#think i shall. log off for the night now
rackartyg · 7 months
how do you ask for attention without wanting to kill yourself asking for a friend
0 notes
the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Wakey Wakey
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating SMUT AFAFAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sat on my bed flicking through my book, the fire burning bright enough to light my room, the house quiet and content my family gone for travelling for at least a few weeks. A storm was overhead battering everything in its wake, the darkness of the storm and of the night coming together to provide a dark void of endless night. 
I perked up a little as I heard a knock. 
For a moment I was frightened as to what could have caused such a sound, but I looked around my room and soon enough jumped! as I saw someone at my balcony door.
But I knew who it was, so I fixed my nightie and rolled my eyes taking a candle over and opening the door the sounds of rain flooding in, as he stood there soaked though. 
"Hello, you fancy a bit of brain surgery?" Jack smirked as he came into my room,
"Is this what you think flirting is?" I sighed, 
He was sheepish for a moment "...yeah," 
"Come on, take your clothes off," I said going to throw another log on the fire,
"Ohh... I didn't think it was gonna work that well?" He smirked eagerly getting his jacket off,
"You're soaked if you don't take them off you'll get sick," I told him, grabbing a towel from my linen cupboard and throwing it at his head,
"Thank you y/n." He sighed, he stripped the rest of his clothes off and wrapped the towel around himself, so I took his clothes and set them on the clothes horse to dry,
"Come sit by the fire," I told him as I set my kettle on its rack letting the fire heat the water, he nodded and came over, sitting on the sofa by the fire wrapped up in the towel, Once the water boiled I poured him some hot tea, and handed it over 
"Ooohh thanks." he smiled sipping to warm his insides, 
"You're welcome," I smiled going and fetching another towel "So? what brings you to my humble abode then Dr Dawkins?" 
"Well, I know your family is gone-" He began but stopped short as I threw my towel over his head using it to dry his still dripping hair "Ohh thank you, But I know they gone so I figured I'd come to keep you company," 
"Thanks very kind of you Jack," I smiled taking the towel off his head and kissing his cheek. 
"Well, I have to be nice to my fiance don't I?" 
"You should be nice yes." I laughed, 
"So... I've been thinking."
"Ohh dear, don't think too much now Jack you'll give yourself a headache."
"Very funny. but seriously, I've been thinking."
"About?" I asked sitting in my chair,
"I should really make the time to come up and see you more often, I feel bad when I don't."
"It's fine Jack I know your busy working."
"I know but, I don't like leaving you all alone so long," he said, 
"That's very sweet," I smiled 
"You'd like to spend time with me?"
"If I didn't want to Jack I'd have left you out in the rain." I chuckled, "Also my family isn't here why didn't you just use the front door?" 
"... Hu, Strangely that thought had not occurred to me." 
"Silly boy,"
"I know," He yawned "Ummm You've made it far too cosy in here. I'm getting sleepy." 
"My apologies for having a cosy bedroom."
"You mind if I stay tonight?" 
"Well..." I began, "You really shouldn't, but you are all warm and dry I send you back out you're just going to get all wet again." I sighed, "Alright,"
"Can I stay... in your bed?" he made eye contact with a sweet smile 
"Alright," I rolled my eyes playfully
"Could maybe..."
"Yes, Jack?"
"....Could we cuddle?" 
"Alright." I rolled my eyes a little but moved over to the sofa and cuddled him laying my head on his shoulder and nuzzling into his neck, he smiled down at me and wrapped his arms around me too,
"Umm... My dearest y/n." He cooed, "How I wish this rain would never end, so I may remain in your arms longer." 
"Well, we shall just have to savour the rain."
"I shall savour every drop" He smiled giving my lips a gentle soft kiss, I smiled and gave him a gentle kiss back before we cuddled up again, 
"You smell nice,"
"Do I?"
"Umm," I nodded,
"I'm pleased I could be pleasant to you dearest." He yawned,
"Come on Dr Dawkins. Bedtime." I told him getting up and offering my hand he happily took it leaving his towel on the clothes horse with his clothes and I took him to my bed, I took my book away and helped him into bed plumping the pillow and tucking him in, he yawned very comfortably 
"Can you sleep with me?"
"I'm coming, I'm coming," I smiled climbing in too and nuzzling up to him so we could cuddle with him holding me close our noses touching, 
"Yes, Jack?"
"Can I fall asleep in your arms tonight?"
"Of course," I smiled wrapping my arms around him too, "Goodnight Jack,"
"Goodnight Y/n." He smiled pressing one final kiss to my lips before with a few happy sighs and shifts we gently drifted away to sleep. 
I woke up listening to the rain still attacking the house, but I knew it was early morning, I softly opened my eyes seeing Jack still deep in his sleep so I pressed a kiss to his forehead and carefully climbed out the bed doing my best not to disturb him, I went across my room making sure to keep the fire burning to keep the room warm, I checked his clothes and they where to dry so I took them and folded them on the table at the end of my bed for him, I did want breakfast but I didn't want to make any till he was up, so I made myself a tea on the fire's flames and paced my balcony windows as I sipped it. 
He grumbled a little so I turned and noticed him half asleep running his hands over the bed and looking for me 
"Good Morning," I cooed 
He sat up not even opening his eyes, yawning for a good few seconds and scratching his messy bedhead "Morning dearest." he Yawned 
"Ohh my, that was a big yawn."
"I'm tired." he pouts 
"Aww well stay a few more minutes in bed if you like?"
"No, I'm up. Just about," he said rubbing his neck "You sleep okay?"
"I always do when you're here."
he blushed a little, "Yeah I always sleep better with you too." 
I smiled setting my tea down and running back to bed jumping on him and pushing him onto my mattress for a cuddle, he laughed at me but wrapped his arms around me anyway "Breakfast?"
"I am hungry,"
"Good, I'll go make breakfast." I smiled patting his chest before I tried to get up but he pulled me back "Whoa... Hello" I laughed at the surprise of being back against his nose 
"Hello," He smiled giving me a sweet kiss "Now you can go."
"Silly boy." I giggled getting up and heading out of my room down to the kitchen, I made some hashbrowns, some eggs, and some toast and got a big jug of orange juice taking it all upstairs. When I returned Jack was exactly where I left him clearly fighting with himself on whether he was going to go back to sleep or wake up,  "Breakfast." I smiled setting it on the table.
"You're an angel." He smiled climbing out of bed and rubbing his eyes as he walked across to the table "Thank you Y/n" he smiled kissing my cheek as he made himself a plate and a large glass of juice, we sat together and ate breakfast or well I nibbled and he consumed it as if he hasn't been fed in a week, 
"Peckish?" I laughed 
"I don't often eat breakfast, don't have time to make it or if I do I get called off for something else. It's nice to sit down and have breakfast, especially with you,"
"That's sweet Jack, well once we're married I'll make sure you get breakfast every day before you leave for work."
"You will?"
"Course got to keep the doctor fed." 
"You're too good to me," he winked sipping his juice,
Once breakfast was done I returned it to the kitchen and when I got back he was yawning 
"Ummm I needed a nap."
"A nap? You just woke up!" I laughed "I think they've got you working too hard if you're like this." I laughed,
"I can't help it, your place is so cosy. Plus the rain makes me sleepy." 
I took his hand and took him back to bed, I gave him an extra couple of pillows and even an extra blanket tucking him in tight and kissing him on the head "There, That nice?"
"That's lovely," He blushed a little making himself cosy "Can I have a cuddle?"
"No, because then I'll fall asleep."
"Please dearest?"
I rolled my eyes a moment but crawled into bed and sat tapping my thigh, he happily moved and laid his head in my lap with a wide smile, I softly began to pet his hair taking my book from the table and reading to him, I know he struggles with his reading so I like to read to him sometimes let him just shut his eyes and listen and I know he likes it too as already he began to drift away, so once I knew he was asleep I kissed his little head and let him rest. 
I went and got dressed into one of my little day dresses that was comfy for a rainy day, I went to my desk and grabbed some paper writing some letters and notes that I needed to get working with.
Eventually, he sat up, "Humm?"
"Ohh Hello again." I laughed, 
"Hello, Dearest."
"Hello, Jack."
"How long was I asleep?"
"Uhhhh?" I pondered taking his watch from the table, "An hour."
"An Hour! Ohh sorry,"
"It's alright Jack you've been busy working I wanted to let you sleep." I smiled as I wrote with my fountain pen, He smiled and moved getting his pants and shirt on coming over as he snapped his suspenders on he came and sat beside me 
"What are you writing?"
"Just letters."
"Alright," he smiled as we sat together for a good while "You're so sweet and beautiful you know that?"
"Aww thank you Jack, you're very sweet and handsome too" 
"Can we have a cuddle?" 
"That would be lovely," I smiled 
we both moved closer and closer until he laid his head in my lap again,
"Cosy Jack?"
"Alright" I laughed getting on with my work petting his hair as I worked humming to myself a little I finished up after a while of writing until I noticed his little wheezes "Jack..."
"Mmm?" He groaned nuzzling closer and almost purring as had fallen asleep,
"Awww such a sleepy boy" I cooed "Wakey Wakey..."
He jumped a little sitting up as he realized he had fallen asleep on my lap,  "Humm? ohh..." He sighed "Sorry."
"You are so sleepy today Jack, Dr sneed been working you too hard?"
"A little," He yawned "It would help if he did some work sometime." 
"aww you poor thing,"
"Didn't help I've been getting up early these last few days," He cooed, "And you're just so very cosy and cuddly it just makes me so happy. I love you so much Y/n."
"Aww, I love you too Jack." I smiled kissing his cheek, 
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course,"
"When we get married... do you want to have children?"
I smiled at his question, "I would, would you?"
"I very much would, How many?"
"Three." I smiled, "Two girls and a boy."
he chuckled, "I think that would be lovely,"
"Anything else? when we get married?" 
"A cute little house... with a garden."
"I'd like that Jack, and maybe a little dog for the children to play with."
"A very cute little dog." He smiled, "So I can wake up every morning give my sweet wife a kiss, pet the dog, go down and eat breakfast looking out to the garden and send the kids to school before I head to work." 
"That sounds like the most beautiful morning,"
"I know it will be" He smiled, 
"Do you think... I could cuddle in your lap some more?"
"No more lap jack you'll go back to sleep."
"Can you sit on my lap then y/n?" he asked, "Does my lap look better?"
I rolled my eyes a little and moved to sit myself on his leg so he could wrap his arms around me and my back against his chest, he chuckled and adjusted me a little so we were both cosy, and after a while he gave my shoulder a kiss 
"I can't wait till you're mine dearest."
"I can't wait either," I smiled, 
He then pressed one kiss to my neck, I blushed a little but didn't move, so he tightened his grip on me a little hugging me a little tighter and kissing my neck again only one little kiss but enough to make me feel so happy inside, He then took my hand in his and whispered in my ear "Can I stay with you today?"
"You're welcome to stay Jack, as long as you like."
he smiled a little and stroked my hair "I like you sat here."
"I get to hold you so close." He smiled bringing his face and lips into my neck he gently blew air across my skin before slowly pressing small kisses to my neck "Your skin is so soft" he whispered and I couldn't control my playful giggles he merely continued his kisses so slowly and calculated waiting patiently between each one, his kisses slowly grew more intense until as he kissed my neck his teeth graced my skin, not enough to bite me but enough to make me feel his teeth, he repeated this just slow soft kisses occasionally tenderizing my skin by gracing his teeth on it "Hmmm... do you like when I'm this close to you?" he whispered slyly 
"I do," I admit, 
He chuckled with a familiar sly grin, he continued his kisses now starting little nibbles on my skin pressing his teeth more meaningfully "Do you like these little nibbles on your soft lovely neck? Hmm?" He whispered 
"I do," I admit,
"Just one bite dearest?" he pleads running his nose across my neck before he continues his kisses and nibbles 
"Little ones," I whispered back,
He smirked and continued his bites gently barely anything between his kisses and nibbles which were getting very intense "You enjoying them? Hmm? Umm so soft... so sweet." He asked nibbling purposely on a more sensitive spot I couldn't answer him, so he kept nibbling and kissing for a while "Can I bite your neck once more dearest?" He whispered, "I just can't stop."
"You can." I gasped as now his bites became more aggressive leaving his teeth marks on my skin for a few seconds each time 
"Do you like my bites Y/n?" He whispered as he licked the spot he bit before kissing it again he would do this over and over up and down my neck like a vampire to my jugular, 
"Very much Jack," I almost moaned feeling him so close to me giving me such attention 
He continued with a prideful smirk, getting harder with his nibbles, kisses and bites. "I'm glad you're enjoying it." he smirked getting even harder "Hmmm..." He groaned leaving a hickey on my neck "How was that Dearest?" he asked licking his hickey 
"Ohh jack-" I gasped feeling him force a hickey into my skin he continued biting and nibbling my neck around my hickey to ensure my attention for it, "Uhhh! Jack!" I moaned twisting my fingers in his hair, which he took as a sign to get even more intense "Uhhhhh!" I moaned grabbing his hand that had been settled on my waist this whole time moving it under my dress to my thigh
"Ohh?" He smirked "That what you want y/n?" he whispered between kisses stroking my thigh higher and higher "Hmm? That what you want dearest?" he licked my hickey as he smirked and I could only nod, he teased me further stroking my hip under my dress "Ummm..." he groans now all but attacking my neck with kisses, bites, nibbles and licks. I could feel he was hard against my leg I tugged on his hair almost pulling his hair to bring him closer and he took the hint intensifying his work on my neck 
"Uhhh jack" I gasped moving his hand to where I so desperately needed him 
"Please jack,"
he smirked and whispered deeply in my ear "Yes dearest." he smirked stroking my mound before rubbing on my throbbing clit 
"Uuhh uhhhh uhhhhhhh" I whined as he continued with my neck at the same time by now my neck looked as if I had been in a fight covered in hickeys and bite marks all down one side of my neck, not caring the marks he made just wanting to make us excited I moaned as he made a hickey on my most sensitive spot while he slipped his fingers inside me still rubbing my clit with his thumb but I clamped my hand over my mouth to stop my moan even if my eyes rolled back a little 
"Ohh..." He growled "Such a cute little thing," he cooed "Do you want me to stop?" he whispered and I shook my head "Alright," he smirked nibbling and kissing as his fingers worked but not fast enough I grabbed his wrist and tried to make his hand move faster but he pulled back "Ohh I see," he whispered nibbling my ear "Y/n..." he groaned kissing down to my collar bone and across my gasping chest giving him more space and more real estate to leave hickeys and bites, I tugged on his hair to pull his lips to mine for an intense make out till he pulled back "Let me see them."
"What?" I blushed but with my quick breaths my chest was rising and falling so fast his eyes lingered there 
"Let me see them," he growled "Let me see them y/n." He whispered in my ear making his fingers move much faster
"Uhhh Jack please!" I gasped I took his hand away and moved it to the ribbon tie of my dress I went to help him but he pushed my hand off
"I want to do it." he smirked, he then picked me up in his arms like a bride and carried me to bed laying me down on my back, he unlaced my dress making sure to be agonizingly slow before he tugged it off me leaving me naked on my bed, he smirked down at me pulling his suspenders down and threw his shirt to the side He gasped a moment before he took my hands resting them on his shoulders and letting me slide them down his chest "Feel how breathless I am for you, feel hour quickly my heart beats for you,"
"And feel how I do for you," I smiled and rested my wrist on his neck,
"Hmmm... you are more perfect than any other woman I have ever met" he gasped, "Are you sure you want me?"
"Yes Jack" I gasped, throwing my head back against the bed,
"That's all I need to hear Y/n,"
 He didn't need another word he pulled my legs up and open before tugging his trousers down, he stroked his hard shaft a couple of times before he held the base and guided himself inside me he groaned as he found his way, he held my hips a little raised as he was stood and I was laid on the bed to ensure the best pleasurable angle as he began his almost violent thrusts but this was normal for Jack, as the moment he's allowed to he will not control himself but I rather liked it, seeing him often so composed and calculated a slave to his hormones and needs, I didn't hold back my screams given often when we did this my family would be in bed or his colleagues on the side of a door but as we were alone I didn't have to hold my screams back, he didn't hold back his grunts and groans either which I found sexier then I like to admit, the bed creaking as he thrusted I knew I was close clawing down his back in desperation for the pleasure that was building and building and building until I hit it screaming and clamping my legs around him my eyes rolling back and my jaw hung open, pleasure rushing though my body jack kept going for a while but he was slower sloppier unable to control himself much longer until he moaned loudly and quickly pulled out sending his seed across my stomach, 
"Sorry y/n-"
"It's okay, we haven't had time alone in a while" I giggled, pulling his head into my chest to catch our breath for a while "Do you think you have the energy for more?" I asked tenderly stroking his shaft and he was still hard,
"More? you sure you want more?"
"More" I pleaded
"hmmm you're pretty cute when you beg,"
"Don't make me beg too much Jack you won't like me when I'm too... desperate," I smirked stroking his chest and his neck till I reached his hair and I tugged on it hard pulling his hair 
He smirked and chuckled at little at me pulling his hair slightly and biting his lip "Maybe I like you when you're desperate dearest." he smirked 
I pulled him down to kiss me pulling our lips into a heavy makeout before I pushed his head down 
"Ohh? All alright." He smirked as he began kissing and licking my clit as mercilessly as he did my neck 
"Uhhhhhh! Uuuuuuhh! Jack!" I squealed 
"ummmm! I love when you're loud for me Y/n" he growled as he began to suck, 
I did my best not to scream at the feeling of such intense pleasure but I pulled his hair so he came back to my face "I need you. Now." I half pleaded and half demanded 
"Really? You need me dearest? hmmm?" He smirked grinding himself against me as he had now gotten hard again, 
"Yes" I nodded grinding back on him "Jack, More, Please."
"Are you sure?"
"More!" I demanded digging my nails into his hips and flipping us over so he laid in the middle of my bed and I crawled over his lap 
"Ohh very demanding dearest." he smirked and I didn't hesitate to move to let him slip back inside me "uHhh fuck-" he gasped leaning on his hands to keep himself up a little, I didn't waste my time starting to ride him bouncing and grinding as fast as I could resting my hands on his stomach, he did his best to keep quiet smirking hard as he watched me ride him his hips working with me so we could move more intensely on one another, the bed springs creaking with each thrust and bounce but I didn't care, his eyes squarely on my breasts as I bounced "UUghhhh! I'm already close y/n!"
"Just a little longer Jack." I pleaded 
He smiled biting my neck a little as he took my hips and moved them even faster than I could on my own and he thrusted so hard up into me I had no choice but to squeal 
"UUghhhhhhh! JACK!" I screamed as I hit my wall of pleasure biting his neck as I did but he quickly threw me off onto the bed leaning his head back as he sent his seed across his stomach 
"Fuck- you were... certainly excited weren't you-" He groans gasping desperately given he just had two rounds without much break collapsing on the bed trying to get his head straight,
"I love you, Jack,"
"I love you too," He smiled 
I got up and fetched us both something to drink given we were both now tried and dehydrated, 
"You really like it when I nibble your neck don't you?"
"I do," I giggled,
"Hmmm maybe I'll start kissing and nibbling you again?"
"Yeah? That sound good dearest?" 
I smirked sitting up on my knees and stroking down his chest giving his shaft a few gentle strokes and rubs, 
"Ummm... yes?"
"Just testing."
