#that said though ! i will eventually listen to the rest <3 i have them all in a to listen to playlist or smth
noxtivagus · 1 year
#🌙.rambles#[ persona. ]#it'll be my favorite i bet#makoto's my fav alrdy in the whole series n i barely know anything#^^ then naoto/yusuke i think#hfksjfksjfs p3 w the mythology references n stuff yh?#n i think i'll enjoy the story v much#i love the ost too from the. sorry. 3 songs i know so far T_T#i need to be in a proper mood to listen to new music T_T#that said though ! i will eventually listen to the rest <3 i have them all in a to listen to playlist or smth#i have sm of those kind of playlists but i forget :^) oops#iirc uhhh p3 has stuff w the moon right? n then guns#p3p & fe engage & octopath traveler ii r the games from some of my fav series that i will get for sure n play#when i finish my other games !!!!#i wna watch smth or just chill w apollo for a bit so bye c: i'll do more later or after instead#i can't rmb the complete title but my fav song so far is#the. big spoiler end one i think i don't know what it is in english n i forgot how it goes bcs i stopped listening for less spoilers or wtvr#the one rn tho that's my fav is when the moon's uhhh reaching the stars or smth like that i'm so sorry my brain is mush rn i'm not thinking#too much bcs otherwise i'd get overwhelmed bcs there's. a lot. on my mind rn T_T BYE GNA WATCH THO. AAAA THE SONG IS STUCK IN MY HEAD#there's a lot on my mind n one of my stresses is. exactly what apollo wrote on their moots only tumblr if yk. yeah#wahh i'll manage tho 🥹 for now i just. want to enjoy myself rn. yeah#so much rlly so much in my head n sm i want to do n it's. overwhelming n hurts but yk. rn i want to enjoy this moment. i'll think later
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violetrashie · 2 months
List (that no one has asked me for) of headcanons I have about Mean Girls (2024):
1. Karen is bisexual (the 11 people she slept with were all going to be men?? Come on!!!)
2. Regina is a lesbian (I have nothing to add Reneé has already said it all💅)
3. Gretchen made friendship bracelets for everyone (my sweet Gretchen 🤧)
4. Regina signs up for lacrosse because it helps with her back, ED and anger management issues (and because I really like that idea from the original movie 💫)
5. Sometimes everyone goes to Cady's math contests to support her even though none of them understand anything and Regina sometimes falls asleep
6. Regina gets bangs (like reneé) and the whole school ends up getting them too
7. Janis thinks about shaving her head because of that
8. In the end, after a while, necessary apologies, lots of talking, unexpected kisses followed by -"Why did you kiss me? -I didn't kiss you!! you kiss me!!" Regina and Janis become a couple 🥹
9. The rest of the group fakes surprise as if they haven't been planning it for half a year on their own alternative groupchat
10. In Janis' basement there is now a new pink couch. It's used by the plastics when they all hang out together 🩷
11. Regina is no longer evil and has brought out her sweet side but if someone attacks her people it takes her ZERO time to go apex predator mode
12. Eventually Regina adopts a more relaxed style of clothes (although she still abuses pink) and even wears things that Janis makes for her
13. In the time Regina was in bed she discovered fortnite and now she can't stop playing and getting pissed off when she gets killed (this is just guilty pleasure, move on)
14. Regina is self aware of the scar on her back/side from the accident. Janis always remind her that it is proof that she survived, that they are sexy, and that there is nothing in the world that can make her look bad ❤️‍🩹
15. Some nights Janis wakes up startled and sweating from nightmares about the accident. When this happens she calls Regina and asks her to just let her listen to her breathing for the rest of the night (they stay on video call while they sleep). When they sleep together Regina simply holds his face gently and lays it on her chest so that she can hear her heartbeat 💔
I could make an almost endless list because every day is a day to think about Mean Girls (and Rejanis)✌️
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workingbynyx · 5 months
Imagine tasm!peter parker confessing his crush on you
a/n: just a lil imagine to keep my page on its toes for a while <3
peter has always been a bit awkward around cute girls at school, stammering over his words and eyes wandering whenever someone came up to him to ask about photography. he never entertained them though even if they didn't ask him out, because he knew there's a certain someone who already won his heart. you. you started off as friends with peter after being paired for a science project, occasionally hanging out by the bleachers and talking about what happened in both your classes—it eventually turned into walks around the city, and those walks turning into hanging by each other's house around weekends. may also grew fond of you, treating you like her own daughter whenever peter brought you by for lunch or dinner. you even swore she'd nudge his arm often and whisper incoherent words into his ear which would earn a silent protest from him, but you didn't mind.
but peter always had his eye on you before, he grew a small crush on you whenever you passed by him during lunch as you had this habit of giving him a smile when your eyes meet briefly. the smallest gesture which won peter's adoration for you, probably even the nicest given how he's treated everyday. he also loved how driven you are about your passion, the first time he heard about your love for literature and writing was like realizing he's already fallen for you deeply. the way your eyes lit up when peter brought up the topic, the way your lips twitch trying to fight a smile, the way you get excited telling him stories about it and just how poetic you sound while you speak. yeah, he's in love with you.
the last time you brought peter over your flat was different though, like something had shifted in the air around your room when the both of you stuck inside talking for hours and hours until the sun began to go down, the bright golden hue shining through your windows which lit up your entire room. peter was laying on your bed, his arm behind his head and the other resting on his stomach while you sat by the desk just beside it. you didn't even realize how long you two've been going about a million topics in 3 hours, his new photos being released for the school board, a new book you found and how he should start on it, a cafe the both of you wanted to try out, everything. until peter brought up something,
"have you ever thought about it though?" peter suddenly asked.
"about what?" you replied in the same tone.
"i don't know—uh," he scratched his head, trying to collect his thoughts. "a relationship or...boyfriends..?"
"gosh, i don't know. i'm—...there are times, yeah. of course" you nodded along your words, your brows starting to knit at the sudden question. "why'd you ask?" you tilt her head.
"no, nothing just...curious. that's all" peter simply replied.
he swung his feet off the bed to face you, his arms propped up by his sides and lips pursed as he gave a single nod of assurance. but you knew he was lying. you squint your eyes as though trying to see though his excuses.
"is there something you wanna tell me?" you said as you stood up and sunk onto the space beside him on the bed, your right leg laid folded flatly while the other hung off the edge.
peter looked at you, scanning your features against the sunlight that softened his gaze. his mouth opened to say something but nothing seems to come out.
"I..." he mutters. "Can't, no I..this is a bad idea" he suddenly went on rambling, standing up with both hands now covering his face.
your eyes followed him in confusion but a part of you knew what's going on. as he walked over your window and stood there, his breathing going shallow as he breathes against his palm.
"peter if you wanna talk to me about something it's okay, i'll listen to you. I always do" you then slowly stood up, approaching him in small steps.
peter stayed silent, shaking his head as if declining the offer. "even if i did I don't think you'd understand"
he looked down to his feet, slowly looking up to you standing there. "It was just a silly question, that's all really"
"i know you're lying parker, you never asked 'silly' questions without a reason. remember when you asked if do fish ever drown becau—" "i like you"
he suddenly says which took you back by surprise, an airy scoff leaving your lips. peter then walked up to you, his whole body language switching when he got extremely nervous and words began spilling out.
"i like you, okay? I always have. i didn't know how or when to say it because i know it might come off strange or weird and i understand, if you simply see me as a friend that's completely fi—"
before he knew it, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him against you as your lips crashed onto his in a kiss.
"you talk too much..." you teased in the small space between the two of you before he met your lips again.
peter instantly melted into the feeling of your lips, not even minding how he just got cut off in the middle of his confession when his hand came up to cradle your cheek as he deepened it. all those nights wondering what it would be like to be this close to you finally being answered in this moment.
you loved peter too but couldn't come in terms with it back then, you were always conflicted between the fear of losing him if you did tell him. so the best solution was to keep it to yourself even if it became harder for you each day while seeing him so often didn't help at all, although you eventually learned how to deal with it and you weren't afraid to admit it now. a part of you feeling relieved that you finally have the chance to tell peter after months of keeping this a secret.
you pulled back from peter momentarily for air, your foreheads leaning against each other while your hearts pound in sync. his chuckle suddenly snapping you out of a daze when you look at him with hooded eyes, trying to see what happened.
you also chuckled before finally asking, "what is it?"
"you never told me you're a good kisser" he said, tucking in a loose strand of hair behind your ear then gave your chin a small touch between his fingers.
"if i did would you've been my friend then?" you examined his face up close, eyes eventually landing back to his lips wanting for more.
"I think we're way past than friends now, love" peter said with the brightest smile on his face, leaning in to give you more of a kiss.
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loveswrites · 1 year
ok so how about cullen poly during the fight scene in the fourth movie orrrr cullen poly with how spending a day with them would be like
Tomorrow Poly Cullens x reader
Summary: Basically what the lovely anon asked for but I didn’t listen what so ever so I might make a part two if you guys want.
Etc: And if you loves want a part two let me know and drop some ideas for what they could do in their two hours aloneee. Also thank you my loves for all of the notes it encourages me to write more things for you guys and not just myself lol <3
Word count: 1694
Time it took: 1 hour and 40 minutes
“How could you be like a thousand years old and still so stupid!” You huffed holding your head in your hand. You and the Cullens had been fighting lately. You don’t know why.. Well maybe you have something to do with it.
“How am I stupid? I really can’t hangout with you today my darling. We need to hunt. Especially Jasper, with you being around a lot more his hunger levels tend to double.” Carlisle said. You could just picture him looking at you in sympathy. 
You had called him because apparently all of your lovers are just too busy to hang out with you. You thought Carlisle would be free seeing as he was off today but I guess that wasn’t the case. He was off to go hunting with the rest of the family. Jasper had to leave earlier than the rest. So Alice, Emmett and Esme went with him. You thought Edward would be free since he didn’t go with him but he was in one of his petty moods ever since you went to hang out with Seth and Jacob with Bella. You told him he had nothing to worry about but he insisted that he did. Him and his stupid stupid mind reading. Which led to a fight with him so he was on the bottom of the roster right now.
Then there was Rosalie which was just a hard no for you. You didn’t want to hang out with her right now. Why you may ask? She threw away your pasta three days ago because she said it stunk. Who is she to throw away your pasta? You don’t walk around here popping her blood bags because you don’t like the way it looks to you. Maybe you should. I thought about it for a while and eventually said it out loud, Which was another fight with her that you could just add to the list.
So that left Carlisle who was perfect. Just perfect. He had picked you up from school just earlier today because you told him that you needed a ride. Since everyone else was busy he came and got you. Which he usually doesn’t do because it draws attention. But by now everyone was used to you being with and around the Cullens. Though they don’t know that you date them all. They only know that you date Jasper and Edward which they already thought was weird as hell. But you never cared. You're in love with two vampires that are the downfall to all of the human race. And you think that the world can know that. Know just enough without blowing the cover of it all.
“My love, I know that you are disappointed and upset with us but sadly there is nothing that I can offer for a solution.” Carlisle said after hearing your long aspirated sigh. 
“It’s like you guys are avoiding me. I don’t feel loved at all. I want some love without an argument following through not even two minutes in.” You said, Stripping yourself of your clothes preparing to take a shower since you had nothing better to do. 
“We are not avoiding you-” Carlisle paused and you could hear voices in the background. Listening closely you could hear that it was Esme.
“Is that-”
“I’m sorry but I have to go, the hospital is calling.” He rushed out and before you could even say a word the line was clear. 
Pulling your phone away from your ear you could do nothing but stare at it in disbelief. He hung up on you. And not only that but you were completely sure that that was Esme's voice in the background. No one else around her sounds like her. And you know damn well the hospital did not call him. He was lying. Esme was lying. They’re all lying. 
You couldn’t feel anything but disbelief. 
You knew they lied to just about everyone but that was to protect their family. Not everyone in the town could know that they drink animal blood and sparkle in the sun like a fucking case of glitter. But you knew those things already. You’ve seen those things already. So there would be no reason to hide anything from you. At all. 
Finding a new sense of adventure sparling through your veins you put your clothes back on now determined to find some answers. 
Running down the stairs with your bookbag you almost bumped into Charlie. “Woah there kiddo, What's the rush?!” He yelled out to you as you ran past him.
“I’ll be back later, don't worry I just need to see something really quick!” You yelled back getting into your car Carlisle got you for your last birthday. You had told him that was a big mistake. Even though He bought you a car you always felt guilty using it because you didn’t want it to look like you were using him. So you’d always catch a ride with one of them or go with bella. But right now you didn’t care about any of that. 
Pulling up to the Cullens residents It looked deserted. But then again when did it not? Parking your car you walked up to the door which was already being opened by Alice. Once you saw her you immediately frowned. She was supposed to be with Jasper just like Esme was. 
“What are you-”
“You need to go home.” Alice said firmly with her head held high light always.
“What? I don’t understand, why are you here?” You grow your eyebrows in confusion.
“Cleaning. Now go.” She said pointing back to your car.
“Do you see me walking away from this house anytime soon Alice?” You said standing your ground. She wasn’t just about to go and rush you away when you had only just gotten here. Seeing her face you knew the answer. 
You pushed her out of the way gently but made it known that you were going to back down and bow like a little puppy. 
As you walked closer to the heart of the house you heard mumbling and hushed whispers. Finally reaching your destination your eyes widened a little with what you saw. And your heart skipped a couple of beats.
Standing in front of you there was a sign on the wall that read. "We're so sorry’ And the loves of your life were each holding a sign that read ‘I love you because…’
“I know we lied to you but we had too. It was the only way for us to be able to put something together to try and show you the love that we have for you. You came sooner than expected.” Jasper said, looking a little ashamed. Him and his southern accent would always make you smile. Sometimes you wondered if it was just him. Or him using his powers on you. But either way you didn’t care it made you happy.
“Once Alice saw you coming we had to throw something together really fast. We were still brainstorming ideas Roslise didn’t like anything we suggested.” Edward said, shooting Rose a pointed look making you let out a small laugh. That was more like a sigh of relief. 
“It wasn’t enough, all their Ideas sucked. You deserve nothing but the best and I think I'm the only one in this room that understands that.” Rose said in her know it all tone that you loved so much.
