#they kiss daily
moonlit-dreamers · 8 months
how do ppl look at sun and how they portray him and not think hes a narcissist?
hes so npd coded and nobody says anything
he goes cough sniffle sob when not being payed attention to for more than 5 minutes, he becomes a living light bulb when complimented, and he also has shit self esteem and relies on other ppls praises to keep him afloat. he also latches onto ppl he finds interesting or who praises him or literally gives him any attention. hes also focused on his job and wants to be good so ppl will look at him in a positive light. also constantly feeling the need to be perfect and getting very upset when he isnt. i could go on and on and pull up the fucking dsm 5 but i wont unless prompted bc i absolutely will
and how much of this is projection? find out on the next episode of birdcage gives dca personality disorders *bows*
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sealsdaily · 3 months
Today's Seals Are: Big Wet Smooch
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whenthewallfell · 5 months
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~ I Got Them Quarter Quell Blues ~
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worfsbarmitzvah · 7 days
there’s such an attitude among ex-christian atheists that religions just spring up out of the void with no cultural context behind them. like ive heard people say shit like “those (((zionists))) think they own a piece of land bc their book of fairy tales told them so!!!” and they refuse to understand that no, we don’t belong there because of the torah, it’s in the torah because we belong there. because we’re from there. the torah (from a reform perspective) was written by ancient jews in and about the land that they were actively living on at the time. the torah contains instructions for agriculture because the people who lived in the land needed a way to teach their children how to care for it. it contains laws of jurisprudence because those are pretty important to have when you’re trying to run a society. same for the parts that talk about city planning. it contains our national origin story for the same reason that american schools teach kids about the boston tea party. it’s an extremely complex and fascinating text that is the furthest thing from just a “book of fairy tales”
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hektor-world · 2 months
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Good night
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astrologylunadream · 7 months
Kiss asteroid in synastry💋 house overlays
Hii it's Lunadream💫 This is my first completely astrology based post! This asteroid is exactly what is sounds like, how someone kisses and kissing styles depending on the sign and placement <3
I wish there was more info on this asteroid😭 It's so interesting!! I could hardly find enough on synastry overlays with asteroid kiss so I'll help you guys out with this one!🥰
Check your Kiss (8267) and see where it falls in eachother's charts <3
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🔥Kiss in 1st house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 1st house, the way they kiss the house person is intense and passionate. They might really be into the shape of the person's lips and stare at them too. There is a dangerous attraction to the kiss, the asteroid person finds the house person very kissable and they want to kiss them so badly. They kiss them roughly and almost aggressively. They might kiss the house person out of impulse rather than thinking it through, and if conflict arises it is highly likely a passionate kiss will occur. Pushing, pulling, shoving into the kiss. The house person's kiss is like a prize to the asteroid native, they want to win their kiss. This could also be a kiss that is very physical and touchy, they might be very dominant while kissing the house person and the house person is always left wanting more.💥❤
🌻Kiss in 2nd house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 2nd house, the way they kiss the house person is slow and steady. They most likely won't budge if they kiss them, like they're moving lol. They have a sweet kiss with the house person and their way of kissing them is delicate and strong, really beautiful and romantic type of kiss with them. They may kiss the house person's neck often or hold it tight while kissing their lips gently. Gentle grabbing for a kiss. They may kiss the house person when they're eating or after dinner, and they are likely to kiss their nose and ears too. They want to taste the house person's lips, and just know they're so loyal with their kiss. They aren't sharing it with anyone else and they get extremely possessive over the house person's kiss. They kiss them in a slow and passionate way, sweet yet all in at the same time. They consume the house person's kiss completely.💐💕
👄Kiss in 3rd house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 3rd house, the way they kiss the house person is hyper and fun. They think about kissing the house person a lot and they probably talk about it too. The house person may think about it aswell, and their kiss together may get lots of gossip. Hand kissing. They want to kiss in front of people, They kiss the house person in cute funny ways, they just want to see the house person loosen up a bit in their kiss. They may have another side come out when they kiss them, a persona they put on to please the house person. They're most likely the kind to pretend the two of them hadn't kissed even if they did. The 3rd house rules the mouth so they kiss the house person so good like with them, they're a great kisser. They might kiss the house person a bit chaotically and they talk in between kisses with them.💖🌈
