#the fact that he wears a turtleneck gets me every time
whaliiwatching · 11 months
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unmasked and ready to cause problems
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moominsuki · 1 year
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✎ᝰ BAKUGOU KATSUKI ; — bakugou hates feeling jealous. but you make it worthwhile.
࿄ ! warnings — f!reader. absolutely none. sfw. / note. katsuki is a cutie patootie.
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jealous bakugou is something else. he doesn’t think he’s all that possessive of you at all - he doesn’t care if your outfit is skimpy or if you have guy friends. bakugou regards himself as very secure in his relationship with you.
until he hears what guys have to say about you. then he gets a little crazy.
it’s an open day where he’s helping a group of lackies and hero interns with integrating into his agency and it’s pretty innocent at first. kiri and deku are doing most of the heavy lifting with talking with the prospective sidekicks and heroes (katsuki is very content with the extras he has already). he’s already kind of distracted by seeing you this morning - you offered to lift a hand and do some extra work around his agency for today due to the unusual amount of people scoping his place out and why would he pass on an offer to see you around his agency all day?
unfortunately for katsuki, it means that he’s being increasingly more distant than he usually is and the interns can feel the disgusted energy emitting from every fibre in his body. it’s not like he’s trying to hide it though - what a waste to have you come to his workplace and only catch glimpses of your hair and your scent.
“kacch- dynamight? what do you look for in a sidekick who wants to potentially join this agency,” asks izuku, pulling his friend out of his thoughts. katsuki looks at the crowd of young, probably high school kids and they basically cower under his gaze. he recognises a few of them from other, unimportant events he can’t seem to specifically recall. god, he wants to bite back at them but he shrugs in annoyance.
“don’t piss me off and do as you’re told. simple as but it seems like you lot would still f-”, deku quickly interjects katsuki and yells out, “okay! let’s take a quick 10 minute break! just have a look around and we’re free if you have any questions you want to ask!”
“what is with you today, kacchan? you’re more… insolent than usual,” asks izuku slowly, watching the expression on his blond’s face meld into a face of indifference.
“maybe it’s the fact that i don’t care about these idiots who’re just making a goddamn mess of the place. i don’t need more extras to fuck shit up f’me,” bakugou grumbles. kirishima pats his moody friends on the back and goes to speak when-
“well at least the rumours about dynamight are true. that guy is a fucking mood killer,” says some guy standing in the corner of the reception area, who looks to be a sidekick and is accompanied by other unknown up and coming ‘extras’ as Katsuki woukd put it.
“tell me about it. the guys here fucking suck. for once, i’m wishing that we were stuck with the female pros instead. have you seen uravity? she’s sexier in real life,” pipes up some other guy and the rest holler and hoot.
the three pros look at each other, with bakugou looking at kirishima and deku with knowing, smug eyes.
“i’m just going to interrupt their conversation-” says kirishima, attempting to walk over until another lackey pipes up.
“but have you seen y/h/n? what a woman. shame she’s not in her hero suit. what i would do for a woman like that,” grunts some pathetic looking guy. he’s spindly and limp and looks akin to a wet noodle.
it doesn’t stop katsuki from seething though.
kirishima and izuku slowly turn to look at their friend - who’s practically steaming in his hero uniform. all katsuki can see is red and violence - which isn’t really unlike from what he normally sees but it’s different this time. this time it’s about you.
he sees the group of gross, teenage boys point to where you’re standing: you’re leaning over the receptionist desk and just from the behind can katsuki appreciate how beautiful you are. you’re wearing a short black turtleneck dress with orange accents (you told him that you wanted to wear his colours to his agency) and in any other setting would katsuki run his hands over you and compliment and kiss you till you were shying away from him.
bakugou knew that you got unwanted attention, regardless if he was standing by you like a rabid guard dog - you were gorgeous and you knew that. he also knew that you could hold your own against a hoard of horny teenage losers and you would never look twice at them when you had him. still, that logic went out the window when he could see the same group of kids leering and pointing at where your thighs met the bottom of your dress and he wanted to kill them.
kirishima got wind of this just by looking at the blond’s expression, “please don’t blow up the place - they’re just dumb kids! think about how hard we worked for this agency,” pleads kirishima.
“he’s too far gone,” izuku sadly laments as they watch bakugou stride on over to you and ignore both the men’s pleas and bargains. he aggressively pushes past the disgusting collective of eyes and they break apart in shock at his intrusion through them.
you’re, however, too enamoured in your conversation with his assistant and mina- you’re looking at a pinterest board and he wants to bite you for being so cute in front of everyone. it makes him even angrier that those extras would ever think that you would give them more than a side eye and a polite wave.
you feel katsuki before you see him - his uniform-clad arm holds your waist between the desk as he slots himself into your conversation.
“so what’s this about? whatcha talking about?” katsuki asks and mina and his assistant giggle at his intrusion while you roll your eyes and turn yourself sideways to look at him.
“i would tell you but mina and akako might kill me,” you tell your boyfriend, resting a manicured hand on his chest. akako, bakugou’s assistant, laughs and nods her head:
“sorry, dynamight, our conversations are sacred. might i add your timetable tells me that you’re due to take the interns on a practice patrol in less than… 20 minutes?”
katsuki narrows his eyes at this and you chastise akako for poking at him, “leave him alone! i want him here,” before resting a hand on his stubbled jaw and scratching at his face. katsuki’s eyes close at the sensation and he opens them to take a good look at your face. the stupid kids are still a embittering thought in the back of his mind and in any given situation, he would never do this. but sometimes bakugou’s heart goes against his common sense and this was one of those times.
he leans down to slots his lips over yours and presses a gloved hand into the small of your back and you smile into the kiss while a few “awwhs,” emit in the background. bakugou opens an eye slightly to see in his peripheral vision that the gaggle of the limp-faced sidekicks are looking at him in a mixture of shock and fear and embarrassment. he also sees kirishima and izuku grab them up to guide them out of the room.
when you break from the kiss to brush at the hair on the nape of his head, he mumbles, “have i told you how much i love that dress on you?”
you giggle a little and lean up to kiss the corner of his mouth, “a few times. but you can keep telling me if you want. ‘s not like i’ll get tired of hearing it,” you whisper to him and it’s like you’re the only people in the room. he’ll tell you about what spurned this on another day. in the meanwhile, he bask in your attention until he has to go and entertain those useless jerks. it’s not like he’s going to employ any of them.
bakugou would say this is a mission accomplished in his book. yeah, he’s a little jealous and possessive. but with the way you look at him, he finds himself caring less and less about what others have to say about you.
doesn’t mean he won’t try knock them in the side of their head if the time calls for it.
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࿄ ! — all rights reserved © moominsuki. please do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend my work outside of tumblr. this is strictly prohibited.
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jeankluv · 1 month
can you make a light and fluff gojo satoru story wherein you (who is not one to initiate sweet things) break satoru by initiating affection? (kissing, cuddling, confessing, praising, etc.) would love to see the usually flirty and "oh so great" gojo satoru flustered, speechless and a blushing mess, hehehe. lovesick satoru is the best satoru!!!! thank you! ♥️
I love when Satoru is flustered, a mess, nervous with their partners. Birdie Satoru also being like this in the upcomings chapters 😏
But here you have this small one shot, enjoy 🫶
You always make me nervous- Gojo Satoru
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Words: 1.5k
Summary: You always struggle with giving the first step and afraid of your boyfriend getting tired of you, you decide to change that. What you didn’t expect was to see a new aspect of Gojo Satoru in the process.
Tags: gn!reader, no use of y/n, pet names (love, honey, baby), fluff, comfort, just fluff, Gojo Satoru being a complete mess
Jujutsu Kaisen materialist
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You had never been the type of person to show affection to others, it had always been something you had struggled with and you had tried to work on for years, but you still struggled. In fact, your last partner broke up with you for that same reason, you were not loving enough, affectionate, etc. Now with your new partner you had tried to change that but it was still difficult for you and it was always him, the one who took the first step, the one who kissed you first, the one who told you I love you first.
Satoru was the opposite of you, he was affectionate with everyone, he was not ashamed to show his affection for others and he was not ashamed to show how much he loved you when you were with his friends, although you often died of embarrassment when he filled your face with kisses, but at the same you felt how loved you were by him.
And you wanted to return that, you wanted also to show him all the love you were shy to show, to make him blush and nervous. So that day you were going to do it.
You looked in the mirror of your apartment. You and Satoru were going to meet for lunch that day and spend the rest of the day together, it was normal for the both of you to go out like this, having regular dates and spending quality time with each other.
“You can do it.” You whispered to yourself touching the necklace Satoru gave you last Christmas.
It was a rose golden necklace with an ‘S’ on it. When he gave it to you, there was a note with it that said:
“I want to wear his initial
On a chain 'round my neck, chain 'round my neck
Not because he owns me
But 'cause he really knows me”
You immediately recognized those lyrics and what song they belonged to. Satoru was the type to listen to the things you said and pick up on the little details. And the thing is, shortly after starting to date, on a trip where he took you in his car, that song started playing and you, without further ado, mentioned how much you loved the lyrics and what it meant. And that same Christmas he surprised you with that precious gift.
You kept hitting your head every time you remembered how you had reacted when you opened the box and read the note. Inside you were elated, your inner self was doing somersaults and wanted to cry but your outer self couldn't express itself. That's why you wanted to change, even though Satoru told you and repeated that he knew you had a hard time expressing yourself, but that he still loved you.
The doorbell to your apartment rang, breaking you out of your thoughts. You took a breath and smiled looking at yourself in the mirror, today you would do it, you would take the initiative. You grabbed your bag and went down to the street, where Satoru was waiting for you in a black coat, a turtleneck, and his usual dark glasses.
When you left the portal, you noticed that he still hadn't seen you so you sighed and touched your necklace again, reassuring yourself. You walked up to him and gently touched his arm. Satoru turned to face him smiling.
“You look so…”
“You look so handsome today Satoru!” You cut him, leaving him speechless.
“Oh, thank you honey, you too.” You could tell he was still processing your words.
“Let’s go.” And it was you who held his hand first and started walking.
“Honey…” You hummed. “Nothing. Yeah let’s go, I have a new restaurant we should try.”
You nodded and walked side to side. Your hands were sweating and your heart was beating loudly, you hoped Satoru wouldn’t notice any of it.
As you head to the restaurant, your head was racing fast, thinking about ways to show him love and appreciation. So you let go of his hand and clung to his arm, causing Satoru to look at you confused at your act. You just smiled at him and acted like he was the most natural thing in the world for you. But the truth was that you were screaming inside.
When you arrived at the restaurant, Satoru let you enter first and you both sat at a table next to the window. You ordered your food and waited for it to arrive.
“Honey…” Satoru called you out with the usual nickname.
A nickname that used to make you blush so much but with time you get used to it.
“Yes?” You smiled.
“You are okay?” You nodded. “Alright.” He held your hand.
“Don’t worry love, I’m okay.”
You did it! You called him love. And he was blushing. The image of Satoru blushing was one that you had wanted to see for a long time and you had finally gotten to see it and all with a simple loving nickname. The words had come out shakily from within you but once said you had felt how you floated and relaxed completely.
“Wow!” He laughed and swallowed, putting a hand on his mouth. “You just called me love?” You nodded. “That’s… that’s great, good, yeah good.” He nervously nodded.
So Satoru was capable of getting nervous that way, you made him nervous that way. You smiled to yourself as you realized this. Since you had met Satoru you had never seen him falter or blush, he had always been the bold and confident guy, and he was the one who made you nervous and made you blush.
The food arrived and while you ate Satoru told you about his day and you told him about yours. You both worked so you always looked for moments to be alone.
“What do you want to do now?” Satoru asked.
“What if… we go for a walk?” You suggested with a smile drawing across your face.
Satoru nodded and before he could make any movement you held his hand. You both left the restaurant again holding hands, you walked for a while to a nearby park. You wanted to take the next steps, you wanted to initiate a kiss and be the one who said more nice words to him that would make him blush and get nervous. When you arrived at the park you sat on a bench near the small lake where some ducks lived. You were silent, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was comforting and pleasant.
