theacamedic · 1 year
Life Update: January '23 | The Acamedic
Hey, there! 👋🏽 Hope you’re doing well! It's been a while, so thought I should update everyone on here on what's been happening for the past few months. 🙆🏽‍♀️
I've started Year 5 of my undergraduate programme & currently entering my final semester! 5 YEARS IN MEDICAL SCHOOL - Can you believe it? To me, I’m still in awe about everything’s that happening & am honestly - truly grateful! It's unbelievable, but I know all the hard work I've put in have paid off. But, also - I'm highkey superrr nervous about my final examination, and definitely would appreciate all the luck sent my way.
I'm also now the president of Taylor's University Surgical Society - Facebook & Instagram. This was a little society at Taylor's established earlier last year, and I can't believe that it's almost going to be a year since the establishment of our society. Honestly, extremely proud of the four of us for establishing this society at Taylor's. Can't believe we've come so far. And, by the way - if you'd like to see/join any of our events, be sure to check us out on Instagram/Facebook.
I guess that's it for now. Stay in touch!
💌 with love,
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bulletnotestudies · 3 years
hello! I'm kinda new to studyblr (haven't even made my introduction post, which I recently got to know that i should make one. will be doing it soon) anyways so I'm a medical student ( third year finishing it and gonna be final year soon) So I want to ask you for little bit of help in finding some other medical students on studyblr if you know someone?? could you please tag them in this post so that I know whom to follow? thank you so much
i sure can!! there’s tonnes of medblrs on here (i highly suggest you take a look at #medblr to find even more med students), some of my faves include @study-van @medustudies @medical-magpie @summit-studies @jeonchemstudy(daphne’s starting med school soon) @theacamedic @medblrr @medcury @myrtleandberry @medemedemed and @studyblr is also a med student, actually :)
welcome to the community and good luck with the rest of 3rd year!
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eynstudies · 4 years
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studyblr intro post 🌿
I've been using this studyblr since my 11th grade, however, I was posting just for fun. But then, I decided to actually start blogging about my experiences, progress, and strategies relating to academic and personal growth. And I realized that I haven't done an introduction ever since, so here it is!
| about me |
my name is angel 
18 years old, born in november, lives in the philippines
infj-t / scorpio / ravenclaw
aspiring surgeon or psychiatrist (still torn between)
college freshman at PLM
| interests |
learning — reading novels, poetry and self-help books; listening to podcasts; enrolling in free online courses; watching ted talks
music — singing, dancing, & playing instruments (keyboard and ukulele)
stationery, journaling, note-taking, doodling, calligraphy, laying out, and editing
curerntly interested in psychology, & anaphy
marvel cinematic university, disney (or musical) movies, kdramas, & kmusics
|   reasons why i started studyblr   |
for motivation, inspirations, accountability, and great friends!! 
to share information and personal strategies (relating to academic and lifestyle)
to also motivate others to strive not for perfection but for excellence and progression
goals: to keep myself driven to attain my academic & life goals; to build a better study system; to avoid procrastination; to lend a hand to other studyblrs  (tracking #eynstudies)
|  inspirations  |
@eintsein @studylustre​ @studythenight-away @anoukostudies @studyign @studyign @areistotle  @teacupstudies​ @study-sarahh​ @noodledesk​ @cafe-studyy​ @studypetals​ @lifewithlala​ @study-aquarius​ @studyquill​ @scholarly​ @studyign​ @tbhstudying​
med studyblr: @theacamedic @marias-studyblr​ @medcury​ @aunstudies​ @medstudenttt​ @medemedemed​ @studydiaryofamedstudent​ 
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thefuturelawyer · 4 years
Thank you @captainofstudies and @notes-of-a-ghost for tagging me!
Rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better!
Name: Begüm
Nickname: B.
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5′4
Languages spoken: Turkish, English, Russian and German
Nationality: Türk
Favorite season: Late Autumn early Winter
Favorite flower: Roses (but like very dark shades of red)
Favorite scent: Coffee
Favorite color: Dark green
Favorite animal: Cats
Favorite fictional character: Leia!
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee always, tea usually
Average sleep duration: 6-7, but who can tell the time right now
Dog or cat person: If I would adopt one it would be cat, but I love dogs too, they just need a lot of attention and caring and I am not good with those. Cats are more independent and easier to take care of, so I could make a cat very happy but a dog not so much.
