#the solace of fierce landscapes
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Rainfall over the Sacred Mountain, Taos, NM. Photo: Geraint Smith (Sep 3, 2023) :: [Robert Scott Horton]
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The landscape's silent immensity—and the God to whom it points—is able to absorb all the grief one can give it.
-Belden C. Lane, The Solace of Fierce Landscapes: Exploring Desert and Mountain Spirituality [beguines]
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iscariotapologist · 2 years
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Belden C. Lane, The Solace of Fierce Landscapes
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zapreportsblog · 8 months
❝my little warrior❞
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✭ pairing : tsu’tey x reader
✭ fandom : avatar the way of water
✭ summary : a sky person undergoes a remarkable transformation into a Na'vi and finds herself entwined in a passionate love affair with Tsu'tey. Their love deepens as they marry, but their union takes an extraordinary turn when she becomes pregnant with Tsu'tey's heir.
✭ avatar the way of water masterlist
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The night was alive with the soft, melodic hum of Pandora's bioluminescent flora. A faint breeze rustled the leaves of strange trees, and the stars above sparkled like scattered diamonds. (Y/N) stood beneath the alien sky, marveling at the beauty of this vibrant world.
Once, she had been a sky person, a scientist sent to Pandora to study its unique plant life. But life had taken a turn she could never have imagined. She had undergone the Avatar program, and now she had her own Na'vi body, a body she had come to love and cherish.
Over time, as she immersed herself in Na'vi culture and explored the lush landscape, (Y/N) found herself drawn to Tsu'tey, a fierce and noble warrior of the Omaticaya clan. His strength, wisdom, and the way he moved with the grace of a predator in the forest had captivated her heart.
However, as fate would have it, another love story was unfolding on Pandora. Jake Sully, the human who had become a Na'vi, had fallen deeply in love with Neytiri, the daughter of the clan leader. Their bond was undeniable, and their love grew stronger with each passing day.
(Y/N) struggled with her feelings for Tsu'tey, torn between her affection for him and the knowledge that Jake and Neytiri's love was destined to be. She often sought solace in the bioluminescent forests, hoping that the wisdom of Eywa, the living spirit of Pandora, would guide her.
One fateful night, as the moon hung low in the sky, (Y/N) and Tsu'tey found themselves beneath the sacred Tree of Voices. The ancient tree's soft whispers seemed to beckon them closer, and their hearts led them to each other. Under the watchful gaze of Eywa, they mated, their love transcending the boundaries of their different origins.
As time passed, the tension between the Na'vi and the sky people escalated, leading to a catastrophic war. (Y/N) fought alongside her Na'vi brothers and sisters, determined to protect the land and people she had come to call home. The conflict raged on, the battles were fierce, and losses were heavy on both sides.
It was in the aftermath of one such battle, amid the scars of war, that (Y/N) received news that would change everything. She discovered that she was pregnant, carrying the child who would be the heir of Tsu'tey, the child born of their love. Her heart swelled with hope and uncertainty, for this new life represented a bridge between two worlds, a symbol of unity and a chance for redemption.
Upon finding out the news she touched her abdomen, feeling the life growing within, (Y/N) knew that the challenges ahead were immense. But she also knew that the love she shared with Tsu'tey and the bond she had with Pandora's people would give her the strength to face whatever the future held.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, amber glow over the lush, alien landscape of Pandora. (Y/N) stood at the edge of the clearing, gazing out at the rolling hills and bioluminescent flora that stretched as far as the eye could see. It had been weeks since the destruction of Hometree at the hands of the Sky People, and life among the Omaticaya clan had changed dramatically.
Beside her, Tsu'tey, his tall and muscular form silhouetted against the fading light, watched the same landscape. He had become the clan leader, a position he had never sought but had embraced with a fierce determination. The loss of Hometree had been a deep wound in the heart of the Na'vi, and the Omaticaya had been scattered in the aftermath, forced to relocate and adapt to a new way of life.
"(Y/N)," Tsu'tey spoke softly, his voice tinged with sadness. "Our home, our Hometree, is gone. But we must move forward, rebuild, and find a new place to call our own."
(Y/N) turned to look at him, her eyes reflecting the same sadness. "I know, Tsu'tey. And I want to help rebuild our clan. I want to build a new home, one where our people can thrive once again."
Tsu'tey placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch reassuring. "You have a strong spirit, (Y/N), and a heart filled with love for our people. We will find a way, together."
As the weeks passed, the Omaticaya clan worked tirelessly to establish a new settlement. It was a challenging endeavor, but their determination was unwavering. Tsu'tey, as the leader, was often at the forefront, guiding and motivating the clan members. (Y/N), too, played her part, using her knowledge of the land and her skills to help gather resources and build shelters.
One evening, as the two of them sat by the fire, (Y/N) hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Tsu'tey, there's something I need to tell you." Her voice trembled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
Tsu'tey turned to her, his amber eyes filled with curiosity. "What is it, (Y/N)?"
Taking a deep breath, she placed a hand on her belly, her eyes glistening with tears of joy. "I'm carrying our child, Tsu'tey. I'm pregnant."
For a moment, Tsu'tey was silent, his gaze locked on (Y/N)'s face. Then, a radiant smile spread across his features, and he pulled her into a tight embrace. "This is wonderful news, (Y/N)! Our family will grow, and our love will only strengthen."
Tears of happiness filled (Y/N)'s eyes as she hugged him back. "I knew you would be happy, Tsu'tey."
Tsu'tey kissed her forehead and whispered, "I promise to support our family to the fullest, (Y/N). Our child will grow up surrounded by the love of the Omaticaya clan, and we will build a future where they can thrive."
As they held each other by the firelight, the stars overhead began to twinkle in the alien sky, casting their blessings on this new chapter in the lives of (Y/N) and Tsu'tey. Together, they would face the challenges of rebuilding, parenthood, and a future filled with hope.
The first month of pregnancy for (Y/N) was a period of quiet excitement and newfound awareness. As soon as she shared the news with Tsu'tey, their bond grew even stronger, and they embarked on this journey together with a sense of wonder.
During this initial month, (Y/N) experienced a range of physical and emotional changes. While some women might not yet be aware of their pregnancy at this stage, (Y/N) had a deep connection to her body and noticed subtle shifts.
Morning sickness made its presence felt, though it wasn't just limited to the mornings. There were moments of queasiness that could strike at any time of the day. She found comfort in sipping herbal teas that the clan's healers recommended to ease the nausea. Tsu'tey was always by her side, ready with soothing words and a helping hand whenever she needed it.
Fatigue was another constant companion during the first month. (Y/N) often found herself needing more rest than usual, and Tsu'tey made sure she had a comfortable place to rest and recuperate. The Omaticaya clan members, aware of their leader's impending fatherhood, were also supportive, offering assistance with chores and responsibilities.
Emotionally, (Y/N) experienced a mix of happiness, anticipation, and occasional anxiety. She couldn't help but wonder about the kind of parent she would be and how their child would fit into the clan's evolving dynamics. Tsu'tey was her anchor during these moments of reflection, assuring her that they would face the future together, as a strong and loving family.
As the first month passed, the news of (Y/N)'s pregnancy gradually spread throughout the clan. The Omaticaya celebrated the impending arrival of a new member with joy and hope, and they gathered around the couple, offering blessings and support.
Tsu'tey, who had been busy with the responsibilities of leadership, took moments to connect with (Y/N) and the life growing inside her. He would place his hand gently on her belly, feeling a sense of wonder as he imagined their child's future among the Na'vi.
The first month of pregnancy for (Y/N) was a time of gentle transitions and growing anticipation. She and Tsu'tey faced the challenges and joys of this new chapter with love, determination, and the unwavering support of the Omaticaya clan.
The second and third months of (Y/N)'s pregnancy brought with them a deeper sense of purpose and a heightened awareness of the challenges ahead. Balancing the responsibilities of helping the village rebuild with the anticipation of their growing family tested both (Y/N) and Tsu'tey in unique ways.
As the weeks passed, (Y/N) found herself adjusting to the physical changes of pregnancy. Her morning sickness began to ease, bringing some relief. Still, she had to be mindful of her energy levels and listen to her body's cues, which sometimes meant stepping back from strenuous tasks. The healers of the Omaticaya clan continued to offer guidance and support, ensuring her well-being.
Tsu'tey, as the clan leader, faced a relentless stream of decisions and duties related to the village's reconstruction. He leaned on the strength and resilience of his people, delegating tasks to clan members to ensure the new settlement continued to grow. At the same time, he made a conscious effort to be there for (Y/N), recognizing that her well-being and their growing family were his top priorities.
Together, (Y/N) and Tsu'tey navigated the challenges of rebuilding their lives while preparing for the arrival of their child. They shared moments of quiet reflection in the evenings, talking about their hopes and dreams for their family. Tsu'tey often spoke about teaching their child the ways of the Na'vi, passing down the traditions and values of their clan.
The Omaticaya clan, aware of their leader's impending fatherhood, rallied around the couple. They helped with household chores, ensured that (Y/N) had access to nutritious meals, and offered their wisdom on parenting and raising a child within the clan. The sense of community and support was a constant source of strength for (Y/N) and Tsu'tey.
During the second and third months, (Y/N) began to feel the first flutters of the baby's movements within her womb. Each kick and twist filled her with awe, reminding her of the life growing inside her. Tsu'tey would often place his hand on her belly, feeling the gentle movements, and they would share smiles and whispered words of love for their unborn child.