"If little Jack has enough energy for me." I cooed feeling him get hard again, 
"Always Y/n." He gasped, 
"Round three?" I asked innocently, 
"Fuck I love when your family isn't here." He smirked pulling me into a kiss I happily kissed back and then pulled back and turned my back to him looking at my pillows, he quickly came close his hands roamed my body squeezing my breasts a little before he pushed me to bend over and quickly pushing himself back inside me as he held my hips, "Uhhhhh Jack!" I smirked moving my hips back and forth to start our thrusts, and he wasted no time getting utterly merciless on me I had to keep my hands on the bed to keep my head from being thrusted into the pillow slightly giggling at the sound of our hips meeting over and over but it was often overshadowed by just how deep he could get like this, and after a while, he began to slow, "Don't slow down." I pleaded
"I'm already two shots down y/n. I'm not exactly got a lot of energy left." 
"Ughhh Jack!" I complained moving my hips myself to keep the speed the same, he moaned loudly and moved his hands from my hips to my breasts twisting my nipples as he mercilessly thrusted with enough to tip me over the edge "UHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yes! yes JACK!" I squealed doing my best to ride it out he tried to slow me but I just kept at the pace until his hips bucked quickly -
"Ughhhhhhh! fuck- " He groans forcing himself out and sending his seed across my back, "Sorry- sorry-" he gasped
"It's alright Jack." I smiled, cuddling up to him a little and giving him kisses "You're tired." 
He gasps fast and hard "You are an evil little thing when your horny y/n."
"I can't help it," I giggled "I love you so much"
"I love you too" He smiled playing with my hair 
"Jack..." I whispered after a while of resting 
He chuckled a little "You evil little thing,"
"More." I cooed stroking his shaft and feeling him get hard again for me "Aww little Jack does have some more energy."
"You know I can't resist you." he smirked leaning on his elbows, "Go on then dearest."
I giggled and jumped on his lap this time with my back to him so he could play and tug on my hair as I bounced myself violently desperate for this burning ache to be cured I glanced over my shoulder at him and saw him gnawing at his lip trying desperately to keep his head straight he pulled my hair hard 
"Slow down dearest. you're gonna make me cum."
"Isn't that what you need?" I smirked jiggling my butt as I bounced 
"You know I do" he growled holding my hips and thrusting hard inside me 
"uhhhhhh Jack!" I squealed bouncing faster and harder he often pulled my hair to make me arch my back as I bounced until I began to rub my clit 
"AH ah ah!" He smirked slapping my hand off "That's my job." he smirked rubbing on my clit mercilessly which was enough to tip me over the edge squealing loudly and squirting down him, he let me ride it out moving hard and fast until he pushed me down onto the bed and sent his seed across the sheets "I love you so much y/n
"I love you too Jack" I smiled giving him a gentle kiss as we both lay sweaty, gasping trying to process ourselves, given the last... god knows how long we had been at this like literal rabbits.
Once I had the strength I climbed out of bed and went looking for where my dress ended up quickly slipping it on and fixing my hair having a drink after all that. when I looked back to the bed Jack was fast asleep so I let him rest for a while getting started on dinner, once it was cooking I went back up and found him still asleep so I giggled climbing onto the bed and onto his lap "Wakey wakey"
"Humm? Ohh sorry y/n I think I uhh I think I died for a minute" 
"Really?" I giggled giving him some water, 
"I did just cum four times... I'm surprised I didn't just pass out" he chuckled 
"That's true." I giggled "So.... dinner's cooking."
"Good, I'm starving after all that" he smiled giving me a kiss 
"So... it's gonna be about an hour?" I cooed stroking his chest 
He gasped a little his eyes widening "I'm gonna love marrying you aren't I?"
"Yes you will" I smirked tugging him into a kiss and dragging him down into bed with me...
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staytinyville · 6 months
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ATEEZ poly!ot8 x Reader
Cowboy AU / Wild West
Series Masterlist
Warning: SMUUUTT (mdni, please)
A/N BETA READ (@mariana-mmtz).
Staytinyville Permanent Taglist
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You gave Seonghwa a grin as he handed you a glass of soju, moving to sit in front of you between your legs. He got comfortable as his shoulders squeezed between your legs, cheek pressed against your knee. 
“Did you see his face!?” Wooyoung cackled. “It was great to see that man all sweaty and practically in ruins!”
You had taken the night to spend it with each other celebrating the heist that had been pulled off during the day. Once again they brought out the alcohol–only this time they weren’t holding back on how much they drank. 
It seemed the boys were letting loose for once. You knew they were the same way the other night but rather than be anxious about something wrong going down, this time it was more of a relief they all felt. They were excited rather than thinking of the negative. 
“Quaid deserves it!” Yunho shouted, spurring the younger boy on. 
“You think he'll get in trouble with Z?” You asked out loud, looking around to see who would answer you. 
“Depends on how much funds they need at the moment.” Hongjoong had answered, taking a swig of his drink as he threw his head back. 
“Either way!” Wooyoung waved. “It's been a great day and an even greater heist because it was sweetheart's first one!” The boy got up skipping over to you. “Cheers to her!” He took a seat next to you on the log, planting a wet kiss on your cheek. “You are absolutely gracious.”
“I tripped over a bag of coins.” You spoke nonchalantly. 
“He won't remember it after all the drinks.” Jongho told you from the other side. 
You turned around taking notice of how the boy seemed to be slowly sipping from his cup. He wasn't as inebriated as the others, which you found odd seeing as you all started drinking at the same time. 
“Are you not drinking?” You asked, trying to take a look into Jongho’s cup.
“I am.” Jongho swirled his cup around. “I just know how to hold my own compared to those idiots.”
You giggled, looking around at the other seven boys. Wooyoung was laughing to himself on your shoulder and Seonghwa was playing with your legs as he squished his own cheeks with your thighs. Yunho and Mingi were playing drunk games with Yunho having a large smile on his face and Mingi aggressively trying to win at something. Hongjoong and Yeosang both watched the two tallest boys, making sure nothing escalated. 
San was the only one who was watching everyone with sharp eyes–quietly humming to himself and he tried to keep his eyes open. 
“San is out of it.” You smiled lightly, wanting to help the boy to bed. 
“He's had five shots of soju.” Jongho wiped his hands on his pants, coming to a stand as he gave his cup to Seonghwa who got excited. 
“Come on—I wanna talk with you alone.” He held his hand out for you.
You untangled yourself from Seonghwa and Wooyoung’s holds, both of them whining at how you left them but quickly turned to each other for comfort. 
“Everything okay?” You asked as Jongho led you to his tent. 
“It is.” Jongho shrugged, smiling softly at you. “I just want to have time with you.”
A blush overtook your face as he got comfy in a bedroll, waiting for you to lay down with him. “The others have gotten it, so now I shall take advantage of your time.” He grinned, looking down at you as you laid your head on his chest. 
“If you want me alone all you have to do is ask.” You laughed. 
“You're amazing.” His lips were pulled up in a soft manner, making you blush from how he looked at you. “Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you.”
You suddenly frowned, leaning up to lay on your stomach and look at him directly. “Jongho, you are all special to me.” You told him. “In your own ways too.” 
You smiled at him, moving a hand up to rub at his cheek. “I can remember the first time you walked into the hotel and were scoping out the place.”
“You were glaring.” He laughed. “I wanted to say something but thought against it because I just wanted to find a place for Yeosang to rest comfortably.”
“And here we are because you didn't open your mouth.” You smiled, thinking back to the first day you had met them all. 
You would have never guessed the day you were tied to a chair would be the one that changed the course of your story. It feels like it was so long ago, when really it was only a couple of months. You had never thought that finding people who would like you for you would come in the form of 8 boys who were criminals. It was such a crazy story to tell. 
“I used to fight a lot with Mingi.” You turned back to him as he spoke up again. “We were both hot headed so we always clashed. We grew out of it obviously.” He chuckled at the end. 
“I'm glad you did.” You hummed. “You all love each other so much.”
“I owe everything to them.” Jongho smiled. “They gave me a new purpose after I got injured.”
“What happened?” You asked him. 
“I used to play sports.” He began, taking in a deep breath. “I wanted to play professionally but I got my knee injury before I got the chance. So now I'm here with them. It might not be the same but it feels right.” He spoke to himself at the end. 
You reached up, to give his lips a kiss. “You're an amazing person, Jongho.” You smiled at him. “All of you are.”
He sat up pulling you along with him as you sat facing the other way. “And you make us feel complete.” He told you, giving you another kiss. 
This one lasted longer though. You let out a breath through your nose as your body relaxed into his touch. Everytime you kissed any of them, you felt as though your problems were small and didn’t need all your attention. They gave you a reason to let go of everything. They made you feel taken care of. 
Before you realized it, you had shifted to sit on Jongho’s lap, the man pulling at your pant legs to help you sit comfortably. Once he found the place he enjoyed you in, his hands moved to your shirt softly tugging at the fabric to pull it out of your pants before stopping. 
“Is this okay?” He asked you quietly. 
You smile gratefully, knowing that Jongho was someone who minds his manners a lot more than the others. “More than okay.” You spoke up, moving your arms as you took your shirt off on your own. 
His eyes went wide as a little laugh fell from his lips. You giggled lightly at his expression, moving to hold onto his cheeks to make him look up at you. Your nose bumped along his, making his lips stretch over his teeth. He moved to give you a peck, and then another. 
Your hands moved down to his shoulders, feeling at his skin as your fingertips heated him up. Jongho moved to take his own shirt off as well, wanting to feel your skin against his. 
“You’re bold.” Jongho hummed, lips skimming over your neck. 
“You bring that out in me.” You replied with a smile. 
Jongho pulled back, giving you a grin. “You think you know what you’re doing?” He questioned with a teasing smile. You gave him a challenging look waiting to see where he was going with things. 
“Then be my guest, Love.” You squeaked as Jongho laid back down, hands moving behind his head. 
“Go on.” He smiled. “You were the one who started this.”
“Jongho!” You whined, pouting as you didn’t think he would allow you to take charge. 
You had no idea what to do, aside from when you stroked Mingi’s length you didn’t think you had much information on how to make Jongho feel pleasure. But you did try your best. So you moved to pull his pants down, causing him to look at you with a confused face. 
He didn’t expect you to go for it immediately, in fact, he was expecting you to give up and let him take control but here you were doing what you knew so far. Jongho’s cock was soft when you took it out of its confines. Blood was still rushing in so you had to figure out how to make it hard. 
And when you looked up at Jongho, you caught his teasing gaze, as if he was waiting for you to ask for help. You pouted though, not wanting to give up that easily. So you took his length in your hand, gripping onto it. 
“Love.” He immediately sat up, grabbing your hand to keep you from doing anything else. “Stop being stubborn and ask me for help.” He told you pointedly. 
“You have to be soft when I’m still getting hard.” He explained to you, moving to lean back on his hands as you kneel between his legs. 
You shuffled closer looking down at his length as you nodded at him. You knew you were in the wrong and probably shouldn’t be taking any lead yet, so you decided it would be best to follow Jongho’s instructions. 
“Just message it.” He explained to you. “Gently, until you feel it gets hard.” He flexed his thighs for a moment, making you look at them. 
You had to keep your mouth shut from how mouth watering them seemed to you. Your legs rubbed together as you followed Jongho's instructions. You used your fingertips first, watching as he twitched at your touch. You looked up at him, catching his small smile to encourage you. 
So you softly took him into your hand, lightly applying pressure. It took a bit until you felt him get hard like you remember Mingi to be. When he did, he wrapped his hand around your own, moving it up and down as he squeezed. 
“Just like that, Love.” He breathed out. 
With your eyes focused on how you moved your hand, your head was pointed down which allowed Jongho to run his fingers through your hair. You hummed in, closing your eyes as you moved along with his hand. He laughed a little, watching your pleased expression as he messaged your scalp. 
“There’s something you can try but I don’t want you to do something you don’t want to.” He told you. 
“No! No.” You immediately opened your eyes, scooting closer. “Tell me.” You leaned up to get closer to him. “I want to make you feel good.” You bashfully spoke. 
“If you don’t like it you can stop. Okay?” He told you. 
The eager nod you gave him made him smile, brushing a thumb against your cheek. “You know how the others kissed you down there?”
Seonghwa had been the only one to do that, and you knew that it felt amazing. So you nodded his head, realizing where it was he was going. You looked down at his cock, watching as he moved it again. 
“You can do the same thing to us.” He explained to you. “Do you want to try?” 
“Yes.” You told him, scooting back to allow yourself room to lean down. 
“Come this way.” Jongho told you, moving you over his thigh and to his side. 
He pulled you up first though, taking your own pants off to leave the both of you naked. “I’ll take care of you too.” He said. 
You frowned, confused, but listened to what he was telling you to do. Your thighs rubbed together as you felt your slick coming down them. When Jongho’s hands fell between your legs, you flinched, further pushing into his limb as your legs fell shut. 
“You can kiss it when you feel like it.” He explained before laying down as he found a comfortable spot for his hand without having it cramp up. 
You moaned out when his fingers began to play with your core, softly stroking. You looked down at his red cock, leaning down as your tongue fell out of your mouth. You kitten licked it first, trying to gauge out how you would react to the skin. Jongho only flexed his thighs at the lick while you had to brace yourself from his menstrations. 
You frowned, wanting to get something more from him. So you began to use the flat of your tongue, wrapping it around his length. You heard his breaths grow heavy and his hips move up slowly, trying to chase your mouth. 
When you reached his tip, that was when you got him to buck his hips up and stop his fingers for a moment on your core. Your mouth paused at his tip, noticing how he had reacted. So you chose to pay close attention to the spot, licking and kissing the soft skin. 
His moans weren’t as loud as Mingi’s or Seonghwa but he did let out a few quiet grunts and pants of air that made you clench around nothing. He must have noticed though because his fingers were quick to find your entrance and sink in carefully. 
Your quiet whine fell from your lips and onto his cock leading him to let out a breath as he felt your walls squeeze around his fingers. He began to pant, eyebrows pinching together as his hips began to rut up thinking about how it would feel to have you wrapped around him. 
He grunted when your lips seemed to wrap just lightly over his tip, tipping him over the edge of wanting to feel your warmth. 
“I can’t wait, Love.” He sat up, softly dropping his wet fingers from you and moving you up to look at him. “I need you wrapped around me.” 
You watched as he licked his fingers clean, sitting up as he made you move across his lap again. You shuffled to straddle him, remembering this position from Mingi. You were going to ride Jongho, you remembered that one. 
“I know this.” You told him. 
Jongho snapped his head up to you, laughing a little. “Well don’t let me stop you, Love.” He grinned. 
So he leaned back, waiting again for you to do as you pleased. And you did. You took his length in your hand lining yourself up with it. You sighed to yourself, trying to not make a fool of yourself. It took you a bit to find where you needed to go and how to sit, but the soft smile Jongho had made you less nervous. 
The moment you fully sat down on him and felt him all the way in, your head dropped back and a whine left your lip. Jongho took in a deep breath as his arm wrapped around your waist on instinct.  You could feel his breath hitting the skin of your neck as he dropped his head. 
Unlike the others, Jongho didn’t move his hips. Instead he braced himself with one hand as he held you up with the other. He leaned back, planting his feet into the ground so that he could shove himself all the way into you again. 
You groaned out in pleasure, feeling a type of cramp as his tip hit the end of your heat. It made you see stars, wanting to fall forward onto him as he seemed to have slow but powerful thrusts. It made him groan, each time your walls would tighten to keep him inside. He bit his lip each time he would try to pull out, your core trying to suck him back in. 
He did it for a couple more thrusts before grunting at the last one. After that he began to softly move his hips, allowing you to rest as it was only grinding movements that allowed you to keep his cock warm inside. 
With you bouncing at your own pace, Jongho moved both of his hands to your hips, lips returning to brush softly against the flesh of your throat. He moved to thumb at your nipples, making you flinch from the tickle. But you still arched your back into him, not wanting him to stop. 
His breathing was turning ragged as he felt your walls starting to close tightly around him. You moans were turning into whines, soft hahs falling from your lips letting him know you were close. As your head fell back and your eyes squeezed shut, Jongho took a hold of you again, thrusting faster to reach his own high right after you had reached yours. 
He was quick to pull you by the hips to get you off him, shoving you forward to lay on him knowing you weren’t going to be able to hold yourself up. He jerked off as his cum came out, splaying across his thighs.
Once he was spent out, he fell backwards with you on his chest. You whined at the sticky feeling of his cum spreading across your thighs and onto your core. Jongho felt you grind down on it, your hips moving along his thighs. 
“Love, give me a moment.” He laughed out breathlessly. “I know you’re needy, but I didn’t think it was this much.”
You couldn’t open your mouth to talk back, only reeling from the high you were feeling. You needed to be in contact with Jongho’s skin, some kind of mindset you had post orgasm. Maybe you were ready for another round but right now you wanted to be cuddled. 
“Ya! What do you mean you don’t know where they are!?” You heard Wooyoung’s voice. “They are literally fucking right there!”
“We’re drunk but we can still hear!”
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Series Masterlist
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luffyvace · 5 months
Heyooo :D
Robin's anon back (ngjfnjff this is so funny to type I hope you don't mind 😭😭), could I request Robin with a male s/o who always take care of the crew ? (He's either like a big bro or a father for some of them) For example : He always makes sure Zoro sleeps in a comfortable position whenever he suddenly takes a nap after training, he always brings to Nami new inks, maps, pens..., candies for Chopper (just like Robin hehehehe), food for Luffy... but in process he kinda neglects himself because he prioritizes the crew above all.
Thank you again for your kindness and I wish you an amazing day/night. ❤️😊
OH HIII ROBIN’S ANON!! i don’t mind you addressing yourself as that at all it’s how i remember you:) 😭!
AWW male s/o sounds so sweet! of course i’ll do this request!!
anytime anyday anon💗💗 you have a wonderful day/night as well <3
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your so helpful!!
“SNACKS! oh gee thanks m/n!”
”mmmm…huh? PUT ME DOWN?! oh..hmm…zzzz”
”come in! oh m/n, what’s up? is that for me?! thanksss m/n!! your the best! i was running out of paper actually!!….just for the record i don’t owe you any beri for this you know..😗”
”ahh! m/n! actually i need your help with something…i had usopp to build this shelf for my books only to realize it’s too high..could you get that red one down and..maybe make it lower? hahah 😅”
”ohhh! m/n! look! it’s my latest invention!! the only problem is..i’m missing a key piece…see here? it needs something to generate it! could you go back to the island and find something for me?? thanks a lot! i knew i could count on you!”
”m/n! i’m trying to cook dinner but luffy keeps pestering me! think you could wrestle luffy to go play outside or something?!”
”oi! m/n just in time! i need you to go help me test out this SUUUUUUPERRRRR new upgrade i’m making to the sunny! go unfurl the sails!”
”oh! whoops! i asked m/n to unfurl the sails so i could-“
💥💥 😓 😬 😡✊
(yes this sequence again)
”m/n!! how very good to see you! i’ve come up with a new song! would you like to hear it? very well—i shall play!”
you ran to the library as soon as you could and flopped into one of the chairs
a hand touched your shoulder and you wanted to just completely melt away from how tired you were
and yet you were gonna have to help another person
just robin:)
i mean you didn’t mind helping but…today’s been a long day
robin sits next to you
you air your complaints and get a lot of much needed stress off your shoulders
she sprouts two hands from your back to massage your shoulders and it felt really good
she gives you advice to start saying ‘no’ a little more and that it’s okay to take some time for yourself
she scolds you only a bit when you do this but only because she cares
and especially because she loves you
robin had a hand in the bathroom preparing you a hot bath while you vented to her
after you were done she told you about the shower
and boy it was a real steamy one
just what you needed
robin always knows just what to do when your exhausted
but would prefer if you’d simply solve the problem at hand
she lectures you about this and man does it drag on
oh well you’d much rather hear her soothing voice than overexert yourself
she recommends you things like meditation and reading
and maybe even to go to chopper about it
especially if things get physical like your back or arms hurt
zoros’ heavy ok?
spawns a bunch of arms to chop your back if that’s what you need
shes the best really
brings you drinks and honestly just caters to you until your feeling better
by then your ready for a hot meal and some sleep
which is exactly what happens thankfully
you two holds hands in your sleep and cuddle a little closer that night
these were shorter than my norm
it’s ok bc quality over quantity right?? you can always request more i’m just sleepy rn 😋
also this was in a slightly different writing style than usual so i hope you like!! it’s not permanent tho
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girlgroupshots · 1 year
The Producer - PART ONE
pairing: male oc x jessica jung word count: 3.3k summary: An unproven producer is tasked with creating a successful group. Shenanigans ensue.
