#this has taken me what like a month and a half 'cause it's embarrassing
fooltofancy · 2 years
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fuck it, post. idk. zenosmode.
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kimura-desu · 5 days
husband!gojo x pregnantwife!reader (afab)
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» summary: leaving the busy streets of Sendai city back to its outskirts, the two of you got a bus. there aren’t any seats available, and being pregnant meant being able to sit in the priority seats. looks like they’re taken.
» CW: pregnancy, exhaustion, mentions of jizz, bus ride, stubborn civilian, teeny-weeny angst if you squint, protective satoru, threats, all happy, no swears, not proofread!
» a/n: this has been sat incomplete in my drafts for a month, only until now I’ve motivated myself to finish it (lmao). I don’t know what it is, but I love pregnancy fics with jjk.
After a slow-paced stroll through the bustling streets of Sendai City and a bunch of offers from Gojo telling you he’ll buy whatever you want, the lingering sense of exhaustion finally caught up with you.
You had managed to make it an hour and a half.
The beads of salty sweat were becoming more prominent over your glossed skin, your breath being lost easily but being hard to get back. The overly frequent back aches weren’t helping either, it was like this baby was already overweight inside of you.
You couldn’t help but feel embarrassed as your soft, now clammy, hand weaved with Gojo’s, the wedding bands glinting a perfect chrome against the sun’s humid rays. You didn’t want to become a burden, neither a random woman in the city known for sweating abnormal amounts of sweat. “I think the baby’s had enough, huh sweets?”
Your loose gaze lifted upwards to meet his, immediately feeling the cool radiating from his cerulean eyes. Strangely, through the navy lenses in his shades.
“..yeah, me too.” You breathed.
“Okayyy, let’s get the bus back - save you walking around with that watermelon inside you.” Purposefully, Satoru presented you and your bump a judgy look.
Rolling your peepers with sarcasm, you gently swung your hand with his back and forth.
“Hey, that’s what it looks like to me!”
“Well it’s your sperm, blame your own genes on the fact it’s fat!”
“WHAT?! FAT?! I’M NOT FAT. I’M A TALL SKINNY KING! AND SO WILL BE MY BABIES!” The man was very much offended, that open-mouth and crossed brow face he pulled was all you needed to know.
And all the way to the bus station you continued on with your quarrel on who’s genes caused your bump to be so big already.
Both you were just kids in adult bodies.
After earning an unusual load of overcritical glances from passers-by, you finally reached the bus station where many people stood.
Looking around with concern, your brows gently furrowed, a little confusion clouding your mind. It was good that Satoru could read you like a book.. sometimes.
“It’s okay, they’ll let us go past.”
The white-haired man muttered into your ear, placing his hands on your clothed shoulders.
“What if they don’t?”
“Oh they will.”
The way he said those words made you feel something, like it was your hormones playing tricks on you.
And so soon enough after waiting for a couple minutes, you had a glimpse of the scheduled bus turning around the corner.
“C’mon then.”
Placing a hand on the flat of your bump you both moved forwards, attempting to shift to the front.
“Satoru, I—”
“Just go baby, they’ll move for a pregnant queen like you.” He reassured, eyeing the men who weren’t moving out the way at first. Like they should, the women knew to make way, all flashing you sweetened smiles as you passed them.
Eventually you had gotten to the front with a man standing in the lead. “See?” Gojo smirked, watching you tilt your head back to see his beautiful face.
The doors of the vehicle swung open with a but too much vigour it almost took out the poor man standing next to them.
After Gojo, being the most pampering partner ever, paid for the tickets, he ushered you forwards only to discern no available seats. Gojo would be more than happy to stand, but it was you he worried about since you were already breathless and weak to stand.
The priority was stocked up with disabled and the impaired too apart from one space.
However that man who clearly perceived you were carrying a baby, sat in the seat in front of your face - glancing at you as he did so.
How selfish. Is he not embarrassed?
“There’s no seats left Gojo, I can’t stand anymore.”
Subtly you whined, being a little irritated that you couldn’t sit down and would have to uncomfortably stand as his baby rearranged your organs.
“..hm. Let’s see.”
He shuffled to the man.
“Heello. Excuse me, but my miss is pregnant. Would you mind sparing the seat?” Gojo politely asked, hanging on to the pole situated in the middle of the aisle.
“What? Err no, sorry.”
That man was not sorry at all. It made you cringe.
Gojo’s expression paused, pressing his pastel lips together in irritation. Why wouldn’t this man listen?
“May I ask why are you being so difficult?”
After hearing those words, you knew this was going to veer off sideways. Almost everyone’s eyes were glued to the scene unfolding, all looking up from the windows and screen to see two men ‘bickering’ it out.
“Difficult? What do you mean, I was here first.” It seemed like the man had issues already, as he started to flail his hands around.
“My wife is pregnant, if you didn’t hear the first time. You’re sat in a priority seat, which where she should be sitting. Are you disabled?”
He was getting defensive. It was crystal clear that the man was not disabled, nor pregnant at that matter.
“..um no? But that doesn’t mean anything. I’m not giving up my seat for some cripple.”
A cripple?!