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🏠Kiss in 4th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 4th house, the way they kiss the house person is comforting and soft. They kiss them in a delicate and caring nature, they want to keep their kiss protected. They may kiss the house person as a way to defend themselves, and if they have an argument they will kiss the house person to make them feel better. The house person will feel healed and comforted by their kiss, and the two will most likely keep their kisses private in a comfortable and safe environment. They may kiss and cuddle, chest kisses are also likely, as well as the skin and cheeks. Hugging before the kiss, during the kiss or after, soft touches during kiss. Their kiss is like taking care of the house person, making them feel cared for and comfy. Soft feel good kisses with them.🧸😇
🌹Kiss in 5th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 5th house, the way they kiss the house person is playful and romantic. They kiss them in the most flirty way lol, lovely dramatic kisses that spoil you rotten. The house person might not want to kiss anyone else after kissing them, the kisses are filled with charms and beauty. They put on a bold perfomance for the house person, and they may bite their lips too. Kissing their shoulders and back as well as their hair. They kiss them whenever they want attention and they can be very needy of the house person's kiss. It is likely that they will kiss them during a date or after a date, or any specific romantic moments. They are very loyal with their house person's lips, and they want to be praised for the way they kiss them. They have perfect timing of kissing the house person, like they're in a movie omg.🌹🧡
🩹Kiss in 6th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 6th house, the way they kiss the house person is thoughtful and precise. They will most likely wait until the perfect moment to kiss the house person, and they overthink when it comes to kissing the house person like they worry about everything being just right for them.💕 Even if the asteroid person isn't normally neat or well put together they will try so hard just to impress the house person in terms of kissing. They may kiss them often or it may be on their mind even daily. They can be very strict about the house person and who they kiss, also how they do so and sometimes it can lead to the asteroid person becoming controlling over the house person's way of kissing. Once they know exactly what the house person likes, they better watch out because they will replicate it perfectly. This is also the house of service so do with that information as you will~👀🛎
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💗Kiss in 7th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 7th house, the way they kiss the house person is balanced and delicate. House person will feel as if they found the love of their life after kissing asteroid person <3 The way the asteroid person kisses them is everything they want in a romantic partner too! The two may have very different ways of kissing, but together it feels complete. The house person may feel very drawn to the asteroid person's kiss and it will feel so good omg they will probably love kissing or being kissed by them my lovelies~ Cutest kisses!! The asteroid person has so many charms when they kiss the house person, they probably have the sweetest kiss these two🍨 With some of this overlay it can be very push and pull dynamic aswell, house person could dislike the asteroid person's kiss but love it at the same time. But it's more likely the two will both enjoy it very much.💕
🖤Kiss in 8th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 8th house, the way they kiss the house person is deep and consuming (omg😳). Kisses are so powerful and moving, the house person will feel an unexplainable pull toward their kiss. Close and Intimate kisses, making out, suffocating and intoxicating kind of feel, kissing in the dark, kissing when you know you shouldn't... The asteroid person kisses the house person in a way that has so much meaning and intensity. They give everything in their kiss, if they are betrayed by their kiss it will not be pretty. Jealous kisses are common with this overlay, and they can get aggressive even. Kissing when alone with the house person, their kisses will be private and a deep bond shared between the two of them. This overlay is hot seriously, there will be more than just kissing with this one.😈
🏹Kiss in 9th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 9th house, the way they kiss the house person is adventurous and bold. They have a curious mind when it comes to kissing the house person, and they will have a thirst for knowing every way about house person's kiss! It will be fun and exhilarating, the house person won't be able to contain their excitement either. Kisses will feel like a new journey, a maze to unravel and a new puzzle to solve. The two will giggle about it for a long time, their kisses will be their little inside joke shared between them.❤ They can kiss the house person in an almost wild untamed way since they tend to be daring and explore to the fullest, trying out new techniques and ways of kissing them. Surprise kisses, little smirks while kissing, laughing and fooling around. House person will never get bored, because they will be very surprised and unexpected of what the asteroid person has to offer!🌋
