#so pretty even as he puts on a brave face while he's dying
castiel · 8 months
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endless dean winchester - 99/∞
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sweetpandorabox · 1 year
Peter Pevensie as a Boyfriend ⚔️🛡️
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Warnings ⚠️: Slight mentioned of sexual themes and some spicy stuff.
Dating this incredibly attractive, loyal protector and brave older Pevensie sibling could include:
He's really protective of you and often expresses how much he loves and cares for you, so much so that if anyone even tries to come close to hurting you by words or physically he won't hesitate to eliminate them.
He's quite a gentleman and believes that he has to take care of all the ladies in his life including his Mother, Susan, Lucy, and especially you. He would offer his arm when the two of you are waking together, he would bow to you when he greets you and he never lets you carry anything, Peter has that timeless chivalry personality about him.
Sword fighting lessons with him only for it to turn into an extremally spicy make-out session after, because of the build-up of sexual tension over time and the fact that he always wins with him pinning you down on the floor without even trying.
You are the only one that can calm him down after he blows up after fighting with his sibling or is stressing out about ruling Narnia.
He would see you falling asleep nearby the entrance of the castle waiting for him to return from a patrol ride around Narnia which he finds to be the most precious thing, then he'll pick you up in his arm and carry you to sleep in his bedroom and not your own one.
He calls you cute nicknames like Darling, Pretty, Lovely, or Princess.
Likes when you call him Pete, Darling, Sugar, or Your Highness (He likes when you call him that because it sounds so seductive coming from your mouth).
His love language is probably Acts of Services, sure he loves a good PDA once in a while and all the things you both did together as a date, but he's a natural server and protector. He shows his love by protecting you, making sure you're fed well and healthy, or the little things like helping you take off your gown, brushing your hair for you, or helping bathe you.
Ask for your input before making a big decision because he trusts you and relies on you for support especially if he has to debate it with his siblings first.
Horseback riding around the beach in Cair Paravel to watch the sunset, but the both of you would ride and share one horse with you sitting and wrapping your arm around his torso, while he leads the horse.
Whenever he sees you doing something and looks about busy he comes up behind you, and turns you to face him by spinning you around by the waist before caressing your cheek softly and then pulling you into a sweet yet passionate kiss.
He requests you specifically when he's hurt/injured after a battle or some tough fight training days to take care of him, like cleaning his wounds, being there to kiss him, holding his hand to lessen the pain, or performing some oral sex on him if he's in the mood (😏) instead of choosing his other loyal servants.
The two of you are always smiling around each other before it erupts into a fit of laughter out of nowhere ending up with you and Pete on the floor dying.
Lucy and Edmund would catch the both of you kissing or showing PDA somewhere then they'd look at each other and get grossed out saying "Eww" or "Get a room you two, there's a billion inside this castle", then you and Pete would somehow share the same mindset and start teasing them by kissing even more, or exaggerating the PDA until both Lucy and Edmund can't take anymore and run off, giving you and Pete a good laugh after.
When it comes to sex he's very gentle with you making sure to put you first before himself, despite how much you drive him crazy with lust because of how attractive you are to him, so it's mostly slow, passionate sex but he does love giving you a good hickey mark all over your neck and chest area or when you give him a bit of ear play to get him turned on.
He's actually quite funny intentionally most of the time and can be quite sassy as well which you find hilarious especially when he's annoyed, hungry, or frustrated.
Let's you wear and steal his white long-sleeve tunic for bed instead of proper pajamas because it looks adorable on you and fits slightly larger.
He falls for your cute puppy eyes every time, even if he says no multiple times or refuses your request at this moment it always works and he always says "Oh come on don't do this to me Darling" but then you'd plead and he would sigh before smiling and boom he says yes.
He never goes to sleep without solving a fight and he wouldn't let you sleep either until the both of you have a makeup kiss.
He doesn't seem to be the jealous type on the inside because he hides it so well from you, but when he sees someone staring at you for more than 5 seconds he rolls his eyes and kisses you out of nowhere.
@igncrantbliss @milivanili99 @thatdummy-girl @nighttimemoonlover
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taggedmemes · 5 months
we were running for our lives.
you led them straight to us.
ah, backstabbing. feels just like home.
this woman saved your pathetic life.
anything to save yourself, you coward.
arrogant prick had it out for me from day one.
coming back to this hellhole was a mistake.
i'd rather face another round of goblins than stay in this pit.
whatever your business, i'd see to it quickly.
you're brave to walk around without hiding your heritage.
we've known enough grief this tenday.
saw you fighting those slimy bastards.
it ain't much, but it might make a difference.
you'll need every bit of strength, trust me.
there isn't a bit of color in those cheeks.
even on a good day, half the camp acts like a bunch of screaming brats.
i'm tempted to smack them all on the backside.
you aren't gonna shoot me — your hands are shaking.
you're better than this.
those words could be your last.
i can't do it, i'm not like you.
i don't need you to be like me.
could just be good luck, but sooner or later it's bound to run out.
lives are at stake and the cowards only care about their bloody rituals.
those dirt-kissers would let us die.
i'll go where i please.
rare and intriguing on a day already packed with intrigue.
there's no overstating my disinterest.
i was concentrating on not dying.
you've proven your authority, now prove your mercy.
let's just clear the air about that now.
it's just an old wound that hurts me from time to time.
it's just something i have to live with.
what is youth if not a time to be forgiven for one's transgressions.
putting a child on display like that was monstrous.
she wasn't innocent, but that doesn't mean she was guilty.
our hospitality have its limits and they were crossed long ago.
you seem like a good soul.
you deserve a chance to save yourself.
you can't cure what you don't understand.
doubt we'll be safe here for long.
he's back with his tail between his legs.
you're the first bit of good faith we've had.
his confidence is an asset.
i thought we had something special.
i'll spend my evenings lounging here while you do all the hard work.
be wary of false promises.
more riddles from my resident jester.
i speak only what requires telling.
finally, some good fortune.
this could be our last night together.
we could find somewhere discreet right now.
brambles on bare skin aren't as fun in practice.
i can't afford to tire you out.
will this little adventure of ours be over?
will you miss me?
you've been to hells and back.
i'm not easily impressed by people, but you're stronger than i gave you credit for.
i am pretty impressive.
i was leagues away.
i just need to get some air, clear my head.
the moonlight shines warmly on us.
do you think me so sheltered?
something's special about us.
i'll not gamble our lives on people who are as good as dead.
if something happens to these people, it's on us.
i suggest you do as she says.
the last time a subordinate questioned my judgement, i ate tongue stew that very night.
you ought to reconsider keeping her around, before she causes real trouble.
if you've finished scowling at me, what comes next?
you ever scare me like that again, and i'll feed you to a gnoll.
i don't make a habit of threatening children.
i'd thought one like you might understand.
when a threat makes itself known, you remove it.
you showed great mettle.
you will do more than speak.
this tale ends but one way.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
rough time atm but i am momentarily back on my bullshit
once again, hybrid steddie. what’s new. BUT.
hybrid alpha wolf!steddie who are pretty much just a slightly tweaked version of their puppy!counterparts!! instead of just soft eyes and pouty lips when they want something, they’ll put out a subtle scent into the air too!! (they swear it works)
reader who adopts em from a shelter ofc, and even tho sweet reader is just a silly little human, she’s their silly little human <33. it’s like a shiny new toy to them - they wanted you as soon as you walked into the shelters doors (and eddie swears down that he put out a very very strong scent and that’s what must’ve lured you over to them, but steve swears it was how soft he was with you and the fact that he let you pet his ears so quickly and made his face go all pink and soft and honeyed that reeled you in, especially considering your more shy or reserved nature).
reader who (just like me fr) is a bit oblivious and ignorant without meaning to be. they can get away with so so much purely just because reader doesn’t really realise what they’re doing.
they know that technically scenting someone directly is a mate thing, they know, okay. but when one day, steve feels a particularly powerful burst of affection for you and he swipes and nuzzles his face over your neck to scent you hard, and all you do in return is giggle and squirm a bit cus it was tickly, eddies eyes go from mad/shocked, to knowing once he realises they can actually get away with something they’ve been dying to do. when they bring their spit and tongues into the occasion with licking and grooming through, that’s when they have to be smarter on the spot as you pull away confused. we’re just kissing you! it’s meant to be soothing!! try have a nap while we do it, swear it’ll help!
they scramble into ur bed with u as soon as they can - starts off with em just tumbling into it every morning to wake u up, and for talks every night before bed, until they go for the big one and manage to sneakily start sleeping in bed with you. and they’ll force their clothes and blankets on you casually all the time too, and before every outing they’ll beg for ‘big brave hugs’ because the outside world can be scary with so many people, and all they seem to want to do is nest stay in, and they’ll do some sneaky swipes of their tongues and rub themselves as much as they can get away with on you as a mark that anyone else needs to back off.
wolf alphas steddie who think you just scream mate. they try and treat you like an omega even if you’re only a human. sometimes they get frustrated because you’ll never go through heats, and a heat is like, a prime time for an alpha to prove and provide for his omega :(( so they decide to try and do it the human way. flashing their bodies a bit more, stretching their necks to show off their blank mating mark area hoping that you subconsciously know why, if worst comes to worst, they’ll try and get your kind nature to help them out. like, they plead that they just need someone small and soft and cuddly to belong to, and to care for, and it’s cemented officially if that someone has matching bites in their neck, so.. okay if we can’t bite you, please bite us instead :(( we know you won’t do it deep enough to count or to hurt, but please???
and if reader obliges it makes things worse bc she has teenie little fangs in her natural human teeth that if she tried hard enough, could pierce their mating glands
maybe one goes into rut before the other (whichever hasn’t been dealing with the situation the best), and readers just scrambling and lost. the other guiding her into exactly what to do, to go into the room with them both because can’t she hear him whimpering and making all that noise??? he needs her?????
n if reader goes along with it for whatever reasoning, it sends the other straight into a rut too. god help her if they try and knot her, the jealousy is something she’s never dealt with regarding them before because they’re so good at sharing, she’ll need to reassure one that he’ll get to knot while the other is trying to go to town and get her undivided attention - which will just further trigger their combative alpha tendencies even more. maybe one of em manages to sneakily bite down where her mating gland would be in a moment of delirious haze, and seeing the bruise that seems to last forever finally is enough for em. they’d definitely constantly be calling you hybrid omega related names, despite reader reminding them she’s not
[ie me having a tiny scenario in my head of the first time one of em tries to lay an omega nickname on her, and reader just tilting her head to the side -ironic omega move- and explaining that she’s a human, as if they weren’t painfully aware. equal parts endearing as it is frustrating. steve definitely just keeps repeating it. that frustrated almost stern stare he does with his hands on his hips. omega. steve??im human Omega. no, stevie remember im not— omega. till reader just gives in
cw: hybrid au with wolf hybrid!eddie and wolf hybrid!steve. don't like don't read, or block the tag 'hybrid au' below. hybrid au faq
this post is 18+, minors dni.
