#then jon's the only one in true danger and his family does not seem to understand he's being hunted down by jon-el
undertheknightwing · 11 months
I loved their short-lived "I hate this fucking family" scenes
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#they switched back to default 'nice' mode afterwards obviously#but still#both were allowed to be upset and yell about it imo#gar's always trying to help everyone but always ends up being the one hurt#not only that but when he's the one needing help the titans couldn't care any less and just give him a lame hug or shoulder pat#then never talk to him again about what's bothering him#they didn't even care when he disappeared#it was just *shrugs* 'well at least he's not dead he'll show up sometime i guess'#then jon's the only one in true danger and his family does not seem to understand he's being hunted down by jon-el#i'd be scared and pissed off too if my dad who's superman just let the guy who's deadset on kidnapping and merging with me go#the only reason jon-el even took lana was to get clark away from jon he doesn't care about her or anything else really#he just wants jon and will do anything to get him#so yeah i'd be scared as SHIT that he's on the loose and now even more that he stole my dad's friend to purposely lure him away#(also once jon said where jon-el was clark REALLY should have switched into his suit since he knew he'd be public#and probably would have had to use his powers to catch jon-el)#(lara or not clark shouldn't have been using his powers in front of a crowded diner anyway)#the titans didn't care because it was gar who was missing#and the kents didn't care because it was jon who was in danger#dick would've been ripping apart the multiverse once he could if someone else was missing#and if jordan was in danger clois would have hid him at the fortress with some x-k to protect himself just in case#titans#superman and lois#gar logan#jonathan kent
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expended-sleeper · 10 months
I'm going to ask about your Adopted NPCs because..... GIMME. But it was kind of funny going through this list, because asking things like "Do they have a family?" and "What are their opinions on consorting with Daedric Princes?" felt like... squeezing lemon juice on a papercut. Brutal.
For Miraak:
Which areas of Skyrim do they find most beautiful and most dangerous? [Bonus: where would he settle down if he could?]
What are their religious affiliations, and how does their worship (or lack thereof) affect their day-to-day life? [Specifically, what is Miraak's relationship to the Divines post-FFO?]
What is their favorite kind of food that can only be found in Skyrim?
For Sophie:
Who is their mentor? Who do they go to most for lessons?
Would they be able to live off the land if they were lost in the wilds of Skyrim? How skilled are they at foraging and hunting?
Thanks for the wonderful questions, friend!
Which areas of Skyrim do they find most beautiful and most dangerous? Bonus: where would he settle down if he could?
"In my youth I could hardly have considered beauty without danger; these days, as my hair begins to gray and Skyrim's winters seem ever more bitterly cold, I have rather lost my taste for discomfort. One cannot appreciate the grandeur of a glacier whilst shivering in its shadow. The supposed Nord endurance to frost is mostly bravado and bluster, and for myself I set both of these to the flame some time ago.
"In short, I avoid the north when I'm able. For bitter reasons beyond the weather, I have no love for the region comprising Labyrinthian and its outlying ruins. Too much there has changed, and too much has remained the same.
"I find my greatest happiness anywhere where I have friends, a warm fire, and a bed that's up off the floor. Rough living is the providence of youth. There is more beauty in the lines of my lover's face than I will ever perceive now in any lonely vista.
"As to where I might settle? Well, fate seems to draw me to Whiterun time and time again, and I have my eye on a particular house in the Plains District. The former occupant and I did not part on the best of terms, but that is all in the past now. Breezehome sits as an empty memorial to an absent dragon. I wonder if it might not fare better as a living home to a present one."
What are their religious affliations, and how does their worship (or lack thereof) affect their day-to-day life? Specifically, what is Miraak's relationship to the Divines post-FFO?
"The Divines and I tolerate each other well enough. That may sound cold, but it is benevolent in comparison to my previous relationships with certain darker deities. I have great admiration for the teachings of Kyne, as I have witnessed the power and meaning of her unerring cycles. However, I do not afford time out of my day to fall down and profess my love. I have spent quite enough of my life in structures devoted to faith. Skyrim's wilderness is Kyne's only true temple, and the minutes I sometimes spend on my knees are decidedly not for the glorification of any god."
What is their favorite kind of food that can only be found in Skyrim?
"I have a new answer to this question with every new dish I taste. The environment of my upbringing did not lend itself to culinary appreciation. There is such a difference between people who see eating as a chore to be done with, and those that know every meal is an opportunity for satisfaction and joy. To provide a specific answer: I did not know food could make one warm and happy, until I sampled Jon Battle-Born's rabbit meatballs."
Who is their mentor? Who do they go most to for lessons?
"'Mentors are best kept at arm's length. Most just want to twist you into the shape they want you to have. If you don't bend to them, they'll push until something breaks. It's rare to find someone who truly wants what's best for you. My first mentor, a priest of Boethiah, was a man who killed as easily as he breathed. I had all my fingers, before his sharp lessons.
"The Companions taught me there was more to life than taking lives. Farkas showed me what friendship was, and the meaning of honor. Aela, in her wisdom and in her failure, warned me of the consequences of losing yourself. Miraak and Vilkas helped me see that a life lived alone, in paranoid safety, is no life at all.
"It's rare to find someone who truly wants the best for you, but I found her. Lucia shows me the difference between living and being alive, every time we touch. I don't understand why she likes me. It took me a long time to believe her. And it's not always easy, even with Lucia—but she makes the struggle feel worth the pain."
Would they be able to live off the land if they were lost in the wilds of Skyrim? How skilled are they in hunting and foraging?
"There is more to fear in a Windhelm alley than the tundra of Whiterun. Beasts are predictable in ways that people are not. I have faith in the hunger of bears and wolves, in merciless blizzards and stupid hares. Survival outside the walls is a matter of luck and ability. Inside, it's about how much people like you. It's about trust, vulnerability, knowing when to let your guard down.
"I feel more myself in a darkening forest than I ever will in a crowded square. In the city, every soul has their own motives. Greedy shopkeepers, sly pickpockets, all wearing false smiles. A long time ago, my survival depended on the kindness of strangers. Ask any beggar what kind of life that is.
"No, I wouldn't starve out there in the great alone. I have my axes and my bow. But from what Miraak has shared of his years in the wilds, I don't think I would be happy. Lucia tells me people aren't meant to be all by themselves. I think I might believe her on that, too."
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goodqueenaly · 3 years
What happens if Rickon shows up and is acknowledged as lord of Winterfell and then Bran shows up? Or Sansa claims Winterfell and then Bran or Rickon come back? Is there any historical (irl) precedent for a presumed dead heir resurfacing?
This is at the heart of what I think the conflict might be among the factions supporting the Stark children (though not, I think, among the Stark children themselves) in TWOW. Each of the factions currently angling for (or who seem likely to angle for) a particular Stark candidate as Lord or Lady of Winterfell thinks that it has the last best Stark: Littlefinger thinks that Sansa is the last surviving legitimate Stark, Wyman Manderly thinks Rickon is the last surviving legitimate male Stark, Galbart Glover and Maege Mormont probably think that Jon is the last surviving male of Stark blood (and certainly that was the understanding at the time of Robb's will), and even the members of Stannis' camp (like, say, Justin Massey) think that Arya (or, at least the girl they think is Arya) is the only surviving legitimate Stark whose location is known (since no one but Littlefinger knows where Sansa went post-Purple Wedding). No one is expecting anyone else to have a different Stark claimant - which means that when everybody converges on Winterfell, it's going to be a real Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man situation.
Since I doubt any of these factions will want to give up power for their chosen candidates, I expect at that point that each will try to undermine the other. This may come in the form of planting doubt that the candidates are who they say they are (which ironically may be a stronger argument with the reveal of Jeyne Poole's true identity - if one non-Stark could be passed off for a Stark, why not another?). Such a question would recall one very clear point of inspiration for Bran and Rickon's deaths - the murdered "Princes in the Tower", Edward V and his brother Richard, the younger of whom was impersonated by two false pretenders, Lambert Simnel (at least initially) and Perkin Warbeck, during the reign of Henry VII. Wyman Manderly recognized this danger (hence his emphasis on the importance of Rickon's direwolf to prove the boy's identity), and indeed, I would be especially unsurprised if Littlefinger encouraged Sansa to think that the boys claimed to be her brothers were no more than impostors, to further isolate her from the family that gives her such personal strength (which suggestion in turn I think Sansa will reject). Unfortunately for these factions, if the Starks themselves are there, that's far harder to do; Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon, and Jon all know one another on sight
So I think the real debate will be less about whether Bran and Rickon are really the boys thought dead that have survived and more about who has the best claim among the Starks. Does legitimate birth trump illegitimacy (and so disqualify Jon), or does the king's will towards legitimizing override birth legitimacy? What if the will was based on a false premised believed true at the time (namely, that Bran and Rickon were dead)? Is an older claimant (like Jon, Sansa, or even Arya) better than a younger one (like Bran or especially Rickon) for their ability to take power sooner and avoid a contentious regency? How much does "foreign" (that is, non-northern) support matter to help or harm a claim? These are the types of questions I think the factions are going to debate while the Starklings happily reunite and then try to remind everyone that, hey guys, the apocalypse is just about nigh, we should probably get on preparing for that.
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dany-is-my-queen · 3 years
Born To Be Yours | Part Xl
Sansa Stark x Fem! Baratheon! Reader (Daenerys Targaryen x Fem! Baratheon! Reader eventually) 
Season 1-8
Word Count: 1,375
Note: Hey guys!! It’s been a year since I started this series and I was really excited to continue, I really was. But months flew by and my life began to take a different course, now, I can’t make promises that I’ll be uploading soon again, though I will try if I have time to spare and my imagination cooperates :) Hope you enjoy this chapter! And thank you all for your patience, it’ll be rewarded!
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9 Pt.10
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Months have flew by way too fast. And now you were feeling more confident around the northern lady and your family. You’d keep her from any harm they would try to inflict on her no matter the consequences, yet you were cautions cause Joffrey was still so damn annoying. Though since Margaery arrived to the capital she has been keeping him rather distracted.
“Because the truth is always either terrible or boring.”
“Am I boring?” You approached Sansa from behind, daintily kissing her cheek.
“Not at all.” She answered with a broad simper.
“You shouldn’t be too obvious in plain sight.” Shae subtly advised.
“You are right. We should be more careful.” You peered up to see if the guards were staring your way, when you confirmed they were not you stole a kiss on her silky lips. She giggled.
“Have a lovely day. I’ll meet you later. My grandfather requested my presence.” It was true... Tywin wanted to speak privately with you, and you sort of imagined why.
“I’ll be waiting for you.”
“My ladies.” You winked playfully at Sansa before walking away.
“You really like her, don’t you?” Shae asked Sansa well knowing the answer to her own question.
“She is perfect.” She let out a love sigh.
“You trust her?”
“The princess has always treated me with respect. I always dreamed with a handsome knight or a sweet prince, then I met her and she is far more better than any of that.” Sansa confessed.
“She seems to be a good girl.” Lord Baelish approached the two women.
“Lovely day for it. May I speak with lady Sansa alone for a moment?” Shae stood up and walked back to Ros.
“I saw your mother not long ago. She’s very eager to see you. And your sister.” He commented.
“Arya’s alive?”
“Oh yes. Indeed she is. But... I’ve noticed you’ve grown quite attached to princess Y/N.” He chose carefully his words.
“I have. She is and extraordinary friend.” Sansa added. “I’m very lucky to be her friend.”
“You are. I’m waiting for word on an assignment that will take me far away from the capital. When I set sail, I might be able to bring you with me. But you’d need to be ready to leave on a moment’s notice.” Sansa widen her eyes. She didn’t really want to leave now... did she? After all she knew she’ll never be truly free here.
“I... I’m not sure if that’s a wise idea, Lord Baelish.” She conflicted admitted.
“And why’s that? Other than the risks it involves of course.”
“Well, as I said before, King’s Landing is my home now. It has good things despite the corruption.” Only Y/N, she thought.
“All right then. The offer stands, my lady. Keep it in mind.” He turned around to leave Sansa wondering if she’d abandon you to return home or staying here by your side.
“You are glowing, granddaughter of mine.”
Tywin was jotting down something with a quill. “Is there a boy already?” It sounded more like a statement rather than a question. You tried not blush as Sansa’s picture coming to your mind.
“Mmm... no. There is not a... boy.” You concluded kinda nervous.
“If there is not then you should be looking for a suitable swain. I reckon you have many admirers waiting to receive your attention.” He said with a serious tone. Does he really mind? Of course he does. He wants to get a hold of another loyalty for House Lannister. “Many lords would give their whole lands to marry you. And we might need that.”
“But that’s not what I need.” You responded nonchalantly. It was true. All you truly needed and longed for was the love of someone who valued you. And you already found that in a northern lass. You knew he disapprove entirely your “reckless” choices, same as your mother. You’d fight back and won’t allow them to throw you into some random man’s arms.
You stepped inside Joffrey’s dining table. You always enjoyed to hang with the Tyrell siblings, but now that she’s engaged to your brother... you wonder how she’s been managing to handle him. After all, she’s one of the cleverest persons you know.
“Margaery does a great deal of work with the poor back in Hightgarden. I’ve heard Y/N do charity for the poor here as well.” Loras commented. You nodded. The soon to be queen smiled softly your way.
“The lowest among us are no different from the highest if you give them a chance and approach them with an open heart.” You mirrored her act.
“An open heart is what you’ll get in Flee Bottom if you’re not careful, my dear. Not long ago, we were attached by a mob there. We had a full complement of guards that didn’t stop them. The king barely escaped his life.” You hid your smirk.
“My mother’s always had a penchant for drama. Facts become less and less important to her as she grows older. Our lives were never truly in danger.” You rolled your eyes at his lies.
“Oh but they were. You didn’t even care about sending the guards to get lady Sansa back to the Keep. A king is supposed to ensure the safety of all the ones that are in need. You seem to keep failing on that, big brother.” You sensed his furious glare upon you.
“Who cares about her anyway.” You clenched your jaw tightly. Loras and Margaery keep their eyes on their dinner.
There was an awkward pause as the main course was brought to the table. The rest of the evening was all about the same. Joffrey flaunting about his “bravery” and Cersei flattering him all along. Margaery showing off a wide smile at his non sense.
You strolled to your room exhausted after training with the bow and horse-riding with little Tommen. Before that you decided to pay a visit to Sansa’s chambers. You knocked the door twice and she beamed with delight.
“I hope it isn’t too late to stop by.”
“No, I was about to get under the sheets. Perhaps you can join me?” She suggested with a gaily grin. You chuckled. Seeing Sansa being so... awfully bold was so nice and pure. Being around you made her forget about the fact she’s a prisoner. It didn’t matter as much when you were together.
“I’d love that.” You entered the room, holding her by the waist and leading both of you to the bed.
“How was your day then?” You smoothly asked. She tossed to be face to face with you.
“Actually, it was wonderful! Ser Loras escorted me to the gardens with Lady Margaery and Lady Olenna. They were very kind to me. We had lunch together and chatted for a while.”
“That sounds lovely, my lady. I’ve always consider Lady Olenna as the grandmother I never had. She knows me since I was a baby. Now that they are here I’ve been reminiscing about the good old days when we wouldn’t stop joshing Loras about me beating him on a single duel. We were so young back then... I’ll always hold dear those moments. He may be moody and brash at times, still, he is complete gentleman. Water’s sometimes thicker than blood. That’s for sure.” The Tyrells were your second family, they welcomed you with open arms and never once judge you. Unlike your own blood, with exceptions of course.
