#starling farm
selkiecrossing · 3 days
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scheveningen12 · 5 months
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obsessivevoidkitten · 10 months
Animal Farm: Mondays
Male Yandere Harpies x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Noncon, harpies, general yandere behavior, captive reader, spit roasting, cum in hair, aftercare, male harem, brief mention of being used as a cock sleeve by bull men.) Word Count: 500 (Here it is! I have had a solid wave of productivity lately answering old asks and now there is this, something I said I would do a long time ago. I said I would make a mini-fic/drabble with every group of monster men from my animal farm fic which can be found HERE.)
You sighed. It was early on Monday morning, the sun starting to stream into the window enough to disturb your sleep. You glared at your alarm clock and preemptively turned off the alarm that would go off at 10:00. It was 9:53. You wanted to cry. You had not fully recovered from Rory, Sev, and Bruc swapping you between them as a communal cock sleeve all day on Friday. You lamented your decision to be a monster man farmer with so many different species. You should have stuck to one or two. Oh well… no use crying over it now. At least you started the week off easy after your weekend break. The harpy men had pretty forgiving cocks. Ugh. Was that what it had come to? Judging how not awful your day was by the brutality of the cocks you were about to encounter? You scarfed down a quick breakfast then enjoyed your last few minutes before you were swarmed by the three harpies that called your farm home, Zan, Xilra, and Elry. They all looked similar, green and blue feathers in their hair, emerald green eyes to match, dark skin, with large angel-like wings sprouting from their backs and their legs ended in the way any bird of prey’s did. Sharp. Talons. When you stepped into the aviary your watch read exactly 10:30, you weren’t giving them a second more than you were forced to. It was like your one shred of resistance, even though it didn’t really matter very much. You also were too scared to be late after what happened the one time you were. You were sniffed out and fucked. Swiftly. As soon as you stepped into the large greenhouse-like domed building, it was like a miniature forest complete with all sorts of trees and plants, you were instantly pounced upon by the three monster men. They wasted not a single second in taking off your clothes and tossing them aside on the dirt while pinning you to the wall. “Hey come on! Those were just cleeeEEEEAAAAAANNNED. H-hey!” Two of them were biting, licking and nuzzling all over your neck while the third was using his mouth between your legs. “W-w-why do we always have to start the d-daaaay like thiiiiis??” “We love you little starling~” “Yes! And we must show you!” “We haven’t been inside you for a whole week love! It was torture~” “We must make up for the lost time sweet bird.” And that they certainly did. A week's worth of the pent up libidos of three tall harpy men unloaded on you and in you within hours. They spit roast you while you were on the ground before taking you in mid air. By the end of their breeding session with you you were exhausted. And this was supposed to be the easy day. At least they let you rest afterwards, washing the cum out of your hair and off your sore body before cuddling you and petting you while they sang sweet little bird songs and praised their darling little starling~
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sexyfoxlady · 2 years
Male Orc x Female Reader FLUFF!!!
Warnings - sexual talk/touch
(sorry if I missed anything else 🤷‍♀️)
(y/n) = your name
" = speaking
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"Bolar can you pleaseee put me down, they stopped chasing us a while ago" (y/n) says referring to the pack of wolves that crossed their path, she plead while looking over her shoulder at the back of Bolar's head, her face bright red with embarrassment.
"I'm sorry my little temptress but I'll feel better carrying you" Bolar says while looking straight ahead
"TEMPTRESS, what could I possibly be doing to make you tempted" (y/n) asked her tall lover
"You have one of your best features in my face" He says before turning to the said feature and groping the fat.
"BOLAR" starling (y/n) by his sudden action to touch her so intimately outside of the comfort of their bed chambers, wiggling in his grasp to get him to stop groping the fat there.
"okay okay, I'll stop but you better stop worming around or I may drop you" He warns his lover
"You know damn well you couldn't drop me even if you wanted to" smiling at Bolar over her small victory
"Ah your right there, I could never put a bruise on this gorgeous body that wasn't made out of love" Bolar says referring to their sex lives before he throws his hand back to smack the previous flush he was just groping making a loud thunder like sound rumble through out the forest.
"BOLAR" making his lover's face glow brighter making him chuckle over her reaction.
Finally putting her down after a couple more minutes later, him finally deciding the coast was clear.
"Thank you" (y/n) says clutching her stomach
"You know your shoulders aren't as soft as your stomach and because of that mine now hurts" she says in discomfort for being slumped over his shoulder for such a long time.
