#the artidote
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artwork by instagram.com/radstream
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"you are not a machine. you are more like a garden. you need different things on different days. a little sun today, a little less water tomorrow. you have fallow and fruitful seasons. it is not a design flaw. it is wiser than perpetual sameness. what does your garden need today?"
—Joy Marie Clarkson #NoteToSelf
[The Artidote]
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fifteenonaskateboard · 5 months
I took some time off from work because i was feeling extremely exhausted all I knew was that my mental health needed a break from it all. Today, I didn’t do much, I simply wanted to relax. The weather was very nice so I spent most of my time with books and music on my balcony.
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quotesnimages · 11 months
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Found this post by Artidote on my FB Feed
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lolapaoloza · 1 year
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Te duele. Te duele todo. Estás deseando ser tú mismo, pero tienes miedo de lo que significa hacerlo”. —Caleb Azumah Nelson
#nota personal
“You ache. You ache all over. You are aching to be you, but you’re scared of what it means to do so.” —Caleb Azumah Nelson
artwork by instagram.com/shaza.wajjokh
obra de arte por instagram.com/shaza.wajjokh
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takoyakimd · 1 year
saw this on Facebook, credits to The Artidote
Sometimes the last thing we want is to move on. ⁣Grief is a complex space to be in.⁣ Sometimes moving on feels like betrayal; ⁣ Betrayal to all the love we’ve felt for someone who is no longer there. To all the love that is STILL here, in our heart, with nowhere to go. ⁣⁣For those who have lost a loved one, hearing the words “move on” can be triggering. It's like hearing an insult; our immediate reaction is anger. ⁣ But remember that anger is fear’s bodyguard; it shows up when there’s a need to protect something that we fear losing—something that we dearly love. ⁣
When we’ve already lost someone’s physical presence, the thought of losing their memory can be overwhelming. After all, their memory may be the last thing we have of them.⁣ There’s an old Mexican proverb that says we don't die once but three times:
The first time you die is when it first properly hits you that you, in fact, are made of mortal flesh & will one day die.
The second time is when you actually die & cease to exist in your recognizable, physical form. ⁣
And the third and final death—and perhaps the most heartbreaking—is the last time someone says your name. The last time you are remembered. ⁣⁣
From that lens, not wanting to move on is a response to not wanting to fully let someone go.⁣ But here's a secret: It’s not about moving on, it’s about moving forward. ⁣ And it’s not about forgetting someone. It’s about remembering them differently. ⁣
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thoughtility · 2 years
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Post taken from @theartidote’s Facebook page.
Artwork by @morbidtea-blog
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The degree to which a heartbroken person can "finally let go and move on" is directly proportional to the amount of truth they can accept about why the relationship had to end.⁣⁣
Read that again, compassionately.
A common withdrawal symptom of post-breakup is to idealize the other person. ⁣⁣
We may begin recalling their sweet smile, that twinkle in their eyes when they spoke of something they deeply cared for, the arousing scent they would emit right before a kiss…
You see, the pain in our hearts will have our minds starving for something—anything—that will soothe this horrible ache. And the easiest thing it will find to cling to are the wonderful memories lived together… bypassing all the reasons why the relationship was no longer sustainable.
The inconvenient truth is that we will never be able to move on from heartbreak if we continue bypassing the reality of why the relationship had to end. When we keep looking at “what could be or could've been” we may never give ourselves the opportunity to see “what is.”⁣⁣
If you're currently struggling to let go and move forward after heartbreak, remember this: ⁣⁣
We can only let go of something we’ve fully owned. So let's accept this ending first. Own it. ⁣⁣
Only then can you gracefully begin to release it.⁣⁣
On October 6 & 7 we'll be diving into this at “Reclaiming Yourself: Mindful Approaches to Heal Heartbreak." You'll finally be able to release the heavinness you've been carrying and find new ways of making this moment meaningful for you & your future.
