#sun and moon dynamic strikes once again…………………..
hijackalx · 1 month
hmm. astarion, who is cold, pale, ghastly, and can only embrace the light of the moon, with a lover that is the embodiment of the sun— warm body, tan lines/dark skin, freckles, sun-bleached hair, burnt rosy cheeks
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yourstardarling · 3 months
Astrology Observations: Fire Signs🔥
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Think of fire placements as the heat bringers. The fire signs are filled with passion and a lot of raw energy. People with these placements can be seen as extroverts even when they themselves don’t identify with that notion. It’s cause they have an inner confidence within themselves that just exudes out.
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🐏 I low key consider having an Aries Moon to be a debilitating placement. It’s mainly because Aries Moons had to learn to be emotionally independent and nurture themselves from a very young age. With the Mars influence, there’s often times a lot of conflict faced within family dynamics. A love hate relationship with family, they are the main ones that know how to get under their skin. Also, emotions are often times heightened and felt throughout the entire body. One moment it feels like we feel everything and then the next moment we’re back to normal.
🦁As bright as Leo risings are, they oftentimes carry a lot of inner insecurities. With Scorpio in the 4th house their home life was one of intensity and emotional trauma. Their family background is oftentimes something they rather not talk about, keeping it hidden from the public view. Leo Risings are the reason why I'll always hype up for Leo's to shine, because they have been in the dark for far too long.
🐴Mars In Sagittarius will go far and beyond when it comes to conflict. They're anger can become excessive and they will do the most to prove their point. That's why they'll oftentimes prefer to stay funny and optimistic so that they don't get pushed to their limit.
🐏Aries Placements aren’t always out to fight you. The thing about them is, they are always on guard. Think of them as knights ready to protect their castle from enemies. It’s more defensive than offensive. As soon as they feel like something threatens them, they will immediately address it. Once they’ve analyzed the situation, they can then decide whether to back off or go to war. It’s what separates them from Scorpio who don’t address things immediately, but let it simmer before striking.
🦁 Leo Suns are the most Leo placements, since they are literally the embodiment of the Sun. That is why most Leo Suns rep their sign so hard. They have a lot of pride about being a Leo and will not be afraid to let everyone know that. Also, a lot of them tend to have Lion Tattoos or an obsession with lions. May have loved the Lion king a lot more than other people, that movie was literally made for them. It’s really hard to not see a Leo Sun shine, the spotlight is always on them whether they like it or not. Unless the Sun falls in the 12th.
🐴Sagittarius Risings carry somewhat of a god complex within themselves. The sign is all about faith, so they hold strong beliefs about who they are and what they represent. They benefit a lot by finding a spiritual path that is individualistic to them. Even if they may not believe in God, they will always believe in themselves. This oftentimes works in their favor as I see they get away with things most people could not.
🐏Aries love to win, wherever you have Aries in your chart shows where you like to be a winner. It’s the go getting attitude that this placement brings to strive for victory. They are trailblazers, but if they see the trail not blazing, they are very quick to move on to the next endeavor. It’s cause the energy of Aries is short burst, it’s like an explosion and then it subsides to then explode again.
🦁Leo naturally shows us where we shine in our charts. It’s where we hold a lot of pride in ourselves for being good at something. This is our talents and the thing that makes us stand out. We can oftentimes become egotistical in this area of our lives, thinking we know what’s best. That is why Leo’s oftentimes get that egotistical criticism. However, Leo teaches us that we should be proud of our achievements and not allow others to dim our light. It’s important to have a humble heart, but also knowing your worth at the same time.
🐴Sagittarius is where we have good aim. We are often very lucky in this area of our lives. It is our lightning bolt and what we can often depend on to give us hope. The energy of Sagittarius is very expansive so the possibilities are endless with this sign. However, the Jupiterian nature makes most Sagittarius face the issue of excess. It’s important for them to redirect their aim and figure out where are they even heading. This is the mutable nature of Sag, always having to change the course of direction they are moving to. Sometimes the adventurous nature is not even something they choose to do, but have to in order to not be wandering around for no reason.
Each of the fire signs are really good at bringing attention to themselves. They are master storytellers because we have to remember they sit opposite the air signs. While the air signs tell stories about other people, the fire signs center the stories around themselves:
Aries placements are very open and honest about the hardships in their lives. They will tell you about the battles they have gone through and oftentimes glaze over issues like it wasn’t that serious. It’s because that experience in their lives is already over, so all they can do is move on. Meanwhile your over here looking at them like damn. Stories often involve them being the first to do something and how they triumphed over a situation they had.
Leo placements will reel you in with the theatrics. They will emphasize certain parts of the story to keep you entertained. It can be overly dramatized in order to get positive attention towards them. After all, Leo rules over the theater so these stories they tell about themselves have to be larger than life. As long as they gain positive feedback and make others feel good, they don’t care if they have to tweak some aspects of the story.
Sagitaurius placements will tell you stories about their adventures. Specifically stories involving their misadventures and how they ended up in bad situations. They hilariously look back upon these issues they face and usually it’s so unimaginable that it makes other people laugh. Someway somehow, they always manage to get back on their feet and things work out in their favor in the end. Situations that occur to these folks are always unique to them fr.
Also, this just my personal opinion Jesus was an Aries and had an Aries Rising. Hear me out. The whole lamb of God thing he had going on fits the signs association with lambs and rams. Baby lambs are born during the springtime, and Aries season begins the spring equinox. Jesus is the sacrificial lamb. In that sense, Aries is the first sacrifice and the sacrificial lamb that begins the zodiac cycle. All other signs are the followers/disciples of Aries. He’s God’s one and only son, because we only have one Sun. Aries is the exaltation of the Sun meaning that is where it’s at its full power. Don’t crucify me in the comments y'all this is just my speculation. I just don’t see Jesus as a Capricorn. Also, this man had to be real bold in order to tell the Roman’s and Rabbis to their face that their actions were wrong. That boldness just had to come from an Aries.
Anyways that is all.
- your Star Darling
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chaninfused · 5 months
ALWAYS IN THIS TWILIGHT • BC • a fallen goddess and every piece of herself she'd given to her beloved; angst; a somewhat toxic dynamic; fantasy; mentions of war; brief descriptions of gore and blood; 793 words.
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If Chan would ask you for the sky and every little star in the infinite cosmos, you would hand them to him in a breath’s spell.
Yet, there he was, earnest and sincere as his eyes fluttered once, twice. Hesitant, perhaps. Regretful, like those of a man who had spent a fortune on the most joyous night of gambling.
You wanted to laugh, or cry, or both.
‘Your eyes, only.’
He was asking so little of you.
“I’m sorry.” Chan slumped to his knees at the foot of your shrine, fingers digging into the dirt as he brought his head low. He was a broken willow tree, and you, his torn moon.
“My love, don’t be,” a voice that was everywhere and nowhere at once, a declaration for the universe and a murmur only he heard. You reached a phantom hand to lift his chin from his dampened palms.
His shoulders trembled like leaves in a cruel wind, his tears a silent river that wreaked destruction in its path toward you, killing the ever-living essence in your ethereal existence.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” the words that left his lips were a mangled prayer that seemed to be deaf to your speech. There was nothing for him to be sorry for. Hadn’t you ripped your beating heart out of your chest for him before?
“Dearest…” you traced his features with the ghost of your fingers, watching his darling eyes flutter shut for the first moment of respite in years. His face—beautiful, broken, human—was one you knew from a thousand centuries past, when you first fell to the mortal realm and found yourself imprisoned upon this holy hill.
Chan was the human king who chased your fallen star, then with his many knights and subjects, erected this grand shrine for you to live in. He was kind, and his golden heart made him precious even to one forsaken such as yourself. You loved him, and by some heavenly jest, he loved you in return.
That was his sin—loving you, who had been banished from heaven, a love greater and mightier than the wildest storms. A love of which your kin deemed you undeserving, for your palms were tainted black with the divine blood of another.  
Yet, when the sky hailed with fire and heaven opened its doors to reclaim you, Chan stood in defiance, a sword of earthly steel in his grasp and a cosmic fury in his gaze. In the cage of his mortal flesh, your immortal heart beat, lending him the strength he so brazenly sought.
The war that ensued from his rebellion was one of a thousand centuries. For as long as he lived a human with a god’s heart, you were tethered to this realm. And he fought to keep it that way.
When your brethren stole his sword-wielding hands, you gifted him yours, divine so that he may strike with the force of every sun and every moon. When they severed the legs by which he stood before them, resentful, you offered him yours so that he may rise forever unhindered. And when they pierced his chest and he bled crimson rivers, you poured your blood for him, oceans so that his heart may never again grow athirst.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I can’t—”
The words that refused to leave Chan’s lips were heard by the heart of yours that beat in tandem with his.
‘Forgive me for my selfishness, for I cannot part with you. Forgive me, my love, for I cannot see you anymore.’
You brushed your thumbs over his closed eyes. His lashes were adorned with shimmering tears, strokes of liquid stars across his cheeks. Your most beloved’s vision had been taken from him by those seraphic hands, and there was no doubt in your mind as to what you had to do.
You touched the phantom of your forehead against his and closed your eyes, speaking a song of a thousand angels, “Go.”
“Wait! No—! Please, don’t—”
Chan’s eyes snapped open, and he attempted to push you away. Barely, softly, because he could never think to use any real force against you. But it was too late. The vision that he now gazed upon you with was that of a god, vast, boundless, true.
It made him double over, anguished beyond comprehension.
“No, no! Take it back, please! Y/n—!”
‘I don’t wish to do this to you anymore. You’ve got nothing left. You'll become nothing—’
You pressed your lips against the heap of his soft curls to silence his rampant mind. In truth, you could only smile, for you found no greater joy than in giving yourself away to him.
“Go and end this war, my love.”
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lavenoon · 1 year
What if all of them were senior agents?
Sun n Moon get transferred to Robin's location and these three star agents really just butt heads. None of them are good at socializing, they're all hard asses (not on purpose), and now they're rivals and ONCE AGAIN butting heads jkasfdhldf
I'm going to make things even harder for them, and say the transfer happened because the higher ups ran out of agents to pair them with when push comes to shove, and decided to take the gamble of putting them and Robin together directly. Also not neighbors in this one then! They'd be all kind of distant anyway, and that's not really compelling.
No, in this one they get close because they all butt heads as you say <3 Robin hears about the transfer, and is informed they'll work with the newbies (not rookies, mind you - but bad enough still), and is thus aware of both Dusk and Dawn.
Let's say this is canon adjacent and they meet Dusk first. Maybe an official introduction in Agent River's office (oh, she is so happy about this development /s), like she's the bathroom door between two grouchy, territorial cats. They size each other up, but act polite enough while their supervisor is watching. Once they're out though?
All but outright hissing and scratching. Passive aggressive little comments about “keeping up” and “don’t slow me down”, little jabs about each other’s codenames (the moon man and little bird make it early in this timeline). Both are somewhat impressed surprised when the other does keep up. 
They find a begrudging balance where they respect each other but don’t quite get along, both still stuck in that “no one really gets me” emo mindset they acquired over the years. When Robin first witnesses Dusk telling a hostile “Nighty night” before knocking them out, they snort - and he hears. But with how immediately he withdraws from their dynamic, snapping at them even when the fight is over, they start feeling bad. 
Robin decides to swallow their pride - because they’re the one who hurt his. After the mission, they hold out a little gadget to him, like an olive branch. 
“... What do you think I need lip balm for?” 
“Open it, idiot.” 
He does, warily, and out comes a little equipped pin cushion plus an extra compartment for more elaborate lock picking tools. He blinks. 
“I have a document scanner here, too.” 
By all means, it looks like a normal pen. 
“And a few spy coins, too.” 
Some resemble actual money, others are goofy festival tickets made of hard plastic, or coins to slot into shopping carts.
Dusk looks at them, processing the fact that they carry tons of unnecessary gadgets, and all of them are the type you’d see in cheesy spy movies. 
“It’s good to have fun with this. Not enough agents do. Maybe the ‘go to sleep’ thing is a little too on the nose for my taste, but I hardly have any room to talk.” 
He hands the pin cushion back wordlessly, but after another moment his grin widens as he squints. Innocently leans down to their eye level, immediately setting off the snark alarm bells in Robin’s head. 
“So, how many spy movies did you have to watch to get inspiration for these?” 
Turns out, banter comes easy.
“Sorry I’m not as simple as you and didn’t look in the mirror for the most brilliant idea to strike me.” 
“You thought it’s funny.” 
“It's ridiculous.” 
“Made you laugh.” 
“I’ll push you off the roof.” 
“Have to catch me first. Last to reach HQ is a rotten egg - not a good look for you.” 
After that first official race, they get along better and better - still snarky, still full of banter, but they enjoy pushing each other because they trust the other to have their back. Other agents aren’t quite sure if they hate or love each other, but that just goes to show that their dynamic is special to them, and that the others just really didn’t get them <3
Dawn and Robin don't fare much better in the beginning. Robin, while a star agent, rarely does the undercover missions, and it grates that Dawn is better at it. They adapt quickly, but it's enough for him to notice.
"Out of your element, it seems."
"I usually have better things to do than babysit, yes."
Well, and Dawn doesn't like that either. These two mastered the death glares hidden behind polite smiles, and any time they're forced to hold onto each other for whatever reason, their hands may tighten just a liiittle more than would be technically necessary!
It's only when one time Robin is there to witness one of his more dramatic acts during an "interrogation" (i.e. they have someone isolated and cornered, though the target isn't quite aware of the danger yet), him just smoothly trapping a target in a conversation and carefully baiting them to reveal all the information they need, only to end with a "Why, thank you for your cooperation. It's most appreciated." and just enough time for the poor sod to realize what they've done, and then a knockout-
Robin watches, first positively surprised, then impressed, and then just...
They start wheezing. Dawn turns to them, disgruntled, and is about to snap at them the same way he snapped at anyone else who insulted/ made fun of his methods, but then they just talk through their laughter.
"They just - pfft. They just fell for that, hook line and sinker!" More laughter. "'Thank you for your cooperation' indeed, don't think it'll be continued, but that's nothing HQ can't fix."
Dawn is… also positively surprised. He deflates a little, looking at them as if he hadn’t seen them before, and a bit of apprehension leaves him. 
The first time they have a runner and Robin catches them quickly, while obviously being just as efficient and with that touch of flair he likes? That’s when he locks on, and decides a rivalry isn’t actually too bad. Especially given that he’s no stranger to the trope of rivals, and does enjoy the way he can make Robin fumble and stutter when he gets them by surprise. 
So he leans into the flirting. And Robin, after a short fluster/ adjustment period, flirts back. 
They’re horrible from then on. The kind of romantic tension that’s tangible, you could cut through it even. They say anything to each other and anyone listening in just groans and either thinks or outright yells “Just kiss already!” 
They don’t, because they’re still idiots <3
The boys talk about Robin to each other, and there’s a surprising lack of teasing - but they do get a somewhat parallel improvement thanks to the stories they share with each other, and then they unofficially already form a team of three without being specifically assigned as such. 
They get along well enough in their own weird little ways. When a few months in Dusk admits they’re looking for a place to stay, they’re still very aware of the secret identity rule, and Robin doesn’t outright offer - in fact, they joke “Just don’t move in at my place, that’d be awkward.” Dusk easily plays along with a “Ew, wouldn’t think of it” that earns him a laugh and a punch to the arm. 
But they’re also comfortable enough with each other that when Dawn shows up at Y/N’s doorstep, looking like a deer in the headlights, they don’t freak out - Y/N laughs, full out wheezing. Dawn - Sun, as he introduced himself in his email, just grumbles about places with high ceilings being a rarity, especially at such affordable prices - and then slyly adds “but of course your place would be a steal, little thief.” 
Y/N tries very hard to stop laughing, managing with a strange little grimace. So they invite him in - and when HQ never says anything about that change in address, they don’t see any reason to poke the bear. Maybe there won’t be a little birdhouse in the backyard - but they’re all comfortable, and happy, and have all the time in the world to go from there <3
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aconfusedkitten · 2 years
I offer chengxian but make the dynamic as blurry as possible :3 feel free to go ham
"Come home."
Rain is pouring from the sky, drenching his robes as thunder fills the air, it's rumbling cry loud enough to shake the very ground Jiang Cheng stands on. Every few moments, lightning strikes, and every few moments, Jiang Cheng can see the water running down his cheeks, his lips, his nose.
Are they tears? He wonders, or just another trail left behind by the storm.
Rain is pouring from the sky, and "come home," Jiang Cheng says again, this time, more forceful. "Come back to Lotus Pier with me, Wei Wuxian," he says, "come home."
But Wei Wuxian doesn't answer, doesn't move at all.
And the people behind him are like shadows, dressed in black and without Wei Wuxian's signature red, they're faceless. Dark clothes and dark faces, their gazes downcast and, he knows without a doubt, exhausted.
They are Wen, a part of him thinks, the same people who burned his home to the ground. And there's more to it than that, because Wei Wuxian's blank face tells him everything that he needs to know, because-
Jiang Cheng knows Wei Wuxian. Knows him like he knows the weight of Sandu in his hand and knows him like he knows Lotus Pier, knows like he's seen every facet of him and is always on waiting to find something knew.
Jiang Cheng knows Wei Wuxian.
Wei Wuxian, who always fights for what he believes is the right course.
"Does that invintation extend to them as well, Sect Leader Jiang?" Wei Wuxian says.
And his voice is low, quiet, and yet somehow, the words are louder than the thunder around them, than Jiang Cheng's heart beating out of his chest because how dare he?
This isn’t a place for titles, isn’t a place for respect and false politeness, because just as Jiang Cheng knows Wei Wuxian, he doesn’t doubt that Wei Wuxian knows him. They are the Twin Prides of Yunmeng, bound together by the blood they spilled in that awful fight and-
"Are they yours?" Jiang Cheng asks, already knowing the answer.
Wei Wuxian tilts his head, looking like a rainsoaked dog. "They are their own people, Jiang Cheng," he says, and there are few times he's sounded so serious. "Is that such a crime?"
"No," Jiang says, "no."
A moment passes, long and slow. It's as though time stops, as though the winds refuse to blow and the thunder refuses to cry.
As though eternity itself is waiting with bated breath, just waiting to see how this moment ends.
"Come home to Lotus Pier," Jiang Cheng says, "and bring your people home with you." A pause, a breath. "If you don't, I'll break your legs and they can follow as I drag you there."
Wei Wuxian laughs. “Why so cruel?” He asks, and then Jiang Cheng can breath again, and then he’s stepping closer, close enough that Jiang Cheng can feel his breath on his face.
“Are you sure, Jiang Cheng?” Wei Wuxian asks, his words a barely even a whisper. “The other Sects won’t agree, and Lotus Pier is not as strong as it once was.”
And there’s pain in Wei Wuxian’s voice, and that familiar fire in his eyes. Burning brighter than the sun and the  moon, and it makes Jiang Cheng’s heart beat something fierce.
Because times have changed.
They have changed.
But somehow, against all odds, this has remained the same.
“Lotus Pier is quieter than it was,” Jiang Cheng corrects him. “And with no elders to guide my people? No children to foster new growth? Your people shall find a place here, and a new life, should they choose it.”
Wei Wuxian’s smile is sharp, a challenge wrapped up in a pleasant and red ribbons keeping it all together. “And if they come for us?”
Jiang Cheng grins back at him, a sharp thing. “Let them come,” he says, “Lotus Pier is mine to lead, and it’s not their say who is welcome in it. We are the Twin Prides of Yunmeng, are we not?”
“I suppose we are,” Wei Wuxian says, nonchallant, but he’s smiling, too.
“Come home,” Jiang Cheng says, one last time. 
Wei Wuxian bows, an exagerated and playful gesture, as though they aren’t inviting chaos to their doorstep. “Lead the way,” he says, and-
Jiang Cheng does. 
fic requests
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marvelinorder · 2 years
Incredible Hulk (1962) #2 recap
"The Terror of the Toad Men" by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
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This time we've got an action-packed issue ahead of us! Our story begins with the Hulk terrorizing the public and engaging with law enforcement. Luckily, his friend Rick Jones (the teenager he saved last time) leads him away from all the hubbub. Phew! All is well.
Or is it?
Bruce Banner may be in danger, as the Toad Men, an alien race that rides in spaceships that look eerily like toads with teeth (see below), want his brain! Specifically, they use a magnetic beam to locate the "most brilliant scientific brain on Earth" (take that, Reed Richards!) in order to find out how advanced humans are.
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Meanwhile now that it's daytime, Bruce and Rick are departing on a little trip. They run into Betty and her father, General Ross. Their dynamic from the first issue hasn't changed much; Betty is still apologizing for her father, and he's still calling Bruce things like "milksop."
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They leave Betty and the General and go to their true destination: an underground cave where Bruce has set up what is basically a prison cell made of 10-foot thick concrete walls. He tells Rick to lock him in there every night so he can no longer wreak havoc as the Hulk.
But they are interrupted! The Toad Men have found them with their magnetic beam, which is turns out has other applications!
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The Toad Men transport our guys onto their ship and tell them about some of their technological capabilities in the hopes of getting Bruce to open up about ~science~. Their magnetic force can apparently empty oceans and pin humans to the ground! Oh my!
Rick starts to annoy them so they send him back to Earth. Which leaves Bruce open to go apeshit once their ship makes its way to the dark side of Earth where it's night!
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Hulk takes care of the Toad Men, locking them in a separate part of the ship, and then plans to use their weapons to make the humans who have been hunting him pay. The military has other ideas, though, and they shoot the spaceship out of the sky, completely ignoring Rick's protests that Bruce is aboard.
Since it's daylight during the ship's crash landing, Bruce is taken in for treason and locked up in prison. While he's stuck there, the Toad Men and their king (who looks very funky indeed) declare war on Earth:
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The Toad Men are going to use their magnetic ray to draw the moon close to Earth, disrupting the tides, causing earthquakes, and finally crashing into Earth! How horrible!
Good thing the sun goes down again and Bruce Hulks out. Motivated by revenge for being imprisoned, he busts out of his cell and makes his way to the General's home, where he encounters none other than Betty! Somehow the army is also outside the house, and again despite Rick's protests, they storm in and swarm Hulk.
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That didn't work out so well for them, did it?
Anyway, taking Betty hostage, Hulk runs out of there. Rick tracks him to Bruce's lab, and they're about to duke it out when an earthquake strikes and knocks them both out till sunup. Convenient for Rick! He never would have stood a chance! Betty is still unconscious as well, meaning she still has no idea that Bruce is the Hulk.