"Sorry" Bolar says shrugging his shoulders and smiling sheepishly, rolling her eyes playfully as she stands on her tippy toes to kiss under his jaw because that's all she can reach without him bending down, making him smile softly at her before they continue on the rest of their journey to the Leaf Tavern.
💚15 Min Later💚
"Well here we are" Bolar says before gently grabbing (y/n)'s hand before walking in the tavern.
"BOLAR" yells a man behind the tavern's bar
"Snikgutttt" Bolar greets back by dragging out the bar keepers name, Snikgut gets from behind the bar to embrace his friend.
"Thank you so much my friend for coming all this way, I really wish the pest attacking my farm wasn't the reason for your visit but here we are"
"Snik do not sweat I'm always willing to help" Bolar beams in response, Snikgut takes notice of the extra figure next to his friend before gasping in delight to realizing who he was looking at
"(Y/N)" greets just like he did Bolar but the only difference is it's louder now that he was in front of them.
"hello to you too Snik" chuckling softly as Snikgut gently grabs both of her hands gently, taking the one from Bolar to gently kiss her knuckles.
"You're still as breathtaking as the last time I saw you, I can also smell you been using the moisture I sent" winking up at her realizing she liked his gift
"I'll let you in on a little secret, I made it myself" resulting in the young lady gasping with excitement
"YOU DID NOT" (y/n) not believing her ears
"Did too" Snikgut says very proud of himself, letting go of her hands Bolar finally making a sound in a form of laughter at his lover and friend's conversation finding it adorable to see you so excited talking about something so simple like a moisturizer.
"I could watch you talk for hours" Bolar looking lovingly into his lover's eyes causing her to blush profusely from his little confession making him laugh harder before turning to his friend finally stopping to speak again.
"Well Snikgut I hope you have our room ready" Bolar asked jokingly but also seriously knowing that his lover is tired from the long journey.
"Oh yes yes of course just up those stairs at the end of the hallway is your guys's room" Snikgut says smiling sweetly at the couple before walking back to his spot behind the bar as Bolar gently leads you up the stairs.
"This looks like it's it" Bolar says softly to his lover noticing her eyes were drooping bound to fall asleep at any moment, when opening the door (y/n) eyes almost pop out of her head losing all need for sleep at the sight of only one bed.
"There's only one bed" (y/n) makes the obvious observation in the room
"Yes there is, is that a problem"
"Yes of course this is a problem you're not going to be able to keep your hands to yourself if we share the same bed and you know it" Bolar gasp dramatically as his lover basically just called him a perv.
"I'll have you know, I know how to keep my hands to myself" Bolar huffs
"Bolar we have two beds in our bedroom because I know when I sleep in the other bed, I'll wake up and be able to walk the next morning" (y/n) rebuttals back to prove her point making Bolar growls lonely remembering that awful second bed that keeps his lover from him, (y/n) feeling slightly bad for her lover decides to give in to sharing the bed, internally praying that he behaves.
"Ok we can share but if your hands wander anywhere near here, your sleeping on the floor" (y/n) says waving her hands dramatically over private lady part showing where his hands can't wander
"Ugh why must you deprive me from life's pleasures" Bolar says dramatically giving in to his lovers 'demands' making her roll her eyes at his overdramaticness.
Bolar climbs into bed first lifting the covers for his lover to get under, (y/n) lays her head down on Bolar's chest getting comfortable before she's ready to slumber.
Before sleep could finally take her over Bolar grabs her by her thighs to lift her on his stomach with her legs on either side of him making the reader look at him warningly.
"Bolarrrr" (y/n) says lonely almost like a growl to warn him
"Whaaaaa I just want you closer to me (y/n)" giving her his biggest puppy dog eyes so she stays
"Fine but try anything else and your-" Bolar cuts her off by finishing what she was about to say, smugly
"Love you"
"Love you too" before kissing each other softly and drifting off to sleep for the next day.
