#the kraken collective
bookstagramofmine · 2 years
BBNYA Semi-Finalist Spotlight Tour ~ City of Strife by Claudie Arseneault
BBNYA Semi-Finalist Spotlight Tour ~ City of Strife by Claudie Arseneault @BBNYA_Official @Foliosociety @The_WriteReads #BBNYA2022 #BBNYA #BookTour #Bookish #BookBlog
BBNYA Semi-Finalist Spotlight Tour This is my first year on the BBNYA Panel and I’m so excited to also be part of the Semi-Finalist Spotlight Tour! Even though you’ve probably seen all our posts on joining the Panel, you haven’t seen much else! That’s because we don’t want to tell anyone which books we’re reading and how we liked them! We do that to keep things fair because it’s interesting to…
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Here's a idea: how would yandere class 1-a react to a shy reader being actually badass when they fight their enemies
Curious to what may happen:3
Heart. Eyes. 😍 That is all I'm gonna say, boo ;)
Seriously, they are floored. For the *ahem* violence-lovers of the class here's to you, Bakugo and squad their hearts are flying high. They love that you can protect yourself so vehemently, and they can't help but wonder if you would protect them like that. Mina, Uraraka, and Aoyama are swooning at thinking of you as their knight in shinning armor who saves them from the wicked villains and carries them off into the sunset. Even Kirishima's flushing at the idea of you being so manly and bold as to push him out of the way when danger is near and save him! Omfg that is a cute idea, him blushing like a school girl if you took the lead in a fight just to make sure he was okay. He is your #1 hype man, fr.
The other half of the class is just as impressed and in love, but extremely worried too. They wish you weren't fighting so hard, you could seriously hurt yourself tossing yourself around like that! Iida is basically having an aneurism—he’s flying off the handle trying to get you to slow down or stop all together, Midoriya can't stop mumbling about how cool you are and how he'll have to borrow some of the moves you're demonstrating to fight in the future, and Tokoyami's just sitting in the back sweating up a storm because of how nervous he is that you are gonna fall or crash into something. He's got Dark Shadow literally ready to pounce at a moment's notice if it ends up that you need his help.
Overall, they're proud of your abilities and how amazing you really are, but they're all sort of nervous too! They want you to be safe as you can be, but they know being in the hero course doesn't allow for many opportunities to be "safe". Both your shy side and your kickass side are equally loved and cherished by them!
With Love,
Kraken 🐙
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thesylverlining · 6 months
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Super exciting news, y'all! :D
The Indie Ink Awards voting period is now open, and my weird queer books actually got several nominations!
My quirky-horror vampire/human M/M STAKE SAUCE scored noms for many kinds of marginalized-character representation and I'm so proud - but also Best Setting for MOON-BRIGHT TIDES, my F/F Witch/Mermaid romance! (The world has no moon, and tides must be controlled by song-magic!)
So! I would be just completely overjoyed and grateful if you'd consider voting!
(...For me if you want, but also there are SO MANY incredible indies, including fellow Kraken Collective authors, ahh!)
More info/voting is right here!
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againstthegrainphoto · 3 months
We lost. But I am drowning my sorrows with a new metal band hoodie. So I got that going for me.
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gaps-between-stories · 2 months
what the FUCK is in the water tonight how is every game today devolving into MADNESS?????
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dice-aesthetic · 1 year
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triflesandparsnips · 1 year
hey hey guess what it's time for
Update 4: Return of the (Soap) King
For those who haven't been following along, I've been having a nice time doing experimental archaeology and recreating cosmetics/household goods that are historically plausible for local idiot pirate Stede Bonnet to have had around.
Figure 1. Me, addressing my kitchen appliances.
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So far we've had successful lip balm, yet-to-be-completed Oil of Lavender, the terrible tragedies that have so far befallen the pearl face cream, and, finally, the unending journey of the one household item actually mentioned on the dang show: the lavender soap (with updates 1-3 and several mini-updates).
