#thanks for asking btw ily
buwheal · 2 months
*its an old Ecard featuring Garfield. There is a picture of Garfield commenting about his annoyance that its only midweek and the bottom text says "hang in there"*
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pinterestmom5 · 2 months
compiling a few asks because i want them in my inbox forever
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Testing everyone’s HNK knowledge, who is the baby? (It’s Zircon!) Rutile is NOT the father everyone he just helps deliver he’s the doctor
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On the moon they have food, phos suffers consequences
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stealingpotatoes · 6 months
hey just wanted to let you know this was posted uncredited. i’m going to add credit to the post, but i wanted to link in case you wanted it to be taken down.
normally i'd say yes but it's got 12k upvotes which is an aggressive egoboost LOL. i'll try dm op abt it or smthn but thank you very much for letting me know!!!!!!
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thatslytherinbitch54 · 2 months
What's something the fandom does with this character? (George Weasley) + I think you're lowkey either breeze or tangerine ngl
mb if im bothering you
Hey! What’s something the fandom does with George Weasley?
HOT TAKE: I think the fandom is overlooks his character a bit. Okay, hear me out… both him and Fred were kinda… bullies. If I’m being completely honest, I think the Weasley’s bullying is kinda in the same level of (if not worse than) Draco’s bullying… God, I can tell people are gonna hate me for this lol 😅 No, but for real, The twins experimented their prototypes on first years, gave Ron fear of spiders, almost made on a unbreakable vow, tried to trap Percy in pyramid, stuffed Montage in vanishing cabinet, all these these things that I have listed just gets brushed off as a “joke”. I’m not saying that Draco didn’t do awful shit, please, he’s probably the school’s biggest bigot but, at least his bullying, doesn’t go this far (most of the time at least). So, I think the fandom glosses over George being some what of a bully and kinda makes him like this hot ideal person, I don’t know, just me?
(Jaja thanks! I’m pretty sure I’m both lol)
(Also, don’t EVER apologize for “bothering” me, I like it when people “bother” me 😊)
Thanks for the ask! ILYSM!!! 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
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hourcat · 11 months
Piarles + 6 ("Are you jealous?") 🙏
It's not like he's expecting all that much on a race weekend, of all things. Pierre knows that every team's media responsibilities are different, and that Ferrari especially thrives off of the content it's putting out between race weekends. He's been training himself not to be bothered by it...or, at the very least, trying his damnedest.
It's been getting harder, lately, considering Carlos' driving has been infuriating Pierre for the better half of this year so far and Charles still giggles and laughs along with him whenever they're in front of Josh's work phone.
Josh, of all people! Pierre's friend. He'd never wish anything bad on him, truly, but the little jealous creature that is permanently entrenched deep in his gut wishes he'd never left AlphaTauri. He'd been good at playing up the heavy bromance between himself and Yuki back in the day, which will only mean it will work just as well with Charles and Carlos. It's a nauseating thought.
But he's trying not to have it. It's especially difficult this weekend, because Monza is so steeped in Ferrari lore that there's no way Pierre is going to escape without being forced to witness some god-awful onslaught of red teammate shenanigans on his Instagram feed, but he is trying. It's what has him clenching his fist as he walks through the motorhome lot, the water bottle in his other hand getting the white-knuckling treatment as he thinks about how he is not thinking about Charles getting too close to Carlos to make the tifosi happy. "It is only a weekend," he mumbles aloud like he's actually going to listen to himself. It's only a weekend, and Jack had texted him earlier in the week that the two of them will be doing some TikTok trend because Esteban is too busy to have fun or whatever. He'll survive.
And then he hears a bright peal of laughter as he's walking by the alley between the Ferrari and McLaren motorhomes, and his confidence in that statement wanes dramatically. When he turns towards the sound, Pierre is greeted with the sight of Carlos fucking Sainz leaned onto Charles, tickling him as someone not named Josh films the two of them for some stupid challenge. He's almost chest-to-back with him, one arm hooked around his waist, and oh Pierre is seeing red. Is there a color beyond red for this? If there is, he's being swallowed up in it. Charles lifts his head at the perfect moment, mouth open wide and giggling as he seems to register Pierre's presence. His eyes are sparkling with joy.