💚 Morning The Next Day💚
(y/n) wakes up slowly feeling Bolar softly caressing her hair and face
"Good morning gorgeous" Bolar greets softly, (y/n) finally opening her eyes, looking at Bolar lovingly before saying "good morning" back but instead of saying gorgeous (y/n) says handsome
"How you sleep" asked Bolar
"Good and I can feel my legs" she says jokingly making Bolar roll his eyes playfully before rebelling with
"Oh please you know you love being carried like a princess the next day" Bolar says feeling like he won their little battle because of how flustered (y/n) face was
"Ok let's get up, Snikgut is probably waiting for us" (y/n) says lifting her head up and trying desperately to distract Bolar from her obvious love for being pampered the day after passionate love making with the orc
"No I want to hold you moreeee" Bolar begs wrapping his arms securely around (y/n) trapping her in his loving hold
"Ok fine but only for a little bit longer" giving in to Bolar by laying her head back on his chest
They stay peacefully in each other's arms for the rest of the day, Snikgut not bothering to get them up until the next day. 💚💚💚
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roseborough-if · 2 years
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[a slife of life / romance story set in the countryside of emerald acres]  🤍
Note from the author: Hi and welcome! I'm Vilna (she/any). This is my first interactive fiction project that is still very early in developement. I was inspired by various medias, primarily Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon, to develope my own little game in novel format written in twine. I hope you enjoy your stay! 
Tales from Roseborough and this blog is only suitable for 18+ audience for eventual optional sexual content. Ask box is open for any kind questions (nsfw included).
You are a farmer who has very recently become one after your distant grandparents you've never met have died and have left their old farm and everything that comes with it solely to you.
You don't know why they would do such a thing but you have been quite bored of your current life for some time so you decide to take a leap faith and leave the comforts of the city behind to move into the idyllic Emerald Acres for a new beginning. The countryside is certainly breathtakingly beautiful; your new farmhouse comes with a huge garden exceeding all of your expectations and the animals are so cuddly and cute, too!
Unfortunately, you have no idea what you're doing but it can't be that hard to run a small farm all by yourself. Can it? Maybe with some help from the other residents of Emerald Acres you may have a better chance at making it...
Fully customizable MC. Decide your character's name, gender (trans + non-binary inclusive), pronouns, physical appearance, personality & background ++ The only thing that is locked in is that MC will always be queer-coded, no matter how you play them. 🏳️‍🌈
Name and maintain your farm by taking care of your animals and garden. Do you thrive in your new life as a farmer or do you hate every second of it? Will you settle down permanently or will you return back to the city with your tail between your legs?
Discover family secrets! Apparently the farm and the house come with certain strings attached.
Choose an animal companion who will follow along with you on your adventures.
Explore the Emerald Acres: the village of Roseborough, the Wuthering Woods, Honeyfur river and other surroundings.
Romance 1 out of 6 possible candidates. Queerplatonic routes are available for Juniper and Bunny/Bo.
Build lasting friendships with the other main cast + side characters.
🧸 Bunny / Bo Abernathy [F/M], she/her or he/him. || intro.
B, along with their daughter Sunny, is your new friendly neighbour who owns a farm a couple of kilometers away from you. They are always willing to listen to your troubles and help in any small or big way they can. They are one of the kindest people you've ever met but remain surprisingly tight-lipped about themself, perhaps for a good reason.
»»-----------► I've never known someone like you. Someone who makes me feel so loved and happy that I feel like I could just float away.
🔧 Oskari Kivi [M], he/him. || intro.
You never expected to meet him again here of all places. Oskari is a city boy through and through and your past with him is complicated (whether you were lovers or just friends) and you haven't seen him in at least four years since your fallout. You're not sure whether it's a good or bad thing that he hasn't changed at all.
»»-----------► I missed you. A lot. I just wanted you to know that.
🐾 James Briar [F], she/her. || intro.
The fact that James is hot as hell only slightly makes up for her rude and disagreeable behaviour when you first meet her. She is the town's only vet so you will need her services from time to time whether you like it or not. James seems to have great love for animals, but claims that fellow humans are not her thing. You don't quite know what to make of her.
»»-----------► When I first met you I thought you were a spoiled city brat. Turns out I sort of like it.
🦋 Juniper Starling [NB], fae/faer. || intro.
Juniper is an eccentric but respected figure in Roseborough as fae runs a small (and free!)  healer's clinic offering help without turning anyone away. Fae must be one of the most beautiful people you've ever met and seems to always have a line of suitors following faer wherever fae goes. You need to stick out if you want faer attention.
»»-----------► You are certainly an interesting one, kitten. I will have to keep a close eye on you.
🥧 Willow / William Higgins [F/M], she/her or he/him. || intro.
