#the peaches were inside the pastry when they went in the over I don’t know what happened
paralellograms · 10 months
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My vaguely phallic peach puff pastry things. And yes they are kind of burnt
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kitty-tea · 2 months
Can you write a smut story with cedric where the reader is shy, introvert and not very bold (the complete opposite personality of the reader from your other cedric story) and cedric is a gentlemanly soft dom?
I'm going through a edric obsession rn and I read your other story. It was really good and well written, but I'm nothing like the reader in it, so I couldn't relate to it 🥲.
New girl
Link to masterlist
Cedric Diggory x Muggle!reader
Summary: Cedric notices a new girl in town.
Hi sorry this is so late I started this story shortly after receiving the request in my inbox but then I kept having to rewrite and re-edit every time because I wasn’t happy with how my story was turning out, but I’m finally done!
I thought it’d be interesting to write a fanfic about Cedric with a Muggle!reader since I’ve never read any before
Warnings: NSFW, smut, oral sex, nipple play, pet names, shy!reader, might contain typos, p in v sex, all characters are of age, 18+ only!
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After telling his parents his plans for the day, Cedric headed out to the same familiar coffee shop in town he’d gone to since before he could remember. He expected nothing but the same tables, chairs, customers, and workers when he walked into the cafe. What he wasn’t expecting was a new employee, you.
He could see you wiping the counter, too focused on your task to notice him until he said hello. You let out a gasp. Apparently, you were one to get startled easily. You had on a black Henley top paired with matching black leggings, and your hair was in a bun that was as big as the cinnamon rolls in the pastry case with some hair left framing your blushing face.
“H-Hi, how can I help you?” Cedric thought that little tremble in your voice complemented so well with this adorable shyness you were displaying.
“I’ll take a latte and a slice of peach pie. For here.” He said, sounding cool and confident.
After you rang up his order, he took a seat not far from the counter. It was a small cafe, with enough room for only about five tables to be lined up. With there being no other customers inside, he was able to savor the silence that was occasionally broken by the sounds you made with your footsteps as you worked behind the counter.
As you brought out his food and drink, you gave him what looked to be a half smile, but it wasn’t a type of rude or lazy half-smile. It was more of a customer service smile that you weren’t trying to overdo.
“Here you go sir,” you set the plate and cup down, careful not to mess up the heart that was crafted onto the latte. Cedric thought that you did a lovely job on it, and he wanted to let you know.
“Thank you. It’s a lovely heart by the way.” He smiled.
“Oh, I’ve only just started working here a few weeks ago.” You fidgeted with your sleeves and the hem of your little apron around your waist.
“You must be new in town.” He guessed, more like stated.
“How did you know?”
“I’ve lived here my whole life. I don’t meet new people everyday.” He said. “My name’s Cedric, what’s yours?”
As quickly as you looked into his eyes and told him your name, your eyes went back to where they were looking at originally.
“Thanks again,” He tried making eye contact with you to ease you up, but it apparently had the opposite effect as you kept looking down and nodded before retreating to the counter.
Cedric was used to girls at school throwing themselves at him and following him around like a lost puppy. Now it was his turn to be the lost puppy.
Cedric told himself that he wasn’t technically stalking you since he liked to go to that particular cafe since before you started working there. It was his little routine during the summer holidays for him to sometimes walk over there and get breakfast. It also happened that he noticed that you were there almost every weekday for the opening shift.
It caught him by surprise when he was taking a late afternoon walk around town and he saw you coming out of the cafe after it was scheduled to close. You huffed as your purse fell from your shoulder. Before you could bend down to pick it up, Cedric had it in his hand, ready to hand it over to you.
“Thank you.” You said as your eyes met his. “It’s Cedric, right?”
“Yeah, you remembered my name.” He let the corners of his eyes crinkle in its own way of smiling. “You just got done closing?” He asked, pointing to the sign that said “closed” just because he loved to awkwardly point out the obvious in front of a pretty girl.
“I had to cover for someone today. Normally, I work the opening shift.” You were still holding onto that habit of occasionally looking down while in his presence.
“I see.” He nodded. He had to come up with another question to keep you talking. “How do you like it here?”
“It’s nice and quiet. Although I’ve seen some strange families around here.” Strange families? He knew exactly which strange families you were referring to because he was a part of one of them.
“Not that there’s anything wrong with people who are different. They’re what makes this town unique.” You said quickly, as if you were worried you insulted his hometown.
“Yeah, I pretty much grew up with this entire town, I know what you mean.” Cedric said. He then reminded himself that he got so distracted by talking to you that he forgot that you had to get home. “Sorry if I’m holding you up. It was nice talking to you. I’m sure you have to get home.”
“It’s okay. I was actually going to the park.”
“Me too.” No he wasn’t. “Maybe we can go there together?”
“Really? I wouldn’t want to impose.” You looked down at your worn out shoes.
On the short walk to the park, you and Cedric talked and got to know each other. He told you all about his life except for the part about him being a wizard and how he used to attend a magical boarding school while you told him about how you and your parents moved here from a big city after you had finished school.
As the first sign of sundown became visible, you and Cedric said your goodbyes to each other, but before you could leave, he asked you, “Would you like to go out with me sometime this week? Like on a date?” He assumed from your conversation with him that you had no current boyfriend, so the chances of you saying yes were increased. Unless, he was wrong and some other guy had asked you out already which he would feel down about if it were true.
“Are you sure you want to go out with me?” You started fidgeting with your sleeves, blushing.
“Absolutely.” He brushed a strand of hair out of your face, making you look up at him. He wanted to melt as soon as you made eye contact with him, showing the sparkle in your eyes.
“What time do you get off work?” Cedric asked.
“At one.” You said.
“Perfect. I’ll meet you there tomorrow.” He cupped your cheek in his large hand and placed a light kiss there.
As he was laying in bed, Cedric looked out at the dark ceiling above him. The last thing he remembered before closing his eyes was that he was thinking about your beautiful smile and how couldn’t wait to see it again.
A couple months had passed in his new relationship and Cedric dreaded having to be subjected to his parents’ questioning about how he was going to tell you he was a wizard, or if he’d already told you which was why he didn’t bother telling them he was seeing someone. He knew when the time was right, he’d tell you everything you needed to know about him. You had given him no reason to feel as if you’d judge him no matter what. He was lucky you weren’t one of those nosey girls to pester him about meeting his family or ask of any secrets he might be hiding.
The day did come when he felt ready to tell his parents that he was seeing a Muggle. Of course they knew he was seeing someone. It’s a parent’s job to know everything about their kids, so it was inevitable that they’d want to meet you.
It was on one of your days off that Cedric invited you to lunch in his home with his parents.
He had warned you his parents were a bit unusual themselves, but you assured him not to worry. What he didn’t tell you was that they were the way they were because they were wizards who weren’t very knowledgeable about Muggles.
As soon as you hopped off your bike in front of Cedric’s house, you noticed the lack of cars in the driveway, something you weren’t used to seeing in front of other homes, but you brushed it off.
You were happy meeting his parents was without a hitch. Mr. and Mrs. Diggory told you what a delight you were to have around as well as saying you seemed like the right girl for Cedric.
After his parents left to go attend to magical business (not that you needed to know what it was) Cedric was alone with you in his bedroom.
“What’s this, Cedric?” You asked as you pointed to a Mooncalf plushie he forgot to hide in his closet. His eyes widened even more than the plushie’s as realization sunk into him.
“It’s… just something I drew as a kid and my parents made it into a toy.” He came up with that excuse.
“It’s so adorable! I love how big its eyes are! Can I hold it please?” You begged. He didn’t see any harm in it. It wasn’t like you stumbled upon the real thing.
Once he nodded in approval, your smile widened as you grabbed the toy off the bookshelf and wrapped your arms around it.
“Aww, I wish this was a real animal, don’t you?” Cedric thought you looked adorable when you were mesmerized like you were at that moment.
Of course they’re real. They’re magical creatures called Mooncalves. He wanted to tell you.
“But you’re real. And way cuter than that thing.” He took the plushie out of your hands as he placed it back into its proper place before stepping forward and encircling his hands around your waist. You blushed at the close proximity of your faces before the both of you felt your lips being pulled to each other’s.
As you continued making out with Cedric, you started to feel a dull ache between your thighs that only got stronger.
It was only when he heard a soft moan come out of your mouth that he pulled away and looked at your flushed face.
“Do you want to take this further?” He asked, searching all over your face for any sign of discomfort. It wasn’t that you were uncomfortable, you were shy and unsure of how to proceed with what was going on, but you still felt like you could trust Cedric.
After giving him consent by nodding your head, he led you to his bed where your back hit the soft mattress. A tiny whimper escaped you as you felt what you assumed was his erection bumping against your clit through the thin cotton of your shorts, sending a powerful, tingling sensation throughout your body.
“Does that feel good, Sweetheart?” Cedric’s deep voice brought you back from your pleasure-induced mini-trance. “I can give you more.”
“O-Okay.” Your response came out as a choked out whisper. Cedric was a patient person. He took his time admiring how sweet you looked as he slid each piece of clothing off your body until he unhooked your bra, which made you instinctively cover yourself.
“Don’t hide yourself from me, please.” His voice sounded like a gentle plea as he pried your arms off your chest. “You’re beautiful. I want to give them the love they deserve.” He cupped his large hand around one of your breasts, giving it a light squeeze.
You let your eyelids close as he continued massaging both of your breasts, giving them equal attention until you felt something warm and wet around one of your hardened nipples. The sensation of your nipple being sucked on felt too good for you to keep quiet.
The sweet little noises coming out of your pretty mouth did nothing to soothe the painful erection restricted in Cedric’s clothes. He needed more, and he could sense you did too.
With a plop, his mouth left your nipple, and you opened your eyes, a noise between a breathless sigh and a moan leaving you.
“How about I take off my clothes? Would that make you feel better?” Cedric asked as he ran the back of his pointer finger over your heated cheek. You nodded.
How could he say no to your cute face with your lips pouted looking like you were ready to suck on his cock?
You watched him like he was the most exciting thing in the world as he stripped off his T-shirt and jeans, revealing his muscles. He gave you a brief smile before hooking his fingers beneath the band of his underwear and pulling them down.
You couldn’t stop yourself from gasping, your eyes going wider than they’d ever been, making Cedric smirk at the effect he had on you.
He intertwined his fingers through your hair as he used his other hand to guide your face upwards until you were in a kneeling position with his dick in front of your face, less than an inch away from your lips.
“Come on, Sweetheart, let me see those pretty lips suck me off.” You let another soft gasp escape you as he put his thumb on your bottom lip slowly prying your mouth open.
He couldn’t comprehend how he so badly wanted to just lose it right there and shove his dick straight into your warm mouth and feel your throat closing and gagging around him. That wasn’t going to happen now because he reminded himself that he had to be patient with you and let you adjust and get comfortable, something he was also willing to do, reveling in your innocence and shyness.
“That’s it, good girl.” He praised you as you reached out with your tongue to lick the tip before wrapping your lips around it completely. “Just like that. You can go deeper if you’re ready.”
The feeling of having a cock inside your mouth was completely new to you, but it wasn’t unpleasant. You took a few experimental licks before deciding you enjoyed how the round tip felt on your tongue. You were curious and excited to find out how the rest of him would feel, so you wasted no time in running your tongue along the entire length, eliciting a deep groan from him.
“Was that good?” Your voice squeaked out, the loud plop of your lips disconnecting from him bringing him out of his thoughts.
“It was perfect.” Even though he didn’t get to cum, Cedric told himself it was okay. Maybe next time. He had already made up his mind about wanting to do this with you again.
“Why don’t I take a turn and make you feel good this time?” He ran his fingers through your hair before letting them trail along your neck before pushing you back towards the pillow you previously propped up against.
“I can take these off.” His thumb circled along the front of your panties before feeling your clit through the cotton. “I really want to see all of you.”
You were quickly starting to get dizzy from the pleasure of having Cedric rubbing the swollen, aching nub between your legs. The only thing on your mind at that moment was how good it felt to have that soft pressure on that sensitive area.
Cedric couldn’t get enough of staring at the blissed out expression on your face. He knew he was experienced enough with his fingers to be able to make you cum just from that if he wanted to.
Instead, he pulled his fingers away just before tugging your panties down, letting the delicate material glide along your soft thighs before tossing them in the same pile as your other clothes.
Before you could think about closing your legs, Cedric grabbed one of your ankles and maneuvered it so that his torso was between your thighs.
One look was all it took to know your pussy was already wet and eager for him to insert something into it. He could start small with one finger and add more until he stretched you out good enough before you were ready.
“How does this feel?” He asked you as he inserted his pointer finger into your hole.
“I want more… please?” It took him by surprise to hear how needy, but small your voice sounded, but he was more than eager and willing to fulfill your wants, so he added a second finger and curled it upwards.
That was when your eyes widened and your mouth started to twitch around a high-pitched whimper.
“Right there! Please!” You pleaded for him to give you more of that pleasurable sensation with his fingers, but unfortunately he pulled away, making you gasp at the new emptiness.
“Is this all for me?” Cedric asked as he brought his fingers to your face. Your wet and sticky juices coated them, its shine and gloss thick, making his fingers almost look like a sweet treat. It might as well have been just that for Cedric, having popped them into his mouth. You watched in awe as he licked off every drop of your arousal from his fingers without breaking eye contact with you.
“Darling, I think it’s time both of us give each other pleasure.” He smiled at you as he leaned forward, using one arm to prop himself up as he nudged the tip of his hard cock against your folds.
“Don’t you agree?” His deep voice whispered through your ear, making you melt as you lazily nodded along.
Holding onto the soft flesh of your hips, Cedric sheathed himself inside of you.
“Oh bloody hell, you feel so good.” He grunted as he felt your walls squeezing around him. “You’re doing so well.”
With his encouragement, you were prompted to become more responsive as you started to pant and moan louder with each thrust that became quicker. That was when you felt a pressure inside you start to build up.
To make that pressure even more intense, Cedric started rubbing your clit in circles. Your body was so close to convulsing around his dick at this point. It couldn’t have been more than ten seconds that you had shut your eyes as the pleasure overtook your entire body, and you saw stars behind your eyelids.
“Oh my God… Cedric!” You gasped. “I just finished…” You ended the sentence with a whisper.
“I’m almost there too, Angel.” He said to you with that same hushed tone as he continued to thrust into you with the same deep but measured pace as before until he gripped the pillow next to your head. A loud grunt left his throat as he bit his lip.
As if he had momentarily lost control of himself and regained it, he slipped out of you before he stroked himself one last time.
You looked down at your breasts and stomach where he had spilled himself and then up above you where he was catching his breath.
He let his head hang low above your shoulder, while your fingers glided over his back once. He returned the action except this time his agile fingers started at your cheek then your neck and shoulder before ending at the curve of your waist. He continued this a handful of times, seeing as how it seemed to soothe you, compelling your eyelids to shut slowly.
When a couple of minutes had passed without a peep from you and Cedric was absolutely sure you were asleep, he dug his wand out from his bedside drawer before casting a spell, cleaning the both of you up before tucking you under the blanket and joining you with his arm around you.
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oddaodd · 3 years
Alright then. Would you please write something with Tommy ShelbyxFemReader based on the song Where You Belong by The Weeknd. I discovered this song a few days ago and it's sooooo good! Listen to it with lyrics right in front of you the first time you do and second time just for the music. And if you've already listened to it then you know. It's soooo Tommy somehow **zones out** Thanks so muc!1 <3 <3
· Can You Feel How Fast That’s Going? ·
Author’s note: I decided to mix this request with another one sent by a lovely anon that read “Hello there xxx Love reading your blog ! Can I please get a Tommy Shelby x Reader request ? How he says I love you for the first time?” And yeah, I really loved how it turned out and I hope you do as well. As always, I wish you the loveliest of days. ❤️
Warnings: Smut, cheating, tommy being an ass. 
“Oh God!” She moaned at the feeling of Tommy thrusting in and out of her “please, Tommy! Don’t stop” she pleaded going to bite his earlobe and whispering wantonly  “I’m so close”
“Moan my name again” he commanded going to suck at her neck with the firm intention of leaving a mark there. “I want everyone to know I’m the only one than can make you feel this good” his voice husky and his accent heavy.
“Tommy, please!” She screamed as she felt her climax awfully close “Tommy, I’m gonna…” but her sentence for cut off short when she came at the feeling of  his fingers rubbing circles on her clit.
He came inside her not a second later. The feeling of his cum spurting into her egging her to wrap her legs around his waist not wanting him to pull out until he was empty.
He pulled out moments after, once their breathings and limbs had relaxed some and pulled her close to him as they laid on her bed.
“Feel “ she whispered, gently taking his hand in hers and placing it above her naked breast. Her heart was beating fast and Tommy felt pride at knowing he was the reason why.
He wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked there exhausted as she was, heart beating fast and breathing calm, her naked body and the pearl necklace had gifted her some moons ago, glimmering with the moonshine peeping through her curtain less window. But he didn’t, because since Grace he had become numb to the topic of loving. Or so he told himself.
She felt his stare and met it with a tired smile. She could see love dancing stark naked in his eyes, making her feel like he loved her despite him never saying so. Her finger began dancing across his chest, softly tracing some of the scars she had asked about in the past and received no explanation about. Oh how she wished she knew all there was to know about Thomas Shelby. All in due time, she reassured  herself.
When she woke up the next morning Tommy had already left, which wasn’t strange. His absence in addition to her being sober from his touch made her wonder if he was not in love with her, but with the subject of sin and how good she felt around him. Had she been fooling herself all along? She tried to put the thought out of her mind with a sigh and got up from bed to go get dressed for work.
A weak smile graced her features as she noticed Tommy’s mark on her neck. Making the pool of emotions in her stomach stir. Tommy wasn’t good with emotions so she count just ask him about the nature of his intentions with her.
She felt strange throughout the day. Tommy always left in the middle of the night and It had never affected her before, so she couldn’t understand why it was affecting her now. After having spent all morning forcing smiles at the customers who visited the bakery she worked at, her shift ended and she left the store with a tiny basket containing peach danishes, in hand. She loved the pastries and wanted to share them with Tommy. She wanted needed  too see the love she had seen the previous night  in the ocean of his eyes to make her feel less of a fool drowning in unrequited love.
She was welcomed into the betting shop by Polly
“Is Tommy here?” She asked Kindly after having greeted the woman.  
“He’s in his office” Polly answered, regretting her words as soon as they left her lips. Y/n shouldn’t be there.
“He’s with that rich horse trainer of his” chimed in Lizzie bitterly as she passed by.
Y/n didn’t have time to throw more questions at Polly  because the door of Tommy’s office opened and out of it emerged may Carleton, her hair disheveled and her cheeks rosy, Tommy himself walking after her.
Once his eyes fell on Y/n he stopped dead in his tracks. He noticed the confused doleful expression in her face and felt a twinge of pain across his heart. Y/n didn’t even give him time to form an explanation for his incriminatory state. She bitterly placed the basked a top a nearby desk before walking out of the building as calmly as she could to keep the small amount of dignity she had left.
Tommy went after her calling out her name , but she didn’t stop nor turned round too see him. It wasn’t until Tommy caught up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder that he met her eyes.
“It wasn’t what it looked like” he said as as nonchalantly and collected as possible.
“Oh I’m sure you were just braiding each other’s hair” spat Y/N. Unable to contain her rage any further. Lizzie’s bitter tone making its way to her mind. “Do you braid Lizzie’s hair as well?!” She didn’t wait for his answer and moved to try and leave but he held her in place.
No, don’t Y/n me! Am I the only one who didn’t know I was never the only one?”
Tommy’s mouth tightened into a line.
“What a fool I was” she sighed, tears stinging her eyes.
“Your face is all I see when I’m with somebody else” he blurted out in a feeble somewhat emotionless effort to make her understand.  
“Oh yeah because that makes it all better!” She huffed before escaping his grasp “and don’t follow me” Maybe If she had heard the slightest hint of emotion in his voice she would’ve let him explain.
A few days went by and Tommy didn’t get a single glimpse of Y/n and for the first few days of those few days, he thought he was doing Y/n a favor in not looking for her. He knew she deserved and wanted to be loved, he saw it in her eyes and touches every time he made love to her and he felt too incapable and empty to give her what she so very badly longed for. However, after a few more days passed he began missing her. He wanted to confine her, he wanted her to be his and unable to resist his longing any further he headed for Y/n’s home.
Standing at her doorstep, seconds after having knocked on her door he realized he hadn’t planned what he was going to say and he felt like a fool, so when Y/n opened the door his eyes widened slightly.
“What do you want?” She asked bitterly.
“I want you to let me explain” he began calmly.
“There is nothing to explain” she said irked by his tone before attempting to close the door, but Tommy took hold of It before she could succeed in shutting it.
“Cant you see that I want you?”
He saw her eyes glazing with tears “It’s not about want Tommy” she sighed “you make me feel so lost and at first I didn’t care because everything around me was beautiful but now I don’t even know where I belong” her voice breaking at the end.
In an abrupt movement he took hold of her hand and placed it over his heart “Feel” It was beating fast. “This is where you belong”
“Tommy…” she whispered in expectancy. Looking into his eyes and once again seeing love in there, dancing stark naked. A warm feeling slowly spreading through her body at the knowing that she was the reason why his heart was beating at such speed.
He cupped her face. Letting go of her hand, which remained pressed against his chest by her own will.
“I love you, Y/N” he professed.
Her own  heart gave a leap at his words and shortly after her lips met his in a needy, urgent kiss. “I love you too”
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @nyotamalfoy @peakyxtommy @writeroutoftime 
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attllhak · 3 years
I 100% blame @kagrenacs entirely for this. This is your fault. You gave me Ideas.
Also, @tortilla-of-courage I promised I’d tag you in this. Here’s that crack fic I talked about where Mario is Malon’s step-father.
Behold, a crack fic.
Link had been dating Malon officially for about three months when the letter came.
Link had arrived at the ranch about the same time as the postman left, having just got back home from another adventure trying to help clear out a temple that had been invaded by monsters that the regular soldiers were struggling with. He went so Sheik wouldn’t, as apparently Zelda was needed at the castle for something else.
Malon was waving goodbye at the postman as Link and Epona trotted up, the boy leaning to the side of the saddle to blink at his girlfriend.
Epona snorted and nudged Malon’s head to get her attention.
“Oh what, Epona!” Malon laughed, reaching up to stroke her hand along the mare’s face. “And that means,”
Link waved at her with a smile.
“Link!” Malon grinned, coming around Epona’s side to meet him. “You’re home!”
Link nodded as he leaned down to kiss her hello, feeling much better now that he was back at the ranch, even if he was still bruised and achy and very possibly bleeding. Malon almost made him feel the way the forest did, like he was home.
He swung over and dismounted the horse, smiling as Malon pulled him into a hug.
Malon then pushed him away and spun him around. Link was confused for about one second before,
“Are you bleeding?”
Link shrugged, not entirely sure himself.
Malon made a strangled noise and then she was dragging him inside. “Honestly, Link. What part of ‘be careful’ do you not understand? You know, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t show up here bleeding sometimes,”
Link just smiled at the back of her head, not affected by her berating in the least. She’d lectured him on this before, and would do so again in the future, and he knew she wasn’t as mad as she pretended to be. At this point her yelling was as much standard fare as her patching him up was.
Link hopped up to sit on the kitchen table, watching as Malon dropped the letter on the table next to him before digging out the first aid kit she kept stocked in the room.
In lieu of anything else to look at, Link glanced down at the letter next to him. There was a red seal on the back, not dissimilar to the ones Zelda used when writing letters, though instead of the Hylian crest this seal had the image of a mushroom on it. Flipping it over saw words in neat curling letters in an alphabet Link didn’t recognize. This wasn’t surprising, as up until a year or so ago he still struggled with written Hylian. He set the letter down when he heard a door open in a different part of the house.
“Malon!” Talon shouted through the house. “Did you know Epona was out front? I thought Link had taken her,” he stopped when he turned into the kitchen and saw his daughter standing up with a first aid kit and the mentioned adventurer on his table. Link waved. “Link! You’re back!”
Link nodded, smiling at Talon as Malon opened the first aid kit on the table and started sorting through the contents.
“Link just got back a minute ago,” Malon informed her father as she had Link pull off his tunic. “He’s bleeding still, so I’m going to patch him up before he fills us in on his latest adventure,” she paused, then picked up the letter that she’d received when Link arrived. “Oh, and we got a letter from mom,”
She handed over the letter to her dad, Link watching the paper with curiosity. Malon’s mother? She’d never mentioned her mother to him before, and he’d never pried. He assumed her mother was dead, since she wasn’t around and no one talked about her, but he was also pretty sure dead people didn’t send letters. Pretty sure, not totally sure. Considering what he’d already seen on his adventures, he wasn’t ruling it out as a possibility.
Talon grumbled as he opened it, Malon pulling Link’s attention to her as she went about patching him up as best she could. A few minutes passed, Link occasionally hissing as Malon applied a disinfectant, and then Malon declared him patched up, wandering over to look at the letter over her father’s shoulder.
“What does it say?” She asked, crowding him as Link shrugged back into his tunic.
“It’s an invitation,” Talon handed it to her to read herself. “Some kind of Star Carnival or something, happens every couple of years. She’s invited us to come,” 
Link slowly raised his hand, then waved when he noticed no one was paying attention to him. Talon looked up, then nudged Malon to get her attention. Link waved his hands at the letter then at the two of them, then threw his hands up in confusion. True, he could have signed, but he only thought of that afterwards.
“Oh, right,” Malon bounced over to sit next to him to hold the letter where he could see it. He looked at it, then at her. Malon scoffed. “It’s an invitation from my mother to come to the Star Carnival in the Mushroom Kingdom,”
Link blinked, then sighed ‘Mushroom Kingdom’ back at her with his face twisted up in confusion.
Malon blinked at him, then snapped her fingers. “Oh right, I never told you about my mother, did I? She lives in a neighboring kingdom off to the west, and her and dad had a bit of a falling out a few years after I was born. Dad and Ingo moved to Hyrule, and mom remarried. I have a half sister over there now,”
Link nodded slowly, then waved at the letter again.
“Oh, mom will occasionally invite us back for festivals and stuff. It’s her way of keeping up with us, while respecting that dad moved away for a reason,” she paused, then her head snapped up and turned to him so quickly he had to lean back in order to not get hit. “You should come with us!”
Malon blinked at him, wide eyed and grinning. Link couldn’t possibly say no. He nodded.
Malon made a giddy sound and wrapped Link in a hug, then slid off the table to hand the letter to her father. She came back to grab his hands and pull him off the table too.
“Oh, you’ll love it, Link! The Star Carnival is great, there’s all sorts of games, and events, and everyone comes out for it,” Malon chatteled off, dragging Link with her so she could keep talking at him while she finished up her chores.
Link completely forgot he was supposed to tell Zelda about the temple.
About a week later Link found himself next to Malon in an oddly mushroom shaped carriage her mother sent to collect them for the carnival. Apparently this was normal for these trips, but the fact the carriage had nothing to pull it but still moved confused Link. According to Malon this was how most things worked, but he wasn’t convinced he liked that.
