#thank you msm (2017)
thatgayoctopus · 3 months
I love Tumblr bc there's always at least two(2) other people obsessed with the same Random Ass Cartoon Guy™ as me. My heart goes out to the people suffering in obscure cartoon mad scientist hell alongside me, and thank you for always liking my art ♥️
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squireofgeekdom · 1 year
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WHO is doing it (appealing to me, personally) like Marvel’s Spider Man (2017) ?!!?
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hawkogurl · 4 months
Okay so I’m a relatively new fan of Harold and trying to get into the fanbase but man these acronyms are A Lot….. seeing USM and MSM and SSM and JMD and WOSM……. my dude I am lost……. one crumb of guidance I beg you……….
So a lot of the time if it’s acronyms relating to the names of comics writers, I am not helpful. But here is what I can tell you
The live action universes that feature Harry are going to be referred to as the Raimiverse (the original trilogy with Tobey Maguire) and either TASM or the Webbverse, used interchangeably, to refer to The Amazing Spider-Man movies starring Andrew Garfield)
To my knowledge, whenever someone is referring to comics under the name The Amazing Spider Man, that’s going to be called ASM instead of TASM. TASM is for movies, ASM is for comics.
There are more animated series than I can count but the ones referred to most often in here are TSSM, The Spectacular Spider-Man featuring Josh Keaton and James Arnold Taylor as Peter and Harry, USM, Ultimate Spider-Man featuring Drake Bell and Matt Lanter as Peter and Harry respectively, and MSM or MSM 2017, Marvel’s Spider Man, featuring my beloved Robbie Daymond and Max Mittleman as Peter and Harry respectively.
Confusingly, MSM is also used to refer to the current insomniac game series, though they are often referred to with some variation of the word insomniac to differentiate them and keep the tags organized. However, if something is referring to MSM 2017 it’s almost always referring to the show and if it’s MSM2 or MSM2023 in my experience it’s almost always the game. Yes, this is confusing.
Just as confusing is the fact that despite SSM is used to refer to the spectacular spider man comics and separate them from the show similar to ASM, USM is the acronym used for both the show and the comics in most instances I’ve seen. So you’re just gonna have to use context clues. Most things referencing a comic are usually going to include issue numbers which helps.
Comics arcs that commonly have their own acronyms are OMD, aka One More Day, and TCW, aka The Child Within. Sometimes you’ll also see KLH to refer to Kravens Last Hunt but that’s not nearly as relevant to Harry so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
There’s also TNAS, The New Animated Series which came out near the release of Spider-Man 2002 and is intended to continue it, but because it’s kind of terrible you’re not gonna see it often. The 90’s animated series is much better but has no acronym and will usually be specified as specifically the 90’s Animated Series.
I believe WOSM is simply referring to the World Of Spider-Man but I could be wrong. (Edit: I was wrong, it’s Web Of Spider-Man. Everyone say thanks @theopolis)
I know JMD is referring to a specific comics writer but I’m not even confident of the name of the top of my head. Because I’m not terribly proficient in the comics quite yet, I’m probably gonna ask @oliveroctavius and/or @theopolis who are far more familiar with them than I am for that and any other comics acronyms I’m missing and I hope they don’t mind the tag.
Hope this was helpful!
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starseedpatriot · 11 months
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For those who think Trump shouldn’t be POTUS in 2024 because he didn’t fully “drain the swamp” in his first term, allow me to offer some perspective.
Do you remember what it was like in 2017? Do you remember how many people were still completely brainwashed by the TV?
If Trump arrested Deep State actors as soon as he showed up, it would have been chaos, civil war, mass civilian casualties, legitimate threat to NATSEC, breakdown of society, etc.
At the time, a small percentage of the population even knew about the Deep State, let alone believed it was a real thing. Trump and his supporters were mocked relentlessly back then for talking about the Deep State, and now it’s widely recognized as a reality.
A large percentage of Americans believed the MSM at the time that Trump conspired with Russia. On top of that, Trump was hamstrung by the Mueller investigation. If Trump went scorched-earth on the Deep State during this time, it would not have worked. The Leftists were already emboldened to riot due to the BLM insanity. It would have been ugly.
We were on pace to handle it in Trump’s 2nd term, and then they released C19 on the world, the bio-medical police state was implemented, mail-in ballots were sent out en masse, the steal happened, and everything changed.
However, Biden’s disastrous term pretty much confirmed Trump was right about everything, and the American People got a quick 4 year dose of full-blown Orwellian totalitarian dystopia.
This caused a significant portion of the People to wake up to the realities about corruption and degeneration of society that Trump was talking about. The Left, the media, the corporations, all of the elements of the Deep State went completely batshit crazy, exposing themselves to the People.
Now add the optics of Biden weaponizing the DOJ to go after Trump over nothing, and all the sudden, if Trump went after the Deep State in his 2nd the public would not only understand it, they agree with him.
Then add additional layers, like that Biden admin and their Deep State affiliates are 100% responsible for the war in Ukraine, as they are trying to defend their illegal offshore proxy they created via CIA color revolution in 2014. Funding and arming nazi military forces and dragging the US/NATO into WW3 with nuclear superpower Russia and China waiting patiently in the shadows.
