#sorry to anyone who follows me who Does Not care about any of this lol
leejeann · 2 years
Tubbo pausing the dream team meet-up vlog in the middle of Sapnap telling Dream that George is outside so that Tubbo could yell “WHY does it feel like a fucking rom-com? It gives so much ‘wedding video’ energy” as he dies laughing is probably my favorite reaction to the vlog
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supernaturalgirl20 · 1 year
Hey! Your writing is stellar!
Could you possibly write about Joel and reader hating each others guts, but something like Joel almost dying brings the feelings out reader never realized. (Like angsty almost dying lol). she takes care of him and he sees how he does actually love her. It’s ends with them together. Vague i know haha.
Thank you!! xoxo
Thank you so much and I adored this request 🥰changed it up a little Hope you enjoy 😉
The Reason
Pairings: Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, unprotected sex, soft love making, near fatal accident, mentions of death, hidden feelings, enemies to lovers (sorta), angst, cursing, fluff.
A/N: slowly getting back to writing this week so please bear with me on the requests. Didn't edit this so sorry for any mistakes.
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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Anger bubbled under the surface of your skin as you stood with your back against the door of the stables. The sound of his voice echoed through the air as he berated Tommy for asking you to join them. 
Who does he think he is? You think to yourself as you listen to him criticise you to his brother. Joel Miller was a force to be reckoned with and he had zero tolerance for anyone in the Jackson community except for you. Or at least you’d thought so, now you weren’t so sure. 
There was one night after a rough patrol where he’d shared a few drinks with you, and he’d opened up about his past. You had thought for a moment that maybe he liked you. Maybe you both could become friends or more, but now, you’re sure he hates you. 
“Now why the hell did you go and ask her to come with us? You know darn well that I ain’t gonna be able to concentrate with her there. Damn it, Tommy, I ain’t gonna be able to keep them both safe.”
With clenched fists you turned the corner and stormed towards him, his eyes widening when he spots you. “Who the hell do you think you are, Miller? Huh? Telling Tommy you don’t want me to come. It doesn't matter what you want, I’m the most experienced shot this place has so I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. Now I’m coming on this run whether you like it or not.” You huffed out a breath as you poked his chest with your finger, looking up at him with an angry expression on your face. 
“So, saddle up, cowboy.” You push him back slightly before grabbing your horse and marching out of the stables, leaving both Miller brothers confused as they stared after you. 
“About time you grew a pair Joel and told her the truth about how you feel. Save all this bickering. I mean it’s obvious as shit that you have feelings for her, so just man the fuck up.” Tommy says as he pats him on the back. 
Ellie scoffs behind them drawing both of their attention to her. She looks up and shrugs her shoulders at them. “Gotta say I agree with Tommy on this one. Life would be a lot easier if you just told her. Hell, it’s so fucking obvious she feels the same and I swear you two are just like horny fucking teenagers.”
“Alright enough! First of all, language,” he snaps as he points a finger in Ellie’s direction. “Secondly, what is this anyhow? Gang up on Joel day?” His gaze drifts between the pair and they smile at each other before they shrug, and Tommy says his goodbyes. 
“Alright, let’s get this shit show on the road,” Ellie teases as she winks at Joel and follows you outside. 
Joel watches her leave, his hands resting on his hips as he closes his eyes briefly and takes in a deep breath. This was gonna be a long trip. 
Things had gone to shit when you came across a group of raiders in a nearby abandoned town. They had wanted all of your supplies as well as you and Ellie but Joel was having none of it. 
He’d become a different man in the blink of an eye. A violent one and you can’t say it didn’t turn you on. He’d killed them all or at least so you’d thought until one of them had snuck up behind him and tackled him to the ground. 
They tussled for a moment before Joel straddled him and beat him to the ground. When he stood, he turned around to face you, his breathing ragged as he flexed his hands, his knuckles were bruised and bloody. His gaze drifted away from you towards Ellie who was busy collecting weapons. 
You let your gaze drift down his torso, and you gasped at the sight of a knife protruding from his abdomen. 
“Joel!” The sound of your worried voice catches his attention and his gaze flickers towards you. He follows your line of sight and groans when he sees the knife. His hand wraps around the hilt and pulls, blood spurting out from the wound, and he stumbles slightly as he throws the knife into the ground. 
“Let’s go.” His voice is commanding, leaving no room for argument. “Ellie,” you shout, “we gotta go.” You tilt your head towards her horse and rush over to help Joel up onto your own, placing him at the front. 
“Joel’s been hurt. We gotta find somewhere to lay low for a while.” You jump up behind Joel wrapping your arms around his waist as you grab the reins. 
You travel at a slow pace. Trying hard not to jostle him around too much but he’s losing a lot of blood, and fast. His head droops to the side, then his whole-body leans to the right and you try to catch him but you can’t hold his weight so he falls off the horse. 
“Ellie, stop!” you shout as you hop off the horse and check on him. He’s passed out. It almost appears as if he’s dead, but you run your fingers along his neck and check for a pulse. 
It’s there. 
Faint, but there and you let out a sigh of relief. Turning your gaze to Ellie you see the unshed tears in her eyes as she stares down at Joel. “He’s gonna be ok. I need you to help me lift him back onto the horse. Those houses over there,” you say with a tilt of your head. 
“We’ll stop there for now. Try to close over his wound.” She nods at you before helping you lift him. It’s a struggle but you manage all the same and you take a hold of the reins as you guide the horse along the trail. A silent prayer recited in your head that he’d be ok, that he’d make it through this. 
Joel is laying on the mattress you’d found as Ellie rips off a piece of cloth to hold over his wound. He groans loudly and you drop to your knees beside him pushing Ellie out of the way and putting pressure on his abdomen. He writhes in pain for a moment before he grabs your hand. 
“Leave.” He rasps, his breathing becoming more laboured with each breath. You shake your head as you continue to put pressure on the wound. 
“Leave. Go north…. Tommy,” his grip on your hand tightens and you finally meet his gaze. “No. I’m not leaving you. Don’t - don’t ask that of me…. I can’t.”
His skin is clammy and pale, and your heart feels like it’s being ripped apart. You can’t lose him. Not now. 
“Ellie.” Your gaze drifts towards the teenager and she’s standing still, face full of worry as she stares down at Joel. “Ellie,” you shout, grabbing her attention. 
“You need to go and look for medical supplies. Bandages, gauze, needle and thread, anything. Now, Ellie.”
She looks down at Joel one last time before she rushes up the stairs. He groans again, his eyes full of pain as he stares up at you shivering. 
You pull his jacket up over him before cupping his cheek in your hand. “You’re gonna make it through this. I promise.”
You stand up and quickly move across the room to grab your bag, rifling through it until you find what you're looking for. Pills in hand you pull out a bottle of water and drop to your knees again.
Gently, you lift his head and place the tablets in his mouth before bringing the bottle of water to his lips. “Drink. These will help with the pain.”
He obeys with a groan, swallowing the pills before you rest his head back on the mattress. “I gotta clean this, Joel. I’m gonna…. I gotta clean the wound, ok?”
He nods his head, his body trembling as he shivers uncontrollably. You pop open the bottle of alcohol and take a deep breath before you remove the jacket and lift his shirt. 
Your hand shakes slightly as you stare at his stomach for a moment - the wound bloody and bruised and jagged looking - before you snap out of it and pour the alcohol over it, causing him to hiss in pain. 
“I know, I know…. I’m sorry.” You turn your head at the sound of Ellie’s footsteps coming down the stairs. “I found this,” she says as she hands you a needle and thread. Her eyes widen at the sight of his stomach, and you cradle her cheek in your hand. 
“He’s gonna be ok. I promise you. Now I need you to hold him down because this is gonna hurt like hell.” She nods her head and rushes around to kneel beside Joel, placing her hands on his shoulders. 
His eyes stare up at her and he gives her a faint smile before his gaze drifts to you again. You pull the thread through the needle and tie it off before sterilising it with the alcohol. You meet his gaze and nod before taking a deep breath and pushing the needle through his skin. 
He groans loudly, reaching his hand up to grab at your arm. He turns his head away from you, shutting his eyes tightly as he tries to hold in his cries, Ellie pushing down on him to stop him from moving. 
The needle falls to the floor once you’ve finished sewing him up and you sit back on the ground staring at your shaking hands. They were covered in blood. His blood and the fact that you could’ve lost him today stirs something inside you. 
Feelings that you didn’t think you had. Not for him. Sure, you thought he was handsome, that he was a good father to Ellie, but he hated you. So, you hated him. At least, that’s what you tried to convince yourself. 
It was all too much. These feelings, and the way he was looking up at you made your chest hurt. Standing, you rush up the stairs and out of the house, trying to take deep breaths. 
“He is asking for you.” Ellie’s voice startles you and you whip your head around taking her in. 
“I’m just gonna check the other houses for medicine. I’ll be back.” She takes a step forward but you shake your head. “I just need a minute, ok? Tell him I’ll be back.”
You’d taken your time, routing through the other abandoned houses trying to stall time as best as you could until you sort through your feelings. 
It became clear around the fifth house that you had maybe always loved Joel Miller, you were just too stubborn to notice. It was also in that house you’d found some penicillin. 
The creak of the stairs alerted Ellie to your presence, and she turned quickly, gun pointed in your direction. With a sigh of relief, she lowered it and stood, taking a glance at Joel before meeting you. 
“He was worried about you. Tried to go after you but I wouldn’t let him. He’s asleep now but he keeps shaking and I think he has a slight fever.” 
With a nod of your head, you brush a strand of her hair behind her ear. “There’s some canned food in the kitchen, you should head on up and get something to eat. We’re gonna be here for a while.”
“Ok, I’m starving. Want me to get you some?” 
“I’m ok for now. Just don’t make too much noise. We don’t know if there are others in the area.” You let her go and turn your attention to Joel, who is laying in the same spot, shivering despite the heavy coat and blanket covering him. 
You run your fingers through his hair, and he groans at the feeling of your touch. Pulling away you reach for the bottled water and grab one of the antibiotics before gently stirring him awake. 
“Hmm,” he groans as his eyes slowly open, glossed over in pain as you smile softly down at him. “Hey, I’ve got some antibiotics. They should kill any infection even if they are out of date.”
Joel lifts his head enough for you to place the pill in his mouth and help him take a sip of water. Swallowing the pill, he drops back onto the mattress and looks up at you longingly. 
“Was worried…thought somethin’…couldn’t live without you….” His hand reaches out towards you as he traces the soft curve of your face. The feel of his rough calloused fingers on your skin sets your heart racing. 
“I’m ok. Ain’t nothing gonna happen to me. I learned from the best,” you say with a laugh as you nervously meet his gaze. 
“I’m gonna get us some food, I'll be right….” You start to say but he shakes his head. 
“No. Stay. Please.” His eyes are wide as he begs you to stay, shuffling around on the mattress as he tries to make room for you. 
“What are you doing, Joel?” You ask, raising your eyebrows in question. He pats the space beside him indicating that he wants you to lay with him. 
“What if I hurt you?” You ask as your eyes drift to his blood-stained shirt. “Won’t,” he breathes out as his eyes begin to droop closed. He’s still shivering slightly, and his skin still looks pale and clammy and you don’t have the heart to say no. 
With a reluctant sigh, you remove your jacket and slip in beside him, making sure you’re both covered by the blankets. His arm is wrapped around you as you rest your head on his chest and the soft beating rhythm of his heart lulls you to sleep.
“No….no please not her….can’t lose her….no, no…” Joel muttered in his sleep as his head tossed around, his grip on your waist tightening. 
He was having a nightmare. 
Sitting up a little, you gently place your hand on his cheek, your thumb rubbing soothing circles into the rough surface of his face. “Joel,” you whisper, trying to wake him without startling him. 
“Hey, Joel, it's ok. Wake up.” His eyes snap open and he panics until his gaze lands on you and his breathing slowly calms. 
You gaze down at him with a soft smile on your face as you continue to rub his cheek. “You were having a nightmare. Are you ok?”
His eyes take in the features of your face as the moonlight shines through the small window of the basement. “M’fine. Thought I - thought I lost you ....” He trails off as he slowly realises what he’s saying. 
His face has a little more colour to it and you swear you see the hint of a blush on his cheeks. 
“I’m here. I’m fine. It was just a bad dream, probably induced by the fever,” you giggle as you place the back of your hand on his forehead. “Seems to have broken, finally.”
“I know you heard what I said to Tommy.” He says matter of factly. “I know you think that I hate you….”
“It’s fine, Joel. You don’t have to explain anything. That’s just life. You like some people, you hate others. It is what it is.” His eyes furrow as he looks up at you, a confused look taking over the features of his face. 
“I don’t hate you. Never have. Don’t think I ever could. It's a bit hard to hate someone you’re in love with.” 
“What?!” You stutter nervously, your eyes blinking rapidly as you swallow the lump in your throat. 
“I love you darlin’. It’s the reason I didn’t want you to come on this run. I’m distracted when you’re out on patrol with me, I knew I’d be the same with this, it’s why I begged Tommy to reconsider letting you tag along. M’sorry if I ever made you feel like I hated you, 'cause I don't.”
You don’t know what to say. The words won’t form in your mind as you stare down at him in shock. He loves you. Your heart thrums loudly in your ears and you think for a moment that you’re gonna pass out. 
“You alright, darlin?” The sound of his Texan drawl, soft and low, breaks you from your trance. 
“Hmm? M’fine. I-I think I love you too.” His eyebrow quirks as a smile edges its way onto his face. “You think?” He teases. 
You nudge him in the chest, and he groans, holding his side and you panic you’ve hurt his stitches. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry Joel. I completely forgot,” you rush out, voice panicked as you lift his shirt to check. 
The sound of his laughter pulls your gaze up towards him. “Oh, for god's sake,” you huff as you turn and begin to push yourself off the mattress. His hand reaches out to grab your wrist, pulling you back into him. 
“M’sorry, darlin’. Couldn’t resist.” His hand slips up along your curves and settles on your face, his gaze meeting yours. His eyes flicker briefly to your lips, and you unconsciously lick along your bottom lip, pulling it between your teeth. 
“Will you two just kiss already? Jesus.” Ellie’s voice sounds from the top of the stairs. You both burst into laughter before he leans forward and captures your lips in a searing kiss.
His lips are a little rough, the feel of them against your own causing a shiver to work its way down your spine. He still tastes of whiskey he had earlier, and you want nothing more than push him down and fuck him into the mattress but you don’t. Instead, you pull away and rest your head against his, calming your racing heart. 
“We should get some rest,” you breathe raggedly as you blink down at him. 
Nodding his head, he kisses you softly once more before laying back on the mattress and pulling you with him, wrapping you up in his arms. “G’night, darlin’.” 
The gates open and Tommy comes rushing out with a worried expression on his face. “What the hell happened?” He asks, his gaze drifting from Joel to you as he waits for someone to tell him. 
“Long story,” Joel answers as he looks over at Ellie, a silent communication happening between them. Tommy huffs in frustration. “You’ve been gone for days. We thought - we thought you’d been killed or worse. Fuck!”
Joel slowly hops off the horse and makes his way towards his brother, clapping his hand on his back. “We’re alright, Tommy. Ain’t nothin’ to worry about. We’re just tired. Gonna need some more sleep and a decent meal.” 
Tommy nods his head, his eyes drifting to both you and Ellie. “Sure. How about you all head home and I’ll have Jason drop the food over.”
“That sounds amazin’ little brother. You’re just gonna have to have Jason drop Y/N’s food over to my place.”
Tommy's face freezes in shock before a sly smirk plays across his face. “Oh yeah. Somethin’ happen while you were out there?” He asks Joel, his voice almost a whisper so only he could hear. 
