puzzled after having signed for them luring his cousins to the front hall where they were left.
Curiously he circled them and Balin asked, “Did Jaqi day she was expecting anything?”
“No,” Thorin replied, “So odd, who would send chests?” Looking at the delivery sheet he said, “Valinor, they’re from Valinor...”
Dwalin led the group on inspecting the seam and chuckled finding the hidden lock he unlocked with ease at solving the sliding puzzle and tilted his head seeing the pile of books inside. “Books..”
Thorin’s brows furrowed rapping one with a knuckle, “Not books.” Reaching down he made to lift one only for the top to lift revealing a gold clear wrapped pile of gold filling the disguised box. “Oh I know what this is, she said she also inherited chests from her clan of money.” Balin opened another seeing bound Elven bills with another of silver coins in the one beside that and copper beside that one above one filled entirely with emeralds with scattered more stones in other cases before they closed the trunk that locked again leaving them to look at one another and Frerin to say, “We didn’t open it.”
They all shook their heads, “Nope.”
Thorin grabbed one end as Frerin took the other, “Off to the storage room for now.”
Balin asked following with Dwalin helping to carry theirs, “Do you think they’re all full of funds?”
Thorin replied, “That’s what she said. Wasn’t keeping anything else from their estates. Lawyer Feanor had sent them out to her. Mentioned something about the funds weren’t initially added to her inheritance balance but had to be counted then sent.”
Frerin chuckled, “So she had billions cracked it down to millions and now has billions again. Marvelous.”
Thorin chuckled with the rest of them and replied as they settled the trunks down and turned to grab another set, “I’m certain she won’t share the sentiment.”
Dwalin hummed, “Just think, you could save a bundle on choosing stones, she’s already got them.”
Thorin smirked to himself and replied, “We will get to that eventually.”
The next to last had all four carrying it with the last absurdly light last one took two keep them from flinging it up into the ceiling for how light it was. “That was close.”
Balin smirked looking at the others and rumbled, “How much you want to wager this one’s got mithril in it.”
Thorin rumbled, “I’m not betting.”
Frerin retorted, “Spoil sport, no winnings for you then. Fifty silver.”
Dwalin scoffed, “60!” Making Thorin roll his eyes hearing them on the way to move it with the others how to bring it up when they saw you again to see who won or not on that chest and all the others on amounts and contents. Eventually getting back to and finishing the sorting before each splitting up wishing Thorin a good night.
One odd lengthy shift leaving you with a feeling you’d forgotten something ended with a quiet ride home as you retraced everything you had done until your realized you’d forgotten to take the second cupcake you had promised yourself to take from the dessert cart.
Backed into the garage it sealed and you turned off the car and climbed out to head inside leaving your shoes and coat by the door there. Passing the stack of mail on the table you caught Thorin nodding off at the table beside his spread making you chuckle and steal a picture before waking him to a peck on the cheek. “You’re tired.”
“No I’m not. Just, blinking, check.”
“Uh huh,” you giggled out and sat down, “Well once you’ve eaten off to bed with you to rest your blinking muscles.”
“How was work?”
“Good. Forgot to take my second cupcake at lunch though.”
“I have-,” he pointed at the kitchen making you reach over and pat his hand resting on the table.
“I’m good. This is good. Thank you. How was your work?”
“Good, got back, guys came over and you will be glad to know we have sorted your mail bag.”
“Aw, no wonder you’re so tired.”
“It didn’t take as long as it would seem to for a duffel of letters. Kept the schools separate for you and it’s all bound on the parlor table when you’re ready.”
“Thank you. Anything else interesting happen?”
“Oh, you got that delivery from Feanor.” That had you rolling your eyes and him smirking, “Figured you might not be pleased. All a decent weight except one.”
“Bound to have the mithril in it and shares of the mithril stocks they owned. Back in the high billions again, yay. Feanor is pleased though there was a trunk of paintings I said he could have, apparently a few splatters are ‘priceless’ he has the pleasure of handling the museums for those wonders on his own. At least my paintings are cute or realistic and not looking like road kill.” Making him chuckle again. His eyes met yours and brow twitched up at your lingering gaze his way, “You wouldn’t happen to have relatives in jewelry would you?”
A smirk tugged across his lips, “Of course I do.”
“Well, I might have some gems to unload.”
Lowly he chuckled, “You may want to inspect them first, just to be certain there aren’t any you might wish to keep. Other than that I am certain they would be glad to inspect your hoard.”
“Keep? Oh,” you said and he looked you over again, “You mean like for a ring.”
“Well it could be, unless your kin prefer to have the male design it.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever even considered getting jewelry before.”
“Then best hold on to those gems and I can have some design books sent over for you to browse through. Give you some ideas. If you like a certain style they have some imitation stone settings they could loan out for you to give a test run to see how you like it on you.”
“How do you choose?”
“When we get there hopefully you might have a few ideas of your own.”
“Bet you have fifty ideas already of your own.”
“You would lose that bet.” He hummed back, “Has to be special. Every Dwarf has hundreds of ideas growing up what they might design, but it’s always, different. Has to be. No rush, take your time.”
“Oh, um, how short notice could your builder relatives be called out?”
Smirking again he said, “Well they live two hours out, so, two hours at least. I did send an email when you mentioned ordering the shelving for your studio. They are going to add more built ins to my spare as well. Will they be here soon?”
“It should be here Monday, would have been Sunday but there was a delay.”
“I’ll let them know in the morning.”
“Thank you, and sorry.”
“No, trust me, you are not ready to meet them yet, they’re a bit, odd.”
“Unlike the rest of you,” Lowly he chuckled again smiling at you.
“Yes, best let us handle the build while you are at work. Frerin would be glad to help keep them in line, and away from your door hinges.”
“Door hinges?”
“They like to swap them in houses they don’t like, so the door swings the other way.”
“That’s such bad totems,”
He nodded, “Yes it is. Which is why we will be watching them.”
Once cleaned up you were off separately, him to bed and you into a nice warm shower. A bit stiff from the wet week your formerly knotted leg still gave you a bit of trouble today, less than it had for centuries but still not as good as it should be. You felt terrible thinking of asking Thorin if he had a relative who could help with rubbing or stabbing these cramps out. A bath would be best but you were too tired to soak safely so showered and dried you changed into some warm flannels glad you remembered to light the fire before hand so your room was nice and toasty when you climbed into bed smoothing a heating patch onto your hamstring. Sneering at first of the odd goopy feeling instantly warming up after rubbing the pad with your palms flattening them over your skin. Still into bed you wiggled settling under your covers closing your eyes hoping the pad wouldn’t be glued onto your leg like last time when you woke up.
Soundly you slept well into the morning, a glad thing for Thorin, who got called off to help his family with a few things and left you breakfast in the slow cooker. Waking to the alarm so you wouldn’t miss your appointment. And sure enough you woke to struggle the sheet off your leg you threw away muttering to yourself. Curiously seeing how much food he had used for the meal, once done and cleaned up, you got to searching your fridge to see what you might need. List in hand you went to change and made your way to your car post mail box trip to give the birds some more shredded mail to do with what they pleased.
Through town you drove remembering just where the parking lot for your nail salon was angled off this road. Close to the strip of stores but requiring its own little lot that more than once while on foot you had avoided falling off the sudden end of the curb into traffic. Easier than you had assumed you took the turn and found a spot in view of most seats you might be settled into and out you climbed to walk inside. Brushing your hair out of your face you flashed a grin to the woman blindly passing you on her way out of the shop over a foot too tall to notice your face anyways. Past her a scattered ripple of upward glances and lingering registering of who had just entered the shop were taken before those with clients got back to work and you turned to the counter.
“Miss Pear, welcome back,” she glanced to the side saying after seeing who was available, “Kovu is prepping your chair now. Would you like a beverage, or we have some whale shaped crackers if you need a snack.”
“No thank you, just had breakfast.”
With a nod she turned guiding you back to the station meant for you with the smallest chair available, “Kindly follow me.” Behind her you kept your eyes on her back until her step aside bringing the Dwobbit into view used to tending to your nails who flashed you his same kind smile. “Are you ready Kovu for Miss Pear?”
Kovu replied, “Of course, we have a lovely glittery mint shade for your toes if you are willing. Our Forest green was out.”
“Sure, sounds pretty.” The woman turned to head back to the door as it opened bringing more clients with it. Slipping out of your shoes and socks you accepted his hand to climb up onto the chair settling your bag on the chair beside you taking notice of the whispers of your name in trying to focus on his steps after you had settled your feet into the soaking tub.
“Now everybody by now has been raving about the new show featured on Bombadil Streaming,” The voice echoed through the shop and your eyes turned to the source of it, the flat screen on the far wall. “The show, is phenomenal, to say the least, we could spend all day praising it, however the one really making headlines lately, is none other than Creator, Animator and Voice Artist, Jaqi Pear. Who, for those of you don’t know, happens to be among the cast of the Voice Actors on the Bunny Show. If you have been living under a rock the show mainly centers around Bunny and her good friend Countess Beatrice, all of this leading up to several ties to the Durin clan, including Durin the Deathless himself.
Now all of that would be stunning enough, only, we have it on good authority now with actual pictures circulating of Miss Pear, a visit to the Findis hotel, was spotted among some posted pictures in their lobby of their latest family retreat. Obviously with a show centering the head of their clan they would be close, however we have been digging and recently a purchase was made by Miss Pear from a reputable dealership for a vehicle with another customer having heard Frerin Durin claiming Miss Pear as his sister.”
The second anchor let out a squeal and the third woman at the table excitedly said while the first let out an excited squeak herself, “Now, either Miss Pear has been secretly adopted as a member of the clan, or rather more titillating has managed to snag the heart of the only brother Frerin has, Thorin Durin.”
The second said, “Now Thorin is older, and for the past decade has co owned a tea and herb shop with two of his cousins, which has picked up in business and become quite the spot to sit out the Bunny show with a hot cup. Not to mention this new social handle building the press for the shop from someone called the MugMafioso exploring new drink blends from their shop. From what we can tell unlike his younger brother tries to remain rather mum on relationships if he has been having any. So this is very big if they are together.”
The first said, “And their sister, the only other option here isn’t one, because she has been blissfully wed to Vili Findis for decades now.”
The third said, “Now there isn’t much to be found on Miss Pear, past scattered jobs, performances with her Maiar performer and Master singing stone piano crafter maternal grandmother Sophie. With whom she was recorded performing with on disc,” she said lifting the cd she showed off, “I played it four times, I still have chills thinking about it.”
The second said as you noticed a few of the workers wondering if they should change the channel from the corner of your vision, “Clearly Miss Pear is talented, though there is little to no information of her past her immigration here on the grounds of her retiring from service.” Anxiously you wet your lips and your fingers folded together on your lap seeing papers being looked at by the First woman. “Now that is mainly due to the fact that she has changed her name.” By her tone she was reluctantly inching up to just who you used to be.
The first said in turning over the page saying, “Clearly since she has chosen a public profession we are honoring her choice to privacy on her other relations, whom even her grandmother has been respectfully mum on while sharing that she has children and grandchildren. Just like we assume her parents and siblings are of Miss Pear.”
The pair around her smiled again in their solidarity in choosing not to let that painful cat out of the bag and the third said, “When time comes for public announcements of courtship respectable bonds by two respectable clans no doubt will be made. From our digging Miss Pear has quite a lucrative line herself and very well could be with her current shows the higher earner in the relationship, which is quite stunning seeing how successful we all know the Durin clan to be greatly clearing any worries that fund seeking would be the reasoning behind it.”
The woman from the door was at your side again and you flashed her a grin trying to pretend you didn’t just flinch when Kovu had moved to your second foot to trim the cuticles as you usually did making him smirk at the clearly Elven trait on your sensitive partially Hobbit feet. “Hi,”
“Hello, Miss Pear, we could change the channel if you wished for us to.”
You shook your head saying, “No, it’s alright. Actually I haven’t been seeing much of the gossip lately. I have two jobs so I don’t get much tv time. Mainly stick to court shows.”
“Two jobs?” She asked curious about how that fit with the well circulated gossip you were from money.
“Have to bankroll your dreams somehow.” Making her chuckle at your giggled reply clearly meaning like most Dwarven clans you have been earning your rights to family funds as their heirs normally do.
Stepping back she stated, “If you change your mind just let me know.” Readying to rush over and greet the newest arrivals.
Looking down to Kovu you said, “I will stop flinching one day.”
After a chuckle he said, “No sooner would you stop being Hobbit. It is a welcome reaction.”
Looking up again as they had delved into the rites your clan would be possibly publicly present for you heard, “There is ample chance to get to know her clan while the pressing matters are ironed out. For now the pair seem to have managed to keep a low profile. And the Durin clan especially is not sharing anything, even a confirmation of the bond. In fact they are sharing little to do with Miss Pear beyond Frerin’s statement and the response from Thror himself on their approval and finding the Bunny Show a quite enjoyable tale involving their clan name that has in fact been formerly sent for approval years prior for clearance in using the name.”
The third said, “Which, the Durins own Venture Publishing, so that only gives hints that there very could well be a book in the works with whomever is behind this marvelous story.”
Biting your lip at the start of the lower leg massage you looked down hearing Kovu saying, “Your leg seems a bit looser than before in our past appointment.”
“Went to a hotel spa on a trip to Rohan, they said it was a Mburr knot.”
“Ohh, nasty things.”
“Feels looser, rain just tightened it up a bit again.”
“They do tend to take time to loosen fully. Working on your feet for hours does not help either.”
“Does help creativity though.” Making him chuckle to himself.
“True, absent hands often equal empty minds.”
A rinse of your legs came before he patted them dry with a towel down to your feet he massaged then set up to be painted. A clip on light helped to seal in the paint and he said, “For your nails we have your usual forest green powder. Don’t fret about that. Just the toes are different this time.”
“Either way, your work is lovely.”
“Might I ask, why green?”
“Pears are green. Plus, I spent decades by the sea, couldn’t go straight for blue. Red was too common a color, same as yellow or orange. Thought of purple a bit, but I heard it fades too quickly.”
Kovu said as you glanced up at the screen with the trio again now trying to guess what sort of woman you would be and how you might bring new things to the clan far more flashy than you truly were, “Wouldn’t know a brush from a clipper those three. These years I’ve known you that clan would be lucky to have you, funds or not. Kindness and bringers of hope are never without value no matter the lineage. Durins could always use more Hobbit blood too,” making you giggle to yourself.
“I think a great deal of clans could.” You replied making him chuckle to himself and help you down after removing the cover and adding the offered slippers. Carrying your shoes and socks he showed you to the nail stand where he set up his supplies allowing your nails to soak off.
To the topic of bringing up the differences between the brothers ending in an argument on which you should have chosen the channel was changed as you giggled to the beard, no beard argument as well as Frerin’s shorter hair to his ears against Thorin’s long ponytail to his shoulder blades. Both commenting to your possible race if choosing them on appearance alone with Thorin clearly the more attached to traditional Dwarven appearance. Which changing the channel only led to a debate on how your bond to Thranduil and his clan would affect their racing rivalry clearly being brought up to the pair at races. Once finished however you adjusted the ends of your shorts once your socks and shoes were added again on the walk to the counter where Kovu rang you up and escorted you to the door he opened for you giving you a nice send off.
Shortly you were parked at the store and joining the other random shoppers to the self opening doors. Grabbing a cart along the way you made your way inside to start gathering what was needed. A pause however was taken at a pass from one end of the store to the other on the paint aisle. To your cart you added a small can of chalkboard paint making you smirk on your way to the art supplies. Lost to your focus on one end an elated squeal from the other turned your head to the group of teens who snapped a picture of you then darted off after squealing, “Love the show!”
Nodding to yourself you continued to shop flashing quick grins to any who seemed to be looking your way a bit too long until you had paid and loaded up your trunk after having been vented to by both the woman behind and in front of you in line on their love of your shows. Though neither was speaking of the same show making it a tad confusing for you to keep up with the both of them for the walk out of the store and nearly halfway to your car.
Straight to the kitchen it all went and you put it away and brought a paint brush to paint over a risen section on cabinet.  From the handle you hung a small bag for the chalk. “Painting?”
Turning at Thorin’s voice you said, “Chalk board, for shopping lists. Since we mainly meet up at meals.”
Looking him over the plotting grin inching across his lips had your brow twitch up, “What are you up to?”
“Well, felt bad, missing breakfast and all, so we are having dinner, at a place I know you will enjoy with Mal, the boys, Frerin, Dwalin and Bilbo.”
“Ok, should I change?”
“You look perfect,” you nodded and left the brush you’d cleaned on the edge of the sink to air dry after having put the paint away in the garage. “That was a brilliant idea.”
“Well I have plenty left over, thought I might add some on my sisters’ closet doors.”
“Sounds good,” to the garage he led you helping you into your jacket outside, “I’ll drive.”
“You got a package earlier,” you said when he joined you inside his car luring his eyes to you again and his dopey grin out seeing you in your adorably oversized coat reminding him of his first stolen peck on your cheek making him ache to steal another. “From Diaa and Niro looks like.”
“Ah, more pictures sounds like. Those can wait. For now, focus on dinner.” His hand reached over once he’d hit the button to close the garage behind you, “Have some fun.” Right over your hand laying on your lap his folded and for the brief drive you noticed a group of familiar cars joining you to the ax throwing eatery.
Excitedly you joined the others in grouping up beside your parked cars, his hand folded in yours again with fingers interlocked and as you walked inside the curious ravens back at home peered up at the new addition to the kitchen. Though it was Kuu who realized what it was leading to Belly leading the others in pulling out the chalk to scribble notes across the now dried board.