While the challenges of rebuilding their village remained, the anticipation of their growing family served as a beacon of hope. (Y/N) and Tsu'tey knew that their child would be born into a world of resilience, love, and unity, surrounded by the warm embrace of the Omaticaya clan.
During the fourth, fifth, and sixth months of (Y/N)'s pregnancy, the physical demands of carrying their child became more pronounced, and (Y/N) found herself struggling with feelings of frustration and inadequacy. In the vibrant world of the Na'vi, where strength and agility were highly valued, she couldn't help but feel like she was falling short.
As she watched other pregnant Na'vi women in the clan continue to ride their ikran and participate in hunting expeditions, (Y/N) felt a growing sense of frustration. She had always been an active member of the Omaticaya clan, and now, as her pregnancy advanced, she found it increasingly difficult to keep up with her usual activities.
One day, as (Y/N) sat by a clear river, her thoughts weighed down by her perceived shortcomings, Jake Sully approached her. He had lived among the Na'vi and understood both their culture and her unique situation as a human who had become one of them.
"(Y/N)," Jake said gently, sitting down beside her. "I've noticed that you're feeling down lately. What's been bothering you?"
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she confessed her feelings of uselessness. "I see the other Na'vi women continuing their daily activities, riding ikran and hunting, and here I am struggling just to walk without feeling exhausted. I feel like I'm letting everyone down."
Jake placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I understand why you're feeling this way, (Y/N). But remember, you were once a human, and human women have different experiences during pregnancy. Your body has been through a remarkable transformation, adapting to the ways of the Na'vi. You're carrying a child who will be part of both worlds, and that makes your journey unique."
(Y/N) looked at Jake, her eyes filled with gratitude. "But I still want to contribute, to be a part of the clan's activities."
Jake nodded with a knowing smile. "You don't have to be a warrior or a hunter to contribute, (Y/N). Your wisdom, your love, and the unique perspective you bring to our clan are invaluable. You're carrying the future of our people, and that's the most important role of all."
Touched by Jake's words, (Y/N) wiped away her tears. She realized that her journey through pregnancy was bound to be different, but it was no less significant. She had a loving partner in Tsu'tey, the support of the Omaticaya clan, and the wisdom of Jake to guide her through this unique experience.
As the months passed, (Y/N) embraced her role as a mother-to-be with newfound confidence. She may not have been riding ikran or hunting, but she was nurturing a new life, one that would bridge the gap between two worlds. With the support of her loved ones and a sense of purpose, she found joy and fulfillment in the path that lay ahead, ready to welcome their child into a world of unity and understanding.
The seventh month of (Y/N)'s pregnancy brought with it a sense of eager anticipation. As her belly continued to swell with the growing life inside, she and Tsu'tey decided to set aside a special day to choose names for their soon-to-arrive baby. It was a tradition among the Na'vi to carefully select names that held deep meaning, reflecting the hopes and dreams for the child.
One warm and tranquil afternoon, (Y/N) and Tsu'tey found a quiet spot beneath the shade of a large willow tree by the river. They sat cross-legged on a woven mat, facing each other, their hands intertwined. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves above, and the sounds of the forest provided a soothing backdrop for their important task.
Tsu'tey spoke first, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I've been thinking about names for our child, (Y/N). For a boy, I like the name Nari. It means 'strong,' and I hope our son will grow to be as strong as our clan."
(Y/N) smiled at the choice. "Nari is a wonderful name, Tsu'tey. For a girl, I've been considering Aluna. It means 'peace,' and I want our daughter to bring peace to our hearts and our clan."
Tsu'tey nodded in agreement. "Aluna is a beautiful name. Strong and peaceful, just like you, (Y/N)."
They continued to brainstorm names, taking turns suggesting options and discussing their meanings. For a boy, they considered names like Tarok, meaning 'brave,' and for a girl, Neytiri, in honor of their dear friend and fellow clan member. Each name carried a special significance, representing qualities they wished for their child.
As they deliberated, (Y/N) felt a deep connection with Tsu'tey and their growing family. She realized that this was not just a choice of names; it was a celebration of their love, their hopes, and their shared future. The anticipation of meeting their child in just a few short months filled their hearts with joy.
After much thought and consideration, they settled on the names. For a boy, they chose Nari, a name representing strength, and for a girl, Aluna, embodying peace. With these names in mind, they felt even more connected to the life growing within (Y/N)'s belly, eager to welcome Nari or Aluna into their loving arms.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, (Y/N) and Tsu'tey held each other close, their hearts filled with gratitude and excitement. They knew that the journey ahead would be a remarkable one, and they were ready to embrace it together as a family, with Nari or Aluna at its heart.
The eighth month of (Y/N)'s pregnancy brought with it a sense of camaraderie among the Na'vi women of the Omaticaya clan. Neytiri, who had become like a sister to (Y/N) and Tsu'tey, was more than happy to lend her support to the pregnant women of the tribe. It was a time when the women came together, sharing their experiences, wisdom, and traditions.
On a bright and sunny morning, the pregnant Na'vi women gathered beneath the shade of a massive tree in the heart of the clan's new settlement. They sat on woven mats, surrounded by baskets filled with vibrant blooms and fragrant herbs. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the soft hum of conversation.
Neytiri, with her gentle smile and nurturing spirit, led the gathering. She had graciously taken on the role of guiding the expectant mothers through this phase of their journey. (Y/N) sat among the women, her pregnant belly a testament to the life she carried within.
As the women worked together, weaving intricate flower crowns and arranging the blooms into beautiful bouquets, they shared stories of their own pregnancies, recalling the joys and challenges they had faced. Some spoke of the excitement of their first child, while others offered advice on coping with the physical changes that came with pregnancy.
Neytiri, with her wealth of knowledge, shared traditional Na'vi remedies and practices that could alleviate discomfort and promote the well-being of both mother and child. Her presence was a source of comfort and inspiration for (Y/N) and the other expectant mothers.
"(Y/N)," Neytiri said, turning to her with a warm smile, "You are a part of our clan, and your journey is a unique one. You may have been born human, but your heart is Na'vi. We are here to support you as you bring a child into our world, and we are honored to share in this experience with you."
Tears of gratitude welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she nodded. She had come to love her Na'vi family deeply, and this gathering of women was a reminder of the strength of their community. They were united not just by blood but by their shared values, traditions, and the bonds they had formed.
As the day passed, the women wove their stories and their flower crowns together, creating memories that would forever be etched in their hearts. The eighth month of (Y/N)'s pregnancy became a time of connection and celebration, a testament to the beauty of unity and the enduring spirit of the Omaticaya clan.
The ninth month of (Y/N)'s pregnancy was filled with eager anticipation and the feeling that their child's arrival was imminent. She stood with the other Na'vi women, watching the horizon for the return of their mates, husbands, brothers, and fathers from the hunting party. The air was charged with excitement, and a sense of unity enveloped the waiting group.
As they scanned the distant landscape, (Y/N) suddenly felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She gasped, clutching her belly as a warm rush of fluid signaled that her water had broken. Panic and realization washed over her, and she turned to the women beside her, trying to convey her urgency with wide eyes.
Without hesitation, the Na'vi women swiftly guided (Y/N) toward the healing tent. Her contractions intensified, and she couldn't help but cry out for Tsu'tey, her voice filled with longing. She wanted him there with her during this pivotal moment, but the urgency of the situation pressed on.
Inside the healing tent, the skilled healers and midwives immediately recognized that (Y/N) was in labor. They began to attend to her, guiding her into a birthing pool and providing comfort as the contractions grew stronger and closer together. Despite their best efforts, (Y/N) was already deep into labor and had to begin pushing.
Each push was met with determination and courage, but (Y/N) continued to call out for Tsu'tey, her heart aching for his presence. Her strength wavered, but she drew from the support of the healers and the women around her.
Meanwhile, the hunting party returned to the village, led by Jake Sully. Jake had noticed (Y/N)'s and Neytiri’s absence amongst the crowd of woman, a healer approached Tsu'tey with a sense of urgency, relaying the news of her labor. Panic and worry etched across Tsu'tey's face, and he wasted no time rushing to the tent where (Y/N) was giving birth.
Inside the tent, (Y/N) lay in the birthing pool, her body glistening with sweat, her voice filled with both pain and determination. Neytiri, her trusted friend and clan sister, stood by her side, offering words of encouragement.
And then, in a moment that felt like an eternity, (Y/N) gave one final push. The room seemed to hold its breath as she brought their child into the world. With a triumphant cry, her baby boy took his first breath, and the room erupted in joyous celebration.
Tsu'tey entered the tent just in time to witness the miraculous moment. His heart swelled with pride and love as he rushed to (Y/N)'s side, tears in his eyes. Together, they marveled at the tiny, precious life they had brought into their clan.
Neytiri, with a grin that stretched from ear to ear, announced, "It's a boy!" The healing tent filled with cheers and laughter, and the clan members celebrated the arrival of the newest member of the Omaticaya clan.
In the midst of the joyous chaos, (Y/N) and Tsu'tey shared a moment of profound connection as they held their newborn son in their arms. It was a testament to their love and strength as a couple and their unwavering bond with their Na'vi family. The birth of their son marked the beginning of a new chapter filled with hope, unity, and love.
Later that night, as (Y/N) rested in the birthing tent, Tsu'tey sat by the soft glow of a bioluminescent plant, cradling their newborn son in his large, gentle hands. The baby nestled peacefully against his chest, his tiny fingers curled around Tsu'tey's finger.