first of all i <3 u and i hope you feel better soon!!
second.. mmh. there is something so special to me about wolf hybrids!eddie and steve... especially steve mskgnsjfn he's so <3333
no bc they probably think they're like these big strong predator-type wolves, all sharp teeth and low growls, but you step into the shelter and by god those are two sweet puppies. ofc you tell them that sometime and they get all >:O WE'RE BIG STRONG ADULT MEN >:O and you're like yeah but you're cute :( and they can't say no to you </3
eddie 'putting out a scent' does it even work? do we know? i think it'd be funny if he was convinced he was actually doing something and if in reality he was just Sitting There :] but you wander over to their little area and steve smiles at you so you decide to say hi! and he's definitely very friendly and happy to meet you! he's cautious, bc while he's normally very proud of being a big scary wolf, he doesn't want to scare you. so he's ducking his head for you to feel carefully at his ears, and when you pet them he gets all blushy and pinkkk i'm going crazy :(( <33 eddie's probably more cautious, watching how you interact with steve and how you react to him n stuff before he gives you a chance to really meet him too, but by the end of your visiting hour you've got them hooked. whether you take them home that day or not, they're already yours.
no bc the first time they ever really purposefully scent you it does tickle!! steve just buries his face in your neck and smooshes and rubs and smears and it's so tickly and sweet that you can't help but giggle :') and he's a little surprised by it, too, so he and eddie just stare at each other like.. oh yeah <3
from then on, watch out. you're never free, you're never safe, there will always be a threat of someone's face in your neck. they do have to be careful with licking you, though, bc the first time they do it ur like.. wtf was that.. and they're like oh honey nothing :] it's just a hybrid thing, it's nothing special. is it okay? and when you know that it's instinct you're fine with it, but they're careful from then on just in case it weirds you out, which it doesn't after the first few times.
they're such bed hogs!!! every single morning they come and wake you up and steal your covers and every single night they come in and talk your ear off and snuggle you to sleep :') eventually, they just close the gap and spend the night in your bed, but I hope you have at least a queen because nothing else is big enough to fit all three of you. even if you do have a queen they're big guys and it's definitely a stretch, you'll have to cuddle really close to be comfy together :')
it's funny to you bc you buy them the clothes but they make you wear them all the time?? you're like steve i bought this 'cause i thought you'd like it. and he's pulling it over your head like babe i love it. wdym. this is my favorite hoodie. and you're ????????
if you ever have to go out without them, like to meet with your friends or maybe do some quick grocery shopping or whatever, they're alwaysss smothering you first, getting their stink all over you </33 it's just bc they're deathly afraid of losing you to someone else, bc obviously they love you so much and have since they first laid eyes on you, so who's to say that no one else would?
they'd never ever ever ever think you were less than or lacking just bc you're not an omega/hybrid in general, but they are bummed sometimes that they can't fulfill your needs like they could if you were one. but ofc never fear, they can always just treat you like an omega anyways! and i mean full on we will do everything to make you happy/comfortable/fulfilled, they would rip the foundation of your house off the ground and move it a million miles if you suddenly decided you wanted to live by the beach.
no honestly them stretching all the time and showing off for you doesn't catch your attention because you suddenly have a huge database on hybrid lore, it's because they're fucking hot lmfao. they're always flexing their necks around you for some reason?? and their necks look amazing. it's so easy to get caught staring at them and they're like holy shit it's working!! and you're like holy shit they're hot lmfao. and omg i have little teenie fangs too!!! they definitely fixate on them and u didn't hear this from me but they've jacked off thinking about you biting them with your little fangs before <3
mmf the thoughts in my head about their first heat/rut......... steve harrington's breeding kink is (i'm fairly certain) a registered and frequent AO3 tag, so if eddie gets to knot you first, just bc he happened to be the first one to stick his dick inside of you?? hell no. he's huffing and puffing and growling and groaning while eddie fucks into you like a jackhammer, and it's all you can do to keep your attention on steve long enough to console him. they're grumbling and snapping at each other but eventually eddie decides it's not up for debate anymore, and he's just going to make the most out of fucking you for the first time. so he's sucking at your throat, nipping at your neck, making out with you like his life depends on you swallowing his tongue, and you're practically gagging on it, looking up at steve with desperate, teary eyes, trying to promise him that he can go next. just the thought of eddie trying his damndest to take up all of your attention at once, fucking you so hard and so desperately while you try clinging onto the idea of comforting steve.... i'm actually drooling i think.
wolf hybrid steddie will not stop calling you omega related nicknames just because you aren't one... they can't be stopped, especially not when you are endearingly omega-like <3
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sollattes · 8 months
I dont remember if i had sent another request before but here i am again 🥺💕 If requests are open, CAN I ASK FOR ONE FOR MY PRECIOUS TSUJI 😭😭 IT CAN BE ANYTHING YOU WANT BUT IM DYING FOR ENEMIES TO LOVERS ONES AHHSJDJE LOVE YAA 💕💕💕🥰
Flirting with the enemy
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tsuji x himuro!reader
note: reader considers ghandi as her brother even though they are not blood related, so that's why it's "brothers"
You were part of the kamasaka gang as your brothers were leading it, but not as someone who fights, no. Hell no. Both reiji and ghandi would rather die than have you with even just a single bruise, but as their 'healer' or 'doctor' of some sort.
One thing you didn't really expect was both of your brothers to beaten up this badly though you already knew that the whole 'three-school-alliance' was bullshit since the 'leader' of it is an intolerable asshole.
"I don't know if the two of you are really dumb, really brave, or really bravely stupid" you scolded them while handing ghandi an ice pack then putting more ointment on reiji's bruised lip.
"You can say both," reiji flashed a shit-eating-grin and then followed by ghandi's laugh of agreement, but both of them quickly shut up when they saw your glare directed towards them.
You just sighed dissapiontedly and rolled your eyes at them, then continued on treating reiji while from time to time checking in ghandi.
Looking at your med supplies, you were short on bandages and alcohol so you quickly informed your brothers about it and then went to the pharmacy to at least stock up a bit.
In the store you were met with one of the dudes that your brothers talked to you about, it was the dude with the braids, and as usual, he was with his two other friends, todoroki? Was the glasses guy's name and the big dude you absolutely have no idea what's his name.
You avoided them skillfully like the plague, though fate was not on your side, and you bumped into 'braids guy', making the things that the both of you were holding fall onto the ground.
You bumped into tsuji's chest quite hard that it made grunt in pain.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, omg. Are you okay?" You apologised profusely, helping him pick up the things that fell.
"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry," tsuji assured you, then also bent down to help pick the things that were on the ground.
While helping him pick up the things that fell, your hands softly grazed at each other, and both of you met eyes after feeling the contact and just softly smiled at each other
Tsuji did not expect his chest to throb again after getting beaten up by ebera, but this time, it was not from pain but from being flustered on how pretty you are.
Now that you were seeing him this close, he was really pretty even with small bruises scattered in his face.
Both todoroki and Shiba looked around to look for tsuji as he was taking too long in the bandages Isle. They found the both of you just quietly flirting with each other with your glances and quiet laughs. Shiba tried to call tsuji but just got ignored. Then both Shiba and Todo just made a knowing look with each other and just decided to leave tsuji alone with you.
"I'm really sorry again, I didn't look where I was going," you sheepishly smiled at him and picked the last of your things on the ground.
"Like I said, it's totally fine," tsuji handed the last of your dropped things, then put his hands on his pockets.
"Hey, look, how about I make up to you? I know there's a really good takoyaki spot nearby," you offered tsuji while paying at the counter.
You really do wanna make it up to him, totally not because you want to get to know him. No, not that all. And plus, your brothers would probably kill this guy if they ever find out you hung out with him.
Of course, tsuji agreed since he also wanted to get to know you better, and the opportunity presented itself, so who was he to deny that.
After exiting the pharmacy, both of you went to the takoyaki store that you were talking about. When both of you were done buying, you found a park stair and decided that you would just chill there and talk with him, considering you still don't know each other's names
While eating takoyaki with tsuji, you found out a lot of things about him, and both of you have a lot in common.
Being so ingrossed with your conversation with tsuji, you didn't notice the time, but it was already too late, reiji and ghandi were already looking for you.
Reiji and ghandi were already turning the city upside down to look for you.
Once reiji spotted you with tsuji, he immediately saw red. The rage hat reiji felt was immeasurable.
Tsuji did not care if reiji was threatening him. All he cared at that moment was you, he coudnt even hear reiji's voice anymore once he met your teary and afraid eyes.
"Reiji please just stop, it was my fault too please stop let's just go," you pleaded not knowing why you want to protect tsuji but still you'll feel responsible if ever got hurt.
"YOU STAY AWAY FROM THEM YOU FUCKING OYA SCUM," your brother gave one last warning to tsuji and dragged you away from there.
You left tsuji with one last apologetic glance before letting your brother drag you back in order not to cause further commotion.
Tsuji fought hard to not go after you, though by doing that he'll just cause a scene more so for now he won't do anything but he'll make sure that this won't your last meeting, he doesn't care if reiji would destroy as long as he can see you everything will be worth it.
note: Hey, babes ! I don't really know how to write enemies to lovers, so I wrote this instead. I'm also sorry of its late . hope you still like it.
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13phantom13angel13 · 6 months
Tickle bat fam hcs!!!
You got it! I’ll be 100% honest, there are a few characters I’m not very familiar with so I’m going to focus on the ones I am.
Dick, my bubbly ray of sunshine. Our sweet summer child. This dude is hella ticklish. Like you just give him The Look, and he’ll start giggling. Pretty ticklish everywhere, but I HC his thighs are a killer spit. Especially the backs of them. He’ll go ballistic if anyone tickles the back of his thighs. Full on tears, red faced, wheezing silent laughter. He will think he’s dying lol also the resident tickle monster of the family. It doesn’t matter to him who or where you are or what you’re doing. He will find you and he will tickle you. He’s RUTHLESS. Only one who has managed to take him down so far has been Jason. Even Bruce is no match for him.
