#the blacksmith replies
dragonstailbutch · 5 months
blacksmith that uses its cock instead of a hammer
I'm using the tip of my dick to smash that pussy on the anvil, call that laminating your cunt
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iamthecomet · 8 months
comet, today im thinking about how in general ghost fanon, there's a place for the water ghouls (the lake), and the garden/greenhouse for earth ghouls, and the infirmary for quintessence ghouls
perhaps an argument could be made that the air ghouls love the roof
but there doesn't seem to be a place for fire ghouls
i think dewdrop deserves a forge
he would probably have a coal forge rather than a gas forge and i think he wouldn't need tongs to hold onto the steel bc he can handle extreme heat
but i think it could be extremely zen for him to have a place to just go and let some steam off and hit hot metal while he thinks
he likes the solitude, the rhythm he can get into, hearing the anvil sing when he hits the metal just right, being able to tell intrinsically when the forge needs to be fed, when the metal is the perfect temperature
he loves how malleable the steel is, how just a few taps of the hammer in the correct spots can shape it so drastically
i think perhaps he has made something for each of the ghouls
it took him a long time to warm up to phantom, but after tour, dew disappeared out to the forge for a couple days and returned with a little knife with a bat wing hilt to present to him
idk maybe this is projection bc i too love hitting hot metal but i really think dewdrop needs a forge
also bonus: the other ghouls love when he comes back from the forge all sweaty and smelling like hot metal, coal dust flecking his skin
9 times out of 10, someone is jumping his bones before he makes it to a shower to clean off
i keep forgetting to sign these oops
WAIT WAIT WAIT Oh no. The way my jaw dropped as I read this. BLACKSMITH DEW? Why have I never thought of blacksmith Dew? Your BRAIN IS HUGE. He absolutely has made something for everyone. In some cases, several somethings. I think it's a great place for his brain to turn off. For him to let some frustration out. I also think he likes how surprised people are when he tells them about it the first time. That little ghoul? A blacksmith? Aren't all blacksmiths big and giant and strong? Dew loves to thwart expectations. He also really loves making pretty things for people he loves. Now you've got me thinking about what kinds of things he's made for his pack mates (throwing knives for Aurora, much to everyone else's dismay).
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alfea · 7 days
thinkin about hazel today. i’m still so mad lovestruck shut down before she could get a route
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lathalea · 9 months
💜👻💍✏️ for the writer ask game!
Look, it's not even a week since you wrote this so I'm excused, right? :D
💜- top 3 favorite lines
How about some angst? It's been a while, right? Here's a piece from Remember:
Remember those days, Brother…? 
And a whiff of wind lost in the corridors of the Lonely Mountain whispers back.
I remember, Brother…
And I’m waiting.
👻- 2 or 3 sentences from something you haven’t posted yet Okay, since you've asked nicely... ;) Some of you may remember that short ficlet Blacksmith Needed. Things may have happened - I totally blame you @mrsdurin for this and you know why (thank you!) 💙💙💙
“All of this in exchange for… a marriage contract?” Dis frowned. “You and this woman of Men? It is unheard of.”
“Perhaps it is, but the deal is no different from a customary Dwarvish arranged marriage, a mutually beneficial contract. Mahal knows how dearly we need this kind of help at this very moment.”
“Aye, aye, it all sounds very reasonable, but you forget about one thing, brother dear,” she reached into the basket and then placed an object in his hand. “Children.”
Thorin looked down at this curious offering, ignoring the raised voices around him: it was a tiny boot in dire need of mending. A boot that belonged to a little pebble who had to bear the hardships of their life as much as its parents did, and this piece of footwear was the best proof of it. And then a new image appeared in his mind, Mila with a babe in her arms, a little boy, laughing at something, giving the little one a peck on his cheek, while he wiggled in her arms, one of his tiny feet bare, and his hair... not as golden as Mila’s, but as dark as his. Thorin swallowed.
Also tagging @thophil2941btw @fallinloveinoctober @delicatefoxpeach-blog @sunnysidesidra @onlyyoudarling because you were interested in the story 💚
💍- your most underrated story I've already replied to this so how about I share a link to your story that deserves even more love than it already has? The Castle on the Mountain - please read it, everyone, you won't regret it! There's a mysterious castle, ghosts, brooding Thorin and a very unusual visitor...
✏️- favorite part about writing
LOL, this question seems so popular today! :D I can only add that my writing gets even more pleasant if I have a cup of my favorite tea by my side :)
Thank you for your asks! 💙💙💙
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rotisseries · 1 year
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Ur so new to this its making me giggle. also you should share more I need to Know
gloomy I can't stress enough how bad I am at this. once we got past stats and I had to actually come up with real character things it was awful. dragged kicking and screaming through character creation. also I'm realizing as I type this how little I still have in mind for this character bc I never even decided what gender they are. we've been referring to them interchangeably as "my new cringfail losergirl oc" and "my new weird little guy"
#gonna be real though it’s probably a girl. and she'll be a lesbian. why would I ever choose anything else#ok but she doesn't even have a name yet. idk how to name things that is gonna suck#she's a blacksmith though. and a tiefling druid but I think you saw me tell theo that already in the replies of the other post#and she has a fascination with fire bc I got in a projecting mood#and that sounds stupid as hell I hate saying that actually bc it makes me think of that very annoying internet time#where every single gay person on tiktok was like “ooh be gay do crime!! arson!! mother mother!!”#but I cannot stress enough this is a genuine trait of mine if you leave me with a lighter and something flammable#I will set it on fire just to watch it burn#my family won't let me light birthday candles because they don't like giving me lighters#I set a paper towel on fire in our camper once when no one was in there#and then they went in later and were like “why does it smell like smoke in here?”#and I had to admit I lit a paper towel on fire#AND THEY WOULD NOT LET IT GO!!#they rag on me about it all the time like “rori you were gonna light our camper on fire!!”#and I have to be like “NO I PUT IT IN THE SINK”#but yeah saying oh here's my lesbian who likes fire sounds stupid and annoying but that's. that's a genuine trait of mine#anyway also as for the oc creation taking 5 hours. I will say I was doing this on discord call with several people#and only ONE of them was actually helping me in character creation. so the conversation kept getting sidetracked by everyone#we debated on if a hotdog was a sandwich at some point (it is)#ask#gloomybirdie#hi gloomy!
