#there is a ship if you squint ig
sabotourist · 16 days
So I was thinking about wash. I watch the show out of order, so there are a lot of scenes I haven't seen. I consider this enrichment. Anyway, because of that, I knew about his injury but hadn't watched the seasons surrounding it for a while.
I thought of it like this: wash finally accepting that his memory and skill doesn't define him, and that they don't keep him around for his ability. And that he can let go and stop fighting now. It's okay. He's released from fighting.
And then I watched some scenes. And one scene completely changed my opinion of that.
Deets under the cut:
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(excuse the screenshots, i am a fraud)
He sounds so genuine when he's saying this, too. He likes going on his misadventures with the Reds and Blues. In light of that, it's no wonder his injury would upset him. He doesn't want to lose that. Not just belonging, but the ability to just... be a trusted member of their team.
In light of that, I really don't like the idea of his injury taking that away from him. Instead I think it could represent a final shift in power.
Wash had started to take on more of a supporting role since season 11. As Tucker grew more and more into the role of a leader. Tucker had this devastating moment of reflection in s17 about it, too.
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But the season never quite got to bring this idea around to anything. I liked the ending of the season a LOT, don't get me wrong. Carolina's arc had an awesome finale. But between Wash and Tucker, this really felt like setup for something that never got paid off.
Tucker trying his best to reconcile the role of a leader. Wash wanting to stay with his team, but no longer being fit for a leader role. I think that would have been the perfect time to pass the baton, fully and properly. To tell Tucker that it isn't just because he isn't fit to lead, but because Tucker is the best one for the role.
I think in my own perfect world, season 18 would have been a very chill season a la the early seasons where they just hang out and talk with very little plot, at least for most of it. Give them all a chance to catch their breath and figure out what's what. Let Tucker and Wash have a conversation about how Tucker still looks up to Wash, about how Wash has nothing but respect for who Tucker has become. How they didn't get the best hand, but how Wash doesn't want to retire, and Tucker doesn't want him to leave, even if he's not the soldier he used to be. About how shit is fucked but they can still be happy.
And then Grif drives a Warthog through the wall right into Tucker. At that moment, the ritual is complete.
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yum-zlurplie · 2 months
yayy woohoo yippie
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bitternace · 2 years
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reparation for a wrong or injury.
[Image ID: two digital drawings featuring kingdom hearts’ characters Even and Saïx in a dark blue background, with an angled stylized partition in the middle that makes the left part of the image lighter. the drawings are lightly rendered. they are shown as if hovering, with parts of their hair and clothes flaring.
in the first image, they show their backs to one another. Even, on the left, presents most of his back to the audience. his head is down in profile, his left arm bent at waist height, his palm facing up, with his ankles crossed. the front partitions of his hair cover his eye, and his mouth is slightly open. over his lab coat, he “wears” his organization 13 coat on his left forearm, some fabric scrunched up in his right hand over his back and the rest of the coat draping to his ankles. Saïx, on the right, is shown from the side. in a 3/4′s profile, he looks at the audience with a blank expression and a single visible glowing eye. his right arm is slightly extended before him. with his left hand, he crosses his fingers over the little of his back. one of his knees is slightly bent as if taking a step.
The second image is the same, except Even is shown without the organization 13 coat. /End ID.]
Close-ups under keep reading!
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[ID: a close-up of Even’s face. /End ID.]
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[ID: a close-up of Saïx’s face. /End ID.]
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entusiastshipper · 2 years
Klaus Hargreeves gives me so much housewife vibes, is insane!!
Like, always trying to cheer up the others, always being the most patience in the family, so nice and truthful!
When he became the second oldest, he didn't become the older sibling, he becomes the mother!!
Also, i do think Klaus knows how to cook, like, he had to survive the streets since really young, you can't tell me that boy didn't had to learn to make himself food or to others (He probably didn't had the healthiest relationships:( )
Klaus is the mom, Five is the dad, Luther and Allison the older siblings and Viktor and Diego the youngest bros. And Ben is like a weird wine aunt.
(Also, because i am a Klive sucker, Klive parenting is what gives me live and i will definitely upload a few headcanons of that scenario in a moment haha)
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illmer · 1 year
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Never draw a few hours b4 a deadline
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multi-fxndom446 · 9 months
Remember me
Zoro x reader
Summary: you and the other straw hats lose your memory and you put yourself in between a fight with Zoro and Luffy and Zoro feels guilty about it when he regains his memory.
Warning: very slight angst I suppose. Happy ending. Ig you could say a little spicy at the end but not much else.
Word count: 3.6K
based off of that 5 episode filler where the straw hats lose there memory
God I have such a fixation on his earrings😭
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“Y/n!” Luffy screamed for you as you took a protective stance in front of him. Shielding him from the attack that was coming his way.
You gritted your teeth together while you tried to hold onto the man’s hands in front of you, trying to be careful to not grab onto the sharp parts of his swords. But it was proving difficult.
You didn’t even know why you jumped in front of the guy with a straw hat or why you were protecting him from such a terrifying person. You had no idea who either of them were yet you felt a sense of duty to the both of them.
From what Luffy explained to you on the ship, you all were friends. You wouldn’t have been so inclined to believe him if the black haired girl hadn’t said the same things. But still even with what Luffy told you, you didn’t know why you felt your heart hurting having to stop this green haired man from hurting your supposed captain.
When you woke up the morning before you were lost and so confused. You squinted as a ray of light hit you in the face and you looked up from your spot on the ground to see a man stood above you, staring.
Your mouth opened in surprise while you took the rest of him in. He had a hand resting on three swords?! He had a glare on his face but you almost got a feeling that was just the way he looked.
“Who are you?” He demanded but still you said nothing. You sat up, keeping a very close eye on him. “Why were you sleeping up here next to me?”
“Next to you?!” You shook your head at the implication. “I couldn’t have been!”
“Well you were!” But you shook your head in denial again and he clenched his jaw in annoyance.
You backed away as far as you could when you saw that look on his face. “What were you doing sleeping next to me?!” You demanded and his jaw clenched tighter. When he went to say something the both of you heard someone call out to you to come down.
The man before you spared you one more glance before jumping down, you following his lead but down the ladder like a sane person.
For the rest of the time leading up to the orange haired girl and the same green haired man leaving you couldn’t help the sense of familiarity about it all, or about him specifically.
You watched him go until he was out of sight and the black haired girl led you to the kitchen to explain what she could.
You sat in absolute shock upon hearing the news that you were part of a pirate group. Not only that but the fact that green haired man had a 60 million berry bounty and you were supposedly sleeping right next to him?
When everyone beside you, and the ones you learned to be Sanji and Robin, fell asleep Robin found a seat next to you. “I suppose it is a little overwhelming if you don’t remember any of it huh?”
“A little.” You mumbled before glancing at her from the corner of your eye. “Hey was I really asleep next to the pirate hunter guy?”
Robin gave you a coy kind of smile and nodded slightly. “It wouldn’t surprise me if you were. You both tend to stick close to the other.” Again you were left in shock. “Though I don’t think either of you have admitted it I believe there’s some feelings between you.”
Sanji scoffed in disbelief. “That reckless idiot with someone so beautiful? I don’t believe it. How would that even happen?” Robin shrugged.
“I’m not sure myself I was the latest to join the crew. There’s still some things I don’t even know.” You couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed at that. Apparently everyone that did remember got those memories taken from them.
Well that didn’t last long when the next few moments the kid taking the memories appeared on the ship to try and take more but ended up giving Luffys back on accident when Luffy kicked him off the head of the sheep.
The kid disappeared in the next moment but none of you seemed to care when Luffy turned to you all. “I have my memories back!” He shouted in glee but the rest of you didn’t know wether the be happy about that or not.
After he explained he was actually the captain and not Usopp you were even more confused. But he refused to let the other two go no matter how much Sanji and Usopp tried to bargain. “No! Y/n would want Zoro to stay! Wouldn’t you y/n?” Everyone’s eyes turned to you and immediately you held your hands up in defense.
“I-I don’t even know him!” Your apparent captain frowned at your answer but didn’t press it further.
It wasn’t until later when everyone was starting to settle down again after agreeing to go after the two in the morning that you found questions reappearing in your head about the green haired swordsman.
“Ah y/n!” Luffy called excitedly when you came to sit next to him. “Excited for tomorrow?!”
