#someone give will a hug pls
akemiluvr · 3 months
Y'ALL BETRAYED ME. Why did everyone convince me Hannigram was cute 😭 ITS NOT CUTE! HANNIBAL IS ACTIVELY MAKING WILLS LIFE A LIVING HELL‼️ the edits deceived me because I hate Hannibal. I'm Hannibal's #1 hater. If he has no haters Im dead. Because WHY THE FUCK is everyone hating on Jack but not Hannibal 😭 I just want will to be happy HANNIBAL DOES NOT MAKE WILL HAPPY !!! I'm not the one to ship straight couples if it can be avoided but I literally wanted him and Alana to just run away and be happy. Before she had SEX with HANNIBAL. He was diabolical for that, and then drugging her to use her as an alabi. HE KILLED BEVERLY. HE KILLED ABIGAIL. He is literally horrifying. He scares me so bad, imagine how scary it would be encountering Hannibal in real life. HE IS NOT SLAY 😭 I'm halfway through season two and this show has me in shambles. I wanna give Will a hug omg. Hannibal hurt him so bad, and I know he does not gaf about Alana he's only using her to hurt Will even more deeply, imagine the one person who truly cares about you starts sleeping with the man who ruined your life. I would try to kill Hannibal too. Then kms. AND IM GONNA SAY IT - I LIKE JACK! I think he's not a bad guy, and his torture of will was unintentional unlike Hannibal. HANNIBAL INDUCED SEIZURES. HE GAVE WILL PTSD. Guys I can't even watch the edits of them anymore now that I have context </3 I feel so bad for Will.
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blakbonnet · 3 months
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hischierschain · 3 months
what devils hockey will do to a man
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baeshijima · 4 months
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jiyan my love.... my life..... my everything.....
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what-are-username · 5 months
Anyone interested in my Shen twins au????
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They are totally fine~
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fairyhaos · 8 months
look at him. just look at him. isn't he the most adorable little darling in the entire world. don't you just want to keep him safe in your arms forever
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cryptid-in-a-box · 6 months
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chrxnicdaydream · 16 days
"Leader, my ass...I was the one...who ruined..the Sheep..."
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makotafi · 19 days
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So anyway i started rendering [Pls laugh]
Welp this is a messy sketch as well but eh
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its-your-mind · 1 year
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Orym after the battle in the Dawnfather's temple - c3e61
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utsukares · 1 year
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softbewitcher · 2 years
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when you’ve already tried your best but it’s still not enough.
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just-a-lil-critter · 1 year
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This hits so much harder after last week's apology episode istg Horikoshi if you kill him now 😭😭
P.S - to the manga readers, yes I have read ch 362 however de'nial is a deep, deep river in egypt and I am the starved human drowning in it's banks until Kacchan drags me out himself
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bsdtual · 4 months
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You can see the pain even tho you can't see his eyes MY POOR BOY
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questioning-pisces · 8 months
i’m literally laying on my stomach but the way i clapped reading this
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oubliette-odette · 9 months
The Reluctance of Love, Pt. 3
I wrote so many drafts for this chapter. But I'm so pleased with how it turned out. I hope you love reading from Altan's POV as much as I loved writing it. He's a little more free and unfiltered in his narrating. Also I'm so sorry that each chapter keeps getting longer!!! I just write and I can't stop until I get to the end! Thank you so much for the lovely comments so far. I'm really really happy to hear that so many of you like these characters.
Orc Male x Half-Elf Male, Fated Mates, Forbidden Love, Slow Burn Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Word Count: 3,025 (average 23 min read) Content Warnings: mention of mating, mention of masturbation, nothing happens....yet ;) All orcish is from orcishdictionary.com, created by Matt Vancil. Not beta-read. Criticism is welcome, but be sure to distinguish criticism from hate.
Altan POV
One month.
Why in all of the nine hells did I agree to one month?
If I had been smart, I would have said a week. Two at the most.
I was going to go insane.
Ever since I left Drunrag's forge, I could feel him. It was like we were tethered together by an invisible thread and when one of us moved in proximity to the other or further away, we felt the pull and release of that thread. I figured out very quickly that he lived a very structured lifestyle and I started to predict at certain times of the day when I would feel the pull of him.
And every day I would sense it when he would be closer to me and I would hope that maybe he'd follow the pull back to me. To tell me that he changed his mind. That he'd be willing to share one night with me.