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glowinggunmetal · 11 months
What does your OC believe in? God(s)? Monsters? Love? The power of unbreakable bonds of friendship to overcome any obstacle? The ability of money to open any door? Or are they indifferent?
Of all the things that Lucien believes in, love is not one of them. Affection, yes, but clearly what he considers affection is not the same as what others consider love and he has decided that is a line he will stop considering. Other people have love, and clearly treasure it and move the world for it - but love for them might just be how they express the determination he does feel drives everything.
He believes in will above all else - the will of a person, the will of their cause, their beliefs, and the power that can give someone. If your will is tempered, unbreakable and absolute, then the world will bow beneath it.
Money, friendship, power, wealth, influence - those are all keys to make the world function as needed and as necessary, but will is where people make - and break - themselves.
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🎶 for Celebrimbor, if you're still doing the music asks?
so like. i feel like it's cheating BUT
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@soulsalight​ asked:  "I can't fall in love with you, I just can't!" - Brithael @ Ilya
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It feels as if his heart is thumping within his throat, the previous few glasses of wine in which he had partook now doing naught to settle his mind not stomach. Quite how lighthearted conversation had turned to this, Ilya didn’t know- but they were there now and he found that he could do naught more than stare down towards his fingers that had linked with the stem of the glass. 
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Words spoken, near shouted, hurt. Thickly, Ilya swallows, the lump forming within his throat giving feelings of uncomfortable tightness that stretched as far as his chest where his heart was hammering viciously. It felt as if all of the heat ran out of his person, as if his very blood ran cold where he sat - eyes very slow to raise upward and eye his blacksmithing companion. 
Perhaps he had too much to drink, perhaps this was just the agitations that brewed beneath intoxication; but perhaps it was absolute truth, as it was wont to come out when one could no longer control their barriers. 
“...why-?” The weight of what was spoken weighed down the very word in which he spoke, the thickness of emotion all too clear in a movement away from his usual shielded state. “---would it be so bad-?” 
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bimb0fy · 4 months
— 01; mender
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pairings; luke castellan x hephaestus!reader
summary; you always were a mender, a creator. yet your knowledge of swords, not the best, so imagine to your surprise, the luke castellan asked you for a sword, not your brother alex who always exceeded in the task.
warnings; nothing!!
wordcount; 825 words
a/n; can u guys tell one of my hyperfixasions is watching documentaries about how blacksmiths do shit 🤩
ᵐᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡⁱˢᵗ!! | ⁿᵃᵛⁱᵍᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿ!!
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-> You were a creator, being blessed by your father, hephaestus, and gaining fire abilities, a once in a hundred year miracle, you were instantly crowned favorite.
Not that any of your siblings complained, you were a Saint in their eyes.
So imagine to your surprise, when the Luke Castellan specifically requested for you to make him a new sword.
Even though you were your father's favorite, you weren't the best sword mender, you exceeded in mending and blacksmithing obviously, but your brother Alex, he had the honor of best sword mender.
"So, can you make one for me?" Luke asked you as you held the bag of chips in your hand, a foot on the table as you sat comfortably on the chair, eyes widened.
"Uh, yeah. Sure." You stuttered as you stood up. "You sure you want me? I mean Alex prays for you to ask him to make you a sword, he'd probably drop Mr. D's orders for you."
"Yeah, I want you." Luke smirked as you smiled. You tied your hair into a ponytail, taking your goggles as you raised your sleeves. "So, I always wanted to know how you make swords."
"Cmon I'll show you." You smiled, throwing an apron towards him with a matching pair of goggles.
"Twins." He joked as he put them on, you laughed as he stood by the station. You walked towards the cabinets, taking out the steel as you plopped it down to your station.
You had your own station in its own room, with huge windows and a rather delicate decoration, nothing you'd expect for a child of Hephaestus.
You went ahead to heat up the steal, Lule stared at awe as you held the metal, pressing on it as you heated it up, grabbing the hammer to shape the dagger once it was done.
The clacking louder then usual as you knew Luke held many swords, he'd instantly know a faulty one against a perfect weapon. Watching it men, you repeated until you deemed it presentable.
You dipped it into the oil, waiting for a few minutes before you took it out, the steam escaping as you placed it onto the desk.
Luke stared at the sword, bending down to look at it at eye level. "Isn't it supposed to be sharper?" Luke whispered as you looked at him, you couldn't hear him as you already began mending the handle.
"What?" You asked him as he smiled at you.
"No I just said its perfect." Luke smiled as you nodded, a smile shifting to your lips but you knew he wanted to say something else, you took off your goggles, grabbing the dagger as you looked at it.
"It isn't sharp enough, huh that's weird." You mumbled as you heated the blade once more, taking the hammer to fix your error as Luke sighed in relief. "You knew. Why didn't you say anything?"
"I mean, it's your territory, not mine." Luke shrugged. A lie. An obvious lie.
"Whatever you say Castellan." You smiled, as soon as you fixed your error and finished the handle, you stuck the two together, double checking as Luke leaned in beside you, looking at the sword.
"It's bigger then usual." Luke mentioned as you hummed in agreement.
"Thought you might need an upgrade. Go ahead, try it." You smiled at him as he nodded, he took the sword, holding it into his hand as he threw it to the other repeatedly.
"It's lighter, how did you do that?" Luke asked you, you winked in reply.
"It's my little secret." You smirked as he smiled. He spun it in his hands, looking between the blade and the handle, noting something carved on the handle. "It's your initials, and a little design I thought suited you."