Did this all secretly derive from my researching period-appropriate medical horror? Yes. Am I still going to write about it? Of course come on now I can't just keep that enema information to myself--
Figure 2. One very excited ship's surgeon who will unfortunately have to bide his fuckin time.
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Nope, today we're on the next iteration of the lavender soap, because we're still at the "fuck around and find out" portion of this experimental process-- and so, behold:
Version 3.0 7 oz. dried soap 4 oz. ground orrisroot 1 oz. ground whole cloves 1 oz. ground benjamin 10 drops lavender essential oil oil of lavender, q.s. rosewater, q.s.
You may notice that I have, tragically, only added enough of anything lavenderish to allow myself the honesty of still calling this "lavender" soap -- as previously discussed, lavender essential oils (as we know them today) were not really a Thing, and the Oil of Lavender (...which is not an essential oil, but rather an infusion of lavender flowers and olive oil) is not quite ready for primetime scent vibes, so I genuinely don't think these are comparable to actually just grinding up and shoving in the dried flowers.
But for the sake of Science, I needed to find out if removing the flowers would help with the browning issue of previous versions, so-- out went the lavender. For now.
Figure 3. Oh no, I-- oh man, don't cry, I'm sorry, I'll put it back omg.
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Other changes in this version are:
store-bought ground orrisroot (...listen, Thomas is but a wee lad, and not yet hearty enough to wreck regular orrisroot as hard as it needs);
store-bought ground benzoin (because it was cheaper to buy in bulk that the solid resin from the woo-woo shop);
increased the amount of orrisroot from 1 ounce to 4 ounces, in keeping with some other recipes, to try and bulk up the myristic acid content (i.e., the thing wot makes olive-oil based Nabulsi soap actually produce a bubbly lather)
I should at this point say that typically the scientific process recommends making only one change at a time when conducting Experiments, so that one may know what exactly affected a change in a positive, negative, or neutral manner.
Consider, however, that I have no patience. So fuck it, we ball.
Show us the soap, trifles
To get to the soap, you must first suffer through mortifying ordeal of process photos.
Figure 4. The ground orrisroot on my tiny digital scale (that actually measures grains, which itself is a holdover from apothecary measurements!)
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Wait wait wait actually look at my tiny bullshit scale, I love it, look at its little one-gram calibration weight:
Figure 5. A baby.
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Figures 6 and 7. An ounce of whole cloves (left) and the results of young Thomas's efforts thrown on top of the orrisroot and benjamin in the mortar (right).
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I should note that rather than grinding the cloves in my granite mortar and pestle first, I put them straight into Thomas's maw-- I don't know if that led to how intensely clove-oily these grounds are, or the fact that the lavender flowers were not present to soak it up. Previously I got a grey-green powder out of grinding the both together, so this rich, wet clove-color did not bode well for my "can I stop this from being brown?" soap plans...
Figure 8. ...Or maybe it'll be fine? I added the dried soap, and now look at them all mixed together!
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As a note, I had to actually use a whisk at this point rather than just rely on my pestle to do the work -- my mortar is Too Small for these shenanigans, and the four ounces' worth of orrisroot did not help matters. I won't say how much of this mix ended up outside the mortar and on my clothes, but it was... it was a non-zero amount.
Whatever, thought I. This is Science. This is me experiencing the divine art of creation across space-time with my alchemical forebears, and also this is why I should not be allowed in other people's kitchens.
Notably, the upped powder content meant that I had to add a lot more splashes of rosewater to get to a dough-y state where the soap could be hand-rolled, and I had to work significantly longer with the pestle-- while version 2.0 was, per my notes, about 8-10 minutes' worth of work, I would call this a solid 20 minutes at least of beating the ever-loving shit outta this mix until everything was incorporated.
And once it was, well--
Figure 9. Hello, brown.
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As you can see, the soap mix does form up very nicely, though it still requires a spatula to clear the sides of the mortar and pestle.