“Actually I was wondering if you could tell me more about this Zoro guy and why you asked if I’d want him to stay.” Luffy titled his head in confusion but nodded in understanding nonetheless.
“Well we found you and Zoro pretty close together if I remember right. You were captured by a pirate group that had taken you from your home and put you to work.” You glanced down and noticed Luffy clenching his fists tightly together as he recalled the time you met. “You were incredibly sick it may have been because of all the labor they were forcing you to do and the conditions they were making you do them in.”
“But Nami, Zoro and I destroyed that group and agreed to take you home. But when we got to your village..” Luffy trailed off and refused to meet your gaze. “You had no one. So we decided to take you with us. At the time you were still very sick even when we got the going merry. Your life was very touch and go for awhile but you hung in there until we found chopper who helped you.”
“I-“ you were at a loss for words. They took you in when you had no one left? They even helped nurse you back to health? “But what does that have to do with Zoro?”
“Oh yeah! Well he became pretty protective of you when you were sick because a lot of people tried to hurt you while you were defenseless but even after you got better he was still just as protective if not more.” Luffy smiled, “anywhere you’d go he would be close behind. If you didn’t want to go he’d stay on the ship with you or if he had to leave he’d bring back a present for you.”
“You felt safe with each other.” Robin chimed in out of nowhere and you turned to her in surprise. “It’s probably why he didn’t do anything to you while you were up in the crows nest defenseless. There’s still some part of all of you subconsciously understanding that we do know each other even if the rest of you can’t accept it.”
“And-and him and I aren’t together?” You asked timidly. Robin looked toward Luffy for the answer but Luffy looked just as confused about that question.
“I don’t think so?” He said as more of a question but still you were confused.
“Who knows?” Luffy shrugged, “maybe because Zoros an idiot sometimes.”
You stared at him in shock. “I see.” You had no idea what was going on but you couldn’t deny the fact that the swordsman felt familiar to you. No matter how much you wanted to deny it, you were starting to believe there words.
Your hands shook as you tried your best to hold onto him. He seemed to be holding back for some reason and you recalled what Robin had said, it was as if subconsciously he knew this wasn’t right.
You didn’t remember him but you trusted Luffy and Robin. You had too. There was no other way to explain the missing pieces without their explanation.
Robin and the others beside you and Luffy had gone ahead to try and find the source of the problem. So there was no rescue beside them getting your memories back somehow
“Y/n stop!” Luffy shouted when he noticed your feet sliding in the dirt below. Zoros swords were sharp even an idiot could see the man in front of you could end your life in one fell swoop.
Luffy went to punch Zoro off you but in a split second the swordsman had thrown you over his shoulder but you forced him to follow suit by keeping a tight grip on his hands.
Though now seeing your current position you aren’t sure that was such a great idea.
He had you pinned, blade to one side of your throat while the one in his mouth was dangerously close to your face and the other was creeping up on the other side of your neck. Out of desperation you started speaking to him, “I know I don’t remember you and you don’t remember me. But I believe that straw hat guy and that other girl. Because your warmth feels to familiar to be foreign.” You said softly, wincing when you felt the tip of one of his blades pierce your skin.
“Y/n!” Luffy screamed and you saw he was powering himself up for another move but you held your hand out to stop him, your other hand coming to rest on Zoros cheek. An action that felt to familiar.
“It’s okay.” Zoro hesitated for a moment when you simply smiled at him the dark look in his eye softening slightly. “Somehow I know it’s going to be okay. So if this is what you need to do, go ahead.”
Tears pricked your eyes when you felt the blade cut further into your neck and you could feel your own blood dripping down the side of your neck. Your hand that was held out to stop Luffy came to hold onto the blade in his mouth. You cried out as blood gushed out of your palm and down your arm.
The other blade was close to the other side of your neck so you took a deep breathe and closed your eyes, preparing yourself to die when everything stopped and you felt the two blades at the side of your neck stop. “Y/n?” Came a shaky voice then next a flood of memories.
Your eyes shot open in shock. Zoro seemed just as shocked if not more when he realized he was not only pinning you to the ground but had your life just barely in his grasp.
“W-what the hells going on?” He asked while he removed the sword from his mouth. You winced as it finally released itself from your hand and he noticed immediately. He dropped all his swords to the ground and made a grab for your hand before he noticed the blood trickling down your neck. “What the hell did I do?!”
“It’s okay!” You cried happily, all the things Luffy told you on the ship coming back in full but this time in your perspective. “It’s okay! I’m okay!”
But before he could respond Luffy shot himself at Zoro, knocking the swordsman away from you and into the trees. “Zoro!”
“Are you alright? He didn’t hurt you to bad did he?!” Luffy asked as he kneeled bedside you and assessed the damage. When he stood next he had a glare on his face. “What the hell Zoro?!”
Zoro came out of the trees with a glare of his own. “I didn’t know Luffy!” He shouted as he made a beeline for you both again but he had an angry look on his face again.
Instead of going to you he grabbed his swords and started walking the path the others had gone. “Stay here with Y/n I have to go finish something.”
“Wait Zoro!” Luffy shouted and instead of doing what he asked he went chasing after him.
You titled your head to the side to watch them go and laughed to yourself softly before the action made you wince. “Yeah glad I’m not his enemy.” You sighed before closing your eyes and letting the world go dark.
What felt like only a few minutes later which you’re sure was probably longer, you felt someone shaking you.
“Y/n! Wake up!” The voice sounded so close yet so far. “Y/n please wake up!!” He cried his voice laced with concern.
“Chopper!” Someone else called before you felt someone grab onto your shoulders and start roughly shaking you
“Ah Luffy!” Chopper shouted as your eyes opened just in time to see Zoro punch Luffy clear across the path and grab hold of you protectively.
“She’s injured idiot!” He yelled after him and Luffy stood up while rubbing his head.
“Well it was you who injured her.” And with this new information from Luffy Sanji was quick to kick Zoro in the head.
“Stop it!” Nami yelled before zoro could drop you recklessly to the ground to fight the cook, though Zoro wasn’t going to do that anytime soon. He didn’t even seem to notice the kick to the head because all he noticed was the way your eyes were staring up at him and the corners of your mouth were curled into a smile.
Chopper stopped briefly as well when he noticed you had woken up and not only that but you were laughing. “Y/n!” He said happily before he continued going through his bag.
“Are you okay?” Zoro asked softly and you could only nod your head while you looked up at him. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m okay.” You reassured but he couldn’t help but look down guiltily. “Though I am glad we aren’t enemies. That was exhausting even for such a short fight”
He could tell you were trying to lighten to mood and he decided to let you. “Which will never happen again alright? If I’m ever taken control of don’t try and get between me and whatever my target is. Alright?” You went to disagree but he stopped you. “I never want you to be on that side of my blades ever again so don’t try to be heroic against me okay? Please?”
You couldn’t argue with him. Not when he had that pleading look in his eyes. So instead you just nodded in agreement.
After Chopper wrapped your hand and stopped the bleeding on your neck you set off to the going merry again. You were stood with Zoro the whole way back as he refused to let you leave his sight. But that changed the moment you all were on board.
While everyone else went there separate ways to start getting the hell off the island Zoro was quick to go up to the crows nest. You watched him go in confusion until chopper came up to you, tapping your leg.
“Your palm needs stitch’s, come on.” You only nodded and started to follow him while you spared the crows nest one last glance.
His cold shoulder lasted for more days than you expected. You hardly expected him to avoid you in the first place if you were honest. But after getting back on the ship he was everywhere you weren’t, mainly up in the crows nest.
He’d have his meals after the rest of you or he’d take his with him to eat somewhere else. Everyone would watch you in either concern or confusion but you had nothing to say to reassure them, you had no idea where this was coming from either.
Your attempts at cornering him had proven unsuccessful because he would simply push you away. Albeit gently, he still did and it may not have hurt physically but mentally it hurt worse.
So after you had had enough you grabbed a blanket and pillow and while everyone else was asleep you made your way up the ladder to the crows nest.
Zoro had his arms crossed and head down until he heard you and he opened his eyes to see what was going on but he only sighed when he saw it was you. “What are you doing? You’re gonna get a cold.” He said Cooly and you shrugged.
This wasn’t anything new. On the nights he held watch you would be up here sleeping next to him and on the nights you held watch he’d be sitting next to you keeping you company even if he did fall asleep immediately after sitting down.