He stared at the hoop, smiling as he took out his pendant from his shirt, it was tbe same design. "Thank you, really." He smiled at you as you shrugged it off with a smile.
"It's no thing." You smiled. You packed cleaned the area, Luke assisting you before taking off the apron and goggles. He took the sword, smiling as he held it before bidding you goodbye.
You went along to your cabin, taking a shower before going to lunch.
You sat down next to Alex, he was probably your best friend, he, no matter what, was always there for you. "A little birdie told me you mended a sword for the Luke Castellan. My my what luck you have." Alex joked as you rolled your eyes, smiling as you ate your mac and cheese.
"Hey mender. Thanks for the sword, it works like a charm." Luke winked at the last part, you smiled before tucking the hair behind your ear.
"It's no big deal. I'm glad you like it." You smiled at him as he raised his leg onto the place beside you, leaning in.
"I'll see you at the bonfire mender."
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avocado-writing · 5 months
Could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to his gn crush confessing to him while obviously waiting for rejection?
absolutely my love, here you go!
Is not surprised you’re confessing (he knew how you felt it wasnt subtle lol), but is surprised that you seem so defeated about it
sort of annoys him? Upsets him? Of course he’s going to feel the same way, how can you think so little of yourself? He’s of the opinion that you’re wonderful. it’s so easy to fall for you.
but then he hesitates: he knows how easy it is to think poorly of oneself. He can’t judge you too harshly.
takes your hand, tells you that you’re lovely, and invites you out for coffee the next day. just the two of you. his heart skips a beat when you light up.
admires how courageous you are. can see you’re shaking as you admit your feelings.
”why do you think I wouldn’t feel the same way? you are one of the most spectacular people I’ve ever met. Anyone would be lucky to have you. I’d be lucky to have you.”
smiles when he sees how you start to grin, puts his hands on your waist and brings you in for a kiss.
if you’re a magic user dancing lights erupt from you because you’re so overwhelmed ✨
Oh, sweet Wyll. Gobsmacked that you think he’d turn you down.
takes your hand and guides you somewhere where the two of you can be alone.
when you have your privacy he asks if he can kiss you.
you feel heat rise in your cheeks but nod, and he gives you the most astounding first kiss you’ve ever had lol
then he takes you out for dinner and holds your hand across the table the whole meal
(when you’re together properly he makes jokes the whole camp was asking “wyll they won’t they” about the two of you and you groan lmfao)
another one who takes you to a private place to talk.
brushes your hair out of face and then cups your cheek in the same gesture, begins to wax poetic about how perfect the oak father made you and how you are without fault.
has echoed your feelings for a long time now and is glad you made the first move which takes a lot of the weight off your chest
he scoops you up in his big arms and swings you around until all the worry is gone and you’re laughing 💕
his heart hammers in his chest when you tell him. he’s only a blacksmith!!!! he doesn’t know how to handle this!!
I imagine you confess to him while he’s working at his forge so that not all of his attention is on you, it’s better to soften the blow when he says he doesn’t feel the same.
puts his tools down, takes off his gloves, and holds your hands. tells you he’s admired you for a long while and is glad you feel the same.
you squeak when he kisses you but his soft touch keeps your grounded ❤️
is offended how nervous you are (you don’t find him THAT intimidating do you?! He’s been trying to be nice because he likes you!) - and also a bit annoyed because he’s been working up the courage to confess for ages but you got there first
”Good, I like you too >:(“ “you do?” “Yes >:(“ “then why do you seem so grumpy about it?” “I’m not grumpy! >:( >:( >:(“
you kiss him on the cheek and he’s so flustered he loses control of the spell he was transcribing and magic missiles his office window to pieces lol
this is a battle of the least self-confident lol. you’re like “I don’t think you like me” and he replies “my dear you have so many better options than me”
so it turns 180, with you convincing him that you do like him and listing all his merits!
eventually youre at a stalemate. and then you just kiss each other, trepidatious at first and then getting more passionate as you relax 💕
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darkenedurge · 6 months
Wanted to write a little Dammon/Tav confession thingy – they’ve been on the brain lately.
(Fem/Tiefling Tav, sorry fellas and non-tiefs)
“Did you see his tail wagging?” Astarion pokes, catching up with Karlach’s stride – something you’d seemingly mastered long before he had, despite knowing her for the same stretch of time. You offer him a glance, and a quirked brow – visible confusion, only further carried by your oblivious, “What?”
He tuts, rolls his eyes – snooty as ever. “Dammon.” Astarion clarifies, still urgent in his pace as your band wanders the intrepid, shadowed lands – all of you, clinging to Karlach’s warmth. Wyll, forever the quiet, and the observant, chimes in, “He’s right, his tail was wagging. The second he saw you.”
“So?” You haphazardly brush off, with a light, unconvincing shrug. Though, you knew full well what they were implying. Full, full well. Being a tiefling yourself, a tail swish was hardly chocked up to mere coincidences.
“In fact,” Astarion continues to tease, leering closer, “Your tail was wagging twice as much. Even when we’d had to bid our farewells.” You visibly jolt, yellowed skin burning a deep, sunset orange – cheeks blooming with the colour, alongside the very tips of your ears.
Karlach, of course, gasps. “Do you fancy Dammon?!”
“Better yet,” Wyll interjects, “I think Dammon fancies her.”
You half-debate throwing yourself into the depths, let the shadows consume you – your stomach twisting in knots. “He does not!” You protest, failing to realise you hadn’t defended the claim against yourself.
Astarion hums, with a chuckle – that classic, scheming sound that so often escaped his lips. Oh no. “Well, then I suppose the tail wagging was just my imagination? Or, maybe it was the way his eyes light up when he sees your face, or how his cheeks flush at the sound of your voice? My.. I seem to have been imagining an awful lot lately.”
You begrudgingly groan, hands flying to cover your face – eyes squeezing shut. Karlach’s coos and ‘aww’s can be heard, muffled, from ear to ear.
