#sorry for the rant it’s just
gojoed · 1 year
This scene with Legato, I have never really been able to understand if it meant anything beyond the scenario that was unfolding in the episode (Nicholas fighting Livio). But I think I have now.
Legato’s words somehow feels targeted to Knives specifically. “It has long been time to give up on your little brother. You must finally learn to accept reality.”
Those words just struck me. Knives is portrayed as the twin who’s more “mature” and not as soft-hearted as his little brother Vash. But if you really think about it he was the one who was the most childish between the two.
He never wanted to see beyond what humans had done to Tesla in fear of being betrayed again. He idealized humans far more than Vash did, Vash already accepted that humans aren’t perfect and there is good and bad but Knives had gotten his fear of humans from Rem. She was always worried about what would happen to them.
Knives also very childishly held onto the idea that all humans are bad, that they’re all the same and selfish and that they never look beyond their own nose. Up until he was killed, Knives wanted Vash’s gate. He died for it. The fight that ensued after Vash broke free from the tank was literally a fight between siblings, brothers. 
Knives was the one who was letting his emotional turmoil unleash and it portrays in how he desperately wanted that cube. His expressions during that fight looks down right like a child throwing a tantrum.
Vash bit him, like siblings do when they fight.
Knives also stubbornly never let Vash go, not truly. Sure they went separate ways for 150 years, but not really. Only distance wise. They’re on the same planet, Knives knew he had nowhere to go, he’ll always be within his reach. He learned Vash’s part to the duet, he plays it with such rigor it’s as if the song is the embodiment of how Knives just completely longs for Vash to be by his side again. He longs for Vash but refuses to accept that they will never see eye to eye.
It has long been time to give up on your little brother. You must finally learn to accept reality.
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i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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I want everybody who’s calling Ken a Trophy Husband to know that he’s actually a Trophy Boyfriend, because when Ruth Handler invented Ken in the 1960s, she was adamant that he would never marry her and instead be her “handsome steady”, so that Barbie remained a figure of independence for the little girls and was never put in the position of housewife.
Her house is hers. She bought it and furnished it with money she made in her own job. In STEM, in politics, in healthcare, in fashion, in academy, in customer service. Her credit card is in her name (women in the US couldn’t have their own regardless of marital status until 1974). And it’s all pink and fashionable because femininity and badassness aren’t mutually exclusive. No matter who you are, you can be anything.
That’s why Barbie’s slogan is “you can be anything”. Teaching these ideals to little girls is why Barbie was created. Empowering women and empowering femininity is the original meaning of the Barbie doll. It’s not that you have to be all this to be a woman, but if you are all or some of this, you too are awesome.
And somehow pop culture deliberately changed that narrative. Sexualised, bimbofied, and villainised her, when she actually isn’t responsible for the impossible beauty standards — people are, she’s just a stylised, not-to-scale toy like most others.
Men are frothing because he’s just Ken and I guess they were expecting her to be just Barbie, but that’s exactly what Ken is. Canonically. A badass woman’s himbo boyfriend.
This movie has the potential to radically change the way we collectively see Barbie into what Ruth Handler originally intended, I’m so very excited
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leandrocrossard · 3 months
something really cool happened today that i wanted to share:
my nephew is 9 years old, and a stereotypical little boy. he likes dinosaurs, minecraft, and ninjas.
today i walked in on him excitedly watching Nimona with my dad. (minor spoiler warning!)
i had never heard of it, but i sat down and watched some of it, just to see why he was so happy.
he started narrating it, anticipating parts of it, almost as if he’d seen it before. he had.
we didn’t get to finish it, but i watched it on my own, because it looked fun and i wanted to see how it ended.
and i loved it. it was a fun, exciting, fantastical adventure about the importance of acceptance people who are different to us.
and it had a very clear queer subplot.
one that my nephew hadn’t mentioned at all in his explanation of the film. his summary was “it’s about a monster who helps a knight that was framed for killing the queen”.
and honestly yeah, that is what the film was about.
before sharing it with us, he had watched it all, engrossed himself in the story, took it in entirely, and the part he cared about most was whether Nimona got her acceptance. he wasn’t indoctrinated, or confused, or questioning anything about himself.
he didn’t bat an eyelid over a gay love confession. he just enjoyed the film, raved about it, made my 60 year old dad watch the movie about the monster who didn’t fit in.
he’s still the same little boy who’s been asking us how to get a girlfriend.
the only thing a movie centred around queer and queer-coded characters taught my nephew was that those who are different to him are not monsters. that’s it.
and that dragons are really cool.