Usually on those times you’d cuddle up next to him but this time you made yourself comfortable on top of the door leading down so he couldn’t escape from you.
“Why are you avoiding me?” You asked, curling into the blanket to keep away from the especially cold night.
Zoro opened his eyes and stared at you silently for a moment. “I’m not.” he finally said.
“Don’t lie to me.” You mumbled trying to suppress a shiver. But Zoro could see it, he could see the way you were shaking ever so slightly from the cold and it made him frown. “Is it because of what happened? Because if it is I’m fine! You didn’t remember who we were and I didn’t either.”
“But you still tried to stop me even when you didn’t know who i was.” He could hear the chattering of your teeth now. You should be inside the girls cabin asleep, not up here. “Come here.” He finally caved and opened an arm out to invite you into his embrace.
You were quick to stand with your blanket and cross the small space to get to him. You straddled his lap and rested you head between his shoulder and jaw. His arms coming to wrap around you securely. “Do you doubt my ability to protect myself?” You whispered against his neck and he resisted the urge to shudder.
“I don’t doubt your ability.” He affirmed, “but I never wanted to be the one you had to prove your strength against. I never wanted to be the one to cause harm to you.” You were silent then, you had nothing else to say you seemed to finally understand his need to put distance between the two of you. He felt guilty.
After a few more minutes of silence you spoke again, “I remember talking to Luffy when I lost my memories.” Zoro hummed. “He was telling me about the two of us and I remember asking him why weren’t together and he said he didn’t know. But it got me thinking,” you sat up now and you could see a small blush covering his cheeks. “Why aren’t we?”
You moved slightly closer, just enough to distract him from his thoughts as he attempted to keep his gaze on your eyes and not on the way your warm breathe fanned across his lips so delicately. “What do you want?” He asked eventually, swallowing down his nerves.
If you were anyone one else you would’ve backed away at the tone of voice he used when asking that question but you could tell he was nervous to even acknowledge the shift that was happening between the two of you. “I just wanted to be yours.” You responded quietly and leaned closer again to brush your lips against his in a barely there kiss but when you pulled back his eyes were closed as if trying to commit the feeling to his memory. “Can I be yours?”
Zoros eyes finally opened as he stared at you and just when you were about to take back what you said and did he surged forward and crashed his lips to yours, pouring everything he had into it. His hands gripped your sides while yours went to cup his face in your hands when he suddenly pulled back just an inch, breathing heavily. “Tell me to stop.” He breathed but you only looked at him in confusion.
“Do you want to stop?”
He shook his head. “No. But if I keep going everything changes. So please tell me stop.” He begged his hands gripping tighter.
“Zoro.” Your lips brushed his again as you let your fingers run across his earrings. “I’m not going to tell you to stop. I want everything you have to offer me.”
He looked at you in utter shock and admiration before he finally let one of his small smiles out. He chuckled softly, leaning up until your lips were just centimeters apart and you could feel his next words on your own lips. “What could I possibly tell you that could top that?”
But your next words would have him grinning the rest of his life. “Just tell me I’m yours.” Finally he closed to gap again and he held onto you for dear life like you would slip from his grasp if he loosened his hold.
“You’re mine.” He murmured after pulling away. Then he pushed back against you, his hands slipping under your shirt where he could feel the goosebumps flood your skin.
Kissing along your neck until he was back face to face with you. He smirked, “And I’m yours.”
The end
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bby-deerling · 6 months
Who is it with either Law of Kidd please! Congrats on the milestone!
this might be the most filthy, nasty, and dirty thing i've ever written, i hope it's your cup of tea! it's also my first time writing for kid!!
kid + who is it (afab!fem!reader nsfw)
18+, mdni, nsfw wc: 1.7k masterlist
cw: jealousy, possessive behavior, super toxic relationship (reader is bad but kid is worse), breathplay, choking, handcuffs, inappropriate use of kids metal fingers, hair pulling, spanking, impact play, degradation, cheating, hole stretching, orgasm denial, creampies, slight breeding kink stuff if you squint ig, kid is a mean, nasty menace in this read at your own risk.
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“I thought I told you to stop getting close with the enemy.”  Kid says, roughly grabbing you by the back of the collar and pulling you away from your card game with Penguin and Shachi, leaving them confused and disappointed.  Had you been flirting with the pair in hopes of going home with a bit more than just their money?  Maybe—but that still didn’t give Kid the right to interrupt.
Annoyed, you take a deep breath, trying to not lose your composure in public; he had yanked you off to the side of the Victoria Punk, but you were still very much visible to any potential nosy onlookers. “Last time I checked, we’re still in an alliance.” you bite back, turning to face him and crossing your arms.
“Last time I checked, you were still my woman.” he growls, shoving the index finger of his metal hand into your chest, pinning you against the wooden side of the ship.
“Since when, Kid?  You just play around with me when you’re bored and forget about me when you’re tired of me.” you say, tired of being on the losing end of a double standard—he’s been far from loyal to you, but the second your eyes start to wander, it’s the end of the world to him.
“Quit deflecting, I’m giving you an order right now.” he says dismissively, attempting to pull rank over you to shut you up.
Not wanting to relent, you continue, raising your voice. “Why the hell do you even care what I do?  How many times am I going to have to watch you go to bed with someone else while I sit around and wait for you to remember I exist?”
“So now I have to come to bed with you every night just to keep your needy ass from whoring around?  Sounds like too much work.” he snarls, venom on his tongue.
“What the hell do you even want from me then, Kid?” you cry out, hands tugging at your hair in frustration.
“I want you to keep your ass over here and stop trying to fuck the losers in the animal hats!” he yells, so angry a few drops of his spit scatter across your face in the process.
“Why?” you shout, becoming increasingly more enraged at his mixed signals.  “So you can use me for the night and toss me aside tomorrow?  I don’t think so.  Maybe Trafalgar Law could show me a good time, he probably wouldn’t discard me afterwards like a—"
Your words are cut short by the cold, soulless grip of metal fingers surrounding your throat, pressing into the sides of your airway.  “Like what?  Like a whore?  He wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole.” he sneers, voice dangerously low.
“What’s that say about you, then?” you shoot back, unwilling to back down, even when backed against the wall and with your life hanging in the balance between a few of his fingers.  “You want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
Kid’s chest rumbles as he laughs and his grasp on your throat tightens, making you squeak in shock.  “You’re gonna regret running your mouth like that.” he says, wicked grin on his face as he lets go of your neck and unceremoniously throws you over his shoulder.  Storming onto the ship, he makes a beeline for his room and tosses you down on the bed; you move to sit up, but his metal hand presses into your stomach and keeps you in place.  Looming over top of you, he regards you with a look somewhere between distaste and anger as he leans over and pulls a pair of handcuffs from the nightstand.  Flipping you over and pinning you to the mattress with his hand to your lower back, he roughly yanks your arms behind you and clicks the cuffs into place.
“If you’re gonna act like a dirty whore, I’m gonna fuck you like one.” he growls in your ear.  The sound of fabric ripping meets your ears, and you silently bury your face further into the mattress, not willing to show him how excited you were to see him wanting and wholly interested in you for a change; however, it was impossible to hide the glistening arousal already coating your pussy as he spreads your ass cheeks to get a decent view of you.
He makes you yelp as his good hand strikes your ass hard and laughs cruelly as he smooths the point of impact by kneading the soft, pillowy skin.  “Fighting with me really gets you excited, huh?” he chuckles, letting his fingers teasingly slide between your folds.
“You wish.” you bite back, despite being in no position to do so, and wince as he smacks your ass again, this time with his metal hand.  He makes no attempts to soothe the pain this time, letting it linger as little volts of electricity run along the impact point.
“Really?” he says, voice dripping with smugness, “What’s this then?” he asks, grabbing a fistful of hair and pulling your head up before shoving his soaked fingers in your mouth.  He inhales sharply as your tongue swirls around them, sucking on them lewdly. 
Focused on his fingers, you’re caught off guard when one of his cold, massive, metal fingers pushes deep inside you with no warning.  “Mmmf, Kid!” you cry out; his only response is to pump his finger harder and faster, making you moan and squeal for him.  Each time his digit slips in and out of you it gets increasingly warmer as your needing, aching pussy warms the metal, and eventually, the unfamiliar chills subside.
And then he adds another.