Will is almost as new in the town as you; they bought the tavern of Rosebud a few months prior and are still adjusting to their job and everything that comes with it. Will clearly feels out of place and lonely in their current situation, at least before meeting you. They seem friendly, if a little overly flirty, and eager to get to know you.
»»-----------► Oh, you are absolutely precious, sunshine. I could just eat you up for a dessert. 
🔮 Sage Moonfall [NB], he/him and they/them. || intro.
The people of Roseborough call him the Hermit of Wuthering Woods but that seems to be only a fraction of the truth. There's a rumour that they are over a century old and something not entirely human, but no one has the courage to approach them to actually ask. He seems to be endlessly fascinated by you.
»-----------► Tell me: what do you desire? I could make that happen with the snap of my fingers.
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todaysbird · 1 year
so the thing is about a lot of animal 'experts' on tumblr, it's just random people with no experience that feel entitled to tell others about how to keep their animals. if this is seriously your career path/calling in life why is this the only place you talk about animals
Even though this wasn’t phrased particularly nicely, I get the point you’re trying to get across. I do ‘talk about animals’ in a professional capacity, I just don’t always share it here if it’s not relevant.
As far as knowledge about birds, I do have personal and professional experience. I personally have kept parrotlets and chickens (while the latter is boring to a lot of people, there IS a right and wrong way to care for chickens). Professionally, I hatched & raised chickens on a farm, and I volunteered with rescued parrots for about 3 years. My duties there were much the same as a parrot owner, just with over 300 birds present - cleaning cages, creating enrichment, feeding, preparing food, so on. I had the opportunity to work with species ranging from macaws to cockatiels. I’m a semester away from finishing my degree in Environmental Science, which taught me a lot about birds and wildlife generally. I’m also a certified Aviculturist through the American Federation of Aviculture. This is basically a certificate stating that I’ve completed training to breed/raise birds, and while I’m not personally a bird breeder, I have used this knowledge for professional opportunities. I understand this isn’t as exciting as being a field researcher, but I’m also in my early 20s and I have a less than ideal financial situation for a lot of internships.
Outside of birds, I do professionally write about animals in general. I’m a staff writer for DogTime, a regular guest writer for sister site CatTime, and I’ve written on a freelance basis for a lot of other animal publications. I have a short blurb on starlings in an upcoming book, which I’ll happily share details about when the time comes! I also worked my way up to have the knowledge I do about pets generally. I’ve volunteered with dogs and cats for more years than I can count, as well as previously working in a boarding kennel. My name besides Mr Todaysbird is Patrick Kuklinski, so if you want you can give me a Google to verify that yes I’m a real person and I have done these things.
While I definitely have a lot to learn, I have done the research on the opinions I share, and my intention is only to further knowledge of how to care for animals. There’s a reason I rarely share veterinary type knowledge, and it’s that I have 0 qualification to do so.
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niamhcinnoir · 5 months
Chapter 3 of A Starling in Rohan is out!! Thanks for all the support so far <3 do ask if you want to be tagged in further chapter updates!
@konartiste hope you enjoy!
"I shall not be entirely happy today, brother, unless you are. I want everyone to feel as I do! Now come, share your worries."
She sank down into the deep velvet cushions in the window alcove, and patted the nearest chair.
Éomer sighed, and relented, knowing she would not give up until he told her what was on his mind. "A messenger arrived yesterday from one of the marshals. Farms across the Eastfold have reported a disease amongst the potato seedlings that renders them completely useless. Éowyn, unless I am provided with a miracle, Rohan will suffer heavier loss of life this coming winter than in the War of the Ring - I am certain of it."
Éowyn went to bite thoughtfully on her thumbnail, caught herself in time, and smoothed over the folds of her dress instead. "A solution will be found, Éomer. I am sure of it."
Éomer was less sure, but he didn't say this aloud. Already he had cast a shadow over the happiest day of his sister's life, and he didn't intend to add to it. "Perhaps, but not today. Today I don't mean to be King of Rohan - only your brother."
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mosneakers · 10 months
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Mira wakes up in the early hours of the morning to begin spellcaster training, and while Starling did sleep in pretty late in order to fulfill her required beauty sleep, she agreed to take on the daunting task of taking care of the farm all on her own. Aside from the help of the butlers, maids, and farm-hands.
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Mira: [Approaches, laughing] What kind of farming strategy is this? It's new to me!
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Starling: I'm doing what I'm most familiar with, darling, putting on a show!