Around the hand carved tables in the cabin like dining section you all enjoyed your hearty suppers and lost to giggles you took your post dessert stop in the ax throwing half ignorant of the diners across the way stealing pictures of you all. Between the identical brothers a series of skeptical shots were taken as to which you were linked to until between rounds Thorin draped around your back pressing kisses to your cheek and forehead, abandoning you shortly for his turns then returning until yours to hold you again. Briefly the spies did however stop over asking for pictures and autographs.
Widely Frerin grinned greeting the ladies who commented on every stitch of him trying to flatter up a compliment in return through the signing then they asked, “Could we get a picture, with Miss Pear too?” Frerin glanced your way seeing you shifting in Thorin’s hold and the woman asked, “Celebrating something? Engagement perhaps?”
Her friend said, “Got to be nice, find yourself on a show about the Durins and land yourself a Durin to boot.”
Awkwardly you let out a breath trying to chuckle and Frerin said, “Just supper, though like a sister already, we couldn’t ask for a more talented person to man a show involving our clan.” Easing his arm around your shoulders keeping you close to his side lessening your contact with the trio folding around you both as Bilbo took the picture. Across the same receipts you signed J Pear inside a small pear making Frerin smirk seeing it next to his own with a tiny ghost doodle from the ghosts that used to be all across his first racing car he still loved to draw hinting to his roots. The cuddling didn’t go unnoticed and by morning was full spin in the media about the fated match yet to be confirmed by the Durin clan, the elders of which were uncertain if they should confirm anything just yet.
Pt 41
10 notes · View notes
Rusted Tree
[Old Commission for @princce7 ]
No birds were heard in the large forest. No rustling of leaves, not even little animals running about. Nothing but the wind whistling against branches could be heard. That same wind blew harshly against the trees, lifting dead leaves from muddied and graying grounds. A fog plaguing the sky, one so thick that it hindered all who crossed its path. That fog is how those same people would succumb to their death.
With their steps calm and silent, the tall being emerged from the trees, finally out of hiding. That familiar black suit covering his misshapen and lanky body, and a tie as red as his victims blood securely wrapped around his shirt collar. The air felt the same since the last time he had visited the area. Cold and heavy, coated with feelings of guilt, grief, and regret.
If Slenderman had the ability to smell, the winds would no doubt be riddled with sulfur and the rotten stench of decay.
He turned his head this way and that, though it was difficult to tell which direction he was looking in since he had no face. The man stepped farther out, exposing himself to the outside world even more. He knew that he wouldn’t be spotted by humans, there were probably even less in the town then last time.
It had been a long time since Slenderman had come to this realm.
As he wandered through the forest, the pungent odor slowly became more evident as he got closer to the edge of the forest.
He started down a dirt path that led to the ghost town. He glanced every so often at the odd beings that infested the streets. Monsters howling out in pain and fear, writhing in agony, hissing and moaning out in pain as they stumbled about. None would dare get close to Slenderman, and those that came close enough immediately moved away from him once they realized how close they really got. He could sense the monsters fears, and in a way it amused him.
Slenderman didn’t have much of a reaction to the creatures. He had dealt with beings much worse than these.
It seems like nothing has changed since the last time he had visited these grounds. Slenderman roamed the streets in silence as the town shrieked and roared all around. Blood on the pavement, rust inside buildings, and that infamous thick fog followed him. In a way, it reminded Slenderman of home, if home were a town full of screeching monsters of course. He stopped in front of one building, gazing up at it curiously. He knew of this building quite well. It’s where he had met ‘them’. As he scoured the building for the creature, Slenderman inspected the decay that had spread throughout it. Peeled paint, holes everywhere, and various stains coating any surface from the floors to the ceiling.
Slenderman had to crouch down to move around and not bump his head on anything.
It wasn’t long before Slenderman finally found them. A figure hunched over something, pulling back a large blade and swinging it back down with full force. Blood gushed upwards and out onto the floor with each impact of the blade. “There you are, I was wondering where you were.” Slenderman greeted.
The figure slowly rose up yet did not turn around. They instead lifted their blade and began to fiddle with it.
Slenderman walked over to the figure, his head tilted as he glanced behind them.
“I see that you’re hacking away at a monster again?” The man with a pyramid clamped over his head looked up from inspecting their blade. They dragged it along the floor, causing it to let out an irritating shriek as metal collided with old tiles. Slenderman knelt down to eye level with Pyramid Head. “You shouldn’t drag that thing on the floor, the blade will be ruined.” Pyramid Head just stared up at Slenderman, not saying anything. With a slump of his shoulders Slenderman just shook his head. “Why do I even bother with you? You never listen to a word I say.” He stood up once more, continuing to tower over Pyramid Head.
“Shall we head out then?”
Pyramid Head simply walked past Slenderman.
The same horrible scrape of metal against concrete returned as the two walked, it soon caused Slenderman to gaze down at his acquaintance. Watching him drag the old blade on the floor annoyed Slenderman. “Must you drag that around? Why not hoist it over your shoulder, or better yet: get a damn sheath large enough to put on your back.” He knew Pyramid Head wouldn’t listen to a single word he was saying. Slenderman was the one to make the most conversation out of the two of them.
The long walk through the building was mostly silent, except for the groaning of the walls and the shuffle of monsters scattered along the halls.
Pyramid Head stopped in his tracks. Slenderman grew quiet and tilted his head.
“Is something the matter?”
He looked up over Pyramid Head and noticed one of the bubble-head nurses stumbling around, blade in their hand. Slenderman looked back down to notice Pyramid Head taking a step towards the monster. He knew what they were going to do.
“Stop, don’t take anymore steps.” Slenderman spoke, placing a hand on Pyramid Head’s shoulder.
Without warning, Pyramid Head quickly swung his sword back, causing Slenderman to let go of him immediately.
Slenderman took a step back. His shoulders hunched and there was a tearing sound coming from his face. His skin was being ripped open, revealing a darkness that could not be described by man. The strange black substance poured from his, newly formed, mouth as he opened it wide to speak.
“How dare you swing that damned thing at me?” he roared loudly.
Pyramid Head was going to swing once more when he heard a loud screech from behind. He turned his head and watched the bubble-head nurse hobble towards them, slashing their blade back and forth. He fully turned his body and lifted his sword.
Slenderman went to grab the blade, but was too late.
Blood splashed against his suit as a horrible, ear-piercing cry of pain rang out from the nurse. He watched as Pyramid Head reached out to grab at the bleeding nurse.
“That is enough!” yelled Slenderman, quickly wrapping several tendrils around Pyramid Head and lifting them up from the floor.
Pyramid Head let out a low, cold groan as he was being twisted and turned this way and that until he was face to face with the tall monster.
“I have had it with your revolting behavior, and if I see you trying to assault another monster while I am here I will personally see to it that your limbs are ripped right off before I depart. Do you understand me?”
Pyramid Head stared back at the nothingness that was Slenderman’s face. His new mouth had gone away, his flesh appeared to be healed with no sign of tearing whatsoever.
Finally, Slenderman released Pyramid Head, causing him to land onto the ground with a harsh thud. The red pyramid on his head scraped across the floor as he climbed to his feet.
Slenderman knew that it was hopeless to persuade Pyramid Head out of doing something horrible to the monsters. They seemed mindless after all, so was there really any point in stopping him? Slenderman had no control over how this particular area worked, nor how things were to be.
Though it sickened him, he let it be. It was how the land, the town was meant to be. He stood over the stove, watching the old coffee machine gurgle and crank, groaning as it strained to use whatever salvageable power it had left. The mugs set beneath the nozzle were soon filled with old, heated coffee. Slenderman took the mugs and carried them over to the old bench where Pyramid Head was sitting. “Here you are, then.” Slenderman held out one of the mugs to the monster. Pyramid Head set down his blade, which was still covered in fresh blood, and took the mug into his hands. Slenderman sat down next to him. Though he really had no need to drink or eat human items, he still enjoyed the process of making those things. Heating up a kettle or watching a mug be filled with something sweet and hot. He liked the warmth against his cold hands. His mouth reformed, skin stretching and tearing, just enough for him to sip at the warm coffee. Bitter. Old. Perhaps a bit muddy in texture. He didn’t complain, it was most definitely expired by now, and he had no issues with drinking such things.
“You are someone who harasses the other monsters in this old town, something that I normally tear humans apart over. Do you not see how wrong that is? Or is it simply what you must do out of how this ‘James’ person acts and feels?” questioned Slenderman.
Pyramid Head looked down at the mug in its hands before shrugging their shoulders. They lift one hand up and gently move their hand up and down in a ‘kinda-sorta’ manner. Slenderman stared at the creature before letting out a sigh.
“I suppose if I were to be a manifestation of someone’s guilt and ultimate punishment, I’d be copying that person as well. He’s not laid a finger on anyone, yet his emotions and thoughts are what drives you to do these things, correct?”
Pyramid Head nodded, raising the mug up to the odd helmet-like object that was his head. The contents of the mug simply spilled out onto the ground. Slenderman stared for a moment longer, placing a hand to his newly formed mouth, as if to muffle a laugh.
“You’re indeed very strange…how did you think drinking that would even work with your head being closed off?”
Pyramid Head gave another shrug in response.
Slenderman moved a little closer to Pyramid Head, inspecting the large clunky pyramid attached to his head.
“Do you even have a head under there?”
Pyramid Head moved away at that, turning his head slightly in Slendermans direction. Slenderman moved back, repressing the chuckle that was bubbling in his throat.
“I’m certain you must have one, where else would your brain be?” Slenderman jested.
Pyramid Head responded by reaching for his blade, gripping the handle out of security.
“Now now, there’s no need for that. I apologize for the cruel banter…”
“I’m still very confused as to why you have to live in this strange place. Doesn’t it get boring? Or are you bound to this plane of existence?”
Pyramid Head kept his attention on cleaning up his blade, paying no attention to the chattery being sitting next to him. The old bench the two chose to sit down on held that same musty smell as the floor, possibly molded and having stains of blood on various spots of it.
“I can only imagine how tiring it must be to stuck here for such a long time. I wish I could bring you back to my realm…Or, maybe not, you’d try to kill everyone.”
Slenderman glanced back to Pyramid Head.
“You’ve been busying yourself with something, I hope?”
Pyramid Head stopped cleaning the large blade and finally looked up at Slenderman.
A slow nod, and a reach into one of the ratty pockets on his butchers apron. He held out a closed hand. Slenderman held out an open palm. A small mouse was dropped into Slendermans palm. The mouse sniffed about and started climbing up Slendermans arm before Slenderman carefully picked it up by its tail.
“I never thought you could be an animal person.” Slenderman spoke with a slight chuckle.
Pyramid Head held his hand out. Slenderman placed the little mouse down and watched as it trailed up Pyramid Heads arm and up to his head. The mouse sniffed and gently pressed it’s tiny face to the red contraption before making its way back to the old pocket it came from.
“Does it have a name?” Slenderman asked.
Pyramid Head shook his head.
He stood up from the bench and picked up his blade. Slenderman stood as well and followed Pyramid Head out of the building and onto the streets. Monsters howled out, some scattering as Pyramid Head headed in their direction.
“Where are we going?”
Pyramid Head continued on in silence as he lead Slenderman down a long road. There were fewer monsters along the path, and as the pair continued onward, the lack of monsters was more evident as the sounds of the town dwindled away.
The building up ahead had two stories, strange blue colored rooftops, and the building appeared to be built out of, old, cobblestone.
‘What is this place?’ thought Slenderman.
Pyramid Head reached out and gripped the doorknob, turning it. As the door swung open it popped away from the hinges and hit the floor with a loud crash. Pyramid Head ducked as he entered the building. Slenderman glanced over to the large sign on the building. ‘Silent Hill Historical Society’.
Slenderman followed, practically crouching down to enter. Taking a good look inside, it was safe to say that the building had definitely seen better days. The front set of doors had been pulled from their hinges. Slenderman wandered further into the building, seeing another set of doors, he opened them.
The next room was in shambles. Display cases were shattered. The most noticeable thing was the broken down wall, with stairs leading down to who knows where. Various photographs hung on the walls. Just as Slenderman was about to inspect the photos, he heard a loud crash from the first room.
He rushed back into the room to see Pyramid Head hunched over, shaking ever so slightly.
Slenderman took a cautious step forward.
“What happened? Are you alright?”
The closer he got, the worse Pyramid Head seemed. Shaking closed fists, glass beneath his feet. His blade propped up on one of the old display cases.
Slenderman looked up at what Pyramid Head was standing at. A strange tapestry hung on the wall. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Pyramid Head, or what looked like him at least, was standing in the tapestry as mangled corpses hung from cages. Slenderman looked to the plaque below the artwork.
‘Misty day, remains of the judgment’ it read. He looked from the plaque to the tapestry, then back to Pyramid Head.
“Is that you?” Slenderman asked.
Pyramid Head remained still.
“Is this why you brought me here?” Slenderman questioned.
Pyramid Head kept silent. He finally turned his head towards Slenderman.
Slenderman reached out and placed a hand on Pyramid Head’s shoulder, gripping it slightly as a means of comfort. Pyramid Head lifted his hand and put it over Slendermans, giving that same strength in his grip.
“Let’s…go and look at something else, alright?” Slenderman suggested.
Pyramid Head nodded, releasing Slendermans hand to pick up his blade. The pair left the room, glass crunching beneath their feet. They headed towards the second room with the various photographs on the walls.
“This place has quite the history. Shame it’s a literal hell hole.” Slenderman commented.
Slenderman glanced at a few of the photographs, humming quietly as he inspected them. He was about to comment on the photo he was currently viewing when he felt a tug at his hand. Looking down, he noticed Pyramid Head’s hand was holding onto his own. The grip less strong than before. Slenderman tilted his head up. Pyramid Head was still shaking, ever so slightly.
He remained silent as he carefully pulled Pyramid Head into his arms. Slenderman knew all too well that Pyramid Head wasn’t one to show emotion outwardly, so seeing him this way worried him greatly.
“I may not know all that you go through, but I want you to know that it’s not entirely your fault…Yes, you lash out at the other monsters, but that is in your nature to cause destruction and bring about judgment…I’m so sorry that you must live like this.”
Slenderman felt an arm around him, the weight of the red pyramid resting against his shoulder.
Leaving the historical building, Slenderman noticed that there was something falling from the sky. He held out his hand as black specks sprinkled onto his pale flesh. Ash.
“I heard about a siren going off every so often when there’s a change in this world…I suppose it’ll ring out soon?”
Pyramid Head gave a nod and pointed his blade outward towards the forest.
“Do you want me to leave before it goes off?”
Another nod.
Slenderman sighed and straightened up his shoulders. “I’m sad to say that I wasn’t able to spend more time here. Though, I’d prefer not to be stuck here forever.”
He turned to Pyramid Head, tendrils slowly escaping his back and laying on the cold ground.
“Goodbye then, try not to get yourself hurt while I’m gone, okay?”
Pyramid Head gave no reaction. He instead hoisted his blade up against his shoulder and made his way back towards the town.
Slenderman, with his tendrils now spread across the grounds, slowly rose with their aid. They creaked and cracked like tree branches. One set of tendrils reached out a long ways across, with the other set following, taking long stride after long stride across the town.
Slenderman watched beneath him as he moved, monsters were running about, howling and screaming. He moved quickly and was soon back to the edge of the forest. As his tendrils receded back into his suit and Slenderman sunk down to the ground once more, he took one last look out at the ghost town.
He would miss it, somehow.
Slenderman turned towards the large forest and made his way through, watching as a few small animals ran about to look for safety and shelter from the changes the siren would bring.
As he disappeared past some trees, the siren rung out in a loud drone.
2 notes · View notes
koffein-art-archive · 4 years
Rusted Tree
(Commission for @princce7 )
No birds were heard in the large forest. No rustling of leaves, not even little animals running about. Nothing but the wind whistling against branches could be heard. That same wind blew harshly against the trees, lifting dead leaves from muddied and graying grounds. A fog plaguing the sky, one so thick that it hindered all who crossed its path. That fog is how those same people would succumb to their death.
With their steps calm and silent, the tall being emerged from the trees, finally out of hiding. That familiar black suit covering his misshapen and lanky body, and a tie as red as his victims blood securely wrapped around his shirt collar. The air felt the same since the last time he had visited the area. Cold and heavy, coated with feelings of guilt, grief, and regret.
If Slenderman had the ability to smell, the winds would no doubt be riddled with sulfur and the rotten stench of decay.
He turned his head this way and that, though it was difficult to tell which direction he was looking in since he had no face. The man stepped farther out, exposing himself to the outside world even more. He knew that he wouldn't be spotted by humans, there were probably even less in the town then last time.
It had been a long time since Slenderman had come to this realm.
As he wandered through the forest, the pungent odor slowly became more evident as he got closer to the edge of the forest.
He started down a dirt path that led to the ghost town. He glanced every so often at the odd beings that infested the streets. Monsters howling out in pain and fear, writhing in agony, hissing and moaning out in pain as they stumbled about. None would dare get close to Slenderman, and those that came close enough immediately moved away from him once they realized how close they really got. He could sense the monsters fears, and in a way it amused him.
Slenderman didn’t have much of a reaction to the creatures. He had dealt with beings much worse than these.