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When you answered the phone in the middle of the night only a few hours ago the last thing you expected was to be standing in front of an office building. The call had come from your uncle saying he had an opportunity for you and that you needed to catch a train to Seoul in the morning. Now as you waited for him to arrive you could only guess at what kind of ideas had popped into his head. As far as successful businessmen went he was certainly on the – well, eccentric side. On the other hand, you had little to your name other than a business degree, a shitty office job and dreams of one day being a successful producer.
Before you could contemplate any further a familiar voice interrupted your thoughts. You turned to greet your uncle who you hadn't seen in some months only to be slapped on the shoulder and pulled into a hug before you could even extend your hand.
"How are you, my boy?"
Park Jongmin. A man in his sixties who could have retired in his forties if he wanted to. He made a fortune in the early years of the South Korean technology boom and hadn't looked back since. However, for all his wealth and success he was largely known as an enigma or just strange depending on who you asked. Adding to that image was the fact that he decided to create a music label a few years back despite having no expertise in the field. Truth be told he wouldn't be the first to do such a thing.
"I'm good, uncle" you responded once you had finally managed to free yourself from his grasp. "I was surprised to get your call, I thought something bad had happened."
He laughed off the concern, apparently not seeing the problem with receiving a vague call at 2 a.m. in the morning.
"You know me; once the wheels in my brain start turning I can't rest until I see it through to the end."
"Have you…slept yet Uncle Min?"
"Of course not! In fact, I'm only on my fourth cup of coffee."
You could only shake your head in response. This was who Uncle Min had always been so it shouldn't be surprising that old age hadn't changed his demeanor. If anything he seemed a bit more loose than he was back in the day. A man who said and did what he wanted with little care for the judging eyes of society. Though perhaps that was a luxury of wealth. It was an enviable disposition to have, especially these days. Not to mention it had always made for entertaining holidays with the family.
"So, uh, is this your label building?" you questioned, bringing the conversation back to the matter at hand.
"Why yes, yes it is. It's beautiful isn't it? I like to think it has a quaint, personal feeling."
You looked back to the building and you couldn't say you disagreed. By the same token though, it didn't seem to be anything too special. A three story building with a decent amount of width to it. It's key features were the tall glass windows that framed parts of the building. It was certainly quaint but not exactly holding a candle to the grand designs of some of the bigger companies.
"Not everything has to be grandiose" as if reading your thoughts your uncle interjected. "If there's forty-floors how are people going to connect? It's the interwoven relationships that build a good company."
As a business major and officer worker with far too many hours logged you were tempted to disagree with that notion. But then again who were you to disagree with someone who had made millions?
"Well, are we going to stand out here all day or shall we head in? I can give you the tour, you'll love it."
You nodded and led the way to the double door entrance. Your uncle was still being coy about why he had asked you to meet him hear of all places instead of his regular offices or his home; in fact he hadn't addressed it at all. Definitely not suspicious. For now you'd just have to go along with this ride and find out what was waiting for you at the end of the tunnel. Whatever it was he certainly seemed excited about it. Or maybe that was just the four cups of coffee coming through.
"...Our building is separated into three levels" you tuned back into your uncle's speech as he took the lead, "The first is where all the music production takes place. Recording booths, mixing rooms, anything a producer might need to get that perfect sound is available at your finger tips. I'm sure you'd find more than a few toys to your liking in there."
Producer? Recording booths?
"The second floor is where our artist spend a lot of their time. There's a lounge and kitchen for anyone to use and we have our practice room there as well. We also have two free rooms if anyone wants to use it for homework or whatever the kids get up to."
Way to sound your age, uncle.
"Lastly, the third floor is where we have all our offices for staff and management. That's where you'll be spending most of your time. Now I know – "
"Wait, what?"
"-- it mind sound a little weird being at the top but trust me it's a great space."
"Wait, Uncle, what do you mean where I'll be spending most of my time?"
"Please, nephew, save all your questions for the end of the tour."
You could see the mischievous glint out of the corner of his eyes and knew he was getting a kick out of this. He wasn't going to let you get a word in and even if you did it seemed he was intent on ignoring any questions you had. Meanwhile your anxiety was rising by the second. Just what had this old man done?!
Anxiety aside, the building was impressive. Everything was state of the art when it came to the technology and all of the furnishings were modern and neat. That said you did notice the building felt particularly...empty. If you remembered correctly from what your mother had told you, Uncle founded this label a few years back. One would think by now it'd be brimming with staff and artist coming in and out. Maybe he had given them day off so he could give the tour? As flattering as it was that seemed like a complete waste of a work day. And of course asking about it now would net you no answers.
The tour finally came to an end on the third floor, the management floor as he had put it; which was also void of any personnel.
Your uncle led you into a rather spacious office that you assumed to be his. He gestured for you to take a seat in one of the plush chairs against the wall and seated himself next to you. His eccentric demeanor seemed to fade a bit and It seemed like now was the time to finally get some answers.
"I know you have a number of questions for me" Uncle Min started, "But I also know you're a very smart young man. I'm sure you've begun to piece together why I asked you to come here today."
Not really, no, but I could take a swing in the dark.
"You want me to work here for you? Uncle, I appreciate the thought really, but honestly...I don't want to take any handouts."
You remembered when he was first starting the company your mother suggested asking for a position. Any reasonable individual would have jumped at the opportunity, hell there were a number of college graduates that would kill for such a connection. For you though, it had just left a weird taste in your mouth. You could call it pride or stupidity, it was likely a mix of both. Now, despite having questions as to whether that had been the right decision, you felt obligated to stick to your original sentiment.
"You're a stubborn man, just like your father was" he chuckled softly as he patted your hand, his tone wistful as if recalling an old memory, "But you should know I didn't make my fortune by taking no for an answer."
"I'll be honest with you, this hasn't been my most successful venture. In fact, everything thus far has been a net loss. Fortunately, I've funded everything myself, there's no board of directors or investors to answer to. But even I have to acknowledge when something is a lost cause."
Your jaw had loosened a bit, your ears not quite believing what they were hearing. You had always had a vision of your uncle as the supreme businessman, a genius who made no missteps. Yet here he was admitting that something he had poured who knows how much of his own money into possibly being a failure. In a way it was surreal.
"But the people that do work here, the trainees who have trusted us with their dream, they deserve a real shot. A chance to see it through before I call it quits" Uncle Min focused his gaze on you and you couldn’t remember ever seeing him quite so serious. More than that he seemed genuine, even vulnerable as though he were speaking from the heart. "I don't want you to simply work for me. In fact, in a way you won't be. I want you to run this company. Produce a successful group and help fulfill their dreams."
"I know what you're thinking. Why me? Why not someone more qualified? Now I could tell you it's because of your work ethic, I know you won't take this lightly. And your potential both as a businessman and a producer; both of which are true. However if you really want to know why I'm offering it to you it's because it's what my gut is telling me to do."
"Uncle, I'll be honest with you, I’m starting to think that might be why you lost so much money in this."
You both shared a laugh, the tension in the air easing slightly. Leave it to Park Jongmin to hand a company over to his nephew on a gut feeling.
"I know I'm asking a lot of you so you don't have to give me an answer now. But think about it. I'd like you to meet the staff and girls as well; they really are good people."
You could only nod your head in acceptance despite your apprehension. After all, this was my uncle and he was offering an incredible opportunity, even if misguided. If nothing else you owed it to him to give this your full consideration.
"Alright! That's enough of the serious stuff!" Uncle Min abruptly stood up, "Do you want a coffee? I could go for one myself."
You laughed, "Uncle, I don't think you should be drinking anymore coffee today. It can't be good for your health."
"Bah, you sound like your mother. If I only did what was good for my health I'd get nowhere in life!"
Now that was the uncle you were familiar with.
"Mister Park!"
You had just exited the building when you heard someone calling out. You turned my head to see a petite brunette, dressed in a blazer and cream skirt walking towards you with a couple of binders in her grasp. You were fairly certain you didn't know her. You’d definitely remember seeing a woman like that.
"Miss Jung! You have impeccable timing as always."
"Oh? And you're flattering me, you must have had your third cup of coffee."
"Fourth, actually."
"You know you really need to cut down on that."
As the two conversed you couldn’t help but feel like a ghost, or worse: an awkward third wheel between two good friends. At the risk of making things worse you cleared your throat to make your presence known. As if he had actually forgotten about you, your uncle's attention was jump started.
"Ah, right! Jessica I'd like you to meet my nephew. Nephew, this is Jessica Jung; she's been in charge of this project for me. No one knows our trainees better than her."
"Uh, it's a pleasure to meet you" you extended your hand to her.
"Likewise. You should know Mr. Park has talked you up quite a bit. I hope you decide to join us."
Oh, she was good.
Her tone and demeanor alone mixed just the right amount of professional and personable. Unlike yourself, you could see why uncle would hire someone like her.
"This is perfect. I was going to contact you later and ask if you could introduce him to our girls. He hasn't made a decision yet but I want to let him get a feeling for everything we have to offer."
A pearl smile was offered in response as Jessica nodded, "I'd love to. We can set something up tomorrow if you like. Or we can get started tonight if you’re free for drinks?"
It took you a second to realize that you had been brought into the conversation. Straightening your posture you nodded, “Uh, yeah. I’m free for sure. We can definitely do drinks.”
“It’s a date then.”
As you watched her pencil you into her calendar, you couldn’t help but wonder just what you were getting yourself into.
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“What I can’t figure out is why you don’t just throw your hat in the pile. You clearly have this down pat.”
You voice was raised as you spoke to your ‘date’. Partially to be heard over the music that was currently playing, partially because you were already two drinks in and feeling a slight buzz. Thus far you hadn’t actually learned much about the business. If anything, the two of you had spent more time getting to know each other. Which wasn’t the worst thing, especially if you were going to potentially be working alongside her.
“There’s a difference between managing people and producing a group. Or even running a company,” Jessica said, drink in her hand. “I’m good at what I do.”
“But you had to have thought about it? Doesn’t it piss you off my uncle just brining me in off the street.”
“Well it didn’t but now that you mention it…”
“Okay, wait, wait. I take it back,” you put your hands up in surrender. “But still, you’ve got to feel over-qualified for your job, no? From everything you told me it sounds like my uncle would be lost without you.”
Jessica gave a slight shrug of her shoulders and took a sip of her drink. “In his defense, he pays me my worth. Besides, it’s not all about power and status. I’ve got a soft spot for those girls as much as I hate to admit it.”
You wondered if the alcohol was making her sentimental or if it was making you dense. Maybe it was a bit of both because you still found yourself asking questions. “But –”
“Do you want to keep asking questions or do you want to get out of here?”
You stopped short, the question practically evaporating out of your mind. Jessica raised her eyebrow, looking at you expectantly.
Well then.
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Jessica had barely gotten the key out of her door before you were on her. You cupped her face, kissing her – or at least trying to kiss her. There were times when you kissed her nose or landed on her chin, eventually settling for attacking her neck as she kicked the door shut behind the two of you. Immediately, you pressed her up against it; her skirt riding up her slender thighs as they parted for you.
“This is…probably going to be bad…for our potential work relationship…”
“Stop talking about work and start fucking me.”
Her bluntness caught you off guard but you’d be damned if it wasn’t attractive. And she said she couldn’t be a boss? If she gave orders like that she’d have a whole office in line in no time. She certainly had you standing at full attention in more ways than one. Following her orders your hands moved, fumbling with your pants to get them out of the way as quickly as possible. The cab ride back to her place had been heated to say the least, to the point that your fingers had slipped inside her pussy and your cock was practically begging to be freed from its constraints.
As you finally obliged it, Jessica hooked a leg around your hip, drawing you closer so that your tip was pushing against her soaked entrance. Needing no further invitation you pushed forward, your mushroom head pushing past her folds. Immediately you felt her walls constricting around your cock deliciously.
“Fucking tight,” you panted.
“Did you expect otherwise?” Jessica taunted.
A taunt you knew better than to respond to, even after a few drinks. Instead you focused on stuffing her with the rest of your length. Her leg flexed tighter around you the more you pushed in until you were buried to the hilt inside of her. You wallowed in the sensation for a moment because, wow. It might’ve been a while since you had any action but you didn’t remember anything like this. Slowly you began pumping in rhythm, fucking her against her apartment door.
“That stretch…it’s so good…” Jessica’s arms clung to you, her head falling forward.
Any thought of maintaining a professional relationship to avoid problems in the future had gone out of your mind. All that remained was pleasure, or rather the pleasure you were getting from sliding in and out of your potential co-worker. A mindset that Jessica clearly shared. She lifted her other leg, locking it around your waist and giving you the freedom to fuck her harder and faster. Incoherent words began falling from her lips but you were too focused on your task to try to decipher them. You had one job and that was driving her over the edge before you inevitably blew your load.
Jessica’s nails dug into your bicep and if it weren’t for the fact that you hadn’t even taken off your jacket she’d undoubtedly be leaving red marks all over your skin. If this was how she relieved stress from her job then maybe you’d have to second guess your hesitation. Although, when you were balls deep inside of her, waking the neighbors each time her ass hit the door, it likely wasn’t the best time to be making such decisions.
“Cum…Going to cum…” Jessica managed to get out.
You increased your efforts, pounding into her to make sure she went well and truly over the edge. The way every limb clung to you as her body shuttered in orgasm told you that you had succeeded in your task. Her pussy clenched around your length as you fucked her through her orgasm; inviting you to join her in euphoria. It was an invitation you’d soon take her up on.
“Jess…where do you want me to…?”
“Inside…” she muttered, barely coming down from her high and still clinging to you.
That was all the okay you needed. You slammed your hips into hers, her back hitting the wall as your release surged through you. You were fairly certain you were seeing stars as you spilled your seed inside of her. In that moment you weren’t two professionals. You weren’t even two potential co-workers. You were just two well-fucked strangers who had unloaded a pound of stress.
When your cock finally stopped twitching your let go of the breath you were holding. Jessica was already breathing deeply, clinging to you for a moment longer before she finally unraveled herself from you, the mixture of juices seeping out of her.
“If that was an interview you would’ve gotten the job.”
“...Wait, that wasn’t an interview though, right?”
Jessica let out an airy laugh, running a hand through your hair. “No, that wasn’t an interview.”
author’s note: another series so this is a fic i never published from a while back. originally it was meant to be a more wholesome series but we’re putting that aside from now bc fck it. if it seems a bit wonky it’s because i’m editing it from being a first person POV to second person as well as doing updates to my old writing. WITH ALL THAT SAID if you’re just looking for smut there will be plenty.
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tavs-tressym · 2 months
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Delicious Denial - Chapter Three
(AO3 Link) | Master List
Rating: Explicit, 18+
Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Tav (You).
Word Count: 3700 (approx)
Tags: Fluff, eventual smut, domestic fluff, camp life, slow burn romance, sexual tension (A LOT).
A reimagining of the game's events if Tav had zero magical or fighting ability. But she's still pretty fucked up. 👍
(Lots of comforting camp life content.)
A/N: Sorry for the wait, my lovelies. I was paralysed by the responsibility. Lol. <3
Chapter Three - Allies
Finally, a bowl of stew is placed in your hands. The log in front of the fire is less than comfortable, but you don’t focus on it, there’s warmth, there’s murmurs of light conversation and there’s food. You take out the spoon and begin drinking straight from the bowl, drops leaking from the corners of your mouth as you gulp. There’s a muffled sound threatening to pull you away from the experience, but you choose to ignore it until the stew is gone. Removing the rim of the bowl from your lips, you catch your breath and find Gale beaming at you from the left corner of your eye. “Well, I haven’t received many compliments for my cooking over the years, but you two might have just made up for that.” He chuckles before returning to his own bowl. You look to your right to find Karlach wiping her mouth with her arm and holding an empty bowl with the other. You can’t help but laugh a little when you realise how synchronised you must have been.
Upon hearing your laughter, she looks at you, smiles and taps her, now satisfied, stomach. “Gods, finally, a hot meal! Why don’t you cook like this every night, Gale?”
“Living off of scavenged scraps is rarely bountiful, so I, for one, shall be savouring every drop.” Shadowheart chimed in, delicately sipping from her spoon. She is interrupted by Lae’zel loudly tearing some bread next to her, once halved, she looks at the beast she has conquered, proudly, before offering one half to Wyll. Shadowheart rolls her eyes and attempts to enjoy her meal again.
Adjacent to Gale, Astarion sits, leaning back, enjoying a cup of wine, swirling it in his hand. He seems… Bored. There is no bowl in his lap. He must have finished it before you saw him, you tell yourself… but there is no empty bowl to be found. You observe him, curiously. If things are as difficult as the others say, surely he’d be just as desperate to have his own portion. The others barely seem to notice or care. Odd. He feels your eyes on him, then catches them with his own. You resist the urge to look away. He adjusts and smiles in his typical, cocky way before raising the cup and greeting you with a graceful nod. You nod back, withholding a smile.
“So, Tav, would you care to tell us a little more about yourself?” Wyll asks between slurps of stew. You are stunned for a moment. How does one go about answering such a question?
“There’s not much to tell. I’d only bore you.” You say firmly, almost as a warning to prevent any further questions. Astarion raises an eyebrow and smirks at your answer. Shit. He’s going to pry.
“Oh, don’t leave us in suspense, darling. Go on, we’re all dying to know.” He’s trying to sound sarcastic, but you can tell he’s genuinely intrigued by you. He sips his wine, all the while staring directly into your golden eyes.
“If you’re looking for stories of glory or valour, I have none. I’m no adventurer. I’m not like any of you.” You find comfort in telling the truth, maybe this will be enough.
“Really?” He drags out the word, taking the time to inspect you, searching for more.
“Well, if it’s any consolation, I didn’t think of myself as the adventuring type either, before all this. I’m not sure if any of us did.” Gale interjects, attempting to offer some empathy in the midst of Astarion’s grilling. You essentially scoff at his words, you’ve seen them in battle, how they fit right in, the idea that this wasn’t their first choice of career is almost laughable.
“Hm, I’m sure…” You pause, debating on whether or not to be honest about your abilities. Annoyingly, the conclusion seems to be that here, honesty is essential to your survival. They need to know that if you found yourself in the middle of a fight, you would be dead in seconds. “Look… I’ve… I’ve never touched a weapon, nor have I ever even tried to channel the weave, for that matter.” There is silence…
“Chk… We should have killed her when we had the chance, she’ll only slow us down. Useless k’chakhi.” Fury. That’s all you feel as you and Lae’zel glare at each other. You try to push down your anger enough to get words out.
“What the fuck did you just call me?!” You begin to stand to assert whatever dominance you can over her and beat the clear imbalance in both of your skills. For a moment, you swear you can hear Astarion quietly giggling in anticipation.
“Woah! Now, now, there’s no need for that. Let’s all calm down and think about this for a second.” Wyll saves the day by bringing both of your emotions down, a boil to a simmer.