Tsu'tey looked down at the sleeping infant with a soft smile, his deep amber eyes filled with wonder. "Your mom says babies on Earth are tiny," he whispered, his voice barely above a hushed tone, "At first, I didn't believe her, but now, seeing and holding you, I can confidently say your mother was correct."
He chuckled softly, his tone filled with love and amusement. "You are a little warrior, aren't you? Just like your mother and your father." Tsu'tey's heart swelled with pride as he continued to speak to his son.
"You have a world of adventure ahead of you, my son," Tsu'tey murmured, his voice filled with a promise, "And I will always be here to guide you, to protect you, and to love you, no matter how old you may get."
The baby stirred slightly, his eyes flickering open for a brief moment before drifting back into peaceful slumber. Tsu'tey's heart melted as he watched his son, marveling at the tiny life he held in his hands.
With a tender kiss on the baby's forehead, Tsu'tey continued to whisper words of love and protection into the night, ensuring that their newborn son would always know the depth of his father's devotion and the warmth of their family's embrace.
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charlesslut16 · 2 months
-a journey through mental health-
summary: Daniel sees you changing your behavior and talks with you about it...
PAIRING: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
WARNINGS: mental health talk!
note: If you need help with anything, i'm always here for you, my loves
december masterlist ; masterlist   
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the tranquil landscape, Daniel Ricciardo sat beside his girlfriend, you, your eyes clouded with a heaviness he had never seen before.
Daniel had always experienced his girlfriend, as the brightest ray of sunshine, like nothing bad had ever touched her. And he so wished that it could have been true, even if he knew in his heart that this hope could not be fulfilled.
You were nestled on a cozy blanket under the shade of a sprawling oak tree, a place you often sought solace in each other's company. It was your comfort place. Forever.
Daniel noticed the subtle shifts in your demeanor over the past few weeks. Your laughter seemed forced, your smile fleeting, and your once bright eyes now held a hint of sorrow.
He could no longer ignore the invisible barrier that seemed to separate you from him, and he knew he couldn't sit idly by any longer. Daniel knew that he needed to say something, to help you, his rock.
"Hey, my love," Daniel said softly, reaching out to gently grasp your hand. He always did this, so you would think it was something so bad, but enough to let you know that this was important.
"You've seemed a little off lately. Is everything okay?"
His words hung in the air, lingering in the space between you like a delicate thread. You sighed, your shoulders slumping under the weight of your hidden burdens.
For weeks, you had tried to mask your struggles, but now, sitting beside Daniel, you couldn't bear to keep up the facade any longer. Your facade had crumbled and laid bare to Daniel.
"I... I don't know, Daniel," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper. "I've been feeling... lost. Like I'm drowning in my own thoughts, and I can't find my way back to the surface."
Daniel's heart clenched at your words, the pain evident in your voice cutting through him like a knife. He had always admired your strength and resilience, but now, seeing your vulnerability laid bare before him, he felt a surge of protectiveness wash over him.
Tears started to show in your eyes as you leaned into his embrace, finding solace in his reassuring presence. "I'm sorry, Dan," you murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "I don't mean to burden you with my struggles."
"Hey, it's okay," Daniel murmured gently, pulling you into his warm and safe embrace. "You don't have to face this alone. I'm here for you, always. Do not forget this, ever."
Tears welled in your eyes as you buried your face in his chest, your grip on him tightening, as if you feared he would disappear if you let go. At that moment, Daniel vowed to be your rock, your anchor in the storm raging within you.
Just as you were for him.
"You're not alone in this, love," Daniel whispered lovely, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. "We'll get through this together, one step at a time. No rush."
And so, beneath the starlit sky, Daniel held you close, his arms a shield against the darkness that threatened to consume you. He hated himself for not seeing this sooner.
With each whispered word of reassurance, he reminded you that you were loved, cherished, and worthy of all the happiness in the world. And he would gladly give it to you.
As you sat in the quiet comfort of each other's arms, you felt a glimmer of hope stir within your heart. With Daniel by your side, you knew you could weather any storm, no matter how fierce.
At that moment, amidst the shadows of uncertainty, their love shone brighter than ever before.
And as the night stretched on, Daniel held you close, whispering words of love and reassurance until the darkness gave way to the light of a new day.
In the days that followed, Daniel stood by your side as you embarked on the journey toward healing. Together, you faced the highs and lows, the triumphs and setbacks, knowing that as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm.
And though the road ahead was fraught with challenges, Daniel remained steadfast in his love and support, a beacon of hope guiding you through the darkest of nights.
For in his arms, she found solace, strength, and the courage to believe that brighter days were just beyond the horizon.
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jgoddesstarot · 8 months
Pick-A-Pile: Their Career: What Profession or Field is Your Future Spouse In?
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👑Check out my masterlist to see all of my pick-a-card readings😊
✨ Visit my shops at Ko-fi.com or J.Goddess Tarot✨
🔮Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are based upon my intuitive interpretation of the cards and about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
🔮How I read: I use a mix of tarot cards, oracle cards, along with my intuitive abilities of claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
🔮How this works: Close your eyes and take deep breaths, pick the pile you are most drawn to. If you aren’t drawn to any pile then that’s okay, these messages aren’t for you.
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Pile 1
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Tarot Cards: 5 of Cups, The Lovers, The Hermit (in reverse), Queen of Cups, The Chariot
Ah, my sultry Pile 1's! Embark with me on an intoxicating voyage to uncover the career secrets of your elusive future love.
Picture a soul who's tasted the bittersweet symphony of life. They've endured setbacks, but here's the allure: instead of languishing in bygone disappointments, they've channeled these lessons, forging a path glowing with promise. Like a phoenix, they've taken their setbacks and used them as fuel, emerging brighter and more determined.
Now, imagine them weaving through a world where harmony and connections reign supreme. Their charm lies in the art of building bridges, mending fences, and orchestrating unions. Their profession thrums with the rhythm of relationships, be it in the hallways of legal battles, the nuanced dance of consultancy, or the embrace of human resources. Their every endeavor is painted with passion, fostering environments dripping with mutual respect.
But, the plot thickens. Rather than being an isolated genius, they thrive in the pulsating heart of collaborative arenas. Their days are painted with group dynamics, team brainstorming, and the infectious energy of collective creation. Every project, a harmonious dance of diverse minds.
In this riveting tale, their heart emerges as their compass—a wellspring of empathy, care, and intuition. Whether in the healing embrace of healthcare, the nurturing realms of social work, or the soulful corridors of counseling, their profession beckons to souls in need, offering solace and understanding.
And as our tale nears its climax, the essence of sheer willpower and ambition becomes palpable. This lover is destined to blaze trails, to dominate arenas with a fierce determination that sets the world alight. They are a force, a whirlwind of goals and victories, and their chosen field echoes with their triumphant strides.
To tie this enigmatic tale together, enchanting Pile 1's, your future lover’s career is an exhilarating blend of resilience, harmony, collaboration, empathy, and fierce ambition. This tantalizing mix promises a partner whose professional life mirrors a journey of challenges, triumphs, and heart. As Destiny weaves its tapestry, these revelations hint at the captivating tale of your shared future.
Pile 2
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Tarot Cards: 5 of Swords, 10 of Wands, 2 of Swords, Ace of Cups, 8 of Wands
My tantalizing Pile 2's, prepare to embark on a riveting journey, delving into the exhilarating career landscape of your enigmatic future love.
Visualize a realm teeming with cutthroat competition and exhilarating duels of wit. In this world, your future spouse emerges as a master strategist, a maven who thrives amidst the electric tension of challenges. Their arena? Perhaps the high stakes corridors of corporate warfare or the intricate dance of political maneuvering.
Yet, with power comes responsibility. They might be ensnared in a web of weighty expectations, but ah, they wear their burdens like a king wears a crown—regal and undeterred. Every decision, every responsibility is borne with a grace that makes you wonder if they were born for this.
Peering deeper, we find them at the crossroads of pivotal decisions, casting judgments that ripple through time. The gavel of authority, the responsibility of steering ships through turbulent waters, they're at the helm, orchestrating outcomes with a finesse that's nothing short of mesmerizing.
But what fuels this fire? An undying passion, a wellspring of love for their craft. They're not just chasing gold or accolades, but a deeper calling, a passion that lights up their soul. Their realm could be awash with colors on a canvas, the poetic dance of numbers, or the rhythm of heartfelt melodies.
And as the tale unfolds, a whirlwind of motion emerges. Envision them dashing through airports, or fervently connecting with souls across continents, weaving stories, striking deals, or capturing moments at the speed of light. The pulse of journalism? The adrenaline of sales? The world awaits their next move.
In wrapping up our delicious tale, my alluring Pile 2's, Destiny paints your future lover as a formidable force in a world of strategy, responsibility, passion, and ceaseless motion. Their journey promises thrills, challenges, and the sweet taste of fulfillment. As the stars align and tales intertwine, remain receptive, for destiny has its own rhythm, and your dance is just beginning.
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards: 10 of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles (in reverse), 6 of Wands (in reverse), 10 of Swords, 3 of Swords
Ah, my alluring Pile 3's, immerse yourself as we journey into the opulent tapestry of your future lover's career. Let the tantalizing revelations unravel, revealing a narrative you'll surely find hard to resist.
First, picture a world awash with prosperity—a realm where luxury isn't just a fantasy, but an everyday reality. In this gilded domain, your future partner thrives, perhaps manipulating the strings of business empires, orchestrating the ballet of real estate, or mastering the cryptic language of finance. They've crafted an empire, not just of wealth, but of ambition realized and dreams manifested.