But remember, acceptance doesn’t mean ‘being okay with,’ taking ownership doesn’t mean ‘being at fault for’ and surrendering doesn’t mean ‘giving up.’ ⁣⁣
There’s healing in that nuance 🤍⁣⁣
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itsmahree · 10 months
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shaura · 2 years
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inbetween-breaths · 2 years
Gentle Reminder ✨☯️
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ch4isutta · 2 years
Hyper-sexuality as a result of trauma can happen because you start believing you’re not good for anything else but sex. Because you believe you can’t expect love without it. Because you believe sex is the only way anyone could possibly connect to others. Because sex is the only kind of intimacy you’re “any good at”. Because you don’t know how else to get attention. Because it’s easier to get sex than love. Because cuddling after sex is the only way you know how to get nonsexual physical touch. Because you’re high/drunk all the time. Because you have no libido/desire/attraction anymore and keep hoping that having sex will kick-start it. Because you’re good at sex and it’s the only way to get recognition and respect. Because you were told that you’re “bad at sex” and you feel ashamed and are trying to “get better at it.” Because you have flashbacks if you abstain from sex. Because you feel wordlessly desperate/scared/anxious if you don’t have sex for a certain period of time. Because you associate sex with danger and you don’t believe you’re allowed to be safe. Because you feel so bad so much of the time that sex/orgasm is the only way to calm down or feel good anymore. Because you’ve been re-targeted by other abusers/perpetrators who can tell you don’t know how to say no. Because you’re still with your abuser/rapist/perpetrator and the only way to prevent “worse” violence is to initiate sex. Because sex is physically or emotionally painful for you and you’re using sex to self-harm.
Hyper-sexuality after trauma is way more common than anyone wants to believe, and it can happen for so, so many different reasons. These are just a few.
— via the artidote on facebook
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spinningjupiters · 2 years
Nobody tells you just how much grieving there is in growth.
- The Artidote
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More Artidote posts and some Veronica Mars love. I am rewatching VM for the first time in about ten years and I still love it just as much as I did back then. imo it is a better “Monster of the Week” show than Buffy the Vampire Slayer don’t @ me!!! <3
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karim1054 · 4 days
"Solange was so right. you cannot fuck, smoke, drink, shop, work away your pain. you just gotta feel it, let it run through you, let it make you stronger, and move on. rock bottom will teach you lessons that mountain tops never will."
- The artidote.
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lynknaive · 1 month
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🌸 "Tr.ầm cảm không phải là nhạc của Lana Del Rey với viền kẻ mắt bị nhòa và những giọt nước mắt tuôn rơi trên khuôn mặt bạn. Nó không hẳn là bồn rửa mặt có vệt máu, hoặc lưỡi dao để trước mặt bạn. Nó cũng không phải việc bạn bị rung chuyển tới lui bởi một chàng trai khi cậu ấy hôn lên trán bạn và thì thầm "Anh yêu em", lặp đi lặp lại bên tai. Tr.ầm cảm càng không phải cảm giác sợ hãi khi người bạn yêu nhất không nhắn tin lại cho bạn.
Tr.ầm cảm thật sự rất ghê t.ởm.