The trip was uneventful, except how Link kept jumping every time the carriage bumped. The little mushroom person (“He’s a Toad, they’re the race that makes up most of the Mushroom Kingdom’s people,” Malon told him) kept up a steady stream of talk, pointing out everything he saw. Link was very glad he’d managed to convince Malon to let him take one of his swords and the mirror shield with him, he felt much more comfortable armed.
His discomfort was overshadowed, however, when the site of the carnival came into view. A big red and white striped tent, with booths and stalls set up throughout the whole grounds. There were people streaming all through the area, humans, toads and some other things as well. Link found it incredible, and Malon had to pull him back into the carriage before he fell out the window.
Eventually, the carriage came to a stop at the entrance to the grounds and the three Hyruleans stepped out. There were a few long moments as Link looked around in awe, and confusion, at some of the things he was seeing. There were moving paintings positioned around the grounds showing some guy who was mostly hat and blaring his voice across the area. Malon called these moving paintings ‘video screens’, and that they were looking at something happening in a different part of the carnival. Link didn’t understand that, but they were moving along fast enough that he didn’t linger on it.
He was snapped out of looking at some star shaped pastries at a loud squeal, head snapping up and on alert. He relaxed when Malon laughed and waved in response.
“Malon!” A higher pitched voice called, belonging to a taller woman with bright blonde hair wearing a very big pink dress and long white gloves. She had a crown on her head. “You made it!”
“Of course I made it,” Malon laughed as she hugged the other woman. “Why would I miss this?”
Malon then switched to hugging and greeting another woman closer to her age, also wearing a crown but dressed in blue, her hair covering her right eye. A little chubby star creature floated next to her and waved.
Link blinked and watched the exchange, hovering off to the side.
“Oh!” Malon abruptly remembered him and turned to tug him up. “Link, I want you to meet my mother, Queen Peach, and my half sister Rosalina. Mom, Rosy, this is my boyfriend Link,”
Link managed to get himself out of his ‘Malon’s mom is queen???!?’ confusion loop long enough to bow, trying to be polite.
 “Oh no, please don’t. No one has bowed to me in a very long time, and it’s weird to see now,” Queen Peach giggled lightly as Link straightened up, the tips of his ears turning red. “You didn’t mention you had a boyfriend,”
“Uh, surprise!” Malon waved her hands as she gave her mother and sister a sheepish grin. “I have a boyfriend! His name is Link,” 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Rosalina extended her hand, and Link took it to shake. 
Link nodded and grinned, then signed back ‘it’s nice to meet you too’ at her when she dropped his hand. Both women blinked at him and for a second he thought he’d done something wrong. He slowly lowered his hands and blinked at them too. Maybe they didn’t speak Hylian sign? He’d never encountered someone who couldn’t understand him, but outside of Hyrule it wasn’t impossible.
“Oh,” Malon jumped in, waving at him. “Link is mute, so he uses sign to talk. I should have mentioned that,”
“Oh,” Queen Peach brightened up again. “Of course. Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Link. I hope you enjoy the carnival,” she signed as she spoke, and Link blinked at her, then matched her grin.
Link nodded happily, letting her know it wasn’t like anything he’d encountered before, but that he was enjoying things so far. 
Queen Peach offered to show them around, which Malon accepted for them, and they went about walking through the grounds while the queen pointed out different attractions. Most of these involved events she called minigames, though a few featured other attractions. Apparently minigames were part of a big event called a Party, which was a competition people could compete in for prizes. Malon had very quietly dissuaded him from participating, as apparently she was worried a few of the minigames might mess with his trauma if he were to play them. Also, apparently Hylians weren’t as durable as the people of the Mushroom Kingdom.
“Oh!” Queen Peach bounced over to one of the video screens and grinned. “It looks like a Party is starting!”
Wandering up to join the toadstool queen, Link blinked up at the moving paintings on the screen, still confused as to how that worked. The man who was mostly hat introduced a group of four, a stout man in red with blue overalls with a very big mustache named Mario, a brunette woman in a yellow dress named Daisy, a stal-like creature that resembled the creatures Malon told him were koopahs who was introduced as Dry Bones, and a tall lanky man in purple who introduced himself as Waluigi. Queen Peach was grinning, and Malon was laughing a little at this.
Link tapped Malon’s shoulder and asked her who those people were.
“Oh, well Mario is mom’s husband, and Daisy is his brother’s wife. Dry Bones is a friend, I think, and Waluigi just shows up for events like this,” Malon explained to him, pointing as she did. “It can be hard to keep track of who’s friendly and who isn’t all the time, things change so often,”
“They don’t change often,” Queen Peach giggled. “The only time anything changes is when Bowser kidnaps me, then we’re briefly enemies, but we go back to being friends when Mario comes to rescue me,”
Link blinked at her, face scrunched up. She talked like this was normal. Apparently, this was quickly explained to him, it was. It was just the relationship those three had. Link wasn’t sure he’d ever understand that concept, but was willing to push it aside for the moment.
They stood and watched the Party, and Link was glad Malon had encouraged him not to try any of the minigames. She was right about a few of them not meshing well with his trauma. He’d actually had to turn away during one because of how much it reminded him of fighting Volvagia in the Fire Temple. It was pretty easy for Malon to work him down again, and he was ever so grateful for her and her patience with him, but they didn’t turn back until after the minigame was over.
Once the Party was over, Queen Peach eagerly dragged them over to something called a warp pad in order to greet her husband when he got there. Apparently, she wasn’t the only one.
Already waiting at the pad was a very large individual. He looked vaguely like a koopah, but was much bigger, and his shell was studded with spikes. Helpfully, Link’s mind supplied him with the theory that the koopah might be like the Zora, with the ruler being much bigger than the rest of their people, and so this might be their king.
He was right, he’d soon learn.
What had him stopping dead was the man next to him. Almost eight feet tall, bright red hair, black armor. The man was distinctly Gerudo, and looked identical to Ganondorf. Link reached out and grabbed Malon’s arm, pointing out the man to her and signing as fast as she could keep up. Malon had his shoulders in her hands, and was trying to talk to him slowly, the same way she did when working him down from a panic attack or a spike in anxiety. Maybe he was freaking out, he certainly didn’t feel calm. But Ganondorf shouldn’t be here, Zelda’s father had him executed. He shouldn’t be alive, let alone here.
“Is something wrong?” Queen Peach popped up in Link’s peripheral vision, but he was too busy trying not to panic to respond to her.
Thankfully, he had Malon.
“Kind of, Link’s had some, uh, adventures that have messed with his head a little. Bowser’s friend over there happens to look like a man named Ganondorf who tried to kill him more than once, with quite a bit of effort,” Malon rubbed Link’s arms as she spoke, glancing back at him every once in a while. “He’s a little freaked out to see someone who looks so similar, even if this can’t be Ganondorf, since Queen Zelda’s father, the late king, had him executed for trying to kill the royal family and steal Hyrule’s crown about ten or so years ago.”
“Oh, I hadn’t realized,” Queen Peach paused, glancing back at Bowser and maybe-Ganondorf, then back to the two of them. “If you’ll give me a moment,”
She ducked out, and in the meantime Link managed to wrangle his breathing under control. Eventually, he felt confident enough in himself to not immediately try to stab maybe-Ganondorf, but he did pull the mirror shield onto his arm. He felt better when he had it out.
Link specifically kept his shield between himself and maybe-Ganondorf as they approached, Malon keeping a hand on his arm. The conversation petered out as they made it up.
Maybe-Ganondorf clapped his hands together, which had Link pulling up the shield and tensing. The maybe-Ganondorf paused, then spread his hands.
“I understand that someone who looked like me tried to hurt you in the past?” The man, who even sounded like Ganondorf, asked. Link was then hit again with the fact that in this timeline Ganondorf never actually tried to kill him, and even when he had it was both his past and future for a while. He nodded, not willing to dwell on the details of his seven year sleep and subsequent return to childhood. The man grimaced. “I am truly sorry then. My name is Greg, I am a good, friend, of Bowser’s, and I can assure you I am not the same man who wanted to see you come to harm,”
Link narrowed his eyes, but did peek a little further over his shield.
There was a long, tense moment where Link just looked over Greg, trying to decide how he felt about him. After several heartbeats where Link found nothing but honesty, he nodded and lowered the shield some. He didn’t put it away however.
Greg grinned, nodding back.
“You can probably put the shield away now,” Queen Peach offered gently.
Link just tightened his grip on the reflective defense and pulled it closer to himself.
“I don’t think that’s happening,” Malon said gently, squeezing his arm some. “It’s just, well, I’m sure it just makes him feel a little better, what with the situation and all. I wouldn’t be surprised if he never got better around male Gerudo,” she tried to laugh.
“What’s a Gerudo?” Greg asked.
Link dropped the shield to his side and made a face.
The rest of the day was spent being introduced to a few others of Queen Peach’s friends, and then later avoiding Greg as best he could, and even watching Malon play some of the minigames with her sister.
Link felt a little bad about avoiding Greg, but he looked so much like Ganondorf that he really didn’t trust himself not to hurt the man. Better to just avoid him.
They were invited to spend the night at Peach’s castle, after which they’d return to the carnival the next day.
Somehow, between meeting Mario and crashing for the night, the plumber convinced him to agree to a race.
Link didn’t know how to use any of the racing machines they had.
He spent a great deal of time, at length, bemoaning his impulsivity to Malon, who eventually got tired enough with him to track down her stepfather and get him to teach Link to use one of the machines. Mario, to his credit, was surprisingly understanding and more than helpful.
It didn’t take long to decide Link would do better on a bike than in a kart.
Link also needed to help repair a wall later.
These are related.
“Alright,” Mario rubbed his hands together as he coached Link through the basics. “This-a thing here? That’s-a the brakes. You pull on-a those to slow down. This-a piece you twist, and that makes-a you go! You see?”
Link nodded slowly, pulling on the lever for the brakes and twisting the handle.
“Okay, let’s-a do one lap around the track, and-a see how you do,” Mario nodded back waving at the track. “Let’s-a go!”
Link gave a sharp nod, taking a deep breath as he did. This would be his fifth try at this.
Malon gave him a pair of thumbs up from the sidelines, grinning at him. He was glad she was more confident in him than he was.
He slowly twisted the handle, the machine puttering to life (a phrase Link was distinctly uncomfortable with) and eased forward gently. After a few moments he was increasing speed around the oval track, getting more comfortable with using the bike. He avoided the jumps he could, but managed to not wipe out on the ones he couldn’t. Slowing to a stop in front of Malon and Mario, he felt distinctly proud of himself for not crashing.
Malon jumped up from where she was sitting, clapping happily as she bounced over to hug him.
“You didn’t crash that time!” She grinned. “You’re getting better!”
‘I am,’ Link grinned back, a group of bees set loose in his chest alongside the happiness.
“You’re-a doing so much better! Now, let’s-a maybe think about getting better with the jumps, hm?” Mario clapped as he approached.
Link nodded, signing his response slowly. Mario knew Mushroom Kingdom Sign, but not Hylian Sign, and the two had some differences. This meant communication was slow going, which was partly why Malon was there.
They spent a few more hours, and a lot more crashing, practicing the jumps. Apparently there were a lot of jumps in these races.
By the time they decided to take a break for lunch, Link was covered in bruises but could also reasonably be trusted to not crash every time he attempted a jump, which was much better than he was when they started.
“Oh my! What happened to you?” Peach gasped, looking over the group as they arrived to join the queen and the rest of the family for lunch.
‘Learned the jumps,’ Link signed at her, grinning maybe a bit wider than he needed to.
“The bruises were self-inflicted,” Malon told everyone, dragging Link over to sit between Talon and Rosalina with her. “He’s gotten very good at crashing. And at not crashing, but that skill’s taking longer,”
Rosalina started giggling. “Well, it seems we all have a type,”
Link looked at her in confusion while he let Malon set up plates for them.
“What do you mean?” Peach asked.
Rosalina pointed at her mother. “You married dad, who is prone to extreme spots. And turns sports that aren’t extreme sports into extreme sports. I have never seen someone make golf a full contact sport other than him,” she turned her finger to Malon. “Malon has brought home a boy who is firstly more than willing to participate in said extreme sports, and, Mal you said he works for your Queen, right?”
Malon nodded. “He’s technically part of the royal guard, but really he’s just sent out to go deal with monsters when Her Majesty can’t do it herself. He comes back bleeding a lot,” she sent him a halfhearted glare. He smiled innocently in response.
“Right,” Rosalina nodded. “He’s prone to come back bleeding. And the last time I saw Sammy, she was also bleeding and bruised because she got in a fight with a robot that nearly kicked her, erm, butt,” she cleared her throat and paused until she got a nod from her mother, then continued. “Right, so, my point is we have a type, and it’s the same one,”
“And that type is?” Malon asked.
“People who are prone to getting hurt,”
Link felt mildly like he should be offended by that, but Malon was just nodding along so he decided to drop it. It wasn’t like he could argue, after all.
“Oh, is your girlfriend coming?” Malon asked, handing Link a plate but focusing on her sister.
Link didn’t know what some of the things on his plate were, and lightly poked at one of the mushrooms. This is why he decided to let Malon grab food for him.
“She should be, she told me she’d try at least,” Rosalina nodded. “But, well, you know how busy she can be sometimes. Her job doesn’t allow her a lot of free time,”
Malon nodded. “I get that. It can be hard dating someone who spends so much time away getting in fights,”
She gave Link a side eye and he paused halfway into a bite. Was she mad at him? Or was this one of those joking jab things? He couldn’t quite tell the difference yet. She didn’t seem like she was mad at him. Maybe she was trying to relate to her sister? Wait, what did her sister’s girlfriend do that he’d be a comparison?
He figured he’d ask.
Apparently Sammy was a mercenary (“She fights things for money,” Malon told him. “Kind of like you do, but you work for the Queen and she works for herself,”), and that meant she spent a lot of time away and then coming back injured. Like Link did.
“You’d probably get along with her really well,” Malon offered, subtly adding more of the thing he’d already cleared off his plate to his portion. “You can bond over killing things and getting hurt and worrying your girlfriends about the fact that you’re out killing things and getting hurt all alone,”
Link frowned at her and narrowed his eyes. The worst part was that he couldn’t even argue, she was right. He did spend a lot of time killing things and getting hurt and worrying her, and he did do most of it alone.
That thought sort of made his chest ache. He wouldn’t be alone if he still had Navi, but he hadn’t been able to find her yet. He didn’t want to sour the atmosphere though, so he pushed that thought to the side and shoved Malon’s shoulder in retaliation.
Malon shoved him back, laughing, and Link didn’t bother fighting the grin on his face. It was moments like this that made the trauma and the longing easier to deal with.
They spent some more time practicing the jumps for the race Link had gotten himself roped into and introducing him to the ‘power ups’, and then wandered around the festival grounds until dinner, where they retired to the castle. Link found out quickly that the power ups were made with people way more durable than him in mind. A conversation started about finding an item or something that might help protect him a bit.
Malon had pulled out a health potion she insisted Link drink to heal up the bruises he’d acquired when they heard the, whirring? Link didn’t know what to make of that sound, but he did know he should figure it out.
Which is how Link ended up carefully crossing the entryway of the castle, eyes on the front door, Malon frustrated and following behind him.
Rosalina came barrelling down a stairwell just as Link got to the door, startling him.
“Don’t mind Link,” Malon rolled her eyes. “He’s just never heard the sound of a ship landing before,”
“So that was her ship I saw!” Rosalina pushed past Link, who made a strangled noise as she did, and ran out the door.
Link followed, hand on his sword, just in case, and froze.
Someone was standing on the bridge to the castle, wearing dark orange armor and standing easily as tall as a gerudo, maybe taller. Link couldn’t make out much more from that, since the armor covered them head to toe, and their helmet covered their entire head and face. It also looked shinier than any armor he’d ever seen before.
This person caught Rosalina when she threw herself at them, lifting her up and spinning them both around. A sort of mechanical laugh came from the armored person.
Link turned to Malon.
“That’s Samus, Rosy’s girlfriend,” Malon explained. “Come on, let’s go say hi!”
Malon headed down the bridge to where Samus had set Rosalina down. Link stayed where he was, the Luma that followed Rosalina around coming up to float next to him. Luma yawned, and Link offered it a small smile. They must have been getting ready for bed when Samus arrived.
“Link!” He turned at Malon’s shout, seeing her wave at him. “Come meet Samus!”
Samus had pulled off her helmet, revealing tied back blonde hair and pale skin. So, not gerudo, just tall.
He offered Luma a sympathetic shrug and wandered over.
“Link, this is Samus,” Malon waved between them as Link came up. “Samus, this is my boyfriend, Link. He’s mute, so he speaks using sign, but he can hear you just fine,”
“Hello, Link,” Samus offered him a smile, signing in very choppy Hylian Sign as she spoke, and then offered her hand to shake. “It’s nice to meet you,”
Link signed slowly as he replied, figuring Samus might appreciate it, and then accepted her handshake.
They didn’t stay standing there for long since it was already getting quite dark. Link offered to help Samus move in some of her things, since she was apparently staying for a few weeks between jobs, which is how he found himself pulling on his golden gauntlets to pick up a very heavy suitcase to carry inside. Samus had the other very heavy case, and Malon and Rosalina helped carry in the rest of it.
Once Samus was settled Malon resumed her crusade to get Link to drink the rest of the health potion.
The next time Link ran into Samus was right before his race. They hadn’t found something to help with the power ups yet, though he did receive a racing suit to wear in case he crashed.
He stopped mid-sign as something heavy dropped round his neck.
He turned to look down at the item, some kind of medallion on a chain. There was some kind of bird on it, and some kind of writing he couldn’t read, though he didn’t expect to be able to. It didn’t feel magical, but it did sort of, hum in his hands.
He turned around to blink up at the person who dropped in on him. Which turned out to be Samus.
She wasn’t wearing the armor, instead wearing just a skin-tight blue outfit that showed off her abs and the muscles in her arms. She had a lot of muscle. Link started doubting his conclusion that she wasn’t somehow part gerudo.
“I heard you were worried about being durable enough to compete,” Samus explained when Link made a confused motion at the medallion. “That should help,”
‘How?’ Link asked.
“It’s an old bit of tech I picked up but haven’t needed in a long while,” Samus explained.
Link spent a moment finger spelling out that word and trying to remember where he heard it before.
“It’s like magic, but not magic,” Rosalina appeared to lean behind Samus, who towered over her even when she was standing straight. “Sammy you need to remember they don’t even have video screens in Hyrule, you’re going to confuse him,”
“Oh,” Samus blinked, looking between them. “Uh, sorry,”
Link waved her off and assured her it was fine, and then asked for more clarification on the item she just gave him.
“I figured it would solve your durability issue,” Samus explained. “For the race,”
Link nodded, turning it over in his hands for a minute. He tucked it under the suit, the metal oddly warm despite having only just put it on, and thanked Samus for the help.
She promised to be cheering him on, which was met by a huff and light shove from Rosalina, who was also racing.
The medallion did help. It didn’t quite put him on par with the native residents of the Mushroom Kingdom, but it did keep him from getting seriously hurt by some of the more extreme power ups.
Seriously, some of them were just insane.
He didn’t win, but he did come about middle of the pack, which he was quite proud of.
Samus let him keep the medallion, since he could probably get more use out of it than she would, and then Rosalina dragged them all out to get some star pastries to celebrate the fact she won.
Samus ended up far more confident in her Hylian Sign by the end of the day, mostly due to her and Link being dragged about the faire by their girlfriends as they competed in a few minigames. Samus had asked for some help practicing when she noticed Link was a bit uncomfortable with some of the minigames.
Link decided he liked Samus.
He especially liked it when their girlfriends got back and Rosalina had fake-whispered to Malon “Oh no, they’re teaming up!” and all four of them started laughing.
They stayed for a week, the length of the carnival, but they did have to get back to Hyrule. It didn’t help that Sheik had likely tried dealing with everything himself, and as such the kingdom had to deal with the Queen slipping out to fight things.
Once they’d said goodbye, with promises to write between Malon and her family, they climbed back into the little carriage thing they’d arrived in and Link turned to Malon immediately.
‘You’ll bring me with you next time too, right?’
Malon laughed, and agreed to bring him with the next time they were invited.
Neither of them had fully expected Link to get a letter a few weeks after they got home, but sure enough, it was his name written in the alphabet used by the Mushroom Kingdom.
It was decided that they should probably teach him how to read that alphabet after that.
The small package he received from Rosalina a few years later with her and Malon’s grandmother’s engagement ring after he’d proposed with a little note that the ring he’d found was way too flashy was probably to be expected. Even he and Malon had agreed on that the day before. They did switch out the rings, and though the old Queen’s ring was still a bit fancy for a farm girl, it wasn’t going to accidentally blind someone.
He figured he’d pass off Queen Peach’s offer to plan their wedding to Zelda, who had also already decided she wanted to plan it.
Let people who actually knew what they were doing plan it, he’d focus on making sure he was mostly uninjured come the day of. He’d just help with the invitation list.
This, he learned later, was a very smart call.
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expectingtofly · 3 years
When Peaches Fly
established dean/cas, toddler jack, fluff :)
written for day 5 of @one-more-offbeat-anthem's follower celebration || prompt: farmer's market
“Hi Krista.” Cas transferred his cloth bags to his other hand—tomatoes, mason jars, bell peppers, and corn on the cob bumping against his leg—and reached for Jack’s hand. The five-year old poked at the peaches, plums, and apricots lined up at a precarious angle on Krista’s stand. “Jack, careful.”
Straightening up from behind the stand with a crate of fruit, Krista beamed at them. “Hey, Cas, hi, Jack! How’s it going?”
“I got a donut!” Jack told her. Remains of the powdered pastry on his face proved this fact true, and Cas licked his thumb, then wiped at Jack’s cheek. Jack squirmed away. “And we’re having burgers tonight!”
“Sounds like fun. Claire come with you today?”
“She’s coming later,” Jack said. “She has a…” He peered up at Cas, squinting a little. “Prior obligation.” He stumbled over the words a little, but Cas nodded at him. In truth, Claire and Kaia were on a hunt, but after too many concerned calls from teachers, they’d managed to explain to Jack why that information couldn’t be shared with everyone.
“She’ll be staying with us—Jack, no.” Cas tugged a little at Jack’s hand as Jack tried to grab a plum. “She’ll be staying with us for a few days.”
“Aww, I’m glad she could come visit.” Krista gestured to her stand. “Looking for anything in particular? Or just browsing?”
“Just browsing,” Cas said. “I believe Dean wanted fruit to make a pie for tonight.” Looking for Dean, he scanned the center town square where the weekly farmer’s market took place, small tents and wide tables quickly becoming obscured by the growing crowds. They always had plans to arrive early to avoid the worst of the crowds, but unfortunately, mornings did not always agree with him. And this morning Dean had been particularly persuasive to stay in bed longer.
“Well, I’m assuming that’s what he wants to make,” he said, turning back to Krista after failing to spot Dean in the crowds. “Today’s been a bit chaotic.”
First Claire texting late last night that she and Kaia were coming over—which prompted a scrambling to make sure the guest room was clean—then Jack spilling his orange juice at breakfast—dammit, he still had a stain on his shirt—now Dean disappearing and leaving him to carry ten thousand bags—Cas’ fault for buying two jars of honey plus a box of honeycomb, plus various vegetables and baked goods, but still.
“Well, I got some really ripe peaches today,” Krista told him.
Cas started to respond, but movement drew his eyes to Jack just in time to watch him poke at a peach and shift the entire infrastructure of perfectly balanced fruit. Though he leapt forward to stop the avalanche, he couldn’t get there in time to save ten or more peaches from launching themselves into the air and rolling away.
Krista started laughing and, face burning, Castiel crouched to collect the fallen peaches, bags banging against his knees. “Sorry, I’m so sorry, I’ll pay for these. Jack, say sorry.”
“Sorry,” Jack said, toeing at the dirt and looking chastened. “Didn’t mean to.”
“It’s alright.” Krista came around the front to help pick up the peaches. “A little dirt never hurt anyone.” Straightening with two in each hand, she asked Jack, “You wanna try a piece?”
“Yes!” Jack said with a clap of his hands.
“You don’t have to—” Cas started, but Krista was already pulling out a cutting board and knife from behind the stand and cutting into the peach.
“The best part of coming to a farmer’s market is the free samples,” she said. Juices seeped onto the board as she divided the peach into thick slices. “Here.” She offered a slice to Jack first, who crammed it eagerly in his mouth, then one to Cas.
Juggling the runaway peaches in his arms, he took the pale yellow slice and bit into it. Sweet with just enough tartness, soft skin and buttery smooth flesh.
“Mmm,” he said, catching juice dripping down the side of his hand. “Those are very good.”
“Told you so,” Krista smiled. She held out a box and Cas placed the peaches that had tried to make their escape inside. Sixteen in total. Much more than they needed for a pie. Well, at least they were delicious.
“Why you buying so many peaches, man?”
Hefting the box of peaches into the crook of his arm, Cas turned to see Dean walking over, a brown bag in one hand, an open container in the other displaying a half-eaten slice of pie. “There you are.”
“Yeah, sorry, got distracted talking to Liam.” He gestured in the direction of the meat vendor with a plastic fork, then back at the pie slice. “Dude, you have to try this, it’s so good.”
“You want a peach sample, Dean?” Krista asked.
“Oh, hell yeah.” He took the slice from her. “Best part of coming to these markets.” Krista gave Cas an amused I told you so look.
“Anyway,” Dean said around a mouthful. “I’m thinking about rigging up a sheet in the backyard with the projector. Ya know, to watch movies tonight? Thinking Sam and Eileen can come over too, make a whole get-together out of it.”
How quickly plans for a quiet Saturday night could turn into a boisterous Winchester and Co. event. Dean’s eyes were bright, though, and Jack’s eyes were wide in amazement at this idea.
“Sounds good to me,” Cas agreed, and Jack cheered. Dean held out a forkful of pie, and, leaning forward, Cas let Dean feed it to him. He nodded thoughtfully, appreciating the spices and crunch of sugar. “Your pies are better.”
“You’re lying,” Dean said, though he looked appropriately pleased. Jack clambered at his legs, so he gave him a forkful too, then tossed the empty carton in a nearby trashcan. Cas paid for the peaches—and a few plums and apricots too because he’d never been good at self-control in a farmer’s market.
Jack bounced eagerly, babbling about Claire and donuts and Finding Nemo and Toy Story, "... and the peaches went flying." He swung his arms wildly to demonstrate, and Dean scooped him up. When Jack tried to get away, he turned him upside down, and Jack’s protests turned into screaming laughter which caused more than a few glances their way. Cas smiled despite himself and fixed Jack’s shirt, which was sliding to his head.
“I got everything I need,” he told Dean, holding up his bags and boxes.
“Well, I got the sack of potatoes,” Dean said, shaking Jack a little.
“No!” Jack said, his face turning red. “Not potatoes. Jack!”