Oh Altan, you sap, how quickly you fall for a pretty face.
I knew the symptom's of Drunrag's lordhovid was probably affecting me - I'd like to think of it more as augmenting what I was already naturally feeling...semantics I suppose - but I felt almost immediately that there was something special about Drunrag the moment I saw him.
Gods, how I wanted him. He was...well, everything.
Tall - well over six feet tall and looming. Having stood so near him, I knew he dwarfed me entirely. It felt dangerous, but so alluring.
Dark - Green skin, the shade of deep emerald, textured with dark freckles across his face and on his shoulder. His hair was black, but I caught lines of silver that ran through - it looked to be nothing related to age. It was pulled up into a topknot, but some hairs slipped and strayed into the front of his face. It was tantalizing and begging my fingers to pull his hair free and run through it. 
Handsome - Maybe a bit subjective, but truly, he was exactly my type. His height was matched with a thick build, his body possessing muscle and strength that was built to break me, but I just knew he would hold me so gently.  I saw how his piercing grey eyes noticed everything. They darted around him, taking in everything in rapid order. His tusks were pearly white - well maintained. I wanted to feel them on my neck with those large hands holding me in my place. I imagined what it would be like to be ravished by someone like him.
By all appearances, he looked like what most people would see as a dangerous orc - bound by a god-given oath for power and blood. My home was near where an infamous tribe known as the Wolves of Dirge frequently raided and pillaged for sport - but I found that Drunrag was more puppy than wolf, and I loved him for it.
Oh my Drunrag, if you only knew how many ways I dreamed of you ruining me.
I think I need to change the subject.
My symptoms were mostly manageable. I felt feverish and seemed to be sweating more than normal. I found that I was more irritable and easily flustered by any sudden shifts in temperature. The longer the day went on, I would also develop a pounding headache and a strange dull pain in the pit of my stomach. But I managed. I could stave off a bit of heat and discomfort as I needed to.
It was nights that were the worst.
With nothing to distract my mind or body, I would find myself in a frenzy. The first night I kicked my sheets off of the bed - it was far too hot - and I was near panting with frustration. My entire body was on fire, it felt like it would burn through the bed and I gasped and panted for air, for release.
My mind could only stray to one thing that could take it away: Drunrag.
Whether he believed it or not, I believed him to be something special to me. I avoided calling him my mate, as that would make him uncomfortable to call him that, but I knew there was a connection between us. I wished he could have seen it as clearly as I did.
But he didn't, and I was alone to comfort myself.
As the nights passed one by one, my self-control was dwindling. Each night, I could only see Drunrag in my head. I could close my eyes and imagine his weight as he settled next to me, laying so that my back was pressed against his chest. I imagined his arms snaking around my waist and pulling me towards him. His hot breath against my neck as he whispered to me how wonderful I smelled.
I wondered what he smelled like. Damn, Altan, you should have caught a whiff before you promised to leave him alone for a month.
No. No. Actually, that would have made things so much worse.
My mind refocused on the vision in my head and I imagined his large - such large hands - close over mine and bring them up to my chest where he would curl in and hold me close and let me feel his weight around me as we both fell into a fitful slumber.
Meanwhile, imagining this only brought me an edge of desperation as I stretched out on my empty bed which had no handsome orc man to hold me.
I couldn't deal with this lust alone. Not without him. Not without help. The only comfort I had was his name. His beautiful name.
Drunrag. Drunrag. Drunrag.
If I was lucky, I could call him that as he held me. I would say it so sweetly to him, I would never say it in anger. I would hold him in return, his head on my lap as I played with his hair and told him all the gentle things no one ever told him.
Drun, you're so handsome, so stunningly handsome. Drun you're hands are so gentle, I know you could take such good care of me. My Drun, you make my head spin with want. Drun let me touch your hair again.
I laid alone in that bed, wanting, wishing, regretting.
In desperation I tried to pleasure myself, imagining my hands to be equal to Drunrag's - they weren't - and urging the lust to spill over enough to let me rest. I could feel the pressure building between my legs and I began to breathe harder, Drun's name on my lips as I worked myself harder.
But in the end, my body would not release. I could not be satisfied or sated. My body didn't want my own self-pleasure. It wanted Drun. I wanted Drun. If my father had seen me in such a state...I dared to hope that it would kill him with shock.