Jason, my beloved angry boy. Love him to pieces 😂 tickling him is one sure fire way to simultaneously piss him off and cheer him up. I hc he’s the most ticklish out of the batboys. Like Dick, you give him The Look, and he starts smiling nervously or giggling. Wiggle your fingers at him and he’ll start laughing. I think he would go completely weak when he’s tickled. I also hc that his hips are his death spot. He can NOT handle it. He will scream. He will cry. He will not be able to move a muscle to stop it. That is the go to spot to get him to give in to whatever you want. Go for Red Hood’s hips and he is putty in your hands. All of his siblings tickle him just to get a rise out of him. They find it very amusing. Dick is usually the one he pays back once he gets fed up since he knows he’s the ringleader of the tickle attacks. Shows absolutely no mercy to his victims. He does have a reputation to uphold.
Tim, my sweet insomniac child. Poor kid is a walking tickle spot himself. I hc that his feet are his death spot. YOU WILL GET KICKED IN THE FACE IF YOURE NOT CAREFUL. Usually gets tickled when he hasn’t slept in a while (we all know it’s pretty often). Tickling wears him out enough to put him to sleep for damn near 24 hours. Usually tries to avoid being tickled but…that doesn’t happen lmfao once someone sees he’s had more than three cups of coffee or numerous energy drinks, it’s on like Donkey Kong. Dude straight up gets tears in his eyes after like ten seconds of being tickled. He straight up can’t handle it. Much like Jason, he’ll give in pretty quickly to anyone’s demands if they tickle him. But for him, it doesn’t matter where you tickle, he’ll give in after a few seconds.
Damian, our resident hellspawn. He will deny being ticklish to his grave, even while he’s laughing his ass off while someone is tickling him. Little dude gets VIOLENT when someone tickles him unless you go for his ribs. It’s like a neutralizing spot lmfao tickle his ribs, he’ll go limp. He, as well, avoids getting tickled at all costs but no one is ever safe in the manor. Ever. He doesn’t get tickled very often, but when he does, blood is drawn. Dick now has TWO scars from being bitten by the hellion. He was warned. He didn’t listen. He paid the price lol Damian doesn’t play around.
Last but not least! Bruce, the bat himself. He’s actually really good at hiding the fact that he’s ticklish but those who are close to him know damn well how ticklish he actually is. So far, aside from Alfred, Dick, Jason, and Clark are the only ones brave enough to target him. Will retribution be had? Oh absolutely. But it’s so worth it to hear Bruce laugh. I hc his death spot is his stomach. He will laugh so hard and so loud it’s unbelievable. It’s very contagious. Anyone who tickles him there will eventually start laughing themselves. Dick and Clark like to use it against him when he’s being overly grumpy or serious. It brightens his mood and he smiles for hours afterwards.
Anyways, that’s all I got for now! I hope you enjoyed! Have a lovely day/night/whatever it may be for your, friend! ❤️
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clinicsharmartia · 2 months
This is a DELAYED character review. I know what’s going to happen to them in s2. I’m saying this as to say that I’m fully aware of the dramatic irony of some of these character reviews 😭 also this is a transcript from an audio I sent to my friends when I actually finished S1 so I’m sorry if some bits don’t make sense. I’ve edited a bit but not entirely.
Rick Grimes: 10/10. He is an amazing person, he’s an even more amazing father. He's selfless, kind, gentle, understanding, caring, protective, loving, brave and so much more. The relationship that he has with people around him is so nice to watch. Him owning up to things immediately without knowing how people react is such a nice characteristic about him that I really hope he doesn't lose. He’s just— ugh I love him. I can’t wait to see how his character progresses and how his relationships change.
Lori Grimes: 9/10. She's an amazing mother. She's an amazing wife. She is a good person who is trying her best. So many people hate on Lori Grimes because she ‘cheated’ with Shane. He was a rebound. If I was in her situation I would do the same. You get told that your husband is dead during the apocalypse, which means he’s DEAD, never coming back, and you’re forced to live in the woods with your only son who only looking up to you in this moment. It is such a devastating situation to be in. You’re mourning and grieving while trying to keep your only son safe in this horrible horrible world and the next best thing to your husband, the closest thing your him, walks up to you to give you comfort, protection and security. Of course she would turn to him. Of course she would sleep with him. I would do the same thing. And the guilt on her face, you know she regrets it so much. She's so kind and sweet and protective. I know it's not gonna be for very long unfortunately but from what we have with Lori Grimes I cannot wait to see her progression in the show a character, as a mother, and as a wife.
Carl Grimes: 10/10. I'm pretty sure I teared up a bit when I first saw him on screen because he's just so little he's just a baby it's just a little baby boy he is so small. My maternal instincts kicked in fucking immediately when I saw him on screen. He's just a little kid and this is what I love about Carl Grimes. He is accurate representation of what happens of what would happen if you put a child in the apocalypse and then them having to go through puberty during the apocalypse. I am so fucking excited to see his character progression. I cannot wait for him to be sassy. I love him mwah.
Shane Walsh: -10/10. I know we need characters like him in these types of media, and I know that he was an important part of the plot, and I KNOW that he is a well written character, but I hate him so much. The only time I want him on screen is when he’s dying. The only time I want to see him open is mouth is when he’s screaming in agony. I hate him. Disgusting filth.
Daryl Dixon: 8/10. He's a very very funny character with a lot of baggage but he’s so loving and caring, just in his own ways. You can really tell that he wants to protect everyone there and that his act is just an act because he can’t admit to loving anyone. He’s a complex character and I like it a lot. Also, the way that people treat him in this season is so horrible. You come back after hunting for the group of people that you have decided you were going to look after and you see this guy rock up and he says “yeah your brother? yeah I left him for dead after I locked him up to a metal pipe on the top of a roof in the sweltering heat surrounded by zombies LOL. I'm Rick Grimes by the way” and people get upset with him getting angry at that? Then, people are saying you shouldn’t go and find him because no one likes him. And then you go after him anyways BECAUSE HES YOUR BROTHER and you find his SEVERED HAND instead. And then you come back and your camp gets attacked by walkers and one of your camp mates get bit, and when you say you should kill him to prevent any pain or suffering, people call you crazy and weird. WTF! Wtaf. Daryl is getting so much hate from them like what. Anyways I love Daryl, I can’t wait to see how his character develops and how his relationships change, and how he adapts to the new environments and people (because we all know what he’s like).
Glenn Rhee: 9/10. Glenn is an amazing guy. He's funny, a bit stupid and has some great lines as well. He's very smart, very valuable and his humanity and compassion is what really makes me love him. He saw a random stranger surrounded by zombies and instead of doing what he was supposed to do he took time out of his mission time out of that situation to save him. What could've very much gotten him killed to help the stranger. And then the stranger comes back and makes him do something that he really doesn't want to do (covering yourself in blood and guts and gore and walking through a street of zombies which could very much kill you in a second is not something he wants to do) but he does it anyways because he does it for the people that he cares about. Then he comes back to camp and the whole ambush happens and they're about to burn one of the camp members bodies and he yells at them and he says “we don't burn our people we bury them”. That line made me so so emotional and it means so much to me that they added that in because it is such an emotional and beautiful line for me. It honestly really highlights him as a character and the humanity and compassion he carries even after everything. I really loved him again. I can't wait to see his character progression, I can't wait to see how his relationships progress as well and how his skills are able to be used in the long run.
Dale: 8/10. I really love him. He’s a great guy doing his very best to try and teach and help the group. He is the word of wisdom, he is the one you look to for guidance. I absolutely adore him. Although, dragging Andrea out of suicide was not great, didn’t like that. Can’t wait to see how he’ll help the group in the future.
Andrea: 6/10. She is a little bit annoying, but she seems quite smart. I don't like how she treats certain people though. Like, I can't explain it but the way she goes about some things just urk me really bad. I think she has a lot of room for improvement, but right now she's okay. I want to see what she can bring to the table though.
Carol: 9/10. BAD ASS BITCH. She is amazing and funny and trying her best. I cannot wait to see her healing process and how her relationships change and how her skills develop. I love her.
T-DOG: 7/10. He's cool, I like him a lot. You can tell that he's trying his best and he has a nice voice. I think he can do a lot of good for the group in the later seasons as we can see that he's already helped quite a bit. Also, his loving and caring nature is really nice to see. Merle called him a racial slur and threatened to hurt him and still he went back to chain the door shut so he could have a chance to survive. He's super cool.
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supermarvel-fics · 2 years
Take It Easy
word count: 3,900
pairing: bucky x reader (established marriage) - no pronouns used
cw: angst, hurt/comfort, mentions and depictions of blood and violence
summary: Bucky gets hurt on a mission and you have to remind him not to constantly put himself in harms way.
author's note: I know I just posted a fic like 5 days ago, but I loved this prompt so much that I was so eager to write it! Plus, I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow and I'll be on a hiatus for a week, so this should compensate. Thank you to the sweet anon who asked for some lee!bucky! It's been one of my faves to write. Hope you enjoy :)
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“You’re hurt,” You stated in distress. Bucky’s hand covered the wound, but blood was steadily dripping from between his fingers. Frantically looking between the stab wound and his face, you reached your own hand out and placed it on top of his for the added pressure.
“I’m alright,” Bucky grunted, taking sharp breaths to keep himself from extending his abdomen. With him, you walked at a steady pace to get him onto the quinjet where Stephen awaited him. “It’s not that deep.”
“Not that deep?!” You shouted in disbelief. “Bucky, you just got stabbed! Just because you’re a super soldier doesn’t mean you’re immune from dying! Dismissing my feelings about this is—”
“Doll, doll, doll!” Bucky cut you off frantically as you reached the medical bay. He turned to you, eyes mirroring how wide yours were. “I meant the wound. The wound isn’t that deep.”
He hit the button on the wall to open the med bay doors, awkwardly shuffling inside with you basically attached to him. “It feels pretty deep, Buck,” You replied—your voice having gone back to its natural volume. “There’s blood everywhere.”
“What happened?” Dr. Strange asked, putting away his magazine and standing tall to rush over to Bucky.
“Enemy ambush. Didn’t even see ‘em coming,” Bucky explained. He pulled his hand away from his stomach, receiving a gasp from you in response when the accumulating blood spilled onto the floor.
“NOT THAT DEEP?” You yelled again, but Bucky knew it was more from fear than it was out of anger. You were scared, that was valid.
“Okay, okay, let’s put pressure on that,” Stephen guided Bucky’s hand back over the stab wound while he scrambled to find some gauze. You gently pushed him over to the table, helping him sit on it carefully. Unclasping his armor, you undressed Bucky to the best of your ability, keeping your gaze on his sliced abdomen. “You may want to leave the room for this.”
Your eyes snapped up to meet Stephen’s with a fury burning behind them. “If you think I’m going to leave my husband, then you would be sorely mistaken, Stephen.”
“Doll, maybe he’s right. The team could really use your help now that I’m out,” Bucky said with a reassuring tone and lacing his metal fingers with your fleshy ones. “I’ll be okay.”