“What?” Dean turned him right-side up and stared at him like he was seeing him for the first time. Jack giggled. “Sorry, dude, my bad.” He set him on his feet and took some of the bags from Cas. “See ya, Krista.”
“Have a good rest of your day,” Krista told them. Cas waved to her as they walked off. Jack squeezed himself in between him and Dean, taking their free hands.
“I wanna make peach pie,” he told Dean.
“Sure, Cas has enough for three of them.”
“And ice cream,” Jack said. “And donuts and burgers and hot dogs.” He jumped and Dean and Cas took the cue, lifting him to swing him between them. Jack whooped, and Cas started laughing.
“What?” Dean asked, grinning as he swung Jack again.
“Nothing.” He smiled at them. “Just enjoying the day.”
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ask-rp-devra · 3 years
The night was short, the pair were able to sleep a good 8 hours before getting ready the next morning to set off towards the train station. The pair decided to come back through to pick up the Pokemon to bring back to the island before heading home, but for now they could stay behind with Devra’s mom, just for a little while longer. The only team members that went with them were coal, the little hybrid houndoomxarcanine pup, and Aliza, who had taken a shine to the ponyta gifted to Peach, they seemed to play well together, even Dreepy liked her. With bags gathered, goodbyes said, and tickets bought, the pair stepped onto the train, waving off Olivia who came to see her daughter go, and off they went, towards the new Galarian island, the Crown Tundra.
Devra settled into her seat, waving goodbye to her mom as Coal jumped up in the seat next to her. He was small enough to be on the train, but Aliza had to stay in her pokeball for the time being. She looked over at her friend and smiled. “I hope you slept alright. I always thought the guest room bed was too hard.”
“‘you saw me right? I was asleep in an aeroplane chair sitting up right, the bed was just fine. Much better than most of the places I sleep while away from the lab.” She recalled a few occasions being able to just about catch an hours rest while being trapped in a tree by aggressive Pokemon. “it was a warm, dry bed, with actual sheets and a roof over me haha. It was great.” She mindlessly petted Val, ordering a good coffee off the trolley that passed by, a sweet little wigglytuff in the train companies uniform asking for payment. She got her wallet out...or so she thought? Her hand reached into her bag, and hit something very cold and very smooth, reeling from the weird texture. Val sniggered to herself, shifting to the empty seat the bag sat on, to peer inside.
“I think we have a stow away.” Peach murmured, carefully opening the bag much wider than needed to get a good look. “‘Dreepy?” Inside was the little ghost type, she swore while waving to Devra’s mother at the station when they left, she had also spotted this Pokemon amongst others that had come to see the trainers off. He was wrapped up in one of Peach’s shirts, and seemed a little nervous about being caught in her stuff.
Devra looked over at Peach from her camera, having been looking th right some pictures. “Dreepy? He’s here? But I saw him with my mom. Here, I took a picture of the group when we left.” She held the camera so they could both look. “Oh....well. I thought he was in the picture.” She looked at the little Pokémon and sighed. “I guess he really wanted to come with you.”
“well, it’s fine with me, if he wants to come then I guess we’ve got a new team member.” She smiled a little at the Pokemon and let him and Val go and pick some snacks off the trolley before paying. She gave eyes at her steadfast fire type while Dreepy’s back was turned, asking without words for her to tone her usual disinterest down by like 20%, and she began chattering to the ghost Pokemon as she selected a strawberry filled dumpling thing in a wrapper. With the stern silence broken between the two, peach could relax a little, perhaps they two would be fine together for the trip.
“You’re right though, I swear I saw him on the platform too.” She glanced at the screen on the camera, seeing no signs of him. “‘how strange. You’re faster than you look hey bud?” Dreepy seemed quite proud of the compliment, and finally chose a chocolate-orange flavoured pastry twist before returning to the open bag to snack. “I’m buying, you and your team want anything?”
Devra nodded to Coal, who bounced over and happily started sniffing around until he found a pumpkin muffin. She then grabbed an apple cake and raspberry pastry for her other two team members before sitting back down. “I don’t need anything. Mom made sure I left full.” She laughed and opened Coal’s treat for him. “Tell Peach thank you young man.” The little pup barked happily as me bounced over to her for pets.
“she’s a good mom that one, I bet she’d enjoy a little holiday in johto, lots to see, I can hook you both up with some fun things to do for sure.” There was plenty of art galleries, heritage sites, and excellent restaurants throughout the region, not to mention live music, public gardens of great beauty, and a butt load of areas to sightsee in. Peach paid up and petted Coal, she was very glad to see him in capable hands, he took to Devra like a Ducklett to water, and she was confident he’d grow fast now he was out exploring with her. The Dreepy seemed to peep its eyes out at the hybrid Pokemon, still nibbling away on its snack.
Coal bounced back up next to Devra and started to munch on his treat. “I’m sure she’ll love the trip.” She looked out the window, watching the countryside roll by. “What’s the first thing you want to do once we get to the tundra?”
The professor sipped her hot drink, also enjoying the windows view. “hm, that’s a good question. I suppose I’d really like to find a place to stay, I’d normally not mind camping but I see the name ‘Crown TUNDRA’ and feel like I wouldn’t want to stay over night outside as much. What about you? You’ll be knees deep in herd Pokemon in no time I bet, anything else you’d want to check out?” The little Dreepy had snuck closer to the window to look out, still nibbling.
“Well, there is this big ruin building with a massive old dead tree that’s I’d love to see. But it’s at the top of one of the mountains here. So it might be tricky getting to.” She mindlessly pet Coal as she slowly started seeing snow. “And I think there’s a small town that we could ask about lodging at. Day trips to the tundra and back by dark?”
“‘oh I do love a tree, that sounds interesting, you could always try to find a Pokemon who could get you up that mountain a bit easier?” Peach had planned to do just that, the cold sneaking in, she could feel her bad knee aching ever so slightly already, and almost exactly after that thought crossed her mind, Val crept over to radiate heat, sitting in her lap, easing the dull pain.
“perhaps we can camp out some of the time, it’d be nice to see what happens at night, what Pokemon come out, just perhaps not in any heavy weather if it can be avoided. I did take a look online, the village there is usually pretty open to travellers, think I noticed a B&B or two with vacancies posted, I’m sure we’ll find somewhere to stay.” By this point, the views had turned pure white, in the fields you could see grazing Pokemon, a herd of wooloo who almost blending in with the surroundings.
Devra spotter the wooloo right away, fawning over one of her favorite Pokémon. Coal picked up on his trainer’s excitement, his tail wagging happily as she told him what snow was like. “Oh I can’t wait to see Aliza’s face when she sees her first snow!”
“thats right, she’s not even seen a December yet, or a snowy route. Good thing you got your camera then isn’t it, I’m sure mom and pop would like to see her first experience with it, you know Cole hasn’t seen snow either before. Bet he’s real excited about now.” The pup must have felt something, seeing all this white for the first time. “‘what about you Dreepy, you seen snow before?” The little ghost type looked back, didn’t turn its body at all, but bent it’s neck fully back to look at the Professor upside down, giving no clear answer, which to her seemed like a big fat no, but perhaps he was a little shy about answering right away. “no matter, we’ll soon be in the thick of it.”
She giggled at the sight of the little dreepy. “He’s seen some light snow before. I caught him in the wild area. The weather there is always so weird. But he hasn’t seen this much before. This is going to be a big busy day.” She snapped a quiet picture of dreepy being cute, then one of Coal barking at the snow through the window.
The train began to turn a final corner, the tannoy alerting passengers to the upcoming station, the only stop on the journey coming up very soon.
“looks like we’re nearly there, ready to get going?” The trip had been only short, but outside it looked like a completely different region, so much snow and ice everywhere, nothing but pine trees. The woman grabbed her bags, not before waiting for the little Dreepy to return to the inside where it wrapped up in the spare clothes to keep warm. Val took to her shoulder as she usually did.
Devra nodded, standing up to gather her things. She then picked up Coal, holding his stout body in her arms to keep him from running of into the snow. “We’re ready. I’m so excited to see this area. I’ve read about it but they took forever to get it safe enough for more visitors.”
Safe enough wasn’t always entirely foolproof, and Peach was quietly happy she packed a first aid kit. She had heard some murmurs it was a little risky here, a lot of tough Pokemon roamed about.
“I hope you’re right, I’m sure the locals wouldn’t put people at risk.” The pair stepped off the train once the doors pinged open, the brisk cold air swept past, pulling them all out onto the platform. People came and went, and before long they became aware of the exits and where to head to next.
Devra took a slight lead of the two, following signs towards the little town. “Well, they did give all of us coming here a safety talk too. I just hope trainers actually listen. You gotta be smart about this place.” She then set Coal down and let the little guy run circles around the two humans. “I think I’ll wait to let Aliza our until we’re settled.”
With the pup thoroughly enjoying the snow, the trainers paused to check their phones, a map was needed for a moment, before they began to hear some loud ruckus just outside to the right of the station, sounded like a man and a young woman, peach didn’t even register it much, turning her back to the noise almost instinctually, trying to figure out which way to go. Val however was being nosey and sat on her shoulder judging the people making all the noise pretty hard from the look on her face.
“I think you’re right, we should find somewhere to stay before we really go out on a wild adventure.”
She nodded, looking at her own map on her Rotom phone, thanking the Pokémon inside for his help. “It looks like we head on that way.” She pointed to the road as it took a slight left turn. “Shouldn’t be more than a 20 minute walk.”
“‘sounds good to me, wonder what Pokemon we might see on the way?” Pocketing the phone and hoisting her bag up a bit, Peach began to take a few steps, noticing the pair who were making such noise earlier, avoiding them entirely, they seemed to be having a dad-daughter tiff that was no ones business. Onward, to the first route of the Crown Tundra!
Devra took a glance at the arguing people and sighed, hoping the wouldn’t bother her or the Professor. Coal bounded ahead as they walked, but kept in his trainer’s sight. “It’s really pretty here. Just look at all the ice on these pine needles!” She crunched her way to a tree and found an angle to catch light in the ice.
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unholyhelbig · 3 years
Title: Centerfold [Pt.2]
Ship: Beca Mitchell/ Chloe Beale
(Read Part one here)
Beca Mitchell’s phone was a box of constant communication. She had her emails redirected so that she could feel every single time she needed to address something at the office, even if she was there and the soft pinging culminated in the very screen she stared at. She had a multitude of contacts and would video chat with the team in Italy, and sometimes L.A.
So, what she knew deep down, was that it was impossible for her not to look at her phone all day. Physically she had to check the notifications to keep her world running. Emily intercepted most of them, keeping her deep stare on her own screen before glancing up at her boss every couple of minutes. They were both on edge and Beca didn’t much appreciate the tension that sparked between them.
She held her breathe each time a new ping sounded off until eventually that lull of anxiety was hushed to a dull ache in the pit of her chest. She went through her morning meets and a new presentation to her team about how their coding for a new watch wasn’t up to parr- they had a few days to fix it before it dropped, and the CEO made sure she knew that.
When the notification from Chloe did finally come through, Beca almost didn’t’ notice. She registered the pink of the logo that slowly shifted to a deep purple. But the name? Oh, the name she hadn’t clocked for a few seconds after that. And even then, Chloe Beale? Her Chloe, actually responded.
Beca lilted the computer screen and frantically looked up at Emily, who was already at her door. She didn’t bother to knock. Instead, she situated the office and closed the blinds and very coolly, but not so coolly, pressed her back against the wood and breathed.
“Dude,” Beca said.
“I know,” Emily said “Did you read it?”
She hadn’t read it. She hadn’t even thought to read it because her mind got stuck behind the massive roadblock that was Chloe Beale and her stupid pun username. She opened the application and hesitated over the message icon. She was supposed to be playing it hard to get like she didn’t’ care if she even got a response. But she did care and apparently so did her assistant because she was right behind her, blindly gawking like her halo fell into her eyes and blinded her from right and wrong.
“If I click this she’ll see that I read it and then there’s no going back.”
“You don’t want to go back, do you?”
“You told me to keep her guessing,”
“Truthfully, I didn’t think you’d even get a response.” Emily shrugged sheepishly “Figured you would forget about it in a few days and… open it.”
Beca frowned but hovered the mouse over the message. She wanted to close her eyes but felt like she was watching a car accident, complete with the red and blue flashing lights and the metallic crunch of metal. Either way, she couldn't avert her stare. She didn’t want to.
Chloe: Hey stranger. I must admit that I was never expecting to hear from you again, big shot manager. I’ve kept my tabs on you… New York is my home, so if you’re serious about coffee, so am I.
Her breath caught in her throat. Chloe Fucking Beale had said yes. Her childhood love had agreed to coffee that neither of them could probably stomach. Chloe Fucking Beale who was a playboy model with more than a million Instagram followers, and Chloe Fucking Beale who she was pretty sure she still loved.
There had been other people, men, and women that she had thought she fell for. She folded into soft touches and stronger commands. She was happy for months at a time and on one rare occasion a full year with a man who ran his own tours of the city. But none of those relationships had ever been like the one she had with Chloe.
Beca pulled in a long breath that filled her lungs with stale coffee and copy paper. She tilted her lid and looked to Emily because she was the expert. And Beca was frozen. That same cold excitement filled her and it also rocked her ever-loving shit. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t think.
Emily looked at the darkened screen, then at her boss, then back at the screen before lunging forward and typing back a reply. Perfect. Are you free this Saturday?
It turns out that Chloe was free that Saturday and if she wasn’t, she didn’t’ say a word and quietly cleared her schedule. The day was quickly approaching and Beca really wanted to know why the New York Branch put her in charge of everything when she could barely figure out what to wear to a simple cup of coffee.
This felt more like a simple cup of coffee.
Emily eventually got tired of the barrage of pictures she was getting and took a cab to Beca’s apartment an hour before the actual date. They settled on black jeans and a blue button-down that Emily pulled closer to her chest for extra measure because according to her “You look good in anything and Chloe won’t be able to make eye contact with you.”
Then she was on a subway that smelled like stale snow and hot morning breath. They picked a small shop downtown that not many people knew about. It was a feat in the city to find a place that wasn’t packed like a sardine can and Beca trusted Chloe’s judgment tenfold.
Beca got there first, and her palms were sweating despite the cool atmosphere that swept through the little shop each time the door opened. It was a meta cross between a thrifted bookstore and a café. People sat and ate and read and the scent of what Beca imagined old magic to be, mingled well with coffee grinds and fresh pastries.
She ordered a simple black americano and settled by the front window, the glass fogged from a warm contrast with the cold of the busy street and curved lettering faced the patrons. There was a simple logo and one barista behind the counter. She chose a random book and pretended to read, but only skimmed the same paragraph over and over again.
Her main focus was on the door and the bell that chimed each time it was opened. One of those times, after a businessman and a hipster kid hugging his laptop close to his chest, it was Chloe. Soft and vibrant compared to the rest of the dim academic setting.
Her hair was pulled behind her ears and a pair of golden framed glasses rested on her nose. She had aged like wine and the wind that blew in behind her carried the sweet scent of southern peaches through the front door. She wore a white sweater with a plaid peacoat and high wasted jeans, and Beca knew she was staring.
Everyone was, they couldn’t’ help it. She overtook the room with a warm and sparked presence. If anyone recognized her they didn’t’ say a thing, out of saving their own face or because the girl in the centerfold of the latest playboy was wildly different than the one standing in front of her. This… this was her Chloe.
She didn’t’ know if she could hug Chloe, if touching was okay, but as she stood to greet her, she was pulled into the warmth of the woman. She was wrapped in overwhelming touch and emotion and she buried her nose into Chloe’s hair as they held onto each other, not quite willing to let go of the familiarity before realizing that it was inappropriate not to.
“Wow,” Chloe ran her hands down Beca’s arms, stopping at her elbows “You haven’t aged a day, have you?”
“It’s the lighting in here, I think it’s one step up from basement overhead.”
Chloe laughed and it was a magical sound. The only thing more intoxicating was her smile, which never seemed to leave her lips as she ordered her own drink, something loaded with sugar and caramel, and leaned forward across the table to get a better look at her date.
Beca sipped her coffee and quirked an eyebrow “What?”
“I haven’t seen you in ten years, I think it’s perfectly acceptable for me to study you.”
“There’ll be plenty of time for that,” She tested “What have you been up to all these years?”
Chloe leaned back in her seat and cupped her mug. It was a russet red and steam rose from the pale liquid that soaked inside. There was a sickeningly sweet odor to it and part of Beca regretted ordering nothing but a black coffee. It seemed like a disservice to the atmosphere of the shop.
“Oh, a bunch of stuff here and there. I used to be based out of LA, I did a lot of acting there. Little stuff like soap operas and a couple of commercials. It wasn’t for me, though so I moved here to pursue modeling and it’s been going well. Really well.”
Beca didn’t’ want to mention the playboy magazine or the curve of Chloe’s legs and the way her skin shown under the bright summer sun. She never returned it to Jason because he never asked for it back. It was an unspoken solidarity between the two.
“That’s amazing,” Beca smiled, feeling excitement in her chest “Anything I would recognize?”
Chloe hummed into her drink “Mm, maybe a few things. It depends on how you feel about Playboy. I never thought you were much of a reader.”
Beca looked down dejectedly at the old spined book to her right. It was true, she hadn’t read the Catcher in the Rye and she barely got through the introduction paragraph because of the nerves and the heartbeat that beat so strongly against the inside of her wrist right now.
“I’m not usually. But I do enjoy looking at the pictures.” Beca flicked her stare back towards the woman across from her “Though, that’s not the reason I reached out to you.”
“Truth is, I’ve always wanted to message you, but you looked like you were doing so well. Like you were so happy. I didn’t want to throw you off or seem like I was chasing something that we used to have.” She said, “So I waited.”
It was Beca’s turn to laugh, “I felt the same exact way. We’re both pretty stupid, then huh? Waiting like this for something we knew… for something we knew we wanted.”
Chloe smiled wider and clinked her mug against Beca’s yellow one, not spilling any of the mostly full drink. “To being stupid. And getting to know each other all over again.”
And that’s exactly what they did. They sat and talked until they were the only two in the coffee shop and Beca even dared to kiss Chloe when they got to the subway platform.  She tasted like caramel and sunshine if such a thing was even possible.
But it was because she had found Chloe. Centerfold Chloe. High school Chloe, and most importantly, her Chloe.
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charming-2d-boys · 3 years
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Chrollo’s part of this ask.
Thank you for requesting this and I hope you'll like it! 🙇💕
11. “You’re insane,” “You love me,” “Not right now I don’t.”
12. “Give me attention.”
A/N: this is long. I’m serious. But writing something cute with Chrollo and making him soft always feels so self-indulgent and I love it and the words just kept coming 🤭
Word count: 1764
   You were so excited about your boyfriend coming home and taking you on a long-awaited date that you didn’t really care about anything else. Unless it had to do with what you’d wear. You’d had the entire morning to get ready and when the doorbell rang, you looked in the mirror one more time, quickly fixing whatever was out of place before opening the door, only to be greeted with a bouquet of your favourite flowers. Chrollo lowered it, showing you a happy smile before you engulfed him in a tight hug, with him returning it while being mindful of the flowers. While he had expected the hug, when you kissed him square on the lips, his heart truly felt like it was ready to burst. He’d missed you just as much and that’s why he intended on spending the day and the rest of the time he spent in town with you. After you put the flowers in a vase, the both of you were on your way.
   “So, where are we going?” You asked as you were playfully swinging your hands back and forth while your boyfriend couldn’t help feeling like he could breathe again, now that he was finally away from anything dangerous and in your presence instead.
   “Hmm, I wonder if I should tell you or not…” He said with a smile before you poked his side, making him laugh. “Okay, I found a place a few months ago that I think you’re going to like.”
   “That’s it? Give me a hint at least. Oh, wait. Don’t tell me! Books?” Chrollo laughed before nodding and you stuck your tongue out. Of course there had to be books, it was a common hobby of yours. You’d both spend hours in bookstores, browsing through different summaries and covers that piqued your interest before buying. You had so many books that you didn’t know when you’d have the time to read them all. “Okay, what else?”
   “You said one hint, love.”
   “You didn’t give me a hint! I guessed it!”
   “Still counts.”
   “No, it doesn’t.”
   “Yes, it does.”
   “It doesn’t.” Chrollo only laughed before pulling you into his side by your intertwined hands. He kissed your cheek before his mouth travelled to your ear.
   “It does.” He said lowly, making a shiver run down your spine as a puff of warm air hit your ear when he spoke. Your face got warm and your ears felt hot. Damn him. And he seemed so smug as you two continued walking.
   You soon reached a building and went inside, going to the third floor using the small, cramped elevator. There were different posters advertising what businesses were on each floor and you tried to guess which one you were aiming for, but you had reached your destination before getting to look over all of them. The hallway was just a little wider than the elevator, so you had to walk behind Chrollo before he stopped in front of a door and knocked, as you were both let in after a few seconds.
   The reception room you entered was a lot more spacious and coloured in a pastel peach, with the wall next to the reception desk presenting a drinks menu and another one for sweets and pastries. After talking with the receptionist and paying the fee for the two of you, you and Chrollo went through another door. A large room, with bookcases filled to the brim with books arranged on genres and alphabetically. Pretty much any bookworm’s dream come true. And when you looked at Chrollo, he looked excited and ready to go from one shelf to another. You chuckled before squeezing his hand, which made him turn to you with a smile.
   “Let’s look for a book or two and then we’ll find a spot to sit and read. How does that sound?” Your boyfriend agreed before bringing your hand up to kiss your knuckles. He smirked when he saw that he’d, once again, flustered you. It was so hard to look at him when he had that smile on his face and when his eyes stared at you like that – as if you were the only one worth doing something like this for. He loved doing this, whether in private or public – though he kept PDA to a lower level, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be a bit more affectionate now and then, even with others around.
   You both set off towards different bookcases, browsing through dozens of books. Some were classics, others were new arrivals while some were obscure and probably known only by a handful of people. You went back and forth between bookcases, finally deciding on picking one book or another that you said you might try to read one day – why not that day? The times you and Chrollo found each other while going through another genre were already beyond the double digits. Every time, either you or Chrollo would briefly hug the other or chastely kiss, only to end up looking over the other’s selection of books and recommending others you thought the other might like.
   Overall, it took somewhere around an hour before your arms finally started hurting from holding the books you wanted. You found a large beanbag and put them down before deciding to buy something to drink. You went to Chrollo’s side to ask what he wanted before you went to the counter close to the entrance where you ordered your preferred beverages. By the time you were back, balancing both drinks in each hand, Chrollo had brought his bigger stash of books on the opposite side of yours and had settled down on the beanbag, already reading one of them.
   “Think you can read all of them before we have to leave?” You asked as you put both drinks on the floor where you could easily reach them anytime. Chrollo’s eyes flitted to yours, a glint to them as he smiled.
   “Is that a challenge, love?” He asked as he made some space so you could sit in between his legs. You did just that after choosing a book and snuggled into his embrace, one of his arms around your waist.
   “What do you think?” You turned your head and kissed his cheek before turning to the first pages of your book. You two spent the next few hours reading and occasionally drinking, not really talking much since you were both so focused on what you were reading. But after you went through all of your books, you only leaned back against Chrollo, looking around the room before turning your head towards your boyfriend. Staring at him apparently did nothing to make him give you attention – actual attention.
   “Hey, Chrollo, give me attention. Please!” You asked quietly as your fingers went up and down his forearm, making goosebumps appear on his skin. His gaze moved from the words on the page to you, inspecting you with an amused smile.
   “And what sort of attention would you like, love?” Putting a bookmark between the pages, he let the book shut as his focus was solely on you.
   “Any sort.” He chuckled at your response before embracing you tighter, relaxing as his fingers lightly caressed your hands while his lips sometimes left kisses on your face. You both could’ve fallen asleep like that: surrounded by books, silence – except for the sound of a page turning or murmuring – and snuggled up. You must’ve dozed off at one point because you woke up to the sound of your boyfriend talking in a low voice with, who you presumed to be, an employee. When they were gone, you opened your eyes and stretched before slowly getting up.
   “Can you walk after I stayed in your lap for so long?” You asked playfully, watching Chrollo sigh dramatically.
   “You might have to carry me back, love.” You both chuckled at his childish response before he got up, only stretching his legs a little before picking up your things and returning the books to one of the employees. As you were both leaving the elevator, you heard the sound of the downpour coming from outside – another one of the reasons for your restful nap.
   “Umm, I didn’t think about bringing my umbrella.”
   “Me neither.”
   “So, what do we do?”
   “We could stay here and wait it out?”
   “But it’s late and I’m hungry. I bought ingredients to make your favourite.”
   “Then we can only run home since it’s not too far from here?” You looked at Chrollo as if he’d grown a third head.
   “We’re going to get soaked.”
   “I can’t teleport for such long distances, love.” You huffed, looking through the glass door outside. It was warm outside so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad? With a nod you both stepped outside before running. The weather was still warm, even though the rain was chilly. You would’ve felt cold, but honestly? Running in the rain with Chrollo was fun. You felt like a child all over again. And he seemed to be having fun as well, given the smile on his face and the laughter that just made him look so… innocent. At one point, you almost slipped before you were literally swept off your feet by your boyfriend. You really appreciated his strength and speed since you reached your house in a matter of a few minutes, both of you still laughing and struggling to stop.
   “You’re insane, you know that? That was insane!” You said as you rested against the entrance door with Chrollo resting on his side next to you.
   “You love me, despite the insanity of the situation, though, right? And I swept you off your feet, didn’t I?” There was water dripping on the floor and you knew you had to clean it, but you were just glad to finally be home with him so close.
   “Not right now I don’t. What if you tripped and hurt yourself?” Despite the wet clothes on the both of you, Chrollo’s body exuded warmth as he pulled you into his side, both of you shivering from the momentary coldness.
   “But I didn’t. And I would’ve caught myself just in time, no worries. I would’ve taken care of both of us.”
   “Always the gentleman.” He hummed approvingly.
   “Well, this gentleman would like to take a warm shower. How does my lovely partner feel about this idea?”
   “I’d say you just read my mind.”
   “Lead the way, love.” You laughed and pecked his cheek before pulling him towards the bathroom by his hand. If the rest of his time here would be spent like this, you couldn’t wait.
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hyuneytoast · 3 years
Stray Kid’s Cafes || OT8
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Summary || Stray kids if they were to own cafes!
Genre || Fluffff
Word Count || 1.7k
Note || I wrote this at 2am. (And nervous as hell to post this) I thought it was a cute idea (cause my love fore cafes u know & longing to go to one but covid-) buuuuut... if you think it’s written poorly, my excuse: my half awaken mind and questioning sleep schedule. It’s also because I’m used to writing formally rather than this. Enjoy though ヽ(ヅ)ノ
⤑Bang Chan
Inside/Theme: Dark, moody, and very spacious. Plants in macrame and outlets everywhere. Grey concrete tables with chairs of dark wood and black iron. Either lofi or jazz plays in the background. Flooring patched with large black and white honeycomb tiles. Wood of deep and mysterious browns are made for walls. Glass pendants dangle from above. Perfect for relaxing or studying. Even more perfect to visit on rainy days.