“When you said over the phone early that you didn’t feel loved anymore that broke a piece of my heart. I- We never want you to feel that way. We want you to feel like the most loved person in this world. Because you are my love. We would die for you.” Carlisle said taking a step closer to you.
“I’d live for you.” Edward said, taking a step closer to you.
“Fight for you.” Jasper and Emmett said at the same time. Also taking a step closer to you.
“Smile for you.” Rose said, taking her step.
“Care for you.” Esme said taking a step as well.
“We couldn’t imagine a life without you and we're going to prove it to you. Starting today.” Esme said.
“Well more like tomorrow.” Rose said Shrugging her shoulders when everyone looked at her with a look as if to tell her to shut up.
“Rose is right, the full day starts tomorrow but doesn’t mean we can’t start tonight. You’ll have at least 2 hours with each of us until it’s time for us all to gather together. Since tomorrow is saturday.” Carlisle said kissing the top of your forehead, making you smile. Realizing you hadn’t said a word in a while you decided to throw something out there.
“Really?” You whispered but you know they heard you. Perks of being a vampire.
“Yes.” They all said collectively. 
This made you so over filled with joy squealing you kissed all of your lovers with a big wide smile on your face. They of course kissed you back like they always do. Biting your bottom lip in anticipation you looked up at all of them in expectation. Making them all break out with a soft smile. In admiration. 
“So what’s first?” You said basically bouncing up and down in excitement.
“I mean we could take you up to the bedroom right now and start the fun immediately.” Emmett smirked looking you up and down with suggestive eyes. 
“Emmett!” You all said collectively.
“What? What did I say wrong? Don’t tell me you all haven't been thinking the same thing.” 
Tomorrow just couldn’t get here fast enough.
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
Hey!!! I loved your lates fic here
But I’m not sure how to think about Steve.
Would he still give her time out bc he thinks she is lying about something daddy said when she is telling the truth?
Imagine she gets in a little argument with another little one and the other one is telling her Papa that she said something mean/ a no no word. Would he believe his little one? Bc I don’t think so ☹️
Listen to your Little
Pairing: Daddy! Stucky x little f!reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, pet names, language, anxiety, mentions of past emotional upheaval, someone tells lies, mistrust, baby gets unfairly punished, mean Papa, mean Daddy, angst, fluffity fluff fluff fluff, everything gets worked out in the end because I always need a happy ending.
A/N- this takes place about 2 weeks after you've moved in with Stucky, when you're still- unbeknowst to you- in your probationary period with SHIELD.
You were excited- and nervous- but mostly excited! It was your first play date with Wanda and Pietro since moving in with your daddies. You'd all met before of course, at the big welcome-to-the-family party, and gotten along famously. But this was the first time you were going over to Aunt Natasha's and Uncle Bruce's apartment to play. You and Wanda had bonded over your mutual love of Care Bears and My Little Ponies, and you were super excited to see her collection and play ponies again. You were nervous about Pietro, though. He wasn't exactly mean to you, but he didn't like that Wanda paid more attention to you than to him when you both were together. He also didn't like that you and Peter got so close, so quickly.
"C'mon, none of that now," Bucky said gently, pulling your fingers out of your mouth as he bounced you in his arms. The three of you were making your way to the elevator to go to the Banner/Romanoff floor. Bucky had noticed that you were a little hesitant when you'd left the apartment, so he had immediately scooped you up to snuggle you on the way. You had started chewing on your fingers, a sign that he'd only recently learned meant that you were feeling distress. "I don't want you to bite your fingers off. That's MY job," he teased, before pretending to eat your fingers playfully. You squealed and giggled for a moment, but eventually laid your head on his shoulder with a tiny sigh.
"What's the matter, Lovebug?" Steve asked, leaning into your view point and rubbing your back soothingly. "Are you feeling okay?" He looked around as they stepped into the elevator. He knew that SHIELD was watching their every move, and if something was wrong with you, by god he was going to figure it out in a heartbeat. He kept patting you, but you didn't speak until the doors to the elevator had closed.
"What if....what if dey don't like me?" you said, just loud enough for them to hear it.
"Wanda and Pietro?" Steve asked in surprise. "They already like you, angel. Remember how you and Wanda were playing that you were the little ponies just two nights ago?"
"MY little ponies," you corrected, your head popping up to make sure your Papa understood the very important difference in wording. He smiled.
"Sorry, MY little ponies," he said, booping you on the nose. "You two had so much fun that you fell asleep before you could finish telling us all about it, remember?" He and Bucky shared a private smirk; that had been the night they had discovered that letting you tell your own stories at bedtime was a bad idea. You had literally not stopped talking during your bath, pajamas, and being tucked into their bed. They found it so cute that they couldn't bear to stop you, but you'd continued for a good hour past bedtime until your exhausted body overcame your brain and you'd fallen asleep mid-sentence.
That hadn't gone over terribly well with the review board. They understood that Steve and Bucky hadn't wanted to stifle you, but they were concerned that not adhering to a strict schedule, no matter what, might set a bad precedent. From then on, Steve and Bucky had been fastidious about your bedtime routine. They weren't risking anything that could potentially 'set a bad precedent' and get you taken away from them.
You didn't know any of that of course- all you knew was that you were feeing a little anxious about the visit. When you didn't answer Steve right away, he continued trying to help you through this. "Tell you what, Katie Cat," he said, grinning when you smiled softly at the special nickname. "If you feel icky, or if something is bothering you, you can tell me or Daddy, and we'll all come back home. Okay?"
"Don't wanna spoil your fun..." you mumbled into Bucky's shoulder. Bucky and Steve locked eyes for a moment. They had prepared for things like this. In all of the time the three of you had spent together before this, you'd been very honest about your issues with abandonment and self-worth, and how it all tied into your need to regress. You were scared to death to do anything that might make your new and already-beloved daddies mad or upset, no matter how little it seemed.
"Baby, this time is for you, okay?" Steve said reassuringly. "We just want you to have fun with your new little friends. Daddy and I see Aunt Natasha and Uncle Bruce all the time, so if you need to leave, you're not spoiling anything. Everyone will understand, and no one will be mad. Okay?"
"Otay," you whispered back, a shy smile on your face. Bucky pressed a kiss into your hair.
"That's our girl," he said, nuzzling the top of your head with his cheek. "Do you want a paci so you don't chew on your fingers again?"
You shook your head. "No, tank you," you said politely, making them both melt. "Gonna be a big girl." You leaned back and looked at Bucky, tilting your head. If you were gonna be a big girl, you really should be walking by yourself...."Big girl later," you decided, then nuzzled back into the safety of Daddy's shoulder, making him chuckle.
An hour later, you wondered what on earth you'd been nervous about. Wanda, Pietro, and you were currently playing the most fabulous game of Chutes and Ladders ever. The three of you had started the playdate with exploring their playroom. You were in absolute awe of the colorful and joyous chaos, and they had delighted in showing you everything. Then came the games. You hadn't played such a raucous, noisy version of Chutes and Ladders in so long and it was a blast. You were also apparently really good at it, as you placed your token on the winning block for the second time in a row.
"Wow! You are SO good at this game, Katie!" Wanda cheered, leaning over to give you a high five. "Here, high five Buttons now," she instructed, holding up her favorite teddy. You giggled and gently high fived his paw, making her laugh.
"That's not fair, that you won two games in a row," Pietro interjected suddenly into your joy. You quickly dropped your hand, feeling awkward. Pietro had been fine, if not a little quiet, when you won the first time, but it seemed like two times was his limit. You started feeling that little prickle of anxiety that you had when you were coming here.
"You're just jealous that she won and you LOST," Wanda said, sticking her tongue out. Pietro jumped up, enraged at his sister.
"I'm gonna tell Mommy that you stuck your tongue out!" he announced triumphantly.
"Then I'M gonna tell her that you're being mean to us and you'll get a time out," Wanda shot back, glaring at her brother. Pietro scowled at her, but sat back down.
"We're gonna play again and this time I'M gonna win," he grumbled.
"We don't hafta play dis game," you said hesitantly. "We can play something else. Whachu wanna play?" You bit your lip- you didn't want to lose your new friends on your very first playdate.
"This and I'm gonna win," he declared. You exchanged a quick look with Wanda, who shrugged and put her piece back at the starting block. Not wanting to rock the boat anymore than you accidentally already had, you quietly put your piece back at the beginning too.
You subtly tried to flick the spinner so you'd land on the lower numbers, but Wanda caught on immediately. "No, you gotta do it right. I want you to win again!" she said, making you retake your turn. You sighed and flicked, and of course, landed on a square that gave you a huge ladder up.
"You cheated!" Pietro said, pointing at Wanda after he realized how far ahead this made you in the game. "You made her go again and that's cheating!"
"Nuh-uh!" Wanda said hotly. "You're trying to cheat 'cause you wanna win."
"You're a big ol' dumbbell!" Pietro yelled at her. Your anxiety suddenly turned to anger at his exclamation. You knew that name calling was absolutely not allowed from any of you. On top of that, Pietro was just being mean. No one messed with your friends!
"Please stop being mean," you said, pushing yourself up to stand on your knees. You weren't quite brave enough to stand all the way up, but you definitely couldn't stay seated when your friend was being called names. Pietro's eyes narrowed at you menacingly.
"What did you say?" he said, almost daring you to say it again.
"I said please stop being mean!" you said, louder than you intended. Before you could even take a breath, Pietro zoomed out of the room. You looked at Wanda, startled. "Wha' happened?" you asked nervously. You knew that the twins weren't supposed to use their powers when they weren't on missions, so something bad obviously just happened for him to break the rules like that.
Just then, you heard loud steps pounding down the hallway. "Kaitlyn!" Papa scolded loudly as he came around the corner and into the room. You hadn't heard that tone from him before. You sat back down in shock, staring at him with wide eyes. What did you do for him to use your full name like that? "Pietro said that you were calling him names," he accused you, his hands on his hips and fire in his eyes.
"Wh-wha'? No, I didn't," you stammered, your mind spinning as you tried to figure out what was happening.
"No, Uncle Steve, she-" Wanda piped up. But Steve held up a hand to her.
"Not now, sweetie," he said, his tone just a touch softer, before he turned his glare back to you. You felt yourself shrinking down, feeling even littler than normal. "What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?" Steve scolded, his blue eyes narrowing at you.
"Papa, I didn' say nuffin' bad-"
"You know better than to call names, little girl," he said, almost as if you hadn't spoken. "There is no excuse for that kind of behavior. You don't treat your friends like that, and you don't call names, EVER."
"But nothing. Come here, right now," he said, pointing to his feet. Scared to death, you shut your mouth and scrambled to get up and stand at his feet. "You're getting a time out," Steve said angrily, putting his hand on your back and ushering you out of the playroom.
You desperately wanted a chance to defend yourself, to ask why Papa believed that you would be so naughty. You looked up at him and inhaled as if to speak, but he immediately pointed a finger in your face. "Hush," he scolded. "Not one word." You obediently shut your mouth and tried to keep the tears from falling.
Steve led you to an empty corner in the dining room where he, Bucky, and Natasha had been sitting and chatting. Natasha and Bucky were nowhere to be seen, though. Steve made sure your nose was firmly in the corner before sitting down in the chair closest to you. "Now you think about what you've done, and when your time out it over, you're going to apologize to Pietro." It took everything within you not to make a sound or turn around at this injustice, but the fear of making Papa even angrier kept you in your place. You knew that you were not to move or make a sound in time out unless you wanted a longer one, so you kept yourself still.
Just then, you heard footsteps approaching. "Oh no," Bucky said when he saw you. "What did she do?" he asked Steve. You could hear the touch of steel in his tone, making you even more frightened.
"She called Pietro a name while they were playing their game," Steve responded, his own voice still tight with anger. "I let her know that is completely unacceptable, and she'll be apologizing when it's all over."
"Name calling?" Bucky said incredulously. He knew you had a mischievous streak a mile wide, but you had never been anything other than sweet and playful. He would never have thought you capable of that in a million years. His mind was blown at his sweet little angel being that mean.
"Apparently, they were playing a game, and when Pietro said something about wanting to win this round, she called him a 'dumb meanie-head'."
"What?!" Bucky yelled as you trembled in the corner. "Oh, she's writing lines tonight too. We are NOT letting her get away with this kind of behavior." Your insides quaked- now they were both against you and you hadn't even done anything.
"Hang on," Aunt Natasha said suddenly. "What exactly did Pietro say?" she questioned her oldest friend.
"He sped in here very upset-"
"He used his powers?"
"Yes. I don't think he meant to be bad, he was just worked up," Steve explained. You tensed up in the corner at Papa making excuses for Pietro, but still not defending you. Unbeknownst to you, Natasha noticed.
"Hmmm," she said, pressing her lips together as she thought. "Just out of curiosity, did Wanda say anything?" You couldn't see it from your viewpoint of the two walls, but the rest of the room saw Steve blush, slightly.
"Well, she tried to say something, but I...didn't let her," he said, a tad bit sheepishly. "I didn't want her to try to lie to get Katie out of trouble. We...can't take any chances right now. We need to make sure that we're...providing a healthy environment with boundaries and rules. We're not taking any chances. Not with our little girl."
Natasha knew exactly what Steve meant and that his heart was in the right place, but she also realized that you didn't fully understand all the larger implications at play here. And she knew her twins well enough to know that there was probably a lot more to the story.
"I hear you," Natasha said. "And I understand. But...just indulge me for a moment." She waited to get the nod from both Steve and Bucky before calling down the hallway. "Wanda? Pietro? Come into the dining room, please."
You tried your hardest not to fidget, but this was the worst. Your new friend and your now-mortal enemy were going to see you in trouble, and that was so embarrassing you started to silently cry again, biting down on your lip to not make a sound. You heard two pairs of feet shuffle in, but then the silence was shattered by your defender.
"No, that's not fair!" Wanda shrieked, pointing at you still stuck in the corner. "Katie didn't even do anything!!" At that, the room exploded into accusations and soothing words and frustration and anxiety, until finally Natasha made herself heard over everyone.
"Alright, ALRIGHT!" she shouted everyone down. "Wanda, tell me what happened." Pietro made a sound of indignation, but was quickly silenced. "You'll get your chance, Pietro. But Wanda is going first."
Much to your relief, Wanda quickly told the story of what actually happened, emphasizing that you had NOT called Pietro a name- you'd simply said that he was being mean. "Which he WAS," she finished sulkily, glaring at him.