Nó thấp hèn và bẩn thỉu và dơ dáy và nó ăn mòn bạn, từng chút từng chút một. Trầm cảm là cái mùi cũ rích của phòng bạn và cả mùi quần áo của bạn nữa, bởi vì bạn chẳng còn tí năng lượng nào để dọn dẹp hay lau chùi bất cứ thứ gì. Nó là việc bạn ngồi ở trong bồn tắm hàng giờ khi bạn cảm thấy kiểu sạch sẽ một cách dơ bẩn ấy, rồi cứ thế cứ thế để dòng nước nóng chảy xuống cơ thể bạn mà không có bất cứ ý định gì về việc đứng dậy và tắt nó đi. Nó là một cái bướu lớn ở lưng bạn và là kẻ bại trận đi lại nặng nề trong đôi vai bạn, cái kiểu mà bố mẹ bạn luôn cố gắng để “sửa” ở bạn, và la lên “Đứng thẳng xem nào”, nhưng thậm chí điều đó, suy cho cùng cũng chẳng giúp ích gì mấy. Tr.ầm c.ảm là hàng giờ trôi qua bạn nằm bệt trên giường, cố gắng trong tuyệt vọng để ngủ - nhưng không thể. Nó là khi mí mắt bạn trở nên thật nặng và những bọng mắt chẳng bao giờ biến mất, ngay cả khi thức dậy sau một giấc ngủ ngon. Tr.ầm cảm là cảm giác chìm nghỉm khi bạn đến trường và tâm trí của bạn đã định – tại sao bạn phải để ý đến điểm giả khi bạn còn thậm chí chẳng quan tâm đến cuộc đời mình cơ chứ? Nó là loại tối tăm nhất của sự ảm đạm, loại mà làm đắm chìm não bộ bạn và biến những người bạn thân nhất thành kẻ thù, gia đình bạn trở thành những người mà bạn chỉ đơn giản muốn đẩy họ ra thật xa, cốt để họ không bị tổn thương như bạn bây giờ. Nó là cảm giác thô và thật nhất của sự trống rỗng, cái kiểu cứ gặm nhấm từ trong sâu thẳm bạn và biến bạn thành một bộ xương di động không hơn không kém, bất lực và bất khả trong việc cảm nhận bất cứ điều gì ngoài sự đau đớn và sầu muộn của chính bản thân bạn mà không phải ai khác. Tr.ầm cảm là cái hố sâu nhất mà bạn có thể nghĩ tới, cái hố duy nhất mà bạn có thể nghĩ đến bởi chính bạn đã đào nó lên. Nó không chỉ là “không thể”, mà còn là không sẵn sàng kéo chính mình lên và để mặc cho bóng tối nuốt chửng lấy bạn. Trầm cảm không phải là cơn mưa. Mà bạn không còn khả năng nhìn thấy mặt trời được nữa cho dù cơn mưa đã tạnh" – cho nên là, hãy ngưng lãng mạn hóa tr.ầm cảm đi.
Dịch: KLinh - Beautiful Mind
Tác giả: Vô danh.
Tranh: Ariel R. Davis
(Nguồn: The Artidote)
"Depression is not Lana Del Rey music, with smeared black eyeliner and tears running down your face. It is not a blood-stained tub, or the blade sitting across from you. It is not being rocked back and forth by a boy as he kisses your head and whispers “I love you,” repeatedly in your ear. Depression is not the dread you feel when the person you love the most doesn’t text you back.
Depression is disgusting.
It is low and filthy and dirty and it eats you away, bit by bit. Depression is the stale smell of your room and your clothes, because you have no energy to clean anything. It is sitting in the bathtub for hours as you feel that dirty type of clean, letting the hot water run down your body in no aims to stand up and turn it off. It is the hunch in your back and the defeated slouch in your shoulders, the kind that your parents always try to fix, exclaiming “Sit up straight,” but what good does that ever do. Depression is the hours spent lying in your bed, trying desperately to fall asleep but never being able to. It is your eyes being so heavy-lidded and the circles under them that don’t fade, even after a good nights sleep. Depression is the sinking feeling you get when you enter school and your mind is already set - why would you care about your grades when you don’t even care about your life? It is the darkest kind of dark, the kind that intoxicates your brain and turns your best friends to enemies, your family to people you simply push away so they don’t have to hurt just because you do. It is the raw feeling of emptiness, the kind that gnaws at your very insides and leaves you nothing more than a walking skeleton, incapacitated and incapable of feeling anything but sorrow and sadness for nobody but yourself. Depression is the deepest hole you could ever think of, the only one you could ever think of because you dug it yourself. It is being not only unable, but unwilling to pull yourself up, having the darkness swallow you whole. Depression is not rain. It is being unable to see the sun, even after the rain has passed." —stop romanticizing depression (author still unknown)
artwork by Ariel R. Davis
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"I would rather adjust my life to your absence,
than adjust my boundaries to accommodate your disrespect." —unknown
I dont wanna dream of you anymore
artwork by Rombutan
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