“I’m fi—”
“I said no,” You seethed through clenched teeth. You let go of his hand to pull a chair up next to the medical table, plopping yourself down on it before interlocking your fingers with his. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Bucky and Strange looked between you and each other, silently having a conversation. It ultimately ended with Bucky shaking his head and Strange shrugging as he got the syringe with the anesthetic, but you didn’t seem to notice. You were too focused on the crimson red blood seeping from Bucky’s stomach.
“Hey,” Your husband shook your hand to get your attention. Reluctantly tearing your eyes away from the wound, you looked to Bucky, who was surprised to see you with tears glazing them over. They hadn’t fallen, but they were there. You, normally stoic and brave-hearted, seemed to be a moment away from crying. “I’m okay.”
You sniffed and turned your head to look back on what Stephen was doing, but Bucky put a stop to that quickly.
“No, no, eyes up here. Look at me,” He said sweetly. When you met his gaze again, Bucky smiled and rubbed his thumb over the top of your hand. “Hi. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” You whispered back. Bucky brought your hand up to his face, placing a quick kiss then nudging it with his nose. This side of Bucky—the soft side of him—was only reserved for you. Only you got to see Bucky’s defenses come down and only you got the sweet and playful side of him that he kept hidden.
The same could be said for you. You were a hardened and brooding agent, never openly showing your emotions. It was possibly why Bucky fell in love with you when you two first met. Maybe he saw a bit of himself in you or maybe he just thought you were beautiful. He never explained. You never asked. It didn’t matter. Bucky was yours and he would always be yours.
“Talk to me,” Bucky demanded softly. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”
Biting the inside of your cheek, you willed yourself not to let those godforsaken tears fall, but the exact second you opened your mouth to speak, they slipped from your waterline along with a suppressed sob.
“I—” Barely one word and your voice cracked. That was it. You stopped trying to hold it in and instead, let your emotions envelope you. It was almost refreshing; you hadn’t cried like this in years nor have you felt such fear. “It juhust kind of h-hit me th-that…”
Bucky squeezed your hand tighter in response. “What hit you, doll?”
“That you’re not invincible,” you cried. “You won’t live forever no matter h-how much I w-want you to. You can get hurt just like the rest of us and that just because you’re a super soldier, that d-doesn’t mean you are immune to knives and bullets!”
By this point, you’d completely let your body feel the hurt and the fear of losing your husband, taking a peek at Strange’s work just to make sure everything was okay. He’d quickly and carefully cleaned the gash and was halfway finished with the stitches.
“Sweetheart, I’m fi—”
“Don’t you dare say you’re fine, James,” You hissed, whipping your head back towards him. “You could have died today.”
Bucky was taken aback by the use of his first name. You never used that name. It didn’t matter if you were upset or angry with him—the only time you’d ever said his first name was when you stood up on the altar and said your vows. So, hearing it come through your lips laced with malice was shocking.
“I can die any day,” He calmly told you. “Not one day that we live is promised. I got hurt today and unfortunately, you were here to witness it, but it’s no different than the life-threatening actions we put ourselves through month after month.”
Bucky let go of your hand to reach his arm out, wiping your tears away with his thumb. Your skin tingled as his warm skin touched yours. It was warm, meaning that he was alive. That’s all that mattered.
“You’re right. Just because I’m a super soldier, that doesn’t mean I’m immortal, but it does mean that I can handle a lot more than the average human being,” Bucky continued. “This stab wound? It’s a cut. That’s all.”
“He’s right,” Stephen spoke up, looping the last stitch through Bucky’s skin. “This was a surface wound to him. Had it been us, we’d probably be dead on the floor.”
Bucky twisted his head, shooting daggers at the sorcerer for being so insensitive, but was genuinely surprised to hear a giggle come from your lips.
“That’s soho not fuhunny, Stephen,” You chuckled, drying the remainder of your tears.
“Seems to me like it was,” He smirked as he applied the final dressing to Bucky’s stomach. “You’re all done here. Get some rest. Come see me in 7 days.”
Bucky hummed his response, sitting up with a tiny grunt and throwing his legs over the side of the table to face you.
“See? Good as new,” He gestured to his torso with a grin. You matched it, sighing in relief. “I will not be dying today.”
“Mm, you still might,” You replied with a shake of your head. “You scared me to death today. I should kill you for that.”
Leaning forward, you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, relishing in the way it still felt like the first time you kissed him. That fire, that spark—it was there even 4 years married.
“It won’t happen again, madame,” Bucky whispered against your mouth before kissing you once more.
“Alright, out of the med bay unless there’s a medical emergency,” Strange shooed the two of you. “You’re making me sick.”
Snickering, you stood from your chair and helped Bucky from the table, pulling his shirt over his head. The two of you made your way out and back to the front of the jet just as the rest of team had started filing in.
“Buck!” Steve bellowed, marching over to him. “What happened? You disappeared on me, man!”
“I’m fine, now. I was stabbed, I got stitches, end of story.”
Steve looked over to you warily. “Is he telling the truth?”
Bucky scoffed prior to you answering. “He’s sugar-coating it. It was bad, but he’s all fixed up. I made sure of it.”
You guided Bucky to a seat and sat yourself next to him. For the third time that day, you interlocked your fingers with his and let yourself take in the feeling of his calloused hands. He was there and for now, at least, he wasn’t going anywhere.
That thought kept swirling around in your head, bringing you enough comfort to fall asleep on Bucky’s shoulder for the duration of the ride home.
The days that followed, you waited on Bucky hand and foot. He assured you that you didn’t have to—he was fully capable of making his own coffee—but he didn’t argue with you. If it gave you a piece of mind, he’d let you have it. And to be honest, it was nice to be cared for.
His body had healed itself quicker than expected, but you were still worried that any strenuous activity would be the end of the line for him. It wasn’t until week 2 that he had to put a stop to it.
“Doll, please,” Bucky grabbed your hands as you went to tie his shoes for him. “You have to stop.”
You looked up at him with that signature pout he hated loved so much before standing straight.
“I’m good as new. I’m cleared to train and go back out into the field,” He told you with a sympathetic smile. “I appreciate you always taking care of me, really, but I’m alright now.”
“Sorry, I just don’t want you to get hurt again,” You intertwined your fingers into his. Bucky chuckled and stood up to match your height, towering a couple inches taller.
“Well, I’m not going to die tying my shoes,” He commented prior to kissing you on the forehead. “Will you let me go train now?”
“Hm, I don’t know. Will you promise me that you’ll go easy on yourself and if you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable, you’ll call it a day?” You batted your eyelashes at him in that way you always did to get him to agree to do something he really had no interest in doing. Bucky groaned, but felt a grin tugging at his lips.
“Ugh, yes, I will. I promise.”
He surged forward to kiss you, but you pressed your forefinger to his mouth before he could. “And don’t think you can get away with anything. I can always ask Steve or even show up there myself.”
“Yes, dear,” He drawled out, placing a short peck to your finger. Quickly, you replaced it with your lips, sending him off to his first training session.
In retrospect, you knew he’d be okay. Bucky was tough and could obviously handle things other people couldn’t, but the day he got hurt instilled a fear in you that you hadn’t been prepared for. Going into this line of work, you knew that your life was a gift—a privilege. Every mission you and the rest of the team embark on could be your last.
But no one had ever come close to losing their life. Not until that day and, of course, it was Bucky. He’d always been the one to put his life on the line to save others. It was something about him that you absolutely hated, but you couldn’t fault him for. He had one of the biggest hearts known to man, even if he never outwardly showed it.
You were thankful that he saved Wanda, really you were, but the fear that swallowed you whole that day still lingered. So, you compensated by doing everything for him. You knew it was pointless and unnecessary, but it helped ease your mind. Bucky had completely healed days ago, you knew, but you continued anyway because it was the only thing keeping you from completely unraveling.
Becoming more anxious by the second, you made your way to the gym to watch Bucky silently. You weren’t going to make your presence known – all you needed was to see him. It was more for you than it was to keep an eye on him.
You watched in awe as he swiftly sparred with Steve, pinning him to the ground with almost no effort. Bucky didn’t seem to notice, but you saw the way Steve pulled his punches. He was nervous, too.
Knowing that there was someone there with him that would keep your husband safe, you left and sauntered back to your bedroom.
Busying yourself with paperwork, you waited for Bucky to return and the hour and a half that it should have taken him, shortened to an hour.
He opened the bedroom door with a creak. “Hey, doll.” He shuffled over to your work desk and kissed your cheek. You slightly grimaced when his hand touched your back—his sweat transferring over to you. He took clean clothes and a towel from the drawer and headed towards the bathroom.
“You’re back early,” You voiced. He turned to you, wiping the sweat droplets from his forehead.
“I promised you I’d go easy today. Plus, I missed you,” Bucky smiled, causing you to reciprocate it.
“You gave up an extra 30 minutes of training for me? After you’ve spent the last two weeks chomping at the bit to get back into it?”
Bucky shrugged. “What can I say? You’re addicting,” He winked at you and left to take a shower. You furrowed your brows in confusion. Bucky had spent the last 14 days with you attached to his hip and when he finally got the chance to do his own thing, he cut it short because he missed you.
He obviously wasn’t telling you the entire truth. You’d never complain about him coming back early just to spend time with you, but never in your 7 years of knowing him, had he ever ended a session just because he missed you.
Shaking your head, you changed for bed as well and snuggled comfortably under the comforter on your side of the bed. It didn’t take long for Bucky to reemerge from the bathroom, his torso glistening with water and his boxers hanging low on his hips. He dried himself off with the towel before tossing it into the hamper.
As Bucky’s wife, you had access to all of him all of the time, so admiring his physique was nothing out of the ordinary. Today, though, your eyes were drawn straight to his scar. 3 inches in length and maybe half an inch wide that stood vertical and was equidistant from his side and navel, your gaze was glued to it.
He settled himself into bed, pulling the blanket just high enough to rest over his legs, still leaving his abdomen visible.
“You okay?” Bucky asked you. You inhaled sharply and snapped your head up to look at him.
“Yeah, sorry,” You apologized. “I just…”
“I know I’m horribly disfigured now, but there’s no reason for you to stare,” He teased you, pushing your shoulder gently. You snickered in response, placing your hand flat on his stomach.
“It’s just scary to think that this scar could have been it for you. I don’t know, I’m being silly,” You said, nestling into Bucky’s side and laying your head on his chest. You began tracing the scar with the pad of your thumb, taking in its ridges and its unevenness.
“You’re not silly. I understand. All you need to know is that I’m okay. I have plenty of other scars and I just added one to the collection, that’s all,” Bucky comforted you, rubbing your arm. You sighed and nodded, switching to rubbing the scar with your index and middle finger.
