#sorry for absence of coherent thoughts
icantdothistodaybruh · 10 months
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Definitely not me finding random nightgown on pinterest and making a whole au just because of it haha nooo why would you think that?
Anyway, please listen to "I Wanted to Leave" by Syml while looking at this, it really adds a lot to the experience and in this essay I will-
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spacebarbarianweird · 4 months
Oooh! Chronic depression Tav sounds right up your alley! I'm also chronically depressed and I have a similar living condition (messy room, not the horrific torture) to Astarion. Maybe a Tav who can empathize with his messy tent and his depression?
Oh yes, this hits my alley! I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and depression a while ago plus it seems like I had a severe depression when I was 12-19 years old (but I wasn't taken to any specialists back then).
TW: Anxiety and depression come in different forms, my therapists always told me that I have a weird skill to look absolutely normal meanwhile tests show signs of severe depression. I've based this headcanon on my own experience.
TW 2: A suicide attempt, depression.
Astarion x Depressed!Tav
You feel off.
Something was utterly wrong with you for the last few years.
You barely eat, sleep too much
Decision-making is difficult as fuck, and you just do what you are told to.
The time is slipping through your fingers and you sometimes realize it's already winter when it was summer a day ago.
You feel like drowning in the dark void.
Maybe you should just end everything? Because life will never get better.
The tadpole suppresses your condition.
You suddenly feel good. You feel strong. You feel alive.
And the Emperor is particularly adamant that you embrace the tadpole potential.ccepting the tadpole potential.
"Remember how bad you felt before? It will get worse if you deny the tadpole. Once it's gone, your mind will drown in darkness again. But accept my offer, and you will never suffer again."
You recognize familiar patterns in Astarion's behavior.
His inability to make decisions.
The mess he made of his tent.
The way he sometimes sits and stares in the distance not moving at all.
That he doesn't really read, staring at the papers with mindless eyes.
Or quickly turning pages without understanding what is written there.
Or an extreme degree of anhedonia. He cannot taste wine or food, his senses are dulled, and nothing brings him joy except blood and sex (both of which have been unavailable to him for centuries).
You want to accept the tadpole. You don't want to go back to where you were. He doesn't want to either.
But when you take the astral tadpole, Astarion knocks it out of your hands and smashes it.
"You're in no condition to make decisions like that, dear," he says, grabbing your arm.
Neither is he.
You fear to have the tadpole removed.
When it is gone, it's worse than you expected.
You can't move. Can't think. The void is killing you.
You don't want to talk to anyone. You can't do anything. The only thing you are capable of is to crawl into the inn and lie there like in a coffin.
It will never get better.
Maybe, you should just off yourself?
And Astarion's absence only proves your thoughts. He isn't there, he's left. He doesn't need a burden like you.
The relapse is so bad you decide to find a way to end things.
You choose a lonely place and takes a dagger out.
You greet death like an old friend.
Only to wake up under a starry night sky.
With a familiar skeleton-like figure close to you.
Withers brought you back. But why? And how did he…
Before you manage to say anything coherent, you feel strong hands around your waist and a familiar scent.
Astarion cries holding you.
"I shouldn't have left you, I shouldn't have... I am so sorry..."
He was ashamed of himself. Of his own relapse.
But he could never thought you would kill yourself.
These six monthes were difficult for him.
Yes, he was free. He could do whatever he wanted.
But he was lonely. He had nightmares. Breakdowns.
He started looking for you only to realize you were dead.
Finding Withers was his only hope.
And you are back. Back to him.
Astarion takes you away from Baldur's Gate to the places you've never been before.
Basically making you run faster than your darkness.
Together you learn how to enjoy things.
You basically ask each other "What can we do rn to make ourselves feel better?"
A swim in the lake? A bath in the inn? A new piece of garment? Just staying together in the tent?
You hold each other from slipping into the void.
Eventually, you are advised to start taking some medicine made by clerics.
You take it once a day and you feel better, almost the same way you felt with the tadpole.
You take the double shot because Astairon drinks your blood to get this medicine for himself.
You both don't feel yourself that miserable anymore. You both cry less.
You sleep better, Astarion doesn't have nightmares.
You are good. Both of you.
It doesn't mean the darkness won't come back - but you are both ready to meet it.
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96
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idyllcy · 10 months
saying we're just friends, thinking you're my man
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word count: 11.3k
warnings: non-explicit smut, heavy making out
summary: Distance gives the soul time to think, and Tim thinks he's in love with you.
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It's a textbook relationship.
Tim can't count the number of times he's read a fic like this.
In fact, he can already imagine the tags on your love story. Strangers to lovers, Friends to Lovers, Fateful Encounter, Alternate Universe - College, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn... the list goes on. You'd probably have a field day trying to finish the story inspired by the one the two of you experienced. Though, as he brushes his fingers through your hair in the kisses of the morning sun, he wouldn't have it any other way — even if he couldn't form a coherent thought when you were awake and talking to him. God, you make him weak.
In the blaring heat of August at orientation, you landed right at his feet after getting shoved around in the crowd of students.
"You good?" He holds his hand for you, and you take it, pulling yourself up.
"Sorry! They're quite a crowd." You laugh awkwardly. "I'm, uh—" Your name tumbled past your lips, an apologetic smile on your face, explaining to him that you were trying to get to the English building through the crowd of students. Tim told you his name (only first in fear you'd recognize his last) and showed you a shortcut to the building. You had taken the messily scribbled image, airdropped it onto your phone, and you had rushed off with a thank you yelled into the air. Tim hadn't thought much about you. It wasn't as if you'd be in the same department as him. He also had minimal GE classes, so—
Two days later, you sit next to him in his only GE class. He was required to take English regardless of his previous experience with it. His AP classes hadn't been kind enough to remove the requirement. Not even the fives on both of his English APs could have helped him avoid the expository hell all freshmen were required to take. So, he meets eyes with you as you apologize for sitting next to him, confessing that he was the only face you knew.
"So? What's your major?" You blink at him curiously as the class waits for the professor.
"I'm in Cybersecurity."
"Woah." You mumble. "Stem..."
"Creative Writing." You grin. "Well, build your own major. But Creative Writing nonetheless."
"A writer?"
Tim had watched as you played Minecraft the entirety of class, only skimming through the syllabus for his late work, absence, and attendance policies. He's not sure if you even caught the way the professor mentioned there was a syllabus quiz next class. Though it wasn't his job to tell you, but he still felt kind of bad if you were to fail it. He passes you a note, and you pause your game, glancing at the note. You grin at him, opening your phone and showing him your reminder. You go back to your Minecraft world for the rest of class, information going in one ear and out the other. (Tim found out later that you actually listen, and gaming was only a focus tactic you used.)
At the end of class, you save your world, push your chair in, and sprint for the door.
Tim shared no other classes with you. In fact, the two of you only had one class together for all four years of your college lives. Yet, there was something about you that had stuck with him. He didn't know what it was, but he hadn't felt that giddy over someone since his last relationship, his heart racing in his chest, his head spinning. He pushed everything down in favor of being able to pay attention in class. Though his coding skills were spectacular, his writing skills were less than stellar. He didn't understand how writing just came to you.
Especially not when you fell asleep halfway through your first monthly timed essay and still scored a 97. He could learn a thing or two from you, maybe. Were you doing memory consolidation in the middle of the exam? He has no idea how you did it.
Your name slips past his lips as you pack up after one class.
"Yeah?" You tilt your head at him.
"Are you," he pauses, (a little embarrassed. Tim Drake, son of Bruce Wayne, CEO of WE, was in need of help. Of course he was a little embarrassed.) "down to tutor me? My grade in this class is less than... acceptable." He grimaces at how his voice goes quiet.
You smile. "Yeah. I'm down. I'll give you my number and schedule and we can arrange a time. Expository writing isn't that bad. It's just the same sentence structure with some BS and then you're done."
"Easy for you to say," He hands you his phone.
"No. It's just like how you have structure when you code." You click your number in, texting yourself and saving his contact before you forget. "There is structure in everything you do."
"Yeah." You beam at him.
Tim's next essay comes back with an 81. It's a big improvement from the 64 he scored the first time. You were right, the essays being the same thing over and over again. The structure is as easy as basic coding is to him. He understands you now.
He thanks you by taking you to the diner, paying for your meal.
You kick your legs at the booth, milkshake straw between your lips, lost in thought.
"Penny for your thoughts?" He raises a brow.
"Tim... what's your last name?" You frown. "It's fine if you don't tell me, but my friends have been asking who I've been tutoring and I realized I have no idea what your last name is."
"It's Drake." He scans your face for something when he tells you.
"Drake..." You pause, letting go of the milkshake straw. "huh. Like the CEO." You go back to your milkshake after the revelation.
"Not surprised?"
"I mean," You grimace at him. "You wear the down-low designer brands your adoptive father does, so not really. I had my suspicions, but I didn't want to pry in case you didn't want to tell."
"Down-low designer brands?"
"Bruce Wayne has a specific way of dressing casual." You bite on your straw. "I know this sounds creepy but I've done more research on brands billionaires wear than I'd like to admit."
"Does it have to do with your writing?" Tim thanks the waiter as his order is brought.
"Yeah." You smile sheepishly. "Is that creepy? Sorry."
"No. I've been expecting the unexpected from you for a while now."
You laugh. "Yeah?"
"I have an older brother who writes in his free time and the amount of things he's done for research is crazy."
"Right? Reddit and Quora are my saviors." You mumble. "I obviously can't kill for research, so the internet is my best friend."
"Do you search on incognito?"
"No. I prefer being able to dig up my weird research from my search history." You shrug. "I bet the FBI has me on a watchlist."
"I could check if you'd like."
You feign a look of shock. "Really?"
He smiles at you, and the two of you burst into laughter.
"You going to Connor's Halloween party next week?" You finish the last of your milkshake.
"Of course not." He deadpans. "Must I remind you I hate going out?"
"Awh," You pout. "I wanted someone to match maid dresses with."
"Excuse me?"
"For research."
The smile on your face suggests anything but.
"You can consider it as payment for all the times I'm going to tutor you."
"I've been paying you."
"No." You shake your head. "You pay me each time we have a session. I'm letting you pay me for the rest of the lessons by showing up to the Halloween party in a maid dress with me."
Tim looks at you incredulously.
"Actually, I'll even draft a contract if you don't believe me." You smile.
"And if I turn you down?"
"I'll find one of my friends to do it with."
"Then why ask me?"
"The thrill of the unknown? The endless answers you could have chosen? A grasp on your character better? It could be anything." You smile sweetly at him. "It's fine. You can continue paying me like you normally do."
"Who would you match with if not me?"
"Well, I was thinking Sam or someone else," You shrug. "but Sam doesn't celebrate Halloween. I'd match with the other guy friend, but one of my friends is into him so I don't want to make it seem like I'm making a move on someone I know she likes."
"So you asked me?"
"I don't know, Tim." You shrug. "You tell me. I thought you were a genius."
He leans in to read your face better. "I'd say you asked me because you're interested in me."
"Bingo." You grin wider this time.
"It's been less than two months."
"And? Hasn't stopped people from already hooking up." You shrug. "You can say no."
"See, I'd say yes, but Connor would take a photo and it would end up in our groupchat's blackmail folder." Tim slides his fries to the middle when he catches you staring. "You can have one."
"I thought you were a master hacker?" You pick a fry from the carton.
"Yeah, but friend code."
"Ah." You nod slowly. "It's okay to say no. I won't get offended."
"Maybe next year." Tim shakes his head.
"No worries!"
Tim stalks your Instagram on the day of Halloween, staring at the post where you're matching maid dresses with your entire friend group. In the back of his mind, he wonders, for a brief moment, if it would have just been you and him if he had agreed. The thought disappears just as fast, sighing as he puts his phone down and domino mask on. He had patrol. He could think about his mess of emotions later. Gotham needs him.
Your breath hitches from the spiked punch, your friends long lost in the crowd, your head spinning as you stumble onto the balcony of the apartment, resting your head on the cool of the metal railing, trying to calm the thumping of your head. You hear something rustle in front of you, the sound of someone swinging, and you open an eye to get a look. Your breath catches in your throat at the sight of Red Robin.
"Dude... your costume looks way too realistic." You press your fingers to his armor, pulling him onto the balcony with you, mumbling under your breath as you feel him up through his costume. The smell of alcohol is apparent on your lips, the smell of your perfume flooding his senses — your cheeks are flushed beyond repair, and Tim finds himself frozen in place as you practically straddle him, fingers running to his face. His eyes dart to your cleavage unconsciously, staring back up to meet your eyes when he sees too much. You look sinful like this. His breath catches in his throat as he tries to loosen your grip on him without accidentally throwing you off, and he finally presses a hand of his to your stomach, successfully getting you to stop.
"Sorry." You mumble.
"No worries." He rasps, pushing you back onto your seat gently — heart drumming in his head.
"Ey, Red Robin!" Connor calls from inside the house. "You made it!"
"I'm not here to party. I was checking in on you to see if you were being responsible." He sighs.
You blink at him, doe-eyed, fascinated, drunken stupor all over your face.
"You're real?"
"Yes." He mumbles.
"Sorry for touching you."
"You're forgiven."
You lean back into your seat with an exhale, pulling out your phone as Connor leads Tim further into the party. He speaks to Oracle to let her know where he was, and he exhales when she tells him B says it's fine. He nods at the people who compliment his costume as he passes them, and he grabs himself a cup of punch, pausing when the alcohol stings his tongue. He dumps it in Connor's sink, eyes trailing to where you were sitting, breath catching in his throat at the sight of some sleaze slinging his arm around you. He rushes over to you, fingers smoothing down your neck to your shoulders, warning smile on his face.
"She has company for the night."
The man scrambles as you look up at him, beaming. His breath catches in his throat.
"Careful. I might just take you home."
"Don't you dorm?" He raises a brow in amusement.
"No one said my home." You turn around to reach for his jaw, fingers trailing down, breath fanning his. Tim would let you do this. He really would. He'd kiss you senseless on the balcony at Connor's house, yet he knows better than to do so. You're drunk from the punch. He'd be taking advantage of you no matter how much you want this when sober. So, he runs his thumb over your bottom lip, forehead meeting yours, every ounce of his willpower pulled into not just kissing you senseless here. If only you were sober. The things he would do.
"Where is she — babes! Time to go!" Your friend breaks the tension for him, pulling you away from him with a nod, alcohol riding off of her as well. He wonders if your driver is tipsy.
"I wanna go home with Red Robin..." You mumble, and your friend smacks you playfully. He notices one of you is sober, and he supposes that's enough. He heads back inside to find Connor.
Tim notices you miss class the next day. You text him to ask him to record the lecture for you, telling him the Halloween party was lit and you remember almost making out with a guy but your friend cockblocked you. Tim holds back a laugh in class, letting you know he'd email you his notes with the lecture recording. You thank him with an image, going offline immediately after. He clicks on his laptop, noting down whatever you might need. The recording would cover the rest. He sends everything at the end of class, your response instant. It wouldn't matter if you were absent from class. Your grade could take a hit.
He answers his phone when you dial him.
"Timmers, you got Tylenol?"
"I can buy you some?" He offers. "I don't have class after this."
"Please? Oh, and throw in that one specific brand of bottled tea. I'll send you a photo." You grumble.
"Are you feeling better?"
"Like a dead girl walking."
"Taking that as a no. Want anything else?"
"I'll Venmo you the money. Bring me the receipt."
"You're sick. You can pay me back by actually being in class next lecture."
"Not hard. My head just hurts from the hangover."
"I'm guessing you got home safe?" Tim steps into the convenience store.
"Yeah. Our driver was sober. Thankfully."
Tim grabs the Tylenol and pauses. "I need the tea."
"Which convenience store are you in?"
"Aisle three by the American soda. It's green with white writing. You can read Chinese, right? It's Japanese but it says tea in Chinese."
"How'd you know?" Tim pauses. "Unsweetened green tea? The Japanese one?"
"Yeah. It helps a lot." You sniff. "Found out on google because someone made a compilation of you speaking foreign languages."
"So you assumed?"
"The part where you speak Cantonese, you were reading from a menu."
"Are you stalking me?"
"I'd prefer doing research."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
Tim checks out, tapping his phone to pay. He takes the bag and pauses at the sight of the instant noodles. "You sure you don't want anything else?"
"Nothing. Feel free to get what you need too."
Tim hears you drink something.
"I'll text you my dorm building and number. There's no pin to get in just let them know you're here to see me. I'm pretty close with the RA."
"Networking already, huh?"
"Whatever you want to call it."
You text him your dorm building and number, and he knocks on your door.
You open it with a weak push of your arm.
"Are you actually sick?"
"No." You thank him as he hands you the plastic bag. You pop two pills out, swallowing them with the tea. "I'm extremely hungover. I drank too much punch."
"And you didn't realize?"
"No. I was trying to drink my thoughts away." You sniff. "So? How'd you spend yesterday?"
"Handing out candy at the manor with Bruce." Which was a lie. He spent Halloween using every last drop of self-control to not kiss your drunk self senseless at Connor's place. He can still smell your perfume.
"Sounds boring."
"I do it every year." He shrugs. Also a lie. He spends every Halloween patrolling Gotham because it's the one night of the year where every single criminal decides it's alright to go apeshit.
"mm," You yawn. "I matched maid dresses with my friend group. I posted about it. Do you have insta?"
"No. I keep a low profile."
"So you don't have a private account?" You raise a brow.
"I do, but what makes you think we're close enough for it?" Tim mirrors your raise of brow.
You hold your hand to your mouth, pretending to be offended. "We're not close enough for it?"
"I'm kidding." He mumbles. "What's your handle? I'll follow you."
"You better not turn down my request." You reach for the green tea again, drinking it as you show him your account. He already knows your account. He figured he'd have to ask or else he'd be a hypocrite for calling you his stalker. Well, he's already a hypocrite.
"Ough!" You sit up straighter, reaching for your laptop. "Connor sent me these photos that the photographer caught of me and Red Robin" You swoon.
"You're into him?"
You blink at him. "Did I not tell you I run his stan account?"
"You do wHAT." He freezes. "Are you the girl who gets caught up on the news every other week because you accidentally fall while taking photos of him?"
"Yep." You grin. "He's my favorite Robin."
Tim was extremely conflicted at the discovery. In retrospect, he should have known from the way you seemed to climb all over him and pull him onto the balcony without second thought, but he's still embarrassed at the idea that you had fawned all over him. Yet he shakes his thoughts away as he peers over your shoulder to stare at the photos caught of the two of you — well, of you. You didn't know he was Red Robin.
There's a photo of you straddling him, feeling him up, and Tim's neck snaps to the side.
"Tim? You good? You don't need to look if you're uncomfortable, you know?" You remind.
"No," He swallows. "I wasn't expecting photos like this."
"Isn't the photographer good? I'd pay this guy to take photos of me at parties any day."
"Yeah?" Tim raises a brow as you show him the other two. One of him with his fingers on your collar, the other of his forehead pressed to yours, thumb between the two of you's lips. You explain to him in excitement that you would have kissed him had your friend not pulled you away because you needed to leave. Tim rests his back on your closet, nodding along slowly. He had homework to do. Yet he spent the rest of the afternoon in your room listening to you ramble about Red Robin, conspiracies reminding him of someone.
"So let me get this straight." Tim interrupts. "I'm on a time crunch. I have something for one of my compsci classes due soon and wanted to get the big picture."
"Oh. I'm sorry for—"
"Don't." He holds his hand out. "I stayed. You run the biggest Red Robin stan account on Twitter and you're planning on posting those photos like he's some kpop idol?"
"Yeah?" You tilt your head.
"Are the fans not going to get mad that he's making out with someone at a party?"
"No." You laugh. "His fans are used to him being in relationships. The most they'd do is figure out who that is, which is me, but that's it."
"You won't get death threats?"
"His fans aren't crazy."
"Yeah? You seem pretty mental to me."
You gasp. "Rude." You look to the side, sucking your cheeks in. "But not wrong."
"Yeah. If you denied it, I'd just pull up every single time you'd fallen while trying to get good photos of Red Robin."
You pout. "Shoo. You said you had something due soon."
"Last question."
"You don't mind that he's never going to date you?"
"Timmers." You laugh. "He's a hero and I'm a fan. It's like asking me if I'm ever going to date a billionaire. It's impossible. Not written in the stars. It's a groundless dream."
"Yeah?" His own heart cracks a little when you mention a billionaire.
"Yeah." You smile. "Now do your work. You have a GPA to take care of."
"Got it."
Tim finds that nearing the end of the semester, you meet with him less and less, tutoring him on Zoom instead, apologizing, explaining that you had a ton of creative work due for your other classes. You had been planning on graduating early, he finds out. It was your freshman year, and you were trying to get your sophomore classes out of the way. He was bothered. It was incredible — the sheer amount of classes you took. It was more impressive that you had time to write your own creative works.
"How did you score last time? I'm starting to think you have me tutor you still because you're into me." You joke.
"Ninety. All we have left is the stupid final."
"You're set then." You yawn. "Why still have me tutor you?"
Your mind wanders as you click on one of your assignments. "Oh, how about this, then? I have an interview I need to conduct for my journalism class, and you'd be the perfect candidate. I'm expected to record it in the building and it's due in three days."
"Three days?"
"I bet you have everything out of the way, huh?" You smile at him, batting your lashes. "Hm?"
Tim, does, in fact, have everything out of the way.
"And if I don't?" He likes teasing you.
"Then I'll ask one of my friends. The topic is the discussion of a topic you aren't familiar with. You're good with coding, something I can't do past basic HTML to edit how text looks." You hum. "I'm grappling at every excuse I can to hang out with you, if you can't tell."
"Oh, I definitely can."
"Great." You smile. "How does tomorrow at 8 in the morning sound?"
"So early?" Tim raises a brow.
"I'll bring us coffee. Give me your order."
Tim realizes at 3am that you never gave him a dress code. Should he show up in casual? Business casual? Semi-formal? Formal — no, formal attire seemed like too much. He grimaces as he's in the Batcave, irritation all over his face.
"Something wrong, Timmers?" Dick raises a brow.
"Yeah. What do you wear to an interview?"
"Depends what kind." Bruce answers, pulling the cowl from his head. "Who's the interviewer? Is it official?"
"A friend is interviewing me for a project."
"Final project or just a project?"
"Forgot to ask."
"You can't go wrong with semi-formal. Dress like old money." Dick hums. "Polo shirt and khakis. Throw in a sweater tied around your neck and you should be good to go."
"I agree." Bruce hums.
"Do you need to impress said friend?" Jason raises a brow from behind the two.
"Wh-what does that have to do with the interview?"
Jason smirks at the stutter. "Get Steph to dress you. She'd make you look good and dress for the occasion."
"I think I'll go with Dick's—"
"Half-buttoned dress shirt and dress pants." Steph cuts in, pausing. "No, that'll make you look desperate. Grey sweats, blazer, and a white tee. Dark colored blazer but NOT black."
"Why can't I just wear a polo shirt and just—"
"You want to look good, right? Roll the sleeves up to right before your elbows. Mess up your hair a little too."
Tim sighs. "It's winter."
"Drake. Do you want to look good for your crush?" Damian cuts in.
"She's not a crush-"
"Last time you said that you were still pining after your ex." Steph laughs. "If you really want to look casual just wear what you normally wear but add some perfume."
"She's interviewing me for my major." Tim finally gets to speak.