Wyll hurriedly appears at your side, coercing his way between you, and Astarion – “Perhaps you should tell him? How you feel, I mean,” He suggests, sweet as ever, “I’m sure, so sure, he feels the same.”
A pause, you remain head-spinningly quiet. Wyll furthers, “We are on our way back to Last Light, after all.. it’ll shut Astarion up, at least.”
“I heard that, Wyll.”
Wyll waves a hand, dismissively waving him off. The notion of protection, from your resident blade, always brings an unbreakable smile – regardless of the circumstances. Relenting, you merely nod – meek, and hesitant. Regardless, Karlach cheers – hollers.
It’s a miracle that you haven’t been attacked at this point.
The sanctity of Last Light lingered only mere feet away. Several more steps, and you’d be faced with your promise of confession. To grant you your dignity, the three musketeers had busied themselves with a brief bout of trading, before entertaining themselves at the bar. Bothering Rolan, no doubt.
Swallowing dryly, you tap the shoulder of your resident blacksmith – near immediately awe-stricken as he spun, pointed teeth poking through a bright, yet notably weary, smile.
“Hey, you! You alright? Need some gear adjustments?” Always so forthcoming, so desperately happy to help. Your heart swells, tail anxiously tapping the ground behind you. In reply, you shake your head, an audible breath shuddering as it passes your lips.
“No, actually,” You shift, gaze flickering to the ground at your feet, “I wanted to.. tell you something.”
“Oh?” Dammon says little else, setting his tools aside, leaning back against his makeshift forge table – and it’s embarrassingly attractive. Your tail taps quicken, fingers interweaving – fidgeting.
Dammon notices, brows furrowing – expression, laden with concern. Instinctively, he reaches for your hands, encapsulating them in his own – “What’s wrong?”
With a soft, subtle bite of your lip, your gaze finally flits back upward – meeting Dammon’s pleading eyes. Your stomach flips. “I think..” A sharp, sharp inhale, “I think I’m in love with you?”
Lips, warm, and soft, upon your own. You can smell smoke, stale yet somewhat pleasant – and you can taste heady, lingering aftertastes of wine. Dammon is kissing you. Your tail, ever with a mind of its own, winds around his ankle – your heart, heavy and loud, thumping in your ears.
You feel his smile, all too familiar, whispered into the kiss before he draws back. His thumbs run over yours, eyes sparing a glance at your joined hands – admiration dancing within his irises. “I was.. hoping you might say that.”
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dragonstailbutch · 6 months
What kind of steel do you like and how do you sharpen?
yah boys a idiot who doesn't remember previously learned things and I tried to save this anon ask as a draft,,,,again. didn't work out lol BUT this is what I had on it:
ok SO I'm the kinda person who thinks there's a specific kind of metal/steel that's best for every tool BUT if I had to pick just one I think it'd be 1080 high carbon steel, mostly cause that's what I prefer my knives in, I like to think they live longer and keep an edge longer but y'know 🤷‍♂️
sharpening depends for me, like if it's an axe I've got a file, if it's a chainsaw I've got a separate DIFFERENT file that's made for that but if it's a knife I've made, then I typically start the edge on a grinder, just to get bare bones on it then step over to my whetstones and sandpaper and use Windex or lots of water to keep the blade lubricated and finish the edge on it there
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japhers · 1 year
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what if they were bros but they kissed sometimes all the time and also one of them was a milf
ID: a two panel comic featuring an au ra Warrior of Light, Mongoose, entering the Blacksmith’s Guild in a white haltertop thigh-slit gown and fur stole, to Guildmaster Brithael’s surprise. Mongoose puts his apron and headgear over the gown, which prompts Brithael to ask if he didn’t plan on changing out of his fancy outfit, to which he replies that “Clothes are meant to be lived in!!”
The second page shows Mongoose and Brithael dancing to The Kid LAROI’s song “Stay”.
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macbethsymphony · 16 days
The Swordsman and the Blacksmith | Chapter 9
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Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Chapter wc: 3.4k
Chapter rating: SFW
Content/Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Fem!Reader, Enemies to lovers, SLOW slow burn, Eventual smut, vaguely referenced past abuse
Summary: Your skills as a blacksmith have made you desirable to both the government and pirates. You know you have to leave this island if you want to escape your fate, but that doesn't make the choice of leaving any easier. Roronoa Zoro is intrigued by your skills as a blacksmith. Your work is like nothing he's ever seen before. Unfortunately, you're hot-headed and he's rude and you both definitely hate each other.
Chapters [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]
Slowly crossposting from AO3 Feel like binging the rest of it? it's all there!
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Chapter 9: A Tale of Three Swords
You sat at the worn wooden table in the bustling galley, your foot tapping impatiently against the floor as you picked at your breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the alluring scent of Sanji's cooking, but your mind was elsewhere, consumed with thoughts of the forge awaiting your return.
The door creaked open, and one by one, the members of the Straw Hat crew trickled into the room, their voices rising in animated chatter as they greeted each other with hearty laughs and wide smiles. Luffy bounded in first, his infectious energy filling the room as he plopped down beside you, his stomach growling loudly in anticipation of the meal to come.
Nami followed, today’s news under her arm as she settled herself not far from you, her sharp eyes flicking between the articles and the crew members gathered around the table. Usopp joined her, his eyes landing on your anxious form.
“You alright, (Y/n)?” He asked.
You offered him a weak smile. “I’m fine, Usopp.” You replied your tone more curt than intended. “Just itching to get back to work” you explained.
Nami shot you a sympathetic glance from across the table, her expression softening with understanding. “I know it’s hard, but you need to listen to Chopper” She chided gently as she turned the page she was reading.
You sighed. “I know, I know,” you muttered, stabbing at your food with more force than necessary.
You didn’t see Nami blanch, only looking up after Robin asked her what was wrong. Your wanted poster had fallen out of the pages of the newspaper.