But ah, the plot thickens! Every gold thread in this tapestry was spun amidst trials. In their earlier days, shadows of doubt and walls of disregard might have threatened to eclipse their brilliance. Yet, with indomitable spirit, they emerged, carving a niche where their genius could no longer be overshadowed.
Despite the accolades and the tangible trophies of success, there's an enigmatic humility to them. They waltz through the corridors of achievement, not with boisterous fanfare, but with a quiet confidence. They let their masterpieces echo their tales, garnering silent respect from every corner.
As our tale takes a riveting turn, we find them at a crossroads—a dramatic shift that upended their world but paved the way to their destiny. A switch that might've tasted bitter initially, but ultimately led them to their passion, their true north.
And oh, the finale? A heart so vast, so tender. Their profession might echo with the soft murmurs of comforting words, the healing touch that mends broken spirits. Whether in the embrace of healthcare, the sanctuary of counseling, or the comforting realms of social work, their purpose is clear: to heal, to comfort, to uplift.
To wrap up our sumptuous saga, delectable Pile 3's, Destiny paints your future lover as a beacon of resilience, prosperity, humility, transformation, and boundless compassion. Their career is not just a job; it's a testament to a journey of trials turned triumphs. As fate weaves its stories, savor these revelations and remain enchanted by the cosmic dance of love and Destiny."
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rainydetectiveglitter · 8 months
Astrology Observations - Moon & Aspects
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The Moon holds the delicate strings of our emotions, instincts, and innermost desires. When intertwined with other celestial players through aspects, the Moon's melody takes on unique harmonies and rhythms. Let's dive into the rich tapestry of Moon aspects, exploring how they color our emotional landscape.
Moon Square Mars - The Fiery Tempest: A Moon square Mars aspect ignites a passionate storm within. Emotions can surge like a roaring wildfire, often accompanied by a fierce determination. These individuals are unafraid to confront challenges head-on. However, this fiery intensity can also lead to impulsive reactions and occasional emotional clashes, akin to a tempestuous tango.
Moon Square Venus - The Dance of Sensuality: Moon square Venus creates a captivating dance of sensuality and emotional yearning. These souls crave deep, passionate connections, and their emotions are colored with a romantic brush. Yet, they may find themselves entangled in complex love affairs, where desires clash with emotional needs. This aspect weaves a tale of love's sweet agony.
Moon Trine Chiron - The Wounded Healer's Grace: In the Moon trine Chiron aspect, there's a profound understanding of emotional wounds and the gentle art of healing. These individuals possess a natural gift for offering solace to others, as their own emotional scars have nurtured empathy. The Moon's nurturing essence combines harmoniously with Chiron's healing touch, creating a soothing balm for their own and others' pain.
Moon Sextile Neptune - The Dreamer's Serenity: A Moon sextile Neptune aspect paints a dreamscape of serene emotions and boundless imagination. These individuals find solace in the ethereal realm of art, music, and creative expression. Their intuitive insights often lead to moments of tranquil clarity. However, they may need to ground their dreams in reality to avoid drifting too far into the realm of fantasy.
Moon Opposition Saturn - The Inner Struggle: Moon opposition Saturn sets the stage for an inner struggle between emotional needs and responsibilities. These individuals feel a profound sense of duty and may grapple with their own desires versus societal expectations. It's a cosmic tug-of-war between vulnerability and stoicism, where emotional growth often emerges from the tension.
Moon Conjunct Uranus - The Electrifying Heart: A Moon conjunct Uranus aspect electrifies the emotional landscape, infusing it with innovation and unpredictability. These individuals possess a unique, avant-garde approach to feelings, and they embrace change with open arms. Yet, this electrifying energy can also lead to emotional surprises and sudden shifts, akin to a lightning strike of insight.
Moon Trine Jupiter - The Heart's Abundance: In a Moon trine Jupiter aspect, the heart revels in a sense of abundance and optimism. These individuals possess a deep well of emotional generosity, often extending their warmth to others. Life's challenges are met with a buoyant spirit, and their emotional landscape blooms with gratitude and growth.
Moon Square Pluto - The Depths of Transformation: Moon square Pluto delves into the depths of emotional transformation. These individuals navigate intense emotional terrain, akin to a phoenix rising from its ashes. Their emotions are a crucible for change, but this intensity can also lead to power struggles and a relentless quest for emotional rebirth.
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In the Moon aspects, each harmony and dissonance contributes to the symphony of our emotional lives. These observations offer but a glimpse into the complex interplay of planetary energies that shape our emotional landscape, reminding us that our astrological tapestry is as intricate as it is unique.
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simpforfandom231 · 4 months
i don't forget too well PT4
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The night unfolded with a quiet cadence, the hospital room cocooned in a delicate stillness that only the occasional murmur of medical equipment dared to disturb. Renée, despite the hospital setting, found solace in the shared intimacy she and Y/N had woven into the fabric of their temporary sanctuary.
As Renée settled into the makeshift bed, the rhythmic rise and fall of Y/N's chest became a reassuring lullaby—a tangible reminder of the resilience they both possessed. The Marvel shirt, the familiar hoodie, and the soft boxers created a cocoon of familiarity, a testament to the strength found in the simplest of gestures.
In the quiet of the night, Renée's mind wandered through the corridors of their shared journey—the highs and lows, the laughter and tears, and the unwavering love that had become the bedrock of their connection. She gently brushed a strand of hair from Y/N's face, her touch a tender caress.
"You're my superhero, you know that?" Renée whispered, her words a declaration of unwavering belief. "We'll navigate through this together, and on the other side, there's a world waiting for us—a world filled with love, understanding, and the resilience we share."
The night wore on, marked by the hushed conversations that unfolded in the dim glow of the bedside lamp. Renée, with a vigilant gaze, watched over Y/N, her heart a mix of tenderness and determination. The hospital room, once an unfamiliar landscape, now bore the imprints of their shared history—a canvas painted with the hues of love, hope, and a fierce commitment to weathering storms together.
As dawn approached, the room began to bathe in the soft light of the morning. The nurse, making her rounds, acknowledged Renée's steadfast presence with a warm smile. "You're doing a wonderful job, Ms. Rapp. Y/N is lucky to have you by her side."
Renée nodded, gratitude filling her tired eyes. The nurse continued her checks, ensuring Y/N's physical well-being, and then left them once again in the quiet embrace of the room.
With a gentle sigh, Renée stretched her limbs, feeling the remnants of the night's vigil. She leaned over, placing a soft kiss on Y/N's forehead. "Morning, cutie. Let's face the day together, okay?"
The routine of the hospital resumed—nurses passing through, the distant sounds of medical activity, and the ever-present hum of life within its walls. Renée, clad in the comfort of the makeshift bed, prepared to meet whatever challenges the day held.
The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the hospital room. Renée, having just completed her morning routine in the bathroom, couldn't shake the melody of her song "Bruises" that lingered in her mind. Humming softly to herself, she felt a mix of emotions, her heart still heavy with concern for Y/N.
As she emerged from the bathroom, the room seemed to hold its breath. The silence was broken by a whisper so faint that it could have been a figment of Renée's imagination. "Come back, I miss you next to me."
Renée's heart skipped a beat. A flicker of hope danced in her eyes as she turned toward the source of the sound. Y/N, still nestled in the hospital bed, had uttered those words—a glimpse of connection breaking through the walls of dissociation.
A surge of emotions swept over Renée. "Y/N?" she called out, her voice a delicate mixture of excitement and concern. "Did you just say that?"
The response was a faint nod from Y/N, her eyes reflecting a hint of recognition and a longing for connection. Renée felt a rush of emotions—relief, joy, and a renewed sense of determination.
Without hesitation, Renée pressed the call button, summoning the nurse. The anticipation hung in the air as they waited for the medical professional to arrive. The nurse, recognizing Renée's urgency, entered the room with a promptness that mirrored the gravity of the moment.
"Something's happening. Y/N spoke," Renée explained, her eyes filled with a mixture of hope and worry.
The nurse approached Y/N's bedside, conducting a series of checks to assess the change in her condition. Y/N, still caught in the delicate transition from detachment to presence, gazed at Renée with a vulnerability that tugged at Renée's heart.
"She's showing signs of improvement," the nurse noted, a reassuring smile playing on her lips. "Sometimes, small breakthroughs like this can pave the way for more substantial progress."
Renée, unable to contain her emotions, reached for Y/N's hand. "You're coming back to me, aren't you, babe?" she whispered, her voice a mixture of tenderness and elation.
The nurse continued her assessments, making notes and adjusting the care plan accordingly. "It's a positive sign. We'll monitor her closely and make any necessary adjustments," the nurse assured Renée.
As the nurse left the room, Renée turned her attention back to Y/N. "I'm right here, princess. You're not alone. We'll face whatever comes together, okay?" she whispered, her words a promise etched in the quietude of the hospital room.
The morning unfolded with a renewed sense of hope. Renée, now by Y/N's side, engaged in gentle conversations, sharing stories, and playing Y/N's favorite songs. The hospital room, once a silent witness to the complexities of mental health, now echoed with the subtle rhythm of connection and progress.
As the day progressed, Renée remained vigilant, recognizing that the journey ahead might be filled with challenges, but also with moments of triumph. The melody of "Bruises" lingered in the air, a reminder that resilience could blossom even in the most unexpected moments.