That's all well and good, but what of the Toad Men? Bruce has a plan! He aims his gamma ray at the Toad Men's magnetic field and sends them far, far away. For his heroism, General Ross agrees that Bruce doesn't have to go back to jail. He seems to be getting a bit suspicious of Bruce and the Hulk's connection, though... I wonder how many issues it'll take him to discover the truth!
The End! Join me next time for Amazing Adult Fantasy (1961) #14 [B Story].
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snarkywrites · 3 years
July Horoscopes: Fixed Drama
Saturn, Mars, and Uranus are all forming a T-Square at the beginning of the month. Things will ease a little a few weeks in as Mars breaks free from the aspect. Everyone will feel this energy since it has made us angry, go at a slow pace and we may feel like we have not accomplished what we would like. However, this month has a lot of changes and movement in store for everyone. The New Moon in Cancer on the 9th is going to serve as an awakening for most of the signs, especially Water signs, as we tune back into our emotions since this is the transition from Air to Water season. Venus and Mars will be moving into Virgo later in the month on the 21st and 29th respectively. A transit that is going to make Earth signs feel more energized. The Sun and Mercury will enter the sign of Leo, a positive feat for Fire signs and Jupiter will return to Aquarius (28th) and the Full Moon in Aquarius on the 23rd will allow Air signs to feel like they are back in the game. There is a lot happening and while it all moves slowly, the shifts will be more prominent once the summer ends. For now, be patient and go slow because rushing will get you nowhere.
Aries – The Sun entering Leo on the 22nd and the Full Moon in Aquarius on the 23rd are going to allow you to focus on major transformations in your social circles. This is also a good transit to switch up your creative styles and try something new if you are an artist. Get ready to feel the intensity of your emotions with the New Moon in Cancer in the 9th as you find the balance between home and career. Mercury entering the same sign on the 11th giving you the plan needed to make some good interior decorating decisions or just strike a deal for a raise at work. For the next four weeks you are going to prioritize self-care and opt to stay and hang with family or close friends. Venus in Virgo also sends a reminder to add a little self-love into your routine when the transit begins on the 21st. Mercury will be in Leo on the 27th, so use this transit to write up a storm, draw, get into photography, sing, anything, really. Jupiter will finally go back into the sign of Aquarius on the 28th and you might expect the unexpected (good) surprises and recognition you deserve.
Taurus – Rebuilding your relationship with your creative side is the theme for the month. When the New Moon in Cancer appears on the 9th, you will be fueled with inspiration. Another plus is that Mercury will be in Cancer on the 11th, motivating and allowing you to be more confident in your self-expression. Venus enters earthy Virgo on the 21st and this trine to your sign is going to add more excitement to your social circles. The Sun enters the sign of Leo on the 22nd, a time for you to take a little breather and focus on home and roots for the next month. When the Full Moon in Aquarius happens on the 23rd, you are going to feel the impact the last six months have had on your career. You will finally see your hard work paying off (assuming you put in the effort). With Mercury in Leo n the 27th, you are going to feel more comfortable in your surroundings and once again, the topics relating to home and your roots take center stage. You might feel compelled to dig deeper into your family history during this transit. The Jupiter Retrograde in Aquarius on the 28th will bring more questions about work and your drive and goals for the future so this is your reminder to stay focused. On the 29th, Mars enters Virgo, expect more excitement with your new (or current) romantic partner as you find new ways to express your love.
Gemini – July is bringing you familiarity. While you find new ways to adjust your finances, the New Moon in Cancer on the 9th, will add some good tactics for growth. Budgeting will come to play with Mercury entering Cancer on the 11th. During the Sun’s entry in Leo, you are going to feel once more in your element, focused on what you have to say and write. Venus enters Virgo on the 21st, a good opportunity to make some renovations at home if you have been thinking about it for a while. Things intensify for you with the Full Moon in Aquarius on the 23rd as you feel more in command with yourself during this time. An opportunity to learn from a new course, class or book has presented itself in the last six months, so now will be your time to be tested on your knowledge. Are you ready? Mercury joins the sun on the 27th, bringing you new insights and a joy for the work you have created. Jupiter returns to the sign of Aquarius on the 28th with more lessons and questions about your path and inner growth. If you want to learn more, Saturn will still be there teaching you to evolve. Mars will enter Virgo on the 29th, closing the month but this will be an interesting transit, offering more opportunities to perfect and learn more through the comforts of your home.
Cancer – We are officially in Cancer Season and the New Moon in your sign on the 9th will redirect your goals as the focus is brought back to you, so treat yourself. Mercury in your sign on the 11th will initiate a period of confidence and it will be easy for you to steal the spotlight since everyone will notice how sharp you are during this transit. On the 21st, Venus will be in Virgo, adding a touch of romance to your mind and the way you communicate. You command everyone’s attention now and Venus gives you more magnetism. The Sun will be in Leo on the 22nd bringing a shift to your spending habits. With the Full Moon on the 23rd, you might be more aware than before about where you are planning to see yourself financially for the future. With Mercury in Leo on the 27th, this is all about making plans and being wiser about your purse. You might also be more intrigued to dive deeper and learn about the mystical. Jupiter will move from Pisces to Aquarius, bringing you back down to Earth but adding more optimism in your life. Mars enters Virgo on the 29th, more of the themes Venus brought in but you now must be more aware of how you say things. This transit can make you speak without a filter, so try focus on being more polite if you are compelled to yell.
Leo – A month of guidance and meditation with the New Moon in Cancer on the 9th and Mercury following suit on the 11th. Journaling and meditating will help ease the tension during this transit. It could feel nostalgic, thinking about the past and focusing on the present as Mars and Venus are still in your sign for most of the month. Get ready for excitement as the Sun will be in your sign on the 22nd and the Full Moon in Aquarius will occur on the 23rd. Your relationships come to focus once again, a cycle that began only six months ago will bring you more clarity to answers you may have had earlier this year. As Saturn still make waves in Aquarius, you are noticing your dynamics with others shifting and the Full Moon may highlight this. Mercury will be in your sign on the 27th, giving you that additional star power and energy you have craved since Saturn might have made things a little gloomy. Jupiter will return to Aquarius on the 28th a good transit, even if it is in opposition to your sign. Once more, you will feel that abundant energy showing you much needed love and support. Appreciate it now since it will remain there until the end of the year.
Virgo – Venus will be in your sign on the 21st and this transit will feel a bit like an awakening as you are able to shine. The month starts with the New Moon in Cancer on the 9th which will be extremely different from last year. No longer is Saturn in Capricorn, so the Moon now can be vibrant and bring you joy and fun opportunities, even if it is in a water sign. Mercury will be in Cancer on the 11th, adding more of the same themes from the New Moon so if you have felt alone or isolated, you will be in good company now as your friends give you some much needed support. The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 23rd will allow you to focus on yourself and goals for the next six months and with Jupiter entering Aquarius once again on the 28th, you will feel a lot more optimistic about your career plans and the choices you have made for the future. On the 29th, Mars enters your sign, adding more energy and drive. Those dreams you have had might seem more practical now. The month closes with you going full speed ahead and confident.
Libra – Full speed ahead for Libras during the month of July. The New Moon in Cancer is powerful for you since this is going to highlight your career and goals for the next six months. This is your time to make some moves along with the rest of the Cardinal signs. With Saturn no longer in Capricorn, you can see your dreams manifesting. Mercury will enter the same sign on the 11th, giving you insight and motivation to plan. Venus be in Virgo on the 21st, magic, love and romance are highlighted as this occurs in your 12th house. You are embarking on a time where you are focused on your sense of happiness, even if you are single. Prioritize yourself. On the 22nd, Leo season begins, getting you in the mood to meet and greet friends and family in lavish settings. The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 23rd will bring you back to topics from six months ago, perhaps a relationship you ended may be rekindled or you have learned to move on and set your sights on better things. Mercury will be in Leo on the 27th, sparking your more dramatic side, just try and not to stir things up. With Jupiter back in Aquarius on the 28th, you are ready to explore your creative side, or this could be a time of reflection for you. The Mars transit in Virgo on the 29th might make you feel irritable. A reminder to focus on some meditation and breathing exercises if things just feel stressful around you.
Scorpio – Nothing sparks changes like a New Moon in a water sign. On the 9th, the New Moon in Cancer is going to make you feel restless and impulsive. Try not to act too out of character. While you may feel the urge to get away, try and focus on channeling that energy into a new project that can be fruitful in the long run. Mercury follows the Moon on the 11th, which will inspire you to begin a new course or study something you have been curious about. Venus enters Virgo on the 21st a good transit to hang with friends. Who know, you could meet someone new through your friends if you are single. Leo season begins on the 22nd, an important transit since this will be the time where your focus shifts on career goals. The Full Moon on the 23rd adds a need to bring some balance to home and work, you are going to be reminded of events from six months ago, so this can be an introspective time for you. With Mercury in the sign of Leo beginning on the 27th, this is a promising transit for you, as you can push forward with your dreams and goals. Have lots of faith in what you want, and you can see that your superiors may even help you get there. Your hard work is paying off. Jupiter will retrograde back in Aquarius on the 28th, more introspection, more analyzing and more plans as Jupiter allows you to rework and change your game plan. An interesting Mars shift in Virgo closes the month on the 29th. Once again, group dynamics come back to play, and you get to meet some interesting people during this time.
Sagittarius – What an interesting month this promises to be for you, Sagittarius. Jupiter, your ruler will go back to the sign of Aquarius on the 28th. This transit will be quite favorable to you since Jupiter will once again make a sextile to your sign and boosting your mind and creative energy until December. This is also a good time to reconnect with friends and family. A New Moon in Cancer on the 9th will allow you to dive deep into your memories and find new ways to let go of the past. Find your source of power during this transit so you can move forward with confidence. Venus enters Virgo on the 21st, a very important time for you since you are going to turn heads and be in the spotlight. Venus will give you some motivation but since the transit might feel calm and lethargic, make sure not to slack off. The Sun enters Leo on the 22nd, which is going to make things a lot easier to manage during the next month. This is your time for inspiration, knowledge, and some creative ventures. The Full Moon in Aquarius will happen on the 23rd, a chance to look back and make some changes to your pending projects. This is your time to revise, edit and redo things if needed. Mercury will enter the sign of Leo on the 27th, making you feel sharp, empowered by your words, and motivated to speak up. Just make sure not to be too preachy here with others and take the time to listen to their views. New career moves will be made when Mars enters Virgo on the 29th, more of a good thing as you get focused to make a lasting and positive impression to those in charge. A reminder to not explode when you feel stressed and to practice some diplomacy from time to time.
Capricorn – Your ruler Saturn continues making challenges in the sign of Aquarius. The energy for this month is a little rough but you always find a way to keep powering through. A notable transit is the New Moon in Cancer on the 9th, a time to reexamine your relationships and maybe even start a new one if you are single. Then Mercury in Cancer begins on the 11th, more relationship topics on your mind and this transit can even make you more emotional communicating with your partner (or a potential new one). Earth signs will be thrilled to see that Venus will be in Virgo on the 21st, adding excitement and grounding energy to your routine. You are here to work, get things done and learn while Venus has some strategies to keep you focused and driven. The Sun will be in Leo on the 22nd, and the Full Moon in Aquarius is on the 23rd adding some eye-opening news when it comes to your finances. Try to buckle down and not splurge too much or you might regret it. Expect a boost with Mercury in Leo beginning on the 27th, if you feel like you are slacking with savings and investment, you may consider learning new ways to stay financially fit. Jupiter will retrograde back in Aquarius on the 28th, adding more optimism to the way you view yourself and the material things in life. You will see more shifts happening when Mars enters Virgo on the 29th, a guiding light that will push you forward now if you have stopped believing in your dreams.
Aquarius – The Full Moon in your sign on the 23rd is going to be a notable event for you since it adds onto the responsibility and hard work you have dealt with this year. But before that happens, the New Moon will be in the sign of Cancer on the 9th which is going to bring some familiar themes from the current Saturn transit. Your work ethic will be highlighted now, and your bosses or teachers may see you in a favorable light; this Moon is a reminder that hard work and results come with patience and focus. While Mercury is also in Cancer on the 11th, you are going to see how you can prioritize and plan in a more efficient way. Things might have felt scattered for you, but you find grounding energy now as you are able to focus and get things done. The Sun enters Leo on the 22nd, allowing you to focus on healing your relationships and when Mercury enters the same sign on the 27th, the energy this transit brings will be promising for your relationship. Jupiter enters your sign again on the 28th, giving you more optimism and if you needed the positive energy, this transit is going to work wonders for you. Mars will change signs on the 29th, entering the realm of Virgo. Here you might feel a little uncomfortable, as Mars will have you churning through the past, but you will find new ways to break free from any thoughts that might be bringing you down.
Pisces – Water energy can be favorable for you with the New Moon in Cancer on the 9th bringing some positive trines to your sign. Mercury will also add flare to water signs beginning on the 11th, so if you are a creative, this energy can boost your imagination. This month can bring a lot of excitement especially if you are single. Venus will ingress in Virgo on the 21st, making an opposition to your sign but still bringing all its lovable Venusian qualities to the table. If you have thought about the prospects of love, this transit will make your heart flutter and make you daydream more than usual. The next day, the Sun enters Leo, and the Full Moon in Aquarius will occur right after that on the 23rd. You are going to be diving deep into your subconscious, reflecting on topics from earlier in the year. This is your moment for some grounding and optimism, even if things feel a little harsh. Jupiter will return to the sign of Aquarius on the 28th, enhancing the prospect of hope and joy in your life. While in your sign, Jupiter showed us our potential and we will experience more of the abundance and joy later in the year. Finally, Mars enters the sign of Virgo on the 29th, initiating a period where you are going to feel much more motivated to accomplish many things. Just remember not to lose your temper on others.
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heyy! can you give me some advise on what to look for in a birth chart when it comes to long term relationships (any information: when, where, with who etc.) and with ideal career/job (again any information). i know there's a looot of information about it but if you could share some and simplify it a bit i would realyy appreciate it! xx
of course!
I'm trying not to make this too long....but you know me. 🤡 
first house. this is the house of your physical body. where your personality shines through. and yes, this applies to those with saturn conjunct their ascendant screaming I don’t have a personality, I'm just like this. well, whatever. the mannerisms unique to you seep through here. so, having someone's planets in a positive aspect to your first house, indicates someone who approves of the way you conduct yourself. have you seen before those couples who are like....”oh, it’s just the little things they do...” more often that not, they’re talking about the first house. in a house connected to an ego, having someone who likes your little quirks, does wonders for your self-esteem. did I mention, that they will probably find you attractive? not bad at all. for some, looks fade so personality. over. everything. and I get it. I totally do. luckily enough, this house combines both...so uh, win win?
fifth house. this is the house of casual dating and fun. when someone’s planets aspect this house positively it can...well...sometimes make you want to act a fool with them. you can’t help but feel really playful around them and maybe act a lil dramatic, but in the most harmless and super entertaining (or so you hope) way possible. this house is indicative of one’s creativity, too. so in a long-term relationship, when perhaps you want to bring the spark back in a relationship, sometimes you may have to go back to what initially brought you together in the first place. for a lot of people it’s a shared interest in a particularly hobby or perhaps a way of creative expression. date nights can be seen here. but also recreational activities....did someone say netflix & chill?
seventh house. it’s how you view relationships and what you bring to the table. it’s an air house, so things don’t tend to get too emotionally weighty here. but it’s a cardinal house, indicating dynamic movement in this area of life. so when your partner has planets that sit here, it will indicate how you see them. mercury? you could see them as someone who you feel comfortable talking about anything and everything under the sun with. you may feel more willing to talk things out, which is important considering this house is other deemed the house of the shadow. you may enjoy travelling around locally together, too. this house also rules contracts, so positive contacts here could signify you and your partner closing really important and fruitful deals here/wanting to go into business together. 
eighth house. I'm sure you’ve seen or heard couples who are like, “when we first started dating, they were this way...but now they’re like this....” *sharp nudge* “it’s because I'm comfortable with you, dammit!” who knew? oh this house knew. this is you, letting your guard down. this house is where we get to the nitty gritty of how you are in a relationship. we’ve moved from the lightness of the seventh house into a fixed water house where decisions made have ramfiications that can affect us more deeply on an emotional level. like joint accounts or debt that someone is bringing into the relationship. this house shows what you need from an intimate relationship. for example. you have your moon here. this placement often produces a moon who has been through it, but doesn’t necessarily show that. with their SO they will relish being able to be vulnerable, be told it’s going to be OK, that they’re able to lean on someone else’s shoulders for once. someone’s saturn might struggle there initially in synastry. the moon person may want emotional reassurance but the saturn person may act reserved or distant. in this house, you bare your soul in a way so it’s ideal to have someone who accepts all of you. someone’s sun here for example, can help shine light here.
the sun. it’s one’s ego. it’s what drives you forward. aspects to the sun show someone who supports you for you, or someone who may try and dim your light. it can also show how comfortable you feel about being yourself around them as it’s a lil sensitive. 
the moon. the inner child. it shows what you need to feel emotionally cared for. it rules the emotions and it’s helpful, to say the least, to be with someone who gets where you’re coming from. not someone who lets you have your own way unfairly all the time, but at least empathises. the moon fluctuates on a day to day basis, so you can see how important it is. love languages come to mind. 
mercury. if you can’t hold a conversation together, I- .
venus. shows how you express your love. venus in water may be more sentimental. water in earth may be practical about it. what kind of person you’re attracted to is also governed by this planet. venus in fire may be attracted to someone who they are physically stimulated by, but also who has something about them that makes them unique. venus in air may be attracted to someone who makes them see things a different way, or opens them up to new experiences. 
in your birth chart
look to where the ruler of your seventh house is. it will give you information as to how the relationship with evolve over time and also, the partners you choose. for example. let’s say we have a chart with aries rising using whole signs. the sign on the 7th house cusp is libra. venus rules libra. venus in placed in capricorn in the tenth house. so we can say that the ruler of the seventh house is in the tenth house. now with that information, we can see that this person may be attracted to someone who presents themselves as mature, or is older than them in age. they may go for people who are goal-orientated. social standing may be important. “looking good” together, too. it can also show meeting your partner at a work do, for example. you can do for that all the romantic houses, so namely the first, fifth, & eight houses to see how the themes of the house play out in your life.
saturn. whatever saturn touches, it usually sticks. saturn aspecting the dc, moon & venus, ruler of the fifth + eighth house can add a sense of longevity. whether or not the parties in question are agreeable about that is another situation..........
second house. your natural talents. you can look to this house to give you an indication of how you can attract abundance into your life. if fire rules this house, you may just need to go get it. be daring. take a risk. tell yourself nothing can stop you. confidence or the lack of, is important here. 
sixth house. so you've found your talent. in this cadent house, you need to put in the work to nurture your skills if you want to strike out on your own for example. it rules daily habits. let’s say you have scorpio on the sixth house. this indicates that in your day to day life, themes of forgiveness, healing, and self-destruction may come up. it may mean that you have to gethonest about ways you sabotage your efforts through certain rituals or habits. for those of you wanting to move up the career ladder, the sixth house shows you’re ideal work environment. continuing on with this example, let’s add pluto to the mix. so, someone with pluto in scorpio in the sixth house, may prefer to be in small, intimate team, (pluto generally talks of downsizing things) or work alone. they will favour jobs that have a bit of depth to them. maybe they like to research topics that are taboo, or deal with death in some way. they could find themselves helping others in their grieving process for example. last but not least, planets in the sixth house can signify how others see you at your job environment, which I guess is important in a day and age where favouritism can sometimes get you further. whether or not its justified is another question. co-workers fall under this house so they may view someone with their pluto in scorpio as mysterious, intense, enigmatic. scandal and work can become intertwined. 
the tenth house. now it’s time to take your talent and show the world. your biggest goals and dreams for yourself rest at the top of your chart. your legacy can be seen here. what you want to be know for in society. relationships with authority can be seen here too. as it sits opposite the fourth house, for some people with an afflicted planet in the fourth house, it can signify a sort of breaking free from what they view as holding them back when it comes to family. or, it can show taking what we have been given to us by our elders, and going on to do more with it. 
i’m just going to name one i think is underrated.
mercury. “everything in life is a negotiation.” chris voss. (has anyone taken his masterclass?) and...that’s all I have to say on that one.
by no means did I cover everything, but I hope that it was somewhat useful. if anything was unclear let me know and I can clarify for you :)
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Digimon Astrology Journey - 'Head first' buddies: Koushiro & Taichi
So I’m back with some headcanon Digimon Astrology and I’m diving into it head first! Something fierce leader Taichi would do, however he needs his loyal ‘brains’ there with him and that will be Koushiro. Where Koushiro is a thinker, analytical in every way due to his pragmatic Sun and Rising, Taichi is one of action due to his Moon and Rising (and Mars!). However don’t underestimate them, they have some serious airy energy going on, making them vocal, diplomatic and charming in their own individual ways.
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These boys are so different, yet work together very well. They just have a hard time… talking to others or each other about… the complicated, personal specific stuff feelings. Must be the stars, right?
It’s been a while, but you can read back all things Astrology (basics, background, etc.) in previous posts Part 1 | Part 2. Furthermore, exploring Taichi and Koushiro’s birth charts is part 2 of this series, you can read the exploration of Sora and Mimi’s birth charts here.
The important stuff
Koushiro Izumi, August 26th 1989 (around 05.30AM)
Sun: Virgo (earth-mutable)
Moon: Gemini (air-mutable)
Rising: Virgo (earth-mutable)
Taichi Yagami, October 15th 1988 (around 5PM)
Sun: Libra (air-cardinal)
Moon: Sagittarius (fire-mutable)
Rising: Aries (fire-cardinal)
Warning: IT’S VERY LONG! I’m sorry in advance…
A little disclaimer before I start rambling: These are headcanons! Their given birthdays are not canon at all, but just me having fun combining my love for Digimon and my love for Astrology. It can be highly self-indulging, but maybe you can find some truth in it as well! If you want to know how I calculated their birthdays, read my previous posts as stated above. I use these birthdays in my own fanfiction, but feel free to use them as well. Some credit in the form of a reblog, like or mention of these posts and/or my Tumblr would be highly appreciated! See something you want to discuss? I love to learn and talk! As said these are my headcanons, but I’m not afraid to change my mind or to defend what I have if necessary.
Everything charts and the why under read more!
Koushiro Izumi - August 26th 1989
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Assigning the Virgo Sun to this boy was the first thing I did, because I myself am convinced Koushiro Izumi is the embodiment of a true Virgo. I could be wrong, as I did not study Astrology and am a simple hobbyist, but everything I read about Virgos always lead me back to this particular maroon headed anime dork for years now. Hence why I gave him the same Sun and Rising sign, because Koushiro is who he is. Anyway, let me try to convince you.