Hours: 9am - 2am
Menu: Cinnamon rolls, espresso, frappes, omelets, sandwiches, croissants (plain or chocolate), salads, raspberry scones, hot chocolate
It’s like your presence just sparked something in Chan. You were a frequent customer, so not only Chan, but other employees recognize you. It just so happened that this day was the day Chan felt braver than others. When you went up to the counter and ordered a hot latte, it was the beginning of an endless exchangement of (cringey) pickup lines. And they were all based on coffee... “If you were coffee grounds, you'd be espresso 'cause you're so fine.” (oh dear god-) The both of you realizing you don’t have all the time in the world, you finish your order but Chan refuses you to pay with money. “Giving me your number sounds like a fairer trade.” And also, starting from this day, would always be some  note or saying written on the cup sleeve of your coffee.
Inside/Theme: Cat Cafe! Small white stools and square tables. Windows as the walls with window sills where cats sleep. Cat toys scattered everywhere. Mini houses with beds and staircases hung on the walls. Like an indoor cat community. In the center is a giant wooden structure in the shape of a tree for cats to climb. Each one has a name. You receive a free slice of cake if you remember each cat’s name. 50% of the treats on display are just for the cats. (And of course, every cat there is up for adoption!!)
Hours: 8am - 10pm
Menu: Shortcakes, blueberry muffins, fruit sandwiches, cookies, lattes (with latte art of cats ofc), mochas, bagels, banana bread.
Scenario || You find a cat wandering the streets and get a hold of it, calling the number displayed on its tags. You eventually return it to the cafe. As a thank you, Minho freely gives you a treat off the menu and a free session with the cats. You two make time fly with endless conversations of your guys love for cats and his opinion on why cats should rule over humans and the entire world. When you're at home later that night, it’s 2am. Turns out Minho saved your number when you called for the loose cat earlier because he sent you photos of his own 3 cats. Many photos. And one with him and a funny/weird filter.
Inside/Theme || Open and welcoming, very convenient. A cafe kiosk placed in a park, sheltered by the tall swaying trees and surrounded by the small patches of blossoms. The kiosk is made of tan wood, outlined and roofed with black. The cafe space has a stretched out wooden platform next to it. Above is a wooden frame wrapped in string lighting. Iron benches and long tables. The experience is even more enjoyable during spring. 
Hours || 9am - 11pm
Menu || Iced tea, matcha crepe cakes, sandwiches, mocha bread rolls, raspberry lemonade, cappuccinos, ice cream (of many flavors).
Scenario || You should’ve known it was going to rain today. It’s like the huge grey clouds were trying to warn you through the whole morning. Before the pour, though, you strolled through the park and saw the cafe kiosk and let me tell you, those mocha bread rolls sounded good (especially on a chilly day). While sitting on the benches next to the cafe enjoying the mocha rolls, you feel the sky spitting on you and it only gets more aggressive. You look around and see everyone has an umbrella. Except you. Changbin invites you to wait out the rain inside his cafe kiosk (which you gladly accept). He also notices your joy from the mocha bread rolls and decides to show you how he makes it. It was messy (since your lack of baking skills were definitely no help), but fun for the both of you.
Inside/Theme || A neat and cozy atmosphere dipped in traveling dreams. Walls displayed with plants draping to its heart content and photos of sceneries and dogs (which Hyunjin gladly took and displayed himself). Low tables painted with faint hues of grey, placed against the walls. Linen lounges and small glass vases of baby breaths. Large windows with window sills lined with fuzzy pillows. Towards the back, a small staircase leading to a wooden platform holding up bookshelves.
Hours || 10am - 12am
Menu || Americanos, strawberry crepe cakes, savory crepes, honey toast, fruit tarts, fresh strawberry milk, paninis, strawberry mousse.
Scenario ||  You’re roaming the section where the bookshelves are. Hands drifting across the aligned books and head pondering what to read. You look next to your side, taking note of Hyunjin suddenly talking to you. He asks about your favorite genres to read. He also recommends you some of his favorite literature (which you eventually discover that majority of them are poems/stories of romance) and says it be fun to read them together, along with his treat of fresh strawberry milk. Reading sessions and strawberry milk became a weekly routine for the two of you.
Inside/Theme || Shelves of pastries for you to grab and put on a tray. Filled with an aroma of sweet coffee. Simple tables and benches made of deep browns. White counters tiled with a large honeycomb pattern. Walls are of a light grey. Next to windows are woven hanging chairs with cute cartoon animal characters. On the counter is a jar of stick props for photos ‘cause why not.
Hours || 9:30am - 10pm
Menu || Cheesecake (of many different flavors), chocolate cake, iced americanos, croissants, cake rolls, custard bread, cream puffs, egg tarts, tirimisu.
Scenario || You ordered a few slices of cheesecakes after asking Jisung which ones he recommended. It was quite obvious he loved cheesecake more than anything and of course you couldn’t order just one flavor! Along with the few cheesecakes, You also ordered an americano. After receiving your drink (and cheesecake), you found a small note taped on the cup: “If you want more cheesecake suggestions, ask me anytime!” Below was a doodle of a squirrel and his phone number. AND maybe... just maybe... You take a photo of your cheesecakes to show your friend and Jisung ends up photobombing half of the photos you took (with some of the props from the counter). And of course you don’t notice until your friend starts spamming you about the guy in the background.
Inside/Theme || A video game cafe, sells mainly bubble tea. Very homey with couches and bean bag chairs. A few TVs hooked up to the Switch. Simple patterned rugs and walls of a faint blue. Cute cartoon stickers displayed on walls and concrete counters. White shelves of board games. 
Hours || 8am - 11:30pm
Menu || Bubble tea, brownies, cookies (of many kinds), bubble waffles, banana pudding, toast (sweet & savory), pancakes.
Scenario || You enter the cafe when it’s empty. You order a treat of your choice and make your way to play the Switch. With no other customer around, Felix decides it won’t hurt to take an extra break and play with you. (To beat you in a game or more of Super Smash Bros to be specific.) 1 game turned into countless that you both even lost track of your scores. And perhaps he got too distracted and almost missed the growing line waiting at the counter. But! Weekly video game tournaments between the two of you became something to look forward to. And maybe the two of you decided to play UNO one day and boy did the game put the two of you in a pit of raging hell.
Inside/Theme ||  A comforting, more on the minimalistic side cafe. White brick walls, light grey flooring, and high beamed ceilings. Black pendant lights hanging, painting the cafe in light hues of honey. Long high tables with tall iron stools. Small potted succulents aligned on the table. White marble counters and pastries displayed in glass cake stands. 
Hours || 7:30am - 10:30pm
Menu || Lattes, croissant sandwiches, chocolate mousse dogs, crepes (sweet and savory), lemon poundcake, biscuits with peach jam, homemade soups.
Scenario || Lets just say your day has been extremely hectic. For a cure, a treat from your favorite cafe sounds like a good plan. Though, you end up entering the cafe five minutes after closing hours. Great. Seungmin, who is inside cleaning up one of the tables, notices (and also recognizes you’re the frequent customer he has gotten to be friends with over his shifts). He unlocks the door and happily lets you stay after hours. You have latte (which Seungmin actually draws a happy face on the cream) and a chocolate mousse dog while chatting with Seungmin. Thanks to Seungmin’s constant invitations, late orders and chats ended up becoming regular.
Inside/Theme || Low platform seating and low round tables. Small jars of fairy lights and daisies. Background music is either lofi or indie. Walls of a comforting dark green and floors of dark wood. Framed cute doodles and warm signs decorate the walls. High ceilings with gold lamps hanging. 
Hours || 7:30am - 9pm
Menu || Milk bread, milkshakes, taiyaki (with different fillings), taro crepe cakes, fruit tea with popping boba, soufflé pancakes.
Scenario || You know that broken or no internet connection running dinosaur game (if not look it up and it’ll literally change ur life.)? Well, you brought your laptop to study but surely a game or two won’t be a big deal. And maybe playing also lended time to mentally prepare yourself just to ask for the wifi password. When Jeongin came to serve your cake order (a taro crepe cake or any crepe cake is a must try in life), he places the plate next to you and begins to speak as he notices your screen (where you keep running into pterodactyls and failing). And no, he wasn’t giving you the wifi password. “Can I try?” Beating each other’s high scores, still no wifi, and chatting. That’s how the rest of the afternoon went. (With Jeongin taking a break every now and then to help the customers of course.)
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jeonggukkiepabo · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Soulmates are a common thing. Everyone has one. Some people think soulmates are the greatest gift fate could give, others are envious about happy couples that were lucky enough to receive a wonderful partner. One of them was Min Yoongi. Your time to meet your significant other hasn’t come yet, stumbling into the tattoo parlor with a simple idea in mind, not knowing that you will be bound to step by more often. When you leave for the first time, you’ll go home with your masterpiece of a tattoo.
When you leave for the second time, you’ll go home with not only one, but two soulmates.
The man that was supposed to be your only soulmate, the one that never wanted to tell you that he woke up with the exact same koi karp tattoo just sits and watches - until he can’t take the pain anymore.
GENRE: Soulmate!Au
PAIRINGS: Y/N x Taehyung / Y/N x Jungkook / Taehyung x Jungkook / Taehyung x Jimin / Jungkook x Jimin / Hoseok x Seokjin / Y/N x Yoongi 
WARNINGS: mentions of anxiety, fluff, kissies, deep talk with yoongi, mentions of heartbreak
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Somehow, it was easier to warm up to Namjoon and Jimin than you thought in the beginning. It’s a weird feeling, growing comfortable around basically strangers, but it feels like you’ve known them since forever. Thinking about it now, you’d totally agree to what Jungkook and Taehyung said before: a bond isn’t something random and that it’s impossible to ignore it. To you, it feels just right, without any further explanations needed. You even stopped wondering why you always feel so at ease when one of your mates is around, why any fears seem meaningless when you’re with them.
Because you couldn’t be happier about the bond you shared with your four… now boyfriends. Your soulmates. The loves of your life. Of course, everything is still new for you and the group’s dynamics are still confusing to you, but as Jimin once said: you’ve got time. Things are getting easier every day and everything is falling into place slowly, allowing you to feel lighter every day. 
Soon enough, your spare days are consisting of either hanging around at the tattoo parlour or drawing in the bakery to at least spend some time with Jimin and Hoseok. You’ve grown closer to the latter, lucky to have a neutral person to talk to, someone unbiased when it comes to your lovelife.
He’s incredibly funny and you’d never complain about his teasing jokes, because you’re not the only victim; he’s unstoppable and your four boyfriends are his favorite target for his bickering. And Hoseok himself could only describe you with one word: endearing. He loves seeing you smile, loves to be the reason for your adorable reactions. The red haired man knows that he adores people way too much for his own sake, but you’re definitely one of a kind. He almost feels a soft lightning of jealousy whenever he notices how differently you brighten up once one of your soulmates comes into sight, but he’s quick to remind himself that he has an adorable soulmate on his own.
Hoseok even created a special cupcake flavor for you - a cotton candy cupcake with bubblegum frosting, pink and blue, melting on your tastebuds. 
“Hobi those are amazing!” You smile as you lick the frosting off your cupcake, sprinkles sticking to your nose as you do so. Hoseok grins, shrugging his shoulders as he places another one in front of you. “I know right? The bubblegum frosting kills it! This one is the last, though. I don’t want to feed you cupcakes all day long. They aren’t going to be special to you any longer if you keep eating several of them every day.”You pout, looking over to your boyfriend to save you. Surely someone will make Hobi cave right? No one can resist you; you always end up having what you want. 
“But I like your cupcakes, Hobi! Jimin, tell him that cupcakes are good for me. Some people might need vitamins, but I need cupcakes to live!” Jimin laughs, eyes disappearing as he holds up his hands in defence. Goodness, can you get any cuter? He can’t believe that their soulmate can be such a child sometimes. You’re worse than Jungkook and Taehyung and the three of you can become a dangerous trio.
“I can’t help it, peaches.” He walks over to you, bending down slightly to match your height. Then, he licks one fat stripe across your nose. 
“Jimin!” You screech at the disgustingly wet feeling, but your boyfriend just giggles, licking his lips slowly. 
“You had frosting on your nose, I couldn’t help it. Even though I have to say that I’m not a fan of the bubblegum.” He wiggles his eyebrows and you giggle quietly despite the sticky feeling not leaving your face.
“Yah! No sex in my bakery, Jimin go and do some dishes, mop the floor or do whatever you usually do at work!” Jin chimes in, gently slapping the back of Jimin’s head. You can’t help but laugh out loud as you notice Jimin’s dejected expression. He glares at you slightly, whilst you wiggle your eyebrow just like he did before. You get his “wait until we’re alone” message clearly and think that you might have to run away before his shift is done otherwise you might be in for a complicated time later.
“Karma, Minie. Thanks, Oppa! How are you doing, Jinnie? I haven’t seen you around in a while.” You smile sweetly, trying to distract him from your boyfriend before he gives him more work. The eldest sighs dramatically, showing you all the boxes he just carried inside the bakery. 
“I spent the weekend in my hometown to see my family, but also went to this kind of coffee expo, that’s where I got all that new stuff, coffee beans with rose aroma, different oils to infuse the coffee and pastry and even some of those little sprinkles Hoseok loves using - but those glow in the dark!”
You scrunch your nose worriedly. “Are those healthy?”
“Yah! Who cares about health if you can have cupcakes that glow in the dark? Sometimes you’re the worldwide funny girl, Y/N.” 
Jin laughs and shakes his head as he continues to carry the boxes into the storage room, mumbling how exciting those sprinkles are and that they were worth every cent. A big smile is plastered on your face and you’re sure it won’t fade anytime soon as you feel a warm sensation spreading through your entire body. This is one of your new safe places. You don’t know a lot about Seokjin and Hoseok, but they are possibly the nicest men you ever met (excluding your soulmates) and you often find yourself speaking with the two men, spending some quality time with them in the café. It feels like you’re a little family and you can’t help but giggle at the image that is now stuck in your mind; Jin being the loving grandma whilst Hoseok is the chaotic father that doesn’t even know his children’s friends' names.
“Hobi, please don’t put them on my cupcakes. I think Yoongi would love them though, they match his personality and that way you can test if they’re harmful or not.” You wink at the couple as you start collecting your belongings and shoving them into your backpack before returning your cup and plate to Jimin. 
“Thanks, Minnie. I’ll see you tonight, right?” You press a kiss onto his lips before turning around to Hoseok. 
“Hobi, help your man, you don’t have those strong arms for nothing! Thanks for the cupcake, I hope there’ll be more tomorrow!” Hobi laughs, shaking his head as he hands you a small bag of pastries for the boys in the parlour. You smile quickly before leaving. Jimin sighs behind, already missing your comforting presence.
“You have a lovely soulmate Jimin-ah.” Jimin perks up at the mention of you and he giggles quietly. Hoseok smiles at him, happy to see his friend so joyful, breathing happiness. Jimin has been glowing recently, and Hoseok knows who is responsible; and to be honest, he can’t really blame him.
“She’s the best”.
The days at the parlour are the most thrilling ones because Jungkook couldn’t stop suggesting to tattoo you, even if he’d only get to tattoo small little designs in hidden places. In the beginning, you were strictly against it, but his round doe-eyes combined with the adorable pout made it almost impossible to say no. And boy he knows it. He knows how to use his charms to make you cave in. So one day, you indeed gave in. 
“Fine,” you sighed, “but make me a small dinosaur, I want something cute on my ankle.” 
Firstly, he’s overjoyed that you said yes but then he replays the sentence in his mind and the thought is not so attractive anymore. Jungkook sighs, stomping his boot-cled foot on the floor. 
“A small dinosaur? Why not something more.. dangerous?” 
He can’t help but imagine you covered in his arts, only the prettiest pieces for you, and he can’t explain how much the thought arouses him. It has-scratch that-you have an effect on him that he can’t really comprehend. But… Come on, a small dinosaur? He expected better from you.
“I’m not dangerous, honey. I can still ask Yoongi to tattoo me one, though. If you’re not up for a challenge…” Smirking, you wait until he reacts, knowing that Jungkook would never say no to a challenge. 
But what’s making him silently snap is not really the challenge but the thought of someone else accessing your skin. No. He’s not going to allow that; it’s either him or Tae, but no one else. 
Behind you, Yoongi’s head pops out of the room he’s currently tattooing in. 
“I’d say no as well, I hate those minimalist tattoos,” he replies before closing the door again, leaving you more than confused.
Once you look back to Jungkook, he already prepared some small designs despite his complaints. There is no way he is letting someone else tattoo your perfect skin, so he prepared a little t-rex, a stegosaurus and a cute little triceratops. 
“The last one, the last one!” You clap your hands, excited for the new addition on your body. Jungkook grumbles, moving towards the desk to prepare a stencil.
“Get a girlfriend they said, it’ll be fun they said. Tae would never want a dinosaur tattoo from me.”
You frown, eyebrow raised as you look over to your boyfriend. 
“Are you saying you regret being my mate? Because last night when you had your dick between my boo-” 
“I didn’t say anything, calm down.” Jungkook rolls his eyes as he comes back to you again, pulling you into his own little tattoo corner. Sometimes you’re more dramatic than Jimin and he doesn’t know if he thinks it’s endearing or just slightly annoying. Usually, he goes for the first one.
Small tattoos were soon enough a weekly thing for you, sometimes Taehyung chimed in with an idea but it were mostly some scribbles from Jungkook’s sketchbook that caught your eye and were inked into your skin a few hours later. If the first dinosaur hadn’t really thrilled Jungkook, he began to adore these little additions to your skin somehow all fitting together. The two boys were getting protective of you and what you were getting on your skin, debating where and what to tattoo to make sure the whole would look pretty on you.
One day, Jungkook is just getting started to tattoo a little moon onto your wrist, next to the sun that he gave you last week when Yoongi comes into the parlour, cupcake and coffee in his hands. His eyes meet yours and for a second you see so many different feelings swirling in his orbs that you feel slightly uncomfortable, even with your boyfriend next to you. 
“Y/N, again? Sometimes I wish I wouldn’t have pulled you into the parlour. Don’t you have a workplace to be or another one of your several boyfriends to annoy? Jungkook, you need to charge her for all that material at some point, I’m not shitting money.”  The shop owner scoffs as he places his breakfast onto the front desk. You smile, ignoring his snarky remarks, because by now you know that all he does is bark but not bite. Yet, the gloomy feeling you have is not leaving your skin and you shiver for a second. Jungkook’s eyes snap to yours, worry written all over his features. You soothe him down as you feel his questions through the bond. Does he think he hurt you even though he still has not started the tattoo? 
“Oh, you got a cupcake from Hobi-oppa? Wait, is that the special one he makes for his friend? Poor soul, his friend didn’t pick it up again?” Jungkook giggles, having to pause the tattoo gun for a second to look at his Hyung’s reaction. He knows who the friend is and your confusion is just peak comedy. 
If only you knew what you had started.
Yoongi shoots him a warning glare before mumbling a “I’m the friend, you idiot”. It takes you a few seconds to understand what he just said and you realize why Jungkook is a giggling mess by now. 
Hoseok’s friend is Yoongi. 
Yoongi and Hoseok know each other and Yoongi picks up cupcakes on a regular basis even though he told you he wasn’t one for sweets. 
“You’re friends with Hobi? I’m sorry I didn’t know it was you otherwise I wouldn't have been that rude.” You smile sheepishly even though the blonde man seems to be ignoring you. “That’s so unexpected though, you’re grumpy and he’s a sunshine. I wouldn’t have guessed it, you must make an interesting pair. When worlds collide, huh” you chuckle as you watch Jungkook finishing the last line. “Thanks, bub!” You press a quick kiss onto his lips before he wraps your wrist, then you’re done. He knows that Yoongi is about to say more; the older is unable to finish a conversation without making sure that he has the last word, especially when it comes to Hoseok. Jungkook is not one to get involved where he shouldn’t, but sometimes he has questions that are burning his tongue even if she succeeds in keeping everything for himself. 
What you don’t hear is the painful sound coming from Yoongi as he watches you and Jungkook’s  bond playing games with him again. He’s been trying to deny that the bond hurt him when he sees you with someone else, but sometimes, it stings a little bit too much for him to ignore it. Your tattoo was still there, even after you accepted your other mates, so who was he kidding? He wasn’t even enough for you, he couldn’t replace any of those young men - not that he wanted to. You were annoying, too gigglish and beaut- always there, you were always there. Whether it’s the bakery or their parlour, your scent, your laugh and your voice are everywhere. It follows Yoongi and he hates every second of it. Sometimes he feels like Edward when he met Bella for the first time. Not that Yoongi watched Twilight. No. He has… just heard of it.
You are everywhere and he hates it. He truly wishes he had not dragged you into his shop because now you’re not leaving even though he’s doing everything to avoid you. 
But why does he even want you to be bothered? It's not like you mean anything to him, he has no reasons to expect a reaction from you right? Especially since you found other soulmates, far better than him apparently. You even spend more time with Seokjin and Hoseok than with him anyway. 
“Yeah, I’ve known him for quite some time now. Free coffee and cupcakes from time to time are a nice thing to enjoy.” 
Quite some time, sure, Yoongi thinks. What about your teenage years that you were inseparable? The crush you’ve had on him for ages? The one drunk kiss you shared the night before you turned 18? That drunk kiss could’ve activated the soulmate bond, but you chickened out and ran away like a baby, it’s your loss, bastard. Seokjin used his chance and what happened after that was obvious.
Yoongi turns his back to you to take a deep breath, his oversized shirt slowly moving down his shoulder and exposing his neck before he can do anything against it. He realizes his mistake a little bit too late even though he’s quick to turn around again, looking for any sign in each Jungkook’s and your face - obviously both of you realized something. He sees the confusion melting into a frown on your face and he cannot meet your eyes. This is happening, isn’t it?
“Why do we have the same tattoo, Yoongi?” 
The fact that he doesn’t even bother to answer is making you angry. Why the fuck does he has the same tattoo? You’re 100% sure of what you just saw, you look at this tattoo every morning before getting dressed. You know the lines by heart and it is not possible for you to mistake it by any means.
So why the fuck does he have your tattoo copied on his skin? Reasons and possibilities are flying through your racing and furious mind. You already imagine the worst. Maybe one of the boys even helped him? He cannot reach this place by himself. It means that someone else did it for him. Did one of your very own soulmates betray you like that? “I drew it myfuckingself and now you’re running around with a cheap copy of it? Who did it, Jungkook!” You’re on your feet, getting closer to the young man at a dangerously slow pace. Jungkook blinks at the sudden call of his name “Tell me. Did you or Taehyung help him?” He tilts his head obviously confused by what you are saying and it only angers you more. Is he playing dumb now? You know a tattoo when you see one and even though it’s not your job, you’re well aware that the place of the tattoo is not one someone can reach alone. Someone had to help. 
Jungkook is getting mad too as he starts pulling the puzzle together but he sighs, shaking his head. You are his priority, he has to get you to calm down first. You are a team, not against each other. “Neither Tae nor I knew about this, I’m as shocked as you are, love. We wouldn’t have done that, I promise you. A tattoo is far too personal for us to do something this low. Now though,” Jungkook glares at Yoongi, hands slowly balling into fists, obviously understanding what’s going on. Yoongi just smirks at him, happy to piss the younger off. “Don’t act up, Jungkook.”
At least Yoongi has the upper hand for now and if he can take a little advantage out of it, then he will. The angry face of Jungkook is too good to pass the opportunity. Though, Yoongi does not dare meet your eyes; he fears what he’s going to see if he does. 
“Act up? Why? What’s going on?” But both of them ignore you and this is only rilling you up. 
“You have some guts Yoongi, you still didn’t answer me!” You almost growl, looking at the white haired man whose lips are still holding that sassy smirk. He’s still not looking at you and the fact that he is ignoring you is pissing you off greatly. Who does he think he is?
“You knew about that and didn’t think it would be important to tell her?” Jungkook gets no answer so he goes on “you know what could’ve happened and yet, you didn’t tell her? She could’ve been in so much pain, you could have hurt her, don’t you fucking care at least a little? You rejected your mate without even telling her about it you fucking son of a bitch!” With one big jump, Jungkook was right in front of Yoongi, hitting him right into the stomach. 
But then, you realize it. The tattoo appeared on his skin because it became the link between you and him. Your bond reached him through the tattoo. 
Yoongi is your fucking soulmate and he obviously rejected you as he never talked to you about and seemed to be actively avoiding you. The thought alone causes you to shiver. You failed as a mate before even being given the chance to prove yourself.
You laugh darkly as your fears finally become reality. Four perfect mates who loved you and accepted you for who you were? This was only a story you find in books, not in reality.
 No, in reality you have five mates and one would rather be risking both of your lives (thus risking all of the others as well) than to try to speak to you about it. Your voice is caught in your throat when you realize that you’ve also put your four other mates in danger because of this. If you’d come to lose the bond with them, it could damage their bonds with each other and most probably could hurt them physically and mentally as well. The tears are hard to swallow, but you have to for now. You want to vomit when you remember what you’ve been told about mates rejecting their other halves. It’s unfair how your bond is manifesting only now when it never did even though it reached for Yoongi’s. Because it hurts so much you wish you had felt the pain before, just for it not to hurt as much as it does right now. 
You’re not really sure where the pain comes from but you’re lightheaded when you look at both men again. You see Yoongi on the floor and Jungkook’s rage is flagrant on his features. You never saw him that angry. You’re almost concerned for a few seconds but you laugh bitterly in your head. 
Are you that pathetic that one of your mates had to punch someone for you?
Even though Jungkook’s move is well deserved - and makes you feel somewhat better, because he seems to feel the anger you’re feeling as well - this isn’t his fight. You’re not one to enjoy fights. 
That’s not what you wanted.
Why have you been tied to all of them? It feels unfair. You’re only destroying what they have and not adding anything positive. Just looking at what is happening now, you only brought chaos.
Yoongi might not want you as a soulmate, that’s his own choice. It hurts, sure, but this has nothing to do with Taehyung or Jungkook because the tattoo happened before you were a thing. And now you’ve involved both of them, hurting both in the process and almost putting them in danger because of your bonds. You can’t let that continue, you have to find a way to stop everything.
Once you get a hold on Jungkook and are face to face with Yoongi’s cocky smirk, you can’t help the urge to just smack him across the cheek, tears spilling from your eyes before you leave into the locker room, knowing that Taehyung was just about to finish his break.
This is what Yoongi wanted, so this is what he gets. 
You have to leave, you have to find another place to be because you can’t breathe correctly. You feel Jungkook reaching through the bond but you’re trying your everything to refuse him access. How do you cut a bond without hurting someone? Is that even possible? 
You laugh over your thoughts as you notice that  you are trying to reach for comfort. What are you doing? Are you trying to leave or are you trying to seek for one of your soulmates? What are you trying to do? Feel validated by one of the four men you adore? What if it only made them realize what you are? You’re just a nuisance after all. You keep on ruining what they all have. Do you really deserve to be selfish once again and seek for one of them to comfort you? 