1 billion Berry.
You knew it was coming. It still didn’t soften the blow.
“Pass me that, would you?” You asked with a small smile, gesturing at the newspaper Nami was holding.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea” She said meekly.
Ah. It was bad then.
“I’ll be alright, Nami” you assured her, prying the paper out of her grip.
The Blacksmith of Hell joins the Straw Hat Pirates after annihilating a marine base. You snorted. Blacksmith of hell? They couldn’t come up with something… better? You continued reading, your eyes settling on the phrase ‘No survivors’. You hadn’t held out much hope, but you’d still wished for something else.
You handed back the papers to Nami, trying to keep the inner turmoil of your emotions off your face. “Not too tempted to turn me in? Imagine the things you could buy with a billion Berry” You joked, the mirth in your voice not reaching your eyes.
Nami’s expression shifted, a mixture of concern and empathy etched across her features. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she said firmly, her voice tinged with indignation. She started to say something else, but you cut her off, not wanting to have the conversation she was heading towards.
“What’s all of you guys’ bounties anyways?” you asked in fake cheerfulness.
It seemed to distract them enough. You listened half-mindedly at their responses and arguing. You leaned back as you watched Zoro settle in front of you.
“What about you, swordsman?” You asked him after everyone had answered.
“120 million,” he said under his breath.
“That’s it?” You snorted.
He scowled.
You made a quick tally in your mind. “So… I’ve more than doubled your collective bounty.”
Zoro’s expression darkened at your remark, his jaw clenching visibly as he shot you a withering glare. “Don’t get too cocky, Witch,” he retorted, his voice laced with thinly veiled irritation. “Bounties don’t mean a damn thing when it comes down to it.”
You raised an eyebrow in amusement, unfazed by his hostility. “Oh, I’m well aware,” you replied, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips. “But it’s still amusing to think about, isn’t it?”
“Don’t worry about it (Y/n)! I’m going to surpass you in no time.” Luffy exclaimed.
You laughed. “I’m counting on it, Luffy. Makes no sense for a blacksmith to have a higher bounty than their captain’s”
You pushed your empty plate away from you before leaning forward, an evil glint in your eyes. “Let me study your swords, Mr. 120 million” You demanded.
His eye twitched. “No.”
The crew’s attention went back to what they’d been doing, uncaring of the familiar argument about to take place.
“Aw, come on! I’m not allowed in my forge! Let me study your swords, swordsman” You said with exasperation.
“If you think I’m letting you close to my swords, you’re out of your mind, witch” He retorted, crossing his arms in defiance.
“Do you have to be such an asshole about it?” you asked, condescension lacing your tone. “I’m bored out of my fucking mind, let me study them!”
“Your temper tantrum isn’t going to change my mind, brat” he snarled.
“Brat?” You screeched. That was a new one. “Please, swordsman, I’m clearly older than you.” You scoffed looking him up and down. “I bet you can’t even grow a beard, you fuckin child.”
His eye narrowed at your taunt. “I’ll consider it if you let me hold that sword of yours” he turned the table of the argument on you.
You scowled. “You’re insane if you think I’ll let you do that.”
Zoro leaned in, his gaze unwavering. “Let me hold it.” He demanded.
“That’s enough, you two” Chopper’s voice cut in, stopping the argument as he entered the galley. “(Y/n) you need rest, not… this” He gestured frantically at the two of you. “Try to get along for once.”
You leaned back in your chair, crossing your arms defiantly. “Fucking glorified sword rack with an attitude” you muttered under your breath looking at the swordsman unabashedly.
“Temperamental witch” He muttered back, looking away.
Chopper’s exasperated expression mirrored your own frustration. With a sigh you apologized to the small reindeer, unable to withstand the guilt you felt at not listening to the doctor.
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You watched as the sun lowered on the horizon. You hadn’t been able to shake off your anxiety nor the contents of the article out of your mind all day long. Everyone had unsuccessfully tried to distract you throughout the day. It was kind of them, but your mind was stuck on your forge, hands itching to create. You groaned, longingly looking at your workbench, visible through the doorway. With hesitant steps, you went in. Your eyes landed on your hammer.
“Soon” You told it, fingers grazing the hilt.
Instead, you turned towards the swords, displayed on the wall. They seemed to call to you. Without much thought, you grabbed them. Turning around, your eyes landed on the pile of steel. You yearned to take one in your hands, but you stopped yourself. Not yet. A deep, frustrated grunt escaped your lips as you turned away, your steps heavy with reluctance.
You made your way to the kitchen instead, the comforting smell of the sea air mingling with the faint aroma of cooking drifting from within. You entered the well organized room, the dim light casting long shadows across the worn wooden floor. Sanji was surprisingly out. You grinned at the luck of your timing. You clenched your swords under your arm, careful not to accidentally bump into the various objects in your path as you made your way towards the pantry. Your eyes scanned the shelves, searching for something, anything, to ease the knot of anxiety tightening in your chest. Your hand reached out, fingers grazing the cool ceramic of a bottle of sake tucked away on the top shelf.
A small, relieved smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you retrieved the bottle, the promise of its contents offering a fleeting respite from the turmoil of your thoughts. With careful hands, you uncorked the bottle, the soft pop of the cork releasing a tantalizing aroma that filled the air with warmth and comfort.
“I wouldn’t let Chopper catch you with that” You froze, the bottle of sake suspended in your hand as Sanji's voice cut through the silence of the kitchen. With a quick, guilty glance over your shoulder, you found the cook leaning casually against the doorframe, his trademark cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth.
A sheepish grin spread across your face as you turned to face him, the bottle of sake held aloft like a guilty trophy. "You caught me," you admitted with a chuckle, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping into your cheeks.
Sanji's expression softened, his stern demeanor giving way to a knowing smile. "I won't tell if you won't," he said with a wink, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
Relief flooded through you at his easy acceptance, the tension in your shoulders easing slightly as you recorked the bottle in your hands "Thanks, Sanji," you replied gratefully, a genuine smile playing at the corners of your lips.