Why will Trump drain the swamp on his next term? Because the People get it now. They see what he was talking about. They had a front row seat to witness it for the last 7+ years.
Trump now has the political ammunition and the global support to do what is necessary and rid the world of the Deep State. And equally as important, the Deep State have lost control of the narrative because of the parabolic takeover of citizen journalism thanks to Elon’s introduction of free speech on Twitter.
Trump didn’t have all this going for him his first time around. Now much more of the world is awake, and more of them will continue to wake as WW3 and nuclear destruction looms over us all.
Trump said it himself. “We are in a position to that now because Pandora’s Box has been opened. People will say ‘now we get it’”.
The Left are right; if Trump wins 2024, it WILL be a “Retribution Presidency”.
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asterthought · 5 months
Hold up one second, I don't know if you're still taking requests rn, but are there any rules or conditions that we should be aware of? Do they have to involve certain fandoms and such? And are crossovers also allowed?
Hi! Thanks for asking! Answering your questions:
Yes, I'm still taking requests!
My biggest rule is to please be kind and patient since it'll probably take a while but I'll draw it!
The other rule is to keep it SFW or "family friendly", I guess. (I'll accept a bit of gore in the name of angst but not like full body horror lol)
Since my requests are for doodle and sketch, I only take requests from fandoms I'm in mostly because I'm involved in the lore and familiar with the characters and how they look and interact with eachother! (Tbh I wouldn't force myself to learn how to draw from an entire different fandom unless it's a commission, which at the moment I'm not doing)
I'm in many many fandoms, some of them I haven't even posted my art here, but so far I can draw: Death Note, Spider-Man (basically all media, but I'm mostly into MSM 2017 so that's what I draw when given a request without a specific universe in it), Big Hero 6, DuckTales (2017), Rise of the Guardians, How To Train Your Dragon, Boku No Hero Academia, No. 6, Percy Jackson and the Riordanverse, Miraculous Ladybug, Phineas and Ferb, and a lot more. You can DM me or ask for other fandoms not listed here, and I'll try to answer!
YES! CROSSOVERS ARE ALLOWED! I ADORE THEM! My personal favorites are Rise Of The Brave Tangled Dragons, Futuristic Four, and The Secret Trio! Again, this is not limited, just ask kindly!
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masterserris · 8 months
spoilers under cut for spiderman 2 for ps5
booooo no eddie brock
at least harry didnt die. i was worried they were gonna kill him but thank god not. tho he is in a coma :(
antivenom cool hehe
otto at the end: "shove it up your ugly ass, you heard me, shove it up. your ugly ass i aint tell you shit fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you." honestly? good for him ehheheh
mysterio!!! looks and sounds like Phantasm mysterio! yeee! tho a bit more... deranged. and too basic white bread looking he needs his scowl and dark hair cut shhhhh but his costume is on point!
Betsy being the one to pull becky's strings works so fucking good ooohhh my godddd they wanted to capitalize off of his work and they were the only ones who appreciated him OUGHGH
like he loved them and they loved him but that loved turned to poison and led to this i fucking LOVE IT RAAAAAAH
the scream fight was good. i loved pete and mj talking it out through the fight, that was the heart and soul of it ehhe. still hate that all symbiotes are evil ffs
so what i gather from this is that venom is the envoy of knull bc of the symbol everywhere and his arrival to earth on the meteor and all. like he seems to be able to control symbiote matter and other symbiotes at will like the core of the hive. so. i guess it's an evil knull-ified venom. msm 2017 was also an evil venom but that was his own choice? knull already peaced out billions of years ago, it was betrayal that made venom from their old hatred of being torn from their hosts so. blegh
this venom is like if movie venom stayed with riot to conquer the earth. and had hive powers/wasnt cut off from the hive like he was in the comics when he first showed up in og secret wars.
also also?????? why not let the earth become a symbiote hive???? i dont see a downside here guys gimme one.
(seemed kinda like the darkhold/some dark magic with how they all turn to dust as soon as the meteor core is destroyed. or that really is the heart of klyntar/knull. anyways. blegh. no goos anymore im sad.)
like i am being serious. klyntar /would/ heal the earth. we could get a lot of shit done if we cleared our heads and stopped fighting all the fucking time jesus. we could become so great together I AM SERIOUS. i wanna be a klyntar host so BAD. i am 100% straight faced balls deep serious about this.