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selkiecrossing · 3 months
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a possum!
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bracketsoffear · 1 month
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Hannibal (Thomas Harris) "You remember Hannibal Lecter: gentleman, genius, cannibal. Seven years have passed since Dr. Lecter escaped from custody. And for seven years he’s been at large, free to savor the scents, the essences, of an unguarded world. But intruders have entered Dr. Lecter’s world, piercing his new identity, sensing the evil that surrounds him. For the multimillionaire Hannibal left maimed, for a corrupt Italian policeman, and for FBI agent Clarice Starling, who once stood before Lecter and who has never been the same, the final hunt for Hannibal Lecter has begun. All of them, in their separate ways, want to find Dr. Lecter. And all three will get their wish. But only one will live long enough to savor the reward. . . . "
"There's a lot of Flesh in this one, but the bit that stands out to me is when [Redacted] gets eaten alive by hogs."
A Certain Hunger (Chelsea G. Summers) "Food critic Dorothy Daniels loves what she does. Discerning, meticulous, and very, very smart, Dorothy's clear mastery of the culinary arts make it likely that she could, on any given night, whip up a more inspired dish than any one of the chefs she writes about. Dorothy loves sex as much as she loves food, and while she has struggled to find a long-term partner that can keep up with her, she makes the best of her single life, frequently traveling from Manhattan to Italy for a taste of both.
But there is something within Dorothy that's different from everyone else, and having suppressed it long enough, she starts to embrace what makes Dorothy uniquely, terrifyingly herself. Recounting her life from a seemingly idyllic farm-to-table childhood, the heights of her career, to the moment she plunges an ice pick into a man's neck on Fire Island, Dorothy Daniels show us what happens when a woman finally embraces her superiority."
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ardent-heretic · 22 hours
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Let me preface this by saying I am atheist. There is no God in my world. There are no souls or spirits, scientifically speaking.
But then sometimes, today happens.
I’m texting Wifey while I am eating lunch. I put the bird feeder in Front of kitchen window for Spawnette and I to watch Birbs.
Last two weeks we have been having visits from the bullies. Blue Jays(dicks), Ivory Woodpecker(massive jag off), crows(intelligent tricksters), a single Starling(food hog). These jerks make the feeder unwelcome for some species. I haven’t seen a Dove in two weeks.
So I tell Wifey I may pull feeder til Bullies find new food sources. Wifey frowns cuz we still have good songbirds that visit. They just get chased off a lot.
30 seconds later a Male Cardinal comes. This bird has symbolic meaning to me. When my Grandfather was dying he said something. Every time you see a red cardinal think of it as me saying hello. He said when he dies he doesn’t believe in reincarnation. But he would like to think he can see us again. He didn’t want to be a ghost, so he said he will wish to return as a Cardinal.
I know that doesn’t happen. But I still think of his words every time I see one.
I just told Wifey no more feeder and the Cardinal said “what would grandpa think?” So I thought to myself. Maybe I will deal with the bullies and keep feeding.
Then 3 minutes later a Red Wing Blackbird landed on the feeder. I moved to NY state in 2004, left a bit but most of the past 20 years I lived here. I never saw one Red Wing Blackbird so I figured their habitat didn’t make it here.
My Grandpa had a 5 acre plot of land we called a farm in Chicago. On it we let 4 acres grow into tall prairie grass. It was perfect habitat for red wings. We gave them space. Avoided nests and let them thrive. We were rewarded with their songs.
Here in NY they don’t dwell at all.
So I think a Cardinal followed by a Red Wing is my Grandpa saying I better keep feeding the birds.
I respect nature very much and am taking this as a definite sign from Grandpa.
Be right back
I need to refill the feeder.
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leebrontide · 2 years
One thing about our new garden is that the soil is shit.
I am begging people not to rake up all their leaves in the fall and all their grass clippings in the summer. Every time you dispose of this organic "waste" you're taking the nutrients those plants pulled up out of the soil and throwing it away. Plus, you're destroying habitat for loads of important insects and fucking with the whole ecosystem.
The people who owned the house before us clearly raked and removed loads of leaves and clippings for the 30 years they lived in the house. The soil is practically sand. Just no nutrients left in it and very little ability to retain water.
People used to ask us why our soil in our old place was lovely rich nearly-black soil. The answer was that we didn't take our leaves up till mid April, after most insects didn't need them for hatching and hiding anymore, and they've broken down a fair amount of their nutrients into the soil. Then we'd mow up as much as possible and leave the chopped up leaves all over the lawn, to further break down and return the nutrients to the ground.