“Back in Winterfell I was so focused on learning how to properly be a lady and all that, that I missed many things... I should’ve been closer to Robb, Arya, even Jon. I was mean.” Sansa’s voice cracked.
“Don’t lose faith, Sansa. I know it’s too much to ask for but life takes unexpected turns.” You brushed one of her ginger locks with your right hand.
“I found a new home.” She whispered lightly. “Not Kings Landing. Not this castle. You.” She unhurriedly closed her crystal eyes. Your heart was at her mercy, that was a fact. You caressed gently her cheek and sealed the night with the most tender kiss anyone could dream of.
“You are my home too, my love.” You breathed against her lips.
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astradrifting · 3 years
AGOT - Prologue
Just warning everyone now, the main thing I’m focusing on in this chapter is the many Waymar Royce-Jon Snow parallels to be found, and literally nothing else. The Others who? This will probably be a running theme with these posts, because most of the magic in this series is so far incomprehensible to me. 
“There are things to be learned even from the dead.”
Well, hello. Jon had the exact same idea. Only on the first page and we already have our first Jon parallel. Can’t wait for it to be joined by many more. In fact, I’ll be keeping a running tally.
Jon parallels: 1
“We have a long ride before us,” Gared pointed out. “Eight days, maybe nine. And night is falling.”
Ser Waymar glanced at the sky with disinterest. “It does that every day about this time. Are you unmanned by the dark, Gared?”
OK maybe this is cheating, but I’m counting this quote too. Come on, you can’t tell me that isn’t exactly the sort of smart-ass reply Jon would come up with. Waymar in general is very sassy, and I could see Jon saying a lot of the things he does in this chapter. He’s a bit of an asshole, but hey, Jon can be too at times.
Jon parallels: 2
The next part is all in one paragraph, the highest concentration of direct parallels I’ve found in the chapter, including the strongest ones that really make it hard to deny that Waymar is mostly a Jon Snow reference.
Ser Waymar Royce was the youngest son of an ancient house with too many heirs.
This reminds me of Maester Aemon saying that his grandfather, King Daeron II, sent him to the Citadel because “too many dragons are as dangerous as too few”. An “ancient house with too many heirs” perfectly describes House Targaryen in the coming books, even though right now it seems decimated. Aegon and Dany both consider themselves the true heir, and neither are going to be willing to give that up in favour of the other. Whether or not Jon has a claim too is still to be seen, but there are already too many heirs either way. And while Dany is actually the youngest in the family overall, Jon is the youngest son.  
Jon parallels: 3
He was a handsome youth of eighteen, grey-eyed and graceful and slender as a knife.
Jon parallels: 4
It might be worth noting that Jon will likely be eighteen by the time of ADOS, depending on how much time passes during TWOW. The first five books only span about two years, but everything is likely to move much slower during winter, if only because travel will take longer, especially in the North. Personally, I think TWOW will take place over a year - there’s a lot of ground that the book needs to cover, namely the Starks retaking the North, Aegon rising to the Iron Throne, Dany dealing with the Dothraki and returning to Meereen to deal with the Yunkai’i… she’s the main problem honestly, because if she doesn’t at least set out for Westeros by the end of the book, ADOS is going to have to be very weirdly paced.
Mounted on his huge black destrier, the knight towered above Will and Gared on their smaller garrons.
This reminds me of the horse that Jon chooses to ride on the day that he lets the wildlings pass through the Wall, a “fiery grey courser with a mane as black and shiny as maester’s ink”. It’s not the exact same type of horse, but they have similar colouring, destriers and coursers are both warhorses, and Waymar’s destrier is likely a stallion like Jon’s courser is. Jon chose his mount that day because he needed to look impressive, and Waymar is arrogant enough that he probably chose his horse just because he wanted to look impressive in general.
Jon parallels: 5
His cloak was his crowning glory; sable, thick and black and soft as sin.
I’m not sure if Jon’s cloaks have properly been described in his chapters, apart from them being black. But this quote actually reminds me of season 6, and the cloak Sansa made for Jon. She made it specifically to be reminiscent of their father’s, and thus it looked a lot like Robb’s cloak as King in the North too - a cloak that basically screamed that Jon was a Stark. Jon didn’t wear a crown, so it was the cloak that really signified his kingship. His cloak as his crowning glory. Sansa making him a Stark, Sansa making him a king. 
Which is to say, I really hope we get something similar to that cloak scene in TWOW. I don’t know how GRRM could miss the opportunity though - the amount of marriage symbolism alone...! OK I’m gonna stop now, before this needs to go into its own post. 
Jon parallels: still 5 for now, but I’m totally calling it, a Stark cloak will be very important in TWOW/ADOS
Nothing burns like the cold.
Not precisely a Jon parallel, but this bit of imagery introduces the idea of ice and fire not being total opposites. Not a dichotomy, but two sides of the same coin maybe.
Ser Waymar Royce came next, his great black destrier snorting impatiently. The warhorse was the wrong mount for ranging, but try and tell that to the lordling.
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Let’s skip ahead a few books for a moment, to that mention of Jon’s horse in ADWD, Jon XII…
Satin had his horse saddled and bridled and waiting for him, a fiery grey courser with a mane as black and shiny as maester's ink. He was not the sort of mount that Jon would have chosen for a ranging, but on this morning all that mattered was that he look impressive, and for that the stallion was a perfect choice.
Does this really matter? No. Does this make me incredibly smug for noticing it nevertheless? Hell yeah it does.
Jon parallels: 6, this totally counts as another one ok shhhh
Ser Waymar’s mouth became a hard line. “No fire.”
Admittedly this one is a bit of a stretch, but I can just feel the parallels lurking…. Jon’s dislike of fire as a method of death? Him rejecting the fire part of his heritage in favour of the Stark’s ice?
Jon parallels: 6 still, but in my heart this counts
Ser Waymar met him bravely. “Dance with me then.” He lifted his sword high over his head, defiant. His hands trembled from the weight of it, or perhaps from the cold. Yet in that moment, Will thought, he was a boy no longer, but a man of the Night’s Watch.
You will dance with me anon! Also the first appearance of the recurring imagery of dancing as fighting, something very close to my heart (see: all my metas about the DoD 2.0).
Jon parallels: 7
The second part of that quote is directly applied to Jon in ACOK, when Qhorin decides to send him on the undercover mission with the wildlings.
“Jon has a different part to play.”
“He is half a boy still.”
“No,” said Qhorin, “he is a man of the Night’s Watch.”
Jon parallels: 8
Blood welled between the rings. It steamed in the cold, and the droplets seemed red as fire where they touched the snow. Ser Waymar’s fingers brushed his side. His moleskin glove came away soaked with red.
When Jon is assassinated at the end of ADWD, his wounds also steam in the cold. Like Waymar, Jon also brushes his fingers against his wound and comes away with blood.
Jon parallels: 9
The part about droplets “red as fire” seems very much like a parentage hint - fiery blood (Fire and Blood) mingling with Snow. It could point to Jon’s resurrection too, if it happens similarly to the show - blood magic and fire magic both being used to bring him back?
Jon parallels: 10
Royce’s body lay facedown in the snow, one arm out-flung. The thick sable cloak had been slashed in a dozen places. Lying dead like that, you saw how young he was. A boy.
Jon is only seventeen when he dies. Throughout ADWD he’s tried to kill the boy and become the man, but ultimately he fails when he chooses to try to save Arya - the family of the boy who lived at Winterfell, not the man of the Night’s Watch. His youth is going to be very evident to whoever sees his body after the mutiny, despite all his attempts to seem like hardened Lord Commander Snow.
Jon parallels: 11
final thoughts:
I’m sure there are many more parallels that I’ve missed, but 11 isn’t bad! Re-reading this chapter, I’ve become bizarrely fond of Waymar?? Probably because I keep associating him with my darling Jon. He’s an arrogant little lordling who dies bravely in the end, as the warrior he was playing at being, and I love him for it.
Most of these direct links only became evident with ADWD, so there might be even more connections to be found in future books. Waymar losing an eye isn’t a parallel yet.
Also, after this prologue, Waymar is only ever mentioned in reference to his disappearance, mostly in Jon’s POVs, once in Bran’s. The one other time he’s mentioned is in a Sansa chapter - AFFC, Alayne I, in which she muses that she fell wildly in love with Ser Waymar when he visited Winterfell.
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.
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blackkatmagic · 3 years
Agen is the type of person to follow rules to the point of ruthlessly exploiting every loophole while staring unblinking into the eyes of everyone who set those rules in the first place, and honestly I adore that about him. (Also, feel free to not answer, but do you have any Agen/Jango or Jaster/Agen wips? Or Agen/Myles, tho I’m not sure how straight Myles is).
1. Jango's been hearing rumors about legendary bounty hunter Argent Kole for years, but he's never actually met the man. One of the main rumors is that Argent is Force-sensitive, so when Boba starts showing signs, Jango sets out to hunt Argent down to help Boba learn control. Agen, for his part, doesn't expect his undercover identity to be remarkable at all, so when he hears Jango Fett is on the warpath and coming to find him, it's wholly a surprise, but not one he's about to run from.
2. Finding an amnesiac Jedi wandering Tatooine seems like the perfect opening to start getting his revenge for Galidraan. Jango takes the Zabrak in, intending to betray him, but Agen's blunt honesty and unwavering trust affect him more than he expected.
3. Agen Kolar breaks the timeline! Yeeted back from the moment of his death to just before the invasion of Naboo, Agen has too much to fix and too little time to do it, so he hires out. Jango is neck-deep in Dooku's plots, but this weird swordsman who insists he's definitely not a Jedi, no way, is willing to pay big for help assassinating one shriveled old Naboo senator, so Jango agrees. He doesn't expect to promptly get dragged into madness.
4. While on a mission, Agen rescues a child from his abductors. Boba is totally happy to hang out with this big scary Zabrak who lets Boba sit on his shoulders and grab his horns. Sadly, Jango is not nearly as enthusiastic.
5. In an AU where the Jedi Order operates in secret and Jedi are all but a myth, Jango is the Mand'alor, fighting an increasingly vicious battle against Pre Vizsla and the Death Watch, when he finds a man and his ward locked away in a strange dungeon deep underground. Agen refuses to give any details of his past, but his care for Tan is clear, and Jango can't help but be drawn to him.
1. Jon tried to teach Agen to teleport, but it's not a skill that comes easily. When Agen uses it in a last-ditch attempt to save Kit in the Chancellor's office, he misses the mark, and ends up throwing himself backwards in time. Jaster, for his part, doesn't expect a Jedi to come crashing out of thin air and land right in his lap, but, well. It's certainly not the worst way to start a morning.
2. Rescued from carbonite after years locked away in a Death Watch base, Jaster has no idea what to make of all the changes the galaxy as a whole and his family in particular have gone through. Since the Jedi are the ones who found him, they assign him a guard and guide to help him get back on his feet, and maybe it's desperation that has Jaster latching onto Agen, but he's the one steady thing in a whole chaotic galaxy, and Jaster can't help himself.
3. Following rumors of the Darksaber's origin, Jaster comes across a Jedi Knight who's doing the same, and in possession of information unique to the Order. Obviously the only recourse is to team up and shake him down for all of his sources.
4. After one last desperate attempt to save Tan on Geonosis, Agen wakes up somewhere he definitely shouldn't be, and finds that he and Tan were rescued from a desert by the Mand'alor. By a Mand'alor who's entirely taken by Tan, and more than willing to help Agen - except he doesn't know they're Jedi, and Agen isn't sure he can trust Jaster enough to tell him.
5. Mandalorian Empire!AU where the Jedi are wandering monks more than a structured order, and with a new Sith Emperor threatening his borders Jaster is desperate to get his hands on old records of the last time the Sith Empire rose. The only ones who might have such information are the Jedi, though, and they've had a long history of being persecuted by past Mand'alors. Jaster knows that if they catch wind he wants something from them, they'll go underground again, so finding a lone Jedi in a desperate fight seems like a stroke of impossible luck. Agen is just trying to find his kidnapped padawan, and he's desperate enough to make a deal with his people's traditional enemy to get him back.
1. Agen is a new Knight when the Force calls him to Galidraan, and he manages to deescalate tensions between the True Mandalorians and the Jedi. Unfortunately, he does this by taking Myles hostage. Myles is incredibly unimpressed, but at least being a Jedi's hostage isn't the worst thing imaginable, and Agen is pretty, for a Jedi.
2. The Nightsisters do a favor for Pre Vizsla, bringing back one of the most dangerous True Mandalorians as a mind-controlled assassin. When Pre sets Myles on a Jedi who's been investigating Death Watch activity, Agen recognizes what's happened and breaks the control, freeing Myles, but it's not so easy. With a whole galaxy that's vastly different from what he remembers, millions of men running around with Jango's face, and a sudden resurgence of True Mandalorian sympathies among Mandalore's people, Myles has no idea what to do, and an empty throne that isn't supposed to be his but might have to be regardless.
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the-bat-collector · 3 years
I love NO POWERS NO CAPES AUs but its been so hard to find them!! so decided to make this list to help y’all in your search  :D
The length varies, but I prefer long fics so most of these are 10-20k up to 200k 
Heart and Soul by Pandamomochan
E - 150,044
Clark Kent used to be a renowned composer who was said to be able to write masterpieces that were designed uniquely for each individual player. Famous musicians around the world would flock to him in hopes that he would write for them because his pieces were always said to bring out any player's crowning performance. That is, until one day Clark loses his wife in a tragic accident and decides never to write again.
Years later, Clark's son, Jon, gets admitted to the famous "Gotham School of Performing Arts". It is there that Clark meets Bruce Wayne, a strict, uptight, by the book piano instructor who is said to be able to craft the best musicians around the world.
this is one of my favorites. I'm not really into Hurt/Comfort but this is so beautiful!! highly recommended I'm biased cause I play the piano
Seeing Bruce Wayne by Evilpixie
E - 15,089
Clark Kent is the only male midwife working in Metropolis General. Bruce Wayne the residential pediatric surgeon.
I'm so into medicine/doctor AUs this is also one of my favorite fics!if you have to pick one from this list, pick this one!!!
On The Cusp by vesper_house
E - 47,378
Clark's life isn't going so well. He's in his thirties, he works at a coffee shop run by his old crush, his journalism career is going nowhere, and he's broke. It takes only one tall, dark and handsome stranger to change everything.
COFFE SHOP AU COFFESHOP AU!! We need more of these, the dynamic between Bruce and Clark is Great!!!!
A Game You Can't Win by NightFoliage
T - 78,328
Injustice is the hottest MMORPGs available to play! Set in a world where superpowers exist, players can become civilians, heroes, villains, and anybody in-between. Designed by Hiro “Toyman” Okamura, and Timothy Drake-Wayne, Injustice was created with the best Wayne Industries technology available and has the most human NPCs. The game is beyond it's time and is planned to be at the top of the charts for a while.
By accident, Clark finds himself pushed into the spotlight and new found fame. To him, Let’s Plays are a means to stay in touch with friends and to make money. He never got into LPing to become famous.
Bruce, who funded the game after Jason’s accident, is irritated (not jealous) that a video game player is such a big topic among the kids. After the nth time they mention him, Bruce decides to take matters into his own hands and see what all the fuss is about.
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ONE OF MY FAVORITE SUPERBAT FICS OUT THERE!!!!!! this is great and fun and Clark is the best!
As We Grow by butterflyslinky
E - 23,451
Clark Kent is a farmer deep in debt to Lex Luthor.
Bruce Wayne is a billionaire with seven children and no luck in love.
But their families have a scheme to get them together and hopefully make life a little bit better.