For starters, here are a few (or actually all the) things about Virgos in general, for both Sun and Rising. Virgos are bright, practical, pragmatic, orderly, respectful, critical, perfectionists, security driven, communicative, tidy, nervous, detail-oriented… Can I stop already? Okay, now pick one of the above and tell me it’s not fitting for Koushiro.
Hm, I know. It’s hard, isn’t it?
Maybe his tidiness is questionable depending on the situation… But the guy is orderly and the chaos only exists in times when his perfectionism takes over. The nervous part from the Virgo can be seen in shyness or even being obedient. All of that makes Koushiro a dedicated friend who would do anything in his power to make everything work for you. Danger is that he will efface himself, thinking he’s not worth as much as the others. This is what happens in Adventure episode 28 right after he solved the card riddle. On the top left corner either the Agumon or the Gomamon is right, but he doesn’t know which one and he apologizes, which is not necessary at all, with: “I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to your expectations,” which is such a Virgo Sun/Rising thing to say..! The Virgo dynamic is alive and kicking.
It’s even more alive and kicking in his other strong Virgo placements: Mercury and Mars. With Mercury in Virgo, Mercury is in it’s sign of its rulership, making it a strong placement. And precisely that planet is the planet of thoughts and knowledge! The combination of his Sun, Rising, Mercury and Mars in Virgo makes him be, engage, think and act like a true Virgo. Detail-oriented, thoughtful, respectful, orderly, practical and curious!
The hardest part for his birthday calculation was his Moon placement. The Moon is all about emotions, needs, wants, behavior, responds, et cetera. I first gave him a Capricorn Moon, but my boyfriend is such a Cap Moon and it didn’t fit the bill for Koushiro in my opinion. So I read and searched and eventually came to the conclusion it had to be an Air sign Moon, simply for the fact that our boy Koushiro is the bearer of the crest of Knowledge and Air signs can be seen as the intellectual ones of the Zodiac! Eventually I went for the Gemini Moon and I’m going to explain why exactly.
One could say Gemini is the bearer of Knowledge just as much as Koushiro is. Gemini LOVE to know things! They are naturally curious and are great communicators, when it comes to knowledge (pun warning if you’ve seen the reboot: they love to bring joy to their knowledge). Gemini tend to be a bit superficial when it comes to having and sharing knowledge and of course we know that’s not the case with our Koushiro here, due to his many Virgo placements, making him more observant and inward. What the Gemini Moon DOES to him is making this boy very talkative! He likes to spill what’s on his mind, he likes to share what he thinks, he likes to ramble and rant. It’s something we see him doing in Tri a lot, especially that one scene in Reunion part 3 (episode 3) where he keeps on rambling about all the strange events and he misses the first part of the conversation between the other DigiDestineds (about the news and Jyou’s ‘girlfriend’ poor guy no one believes him). Koushiro misses the conversation because a) his Gemini Moon likes to ramble and keep rambling, and b) because his Virgo placements can make him a bit unaware of his surroundings quite the time…
That’s not a bad thing per se, Koushiro is just very much focused on his work and d e t a i l s, which is a VERY Virgo-ish trait. But lets not forget that his priority is to help others with that knowledge and that the combination of his Virgo placements with his Gemini Moon makes him a great mentor. Brings me to his role throughout the entirety of Adventure 02: The Mentor. You’re welcome.
Another Gemini Moon thingy is rudeness. Now we know Koushiro is the most polite person out of ALL DD’s, always using honorifics, even saying Hikari-san instead of Hikari-chan, because Koushiro IS respect. But Koushiro is not afraid to tell you what’s at stake in times of ‘danger’, he’s not afraid to tell the truth. There are a few examples for that in Adventure, Adventure 02 and in Tri, but I’d like to refer to one of my favorite moments in whole Digimon Adventure history. Because Koushiro x rudeness brings me back to Diaboromon strikes back when he’s obviously so done with everyone, then Mimi enters the scene and he doesn’t even care. In the English dub she literally says “How rude”. Ooooohhh Koushiro, you little rude demon… It’s not the biggest proof it’s a simple one and my personal favorite.
All of the talkativeness and rudeness is something we mostly see Koushiro doing when he’s most comfortable. So we won’t see him being all talkative all the time -sharing more than just plain, superficial knowledge and instead more personal helpful knowledge- with everyone, but we do see him being talkative and speaking up to certain characters he’s most comfortable with. Now name one boy he’s very talkative to compared with literally all the other characters… You know what? Scroll down.
Last thing and then I’ll stop rambling about this beautiful and lovely nerd. His Venus, planet of values (and love…) is in Libra. What does that mean? Well, I’ve seen quite some fans type Koushiro as a bi-sexual, or something in that direction. Or even better a ‘disaster bi-sexual’. I already agreed on that, but when I saw this birth chart… IT’S (HEAD)CANON! Seriously, Libra is the zodiac sign of doubt, decision making (or actually no decision making, but I’ll get there with the next boy) and relationships and if you have your Venus placed in Libra you’re doomed to be a disaster when it comes to making decisions in your love life both romantically and platonically! Venus in Libra creates the desire for a good and loving relationships, but Koushiro’s Virgo Sun/Rising makes him more shy, his Virgo Mars makes him hold back. Once again, the Virgo Sun/Rising-Libra Venus dynamic lets him efface himself in relationships, thinking they have nothing to offer, but they have!! And so Koushiro gets left behind with his unresolved feelings… the boy has a hard time in love, let’s give him all a hug!
Taichi Yagami - October 15th 1988
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The protagonist. Okay, let me compare this goggle headed protagonist to another goggle headed protagonist outside the Digimon franchise: Naruto. This is probably more interesting to people who have watched and know Naruto, so you can skip the part. To me Naruto is the classical protagonist type; bold, adventurous, playful, (a little) obnoxious at some times, hot headed… These are traits we easily assign to fire signs in the zodiac, especially Aries. So I would immediately give Naruto the Aries Sun placement. However, when we see Naruto grow up, his behavior and the way he speaks and leads grows up with him as well. That’s only natural. And based on those changes I wouldn’t necessarily give Naruto the Aries Sun placements, although the Aries placement or another fire placement is very likely to be present in his chart.
Now I could go even further, explain the development from child to adult through Jung’s theory about cognitive functions, but that’s incredibly complicated and a looooong stretch I won’t be making here today. In short, Jung’s development theory is interesting, because it shows how we first see the obvious traits in a child which are the traits the child engages (Rising sign) the world with before it develops the other functions showing the person’s true identity (Sun sign). So we could say we first see someone’s Rising sign more clearly before the Sun comes shining through. Like with Naruto. And the same could be for Taichi in the case of this headcanon.
To tackle his birth chart and big three, I’ll be starting with explaining his Rising Sign before his Sun sign. And the Rising sign I assigned him is Aries Rising.
Like I said above, Aries is bold, adventurous, playful and above all: courageous. Especially the Aries Rising placement which is more courageous than its Aries Sun counterpart. Aries are born leaders, can be extremely competitive, are somewhat restless and desperately need to move. In Taichi’s case with the above birth chart, that urge to move is magnified by his Aries Mars placement. The dynamic of his Aries Rising and Aries Mars makes Taichi a mover, an adventurer, and incredibly determined. This could be both positively, always wanting the best (especially for yourself, as Aries is a pretty selfish sign), and a tad negatively, always going and going and going. In the Adventure series this could be the reason why he makes Greymon dark-evolve, because he wants things too bad and too fast. Aries are hot headed and can grow impatient if things don’t go the way they want. And the Aries Rising and Mars dynamic makes Taichi a very physical guy. Mix that with the impatience and he is not afraid to pick fights and use his fists.
All of this can make Taichi a very stormy and reckless boy (boundaries? What’s that?), but also a fearless leader. The exuberance, the impatience and restlessness comes back in his Sagittarius Moon placement as well. This Sag Moon in combination with his strong Aries placements in Rising and Mars makes Taichi a sportive, physical, optimistic and forward leader that is incredibly courageous and adventurous, which could make him a bit ‘superficial’ as a protagonist. But the Sag Moon also deepens and strengthens his leader skills.
Sagittarius is a sign pictured by a centaur with an arrow and bow. The centaur’s horse legs make the Sag want to move and be free, but the arrow aims in a clear direction and aiming takes knowledge and focus. Sagittarius thus is an adventurous fella, but also a philosopher. Taichi’s Sag Moon placement makes him a pro in seeing the bigger picture and connecting dots next to his never ending energy. He will make sure we’re going in the right direction by overlooking the whole situation. So we absolutely shouldn’t forget Taichi is a true strategist! He sees, understands what’s at stake in a situation, connects the dots, comes with a strategy and like a true leader knows his team and can place everyone in his right spot to get through the toughest of situations (once again referring to Taichi asking Koushiro to pick the cards in Adventure episode 28). Speaking about a great leader, gosh, Taichi, you’re truly amazing! <3
However, it’s his Aries Rising and Mars that often make him act before he thinks, preferably alone (Taichi is a teamplayer, but the selfish and reckless Aries in him makes him act alone. And the sum of teamplayer + acting alone = self-sacrifice mode… which happens ALL THE DAMN TIME). Or actually makes him act while thinking without doing a short reflection beforehand. Seriously, I’m convinced that this reflection in advance could have saved him a lot of trouble throughout Digimon Adventure. Let’s blame it on (t)his (headcanon) birth chart…
Also, all of the above vouches for Taichi having an amazing intellect, but the guys needs to be challenged… Hence why he’s always staring out of the window during classes in Tri, daydreaming away to where the adventure is. He feels trapped, needs to be outside and should use his intelligence for things he finds important (like saving the digital world, soccer and saving friends and the world). The daydreaming could also be his Libra Mercury who can make Taichi lose his focus and could make him lazy. Luckily Taichi has a very active Aries Mars in opposite aspect from his Libra Mercury that neutralizes that lazy and dreamy Libra Mercury.
Okay, back to topic. Now you maybe think: But if Taichi is good in knowing where to go, being the fearless leader, also an intellect who has the knowledge to aim straight and shoot… then WHY is he so lost, down and in doubt in Tri and so unknowing of his future in Kizuna…??!! I have an answer to that. And that answer is his Libra Sun.
I know I know, this is a very VERY unpopular Sun sign to give this goggle leader, but please hear me out. For starters, Libra is the sign of diplomacy and if we believe the 02’s epilogue what’s Taichi’s job? Right, a diplomat. We also know he studies something like political sciences in Kizuna (which I think is AMAZING and vouches even more for Taichi’s intellect! Politics is a tough study…) and to make it in the political field you really do need diplomacy and charms.
Taichi is an absolute charmer, in my eyes at least. I mean, look at his 02 self! He’s such a smooth charmer in every way… The way he sends off Sora to Yamato while acting all cool and collected, phew, that requires some serious smoothness. And still we often see Taichi depicted as a down and broody boy besides his energetic and bold (sometimes indifferent…) character, especially after Tri. That too could be due to a Libra Sun placement.
Like Sagittarius is depicted by a centaur, Libra is depicted by scales and those scales are all about harmony, balance and justice. Libra is the opposite of Aries in the zodiac, but also about weighing opposites in the sigh itself. When we look at the Aries/Libra opposite placement: where Aries can be quite selfish, Libra as an opposite is the people’s pleaser. Where Aries is reckless and impatient, Libra is thoughtful and patient and one could say that an Aries acts where a Libra waits. Where Aries makes the impulsive decisions, Libra keeps deliberating leading into constant doubt and confusion. And how do we see Taichi in Tri? Ah yes, in doubt and confused.
A Libra Sun desperately wants to bring peace and harmony, driven by justice, in a diplomatic way. Libra Suns are deep thinkers which can make them very doubtful, making them spiraling down into a hole of overthinking and doubts. The Libra Sun-Sag Moon dynamic makes this all even more deep and almost philosophical in a way there will always be more and more questions, but never answers because Libra simply can’t make choices. All while being solution-oriented!
As Taichi grows up from a middle schooler to a high schooler, it’s that doubt coming from the Libra Sun that kicks Taichi hard. It conflicts with his carefree and bold Aries Rising nature and as that Libra Sun comes shining through, we see Taichi becoming more cautious and reserved compared to his younger self. The guy has a strong inner dialogue always looking for the best solutions to please everyone and bring harmony (I wanted to say ‘balance to the world’, yes to all the avatar the last airbender cameos) to the people and world(s in case of the digital world) around him he so desperately wants to protect. This is what we see happening in Tri, where he can’t choose what’s the right thing… Most of the time that inner dialogue is hidden behind his Aries Rising (and Aries Mars and Sag Moon).
So under that tough and courageous Aries Rising demeanor (remember that a Rising sign is all about engaging and how you come across to others) is a very soft, sweet, friendly and overall smart Libra Sun boy who has troubles expressing himself because the boy is in conflict with himself (which we see in the Dark Master’s arc in Adventure where he expresses his concerns towards his sister to Koushiro… it’s so hard for Taichi to let it all out, even when he needs it badly). It’s so sad, he’s such a complicated character, but that’s also one of the most beautiful things about Taichi. He’s layered af. He could be the best listener (Koushiro’s feels this, that’s why Koushiro can talk so open and freely to Taichi, because Taichi lets him thank you Libra Sun) if it weren’t for his strong fire placements opposite from his airy Sun sign. But give the boy time and space and he can show you his charms in a way no one else owns those charms.
So Taichi’s Libra Sun is hidden away most of the time due to his strong Aries placements. Usually his Rising and Sun sign being in opposite aspect from each other, should neutralize the placements, but Taichi’s Aries Mars placement makes the Aries Rising overrule the Libra Sun. Still, we shouldn’t forget Taichi is a softy with a big heart. He just needs the right people around him to get his charm on and Taichi definitely has some great people collected in his life who can help him think and make decisions.
A few things I want to point out before I stop rambling, because this analysis is already WAY too long.
Taichi’s midheaven in Capricorn in combination with his Libra Sun and Aries Rising makes him very ambitious on the intellectual side! Directly aiming for the UN and quickly climbing up the promotion ladder (and being successful like a true Cap, let’s not forget that).
His Mars was in transition from Pisces to Aries during his birth. Which means his Aries Mars is highly influenced by Pisces which could also explain why he spirals down as Pisces Mars has a lot of stormy energy on the emotional side (whereas Aries Mars has stormy energy on the physical side). When this emotional energy comes out negative, it can lead to mental health problems (!!! TRI DEPRESSED!TAICHI), especially when close friends and family (can you feel it coming? The whole Hikari-trauma is a thing) are involved.
His Libra Sun makes him in need of a group of friends and he loves being surrounded by them! Though he doesn’t like to admit that due to his Aries Rising. Taichi is such a conflicted boy…
An end note on these two boys: A heart to heart/hard friendship with a lot of mutual understanding and support <3
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sassysnowperson · 3 years
writer's meme - TY to @r0b0tb0y for the tag!
How many works do you have on AO3?
168 - oh man that's more than I'd realized. I passed 150 and didn't even notice!
What’s your total AO3 word count?
So many.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Since r0b0tb0y and I were just talking about this, I conveniently have a list of all 20 ranked by number of works
134 - Star Wars 7 - Original Works 7 - Marvel 2 - Pirates of The Carribean 2 - The Old Guard 2 - Discworld 1 - Good Omens 1 - Leverage 1 - The Good Place 1 - Avatar: The Last Airbender 1 - Ocean’s 11 1 - Harry Potter 1 - The Goblin Emperor 1 - Gundam Wing 1 - Star Trek: TNG 1 - Hades (Videogame) 1 - Sailor Moon 1 - Russian Doll 1 - Mummy/Wonder Woman crossover
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lol, looking at my top five - it falls into two categories
1. Fics I wrote right at the height of a fandom's popularity that got a massive reader boost because it was the Hot Thing Right Then
2. Star Wars Fix-Its
A Series of Better Decisions - A Padme/Obi-Wan/Anakin SW Prequel Trilogy fix-it where Anakin talks to Obi-Wan and spends Revenge of the Sith in a stressed-out bisexual panic instead of becoming a Space Fascist. He winds up fake-poly-dating Obi-Wan to try to bring down Palpatine, and eventually winds up in a better place due to the power of Quitting Your Job and becoming a househusband.
Galactic Response Time - Captain Marvel - an at the time MCU canon-compliant gen fic that ran the universe forward and explained how Carol really TRIED to show up for all those other crises that happened, but it turns out most of the major MCU disasters only lasted like three days and space is real big, y'all. Featuring Nick Fury cathartically bitching with his Space Bestie.
New Lands for the Living - Fix-it where the sequel trilogy ends Even Worse, Poe goes back in time to mercy-kill the timeline, and much to his dismay winds up married to just-before-Original-Trilogy Luke Skywalker. He has an existential crisis about his own existence, meets some competent women, and starts fixing things.
Life's Little Pleasures - The Good Omens fic where I put all my ace feelings, featuring metaphysical bonding and good scotch.
Flustered - Another Padme/Anakin/Obi-Wan SW Prequel Trilogy fix-it, where Order 66 never happens. Anakin gets some therapy and Padme gets a horrible crush on Obi-Wan.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! I love getting to talk to people about fics, and I so appreciate people making the effort to comment I want to spend some time with them! It's so much easier not to comment, I know.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm this is not my normal wheelhouse. I usually go angst that gets resolved by the end. Let me look to see what the options are.
Okay, I think we've got two contendors: In Waystation an exhausted Poe Dameron crash-lands in a station where a Bodhi Rook that lived and then hid now lives with Baze and Chirrut. There is a little epilgue that implies they're going to meet again, but the bulk of the fic does end with Poe making the decision to go back to the Resistance, and leaving Bodhi behind. Still, I think it's more wistful, rather than angsty.
Time Enough for Mourning takes it though, I think. Davits Draven/Antoc Merrick, that is entirely about Draven mourning the fact that Antoc has died. The end is still, I think, more cathartic than angsty, but it is overall probably the strongest "break out the waterworks" of my fics.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I do occasionally, usually when someone prompts me and I find something in there that makes my brain go!!! I think the strangest is probably The Face Underneath. It's a Cassian Andor/Elim Garak fic where I drag Garak into the Star Wars Universe for a triple drabble series where he is an old mentor of Cassian's.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Mmm, not proper hate. Realtalk, the most devastating one for me was when I posted a fic that the only comment was a spelling critique.
And yes, there was a spelling error, but still, very crushing to have that be the only feedback. (It has since found a few readers that said nice things, very healing :D)
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes! Uh - consensual, between adults, often M/M adults, tho I have written explicit femslash, hetfic, and poly piles. It's usually affectionate, often plays with power dynamics even if it doesn't go into full dom/sub.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that anyone has made me aware of, I've never looked.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Had a request or two, but never been linked the result - so not sure if it didn't happen or if I just didn't get linked. I welcome it!
I have had several fics podficced, and I LOVE that. What a joy! Making a blanket permission statement that allowed podfic is one of the best decisions I've made as a fic author. Suddenly, Podfic!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Once or twice! I like the idea of doing it, but follow-through is hard. Hoping to do some co-writing soon though, so we will see!
What’s your all time favourite ship?
Sorry, unrepentant multi-shipper here. I like possibilities, and finding the story that will bring people together, more than one specific thing.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I don't have ANYTHING I've given up on, but there are a few fics in my unpublished drafts that were beautiful ideas, and really struggled to become contained stories. They all want to be sprawling things, and I have not felt sprawling-thing-writing passionate about those ideas. But, you never know! Inspiration may strike.
What are your writing strengths?
I'd say character voice, along with that, dialogue. Also humor moments that still have real weight and don't undercut the story, as well as straight comedy writing.
What are your writing weaknesses?
You see, I, uh, do this thing where I don't really end a sentence - I think about ending it, I even assume, at some point while I'm writing that I have ended it; I have not and it meanders, persistently, until I have constructed a whole paragraph made out of one chain of words and a hodgepodge of punctuation.
Also the thing where I accidentally use an unusual word five times in one paragraph because my brain has grabbed onto it like an excited puppy and keeps offering it up as the Perfect Word.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I love having multilingual characters. When writing, I tend to keep all the words in English and use dialogue tags to denote language shift - unless I am inventing the language, or have a speaker of that language willing to beta the bits to make sure I don't mess them up too badly.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Actually wrote and posted? Rogue One.
Fandom of my heart my younger self spun out stories in my imagination about? Where if I had my own computer and easy access to a fic archive they almost certainly would have become spectacularly earnest fics?
ReBoot and Sailor Moon. The Sailor Moon was an AU that took place on the sun and they all had kick-ass horses. Baby Sass knew what was up.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Nope, sorry, can't pick, love them all in different ways for different reasons.
Tagging: @semisweetshadow, @anamelesstraveler, @jules-of-the-crown - and generally if you follow me and want to do it, do so and tag me in it!
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jeongi · 5 years
tell me no lies | jjk (m)
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↣ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | ceo!jungkook x robber!reader
↣ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 15.1k
↣ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 | ceo au. criminal au. robbers au. angst. smut. minimal fluff.
↣ 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | explicit language and sexual content. oral sex (f + m receiving), unprotected sex (pls use condoms u fools), creampie, gagging, hair pulling, fingering, dirty talk, biting/marking, mild spanking, choking, multiple smut scenes.
↣ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | You chose to rob your boss, however; you never expected to fall in love with him.
↣ 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛 | this is part of the ‘under fire’ collab for @btssmutclub‘s summer project! 
↣ 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | tell me more lies  
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You can hear Jimin attempting to stifle his laughter behind a cough, his pink bangs being the only thing you can see of him from the ground. His attempt to do so is futile, and Jungkook’s glare only sears daggers at him before the doe-eyed boy is hovering above you, alarmed and equally bewildered. 
You’re splayed onto the office floor playing possum, thanking the heat of the summer mixed with the beaming flare of fluorescent lights above you to have worked together in aid of a successful performance- conjuring up one single droplet of sweat to roll down your forehead. You know this ruse is beyond stupid, but if your luck holds out, you’re certain your plan will work out seamlessly.
“Are... you okay?” Jungkook asks, head tilted, genuine concern marked in the furrow of his eyebrows and an indecisive hand coming to rest on your arm. You almost huff in annoyance, trying to remember why in the world you agreed to do this (because this certainly was not in your itinerary for today). Of course, it was Jimin’s plan to fake a collapse- quite frankly a wonder on your end how he even managed to convince Namjoon and Yoongi to accompany you on this mission. Ramping up your acting skills, you muster whatever dignity you have remaining to sell this performance. With your eyes rolling back, a wrist coming up to your forehead and a dramatic sigh falling past your lips, you wail in fake pain.
“Jungkook, I-I don’t feel well at all, I think…I think—”
“You should go home if you’re feeling ill.”