"Then just dress like you normally do." Dick pats him on the back with a laugh. "Hoodie and sweats. Wear a tee underneath if in case you get hot so you can pull it over your head and she can watch."
"I agree with that." Steph smiles. "If you're lucky, your shirt will ride up a little and she'll get to see—"
"Got it!" Tim yells, groaning. "My usual clothing it is. I'll bring a blazer in case she does want me to dress semi formal."
"Attaboy." Bruce ruffles his hair as he makes his way up.
Tim groans. He's not going to get enough sleep for this.
You call him in the morning when the coffee shop you frequent isn't open.
"Mm?" Tim furrows his brows, morning voice evident.
"Coffee shop closed. You mind if I just make one at the convenience store for you?"
"Knock yourself out. You're early."
"I need to set up the equipment." You hum.
"What color should I wear?"
"Something not green. I'm in red. See you in an hour."
"See you." Tim mumbles back, ending the call. He sits up, bed hair evident, staring at himself in the mirror. The exhausted part of himself wants to go back to sleep, but the better part of him — the giddy, excited, coming-of-age-has-a-crush-on-someone part of him — has him sit up from sheer willpower. (something he finds he has a lot of when it comes to you) He gets out of bed, pulling for the clothes he prepped the night before, combing his hair for once. He'd like to look nice for the camera, for you, he thinks. It would be a little frustrating to see the stand-in CEO of WE dress so casually. He has some sort of reputation to hold up when he isn't a student. Though he supposes he's being interviewed as a student, so there's not much of a need to dress so well.
But he supposes he wants to impress you.
He arrives five minutes before 8, locking his car and knocking on the door to the room.
"Hey," You smile at him.
"You didn't lock the door." He locks it behind him. "In Gotham during winter?"
"I knew you'd be here early." You adjust the cameras. "Your coffee's on the table."
"Thank you," He takes off his coat, hanging it on the rack. "Can I know what questions you'll be asking me?"
"Next to your coffee." You yawn. "You're dressed nice."
"Is it too little?" He smiles at you apologetically.
"No. Not at all." You smile. "Not when I'm dressed like," You motion at yourself. "This."
"You look like a friend." He points.
"Honored." You laugh. "The cameras are set up. I rented the room until 11. Take your time with the coffee."
"You're asking about me?"
"Yeah." You laugh. "The goal is to gradually have you talk about why you chose your major so we can have a relatively deep conversation. It's an intro to interviewing course, but the professor's ultimate goal was to make sure we make at least one friend."
"Yeah?" Tim puts his coffee down, smile on his lips. "Am I that friend?"
"Yeah," You smile back at him. "You can ask me questions too. It's supposed to be a casual interview. I'll only ask you a question when we run out of things to talk about."
Tim discovers a symphony of information from you. You open your heart to him the same way he can to some extent, smile on his lips when he tells you about his days during high school and his earlier relationships, forgetting that this was an interview for your class and that you would probably have to go through hours of footage in response to this. The plush of the seat is warm underneath him, your voice is a melody to his ears, Tim nodding along as you tell him about the one time you snuck out of the house as a teenager and got your ass beat because you got caught. The smile on your lips is contagious, he finds. He hadn't fallen for someone this hard since his ex.
Tim took you to lunch that day, desperate to get to know more about you, desperate to know you. He would have called it a date if you had let him.
You had your laptop pulled up, sorting through the footage (the three hour long footage) of the two of you's conversation, nodding along and rambling casually, clicking through to cut more personal matters from the interview, only required to give your teacher a clip and the raw file's total length to prove that you two hadn't just staged a conversation. You take a fry from his plate, your sandwich finished on your plate, humming when you finish editing.
"Are you always this fast?"
"Depends on what context." You wink.
"You were pretty fast to upload those new Red Robin photos too." If he noticed the sexual connotation of your words, he didn't mention anything.
"Well, other than lighting, I don't really need to edit anything."
"Speaking of which, do you even pay tuition?"
"Martha Wayne Scholarship." You yawn. "Your dad is looaaaded."
You submit your assignment to Canva, yawning. "That was my last one."
"You finished all those writing assignments?"
"Writing comes to me like hacking does to you." You close your laptop, tucking it into your bag. "Thanks for lunch, by the way."
"Mhm." He smiles. "Glad you liked your sandwich."
"My favorite." You hum. "So? Any updates? New girl? New boy? Relationship? Your dad adopted a new sibling? What's new?"
"Siblings keep teasing me."
"Oh? For what? For me?" You press a hand to your chest, wiggling your brows at him. You burst into laughter when he turns red. "Yeah? Because of me?"
"I asked them what I should wear to an interview, and suddenly they were asking me if I had a girlfriend."
"Yeah? So what did you tell them?"
"Interview from a friend." His eyes meet yours, eerily sincere. "Why?"
(the use of friend leaves a pang in your chest)
"Curious." You shrug. "So? Going anywhere for vacation?"
"Just Christmas at the Wayne Manor. You know, the rich people gala?"
You shudder, laughing. "Good luck."
"I'll need it. God knows who else I have to network with that night."
"Well, my dorm's open if you want it." You shrug. "But I doubt Bruce would let you leave since you are the CEO."
"Stand-in." He corrects.
"CEO nonetheless." You hum. "Should I send you a Christmas present?"
"What would you even send me?"
"It would be a surprise."
Tim finds a gift from you under the Christmas tree, presumably placed there by Alfred. He had missed when you dropped it off, knocked out in the warmth of his bed without the pressure of an exam for once, letting himself ignore the cases he promised himself he'd solve. He promised you he'd get one day of proper sleep. Your texts are the only ones that cause his phone to vibrate during break. (He's down horrendously bad for you, Jason had whispered to Dick while Tim had responded to your message, lovesick grin on his face.)
Distance gives the soul time to think, and Tim thinks he's in love with you.
It comes as a revelation on Christmas morning, coffee mug warm in his hand as he watches his siblings open their Christmas gifts, laughing at certain ones and holding back his face from a smile breaking past his lips at others. He's third on the list to open his gifts, third son and all, and Tim finishes the last of his coffee, fingers reaching for his presents, all wrapped in a shade of red different from Jason's blood red. He thanks everyone for their gifts, raising a brow in amusement when he pulls out Damian's, a genuine smile breaking on his smile at Bruce's. Finally, he finds himself reaching for the gift you had gotten him, his fingers shaking as he breaks open the wrapping paper, smile on his face at the camera you got him. There's even an SD card and a battery charger part of the box you had prepped him.
"Oooh, Timmers is that from your girlfriend?"
"She's not my—"
The family breaks into teasing remarks as Tim groans, blush fresh on his skin, heart racing in his ears — that's when he realizes, the painful realization, a realization that breaks him into silence — he's in love with you.
Bruce has everyone move on as Steph sits down to open her gifts, and Tim's throat dries at the epiphany. He's in love with you — and that same lovesick smile breaks on his face as he wonders if you got his Christmas present. It was as if the two of you synced with the gift. Maybe he'd catch you taking photos of him with your camera. This time, he should stare back at you, flash you a smile, strike a pose, something, anything to fluster you. He was already looking forward to patrol that night. He picks up his mug, excusing himself quietly to get another cup of coffee, pulling his blanket with him as he clicks on his phone, placing his cup under the machine as he thanks you for the gift.
You respond immediately, video-calling him on accident, flustered state caught on camera, hair still a mess from waking up.
"I'm so sorry—"
Tim laughs. "It's fine. Are you home?"
"No. I slept over at a friend's place since my mom and I don't celebrate Christmas." You smile at him fondly. "I brought the gift you mailed to me, though. I haven't opened it yet."
"Let's say it's for your bird watching."
"You did not." You gasp, looking over your phone. "I'll have my friend record a video when we rip open our presents. Have fun on Christmas, Tim. Love you lots—"
Tim's face turns utterly red at the words, blinking wide-eyed at the now-ended call. You just... wow. He takes his mug of coffee, sitting back at his old seat where his siblings were, in a half-blissed-out state at your words. (He's told later on by your friend that you had sobbed into her chest when you realized you told him you loved him on accident.)
You text him sometime during the afternoon with the video of you opening your present, thanking him for his generous gift. You let him know that you'd send him your new photos with his present first, letting him see how good the quality of his camera could be. He texts you to sit on your dorm roof instead, and you ask if he was planning on kidnapping you. Maybe you'd let him take you for a swing. Instead, he tells you it's a present for your fanpage. You ask him if he's going to call Red Robin himself. He leaves you on read.
Bruce notices the way Tim's eerily giddy for a Christmas patrol, but he doesn't comment on it.
You exhale into the winter air, the cold piercing your lungs as you hold the camera between your gloved fingers, kicking your legs as you sit on the edge of the building, strap hung around your neck. You hum quietly as you watch the snow start, and a shadow looms over your shoulder.
"Hey." Tim smiles at you, Red Robin outfit on.
"Woah. He wasn't lying." You gasp. Your name spills past your lips, rambling about how you were his biggest fan. He stares at you through the whites of his domino mask, smile breaking onto his face.
"I've seen your Twitter."
"Yeah?" You exhale, eyes sparkling. "Honored. I hope you aren't going out of your way to visit me or anything. Gotham needs their vigilantes."
"And if I am?"
"Then you should go." Your cheeks flush from the winter warmth, and he steps close to you, forehead pressed to yours.
"You remember me from Halloween?"
"We have a thing with meeting on holidays, hm?" You laugh gently, eyes crinkling, Tim's expression softening.
"Yeah, we do." He hums, leaning in further. "May I?"
"Yeah." You exhale, lips finally pressed to his under the winter snow, his hands warm on your face as you lean in closer to him, chest pressed to his, lips parted to give him access to your mouth. Your head spins deliciously from the taste of his lips, his perfume reminding you of someone you know all too well, your mind muddled with the fact that you're actually making out with Red Robin, your celebrity crush. You whimper against his lips when he nips at your bottom one, his breath catching in his throat.
"Fuck, pretty girl. You can't just do that." He heaves, resting his forehead on yours again.
"Wow." You breathe, starstruck, eyes staring up at his.
"Yeah." You laugh melodiously, and Tim feels his heart grow full. "Can I get a photo?"
"For you? Anything."
You make a Christmas post on your Twitter, photo of Red Robin with a Santa hat and white beard staying pinned for the Holiday season. (Tim wasn't allowed to live it down from his family, but he had gotten to kiss you stupid, so he was more than willing to take the jabs.)
He invites you to his place for New Year's Eve, invitation tumbling past his lips and nearly getting drowned out by his panicked rambling, cheeks red beyond repair and stutter catching in his throat, only for you to tell him that you'd "love to" and that you were "honored." You asked him if there was a dress code, and he told you it was fine. Even if the Wayne gala was that night, he would just sneak to his room when you arrived. He could finish socializing with the rich in a couple of minutes. Hell, he'd flirt his way out of it like Bruce did if it meant he could see you early. He tells you to arrive in a nice dress anyway, asking for your measurements so he could send you something. (You didn't want to give it to him, but he insisted.)
You pull up to the gala perfectly on time, ignoring the paparazzi asking you who invited you and making a beeline to who you assumed was Alfred and asking him if you could be taken to Tim's room. The gala wasn't somewhere you wanted to be, and Alfred had been more than welcoming, leading you and leaving you in Tim's room, telling you to make yourself comfortable since you were Tim's guest. You spent twenty minutes looking through his photobooks before he stumbled into his room, a little sweaty since he had been running.
"Hey." He smiles at you dorkily, smiling like a nerd in love.
"Wow. You're dressed nice." You mumble, staring him up and down.
"You don't look too bad yourself," He hums, locking his door behind himself. "Did you get to eat anything?"
"I ate before I came and made a beeline for Alfred when I came. Too many cameras."
"Sorry." He exhales. "Looking at my photos?"
"They're nice."
"They're from years ago." He hums. "Before my parents passed."
You mumble something under your breath, eyes meeting his in something akin to sadness.
"It's fine, now." Tim presses his thumb to the space between your brows, your expression relaxing immediately.
"Ah, right." You slip out the SD card from your purse, blinking at him. "You have a card reader?"
"Yeah." Tim sits in his chair, opening his laptop through some series of codes, holding his hand out for your SD card.
You drop it in his palm, his fingers drumming against the table as he opens the files.
"I got photos of Red Robin." You grin. "He was there on my dorm roof. Did you send him?"
"Yeah." He smiles. "Did you like the gift?"
"My Twitter loved it." You smile. You neglect to tell him that you had kissed Red Robin breathless. (Tim doesn't notice the way you get embarrassed, trying to fight off the red on his own cheeks when he remembers the way the two of you had made out on the roof.)
Tim pauses at the photo of him swinging away.
"Why didn't you post this one?"
"I was actually planning on posting it today." You hum. "The ones of him in action."
"You have multiple?"
You click into a folder, enter your password, showing him the photos.
"The camera's great, by the way. Red Robin may not have an ass as impressive as Nightwing, but he still has a nice ass." You laugh, clicking open the photos. Tim chokes on the air at the photos, and he laughs.
"Oh, yeah, Twitter would love this."
You shrug playfully. "What can I say? It pays."
Tim glances at the clock on the wall. Two minutes from midnight.
"How'd you spend the morning?"
"My friend came to pick me up so she could do my makeup." You laugh. "Then she brought me to the mall so we could get me some heels," You kick your legs to show him. "And then another friend, the one with a nice car, drove me here. My other friends insisted they watch me walk off to you. I forgot to tell them your last name after I asked for it, so they were quite surprised when they dropped me off her."
"Maybe I should thank your friends for helping you look so pretty."
"Yeah?" You smile, hopping to sit on his desk.
He stands up, pressing his forehead to yours, tucking your hair behind your ear, nose brushing yours.
"Yeah. What do they like?" Tim hums, your perfume flooding his senses again, his doing the same.
"Ever been told you share a perfume with Red Robin?" You whisper.
"No. You'd be the first."
"What's the brand?"
The brand falls onto silence as you press your lips to his, fireworks signaling the new year going off in the back. Tim's hands dig into your waist, eyes half-lidded, tongue pressing into yours with so much passion your knees might've gone weak had you not been already seated. Your hands find themselves tangled in his hair, pulling lightly when his hand finds itself on the zipper behind you. He pulls away for a moment, begging for your consent, asking if this was okay.
You had told him yes in a heartbeat.
Thus, Tim found himself enveloped with you, senses sent into overdrive, your skin pressed to his, sweat mixing with his, body tangled with his in his sheets — the same sheets he had thought about you so often in, the one where he had thought about you while he spilled into his hand, fingers pressed to your skin, mouth on your skin, sucking, biting, marking, doing whatever you would let him do to you. Your dress was long abandoned by his desk, his own suit leaving a trail toward the bed where he had you in his fingers.
He prayed this wouldn't be a foolish dream.
When he wakes in the morning, pulling you closer to his chest, your lashes fluttering against his skin, his heart warms. He should ask you to date him right now, he thinks. But his heart races in his chest, wondering if you would agree. Maybe the two of you had kissed in the heat of the moment, and you had let him have you because he had asked so nicely. He looks down at you as your eyes are completely open now, embarrassed smile on your face. He misses his chance.
"Good morning." He looks at you like you're his whole world.
"Good morning." You smile back at him like he's the universe.
The two of you fall back into the pace you had established the previous semester, this time without any classes together, only texting every now and then with updates. Tim hates this new life he lives. He misses seeing you during class and watching you play subway surfers on your phone or Bloons TD on your laptop. He opts for texting you during class instead, typing notes as he types responses to your messages. He wonders if you miss him the same way he misses you. He's too afraid to ask, still clinging onto the way your skin had felt on his during New Year's. It doesn't help that your department is halfway across the campus.
The next time he gets to see you, he's Red Robin, and he catches the familiar flash of your camera on the rooftop as he swerves into action. He finishes with the thugs easily, swinging back up to land next to you, your camera pressed to your chest, clicking capture as he raises a brow at you. You blink at him, smile on your lips. You don't look apologetic at all, almost cheekily. It was as if you knew he'd notice you.
"Hey." You beam at him. "Nice fight."
"Thank you. Care to tell me why you're out here during the February cold to get photos of me?"
"Because you're my favorite?" You blink at him, eyes wide.
"That's cute." He hums. "Shall I take you home?"
"Oh, if you could be so kind." You smile. "I had a friend drop me off nearby and I think he left already."
"Yeah?" Tim wraps an arm around your back, pressing you to him snugly, your arms wrapping around his neck. You close your eyes as the winter air hits your face, only for him to whisper into your ear. "Open your eyes."
Gotham looks breathless from wherever the hell Red Robin was in the air. Your breath catches in your throat, staring in awe as Tim swings from building to building, finally landing on the one where you dormed. You let go of him, cheeks warm from the air and the view, turning to look at him.
"Thank you. Thank you a lot." You smile at him, Tim mirroring your smile.
"Can I get a reward?" He had meant it as a joke, only for you to press your lips to his cheek, his eyes widening at the feeling.
"Is that good enough?"
"I was thinking something else, but that works too." He presses his lips to the corner of yours, smile on his face. "Stay safe."
"For you." You wave at him as he swings away from your building. You look through the photos you had gotten of him, going down the flight of stairs to the elevator. You had stuff to post for the rest of the month.
Tim finally bumps into you at the convenience store one fateful afternoon, reaching for your wrist before he could even register that he was scared you'd run off. He blinks at you as you blink back at him, tilting your head to offer him an awkward smile.
"Hi. I'll pay, um, if you'll let me have a moment of your time."
"Yeah? Yeah." You nod dumbly. "That'd be fine. I don't have class right now."
"Yeah. I'll take your basket." He reaches for it naturally, swiping his card with ease. He hands you your stuff back, and you follow him, popping open your green tea.
"What'd you need me for?"
"Missed you."
"Yeah? I missed you too. It's weird not sharing a class anymore." You press the tea to your lips. "Missed me or the insanely good sex we had on New Year's—"
"You." Tim smiles. "Missed hearing your voice."
"Awh, what a cheeseball." You snicker, staring at the green start on the trees. "Cherry blossom season is approaching."
"Yeah. So are midterms." He shudders. "How's your classes?"
"You know, drowning in work in order to graduate early." You hum. "I'm writing something right now."
"For class?"
"Yeah. For fiction writing. The story has to be related to something you've experienced in college so far and I was wondering—" You inhale sharply through your teeth. "If I could write about us?"
"As your friend or as the guy you slept with on New Years?"
You open and close your mouth. "Both. Yeah. Both."
"May I read it after you finish?"
"I'll share the doc." You smile. "Thank you. I've been meaning to ask you."
"I'm honored that you'd write about me as a college experience."
"Yeah..." You trail off. "Oh, did you see my Twitter update? I got these super clear photos of Red Robin fighting thanks to the camera you gave me. Thank you, again."
"You're welcome." He hums. "Doing anything on Valentines?"
You puff out your cheeks. "Supposed to hang out with friends, but me and my other friend want to ditch so the two idiots would finally get to hang out without us third and fourth wheeling."
"So you're busy?"
"Not if you want to hang out." You tilt your head, capping your green tea.
"You'd do that for me?"
"Yeah." You hum. "But you'd have to make it worth ditching for."
"Oh, then leave everything to me." He hums, fingers brushing yours. "I'll pick you up around nine in the morning."
"And what time will you have me back?" You tease, pressing yourself closer to him.
"What time do you want to be back?"
"Whatever time you want." You hum. "Please pick me up in a nice car your dad owns. I want to see the interior of one of them."
"Sure." Tim hums. "Any other requests?"
"How should I dress?"
"Casual." He hums. "Do you want to match?"
"We can color coordinate." You gasp. "What color do you own the most of?"
"Red." He hums.
"Owh! We can match red." You grin.
Tim walks you back to your dorm, staring as you enter the elevator and disappear from view. He thinks a little about where he should bring you, lips pulling up lightly when he remembers something you had mentioned off-handedly in your interview with him. He knew now.
Tim shows up at your door with roses, your friends peering from behind the door as you take the flowers with him with a light flush on your cheek. You're dressed completely casual, red sweatpants matching his red hoodie, grey hoodie matching his sweats. You smile at him sweetly as you take the flowers from him, and your friends pull you aside, staring him down. One of your friends, bless her, tells him to treat you properly. She jabs a finger into his chest, going off about how she didn't care if he was some rich dude — the same rules applied, especially when it was your first relationship. Tim's eyes widen at the fact, your eyes darting to the side, a little embarrassed. Your other friends drag her off of him.
"Why didn't you tell me I'm your first?" He whispers.
You pout. "Didn't want to come off as inexperienced."
"That's not something to be embarrassed about." He hums.
"You would've treated me differently if you knew."
Tim sucks in a breath. "Yeah. I would've."
"Point proven." You hum. "Thank you for the flowers. They're very pretty."
He opens your door for you, waving bye to your friends. You sit there, staring at him as he stares at you.
"Where are we going?"
"Remembered how you joked about being taken on a first date to Costco?"
"No." Your jaw drops.
"I have a membership." He pulls the card from his wallet, and you gasp.
"You spoil me."
"Save that for when you're actually inside."
You fake a swoon, smiling at him sweetly, lips curled upward and brows relaxed. Tim hums, pulling on his own seatbelt, handing you the aux to the car, and you put the flowers onto the backseat. You plug your phone in as he starts driving, and you blink at all the buttons on the car.
"What are these for?"
"One of them's for missiles."
"What." Your jaw drops.
"I'm kidding." He laughs. "Most of them are for defense. Bruce's very into cars."
"I can tell." You mumble. "What are we getting at Costco?"
"Your green tea," He stops at the light. "And whatever else intruiges you."
"Can I get a Costco hotdog?"
"Yeah." He laughs. "You want a slice of pizza too?"
"Maybe." You scrunch your nose. "Moreso a hotdog."
"We can get whatever you want." Tim hums.
"Wow, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to woo me." You laugh. (Tim hates the way he notices your eyes crinkle.)
"And if I am? It is Valentines."
"Woah." You mumble. "I didn't consider that."
"Yeah?" For someone so good at reading people, Tim sure struggled with reading you.
"I don't know." You frown. "Are you trying to swoon me? Or are you trying to get into my pants again?"
"Whichever one helps you sleep at night."
You laugh. "Using my own words?"
"You speak better than I do." He hums. "Do you want your hotdog first or later?"
"Later." You unlock your seatbelt, leaving the car. It looks awfully unassuming on the outside. Great for Gotham, you suppose.
"I'll push the cart." Tim holds his hand out for you and you take it, fingers wrapped in his. He lets go once he gets a cart, handing you his membership as you show the worker at the door. "Want a new iPad?"
"You know, I should make you buy Costco for me." You joke, patting his shoulder.
"Two hundred thirty two billion dollars? That's Bruce's money, not mine."
You snicker. "You have it memorized?"
"Stock trading for the company." He hums. "Stock is currently around five hundred dollars per stock."
"How the hell do you have time for schoolwork?"
"Coffee and an insane amount of self-discipline." He hums. "And revenge procrastination."
"At least you have some sort of weakness." You finally catch the drinks aisle, rushing in to find your green tea, Tim following behind you.
"I'll get it." He hums, reaching and pulling the green tea with ease, sliding it to the bottom of the cart. "Want anything else?"
"Can we browse?"
You wander through the aisles, a comfortable silence washing over the two of you before you decide to speak up.
"Does Alfred need anything?"