“Tav… You really mean to say that you’ve… Never been in a fight?” Karlach asks. You sigh, shrug and sit back down. You’ve felt and witnessed immense pain, suffering and recently even inflicted some yourself. But a fight? A fair fight?
“No.” There is more silence… It lasts for some time…
“Can you cook?” Gale breaks the tension, gesturing to his, now empty, bowl. You raise an eyebrow in his direction, unsure of where he’s going with this. You nod, slowly. “Clean?” You nod again. “Mend things? Clothes and such?” You nod. “Well then. It seems to me like we have our very own campsitter.” A campsitter… It’s certainly less glamorous than what they’ll be doing every day… but it’s safe. And that’s all you want, you don’t care how. You push a smile onto your face and nod a final time, looking around expectantly at the other faces around you, who mostly seem to agree with Gale’s assessment. You breathe a sigh of relief.
Empty bowls are stacked and one by one, your companions excuse themselves and make their way to their tents for the night. Tents… Shit, you don’t have a tent. “Shit, I don’t have a tent…” You exclaim to yourself. Suddenly, you become aware of the night air that grips the large areas of exposed skin displayed by your pelt dress. It’s cold. You find Gale who seems to be in the middle of stretching and getting ready for bed. “Do you have any spare fabric around here? I need to make myself a tent for the night.”
Gale sucks air between his teeth. “Regrettably, no, we tend to travel light. We weren’t really prepared for a last minute addition to the group…” You sigh and run your hand through your long, dark hair as you think, his voice breaks your thought. “I suppose, just for tonight, you could share with one of us?” Your eyes widen and suddenly, your feelings of safety dissipate.
You had briefly considered your living situation before agreeing to stay with these people, but, somehow, the prospect of willingly being unconscious in their presence hadn’t crossed your mind until now. It sparks a swirl of anxiety in your chest. “Oh… I… I don’t think I’m okay with that.”
“Of course. Perfectly understandable.” Gale nods affirmatively before taking his chin between his fingers, thinking. You look around and begin to turn away. “Wait here a moment.” He ducks into his tent, you hear the rustling and rattling of various knick-knacks and trinkets. He emerges and presents you with a robe and a blanket. “Here we are. Consider these as a gift and an apology for our poor hospitality.” His unexpected kindness throws you off for a moment, causing you to stumble over your words. You were fully prepared to leave and solve your problem alone by roughing it by the fire.
“Oh- I- th-thank you…” You hold your arms out and he places them in your hands.
“I just hope that these and the fire are enough for tonight. Tomorrow, we will find you more adequate lodgings, I assure you.” Before turning away, he looks directly into your eyes with a tender expression. You match him, or at least attempt to, feelings of tenderness haven't always translated themselves accurately on your face. But that doesn’t stop you from making the effort.
It’s quiet for the first time since you arrived here, and for the first time in a long while, you are alone. You walk towards the campfire, surrounded by closed tents. A distant owl hooting softly, crickets chirping peacefully, the wind singing sweetly. You close your eyes and breathe the cool air, absorbing the tranquillity. You take the robe and walk past the outskirts of camp. A lake waits for you, not too far away, but far enough to remove your pelts without the fear of prying eyes.
And so you begin, laying the robe on a nearby rock, your, now free, hands graze over the thick fur that covers you. It’s barely held together as it is, so you feel no regret when tearing each pelt away from your body. As it turns out, goblins don’t make skilled tailors. You lay them in a neat pile as you reveal more and more of your skin to the cold air, the ends of your hair tickling the small of your back. You trace your fingers over your plump surfaces, searching for undiscovered cuts and bruises. You bend, rounded flesh folding like silk beneath you as you inspect your legs. Every now and then, your finger dips as it reaches the wavy, plum coloured marks that adorn your body. Taking note of the new additions to your injuries list, you check your undergarments for any holes that need mending. Somehow, they seem to be in relatively good shape, although every part of you and your clothing is in desperate need of cleansing. You look out to the lake, longingly, but decide not to risk it. It must be freezing, and who knows what’s in there.
Another time, perhaps…
Reaching for the robe, you take in it’s appearance for the first time. It’s a beautiful viridian green, the hem embellished with gold coloured thread. The outside is like velvet to the touch, the inside is textured and warm, you can’t wait to feel it shielding your body. You carefully pull it on and secure it around your waist. There’s no restriction or tightness, just comfort, clinging to your curves. It’s more modest than before which is nice, however, although you found the previous garment distasteful, you begin to miss the sight of your own skin, so you allow the neckline to fall a little further down and ensure the skirt’s slit can be traced all the way up to your right hip. For an item of clothing that wasn’t made for you, it fits remarkably well and the way you’ve chosen to wear it flatters your shape wonderfully. As you tie the final knot around your waist, you feel something. You feel eyes.
“Well, what do we have here?” A familiar voice is heard, coming from behind you. You don’t need to look to know who it is. You scoff as you finish up and turn to him. Astarion is resting on a tree by his shoulder, very obviously scanning your new look with his intense gaze.
“Great, you’re a pervert too?” You rest one hand on your hip and angrily wait for his explanation.
“You think so little of me, darling, I’m hurt!” He feigns being wounded. A smile threatens to creep onto your face at his performance. He’s funny. But no, you pull it back almost immediately. “I swear, I just got here, I didn’t see a thing.” He crosses his heart with one hand and an earnest grin. He takes a few steps closer, you step back, wanting to maintain some distance. “Come on, let me see.” He makes a gesture, urging you to twirl and show off. You can’t help but laugh.
“Seriously?” You raise an eyebrow and lean back, further into your hip.
“Oh come now, can’t I appreciate a beautiful thing when I see it?” He looks you up and down, even more obviously this time. You scoff once again but stop before you say anything else, instead you choose to grin, take some of your skirt in one hand and twirl, ending with a grand, performative bow.
“Mmm, I must say, it looks much better on you than Gale.” You laugh loudly for a moment. His grin falters to a warm smile for a split second.
“So, are you going to explain why I found you staring at me in the middle of nowhere now?” He stops smiling completely and looks to the floor, like he’s searching for something. 
“Hmm…” He finds your eyes again. “We all have our little secrets, don’t we, darling?” You sigh disappointedly.
“Well, that’s just annoying.”
“Isn’t it?” He steps closer again, this time, you stay put. “Goodnight, Tav.” He turns away and walks further into the forest.
“Goodnight, Astarion.” He halts and turns his head just enough for you to see his smile before disappearing completely into the trees.
You gather your things and make your way back to the dimming fire. You add fuel and breathe life back into it. You look around, each tent occupied, but Astarion’s. The temptation to snoop is very much there, but surely he’d know. You aren’t exactly the stealthy type. The warmth embraces you as you huddle under your new blanket. Eyes close.
You dream in fragments, but instead of pictures, they’re feelings. Fractured pieces of happiness, comfort, hope. And then… There’s the rest… __________________________________________
That familiar feeling of waking up, wanting more. The smell of burnt wood fills your nose, light burns your eyes, you adjust, back cracking, neck aching.
Gods, I hope they find something better for me to sleep on today.
Everyone is still asleep, Astarion’s tent now sealed.
What was he doing last night?
You rub your eyes and get up. There’s no better time to get started on breakfast. You head to the makeshift food station to assess the situation. It could be worse, there’s eggs, milk and some greens. Seven mouths to feed is a bit daunting, you’ve only cooked for 2 people at most. Although over the years, you developed a bit of a talent for it, it’s still certainly nerve wracking. You beat the eggs with the milk, chop the greens, stoke the fire and fry omelette after omelette until the main plate is stacked high. Your ingredients have been stretched as far as they can go and remarkably, it looks like you’ll be able to feed everyone. Slowly, companions begin to emerge from their tents, following the delicious smell of breakfast.
You stand, washing the utensils and dishes you used, hair tied up with stragglers escaping and Gale’s apron tied firmly around your waist. “Gods, what is that smell?!” Karlach’s voice sounds surprisingly nearby, she’s panting. Did… Did she run? You quickly turn your body to meet her. “Oh! Er- Breakfast?”
“Oh fuck yes! Ooo if I could, I’d squeeze you so hard right now!” You giggle, happy to see her so excited and happy to have missed out on the excruciating hugs that she no doubt gives. You hand her a plate with a fresh omelette on top. “Aw, thanks Tav!” She takes it away and shows it off to the rest of the group who begin to form a line. One by one you hand them a plate, each showing gratitude in response. Well, aside from Lae’zel who says nothing. Oh, and Astarion who… Didn’t even join the line. He sits by the fire with the rest, empty handed.
Does he just… not eat?
You fix him and yourself a plate and bring it over. “Here.” You hold it in front of him so he can smell it. He looks at it, then you.
“Thank you darling, but I’m not hungry.” He begins to push it away.
“You didn’t eat last night either, you must be starving. Come on, I promise my cooking isn’t terrible.”
He chuckles. “I don’t doubt that, my dear, but as I said, I’m not hungry.” You look around to see the others’ reaction, they are mostly trying to ignore the conversation, but occasionally you get some glances. They’re hard to read.
“Are you sure?” You ask, vexed. He nods. “Alright… Suit yourself. Does anyone want seconds?” Immediately several hands shoot up, you chuckle and take it away, cutting it up into even slices to hand out.
Finally, you sit with them to enjoy your share. You slip the apron off and set it to one side. Knife and fork in hand, you begin eating, once you look up, you notice that Gale, who is sat next to you, is stealing glances at you in his robe. “What’s the matter? Did I get something on it?” You start searching the fabric for possible stains.
“No, no. It looks great-er-good-fine. Yes, fine.” His stuttered response makes you smile, he’s blushing. You continue eating, every now and then, checking to see if his cheeks are still bright red, they consistently are. The others occasionally check you out too, though less frequently and a lot more casually. Even Lae’zel seems somewhat interested in your new outfit. Astarion, however, is more focused on Gale, watching him intensely out of the corner of his eye. “So, er… You wanted some camp supplies, is there anything else we can get for you?” Gale asks, avoiding looking at you.
“Hmm… Yes actually, maybe a change of clothes?”
“Done.” He smiles.
“I was wondering, the nearby lake, is it safe? To bathe in, I mean.”
Gale clears his throat at the thought of you bathing before speaking. “Y-yes. We made sure of that, don’t you worry.”
“Oh, good.” His eyes are wide, still avoiding looking at you. You chuckle to yourself at his reaction. You spot Astarion, no longer is Gale in the corner of his eye, he is now in full, direct view. It’s difficult to read his expression.
You finish up and take everyone’s plates back to the station. Everyone gets ready for their day, slipping on armour and equipping weapons. Karlach in particular looks rather dashing in her armour. The heroic look suits her and you aren’t the only one who seems to notice. Shadowheart watches her adjust the equipment from afar. You smile as you watch the silent, one-sided interaction between the two. Shadowheart notices you and looks away, sheepishly. You turn away to give her some privacy and continue washing the dishes. Karlach yells a goodbye in your direction, you turn and wave a wet hand in the air as you watch the odd gathering of companions leave the camp.
You spend the rest of the day cleaning and preparing ingredients for the evening meal. At about midday, Wyll arrives, alone. “Hey, Tav- Woah… The camp looks great… And is that dinner being prepared already? I think you might be the best addition to our group yet!” He laughs, appreciating your work.
You shrug, nonchalantly. “Just doing my bit. Why are you back so early?”
“Oh, yes, well, usually someone comes back to drop off heavy loads of things we find along the way, and today I pulled the short straw.” He smiles, rubbing the back of his head. “Oh, by the way, we stopped off at the grove. It turns out the tieflings are just about finished preparing to leave. They want to come to our camp tonight to celebrate.”
“They’re leaving? But didn’t you just secure the grove?”
“Yes, well, it wasn’t their home to begin with, they were just looking for a safe passage to leave.”
“I see.” The memory of the few tieflings that stood up to Minthara and her army cross your mind. You admire them and their courage, then you feel a pang of guilt, for you were the one who put them in danger. Then you realise that if you saw them, they saw you…
On the wrong side…
“Anyway, here’s today’s load, would you mind sorting through it? I think the things you requested are in here too.” He drops a large, heavy backpack at your feet.
“Of course, I’ll see you later.” He smiles and bows elegantly, you giggle and curtsy back (not so elegantly) before he leaves.
You go through the contents of the backpack finding various potions, magical items and armour pieces. You pull out a large fabric, dark green with flecks of gold, very similar colours to the robe you’re wearing. As you stretch it out you see a large splodge of blood, you grimace and roll it back up, you don’t want to know how it got there. You add it to the laundry basket. Lastly, you take out a burnt orange shirt, a brown corset and a pair of dark brown leather pants. You take the corset and hold it close.
Finally! Some support!
As comfortable as it can be wearing nothing on your chest, it can really make your back ache. This should definitely help. Thank the gods that there are other women in this party who would know to look for these things.
You organise and pack away the items, then begin doing laundry in the lake. A shadow of the blood stain is still on the fabric but it will have to do. You hang it all up to dry and gather more materials to set up your very own tent. Now, to pick a spot… It seems that the only option that’s big and safe enough is between Karlach and Astarion’s tents. You begin to place the materials down and plan it out, exactly how you want it.
Propping up sticks and hammering them into the ground, laying down the pelts from earlier to act as a rug, hanging little, handmade decorations at the entrance and finally, once dry, draping the fabric over it all and securing it. It looks cosy enough, you sit inside for a moment, enjoying your new shelter when you hear commotion in the distance. You hear a few voices that you recognise, and many you don’t. It seems the party has begun.
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notinthislife50 · 4 months
Chapter 49
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"Hey Garth," Sam answered his phone, rousing you from your sleep. Rubbing your eyes, you sat up, wrapping your hands around Dean. And groggily greeted him "hey."
Dean, smiling at you through the rearview mirror, squeezed one of your arms. "Hey, you sleep okay?"
"Mhmmm," you hummed in response, turning your attention to Sam, who had just hung up. "What's up with Garth?"
"It's close, Farmington Hills, Michigan. Dude got ripped limb from limb inside his locked apartment," Sam confirmed.
"Well, that's not good," Dean remarked.
As the three of you approached the sheriff, Sam introduced the group. "FBI? You guys are quick. Haven't even got the body out yet," the sheriff replied.
"Well, the FBI is all work and no play," Dean glared at Sam.
"Alright Jack, calm down," you elbowed Dean. "You know, why don't you give my partners the tour while I look around?"
"You sure you don't need help?" Dean called from behind you.
"I work better on my own," you shouted back.
In the kitchen, you pulled out your EMF reader, finding nothing. Soon, you rejoined the guys.
"Fortunately, we got a real lead off his cell phone," the sheriff said. "An accountant, also in his 30s, also lives alone."
"How is he a lead?" Sam looked confused.
"The two of them talked together for 15 minutes, and then Lance sent Ed here all kinds of angry texts. Some of them were your typical threat stuff, but some were a little weird."
"Weird how?" you asked.
"You shall bleed for your crimes against us," the sheriff quoted. "And, this beauty I am a mage. I will destroy you. These kids today with their texting and murder. My men just brought Lance into the station for questioning."
"Well, we're gonna need to take the first crack at the suspect," Dean confirmed.
"It's your world," the sheriff replied.
"Lance Jacobsen? We're with the FBI," Dean stated as the three of you entered the interview room.
"The FBI? I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe Ed's dead," Lance broke down.
"Lance, just breathe. You're fine," you comforted him. "We just need to ask you a few questions. Try to calm down."
"We want to know about the texts you sent Ed last night," Dean questioned.
"I told them when they brought me in those texts weren't from me. I mean, they were from me, but they weren't from me me," Lance sobbed.
"Did you really think that sentence was gonna clear things up?" Dean asked, perplexed.
"I'm sorry. This is all a big misunderstanding. Those text messages were from Greyfox the Mystic to Thargrim the Difficult. Our characters in Moondoor. Moondoor is a game that Ed and I play."
"You're Larpers?" you asked excitedly.
"Yeah, we play Moondoor every other weekend at Heritage Park. All the info about it is on our website," Lance smiled slightly at you.
"You guys have a website?" Dean asked, looking at you.
"Yeah, one of the players designed it. If you log onto the site, they should have posted pictures from last night's feast. I was there all night," Lance confirmed.
"What does any of this have to do with the texts?" Sam asked, growing impatient.
"I play a character named Greyfox the Mystic. I'm a very, very powerful mage in the game. Ed was Thargrim the Difficult of the Elder Forest, son of Hargrim and Bouphin, he was Lancelot to my Merlin," Lance explained, breaking down again.
"Well, if you guys were so tight, then why the threatening messages?" Dean inquired, nodding his head in confusion, when he saw the smile on your face.
"We were named to the queen's honor guard, in anticipation of the coming Battle of Kingdoms this weekend. I thought he broke protocol, so I called Ed after game hours and accused him of cheating, and then I challenged him to a duel."
"A duel?" Sam said, not believing what he was hearing.
"Wands and swords at dawn," Lance nodded.
"Now, when you say wands, do you mean magic wands?" Dean furrowed his eyebrows.
"No. Un-magic wands, Agent. Because what I want in a duel is an un-magic wand. Yes, fake wands. It's a game. I can't believe it. Oh, ye Gods, Thargrim the Difficult has fallen," Lance began sobbing.
"Hang in there, Lance," you patted his shoulder. "We will find out who did this."
The three of you left the interview room.
"So? Do you believe in Dungeons & Dragons?" Sam scoffed.
"Those weren't crocodile tears, Sam. That's not our guy," you said confidently.
"So what are we looking at?" Sam asked.
"You saw the chain mail. This could be Fifty Shades of Greyfox for all we know," Dean smirked, winking at you.
And you blushed, smiling at him. "That's a LARPing experience I wouldn't mind trying."
"Dear god," Sam groaned.
"All right, well, let's check out the Moondoor site, and see if Lance's story checks out," you smiled.
"Welcome to Moondoor, Michigan's largest LARPing game," you grinned, leaning back in the chair.
"You sound like you know all about this," Sam accused.
"Well, Sammy, I do," you said proudly.
"We definitely need to get out more," Dean groaned, causing you to slap him on the shoulder. "And how do you know all about this?"
Before you could answer, Sam had clicked on the Picture Gallery where Lance appears dressed in costume and holding a tankard.
"There' s our guy," Sam confirmed.
"It actually looks kind of awesome," Dean grinned.
"It really is," you laughed.
"All right, there's a video," Sam rolled his eyes at you both.
Sam clicked on the video, but called out in shock when he saw the woman on the screen. "Wait, is that?"
"Queen of the moor, Charlie," you announced proudly, cutting him off.
"Wait, you knew about this? She said not to talk to her?" Dean sounded hurt.
"Yes, we came across each other in World of Warcraft. I told you I was playing with her," you tried to explain.
"Wait, so Charles the Warlock is Charlie, Charlie?" Dean finally caught on.
"Yes," you laughed.
You watched in sadness as the coroner wheeled Lance's body away.
"You're gonna want to see this," the sheriff pointed, indicating for you to follow him.
You all watched in disbelief as Lance coughed up blood and died in the interview room.
"God forbid he was contagious. I'm gonna go dip myself in hand sanitizer," the sheriff looked disgusted, making you angry. Dean pulled you into him.
"He isn't worth it," he soothed.
“There. See that?” Sam rewound the video, pointing at Lance's tattoo " Same as Ed’s, You recognize it from anything?
“Aside from the mark of the creepy here, the only thing these guys have in common is LARPing.” Dean shook his head defeated.
“Lucky for us, we know the queen.” you sadly smiled.