“Gentlemen never kiss and tell, Tommy. You should know that.” He smacks him on the back hard, winking at him before he turns and grabs his horse. Tommy knew something had happened from the slight blush on your cheeks. He’d get it out of Joel eventually. 
The room had been filled with silence as you all ate the dinner that Jason had brought over. The only sound to be heard was that of your forks and knives scraping off the plate. 
God, you hadn’t realised how hungry you were until the smell of the food hit your nose. The loud growl of your stomach made Joel smile as he finished setting the table. 
“Fuck that was good,” Ellie says as she sits back in the chair, hands resting on her now full stomach. 
“Manners,” Joel chastises as he pushes his plate away from him. 
“She’s not wrong though,” you say with a smile as you place your knife and fork on the plate and release a contented sigh. Joel hums in response as he lets his gaze wander over you both. 
He never thought he’d have this again. A normal life. A steady home. A family. Now that he does have it, he’s not too keen on letting it go. With the clearing of his throat, he throws Ellie a look, his eyes shifting towards the front door, and it only takes her a second to realise what he’s saying. 
“I’m gonna go meet up with Dina. Don’t wait up ya old fart.” She says with a laugh as she grabs her coat and slams the door behind her. 
“So…I guess I’ll help clear up and then I’ll let you get some rest.” You stand, the chair scraping across the floor as you grab your plate and make your way into the kitchen. 
You turn the tap on and begin to wash up when a set of arms wrap around you from behind. You startle. A soft gasp slips past your lips as Joel turns you slowly in his arms. 
You gulp nervously as you stare up at those golden-brown orbs. Your heart beats frantically at the feel of his touch. “Was thinkin’ maybe you could stay the night. I’ll make you pancakes and coffee in the morning.” 
His eyes are hopeful as he waits for you to say something. “Are you trying to seduce me, Miller?” You tease as your arms come to rest on his chest. Your fingers playing with the buttons on his shirt. 
“Is it workin’?” He says with a smile, his arms pulling you closer. 
“Maybe. Might need you to kiss me though, to make sure.” A smile plays across his face as he leans in and kisses you softly. You tease his bottom lip with your tongue, and he groans into your mouth, his fingers digging into your hips as he grinds into you. 
His cock hardens against you, and he groans when you run your hand down along his stomach and under the waistband of his jeans, cupping him with your hand.
“Fuck,” he breathes as he pulls away, forehead resting on yours. You run your fingers along the back of his neck and through his hair. “Need you,” you whisper into the shell of his ear, and he shivers. 
“Jesus, darlin’. You’re gonna be the death of me.” He grabs your hand from his trousers and leads you out of the kitchen and up the stairs towards his bedroom, where he kicks the door closed behind him as he walks you back towards his bed. 
He’s hungry for you. His eyes were blown wide with lust and you’re sure he’d have ravaged you by now if it weren’t for the fact that he’s healing. 
You pull him in for another kiss and let your hands glide over him as you begin to unbutton his shirt. Throwing it onto the floor before starting on his trousers. 
His rough calloused fingertips glide along your skin as he helps you remove your clothes, your breath hitching as they slip between your slick folds. 
You gasp. His mouth swallows the moan that follows as he kisses you softly. Pulling back his eyes trail over your naked form and when your gazes meet, you see nothing but adoration in those brown eyes you love so much. 
“How do you - how do you want to do this?” You ask as his hands grab onto the soft flesh of your ass. “Better take it slow for now. Don’t wanna burst a stitch,” he says with a smile in his voice. “Lay on your side, darlin’.” 
Doing as he says, you lay on your side, his warmth filling all your senses as he slips in behind you. You let out a breathy moan as his fingers delve into your heat once more, his hardened cock nestled snugly between your ass cheeks.  
“Oh fuck,” you whimper as he works his thick digits in and out of you, curling them ever so slightly as he hits that spot that sends you spiralling. 
Your skin is flushed. Sweat beads down along your breasts as he pinches your nipple between his forefinger and thumb. A shiver skitters down your spine as he whispers into the shell of your ear. 
“Ready for me darlin’?” 
You nod, “yeah- yes, fuck I’m ready please,” you whine as he runs the tip of his cock teasingly along your slick. “Joel…”
“Tell me what you want, baby.” 
“Need you inside - need you to fuck me, please.” With the head of his cock notched at your entrance he thrusts inside with a roll of his hips and you both let out a soft groan as he fills you. 
“Jesus, darlin’. So damn tight…fuckin’ squeezing the life outa me.” He takes a moment, closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath as he tries to control himself. His lips meet the skin of your neck as he peppers kisses along it, his hips moving slowly in tandem with his lips. 
It’s soft and slow. His hands glide over your skin, pinching and pulling as you moan softly into the room. Your body shudders as you come, your clit already sensitive from earlier. 
A soft cry slips past your lips as you reach behind to run your fingers into his hair. His hips stutter as he nears his release, the soft grunting in your ear becoming louder the closer he gets. 
“Ngh…fuck,” he groans as he quickly frees himself from your walls, spilling himself over the soft pillowy flesh of your ass. 
“Don’t move, darlin’.” He says as he slowly slips from the bed and grabs a piece of cloth to clean you with. He works it gently over your skin before throwing it into the basket at the end of his bed. 
The cool air makes you shiver involuntarily but Joel is quick to hop back into bed, slipping beneath the covers and pulling you close. 
 “I love you, darlin’,” he whispers into the crook of your neck and you can’t help the smile that works its way onto your face. 
“Hmm, I love you too.” He squeezes you gently before his breathing evens out and he falls asleep.  It’s safe to say that Joel Miller definitely doesn’t hate you. 
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @browneyes-issac @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @hungrhay @rosie-posie08 @manuymesut @all-the-way-down-here @iccedays @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @pedrostories @musings-of-a-rose @untitledarea @your-voice-is-mellifluous @majestyjade @avengersfan25 @hummelmia @angstismydrug
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nervousgardenerkid · 11 months
Private, not secret
a/n: me being happy cause my no sabo ass can finally start using the little spanish sayings i've learned/said throughout my life😭😭not sure how to feel about this or how it ended....just the thought of miguel coming home and COMPLETELY unwinding and being putty in ur hands....it does something to me okay?? i just wanna take care of him pls as always i hope u all enjoy this and credit to the gif owner! <3
warnings: none really! cursing, some spanish, (that's probs not good i'm sorry my luvs i wasn't taught my native language </3) miguel being soft then grumpy lol, not proofread (that's a warning itself).
no pronouns are used in this story and there wasn't any specific races mentioned so everyone can read!! i'll probs do a translation of the phrases i used later👁️👄👁️
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There was one thing that was certain about Miguel O’Hara, and that one thing was how private he was about his life. It was no surprise to anyone at headquarters how private he was about his life outside of Spiderman. For all they knew, Miguel practically lives in his office. From the moment they stepped foot into the building, to the moment they walked out, Miguel would be there staring at the screens that were in front of him.
There was something different about today though. Something different about this week. It hadn't been the best week for any of the Spider-people down at headquarters, meaning it definitely wasn't a good week for Miguel. Anomalies were escaping, villains were destroying cities, and Hobie missed a morning debrief again, yet Miguel hasn't blown up yet. Not even a cold icy glare was sent their way.
“This is weird…” Peter mumbled to himself as Mayday crawled up his body, sitting on his shoulders giggling as he watched Miguel talk to Hobie calmly.
Gwen lowered herself down from the ceiling hanging upside down beside him.
“I was thinking the same thing.”
She flips over, landing on her feet effortlessly.
“Doesn't he usually start yelling by this point?” Pavitr asked, following closely behind Gwen.
Peter slowly nods his head, his eyes not leaving the sight in front of him, but widening more when he sees Miguel laugh at something Hobie says.
“Did he just…?” Peter mumbles quietly to himself
“Oh yeah, he did,” Gwen says while grabbing onto Mayday.
“Awe nah,” Miles said, swinging next to them.
“Yall remember when he tried literally killing me?! Ain't no way bros just out here laughing now.”
“Laughing with me too at that,” Hobie said while turning around and watching Miguel leave before facing his friends again with a sly smile.
“You all thinking what I'm thinking?” Hobie asked.
“We go home early?” Peter asked while taking Mayday back from Gwen, placing her in her carrier.
“We kidnap him for questioning-”
“We follow him home-”
“We leave him alone to bathe in his happiness!”
Four pairs of eyes all fall on Pavitr as soon as the words leave his mouth, causing him to nervously clear his throat.
“I’m just saying…maybe it's best if we leave him alone. I mean, do we really want Miguel to be angry and start yelling at us again?”
“I guess we do want Miguel to yell at us.”
Pavitr whispered harshly, earning four loud shushes as they hung off of a random building.
“Are you sure this is the right place?” Miles asked quietly as he put his hands up near his eyes, peering into the window.
“Has to be,” Hobie replied with a smile as he grabbed onto Mayday who was crawling up to the roof.
“We followed him here ourselves!” Gwen exclaimed. “He has to be here.”
Peter gasps and ducks out of your eyesight, pulling down Gwen and Pavitr with him and shushing everyone.
“Oh my god, we should've listened to Pav-”
“Yes, you should have.” Pav cut off with a smile.
“This is someone else’s house!”
Miles whispered as he kept looking at the window, silently thanking the universe for his invisibility powers.
“Miles! Get down already!” Gwen said while looking up at him, but her words go into one of Miles’ ears and out the other as he watches Miguel walk into the home with a familiar scowl on his face.
“Wait! Miguel just walked in.”
Interest peaked from everyone as they all make their way over to the window, peeking inside and gasping when they see you jump into Miguel’s arms
“I don't believe it…” Gwen quietly said to herself.
“Huh, well that's something I didn't expect.” Peter followed.
“Oh, this is great! Miguel is in love with someone! Do you think anyone else knows? What about Jess? Or maybe even-”
Pav’s words are cut short when Mayday starts banging on the window when she sees the large familiar man her father works with. Gasps leave the mouths of everyone when they hear the exchange between you and Miguel.
“Miguel…why is there a baby sticking to our window?”
“Dios mío, pinche Parker…”
Peter feels his heart drop when his last name leaves Miguel’s lips. He reaches up ready to grab his beautiful daughter (and possibly say his last words to her) but grabs onto a chiseled face instead.
“Oi, he's a dead man now, yeah?” Hobie whispers to his friends.
Peter slowly looks up, giggling nervously when he sees Miguel's face in his hands still.
“Parker, let go of my face.”
Peter quickly drops his hands and starts stuttering over his words to explain why he's there with everyone until Miguel holds up a hand to stop him.
“You five,” he said, gesturing to the group. “In the house.”
The group wastes no time as they all swing into Miguel’s house carefully trying not to knock anything over. It's now that they take the time to look around his decorated home, smiling when they see pictures scattered along the wall. The place is nice, it screams Miguel and someone else, they just don't know who yet.
“Parker. Your baby, please.”
Peter looks back over at Miguel who stands perfectly still as Mayday begins to climb over him into the arms of a giggling you.
“She is just adorable! Mira que lindo, Miggy! Don't you just want to eat her up?”
Peter’s heart swells when Mayday giggles at your compliments, his eyes widening a bit when he sees Miguel smile at you.
“Yes, cariño she's cute, but I think she needs to go back with Peter.”
Peter steps forward with his arms out, chuckling when Mayday jumps into them. Miguel turns to face them all, ready to send them back home when he sees the looks on their faces.
“Fine,” he sighs. “Ask away.”
“Are you the reason he’s nicer now?”
“How long has this been going on?!”
“Does he glare at you when you mess up things too?”
“This couch is lovely. I have to know where you got it from.”
You laugh softly as questions are thrown your way a mile a minute. Miguel grumbles to himself as he walks over to the kitchen table, your hand in his as he drags you to sit onto his lap.
“You happier at work now guapo? Hm?”
The team collectively gasps when a pretty rose color makes itself evident across his cheeks as your hands run through his hair, tangling itself with the strands resting on the back of his neck.
“Mi alma...not in front of them.” he quietly whines while hiding his face on your shoulder.
“No way he's blushing right now,” Miles mumbles under his breath to Hobie.
Miguel shoots him a glare, his eyes glowing red as you let out soft coos and bring his head against your chest.
“Yah Miggy, cálmate por favor,”
You look over at the spider people standing around in your living room, getting up from Miguel’s lap and walking over to the fridge.
“Are you guys hungry?” you asked while looking over your shoulder and smiling at them.
“I didn't make enough dinner for all of us but I'm sure I can find something to cook real quick!”
“Amor, they were just leaving-” Miguel starts, but is cut off quickly.
“I could eat some food.”
“I'll take some water if that's okay!”
Peter walks over to Miguel’s food, grabbing a piece of food from his plate and humming in contentment when the flavors melt on his tongue.
“This is amazing! What seasonings did you use?”
Miguel can't even comprehend what's happening as everyone rushes over toward you, stealing your attention away from him. He takes a moment to let everything sink in as his eyes fall on you smiling and laughing while holding Mayday in your arms. His heart swells at the sight in front of him, feeling nothing but happiness at the fact that you get along with people he's grown close to over time. That happy little bubble he's in quickly pops when he sees Peter standing over the stove with Hobie and Miles, eating the food you cooked as if they haven't eaten in years.
“Please, have some. We insist.” Miguel said under his breath, his arms crossing over his chest.
“Fank…you!” Miles said with a mouthful of food. Homie and Peter followed him giving him a thumbs up with a smile.
Miguel takes a deep breath, his hands flying to his face pinching the bridge of his nose as he makes his way over to you while mumbling under his breath.
“No puedo mas, no puedo mas, no puedo mas.”
He smiles as Mayday jumps from your arms into his, his hands finding their way under her tiny arms as he lifts her into the air laughing with her.
“Do you really need your daddy Mayday? I'm sure you can stay with me and mi vida, no?”
Mayday laughs, her hands loudly coming together as she claps, then puts her hand into her mouth when Miguel settles her onto his shoulders.
Peter quickly gulps down the food that was in his mouth as Gwen lets out an awkward chuckle.
“Something tells me we’ve overstayed our welcome…”
Peter nods his head quickly, snatching Mayday off of Miguel and offering you a smile.
“Yeah, we should head out soon, pretty sure MJ is cooking lasagna tonight.”
The rest of the group walked toward the window they entered in, their heads looking over their shoulders waving goodbye to you as they thank you and hope to meet again soon. Miguel wraps his arms around you from behind as he watches them all filter out the room one by one, swinging their way back home.
He sighs and rests his head on your shoulder.
“Everything okay Miggy?” you ask quietly as you reach out behind you to play with his hair.
He nods his head, his arms squeezing you just a bit tighter as he starts to leave kisses where your shoulder and neck meet.
“Just tired cariño, even when I'm away from work I can't escape them.”
You chuckle and turn around to face him, your arms draping around his shoulders as you place a kiss on his cheek.
“They just wanna see what's got you so happy at work now guapo,” you whisper quietly. “They’re your friends and they love you.
Your hands come to rest on his cheeks, your thumbs gently caressing his skin. He leans into your touch, a small scoff leaving his lips.
“They aren't my-”
“They are your friends.” you lean up a bit to gently place a kiss on his lips, smiling when you pull away and watch him follow your lips.
“They're your friends and you love them, Miguel.”
He smiles, placing another kiss on you as his hand tangles itself in your hair, attempting to bring you closer to him.
“Fine,” he mumbles, pulling away with a smile. “They're my friends and I love them, but not as much as I love you.”
Your hands slide down to his chest and grip the shirt he's wearing, bringing him closer to you, ready to get lost in the feeling of him before a voice breaks you both away.