“No!” Both you and Jimin shout in protest but your synchronicity only causes more suspicion to arise with another glare thrown at the pink-haired boy- this time from you.
You fake a cough. “No, no, I have a duty…as your uh, assistant, so a nurse or something will suffice just fine...”
Jungkook studies you with great intent, lips pursing when you send him a subtle stretch of your lips. Upon seeing your coy smize, his eyebrows relax as he swipes a tongue on the inside of his bottom lip- an effort to keep himself from chuckling. With a tilt of one eyebrow, he clears his throat as he speaks. “Well, the nearest hospital is an hour’s drive away…I think I have a first aid kit in my office. We’d better get you looked at there,” his voice is laden with sham worry. First aid for a faux faint. You almost snort at how convincing he’s trying to be, playing his part to his best efforts. Extending a welcoming hand towards you, he helps you off the floor and after another dramatic moment, you take it. He pulls you up gracefully and you don’t fail to take notice that he never seems to let the hand go as he leads you off the office level. Jimin only watches you from his desk.
An elevator ride and two flights of steps later, the pair of you confidently stride into Jungkook’s office. You’ve long since abandoned the medical spell charade, his hand releasing your own before he closes the door behind him. You sit on the edge of his desk, crossing your legs patiently, listening for the gentle click of the lock.
“We can’t be too long. I think they’re starting to catch on,” Jungkook says as he turns his attention to you, unbuckling his leather belt with an emphasized leisure. His white shirt is hugged against his taut chest, the faintest outline of his muscles shadowed against the sunlight beaming into the room. You grin and slide off the desk before flopping to your knees. You’ve done this countless times, more times than you can remember and although you have ulterior motives today, you still want him buried inside you. The thought is so alluring already, you nearly moan out loud. You can’t seem to recall the exact moment this had started but you know it had come a long time since it had. Perhaps sleeping with your boss while simultaneously planning to swindle him had started to slant the flow of time, skewing certain events together- you didn’t know, nor did you really want to think about it.
As Jungkook walks towards your eager figure, you’ve forgotten your train of thought, reaching for his belt instead. You forget things often when you’re with him. Pushing his hands aside, you unlatch the leather on your own. Jungkook watches you with intent, the slightest jut of his jaw as you slide the belt out of the loops and tug at his zipper. “I don’t mind that.” This response only makes him release a heavy breath from above you, a smile curving at the edge of his lips as he closes his eyes with a nod. You hate to admit the truth, knowing full well everyone in the office most definitely is acquainted with your little affair. Though to both of you, it has become much more than just that- hasn’t it? You brush off the thought.
Jungkook leans against his wide mahogany desk and helps you discard his pants. Just as the fabric falls past his knees, you take this opportunity to cling the plastic of his access card between the grasp of your second and third digit. It hangs by a singular lanyard clip, the young CEO being all too naive with valuable belongings; you can’t quite decide if he’s humble or too trusting. You feel the shame that you are amongst the people he must trust the most but you’ve endlessly tried to convince yourself that you’re doing this for a good reason. While his eyes remain closed, you unclip the keycard and slip it into the back pocket of your own pants. The card looks similar to yours and so, you replace his with your own as planned- the only difference being that his keycard gains exclusive access to his office. The guilt hits you once more, an afterthought of mindful reasoning behind your actions. Jungkook had become an addiction to you, your personal elixir that never seems to run out. It was truly a dynamic that had blindsided you completely. You’re sure if the others found out about this, you’d be at the mercy of your teammate’s ceaseless teasing and hazing. However there was no denying it, Jungkook had grown on you. Unexpected as it was, it was nevertheless welcome. You muse that it’s replicant of a modern-day Romeo and Juliet- a pair of forbidden lovers. But in this playscript, you’re not Jungkook’s fair sun that kills the envious moon; you’re merely the poison that takes his life. And with that notion, you return your gaze to his eyes, your thumbs skimming the waistband of his boxers.
Jungkook senses your hesitance, head tilting to the side as he brushes a thumb along your cheek. “What’s on your mind?”
You bite your lip. “You, your cock...how much I want you.” Which isn’t a complete lie, you’re most definitely thinking about that as well- amongst other things. You kiss the growing tent within the fabric of his boxers and Jungkook’s fingers immediately gravitate to the lush of your hair, head rolling forward. You’re surprised to find him already hard against your touch, his striking member casting a frighteningly implicative bulge within the confinements of his boxers. You run your fingertips over the fabric, feeling the muted curves of his cock against your nails. A shiver ripples through him almost violently.
“You’re so pretty,” Jungkook mumbles, tilting his head down, eyes cast on you and awaiting the warmth of your ready mouth. The silver hoops hanging off his earlobes dangle, gleaming against the sunlight poking through his window blinds. He truly looks breathtaking like this, hair fluffy and curled- dark against his honey skin. You feel your chest swell, pushing the thoughts of your grand swindle to the back of your mind because for now, you must please this man. You find yourself in brief reminiscence, reminding yourself of the first time you were on your knees before him like this- recalling the zeal in his actions months ago when he first demanded your intimacy. His face wears a look you’ve become accustomed to seeing fairly often, even more so given your current endeavours. It is trademark Jungkook: a drop in his near impenetrable defences, a true vulnerability. One that as of late, you’ve discovered your proficiency in routinely exploiting. You let his cock spring free from the boxers he’s still adorning, your eyes meeting his once more. Hair parted in the centre, his dark curls cling to the nape of his neck and hangs over his forehead; you reckon Jungkook needs a haircut soon.
He draws a hiss between his teeth as you trace a vein up his shaft with your tongue, his fingers gripping tighter into your hair. The point of your tongue nudges against the underside of his shaft and Jungkook can only curse silently under his breath. It’s when you fill your mouth with his girth that he lets out a whimper, capturing the plump of his bottom lip between his teeth. “Fuck, _____.” He stutters, along with his hips as they push forward to fill your tongue even further. Your hands instinctively grabble for his waist, fingertips digging into his hips as he thrusts deeper. When you feel him hit the back of your throat, your nose brushing against the hem of his shirt, you gag. Your throat clenches around him with the movement, his hips stilling as he feels you swallow again. Jungkook groans, throwing his head back, continuing a pattern of thrusts to break more gags out of you.
This time, he doesn’t make an effort to pull out, head falling forward to take in the sight of you stuffed to the brim of your lips with his cock. His breath hitches as he feels you swallow around him, teeth sucking in his bottom lip as a thumb caresses the apple of your cheek. Sliding your hand from his waist, down to his scrotum, you gently grasp them in your hold and Jungkook nearly loses his vision from the feeling. He rolls his hips out once more, granting you the privilege of air before he’s stuffing his cock right back into your mouth. “Y-yeah, just like that baby, so pretty with your lips around my cock- fuck.” He grunts, hips gyrating between shallow and deep thrusts. You feel strings of saliva spilling out of the corner seams of your mouth, your throat constricting around his head as he pushes to the back of your gullet. Jungkook pulls out only when he sees the whites of your eyes glaze over with a sheen of fresh tears. You gasp, gratefully with air but with a single swirl of your tongue, you take him in again.
His grip on your hair is tight, eyes locked to yours. Jungkook pushes your head along with the tempo of his hips and you can only moan against his shaft. The vibrations edge him closer to his undoing but Jungkook doesn’t want to finish in your mouth; he wants to feel you. Releasing his grip from your hair, he pulls out of the harness of your mouth, dragging you up to place a messy kiss onto your lips. He doesn’t care for the coat of saliva messily sheened around your mouth as he fervently kisses against it. One hand placed on your waist, and the other cupped to your cheek, he grazes your bottom lip with his teeth before gently biting down. He kisses you once more, soft this time and you can’t help the small yelp that escapes you when he twists you until your back is flush against his back. He grazes the shell of your ear, fingers playing with the waistband of your pants.
“Can I take these off?” You moan in approval, eyes widening as he practically rips the fabric down your legs- along with your panties. You’re now bare, ready for him to indulge in you as you’re urged to bend over his desk with your chest squished against the wooden top. Jungkook skims down your body, a finger tracing down the divot of your spine to the curve of your ass. You shiver against the touch, your lids dropping as you feel a hand grab at the meat of your right cheek. “Beautiful.” He crouches to his knees, eye level with your exposed and sopping cunt. Using both hands, he spreads your ass, humming in appreciation before he’s tentatively dragging his finger between your folds. You’re already so wet, he doesn’t even need to acknowledge it out loud, instead, steadying a digit into you. You exhale a very long breath, resting your cheek against the surface of his desk as he pumps a few times, adding another finger. The stretch of them fills you with greater need and when Jungkook begins a scissoring motion, you whine, pushing your hips back for more.
“J-jungkook...please,” you beg him, eyes rolling back when he alternates between scissors and powerful drags. He shushes you, instead, lips puckering to kiss your outer thigh before softly biting on the flesh. You don’t expect it to turn you on as much as it does, something about it so carnal, it leaves the wind knocked out of your lungs. And then he’s soothing his bite with a drag of his tongue, slowly, consciously moving closer to your needy heat with his fingers continuing to curl into you. You grip the edge of his desk, waiting to feel the delve of his tongue lick you clean but instead, he retrieves his fingers, standing up to his feet. The whine that leaves you rumbles a chuckle from his chest and when you make an effort to lift your body from his desk, an assertive hand keeps you back down.
“Be an angel and cum on my dick first, baby.” You clench- seemingly around nothing and that frustrates you even more. You can’t be frustrated too long, not when you feel the warmth of his hard cock slap against your ass. His broad hands hold the base before he’s nudging your soaked lips apart with the tip of his cock.
However, just as he’s about to push the blunt head past your folds, the rattle of your phone blares disturbs your heated moment, followed by a soft pound at Jungkook’s door. You want to audibly groan in annoyance but you find yourself unable to expel your vexation as he places an apologetic kiss to your shoulder. “Shit,” he speaks under his breath. “Sorry, babe.” His warm breath tickles your skin as he whispers, clearing his throat to mask the moan that nearly escapes him when you purposefully sway your hips against his shaft. It’s mostly out of frustration. The sound that follows the slap to your cheek echoes across the room and you bite your tongue because surely, whoever is outside of the door had heard it. Who were you kidding? They’d probably heard all of it from the beginning. The warmth of Jungkook’s body leaves you as he searches for his discarded clothing. You do the same, reaching down for your pants as your fingers swiftly move to silence your ringing phone.
As you glance down towards your phone, tugging the pants up your legs, Namjoon’s name flashes upon the screen. You decide to decline for now, ready to deliver your successful purloin in person instead. Although, this isn’t even the final heist. You feel a pull at your arm, ripping your gaze away from your phone and your mouth is instantly caught by Jungkook’s. Your eyes flutter closed, the kiss unexpected against your lips. Of all that could have captured your heart, he’s the starcrossed tale you’ve kept hidden for too long; your own Montague. He’s pulling away from your mouth all too quickly, now taking your hand in his before placing a kiss to your knuckles. “I’m so sorry,” he repeats against the skin and when he raises his head, you stifle a giggle at his swollen pout, a tint of cherry red marking it from your own lipstick. You swipe your thumb over the pillows of his lips, showing him your stained thumb as you pull away. Jungkook’s doe eyes are wide as realization daunts on him, but soon they’re settling into half-moons, crows feet forming by the outer corners of his eyelids as he simply beams a set of perfect teeth. “I’ll call you tonight?” You offer a smile back, followed by a curt nod. Of course, he can call you tonight, he’s called you almost every night this week.
Releasing the grasp on your hand, he walks over to his door, carding his slender fingers through his hair and you mimic his actions, smoothing your hair down in hopes that it doesn’t look completely fucked. As you walk out of Jungkook’s office, not bearing to make eye contact with whoever decided to interrupt your unholy rendezvous, your thumb is punching in your passcode to your phone before you’re texting Jimin that you’ve successfully gotten the keycard. Namjoon calls once more at the end of your shift and this time you pick up, ready to deliver the good news.
“Where did you go? We lost track of you- is everything okay?” His baritone voice rings through with the slightest tone of panic. You sigh, shrugging on the strap of your purse as you rush down the flight of stairs that lead to the parking garage. You can faintly see the shoulder of Jimin poking from behind the wall as you reach the very bottom. He’s leaned against the door, head twisting in your direction when he hears the scuffle of your shoes and the echo of your voice.
“Everything's fine,” you state, letting Jimin open the door for you. You’re in a rush as the pair of you make way towards his silver Sedan. He watches as you extract the plastic keycard from your back pocket, a grin beaming at the revelation. “I got what I came for.”
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All you wanted was to pay off your goddamn student loans.
That’s all any of you had ever wanted.
It was no secret when people thought of you, they immediately put the five of you together. You were joint by the hip, each other’s parity since freshman year of high school. Hell, you had even gotten into the same damn university- your legacy moving on even after you graduated. Namjoon, the medical student, Yoongi, the computer science genius, Jimin the—
“What did you take in college again?” You ask Jimin as you pull yourself out of your own reverie. You’ve been zoning in and out of the present, your bottom lip surely bruised from how much you’ve been chewing through it. Jimin is sat on Yoongi’s bed across the room from you, and you’re comfortably sunken into a red bean bag chair as your fingers mindlessly play with a Hoberman sphere. He sighs with such a magnitude of exasperation, you can faintly feel his breath hit you.
“For the hundredth time, _____- I took forensic sciences- why do you make me repeat that every few months?” You simply enjoy teasing him because you know he only took it for half a semester. He rolls his eyes at your grin, attention returning to the copy of Romeo and Juliet in his right hand. Oh, the irony. You’re almost positive he’s not even reading it. Namjoon, on the other hand, is restless, pacing back and forth behind Yoongi who is huddled over his desk. His mop of blond hair stick over his chair as he diligently works through a list of equations and codes flashing on his computer screen. Jungkook’s keycard lays beside the keyboard, a carbon copy card placed right next to it.
“He’s gonna find out soon y’know- that his card is missing? He’s not a complete idiot.” You scrunch the sphere in your fingers before retracting it once again. Namjoon simply ignores you. It’s only been a week since you’ve taken it.
“That’s why we’re making a replica and besides, the guy’s office has been unlocked the entire week- he’s too trusting.” Jimin chimes in unnecessarily and you feel that pang of guilt settle back in. You too had thought the same when you had initially stolen it. Though, Jimin insists that you’ve simply “borrowed” it. You’ll give it back as soon as Yoongi pens a duplicate.
“Can you guys just stop talking?” Namjoon snaps, eyes narrowing towards the computer screen as he leans over Yoongi’s shoulder. He’s tense, has been the whole time you’ve had this meetup and you wonder if he’s just as nervous as you are now that your plans are about to be set into motion. Tomorrow. The heist is tomorrow. “How much longer?” His impatience oozes from him and you watch as he squints at the lines of numbers and letters strewn together on the screen. You scoff, though you wouldn’t put it past Namjoon to actually know what the hell all the coding meant- he’s far too brilliant for his own good. He was the one who started this whole stratagem anyway, cultivated a ploy for you guys to make easy money. First, it was RED Hotel, founded by CEO Kim Seokjin. Although an honest man, his partner had been laundering most of their funds towards their own personal gain. By the power of Namjoon’s mind and Yoongi’s ability to hack almost any system, your team had managed to successfully swipe the illegal funds.
Yoongi huffs a breath, shrugging Namjoon off his shoulder as he continues typing away, programming the empty card. “I don’t know, you’re breathing down my neck and it’s a million fucking degrees in here- I might faint.”
“Joon, will you just relax? Let him be in his element.” Jimin prompts, hopping off the bed as he places a hand on Namjoon’s shoulder. He’s much too short to reach it comfortably, having to slant his torso and stretch as far as he can. The image makes you giggle while you watch them bicker back and forth for a few more moments before you’re submerged back into your thoughts.
“You know, when I told you to shut up, I didn’t actually mean it.” You’re pulled away from your thoughts again as Namjoon’s coffee breath hits you. Lowering his gaze, he focuses in on the toy in your hands before he’s crouching in front of you. A hand comes to your shoulder in comfort. “Please tell me what’s wrong?” You think he sees the gulp drift down your throat, your eyes growing visibly wider. Namjoon sighs, fingers squeezing your shoulder. “C’mon, you’ve been quiet all day, what’s going on?”
And before you can even process what’s coming out of your mouth, you’re saying it. “Don’t you think there’s a better way?” Oh God, the silence. You can feel the head of Jimin turn towards you and Yoongi’s as his chair squeaks with a swivel.
“What?” The hand on your shoulder drops beside him and you force your gaze to meet Namjoon’s. You don’t know why you continue, but you do, unable to stop the words rolling off your tongue.
“To make money,” you continue. “Don’t you think there’s another way?”
Namjoon lets out a scoff, raising to his feet as his lips press together in an attempt to already calm himself down. “Like what?” The question is rhetorical and it slaps against you, echoing against the walls. You swear you see Jimin flinch from the corner of your eye.
You try again. “I-I don’t know,” You too raise to your feet, resting the Hoberman sphere on the night table beside you. “We could start our own business or something! Namjoon, I’m tired of this. It’s exhausting, and not to mention completely wrong.” When you look at him, he’s seething, the faintest flare to his nostrils. Your eyes flicker towards Jimin who takes a step towards you but you stop him with a raise of your hand.
“Do you think we have time to build a business?” Namjoon scoffs again. “_____, what’s gotten into you all of a sudden?” You regret opening your mouth instantly because even you know that there’s more reasoning behind your outburst. “Did you forget why we’re doing this? Who we’re doing this for? Does Hoseok-”
“Hoseok wouldn’t want this for him!” You shrill louder than expected, another wave of guilt washing over you for screaming at your best friend. “What were we going to do? Miraculously pay off his medical bills and expect him to be cured? Fuck, Joon, even the doctors don’t know what the fuck is wrong with him.” You find yourself panting as the words leave you, fingers shooting up to card through your hair. Another silence falls against you, thick against your entire body. The air feels as if you could jackhammer through it with no avail.
“We’re not giving up on him.” Yoongi is the one who speaks this time and your eyes immediately drop to the floor in defeat. “We’ve never given up on each other.” His words hit you like a kamikaze, heavy against your chest. You feel as if you’ve just been punched by him, and you’d reckon actually getting punched by Yoongi would be less painful than his words. The lump in your throat becomes seemingly harder to swallow. You know they’re right. And you know you sound like a shitty friend. All of this is had always been for Hoseok.
What had started off as a simple heist, a small gathering of five lost college students freshly graduated and balls-deep in student debt, swiftly evolved into so much more. Hoseok. The fifth of your group had gotten sick. Really sick. It had transformed into something far more personal, a change of events that wholly challenged your capabilities- giving you new pursuits to follow. After months of experimental medication and surgeries, there were still no answers as to what exactly happened to him- and alas, the bills to save your best friend had inevitably piled up. And since, you’ve made a pact, an oath to protect your friend and each other, together.
Namjoon speaks again. “What’s really bothering you?” His question grips your core and slams you to the ground because you hate that he knows something more is wrong. They’re your best friends after all, you shouldn’t be hiding things from them.
“Nothing. I’m just getting cold feet I guess…” You finally force yourself to look up. Namjoon’s jaw is jutted, lips pressed in a firm line. “I’m nervous that something will go wrong.”
“I’ve blueprinted and revised the plan for months, any potential wrong- I’ve covered it. You know this,” he steps forward, both hands now coming to rest on your shoulders has his eyes invade yours in search of something, anything. “So what’s going on?” You nervously glance at Jimin for what seems like the hundredth time within the past however long this shitshow began. Truth be told, he’s the only one who knows; he’d caught your secret before it had even begun. Jimin warms you with a reassuring smile, egging you to relay your confession. Perhaps he too knew that you were deeper in this situation with Jungkook than you had initially thought. You brace yourself, taking into consideration that you’re an adult and you have control over your own life. You could almost laugh at your own thoughts, who were you kidding?
Inhaling a sharp breath, you give yourself a nod. “Jungkook,” you start, gaze switching from Namjoon to Jimin and then Yoongi. “I-I...uh,” Oh no. “He...we...” You need not finish the words, it hits them. Namjoon more than Yoongi, who simply frowns with a shrug of his shoulders as if to say ‘it could be worse’. Namjoon opens his mouth to speak but quickly closes it, flabbergasted by your unofficial confession. Your eyes are pinned to the ground, feeling his hold on you drop once more. You truly wish the floor would swallow you in this moment. You clench your fists, pressing your lips together.
“You’ve been...” He presses his lips together before starting again. “With him?” It’s so awkward, you now wish the floor would swallow Namjoon too. “I told you to flirt with the guy, not fuck him.” His words slice through and you urge yourself to meet his gaze, a scoff falling past your lips.
“What exactly does ‘distracting him’ mean to you, Namjoon?” That’s all it had started as. A distraction. Perhaps for the both of you, as unconventional as it was, and now...now—
“Are you out of your goddamn mind?” Namjoon is seething and for what exact reason, you’re unsure of. He drags his palms over his face, an exasperated sigh leaving him when Yoongi cuts in, voice stoic, cool as ice.
“Huh...talk about sleeping with the enemy…” God, you’d like a permanent leave of absence- from life. Your cheeks are surely painted crimson with sheer chagrin, forefinger and thumb coming up to stroke along the bridge of your nose as the weight of the situation becomes a reality.
Now Jimin is speaking up for the first time. “The guy’s hot, have you seen him?” He throws his arms up in defence when Namjoon seers him with a glare. “I had to sit next to him in class for a whole year while trying to convince myself I wasn’t gay… I’m still not completely sure I’m not to be honest and besides, the plan is still moving forward- we’re just a little on edge...all of us.” You remind yourself to stop teasing Jimin about being pointless like you always do. You shoot him a grateful smile. He’s definitely not wrong about the nerves; granted, you’re more nervous than anyone else.
Namjoon clenches his jaw, speaking slowly, cautiously. “You need to get it through your head that with or without you, this is happening. There’s more at stake here than your little…fling.” You know he hates what he’s said because he draws a hiss between his teeth, eyes softening when he offers a tight-lipped smile. It doesn’t quite reach his eyes as he must’ve hoped though. Somehow, the word ‘fling’ stings you, wondering if that’s how Jungkook saw things too.
But you can’t shut up the part of you that might have thought he’s right, no matter how seemingly insignificant. Somehow, you’re filled with a second wind of sorts, devoid of uncertainty. You know yourself. You know yourself well enough to know that you’re not going to turn your back on Hoseok- especially not over a boy you’ve only known a few months. You just couldn’t do that.
With a nod of your head, the stiff tension that choked the room almost evaporates as Namjoon grins, hand coming up to roughly tousle your hair. You whine audibly, slapping his hand away before the vibration of your phone tears your attention away.