@deansgirl79 @suckitands33 @deans-baby-momma @dragony937 @linzerrr @deans-spinster-witch @foxyjwls007 @djs8891 @my-obsession-spn @mikaylalala13 @jackles010378 @spnbaby-67
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survivalist-anon · 9 days
Log 22: Tools of the Trade
While the others were being prepared for their battle against El Nino; Wick, Moors and Tulio were headed back to Gus' bunker for extra help.
Driving out into the desert range, it was a race against time, the team weren't sure what was to happen, but they had to react quickly.
For it could already be too late.
"Gus should have some idea how to break into the place. Based on my readings, the facility is six stories deep. Something tells me it ain't for the public either, also.....they mentioned something about this "El Nino" guy, something tells me he's the main attraction to whomever is behind all this", Moors explained.
"Wait, I thought El Nino's fights were at South Point, how the hell could he not be for the public? I see his ads all the time.", Tulio asked as he was looking around the back of the truck, wondering why would they need so much tech.
Wick had been formulating what...or ...who El'Nino was. He was nearly unconscious when he had heard of this name, but he had heard it being muttered by the mystery buyer. "There's a likely chance it's an actor. One for the public, one for the intended audience.".
Tulio was putting two and two together, "oooooh like some illegal fighting ring? Oh that makes sense, back in Mexico city a few years back, Lucha Libre was banned for some time, it when underground and became an illegal fighting competition. Then after it had gotten popular again, it wasn't banned anymore.".
"hmmm ....I'm not sure if it's like that, but it's definitely underground.", Moors stops the truck at the same abandoned gas pump, rolled down his window to clown. "Gus! You there buddy?".
The intercom turned on with a sputtering crackle, "Welcome back to Gassy Gus's Gas Pump! I'll be right there!", as the intercom turned off, Gus happily hobbled out of the men's room this time. "Well by Orson Welles! Moors you're back! How'd it go?", giving gleeful bangs on the sides of truck. "Eh funny, you got enough gas?".
"Gus! We need some of your.... experience....you still have that drilling equipment?", Moors asked with a sly grin.
Gus' face stretched into a manic smile, "OOOH BOY HOWDY I DO, where too.", Moors in the past has employed Gus for a verity of covert excavation projects, considering one of the best types of jobs Gus had in his youth was a coal miner and a non-certified geologist. "Oooooh I can smell the iron rich, quartz deposits already.", rubbing his hands together in anticipation.
"Now Gus, we need the big guns. We have no idea what could be down in this place. I recon it's security is in-between government level and that Security Containm-", Gus sticks his hand out.
"Say no more! Now let me gather the gear and get coordinates and pinpoint the best spot!", Moors was more then welcome to oblige to giving Gus some of the information from last night.
Wick, getting understandably impatient, decided to go up to the front seat and talk to Gus himself, "Excuse me G-", Wick peered out from Moors' side, as he showed his face Gus pointed at him in surprise.
"Gah! Moors I didn't know you knew the Grey from Sector 17-M! It's a pleasure to finally welcome you to Earth great ones!", Gus bowed in a Y stance.
Moors wasn't too surprised about this and turned to Wick, expressionless and confused. "Ugh oh yeah I never told you Gus is a "Intergalactic Enthusiast", he loves anything from ugh...outer space...he thinks your this thing.", he takes out one of his car key charms and shows a little iconic black eyed, green alien.
Wick, looking at the charm with absolute apathy, "....he thinks I'm a Xenos?", he looks to Moors giving an awkward smile.
"yeah, just please go with it.", continuing the smile.
"Fine, Gus we genuinely need to hasten this mission. There is not just our comrades, but another civilian likely involved. We need to be careful and swift, for this could spell disaster for her.", Wick looked at him sternly.
Gus looked back at Wick, "...her?", and gave a hard salute, "Than I shall help rescue your mate too!", Moors was doing everything in his power to hold back the laughter while Wick had shown some semblance of color to his usually pale complexion with a flooded blush for the first time in his life.
"Well no time to waste! Come on down to my secret abode!", he ran back into the men's room, activating a secret underground ramp to his own abandoned government bunker.
"Hehehe, you're all going to love this.", Moors chuckled.
Tulio, who has been watching this from the back of the truck, was astounding. "Wick? You're an alien? I thought you did like...body mods or something.", he asked gingerly, only realizing the insane reality of this situation.
"..... we're from 'outspace', but we're not 'aliens'... we're just as human as you are.", Wick answered begrudgingly.
Tulio for the first time actually took a good hard look at Wick and Moors, contemplating what Wick has said, "well....you guys seem alot more of something else. Most people don't look like you guys.", he hesitantly spoke.
Those words stuck with the two marines, Tulio was not wrong to say what he said, his observation wasn't inaccurate either. Giving in considering that Sleen had at some point called the others 'Steers', and all the stares from strangers where ever they went. It was clear as Astartes, they were much more then men, they were something else alongside that 'man', something mortals on Earth do not consider normal to their standards.
Whether it is something to marvel, or something to exploit....is completely dependent on the situation.
Slowly driving down the ramp, lights started to illuminate the runway, showing a set of dusty, unused military jeeps.
As they parked the car, Tulio and Wick stepped out from the back truck.
"Hold it!", Gus croaked. He took out a lead pipe with wires and a light attached to it, waved around Tulio and Wick. "Hmmm.....gramifier is not picking anything up. Good.", he than takes out a gypsum rod. Waving it around. "Vibes check out". Gives a stern look at both, then a bright smile. "Welcome, to Casa de Gus! Where the finest of equipment can be hehe, redistributed for any intergalactic purposes!".
Tulio was a bit stunned at all of this, "ay... gringo loco.". He quietly grumbled to himself.
The four walked down to a large hanger full of hi tech government issued weaponry, vehicles, Gus's collection of space memorabilia, one rocket booster that had been unceremoniously removed from a crash site, and a small living space for Gus.
"Bruh, you call this a bunker?! This is like, a secret lair or something. Are you like...an ex-fed or something?", Tulio looked around in amazement.
Moors was browsing for anything new Gus could have taken in the recent decade, "hmmm ...Gus, where did you get this?", pointing at a very suspicious container with a familiar label that was commonly found on much of Fort Dorn's stolen vehicles.
Gus jingled his way to Moors, "hmmm....oh yes, got this baby back in '09, those secret organization guys again....they were chasing the running headlights I told you 'bout. You know...the ones with legs.", Gus was referring to the rumors of unknown creature with what people have claimed is one large luminous eye, mimicking a car headlight. Obviously, Moors didn't believe in such creatures.
"oh...you do realize they probably want this thing back right?", Moors warns him.
"...hmmm...nah I'll keep it, anyway! Here's what y'all need!", Gus leads the trio to a large shelf of items, "I hope y'all brought your armor too. Some of these additions will be perfect! Drills, disrupter signals, the ever important rubber duck and this!", Gus picks up what looks like a small speaker, "I call it, the "Siren", play this lil'beaut and it will blast someone's ear drums.".
Wick was examining some of the items, most of which were stolen from the Government, others likely from experimental labs, "....we will likely only need to break in...have heavy cover and a distraction....Tulio, you will be on integral part of this mission.", he turned to Tulio with confidence.
Tulio, although way in over his head in this situation, was more than happy to assist. "You can count on me homes.", he says with a grin.
"well, I'm not certain if I'll need.my armor, speaking of which where's your armor Wick? I doubt you took a flight here....", Moors asked.
Wick had nearly forgotten about his armor, he had left it at the Air Force hanger near the city. "....oh...Moors, thanks for reminding me.....how about we also get these bottom feeders in a....predicament with the government?", he looked at Moors.
"I mean we can, but I'm certain they'll track us down.", Moors responded.
Gus chuckled a little, "nah, I have the tools of the trade, I know a few whistle blowers who will do a fine job at diverting attention away from y'all."
In the underground holding facility, the others were contemplating their escape. Meanwhile, Sten was pawing this "Big Joe", for more information.
"Big Joe, I am curious as to how long have you been here....it must have been for some time I assume?", although there was no point in looking up at the ceiling of his cell, it was better than activating the bars.
"yeah, I've been for a bit. Funny enough, this is the second time I've been trapped here....the first place really bummed me out.", Joe's cadence was more casual than most of the other Astartes. His diction even felt like it was loosened.
Tilting his head, he wondered what was he referring to, "....was it another government facility?", he didn't know if this Joe was another psyker like him. So he did not want to force himself into his mind.
"Yeah, but this place was WAY more lock tight. Imagine being treated like an animal that can talk or something....they did some weird tests. At first I didn't understand what they were saying, than they thought me to speak their dialect of Gothic, then English....that's where things got interesting....there so many interviews and questions.... medical examinations.....then....they started to send these orange cladded fellows with weapons.... obviously I killed them...it's not like I was going to let them get the upper hand....than....I met one of their scientists....what a doll......miss her a lot really...", Joe reminisced on that thought for a while. "...we sort of began meeting secretly...til they cought us. I never her saw again after that ....but it's weird because I could tell she was still there! She was still in that place, but something about her biological began to change, I could smell it. Lucky for me the place wasn't completely airtight. It was all that kept me going for a little....than.... something happened...", he stopped for a few seconds.
It was clear to Sten something about Joe's story felt empty, it seems Joe hadn't disclosed one important detail. "...What Chapter do you belong to, Joe?".
There was a pregnant pause, something that Sten had become wary of.
".......why.", Joe replied dryly.
"You should be comfortable with tell us....", while Sten remarked, he had felt that there was something he could do to find out for himself, specifically on his belt.
His belt buckle was a wide, military standard, silver colored buckle. He quietly took it off to shine it as much as he could, the reflection wasn't perfect, but it would suffice.
He stuck the buckle at an angle that Joe wouldn't notice, he could see that Joe wasn't wearing any armor, he had his back turned facing a mirror, his back not only had scars from previous fights in the facility, but also telltale signs of medical experimentation. Joe hadn't noticed the small mirror in the corner of cell peaking.
Unfortunately, someone else had. On the other side of the holding blocks, a security room was watching the Marines in the holding cell.
The security guard lazily sees Sten holding something. "Oh geez, I'm gonna have to take that from him aren't I...", he lumbered out of his seat and headed straight to the cells.
"Hey! You there! Whats you got there!?", the security guard casually pointed his gun at Sten, he knew that conventional bullets wouldn't actually hurt these guys. It was comparable to rubber bullets.
Joe had turned around out of curiosity, Sten could see Joe's face for the first time.
He had a large scar across his neck, as if something big had attempted to bite down. Dark brown hair, closer to black than it was brown. And crimson red eyes.
"Hmm...", Sten drank in as much of the visage as possible.
"HEY! Beardo! Quit that!", the guard took out a cattle prod and stuck right into Sten's arm.
A strong shock flowed through his shoulders, "RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!", what sounded like a roar reverberated.
The chaos Marines on the opposite side aroused with excitement. Hollering and growling.
"Sten! What's happening?!", Cahrilo shout, "HEY knock it off!".
The guard has held his position and completely ignored them. Suddenly, Joe reached out, grabbed the guard by the arm.... crushing his forearm in the process. Lifted him to the bars.
Electrocuting him as Joe pulled the guard into the bars.
The screams echoed, the chaos Marines cheering.
The cattle prod had fell on the floor, thinking quickly, Sten recovered what he had left of the shock to quickly get the prod.
Hiding it in his pants.
Joe dropped the guard's corpse, and went on with what he was doing. "You better behave now bud. Or you'll end up like you friend over there.", referring to Bilhard.
Sten quickly got up.
As the foot steps of the other guards come in, pointing their guns at the Marines. One of the guards, likely a mercenary, looked out at the partly chared corpse. "Uuugh, looks like Quincy finally got cocky. Clean it up before the boss gets here. Alright which one of you guys did it?"
The lack of empathy for his fallen comrade was a surprise to the others, he had acted like as if this was a regular occurrence.
"come on guys .....be honest or I'm checking the cameras....and the "buzzer" is in the camera room....yah honestly want to shock you guys or be good boys and say what happened...", the guard instructed callously. "I'm not mad, but my boss will be."
Sten had looked over his shoulder, hoping the guards hadn't seen him steal the prod.
"Ugh it was me Frank.", Joe loomed over the guard in the cell above. "My buddy down here wanted to shake hands, I was about to than the guard just came over.... probably jumped the gun....it self defense on my comrade's behalf.", Joe gave an innocent grin.
The guard looked over at the corpse, than to Sten. "Hmf...fine I'll bite.....I don't want no funny business you hears?", he turned away and helped the other guards clean up the body.
The others were stunned, Toke looked at them drag the body to the other side of the room.
"Which one of you sick bastards wants him?", he banged on one of the cells.
The chaos Marines all began to fight over who got the corpse. Gnashing and attempting to claw at the corpse. No matter how pointless it was.
"YOUR COMRADE JUST DIED. You're just going to feed his body to the corrupted lot?", Toke protested to the guard.
The guard looked back at Toke, "Look, it's not we actually want to be here....yous honestly think we would have taken this shit job for shit pay? Naw, it's too much money to pass up....", he looked to one of the Black Legion Marines, since that one hadn't begged for his food he could have the corpse. As the guard used a code to heavily magnetize the chains on the marine's legs and wrists, more signifying to simply step back for the sake of animalistic obedience, he dragged his coworker's body to the middle, closed the cell behind him and watched as the chaos marine viciously tore into the chest of the corpses, stuffing chunks into his face, chest and pauldron.
".....yet it always feels like it ain't enough money in the world to get someone for tolerate this...."
End of log 22
@kit-williams @barn-anon @egrets-not-regrets @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @walking-natural-disaster @starfrost740 @squishyowl @sleepyfan-blog @lawnchair86
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thepaperpanda · 1 year
A Snowy Army || Ragnarssons x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄
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Summary: Making snow angels with Ivar is a whole new experience.
Warnings: none
Word count: 2409
Authors: Bear & Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: Making Snow Angels
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Snow danced in the sunlight, a ballet choreographed by the gentle wind. As he watched, Ubbe's eyes widened, as wide as his younger brothers' when they saw the street had turned into a new page, ready for their playful feet and mittened hands. "Y/N?" Ubbe called your name, casting a glance through a chamber warmed by the crackling fire in the fireplace.
While carrying a few logs of wood to the fireplace to ensure everyone stays warm, you gasped in surprise upon hearing your name. "Yes, Ubbe?”
"Don't you think it's lovely outside?" Ubbe chimed in.
His words were met with Ivar's snorting. "Yeah, what beautiful weather, with cold wind and tons of snow."
"It's beautiful indeed, but it's a shame that such beautiful weather is accompanied by such a coldness," you replied softly.
Ivar clapped his hands and pointed to you, exclaiming, "See what I mean? Even a thrall understands that winter is dreadful. And mother claims that all the thralls are stupid."
Hvitserk had now joined the conversation he had overheard while napping by the fireplace. "Ivar, stop being a jerk to Y/N and behave."
You waved your hand and shrugged, "I'm used to it, no worries," you said. "Hvitserk? Do you need anything?”
"No, Y/N, but thank you for asking," Hvitserk replied, closing his eyes again in an attempt to fall back asleep.
Ubbe suggested, "Can we go outside for some fresh air?"
As Sigurd entered the Great Hall, his loud voice echoed from the walls, "I'm in. The snow is so fluffy, and it's not that cold outside."
As you glanced at Ubbe and others, you smiled but still wrapped fur around Hvitserk to make sure he wouldn't get cold. "Shall I bring your furs?”
"I have mine," Sigurd said, pointing to the thick fur he wore.
"I'll get mine, though. I believe we should give Hvitserk some rest for he had a rough night," Ubbe responded with a nod of his head.
"Bring me mine, thrall," Ivar said. "Did you forget I'm a cripple?"
"Ivar!” Ubbe yelled at his younger brother, this time being out of patience with his rude behavior.
As you bowed your head, you headed to bring Ivar's fur to avoid aggravating him further.
Ubbe approached Ivar, who was sitting by the table, sipping his herbal drink, and smacked the back of the younger man's head.
"Hey! What was that for?!" Ivar looked at his older brother, an unhappy grimace on his lips.
"What did I say about treating our thralls well?"
Ivar's fur was quickly found and returned to him by you. "Would you like me to help you put it on?”
After being chastised by his older brother, Ivar gave you a look and nodded, "Yes, please." He emphasized the last word to demonstrate to Ubbe that he understood his older brother's message.
Ubbe gave you a gentle smile and asked you to assist Ivar while he and Sigurd waited outside.
By softly nodding, you helped Ivar. You put the fur around his shoulders and then ensured it wouldn't slip off by wrapping it around him. "Here you go. Now you won't get cold."
"Thank you," Ivar whispered quietly after ensuring that none of his brothers were present, so they wouldn't mock him for being so polite; it was the side of himself he tried his hardest to hide from the world.
As you walked away to take care of your other duties, you said, "You're welcome."
You were just a thrall, no matter how much you wanted to join the brothers.
Ivar inquired, out of the blue, "Maybe you want to join us?"
Your eyes widened as you stared at Ivar.
Did he really invite you to join? You? Out of all the people.
"I would love to, but I'm not sure if I can."
"Why? I'm inviting you right now. Are you going to refuse my offer?"
"N-No. I wouldn't dare," you whispered.
As Ivar carefully sat on the floor and crawled toward the door, he said, "Follow me then and stop whining."
As soon as you found the fur you owned, you wrapped it around yourself before following Ivar.
Before leaving the Great Hall, Ivar put on his gloves to protect his hands from the cold of the frozen ground.
It wasn't long before Ubbe and Sigurd were joined by you and Ivar.
Ivar scoffed as he watched his older brothers fight with snowballs.
When you looked at Ivar, you asked, "You... You think I can try too?" Sure, Ivar invited you to join them, but you weren't sure if you could play around with them - they were princes and you were nothing but a thrall.
Ivar shrugged a little. "Of course, why not?"
With a smile, you grabbed some snow, made a ball out of it, and threw it at Ubbe.
The oldest brother gasped loudly, not expecting you to join them. A huge snowball soon hit your shoulder, and then your tummy.
You laughed loudly and decided not to let them win, so you threw more snowballs at Ubbe and Sigurd.
Ivar sat on the snowy ground, watching you all interact.
Soon after, Ubbe grabbed you by the waist and lifted you into his arms, making it impossible for you to escape as he locked you in a bear hug.
Trying to escape his tight embrace, you squealed loudly, but it was no use, so you just giggled.
And that was when you were attacked from behind by Sigurd, who stuffed some snow under your fur and tunic while Ubbe held you tightly in his arms.
The cold made you whimper loudly, "No! Not fair!"
Ivar couldn't stop laughing at the situation.
Ubbe set you back down and tapped your nose, "Come on, snow is great fun!"
You shook your head, "NOT WHEN IT GETS UNDER MY CLOTHES!"
"We can always help you get rid of those clothes," Sigurd slyly remarked.
Blinking, you blushed. "Well... I don't think such a thing would help me at the moment."
"You'd get warm again," he slightly wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
Ubbe shook his head a little and pulled you out of Sigurd's embrace. "The snow's fluffy, let's try something."
As you looked up at Ubbe, you asked happily, "Like snow angels?!"
Ivar was the one who made a comment on your words, "It's clear you used to be a Christian. You even refer to shapes made in fresh snow as angels."
As you shrugged, you explained, "That's what we always called them. Because they did indeed look like angels."
"Angels. Ha! Pathetic explanation," Ivar summed up wryly; it met Ubbe's disapproval. 
"Ivar, if you have to say all these nasty words, better shut up this time," the oldest brother claimed.
"Ubbe it's okay. I'm used to it."
As soon as you left Ubbe, you landed on the snow right where you had hopped. As you moved your arms and legs, you created a shape in the snow; once you were done, you raised your hand in triumph. "Ubbe, can you help me get up?"