A horrible, sinking feeling was settling into the pit of Steve's stomach. "Pietro, you told me that she called you a dumb meanie-head," he said, trying to keep his voice from shaking at the amount of damage he might have just done.
"It's what she MEANT," Pietro replied hotly after stammering for a moment, caught in his lie.
"NO IT'S NOT!" Wanda shrieked, outraged on your behalf. Pietro immediately started yelling back. Natasha quickly broke the argument up as Steve and Bucky both spun towards you.
"Oh my god, angel, I am so sorry," Steve said, his eyes brimming with tears. When you didn't make a move, his heart stopped for a second before he realized- he hadn't given you permission to leave the corner yet. You were being his good little girl, as always. "Lovebug, please come out of the corner. You should never have been in there and Papa is so very sorry."
You turned to him but couldn't look him in the eye. You didn't want him to see the tears that were still streaming down your face. But there was no way that he could have missed them. In an instant, he was crushing you to his chest, dropping kiss after kiss on top of your head in between apology after apology. "I am so sorry I didn't give you a chance to tell your side of the story, baby. Papa was very, very naughty today."
Bucky reached out and rubbed the parts of your back that he could touch, as you were still firmly held in Steve's arms. "And I'm sorry too, that I just jumped to conclusions," Bucky apologized as well. As someone who'd lost his own voice for years, he felt doubly guilty at taking away yours. "I will never do that again baby, I promise. Okay?" He moved in a little closer, exchanging a worried look with Steve when you didn't answer. "Angel?" he said softly. "Can you talk to me and Papa please?"
You finally turned your tear-stained face up to Steve. "I wann'ed to be a good girl today," you finally sobbed out. "Was I bad?" You were still too little to fully understand everything that had happened, but you were feeling some awful big feels.
"No Angel, you weren't bad at all," Steve said, feeling lower than shit. "You were very good to try to stand up for your friend, and I'm very very sorry that I didn't listen when you tried to tell me what happened. You are my good baby and you always will be." Steve expected you to yank yourself out of his arms and his life forever for his colossal fuck up, but the exact opposite happened instead.
You threw your arms around his neck and squeezed as hard as you could. You were so relieved that you hadn't been bad, and that things seemed to be getting back to normal, that all you could do was hold on to your Papa for dear life.
Natasha had let Pietro have his say while you and your daddies had been making up, but once he realized he was caught, he begrudgingly admitted that he had lied. He said that he'd been mad that he hadn't won and waited until Natasha wasn't near Uncle Steve to tattle. Natasha sent Pietro to his room promptly with the promise of a "long talk tonight with me and Daddy". She let Wanda worm her way into Steve's arms to hug you too. Wanda declared you the forever winner of Chutes and Ladders.
Steve and Bucky were both looking at Natasha, panic screaming in their eyes. What on earth was the board going to do with this? Would this be enough for them to take you away from them? However, Natasha smiled. "I got this," she said lovingly to her friends. She knew exactly how to manage this one with that damn board....
Later that night, Steve and Bucky each presented you with a piece of paper, in which they both had written "I will listen to my little girl" one hundred times each. Steve did two hundred, out of sheer guilt for putting you in time out on top of everything else. Your giggle at their self-induced punishments and the subsequent snuggle session started to make everything look a lot brighter.
The next morning, you were back to your normal happy-go-lucky self, thrilled with being babysat by Kate for the day. You had given your daddies big hugs and kisses before they left, promising to be good. Steve and Bucky, still feeling the residual pangs of guilt, made their way to their only meeting of the day, but one that they were very much ready for.
Natasha smiled as they closed the conference room door behind them. "Welcome gentlemen," she said, slightly teasing as they both took their seats sheepishly. "Welcome to 'Listening to your Little, 101'."
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perplexedflower · 6 years
Waking Up With The Shield - 3/3: Rain On Your Pillow
Tumblr media
Fandom: WWE.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Roman Reigns x Female Reader.
Type: One shot.
Words: 1,071.
As I listened to the sound of the rain pouring against the bedroom window, I peacefully awoke to the feeling of a gentle touch on my skin, a touch I very well knew the origin of; I decided to keep my eyes closed, making this pleasant sensation last, even if just for a little longer. Then, after a few minutes had passed, minutes of silence broken by the wind and rain, I slowly opened them. And when I did, my gaze landed on Roman, his face leaning close to mine, his tender lips kissing my cheeks, my chin, my neck, in a soft and delicate manner. While his mouth traveled across my face, his smooth beard caressed my skin in such a way that it sent shivers all the way down my spine.
Although I was now awake, I willingly kept my body still, not moving, leading him to believe I was still asleep. However, he eventually stopped kissing me and looked up at me, only to see my eyes open.
"Good morning, precious." He said with the most affectionate of smiles.
"Good morning, honey." I said in return.
We exchanged a delicate kiss, after which Roman slipped his arms around my body and pulled me against him, holding me tight; as he did so, I turned my head to the window, watching the rain fall against the glass loudly.
"Trash weather today, right?" He asked rhetorically when he noticed where my eyes were looking.
"Yeah... I really don't like when the sky is so gray, when there's so much wind and rain..."
This made him chuckle, a soft and genuine laugh that was accompanied by a caress on my cheek by his thumb, while his other hand began to play with my hair affectionately.
"Well, I personally like it. 'Cause without it, there'd be no reason for me to be here, watching over you and keeping you cozy through it all."
The wholesomeness of his words made my cheeks blush and I instinctively tucked my head in the crook of his neck, my face partly on his bare chest.
Roman always cares so much for me... I thought to myself, my eyes staring into nothingness. Whenever he opens his eyes before me in the morning, he always makes sure to wake me up with kisses, to ensure my day starts on a tender, loving note...
Though my mind was swirling with thoughts, I remained silent and did not utter a single word, only listening to both the rain and his breathing above my head; I sighed a deep exhale through my mouth as my fingers traced his arm, my eyes still closed.
"... Is everything all right, darling?" He softly asked me, having noticed the look on my face.
"Yeah, yeah..." I started with a brief nod. "It's just... This is going to sound ridiculous to you, but... It's still so hard for me to believe that your strong arms, your sweet lips, your wholesome words... They're all for me, and me only."
For a second, Roman did not react, until he put the palms of his hands on my shoulders and placed my head in front of his so that he could look at me, so that I could see the concerned expression on his face.
"... Am I really deserving of it all?" I asked in a broken, quiet voice.
"[Y/N], don't ask yourself such a question, please..." He replied in a voice equally as broken. "You can trust me when I say these arms couldn't have found a better body to be around than yours."
His words were so utterly sweet, so utterly sincere, they almost made me tear up, so I turned my head to the side instead, back to the window, to the outside world.
"Thank you, love." I told him in a whisper. "... It's probably nothing, just the weather making me all moody."
"Do you want me to go outside and ask the rain to stop falling for you?" He asked playfully as he rested his chin on one of my shoulders.
I could not suppress a smile upon hearing his question, his silliness already starting to cheer me up.
"No, but in all seriousness, sweetheart, please, don't worry so much about things like this." He continued, regaining some semblance of a serious attitude. "There's no need for you to wonder whether you're worthy of me or not: I love you, wholly, and I love to be with you, like I am right now, and I love to have breakfast with you every morning, and I love to go out with you every day. You're my motivation to open my eyes and get up in the morning, because I know that when I do, you're there, beside me. And you are deserving of it all, because I've chosen you to be."
A single tear rolled down my cheek as I listened to Roman, a tear he gently wiped from my skin with his thumb: I could tell, by the genuine love in his voice that each and every single one of the words he had spoken were true, that he truly meant them, and that simply melted my heart down to my core.
"... Thank you, Roman." I said softly after a moment of quietness, my lips shaped into a shy smile.
He smiled back at me before he pulled me into his embrace once more, and while one of his hands was now wrapped securely around my waist, the other started to trace my back with its fingers, ever so gently, spreading goosebumps over my skin.
"Are you feeling any better, now?" He asked me in a caring tone. "If not, my offer to go shout at the rain still stands, you know."
"Yes, I am." I answered with a chuckle. "Don't worry, love, there's no need for you to go outside just yet. In fact, I want to keep you right here, with me..."
Outside the window, the storm was far from reaching its end, even though it had calmed down by a little; in fact, the rain continued to pour throughout the entire morning. So, Roman and I decided to stay in bed, for as long as we wanted to, neither of us focusing on any bad thoughts, and only on what was truly important to both of us at that moment: being happy in the arms of the one we loved most.
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missgryffin · 4 months
lying in wait
Randomly listened to some Hamilton over the weekend, ended up with "Wait For It" stuck in my head, and wrote this in a couple hours today. I think it's angst, but with a nice dash of crack? Idk 😅 But I hope it makes you smile! 🫶 below + AO3
November 3, 1981
The cottage is silent, save for the ticking of the old grandfather clock in the hall, and it’s already pitch dark, with only the faint glow of street lamps and budding moonlight shining in through rain-slicked windows. 
Lily draws up her knees to her chest where she sits on the sofa, peering mindlessly into blurry windowpane. She doesn’t remember the last time she walked aimlessly down a road, or went into a shop. Sometimes, on stormy autumn nights like this, she wonders if she ever will again. 
Footsteps tumble down the stairs, then come to an abrupt halt. 
“Lil?” She can see his shadowed outline, one hand in his hair. “You just…sitting in the dark?”
She shrugs, though he probably can’t see, and asks, “Harry went down alright, then?” 
James chuckles to himself as he crosses the room, picking his way around the furniture until he drops onto the sofa next to her. “After reading every book twice and playing the Snitch game for thirty minutes…yes.” He leans closer, grinning. “Our son is asleep.” 
She rests a hand on his scruffy cheek. “It’s only supposed to be ten minutes of the Snitch game,” she teases him. 
“I know,” James sighs. “But he asked for ten more.” 
Lily snorts. “What, and then ten more after that?” 
He throws his hands weakly in his lap. “Wha—am I supposed to say no to the kid? He looks just like me!” 
She falls into him, a laughing heap, and for a moment, they simply giggle deliriously together. It’s nice. It’s normal. Or at least a sliver of it.
James cuddles her into him, and Lily breaths him in. They’ve lost so many over the few years since Hogwarts, but they still have each other. She clings on to that, to him.
“I love you,” she says into his chest. 
He kisses the top of her head. “I love you, too.”
A stretching silence; a heavy sigh. “It’s his birthday.” 
“I know,” James murmurs. “I can’t stop thinking about him.” 
Lily peels herself off his chest and swings a leg over his lap, sitting with her arms looped around his neck. How many conversations have they had over the years while sitting just like this? How many more will they get? 
“He said he’d be in touch by today.” Her mind won’t stop racing. “What if this was a bad id—” 
“It wasn’t,” James cuts her off. “Besides.” A heavy sigh. “It was…our only idea.”
“Do you think…” She pauses, plays with his hair. “Do you think we…did the right thing?” 
He sits up straighter, pulling her closer against him. “You’re the only two people in my life I know I can trust completely,” he says. “So yeah, I think we did.” 
There’s no use rehashing it again; they’ve done that enough. Yes, he now has a target on his back, but it’s not like he wasn’t already a target before. No, it couldn’t have been anyone else—not Albus, who knows more than he’s saying; not Remus, whom Albus and Sirius both suspect; and not Peter, who’s been looking exhausted and strung-out from the night-shift reconnaissance he’s been assigned. Yes, he had to leave. And no, it wasn’t cowardly to do so.
Granted, that last bit had taken a not insignificant amount of convincing (damned Gryffindor), but he eventually came around to their idea. Staying around in England with Voldemort sure to be onto him was certain death. But why not take advantage of being top of Voldemort’s mind? Why make it easy, when instead he could make it hard? Give the Order a leg up? Let them use him (or rather, the idea of him) as bait to lure and manipulate all the Death Eaters looking for him, and maybe even root out the spy in the process? And really, if anyone was going to lead Voldemort on a wild goose chase, setting traps and lying in wait, who better than Sirius Black?
Still, she worries. She can’t help it. And she knows James worries too, even if he does do a better job of hiding it. 
There’s only one thing left to do, really; only one way to pass the time sufficiently distracted from racing thoughts. James must read her mind, because he’s all eager hands and excited tongue when she kisses him. Maybe it’s unhealthy, how much they’ve used sex to cope the past year. But when his mouth feels like this and hair’s in her hands…she’s not sure she cares.
They jump, springing apart like they’re fifth years caught after curfew. James swears under his breath as they fumble to right the clothes they’d started shoving aside before he reaches for the small mirror sitting on the coffee table.
Lily frantically feels around the sofa for her wand. 
“Why’s it so dar—oh, don’t tell me you were just—”
“We were waiting for you,” James covers. 
“Mate. That’s worse. Just say you were shagging.” 
“Well, we weren’t yet.”
“Hi, Sirius.” She brandishes her now-glowing wand, recovered from the seam between the cushions. 
“Lily! Looking rumpled as ever!” 
She yanks her cardigan back up her shoulder as she scolds, “Shut it.”
“I miss you, too.” 
They can only see Sirius’s chin in frame, and it seems like he’s moving around. 
“Happy birthday, man,” James says.
“Where are you?” 
“Hang on—I have to show you—ready?” 
His face comes into view and Lily instantly gasps. 
Sirius grins. “Like it?” 
His once shoulder-length hair’s been chopped off stylishly short in a fresh cut that makes him look like old Hollywood charm in that loose button-down he has on. 
“Damn, Pads!” 
“I…barely recognize you,” Lily stammers. 
“Well.” He adjusts the mirror closer to his face. “That’s sorta the point.” 
A heavy pit settles in her stomach. 
“How you been?” James asks. “Travel go okay?” 
“Yeah, fine.” Sirius shrugs. “I’ve been doing things the Muggle way—that Muggle Studies N.E.W.T.’s finally paying off, who woulda thought.”
“Where are you now?”
The mirror turns around, panning over an ocean-side city lit up with lights through a set of patio doors. “Cannes,” he says, and Lily hears the grin in his voice. The mirror turns back to his face. “I have access to money here, dad’s side of the family, in the French bank. And I figure…” He flops back atop a hotel bed, one hand beneath his head. “If Voldemort wants to come get me, he’ll just have to bring his snakey arse down to the beach, won’t he?”