Number of blankets you sleep with: Two at my parents’ house, one at my dorm
Dream trip: World tour
Blog established: Like 2-3 years ago, I have been on and off
Followers: 9,120 but half are probably dead accounts, you know the on and off thing also the time
Random fact: I like torturing and overworking myself.
And I willl be tagging @uncaffeinatedlawyer, @mariesstudycorner, @theacamedic, @coffeeslytherin, @kairestudies, @swiftstudyblr, @chaotic-studies, @apheleiastudies, @didis-studyblah, @classyintelligence.
Have fun guys!
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theacamedic · 3 years
Hey there! What are your tips for this pandemic? It's being really hard to study 24/7 at home and not being able to go to university. I am insecure about my note-taking tbh.
Hey! I hope you're well & extremely sorry for the late reply. I've been pretty busy lately. Yes, I've got to agree with you. The pandemic has definitely taken a toll on me. I spent 24/7 at home studying and attending lectures online. It's safe to say that I've definitely lack motivation and drive to be productive during this time. But, I try my best to take some time off for myself. Exercising and meditation have really helped me. After sitting for hours attending lectures and case discussion, a workout of minimum 30 minutes definitely helped to relax, as well as ensure I stayed fit and healthy. I also started getting back into art. It was definitely a huge part of me in high school, and I'm glad that I'm able to revisit that side of me again. I've also started baking. And, to my surprise - it's kinda therapeutic. Basically, what I'm trying to say is - pick up a hobby. If you don't have one, find something that you think you'd enjoy. It shouldn't feel like you're trying to get over with another task. Live the moment. 🧡
As for note-taking, everyone's style is different. It's important to find the style what works best for you. The Cornell Note Taking Method is extremely effective. Here's the format of Cornell note taking method:
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I do follow the Cornell method to a certain extent, but tweaked it to what suited me best. I've also started digitalising all my notes, because (1) I realised I type faster than I write, (2) It's convenient - I don't have a lot of papers lying around and (3) It's environmental friendly. But, I do understand that not everyone is privilege enough to own a fancy laptop or a tablet. A notebook works just the same. My notes will look something like this:
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It's pretty easy and self-explanatory. I started with writing the title at the top of the page, followed by the body with all the information. Anything additional mentioned, I usually write them in a different colour. I usually make my notes before class, so I'm not completely lost and it also helps me stay focused during the class.
If it's the aesthetics of the notes you're worried about, honestly it's really the last thing that should be on your mind. Because, trust me - in 5-10 years time, you're not going to look back it. I have to admit, I was big on making it look pretty because of all the aesthetic note taking images I saw on Instagram and Tumblr. But, as time went by, I've realised that it is extremely time consuming and expensive.
I guess that's all. I hope you find this somewhat helpful. If not, my inbox is always open. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
💌 with love,
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theacamedic · 4 years
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G’day! I hope everyone’s doing well & is safe! Sorry, I’ve been MIA a lot recently.  I’ve been pretty busy with classes. Anyways, here are my tips & tricks + opinions on my recent posting. I hope you enjoy reading them! 
💌  withlove,
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theacamedic · 4 years
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Interviews can be intimidating, especially if it’s your first time. But, if you’re well prepared and feel confident in yourself, then you’ll do great!
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Tell us a bit about yourself!
Tell us about your greatest strength/weaknesses! 
Tell me about your leadership experience.
Here are a few tips for ace-ing interviews according to situations:
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University & College Interviews 
Prepare answers for common questions. Most universities will want to know your answers to, "Why do you want to study the subject?" and, "Why do you want to go to this university?". Have your responses to these questions polished and memorised.
Be able to describe why you might be a good first for the institution. Interviewers want to ensure that you’re a good candidate both on paper and in person, so consider things you’ve done that show character.
Know about the institution that you’re applying to. It’s important to highlight a particular attribute you like about the institution/course. This can be in terms of facilities offered or events held annually. Having a good general knowledge base that shows the interviewer that you are sincerely interested and have done your homework!