Modern Medicine by BuckinghamAlice
G - 5,208
Pediatrician Dr. Clark Kent becomes beloved to his patients, the Wayne boys... as well as to their doting father Bruce.
ABSOLUTELY lovely and adorable, you get the feels!
Hellooooo, nurse! by weirdraccoon INCOMPLETE WIP
T - ?????
Clark enjoys his job at the Free Clinic. He loves helping people and tending injuries. Saving lives. But this man... Bruce Wayne is going to kill him if he doesn't get killed first.
Bruce is still Batman on this one but HERE ME OUT, Clark is a nurse! is incomplete but looking forward to the following chapters!!
Two Cities by EllenD
E - 96,152
Clark Kent, is simply Clark Kent, junior reporter for the Daily Planet who moved to Metropolis from Smallville with big dreams. Bruce Wayne is a billionaire playboy from Gotham, who also happens to be Batman. They meet, date, and fall in love, though not without hurdles because mild-mannered Clark is also socially awkward as heck. But when the most dangerous criminals in Gotham are gunning for Batman, Clark gets caught in the middle of it all. (He's basically Batman's Lois Lane) Meant to be set in the Dawn of Justice movie universe, but also draws inspiration from video games, comics, and those awesome Batman cartoons.
This is part of a series, but this is the main fic of it. Love this trope of Clark is just a civilian and Bruce is Batman. Warning this fic does contain disturbing topics so read the tags.
Here Comes the Sun by batsy_rocks
T - 18,815
Clark Kent is a kind-hearted reporter working in the big city. Bruce Wayne is a stressed dad of four with no idea of what he's doing.
Then they meet.
Seasons of Love by littlechinesedoll
G - 4,603
Clark Kent took over that farm at the edge of the Town of Smallville. He likes Smallville's resident doctor, Bruce Wayne.
The best gifts for Bruce are ginger ale, salad, coffee, and any kind of flowers. He hates gems, and bars of copper, silver, and gold.
Petals and Ink by drunkraiinbow
T - 12,976
With a new kid joining the family, Bruce tries a new tattoo artist to continue the tradition of adding them to his sleeve, but he won't trust just any artist. Clark manages to win him over with his incredible talent and his farm-boy friendly demeanor, and he may even have begun to win Bruce's heart. However, Clark might have a few things to learn first.
FLOWER SHOP TATTOO PARLOUR AU! what else is there to say, this is extremely cute and a fast read! :D
Faceless Killer by Batsymomma11
E - 51,519
Detective Bruce Wayne from the GCPD and detective Clark Kent from the MPD have been asked to create a joint task force in an effort to catch the John Doe Killer that has been ravaging their sister-cities. Aside from their long-standing animosity towards one another, it should be a breeze to work together. Besides, lives depend on them getting along.
They never expected they'd trip headlong into a romantic entanglement that feels a lot more serious than even the killer they're chasing.
The Tailor by maderi
E - 16,026
When Clark is assigned to cover the Wayne gala, he finds himself in need of a professionally tailored suit. His tailor though is drop dead gorgeous, which brings up a lot of awkward situations during their appointments.
Heroes of the Squared Circle by Mithen
M - 226,687
They've gone by many names: Billionaire Brucie, Country Clark, the Kryptonian, the Dark Knight. But no matter what their stage names are, one thing has always been true: Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne are the world's finest wrestlers.
Six's a crowd by Untoward INCOMPLETE/ABANDONED
G - 10,133
When Alfred has to make an emergency trip back to England, Bruce soon finds out he can't manage running a business and taking care of six kids all alone.
He turns to a nanny agency for help, and is astonished when he finds Clark Kent, who seems like he can handle anything.
Clark not only can take care of the kids incredibly well but seems to be breaking Bruce's walls down rather well too.
After Hours by ????
E - 3,175
At the end of a long semester Clark can't hide his attraction to Professor Wayne any longer. Grad School AU.
This is practically a one-shot, not really my type of fic but worth adding!! Haven't come across this professor trope in Superbat so if you got any recs, send them my way!
Wings and Fangs by DanielleN3
E - 17,224
Clark thought he could never fall in love with anyone, especially not after being alone for such a long time… but all of that changes when he encounters a sexy vampire in Gotham.
TECHNICALLY they both have powers in this one but there are soooo different from cannon that I think this fic still qualifies for this list
thirteen by CapnWinghead
T - 22,890
Drowning in student loans, Clark Kent takes a summer job as the Wayne family nanny.
OKAY. so this is not entirely NO POWERS, but I mean Clark is a NANNY so this is great! TRUST ME
Kiss me, take my breath away by J_Jubilee
E - 37,934
There were legends about Gotham Reef. Legends that said it was haunted by a beast of foul temper. Stories told of a ravenous sea beast that feasted on the flesh of men, and was said to be more hideous than Satan himself. Others told of a woman with eyes that glowed like gold to lead sailors to their death. Some even spoke of a witch that cursed men and wreck their ships, taking all their treasures with it. When Clark’s catamaran is wrecked by a terrible storm, he learns that the stories were oh so far from true.
Baby Bats by AlmondRose
G - 4,003
this is a short series of adorable and simple domestic fluff
Haven't read this one but heeey the art is sooo pretty soo decided to add it anyways
Dragon Heart by Hells Angel 921
T - 27,660
Kal wants to make up for his past.
Bruce tries to move on with his future.
They eventually meet in the middle.
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I didn't know that Dragon/DragonSlayer was a thing but hey... apparently it is, so here it is.
hehe and so my rant ends here! let me know if you know fics that fit any of these tropes! I’m all ears
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Pet Owners Part 1
Owning pets is rare for nations because a true nation’s pet has a bond with their owners as much as they do the land. Many of their pets don’t really have something they represent inexactness, it's just they were there when the nation was born, and they bonded. No one can really explain how they come to find their owners, both parties just know.
Some nations don’t have the nation pet, but instead either found a mythical creature or own regular pets that will eventually die.
America – A big black shaggy dog. Allen has owned Makwa since he was a small child. No matter where he went Makwa would follow. This mini mammoth is very protective of Allen and has bitten Oliver many times. This dog has even followed Allen into war zones. Their bond is as deep as man and dog can go.
He is Allen’s best friend and more often than not the wall he bounces off of. Whether he is venting, planning, or just sleepy mumbling, Allen takes the time to talk to Makwa.
England – Flying Chocolate Bunny (FCB) and Flying Strawberry Bunny (FSB). These mythical evil bunnies are downright monsters. Unlike his 1p that has only one, Oliver has two. Both nations discovered their bunny allies together, but instead of taking just one. Oliver decided to take two. They were found when the nations were about 150 yrs old.
Since mythical creatures have longer lifespans, they aren’t nation pets and die much later than an average pet.
FCB has red beady eyes and is the color of dark chocolate. His wings are shaped more like raptor’s wings and have a white chocolate underside to his wings. FCB often twitches and drools and looks like he is about to eat the nearest piece of flesh. He is known for being wilder and more chaotic, he does some of the dirty work for Oliver by getting physically involved. Scratching and biting Oliver’s victims, slowly driving them mad by wounds made from an unseen force.
FSB on the other hand is much sweeter. She is a light red with small yellow spots. Her wings look like a swan's, and have a light green underwing. Her eyes are small beady and green. FSB looks like a toy rabbit, small and fluffy. She is Oliver’s eyes and ears. She spies on whomever Oliver asks her to and takes the time to ensure that Oliver has whatever information that he needs. When Oliver had many colonies she was the one sent to spy on them. She is quick and knows how to use magic to shorten her fly time.
Oliver loves his bunnies and feeds them a lot of cupcakes and meat. He spoils them with fancy beds and toys. Though he does expect them to earn their keep with various tasks given by him.
Canada – A big white polar bear. Kuma is Canada’s oldest frenemy, over the years they have traded blows and saved each other. The amount of trust these two have is unrivaled by any other nation and their pets. Kuma has been with Canada since he was about a week old. Kuma is a typical adult polar bear with a scar across his left shoulder and it splits his fur.
Canada’s scars on his chest come from Kuma. They got really intense in a fight one day and came at each other for blood. That same fight gave Kuma his scar. Both winded up extremely wounded and ignored each other for a week before making up.
Over the years Kuma mostly follows Matt’s orders. But occasionally Kuma acts like a brat and ignores Canada. Kuma has his own little house outside that Canada built, but he also has a huge mat on the floor inside Matt’s cabin.
Japan – Koi. Like it’s been said before, Japan likes koi. They are beautiful and he owns many. He has been keeping them since he was physically about 12 years old. He has a pond that connects to a tank within his home. It is a huge tank that has all the proper fixings that allow for a comfortable space for his fish.
He invests heavily in the industry and always checks the farms himself when he has the time. Many family farms know of Kurai, at least a fake name he puts out, and newer farms hope to receive his blessings. His name carries a lot of respect and honor for the koi industry and those that don’t meet his standards close shop quickly.
Every so often he will enter his koi in contests. He loves to know that his are the best and has many ribbons from the past ones he has either won or come close to winning.
Germany – A small brown tabby. Luther loves his tiny kitty and spends many a nap with this little baby on his lap. His little tabby is called Winzig and her name is literally her size. Winzig was found by Luther one night after making his way home after a night of drinking about a year ago. She was small and hiding under a box by his apartment. In his drunken stupor, he picked up the kitten without thinking and brought her home. She is actually his third cat.
There were two others he had owned in the past. His first was a calico that was named Schnurrhaare (Whisker). She was very aloof, but they too napped together often. She sadly died in the year 1901. His second cat Axel came to him about 1950 and was a gift from his boss. Axel was a big Mainecoon that looked like a burnt cookie. He acted more like a dog than a cat and Luther loved him. They played fetch together.
None of Luther’s cats have been a true nation pet. So, each one has passed, Winzig is still young and very lively so she has a while still with Luther. Though the other two, Luther has kept their collars and buried them behind his father’s house. He leaves little bits of string on their graves for them.
Rome – This old man had a lion. Not just any lion, the extinct European lion. Mars was the name of this old boy and Rome had him from the time he was a child. At first, Mars was unsure about Rome and chased him. Over time the two became close. Mars didn’t have a huge mane it was more of a gentle fluff around his head and down his chest. His body and head were covered in scars. Mars was known to have a light pale coated rather than the deep dusty color of many of his brethren. He had a regal air about him and Rome cherished his lion a lot.
When Rome passed Mars lived on, but not much longer than Rome. He lived about 5 years while being taken care of by Luciano. Mars being old then, didn’t do much and seemed to enjoy the calm final years that Luciano offered him. He got a bigger and cooler grave than his master did.
Prussia – Alvin is an old destrier and looks like a Percheron. Lightly colored with dark grey boots and muzzle. Alvin has been with Wil since he was born, this stocky little foal just showed up outside and has been with him ever since. Alvin has been Wil’s first pick of steed into every battle that used horses and Alvin like his owner is brave and loyal.
Both master and pet love spending nights together riding through the woods. Prussia gives Alvin lots of training and treats. They are so close that more often than not spend many afternoons together. Alvin is also trained for various horse competitions.
Spain – So we all know this man owns a bull. Idiota is special to Armando even though he won't admit it. When Armando is tending to his fields Idiota is there giving a presentation of an old friend. Many believe that Idiota is a nation pet because of how long he has lived and Spain agrees. As much as he gets angry at his bull being stupid he could never bring himself to part with the bull.
The centuries of being petty with each other make it interesting to both parties. Though in times of danger both have each other's backs. Once during a siege when Spain was young, Idiota was all that stood between him and Rome. Though despite losing, it took Rome impaling the bull and beheading it to keep it from defending a young Spaniard.
Netherland – He has a snake. It’s a simple grass snake that often hangs out with him at home. He loves his little snake and named him Hazel. He says his snake looks like a Hazel. Baas and Hazel go on many adventures when the weather is ok for Hazel. He takes him to the store, to meetings with his boss, and other places. They spend lots of time gathering info on people and just pulling pranks. Baas believes that Hazel enjoys it as much as his master.
 Hazel has a huge terrarium with plenty of space, heating lights, and pools of water. It takes up a whole wall in Baas’ home. It also contains fish and other small creatures that make the tank self-sustaining. 
Baas relates to his danger noodle; in that, he sees himself almost the same as his snake. Both are hidden predators that take care of nasty rats. Which happens to relate to his favorite thing to do with Hazel, feed him.
Austria – A Greater Mouse-Eared Bat, I mean what could be better for him. Austria found Krampus around Christmas time when he heard some noises coming from his attic. Krampus had found his way into the attic and freaked out trying to get out. This caused a tear in his wing, and Austria being surprised by this tiny nightmare.
Austria feeling the spirit of Christmas was compassionate and took care of the bat. First, he forced his way into a vet clinic and had his little Krampus looked at. Krampus's huge tear would heal, but it makes it difficult for him to fly again. That was the vet’s opinion and then went off to call a sanctuary to come and collect the bat. Well, Jon didn’t like that and ran off with Krampus.
Since then Jon has done a lot to ensure his little friend was becoming better. Eventually, the wing healed, but not well enough for flying. So Jon has a little bat that can glide short distances and has a little cave in his home. Krampus gets all the proper nutrition and cleanings.
Though shortly after bringing Krampus home, Jon did call Matt. Matt had some words for Jon when he found out what he did.
Switzerland – This man loves goat cheese, so obviously he wanted goats. He and his 1p own a small herd together that they both manage. Vash does most of the physical labor while Hans makes them look good for competition and takes care of their papers. 
They are all Swiss breeds and earn their keep by giving milk. They have a great life with all the latest things for goat care. Hans even personally watches the new items get installed to ensure that it is done right and that his goats are given something nice. 
Hans pets them often and coos to them as he does. He keeps plenty of treats on hand, to the point all the herd runs toward him wanting treats.
Iceland – Mr. Puffin or Puff as Iceland calls him. This is puffin is nothing like his gangster 1p. He wears a small top hat and monocle. He is much more gentlemanly and often speaks about how Iceland could be better behaved. He often says things like stand straight, address the lady with respect, and so on. Unlike most nations and their pets growing up at the same rate, Puff was an adult when he met baby Iceland. Which concerned 2p Norway, because he could have been some kind of monster trying to destroy his new colony. One of the few times Norway showed concern for Iceland.
Though being the typical expectation for nation pets, Iceland loves Puff. They spend time together going about and causing havoc and attempting to win Norway’s attention. Though Puff still tells Iceland that there are better things to do than pursue Norway, but Iceland wants his brother’s love and acceptance.
Puff does his best to keep Iceland under control and professional, but he fails often. Though he refuses to give up and rather would keep on taking care of his young ward.
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write-orflight · 4 years
Galileo: Chapter 1
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**Gif Not Mine**
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Pairings: SpencerXReader, enemies to friends to lovers trope
Rating: M
Words: 2.1K
Warnings: None right now. but will eventually be smut.
Summary: Y/N is an astronomer with her head constantly in the stars. But when a serial killer is threatening NASA’s top scientists, she is left in the protective custody of a man who’s gravitational pull threatens to pull her back down to earth. 
A.N: I made the reader jewish (or from a jewish family really) for reasons I don’t even know. Message to be added to the taglist! Much love, Cia
                              Chapter 1: Venus
Spencer never really “understood” women but he thought in the passing years he got at least, a better understanding. 
He still, however, didn’t understand you or your clear adverse feelings for him. Spencer immediately thought to do what he did in most situations when he didn’t understand people. He profiled them. 