“Satoru…” You called him after a few minutes, he hummed in response, turning his face to look at you.
As you ran your hands up your legs, trying to remove the sweat that had accumulated, a nervous energy ran through you. With trembling fingers, you gently cupped Satoru's face, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your touch. Closing their eyes, they leaned in slowly, bringing their faces together until their lips met in a tentative kiss.
Your heart raced with anticipation and you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks as the connection deepened. Every touch, every sensation, felt electric and sent shivers down your spine.
When you finally pulled away, eyes still closed, you prepared yourself for his response, your heart pounding with anticipation. The trembling of your hands mirrored the fluttering of your chest, a silent recognition of the vulnerability you had just accepted. Little by little you began to open your eyes, finding Satoru's face looking at you.
“You just…” He began but soon enough he covered his face with both of his hands.
“Satoru?” You tilted your head confused.
He looked at you for a second and then smiled, placing his hand on his mouth to hide it. “Oh…you really.” He laughed subtly and you could see his dimples forming at the sides of his smile. “You are amazing, you know that?” He whispered, bringing his face closer to yours.
“Did I make you nervous?” You half smiled.
“Honey… You always make me nervous.” He caressed your face. “When I see you, I feel so pathetic and nervous.”
“But I never show you…”
“Hey!” He cut you off. “Don’t say what you are about to say.” He furrowed his eyebrows. “I love you for who you are and I know you love me, that’s all I care about.”
You watched as he left a kiss on your cheek. “Still, I want to change that. I want to be able to show how much you mean to me and how much I love you. I want to be able to express those feeling and to be able to… you know be more affectionate.”
“I know, baby. But just know you don’t have to push yourself forward to do things you don’t want, alright?” You nodded. “That’s my baby. Now do that again.”
“Do what?” You tilted your head.
“Kiss me first.” He smiled.
You kissed him again, feeling how this time Satoru continued the kiss. You blushed a little bit and your heart skipped on your chest, but it was okay. It was really great.
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in-my-shifting-era · 1 year
The Jacket
Part 2
Spencer Reid Fluff
Summery: when in Boston for a case in mid January reader regrets not being a warmer jacket.
Authors note: this is my first time I’m writing for Spencer Reid so please be nice if it’s not good. Comment or message me if you have any requests!
You really thought the sweater you wore would be enough when you were sent to the crime scene with Reid. You should have expected it wouldn’t be when you heard you would be in Boston in the middle of January. Now you were left shivering as you tried to keep the media at bay.
You sighed lightly as snow started to fall around you. Shortly after Spencer joined you where you stood and spoke softly. “You look cold y/n. You know the average temperature in Boston in the winter is 43.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Right now the temperature says it is 30 degrees. Just below the temperature for snow.”
Some would find Reid’s statistic fact annoying at this time but it makes your heart swell as you look up at his lanky frame. “It feels like it’s colder. This sweater isn’t keeping anything warm.” You hug yourself gently as you look back towards the crowd.
After a brief moment of silence you start to speak again when you feel something being draped over your shoulders. You look fully toward Spencer and see him with one less layer on. “I wore a thick turtleneck today so take my jacket.” You know to Reid this is just a kind gesture to keep you from shivering in the cold. Yet you can’t help the blush that flushes your cheeks at the action.
“Thank you Spence.” You see a shy smile form on the young doctors face as he gives you a acknowledging nod. You dance in the warmth of your new jacket melting every time Spencer’s scent left on his jacket take over your senses. You don’t get to live in this moment long because you get pulled away to answer some questions to the press.
You finish up with the press and walk over to the SUV taking the brief moment of silence to check your phone. You’re quickly brought back to reality when Derek speaks behind you. “Hello Dr. Reid; you look like you’ve shrunk a bit.” You turn slowly and look around to see just what Derek is talking about. This action only makes him laugh lightly. “Did you get cold in the Boston weather y/n?”
You nod lightly use to Derek’s teasing. “I did. The snow may have something to do with that though.” Derek puts his hands up in defense. “Don’t get sassy with me. I was just wondering if that’s how you get your jacket Dr. Reid.” Your face of confusion turns to one caught in the act. You know that he knows you’re wearing Spencer’s jacket.
“How did you know this was Spencer’s jacket?” Derek laughs lightly. “You didn’t look at what the kid put on you? It’s the jacket Garcia made us all for Christmas with our last names on the back.” You’re heart swells at the thought of wearing something marked with Spencer’s name. Dereks laugh brings you back to reality. “You two are so hopelessly in love it’s kinda sickening.” You look down blushing a deep shade of red hearing him talk about your crush on Spencer. Your blush tried into a love sick smile as you think maybe Spencer wasn’t just trying to keep you warm on this snowy day.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
He Doesn't Deserve You | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter Two
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Summary: You decide to finally do something for yourself and ease your mind Pairing: Noona reader x Jeon Jungkook (She's 28 and he's 22) Word Count: 3.5k Warnings: Not too much for this chapter in particular besides mentions of domestic violence BUT yändere, manipulation, self harm, cheating, explicit language, smut, angst throughout the rest of the story a/n: Since you guys seem to be really liking this story I worked hard to get chapter two out quickly! Let me know what you think! p.s. Fuck me y'all I literally deleted chapter 2 but luckily I write on wattpad and I was able to restore it. I was literally about to cry Requested by the lovely: @kkusadmirer 💜
We had another fight. 
Honestly I don't even remember what it was about, something stupid like I left the door open after I came in with the groceries and forgot to lock it. Or maybe it was the fact that I actually left the house and got them instead of just ordering them to get dropped off on the doorstep. 
He always tells me it's too dangerous out there or that I should just wait for him to go with me instead. If I did that though we would never have any food here and I'm not about to order takeout for every meal. 
I don't understand why leaving the door open would be such an issue. We live in a relatively nice complex and our neighbors always make sure to look out for me so I don't understand why something as simple as that could set him off. 
But then again it doesn't take much to set him off these days, I guess it was something I should've expected. 
He hasn't been home for two days and at this point I've decided that maybe it's time I went out for the night. Nothing crazy or anything but just, out. 
Putting on yet another turtleneck I make sure that the old and new marks are covered. I've taken it a step further and put some makeup on to make sure that no one will notice. Although I doubt anyone would notice me anyways since I usually fade into the background. 
But tonight isn't about feeling insecure in myself. Tonight is the night where I finally do something on my own and get out of the house. 
Taking out my phone I look up the address for the local pub I've decided to go to, making sure to wear comfortable boots since it's a little ways away. I'm luck that it's winter right now so bundling up is normal, making my outfit even less suspicious. 
Taking a couple of deep breaths I reach for the handle, unlock the door and step outside. 
'Should I really be doing this?' I question but before I'm able to second guess myself I hear our next door neighbor unlock her door as well and step outside her door.
"Oh, y/n. What a pleasant surprise! It's been a while since I've seen your pretty face" she says scanning my features, clearly having heard the fight we had had the other day and making sure that I look okay. 
"Hi Mrs. Mitchell. How have you and Mr. Mitchell been?" I ask, returning her warm greeting but feeling awkward talking to someone that isn't Taehyung or my editor. 
"As well as we could be I suppose. Harry just turned 73 last month so he's been complaining about how old he his and how his knees don't work the way they used to. What can you expect when you get to our age?" she says, chuckling at her husband who is a few years younger than her.
"Seems like no matter how old men get, they still whine and complain whenever they get sick or injured" she continues, clearly trying to lighten my spirits. "I guess so" I say, not daring to bad mouth Taehyung since he's probably already gotten a pretty bad reputation around here with everything we've been through over the past few years. 
Sometimes I'm surprised by the fact that we haven't gotten evicted with all of the noise complaints we've gotten. 
He always makes me answer each and every call from our building even though he's the one responsible for a majority of the noise but he always makes sure to stand close by to make sure I don't ask them to send help no matter how severe things have gotten. 
"Where are you off to?" she asks taking note of the fact that it's getting late in the evening. "I figured I might just head over to the pub a few streets down and see if I can clear my head for a while" I say, not bothering to give more information than necessary. Not that there would be any more information to give. 
"Good for you dear! It's always good to go out and get a new perspective on life. Let me know anytime if you need any help alright? Oh and I'm so excited to read your next book!" she says and with that last part catching me off guard. "You've read my books?" I question, taken aback and almost embarrassed at the fact that a woman of her age would be reading the type of genre I write, let alone my own. 
"Of course dear! As soon as I found out that you were a writer I went straight to the bookstore and bought all of them! You really are very talented" she finishes, with a glimmer of admiration in her eye. 
"Thank you so much, your support means the world to me, truly" I finish and she quickly shoo me off, apologizing for holding me hostage. 
"Next time I see you I'll sign your copies if you'd like" I offer and the look on her face is absolutely priceless. 
"I'll make sure to have them sitting by the front door with a pen in hand!" she beams and I wave one last goodbye before I make my way to my destination. 
Walking in the doors of The Blue Pearl I'm greeted by the sound of soft rock being played in the background and a low murmur of the small amount of people spread through out. This pub seems to be a little old fashioned so I guess it's not a big draw for the younger rowdier crowds. Which was exactly what I was looking for. 
Just a slow night to clear my head and a strong drink to drown my sorrows. Knowing me though I'll probably stop after one or two drinks. 
I decide to sit at the bar on the stool closest to the wall and wave the bartender over. 
"Surprise me, something sweet but something strong" I say trying to sound as confident as I can. "You got it" she says and comes back soon with a pink drink of some sort a few moments later. "What is this?" I ask after taking a sip, already dying for another one at the fruity but subtly sweet drink. 
"I like to call it The Slut Puppy" she says with a proud smile. I tilt my head when I look at her, confused as to how she came up with the name. "I'm still workshopping it to be honest but your reaction to the name definitely played true to the puppy part. I laugh realizing that I subconsciously played into her game and she laughs right along with me. 
"Long night?" she asks after I've settled in, using her bartender powers to see right through my act while walking away a bit to clean up the shaker she had used to make my drink. 
"Try long life" I say, rolling my eyes before taking a sip of my drink again, sighing in contentment. "That bad huh?" she laughs bitterly, knowing one way or another that what I'm dealing with is beyond fucked. "Let's just say the best part of my week so far has been this drink" I and steal a quick glance at her, embarrassed that my words are flowing so easily to a complete stranger. 
"But it's Saturday night" she say with her brows pinched together. "Exactly" I say and before I can even ask she decides to grab another shaker and makes me another drink which I accept with a somber smile. "I put some extra ice in this one so don't worry it's not gonna go straight to your head" she says, looking out for me as if she were someone I had known for my whole life. 
"I'm y/n by the way" I say, hoping to move from strangers to acquaintances at the very least. "Rae" she answers before tending to another patron. 
"So y/n" she starts as she makes her way back over to me "what do you do?" she asks, maintaining conversation but not trying to pry when it comes to what I'm clearly upset about. 
"I'm a writer" I answer and her interest is immediately peaked. "A writer? Really? What do you write about?" she asks, leaning up against the counter so she can hear me a bit better. 
"To be honest my stories are pretty fucked up romance novels" I say scratching the top of my head feeling a bit awkward at the confession. 
"Sounds like my type of book" she laughs. I let out a breath, thankful that I won't have to explain myself to her since this genre isn't everyone's cup of tea. "So what are some books that you've written? Maybe I've read one before" she says going back to cleaning up a few things, making sure to use her time wisely. 
"Well 'Trials of the Broken' is one of them. It's my best seller at the moment. I'm actually working on writing the sequel right now" I respond, embarrassed but proud of my achievements all the same. 
"I think I've heard of that one! My friends have been trying to get me to read it but I never got around to it" she says, surprised at her chances of meeting me. 
"If you ever get around to it then let me know what you think" I say, now kicking myself for putting on the pressure for her to read it. "I definitely will" she says and makes her way over to the other side of the bar to serve some more patrons that just made their way inside. 