“Awe, we love you too Miguel.”
“Pinche cabrón- Parker! Go home!”
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Why do u ship drarry? (no hate btw just curious)
Thanks for the ask! I actually have a whole list of why lol, but for the sake of your sanity, I’ll just summarize it:
1: Enemies-to-lovers fucking hits hard. Forbidden love is also a nice trope.
2: They fight like an old married couple. (please get the reference.)
3: They’re both very invested in each other's life. For better or for worse, both Harry and Draco are often really concerned about what the other one is doing. They both take turns being really involved in one another’s business. 
4: Draco wants to prove himself and he always craves Harry’s attention. His jealousy is shown consciously but yet subconsciously, it’s the need for Harry’s attention. Draco’s jealousy of Harry makes him obsessed. And well, Harry is canonically obsessed with Draco.
5: S e x u a l. T e n s i o n What? Who said that? (Harry and Draco are rivals, and rivalry is hot. The heat between them can be taken as sexual tension and can even lead to it.)
6: Subtext: “‘typical’ said Harry darkly. ‘Just what I always wanted. To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy.’” - We never want to make a fool of ourselves in front of our crushes. 
“Malfoy bent down to examine a shelf full of skulls. ‘everyone thinks he’s so smart, wonderful Potter with his scar and his broomstick-‘ ‘You have told me this at least a dozen times already.’ Said Mr. Malfoy, with a quelling look at his son.” -I mean this speaks for itself.
"’Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?’" said a voice Harry had no trouble recognizing. He straightened, and came face-to-face with Draco Malfoy.” - No trouble recognizing? You don’t say…
‘Besides, if it makes you feel any better, Malfoy is staying over for the holidays.’  - yes i know the context but still
“Malfoy stood on one side, the sunlight gleaming on his white-blond head. He caught Harry’s eyes and smirked.” - I’m sorry, this is so funny to me, why does Harry describe his arch nemesis like this? Lol
“Harry lay curled uncomfortably under the cloak to ensure that every inch of him remained hidden, and watched Pansy the sleek blond hair off Malfoy’s forehead, smirking as she did so, as though anyone would have loved to have been in her place.” - Harry would have loved to be in her place.
“His whole body revealed with his legs still curled absurdly into the cramped kneeling position. He couldn’t move a muscle; he could only gaze up at Malfoy, who smiled broadly.” - This without context 😭
“You’re getting a bit obsessed with Malfoy, Harry, I mean thinking of missing a match just to follow him…” - I mean…
“Harry, however, had never been less interested in quidditch; he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy.” - An actual quote from the book.
 “Harry did not sleep well that night. He lay awake for what felt like hours, wondering how Malfoy was using the Room of Requirements… Harry's mind worked feverishly and his dreams, when he finally fell asleep, were broken and disturbed by images of Malfoy.” - This is getting out of hand…
“‘what?’ Said Harry wheeling around to stare at her ‘He’s ill? What’s wrong with him?’” - Sounds like he cares lol
“Malfoy was screaming and holding Harry so tightly that It hurt.” - 💀💀💀
So to wrap this up: They’re rich, they’re hot, and they’re gay, so what’s not to love? So there you have it, a couple of reasons why I ship Drarry! 
Thanks for the ask btw! ILYSM!!! 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
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crimeronan · 6 months
alright. WHAT is a Raven Cycle. What is this story about. All this time seeing you pointed about these people, but it took me ages to figure out what the "trc" tag even stood for -- that poll you just reblogged in fact. I'm ready. Give me the pitch.
the raven cycle is a series of four books by maggie stiefvater: the raven boys, the dream thieves, blue lily lily blue, and the raven king. there is a follow-up trilogy called the dreamer trilogy made up of three books: call down the hawk, mister impossible, and greywaren.
(my 'cdth' tag is my tag for the sequel series, which i like even more than trc.)
it's a YA modern fantasy series set in a small town in rural virginia. the series focuses on a gang of five teenagers (a sixth joining in book 3/4) who are all dealing with various magic bullshit in their lives. one is looking for a dead welsh king along a ley line in the mountains of virginia, because legend says that the king can be woken and grant a wish.
the problem is that this boy, gansey, is going to die.
we know this because the one girl in the group (sorry women. there are more women in cdth i SWEAR), blue, saw his ghost on st mark's eve. which means he will die within the next year. why did she see his ghost?? because he's either her true love, or she killed him.
or, you know. both. if you're a girl who's cursed to kill your true love with a kiss. as she is.
blue does not want to kill anyone. blue also does not want gansey to be her true love. they get off on the wrong foot entirely and she decides he's the devil for a little while. blue is overall having a bad time with the world and her place in it and the fact that she's the only non-psychic person in a family of psychics, And Also She Doesn't Want To Kill Anyone.
so the question is -- for all four books -- what..... would make her kill gansey. how is gansey going to die.
gansey's three other closest friends are boys in varying states of emotional turmoil.
ronan, who is where my URL comes from, is a suicidal bipolar maniac alcoholic who spends all of his time trying to kill himself. and is also magic as fuck. and hiding it. and going out street racing with a guy who wants to eat him. and they're kind of fucking about it. they technically never fuck except like. they're kind of fucking about it
adam is a trailer trash kid paying his own way into the elite boarding school that gansey & ronan attend. his dad is physically abusive to the point of adam's life being in constant danger, but adam refuses to accept gansey's offers of help or safety, because he's determined that nobody else ever Own him.
noah is a quiet kid with a violent past that gansey cares about very deeply, getting into all of his backstory involves major book one spoilers but it is. Rough.
the plot points in the series are complicated to explain because there's a lot of mythology and strange worldbuilding and psychic bullshit and magic all going on and playing off each other. but the series is about these five kids being in a giant pseudo-polyamorous relationship and loving each other and hating each other and wanting each other and killing each other.
it has some of my favorite relationship arcs of all time in any media, ever, and also it like. taught me how to write. LOL. so if you're here from the owl house (??) or from a different fandom and you like how i talk about characters and how i write character conflicts and character arcs and character relationships....... U Get All Of That Shit In The Raven Cycle.
and that's it!
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pomefioredove · 23 days
i was wondering if you could do Duece, Leona, Ruggie, Azul, Jamil x Christian S/O headcanons? like reader used to be a preacher back at their world, and still kinda preaches in twst (i think rollo believes in God?) like they do all the things Christians should do but still kinda chaotic? their very respectfull and kind yk? sorry for making this a bit long and confusing lol
twst's relationship with religion is so vague and complicated and yet. I cannot imagine rollo as anything BUT catholic. look at that guy. so I believe there's some kind of similar belief systems happening there
summary: religious reader type of post: headcanons characters: deuce, leona, ruggie, azul, jamil additional info: platonic or romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader yuu, short and not proofread author's note: writing these on the basis that religion does exist in twisted wonderland and parallels religions of our own. I am catholic and admittedly unfamiliar with preaching to others, I think that's more of a protestant thing, so I kinda just winged that part?
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𝐃𝐞𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐞
if there's anything for him to admire, it's your dedication
I mean, you're sticking to your beliefs and passions in an entirely different universe
with a bunch of strangers, no less!
whether or not some version of your beliefs exist here, you're committed! and quite knowledgeable, too
it's pretty impressive to him
Deuce's family doesn't seem particularly religious, though he probably just enjoys hearing the stories
the narratives of change and redemption catch his eye
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𝐑𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢
he's big into all those "it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God" verses
even if he doesn't necessarily believe in all that heaven stuff... it's a little funny
(he might use that one in the future, actually...)
if religion which parallels our own does exist in Twisted Wonderland, I can imagine his granny being religious
she seems like someone who'd cover the walls in symbols and art
maybe (likely) not Christian in origin, but enough for him to recognize that what you're going on about is a similar deal
he's practically used to it already
𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫
literally just falls asleep while you're talking
it's not that he doesn't care, it's just that...
wait, no. he doesn't care
sure, he participates in traditions and such with his family, but that's more for looks
Leona doesn't really see the point in blindly following something that hasn't helped him out at all
and hearing about miracles and blessings just annoys him
but, hey! you make for a great sound machine
these are basically all just bedtime stories for him to doze off to, anyway
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𝐀𝐳𝐮𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨
merman religion is... tricky, to me
the existence of Hades in implies (confirms, even, if we take into account Yuu's dreams) the existence of Poseidon
but, like King Triton, these figures aren't necessarily worshipped. they're depicted as monarchs, not gods
but, then again, our knowledge on Coral Sea culture is limited
in any case, Azul might tolerate preaching
he really sees no use for it, and he's a busy man, but he doesn't really mind the company
if anyone, it's Jade who would be really interested in hearing alllll about these human stories
Floyd might tag along, too
and, suddenly, Azul finds himself wedged between the tweel's shoulders on the floor while they eagerly listen to you
...there goes his afternoon
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𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥 𝐕𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐫
to me, Jamil is not religious or superstitious by any means
he doesn't mind listening, but don't expect him to change his mind about any of that
(especially while Kalim is begging for more stories)
though, even he admits that having you around is as refreshing as it is entertaining
you're just always so... hopeful
and it's much different from Kalim's version of optimism (in his eyes, at least) simply because, in this world, you're at the same disadvantage as Jamil is
your autonomy is constantly in question, you're living at the mere goodwill of others...
and yet, you're hopeful!
it's strange, but Jamil can't help but crave that presence in his life
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starhvney · 2 months
Hi hello!! I absolutely adore your writing and I hope you're having a good day!
I was wondering if maybe I could request a (mystreet) Zane x Reader with a reader who loves spoiling + pampering him all while he's still wrapping his mind around the fact anyone could even like him romantically lol. If not no worries!!
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mystreet zane x fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: when you don't expect love to find you, it's hard to comprehend when it does. for zane, it's a mystery.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, slight hurt/comfort? zane cries just a lil bit, otherwise super cute
𝐂𝐖: none?
𝐀/𝐍: i made this a bit more emotional than anon probably intended with the request. but i’m weak for men who are vulnerable so i had to do it to em. i have a soft spot for zane i want to be besties with him my lil emo pookie wookie. also guys i finished this after drinking half a bottle of wine so if there's any typos i'm sorry lolll
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zane had gone quiet ten minutes ago, his eyes spacing away as he blankly nodded along to whatever you said. you ignored it at first, trying to figure out if it was just you overthinking things or if something about him was really off.
you had excitedly asked him over to hang out. it wasn’t the first time, but this time you decided to be extra affectionate and doting on him. fresh baked heart shaped cookies were laid out on the coffee table as you ushered him to rest on the couch with you. you turned on whatever show he wanted while you had him rest his head on your lap.
sliding his scarf down his face, you lean over him as you rub his cheeks with your thumbs. it was a shame he covered and hid his face so often. while he acted different from his brothers, he still most definitely looked like them, and the ro’meave boys never had any bad complaints about their looks. 
porcelain skin somehow was perfectly clear, save for the freckles that painted along his straight nose and high cheekbones. thick dark hair starkly contrasted against his face, the same color beautifully framing his bright icy-blue eyes. 
“you’re so pretty.” you whisper. 
the apple of his cheeks glow red and his lips warble, his fingers trailing across the fabric of his mask as if he was tempted to pull it back up to hide away.
“you’re prettier.” he refutes, the genuineness and uncertain shyness in his tone enough to keep you from teasing him.
you merely tap his nose, before your fingers trail up to his thick black hair. gingerly, you pull it back, fully exposing his other eye and the light scar that nicked his eyelid and brow. with a satisfied hum, you lean back to grab the bag you had prepared before.
“what’s that?”
“skin care.”
“you! will you let me?”
“...if you want.”
you quietly cheer in victory, a smile on your face. his lips twitch up and his eyes glisten as up at you while you begin your routine. as soon as you start massaging products into his face, he sleepily drifts his attention to the tv. after a moment his muscles go limp against you, a deep exhale leaving through his nose. 
you poke his nose and lean down to kiss his freckles, giggling as his ears grow red. one kiss follows another, and another, and another, as your lips touch and trace each mark along his pale skin. he made a whimpering noise of protest, pale hands reaching up to hold your face in place as your lips had threatened another kiss on his soft cheeks. 
“hm?” you question. dark lashes hide his eyes as they dart away from your face and towards the screen.
“it’s nothing.” he mumbles, rolling his bottom lip between his teeth as his hands drop back down to his side.
your eyebrows pinch at his sudden mood change, but you don’t question him further, reaching over to feed him a cookie instead.
“okay…” you simply return, patting his cheek as he chews the sweet snack. “are the cookies good?”
“mhm.” he nods, voice warbling as he hums.
a moment passes, the background noise of the show the only other noise in the room as you stare down at him. his lashes still hide his eyes from you as they brush along his cheekbones.
“what’s wrong?” you finally question.
the question is met with silence as you feel his shoulders tense against your legs. your fingers reach out to gently brush against his cheeks.
“zane, look at me.”
finally his eyes drift back up to yours, icy blue glazed over with emotion.
“why are you so quiet?”
“i’m just… confused, i guess.” he mutters.
instead of asking him, you patiently wait for him to continue, tilting your head as you lightly trace small shapes across his face.
“well, confused isn’t the right word… or maybe it is?” he groans, pale hands reaching up to rub against his face. “you’re just… so sweet. i can barely imagine any girl giving me the time of day, let alone you. i guess i still just don’t understand why you’d want to spend your time and energy on me. it’s not like i was your last choice, either. you’re beautiful and unbearably kind. You could have anyone you wanted. And i’m just… me.”
for a moment you don’t know how to respond, completely taken by his words. your fingers pause against his jawline, and he freezes at your following silence. his eyes widen in regret, and for a moment you swear he looks on the verge of tears before he shoots up from his spot on your lap.
“it’s nothing, forget it.” he mumbles quickly, facing away from you.
“no! no, it’s not nothing, i was just surprised!” you leap forward to hug him from behind, voice scrambling to comfort him. “i didn’t think you felt that way.”
your hands connect over his chest, feeling his heart thud in his chest. his rib cage stutters as he takes in a shaky breath, one hand reaching up to grip onto yours.
“zane, i chose you because i love you. i treat you like this because i truly want to.”
slowly, he twists his body to look back at you. you’re barely able to see the shine of the tear running down his cheek before he buries his head in the crook of your neck, practically tackling you back down into the couch. his hands tightly wrap around you, holding you close as he lays on top of you. your heart swells at his vulnerability, a side he had rarely shown to you. 
“i love you.” his voice whispers back to you, the words barely loud enough to be heard if you weren’t paying attention.
“when you’re not pretending to be a grumpy, unhappy little grouch, you’re one of the sweetest men i’ve ever met.” you continue, rubbing one hand along his back while the other runs through his hair.
the neckline of your shirt feels damp, and you feel another shaky exhale against your collarbone.
“thank you.”
“i adore you, zane. you don’t need to thank me for something that isn’t a chore to me.”
his head shifts, turning towards the screen as he quietly stares at the show playing on the screen. you pull the blanket from the back of the couch and drape it over the two of you, hugging him to your chest and continuing to rub his back.
“want to stay here for a while?” you ask softly.
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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skeelly · 5 months
"when im fat and old and my kids think im a joke"
"who cares if im pretty if i fail my finals??"