In the quiet moments between conversations and shared glances, Renée and Y/N began to rebuild the bridge that had momentarily wavered. The hospital room, with its sterile walls, became a canvas for a narrative of healing—a narrative that unfolded with each heartbeat, each whispered affirmation, and each step forward on the intricate journey toward well-being.
As the day progressed and Y/N showed signs of emerging from her dissociated state, a subtle restlessness began to manifest. The pain in her wrists, a physical reminder of the struggles she faced, triggered an instinctual response—a desire to remove the bandages that concealed the wounds beneath.
Renée, ever-vigilant by Y/N's side, noticed the subtle movements and the pained expression that crossed Y/N's face. She gently reached for Y/N's hands, offering a comforting touch. "Hey, sweetheart, what's going on? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"
Y/N, still caught in the delicate balance between dissociation and presence, gazed at Renée with eyes that held fragments of recognition. However, the pain in her wrists seemed to override the connection, and a silent determination to relieve the discomfort took hold.
"I know it hurts, babe," Renée murmured, her voice a soothing melody. "But we need to keep those bandages on for now. The nurse said it's important for your healing."
A flicker of frustration crossed Y/N's eyes, an unspoken plea for relief from the internal turmoil. Renée, recognizing the need for empathy and understanding, continued to speak in a gentle tone.
"It's okay to feel this way, love. Your body is healing, and it's natural to want some relief. But we're in this together, and we'll make sure you're as comfortable as possible," Renée assured, her words carrying a depth of commitment that transcended the challenges they faced.
The nurse, alerted by the call button, entered the room once again. Renée, with a concerned expression, explained the situation. The nurse approached Y/N with a calm demeanor, acknowledging the delicate nature of the moment.
"Hey there, Y/N. I know it can be tough, but the bandages are essential for your healing process. We'll do everything we can to make you comfortable," the nurse reassured, her experienced hands gently assessing Y/N's wrists.
Renée, standing by Y/N's side, maintained a reassuring presence. "We're here for you, babe. If there's anything we can do to ease the discomfort, just let us know."
The nurse, after ensuring the bandages were secure and providing a mild pain relief option, left the room with a nod of assurance. Renée, still holding Y/N's hand, spoke softly, "I know it's tough, princess. But you're strong, and we'll get through this together."
As the day unfolded, Renée continued to engage Y/N in soothing conversations, recounting shared memories and playing calming music. The hospital room, though clinical in its surroundings, became a haven where the complexities of mental health met the unwavering support of love.
The arrival of the psychiatrist marked a pivotal moment in Y/N's journey toward healing. Renée, recognizing the significance of this session, welcomed the mental health professional into the room with a blend of hope and anticipation.
"Hello, Ms. Rapp. I'm Dr. Bennett," the psychiatrist greeted, extending a hand to Renée. "How has Y/N been since our last check-in?"
Renée, seated by Y/N's bedside, shared the developments and the subtle improvements Y/N had shown throughout the day. Dr. Bennett nodded in acknowledgment, her demeanor exuding a calm assurance. "Let's begin, shall we?"
As the session unfolded, Renée observed the exchange between Dr. Bennett and Y/N with a mix of apprehension and optimism. The psychiatrist, skilled in navigating the complexities of mental health, started with general inquiries about Y/N's well-being and emotions.
Y/N, still in a detached state but showing glimpses of responsiveness, answered the initial questions with subdued nods and monosyllabic responses. The room, despite its sterile hospital setting, transformed into a space where vulnerability met professional guidance.
However, as the conversation delved into the topic of Y/N's ADHD, a palpable shift occurred. Y/N, who had started to exhibit a bit more presence, retreated once again into a silent vessel—a manifestation of the dissociative state that had become a coping mechanism.
Renée, watching the transformation in Y/N, felt a pang of empathy. Dr. Bennett, recognizing the shift, adjusted her approach with a compassionate understanding. "Y/N, can you tell me how you feel about your ADHD? It's important for us to understand your perspective."
The question, seemingly innocuous, triggered a profound response. Y/N's eyes, once showing glimmers of recognition, now became vacant. It was as if the mention of ADHD had opened a floodgate of emotions too overwhelming to confront.
Renée, sitting by Y/N's side, gently reached for her hand, offering a silent reassurance. Dr. Bennett, attuned to the nuances of emotional states, continued to navigate the conversation with a delicate touch.
"It's okay, Y/N. We can take this at your pace. If there's anything you'd like to share or discuss, I'm here to listen," Dr. Bennett spoke with a measured calmness, creating a space for Y/N to express herself in a way that felt safe.
Despite the efforts, Y/N remained enveloped in silence—a silent vessel adrift in the sea of unresolved emotions. Renée, with a furrowed brow and a heart heavy with concern, spoke softly to Y/N. "Princess, take your time. We're here for you."
The session, though challenging, laid the foundation for the ongoing therapeutic journey. Dr. Bennett, aware of the intricacies of Y/N's emotional landscape, concluded the session with a compassionate reassurance.
"We'll continue to explore these feelings at a pace that feels comfortable for Y/N. It's a process, and healing takes time," Dr. Bennett explained to Renée, her words carrying a sense of hope and understanding.
As the psychiatrist left the room, Renée remained by Y/N's side, recognizing that the journey toward healing would be marked by both triumphs and challenges.
Feeling a gentle tug of exhaustion, Renée decided to step into the hallway, leaving Y/N in the care of the hospital room. The sterile, well-lit corridor stretched before her, with the distant hum of activity echoing in the air. Renée walked toward the hospital's small café, hoping a cup of coffee might offer a momentary respite.
As Renée stood in line, waiting for her turn, her mind oscillated between the complexities of the day and the hope that each small improvement brought. The scent of brewing coffee enveloped her, providing a brief sensory escape from the hospital's clinical atmosphere.
Returning to the room with two steaming cups in hand, Renée felt a renewed sense of determination. However, upon reentering, the sight that greeted her pierced through the fragile veneer of hope she had held onto.
Y/N, in her still-detached state, had managed to remove the bandages from her wrists. The sterile white sheets were stained with evidence of the internal turmoil Y/N grappled with. Renée's heart sank at the sight, a mix of worry and sadness washing over her.
"Y/N, no," Renée whispered, her voice laden with concern. She placed the coffee cups on the nearby table and hurried to Y/N's side. Gently taking Y/N's hands, she noticed the exposed wounds—a stark reminder of the pain that lingered beneath the surface.
Y/N, lost in the dissociative state, gazed at Renée with eyes that held fragments of emotion. The room, once a haven of potential healing, now felt like a battleground where the internal struggles manifested in tangible form.
Renée, fighting back tears, spoke softly to Y/N. "Princess, we need to take care of these. Let me call the nurse."
With a sense of urgency, Renée pressed the call button, summoning the nurse back to the room. The nurse, upon entering, assessed the situation with a calm demeanor.
"We'll need to rebandage these and make sure they're properly treated. Y/N, can you tell me what led to this?" the nurse inquired, her tone a delicate balance of professionalism and empathy.
Y/N, still caught in the silent vessel of dissociation, remained unresponsive. Renée, feeling a profound mix of emotions, shared the events leading up to the discovery.
"I just went for a quick break to get some coffee, and when I returned, this had happened," Renée explained, her voice laced with a hint of desperation.
The nurse, with a nod, began the process of rebandaging Y/N's wrists. Renée, standing by Y/N's side, felt a surge of protectiveness. The hospital room, now marked by the echoes of distress, stood as a backdrop for the intricate dance between mental health struggles and the unwavering support that sought to mend the wounds, both visible and hidden.
As the nurse finished the task, she offered Renée a reassuring smile. "Keep an eye on these, and if there's any change, let us know immediately. We're here to support both of you."
Renée, nodding in gratitude, watched as the nurse left the room. She turned her attention back to Y/N, who remained ensconced in the silent realm of dissociation.
"We'll get through this, princess.
As Renée sat by Y/N's side, grappling with the emotional weight of the recent events, she felt a deep longing for the presence of someone who understood both her and Y/N on a profound level. Ayla, a close friend who had been a pillar of support for Renée, seemed like the beacon of solace she needed in that moment.
With a sense of urgency, Renée reached for her phone and dialed Ayla's number. The phone rang a few times before Ayla's voice greeted her on the other end.
"Hey, Renée! What's up?" Ayla's voice, typically filled with energy, now carried a tone of concern as she sensed something was amiss.
Renée, her voice steady but laced with emotion, explained the recent developments with Y/N and the struggles they were facing. Ayla, always attuned to Renée's moods, immediately offered her support.
"I'm on my way. I'll be there as soon as I can," Ayla assured, her unwavering commitment evident in her voice.
Within a short time, Ayla arrived at the hospital, her presence a comforting balm in the midst of the turmoil. Renée, still seated by Y/N's side, looked up as Ayla entered the room. The exchange of glances between Renée and Ayla spoke volumes—a shared understanding of the complexities that life had thrown their way.
"Renée, how are you holding up?" Ayla asked, concern etched on her face.
Renée managed a faint smile, appreciating Ayla's ability to offer comfort without the need for elaborate words. "It's been a tough day. I'm just worried about Y/N, you know?"
Ayla nodded empathetically, her gaze shifting toward Y/N, who remained in the detached state—a silent figure lost in the labyrinth of her own thoughts.
"We'll get through this together," Ayla reassured, pulling up a chair to sit beside Renée. "How can I help?"