Wrists rattling against the handcuffs surrounding them, he has you writhing like a bitch in heat, completely succumbing to his whims and desperately waiting for what he had in store for you next.  Your whines and whimpers are muffled by his fingers, still shoved in your mouth, until he hooks them in the corner of your mouth, keeping you open and unable to hide your cries from him.
“Slut.” he spits out teasingly, “Those two wimps wouldn’t be able to handle you, you’re too fucking dirty for them.”  He withdraws his metal fingers from you, chuckling at your whine of frustration before shoving his cock inside you, slipping past your wet folds in one fluid motion.
“Quit squirming and let me fuck you good.” he warns, placing his metal hand on your back to pin your hips in place, two of his fingers still damp with your arousal. 
You try to respond, but the punishing way he buries his dick inside of you leaves you unable to do anything except mewl and cry out for him.  His pace is brutal as he fucks you hard and raw, and you’re whining and pleading nonsense to him as his hand rubs harsh circles into your clit.  Legs beginning to shake, you let him know you’re close, but it only prompts him to remove his hand from your aching bud.
“Kid, please!” you whine, hips grinding against nothing, mourning the absence of his touch.
The dark, wicked laugh he lets out clues you in that he has far more twisted plans for you.  “Careful what you wish for.” he teases, slipping two fingers in your dripping hole alongside his cock.  His cock was already girthy, and the addition of his fingers has you stuffed to the point of tears, unable to do anything but babble nonsense as he continues to fuck you brutally.  The mismatched, uncoordinated rhythm between his hand and dick is beyond overstimulating and has you gasping and drooling all over the dirty sheets beneath you.
“That’s right.  Come all over my dick, stretched out like a little whore.” he growls as he curls his fingers against your sweet spot; the low, husky rumble of his voice is enough to push you over the edge.  Head buzzing as you see stars, your walls spasm around him so hard that his fingers slip out.  Swearing under his breath, his thrusts get sloppy and deeper as you milk his cock for all its worth.
“Say my name.” he rasps, “Tell me who this fucking pussy belongs to.” His metal hand strikes your ass, eliciting something between a scream and a moan from you before his name falls off your lips.
“Kid, it’s all yours, Kid—” you choke out as he pulls at your hair, cock slamming into you at a brutal pace.
Somehow, it’s still not enough for you.
“F-fuck, fuck me harder, Kid.” you whimper.  He lets out a sinful growl in response and presses the back of your neck hard into the mattress as his thrusts pick up speed, his head bruising your cervix with each pass.  Riding the line between pain and pleasure, your head goes dizzy as he digs his nails into your hips and you bite at the blankets below you.
A flurry of curses and grunts leave his lips as his hips stutter against yours and he cums inside you, thick white ropes shooting straight into your womb as he fills you up.  He’s left you too much of a mess to move and he knows it as he slowly starts to pull out of you, giving you one last deep thrust to make you cry out before withdrawing from you.
Too lazy to search for the key, he crushes the handcuffs around your wrist to bits with his metal hand, lazily wiping the debris off the side of the bed before climbing in and pulling you close.
“You gonna quit hanging around them now?” he says, phrasing it more as a demand than a question.
“I don’t know, are you gonna quit cheating on me?” you snap back, with less venom than before, exhausted and craving sleep far more than another fight.
“Fine.  Didn’t realize it was hurting you so much.” he says, leaving you flabbergasted at the audacity of his statement, but you were too tired to respond with anything but a sigh.
“Promise?” you ask—this time you’re the one demanding, eyes narrowed towards him.
“I swear on my good arm, I won’t step out again.” he says, offering you his hand to shake.
You take it firmly, making him smirk in response. “Deal.  Pleasure doing business with you.” you say teasingly; keeping a grasp on his hand, you roll over and pull his arm around you, content to fall asleep smothered in his touch and surrounded by the mess and filth he’d reduced you to.
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undrrcxxt · 8 months
james potter x reader
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summary: so idk if you guys have seen these chocolates things going around on tiktok, it’s like chocolates that make you horny ig?? and i was thinking like.. what if reader and james were to share the chocolate… so that’s what i wrote ahah
tw: smut(18+ please!!) chocolates that make you horny, oral (both m and f receiving), fingering, if you really really squint there could possibly be a breeding kink. unprotected sex(wrap before u tap) very rushed ending i’m sorry, no aftercare but only bc i was too lazy to write it.
authors note: this is my first full length fic😝 any tips are greatly appreciated! (gif is not mine)
wc: 1327
You ran back to where James was sitting, the box of chocolates in your hands. The boy was giggling and you had a big smile on your face. “What game do we play while we wait for it to kick in?” You asked, getting a piece of the chocolate out.
“Uhhh, how about battleship?” James suggested, getting up to go get the game. “Works for me,” you agreed and broke the chocolate apart. You grinned, not knowing the exact outcome of this little chocolate, but knowing enough from your research.
James came back with battleship in his hands and began setting it up while you slid over the other half of the chocolate. When he was done setting up he gave you the infamous James Potter smirk. You giggled and held up your half of the chocolate, “Cheers.” you both said and ate the sugary treat.
“How long does it take to kick in?” The boy asked, still chewing. You swallowed your piece before answering, “not sure? 15-20 minutes i think?” He nodded and took a swig of the water next to him. “Okay okay, set up your ships then! we probably don’t have a long time to play,” he finished with a wink that had you blushing and rolling your eyes.
You sat there putting your ships in different places before you got the best idea, “James, let’s make in a challenge.” He perched up, “sorry?” you chuckled, “the chocolates, whoever gives in first loses.” James Potter, who loves a good challenge, obviously agreed.
20 minutes have passed and a certain bespectacled boy was flushed in the face. And a certain girls panties were absolutely soaked, but you let out a laugh. “You okay, Jamie? you look a little red..” “F-fine!” the boy huffed out, his cockiness somehow gone. “how many ships have you got left?” he asked, trying to distract himself. “All of them baby,” you giggled, “how about you?” James frowned, “three..”
You smirked, thinking he’s about to loose the challenge, “do you wanna stop?” James lifts his head up, but when he catches your gaze he shakes his head. “I’m going to win this challenge y/n,” he said, his cocky demeanor coming back out. You nodded and called out another spot, taking yet another one of his ships.
He groaned and ran his hands through his hair, “i’m about to call quits, honestly. This is bloody hard.” You take a sip of the water, “what? battleship or how bad you want me?” you flirted, batting your eyelashes. James breathed out heavily, “both??” “You can always lose,” you said in a sing-sing voice.
And that’s exactly what the boy did. “Yeah, fuck this.” you let out a giggle, but before you could say anything James was on your side of the table kissing you and trying to rip your shirt off. “J-jamie wait, let’s go to the bed room first,” you said, pulling away.
He shook his head, diving back in for another kiss. “Can’t wait dove, i need ya so bad. m’aching.” he whined, kissing down your jawline. You breathed heavily, “okay okay. take your shirt off baby, i wanna see you.” The Potter didn’t waste a second, after he ripped his shirt off, he made quick work with your own.
While he was massaging and kissing your tits, you were fumbling with his belt, “can’t seem-“ you huffed out, James biting on your nipple. “Can’t seem to get it off.” you whined at James chuckle. “Need some help dove?” you nodded, eyeing his hands when he was undoing his belt, and pulling down his jeans.
The man didn’t have time to touch you again before you were spitting on your hand and making work with his already hard cock. He grunted, his hips thrusting themselves into your hand. “Get on your knees baby,” he said, backing up to give you room.
You slowly crawled down from your chair, giving James a little show of your tits. “Fuck dove..” he groaned, grabbing your hair into a makeshift ponytail. You smirked up at him before licking kitten strips up his length. He hissed, his hips once again having a mind of their own and bucking into your face.
You giggled, taking his tip into your mouth and sucking. “merlin..” james groaned, and threw his head back. That only spurred you on more, and you took as much of his cock as you could. you moaned around the boys length, sending vibrations up his spine.
James pulled your hair, telling you to get back on your feet. “my turn,” he smirked and pushed you back on the chair, getting down on his knees himself. he dragged your underwear down to your ankles and started kissing your thighs. “Jamie-“ you whined, loosing patience. “what dove? you want my tongue?” you huffed out, nodding.
James quickly flattened his tongue over your cunt, and you drew in a quick breath. He licked all the way up until his lips latched on to your clit and he started sucking, “oh, shit..” you huffed, slouching down in the chair. He soon added his fingers to the godly mixture, starting with his middle finger. He fucked your hole slowly, sending shivers up your spine. “James,” you moaned, “faster. oh my god faster, please.” James isn’t a man to deny his love, so he did what you asked, and added a second finger.