Pierre doesn't even have the wherewithal to wave. With a noise that feels like it's been clawed from deep in his chest, he stalks off the rest of the way to Alpine's setup, anger boiling in his blood and filling his ears from what he'd just seen. There is no personal space between them, he thinks hotly, there is never any fucking space. He's rationalized instances like this before, and he will again, but the sight of Carlos pressed so intimately against Charles is burned into his retinas right now. He swings his driver's room door open and then slams it shut. Ben asks him if he's alright through the door and Pierre barely manages an I'm fine before he throws himself onto the couch like a child having a tantrum. "Fucking Monza," he mutters to the empty room. Like he didn't win here once upon a time. Like he doesn't love Italy with his whole heart.
Truthfully, Pierre doesn't know how much time he's actually spent coiled up in anger when the knock at his door breaks the silence. "Pierrot," Charles' voice is sweet and concerned, which means Pierre doesn't stand a chance against him right now. He sighs and sags further into the couch.
"Come in, Charles," he answers. The door clicks open immediately and Charles doesn't even bother waiting for it to swing shut again before he's clambering onto the couch, wrapping his arms around Pierre's shoulders to deliver a wet kiss to his cheek. The wildfire of rage in him cools off a little.
"Hi," Charles murmurs, nose smushed against the line of Pierre's beard. His mouth is warm. Pierre wants nothing more than to tug him into his lap and kiss him senseless--kiss him until he forgets his teammate, his team, his purpose here in the first place.
Instead, he sighs. "Hi," he responds, trying to keep from sounding too despondent. "What are you doing here, calamar?"
Charles peels back to raise his eyebrows. "What do you mean," he says flatly. "I did just witness you storm off like you were going to commit a murder, Pierre. Was I not supposed to come make sure you were not in trouble?" His mouth is quirked in a little smile, but his eyes hold a glint of concern that makes Pierre feel a little guilty.
"I'm fine," he replies. But it sounds flimsy to his own ears, and Charles snorts and shakes his head. "Don't worry about me, Charles. I'm alright. Nothing is wrong." He tries to pull Charles into his lap, now, but Charles is firmly settled into Pierre's side right now, and is apparently using all of his toned muscle to stay there.
"You're a terrible liar," he mumbles. "You can tell me any--" but then he cuts off, inhaling sharply all of a sudden, and Pierre swallows because this is exactly what he does when he figures out how exactly to read the mood. "Are you jealous?"
He sounds so incredulous that Pierre can't help the flush that colors his cheeks. "No," he lies. Charles tuts softly and grabs at Pierre's jaw, tilting his head so that they're now facing one another properly. He can't hide this for long.
"You are a terrible liar," Charles repeats, voice even quieter. "Pierre, I don't--you have nothing to be jealous over, Carlos is my teammate. I have to do this with him. We are a brand, no matter how much I don't like it." He wrinkles his nose. "You know I only love you."
Pierre does. Hearing Charles say it out loud again makes him blush even more, embarrassment putting more and more of his heated feelings out. He does know Charles loves him and him alone, and he does know that it's all Ferrari mandates and propagandas, but...
"Charlie," he murmurs. "I'm sorry. I know." When he tugs at Charles again, this time, he's rewarded: the Monegasque hums softly and goes along with it, settles in Pierre's lap like a weighted blanket and drapes his arms over Pierre's shoulders. The expression on his face is loving and knowing and nonplussed all at once.
"I know you are not his biggest fan," he hums. "And you know I am mad at him for what he has done to you this season. But I can't avoid him, mon petit." Charles rubs a gentle hand against Pierre's chest. "Please don't be upset. Please?" He's giving Pierre the big doe eyes that always, always work on him. Damn his boyfriend for knowing him so well.
He swallows, then reaches up to rest his hand against Charles' cheek. "I won't be," he answers. Then: "I will try my hardest, Charlie. For you."
Charles' face breaks into a grin. "For me," he echoes. "Thank you, mon petit." He swoops in for a kiss--chaste, quick, warm. Pierre wants to keep him trapped in his arms all day long. "I love you." Their noses bump. Pierre sighs, then leans in again for another kiss. (He can't help it. Habit.)
"And I love you."