"He's probably glad he has the house to himself for once." Tim hums. "Almost all of us are on a date."
You blink in surprise. "Even the youngest?"
"Except Damian." He hums. "Bruce is out too."
"Woah." You mumble. "The house must be quiet."
"Yeah." he hums.
"That did not answer my question." You pout.
"I texted. He sent a list." Tim mumbles, sharing the list. "You don't mind shopping for my family?"
"No." You smile. "I like grocery shopping with someone. It feels warm."
"Yeah? We're in the snacks aisle, so let's start there."
The two of you work your way through Costco, checking off Alfred's list of groceries, double-checking everything over when you finished. Tim grabs a rotisserie chicken for Alfred without it being on the list, and he grabs a tray of croissants, knowing Cass would probably want something sweet to snack on during the day. You text your friends to check if they want anything, and only one of them responds, telling you she's good. You have a feeling the other two are hooking up.
"Anything they want?"
"No." You smile.
"And you?"
"Just the green tea."
Tim raises a brow. "I'll feel bad if I only get stuff for my family while on a date with you."
"The tea is plenty." You beam. "I promise."
You help Tim unload the cart and then reload it, rocking on your feet as he swipes his card, not even checking the price twice, handing you the receipt as he pushes the cart out. The worker swipes the highlighter through the list, and Tim takes a right instead of a left.
"The car's—"
"Hotdog." He hums. "Can you get us two hotdogs? Card's in my wallet."
You take his card and get the hotdogs, tossing them into the cart as you hold the two paper cups.
"What do you want to drink?"
"What are you getting?"
"A little bit of everything."
"Then get me the same thing." He smiles.
You wonder if he's going to hate the flavor on his tongue. Though it's not your problem as you fill the cups, putting them in the holder as Tim pushes the cart back to his car, the two of you loading it into his trunk.
"We'll drop by my place first, and then we can drive to the next place I have planned." He takes the drink, straw in his lips. He blinks at the taste, eyes widening. "Wow. That's a flavor."
"Certainly is." You smile. "Like it?"
"Tastes like something Dick would have." He hums. "I'll push the cart. Get in the car."
You sit in the passenger's seat, opening your hot dog as Tim comes back.
"Ever had one before?" He opens his own, biting down.
"Yeah. My friends and I drop by pretty often." You hum. "Love the hotdogs."
"I should do that." He hums. "Alright. My house."
You chew on your hotdog as he heads toward his place, the music from your phone filling the car.
You wonder for a moment if Tim was actually into you. You have no doubt that you're important to him, but it was a little strange. You had slept with him before. What does that make you two? Friends with benefits? Friends who have slept together? Plain friends? A situationship? You chew on your bottom lip as he drives, mind elsewhere. Also, what were you with Red Robin? You can't call yourself a fan when you've had his tongue stuck down your throat before. There was too much to consider and ask. Maybe you should just ask Tim. (You don't, out of a fear of something. You're not too sure of what.)
When the two of you arrive, You help Tim sort the stuff into bags, carrying them to the front door as he unlocks it with ease, calling for Alfred and Damian to help with the groceries. Damian comes first, taking some of the bags from you, Alfred after him, showing you where the kitchen is.
"Thank you very much for running groceries for me, Master Tim." He nods. "You too, miss."
You smile. "No biggie. We were at Costco and I figured it'd be nice to do the groceries for you."
"It's very kind of you."
"Are you Drake's girlfriend?" Damian's next, eyeing you up and down, a scowl on his face.
He frowns harder. "You deserve someone better."
"I really don't think—"
"Demon brat." Tim's voice comes out like a warning. "Don't tell my date to leave me."
"Is she not your girlfriend? I would have expected you to have already—"
"That's enough." Tim warns again, and Damian shuts up this time.
"Shall I prepare food for the two of you?"
"No need." Tim hums. "We have reservations."
"You made reservations? Do I need to change?" You follow after him, waving bye to Alfred and Damian.
"No. It's at the diner. It's Valentine's, which means there's twice as many couples there."
"Ohhh." You follow him into the car, sitting back down as he starts toward the diner again. "Is that all you had planned?"
"Also planned to take you home after this." He pauses. "My home. I was thinking we could use the movie room in the manor, granted none of my brothers get to it first. If that doesn't work, we can use the projector in my room."
"Are we gonna have sex?" You wiggle your brows playfully.
"If you want, I can have you screaming my name loud enough for Metropolis to hear."
You wince, looking to the side, embarrassed. "Holy shit."
"Expect the unexpected."
"I'm going to throw a milkshake at you for that."
"Cry about it."
The two of you get to the diner just in time for the reservation, your regular orders already memorized by the waiter. You're a little embarrassed, but you suppose it's not the worst thing ever. Tim finds the time asking if you enjoyed the day so far instead. You pull out your laptop as you wait for your order, continuing with the assignment due soon.
"Yeah. Writing." You puff out your cheeks, fingers flying on the keyboard.
"What are you writing?"
You look up from your screen to stare at him. You don't say anything, but Tim gets the idea.
"Need a reference?"
"Actually," You lick your lips, scrolling up through the doc. "I'd like to meet Red Robin again."
"Your date's right here and you're talking about another man?"
"Writing fanfiction for him right now." You deadpan. "Need to know his kinks."
Tim coughs in embarrassment, forgetting how straightforward you could be.
"For a commission?"
"No. Out of curiosity." You pause. "I was curious to know what he would be into."
"Why not base him off of me?"
You raise a brow at Tim, swallowing thickly.
"Is this your way of telling me you don't want me writing fanfiction of other men?" You ask him one question, eyes asking another.
"Yeah." He smiles. "Yes to both questions."
You close your laptop when your milkshake and sandwich arrive, and Tim kicks you gently under the table.
"So what was the other question?" He raises a brow.
"I'll tell you in the car," You smile cheekily. Tim knows what the other question is. He just wanted to see if you were bold enough to ask him. The two of you continue with dinner, catching each other up with your friends' lives, smile on both of you's lips as the sun sets and the moon rises, Tim paying as he said he would. You take his hand into yours as the two of you walk to his car, and he opens the door for you, joining you on the other side.
"Before I ask," You lean over slightly, lips brushing his. "Can I have a kiss?"
"That's a question too, but I won't say no." He leans in for his lips to meet yours, hand moving to hold your face, tongue swiping on your bottom lip, darting into your mouth. You moan into the kiss as his other hand squeezes your waist, and you pull away from him suddenly, licking your lips for whatever taste of him was left. You grin at him cheekily, reaching to wipe the lipstick from around his lips, your voice lowering.
"The question I actually wanted to ask was if you were Red Robin." You grin, wiping the lipstick on a napkin leftover from Costco. "And I knew you'd read it off of me."
"How'd you guess?" He tilts his head at you, eyes still on your lips.
"First it was your perfume," You smile. "Then it was the way you kissed me." You pop the vanity mirror down, reaching into your hoodie for your lipstick. "Not to mention the way your forearms feel the same. Both of you have a specific way that you hold me when making out. I think that was the nail in the coffin."
You pucker your lips when you finish with the lipstick, tossing it back into your hoodie, closing the vanity mirror.
"So? Where are we headed now?"
"My place." He mumbles. "Have to have you."
"You could have me in the car."
"As much as I would like that," He exhales. "That would be very uncomfortable for you."
"Can I have you in the costume sometime later on?" You bat your lashes at him. "If you'd let me, of course."
"Yeah. Anything you want." His head thumps as he stops at the light.
There's a long, drawling silence before you speak up. You're scared, but you might as well ask.
"What are we, again?" You lean over slightly to stare at him. Tim notices you haven't put music on.
"If you'd let me," Tim licks his lips, "lovers."
"Then lovers we are."
The second time Tim gets to have you, he's so much gentler, fingers kneading the skin between them, curling them inside of you until you're a whimpering mess, worried that you'd wake someone in his family, his kisses assuring you that all of his brothers were out doing the same thing he was, wining and dining someone they loved, rooms also soundproof. Tim goes back to you after that, soaked fingers and sheets, licking your cum from his fingers, eyes locked with yours the entire time, pressing his lips to yours after he finishes. Your eyes roll back at how lewd he was being, but you suppose it's what the two of you deserve after flirting for so long.
Tim makes sure you're properly pampered in bed, your legs twitching after your third orgasm, begging for him to fuck you, tears in your eyes. How could he say no? Not when you looked so dazzling under him. He seems to understand something as he pushes into you this time, pausing to drink your form in, still as pretty as you had been before. This time, arguably prettier. You were so much prettier when you were crying about how you were his, cunt still oversensitive from your previous orgasms. Your face twists in pleasure, crying about how you were unable to take another release yet relenting as Tim drilled into you. You have no idea how he has the energy, and you're too tired to ask when he finishes.
You grimace as he peels you from the bed, setting you on the tile seat as he starts a shower for the two of you.
"I love you." You mumble. Not on accident or out of habit this time.
"How long?"
You exhale. "Don't remember."
"Since I fell at your feet at orientation, maybe." You whisper into the mist as he helps you wash up.
"I love you too." Tim mumbles into your skin as he presses a kiss to where he had left hickeys.
"How long?" You repeat his question, staring at him as he stares down at you, moving the shower head to wash the bubbles from your skin.
"Since Christmas." He whispers back.
You smile at him.
"Since I told you I loved you on accident?"
"Yeah." He stops the water, wrapping you in a towel, drying you. You hum in satisfaction as he dries the two of you off, your fingers warm around his wrist when you grow tired.
"Can we sleep? I usually air dry my hair."
"Yeah." He presses a kiss to the crook of your neck, lifting you into his arms as he takes the two of you back to bed.
"What tag would you put on our story?"
"Idiots in love." You smile as you drift off, and Tim presses his lips to your forehead.
His tag would have been requited love.
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phoxey · 2 months
French toast
Bada Lee x fem!reader
CW: none :3 this is pure fluff
AN: sorry for the long absence, and sorry that this is so short, but i promised a comeback, I am still struggling to write, but it's better than nothing.
I love writing, but like in any relationships there are ups and downs. and in such down phases love is hard work. But it's worth it in the end.
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Valentines Day was approaching, and this would be the first time, that you wouldn’t spend the day with Bada. You two have been a couple for a few years now and she would always make Valentines Day special. This year Bada happened to be in a dance workshop on the other side of the world for a few weeks, missing Valentines Day. You tried to talk to her every day, but time zones were against you. When she was going to bed, you were waking up, and when you were going to bed, she was waking up. You only had a small timeframe for talking, and her schedule was tight. She thought you wouldn’t notice, but she woke up earlier and stayed up late just to talk to you. You wanted to scold her for it, but on the other hand you were also grateful for every minute you got with her.
You woke up to several messages from Bada, which she sent, when she knew it was midnight in Korea. It was some silly memes, asking you out to be her valentine, but with them came a long voice message.
“Good morning, beautiful. I hope you had the most wonderful sleep and the sweetest dreams. Maybe you even dreamt of us? I know, I always do. Especially when we are apart like this. I dream of holding you in my arms, your head on my chest, while we watch our favorite shows. It’s cheesy, I know. I really can’t wait for this moment to come. I will probably be at work when you listen to this. And everything I am about to say, I could have also written in a letter, but I wanted to say those things directly, so you can hear the sincerity in my voice. I want to tell you, how I feel. I am so very madly in love with you, it drives me crazy to not be with you for every minute of the day. Every day my love for you grows. How that is possible? I don’t know. Every day I seem to invent a new kind of infinity. I have been looking at your pictures a lot more these past few days, and since day one your beauty keeps striking me over and over again. I know you still can’t see what I see, but I swear to me you are the most beautiful woman on earth. I wish I could kiss every spot you are insecure about and make that feeling go away. I love all of you. You are truly beautiful inside and out. You are just perfect for me. To have such a kind, hardworking and understanding woman in my life, and to be able to call you mine, is truly the greatest blessing I have ever received. I love you.”
From the first word on, tears shot into your eyes. You were too overwhelmed to form a coherent thought. Just as you were trying to formulate a good answer, the doorbell rang. Confused, you walked to the apartment door and opened it. A giant bouquet of your favorite flowers stood in a vase on the ground. It was arranged in the form of a heart. You had to chuckle, this was so cheesy, but that was what you loved about your girlfriend. She always did and say cheesy things, but somehow it was never cringe.
“I see I am arriving in time.”, a familiar voice said.
You looked to the side and saw Lusher and Tatter walking up to your door, both of the carrying a suspicious number of bags.
“Good morning!”, you smiled. “What are you two doing here?”
Lusher and Tatter were grinning at each other for a moment. “We are playing Cupid.”, Tatter answered.
Inside, you put the bouquet on the dining table, as the girls sat down in the living room. You joined them after a moment, bringing them coffee.
You eyed the bags; your heart was racing.
“So!”, Lusher began, and Tatter got her phone out, to begin filming. “Your special someone instructed us to give you your Valentines Day presents. She is very sorry that she can’t be with you right now, but she still wants to make sure you are being spoiled on this special day. Like you deserve.”
You opened the first bag, inside was a shoebox. You recognized immediately what kind of shoes they were. The Nike Jordan 1s you had been wanting for a while now. You took them out to look at them. Suddenly something fell out of them. It was a polaroid photo. It was a mirror selfie of Bada pointing at her feet. She was wearing the same shoes.
The second bag was bigger but softer. Slowly you pulled out, what was inside. It was two pieces of clothing. Firstly, it was one of Badas pants, you always stole, when she made the mistake of wearing them to your apartment. The second item was one of her oversized hoodies. It even smelled like her parfum.
Speaking of it, the last bag was a little smaller. Inside were two things. One you recognized as your favorite parfum, which Bada also loved on you. Whenever you wore it, she stayed at your side, not leaving you for longer than one minute. But there was also a second parfum bottle. You sprayed it on your wrist and immediately the smell of Bada filled your nose. It was her parfum. Smelling it almost made you tear up. You missed her so much. Maybe spraying this onto her hoodie and your pillow would ease the pain of her not being with you finally.
With each present your smile got bigger and your giggles more frequent. Tatter smiled just as wide as she filmed your reaction.
“Do you like it?”
You spun around and there she was. Her tall frame leaning against the wall with her shoulder. Hands in her pockets. She wore her finest dress shirt and tie. She looked so beautiful. Tears welled up in your eyes as you ran into her arms.
“Happy Valentines Day, baby.”, she whispered and kissed on top of your head, as you buried your face in her neck, sobbing.
“I thought you couldn’t come for another week.”, you muttered against the skin of her neck, placing delicate kisses onto her pulse.
“I wanted to surprise you. Did you really think I can spend Valentines Day without my forever Valentine?”
Bada mouthed a thank you to the two other girls, who just winked at her and left the apartment, grinning.
“We have so much to talk about! I have so much tea for you! And you have to tell me all about your trip and your workshop!”, you said excitedly.
Bada smiled fondly at you and laced your fingers. Tenderly, she pressed her lips to your knuckles.
“Sounds good. How about we talk, while I make some French toast?”
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lumienyx · 6 months
Hi! Could you write some soft BDSM featuring gn Tav?
i saw 'soft BDSM' and my brain immediately went to lightning play, i have no excuses sorry. hope you enjoy💙
soft shocks
Rating: E | Pairing: Astarion/Tav, Astarion/Reader | Words: 1,321
Tags: Gender-Neutral Tav, Smut, Plot What Plot, Light BDSM, Blood Drinking, Established Relationship, inappropriate use of magic, lightning play, listen Astarion gets… creative in the bedroom, that's it that's the plot
Read on AO3 or continue under the cut ↓
You feel the first kiss of pain against your hip, a sizzling sensation trailing soft shocks along your skin. 
The moan comes unbidden, and you find yourself leaning into Astarion’s touch, chasing that tantalizing feeling of pain and pleasure bleeding into one. Flashes of lightning flicker around Astarion’s hands, a gentle sting following in their wake up your sides as his fingers move to hover above your chest.
“All right, darling?” Astarion asks, even as a smirk tugs at his lips. “I warned you it would hurt.”
“’s amazing,” you gasp, your voice straining with want. “Please.” The magic still reverberates along your skin with a welcome warmth after the momentary soreness.
“I do so love it when you beg.”
“Ah. ”
It's not electricity that pulsates through Astarion’s fingers now as he starts playing with your nipples—there’s just the heat of magic coating his hand. But even just the promise of pain sets you alight with tingling thrumming along your limbs. He squeezes, and tugs, and caresses as you writhe under his weight, relishing the cool skin against yours which runs white-hot in comparison. You press your hips against his, pleading silently now as coherence slips away. All that’s left for you to voice are wanton groans and breathy gasps amid barely understandable whispers for more and please.
Astarion only grins at you, satisfaction and mischief lighting up his eyes. 
He kisses you then, tender and languid in contrast to his touch. 
He teases your lips with his tongue before pulling away, too quick for you to catch him back into a kiss you crave more of. 
You moan as he mouths down to your neck to place playful and painful bites that almost sink into your skin but not quite, while his hands set the rest of your body on fire. 
There's the lightning shocks that follow Astarion’s touch as he strokes the inside of your thighs, the bottom of your belly, your hip bones, anywhere and everywhere save for where you want it most. And maybe your begging is enough for him—maybe it’s too much—but Astarion grants your wish soon enough, at least in part. He times the bite on your neck that finally does break skin with a featherlight electric shock right above your groin that stokes your arousal even more. So much so that it's the absence of him inside you that hurts most, not the sting of lightning and not the bite. 
And as he drinks, you hope he leaves another, deeper mark. Evidence of his claim on you. You lean into his mouth, feeling the fangs lodge in further, harder. You feel light-headed already, and it's too much yet not enough. It’s exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure, how your body yearns to fight for survival while your mind craves to give in to Astarion completely. 
You love how he drinks so deeply and hungrily from you, how his zeal betrays the coy smirks and the teasing, revealing just how much he wants you, too. The thought draws a chuckle out of you—and you get a flare of lightning along your side in retaliation as Astarion withdraws. 
“Whatever is so amusing, sweet love?” There’s a teasing hint of a playful threat in Astarion’s voice, even as he breathes somewhat shallowly. “Do share.”
His hands still thrum with magic as they’re stroking and kneading where he knows you’re most sensitive. There’s barely any presence of mind left in you to talk, yet you manage, 
“Wondering how long you can keep this up before you lose control,” your voice weak and trembling. Honestly, it does always sound so much better in your head.
Astarion huffs out a laugh in turn. “As long as I need to get you to beg.”
“I already did!”
“Maybe.” Astarion leans in to mouth the words against your ear, making the sensitive skin there prickle from the cool breath. “I’d like to hear it again.”
“I…” Surrender is sweet when it’s him that you fall to, completely unarmed against that piercing gaze. “Please.”
“Please what?” Astarion drawls, voice low and silken, almost a whisper.
His pupils are blown so wide there's just a thin red rim around them, his face slightly flushed from the blood he’s drunk, lips parted and streaked crimson. His eyes show it all—he’s lost in the pleasure just as you are lost in him.
“Please, please, please fuck me.”
Astarion doesn’t make you wait anymore—maybe he can’t, either. He makes such short work of getting rid of his trousers and mounting your legs on his shoulders, you can’t help but think maybe there's a chance he can get lost in you, too.
You've long been ready for him, aching with it. That simmering heat is now fire searing from your core to every nerve in your body as Astarion slides inside you, agonizingly slow, as ever careful not to hurt even as you both crave the connection. He stretches you wide, fills you perfectly like you were made to fit one another. You pull him closer, urge him deeper, and he says something about you being oh so eager—but you’re too far gone now to discern the words properly. 
The only sound you really hear is just the raw, crispy-sweet cadence of Astarion’s voice. 
The only sensation you can focus on is all the places your skin touches his. 
His lips once more paint your neck with lightning-bright kisses. There are the hands digging into your hips, no doubt lovingly bruising them for tomorrow. There’s the feel of him buried deep inside you, fucking into you faster and harder with each thrust.
You’re completely gone by then, split in-between tingling touches, sharp kisses, searing bites, and the slick slide of Astarion’s cock inside you. It feels so hot—too hot, too good—overwhelmingly so. He whispers sweet nothings against your skin and all you can answer with are broken moans and whimpers.
The release hits you hard and sudden, knocking the breath out of you as you clench around Astarion and dig your nails into his back. Your limbs seem to lose all control, trembling and twitching as you ride it out. But Astarion is still moving inside you, the friction building up the heat all over again. You squeeze your eyes shut against the onslaught—you can’t—you’re too sensitive—you want to tell him, but all that comes out is another choked groan as your body keeps singing with the orgasm he doesn’t let end…
“That fast, darling, really?” Astarion’s voice is the first thing you hear when you come to. Then your heavy panting mingling with the stray whimpers that still escape as you shudder from the aftershocks. “Still with me?” 
“Mm,” you try, still catching your breath. “Think so.”
A cool hand covers your cheek. Astarion runs his thumb against your lashes, coaxing your eyes to open.
“I did promise to take you apart, didn't I?” Astarion tries for a coy smile but you see the desperate need glinting in his eyes, the slight trembling of his hand that’s gripping you by your side. Like he’s hanging on to the last vestiges of his control. 
You're only coherent enough to reach up for a messy kiss, thrusting your tongue into his mouth and savoring the closeness, the taste tinged with hints of salt and iron from your own blood. He’s still hard and heavy inside you, shifting as you move but staying motionless himself, waiting for your next move. You purposefully tighten around him, then, satisfied by the muffled groan it earns you. You grip him by the waist, pulling him closer, impossibly deeper.
“I believe,” you whisper against his lips, “you promised I’d forget my name by the time you’re done with me. I still remember mine,” you tease him.
“My sweet.” Astarion’s lips curl into a wicked grin. “I'm only just getting started.”
thank you for the read💙 would love any and all feedback if you liked it :3
tag list (lmk if you'd like to be added!)
@satanicspinosaurus, @tallymonster, @tragedybunny
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ts1m1kas · 6 months
Original Ask: whenever you can would you be willing to write a piece about dominik and the reader being in the shy honeymoon stage of their relationship 🩷🩷🩷
Word Count: 1040 words
(author's note: my first dominik request !! i hope you enjoy it, my lovelies 🩷 i'm so sorry if you feel it doesn't match your ask, i've been so uninspired lately so i hope this makes up for my absence !!)
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Anyone who looked at Dominik and Y/N would think they were a couple. They were inseparable. Being around each other at all times was normal for the pair, along with the subtle glances and their hands that were so often intertwined.
It was an average day for the pair. Y/N had gone over to Dominik’s house, eventually ending up in his bed, asleep in his arms. She couldn’t say she was surprised as it wasn’t the first time it had happened. Although the lines between friendship and romance had been blurred, the two adults still refused to address what was going on between them.
Y/N knew Dominik had training so she felt selfish for wanting to keep him tucked up in bed with her. Under the plush covers of his bed, wrapped in Dominik’s arms was her favourite place to be. He stirred softly, subconsciously pulling her closer to his body.
“Domi, it’s time to wake up. You’ve got training.”
The Hungarian grumbled, tucking his face into the side of her neck, clinging on to the last remains of sleep. He knew he had to wake up, but the bliss he felt in that moment clouded his rational thoughts.
“Five more minutes, it won’t take long for me to get ready.”
“No, you need to get up now. Your version of five minutes is more like fifty.”