In a matter of seconds you were coming around james fingers with a high pitched moan. James chuckled, slowly easing his fingers out of you. Before he could say anything, you leaned forward and tugged on his hair, bringing him up to kiss you. He groaned into the kiss, slowly tugging on his now painful cock. “Jamie, i need you inside me.” His eyes rolled back to his head, “fuck.. okay darling, anything you want.”
He lined his cock up to your cunt, and slowly thrusted in. You both drew in a short breath, you leaning your head back into the chair. James bottomed out and waited for you to give him the go ahead. “okay jamie, you can move.” you said, in lightly high pitched voice. He slowly started thrusting in and out of you. “faster, baby” you moaned and the boy wasted no time fucking you into oblivion.
“God baby, i didn’t know how much longer i could last. I don’t know how that chocolate did all this, but fuck..” he let out a short breath, “but fuck am i grateful.” he finished. You just moaned in response, the work he was doing with his cock made you unable to form complete sentences.
“Fuck fuck fuck,” you let out, when james hit a particular spongy spot inside of you. “Yeah, you like that sweetheart?” He chuckled, but faltering into a moan of his own when you squeezed around his cock.
“James.. i’m close..” you squeezed your eyes shut, your legs starting to shake. “mmm okay baby, wanna come with me? wanna squeeze that cunt around my cock while i fill you up?” he said, all huskily, right in your ear. “Oh fuck yes,” your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and when james started circling your clit with his fingers, you were done for.
“Cmon baby, come on my cock.” Those words alone could’ve made you come, and they did. Your eyes flew open and you started rocking against the chair, trying to meet james’s thrusts. The boys mouth flew open, a very pornagraphic moan escaping his lips from the look on your face. His hips stuttered and he came not long after you.
“Holy shit,” you laughed, James following along in your laughter. “That’s some intense chocolate,” he said, slowly pulling out of you. You both winced. You tugged on his hair, bringing his lips down to yours. “love you,” you said breaking from the kiss. “love you too darling.” James pecked your lips once more, “now.. i’m gonna go find a rag.”
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finanah · 11 months
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shikanoin heizou x f!reader social media au ⸝⸝ college!au
synopsis; while you and Heizou don't share majors, both of you are in the entertainment industry. Your roommates are often affiliated with each other, such as hangouts collabs, etc. You had the impression that he didn't like you, so you (thought) returned the treatment which resulted in bickering and rivalry over dumb things...but things changed after your situationship went downhill...
status ╰・being rewritten tagslist ╰・open !! (pls)..
tags ╰・; college students, modern au, entertainment industry, 6reeze au, idol yn, hurt no comfortish (near the end or mid story), LOTS of jealousy, unrequited love if you squint, past lovers (yn and ayato), to enemies to loversish (they dont actually hate eachother, so ig its not rlly enemies.), suggestive themes (occasional smut) , yn loves astronomy (tbhk hanako) betrayal, perfectionist yn
other ships included - xinqiu x chongyun, yoimiya x ayaka, scara x mona, kokomi x gorou and probably more ill add to the list..
➜ ALOT MORE ill include it in the chapters !! it might change a bit tho bc I don't follow my own storyline..
note ^ the posting time might vary, ill try to post today since from mon-fri im at school (UNLESS I skip which I do often) after that summer break woohoo ill try to update once a day or twice a week maybe more to promises I procrastinate D:
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the muskequeers ! the abusement park
come find out
sry, im busy
come over
paper cut - written
tears of comfort- written
panicking - written
queen cunt is back to serve
not again
tongue tied
breaking news
2nd situationship sink
delusion is no longer free
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i am um, currently rewriting it bc after 2 months i didnt like it so uh yeah itll be back soon i think
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irritablepoe · 10 months
A Ship For The Two Of Us (Bram x Lovecraft)
FIRST OF ALL: this fic was inspired by @lee-apolla's fanart (link1; link2 link3) (you inspired me fr)
Behold, i did it!!! :D
fyi this fic will contain horror elements; there's only implied smut y'all, and otherwise some very sweet devouring humans together (i think this counts as fluff for them lmao). Also i made both of them more "alive" and talkative, so maybe it's kinda ooc? but honestly i think it could be in-character, considering that this is pre-canon and they're both free from responsiblities or even a sword or a stake in their torso lmao (this could be kinda canon-compliant too tbh, idk how old bram and lovecraft really are or how much time there is between bram becoming a vampire and his beheading). I used they/them pronouns for lovecraft
some more cw:
blood (so much blood);
lovecraft-typical body horror ig;
corpses and implied eating of them (is this cannibalism if lovecraft isn't human???)
Enjoy! :3
Bram licked over his teeth. It would barely make a difference. His body was covered in blood anyway; his clothes dripping wet with the delicious liquid. Most of it now filled Bram, making him all warm and dizzy. He looked around himself. It was ironic that the corpses to his feet were the only thing that could make him feel alive. They made up most of the floor and there was barely room to place your feet.
He breathed deeply. Not one minute ago the air had been filled by screams of agony. Now it was silent and Bram chose to thoroughly enjoy it. The only sound that reached his ears was the creaking of soaked wood from the ship; just like the slowly calming waves against the hull.
A dangerous smile split his lips as he heard something else. A slow thud against the ship that caused it to waver. Water foamed at the edges and threatened to wash over the deck. It sounded like a polite knock. Like someone was asking to be let in.
Bram waited until the thudding calmed down and then made his way to the railing. He looked into the dark water and saw a shadow floating right beneath the surface.
“Do not be so timid, I do bite but I’m sure it’ll do you no long-term harm.”, he spoke.
The surface broke and a purple mass ascended from the depths of the ocean. Slowly, it warped into a body, a face, arms and legs, and at last hands and feet. A human form for something that was the farthest thing from anything human.
Bram wasn’t scared. He was intrigued. Had been for some time, in fact.
He himself was not human. Of course, he looked close to one but this made him into an even more dangerous hunter among lowly mortals. Hid him from suspicion. While it didn’t bother him most of the time, it amused him now that Lovecraft stood in front of him.
That they met each other seemed to him a lucky coincidence. It wasn’t rare that one met another ability user these days. The world was so much more connected now that telegraphs and so many ships that cross the ocean exist. But Lovecraft was different. They seemed so alien, so different from anything that Bram had ever seen before. And he had seen a lot. He was old. Lovecraft, though, seemed even older.
“Good evening.”, a deep voice cut through the dark.
“Indeed, it is a pleasant night, my dearest.”, Bram said, straightening his back. His gaze wandered to the useless corpses and pride filled his being.
Lovecraft followed his glance and squinted. “They’re all dead?”
“Quite right. Due to your irregular visits, I chose to enjoy myself. I hope you’ll excuse me for not keeping one of them alive for you for I didn't know you would show up.”
Lovecraft licked their lips. “I don’t need them to be alive.”
Bram let out a small laugh. “Well, in that case I’ve prepared you an entire feast!”
They looked at Bram like they were dying of starvation. The need, the pure desperation, in their eyes sent a shock through Bram’s core. “Would you mind if I ate first?”
He let out a shaky breath. “Quite the opposite.”
He chose to turn around. Just once he had caught a glimpse of Lovecraft eating their enemies and that had been the moment Bram realized, who he was dealing with. It had almost broken his mind when he saw the mouth that hadn’t been a mouth, with teeth that had been beyond what anyone would call teeth. To this day he was shaking from this experience - if of terror or something else he didn't know. But it was enough for five or even more lifetimes. He would see soon enough though for he was immortal.
Lovecraft ate silently. If you could even call it that. Devouring was the closest word that Bram knew of that could describe what exactly they were doing.
Bram watched the moon as it revealed itself through the thick storm clouds bit by bit. The gaps in them eventually showed stars shining alongside the moon, trying to imitate it. Bram loved the darkness, though he couldn’t bring himself to hate the pale light that caressed his face. Sometimes he wished he could drink the moonlight. Fill it into a bottle and let it cool his sore throat when he was thirsty. Maybe it would cure his everlasting exhaustion and melancholy when he wasn’t freshly filled by blood.
He had been so lost in thought that he startled when long arms wrapped around his torso. Shortly after, a face snuggled into his back, an even longer tongue licked at his nape.