"who's your daddy?" (IYKYK ;))
"im tired and it's winter"
"i wish i could block me out"
"wanna die"
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hi!! welcome. i suggest putting a seatbelt on and i will pay for your therapy, dont worry. :)
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☘ "hi, it's me. im the problem it's me.": im kristen! you can call me kristen or kris. minor (im 14 if you really wanna know). she/her. intp-t. ambivert. 🇵🇭. reader (sort of). notes app writer (sometimes). i could not care less about my dumb typos so deal with it. i suck at math. biiiiiggg ophelia wilde fan. delulu swiftie no.9273737277. rodrigoxpartidge's biggest supporter. claire rosinkranz is the reason for my existence. gracie abrams ily. "how long can we be a sad song?". im married to grayson hawthorne. mirrorball//tolerate it girlie 4 life. stromboli fan until the day i die. nick girlie by heart. pjo stan at this point. harry potter simp. hermione granger is my mother. sherlock and enola holmes stan. "no body, no crime". haylor (sorry not sorry). one direction is my life. FREE PALESTINE. kenji, my spirit animal. jude is so ughhhhh perfect. javery shipper cause jameson for avery, grayson for me :3. massive k!nye west hater so if you like him, please leave. but i love rap. certified professional procrastinator. capricorn (not a believer in those things though). i love reading poetry. correct grammar = non existent. i can (technically) fluently speak 3 languages. i can speak (basic, not much) about 5 languages?. piano enthusiast. very big sport girly (football *soccer. america football can kiss my toes. that sport sucks*, f1, volleyball, badminton, basketball, tennis and hockey fan). walker scobell is perfect and i love him. c²>>>>. sharl leclerc. max the axe. oscar paistry. ankara messi. sewy. leah is my bestie. dior is the best artist no cap. pookie nation frfr. charlie's luke is best luke. andrew is underrated. olivea is jusssttt.
☘ rappers i like//listen to: eminem, lil skies, ysbtril (does he count?), nicki minaj, doja cat (:3), cardi b (rarely), dominic fike (does he count? yk, melodic rap). tbh idk who else lol.
☘ all around favorite artists: taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, claire rosinkranz, gracie abrams, the weeknd, doja cat, lil skies, ysbtril, selena gomez (?), harry styles, niall horan, louis tomlinson, zayn, liam payne, one direction, clairo, conan gray, lana del rey, one republic, why don't we, the neighborhood, billie elish, ariana grande, abba, michael jackson.
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asks: #askaroo or #ty for answering <3
sturniolo triplets: #stombolis
☘ follower count (as of march 20): 313 (im actually not sure lol)
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☘ safe space for: everyone lol
☘ my other accounts: @crysten my writing and other stuff @skeellymellows book rants (AAAH I CANT TAG)
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☘ books/movies/series: harry potter, pjo, aggtm, tig, sherlock/enola holmes, little women, black beauty, tsitp, better than the movies. hp, pjo, enola holmes, tsitp, gilmore girls, gossip girl, mean girls, legally blonde, little women, hunger games (haven't read the books), marvel (barely lol), secretariat (my favorite :>>). tbh idk what else lol
☘ my people:
@stvrgirl111//@stvrlighhttt (mare) #maree
@urbanflorals (em) #walkers wife
@gergthecat (scouty) #evil batman sourdough guy #bread man #george
@mqstermindswift (quason) #nickyy
@nqds (NADS) #nads! or was it #NADS! ??
@reminiscentreader (JAS) #theworldneedsmorepeoplelikejas
@sophiesonlinediary (fifi) #fifi <3
@myster3y (kiaraah) #kiaraah
@regisdvmb(reggggg) ✶ @coco6420 (cocoo) ✶ @eddiethebanished (finn :)) ✶ @themidnightarcher ✶ @starchasers-stuff ✶ @what-about-wendy (wendy <3) ✶ @lucinda-008 ✶ @foaming-sea ✶ @lonelycatsblog ✶ @good-old-fashioned-lover ✶ @my-mind-is-frozen ✶ @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies ✶ @baboland ✶ @blocked-zombieartist ✶ @sturn-wrld ✶ @swiftieannah ✶ @weeping-in-the-willows ✶ @s1xseasonsandamov1e ✶ @the-red-archer ✶ @svnflowermoon ✶ @helpimhopelesslyinlove ✶ @doyoujustnotwantto ✶ @atwtmvftvtvsgavralpsss ✶ @oh-whale13 ✶ @bonesofnixie ✶ @art-of-fools (stephanieee) ✶ @percabeths-blue-cookies ✶ @imthatweirdratinthecorner (a rat <3) ✶ @letmeseeallthefrogsinthecity ✶ @that-multi-fandom-hijabi (novaaa) ✶ @rachellelizabethhdare ✶ @sluttypoetsdepartment ✶ @kimu-dem ✶
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sandy-the-glader · 3 months
Hi!! I hope this is okay!! If not, no worries!! 💜💜💜 (I love you lots!)
Can I please request an Adrian Chase x fem!innocent!reader Where while Adrian is out and about doing his Vigilante work he comes across a bunch of criminals in a warehouse, and after they’re all “taken care of”, he hears someone crying and finds a girl hiding behind a pile of the criminal’s stuff, and she’s handcuffed to something over there, so she couldn’t leave even if she wanted to. She’d obviously be completely terrified of Vig, but as we know, he is very good at reading a person and would clearly see that she is innocent, and had been taken by the bad guys. Normally he would just set the innocent girl free and be on his way, having already taken care of the bad guys, however… He had unfortunately taken off his mask right before finding her, and had forgotten to put it back on, so she has seen his face. Panicking, he just picks her up, and takes her to his car with him, driving straight to the 11th Street Kids HQ, carrying in a terrified Y/n, he himself all panicked, and the team is like “wtf did you do????” “Did you abduct her???” And he’s just like, “No no, I saved her! But then she saw my face… So I guess, yes??”
Lmao it’s honestly a mess, but the team takes care of Y/n’s injuries, apologies for Adrian’s behavior lmao, and lets her stay there until she has recovered, as not only is she hurt, but very scared. After a while of staying with them, she gradually starts warming up to Adrian, him desperately trying to get her not to be afraid of him anymore (for a while there she was terrified of him), and their relationship eventually grows into a more romantic and intimate one🥺🥺🤧
Afraid of Me
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*Not my gif*
Character: Adrian Chase x SoftFem!Reader
Type: Fluff and sorta angsty
Length: 5.4K (a bit long)
Summary: Request above <3
Trope: Strangers to friends to lovers, Slow-burn
A/N: LONG A/N!! Sorry this took forever I've been busy with a lot of stuff and I just haven't had any time but I worked on this whenever I could. Btw again I bent the request a little bit (I'm not sure if I wrote what you wanted for it and I apologize ) so I hope it’s okay I just made this go over the whole period of time the show does and like more so there's more time for a bond to be built lol
I heard a quick gunshot followed by another. Tears continued to fall from my eyes as I was tied to some random wall in some warehouse, Apparently, I was not supposed to come across two men selling heroin to each other but here I am. They claimed I saw too much, took me, and tied me up. Who even does that?
I just wanted to return to my apartment and read this new book I bought. That's all I had planned for my day anyway. Yet now I was tied to a pole in some wet and cold warehouse with random crates surrounding me. I tugged and tried to break from but it was helpless. I cried and sniffled as I continued to try but there was no avail.
Were those shots from them or someone else? Please god, let someone save me. I had been here for hours and I was scared of what they had planned for me. They already hit me pretty hard over the head which caused a small trail of blood to fall from my temple.
I heard loud and heavy footsteps coming towards me. I braced myself and waited for the figure to come around the crate to where I was. He was wearing a teal suit, with blood covering it. It was Vigilante. Should I be happy or terrified? He's a killer but isn't he supposed to be a hero?
"Fuck oh my god." He gasped slapping a gloved hand over his mouth. He was missing one exceptionally important part of his suit. His mask. That must have been why he was so frantic.
In all honesty, he looked nothing like I always pictured him. He was lanky with glasses and he looked really young. He looked mid-twenties though I had a feeling he was older. He honestly looked nerdy.
"I'm sorry. I really won't tell anyone who you are. I-I mean I don't even know your name." I stammered. He didn't care though because he continued to curse.
"Fuck fuck fuck. This is so not good." he groaned. The man ran a thick hand through his hair while bouncing back and forth. "Umm." He pondered confused about what to do. "Shit, I can't let you go." My eyes widen. He already has saved me why not let me go on my merry way? He took off his glasses and put his mask back on.
He came over to me and examined my situation. He crouched down and started untieing the rope that kept me on the pole but didn't bother with the ones around my hands or feet.
I was about to thank him for his acts but he picked me up and started to carry me out. Oh, he's actually not letting me go.
"What are you doing!?" I panicked. I started wiggling my body in his grasp then he held me tighter. "Where are you taking me? This hurts." He continued to keep walking until we reached his car a couple of feet from the warehouse.
Holding me with one hand, he opened the door to his back seat and tossed me in. Judging by his face, he didn't mean it to be as aggressive but it was enough to get me to shut up. He slammed the door and rushed over to the driver's seat.
This is it. After all that's happened today I'm being kidnapped by Vigilante and who knows what's going to happen. I guess the law doesn't apply when it comes to him. I actually can't believe it right now.
The entire car ride was silent. Not a sound from the man or from me. It was terrifying. All I could think of was what was going to happen to me. it took him forever to get to his destination and when we got there I realized it was some rundown video store. That couldn't be where we're going right?
"Guy's we got a fucking situation!" Adrian called opening the door with the girl in his hands. The whole team in the building stared at him with wide 'What the fuck' like eyes.
"Who the fuck is that?" Economos asked adjusting his glasses and leaning over his desk.
Adrian (not so carefully) dropped the woman on the floor making her yelp out in shock and pain.
"Did you just kidnap a girl?" Adebayo's eyes widened at the sight.
"No Adebayo!" He yelled defensively. "Okay, well technically yes but-" He was cut off quickly.
"And why did you bring her here?" Harcourt burst out running a hand through her blonde hair.
"Okay, I was doing my badass stuff, right? Like beating up these bad dudes and I found her behind some crates." They all stared at him waiting for him to continue. "And since I didn't know these dudes took a hostage I took my mask off and that's-" He removed his mask again and replaced the glasses on his face. "Really bad." He grimaced.
"Adrian what the hell dude you could have left her. She would have never turned you in. Look at her. No offense." Chris said. She stayed silent like she never heard the comment in the first place.
She was scared to death, trembling on the floor with small tear streaks down her face. Some of the tears mixed in with blood on the left side of her face. She looked innocent as could be and she definitely didn't deserve to be in this mess.
"Dude what the fuck!" He shouted at Chris. "Now she knows my real name! You have so fucked me!" He continued to cure which didn't make the girl feel any better.
"I did not fuck you! Besides it's your fault for bringing her here anyway." Chris furrowed his eyebrows looking back and forth between the petrified girl and his idiotic friend.
"What is happening out here?" Murn came out from one of the rooms and immediately regretted his decision. "We're supposed to be working on the project butterfly case what are you doing Chase?" He asked sternly.
"Oh, now she knows about Project Butterfly!" Harcourt placed a hand on her forehead.
"Well, it's not like I can kill her because she's innocent" The girl's face drained at the mention of death. "and we can't get rid of her because she might tell someone who I am!" Adrian wined out. He was finally right about one thing.
"She also might screw our plan up," Murn muttered trying to think of a reasonable thing to do with this girl.
"Then what do you suppose we do with her?" Economos folded his arms. The girl had been silent the entirety of this conversation but she finally piped up.
"Um.." Her voice caught everyone's attention and they turned their heads to look at her. "I-I can clean and o-organize around here." She stammered. "I can help you guys just please don't kill me." She pleaded. They all non-verbally agreed she had been through enough judging by the look of blood running from her temple and dirt caking her shirt.
"Yeah that honestly could be useful," Harcourt spoke. She looked around the room to only be met with agreeing faces. She let out another deep sigh before Murn spoke up.
"You will work the same hours as us and will get paid a fair amount." He folded his arms tightly over his chest. He didn't ask he just demanded she work.
"I'm also a fast learner and I can help you with anything you need. I don't have a current job so that would be perfect." She tried to look at the bright side of the situation. I can work for money but this is a destructive and hard-core business she pondered. "And since this is a very um dangerous job I just so happened to be trained in medical care." She offered.
"Oh, sweet! That's perfect so now dyed bear can stop doing such a shit job of stitching me up!" Chris smiled.
"Hey!" Economos protested. It was perfectly fine he thought.
"What about my living situation? C-can I still stay In my apartment?" She asked. They all looked around at each other because that was one thing they hadn't thought of. If they let her stay, she could always tell people without them knowing.
"If we let you stay in your apartment, you must realize he" Murn pointed at Adrian Chase himself. "has to keep watch of you? He somehow always knows if someone is doing something they shouldn't be." She nodded slowly. "And if you tell anyone and I mean anyone you will be terminated immediately, do you understand?" He spoke firmly making her hands tremble.
"I understand." She muttered.
"Now that everyone is done with this whole situation I suggest you get back to work," Murn concluded walking back to his office annoyed with the inconvenience.
I sat there absolutely stunned at what just happened. I just got myself into a bat shit crazy job. I mean I don't even know these people and one of them literally abducted me. This is not normal.
Project butterfly? Are these guys all heroes or something? I already was aware of Vigilante's existence and somewhat Peacemaker but there's a lot more than just those two.
"Oh my god, he didn't even untie you." The blonde-haired woman spoke in surprise. I didn't say anything because really what was I supposed to say? "I'm Harcourt." She kneeled beside me. She opened a switchblade and sliced through the ropes binding my hands together and then my feet. "Come on let's get you cleaned up. She went and collected the first aid kit from one of the desks on the left side of the room and motioned for me to sit at her desk. "What's your name?" She asked.
"Y/n L/n." I said quietly as I stared into my lap anxiously.
"Come sit Y/n." She said calmly trying to make me comfortable.
I stood up uneasily and almost fell back down. I steadied myself and carefully walked over to the chair and sat down gently. She pulled out a couple of cotton swabs and some alcohol. She poured the strong liquid onto the small ball.
"I'm sorry about him." Harcourt hummed taking the cotton swab to my forehead.
"Hm?" I replied softly.
"Adrian." She looked me in the eyes. "He just isn't all there sometimes." She mumbled. She tossed the bloodied-up swab in the trash and put a bandage over the small cut.
I looked over at Vigilante who I guess was named Adrian. He was talking to Peacemaker and he looked perfectly innocent. Not even an hour earlier he was tossing me into the back of his car. Jesus, what did I really get myself into? Not only does he have to escort me home, but now I have to work with him. He's a psycho!
"She has a point you know." The woman I was pretty sure was Adebayo spoke up. I glanced at her and she nodded trying to make me realize it. "He's a really good guy you just have to get to know him. I get it he basically kidnapped you but he's stupid in everything but fighting."
"Yeah okay," I mumbled softly. I don't care what they say now I can't trust him after what he did unless he really proves he's trustworthy. At least these people actually had the decency to tend to my wounds.
She continued to bandage and take care of every cut I had on my arms and face. I enjoyed her already because she was delicate to me and cared about my feelings. Pretty quickly she finished and put all the materials away.
"Come over here I think we found a box of old clothes you could change in." She led me back into the store and I could feel Adrian's eyes burning into my back.
"Dude she's afraid of me!" I panicked at Chris looking him dead in the eye. I waited for her to leave before I talked to my best friend about the whole thing.
"Well, I mean you did throw her in the back of your car. Chicks don't really dig that. Unless they're like hardcore." Okay yeah obviously I fucked up big time but I was under a lot of pressure and I wasn't doing what I should have!
"Dude I didn't know what else to do." I whined
"I mean you just gotta make things right with her I guess. I don't know I usually don't have to apologize to girls." He shrugged his shoulders. Great okay how am I supposed to do that when she's obviously afraid of me? Fuck. "Listen when you walk her to her apartment just be like 'Sorry for kidnapping you in my shitty car that was a pretty bad thing to do!' or something like that." I let out a heavy sigh. This is never going to work.