They all bust up into snorting, wheezing laughter. It’s not normal; none of it’s normal. But laughing with her husband and their best friend like this is the closest to normal she’s felt in a long time, and she thinks, if this is how life has to be for awhile, she can live with it.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Bring Me Home, Part 3
First, Previous
It’s been a while since I’ve shared anything from this fic. I’ve been working on it in the background, though. Might share something a bit longer in the upcoming week or so, even! Ended up reworking nearly everything I want to do for this fic, so it’s been a challenge.
This is the final segment from the first chapter I’ll share before posting to AO3. (There’s a lot more I haven’t shared, though.)
Fic Summary: Tim Drake and Danny Fenton come from very different backgrounds. But two things they have in common are neglectful parents and internet access. And so a friendship is born and secrets shared.
Word Count: 1.4k
Danny’s hands shook as he held his phone. Then he cursed as it fell through his hands and clattered to the floor. He scrambled to retrieve it and his knees, rather than hit the floor, sunk through it. Eyes burning, he pushed himself up until he was kneeling on top of the floor and reached his phone again.
All of his focus was on staying solid as he dialed a number he’d memorized months ago but never saved. It rang twice and then Tim’s voice came through.
“Danny! It’s been too long since we’ve called each other! How’s it going?”
“Tim? I…” Danny’s voice caught in his throat. He hasn’t said the words yet. He tried to start again but couldn’t say a thing. Was he breathing? The phone fell through his hand again and he realized he was sinking into the floor. He choked back a sob and tried to pick up the phone, but his hands passed right through it.
He tried to take a breath, but it was shallow and shaky. He tried again and it was a little better. He focused and pushed up until he felt solid ground under his knees again. With the same determination, he picked up the phone. This time it didn’t fall.
“…ny? Danny! Are you there? What’s going on?”
“Thank god, what’s happened? What’s wrong?”
His breathing was still rapid and shallow. “I… Tim, I….” He wiped away the tears he couldn’t stop.
“Danny, it’s okay. I’m here. Don’t force it. Can you breathe with me? In, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four.” Tim continued to count his breaths.
It took a few repetitions, but eventually Danny was able to follow the pattern. Even if his breath still hitched every few counts. He decided to try again. “Tim, I died,” he blurted out. He pulled his knees up and rested his forehead against them; this time he didn’t fight the tears. “I’m dead. Only…not.”
Tim’s sharp intake of breath was the only sound he heard through the phone speaker for a few too-loud beats of his heart. His heart was still beating. He was still alive. It would be okay. It had to be okay.
“What do you mean?” asked Tim after a moment.
“I told you my parent’s portal didn’t work.”
“Sam and Tucker wanted to see it. And Mom and Dad were depressed and haven’t been in the lab for like a week. So we went down. I… I…” The words wouldn’t come and Danny almost lost himself in the memories, but Tim started counting his breaths again. Danny listened and after a minute was able to continue.
“I entered the portal. They put the ‘on’ button inside. Who does that? But I tripped and hit the button. The portal opened up on top of me. I died. I know I did. But it didn’t take. I came back, too. Only now… I think I’m a ghost. Or part ghost. I’m human. I have to be. I still bleed and I have a heartbeat and I need to breathe. Only… not all the time. Sometimes I change. Into something else. Something not human. That doesn’t have a heartbeat or blood or…”
“Danny, are you safe? I’ll come get you. We can figure this out.”
“No! My parents love me. They forget me sometimes, but they love me. When they’re around, they ask questions and mom makes dinner and we play games and its good. They have done the most amount of research on ghosts of anyone in the world. I need the information they have.” His phone fell through his hand again. “Shit!” he cursed as he grabbed for it again. “I keep turning intangible. It makes me drop everything.”
“When did this happen?” Tim was talking slowly, his voice deliberately steady in a way Danny wasn’t used to.
“A few days ago. Sam or Tucker have been with me constantly since. But both their families needed them tonight. I seem to be mostly stable now. If I can just keep myself solid.” Danny laughed and he ignored how close it sounded to a sob. How did his life end up like this?
“The Justice League can help you. Or the Teen Titans if you would rather people closer to our age. We’ve dealt with people with powers before. We can help you learn to control them.”
“No!” It came out sharper than Danny meant it to. “My parents would find out. And they love me. They’d be fine with it. They would. But…” he trailed off. He couldn’t finish that sentence. He wouldn’t. He would not give voice to the fear that was growing in the back of his head. The one that got stronger when he remembered how his parents reacted the minute they realized the portal had started working. He pushed the memories of his mom laughing gleefully as she grabbed an ecto-gun and his dad set up the ecto-line to try and catch a ghost so they could dissect it.
“Okay, okay. No league. You said you turn intangible? What else happens? Maybe we can talk through this. Figure out ways to help you learn to control your powers. Can you send me some of your parent’s research?”
Danny’s breath came a little stronger. A plan. Tim would help him and they could make a plan. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll send you everything. I’m not at the computer now, but I’ll get it to you as soon as I can. Um. I have two forms. My normal self but also a ghost self. I can turn invisible and intangible. In my ghost form, sometimes my legs disappear and I just have a tail-cloud thing. Like Casper.” He laughed at how ridiculous this sounded. “Sam and Tuck took some pictures to document everything. I’ll try and send you those as well.”
“Thank you. That would help. Not how I imagined our face reveal…”
Danny snorted. “No. Can’t say this is what I imagined either.”
“Can you control your transformations?” It seemed Tim was getting down to business. Danny appreciated that; he needed someone to help him figure out what to do next.
“Full transformation, yeah. I seem to be able to. It’s not perfect, but I’m getting there. It’s the bleed over powers. They’re easier to control in my ghost form than my human one.”
“Bleed over powers. You mean the invisibility and intangibility?”
“Yeah. I dropped like three beakers in Chemistry lab yesterday. I’m not allowed to touch any glassware for the rest of the year.”
Tim whistled. “That’s impressive. Short term, do you have plastic at home? Cups, plates, all of it. Use that for the time being. If you drop it, no big deal.”
“We do still have some stuff from when Jazz and I were younger. Good idea.”
“Next, pay close attention to what happens when you become intangible. What’s going on around you, how are you feeling? Carry a notebook and write down everything you can think of for each instance. Teachers won’t think twice about you writing in a notebook during class, so do it as soon as you possibly can. Also write down the circumstances and feelings surrounding intentional instances. It’s only been a few days. You’ll be able to get this under control, Danny. I know you can.”
Danny took a deep breath. This time it was steadier. He had a plan. “You’re right. That’s perfect. I know Jazz has extra notebooks, I’ll get one from her. Thanks Tim.”
“Keep me updated? I want to hear from you every day. I don’t know if I trust your parents.”
“Will do. I think I’ll be getting my own laptop soon, so that’ll make it easier.”
“Good. I’m not kidding—every day, Danny. And I think we need a failsafe from your end, too. You’ve got Alfred’s number if I ever stop responding so you can get updates on me. I want someone to contact, too.” Tim’s tone brokered no disagreements, and Danny realized he was smiling sincerely for the first time since the accident.
“I… yeah. That’s a good idea. Contact Tucker. He’s always got some sort of device on him and will respond the quickest.” Danny quickly listed off Tucker’s email and phone number. “Now, can we talk about something else? I need a distraction. What’s been going on in your life?”
Danny listened as Tim talked about a mission he and Batman had gone on recently. He really had the best friends.
So now they're both on the vigilante train! God, I miss writing scenes with just 2 characters. Looking over this for a final editing pass, it's so easy when there's only two characters. Nothing else that I'm working on at the moment has fewer than seven people actively in the scene. Seven plus people with strong personalities.
(I also like writing angst and think I'm pretty decent at it which also made this scene easier.)
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collectivecloseness · 4 months
okay but imagine one of the yandere fruity four (let’s say Nancy, because she’s been a bit of an example used before poor girl) just snaps and kidnaps you, without thinking about it or consulting the rest of the group. And obviously now all of them have to deal with the repercussions of her actions
Anon I am kissing you on the mouth late for valentines thank you
Things like this are so interesting though! Because if you saw Nancy kidnapping you, and she takes you to the others, home, fuck yes they are so pissed at Nancy, but now they can’t let you go. Because you saw Nancy, one of them, and they can’t put her, or any of their family (you, too, are part of their family) in danger.
So okay, you are joining the family this way. They prepared for this scenario anyway.
Of course they thought they’d have more time, because just... up and taking you would have been a last shot, if after they courted you you still said no- you weren’t sure, or you couldn’t because of some horrible reason restricting your choice :(. They would have helped you through that last alternative anyway, because they love you <3
Not all of them even thought down the taking you path... Well okay actually, all of them did, some of them would have just been a lot quieter about it than others. And some definitely would have only had it as their last, last, very last option if they were that desperate and there was nothing else they could do for you... But you’re here now. They love you. They’ll make it work, as best as they can for you. You deserve that, after everything you’ve been put through now, at the very least.
You deserve everything.
So now not only were you betrayed by one friend, but when you see your other friends, you realise you’ve been betrayed by all of them. All four of your best friends, all of them were lying to you, all of them had this crazy thing about you behind your back together, all of them were going to hurt you by keeping you here, and protect each other instead...
Like I said, the other three are pissed when Nancy tells them what she’s done. Eddie tried to run straight upstairs for you, to the spare room Nancy put you in, that they were all planning to be your room eventually anyways. But she grabs him so hard he nearly breaks his leg, gripping onto the bannister and being yanked down those first couple of steps.
Even Robin’s trying to push past, standing up to Nancy for one of the first proper times, at least physically, as she uses her height to stand practically chest to chest with Nancy, and demand she let her and Eddie go to you right now, and to not mess anything up anymore. Robin’s face serious, and dark, and pissed, as she looms in front of Nancy, a way she’s never been before, not to one of the others.
But Nancy begs everyone to listen first. She’s in tears shortly into her argument, her defence more of an apology than anything, and speeching a stance of what they can all do next, to keep this all together. She knows she fucked up. And Nancy usually doesn’t cry when trying to debate something. But Nancy knows what a whole mess this thing is, and it is entirely her fault; no one else to blame but her this time. She doesn’t want to lose the others either. And she can’t lose you, hopefully if the others stay with her, they’ll help you come back around to her too...
But when the other three first burst into your room, they are in shock.
Yeah they knew you were up here. God, they were practically scratching layers beneath their skin and bouncing the floorboards into dust, knowing you were tied up and frightened and all alone up there, but they were taking forever to talk downstairs. A family meeting without you... the last time that’ll happen, they swear okay? ...Apart from the ones where you don’t need to know something that will just upset you.
Immediately they’re running forwards and untying you. Nancy practically had your whole body bound in rope, she was really panicking after hitting you over the head and deciding to just take you.
Shock still on their faces as Eddie undoes your ear muffs and scarf blindfold from Nancy’s winter wear, wanting you to find your senses, caring about you more than anything else right now. He needs you to not be even more frightened, panicked, to know it’s him and you’re safe now and this will never happen to you again - it shouldn’t have. His hands brushing your cheeks as he removes them. His face tender and soothing and heightened with adrenaline, taking this so so seriously as he frees you, let’s you get your senses back. Keeps his hands stroking your cheeks as you see him, because you know Eddie will keep you safe.
Steve apologising profusely and promising you’re alright over and over, as he immediately moves to assessing the rope situation. Deciding to just cut them all with a pocket knife in his jeans, instead of having you in them for five more seconds. Taking it out and being thankful he has all his family here, because as you notice it’s them, your friends, coming to save you, once Eddie’s freed your eyes, you settle down enough so Steve won’t nick you, as he quickly gets to work. Fuck all this rope, Nancy shouldn’t need any more anyway, she shouldn’t be doing anything by herself anymore if she’s hurting you, and all of you, like this!
Robin breaking Eddie’s handcuffs Nancy stole that are tying you to the your bedpost, while you lay on the floor all wrapped up. She doesn’t even really know how she does it in the end. She just acts quick and makes sure not to hurt your wrist. Permanently breaking something belonging to Eddie’s personality that Nancy had twisted and used to victimise you... Robin could really mess with her right now. But at least once it’s done, it’s easier for Steve, dealing with all that rope. Used just for you, someone who wouldn’t hurt anyone. And you’ve been laying on the carpeted floor with your whole body tied up and senses stolen, with nothing even coating your injured head...
All their eyes wet and terrified and loving and soothing and deep in yours. Eddie holding your face as his dark puppy eyes stay closest to yours, walking you through some calming talk as he holds you. Steve promising he’s getting you out right now and shushing you as he says you’re okay, every time he feels it’s safe enough to look up from his knife, task oriented. Robin joining Steve the second she’s broken the cuffs, her blue eyes less teary and so determined, because she is deep in protective mode right now, letting you know when it’ll be over soon.
As soon as you see the others, especially with their shock, their runs to free you, their soothing and apologetic and horrified words, all you can think is thank god. You’re trying to tell them Nancy has suffered some kind of episode, even though you’re sure they already know that. Nancy wasn’t in this room, and they all knew where you were, they were still just shocked to see you like this.
As soon as they’ve got you free, you leap forward, and because of positioning alone, Steve is the first one you hug. He practically lifts you upright, back onto your feet, the moment he hugs you back, even if it does take him a second before he does so.
Steve sniffles as he hugs you, his toned arms shaking but not from the effort of those ropes. His cheek pressed to yours, as he blinks tears down his face, being brushed away by your hair as he lets you sink into his protective hold. Thanking him, hugging one of your best friends, because he saved you, like you knew he would.
Steve hugs you back, because he’s your hero briefly, and he’s aware this will be the last time you’ll hug him for a while. Any of them. Last time you’ll hug them like this, like the you who you still are, for a while. Steve doesn’t want you to change, Nancy shouldn’t have-
He knows this new arrangement will take some getting used to. For all of them. Especially because you probably are going to change as a person, as someone they all know, they love for who you are. But it’s okay, of course they’ll love you anyway, no matter what.