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fishymom-art · 1 year
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gaykillermoth · 2 years
ok ill bite tell me abt ur fictional dudewifes. just liek all of them idk any specific 1s 2 ask abt
otacon [THE wife] - hrnnngh... otacon
guide terraria - he is nice to me
colress pokemon - hes a 10 but hes wanted for terrorism in unova. ❤️
piers pokemon - goth and kinda cute
max modell msm 2017 - nice. pretty but in a dad way. smart but gives off kind of stupid vibes. would give me a hug that would break me in half like a kit-kat bar
augustus sinclair. - sowwie he talks very nice.
tim wright - the og wife honestley
arcade gannon - ive never played any fallout games but i wont you boy
harvey - best stardew character sorry for being right xoxo
mia winters - "shes not a man" shes my boywife thanks.
doc 2bdamned - idk how i forgot him but hes my bald babygirl.
and honorable mentions [guys who i like but am not completely insane about]: professors sycamore, kukui, and birch. the graverobber from repo. dan cain. ash the evil dead [never watched any evil dead movies]. geralt of rivia [i have watched one ep of the witcher]. the tsv men.
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themfp1 · 8 months
MSM Ignores Death of Longest Suffering Female Political Prisoner in Modern History of Western Hemisphere
By: Humberto Fontova “I want to recognize everyone in the audience who has their own painful but important story to tell about the true and brutal nature of the Castro regime,” remarked President Donald Trump during a speech in Miami’s Little Havana on June 16, 2017. “And we want to thank you all for being a voice for the voiceless….” “Many of you witnessed terrible crimes committed in service…
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Crunchy leaf and four leafed clover for the plant asks for any f/o :] -@knightofyourheart
Thank you for the ask!
I don’t have my f/o list posted yet, however, I shall do two different f/os. The ask comes from a list of asks I made, which can be found here! Feel free to use!
🍂 Crunchy Leaf 🍂 - What is your f/o(s) favorite season?
I’ll use Lex Luthor(Smallville. Familial: Sibling.) for this one. I’d have to say his favorite would be winter. From the episode Lexmas I can’t help but believe that it would be winter with his favorite holiday being Christmas or the Winter Solstice/Yule.
🍀 Four Leaf Clover 🍀 - Does your f/o(s) believe in luck? If so, what kind of luck do they usually have?
For f/o(s) believing in luck, I’ll use Alistair Smythe(MSM 2017. Familial: Child.). Alistair believes in luck, but he usually ignores signs of bad luck(example: he takes a black cat as a sign of good luck, because most people regard it as bad luck.). He would, I would say, have poor luck typically. Especially when it comes to his schools, like when he solved the weather formula and Max Model just brushed him off, and when Adrian Tombs and Norman Osborn had him use the Vulture tech to steal from Horizon High.
Apologies for the splurge, I just hate what happened to my son
Please don’t reblog in fandom tags <3
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thatgayoctopus · 1 month
can you draw Ock doing the Peter Griffin death pose
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squireofgeekdom · 1 year
listening to a hunter toh playlist while writing harry osborn having. a bit of a breakdown feels. very appropriate. 
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links-destiny · 2 years
What's your favorite Spidey design from the cartoons? I honestly loathe (affectionate) the middle part look. I think the 2017 cartoon Peter and Harry look fantastic! Also mixed Flash Thompson who's somewhat Peter's friend? Sign me up!
And if you watched ultimate, what did you think of Moon Knight in that one episode? I liked how he makes fun of Peter for talking to the audience, and how his entrance is him trying to kill a child with no explanation.
@the-sprog I feel like this would be my favorite Spidey design. I know people like to give MSM flak for its simple art style and solely due to the fact that children can be a part of the audience demographic, but I love it so much. The design looks nice as heck, and I love the |\/| patterning on his arms.
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Truth be told though, I'm still on season one. Regardless, I absolutely vibe with Peter being a little cringe nerd and also being a mentor for Miles when he managed to get his own spider powers. It's honestly great, and I adore all iterations of Flash, especially since in MSM, he's literally a HIMBO. Like, that wouldn't be so bold of me to assume right?
This guy was so sure that his papier-mâché volcano project would win at the Stark Expo AND IT DID! By default, but he was still so proud of himself. As he should be.
As for the Moon Knight question, I wouldn't be able to answer. I've watched so many Spider-Man cartoons,, except maybe Ultimate. I got through a handful of episodes, but it's not exactly an easy show to get into unless I really want to see Doc Ock being a little funky man. Jokes feel a little too fast-paced, and I'm not used to Spidey pausing the show just to do 4th wall breaks since that seems to be more of Deadpool's area of expertise.
Maybe I'll continue it someday? I'm not a comic book elitist, so I'm taking whatever MK content there is.
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penn-dragon · 3 years
Hi! I'm in love with your msm's art, your drawings about Parksborn are cute af. It's nice to see new fanarts about these dorks in love nowadays, pls never leave this fandom 💚✨
I will never be done with parksborn. Rest assured that even if I’m not actively drawing for parksborn I’m still in love with parksborn
It’s such an underrated ship and I will never let anyone forget about it
here’s a sketch of them i did the other day while rewatching the show with my roommate please enjoy
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ask-msm · 3 years
Hello, this blog is so amaziing!! <3 Harry, what do you like about Pete? Peter, what do you like about Harry?
Thank you!:D -Harry
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He's really nice.-Peter
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trashno0dle · 4 years
Norman: Hello again, son.
Harry: Dad? Y-you're alive?
Miles: How many times can he die?!
Peter, loading a shotgun: Let's find out.
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