I came back out to the main room in a sweatshirt with the video store's logo on it and sweatpants that were longer than my actual legs with the same logo down the side of it. I held my original clothes in my arms and I was quiet.
What do I do now? Go home? How am I supposed to feel safe in my own home when I know that guy is watching me?
"Listen." Harcourt grabbed my attention. "You can take as much time as you need before you go home. I know that was probably a traumatic experience for you so let me know when you want to leave." She spoke as if she had read my mind. I nodded. "Also we have your address so we can get you home easily." Okay well, I told her my name and that was all it took to find out where I lived. Spectacular.
"What are my work hours?" I still can't believe I got myself to work for these people.
"Just don't get here any later than 8. Hours are different every day. Since you now work here I guess I should tell you who everyone is." She pointed to Peacemaker and Vigilante who were still chatting near the corner of the room "Chris and Adrian ." Then to the other man in glasses. "Economos." The guy in the other room that I could see through the glass. "Murn." Finally, she pointed at the last girl which I already knew. "and Adebayo."
I stood around for not too much longer before very anxiously describing to Harcourt my wishes to leave. She understood fully and went over to Adrian to make him take me home. He looked at me with some sort of care in his eyes but I just couldn't look at him so my eyes fell back to the sight of the floor.
"Come on kid." Harcourt motioned with her head to leave out the door with the man. I walked out the door and the cool air hit me as the sun started to sink down below the horizon.
One car ride and then I'm home. This time I got to sit in the front seat of his car instead of being thrown in the back like a doll. I secured my seatbelt and then just slumped against the car door. All I could really do was pay attention to the passing cars outside and the quiet buzz of the radio.
I also noticed the pleasing smell of his cologne that filled the car or how he hummed along to the Taylor Swift song on the radio. Someone like him is a swiftie?
"I'm sorry that I kidnapped you." Adrian broke the silence between us in an attempt to apologize. I ignored it and kept looking out the window. It was a long day and I genuinely couldn't tell if he was being sincere or was just trying to make me feel like he cared. "Please talk to me. I know I fucked up." I glanced over at him; his eyes flickered between the road and me. "Hey." He reached for my hand and flinched away with wide eyes and a quickened heartbeat.
His eyes lit up in sorrow. He looked like he felt bad. He backed off and for the rest of the car ride, he didn't talk anymore. There was so much tension in that car I felt like I was going to suffocate. I could barely look at him. I was still scared of his guts.
Every turn and stop made me think over and over about the events that occurred today. It was nauseating.
Finally walking through the door of my apartment left me with this feeling I couldn't describe. All of the events that happened today were fucking unbelievable.
The book I was planning to read was on my bed and was quickly tossed on my side table with a small thud. I sprawled out on my bed not bothering to do anything else tonight.
What. The. Fuck.
It's my first day on the job and my teammate already hit someone with a car. A van actually. I got to the disguised video store a bit after seven and Murn described the plan to me. Since I wasn't significant to the plan I just stayed in the car with a first-aid kit just in case things went south. And oh they did.
"Is he dead!?" I stood in the van looking at Economos dumbfounded. He didn't reply at first he was just making shocked quivering noises.
"I... I don't know?" My eyes widened as he started to get out of the car holding a crowbar tightly in his hands. I left the kit on the seats (since I had been fidgeting with the latches the whole ride) and followed him for support or something like that. Maybe I thought I could help. He inspected inside the car which he had hit fully force.
Judomaster was crawling on the ground in front of the car slowly. Economos inched closer and closer to him holding the crowbar. He whacked him once over the head and jolted backward then his body went limp. We waited and sure enough, he kept crawling. He hit him again and he still was moving. I slapped a hand over my mouth as he repeatedly hit him on the back of the head. He poked him a few times like you would a bug making sure he wasn't moving.
"Oh my god." He let out. "Fuck yeah!" He turned around to high-five me. I lightly returned it. "Don't worry he's not dead." He said sensing my shock. "They're hardcore it takes a lot."
"Well, what do we do with him now?" I looked at Economos for ideas. We ended up tying him up and throwing him in the back of the van. I watched him intensely. When would this dude wake up? I really hope not any time soon. Murn radioed us and let us know that they would be coming back soon with of course Vigilante. Economos drove us back to the spot we were supposed to be in and awaited their arrival.
"You're pretty cool." I complimented him. He was taken aback by the positive words.
"Well thank you." He adjusted his glasses with a bright smile.
We waited for 15 minutes until they finally arrived and loaded themselves into the van. Everyone looked untouched besides Harcourt's messy hair, a couple cuts on Peacemaker's face and Vigilante crying about his bleeding toe. I grabbed the medical kit I had set down on the seats just minutes before and rushed to Adrian's side.
I motioned for him to move his foot up to where I needed it. He hesitated for a moment but then proceeded to lift his foot into my lap. I scoped out his injured toe and I pulled out the needed materials.
Yikes. I was definitely glad that I stayed in the van. Adrian’s foot jerked in my lap as I tried to get some alcohol.
"Hold still!" I complained to Adrian trying to hold his leg down from wriggling under my grasp. From the looks of it, this man had managed to get half of his pinky toe cut off. That is such a bizarre thing for torture.
“It hurts so bad though!” He wined when I took the alcohol to his foot. He had obviously had worse happen to him but this?
“It could have been worse,” I said. My hold got tighter on his leg since it kept jolting side to side.
“Pft yeah, this was nothing!” He lied as if he hadn’t been complaining two seconds ago. “I’ve gone through worse in DND.” A small smile appeared on my cheeks. DND huh? Who knew the big strong Vigilante was a total nerd? And a swiftie...
“One of my characters got their arm bitten off by a bear so I’d say you’re okay,” I said. His eyes lit up at the mention that I had played before." Just sit still it's about to get worse." His eyes clenched shut.
"Oh shit!" He screamed out making everyone irritated in the van. I shushed him gently with a soft hand on his leg. He shut up very quickly but his body still tensed occasionally with every sting. I held his foot carefully as I bandaged it up thoroughly.
"Are you hurt anywhere else?" I asked. I still didn't dare to look him in the eye.
"Yeah, but I can wait until we get back." He tried to act tough but I could hear the pain in his voice. I noticed a couple of holes in his shirt. Maybe I could fix his shirt while I'm at it. God am I being too nice?
I mean I'm trying to think of the bright side of what happened yesterday and honestly, it didn't seem so bad anymore. He saved my ass and I'm having a paying job. I can only imagine the pay is fantastic for what these people have me doing. I sat next to Adrian. I was feeling a little less scared of him now when I thought about him like that. Even through the visor, his eyes were peeled onto me. It felt like since I got here they never left.
Getting back to headquarters I couldn't get Adrian to get out of the van without making a scene. I dragged him quickly into the store so he wouldn't draw any attention from people lurking around In the streets. I pulled him by his hand and made him sit in the closest chair I could spot. He whined and moaned obnoxiously loud. I knew the stories and new articles about the man. He was tough and put up a big fight, he never lost against criminals.
I grabbed the larger bandages from an area Harcourt showed me just this morning and also some more alcohol.
"Show me where you're hurt." I looked at him curious about what else had happened to him. He pulled off his chest plate and revealed the deep stab wound in his shoulder. The fabric of his shirt clearly revealed the bloody mess it left. My eyes widen. "You kept this from me until now?"
"I could handle this. The toe I'm not entirely sure." I cleaned and bandaged the wound with intense concentration. I was careful and sure not to cause any more harm after this long night. "Thank you." He said softly. I just nodded and didn't reply with anything else.
The days passed as we worked on this project and the days were long and there was a lot of work to do. I didn't have almost any free time anymore so it was hard to make time for friends I actually wanted to talk to or things I really wanted to do. Adrian continued to try his hardest to earn my trust and befriend me.
I started to warm up to him crazy enough. He did little things for me I thought were sweet. Sometimes he brought me breakfast or he would try to learn about things I liked so he could talk about them with me. I started to trust him more and more as the mission proceeded because he was really good company. He would talk and I would listen.
A couple of days after the whole 'Adrian getting his pinky toe almost cut off' situation he got himself arrested. I didn't even know until Harcourt talked to me about it and what Adebayo said to him. I felt bad for him because as much as I thought I disliked him, I hated to hear he was where he was and how Adebayo literally manipulated him into doing it.
The night he got out he showed up at my apartment because he still needed to check up on me and since he hadn't been able to. For the first time, I felt comfortable enough to hug him. So I did, I wrapped my arms gently around his torso and gave a small squeeze. We stood like that for a minute before he quietly wished me a 'goodnight' without any further words. That was the kindest moment we had ever shared with one another
Then the next day we had another mission. Since all this time has passed, I had been informed on what a Butterfly fully was. At first, it was entirely confusing until I realized these were tiny alien butterflies here to kill us. I know it sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie.
I had to sit through a whole meeting in the morning next to Adrian where he (the whole time) joked with me. It felt sorta nice honestly. He never stopped being friendly and I just kind of started to accept it more.
And the whole mission went by quickly.
"Oh my god." I blurted when everyone arrived back in the truck. Peacemaker and Economos were fully drenched head to toe in blood, Harcourt had a good amount on her, and Adebayo and Adrian had little to none on them.
"We fought a fucking gorilla!" Adebayo exploded with astonishment. Jesus, sometimes I wish I didn't sit in the car the whole time.
"Economos is the fucking man." Peacemaker clapped him on the back with a proud grin. I did miss a lot if those two are now getting along.
"All the blood is the gorillas right?" I asked startled for a second considering the amount.
"Yeah we're all fine," Harcourt said tiredly.
"At least no one's arm got bitten off, like your DND character right?" Adrian nudged me in the side and sat down next to me. Sure I had only told him a few days ago about that but it still made me happy that he had remembered that tiny detail.
"Right." I smiled. Chris sat in the front and started playing music like he had at the beginning of the ride. I sang along with the rest of my team members to 11th Street Kids and I actually started to enjoy my work a little more.
I looked over at Adrian who was dancing like a dork. He looked so adorable? He was playing air drums and making up random dances as he went. I don't know why but I started to not hate him anymore. I started seeing this more personal side of him. Not Vigilante but Adrian.
"C'mon dance," Adrian whispered in my ear and nudged me again. I started to sway along with the group.
Later that night Harcourt made a group chat with all of us and sent a photo she had taken in the van. I set the book down I had finally got to reading beside me on my bed and picked up my phone.
Everyone was dancing in the van but on the right side, you could see me looking at Adrian with the sweetest smile on my face. The chat is filled with different emojis. The only number I had was Harcourts but from the merman emoji, I already knew it was Adrian. I liked his message and sent a fitting emoji to match the others.
I set my phone down and continued reading with a big smile. I never seemed to stop today.
It was the final day of the project and I wasn’t allowed to go. I wasn’t entirely complaining since this job was so bizarre but I was also disappointed. I mean all this build up and I don’t even get to go. They said it would be safer for me and of course, I understood.
But as the night carried on and the morning came through I was nervous. I had no texts or word from anyone. Sure, they still could be busy and have to do some other stuff before texting me but what if?
I heard a rushed-sounding knock on my door which threw me off. I ran to my door since the person decided to not stop knocking.
"What do you want?" I hissed as I threw open the door but I was only met with Adrian. My eyes soften upon seeing him. Oh, thank god he’s alive. "Adrian. Hi." I paused when noticing he was in a pair of shorts and a nursing gown. "Come inside." I ushered him in with wide eyes and closed the door quickly behind him. "What are you doing here?"
"Listen I jumped out of a hospital building to be her so-"
"Adrian!" I scolded him for being careless. I had started to really enjoy him I didn't need him being so careless all the time.
"Shut up. Sorry, but I need to tell you this." I stared at him silently with folded arms awaiting what he was about to tell me. "Okay, so after almost dying, I know what you're about to say please just wait. After almost dying, I realized had more feelings for you than I have ever had for someone and that's like a lot for me." He stepped closer to me. "I had to tell you those feelings just in case I actually died sometime. But now I'm scared if you reject me because of the whole kidnapping thing when we first met and usually I would be okay with rejection but I don't feel usual with you." He rambled and his hands made several confusing gestures along the way.
Everything about him told me he was being truthful. His hands were trembling with nervousness, He literally came from a hospital to tell me this and he just had that look on his face.
The feelings from the other day came rushing back. I really enjoyed being with genuine Adrian. The time we spent together over the course of this project was enjoyable. I noticed small things about him like the way he always made sure to keep an eye on me and was careful not to get me into anything super dangerous. He had become almost like a personal guard.
He even taught me how to use weapons, and also never overstepped my boundaries. So yeah maybe I developed a crush on my kidnapper co-worker.
"Why are you looking at me like that I'm like really nervous right now." He asked.
"Because I feel the same way. Even though you did totally kidnap and traumatize me." I nudged him smiling but he didn't return it. "Adrian I was playing with you. But I really do feel the same way." He let out a long breath. I was quite sure he had stopped breathing for a little while.
"Oh thank god." Adrian stepped closer and picked me up in his arms as he kissed me deeply. I've kissed a couple of times in the past but never did it feel as amazing as this. I held him close to me as if he would slip away again. He pulled away to look closely at my face.
"Just because you kissed me doesn't mean I won't scold you for almost dying." I glared at him but he just smiled kindly and kissed me again.
"If I keep. Kissing you then. I won't. Get yelled at." He said in between kisses making me start to laugh.
“Don’t scare me like that again Chase.” I shook my head kissing him passionately once more. I could get used to this feeling.
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I hate Halsin's ending and here's why:
The thing I hate most, honestly, is the lack of continuity.
Halsin feels guilty for not being able to lift the Shadow Curse sooner and on his own:
"Thaniel is trapped in the Shadowfell, but thanks to you efforts, I know where to look. Now, I must go there - alone. [...] This opportunity has been a hundred years in the making. It has to be me, and only me."
"[...] I wasted too much time already - years in which nature has suffered."
"[...] Nature suffered while I dawdled, and allowed myself to be distracted."
Him about being Archdruid and the responsibilities as such:
"I wanted to try and find him [Thaniel], but we couldn't stay - we would have all succumbed. When the Archdruid of the Grove, my predeccessor, was seized by the curse, I had to lead the survivors to safety. That was my first day as Archdruid. An inauspicious beginning."
"I reveived a dispatch from the Grove [...] My chosen successor, Francesca, has proven to be a wise choice. Perhaps the wisest I ever made as Archdruid."
"I was all too eager to surrender my responsibilities towards the grove. Perhaps I was never meant to be Archdruid, to be a leader. [...] I cannot help but wonder if there was more I could have done. Perhaps I may yet have the chance some day."
"[...] I live for the wilderness. Comfort is for the farm animal, snug in its pen."
His plans on returning to the former Shadow-Cursed-Lands:
"Still, I would like to return here some day. See Thaniel and Oliver again - in my meditations, or perhaps in person, if the Oak Father wills it. I hope he does. [...] Anyway, once the curse is lifted, nature can take its course without me. I belong at your side."
His future plans:
"[...] The Shadow Curse occupied me so entirely and for so long... I almost miss the purpose it gave me. Now, I must find a new one."
"My mind still drifts to that dream I shared with you, for a better future for all those who need it... but that must wait. I remain yours of course."
Things he says to you regarding you relationship:
"I haven taken many lovers. My heart does not stir lightly. But it does now."
"You are all I want, but I won't hoard you to myself. Let others know the happiness of being with you."
"[...] The Grove became my family, with Silvanus as my teacher. And now, I have you."
"We shall triumph. Our time together does not end here."