It’s Jungkook.
5:34pm [Jungkook]: Let me take you out tonight.
And suddenly, just like that, your certainty vanishes.
You catch yourself musing about what it would be like had Hoseok not gotten sick. Would everything be normal? Was there even such a thing as a normal? You’re a criminal and although Namjoon would reprimand you for even thinking that, you know that you’re right. He’d rather label you lot as “vigilantes,” before Yoongi’s bound to cut him off with a lengthy speech about labels having been rendered useless in today’s society. ‘If we’re going to be criminals, we’re gonna be lawful ones,’ he’d once said, followed by a vocal discourse on being allowed to be whoever the hell you wanted to be.
Following that, with Jimin’s help, you landed a job with an old classmate of his, the guy being Jeon Jungkook himself. The CEO had hired you personally to work as his assistant at GFC, his film production company. You had even joked with the others that it was security money, just enough to pay off your living expenses. What you hadn’t expected was a proposal from Namjoon and Jimin. They had “coincidentally” been planning this for months- you’d even guess close to a year. Through the grapevine, Jimin had heard of a partnership that had been manifesting for ages. A massive merger with another production company called Gemini Pictures. It would launch GFC as one of the biggest film production titans in the business and if sold, it would bring you millions ... $2.5 million to be exact.
It was certainly more than enough to pay off your student loans, and it gave the slightest glimmer of hope towards a potential cure for Hoseok’s affliction. How could you ever say no to that? It most certainly had not been in your interests to get involved with Jungkook more than just as his assistant. You hadn’t planned to start an intimate relationship, nor had you expected to feel more. Did you feel more? Your head is beginning to pound, your chest tightening as the feeling of disgrace rumbles through you once again. What were you even doing with yourself?
You shake your head and close your eyes tight, trying to force the thoughts out. They first persist, but then eventually yield, a certain gloomy calmness filling you once more. This isn’t exactly a date-night headspace you want to be in right now… But it may be time to get your shit together.
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Jungkook picks you up at eight o’clock on the dot. You can’t control your laughter when you see him donning a heavily patterned blue Hawaiin shirt to match his white shorts. His hair is wavy, dark against the setting sun and he’s grinning at you, the faintest indents of his dimples marking his cheeks. He did tell you to dress ‘extra’ casual tonight and you still don’t have a clue as to where you’re going.
Your leg bounces as he drives you to the mysterious destination. The soft thrum of jazz oozes through the car speakers as Jungkook’s fingers drum against his steering wheel with the beat. You twiddle your fingers on your lap, freezing as you feel the palm of his hand rest on the expanse of your exposed thigh. Normally, you’d be itching for him to raise them a little higher, to feel his slender fingers against you but nothing about this particular action infers sensuality. It’s a welcome motion, and you feel the all-too-familiar butterflies flutter once more. When you relax your shoulders, your head twists to view him. Though it’s darkening, the light from the lamp posts you’re driving through brush Jungkook’s face in ribbons. The shadows outline the curve of his ‘J’ nose and the sharp cut of his jaw. His eyes are focused on the road, a soft smile painted warmly across his face as he senses your blatant ogle.
“You’re tense,” he says, giving your bare leg a gentle squeeze. “Something on your mind?”
“S-sorry,” you stutter, ripping your gaze away and dropping to your lap. “This is just nice...really nice.” You admit, silently thanking the coat of shadows that overtake the sure blush that’s painted your cheeks. Your earlier thoughts seem to return, sitting at the back of your mind but they’re soon interrupted as the car rolls to a smooth stop. A low thump of carnival music is heard, followed by the painful shriek of children screeching with joy. Your head instantly shoots up, your vision encompassed by the sight of colourful lights, people, tents and a giant Ferris wheel beaming a million watts of light into the moon-kissed night. Jungkook puts the car in gear, pulling the parking brake before he unclips his seatbelt.
“Well,” he exhales almost nervously as he slowly turns to you. “We’ve arrived.” The cheeky bastard. You don’t answer, preoccupied with awe at the summer festivities ahead of you. Pausing for a moment, Jungkook regards you, a brief smile adorning his face before he exits the car and moves to the passenger side. Ever the perfect gentleman, he opens the door for you, and you’re hit by the scent of popcorn and fried goods as he helps you step out of the car. Your stomach immediately grumbles and you’re certain he had heard it too. You also note that Jungkook really enjoys holding your hand, never releasing it since helping you out of his car. When he does release it, he’s itching to touch you again, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to pull you in for a kiss against your temple.
You take in every bit of the environment around you, the obnoxiously loud music that blares from the game booths you pass by, the smell of deep-fried corn dogs and the various costume figures prancing around the fairground. When he pays for your tickets (much to your dismay and resistance), he makes a beeline towards the burger vendor. “Not only did I hear your stomach let out an imprisoned Wookiee— I felt it transfer through your bones to me.” He’s beaming at you when you throw your head back in laughter.
That’s not the only way Jungkook manages to win over your heart throughout the night. He quite literally wins you over once more with a stuffed penguin, spending what felt like an eternity going after every 10-year old that challenged him at bottle tossing. Six games later, you have a penguin the size of a toddler in your arms, and a Jungkook around your waist.
“What should we name it?” You scoop a spoonful of strawberry ice cream into your mouth as you two walk through the fairground hand in hand.
“Lyara,” Jungkook replies simply.
You cock your head to the side. “Lyara? Oddly...human.” your eyes narrow towards him. “Is that the name of your secret mistress or something? Why Lyara?” You jab, a grin beaming from you as he laughs. You see the familiar indents crinkling around the outer corners of his eyes while he shakes his head no.
“What kind of pervert would name their kid after their mistress?” You’re laughing again, shoving another spoonful of ice cream into your mouth as you nod in agreeance. He shrugs. “I dunno, it’s pretty. For a future daughter.” You pause in your steps, arching a brow his way.
“You’re telling me this penguin is our kid?” He’s laughing again, this time his head of curls bouncing with the shake of his shoulders.
Unfortunately, all you manage to win Jungkook is a bright blue plastic ring. Regardless, he wears it for the rest of the night, demanding that it matches his shirt. The guilt brewing in your chest foams as he joins you in your second ice cream cone of the night. You have an inkling that he senses something is wrong, not letting you stray far into your thoughts as he sneaks you behind tents to secretly make out. It’s when his fingers brush over the front of your jeans shorts that you start tugging him away from the shadows, insisting that you’ve had enough public sex for your own good. Of course, he insists that it’s only public if people see. You’re sure that he’s wrong.
The final event Jungkook takes you to is the great behemoth of a Ferris wheel whose lights illuminate the entire fairground. You don’t feel as if you deserve it when the night’s fireworks pop and flitter just as you reach the top. But you find yourself unable to watch them as Jungkook’s fingers weave into your hair lovingly, pushing aside stray clumps and tickling your scalp before placing a kiss against your lips.
It’s a welcome kiss, sprinkled by a heavy sense of displacement. You find yourself asking if you’re genuinely present.  There’s no sexual intent behind this one, only knocking the breath out of from its rawness. He pulls away, forehead resting against yours.
“The moon’s beautiful tonight, but… I don’t think it’s the prettiest thing tonight,” he says as his eyes rest on yours. You’re speechless for a moment, eyes wide and blinking towards him before you’re breaking into a fit of laughter. His cheesy antics get the best of you, unable to stop the bubble of giggles spilling out of you. Too goddamn cheesy. Jungkook laughs with you, leaning in for another kiss and your teeth clash as you both grin, lips eventually finding each other.
The ride starts to move again.
It begins to drizzle when you reach the parkade of the carnival and by the time you reach your house, Jungkook is pulling out your penguin in defence against the heavy sheets of rain. You both run to your porch in giggles, Jungkook content to walk you to your door. Once in the shelter of your front porch, he hands you back the stuffed animal, tightly clutching it between your arm and your chest. Lyara is drenched at the moment- but so are the two of you. His dark hair sticks to his forehead and runs droplets down his neck. Despite it all, he’s still incarnate beauty.
“Thank you,” Jungkook says, taking you by surprise. What could he be possibly thanking you for? You capture your bottom lip as you smile, feeling the tickle of wet hair drop down the sides of your cheek.
“No, thank you.” Standing on your tiptoes, you’re quick to peck his cheek. “Tonight was...magical.” You’re trying to lag, not wanting this night to end. As you say your last goodbyes, Jungkook places a kiss against your forehead, holding you in place as if he’s hesitant to let go. He says his final farewell and you’re jiggling your keys into the lock before Jungkook is twisting you around to grab your face and kiss you hard against his lips.
You feel as though you’ve been transported years ago, to some now well forgotten high school memory. The electricity is the same, the spark that draws you to him is all too familiar. Surely, some replicant of young teenage love. From forth the fatal loins... You can’t help but become fully entangled with his love; it’s soft, sweet and drips of innocence. A dauntless love, unafraid of any future so long as it was with you. It slowly sears you inside but you can’t escape him. You deepen the kiss, swept away by the affection he so unashamedly provides. You also find difficulty escaping the memory of his fingers hovering over your cunt earlier that night behind the tents.
You want him.
With one arm looping around his neck, the other pushes the stuffed penguin between your chests as your lips latch onto each other for dear life. In your haste to open the door, you both clunk into your apartment, laughter bubbling from the both of you as your keys hit the ground with a loud clank along with the soaked penguin plushie. As you close the front door behind you, he’s pushing you against it, mouth on yours completely relentless. His hands roam across the side of your body, hitching one leg up to his torso as the other hand stays planted against your cheek. He tastes of strawberries and mint.
You squeal as Jungkook lifts you completely against the door, your legs circling around his waist as his arms support under your ass. He begins walking and in what direction, he’s even unsure of.
“Bedroom,” you guide him and he only hums, following the guidance of your gentle directions.  When he reaches your bed, he’s flicking the light switch on and closing the door behind him with the persuasion of his feet. He staggers over to your bed, plopping you onto the mattress as his lips never fail to leave your own.  He hovers above you, torso nudges your legs open as he places himself between them.
His movements that follow aren’t like before, no, nothing like it at all; this had no hallmark trade of frantic hands grasping at too-tight clothing, moving desperately across from each other’s panting bodies. This time it’s far more careful, far more calculated...far more loving. What’s more, is that you find yourself enjoying this to a highly exceptional degree. Jungkook takes him time, lips on every inch of skin that he undresses. He starts with the slow unbuttoning of your shirt, moving onto the latch of your bra before he’s already he’s got you bare underneath him with nothing but a thin barrier of your panties. His fingertips meander across your inviting curves, lips following the trails that his soft hands set. You do the same for him, taking your time to remove the blue Hawaiian shirt he so proudly wore tonight, lips never leaving his. But when they do, a sigh falls from you because he’s latched his mouth around one of your breasts. You’re both now only separated by the fabric of your undergarments, bodies already coated with a sticky damp from the rain and the beginning of sweat. You can already feel Jungkook’s length press against you as he moves onto your other breast, tongue circling over your erect nipple before he’s grazing his teeth over it. As he does this, a hand glides down your torso, past the ridges of your ribcage, down to the curve of your hips until he’s just barely ghosting over your dripping heat. Unlatching his mouth, he grins to look at you, a sly finger pushing the fabric aside before it’s teasingly running up your very wet slit.
“So wet already?” He hums in appreciation. You blush at his words, a moan escaping you when he purposely dabs a fingertip over your throbbing clit. “So beautiful.” His mouth is back on yours, hot and powerful, granting access to your tongue with a swipe of his own over the seams of your lips. Though fervour, the kisses remain gentle, patient as his hands roam up and down your sides. You’re only losing your mind when he’s detaching his lips to suckle against the skin just under your jaw. He does not abandon a single inch of you with his mouth as he skims down your body. From your neck, he’s licking down through the delve of your breasts before he’s kissing and licking down past your navel. You squirm underneath him but he holds you in place, broad hands clipping your hips back as he moves in between your thighs. You can’t even imagine how soaked you truly are in this moment, not when he nips the skin of your inner thighs with his teeth, soothing the bites with kisses and licks. Nothing about it is painful, only an enhancement to your already mind-fogging arousal. Your breaths cut deeply into the air, chest rising and falling with the beat of your thumping heart. You feel the graze of his nose bump against your clothed cunt, a whimper leaving you when the flat of his tongue is hotly placed against the white fabric.
“J-jungkook…” You can’t decide if you want to look, or squeeze your eyes shut to keep yourself from coming already. You choose the latter, not trusting yourself to look. You can already feel it, every brush of his mouth and hands only shooting straight to your clit with that familiar tingle. You feel his teeth capture the hem of your underwear, as he pulls it down your right leg with the tug of his mouth. It’s tantalizingly slow, left hand hooking against the other side to aid in disrobing before you’re laid unclad before him. He hovers over your heat, hot breath fanning over your needy cunt. It ripples a shudder through you, chest deeply rising and falling as licks a stroke over the folds of your outer labia. “Fuck,” you whisper, fingers snaking into his hair as he continues his teasing. You jut your hip up to no avail, his powerful arms holding them hostage to the mattress underneath you.
He simply spreads you further, your cunt glistening for his taking. “What a pretty sight.” His words send an inferno through your chest, a rasp attached to the need his voice. You gasp, hips involuntarily snapping up in his hold as the tip of his tongue lightly flicks against your clit. Closing your eyes, you release a deep breath, licking your lips as he goes in for another kitten lick. Your fingers tighten their grip in his hair, an encouraging push holding him further into your cunt. He knows how much he’s driving you crazy, relenting into your sighs and moans as he finally circles a tongue around your bead. You feel a hint of a smirk against your heat as he feels you physically shudder underneath him. Your toes are curling when he dives in again, this time his tongue steady against your clit, relentless and with a pressure that leaves you arching your back for more. His swirling tongue alternates between flicks and sucks, taking the entirety of your swollen bundle of nerves into his mouth as his tongue shallowly fucks your hole. You’re a moaning mess underneath his mouth, twisting and turning in his grasp until you feel as if you’re hurting his scalp from how tight you’re gripping his hair. He’s not complaining one bit, simply humming against your heat as he slurps, licks and sucks your sensitive bead. You feel it bubble in your chest, every curl of his tongue pushing a tightness into your chest. It grows with each flick, each dab of friction until you’re coming undone underneath him. A whiny, shuddery puddle of limps in his hold as he continues licking you clean through your orgasm. You don’t know what’s different about this time, your orgasm clinging onto your bones as you linger in your high. When Jungkook pulls away, mouth and chin shining with your arousal, you feel a shiver of cool air hit your clit as goosebumps form on the surface of your skin. He kisses the top of your thigh, eyes levelling with yours as he beams a grin.
“Good?” When you nod, he’s grabbing your legs and encouraging you to flip over to your stomach. You let him take control, twisting your body until your chest is flat against the mattress and your ass is out for him in a presentation of sorts. You yelp when he spanks you, the echo of the noise filling the room before the sting is eased with a soft knead from his hand. Spreading your cheeks apart with his broad hands, you can hear him curse under his breath before he’s dipping to press a kiss to your shoulder blade. “You want me, baby?” You can only whimper in response, following a swivel of your hips to indicate just how badly you want him to fill you. He doesn’t leave the absence of your back, one hand pushing your hair away from your neck as the other is lining himself to your sex. His tip is already sticky against your slit and he rubs it over your folds a few times before he’s pushing into you. You both groan, feeling the depths of each other as Jungkook kisses your neck, your shoulders as he’s inching into you. Your eyes are squeezed shut, breathing laboured as his girth fills you to the hilt.
You’ve come to realize your greed with Jungkook’s cock as each ridge hits every curve of your walls with unexplainable bliss. As his hips begin a steady rock, his chest flush against your back. He’s biting down on the flesh of your shoulder- gentle, with a tingle of his tongue soothing across the skin. That’s when you feel a free hand grab a fistful of your hair, pulling it in his hold so you’re forced to twist your head for him to place a heated kiss against your lips. It’s sloppy and hits the corner your mouth more than anything but there’s something so divine about his want to feel your lips as he’s thrusting into you. He fucks you like this, his guttural moans and breathy curses chanted into your ear. It’s when he yanks your hair back that you’re forced to sit up on your calves, back still against his chest. He releases your hair, instead circling the arm around your chest as his other hand moves down to your mound. The pads of his fingertips find your swollen clit, hips continuing a gyrating pace as his fingers caress the bundle of nerves. You’re a mess in his arms, completely given to his touch- overwhelmed by the sensation of his fingers on your clit and his dick rocking into your repeatedly. You moan, curse and whimper as his lips latch around the skin of your neck while he fucks you. His mouth suctions to your neck, leaving a soothing sting as he marks you with paintings of purple bruises. “Mine,” you can hear him say. “All fucking mine.” Your eyes roll back, leaning against him as he has his way with you. He places several marks, one just under your jaw, by your collarbone until your neck is a mosaic of lovebites done by the artist himself, Jeon Jungkook.
You come undone once more like this, clenching hard around him as a final swipe of his fingers have your walls spasm around his girth. You’re crying out loud against him, shaking as he has you twist your head again to place a kiss against your lips. Jungkook’s not done with you yet, now encouraging you lay on your back. He pulls your legs up, resting them onto the crease of his elbow before he’s sinking into you again, the new angle hitting differently. You can finally see the level of sweat built onto his skin, his hair damp and twisted over his eyes. His teeth are gritted, veins in his neck prominent as he begins another pace of his hips into you. “Fuck- you’re so fucking beautiful and tight- wet...I-” He’s spewing nonesense, so lost in you and unable to not taste you. He dips in for another kiss while he fucks you like that. When he pulls away, you feel a broad hand hover over your throat.
Of every sexual partner you’ve had, it’s only Jungkook you’ve let have his way with you like this, raw and unforgiving. It fills you with emotion, near tears as you feel the warmth of his palm press against the base of your neck, fingers gripping. Your fingers instantly latch around his choking arm for support, feeling every groove and ridge of his veins running up the flesh. You feel the air escape you, only enhancing the feel of his cock pistoning into you with great speed. You look at him, face flushed, beads of sweat dribbling down his forehead and so much lust in his eyes, it forces you to circle your legs around his torso to pull him closer. The fingers around your throat tightens, lips hovering above yours before he’s pressing feverish kisses against your lips.
“Baby, I’m gonna c-cum,” he admits and you can tell he’s losing control as his thrusts become sloppier, grasp around your neck also loosening. For the third time that night, you come again. This time, you feel a bead of a tear stream past the corner of your eye, rolling into your ear from the feeling of your third orgasm. From how hard you clench around him, Jungkook comes shortly after. His second painting of the evening being that of his cum spurting against your inner walls. You feel it, hot and sticky- moaning as he continues to messily thrust after his own high. Releasing your neck in his hold, he kisses you with such great need, you’re winded, arms scrambling to hold him against you. Your lips find each other, soft and sweet as you cradle your bodies in each other’s holds for as long as you possibly can.
“I love you,” he breathes, a kiss placed onto the tip of your nose. You don’t expect the words to come out of his mouth, frankly only thinking he’s said this because you’ve just had the best sex in your sexual endeavours thus far. But you love him too- that much you can’t deny. As fucked up as it is, Jungkook had become your safe haven, a person to feel your best self with. With him, there was no talk about your next loot, no generalized overview of your group. With him, you were an individual, a person of value just on your own. To him, you were already his Astraea.
With that, you smile, bumping your nose against his as you pull him against your mouth once again. “I love you too.”
You fall asleep to the soft pitter-patter of the rain that hits against your rooftop and the warmth of Jungkook’s body pressed against you.
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When morning comes, Jungkook takes you again. He wakes you with a gentle flurry of featherlike kisses to your shoulder and back, a hand skimming down your bare arm. He fucks you on your sides, your back against his chest as he hooks a leg over his arm to thrust into you more comfortably. You both come undone within minutes, still sensitive from the night before and when he’s pulling out, you’re twisting your body to meet his gaze. His doe eyes gleam, lips stretching into a lazy smile as he takes your hand in his.
“Good morning, gorgeous,” he greets you, the thin line of his dimples marking the edge of his mouth. His face is slightly swollen, cheeks rosy from his orgasm two minutes ago. You smile back, raising your intertwined fingers to places a kiss against the back of his hand.
“Good morning, you nymph.” He chuckles, wholeheartedly, his chest flexing underneath the vibrations of his angelic laugh before he’s yawning. You yawn shortly after, something about the old legend of soulmates yawning at the same time coming into the conversation. You’re not sure how long you talk in bed, his fingers continuing to stroke shapes against your bare skin and your nails massaging along his scalp.
“Was that okay?” He suddenly asks, eyes sharpening onto the litter of marks over your neck. You roll your eyes because of course, it was okay. “I’m sorry about those- heat of the moment.” You know he’s not completely sorry.
“More than.” You reassure him. You half expect your maid from Romeo and Juliet to come rushing through your doors, urging you to get dressed before you get caught. But she never comes in person, only through a quick glance of the clock that sits on the wall behind Jungkook’s head as you look past it. It’s 1pm already- you’re supposed to meet the group at 3pm. You pause, a flitter of doldrums cascading over you as your epiphany hits.
Today is the heist.
You frown, lips jutting into a pout, your chest only swallowing more guilt as Jungkook uses his thumb to crease the etches of your frown lines away.
“I have to go in a little while,” you say with great regret, feeling sick to your stomach already.
Jungkook only hums understandingly. “Okay.” You’re thankful that he doesn’t press you further or push to stay longer. You’ve always admired that he respects your boundaries. “You really are pretty you know?” You snort at his, poking his chest as you roll your eyes.
“Is that all you like me for? For being pretty?” He seems to take legitimate offence to your accusation, an eyebrow tilted towards you as he captures the finger pressed against his chest.
“Hey, I don’t just like you, I love you, okay?” Your voice hitches in your throat, gulping as he simply beams a bunny grin towards you, playing with your finger in the grasp of his hand. “And secondly, I bet you don’t even know the date we first met.”
You blink at him. “What?”
He simply smiles again, bringing your finger up to place a kiss against the tip. “March 14, 2019- now, I should get going huh?” Before you’re able to say anything, he’s releasing your finger and propping himself onto his arms to leave. Truthfully, you’re in too much shock that he’s even remembered such an intricate detail. “Even though today’s my day off…” You knew that though, which is why you chose today of all the days to rob him. You watch his bare bottom flex as he lifts from your mattress, hands on his hips while he searches for his discarded clothing.
When Jungkook leaves, after another round of shower sex (you swear the man has the libido of a freshly blossomed pubescent), you’re left with an utter void pierced through your chest and a dull ache in between your legs. Jimin arrives to pick you up within the hour of Jungkook’s departure, not failing to tease you about the evident markings of your late-night sexcapades. However, it had been so much more than that last night.