At least you know better than running to Jimin right now, because he would’ve told Namjoon, Namjoon would’ve called Taehyung and Taehyung would… You don’t even know what Taehyung would do, you don't even know what you are doing, you just don’t want to hurt or worry any of them, yet your mind is turning cloudy as you open the door and fall directly into Taehyung’s arms, bond reaching for his instantly. 
You feel pathetic. Running into your soulmates arms as soon as something is going wrong. You’re just going to worry Taehyung, which is going to worry Jimin, who is going to worry Namjoon and- And you can’t think anymore. 
Your mind is racing but you can’t focus anymore. The only good thing about finding Taehyung is that it’s better if he hears about what happened from you, rather than to understand everything by someone else. Besides, it feels a little bit soothing to have him close to you. You feel like you belong somewhere despite… Despite what Yoongi decided for you and for your bond. 
“Angel, what’s wrong? I can feel a lot through the bond, but it’s… Quite negative, what is happening?” Taehyung whispers as he strokes your hair carefully, embracing you in a warm hug that soothes your hazy mind a bit, but everything still feels suffocating. You just hope that your feelings aren’t fully communicated through the bond because you’re probably setting everyone in panic if so. You can’t contain your words but your labored breathing makes it difficult to actually explain what is happening right now to your confused soulmate.
 “Yoongi… he has my koi carp tattoo… He didn’t even tell me, god, Tae. Why me? He hates me, he so obviously h-hates me and now he’s mated to me as well? H-He doesn’t even want me and bad things happen to people that don’t accept the bond and it means that you g-guys are in d-danger because of m-me. God I r-ruin everything, I’m a-awful…” 
“Wha- shh, angel, slow down. You’re okay, you’re safe with me, alright? Don’t say those things about yourself, you're perfect sweetheart. You’re not ruining anything” Taehyung has to breathe a few times not to curse loudly and yell some pieces of his mind to his Hyung.
He respects Yoongi a lot, he has always been his mentor. But there are things that he does not tolerate and making his soulmate cry and panic that much is one of them. 
God, he has felt the urgency in his bond; you were trying to desperately find an issue. Had he not had his hands full of ink when the bond started to weigh his whole soul down, he would have flown to the lobby. He feels regretful for not throwing everything away in order to come to you. 
You and Jungkook are both way more precious to him than some disposable things. He knew something was wrong and he had tried to brush it off, thinking that you both were together and thus, nothing could happen to you. He should have followed his bond at the exact moment he felt something. 
Fucking shit, Yoongi is your soulmate? And he said nothing? What if something had happened to you because of his rejection of the bond? 
Taehyung is gritting his teeth; he has to calm down otherwise he’ll never soothe you down either. Yoongi is an asshole. Okay, he didn’t think that he would ever do something that low but he has to focus on you and soothing the ache in the bond. 
He tries to mentally erase the moment you started saying you were an awful soulmate because it is not helping him. He just wants to leave the room and find Yoongi. 
But Taehyung is an adult, he knows that acting rash won’t help.
He’ll get angry at Yoongi later.
“Jungkook is probably talking to him right now, even though I’m… Definitely not the biggest fan of his actions, Yoongi... I don’t really know if he does, but I think that Yoongi might deserve it right now. However, that’s Yoongi’s problem right now. You don’t have to endure it, nor to wait for him. It’s not because he is your soulmate that you have to think of him first, alright? Do you want me to take you home? Away from Yoongi? I don’t have any more clients, I should be doing some sketches but I can do those at yours if you want to. Think of yourself first for once, will you? If you feel like you have things to tell him, then we can stay, but I don’t want you to feel any kind of pressure for an idiot that didn’t even think of you in his decisions.” 
Tae kisses your forehead, but you shake your head no. 
“I have to talk to him about it. I want to know why he hates me so fucking much. Also, I want to return the right of having a soulmate, some people are overwhelmed with just one, now I have 4 and a half!” Taehyung smiles, proud of you. “That’s my baby.” His thumb runs on your cheeks, erasing the tears that escaped. 
“Whatever Yoongi chooses is not your responsibility, alright? It doesn’t change that we have a bond, the five of us and you are with us whatever happens, okay? You are an amazing soulmate, Angel. Don’t doubt it. The one who fucked up is Yoongi. Not you. Yeah?” 
You nod quietly against his palm and he kisses the crown of your head. You don’t feel quite ready to speak with Yoongi but you guess that you deserve to know the truth and the full story. He does owe you that, at least. 
It does surprise you that Jungkook and Yoongi weren’t fighting anymore once you came back into the lobby. Instead, they are seated on the couch and talking quietly, even though it’s more like a whisper-yelling from Jungkook’s side. You don’t really know how to feel, you’re confused and hurt obviously, but you’re going to have to be the bigger person and actually wait for him to explain if he wants to. Taehyung is reaching to you through the bond and you feel slightly more confident. You’ve been overwhelmed with so many feelings that you had begun to think about things that were so far from being the truth. Your mind just kept on escalating until you’d felt like nothing. You’ll have to thank Taehyung for grounding you. 
“Yoongi..?” You shyly ask as you make your way towards them - somehow afraid of the platinum blonde man. Biting your lip, you try to calm your anxiety down for at least the talk, but how could you without knowing how this day would end? 
You could either end up being heartbroken or happier than ever with a new mate, and with the way he always treated you, you don’t really feel like you have another happy ending incoming. It feels more like the start of the end. 
And besides, you thought about him only but Taehyung told you to think of yourself first: would you even accept him if he actually comes to tell you that he wants to pursue something with you? 
Would you let in someone who is not afraid to put everyone’s safety in danger just for selfish reasons? You’re trying to push the thoughts far from you for now. 
Live the moment and see what can happen: whatever happens, you’ll be able to say that you tried your best until the end. 
“Y/N,” Yoongi sighs and looks over to Taehyung, worry written over both their faces. You were just about to speak when Jungkook chimes in. 
“C’mon Tae, let them talk. I’ll explain everything to you.” 
The youngest stands up and presses a soft kiss onto your cheek before taking his boyfriends hand and walks back into the locker room. He sends you one last wink, silently cheering for you and you smile quietly. What do you have to fear when whatever happens, you’ll always have your soulmates cheering for you?
Yoongi swipes his hair out of his face, exposing his stern eyebrows before looking at you. God, he feels like an asshole. He knows that, technically, he has been one, but he never thought it would come to the point that he would knowingly hurt his soulmate. He always hides behind the fact that he’s in love with Hoseok, but that didn’t give him the right to hurt you. He should have at least told you…
“Sit down, please.” His voice is rough, almost exhausted but also sounds… painful? Distressed?
Slowly, you take place next to him, trying not to touch his leg, trying not to touch him at all. You’re still confused if you want to have anything to do with him to be honest with yourself. 
“I’m sorry.” You choke out, barely whispering as you lower your gaze, avoiding his cat-like eyes that are probably full on judging you right now. 
Yoongi tilts his head to the side, watching you confused. 
“Why? You couldn’t have known that this would happen, I couldn’t know - otherwise I wouldn’t be doing that job. I mean, I’m the one that should be apologizing in the first place. I should have handled everything differently, and the only thing that I can do now is to explain, but… Yeah, the thing is, I don’t believe in soulmates.” He quiets down for a short amount of time, creating a break between his words to gauge your reaction, but you don’t seem to be that surprised.
For some reason, it doesn’t sit well with him. He knows he has done enough damages but he wishes for a reaction rather than your expressionless face. “I don’t think that fate should be the one to select your forever and always, do you get what I mean? Of course, I’m pissed about the fact that I got mated to you, but it’s not you that makes me hate being mated. You have done nothing wrong and I’ve been taking my frustrations out on you, and I know it’s wrong but... It’s just… I’m in love with some fucking stupid red haired baker that loves to add too many star-sprinkles on top of cupcakes and…” It clicks too easily in your mind as those words leave his mouth. It doesn’t excuse him, but you finally understand why everything has been this way.
“You’re… You’re in love with Hobi...” You didn’t expect it yourself, but a big grin takes place on your face as you clap your hands excitedly. Just the fact that you finally understand what is going on is making you- not really happy but - something along the lines. Once more, Yoongi is confused, it’s not the reaction he thought he would get. Not at all.
“Yes, but…  Shouldn’t you be mad or jealous or something? I mean, not that I expect you to be, I’ve been nothing but an ass to you, but, that’s how I felt once you got mated to Taehyung and Jungkook, even though it’s my own fault… If I hadn’t changed your appointment…” 
He catches how your glance suddenly changes at this information. You don’t seem to be mad, nor surprised, but you’re acknowledging what he says, as if you had already considered this idea. “Anyways, I mean…  Aren’t you mad that I don’t want to be your mate?” 
You shrug your shoulders, not sure what to answer. It’s quite a dumb question. Of course you are. Of course you are hurt. It feels like you’re not good enough for him. But… You try to understand his side, and you're not sure how you would feel if you had been in love with someone for like, forever, and you suddenly have to accept and love someone else. It seems like something that you would have had a hard time carrying yourself, so who are you to judge him, or to be mad at him? 
“It’s rude, I guess. It doesn’t make me feel like I’m the most wanted human on earth for sure. It kind of feels like I suck so much that my own soulmate doesn’t feel like they can care or love me. So, the question is kind of easy to answer, I’d rather say that it stings, but who am I to be mad at you? I see your point of view and I’ve already got four mates that are caring and loving - three more mates than I thought I’d have. I never thought that I would have more than one soulmate. I’m always surrounded with love when I’m with them, so I'd say that knowing that there’s another man running around with my tattoo - a tattoo that means so much to me - is just overwhelming, knowing that you don’t want me as a soulmate hurts, but I’ll get over it if that’s what you choose, we’ll just have to be careful with our health because I’m not putting my mates’ safety in danger for you own comfort. Maybe we are soulmates to understand things and not to live them together. It does happen sometimes. I do agree with you, fate shouldn’t be the one to decide - but in our case, fate is just suggesting who to choose, don’t you think so? You decided against choosing me and we are still alive. Besides, I don’t…,” You seem to hesitate for a second, “I don’t feel a bond between us and you probably don’t feel that either.” 
You feel a bit bitter to lie like that. You didn’t feel it until today. Until you realized who he was to you. But you guess that you shouldn't try to make him change his decision. 
“But I do.” Yoongi whispers, finally looking up from the hole in his jeans. 
He tries to read you, but you’re not easily opening up anymore. He feels like it’s his fault, but he still sees that glimmer of hope inside of your eyes, and trustfully, it kills him, because he just wants to give in right now. Yoongi wants to be held, to be loved, anything. 
He just wants to feel. If he doesn’t accept you, would he ever get another chance again? Would there be another human soul accepting his own broken one?
“I fucking do feel bonded to you, Y/N. That’s the problem. I don’t want to smile whenever I feel you around. I don’t want to feel happy when I see your smile. And I don’t want to suffer just because I see you kissing Taehyung or Jungkook - even if you smile at them instead of me, it hurts. I want to be loved, I want to love. But the only person that exists for me is Hoseok. I’ve loved him since I was 16, but fucking fate destroyed  - I mean, not destroyed, wrong choice of words but - my chance of being mated to him disappeared for me that day. The man I’m in love with is mated to someone else, and now even I’m mated to someone else. How do you think it feels like to be rejected by the only person you’ve been interested in? And then there’s your soulmate, you’re supposed to love her, to be everything she’s waiting for, to care and be there for her and a month later she’s suddenly mated to four other men. What does the fabulous fate want me to do? Get into a polyamorous relationship with four men and one woman? Being not the third but the sixth wheel? I don’t think so.” 
You nod, slowly understanding his issues because that’s how you felt just a few weeks ago. From your dreams of a soulmate that would be your one and unique love, to your new reality composed of four men, who are absolutely amazing, do not kid yourself but, it’s so different from anything you thought would happen. It took you some time to accept what was happening, to accept four men who you’re supposed to be a lost part of their soul. 
You don’t really like the idea of being broken without your soulmates, but it feels just right when you’re with them. In a way, you understand why people came to say that. Because it’s so powerful that it’s hard to define it differently. 
Just like how Yoongi said that fate destroyed his chances with Hobi. 
You understand. Because it’s overwhelming, it’s new. It feels like no one can help you out. However, you have your soulmates. It’s been the five of you to get through it and to start your relationship. Yoongi on his side, he has no one to talk to. 
So, honestly? You understand him, as weird as it sounds. Even you, at some point, think that it isn’t right, that you shouldn’t be so understanding: you should be mad. You even thought about rejecting him if he wanted to pursue anything with you after all of that but now all your anger seems to have faded away. 
Yoongi was expecting it from you too. But no. You aren’t. You’re just glad that he finally decided to talk and to stop running away from you. You don’t want to prevent him from doing anything, you just want to be here for him, at least. He is not alone, and he will always be able to count on you. Maybe you’re meant to be soulmates in a… friendzone kind of way.
“I know, Yoongi. I get it, don’t worry. I mean, I probably should be mad, but I understand. I don’t want to force you into anything, you are your own person with your own belief and choices. I’m not your soulmate to berate you, or to be annoying or whatever. You’re just, not alone in this, you know? I don’t want you to feel like you have to do anything with me or to get involved with me- but don’t you think you deserve love? Because... I think you do. Maybe love is what you need to get rid over the thought of Hobi being out of your reach? You need love to start a life where you only care about what the future holds, someone that helps to pull you out of that dark place. Crying and being upset over his bond with Jin won’t make your life easier. It would actually be the other way around. Maybe you need to let go, Yoongi. And once again, I’m not asking you to accept us. I mean, we don’t even know if you’re meant to be with the four other men in my life, and I know that Jungkook and Taehyung might not be your types, I thought so too when I realized that Jimin and Namjoon were a part of this too, but I gave them a chance, and I think that one chance might change everything. You already know all of them and I think that it is safe to believe that your two coworkers are your closest friends by now. You trust them, you take care of them even though you might not want to accept that. The bond doesn’t feel like we are forced to love each other, okay? It just happened and I don’t regret it. But it’s your decision, Yoongi. And I won’t take it away from you, just know that if you ever decide to accept me, accept us, then-” 
And then, he kisses you.
Yoongi kisses differently from what you would have expected. He wasn’t soft, shy or holding back anything. His kisses are hungry, frustrated and maybe a little bit aggressive.
This time, the bond didn’t feel like fireworks or butterflies in your stomach, it was more like an explosion full of bad energy that rushed over into your body. 
Yoongi grabs your face, pulling you even closer and as you put your hands on his cheeks, you feel them. Tears are spilling out of his eyes, the feeling of being complete finally settling into your bodies. It is amazing how a simple action holds so many consequences and feelings. It feels like you did something amazing, while you just kissed.
Once Yoongi breaks the kiss, he pulls you onto his lap, hugging you tightly whilst his body still slightly shakes from being overwhelmed. 
“It’s alright, Yoongi. We’re here, we’re together. You have all of us on your side,” you coo, trying to calm him down as you run your finger through his messy hair. 
He’s not alone, he has never been but if he never realized it and you’re going to change that. He’s going to be loved and cherished as much as he lets you. 
You’ll give him anything, you know it sounds desperate, but you feel so much for him. Goodness, he changed everything upside down in one kiss and one talk. 
You kind of hate it, but at the same time, it feels right. Maybe Yoongi is in it to prove to you that fate doesn’t do it all. You have to fight for your mates too. You can’t be given everything, love and trust is something that you gain. 
You’re starting to feel exhausted because of the ride you just did. You went from anger to pain, to despair, to anger again, to shyness, to compassion and finally you’re here, hugging your missing soulmate. 
“I’m so fucking sorry,” Yoongi whispers, eyes still spilling tears onto your shirt. “I treated you like shit, yet here you are, ready to soothe my pain.”
“Don’t, Yoongi. That was the past. Now we’re here. The healing begins.” You smile soothingly as his arms wrap tightly around you. He keeps on letting apologies fall from his lips and you don’t think that he listens to you when you tell him to stop. He doesn’t need to apologize, you understand him. However, if he feels like he has to, you’ll let him. You’ll give him all the reassurances he needs to walk further with you. 
Seconds later, Jungkook and Taehyung run back into the lobby, eyes wide and lips parted in shock. “What happened, Y/N? I just got a love boner and that wasn’t because Tae and I were basically-” 
“Oh, fuck it, Jungkook,” Tae groans. Then, his eyes fall on you and Yoongi, still embraced in a tight hug.
“Fuck, you did it, love.” His smile was generous, heartwarming and you just know he isn’t mad about the fact that you decided to love one more person. 
Quite the contrary, Taehyung is a perceptive man. He doesn’t really want to tell anyone, but he had known it. He knew it would end up like that, and he can’t wait for the time when you and all your soulmates will be able to be together and walk toward a better future. On the other side, Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, disbelief visible in his eyes. 
“Yoongi, the fuck? You just said that you would never want her, minutes later you’re having her on your lap? Wow.” You feel the jealousy that washes over Jungkook, the boy doesn’t like sharing you, you are his baby, his best friend and his mate. He was fine that you were being mated to his soulmates, but Yoongi doesn’t belong to him. 
He doesn’t know if he would want him to be his as well, or if he’s just jealous that you give love to someone else, especially someone that just made you cry. Taehyung told him how he found you and Jungkook was not happy. Either way, he doesn’t like it too much.
“Jungkook,” you sigh as you press a chaste kiss on top of Yoongi’s hair before sitting down next to him, patting the free spot. “Can you guys sit down? We should probably talk.”
After all of you talked and came down from the emotional roller coaster, the atmosphere was much calmer. 
“I’m not kissing any of you, just to make that clear.” Yoongi looks at the two men, scrunching his nose in disgust. 
“I wouldn’t want to kiss you anyway.” Jungkook mumbles, earning a kick against his shin from you. “Stop it, Jungkook. You’re gay as fuck and Yoongi is good looking, of course you want to kiss him. I would,” Taehyung shrugs as he grins at the eldest. 
“I’m not gay, I’m bi. There’s a difference, because I like boobies too.” Jungkook pouts, looking at you to help him, but you just laugh, shaking your head. 
“You don’t have to kiss everyone, Jungkook, nor do you have to, Yoongi. It’s fine. Even though I’ve got to tell you that Taehyung is an amazing kisser. But maybe, one day it’ll happen. I didn’t kiss Jimin and Namjoon on the same day I kissed Taehyung and Jungkook either. But we have each other, and that’s what prevails.” 
Yoongi hasn’t felt that complete in a long time, yet here he is: happy. And strangely enough, he can’t wait to see what the future will bring. 
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TAGLIST (hopefully I didn’t forget anyone lmao): @ ithinkileftmycoatoutside  , @ supertweetycherry ,@ rainyinseoul , @ btsismybiass , @ ray-of-sunshine10 , @ littlepinknightmare , @ quiet-anarchist , @ gali-005 , @ barbikatherine , @woosanniepabo ,  @ quiet-giant , @ asifetch7 , @ psiphidragon , @ hxsxxk-180294 , @ tellmeyoulovemepls , @ strawbewwymochii , @ do-you-dream-of-me , @intellectualxprincess​ ,  @yoshiure  ,  @r-e-d-i-s-h, @mirror-juliet​, @moments-of-melancholy​, @ungodlyjoon​, @heartblackerthancoffee​, @i-like-puppy-mg​, @holaaaf​, @peachinnie ,
↬  COLLAB BETWEEN @jeonggukkiepabo​ X @deolly​
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wordynerdygurl · 4 years
Sticky, Sweet
Author’s Note:  I’m so pleased to tell you that this is the first of my 1000 Followers Requests!  Again, how do 1000 people like me enough to read my words?  I don’t know!!  But I love you all!   Also, bless my beta - @sammy-jo1977​ ... she lets me drag her to hell and back, and goes willingly.  Lots of Love, lady! Pairing:  Loki x Female Reader, appearances from many of the Avengers Tower residents Summary:  This was requested by the amazing, adorable and always supportive @alexakeyloveloki​ ... As I hit my milestone, she was having a birthday, and this, I hope will be a gift she’ll enjoy.  You deserve it girl! The request was:  One with Loki and a Curvy Reader where she works in the Tower, maybe the canteen, and people are mean to her and Loki likes her for some odd reason and... smut ensues. I did make some changes, but I hope you’ll enjoy it either way, @alexakeyloveloki​ !! Warnings:  This one might give you a toothache!  There’s smut, but it’s sweet!
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“Uh, yes.  Might I trouble you for a chocolate croissant and… a cappuccino, large, please.”
You knew the owner of that voice without raising your eyes.  Today he was wearing charcoal grey slacks with straight creases all the way down.  A shirt, starched, bright white, with rolled back sleeves revealing the articulate length of his forearms.  All of his dark locks were gathered over his open collar in a low man bun, which is something you had laughed at other men for doing.  Somehow, the tall, trim man in front of you was making it work in a way that made your mouth water.
Flashing him a megawatt smile, full of promise, “My pleasure!  Is there anything else I can get for you?”
“No.  Thank you, though.”, warm and caramel sweet, his response made you melt.
Clearing your throat, struggling to maintain some sense of composure, “A name… for the order?”
“Loki… that’s L, O, K, I…”, his own grin widening at the request.
You knew his name.  He’d been coming to your little dessert cart for months now and every time you asked, just like you did for all of your customers.  And each time he spelled out the letters for you, as if you were taking his order for the first time.  Handing back change only for him to drop it into the tip jar, you let your eyes linger over Loki just a moment more, enjoying the view.
Most of the visitors to Avengers Tower paid you little to no attention.  Outside of offering a cup of joe and a giant cookie, you had no bearing on the day to day business of the super hero syndicate, and that was just fine by you.  Everyone else?  They all had important things to do.  Meetings and appointments were near constant as apparently saving the world took a lot of planning.  And, thankfully, a lot of coffee, danish and muffins.
Of all your customers, the actual, swear to God heroes were the most colorful.  They were also the most loyal of your clients, stopping in at least daily, although, there were occasions where you would see Wanda two or three times in a day.  Especially if you had made those little mille-feuille stacks that reminded her of home.
Thor would buy out your stash of jelly donuts, to the chagrin of the office workers in line behind him, but then divvy them up as a way of apologizing.  Ms. Romanoff had a tendency to whisper her order, lest anyone realize her secret desire for a sinfully sweet White Chocolate Mocha with whipped cream.  Captain Rogers?  His routine was the most straight-forward.  Black coffee, ma’am, Blueberry muffin, thank you so much.
Loki, from the start, had been different.  Unlike Mr. Stark, Loki looked you in the eye when placing his order.  He never seemed distracted by the technology buzzing around or the high ranking officials clustered in these hallowed halls.  Loki also didn’t order 12 shots of espresso, steamed skim milk, no foam, and one donut hole.  No, that was Tony to a t.
But Loki?  This giant guy, with broad shoulders and narrow hips, always ordered your daily special.  Frilly pink cupcakes, jam filled eclairs, fruity hand pies, Loki had tasted them all.  And he still turned up, day after day, eager and kind.  That had to mean something, right?
Honestly, it was the pinnacle of your day when, looking up from the grinder, you’d see him towering majestically over the office drones all in a row.  Knowing that smooth voice would soon be speaking to you, even if it was just to get a snack on the run, was almost enough.  Almost.
Letting your gaze linger after Loki’s retreating figure, you got lost in a daydream, one where you were making Loki coffee in your kitchen.  His lengthy legs tucked under your tiny table, a tray of fresh cookies in front of him as he read, sometimes with his shirt on… sometimes without.  Feeling your cheeks warm up at the image, you shook your head, ready to refocus on the caffeine craving customers still in line.
As closing time drew near, you began the daily task of cleaning up your cart.  Sweeping, wiping, sterilizing, washing, drying.  There was a rhythm to it all and you often found yourself entrained in the work, as usually there were few distractions at this time of day.  
“Excuse me?”  
Spinning, surprised, you barely kept hold of the carafe in your hands as you spotted Ms. Pepper Potts standing at your kiosk, “Oh gosh!  I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there!”
Waving away your worry, Pepper took a moment to introduce herself properly before getting down to business, “I was wondering if you had ever considered catering before?  You were highly recommended by a colleague and I am looking for assistance with an event we're hosting in a few weeks.  What I really need is someone to help with an after hours sort of thing.”
Your heart leapt in your chest, thumping wildly, threatening to bust out of your chest.  Now, you’d be lying if you said that expanding your business wasn’t part of the dream.  Always hopeful that your little cafe cart could somehow be expanded into a little sweet shop or bistro bakery, you had been hard at work for the last two years, slinging lattes and refining recipes until the right moment arrived.
When you said as much to Ms. Potts, her gracious smile lit up, “Then this, my friend, is that moment.”
Details were exchanged, pricing negotiated, plans put in place.  In ten days you were going to be providing The Avengers and their guests with pastries, cookies, coffee and tea.  There was a select menu so that you wouldn't be running around like crazy, which would make prep time easy, but Pepper had told you to be creative.  In short, you were getting your shot and the excitement of that put you on cloud nine.
As you had arranged with Ms. Potts, while the guests attended one of Mr. Stark’s lavish galas downtown, you were given access to the Avengers Suite near the top floors of the tower.  Seeing the building, well past your normal 5:00 pm, was energizing.  Getting to sneak a peek at where the most important people working here spent their days was overwhelming, but you were giddy at the prospect.
In a sweet spot, just inside the expansive glass doors which led to the sky rise patio, you set up your display.  Feeling pretty proud of yourself, you only had to wait a few minutes before the elevator dinged on the first arrivals, including the host and hostess for the night.  "Here we go!", whispering to yourself, you took an anxiously excited breath.
It was hard not to get wrapped up in the glitz of it all.  Tony Stark, wearing a plum colored tuxedo, had his Rolex draped arm around Pepper.  She was stunning in her black column gown, purple jewels at her throat and ears, the perfect counterpoint to Tony’s ensemble.  You struggled not to stare.
More people filtered in, some went to the bar, where champagne popped regularly.  A few grabbed frosty glasses of fresh beer.  And for a time you thought you were invisible among all the glamour around you.  Honestly, you were surrounded by the type of people who graced magazine covers and had in depth chats with Oprah.  That wasn’t you by a long shot.
Then, of course was the difference in your shape and size compared to the elegant group assembled for the evening.  You certainly weren’t as stately as Ms. Potts, nor as thin as Ms. Romanoff because she was trimmer in hip and bust.  Carol, stately and graceful, was a sheet of well hewed muscle.  All of them shone tonight, regal and lovely, while you wore your best black pants and white button down, the uniform of catering professionals world wide.
Chewing the inside of your cheek, temping your coffee pot, your mind churned.  There was no shaking the idea that even though you had been invited here, hired to be here, you were woefully out of place.  And just as your confidence was at its lowest, you heard it… or rather, him.
"Um… yes.  May I have… well… I don't know what to have.  Normally you have something special prepared."
Even over the din of chatter and softly played music you heard his baritone register.  A little flustered, disarmingly charming, Loki’s buttercream smile triggered your own.  Laughing, lifting a small tray towards Loki, "I am keeping it simple tonight.  These here are individual peach melba pies, topped with homemade whipped cream."
"And, what’s that?"  Looking like a little kid, ready to tear into a birthday present, Loki's face lit up with anticipation of what you might be hiding under the cover of a chafing dish.