Glancing over at them I notice one that is a few steps behind the crowd, making me question if he's come here alone but I go back to looking at my drink, trying my best not to stare. 
My eyes somehow manage to drag themselves over toward him as he places his order and waits for Rae to make it. 
He takes off his hood and I'm met with first, the sight of his sharp jaw, then his shaggy hair he ruffled as soon as the hood dropped and finally his lips, the bottom one pierced twice rested in a soft smile. I realize though that the only way I would be seeing his full on smile would be if he was looking back at me and I make somewhat panicked eye contact with him before quickly turning my head in the other direction. 
'Great job y/n, drooling over the first hot guy you see. He's probably going to think I'm some sort of creep now' my thoughts thought are interrupted with the sound of what I believe to be is a drink set down on the counter a few seats away from me. 
"Is it alright if I sit here?" a smooth baritone voice says, making butterflies fill my stomach. 
"Um yeah sure" I say, taking a sip of my drink before glancing at him, quickly looking away again before I start to stare again. 
"So how's your night going?" he asks, clearly in an effort to make small talk. 
"It's going. How about yours?" I question back and see that he's no longer looking at me, instead watching as he swirls his mystery drink around in his cup. "About the same" he chuckles, clearly amused with both of our lack of effort to divulge any details. 
We sit there for a second or two in silence before Rae walks over and gives me another drink. I watched her make it and I can tell she she went even easier on the alcohol this time and makes sure to question nonverbally if I'm alright to which I nod. 
"What are you drinking?" he asks, smiling at the visual of the bright pink drink with two cherries placed on top. "You're gonna laugh" I say, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear, feeling a little apprehensive saying words like this to a complete stranger (a hot one at that).
"It's-" "It's called a Slut Puppy" Rae interrupts from the other side of the bar, not even bothering to hide the fact that she was clearly listening. "Um yeah, that" I chuckle, taking a big sip of it to hopefully calm my nerves. 
"A slut puppy?" he asks, flashing an amused smile at me, sending my heart beat into overload. "Her name, not mine" I laugh awkwardly. Trying, but failing at sounding normal but from the looks of it he doesn't seem to mind. "Right" he says dragging out the first syllable before taking a sip of his drink. 
"Do you guys know each other?" he asks, curious as to who our not so secret eavesdropper is. "Kinda. We just met. Although it almost seems like I've known her my whole life" I say smiling at her, thankful for the fact that she was able to lift my spirits so easily. 
"It's nice when you meet people like that" he says and when I bring my attention back over to him I can tell that he's been looking at me for a while, making me shy all over again. 
"Oh, I'm Jungkook by the way" he says holding out his hand, and I turn my stool towards him and shake it, fixing what would've been an awkward angle if I had stayed in place. He after seeing what I had done decides to turn as well, angling his body towards me and I notice now that there's only one seat between us. A respectful distance, making me feel a bit more comfortable talking to him. 
"I'm y/n" I say and he gives me a soft smile, whispering my name under his breath, almost as if he were trying to keep it as a secret all for himself. "So y/n, what's your story?" he asks, withdrawing his hand at almost the same time I do and goes back to taking another sip of his drink, making sure to keep his sparkly eyes trained on me. 
'Sparkly? Y/n you are a married woman. You shouldn't even be talking to this guy'.
"My story? Well to be honest there's not much to tell. I grew up and went to school in the city and now I'm a writer. There's not much else to my life if I'm being honest" I say, doing my best to maintain conversation but also not give away too much. 
"That ring on your finger says otherwise" he says, nodding towards it and playing around with his straw. Not in an abrasive way but more as if to remind me of something else that I might've forgotten.
"Oh, um yeah" I say, showing him the ring up for a second to confirm his suspicions but pull my sweater down to cover it up a second later, hoping he won't ask anything else about that aspect but unfortunately luck is not on my side in that department tonight. 
"Is that why you're here? Needed to get away for a while?" he asks, curious but not insinuating anything that I would expect a guy of his age would be asking me. "I guess you could say that" I say taking a deep breath deciding that if he's asking I might as well get the male perspective while I can. 
"With being a writer and everything I'm pretty much cooped up in the house all day. Which for me is fine and it's been like that for a few years" I say, taking a second to try and figure out how to formulate my next words carefully, not wanting his to worry or judge the situation too much.
"I'm sensing there's a 'but' here" he chuckles and takes another sip of his drink and waves at Rae in an effort to get both of us both another drink without me noticing to avoid protest. "But" I start out, confirming his suspicions. "with my husband being used to me doing that all the time he tends to get a bit, how should I say this..." I trial off, still not sure how to phrase it. 
"Controlling?" he offers, a bit more blunt than his other responses. "Worried" I counter, although his word is more accurate than mine. He nods a bit, clearly not believing my words but doesn't press in hopes that I will continue. "He's worried that something might happen to me if I go out alone. That someone might recognize me because of my books and try to do something like kidnap me" I say, fully confident in my words.
I hear Jungkook snort beside me a second later, leaving me looking over at him with my brows scrunched up. "What's so funny?" I ask, confused and almost annoyed by his reaction. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry continue" he says doing his best to calm down. "No, what about that is so funny?" I press as I can clearly see that he's still trying to hold his laughter in. 
"I'm sorry y/n it's just, well isn't kidnapping a little bit of a stretch?" he says, clearing his throat and breathing through what he thought was a ridiculous excuse. "Woman and children get kidnapped everyday! Look up the statistics!" I retort, trying to convince him that there's truth to Taehyung's argument. 
"Yes, I know that it happens a lot, but you can't let that keep you from going outside and living life. It's a horrible thing and I don't understand why anyone would do such a thing but you can't use it as a way to cripple yourself from ever leaving your house" he says, this time being completely serious and trying his best to convince me that I shouldn't be living like this. 
"I'm out now aren't I?" I argue, and to that he nods his head but presses further. "How long has it been since you've been out like this though?" he asks and I just let my head droop a bit in response before taking a sip of my new drink. 
"Well I'm proud of you for coming out tonight and doing this for yourself. And look, you're completely safe. Plus seems like you've already made two new friends tonight" he laughs motioning to himself and Rae and when I look over at her all I can see is her bright smile, happy to see me getting more comfortable. 
"Who knows though, you might just be acting nice to me just so I'll let my guard down so you can kidnap me" I tease and at that he acts like he's offended, throwing his hand over his heart as if I had shot him. 
"You hurt me with your words. It's a shame though, I was just in the market for a new best friend" he says, wiping away a fake tear. "Or in the market for some fresh meat" I continue laughing at his act. "Twist the knife why don't you" he says, now resorting to pouting. 
"Aw, it's okay I didn't mean it" I say patting his shoulder in an effort to apologize. "You better not" he says looking at me, still pouting. "Come on, let's turn that frown upside down. Why don't I buy you a drink?" I ask as a way to make amends. 
"No that's alright, I've actually gotta get going" he says, pulling out his wallet and placing some cash on the counter to more than cover his drinks. "Let me get you some change" Rae steps in, quick to help since she is otherwise unoccupied. "No it's okay, use it to cover us both and then keep the change" he says as he straightens out his jacket a bit. 
"No you don't have to do that" I argue and go to take some cash out of my purse as well. "It's okay I got it. But if you want to make it up to me I'll always take your number as payment" he says with a cheeky smile. 
"Just as friends of course! I would never want to seduce a married woman" he says, jumping over himself, making me sure I know his intensions are pure. 
"Can we do email? I spend most of my time on my computer so it's easier for me" I say, making excuses as to not giving it to him. "As long as you promise not to mark my messages as spam" he jokes and hands me his phone so I can add it in. "I promise. It was really nice to meet you Jungkook" I say handing it back to him, our hands touching a few moments longer for it to be seen as something with the promise of being platonic. 
"Take care" he says giving me a soft smile and then waves at Rae, clearly seeing her not even bothering to hide that she's staring at us. 
"Bye" I say under my breath, not knowing how to feel about anything now that he's gone. 
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rrenzwrld · 1 year
can you do aot boys with an s/o thats obsessed with their muscles/asks to ser them flexing? ty! 💗💗💗
ofcccc bb!! <3 here’s some hcs for you!😌 (and i’m so sorry about the delay! these ap exams been whoopin my ass fr😬)
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— he would definitely act dumb about it
— he’d purposefully wear revealing things around you knowing that you’d attach yourself to him and his arms whenever you’d get a chance
— he’d do stretches and stuff bc he knows his muscles are prominent and you’ll be eyeing him the whole time
— “whatcha lookin at baby?”
— like he knows he’s fine and he be playin with you fr
— like he’ll literally say things like “babe, do you think i need to work out more?” when he knows that the only reason he’s asking you is bc he knows you like to feel up on his arms.. his cocky ass
— now he’d actually be oblivious to the fact that you’re obsessed with his build bc he is a bit insecure and believes in room for improvement so he wouldn’t see why you’re so obsessed
— but if it’s hot or anything, he’ll wear tanks and stuff bc he’s hot but he isn’t aware that you’re distracted by his every move
— but if it’s colder outside and he throws on his lil turtleneck with a coat or something.. it’s over for you
— “your arms look great in that sweater, baby.” a blushing MESS
— he don’t even be getting the hints when you ask him to pick up boxes you know you can pick up yourself just to watch his biceps flex as you watch him carry it into the house
— but it’s cute and fun to watch him get all shy whenever you compliment him☺️
— oh he’s mad cocky
— he’ll be flexin around the house even if you don’t ask or anything just bc he knows he’s proud of his body
— and since he knows the effect he has on you, he’ll tease you about it.. a lot
— make you not even wanna compliment him sometimes but he be lookin too good to pass up
— “i look good, don’t i?”
— a lot of eye-rolling from you when he makes lewd jokes about everything that he’d use his arms for to do to you.. but that’s just foresight for what actually happens ;)
— he be extremely flattered that you find such an interest in his build that he worked so hard for, but he’d be a bit shy about it like armin
— sometimes you’d watch him through the window as he cuts the grass shirtless or with a tank and some shorts
— “were you watching me the whole time?”
— and his HUGS.. you love whenever he hugs you or comes behind you and wraps his strong arms around your waist like— you can melt right into them😌
— when you ask him to flex sometimes, he’s a little embarrassed but when you start squealing or hyping him up a small smile does appear on his face
— he knows of the effect he has on you and sometimes he’ll act upon it on purpose and sometimes he won’t
— but when he does wanna tease you he’ll try on certain clothes and ask you how he looks in them knowing what he does to you
— “hey babe, do you think this shirt is too tight?” - “now, you know..”
— jean is perfectly fine with being cocky sometimes when it’s just the two of you but when he gets around other ppl and you’re bragging about how strong and muscular your boyfriend is.. he gets a little shy
— and when you wanna be a lil brat, he has no problem using the muscles you love so much to get you back in place ;)
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billsjum6ie · 9 months
hey, could you write a romantic one-shot (fluff) with Bill x reader (fem!reader) please? The reader (y/n) is a famous singer. So for the context, I imagined they could meet in a clothing store but like incognito (bc they're famous etc) and it would be love at first sight (for the era : 2009/2010)...
(Of course!! I don't have all the details I need so I'm a bit freestyling here but I hope you like it!)
Love at first sight
Bill Kaulitz x fem!reader
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It was late afternoon when you decided to go shopping. Whenever things get too busy for you and you start feeling pressured that's where you lash out. Shopping. Being a singer this famous helps this hobby of yours a lot, so it's one more day at your usual clothing store. You have your hair up in a ponytail, some sunglasses (that don't really help you see, but it's better than getting recognized all the time) and a usual baseball cap. Your clothes are pretty casual, a plain t-shirt and jeans, something far more different than your stage clothes. When on stage, singing, doing something you love, you want to be a little bit extra. Leather crop tops and pants, (faux) furs and lots of makeup. And being admired by one of the artists you like the most, Bill Kaulitz, gave you another strong boost to keep this style. You heard in an interview that he really likes your clothing and that he could possibly try it in the future. You guys were pretty similar when it comes to fashion. So it shouldn't be a surprise when you noticed a familiar face that day. He was trying to be unrecognizable as well, but his height was the first thing you noticed. Not many people you've seen are this tall, a detail about him that always fascinated you. And, when you got closer, his signature black and white nails couldn't go unnoticed. He was in the changing room area and was trying on some skinny pants with a black and white pattern. You yourself already had chosen many clothes to try on so you approached the changing room too.