He watched you from across the room, seated in a barstool height chair so you could look into the telescope, legs crossed as you scribbled into a notepad placed on your right thigh. No ring or any form of jewelry, Which most likely meant no significant other. Your work space was clear devoid of any pictures or sentimentals except for one small photo of you and Victim #4, clearly at a bar of some sort. He looks completely in his element while you look slightly uncomfortable. You’re both smiling brightly though he’s looking straight at the camera while you’re slightly looking up at him. That, how none of his desk or items were cleared, and how you seemed to move around his stuff like you were used to the routine of it all told Spencer what he needed to know. 
“Were you dating your coworker?” Spencer asked. You stopped in your track on your way to one of the chalkboards you set up for equations. Dr. Cliff often told you it was so outdated but you preferred to do things right yourself not let a computer decide for you. You leveled a heated look to Spencer. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Your partner, Jonathan Brewer.” Spencer pointed out. “You didn’t say in your initial interview that you were dating. If that was the case, that’s something we need to know. It could help find his kille--” 
“We. Weren’t. Dating.” You say, angrily. Spencer almost flinches at the pure venom that is seeping out of your voice. “Not that it’s any of your fucking business, by the way. Everything I already told your agents was the truth. He was my best friend, My only friend, and now he’s dead. Please do not distract me from my work with idiotic questions again.”  You turn away from him, going back to your math. 
How dare he pretend to know anything about you and Jon. What a fucking pretentious asshole. Accusing you of sleeping with Jonathan, not that you didn’t want to… or didn’t at least think about it. You never got to tell Jonathan how you really felt about him, how he had the unfiltered ability to make the room feel lighter like you were in the zero gravity chamber, or how every shoulder press, hand on your back as he passed by, bright smiles from across the room while he did the math and you tracked Gaia would feel like lightning down your nervous system. 
You never got to tell him you were in love with him. 
And now you never will. 
You knew you were only angry at Spencer because he was able to clock you on what never occurred to Jonathan the year you’d known him in an hour of knowing you but in the end it was none of his business and he had absolutely no right. 
Thankfully, he had learned silence was a virtue and didn’t say anything the rest of the night, opting to read some of the books you had around. You stretched as you stood from your desk grabbing your bags to head out the door. Spencer also notices this and follows suit. 
“What’re you doing?” You ask as he’s following you out the door. 
“I’m your protective custody which means, I’m with you always, not just at work.” He says, awkwardly. “Did Dr. Clifton not explain?” 
“No, he did not...” You trail off. “Fine, come on.” You say going to your car, Spencer automatically climbs into the passenger seat and you drive home in silence. 
When you arrive at your apartment, the cat greets you with beady eyes from the top of his cat tower. 
“You know some people’s cats greet them at the door.” You say, approaching the tower to pet him, he purrs and pushes his head into your palm. You turn back to Spencer who is standing awkwardly by the door. “The sofa folds out if you want to take that, I guess I’ll bring you a blanket and pillow.” Spencer watches as you disappear from the room to give him the items you just said. “Don’t be confused if Alfonso is next to you when you wake up, the couch is his spot.” 
You gester to the cat. “Context clues, might help you out someday.” You say sarcastically. “I’m going to shower.” You brush past him on the way to what seemed to be your only sanctuary away from the doctor. 
Spencer takes this time to survey your apartment, making sure there’s no way for someone to break in without his knowledge. He pulls out the sofa bed and almost like clockwork, the small cat moved from his tower onto the corner of the couch and slept. Spencer also looked around the apartment like he would with any victim, though you weren’t one yet, he still had to figure out why you’re specifically being targeted. But he couldn’t get a gage of who you are because there was nothing that said who you were in this house. Living room was obviously designed by an interior designer, the kitchen was neat only things on the counter were a coffee maker, kettle and a stand mixer. Different plants lined your balcony along with a small telescope. The only thing he could get a reading on was that you lived here, you had a cat, and that maybe you baked. 
“Mom, I’m fine.” Spencer hears, he turns toward the bathroom to see you exiting in a pair of pajama shorts and a large Georgetown University sweater. He knew you didn’t go there but Victim #4 did, he could only assume it was his sweater. “Obviously I’m not in danger, we’re talking on the phone.” He watches you pause and roll your eyes. “No mom, this isn’t an elaborate hostage call. I told you to stop watching true crime before bed.” Spencer tries not to listen to the conversation, he really does. But it’s been a while since he’s been able to have a normal conversation like this with his mom. So of course that made him a tad jealous. 
“Mom it’s almost 7am. I should really sleep…. for the last time, mom, I have to work at night my job is to watch planets…. You’re right I’m probably not going to find a husband this way, but I also don’t want one…. I do not need a yenta, Ma! Now I really have to go, give my best to dad.” You say, hanging up. Spencer watches you groan in frustration. 
“God, can you believe that woman! I love her to death but I don’t need a fucking matchmaker, there’s a serial killer after me for god’s sake! Dating should be her last concern—“ You cut off realizing you’re ranting to a man who’s just met you and that you also despise. “You don’t give a shit about this.” You say, Spencer just tilts his head at you. You roll your eyes. “Goodnight.” You say, closing your bedroom door quickly. 
Some things stayed the same though because as soon as you hit your pillow, you were deeply asleep. 
Spencer wakes up in the late afternoon to the cat sprinting across his body. He opens his eyes a little to see you placing food and water in a bowl. You pet him briefly before letting him eat and then you sit at the dining table with a hot mug in your hand. 
“You made coffee?” Spencer asked, groggily. 
“Yes.” You say, obviously. 
“The pot is empty…” 
“I didn’t say I made some for you.” You looked at him. “I’m sure, they taught you how to use a coffee maker in the academy.” 
With that you turn away from him, back to the book you were reading. Spencer rolls his eyes but makes the coffee anyway, he knew if the entire day was going to be like this he’d need it.
“You know, this would probably be easier if you would stop fighting me at every turn. We’re going to be spending a lot of time together. There's no point in arguing constantly.” 
“No, what would make it easier is if you caught the serial killer, so I could have my apartment back.” You say, rolling your eyes. 
Spencer just throws his arms up. He tried, he’s officially giving up trying to find common ground with this she-devil. He grabs his phone and steps into the hall for a second. 
“Oracle of Quantico, speak and be heard.” He hears Penelope say over the line. He sighs in relief at the tone of his friend. 
“Garcia, do you know if the others have found anything on this case yet?” He says. 
“No dice, my friend. Far as I know they’re still doing victimology. You know I would call you if we found anything out. Why? What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, I’m just… trying to gage how long this’ll be.” 
“Jesus Spencer, it’s been one day. It can’t be that bad.” 
“It can, Garcia, this woman….she hates me. And I don’t know why.” 
“Well what did you do?” 
“Nothing! I didn—” 
“Spencer…” Penelope said in an almost scolding tone. 
“I may have… accused her of dating Victim #4.” 
“Jonathan Brewer, her coworker. Why would you do that?” 
Spencer tells her of the things he’s found in her office as well as her sweater this morning and Garcia cuts him off. 
“Ok, I’ve heard enough.” Garcia says. “Spencer, I may not be a profiler but I understand women, especially smart, nerdy women. So you told me she has a picture of them on her desk and that she still hasn’t cleared his desk?” 
“Did you see any pictures of her on his desk?” 
“And you already know from when we went to his apartment, there were no photos of her there either.” Penelope says, like it’s kinda obvious. “So combine that with the sweater and everything else what do you get?” 
“She was in love with him....” Spencer says, confused why it took him this long to get it. “And it wasn’t reciprocated…” 
“Points to Ravenclaw.” Penelope says. “Now you’re already a constant reminder that she’s lost someone, so bringing it up every second and accusing her of lying probably isn’t helping. She probably isn’t even angry at you, she’s just grieving, let her do that.”   
“You’re right, Garcia.” He sighs. 
“I always am. Adieu.” She says hanging up. Spencer re-enters the apartment and sees you sitting in a chair next to the window reading, he notes that you are dressed for work. You were wearing a knee length black pencil skirt with a mint green blouse. All tied together with your floor length lab coat that held your badge. Your hair was tied in a high bun and round rimmed glasses adorned your face. Spencer hated to say it but he wasn’t blind, you were breath-taking. 
“I’m leaving in 45 minutes, if you want to put on something less… firetruck-y.” Spencer looked down and he was still wearing his Pajama pants that had a pattern of fire trucks on them. 
Well, she was breath-taking until she opened her mouth. 
Spencer just sighed and went to change. 
The two of you drove to the office in silence, the only sound being classical music playing through her speakers. You put the car in park and you start to get out when you feel a hand circle your wrist you pull your arm back and look at the man in disgust. 
“Wait before you get out.” Spencer says looking you in the eye. “I wanted to apologize for making accusations about your relationship with Jonathan. It was not my place to do that.” 
“It wasn’t.” You say. 
“I know. I’m sorry… we’re going to be with each other constantly until we find his killer so I don’t want to fight everyday. Friends?” He says offering his hand for her to shake. Spencer didn’t like shaking hands but if it would show her he was serious he’d do it. 
“I appreciate the apology but we’re only working together briefly, there’s no reason for us to be friends. Colleagues.” She agrees, looking at his hand but not shaking it. Just choosing to get out of the car without another word. 
God, you were not going to make this easy. Spencer knew that for a fact.
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scribble-blog · 4 years
Soulmate AU part 3!!
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Side note, I’m a grandma in a 22 year old body who doesn’t understand technology. If somebody can teach me how to get readmores to work on tumblr mobile, and possibly how to start linking the posts together, I’d appreciate it!
Also, the taglist is now full! Though if people want, I could try doing a supplemental taglist? Either in a reblogged or in a separate post to notify you? Let me know in the replies!
Damian Wayne, as it turns out, is almost very certainly the son of Bruce Wayne, who sponsored their entire trip to Gotham. There are only two official pictures of him that are clear enough to truly check against, but Marinette sees the eyes and she nods. “That’s him.”
Trixx, Pollen, Kaalki, and Plagg are scattered about the bed, napping and lounging. Adrien also lounges, catlike and crosswise with the bed, entirely over the pillows at their back. Chloé holds the laptop that Marinette is hovering over, even from her seated position with her much smaller stature.
“It would be you,” Chloé snorts. “Oh, let’s just traipse over to America for a quick class visit! Oops, my soulmate is the incredibly handsome son of the incredibly wealthy man who invited us here!”
“Still more believable than you, Miss ‘My soulmate and I have literally been standing two feet from each other for weeks because not only do we have the exact same friends, but we’re part of the same superhero group and never realized until Ladybug allowed us to learn each other’s secret identities.’” Adrien doesn’t move as he calls her out, lazily curled into the warmth of his two friends and the pillows cocooning him.
“I don’t think any of us can speak,” Marinette groans. “I’m living a cheap rom com, Chloé’s got all the plot elements of a high budget Shakespearian drama, and Mr. ‘Didn’t know I wasn’t straight until my soulmate mark was a guys name” is straight out of a b movie comedy.”
“At least I got my act together pretty quickly once it occurred to me that I could like guys too,” Adrien points out. “And now Jon and I talk all the time, and he even comes to Paris sometimes to see me, or we’ll meet up for my occasional business trips in America. Which reminds me,” he pulled out his phone, sending off a quick text, “he wants to come meet you guys. Next week, while we’re all actually on the same continent.”
“Kudos to you for shaking off whatever Gabe tried to stuff your head full of,” Chloé says. “Took me ages to admit that I was gay, and that was even WITH my soulmark and both Marinette and Ladybug constantly in front of me.”
“Feeling pretty objectified,” Marinette protests.
“Oh shut it, I know for a fact that you’ve basically been the gay awakening crush of every not straight girl in our class. And several outside of it. And that’s not even counting all the dudes that fall in love with you.”
“I still object,” Marinette pouts at Chloé.
“Objection overruled.” Adrien sits up. “Marinette. You’re like, the perfect crush. They have a warning about you in the introductory packet for Mme. Bustier’s class.”
“They do not,” Marinette gasps, outraged. “I wrote that packet!”
“And then the class unanimously decided you were too dangerous to be walking around without a warning sign,” Chloé pinched her cheek. “If it makes you feel any better, it’s still in the packet despite Lila’s best efforts to get it thrown out.”
That does make Marinette feel better.
“Damian Wayne resurfaces after year of being believed dead,” Adrien reads from his phone. “Gotham’s Newest Wayne: The True Son! These all read like tabloids but as far as I can tell the Wayne’s don’t tolerate stuff like that. So I guess it’s true?”
“I’m tired of looking him up,” Marinette groans. “Can we just leave it be?”
“Nope,” Chloé pops the P. “Congrats, Dupain-Cheng, this is what friends are for.”
“I wish I could talk to Tikki about it,” Marinette sighs. “Especially because I have literally never heard anyone talk about that- electric feeling when we touched. Is it a Ladybug thing?”
Plagg opens one big green eye. “Cool it, Spots. It’s definitely a Ladybug thing. You’re literally the reason these marks exist.”
Marinette sticks her tongue out at the mini god. “I just miss her.”
“Join the club,” he grumbles, closing his eye and going back to napping.
“Good news,” Chloé says, bringing her attention back to the laptop. “Searching your name very easily leads to you, and our class, and the fact that we won the contest. So, unless he decides he’s not ready to meet you, you’ll have the chance to find him at the gala. Or at Wayne Enterprises. Or at any of the places the Wayne’s own, which is two-thirds of our trip destinations.”
“Oh god,” Marinette says. “What if he didn’t want to find me?”
Adrien, Chloé, and four Kwamis hit her at the same time, shoving her back into the bed.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Mari,” Adrien scolds her from his position atop the newly formed cuddle pile. “I saw his face too. If the boy isn’t already in love with you, he’ll be hunting you down just for the chance to fall.”
Trixx nuzzled into her side. “I may not be Tikki but all of us Kwamis know how incredible you are, Marinette.”
She sighed. “Alright guys, get off.”
Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Tim already knew who the girl was, because he’d been curious when his favorite artist had started talking about the source of his newest looks.
But having Damian demand his help in searching for everything he could find on her, and then only asking for the bare minimum of information about her trip itinerary- Tim wasn’t an idiot.
“So. She’s your soulmate.” Tim takes a sip of the coffee he’d been working on, making a face and instantly setting it back down when he realized it had gone cold.
Damian carefully did not change his expression, but it wasn’t fooling anyone. “And so what if she is?”
Tim looked back at the monitor. “So nothing. Congrats, Demon Spawn. I’m happy for you.”
He barely caught the edge of the scowl the younger Wayne tried to hide.
“Hey, no.” Tim spun his chair to face Damian. “Look, we’ve had our differences and disagreements-“
“You had me on the superhero equivalent of a terrorism watch list,” Damian interrupted.
“And you literally tried to kill me within the first day of meeting me.”
“A byproduct of my indoctrination from birth into a murder cult,” His brother kept his face still but the tone was wry.
“You kept trying to kill me.”
“I wasn’t trying to kill you!” Damian finally exclaimed, losing his collected demeanor. “Just-“
“Point being,” Tim stressed, “even if we haven’t always gotten along- haven’t ever, really- I’m still happy for you. Soulmates are a special thing. We all kind of thought you might not have one, with the way you always acted when Dick tried to ask.”
Damian forced down the immediate retort and looked at Tim. “I thought that maybe my dying would have prevented my name from showing up for them. And my teachings-“ he said the word with the inflection that meant he was discussing Assassin Upbringing rather than here- “were as such that most connections, be they familial, friendly, or romantic, were- unnecessary and even dangerous.” It felt tantamount to a betrayal of his younger self to confide anything in Drake like this, but... Damian really was, in many ways, a better and more mature person than the spoiled, aggressive, near sociopathic brat he’d arrived as seven years ago. He still kept the veneer of it up, but he was no longer the boy who needed to fight Drake to prove his worth as Bruce’s son.