Ubbe took a giant step towards you and extended his hand, assisting you in getting back up.
Grasping his hand, you let him lift you up. Obviously, you were careful not to ruin your snowy creation. "It does look like an angel."
Ubbe examined the shape and quickly agreed with you that it did resemble an angel. "Y/N is correct."
You smiled and asked, "Ivar? Would you like to give it a try?"
Ivar looked up at you with a frown. "Do I appear to move my legs in the same way you did to make this shape? No, I don't believe so."
You thought for a moment. "You can move your arms! Your angel simply won't have a dress, or I can move your legs."
In a loud scowl, Ivar said, "Don't touch my legs, I can do everything by myself." After these words, Ivar crawled to where you had made your snow angel. He sat flatly on the snow, moved his left leg left, then his right leg left, then repeated the action in the other direction. After that, he lay heavily down and only moved his left arm a few times.
"If you don't do both arms, your angel will only have one wing," You said, hiding under Ubbe's soft fur.
Ivar sat on his butt again and started to draw something on the snow. Soon, he carefully left the snow and crawled out, revealing a shape looking like a warrior with a sword.
You and Ubbe walked closer. With a grin on your face, you nodded your head. "Well, that's always something new."
Ubbe slowly raised his eyebrow. "Well, that's interesting."
Sigurd was the second to approach and check the final result. "Ivar, brother, you're the man of many talents. Your talent goes far beyond being a brat. You have the power to fuck everything you get your hands on."
"Sigurd," you frowned at him and then smiled at Ivar. "Don't say that. Ivar makes pretty things in his own way. I like it."
Upon seeing Ivar looking up at you, you could swear he had a twinkle in his eye and a slight smile on his lips.
"Can you help me make more warriors like you did? WE COULD MAKE OUR OWN ARMY!" You enthusiastically inquired.
Ivar cocked his eyebrow while looking at you but nodded without unnecessary words.
You flopped down on the snow and began making your army.
Ivar observed you but soon followed, trying to make another shape in the fluffy snow.
As you copied his technique, you made some crooked shapes in the snow. You tried to make better-looking ones with an unhappy growl.
Ivar created a few more shapes with some struggles, but after that he was truly proud with the final outcome.
As Ubbe helped you shake the snow off your fur, you smiled and thanked him. 
You looked proudly at all the shapes. "Beware! I present to you your brother's army that will conquer the world!"
Ivar, who was sitting on the ground, looked up at you and actually gave you a smile. "It's not that bad in the end. They don't look like pathetic angels."
"I won't do snow angels again," you giggled, "They look like great warriors, so it will be only snow warriors from now on."
"Snow warriors, I like it, actually," Ivar replied proudly.
Despite rolling his eyes, Sigurd agreed that the shapes looked pretty neat.
Your head was bowed, and you said, "It's your own army, my prince."
Ivar kept smiling at you, but soon his smile vanished from his lips.
As Sigurd walked away, he mocked, "This is the only army he'll ever get.".
Using some snow, you rolled a ball and threw it at Sigurd. You walked to Ivar next. "Don't worry. You'll have a great army soon, I'm sure."
Ubbe watched the scene for a moment, but soon he decided it was time to leave you and Ivar alone, so you could try to get along together - Ivar used to be very snappy towards you since the very first day you were taken in by Ragnar and Aslaug.
"Yeah, in my fucking dreams."
"Oh, Ivar. Please, you never know what gods have prepared for you," you reassured him.
"Gods seem to hate me," he told you, slowly crawling away.
Following him, you shook your head. "No, Ivar. They don't. You are still here. It means one thing - they have a great plan for you."
"How can you be so cheerful? So full of hope?" He asked with a nasty tone.
"The positive side of life is what I try to focus on," you explained. "By being down the entire time, you will make things harder for yourself."
Ivar crawled to the nearest stable, where he crawled inside and sat on the hay. He started petting one of the horses. "Maybe you're right."
It was brave of you to sit next to him. "Each of us has a purpose in this world. If you are here, it means your purpose hasn't yet been fulfilled."
"Maybe you're right. I dream of becoming the most powerful man in the world."
"My belief is that one day you will be the most powerful man in the world."
He cocked his eyebrow, looking at you. "You say all those things, and you're kind to me only because I am a cripple, and you're scared of my mother."
There was a roll of the eyes from you. The reason I am polite to you is because I want to, and even if you aren't nice sometimes, I don't think you deserve to be hated or treated worse than others."
His eyebrow slowly went up a little as Ivar tilted his head.
"Am I saying something?"
As you shrugged, you replied, "No, but I've seen this look before."
"Do you?"
"Yes," Nodding, you grabbed his chin and turned his face enough to kiss him gently.
Ivar gasped; this was the last thing he expected of you. Your lips were soft, warm and welcoming. Ivar instinctively closed his eyes and moved his lips slowly against yours, giving the kiss back.
After kissing him for a moment longer, you pulled away. Seeing his lightly shocked expression, you giggled. "Would you be able to smile for me now?"
Hesitantly, Ivar smiled but soon turned his head away, trying to hide the blush and surprise that painted on his face.
You kissed his cheek briefly and got up to leave the stable. "This expression suits you much better," you said. "We'd better get back before your mother gets angry at me."
"Angry at you? Why? You're guarding her crippled son," Ivar patted the horse one last time and crawled slowly after you.
You concluded, "I keep him outside when it's freezing as well. If you get sick, it's my fault. Not only will she punish me for that, but she will make me take care of you, and you're even more moody when you're sick."
"That's not true," he protested, but followed you anyway.
"How could that be? Every time you are sick, you almost cry that you are dying."
"Because this is how I feel, like dying!"
"Oh, yes, yes. Let's get back inside. I will make you something warm to drink."
He followed you, thinking he could warm himself up with one more kiss from you.
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I have a prompt if you want it. What do the RE8 women and reader do while spending the evening/night by a cozy fire? Do they play games? Read books to each other? Cuddle the fuck out of each other? I need yo know.
A nice little prompt to get me thinking outside the box a bit... LET'S GET COZY BY THE FIREPLACE, SHALL WE? 🔥
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On a nearby table, Alcina adjusted the contents of a tray a maid had dutifully left for the Lady: a bottle Sanguis Virginis for herself, and a bottle of the newest blend she had created for you, a sweet red – blood-free, of course, and two wine glasses.
She smirks as she drapes a blanket over the back of the leather couch in case you get cold, but she knows you won’t need it.
A knock at the door, and a maid announces your arrival. Alcina glances at you over the back of the couch. “Ah, draga. Come join me, won’t you?” You enter the room and the maid closes the door behind you.
Alcina had mentioned something about a gift of sorts earlier in the day, but you were not expecting this. She stands up from her seat on the couch, and as she turns to you, she slowly unties her black silk robe revealing her surprise: miles of black lace and porcelain skin that glows in the light of the fire.
She reaches out to you, takes your hand, and leads you to the area in front of the fireplace where red velvet pillows lay atop a plush white rug.
The logs in the fireplace crackled, the flames low. You offer to stoke the fire, but your eyes are unable to leave the woman who was now kneeling before you. Alcina gathers your shirt in her fists pulling you closer.
Even though you are now eye to eye with her, you still see her robe slide down her shoulders as she takes you into her strong arms. She nuzzles your neck, and nips and licks her way up to the shell of your ear before whispering…
“You needn’t bother with the fire, draga mea. Allow me to keep you warm tonight.”
Donna plans a cozy evening by the fire for just the two of you.
She makes a deal with Angie to leave the both of you alone, promising to take her to see the Dimitrescu daughters tomorrow for fun and games. Donna also locks up the kitchen knives for the evening, making the doll pout.
You bring a pile of books you’ve slowly been making your way through. Donna has laid her current knitting project and a few balls of yarn on the couch.
She brings in a tray of tea and cookies and places it on the table next to your books. “I thought you might read aloud while I knit. I do so love hearing your voice.” This makes you smile as you pour tea for two.
After nibbling on a cookie, Donna randomly selects a book from your pile… Death in the Garden: Poisonous Plants and Their Use Throughout History. “Sounds fascinating. Tell me what you have learned, amore mia.”
She knits, and you read. You sit with your back against the arm of the couch; your feet stretched towards her. Her posture is straight as an arrow at first, but she relaxes as you continue to read.
While you were engrossed in your book, you failed to notice Donna had abandoned her knitting project. She had been watching you, her sweet smile giving way to a yawn. “My apologies.” She says shyly. The warmth of the fire and your voice soothes me.”
You use a stray piece of yarn to mark your place in the book before crawling across the couch to Donna. She presses a kiss into your hair after covering you both with a blanket. “Comfortable, mia cara?”
“Mmm, very,” and you continue to read until the fire dies, falling asleep curled up next to each other.
The Dimitrescu Daughters
It’s a dark and stormy night. Alcina has had a long day. She asks you to keep the girls entertained while she bathes and tries to rid herself of “this infernal headache.” You kiss her and reassure her you can keep the girls out of trouble.
The girls were known to terrorize the maids morning, noon, and night – the time of day didn’t matter, but they just found it exceptionally thrilling to do so on nights like these.
Before they can set off to gallivant throughout the castle, you tell them you have a better idea and to meet you in the library. You instruct them to start up the fireplace while you grab a few supplies.
When you return, you find the girls sitting next to the fire: Bela picks at her nails while Cassandra and Daniela play Rock Paper Scissors. Daniela wins again, Cassandra tackles her sister, and you intervene, slapping and yelling at them to quiet down while pulling the brunette off the redhead. Cassandra playfully snaps at you (at least you think she is playing). “This had better be good.” She says staring you down.
You dump the bag of marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolates out onto the floor in front of the girls. “What the hell is this?” Cassandra asks.
“S’mores. I am going to show you how to make s’mores and then we are going to tell scary stories.”
The process of showing the girls how to make s’mores was…a messy one. The maids were going to be pissed, but the girls thoroughly enjoy themselves. Bela had some grace in construction and eating, Cassandra cursed as she set several marshmallows on fire, flinging them across the room as she tried to extinguish them (you had to run after the blazing balls of goo, making sure they didn’t set fire to anything else), and Dani hummed and smiled as she bit into her s’more, marshmallow and chocolate oozing out the sides and running down her chin.
They gathered around to listen to your tale of terror. The fire is warm, and the lightning flashes through the large skylight above. Surprisingly, they stay focused and do not budge, until you release a jump scare on them causing them to scream and swarm to their mother.
You are quite pleased with yourself; you, the silly little human who scared the Dimitrescu girls.
Minutes later, Alcina enters the room to find you on your back, laughing hysterically, popping the last s’more into your mouth. “Draga?” She growls. Her beautiful white negligee, your favorite, is now covered in chocolate hand prints and smudges where the girls had grabbed at her. She smiles, but it is terrifying, which trumps your scary story jump scare.
“You…look…beautiful…sweetheart?” You wince. “I’ll be up to bed shortly…I’ll just...clean all this up and-,”
“Oh, no!” She shakes her head. “This…” she gestures at her attire, “is now off limits. You can sleep in the guestroom tonight!”
The priestess sat at her desk doing work while you sat on the couch. Occasionally, you would ask if there was anything you could get her. She would respond with a curt “no,” or simply dismiss you with a flick of the wrist.
You walk to the fireplace and start a fire. “What are you doing?” She grumbles without looking at you.
You tell her you were a bit chilly, and thought a fire might help, that you would prepare some tea and she was welcome to join you if she was able to take a break.
Miranda was a bit cold, as she had not moved much for the past several hours, but she was unwilling to abandon her work entirely, opting to take a few journals over to the couch.
Smiling up at her, you curl your legs up closer to your body, making room for the regal woman. She nods when you hand her a cup of tea. She rarely says thank you.
She is not much for conversation, ever really, but especially while she works. Her beauty is captivating, and you can not help but steal glances as she reads and takes notes. Her brilliance and madness, both stemming from love and pain, only add to that beauty.
“You’re watching me. Why?” She asks without looking at you.
Of course, she notices. She sees all. She knows all. “I’m sorry,” you say, shivering as you look away embarrassed.
A black feathered wing spreads out to you, fluttering gently as if beckoning you to come closer. Miranda clears her throat but continues to work, not saying a word.
Cautiously you crawl over to her and lay your head against her arm. She wraps her wing around you to keep you warm. As she continues to work, you stroke her feathers until you fall asleep.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 1 year
Anthony Bridgerton and Christmas (headcanons)
A/N: The final of my Christmas headcanons for the Bridgertons! Wishing you all a very merry Christmas, a wonderful festive period, a prosperous new year and some absolutely wonderful days ahead. I’m sending you all my love and best wishes. Be safe, and if you cannot be safe, be careful.
warnings: christmas inspired, holiday season, Yule log, fires, fluff, happiness
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A tradition he treasures, and one he wants to share with you.
The Yule log, to Anthony, was one of the most important parts of the festive season. it was the centrepiece of the family christmas; keeping them all warm through the winter. 
A specially selected log to be burnt on a hearth; Anthony had you up at an earlier hour that you were used to so you could wander into the woods that bordered Aubrey Hall - the Bridgerton’s ancestral home.
Anthony knew the tree he was looking for; an ash tree. It would be the very same tree his father had taken him to, looking for a Yule log for his young family.
After his father’s death, the tradition was abandoned, the memory of Edmund Bridgerton too painful for his eldest son to continue his most favourite tradition.
However, Anthony now wanted to resurrect the tradition with you.
Which was why you were both trampling through the woods, early in the morning, looking for the tree that Anthony needed.
“It’s around here somewhere,” Anthony reassures, smiling at you.
“I don’t doubt it.”
It took longer than Anthony would have liked, but the tree is found and he shouts victoriously at the sight of it. He turns to you; eyes bright with excitement as he readies the axe he had brought with him.
“Are you sure you know how to do this?” You ask; your voice giving away the worry that had settled deep within your gut at the sight of your husband with an axe.
Anthony huffs, rolling his eyes playfully. “Of course, my love. I’ve done this before.”
You remain silent as you watch Anthony chop away at the ash tree; relief washing over you when the deed is done and Anthony walks away with no injuries and a log in hand.
A proud, satisfied smile settles on Anthony’s face as he makes his way back to you. “Shall we head home?” He asks, holding an arm out for you.
The log needed to be dried before it could be burnt. Anthony was adamant on doing it all correctly.
It’s well into the night before the log is ready. Anthony readies the fire; pride coming off him in waves as he readies the hearth.
The flames of the log heat the room. You join Anthony by the fire; his hands pull you to him, settling you against his chest as you both watch the flames. Peace settles over the both of you; Anthony’s breathing close to lulling you to sleep.
“We have another tradition,” Anthony all but whispers. He pulls out two candles from a nearby draw. “We light the candles using the fire from the Yule log and make a wish. The wishes must be kept a secret or they won’t come true.”
Silently, you take the candle from your husband, holding it carefully over the flickering orange flames from the Yule log, letting the wick catch before pulling away. You glance at your husband before making your wish - wishing him eternal happiness, wishing him peace and love. There wasn’t another person on the earth that you adored more than the man sat beside you. He would be in all your wishes, for he was your wish.
Keeping a steady hold on your burning candle, you pull Anthony in for a sweet kiss. “It’s your turn, my darling,” You whisper as you pull away, leaving him momentarily to put your candle in a nearby candelabra.
Anthony waits for you to rejoin him before he makes his wish. He thinks not his father who died too soon; he thinks of his mother who never really recovered from the shock; he thinks of his youngest siblings who did not have the same memories of their complete family as he did. Finally, he thinks of you - he thinks of the love he has for you, so entirely encompassing. Anthony thinks of how you accept him; loving each part of him despite his flaws and follies. Anthony thinks of how you took this tradition in your stride; taking part in every moment.
Anthony’s wish comes to him suddenly - to freeze this moment, where it is for as long as he can.
The tradition had been rebirthed, and with it, Anthony’s love for it.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 8 months
Many Roads Diverge in the Woods
A JSE Interactive Fanfic
Part One
Welcome, everyone, to the special Halloween event: a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-style fanfiction! I'm super excited to get this started, and very curious about what the collective of Tumblr will decide to do. The five septics head out to a cabin in the woods for a fun vacation. Little do they know that everything is not as they seem in this place...
A reminder, the poll at the bottom to decide what happens next will only be open for one day, expiring on October 2 at 12:00pm PST. The next part will be up on October 4th at the same time.
Now, let's get started! :)c
The others were complaining about it being a long drive, but Chase didn’t mind. It was mostly boring. The scenery outside was just empty fields for the longest time, until they finally got to the forested area that Jack had told them about. From there, the road lost its paving, becoming gravel and then the dirt it is now. The trees grow closer together, though never close enough to block out the sun completely.
“It’s really pretty,” Jackie comments, peering out the passenger side window at the passing trees. “Usually autumn leaves are kinda underwhelming, but this is really nice. Looks like a painting.” Indeed, the vivid, fiery color of the fall leaves are striking.
Marvin leans forward into the spot between the front two seats. “Chase, are we there yet?”
“You sound like Sam,” Chase mutters.
Schneep laughs. “He is calling you a child.”
“I got the implications, thanks.” Marvin rolls his eyes. “But seriously. Are we there yet?”
“Do you see a cabin?” Chase takes a hand off the wheel to gesture at the forest around them. “We have to be close, though. There wasn’t anywhere to turn. Was there?”
“Not that I saw,” Schneep says. “Marvin? Jamie?”
“Nah,” Marvin mutters. Beside him, JJ shakes his head.
“Oh! I think it’s clearing up!” Jackie leans forward. “There miiiight be something there.” He points out the windshield.
“Yeah. Yeah, I think that’s it.” Chase puts his foot down on the gas, speeding up a little bit.
The trees part again, revealing a small clearing in the middle of the forest. In the center of this clearing is a house made of red-orange wood, with a green-tiled roof and wide windows. “Whoa.” Marvin raises an eyebrow. “When Jack said it was a log cabin, I was picturing something more... quaint.”
“Well it had to be big enough for all of us,” Chase says. The dirt road curls around the cabin, ending in a space barely big enough for two cars to fit. He pulls the car around and parks in that space. “Shame Jack couldn’t come, too.”
“Yeah, I feel kind of bad about it,” Jackie agrees. “Like we’re taking advantage of him.”
JJ clears his throat. Everyone turns to look at him as he raises his hands and begins signing words. You know Jack would feel even worse if we canceled. He was very insistent that we go.
“Yeah.” Chase sighs. “Still. Sucks that this, of all times, was the time he got sick. I hope he’s feeling better by Halloween. I don’t want him to miss JJ’s birthday, too.”
JJ smiles. I’m sure it will be fine. Now, shall we head out? 
“Sure.” Chase turns the car off, putting the keys in his pocket. “Everyone get your own bags from the trunk, we’re not making Jackie carry everything like at the beach.”
The group had talked about taking a vacation out of the city for a while now. It was only a couple weeks ago that Jack remembered his family had a cabin in the Scanrúil Forest, and suggested that they all go out and spend a few nights there. Everyone had jumped at the chance. It took them a while to arrange everything (Schneep had a hard time finding people to cover his shifts at the hospital, and Chase couldn’t have the trip take place on a weekend because that was when he had custody of his daughter) and by the time it finally came for them to go out there, Jack had fallen ill. Still, he insisted the others go without him. “I’ve been there a million times, anyway,” he said. So they headed out without him.
Jackie peers out at the trees surrounding him. “It’s a bit spooky, isn’t it?” he comments. “I guess it’s fit for the time of year. Hey Marvin. Is this the kind of place you’d want to live?”
Marvin pauses halfway through pulling his suitcase from the trunk. “Is that some sort of jab?”