You tell them again about Nancy suffering some sort of break, clearly something is very wrong with her mental health you say, and they all say they know, which you assume they did as they knew where to find you. They’re all relishing in these last few seconds with you, mourning the normal future they know they could have had with you, by keeping their hands on you while they can right now
Steve rubbing your shoulders with his thumbs, his hands grounding you there with comfort and strength, after you pulled back from the hug. Eddie cupping your cheek and neck, still so close by, his other ringed hand cradling through your hair, and biting his lip as he tries not to think about next time he’ll be able to do this again. Robin rubbing your back up and down, her hand resting on your hip like it usually is with you, knowing she’s lost that normalcy, one type of relationship with you now.
And then you realise that all four of your friends are kidnapping you now. They’re all insane. What the fuck have they been thinking about you this entire time? Why are they doing this now? They’ve untied you from your restraints, Steve is nearly on his knees whilst keeping his hands on your shoulders, as he begs you to believe you’ll never be restrained again, but explains they’re still locking you in this room for now.
Stealing you in Steve’s slightly soundproofed house, with no neighbours in viewable distance through the trees of Hawkins around.
At least the house you were to be kept prisoner in was very lovingly built by the architect... The way out of Steve’s house was a straight line, a path easy for anyone facing that way to spot. Easy for them to see anyone leaving on. If no one came to the front door, and knowing - or rather not knowing what these four were capable of - you’re sure they’d be able to keep people away, then there’s no way you’d be spotted. And while Steve hadn’t soundproofed the house or anything dramatic like that, it did keep sound well. It kept everything in well. Which was unfortunate for you.
Begging one of them to be on your side. Doing so as soon they forlornly tell you what’s going to happen now, for the first couple of days. Like for Robin or Eddie to help you. You’re very quickly trying to refigure out your friends. But they don’t. They don’t let you free. They don’t get you the phone. They want you to know they are on your side, they tell you they don’t want you to feel like you’re all on your own, but you say that you are, because they won’t help you.
They sadly trot away, closing your door behind you, to respect you and your boundaries. Sulking away upset, even if they do understand. But if making them upset that they’re making you feel this way helps you get out, then good! But also they should feel upset! They should feel guilty!
You’ll tell them how abandoned and alone you feel, that neither of them are supporting you, you can’t trust them to be by your side, and they can’t promise you it’s untrue, because you have all this evidence to throw in their face, or to tearily testify with. They say they’ll do anything else for you, anything in the world. Even though every single thing you ask for the first day they say no to.
Nancy begging you not to blame/be mean to the others. But what else can you respond with other than actually you will keep doing so, as they are just as complicit as her because they are keeping you here.
“Do you know the law Nancy? They will also be thrown away for kidnapping. You definitely shouldn’t go for that position as a crime reporter, if you don’t know the law.”
The ‘will’ hurts Nancy. As if you really do want them all sent away to prison. Like you’d try to do that to them if they gave you that bit of freedom right now. Like you’re planning on it happening.
You don’t want Nancy to get that stupid promotion. You don’t exactly care how she feels about herself, unless it’s guilty enough to set you free... or upset enough to hurt- Unless it affects your chances of getting out of here unharmed, you couldn’t give one about her feelings.
“Also fuck you.” Is the other thing you say to Nancy. Right before she leaves you to yourself again.
They try to give you privacy, but also keep you at a level of interaction with them like before. Just like before Nancy hurt you - they are really apologetic for that, and really are glad you let them take care of your poor minor head injury. A similar amount of time that you’d interact with them everyday, before you lived with them. So you weren’t going through too many changes, and so you weren’t scared each time they did breach your new bedroom. They want you to feel normal, they really really do.
Steve mentioned to you about two weeks in, when he came in to chat with you like they all do, that if Nancy gets some promotion she’s working towards, it’ll mean more funds in the household for everyone! He says it while practically bouncing on your- the bed, with a smile. Although he quickly gets that expression on his face, the one you used to think was dorky and endearing, where he realised he may have messed up while speaking, and he quickly rectifies that of course that’s not to say anything negative about you now also pulling from the household pot, and that they’re very happy to have you, they’ve always been planning for that; especially since they know you really wanted that break because you were so burned out, so they were gonna give it to you with all their financial support. All their support in the world. Also, the amount they used to buy you gifts, or nights out, or pay for gas to see you, you were always a part of the pot anyway.
You tell Steve to go away, before he can smile for a second time today. It is very rare any of them smile, in this first week or two they have you. Sometimes they forget things aren’t like they used to be. Or they try to treat things like normal, to help you transition. But you definitely weren’t smiling, and they knew, no matter how much the fact made them want to claw their own hearts out, they knew they were the reason why. So they didn’t really feel any reason for them to smile. Not so far anyway.
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imbadatwrighting · 11 months
Could i get a ryou bakura, y.bakura, yugi, atem, joey and marik(not y.marik) x fem reader(separate of course) when the reader who is not in a relationship with them decides to crawl into bed with them during a sleep over due to not being able to sleep and they both have major crushes on each other but they get overly flustered when they wake up to reader cuddled up to their chest
I just thought this was a really cute idea and haven’t seen anyone do this
Ofc I’ll be happy to do that <3 the only thing is imma change it to gender neutral
I literally love this though
Yugioh boys with an unexpected cuddle buddy
Tags (is that what you call them?? Idk) : gn reader, tired reader, super super short, idk what else to add mb
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Joey Wheeler
Listen, I'm not saying he screamed but I'm not saying he didn't scream either
He was so confused
Moves around a lot in bed so when he woke up he was resting his head on your thighs
Refuses to tell anyone about it but is always thinking about it
If you're with him right before he falls asleep, he's super fun
Until he randomly passes out but still
A super big snorer
Like he literally sounds like a car alarm
Super warm on some night but then on other nights feels like an icicle
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Yugi Muto
Cutie woke up as soon as you hopped into his bed
Thought you just got into the wrong bed
tried to tell you that but you just screamed and threw a pillow at him
When you told him you wanted to sleep in his bed he offered to sleep somewhere else but you then told him you wanted to sleep with him
Got all red
Joey was still up and overheard it so he thought you two were going to have sex
Told everyone the next day
He was very stiff in the beginning but once he fell asleep he was super comfy
Asked you on a date the next day
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Yami Yugi
Like Yugi he woke up as soon as you got into his bed
Except with him he didn't say anything to you
Put an arm around you
Let you cuddle up against him
Was so cold that it evened out the warm blankets which is weird considering that in the day he's super hot
escpecially his hands but not like sweaty hot
Didn't say anything about it the next day but couldn't get it out of his head
Lets you come into his bed as much as you want
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When he woke up he didn't really notice you at first
Cuddled up to you thinking that you were a pillow and dreamed that the pillow was you
Until his pillow started snoring
Eyes shot wide open and he jumped up
Thought he saw the lights for a moment
He had to hold in a scream while his face became covered in blush. Became a nervous wreck
Woke you up by shaking you while whispering in your ear
You kicked him off his own bed
Not that he cared
Thought he was dreaming but when he found out he wasn't, he went and made you breakfast in bed
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Y. Bakura
Literally did not care at all
The only reason that he even thought about it was that you kept stealing his damn blankets
He ended up being the one to start the little cuddle fest
Was pissed that you kept stealing his blankets but he thought that you wouldn't be back so he didn't say anything
Oh how wrong he was
Usually wakes up before you and does his own thing
He honestly considered passing you along
Eventually gave up
A good cuddle when he falls asleep but refuses to be close to you when awake
you being in his bed most nights made him super cocky though
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Malik Ishtar
Best cuddles known to man frfr
He didn't technically wake up when you came into his bed but he somehow knew that you did
Super chill about it in the morning
Unless you brought it up, he didn't
Said that you could come over anytime you wanted to
Wrote about it in his diary
It's his favorite part of the day
Always smiles and looks forward to you coming over
you two got together after a couple more nights of you staying in his bed
Brags about it with people he's close to
Always ends up with him on your chest or the other way around, no matter what
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I’m in love with her frfr
Mai Valentine
Already knew you were coming
Don't ask how she just did
If you come before she falls asleep then be prepared to be forced to do face masks, no matter how tired you are and listen to her talk shit about other people
If you come after she falls asleep then prepare to have her involuntary push your head into her chest
Warm cuddle buddy but her room in always cold so it doesn't really matter
Sleeps in so if you don't then be prepared for you to be stuck in her arms for a couple hours
Smirks whenever she wakes up and you start blushing
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thewalkingwillowtree · 11 months
Safe Haven
Series Part Listing Found Here
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Neteyam x Original Na'vi Female Character
Summery: Seeking refuge, Xilä and her father venture to the lands of the Omatikaya clan, in the hopes that the Toruk Makto would be generous in allowing them to stay. This is her story about not only finding her strength, but finding love. 
Warning: This story contains smut, violence & abuse (please don't read if these topics will affect you)
Some characters have been aged up. Neteyam in particular is 23.
Xilä is my own creation.
Part 3 - Home Camp
Four Weeks Later
Neteyam stood waiting at the entrance of his grandmother’s healing tent with his back turned because Xilä was getting changed or should he say being persuaded to.
He pursed his lips to hide a smile that was threatening to escape as he listened to the amusing conversation between the four female voices behind him.
“Come on Xi, you can’t keep wearing that beastly thing forever! You’re going to get a heat stroke outside. We're in the middle of a solar cycle for Eywa sake!” He heard his sister Kiri say.
“Oh…I’m used to it, it’s comfortable. How does this protect me? All my… bits could fall out,” she hushed, sounding a little embarrassed. He cracked a grin at that one. 
Kiri cackled, “Oh sweet Xilä, it’s more than what I’m wearing, and I’m not worried, see?” Neteyam heard a shuffling shake from the beads attached to Kiri’s top and loincloth. “All intact still.”
“Here child. Try this instead,” suggested Mo’at. 
“Xi, can I put some pretty beads in your hair later?” He heard Tuk ask. “And maybe I could also practise my braiding again, like last time?” She asked hopefully. 
“I would like that Tuk, thank you,” she said softly and Neteyam could only imagine the massive beam Tuktirey had given her, for agreeing. 
In the four weeks that flew by, Xilä had become more vocal- mainly with a very selective few- not that she’d been out to meet anyone else.
The first week of her arrival, Xilä had been under the very strict watchful eye of Mo’at who oversaw her healing treatments and ensured that she rested and was fed at least three meals a day. 
Neteyam remembered during one particular family dinner his grandmother had described the poor girl to them as walking death, citing that she had come to the clan just in time.  
In not so many words she basically explained that her body was all fucked up from lack of food and nutrition- so suffice to say her healing had taken a much longer period…Neteyam couldn’t finish his dinner that night. 
His grandmother was soft for her, he noticed. She had even given him an ear full just last week for simply asking when she thought he could begin training with her. 
In the second week of Xi’s arrival, the Tsahìk had finally allowed visitors and thus, Kiri had made it her business to try and befriend the quiet Li’ona girl. 
Tuk was the one who gave Xilä her new nickname Xi, and even Neteyam found himself using it once or twice in the few times he had stopped by- it suited her, he thought. 
Xi had never had friends before and still wasn’t quite sure what the rules were, but as much as it was overwhelming sometimes, she liked it when they came to visit her. 
She was still very cautious of Kiri’s “monkey boy” at times, but eventually her curiosity would win over and she would muster the courage to ask him questions whenever he came along with his female friend. 
“Why do you have to wear that thing on your face?” 
“Do you really have no tail?” 
“What is a dude?” 
On one such visit from the human boy, he abruptly stopped talking mid sentence and started speaking to a Lo’ak, who she later learned was a Sully brother.
The strange thing though, it was just like what Jake had done on her first day. There was no one else in the room with them besides two sleeping patients. No Lo’ak to be seen- Spider was basically speaking and laughing to the air. 
Spider had eventually caught on to her confusion, then spent the rest of the afternoon teaching her about the communication devices they used to speak to someone far away- even giving her a try of his own- which was much too small by the way. 
He let her call Neteyam, and she was incredibly fascinated that she could hear his voice even though he had said he was in the middle of a training drill on the other side of camp. 
So Jake wasn’t insane then. 
Mo’at had kept her comfortable in her healing tent for the past few weeks and now that she was well enough, it was time for her to venture out- time for her lessons with Neteyam to begin. 
It also meant that she no longer needed to reside in Mo’at’s space, she could return to live with her father in the tent they were given. Nerves shook her at the thought of seeing him again. He had not once visited and she found that she did not miss him. 
“You four, done in there yet? Xilä and I have a lot to cover today,” Neteyam called out. 
At Kiri’s, “you can come in now”, he turned and instantly stopped dead in his tracks. 
The girl- no woman before him was almost unrecognisable. 
Xi, stood in the centre of the tent fidgeting uncomfortably with her new attire as he openly stared. 
Her top was a simple tubed cloth, tied behind her back which covered from the top of her chest to just above her belly button. 
From waist down she was draped in the same material as her top, though it hung low on her hips, and hit her mid thigh. Unlike the traditional Omatikaya loincloths, hers was more like a skirt knotted to a hip. It covered her backside completely, exposing only the expanse of one dusty blue thigh, and a gap for her tail. 
She bore no jewellery save a woven anklet she was most likely gifted by Kiri and her spice coloured hair shined and now fell in soft waves around her shoulders. She had clearly gotten an extreme haircut since he last saw her. 
Neteyam also noticed that he could no longer see her collar bones sticking out. Her cheeks had a glow to them and the dark shadows under eyes were no more. His grandmother had really done a fine job of getting her to a healthy weight in such a short time. 
Xilä bent to pick up her appalling boots. “Can I at least wear my-”
“No. You may as well walk barefooted! They are atrocious Xi,” said Kiri, eyeing the boots as if they were ikran scatt. 
“Oh.” Xi frowned and stared at them longingly, before putting them back down. 
Neteyam cleared his throat. “We’re running behind schedule. You ready Xi?” 
Since their very first meeting, he knew she was the most timid little thing he’d ever met- flinching at the slightest movement or even automatically following the simplest of requests, even if it looked like she clearly didn’t want to do it. 
It was one of the things about her he planned to tackle but for now was going to do his best to be soft. His mother and father had practically engraved the words “be nice” to him. 
Xi stared at the tent’s entrance with apprehension then nodded. “Yes.”
As they strolled through Home Camp, she kept her head down, focusing on the weird feel of the grass beneath her feet- tensed by all the stares and whispers that followed her. She instantly missed the comfort and safety of Mo’at’s tent, she felt too exposed now. 