You’re once again empty inside.
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“Okay,” Yoongi says into the microphone before him. “Testing uh, the communications.”
You can’t help but grin. As informal as he is, he can’t escape your detection at his trying so hard to be a kind of James Bond. Your very own Q, as it were, had managed to give you a myriad of ingenious gifts.
The low-light glasses he has provided you with is a modicum more utility in darkness, but they are by no means completely night vision. Namjoon is reciting the plan for the umpteenth time. He’s pacing, trying to keep it cool and obviously failing. And in contrast, Jimin is so uncharacteristically icy, it almost cools the room. He usually gets like this before one of your robberies, while everyone else is near hysterics. But as usual, you’re quiet. Absorbing the moment. Trying to centre yourself. Surprisingly enough, it’s working- for the most part. Your hammering heart has managed to slow, and your nerves have almost quit rattling. Somehow, in the back of your mind, you know it’s only a matter of time before… Before what? It all comes crashing down? What was it, anyway? What the hell were you doing here?
As if on queue, you squash the doubts. There’ll be none of that this expedition; you cannot afford to let your feelings get in the way this time. After what seems like a mild eternity, Namjoon finishes, and with a final look around the room, his eyes rest on yours. It feels as though he’s looking straight into you, no, through you. You feel him searching for the shreds of doubt you’ve just put on mute. You stare back into his gaze, confident, undertones of defiance. Seemingly satisfied, he breaks away from your eyes. It’s then that you realize he’d seen the marks of your previous night’s escapades littering dark against your neck. You clear your throat and cup your neck in hopes of some shred of dignity left within you.
“Alright, then,” he says at long last, addressing the motley crew before him. “I think we’re ready.”
[Golden Film Closet Headquarters. Time: 9:06pm]
The secret doorway that leads to the rear of the building was put in for a single purpose: evasion of the hordes of reporters that continually plague Jungkook’s day-to-day. It’s a route that Jungkook had to take often, and on one occasion had shared the secrecy of with you- one of your intimate endeavours.
To his own credit, it’s the perfect secret entrance. It stands unassuming and vacant beneath a flickering, near-dead fluorescent light whose buzzing fades indiscernible beneath the cacophony of crickets surrounding you. The rusted door is unmarked, sandwiched between two too-large pillars of concrete that runs up the length of the building itself. A quick cursory glance reveals no cameras. Perfect. Jimin follows close behind you, his hand resting nervously on the can of pepper spray he felt compelled to bring along.
Earlier in the meeting, you had scoffed at such a precaution. It wasn’t as though you had done deep recon into the security shifts, oh no. It’s also definitely not as though you’ve managed to memorize the schedule by now, and know the precise moment when the guards would inevitably change shifts. You know it’s only a precaution, but Jimin’s paranoia nonetheless sends you off with a rather sour taste in your mouth.
You realize sometimes it feels as though you have no credibility with the group. Are they humouring you?
Your thoughts are rudely interrupted by Jimin fiddling with the door. “Giving it five more seconds for the keygen program,” he whispers.  “Just have to make sure nobody’s monitoring the cameras.”
Five seconds? Five seconds lasts a lifetime under the wrong conditions, and these certainly made the criteria. However, you know it was time well spent. Yoongi had outdone himself on the crack program that he had uploaded to Jimin’s phone, or so he had thought. You both would find out soon enough.
After an eternity, the door finally clicks, and the small red LED by the door’s handle swatches to green with a small click.
You slowly exhale a breath you didn’t know you were holding, and Jimin exclaims under his breath. “It… Worked. My God, Yoongi, you’re a genius.”
“Of course it worked,” crackled Yoongi’s voice over the radio, irate and pompous. “What do you take me for, anyway?” Jimin ignores the jab and slowly creaks open the door, motioning for you to follow. You disappear behind the darkness of what lay beyond the doorway, and silently close the door behind you.
Utter darkness encompasses beyond; complete and utter darkness. Your heart begins to hammer as you realize you aren’t entirely sure that you remember the labyrinth of hallways that lead to the emergency stairs.  
“You’re up, _____,” Jimin whispers in the dark. “Lord knows you know this place way better than I do.” The truth of it stings as you recall the day that Jungkook had lead you down the pathways in a successful attempt at evading the press. You shake the memory before it has a chance to take hold, and you draw the low-light glasses Yoongi had cooked up for the pair of you. You slide them over your eyes, and the oppressive darkness suddenly gives way to a static wash of dark olive as the room around you gains clarity. The door behind you is one of two, and the other door lay beyond. It’s the door that you had forgotten about.
“Oh, shit,” you mutter under your breath.
“What? What’s ‘shit’? Talk to me,” Jimin hisses from behind you.
“There’s another door,” you relay. “It doesn’t look like the last one. It might need a key.”
Jimin swears behind you as Namjoon’s voice fills your ear, panicked. “What do you mean, another door? That’s not what you told us.”
You’re silent without a reply, and starting to wonder if this is even the same door that Jungook had shown you before. Without warning, your memory takes over as you recall the day he led you down the passage. As your mind is filled with the warm memories of a simpler time, you also remember that the door in front of you isn’t locked. “What’s the use in locking it?” Jungkook had told you that day. “Nobody’s going to find it, anyway.”
Until today.
Silent, moving like black liquid, you creep forward in the darkness and rest your hand on the knob. It twists, unlocked, and the door swings open.
“Well, I sure feel dumb now,” Jimin says after a silent moment passes.
You hear an exhale over the mike, Namjoon’s voice near shaking as he speaks. “Dumbness aside, we’re on a clock here. You guys have to keep moving.” You proceed through the door into what looks like a utility room. In the corner, you see cameras active, swivelling back and forth, sweeping the room for irregularity. As Jimin starts to enter the room, you yank him out of view of the camera’s field of vision.
“Hey, what are you-” he whispers loudly as you clap a hand over his mouth. With your eyes, you nod towards the camera. His eyes relax, head nodding upon realization.
“Yoongi, the cameras are active,” you whisper into the mic, releasing Jimin.
“Not a problem,” comes his reply, instant and confident. A heartbeat later, he follows up. “... Rear surveillance neutralized. Proceed with caution, as always.” The red LED of the camera fades off without a sound, and the camera stops panning, immobilized. Nervously, you proceed through the room. The last door you find is the one that leads into the main utility hallway, a passageway not known or used by much staff beyond maintenance. This was one part of the building you weren’t quite familiar with; Namjoon had managed to pull the blueprints from a public service building, and the rest was history.
He gets on the microphone. “You guys know where you’re headed?” he asks, a hint of uncertainty creeping in his already nervous voice.
“Don’t worry, nobody fell asleep at your TED Talk,” you reply with a grin he can’t see. Jimin stacks up against the door, running the keygen program from his Bluetooth.
“Five more seconds….and, we’re in,” he says. The door makes a familiar click as the lock is bypassed, and Jimin gently creaks it open to survey. His head still out of the crack in the door, his hand raises in a ‘follow me’ gesture. You take a breath and step out into the illuminated hallway, alone, save for Jimin. At the end of the corridor lays one of the final obstacles to your reward; the door with a physical lock. Yoongi’s technological magic would be of little help here, but your dexterous skills might be.
“Oh great, another door,” Jimin mutters under your breath. “How much you want to bet it’s locked?”
“I’m not sure you want to make that bet,” you reply as you stride towards the door, pulling a bobby pin from your hair and a multitool from your pocket. It doesn’t take long for you to pick the lock. In fact, it might have been one of your faster times. You find yourself thanking the number of times you’ve picked your way out of Skyrim’s dungeons as the Khajit.
I am the Kajit, you tell yourself as the door swings open with overwhelming satisfaction. You turn around with a smirk planted firmly on your mouth, Jimin’s surprised face radiating a sense of smugness you simply can’t let go unnoticed.
“Did you always know how to do that?” He asks, quiet and genuinely impressed. You shrug, and turn to the first flight of stairs, leaving him with his imagination to play hell over his own speculation. You crane your neck upwards, staring up into the seemingly infinite staircase. Did you have a good physed class grade? Would that even matter now?
The staircase is daunting, but there exists no other option. You know that use of any elevators would give you away in a heartbeat. You sigh, and take the first step. And after what feels like an eternity, your legs feel as if they’ve run 150km within the past few minutes.
“Thanks for choosing such a tall building,” Jimin sarcastically breathes between deep pants. “I’m really digging all these stairs.” You try to muster the strength to reply but find none. The final flight to Jungkook’s office stares back at you, mockingly, daring you to come closer. A second wind brings you finally to Jungkook’s floor. Jimin takes his time catching up. “Is this finally it?” he asks, beads of sweat now streaming down his face. The 22 storey-long trek had absolutely beaten your legs to a pulp, and you now stood balanced on wobbly knees. Nevertheless, it had all been worth it. The prize that you had come all this way for lay just beyond another door.
However, you know this door wouldn’t be like the others at all. You know this because Jungkook had told this to you the first time he had taken you up to his office. Correction— the first time he had taken you to his office and left you panting, a sopping, carnal mess of ecstasy laying sprawled on his eloquent hardwood floors. You wonder how many times those same security officers you snuck passed earlier watched Jungkook take you on his desk. The thought makes your cheeks heat as realization dawns on you.
“Yes,” you reply breathlessly. “This is it.” Jimin scuttles from behind you, and boots up the keygen program for the umpteenth time, now frighteningly routine given the circumstances. The door swings open without a hitch, and you stride into the Jungkook’s office. Somehow, it had seemed all too easy. You can’t tell if this means you guys are just getting that good at this, or maybe if…
Yoongi’s voice comes through your earpiece to cut your thoughts. “Surveillance has been looped and spoofed. I doubt it’s going to fool them for long, so chop-chop.” Jimin stays a moment to close the door silently behind you, standing vigilant in the hallway as you walk straight to his computer desk… the very one he had taken you so fervently many times before.
“Okay, I’m at his desktop,” you say into your microphone.
“Amazing,” Yoongi replies. “Now, all you have to do is plug in the flash drive into the computer, and let him do his thing. It shouldn’t take too long.”
Your fingers fiddle with the slick plastic of Yoongi’s piece de resistance, the flash drive that would make a transfer of the 2.5 million dollars you sought. You somehow find the strength to keep yourself from fiddling, but it does nothing to quell the shakes that now grip your hands. Placing the USB stick in the port, you turn it once before it slots comfortably in place.
“Guys?” You radio to the rest of the team. “We might have a problem.” A handsome image of Jungkook now shows on the screen with a box below it, requesting a password.
“If there’s a password, don’t worry about it,” Yoongi reassures you. “I took the liberty of cracking that earlier, too. It should be Bananamilk121397- that’s with a capital ‘B’ and all one word.” At speed, you type in the password.
‘ACCESS DENIED’ flashes before you. You curse under your breath, typing it again, a little slower this time. The message remains.
“Yoongi, that’s not right.”
“What?” comes over the radio. You begin to sweat.
“I don’t know!” you exclaim but in a whisper. “It isn’t working.”
“Damn it,” Yoongi curses over the radio. “He must’ve changed it recently.” You curse under your breath. All the planning, all the recon, everything that had led to this moment, had all been for nothing.
“Are you kidding me?” Jimin hisses. “There’s no way. We’ve come all this way, this can’t stop us now.”
“I don’t think it will,” Yoongi says. “Let me work my magic. I’ll see what I can do from here.”
“Give us five minutes max,” Namjoon cuts on the radio. “Just five minutes, don’t panic- I’m sure we can buy some more time here.” You only close your eyes in exhaustion. This was not going as planned. Barely a minute passes by, agonizingly slowly, before Yoongi’s voice fills your ear.
“Okay, the fucker did change it- listen carefully, 03142019- with an exclamation mark at the end,” he relays.
Your heart sinks through your chest. The date is all to familiar- you had heard it merely a few hours ago.
The password was the date you and Jungkook had first met.
Suddenly, your breath leaves you. You’re left filled with a sense of utter disgust. You do your best to stomach the disgust that fills you. You think of Hoseok, lying immobile and helpless in a cold hospital bed, waiting as the days tick by to his inevitable end. With some difficulty, you swallow the lump that had formed in your throat, and with lightning precision you type out the password.
“I’m in.” Your voice wavers, holding down the choke of a sob.
“I’m…kind of surprised that worked,” Yoongi replies. “Okay, so, you’re looking for a file called ‘GPI-GFC411’ - all you have to do is transfer the file to the flashdrive and then delete it from his computer.” Yoongi pauses, a breathless laugh following shortly after. “And then? We’ve got ourselves a lot of money, baby.”
The humour doesn’t register with you. At this point, not a whole lot does. You don’t feel the elation you hear in Yoongi’s voice. With some navigation, you manage to find the file, hidden beneath a myriad of folders. However, the sheer mass of the file itself fills you with dread.
“Shit, you guys- this file is fucking massive, it’s going to take at least another 10 minutes.” You’re panicked once again.
Namjoon comes on the radio again, his icy voice filling your ear. “Calm. Down. This isn’t the worst thing. Just transfer the damn file, and get out of there. We can’t afford to waste time anymore.”
You know his words make sense, but you can’t calm down. Here you were in Jungkook’s office, the office where he had given you a part of his heart and soul so many times before. No, you wouldn’t calm down, you couldn’t calm down knowing that you’re part of the force now robbing him. After everything he had done, here you were. Your chest tightens, and before you know it, the tears follow the revelation, silently running down your face.
Ten minutes later, the file transfers. The tears have long since dried, leaving you with a sense of abysmal emptiness in your chest. Sniffling once, you eject the USB drive from the port and without warning, Jimin runs into the office, carefully closing the door behind him. He is frantic.
“Shit, c’mon, we’ve gotta go- I heard some staff come back in.” He drags you away, flashdrive in one hand, your wrist in another. The scene passes by you in an entire blur, somehow muffled in your mind. You hear Jimin, but you aren’t listening. You’ve never felt more disgusted in your entire life as you’re dragged away from Jungkook’s office, torn away from a place you had shared so many memories with someone who professed their love for you not too long ago.
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You’ve avoided Jungkook like he’s the plague incarnate. It’s been difficult as his assistant but he hasn’t come to work much as of late. The sense of stress and anxiety that fills you with dread whenever the phone buzzes with his name is beginning to reach a head, and even your team has realized that something is up. No longer are you the clean, flawless porcelain visage of stoicism; your cracks were starting to show, numerous as they are. However, there was no denying the truth; he knows he’s been robbed, the whole office knows he’s been robbed. Things played out exactly as planned. You took the funds under your wing, and passed them onto the team. What happened to everything after your cut was a mystery to you, and you can only hope at least some of it was spent responsibly. Your mind drifts back to Hoseok, thinking back to the few visits you’ve had with him. But on the outside, not much has changed. It’s all the same, you’re just 2.5 million dollars richer.
Your fingers tap anxiously against your cheek as you sit at your desk, replaying the night over and over again in your mind. Even if it has been a few weeks, the injustice you dealt to Jungkook has been all you can think about.
“Hey,” comes the all-too-familiar voice from behind you. You crane your head towards the sounds, eyes widening and a gasp leaving you as a very tired looking Jungkook is stood before you. His dark hair is more dishevelled than his usual curls, shirt lazily buttoned in a half-hearted attempt to pass as a put together CEO. The dark circles under his eyes give away how little he’s slept in the last few weeks, and it’s beginning to show; yet, he still looks breathtaking. Effortlessly so. You haven’t heard much from him as of late, and whenever you did, he had always seemed elsewhere. When he had looked at you, it was as if he wasn’t really looking at you at all. This had made you nervous and had done little more than justify your distance from him. But here he is now, right in front of you. You hadn’t accounted for this, in fact, you dreaded the day it would happen.
“Jungkook…” You start, your mouth now drying. You wonder if you look just as distressed as him. He doesn’t say anything else, offering a tight-lipped smile and a nod before he’s turning to head into the privacy of his office. You scramble to your feet in haste, his cold demeanour leaving an unbearable pressure in the room, a pressure you feel desperate to leave. “Jungkook, wait!” You follow after him. Jungkook pauses right before his door, twisting his body to meet your gaze.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so busy.” He relents.
You’re taken aback, your head only shaking in reassurance. “No, we’ve both been busy, don’t be sorry. It’s completely fine.”
His lips quirk in the slightest, an empty shell of a smile as he nods, eyes raking over you. “I’ve missed you.” His admission hurts, cuts deep in places you don’t talk about at parties. You’ve missed him too- so much but you can’t bring yourself to saying it out loud. “You look beautiful...as usual” Despite it all, his sage voice and kind words still manage to a blush to creep across your cheeks. You can’t let his suaveness go unchallenged. Just like old times, the words leave your mouth before you can stop them.
“Let me...how about you come over tonight? I’ll cook dinner.” Without warning, his demeanour shifts entirely. He locks up, uncharacteristically stoic, his usual doe eyes radiating a cold criticism of who stands before him. His handsome face turns to stone, entirely unreadable. This isn’t like him at all, and a silent part of you is put screaming on edge. Eventually, he relents, filling you with an undeserved rush of enthusiasm.
“Ah…alright,” he replies after a tense moment. “I’ll come by at seven or so.” The smile he offers is hollow, sympathetic as it doesn’t quite embed the crows feet around the outer corners of his eyes like it usually does. And right before he’s turning away, he leans in to place a chaste kiss against your forehead. As welcome as it is, you can’t help but notice how devoid of passion it feels. If anything, it feels almost…obligatory.
When 7pm rolls around, you’re slightly disheartened when the usual absurdly punctual Jungkook does not arrive exactly on the dot. What’s worse, you’re sure you’ve overcooked the pasta you’ve been preparing to a mushy mess of inadequacy- and burnt the garlic “toast” thoroughly beyond recognition. Now the panic begins to creep in, stemming from your back before it overtakes you, enveloping you in a cloak of messy anxiety. As you plate your gummy boiled dough, you hear the report of a tentative knock at your door.
“Shit,” you curse under your breath as you scramble to set the table. “In a minute!” One of the plates scorches your thumb in your frantic efforts to get everything near picturesque. Oh, who were you kidding? It’s an unmitigated disaster, and you know it. Oh well-  you rationalize it probably is not the worst thing that could happen tonight. The night is still recoverable, you tell yourself.
It’ll be okay.
After a moment, you stride to the door with confidence, tossing your apron across the couch as you do so. You unlock and open the door. Jungkook stands before you, dressed to the nines. You do everything within your power to keep your jaw from dropping. He even put on that dress shirt you adore.
However, he doesn’t come empty-handed. His left hand holds a bouquet of beautiful daisies, your favourite. In his right hand, he holds an envelope.
You’re starstruck.
“Oh my god, what is all this?” you manage to speak. “It’s just dinner.”
“An apology for my absence,” he says lifting the flowers, “and a surprise for you.” The hand holding the envelope flutters indicatively. The flowers bring you as much elation as the envelope brings anxiety… What is he doing? Immediately, you ask yourself if it’s severance pay. Could he be cutting ties? You swallow the uncertainty that builds in your chest.
“Well, you didn’t have to do all that,” you say as you embrace him. Almost immediately, the way he holds you feels fundamentally wrong, almost as if he’s another person, an actor. A ghost in the shell. The warmness that used to accompany his hugs is nowhere to be felt now. His actions feel slow, deliberate, damn near robotic.
When you pull away, your hands come away with the flowers as he releases them into your grasp, your fingers involuntarily curling around the envelope as well.
“Not yet, babe,” he says, snapping the envelope from your grip and well out of your reach. “Not until after dinner.” It takes more than a little effort for you to keep your anxieties from boiling over. Miraculously, you manage to uphold your subterfuge.  
The dinner, as mediocre as dinner could be, passes by without incident. It’s quiet— a little too quiet. Jungkook seems preoccupied, meeting your questions with one-worded answers, and giving lazy details about his day. Something seems to be picking at him, and you begin to fear the worst. An agonizing half hour passes, and you finish your meal. You glance at his plate; it’s only half-finished when he pushes it away in completion. You try to convince yourself that it’s because of the sludge you’ve produced.
“I think I’m done,” he says, his voice no doubt as bland as the meal he just ate. His eyes meet yours, and you see in his gaze a despondency that has turned him into a husk of who he used to be. Across the table, he hands you the envelope with a calm hand. Your trembling fingers take it after a moment, silent and unaware of what's to come.
Nothing can prepare you for the pictures you pull from the envelope.
They’re video stills, screenshots taken from some kind of low-resolution surveillance camera. The angle is unfamiliar; but what familiarity remains lies solely in the face on the picture, crouched in front of the door.
Your face.
Your eyes go to the timestamp in the lower right corner of the screengrab. It’s footage taken the night of the heist.
Frantically, a significant part of you caressed in feral denial, you leaf through the prints, pictures dropping to the table and floor around you. Your heart begins to quicken its pace as you see practically every single step you took to rob him of his livelihood. Your hands shake. Your blood runs cold, and an incalculable sense of guilt beyond comprehension begins to overwhelm you. There were plenty of cameras you and Yoongi had missed; cameras placed deliberately hidden. Plenty of evidence against you.
A thick silence falls through the room, enveloping you both. The deafening silence is so thick you’re sure you could swim through it, swim away from this situation, away from Jungkook and away from the table.
But you remain. No matter how much you will yourself to rise, to look Jungkook in the eye, you simply can’t bring your gaze to his.
When you manage to, you see his dead gaze, any notion of a happy future with you utterly obliterated in the light of your decisions. A part of him had died; the part of himself that he willingly gave to you, a part now sacrificed for a misconceived notion of a greater good. Maybe one day, he would understand. Maybe one day, you would too.
“I’m not going to charge you,” he finally speaks after the painful silence. “I just want to know why.” The slightest crack in his voice sends you to a panic. You try to speak but the words are caught in your throat, nothing coming out but muted chokes. His eyes close, his head dropping slowly in disappointment. “Yeah… I thought so.,” he says, defeated.
It hits you all at once.
The heist. The money. Hoseok.
Upon the realization of just how badly the situation had deteriorated, you feel yourself begin to crumble. It isn’t long before you dissolve into a chant of well-rehearsed apologies and excuses that spill from your mouth in desperate attempts to get him to understand. Jungkook doesn’t answer, he merely shakes his head and slowly raises from the chair, walking towards the door. You scream after him, clambering to your feet. Somehow it feels as though it’s all in slow motion, like it isn’t really happening. It can’t be happening. Everything was supposed to go off without a hitch.
“Jungkook, please! I’ll give it back, I’ll give it all back-” escapes your lips, tears streaming down your face. He wheels on you, his voice venom, his eyes aflame.