"[...] So long as I am surviving, and I have you by my side, I am faring as well as anyone can be."
When breaking up with him:
"[...] If that's truly what you desire, I shall respect it. No matter how much I wish it was not the case. I will remain by your side whenever you wish, of course. As ally, advisor, friend... in any way you desire, safe for as a lover."
When you change your mind about breaking up:
"I'm glad you have reconsidered, but please don't trivially bring up such difficult topics. My heart can be wounded like any other "
"[...] I told you your heart is yours, but I do not wish for mine to be toyed with."
... and break up with him again (lol):
"Does it please you to see me crestfallen? That is the only reason I can think why you might toy with my heart like this."
"I warned you not to broach such matters lightly. Perhaps you care less for me than I supposed..."
Nicknames for Tav (at least the ones I heard):
"my love" and "my heart"
When being in a relationship with him and asking for having more partners:
"[...] Don't punish yourself on my account - remember we are both free to roam and love as we see fit."
"I'm glad you didn't feel the need to deprive yourself. To deny the most essential of impulses is to cut yourself off of nature."
"[...] I asked for freedom to follow my heart, and of course, I offer it in return."
"[...] I'm glad you shown yourself to be comfortable in exploring without me."
When in a relationship with him, having sex with Mizora and telling him you didn't enjoy it:
"[...] I'm sorry to hear that [...] I just hope it doesn't dissuade you from exploring nature's bounty. If you ever want to talk, my ears are all yours. Any part of me is yours, should you wish."
In conclusion:
Halsin feels guilty for not being able to lift the Shadow Curse sooner and on his own, wasting 100 years by doing so.
He feels like he failed as Archdruid and that he's not made for being a leader.
He doesn't want to settle down but roam.
The Shadow Curse was the only thing on his mind and his only purpose for 100 years.
He doesn't know what to do, now that the curse is lifted, and is looking for a new purpose.
He voices his wish to eventually see Thaniel again.
He's poly, had a lot of flings, and doesn't fall in love easily, but he fell hard for you.
He talks about sharing the future with you.
Halsin's ending:
"They [refugees & orphans] need help - help what this city cannot provide right now. I shall aid them to make a new place for themselves, in Thaniel's realm, under nature's watch. [...] There were nine whole wagons of children in tow. They are my duty now. 'Daddy Halsin', they call me. Who am I to tell them otherwise? We are each free, as we always were... but that does not to be the end. You must visit me soon [...] I shall have my own selfish reasons for wanting to see you again, if you wish the same."
How the game ends:
Halsin brings the refugees and orphans to Thaniel's lands, inevitably becoming a leader again and settling down.
He tells you to visit him, but doesn't ask you to join him, meaning he doesn't actually want to share that "dream I shared with you, for a better future for all those who need it", treating you like a normal fling instead of the love he claims you are.
It's a weird, unsatisfying ending, and honestly, most possible endings are. Baldur's Gate 3 is such an amazing game, but most endings feel incredibly rushed or unsatisfying (I'm especially glaring at the Karlach & Astarion endings, but that's for another rant). My dislike for the Halsin ending isn't that he doesn't magically turn monogamous, but that he tells you over and over again how much you mean to him ("You are all I want", "Anything for you, my heart") and then he just fucking leaves on his own without even asking if you want to join him. He's just like "I found a new purpose, bye, see ya, visit if you want to fuck."
It feels like the writers just gave up in the end - or didn't have enough time left to do it right (I get that, I work as a translator & editor). It just feels weird.
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Most People Say Goodbye - Part Two
Pairing: Sandor x F!Bolton!Reader
Summary: Sandor and (Y/N) have a secret relationship at kings landing which crumbles when he disappears after the battle of blackwater. Eventually though your paths cross again
TW: swearing (its the hound so you could guess lol)
Requested by Annon
Words: 1699
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Part One Here
Masterlist Here
Daenerys presents brought both an uneasy feeling but a strange amount of relief. Or maybe that was the alcohol everyone was clearly drowning in. as you approached the hall you could hear the laughter, the talking, the joy. You only wished you could partake as well but you had to find Sandor.
You had barely entered the hall when Jon had called you over. Your eyes scanned for Sandor as you approached the top table, but you couldn’t see him. “Hey Jon,” you greeted him and he stood to hug you. “I’m glad you made it back in one piece.”
“All thanks to her. (Y/N) meet Daenerys,” Jon grinned.
You did the basic formalities, not really caring about a foreign queen right now but not as upset as Sansa appeared to be. You could see the annoyance seeping out of Sansa the longer you spoke to the dragon queen so finally when you saw a gap in conversation you pardoned yourself.
“Thank gods you managed to escape her,” Sansa whispered as you sat beside her.
You elbowed the girl, “Look im all down for whatever bitch fit you wanna have,” you said, “but can you tell me how much you hate the girl your brothers clearly fucking *after* you tell me where the hell Sandor is?”
“Your right im sorry,” she said giving you a sympathetic smile, “I saw him sitting with some of the wildlings. That giant guy. Not the giant giant the-“
“The guy who apparently got nursed by one? Yeah that’s Tormund,” You had become friends with many of the wildlings when they first arrived as you tended to their wounded and sick. Tormund was one of the ones you grew closest too. “Sometimes he makes me wonder if Jon is secretly gay,”
Sansa looked out into the crowd, “Yeah, I get what you mean,” you looked out to where she was staring to see the hound sitting by Tormund. Tormund was talking at Sandor will he clearly only cared about his stew and ale. “They’d be cute together. In a weird way. But enough about Jon and me and the dragon woman. You’re here for him, aren’t you?”
You sighed as you stared at him suddenly feeling as small as a bug. “Yeah,” you whispered, “I don’t think I can do it,”
“You can and you will. We have survived so much (Y/N) don’t let him break you,” Sansa took your hands, “and if he’s does anything to offend you in any way I will get the knights of the vale to take care of him,”
“Damn you’ve gotten mean,”
“Can you blame me? He hurt you (Y/N) and I never want to see you hurt again,”
“If only life was that simple,” you looked back to where Sandor sat but this time your eyes met. His mouth was agape and he looked sadder than you had ever seen. Your heart ached but you knew you had to go to him, “Its time I guess,”
“Good luck,” Sansa squeezed your hands and slowly you rose from your chair, smoothed out your dress, and walked through the tables and chairs until you stood in front of him.
“(Y/N)! Have you come to hear of our adventure?” Tormund bellowed as you approached.
You smiled at him, “Later Tormund. Can I borrow you Sandor?” he was already on his feet before you could finish your sentence. He just stood looking at you. You looked at him. “Could we talk?”
Sandor nodded and you started to walk away with him following behind you. Neither said a word. You weren’t really sure where to go not feeling comfortable with him in your room but also not wanting anyone to hear. You decided to stop as you approached the main courtyard where the Stark boys used to train. You missed watching them.
Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, you let yourself have one last moment before you would have to use all your strength to keep your temper in check. You turned around and broke the silence, “So,”
“So…” the silence quickly returned, “I missed- “Sandor went to speak but you stopped him.
“Why did you leave?” it was all you really wanted to know but he had no answer, “You didn’t even say goodbye,” you tried your best not to cry but you couldn’t stop your eyes growing wetter.
“I’m sorry,”
“I need a reason,” you said as your sadness turned to anger, “I need a reason an explanation I need to know why you left me. I deserve to know,”
“I didn’t want to leave you. I didn’t mean to leave you,” Sandor tried to approach but you moved back. He stopped and sighed, “I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking. There was fire. So much fucking fire. Even the water was on fire. The men coming after me were all on fire and all I could see was that cunts face,” you knew he was talking about his brother. He didn’t even like going near the fire in your chambers when he visited, “and I froze. A fucking squire had to save me. Then all of a sudden im back behind the wall and that fucking imp tries to tell me to go back and I thought fuck it. it was all I was thinking. Fuck the lot of them. So, I left,”
“But why didn’t you take me with you? I would’ve followed you anywhere you went,” your anger was still there but your tears had returned. You couldn’t stop the growing pit in your stomach. You meant it. anywhere he went you would’ve followed until your feet bled.
“I wanted to. I did. I went to the holdfast, but I just couldn’t go in. what was I supposed to do? Burst in and grab you? Take you on the road with me where I didn’t eat for days half the time? I didn’t want to put you through that. You deserved better,”
“Better? you think being left with that cunt of a king was better!” you shouted not caring who heard, “You saw what he did when you were there did you think he’d go easier on me? Pity me? Did he fuck,”
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did it. I don’t know what I was thinking,”
“I don’t know either! You have no clue what I went through after you left. Baelish snuck me out of that castle before Joffrey could kill me only for me to land at my brother’s doorstep half-starved but that was sunshine compared to what Ramsey was like,” your voice was laced with venom and your eyes dripping tears. “And the worst part is the whole fucking time all I could think about was you,”
“All I could think about was you too,” this time Sandor caught your arms and didn’t let go, “you think I didn’t try and find you? I did. I heard you escaped and I headed north instantly. I even took that Arya girl with me because I knew what she meant to you. And trust me she’s fucking more annoying than you,” you chuckled at that. You loved her like a sister but she could be insufferable at times. Your laugh brought a slight smile to his face, “And as soon as I ran into Jon I knew what I had to do. I knew I had to go with him because he was the only chance I had of finding you again,”
“You wouldn’t have had to find me if you hadn’t have left in the first place,” you whispered.
“I know,” he whispered back, his head hanging low, “I hate myself every damn day for leaving you. I would kill any one of those bastards who hurt you then I realised im one of them. And I will never forgive myself for what I did to you,”
You could tell he was sincere. Sandor was rarely ever this emotional. Even when he told you what his brother did to him and what happened to his sister he never cried. But tears began to fall from his eyes.
You took his face in your hands and for once he didn’t flinch when you touched his scar. “I forgive you,” you said pressing your forehead against his, “but if you ever leave me again- “
“Never, never ever,” he said pulling you closer, “I will never leave your side.”
“Do you promise?”
“I promise,” he replied and for the first time in years you leaned up and kissed him.
It was so soft at first you almost melted into his touch. One of his hands found your waist while the other softly held your jaw. Yours fell to his shoulders then around his neck for stability. You felt your feet lift off the ground as he straightened his back bringing his other hand back down to your waist. After a brief pause for air his lips returned to yours, this time with a deep desperation you had both been holding in for years.
Then of course someone had to come along and wolf whistle. Sandor released you from his grip however he quickly grabbed your hand. You turned to see Sansa and Jon standing by the edge of the court yard.
“Can you two not fuck in the courtyard?” Sansa said as she tried to hide her smile.
Jon’s face screwed up, “Don’t be weird Sansa she’s basically our sister,”
“Where can we fuck then?” Sandor asked and you couldn’t help but laugh at Jon’s face. Sandor grinned, “Sorry lad but you’ll have to get used to it. I’ll marry her first if you fetch me a maester though,”
Your head snapped towards him, “You’ll marry me?” you beamed.
“Of course, will marry you, you idiot. I promised I wouldn’t leave didn’t I?” you pulled him back in for another kiss much to Jon’s dismay who quickly stalked away, Sansa following behind laughing. You pulled back once Jon left, “Now where the fuck are your chambers?” he asked.
You took his hand, “Follow me,” and with that you two disappeared back to your chambers not to leave them for the next two days.
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no-psi-nan · 3 months
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Ok @fluffydice, sorry for the lateness on this one but as anyone following this blog for over 5 minutes probably knows, I think Aiura x Saiki x Akechi makes so much sense and it is insanely compelling to me. I've posted so much fanfic about it already and that's only like 20% of the Thoughts™ I've had about them tbh.
But when you're doing an analysis of a triad, you have to breakdown 3 different ships and also how they would work simultaneously, so I needed time to write it all up. Buckle in!
Let's talk about Saiki x Aiura first since they had the most screen time together and they're the most "canon". I was genuinely shocked to see how rare this pairing is in fandom when they're literally canonically soulmates and also actually prove it on their every interaction.
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From their very first meeting, Aiura and Saiki work together flawlessly to save Yumehara's life many times in a row + the life of the truck driver. Aiura then figures out how to hang out with Saiki without having to deal with his tsundere rejection, which he can leave at any time (unlike with Teruhashi) because she knows about his powers and won't stir up trouble if he leaves. Saiki keeps allowing her to schedule 1:1 dates and is basically like "don't bother asking me, you know I'll go" about the dessert buffet date lol.
Even when they disagree and neither of them will back down, they still work wonderfully together and they both end up learning and growing from it. Saiki trusts Aiura to help him, and Aiura always agrees to help him just because she cares. That's HUGE considering how hard it is for Saiki to ask for literally anything!!
Aiura also respects Saiki's boundaries more than anyone else imo. She only joins him when he's out in public, she tries her usual heavy-handed flirting at first but quickly adjusts when she realizes he's not into it, she puts her clothes back on immediately after realizing that she misunderstood the situation, she starts asking him out instead of just joining him, she asks for a kiss and respects his "no", and she hugs him anyways because they both really need it after the stress of the day.
And Saiki responds to that, opening up more with Aiura than he has with anyone else in way less time. Aiura had under 2 years with Saiki while Saiki's core friend group had like 6 years, and yeah, she benefited some from his character growth over the past 4 years. But still, the way he banters with her shows how comfortable he is– he's more open with her than with anybody else, and not just with his annoyance like he is with Toritsuka lmao.
Also, come ON, there's just no one more deserving of an epic husband/wife local god with transformation powers than Aiura. She works so hard with her powers to help everyone and convinces Saiki to help others more and she helps him get the best outcomes for everyone. Let her get her hands on her soulmate who can make her bi dreams come true, who can give her third eye a break from constantly seeing auras and death marks, who can grow big fluffy wings to hug her with, etc etc etc!!!!! LET HER HAVE SOME FUN FFS!!
There's wayyyy more people forcing Aiura into the platonic bucket with Saiki than I've seen with Teruhashi (even though Aiura has way better chemistry with Saiki), which forces me to wonder whether it's because Aiura is more overtly sexual and "lowbrow" than Teruhashi, showing more cleavage, getting bad grades, putting stickers on her face because they're cute, showing pride in her sexual escapades. None of those make her a bad person, but a lot of people seem to think it does.
Some people more reasonably point out that if Saiki is very asexual and Aiura has a high libido then that could cause trouble for them. Well, first of all, while Saiki is pretty much obviously somewhere in the asexual and aromantic spectrum, his belief that boyfriend is the next level after best friend shows that demiromantic / demisexual is a strong possibility for him. And honestly I'd argue that whatever he has going on with Satou is at least partially sexual, though I'm not going to get into that in this already long-ass post lol.
But basically, I think there's a lot of room for a demiromantic and graysexual interpretation of Saiki and considering that Aiura has apparently stopped going out with other men for at least 2 years with no ill effects that we can see, it's quite possible that they'll be very compatible in bed after all. And if not, that's where consensual non-monogamy comes in lol. But genuinely I think that the fact that they're soulmates means that there probably aren't any major incompatibilities between them, otherwise the term would be meaningless.
So yeah, makes sense and really compelling because there's so much room for stories on how they actually got together, how they work together as their powers continue growing, and what their future looks like!
OKAY, now it's time for the Saikechi essay lol.
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Actually, I don't think Saikechi needs a ton of justification, because it's kinda standard extrovert x introvert childhood friends to lovers lol. Saikechi only isn't more popular because Akechi appears for like 5 whole minutes in the undubbed second season of the anime and he was annoying for 90% of that time hsfjdlshfks rip.