“We have one stop to make,” Neteyam said, stopping in front of a small tent. He raised the flap for her to enter and she ducked under his arm. 
“Ah, just on time. ‘Teyam! My boy! Come, come. Come look. Tell me what you think? I will admit I thought it an odd request- especially by you. I’ve never done such strange foot coverings before- Jxo said they are called boots- but I’d say it looks alright for my first time. I even added a little extra pop as you kids say with some stitched darci beads, I hope you don’t mind. My D’avi says that’s what all the younglings like to use on their-”
“Salveen,” Neteyam said with an amused smile, interrupting the rambling elder. 
She rolled her eyes with an exasperated sigh. “Ah, yes. I forget you are a busy boy now that you have grown up.” 
She pointed to Xilä with a questioning quirk of her brow and Neteyam nodded. She smiled kindly and reached her hands out to the female beside him. “Come closer my dear. Let’s see if it fits.” 
Xilä, baffled by the entire exchange, glanced at Neteyam as if asking for permission. She gasped when she crouched before the elder. In her hands were the most beautifully crafted pair boots she had ever seen. 
“For me?” When Salveen nodded, Xi shook her head. “Oh I couldn’t,” she said shyly. “It’s too much.”
“Don’t be silly dear. It is for you. It is a gift from the son of the Toruk Mak-”
“Salveen.” Neteyam interrupted again, this time with an unamused expression.
“Well it is, is it not?!” She snapped at him, before going soft again for Xi. “Come my child, do not let my art go to waste, I will be terribly saddened until the ends of my days. I have worked tirelessly in making them look perfect.”
Neteyam pinched the bridge of his nose and prayed to Eywa to give him patience. Damn the elder and her theatrics. 
The boots were a perfect fit and the brilliant smile upon Xi’s face as Salveen made her walk to and from the length of the small tent was worth the headache the elder had given him.
When she stopped in front of him again he asked faintly, “Do you like them?”
“I love them. They are perfect. I- thank you Neteyam…You must tell me how you would like for me to repay your kindness.” 
She had a difficult time looking people in the eyes, he noticed. He tilted downward and waited until finally she glanced up, fixing him with her brilliant eyes. 
“It is a gift. I do not require anything from you in return.” 
Salveen interrupted whatever she was about to say by making her do one more lap of the tent for good measure. 
“I wish I were as talented as you, ma’am. Thank you again,” Xi said graciously as they made their goodbyes. 
The elder laughed boisterously. “I knew I liked you. Call me Salveen deary,” Salveen responded, with twinkling eyes. “You must come visit me again. Yes? ‘Teyam, make sure you bring her on your next visit. Ohhh wait! Here, here. Won't you at least stay for some sari cakes. I made them extra sweet this time.”
“Have you ever had one dear?”
“Um, no I don’t think so,” Xi said, as Salveen herded her to a seat at the table, placing one in front of her.
“Salveen we really must be go-”
“‘Teyam, she’s never had a sari cake before, at least let her stay for one,” she huffed, patting the space on the floor beside her for him to join them. 
“You know when he was just a boy, he and his brother would run away from home just to come beg me to make them sweets. Oh the fright they would give their poor mother.” 
Salveen hooted in delight at her story and Xi couldn’t help grinning with a little silent laugh, herself. Neteyam however rubbed his temple as if in pain but eventually gave a laugh at the memory. 
After more than one sari cake, many attempted goodbyes, frustrated grumbles from Neteyam and long winded rambles from Salveen, they finally made it out of the tent. 
Neteyam led them around the perimeter of the camp this time, and was pleased to see that Xilä’s steps were much more confident which he pegged- was because of her new boots.
“What do you know about my people?” He asked as she tried her best to match his steps into the forest. 
‘Oh I guess the lessons are starting now,’ she thought. 
“Um…well you are the Omatikaya clan of course. The Olo'eyktan, Toruk Makto is JakeSully and-” 
Neteyam smirked at her pronunciation of his father’s name. 
“And…well, I don’t really know much else to be honest. Oh wait I know about the war- or some of it at least. I heard about how Hometree was lost. Is this where you all came to live, after there?”
“No, we lived in the Hallelujah Mountains for a few years. It was called High Camp. We moved here before it became too cramped. Families were growing and we needed enough space for everyone.”
She perked up. “High Camp. Hometree. Is that why this place is called Home Camp?” 
He nodded with a chuckle and made a joke saying, “Such originality, right?”
As they walked he told her about his people- expanding on their history, sharing some of their accomplishments. Neteyam spoke proudly of his clan and highly of his parents. It was obvious that his love for them ran deep and Xilä felt a small bubble of jealousy towards him. He had not only one, but two loving parents. 
“Your father has told us a bit about your clan,” he said, “My dad wants to help the people remaining there, maybe then there will be peace and your lands may flourish again. Your father doesn’t like the idea though. Our labs will still look into what may have caused the rains to stop but I recommend the entire clan should just relocate.”
She stopped in her tracks. “Why would your father do that? What does he want in return?”
He halted her and faced her with a frown. “Nothing. He only wishes to help. There are no expectations for anything in return.” 
“Like the boots?” She asked. 
“Yes, like the boots,” he smiled.
“Your customs are strange,” she murmured, “but I like them. They are kind.” 
He shot her a look she knew all too well. He pitied her. She continued their path and he followed. 
After a moment of walking in silence he asked, “Your father says there are no teachers, no educators in Li’ona…not for years. How is it that you speak so well?”
She pursed her lips. “I was told our clan had one educator left- from before, but he died a few moons after I was born. Most of the people had other worries besides education like food, water, shelter but my mother was a brilliant Na’vi. She did her best to teach me what she knew- what she remembered. She wanted me to have a future.”
Neteyam hesitated, “She did not come with you?”
Xi stopped in her tracks again, distracted by a vibrant yellow insect that was crawling up a massive pink leaf. He stopped too and observed her sad smile as her eyes followed the Hcarm bug. 
“You are lucky Neteyam. Eywa has blessed your home with such life, such beauty. I am sometimes overwhelmed by the sights and sounds and that I even get to experience it in my lifetime. My mother would have given anything for us to have lived like this. She said so all the time.” 
“Is she with Eywa?” He couldn’t help asking.
“No,” was all she simply said. “She is just gone.”
He swallowed. He knew if he pushed her she would respond- she would tell him what she meant, but he decided to drop it for now and continue on with her lesson instead.
Xilä tried to take Neteyam’s words of advice to heart. To not be too hard on herself. She felt disappointed after her first lesson. Basic tree climbing. She’d never had a reason to climb a tree before, and it showed. Neteyam was clearly going easy on her though which she appreciated. 
He had a whole lesson plan scheduled out. First lesson being, Navigation. He’d said he wanted her to learn the land. To build her stamina and be able to comfortably manoeuvre through, around and on the high trails. 
Navigation included things like jumping, running and leaping off ledges. This was how she was going to die. She just knew it. 
She was extremely uncoordinated- clumsy with her leaps and climbs. The only thing he had praised her for was her ability to walk silently. 
“I’m sorry. I promise I’ll try to do better tomorrow.”
Neteyam grinded his teeth for the umpteenth time that day. “Do me a favour Xi? Whenever we’re training- whenever you’re with me… no apologizing. Alright? I think I’ve lost count after your fiftieth, I'm sorry.” 
She opened her mouth to apologize again but instantly shut it when she saw his knowing look. “Alright. I’ll try.”
“So what other lessons do you have planned?” She wondered as they walked back to Home Camp. She noticed he had shortened his strides for her.  
“Well we technically skipped lesson one, but after navigation we’ll do language or maybe I’ll integrate it in between.”
She had so many questions already. 
“You can ask,” he said, seeing her puzzled expression. 
“What was lesson one?”
“Not so much a lesson I guess as an introduction per say. A tour of Home Camp, meeting the people. Seeing the different roles in action on a regular day. These people will become your family.”
She bit her lip apprehensively. “Why didn’t we start with that?” Secretly she was quite thankful it wasn’t her first lesson. She felt overwhelmed already. 
He jumped down with ease when they met a high ledge, then reached up to help her down- quickly averting his eyes when her skirt slid high up her thighs when she crouched to reach him.
The fact that she let him touch her meant her fear of heights ran deeper than her problem with touch. She was skittish anytime he brushed past her or touched her without warning. He berated himself for secretly missing when she had a concussion- she’d seemed fine with his touch then. 
Neteyam scratched his temple feeling a bit awkward by her question. In truth, he knew why he did it. He had seen the way she shied into herself the moment they left the tent. He couldn’t exactly stop people from whispering and gawking at her openly. 
And so he had quickly changed tactics and led her right into the heart of the forest instead. 
“Uh. Next question,” he went with.
She frowned. “Okay. You said my next lesson is language? But I already speak Na’vi.”
“You do. But we have many humans who live with us. Some who are still learning or do not speak as we do. If you want to learn our ways you will have to communicate with them at some point. Spider has been fluent in Na’vi since birth, so you will have no problems there, but our clan is interconnected. There is no separation. My father worked hard to get it that way.” 
“Don’t worry, just the basics. You’ll pick up the rest along the way I’m sure.”
When they returned to the encampment she began to feel uneasy again but for a different reason this time. Since she was well enough to move out of the healing tent, it meant she now had to go back to living with her father. 
Mo’at had told her that morning Neteyam would show her her new home at the end of the lesson. She’d even hugged her, surprising them both with the abrupt affection- telling her to come by anytime. 
He led her around the perimeter once more, and then they eventually entered a little community of tents. Home Camp was beautiful and full of life. The entire encampment was actually quite massive- clusters of small communities spaced out. 
The land was not even so some tents were either planted to the direct surface of the ground or elevated on flattened out mounds. Those situated on mounds had round stone steps leading to the entrances of the homes. 
“Alright, this is you here,” he said, pulling back the flap of a tent for her to enter. It was much smaller than the healing tent but far grander than their joke of a home back in Li’ona. By the looks of the interior, her father had obviously made himself at home because the place was a complete mess. 
Neteyam looked entirely shocked as he too observed the strewn blankets and leathers of her fathers bed, scattered weapons and loincloths, smashed fruit that looked to be molding against the heavy canvased walls and a forgotten bowl of what seemed to be rotting meat. 
What she assumed was supposed to be her bed now housed her father’s ratty, foul smelling cloak and boots. 
Xilä couldn’t help but flush in embarrassment, she hated that Neyetam had to witness this. 
“Um, right. I guess your father isn’t back yet. My dad took him on a hunt today,” he shifted awkwardly unsure what to say. He was seriously debating whether to grab her up and hightail out of the hellhole they were currently standing in. 
“The fuck are you doing in my home?”
They both turned to see the intimidating Li’ona male standing in the entryway- his glare focused on Neteyam. 
Xilä hadn’t seen him since their arrival date- four weeks ago. It seemed those weeks clearly had an impact on him. He had gained quite a few pounds of not only fat but muscle- his weak form no longer lanky and unhealthy looking. He had also seemed to embrace the Omatikaya attire fully, since he was now dressed in only a simple looking loincloth. 
T'shteyo stormed further in, dropping his bow, knives and arrow carrier haphazardly wherever he stepped. He threw himself into his mess of a bed and began stuffing his face with the contents in the leaf wrapped parcel he’d brought with him. 
Neteyam levelled him with a stare of his own which clearly read that he was not intimidated by any means. “We had our first lesson today, I was only showing her her new home.”
T'shteyo sucked his teeth and spat out a bone. “Well you showed her. You can fuck off now.” 
Neteyam pursed his lips, to reign in a snide remark then glanced at Xilä. She’d gone pale and her eyes were locked on her feet. She clasped her hands together but he didn’t miss the tremor she tried to cover up. It was clear as day- she was afraid. 
“Xi,” he called, but she didn’t move a muscle. He stepped forward, putting his back to her father as he faced her, blocking her from view. “Xilä,” he said softly. 
“Did you hear me, chief’s son?! I thought I told you- !”
Neteyam ignored the man’s ramble of bitter words and insults, focusing on the petrified female instead. “Show me your eyes, Xilä,” he said, gently. 
When she looked up at him, her face was blank. He expected tears but there were none. 
“I still don't feel very well. I-” she jumped when she heard the crash of a bowl being flung across the room. “Do you think Tsahìk will allow me one last night?” She whispered quickly as her father made his way over to them. 
The angry male reached out to grab her but Neteyam was faster. She was tucked behind him before she could even blink. 
“You misunderstood me T'shteyo. I was only showing Xilä the tent. She is still healing and will continue to stay where she is until otherwise.” 
T'shteyo’s nostrils flared. “She looks fine to me. Give her here- she’s got shit to do.” 
Neteyam was seconds away from knocking out the man before him. This was why he had avoided the man like a plague since their first and last meeting. He had promised his father he would not make a repeat of last time, and he knew if he stood there any longer it would be far worse than just a “verbal altercation”. 
But he couldn’t just leave it be either, could he?
“Xi go outside, I’ll be right there,” he said, not taking his glare off her father. 
“Ohohoho! So you think you’ve got her wrapped around your finger now, huh?” The man sang provokingly as he watched his daughter leave. 
“Listen to me,” Neteyam began dangerously, advancing slowly, “I am only going to say this once. If you touch her. I will hurt you. If you speak to her. I will hurt you. If you as so much breathe in her direction. I WILL HURT YOU.”
The older man glowered murderously. “Is that a threat?” He spat. 
“No. It’s a fucking promise.” And with that he walked off.  
Neteyam all but hauled them out of there and only when they were a few minutes away from the healer tents did he release a breath, letting go of his pent up anger. Xi, he realized, was practically sprinting. 
“Xi. Xilä. Hey, wait.” It was his turn to try and catch up with her. His touch was gentle when he cupped her elbow, turning her towards him. She didn’t look him in the eye though. “Is he always like that?” He asked.
“Yes,” she whispered to his chest. 
Neteyam stared at the ground- hands on his hips. He was in way over head with this entire situation. A miniscule part of him thought he should throw his hands in the air and say it wasn’t any of his business- drop the girl off with his grandmother then get back to his usual duties- tell his father he wanted no part of any of it anymore- her including. 
When he looked back at her though, he knew right then and there it was too late. He didn’t want to do any of that. He cared about the woman in front of him. 
She was smiling now and Neteyam followed her gaze to a Na’vi female and her two children. The mother picked up the littlest one and tickled his tummy making him squeal happily. 