"I think people are gonna go feral when seeing you in this."
You said, absent-minded, as you hang your clothes one by one in the changing room next to his. At first he was surprised, flinching a bit at your voice until his eyes went to you through the mirror. His lips parted a bit, a second wave of shock as he turned around to face you.
"Y/n? Are you-"
He slowly brought his hands to his lips, his excitement making your heart flatter. You should admit you have a crush on this guy. I mean, who doesn't?
"Oh my God."
He added and you noticed his cheeks reddening.
"I never knew you're coming here to shop too. If I did, I would invite you to come shopping with me sometime. You have a good sense of style."
You said, laughing a bit as he managed to collect himself and his fanboying over his celebrity crush.
"That would be great! I mean, I'm sure you've seen the interviews."
He said, giggling as you nodded, rolling your eyes playfully.
"Of course I have, and I'm fluttered."
You said as you saw him go into the changing room. You went into yours as well trying on the first t-shirt.
"So, you come here often I suppose?"
He asked and you nodded, forgetting he can't see you.
"Yeah, every now and then. When things get too much for me I like taking my mind off of shit this way."
You said and got out of your changing room going in front of the mirror. You fixed the shirt, turning your body around slightly to see how it looks on you.
"Don't stress it. You look fine, and it's definitely your thing."
You heard his voice say as he came to the mirror too. He stood beside you looking at himself. It was a quick thought, but you couldn't ignore the fact that this couple you saw in front of you could break the internet if it became reality. You turned to him. He was now wearing a black turtleneck.
"Too plain. Maybe add something?"
He looked at you, scoffing.
"You thought that was it?"
He said as he went in his changing room for a couple of seconds before coming back with a necklace. Basically a silver chain with many layers. He slowly moved it in front of your face, making you laugh.
"I'm sorry, I forgot."
He said, rolling his eyes like this was the most common thing. He closed the curtain behind him.
"I think you should buy it. You choose great jewelry so it would fit perfectly. "
You said as you did the same and changed to some leather pants, going to the big mirror again to check them out. At the same time he was there with you again. You noticed his eyes checking you out and you felt a wave of confidence fill your heart.
"They suit you."
He said before turning to himself. He now wore a black t-shirt with a huge white skull on it. You raised a brow. Damn, he was pretty.
"This looks really good."
He smiled, looking at you,his hands on his chest playing with the shirt.
"I thought about buying one for the other guys too. Like a maching t-shirt for the whole band!"
He said, excitement in his voice, bringing a smile on your face. His side that was still a child always make your heart skip a bit. He was so fucking sweet.
"Is Tom gonna like it though?"
You asked, making him laugh. That pure, genuine laugh of his.
"I don't care, they're all gonna wear it."
He said entering his changing room. After some more clothes you both tried on, you were finished. When you exited the changing rooms area he looked at you.
"Do you maybe..wanna go grab some coffee? Or you have other plans?"
He asked you, hesitantly, making you scream from excitement. Internally.
"That's actually a very good idea. You made my boring day a bit brighter now."
You gave your answer without a second thought as you went to the cashier. You paid, each their own clothes, despite his efforts to convince you to let him buy it for you, and you left for the nearest square. You found a coffee shop with a very pretty aesthetic and sat there, putting your bags aside. You ordered coffee and immediately started talking about everything, nothing specific. The one topic was following the other with not much effort. You realized you two had a lot more in common than just your style.
"I never expected to be sitting here, with someone I admire so much, chatting like this is an everyday thing."
He said, laughing a bit as you called over the waiter to pay. You couldn't hide the huge, bright smile that appeared on your face.
"Me neither. I would love if this happened again. Unintentionally, of course."
You said, sarcasm prominent in your voice at the last sentence. But he definitely got the message.
"Are you going to pay together or separately?"
The waiter asked and before you could answer,
"Everything is on me."
You heard bill say, sending you a playful smile. You rolled your eyes. This bitch. When he paid and you stood up to leave, he got your phone in his hands. You saw him open your contacts and adding a new one.
"I hope it'll come in handy pretty soon."
He said, giving you your phone back with a grin. You knew it was his phone number so you grinned back, putting it in your pocket.
"I'm sure it will. I had so much fun."
You said before grabbing your bags.
"Bye, Bill. I'll see you soon."
You said before turning to leave.
Your name, so soft, so precious, coming from his lips. You turned around again, just a little so you could face him.
"It was a pleasure."
He said, nodding slightly.
"See you soon. Unintentionally. "
He added, making a small,knowing smile appear on your face.
"Unintentionally. "
You repeated before you both went your ways. When you got back home and checked your phone, you already had a message.
pretty stranger from the store ;)
Tomorrow. Same time, same place. Sounds good?
Not even half an hour before you guys left the coffee shop. You didn't need to think about it.
I'll be there, "pretty stranger" ;)
Who would've thought a normal trip to your favorite store could end up in something like this? And you knew for sure, it was the same thing from Bill's side as well. The only thing you didn't know, is that, a few hours later, some fans uploaded some pictures of you and bill from that coffee shop, probably recognizing you no matter your attempts to prevent that.
Tom couldn't help but notice the posts about his brother and y/n. So when he burst into Bill's room he had every right to not knock, according to him.
He screamed, making Bill jump slightly from where he was sitting. At first, he turned to his brother surprised, scared something bad had happened.
"What didn't I tell you?"
He asked, utterly confused as Tom threw his phone in front of him on his desk. Bill took it in his hands looking at the post.
"You went on a FUCKING DATE with your FUCKING CELEBRITY CRUSH and you didn't tell me ANYTHING?!"
He screamed again, making Bill laugh.
"Not a date, Tom. Just a quick decision after some pretty good shopping therapy. Nothing's official."
Tom rolled his eyes, making an exaggerated taunting move with his hands at the words of his brother.
"Oh fuck me, Bill. You and your "official" bullshit."
He mumbled, leaving the room. Bill laughed as he looked back at the post. His eyes went to the caption.
"Bill and y/n? Together at a coffee shop after going shopping? The smiles and glances that were exchanged don't seem so random. Is this the love at first sight Bill was always searching for?"
He laughed slightly to himself but his heartbeat quickened suddenly.
"It sure is."
He answered before closing the phone and leaving it beside him on the desk.
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sinimake · 4 months
JOHNSHI attire headcanons! Kenshi part
Kenshi, on the other hand, isn't stricted to one style. He wears what's comfortable, suitable, and required. Effortlessly stylish is the best way to describe him.
Only wears subtle patterns. Sticks to black, white, dark navy, gray, maroon, and red colors
After his blinding, the colors became indistinguishable, so he started to focus more on combining textures
Memorized every article of his clothes and knows what's what with a single touch
Johnny organizes his clothes by their colors in the closet. He doesn't need to but Kenshi appreciate the help because it makes his morning easy
Doesn't buy many clothes, but when he does, he invests in quality, timeless pieces
Converse, combat boots, dress shoes, turtlenecks, dark levis, good button ups, tailored slacks, and suit jackets are stables in his closet
When he dresses up, he knows what he's doing. While Johnny looks expensive and facy, Kenshi radiates old money energy
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Leather jacket is a must!
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Must have like at least 2 layers on him all the time regardless of weather
Is he getting heatstroke? Absolutely, but Kenshi is nothing but relentless
Would definitely wear subtle urban techwear. Look at me in the eyes and say Kenshi wouldn't wear these with Sento strapped to his back. Look at me
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Loves Asian styled clothings. Combines them with western style all the time
Only wears short sleeves around Johnny and at home
The best you will get is a sliver of forearms if he's distracted but Kenshi will absolutely show his cleavage with the top buttons open like a slut he is
Unlike Johnny, he knows when to dress down. Hoodies are his go-to, but just don't let him wear gray sweatpants for Johnny's sake
Dark sun glasses, a ball cap, face mask, and leather gloves. He's just a void when he's in incognito. 100% abuses the fact that he doesn't need his eyes exposed to see where he's going, so he shoves down his hoods all the way to his nose
Read Johnny's part here
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andreafmn · 4 months
Running in Circles | Chapter 10
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Word Count: 2.7K Warnings: mentions of death, religious trauma
Summary: (Y/N) Rossi is following in her father’s footsteps by joining the BAU team as a profiler. The girl genius knew almost everything but she could have never predicted falling for Aaron Hotchner, her boss, and her father’s friend. in their world mutual feelings are not enough to push them together. Will all the adversities and obstacles they face pull them together or push them apart forever?
A/N: a few days behind is better than a whole year 🫣 anywho very sentimental chapter ahead
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Winter had come at full force that December, and maybe that was the first sign of all that was to come. But for (Y/N), it only signified the anniversary of her mother’s death.
Just like she had done every year before, she had taken that day off, knowing her mind would be elsewhere, and her body would want to be there. Even if it fell on a weekend, she had to be sure that no calls would disturb the day. The monsters could wait one more day.
She looked herself over in the mirror. The turtleneck she had chosen felt particularly choking, her pants hung too low for comfort, and her mother’s necklace stood out too brightly against the dark clothing. Nothing was right. Nothing would ever be right. She pushed her hair behind her shoulders and sighed. That was as good as it would ever get.
She slipped her coat on before she left her house, and she wondered what her mother would have thought of her home. Would she have wanted her closer to the family home? Would she have liked the décor? Would she have poked fun at how messy the house could sometimes get, or would she not have cared at all?  Those were answers she would never get. At least not from the one person that mattered the most.
Her father’s car was waiting outside for her, his face wearing a similar solemn look to the one she had. It was the same routine every year. He’d come to pick her up, they’d go to the cemetery, and when David would tell stories of Iris, she would listen. Because she had none to share of her own. She had no memories, no stories, nothing to know of her mother that was her own.
“Hey, dad,” she said as she jumped into the SUV. “It’s a cold one today.”
“It really is,” he chuckled softly “I brought you some coffee and a butter croissant. Something tells me you didn’t eat breakfast today.”
“You know me too well, dad,” she snickered, taking the warm cup between her hands to heat her freezing hands. “Did you eat already?”
“Had myself a bowl of oatmeal with berries and bananas like your mom used to like,” he replied. “Washed it all down with some coffee and came here.”
“That’s good,” she croaked, forcing a smile. “Were you able to get the flowers? My local shop was closed when I went by yesterday.”
“Yeah. I’ve got the bouquet back there,” he smiled. “Peonies, irises, roses, lilies, and baby’s breath. All the ones she liked.”
Every time her father said things like that, her heart broke just a little more. He didn’t know it. She would never say it. But the fact that he had lived a life with her mother when she didn’t even know what she sounded like hurt. It pained her to miss a person she never had a chance to remember.
“Do you know it was your mom that would call you little bird?”
“Did she?”
“She said you were always jumping around and fleeting from flower to flower when you were outside, just like a hummingbird would. That’s why she got that necklace made for you,” David chuckled at the memory. “Even when you were just a little baby, you always seemed to calm when you were with her in the garden.”
“Well, her garden has to be the best one in all of Virginia. Even to this day.”
“You have Emile to thank for that,” he laughed. “If it had been up to me, it would have died so many years ago.”
“And I guess I inherited your lack of a green thumb.”
“That you did, little birdie,” he said. “But you did inherit her good taste. For your third birthday, the last one with your mother –may God have her in his glory—you insisted on having a garden fairy party. Iris asked you what flowers you wanted everywhere, and you said peonies. Well, at the time, you called them peenies.”
“I… I don’t remember that,” she stammered. “I wish I did.”
“That’s okay, little bird. We have the pictures, and I’m sure there’s a VHS somewhere with the video. Just have to check in storage, which might take a bit more than it should.”