But yeah, Akechi and Saiki are quite perfect together, as shown by the horse gambling episode. Akechi can see right through Saiki's tsundere facade and Akechi is extremely open about his wants and needs, which is important since Saiki can't properly understand his thoughts most of the time and is very bad at figuring that stuff out even with telepathy.
They're both some flavor of ace. Akechi offu's at Teruhashi and comments that she's the most beautiful women he's ever seen, but does not express wanting to date her, which is big ace vibes, plus he's one of the few characters that doesn't have anything to say about Aiura's boobs lol (even Teruhashi can't shut up about them). They're also similar flavors of highly intelligent + neurodivergent. Consider Akechi's analysis skills vs Saiki's ability to come up with dozens, if not hundreds of plans in extremely short notice.
Akechi is also great at making accommodations for Saiki's powers, even without knowing about all of them, and coming up with activities they can do together that will be equally fun and challenging for both of them! And I still love that it was Akechi showing Saiki what a fun low-stakes game can be like that basically repaired Kusuo's relationship with his brother (see: manga, as this was cut from the anime 😩).
It's a very nice and straightforward ship that still leaves a lot of room for fun stories. I've been dying to write a Saikechi frogboil (plotted but needs writing) just because Akechi would be so perfect at it and he would be very likely to approach Saiki that way to get around all the tsundere bullshit lol.
OKAY, now for the third leg of the triangle lol, Aiura and Akechi!!
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(couldn't find an anime gif of this moment which is SO SAD)
Let's be real, Akechi and Aiura only share 5 moments on screen: the intro with all the chibis, when Aiura checks out his aura, when Aiura & Toritsuka kidnap him, the competition to find Saiki's hanky, and Akechi pestering Aiura about dress code violations in the every-character-appears episode. And 3 of those scenes are from the same chapter lmao.
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Actually I think this ⬆️ scene is kinda cute because Akechi's teasing Aiura lol, I think he's being friendly in his little freak way <3
HOWEVER, if shipping was only about what we saw on screen, then it would be way more boring. So let's think about it!
Aiura and Akechi actually share a lot of similarities: they're both extroverts, they're both incomprehensible, they are both almost immune to lies, they have both have a drive to help other people including strangers, and they're both seeking someone who will love and understand them as they are.
They would just make a really great fit! Akechi could help with Aiura's fortune-telling by prompting better questions for her to ask, and Aiura might actually make Akechi's mystery-solving TOO easy, so she probably holds back on that one lol. Akechi would throw himself wholeheartedly into working against a death mark on a stranger.
They're so fun to think about too because neither of them is embarrassed easily at all and they're both completely in touch with their own feelings so they are going to be SO lovey-dovey, no matter how cringe it seems on the outside lmao.
Akechi seems like he'd love doing traditional courtship if given half the chance, and Aiura seems like she's mostly had one-night-stand kind of situations until now, so what a perfect opportunity to indulge! What a change for Aiura to date someone who respects her and isn't just after her body! What a change for Akechi to date someone who actually wants to hear what he has to say and isn't put off by his frankness around taboo topics!
They'd pick up phrases from each other and develop so many ridiculous in-jokes that become their own sort of language, which makes them both even more incomprehensible.
We do also run into the allosexual x asexual problem here but Akechi is so unbothered by bodily functions and so quick to find compromises and enrichment that I genuinely think he'd kind of turn that into a game lmao.
And I think Akechi would be down to start a family and give his kid(s) the kind of loving home he never really got to enjoy with his parents' ongoing domestic turmoil. And their kid(s) would be sooooooooo incomprehensible, bless. 🙏🏾 Raised by 1.5 psychic parents and sprinkling both terminally online lingo and academia-level terminology into their speech from day 1. Imagine...
So Aikechi definitely gets the A+ on making sense and being compelling here!
Which FINALLY brings us back around to the main question... Does Aiura x Saiki x Akechi make sense, and is it compelling?
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Well, obviously I think so, since I've posted so much about it lol.
I think the main question for the viability of this ship is whether Saiki would be comfortable with polyamory, since Aiura and Akechi are unconcerned enough with social norms that they'd probably have no problem with it.
After some time getting used to the thought that he will never have the veneer of normal he's always wanted to project and that the pleasures of living authentically far outweigh the pains of being different, I think Saiki would actually love having his best friends as lovers and not having to choose only one person.
After all, most of his struggle is about lack of connection and his alienation from humanity. Well, here are Akechi and Aiura, who respectively mirror his lonely childhood and growing up with uncontrollable powers. They're both clever enough to see through his tsundere bullshit, they're both happy and able to help him with his powers & duties to save others, and they will both stand up to him if he's wrong or letting something slide to avoid conflict.
They're both perfect for him! And Akechi and Aiura would be much happier sharing him than trying to make him choose between them since they also get along so well. And let's be real, Saiki definitely deserves to be loved by the two people who know him the best. 💜
There's also a lot of story potential for how this ends up happening. In Extra Love Stories of Psychics, Saikechi and Saiura are basically happening in parallel and the Aikechi will close in the loop in a few chapters. But in Didn't see this one coming, I wanted to focus on Aikechi, so they get together and are basically ready for Saiki to finish his character growth and join whenever lmao.
You could also have them as like a hero team of lovers if you want more action-y plots, though tbh it's really hard to come up with situations they wouldn't immediately solve lol rip.
Another nice thing about Aiura, Akechi and Saiki being together is that Aiura and Akechi get a chance to help each other overcome some of Saiki's limitations, and the stuff they can't work around, Akechi and Aiura can do together.
An easy example is hand-holding. Changing Saiki's gloves to another texture is all well and good but sometimes you want to touch skin to skin, and it's much more overwhelming than calming for Saiki to do that. Akechi and Aiura can hold each other's hands without gloves though, and while it's not the same as holding Saiki's, it helps a lot to fulfill that desire.
Also, it's almost impossible for Aiura to surprise Saiki because he can read her thoughts, but while Akechi can probably figure out that she's planning something in general, she would have a much easier time surprising him. And similarly, since Saiki can't properly read Akechi's mind and doesn't have too much emotional intelligence, Akechi has to openly communicate his needs with Saiki all the time, which isn't a problem for him. But it's really nice when Aiura can tell from his aura or from her own emotional intelligence what Akechi wants/needs without having to explain himself. And even if Saiki can literally hear Aiura's thoughts, Akechi is still better at responding to her feelings because he's not tsundere and he actually understands feelings and what to do about them.
Additionally, Aiura has said she wants to be a mother, and while Saiki's affection for kids indicates to me that he wouldn't mind having kids, I think that he would be VERY opposed to passing on his genes due to how much trouble his powers have caused him. And Aiura's genes also are probably loaded with psychic powers! But if Akechi is there, then he can knock up Aiura no problem since he doesn't seem to have any psychic powers, and then the three of them can have their own family <3 Plus all the shenanigans that comes with having 2.5 psychics (and maybe more!) under one roof!
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In conclusion, they're perfect, your honor!!
Also I probably should've been writing more fic of them instead of writing this novel XD XD
Thanks for the ask!!
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brighttears · 1 year
hi i hope you’re doing well!! i want to start off by saying that i’m loving the dusk series so far!! like always your writing is just so captivating. I’d like to send in a request, but first, what do you think joel’s love language is? i think it’s definitely physical touch and words of affirmation (or quality time). The request is maybe some scenarios(for lack of a better word) where we see the reader find out Joel’s love language and show joel love the way he likes. I thought it could be a cute drabble, please take any liberties you’d like, and if you end up writing this then thank you so much :)
I decided I’ll just do drabbles (just learned that word lol) for each (except for gifts) and put all my opinions and reasoning at the bottom because it's kind of a lot. Also oh my god “show joel love the way he likes” 😭😭😭 PLEEEASE
I feel like I don’t see a lot of this!! I LOVE VULNERABLE JOEL!!!  LETTING HIMSELF BE LOVED WITHOUT ANYTHING IN RETURN!!! GOD DAMN I JUST WANT THE MAN TO BE ABLE TO RELAX!!!! Also thank you for the request and the praise I appreciate you so much ❣️❣️❣️❣️ (sorry this took so long, writer's block Took Me Out for a couple days)
no physical description, gender neutral, no use of y/n
Warnings: mentions of sex, pet names (baby, sweetheart, lovey dovey, honeydew (sickening i know))
Word count: 2k
Joel is known by what he does for others. At this point, it’s basically half of his identity. He’s a father, a protector, the one who will give you the shirt off of his back, take both watches so you can sleep, catch a bullet without blinking an eye. This is one of the things that attracted you to him in the first place, how he wears the love in his heart on his sleeve, even if he doesn't talk or touch much. When you started really seeing each other, you began learning his eyes and the words behind closed lips, and you found so much below the surface. To his core, Joel is a giver, that has always been the case, but he tries to never let on his needs, his wants. You have found it in his eyes, though, especially at the end of a long day. 
Today is one of those days. Joel walked in with tense shoulders and tiredly drooping brows. He barely mumbled a ‘hey’, just plopped down on the couch next to you, rubbing the heels of his hands into his eyes.
“Hey honeydew,” you move to slide your hands around him and rest your cheek on his shoulder, “Long day, hm?”
“Mhm.” he replies, leaning into you, his hands still in his eyes. You stay quiet to see if he wants to talk about it, but he doesn’t, so you stand from the couch, wrapping a hand around his wrist to lightly tug him to his feet, and then lead him into the bedroom. He follows and lays down for you, eyes already closed. Silently, you undo his laces, pull his boots off, he lays still as you pull his pants. You undo the buttons of his flannel and pull off his undershirt, and then you tuck him into bed. You draw the blinds to keep out the afternoon sun and lay next to him on top of the blankets until his breathing slows to sleep. Then, as quietly as you can, you remove yourself and gather his dirty clothes to wash. 
It took awhile for him to let you do this for him, and the first time he did, when you’d tucked the blankets around him, he cried. Some days he’ll give you a look that tells you to get in with him, and then turns his back for you to wrap yourself around him. He goes out like a light when you do that. 
This is the only thing you’ve seen Joel willingly let someone do that is just for him, without him needing to do anything in return, just for what he really needs and wants. He has tried to crush the notion that he wants or needs anyone to do anything for him, shut down the craving to be taken care of, but you’ve weasled your way into it. Joel is the most giving person you’ve ever met and you’re just glad to be able to give something to him, even if it’s just clean clothes and a warm, comfy nap. Nothing is as gratifying as being able to hold Joel the way he wants to be held.
The sun was shining in the forest the first time Joel slipped his hand into yours. The leaves were a bright light green, the path’s dirt almost gold in the sun. He didn’t say a word or look away from his boots on the ground. So, you didn’t say anything either, just held his hand, smiling wide, and kept walking. 
He didn’t say anything the second time either, only barely glanced to you at his side, then looked back down to hide in his footsteps. That time, you started to swing your clasped hands a little, and you could tell he was smiling just as wide as you were. 
At night, he started by just resting a leg over yours, only after you’d been laying for a while, eyes closed, without a word. You experimented by putting your hand in his open palm one night, just resting it there. The next night, he pulled you in. The night after that, you woke up to him wrapped around you like a monkey on its mothers back. And the next night, he held you like that but from the front, his slow deep sleeping breaths warms on your neck.
It felt wonderful. Not only because it was him, but because of the nature of it—it was for you to be holding him. You wouldn’t have known that that was something he wanted, he presents only as a holder, a big spoon, but really, he’s the baby. Just about every night after that, you’d come to him first and wrap him up so all he’d have to do is squeeze into the embrace (sometimes he makes a little hum as he does).
The sex changed after you started doing this, too. It’s more intimate, deeper, he’s loosened up and it’s become more fluid. He’s more vocal, too. The first few times like that he couldn't last more than half as long as he usually does, but he cums a lot harder and it’s just as hot to you as it must be for him. It’s just pure intimacy. 
He started doing more outside of the covers at night, holding you from behind when you were standing for awhile sometimes, sneaking a kiss to your head here and there, and he likes to walk close enough to you that you bump and brush against each other as you go. 
He does all of this without saying a word. There’s no need for him to, he’s telling you clearly through all of this touch that he trusts you completely and loves you deeply.
The first time you said something to him, Joel paused, and when he looked back at you, asking, “Really?” his eyes were lit up. You caught on and kept slipping in praise here and there, watching him break out in big goofy grins. 
Tonight you’ve seemed to have caught a bug of it, crowding him on the bed and showering him in it.
“I love you so much handsome man,” you peck his cheek as he turns it away, grinning pink and humming laughter, “You’re so good, you’re so special, lovey dovey, I’m so proud of you,” he giggles, eyes closed, “You’re my world.” Kiss his cheek, “baby I’m so glad I found you,” kiss, “you’re so strong and brave,” kiss kiss, he laughs, “you’re so funny, you’re my goofy guy,” he laughs harder and you can’t help but laugh with him. “I love seeing you happy.” You get yourself on top of him, folding your arms over his chest to see his plump, rosy face, still smiling ear to ear, eyes half lidded as he looks back at you. “My beautiful,” you peck his lips, “beautiful,” you peck and he starts laughing again, holding your waist lightly, “gorgeous,” kiss, “dreamy,” kiss, “handsome man.” kiss, “I love you.” 
“I love you.” He coos. He blinks, thinking, and just looks at you for a while, smile fading but not leaving. Then, in the softest, most innocent tone you’ve ever heard from him, Joel says, “Thank you.” 
Joel seemed pretty cold when you first met him. He barely ever seemed anything other than annoyed at best. So, you assumed he hated you. When you found yourselves left alone somewhere, usually to keep watch for something or other, it was for a while completely silent. It wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable, but it made you sad. You didn’t know him and, yeah, he seemed like just a massive grump, but you’d watched him with people he was close to, and you wanted that kind of attention from him. 
Maybe it wasn’t, but it felt like you found yourself alone with him often. You were ready to just stay quiet and not bother him while he waited out this time with you, set on your idea of what he thought of you, but then he started making small talk. At first, you, again, assumed he was doing it through gritted teeth, but then he started laughing with you, and then you were trading stories. Then you started seeking each other out to be alone together. 
You started taking walks, but you’d get so caught up in conversation you’d  have to stop, and found a spot on a large, fallen dead tree by the water. Skipping rocks, you'd talk about the past, he’d follow you around while you trailed away to pick flowers, then let you teach him how to make crowns with them. 
The fallen tree by the water and flowers became your place of solace to go and be alone. Just you and him, him and you, with each other until the sunset, or he’d wake you up early so you could go watch it rise from there, side by side in silence. 
You talked about anything and everything, sometimes nothing at all. Silent in the grass, you’d watch the clouds or the stars. It’s just nice to be around each other.
He told you so today, and it made you think of how he looked when you first met, the stone cold downcast eyes, hands ready on his rifle, hardly moving except to chew on his lip or grind his jaw. Today his eyes are soft, golden in the sunlight, an earnest, innocent smile playing at his lips, lax face showing off his cheeks, crows feet highlighting his contentment.
“You know, I thought you hated me the first few times we… hung out, as in, got stuck alone somewhere.” You admit. 
“No, sweetheart,” Joel’s eyes twinkle and neither of you are able to twist away your smiles, “you just made me nervous.”
“Why’d I make you nervous?” You laugh. 
“Well,” he looks down, still smiling, “I just wanted to find the right thing to say. Wanted to impress you I guess. Not anymore though,” he looks back up at you, “don’t feel any kinda nervous around you. I’m lookin’ for all the time alone with you I can get.”
“Well I’m glad we still have all day…” you tilt your head, “and tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. If you’ll have me.”
He shifts a little closer, “I’ll have nothing else.”
Don't ask me questions unless you want a mini essay lol i’ve always been that bitch
Omg. I think about this while writing and it's an interesting thing to explore bc what is hidden under there? What was he like before? Very fun to play around with.