I've been looking for a rotatable compost bin for the new place, even though we're all small enough that rotating them can be sort of a pain in the ass.
But I'll confess that an ad-algorithm got me. I go on YouTube for 3 minutes, because my usual music streaming service was down and I do enjoy the "17th century villain" playlists on there, and I got an ad for an electric countertop composter.
This is not some kind of supported product placement on my part. The Lomi, which is the thing I saw an ad for, is a good $500 bought new, and I just flat out wasn't gonna do that.
But, I was curious enough to read some reviews, and then check craisglist. Lo and Behold, I found one for cheap, for sale from someone who bought and liked one, but also has an honest to god farm, and decided to go back to larger scale outdoor composting.
So, now we have a Lomi countertop composter.
You take the food waste from the day (our kiddo, Starling, eats a staggering amount of fruit, and a lot of eggs, so there's always shells, cores and peels and stuff laying around) and you put it in the bucket, and lock the lid, and push one button.
In two hours you have totally dry, totally broken down compost that smells almost like dry hay, ready to drop on the yard to put back in nutrients.
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I'm a bit in love with it.
And, on top of that, it can break down dairy and meat. You shouldn't ever put cooked meat in your outdoor compost, because birds will try to forage it, and get cooked fat grease on their feathers, which they can't clean off and can lead to illness. They're not evolved to handle cooked meat. But this way the meat is all broken down and safe to put outside. Which means throwing less away, which is great.
I will say, we didn't put in the charcoal the first time, and it had the used up charcoal from the previous owner in there and THAT was a mistake. Made the whole house smell like sweet vinegar. Which could be worse, considering this is food rotting down, but it was terrible when it's too cold to even open a window.
You can get Lomi brand charcoal filters, but it's just little charcoal pellets, so I'll probably just buy some from the aquarium store when we run out. But this batch should last us several months.
The thing also came with Lomi "tablets". So far, we've used them. But I'm going to experiment with not using them at some point, since the webpage for the Lomi says you don't NEED them. They do genuinely add helpful bacteria and fungi to the soil, which is great, but I can buy soil improvers that can do that, much more economically, from my local urban farm supply in the spring. No branded little pellets required. Plus, with the lawn being under snow, and the processed compost having to go on top of the snow, I'm not sure how much of that bacteria would be surviving right now, anyways.
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outofangband · 7 months
Birds of Dor-lómin
I have decided to make two posts at least for the birds of Hithlum, this one and one for Mithrim and greater Hithlum
As I take inspiration from several European and Asian countries for the environment of Dor-lómin, the species here reflects that however to the best of my ability it is ecologically consistent. Obviously this will not be a complete list and I will go back to it!
And as always requests are open! I’m also always willing to put together ecological world building based on specific real locations!
Flora, fauna, geography and environment of Arda Masterlist
Note: I use Hadorian here to refer to the folk of Hador and of Marach including cultural practices that might predate Hador himself
The eastern mountains and forests around Húrin’s house: hazel grouse, brambling, northern wryneck, common buzzard, Zitting cisticola, grey headed woodpecker, black redstart, grey heron, common quail, great spotted woodpecker, dusky thrush, white winged crossbill, Bohemian waxwing, ring ouzel, tawny owl, common raven
The western border and Firth of Drengist: horned grebe, osprey, black crowned night heron, little gull, black tern, great white pelican, common kingfisher, common starling, little ringed plover, rocky pipit, white tailed eagle
Note: many of the mountain, sea and wetlands birds here are incidental species occurring in Dor-lómin because of migration or other factors. This is also true of some of the species listed for the eastern mountain borders.