Now he just waited for Drake to embarrass himself by passing out after staying up for far too long surviving on caffeine and energy drinks. Much easier.
And Drake didn’t ever seem as eager to blackmail and fight as Damian ever had, so he figured a small amount of vulnerability was a proper thank you for his discretion in finding Marinette.
Tim just took another grimacing sip of the cold coffee. “Man. In that case, even happier for you that you’re shrugging off yet another of the Child Assassin School’s upsetting and frankly terrible rules. Though as for the dying thing, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter as long as you don’t actively die now that you have the mark.”
Damian shrugged. “Irrelevant now, as I will not be dying anytime soon, and neither will she. And she clearly knows that we’re soulmates.”
“Still confused about that,” Tim frowned, looking back at him. “You said there was an electric current between you? Or it felt like that?”
Damian couldn’t stop his hand from twitching, the memory of it clear enough to feel. “Yes. I don’t understand it myself either.”
“I’ll search around. See if anything comes up.” Tim handed him a pile of papers. “Here, the info you wanted on her itinerary, plus things I thought would be pertinent without going over whatever line you seem to have drawn.”
Damian took them, and very begrudgingly said, “Thank you,” before ducking out of the room.
He waited until he was back in his own room before flicking through them, finding the trip schedule and the hotel rooms listed, the names of her class and teachers, and finally a list of her accomplishments and a copy of the paper that had won her class the trip, authored by her.
He read through it, noting the names of her classmates and their own community efforts, and the way her own section in the paper was minuscule compared to both each other persons section and the list of accomplishments Drake had drafted.
One classmate had, if no less written than than any other person, a distinctly different tone to what Marinette had written, and most of her community building and service events were merely echoes or assisting what another person had done. Damian shrugged it off, as there were sometimes people who simply tagged along, and never put their own effort out there. Followers, and not leaders.
All in all, he found himself more intrigued than ever about her.
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kyloren · 4 years
i was never really into the jonsa ship, but that post of yours has got me really interested... do you have any fave fics of them??
welp, we’re going old-school, lads. prepare for some of my favourite fandom throwbacks well, I failed at that, I put some of the newer things on the list, too
Now You See Me: Kissed by fire, Ygritte thought to herself, just like me. 
Goodbye Means Going Away (And Going Away Means Forgetting): Memory is unreliable. No one understands this better than Rickon Stark.
Take My Crown Away (Don’t Smile So Sweetly, My Love): A world where everything is easier. Except for those who love, and love too much.
Build a Ladder to the Stars: Jon abandons the Night’s Watch to join Robb’s cause. After rescuing Sansa from King’s Landing, he and Sansa find themselves in a relationship they never saw coming.
A Winter’s Tale: The War of Three Dragons comes to the Vale, bringing Jon Snow and Sansa Stark together once more.
The Winter of Our Discontent: In the end it is Jon and his men of the Night’s Watch who come to take her back to Winterfell.
tell me true (who are you): Ned Stark brought a dark-haired, grey-eyed bastard babe home and called him son. Years later, Jon Targaryen does the same.
Lift Me Like an Olive Branch and Be My Homeward Dove: She never dreams of Jon Snow but in the end he is the one that comes for her under a Targaryen banner, the might of Winterfell and the North behind him with their father’s sword on his back.
The Whispering Ghosts (Left You Out In The Cold): Winter came and brought Jon home. [this is the first Jonsa fic I ever read, boy, did it fuck me up]
A Bronze Crown: In the end there are no knights. In the end Sansa must rescue herself. Based on the prompt: he doesn’t ride to her rescue; she comes north with her granduncle and the armies of the Vale to wage war on the Boltons, save his life and teach his assassins and the Boltons a sharp lesson.
how ruthless are the gentle*: “Yes, I do.” The easiest lie he’s ever told, by far. It came so naturally, he hardly thought of it as false. “She’s easy to love.”
Tell the Ones That Need to Know (We Are Headed North)*: After years of confinement in the Red Keep with Ned prisoner in the black cells, the Dragon Queen comes. With the knowledge that Jon Snow is actually a Targaryen, she agrees to let the Starks return to Winterfell only if Jon marries one of the Stark daughters. Sansa volunteers so they can all go home. Soon she figures out being married to Jon isn’t bad, but it is complicated.
Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things*: We know no King, but the King in the North whose name is Stark. 
Dragons of Red, Dragons of White*: An AU where the Battle of the Trident took place, but just between Rhaegar Targaryen and Robert Baratheon. Their duel and its outcome have ramifications that none could foresee. In the world built afterwards, dragons once again rule and roam Westeros, among them the son of a northern beauty and the king. Prince Jon and his kin, Stark and Targaryen alike, face new challenges from both without and within. Whatever the future holds, the Seven Kingdoms will learn that, whether in a coat of red or a coat of white, a dragon still has claws.
A Knight’s Watch: Jon Snow is forbidden to take the black by his father. Instead he sent to squire for a famous knight, beginning a long arduous journey that causes him to cross paths with characters he never would have. Along the way he learns truths long hidden and discovers love in the most unlikely of places.
The Conquest*: Three hundred years after Aegon the Conqueror built a new empire on the ashes of the Valyrian Freehold the known world is a place of war. The Targaryen Empire is pressed by enemies, the Seven Kingdoms war amongst themselves and forces contrive to pull them all apart.
Live Without Shame: When Catelyn’s treatment of Winterfell’s Bastard unexpectedly softens, Sansa reconsiders her relationship with Jon. But despite the revelations that ensue, Jon must and will always remain Winterfell’s Bastard and suffer its consequences.
The Tempered Kingdoms*:  After years of wars, death, destruction, politics, and White Walkers, a tentative calm has returned to Westeros partially due to the rulership of King Jon and Queen Daenerys. But politics rues its head again as Stannis Baratheon demands his right to rule, while the former Queen Cersei languishes in a cell, plotting her revenge against all who live above her. Sansa Stark is forced to return to King’s Landing after being found by the rumored lovers Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth.
winterbloom: “You’ve traveled a long way for a rumor.” Sansa lives at the Wall under the protection of her brother Jon Snow, but when Sandor Clegane comes looking for her, she and Jon begin to realize that she is not as safe as they once hoped.
As History Changes: Jon agrees to accompany Stannis south to the Vale and he meets a person he did not expect to meet.
hold onto your heart (you’ll keep it safe): When Sansa turns eleven her wrist burns. She excitedly unwraps the cloth guarding her skin, waiting eagerly for the name to finish forming. The dark letters stop after only three and when Sansa leans in closer she realises that she knows that name and she knows that handwriting already.
carve your heart into mine: Sansa spent many evenings sewing her wedding dress by the fire, dreaming of her husband. The gown spilled out of her hands like a silver river, burning brighter from the light of the flames. She had embroidered it with a noble husband in mind, but she wed her lowborn love in the godswood, with snowflakes falling on her veil. 
Into the Darkness of the Grave: The tragic death of Eddard Stark’s cousin Lyanna brings her estranged son back to Winterfell House, the family’s old plantation home, for her funeral.
The Other Shoe: If anyone had told Sansa Stark that she would be married to Jon Snow, expecting a child with him at the age of nineteen she would have laughed at them. Not because Jon was a bad person, for he had slowly come out of his shell in the past seven years; not because she was young, her parents were married right out of Hogwarts; simply because Sansa Stark seemed to be the anthesis of a happy ending.
several sunlit days: Everyone knows you don’t date Robb Stark’s sisters unless you want to spend your days avoiding hexes and angry bludgers shot at your head. Too bad Jon’s traitorous feelings could care less.
the unexpected champion: Jon must swim to The Black Lake and retrieve something *cough* Sansa *cough* stolen from him. This task makes him realize who he should invite to the Yule Ball.
Where Did You Sleep Last Night: Sansa needs a new guitarist, Jon needs a new band, and the two of them definitely don’t need each other.
and labor till the work is done: Stark Industries is a family legacy she was hoping to avoid: Robb is a project manager, grooming to eventually be a partner, Arya is a summer intern with Bran sure to follow next year and Rickon in another three, and even Jon Snow, who is technically not family but who has been around for as long as Sansa can remember, works as an estimator. But Sansa is not who she was at sixteen or eighteen or even twenty and she’s still in the process of learning what’s truly important, like who she is, who she wants to be, and what kind of people she wants in her life.
One Of The Few Things: Jaime and Sansa spend a lot of time pining over Brienne and Jon together. Sometimes, they actually even do their jobs.
flower shaped heart*: Alayne Stone has lived her whole life in her hidden tower, forbidden by Mother to leave. But she yearns for an adventure like the ones in the songs, so when a man named Jon Snow crashes into her tower and into her life, she seizes the chance. They travel to King’s Landing where the floating lanterns shine each year on her nameday. The new world is exciting and frightening, but Jon Snow is there to guide her every step. He is not nearly as terrible as Mother said men are, though the rest of the world might be. Danger, betrayals, and lies form the steps of their journey as Alayne uncovers terrible secrets.
Crawl up to my Room: Jon left her side after a few moments of silence and she watched him leave with a quiet thought playing in her mind. He was her stepbrother for only a few hours, and she already found herself utterly fascinated and irritated with Jon Stark. 
in the summer, as the lilacs bloom: “You did tech in high school,” Sansa points out. (Yeah, I did tech because you were playing the lead and I was in love with you.) Jon doesn’t tell her that, though. Of course not. Instead he agrees to spend his summer stage managing this passion project of hers, and some trace of his seventeen-year-old self has dried out his throat at the thought of three months’ constant contact with Sansa.
Down from the Mountain: Sansa flies home from college after her older brother Robb, one of the country’s hottest young pitchers, is hurt in a car accident. Robb’s best friend Jon is there to help the Stark family in any way he can.
Little Bed in the Big Woods: “I stared at him for a solid five minutes because he looked like what I imagine god would look like if god was a lumberjack.”
A Game of Stars*: When the Mad Emperor hears that the Starks are Force-sensitive, he discovers the hidden rebel base on Hoth. He sends Jon there with one order: Burn them all. But bring the Stark children to Coruscant. It’s time for the two most powerful Force bloodlines in the galaxy to merge.
I’ll Pack My Goods for the Arkansas Woods*: When Sansa’s brother goes missing, it falls to her to defend the house and the woods against the greed of the Boltons and Freys. All of this would be much easier if she could fight fire with fire, and there’s a saying in the valley: that all the Starks are a little wild, and all the Targaryens are a little mad. Her cousin Jon just happens to be both.
In the Face of Death: On a long list of things Jon never expected, Sansa came top.
United States of Irreversible Oblivion: With the government losing its fight at the northern border, Sansa’s only hope is that one of its soldiers, Office Jon Snow, will return for her and save her from the horrors of a collapsing society.
remember me love when i’m reborn: ‘Longest Night’ has biggest night in hollywood history. “Joffrey wanted someone to make him famous, and as soon as Sansa wrote a movie for him that did just that, he left her in the dirt.”
Hear the Wolf*: The Starks are in Hogwarts. Sansa has to learn to stand up to her ex-boyfriend and Jon has to learn to face his past. They’re determined to do it alone. Will they ever admit they’re stronger together?
Somewhere in the Winter Woods*: Lost on her way to her grandmother’s cabin in the winter woods after running away from home, beautiful young Sansa thinks she’s run into trouble when she crosses a white wolf in the forest. Instead of harming her, the animal guides her to his master, a handsome warrior named Jon who lives in solitude and clothes himself in black.
* marks the ongoing stories. 
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celosiaa · 4 years
Hi Connor, I hope you’re doing okay!!!!! 💖Thank you for letting me write this lil fic for your post about leaf pile shenanigans!!!!!! Everything you write, draw and headcanon for the Emmaverse is so perfect and I am so excited to write something within this beautiful AU. This got away from me a bit, but I hope it brings you some joy and you can vicariously enjoy the great outdoors through Jon, Tim, Martin and Emma’s mischief 🍁
From the front window of their new house, Martin has watched the tree turn from a bare-boned thing to blossom to vivid leaves firm even against summer storms. The tree has grounded him through sleepless nights with Emma since her arrival last year, through Tim and Sasha’s return to their lives, through Jon’s nightmares. A lighthouse against the Lonely. The house surveyor had told them to cut it down, unsure of how deeply its roots might reach, but Martin couldn’t bring himself to make the arrangements. He feels that he should give it something back, a repayment for its solidity, and so he has tended to it through the seasons with gentle dedication.
Alas, the leaves are a hazard now that they’ve turned orange and fallen. The rain turns them slippery, and Martin doesn’t want Emma to trip on them when she bundles him out of the door on the mornings he gets to take her to nursery, excited to have her Dad there after a long stint of nightshifts. Nor does he want them to disrupt Jon’s journey to the car on the days that his joints are stiff and he needs his cane. So he sees raking the leaves as part of his duty both to the tree and his family.
Martin falls into a happy and methodical reverie, until Tim interrupts: “You missed a spot.”
Tim is sitting with Jon on two rickety camping chairs they’d dragged out of the garage, ostensibly so they can watch Emma and an off-duty Iris play on the lawn. They’re both holding cups of tea, steaming in the cool, clear autumn air, and they have—until now—been catching up about work. It’s a busy time for them both: Jon is welcoming the new students, and the fire department are running their usual campaigns about safety with Halloween decorations and fireworks. Recently, Tim’s team even payed a visit to Emma’s nursery school to give a presentation, which she had gushed about for weeks afterwards.
Now, though, they seem to be up to something. As glad as Martin is to see them getting along, after so much and so long, he’s not sure he likes the matching mischievous looks on their face.
Martin pauses, leaning on the rake. He’ll humour them, just this once. (It will happen again, of course, but Martin always likes to pretend it’s a one-off.) “What do you mean, I’ve missed a spot?”
“He’s right,” Jon says, schooling his expression into one of seriousness, although the roguish glint lingers in his eyes, “By the drain.”
Martin doesn’t look, still playing along with his most petulant expression. “I started by the drain. It’s spotless.”
“We would never criticise your immaculate raking technique, Martin,” Tim promises, as if offended by the implication.
“We just wouldn’t want Mrs Jenkins complaining about her driveway flooding again,” Jon adds solemnly, placing down his tea, “Are you sure there are no leaves by the drain?”
“I’m one hundred percent sure,” Martin insists, trying not to smile and let on that he’s onto them.
“Because I can count at least seven from here,” Tim says, also balancing his tea on the concrete by his feet.
Jon tilts his head. “I would say eight.”
Tim nods exaggeratedly. “Jon says eight. And he remembered to wear his glasses today, so I trust his judgement.”
Only because Martin physically put the glasses on Jon’s face this morning, while Jon was going through the process of making cinnamon porridge half-asleep and on muscle memory alone. But Martin doesn’t mention this to Tim. Not that Tim isn’t well aware of Martin’s fussing, having—along with Jon—been bundled into a coat and scarf and gloves before being allowed to sit outside, justified by worried mentions of asthma flare-ups and ear infections and setting a good example for Emma.
Martin places a hand on his hip, still leaning on the rake. “Eight, you say?”
Tim and Jon nod in unison.
“That does sound like quite a lot of leaves,” Martin continues.
“You can never be too careful,” Jon says.
“Sometimes, the worst hazards start off small,” Tim tells them, “I would know.”
Martin quirks his eyebrows. “Perhaps I should check the drain, then.”