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paperclipninja · 1 month
I'm gonna sound very old person yells at cloud but I don't care, I feel like I need to say this. We all (well most of us) know that messaging Neil with any headcanons/theories/wishes/hopes/dreams to do with the show is a no-go because it could potentially compromise the story he wants to tell or ends up telling. And yes, he is a grown up who chooses what to respond to etc and I think it's wonderful he engages with fans and answers a lot of lovely and interesting questions about his process, writing and journey etc.
However, there is another reason not to send theories and ideas about how the show should go to the show creator in the hope of a response: it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether a theory is correct, or a speculation may or may not play out. That is why fandom exists.
Online fandom is where we all come together to yell and cry and throw around weird-ass ideas and theories and look at art and read fanfic and unite in our love of characters and a show. A huge part of being in fandom, is the way fandom theories become like an understood little bit of fanon lore that some people attach to, others disregard. But it doesn't matter. And part of the fun of fandom, is when a new season or a new episode of the show comes out, you have this collective catalogue of ideas and theories and headcanons and you get to yell and scream, "omg it happened1" or "lol that that thing was ever talked about" or "thank god that theory didn't come to pass".
Wanting to know now (not that we ever will) and not wanting to wait until the next season to find out the answers diminishes the fandom experience. I cannot stress enough how much we are in the absolute peak of the fandom experience right now. The between seasons time is the ultimate time to be a part of a fandom (as I'm sure many people are well aware), knowing there's another season coming energises everyone to create and connect and speculate and it's glorious! I know it feels like it'll be like this forever, but it won't. Next season is the last and yes, there will be a flurry and uptick of all the energy and excitement once again, and I absolutely believe Good Omens fandom will live on and remain active and thrumming. But there won't be theories and what ifs and hunting for clues for the next season, and over time it will dwindle a little and plateau and some people will fall into other fandoms, and while it will probably bubble away, there won't be the anticipation that sits with us now.
My point is, fandom is where we get to throw around ideas and flail and be ridiculous and also serious sometimes, but it's all for us. For the fans. Showing Neil theories or getting in a flap about a particular speculation and asking if x, y, or z might happen isn't just about putting the creator in an awkward spot, it takes away what fandom is about. Just let this time be ours. If you haven't been in fandom before, enjoy it! Don't be in a hurry to seek definitive answers or know things either way.
It doesn't matter if any or none or all of the things that float around end up being correct or incorrect. Fandom isn't about being right. It's about being a part of a community and being able to share ideas and it's about it being FUN.
So TL;DR Stop sending Neil fan ideas because that is for fandom, not for the creator.
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hollis-art · 9 months
i saw someone spread hate to Keiko bc they were a Bashir/O'brien shipper, and i do NOT agree with that.
why would you ever say such things when this was always an option?
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this is obviously what's happening in the show anyways
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frownyalfred · 1 year
hello. this is a PSA. ao3 is NOT releasing your browsing history, despite what you may have heard on tiktok.
if you’re signed into ao3, your history is viewable in the dashboard tab. it always has been, nothing is changing. please don’t believe everything you hear on tiktok.
no one is able to view your browsing history unless they are signed into your account.
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fleapit · 3 months
can we pleasee please please stop fucking fearmongering and blaming trans men for the predstrogen situation. please god. posts about "trans men teaming up with terfs to get trans women banned!" with zero sources all over my dash. blaming "transandrophobia truthers" for all the transmisogyny. have you all lost your fucking minds?? what the fuck happened to t4t??? what the fuck happened to trans solidarity??? why is "transfem separatism" even a subject worth entertaining????
anyone who says other trans people are the enemy is a fucking fed. jesus christ
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fandomfan315 · 2 months
Hozier's new songs just dropped . Fun fact about me: I've never been normal about this man. Excuse me while I go absolutely insane.