He waved off your thanks with a casual flick of his hand, his attention already drifting back to the stove where a pot of something sweet was bubbling away. "Just don't make it a habit," he admonished lightly, his tone tinged with mock seriousness.
You made your way out of the kitchen, looking both ways to make sure the small doctor wasn’t in sight. Satisfied, you let the door close behind you, eyes searching for a good hideout to wallow in your self-pity. The crow’s nest. Yes. That would be good.
You clumsily ascended the ladder, the bottle of sake and your three swords teetering precariously in your grip with each rung climbed. As you reached the top, you pushed open the trap door and peeked into the makeshift gym. The space was empty, only the soft hum of the wind against the windows shattering the silence around you.
With a triumphant grin, you collapsed against the wooden wall, the bottle of sake cradled in your arms like a precious treasure. You set your three swords in front of you in a neat row. Fingers fumbling, you uncorked the bottle and took a long, satisfying swig of sake, the fiery liquid warming you from the inside out.
As the sweet burn of alcohol danced down your throat, you couldn't help but let out a contented sigh, the stress and tension of the day melting away with each passing moment.
Just as you started to get lost in the comforting haze of drunkenness, the trap door creaked open, familiar green hair emerging. Zoro ascended the ladder with his usual nonchalance, his three swords strapped to his side, two bottles of cheap booze in his hand. His eye flickered with mild annoyance upon spotting you, but he said nothing, opting to lean against the opposite wall.
“Couldn’t find a better spot to get drunk?” he remarked, his tone laced with a mixture of boredom and irritation.
You shot him a mocking smile. “Thought I’d enjoy some peace and quiet. Can’t even take a shit without Chopper worrying about it.”
A snort of amusement escaped Zoro as he took a swig from his bottle, the bob of his throat catching the dim light.
Feeling the warmth of the sake coursing through your veins, you erupted into a drunken exclamation. "Ah! If you breathe a word about this to anyone, I'll kill you, swordsman." Your words slurred slightly, the alcohol adding a playful edge to your threat.
Zoro’s eyebrow raised in mild amusement as he took another sip. “I won’t” he said. “Besides you couldn’t land a hit on me even if you tried.”
Your lips curved in a mischievous grin, the effects of the sake making your movements sluggish. “Oh you’d be surprised” You slurred trying to get up unsuccessfully. “I’ve got more tricks up my sleeve than you give me credit for.” You let yourself slump back down.
The swordsman let out a low chuckle, the sound rumbling deep in his chest. “That so?”
The unfamiliar sound of his laughter brought a soft heat on your cheeks before you let out a small laugh at your own condition. “Maybe not right now, and I’m actually shit with swords, so probably not with that but I bet I could land a punch…probably.”
He didn’t say anything.
“You know” you slurred, eyes falling down to the bottle in your hands. “I think you’re a real pain in the ass.”
His brows furrowed in annoyance at your words. His jaw clenched tightly as he glared at you. “Don’t worry, the feeling’s mutual” he shot back, tone bitter.
You scoffed, taking a sip of sake. “But you know what?” You whispered against the bottle, your words barely audible over the sound of the wind. “Despite everything, I still think you’re a damn good swordsman.”
Zoro’s expression softened slightly at the unexpected compliment, his features relaxing into a reluctant grin. “And you’re a damn good swordsmith for a temperamental witch.” He muttered, his tone gruff yet oddly genuine.
You smiled.
A comfortable silence settled between the two of you.
“What’s with the swords?” He asked after a while.
You looked up at him, an odd look in your eyes. “I thought I should have a conversation with these three” you said after long deliberation. “But I haven’t found what I’ve been wanting to say just yet.”
Zoro arched an eyebrow skeptically. “A conversation with your swords?” He repeated, his tone incredulous. “Are you that drunk, or did I miss something about talking weapons?”
You giggled, the alcohol making everything seem funnier than it was. “Not exactly talk” You start to explain. “But, if you learn to listen, steel will talk back to you. Each one has its own personality, its own spirit.”
Your gaze was soft as your eyes surveyed the swords before you.
“I think I know what you mean” He muttered softly.
“I’ve made over a thousand swords you know.” You said eyes not leaving the blades. “But these three are the only ones I’ve made with haki.”
He didn’t say anything.
“What I do... It’s a dangerous process.” You continued. “If I’m not careful, if I don’t control it well enough or if my attention wanders, the steel sucks in my own life force.”
You spot the slight shift in the stance of the swordsman as he listened to your words.
“My teacher figured that early on, but he was a greedy man.” Your gaze seemed far away as memories filled your eyes.
 Zoro’s eye remained fixed on you, his expression unreadable as you spoke, the weight of your words hanging heavy in the air between you. The soft glow of the moon highlighted the sharp features of his face.
You took another swig of sake, the warmth of the alcohol soothing the ache in your chest as you continued to share your thoughts with the swordsman. “Now that I look back, I was still just a child when he asked me to forge Uragiri. But when he asked me to forge him a sword, I was so proud. Proud that he would deem my skills good enough for him to carry it.”
Your hand went to the first sword before you. “I didn’t really understand the consequences back then, so I poured my soul into making this one.” You unsheathed it slightly. The gleam of the black blade reflected the moonlight. The air seemed to still for a moment. “If I had to guess, this one cost me at least three years of my life.” You twirled the blade in your hands, testing the balance. “It’s a beautiful blade, but it’s got a strong will. Very few can handle it.”
You looked back at the swordsman. “They’re not unlike cursed swords, you know.” You sheathed back the sword in your hand. “Ultimately, it drove him mad.” You took a pause, guilt, regret. You put back the sword before you. “He became violent after wielding it for a while. My sister took the brunt of it, but when we tried to escape, he shackled me to the forge. That’s when he made me make Yokubari.” Your eyes shifted to the infamous sword before you, taking it in your hands. Your fingers danced on the pommel for a few moments before wrapping against the silk wrap.