He let out a laugh, now fully awake. He pressed a kiss to Y/N’s head and got up out of bed. He pulled on his training clothes and busied himself with getting ready. He ate breakfast, packed his bag and brushed his teeth before jogging back upstairs to say goodbye to Y/N.
“Bye gyönyörű, I’ll see you after training, okay?”
“Goodbye Dom, see you later.”
He waved at her as he exited the room and then turned his attention to putting his training bag into the boot of his car. Getting into the driver's seat, his mind wandered to Y/N. Dominik wanted nothing more than for her to be his girlfriend. She was kind, beautiful, and outgoing. He could list her good traits for as long as time. However, the fear of rejection had sunk its claws into him, and he remained silent about his feelings. 
He pulled into the car park of the training facility and turned off the ignition of his car. He grabbed his bag from the boot and headed to the reception to sign in. Making his way to the changing rooms, he spotted Curtis walking ahead of him.
“Curtis wait for me,” Dominik said, catching the attention of the scouser.
Curtis stopped in his tracks and turned around. He stood still as he waited for Dominik to catch up.
“You alright, Dom?”
Dominik nodded his head and the pair continued the short walk to the changing rooms. Once they arrived they pushed the door open and began to undress to put on their training gear.
“You know, I’ve been planning on asking this girl out. She’s the new social media intern. Have you seen her?”
Dominik’s heart dropped. He knew exactly who Curtis was talking about and the idea of them getting together made him feel sick.
“Are you talking about Y/N? I think she has a boyfriend.” 
“Oh really? Who’s her boyfriend?”
Curtis’ face fell.
“Sorry Dom, I didn’t realise.” Curtis scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with the man in front of him. 
“Don’t worry about it. Not many people know.”
Training went on as usual. Curtis tried to stay out of Dominik’s way while the Hungarian was having an internal crisis. He didn’t even know where the claim that he and Y/N were together came from. He was so blinded by silent rage that his thoughts weren’t coherent. He just said the first thing that came to his head. 
He had to make it come true. He knew that if he let Y/N fall through his fingers he would regret it.
Once the team had been dismissed, Dominik rushed to grab his bags and pulled his car keys out of his pocket. The journey home was short, but in that moment it felt like an eternity.
As soon as he was parked in the driveway, he sprung out of the car and unlocked the front door.
“Y/N? Where are you?” He urged, the adrenaline surge giving him the confidence to finally tell the girl he loved how he felt about her after so many years.
“In here,” she replied from the living room, “Is everything okay?”
Dominik strode down the corridor and stopped in the doorway of the room Y/N sat in and looked straight at her.
“We need to talk, now.”
Her eyes widened and she patted the empty seat next to her, signalling for him to sit down.
“What are we?”
“Dom, what do you mean?”
“You know what I mean. Are we a couple? Are we friends?”
Y/N looked down at her hands. She picked at the skin on her fingers and fidgeted. She had been in love with Dominik for nearly as long as he had with her. The idea of them being a couple was something she had only dreamed of and now that Dominik had brought it up, she didn’t know what to say.
“Dominik, I don’t know-”
“I’m in love with you. I have been my whole life. It’s fine if you don’t feel the same way, but I can’t keep this to myself anymore.”
Y/N twisted her body to face the man who sat next to her. With trembling hands, she cupped his face and pressed her lips to his. Dominik was taken by surprise, but that didn’t stop him from kissing back as enthusiastically as he could muster. 
When they broke apart, Dominik smiled down at Y/N. 
“I think that answers my question.”
“I’d hope so,” Y/N responded, pressing a second kiss to his lips.
The silence that hung in the air was no longer filled with uncertainty and unsureness. It was filled with relief and reassurance. The silent agreement between the pair had been a long time coming, and both of them couldn’t be happier.
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prince-liest · 3 months
Omg, I just wanted to say I ADORE your characterization of Al and Vox! I don't even have the words to express how much I love reading your stuff, especially the Anon responses you post on here. The behind the scenes thoughts are literally my food, lifesource, its so good when people not only write characters IN CHARACTER, but also include stuff about their analysis/understanding of the character too.. I'm literally obsessed with breaking down characters and yk, cracking their chrome domes open to see how they work (which admittedly, I am not the best at <_< but I love reading them). Just wanted to say how much I love your writing. I had maybe 2 questions, please don't feel pressured to answer them :>
What in your mind (in reference to the 66.6 fics) would motivate Alastor to let Val get close to him in the first place? Or was that more you picking these two characters up by the scruff of their necks and plopping them into a hypothetical scenario to explore their character and write some fun intimate thingsTM?
What do you think of the dynamic of Vox and Al vs something like Lucifer and Al? Personally I've noticed that something Alastor craves, behind the mask of his static smiling persona, is attention. He's (at least how I saw it) usually peeved when people don't care about his absence, and seems especially bothered by the King of Hell refusing to really acknowledge him, so he goes out of his way to push Lucifers buttons (like calling himself a father figure to Charlie, IN FRONT OF HER ACTUAL FATHER LOL) whereas with Vox, Vox is literally CONSTANTLY thinking about Alastor. Man literally interrupted his regular TV program to do a segment about how much he totally didn't at ALL care about Alastors dissapearance or the fact that he returned (suree buddy). So Alastor can have more fun with him and annoy him by ignoring and messing with him on purpose.
ty if you do respond to this, sorry if it was hard to understand, sometimes I forget how to put the thoughts in my brain into coherent words!
Ahhhh, thank you very much, anon! I'm especially happy that you're enjoying my commentary on Tumblr, haha - I spent a while on Twitter because that's where all the fandom zines I was in were being hosted, but nothing beats Tumblr for giving me a nigh-unlimited word count and a captive audience for my rambling! >:D <3 I'm back to cocooning myself on the OG hell site.
Thank you for this ask, it really brightened my day! :D
As for your questions:
1. I'm assuming that was a typo and that you mean Vox (but in case you did mean Val: that was just a funny accident of him walking by the room! Alastor wasn't paying enough attention until it was too late), and to that I say:
I think Alastor allows Vox to take a go at him in canon because he finds Vox's obsession with him to be entertaining, but also because Alastor is kind of a narcissist and that same obsession massively feeds his ego, especially in a political climate that otherwise forgot about Alastor. Vox's whole "Who gives a shit about Alastor coming back?! Haha, now let me have a public meltdown and short out power to the whole city about it! Oh, fuck, why is he back, though?? Can we send a spy in to find out??" is exactly the reaction that Alastor wants every time he mentions his mysterious absence and gets brushed off.
At the same time, Alastor doesn't seem to register Vox as a sincere and genuine threat. He's a big enough fish in the Pride Ring pond that his obsession with Alastor is gratifying, but Alastor's self-absorption also doesn't really allow him to treat Vox as a threat tier above "annoying in a funny way, and also television is stupid." (Perhaps this will change in season 2... :eyes: (or perhaps Alastor will get Even Worse) (please god let him get even worse))
So those two things in combination make Vox the perfect candidate for Alastor to experiment with while maintaining his ego and not feeling particularly threatened. Despite Vox's Safeword 101 talk, Alastor would never put stock into that system with Vox unless he was certain that he himself would be able to back up a 'no' with overwhelming force. Him even considering safewords in the Live On Air! series is less for his own sake and more a politesse he offers on Vox's request to warn Vox to slow the fuck down before Alastor tries to put his insides on the outside.
2. And in direct contrast, we have Lucifer...
... Who Alastor obviously actually cares quite a bit about, because he's a whole nother power tier from both Vox and Alastor, and furthermore and possibly even more importantly, a credible threat to Alastor's relationships and standing in the hotel. I think a lot of discussion I see about Alastor prodding Lucifer seems to talk about how quickly he got annoyed about Lucifer's comments, but that misses the fact that he was pissed off before Lucifer even showed up. He got pissy the moment he saw the welcome sign, actually! And I wager that he was narratively absent for the scene where Charlie actually calls Lucifer because he would have done his best to manipulate her out of doing so had be been there.
And given that the two clearly haven't met before (though obviously Alastor knows of Lucifer - and hates that the inverse isn't true, hah), it's not 100% clear exactly why he's immediately so annoyed, but in my personal view of things and barring something like "he's projecting onto Lucifer because his contract is with Lilith," I think that what we know of Alastor's personality points most strongly to "he liked being the hotel's benefactor and sees it as His Project, and doesn't like the idea that Charlie called daddy for something that she thought mysterious, powerful Alastor couldn't handle." He distracts a lot with obviously-goading comments about practically being Charlie's dad in his duet with Lucifer, but underneath that he puts a lot of emphasis on the work he's done for the hotel and the fact that he's been supporting Charlie and the hotel from the start, so why the fuck is this deadbeat asshole suddenly turning up?!
Tl;dr: Charlie missed her insight roll on Alastor's personal investments and he's sooooo offended - and taking it out on Lucifer!
I think one of my favorite things about both Lucifer and Alastor is that they both sooo obviously belong in the Pride Ring, hahaha.
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howdoesagrapewrites · 10 months
Hii! I really liked you Pavitr poly so I wanted to make a request, could you do one where Reader is able to escape and go and star a new life in another country (or city) and they see each other after year's of them gone (bonus if reader became a hero)
𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙖 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙤 (𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧)
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CW: yandere things, escaping, spiders?, reader experiences mental health issues surrounding everything, fem!reader x lovesick!Pavitr Prabhakar x lovesick!Gayatri Singh, but it's reader-centric, I love MJ
Notes: This follows the events of Bound by Webs but reader's escape was successful
You stare at they sky as if it'll give you any answers, any references for what you should feel. You wish there was starts to wish upon, however, Mumbattan is a polluted city, filled with lights, sounds, polluted hearts. Everything's mesmerizing and oh so overwhelming, it fills your senses and distracts you from the truth, from the stars, maybe if you paid attention to them, they would've guide you through a path with a better ending, and path much sweeter than this. But at the absence of the divine guide, obnoxiously blocked by human intervention, you willingly fell into the spider webs, caressed them like one would find peace in silk sheets, delicate, singular, crafted with the finest kind of expertise and care: love. But as you allowed yourself to be enveloped by it, you lackadaisically forgot spider silk has one use: to trap a victim.
Now, every thing that marveled you seems to be darkly stained with ink,like a ruined painting, like something made to be a masterpiece, utterly disgraced by the growing obsession of the artists behind it, forever ruined in a fit of desperation. Now you look through the train window and contemplate what used to lay behind the nigritude of the canvas, you watch the colors, the oils, the beautiful narration of a story, corrupted but beautifully beholding the remainings of what it could have become. You're now on a train going far away from Mumbattan, with barely any money, no other clothes than what you're wearing, and leaving (more than) half of your heart behind, your lovers, your family, your friends, the sense of familiarity, the idea of what home means to you. If home is where the heart is, what kind of home exists for such a bruised, lost one like yours? You simply ran without allowing yourself any sort of goodbye, you didn't look wistfully to the horizon, to the rooftop where you saw the sunrise once, the police station, the streets, no poetic tear-inducing lingering around, you ran. It was the best decision, honestly, you didn't allow yourself to be trapped while lost in your own mind. But now all these complicated knots in your head start to twist further, play around like someone braiding hair, unraveling and disarraying around, all the memories spill messily, you lose sense of time, of space, and the only coherent thought you can recognize is "I shouldn't cry or someone could suspect". So you let the blot of feeling slowly eat you, gnawing, biting, tasting, slow to devour, but so quick to cloak one completely.
You don't even realize when the train gets to its final station. Gayatri found you, cold sweat covers your forehead and the hairs in your nape spike. Wait, that's not Gayatri, that's the kind lady from the train letting you know you must exit the vehicle, you nod and profusely apologize. You could've muttered a half excuse with something like "sorry, long day" but you're far too strayed from social conventions in your current shock state. You lay your feet on the ground and let your body guide you to the platform outside from the train, the air that should smell like freedom, feels unbreathable. You should look for a shelter tomorrow, you should sleep. Your tired brain just demand for the warmth of your mattress, your feather duvet, and the other miriad of shallow items that would be brought to you, in order to get any reaction. It's funny, they would present you with a gift like they were trying to gain the favor of an emperor, a master, but in reality, they were bringing caviar to a prison cell.
When you sit down, you feel the physical tax of everything coming down to you, it feels foreign, you're about to pass out, but you can't feel your toes. You want to scream, and break things, and do a victory dance, and crawl back to them, and you feel like throwing yourself off a roof to see if you can fly. Your body doesn't respond to you when you want to get up, you feel dizzy and lost consciousness.
You're woken up by spiced and sweet incense, feeling terrified to open you eyes, you wonder if this is heaven. Or on the contrary, if they found you, and this is hell.
Soft, honeyed voice tingles your ears, you don't even register the words, a beautiful woman appears before you, vaporous like an apparition, like an angel. Brown radiant skin, thick eyelashes, a long hooked nose and between her eyebrows lays a perfectly traced burgundy bindi. You wish your commotioned head had the words to attempt to describe such belle, instead, you content in basking in the worry invading her piercing brown eyes before starting to actually understand the words her lips spill.
"How do you feel? I'm Meera Jain, I found you on the subway station, did someone drug your cup?"
"Cup?" You feel physically tired by simply furrowing your eyebrows in disconcertment
"Yes, at a party? I mean, where were you before? All I know is that you passed out in a bench and I brought you home."
"Do you know who I am?" You question, fearing this beacon of hope might be quick to go off. Why would someone help this stranger? If she knew who you were, you're sure she'll get you back where you started.
For a question that would make some roll their eyes, she gave a kind smile and light laugh. "I don't, that's what I'm trying to figure out."
"If you don't know, why am I" you look around, this is definitely no hospital "Why am I in your house?"
"Well, you needed help. And I'm a girl's girl" she shrugged her elbows, the smile never leaving her lips. "So, may I know your name?"
"My name is Y/N... L/N. I don't really want to talk about what happened"
She didn't asked. For the three months Meera Jain nursed you back to health, she didn't ask a single question, even with the sassy and gossipy personality you would later discover, she seemed to have no problem helping someone she didn't now a single thing about, you didn't even have a document to prove your identity, you could've lied, you would get paranoid and think you should've lied, even your name, as unique or common, is a tie to the past, a lead for spiderman to follow.
MJ was a university student in her last year, and you were. You were complicated, you couldn't enroll on school without documents, and you would sit in front of the computer for hours, cry, overwhelmed by simply writing a CV, all you could think was Pavitr and Gayatri storming in your part-time job at s grocery store or food chain, looking you in the eyes and pulling the invisible leash still tightly suffocating your neck, even kilometers away, you were under their control. You hated it, you hated them, hated the thing that took your life away, but what you hated the most right now, is that you'd throw all of MJ's efforts down the drain without saying thank you, if you were promised a life where the three of you could be happy again. The past chased you, and it weighted like an anchor.
Days kept passing and you found a job at a local flower shop, the man who worked there simply gave you a job when you asked (begged) for one, he didn't request any more information, you learned a lot about flowers from a dusty enciclopedia forgotten in MJ's house, reading helped calm down your thoughts.
You were arranging some pink camelias and dahlias for an offer you received earlier that week. When you finished you closed the shop, and headed to "your" house, like usual, there was a "usual" now.
MJ still doesn't ask any questions, it's a relief, but it makes you feel isolated. You wished there was a way to simply pass the information over to her head from yours, without having to talk about it ever again, words stopped and crashed with each other when you tried to talk about that.
"What happened there? Angry flower?" Meera Jain asked when she saw your hand while stirring the chai. "A spider bit me, it was hiding in the flowers and I froze so I couldn't kill her. It'll go in a couple days" you brush off. Meera Jain thought you were scared of spiders, it was a very common phobia, after all. And you were, sort of, you were frightened by a spider in particular.
A very lovesick, strong, completely unreasonable spider. You visibly cringed at the kids wearing Spider-Man masks, the billboards and merch, a constant reminder of the dangers. But it slowly disappeared, you didn't know why all of India seemed to be forgetting about the great honorable hero Spider-Man, but it was no sorrowful loss for you.
You were ignorant, but word was on the street that Spider-Man was getting violent.
Life like this didn't agree with you, there was so many things that didn't sit right with you, that didn't make you feel secure or comfortable, but it was better than what you ran from, right? You prayed in your dreams that something would change, something that would make you feel less alone, that would make you stick to this routine willingly. The kind of "stuck" you meant, however, never included sticking to walls.
Becoming a spider-person was hard, you hated it, all you wanted was to remain anonymous and escape from Spider-Man and his girlfriend. Yes, him wearing the mask felt wrong after knowing all, why should he protect people when he's a threat himself? But you wanted literally anyone else to take on the duty. Why you, why did this happen to you?! You tried to simply ignore the powers, but your spidey sense was disrupting everything in your life, you knew crime was rising, and you sat on the couch to cry about a life you lost, instead of doing something for the hundreds of civilians in need of help.
But with unwanted power comes great responsibility. You avoided the calling emeging in your insides boiling hot, burning you, with guilt and angst. It wasn't really until it hit you closer than you'd like, that you understood why Pavitr, like many others, had decided to put the mask on. It was late at night, you were walking home with MJ after accompanying her to a party, you didn't mingle or danced a lot, and were fairly sober, MJ wasn't back out drunk, just alittle tipsy, and she was very aware of her surroundings, despite everyone having a pre-conceived idea of an airheaded party girl, she was intelligent and sensible. So she didn't make a great fuss, neither attracted attention, aside from the sounds of both your steps and little laughs here and there, but apparently that was enough to get noticed by the more unpleasant individuals around there. She always carried a pepper spray, skillfully uncapping it, she blinded the guy, but there was other two goons behind you, both larger and probably armed. Your spidey senses were driving you absolutely insane, you felt like your head was being squished and your veins carried caffeine. Time stopped when you saw a gun being pointed at Meera Jain, an impulse took over your body like nothing had ever done it, and you body slammed the man into the wall, making him drop the pistol. At superhuman speed, you disarmed the other one, who ran away as soon as he had the chance. You looked at her facewaiting for the imminent reject, but she just looked you, wide eyed, mouthing "that was freaking awesome". You had to tell her how you had been feeling, and that you were mostly sure of what was it, since you were acquaintanced* with Spider-Man from Mumbattan. This lead to a big revelation with little words, you partially told her how Spider-Man wasn't a great guy under the mask, and you were sorta running away from him and someone else, you omitted details of what exact relationship you had with the two, and as much as curiosity itched, she didn't question further.
"I just feel so sick of causing you trouble, you saved me that day, and I'm just a mess" you admitted
"I didn't save you, I helped you out, told ya that." She looked at you with sincerity "Just like you helped me out before, if you can help someone stay alive and all that, you just do it, no one's gonna save you " she chuckled at your confused face "You gotta save yourself."
You look at the wall, a mirror hanging, Meera Jain used it for late minute makeup when she was late and away from the bathroom. You look at your face like you did moments before escaping last time, and you notice your expression, full of doubt, full of fear. Do you look like spider-man? You question, but then it hits you. Spider-man doesn't look like anything, it's a mask. Anyone can wear it.
And it wasn't that day in the street, or the day you got your suit, or the first time you put the mask, it was in that instant, that you became Philadelhi's one and only Spider-Man.
Being Spider-Man was so easy. But as you rose, you saw eye to eye with the only person on the same level as you in your universe, and even though you were stronger than you've ever been in your whole life, your knees get weak. Not in the head over heels nervous kind of way, in the "I'm injured before a predator" way.
You swinged desperately, sometimes breaking your webs by how unstable your pulse was, Pavitr's voice made you feel light-headed, nauseous.
"Can you stop there bro?" He swinged, chasing you "I just need to talk". Bro? He never would call you that, he probably didn't know who you are, you intend to keep it that way. His moves were now more aggressive and faster "I said stop! C'mon!" You knew Pavitr sometimes had moments like this, where he was scary, but as far as you knew, Spider-Man was still safe, he wouldn't use his powers wrong, or so you thought before remembering everything that went down, and forgot whatever notion about his morality you had left. You wanted to scream until your throat was raw when you felt his webs restricting you. But you were left speechless, he brought you to a rooftop, and did a series of number combinations that activated an hologram in his watch. "Sorry to do this, but I kinda got to lock you up, or more like bring you to be examined to know if you'll get locked up or not. There can't be two Spider-Man in one universe, less in the same country, you know? Rules and all... You probably want to breathe, right? Let me help you out" He tried to pull your mask, but you flinched and moved your face away. What would he do if he saw you? It had been two years after all, had they forgotten about you? Had they renounced, deciding you were a traitor and simply abandoned the idea of finding you again? Or on the contrary, they wanted to find you for revenge purposes? What does Pavitr think of you now? He was always so delusional, so sure you loved him, is he still lost in this fantasy? Or has he finally accepted the truth? Maybe it's neither. All this thinking makes your blood rush, your heightened senses pick up in your rapid heartbeat, and you notice that his' do too, it's normal though, you are being held captive, of course you're nervous, he still toys around with the goober in his wrist. "You know, they'll take it off anyway when we go to HQ, and I know you wouldn't understand this, but your heartbeat... It makes me feel- it reminds me of someone, so sorry, but I need to steal the big reveal." He comes for your mask again, you wiggle around in an effort to avoid it, but it's futile when he grabs your shoulders and keeps you in place. You feel your world crashing down when he sees your bare face once again, his reaction is nowhere near what you expect. He starts laughing, not like he was told a joke, but like he can't contain his excitement, he laughs and laughs, like a hyena. You just stay there, still, stunned, after a few minutes, Pavitr speaks again. "Of course! Of course it's you! It had to be this way, after all. See, Y/N, there's this thing called a "canon event" that every Spider-Man has to undergo, and there's patterns, like things that always go a certain way, like, Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy falling in love. I'm a variant of Peter, Gayatri is a variant of Gwen, and when that happens, things always go wrong, and I saved you and Gayatri that day on the bus, remember? So canon has to go into place, and you had to escape so canon wouldn't be interrupted, it all makes sense now! You being Spider-Man too can cancel out the whole tragedy thing around this!" You can't move, even if you wanted too, so you can't do much when he kneels down to the floor to kiss your cheek and call you sweet names. "Peter Parker always falls in love with Gwen Stacy, and even when bad things happen, he never regrets it. I get it now, I don't regret falling for you." But you do, you regret it more than anything.
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galebrainrot2024 · 2 months
GalexTav Enemies to Lovers Part 23
Part 22 | Read on Ao3 | Master List
Summary: Gale and Tav continue on their journey from childhood rivals, to meet again to destroy the absolute. Gale's POV. Mutual pining, sexual tension, we love to see it. Content is a bit mature, not explicit. Enjoy and thank you for reading :)
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Tav had excused herself from the tent, slipping out with Wyll to leave Gale ruminating on their kiss. The blood still pooled between his legs and his skin was on fire. Gale’s cheeks burned and his mind reeled from their kiss, his body ignited and hungry in ways he had forgotten existed. 
It was such a severe whiplash he had trouble grounding himself, his body tingling and alight and starved for unholy entanglements. 
He pinched his bottom lip between his fingers and then brushed his thumb across, as if to mimic the sensation of her lips. He could still taste her, fresh on his tongue - it was like cranberries, tart yet sweet. The taste of the salt on her skin, how supple and delicate she felt beneath him. Gale shifted, trying to cool his illicit thoughts and groaned. Carnal hunger threatened to consume him. 