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thinking about gorgug thistlespring, a barbarian half-orc raised by tinkerer gnomes, who tried to teach him that his anger was not a bad thing, that he was not a burden, that he should channel those negative emotions into something good and positive, like singing or making things, and so he did. he made friends, he learned the drums, he fought, he protected, he saved the world and met multiple who liked him for who he is.
thinking about gorgug thistlespring, a teenage boy with his first girlfriend, who was so devoted to protecting his friends that he made a mistake, he didn’t consider her feelings, so he fought so hard to make it right, he felt so guilty and so angry at himself so he built something just to be able to talk to her again. his parents taught him to channel his emotions and he realised he was just as good at creating as he was at raging. and even when the nightmare king’s forest threw his fears and insecurities in his face, he carried on, for his friends, because “its gorgug, keep going.”
thinking about gorgug thistlespring, an artificer-barbarian who figured out who he is, what he wanted, what he’s good at, who knows how to channel his anger into protecting and creating, to save the world and his friends, only to be told that he couldn’t do that, he couldn’t do what he wanted, his anger was for destruction, not for creating, not for putting his life on the line for his friends, that all the things his parents had taught him, all the things that he had learned while saving the world were wrong.
thinking about gorgug thistlespring.
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quantumshade · 1 month
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can anyone explain to me at what point rose tyler was "unbelievably stupid". was it when she was inventing transdimensional travel
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Novice sewing pattern: Cut out shapes. Line up the little triangles on the edges. Stitch edges together. We've also included step-by-step assembly instructions with illustrations.
Novice knitting pattern: yOU MUSt uNDerstANd thE SECret cOdE CO67 (73, 87, 93) BO44 (63, 76, 90) 28 (32, 34) slip first pw repeat 7x K to end *kl (pl) 42 * until 13" (13, 13, 15) join new at 30 pl for 17 rows ssk 27 k2tog mattress lengthwise BO and sacrifice a goat to the knitting gods. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT "INSTRUCTIONS," I JUST GAVE THEM TO YOU
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houngry · 4 months
“Loser baby is a horrible song! Husk is just victim shaming and calling Angel a loser!”
that’s funny. maybe if you actually listened to the lyrics, you’d realize that husk isn’t victim shaming at all. he’s telling angel that he’s not alone. that he doesn’t have to put up a mask.
another thing i like about the song is the fact that husk isn’t saying some bs like “oh it’ll get better”. because sometimes, that doesn’t help.
stop hating on the song, and maybe listen to it again, instead of whining on tumblr.
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golyadkin · 10 months
I cannot express enough that if your reaction, as a hobby artist, to not getting that many notes on your art is to say "maybe I should just stop doing art altogether" you need to stop posting art to tumblr
not necessarily forever, not even for long, but just stop putting your art on here and start doing it for you again, remember why you enjoyed doing art in the first place and stop relying on the attention of faceless people on the internet for your enjoyment of your hard work
believe me, I get it, nothing crushes the artistic soul quite like labouring for hours on a piece only for it to get like 10 notes, so you need to find your own source of joy in the act of creation and a lot of the time that means making art and not showing it to anybody
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featheredadora · 11 months
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adragonthatwrites · 2 months
I feel like we don't give Binghe enough credit, at least in regards to squaring him up against Bingge.
It seems like people will see that Binghe is more open with his emotions (being willing to cry, pout, smile, laugh etc.) and call him 'soft' or even 'weak' in comparison to Bingge.
It's like people forget; Binghe was actually formally trained by his Shizun and peak, something Bingge wasn't. He also went through the same challenges in the endless abyss, but overcame them much faster; years faster in fact! And he possesses the same level of strength and skill.
Remember, when they met in the extra, they were perfectly matched; neither able to beat the other. And the moment Shen Qingqiu stepped in; the instant even a little bit of outside interference got involved in Binghe's favor, he won.
It didn't take much for Binghe to ultimately win that fight; just one extra person to tip the scales in his favor, and he had Bingge beat.
He's as strong, capable and deadly as Bingge, and I'd even argue he's stronger; not physically, but simply because he has a lot more worth fighting for.
You fight harder, more viciously, and for longer when you have something worth fighting for, and because of that I honestly think Binghe would ultimately win in a one-on-one against his counterpart. He's not weak because he cries; I'd even say he's stronger because of it.
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