(Side note I have only seen the show, I have not played any of the games so that’s where I get all of my context from) They didn’t show a lot of pre outbreak Joel obvi, and I’m kind of nitpicking the shit out of it, but what Joel initiates with Sarah is quality time. Although there was also physical touch, and I saw a post about Joel and Sarah’s closeness when they’re watching the movie, where they so naturally move into each other, and I dig that, but I feel like the focal point was spending time together for his birthday. 
Pause to say that I don’t think that gift giving is his love language because he gets the watch here and that's the only gift giving like ever, also the other gift was a movie to watch together, that’s why I didn’t write for it.
So my automatic thought is that his love language is acts of service, but the more I’ve thought about it I want to say that that as a priority has been an add-on. Like he forgot to get the pancake mix when he was supposed to, the cake, he got home late—he broke these promises he made to Sarah, and now, I think the pressure on acts of service is one of the lasting effects of her death. I bet he feels guilt for those promises he broke that day, and now he doesn't want to ‘let her down again’; he couldn't save her (ALL THAT MAKES ME SCREAM AND CHEW THRU MY ARM BTW), and now he craves control over things like that, so he does everything he can to try to make up for it, to protect the ones he loves. 
Joel doesn’t really talk much and he’s said he’s not very good at it. He delivers some killer fucking lines but they’re only big moments, so I think that one would be the hardest for him. Also, I can count on one hand the amount of physical contact he had at all, not all of them he even initiated. However, I DROOL over the idea of him re-discovering that he loves physical touch.
The one thing Joel always does is he is always there. Simply that it is his number one priority, and then he fits other stuff into it, like talking more and being more open, letting himself touch and be touched, etc. (although part of it is he literally has to be with Ellie all of the time, so that complicates it a little, but still)
So my big two are acts of service and quality time but I think his core love language is quality time.
Lol im sorry im just straight up disagreeing with you but for real for real, I think that’s one of the most beautiful things about all this, being able to take these things and run with it; we get to chew through all of this stuff and share all these different thoughts on it and it’s really cool to be on this platform and hear some thoughts that never would have occurred to me and that is so fucking exciting and fun to me. I think it is so cool to be able to take this art and explore more of it and just keep pumping life into it ykwim. So if you are reading this far thank u very cool 2 be here
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creppersfunpalooza · 5 months
wouldn’t it be so silly if my ocs had tumblr
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🎀 metallia’s-banned-account Follow
there’s this one girl i absolutely fucking hate but i need to know what brand of hair dye she uses oh my god. completely unrelated note does anyone know the most effective way of prying open a window without causing permanent damage or any noise? thank you, luv lia 💜
🔁 bunnicula Follow
I’m reporting you.
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🪽 reaperofcupid Follow
HELLO TUMBLR!💞 Have any unresolved love conflicts? A crush you just can’t get out of your head? stop by for a free love potion! i’ll also grant additional wishes that are within my range of capabilities. tips optional (in the form of life force and/or magic <3). you’ll find me if and when you need me!~ xoxoxo
(205 notes)
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🧿 priest-of-pawns Follow
going out on the TOWN!! turns out being in the church has some perks lol. we’re volunteering to oversee a few services. excited af. maybe i’ll even get to read some new people.
🔁 priest-of-rooks Follow
🔁 priest-of-pawns Follow
let’s try to keep the body count low this time okay???
🔁 priest-of-rooks Follow
I’ll try!
🔁 the-church-of-ocellus Follow
aw, you two deserve to live a little. go wild! -celly 👁️
(6,368 notes)
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⌛️ allthateverwas Follow
hAhA wAtch thIs gUyS
🔁 thetalesofarabbit’s-banned-account Follow
(1 note)
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🌿 fairest-of-folk Follow
@reaperofcupid is a SCAMMER. do NOT buy from him!!!!! i want a REFUND!!!!!!
🔁 reaperofcupid Follow
bitch it’s free. i hope you know how stupid you look right now. now how about you explain your issue like a rational client?
🔁 fairest-of-folk Follow
oh nvm it’s working now :3!! i think!!
🔁 reaperofcupid Follow
lovely. now fuck off.
(15 notes)
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🍬 mai-kandi Follow
shoutout to my girlfriend :D!!!!! who may or may not be an FBI agent!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖 babe you can tell me if you are!!!!!!!
🔁 bunnicula Follow
Uhm. Not exactly. Love you too though! 🖤
(52 notes)
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🔷 da-official Follow
Productivity is up 6%! Keep up the good work! New approved hypotheses and studies being released to the public soon!
🔁 the-black-rabbit’s-banned-account Follow
🔁 tbr-official Follow
If anyone is aware of who was behind the impersonator account, please stop by my office to report them to me. Thank you, TBR.
(341 notes)
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💉 dr-venstal Follow
Looking for volunteer drug testers! Your help contributes to a better future! You’ll get a free lollipop if you participate! <3
🔁 metallia’s-banned-account Follow
🔁 dr-venstal Follow
Well, that’s a bit mean.
🔁 metallia’s-banned-account Follow
do i look like i care. go cry in the bathrooms or whatever you gay people do idc.
🔁 dr-venstal Follow
🔁 metallia’s-banned-account Follow
sorry do you want me to cry with you or something? yeah i’m bisexual so what?? do you think calling me that hurts? i was kidding about the gay thing. i also like girls. wow surprise. i kiss women. i am married to a woman.
🔁 dr-venstal Follow
I’m bisexual, Ophelia.
(532 notes)
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🎸 yourfavoritebloodycunt Follow
new phone new account. apparently people thought i was a werewolf for a while lmao.
🔁 just-hollywood Follow
🔁 yourfavoritebloodycunt Follow
🔁 just-hollywood Follow
🔁 yourfavoritebloodycunt Follow
🔁 just-hollywood Follow
🔁 yourfavoritebloodycunt Follow
i’m deleting my account. kms. goodbye internet.
(13 notes)
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💎 eshimaislegallyblonde Follow
Hellooo! Does anyone have room for a new flat mate?? I do have a certain price range, but I’m working on getting a better job at the moment <3. I love true crime podcasts, coffee shops, sweets, the color pink, and horror movies. I’m fine with all different kinds of music and I’m always open to new things! I’m looking for someone with similar interests, so that way we can develop a closer friendship!
🔁 o0spooky_lover0o Follow
YOU’RE MOVING OUT???????? :{
🔁 eshimaislegallyblonde Follow
oh god oh fuck callum you weren’t supposed to find this. look you’re really sweet but the weird screams coming from your room are starting to freak me out at night.
🔁 o0spooky_lover0o Follow
Oh. okay yeah that’s fair!!!! good luck!!!!!!!!! :3
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esther-dot · 1 year
I’ve just finished watching Game of Thrones for the first time but Daenerys did always act like a spoiled brat when it comes to Cersei, not sure why people are mad to see it pointed out. It’s literally how it was written. She acted like Cersei stole a toy from her (a toy that never belonged to Daenerys in the first place, her ancestors are foreign conquerors, her father has been overthrown, she’s only a claimant). Daenerys hated Cersei long before Missandei and Rhaegal’s death and Cersei only felt contempt for her, the kind you reserved for a sick animal. Daenerys was outclassed in the Dragonpit meeting, the only one acting like a queen was Cersei. No one spoke for Cersei, she had all the power in that meeting. Daenerys should have been grateful that Cersei bothered to pay any attention to her.
She kept being surprised at being outsmarted time after time and even her final “snap” was Cersei-related because she did it AGAIN and Daenerys knew that Cersei’s popularity rate skyrocketed the moment she rang the bells and it was a lose-lose situation for her now. The people of KL choose Cersei instead of Daenerys. There’s no reason for her stans to be angry. Anyone can be outwitted by a legend.
LOL! She was undone by the best! I really enjoyed show Cersei. She and Joffrey were wonderful villains! But, I intensely disliked how they tried to force me to care about Dany's feelings about Cersei. I resented it a lot, actually. Sansa and Arya watched their father die because of a Lannister, Sansa was held prisoner (by Cersei) and abused (at Joffrey’s command) and forced to marry a Lannister (Tywin’s idea, Tyrion following through). Robb, his wife, and Cat were betrayed and murdered because of the Lannisters. Dany's desire for a throne (and even her anger about Jaime's little naughtiness in killing her dad who she knew was a baddie), simply doesn't weigh as much as me watching all of these characters I love die. It made Dany's feelings so small in comparison.
But yeah, I agree that Cersei was impressive in the Dragonpit meeting. When Dany does that outrageous "bring you pets to work day" entrance, and Cersei just refused to be intimidated. And then immediately lies to them. She made me laugh so much, y'all don't even know.
I also thought it was so dumb that they kinda wanted to pin Dany burning KL on Cersei and killed Missandei to trigger Dany. Dany had a) been talking about burning cities for seasons, b) already talked about attacking KL with dragons, c) just concluded that “Jon is the rightful heir, if the people know, they’ll choose him,” so they didn't need to do that at all. She already knew that she would have to terrify people into submission if she wanted to rule!
Anyway, yay for watching GoT! or, I'm sorry? 😬 How did you like it? What did you think of the endgames other than Dany's? Did it all seem pretty straightforward watching the seasons back to back? What all did you see coming? Which were your favorite scenes/characters?
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how does the 2022 movie shit on the novel?? (I love the 2022 movie and haven’t read the book)
Hiii so first off I wanna thank you for this ask from the bottom of my heart because this story is deeply important to me and I've been seething about it for two years straight and now I finally have an excuse to talk at length about the problem without sounding (completely) unhinged. I'd also like to clarify that I'm not mad at you or anyone else for liking this movie especially if you haven't read the book. I actually think that as a standalone film, it's pretty phenomenal. The acting, cinematography, and soundtrack are really on point. The problem isn't that it's a bad movie, it's that it's a bad and seemingly purposefully disrespectful adaptation.
So now I'll get into why (buckle up). As my followers know, War Movie Commentary is not typically the focus of this blog so uhhhh sorry y'all we'll be back to your regularly scheduled brainrot soon enough, but if any of you care deeply for literature or history or the history of war, or are familiar with this book or movie, I urge you to hear me out. Sorry, It's long. I kinda ran with it lmfao
So the first and most important thing to be aware of when discussing the disrespect of this adaptation is that, while it is not technically an explicit memoir, All Quiet on the Western Front is not a work of fiction. Everything that happens is based on something either the author or a soldier he interviewed really experienced. The main character is based on the author himself. Remarque's middle name was Paul before he changed it, he entered the German military at the same age as Paul, he had a passion for writing and poetry like Paul (a passion which if I recall correctly was omitted from the movie, but my memory may be off) and several of the things that Paul experiences are directly taken from his own life. While it is not explicitly a memoir, it is a collection of the real lived experiences of these soldiers, put to page in the form of a story with names changed. I think it is inherently disrespectful to dramatically change the events of a true story, but the way in which the 2022 movie went about it somehow took it further than just that.
So one thing you should know if you haven't read the book, which I HIGHLY recommend, Remarque wrote a preface to the book that was included in all the movies EXCEPT this one, and it states the exact purpose of the story. this is quoted from memory,
“This book is to be neither an accusation nor a confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those who come face to face with it. It will simply seek to tell the story of a generation of men who, while they may have survived the shells, were destroyed by the war.”
He explicitly did not want it to be sensational, or “an adventure.” He wanted to tell real stories about real people, and all those stories were scrapped in favor of what we got. If you remove maybe two scenes and changed the title and character names, the film would not even be recognizable. How can you (not you the asker but the general you) do that to real people's lived experiences? How can you disgrace the author’s wishes like that? The book takes a humanistic approach. You learn about these people, you care about them. You spend time with them goofing off in boot camp, hassling newbies in the trenches, playing cards in the latrines, you see Paul go home and you see how his time at home affects him. How his father parades him around, how he lost interest in everything that once made him happy, how he sees Russian POWs and knows that they are just like him, how his mother, dying of cancer, strokes his hair and cries when she thinks he is asleep because she knows her baby has been lying when he said that things were fine, and he's going back into that hell.
I cannot go into everything the movie portrayed differently to the book because I would have to just copy and paste practically the entire script lol. And having differences isn't inherently a bad thing! Both other movies added or removed or slightly altered a scene here and there. But there are two specific scenes, at the beginning and at the end, that I think are the most indicative of this movie’s failure and disrespect.
In the beginning of the book, which is not told in chronological order, we are introduced to the main friend group and find out that their friend is dying in the infirmary. They visit him, they crack jokes and tell him he's lucky he'll be going home, but he's obviously not improving. He is unaware that his leg has been amputated. One of them asks for his boots, since he has nice military boots, for when he “goes home”, and the others kind of shut him up. Later they discuss how they all know Franz is dying. Paul reminisces about Franz, how he was always timid, how his mother made Paul promise to protect him. He goes to visit Franz again, and he's doing real bad. The author describes in detail how you can see the death in his face. He is now aware his leg was amputated. He wistfully tells Paul that he wanted to be a forester when he grew up, and now he never will. Paul tries to reassure him that “prosthetics are great these days!” (This was written in 1920 lmao) and insists Franz will go home. Franz asks “Do you think so?” And then when Paul remains insistent, he quietly replies, “I don't think so.” He tells Paul to give their friend his boots. Paul sits in silence with him, foreheads pressed together, watching as his friend slowly dies from infection. His internal monologue is distressed about the orderlies ignoring them. “I want to grab them and I want to scream, ‘his name is Franz Kemmerich, he is nineteen years old, he doesn't want to die, don't let him die!’” As he hits in silence until the end. All these characters are emphasized to be nineteen years old.
This is the most important scene in the book. It sets the tone for the whole rest of the story and happens very early on.
Meanwhile in the movie, an unnamed character who we vaguely see hanging around Paul gets instantly blown to shrapnel and his severed leg gets blown off and Paul finds it, cries for 8 seconds, and we move on.
So that's a pretty big failure, I would say. This was the point in the movie I started getting a real bad feeling.
So that's the beginning, now the ending which, while it is the insulting cherry on top of the disrespect pie, I cannot get over how absolutely ridiculous this film ending is. First of all, the whole bit with the military officials? Not in the book at all. That big end battle after the armistice for literally no reason? Yeah, that didn't happen. I don't know how the writers forgot that you cannot completely fabricate an entire battle in a film about an actual war that really happened. And what disgusted me was they have Paul die in a vicious killing spree, bashing heads in, storming the trench (in this fake battle that didn't happen) stabbing people, shooting people, strangling people, throwing bombs, going nuts, getting nearly DROWNED IN SHIT WATER. Need I remind you this was the self-insert of the author who they had doing this? I get what they were trying to to do, show how an innocent non-violent guy got “broken” by the war but that is not faithful to the story. It borders on fetishizing violence, which as previously mentioned was the exact OPPOSITE of what the author directly stated that he wanted his work to be perceived.
Paul did what he had to do, but he was never sadistic and never liked killing and certainly never went on a killing spree. Again, this is meant to represent the AUTHOR.
So how does he die in the book? It's where the title comes from. “He fell in October, 1918 on a day that was so quiet and still on the whole front, that the army report confined itself to a single sentence: All Quiet on the Western Front. Turning him over one saw that he could not have suffered long. His face bore an expression of calm, as though almost glad the end had come.”
Bit of a different picture, innit? Look, I don't mind movies being different to books, I don't particularly mind this movie as it stands on its own, but it chewed up, shat out, and stomped on Remarque's legacy and it absolutely devastates me to know how he would feel if he saw what they did to his story. The rage I feel on the behalf of a person who just wanted to tell his real story is unfathomable.
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