“It wouldn’t if you let me organize it, dad. I’ve told you many times that you need to set up a system so things don’t get lost in all the junk you still have from the olden days.”
“Hey! You learned a lot from those olden days,” he pouted. “Those olden days paid for everything we have.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s not disorganized.”
By the time they had reached the cemetery, they were a mix of laughter and sadness, coupled with the most beautiful bouquet they’d brought to date. There was a thin blanket of snow covering the ground, a cold breeze whistling through the air. It was a horrible day to be out, but they wouldn’t miss it for the world.
(Y/N) was expecting the bad weather. And although her coat did nothing to warm her against the wind, she hugged it closer to her body. What she was not expecting was to find Hotchner and Jack waiting on a bench right in front of her mother’s grave.
“Aaron,” David called out with a smile that alerted the father and son to their presence. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Once they were near enough, Jack took off on a soft run toward the woman. “(Y/N)!” he called as he reached to hug her. “You said we could come, remember?”
“Of course I do, buddy,” she smiled softly. “I’m happy to see you.”
“This is your mom, right?” The boy led her to her mother’s tombstone by the hand. “Iris Jensen.”
“That’s right,” she said. (Y/N) knelt down and ran her hand across the picture of her mother, tears already building in her eyes. “This is my mom.”
“She’s very pretty.”
“She is, isn’t she?” (Y/N) chuckled as her body betrayed her. Tears fell down her eyes before she could stop them, warming her skin before turning freezing under the weather. Jack quickly reached into his jacket, pulled out a blue handkerchief, and handed it to her. “Thanks, kid.”
“Jack, why don’t you join me on the bench, and I can tell you about her?” David said. “I’ve got some great stories.”
“Is that okay, (Y/N)?”
“Of course, Jack,” she smiled. “Go ahead.”
As the kid ran to her father, Hotchner wrapped his arms around her. Normally, she would have grown flustered at the interaction, but at that moment, she needed the comfort. “You okay?” he asked quietly. “This must be so hard.”
“I don’t know why I’m like this,” she muttered. “It’s been years already. I barely even knew her.”
“She was still your mom, (Y/N). It’s only natural that you feel this way.”
“I don’t even remember what she sounds like,” the woman sniffled. “I don’t even know what kind of mom she would have been growing up.”
“I… I’m sorry, (Y/N). I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s okay,” she smiled softly as she let him go. She got on her knees and started cleaning the tombstone, removing all specs of snow regardless of how futile it may have been. “There’s not much to say.”
“All I know is that I wish I had met her.”
“Yeah,” she chuckled. “Me too.”
Aaron left her by herself then, allowing her the space to tell her mother about the year that had passed. She told her about her cases, told her about her friends, and even told her about her ever-growing feelings for an unmentionable person. But, most of all, she told her about how much she missed her.
But it didn’t go over her head how she missed someone that much without really knowing who they were. She carried inside an emptiness that wasn’t easily filled, and as hard as her father tried, never would be. And David tried, in his own way. He had his own grief to carry, and she knew that. She knew he hurt and wished Iris was still with them. But he’d found solace in the time he had shared with her while (Y/N) yearned for even just a second more with her mom.
“I wish you were here, mom,” she cried as she stood. “I see videos of you, and I can’t tell if that’s what you really sounded like or if your voice is too distorted by the camera. I wish you’d had more time, mom.”
“You and me both, little birdie,” her father said as he joined her. “But she’s in God’s glory now.”
(Y/N)’s blood boiled at that moment. She had never been religious, much to her father’s dismay. More than just the deity not fitting into her scientific mind, she couldn’t believe in a god like her father did. Normally, she didn’t mind his religious interjections. They were a part of who he was, and she didn’t want to belittle his beliefs. But that day, something inside her couldn’t stand it. Much less when he started to mutter a prayer.
“I’ve asked you to please not pray aloud when we’re here, dad. Do you mind?”
“No, dad. I really don’t want to listen to you talk about your god or ask to have mom in his infinite mercy. I don’t wanna hear about it!” Her tone came out harsher than she intended, but she couldn’t contain herself. Years and years of bottling up her feelings had her at her limit, and it was that moment that they had chosen to spill over. “Just, keep it in your head.”
“I don’t understand, (Y/N). You never minded before,” David muttered. “There was a time you used to believe in God. You even used to ask me to pray with you.”
“Jesus, dad, I did that for you.” As she exclaimed Hotch told Jack to wait for him in the car, that (Y/N) needed a moment to herself. Hesitantly, the boy followed his father’s instructions and walked the short trail to the van. All he could understand was that (Y/N) was upset. Once Jack was gone, she continued. “How could I ever believe in a god that took my mother away before I could even remember what my name sounded in her voice? I only went along with it because it seemed to make you happy, but I can’t anymore. I can’t listen to another word of how your god is merciful and how it was all his plan. He took my mother from me. How could I believe in a god that would take a mother from a child? All the memories I have of her are from behind a screen or moments lived by other people. I don’t remember anything about her that’s mine only, dad. You always tell me how you would love to have a second chance with my mom, and I didn’t even get one.”
(Y/N) crumbled to the ground once more and suddenly felt arms around her. Instantly, she knew who it was and found herself sinking into Hotch’s embrace. He tried his best to calm her, telling her that everything would be okay and that she wasn’t alone. She was normally the strong one. She was always the one who kept it all inside and helped others. But too many years of that had her shattered on the ground of the cemetery.
It took a few minutes for her sobs to finally subside, Hotch’s soothing circles on her arms working overtime to calm her down. They had ended up sitting on the cold ground, the snow slowly making its way through their clothes, but neither seemed to care. All that mattered was the comfort and the presence. Nothing else.
“You okay?” Hotch whispered as she finally seemed to calm. “Feeling better?”
“I don’t even know,” she chuckled weakly. “Your pants are dirty now. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry, I have a washer,” he joked. “But how are you feeling? I know this must be a very overwhelming situation.”
“I don’t know what I’m feeling, honestly,” she sighed, sinking into the warmth of Hotchner. “It’s the first time I’ve ever blown up like that toward my dad, and I don’t know why I did. It’s been over twenty years that we’ve been coming here, and I’ve never acted like this.”
“I think it’s safe to assume you’ve been bottling up all these feelings for all that time. They were bound to come out one day or another.” 
“Don’t profile me, Hotch,” she pouted. “But you’re right. I mean, he lost the woman he loved, and even though I lost my mom, I felt bad for him because he’s the one who had all the memories with her. I never wanted him to feel bad or guilty for the fact that I had to grow up without her. Still, every time he says something like her death was god’s plan or that he has her in her mercy, it just sets me off.”
“Have you ever thought that religion is the way that he copes with her death? Maybe thinking that she is in heaven or that it was her time is his way to come to terms with the fact that she is gone.”
“I guess a part of me does understand that. But there’s a side that doesn’t want to,” she sighed. “But I guess I have to apologize for the tantrum.”
“Your feelings are valid, (Y/N). It’s just the way you express them that could be hurtful to others. But your dad’s a big boy,” he chuckled softly. “He’s at the car with Jack. You ready to go over there?” 
“As ready as I can be.”
Hotchner got up first, waiting with his hand extended until she needed it. And with another glance at the tombstone, she took the hand and stood up as well. The man walked beside her the entire time, his presence alone was enough to keep her grounded. As much as she wanted to break down and fall apart, she needed to keep it together.
“And she could spend days in her studio just painting, forgetting that hours passed. She would just lose herself painting and painting,” her father smiled as he talked to Jack. “She would have been there the entire day if I had let her.”
“Do you have any of her paintings still?”
“Of course! All over the house,” he chuckled. “Would you like to see them, Jack?”
“Yes! Can we, dad?” Jack asked as he noticed his father’s approaching figure. “I wanna see the paintings.”
“If it’s alright with Dave, then it’s alright with me.”
“Of course!” the man exclaimed. “The more the merrier. We’ll see you there.”
David and (Y/N) walked to the car in silence. Not saying a single word until they were inside. “I’m sorry, dad,” she finally muttered. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you like I did. You don’t deserve that.”
“I’d say it was long overdue, kid,” he smiled softly. “You like to keep the peace and keep everything in. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened before. You have nothing to apologize for, little bird.”
“But I do, dad. I shouldn’t have yelled at you regardless.”
“Your mother used to say that yelling is the way the soul speaks,” he said. “When you can no longer keep anything in, it comes out fast and unmeasured. Words come out with thorns and spikes. And much like a flower, they don’t mean to hurt you, but it is in their nature to protect themselves. It’s okay to let it out once in a while. Doesn’t matter how it hurts. If my beliefs hurt you, mia bella, all you have to do is tell me. I will try my best to keep it to a minimum.”
“And I will try to talk about how I’m feeling instead of yelling it,” she smiled, taking her father’s hand in hers. “I love you, dad. And I’m still sorry.”
“I love you too, little bird,” he beamed. “And you can make it up to me by helping with dessert tonight. We’re making your mom’s favorite.”
“Tiramisu,” they chorused.
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forksianbeaute · 6 months
Bleed Me Dry | C. Cullen | 01
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𝚈𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚏𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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Warnings: This chapter contains content that is intended to be consumed by those who are at least eighteen years old, such as strong language, discussions/thoughts about death, descriptions of an incurable disease that will ultimately lead to death, medical inaccuracies, an inappropriate relationship, an age gap and other mature content. Minors do not interact. Please take care of yourself before reading.
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Previous Chapter | Series Masterlist
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It’s cold in here.
And not just any kind of cold either, but the kind that has got shivers running down the length of your spine in what seems to be a never-ending stream, and that makes you pull the sleeves of your white doctor’s coat down to shield your hands from the chilled air that is surrounding you without you even noticing it yourself — brain working in hopes of the action bringing some warmth to those poor limbs of yours that have been cold to the touch for the better part of the day.
It’s not like you haven’t been to a hospital before, because you have — and hundreds of times too, for what it’s worth —, but judging from the past few days you’ve spent running around the premises of Forks Hospital, you figure that they must keep this hospital just a tad bit colder than the ones you have worked at before. You wonder if it’s because the people here are used to the cold — used to the endless rain and gloom that greet them every single time they step outside.
The cold is something you most certainly will never get used to. You’re sure of it.
The heels of your shoes clank against the concrete flooring in a rather loud manner as you make your way through one crowded corridor after another. Dodging people to the best of your ability as you go — trying your absolute hardest to keep from accidentally nudging them with your elbows when pushing past them.
Realizing that you’re not really getting anywhere, you knit your eyebrows together and pick up your pace.
You’re on a mission. A mission that was supposed to be a quick and easy thing, but that turned out to be much more difficult than what you originally thought it’d be, though, you’re pretty sure that that has got something to do with the fact that there really is a pair of nice, black heels adorning your feet instead of a pair of those comfy-looking sneakers that most of this hospital’s staff seem to opt for each day when choosing what shoes to wear to work.
But seriously, first tracing down Dr. Cullen, and now trying to catch up with him — damn if it isn’t nearly impossible in those shoes.
Even though you have not gotten the chance to work with him yet — or, to have any other kind of a conversation with him either, for that matter —, you have seen him around enough times to recognize the back of that head full of blonde hair you’ve been chasing for a good ten minutes now to be his.
Finally close enough to know that he is able to hear you, you call after him, “Dr. Cullen!”
He already knows you’re there — of course he does. And not just because the loud clanking of your shoes is practically impossible for one to miss, but because the scent of you is too strong, too overpowering for it to get mixed up with the scents of others — too intoxicating for him to not pick up on it even in a space like this; a space that is brimming with humans, each of them which is constructed of nothing but flesh, blood and bone.
He stops and turns around, a kind smile climbing to adorn his lips the second he lays those golden brown eyes of his on you.
You’re beautiful — there’s no denying that. Speed walking over to where he is standing like that, a patient file tucked tight beneat your arm. Dark, high-waisted dress pants and a pale blue turtleneck hugging your figure just right, a white doctor’s coat with your last name embroidered to its breast pocket resting on top of your shoulders, tying the whole look together — making you look like you belong, like you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.