“Did you enjoy yourself, my darling?”, Bram asked.
“A bit too much. You already did a great job emptying them of their blood. Didn’t make much of a mess.”, Lovecraft said.
“I’m happy to be of service.”
“You’re so kind to me.”
He quirked up his eyebrows. “Oh?”
Lovecraft placed a kiss on his neck. “Yes.”
“I do not think even the politest gentleman would ever describe me as ‘kind’. I fear you’re wildly misinformed.”
“Misinformed or proven otherwise?”
“Ah, I see. Well, I have to say that gentlemen normally wouldn’t appreciate a meal made of raw human flesh. In that case, I’ll take my words back and say that you, my dear, have the most compatible needs to my providing abilities.”
“I like that word. Compatible.”
Bram took Lovecraft’s unusual long hands into his own and leaned back. He wanted to be closer to the non-human. So unbearably closer. “I like it, too.”
A while they enjoyed the shared silence. Every now and then Lovecraft kissed his face, his temples, his neck – whatever they could reach. Bram turned his face to receive the long-awaited kisses more eagerly.
“You reek of blood.”, they said eventually.
“Is that a problem?”
“No.” Lovecraft smiled crookedly. “But I still wish to fix something about your clothes.”
“We have the ship all to ourselves. Though I fear we will sink soon, if we don’t do something about the… lack of staff.”
“I’ll bring you to shore as soon as we’re done here.”
“Is that a promise or a threat? Or perhaps a smug deal you’re offering?”, Bram asked and smiled.
“More of a hopeful suggestion.”
“I love you.”, Bram said and felt in his heart a swell of emotions, that maybe this world wasn’t as doomed and boring as he had thought. Just because Lovecraft was in it. He laughed quietly at himself. He really was in love and he wished to continue to love. They both had all the time in the world. They had no rush. He had become a vampire, but only now did he realize that this didn’t mean the end of his life and capability to feel.
“I love you, too.”
“Take me wherever and however you like and I’ll happily obey.”, Bram answered, excitement rushing through his veins.
Lovecraft tightened their embrace and took him into their arms.
Bram let out a hearty laugh. “Carrying me over the threshold of the cabins like a bride, are you?”
“Yes. You’re mine after all. And I want you to have a comfortable bed.”
Bram hummed happily.
i'll just tag some of y'all bc you seemed interested/asked me to tag you: @vestaldestroyer @daz4i @ice-devourer - i hope this is good hehe :3
will post it to ao3 too (link)
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tamelee · 6 months
Hiiii 🥰 If yin HAD to choose some couples for the Next Gen which one would you choose? Personally I think Shikatema was a okay, but I don’t have any ideas for the others
Hi!~💕 Oh uhm-
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No one really, I'd be happy to eradicate it all.
Obviously Naruto and Sasuke should've figured their shit out. Both internally and externally and then say; take it or leave it' to the entire village and system. You either going to get two gay-men leading the village and a new system because their bond was the entire answer against war or nothing at all and then just... die ig while Naruto sleeps his years away and Sasuke is stuck in a damn tree 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
Otherwise.... (aka, 'Boruto' meetings be like;) Shitpost (don't take me seriously);
Naruto and Gaara although it probably won't last long. Naruto'd probably settle for some black-haired girl and make her cut her hair so it reminds him of Sasuke if he squints really hard and doesn't think about it and covers his ears, oh wait-
Charasuke and Dark Naruto, fem version. Menma and Zetsu. Since non of it is Canon anyway, Sasuke and his pet lizard from the filler story. They seemed to have an 'okay' connection, yeah? Well, ShikaTema is fine, it's understandable and predicted. I don't even know who Kiba, Shino, Lee or Choji are with lmao. I can look it up, but... I really don't even remember :') I think one of them is with the Kumo girl, right? Sai and Kumo girl would've been better though. They can argue about loyalty and stuff. Wouldn't she kinda think it was hot how he stopped her fist from plunging into Naruto's 'refusing to talk about Sasuke's face?' That's the extend of their development, but it's 'Boruto', the bar is low here. Or.. if we ignore the homophobia for a second, Sai and Gaara. I mean whatever. Size matters obviously to Sai and Gaara had huge bde before his questionable haircut (no I don't think him becoming Kazekage made him weak) and I also don't think Gaara's lack of expressive emotion currently would be too overwhelming for someone that doesn't understand them much. Not a lot of energy in that relationship though but Gaara is very beautiful to draw let's be honest but the lack of eyebrow does make it challenging. Or Sai and Deidara. A bit difficult because one isn't there, but still, just throwing it out there. Or even Kankuro would be good. Gosh, Sai has so many options... and then he ended up with someone he thought was ugly ;-; (Ino is very beautiful though so he's wrong, but still.) Idk, I think Kiba should've married a cat-girl or the blonde one from Kumo. Lee should be with someone that appreciates effort especially now that his effort is proven absolutely worthless -.- and is seen as a loser again which destroyed the poor guy. Well, I wouldn't have minded Tenten, but... GaaLee 👌👀? Aren't they both single fathers? Or? Idk. Maybe Sai Gaara and Lee together, why not. Throw the Shi guy from Kumo in there also, he kinda looks like blonde Sai. Even Naruto thought he was handsome as he used him for inspiration for his sexy reversed harem Jutsu.  Actually, Tenten and Kotetsu would've been a good surprise. It makes no sense Canon-wise and I don't think it even works age-wise, but I approve otherwise and they're both weaponized. I rhyme and reason. Ino and Suigetsu. Okay, hear me out. He can water all her plants. That's all, that's it. Sakura and Kankuro? I mean, by 'Boruto's low standards, they could've made it work and they'd even have history. And fine, even Sasori could've been interesting a little. Or that girl from the Sound from the beginning. Or the guy. Or Kimimaro. Or Kabuto. We're not too difficult here, pick one, but I guess some are dead though. Everyone but Sasuke ffs. Obviously Neji should've lived. Well I'm okay with Tenten or even Lee, but it doesn't make too much sense to me. Actually, let's ship him with Haku for no other reason than them looking good together. Or Neji and Juugo, maybe Juugo'd be able to set the bird free iykwim. I'd say Hinata and her beloved 'Oro-chan'. (Yes she called him that in some novel.) Both creepy as hell. Except one of them is somewhat likable and it ain't Hinata. But age-wise that doesn't work. Or, maybe someone can make her a Mecha Naruto, that's a bit more appropriate. Not much, but still. I'm sure she has the money and I don't think she really minds because she knows Naruto as much as she'd know a robot version of him. I see no difference there. OR, Kankuro's puppet. That way she can always walk next to the one she 'loves' as it follows her anyway with some basic puppet training and have the sentimental wood around for comfort when she reminisces about the time she thought Naruto wasn't gay. No need to be shy either as it doesn't say much. Then Naruto can visit tree-Sasuke in peace without a creepy face glancing up at him from behind it only to be ignored anyway. 
Or maybe a lousy Daimyo because we can't have any less than a Hero or royalty for the princess, of course. CHOJI ACTUALLY should've married the daughter from the ramen stand. Idk her age though.. Or the owner of the BBQ restaurant? If he didn't already. Or, it would've been good if there was a younger version of Tsunade, I think they'd get along. Akamaru and one of Kakashi's dogs- sorry, Ninken. I think Pakkun is too old maybe. Idk what he's into. Maybe Punpun? Am I missing anyone? Oh lmao, Shino ;-; He would've been good with Fu, Jinchuriki of the 7-tails, the flying bug thing. Guess that's not possible either, but we can't have them single and focussing on the world either so... we gotta create imaginary filler babies somehow. Karin with that other guy who emphasized with her during her confession-thing. I mean, what other reason do you need. That's true love right there.  Kakashi and Shizune? Kakashi and Iruka? Kakashi and Gai? Kakashi and Genma? Kakashi and Obit- oh no. Kakashi and secret-ANBU waifu? Kakashi and actress of the movie adaptation of his ero-novel? Kakashi living his best aro life?
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I mean, we could always create a card game if you will and match whatever comes up first. There'd be no difference really.
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witchspookchat · 29 days
Smth smth blah blah. Today, idk what, but smth reminded me of a fic on AO3 I read maybe 3 or 4 years ago???
It was a Tomarry fic.