The wind rustled her hair and when she faced him again she tucked it behind her ears. “I haven’t seen such little ones in years.”
“What do you mean? Do they not have children in your clan?”
She shook her head. “Eywa has not blessed Li’ona with a baby in almost ten years. There haven’t been any bondings either. All of the women left are already mated anyway.” 
‘Shit,’ he thought- he didn’t realize things were that bad. 
“Xi, your father…” Neteyam was trying his best to heed his dad’s words. To tread lightly but it was way past that for him. “You can’t stay there. Not with him.” 
She smiled sadly. “I don’t really have a choice. I’m going to have to go back tomorrow.” 
“Fuck no.” He looked at her as if it was the most absurd thing he ever heard. “You’re not going back there.” He began to walk towards the healer tents again and she hurriedly followed to keep up. 
“What do you mean? I have to! My father will-”
He stopped abruptly and rounded on her. “What? What exactly will your father do?” 
“....He’ll…. be upset.”
“Bullshit. Upset is putting it lightly sweetheart. We both know that.” He gestured to her arm where her last stubborn bruise was mostly healed- the area tinged in an ugly yellowish brown colour. “I’m not going to force you, but we’ll eventually have to talk about it.”  
She swallowed and looked away. “I know. Tsahìk warned me that you would.”
He blew out a breath. “Come on then,” he said, leading the way back.
Okay so, there we have it!
Let me know what you guys think :)
Part 4 will be up tomorrow instead of today, things pick up a bit in that part.
@jakesullyfatjuicypeen @granddearduck @riatesullironalite
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miniteezez · 8 months
C.San x few reader
Part 3
Warnings: reader cries, little angst I guess but meh. Fluff. Karen.
Part 1 Part 2.
A/n: this will be it for now but I’ll update if I get any ideas :)
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Sun shone in through the windows, the rays somehow targeting your eyes. Waking up from your slumber, you found yourself unable to move. Looking back, you found San wrapped around you. His face was pressed to your shoulder, hair splayed out messily on the pillow. Smiling, you carefully manoeuvred so you were laying flat on your back. Making sure he was still asleep, you carefully pulled San closer, resting his head comfortably on your chest. His arm subconscious curved around your waist, his hand fisting your shirt. You quickly took a picture, finding it to be really cute. Then, you sent your parents a message, just to let them know you were okay. A small groan made you look down as San began to stir. His eyes opened slowly, immediately looking up at you and smiling. 
"Morning. Did you sleep well?" Even though his words were slurred, you giggled and fluffed up his hair. 
"Very well. You're warm." San chuckled deeply, chest rumbling against your side. Wetting his lips, he blinked the sleep away half heartedly. In that moment, you felt so content. You felt safe, at peace, like everything was finally in the right place. Even in his half asleep state, San was beautiful. It was almost tragic too see. Almost painful to realise just how much you liked him. In the span of a week, you'd grown attached to the red-head and were so afraid of having to let go. What if your date went badly? Or he realised you were dull? What if he finally saw how ugly you felt? 
"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" San propped himself up, leaning over you. You blushed at the proximity, avoiding his gaze. 
"I'm just thinking." His eyes wondered over your features. From the crease of your brown to your downturned lips. He knew something was wrong.
"You can be honest with me. I won't laugh. I'll listen." San spoke sincerely, hoping his words would properly reach you. Sighing, you gulped a little and began voicing your thoughts.
"I'm just waiting for you to realise that I'm not good enough to be here with you." Now shocked, his eyes widened slightly.
"What are you talking about?" 
"Realistically, there's no reason for you to be interested in me. I'm not conventionally attractive. I'm boring. I'm fussy. I'm bossy. I'm just not good enough." Pouring your heart out to him, you started to feel really guilty for your small rant. 
"Sorry. I shouldn't have said that. That's only going to make it worse." Your eyes brimmed with tears. Quickly, San sat up and pulled you with him. Bringing you into his chest, he pressed his lips to your temple. 
"Dont apologise. I'm glad you could be honest with me." His fingers ran through your hair, as if to simply brush those thoughts away. 
"You know none of that is true right?" 
"It is." 
"Why because your aunt said so?" Sans voice was sharp, almost making you flinch. Unable to speak, you nod against his chest and bit down on your lip. 
"I honestly think she's just jealous. You're young, you're pretty, you've got a good life." Before you could disagree, San tilted your chin up to look at him.
"Who wants to be 'conventionally attractive'. That sounds boring. You're beautiful in my eyes." Your face went warm, the tips of your ears going red. 
"You have a glowing personality. You literally drew me in. I saw you sitting alone at the airport, and I knew I wanted to get to know you. Maybe you want your own way sometimes? We all do. It just shows you're stronger than most." As San was talking, you stared up at him like an idiot. A stray tear rolled down your cheek, feeling touched by his words. He brushed it away softly, leaving his hand on your cheek tentivley. 
"Maybe you don't understand? I really like you. As in I want to be your boyfriend. Eventually." San laughed as he said the last word, hoping he wasn't coming off as too eager. Finally, you smiled too, gazing at him lovingly. Maybe, for once, you could believe the nice things being said about yourself. Maybe you could even act brave. 
"I want to kiss you." San was taken aback by your honesty, letting out a shy chuckle. 
"I definitely don't mind that." That was the green light you needed, to lean forward to connect your lips together. Instantly, you melted into the kiss, arms wrapping around his neck. San smiled against your lips, using his free hand to hold your waist and bring you flush against him. When you pulled away to breathe, you stared at each other for a moment, unsure of what to say. Until San broke the ice.
"Do you want me to fight your aunt? I'm a black belt. I can take her out?" You both broke out into laughter, your head falling against his shoulder. Yes, you could allow yourself this one good thing.
After a little while, San brought you to the kitchen, where mingi and wooyoung were eating. Upon seeing you, the youngest whistled. San shoved him lightly, helping you onto a stool.
"Breakfast, (y/n)?" Mingi asked, smiling at you kindly. You shook your head, watching as San began to chop some fruit.
"I dont really eat breakfast." Everyone looked at you confused, wooyoung putting down his toast. 
"What? Why not?" 
"It makes me bloat. Then I look awful. So I wait until I'm done for the day to eat." Shaking his head, San continued to cut up his fruit before getting out a pot of yoghurt. 
"You look beautiful no matter what. So you're eating, OK?" Blushing, you stared down and the counter, bobbing your head. The boys laughed quietly as San sat beside you with a bowl. Taking the spoon, he scooped up some food before holding it to your lips. You were silent, letting him feed you until you were full. He even tucked your hair away. 
You left shortly after to go and change, having arranged to meet San at the beach. Upon arriving at your villa, your dad greeted you with a warm hug. 
"I dont know how you can be so nice to her. She's clearly been messing around with that lad." Your aunt spat, stirring up her milky tea. Deciding to ignore her, you went to get ready quickly. From your room, you heard arguing and sighed. You hated that she caused so much trouble. Once ready, you headed back to them. Your mother smiled, pulling you near her.
"He's a good man, (y/n). Ignore my sister and just enjoy yourself ok?" As she embraced you, you felt so grateful for how supportive she was.
You stared out at the sea, watching the tide going out before swishing back in. It was serene, the wind light, ocean blue and sky clear. Hot but not so hot it would bother you. Just right. Arms suddenly appeared around your waist, lifting you off the sand then spinning around. Letting out a scream, you heard San laugh at your shock. He placed you down, turning yourself to face him.
"Hey." He grinned, hands still on your middle. 
"You're late."
"Only by five minutes!" He protested, poking your cheek jokingly. How could you ever even pretend to be mad at him? Smiling, you took hold of his hands and started walking backwards.
"Can we swim? Before we get ice cream?" 
“We can do anything you want.” He reassured, already starting to unbutton his shirt. Excitedly, you took your things off and put them in your bag. Whilst you were distracted, san threw you over his shoulder with ease and ran into the sea. You squeaked, laughing as he dropped the both of you into the water. He wasted no time in pouring water over your head, effectively ruining any effort you put into your hair.
“San.” You practically whined, splashing him in a weak attempt at payback. Smirking, he sat himself in the shallow and watched you for a moment. Though, it didn’t take long for you to settle beside him. Naturally, San put his arm behind you, allowing you to lean against him.
“What’s your favourite ice cream flavour then?” He asked, reaching over and taking your hand in his own.
“Hm, either strawberry or chocolate. I can’t pick.”
“Why not get both. I’ll do the same.” You smiled up at San, playing with his fingers.
“I was thinking, when we go back home. It’ll be autumn. We could go on cute little coffee dates?” His ears were red, eyes full of anxiety. Simpering, you kissed his cheek.
“I’d love that.” Relief washed over the red head before he leant down to capture your lips with his own. Kissing back, you turned towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands framed your waist, pulling you into his lap securely. Once you had pulled away, San smiled at you lovingly.
Walking alone the cobbled streets, you came across a small cafe selling ice cream. San found a table whilst you ordered your cones. Two chocolate and strawberry just as you had discussed. The man behind the counter gave you a wink and a price of paper once you paid. Quickly, you sat beside San who was glaring at the cashier deeply.
“Did he give you his number?” He asked, holding his hand out expectantly. You shrugged and handed him the paper, watching as he ripped it in half after observing the scribble.
“Stupid. I should kick his ass.” You couldn’t help but giggle at sans pouty face, giving him his ice cream.
“Relax San. I wouldn’t care for his number at all. I’m on a date with you remember.” He took a bite of his ice cream still frowning.
“But he’s a good looking guy.”
“You’re far better believe Me. You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.” San perked up, sitting straight and turning to you. Even with chocolate in the corner of his lips, you decided his looks just couldn’t be beat.
“I am?” He asked, relaxing as you cupped his cheek and left a soft kiss on his lips.
“You definitely are.”
“So, did your aunt have anything to say?” Now having finished your ice cream, you were headed back to your villa.
“She thinks we slept together. I think she said something else but I ignored her.”
“Good.” San swung your hands as you walked, fingers laced together perfectly. You smiled to yourself, pulling him inside the home you were renting. Hearing you enter, your mother turned with a warming gaze.
“Ah are you joining us tonight San?” She asked, wiping her hands off from cooking. He nod, trying to act polite.
“If that’s ok?” Chuckling, she walked over and helped him out of his jacket kindly.
“Of course, I made enough to feed a thousand. I’ll text you when it’s ready.” Your mother told you at the end, letting you both go and freshen up.
When you stepped onto the patio, your family was already sat around the table. Thankfully, there was two seats by your father free. San bowed to everyone, pulling your chair out and tucking you in before sitting himself down. As your mother served the food, your aunt was staring across at the man next to you. He tried to ignore her burning gaze, making sure you had a drink in front of you. It was only after everyone had started eating that your aunt spoke up.
“So, have you two kissed yet?” San physically froze, choking his food down with difficulty. Quickly, you pat his back and tried to get him some water. The poor boy turned bright red, matching his hair completely. Your father sighed, rubbing his face.
“That’s not our business.”
“Well I’m only asking.” She whined, keeping her eyes on San, who was slowly recovering.
“Leave them alone and eat your food.” He muttered, checking to make sure San was ok. You held his hand, guilt invading your senses. He must have seen this, giving you a reassuring smile. That didn’t ease your feelings sadly and you frowned at your plate.
“You wanna go inside?” Nodding at San, you stopped him from getting up.
“You finish eating.” He just watched as you went inside before turning his focus on your aunt with determination.
Around ten minutes later, San slipped into your room and found you in bed. He smiled, placing two steaming mugs down on the side table.
“I made you tea.” You hummed gratefully, sitting up and pulling the covers back for him. He climbed in, pulling you into his chest.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologise. You’re not responsible for her behaviour.” San said trying to reassure you. You frowned up at him, leading him to kiss your pout playfully. Thankfully, that did cause you to smile. He carefully handed you the tea, making sure not to scold you. With one arm around you, his other hand held his mug and you spoke about nonsense for a while. YouTube played in the background but neither of you payed any attention. Even after the drinks were consumed, you lay in his arms and talked about life back home and how you’d make it work. You felt so content, ear pressed to his heartbeat and arms hugging his slim waist. Your bodied just slotted together perfectly. For once, you felt as though you finally had something worthwhile. Neither of you noticed that you fell asleep in each others arms. You were both at peace.
“(Y/n). Are you t- oh…” your mother burst in, stopping and going quiet as she saw you both. A smile spread on get lips, happy to see you. She knew, in those few seconds, that you’d be just fine from now on.
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frvnkcastles · 1 year
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Summary: You struggle to relax… but Frank is determined to help you.
Warnings: Feminine nicknames, mentions of anxiety, mostly just fluff
Word count: 569
Author’s note: This is just a short little fic I made about feeling anxious and unproductive. Depression + anxiety really is a mix. Anyway, my best friend said Frank would pull me back into bed and cuddle the shit out of me and that’s the energy I’m claiming today! I’ve been having a bit of a motivation issue lately so I haven’t been writing that much but I’ve seen the requests you’ve sent me and I promise I’m gonna try to get to all of them one way or another! It means a lot you all would share your experiences with me <3
”I need to get up and do something productive.”
Frank grunted a sound of pure disagreement into your neck, tightening his muscled arm around your soft hips to stop you from escaping the warmth of the bed. His bare chest was hot against your arm, and the small scratch of his stubble rubbed into your shoulder as he tilted his jaw to kiss your neck. ”Ya don’t gotta go anywhere, sweetheart”, he reminded, voice rough and deep as it vibrated against your skin.
You frowned, and he tutted before you could get a single word out. ”Know what ya gonna say. Listen, ain’t nothin’ more productive than restin’. And this, cuddlin’ and shit? Makes both of us feel better. That’s double the productivity, baby”, he continued, making it hard to argue and forcing a giggle out of you as he hugged you tighter. ”There’s my girl.”
He was warm and firm and lying in bed with him all day did sound nice. Eventually, you suspected, the cuddles would turn into something else and that idea got your cheeks to flush with anticipation.
But as soon as you considered the thought, anxiety began to creep in again. God, why did your brain do this? Why couldn’t you just enjoy this moment like any other girlfriend would?
”I’ll just make some breakfast, okay? That’s the least I could do”, you ended up huffing, and with a sigh — one that wasn’t annoyed at you but sad that you really didn’t think you deserved to rest — Frank rolled over as you climbed out of bed.