It seems like nothing has changed since the last time he had visited these grounds. Slenderman roamed the streets in silence as the town shrieked and roared all around. Blood on the pavement, rust inside buildings, and that infamous thick fog followed him. In a way, it reminded Slenderman of home, if home were a town full of screeching monsters of course. He stopped in front of one building, gazing up at it curiously. He knew of this building quite well. It’s where he had met ‘them’. As he scoured the building for the creature, Slenderman inspected the decay that had spread throughout it. Peeled paint, holes everywhere, and various stains coating any surface from the floors to the ceiling.
Slenderman had to crouch down to move around and not bump his head on anything.
It wasn’t long before Slenderman finally found them. A figure hunched over something, pulling back a large blade and swinging it back down with full force. Blood gushed upwards and out onto the floor with each impact of the blade. “There you are, I was wondering where you were.” Slenderman greeted.
The figure slowly rose up yet did not turn around. They instead lifted their blade and began to fiddle with it.
Slenderman walked over to the figure, his head tilted as he glanced behind them.
“I see that you’re hacking away at a monster again?” The man with a pyramid clamped over his head looked up from inspecting their blade. They dragged it along the floor, causing it to let out an irritating shriek as metal collided with old tiles. Slenderman knelt down to eye level with Pyramid Head. “You shouldn’t drag that thing on the floor, the blade will be ruined.” Pyramid Head just stared up at Slenderman, not saying anything. With a slump of his shoulders Slenderman just shook his head. “Why do I even bother with you? You never listen to a word I say.” He stood up once more, continuing to tower over Pyramid Head.
“Shall we head out then?”
Pyramid Head simply walked past Slenderman.
The same horrible scrape of metal against concrete returned as the two walked, it soon caused Slenderman to gaze down at his acquaintance. Watching him drag the old blade on the floor annoyed Slenderman. “Must you drag that around? Why not hoist it over your shoulder, or better yet: get a damn sheath large enough to put on your back.” He knew Pyramid Head wouldn’t listen to a single word he was saying. Slenderman was the one to make the most conversation out of the two of them.
The long walk through the building was mostly silent, except for the groaning of the walls and the shuffle of monsters scattered along the halls.
Pyramid Head stopped in his tracks. Slenderman grew quiet and tilted his head.
“Is something the matter?”
He looked up over Pyramid Head and noticed one of the bubble-head nurses stumbling around, blade in their hand. Slenderman looked back down to notice Pyramid Head taking a step towards the monster. He knew what they were going to do.
“Stop, don’t take anymore steps.” Slenderman spoke, placing a hand on Pyramid Head’s shoulder.
Without warning, Pyramid Head quickly swung his sword back, causing Slenderman to let go of him immediately.
Slenderman took a step back. His shoulders hunched and there was a tearing sound coming from his face. His skin was being ripped open, revealing a darkness that could not be described by man. The strange black substance poured from his, newly formed, mouth as he opened it wide to speak.
“How dare you swing that damned thing at me?” he roared loudly.
Pyramid Head was going to swing once more when he heard a loud screech from behind. He turned his head and watched the bubble-head nurse hobble towards them, slashing their blade back and forth. He fully turned his body and lifted his sword.
Slenderman went to grab the blade, but was too late.
Blood splashed against his suit as a horrible, ear-piercing cry of pain rang out from the nurse. He watched as Pyramid Head reached out to grab at the bleeding nurse.
“That is enough!” yelled Slenderman, quickly wrapping several tendrils around Pyramid Head and lifting them up from the floor.
Pyramid Head let out a low, cold groan as he was being twisted and turned this way and that until he was face to face with the tall monster.
“I have had it with your revolting behavior, and if I see you trying to assault another monster while I am here I will personally see to it that your limbs are ripped right off before I depart. Do you understand me?”
Pyramid Head stared back at the nothingness that was Slenderman’s face. His new mouth had gone away, his flesh appeared to be healed with no sign of tearing whatsoever.
Finally, Slenderman released Pyramid Head, causing him to land onto the ground with a harsh thud. The red pyramid on his head scraped across the floor as he climbed to his feet.
Slenderman knew that it was hopeless to persuade Pyramid Head out of doing something horrible to the monsters. They seemed mindless after all, so was there really any point in stopping him? Slenderman had no control over how this particular area worked, nor how things were to be.
Though it sickened him, he let it be. It was how the land, the town was meant to be. He stood over the stove, watching the old coffee machine gurgle and crank, groaning as it strained to use whatever salvageable power it had left. The mugs set beneath the nozzle were soon filled with old, heated coffee. Slenderman took the mugs and carried them over to the old bench where Pyramid Head was sitting. “Here you are, then.” Slenderman held out one of the mugs to the monster. Pyramid Head set down his blade, which was still covered in fresh blood, and took the mug into his hands. Slenderman sat down next to him. Though he really had no need to drink or eat human items, he still enjoyed the process of making those things. Heating up a kettle or watching a mug be filled with something sweet and hot. He liked the warmth against his cold hands. His mouth reformed, skin stretching and tearing, just enough for him to sip at the warm coffee. Bitter. Old. Perhaps a bit muddy in texture. He didn’t complain, it was most definitely expired by now, and he had no issues with drinking such things.
“You are someone who harasses the other monsters in this old town, something that I normally tear humans apart over. Do you not see how wrong that is? Or is it simply what you must do out of how this ‘James’ person acts and feels?” questioned Slenderman.
Pyramid Head looked down at the mug in its hands before shrugging their shoulders. They lift one hand up and gently move their hand up and down in a ‘kinda-sorta’ manner. Slenderman stared at the creature before letting out a sigh.
“I suppose if I were to be a manifestation of someone’s guilt and ultimate punishment, I’d be copying that person as well. He’s not laid a finger on anyone, yet his emotions and thoughts are what drives you to do these things, correct?”
Pyramid Head nodded, raising the mug up to the odd helmet-like object that was his head. The contents of the mug simply spilled out onto the ground. Slenderman stared for a moment longer, placing a hand to his newly formed mouth, as if to muffle a laugh.
“You’re indeed very strange…how did you think drinking that would even work with your head being closed off?”
Pyramid Head gave another shrug in response.
Slenderman moved a little closer to Pyramid Head, inspecting the large clunky pyramid attached to his head.
“Do you even have a head under there?”
Pyramid Head moved away at that, turning his head slightly in Slendermans direction. Slenderman moved back, repressing the chuckle that was bubbling in his throat.
“I’m certain you must have one, where else would your brain be?” Slenderman jested.
Pyramid Head responded by reaching for his blade, gripping the handle out of security.
“Now now, there’s no need for that. I apologize for the cruel banter...”
“I’m still very confused as to why you have to live in this strange place. Doesn’t it get boring? Or are you bound to this plane of existence?”
Pyramid Head kept his attention on cleaning up his blade, paying no attention to the chattery being sitting next to him. The old bench the two chose to sit down on held that same musty smell as the floor, possibly molded and having stains of blood on various spots of it.
“I can only imagine how tiring it must be to stuck here for such a long time. I wish I could bring you back to my realm...Or, maybe not, you’d try to kill everyone.”
Slenderman glanced back to Pyramid Head.
“You’ve been busying yourself with something, I hope?”
Pyramid Head stopped cleaning the large blade and finally looked up at Slenderman.
A slow nod, and a reach into one of the ratty pockets on his butchers apron. He held out a closed hand. Slenderman held out an open palm. A small mouse was dropped into Slendermans palm. The mouse sniffed about and started climbing up Slendermans arm before Slenderman carefully picked it up by its tail.
“I never thought you could be an animal person.” Slenderman spoke with a slight chuckle.
Pyramid Head held his hand out. Slenderman placed the little mouse down and watched as it trailed up Pyramid Heads arm and up to his head. The mouse sniffed and gently pressed it’s tiny face to the red contraption before making its way back to the old pocket it came from.
“Does it have a name?” Slenderman asked.
Pyramid Head shook his head.
He stood up from the bench and picked up his blade. Slenderman stood as well and followed Pyramid Head out of the building and onto the streets. Monsters howled out, some scattering as Pyramid Head headed in their direction.
“Where are we going?”
Pyramid Head continued on in silence as he lead Slenderman down a long road. There were fewer monsters along the path, and as the pair continued onward, the lack of monsters was more evident as the sounds of the town dwindled away.
The building up ahead had two stories, strange blue colored rooftops, and the building appeared to be built out of, old, cobblestone.
‘What is this place?’ thought Slenderman.
Pyramid Head reached out and gripped the doorknob, turning it. As the door swung open it popped away from the hinges and hit the floor with a loud crash. Pyramid Head ducked as he entered the building. Slenderman glanced over to the large sign on the building. ‘Silent Hill Historical Society’.
Slenderman followed, practically crouching down to enter. Taking a good look inside, it was safe to say that the building had definitely seen better days. The front set of doors had been pulled from their hinges. Slenderman wandered further into the building, seeing another set of doors, he opened them.
The next room was in shambles. Display cases were shattered. The most noticeable thing was the broken down wall, with stairs leading down to who knows where. Various photographs hung on the walls. Just as Slenderman was about to inspect the photos, he heard a loud crash from the first room.
He rushed back into the room to see Pyramid Head hunched over, shaking ever so slightly.
Slenderman took a cautious step forward.
“What happened? Are you alright?”
The closer he got, the worse Pyramid Head seemed. Shaking closed fists, glass beneath his feet. His blade propped up on one of the old display cases.
Slenderman looked up at what Pyramid Head was standing at. A strange tapestry hung on the wall. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Pyramid Head, or what looked like him at least, was standing in the tapestry as mangled corpses hung from cages. Slenderman looked to the plaque below the artwork.
‘Misty day, remains of the judgment’ it read. He looked from the plaque to the tapestry, then back to Pyramid Head.
“Is that you?” Slenderman asked.
Pyramid Head remained still.
“Is this why you brought me here?” Slenderman questioned.
Pyramid Head kept silent. He finally turned his head towards Slenderman.
Slenderman reached out and placed a hand on Pyramid Head’s shoulder, gripping it slightly as a means of comfort. Pyramid Head lifted his hand and put it over Slendermans, giving that same strength in his grip.
“Let’s...go and look at something else, alright?” Slenderman suggested.
Pyramid Head nodded, releasing Slendermans hand to pick up his blade. The pair left the room, glass crunching beneath their feet. They headed towards the second room with the various photographs on the walls.
“This place has quite the history. Shame it’s a literal hell hole.” Slenderman commented.
Slenderman glanced at a few of the photographs, humming quietly as he inspected them. He was about to comment on the photo he was currently viewing when he felt a tug at his hand. Looking down, he noticed Pyramid Head’s hand was holding onto his own. The grip less strong than before. Slenderman tilted his head up. Pyramid Head was still shaking, ever so slightly.
He remained silent as he carefully pulled Pyramid Head into his arms. Slenderman knew all too well that Pyramid Head wasn’t one to show emotion outwardly, so seeing him this way worried him greatly.
“I may not know all that you go through, but I want you to know that it’s not entirely your fault...Yes, you lash out at the other monsters, but that is in your nature to cause destruction and bring about judgment...I’m so sorry that you must live like this.”
Slenderman felt an arm around him, the weight of the red pyramid resting against his shoulder.
Leaving the historical building, Slenderman noticed that there was something falling from the sky. He held out his hand as black specks sprinkled onto his pale flesh. Ash.
“I heard about a siren going off every so often when there’s a change in this world...I suppose it’ll ring out soon?”
Pyramid Head gave a nod and pointed his blade outward towards the forest.
“Do you want me to leave before it goes off?”
Another nod.
Slenderman sighed and straightened up his shoulders. “I’m sad to say that I wasn’t able to spend more time here. Though, I’d prefer not to be stuck here forever.”
He turned to Pyramid Head, tendrils slowly escaping his back and laying on the cold ground.
“Goodbye then, try not to get yourself hurt while I’m gone, okay?”
Pyramid Head gave no reaction. He instead hoisted his blade up against his shoulder and made his way back towards the town.
Slenderman, with his tendrils now spread across the grounds, slowly rose with their aid. They creaked and cracked like tree branches. One set of tendrils reached out a long ways across, with the other set following, taking long stride after long stride across the town.
Slenderman watched beneath him as he moved, monsters were running about, howling and screaming. He moved quickly and was soon back to the edge of the forest. As his tendrils receded back into his suit and Slenderman sunk down to the ground once more, he took one last look out at the ghost town.
He would miss it, somehow.
Slenderman turned towards the large forest and made his way through, watching as a few small animals ran about to look for safety and shelter from the changes the siren would bring.
As he disappeared past some trees, the siren rung out in a loud drone.
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dragonmaiden79 · 5 years
Sir Knight, Taj
Introducing, Madame Tajira
People left Vesuvia in droves after the horrendous situation involving the palace and word spread like wildfire, traveling with the survivers and bystanders alike, plummetting the country into poor conditions. Abandoned businesses and homes meant suffering economy, with land becoming cheaper and cheaper to encourage people to move back or stay; It had become destitute and were it not for the Magician, the Lovers, and the Fool's constant support and efforts, nothing would have remained. The Countess had no supporters left.
"Serves her right, doing this to me..." Said the bitter, homeless former Count as he read a discarded news paper in an alley. He crumpled it up and tossed it away, ducking behind a few trash cans to avoid the royal guard as they marched by.
He had been lurking in the shadows since begging wasn't feeding him enough, turning to petty theft. The shop and store owners became fed up in a matter of weeks, and had reported his worthless ass without a second thought. He scratched at his patchy beard and looked at his worn, dingy clothes. Suddenly the concept of wearing all white became incredibly overrated. "No one in all the history of mankind..." he grumbled to himself, slinking from back alley to back alley like common trash. He slipped in a puddle of Lord-knows-what and screeched indignantly. "Has ever suffered as I am now!!!" He growled, gritting his teeth as the cool, foul smelling liquid seeped into his pants.
"Hey, wasn't that-"
"Oh, that was definitely him."
It's too bad Lucio was so horrible at being inconspicuous. The rapid clang of metal approaching didn't allow him time to dwell on his miserable fate and he quickly staggered to his feet, trying to find a place to hide. It was at this moment that the worn leather heels that he had refused to give up upon his banishment broke, sending him careening to the ground. The last thing he remembered was the feel of cold cobblestone against his face and the metal clang from the knights armor as they surrounded him.
A splash of ice water snatched him from his unconscious state. He looked around frantically, realizing that he was flanked by a knight on both sides, each holding onto a chain that was coiled around his body. He immediately began to rant and struggle. "What the hell is this!? I can take you both--"
"Settle down, Count Lucio." Said a smooth, sultry female voice.
He followed the sound of the voice upwards to a dais, where a petite woman clad in armor stood looking down at him. More careful inspection made him realize that she wasn't alone too; There was a semicircle of about 11 chairs a behind her, all except 1 occupied by very regal and well dressed individuals with decorated faces masks, and head pieces.
"...Or I should say, former Count." The woman continued speaking. "Yes... The former Count of a bastardization of a country. It's a shame what you have been reduced to."
Lucio growled.
"Judgement will be enacted here, today, on you, dear Lucio. You are charged with several counts of theft, threats, harassment, and even a couple of physical assaults due to your behavior involving my lovely citizens. Your testimony begins now. My council will then take a vote based off of your word and your word alone, leaving me to consider their opinions before I make the final decision. How do you plea?"
"Not guilty!" He shouted, "Your townspeople are so stingy and selfish! You'd think they'd help me out, but no!"
The woman laughed shrewdly, glancing over her shoulder at the council members. "Okay, Lucio. While you do seem adamant in your stance, there are a few specific charges that I must ask you about. Did you steal food from any of the local vendors?"
"I would hardly call such gruel 'food'!"
"Did you get into a fight with a man whom you claimed to be 'being greedy' because he bought what you considered an excess amount of fruit and refused to share with you?
"Who eats THAT much fruit?"
"Did you threaten or menace at any children for teasing you on the streets?"
"Those brats were asking for it! They're lucky I didn't tan their hides!"
The woman fell silent for a brief moment. "Is there anything else you would like me to know, Count?"
"Your backstreets are filthy, these chains are awful, and --"
"About your case, Lucio."
"Nope. Clearly I've done nothing wrong. So whaddya say? I'm done now, right?"
She laughed shortly again. "Very well then. Regarding the testimony of the accused, Grand Council, how say you?"
One by one each elaborately decorated Noble rose and stated their verdict, which turned out to be unanimous. "Guilty."
"Mmhmm. Duly noted." She nodded. "Count Lucio, if you'll look to your left you'll see that carved into the white stone walls of this arena is a lion. On the opposite side, to your right is a bull. These are permanent symbols of the two houses that came together to build this country and comprise it's nobility. As such, I am to adhere to the laws set by each house in my position as acting Princess of Pierreblanc."
She leapt elegantly from the dais and landed a perfect summersault in the center of the arena, approaching Lucio slowly until she stood before him. "You have a stunning lack of discipline and are completely irresponsible, which means that the short-comings that riddle your life are rooted in your childhood. Therefore, where other people have failed you, I shall succeed. You will be properly trained and imparted with the skills and knowledge to function as a productive member of my society."
She gestured to the lion carving. "Through the dignity and authority on my left side," and then raised the other hand to point to the bull. "Partnered with the magnanimity and valor of my right... This is true justice, for the ignorant cannot be properly tried." Her voice echoed throughout the arena. "Have you any legitimate way or reason to contest my judgement?"
His eyes widened in a mix of fear and shock. "What are you on about? You aren't going to let me go!?"