“It’s not about the money, _____. It was never about the money,” he spits accusingly at you. Any shred of what he used to be is gone, burned away in the flames of anger that now hold him hostage. “You didn’t just steal my money- you stole every bit of humanity, love, dignity and self respect I could ever have for someone… let alone myself.”
His words, once so warm and reassuring, slice scathingly through you like a hot knife through butter. You melt at his sentence in all the wrong ways, reaching for him in a desperate act of denial. Your arm is met with his revulsion, a visible disgust as he recoils from touching you. “I’m sorry!” you manage to scream through tears.
“No, you aren’t,” he says, monotone and broken. “You aren’t sorry at all.” He’s turning around again, storming towards your door before he tears it open. You collapse, tears now freely and unabashedly breaking free of whatever restraint you had dedicated there.
You grasp at the door frame, your legs now refusing to support the guilt you carry in your heart. You sink to the floor, your strength leaving you with every sob you heave. You cry his name out once more, your voice wailing against the empty street he now walks into, littered with the first leaf of autumn fluttering down. Despite what had transpired seconds before, you no longer see the hate in his glazed over eyes. You don’t see the disgust that had just saturated his words in venom.
Instead, that look is now replaced with the look of an obliterated man as he walks away from the one single person he ever believed in…
As he walks away from you.
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all rights reserved © jeongi
a/n: hi pls dont yell @ me idk ive turned into a monster idk. how are you feeling? :// this was truly, very different from anything that ive usually done so i hope it was okay and still enjoyable to read!! let me know what you think,,,, i promise ill feed u soft jk soon to make up for this. i know. ur hurting. im hurting. we’re all hurting. it’ll be ok, this too shall pass. im right here and we’re going to be okay. jungkook just needs some time to sort it out and so do u. you’ll meet again one day ;)
if you haven’t already, please go check out the rest of the authors who are part of this collab, we have two more fics posting after mine and then we’re done! the masterlist is at the top of this fic. it was an incredible experience working alongside some of my favourite authors and greatest friends, i would seriously love to do this again!! ily guys <3
huge huge huge shoutout to my bb girl @meant-for-dreaming who kept me sane throughout this entire experience. i don’t think i wouldve made it without her. i love u endlessly x
and an EXTRA special shoutout to my afflatus, my muse, my stuffed penguin, @junqkook, you were a true pinnacle to this story and i truly hope i did u justice. i love u so much. 
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dreamscapesin1582 · 4 years
Day Six: I’m Home
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It was a fine day. Luka glanced at his side to find his girlfriend cheerfully inspecting the vegetables they were supposed to buy. Catching his gaze, the woman beamed at him, and it was more than enough to make him fall in love all over again.
So, this is how loving someone feels like…
Luka would often think twice if it was really real. Did he really meet a girl from the other side of the moon, opened his heart to her, and gained a lover in her? Everything seemed so surreal, and yet here she was.
They sat down at a nearby bench, bags of groceries on each side. She exhaled loudly, stretching her arms.
“Are you tired? Should we go back?”
“Hmm? Oh, I’m fine!” She smiled at him. “I’m sure Ray and the others wouldn’t let us in, anyway.”
As if on cue, two Black Army soldiers strode towards them and firmly saluted. “We’re here to receive the groceries, as per orders of King Ray!”
He grunted uncomfortably as he regarded the soldiers. “They’re really taking it too far…”
It all began that morning. Luka was already in the kitchen when his girlfriend entered with a troubled look on her face. He didn’t recognize any issue, but he was forced to when the rest of the Black Army officers had entered as well. It felt like he was facing against all of their displeased gazes.
“Did I do something…?”
“Luka, you’re supposed to have the day off today.” Ray started. “It’s that day, isn’t it?”
“What day?”
“Your birthday, silly!” His girlfriend puffed up her cheeks and placed her hands on her hips. “We should be celebrating!”
Luka made a little noise which confirmed their suspicions: he had no idea. She heaved a sigh and walked towards him. “Luka, we’re actually planning to have a party later in the day. Please let us?”
“But…” He felt conflicted, especially after witnessing the pleading twinkle in his girlfriend’s eyes. “I don’t have anything else to do…”
“In that case,” Sirius stepped in with a calm smile, “I guess we can let you guys handle a bit of grocery shopping at Central Quarter?”
“That’s a great idea!” Seth added. “Oh, but don’t come back until later in the afternoon~”
“We’ll have a blast of a party ready for you by then!” Fenrir grinned with great enthusiasm. “But for now, Luka, go and spend time with your girl!”
…which leads to this point. Luka sighed and allowed the soldiers to carry out their supposed duty. She, however, looked like she was having a good time.
“Well, what now?” He asked. “It’s barely noon—”
A growl interrupted his sentence, followed by the furious blush that erupted on her cheeks. Silence ruled over them before a laugh escaped him. She buried her face in her hands and Luka stood up.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed. I just realized we haven’t eaten anything yet.” She lifted her gaze to find him shyly offering his hand. “Let’s go have something to eat… together?”
They entered a humble restaurant and sat down. She looked around with fond interest. “I love how it feels like home in here.”
Home. He contemplated on her words as he followed her gaze. There were several picture frames hanging on the walls, a small fireplace… occasional quiet laughter… smell of home-cooked food…
An old woman came to them while they went through the menu. “Anything strikes your fancy, my dear?”
“Mm, everything seems so good…” She distressed a little further until she smiled back at the woman. “Perhaps I’ll get this, and this, and… Luka?”
“Oh, um… I’ll try this one.”
“Great choices! Those are our favorites.” The old woman nodded happily before calling someone. “Honey! We have a new order!”
“Is that right?” A jolly old man poked his head out the kitchen. “I’ll get straight to it!”
Luka heard a giggle coming from his lover. She turned to him with a sweet smile on her face as they engaged in small conversation until the food arrived. She gasped in excitement as Luka asked her not to hold back.
While they were dining, Luka thought to himself once again. Just watching her eating her fill made him appreciate her appetite; he had always loved how she looks like whenever she enjoys the food he makes. Although he was flustered when she suddenly wanted to feed him, but nonetheless he wouldn’t disappoint her. In the end, they would smile at each other despite their flushed cheeks.
Moments later, the old couple came back with a plate of small cupcakes. “My, what a lovely couple you are.”
“…Thank you for saying so.” She replied meekly. “This place is so nice. Do you and your husband own this place?”
“Why, yes. It was our dream to have a restaurant when we got older.” The old woman cheerfully said but then the husband gently motioned on the plate she was carrying. “Ah, yes! Please have some of these. Don’t worry, it’s on the house.”
“Oh, well… thank you.” She met the woman’s fond look with a thankful one. “May I ask what the occasion is?”
“I just remembered how both of you looked just like us back in the day.” The old woman turned to her husband who wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “We would have little dates like this one. Ah, yes… ”
The woman began telling a few snippets of their mini escapades with her husband. His girlfriend happily listened after inviting them to join their table for the chat, while Luka went on to reminisce the moments of quality time he had with her. And when he silently watched both women in front of him, a thought came to mind…
The man at his side suddenly nudged him. “Let the ladies have their talk. Do you mind telling this old man about your worries?”
“No need to be shy. You’ve been thinking deep for a while now.”
“…W-Well, she is my first love.” Luka quietly uttered, contemplating on his question. “Mister, do you think… do you think it would be possible for us to last until the end?”
The older man glanced at the young woman and back to Luka, a knowing smile on his face.
“I saw the way you looked at her. I mean, that’s how I used to look at my wife!” The husband chuckled as he watched Luka slowly turn red. But gradually, he mellowed out and gave a reassuring pat on Luka’s shoulder. “My wife and I are old, but still very much in love. If that look didn’t promise a love of a lifetime, then I’m not sure what is.”
A love of a lifetime…
Eventually, they left the restaurant, waving back at the old couple a few times before taking their time to return to headquarters. Their hands clasped one another as they walked under the marmalade skies.
“Hey—” Both uttered at the same time. Luka was the first one to concede, as his lover hesitantly continued. “I just wanted to tell you something. Something I realized after talking to the owners of the restaurant.”
They stopped walking. He faced her as she was washed over by the gentle light of the sunset, her eyes resolute.
“I really want to spend the rest of my life with you, Luka.” She tightened her hold of his hand while he caught his breath. But he listened intently, even with the loud thumping on his chest. “I want us to be as happy as them, or maybe even happier. I want us to have that kind of life—together. I want to be the one who creates a home with you.”
“Is that too much to ask..?”
Luka tugged at her hand and she squeaked at the sudden embrace. He exhaled as she felt his hot breath graze her skin. “You… You really are…”
“…I want that, too.” He murmured against her hair, touching a feather-light kiss on her temple before finally looking at her in the eye. She spotted the blush on his cheeks but the gold in his eyes reflected his strong will—one of the many things she loved about him. “…I want to come back home in your arms, in every day, for the rest of our lives.”
Under the setting sun, a promise for the future together was established. And they walked back…
“Happy birthday, Luka!”
The Jack of Spades was almost paralyzed by the dynamic shout of the rowdy bunch at the Black Army headquarters. Everything he expected of them was laid out in front of him: smell of home-cooked food, colorful banners along with pictures of him (embarrassing, but he somehow expected it), and the people… the people he knew was going to be there when he returned.
This was his present home… and it wasn’t so bad too.
In fact, it was just what he wanted.
“Thanks for this, everyone.” Luka returned their efforts with a heartfelt smile of his own. “…I’m home.”
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smuttymess · 4 years
bts astro soulmate reading | for anon
sign: libra sun | aries moon | libra rising
lover: Min Yoongi | soulmate: Jung Hoseok
This reading is for my cute anon moot. Honestly this one was tough because your chart is quite unique, but I am really happy with how it turned out - I fuckin snapped on this one. I hope you enjoy & it feeds your inner delulu ;)
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A sun in Libra means that your soul craves balance, harmony and peace in your life and your relationships. Due to your caring, optimistic, and encouraging nature you happily boast a large circle of friends and acquaintances who adore you. Generally, you are known as a king person who people can rely on for a vent sesh or some good advice in a pinch. Upholding your integrity and high position in these interpersonal relationships is one of your highest priorities, as you want to maintain the persona you’ve established at all costs. Above all, you want to be respected and loved by those who you are close to and even sometimes those you are not, fearing unsteadiness and turbulence in terms of your image. If your sun sign represents what you want, you moon sign represents what you need. And you, Aries moon, needs fire, excitement, stimulation, and adventure. Your Aries nature is at odds with kind, harmonious Libra, wanting to disrupt, rebel and shake things up. This creates quite an interesting contradiction within your truest self, which desires both balance, security and stability but also independence and unpredictability - a dilemma that you may struggle to find peace with throughout your life.
Charming, attractive and strong, it is likely that you have your share of admirers. You can’t help it (you flirt as easily as you breathe!) plus your slightly mischievous demeanor only makes you more alluring to those you meet. This works out for you nicely, as given your Libra nature you love nothing more than to be adored romantically. One of the most passionate signs in the zodiac, it’s not unlike you to be involved in many romantic relationships, falling in love easily and unabashedly with a variety of people who come into your life. While one day you may envision an a home and a more stable life (your Libra heart at work) that thought can feel somewhat foreign when there are just so many people, places and things to explore.
Your adventurous spirit and joie de vivre makes you the life of the party, the one people call for a good conversation or a night of debauchery. It is not uncommon for your friends to entrust you with scoping out the next opportunity to get into a little trouble, knowing you will find the best option. While your Libra is happy to have a wild night out, your Aries moon usually wants to up the ante - why go to a regular old bar when you could go to a secret, underground lounge that boasts go-go dancers and fire eaters. It is at one of these events, a lavish multi-course dinner at a downtown music venue to kick off a long, eventful night, that your attention is drawn to the stage for the night's entertainment. From the minute you lay your eyes on the performer on stage, his hands gripping the microphone as his piano accompaniment dances through the air, you are fully entranced by the artist. Your Aries moon makes you much more decisive than others who share your sign, and you decide quite quickly that this boy with the black hair and broody mannerisms is what you need. Soon after leaving the stage, you make a flimsy excuse to get his attention, sauntering up to him and immediately making yourself known - his dark, slightly glossy eyes penetrating every inch of you as he introduces himself as Min Yoongi. There is a strong physical attraction here, and when he asks what you're up to after the show, you have no choice but to invite him along to the next spot.
In the hours, days and weeks that follow in getting to know Yoongi, you learn more about the beautiful soul that lies beneath the very strong, masculine persona that owns the stage. As air and water signs, you two connect quickly - fucking after a couple rounds of whiskey back at his place - after which you spend hours tapping into the mind of the soft and creative Min PD. Yoongi is a true Pisces, his caring, romantic and sentimental nature clear very early as he sits back and enjoys simply basking in your company, letting you open up and taking you in as your eyes light up, energetically moving from thought to thought (as you are ought to do). His dreamy, patient and sensitive quality is heightened by his Neptune in Capricorn, providing a softness that makes you fall hard and fast. He is drawn to your demonstrated strength, his more reserved, thinking Virgo Moon latching on to your confident, optimistic Libra Aries duality.  He possess a graceful, calm quality from his Libra Jupiter that you deeply admire, as it is something you seek within yourself. You are both generous, peace-loving people, finding comfort in each other's propensity for pleasing each other. This extends into your sex life as well, which is equal parts passionate and intense.
You and Yoongi are both wired for pleasure and togetherness, and as a duo you are able to satisfy both of these desires, devoting countless hours to daydreaming, cuddling and fucking in his studio or at home. You two enjoy switching up power-play dynamics, you straddling him and pinning his hands to the bed while gently marking his neck to release moans from his lips before he uses his strength to flip you over and return the favor. Your sexual compatibility is not to be understated, the passion both of you possess being some of the most powerful in the zodiac.The concept of time ceases to exist when you find yourself intertwined with Yoongi, his hardness pressed into your center as he grinds against you, his lips expertly tracing your ear, and neck before moving to your breasts to tease your nipples until you're practically falling apart. For however soft and gentle Yoongi is, there is nothing that turns him into an animal quicker than hearing you beg underneath him as his fingers trace lower, slipping in between your thighs and onto your clit. He craves this level of intimacy with you, the moment you melt and truly become his. Say my name baby, I want to hear you.
It is only after months of amazing sex and pillow talk with this dreamy duo that he differences between you become very stark. Yoongi is a diehard romantic at the core, often making decisions in love that are more emotion-based - the main reason why he keeps his Pisces Sun and Mercury quite guarded. You, on the other hand, tend to be wary of commitment and tend to keep things casual and light, your Aries moon wanting freedom and autonomy. This scares Yoongi, who is quite willing to be loyal to the right person and wonders if he can really be enough for your highly sociable and outgoing Libra spirit. This is heightened by your strong need to be around people, receiving stimulation from the outside world, fueling his increased neediness (his Venus in Aries) that eventually transforms into resentment as he cannot see a future wherein you are ready to give it all up just for him. Ultimately, this relationship unable to move past a very intense friends-with-benefits scenario given your places in life, and you both need ample space to heal your wounds after going your separate ways - though you are not alone for long.
A double Libra, the way you present yourself - poised, polished, and elegant - and how you want to be perceived are very much in sync. You exude luxury, and and while your fashions may not be the loudest or most expensive in the room, you know how to make an impression even in a room filled with trendy, designer-clad fashion types. On a particular night out at a gallery opening, dressed in one of your newest thrifted and expertly styled pieces, you find yourself approached by a handsome stranger. Great find. Where did you get that that? Turning around, you are surprised by man who the voice belongs to - a tall, slender gentlemen dressed head to toe in contrasting prints: an asymmetrical color-blocked striped sweater and denim cutoffs paired with orange slides and a green beanie. His look is unusual, something that just anyone could pull off, but it striking nature of his posture and his face that truly has you staring. His hair parted to the side, you're able to take in the full visual of the man: his piercing dark brown eyes, sharp nose and defined jawline. After some light conversation, he offers to grab a drink sometime, which is less of a request than a demand as before you know it he hands you his card, the length of his fingers brushing yours and sending chills up your spine. He flashes you a devilish smirk before exiting the exhibit almost as swiftly as he arrived, prompting you to exhale as you begin to feel the ground beneath you once more.
In the early stages of dating, you two are both delightfully hard to get, the ego of his Aquarius Sun exhilarated by the chase and you turned on by the charming elusiveness of his personality - classic Air sign energy at play. Initially, see each other as enigmas, as things to be explored and conquered. You soon realize that his emotional detachment is merely a facade, a way to protect his fierce independence and ensure he does not get hurt again - something you can relate to quite well. Aquarius Hobi is highly perceptive, quickly able to put a finger on the pulse of who you are and what you want, seeing past your gentle, calm persona and tapping into that very restless, energized and mischievous Aries that beneath the surface of your do-gooder Libra. Initially, what starts as a more physical relationship and attraction to each other's complexity blooms into something much deeper and more profound as you get to learn each others shared insecurities and powerful internal worlds that are constantly thinking and reaching for new challenges. While you typically want to be fawned over and doted on, you enjoy diving beneath his into his independent, strong-willed and no-nonsense exterior (hello director Hobi) and accessing his softer sides - something very few people can do - through intellectual communication and shared experiences in your various social groups. Though slow to commit emotionally, once you are able to tap into his Venus in Pisces, you get to unearth the beauty of his dreamy, playful, sweet and adoring persona, which is in endless supply once he feels that he can trust his heart with your compassionate Libra soul.
By the time you find yourself naked in Hoseok's room for the first time, you are keenly aware that your physical relationship together is a space wherein you will surrender in ways you haven't been able to with anyone else. You in your Libra/Aries combo you possess both masculine and feminine features and an ability to both disarm and enchant but also dominate, but in bed it is Hoseok who more often than not holds the keys to your pleasure. His Aquarius ways makes him one of the least conventional and spontaneous partners in the zodiac, and this paired with his intense and impulsive Jupiter in Scorpio makes him an extremely passionate and engaging lover. He instinctively knows where to touch you to send you over the edge, having an awareness of your body that is almost unnerving - his ego loves knowing he has that control and you enjoy his slight posessiveness, enjoying role play during your regular nights out on the town. There are few things sexier to you than watching his eyes peering over his glass from across a room as he watches you so casually flirt with strangers, his gaze moving from your lips down over the curves accentuated by your outfit fo choice, knowing full well that the same outfit will be ruined within seconds of getting home. Your Aries moon is exhilarated when paired with the inventive Aquarius, who does not even think about fucking you until you've achieved your third consecutive orgasm by his fingers and tongue in the backseat of the car on your way home, you legs draped over his shoulders as he purrs into your folds. It isn't until after he feels satisfied that he unbuckles his pants and thrusts into you vigoursly, hitting your walls as his low voice coos into your ear. Are you thinking about him, baby? You know damn well only I can fuck you like this. Now be a good girl and tell me who you belong to - don't be shy now.
You and Hoseok are like-minded, airy souls, and together you are an extremely sociable and likable pair that enjoys life’s many pleasures and pushing the boundaries of the status quo. You work well as unit to achieve your individual goals, affording each other the delicate balance of freedom and togetherness your signs both truly need in a partnership but few others are able to provide, effectively eliminating the desire to stray. At the end of a long day of independent endeavors, you are both able to come home to each other and keep the fire burning in creative ways - think candlelit nights at home in with a personal chef followed by Hobi tying your wrists up and enjoying you for dessert. Your inner worlds compliment each other: the boundless encouragement of your double Libra serves as a healing tool for his relentless perfectionist and self-critical nature, while his dedication to excellence helps push you away from your indecision and people-pleasing ways and towards your goals. Given your shared taste for novelty and tendency to break from convention, you two may decide to push a traditional life of marriage and family to the back burner for many years, choosing to dedicate your lives to your work and each other as you continue to build, learn, and experience the world around you on your own terms. Together, you create a minimalistic home that serves as a base for you to quickly touch down and recharge before stamping your passport en route to your next delightful adventure.
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evilsnowswan · 4 years
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Summary: [Rumbelle Mermaid!AU] based on this prompt by repeatinglitanies: “In a world where people are aware of the existence of mermaids, Belle is a mermaid who lives in the world’s largest aquarium along with other sea creatures. She enjoys looking at the little humans who come to visit, especially a floofy haired boy who comes every week with his father….” An injured Belle is captured and brought to Gold and Milah’s aquarium. Gold is a marine biologist dedicated to protecting the creatures there, Milah wants to turn a profit, and their son has his own ideas about how to befriend a mermaid.
Rating: G/Teen Link to full story: [Read on AO3] Previous Chapters: [Coverart][Chapter 1][Chapter 2][Chapter 3][Chapter 4][Chapter 5][Chapter 6][Chapter 7][Chapter 8][Chapter 9][Chapter 10][Chapter 11][Chapter 12][Chapter 13][Chapter 14][Chapter 15][Chapter 16][Chapter 17][Chapter 18][Chapter 19]
Current Chapter: 20/? Chapter Summary: Last time Indigo and Gold shared a moment. Sometimes those have consequences.
Chapter 20: Ripples
Belle was nervous. Squeezing her eyes shut and holding her breath, she waited for the familiar sensations.
There was the smooth umbrella, gliding up slowly, wrapping around her tail. It fit snugly, like it always did. A little cold, a little sticky. Same thing every morning. And yet, part of her was waiting for it to get stuck again.
In all fairness, that had only happened once, but Belle had a hard time letting it go.
Her fluke twitched as Jumper Girl leaned over her and fastened the instrument with practiced hands.
Belle let out a breath, smiled.
Jumper Girl was in a good mood today. Happy, excited. She smiled a lot, which was out of the ordinary. Belle had long since deduced that Jumper Girl wasn’t a morning person.
Still smiling, Belle listened to Jumper Girl talk. Listened intently.
Too much, too fast, too foreign. No matter how hard she concentrated on separating the sound stream, on finding recognizable chunks, she couldn’t make sense of airling speech.
Curiosity and longing burned in Belle’s chest. If only she could understand; if only she could share the joy; if only she could be part of the world that was still and would forever remain alien to her.
With an internal sigh, she copied the ‘okay’ gesture without thinking about it.
Was she okay? Truly okay? And, was this?
Jumper Girl touched Belle’s shoulder. Her hair was unrestrained today, sleek and shiny, falling into her face and tickling Belle’s skin as she withdrew. Another stream of sound, a warm smile, a quick gesture – and then Belle was left to ponder her thoughts in solitude.
She bit her lip, swam a slow circle close to the surface. There wasn’t another living, breathing thing around. The water still and silent around her. Flipping onto her back, she stared at the grey sky. The fake sun didn’t sting her eyes, but left bright spots floating in her vision and her consciousness.
It wouldn’t be long before someone would come. They would come and bring food, entertainment, company. And Belle was grateful. For all of it. She was.