Bring a copy of your academic resume! You might be asked to bring a portfolio of your work, especially if you are applying for a creative arts course. Make sure you remember to bring it as much (including a variety) of your interview will be focused on this work. For example, if you’re planning to apply to an art course, bring in the different types of artworks you have done - painted, sculpture work etc. 
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Scholarships Interviews 
Be able to tell the interviewer why you deserve the scholarship.
Make sure you link your accomplishments to the scholarship’s mission statement! 
Know you application essay well! 
If there’s a presentation, prepare well & practise, practise, practise! 
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Arrive at least 15 Minutes Earlier! Make sure you know where you are going and have contact details so you can call them if there is a problem. This will avoid adding any unnecessary stress.
Dress smartly and comfortably. 
Come prepared with a list of questions about the course/university/employer! This shows you were planning ahead. Prepare at least four beforehand, and feel free to add to those based on what you learn in the interview. For example: 
What do you wish people in my shoes knew about attending this institution?
Do you have any advice for me as I prepare for college?
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theacamedic · 2 years
Life Update: April '22 | The Acamedic
If you're reading this - Hey! 👋🏽 Hope you're doing well & it's good to see you again! 🙆🏽‍♀️ I've realised I've been MIA for the over six months now & thought I should fill y'all on my life in the past few months before I start posting again - I say this every time but every time I end up not posting for months. Anyways, here's my lil' life update:
In the past few months or so, I've started with my Year 4. Can you believe it? I'm still in awe about everything's that happening & am honestly - truly grateful. This year, I started off with Orthopaedics, Emergency Medicine and Paediatrics - more on this to come in the near future. Currently, I'm in my surgery rotation. With the pandemic slowly turning into an endemic, I've been given the opportunity to use teaching hospitals more. Thus, have been spending more of my time during the day visiting patients, clerking and examining cases on a day-to-day basis.
Besides, starting a new semester - I also decided to join a society - Malaysian Students' Surgical Society - Facebook & Instagram. I signed up for this sometime in December of last year & received the results of the interview earlier this year. Fortunately, I have been given the role as a Graphic Design Executive, which I am extremely grateful for. I've actually had a few of my work up on the society's IG page already, so if you'd like to view & support - my designs are "CNY" & "Meet the Team". If you'd like to see more of my creative-side (which I guess I rarely show on here), be sure to follow me on Instagram, usually would be posting behind the scene photos of my work & design process on there.
In addition to joining a society, my friends and I have decided to start our very own surgical society at Taylor's, which is the Taylor's University Surgical Society - something I've been extremely proud of. We've definitely been working hard on planning the events and activities we've got for the year. Be sure to follow us - Instagram & Facebook - to stay up to date with our latest events and activities. 🌾
🎞️ Lastly, here's a little snippet of what we have in store for the rest of the year :
💌 with love,
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theacamedic · 4 years
Hello, do you have own website about study ?OR Any Helpful Websites help a student in 1st Medical Year?. Thank you.
I’m so sorry for the late reply! Been super busy lately! Unfortunately, I don’t have a website of my own. Sorry about that! 
Other websites that I think might be helpful:
TeachMeAnatomy  - I used this a lot, especially if I need to do quick read between classes. The information here are concise and easy to understand. 
TeachMePhysiology - For TeachMePhysiology, I’d say the same exact thing I said for TeachMeAnatomy. It’s great for a quick read between classes, due to how concise the information written is. 
Osmosis - I’ve linked their website, but they have a YouTube channel too, which I think it’s just as good as their website. The information published here ranges from anatomy to physiology and even microbiology. They are all videos, which I think will be extremely helpful, if you’re a visual learner. Sometimes words can be confusing or might not stick in my head, so I always found myself going back to their page to watch quick 10 minute videos on the topic of the day. 
Medistudents - Medistudents is a great website to help improve your OSCE skills. They include step-by-step break down of the procedures (with images) required for each system. It’s another great website to refer to prior to attending your clinical skills session. 
FreeBookCentre - If you’re looking for e-books, this website has them all - from year 1 to year 5. 
Lastly, YouTube - I used YouTube a lot. You can search a topic and there’ll be tonnes of video recommendations to choose and watch. So, I’d definitely say that YouTube has become my good friend in medical school. 
These are some of the websites I’ve used throughout my preclinical years in medical school. But, I tried my very best stick to textbooks a lot, as they are much more reliable compared to online resources. 