She laughed, far too amused by Lucio's attitude to correct his manners. "Then I shall make my ruling immediately. I, Princess Tajira of Branch Et Serpentium, declare that you, former Count of Vesuvia 'Lucio' Montag Morgasson, be sentenced to indefinite full-time etiquette training with Most High advisor and royal tutor, Giles Christophe. Guards, that will be all."
The Guards escorted Lucio all the way from the arena to the fantastic display of architecture that was the Pierreblanc Palace. The stones that composed the building were bright white and perfectly polished, making them reflect every color of the rainbow and giving the entire thing an ethereal quality. There were many slick curves and perfect arches that gave it a unique silhouette and the gates were twinkling gold. Even Lucio was stunned into silence.
Awaiting him there was a clean cut purple haired man and a team of six maids.
"You may release him." He said to the guards that held Lucio's chains. "Quickly now, he desperately needs to be bathed and fed." They wasted no time in heeding the orders, finally removing the biting metal from the former Count's wrists and neck.
"I am Giles Christophe and by royal decree you are my responsibility from this moment on. I will ensure that Madame Tajira is satisfied with your reformation, but for now we will escort you to your personal quarters and attempt to make you presentable at once. Understood?"
"Great! Finally some proper treatment around here."
Giles merely frowned his disapproval. The Princess told him that he'd have his work cut out for him in even before her officers had made the arrest.
"He's kind of a bimbo, but if anyone can fix him, it's you."
"If you don't mind my asking Madame, why not one of our traditional corrections facilities?"
"Ah, yes." She had said, lounging in her tub full of sweet smelling bubbles, a bath girl feeding her small slices of fruit. "It's gotten very stuffy around here, so he will be a breath of fresh air- A ray of sunshine even! Just fix him up a bit." She said, waving her hand dismissively. "He is nothing to be concerned about."
Giles shook his thoughts away as he lead Lucio to his quarters, the maids in tow. "Her Majesty has personally selected and furnished this room for you." He said as he opened the door and gestured in.
The room was gorgeous; the farthest wall of it was made entirely of sliding glass doors, which opened up to huge balcony tiled in sparkling opal. The bed was a magnificent piece of art and the centerpiece of the room. It was low sitting and round with a blue chiffon canopy that extended from the ceiling to veil it. Much bigger than a king sized bed, it had no defined head or foot board but instead carved polyhedron railings to stand in their places.
Lucio didn't have much time to admire though, as he was then led out of a pair of double doors within the room. Exiting, he noted that suddenly he was two maids short. It went outside to a tall stone staircase that led down to a what appeared to be an empty pool. There were towering white and gold marble lion statues on each side of it. "Her taste isn't half bad! Much better than her attitude." He said to no one in particular.
Giles exhaled with annoyance, "Ladies, if you'd please." He said to the maids as he moved to a bench that sat near the pool, sending them into perfectly practiced action. They all disrobed to reveal different variations of soft, elegant curvature that could only be described as uniquely female and split into teams of two. One set used magic to get themselves atop the lion heads; Completely synchronized, they put their hands together as if meditating and water began to flow down from the mouths of the lions, and into the pool. In conjunction with them, the others began quickly undressing Lucio, leaving him bared from his rags in a matter of moments. "My, my ladies, one at a time..." He remarked, as if he wasn't in desperate need of care.
Little to no maintenance had been done to him since his eviction from Vesuvia so his skin was sunburnt and dirty, not to mention his overgrown facial hair and chipped nails. Even his golden arm had lost all of its luster and most of its magic, making it hard for it to function. His stench was wretched to the noses of everyone within arms reach as well. Certainly he needed to be cleansed as soon as possible. "This water is freezing!" He cried out, as the girls pulled him down few stairs that led into the pool. "I can't bathe like this! Back in MY palace there was hot water!"
"Give them a moment." Giles said sharply, having had his fill of Lucio's commentary.
He winced at the harshness of Giles' tone but, remained silent as the girls in the bath with him hovered their hands over the water, transferring heat into it. Goosebumps began to spread across his skin as the water warmed considerably. Before long, the pool was filled and the other duo had climbed down from the Lions. They moved to the statues' mounts which had hidden compartments that held towels, sponges, soaps, and an assortment of crystals. Each grabbed their own selections, placing them in decorative woven baskets and joined the others in the water.
Yellow and blue crystals were placed about the water, giving it a mysterious green glow with the relaxing energy blanketing the space. As soon as the soothing aura touched every corner of the water, the same girls who had undressed Lucio, grabbed soap and sponges from the baskets now afloat and went to work.
As they scrubbed his skin, layers of caked up dirt and sweat mixed with the suds and permeated the water. He moaned as they went further down, switching to a soft cloth to clean his dick and balls. They were thorough and gentle, massaging and caressing his sack until he was at full attention. A small crystal chair was synthesized with stone magic for him to be seated, so that his hair could be washed. It was so greasy that the shampoo wouldn't lather when the girl- the one Lucio thought the cutest, massaged it into his scalp.
She had olive skin and green eyes, with freckles and black hair. Her fingers felt like magic as they danced across his head, scrubbing diligently until finally, on the third go, the shampoo lathered into a nice foam. He relaxed into the touches of her and her tall, slender partner who had just finished washing his chest and was now seated on his lap, massaging his shoulders. "Ohhh, this is more like it..." He moaned, "Hey, what're your names?"
"I see you're enjoying my girls, Lucio." Came the Princess' voice from the long stairwell. "The one who washes your hair is called Ariella. Zafira is on your lap." She stepped directly into the pool without regard for the thin, loosely tied white robe she wore, carrying a long decorative case.
As the two maidens that prepared the baskets made the glowing water circulate around them, Tajira approached, giving a kiss each to Ariella and Zafira. Slowly, she trailed her fingers down Lucio's golden arm. "Mmm...What magnificent piece this was in your glory days, Wasn't it Count?" He frowned but otherwise made no comment as she let her fingers carefully trace over every detail and intricacy of the arm. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful..." She whispered, free hand coming to rest on his shoulder. "Can you feel my touches, Lucio?" He widened his eyes, unprepared for the question.
"O-Of course I can feel it!" He shouted. She raised an eyebrow. "I mean...Well, mostly... Somewhat." He conceded, blushing. "It doesn't exactly work like it used to."
"I didn't think so." Taj said, her own magic bleeding into his shoulder, making it tingle.
"Hey, what are you--!" He began to protest. Suddenly, the golden prosthetic popped off, falling into the water and sinking to the bottom of the pool. "Why did you do that!?!" He cried out in alarm, girls still draped over him. Without a word, she popped open the fancy case that she was carrying to reveal perhaps the most sumptuous piece of work that Lucio had ever laid eyes on.
An arm. Crafted of diamond-- the purest blue diamond. With perfectly sized gold scales and 4 mounted red andesine going up it's shoulder. "I know red is your preferred color, but as you assimilate into the House, I would like you to look the part. I hope it still within the parameters of your taste. Will you accept my gift?"
He ran his fingers over the smooth finish of the diamond underside, to the perfect ridges of the golden scales, and then finally, over the bright red stones that decorated the piece. It even had tiny, fine-line etchings on it. "Yes!" He said with childlike enthusiasm, "I can really have it?"
"Certainly." She said with a glimmer of a smirk. "We will have it attached for you as soon as you're settled."
"Well Tajira, was it?" he said seductive smile tugging on his lips.
"Taj, please." She said. Giles’ small gasp could be heard in the background.
"Taj, then. I am very, very thankful for your present. You know, if there's anything that you want me to do to repay you, I'll do it." He batted his long blonde lashes at her. With his erect cock out and two beautiful women clinging to him, pouting and writhing in place it was incredibly hard to deny...
"Not yet." Taj reminded herself in her head. She bristled in place, eyes having gone slightly hooded and dark as she slowly closed the case for the arm. She loathed denying the throbbing of her nether regions. "No..." She said out loud. "You won't ever have to pay me back."
"What? You're sure?" He asked in disbelief.
"No, no, it doesn't work like that. This my pleasure. Giles, hold onto it for him." She said, exiting the water. The white fabric, now see through clung to her as she approached him, accentuating her thick thighs, toned calves, and perky rump. "Bring him to dinner after you're done in here. I want the Council and House Advisors to see him up close and groomed before you begin the discipline process.
"Yes, Madame." Giles nodded slowly. "You-- You're certain of this choice? To have him before the Nobles without any training?"
"It's not as if they can tell me not to." She shrugged casually. "And it's not as if I will allow them to question your advisory skills, If that's what you are concerned about." She kissed his cheek, patting his shoulder lightly. "Now, I must go dress myself." She continued with a nod. "I shall see you all tonight." And with that, she swept out of the room.
Ch.1 End.
Hope you enjoyed! There will be another part!
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gentleoverdrive · 4 years
After the frenetic struggle faced by the two jogging buddies Alm and Lucina, the first weekend after the school term arrives. As Saturday breaks in, Ephraim finds himself an unlikely breakfast buddy. Will he be able to consume his tacos? And what of his carefully constructed image?
Saturday Morning: At Little Chalphy’s kitchen. (9 AM) Sitting at the cozy table within the kitchen, a young man was trying to help himself to the delicious treats two of his earnest dorm-mates helped prepare for the weekend. Thanks to the efforts of his twin sister and a certain Zofian boy, the tortillas Ephraim McFadden stuffed with delicious spit-grilled pork meat were a feast for a hangover that seems bent on haunting his morning. He felt, however, that the woman keeping him company was most definitely harshing his mellow with her prim and proper demeanor. Something had to be done and, heavens help him, he might have to be the one to do it. “Y’know, teach? If you keep coming here every single day, I’m pretty sure Cory ain’t the only one that’s gonna end up hating you” A delicate, dignified chuckle escaped her lips with the smallest of efforts. “Oh, you are such a joker, McFadden. Why would you dare suggest that my cute little sister does not love me back?” It felt like someone had sprinkled dusted jalapeño directly into his eyes. He absolutely doesn’t have the fortitude for this so early in the morning. “Because it’s Saturday morning, I’m trying to watch my breakfast and eat my goddamn cartoons, that aforementioned cute little sis of yours locked herself in her room and I’m pretty sure you have like 3 classes today in as many campuses. Now can I go back to my tacos?” “A young man eating by himself is just such a sad, sad sight to witness” “Aaaaannnd of course you’re not listening to me. Fantastic” Ephraim put his taco down and got off his seat. “Look, you might want to reconsider this whole endeavor of going after the one guy who managed to kick your ass; like I’m positive he already has his hands full being Anthiese’s super butler or whatever” He added, while looking for something within the fridge. “Plus, carving up his face seems like a very unintuitive way to net yourself a date, if we’re being honest” “Oh? And what would a dating master of such renown like yourself might suggest I do to hone my approach?” “Well, maybe try approaching that person you fancy like an equal? If you say something extreme as ‘Be mine!’ or putting them people in a pedestal, of course that’s gonna turn people off. We’re talking about a person with an agenda of their own, teach; if you treat that person you fancy like they’re either a prize to be earned or a mindless hunk of meat, of course the cold shoulder is the logical result” He grabbed the milk and a banana off the fridge. “Then again, some men love that, so what do I know?” “And yet he has remained every bit the polite gentleman towards me” Ephraim let out a drawn-out sigh while looking at the top shelves right next to the fridge, when he finally happened upon the bowl he was looking for. “That’s just common decency. Now tell me: Has he treated you any differently than he has literally anybody but Anthiese? Because she’s the one that gets the super duper, big, fancy, bells, cowbells and whistles pimped-out special deal, and I’m like… 90% sure that’s not just because she’s his employer” Ephraim placed the milk, banana and bowl right in front of Camilla before quickly moving to the opposite shelves. Slightly bemused at his seeming restlessness, she started following him around with her eyes. “Whatever do you mean? I see no such difference in the treatment he has given me at all when compared to his mistress” It was at that moment that Ephraim bumped his forehead against the bottom edge of the shelf. “D’ah! F—damn!” He briefly complained while rubbing his forehead, before finally chancing upon the thing he was looking for: chocolate-covered cereal; which he quickly placed in front of Camilla. “Are… owwwww… are you one hundred percent sure that you don’t see any difference, whatsoever, in how he treats you, your little sis, yours truly and the rest of the dorm plus however many peeps he interacts outside of here and how he treats the girl that walks with a skip in her step to school and sometimes even does a little happy dance whenever she so much as talks to him early morning?” “I sure wish I had the attention to detail you have” “Oh, for f— how is that information a secret to you?! You’ve been coming here for the past three days to stalk / harass Alm without fail. How—” A slam on the table interrupted him. “I. Am not. Harassing. Him” She closed the distance between them in a second as she grabbed his shirt’s neck, but Ephraim remained unfazed beyond raising his left eyebrow in mild surprise. “Sure, whatever” Suddenly, Ephraim jumped out at a realization. “Ah! You need a spoon and knife” “I don’t care what you think about me” Camilla’s usually easy-going expression had taken a turn for the sullen. “Psshyeah you do” He snorted after saying as much. He quickly made for the lower shelves this time and found a smaller-sized spoon, placing it to the left of the bowl while he looked at Camilla’s right eye. “Takes one to know one, after all; and you, Camilla Krakenberg, are so darn starved for the bare-assest of interactions and basic affection now that your little sis is out in the world on her own and benched your ass, that you’ve been harassing a kid whose only folly on this whole thing is that he interrupted you from unleashing the murder fury on some rapey idiot. Yes, I’m completely on your side in that said shithead probably had it coming. But why did you think that harming the him, not to mention THE CROWN PRINCESS OF A HALIDOM THAT REPRESENTS A CONTINENT THAT’S JUST FINALLY RECOVERING FROM A DEVASTATING WAR WAS A GOOD IDEA?” For a second, Camilla’s right eye betrayed no emotion… until Ephraim’s words found its target. She covered her mouth with her right hand, letting out the faintest of gasps as she slowly lowered her head, looking down at the table and suddenly looking back at her actions in a new, disturbing light. “Oh” “Oh indeed. Hell, you’re so desperate for interaction that you’re allowing a complete jackass to dress you down and smack your emotional ass all up in this bitch” If Ephraim was good at using his self-loathing for something, he wasn’t precisely subtle about it. But sometimes subtlety needs to take a rain-check. “You don’t know me at all” Even with how aggrieved Camilla sounded, hearing her spout that hackneyed phrase only reinforced Ephraim’s stance. “Perhaps I don’t. But this front you’re putting up? This commodity? It ain’t gonna do squat for you in the long term. Worst of all: I’m not telling you anything new, am I? Someone has trotted this out to you, if not verbatim, then at least more or less something similar to this spiel in the past, isn’t it?” In truth, nobody had given Camilla this kind of talk before. Now Camilla was looking down for the count, and Ephraim realized his words’ true weight almost right away. ‘Oh my gods, this is the first actual time she’s been given a ‘talk’ on this level, hasn’t she? Ugh, fuck my life’ His thoughts were now the real mess. ‘Now, whatever you do next, don’t try to comf—’ “Uh… wanna hug?” He spoke before further articulating that last thought. “… I’d like that” Her response blindsided him. ‘NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You idiot! You absolute moron! YOU BIG. FUCKING. PALOOKA! Stop that shit right now. You stop it. StopItStopItStopItStopItStopIt—’ His head was going haywire, even as he tried to play it cool externally as he opened his arms. ‘No! Don’t Open Up! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS, YOU DUMBASS?!’ Alas, it was too late. Now Camilla was letting out choked-out sobs as she buried her face on his right shoulder while her arms found firm comfort around his back. Meanwhile, Ephraim’s left hand patted her head, while his right one rested chastely on her mid-section. “There. That’s fine” When he briefly looked in the direction of the living room, he saw his sister, Corrin and Lucina staring dumb-founded at his current situation. ‘Are you ok?’ Eirika used sign language when she realized she had her brother’s attention. Since Ephraim had one of his hands in a somewhat compromised position, he had to improvise, so he gave his sister a thumbs-up, a wink using his right eye, and finally a combination of both his eyes and forming a rather awkward arrow with his left hand letting them know that the coast was clear and to head for the door. Eirika returned the thumbs up which she followed by tugging Corrin’s shirt so that they could get a move on. Lucina mouthed off a ‘Thank you!’ while Corrin simply waved at him. Once they left, Ephraim let out a sigh of relief. Coming to terms at Camilla’s hold on him not showing signs of stopping any time soon, the normally blunter of the two McFadden twins decided he might as well go the full nine yards and properly hug Camilla Krakenberg. ‘Well, whatever! Let this be my good deed for the day’ With his thoughts offering a respite, Ephraim grinned, not seemingly caring about the fact that his breakfast was getting colder.