Gale stood dumbfounded and without a singular thought apart from her. Her smell lingered on his skin, a citrus and earthen blend - it filled the tent in her absence. She could not have fled quicker and he was convinced he had mucked up his chance. Perhaps he wasn’t as sensually skilled as he believed himself to be. But he had been told countless times, even pre-Mystra of his tongue’s exceptional talents. Besides, was she not the one who boldly expressed their desires, encouraged him to taste her? 
He moved in a trance, trying to put together a coherent meal while his thoughts still lingered on Tav. Gale groaned when he realized he added sugar instead of salt to the dry rub and pinched the bridge of his nose, irritated with himself and this foolishness. He was a grown man, yet the bodily appetites and emotions drowned Gale in a turbulent mess. He had forgotten how consuming such a yearning was. 
In a way, he was grateful she left. It meant he had time to think. 
Gale was confident they’d speak at dinner. When he began the cook over the fire, her noticeable absence felt akin to the throbbing of the orb. A lingering ache, a hunger for something long gone. His eyes flicked across camp and yeilded nothing. He asked his companions, and all offered the same half-hearted “haven’t seen her, sorry.” 
“Wyll said there was some canoodling,” Karlach nudged Gale, almost provoking him to drop his plate. 
“Karlach,” Wyll glowered at her and Gale felt warmth spread up his neck, grateful that Shadowheart and Astarion were eating on the opposite end of camp with Halsin, both interested in the Druid’s… skill set. 
“What?!” Karlach said, her mouth half full of food. “You can’t seriously think I was going to keep that to myself, did you? Especially because it’s Gale?” She smiled playfully in his direction and Gale snorted. 
“It seems I scared her off -“ before he could finish, Karlach cut him off. 
“Come off it,” she rolled her eyes and leaned forward, setting her plate down. “Listen, I may not know the details yet - I expect to soon enough - if Wyll is being half as truthful as he insists he is, it sounds like that kiss was hot.” 
“KARLACH,” Wyll’s complexion reddened and he darted his gaze to Gale, shrugging as if seeking forgiveness. 
“Wyll,” Gale began, “I wonder… did you happen to spread this information throughout all of camp?” Despite the evenness in his tone, there was an edge - what if Tav found out everyone knew, and assumed it was him that told? Would she think he were boasting, would she find it shameful? The thoughts balled and grew until he was convinced that’s why she was nowhere to be found. She wanted nothing to do with him. 
“On Balduran’s grave, I swear I only told Karlach!” Wyll shot her a scowl and she smirked. “I should have known she’d throw me to the wolves, though.” 
Karlach snickered and leaned back on the ground, “You should know better than to tell me something steamy about one of my best mates and expect me not to say anything. I’ve been telling Gale for weeks -“ she sat upright, looking sternly at him. “That there was something there. Finally. Glad you did something about it. How was it? Hot as you expected?” 
Gale shut his eyes, gritting his teeth. His entire face was hot, and he wanted to crawl out of his skin. 
“From the looks of it, it seemed Tav did something about it.” As Wyll said this smirking, Gale felt his stomach lurch and ran a hand over his face. Wyll laughed and patted him on the back, “Don’t worry Gale, we won’t tell anyone else. Might as well let us have a little fun with it, things are gloomy enough. We have to find the bright moments where we can. Even if it’s a little fun at the expense of our friends.”  
Gale sighed. “Ha-ha. Consider me thoroughly amused.” He returned to pushing the food on his plate, his appetite elsewhere. His gut twisted, panic creeping into his thoughts - what if he was so out of practice she couldn’t bear to face him? As Gale tormented himself, when he felt Karlach nudge his side and tilt her chin, indicating Tav slipping into her tent. 
Standing quickly, the bowl of food that rested precariously on his lap spilled onto the ground and Scratch bounded over, sniffing the contents for scraps. 
You bedded a goddess, how difficult could this be? 
He felt the eyes of his companions burning into him as he stood outside the tent, the flap shaking in the wind, a tiny dancer. He froze, unsure of whether to enter. Turning to steal a look at Karlach for encouragement, her insistent gaze ushered him forward. Gale shut his eyes and took a deep breath, “Tav?” His voice was hoarse so he cleared his throat, trying again. “May I come in?” 
Rustling. A crash. A quiet ‘shit,’ and then a breathless: “Just a second,” he felt his lips curl, amused by the frantic noises coming from within. When she poked her head out, her hair was mussed and her cheeks red. Gale felt his heart stop and his lips parted. Inhaling, he waited for her to speak. The silence was thick with words unsaid, and he felt his body inch closer to the opening where she was. “Sorry,” she finally managed. “I… just…” the way she stumbled over her words gave Gale the confidence he needed.
His shoulders rolled back and he took another step forward, leaning over her slightly as she rested in the threshold. “You just?” He murmured, pressing his lips together for a moment as he gazed down at her. Her pillow lips called to him and he felt the electric current move effortlessly between them. 
When he felt her deft fingers clutch his purple shirt, goosebumps spread across his body and obliged as she pulled him into her tent. 
The space was small, hardly large enough to hold one, let alone two bodies. Gale had to duck, the tent not near tall enough for him to stand in. Tav sat on her bed roll, and she patted the ground beside her. As he looked down at her, he was gripped with the need to have her. 
Perhaps this was a bad idea. Without breaking her gaze, he sat beside her, grunting as he lowered himself and rested back on his elbows. “The knees aren’t quite what they used to be, I’m afraid.” 
Tav tucked a stray hair behind her ear and tilted her head. “So...” 
Gale stared at her, wide eyed for a moment before breaking out into a low chuckle. “So.. you needed a moment to recover, I imagine, because the passion was too much for you?” He ran a hand through his hair and felt his skin pulse with desire when she blushed and laughed, the tone giving away her own desire. Every fiber in his being wanted her. “Imagine how stunned I was to find you don’t hate me, after all,” Gale murmured. The dim light in the tent cascaded across her features and made her dark eyes seem endless. He could barely make out the coloring of her eyes. 
A cocky grin crossed her lips, “Hate, desire… the frustration rears its head, one way or another.” She fiddled with her fingers and looked down. “I’ve never hated you, for the record.” 
Gale rose his brows and grinned, “Now I know you’re lying.” 
She flicked her gaze to his, her cheeks blooming crimson and she frowned. “I’m serious. Frustrated by you, absolutely - envious of your status at times, certainly… you just… oh you get under my skin in ways no one else does. It drives me insane.” 
He chewed on the side of his cheek and sat upright, shifting closer to her. He knelt in front of her, feeling the intensity of the air between them shift. His fingers reached out to cup her face and he felt her shudder in response to his touch. He caressed her cheek with his thumb and he searched her eyes - there was so much yet to be said, and such precious little time to tell her. 
Before he was able, though, she leaned forward and grabbed his face with her hands, pulling him over top her. Their lips met in a lecherous kiss, the kind that makes every cell stir with sinful arousal. Their tongues rolled together, dancing with one another and he hovered over her, not quite putting his full weight on top. Her fingers clutched at his waist impatiently and he felt his erogenous zone stir to life. He grunted, trying to pull back and she wrapped a leg around his waist, pulling him closer to her until his stiff arousal pressed against her thigh. He groaned, pulling away from the kiss to press his face to her neck, breathing heavily. It took all of his self-control to pause and her frustrated whine nearly made him erupt with bliss. 
“Please, don’t be mistaken… I want this,” his voice was husky and low as he pulled back to gaze down at her, “I want you, more than I believe I can eloquently articulate at present,” he cleared his throat, acutely aware of her hips pressing up into his, wanting. Aroused and undone by the way she was looking at him. 
“So then have me,” she breathed as her leg hooked him tighter, and he felt his stomach knot. 
“Patience,” Gale said, brushing the hair from her face and planted a hot kiss against her neck. “Patience.” With the will he wish he did not have, he unhooked himself from her grasp, but allowed his fingers to teasingly stroll between her thighs, earring him a mewl. Oh, why did he have to have any sense of morality. 
When he went to stand, her gentle fingers wrapped in his. “Stay with me?” She whispered the question. He hesitated, enough for her to pull him back to her bed roll so the two were lying side by side and he felt her greedy lips brush across his jaw, her voice echoing in his ear. “Stay with me…” he sighed, tilting his head so her lips to continue to explore his neck. He knew he should leave. Needed to leave. 
“If you insist.. for a little while,” Gale’s voice was thick and raspy and he struggled to compose himself. He was grateful and still disappointed when she pulled back to rest against his chest. The warmth and weight of her body was alien yet so comforting. He had forgotten how nice such a mortal, simple thing could be. His arms wrapped around her naturally, holding her to his chest. 
They stayed there in one another’s arms, the silence stretching onward and Gale’s eyes grew heavy with sleep when her voice cooed to him. “When did you first learn?” Gale’s head tilt made her expand, “You could access the Weave, I mean.” 
His stomach sunk. “Earlier than I had memory.” He grinned crookedly, his eyes holding on to hers as if she’d slip away. She looked at him, enraptured. “Luckily, not so soon before.” 
Her soft smirk and fingers tracing idle patterns on his chest made the encasing around his heart continue to melt and beg to let her in. “One such memory stands out among the rest, though. I could have been no more than eight summers old. Elminster had come, after receiving more than a few worried letters from my mother about my unruly connection with magic. How she discovered his contact details, I’ve never learned.” 
“Mm, sounds familiar,” Tav said, rolling her eyes in jest. 
He rose a brow and grinned, “Did you not ask? Very well, I’d be loath to bore you…” 
“I’m teasing you, I want to know -“ she said, the words tender and wrapped him in warmth. It felt like the first bite of melted butter on a fresh bun. Exquisite. Her fingers brushed hair from his eyes and he trembled at her touch, cupping his hand over hers. “The child prodigy was being visited and….?” 
“Ah, yes,” he said, chuckling, “it was the summer before I was to attend Blackstaff. Elminster was sitting with my mother on the terrace when I came barreling into the room, eyebrows entirely singed off by the fireball I accidentally unleashed unto my neighbors rose bush.” 
Tav’s melodic laughter soaked his mind, “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, it’s just… thinking about you without eyebrows.” 
“Ha,ha,” Gale said, though he was unperturbed and enjoyed her playfulness. “I’ll have you know, I was devastated. I wept, clinging to my mother’s apron and spilling out desperate apologies. The flowers were so beautiful and I hadn’t meant to destroy them…” his voice caught in his throat and he surprised himself. Her fingers against the hair on his forehead brought him back to reality and he sighed. “I had been reckless, and excited, yet to learn that wielding power carelessly  begets destruction. I had wanted to enrich the flowers, to somehow make them more glorious than they already were - I was almost angry at how lovely they appeared and could not figure how to conjure my own.” When he flicked his gaze to her, he could not place her look. “What?” He furrowed his brow, worried that he may have said something wrong. 
“That’s.. very sweet.” The tremble in her voice alluded to the emotion coursing through her, yet Gale was clouded with sleep and his own, unable to untangle her feelings. “I didn’t realize…” she blushed furiously and he tilted her chin to look at her. “What else is hiding in that vibrant emotional world of yours, I wonder?” 
He felt the heat lick up his neck, both embarrassed and elated by how Tav accepted his vulnerability. The two stewed in the silence until she sat up, and he followed. Although he ached to stay, he stood despite her protests. “We should both get some rest.” 
“I wish you would stay.” Tav insisted, reaching for his hand which he took graciously. 
He brought her hand to his lips, “I know. I promise, your patience will be generously rewarded. Goodnight, Tav.” And despite his bodily wishes, he left. 
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I was reading the first part of "The Blanched Soldier" and helllllllp! I'm really tired and I doubt I can make a coherent analysis out of my thoughts - BUT it is so tempting to try and see if the story can be read as a Holmes/Watson analogy!
Holmes dropping not only the "The good Watson had at that time deserted me for a wife, the only selfish action which I can recall in our association" bomb which could be read as an ironic/humorous remark, but also the devastatingly plain and honest "I was alone" right afterwards.
Holmes then telling the story of a client moving heaven and earth looking for his soldier friend who disappeared, constantly stressing how close their friendship was.
ALSO during the flashback scene the client is, in the logic of the narrative, literally in the position of the detective, trying to find out what happened to his friend!
His search being hindered by an oppressive and stern father figure - something something about authority and control and societal norms (and perhaps Watson's marriage as a necessity because two bachelors living together for so long might be a bit suspicious in the eyes of the public)
"'You must put it down, sir, to my real love for your son.’" Whaaaaaat?? Putting aside the question whether or not one wants to read this story in a romantic way, this is a story about friendship and devotion and loss and oh my god just kill me, just give Holmes his friend back please
Client then has to have dinner with the parents which must be incredibly awkward, but instead of trying to make conversation he claims that he "was so bored by the whole proceeding that I made an excuse as soon as I decently could and retired to my bedroom". Bored?? Now I'm reading too much into it, but this also reminds me of Holmes who is NOT a fan of smalltalk and would rather sneak off to his bedroom to meditate over the clues than to make polite conversation with people he dislikes (although the mother seems to be okay)
On top of that a nice His Friendship and Courage Saved My Life *cough* Devil's Foot *cough* parallel: "There was no braver man in the regiment. He pulled me out once from under the rifles of the Boers, or maybe I should not be here." (Yes. Now I'm hopelessly overthinkink and overanalysing.)
Aaaand as a bonus, Holmes in the beginning practically admits that it was necessary for Watson to write his stories in a way Holmes often criticised, AND behind the whole charade of "I don't have a companion because I LIKE him" he literally says that "Watson has some remarkable characteristics of his own to which in his modesty he has given small attention amid his exaggerated estimates of my own performances", indicating that Watson downplayed his own role in the cases he wrote up.
I hope Watson returns soon, because his absence CLEARLY puts Holmes into an overly dramatic mood.
(I'm joking about this, but I actually feel very sorry for him. I can feel the "I was alone" keenly, because haven't we all been the best friend who was abandoned for a romantic partner at some point? Please tell me it wasn't just me. )
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leviathan-supersystem · 5 months
you know, in the abstract, i think there can, and have, been decent arguments for deontological morality. i don't quite find myself convinced by those arguments personally, but some of those arguments are actually decently well-constructed and coherent. Kant gets a lot of shit, but like, "I ought never to act except in such a way that I could also will that my maxim should become a universal law,” while a pretty flawed and incomplete concept, isn't terrible. like i can see the logic of it, and a community where that was the guiding principle everyone was attempting to follow would probably function at least somewhat adequately.
but like, in practice, outside of the context of philosophy wank, when i encounter deontological moral arguments in the wild, it's always the most mindless thought-terminating shit imaginable. like this:
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and to be clear this is extremely standard for libertarians, a vast number of them hold as their core deontological moral belief that it is never under any circumstances acceptable to have taxes, and while they may sometimes make arguments that hinge on the supposed utilitarian benefits of a libertarian ethos, this is mostly a show put on for outsiders. the bulk of libertarians and similar (ancaps, objectivists, etc) believe as this guy does that even in situations where following the libertarian ethos would lead to certain disaster, we are nonetheless bound to do so anyways. Because.
similarly from antiworksters- the whole thing hinges on the core deontological rule of "it is always bad to incentivize labor in any way whatsoever" and when you point out that if this were to be implimented on any kind of large scale, it would make it more likely that disabled people who require labor to care for them would be left to die in the absence of incentives to ensure that the labor to care for them is performed, instead of acting like a reasonable person and going "oh jeez! that's a massive oversight in our ethical framework, we should revise our framework to better account for that, perhaps jettison the 'never incentivize labor' rule since it's apparently deeply flawed" instead they either dodge the question or go "it doesn't matter if paraplegic people end up being left to die as a result of antiwork principles being implemented, the "never incentivize labor" rule can never be broken! Because."
and it's like. why not. like you guys realize you made these rules up. if following this moral code ends up bringing disaster or leaving disabled people to die you can just. not do that. no one is forcing you to follow this poorly thought out ethical code. quite the opposite in fact, since both anarcho-capitalism and anti-work anarchism are fringe ideologies at odds with how the vast majority of contemporary societies function.
and in both cases it's so obvious that the ideologies in question fundamentally hinge on a knee-jerk emotional reaction of not wanting to work/pay taxes, and then just deciding that actually, the very universe itself agrees with you that you should never ever have to work or pay taxes, and therefore the world should have to bend to your- sorry i mean the universe's will, even if society crumbles to dust as a result. fundamentally juvenile.
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jo-harrington · 4 months
As Above, So Below - Chapter 5: Via Domus
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Previous Chapter: Chapter 4 - Malum Malus
Summary: You wake to find yourself in the Upside Down and discover a world-altering revelation.
Word Count: 13.8k
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Fem!Original Character (Written in 2nd Person POV - You/Your - No Use of Names of Physical Descriptors)
Warnings/Themes: Van Helsing Inspired, Kas!Eddie, Religious Themes, Criticism of Religion/Catholicism, Fate vs. Free Will, Death and Injury, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Mentions of Major Character Deaths, Grief, Mourning, Yearning, Discussion of the Upside Down, Supernatural Encounters, Angst, Smut, Fluff, Unprotected PinV Sex (he's undead it doesn't matter), Oral Sex (F Receiving), Bloodletting, Biblical and Other Literary/Media References
Note: Sorry this is a little late but this snow storm had my internet down right as I went to post. There isn't much to say but...this moment has been one 10 months in the making and I might not have edited it...but I don't care, I'm literally the proudest I can be. I'm sure there's people to tag and thank for their support. I'm so ready to sit back and reread this. I didn't write it; it just came through me like a prophecy. And that isn't condescending, it's the truth.
This series will not be for the faint of heart, nor is it something that was written with a general audience in mind. Please check the above warnings and ask yourself if you are in the correct headspace to proceed. I am happy to answer any questions via PM or Ask.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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“The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.” - Tucker Max, Assholes Finish First
November 6, 1983 October 15, 1987
Everything was wrong.
From a dreamless sleep, consciousness hit you like a freight train and drug you to the land of the living under its wheels, one painful mile at a time.
You were aware of every nerve, every bump and bruise, every cut.
Every bite.
Because surely there were more than just the ones on your throat now.
And when you finally opened your eyes, you burned.
Not just your body; the very essence of you sizzled and popped like hot oil in a pan.
It was overwhelming, overstimulating.
There was both an absence of feeling--of being--and an abundance of it.
Images flashed through your mind. Memories. And not just yours.
Leaving Hawkins the first time.
Kas, the brides, and their seduction and subsequent attack of you.
Billy--a different one than the one you knew now--screaming and clawing his way up a rickety wooden staircase while a creature lurked just out of sight below.
A man in tattered and bloodied white clothes, his skin burned and mottled. Blind in one eye. And a creature that met him and allowed him to--
The smell was next as you finally remembered to breathe. You swallowed great gulps of air then choked as they burned your lungs and tasted like a mix of wet, cloying mold and dry, putrid battery acid.
Finally, a high pitched ringing as your spirit finally settled back into yourself. You clenched and unclenched your hands--stretched your fingers and toes--to regain some kind of recognizable feeling back into them.
As you tried to recognize who you were now, in this body.
In this world.
Everything was wrong.
No...when you woke up, everything was different.
The first coherent thought through your head was that you were dead and this was surely hell. Proven not only by the pain and the affliction of your body and mind, but because the skies overhead flashed and burned bright red with infernal lightning.
The brides had drained you dry and this was your eternal punishment. It was the only explanation.
If you steeled yourself and turned your head, would you see your father's face--frozen in an eternal scream--staring at you?
You wrenched your eyes closed for a moment, steeled yourself to test the theory, and you winced as the bites on your neck pulled and stretched.
When you opened them again, you screamed. It was a weak, strangled sound, and echoed as you shuffled away as much as your sore body would allow.
It was not your father's face that you found beside you, but it was a face nonetheless.
Flesh half-rotting off a skull, petrified golden hair layered with soot and muck. There was a neck and torso too--arms--and the further you dragged your eyes down the body, the more decayed and damaged the bones became. The skin and flesh sloughed off.
Until they all tapered off--melted off--into bone, then into nothingness, where the ribs ended abruptly in a half-jagged, half-charred state.
It was where the ground ended too, the body teetering on the precipice.
"Mother...fuck..." you hissed and swallowed thickly.
You weakly melted into the ground again; your eyes slid shut so you could take stock of yourself once more.
Sluggishly, you returned to your senses. Head, torso, limbs all accounted for, even if they were a little worse for wear. You'd survive. You'd heal eventually...hopefully.
Before long, your abilities jumpstarted from cold at the proximity of a dead body. Great. Though you supposed you'd almost considered yourself grateful that they were returning, if not for the phantom fingers that scratched at the back of your mind; the lingering spirit that belonged to this body wanted to communicate but didn't quite know how.
You didn't have the patience to ferry the remnant of someone's soul closer towards consciousness right now.
But it was a reminder.
There were no bodies in Hell. No death in Hell.
For all intents and purposes, the damned would be considered alive.
So no, this wasn't Hell.
This was--
You forced your eyes back open and stared at the gaping, mangled maw of jagged walls that stretched and reached into the roiling, starless sky.
--an attic.
There were visible slats and support beams, boxes and furniture covered in sheets, and burnt, decayed vines clinging to the walls and along the floor. Most notable was the fact that the structure--this house--was simply broken. Shattered. Not only was the roof broken, as though a giant had torn into it--peeled the slats and shingles open and left them rent and tattered beneath their hands--to curiously peer inside, but the whole structure was as well.
The side of the floor you and the body were on tilted at an awkward angle; not unnavigable but still odd as you found the strength to hoist yourself to your feet and stumbled at the unevenness. Once you were upright, you could see the other side; across a strange valley that revealed broken beams and wide structural mouths that promised rooms below, there was a set of stairs that led downwards.
Uneasy with the minimal strength you currently possessed, you used your power to send some sort of signal down through the jagged, rotten foundation to ask the earth for help. And not just help, you asked for a sign of where you were and what happened to you. However, you were immediately turned away. A hiss at the back of your mind, that settled adjacent to that incessant scratching, warning you from trying again.
This earth was not like the earth you connected with regularly. It was incompatible with you, but only just so.
There was a blink of a thought in your head that you could make it bend to your will if you really wanted. If you were tempted enough.
But temptation was what got you here, wasn't it? Your jeans were still unbuttoned and you felt some kind of internal, medieval shame as you fixed them and fastened them back up. Shame, not only because the brides had fucked you if you could call it that, but because they'd gotten the better of you. They'd used your weaknesses against you--used Eddie against you--and now they'd stolen you away to the Upside Down.
That's what this place was right?
And it wasn't a stretch to guess the why's here either.
Kas had used them to bring you here so he could finally be rid of you.
Well, you weren't going to sit here and wait for your death like a lamb to the slaughter. If Kas wanted to kill you, you were gonna put up a fight.
The fires of wrath were stoked inside you and you let them restore your strength and fuel your journey onwards. You readied yourself to make the jump across the broken floor.
Suddenly, the scratching at the back of your mind got horribly loud. A voice, a young man's voice, strained and croaked inside of you.
"Help me. God, please help me."
The broken remnants of the being you'd woken beside finally found its voice.
You scowled as resentment decided to mingle with your wrath.
"No one's going to help you," you grunted and shuffled your foot into the side of its rib cage. You kicked the body into the gulch below and as you took your leap, you delighted in the sounds of the bones shattering as it impacted the ground below. "God is dead."
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The descent was precarious.