It was relaxing at first. Soothing, even, but the longer it went on, the more your touch lost its weight. Only the tips of your fingers were tracing it, making Bucky’s stomach tense up every time you brushed closer to his hips.
“D-Doll,” His breathing hitched as you accidentally curled your fingers, swiping his skin with your blunt nails. “That, uh, it… you’re t-tickling me a little.”
You retracted your hand as if his skin was white-hot, inhaling sharply. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” He stated as he released the breath he’d been holding. The air was silent for a few moments, letting you take in what he had just said.
Bucky was ticklish. You’d known him for close to a decade and not once had he ever mentioned that fact. He knew you were ticklish, but only in a couple of places, so it was never too bad if he ever tried. Still, you couldn’t believe that he straight up admitted it.
Testing the waters, you reached your hand out and fluttered your fingers over Bucky’s hipbone.
“Wohohoah! Hey!” He shouted, instantly grabbing your wrist and holding it high above his torso. Your eyebrows raised as you let a smug grin grace your features.
“You never told me you were ticklish!” You said as you sneakily poked his side with the hand that was hidden underneath you. Bucky jerked away with a yelp.
“Hey! I never thought I had to! You never tried, either!”
“Well, I’m trying now,” You sang, wiggling your digits at his lower ribs where they were smushed against your body. He spluttered out a small laugh, releasing your wrist to cover his side. You took the opportunity to pinch at the skin of his hips, smiling once a melodic giggle rose out of your husbands throat. “Okay, now that’s just adorable.”
“Ahalright! Alright! You got me, I’m a little ticklish,” He declared, swatting your hand away.
“No, I’m a little ticklish. You’re very ticklish,” You sat up, digging into his ribcage with both hands, giggling yourself as he slammed his elbows down and threw his head back onto the pillow, a genuine, hearty laugh spilling from his lips. “Very ticklish indeed.”
You stopped as quick as you started, smirking as Bucky crossed his arms over his torso. “I-hi thought you didn’t want mehe to do any strenuous activity!”
“Uh, you said yourself that you were completely healed, Sergeant Barnes. Did you lie to me?” You asked impishly, shooting a hand up to tickle his neck. As expected, he scrunched his shoulders up, giving you access to his belly. You scratched at the taut skin, eliciting a shriek from the super soldier.
“NOHO! I didn’t! Doholl, please,” Bucky begged, pushing at your hands. It was obvious that he wasn’t trying his hardest to get you to stop. Bucky was a damned super soldier—if he really wanted you to stop, he’d get you to stop. He seemed to be loving this playful side of you, having not seen it for the last couple of weeks.
“Okay, so tell me why you cut your session with Steve short,” You interrogated him, narrowing your eyes. Bucky chuckled nervously, shifting a little.
“I already told you! I just missed you!”
“I don’t believe that for a second,” You jested back, jumping up to straddle his hips and wasting no time in kneading your fingers into his sides. Bucky let out a roaring laugh, gripping your wrists loosely—more to have something to do with them than to push you away. You grinned endearingly at that, moving inwards to tickle his scar again. “This little scar has cause me a lot of emotional turmoil, Bucky. The least you could do is be honest.”
“Whyhyhy do yohou think I’m LYHYING?” He questioned, jolting when you neared his waist line again. That spot of his seemed to be particularly sensitive. You refocused all your efforts there, taken aback by the volume of Bucky’s laughter and how he thrashed around. “OHOKAY! NOHOT THERE! DOHOHOLL!”
You halted your attack for a moment, but kept your hands poised at his hips. “Tell me the truth.”
Bucky groaned through an uncharacteristic giggle, covering his face to hide just how flustered he was. “I-hi didn’t lie, I juHUST—NOHOHO! OKAY, IHI GIHIVE!”
You stopped again, waiting to hear his response. Sighing in defeat, Bucky found your hands and laced his fingers through yours. “I did miss you, that much was true, but I will admit that… I may have overworked myself.”
“Sorry, you what? I didn’t quite catch that,” You taunted him, leaning closer to his face even though you heard exactly what he’d said. Bucky growled and ripped his hands from yours, pinching at your thighs—one of the two tickle spots you had. You barked out a laugh, slapping him away and sliding off his hips.
“You were right, okay! I took it a little too hard and had a back spasm. No need to throw a party,” He announced, defiantly crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m fine, now. Steve worked it out.”
“Mmhmm,” You hummed. “You know I’d hate to say I told you so, but…”
“I’m not above pinning you to the bed and tickling your neck, sweetheart. Don’t get a big head,” Bucky side-eyed you from his place in the bed, smirking once you let out a flustered squeak.
Composing yourself, you asked, “So, you’re okay? Nothing hurts?”
“No, nothing.”
Nodding, you settled yourself back into his side, wrapping your arm over his stomach with only the purest of intentions. “All I ever want is for you to be safe. Here in the gym, out in the field, all the time—I worry.”
Bucky brushed his fingers through your hair and kissed the crown of your head. “I should be the one always worrying about you.”
“Yeah, but I don’t put myself in harm’s way all that often. That always seems to be the first thing you do. I’m glad you want to protect others, but you need to think about protecting yourself, too. For my sake at the very least.”
Bucky let your words wash over him. He hadn’t thought of it that way. He’d been so busy trying to train as hard as he could to defend others that he hadn’t focused more on himself and his well being or how his injuries, or even death, could affect you.
Before he could respond, you continued. “Promise me you’ll start to value your life the way that I do.”
Bucky’s throat tightened at the way your voice sounded strained—as if you were trying not to cry—and reached his hand over, grabbing your chin and tilting your head up. He leaned forward to kiss you passionately, getting lost in how your lips were a perfect match for his.
He pulled away, but kept his forehead attached to yours. “I promise.”
You smiled and kissed him again; showing him just how much you’d hate to lose him.
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sugarrspice · 7 months
You KNOW I gotta go for "summoning gone wrong" with Antiaverage! How could I not? :)c -A
Pfft, what a wonderful way to start off the Halloween bash!
The first thing that Anti hears is, somewhat fittingly, oh hell. His balance is still off, his senses compressed down to a fine point of white noise, but even from here, he can smell fear thick as blood, as the rot that's made itself at home in his bones.
That'd be the little sheep's second mistake.
Without ever opening his eyes, he reaches, rooting himself in the rabbit-quick heartbeat that echoes around them. Flickering sparks of warm umber and gold play around the edges of the blackness of his vision, and for a moment, just a moment, Anti is trapped in the cooling warmth of a dying body, Jackwenttumblingdown, before he rips himself free with a snarl, wheeling to find the fool that thought they could bind him.
They're in... a lot. A chain of abandoned storefronts stretches out to either side of them; he can hear the thunder of cars tearing down a highway beyond their sight. Across the strip of concrete, a man crouches, blue eyes wide with terror; he's white-knuckling onto a mirror, and Anti briefly traces the straining tendons under his skin, considers how slowly he wants to choke him with them. Chase, the fall coolth whispers in his ears, and oh, poor fool, hadn't even bothered to hide his name. Soot stains the ends of his fingers, and the cloying smell of honey and belladonna reaches him, next, and Anti allows this knowledge to pull his lips into a smile, brilliant and cruel.
There's no circle to restrain his movement. He lazily steps forward, watches with glee as the man scrambles to his feet to put an equal distance between them.
Maybe he will have some fun, first. Jack had been no fun, had never been afraid, only had gripped his face with a cool and clinical hand, had trapped his fingers between his own to search for a pulse while Anti had rattled at the edges of the snare he'd unwittingly set.
"Congratulations," he can't help but needle, and prowls forward another step. The night has frozen around them, and the man with it; he's close enough he can make out the whites of his eyes, luminous in the chilly dark. Another step forward and he'll be able to trace their pulsing veins, watch them pop pop pop under his careful attentions, watch the blood spill like an inkstain through his sclera. "You wanted me. You got me. Do you know what you're going to do with me?"
He's no silvertongue, no orator. Anti is everything that shouldn't be; the squirming wrongness of blood seeping through their fingers, the glistening of wet muscle and the heavy, all-knowing weight of the dark. He is certainly not meant for their little world, fragile in its balance, nor for the soft hearts of men whose tongues stutter in his mere appearance. Words are meaningless; he speaks with his hands, deft with his pretty little blade. When he speaks, he tears the night from its frozen vigil, and Chase starts again, but remains rooted. Cowardice-- or bravery-- they all look the same.
And then the brave, cowardly, stupid little man opens his mouth, and says, "what the fuck do you mean, I wanted you?"
This is so profoundly not what Anti is expecting that he actually stops in his tracks, and he's not quite sure what his expression is doing, but whatever it is, it is unwelcome. He rallies, flicks clawed fingers in a dismissive gesture. Sixty four gleaming teeth glint in the dying moonlight; there's a storm coming, Anti can feel the anticipation winding tighter under his skin, and he pulls the gale in to whip at their hair, sharp ozone stinging their noses.
"Second thoughts? Vengeance is usually uglier than what you're willing to cavort with."
Chase stares some more, and now, rather than afraid, he just looks confused. Irritated, maybe, though his heart is clocking a cool one hundred and eight beats a minute.
"Vengeance is us- dude! Dude, no! I'm not- look, I'm not here to curse someone, or kill them, I just needed to talk to somebody!"
Anti stares blankly. He stares back, brow pinched; fear still tangles his words up into knots, but he's not running, not blustering for his life.
Anti should kill him for his presumption.
He wants to know more.
Chase must misinterpret his silence, and waves the hand not gripping onto his mirror, scowling. "Not you for the record, before you get all smart and spooky on me."
"Smart and spooky," Anti echoes, flatly, and digs one clawed finger into his own palm to be sure he's not fucking hallucinating. He wouldn't put it past Desmarais, the clever little sadist.
In the midst of his reality check, Chase looks at the mirror. Looks back at him, and takes a deep breath, fiddling with the filigreed edge. "Look. I don't know what you mean, called you. I'm just looking to talk to someone. If you know how to--"
This, at least, is ground that Anti is familiar with. He rolls his neck, and slips sideways into the night air, reaching for Chase's warmth, slinging himself out of the etherspace to wrap an arm around Chase's hips with a leer.
"If I know how to," he mocks, and nestles his chin right on Chase's shoulders. A parody of a loving embrace, it puts his teeth right besides Chase's neck, and they both know it. "Maybe I do, who's to say?"
What are you willing to pay, they both hear, and Chase takes in one deep, steeling breath.
Then he tips his neck sideways, baring the full pale stretch to Anti, and Anti raises both eyebrows at the offer made. A life for a life is more binding a contract than even Desmarais will bother with.
No, he's curious, now.