”Aight, wait”, he protested, grabbing your wrist gently before licking his lips and running his free hand through his hair. ”I’mma help you, sweetheart”, he promised, but as soon as he got his arm around your waist, he scooped you back into the bed.
You screeched whereas he simply laughed, falling back onto the mattress and clutching you to his chest, making you snicker too as you flailed your legs in the air. He peppered kisses all over your neck, cheek and jaw before turning you around so you were lying on his stomach, and he could kiss your lips.
You sighed into the kiss, relaxing a little bit but bursting into another laugh when his hand smacked your ass. The look he gave you, though, was completely wholesome and full of love. ”How come ya can’t see you the way I do, huh? You do so much every damn day. You pour 100% into everythin’ you do. There ain’t no pressin’ deadlines right now, so it’s okay to take a moment. You’re allowed to take it easy, sweetheart. Just be with me, yeah?” he muttered, trailing your cheek with his finger before leaning in to kiss your lips briefly once more.
Blushing, you kissed his nose. ”I know. I’m sorry”, you sighed, and he immediately shook his head in response.
”Nuh-uh, got nothin’ to apologize for, girl. I know it’s the anxiety”, he reassured with a soft poke on your temple. ”Just want you to know that it’s okay to take time for yourself. Especially if it’s a bad day. Just survivin’ is enough.”
You didn’t know whether to smile or cry, so you simply laid your head down on his chest and exhaled heavily, letting all tension free from your shoulders. He, in return, wrapped his arms around you again and smiled at your effort.
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frenziedfireworks · 11 months
hii! i was wondering if you could write a fred x reader fic that has a bit of angst and fluff? after an argument with fred, the reader gets drunk at a random houses party and ends up a sad drunk mess & he ends up finding her and they speak for a bit and everything turns out to be alright.
doesn’t have to be exact, but i hope this made some sense<3
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Fred Weasley x Reader
Summary : Fred snaps at you when he gets home and you leave. You drink yourself into a stupor and still hear his words replaying in your head.
CW : Hurt/Comfort, drinking/smoking, cussing
A/N : I hope this is what you had in mind! This idea was cute!
You were in a terrible mood. Fred had got home early, complaining about how work was bad and how a kid broke half of their products. You had listened and gave him a small hug but it seemed that wasn’t what he had wanted. 
“Get off. I’m not in the mood.” Fred pushed you away and began walking to your bedroom. Your eyes widened at the rude attitude and you felt tears well in your eyes. You grabbed at your coat and glared at his retreating form before opening the house door. If he wanted to be a bitch then he could do it alone. 
Your feet fell against the cobbled streets as you made your way to Angelina’s. You knew that she was planning a huge get together and had originally turned her down in hopes of spending the night with Fred but now that was out of the question. Your hand knocked against the door and it swung open to a half-drunk Angie.
“Y/N! I thought you weren’t coming! Get in here!” She pulled you into the house and you noticed some of your old friends circled around the table. Beers lined the counters and the room reeked of smoke.
“You all having a fun night?” You smiled as you approached them, glad to have an excuse to get shitfaced.
“Y/N!” Katie screamed and jumped up to hug you. “It’s been so long! I’m so glad you came!” The girl was interrupted as a hand tugged you away. Much to your surprise it was Lee. “Hey you. Thought you could use one of these if you truly want to get the party started.” He passed you your first beer and you sat down. 
Before you knew it you were four beers in and already feeling the repercussions. Much to your dismay though, the alcohol was not working in your favor. Instead of living it up and ignoring your issues, you were sitting in Angie’s bathroom sobbing your eyes out. Your friends had asked if you were okay but you just shooed them away saying that it wasn’t your night. You weren’t lying after all, it really wasn’t.. Your mind continued to play Fred’s words in your head, feeling as if it was a knife stabbing you over and over again.
A knock at the bathroom door shook you from your groggy state and you groaned. “Please leave me alone guys! I’m not feeling good.” You said between sobs. 
“Let me in Y/N.” Fred’s voice filled the void and your body froze. Why in the world was he here? In your drunken state you tried to piece it together, eventually coming to the conclusion that Lee had called him.
“Y/N! Please darling.” Fred slammed his fist against the door again and you begrudgingly pulled him in. Your face was lined with tears and you wobbled as you tried to stay standing. 
“What do you need?” You sneered at him and looked away. First he ruins your night and then follows you! The audacity.
“I came to fetch you love. Lee said you were sick and I think we need to talk.” Fred’s hand wiped at your cheeks and you shrugged out of his touch. 
“Oh so now you’re fine with comfort and affection?” You chastised and rolled your eyes. Fred sighed and his hand found yours.
“Y/N, I am so truly sorry. I was overwhelmed when I got home and everything was too much. I snapped when you were only trying to make me feel better. I really do love your hugs and want nothing more than your affection every day for the rest of my life. Please forgive me.” He squeezed at your hand and awaited your response. You looked at him for a few seconds before you started to cry again. Your arms wound around his form and he just held you in place. The two of you basked in eachothers presence for a while before you pulled back.
“Please don’t do that again. I don’t think I can take it.” You whispered and Fred bobbed his head.
“Never again love. I didn’t mean it and I am so sorry.” He reached out to place a soft kiss on your forehead. His arm wrapped around your back and he began to push you forward. 
“As much as I love sitting in Angelina’s bathroom I would much prefer the comfort of our own bed.” Fred teased and you let out a little laugh.
“I guess that’s fine.” You respond and the ginger gives you a grin.
“Thank you for your confirmation, my liege. I was worried you would say no.” He faked a curtsey as the two of you made your way out. You only rolled your eyes and smacked his shoulder.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“You love it though.”
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
Could you do the follower bishops with someone who is wheelchair bound and loves to draw
All he sees is a loyal follower who serves his vessel and praises his name, so he's indifferent to you being wheelchair-bound.
But out of curiosity, he examined how Lamb accommodated you through the Red Crown's eye.
They built ramps and wooden floorboards so grass/flowers didn't get stuck in your wheels, left an open space for you at the feasting table, and punish whoever discriminated against you or tried pushing your wheelchair without permission.
He's like "yes good,,,,inclusiveness will attract more to the cult >:3"
When Narinder himself winds up in the cult, he's moping around and avoiding everybody.
The other followers said you should prank him by rolling over his tail on "accident", but you aren't a fan of bullying.
Instead you roll up to one of his hiding spots like "hey, I have a small welcoming gift to cheer you up!"
He thinks it's "fertilizer" wrapped in a box, so he makes you open it.
It turns out to be a...portrait of himself?
You explain how you loved drawing your fellow followers, some even paying you and willing to sit still while you sketched their features in great detail.
"I hope it's alright that I took some creative liberties. I tried my best given how Leader described you in their sermons and........a-are you crying??"
"....what part of me made you assume I'm worthy to receive this? I almost killed you all!"
"Well..I like you better than our most recent dissenter who refused to listen to the Lamb unless they "cured" me."
"...ah, I see. So..what became of them?"
"Their body's still in the morgue pit. It's pretty messy...wanna see it?"
Tbh he had no idea you were even in a wheelchair to begin with.
So when he first begins his farming duties within the cult, he hears wheels squeaking and thinks somebody's stealing the wheelbarrow from him.
"Hey! Where do you think you're going with that?! I need the wheelbarrow to-!!"
"Actually it's my wheelchair, Leshy. But you were close." You chuckle, assuring him you're not offended when he starts apologizing profusely.
It's a rather awkward first meeting between you two, though you both get along well afterwards.
Given that he's blind, it's hard for him to get around the base, too, so he sympathizes with you on that matter.
It took him a while just to focus on one person's scent at a time with so many followers surrounding him.
But he recognizes you by the smell of wood (different from the one he smells by the lumberyard) mixed in with your scent. So he always knows if you're approaching him.
And when he should stop so he doesn't accidentally bump into your wheelchair.
You've actually helped guide him around by letting him "push" your chair (he just holds onto the handles while you take him to different places so he can get a feel for the base's layout).
Leshy learns you love to draw, being disappointed he can't see the masterpieces you've created.
But you always describe them in great details for him, eventually deciding to invest in painting (specifically with acrylics) so he could feel the textures instead.
Caravans and carts have a difficult time traversing the swampy, mucky, and uneven terrain of Anura, so she's never seen a wheelchair user before.
When she meets you as a newly-indoctrinated follower, she just stares at your aid curiously, unsure of how to approach you and ask about it.
But since she has a constant resting bitch face, you think she's giving you a dirty look--and you give her one in kind.
"If you have something you wanna say, Heket, then-"
Suddenly you remembered that she can barely talk, and you feel kinda bad for insulting her own disability.
So you cooked her a meal as an apology, to which she forgives you right away and warms up to you quicker than expected (though only bc you made great food).
She learns you love drawing and kinda wants to learn it herself. It could be a good way for her to better communicate her feelings.
Albeit her skills are.....novice at best.
She can draw runes, sigils, and demonic circles to perfection but drawing a simple frog is....tricky.
You give her some advice, and when she gets better through practice, you decide to draw portraits of each other.
Eventually she's comfortable enough to ask about your wheelchair, admitting she likes how you designed it.
He's likely no stranger to having followers with disabilities during his ruling of Anchordeep.
He may have been a ruthless paranoid bishop, but he's not cruel and has crafted mobility aids for whoever asked for one. Canes, wheelchairs, prosthetics--you name it. He even commissioned Kudaai for ones with weapon augments.
So he doesn't treat you any differently when he's indoctrinated into the cult, introducing himself like he would anybody else.
As narcissistic as he is sometimes, he's actually cool to be around.
But you feel like he only acts polite bc of Lamb.
While Kallamar knows you like to be independent, he's willing to help you out if asked.
Whether it's pushing your chair if your arms get tired, or to position it during a ritual you're attending, he's on the case.
The only con to this friendship is that he's deaf af and may have to lean down to hear you better.
But you don't mind it.
When he learns that you love to draw, he wonders if you've ever considered drawing him (he's far too shy to ask though).
However you must have a sixth sense...because you made him a portrait as a gift for a special occasion (aka the day the Blue Crown chose him as its bearer) and put it in a beautiful frame lined with crystal specs, leaving it wrapped up by his shelter.
After he sees it, he hugs it and rushes over to Lamb like "look at what Y/N made for me!!"
"That's nice, Kallamar-"
Do I have your permission to marry them?"
They become an avid observer of everybody in the cult. Just to get a read on their personalities and what they do on a daily basis.
You're no exception, and they're impressed at how you get yourself around in a wheelchair.
Despite their damaged mind, it's still forever hungry for knowledge.
So they respectfully ask you how long you've had your aid and why, how Lamb has accommodated you, etc.
They're forgetful, but they hope to remember at least this for once and not have to ask you again.
You don't mind it at all, appreciating their politeness.
Whenever you're done with tasks and spend your free time drawing, Shamura often comes over to ask what inspired you today.
But one evening, they have a bad migraine attack while talking to you, forgetting who you are mid-conversation as they hissed, before skittering off....much to your bewilderment.
They couldn't sleep that night, wrought with guilt for acting that way in front of you, and the next morning they still can't remember your name despite it being on the very tip of their tongue.
They think it's wise to avoid you, but you track them down with a gift to assure them you weren't mad:
A simple portrait of themselves, signed with your name in the corner so they'd always have a reminder of you.
Least to say, Shamura hasn't forgotten your name since and is forever grateful.
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lunedottir · 11 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤDANCING QUEEN . . ♪⁠ヽ⁠(⁠・⁠ˇ⁠∀⁠ˇ⁠・⁠ゞ⁠)
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pairing: hobie brown x fem!dancer!reader
genre: fluff, a liiiiiiittle bit suggestive! just a little bit 🤏🏾
synopsis: headcanons for Hobie Brown with a spider!dancer! girlfriend.
warnings: none (?) me thinks. a bit of self projection maybe but oh well i'm just a human!!!!
a.n: hai guys :3 i was listening to my kpop playlist last night and i ended up thunking the thoughts. the thoughts have been thunked. anyways, day 3 of my writing challenge, and i'm double posting today because i forgot day 2 :D love y'all, stay safe! <3 xoxo
taglist form.
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> you started dancing waaaay before that spider bit you, in school
> which made things way easier when everything happened
> you already had the control you needed over your body
> and even though you were spiderwoman, you had never (and i mean never) missed a practice for your cover group
> okay, you danced a bit of everything, but mainly kpop
> when you first met Hobie, it was because you declined a mission
> he was like "?? we can do that???" as you two met to discuss the details
"Miguel said this is your mission, why'd you make me do it?"
"i have a presentation to do."
"yeah, my dance group has a presentation today and i'm centering, I can't miss it "
> and that was on his mind for the rest of the day
> when you started dating hobie, he wanted to see you dance
> would ask everyday if there was any presentation coming soon, or if he could go to your dance practices
> eventually you gave in and invited him and his friends (pav, gwen and miles) to a public presentation your group was doing
> easy to say he loved it
> was cheering everytime you appeared on the center
> not really a fan of the songs, but loved how cute you looked on those outfits and ending poses
> the four of them would go backstage to see you, and i just know Miles and Pav would hype you up all the time
> Hobie would give you a smirk and look you up and down, telling you how good you look
> when it gets to a difficult choreography (i'm talking Run Bts and OMG), they all would be 😯😯😯😯 looking at you
"holy shit that's fast"
"how does she do that?"
> Gwen is mad impressed, btw
> she's a ballerina, so she knows how hard it is
> anyways moving on!!
> in private he would kiss all over your face and tell you how amazing you were
> 1000% a fanboy when it comes to you
> you're always humming the new song you're learning and he ends up learning it
> asked you to create a choreo to one of his songs
> obviously you did, and he fell even more for ya
> he likes to call you his "dancing queen"
> bet he's an ABBA fan but he'll deny it
> loves how you do customization on your clothes and even helps you
> can and will show up as spiderman in one of your performances
> if you have a solo act, oh boy, prepare yourself
> after everything is done and it's only the both of you… 🤭
> he's really into praising so… yeah, i think you can take it from here
> overall just really proud of you and your #1 fan!!!
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thank you all for the support, stay safe <3
taglist: @elusive-honeydew @traacy-lin @ppinkkkiwi
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