Why did I agree to a month of this?
I woke the next morning with a headache I could not abate and my body flushed with heat that would not go away, even after burying myself in cold water in the bathhouse.
It had only been four days at that point.
There was no way in any hell that I would be able to last another 26 days like this. Not only was it that I couldn't live like this, but I also wouldn't. My standards were too high to accept this much sweat from so little labour. I stumbled out of the room in the Inn I was staying at, gave a slight polite nod to the innkeeper as I shuffled out.
I'm sure I looked like absolute shit. And for the first time in a long time, I really couldn't give a shit how I looked.
I needed a bath, I needed a meal, I needed to change my clothes. In fact, I needed to leave this town before I stumbled into one of my father's goons.
But I also needed to see Drun again. My body couldn't take it. I followed the pull, not minding who I rammed or tripped into as I got there. I wound through busy streets and ascended down to the lower part of the city near the coast. We weren't anywhere near where his forge was.
I found myself on the docks of the town. The smell of fish and salt-sea air overwhelmed my lungs. It was enough to make a man puke if you weren't prepared for it. Which I wasn't and I found myself flung over the the edge of a dock and heaving my guts out.
"You 'right?" A voice called from behind me.
I wiped my mouth clean and looked up. The morning sun was shining just enough to block any features of the man. I couldn't see much of him besides a rotund silhouette and a tricorn hat sitting askew atop his head. Sailor folk, I could only presume.
"Fine." I said. I wiped my mouth and struggled to my feat.
"Oh, ain't you dressed fine for a day out on the docks." He whistled low. "Fancy."
Not really, I thought. These clothes had gone two days without wash. Though, in hindsight, that's probably much more often than that man ever washed his clothes. I blinked the sun from my eyes and took a closer look.
He was a short, round man with a twinkle in his stark blue eyes. A pipe was in one hand, and the other rested calmly against a pistol on his hip. His shocking white hair and deep wrinkles revealed a man with many years behind him on the sea. He seemed friendly enough.
I smiled back at him, it was nice to have a friend. "I'm looking for a friend of mine. You wouldn't have happened to see an orc gentleman pass by, would you?"
The man pondered for a minute, then shook his head. "Don't believe I have." He narrowed his eyes and looked at me more closely. "What would a fine young lad like you be doin' with orc folk?" He looked me up and down and I saw his eyes lock back onto my face. Something about me triggered and his friendly expression fell. "Oi...you match the description of that Duke's son that's gone missin'. You wouldn't 'appen to know anything about that, would'ya?"
I shook my head, forcing my best grin. "Handsome lad I've heard, but that's all I've gleaned from the gossip." I sidled my foot towards where I felt Drun's presence and began to slide away.
"Now, now son." The man's voice was low now, not remotely friendly in tone. I felt a chill run down my spine before my body began to burn even hotter than before. "The Duke's got a generous reward for anyone who brings his son back home. I ain't partin' with you till I know for sure." His fingers graces the wooden handle of his pistol and he tilted his head, a knowing smile on his face. "If I'm wrong, we split and pretend this never happened."
This man wouldn't hesitate to shoot if I ran, I sensed.. I wondered if my father had put dead or alive on that prize money. He'd likely be relieved to be rid of me.
The smile on my face fell as I realized the trouble I was in. I hadn't expected word to spread so fast.
Then again, I also hadn't expected to stay in this town as long as I did.
Damn you, Altan.
"Sir, please." I said, pleading. "I'm not going back to Durbesk. Help me and I'll double the price my father has offered."
The man clicked his tongue and shook his head. "With what funds? You ain't got shit on you."
He was right, the gold I brought to pay for my room and board was nearly gone and it wouldn't even begin to cover the price my father demanded for my return.
I felt my heart race inside me. I couldn't go back to my father. Fear and panic set in as I saw the man take a step towards me, his pistol now pointed at me.
"As a precaution" He said, his tone was friendly, but I saw the glint in his eye was now a look of wicked greed.
My cries would fall on deaf ears if I begged to him. It wouldn't matter that my father hated my existence and wished me to be a different sort of son. One who would obey him, who aspired to be just like him with a pride and ego that outmatched anyone else. Who was arrogant and spoiled. Who believed money, stature and reputation was more important than music, art, and the simple pleasures in life.