Jon nods, just once, managing to still look very serious. “Perhaps you should.”
“Well, then,” Martin sighs, taking his weight off the rake and beginning to turn towards the drain at the end of the driveway they share with their neighbours. He makes sure to speak loudly with his back turned. “Where on earth are these eight stray leaves?”
There’s the sound of a scuffle behind him, the camping chairs creaking and skittering on the concrete driveway, and a breathless laugh as Tim and Jon’s feet hit the ground in unison. There’s not much space between the camping chairs and the leaf pile, so Tim and Jon’s run-up is short but effective.
Martin turns just in time to see them launch themselves into the leaf pile, and he’s glad he constructed it on the grass rather than the concrete, because Tim and Jon don’t always think things through when they’re being competitive. Their landing is significantly cushioned, at least, and they end up on their backs, pillowed by red and orange leaves. Jon blows one out of his face and Tim laughs, loud and carefree, the sound echoing against the house.
“I won,” Tim declares.
“You did not,” Jon protests.
“Oh, I very much did.”
“Tim, if you are suggesting that—”
“If I’m suggesting what? That I was the county best at long jump between the ages of eight and eleven, and that gave me a natural advantage in this particular competition?”
Jon props himself up on his elbows on the leaf pile and looks imploringly at Martin, his glasses askew and a leaf stuck by its stem in the left hinge. “Martin.”
“I couldn’t possibly have seen who won,” Martin says, “I was busy inspecting the drain, which—like I said—is spotless.”
It’s at this moment that Iris lets out a slightly confused woof, as Emma abandons the mudpies they’ve been making together to copy her Baba and Uncle. She squeals, her little legs moving at full speed as she waddle-runs towards the leaf pile.
Martin’s too far away. He drops the rake, shouting, “Emma, no!”
But, of course, she doesn’t listen. She has a very specific mindset when it comes to times like this, an unshakable determination: Emma, yes. She runs to the leaf pile, stops clumsily in front of it, and then promptly jumps into its depths. Or, more accurately, she falls face-first into the pile, arms outstretched, her red wellies only just leaving the ground, and disappears through an Emma-shaped hole between where Tim and Jon are lying, looking somewhat dazed by the turn of events.
There’s a breathless moment, a frozen snapshot when the chilly late-afternoon turns momentarily sinister, all long shadows and suspended breezes. Martin doesn’t move, doesn’t hear the echoing clatter of the rake, until there’s a flurry within the leaf pile and then Emma emerges with a raucous giggle.
Everything rushes back into motion, the autumn colours warm and the moment welcoming again. Emma has popped up from the leaf pile like a meerkat from the ground, inspecting her surroundings, an image that is reinforced by her knitted hat with the attached bear-shaped ears. There’s a bright grin on her face, and a lyrical quality to her laugh that tells Martin she’s excited rather than hurt or afraid. Iris is circling and snuffling around the leaf pile, somewhat confused but not overtly concerned, and Jon smiles fondly as he picks leaves from the wool of Emma’s hat while Tim shakes with the force of his own laughter.
Martin’s breath whooshes out of him in relief and he finds himself laughing too, a little breathless. “God, Emma, you—please be careful, sweetheart.”
“I win, I win,” Emma says, clapping her hands together. Her mittens make her applause sound padded and soft.
Martin gives Jon a long-suffering look. Jon looks back, half-apologetic, half-look how happy she is, habibi. And it is true, Emma looks happy, rosy-cheeked and still laughing as Iris now makes her way into the leaf pile, too. It’s adorable. Martin’s losing sight of the possible dangers in favour of the cuteness, the fact that everyone is just fine. Better than fine. They’re happy, all of them.
“Alright, I concede defeat,” Tim announces, “Emma gets the title of Ultimate Leaf Leaper.”
Emma squeals in delight again. Jon pulls her further out of the leaves so she can sit on his lap, giving her a kiss on the cheek before he goes back to picking leaves out of her hat. Tim lifts his hand and Emma reaches across to give him an enthusiastic high five. Martin thinks he is going to melt into a puddle from the joy of it all.
“Stay right there,” Martin says to them, all thoughts of raking abandoned now, “I’m getting the camera.”
Later that night, they’re propped up in bed—Jon reading a battered library book about syntax in 19th century literature, and Martin clicking through the photos he’s uploaded from the camera to his laptop. Emma is fast asleep in her bedroom, after a bedtime story about a hedgehog making a home from leaves that Martin hopes will dissuade her from jumping into any random leaf piles she sees out and about, although he promised she can still play in the ones they make outside together.
“I’m definitely emailing this one to Sasha,” Martin says, angling the laptop towards Jon.
Jon folds the book carefully closed and looks at the photo. Tim and Jon are both half-engulfed by the leaf pile, with Emma sitting in Jon’s lap and Iris doing her best to likewise perch on Tim. They’re all grinning at the camera, bundled up in their coats and scarves and hats. It’s adorable.
“She’ll love it,” Jon agrees.
“It’s a shame she couldn’t come today.” Martin chews his bottom lip, shutting the laptop. “I don’t think we have any recent photos of her.”
“You’re not in it either,” Jon murmurs.
“Oh, well, I—someone had to take the photo.”
“Remind me, then,” Jon says, leaning over and kissing Martin’s hair, “To ask someone to take our picture when we go pumpkin picking.”
“Since when are we going pumpkin picking?”
“Since Emma told me she wanted to and I spent two hours Googling places nearby.”
“Not spooky—?”
Jon gives him a withering look. “Not spooky Google, no.”
“Good.” Martin smiles, a little shy. “We’ll get a family photo, then. At the pumpkin place. And we can frame it. And put it on the wall next to this one, and the one I’m going to take of Sasha and Tim next time they come over, and—oh, and that one of Emma on her first day at nursery I keep meaning to get printed!”
Jon smiles softly. “Our family.”
“Our family,” Martin agrees, “I’m really happy, Jon.”
He’s so happy he’s not sure what to do with it. He’s scared it will disappear, like fog through his fingers. He’s scared he doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t tell Jon any of this, but Jon seems to understand, to feel it too.
“So am I, Martin,” Jon says, “So am I.”
Martin thinks of the tree, of its changing leaves, its vulnerability to the seasons, the way it antagonised the previous tenants of the house. And yet it’s still there. Martin thinks of his contentment in the same way, as he falls asleep next to Jon: a thing that might change, might grow, might retreat sometimes while blossoming at others, but it has deep roots, and he has no plans to cut it down any time soon, not anymore.
There we go!!!! I played Emmaverse bingo with myself with how many headcanons I could remember and get in here, but I’m sorry if I forgot anything or if the ages/order of events are a bit muddled!!!!! Thank you again for letting me write this, I had so much fun!!!!💖💖💖
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fakecrfan · 4 years
MAG 155 and Jon’s level of culpability
You know, I have always accepted that The Magnus Archives is a tragedy, which means that the characters (all of them!) 1) make mistakes and 2) their mistakes have grave consequences. And throughout season 4, the idea of Jon having choices available to him and being responsible for his actions even with the Eye or the Web exerting influence on him comes up a lot.
“But if you choose to believe in a free will, then yes: All you have done has been of your own free will. They have all been your choices.” (Annabelle Cane, MAG 147)
“What I’ve been doing to these people, it - it hasn’t been because I was puppeted, or controlled, or possessed.
I wanted to do it. It felt good.” (Jonathan Sims, MAG 147).
And there are certainly actions Jon did that deliberately harmed people (especially in season 4 with approaching people on the street and all) but of all these choices I have always felt like... the one ‘‘choice’‘ that I never felt was fair to judge Jon for was the ‘‘choice’‘ Oliver Banks mentioned when he was in a coma.
The thing is, John, right now you have a choice. You’ve put it off a long time, but it’s trapping you here. You’re not quite human enough to die, but still too human to survive. You’re balanced on an edge where the End can’t touch you, but you can’t escape him.
[...] Make your choice, Jon. (Oliver Banks, MAG 121)
But I mean, how could you reasonably call this a choice? The choice seems to be Jon either embracing his power or dying, but Jon was unconscious throughout this! How can you hold someone culpable for a “choice” they make when they weren’t even awake? Plus, it’s literally life or death. How could you expect someone to choose to die?
MAG 155 has an answer to my question.
MAG 155 is about Tova McHugh, a woman who does not want to die.
You’ve got to understand, I have so much to live for. Oh, okay, that’s not quite it. I know most people have plenty to live for, but what I mean is that my life does good. (Tova McHugh, MAG 155)
Tova McHugh really does not want to die, and that is a sympathetic motivation! But then, a tragic Unfair (as she puts it) accident happens to her, and she dies--she then is only able to continue living by taking other people’s lives. It is then that she starts to twist things. Not only is it okay for her to want to live, but she has to morally justify herself--and the only way to justify herself is to come up with reasons that her life is more valuable than the people she takes from.
And I know that everyone’s life has value, but I just need to be clear that my impact on the world is a positive one. My existence does a lot of good, and that’s only gotten more true since all this started. I’ve given more, spent more time on charitable stuff, and helped more people. (Tova McHugh, MAG 155)
She is clearly ashamed of her actions, on some level, but she really doesn’t want to die. So she decides that if she is a Good Person, and she is donating enough to charity and creating jobs (ugh) then that justifies her actions.
A clear parallel is drawn between her justification and Jon’s current discomfort about his own continued existence.
I’ve - (laughs) I’ve saved the world, the whole world. Does that give me the right to take what I need to survive? I’ve been reading nothing but these old, dry statements for so long, I - I feel weak. (Jonathan Sims, MAG 155).
Jon is only alive because he drew on power from the Eye to survive back in that moment in MAG 121 that was framed as a ‘‘choice’‘ in his coma. I don’t think that makes him as obviously wrong as Tova here, though. After all, the eye causes misery but at the time Jon had no reason to think feeding into the power would actually kill anyone. It wasn’t presented to him as a life-for-life choice--and again, he was unconscious.
But, the statement reveals the truth about Tova ‘‘bringing good into the world’‘ by drawing on the power she has been using. Because it turns out that the amount of life someone will give her isn’t equal. Some give her more, some give her less--and what tends to be the measure?
Eventually I realized it had nothing to do with age or health. It was about connection. About joy. The more friends, family, loved ones the person has, the further out the terror of sudden death spreads from me. The longer it keeps me alive. (Tova McHugh, MAG 155)
Tova can’t bring more ‘‘goodness’‘ into the world than she is taking out of it. Because the power she is using--one of the entities--exists to cause pain and suffering.  The very nature of the power she is using will negate or outweigh any ‘‘good’‘ Tova does to try and justify herself, otherwise it wouldn’t continue to use her.
(Sort of like how Gertrude’s utilitarian balancing turned out to be all for naught, but this is a meta about Jon so I will save that for another time :D)
So does Tova realize the obvious and stop? No, instead she doubles down on her self-justification.
Since this became my existence I’ve thrown myself into philanthropy harder than ever, and the world is so much better for me being in it. I’m not saying how I live is right, or good, but it is the position I have been put in, and a decision I have to make. I never wanted to weigh up the value of a life, to set it on the scales against my own, but that’s a choice that I am forced into. And it is one I will continue to make. (Tova McHugh, MAG 155)
Jon is completely aware of the comparisons between Tova and himself, and for a moment he has a crisis over it.
I find myself hating her, her callous self-deception. But am I so different? Daisy’s chosen to resist in her own way, knowing full well it might take her life in the end, Melanie too. I respect them for it, but I - I don’t know if I can follow their path. (Jonathan Sims, MAG 155)
And you know, I don’t think Jon and Tova are morally equivalent. Maybe it’s just that I like Jon and so am biased in his favor, but his choice seems a lot murkier than hers. He doesn’t get to see direct death as a result of his actions--so that makes it much easier to justify.
But I think the real purpose of this statement isn’t to say Jon is Just As Bad as Tova, but to wake him up to the nature of the powers--they can’t ever be used for permanent good. You might want to use them for such, the possibility of doing more good than harm might be the temptation that draws you deeper in to their use, but by their nature they bring harm into the world and negate the good you try to bring in to the world.
And also, while I dislike Tova and love Jon, morally I have to hold them to the same standard. If the only moral choice for Tova is to quit, even at the cost of her own life... then the only moral choice for Jon, also, is to quit.
(So I guess me going ‘‘you can’t just expect someone to choose to die!’‘ when I listened to 121 is just... me wearing clown shoes and the stupidest clown hat you ever did see, because it turns out that is exactly what I expect from characters I am impartial towards).
Jon might not see direct death as a result of his actions--but on the flipside, it is unclear if he will actually die as a result of quitting either. He says so himself, even.
I suppose I have a way out now. One that wouldn’t even kill me, at least, I hope not. And yet here I am still. Am I a coward? (Jonathan Sims, MAG 155)
He doesn’t think he will die if he quits--not for certain, at least. And yet he continues. He doesn’t know why, because examining his reasons is hard. I am sure part of it is that he enjoys his powers (as he has said) or that he is afraid of dying just as much as Tova is. But he ends on this thought.
I just… what if they need me? What if. (Jonathan Sims, MAG 155).
What if the people he cares about need him? What if they are in trouble? What if Martin needs him?
But, ultimately, this idea that he can use the Eye to defend the people he cares about is just as illusory as Tova thinking she can bring good into the world by killing people to extend her own lifespan. Not that Jon’s desire to protect is fake--it is very much real, but it mixes with his desire to continue for his own purposes, because he likes it and is afraid of dying.
I still don’t think Jon should be held responsible for a decision he made in a coma to save his life when he didn’t see what the consequences were. But it’s not just one decision in a coma that caused the apocalypse--he makes a decision to continue his path every waking moment. He chooses not to quit, even when he doesn’t think quitting will kill him, because being powerless when he and his friends are so often in danger scares him.
And you know, that is a sympathetic motivation, but his choices are still a mistake, and he is still responsible for them. When you make a mistake--even for sympathetic reasons, even when you didn’t know it was leading to such a horrific outcome--you still have to take responsibility and make amends.
When someone speeds while driving, for example, and runs someone over. Maybe they didn’t want to run the person over. Maybe they had a good reason to be speeding, like they were rushing to a friend who needed help. But they are still accountable for the choices they made that led to them injuring or killing someone. Same with Jon and the apocalypse.
Or at least, that is the impression that MAG 155 leaves me with. What do you think?
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dany-is-my-queen · 4 years
Born To Be Yours | Part I
Sansa Stark x Fem! Baratheon! Reader (Daenerys Targaryen x Fem! Baratheon! Reader eventually)
Season 1-8
Word Count: 1,494
Note: It’s been a while now since I wanted to post this, I had this idea for around two months, I really hope you enjoy reading it as I enjoy writing it, I’ll might take some time to finish it but have for sure that I’m not leaving this series behind, it’ll end with season 8. I changed a few things, so it’s canon and au. Let me know if you like it!
Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
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You arrived at Winterfell, all the way here Joffrey was complaining, your little siblings were excited to see the North for the first time and you were too.
“I hope this northerner bitch is worth the cold.” Joffrey shivered.
“You shouldn’t talk that way of your future queen, brother.”
“None of your business Y/N, besides you could find here your true love, that bullshit you always dreamt about.” He mocked and you rolled your eyes.
“Perhaps I will.”