I hope you find these websites helpful! And, good luck with your future endeavours! ❤️
💌  withlove,
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theacamedic · 4 years
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Simple Columnar Epithelium 🔬
Points of Identification
The cells are arranged in a single layer.
They are tall & column-like.  
The cells have a single, neat row of oval nuclei and usually towards the base. 
Jejunum of the Small Intestines  
Absorption & Secretion
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theacamedic · 4 years
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Simple Squamous Epithelium
Points of Identification 
A single layer of small flat cells arranged around a large empty space. 
Cells have less cytoplasm and the bulge in the cell is because of the nucleus.
Lungs & Lining of Blood Vessels
Gas Exchange via Diffusion
If you’re looking to read more on this, be sure to check out the full post on my Instagram. 
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theacamedic · 4 years
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Simple Cuboidal Epithelium 🔬
Points of Identification
The cells are arranged in a single layer and they are cube-shaped with large round nuclei.  
Kidney Tubules  
Absorption & Secretion 
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theacamedic · 3 years
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Hey! Just wanted to pop back in here to check in on you. How are you doing? How have life been for you over the last six months? It's even crazier to think that we've got through half of 2021 already.
As for me, I've been doing great! You could even say that I'm doing better than ever. I've made it to Semester 6 of Medical School. And, it is something I never thought I'd be able to say, honestly. I've definitely had my fair share of ups and down in pre-clinicals, and I'd happy to tell you that I've been doing better in my clinicals years so far. If you'd ask first-year me, there was always a self-doubt in almost everything I did. I guess you can called it a fear of not wanting to mess up, and to make sure everything is perfect. However, over the years, I've learnt that failure is key to success. Success doesn't come that easily. Mistakes allow us to learn and better ourselves and human beings. And, now - I'm extremely proud of where I am in life. 💛
Besides that, I've also taken over a volunteering society (ran by my seniors) with three of my closest friends. It's called Project Healing Hands. I've always wanted to start a volunteering society for the longest time. And, it's safe to say that after months of planning, we've re-launched Project Healing Hands. I'm extremely proud of the society and proud of us! We aim for it to be our love letter to humanity, through medicine, we treat the wounded and through our service, we uplift their spirits. If it's something you might be interested in, be sure to follow us, Project Healing Hands on Instagram, to stay updated with upcoming events and activities that you can participate in.
PS: To the people who have been trying to reach out to me the past few months, I'm extremely sorry! I'll get back to every single one of your messages soon! 🌟💌
💌 with love,
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theacamedic · 3 years
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Ophthalmology ✅ | G’day! I hope everyone’s doing well & is safe! We’ve haven’t been in contact much lately, so here’s an update: I completed my Sem 5 of Med School not too long ago, and currently am in my 2nd Posting of Sem 6. Definitely, a little hectic and a little too tired. But, I’m pulling through. Also, have been spending a lot of time focusing on my health and wellbeing, especially in times like this. And, I hope everyone is too! 
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theacamedic · 4 years
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Synthesis of Thyroid Hormones
Iodine “Trapping”
Iodine Oxidation
Thyroglobulin Synthesis
Iodination of Tyrosine 
Coupling of Iodinated Tyrosine 
Secretion of Thyroid Hormones
Thyroglobulin from the colloid is taken back into the follicular cells by endocytes. 
T4 and T3 are broken off from the thyroglobulin chain by lysosomal enzymes. Any DIT and MIT are also cleaved from the thyroglobulin. 
Thus, T4 and T3 are released from the cell (diffuses out) into the blood along a concentration gradient. 
DIT and MIT released are deiodinated (by a deiodinase enzyme) resulting in iodine and tyrosine - both which will be reused by the cells. 
Transport of Thyroid Hormones
Both T3 and T4 are lipid soluble.
Carried in the blood via protein.
Protein Bound Fraction
Free Fraction
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theacamedic · 4 years
hello, I hope all is well! I want to tutor for free during shelter in place, and I was wondering if you would happen to know any websites or platforms where I could do this online as a high school senior
I honestly have not done tutoring/online tutoring myself, but here are a few links that might help you: 
If none of these suite you, try googling - there are tonnes of online tutoring options available. Good Luck! 🌟
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