For those who don’t know that’s Harry Potter x Tom Riddle, listen. ppl can ship whatever. ppl ship Hannibal x Will Graham. I SHIP Will/Hannibal. Back to my post
I literally remember almost nothing about this fic. EXCEPT. That there was art. Maybe a collage of actors/fancast for the character? At least for Tom and Harry’s fancast. Tom. He is as a guy that kinda looked like Micheal Fassbender if you squinted- older with salt and pepper hair, maybe a stubble- at most a short beard.
Harry. Think he was young Asa Butterfield? I’m like. Sure he was in the snow, and wearing a dark jacket/snow clothes?? Looking down a bit. I very much remember skinny ass legs.
Sirius was 100% Hugh Dancy. I remember that vividly.
Hermione? She was a POC (Queen shit- fuck you JK Rowling). She had on a scarf and some kahki/beige jacket???
Literally I only remember the collage/art from the fic.
If anyone has read this recently, knows the fic etc etc and would kindly share it with me I would be eternally grateful.
Currently I have, “ Tom Riddle / Harry Potter,” “Voldemort / Harry Potter,” and “ Tom Riddle | Voldemort / Harry Potter,” open in my tabs rn and I’m making my way down… it’s a lot. And I get distracted easily rip.
…did you know that these 3 “different” relationship tags have different fic amounts 💀
Yeah. So. Ig some cross over and some don’t. Oops.
Anywho. Any help is approved. I’m very thankful. Ily all. <3
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
This is anon bc im going to get lynched for my toxicity
Which one's a bigger Notp for you, AiHiyo (Aizou and Hiyori) or YuuHiyo (Yuujirou and Hiyori)? I don't mean they're bad ships, but which one would you rather not exist over the other?
i hate them both, but if i had to choose between the two, i’d say ai-hiyo, especially if we’re going off the [redacted] anime’s portrayal of them.
it’s just… the way hiyoko’s first reaction to hearing about aizo’s trauma was to go “thank goodness it wasn’t real trauma… now, how can i fix him?” leaves a really bad taste in my mouth, especially since the [redacted] anime seemed to be really pushing that ship really hard in later scenes. hiyoko’s ankle is hurting after she tripped and stuff? aizo’s the one to notice. hiyoko’s race ended? aizo’s the one to call her. insane lxl stan chizwhiz has entered the scene and is duking it out with hiyoko in the hallway? as it turns out, aizo’s her oshi. which kinda makes the hallway fight out to be some kind of fight over aizo… if you squint ig
but aside from that, i just don’t see any chemistry between them. they’re friends at best, and tormentor/tormented at worst.
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mondothebombo · 1 year
mondo i have a question for you. i know that your skybound fic follows a principle of plus (add details and depth etc) and (relatively) never subtract (dont redact or change details from canon and avoid divergence). but. is there anything from skybound as a season that you would Like to change? beyond making jays torture worse. i think that one goes without saying. is there anything in the plot that you wish hadnt happened or happened differently. ive been curious about this for a while admittedly
this is such a great ask and i’m so happy to talk abt it so hold on cuz this might be long.
you’re right, the whole goal of my fic is to add to the canon story, rather than fix or take out parts. the only parts i actually nixed were unnecessary to the plot and just put in bc 1) it’s a kids show and 2) just for (imo) poorly timed comedic relief. like the whole recruiting of the ninja replacements montage. i absolutely hate that part lmao bc it’s so somber when jay leaves his parents and then boom. funny montage. so i didn’t write that in lmao.
it’s no secret skybound is pretty objectively bad, like even those who love the szn (including myself) can see it has some pretty big flaws. in terms of what i would change?? the fucking time reversal. i legitimately hate that jay and nya went through all that, just for the others to forget, it’s awful. it just feels like the writers dug themselves so deep into a hole, the only way out was to turn back time. no hate to the trope, i just think it’s lazy writing for a big piece of media like ninjago. i don’t think it’s fair for jay to have gone through all that character development and have no one but nya know.
i also don’t like the forced marriage thg tbh. it’s weird and creepy and leaves a bad taste in my mouth, especially since this is a kids show. i’ve seen several interpretations of ppl rewriting skybound where nadakhan is after nya bc she destroyed the cursed realm, which is a take i personally love. idk it’s just w nya’s whole thg about wanting to have her own agency and be able to make decisions for herself, it doesn’t rlly make sense to me that she still ends up being the “damsel in distress.” but ig if i squint i can work w it as her letting herself be saved?
there’s a couple other minor things like dareth being a misogynist, jay taking a chill pill, but that stems from the love triangle which is a WHOLE other issue, ronin arresting them, more detail abt what happened to jay on the ship, jay getting proper medical attention, and echo zane getting a resolution, or at least not forgetting abt him.
skybound is by no means perfect, but i still love it, despite the flaws. i actually have plans to write an alternate ending either where time doesn’t reset or it does but everyone remembers instead of just jay and nya. it’ll be set in the “when you think you’re all alone” universe of sorts so everything i put in the story is addressed, but i actually wanna finish this fic first before i start another. thank you so much for the question though!!! i’ve actually been thinking a lot abt it
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
Well UMMMM I was told to post some casual things today so! Here comes!
How about....
That one stupid meme Redrawn
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[ ID: Traditional fanart of the ship of Kamal Bora and Dr.Habit from Smile For Me the game. It is in a semi realistic style the leans more on the cartoon aspect. It's a photo of an uncolored page in a warm orange-yellow tint.
In the artists AU interpretations, the designs are as follows. Habit has a gaunt face with protruding furry cheeks, then red fur-ruffles under his makeup-applied eyes, then a thin pencil stache with surrounding hair on the chin and neck. He is balding on one side of the head( but his hat covers this here). On the neck is a visible Adams apple. He has stitches on his neck. Habit wears a faux fur-like blue coat with rougher yet still soft material for teal sleeves. He also sports a long feather boa holding little flowers.
Kamal meanwhile has a more aged appearance-- wrinkly face, eyebags and white streaks in short messy grayish hair. Some acne and sharp stubble, thick brows. He sports a single earring.
' Abysmal' is written on the top as an alternative spelling for ' Habismal'. First on the upper half the drawing shows them both in halfbody till the chest. Habit is labelled ' Gay people I do not respect'. He grins way too wide, eyes twitching, brows furrowing and head cocked a little to the side clearly showing barely controlled and veiled anger. Beside him is drawn Kamal labelled as 'Gay people I respect '. He awkwardly grimaces a bit, squinting slightly, arms folded in and not knowing what to say. Between the two labels is drawn an X indicating a relationship between the two.
Below these text mostly in allcaps declares " FUCK their RESPECT!!!" with both of them drawn beside this in an almost-fullbody and smaller than the previous drawings to fit the page. Kamal lifts Habit in a princess carry, tilting his head and smiling sheepishly as Habit kisses his cheek, wrapping arms around his head and back, one full-covering heeled leg down for balance while the the other lifts up. A little heart is drawn above them. End ID]
This reminds me of much older art I'd do when I was into bold statement pieces, ha. This is just a doodle though :p ( tongue out emote)
I tried to think of a context for this and all I can imagine is that this is probably their reactions to being told You're a gay person I respect/ Do not respect like. Ough
Someone's like " your not like that guy" but actually they're BRO MARRIED!?!! EAT SHIT HOMOPHOBES
Also as for why the lift is the other way around then you usually see 'round these parts is because Habit's lightweight IDK he IS tall though so I wonder how🤔 (thinking emoji) Scrunch him up fold him up box him up and unpack him in ur arms /hj
Power Of Pissics( Physics ) IG !!
Yeah they walk out of the grocery store like that past the Lost Customers 🧍🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️ ( three emojis of people meant to be standing cluelessly) and then high five each other with their butts like the ponies in MLP /hj
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[ GIF ID: Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy from Equestria Girls do a dance move where they bump their backsides. It's from the Helping Twilight Win The Crown song. End ID]
( plaintext: I'm so sleep deprived Discord I'm howling at the mooonnn)
Good night gays!!💕 ( two floating hearts emoji )
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mandalorianfantasy · 1 year
Ch 1: Paths Crossed
Summary: This is the start of a slow burn story between our favorite mandalorian and a girl who crosses his path when they both show up looking for the same bounty. It’s written alongside the series and will eventually become your favorite sexually frustrating fic. But first, we build the story: 
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“Where are you trying to go?” The raspy voice of an older orange alien. 
She was standing in a shipping yard watching the alien yell at droids about which crates go where in the cargo port. 