You were riding your horses and spotted the castle in front of you, the cold weather on your skin, does a coat really help? You entered by the gates and recognised the Stark family, a little boy beside her mother, the lord and lady, the eldest son, a tall redhead girl, a tiny girl who had a smirk on her face and another kid by her side. They seemed very close to each other, you hoped you have that. Your family was all scattered, your mother cared for you, obviously, you were her daughter but despite that it always felt like she put you beneath the rest of your siblings, your father was the one who taught you how to use a sword and a bow, he was more fond of you, Joffrey hated you, Myrcella and Tommen both loved you so much, uncle Jaime also gave you lessons with the sword fighting, he wasn’t so cold to you, uncle Tyrion adored you, he always give you lessons you will use when you grow up, and your grandfather... he didn’t exactly despise you.
“Winterfell is yours”. Lord Stark said to your father.
“Y/N, see that handsome boy?!” Your sister muttered excitedly, looking upon the one called Robb. “Someday I want to marry a man like him.”
“Oh my dear Myrcella, you will find a man that deserves you, I promise.”
“You should pick him, he seems to be a gentlemen, wouldn’t that be nice?” You just chuckled.
You were on your room unpacking your stuff, you’ve always been the kind that likes to do things herself, your handmaidens just helped you when you asked them or when you were with your family so they don’t tell you you are a princess and everyone is at your service, but that make you feel useless. There was a feast in the night, you prepared and go with everyone.
You sat beside your brother, he was a pain in the ass, but you’ve always behaved in these events, you’ve always been so proper compared to him.
“Enjoying the evening?” He didn’t listen, then you noticed he was staring at the oldest Stark girl. She is quite beautiful to be honest. Her hair was stunning, just like fire. She was staring at him too with a grin. Suddenly the little one threw a piece of cake on her cheek and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Arya!” She screamed.
Truth be told, a lot of lords from all Westeros tried already to wed you to his sons, your excuse was “I’m still young, I don’t want to get compromised so soon” or “I don’t think he is the one” and you were grateful that your mother didn't pressure you into it. You knew having preferences for women didn’t go well, you didn’t really care, as long as it’s someone you can trust and love there shouldn’t be any problem, just a few people thought like you.
Your mother and Lady Stark were having a conversation, soon you became the main topic.
“So, Princess Y/N is not betrothed to anyone yet?”
“She’s on age, but I’ll make her a match with someone of our status.” Cersei was serious and Lady Catelyn just agreed. “My love, come over here.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Stark, thank you for your hospitality, your home is a lovely place.”
“You have a very well mannered daughter, your grace.”
“Indeed.” Your mother said proudly.
You excused yourself and went outside where uncle Tyrion was speaking with a lad.
“There’s my favourite niece.” He held a globet on his hand, the boy raised his head to peer at you. “This is Jon Snow, Lord Stark’s bastard.”
“Oh well, nice to meet you, Jon.” He was handsome you give him that.
“Likewise, princess.” He made a curtesy.
“Why are you not inside?”
“I don’t fit it.” He shrugged.
“I believe you are a good man, Snow, you should prove them wrong.”
The next morning you wake up with the news about one of the Stark boys fell from the tower, Bran was his name, you’ve heard he was a very good climber but didn’t want to listen about how dangerous it was. Hopefully he’ll recover the conscience, even if there are more consequences, you had a hunch it wasn’t an accident but who would want to hurt the little lord?
“What a tragedy.” Tyrion nodded slowly.
“Is he going to be okay?” Tommen asked and you couldn’t tell, only the Gods know.
“It was a long fall, my little lion, let’s pray.” Your mother answered with a suspicious and uncertain tone in her voice.
Before you left, Robb came to offer you a quick walk that you gladly accepted. You were holding on to his arm.
“My princess, I’ve heard only good things about yourself, you truly are one of a kind.”
“Oh my Lord, sadly we couldn’t speak much, get to know each other better.” He turned to face you.
“Maybe one day, when our paths cross again I hope.” You smiled.
“Farewell, Princess Y/N, safe travel.” Jon approached next to your horse.
“Farewell, Jon Snow, good luck on the Night’s Watch.”
Soon you were heading back to King’s Landing with Lord Stark as the new hand of the King, Arya and Sansa. You really wanted to get close to the girls, have a friendship with them.
You were practising with sticks next to a river, the little Stark and the butcher’s son were fighting one other, you saw Joffrey approached with Sansa.
“What do we have here?”
“None of for business, brother, go away.” You looked at Sansa who was frighten.
“A butcher’s boy who wants to be a knight.” Joffrey put out his sword and cut the boy’s cheek. “And you are hitting both my lady’s sister and my own, who is a princess.” Arya strike him and a direwolf came from nowhere biting your brother’s wrist.
“Please, let him go.” You entreat and she and the wolf ran away. “Are you okay, crybaby?” He just sniffed with terror in his eyes.
“Bring help!” He yelled, Sansa went off running while you stayed with him. “That’s what happens when you try to be bold, you’re not.”
Later you all were inside and started to argue about the truth of the earlier situation.
“That’s not what happened!”
“Yes, it is.”
Your mother had a evil look on her face. “Sansa come here darling.”
After the lies she told, you weren’t sure why she was defending him, you finally got your chance to speak.
“I was there too, remember? We were just playing around, after your son tried to hit Arya and insulted her.” Your father knew you were telling the truth.
“Y/N is no liar, it’s done.”
“What about the beast that attacked him? That one might have escaped but there’s another.” Your mother wrapped Joffrey’s arm and glare furiously at you.
“No! That’s an innocent animal, you won’t hurt them, mother please.” You begged but didn’t seem to change her mind nor your brother’s. Sansa was already crying and also begging her father to stop it. “Please no Lady, she didn’t bite anyone.” Your intents were useless when Lord Eddard was about to finish this matter. You were so mad, to see how far they always go to show they are better.
“Let the wolf go, she won’t stay with Lady Sansa, at least let it live.” You implored hoping your father would accept.
“Deal.” Was all he said before leaving the room.
Once you arrived to the capital, you went to check on the Stark girls.
“Do you need anything?” You asked sounding the most polite you could.
“We’re fine, thank you.” The redhead answered first with annoyance in her tone. Their Septa scolded her. “Don’t be rude with your princess, Sansa, she’s being gentle.” “Forgive her, princess Y/N.” You nodded.
“It’s quite alright, I don’t think we’ve been introduced before, my lady, I’m Y/N Baratheon as you already know but when we are alone you can call me Y/N.” You said with a light smile.
“I’m sorry, princess Y/N, I’m still sad because of Lady.”
“I wished I could have done more.” Arya putted a hand on your shoulder.
“You are nothing like your family, I can tell, I like you.”
“And I like you, little lady, I’m sorry about your friend too.” Ned sat and you stand up to take your leave.
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astradrifting · 3 years
Hi! I like your opinions on asioaf and they are really good. I wanted to ask you about how much warging into direwolves is harmful for starks. Nymeria is the one who is eating babies like Drogon and Ary@ didn't seem to realise her warging capabilities. Jon connect his desire with ghost hunger. Would starks realised that they have to tame their impulses?
Aww thank you!
I’d say that they will realise eventually, yeah. I love to call them wolves as much as anyone else, but the Targaryens are a pretty good example of why it’s not good to rest so much of your identity upon embodying your house sigil. To be good rulers and good people they’ll need to be more than just wolves. Their warging will still come into play later, there’s gotta be a reason all of the Starklings are wargs, but they can’t rely on it forever.
Even though Jon is the one who’s probably going to be lost for a long time in his direwolf, I’m more worried for the younger kids. Jon and Robb both were aware of the dangers of their wolves, both used them at various times in battle and to intimidate. But Robb became wary of Grey Wind’s increasing savagery, which is partly why he locked him away after he married Jeyne. He actually rejected being a wolf:
“He is part of you, Robb. To fear him is to fear you."
"I am not a wolf, no matter what they call me." Robb sounded cross.
(ASOS, Catelyn II)
When Jon comes back he’ll likely be horrified by his new beastly instincts and will struggle to suppress them. He doesn’t particularly want to be a warg or a true wolf, especially after the Night’s Watch has spent the past few books cursing him for being a warg. Whether he’ll be successful remains to be seen, but the effort to contain his impulses will be there. In Melisandre’s visions, she saw Jon as “a man, now a wolf, now a man again.” Hopefully that foreshadows not only his resurrection but his return to himself as a man.
Bran and Arya are much more emotionally reliant on warging than Jon and Robb were. As able-bodied men, Jon and Robb were powerful and capable enough without warging in a way that Bran and Arya can’t be, especially once they reached leadership positions. The kids both face so much powerlessness in their arcs that they take strength in their warging abilities, this ability to access another form that can achieve more than their own. Arya is alone in the world and in constant peril, but in her wolf dreams she’s strong and powerful, with a pack behind her. It’s far more appealing than being a little girl with no family left.
She was no little girl in the dream; she was a wolf, huge and powerful, and when she emerged from beneath the trees in front of them and bared her teeth in a low rumbling growl, she could smell the rank stench of fear from horse and man alike.
(ASOS, Arya I)
Later, her wolf dreams are contrasted with her memories of the Red Wedding:
The wolf dreams were the good ones. In the wolf dreams she was swift and strong, running down her prey with her pack at her heels. It was the other dream she hated, the one where she had two feet instead of four. In that one she was always looking for her mother, stumbling through a wasted land of mud and blood and fire. It was always raining in that dream, and she could hear her mother screaming, but a monster with a dog's head would not let her go save her. In that dream she was always weeping, like a frightened little girl. Cats never weep, she told herself, no more than wolves do. It's just a stupid dream.
(AFFC, Cat of the Canals)
The impersonal savagery of what she does as Nymeria is preferable to her traumatic reality, where she was helpless and unable to save her mother. But when she returns to Westeros, she’ll likely encounter Nymeria in the Riverlands again and be faced with what she’s become, what Arya has inadvertently released onto her mother’s homeland. It might coincide with her meeting Lady Stoneheart too, another danger that she technically unleashed. I think they’d remind her of herself - figures from Arya of Winterfell’s past whom she loved dearly, rendered unrecognisable by bloodthirst. Maybe it’ll drive her to despair, or maybe it’ll be the push she needs to choose to go home like in season 7, choosing her family over the chance to seek revenge. 
Bran is already doing incredibly dark things as a warg. He’s told repeatedly that he’ll never walk again, but he’ll fly. He resents being trapped in his body, and warging is the only way he can escape it. He can both fly and walk again, eat things other than acorn paste as Summer, join Meera and Jojen in exploring the caves as Hodor.
No one wants to hurt you, Hodor, he said silently, to the child-man whose flesh he’d taken. I just want to be strong again for a while. I’ll give it back, the way I always do.
(ADWD, Bran II)
We know from the ADWD prologue that skinchanging into another person is incredibly taboo even amongst skinchangers, considered an abomination. Actually a lot of the prologue foreshadows and condemns things that Bran ends up doing later in the book - warging into a human, warging into birds (not so much condemns, but it is rather judgy about it), eating human flesh if Jojen-paste is a thing… Bran justifies it and thinks it’s all harmless for now, but he can’t forever. Rather than brushing over it, the ‘hold the door’ moment will probably be horrifying, and a source of major guilt for Bran.
These themes might be resolved as a foil to Dany actually - while she has wholly embraced being a dragon, the Starks will have to reject being wolves and being wargs, accepting themselves in their own forms.
Thank you for the ask!
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gondorosi · 4 years
ASOIAF v/s GoT - Part 1: The  Disdain for Vulnerable Heroes
Book to screen adaptations are tricky as it is. Adapting high fantasy is even trickier as visual artistry quite often takes precedence over plot and characterization. It’s difficult to adequately portray complex morality, hard decisions and internal agony. Characters are often simplified and pared down to only a few most visually arresting characteristics (mighty king/queen, unbeatable warrior, mysterious magic person, wise-cracking smartass etc etc etc). Plotlines are reworked to make them non-controversial, consequences are ignored and the more difficult subplots are simply done away with. Such actions are common across adaptations, and GoT is no exception. 
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The distancing of the show from the books started becoming significantly observable S5 onwards. At a certain pivotal point, the obvious heroic characters began to get pigeon-holed - the noble (Jon), the badass (Arya) and the conqueror (Dany). Crucial characters like Tyrion and Bran also began to lose all trappings of individual motives to dedicate themselves to a ‘greater cause’. Characters canonically unreliable and/or unfavourable such as Jorah, Sansa and Varys get painted in a far more positive light than they deserve. 
Of course, in Martin’s world the characters are far more layered and conflicted. And thus, to stick to the massively simplified (almost bastardized) show characterizations, D&D quite happily chunked off LARGE plot points essential to the main characters, in effect neutering everything that makes ASOIAF so fascinating to begin with.
Let’s first consider the two most obvious leader-heroes of the saga. Both Jon and Dany start out handicapped and subjugated in their own way, before quickly discovering that they have innate capabilities suppressed by their respective environments. Both of them find a role they are good at and use that role to accomplish something revolutionary. Both of them disregard the dangers posed by proponents of tradition and both of them are brought down or grievously hurt by those resistant to change. However, both of them are young. Both of them struggle with self-worth, purpose and identity. They’re two deeply traumatized young heroes who keep the truths of their hearts to themselves. However, the show begins to distance them from their vulnerability somewhere around the middle of its run. There’s a deliberate choice made to move away from complex characterization and focus only on heroics - whether its raining down fire from atop a dragon, or cleaving through enemies with a sword in hand. And while this makes for arresting and unforgettable visuals, you have to wonder why two such beautifully layered characters had to lose their tender facets to continue being badass heroes. 
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No two ways about it - the show has done an exemplary job of building up Daenerys Targaryen the Queen and Conqueror (Season 8 exists only in the Upside Down). Her fiery nature, her courage and her incredible journey from a prized possession to a radical force commanding the very air around her. But before she earned all her titles, she was Dany - a quiet, observant and highly intelligent child who just just wanted to go home. The house with the red door is instrumental to Dany’s psyche as a person - and never mentioning it, or alluding to it takes away something vital from Dany’s story.
That was when they lived in Braavos, in the big house with the red door. Dany had her own room there, with a lemon tree outside her window. After Ser Willem had died, the servants had stolen what little money they had left, and soon after they had been put out of the big house. Dany had cried when the red door closed behind them forever.
All that Daenerys wanted back was the big house with the red door, the lemon tree outside her window, the childhood she had never known.
The red door features prominently in Dany’s thoughts, dreams and visions. To a young Dany, her name is as much a burden and a cage to her as the lack of a name is to Jon. He thirsts for the recognition and dignity of a true name, she dreams of the unfettered lightness of a life without the heavy legacy of her name.
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It might sound contradictory, but for all that the show played up the power and near invincibility of the dragons, they skimmed over their ACTUAL importance to Dany’s entire Essos arc, and subsequently her identity. The show posits her as the Dragon Queen almost from the very beginning - whereas in the narrative of the books, it’s a realization she must come to after losing almost everything she’s fought for in Slaver’s Bay.
Remember who you are, Daenerys. The dragons know. Do you?
This line means much more in the context of Dany’s journey of self-realization than the show ever bothered to address. Through her entire arc Dany is struggling to place herself. She’s caught between the ‘Last Targaryen’ - the rightful ruler of Westeros set to take back the Throne stolen from her family by scheming enemies; and the Mother and Queen of the freed slaves of Slaver’s Bay who look to her to destroy a society which has progressed on the strength of broken bones of slaves. Beyond it all she is the Mother of Dragons - which brings all the boys to her yard. Dorne, fAegon, Victarion and Euron don’t give two hoots about the young girl who overturned the age old practice of slavery - they want her dragons. By the time she’s stumbling across the Dothraki Sea delirious, in pain and hallucinating, she knows not which of these three identities is who she truly is.