Renée, grateful for Ayla's presence, took a moment to collect her thoughts. "I just need someone here who understands, someone who knows both of us. I can't bear to see Y/N like this."
Ayla reached over, offering a comforting hand on Renée's shoulder. "We've faced tough times before, and we'll face this one too. You're not alone in this, Renée."
As the trio navigated the silent contours of the hospital room, Ayla engaged Y/N in a gentle conversation, speaking words of familiarity and warmth. Ayla's presence seemed to have a subtle effect on Y/N, as if the echoes of a trusted friend had the power to reach through the walls of dissociation.
"You know, Y/N, we were just reminiscing about that road trip we took last summer. The way you laughed when Renée got lost—it was priceless," Ayla shared, her voice carrying a blend of nostalgia and hope.
Renée, watching the interaction between Ayla and Y/N, felt a glimmer of gratitude. Ayla had an innate ability to bring a sense of normalcy to challenging situations—a quality that proved invaluable in the midst of mental health struggles.
As the day progressed, Ayla became an anchor in the storm—providing comfort, sharing stories, and offering a gentle reminder that the bonds of friendship could weather even the most tempestuous seas.
As the evening wore on, Ayla sensed the need for a brief respite and offered to fetch more coffee for Renée. "I'll be back in a few minutes. Take your time and look after yourselves," Ayla said, offering a reassuring smile before stepping out of the hospital room.
Left alone with Y/N, Renée settled into the chair, her gaze alternating between the sterile surroundings and Y/N, who remained in a state of detached contemplation. The room, illuminated by the soft glow of overhead lights, seemed to hold its breath, as if awaiting a shift in the delicate balance of emotions.
Minutes passed in a quiet dance of anticipation, the hum of hospital machinery providing a subtle backdrop. Suddenly, in a moment that seemed to suspend time, Y/N spoke—softly, hesitantly, but with a profound vulnerability that transcended the detached state.
"Renée," Y/N murmured, her voice carrying the weight of unspoken emotions. Renée, immediately attuned to the subtle shift, turned her attention toward Y/N.
"Yeah, princess?" Renée responded gently, her heart quickening with a mix of hope and concern.
"I... I need you," Y/N whispered, her eyes meeting Renée's with a depth of longing that spoke volumes.
Renée, sensing the significance of Y/N's words, approached the bed with a tenderness that only deepened their connection. Sitting down beside Y/N, Renée reached for Y/N's hand, their fingers intertwining in a silent pact of solidarity.
"What do you need, love?" Renée asked, her voice a soothing melody in the stillness of the room.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, as if choosing the right words amidst the labyrinth of emotions within. "I need you to... to come lay in bed with me. I just... I need you close."
Renée, her heart swelling with a mixture of love and empathy, nodded understandingly. "Of course, princess. I'm right here."
With a careful motion, Renée joined Y/N on the hospital bed, the sterile sheets offering a backdrop to the intimacy of their shared space. Y/N, enveloped in the warmth of Renée's presence, shifted closer, seeking solace in the embrace they had cultivated over years of shared experiences.
The quietude of the room became a canvas for unspoken conversations—the language of touch, the cadence of breath, the comfort found in the simple act of being together. Renée, mindful of Y/N's fragile state, held her close, offering the reassurance that transcended words.
As they lay there, the hospital room transformed into a sanctuary—a cocoon where the complexities of mental health and the resilient spirit of love converged. The hum of distant footsteps in the corridor, the soft glow of monitors, and the rhythmic cadence of their shared breaths painted a tableau of vulnerability and strength.
In the cocoon of their shared space, Ren��e whispered words of comfort, affirming the unwavering bond they shared. Y/N, in turn, found solace in the familiar contours of Renée's presence—the one constant in the ebb and flow of emotions that characterized their journey.
As Ayla returned with the promised coffee, she paused in the doorway, witnessing the poignant scene unfolding before her. The trio—Renée, Y/N, and the quiet sanctuary they had created in the midst of adversity—reminded her of the enduring power of love in the face of life's intricate challenges.
As Renée and Y/N found solace in their shared embrace, Ayla quietly entered the room, setting the coffee aside. The tender tableau of love and vulnerability spoke volumes, and Ayla, sensing the sacredness of the moment, hesitated before deciding to bid them farewell.
"Hey, I can see you both need some private time. I'm heading home for the night, but you know where to find me if you need anything, right?" Ayla said, her eyes reflecting a mixture of compassion and understanding.
Renée, holding Y/N close, nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, Ayla. Your support means the world to us. We'll reach out if we need anything."
Ayla approached the bedside, placing a gentle hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Take care, Y/N. Get some rest, both of you. And Renée, don't hesitate to call if anything comes up. I mean it."
Renée smiled, grateful for the unwavering support of her friend. "I will, Ayla. Thanks for being here."
With a final glance at the peaceful scene in the room, Ayla left, allowing the door to close softly behind her. The hum of the hospital continued outside, a distant symphony that underscored the intimate moments within the room.
As Ayla left, Renée turned her attention back to Y/N, who, in the gentle cocoon of their embrace, had drifted into a much-needed sleep. It was the first time Y/N had found respite from the detached state that had gripped her throughout the day.
Renée, a tender smile playing on her lips, whispered words of love and reassurance to the slumbering Y/N. The hospital room, now bathed in the soft glow of night, became a haven where healing unfolded in the embrace of dreams.
The rhythmic beeping of monitors and the distant echoes of hospital activity served as a backdrop to the serenity within. Renée, mindful of the fragility of the moment, gently adjusted the blanket around Y/N, ensuring comfort in every detail.
As Renée settled back into the chair, her gaze lingered on Y/N's peaceful form. The journey they were navigating, marked by the complexities of mental health, had brought them to this quiet sanctuary—a space where love, resilience, and the promise of a new dawn intertwined.
The night unfolded in a tapestry of quietude, broken only by the occasional rustle of hospital linens and the steady breaths of Y/N, finally finding repose. Renée, ever watchful, felt a profound gratitude for the moments of tranquility in the midst of the storm.
In the stillness of the night, as the hospital embraced its own brand of silence, Renée contemplated the challenges they faced and the strength that emanated from the shared bond with Y/N. The room, now an intimate cocoon where sleep and dreams held sway, stood witness to the endurance of love in the face of adversity.
As the night wove its quiet magic, Renée settled into a vigil of love, keeping watch over the slumbering Y/N—a guardian in the sacred realm where dreams and healing converged.
The tranquility of the night shattered as Y/N's peaceful slumber transformed into cries of panic and distress. Renée, who had momentarily left the bed to find some rest in her own chair, shot up at the sound of Y/N's screams. The urgency in those cries cut through the quietude of the hospital room, triggering an instinctive surge of concern in Renée.
"Y/N! What's wrong?" Renée exclaimed, her own heart racing as she rushed back to Y/N's side. The room, once a haven of repose, now echoed with the cacophony of Y/N's anguish.
Y/N, still caught in the grip of panic, frantically searched for Renée's comforting presence. The abrupt absence of her warmth and touch had spiraled Y/N into a state of disorientation, the boundaries between reality and distress blurring in the shadows of the hospital room.
"Renée! Renée, where are you?" Y/N cried, her voice strained with desperation.
Renée, bewildered by the sudden turn of events, reached out to Y/N. "I'm right here, princess. I didn't go anywhere. What happened?"
But Y/N, trapped in the labyrinth of panic, couldn't register Renée's reassurances. The disconnection between mind and reality heightened the intensity of her cries, creating an unsettling symphony of anguish.
In her attempts to understand and provide solace, Renée called for the nurse, her voice a beacon in the darkness of the night. "Nurse! Something's wrong with Y/N. Please, we need help!"
Within moments, the nurse arrived, her presence a calming force in the tumultuous scene. "What happened?" the nurse inquired, quickly assessing the situation.
Renée, her worry evident, explained, "I don't know. She was sleeping, and then she started screaming. She's panicking, and I can't calm her down."
The nurse approached Y/N, her experienced eyes scanning for any immediate signs of distress. "Y/N, I'm here to help. Can you tell me what's wrong?"
Y/N, still caught in the grip of panic, struggled to articulate her emotions. "I can't feel her. Renée's gone. Where is she? I can't feel her!"
Renée, realizing the source of Y/N's distress, gently took Y/N's hands in hers. "Princess, I'm right here. You haven't lost me. I'm not going anywhere."
The nurse, recognizing the signs of a potential dissociative episode, spoke in a calm, soothing tone. "Y/N, it's okay. You're safe. Renée is right here with you. Can you focus on her voice?"
Renée, in a bid to anchor Y/N in the present, continued to speak softly. "Babe, look at me. I'm right here. You haven't lost me. We're in the hospital room, and you're safe."
The nurse, working alongside Renée, began to guide Y/N through grounding exercises, encouraging her to feel the sensation of touch and focus on the tangible aspects of the present moment. As Y/N gradually emerged from the grip of panic, the room settled into a tense calm.
Renée, her concern etched on her face, held onto Y/N's hands, offering a constant point of connection. The nurse, satisfied that Y/N's distress was easing, spoke reassuringly. "It's common for individuals with dissociative tendencies to experience moments like these. We'll keep an eye on her, and if needed, we can consult with a mental health professional."
As Y/N's breathing steadied, the nurse offered a gentle smile. "Take it easy, Y/N. Renée is here, and you're safe. If you need anything, just let us know."
Renée, still holding Y/N's hands, felt a mixture of relief and concern.