Despite the strength you had gathered, your body ached and your movements were clumsy. It was like you left a part of yourself behind and struggled to continue without it. Additionally, as you progressed along the path, you found that the house itself was broken in ways that defied logic.
Hallways switched back upon themselves or dropped down into a deep burning abyss, floors tilted upwards and then stopped abruptly, doors opened to brick walls, and then, your favorite, a ticking grandfather clock seemingly floated in the air on its own.
Did physics exist in the Upside Down? Gravity? Or was it like Superman, where differences developed without the interference of a certain color sun?
Eventually you made it to what you believed to be the ground floor, and although there was a looming sense of dread that only got worse the further along you walked, your footsteps felt sure and stable. It felt better, safer.
There was a crack in one of the walls you passed where you spotted the shadow of tree limbs, and just up ahead you could see the sky over a half-demolished wall.
Once you rounded this corner and that to reach your supposed freedom, you found yourself faced with what could only be described as an altar. Some site of a wicked ceremony. The walls of the house split open and revealed the expansive red and grey waste of the outdoors, but instead of finding dead grass and trees like you thought, there were structures made of stone and vines and twisted tentacles, just like you remembered from the tunnels.
Something rustled behind you and you turned on your heel to find the source of the noise, only to find the dank hall you'd just exited empty. It rustled behind you again and you spun back to face the pillars, but you were still alone.
You were being taunted now, teased. Surely that was it, wasn't it? This was a game; you survived the pitfalls and traps of this nightmarish house and now the hunt was truly on?
"I know you like to play with your food motherfucker," you hissed aloud. "Let's play."
You progressed confidently, unwilling to let yourself falter as the ground underfoot transitioned from wooden floorboards to decorative checker tile to uneven earth and the air became heavy with ominous anticipation.
Despite that, you took a moment to inspect the pillars as you passed them, only to be met with an even stranger sight.
Chrissy. Fred. Patrick.
They were eerily still, petrified even; faces serene, as though they were sleeping. The pillars seemed to encapsulate them; a wing melted into the stone here, claws elongated into branches there.
There were four pillars...but three Brides.
You vaguely recalled a flash of Max's memories, of her running through a red landscape almost exactly like this; you took the chance and reached out to touch the empty pillar, only for your suspicions to be confirmed. It was meant for her. The pillars were the final resting places for all four of the victim's of Vecna's curse.
A place for their bodies to be displayed like trophies, signifying his triumph.
It was a sickening thought, but brought about further revelation that this place didn't belong to Kas, but the Lich himself.
The Creel House.
"I was right," you huffed a small laugh of victory. Your hunt for Kas had led here; if only fate hadn't tempted you off the path to the cemetery, you would have been that much closer to defeating Kas now.
Fresh off a small win and with your body primed for psychometry, you moved and touched each pillar curiously. You witnessed each Bride's transition from the husk of a body to the monstrous beings they were now. They hadn't meant to be the puppets of an atrocious master when they were resurrected; it had all been done in an act of defiance. Their forms had been carefully crafted by his clawed hands, and life breathed back into them by a hopeful heart.
That heart was broken here too; those same clawed hands were formed on the very floor behind you...
"No," you tried to shake the thought off you. You didn't want that; didn't need that. Didn't need to empathize with Kas...right?
Still...the intrusion continued.
You wanted to connect to this earth didn't you? So you must gain all manner of information, whether you want it or not.
More images flashed against your will; you didn't need to touch the silt and soil beneath your feet for it to reach out and touch you. The blood that soaked this ground leeched up from the depths to provide you hair-raising clarity of the brutality committed a mere few feet from where you stood. No care had been taken when a body on the brink of death was implanted with bones and teeth and claws. You watched the flashes in unblinking horror until screams suddenly echoed in your ears, terrible and ear-splitting; you were witnessing a transformation--a metamorphosis--from something to nothing then back to something again.
"No!" you shouted and your voice echoed, into the eerie night. Wings flapped and a creature roared in the distance. The images fled along with them, and you heaved several labored breaths as you settled back into yourself.
There was a rustle behind you again, and you froze; you were so lost by the intrusion of the birth of a monster in your mind that you didn't notice said monster approach you.
This was it.
You'd faced monsters before, countless times. Of course, you'd always been armed with weapons, your powers. Now you'd been stripped bare; the brides had rid you of your weapons, and this dastardly dimension had denied you access to many of your abilities as you recovered from your weakened state.
Unless they were useful to the Upside Down itself, so it seemed.
Still, your eyes honed in on a glint of silver beside you. Brilliant amongst the squalor of the Upside Down and folded neatly in Chrissy's claws that rested across her chest:
Your crucifix.
Your hand shot towards the cross of its own volition, but as your fingers caressed the carved hyacinths, you suddenly doubted yourself.
Was Chrissy's grasp on it truly that strong or was it just a trick of the mind? If you couldn't even resist her and Patrick...how could you possibly fight Kas?
Except, you'd already fought Kas hadn't you? Already got the one-up on him. That's why he'd relied on so many cheap shots to get to you. You would make it through this, with your teeth gnashing, your bare hands, and your raw faith. Or you would die trying.
"Lord, I am not worthy to receive you," you whispered as you pried the relic out of the harpy's hands. "But only say the word and my soul shall be healed."
Footsteps slunk closer to you, audibly clearer now, and you readied yourself, focused on all the holy light within the sludge of your corruptible human body. When they finally stopped just inches behind you, you could feel cold breath cascade over you, and you knew it was time.
You pivoted on your heel, sneakers crunching the ground beneath them into dust, and you raised your hand to brandish your cross at your assailant. His hand clashed against its other side and stopped it dead between both of your faces; your eyes went wide as he gripped it tight and it burst into flames in front of your eyes.
You wrenched your hand away and backed into Chrissy's body as Kas let out a mighty, wretched wail.
You were so singularly focused--horrified--as you watched the symbol of your family's legacy burn and melt in his hands, so expectant of his form being consumed by holy flames as he crumpled and bent at the waist and screamed in agony, that you didn't really look at him until it was too late.
The fire extinguished suddenly and Kas flung the remnants of your crucifix to the side, and as he stood, you could feel all the blood rush to your head. There was a buzzing in your ears and you swore the dark circles that crowded your vision were only to spare you from the sight.
Whatever vision you had in your head of Kas was gone...and in its place was suddenly something both old and new at the same time.
There was a smirk carved into his face, so smug and triumphant, and made only more pronounced by the deep scars that went from the corners of his mouth and back along his jaw towards his ears. Still, his enticing lips twitched, failing to bely a smile. His deep eyes were locked with yours, abyss-like, but warm and welcoming in this otherwise unforgiving world as he stared at you with a fondness that you couldn't fathom.
He was tall--taller than you remembered--and even taller still as your legs failed you and you collapsed to your knees before him; he took two rapid steps forward, hands stretched out as though he would try to catch you before you hit the ground. All you could focus on were the sharpened, blood-stained points of his fingers though, and when you flinched as they got too close for comfort, he stopped in his tracks.
Your breathing got heavy and your shoulders and chest heaved the longer you witnessed him. Because it truly was the witnessing of something beautiful and terrible, wasn't it? Something you'd wished for over and over again until you simply couldn't take it anymore.
"No, no, no," you couldn't stop your mouth from its fumbling repetition. "Nononono. No. N-no, no, no!" Over again the word erupted from you until you were shouting. Until you were sobbing.
You covered your eyes with one hand to stop yourself from seeing, and your mouth with the other to keep what remained of your soul from spilling out.
You shook with grief--three years worth of grief that only became more surmountable with each day that passed--then anger.
How dare he, how dare Kas use this final thing against you, how dare you let him?
But that was just an excuse wasn't it? Some kind of excuse so you wouldn't have to face the reality that was just on the other side of your hands. One that you would cling onto to help your poor heart survive.
You would deny it, until you couldn't any longer.
"Sweetheart." You shook your head at the decadent rasp of his voice; your ears strained to catch more but you couldn't handle it. Tears began to leak from your eyes and collect in the creases of your fingers as you pressed them harder into your face. "Angel, please."
The urge to roll your eyes at the ironic nickname battled against the need to bask in it.
You could feel him get closer, feel his massive form invade your space. Your aura buzzed excitedly as it brushed against his with the proximity and your heart beat in your ears; your body knew what your mind refused to accept. It made you feel lightheaded.
Don't fucking pass out.
The claws worked their way beneath your fingers and you resisted as much as you could until you simply couldn't hold on any longer.
And once they were away, there was nothing that you could have done to stop yourself from responding to him.
The you that you had been just seconds earlier no longer existed. That being, forged by resentment and pain and grief and the will to succeed beyond all hope, was torn apart by those claws--gently peeled apart bit by bit--and as your eyes opened, you were suddenly the you that you were before. Or maybe, more accurately, the you that you were beside everything.
Despite everything.
The being that only existed with him.
You were here with him.
And he was here with you.
Alone together and together alone.
No one else existed but the two of you as you opened your eyes and your gaze washed over him once again.
Lightning flashed overhead as you absorbed the sight before you.
Hands. Eddie's hands. Calloused from hours of guitar playing and scarred from that one time he got too eager pulling a stouffer's lasagna out of the oven and forgot the gloves. Only now they were scarred further, with lines along his phalanges and razor-sharp talons at the tips of them.
Hair. Eddie's hair. Soft and curled just so and sometimes shiny, but oftentimes just a frizzy mess from head banging so hard. It would get in his mouth, leaving him spitting and sputtering as he got some idea mid-headbang. Only now it was held up and out of his face by a fluffy green scrunchie, and only his bangs and a few loose pieces framed his features.
Face. Eddie's face. One that looked at you with so much relief and gentle love. Your memories couldn't hold a candle to having him here. Your eyes went blurry with tears again at the fact that he was actually here just inches from you. His eyes and lashes and his round nose and his kissable lips. Lips you needed to kiss like you needed air. Only those lips started to move to form words again and as they did, you spotted the sharp tips of fangs.
He looked the same, exactly the same...but simultaneously different in every way that counted.
Time stopped.
You thought about being in the trailer with Chrissy and Patrick, all the words that you had excused in the moment, as you allowed yourself to be tempted by Kas.
In actuality...had it really been Eddie? Words that had been borderline insidious suddenly took on a much more intimate connotation.
"You're not real." You breathed shakily, one last attempt at pulling back the veil at some trick of the mind. "I can't...I can't..."
On the other hand, you remembered the graveyard, the way Eddie had been there in a way...beyond your sight, refusing to be seen by you. Refusing to be known by you. And again countless other times. Including the day he'd...
"I can't look at you," you said weakly. "I'm not supposed to look at you."
What had he said to you then? That he'd never really left? That he would wait...as long as it took...and here he was now. That hadn't been Eddie; how could this suddenly be him? He was...
"And why not?" he chuckled gently. "I think we both deserved to see one another; I've crossed the oceans of time just to see you again."
"That's..." you stared at him in disbelief. Tremors wracked your body and his gaze went from fond to worried again.
Your mind went a mile a minute trying to come up with something, some way to deny all of this. Rapid fire, you thought. About Vecna and the Upside Down and the earthquakes. You thought about Wayne and Dustin and Max. Over and over, ideas flashed as all the pieces finally clicked together. Vampires that weren't vampires, and the Brides; the trailer and the visions and the grave and...and...and...
He was alive.
"That's..." You began to laugh, the small shakes of a giggle turning into big, bright guffaws that shook you. You grabbed his face with your hands and squished his cheeks together, gleefully watching as it smooshed and shifted in the way only his play-doh-like features could. "That's not the quote, you big dumb idiot."
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Home had been an abstract concept for you for some time.
For most of your life, when you thought of home, you thought of your Nonna's house. Her flat, just downstairs from yours; you spent most nights there anyway, your father's childhood bedroom repurposed for you. You had a home in the dinners you'd cooked together and late nights where you'd watch Johnny Carson until it was time to hold hands and pray together before bed. Home meant turning the key in the lock of her door and her giving you big cheek kisses.
Tesoro di Nonna.
Her treasure. She was your treasure too, your best friend, but she, herself, was not your home. At least not anymore.
You found that when you came to Hawkins. When you met Eddie. From the moment you met him, he had been that warm place of comfort and love. When you left, and even when you believed him to be dead, going home meant returning to Hawkins.
Returning to him.
So when you both overcame the euphoria which accompanied the realization that you had found each other once again, and he said "let's go home," you knew that there wasn't far to go.
You were already there.
There was something about returning home after a long time away, though. Things changed and it didn't take very long for you to notice the changes in Eddie.
He held your hand as you walked through the barren waste of the Upside Down, and it was actually quite a long walk. Practically across the entirety of Hawkins, and you were truly in awe that it actually was Hawkins. You walked down familiar streets, through the town center that was fully intact unlike its decimated state in the real world, and Eddie even pointed out the windows of your old apartment over the deli, as if you forgot.
Very few words were shared between you at first, aside from short and fond little tidbits to reminisce old times spend together--something that you'd constantly been doing since your return; your heart ached to think that your ghost had followed him around, both in Hawkins and here, reminding him that you'd left him to this fate.
There was not much more conversation than that though, and while you basked in the sweet memories, especially being reunited, you couldn't help but wonder why he was so...uncharacteristically quiet. The Eddie you knew was never at a loss for words; why was he holding back asking you questions? Telling you how much he missed you?
You held back your own thoughts, questions, and admissions too if you were being honest. Something about being so open in this dimension, something about the strange din of silence due to the lack of life made you feel...strange.
You wondered if he felt the same way?
If you could feel the creatures that shuffled just out of your line of sight, given what you knew about the hive mind that existed between them, you knew Eddie could as well.
But if that was the case, he didn't show it. You supposed Kas he was the master of this realm; he didn't need to be afraid of it.
In fact, the more you observed him, the more you noticed how at ease he was here. He'd always been confident walking around Hawkins, shoulders straight and head held high despite the suspicious stares and whispers that seemed to follow him just because his last name was Munson. But now Hawkins--the Upside Down--seemed to bend to him the further you walked, proving his mastery over it.
Down one street, the tentacle vines slithered and shifted as Eddie led you ahead, and when you dared to look back they returned to their original places. Shadows at the corners of your eyes shifted as he pointed something out to you with a fond smile and a laugh. Finally, when you reached the woods, gnarled and dark as they were, his presence seemed to cause a group of bats that had been resting there to stir.
Instinctually, you flinched, divine sense tingling in response to their unnatural energy as they began to fly overhead; Eddie even squeezed your hand to calm you down, but your defenses were up now. You readied yourself for an attack as they circled and swooped down a little too close for comfort.
You watched, dumbstruck, as Eddie tsked and then reached up with his free hand; one of the bats got lower and its many flailing tails brushed against his fingertips before it screeched and then soared away. You felt that there was something more to it, though; there was something else there as his fingers twitched against them.
A yearning, maybe; a desire to...what? Join them?
"It's alright," he reassured you softly, an undertone of happiness in his voice. "See, they're harmless."
"Harmless?" you scoffed in disbelief, having witnessed their devastation first hand. He looked back towards you and lowered his arm, brow furrowed in confusion at your tone; you felt a strange rumble, an undercurrent, just beneath the surface of his skin as he flexed his hand around yours again. "I..."
"Sweetheart. Just trust me. What are you--"
Like that, the illusion was broken.
It hadn't taken that long. A couple of hours, mostly spent in silence and the overwhelming awe of being in one another's presence again, but suddenly you realized he was different.
Of course, you were different too.
You never really fathomed a moment like this; you'd always thought--hoped--you'd be reunited in Heaven. That everything would work itself out there. All wounds healed, all sins forgiven.
But this was not Heaven, and you'd never imagined your reunion like this.
You looked at him again, really looked at him this time. Tried to look past your Eddie, to see what had become of him here in the Upside Down. You started with his hands, the long scars you noticed just a short while ago, and you traced a finger along them. It was almost cathartic as you felt a phantom ache in your own hand, as you began to truly digest and understand what had happened to him.
Dustin had refused to tell you...and with good reason.
The ache burned through you the further you went. His arm was covered with the sleeve of his leather jacket, but still your fingers traveled, touch penetrating the worn leather; he looked and felt...bulkier somehow. Even his skin looked too tight on him. Gone was your noodley, human boyfriend and in his place...something else. Broader shoulders, a thicker torso, and a slightly elongated neck that proudly bore scars as well.
Just like your own bites, you thought, as Eddie's aches were momentarily replaced by your own. You both displayed the healed remnants of shredded, devoured flesh.
The memory of the pain they once brought him practically sang through his skin the further you went and you couldn't help but listen and absorb it. Unlike your scars, even the most recent ones from the Brides, that had been the product of your will to survive, Eddie's were the evidence of something dastardly that sought to destroy and consume. In fact, they had succeeded; you felt the burn of a thousand mouths filled with sharp little teeth ripping through flesh. Ripping through his flesh.
The longer you held on, the more you felt and understood. Mouths led to claws, consumption turned to torture, and eventually he was ripped further--pulled apart--until he was left broken, raw, and screaming.
Just like you'd seen back at the Creel House.
Vecna cut him open and emptied everything that made him him, and filled him with darkness and malice and--
You wrenched your hands away from his and rubbed them together as they tingled, suddenly numb. All of the echoes of his pain vanished and instead you just felt...conflict.
"What's wrong?" Eddie stepped closer, worry etched deeper creases into his face now. "What did you do?"
"I--" you flinched away from him and he paused.
This wasn't just Eddie anymore, your Eddie who survived a few scrapes and bruises and came out of any conflict--large or small--with a few choice words for his assailant and a story to tell.
This was Kas, forged through the burning flames of Hell to fight. To destroy.
And if not by name, then by acts.
Acts done with Vecna's influence, at first, and now atrocities in their own right.
Eddie always knew when your mind buzzed with a thousand thoughts; he'd say that you were thinking too loud. Time hadn't changed that, it seemed. He still knew exactly how to read you.
"Listen," he started carefully, treating you like a spooked animal because that's exactly what you were. "I know you have questions. We just need to get home first."
Unfortunately, you were also a stubborn piece of shit.
"Where is home?" you questioned. "What...Eddie...how?"
"I'll tell you everything," he promised. "But you're hurt...and I'm sure you're hungry. Thirsty? I could only bring you so far before--"
"Before?" you urged.
"The hungrier I get," he began. "The harder it is to control everything. Control myself. I couldn't be around you like that. But now you're awake...and I have to get you home. We need...to get home..."
You wanted him to explain it all to you; you'd seen the fangs, witnessed the Brides and other vampires feeding, it wasn't a secret that he must hunger for blood too. You just needed more. But he needed something too. There was a singular, desperate focus that edged his words--the need to get you home, get you safe--and you knew you weren't going to get answers unless you obliged his request.
If he could be patient...so could you.
You gestured ahead and the two of you continued your journey.
However, you made sure to keep your hands to yourself this time, unwilling to inadvertantly see more of his becoming, and Eddie clearly noticed.
"My hand is pretty cold," he said after a short stretch of silence. His eyes slid over to you and he wiggled his fingers. "Sure is a shame that there's nothing to warm it up."
You scoffed and your heart ached; this was how he got you to hold his hand in your coat pocket during the winter as you'd venture out and about. It was his thing, refusing to wear his gloves so he wouldn't fumble with them when he wanted to smoke, while also taking the opportunity to feel your hand against his.
It was one of your favorite bits of attention that he gave you; he was still your Eddie. You knew that, and deep down inside you only wanted to know that.
But things were different.
"What? You don't love me anymore or something?" he teased; however, when he glanced over at you, there was a real worry in his eyes. "Don't want to hold my hand? Hmm? That it?"
"Come on," you scoffed. "Don't. You just said we'd talk once we got home, wherever home is. We've been walking forever."
"Well we're not there yet," he bristled and laughed; it was a bitter, condescending chuckle. One you'd never heard come out of him before; not to you, at least.
"Can't you just tell me where we're going? To...Rick's or..."
"It isn't in Hawkins."
"You can't expect us to walk to Muncie," you attempted a joke.
There was a tense pause and he turned his head downward and quickened his pace.
"Don't worry," he said, tone stiff. "We're almost there."
The confidence you'd noticed earlier was suddenly gone, and as he walked, he seemed to make himself smaller.
You really fucked this up.
You tried to reach out for him, abandoning your resolve of keeping him at arms length, but he failed to notice.
He just kept walking.
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Before long, the town seemed to melt away.
Everything did.
Gone were the buildings, the trees, even the roads. Until there was a vast grey nothingness, accentuated by floating particles and a swirling, cursed sky. If you thought the Upside Down was a wasteland before, this only solidified that thought.
After some time, even looking back didn't seem to help things; there were no milestones that you could ascertain. Just flat terrain, the sky, and the horizon.
And Eddie.
You tried to stave away the hateful thoughts that this was a trap, that there really was a Kas out there and he was manipulating you again. Or, even worse, that Eddie was the one manipulating you.
What good did those thoughts do? Except negate the elation that still bubbled hopefully within you, elation you were also trying to hold back.
You were here now; he could kill you any time if he wanted. You weren't dead. Yet.
Lost in thought, you failed to notice that he stopped, and you walked right into his back. You shook yourself off and stepped around him, only to find a decrepit-looking ranch-style house. The attached carport's roof was partially collapsed, the siding a little cockeyed, and the mailbox was broken; it looked unremarkable, and still...
"We're here," he pressed his lips together and gestured towards the house. "Home sweet home."
"I don't recognize this place," you remarked as he led you forward.
"You wouldn't," he shook his head. "I never brought you here; it doesn't exist anymore, actually. They tore it down to build some fancy condos in...what...80? 81? Only place you're gonna find it now is up here."
He tapped against the side of his head and then waved his hand around.
"This is what it looked like the last time I saw it. Broken, a little sad. Right before it came down.”
"Why is it here then?" you asked.
He sighed and looked around.
"Let's just get inside."
The interior of the house was worlds different.
It was bigger on the inside, the walls somehow taller than they had been just moments before you stepped through the threshold. You entered into an open concept living room that was attached to the kitchen, not unlike the trailer. Both rooms were wood paneled and there was a carpet that was split-pea green, making the already drab atmosphere darker.
Eddie brushed past you to get to the kitchen and you moved ahead to the sofa, weariness of the day finally catching up to you. You collapsed onto the brown faux-suede loveseat and laid your head against the granny-square blanket that was draped over the back; beneath the musty, mildewy smell of the Upside Down, you could faintly detect something lighter and sweeter.
Your mom wore orange blossom perfume just like this. Aqua Manda. Your father brought a bottle home for her on her birthday one year.
You cleared your throat and chalked it up to a trick of the mind; you were tired and hurt, of course little things like that would escape your psyche.
Eddie shuffled around in the kitchen for a few minutes and when returned, his hands were filled with packaged snack cakes, a six-pack of grape crush, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and a roll of cloth bandages. He fell onto the loveseat beside you and dropped his plunder between you.
"Wayne," he stated simply and gestured to everything, as though that explained it. Maybe it did, to him; on your walk you figured that everyone knew that Eddie was here and alive, Wayne included. It didn't make you as angry as you expected yourself to be. Not as angry as you'd been when you read about Kas in the Dungeon Master's Guide.
What use was it to get angry, when you just wanted answers?
You stared at Eddie expectantly, hoping that he would start talking, but instead, he moved to pick a package of Raspberry Zingers from between you. You watched, in slight awe, as he flicked his thumb against the plastic and the sharpness of his claw sliced through it quicker than any knife. He did the same with one of the pop cans, puncturing the aluminum instead of using the tab.