At this point, remembering that the last time I hand-rolled wash balls my palms came away Very Brown, I donned some latex gloves before I commenced my rolling. However, because (and again, I cannot stress this enough) I lack patience, I threw in another change: rather than leaving them as balls, I squished them slightly between my palms to flatten them into slightly more traditional soap shapes.
Figure 10. Cookie dough or falafel: you decide.
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A note regarding the scent: Whether it's the relative lack of the lavender, or the big bump to the orrisroot (or some magic alchemical combination of the two), the soaps, while still smelling strongly like spice cookies, now have an oddly-unfamiliar-but-fascinating scent profile, similar to what I found happened when I made the lip pomatum. There's no good reason why this should make me believe that I've come closer to a "real" recipe, but the feeling is there nonetheless -- and it's definitely interesting.
Finally, and because the flat sides of these soaps looked too innocent, too pure, I decided to try that octopus stamp again. For future reference, stamping immediately after making these? Not a great idea. The soap stuck to the stamp like a motherfucker, and so a lot of detail was lost. But regardless--
Figure 11. Spice cookie kraken soap cakes, holy shit.
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And now, I actually do have to wait a few days before I can try them out, or they'll fall the fuck to pieces. Keep watch for mini-updates, though, as I check out how they dry and probably do more unfortunate stamp experiments on them.
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angry-geno-is-score · 5 months
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I did a thing (made a Kraken poem based off of Emma Lazarus's "The New Colossus").
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sate-lontong · 5 days
Doodles #3
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heavensmortuary · 8 months
has anyone seen The Last Voyage Of The Demeter yet? I'm considering watching it this week
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m-i-a · 1 year
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Just some goofy guys
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sugaredtea · 2 years
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Every Cryptid pin I’ve designed so far
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My collection. All from this season!
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dice-aesthetic · 1 year
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🌈 Kraken Dice - Unicorn Poop 🌈
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aroclan · 2 years
I read Baker Thief by Claudie Arseneault.
Does this story have an aromantic character?
Yes, a lead character, who stays aromantic, and uses the exact word. Other characters understand this word.
Was it a good read?
It was awesome. I've been borrowing these from the library, but this one is worth buying for my ebook reader. (I'll never read it again; it's just to support the author.)
Anything else?
SO MUCH! But first and foremost, author Claudie Arseneault is a founding member of the Kraken Collective! I want to read so many books now.
Please, if you can at all afford it, support the authors: buy the books, and don't return them.
Back to the story...
There is an introductory section dedicated to trigger warnings. I didn't need any of them personally, but it's nice to feel cared about, you know? It's the exact opposite of some other books I've read, that jump deep into dark places without warning.
There are minor characters that use neopronouns. For the character using ol/ols, everyone in-story knew already, so it wasn't introduced. It broke my flow, but not much more than that. But that's also great writing! The story is unfolding naturally, and it's just incredibly well-done. There's a solid amount of foreshadowing and letting the reader imagine things going all wrong… just before they go all wrong.
Chapter titles are in French. I decided to stay off the Translate button, so I "missed" some more precise translations, but it also gives the book a lot of flavor.
I would like to give a special shout-out to the oft-forgotten French Canadians!
Spoiler Zone!
This is the spoiler zone; this is under the Read More. If tumblr didn't show that to you, for some mysterious reason, and you don't want spoilers, you have to quit reading here.
First, a relatively minor spoiler, since it becomes obvious early in the book. The aromantic character is allosexual. In fact, we learn of her allosexuality first. Aromanticism was a big deal, but she's reached a point where she's comfortable with it.
The other main character is demisexual. Just as much as she is surprised to be forming a bond with and attraction to the aro, the aro is really confused about what she wants.
A relationship forms, but it's explicitly not romantic, and they have a good talk about boundaries and needs. I'm only slightly disappointed we don't get to see it develop(ed) further, even as an epilogue.
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topknotstrunk · 2 years
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Kraken Dice really spoils their customers with their Black Friday sales.
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