"Mocha mini-cheesecakes, or-" Here you lifted the silver lid of your best party dish, "-my grandmother's chocolate chip cookies!  What would you like, Loki?"
Hearing his name in your lilting voice, Loki couldn't avoid the hot blush that rolled over him, turning his cheeks pink.  As if your delicious snacks weren't enticing enough, the way your shirt buttons could barely contain the bounty of your bosom made Loki's hunger real in a different way.  It was true that Thor had plied him with a great deal of Asgardian mead at the gala, even as the others drank up the less potent Midgardian spirits, all getting well past tipsy.
And maybe that's why he felt so bold, flirting with you casually, teasing you about your treats.  Also, he was shamelessly ogling your rounded ass in those tight black pants as you bent to retrieve a napkin.  Deep down, Loki longed to know if you tasted as sweet as your sugary confections.  Would you be slick like syrup?  Sticky like cinnamon buns?  Dark and delicious like chocolate fudge?
Shaking those long locks, which you couldn't help noticing were down and free tonight, Loki was struggling to decide among your snacks.  If his thoughts were lustful, your own weren't too far behind, because it was hard not to appreciate the fine figure in front of you.  At some point Loki had shucked his tuxedo jacket and the slim black bow tie that accompanied it.  Again his sleeves were pushed up to his elbows making him casual and cool, red cheeked and rambunctious.  Never had Loki seemed so at ease.
There was virtually no one else around, most of the remaining people were clustered by Clint at the piano singing show tunes, oblivious to you and Loki.  Looking from left to right, leaning in conspiratorially, "Ya know… I could let you have one of each, then you wouldn't have to decide."
Those dark brows arching, bright eyes smiling shrewdly, "You'd do that… for me?"
“That and more.”  It tumbled out of your mouth unbidden, your eyes widening in surprise at your own admission.
Leaning against your table, a lascivious smile on his face, “Do tell.”
And in the low light of the Avengers’ loft, with the soft smell of sugar filling the air, you felt yourself drawn to Loki’s aura.  Biting into your bottom lip, looking at him through your thick lashes, “Um… well… I could make you a little snack bag.  Ya know for later tonight…”
“Later tonight… I really like the sound of that.”  And to his unending surprise, Loki really did.  Maybe he’d find out about your favorite flavors in the dark of night, under the covers in his bed.  And if not, if he was somehow mistaken about your interest in him, then Loki would welcome some little cake that would make him think of you while he sat in his solitary room, brooding over you.
He shouldn’t have worried.  Genuinely smiling, Loki was beyond grateful to see the same look of desire reflected in your own face.  As you busied yourself packing up the little box of selected snacks for the sweet toothed stud, a voice called out, "Lokes!!  Get over here!!  Thor says you can dance and I need proof!"
Wavering slightly, Loki ducked his head in the direction of Sam Wilson's shout, not entirely eager to end your chat.  He was worried that somehow the sugar spun bubble you two were in would burst, and that, well that just couldn't happen.  Conspiratorially, invading your space across the narrow table, "I will be back.  Please, don't go away?"
Feeling like a movie heroine, you felt yourself nod, giggling a little at the spectacle of Loki's clear need.  In the glimmering low-lights, under the clink of champagne flutes and husky hum of conversations, Loki wanted to spend his time with you.  It was surreal and surprising, but you wanted him too.  There was no shame in that, right?
Glued to the spot, feet unmoving, Loki wouldn't leave until you said, "Go on, then.  Show me what you've got.  I'll be right here."
With a cocky grin, Loki loped toward the waiting circle of people and the makeshift dance floor.  Tinny, tinkling piano music was replaced by electronica, pumping through Tony's beyond state of the art sound system.  It felt like you were inside the speaker, thumping and bumping, in time with the dance hall beat.
What a sight!  You guessed it shouldn't have been so surprising, but seeing Loki, normally so reserved in your daily interactions, grinding and bouncing to the rhythm… it made you feel things.  Pulse pounding, deep sighing, clenching your muscles things.  Sexy things.
You could have stood there, enchanted from afar, for hours.  And you would have too, if Thor hadn't stumbled to your stand, nearly toppling the table with his unsteady bulk, "Oof!  A thousand apologies, my dear sweet bakery maiden."
Diverting your attention, you quickly stepped back into vendor mode, "No trouble!  No trouble at all!  What can I get for you?"
"Well, I have been wondering, what did my brother get a taste of that made him smile so wide?  It must have been a truly delicious nibble."  Thor, mimicking a mouse nibbling at cheese, was clearly past the point of sobriety.  
Turning thoughtful for a second, you realized Loki hadn't eaten anything of yours tonight… at least not yet.  So it had been your easy back and forth that made the frosty boy happy.  Smiling secretively,  suddenly supremely pleased, "Um… I have some special items this evening.  Would you like to try a peach pie?"
Blowing a raspberry, rolling his eyes, "Did Loki like it?"
"He hasn't tried it yet!  You'd be first!"  Trying to redirect the sloshed slab of man in front of you, offering the pastry up on a dainty napkin, it’s funny how quickly he snatches it from your hand.  Looking tiny in Thor's enormous paw, he devours it whole, swiping at the leftover crumbs on his chest.
"Delicious!  Another!"  Even shouting, Thor's voice doesn't crack through the party goers busting their moves. Sighing, you hand over another, only to watch it be gulped down without thought or consideration.
Spitting crust at you, Thor bows over the display you painstakingly built to showcase your wares, his weight making the table creak, "You know, my brother normally likes little women."
"Excuse me?"
Waving his hands, pontificating, "Small, shapely… you know the type!  Waifs.  Skinny, like him.  Narrow hips and-" attempting to whisper, "-tiny breasts."
Clearly, Thor was hammered, you knew that.  But what he was saying was just hard to hear.  You didn’t want to be compared to other women Loki had known, and you certainly didn’t want to hear that they were prettier, or smaller, or skinnier than you.  But your roller coaster ride of emotions was derailed when Thor slapped his hand on your table, making you jump.
"Now, you… you're a woman.  Strong, sturdy.  Could really ground him, you know?  Give him children worthy of Valhalla."
In his stupor, Thor couldn't read the warning in your expression.  Willing him to stop, shut up, go away with just your monosyllabic responses wasn't working.  But, alas, the Space God continued on, "It's all your sweets, you know?  Candy and cupcakes and… all those little… What do you call them?  The circles, fried and filled with jam?"
Flat, without feeling, "Donuts."
"Donuts!  Yes!"  Pausing for a breath, which you hoped would last all night long, Thor caught your eye.  "I approve.  Of the match… that is.  Loki has been alone too long.  He needs a thick woman to warm his bed, a fair, faithful filly to take-"
Thor's voice cut out, a thin line of shimmering red glowing around his throat, stopping his words.  You could still see his mouth moving but the sound was, thankfully, muted.  It was then that Wanda slunk close to Norse God, wide orb-like eyes full of knowledge, "I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner."
Mumbling, struggling to sound bright as you gave too much attention to arranging cookies on the tray, "It's ok."
Her delicate hand rested on your own, "No it isn't.  Thor's a buffoon when he's downed too many bottles of mead.  I hope he didn't say anything too… unpleasant."
Waving her off, working hard to regain your composure, "Naw… it's fine… Thank you, though."
Thor, shrugging off Wanda's limited charm, "What's the big idea?  I was telling this lady that my brother likes her!  Her ample bosom, her gracious bum… and he always talks about her tasty cakes!"
Steve, sidling up at the first sign of trouble, grabbed Thor's arm, "Come on buddy.  Time for bed."
"But!  I am not tired!  I want more pie!  And mead!"
Wanda, rolling her eyes, "May I have another?  For the road?"
Quickly wrapping up a few of your crusty delicacies, you handed them over, now eager for the night to end.  It seemed tarnished somehow, spoiled by Thor's observations, like an unrisen souffle.  Glancing at the clock, you were amazed at the time!  It was late even for a late night event and you began packing up regardless of the people still partying their evening away.
You were hoping for a quick departure.  Seamless, silent, without distracting anyone, including a certain raven haired hottie.  No one would notice if you snuck away now, you were sure, and you had already fulfilled your obligation to Pepper.  In fact, with Thor's little outburst, you were well over your allotted time.  And, you reasoned, Loki could find some small little twig, more to his taste, if you weren't there to distract him.
That thought made your throat burn and your eyes water as you quietly broke down your area.  Even now you could see him, a head above everyone else, spinning with a smile on his face.  Loki looked so at ease, you refused to be the wet blanket on his good time.  Besides, flirting was one thing, but Loki wasn’t yours and you were old enough not to be crushed by a crush.
With one last, longing look over the assembled Avengers, you bumped your bottom into the exit door, shuffling toward the service elevator.  As the doors closed, shutting out the jubilation inside, you slumped against the wall.  How could you think Loki would want you?  
Having spent a significant amount of the late evening busting a move, Loki had managed to keep one eye on you most of that time.  Noticing Thor bumble your way, he was nervous about what his brother might say, but Natasha had challenged him to a dance off.  How could he resist?
By the time Loki stopped to catch his breath and collect his cookies, you were gone.  Vanished.  The only trace of you?  A small, golden box, stuffed with your divine delicacies.  Loki needn't see the name scrolled on the label to know it was for him.
But like Cinderella, you had fled and Loki had no way to find you.  Sinking his heart, Loki clutched the box, padding away to his room and the solitude of silence.  At least he had your thoughtful gift of goodies to keep him company.  It was almost enough.  Almost.
For all the numerous things The Avengers were good at, it was a non-hero who observed Loki slide away, sad and silent.  Never one to let a party end on a low note, a new plan was formed to unite the Trickster and the Treat Maker.  But it would need time to rise, like decadent cinnamon rolls, and like those sticky sweet buns, would be totally worth the wait.
When Monday dawned, you loaded up your goods and trudged to work.  For the first time since starting your business venture your heart wasn't in it.  Not when you plated blueberry buckle with lavender scented whipped cream, not when you swirled almond milk into fresh brewed coffee, not when you bagged cheesy bagel bites.
And it was, apparently, to be a day of firsts.  Because this was the only day that Loki failed to make an appearance at your stand since you’d opened.  Thor, pushing people aside, had made a point of apologizing for his behavior.  It was kind and honest, yet, hollow since it didn't make Loki materialize in your line.  But you appreciated it, nonetheless.
Before long, the day was done, your cleaning ritual initiated, your mind wandering.  That it circled back to a certain blue eyed mischief maker over and over wasn't shocking.  Where had Loki been?  Had you driven him off?  Would he come back tomorrow?  
"Ahem… Excuse me!"
Squealing, you dropped the tray you'd been wiping with a clanking clatter, "Miss Potts!  You startled me!"
"I didn't mean to!", stooping to hand you back your platter, she lifted her smart eyes to yours.
"I know… I'm so sorry!  I've been… a little off today."
Shrewd, searching, Pepper looked you over, "You're not the only one."
Laughing nervously, “Oh?  Who else is having a tough Monday?”
“A friend… listen, I wanted to thank you for the other night. It was really wonderful having your exceptional snacks at the ready.”
Allowing yourself a small smile, nibbling your lip nervously, “The pleasure was all mine.”
Pepper, shifting on her high heels, “I’d like to hire you again.”
“Really?”  Snapping your head up at the offer, you were a little surprised by her request.  Even though that night hadn’t ended the way you had hoped, necking with Loki like a teenager after prom, it had still been a lucrative evening for your little start up company.  But so soon?
“Yes! This is a smaller event.  Actually, more of a date than anything.  This Friday evening.  Would you be free?”
Grabbing your phone, confirming the date on your calendar, “It works for me!  What time were you thinking?”
Blinking, Pepper took a minute to contemplate before answering, “Let’s say seven.  Upstairs, on the outdoor deck?”
“That sounds great, Ms. Potts!  How many people are you expecting?”, making notes, head down you missed her gentle smile.
“Just two.”
That made you giggle.  So, it was a night of romance with Tony she was after.  Flashing your benefactor a knowing smirk, “Sounds lovely.”
“I hope it will be!”
You didn’t see Loki all week.  There was rumor going around the tower that he was off on a mission somewhere, very hush, hush.  Your limited intell was gained only because of Thor’s inability to lower his booming voice while waiting for a croissant on Tuesday morning.
It got easier.  Not seeing him in your daily line, not giving him his cappuccino, not buttering his scone.  By Friday you finally felt like Loki was out of your system, which was a good thing, because you knew Ms. Potts was expecting you to knock it out of the park tonight.
“Things are going to be a little different for this evening, if that’s ok.  I thought you could set out your dessert courses here, on the counter, and we’d have someone bring them out to the patio area.”
Unafraid to go the extra mile, you were quick to volunteer, “I’d be more than happy to act as a server if-”
Talking over you, “Oh no, dear!  I have someone for that already.  Really, all you have to do is make sure your treats are in order.”
Slightly crestfallen, but always a good sport, you agreed.  As she’d requested, you had prepared three special desserts for the night, hoping you covered all of Tony’s favorite flavors.  First, lemon cake with a cracked sugar glaze and fresh raspberry sauce to garnish.  Next would be the white chocolate cheesecake studded with plump blueberries and piles of fresh vanilla flavored whipped cream.  Last, and perhaps most importantly, was your personal favorite, tiramisu.  Simple, delicious, and perfect with a strong cup of espresso.
Clapping her hands, Pepper was so pleased at the thought you had put into each plate, “Wow, does this look amazing!  There’s really only one other thing that we need for this.”  
Wiping a stray stripe of sauce from the plate, a piping bag cupped in your hands, you lifted your head, “What’s that Ms. Potts?”
“Why, you of course.”
Stalling in midair, you slowly lowered the tool of your trade, wiping your sugary fingers on the seat of your jeans.  “I’m right here!  What can I do to help?”
Coming around the island now, Pepper drew close enough to take your hands in her own, “You’ve already done it.  Tonight is my way of saying ‘Thank You’... and I hope you’ll accept a small gift as a token of my appreciation.”
As the last word hung in the air between you, the lift doors parted, and Loki stepped into the room.  
Pepper had summoned him, asking only that he arrive on time and not “look a mess”.  Since Loki had never been anything less than elegant in all things, he had no intention of breaking that streak this evening.  If only he knew what to dress for?
So, he split the difference, going for casual cool.  A jet black polo shirt, unbuttoned, clung to him like a second skin, caressing every muscle.  Black trousers and a black belt made him look dangerously seductive as he sauntered closer with each step.
Your mouth went dry at the sight of him.  Missing Loki all week made seeing him like this stupefying.  Fuzzy brained and dull minded, you weren’t capable of wrapping your head around what was happening.
“Pepper?  What… what is all this?”  Loki’s husky baritone questioned the set up, your presence, the pretense.  At least you weren't the only one who was confused.
Pulling you along, Pepper maneuvered you next to him, “Loki, It’s all arranged.  Dessert by candlelight, under the stars… FRIDAY, start my Date Night playlist.”  The strains of “In the Still of the Night” by the Five Satins filled the air.
It was right then that Loki got it.  The strange summons, the dress code, the secrecy.  He knew why you were here, with your bespoke baked goods, looking like a snack yourself.  Pepper had listened when Loki recommended you for the first gig, and somehow she had heard the unspoken recommendation of his heart.  A rush of feeling flowed over him at the idea.  
Looking sheepish and flustered, Loki caught your eye, “Hello.”
“Hi…”, bashful yourself, you struggled not to look too giddy.
“See, you’re already on your way.  Have a good night kids!”  
You and Loki stood there, staring, until the click of Pepper’s heels on the marble had faded away.  This is  awkward, you thought, unsure of what to do next.  Here with the man you wanted, you weren’t entirely sure what to do, but luckily for you, Loki knew how to take charge, “Shall we?”
Lacing his fingers with yours, Loki led you to the open deck where a small bistro table was waiting, already set for the two of you.  Pulling out your chair, Loki made sure you were comfortable before taking his own seat at your side, as opposed to across the table.  It was a cozy and romantic scene.
The song shifted.  Now The Platters crooned, “Only You”, and your hand was itching to grab Loki’s under the table.  Before you could, Pepper’s hired server for the evening brought your first plate, and a bottle of Prosecco.  
So far, neither of you had really spoken.  Words seemed too difficult to use when the situation was so formal.  And yet, it really was lovely of Ms. Potts to do this for you… and for Loki.
“Did you make all of this?”
Picking up your fork, giving Loki a small nod, “Yea… I thought Pepper was planning a date night with Tony.  I had no idea that this… any of this… was happening.  Did you?”
“No.  But, I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised.  She did hire you because of me.”
Taken aback by his admission, “Really?  Care to elaborate?”
Tucking into the lemony piece of heaven in front of him, Loki closed his eyes in bliss, “Hmm… that is delicious.  You are really so good at this!  And that, my purveyor of pound cake, is what I told Ms. Potts.”      
“Well, thank you!  I mean, I knew you liked me!”  
Hotter than opening your oven, a blast of heat swept over you, reddening your cheeks in shock.  Flustered now, you could barely speak, cursing yourself for letting your real feelings slip out like that unfiltered.  Mortified, you grabbed your glass, slugging half of it down in a second.
Loki’s fork froze, almost to his lips, as his own eyes widened.  Sighing, he placed the utensil, covered in lemon and raspberry deliciousness down gently.  Feeling his scorching gaze, you sat stock still, Loki’s wry whisper reaching you, “I do.  And I should have told you that before… before Pepper had to go to such great lengths to prove it.”
“But Loki… I’m just… I’m not…”  Stammering, you couldn’t quite find the best way to explain the reservations you had been carrying, the reasons Thor had so clearly defined.
“You are though.  You are so kind hearted… to everyone.  Even the dullards and bores.  I hear you, you know?  What you say, how you say it.  No one leaves your little station without being complimented, enlightened, enriched.  It is the best part of my day, coming down to see you… and taste whatever marzipan masterpiece you’ve graced us with.”
Starting to feel the bubbles of Prosecco in your brain, your lopsided smile spread at the emotion Loki expressed, “Loki… it’s the only thing that gets me through sometimes.  Seeing you, knowing that you’re in line.  And how cute you are when you spell out your name, like I haven’t written it a hundred times before.”
It was his turn to blush, “I knew that.  I knew it was adorable.”
Playfully pushing against his shoulder, you chuckled, “Loki!  That’s not fair!”
“Then you won’t like this, darling.”  
Catching your arms in his firm hands, Loki tucked your body into his, finding your mouth as you laughed at his antics.  Using his top lip to trap your own, Loki’s bottom lip gently parted, as the softness of his kiss blended into the lemon scented sweetness of his sigh.  His tongue, probing slowly, pressed between your lips stealing a shaky breath for Loki to treasure.
Rising, Loki’s hands cradled your cheeks, ensuring that you couldn’t break away from his kiss.  As if you wanted to!  Your own hands wandered, with one resting on the warm slope of his wide thigh and the other pressed against Loki’s broad chest.
Deepening the kiss, you pushed forward, nestling between Loki’s spread legs.  Trailing a hand along his hip, scooting closer, you moaned at the luscious texture of his tongue on your own.  When Loki pulled back, you followed, unwilling to break the beautiful bond your mouths had sealed.
Swallowing hard, unable to believe that he was really here with the flavor of your candy kisses filling his senses, Loki shook his head.  Seeing your own dazed expression made his heart soar.  He was going to have to write Pepper a thank you note or have you bake her a cake, because this was the best thing that had ever happened to the Prince of Asgard.
“Are you ready for the next course?”  The server, having popped out of the compound, was struggling to hide his own smug smile at the sexy little show you two had put on.
A new song started, the notes drifting through the air, making you smile.  Sam Cooke’s eternally youthful voice sang, “Cupid… draw back your bow…” and Loki slowly stood.  “Uh, please, hold the next one, if you don’t mind.”
Coming around behind you, offering you his hand, “Loki?  What are you doing?”
“What I should have done last week… Ask you to dance…?”   Voice brimming with hope, Loki quirked an eyebrow, anticipating your acceptance.
“About time.”  
Rumbling through Loki’s solid torso, his laugh greeted you as you fell into his arms easily, chuckling yourself.  It was so familiar and yet so different.  His hands rested over the curve of your back, pulling you tighter, controlling the sway of your hips.  Circling the delicate strength of his neck, your fingers teasing into those long locks of tousled hair, you let Loki take the lead.  
Tipping you back, over balancing you but still in control, Loki’s look was pure lust, “I apologize for running late.  I should have-”
Cutting in, husking into the shell of Loki’s ear, “Don’t.  We’re here now.  And besides, you were worth the wait.”
Squeezing you, putting every ounce of feeling into his hug, Loki found it hard to loosen his grip.  Now that he had the thing he wanted, he never wanted to be separated from it… you… ever again.  
Twirling you out, tugging you back in, as the song came to its close, Loki took the opportunity of dipping you low enough for your head to graze the ground below.  Breathless and giddy, you were lifted back to standing, clinging to the demi God before you.  Parting your lips, anticipating another of Loki’s kisses, your eyes fluttering closed, “Sir?  Madame?”  
Shifting his focus from your glossy, eager mouth to the server once more, Loki’s own giggle shining in his face, “My good man, please… just pack it all up!  We’re not staying.”
“We’re not?”  A hint of surprise colored your tone as you took in the ecstatic look on Loki’s face.
Nodding at you, “Nope.”
Waiting only a moment or two for a bag stuffed full of your goodies, Loki slung it over this wrist before taking your hand and leading you through the Tower’s maze of floors.  Of course, he stopped at almost every corner to sneak a peck, pat your tush or cage you against the wall so that his hips were flush against your own as he licked the soft spot under your ear.
“Hmmm… Loki… That feels so good.”  Mewling softly, your nails scratching into his scalp, as he swung open the door to his room.
Ushering you inside, Loki paused only to set his blistering, needy eyes on you once more, “We are not children, you and I.  If you want to wait, I will be patient… but, believe me, my darling little patisserie, when I say this:  I want you.  I want to devour you… I want to know if you’re as sweet as strawberry shortcake or tart like key lime pie.
“I need to see if you-” here he swallowed so hard his Adam’s Apple bobbed, “-sigh when I kiss you the same way you do when you slide a hot cup of tea over the counter.  Or how you’ll sound when you call my name in ecstasy.  Because I’ve already thought about these things a hundred times over.  While I wait in line for a moment of your attention or when I taste those lovely delicacies, you fill my thoughts.
“Do you always smell of vanilla and butter, I wonder.  Will my sheets be scented with marshmallow and marzipan?  Almond and cherry?”
Advancing on you now, hunger heating his look, “But just know, little one, if you do come to my bed, I will make sure it’s the last one you’ll ever need.”
Stepping closer, baiting the bear in him, you bit into your bottom lip, “Are you saying that everyone will know I belong to you… L, O, K, I… Loki?”
“My sweet, sweet thing.  That is exactly what I mean.”
In a flurry of movement, Loki swept you against his kitchen table, the wood strong and sturdy behind you.  Kisses, hot and happy melted you like butter, as Loki spread your legs to stand between them.  When you heard the sound of paper crumpling, “What’s that?”
“Oh!  Our to-go bag!  Your luscious desserts!”  Sounding slightly panicked, Loki quickly removed the items from inside the bag, before turning to you with a look that said trouble.
“What?  What’s that face?”  
“I’ve told you how much I fancy your food… and now you know how much I adore you... “
“Uh huh…”, still unsure about where this was going, your eyes followed Loki as he pulled your tub of whipped cream from the ruined sack.  Snapping off the lid, his long finger scooping out a big glob, only for Loki to brush the airy confection over your mouth.  
Licking the cream from your lips, Loki tongued the seam of your pretty pout, moaning at the burst of vanilla he tasted there, “I don’t know what’s more delicious, your frothy garnish or this mouth.”
“What if I want some, huh?”  Grabbing at Loki’s finger, the one he’d used to snag the sample with, you pulled it into the warm inlet of your mouth, sucking lightly.
Growling low in his throat at the erotic scene before him, Loki issued a command, “Bedroom.  Now.”
Sliding off the table, right into Loki’s space, “Bring the whipped cream though, ok?”
Clothes were shed in a rush.  Each piece unveiling soft skin and new places to explore, reminding you of a creme brulee’s hardened caramel layer.  The way you crack it open, revealing the cool custard beneath the scorched sugar crust, a gift unwrapped for all your senses.
By the time Loki lowered you onto his bed, he had already sampled swatches of your skin, leaving behind the marks of his possession.  His hands never seemed to stop.  First they were dusting over your shoulders, then across your thighs, next on your generous bottom, squeezing hard.
Sighing in contentment, you closed your eyes, lost in the moment of making love to Loki.  As he lay down over you, the press of his rigid planes met the soft curves of your figure, you wrapped yourself around him.  Tangling those rich, dark locks in your hand, forcing your mouths together, panting with shared passion.
Connecting with his hip, you slid your palm over the rise of his bottom, squeezing just a little, “You know, you have a great ass, right?”
Sucking against the ridge of your clavicle, Loki kissed over your jaw, “I do?”
“Oh yea… I watch you walk away everyday thinking, damn.  That ass.”
Brushing stray strands from your face, “That’s funny, because I think the same thing every time you bend over to get those little swizzle sticks for stirring coffee!”
Setting off a fit of giggles, the pair of you with arms and legs akimbo, laughed like children.  There was something so freeing about being naked and comfortable with the man beside you.  Quieting only when you heard the pop of the frosting bowl's lid coming off, you sucked in a breath as Loki lowered his lips to your waiting nipple.  
Playful and pleasing, he released you just long enough to sit back on his heels, surveying the state of you.  "Now, It's my turn."
"Your turn to what, exactly?"
"Decorate!"  Producing an assortment of sprinkles and frosting, sanding sugars and coconut shreds, caramel sauce and raspberry coulis as if from thin air, Loki grinned at you wickedly before setting to work.
For every place that was home to a dollop of icing or a squirt of sauce you were licked, nibbled, nuzzled or bitten.  As Loki worked lower, you squirmed in anticipation, as your pastry chef in training sucked your inner thigh free of chocolate fudge.  Before you could prepare, Loki's tongue parted your slippery center, making you call out, "Oh!  Yes, Loki!"
Parting your swollen sex, circling your stiffened bud, Loki lapped at your sensitive skin gently.  His fingers, long and reaching, stroked into your sticky channel, stretching you sweetly.  Rocking against Loki's oral affections, the beginning of bliss burning in your belly, you gripped him tightly seeking release.  
For his part, Loki needed no encouragement.  Bringing you to the pinnacle, alternately sipping at your slick core, and sucking on your sweet pearl was making Loki ache with want.  Even when you pulled at his onyx locks, inner thighs trembling, struggling to stave off your peaking pleasure, Loki only worked harder, "Don't hold back.  We've already wasted too much time!"
"Uh huh… um… shit… Loki…"  mumbling was the most you could do as you felt a third finger enter you, widening you, readying you.  It was enough.  Cumming hard against him, stiffening and then softening like taffy, you gave yourself over to the pleasure Loki provided.  
Smacking his lips lewdly, licking his fingers, "I knew it… I knew you'd be delectable."