Meanwhile… Outside Fjalar Rentals. (10 AM) Hector tried to get himself comfortable at the Rental Agency’s waiting lobby. “Man, these seats just plain aren’t designed for anybody with an actual ass” “Did I hear that just now? Is Hector Kormorane actively complaining about his resilient, powerful body in plain sight? Please, say it ain’t so” “Spare me the dumb quips, Eli” While deadpanning wasn’t his forte, Hector’s stink-eye game was strong indeed. “So, whaddya got there?” “Lemon-flavored and peach-flavored soda” Eliwood revealed two cans of soda. “So, which one’s gonna be?” “Hmm…” Hector deliberated for a moment before shrugging. “Eh, whichever one you don’t want is fine with me, man” “Fair enough” Eliwood hands his brother from another mother the Lemon-flavored beverage. “Pfft!” Hector was barely able to keep himself from guffawing. “Really now” The snickering was rather uncommon for a man who so often appeared like an open book to those closest to him. Eliwood’s eyes often did a lot of the talking for him, and in this case they showed a barely repressed need to smack his best friend upside the head. “So, why are we getting another rental car?” But more important that his need to visit a physical comeback was the query he just made. “Because” Hector’s cursory retort felt like he was dodging the topic. But Eliwood wasn’t having any of that. “Hec, Miss Eirika and Ephraim literally have a car that we can borrow whenever we need to, even if it’s for going on foolish errands; all we need is to do is let them know beforehand” “Dude, they were just being polite. They don’t actually expect us to ask them to borrow their car for reals in the first place” “Are you sure?” “I don’t know, Eli! I’m just saying. Do you think Miss Eirika’s gonna be all hunky dory with the potential prospects of either you or me getting busy in her car?” The quick back and forth between the Lycian league boys left one of them with much to think of. “... maybe?” Or perhaps not, it seems. Eliwood Faeris was, first and foremost, an idealist. “See? That’s your problem, Eli: You’re too much of an optimist” Hector was quick to latch on to that in order to try and get his best bud to be on his guard more from time to time.
“Hello, dears” As the voice that came from behind was a rather unfamiliar one, they both appeared unsure as to know how to react.
“See, I don’t think that’s a pro—AAAAAH!” “Dude, what’s your—G’AAAHHH!” They both went with their gut. An ungraceful result, all things considered. “Calm down, would you? She don’t bite or anything” “Not to be a douche nozzle or anything Ephs, but I think we’re within our rights to be spooked at seeing Teach Krakenberg with you on our day off” “Well, ya’ gotta start rolling with the punches better, then!” Hector slicked back the bangs off his forehead while looking at the person that, earlier in the week, had made an attempt on the life of two of his dorm mates, sighing once he was done fixing up his bangs properly. “I’ve held back my tongue due to Alm asking us to not be too hard on you. Little dude is a fucking trooper” “He is quite the catch, is he not? Hmmmmm… I wonder what will it—” “I was not finished” Hector slapped his left knee. “I’ve only known him and Luci for a little over a week, so I’m not gonna say that ‘oh! Best Friends Forever!’ or any of that sappy-ass nonsense. But I’m starting to get friendly with them; yes, Lucina is a pest of a girl whose constant curiosity drives me nuts, and yes, I sorely wish she would stop putting her foot in her mouth non-stop, but deep down she’s an OK kid. Hell, she very much feels like a little—” “AHHH, found it!” And before Hector could finish his sentence, his friend cut him off. “Dammit, Eli! I am pouring my heart out h—wait, what did you find?” “Remember when I told you that Ms. Anthiese looked familiar?” Hector’s eyebrows spoke volumes for him. “Whaddya mean?” He still felt like inquiring further, however. “Peep this right here” Eliwood shared his phone with Hector and the Ostian youth quickly found out what his oath brother meant. On the screen, a video played, with Anthiese herself appearing to hold a snow-white cat in her arms. Before long, both Ephraim and Camilla were hovering over them. Noticing this, Eliwood quickly rewound the video back to the beginning. The video description read… 366 likes / 5.2k reproductions ZofianCatLover ‘The cute cats of Sailane! Cannot miss it for anything in the world!’ #Traveling #Silesse #Sailane #Weekend #ZofianCatLover #OnePettingAtATime 2 hours ago. “Alm! Look at this plump little boy here!” Meanwhile, the video put her affectionate tones out in front when dangling her fingers above the aforementioned feline, which were rather odd for all three boys to see, especially given how composed the Zofian heiress behaved herself among them. “Isn’t he handsome?” “He sure is!” Even with the less-than-stellar audio, all 4 of them could recognize that voice immediately. For a few seconds after the video looped back to the beginning, everyone kept silent. “Whoa. WHAT? Is that the same ‘ice queen’ Riky has tried to get chummy with?” Among the currently present, nobody could buy just how sweet Anthiese Lima really sounded. Her calm, dignified disposition contrasted so badly with her current actions and tone on display. The biggest surprise, however, happened when the video got to the part where she reached with her right hand at the direction of the camera to grab the device; after a few seconds of shaky movements, Celica had stabilized the camera’s focus while her free arm found itself around the neck of a familiar young man. Alm himself looked supremely awkward standing around with Anthiese’s arm around him. The goofy and somewhat twitchy smile he was sporting while also holding the white cat in his arms spoke of the fact that he was probably the regular behind the camera lens in these videos. All hell broke loose, however, when she rested her head against Alm’s shoulder. “Oh my” While Camilla’s subdued response was expected… “NO WWWAAAAAYYYYY!”  Ephraim, Hector and Eliwood’s exclamation fetched a lot of stares from the people around them, especially so when they synched up their respective expressions of astonishment. Camilla looked somewhat askance by the juvenile outburst demonstrated by the trio of students. “Duuude!” “SWEET!” “You better believe!” Ephraim raised both hands up, which both the Lycian league youths immediately capitulated by high-fiving him. “So, what are the odds that they’re actually dating?” Eliwood’s query did not have a specific recipient. “That’s a 10/11 right there. No-brainer” Yet Ephraim felt confident enough replying to his junior. All of a sudden, Camilla felt even more out of place than before. “Why are you so invested in Alm and little Anthiese being an item?” “Because we’ve been here for a week and in that time we had—drumroll please Señor Ephraim” Ephraim obliged Faeris’ request by using Hector’s shoulder as a makeshift snare drum, while Eliwood and Hector took a deep breath. ♪ “4 insult challenges” ♫ “3 DC probations” ♫ “2 Cook-offs” ♪ “1 bungled kidnapping” In that moment, the trio stopped singing and alternated between tap-dancing and stomping around for a cool 5-second interlude. When their brief dance number came to an end, all three opted to strike a pose, using their left arm to motion a jazz hand in Camilla’s direction. ♪ “And a foiled muuuuurrrdeeer aaatteeempt!” ♫ Camilla was rather miffed at being reminded of the actions she performed a couple of days ago. Since she decided to be a good sport, however, the martial arts instructor decided to indulge the trio by offering a few claps for their attempts. “Riveting”   Before long, however, they were all interrupted by a man tapping on Hector’s shoulder. “Are you Hector Kormorane?” “Indeed! Whaddya got for me, buddy” “Well, given your previously stated satisfaction and user review from your first rental, we’ve thought… well, if you look to your left, you’ll see” Upon chancing a glance at the new rental they were being offered, both Eliwood Faeris and Hector Kormorane very loud, unbridled expressions of shock rendered them speechless for a spell. “It’s—” “A TRUE BEAUTY!” Both 3rd years ran towards the car, feeling as though it was a mirage bound to disappear before they could reach it. “Uh—” The rental agency employee was left feeling understandably stumped at both kids making a mad dash, especially with the key component still being in the palm of his hand. Luckily, one person remained with his feet down on earth. “It's fine, I’ll take the keys” And Ephraim did just that.
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vidkid20ssimblrlair · 5 years
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Episode 17: More Than Meets The Eye
Narrated by Matthew
From afar I watched the proceedings. With Jones's full permission, we held a small funeral in the back yard for Grace. Her body to be buried amongst the flowers where she breathed her last breath. I couldn't bring myself to get any closer than the porch. The guilt was eating me alive. I was on watch. This was my fault.
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I noticed Vince standing around the dugged out grave where Grace's body laid now. He held on to Audrey as he sadly looked on. He glanced back at me. I fully expected to get the evil eye from him, but he just looked somber and serious. I looked away almost feeling ashamed of myself. If I hadn't been interrogating him and harassing him I would have seen Grace. Possibly maybe even saved her. Hell, if I had just listened to him I could have prevented all of this.
Omar stood by in a black suit borrowed by Jones as Jones himself said a prayer during the makeshift service. DJ stood by with a shovel looking grim. Madison, Lin, and Wade also stood around in black garments fitting for a funeral. Everyone was pretty much dressed up. Aaron leaned on the railing beside me seemingly to be sober for once. Not for long I figured. Tao sat on the bench behind me quiet as a mouse. Unusual for him, but expected. Nathan joined me on the porch beside me suddenly. I smiled at him as he looked over at me and he turned away ignoring me. I was shocked. He seemed angry.
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In fact, everyone seemed to be cold towards me. Wade, especially after calling me out over Grace's death. He was furious and cursed under his breath when we bumped into each other in the kitchen earlier. Madison, on the other hand, hadn't forgiven me for lying to her from before. She slept on the other side of the living room away from me after that night. This only topped it off I'm sure. I was pretty sure I was on the top of everyone's shit list.
When the funeral was over and everyone began to filter into the house, DJ picked up the shovel and began filling the grave. Omar had thrown the first piles of dirt into the grave, but the young man had taken over from the looks of it. I came over and grabbed the shovel nearby.
"I'll do it," I said as he glanced up at me. "Go back in the house."
Omar who stayed behind to talk to Madison on the porch looked over at me. A picture of grief. He dabbed his eyes with a handkerchief and said nothing entering the house. Madison followed cutting her eye at me before disappearing. Vince though stayed watching from the stairs as I shoveled in dirt. He looked conflicted looking at the house and back at me. He eventually walked over and grabbed the extra shovel DJ had left. He began helping me shoveling dirt in. Our eyes meeting for a brief moment, but nothing was said between us. We continued in silence saying nothing. Nothing needed to be said.
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I spent most my evening in silence. Everyone mostly stayed to themselves while some just actively avoided me. There was no doubt that a dark cloud was hanging over the house now. Part of me wished I was anywhere, but here. I decided to spend the evening sitting on the front porch steps with a bottle of wine. The cool air tonight was soothing and the sound of crickets reminded me of home. I drink from the bottle and savored the bitter flavor. I wasn't even halfway into the bottle when I suddenly smelled cigarette smoke. I looked over to see Vince standing next to me now smoking. The cigarette hung out of his mouth and balanced on his lower lip. He appeared to be still dressed up just as I, but he had a backpack on.
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I furrowed my brow. "Going somewhere?"
"Thinking about it," he said taking the cig out of his mouth and blowing out a cloud of smoke in my face.
"So you're going just leave with your tail between your legs?" I asked eyeing him. "Leave Audrey when she needs you the most?"
"Fuck off!"
"I'm just asking."
"I said I'm just thinking about it. Not actually doing it. I don't know. I just don't do well with this shit. It's unbearable," he muttered. "Weren't you the one who wanted me to go?"
I shrugged. "Yeah, but I changed my mind. I'm thinking maybe I was wrong about you. I sure as hell haven't been making the best decisions lately."
"No shit!"
I laughed. "Can I have a puff?"
He frowned and handed me the cigarette. I took a nice long drag from it. It was stale, but I had missed this taste. I blew the smoke out of my nose and mouth. I watched it float in the air marveling its intricate swirls. I handed it back to him and he held onto it flicking ashes onto the ground.
"Wine?" I said offering him the bottle. He took the bottle, studied it, read the label, and took a sip.
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He chuckled. "It's a miracle you found alcohol in this house with Aaron around."
"It's a miracle you found a cigarette. You got any more?"
"Nah. If I did I wouldn't be saving this," he said puffing from it. He handed it back to me. "I lucked up and found this when we first discovered the gas station some weeks ago."
I happily took it and smirked. "Well, it's pretty stale but good. I had quit before when things were normal. Got back in the habit after I found a pack in a convenient store recently. Went through the pack pretty fast. Thought I might never see another cig. As bad as it is for your health, I sure I miss it."
He shrugged. "You'll be surprised at how much you miss nowadays."
"You know I haven't had the guts to face Omar. I can't imagine what's he's going through," I lamented. "I heard Grace might have woke up in the middle of the night looking for that damn cat. She might have thought it was outside terrorizing the chickens or something. She probably didn't even see the walker."
"Most people like that with Alzheimer's wander around at strange hours anyway. She probably had no idea what she was doing."
"Are you trying to make me feel better?"
"Maybe,...but you still fucked up majorly."
"I know that. Must you be so blunt?" I chuckled trying not to cringe. I slowly deflated feeling guilt wash me over again. "So, what makes you think there's more to me?"
He shrugged again seemingly mulling over his answer. He exhaled. "It's something about you. Sometimes you seem cold. Like you've seen some shit or been through some shit. Well before the corpses took over at least. I just don't think you were some ordinary privilege white boy with a cushy job is what I'm saying."
"Now you're making assumptions Mr. Martez," I said handing him what was left of his cigarette. I then laughed and looked him right in the eye. "I can see why you would say that, but I am what I say I am. Now, I wasn't always 'privileged'. I did grow up poor in a small town. As for being 'cold', you can blame my father for that I guess.
"Damn, you got old man problems too?"
I took the bottle from him and took a nice long drink. I sighed. "I guess so. Well, he wasn't a terrible father compared to some. He took care of us and was there at least, but he was strict and old fashion. You see our older sister, Rachel had it easy. She was his little princess. She was raised as daddy's little girl. Us boys, me and Nate, we were raised to be men. Men in the images of him or what he wanted us to be at least."
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I took another sip. "He put guns in our hands before we could say my ABCs. We were raised to be cold, calculating, and tough. One of our first lessons was hunting. We would hunt deer mostly. I...I didn't like it. I never did. Shooting something that couldn't shoot back or defend itself seemed unfair. Even to me as a little kid, but there was no crying with him. Boys didn't cry in his presence and he didn't raise sissys. We would get whoopings if we did."
"Yeah," I chuckled again. "I remember he took me and my brother out in the forest one day. Told us we had to shoot our first deer. Each of us. We were only nine then. I remember hunting down one and then taking aim at the poor creature. I thought there was something beautiful about them. Majestic you know. I aimed at it and remember my hands shook as I began to squeeze the trigger, but I couldn't do it. I lowered my gun and told him I couldn't do it. Begged him not to make me, but he threatened to beat me and my brother till we couldn't stand. Then beat us again if he felt like it. So I took the shot."
"You took it?"
"Yeah. I was supposed to shoot the poor thing in the head. I shot it in the torso and it fell but it cried and cried. It was the most horrible sound I ever heard. He slapped me in the back of the head for not getting a clean shot. Then he dragged me and my brother over to it. I watched it squirm and scream in pain. It was horrible. That's when I began crying and my brother followed. We both cried and that only enraged my father. He cursed at us. Told us to stop crying and be men. Then he handed me a knife and told me to finish what I started. He wanted me to stab it in the head."
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"Did you stab it?"
"Of course I did. I had no choice. He wasn't going put it out of its misery and I feared what might happen if I didn't, so I did. Now it would take me several minutes and I begged him to do it, but I did. Then we took it home. He made us watch him skin it. Then we ate it for dinner that night. Typical and pretty common for animals we raised too."
I grimaced. “It was one of the many lessons he would force on us. Practically beat into us. I can still hear his words. His lessons.”
“Well, how about your mom? Didn’t she do anything?”
“No, but I don’t blame her. Maybe I should, but I don’t. At the end of the day, she was a good mom.”
"So let me see here. You’re basically saying you got a bit of excuse to be an asshole. So what? We all had fucked up lives one way or another.”
"True. Very true.”
“But the point I was making is I’ve been like this all my life. It’s always been easier for me to assume the worse in people. Easier to mistrust. What I did last night. You didn’t deserve that. There’s no excuse for that. I’m sorry,” I said looking him in the eye now.
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“It’s fine,” he said nodding flashing me an earnest smile. “So that’s all that makes you tick?”
“Well yeah. When I got older I made a point to move out to the city and make something for myself. Now that I that think about it, I got carried away with that too I guess. That cushy job became my life.  It became more important than anyone and anything. Not to mention I was a ruthless asshole. Maybe I did become my dad."
"I doubt that. Well, I barely know you, but these people seem to respect you. To like you."
"Yeah, but I couldn't blame them if they didn’t now. After what happened to Grace. I failed her and everyone."
I felt warm tears collect at my bottom lid but I kept my composure. Vince kept quiet as he appeared to be in deep in thought now. He threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped the embers still looking downward away from me.
"I don't know why I told you all this. You probably hate me yourself," I said rubbing my eyes and letting out a small laugh.
"I don't hate you," he said sitting down next me now with his eyes solely on me. "I pity you, but one thing. I guess I should pity Nate too. Sounds like you both had it rough."
"Well, he did. I mostly took the brunt of it. He may not look it, but he's always been the sensitive one. He used to faint at the sight of blood. My father considered him weak and I was the one with potential. I often resented my brother for that."
"So let me see you're a fucked up white kid who ran away from Mommy and Daddy, went to the city with your bro, became a fancy executive and now you're here slumming it up with an ex-convict in the apocalypse?
I laughed. "That's a pretty good summary."
"And part of me was hoping you were a spy."
We shared a chuckle and I downed the last of the wine. We then heard the door open and Madison appeared. She stepped out onto the porch staring at the both of us. 
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She wore a very confused expression on her face as she did. "Um...am I missing something? You're not trying to kill each other?" she perplexed.
"No," we both said shrugging.
"Are you two feeling ok?" she asked still bewildered. She then looked down at the empty wine bottle now sitting on the ground. "You're drunk? Really drunk?"
I scoffed. "Madison. We buried the hatchet. Is it that hard to believe?"
"In each other? You buried a hatchet in each other?"
I grabbed her playfully and she fell onto my lap. She didn't try to struggle. She sat there looking back at me with a worried expression on her face. She seemed to be in a forgiving mood as well.
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"Well, I'm going to leave you two love birds alone," Vince said slightly frowning at the two of us. He got up and headed towards the house.
"Oh, no you can stay," Madison pleaded.
"Nah. I'll catch y'all later."