“I don’t think that we have properly met yet,” you start, sounding like you’re a little out of breath; all the speed walking you did just to be able to catch up with him is clearly taking its toll on your lungs too, not just on your feet. Stretching an arm out and offering it for him to shake, you proceed to introduce yourself to him.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he says, not catching a hold of your hand like most people would. You don’t think much of it — many doctors aren’t really ones to shake hands with others upon meeting them for the first time, anyway.
“You as well,” you tell him, really meaning it.
Having overheard a few surgeons speak very highly of Dr. Cullen in the cafeteria a couple of days ago during your lunchbreak, you know now that the doctor who is standing right in front of you is one Hell of a good one, and really — to you, there is no other honor quite like getting to meet a world-class doctor, no matter how many of them you have already had the pleasure of meeting.
He hums in an answer.
Now, finally getting to look at him from this close, you’re beginning to understand what all the nurses have been gushing about; Dr. Carlisle Cullen really is one, insanely beautiful creature. Perhaps the most beautiful creature you’ve ever laid your eyes on, even.
Thick, blonde hair of which not a singular strand has fallen out of place. Pale skin that is seemingly free of all imperfections — a smooth canvas, that you don’t know just yet, but is untouched by the beams of sunlight. Sharp features that look like they have been carefully carved out of clay, by someone whose touch is nothing less but ever so perfect and precise.
And for reasons completely understandable, for a little while you just stand there, not saying a thing, only staring at him like a fool. Lost somewhere deep in the gold dust of his eyes and the pale of his skin because God, how could you not be?
“Was there something I could help you with?”
Those words of his, that are laced with nothing but kindness and patience, pull you from your thoughts. “Yes. I, uh—,” you stutter, giving your head a slight shake in an attempt to gather yourself before continuing, “I need your opinion on something.”
“Alright,” he says, pulling his hands out of the pockets of his white doctor’s coat. “What have you got?”
Catching a hold of the patient file that has been sitting in the snug embrace of your underarm for a while now and handing it over to Dr. Cullen, you begin explaining, “It’s this girl, Jamie. She’s nineteen years old, and came here for the first time a couple of months ago after experiencing immense pain in both of her legs after swimming practice. She was discharged then, after they found nothing to be wrong with her.”
“Mhm,” Dr. Cullen hummus in aknowledgement, golden brown eyes rummaging through the pages he is being presented with.
“She tells me that she still experiences this pain every now and then, and that she’s got this odd twitch in her left thigh that just won’t go away,” you tell him, watching the way there are now a few little lines appearing in between his eyebrows, making it evident that he is really concentrating on what you’re telling him. “Odd, right? I mean — she’s so young… Anyway, I ordered an EMG for her and the results just… I just… I was hoping to get your opinion on them.”
EMG, formally known as electromyography, is a test that is used to evaluate the electrical activity that is produced by the patient’s skeletal muscles. This particular test is often conducted in situations where the patient is showing symptoms that may indicate, for example, ALS — an incurable disease, in which the patient’s voluntary muscles will, in time, atrophy, ultimately resulting in death.
Dr. Cullen stays silent for a while, clearly deep in thought.
ALS is a rare disease, especially among those who are under sixty years of age. And this poor little girl — Jamie, as you said her name was —, is only nineteen years old. She still has got a whole lot of life yet to live, a whole lot of things to learn.
This is something that doesn’t happen all that often — you wishing that you weren’t right. You wishing that whatever it was that you thought you saw in those damned test results, would turn out to be anything, but what you think it is — what you know it is.
It’s when you swallow, hard and awfully loud, that Dr. Cullen finally tears his eyes away from the stack of papers he is still holding onto. His serious gaze soon meeting your nervous one — one, that worry is so very evidently veiling.
“You needed my opinion on these results?” he asks, eyebrows raising in question just ever so slightly. You are a smart woman. He knows you are — he can tell. Which is precisely why he also knows that you are able to see the exact same thing on these results that he is, and very evidently so too.
Letting your teeth sink into the soft flesh of your lower lip, you think about it for a while — think about what it is, that you want to say.
Figuring that there is no way around the truth, you end up telling him, “I guess I was hoping that you’d tell me I’m crazy — that you aren’t seeing what I’m seeing, and that there’s no need for me to page neuro.”
There is the smallest, yet still the most apologetic smile you’ve ever seen tugging the corners of Dr. Cullen’s mouth upwards. He has been there, too, more times than he cares to count. And he knows that it never gets easier — not for people like you; for people that have spent years studying medicine because they truly, wholeheartedly want nothing more than to help others.
“You know I can’t do that,” he then says, stretching his arm out and handing the patient file back to you.
“Yeah. I guess I do,” you sigh, the audible exhale unbeknownst to you carrying the scent of the fresh blood that is now leaking from your bottom lip on its back.
All the little muscles that adorn the length of Dr. Cullen’s neck tense visibly as the scent of your blood floods his nostrils — driving him absolutely mad in a matter of only a couple of seconds with the way the iron-like tang there is to your blood seems to be stronger, more intoxicating to him than anyone else’s.
He swallows, hard.
Dr. Cullen isn’t one to lose his self control. He hasn’t ever, nor will he ever. But goddamn if he ever was to, the reason behind it would need to be someone whose blood smells at least as good as yours does, because God, he hasn’t smelled anything like you throughout the almost four hundred years he has spent roaming the Earth.
“I’m sorry,” he says.
You shake your head. “Don’t be. I mean — things like this happen, right?”
Dr. Cullen nods. “And they’ll keep happening.”
For someone so insanely good-looking, there is a lot of sympathy in Dr. Cullen’s eyes. You wonder if it’s because under all that beauty, there’s a heart full of gold that has been through more than it ever should have — which, for a doctor, is kinda rare —, or because he wants you to know that even though you are new here, there are people that are here for you.
“It’s just… God, she’s so young,” you speak your mind out loud, perhaps more to yourself than to him. “It’s so unfair.”
“I know.”
It’s actually quite a nice moment that the two of you share right here, in the middle of one of the many crowded corridors of Forks Hospital. It’s a moment of mutual understanding, of things of all sorts — understanding of each other, even.
Offering Dr. Cullen a kind smile in hopes of portraying yourself as someone who is a little less affected by these kinds of things than what you are, you proceed to excuse yourself, “Thank you for your time, Dr. Cullen. I’m sorry I’ve kept you from your patients.”
“No need for apologies,” he promises. “It was nice meeting you. I’ll see you around.”
You nod. “See you.”
It’s when you turn around on your heels and start walking away from him, those pretty heels of yours clanking against the concrete flooring just as loud as they did when you were chasing him down not too long ago, that Dr. Cullen brings his hand up and runs it along his features, wondering what on Earth should he do with you — how on Earth will he be able to work alongside you until the end of your residency, when you smell and look like that.
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Next Chapter
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Authors note: Thank you for reading! :)
I have not yet decided on whether or not Esme will make an appearance in this series, so please help your girl out! Is Esme around at all? And if so, is Carlisle married to her? Or was he married to her? What do you think...? 👀
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Taglist: @hungrhay @itsmytimetoodream @glimmering-darling-dolly @stardust-and-snickerdoodles
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xsister-serpent · 7 months
Sickness Inside
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Summary: A goth female reader!soulmate AU with the King Of Curses himself. Based off a character AI and this song (Kudos if you seen Queen of the Damned) I found MDNI 18+! Warnings: Blood, Gore, 18+ MDNI, Cussing,
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What was supposed to be a normal night out soon turned to be a bloodbath. You had left my home to go to a goth bar hoping to find some sort of normality in your life. Being that your soul mark was that of the King of Curses your life had been on the run. Finding jobs whenever you could, saving every penny in case you had to go back into hiding. You never stayed in one spot for too long; that was your rule.
You hid your tattoos in a black turtleneck discreet enough for everyday wear. The pulsating music coming from the band speaker, the red lights glowing to the beat. You slowly nodded your head to the beat trying to lose yourself into the thrashing of guitars and the singer’s voice ringing into the dark club.
Why won't you die?
Your blood in mine
We'll be fine
Then your body will be mine
You felt it once more, a familiar lingering threat in the crowd. You glanced around the bar and stage looking for that face that haunted your dreams. There was a hard brush from behind you causing you to jump in startlement. Before you could get a word your mouth had gone dry in horror. 
It was Him. 
The king of curses smiled cruelly as he disappeared into the crowd of bodies unnoticed. 
“No!” You gasped in confusion as you felt your soul mark slightly burn, “No!”
You saw him looking at the crowd with cold malicious intent like a wolf among sheep. That's when you knew what he was going to do. “Move!,” you urged, making your way through the crowd, “Move!”
 You saw Sukuna watching the crowd as the red light pulsed around him. You tried shoving your way through the crowd not caring about the glares and vile comments from the concert goers. 
“Sukuna stop!,” you tried to shout over the music, “STOP!”
 His set of eyes glanced at you as his smile grew cruel with fangs. You were now within arm's length as you reached for his robe, only to miss it by a few inches.
“No, God, no," you spoke in terror, seeing him disappear once more.
 Sukuna’s laugh echoes in the club, hoarse and deep. It makes your stomach turn into knots and sends chills down your spine. You try your best to shove down that feeling of continuous peril of his presence. Suddenly, you felt him inches behind you. Sukuna stepped closer.
His face close enough to your neck to be able to breathe your scent, “Have you finally given up the inventible sweetheart?”  
There’s a hint of amusement in his eyes that unnerves you, like a game of cat and mouse. You turn your gaze away from him, unable to deny that you were, in fact, running from him. He can feel your fear... he revels in it.
“You end this madness, and you end it now! ” You defended with what courage you had facing him.
His voice became firm and sharp, as he spoke with a dangerous glint in his eyes, his lips pressed together firmly, “It’s time to stop running from me Y/N!”
 Within an instant he’s gone from your sight. Your eyes scanned around the club searching for him frantically. There’s a blood curdling scream ripped into the air causing you to look around the club. Immediately there's more screams of terror ringing out through the bar with the smell of blood. Your eyes spot him from his hand, he produces a dagger. In the crowd, people are panicking, trying to run away or to hide somewhere, but some of them are caught by him losing a limb or a head, and he kills them right in front of you, showing absolute indifference to your terror. And after each killing, he smiles, a cruel, empty smile.
 And he laughs.
"He's killing them. Jesus Chirst he’s -" You trailed off in disbelief. Immediately your flight kicks in and you push yourself through the
crowd running towards the exit. A smell of smoke and heat began to linger in the air, but the crowd was in mid-panic.  You glance around the madness seeing patrons covered in blood and others some even as charred bodies. The club was flooded with blood causing you to trip over your own footing. With a hard fall you found yourself on the floor with a smack. 
“Y/N..,” Sukuna calls out to you like a lover, “Y/N…”
Through the panic you stare off into the distance seeing only one still man. His blood drunk gaze finds yours and in that moment you can feel the whole world hold its breath in dread. With one finger he points. 
Directly. At. You.
He approaches you with a calm and confident walk. For him, this killing is no more than a sport... and now he wants the main prize to have fun, to feel that euphoria of claiming something precious. Something a part of his soul he knew he desired, no, needed.
  He moves through the flames unhurt with not a drop of blood on him. You feel his gaze on you. 
Sukuna's eyes blazed with fire and his voice rose in volume, "Run."
With what strength you had you pulled yourself from the floor and bolted out the door. You felt the rain pouring down seeping into your jacket as your feet hit the pavement. You hear people screaming and running in terror along with far off sirens.
“Don’t look back,” you said to yourself, “Keep running, keep running!”
He's like a predator, just following his prey, walking slowly, but with no rush, with complete calm.
Sukuna smiled in the night air, "What a glorious game this will be beloved Y/N."
Part 2?
Author's Note: It's been a while since I posted any fanfic let's be honest. I've tried countless times to write and nothing came through till now. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did.