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💼Kiss in 10th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 10th house, the way they kiss the house person is authoritative and structured. They might only allow themselves to kiss house person after some time together, and they will not jump into things easily. The asteroid person is very mature when it comes to kissing the house person, they have a very sensual and heavy kiss with them. Jawbone kisses, strong kisses you can't pull away from easily, the kisses that make the house person feel secure and in place. The asteroid person can be very intimidating in a kiss with the house person, kissing them in a way that commands respect or admiration towards them. Kisses where they lean house person's head up, grab their neck, and kiss them tightly. Degrading kisses is another possibility, may say harsh things to the house person while making out with them passionately.🍷
⚡Kiss in 11th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 11th house, the way they kiss the house person is Innovative and unique. The kind of kiss between friends to lovers, they will kiss the house person in the weirdest yet most amazing ways. "Friends with benefits" type of kiss. Kisses that drive you mad, because of how special they are. Making out in strange places, kissing upside down, joking around with a kiss. The house person will feel a friendly outgoing vibe from the asteroid person's kiss, it will make them feel happy and inclusive. Might be the "friendzone" kiss, but also could be a kiss to rebel against those who said they couldn't! Blowing kisses, kiss attacks. Might kiss house person in a way that is said unusual, they may have a kiss that shifts perspective on what kissing should be.💡
☁️Kiss in 12th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 12th house, the way they kiss the house person is Illusive and dreamy, their kiss is like a fairytale true love's kiss. The happy ending kiss. They kiss them in a mysterious and soft way, and the house person can feel high off this kiss as they both do. The kiss feels surreal and beyond physical, it can feel like their souls are connecting. And the house person may fantasize about the kiss, aswell as dream about it a lot. Drunk kisses are common, kisses when the others asleep or unconcious (think sleeping beauty💏) Bedtime kisses. Can be a secret kiss or a kiss that goes unnoticed, mysterious type of kiss. The asteroid person kisses the house person in an almost sacrificial way, devoted and absorbed in their lips. Tired kisses. Spaced out thinking about kissing eachother, in another reality when they kiss. "Did we kiss or is it all in my head"?? Type of thoughts, wondering what the kiss really means.🌊🌠
Wanna see more astro notes like this? Check out my tumblr for more astrology info for you!💗🌊🌸
If you found this helpful don't forget to tap the heart!💖 That's all for now!! Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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hanfocus · 28 days
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daily-dragon-drawing · 4 months
Moth-themed dragon, perhaps?
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#37- 光蛾 (guāng é/ light moth) - A shining beauty who brings guidance to all 💖🌟🦋
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vickyvicarious · 9 months
So, you've just given blood.
First of all, good for you! Have a sticker.
But giving too much blood can be dangerous, and it's important to take care of yourself afterwards. Do you know the best way to do so?
Give your girlfriend a kiss, drink port wine, have a nap, then go home to rest and eat well.
Apply pressure, lay down for a bit, drink wine and have a big breakfast, then take a short nap before going back to work for the rest of the day.
Drink wine, rest for a short time, meet with a difficult client, then spend four days and nights sitting up with a friend and trying not to sleep.
Drink a glass of wine, lay down for a bit, have a big breakfast, then talk to some friends before spending the night patrolling around in the dark to guard against vampire bats.
Drink lots of nonalcoholic beverages first, then focus on resting and avoiding any strenuous activity for at least a day, making sure to eat iron-rich foods.
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doublxpresso · 5 months
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Make him, Lu Guang 😌
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sealsdaily · 11 days
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lewalrus · 1 month
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Touch starved old men
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sshirakumo · 7 months
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"I thought you had quit smoking?"
"I'm recalling the days when I was a student for a bit."
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dailyastarionpics · 9 months
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I've been dead in the ground for long enough. It's time to try living again.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Try Morse Core. Women Love Morse Code.
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bleuu-moon · 6 months
this is me and price when he forces me to try his cigar bye
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