"Vince," I said. He stopped in his tracks. "Thanks for listening to me."
He flashed me a small smile. "Um..sure. Anytime.."
He went back inside leaving me and Madison alone. She remained on my lap. Her eyes searching my face still looking concerned.
"You been crying?" she asked touching my face.
"No. It was something in my eye. I'm fine," I said wiping them.
"Well, I came to bury the hatchet too," she purred in my ear. She got up from my lap and sat down beside me. She placed her head on my shoulder and sighed. "I don't want to be mad anymore. I don't even want to think."
"Me either."
"I just want to forget today ever happened. Forget last night ever happened. I just want things to go back to normal. I want everything to be ok again. Is that stupid?"
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I looked into her eyes. Her eyes so beautiful, but so sad. Something about her seemed so small at this moment. So vulnerable. I rubbed her back ensuring her. "No. Everything will be ok. I promise."
She then lifted up looking alarmed. She seemed to be staring at the bushes as if looking for something.
"What's wrong?" I asked straining to see anything.
"It's... it's nothing. I'm just being paranoid," she said forcing a smile on her face. She leaned her head back on my shoulder. "You're right. Everything's going to be alright."
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Previous Episodes- Ep16: What About Grace Part 1 & Part 2
All Episodes
Sorry for the delay. >_<
P.S. This is my first time making poses on stairs b/w. xD
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Chapter 2 - The Rogue and The Bard
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“Okay, so…You really go play board games with 12 year olds?” Billy asked, raising an eyebrow, not believing what I was saying. “Yes. Dungeons and Dragons, it’s called.” I tried to explain to him. “And you’re…Uh…Part of their ‘Party’ ?” he continued, looking at me in disbelief. “Yes. Mike is the Paladin, Will is the Cleric, Lucas is the Ranger, Dustin is the Bard and El is the Mage.” I smiled, looking at him  as he drove us to school. “And what are you, babe? The charmer of the group? The Fox?” he chuckled, looking at me. “There’s no Foxes in DnD, you, idiot.” Max grumbled from the backseat. “I’m the Rogue…A Tiefling Rogue. That’s why they called me Fox. Rogues are sneaky and sly.” I grinned at him and continued.“I think you’d make a fine Bard. You have charisma, dexterity and strength.” I try to hype him up, but he only smirked at me with a confused look. “Uhm…You can go around and smack people in the head with a lute.” I grin at him, making him slowly start smiling at how weird it sounded, then chuckled. “I’ll buy a lute just for that.” he let out an amused breath before looking back at the road. “Why did they let you in the Party and not me?” the poor redhead pouted. “Would you want me to talk to them? You see, some of them may have some…Issues, but it’s nothing personal. El, our Mage…She disappeared just a few ago and we kinda miss her. I guess they may be reluctant to have anyone else join us because they miss her.” I told her in a soft voice. “Why couldn’t they tell me that in the first place?!” she leaned frontwards, between mine and Billy’s seats, looking at me. “Well…To put it simple, Max…It’s a problem among all ages. We lack one fundamental skill that could solve more than 80% of our problems and that is, drum roll…Communication.” I say dramatically, making her giggle confused. “What do you mean by that? We all talk so much, don’t we?” she asked again, very curious. “Yes, but that’s different. When you talk, you can either hear, just like you do with any noise, or listen, which you only do when you actually use your brain. Thing is, Max…Most of us don’t know how to Communicate. Your problem with the Idiot Party could have been solved very easily if only they were up for communication, but they’re a bunch of silly nerds. Really. Many people pretend to listen, but they don’t and you realise that only when they get busted.” turning to look at her, I smile and pat her head. “I’d say don’t take it personally, they’re just boys, they’re stupid…But I can talk to them. Believe me or not, I know how to make them listen.” “Whoa, really? You can do that?” she gleamed and practically radiated joy. “That’s why they call me Fox, remember~?” I wink at her with a chuckle, before realising we’ve already arrived. “I say, the way things are, my sister’s gonna charm you before I do.” he scoffed, seeing Max skateboard to her classes. “Awww, come on, Billy, don’t be like that. She’s a real sweetheart. I like her around me, just like I like you.” I nudge him slightly, despite not even budging him. “Besides, it’s nice to finally have proper conversations, y'know?” I shrug a bit, looking away. “Say, babe, wanna see me at practice today? You can cheer for me as I beat the shit out of that Pussy Harrington.” he boasted, putting an arm around my shoulder. “I…Hope not literally, but at the game.” I chuckled nervously, looking up at him slightly. “Fine, fine, whatever you want.” Billy raised his arms in defeat in a joking manner. “Billy! That was mean!” I grinned, trying to stifle my laugh. “Now, there, toots, is where you are wrong and you don’t even believe yourself. I heard your sweet giggle.” he poked my cheek, making me blush slightly and look down. “What time?” I asked, sighing, hoping that nothing will interfere. “First class after lunch.” he flashed a charming smile my way. “I guess that can work. Sure, I’ll be there. But, uhm…Apart from the fact that you gotta score…I know literally nothing about Basketball.” I confessed awkwardly. “Well, you got the gist of it. Leave the rest to me.” he winked, putting his shades on his head. “Project, after?” “If you want to, sure!” I smiled
With that, I went on with my daily at classes, and gotta say, time flew by pretty fast, and before I knew it, lunch began and I went outside to eat, just as I always do, listening to music on my cassette iPod. An hour went by fast and I had to go see Billy’s practice match, his team against Steve’s, and for once, I was a tiiiiny bit intrigued by sports. I enter the P.E. room shyly, seeing how everyone was busy doing the warming up, and I sit on the bleachers, opening my book and reading “The Lord Of The Rings”, my absolute favourite fantasy book, before the match began.
“Hey, Black, this place is for sweating, not reading! Give that here!” a voice yelled in my ear, making me yelp, before they took the book from my hands. “Give me my book back, please!” I stand up quietly, trying not to draw attention to myself. “Why are you here? This is hardly a proper place for you.” Steve scoffed, looking at the book. “Psh, what’s this rubbish? You’re really reading this? Nerd.” he rolled his eyes, holding the book above his head, barely out of my reach. “If you want it back that badly, reach up!” he continued, laughing. “Come on, please, give it back! I didn’t come here for trouble, I just wanted to cheer for a friend!” I tried to say, trying to reach my book. “Friend? You? Of all people? Don’t be kidding.” he scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Hey, lookie here, King Harrington! Too afraid to face me and you prefer harassing a girl? You’re such a pussy.” Billy’s voice echoed from behind Steve, as he easily got the book from his hand. “Why don’t cha come on the field and fight someone your size?” he smirked, getting in his face. “I won’t let you win, Hargrove.” Steve sneered, annoyed, before bumping his shoulder into Billy’s and going to field to his team. “So, you came to cheer on me. Guess now I can’t lose, huh?” he smirked, flexing a bit as he took off his shirt. “Be careful out there. If you flex and show off too much, you might forget you’re playing and not trying to find your next hook up.” I smirked slightly, gingerly taking my book from his hand. “Thank you. I appreciate you standing up for me…Again.” I smiled softly, rubbing his arm a bit, as a way to both say Good Luck and Thank you. “Who needs a hook up when I have to charm the pants off of ya?” he got closer to my face, in a teasing manner. “Go fuck them up…Babe.” I whisper lowly in his ear, as the smirk never left my face, and yet, I back down and looked away slightly. “Great, now I’m turned on and it’s entirely your fault.” he shook his head, biting his lip as he jogged to court, ready to start the game.
The game soon started, and while I have to admit I had no idea what was going on, I would cheer every time Billy would score. I think that’s what I’m supposed to do, right?
The whistle blew and Harrington had the ball, dribbling left and right, until Billy came in front of him, looking intimidating as ever, and they seemed to be…Talking? Do people talk during games? They would bump into each other a lot, before Billy somehow threw him to the ground and got the ball, showing off again as he marked yet another point for his team, then turning to wink my way as he saw I was clapping.
What a jerk.
The whistle blew again, one of the shirtless guys was dribbling the ball and Steve was blocking him, but, of course, since he’s the best player in our year, Billy managed to easily secure the ball and dribbled it away from Steve, but then stopped and started taunting Harrington.
“King Steve! King Steve, everyone! I like it, play it tough today.” he got closer to his face, annoying Steve. “Jesus! Do you ever stop talking?! Come on!” Steve tried to make Billy shut up, but to no avail. “What? Afraid the coach is gonna bench you now that I am here? Huh?” Billy laughed as easy going as usual, then dribbled and pushed past Steve and stop ANOTHER point.
This time, instead of looking at me, he went to Steve, offered to help him get up, but told him something in a very intimidating voice and let him fall to the ground again, before coming in front of me, putting his arms on his hips, smirking cockily and panting.
“Liked the show, babe?” he asked, his chin up. “I have no idea what I watched, but hey, I think you won, right? Congrats! It looked like you did all the job, so I guess I know why the teacher likes you.” I clapped my hands in front of my chest, praising him. “Look at her being so cute. Didn’t I tell ya you were melting my heart? Come 'ere, gimme a hug!” he approached me, but I yelped, giggled a bit before stepping back. “No, no, no. Go take a shower first, then I’ll hug you, okay?” I put my hands up to signal him to stop moving, but he only chuckled. “One of these days, I won’t be the only one sweating, babe.” he teased in a low voice, making me blink and tilt my head in confusion. “I…I don’t do sports, Billy, what do you mean?” I smile at him. “You…You didn’t get that, did you?” he sighed, rolling his eyes. “Uh…No, sorry.” I grin awkwardly. “Never mind. Wait for me by the car, will ya? Unless you wanna join me in the shower.” he winked, giving me a charming look. “Okay, I’ll wait you outside. See ya!” I said cheerfully, walking to his Camaro.
However, before I reached the car, I saw Max and Lucas arguing and I ran to them, putting my hands on her shoulders.
“Hey, guys! What brings you here?” I asked, trying to calm down the waters a bit. “Lucas, here, and the rest of his stupid party, don’t understand anything! They act like they want me to be their friend, but then they treat me like garbage!” she yells at him, annoyed. “That’s not true!” Lucas tried to defend himself, but Max refuted with a simple “Yes it is!” “Is this about the AV club meetings?” I went between them, looking left and right. “Yes! They can’t stop keeping secrets from me and it’s so annoying! We’re not in 2nd grade anymore!” she shouted, very angry, making me sigh. “Okay, kids, calm down. First of all, Lucas, I really need to talk to you guys about this. Max deserves to be in the party too, okay? She’d be a great addition. Secondly…Is this about…About Will?” I ask the second question a bit quieter. “Yes, yes it is! Don’t get me wrong, I want Max in our party, but we’re 6 in our party, not only me, and I can’t decide by myself! You, me and Dustin want her, but Will is barely around anymore and Mike declines every time, because of El!” he raised his voice at me, making me smile in annoyance and sign for him to calm down. “Okay, kids, okay, I understand your problems and while I do think Max should be in our party, I think we should talk, the 6 of us…Like, have a REAL talk, because things have gone out of control these days and I wasn’t able to stay in contact with you too much because of school stuff, as you know. Now…Uhm…You should have told me Will wasn’t okay. El is not the only one like that, if you remember. I will tell Max everything that happened to us so none of you will be able to complain again.” I said sternly, looking at Lucas, who widened his eyes. “Wait, why would you do that?! We’re supposed to keep it a secret from everyone! We’re already 6 people and Will’s mum who know these things! You know how words spread! It’s a small town!” he tried to protest, worried, but I only shook my head. “I trust Max with my life and I vouch for her. She won’t spread our secrets, I’m sure of that. She just wants to be your friend, morons. Oh, Max, your brother is here. Let’s go home, shall we?” I asked her softly, leading her to the car. “Sure. Oh, and, you still stink!” she shouted past he shoulder, letting him panic there all alone. “Boys can be real jerks, huh?” I shrugged, rolling my eyes. “Don’t worry, I will show you something you’ll never forget.” “Yes, please~!” she grinned up at me until we got in front of Billy, who looked pretty annoyed. “Hey, King Billy, how are you feeling after such a glorious win? I mean, I think it was glorious, considering how relaxed you were every time you showed off so shamelessly.” I teased him, motioning to Max to get in the car. “With you cheering for me oh so pretty, what was I supposed to do?” he asked, flexing a bit. “Mind if I come over? Or are your parents home? Max asked me to chat and do some girl stuff. Is that okay with you? If not, she can come over at mine?” I smiled at him sweetly. “Awe, come on, toots, stop smiling at me like that, y'know I can’t refuse you. They ain’t home yet, you can come over. But don’t think the little twerp can have you all for herself all day.” he winked in approval, which made me hug him tightly. “Thanks, Billy! You’re the best!” I say, kissing his knuckles before rushing to the passenger’s seat. “Whoa, babe, what was that? Shouldn’t I have been the one to do that?” he asked slowly as he got in his seat, looking at me a bit weirdly. “Does it matter? I think it’s sweet no matter who does it. It was my way of thanking you.” I give him a soft smile as I lean back on my seat, closing my eyes. “Hmm…Hey, toots, can ya hold somethin’ for me?” he asked as he started the car and left the parking lot. “Of course.” I replied absent-minded.
Without realising, something warm softly lifted my hand a bit, and as I opened my eyes, I see Billy’s hand pressed to mine, his fingers intertwined with mine. He wasn’t looking at me, instead, his eyes were fixed on the road, an almost invisible blush gracing his sun-kissed cheeks, making me smile at him. I was debating whether or not I should say something or not, but I settled for just squeezing his hand a bit and turning the music volume a tad higher, which made him grin.
We sang the lyrics to the songs, which made the ride home pretty fast, like usual. When we got out of the car, Max went to my side and dragged me inside, making me chuckle at her eagerness. We both sat on her bed and she looked at me with such curious eyes that she made me want to hug her constantly.
“So, uhm…This is all gonna sound very crazy. It’s gonna be SO crazy that you will think I’m lying, but honestly, out of all those idiots, I’m the person you’ll believe and I’ll show you why, at the end.” I began, smirking a bit at her reactions. “The secret the guys hide is…Like a real life DnD campaign. With the Demogorgon and all that. I know, I know, bullshit, huh? Well, I can’t show you one YET, but by the time I grind some sense into those idiots…Well, I mean, hopefully you WON’T get to see any monster, they are super scary, but like…Basically, there’s this monster that kidnapped Will and got him in other world and uh…We found his body, but this one is the real one, and uhm…Well, we managed to get rid of the monster…I and El, more like, and the way I saw Lucas today, I think something’s happened to Will. Bad enough that maybe the monster managed to find another way here.” I took a deep breath after ranting all that out, making the girl look at me like I just said the Earth was flat. “Okay, okay…So then…Let’s say I believe you. You have no reason to lie, unless you’re schizophrenic or something. First of all, who is this El? And secondly, how did you stop the monsters?” she asked skeptically, but wanting to be proven wrong. “Well…El…El is short for Eleven. She was an experiment who managed to escape and we found her.” I explained to her with a big smile. “You expect me to believe that?” her incredulous look only made me chuckle at her. “Do you know what my real name is…Well, was, actually?” my smile turned into a smirk as soon as she shook her head. “My name was Three. Do you wanna know why?” again, her vigorous nod made me continue my story, as I pulled up my Tshirt sleeve, revealing the “3” tattoo. “Because I, too, was an experiment who managed to escape…That was 5 years ago.” I explained with a chuckle, seeing her mouth agape as she gingerly touched the tattoo. “Whoaa…And what did they do to you?” she asked again, looking as she was going to jump up and down from excitement. “What they did to me…Well, a lot of things. But that’s not the right question, Max. Y'know what the right question is~?” I teased her, before continuing. “What resulted after what they did to me~!” I smirked at her. “What happened? Did you get super powers or something?!” she screamed before I shushed her. “Do you see that notebook on the desk? Well…” I chuckled lowly before I made the notebook come into my hand. “It’s not there anymore, now, is it?” I winked at her when she started cheering and jumping on me. “OH MY GOD, THAT WAS SO COOL! DO THAT AGAIN! DO THAT AGAIN!!” she yelled excitedly, making me open her wardrobe’s door, before slamming it back and then opening the window, making her literally jump and clap at me. “THAT’S SO COOL!! WHO NEEDS WONDER WOMAN, WHEN WE HAVE YOU?! Imagine that! America’s Hero, Katrina Black, otherwise known as The Fox! Oh, look at her, she’s saving the day again! Whoooo!” she made a superhero pose, but I told her to stop in her tracks for a second. “I haven’t really used my powers in a very long time because…Well…It’s not really something you’d want to go out in the open with some people. But…Uhmm…Let me try to make you fly, or, uhm, well, float. Want that?” I asked shifting in a better position so I won’t screw up or anything. “You. Can. Do. That?!” she jaw-dropped, making me blush a bit. “Well…Kinda? Like…Just like how I managed to get the notebook, I can move you in the air. But it’s more difficult so it takes a bit of a strain, so if my eye or nose start to bleed, don’t worry, it’s normal, okay?” I assured her.
Taking a deep breath, I extend my arm towards her and focus, making her slowly raise into the air, moving her left and right as she giggled and pretended to be a superhero or that she was swimming. I couldn’t help but laugh with her, but I had to put her down before a headache would hit me and I could lose focus and drop her.