You, knowing these were some of his favorites and having seen him inhale more of the sweet treats than you dared count, expected him to tuck in. Instead he placed the open package and can in your hands with a longing look, careful not to touch your skin, before he went on to unwrap the bandages.
You said his name gently and he ignored you.
"Eddie," you dropped the zingers and grabbed his hand to stop him. He was the one to flinch now, but regardless, he looked you in the eye. "I need you...to tell me where we are, and tell me what's going on. Everything. We're here now...you promised."
His eyes darted between yours rapidly; if he felt that your thoughts were loud before, his were blaring right now. Broadcasting panic and worry; confusion as to what to say and where to begin.
He opened his mouth and inhaled, but his sharp fangs glinted in the low light of the room and your gaze, naturally, was drawn to them. He planted a hand over his mouth and after a second, rubbed over the scars that stretched over his cheeks.
Finally his hand dropped to his lap and he shifted in his seat; he leant back against the cushions and got comfortable.
"Before I lived with Wayne," he started, "before mom died, we lived here. It wasn't big; big enough for the two of us, a little less when my dad was still out. Everything looks a little bigger, but I guess everything does when you're younger. This...this is just how I remember it.
"That's what this place runs on. Memories. Feelings. It...generates them but also cannibalizes them. Nancy Wheeler said something...before...about it actually being 1983 here. Really, it can be any place and time you want. Henry...Vecna...showed me that. So when I started needing space...away from him, I came as far as I could past the outer limits of Hawkins and I made this place. Where he would have a harder time finding me. Where I could be alone.
"With you."
"Me?" you questioned.
"I can't explain it," he shook his head. "I can't explain any of it. It's...fuzzy. Who I am now...and who I was before...I'm not the same person.
"I was hurt so badly when you left...I thought I hated you for a while. But then...you were there, in everything I did. I had hope because you gave me hope Sweetheart. Every day I thought about getting in that van and...finding a way to find you. Some way. But I had patience and I could wait for you to come back. On the toughest days, though, you were there. You were there when the blankets on the bed felt especially warm. Or the frozen lasagna I put in the oven tasted especially cheesy. Or when I'd have a bad dream and go to get cookies out of the cupboard. You were there, and it was ok. I could hold on until you made it back to me.
"You were even out there at Skull Rock with me," he smiled. "The night...after Patrick died. I was wet and cold and so god damn traumatized and when I closed my eyes, I swore I could feel you there. I heard you tell me it would all be alright. You're the reason I didn't give up."
You knew that feeling well; more than you could really put to words.
He went on and gave you his account, his perspective and feelings, about what happened last year. Told you about witnessing Chrissy and Patrick's deaths, about running and hiding, about being hunted. He stopped to make a joke about how brave “the kids” were, braver than he was. And then his tone turned fearful and distant when he explained how he decided to be brave for them in return, brave for Dustin.
You of course knew some, but hearing all of it, especially the role he played in it all, was devastating. The what-if's returned; what if you hadn't left, what if you could have been here to save him--save all of them--what if he hadn't died. Of course the last one was void now. Still, as he closed his eyes in pain and you felt it choke you up as his emotions projected outwards again—voluntarily this time, instead of you plucking pieces off of him—you thought:
What if you could have spared him this suffering?
"He took everything," Eddie whispered. "I thought the bats were bad enough. The pain. They were just hungry but the pain. The others were supposed to kill him, to chop his head off or something, and the bats fell and the pain stopped. It was supposed to be over.
"But then he found me."
"I thought I was a goner," he bared his teeth painfully, somewhere between a grimace and a smile really. "Death took forever, sweetheart. I do not recommend it. Not a bit. I don't even think I died. One minute Henderson was crying over me and the next, Vecna was tearing through my head. I always thought...well, you know when Obi-Wan tells the storm trooper these are not the droids you're looking for? I thought that I could resist that. Turns out, I was just as weak-minded as the rest of them."
He recounted his torture, the mental and the physical, and you felt it again. More acutely this time. His memories projected onto you felt fuzzy and strange, though, as if he hadn't even been there for it all himself. You recognized, through the echoes of agony, that was only so much the human mind could take, and Eddie toed the line of survival through sheer luck. He had gone through Hell, and came out alive in the end; how had he done it?
"It's because I had you," he explained. He leant in closer, voice hushed like he had a secret; he made the edges of your being feel tingly with his proximity. "Just like I told you. You were there; I know it. I held on because of you."
"Please, Eddie," you whispered. Please...what? You didn't know.
Please don't try to lessen the guilt.
Please don't try to make you feel better that you left him to this fate.
"It's true," he continued. "Vecna could take everything away. Made me hate everything, everyone. Made me kill for him. He made me his monster, his beast, his weapon..."
You swallowed painfully. How karmically poetic; a weapon of good and a weapon of evil...in love.
Fate was cruel.
"...But he could never take you away from me."
You saw it then, a flash. Some recollection of his, some coping mechanism that he'd used to survive. You saw through Eddie's eyes, felt his body; there was something quite...off about him. Shoulders broader, arms longer, fingers wet with blood.
Wings? You could feel them jutting from his shoulder blades. But he didn't have wings...
And in front of him, instead of some poor innocent soul...there you were. Strange, once again, seeing a version of you that you didn't recognize. She looked...younger...more lively than the one you saw in Billy's mind. She was smiling, eyes bright.
Speaking of eyes, you could see his reflection in your own eyes; you strained to decipher it, because it simply did not look like Eddie.
Not the Eddie of your memory. Not the Eddie who sat before you now.
You gasped and it was gone, and you were back in the living room with Eddie again. You stared at him, really took stock of him, trying to reconcile the different images of him that floated in your mind to truly accept who he was in front of you.
Broken but seemingly still whole. Alive.
Human...but not.
And that's what made you hesitate.
"Eddie," you licked your lips nervously. "Dustin said...that you couldn't leave." His brow twitched.
"I can't," he answered through gritted teeth, entire demeanor changing in the blink of an eye. He clenched and unclenched his hands, grasping at something that was beyond the fabric of reality. "I'm stuck here."
"Do you know why?"
"No. It's driving me crazy; I just want...to leave. Vecna couldn't leave either. He needed Max."
He noticed the way you stiffened at his words and his eyes went wide with fear. All of the tension that had built up within him was released again and he held his hands out to prove he was harmless.
"I don't...I'm not...I don't think that's what it is for me. The Upside Down doesn't want me to leave; I'm just not strong enough somehow. Not ready. I feel like...if I can figure out what I need, it'll let me go. I just don't know what that is.
"I did enough to save lil Red, though, twice," he ran a finger over his heart in a cross, in promise. "Not gonna just throw that all away and kill her."
"She's afraid that you are."
"Well, you'll just tell her I'm not."
"You've killed other people though," you rebuffed, almost too quickly.
It was at the forefront of your mind. Your dumb boyfriend who fed stray cats and raccoons around the trailer park...ordering an army of dark creatures to kill; it didn't make sense.
"You've killed too," he scoffed, a challenge in his eyes. "Don't act like I haven't watched you out there, angel. I've seen everything; this whole time."
"I thought you were a vicious monster," you argued.
"Who says I'm not?" That threw you for a loop. "I've told you my story, it's your turn now."
"No, we're not done with you," you reached across and jabbed a finger into his chest. "You send the bats...the Brides--nice name by the way--" You sneered sarcastically.
"Thanks," he grinned widely. "Got it all from Sven."
"--into Hawkins every day to feed. To kill."
That made him falter.
"No," he denied. "Not every day."
"Every day."
"Every three days, every week. Not every day."
"Tell me how that's possible," you narrowed your eyes. "When your friends back in Hawkins have gone out every day since I've been back for their clean up brigade, and they've been attacked every time. I've heard about it and I've seen it."
Eddie got quiet; he blinked once and his eyes became unfocused. He stared through you for what felt like ages and at some point you contemplated waving a hand in front of his face to get him to come back to you. You were about to raise your hand to do just that when a thin, opaque membrane slid sideways across his eyes, and then retracted back into the corners of them.
You thought it was a trick of the low light for a moment, then it happened again. A blink, just like a bird did with their third eyelid.
"What the fu--"
"They haven't," he interrupted you, consciousness casually sliding back into his body like he hadn't just vacated it. "They've only been leaving through the gates when I tell them to. It's been three days."
He shifted and shook the sleeve of his jacket further up his arm to reveal his wrist, then carefully unfastened the watch that sat there.
"They need to feed," he explained as he fiddled with the buttons. "I need...I need to feed again too. Otherwise I don't have control. And I need to be able to control them. They take their fill, and whatever they can spare, they bring to me. Since I can't leave. What uh...what day is it?"
"The fifteenth," you answered stiffly.
"Guess I hadn't...nevermind." He cleared his throat. His hand shot out and grasped your wrist, then he carefully fastened the watch on your arm. "There. They're supposed to go out tonight and then you can see for yourself. Three days. Wayne will be by then too; I'll ask him to bring you your things. I know you left them behind."
"Because you...because your Brides cornered me...they...Fred...Chrissy...ugh..." You wrenched your hand from his grasp and scrubbed them over your face. "I...Eddie...I need to know why...why you---"
"I think I've told you enough," he interjected with an air of finality. "I've been trying to get to you, trying to find you, ever since I saw you back in Hawkins through their eyes. And now you're here with me where you belong, and it's time I got some answers too, sweetheart. It's been long enough. I deserve to know the truth."
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So you told him.
Eddie was right, he deserved to know the truth, and you'd been itching to tell him since the moment he kissed you after your very first date.
Now was the chance to get it all off your chest.
You told him everything, and not just the condensed version that you told Mary Victoria. You bared your cursed soul to, probably, the only person on earth that had ever seen you. Really and truly seen you.
Despite all that time apart, he still saw you as though no time had passed at all.
He had no qualms interjecting when you told him about your family history and about the curse. He questioned everything and you had no doubt that if it wasn't for the conditions you were in now--if life had not been as cruel to the two of you as it had been--he would have had his Hellfire notebook open and been furiously writing ideas for his next campaign.
Better yet, he would be the one figuring out the way to break it. He would have every fantasy book from the Hawkins Library checked out and spread across the floor, just to save you.
When you got to the more contemporary parts of your story, when you filled in all the gaps in your life that you left when he first got to know you, he was pensive and empathetically quiet. He still made his little jokes here and there, tried to make you laugh at the parts where all you wanted to do was cry, and he didn't hesitate to bridge the gap and hold your hand when you needed to find the strength to keep going.
And keep going was all you did.
For hours.
You told him about every monster you faced, every demise you escaped, every person who used you as a tool and held your salvation over your head to get you to act on their behalf.
Your story couldn't hold a candle to his when it came to personal agony, but he made you feel like everything you'd endured was just as soul-splitting.
Maybe it was.
But this...getting everything out in the open...it was so freeing.
Gone were the shadowy secrets that lurked in the corners of your mind, gone was all the doubt you felt in yourself.
You cracked your chest open, pried out every rusting nail you had driven into you to keep it shut, and let Eddie see all of you--see your heart--and still he stared at you with awe and resplendent devotion in his eyes.
Just like he always had.
"Not gonna lie sweetheart," he started once you'd reached a lull in the story. "That was all, uh...pretty fucking metal."
"Fuck you," you slapped the back of your hand against his chest.
"All this time you let me go on about demons and the devil and Hellfire," his tone was teasing and a smile threatened the corners of his mouth; he couldn't fight it for long and neither could you. "And really you were out here studying the Lesser Key of Solomon and the Necronomicon for fun?"
"Not for fun. For survival" He grabbed your hand and held it against his chest, used his leverage to tug you closer. He stared at you in awe.
"My girlfriend! A real life paladin!"
"God damn it Eddie!" You giggled.
"Protecting the masses, no wonder you wanted to play as a rogue, you would have been bored as a paladin. Can you smite people?"
"I swear to--yes, I guess so."
"So many secrets! And then you told me all of your little stories and lessons--"
"Eddie I swear.”
"--let me believe you fucked the Mothman?"
"Excuse me," you erupted into a cackle. "You came to that conclusion all on your own."
He stared at you with hooded eyes and a fond gaze, humming his doubt.
You shifted the hand that he held, moved your palm across his chest from over his jacket to the thin, threadbare t-shirt he wore underneath. At first, you felt for his heartbeat, to reassure you one last time that it was really him...that he was really alive.
It was a flutter, but it was there. A soft thum pum, thum pum that transferred from his chilled skin, through the shirt, and into yours. His hand enclosed your wrist and squeezed tightly, and you wondered if he was doing the same. Feeling your pulse, making sure you were really there too.
He huffed a breath as you shifted closer; your fingers brushed against something hard that was just under the collar of the shirt as you had made your little search, and upon closer inspection, you discovered a cross on a silver chain.
Your necklace.
"You kept it?" you asked.
"Mmhmm." You shook his hand off your wrist and you ran your thumb over the tiny metal flowers; your crucifix might have been gone but this was still here. "The day you left...I was so upset I threw it. Threw it in some random corner of the trailer. When I realized that it was one of the last things I had left of you I went to try and find it, only to realize it was gone. I kicked myself, cried to Wayne...I was so fucking stupid.
"Then after everything, after Vecna was gone and I healed Max back up...I found it. Here in the Upside Down of all places. Must have fallen through when the gate opened up...but it made its way back to me. Just like you."
"You're a sap," you whispered.
"Guess what? So are you."
"I am," you laughed. You felt yourself choke up then, happiness turning to sorrow in an instant. Well, maybe it was still happiness…just the sad kind. "Hmmm."
"What is it?"
"Nothing, nothing," you cleared your throat to try and let it go, but it got the better of you and tears began to prickle at the corners of your eyes.
You couldn’t help yourself, you touched him again. You’d denied yourself for too long; you needed to be as close to him as you could for as long as you could. You touched his face. Beneath his bangs, over the crest of his eyes, ran a finger over his lips, even shoved your fingers over his fangs to inspect them, to see how dangerous they were, much to his displeasure.
“Don’t,” he hissed. “I have to feed, I could hurt you.”
”I don’t care.” The words burst from you. “I don’t.”
“Sweetheart,” he said in a warning tone but you ignored him.
“I spent all this time thinking you were dead and now here you are, right in front of me. Something I never thought I would have ever again. So excuse me if I don’t care that you might bite me. Hurt me. Nothing could compare with the hurt I felt when I lost you.”
“I get it.”
“I burnt down a building.”
“Pretty metal, I know.”
“I was gonna say it sounds a little crazy,” you snorted. “Cmon? You burned down a building for little old me? With a lighter and gasoline?”
“With that smiting power you were so interested in earlier,” you explained.
“Ok well…shit. That’s pretty hot.”
“Fuck. Off.” You laughed wetly.
“You keep telling me to fuck off, I’ll leave you here.”
You could tell he was trying to make another joke but you didn’t have the patience for it.
“I’m trying to kiss you right now, Ed,” you told him matter-of-factly.
He was shocked, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, like the thought of actually kissing you, actually being with you, hadn't crossed his mind either. As though he hadn’t just used the brides to bring you to completion through the mental bond they shared. To be close to you, to share in pleasure and proximity, together again.
You were about to back down, about to say it was ok, especially if his hunger--fuck, you were gonna have to keep that in mind now, weren’t you--made him nervous. Instead, he surged forward, lips mashing into yours.
It was clumsy and a little painful at first. Both of you were out of practice, it was obvious, and there were, of course, extra teeth to be mindful of. Still, once you crossed the divide and settled yourself in his lap for easy access, you found your rhythm again.
It was as though you hadn’t been apart for a single minute, let alone three years.
Kissing him was nice, it always had been; tender sweetness, even in the throes of pleasure. You always used to joke that if Eddie could find a way to meld the two of you together with his mouth alone, he would; now was no different, as the plush pillows of his lips caressed and pecked at yours.
It didn't take long for the spark that was ignited between you to grow into an inferno and you couldn't really tell who was the needier of the two of you as breathing got heavier and tongue and teeth began to explore. All you knew was him. A sensory experience, being surrounded by each other again, and it was one that you had to learn all over again because it was different. Gone was the smell and taste of cigarette smoke and cheap laundry detergent and soda or bazooka bubblegum he enjoyed, and in its place something more visceral.
The bite of arctic air and nature and musk and dirt and blood.
Aside from the few times you'd bitten your tongue or split your lip, you'd never experienced the taste of blood before, and certainly not blood other than your own. Tangy, but not unpleasant. You could get used to it blooming along your tastebuds if it meant you never had to leave Eddie again.
He departed your lips then, as though he could sense the thought and didn't want you to endure it any longer than you had to. He left one, two, three pecks to the corner of your mouth before he descended down your cheek and along your jaw. He tsked as he reached your neck.
"What did they do to you huh?" he muttered and pecked and laved over the tender, ravaged flesh. He vacated one side of your throat for the other, inspecting the damage there; it was the side that Barb had bitten too, and you knew that it was surely worse. His tongue slithered out and he growled as it slowly ran along the ridges of each wound; the sound transferred from his body to yours, a rattling chittering vibration that sent chills up your spine.
"I didn't tell them to do this. When I realized..." he began an apology, but you stopped him.
"It's ok," you huffed a weak smile. "I'll heal. I always do."
He nudged his nose against yours, a soft rub of its bulbous tip, before diving back into your mouth.
From soft touches against faces and shoulders, hands suddenly moved to grip hips and thread into hair. The scrunchie was quick to go and his curls cascaded over his shoulders; you immediately buried your fingers in their depths, steering you where you wanted him to go, on the off chance he didn't already know.
His hands moved then to settle on your thighs, and gravity shifted as he hoisted you into his arms and stood. You broke away and stared at him in question. Where had this unexpected strength come from; was it more the result of this transformation in the Upside Down? You'd found unbelievable strength as your abilities developed over the years too.
Moreover, where had he found the idea or desire to carry you anyway?
You could spend as much time here on the loveseat as you wanted; it's not like you hadn't fucked on a sofa before.
"Where are we going?" you asked as he took his first steps.
"My legs work."
"They won't before long," he grinned and you rolled your eyes. Vampire or undead or whatever amalgam of an upside down creature as he was, Eddie was still your boyfriend who would quote bad porn just to annoy you.
He brought you down the short hallway to a bedroom; it was unremarkable and had a look and feel about it that was similar to his room in the trailer in some ways...but still not at all.
There was a poster on the wall, and Sweetheart sitting on an amp in the corner--had he been the one to play Sympathy for the Devil that you'd heard on the radio; you hadn't been going crazy--a stack of t-shirts and clothes sat on a broken dresser, and a dented old thermos rested on the windowsill.
He laid you down on a mattress that had been placed on the floor and was laden with pillows and blankets. He started to rid you of your shoes and your jeans, taking as extra care as he had been not to rip into them with his claws; as needy as you were, you were also curious, and you took that moment to inspect this bed of his further.
One of the pillows was stained with blood, some of the blankets shredded to ribbons, and, buried amongst a soft comforter...two long bones that were sharpened to points.
Eddie faltered in his movements as you lifted them closer to your face to inspect and he immediately pulled his hands away from you; his arms crossed over his torso and he shrugged.
"Guess I'm a little messy," he explained sheepishly. "There, uh...might be some more in here...somewhere. Be careful."
There were a million thoughts racing through your mind; where did these bones come from, what did they belong to, had he...eaten some creature? Once again, you needed to internalize all of it quickly. This was just going to come with the territory of having Eddie back, wasn't it?
"It's...ok," you swallowed thickly and turned your eyes back to him. "I can just use it to stab you in the heart if worse comes to worse."
He snorted and licked his lips to stop himself from smiling; in the end, you both failed. You were giggling and you let out a honk of laughter that you hated but Eddie adored; he'd told you so many times. You covered your face with your hands to hide from him, but he was quick to kneel down in the cradle of your thighs to pull them away.
"I want to see you," he whispered. "I need to see you."
He kissed your hands, one, then the other, and then pulled you to sit upright; you helped him remove your jacket--he recalled it had been Mickey's...and then noted that Mickey had died by his hand as he thumbed the rips in the shoulders from Chrissy's attempted-abduction of you in the square--then your t-shirt. He was extra cocky as he used those talons to slice through your bra.
"You're an asshole," you muttered as he ducked to capture your lips again.
"Remember," he pressed a kiss and then backed off to grin, "when I kept fumbling with the hooks."
There wasn't much talking after that, as you began your true reunion, your worship of one another.
He knew where to lick, where to kiss, to get the sweetest and most desperate noises out of you. Of course, he also had his favorite little places to put his hands and his mouth.
He was careful of your throat, but that didn't mean he couldn't suck a hickey to your jaw, or your collarbone, or the side of one of your breasts. He sniffed your skin and sighed dreamily every now and again, pressed his face into the softness of your chest and your belly and just rested there for a moment, before continuing his descent.
He didn't leave an inch of you untouched when it came to these new discoveries and devotions.
He paid special attention to each prominent scar he found. Whispered words of apology, of understanding, as he bore witness to all the ways you sacrificed yourself for a God who'd essentially abandoned you. Abandoned both of you.
Every nerve in your body was alight; not because he kept pulling pleasure to the surface, but simply because of the proximity. You luxuriated in having him there, in carding your fingers through his hair, in hearing the timber of his voice and feeling it as it hummed along your skin. Even when he got too carried away and his claws scratched you or punctured your skin, as blood began to pool to the surface, you found some sense of joy. The little zings of pain only added to the pleasure.
For Eddie, though, they simply seemed to test the strength of his willpower to tame the beast within.
He finally reached the crux of you, and instead of touching or kissing as you expected him to, bringing you pleasure that way--something he'd always enjoyed before--he got to his knees and began working the belt off his jeans.
"What are you doing?" you demanded breathlessly, desperately. "You were..."
"I just...I'll..." he fumbled over his words, head still ducked as his hands worked. His voice sounded muffled and he refused to look at you. "We...we'll just finish up here and then I need to go."
"I want to make you feel good, baby, I just...I can't stay. I'm already hanging on by a thread as it is."
You thought that he just meant that he needed to find his own release, which was understandable, but to need to leave? He flung his belt off to the side, and as he did, you saw. Really saw.
His eyes seemed more sunken in, surrounded by shadowy-bruises, scleras bright red. His fangs, which had just been two lone points in his mouth, seemed to have multiplied; four sharp teeth, now elongated, on his upper jaw, and two on the lower.
You called his name once, then again more forcibly, to get him to stop as he shed his jacket. He froze, and then stared at you, practically ashamed.
"They'll be back soon and I'm hungry," he explained. He let the jacket drop to the ground and then stared hungrily at his hands, at the fresh blood at the points of his nails. "I'm so...hungry."
He had mentioned that, that he'd been hungry, before. Which was why he couldn't be there when you were brought to the Upside Down.
But he said that he'd fed days ago; how long had you been here?
Was it just the drawing of your blood that had him hungry again? Needing to be sustained.
You spoke instinctually.
"Feed on me."
His eyes widened in shock.
"Sweetheart--" he tried to warn you, but you stopped him.
"Chrissy and Patrick already did," you rationalized. "Barb did. You're not going to do anything that they didn’t; just...try to be gentle and don't kill me."
"I'm trying not to kill you."
"I know," you encouraged. "I trust you. Drink my blood. Feed on me."
You held your hand out and nodded to your wrist; your neck was already bitten and healing. You both would probably have a better...uh...experience if he fed from there instead.