Zoro’s eye widened in alarm as he watched you unsheathe Yokubari, his hand instinctively reaching for one of his swords. The air crackled with tension as you allowed the sword’s power to wash over you, your haki merging with the blade’s soul in a familiar waltz.
For a moment, the crow’s nest seemed to pulse with the weight of Yokubari, its presence palpable in the air. Zoro’s grip tightened on Wado Ichimonji, his muscle coiled like a spring as he remembered his encounter with the sword.
“Don’t worry, I’m drunk, not dumb” you said with a chuckle at his reaction. You set the scabbard on the floor before bringing your hand alongst the sharp edge of the blade. “What happened back at the base…it was an accident. I lost control of my body before I could bring it into control.” There was sorrow in your gaze as you remembered your mistake. Your thumb danced too close to the edge, a bead of blood forming against your skin. “Yokubari and I, we’re one and the same. It’s a result of the suffering I endured at the time. Sometimes I wonder how many years of my life forging this blade has taken away from me… but I think I’d rather not know.”
The weight of your confession hung heavy in the air, the gravity of your words sinking into the swordsman’s consciousness like lead in water.
“In the end, his own greed killed him, when he tried to wield this stubborn sword.” You sheathed Yokubari with a bitter smile. “It’s kind of ironic, isn’t it?”
You took a gulp of the sake, trying to make the ball of emotion in your throat disappear.
“It took me years before I made a sword again.” You pointed at the third sword before you. “Shiawase is the kindest of these three. Doesn’t mean it’s not a temperamental bitch though” You chuckled. “By the time I made it, I’d mastered the process of infusing steel with haki without much consequences but the process of making a blade of this quality is long. It took almost everything out of me.”
Zoro took a swig of his own bottle, his eye not leaving yours. “So.. that one.” He gestured towards Yokubari. “It’s the most troublesome one of the lot?”
You snorted. “That’s all you got out of the whole story?” Your tone was laced with irritation. “It’s not necessarily the most troublesome, but it’s the one that’ll kill you the fastest” You answered anyways.
Zoro’s eyebrow arched as he listened to your blunt response, a smirk playing on his lips. You tried to take a swig out of your bottle, only to find it empty.
“Damn it” You muttered under your breath.
“Here” He tossed you the unopened bottle next to him. The gesture saying more than he knew how to say.
You caught the bottle with a sloppy grab, the alcohol inside it sloshing as you fumbled to open it. Zoro observed your tipsy struggle, a subdued chuckle slipping past his stoic facade. With an almost imperceptible shake of his head, he reached over, his weathered fingers skillfully unscrewing the cap before casually handing it back to you.
“Thanks,” you mumbled, bringing the bottle to your lips for a long, liberating sip. The alcohol hit your senses with an unexpected intensity, a fiery burn coursing down your throat. It was strong. As you lowered the bottle, you glanced up at Zoro, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
"Now that you know what an amazing blacksmith I am," you began, your words carrying a hint of playful arrogance, "why don't you consider letting me delve into the secrets of your swords?"
Zoro responded with an exasperated eye roll, the subtlest hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
"I'll let you study them," he replied, his voice surprisingly soft, "on the condition that you allow me to wield yours."
Caught off guard, whether by the alcohol-induced haze or the unexpected warmth in his tone, you found yourself responding with an uncharacteristically contemplative tone.
"I'll... consider it," you admitted, a surprising openness in your words that lingered in the air like a shared secret between two souls navigating the blurry lines of camaraderie.
A comfortable silence settled over you as you both took a swig out of your respective bottles.
“Glorified sword rack with an attitude was a good one” he admitted, shattering the silence.
You laughed, a clear cheerful din reverberating on the windows of the crow’s nest.
He smiled.
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pix3lplays · 10 months
Hey hey hey!
Could I maybe make a request featuring Yanquing (purely platonic, of course) and the dozing general (very much romantical)?
Bascially the idea for the scenario is that the reader is a blacksmith on the Luofu, whom Yanquing visits quite often and views as a mother figure (or perhaps she is his bio-mom, I'll leave that up to you to decide). Maybe he mentions her (the reader) often, leading to Jing Yuan becoming interested in the reader, and he decides to pay them a visit?
Hope you find this interesting!
I Do find this interesting hehe it’s giving me somewhat of a cute and funny idea, I hope you don’t mind when I make this a little bit silly! Hopefully you find it cute! I’m imagining a love at first sight thing and it’s driving me CRAZY.
I think I’ll leave reader as his mother figure
-Mother figure to Yanqing!reader meets the Dozing General-
You’re working hard at your forge, when you hear the familiar sound of the little boy you adore to pieces approaching fast. And another voice with him… Interesting. Perhaps he was bringing a friend today…?
Regardless, you finish up what you’re working on and proceed to greet Yanqing at the entrance of your shop, and discover that the other voice following behind him was none other than Jing Yuan, General of the Luofu.
“Welcome in, Yanqing…General…” you say the General bit a little shyly. Oh my gosh, you had never seen the General in person before. He was…very handsome, with nice features and a pleasant face. His eyes widen just a bit at the sight of you at first, but then return to lazy and relaxed.
“Please, Yanqing has told me all about you, Jing Yuan will do fine…” he smiles warmly at you.
“O-okay…Jing Yuan…welcome to my shop…” Yanqing has said his brief hellos and has already run past you, scouring your shop for new swords.
“It’s a lovely place,” he says.
“Thank you…” why. Were you feeling. So SHY?!! When has a good looking man ever had this kind of affect on you?!
Yanqing returns a moment later with his arms filled with swords.
“Put them on the table, I’ll buy them for you,” Jing Yuan says.
“Really? But you never-”
“Just do it,” he insists. Truthfully Jing Yuan was just trying to impress you by showing you he was good with kids, but Yanqing was making the plan backfire quite a bit.