He wanted a son that wouldn't kiss boys behind stables when they were fifteen. A son that wouldn't smile so much and laugh too loud. That wouldn't bring home rodents as pets and nurse them back to health and cry when they died. He had always wanted someone more tough, more heartless and brave than me.
No, this man wouldn't hear any of that. He could care less what sort of nightmares I faced at home at the expense of my father's disappointment and hate in me. And he wouldn't care that the only person who truly loved me - my beautiful mother - was gone and buried in an unmarked grave so that I could never find her.
My mother thought I was perfect the way I was, and told me so. She never wanted me to stop smiling or laughing. She told me my music was beautiful and that it reminded her of her home in the Silverwood. She told me that I was beautiful. Everything I loved about myself I got from her. My eyes, my hair, my heart.
I wish someone would understand how much I missed her. How much I wanted to be with her instead of here...running away from my life to start over away from my father. Away from everything that reminded me of her.
I bowed my head, fighting back the hot tears that I felt brimming at my eyes. Why was I crying at a time like this?
"Please." I said, faint and breathless. "Don't make me go back."
The man looked like he was about to laugh at me, when I suddenly felt the warmth of someone's presence behind me. The shadow of his height fell over me and I whirled around to see him.
My Drun.
His eyes were like deep silver pools, blazing with the heat I knew was smoldering inside him. He didn't look at me, his eyes were instead trained on the man. I looked down and saw his hands were clenched into tight fists. Under each of his arms was a barrel, which he carefully set down on the dock on either side of him, then rising again to his full height.
"You're his friend?" The man asked, a sour tone in his voice that I didn't like one bit.
Drunrag didn't answer, only sniffed contemptuously before taking a step towards him, shifting around me so that he didn't come close to touching me. I still felt the sizzling heat between us.
"You have no business being here." Drunrag said. His voice was heavy and low, rumbling his chest that reminded me of bear's growl. My body reacted to it strongly and I stumbled back, unsteady and wavering.
"Yeah? And what's your business with him?"
"None of your concern." Drun's voice was level and calm, but I could sense the mounting pressure inside.
"You just want the money for yourself." The man protested, pointing his gun at Drun. My heart began to pound faster. Don't shoot him. Oh gods please, don't shoot him.
"I saw him first." Drun responded. "We can fight on it, if you wish." He cracked his neck side to side, then clenched and unclenched his fists. Muscles, tight from his tense posture, rippled and reacted to his movements. The man's eyes were on them and I watched gleefully as his pistol lowered to his side and his face fell open.
Drun continued. "Get lost...or I'll be cracking each of your finger one...by...one until your bones are ground to dust." He cocked his head. "Won't be much use on a ship with boneless fingers."
Oh dear gods above...that shouldn't have affected me when he said that, should it? I looked down at the barrel and decided it was for the best to take a seat on it. I needed to catch my breath.
"Stupid piece of shit, is what you are." The man spat, "Green shit straight from a horse's soured stomach. Cross my path again and you're gonna see a bullet right between your puny eyes."
I had never wish a person dead or suffering greater than this man. I rose to my feet, rage radiating off me.
Drun turned back at me, his eyes flashing and a deep frown on his face. "Stay back." His voice cracked. "I can handle this." He turned back and asked calmly. "Have you anything else to say before I punch out your teeth?"
The man shook his head and turned away from us, mumbling threats and insults as he shuffled away. Drunrag stood still, tensed and ready for any retaliation.
When the man was gone, he finally turned back. I looked up to meet his gaze, my thanks and gratitude on my lips when I saw he wouldn't look at me. Instead, he walked passed me and retrieved his barrels before turning and beginning the walk off the docks towards the main part of the city.
"Drunrag." I breathed out. I shuddered to hear his name out loud like that. I wanted to say it loud and open like that all the time, for it was the name of my beloved. My hero. My fated partner.
"Don't." He said, his voice dark. "I'm doing everything I can to stop this from affecting us. Give me time and stay away as much as possible." He finally turned, his eyes were still fierce as he looked at me. "Please don't get into trouble again. I don't want to see you hurt."
He walked away from me, barrels in hands. I watched him walk away.
What could I say to him to make him stay?
I remembered then what he told me in the beginning. He didn't want to mate. He made the choice to not do it. It was never about me.
Whatever made me think that I could convince him that I was worth changing his mind for?
I bowed my head, I couldn't bear to see him walk away from me.
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