The door loomed before her, the red door, so close, so close, the hall was a blur around her, the cold receding behind. And now the stone was gone and she flew across the Dothraki sea, high and higher, the green rippling beneath, and all that lived and breathed fled in terror from the shadow of her wings.
That’s what the show misses. The crux of Daenerys Targaryen isn’t that she HAS dragons, it’s that she IS the dragon. The issue with this interpretation in the show is that to truly take Danerys being the last dragon to it’s intended narrative conclusion, you have to admit that her journey would not, and could not end with her becoming Queen of the 7K. The show turned her magic into a political prop which is entirely incongruous with the world-building elements established by Martin. ASOIAF’s magic doesn’t exist as a plaything and a tool for those desiring power. Magic exists to combat magic. Daenerys Targaryen is a conqueror, a queen and a rescuer but she is also more. (I could go on and on about Dany as the Last Dragon but that would be derailing the intent of this post.)
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You are a queen, her bear said. In Westeros. “It is such a long way,” she complained. “I was tired, Jorah. I was weary of war. I wanted to rest, to laugh, to plant trees and see them grow. I am only a young girl.” 
This is not a Dany the show allows us to observe. The Daenerys Targaryen of the show is not allowed to be vulnerable or uncertain or crumble. She’s not allowed to question her purpose and path in the world. After all, how can the most powerful character in the show ever falter? This is where the show takes the easy way out of putting more emphasis on the visual extravaganza - dragons burning down ships and Emilia Clarke walking through flames unscathed are easy crowd pleasers. But these are also just surface level considerations of Dany’s power and importance. She isn’t who she is because she has dragons - she has her dragons because she is who she is. 
But a major point of contention is - who DOES she need to be? See, Dany has always known she’s ‘important’ - in the way political prisoners are important. In the beginning it’s only her family name which holds her value. Her gradual journey from being only symbolically important as a Targaryen, to owning her own narrative as herself is fraught with considerable internal turmoil. The identity Dany cherishes most is that of Mother. Choosing to free the slaves in Astapor and Yunkai is the first decision she takes as a player with power and resources, and this decision has NOTHING to do with her destiny as a Targaryen. You identify a hero by their choices - and it is in this moment, uninfluenced by magic, or a greater power, this young girl sees the horror in a long established custom and CHOOSES to fight it. I would anyway have been invested as Daenerys as a character - but that one action firmly placed her on a pedestal .
In spite of where her destiny may pull her she wants to retain her softer dreams, her yearning for an uncomplicated happiness. At the same time, she’s voluntarily taken on the burden of ruling in Mereen, despite the responsibility very clearly chaining her. At the end of ADWD, her fevered dreams seem to suggest that both her softness and her duty are pulling her away from her true destiny. Dany’s struggles with self revolve around choosing between her identities as the Dragon, the Mother and the Conqueror - I personally subscribe to the belief that Dany ‘finding herself’ would mean realising that her three identities are not separate, but feed into each other to create the Daenerys Targaryen she is meant to be.
The show puts the cart before the horse and ignores the reverberating impact of a piece of Old Valyria being reborn on the shores of the continent where the empire fell. Her trek through the Dothraki Sea once she escapes on Drogon’s back is such a crucial pivot point in her story - it is literally the point where the old Dany is being left behind for who she will ultimately need to become.
And saw her brother Rhaegar, mounted on a stallion as black as his armor. Fire glimmered red through the narrow eye slit of his helm. "The last dragon," Ser Jorah's voice whispered faintly. "The last, the last." Dany lifted his polished black visor. The face within was her own.
After that, for a long time, there was only the pain, the fire within her, and the whisperings of stars.
She woke to the taste of ashes.
The show does make it clear that Dany’s ultimate destiny lies in Westeros - but the Iron Throne can hardly be it. Why will the last dragon be so singularly focused on a crumbling monarchy? Unjustly attacked and exiled and now fighting to retake their ‘rightful’ place - that’s a traditional fantasy storyline and in a purely monarchical power struggle needs neither Dany’s magic nor her dragons. The Iron Throne is such a low bar - what Daenerys attempted in Slaver’s Bay is ten times more difficult and impressive. As of this point in the books Mereen is on the brink of absolute chaos and the situation is much, much more convoluted than the show made it out to be. The political uprising of Mereen was dealt with so laughably on the show - ‘Bring dragons, Burn shit’ doesn’t solve any problems whatsoever but let’s save that for the next part.
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Painting Dany’s journey back to Westeros as simply an exiled royal returning to take back what’s theirs removed the poignancy in Dany looking for home in Westeros. There’s this sense of yearning in her desperately looking for a place to belong in a country that’s little more than a fable to her. She tried SO hard to make a home with the Dothraki and to find a place as the ruler of Mereen - but if there’s one takeaway from ADWD it’s that Dany’s fate doesn’t rest in Essos. I expect WoW to be a bloody reckoning, an agonizing choice between Dany’s duty and destiny. The new world order she’s established is far too new and fragile to sustain itself. As we see from Cleon’s ascent in Astapor, evil opportunists exists everywhere, regardless of societal class. To cement her order, Dany and her inner circle need to stay in Mereen for a lengthy period of time. But Westeros is calling - she has to choose. It’s nowhere near as easy as the three Yunkish Masters being the only figureheads, the Greyjoy siblings traipsing into the pyramids with the ships she needs, and alliances falling into her lap just so that D&D don’t need to put in any effort into creating plot and can simply throw spectacular CGI at us.
My point is - you don’t need a dragon (or three) to fight Cersei Lannister and a court jester on ADHD masquerading as Euron Greyjoy (not Pilou, its obvious the dude read the books and expected great things from his character). You do however need them to fulfil the prophecy passed down generations of Targaryens, beginning from Aegon the Conqueror. You do need the last living embodiment of the magic of Old Valyria to combat the foul, unholy magic wielded by the utterly terrifying Euron Greyjoy of the books. The reason Aegon began his conquest of Westeros is beyond mere ambition - and if we go by what Martin himself revealed about his intentions, the Others ARE the final War. We had only 2 episodes in S7 to show Daenerys understanding the gravity of the Night King (godawful mission beyond the Wall and polar bear wights aside) - and then arrives the wrecking ball of S8 with its ‘Northern Independence’ and ‘my Iron Throne’.
The trouble with legendary heroes is this - they save the world for everyone else. Dany defeats all other claimants to the Throne and takes back Dragonstone, King’s Landing and the Seven Kingdoms, as Viserys wanted, and she believes her duty to be. She and Jon lead the Last Alliance against the Great Other. Maybe they win and live happily ever after. Maybe they win, but only after losing everything they hold dear. And maybe they win, and only lose part of themselves. Does that end Dany’s story? Is a Kingdom and a reign what she’s been searching for? Dany’s story only ends when she finds herself in front of that red door again. 
It’s an infuriating irony that despite portraying him as MUCH softer than in the books, Jon’s vulnerability is either non-existent in the show, or is turned into a weakness. Where does the show ever dwell on his deep seated issues with identity, duty and survivor’s guilt? Where does the show address the raw power of his love for Arya? And why does the show think that the progression of Hardhome, being fucking murdered AND resurrected, and then Rickon’s death in front of his eyes would NOT leave a lasting mental impact?
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To its’ credit, the show did clearly indicate Catelyn’s hatred for Jon. What we didn’t see, and thus don’t have a ready reference for (in the show) is how Catelyn’s treatment affected Jon. In the books though, you can clearly suss out the emotional impact of the years of Jon’s childhood.
He reached the landing and stood for a long moment, afraid. Ghost nuzzled at his hand. He took courage from that. He straightened, and entered the room. 
He stood in the door for a moment, afraid to speak, afraid to come closer. The window was open. Below, a wolf howled. Ghost heard and lifted his head. 
This is at Bran’s bedside when he’s still deep in a coma, with no certainty of whether he will ever wake again. Jon’s leaving for the NW, and this may very well be the last time he ever sees Bran again. Jon loves his little brother with everything he has, yet the overbearing emotion at this moment is his fear of Catelyn Stark.
Keep in mind that every POV hides something or the other from the reader. Thoughts and feelings may seem disjointed as a critical memory which aligns the two is missing. In this case, Jon is actively NOT thinking of any particular incident. Yet his fear is all pervasive. It’s an uncovered wound and it hurts him. We may not know exactly what has happened between Jon and Catelyn in the 14 years leading up to this moment, but Jon’s fear of her is very real. This almost paralyzing fear of Catelyn placed against the overbearing love he feels for Bran at this moment makes this exchange stand out for several reasons, chief amongst which is that Catelyn has left an indelible mark on Jon’s psyche. 
Robb and Bran and Rickon were his father’s sons, and he loved them still, yet Jon knew that he had never truly been one of them. Catelyn Stark had seen to that. 
By the time the moon was full again, he would be back in Winterfell with his brothers. Your half-brothers, a voice inside reminded him. And Lady Stark, who will not welcome you. There was no place for him in Winterfell, no place in King’s Landing either. 
The fear lessens once he leaves the halls of Winterfell, and bitterness takes its place. Jon’s feelings about her are tinged with fury and resentment. He’s long past hoping for affection from her, but what still rankles and will never stop being a source of anger, is that she deliberately tried to sabotage his relationships with others who most definitely were his family. 
Jon’s thoughts make it obvious that he is painfully aware that he doesn’t belong. For an awareness this heavy to be so deeply etched into a young boy’s entire being, the message has to have been reinforced intensely over the entire duration of his life in Winterfell. That’s not compatible with the assumption that Catelyn was only cold and dismissive of him. We don’t see the instances in either Jon’s or Catelyn’s viewpoints in the books, but the inference is all but thrown at us. 
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Jon’s growth as a person, a leader and a revolutionary is dependent on his time with the NW just as much as his time with the FF. The show cut out far too many important aspects of his time with the FF, but atleast that part of his journey was treated with more respect than his accomplishments as a man of the NW. (Let me not start on the absolute blasphemy to turn one of the most decisive characters in the entire saga into a dithering, uncertain, meek fool in S8.)
Unlike Dany, Jon has never been important. He has no name, no legacy to uphold, no shoes to step into. All he has are his natural abilities - his startlingly accurate powers of perception for someone so young, his capacity for taking feedback to change for the better and his razor sharp practical intelligence. The text seems to suggest that Jon was indirectly forced to downplay his abilities due to his status - besting Robb was just not done.
With her deep blue eyes and hard cold mouth, she looked a bit like Stannis. Iron, he thought, but brittle. She was looking at him the way she used to look at him at Winterfell, whenever he had bested Robb at swords or sums or most anything. Who are you? that look had always seemed to say. This is not your place. Why are you here? 
It’s at the Night’s Watch that Jon first starts to become someone more than Ned Stark’s bastard - in his OWN estimation. The world will continue to see only a bastard and Ned Stark’s shame, but its here that Jon learns to accept and move beyond it. It’s in the yard of the NW training yard that Jon receives his first harsh lesson about himself - he’s lording the privilege of his castle education over boys far less fortunate than him. It’s at the NW that he has the opportunity to use his abilities. It’s here that Jon finds his calling as the champion of the misfits, the ill-begotten, the unwanted and the reviled. He becomes the de-facto trainer of the boys Alliser Thorne deems beneath his dignity. He’s the one convincing Maester Aemon of Sam’s worth as his squire. And it’s at the NW that Jon first begins forming his opinion of the wars of the south - something which he will carry till the end. 
When dead men come hunting in the night, do you think it matters who sits the Iron Throne?
The staggering impact of his experience in the NW to his character is an essay in itself. For the purposes of this post, suffice to say that without the NW Jon would never have grown to the position to have an impact on the greater story. As of ADWD, the Wall under Jon’s leadership has become somewhat of a rallying ground - hosting a King, a highborn Northern lady looking for deliverance and support, as well as the center for revitalizing the Watch, rebuilding the Wall and rekindling hope in the North.
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At some point after his resurrection in the show, Jon’s portrayal starts edging over into the ‘noble, sacrificial hero’ archetype. This wouldn’t necessarily have been a BAD thing – if this ‘goodness’ and ‘nobility’ didn’t come at the expense of Jon’s overall characterization.
His ‘goodness’ comes in the form of forgiving Sansa for keeping the Vale army secret and keeping her as his closest confidant. This so-called goodness of heart is rank naivete the sharply perceptive and observant book!Jon would have been stupefied at. Jon knows to judge people by their actions – and Sansa’s actions made it obvious that she’s playing her own game and considers her brothers’ lives expendable collateral. The Jon who understood the heaviness of the mantle of leadership well enough to cultivate distance from even his closest friends in the NW would NEVER have allowed Sansa so close.
The ‘honourable’ show!Jon allows his Lords and his sister to question and challenge him openly. The ‘noble’ King Jon has to explain himself before undertaking a journey to gain a potential ally - the only possible ally against a War the North seems unwilling to believe despite the reports of the dead having been around since S1. The honest son of Ned Stark cannot lie to his House’s greatest living enemy. Lord Commander Jon would sooner have jumped off from the top of the Wall than take these decisions. He’s aware of the nature of power and authority, and that more than holding a position its important to make those around you believe you hold power. Power can do great good - but it is also fickle. 
Despite the NK and the AoTD being turned into a cosmic farce in the last season, the show did quite a good job of building up the horror, menace and sense of doom in the previous seasons. Hardhome is prime example of why the show was once the pinnacle of television – and what Jon saw there, coupled with the utter failure of his mission to evacuate all the FF would have pushed Jon to the brink of insanity anyway. From what we know of Jon, he carries the deaths of his father, Robb, Bran, Rickon and Winterfell close to him. Compound the steadily growing pressure of that loss with the fact that he loses Grenn, Pyp and Ygritte in the same night. Three of the people most important to Jon but a loss he was never given the time to process as Stannis’s army arrives the very next day. He’s still carrying this heaviness when Hardhome happens, and Jon is exactly the kind of man to blame himself for the people he was unable to evacuate. Not to mention, this is the first time he sees the Night King RAISE the dead – this is the point where the true power of the enemy is fully revealed. That was existential horror at its most visceral and not a sight a man is likely to forget, least of all a man who’s trying his best to create the only resistance.
Let’s forego the changed circumstances of Jon’s murder in the show and consider the act as is – Jon does the right thing, knows he’s doing the right thing and is betrayed and murdered for it. He’s dead and then he’s not and while he’s still struggling with resurrection, betrayal and the memories of Hardhome, Sansa arrives and he’s in the middle of the quest to retake Winterfell. It’s traumatic experience upon traumatic experience, a never-ending series of emotional turmoil with no outlet or time to grieve. This is the only reason I see Jon’s actions at the Battle of Bastards being true to his mental condition in the show – having Rickon die right in front of him when his little brother was pretty much the only reason he was able to gather the mental strength for the campaign would have unhinged him to the point of that ridiculously suicidal move.
But see that’s the last time we see any strong emotion from Jon. He seemed mentally and emotionally exhausted in the Winds of Winter episode, and that’s understandable but only at THAT point. That kind of exhaustion sets in only once you’re done with your battles and Jon’s true battle was just beginning. It’s just never acknowledged – when in truth he would barely have a handle on his temper and would be obsessed with the NK to the point of delirium. We apparently can’t have a functional main hero with his emotions all over the place, gathering the strength to do what must be done while falling apart inside. Or if we DO show him as someone struggling with himself, it’s to paint him as someone too weak to see the truth. Someone too blinded by love who should never have been in charge in the first place. 
Heroes are strong, brave, just and honourable. They are powerful and commanding and inspiring. And at the very core of it all, heroes are human. Wish the show had remembered that.
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