Yanqing wasn’t going to reject free swords!
“Thank you, sir!” you say as he fulfills the order. He spent…quite a bit of money on swords that day, but who were you to complain?
Yanqing and the General walk out, Yanqing having insisted on carrying all the swords himself…
Once their out of earshot, the General speaks.
“What about her?” Yanqing asks.
“Is she single?” the General replies, a sudden desperation in his voice. He stops walking, grabs Yanqing by the shoulders.
Yanqing gags a bit, nearly dropping all his swords. “Ew Ew Ew! GENERAL! She’s like a MOM to me!!” Yanqing protests, frankly, disgusted by the thought of- Ugh he didn’t even want to think about it.
“That’s not what I asked. I asked if she was single!” the General replies, shaking the boy gently by the shoulders, causing a few passersby to stare.
“Well. I mean…yes-but…”
The General let’s the boy go, stands back up to his full height and regains his composure.
“Interesting. Thank you, Yanqing.”
“You’re welcome, General,” Yanqing deadpans, having a terrible feeling about this.
“I trust you’ll invite me next time you go and visit her?” Jing Yuan says it like Yanqing has a choice but the boy knows he doesn’t.
Author’s note: hahaha hope you like, this one was fun to write!
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forgeofthenine · 7 months
Not a request this time, just a little fic based off the song 'Mrs Hollywood' by Go-Jo. Reader is Tav and they/them pronouns are used throughout.
Hopefully you guys enjoy, next one up will be a set of headcanons :)
The three times you leave Dammon, and the one time you stay
the first time
The excitement reaches its peak around the forge, tieflings bustling to and fro as they prepare. Dammon pauses at his forge, wiping the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand before turning towards the familiar crunch of gravel.
"Hey stranger." He jokes, turning towards you. "Or maybe I should call you 'our hero' now." The correction comes as he turns fully, eyes taking in the figure before him.
God he wishes they could stay, that he and his forge could be enough. But they have their destiny ahead of them. Dammon is already sure he'll be but a small part.
"I heard you weren't coming to the party, I wanted to say goodbye to my favourite blacksmith." His chest tightens as you say the words, not wanting to let you leave, but Dammons knows this is how things need to be.
"It's hardly goodbye, you'll see us again soon, won't you?" The question is one neither can really know the answer to, but they smile and nod anyway and that's enough for Dammon.
The second time
They'd been lounging on the hay in his forge, two days of idle chatting as he worked and asking that ox with much to human eyes random questions.
The assault on Ketheric Thorm has kept them all busy, Dammon at his forge, them trying to form a plan. "What if I just have Gale disintegrate him, Dammon?" The question comes from the corner of the room, where they sit by the open arches.
"Can Gale disintegrate him?" Dammon asks, pulling back from his whetstone. "Maybe you should just use this." He gives the sword a little flourish, holding it out to them. Jumping from the mess of a hay bale, they reach for the sword.
"Oh, this is beautiful..." hands delicately take it, admiring it before stowing it away safe in it's sheath. Just as Dammon thinks nothing they do could surprise him, they're already pulling him into a hug.
Arms wrap tight around his chest as they press in close to him. "Thank you Dammon, I feel like my words just aren't enough." They murmur, Dammons own arms looping close around their waist.
"Just come back alive, that's enough, don't keep me here waiting."
The third time
Rolans words pause as the footfalls of boots echo up the stairs to Dammons new forge, and the blacksmiths attention turns towards the potential customer.
Excitement courses through Dammon as he sees them crest the top of the stairs, a bright smile adorning their face as they wave. "Hi Dammon! Oh, is Rolan here too?" They ask, looking between the two tieflings.
"A few things broke at his new tower during your fight, I'm just giving a quote at how much it'll be to fix." Dammon explains, seeing the way Rolan eyes how his tail sways as he focuses attention on them. It's hard to contain himself, but they'll never know or realise, the way his body reacts only obvious to other Tieflings.
"Well, I know you're busy, but I needed someone to look at my sword. It took a bit of a beating while we were, uh, doing an errand for Astarion." The end sounds more like question than fact, but Dammon hardly minds as he carefully takes the sword from their hands.
"No problem, I'll have it done by tomorrow. So long as the absolute don't invade the city by then." He winks at them, smiling as they laugh and turn away.
"I'll be back, then!" They throw up a hand as they start to walk away. "See you later Dammon, bye Rolan. As they leave a steady silence falls over the two men, Rolans eyebrow raising slightly.
"Still waiting in line for them, then, prince charming?"
Dammons only reply is to hang his head in his hands.
The time you stay
Parties rage through the streets, the celebration of the absolutes control finally being destroyed. Fireworks fizz and pop outside, children shout and squeal, men sing merry drinking songs.
It's no surprise Dammon stays inside. He's never been one for parties, that much is obvious. What is less obvious is why someone is knocking on his door so late.
Opening it with a stifled yawn, he soon sees the very object of his affections. Standing up straighter, opening the door wider to let them in, one question runs through his mind. "What could bring you here on a night like this?" He's in near disbelief, almost wondering if he nodded off as is dreaming.
"The parties are great and all but..." they trail off, looking down to their feel as they toe the wooden floor. Glancing up again, they finish their thought. "But they don't include you, Dammon."
He can't help the way he pulls them in by the arm, this time being the one to start the impromptu hug. Tail wrapping loosely around their leg as they sigh against his chest, Dammon feels the way their body sags against him.
"Stay." He tells them, face pressing into their hair, bodies curling around each other. "Stay with me this time, I've been waiting so long." The hands gripping his clothing hold him tighter, their face pulling from his chest to look him in the eye.
"Kiss me Dammon. I won't be leaving again." They barely get to finish their sentence, a hand finding the side of their face as Dammon does the very thing he's dreamt about for so long.
Even the fireworks outside can't compare to the ones when they finally kiss.
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