As Y/N's panic began to subside, there lingered a palpable fear in her eyes—an unspoken plea for reassurance and an anchor against the currents of dissociation. Renée, still holding onto Y/N's hands, sensed the vulnerability that echoed in the depths of Y/N's gaze.
"Babe, I'm not leaving you. I promise," Renée whispered, her voice a gentle balm to the wounds of distress. The hospital room, bathed in the soft glow of muted lights, became a sanctuary where their connection transcended the barriers of fear.
Y/N, still caught in the residual tremors of panic, pleaded, "Don't go, Renée. Please, don't leave me. I can't... I can't handle being alone right now."
Renée, acutely aware of the fragile state Y/N found herself in, responded with unwavering assurance. "I'm right here, love. I won't leave you. We're in this together, okay?"
The nurse, having observed the delicate dynamics at play, discreetly adjusted the room's lighting, casting a soothing ambiance that mirrored the tenderness of Renée's presence. With a reassuring nod, the nurse withdrew, allowing the couple a semblance of privacy amidst the hushed symphony of hospital sounds.
Understanding the depth of Y/N's need for proximity, Renée made a decision. "Alright, princess. I'm not going anywhere." With deliberate care, Renée climbed into the hospital bed beside Y/N, creating a cocoon of warmth and comfort.
Y/N, eyes still wide with lingering apprehension, searched Renée's gaze for the anchor she desperately sought. "Hold me, Renée. Please, just hold me."
Renée, embracing the vulnerability in Y/N's plea, pulled her close, enfolding Y/N in a tender embrace. The sensation of touch, the shared warmth, became a lifeline—a tangible affirmation that, in this moment of fragility, they navigated the currents of fear together.
As Y/N rested against Renée's chest, the rhythmic cadence of their shared breaths created a symphony of solace. Renée, murmuring words of comfort, traced gentle patterns on Y/N's back—a silent promise etched in the language of touch.
"Babe, I'm right here. You're not alone. We'll face whatever comes our way, hand in hand," Renée whispered, her words a soothing melody against the backdrop of the hospital room's muted sounds.
Y/N, gradually surrendering to the sanctuary of Renée's arms, felt the tendrils of fear loosen their grip. In this intimate cocoon, the complexities of mental health, the echoes of panic, and the shadows of dissociation became fleeting specters—outshone by the resilient light of love.
As the night unfolded, Renée remained a steadfast guardian in the realm of shared vulnerability. The hospital room, once a witness to the echoes of distress, transformed into a haven—a space where the intricacies of mental health were met with the unyielding force of love and companionship.
In the quietude of the shared embrace, Renée and Y/N embarked on a journey of healing—one heartbeat at a time. The night, marked by the ebb and flow of emotions, became a testament to the enduring strength that flourished when love stood as a beacon against the shadows. And in the hushed serenity of their shared sanctuary, Renée cradled Y/N in a promise of presence—a pledge to weather the storms together, anchored in the unbreakable bonds of love.
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callsigns-haze · 2 months
An Spy and Warriors tale..
SHADOWS BLADES Master list Azriel x warrior!reader
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Azriel, finds himself unexpectedly entangled in the throes of love with a formidable Illryian soldier, who happens to serve as Cassian's right hand. As their paths intertwine amidst the chaos of war and the complexities of courtly intrigue, Azriel discovers an undeniable connection with this fiercely independent warrior, whose strength and loyalty captivate him. As they navigate the perilous landscape of their feelings and the demands of their duties, Azriel and his Illryian love embark on a journey of passion, sacrifice, and ultimately, a love that transcends boundaries and defies destiny.
Chp 1 Bad Idea, right???
Summary: After a frantic search, Cassian and his companions discover YN and Azriel's hidden rendezvous, realizing that love finds a way even in the most unexpected of places.
Chp 2 Can't two people reconnect?
Summary: YN grapples with feelings of inadequacy after losing her wings, finding solace and reassurance in Azriel's unwavering love and support.
Chp 3 That's the past but I'm the future
Summary: In a tender moment of shared vulnerability and passion, YN finds solace in Azriel's unwavering support amidst family tensions and doubts about her identity.
Tagging some:
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warismenstrualenvy · 11 months
The via negativa, emerging in early Christianity, was fully aware that one cannot speak of God yet must speak. There’s an opaqueness and impenetrability about the divine being that resists every effort to grasp its mystery. God is inaccessible to all forms of human control, beyond every linguistic sign and image one might use as referent. Language about God is as impossible as it is necessary.
Lane Belden C., The Solace of Fierce Landscapes
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Georgia O'Keefe, American Artist, 1887-1986:: Chama River, Ghost Ranch 1937
Oil on Canvas, 32.25 × 16 in.:: New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
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“To love someone is to grant him or her the gift of one’s pure and undivided attention, without preconceived expectations of what the other person needs, what we imagine to be best in the situation, what particular results we want to engineer.” ― Belden C. Lane, The Solace of Fierce Landscapes: Exploring Desert and Mountain Spirituality
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iscariotapologist · 2 years
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Belden C. Lane, The Solace of Fierce Landscapes
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
Garrett x human Reader Her whole body except for her face, neck and hands are covered in tattoos but she does not revel them until the battle of to see if Renesemee is immortal child or not. She does not meet Garrett until the battle of Victoria and her army of newborns. She has long chocolate brown hair and wears circle framed glasses. She is related to Emmett.
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✭ pairing : garrett x reader
✭ fandom : twilight x reader
✭ summary : (y/n) is the mate of Garrett but doesn’t meet him until some years later, she has tattoos and is the only human relative that Emmett has
✭ twilight masterlist
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In the heart of the forest, where shadows danced among ancient trees, (Y/N) moved with a graceful purpose. Her long, chocolate brown hair cascaded down her back, a stark contrast against the muted greens and browns of the woods. Clad in a simple long-sleeved blouse and jeans, she seemed like any other traveler exploring nature's beauty.
Yet, (Y/N) was far from ordinary. Beneath her clothing, her body was adorned with a tapestry of intricate tattoos, each design a testament to her connection with her ancestors and her reverence for the world around her. Her neck and hands bore a rich mosaic of symbols, alluring and mysterious, hinting at a history that was deeper and more complex than her appearance suggested.
For years, she had concealed her body art, careful to hide her inked skin beneath the fabric of long sleeves and high necklines. Her tattoos were her own secret, a personal tapestry of stories and memories that she carried with her, unbeknownst to those around her. And while she was proud of her heritage and the links that bound her to her ancestors, she chose to keep her marks hidden, revealing them only when the time was right.
It was a chilly evening as (Y/N) entered a clearing, her glasses perched on her nose as she surveyed the landscape. In the distance, a shimmering waterfall cascaded down a rocky cliffside, its gentle roar a soothing backdrop to her thoughts. It was a place of solace, a sanctuary where she could lose herself in her contemplations.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in a tapestry of colors, (Y/N)'s thoughts turned to the rumors that had begun circulating among the supernatural community. Whispers of an immortal child, an enigma that had captured the attention of vampires and shape-shifters alike. She couldn't ignore the call to action, the pull to uncover the truth.
The woods seemed to hum with anticipation as (Y/N) turned to leave the clearing, her footsteps measured as she navigated the path back to her small cabin. The moon cast dappled light through the trees, and in its ethereal glow, (Y/N)'s tattoos seemed to come alive, a hidden masterpiece waiting to be unveiled.
Little did she know that destiny was about to introduce her to someone who would change her life forever. A battle loomed on the horizon, one that would bring her face to face with not only the supernatural forces she had heard whispers of but also a certain nomadic vampire named Garrett.
Weeks turned into months, and (Y/N) found herself drawn deeper into the mysteries that surrounded the supernatural world. She followed leads, listened to whispers, and sought answers to the enigma of the immortal child. Her quiet determination propelled her forward, her tattoos hidden beneath her everyday attire, a part of her that remained known only to herself.
It was during her investigations that the path of destiny intersected with another, as the confrontation with Victoria and her army of newborns loomed on the horizon. The forest crackled with tension as the two sides prepared for battle, and (Y/N) stood among the supernatural allies, her eyes steady behind her circle-framed glasses.
As the battle cries echoed through the air, (Y/N) fought with a fierce determination, her every move a testament to her hidden strength. Her tattoos remained concealed, a canvas of stories that remained shrouded in mystery. It was only when the chaos of battle began to reach its climax that her moment arrived.
Amidst the fray, (Y/N) found herself facing off against a particularly formidable adversary. Victoria's red eyes bore into her, a fierce determination mirrored in her gaze. (Y/N)'s heart raced, her every instinct sharpened by the adrenaline of battle.
With a surge of energy, she unleashed her full strength, the power of her ancestry coursing through her veins. As her opponent's attack faltered, her own strike was swift and precise. And in the wake of the battle, Victoria's threat was finally extinguished.
As the dust settled, the supernatural allies regrouped, their breaths heavy with a mix of exhaustion and relief. It was in this moment that (Y/N) felt a presence at her side. She turned, her eyes meeting those of a nomadic vampire, his hair wild and his gaze unwavering.
"Garrett," she murmured, recognition dawning.
He offered a half-smile, his eyes curious. "You fought well."
"(Y/N)," another voice called from the distance. Turning, she saw her connection to the supernatural world, the Cullens, approaching.
"We owe you our gratitude," Carlisle said, his expression sincere.
Her gaze shifted between the two, her lips quirking into a smile. "It was a battle for all of us."
The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow on the aftermath of the battle. As (Y/N) stood among the supernatural beings, her tattoos remained hidden beneath her clothing, a silent testament to her own battles and triumphs.