"Cute," he muses, aloud, and folds himself neatly into Chase's shadow, shakes himself out of the slender shadows across the shingled roof above Chase. He slings one leg over another, the very image of ease. "Well, Chase. Don't keep a man waiting; erstwhile lover? Child, parent?"
Chase meets his eyes, mouth pressed into a firm line, and says, quietly, "friend."
Anti revises, yet again, his initial impression, from idiocy, to intrigue, back firmly into the realm of foolishness.
A life is a life, he tells himself, yet again, and he leans forward, and says, "tell me more." A life is a life, and he stays.
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brw · 1 year
Hank/Jan, I know they're fucked up but I love them 😩
Which one is more fond of scary movies: Hmmmm I think as an actual thing to watch and enjoy probably Hank, but Jan often suggests them as an excuse for some snuggles :) she actively avoids them in every other context tho
Which one gets the most excited about Halloween: Janet absolutely loves to go all out for Halloween and make super elaborate couples costumes that really make everyone else look like the bargain bin beside, Hank's just happy to be there. To be honest I don't know if Hank had a strong Halloween experience as a child beyond The Corn.
Which one would be more likely to survive the apocalypse: Hmm.... if writers didn't have a hate boner for Hank constantly and liked to kill him probably Hank, but as Hank is fun to kill in apocalypse AUs Janet. I think generally Janet wants to help more than Hank does and I could easily see her dying in like a Zombie Apocalypse really easy trying to help civilians, while Hank would think more about the bigger picture and shrink him and his lab down somewhere hidden where he can try and work on a cute or a way out or something.
Which one would literally kill for the other: Both of them to be honest but Hank's more likely to succeed (war flashbacks of Ults Hank eating Blob's head that one time)
Which one likes to scare or startle the other: Janet, I think she absolutely gets a kick about very suddenly growing in front of Hank to scare the shit out of him and it always works.
Which one is more likely to need comforting when they get spooked: Janet definitely I think, both exaggerating and genuinely needing comfort when she's scared. She's a very... physical person like that and feels better touching her loved ones, while I don't think Hank needs a whole lot when scared but needs more support in times of grief or loss.
Which one always puts on a brave face: Both of them, comes with the job, Hank does it more but Janet is better at it generally.
Which one would be more dangerous if they suddenly became violent: Both of them tbh but I'll go with Janet, Hank is ultimately A Normal Human Man while Janet is underrated in her strength with her bio blasts n stuff.
Which one would be more likely to commit a crime: Hank is more likely to commit mild crime like stealing or property damage or smoking weed in places where it's not legalised but Janet would like Get In Serious Trouble for embezzling or some shit.
Which one believes in ghosts: Hank but he doesn't admit it ever but he knows not to Fuck Around And Find Out in certain scenarios.
Which one likes to watch spooky show on television: hmmm I'm not sure, again Hank by himself but Janet will if they're both watching together.
Which one would propose the idea of holding a seance: Janet, she thinks it's fun while Hank again is like Do Not Fuck Around And Find Out but Janet is all about Finding Out.
Which one has nightmares more often: Both of them to be honest but Janet is slightly better at working through her issues or at least more willing to try and work out the problem while Hank.... Hank I dont think even admits he's traumatised from watching Maria die, let alone any of the other shit so he absolutely gets pretty bad nightmares
Which one would want to explore a real haunted house: Janet, but she would start to try and scare the other guests halfway through bc she would probably think the whole thing was tacky.
Scary OTP Meme
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ok... ok... are you ready?😊😊😊😊😊😊
well... my story is about a princess named Misty. she's got beautiful dark blue hair, and deep green eyes. she's really pretty, because she's a princess, of course!!! 😊😊😊😃😊😊😊😊😊😊
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well... 😎 she's always wanted to be a knight. she's always wanted to be brave. she's always wanted to run into danger, and save people! 😎 but... 😎
unfortunately for the princess, 😎 her people need her to be a princess. their kingdom would fall into ruin otherwise. 😎😎 so... 😎😎 she has to put duty before her personal desires. 😎😎
so... what does the young princess do? 😎😎 well... 😎 she puts a brave face on, and does her job. 😎😎 she smiles through every meeting, 😎😎 despite everything that's going on inside her head. 😎😎 she puts on a fake smile, and acts like everything's ok, 😎😎 and the kingdom is happy, while the princess is not. 😎😎
so... 😎 she puts on a brave face, 😎 even though everything inside her head is breaking down. her smile is fake, 😎 but the kingdom is happy, 😎 and the kingdom is safe, 😊 all because she is doing her duty.
but the princess is dying inside. she's dying inside. and no one knows.
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but then............ but then... the princess sees an opportunity.
she meets a knight. a brave knight. he's got long blonde hair, and light blue eyes.
he's super smart, and super brave. super, super brave. he's probably the only person in the whole kingdom brave enough to be a knight.
so... the princess talks to him. and they become friends. just friends. friends with no romance. just friends. 😊
well... things go on like that for a long time. the princess and the knight are friends, until one day, the knight decides that he's had enough of being a knight.   he wants to retire. he's getting too old to be a knight.
and then... one day... one day... things change. things happen that make the princess realize something. she needs to confess something to the knight. 😃😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
oh, yes. 😊 she needs to tell the knight something. ✨
but is she brave enough to tell him?  😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄🙂
well... yes. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ she is. she was brave enough to do her duty, ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ and now, ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ she's brave enough to tell the knight the truth.
she tells him everything. everything. he knows more about her soul now than anybody else does, except for her. her and the knight... they have a special bond. a special friendship. the first special friend that the princess has ever had.
the princess tells him everything. everything. about how she feels on the inside. about how she wants to be a knight. and... the knight listens. he listens... and he understands.
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the knight gives the princess a hug. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ it's a really special hug. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ it's a hug that says, "i get it." ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ it's a hug that says, "i'm here for you." ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ it's a hug that says, "come here, my princess. come here, little one. it's alright. everything's gonna be ok." ✨
then... ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ then... ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ the knight opens up to the princess. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ and he tells her everything, too. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ they share secrets with each other. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ and they become much closer. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ they become best friends. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ true best friends.
and... ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
i'm about to cry my eyes out, because of how beautiful this moment is.
the knight and the princess are best friends now... ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ but they are also closer than before. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ they are each other's closest friends in the whole world. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ and, ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ one day.... ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
one day, ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ the knight decides to retire. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨and guess what. 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
the princess gets to be a knight. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ everyone is happy. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ and the kingdom is safe. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ and the princess and the knight live happily ever after. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ THE END!!! 😊
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itlivesproject · 2 years
seeing all the absolutely MESSY love square potential for the ilitw crew in the redfieldmc route and grinning bc at this point in time everyone is basically at the same level as eo. i have a playthrough for EVERY ilitw LI in the redfieldmc route except for connor (i love him however i personally do not want to experience his nerve going down and potentially dying or worse bc of ilwmc pushing the noahmc agenda. living vicariously through other people's screenshots for that one 😳 also i am using that save option JUDICIOUSLY bc of this i am now on page SIXTY 💀) and i have a mental ranking of each one of them based the criteria of what the FUCK they're doing to bring mc back. noah unsurprisingly is number 1. ava was the sole second but then dan came in with the steel chair so NOW they're tied. lucas andy and stacy are all tied for third and im mentally poking them with a stick to do SOMETHING bc they WILL end up getting their bf/gf stolen at this rate. im manifesting a last minute big showing for them next chapter bc if they don't. oh my girl WOULD get their ass for not even doing the bare minimum (and in stacy's case. it's even worse. her BROTHER did more for her love than she did 💀 dan deserves to steal her girl fr with the amount of research he apparently did – that lucas BETTER have joined in on in his route i can't have my main man slacking like this 😭). i would make all of them have an endgame (which makes it three for each playthrough. one for the LI one for noah and one for dan. stem prepped me to categorize everything meticulously but good god. i would have over two hundred saves by the end of this — not even considering the abel/mc/lincoln hoe route, the abelmc matthiasmc route that would be SO messy i have no idea why no one is mentioning the betrayal in this case bc abel ADORES this man and he goes in like a dilf and goes for the person they're falling for like hello? 😬 and the lincolnmc matthiasmc route that would simply be the definition of explosive. the clean routes i have for each LI are already part of the first sets i started bc i am in love with them but damn. i need an excel chart to keep up 💀) but their rankings would be the basis of whether or not i would go full throttle on the angst for their secondary route before i let them resolve things in a narratively satisfying manner (while ilbmc is simply living their best life and ilwmc also if she's not dodging the hoe allegations. ilitwmc poster child for why you should NEVER be so awesome that almost half ur friend group is in love with you at any given time 💀). mc choosing someone at the end of this unexpected ilitw bachelor would make my heart hurt for the other two losers but i KNOW i would be enjoying it the whole time alongside the main ilwmc romances. ilitw gang best friend group of all time i love them so much which is why i cannot help but put them in situations. this got absolutely lengthy and actually longer than some of my assignment answers but i wanted to cover all my bases so sorry for the one who gets to read this wall of text i simply got so excited 😁 this story lives rent free in my mind and whatever happens i cant wait to see how it would turn out for everybody in the cast it's been an honor playing your game 🥰❣️
PS: when i saw the dan romance option the image of redfieldmc's LI kicking noah's ass while dan sneaked in with his steel chair and stolen mc right under their noses went to mind 😭 the other two were all pikachu face it was hysterical. i cant WAIT for the absolute mess redfieldmc's love life is going to be. their staying power (which is especially miraculous given yt fmc's looks. asian fmc face ure pretty and my baby girl but black fmc outpaces you in the face card department) is UNMATCHED
LMFAOOOOOO this is so 😭😭😭 first of all PAGE 60 on SAVES???? u are so brave idk how you filter through all of that😭 also yeah the ilitw drama is very eh hem,,, dramatic!!?!! but i’m glad ur enjoying it!!! and im sure you’ll like the next chapter very much ! for reasons i will not say hehe 🤭
(ps im glad u see my vision🤭🖤)
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Heat Waves
Cw:angst? Ask to tag.
Only mutuals allowed to rb.
Summary: homelander finds himself having complicated feelings over his supposed "sworn enemy" whose also his childhood best Friend. Sadly they drifted appart over the years...but theres still time to re-kindle that flame.
Taglist: @mercuryships @malewifehenrycooldown @80sboyfriends @tex-treasures
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Jerico drove down to her local grocery store, listening to some music on the radio, shes bopping at the rythm and smiling. She was having a pretty good day.
She soon found herself in the parking lot of the store, leaving her car there and entering the building.
Almost too concentrated on her grocery list, she almost doesnt recognize the song that was playing.
"Heatwaves" by glass animals.