“Planet Arvala-7,” she said blatantly. 
She sees the alien raise an eyebrow. “And what kind of business could a young lady like you have on Arvala-7? I don’t know if you’ve heard but that planet is crawling with mercenaries now.”
“Look, I have a hefty bag of credits here.” She reached down to a bag that was attached to the speeder bike resting beside her. “I know it’s a bit out of your route, but I’ll make up the difference and then some. So long as you have room to store my speeder.” 
She threw the bag to the man. He proceeded to feel the weight of it and after a few moments turned to the cargo ship and waved her along over his shoulder. 
- - - -
It’s been so long since I’ve seen Quill, I wonder if he’s still on that dirty sand planet. 
- - - - 
She got dropped off a few hundred miles west of where she was headed. A Nikto encampment she heard had a very special bounty in their possession. A bounty she had been tracking for a few weeks, desperate to find before the empire. After riding her speeder for a few hours, she ditches the bike behind a sand dune and continues on foot. Coming up on the outskirts of the compound and nestling down to watch the hustle of activity around the camp. After watching for sometime and tracking every guards post, a loud uproar sparks.
- - - - 
What the fuck is going on down there… *squinting* oh no is that?
 …A damn IG unit.
- - - - 
Shooting, yelling, explosions erupt from the center of the compound. She uses this time to run the perimeter to the back buildings where she can sense the faintest influx of the force in that area of the building. Most the guards are being dispersed among the front, giving her the perfect opportunity to make her way around back and find a way in. 
Then quiet. Things have settled some. She follows her senses down hallways, sure that she’s about to find the being she’s been seeking. Light on her feet as not to make noise. She rounds a corner, blaster drawn. Just in time to see a mandalorian shoot the IG unit from earlier. Some of the best people she’s known have been mandalorian, but among some of the most ego driven as well.
“HANDS UP,” she gives a stern warning. 
The mandalorian doesn’t know this voice but he can tell it’s someone of confidence that won’t hesitate to get what they want. His hands slowly raise. “I have no intention of harming the child,” he responds to the threat of the blaster, which he sees out of the corner of his visor is aimed at a break in between his armor. She’s not playing games. If she pulled the trigger he’d be badly wounded.
“You should be happy I believe you,” she can sense no malicious intent coming from the man hidden behind the helm. She lowers her gun and approaches the little green alien sitting in his port. “I’ve traveled a long way to find you,” smiling at the infant. She turns back to the mandalorian, “If you truly don’t want the child harmed, then you should know what the empire plans to do with this bounty once they obtain him. First, I think we should get out of this compound while it’s still quiet.”
- Mando -
….There’s something about this woman I can’t exactly pin. I’ve heard Carga talk about a female bounty hunter who picks up all the hardest pucks. He’s said that she’s the only other hunter who keeps up with my return rate in the guild. Trust should never be given over so soon into meeting someone, especially not if she’s the mercenary that Carga is talking about. But she has this aura about her…
- - - - - 
 When they get some distance from the camp, she retrieves her bike. Once she sees the mandalorian in the distance pulling a blurrg, she knows exactly whose help he had finding this compound.
“Are you planning on returning that to Kuiil?”
“You know Kuiil?” The mandalorian is caught off guard.
“Kuiil is an old friend of mine. When I heard the bounty was bringing me here, I wondered if his farm was still in the same place.” She found herself giving more information to the mandalorian than she usually would to a stranger.
“Our arrangement didn’t include the return of the animal, but I am going to use it to return to my ship. It is in the direction of his farm,” the mandalorian tied up her speeder bike to the blurrg. Motioning for her to sit on her bike, to be pulled alongside the animal.
After she takes a seat, he hikes himself up onto the blurrg, “brief me on the bounty?” 
“Well the empire has been hunting this kind of… being, for some time now. They want to experiment and extract any… information they can.” 
“How would they get information out of a child?” The Mandalorian asks.   
“By draining his blood,” she responded dryly and glanced over at the kids pramm following suit. The mandalorian fell silent so she spoke again.  “I can see you were excited for that beskar reward.” She raises an eyebrow at the one shiny plate covering his shoulder.  
“Mmmmm yeah,” he says lowly, clearly still pondering.   
“What if I had a proposition where you get the beskar and you help transport me and the child somewhere safe?” She says.
The mandalorian looks down in her direction, “you want to explain?”
“I’ll allow you to turn in the child for the beskar, if you help me almost immediately retrieve him,” she says it as if it wasn’t going to be an incredibly hard task. 
“That’s going to put a giant bounty over our heads.” The mandalorian doesn’t sound very enthused.
She shrugs her shoulders, “how badly do you want the beskar? It belongs back in the hands of the mandalorians doesn’t it? If you choose to accept, the child cannot be there for long. And I must have your word that you will transport us off the planet afterwards... including my speeder.”
The mandalorian is at first in disbelief of this absurd plan.
Silence again. They can see a razor crest ship in the distance. The mandalorian mutters a very agitated “no.” The sight of the ship is mangled. As they get closer and closer they can see just how much has been stripped. Hoping off the blurrg the mandalorian runs up to the ship, clearly distraught and heated.  
“It didn’t always look like this did it!?” She yells sarcastically as he’s inspecting the damage. 
 It happens fast but in a moment he’s running after the Jawas ship. Fighting to climb up. She unties her speeder from the blurrg and starts following behind. Watching the mandalorian disintegrate the Jawas is making her clench her jaw.                      She never liked seeing creatures of any kind harmed. Of course she wasn’t a saint. But the brutality she’s faced in her life left her having a low tolerance for violence. And when the mandalorian got jolted off that ship falling a good distance to the ground, she couldn’t help but smirk.     
“Got the wind knocked out of ya huh?” She said smugly looking down at the mandalorian from the speeder bike.
He grunts, laying stiffly in the sand.
“Let’s find Kuiil, if I can recall he has a knack for bargaining with Jawas,” she insisted. “Then we’ll get your ship fixed. I’m a rather capable mechanic.”
Kuiil is happy to reunite with the girl he once mentored. She was happy to see he was in good health. Kuiil explained to the Mandalorian that after he was released from the empire, he found mechanic work on a small planet. His temporary time there, building up enough money for the farm at hand, is when he met this very young girl. Ambitious to learn how to handle as much equipment as possible. This is where he mentored her on all things he knew. The girl glances at the mandalorians helmet while Kuiil is story telling, once again finding the details of her personal life being explained more to this mandalorian than anyone else in recent years of her life. 
After Kuiil speaks with the Jawas and conveys the message back to the mandalorian, he’s furious but left not much of a choice in getting back his ships parts. He must go face this creature they’re trying to describe and bring them back it’s egg. While the mandalorian is eager to get the job done to return his ship in working condition, she is rather neutral and observant with the affairs at hand. The mandalorian, the woman, and the child set off and come to the place mapped out by the Jawas.
“I will not harm this creature for its egg. I understand we need your ships parts but if the plan includes -“ she stops talking mid sentence. She watches the mandalorian march straight into the den. 
- - - - 
Oh. I guess there is… no plan at all.
*Roaring and shuffling. Then the mandalorian comes flying out of the den.*
Great. Reeeeaaalllll stealthy. Is there a fucking brain under that beskar? He’s about to get handled by this desert mama. There’s a faction of joy knowing he’s about to get a lesson beat into him. 
A very agitated creature emerges from the den. A fight is inevitable. She must sit solid in her values, after all this creature did not deserve this threat they were bringing to its home. However, as the creature becomes more hostile with the mandalorian - sitting aside is getting harder and harder to do. Fear is welling up in her belly. Fear that the mandalorian may seriously be injured, or worse if she lets this go on any longer. That’s odd… this is really a complete stranger in front of her, why is she having these feelings well up? She knows she has to put a stop to it. The mandalorian is on his knees, ready for a last defense.
She lifts her hand as a mean to stop the situation… but she notices the animals mass lifting off the ground before she could do anything.
The woman and the mandalorian simultaneously look over to the child’s pramm. The small being was using the force to stop the creature and save the mandalorian. Falling asleep after his success. Shock and silence ensure. The mandalorian gathers himself, collects the egg, and returns to where she’s standing with the child. She’s stroking his head. 
“Is he okay?” The mandalorian asks.
“He’s okay. He’s just drained.” She responds.
“What… was that?”
“That was him saving your life,” she said gently.
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