Grinning broadly, happy and satisfied, "Am I gonna get a taste?  You're not the only one with a sweet tooth, ya know!"
"Only when I've had my fill… and I'm not close to being finished, darling!"
Sticky, sweet and satiated, you and Loki lay in each other's arms smiling.  He'd asked about a gift for Pepper and you were already planning a cupcake basket for your matchmaking mentor.  You had just licked the last of your lemon curd from his abs, curling into his side, "I need a shower."
"Oh, yes!  Let's do that!"  Rising, dragging you with him, Loki could picture you under the steaming water, begging him to please you.  He liked that idea!
"And after…"
Pausing to look at you, "After?"
"Can you find me something salty to snack on… ya know, for a change?"
Pressing a kiss to your hand, Loki flashed you that megawatt smile, "Absolutely, darling.  Absolutely."
My Minxes:  @alexakeyloveloki​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @just-random-obsessions​ @brokenthelovely​ @lots-of-loki​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​ @iamverity​ @iluvsumbucky​ @unadulteratedwizardlove​ @wolfsmom1​ @procrastinatinglikeabitch​ @mizfit2​ @shxdowofdarkness​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @ahintofkiwistrawberry​ @jessiejunebug​ @rorybutnotgilmore​ @crystalizedcaramel​ @lokislittlecorner​ @scrumptious-finicky-illusion​ @capcapcapsicle​ @jamielea81​ @caffiend-queen​ @thenatilie @sammy-jo1977​ @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​ 
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
With My Life - Chapter Three 
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warnings:  (all graphic) violence, gun violence, blood, smut, implied PTSD
an: it’s just....sad 😔
Elide woke up on the large couch in Lorcan’s living room. She’d been sleeping there for the past three days - Rowan told her to stay here. To take her time. 
She didn’t deserve it. 
Who was she to mourn a man she thought of as stress relief? Who was she to mourn a man she’d known for… not even a year? Just because she loved him- that didn’t mean anything. Didn’t give her the right to grieve for him. 
She couldn’t bear to sleep in his bed, the one they had shared for such a precious amount of time, so she opted for the plush couch, which, despite its luxury, was still uncomfortable. Elide wished she could, just to be wrapped up in his sheets, but her heart had cracked the moment she’d stepped foot in and Rowan had found her hours later, shaking on the threshold of his bedroom.
It took more energy than usual for Elide to get to her feet and shuffle into the kitchen, body and mind on autopilot as she made her daily tea. 
The burial today. Rowan and Vaughan had managed to find an Ozuye healer to conduct the rituals, per Lorcan’s people and heritage. 
There was no body. In the mugging gone wrong, he’d been brutalized so badly that… there wasn’t a body to bury. 
Her chest heaved at the thought of the man she loved being hurt that badly. That he had died alone and in pain without knowing she loved him. 
Everything tasted like ash in her mouth. Her tea, her porridge, the fresh fruit Darrow had sent her from his peach tree. She could only eat three bites before her stomach was full and she had to dump it all in the green bin, hugging her stomach and trying not to cry. 
The oven clock told her she had just under two hours till the service, which meant she had just enough time to have a shower and make herself look presentable. 
She opted to use the downstairs bathroom and after, she didn’t have enough strength to ignore Lorcan’s thick bathrobe and donned it, wrapping the belt twice around her waist before tying a neat knot. It smelled like his cedar shampoo and like the sweetgrass and white sage he smudged with. It almost felt like his arms around her and Elide found it in herself to smile softly, pulling the soft collar up to her face and burying her nose in the fluffy material, inhaling his scent. “I miss you,” she whispered, kissing the collar once. 
Elide padded back out into the living room, undoing her hair clip and letting her hair fall free just as someone knocked on the door. Panic seized her and she had to remind herself that Rowan and Connall had already told her, that Lorcan was already dead. 
Still, her heart remained in her throat as she walked over to the door and opened it, protecting herself by remaining half hidden by the door. 
It was Aelin, who stood there with a bag of clothes. “Ellie, hi.” 
“Hi, Ae.” She stood to the side and opened the door more fully, letting Aelin in. “What have you got?” She looked down the hallway and saw Nehemia bustling with a tray of coffees and a parchment pastry bag. 
“Oh,” the golden haired woman said, flipping her hand dismissively, “Ro told me you hadn’t been home and I figured you didn’t have any clothes here so I popped by your place.” Aelin hadn’t stopped moving after she put down the near bursting bag. She was flitting over everything, touching every surface and running her finger over the edge of the bookcase, frowning at the non existent dust. “There’s a nice dress - go put it on, sweetheart, ok? Nehemia will get your hair fixed for you.” 
The door shut and Elide turned to see Nehemia, whose eyes were filled with barely concealed grief. “Elide, honey. Did you eat today?” 
“Wasn’t hungry,” she said. She still wasn’t, but Elide knew better to say no to Nehemia as the dark skinned woman pressed a pain au chocolat and an iced latte in her hand. 
“I made sure it was iced,” Nehemia said, putting the coffee and other pastries down on the kitchen counter and then smoothing the skirt of her knee length sheath dress, its black sleeves going down to her wrists. The ends of her signature cornrows were twisted into a bun at the nape of her neck, no golden cuffs adorning them today. 
“Thank you,” Elide said, sipping from her coffee and taking a bite of her croissant. She took another and another when the two women gave her pointed looks. She looked down at her hands, “Really, I don’t deserve it. Me and him… we were never really anything serious, but I- I loved him. I love him.” 
They both smiled sadly and approached her, hugging her carefully to avoid upending her breakfast. Nehemia cupped the back of her head while Aelin’s arms wrapped around her waist. 
“We know,” whispered Aelin, resting her cheek on Elide’s shoulder. “Ohitekah, he… you know.” Per what Vaughan had told them, the deceased’s given name was never to be used again, for they feared his soul and being would never be able to cross over to the next plane. Vaughan had shared Lorcan’s second name with her first and Elide hadn’t been able to help her tears when he told her it meant brave and war-like. 
She cried, feeling the two of them take the coffee and the pastry from her hands and putting them elsewhere. “It’s ok, we’ve got you,” Nehemia said, kissing the top of Elide’s head. “We got you.” 
It took a little convincing to let Aelin let her drive herself, but Elide managed it. She needed the calming effect of driving, just her, the car, and the road. 
She took his Aston Martin over her Jeep Wrangler, feeling him in the sleek leather interior, feeling the warmth of his hands when she gripped the steering wheel and pulled out of the parking garage just behind Aelin’s car. 
The rain pattered onto the windshield and Elide thought the weather was fitting today. 
The cemetery was fifteen minutes outside of the city and it only took five for a sinister voice in Elide’s mind to whisper vicious, hateful things. 
You never cared about him. You only loved him when he died. You’re selfish - going to his memorial service and disrupting his hurting family is selfish.  
Elide drove on, trying desperately to keep her tears at bay as she pulled into the parking lot, parking away from everyone else. Maybe she shouldn’t have taken his car, maybe one of the boys would like it… Fenrys. Maybe Fenrys would want it. She should ask him. 
After a few minutes of waiting, Elide opened the door and opened her umbrella, putting it over her head and walking over the gravel to the small, quaint and intimate graveyard. 
She unlatched the gate and looked up, realizing the service had already begun and she was late. Fuck, what was wrong with her? Why was she even here? Nobody asked her to, nobody invited her. 
Anneith above, this was so rude, but she couldn’t exactly go back, certainly not when Rowan spotted her and nodded his head once, then turned back to the priestess. Elide looked past the line of black clad mourners and saw a bundle - the ashes of some of his most prized possessions so he could have him wherever he went - dressed in beautiful fabric, the beadwork to die for. 
She thought about taking a step forward but stopped herself and stood beneath a tree. Elide watched, with misty eyes until the last requirements had been done and what remained of the man she knew had been buried. 
Slowly, slowly people started to walk away, huddled together underneath umbrellas. It looked like Aelin was tucked into Rowan’s side, but, really, the blonde woman was shoring her husband up. 
Nehemia had her hand tucked into Fenrys’ elbow and held onto Vaughan’s hand, squeezing it and smiling softly at the two of them. Connall brought up the rear, hands in pockets and head hanging low. 
Rowan spotted her first and offered a slight smile. “Elide,” he said, his voice low and rolling, his strong burr running over his words, “I’m glad you came.” 
“I- I’m sorry I did. I know I probably shouldn’t have, but–” 
Rowan hugged her tightly, waiting until Elide tentatively wrapped hers around his waist. “He wanted you to be here. You’re family, Elide.” He pulled away and gave her a slightly grief-strained, but supportive, smile. 
She was passed off to Aelin, who wiped her tears away and kissed her brow, “I won’t be there this afternoon ‘cause I have dress rehearsal, ok? But me and Nehemia will come over tonight, if you want.” Aelin was a concert pianist for the Wendlyn Opera Company and the spring show would be starting in a week. 
Elide looked at her in confusion, “What’s happening this afternoon?” Aelin gave her a quizzical glance and looked up at her husband, her question dying on her lips as Rowan subtly shook his head twice. Repeating herself, Elide stared directly into Rowan’s eyes, making it impossible for him to look away. “Rowan, what’s happening this afternoon?” 
Everyone else suddenly found other places to be as Rowan sighed and toyed with the cuff of his suit jacket. “They’re reading the will. Ohitekah… his lawyer called this morning to say that you needed to be there.” 
The ground was falling out from beneath her feet and Elide blinked slowly, not quite sure she’d heard him correctly. “Wh, why would I need to be there, Rowan?” 
“I don’t know, Ellie. All I know is that you’re named in his will so… you need to be at the reading.” 
Elide nodded dumbly, her mind reeling. “O… kay. Ok. Um, yeah, yeah, I’ll- uh, I’ll drive there - where, where is the office?” 
Rowan gently took the keys from her and passed them off to someone else, Elide wasn’t sure who. “I’ll drive. C’mon, we’re gonna be late.” 
When they got to the office, Rowan offered Elide one of the chairs before the sleek, glass desk as they waited for Lorcan’s lawyer. The others sat on the couches placed around the large room. 
They sat in silence, all fiddling with something. Elide chewed on the inside of her cheek, knowing it would sting later when she ate anything and not caring enough to stop. The door opened and she didn’t turn as she heard the click of heels approach the desk. 
A beautiful woman with moon-white hair sat down on the opposite side and placed a slim envelope on the deak. “Hello, my name is Manon and I had the utter delight of being Mr. Salvaterre’s lawyer,” she said, her voice low and sultry. 
Manon looked to Elide and her burnished, golden eyes pinned Elide to her seat. “You must be Elide.” Her plush lips - painted a deep black - curled into a slight grin. 
“Yes, that’s me,” Elide said, tilting her chin up in semi-defiance and tracking her gaze over Manon’s face, catching the mild respect that flashed across her eyes. “I’m not sure why I’m supposed to be here.” 
“Ah, well,” Manon said, using a long, stiletto acrylic to slice open the top of the envelope, “I will tell you. Ohitekah’s affairs are all rather simple, I have to say. For a cold bastard like himself, I’d expect a bit of sadism, but alas.” Emotions flew across her breathtaking face and Elide was not shocked, though she wasn’t sure why, to see an echo of grief, a mirror of old familiarity. She could see why he chose Manon to be his lawyer and could see some sort of relationship beyond lawyer and client. “Are we all ready?” 
There were murmurs of assent and silently, Rowan reached over to squeeze Elide’s hand tightly. Elide didn’t look at him, but nodded slightly, assuring him she could handle it. “Yes.” 
“Alright then, let’s start.” 
“Excuse me?” 
Manon looked up at Elide over the will, a manicured brow arched, “Yes?” 
Elide’s heart slammed against her chest and she floundered for words, opening and closing her mouth a comical amount of times. “I just- did you say I am…” 
“Mr. Salvaterre made it clear that he left his apartment, car and a portion of his estate to you.” 
“But I- we weren’t married.” 
“I am aware of that, as was my client. As it states, in no uncertain terms, this he left to you,” Manon said, passing over the paper and letting Elide read over it. 
Her eyes widened slightly as she read over the rather lengthy list of assets. It had all, save for a healthy portion that was hers, been split up between the boys. Nehemia and Aelin were also named individually and what was left had been dedicated to his tribe. “So I… I own his apartment. And his car. And this- this money is mine?” 
“Ok, um, I think,” Elide stood up, dropping the will back on the table, “I need a minute.” She walked backwards, startling as she bumped into the chair. “I’ll just be a minute.”
Rowan stood up as well and Elide threw her hand out, her chest rising and falling raggedly with her panicked breaths, “No, I need to be alone. I-I just need one moment.” 
She was not proud when she fled the office, her heels clacking loudly on the floors as she ran to the nearest stairwell. 
Elide slammed the doors open and dashed up the stairs, running up and up and up until she reached the roof. She slammed that door open too and slowed her running, the door clicking shut beside her as she leaned against the wall and slid down to the ground, her dress probably ruined by the rain and the dirty roof. 
Then, Elide sunk her head in her hands and cried.
@mythicaitt @tinywolfofeyllwe @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @empire-of-wildfire @rhysands-highlady @ttakeitbacknoww @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @empress-ofbloodshed @b00kworm @amren-courtofdreams @minaidss @superspiritfestival @lovemollywho @queen-of-glass @jlinez @sleeping-and-books @ireallyshouldsleeprn @verypaleninja @januarystears​
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maine-writes · 3 years
Cafe Hemlock
The familiar, yeast-laden scent of warm pastry wafted upon the gentle summer breeze. Hidden in a quiet corner of a busy city was a quaint little establishment, a humble building surrounded by a beautiful garden. Several iron wrought tables and chairs sat on the covered patio, overlooking the idyllic scene. Butterfree fluttered from flowering bush to flowering bush, peeking their heads into the colorful flowers for nectar.
Inside, people and Pokemon alike were served a variety of light snacks, sweet pastries, delicate desserts, and refreshing beverages by a pair of aproned Toxtricities.
Two-top and four-top tables lined the perimeter of the dining room, whilst a seat bar sat on one side. At this bar were cases of cakes and pies, behind the bar were a collection of glasses, bottles, plates, and bowls. An open doorway behind the bar led to the mysterious kitchen, where the owner of the cafe frequented.
He was a man of barrel-shaped physique with short, dark hair. He wore a medium length beard and a slightly longer mustache. His dark green eyes peered around the room, watching the diner's plates and glasses as he prepared each plate and drink.
But there was one customer who caught his eye, a woman of muscular build with peach-colored hair. The scars on her face and her rough hands were the result of rigorous work, her clothing was practical and durable, a little bit out of place at the cafe. All she had with her was a rugged and worn leather book bag and a newspaper. She was led to a table on the patio by a Toxtricity, where she ordered the day's special drink of the day; Roserade petal bubble tea. Using the vibrant petals of a Roserade, the owner of the cafe brewed a fragrant tea before mixing in moo-moo milk, simple syrup, and ice, then finishing it off with chewy tapioca pearls.
Shortly thereafter, she ordered a slice of nanab berry & cream pie. It was a moist, sweet dessert with a pinkish hue, the creaminess of the moo-moo milk-based filling complimented the exotic, fruity flavor of the nanab berry.
As she ate in silence, the mysterious customer read her paper, seemingly fixated on a report warning locals about members of Team Rocket who have been spotted in the area. A mugshot of one person of interest caught her eye. He appeared to be a thin man with a pointy mustache, a prominent nose, and a scar over his left cheek.
She then gestured over to a Toxtricity, whispering to him a simple question. The tall, purple reptilian walked over to the owner at the bar, gesturing with his amphibian-like fingers.
"You wanted to ask me about something?" The owner asked when he approached the customer's table. There was something off-putting about him, the way his gaze seemed to see right through everything, as if he knows your inner nature and is unimpressed.
"I just wanted to compliment you on this dessert." She replied, "It's delicious."
"I thank you."
"And I also have a few questions about the cafe, if you have time."
The owner seemed intrigued. Her tone, her timing, there was something she was hiding. A question that she enticingly skirted around.
"And I have answers." He said, signalling to one of his Toxtricities to take over the bar as he took a seat. "What would you like to know?"
"When did you start this place?"
"Four years ago."
"Where'd you come from?"
"A region north of Unova, but I spent my youth in Castelia City."
Mundane questions, the usual sort one would expect from curious restaurant enthusiasts. But then, she asked him something peculiar.
"What do you know of Team Rocket?"
"What anyone else knows, of course." Said the owner. "They're a criminal organization."
"Any idea why they're here?" She continued to pry.
"I'd guess they're out looking for rare Pokemon to exploit."
"Not just any rare Pokemon." Said the stranger. "But an anomaly. Something that shouldn't exist."
"Interesting. And I'm guessing you're an expert on such matters, a Professor?"
"Professor Peach. Call me Renning."
"Renning." Peach repeated, reaching out to shake his hand. As she did so, she noticed the unmistakable burn scars that ran across the back of his hand. "Since you see people come and go, I was hoping you could tell me something you've heard from other customers, maybe something they've seen."
"I usually don't ask customers about such troubling things." Renning explained, "But tell me, what do you mean, shouldn't exist?"
The professor reached into her book bag, producing a small vial of liquid.
"I found this at the scene of a mysterious Pokemon sighting." She explained, "My lab tests were inconclusive, but my source at the Aether Foundation believes it might be the neurotoxin of a Nihilego."
"I'm no expert myself, but it's supposedly a Pokemon-like creature called an Ultra Beast. Now what could such a creature be doing here?"
The two leered at each other in silence, carefully looking for a sign, a subtle movement.
"I'm just a cafe owner." Renning calmly said. "I'm sure I haven't the slightest clue."
"I heard a rumor." Peach quickly interjected. "Years ago, Team Rocket experimented with cloning. Supposedly, there was an incident, and none of the scientists survived. But they never gave up on the project, to create the strongest Pokemon. If they're experimenting with Ultra Beasts, they must be stopped."
Renning looked at the glistening vial in Peach's rough hands, then turned his gaze back up to her.
"Tell me, Professor." Renning wondered. "Why are you looking into this?"
"Someone I know is involved." She replied. "I thought he went straight, but he got pulled back in. I'm just trying to get him out again."
Renning stood up from his seat and looked over at the Toxtricity at the bar, who seemed comedically overwhelmed by the orders of the afternoon lunch rush.
"I need to return to work." He said. "This conversation has been most enlightening, Professor. Consider your meal paid for. I do hope you will come again."
Peach stayed for a little longer, her eyes on the mysterious cafe owner. But the rest of the day went by without incident. With the premises empty of customers, and the Toxtricities doing their closing duties, Renning looked around the room and spotted the mysterious vial at the table Peach once sat.
Ten years, he thought.
Followed by the Toxtricities, he went into the kitchen, passing the stairway up to the floor he lived on, toward another set of stairs leading down to a padlocked door.
Beyond this was a dimly lit room full of strange devices. On a board on a wall, there were newspaper clippings of mysterious incidents on Cinnabar Island, Viridian City, Mount Quena, and Ryme City. On a desk below it, there was a computer and a framed, partially burnt photograph of a group of scientists.
He walked over to a large, dark window mounted on a far wall. Flipping a light switch, the glow of fluorescent light filled the room on the other side.
Inside the room was a lone man wearing the black uniform of Team Rocket. His pointed nose was bruised, his eyes were weary, a prominent scar ran down his cheek.
"I've just had a most fascinating conversation." Renning said through an intercom. "I was enlightened as to why you're here."
"I-...I don't know what you're talking about..." The trapped man denied.
"Don't try to hide your purpose." Renning demanded. "Remember, to Giovanni, you are expendable. And to me, you still are. You're here for an Ultra Beast, a Nihilego."
"Th-That's ridiculous," Said the Rocket grunt, "There's no way th-"
"I wonder what sort of facility Archer is administrating in the region." Renning interrupted. "A signal station? Of course, that's how he's attracting the Ultra Beasts. But why? Perhaps it's the neurotoxin he's after?"
"I...I-I wouldn't..."
"So that's what he's up to." Renning concluded. "I must confess, I'm almost impressed, he has made remarkable improvements. Tell me, does he have a suitable specimen? Or is another admin in charge of procuring one? Perhaps Giovanni has another team of scientists working on that?"
"I-...I don't..."
"I can see I have no further use for you." Renning sighed, ignoring his prisoner's pleas. "This is unfortunate, but not unexpected. You are, after all, expendable."
He nodded to his two Toxtricities, who entered the chamber with the lone captive. As the muffled screams faded away, Renning turned his attention to a shadowy, vaguely humanoid figure sitting at his desk.
"So now we know." He said.
"We know why," A stern, feminine voice pointed out. "But we're still missing key information. We need to know their plan."
"We know it involves the symbiotic properties of a Nihilego." Renning warned, "That's all we need to know. They're not here for you."
"You're aware of the potential threat."
"The only known specimens are far away from here, and no one can replicate our work." Renning said. "Our involvement is unnecessary. The potential threat is negligible at best."
"You forget, my friend. I know your thoughts. You're afraid of the possibility."
"This is no time for heroics." Renning sighed. "Especially your brand of heroics."
"If they are experimenting again, even if it's just a part of a larger project, we need to do something."
"You really need to learn how to take orders for once."
"Why?" Asked the mysterious figure as she stepped into a sliver of light, her crimson eye glimmering in the darkness. "Because it's in my DNA? I thought you edited that out."
My entry in for @prof-peach 's adventures. A lawful evil sort of guy. His main Pokemon are a pair of twin Toxtricities, one silly, one serious. Details of his backstory are still in development stages, but a general outline is sitting on my desk somewhere.
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sushiandstarlight · 4 years
Cookies: Chapter 16
This chapter includes yesterday’s prompt “evergreen” and today’s prompt “lights.”
Previous Story: Of All The Beds In All The Hotels In All The World
Chapter 1-3 / Chapter 4 / Chapters 5 & 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15 
Read this chapter on AO3
Rated: G, light teen for suggestion, nothing explicit
It took some amount of time to get downstairs, what with the way Crowley pinned his angel to the bed. And then Aziraphale's wandering hands in the shower. And the way they wound up snogging each other senseless at the top of the stairs, almost winding up at the bottom by way of running afoul of gravity. By the time they made their entrance into the kitchen, hands linked, they were pink in the face and couldn't stop smiling at one another.
That was, until Aziraphale saw the pies lined up on the kitchen island: apple crumble, cherry lattice with sparkling sugar on top, and mince were all present but also accompanied by blackberry and peach. Aziraphale drew close and hovered over the pies, cooing about how beautiful they were. He reached out to touch one, but Edie smacked his hand with a spatula.
“Ow!” he yelped, yanking back his hand.
“They are for dinner tomorrow night,” Edie sounded deathly serious.
“Oh, alright, but they are beautiful,” Aziraphale sat on one of the barstools, continuing to admire them. Crowley recognized the rapt attention, remembering how Aziraphale had looked at him in the shower. He took a quick mental turn from that image before he was overwhelmed with the urge to grab the angel's wrist and drag him back to their bedroom.
“What have we got here, then?” Crowley sauntered to the counter, also admiring the pies. They were a thing of beauty. Gladys and Edie clearly had talent. Edie pointed out each type with the spatula and Crowley crowed, “you missed a couple, Angel. Off your game.”
“I was a bit distracted,” Aziraphale hmphed. Crowley approached his stool and spun it around to face him.
“You can only smell some pies over my mouth-watering aroma, then?”
“Or maybe you still smell like butter and sugar. It's distracting.”
“I've bathed!”
“I know, I helped!”
Crowley felt his face go crimson. He looked over at the ladies only to find them looking suddenly very busy facing the opposite counter.
“Maybe I'll be rubbing down with butter and sugar every day for you when we get home,” Crowley pressed his forehead to Aziraphale's and smirked at him.
“Oh, that would be a terrible mess on my sheets.”
“Tell me, in this vision are they tartan?”
“No loss there.”
“That's okay, Angel,” Crowley wagged his eyebrows at him, “they're tartan in my vision, too.”
Aziraphale smiled and wiggled happily on the stool.
“Alright, that's enough mushiness near the pies, you're going to melt the pastry,” Edie swatted Crowley with a tea towel.
“Fine, fine. We'll move it along,” Crowley made a motion towards the sun room and set off for it. Aziraphale lingered, smiling bashfully at Edie and Gladys.
“You don't really mind, do you?” Aziraphale stood to leave.
“Nah,” Gladys winked at him and handed him a tiny mince pie, “Run along, now.”
Aziraphale smiled broadly and left, catching up with Crowley.
“Pssh, really?” Crowley had spotted the pie.
“Told you she likes me,” Aziraphale's smile was smug now.
“I think you're the favorite.”
“Do you want a piece.”
“Nah, I would rather watch you eat it.”
“I still don't understand what you get out of watching me eat,” Aziraphale sat on the loveseat, peering up at him. Crowley hadn't actually meant to say that out loud.
“Well,” he shrugged, going for casual, “I like to watch you take pleasure in things. I like knowing you're enjoying yourself.” He sprawled on the other side of the loveseat, managing to take up most of the room while Aziraphale sat up properly. He rested his head on the back of the sofa and waited, watching Aziraphale with a lazy smile on his face.
“Could you...” Aziraphale trailed off, looking away.
“Naw, now don't do that,” Crowley nudged the angel's knee with his own, “Whatever you want.”
“Oh, that's a list,” he looked back at Crowley, “I wondered if you might tip your glasses down while you watch me. I like watching you, too. Your eyes... they're so expressive.”
“Didn't know you liked 'em,” Crowley pulled his shades down his nose part way and peered at Aziraphale.
“I do. I like that you take them off when we're alone.”
“I've got nothing to hide from you,” Crowley watched as he took a small bit of the pie and hummed happily, “Except for Christmas.”
“Yes, I suppose that makes two of us.”
“Tomorrow, no secrets then.”
“Yes, I will feel better not keeping it from you.”
Crowley grunted, watching him take another bite and let out another hum, wiggling on the part of the cushion that Crowley wasn't currently sprawled over. Crowley kept watching him even as he finished, patting the sides of his lips with a napkin and brushing invisible crumbs off his trousers.
“It was one thing,” Crowley cleared his throat, but it did nothing to get rid of the gravelly sound his voice had dipped into, “before I knew what you sounded like when you... you know. Those little sounds you make, Angel, they would keep me up at night after our dinner dates. But, now I know...” He shifted in his seat, glancing at the door and pushing up his glasses.
“Maybe a little dessert is in order.”
“Dessert,” Crowley blinked, confused, “But you just had pie.”
“It really does devil with your brains, doesn't it?”
Aziraphale stood and made for the door, leaving the confused demon still on the sofa as he turned and went up the stairs.
“You dummy,” Edie poked her head around the door frame, from out of nowhere, “he wants you for dessert! You best get up there.”
He should have been mortified, but instead he just smiled at her and hoped he'd willed down the color that wanted to rush to his cheeks.
She high-fived him as he ran past her.
After supper it was decided that they would all go out and have a look at the lights that Aziraphale had been diligently hanging outside the inn. Crowley was happy enough to look at them, but still reluctant on account of the weather. The snow had continued to fall and it was ankle-deep now. He shivered as he peered out the the front door.