She cleared her throat, that song brought back memories she didnt quite like remembering.
|| Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heat waves been faking me out
Can't make you happier now
Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heat waves been faking me out
Can't make you happier now||
Why did that song have to play?, she sighed, deciding to brave through her chores, as she puts food in her basket, a poster caught her attention.
"Homelander, hero of the USA".
Something inside of her wretched in pain while Reading that. She moved past it, knowing that even if they became Friends again. He wouldnt be able to make her happier now.
However, she wasnt the only one suffering from bad memories...
Homelander was back home after a long day of putting up the mask of the perfect Patriot, he changed and collapsed on the couch.
It had to be today of all days, he had very important things that needed to be done. And holding his stuff togheter was harder and harder as the day went on.
||Usually I put
Something on TV
So we never think
About you and me
But today I see
Our reflections
Clearly in Hollywood
Laying on the screen||
Wondering if TV could help clear his mind, he Turned on the television infront of him.
His mind goes quiet for a moment, but as peace settles in, its quickly swept away by a comedy sketch.
Its homelander fighting his (supposedly) worst enemy, Riot Girl, "the hero of the people". He flinches, hearing the cheesy puns and banter. But his cringe turns to anger, seeing the sketch mock Riot Girl, getting her character completly wrong.
He changes channels with a scowl.
The anger washes away, turning into sadness as John retreats to his mind for a moment.
|| You just need a better life than this
You need something I can never give
Fake water all across the road
It's gone now, the night has come, but
Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heat waves been faking me out
Can't make you happier now ||
"She deserves so much better" homelander thought. "Something I can never give you.." his eyes flicker to the picture on the coffee table.
Its him and Jerico, during their youth, just teenagers. Hes giving her a big hug while she laughs happily. That smile is contagious as it finds its way his face.
If he remembers correctly, that summer afternoon, right as the sun was setting, they were up in Jeris roof, drinking soda and having fun.
--So, John-- A fifteen year old Jerico said-- I thought today of all days was the one to ask you this
--Hmm? What is it?-- John asked.
--What do you think your superhero name would be?
--hmmm-- the boy stopped for a moment-- Homelander sounds cool! , how about you?
Jeri Drank from a can of soda as she looked at the setting sun, the golden Rays making her look absolutely beautiful. -- Remember that band I like? Riot Poison Girl?...I think Riot Girl sounds good
--Oh I like that so much!-- John said giving his friend a hug-- Homelander and Riot Girl deffend the citizens of the USA, fighting for their freedom and looking badass in the process!-- he shouted.
--Haha! You betcha!-- jerico exclaimed, her laughter dying down a bit, her voice turning softer-- hey John...I l-
"I love You" thats what she said to him that day. Homelander sighed, turning off the TV.
It was already night, his daydream had taken up enough time.
As he goes to the kitchen he realizes, he forgot to get food.
Sighing loudly he thought about ordering something...but hes been doing that for a while, and hes going to fall for his comfort food.
Another painfull memory hit him. Jerico and him used to Cook back when they shared an appartment, just starting as official superheroes.
He wondered...if he could go visit her, its been a while since they saw eachother.
Grabbing a jacket he flew off his penthouse and down to the more residential,middle class part of the city.
There she was, cooking in her kitchen, she seemed to be dancing, he smiled, always the big personality she was.
He knocked on her Window, manking her jump a little,he chuckled at that.
--Fuckin' shit, John, you have the keys to my house, at least text-- she opened the big Window, letting him in.
--Last minute decision, Jer-- John said trying to fake a smile-- that smells wonderfull, watcha cooking?
--Some Argentine empanadas, feeling homesick...
--Man I havent had those in a while-- Lie. It was one of his comfort foods, in fact, he had those yesterday night, but nothing beats the one made by an actual Argentine.
-- Care to stay the night and eat here?-- Jeri asked
--if you dont mind..
-- 'sides-- her voice grew shier-- tomorrows your birthday...I know you have the day off
He looked at the calendar on the fridge, tomorrow was July 4th, he snorts-- I dont wanna bother...
What she wanted to say was "its never a bother when its you.." instead she said-- its not biggie, you can stay, its been a while since we celebrated your birthday togheter anyway
He let a small smile appear on his face, a genuine one-- yeah...why not
After dinner, they were hanging out on her couch watching some movies, hot chocolate in hand.
Jerico checked the clock, it was twelve pm-- Hey John
--Happy birthday-- she said with a smile.
--heh, thanks-- hey! Where you going?-- He asked seeing jeri go to a shelf and Grab a small box.
It was wrapped with a baby blue paper with little dogs with different dog toys-- I know you like dogs so...
His heart shatters in millions of pieces,his lip quivers as he carefully unwraps the box.
Inside there was a baseball ball, signed by a famous player.
--Holy shit!-- He exclaimed-- where did you even get this?!
Jerico laughed-- I have my contacts
He doesnt think twice and hugs her, fighting back tears.
--You can cry, yknow that right?-- Jeri said-- let them flow, John
|| You can't fight it
You can't breathe
You say something so loving, but
Now I've got to let you go
You'll be better off in someone new
I don't wanna be alone
You know it hurts me too
You look so broken when you cry
One more and then I'll say goodbye..||
with that, tears flow down his cheeks, a genuine smile appearing on hus lips-- Youre the best...-- He choked.
She hugged him back, her embrace being warm, to him, they always felt like home.
He regained his composture moments later, smiling like an idiot-- Man, when was the last time I smiled this much?-- he asked to himself.
--heh, well, you deserve it...-- Jeri answered, trying to make it seem as if she didnt notice just how broken he looked when crying.
After the movie ended they went to sleep, they had no problem sharing a bed since they have been doing that since they lived togheter.
Jeri was fast asleep,a small smile on her face.
|| I just wonder what you're dreaming of
When you sleep and smile so comfortable
I just wish that I could give you that
That look that's perfectly un-sad
Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heat waves been faking me out
Heat waves been faking me out ||
John was having a harder time falling asleep, he only pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, she looked so comfortable.
He wondered what she was dreaming of to seem that happy, he thought for a moment that it might be him, but his mind was quick to shut that thought down, after all...she didnt love him like that...did she?
He shook his head, hoping that he could give her that look so...unsad.
Sighing he closed his eyes, pulling her closer to his chest, caressing her hair, knowing these moments of calmness, domesticness, were little and far inbetween.
"This shouldnt be like that" his heart told him. "We should live this life. With her..."
"But our job? The publicity? The people loves us " his brain Argued.
His heart knew the answer. It was fake validation,he knew that well... the only love that mattered was hers, and it was slipping through his fingers.
The Next morning he woke up to a cake that said happy birthday, some fresh coffee and jeri singing happy birthday to him as soon as he was somewhat awake.
--This is better than whatever bullshit Vought had in mind...--John said munching down on his cake-- Vanilla cake, frosting...how do you remember what I like? Its been ages
--John, we've known eachother since pre-school, c'mon-- Jerico answered.
Homelander chuckled-- Heh, fair, fair, ...thank you-- he said shyly.
--hey...dont worry-- her smile made him melt, that coy, warm and cute smile.
He spent the rest of the day with her, lounging and doing nothing all day, this...this life felt nice.
John played videogames with his friend, had fun singing off key and dancing. He wanted this life so bad...
At night he returned home,that feeling of emptyness filling his chest. Why was he here when he felt whole with her.
Sighing he went Straight to bed. Tomorrow might better....but he knew that it wouldnt. Not when he was without her
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submitforher · 8 months
well in that case, i'll look forward to it and shower you in endless praise for the fantastic performance after my first listen. how could i not when you'll be thinking of my words? good boys deserve awards. though it would intrigue me to see you act out. it'd give me the chance to get creative with how to discipline you. but look at you, you're hear complimenting my words when you're just as descriptive and articulate. you're painting such a pretty picture for me. i'm having so much fun imagining the different shades of pink and blooming from your cheeks. can't help but wonder if you're face will be the only part of your body blushing for me as i edge you for my own entertainment. my curiosity gets the best of me sometimes, can you blame a girl for wondering how long you'll last for her?
i don't think my fear was ever that my thoughts would be too much for you? just that, i don't know, you share a lot of yourself on this blog. i don't think people realize how vulnerable it can be engage in kinkplay and be open and honest about what you're into sexually on a public platform. yeah, it is an anonymous blog and your name isn't attached. but you're still giving glimpses of the deepest part of yourself to strangers on a semi regular basis. which is extremely brave and i guess i was a little afraid to approach in a way that might cross a line or objectify you (not the sexy kind)?
well i can't help it that i have a backed up catalog of thoughts i've bad about you but never shared? i'll be nice though and go back to keeping them to myself (mostly) so you won't be endlessly frustrated due to me and my dirty little mind. i do adore the idea of you pleading for me though. i love when men beg. i might even be tempted to give in and let you put in just the tip but i guess it would depend on well you beg. i bet you'd look so pretty underneath me. all worn out and covered in your filth and mine. after you earned my forgiveness i'd get some warm wet towels and gently clean you up and maybe reward you with some cuddles if you were up for it.
heaven? gosh. get a guy hard once or twice and suddenly he thinks you're a celestial being 🙄🤭 but i am glad you think we're compatible fantasies wise. i'll be a little less wary of sending you my thoughts from now on. i hope you have been taking care of yourself while you're away & are enjoying the time with your family. god, this message gives me whiplash. it's all over the place and wayy too long. apologies in advance. — 😇
thinking of you and your words while edging myself endlessly, grinding against one of my pillows and letting you hear how desperate and utterly pathetic i get when i'm dying inside to be used by you. there's a part of me that would like to act out a bit and for you to discipline me and put me back in my place. back on my knees, worshipping every part of mommy's body and begging for her to use me all over again. there'd be other parts of my body that's going to be red - and even sore - while you're edging me 'til i'm on the verge of tears, getting choked up and trying not to make a mess on myself for you to clean up later. my face is getting red right now from thinking about how long i'd last from you edging me and getting me more pent up with frustration because i think i wouldn't last long with your pretty hands all over my body.
i think with me being so open about what i'm into sexually and the messages i'd get, some of them overly sexual with me, no one has ever overstepped my boundaries that i set for myself. i'd never feel objectified by you and your words, my angel. if anything, i feel desired and even cared for because you were so considerate of me and my feelings. your thoughts would never be too much for me.
keep them to yourself? that's unfair! that's going to get me even more frustrated than if you were to open up about these thoughts that you have of me in your dirty yet beautiful mind. if i have to beg for it, i gladly will. begging for you to tell me the things that you'd do to me, for you to let me be inside of you while looking up at you with innocence in my eyes like a puppy dog. i'd be pleading for your forgiveness, for you to torture me 'til you're satisfied with the pain and pleasure i'm in. pain from being edged to no end and pleasure from getting to cum. i'd be so worn out that i could barely get out of the bed, that i have to have your assistance in cleaning me up. some aftercare after such a intense session? getting to be so close to you? there's nothing else more special than that. not to be too sexual after but i'd like to suck on your tits before we fall asleep together.
stttoooppp, can i not praise you myself? you had my mind running with thoughts of you and my heart fuzzy, like i've been thinking about you and your words even while i was away. i hope that you're open about the other thoughts you have of me because i could never get tired of hearing them. i missed you so much while i wasn't here and i hope you've been taking care of yourself too, my angel.