“Sorry I got you down, I was afraid I might drop you. I can do that again a bit later, if you want.” I cleared my throat, before ruffling her hair. “Is there anything else you want to hear? I should go to your brother and ask him if he’s up for some tutoring. I mean…I was supposed to give him a test yesterday, but I couldn’t come over yesterday, so I told him tomorrow…But I said that not realising tomorrow is Friday and he has a Basketball match, so that’s out of the question.” I scratch awkwardly at my neck. “Say…Do you like my brother? He’s more tolerable to be around since you appeared and…When you’re with us, he’s weirdly nice. Like…I would have never expected him to hold a girl’s hand like that. He’s such a man whore and he’s so violent! …But I guess I kinda get him, in a way. His dad is really…Really…A huge asshole.” she murmurs the last part before flinging herself down on her bad. “Do you…Want to talk about it?” I lean on my arm, petting her hair softly. “If you want to listen…Yeah. Maybe this way you’ll understand Billy better. Who knows, maybe you can tame him or something, I dunno.” she sighed, burying her face in her pillow. “You know…Billy has saved me from bullying twice since you came. And he’s been very sweet with me so far. I…I know he whores around a lot and he’s very violent…And gosh darn it, he flirts with me more than he breathes, I think…But I really appreciated that he didn’t beat up a guy when I asked him to. He had him by the throat, and I begged him not to punch him…And he didn’t.” I confess, putting my head on the pillow next to her. “Woaw…Sure that was my brother?” she chuckled, turning on her side. “Haha, yeah, I promise, it was him.” I grinned softly. “So…So, I don’t really know everything, okay? But…But Billy is afraid of Neil. He’s always screaming very aggressively at Billy and it can’t be a recent thing. And I think he sometimes hits him too. He can’t accept my mum as his mum, which I can understand, but he hasn’t had someone in his life who has been as nice as you are since his mother left him.” she explained, smiling sadly. “Well…To be fair, I was expecting something like that. Childhood trauma usually manifests in two ways…Either like me, or like him. But…But I think…Maybe I can somehow handle this.” I brought her into a hug, which she reciprocated. “He’s been a part of my life all this time and I don’t know him as something more than a violent guy…But can you help him? I know it’s a lot to ask, but…” she trailed off, not knowing what to say. “Don’t worry, Maxi, I will see what I can do. I’m kinda stuck with him the whole year whether I like it or not, so I won’t let him get worse than he is.” I giggled at her, but before she could say anything, the door opened, revealing Billy, his shirt halfway unbuttoned. “There’s so much love in only one room, but what 'bout lil’ ol’ me~?” he slurred in a supposedly sexy way, leaning on the door. “Billy! Remember how yesterday I was supposed to give you that test, but I couldn’t come over? Like, I said I would give it to you tomorrow, but I didn’t realise tomorrow is your match and…And like, you have to celebrate your victory, so I won’t stress you with a test, clearly. But like, you want to take it today, or do you want on Sunday?” I ranted on as I got on the edge of the bed, but before soon, he just chuckled and picked me up bridal style. “Let’s take that test. I’ve been staring at your lips all day, Kitten, and today I’m even more motivated to find out their taste.” he laughed, getting me to his room and gently pulling me on the bed. “Are you sure, Billy? There’s no rushing…I mean, you can have a few days more to revise…And this chapter is not the easiest one, so I won’t blame you.” I smiled nervously, looking away. “Nahhh, s'okay. I was prepared for the one yesterday, so bring it on.” he told me with the most confident smirk in the world, as he sit down on his desk chair. “Okay, so uhm…Yesterday I stood after class with Mrs. Green to create the test for you in a way that it would be structured the same as the final exam is, which is why I couldn’t come over. But…Here you go. You can write in your notebook and I will correct it afterwards, I have the point-grading right here. I’m asking again, Billy - Are you absolutely sure you’re up for it?” I asked him for the millionth time, putting the test in front of him. “Yes, babe, I am. I’m a man of my word. Responsibility and Respect.” he muttered, scanning the test paper. “That sounded a bit robotic…But I won’t ask you about it now. Good luck and focus. You have 2 hours from…Now.” I told him, getting on the bed and doing some improvements to the project.
Two hours passed by faster than the blink of an eye, making me get up and go to Billy, patting him on the shoulder and telling him that time was up. He looked at me since we were about the same height with him sitting down, and in his eyes I could see a certain…Restlessness. Like a fight of emotions was going on, but he didn’t know what to do. I blinked at him twice before cupping his face and frowning.
“Are you okay, sweety? You look upset. Did something happen?” I said in the most gentle voice I could managed. “It’s nothin’, babe, don’t worry for nothin’. Go check my test and tell me if I’m worthy of you or not.” he grumbled, puling away from me. “Billy…If you want, I won’t look and you can retake is on Sunday. It’s okay if you fail from time to time, it’s not the end of the world, you can always try again later.” I try to reach out to him, raking my fingers through his soft hair. “Nah, babe, failing isn’t manly, it’s for pussies. I can’t afford that.” he sneered, gripping his hands into tight fists. “That’s not true, who told you that? To fail is human and it can happen to everyone. It’s not a masculinity meter!…Billy, look at me, please…Billy. Please.” I pleaded again, putting my arms around his neck, but he only got up and went away. “That’s what he always said, okay? So what the hell else am I supposed to fucking DO?! If I don’t listen, I’m fucked! That’s how it’s ALWAYS fucking been! But you wouldn’t get it, would you?! Your parents probably bought you that house so you could stay alone and study at your leisure, their pretty little treasure, and you could fuck everyone you wanted there and nobody would say anything! Why the hell are you even here?! Huh?! It’s only 'cause of that teacher, ain’t it?! And 'cause I’ve always been the idiot to save your weak and pathetic ass! Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if you DID boast that you fucked me!” he raged around the room like an angry tiger in his cage, trapped. “Wh-What do you even know about my life…?” I managed to usher softly, as tears welled up in my eyes and I backed towards to wall opposite of him. “Well, fuck, Katrina, I don’t know, it seems like after today, I know absolutely NOTHING! Care to fucking enlighten me? Care to tell me why are you the high school’s fucking whore?!” he yelled, stomping towards me, which only made me glue myself to the wall, sobbing. “I-I’m not…I’m…Not…I…I…” I choke out, but since I couldn’t say anything coherent, Billy slammed his hands on either side of my face, trapping me, screaming “WHORE” in my face, which made cower and shield my face with my arms. “Don’t hurt me! Please, please, please, don’t hurt me! I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry, please don’t hurt me! I promise I’ll be good, please, don’t hurt me!” I barely managed to squeak out between my sobs, my legs shaking like mad and I could barely breathe.
My ears were ringing from the silence in the room, save for my pitiful sobs, flashbacks flooding my head so much that my throat and lungs were burning like a wild fire. After what felt like hours, he slowly guided me the bed, making me sit down, and by instinct, I let myself fall down and started unbuttoning my shirt, with trembling hands. I didn’t even dare look up to meet his face, but his hands gripped my wrists all of a sudden, which made me meekly raise my gaze a bit and see he was frowning, but somehow, confused.
“What are you doing?” he asked in a low, somehow dead-pan voice. “It’s what you want, isn’t it? Rather than doing it by force, just do it with no violence. I told you I won’t bother struggling, it’s meaningless anyways.” I whispered softly, biting my lip. “Did I say I wanted to fuck you right now?” he sat down on the bed as I cringed at his question, only shaking my head slightly. “Then why did you do this?” he asked, but since he saw I wasn’t answering, he continued. “I’m not mad, I’m not going to hurt you, ever, so just answer.” “I’m sorry I upset you…I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to.” I whispered as he lifted me into a sitting position. “You’re the only one who puts up with me, and if you got angry at me, I deserve it. I’m sorry, so please, don’t get angry at me and leave.” I continued, closing my eyes. “Kat, come here.” he patted his thighs, motioning me to sit on his lap, which I did, but I still wouldn’t look at him. “Kat, look at me.” he said softly, putting his hands on my face, as I previously did to him. “Who hurt you so much, Kat? Tell me. I’m not angry at you and I won’t leave you, either.” he uttered, trying to calm me down. “I…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you or said those things to you. I know they were lies, but I got frustrated. I should apologise, not you.” he confessed, making me look at him with glistening eyes, shaking my head briefly. “Kat, tell me. Please.” he whispered in my ear, making me start to cry again and throw my arms around his torso, crying in his chest, still trembling slightly. “I don’t know, Billy, I don’t know! It’s always been this way! I don’t get it, what did I do wrong? Why does everyone hate me? Do I look that weird? Is my personality that garbage? I-I don’t understand!” I began, feeling him rub soothing circles on my back. “I never had a family, Billy! I’m a runaway freak! I ran from an experimental base 5 years ago! I didn’t even have a name, I was just a number for them! And…And I ran here, and a policeman found me and put me in an orphanage under a name that I made up! Katrina Black, not Three anymore! And…And when I got with my new family, it was no difference than in the orphanage! Always the same thing! Nobody wanted me, I was just a waste of time and I did nothing good to contribute to my family!” I managed to say, clutching his shirt tightly. “Shhh, it’s okay now, Kitten, I’m here.” he whispered in my ear kissing my head. “Don’t be afraid.” “I worked a lot for 4 years, and with the policeman’s help, I managed to get my own little house and a motorbike. Not the perfect family anymore, huh?” I tried to laugh, but it came out more as a choke. “And…And…I…I just…I just wanted my Happily Ever After, Billy…I…I didn’t want to be alone anymore…They faked it…They faked everything just to fool around with me…They pretended to love and care about me…They pretended that they were good and protective boyfriends…But by the time I realised that what was happening wasn’t normal, it was too late and the damage had already been done. And I can’t erase it no matter how hard I try…” I put my hands in my hair, pulling at it in desperation. “I just want to forget all the disgusting things that happened, all the lies I heard, all those hands on my skin…I told you so many times before, no matter how much you struggle, it doesn’t do any good. Well, now you know the story behind it.” as I said that, he gently pulled away my hands and made me raise my head up again, and I could see anger and sadness in his eyes…He, too, seemed to want to cry, but tried very hard to stop it. “Tell me who did this to you and I’ll kill them. I’ll get revenge on them for you. If you couldn’t get out, neither will they.” he growled, looking me in the eyes, but I only shook my head and hugged his neck. “Don’t…Don’t go…Don’t leave…Don’t bother…What’s done is done. Yeah, of course, he only fucked me once, did other super gross things, whatever and now I’m somehow the biggest whore of the high school, whatever. Hey, really, I somehow magically fucked you in your sleep, or something, hell if I know. And if that wasn’t enough, after that first guy, two more came by. 'Know what happened?” I looked at him with a self-deprecating laugh, making him motion for me to continue talking. “The first one made me realise what happened wasn’t okay. Thing is, I told him I wasn’t interested in any fucks. What he did? The next day he started asking me about what positions I liked and stuff. And the next thing I know, he realised that I’m not a virgin, but he is, and says something along the lines of…How did he say it, now…Ah, yes. 'Why do the bad guys always get the good stuff?’. Yeah, like, thanks mate, very smart.” I rolled my eyes, every word completely dripping with sarcasm. “I kinda like it when you finally talk from your heart and you’re not scared of everything around you.” Billy said with a small smirk. “Well, then maybe you should love me by now. The third guy was very sympathetic with me and supposedly very protective of me. Turned out he was high-key flirting with my then-friend, making out/fucking her, all whilst continuing to insult me, but never letting me break up with him. He was a notorious liar. The biggest liar in the world, I kid you not.” I snorted bitterly. “Did they beat you?” he asked in a very low voice. “No…But…They would get overly possessive and jealous and would argue with me big time. It’s not like I have many friends, y'know? Just the kids. And Jonathan Byers, kinda. They would yell at me a lot and get super moody and mean. Hell, even on my birthday. Really…Fuck off.” I scoffed slightly, pouting as I leaned back a bit. “Did you calm down, Kitten? Feeling any better after letting your feelings out?” he caressed my cheek softly, which made me look down and snort a bit, trying to stifle my giggle. “What’s goin’ on, Kitten? Why you laughing?” he asked with a soft smile. “I…Well…It might sound super weird, okay, but…But I can’t stop laughing thinking about it. Just…He…He always boasts around how much of a mess I was because of him, but, like…I literally didn’t even realise when he got inside me and when he finished, like, what the hell!” I started laughing loudly, wiping my tears with my wrists, which made Billy start laughing as well, not having expected me to say something like that. “So my little Kitten can have a sense of humour when she wants to, huh? I never expected you to say any of the words you said the whole day, I swear, you’re surprising me with each day.” he put his arms around me, hugging me tight as I put my arms around his neck and calmed down. “I know I’m a mess, and as I said a million times, I’m sorry that you have to put up with me. But, Billy, if it were after me, I’d have already given you a chance by now, but really, I’m just scared that the whole chaos is going to happen again. And I’m just so tired of everything that I don’t think I could handle another betrayal.” I confessed softly, putting my forehead to his. “I said I was gonna prove you that you’re not wasting your time, and I’m not backing up from that promise. If it’s time you need, we have all the time in the world. I won’t be a shithead again like today. I lost control and it was my fault, I’m sorry.” he promised, looking me in the eyes as he put a strand of hair behind my ear. “It’s okay, Billy. I know you have it rough too. I don’t know the details, but I can sense what’s going on. You don’t have to tell me, but I know your father is a…A douchebag. I’m sorry for using that word. But, really, it’s one more year and you’ll be free of him! You’ll have a scholarship and you’ll be studying at a cool University whatever you wish to study and…And…I…Well…Maybe…Maybe we can…Y'know…We may be able to study in a place close to each other. Maybe even the same city. Hawkins Scholarships are usually more or less addressed to certain Unis in certain states.” I said with a shy smile, which in return, made his features soften up like never before. “Sounds good to me, babe.” he said, before burying his face in my neck, holding me tight as I played with his hair, calming him. “Billy.” I called out after a few minutes, when I felt his heartbeat calm down a bit. “Would it be okay with you if I corrected your test now? Don’t worry about the result, it just means that I will have to explain some stuff better, so it’s no problem. It’s as you said, we have enough time for everything. I don’t want to hold you off for too long since tomorrow’s your match and you should sleep well.” I say gently, making him sigh and nod.
I told him to stay in bed and lean on the bed post before I got up, took the test and a red pen from my bag before hopping next to him, cuddling to his side. We corrected the test together, explaining to him each mistake he made and why it was wrong, how to address the question tasked and so on, and it seemed like he understood and he was aware of his mistakes and how to solve them. It’s true, he didn’t make it to 75%, but it wasn’t too far away from that mark. He was frustrated, but I managed to calm him down and tell him that he will definitely do better next time and that first tests are always so bad. By the time we were done, outside was pitch black and we realised it was already past 10pm, which made me bite my lip.
“It’s okay, I can walk home, it’s no big deal. Just stay here and sleep well, okay?” I smiled at him reassuringly, but he only shook his head. “Just sleep over, I’ll sleep on the floor no big deal.” he proposed, shrugging, making me gasp. “Are you insane?! You, sleep on the floor? It’s YOUR house! Damn it, Billy! I should take the floor! Well…I could sleep in Max’s room, actually.” I realised, but he shook his head. “No, no, no, I’d rather sleep outside than seeing you do either of those two. I said it before, didn’t I? She won’t have you all for herself.” he said, making me chuckle. “You could just say you wanted to sleep cuddled with me, y'know? You liked that hug more than you’d admit in your life.” I teased him with a soft smirk. “Fine, babe, y'got me. So, what band do ya want?” he asked, going to his wardrobe to look for a Tshirt for me to sleep in. “Woaw, always ready to give a girl your band Tees, huh?” I chuckled, hiding my mouth slightly. “Nah, not 'a’ girl. You. Anyone touching my band tees will get burnt.” he smirked, leaning on the door. “Flattering, Billy. D'you have AC/DC?” I asked softly. “Do I breathe air?” he asked very dramatically, throwing the Tshirt at my head, making me laugh. “Thank you. I love the design…Oh, Jesus, how much cologne and cigarettes did you have while wearing this?” I laughed, hugging it too my chest. “Too much, maybe.” he shrugged. “I’ll turn around so you can change. Don’t worry, I won’t peep. Yes, you can kill me if I do.” he chuckled as he turned around, stretching a bit, giving me enough time to change and remain into his Tshirt and lady boxers only, thanking every deity existing that he was much larger than me and the Tshirt went mid-thigh. “Okay, I’m ready. Thank you…And, uhm…This is really weird and embarrassing.” I sighed as I put my clothes neatly folded on the chair. “Ah, fuck, you’re so hot, I knew it.” he smirked, raking his fingers through his hair. “Okay, fine, my turn. But I don’t mind if you watch.” he winked at me, making me hmpf a bit as I got in bed, putting the blanket over my head. “All clear, I can’t see a thing!” I chuckled, giving him a thumbs up with my arm out of the blanket, making him sigh.
It took less than two minutes for him to snatch the blanket from my head and snatch me into his arms tightly to his chest, playing with my hair loosely. I smiled softly and snuggled to his side, feeling warm and safe in his arms and I completely ignored the fact that he was only wearing a pair of boxers. Godamn it, Billy.
With a kiss on my forehead, he muttered in a low, guttural voice a simple “Good night, Princess” before closing his eyes and going to sleep. In return, I could only smile and kiss his neck, being closest to me, and wished him “Good night, Billy” before I let sleep take over my senses.
Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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angelicdestieldemon · 5 years
I wasn’t expecting to do that Beric Dondarrion x Sansa Stark
Hi, back again. This has been in my head for a while and since I have tons of studying to do, naturally I write it now because who would study rather than think about Richard Dormer’s lovely voice and beard. Anyway this may become a series or a multi-chapter fic in the future but for the moment its just a one-shot.