The fields and open lands: Greylag goose, corn bunting, little owl, gadwall, mallard duck, wood lark, bearded reedling, hedge warbler, twite, common grasshopper warbler, yellowhammer, greater scaup (migratory), nightjar, stone curlew, barn owl, black headed bunting, whinchat, little grebe, goldfinch, blue throat
Throughout: common wood pigeon, fieldfare, hobby (migratory), common crane, mute swan, house sparrow, merlin, common buzzard (primarily in the Southern mountains), black woodpecker, gryphfalcon
World building notes:
-The people of Hador keep ducks, geese, chickens and pigeons including a species like passenger pigeons. They are the only group of Atani in Beleriand that has a practice of keeping birds primarily for eggs as well as meat and who uses eggs in cooking semi frequently. The Haladin, Bëorians, Drúedain and other groups do eat eggs though not usually chicken eggs and do not often use them as ingredients in baking (although there are some Bëorian dishes that involve bread with quail eggs)
-Hadorian food is a combination of farming and agriculture and hunting and foraging. Grouse, pheasant and wild ducks are sometimes caught for food
-Sea birds are relatively rare but can be seen in western Dor-lómin near the Firth of Drengist and the border to Nevrast. The northern Sindar who live in western Hithlum including western Dor-lómin keep oral records of the presence and appearance of sea birds and mentions of them appear occasionally in song
-Feathers of geese are designs associated with the Hadorian midwinter festival. They are sometimes worn but more commonly embroidered or painted.
-The northern Sindar by the caves of Androth paint birds on the cave and cliff walls, using pigments made from minerals, bark and sometimes shells. Herons, gulls and starling shapes are the most common.
-Random character HC: Sador’s favorite animals to carve are birds especially ground birds. Some of these he even paints or polishes when he has the time.
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love-and-hisses · 1 year
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You'd think getting 4 kittens to look at the camera at the same time would be easier than getting, say, 7 kittens to do the same, BUT IT AIN'T SO. Someone's always looking away. … Information about these kittens, since I only really posted the details once or twice: … Plover (gray floofy kitten on the far left) is a girl. Her date of birth is April 23, 2023, which makes her 5 1/2 weeks. She and her sister Starling (brown tabby, far right) were found as hours-old newborns along with a deceased sibling on a horse farm where Forgotten Felines of Huntsville was doing a huge Trap-Neuter-Return job. She is shaped like a potato with legs (her floofiness makes her look even more potato-shaped than she actually is), and I have nicknamed her "Tater." … Wren (the torbie in the back) is a girl. Her date of birth is April 11, 2023, which makes her 7 weeks old as of yesterday. She and her sister Felicity came to me when they were about 2 days old (and I believe they were both premature, they were so tiny). Their mother wasn't producing milk and couldn't care for them, so they came to me. Unfortunately Felicity passed away the day after I got them. Wren has done great and has thrived (she has the strongest will to live of any kitten I've ever seen.) She's a talky girl, and I have nicknamed her "Mouth." … Rufous (the orange tabby in the middle) is a boy. His date of birth is April 16, 2023, which makes him 6 1/2 weeks. He was, I believe, abandoned by his mother (or possibly left behind when she was moving her litter - I honestly am not sure about the details of his story). He was a day (maybe two) old when I got him. For a time he drank from the bottle very well. But then he got congested, and started fighting the bottle and required tube feeding (which I can do, but I haaate it) for a couple of weeks. Then one day he said "Gimme that bottle" and never looked back. He still has a fondness for the bottle, but is the only one of the bunch who is reliably eating solid food (Wren can take it or leave it, and Plover and Starling haven't decided how they feel about it yet.) He doesn't really have a nickname, but sometimes we call him "Mister Man." .. Starling (brown tabby on the right), as mentioned, is Plover's sister (which makes her a girl). Her date of birth is April 23, 2023, which makes her 5 1/2 weeks old. As mentioned, she and Plover were found on a horse farm where Forgotten Felines was doing a huge Trap-Neuter-Return job, and they came to me when they were only hours old. Starling has always been a very slow eater (she SAVORS her bottle), which means that she usually eats last (because I don't think it's fair that everyone else has to wait 743 hours to eat because Starling is all "Ah yes, I detect notes of sweet cream in this formula and I can tell you used the filtered water, very good.") She has a meow that sounds like a creaky hinge, and so we have nicknamed her "Rusty." … They are all named after types of birds (Rufous is named after the Rufous Humminbird) and the litter as a whole is called the Nestlings. (I am fostering them for Forgotten Felines of Huntsville here in Huntsville, Alabama, and when they are 3 months old they will be spayed/neutered and adopted out.)