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stahri-light · 11 months
I don't think it's uncommon knowledge within K/DA that Ahri is not particularly fond of Akali's motorcycle. Like to envision she would actually be pretty upset about the rapper having taken Seraphine out on it during events issue #1 of the K/DA comics ( which you can read here ). Ahri's reasons for staunch avoidance of the machines are her own. Except I think there's little clues laying around indictive the fact she herself used to ride — a banged up helmet and old riding jacket. These items are hidden deep in the back of Ahri's closet ( and predate K/DA ). She only retains them for sentimental value. So, they're not easily accessible / noticed. And for good reason.
Between her Popstars and K/DA era? She was on a quest of self-discovery. Trying to reinvent herself. Perhaps, inevitably finding someone she cared for. Ahri wouldn't have used the terminology 'in love'. Not at the time. But in introspect? Looking back at everything? She acknowledges the love they shared. Acknowledges she's in love with him still. Too little, too late after that night.
The roads were wet. Slick from rain. They'd no business out that night. Not with Ahri at the controls. She was too inexperienced. Only a handful of hours under her belt. Never even saw the truck as it rounded the corner in their lane.
All she remembers is the impact. Being thrown from the bike. Sliding along the asphalt for what seemed an eternity. Scrambling on hands and knees to her lover's side. Gently removing his helmet to look upon his face... countenance twisted in agony as his lay dying in Ahri's arms.
Or so she'd thought. So they'd both thought. It was then that he whispered the truth. That he knew what Ahri was. That she wasn't human… and didn't care. That he cared for her anyway, even if the rest of the world would call the vulpine a monster.
And what happened next? Gods, Ahri didn't want to go through with it. It was his coaxing swaying, pushing her into it. She cast illusions over him. Taking the man back to memories they'd shared ( as if experiencing them for the first time )… pulled him from pain of death while consuming his essence.
Only later would her mistake come to light. The hospital called. Something about emergency contacts and no next of kin. Ahri didn't really comprehend it all. Couldn't process the information. She was living in a fog. Confused. Horrified by what she'd done.
Still... she had to go. She had to see him one more time. Though stepping into that hospital room and facing consequences of her actions? Seeing the one she loved kept alive via IVs and machines? It was more than Ahri could bear, turning on her heel and bolting from the room.
She's tried moving on. Puts on a brave face while keeping secrets buried under the rug. That isn't to say Ahri shirks all responsibly. There's a steady stream of funds to the hospital in his name. More than enough to provide the best care possible.
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rarelyrad · 11 months
Homies, I present to you, some of the most angsty 1562 words I have ever written;
Or: I manage to make Eddie’s death scene worse.
Eddie knew as he cut the makeshift rope that would have freed him from the upside down, intentionally trapping Dustin Henderson in hopes that he wouldn’t follow him as Eddie went to go buy more time, that he was going to die.
The shitty thing was, a part of him was okay with that.
Eddie Munson may have spent a few extra years in high school, but that didn’t in any way mean he was stupid. He knew nothing good was waiting for him in Hawkins, if he made it back to Hawkins he would likely end up in jail for a crime he didn’t commit, and if he didn’t go to jail, the people of Hawkins would make going to jail seem like a vacation in comparison. The only good thing waiting for Eddie in Hawkins was his uncle Wayne, and even then, Eddie had somehow managed to convince himself that his uncle would be better off without him, which of course, simply was not true.
But still, Eddie ran towards danger instead of running away because he felt that he owed that to Chrissy Cunningham.
The truth was, Eddie and Steve had talked about this the day before, while Steve had been driving the van. Steve had looked at Eddie with a hushed tone, while everyone else had been sleeping to try and gain much needed energy for the fight, and he had taken a deep breath before saying, “I think I’m going to die in the upside down this time, Eddie, and I know that Dustin loves you but I need you to promise me that if I don’t make it out of there you’ll take care of the others too.” Steve said softly.
Eddie said nothing. He wasn’t sure why Steve was so confident that he was going to die, or if maybe Steve had nearly died so many times for upside down reasons that his real fear was that his luck would run out this time.
“Will you promise to take care of Dustin if I’m the one who doesn’t make it?” Eddie asks softly.
“There’s no reason you won’t make it dude, your job down there is to keep Dustin safe.” Steve says in a near scoff.
But even then, as they sat in that van, Eddie knew it would be him who would die, which was probably a better scenario. Far more people, even within the party, would miss King Steve, than would ever miss Eddie Munson, and that was a simple fact. Steve had multiple people who loved him enough that they might not be able to live without him, Max, Dustin, and especially Robin, and Eddie knew if push came to shove, if he died, Steve would make sure Dustin was okay.
Dying, as it turns out, sucks major ass.
Eddie knows as the first and second bays come and tear chunks from his skin that this is how he’s going to die, being a chew toy for bats, but he didn’t imagine it would hurt so fucking badly. They’re ripping his skin away in chunks, and he’s pretty sure one of them straight up ripped off his nipple. He’s screaming and crying out in agony as the bats knock him onto his back on the cold hard ground. He’s struggling and he wants one of them to go for his jugular or something so that all of this can be over, he wants to die, he doesn’t want to hurt anymore, he’s bleeding out and the bats have stopped biting him for reasons Eddie is in too much pain to consider-
Then Eddie Munson hears Dustin Henderson scream his name. His heart sinks, as he watches Dustin Henderson limp over to him, Dustin’s screaming and Eddie knows he’s hurt himself, but the pain is still so fucking awful-
Eddie decides in what just might be his final act of heroism that night will be putting on a brave face for Dustin. The kid that Eddie had grown to fucking adore, he’s seeing some terrible things right now, and Eddie doesn’t want to make this nightmare worse for Dustin by being loud.
He forces himself to stop screaming,
no matter how badly he hurts.
Dustin comes and within a blink of an eye he’s kneeling next to Eddie, in a pool of Eddie’s blood. Eddie focuses on his breathing, knowing that he’s not sounding good, he feels the blood in his throat, he knows he’s bleeding everywhere. He can’t talk at first, to focused on not screaming or crying.
“Oh god, Eddie.” Dustin says in a tone that shatters Eddie’s dying heart.
Eddie swallows the blood in his throat.
“Bad huh?” Eddie asks, he’s avoiding looking at Dustin because he knows doing so will make him cry harder. Looking at Dustin while he holds him as he dies will make everything hurt so much worse.
“No.” Dustin lies, “You're gonna be fine.” Another lie, he’s going to die, “we just gotta get you to a hospital, okay?”
“Okay.” Eddie says softly.
Dustin tries lifting Eddie up, which makes hiding his pain so much fucking harder. Eddie whines and whimpers.
“Oh, fuck, just give me a second okay?” Eddie asks, as tears he couldn’t stop start coming down his cheeks.
“Okay.” Dustin says through tears.
At least he isn’t on the ground anymore.
He’s laying in Dustin Henderson’s lap, and Eddie thinks, albeit selfishly, that he is glad after everything is said and done that he isn’t going to have to die alone.
It’s getting harder for Eddie to mask how badly he’s hurting, and he knows looking at Dustin will hurt in a whole new way, but he needs to do it. He needs to see Dustin. He needs Dustin to see him.
Eddie smiles at Dustin.
“I didn’t run away this time right?” Eddie asks, in hopes that he can convince Dustin that what he did wasn’t stupid, that leaving Dustin behind wasn’t a form of betrayal.
Dustin holds Eddie just a little bit closer as Eddie’s tears continue to fall. He shakes his head.
“No, no no no no no, you didn’t run.” Dustin says softly.
“You’re gonna have to look after those sheep for me okay?” Eddie asks softly. He’s in so much pain, and a little bit of blood is starting to come into his lips.
Dustin’s crying harder now, and Eddie hates himself because he knows he is hurting him.
“No! You’re gonna do that yourself!” Dustin protests.
“Nah man. Say ‘I’m gonna look after them. I need to know you’ll be okay.”
Dustin shakes his head, and a part of Eddie knows that Dustin will not be okay for a very long time.
“Say it. Please.” Eddie says softly.
“I’m gonna look after them.” Dustin says.
“And you’re gonna be okay?” Eddie asks. Dustin shakes his head.
“I’m actually gonna graduate. I think it’s my year Henderson. I think it’s finally my year.” Eddie says.
Eddie notices the others approaching, watches as they kneel down quietly on his other side. They don’t make a big fuss, no one is screaming and asking what the hell happened, and Steve isn’t chastising him for being a hero even though he told him not to. They’re just there.
Eddie knows that Steve is holding his hand. He's sitting next to Dustin, Nancy is on his other side running her fingers through his hair, and honestly, that feels nice. Robin is next to Steve, and her hand is laid gently on his calf.
He appreciates the fact that none of them speak, none of them make any effort to take this moment from Dustin, and Eddie is there, thanking a god he does not believe in that Dustin will not be alone when he dies.
Steve is holding Eddie’s hand just a little tighter. Eddie thinks back to the promise that Steve made him in the van and he knows Steve will keep his promise.
Eddie’s life never flashes before his eyes, and for that he’s glad. That’s not the kind of film he really wants to watch a rerun of, however he wishes he could know what he’s going to miss out on. He wishes there was a way for him to know what could have been.
Eddie feels his heart start going slower, and he knows that he’s dying now. The curtain is closing, the campaign of the life of the great Eddie Munson, is coming to a close.
Dustin moves Eddie’s head a little closer to his own chest, finally accepting in that moment that his friend is going to die.
“I love you so much man.” Eddie says, peacefully as he lays against Dustin’s chest. “Never forget that. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Dustin says softly.
Eddie is struggling to breathe, and everything hurts so badly.
Death is not gentle to Eddie Munson, he’s in pain as he lays dying, but at the very least, he is not alone.
“Eddie, I'm right here. You’re safe, it’s okay. You can go. You don’t have to hang on for me Eddie, I’m gonna be okay, and I’m gonna make you proud. You don't have to hurt anymore Eddie.” Dustin says softly, giving Eddie permission to go
Eddie Munson dies in the arms of one of his best friends, surrounded by people who have grown to love him.
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