She could feel her body grow stronger, her wounds heal, her tail and fin beat in unison. She was well, better, okay. She was okay.
But there was something missing. There was a deep, dark void. A void only visible in the small hours, the late hours, the in-between. Between meals, between games, between sleeping and waking.
She didn’t have a name for it.
She did, however, have a name for the only thing that made the hollow feeling abate. She had given him a name. Not a sound above surface, not a gesture formed with nimble fingers, but a proper name, a true name. A name in her own language.
When she felt low, she’d trill it out into the abandoned waters and let the echo engulf her like a gentle stream.
He would not hear her sing it. If she knew anything, she knew that that would be foolish, would be reckless, would be dangerous. She would not put him in harm’s way.
He still came to her, came every day. He’d sit by the water and talk to her with the limited means they had to strike up a conversation. He’d inquire after her health; ask if there was anything she needed, anything he could do.
And Belle would feel the pull, feel every tune in her reach out to him.
She stayed away, kept a safe distance between them. Even when it hurt. Watching him, listening to his voice, she wished to go back to the way things were. She wanted to touch and be touched, wanted to link hands, wanted to laugh easily and feel his presence next to her.
But more than anything she wanted to sing.
Whatever had transpired that night, the night Indigo wore her brace for the first time, Gold still didn’t understand it. He couldn’t find anything wrong with what had happened, with what he had done – well, other than manipulating her, which was a whole smelly can of worms by itself – but something had undeniably caused a shift in their dynamics.
Perhaps he had hurt her after all. Perhaps she was lying when she told him otherwise.
She never grew tired of assuring him it was fine, they were fine, but he had lived a complicated marriage long enough to know it wasn’t.
At first, he tried to ignore his gut feeling, acted as though he was oblivious to the change. However, the more he tried to get back to that ease, find the easy familiarity between them again, the more he felt her withdraw. She withdrew – physically, emotionally – retreating deeper into the water and further away from him.
Indigo shied away from touch, his touch specifically, refusing sustenance, therapy, and recreational activities, if it brought them close. She’d still talk to him – from a distance – but he had had to delegate most of her care to others he trusted: Ruby Lucas, David Nolan, his son.
In his desperation, he’d even asked Milah to help, and to his surprise, his wife had risen to the occasion.
She had given him no reason to doubt her since their last falling out and her subsequent flight to Montgomery Manor. She’d dug her heels in on a few issues, as was her nature, but overall, she’d been nothing but the partner he’d so painfully missed for the past years. She’d become someone he could talk to again, confide in even, be himself with. She’d become his best friend again. A friend he desperately needed right now.
And yet.
And yet, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was horribly wrong. His life, the way things were, everything… felt off. Like a puzzle piece that didn’t quite fit, but had been made to do so anyway, forced in where it didn’t belong.
It was probably just insomnia.
He never slept well when worried. And he didn’t think clearly when overtired.
Next to him, his wife was fast asleep. He didn’t resent her for it. Milah worked hard, he had to give her that. And he had always been a light sleeper, his mind keeping him awake until the wee hours of the morning.
Yawning, he turned on his side. The bedroom window was open. He’d forgotten to draw the curtains to prevent the full moon from breaking and entering. Gold didn’t feel like getting up and padding across the cold floor to remedy his negligence, however. Once he got up, the battle would be lost and he might as well call it a night and go back to work.
The bed was warm and comfortable, the mattress just soft enough. Milah was asleep right next to him, her breathing shallow, the faint scent of lavender drifting over as he turned to face her.
Shuffling into the kitchen for tea and then dragging himself down into his freezing office in the middle of the night didn’t sound all that inviting, if he was honest. And he really needed to sleep.
No matter how hard he wished otherwise, squeezed his eyes shut, and tossed and turned, sleep did not come. As always, darkness and silence were disrupted by the noise in his head. And the noise had, as it had done on countless nights before, infested his ears too, the bloody relentless ringing keeping him from, both, the rest he so desired and the ability to hear himself think.
Gold ran a hand over his face and suppressed a groan. Tea it was then.
He got out of bed, wincing as he put weight on his bad ankle, and left the bedroom as quietly as possible. Worn out slippers and open bathrobe over his pyjamas, he was glad it was still dark and he didn’t have to face himself in the long mirror in the hallway.
He’d make a nice hot cup of tea, check in on Bae, and then get to work. Breakfast could wait. And so could a shower and a shave.
As he sat down at the kitchen table, resting his head in his hand, waiting for the kettle to boil, the ringing in his ears grew louder. Annoyed, he pressed a hand to his ear, adding the familiar static to the cacophony.
When he’d been little, he believed he could hear the ocean in his hands as he cupped them over his ears gently to drown out, well, everything.
The noise wobbled, cracked, became high-pitched. Shattering glass was what it was. No, glass right before it shattered into smithereens.
Gold swallowed hard. His heart spluttered and thudded dully. A sprinter who’d missed the start signal by just a beat. A split second later, he felt it race in his chest, uneven, beating in starts and fits.
He closed his eyes for a moment.
When he opened them again, there she was.
Indigo. Her beautiful face just inches from his, her eyes bright and so very, very blue, it took his breath away.
The water should have already done that, Gold mused, his train of thought derailed, however, the instant Indigo touched his cheek.
A smile on her face, she cocked her head, her eyes never leaving his as she ran her fingers down his cheek and neck, over his shoulder, and down his arm. He flexed his fingers, expecting them to link with hers, and they did, albeit briefly.
Before he knew what was happening, she had circled him and Gold found himself the unsuspecting pivot of an elaborate dance, a strange but spectacular performance.
Like an underwater firecracker, leaping and belly-flopping, swiveling and somersaulting, she moved around him to her own tune, and he felt the water around them vibrate with it, humming deep and low.
He watched, transfixed, unable to tear his eyes away, even for a second.
When the figurative music stopped, the water still hissed with the commotion, tiny bubbles running up her body as she looked at him. He wanted to catch every last one, make them pop under gentle pressure from his fingertips.
Her wide eyes beckoned. She did not have to ask twice.
Her skin was soft. Warm liquid silk running through his fingers. Her face, her neck, her flanks, her belly. All of her quivered under his touch. He went over every inch of her again, more pressure, more want this time.
The sound filling his ears rose and swelled as the gorgeous creature threw her head back and pulled him with her, pulled him on top of her, her body slamming into his as they rolled around, as she was leading them down deeper, so much deeper, to where the water was opaque and heavy, the air thin and sharp.
Gold awoke with a start, a stabbing pain in his chest and an uncomfortable throbbing in his nether regions.
“Ah, feck…” he muttered, gathering his bearings and finding himself in bed with the covers thrown off and his pyjamas and cold sweat clinging to him like a second skin. Whether he was in bed again or in bed still, he couldn’t say. He also had no clue what the bloody hell had gotten into him or how to get it out again.
Breathing heavy, he rubbed at his arms and looked around.
Open window, full moon. White covers with swirly pattern.
His wife, asleep and bathed in soft moonlight.
Gold felt the aftershock of desire stir in his groin and swallowed hard. His mouth was dry and his brain fuzzy. He needed something to take the sting out, needed a drink, needed –
He shifted, scooted closer, breathing soap and lavender as he leaned in to kiss her neck, gently brushing her curls aside.
“Milah…” he breathed her name into her skin, covering it in kisses until she stirred. “Milah?”
“Mh-hmm” she purred in response, stretching in almost feline fashion and leaning into his touch as she slowly came to – to more kisses pressed to her neck and collar bone.
In that split second, gunmetal blue sliced through him like butter.
“Wha – – Ooh.”
Her breathing hitched and need was everywhere. In every cold pore, in every raw nerve ending, and deep in his pulse, he felt it. Untangling his hand from her curls, he gently gripped her around the waist and, covering her mouth with his, he slowly maneuvered her closer.
Jigsaw puzzles be damned.
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claudiablanche · 4 years
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✧ ━━ the courts of switzerland present CLAUDIA BLANCHE VON SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN of GERMANY, the FIRST PROTECTOR of the TEUTONIC ORDER. the TWENTY-FIVE year old has been GUILEFUL and ABSOLUTE before the break of war but has now become HAUGHTY and POWER-HUNGRY. SHE is often remembered by her likeness to ELIZABETH DEBICKI and THE THRUM OF FARAWAY DESTRIER STALLIONS IN WARS BYGONE ; CALLOUSED PALMS SLIDING BENEATH A TORN SILK BODICE ; THE INVIGORATING WEIGHT OF A JEWELED CROWN RIGHTFULLY CLAIMED. the rumour mills of europe claim that her allegiance lies with HERSELF and that she is for WAR.
what retributive, wrathful seeds you have sown in your gardens of dark / how cruelly you have seduced your child to bite the fruits they yield.
tw: physical abuse
Before she was Prinzessin Claudia, announced for the first time in twenty-five years to an awestruck court that had believed her dead, she was Ritter Helena of the Teutonic Order, an iron-clad maiden who, on an ivory steed, single-handedly blooded and seized masses of territory for the Holy Roman Empire. There were other names, too, given to her for this particularly glorious era—War-Monger, Sun-Bringer, First Protector of the Empire, Prophet of the Father—but it was Helena by which Konrad called her. And where Claudia would have happily pierced his gut clean with her Christened blade, a younger, blinder Helena answered to no other name but the one he gave her. 
After all, before she would conquer men and kingdoms in his name, she would conquer needlework and morning mass first as young Freiin Lena: knees rubbed raw from praying at an altar she’d rather spit on, mouth twisted permanently in rebuke, knuckles bruised purple and red by thin-lipped teachers who’d have subjected her to worse if it weren’t for the Emperor’s enduring favor. This is where she learned obedience—eventually, anyway. Before Konrad dragged her out to the battlefield for play, he taught her control and composure: the rhythmic precision of embroidery, the patience needed to recite page after page of Latin scripture, the necessity of being able to sit at a table without upending it in a fit; staining her gown in shades of spilt wine; cutting herself on the shattered glass. The maids who cleaned up Lena’s messes would whisper amongst themselves derisively: Now what kind of lady is this? What feral little thing has the Emperor plucked so lovingly from the filthy loins of war? Why does he continue to spoil her, when she presents nothing but unbridled fury, but monstrous rage? 
And all the while, Konrad himself would watch Lena struggle, and cry, and snarl, with nothing but absolution in his eyes. Her wilderness, her chaos, her hurt—where did it all come from? Ah. He knew. 
For before she was a Freiin, she was nothing at all. They said he’d found her tucked away in the rubble of a ravaged land, a weak babe fussing and keening for survival. They said merciful, pious Konrad had sensed something in her: a greatness, a divine calling, an affection that compelled him to rescue and take her under his wing. She was less than a daughter, but greater than a subject. She was given her own land and title, but denied the luxurious spoils other children of imperial favor enjoyed. In fact, she remained shrouded from the public eye for years to come: locked away in some undisclosed tower, unheard from and unspoken to. 
It was harsh of him, perhaps, to begin at such a young age. Some would say cruel; others insisted it was a stern kindness needed to lift her into glory. To the little girl in the tower, it was simply how the world worked: in endless jabs and cuts, in broken bones and shorn hair—fighting tooth and nail, slammed to the ground over and over until it no longer frightened her to fall. Before she ever wore a gown, she wore armor; before she ever held a needle, she held a blade. Konrad’s best generals taught her, then would bring squires and older boys to drive the lessons home: in barracks, in stables, in dead black fields—
Day after laborious day, year after unrelenting year; he was teaching her, slowly, how to fight—but more than that, he was teaching her wrath. It was important to the Emperor that his weaponry was not only functional, but doused in a rich, dark fury that would ensure her success. He sowed these seeds of rage deep, deep within her: every split lip, cracked rib, denied privilege, clear prejudice a means to cultivate something truly, truly dangerous. 
And he did. Perhaps, more than he has anticipated.
For now, Claudia is a woman truly worth fearing. The years have aged her like honey wine: she is a valkyrie on the field, a vixen in the courts—and carries with her at all times an inaccessible air of perfect, stoic control. Those who see her now, the poised princess returned to a joyous Germany, seated calmly at a table with nothing but a pair of cold blue eyes for accessory—they would not believe she is, deep down, made of molten ire. They would not believe the havoc she wrecked in the wake of the discovery of her birthright: the broken jewelry and splintered bed frames and torn shirts—and Konrad’s blood, caked beneath her nails from the one good swipe she got in before they finally subdued her. Since then, her anger appears to have dissipated, smothered out as she’s matured into a regal womanhood; but in fact, it sits like a fire in the pit of her stomach, both an engine and hazard. 
She has grievances, an appetite for vengeance, an inability to forgive—and with all of that, an increasingly volatile, out-of-control temper to match.
what blood i cannot spill on fields of war, i lick from a lover’s lips / what violence i abstain from in daylight, i pursue beneath exotic moons.
tw: sex, unequal power dynamics, internalized misogyny
The Princess of Germany is, by unanimous agreement of anyone who is asked, an unconventional one. She is a knight, and a war hero, and stands at a height so great she—quite literally—towers over any suitor who would dare court her. Indeed, princess, for as short an expanse of time she has occupied the title, is one Claudia has decisively outgrown. Her most curious, and scandalous, point of unconventionality, however, has to do with her choice of companionship; or lack thereof. 
At twenty-five years of age, Claudia is young for a knight, but old for an unmarried maiden. Predictably, she has refused any offers both prior and after her return as princess—and given her intentions to continue serving on the battlefield, has made it clear that marriage is and likely never will be a serious consideration. A declaration so bold would fare worse for someone positioned less uniquely than she, but such is Claudia’s stance on the matter—and so it has been respected. 
Of course, being unwed does not mean the young woman is without an appetite. In fact, Claudia is an extremely sexual being: she is austere, unromantic, and wholly uninvested in anything but her own future—but possesses an energetic carnality and sophisticated sense of eroticism all the same. Men, however, do not interest her: in youth, they were her foul tormentors and fixed enemies; in war, her brothers in arms and family; and in womanhood, they have proven themselves to be her cunning keepers, her foolish kings, and her negligent gods. Men have consistently wounded her, betrayed her, or simply failed to measure up. No, Claudia finds them entirely unappealing, and more importantly, untrustworthy. If she had once harbored affections for any man at all, the feeling has been cleanly discarded of; at the very least, she refuses to acknowledge it. 
Which leaves women. Women, with their soft voices, smooth skin, long hair—graced with an anatomy Claudia is familiar with, knows how to work with ruthlessness. They are not loud and brutish as men are—but rather, speak with their eyes and hands. Many are intelligent, and know the same truth as Claudia: that this world was not meant to carry them safely into and out of the world. So we must carry each other, and ourselves instead. Claudia even loved one such woman, a long time ago. But just as there are beautiful, precious women in the world, there are even more worthless ones. Conniving women who would see her ruined; desperate women who plead with her in the mornings to be saved and loved and lavished; unmemorable, meek, resigned women who have lost any agency of their own to better their luck. Women who take it like whores and don’t complain.
Then again, it’s oddly thrilling, isn’t it? To bruise her up, to hold her down until she shakes, to push her legs apart and tear her to pieces until she looks at you the way women look at men: helplessly, adoringly, fearfully. It feels briefly powerful to be wanted like that, to know you can hurt, and hurt, and hurt—and she won’t hurt you back.
joan’s downfall: not knowing when to stop kissing God’s wrist, and start biting it. / who needs martyrdom? this is my empire. i strike the flint. i set the torches.
Claudia is a study in duology: she carries herself with both the graceful severity of a knight, and the coy entitlement of an imperial heir. Perhaps she is an unconventional one, but Claudia, in many ways, is a princess. She wasn’t ever pampered or swaddled in opulence, but raised all the same to believe she was deserving of it: every strike against her cheek, every bitter night spent shivering in the dark an unspoken promise of her worthiness. At some point, she understood why things were made so difficult for her: it was because Konrad believed she could do more, be better, rise to extraordinary heights. If an Emperor saw as much radiant potential in her—why oughtn’t she see the same in herself? Besides, few can say with Claudia’s same self-assuredness that they have worked hard enough to deserve anything they please.
Claudia, therefore, is not shy about her desires and standards of quality. She is neither spoiled nor overindulgent, unlikely to splurge on useless merriments, but is unabashedly particular with what she does feel is necessary and proper for a woman of her standing to possess. The few material goods she holds dear have each been carefully curated and adjusted to her exact liking. Her stallion is a white destrier, purebred and an unparallelled companion in warfare; her diadem a halo of luminescent gold, embellished with tasteful sets of Chinese jades, Portuguese sapphires, Russian alexandrites, each piece of jewelry imported from a different corner of her someday-empire. Her selection of gowns remain remarkably slim and extravagant for royalty, but each dress is tailored to immaculate perfection, cut from fine silks and dyed in rich shades royal purple, deep cerulean, vivid crimson. The same quality of care, if not more, is given to her armory and weaponry—each piece of iron casted and crafted under her watchful eye.
Some may call it vanity, but Claudia answers to dignity. She has always believed in excellent living: holding oneself in high regard the same way one is held to high expectations. When all is said and done, it would be unfitting to adorn a future Empress in anything less than the very best her Empire can offer.
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izahunny · 5 years
A small thing I wrote about Tsukuyomi, kind of exploring what his initial dynamic is with Susanoo and Ama.
When there was news that the Japanese pantheon was gaining a new ally, there was the usual commotion and unease. Amaterasu pacing around their hub temple's entrance, trying to think of who could possibly join the war. Names ran through her head, making it swell in pain. She halts, inhales and exhales in the same beat before eyeing her brother who was leaning on a pillar.
He glances at her, then at the interior, where the rest of the pantheon sat waiting. With how little their numbers were, everyone was at least interested to see who'd join their ranks.
"Relax, whoever it could be, they won't cause grievous harm," Susanoo spoke up, wanting to ease his sister.
"What if it's one of the Great Terrible Yokai?"
"Mother can wrangle them just fine."
"What if they're an old foe?" Amaterasu turns to face Susanoo, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Then we give them a common enemy, it's fine, focus on breathing." Susanoo walks closer to plant his hand on her shoulder, clenching it and feeling her tension. Amaterasu blinks slowly, shutting her eyes and taking heavy breaths, eventually, she eases any weight on her shoulders.
"Thank you," Amaterasu smiles with the corner of her mouth, Susanoo mirrored it on his own face.
She heads inside, leaving Susanoo to keep watch for anyone walking in. He leans back on the pillar, pulling his hat down to his face.
He hears something. A lone creak.
It felt out of place to the commotion inside and nature's ambience. He shifts to straighten his posture, honing his ears again.
The wind chimes hanging on the structure beams rang gently...odd...there was no wind today.
He notes the direction it swung, if this trespasser was there, then they would be going the same direction as that wind chime's initial swing. Susanoo checks inside, Amaterasu was talking to Hachiman - she wasn't relaxed, but she was still preoccupied.
Susanoo draws his sword, footsteps light as the winds he controls, he walks around the corner and the first thing he sees is the moon.
Or...moreso a great curved blade, glowing in gold, resembling a crescent. Its sheer size would send any sensible mortal running, and any shivers down a god's spine.
Purple and blue swirls on the stranger's clothes and a stream of white hair fall out of the concealed head.
Such impressive colours...such a frightening weapon...yet the stranger stands rigid, taking a swig from their gourd. Susanoo grips his sword tightly. Who could this be?
The crescent shapes, the night thematic clothes, while this person glowed, they didn't emit a warmth like Amaterasu, in fact, his aura was chilly. For some reason, Susanoo was seeing someone who'd contrast his sister.
Not just the colours alone, but the way this person presented themself, not proud and noble like a warrior, but they were concealing themself, swaying like a rigid tree at night.
It clicked.
"...Brother?" Susanoo spoke out, the head of' his brother' tilted up.
It slowly turns, revealing a face with relaxed and sleepy eyes, a languid smile that does not put Susanoo at ease.
A finger rests on his lips, "Ssh..."
"Damn, it really is you, Tsukuyomi." Susanoo recalls the tale of his estranged brother, the one banished by his twin sister for the murder of a goddess. He disappeared without a trace, though he never remembered if anyone missed him.
"Don't tell your big sis yet okay? Do this for your nii-chan," Tsukuyomi winks before lowering himself, ready to launch himself away. His voice was hushed, and the sweetness only felt creepy to the brother.
A beam of light blinds Tsukuyomi, "You're not gonna hide from me!"
When it dissipates, both brothers see Amaterasu with her mirror by her side, her face was in a fixed frown. She draws her sword, squinting at Tsukuyomi as she points it right in the center of his eyes. She glances at Susanoo, and he takes it as a command.
He sets his sword along his brother's throat from behind, helping his sister ensnare him, "I'm not calling you nii-chan by the way."
"Why you? Why surface from whatever cave you were hiding in?" Amaterasu steps closer, voice sharp.
Tsukuyomi only shrugs, "It was on a whim, nee-chan."
"A whim?! What kind of twisted pride do you have?! Aren't you here to make amends for Uke Mochi? Is there any guilt? Has your exile taught you nothing?!" Amaterasu's volume kept rising at every question, her rage beginning to surface.
Tsukuyomi sighs, "I'm not like Susanoo here if that's what you're wondering."
"Then what?" Susanoo's blade edged closer, something about his brother's statement struck a nerve in him.
Tsukuyomi shuts his eyes, sighing. From a distance, no one would be able to tell he was even related to Susanoo and Amaterasu - let alone be her twin brother.
"I hear her voice a lot - Uke Mochi, she's being a real pest, telling me to come back," Tsukuyomi shakes off Susanoo, shielding himself with his blade from another light beam.
He uses his oversized weapon to block both siblings' strikes, leaping back and landing right in front of the entrance - where everyone can see him. He chuckles, twirling his blade with one hand as he winks and salutes at his brother and twin sister, "Nice seeing you again~"
"No! You're not leaving!" Amaterasu throws another light beam, with flares up, blinding everyone within its proximity. Once it fades, they find that Tsukuyomi had left, leaving behind a fallen and shattered wind chime.
"Damnit! It had to be him!" Amaterasu drove her sword onto the ground, "I never wanted to see him again!"
"...Yet you wanted him to stay?" Susanoo picked up the wind chime, only a few tubes cracked in half, the overall decoration was fine.
"I..." Amaterasu takes a moment, "He's part of our team now, we have to stay together...regardless of any personal vendettas."
"He said he heard Uke Mochi's voice, maybe he is feeling remorse."
Amaterasu gazes upon the setting sun, watching it make room for the moon and its domain. They're separate, never together - creating a vast contrast, she thinks of her brother, who was always meant to be her polar opposite. She thinks of what she saw in those eyes - the eyes of a murderer, the eyes of her brother.
"He's too proud to admit that."
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