Hope you enjoy x
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I’m sick and tired of these stupid little boys! For the gods sake, just grow up already. 
Sansa Stark had been stood up, once again, by Joffrey Baratheon. The blonde haired, green eyed boy of her dreams was turning out to be a complete and utter arsehole and she had finally had enough. 
She was walking home from the restaurant the date was supposed to be held and was passing the pub she usually just walked past, for some reason however, the decided to pause outside. The pub had a menu on display at the door, pub classics such as steak pie, bangers and mash and fish and chips had her mouth watering and her stomach grumble. She hadn’t eaten at the restaurant out of embarrassment of eating alone after sitting for so long, insisting she was waiting on someone to the staff. But here would be less public, the pub was lowly lit, with a few dark corners she could hide from the world in, and even better she doesn’t need to cook for herself or do the dishes afterwards.
After contemplating for a few more seconds, she decides to enter the pub and grab an empty booth in the back corner, where she could see the world but the world couldn’t see her, perfect. 
The menu card on the table had a little more information than the one inside and she decides upon the steak pie, it’s a little expensive, and Joffrey was supposed to be treating her tonight so she hasn’t got a lot of cash handy, so she decides against desert. She approaches the bar, the bartender was serving an older gentlemen who looks to be in his early forty’s with blonde hair and a mix of ginger, grey and blonde beard. His voice sounds like liquid gold to her ears and Sansa can feel her skin reddening slightly at the sound of it, it's a good thing the lights aren’t too bright otherwise the bartender and the man would notice.
Finally, she gets the bartenders attention and orders her food.
“Do you have any barbecue sauce for the table?” She asks, her favourite sauce is always able to improve her mood drastically.
“Give me a minute, darling. I think we got some in the back.” The kindly old bartender tells her, and disappears through the door behind the bar.
As she waits, she feels as though someone is watching her and fair enough when she glances to the man with the rich deep voice he is staring at her. She returns the stare with a raised eyebrow, forcing herself not to blush under his attention.
“Sorry, sweetheart. It’s just whenever I ask for anything, he tells me where to go.” He says, a grin pulling at his lips under the beard and she can’t help but smile at him.
“Maybe you didn’t ask as politely as I did.” She replies, a hint of sass in her voice.
He smiles a little wider and his eyes crinkle in a gorgeous way that makes Sansa feel extremely warm.
“Or maybe I’m just not pretty enough for him.” He teases and that definitely had a strong effect on Sansa’s skin tone, luckily for her however, the bartender comes back with a small dish with barbecue sauce in it.
“There you are, darling.” He says, placing the dish on the counter, before noticing Sansa’s reddened face and the bearded man’s smile. “He’s not been harassing you, has he?” His face quite serious.
“What kind of man do you think I am, George?” The bearded man says in outrage.
“No, actually, I was just asking him join me at my table, I don’t like sitting alone in pubs or restaurants.” Sansa responds, the bartender looking at her as though trying to decipher whether she is lying or not. Before he can say anything else, Sansa turns her attention to the bearded man whose eyes have widened at her response. “Care to join me…”
“Beric. Beric Dondarrion,” He responds at her pause. “Sure, who am I to deny a lady such as yourself.” He responds, making Sansa smile again.
“Thank you for the sauce, George.” She says, before leading the finally named, Beric over to her isolated corner of the pub.
Once he’s seated across from her, pint glass in his right hand on the table.
“You didn’t need to do that, invite me over I mean. George knows me well enough to know I wouldn’t say or do anything to make you uncomfortable.” Beric says, his eyes catching hers. She can feel herself being drawn in by them so she breaks eye contact and smiles a little.
“It’s ok, I’ll admit I wasn’t completely lying. I don’t enjoy eating on my own so if you’re okay with it, I don’t mind if you keep me company while I'm here.” She says, trying to keep her blush under control. 
The longer she stared at him the more qualities of his appearance she found attractive. This was something almost entirely new to her. This wasn’t a date, but she had been on many dates before but all those were boys here age. Having a crush, because it was a crush at this point, on an older man was not something she had experienced before (apart from Jaime Lannister, but he was a famous football player, most girls her age had a crush on him).
“Fair enough, I can go with that.” He replies, removing his outer jacket and placing it on the bench space beside him to reveal a black ribbed jumper, that made him look cosy. “If you don’t mind me asking, if you don’t like eating alone, why are you here on you own?” He asks, his forearms leaning on the table.
“I was supposed to be on a date right now but my boyfriend stood me up, I should probably say ex-boyfriend now though, this was his last chance to get his act to gather and he’s blown it.” She replies, finally making the decision she had been pondering since she left the restaurant in embarrassment.
“What kind of boy would stand up a girl like you, fucking idiot.” He says, the last part muttered under his breath, but Sansa still heard it and couldn’t help but smile at his sweet if foul-mouthed response.
“Anyway, enough about me, tell me about you.”
The next hour or so are spent chatting, Beric turns out to be a very intelligent man if a bit rough around the edges and when Sansa’s food arrives he tells her stories so she can eat without needing to respond. When she finally finishes her steak pie, which was completely worth the money, she wishes she had savoured it more because now that she’s finished she has no reason to stay, she’s not much of a drinker, especially when she still has a few blocks to walk on her own at ten-thirty at night.
“I suppose I should start walking home now, before it gets too late.” Sansa says, genuinely feeling sad she has to leave.
“You’re walking?” Beric asks, as he helps her put on her coat.
“I don’t live that far away and taxis around here are almost non-existent.” She replies.
“Let me walk you home.” Before she can say anything else he speaks again, “ Please, I wouldn’t feel right if I let a pretty girl like you walk home alone at this time of night.” Sansa nods her head, internally pleased that she doesn’t have to say goodbye yet.
As they walk, Beric continues to make her laugh, this time with stories about his friend Thoros who is a complete disaster when he’s drunk. As they arrive fifteen minutes later on the doorstep of her apartment she shares with her best friend Margaery Tyrell who is spending the weekend with her grandmother, the feeling of sadness returns. 
“It was nice meeting you Sansa Stark,” he says, his eyes shining in the moonlight and before she can second guess herself, Sansa tugs Beric by his soft looking jumper towards her and kisses him.
He freezes for a second before he begins to respond to the kiss, his beard scratching softly at her lips and skin, his hands cupping her face. She tries to deepen the kiss before he pulls away, not enough to remove himself from her grasp but enough to look her properly in the eyes.
“I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting that.” His voice has grown gruffer and Sansa almost melts at the sound of it.
“I wasn’t expecting to do it, but I’m glad I did.” She says, growing more confidant by the second, now that she has not been rejected or pushed away completely. “I like the beard,” she says her fingers stroking down the side of he cheek, the strands of hair softer than she thought they would be, he must take great care of it.
He laughs lightly at her statement. “I’m glad, but I have to ask, where are you going with this Sansa Stark, what are you? Twenty? Twenty-one? I’m twice your age.”
“Twenty-three, I don’t mind the gap if you don’t.” She responds, trying to keep her confidence which is beginning to fade and turn into embarrassment.
“Oh sweetheart, you’re a dream come true for a man like me,” he responds and Sansa can see his pupils growing wider by the second. “That’s settled then,” she says before leaning forward to kiss him again, this time when she swipes her tongue across the seam of his lips he doesn’t pull away,  instead he moves his hands down to her small waist to pull her closer against him. Kissing her breath away as he walks her backwards until the length of her is trapped between the door and the warmth of his body.
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ughthatimagineblog · 7 years
jim hopper x reader
requested:   Could I request a Jim Hopper x reader where they're making a meal for themselves and Jane but while she's not home so maybe a lot of cutesy (or some hotness) haha   Can I request a Jim Hopper x reader where the reader is from Hawkins and she comes back after having previously moved away. One day reader’s walking the town just getting used to it again and she gets mildly harassed (nothing sexual) just a dude who won’t leave her alone, and Jim’s driving by and he stops (b/c he’s chief obvs). He deals with the situation and reader recognizes him and remembers when she had a crush on him in high school and realizes she still very much loves him. FLUFF basically
word count: 2063
warnings: cuteness, my own twist, spoilers (duh, watch all nine episodes before you read, kiddos!)
a/n: okay so this was a double request! i decided to take out two requests in one go and I’m pretty cool with how this turned out. side note to everyone else who is waiting; ive been sick! with the flu! so its been taking longer since I need rest and I have to catch up on work. yall understand. anyways, hope you like it!
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November, Hawkins, Indiana, 1984
The bench was cold underneath your jeans as you scribbled in your notebook, trying to find all the details of what exactly had changed in your hometown since you’ve been gone.  You left after high school to attend college in New York and since being back, things haven’t changed. That was a lie. A lot had changed. But nothing people could explicitly see with a passing eye.  Small details. Stop signs were changed. They were a brighter red now. Store names had improved logos, some shops had moved locations, there were new employees, new people and the high school got new bleachers, also changing their location.  You sighed and noticed the bar across the street. Checking your watch, it was noon and you decided you could go for something to eat. Getting up, you walked to the other side of the street, stopping before you could head in making sure you had your wallet and money inside.  That’s when you heard honking. “Hey, beautiful!” 
A voice shouted after you. You turned around to see a car that had just parked outside the bar and a man, about twenty five, probably, climbing out of it. You rolled your eyes, though subtly. You weren’t big on confrontation with strangers.  “Yes?” You questioned, trying to sound annoyed. The man feigned hurt and put his hands up with a mock frown on his face after shutting his car door. “Hey, hey, hey, why the attitude? No need for that, I’m just trying to get to know you. How come I’ve never seen you before?” He asked, a toothpick you noticed, hanging out of his smirk-ridden mouth. You nearly glared.  “I just moved back into town. I went to high school here and the reason you don’t know who I am is because, well, how old are you? Twenty six?” You asked, putting your wallet back into your back, your face scrunched up, eyes squinting and lips pressed into a line.  “Twenty eight, baby.” He smiled and pressed an arm next to your head on the concrete outside the bar wall. You did roll your eyes obviously this time. “Right, well, the reason you’ve never seen me is because I was turning ten when you were coming out of your, probably now severely disappointed mother's vagina, now if you’ll excuse me, I’m here to get some food and leave so please, leave me alone.” You ranted and his smirk dropped, but not before his hand did.  His other arm came up and entrapped you, pressed against the wall. You frantically looked around. The streets had barely any foot traffic.  “I said, there’s no need for attitude.” The man said, threatening your personal space. Who were you kidding? He threatened your personal space when he parked ten feet in front of you.
 “Get away from me.” You tried. “Yeah?” He taunted. “Now, why would I do that?” He asked with an ugly grin on his face.
 You barely heard the door chime and a hand landed on the man’s shoulder. “Because the Sheriff’s here, now you heard her. Back away and go on with your day unless you want a VIP trip to the station.” A second man’s deep voice sounded behind him. The man backed away, looking at. . . Jim Hopper with a look that screamed, ‘her loss’, before climbing back into his car and driving away.  You sighed in relief. “Jim? Is that really you?” You inspected the man’s face more and you nodded. It was.  He took off his hat and smiled at the ground. “Yes it is, Y/N.”
You felt your heart flutter and you moved your hair behind your ear. “Feels like high school running into you.” You said meekly and felt like hitting yourself for making such an awkward comment. He nearly blushed but he settled for a chuckle. “Yeah, it sort of does, doesn’t it?” He paused. “Speaking of which, why are you back in town?” He asked.  “Missed home.” You shrugged and he nodded, looking around. “Do you have a place to stay? I can drive you home. Sorry about Joe he’s kind of the local perv now.” He apologized and you laughed. “Well, now I know who to look out for.” You smiled. “And about the place to stay. . .’
Two knocks, then one, then three. The secret code.
You smiled, wiped off your hands on your apron and opened the door. It was Hopper. You smiled and let him in.  “Now, what in the world smells so good?” He asked, stepping into the cabin, wrapping his arms around you. “Just something for dinner for you and Jane. Or Elle. I’m not quite sure what she’s comfortable with now.” You added while Hopper was kissing his way down your neck and frankly, you were only paying attention with half a brain.  It had been six months since you moved in. Six months since last November and you were well aware of the whole Upside Down situation. It comforted you knowing the whole group was looking out for you, seeing as you were the newest.
 But the hardest part of it all was moving in with Hopper and Eleven. Or Jane. You loved her. She was beautiful and smart and had amazing powers with unbelievable potential. But you were unsure on where you stood with her. You were aware of all that had happened to her real mom and you prayed that she would even accept you in a similar light.  “That is so sweet of you. And good timing. There’s a surprise tonight.” You raised your eyebrows, smirked and pressed a chaste kiss to your boyfriend’s lips before turning away and clasping your hands together. “Okay, now, I am making food so you either can help or you can get out of the kitchen.” You walked back to the kitchen where ingredients were spread across the counter that was the cleanest Hopper had ever seen it.  He gave you a look and you couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was.
“Okay. . . What are you making?” He smiled, mulling over what you had out. “Three cheese chicken pasta dish. It was originally beef but I was very skeptical on how that would come out. Now I have all the ingredients all I really need you to do is make the pasta in a boiling saucepan of water and I’ll cook the chicken and we can prepare the sauce and I’ll handle the rest. Actually,” You turned and rested your back on the edge of the sink. “While you prepare the pasta, I’ll make the table nice.” You tapped your finger to your lip and stared almost mindlessly at the kitchen table.  “Can I ask why you’re doing all this?” He asked, though careful not to sound rude. “I just want to make a good impression on Jane. She’s your daughter now. In a way, she always has been. And I know how much that means to you- to both of you. And I wanted to do one thing special for her.” You explained and he smiled. “Besides, I realized I haven’t done anything for you since you let me move in.” You gave him a sad smile before he waved you off and wrapped you in his arms.  “Ah, that’s nonsense. You know I’ve loved you since Junior year. It really only felt like a little bit of a chore.” He teased and you smacked his chest. “Hey!” You giggled. “Only kidding, dear.” He smiled and leaned in, pressing his lips to yours.    Knock knock, knock, knock knock knock. The sound burst through the barely quiet room and Hopper stopped in his tracks from pulling out the pasta. You both looked at each other.  “It’s Eleven, Mike and Dustin here to drop her off.” You heard a voice from outside and you checked the time. It was eight.  You walked over to the door and opened it, smiling at the two boys and young girl. Elle’s face brightened at the sight of you and ran in to hug you. You hugged her back and turned your attention on the boys. “Thank you so much for making sure she got here safe.” You waved as they left and shouted, “No problem, Ms. Y/L/N!”
 Elle made her way to the kitchen and saw the table set up and the dish set in the middle. “What’s this?” She asked and you smiled at her.  “Dinner.”
 Everyone had eaten and you were watching Jane finish with Hopper’s hand resting on your knee. “Was it good?” You asked Elle and she nodded. “Good. I made it for you. I hoped you would.” You smiled and Hopper had barely even noticed Eleven’s reply. “Jane.” He said, turning his attention to his daughter. “Remember what we talked about?” He asked and it took her a second, but a light bulb went off in her head and her face brightened ten times over.  “Good.” Hopper said as he rose from the table and disappeared into his room. “He’ll be back.” She explained.
You fidgeted nervously, not knowing what this was about but you did know you had alone time with Jane and wanted to get something off of your chest. “Jane?” You asked and her attention turned towards you. “Yes?” She asked. “I want you to know, I did this to make sure you like me. I know that seems weird. But I really love your dad, Hopper. I really do. And well, in turn, I love you too. I want you to know I’m not trying to be your mom, your mama, I could never replace her. Ever. And I want you to know I’m not trying to. But I do hope I can help you learn and grow in any way I can. I really hope you understand.” You ranted and it felt like a weight had been lifted. You really wanted to get all of that off your shoulders and when you looked up from fidgeting hands, you saw her smiling at you, tears brimming. You smiled too and couldn’t help but get up and hug her, in which she returned the gesture. “I love you too.” She whispered and you nearly sobbed. The sound of footsteps entering the room again made you separate and you looked up to Hopper, who was making his way back to sit down. He looked between you two, saw your crying faces and smiled. “I think it’s time for dessert. Y/N, can you get it for us?” He asked and you nodded quickly. “Of course.” You got up and turned around, making your way to the fridge, where it was cooling. You had made a plate of Eggos, bananas, and Nutella, knowing Elle would love the combination of flavors.   When you shut the refrigerator door you nearly screamed. Hopper was kneeling on one knee and Eleven was standing at his side, one arm on his shoulder.”Y/N?” He began and you felt your eyes well up again. Setting aside the dessert, you covered your mouth. “In these many months, you have been such an amazing person to have in our lives and it’s a wonder you haven’t run away.” He laughed and pulled out a box. “And really, I never thought I’d do this again. Then again, I never thought I’d have a daughter again.” Hopped turned to Elle and you swore you saw a tear. “But, it happened. And now I want her to have a proper mother. Jane and I have talked it over, and she would be more than happy for you to fill that role. I care so much about you. Always have. And in the past six months, it’s made me realize how big of an idiot I was to let you go years ago. I love you, and I don’t plan on making that mistake again.” He ranted. Pulling open the box, a ring with two intertwined diamonds were inside. “Will you marry me?” He asked and you nodded, running to hug him. “Yes.” You cried, muffled into his shoulder and you felt Jane’s arms wrap around you. It was barely quiet for a moment when you heard her whisper. “Mama.”
hope you enjoyed!   @starscobe  @dark-as-love
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