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beingharsh · 5 months
General Mills, Inc. P.O. Box 9452 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 United States Dear Old El Paso, I am also old and was born thumbless. (And I have been to the cacti plains and stockyards of El Paso while SHOPPING alone.) Haggard. Lines on my face like a roadmap although no one these days knows how to read a roadmap, do they? Or how to name a bird, build a low tire fire, eat a charred cow with pocketknife, smell the stars, run a trotline, play a spoon, bang a gong, get it on, wrestle a wounded coyote to the ground, and so on. When I was a kid no one even gave us schoolbooks. You had to write your own book, at home, bind it yourself (mine was mostly sestinas about farm animals and made of cornstalks and barbed wire), and walk to school through THE DREADFUL VALLEY while pushing your books in a wheelbarrow. But I digress.   As most know by now, my wife was hit by lightning while skinny-dipping. I am RESPONSIBLE for numerous kids! Eight are mine but we HELP out others round these parts (over by the White River Bridge, eastside, respect). Weary is my forehead. Like everyone decent and good I know, we lost the farm. A corporation took it and gave it to Japan. I moved to Indiana and now commute to work outside Memphis, Tennessee as a janitor for a chemical company. Poorly paid and dangerous as TETRAHYDRAFURFURAN. Brimstone and greed. Starlings fly over and drop dead. One day my Camry exploded. We have an inside guy with OSHA and we get tips if they are coming for inspection, I'm sorry. I've seen a forklift take flight off a building and crush a secretary. We don't get BBQ, iced tea, or medical, not free. I could name the chemical company, but I will not. It rhymes with Poo Font. And HOW do I FEED all those kids? I'm glad you asked. Carp tacos. Five days a week. (We eat cattail reeds pulled from the marshy shoulder of highway 40 on weekends.) Each kid gets HALF a taco. This is how we survive, no, thrive. We are a happy family. We don't need money. Or TIME. We dwell within the prickly embrace, the bayonet and hammock, of love. It takes a village. Last Tuesday I got off work and briefly visited the burlesque shows of the greater Mississippi delta and the Tunica casinos for my WELLNESS and then drove to Indiana and called to the kids and opened the usual box of OLD EL PASO ESTABLISHED 1938 SOFT AND HARD TACO DINNER KIT. And for what? Despair. FIVE hard tacos, not the PROMISED 6! FIVE! (I am enclosing visual evidence.) Please disclose yourself. Please tell Brody why she had no dinner at all. Hold her tiny hand as her stomach guffaws in agony. I request an explanation and at LEAST one hard taco shell. Fair is fair. Unfair is unfair. I had to explain MENDACITY to Brody, not fun. She's only three and cries at the flick of a Bic lighter or the creak of kudzu in the night breeze or even the persistent odor of gasoline (or at missing meals). Honestly, I feel like I've lost my family. And my farm. Once again. Sincerely, S Lovelace 13497 W River Valley Road Yorktown IN 47396 United States
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"Complaint: Old El Paso", Sean Lovelace
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linxprime · 10 months
Starling lore!! (ak: Sun's and Moon's alien kind) :"0
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Their planet has no liquid at all, a dry sand and rocky desert of a planet. But with life that can live without it at all, capable to eat anything to gain energy.
There creatures made of something similar to petrify wood with starlings hunt and farm for materials and part of their food.
Starlings comes in all shapes, understandable and abstract figures.
Capable to glow on their own. And the feature that makes them fascinating to other aliens, they come two indibiduals in one body.
With oceans of sand inside the plates and underground caves with life.
But now you might be wondering, how do they reproduce or how are they made? well my pal.
All starlings are siblings and come from their planet it self. The core or what the starlings call them: The Parent. Is conected to all the trees in the craters in the surface of the plates, called Shuänxas.
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The cities are build arounds the shuänxas, bot inside and outside the craters. There towns outside them, from starlings who wanted to explore and get a diferent way of living.
The body of the starlings are made by molds of sand made by the Parent or other starlings. While the heads comes from the seeds of the shuänxas. When the nut seed were the head of the future starlings is conected to the mold after gently falling. A blinding flash comes out from both the husk and the mold, they break and a new starling is born.
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Since all starlings are siblings, the older ones becomes the mentors of the new borns, take care of them and teach them.
Also, they can't reproduce with eachother at all, and they do have reproductive organs, but they see them as a waste of space and a unuseful organ in theyr body. All Starlings are hermaphrodites (have both male and female reproductive organs). After finally explore outside their planet, they discover they can reproduce with other aliens and have offsprings with them. Wich surprise them and also breaks a all life belive of their culture, that it was imposible to create new individuals betwen others.
Their kin is very new in space traveling and still learning from the exterior of their home planet.
Even Sundrop and Moondrop are the very first starlings space guards of their whole kind.
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