“Well, you’re supposed to ‘commune with nature’ right?” Jackie says. “For your witch stuff.”
“I mean, I guess, but I don’t like the way you say that.”
“We all respect people’s beliefs in this group,” Schneep says. “Even if they are strange.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Marvin shakeshis head. Then he chuckles. “That’s a bit weird coming from the guy who asked Chase if I was his ‘occult friend’ the first time we met.”
Schneep goes red. “Well I-I did not fully understand at the time!”
You do dress a bit occult, Marvin, JJ adds, gesturing vaguely at Marvin’s mostly-black outfit.
“Being a witch and liking gothic fashion are a complete coincidence in my case. Most witches I know actually dress like you.” He gestures back at JJ.
“Speaking of which, JJ, are all the clothes you brought like that?” Chase asks. “I mean, they’re nice, but what if you want to go on a hike or something?”
JJ adjusts his sleeve cuffs and vest. I enjoy looking like this.
“The day JJ wears anything but formal wear is the day hell freezes over,” Jackie adds. “Now can we all just head inside? It’s kinda chilly out here.” He shivers. “And I’m the one who brought a hoodie.”
They all walk up to the cabin’s front entrance. Schneep pulls out the keys Jack had given them—everyone had deemed him least likely to lose them—and unlocks the door, letting them all in.
The interior of the cabin is somewhat rustic in design, but doesn’t lack modern conveniences. The front door opens up immediately into a wide living room, where the main feature is the circular coffee table that looks like a cross section of a tree. Oh yes, and the flat screen TV mounted on the wall. “Whoa!” Chase walks over, examining it and the nearby shelves. “Jack didn’t mention that he has a fucking PS5 here!”
“Wait, really?!” Jackie also hurries over. “No way! And an Xbox, what the shit?!”
JJ rolls his eyes. He walks straight past the living area and towards the staircase in the back of the room, putting down his suitcase to sign, Are the bedrooms upstairs?
“Yes, that is what Jack said,” Schneep confirms. “There are only four, so two of us will have to double up. There is also a second bathroom up there.” He looks around. “The kitchen and dining room are through those arches to the left, and those doors on the right are, I think, another bathroom and perhaps a closet. Oh, no, wait, this is the closet.” He opens a door right by the front entrance. “What is that second door over there, then?”
“That probably goes to the basement,” Marvin says. He walks over to the doors and tries opening them. One swings easily, revealing a bathroom beyond, but the other is locked. “Oh. Welp. Guess we’ll never know.”
“That is fine, we probably will not need to go down there. Jack said it is storage, laundry, and where the power box is.”
“Oh! Is the power on, actually?” Jackie asks. He picks up the TV remote from the table and uses it to turn on the TV. “Great. Now the question is, do we have wifi?”
Chase takes out his phone. “Yeah. And three bars, that’s really good for being out in the middle of a forest.”
You all need to think about things if you’re surrounded by a beautiful autumn forest and you’re still concerned with the internet, JJ says.
“Hey, we didn’t all grow up in an anti-tech family,” Chase says defensively. “We’re not used to this.”
JJ laughs silently. That is true. Well, let’s put our stuff away, then we can figure out what to do for our first day.
It only takes a few minutes for them all to get settled. JJ and Schneep end up sharing the largest bedroom, with Chase, Marvin, and Jackie all getting their own. Chase is pretty sure he got the best room, if not the biggest. The window looked out the front of the house, giving him a great view of the forest, and the bed was softer than the one he has at home. It’s also the one closest to the upstairs bathroom, so he would get first claim whenever he needed to.
Come to think of it, the bathroom has a pretty nice bath and shower. He hadn’t cleaned up in a while, since his water at his apartment had been out for a couple days. Hopefully it will be fixed by the time the trip was over, but in the meantime, maybe he should take a shower.
“Hey!” Jackie stops in the open doorway of Chase’s room. “Are you ready? Cause I was thinking about setting up that PS5 and trying it out.”
“Uh, yeah, I’m all put away and stuff,” Chase says. “That does sound fun.”
“Yeah, of course it does!” Jackie says excitedly. “I haven’t even seen one of those yet!”
“Am I hearing this right?” Schneep walks down the hallway and stops next to Jackie. “You want to mess around with video games? You can do that at home.”
“Not on this console!” Jackie protests.
“Okay, okay, if you are so excited, that is good,” Schneep relents. “But it is getting close to dinner time. Before we do anything, we should check out the kitchen. I think Jack mentioned stocking the cabin with groceries, but we should be sure.”
“Oh shit, yeah, we need to eat,” Chase agrees.
“Exactly!” Schneep nods. “That is sort of important, yes? If we have food, we should start cooking. If we do not, we need to drive all the way back into town to pick things up!”
Chase hesitates. There’s a clock hanging on the wall in the bedroom. The time is around 5 o’clock. It’s a ninety-minute drive back to town; if they don’t have groceries, they won’t be able to eat until 8 o’clock at least. “Yeah...”
“Jack said there’s food, I’m trusting him on that,” Jackie says. “And I’m not that great a cook anyway. I’ll just get the console set up. What about you, Chase?”
“Uh...” Chase thinks over his options. He can take a shower, like he was considering earlier. Or he could join Jackie in some gaming. Or he could check out the kitchen, getting food if they need to and cooking dinner if they already have stuff. Hmm... 
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abbatoirablaze · 1 month
Angels & Demons, Chapter 15
Word Count: 2.1k  
Warnings:  angst, manipulation, emotional torment.
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“Everybody leaves you, Dean.  You notice?” the version of his mother asked, ”mommy?  Daddy?  Hannah...even Sam...because that’s all you are to them, Dean.  A burden.”
“You ever ask yourself why?” she taunted, “maybe it’s not them.”
“Don’t listen to her, Dean!” she begged, pulling on his arm, “she’s not your mom.”
“Maybe it’s you!” she smiled.
“Easy now, kitten!” Zachariah teased as he joined the version of Mary.
“You did this!”
“And I’m just getting started!” he smiled, “I mean, guys...did you really think you could just sneak past me into mission control?”
“Son of a bitch!”
“You know, I’d say the same thing about you, Sam,” Zachariah teased, “but I have actually grown quite fond of your mother.  Or at least the blessed memory of her.”
He leaned in and pressed a few soft kisses to her neck.  Dean and Sam visibly flinched and averted their gaze, while Aria glared at Zachariah.
“I think we’re gonna be logging a lot of quality time together,” he smirked, “I’ve discovered she’s quite the...milf.”
“You can gloat all you want, you dick.  You’re still bald.”
“In heaven I have six wings and four faces, one of which is a lion,” he explained, “you see this because you’re...limited.”
“Stop torturing them, Zachariah!”
He frowned and snapped his fingers.  Mary disappeared.
“Let’s brass-tack this, shall we?” he asked.
“What, you gonna ball gag us until we say yes?” he teased, “Huh, yeah, I’ve heard that tune.”
Zachariah threw a punch into Dean’s chest, and he grunted as he doubled-over.
“I’m going to do a lot more than that,” he taunted, “I cleared my schedule.  Get him up.”
He hit Dean again and Aria fought against her captor, “leave them alone.  Leave Dean alone, Zachariah!”
“Let me tell you something,” he chuckled, leaning into Dean’s ear, “I was on the fast track once.  Employee of the month-every month.  Forever. I’d walk these halls and people would AVERT THEIR EYES!  I HAD RESPECT.  And then they assigned me you.  Now look at me.  I can’t close the deal on a couple of pathetic flannel-wearing maggots.  Everybody’s laughing at me.  And they’re right to do it.  SO yes, don’t say yes.  I’m still gonna take it out on your asses. It’s personal now boys.  Let’s start off with a little teaser, shall we?”
“What are you going to do to them?”
“Oh, I’m not doing anything to them,” he smiled, “You.  Dean cares about you, Aria...but does Sammy know just how deep it goes?”
Dean looked at her, and she averted her gaze. 
In front of them was a motel room.  A much younger Dean, and sixteen-year-old Hannah were sitting on opposite beds. 
“Stop!” Dean growled, glaring at Zachariah.
“What the hell is this, Dean?”
She stopped her braiding and looked at the older man, “Dean...”
He didn’t pay her any mind, and she frowned. 
He looked at Aria.
How had he never noticed that.
She crawled off of her bed and went to his bed, crawling over his frame until she was straddling him.  Dean watched her, unable to move while she grabbed his beer and took a swig of it.  Setting it down on the night table, her face screwed up into one of disgust.  Dean’s eyes widened in shock, “what are you doing?  M-My dad will kill me if-shit.  Your dad will kill me-”
Sam noticed his brother’s hands twitch at his sides, the younger Dean forcing himself to not move. 
“What the hell is this?” Sam asked.
“Ask your brother,” he chuckled, “this was one of his fondest memories after all.”
Sam watched as Aria started playing with his flannel and bounced up and down on his lap, “come on, Dean.  I’m bored.”
“Y-you’re always bored!”  he stuttered, trying to ignore her.  He reached away and grabbed the remote as she continued to bounce suggestively on his lap, “Hannah...”
Her hands braced themselves on his chest and he pushed himself back against the headboard so that he was in a more seated position and grabbed the bottle, taking another drink. 
“Oh god,” she groaned, her features smushing in disgust as she watched him drink it without problem.  Dean shuddered as her hands stopped at his belt line, “how do you like that stuff?”
And suddenly it wasn’t a scene that the three of them were watching. 
Aria’s eyes lit up, horrified as she found herself in the bed, straddling Dean, while bouncing up and down on his lap.
She’d remembered the emotions she felt when she looked at him. 
She remembered how much she wanted him.  How she wanted to be his everything.  How she wanted to give him everything.
Dean’s eyes worked themselves over her body. 
The glass had already fallen to the ground, and she was hovering over him as he held a firm grip on her to stop her from falling. 
Her hips were peeking out from her shorts. 
Her breasts were heaving in his face. 
His hard-on was poking her thigh. 
“I-I’m sorry!”
“Don’t be!” he whispered, tilting her chin down towards his until their lips met in a heated kiss. 
Sam’s eyes went wide as he watched Aria and him making out on the bed.  Zachariah chuckled, “what, Sam?  Didn’t know big brother was doing things with the little Nephilim when she was still playing in the kiddie pool?  If it makes you feel better, she’s actually hundreds of years old…so it’s like she’s the one taking advantage of him.  Kind of how you and Dahlia are…you Winchesters…you seem to have an affinity for older women, don’t you?  Mommy issues?”
“Make them stop!”
“Can’t,” he shrugged, “they have to re-live the memory to completion.”
“That’s bullshit!” he growled, “make them stop, damn it!”
“What?  Seeing big brother and his little crush like that make you feel sick to your stomach?  That’s just a taste of the torment I could put you through.  I know both of your deepest secrets” he growled, snapping once more.  Aria and Dean were back in the arms of their captors, looking beyond embarrassed, “see what I can do?  I could force the two of you to relive the memories that you share.  It’s not like when you’re walking in here on your own.  I can make you reenact them like puppets.  I can do that until the end of time up here.  You’re my god-damned marionettes.  What do you say, Sam?  Want to relive how you and Dahlia slept together?  Sure big brother would love to see how you got your rocks off with Lucifer’s daughter.  Or do you want to see the memory that made little Hannah run off?  I’m sure the two of you remember that moment, don’t you Dean?  Remember how Hannah was ready to give you her virginity and you turned her down because she was ‘just a kid?’  You didn’t have that problem when she went down on you!”
“What do you want?” Dean growled, angry at having been used and exposed. 
“Funny...now you care,” he chuckled, “when beforehand, it seemed like you idiots were going out of your way to piss me off.  But now you see. The last person in the history of creation you want as your enemy is me.  And I'll tell you why-Lucifer, he may be strong.  But I-I'm petty.  I'm gonna be the angel on your shoulder for the rest of eternity.” 
“Excuse me...sir?”
“I’m in a meeting!” Zachariah said in an annoyed tone, gesturing to Aria, Sam, and Dean.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, apologizing nervously, “I need to speak to those three.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s a bad time, I know.  But I’m afraid that I have to insist!”
Zachariah scoffed at the man, “you don’t get to insist jack squat.”
“No, you’re right.  But the boss does.  His orders.”
Aria gasped, recognizing the angel, “Joshua.”
“You’re lying.”
“Wouldn’t lie about this.” the man explained, “look.  FIre me if you want.  Sooner or later, he’s gonna come back home.  And you know how he is with that whole ‘wrath’ thing.”
Zachariah looked back at the Winchesters, before disappearing.  The three of them looked at the man, and a garden appeared around them. 
“You’ve done well in following my instructions, Aria!” Joshua smiled at her.
“Y-you.  You’re the voice.”
He nodded, “I am.”
“This.  This is heaven’s garden?” Sam asked.
“It’s nice.  I guess.”
“You see what you want to here.  For some it’s god’s throne room.  For others, it’s Eden.  For you two, I believe it’s the Cleveland Botanical Gardens.” he explained, “you came here on a field trip once.  It was the most beautiful bit of nature you thought you’d ever seen.”
“You’re Joshua.”
“I’m Joshua.”
“So, you...talk to god.”
“Mostly, he talks to me.”
“Well, uhm...we need to speak to him!” Sam explained, “it’s important.”
“He knows about what’s going on down there...and with our little sister, Caitlyn,” Dean added in, “Where is he?”
“On Earth.”
“Doing what?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you know where on Earth?” Sam asked.
“No, sorry.” he apologized, “We don’t exactly speak face to face.”
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t get it,” Dean frowned, “God’s not talking to nobody, so...”
“Why is he talking to me?” He asked.  Dean nodded, “I sometimes think it’s because I can sympathize-gardener to gardener.  And between us, I think he gets lonely.”
“Well, my heart’s breaking for him!” Dean said sarcastically.
“Well, can you at least get him a message for us?”
“Actually, he has a message for you!” he frowned, “Back off.”
“He knows already-everything you want to tell him.” he replied shortly, “he knows what the angels are doing, and he knows that the apocalypse has begun.  He just doesn’t think that it’s his problem.”
“Not his problem?” Dean asked.
“God saved you already,” he replied, “he put you on that plane.  He brought back Castiel.  He’s allowing your sister and his spawn to exist.  He’s granted you salvation in heaven.  And after everything you’ve done too.  It’s more than he’s intervened in a long time.  He’s finished.  Magic amulet or not, you won’t be able to find him.”
“Wait...did you say, our sister and Castiel’s spawn?” Sam asked.
“But he can stop it,” Dean argued, missing the former information, “he could stop all of it.”
“I suppose that he could.  But he won’t.”
“Why not?”
“Why does he allow evil in the first place,” Joshua asked, “you could drive yourself nuts asking questions like that.”
“So, he’s just gonna sit back and watch the world burn?”
“I know how important this was to you, Dean,” Joshua sighed, “I’m sorry.”
“Well forget it.  Just another deadbeat dad with a bunch of excuses,” Dean growled, “I’m used to that.  I’ll muddle through.”
“Except, you don’t know if you can’t this time,” Joshua admitted, “you can’t kill the devil and you’re losing faith.  In yourself.  Your brother.  And now this.  God was your last hope.  I wish.  I just wish that I could tell you something different.”
“How do we know that you’re telling the truth?”
“You think that I would lie?” he asked.
“But it’s just-you're not exactly the first angel that we’ve met.”
“I’m rooting for you boys,” he argued, “you, and your sister.  And even you and Dahlia, Aria.  I wish I could do more to help you.  I do, but I just trim the hedges.”
“So, what now?” Dean asked.
“You go home again,” he acknowledged, “I’m afraid this time won’t be like the last.  This time...god wants you to remember.”
He held up his hand, and they were surrounded by a white light.  And when they came to, they were back in the hotel room.  Sam and Dean gasped as they shot forth from the beds, “You alright?”
“Define alright!” Dean frowned as he reached for his phone.  He dialed a number and not much later Cas had appeared.  He hadn’t dared to look at the brothers as they packed up.
“Maybe...Maybe Joshua was lying.”
That’s when the two stopped, remembering one of the things that he’d said.  Sam took a few steps forward, “I don’t think that he was, Cas.  He told us...things...things about Caitlyn.  Why were you so intent that we get to Joshua and ask about her?”
Castiel took a few steps away from the wall he was leaning on and sighed, “I-Caitlyn and I...we...”
“Say it, Cas!” Dean growled. 
“I fathered a Nephilim with your sister,” he admitted slowly, “I-during the showdown we’d had...we fought.  I called the baby inside of her an abomination...and the baby. It-it took her away from me...I haven’t been able to find her since.  I was holding out hope that they...they could tell me.  Faith...but...i need to find her, Sam...Dean...she-she’s an alternate vessel for Lucifer.  If you don’t say yes, he’s already made his intentions clear.  He’s going to use her.  And she-I fear that she might have already agreed!”
“Cas, we can-”
But the angel was gone, wooshing out of the room without any hope left.
Chapter 16
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alias-milamber · 10 months
Six Gods
As part of the BitD campaign I just finished, I accidentally put together a pantheon. I defined three in play, and the others were vague concepts. As part of the process of excising the old campaign from my head to work on something new, I've fleshed out the other four in the same style, and now I'm publishing it here because I don't see a reason why not.
The Moon is all things that are no one single thing. The Moon is all things that exist on a spectrum, on a plane, a scatter graph of all the things that could be, with no specific things that are. Their domain is negotiation, discussion, neutral ground. Their altar was a soft cloth over a hollow table, where anything you placed change the nature of everything.
The Crab is all things that shall be improved, and shall be one. They are collective action and harmonisation, and endless iteration to a more perfect form. They are always changing, and insistent that all must change, to not improve is to die. To not improve towards their idea of perfection is to die. To object to what they think of as perfection is to oppose the Crab. Their domain was the ocean, the battlefield, the debate chamber; certainty and specificality. Their altar was a rock worn smooth by the sea, and it ran red.
The Forgotten is no things that are remembered. The Forgotten is there for those who no longer exist, and that which has fallen between the cracks of the world. They are the language unspoken, the book unread, the library burnt. Their domain is the room whose door was papered over when you remodelled, the cellar whose door was removed, of research and archology and the truth behind history. Their altar was an empty shelf of blank books.
The Mire is all things becoming all things. The life that decomposes into the ground and feeds the plants that feed the animals that feed the animals that feed the animals that worship the Mire. The brickwork that splits under the tree root, the log that covers the nest, the storm that burns the tree canopy and provides light to the plants below. The sword that cuts the neck of the hegemony and brings power to the people below. The domain of the Mire is the swamp and the revolution, the kitchen and the garden, the parliament and the graveyard. Their altar was a century old terrarium standing in the sun.
The Shadow is the site out of sight, the edges and the places defined by their absence. Not so much the places that don't exist, as the places that should not be entered, the danger and the hazard. Their domain is the sentient spell book and the diving cave; the office's of the devil's advocate and the trust in the fraying rope; The occult power that sings in your hand hides the Shadow, and they are the only one of six that can be seen by the conscious dead. Their altar was a puzzle box of hidden knives.
The sixth isn't, yet. Her diffuse existence swirls in the glittering gaps left by the Destitute, whose true name and form only remain in the realms of One of Six, who doesn't speak of it. The Six do not dwell on the possibility of mortality. The new deity's domain seems to revolve, and click, and whirr. It oozes and flows with viscid confidence, slicking the way. Sometimes it sparkles and crackles, and leaps with jagged steps. It had no altar. Not yet.