Garrett approached her again, his gaze steady. "You're not like the others."
She raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "And what makes you say that?"
He smiled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "I have a keen eye for those who bear secrets, my dear."
A knowing smile tugged at her lips, and for the first time, (Y/N) felt a sense of camaraderie with someone who understood the art of concealment. As the night wore on, stories were exchanged, bonds were formed, and the mysteries of the supernatural world began to unravel in ways (Y/N) had never imagined.
Little by little, as (Y/N)'s world expanded to include new allies and experiences, her tattoos remained a hidden reminder of her unique journey. For with each day that passed, she found herself not only entwined in the supernatural tapestry but also a chapter of her own tale that was just beginning to be written.
Time flowed like a river, carrying (Y/N) into a world she had only glimpsed from the periphery. She walked a delicate line between her newfound supernatural allies and the life she had known as a human. Her bond with Garrett deepened with each passing day, their shared understanding of secrecy and concealment forging a connection that transcended words.
With her tattoos still hidden from view, (Y/N) became an indispensable member of the supernatural community, her skills and determination proving invaluable in times of danger. She joined in their endeavors, fought alongside them in battles that shaped the destiny of their world, and stood shoulder to shoulder with vampires and shape-shifters alike.
As the seasons changed, (Y/N)'s journey of self-discovery continued, each day a testament to her strength and resilience. The Cullens became not only her allies but also her family, and Garrett, her mate, a constant presence at her side. Together, they faced challenges that tested their bonds and celebrated victories that united them in purpose.
One evening, under the stars that glittered like diamonds in the night sky, (Y/N) found herself sitting by a crackling fire, her tattoos illuminated by the dancing flames. She wore a sleeveless top, her decision to reveal her marks a deliberate one. The intricate designs spoke of generations past, of stories whispered through time.
Garrett approached, his gaze drawn to the revealed tattoos. His fingers traced the patterns gently, his touch both tender and reverent. "(Y/N), they're beautiful," he whispered.
She smiled, her heart full as she met his gaze. "They're a part of me, a reminder of my ancestors and the path that led me here."
Garrett's eyes held a mixture of admiration and understanding. "Just as your strength and spirit are a part of you."
In that moment, (Y/N) felt a sense of completeness that she had never known before. Her tattoos were no longer hidden away, but proudly displayed, a testament to her journey, her heritage, and the love that had woven its way into her life.
As the fire crackled and the night stretched before them, (Y/N) and Garrett sat together, their hands intertwined. They were bound by more than just their secrets; they were bound by the shared experience of growth, connection, and the promise of an unknown future that lay ahead. And as they gazed into the flames, they knew that whatever challenges awaited, they would face them together, their stories and tattoos interwoven in a tapestry of love and courage.
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szeptember · 11 months
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Louise Glück, Persephone the Wanderer / Tony Kushner, Angels in America, Part One: Millennium Approaches / Jürgen Ovens, Jacob Fighting the Angel / Hermann Hesse, Demian / Léon Bonnat, Jacob Wrestling the Angel / Rosanna Warren, Departure: Poems / x / Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice / Eugène Delacroix, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel / Belden C. Lane, The Solace of Fierce Landscapes: Exploring Desert and Mountain Spirituality / Alexandre-Louis Leloir, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel
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lackadaisicallizard · 9 months
Some days James’ mind is a whirlwind. 
It’s trying to capture fireflies in a jar with holes that keep changing size. It’s a laptop with fifty tabs open and no way of figuring out which one the music is coming from without shutting down completely. It's a constant juggling act, with thoughts and ideas swirling like colourful balloons, threatening to float away if not tethered by sheer willpower.
It’s the knowledge that there are a hundred things on his to do list but feeling like the execution of even one is so far out of his reach. 
It’s forgetting that his friends even exist sometimes without them reaching out first, not because he doesn’t love them fiercely and with his whole heart, but because his mind can’t see all the different places they reside through all the loudness and the chaos. 
It’s being bound by the human construct of time, when time to him is nothing but an abstract term that he’s trying so hard to conceptualise. Harder than anyone else seems to have to try. Time flows like a river to him, meandering through the landscape of the mind, occasionally overflowing its banks or disappearing into hidden underground tunnels.
Conversations are like intricate puzzles, each word a piece that may or may not fit perfectly. The urge to share his thoughts is a wind that can whisk away his sentence mid-air or make it soar with infectious enthusiasm. It's an emotional rollercoaster, with steep climbs and exhilarating descents, but always, a passionate and unfiltered heart at the centre.
Sometimes James’ mind spills out more than it should, and to the world it looks like arrogance or a need to be the centre of attention. But it’s not. In fact, sometimes he wants no attention at all. 
But his brain won’t give him that. It mocks him. 
So he just rides it out and hopes that people won’t hate him by the time the whirlwind stops. 
“I could never hate you, baby.” The soft words have been spoken a million times, but he needs them all the same. 
“Are you sure?” James mumbles into Regulus’ chest, feeling gentle fingers  combing through his unbrushed hair. 
“I love every word you speak.” 
James hums contentedly at that and as their fingers find each other and intertwine, James finds solace in the fact that, despite the chaos, there’s a steady hand to hold onto.
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sound-of-god · 5 months
"Shattered Guardianship: A Soldier's Heartache Amidst War's Echoes"
(Disclaimer:English is not my first language/this is a purely platonic relationship)
Amidst the merciless chaos of war, König's path intersected with a child, a silent testament to the brutality that stained the landscape. The young one, whose eyes mirrored the weight of a thousand tragedies, became a haunting presence in König's desolate world.
Kid, as König chose to call you in his heart, bore witness to horrors that no soul, especially one so young, should endure. Your gaze held the scars of a lifetime within its depths, a painful narrative etched on your innocent face. König, a seasoned warrior hardened by the trials of battle, couldn't remain indifferent to the silent plea in your eyes.
The first encounter was marked by a shared moment of understanding. König, haunted by his own demons, recognized the trauma reflected in your eyes. There, in the midst of a war-torn city, a silent bond formed between a battle-weary soldier and a child robbed of their innocence.
As the days unfolded, König took on an unexpected role as a protector. He shielded you from the relentless barrage of war, offering what little comfort and safety he could muster amidst the destruction. The once-ruthless warrior softened in the presence of your vulnerability, recognizing a flicker of hope within the despair that enveloped you.
In the hushed moments between battles, König became more than a guardian; he became a surrogate parent, providing solace in the midst of chaos. The echoes of your laughter, though scarce, became a melody that tempered the dissonance of war. In those stolen moments, König dared to dream of a world where you could reclaim the childhood stolen by conflict.
For five days, the war became a backdrop to this unlikely companionship. König, driven by an innate need to protect, became a lifeline for you, a beacon of stability in a world that offered none. In the quiet corners of makeshift shelters, he shared tales of distant lands and painted a picture of a life beyond the trenches, a life you deserved but had been cruelly denied.
Yet, the war, indifferent to the fleeting moments of solace, tightened its grip. The fragile sanctuary that König had crafted for you crumbled as the conflict escalated. In a cruel twist of fate, the very forces that sought to claim König's life also stole yours, leaving him grappling with the anguish of another loss.
As König held your lifeless form, a profound sorrow enveloped him. The weight of your silent absence echoed louder than the relentless gunfire. The war, unrelenting in its cruelty, had claimed yet another innocent soul, leaving behind a warrior shattered by grief.
In the aftermath, König's steps became heavier, burdened not only by the weight of his own sorrow but by the echoes of your silent plea for a world free from the horrors of war. The once-fierce warrior retreated into the shadows, haunted by the memory of a child he had failed to protect.
As the war raged on, König's spirit became a casualty of the conflict. The bond forged in those brief days left an indelible mark, a scar that cut through the armor of his stoicism. In the solitude of the war-torn landscape, König, the protector, was left to grapple with the ghosts of those he had lost, haunted by the lingering question of whether anything he did could ever be enough to mend the wounds inflicted by war.
(Funfact this was actually supposed to be a fluffy short story, but it somehow ended up being angst ^^)
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eelhound · 1 year
"In the aboriginal lands west of Alice Springs in the desert of central Australia, one easily recognizes a connection between geography and the spiritual life. Aboriginal peoples traverse the sacred landscape by following invisible song-lines, singing — as they walk — the songs first sung by their ancestors in an ancient dreamtime beyond memory. They name (and 're-create') every characteristic of their hard and thirsty land — rocks, caves, desert brush, and water-holes — through the habitus, or ritualized way of perceiving reality, they bring to it. They know that to 'dwell' in a place creatively over an extended period of time is to conduct oneself according to a custom or habit that draws meaning from the particularities of the environment.
Bruce Chatwin, a British travel writer fascinated with Australia, tells of giving a ride in his Land Cruiser to an aboriginal friend on a dusty road in the outback. The aboriginal man was on pilgrimage, engaged in a dream trek aimed at restoring meaning to his own life as well as to the landscape. Driving at twenty-five miles an hour, Chatwin noticed the man frantically jumping back and forth from one window to the other, chanting the place-names of his songline as quickly as possible. Suddenly he realized his mistake as a driver, and slowed the car down to the four-mile-an-hour pace of a walker so that the man's song could be sung at a proper and comfortable rate. Only in this way could the land be adequately honored and their entry into it together made spiritually possible."
- Belden C. Lane, from The Solace of Fierce Landscapes: Exploring Desert and Mountain Spirituality, 2007.
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