Eddie released a long breath and rolled his head backwards, hands coming up to his eyes as though it was the most difficult decision in the world. The only decision that mattered.
But, faster than your eyes could see, he was on you, lips and tongue caressing your wrist, lavishing over your pulse. You closed your eyes for a second...until it felt like his tongue elongated and wrapped around your wrist entirely...and they shot open again.
He was too quick though. Another blur of movement, and your underwear had simply vanished and Eddie was nuzzling the softness of your thigh with his nose, smelling the path your arteries, smelling the musk of your sex. You strained your neck to watch him--settled on his stomach, half off the mattress, with one of your legs thrown over his shoulder--but you couldn't hold it for long as he caressed your slit. As he stroked his fingers through your wetness and found your clit, slowly and torturously, as his nose followed the path upwards.
A delicate caress was all it took for the pleasure to invade your senses, ready as you were from all of the foreplay. Your body was primed for more after being starved for so long and only given a taste of salvation from him and his puppets previously. He rolled his fingers over and over, bringing you higher; he was mindful of his claws with each touch and caress, still you felt the cold huff of his breath chuckling when you bore down on nothingness as he rasped the sharp edges over the softness of you just so.
It had always been a game with you, pushing each other further to see who could hold out longer and who would break first--a delicious give and take--but it seemed he was focused on one thing now: a delicious prize for the both of you.
And needed to get there as quickly as possible.
You whined as your body tingled; your pleasure climbed and he hummed, his ministrations getting quicker. Sensing you were close to the edge, he pushed a finger into your heat, then a second, and your hips bucked. If the rasp of his claws outside had created a mix of pleasure and pain, inside it made you question everything. And as he pistoned his fingers once...twice...and pressed on your clit, you found euphoria.
You found Heaven.
And so did he.
You barely registered him biting into you at first, such pleasure raced through your body, but the sting of the first mouthful of blood being pulled from you brought you back to reality.
You rapidly came down from your high, so pleasantly numb, to the sounds of his lewd slurping and gulping of one mouthful then the next. If you had the capability of higher thought, you might wonder if you'd built some sort of tolerance to being feasted on like this, but your focus was on the remnants of your pleasure...and on him.
Eddie let out a delicious groan with a particularly painful pull, and you winced. He mouth released from your thigh with a satisfying pop, and, like a predator, he turned his gaze to meet yours.
Half hidden by the slopes of your body, you could still see the way his nose and lips were stained red. He bared his teeth at you--in a smile or a warning, you couldn't tell for sure--then set his sights back on your center.
Blood made an interesting addition to your own slickness, as he lowered his mouth onto your pussy; you twitched as he licked your essence away, one hunger sated and replaced by another. Gone were his fingers, as he moved your leg off his shoulder and spread you open to feast once more. You bucked against him as he stoked the fires within you again, tried to fight him so you could grind against his mouth, but he didn't let up.
"E-Eddie," you whined and he moaned, tongue thrumming against your clit and then sliding to your entrance to collect the ambrosia that you blessed him with.
You didn't want to beg, especially when you would gladly take every ounce of attention he bestowed upon you, but you wanted him. Wanted all of him. Wanted to see him.
Wanted to be with him, as one.
And the fucker hadn't even taken his clothes off yet.
"E-eddie, please," you cried, unable to convey exactly what you wanted. "I need you."
He clearly took that to mean more and more is exactly what he gave you, enough that should have made you surrender, made you melt for him.
He rolled his tongue against your sensitive nub, let his fangs rasp over you, before he began to suckle your clit and you had to grab his head and tug to try and get him to stop.
This was everything you wanted. But maybe not everything you wanted right now. The denial would be delicious.
Your nails scraped his scalp and pulled at the long strands of his hair until he finally finally released his focus from your quivering cunt.
Both of you heaved and gasped heavily.
He cuffed a hand against his chin to try and wipe off the mix of your blood and slick and you groaned; he didn't have to look so enticing doing something like that.
"So bossy," he grinned naughtily.
He didn't have to look so enticing saying something like that either.
"I am," you told him. "Because I need you--"
"And I was about to let you come right there, sweetheart."
"I need you...I need to feel you," you told him.
"Hmmm, tempting," he inched his way up your body, pressing bloody kisses to your mound, then your stomach. He stopped and rested his chin there.
There was some spike of unidentified emotion inside of you. Wrath, maybe. Annoyance, definitely.
"Don't tell me," you hissed at him. "That you're not looking for your own release."
"I am," he nodded and kissed up. Further and further. Your ribs, your breasts, laying his head there now. You couldn't help but caress his forehead, push his bangs out of his eyes as he stared up at you like you hung the stars.
You could feel him shift, feel the hardness of him straining against his jeans as he squirmed against you.
"Don't tell me that you don't want to fuck me," you whispered. "Don't tell me that you aren't just itching to come inside of me Eddie."
He kissed once against your clavicle, once on the hickey he left on your jaw and then hovered over your lips...
"Please," he whispered. "Let me fuck you."
You grabbed him and pulled him to you, lips crashing and hungry as you took what you craved from him.
Frantic movement on shaky limbs as you both knelt on the mattress and stripped him of his clothes between the clashing of your mouths in desperation.
It wasn't until you needed to part so you could pull his shirt over his head that you paused.
It was sudden and suffocating as you finally saw all of him. Your hungry eyes found his cock first, lengthy and hard and fisted in his hand as he rolled his head back on his shoulders with relief for the first time all night. Which was funny because he was not shy about humping a bed once upon a time; had he learned some kind of virtuous patience in the years you'd been away? It was almost impossible to fathom.
But then, your eyes were drawn to the rest of his body.
Your hand went to your mouth in horror as you finally witnessed all of him. Witnessed what came out of the other side after he'd been chewed up and spit out by Vecna and his minions. By the Upside Down.
It was the bite scars that caught your eyes first. Maybe because you had felt the ephemeral echo of the assault for yourself, maybe because they were wide swaths of mangled flesh. Layers and layers and wrinkles and valleys. A piece of his torso practically gouged out on one side, his pectoral muscle shredded on the other, nipple missing.
When he had been attacked, he had been Eddie; when the attack was over he was just...meat. And this was the evidence of that. Some parts had healed to silver or pink, both others were left angry and red. If you didn't know better, you might think he was still hurt; that they were still bleeding.
He had kissed your scars and apologized; he was truly the one who deserved the apology.
The seams were next. Down his limbs, at each of his joints; like he'd been ripped apart and put back together again. Strange lines that carved into him like a dissection. Vivisection, if the screams that you'd heard through his memories were true. There were two prominent ones along his ribs that looked...particularly vulnerable. Then again, it could have been because he bulged strangely there.
He didn't look like your Eddie anymore. Maybe it was because he wasn't.
Well, he was...all of him was. All of him...belonged to your heart. Or, more accurately, your heart belonged to all of him. Been through Hell, and survived.
You'd always thought--and you'd told him once and he'd laughed in your face--that he looked like one of the statues that you loved at your favorite cemetery back home. Carefully carved through time and patience, flaws intentional, but made to be witnessed and celebrated and have people kneel before them.
Yes he made a cocksucking joke.
Now though...he was like stained glass in the chapel. Overall whole, one beautiful piece of art that was made to let the resplendent light shine through. But so obviously complex, evidenced by the thousands of little pieces that made it up. Each one so important to the greater whole.
Different, but still beautiful.
Eddie finally noticed the state of you and he paused; you could feel the waves of doubt come off him as he looked down at himself in shame.
"I'm sorry, I should have wa--"
"No," you closed the distance between you. "Stop. It's...I just...I..."
"It's horrible," he told you. "And there's so much more that you...that you don't know."
"It isn't horrible," you replied. "We have plenty of time; all the time in the world. I'll find out the rest eventually, Eddie. But no matter what...I love you."
His eyes shifted between yours, that unsettling red tinge still there but made less intense by his feast; you knew he was looking to see if you were lying to him.
You hoped he knew that you could never lie to him. Especially about something like that.
If there was something that didn't change about Eddie, it was his smile. Sure his teeth might have been comprised of fangs, and his cheeks stretched in a slightly tense way...but the way his eyes crinkled, the way--even in the darkness--he seemed to light up from the inside. That would always stay the same.
You pulled him to you and kissed him again, soft and full of intense devotion. His hands found you and he guided you back down to the mattress, sweeping away the extra blankets and pillows and remnants of previous carnage, and he settled onto you.
Into you.
He guided himself to your center and with one last glance to make sure you wanted this--you always would, always--he slid into you, and found himself where he truly belonged.
Home. With you.
One hand held him above you and the other roamed, caressing over the slopes and curves of your body, running over your cheek and over your heart for a moment, until it settled at the crux where your bodies met. Your hands searched him as well, determined to commit all of his scars to memory--if not tonight, then one day--when they finally landed on a set of scars along his shoulder blades. Thick and deep, he closed his eyes and you could feel his body twitch with pleasure as you lavished them with attention, your delicate touch dancing over the raised skin.
His pace quickened and he grit his teeth; his fingers danced over your clit to carry you to the peaks of pleasure, caressing your cunt worshipfully as you caressed him within.
As you accepted him--all of him--over and over.
It was a marathon that tested your stamina and willpower but neither of you would let up or stop; you needed this. You both needed this, together; finally with each other.
You could feel it rising within you, your limbs tingled and you began to see stars. You refused to close your eyes, even as Eddie got desperate and ducked his head into your shoulder, hips stuttering as they chased his release, fingers relentless as they chased yours.
You couldn't blame him when he bit your throat, when his fangs slid through the already-abused flesh as you inevitably came. You couldn't be too sure that you didn't pull him into you yourself. The bite, the sting, and the pull of your blood took your rapture to an intensity you'd never experienced before.
You saw the strings of fate, floating around him in that moment, connecting him to you; sparkling lines that shifted and tangled over his skin and onto yours. It was blinding and brilliant, and it made you finally close your eyes to bask in it all.
There was some old story, that humans used to have 4 arms, 4 legs and two heads. And some God thought them too powerful, so They demanded them split for the rest of eternity; those humans spent the rest of their days searching...searching for their other half until they could be one again.
And as Eddie's hips stuttered into yours, as he lost his stamina and finally spilled his release inside of you, as he finally made you his--fully and completely for the first time in what felt like an eternity--that search was finally complete.
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“I love you. Even if the Fates unraveled our destiny, I would find a way back to you.”  - Scarlett St. Clair, A Touch of Ruin
Next Chapter: Revelation
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dabislittlemouse · 1 year
Pls your last two posts abt dabi with the slurry dressed reader and the innocent one are driving me crazy.
What about dabi with someone that dresses alt, slutty, and sweet/innocently depending on how ever they're feeling/whatever they want to wear. But personality-wise they're the person that takes care of everyone at the LOV, making sure they've eaten, are doing OK, maybe they have a healing/regen quirk (healing his burns so they're just normal scars with some more feeling? Ooo???), like they're the sweet mom-friend picking up after the fuckers but also dabi's fuck-toy.
I definitely have coherent thoughts rn.
Lmao imagine Dabi realizing they're wearing an outfit to specifically show off his markings from the night before. Like an "innocent" skirt, but when they bend over a bruised handprint on their ass and the absence of panties are revealed, plus the slutty alt shirt showing off their neck and chest covered in hickeys and the handprint from choking them.
Sorry, I've rambled again.
HELLO- PLS don’t apologize, I Iove this headcanon so much, since I also change my style of clothing depending on how I’m feeling
God Dabi would be so jealous whenever you’re acting so caring towards the other members that aren’t him I tell you.. he’ll be all grumpy and pouty, so you better make it up to him by cuddles or something else. But he still likes how sweet and thoughtful you are towards the League, he literally wants to eat you whole. He loves coming at the base and smelling the scent of homemade meal waiting for him at the table, he loves being scolded by you after he ate too much fastfood lately instead of eating the soup you prepared.
And if you have a healing quirk as well he already had his eye on you since the beginning, since you help him a lot with his new burns and injuries. The genuine worry in your eyes when you scold him for being too careless on the battlefield has him confused but at the same time it warms his heart.
Imagine his reaction when he sees you with a shirt that shows your chest painted with all the bite marks. He can’t help the grin on his face, the way you’re so proudly showing them off? It drives him SOOOO feral I tell you, it boosts his ego, gives him the urge to leave more marks on you and claim you all over again.
Dabi will literally grab you and go inside the nearest empty room and fuck your brains out. You might be the most caring and mature person in the League, having that “mommy” role kind of thing, but behind the scenes you’re his dirty little slut that he uses as he wishes <3
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rawliverandgoronspice · 4 months
hey! do you have any thoughts on demise as a looser/more fluid/symbolic/metaphorical figure in the context of the story of the series- like thoughts on what he represents, and stuff like what his curse could mean thematically rather than the more essentialistic absolutistic "literal satan" interpretation that most of the (at least western) audience seems to take?
i know he may be somewhat contentious as a choice introduced by the writers especially considering from an outside perspective what he kind of did to the majority of fandom analysis and discourse, but i've been thinking about how it's quite possible the writers had a more paganistic approach to what it means to be a deity and how demise doesn't even really have a NAME so much as he is supposed to be some sort of manifestation/personification of the concept of demise, and maybe also of hatred, and also i don't know, like, what the point of that hatred is or why there has to be demise/what implications there could be of this worldbuilding
hope that was coherent enough to make sense of anything i just said but yeah i was just curious if you do!
Heyy sorry never replied, replying now!! Thanks for the ask!
Yeah it's exactly how I'm taking Demise, and I think what you mention connects more to what little I know and understand of shintoism.
In French, Demise has an absurdly long name and is basically called "The Avatar of the Void", which I think is... interesting? It makes me extremely curious as to how Demise is called in original japanese --because to me, "Void" is about the absence of things more than their destruction. It's about the absence, not the inevitability of things crumbling down that comes with Demise. I don't know which of these concepts are the closest to the original vision (if it's Void rather than Demise I think it recontextualizes everything we thought we know about this world and characters, but in my opinion it feels too incoherent with the rest of the world, so my guess is that it was a poorly thought-out translation --but I might be wrong!), but to me it's all in the title: Demise. The curse is that every golden era must end with a reckoning.
I think the curse is extremely compelling in that mythological sense, the way Demeter and Persephone's tale is about the joy and pain of passing seasons; it's the given cause for this world's fate as it is condemned to rise and die continuously; and that their eternal, bright future will always be opposed. To be honest, I'm not even sure it's a *bad* thing. Conflict is not only inevitable, it needs to rise to the surface instead of being suppressed to ensure things do not remain stagnant and shortcomings are being acknowledged and addressed --which is also partially why the suggestion of TotK's golden forever after really doesn't sit right with me, especially since nothing was learned and nothing truly changed in the course of its runtime.
I think the curse sucks when people think it means that Ganondorf is a generic evil demon man without motive of his own. It especially grinds my nerves since I somehow never hear this argument being made for *any* other villain in the franchise. I know they look alike the most (and TotK didn't help matters here), but I never *ever* saw people arguing that Vaati doesn't have motive, for example. Or Majora. Or Zant. Or even literal nothing characters like Bellum, who by all means looks more like a primal demonic evil acting on instinct than anyone else. Somehow, we get to assume they have internal motives that, while obviously wicked and self-serving, are their own! But somehow, Ganondorf, the actual main antagonist of his series with the most amount of games hinting at his backstory and internal moral code, gets flattened as an evil puppet with no internal life whatsoever. It's genuinely bizarre.
Anyway sorry sorry! Thanks again for the ask!
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chaikachi · 1 year
Listen as a RG shipper who has been burned by other shows with ships I don’t wanna put my tin hat on. But NEO??? Has been using Oscar A LOT to mess with Ruby. And assuming she turned into Ruby to trick Oscar to get the lamp back in V7 👀👀👀 also I just rewatched V5 and when they all have a sit down he just stares at her and Ruby giggles and I’m like “HE THINKS SHES PRETTY AWWWW” like I’m not calling it shipbait bc I have no idea if they will become Bee levels of canon and I’ll be fine if they don’t. But MAN do they care about each other A Lot in canon to the point where the Optical Illusion character uses them to hurt each other. Like Yang? Her big sister totally get it. Penny? Neo knew when she died with her first body that’s her best friend after or alongside Weiss but Weiss isn’t dead. But OSCAR!?? The guy she only met THREE volumes ago HES the one who shows up? Not her UNCLE or JAUNE but FARMBOY????
Neo ships it (evily) is all I’m saying
I don't wanna get peoples hopes up in case crwby somehow swerves off course or we just don't get to see the end of the show, but I genuinely don't think it's shipbait at this point.
First want to bring up the v5 thing. Yes he stares at and giggles at her, firmly believe that boy had a case of love crush at first sight... but Ruby ends up mirroring very similar tone, dialogue, and body language later on in the fumble scene.
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Oscar: Ah, sorry! Ruby: Heh, sorry-
Putting behind a read more cause i'm riled up with new rwby/whole loaf of rg bread zoomies and don't feel very coherent rn aha.
There is a post somewhere on this site that i can't find anymore which goes through all the BB/RG parallels (a shorter copy of it exists here on twitter) and that list since v9 just keeps getting longer.
Like... Sorry, Blake's biggest fear in v3 was that her past would come back and hurt those she loves. She is proven right to fear that when Adam shows up and attacks Yang and then because she can't handle that guilt, Blake runs away??
Ruby, being terrified that if she carries on the path she's headed down, more of her friends will die. And Neo uses Oscar (and Little, who strongly parallels him) to prove Ruby's fears right which also leads her to 'running away'? Because the thought of hurting him, of losing him is just something Ruby can't bare????
The ship parallels themselves are so specific and are absolutely worth mentioning, but RG itself stands so strongly even on it's own. The narrative orbits and constant, consistent emphasis on how much Ruby and Oscar care about each other is deafening at this point.
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Just about everyone in the main cast has gone through huge portions of their character arcs in the previous eight volumes. Except for our protagonist... until now.
The scene we get in v9e8 where Neo uses Oscar as the last nail in Ruby's coffin ties him directly to her fatal flaw. They could have used anyone else. It could have been Yang. It could have been Qrow. It could have been her team partner Weiss. It could have been Blake, someone that's admitted to looking up to her. It could have been Penny a third time.
But. It. Wasn't.
It was Oscar.
Oscar, who was the first illusion Ruby saw when falling. Oscar, who is the only person she's close to that she didn't get to properly reunite with in v8. Oscar, who's absence in the Ever After has been SO STRONG to anyone that's paid attention to their dynamic up until now.
Ruby's fatal flaw is her grief, and by extension, loneliness and guilt. Ruby has shouldered all of this weight for so long alone and every volume up until now shows us that there is one person that made her feel like she was actually on equal footing for once. Maybe not completely alone. That she had someone looking out for her as much as she looked out for them. Oscar. And when Neo, the illusionist, uses Oscar's death against Ruby? That is her first of two breaking points.
I'm sorry - and i gotta emphasize this isn't directed at you so much as a general declaration - but at this point any anti, meaner, or non-believer that tries to tell me there is not very clear evidence in show pointing to RG needs to stop telling me to take off shipping glasses and has to just put like... normal reading glasses on lskd;jlfks
It is just... undeniable to me at this point. Despite still hearing people refer to them as siblings when it's like... if they wanted to emphasize the sibling bond, YANG WAS RIGHT FREAKING THERE!!
If Ruby is getting a love interest in show (cough cough she already has one) there is literally NO ONE else that fits the bill. They wouldn't introduce someone new this late in the game, and of the rest of the remaining cast, she has not been shown as close to any of them in the ways that tie to her character arc as strongly as this one does.
Ruby is the protagonist, Oscar is the deuteragonist. The core of this story orbits around both of them as the the chosen warrior destined to defeat Salem and barer of Oz's curse, respectively. Their individual character arcs also tie to and parallel each other's consistently: Oscar, who is trying so hard to hold onto his identity despite the merge vs Ruby who has spent this entire volume trying to push hers away.
Yes, all other Ruby ships are valid, don't get me wrong. But from a canon, narrative perspective, Rosegarden is the only one that is being pushed this aggressively.
And I can't be convinced otherwise at this point 🤡
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yorluver · 2 years
play pretend
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synopsis: your relationship with Robin was only situational. she wanted Vickie to notice her, but you wanted her to notice you.
angsty, (oblivious!)robin buckley and reader are in a fake relationship
part i you are here! .. part ii
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Her words were laced with falsity, and drowned out by the upbeat, party music. The nature of the question barely resembled the scenarios you’ve dreamt of at night. However, your heart favored ignorance over the truth.
You looked in her eyes, the absence of affection was clear. You dived through them, searching for a meager pearl of endearment towards you. Her ocean was bare in the thought of you, yet you dived in them over and over again.
“You don’t have to do this, y/n.” Robin whispered, her eyes scanning the room. You followed her gaze, locking on the ginger girl.
“I’m…” you shook your head, your heart weakened at the idea of Robin’s disappointment, “I can’t… Fine, I’ll be your girlfriend… for tonight.”
Her head sprung up, and her eyes twinkled. The pearl you were looking for. It glistened right in front of you, yet was reserved for another.
“Thank you. Oh, thank you, y/n, oh my goodness. Thank you!” Robin cried, pulling you into a hug. You yelped, pawing at her shoulders
“Wait, Robs, I can’t breathe,” you gasped.
“’m sorry,” she instantly apologized, releasing you from her embrace. “You okay? Sorry, I think I got ahead of myself.”
Her fingers caught a tear slipping from your eye, “Geez, did my hug really get you that bad?”
You managed to let out a chuckle, wiping the remaining tears away from your eyes.
“Come with me,” Robin’s hand held a grasp on your wrist, tugging you to the center of the party.
The bass thumped rhymically through your body. ‘Dance with me,’ Robin’s lips read, her voice barely coherent. You followed her lead, closing your eyes and letting loose.
Robin’s arms snaked around your waist. With widened eyes, you looked up at her. She didn’t say a word. Your eyes averted her gaze, coincidentally meeting with Vickie’s. Right. This was all for her.
You looked back up at Robin. Her stare lowered. You thought to yourself, since this was the only night you’d play pretend with Robin, you’d do anything she’d ask.
Nearing the end of the song, Robin’s arms retreated from your body, your eyes trailed up to Robin. Her cheeks were flushed from the heat of the dance floor, her hips swaying almost elegantly, and she was slowly swallowed up by the crowd. You pushed through, desperately trying to catch up with her.
Her back was right against Vickies; although, Robin towered over her. You stood watching, your vision obscured by people pushing by. It was as if she was glowing, as if she found where she wanted to be.
Vickie turned around, finally noticing the girl behind her. She laughed, tapping her on the shoulder. Robin turned, greeting her with a smile. Vickie’s eyes dove right in. She whispered something in Robin’s ear, a twinkle gleamed in Robin's eyes. Robin responded before she noticed you; slowly making her way towards you.
“Hey, um, thanks again for tonight,” she beamed, taking your hand in hers. “You’re an amazing actor, you know.”
“Mhm,” you squeezed her hands with yours.
“I got to go now, Vickie’s bringing me to the after-party. Can you believe it? An after-party for a party?” She chuckled, looking down at her shoes.
“See you later?”
“Yeah, see you,” you felt her step away, her hands letting go of yours.
You waved her off as she jogged over to Vickie. You watched their hands intertwining, your hands left empty.
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