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lazorbeanz · 18 days
assign your moots a feeling that they giv you
@mbrine @suzienightsky @sparkles-rule-4eva @number-one-shadisper-shipper @essycogany @emerald-antssss @niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian @bluberrie-hedgehog @gardenofrunar @mama-qwerty @shannonallaround @taffycandyqt @axolotini @000marie198 @fandom-power @bitter-sweet-coffee
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kawaiialeisha · 7 months
guys school and stress is kicking my ass rn, i swear on my life I’ll post those reboot, wally and jax doodles (doesn’t do it /lhj)
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littencloud9 · 3 months
if you're still doing the ask thingie: atsushi & dazai + "i'm not betting, i know what's gonna happen"?
"I'm not betting, I know what's gonna happen," Atsushi insists, despite the fact that he very much does not know what's going to happen. He doesn't even know how to play. "If you're so confident, Atsushi-kun, then why not bet for some extra cash?" Dazai replies with that typical glint in his eyes when he knows he's right. "Come on. ¥5000 that Lucy-chan will win." Lucy glances up from her intense match of Dai Di with Sigma, smirking. She then gives Atsushi a sour look, as if betrayed that Atsushi isn't rooting for her. "Sigma's a casino manager! Obviously they'll win!" Atsushi defends, shrinking under Lucy's stare. "But fine. Let's bet, then."
send me a sentence and a pairing <3
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daistea · 20 days
your brain is big and sexy with that mithrun headcannons i am now following you like a baby duck
Just please don't walk over any sewer grates or you will look back and find out I've fallen into the sewer
!! Friend! Don’t worry, I don’t walk over sewer grates anyway because they’re scary
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eebie · 1 month
Youre acfually a poet im serious
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poisonedfate · 1 month
fmk. s1 merlin, s3 merlin, s5 merlin
okay. okay. um.
fuck - s5 (HAVE YOU SEEN HIM???) (he's dark and miserable and uh. very. biteable)
marry - s3 (this might be biased, because i just finished s3 in the rewatch, but !!!!!!! putting a ring on him immediately)
kill - s1 (on my knees begging for forgiveness for this, but some choices must be made. if there was a kiss option, however?????? best believe he'd be my first call)
ask me stuff
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rusty-gloinks · 10 months
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u need this
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lesbianlotties · 10 months
"laura lee body of christ" because i'm intrigued???
that fic is my baby and i'm so excited to dedicate to it but i'm also literally so so scared no one will read it hgsjfhgj
everything started when i made that post about Laura Lee missing out on the twelve apostles yellowjackets eating the body of Christ Jackie. since then i've been obsessed with the idea of Laura Lee's corruption arc aka her cannibalism era aka Laura Lee fully embracing the cannibalism in the wilderness and making it Worse and also Catholic. i'm talking worshipping Lottie, trying to crucify Travis, making up prayers, etc etc. and it starts with my baby leaving God in that plane to explode by himself while she saves herself...
It was, technically, a split second decision. In Laura Lee’s mind, however, making this choice felt like it took years of her life. Everything started with the fire consuming Leonard, the smoke rapidly filling the plane, and her hand gripping tightly her golden cross necklace.
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unholy-screeching9 · 10 months
I really like your oc! hope to see more of her ❤‍🔥😈
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You are enabling me to post so much more content on here, I literally have a STACK of artwork dedicated to her, and frankly, I love you for that
This has made my day and you WILL be seeing more of her now that you have said this 🤝
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Hey just wondering do u have any names/nickname I could use
Oh ofc! I’m not 100% sure for what kind of name you’re looking for but I’ll give you a list so you can get a whole variety of different names. If you don’t find one that you like then you could always ask me again :)
1: Echo
2: Jinx
3: Sol
4: Whisper
5: Esmé
6: Xiomara
7: A name after the months (May, June, July, etc)
8: A name after a flower (Rose, Lily, Petunia, etc)
9: Dice
10: Pandora
Unless you meant like a name for your blog lol. But yea, let me know if this was helpful :)
Thanks for the ask btw! ILYSM!!!
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gothicmatter · 1 month
Based on empirical evidence (stalking your blog) I diagnose you with this
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brb. *checks my walls* *opens my closet* *lifts up my rug* *opens the curtains* *rummages in my cupboards* *slams open the microwave* REVEAL YOURSELF DAEMON
no. cause why are you so spot on. i literally just made myself more coffee (it sucks ass though, never let me make you coffee unless you want to lose every ounce of your will to live with the first sip)
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