(The Destitute was once The Ennobled, and was a merchant/high society deity tied to the idea of fair trade between equals, and lie to and cheat the rest, but it was a bit on-the-nose as a late-stage-capitalism bit in a dark fantasy campaign, so I replaced it with some Goddess Rising stuff around technology, which is also a possible hook for a continuation in the same world, though probably not as a BitD campaign, and not any time soon. In my BitD campaign, the Gods were incarnated and sealed in a place where time no longer flows and it is forever night, which cuts them off from their own omnipresence and much of their power. The Crab God found a way to open a portal to the past, where he could connect to his former self and regain his domain.)
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periwinckles · 1 year
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The train back to twelve - Chapter 12
Thursday brings the train again and a new wave of enthusiasm for the residents. Five portable solar powered showers. We end up having to recruit several men from Jack and Cyrus' team, but we manage to get them near camp before lunch. I assign Leevy with the task to schedule everyone's shower slot, and for the first time in more than a month we have the luxury of a daily shower for everyone.
The train also carries something more daunting. Five guns. We have a quick council meeting and the three of us agree we won't decide what to do with them by ourselves. We summon up a district meeting after lunch to handle the matter, extending an invitation to the Victor's village residents as well. Only Peeta and Haymitch show up to join us.
"Let's have a recap shall we?" I try to keep my voice loud and clear and ignore the fact that Peeta chose to sit next to Delly.
"Only those over eighteen are allowed to vote. There's five guns. One of them will be carried by whoever is on duty for patrol. You can write four names down to cast your vote on whoever gets to carry the other four."
The tension in the air is suffocating. Most of us thought we were coming back to a peaceful life, and we would probably prefer to ship these guns back to the Capitol. But we can't take any more risks. Not when we already lost so much.
Jack and I gather the most votes. We had a suspicion it would swing this way. Still we wanted to make the process transparent and not leave any room for anyone to accuse us of anything.
Peeta is the third name to be chosen.
"I'm not carrying a gun, no way."
"One of the guns should be in Victor's village." I say, trying to reason with him. "If someone attacks the district you' ll be too far for us to defend you. If not you, then Haymitch."
"Hell, no." Haymitch fights back, and a murmur starts to arise among the residents. Everyone agrees that one of the guns should be in Victor's village, but neither Peeta nor Haymitch are budging.
"We 'll come back to this later. Cyrus, you get the fourth one."
"Yeah, that's not happening either." He answers back and Jack huffs in frustration. What does it say about district twelve that all its residents seem bent on refusing to carry a gun?
"Cyrus, you gotta be kidding me." Jack counters back, throwing his hands on the air, in exasperation.
"I am done with people looking at me and seeing the Capitol. I'm not carrying a gun."
He leans against one of the supplies' shelter posts, his arms crossed, as if the matter is settled and unchanging.
"If we saw you as the Capitol we wouldn't have voted for you for the council." Ray answers back, and he looks up. "We know you're the one that cut down the power from the fence, that night. We might not even be standing here if it weren't for you."
I look at Cyrus with disbelief. I did not know that. The night of the bombing was so chaotic it's a miracle we managed to save as many people as we did. By the time I got to the fence it was already unelectrified and down. I never wondered about it until now. I always assumed Gale managed to turn it off, somehow.
"If you refuse to carry this gun that is the most selfish thing you'll ever do, Cyrus." I tell him and all eyes turn to me. "Same to you Haymitch. I would also prefer not to carry one, but I will, because this district and it's people are my life. You're our most trained shooter, Cyrus. You think you're doing a service to us by refusing to make use of your skills to protect us? And you, Haymitch? What kind of mentor are you? One that logs off work whenever it pleases him or are you going to step up and keep your kids safe?"
Haymitch has a hard look on his face and I think he might actually punch me. But after a few heartbeats of silence, he takes a few steps in my direction and takes the gun from my hands. Cyrus ends up doing the same.
"Meeting adjourned. Go back to your business." Jack orders.
Everyone starts to wander off, but there's something I have to do first.
"Delly, wait up."
Read the rest on AO3 or FF.net
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anabsolutefreak · 2 months
Chapter 14: How Far She Fell
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This is a canon adjacent full campaign based story involving my original TAV character, the full BG3 crew and, of course, our favorite undead high elf. I created this story to help me get through an exceptionally difficult time in my life and so, you might notice Tav's story is a little more atypical than some. Be advised that the story I have created has some mature themes including violence, kink, mental health and self harm. I will be placing warnings on each individual chapter when any of these themes are included so please be aware. I hope you enjoy. Summary: It's the night of the Tiefling party. Embrae has been drinking and dancing as Astarion watched, definitely not jealous at all... Need I say more? MATURE CONTENT: SMUT! FINALLY. Mentions of trauma.
Embrae laughed and Wyll twirled her expertly across the dirt, passing her off to a young tielfing with dancing blue eyes. She had no idea how to participate in this group dance, she realized quickly as she tried to follow all of its rhythms and the movements of the other participants. When Alfira and the other musicians had started playing, it had started out with some sort of organization, she thought. However, as the music had become wilder she and the others partook in more wine it had dissolved into a sort of free-for-all There was an air of joy, relaxation, and relief as the party continued. Even Lae’zel, she noted with surprise was watching the festivities from a log with a glass of wine in hand. Even more surprising, given that they had tried to kill each other just nights ago, was Shadowheart sitting next to the Gith with her own glass, eyes sparkling in a way that was most unlike her. The only one she hadn’t seen partaking in the festivities was Astarion. Was he off hunting, she wondered?
Alfira tried, without luck to get Embrae to sing with her at one point. “Just one song!” She whined. “Come now, I know you’ve got it in you!”
“Perhaps,” admitted Embrae with a wine-relaxed grin. “But within me is where it shall stay for now… besides, I think you’ve got the entertainment under control.
By about glass three, Embrae realized that she had overestimated her tolerance for alcohol and waved away Gale’s request for another dance in favor of finding water. 
She walked up the hill towards her tent focusing hard on her feet so she wouldn’t stumble. When she reached the tent, she began searching through her things. “Where the hell is my waterskin?” She grumbled to herself. 
“Looking for this?” Asked a smooth voice behind her. 
She whirled, looking up at the elf. Astarion held a bottle of wine in one hand and her waterskin in the other. She got unsteadily to her feet and took the water from him, drinking deeply. “Thanks,” she sighed happily.
He lifted the bottle of wine to his lips and took a swig, grimacing. Then he looked down at her, eyebrow raised. “Having fun out there, are you?” His eyes glanced over her flushed face thoughtfully. 
“Mmm,” she said hazily. “Just— um, forgot what a lightweight I was.” 
He snorted delicately, staring out at the partygoers below.
“What about you?” She asked. “Don’t you dance?”
“Oh is that what you all were doing?” He asked rolling his eyes. “I thought perhaps you were in the midst of a demonic summoning ritual. I— didn’t want to get involved.”
She giggled. “Oh come on, we can’t be that bad.”
He looked at her and grinned. “Darling, I almost feel I need a new pair of eyes watching you. Wyll is the only one there who shows a modicum of talent— but then, he would.” He almost spat the last part. 
“But you did watch me,” she said smiling back. 
“Someone had to make sure you didn’t go rolling down the hill and into the river darling.”
“And what exactly planning on doing about it from way up here if I did.”
“Laughing mostly,” he snapped. She realized through a light haze that his eyes were narrowed, focused on the Warlock below, who had begun dancing with a pretty tiefling woman. 
She stared at him, shocked. “Are you— jealous?”
He whirled around, his eyes widening. “Of course not!”
“Good,” she said. “Because you know, I wasn’t dancing with him exclusively. Just, dancing— or summoning demonic entities, apparently.” His lips twitched. 
“And why shouldn’t you dance with the tall dark and handsome hero, darling? He is, after all, every woman’s and likely many men’s dream— even I might look twice if I was still a lightheaded adolescent.”
“Not into the hero types are you?”
He rounded on her. “Embrae, heroes are part of the problem. They see everything in black and white, good and evil. Shades of grey like myself tend to be— eradicated around them.” His eyes became far away as he continued. “Heros didn’t save me from Cazador. Mind Flayers did… and I might add that they didn’t save you when you needed it either darling.” He took another drink from his bottle.
Well, what the hell could she say to that? He wasn’t wrong. She sighed. “We’re just friends, you know.”
“Yes, well, you might want to tell him that— and Gale.”
“Gale?” She gasped.
He gave her one of his were-you-born-this-dimwitted-or-did-you-have-to-work-at-it looks. “Yes, darling. Did you think she shows just anyone his so-called “magic tricks?”
Embrae flushed, remembering Gale showing her the weave as it flowed around them, explaining how to connect to it— control it. 
“Exactly,” he said smugly. 
They stood in awkward silence for a moment, watching the scene before them as Gale tripped, almost landing in an angry gythyanki lap. 
“You know, I never fancied myself a hero,” Astarion said smoothly. “I never imagined I’d be responsible for helping save so many lives— and now that I’m here…” He grimaced. “I hate it. This is awful.”
Embrae smiled up at him. “Oh come on, you got to kill a bunch of goblins, didn’t you?”
“True,” he mused, perking up. “That was fun. Still, I’d like more for my trouble than I pat on the head and vinegar for wine.” He scowled at the offending bottle. 
She held out her hand for the bottle. He passed it to her and she took a drink. It was a rich, heavy red. She didn’t think it was bad at all. 
“See?” pouted the elf. “Awful. Is it too much to ask for a little— excitement?”
“I dread to think what that might mean to you?”
“Oh come now darling, I like a good time as much as anyone!” His eyes locked on hers. “We could leave you know— together. Find a nice spot and try spending some time alone again.”
Her heart sped, her body humming pleasantly with wine and thoughts of “alone time” with Astarion.
“Might I deduce by your delectable blush that you might be interested in trying again?”
“I think— I think I’d like that.” 
“Well then,” he said taking her hand. “Let’s go find someplace we can— indulge.” 
He led her behind him to a spot downriver, far enough from camp that they’d be able to have some privacy. He could hear her heart beating an almost frantic rhythm as she followed him. He himself was feeling rather relaxed. He was well fed after the battle and the wine, rank as it was, had done an adequate job loosening him up. And she was also relaxed, he thought, but not so inebriated that he would be making the decision for her. He found a nice little cluster of trees near the water and stopped, turning to her. 
Her eyes were warm, her face as relaxed as he had ever seen it and she looked— beautiful. A fresh cut, already sealed over by the cleric’s magic, ran down from her cheekbone, courtesy of a vicious goblin scimitar earlier that day. He ran a finger over it, gently. She trembled at his touch and turned her lips laying tender kisses on each of his fingers. He closed his eyes, trying to drink in the sensation. It was nice, he realized— having her here with him. He felt, different when he was with her, more present perhaps than he usually did during intimacy. He bent his head and pressed his lips against hers. They were warm and they tasted of wine and of her. He allowed his hands to roam, moving slowly down her body until it found the bottom of her dress, a simple but lovely green gown the bard, Alfira had loaned her for the party. He allowed his hand to pause there, playing with the soft subtle flesh of her inner thigh and he smiled a little when she held her breath. Then, with slow precision, he began to lift the fabric, bringing it up over her hips, her abdomen, and her breasts. He took in her naked form, covered only by the skimpy fabric of her underwear. Her olive skin looked so smooth and soft in the moonlight, he thought. Her breasts were small but full and the darkened nipples were already stiff with anticipation as she looked at him, her hazel eyes wide and full of want— of need. His heart gave a little ache almost as though it had skipped a beat and he wondered what it might be like to feel that need for her, for her body. 
He pulled her close to her, savoring her smell, her warmth. Then, lifting his arms so that she could help him out of his own shirt, he pressed harder against her, allowing his mouth to consume hers. Then he bent to pay some attention to her stiffened nipples, gently sucking and rolling his tongue against each as she squirmed in front of him and as he elicited little gasps of pleasure from her. “Eager are you?” He asked her in an almost whisper. 
She didn’t answer but began to allow her own hands to explore his face, his neck, his shoulders. When they reached his back, he willed himself not to react, but he must have stiffened because her hands paused, then retracted. She pushed him back enough to look at him, a gentle smile on her full lips. “You know,” she said, “if you don’t like something, you can just tell me.”
The simple statement threw him. Could he do that? Really? It hadn’t been part of his playbook for the last 200 years. His marks scarcely seemed to notice anything besides the carnal lust on offer. Then again, he had become very good at feeling nothing, pushing through. Only, he didn’t feel nothing now. Why did she make him feel, gods dammit? He felt almost timid, afraid. He sighed, “I— guess I don’t know that.” He whispered. 
She frowned a little, her eyebrows creasing in concern. She saw too much, he realized— saw more than he wanted her to see. “Let’s try this,” she suggested. She drew him to the ground with her and she pushed herself gently onto his lap. Then, she placed her hands in his. “I want to feel you,” she said, “But I want you to lead my hands.” She kissed him on the forehead. “Show me where you want to be touched.”
He looked at her hazel eyes, searching. What did this woman want from him? He wondered, not for the first time. He had been ready to give her what she wanted, what she needed to bring her pleasure, to make her cry out in ecstasy and bliss. And yet she seemed to be almost as concerned, if not more, with his. He sighed. His own was a lost cause, he knew— lost to two centuries of defensive numbness. Still, he thought, he did like when— He grasped the offered hands gently and guided them back to his face, allowing her to caress and stroke his face with gentle movements. Then he guided them slowly to his lips, where he took one of them and began to suck gently, earning him another lovely little groan. He smiled and moved the other hand to his ear which she began to stroke slowly. The sensation caused his own arousal to grow beneath her and she pulled back again to smile, continuing to stroke. “I didn’t know that was— sensitive,” she said.
“No?” He asked closing his eyes at the sensation. He had forgotten she said she—changed when she left her world. He released her hands and moved his own to her own ears, less pronounced than his own but still decidedly elven. He smiled when she gasped in surprised delight as he took the tip of one between his lips. “See?” He purred against her. He bucked his hips into her as she returned the favor and began kissing, tasting, and caressing slowly down each of her ears as he continued to stroke and kiss the places she knew to be safe. As his own urgency built, he realized, it wasn’t enough. 
He took her hands and placed them on his chest. “Anywhere—” he gasped, his voice harsh. “Touch me anywhere but my back,” he breathed, falling back onto the grass. He wouldn’t lay on top of her— he still remembered how she had reacted when he did so in her tent. She grinned, her eyes shining as she bent to kiss him deeply again as she moved her hips against his throbbing arousal and her hands delicately around his ears. She began to move down then, trailing kisses where she went, and warmth. She kissed down his neck, his chest, and then down to his abdomen where she paused, hands gripping his waistband, as though asking permission. He lifted his hips, allowing her to free his now-aching arousal from the leather trousers. He heard his own groan as she delicately took him into the warmth of her mouth, lavishing attention on him with her tongue. It was all he could do not to buck underneath her, not to pull her off and have her then and there— but he resisted, letting her continue. She pulled away and the second she did, he pulled her completely on top of him, kissing her with an increased urgency as she moaned against his mouth. He felt himself driving against her entrance, still blocked by her undergarments, now wet with her own arousal. 
“I’m going to turn you over,” he whispered. “Tell me if you need me to stop.” It was only fair— she had done so for him. She complied with no hesitation, allowing him to roll her onto her back. She writhed and moaned as he began to trail his own kisses up her inner thigh, against the fabric covering her sensitive mound. He looped his fingers around the fabric and pulled it away exposing her completely. He moved his fingers up against her first, feeling the smooth velvet of her folds as he worked around her entrance, teasing. Then, moving slowly, languidly, he began to move his tongue against her, tasting her arousal as he began to press his fingers into her. Her vocalizations became higher then, more desperate and keening as he began circling and teasing her swollen clit with his tongue. She moved desperately underneath him as she whined and panted. “Astarion—” she gasped. “Oh please.”
He drew up slightly, continuing to move two fingers slowly inside her. “Tell me what you want, little love” he purred. 
“I want— I want you. All of you, Astarion— please.”
“All in good time my love,” he said. “But I think I’ll finish up here first.” He pressed his mouth down again pulling a series of delicious cries from the half-elf as he began to move his mouth and tongue in a steady rhythm against her. Her cries grew in volume as he continued, until finally, she cried out, arching her back and spasming around his fingers as she found her release. He continued slowly as she rode the final waves of her orgasm, then withdrew. Then he crawled on top of her, slowly, making sure not to crush her as he nudged one of his knees under hers. “Are you ready my sweet?” He crooned, kissing her on the forehead. “Can you come again for me?”
She nodded frantically as she pulled him closer as if seeking as much contact as she could with him. He shuddered, his own desire throbbing almost unbearably as he pressed his arousal against the sweet slickness of hers. He hissed as he entered her, savoring the tight warmth as he moved slowly inside her. She gasped so loudly as he pressed farther that he looked down at her, concerned he might have hurt her. She shook her head. “Don’t stop, please.” He began to move deeper, more rhythmically inside her as she keened and shuddered around him. He kept his movements purposefully slow for several aching minutes, trying to allow her time to warm to the pressure, and allow himself time to feel all of her. Even as the pleasure built though, he felt himself drifting. No, he thought, pleadingly, Let me stay here with her, completely. But he could feel those old shadows beckoning, subduing his own involvement in the act.  Will I kill this one too?
“Astarion,” she groaned as her hands grasped his hips, begging. 
His name on her lips was almost enough to bring him back, to make him come undone. He began to move quicker, harder against her. “Yes?” The question came out hoarse. 
She craned her beautiful neck, allowing him to see the healed-over scars he had already left. “Take it,” she purred. He growled and leaned forward, his teeth sinking into her as he continued to move with increasing desperation against her. Her blood flowed like the sweetest of wine against his tongue, down his throat, making him feel warm— making him feel happy. She cried out as she came undone around him once again, shuddering and gasping as waves of pleasure crashed around her. He released her neck, clapping a hand to the fresh wound as his own release overtook him and his thrusts became desperate and less coordinated. He groaned and bucked against her, all thoughts of control gone as the pleasure roared through him, his seed spilling into her as they both moved against one another through the remainder of their collective ecstasy. 
Astarion moved his hand away from the fresh wound in her neck and began to lay tender kisses against the sensitive skin. “You are— exquisite.” He sighed into her ear. Then pulling himself out of her completely, he rolled off of her, laying on his side with his head against her chest. 
“Mmmm,” she said against the still-present haze of the wine and the afterglow of their union. “I think I should say the same about you.”
“Yes,” he said contentedly. “You should.” He laughed sleepily.
She smiled, looking down at his silver curls as they danced gently in the breeze. She raised her hand, stroking his soft hair there, then gently rubbing his head. 
He sighed. “That feels— nice.” 
She smiled at the surprise in his voice as she continued to massage gently. She wondered when the last time someone had bothered to do something as simple as massage his head before. He had seemed perfectly comfortable, she noted, when it came to sex, but uncomfortable— or unfamiliar with any touch beyond that. She understood, or at least she thought she did to a point. She hadn’t been touched or even wanted to be touched since she had woken up two years ago. It had only changed when she met him. Perhaps not love at first sight, she thought wryly as she remembered the knife against her throat and her own teeth biting into his hand. Still, it hadn’t taken long, at least not for her. Love? She tossed the word around in her mind, wondering if that’s what this was. She felt herself drawn to him, constantly. Not to his looks (although she had to admit he was gorgeous) or even to his overtly flirtatious interactions. No. He used those as a shield, she’d realized. She was drawn to those rare vulnerable moments when the mask lifted and she could see—well— him. But did she really love this irreverent, bloodthirsty, sweet-at-times, chaotic-always elf?
A sigh left the lips of the man in question and she realized he had fallen into a trance. His face, completely relaxed and free of worry, fear, or anger, made her heart throb almost painfully. She closed her eyes as the tears threatened to fall. 
The answer came easily as she realized at that moment how deeply she had already fallen. 
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