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datrb · 13 days
afternoon boss
I got a few questions regarding your CG designs (get as nitty gritty and as detailed as you want lmao)
Firstly i notice you use a lot of turtleneck (or turtleneck-like) designs when it comes to clothes for the CG. Any particular reason why? or do you just have a preference for turtlenecks?
Second off, p e l o
When it comes to designing characters I'm a bit of a hair nutjob and i like to believe that hair reflects the personality of a person. Obviously, the colored streaks in their hair are a given, but besides from those, is there any reason you picked the hairstyles you did for the CG? Anything based on personality or purely for aesthetics?
(also ig this is a follow up question but do you ever plan on doing summer clothes for the gang what with the season coming up?)
CG hair headcannons
Oh, Anon, you have no idea what you have brought upon yourself... I swear, when it comes to the designs i become the ultimate yap lord, so brace yourself.
I'll cut this post right here because my blog is already cluttered enough with my yapping.
Okay. First things first, the turtlenecks... Imma be entirely honest, i didn't even notice it myself until you pointed this out, but yeah. They indeed do almost all have some type of a turtleneck or turtleneck adjacent thing as the base layer.
I don't have an actual reason aside, maybe, the fact that turtleneck is really a no-brainer type of base layer and, well, i do actually wear then quite a lot irl, so that might play a role as well. (Hell, i am literally wearing one as i am writing this post)
HOWEVER, among them there is one who has a proper reason for that to be a part of his design. That character being Second. More observant probably would've already noticed and heard me mention it, but all mainline hollowheads have this zip-up type of thing as their base layer. Victim, Chosen and Second all have this same exact thing. Only difference being the sleeves or lack there of. That one's intentional. Others... I was just a bit lazy and, well, i will probably change those since i am working on doing some changes to their designs.
But yeah the HAIR hehehehe, oh i can detail their hair routine down to the amount of product they use, so you better get yourself somethin' to eat, because we're here for a while.
But before we dive into it, i wanna note that the coloured streaks aren't "a given" if i wanted, i could've gotten along perfectly fine without them at all. But i actually made a set of "rules" for designs in my interpretation. And one of those rules dubs "Every stick has at least one streak of hair of their respective colour. Rest of the hair can be any colour." This applies to literally all of my designs. King, Victim, Dark, even mercenaries. It's a rule that i cannot break.
Also, i will touch on other characters as well because, well, i finally got a chance to and at least King is an especially interesting case in that regard.
I'll do in a list format because it'll just be easier.
TSC (Second) - Second has very soft and FLUFFY hair. It's straight, rather thin, but very fluffy. There honesty is no proper reason behind his hairstyle other than "general vibes" and "what hairstyle would give off an early teen vibe?".
Red - Red's hair is a bit wavy, but it's practically unnoticeable, it's rather soft, but doesn't seem like it due to it being rather thick. I gave him this little ponytail, because i wanted to incorporate the yellow team's headband into his design, but thought putting it on the head would be too basic, so why the hell not. Also, this ponytail helps balance the "animal lover" and "highschool football team" vibes.
Yellow(why does Tumblr not have yellow colour for text??) - Yellow has hard, thick and almost uncontrollable hair. No wonder the moment he got the goggles he started using them as a hair band to keep it at least somewhat in check. For Yellow i tried to go for a "math student" vibe, but it eventually turned to the more "that one engineer that built a time machine in his garage" type of thing. Oh and also by doing that i was trying to avoid the "karen" hair he had originally. I still can't look at his old ref sheet with a straight face.
Green - Green most definitely straightens his hair and styles it a versy specific way. You cannot convince me otherwise. His hair is thick and almost curly, but it's also very soft. For his hairstyle i wanted to give him more of a DJ vibe, which would bean some crazy hairstyle. This one seemed like a good blend of something a stereotypical "speedster" character would have as well as something you would see at a 2010's rave party.
Blue - Blue has thick, almost curly hair that likely really doesn't like to be styled at all. It just has a mind of its own and you can't tell it what to do. Pretty much like Yellow's, honestly, except here you have curls and not just a paintbrush. Blue's hairstyle came from my wish to give his otherwise almost cottagecore type design this little sprinkle of madness. And what's better way than to give him uncontrollable curls, am i right?
Purple - Purple has curls. His hair is soft, a bit fluffy and rather thick. Purple having long hair is widely accepted that it's basically fanon at this point, i don't think i need to explain my decisions here. I do think that he has an undercut tho, because i believe him to have A LOT of hair. And, speaking from experience, it gets very hot.
King - King i believe to have rather thin, soft and perfectly straigh hair that would not be able to hold shape if you tried. I decided to give him long hair because i HC his wife to be dead, so it would make sense for him to start growing it out as a way to remember her (he literally wears it the same way she used to. At least after the redemtion. Before that it's too messy). Also, i believe his hair to have lost a fair share of colour due to stress, making it almost grey.
TCO(Chosen) - Chosen has the same hair type as Second BUT his is not as fluffy because it's not as well-maintained. They also share hairstyles, except Chosen's longer, as he didn't really have much options in terms of how to cut it. This one was intentional and while designing Chosen i unironically only had one directive: "Make Second, but old and edgy." I think i delivered.
Victim - I already mentioned that Victim's entire appearance was heavily influenced by my friend who suggested him looking like a ninja in the first place, and that also applied to his hair. Although, now i stepped away from it, but one can never go wrong with a "slick, sassy and extremely cunning villain". Victim's hair silky smooth and is extremely soft. And much like his workers, basically never goes out of line.
TDL(Dark) - I believe Dark to actually have quite hard but rather thin hair. It's very spiky when not tended to. He actually has the most hairstyles among all of my designs, standing toe to toe with King, for whom i have 4 hairstyle designs. His AvA5 appearance (the most commonly drawn slick back) actually came from the most stereotypical cartoon-ish villains. The design i ended up giving him was not intended as Dark it was just a random sassy looking character i drew as practice while working on overall artstyle for my human designs. But then i looked at him, made a few minor adjustments and there he was.
So yeah. I believe that's the most important ones. Lemme know if you wanna hear more, i'll make sure to also provide examples next time, because i am actually writing this on the go, so i don't really have access to my laptop.
I actually thought very little about WHY they would wear a certain hairstyle other than "it fits their vibe" which imo is usually the exact way people go about their hair, so it does kinda fit. (At least that's the way i go about my hair...)
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crxmsonmars · 4 months
obliviate. - a jegulus au by mars.
kinda long so bear with me! so this starts basically in james' second year and reg's first.
"my brother's going to be sorted this year" sirius tells him proudly and james looks as eager as him cause if sirius was this AMAZING to be around, then surely his brother must be the same. and then he's sorted! 'regulus black' - and james sees the similarities immediately,, dark hair, watercolor eyes oh hell he's cute
and in the middle of james' comparison, regulus is sorted into slytherin, putting a barrier between the brothers and a stop to prongs' thought process ab baby black bc at 12, he had that ideology that slytherin was a bad house and regulus was not at all similar to sirius but ofcourse yk time changes everything
third year, he spends more time in the library. regulus does too. mostly silent, pouring over his books. james wonders why he looks so small and vulnerable
fourth year, regulus makes it onto the slytherin quidditch team as their third-year seeker and he's hella good at that, but never show-offy. james wonders why he doesn't like being centre of attention
fifth year, regulus has THE glowup. all baby fat gone, cheekbones that can cut through glass and a sharpass attractive jawline. and was his hair slightly longer too? james wonders why he's never noticed reg's smile before
sixth year, sirius starts talking to his brother more and they bond, spend more time together. regulus seems to notice james for the first time. james still sees the shy little first-year every time he looks at regulus
regulus has a sassy personality, he's mean, he's elusive, he rolls his eyes too much, but james can't see past the fact that his best friend's brother is fucking angelic. james is pretty sure regulus could get away with murder despite having blood on his hands
there's a party, there's laughter, there's drinking. and in the dim lights, the only thing james sees is regulus black because there's nothing more beautiful than watching the candleflames dance like shadows in his eyes, the ghost of pure joy in reg's smile
that year is james' favorite year. they talk, discuss quidditch strategies. when james sees regulus alone in the library, he pulls up a chair and sits with him. even though reg sasses him, he likes that. he learns regulus' favorite color when they're in honeydukes. he discovers regulus' love for astronomy during late-night hangouts. he counts the freckles on reg's face while they spend hot afternoons lying on their backs in the sun. he finds out how perfect their hands fit together like two halves of a whole
they're stupidly in love. regulus starts wearing turtlenecks and no one but remus can tell what the secret glances between james and regulus mean. sirius jokes about regulus hiding a vampire bite on his neck but remus knows it all
james is having the time of his life: secret boyfriend that he's head-over-arse in love with, his best friends, his family, his entire life set before him. everything he could ever wish for. and when sirius finds out, the worst he gets is a smack to the head with a shoe. well, that's the best it gets.
seventh year. regulus is distant, afraid. cheeks hollow, eyes darting, constantly on edge. james worries but never pushes too hard. they still go on dates, of course, but lesser than before - something is holding reg back. "i love you" james says and "i know" he gets in return. and that breaks his fucking heart bc he thinks he's not good enough for regulus. he thinks he's somehow making reg lose interest him and he doesn't want that so he does everything a bit more, tries hard, too hard. pushes himself past the limit.
and regulus can't look him in the eyes when he asks "what's wrong". the sleeve is pulled up, the mark shown, a look of betrayal and not one broken heart, but two. but james has never been one to give up. he tries to convince him but regulus is fixed on it. he doesn't want james to get hurt and live life without him but he doesn't realize that without regulus, james feels like he has nothing to live for.
that night, he's obliviated. that night, the marauders graduate from hogwarts. regulus has another year to come back to, but no james potter. his lifeline hanging by a thread as death and the consequences of his bad decisions loom closer. and james, well, he has his whole life ahead of him, doesn't he?
the paper is printed. the dark lord, vanquished. a young boy killed in service. james thinks he might've known him, seen him at hogwarts but nothing seems to click. he lets go.
james watches his friends get married. he shares their happiness yet, never once looks for his own. too busy as an auror, he makes an excuse - a reason to justify the restlessness of his heart. his friends grow worried.
james forgets a lot. he was once the boy that knew everyone's birthdays, their favorite colors, their everything by heart blindly. now he's a man that can't remember what day it is despite having looked at the calendar a moment before. he's a man that can't remember his own address sometimes. he's a man with strange fuzzy dream of a boy that looks like his best friend. a smile, stolen kisses in greenhouses, holding hands. he forgets his present a lot.
he grows old alone. surrounded by his friends' children. they say he has dementia, a muggle disease. he can't remember who he was sometimes. they wonder why he sits in his armchair in the middle of the night and stares out at the sky, waiting for something he can't remember.
he dies surrounded by his friends and family. it's peaceful, it's quiet. as he takes his final breath and his eyes flutter shut, he feels young again. he opens them again and there's a boy - sirius? no, can't be. he looks younger. an angel? must be. james thinks he's dreaming. the boy holds his hand out with a smile that james had once memorized.
"i'm sorry to make you wait, love."
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peaxhxhair · 1 year
Brawl || Jung Taeju
Pairing: Jung Taeju x GN! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood, fights, betting, etc. (Please let me know if there is anything else)
Summary: Dongcheon’s medic gets to watch a gym fight.
Word Count: 1.2K
Authors Note: This is part two to ‘cuts and brusies’! Also I have no concept of Korean money, so keep that in mind for this fanfic lol
My Name - Masterlist , Part One, Part Three
Consider buying me a coffee! <3
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It had been about a week since I stitched up Taeju’s face. I haven’t seen him much since then, but I understood why. He’s a busy guy, he doesn’t have time to come and see me every day, as much as I wanted him to. Though he did show up outside my door yesterday, so that I could take out his stitches. The wound healed well, and it wasn’t infected, which meant he hadn’t been doing anything stupid.
I got a call today from Mr.Choi. Originally, when he asked me to come to his office, I had assumed that he had gotten injured somehow. Though, when I arrived at his penthouse, he was completely fine, but the gaggle of men inside the room wasn’t exactly a pleasant surprise.