“You're not going out like that!” Gladys was behind him, shoving a long black coat into his hands, “You'll catch your death. I insist.” She watched him as he put it on and buttoned it and then wrapped a red and green scarf around his neck enough times that his chin was nearly lost inside it. And then she handed him mittens.
“Really? Where on this planet did you find men's sized mittens?”
“I made them.”
“What? Why?”
“For you! You always look cold. You make me cold just looking at you sometimes.”
He put on the green mittens, even though they made him feel silly. Pretty much instantly his hands felt warmer, but he wasn't about to tell her that. One look from her, told him she already knew, though.
“See, I thought you might take better care of yourself if doing so meant using a meaningful gift.”
Crowley clutched his hands to his chest and leaned in to her, whispering, “I'll treasure them, really.”
“Don't much care for treasuring, I'll be happy knowing you're using them.”
Aziraphale bustled by them in a cream-colored overcoat. He also had knitted mittens, but they were white with faux fur around the wrists. He pulled on a matching hat and stood by the door.
“Are we ready to go have a look?” Aziraphale craned to look past Gladys, “Where's Edie.”
“I'm coming, I'm coming!” Edie appeared from the kitchen with a tray of hot chocolates and passed them out. “No need to stand around out there freezing our buns off without something to keep us properly warm.”
“Finally, someone's speaking sense.”
“Oh, you poor dear,” she handed him his cocoa and patted his cheek- her hand was still warm from holding the cup- “if I'm the one speaking sense, we're in loads of trouble.”
Aziraphale opened the door and led them out into the parking lot. There wasn't a strong wind, but enough that it nipped sharply at Crowley's ears as he followed behind the others. He burrowed his face down into the scarf.
“Alright, turn back... now,” Aziraphale walked around and stood behind them as they turned back to the inn. They gasped and smiled and turned one at a time to congratulate him: The whole front of the inn was outlined in white lights, gently fading off and on at random. The walls were outlined in red and draped with net lights the same color. All the bushes were strewn with red and green lights.
Crowley was staring hard at the white lights, trying to discern a pattern to their tranquil flashing when he felt something warm and fuzzy slide over his ears. He jumped, reaching up to find earmuffs.
“Consider it an early Christmas present,” Aziraphale hugged him from behind. There were too many layers to feel the angel's warmth and Crowley felt the pity of it. Still, his ears had stopped stinging.
“Thanks,” he leaned back and kissed the angel's chilly cheek and shivered dramatically, “The lights are beautiful.”
Gladys appeared in front of them and clutched both of their chins.
“You boys have made this Christmas so special, you know that right? We couldn't have done all of this without you.” She was looking at them very earnestly from beneath the low brim of her knit cap. It had a giant pompom on top that was wiggling with the light breeze.
“I think we're thoroughly enjoying our stay,” Aziraphale's voice sounded a little pinched.
“I think we'll all enjoy our stay more inside,” Crowley burrowed up to his sunglasses into the scarf around his neck, “Not that the lights aren't pretty.”
They went back inside, still sipping their cocoa.
“By the way,” Gladys said as she unbuttoned her coat and hung it on one of the hooks by the door, “I got a call from the group holding the bake sale. All the baskets sold.”
“Oh, what marvelous news!” Aziraphale clapped his hands together happily.
“Someone, one person, bought all of them.”
“Wow, that's a lot of cookies for one person...” Crowley grumbled.
“And then donated the cookies to the orphans...” Gladys was eyeing them suspiciously.
“Don't look at me! I've been here the whole time,” Crowley squawked.
“I do wish I had thought of it, but I confess that I didn't,” Aziraphale looked honestly contrite.
“Whoever did it, it was an unexpected kindness,” Edie was still eyeing Crowley who shrugged at her.
“Anyway,” Gladys threw up her hands, giving up on having an answer tonight, “We all better get to bed. Santa's coming tonight! But he won't visit until we're all in our beds. Goodnight, boys.”
“Goodnight, Gladys. Edie.” Aziraphale nodded to them and they watched the two wander off down the hall.
“You,” Aziraphale turned to Crowley, “You bought all the cookies, didn't you?”
“That was a wonderful thing to do.”
“Nah, it was alright.”
“The children will love them.”
“Come on now.”
“I think,” Crowley found himself being pressed against the nearest flat surface- the wall, thankfully next to the coat hooks,- and kissed sweetly, “You should be rewarded for your good deed.”
“Is it a good deed if there's a reward?”
“Sure, if the reward was unexpected,” Aziraphale practically dragged him up the stairs. As if he was going to protest.
Chapter 17 is now up!
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borealis-strange · 4 years
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Chapter 3: Staying power
In the entrance of the castle they were greeted by a tall woman with distinctive red hair; thin and with fine features. She was thin, with slender hands, light-colored eyes, and a few freckles scattered across her pale face. She wore natural makeup in shades of red and orange, which matched her Victorian ball gown.
-Good morning gentlemen! - The Killer Queen greeted them excitedly as she gracefully descended the castle stairs
Tag-list:  @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen​ @likesomekindofcheese  @0-primejive-0 @starr1000
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The time was passing and each time they hurried more to pack their things. Freddie organizing all his clothes by categories in a set of suitcases of different sizes, Brian keeping with his guitar, Roger taking care of his sunglasses and John packed some books to try to read on the way, since it was a long 12-hour trip, that crossed all Rhye from south to north, passing through the Nevermore forest.
Days passed and finally it was time to go. They said goodbye to the black queen and she felt somewhat sad of what they had been, especially for Freddie, with whom she had grown fond over time. Jim offered to accompany them to the station with the excuse of taking care of them, but the queen knew it was to say goodbye to Freddie. Brian, Roger and John went ahead talking and laughing, while Freddie and Jim walk side by side and talk about different things, in addition to Jim helping Freddie with their suitcases because they were too many to be carried by one person.
-Time passed very quickly, I can't believe you should go now ... - Jim said somewhat crestfallen - The castle will no longer be the same without you. -
-I would like to stay longer, but I have to do many things ... I promise that I will come to visit you when I can. - Freddie said trying to cheer him up.
-Okay, but it's a very long and tiring journey, surely you don't want me to see you? At the end of the day you have many occupations and ... I suppose that the queen will not have a problem in some days.
-Sure, possibly ... - Freddie said sarcastically while laughing a little - But you could make the attempt. I would like to have you there some days. - He said while giving him a slight smile at the end.
They finally reached the station and the train was being boarded. The suitcases were being loaded onto the train, there were people arriving and buying tickets, but they already had their own.
-Here it says that it is first class, and that is up to the front of the train, so let's go this way. - Roger said with his sunglasses breaking through the crowd. The boys were behind him and the eyes followed them, Freddie's luggage was too striking.
They all carried only one or 2 suitcases in addition to hand luggage and were dressed in simple short-sleeved t-shirts and some simple pants, but Freddie carried at least 8 suitcases of different sizes that had a set, in addition to his small hand luggage.
Finally they reached the platform corresponding to first class,they showed their tickets, left their luggage, they went up and indicated the way for them by the wagon. The wagon had wood finishes and the golden lights gave it a style similar to the restaurant Jim and Freddie went to for the first time. A multi-table dining room with red velvet seats and a mat of the same color with thin gold lines along the banks framed the aisle of the first carriage. They advanced to the second and found several bunk beds for 4 people, foldable to the wall, with king blue blankets and pillows that looked really comfortable. Roger, just as a child would, ran to launch himself into one of them.
-You have to try these beds, they are really comfortable to be on a train!
-First class, dear - Freddie said while sitting on the bed in front of Roger. - I ask for the top bed. -
-Okay, I'll sleep here - John said, pushing aside the bed in which Freddie was sitting.
-I want up! -Roger said jumping out of the bed he was undoing even more than he had already done and climbing to the one on top of it by means of a tube ladder connecting both beds. - Bri, you go down. -
-It was where I wanted, so I will not protest. - Brian said as he stretched out the sheet and put down his guitar, which he did not want to let anyone else touch, much less put with the rest of the luggage.
-I'm hungry, why don't we go eat something? - John said by way of suggestion - We will last a long time here.
Everyone agreed and went to the dining room car, but Brian felt a little nervous and thoughtful for a few seconds. Suddenly, he realized he was alone and ran to catch up with the others.
When he reached the dining car, he found John, Freddie and Roger fascinated looking at a shop window that exhibited various cold desserts, such as cakes and jellies, that looked so delicious that it was impossible to decide for something.
-Brian, come see this! - Freddie said waving to Brian to get closer to the window glass.
The three of them looked like children looking at all the options they could choose from. From pastries as common as chocolate or vanilla with strawberries to traditional Rhye desserts: cream of the seven seas, cheese and strawberry 'foam' soufflé with lime, peach mousse, cherry pie of the 5th sea, among others.
Brian joined them and they stared at all the options available to them, when suddenly they were interrupted by a voice:
-Do you wish to order, gentlemen? - A waiter asked them kindly.
-I would like a strawberry cheese soufflé, but why is it called foam? - Freddie asked the young man.
-The cheese is mixed with special cream, that makes it when we whisk and cool down to a foamy and creamy consistency. So the Soufflé foam ’.
-Oh, it sounds delicious, so I want one. You guys? - Freddie spoke to the others.
-I want a triple chocolate cake and a large vanilla smoothie with whipped cream and a cherry from the 5th sea above. - Roger said excitedly.
I want a slice of cherry pie from the 5th sea and a strawberry milkshake, please. - John said somewhat shy as always. - What do you want Brian? -
-Oh, I'm not sure ... - Brian said looking at the window again. - I'm between an apricot flan and a cream from the 7 seas ... -
-You can consume whatever you like, gentlemen, the person who paid for your tickets also left the open bar bill paid. -
-Then it will be both! - Roger said excitedly taking Brian by the shoulders in surprise and interrupting just when he opened his mouth to dictate his decision. - Both and a large caramel frappe with whipped cream and chocolate on top!
-Roger, I think you are exaggerating ... - Brian said quietly
-Come on Brian, it's your favorite, you have to take advantage. - Roger said cheering Brian on.
-Well, you're right about that ... Yes, it should be big and with a cherry from the 5th sea above. - Brian said relaxing and accepting the coffee. -But decaffeinated, if not, I won't be able to sleep well.
The four sat down and ate desserts of all kinds until they were full. "Thank you, black queen" everyone thought. By the time they got up from the dining room part of the trip had already passed, and they were about to enter the nevermore forest. It was then that Brian decided to talk to the others about something he had found and would help them in the search for answers.
-Look guys. - Brian said when they reached his section of the train taking out of his backpack a thick book, with yellowed pages, covered in hardcover and a title in blurred letters worn by time. - In the book mentions a prophet - Brian said while leafing through the book in search of the correct page - The prophet may be the answer to all these mysteries. -
Brian would have liked to know more about the prophet but unfortunately there was not much information. Nothing about how he looked or how he made his prophecies, it just said where he lived and for Brian that was more than enough. Also that the author of the book had visited the prophet on occasion, but that the prophet was scared to see him and refused to see his future.
The boys looked at him doubtfully, not very convinced of what he said.
-And ... Exactly where does this prophet live? - John asked.
--He lives ... in the middle of the Nevermore - Brian said realizing that it did not sound the same as when thought about it.
Freddie was amazed and a little scared.
-Don't tell me you're going! No matter how desperate we are, it's not a good idea!
-Maybe ... - Brian said somewhat doubtfully. - It is an option. -
-It's crazy! - Freddie shouted altered, drawing the attention of other passengers.- Do you want to die ?! -
- Tssshhhhhhhh - Brian hissed at Freddie, trying to make him stop screaming. - No! It's just that ... What if the Nevermore is not what we think? What if ... there is something hidden? - Brian said in a whisper.
-That makes it an even worse idea! - Freddie said, the same in a whisper, but in the same tone.
-Well, it is crazy, the nevermore does not have a good reputation ... But Atticus said he would come back for us, we have no alternative. - Brian said - There is nothing better we can do, if we do not know who or what he is, we do not know what he is capable of. -
Everyone remained in silence. Freddie was going to answer, but backed down before speaking because deep down he knew Brian was right. Everyone deep inside knew that Brian was right. They were in danger and there wasn't much to think about.
-Let's leave it for today. Another day we will think things through more clearly. We should sleep, tomorrow we will meet the killer queen and we must have energy. - Freddie said changing the subject to reassure everyone. - Rest up, guys. -
The lights went out. Brian was unable to sleep that night. Not by the movement of the train nor by the light snores of his friends; he just had too much on his mind. So much vague information that he couldn't connect any point.
He believed that entering Nevermore will solve all his doubts but ... What if he was wrong? What if Roger was right and it was all just a fairy tale?
The Nevermore was huge, practically cutting Rhye in half from east to west; How was it possible that nobody realized there was something? For starters, no one would go in there unless they forced them, since everyone knew that whoever enters never returns, and if they do, they go completely crazy; saying they had seen ... magical creatures and monsters.
People who had survived spoke of great winged beasts, horrifying monsters, and things they could not even describe.
Brian kept thinking about that and was tossing and turning in his bed.
-Brian, are you feeling okay? - Roger leaned out from the bed above - Despite all the movement there is, I can feel you turning and changing your position.
-I'm fine, I think, I was just thinking about the Nevermore, and ... the book I found that time in the queen's library. You see, the author was talking about magical creatures and what the people who come out of the Nevermore say ... Maybe ... -
-Maybe I'm right? Don't worry about that Bri, maybe it's a book that someone wrote out of boredom and had a lot of creativity… Well they say the Nevermore is magical and everything, but maybe it was that same strange magical charge that left them talking crazy things like that. You should sleep tonight, tomorrow we will meet John's tutor ...
-All right, I'll try ... rest Roger. - Brian said adjusting himself again, this time ready to try to sleep.
-Anything you need you can tell me. -
Brian was going to reply again, but instantly he heard Roger's snoring. He closed his eyes and started to try to keep his mind clear. He watched as everything moved quickly out the window, and slowly as he pushed his thoughts away, he fell asleep without realizing it, lulled by the wind running through the trees and the light noise of the train.
He woke up as if time had not passed. Everyone was up, accommodating hand luggage and the train was slowing down.
-How good you wake up! I was about to tell Roger to do it, we're here. - Freddie said with a slight tone of emotion.
-What time is it? - Brian said disoriented, with a hoarse voice of just up.
-Well 7am dear, it's time to get off the train and go to the castle.
Wow, I couldn't remember dreaming anything, and that's very strange. Despite the few hours he slept, he rested well enough even to be on a train, apparently the movement had lulled him a lot.
The train stopped and everyone took their carry-on luggage. They took one last snack from the window and thanked the waiter and driver. They got off the train and started walking at the station until they came to a huge map of the third region with its location circled in red. -Well, here we are, but what do we do now? - Roger asked, lowering his sunglasses a little. - They only told us that you had to get there, but not what to do when you got there. Should we go or ...? -
-Well, I think that should answer your question. - John said pointing towards the entrance of the station.
A pair of royal guards with the shield of the third region in uniform appeared to attract the attention of those who got off the train and those who were passing through the station.
-Well, I think they come for us. - Roger said sarcastically.
-Good morning young princes, we hope you had a good trip. We have come for you to take you to the castle, join me here please. -
John already knew both of them, although he did not remember their names, when he first arrived in the third region.
They went down to the parking lot with their things and got into 2 black cars that drove through the entire city.
None of them except John had traveled to the third region and this was quite different from the first. The third region was created after the Ogre Battle and after the death of Atlas, which explained the distinct and more "modern" architectural style.
The main feature of the architecture was the use of compositions based on points, curves, ellipses and spirals, as well as complex polycentric figures made up of motifs that intersect with others. The architecture used painting, sculpture and stuccoes to create theatrical and exuberant artistic ensembles that served to extol the monarchs.
The journey went with tranquility. Occasionally they exchanged a couple of words with each other but most of the time none of them spoke, they just watched the city through the windows. Freddie was the one who was most fascinated by the city and really wanted to visit all those old buildings and especially go to the theater.
The trip lasted about an hour thanks to traffic but they reached what was the queen's castle. They were greeted by an immense garden symmetrically designed to be perfect. Composed of pine trees, pruned bushes with different shapes, two white paths that crossed each other as you advanced, giving place to small roundabouts with a circular shape and fountains in the middle, which culminated in a single line in front of the building that could well have been removed of the most capricious king's palace for its elegance.
The boys got out of the car and admired the palace.
It was a large, Victorian-style palace with influences from the modern period. It was long, with many small windows extending to the sides, with predominant shades of white and beige and navy blue tile roofs, with 5 towers and at the tip of each one was a flagpole with a waving Rhye flag and each one of the 4 regions.
The guards took from their suitcases and told them that they would take care of it.
In the entrance of the castle they were greeted by a tall woman with distinctive red hair; thin and with fine features. She was thin, with slender hands, light-colored eyes, and a few freckles scattered across her pale face. She wore natural makeup in shades of red and orange, which matched her Victorian ball gown.
-Good morning gentlemen! - The Killer Queen greeted them excitedly as she gracefully descended the castle stairs - How was the trip? Are you tired? -
The boys murmured that they were fine despite the trip being a bit heavy and that they hadn't eaten well yet.
-Follow me so you can see your rooms. The guards will leave your things in a moment. -
The queen turned and went back up the stairs to the castle's front door. The boys behind her watched the huge doors of thick carved wood open.
An impressive main hall awaited them. Down the stairs were a red carpet that led to a huge hall. The walls were full of pictures, there were even paintings on the ceiling, from which also hung a huge gold-painted iron chandelier. The hallways were covered with red carpet and the windows flooded with natural light every step they took.
The castle was incredibly large and square, and since nobody knew it well except John it would be really easy to get lost there without a map.
They circled, curved, traversed hallways, and climbed stairs, when they finally arrived.
-Here are your rooms - The queen said once they reached the west of the castle - Freddie this is yours - The queen said as she opened the door of one of the rooms - Roger, you here - She did the same with the room of next door - And finally Brian here. -
-John, you will sleep in your old room -
John just smiled slightly and nodded.
-Well, see you in an hour in the dining room, John will take you. It can see that you are hungry - The queen elegantly withdrew - And don't be late! - She exclaimed before disappearing down the stairs.
Each went to their respective room, but none unpacked immediately, they simply decided to rest after a long journey and even tried to get some sleep.
When 50 minutes passed, John knocked on the doors of each of the rooms to take his friends to the dining room. They went down the stairs next to the rooms and finally arrived.
The queen was waiting for them with the table already set with all the food; absolutely everything smelled delicious and they couldn't wait for the moment to start eating
-Well, - The queen started talking once everyone had sat down - Since everyone is here I will give you a couple of important announcements. First: the rules. The library and the music room are free to use, you can use them when you need it. I don't want you hanging around the castle after midnight. Lesath already told me what you do. And ... I think that's it for the moment.
-And two: I will give you rhetoric and oratory classes from Monday to Friday. I want to see you in the patio at 10 in the morning every day of the week. The other days that we do not have class you can have your time, you can leave the castle if you like. Even if you want you can invite their friends to spend time in the castle, there is no problem -
The latter she said looking askance at Freddie with a slight smile, as if that rule was specifically for him.
The meal went with serenity. The queen occasionally asked them a few questions, "How was your stay with Lesath?" "Are you excited to live here?" "What did you do before you were princes?"
The boys tried to answer as honestly as possible but obviously without revealing too much and if they did not want to answer, the queen did not get pushy, which made them feel more comfortable with her presence.
After the meal they retired to their rooms so that they could actually begin to unpack their things.
Even though Brian wasn't quite sure if going to Nevermore was a good idea yet, he knew his plans had to be postponed indefinitely.
Besides that he still needed the courage to do that crazy thing.
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Adrinette April
Day 1: Pranks
April fools day.
Marinette hates April fools day.
Every year her whole school becomes a circus. Alix and Kim outdo themselves which one could prank the most classmates. Chloé, even if she claims that hole day is utterly ridiculous, plays a few pranks herself. Admittedly some more cruel than the most pranks common for that day.
The girls and the boys played against each other and Marinette is just so done with that whole day.
Normally she would try to avoid that whole day. But this year is different. This time she had a plan of herself.
For the past few years Tikki always was her voice of reason. She endured all the pranks and did nothing in return, that’s why she normally despised that day. But since she accidentally found out that Chat Noir was Adrien, she made a deal with Plagg. Without Tikki’s knowledge of course.
A little mischief with the god himself could only be fun. Now she knew why Adrien’s pranks were always so good, he had help. But not this year. This year it was her turn.
The day started simple. She baked Macarons, colourful as always, and stepped into class with a wide grin.
“Good Morning everyone. I brought treats, please help yourself!” She took the first one to empathise her point and to hide her smirk. She could see the joy in everyone’s eyes and she knew that they weren’t cautious opposite her, Marinette never played pranks. Until now.
Half of the class enjoyed their treats the other half gaged in response. They eyed their Macarons curiously, don’t want to believe that they didn’t taste like usual, another warily bite. Finally they spat them out and loooked with betrayed eyes towards Marinette who cackeled behind her own sweet. “April Fool!”
The whole class gaped at her, they couldn’t believe that their normally sweet classmate, who never ever played one single prank, fooled them. Unbelievable.
Some started to laugh, mostly the students who had luck and grasped a sweet one. “Wow Marinette. That was sneaky! Who would’ve guessed you had that in you!” Alix elbowed her.
“Yeah Dudette, who would guessed.” Nino’s voiced dripped with sarcasm, he was one of the unlucky.
“Seriously thought, what did you put into these? They tasted weird.” Alya wrinkles her nose in disapproval.
“I think I tasted Camembert.” Adrien gulped down another swallow from his bottle. “I will definitely not get rid of the taste.” He whined between another sip.
Marinette chuckles. “You’re right Adrien. The pinkish with the white filling are either Peach or Camembert, the green ones were either apple or wasabi, the purple is either blueberry or red cabbage and the red one is strawberry and the only winner. My dad tried to create these specifically for today and I asked if I could bring some with me to school. He liked the idea.” Marinette carefully plastered a shy smile on her face, tries to look innocent and shrugged in response.
First rule from Plagg, try to shift the blame away. Marinette has a Aura full of innocence, if she wanted to play her charade all day long she needed to play a low profile.
Laughter filled the room. “Your dad has a cruel sense of humour. How can we ever trust these pastries ever again?” Kim eyed the box and glanced at Alix. “Hey Alix! I bet I can find more sweet Macarons out of that box than you!”
“Oh your so on!” Alix launched herself at the box and soon the class cheered the pair on.
Marinette glanced around and placed a small box full of Camembert Macarons inside Adrien’s bag and winked at Plagg. Tikki looked up at her chosen with disapproval written clear in her eyes, she only played along because Marinette promised her every sweet thing Tikki wanted for the next month.
Phase one completed.
Phase two started two classes into the day. Throu Plagg she knew what Adrien planed for his pranks. It was physics time. Originally Adrien wanted to switch some liquids and ingredients so that his classmates would have quite the different reactions for their experiments. Thanks to Plagg, only his experiments went downhill. Marinette tried to hold back her muffled chuckle, but after another failed attempted and an annoyed huff from Adrien she couldn’t take it anymore and let out a louder giggle.
Adrien turned slightly and raised an eyebrow towards her. Confusion written across his face at her obvious joy.
“You seem to have quite the Bad Luck, don’t you?” she quietly whispered, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes only he could see. His frown deepened and Marinette escaped another chuckle.
“Monsieur Agreste! Did your experiment fail again?” He flinched and turned slightly towards their teacher. “I’m sorry Madame Mendeleiev. I don’t know what’s wrong today, I will try it again.” She nodded in approval and turned toward another student. Adrien glanced over his shoulder but Marinette already studied her own Projekt.
Phase three started in the middle of lunch break.
Alya suddenly squeaked. Everyone turned their heads in surprise, only Marinette had a small knowing smile dance across her lips.
“You won’t believe this! Someone submitted anonymously a video to the Ladyblog. One that has Ladybug and Chat Noir starring! And they kissed! KISSED! You can see the love in their eyes! Oh my god, I can’t believe this! My ship is finally sailing. I need to post this right away!” Alya exclaimed.
“Ähm babe? You know what day it is today. I don’t believe that that video is real.”, Nino clarifies.
“No Nino, that would be too cruel. That can’t be a prank! I won’t believe this injustice.” As Nino and Alya continues to argue, Marinette get up and walked past Adrien. She stopped for a moment behind him and whispered in his ear: “What do you think Kitty? Real or Prank? Did it happen and you forgot it again?” Adrien’s shocked and confused face drew another silent laughter from her. She winked at him and disappeared through the main door.
Throughout the rest of the school day she played some minor pranks. Some for the whole class and some specifically for Adrien, which grew more frustrated as time passed on. But her gran final was planned for patrol later in the day.
Patrol started as always. They came together, discussed their route and split up. Shortly before midnight they meet up again at the Eifel tower. Marinette started her last plan for that day. She knew, thanks to Plagg, that Chat himself had something planned out. But she never let him get there.
The second he set a foot on the Plattform she launched herself at him. “Chat! I just saw that footage on the Ladyblog”, thank you Alya for posting it, “that we kissed but I don’t have any memory of that incident. What about you?” Ladybug looked at him with concern in her eyes. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, a slight blush crept upon his cheeks at how close she pressed herself against him.
“No?”, he squeaked, his blush deepened. He cleared his throat. “I mean No, I don’t have any memory of that incident. But now that you mentioned it, someone very close to me made a strange comment about it.”
Ladybug leaned slightly back in his arms and raised one eyebrow. “Oh? But Alya just uploaded it, how should she know something about it, unless ...”, she trailed of, hoping that he would pick up on her train of thought.
“Unless she was the one making that photo! That would explain some things, but why should she submit it anonymously to the Ladyblog? And her comment made no sense, the only one calling me kitty is you but she called me that in my civilian form, which made even less sense.” Marinette sighed, his thoughts can’t connect these two details right now. She need to push further, more drastic.
Faintly she heared Notre Dame chime Midnight. Perfect timing. She leaned back in and stopped his rambling by kissing him. As she pulled back, he only starred at her. “If this is a April Fools Prank, I’m really mad!”
Marinette giggled. “Don’t you hear it? It’s already past midnight, so no prank here. But come on Kitty, connect the dots already! I left so much breadcrumbs throughout the day.”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and slowly she could see understanding flash in his eyes. He looked back at her with disbelief and wonder. “Marinette? Is it really you, but how? Why? When did you ... how did you?”
She laughed again. “Yes Kitty, it’s really me! I’ll explain everything to you, but first come here Adrien. I want to kiss you again, I waited the whole day!”
He obeyed her with pleasure.
That’s the end of the first story.
Seriously, I have no idea what good April Fools pranks are. Nevertheless I hope you all had fun reading this story. I’m not one hundred percent happy with the outcome, but I don’t know how I should write it differently. Maybe I’m coming back sometime and change it.
I’m writing slower than I would like but I really want to write all the story’s for @adrinetteapril
Wish me luck and check out all the other awesome writers for this monthly challenge.
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