“You asked for me?” I called when I entered the room, and all heads turned to me, which made me feel a little awkward. All of the men in the room were wearing suits, so I assumed that the meeting had to be something important.
“Yes, we figured that you could be of use” Mr. Choi began to explain. He went on to say that I would be tasked with being the Medic for this month's gym fight. Meaning that I would have to bandage up every single guy that got injured during the fight. Personally, I don’t think fighting in order to win time off was a very healthy work-life balance, but that might just be me. I wasn’t in any place to deny his request, since I needed money, and I could only imagine the pay this job would get me, so I agreed. Though I wasn't exactly happy with having to work on so many people in one day, I was excited that I got to see the fight in action. Usually, I wasn’t involved, because my medical office was based in the hotel, which was quite far from the gym.
The day of the fight arrived pretty quickly, and when I entered the gym on the day, I began to grow stressed about how many guys there were standing around the arena. Surely I wouldn't be helping them all? Though, I didn’t think the injuries would be that major.
Standing with so many of the important people felt very intimidating, especially since I was the only one not wearing a suit.
“You’re wearing scrubs?” I heard someone whisper to me, and I didn’t even have to look to know that it was Taeju. When I did turn to him, I was pleasantly surprised.
“You’re wearing a turtleneck” I laughed, making him look down at himself. “Looks nice” I added, just so that he didn’t think I was insulting him. He seemed to relax at those words. “And what’s wrong with my scrubs?” I asked, huffing when He chuckled at me. Originally, I had debated wearing something else, but since I was working, I thought that wearing them would be more appropriate.
“Nothing. I thought you would wear something nice” He said, and I already knew he was joking, but I scoffed regardless.
“Hey! I look great and you know it” I answered, smacking him on the arm as I spoke. He didn’t respond, but since he didn’t deny it, I took the silence as agreement.
“Are you betting on them?” He questioned after a second, and I raised an eyebrow at the question.
“We can bet on them?” I asked, and he nodded. I eagerly tapped my pockets in an attempt to find my Wallet, though I deflated slightly when I realized that I had forgotten it. “I forgot my wallet” I mentioned, trying not to sound too disappointed about it.
What I didn’t expect was for him to pull out his wallet and hand me 50,000 won. “Seriously? You’re just giving me money?” I asked, looking at him as if he was stupid. I don’t know how much these guys end up betting, but the fact that he didn’t seem fazed by giving me money, meant that this was definitely the minimum spending price. Sometimes I don’t have that much to spend on groceries, let alone wasting it by betting on people.
“Well, I’ll be winning it back anyway” He answered, a smug look on his face as he placed the note into my hand. I laughed at his confidence, but nodded anyway.
“Alright, you’re on” The group of suited men all stood around, surveying the younger dongcheon members to figure out which one would win them money. Taeju and I joined in, looking through all the guys to find the one with the most potential. That’s when I spotted her. “I’m betting on her,” I said, mostly to myself, although Taeju had been close enough to hear me. I could basically feel his distaste for my choice.
“I regret giving you money” He commented, and I chuckled at his complaint, walking away so that I could place the money he had given me into the betting pile.
The fight was intense. At first, when people started bowing out, I assumed that I had to start helping. Though, Mr.Choi told me to wait. Obviously I agreed, since I wanted to see who won.
Taeju had voted for some guy wearing red pants, as had some of the other guys . I didn’t know what his name was. Originally, we had all thought that he had won, and I was ready to be mocked for the next few hours, though, Mr.Choi pointed out something interesting. “The kid’s still standing” His words filled my body with a type of adrenaline that I had never felt before. She was still standing, and I still had a chance of winning.
The next minute was filled with yelling and screaming, mostly from me, but Taeju didn’t seem too pleased with losing, so he was more involved than he had been before. Though, eventually, his guy got knocked out, his head connecting with the floor harshly. “I won!” I squeaked, throwing my hands in the air as Taeju deflated in his seat. Sure, it was good that the girl won, but this is about my win now.
My win had been triumphant, and I won the whole pile of money, which I was very smug about. Though, now I sat on the floor of the gym, cleaning wounds and bandaging up people’s heads, along with getting whined at as if my child had stubbed their toe at the park.
“I have to say, you deserve this, '' Taeju said from across the room, his arms crossed as he leant against the kitchen door frame. He had decided to stay with me, under the reason of ‘driving me home when I’m done’, which I don’t think even I believed, let alone Mr.Choi.
“You are such a sore loser” I chuckled, finishing up the bandages that needed to be put on the last guy's head wound, and letting his roommates take him upstairs. “What I really deserve is a kiss from my boyfriend for doing a good job today” I said as I got up, walking over to him and pulling him close by his blazer.
“I don’t remember being your boyfriend” He commented, pointing out how we hadn’t got around to talking about that.
“Oh? Are you not? Never mind then” I scoffed playfully, turnin to walk away, only to be pulled back into his chest by the end of my shirt.
“Wait” He muttered, and I chuckled at how eager he looked. “I want to be your boyfriend” I grinned at his words, placing my hands on his cheeks and leaning in to kiss him. Although I needed to breathe eventually, pulling away felt like way too soon for my liking.
Though, as I caught my breath, I muttered “Take me home?” Hopefully he understood what I was trying to say. Luckily, he did.
“Of course”
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airlocksandaviaries · 2 years
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#1 - The Classic Yellow Uniform (S1 version)
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Simple but effective. The TNG uniform designs serve as usual. I would actually wear this. He looks good in it. It’s very basic, and the later uniform designs are better, of course, but I’m bumping up the rating in it because his tits look gorgeous.
#2 - Sherlock Data pt 1
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It’s just a pipe, but it adds SO MUCH. You can tell he’s really throwing himself into the role. Boy reads a book series for the first time and automatically decides he IS the main character. Just like me fr. Not rating it higher bc I know we can do better with this style.
#3 - Dixon Hill Data pt 1
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OUGH. That is an OUTFIT. The tie. The Hat. The HANDKERCHIEF. They sure didn’t half-ass the costumes on this one, they really gave him the full aesthetic and I am HERE FOR IT.
#4 - Lore Outfit Switcheroo
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Basic, TNG, “we found somebody on a planet and we dressed them in the nearest garment we could find, which happens to look like the world’s blandest sweater.” I would have rated it lower if it weren’t for the fact that they layered a v neck and a turtleneck and made him look particularly whoreish. 
#5 - Sherlock Data pt 2
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Look how happy he is cosplaying his favorite character! This is an odd choice for a costume, though, a robe over a collared shirt, looks kinda like pjs, or maybe I’m just illiterate in 1890s fashion. Still looks good tho. Now we’re getting somewhere.
#6 - Sherlock Data pt 3
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LOOK AT HIM. LOOK AT MY BOY. Benedict Cumberbatch? Robert Downey Jr?? Henry Cavill??? Never heard of em. This is the real Sherlock, a fruity lil android cosplaying his favorite character from his favorite book, bonus points for the gay roleplay with his bf Geordi (playing Watson). This is a Superior Data Look.
#7 - Stand-Up Comedy Data
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Gotta be honest this was one of my least favorite Data B-Stories (aside from the one about comphet) but at least this outfit served absolute android cunt. Knocking off points for how awkward he looks in it tho. Boy pls stop torturing urself for validation from others. It’s physically killing me.
#8 - Poker Visor
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Data why are you wearing that. You can literally see in the dark Data you don’t even need it. Do you think it looks stylish Data. Do you think it looks cool and that’s why you decided to wear it to every single crew poker night. At least you’re trying and that’s what counts.
#9 - One Arm Data
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He arm off. Put it back
#10 - Cowboy Hat Data
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#11 - Dixon Hill Data pt 2
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This one is slightly more formal than his previous Dixon Hill attire, and less dramatic, but fashionable nonetheless. Fruity in a way I can’t seem to describe. Period outfits (almost) always fit this man and Idk what it its.
#12 - Strategima Gloves
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This concludes Data’s Outfits Rated, Part 1. I’ve made it through Seasons 1 and 2 by combing through footage trying to find wearing anything out of the ordinary. If I’ve missed any please feel free to send ‘em in. Part 2 will be out soon.
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atimeofyourlife · 8 months
Whumptober day 17
rated: t | wc: 897 | prompt: Collar | Touch Aversion | “Leave me alone.” Steve's scars start to bother him after his mom sees them.
To start with, Steve's scars didn't bother him too much. Sure, they ached for a long while and he didn't like people touching them, but he didn't mind how they looked. The scars were proof of everything he had been through. They were proof that, despite everything he had been through, everything that the Upside Down had thrown at him over the years, he had survived. That he had come through the other side of it and lived to tell the tale. Metaphorically, at least. Too many NDA's with a shady government department that technically did not exist meant that he couldn't tell the tale to anyone who didn't already know of it.
But it changed when his parents finally decided to grace him with their presence. It was well over a year after the earthquake happened that they made their return to Hawkins. They called to check on the house, to ensure that there was no damage caused by the earthquake. To make sure that they wouldn't lose any money fixing it up. And they would hang up before Steve got a chance to mention that he had been injured during the earthquake and had been hospitalized over it. They cared more about their property than they did their son, and that was a fact of life that Steve had long since accepted.
When his parents got home, his mother's first words to him were about the scar on his neck from where he'd been strangled twice by the bat's tail and the vines in the Upside Down. But not about the fact he'd been injured. She was more concerned about how many people had seen the scar, and how bad it looked. About how much it would ruin the family's reputation and image to have a son that had such an unsightly scar on display at all times. About what people would assume about how Steve got the scar, and what it would imply about their parenting.
After that day, every morning Steve's choice of outfit was met with scrutiny. Subtle comments about 'maybe something with a bit more coverage, dear.' Or her adjusting the collars of Steve's polo shirts to cover as much of the scar as possible before he was allowed to leave the house. Bundles of new shirts appearing in Steve's room, solely made up of polo shirts and turtlenecks. Anything that was high enough to hide the worst of the scar. Then there were the mornings where she wouldn't even say anything to him, instead just approaching him and digging her fingers into his neck, harshly rubbing in various creams and oils and serums that all had claims of reducing the appearance of scars. Any attempt to pull away was met with a tug on the arm and  'hold still, Steven.'
The worst of it, though, was the comments she constantly made, both to and about him. She would tell him about how the scar made him ugly. He overheard her on the phone crying to a friend about how Steve now had nothing going for him. He wasn't smart, he'd been forced out of athletics by the multiple concussions, and now his looks were ruined. She got drunk, looked him in the eye, and told him that she would have been happier if he hadn't survived the injury, that having a dead son would have been better than having an ugly son. Constant reminders that she tied his worth to his looks. To her, the scars weren't a sign of his survival, they were a sign of him not caring.
Her words started to wear on him. Steve changed how he dressed, always choosing shirts that would hide the scar on his neck. Turtlenecks or polos buttoned right to the top, with the collar carefully arranged to cover up. The clothing his mother wanted him to wear. He made the choice for a few reasons, but mostly to stop her horrible comments any time she saw him and to stop the stares of other people whenever he was out in public. The stares hadn't really bothered him at first, knowing it was just basic human curiosity. But then he couldn't get it out of his head that everyone else was thinking exactly what his mother was saying. That everyone was judging him, and all they saw was an ugly boy with no potential. Or that everyone would jump to the wrong conclusion and assume that it was self-inflicted.
He also started to shy away from the touch. Any contact between someone else's hands and his bare skin reminding him too much of his mother forcing the various treatments onto the skin of his neck. Her touch rough and uncaring, about as far from motherly as anyone could get, not taking any notice of the pain and discomfort she was causing as she jabbed her pointed fingertips with sharp, manicured nails into the sensitive, delicate skin around the scar, further irritating the tissue that hadn't had chance to finish healing.
The change was noticed by his friends, his new aversion to touch and insistence on wearing clothing that had enough of a collar to hide his neck. But once he'd got into the habit it was too hard for him to break, even after his mother had left town again. Her cruel words echoing in his head for far too long.
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