That’s it, Satoru had had enough and was desperate to split this man in half. Not a single person could insult you because he would already be on them like a hawk.
Anyways, the fact that the nasty being had called you a cripple, couldn’t help but make you feel a little too much like a burden, and your gaze saddened.
“You’ve gone too far. No-one. Absolutely no-one, is to offend my wife like that. So, jackass, vanish any place other so she can sit.”
“Or else?—”
“There is no ‘or else’ fool. You’ve already screwed the wrong person, so I suggest you move. Don’t do something stupid.”
The man, looking quite intimated, eventually got up and sulked off past the two of you.
“Thanks.” Satoru fake smiled, stalking him ‘till he had gone else where, far away from you.
All this drama had made you forgot about the achy pain surfacing your body, which immediately flowed back as realisation hit you.
“..oof-” It had subconsciously left your lips, and it made Satoru’s brows cross.
“Here you go my love. Is it hurting?”
He concernedly asked, holding your velvet hands as you lowered your rear on the much-needed seat.
“I’ll be fine, just what I needed.” You smiled back at him, tucking a stray hair behind you ear as you breathed out.
“I’m glad. Some morons just think they are ‘entitled’.”
—————— thank you for reading! this is my original idea and have worked hard on this. so please no translating, copying or modifying my work - kimura-desu.
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chenfleur · 8 months
dreamy nights
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summary. you finally make your grand appearance on jake's subathon.
pairing. streamer!jake x y/n ft twitch chat
genre. fluff, twitch streamer au
word count. 1.9k
released. 10.18.2023
author’s note. feedback is appreciated! i don't know if this requires context but just in case: a subathon is a stream where each time the streamer gets a sub, it adds time to the length of the stream!
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"That's not how the game works, chat!"
Even with a door separating you, Jake's whines still manage to reach your ears. Pushing down a smile, you delicately knock your first against the cold wood before slowly pushing in.
The room is shrouded in darkness, with the only source of light being the two large monitor screens set up; they're terribly blinding, causing you to recoil ever so slightly.
Too invested in the game in front of him, your boyfriend doesn't notice you've entered the room. This realization dawns on you, and instead of making your way towards him like you'd originally planned, you lean your weight against his doorway, simply watching him.
A fond smile dances on your lips.
The subathon's something he's been planning for ages.
It's something he had promised to his viewers, promised to himself that he'd carry out at least once in his streaming career. He's taken practically everything into consideration—what games he'd play, what guests he'd bring onto his stream, what would serve as entertainment while he's asleep. At the end, a chunk of the proceeds would go towards your local children's charity.
"Why?" you'd asked when he initially introduced the idea months ago.
He'd brought it up over some late night takeout—the two of you sharing food with distant sounds of traffic and quiet, curious conversations woven in between.
The plastic bag rustled as Jake pulled it closer to him, reaching in and taking out two bubble teas. As he slid your drink over to you, he had replied softly:
"Because I don't remember a time where I haven't wanted to do this. I've been given the privilege to give back to all of the people who have made my dream come true. I want this."
Jake Sim never fails to amaze you. You can't fathom how someone has been crafted with so much raw kindness—much less that you had managed to land that someone as your better half.
ari_01: look behind you bozo
"Look behind you, bozo- huh?"
Jake hastily spins his chair around. His eyes search through the dark before landing on you, tucked away in the safety of his doorway.
The sight of you eliminates tension in his body that he didn't even realize existed. A soft smile finds its way onto his face at the way your figure is illuminated from the pale blue glow of his monitor screens.
"Hi, beautiful."
It's been years and he still manages to make you reel at the simplest of compliments.
"Hi," you whisper back.
Turning back towards his monitor, Jake pauses his game. "Alright chat, Y/N's here. She's still a bit camera shy, so no monkey business, okay? You'll scare her," he scolds. You have to press a hand to your mouth to contain your laughter.
user1993: jake get out we want y/n
Jake playfully rolls his eyes before beckoning for you to join him. You oblige, pulling out a chair from the side and taking a seat. Habitually your hand reaches for his, fingers intertwining underneath the desk.
"Hi chat," you greet, a smile growing on your face as an influx of enthusiastic greeting messages appear on the screen.
A huff sounds from beside you. "Gosh, they're never this excited to see me."
"Don't dwell on it. I'm just naturally likeable," you tease, casting a brief glance off to the side. You expect a retort, yet it never comes.
Instead, you feel a squeeze of your hand. "How come you're up? It's late."
You purse your lips together, embarrassment filling your body at the thought of being in front of an audience of thousands of people.
"Go on," Jake presses.
"Just... missed you."
Jake swears his entire stream can see the way your words makes him melt into a puddle. He tries to—and fails spectacularly at—keeping his smile at bay.
"Yeah? Missed me?" he whispers. You nod, head lowered.
It's day four of what Jake had predicted to be an around week-long endeavour, but clearly he's underestimated how much his viewers love him (or hate him?) as the timer seems to see no end in sight. The only moments you've really gotten to spend with him over the course of the past few days are when he stumbles into bed late at night.
You've spent longer time periods apart, but you're still stirred by longing.
A small sigh leaves his lips. He runs his tongue over his teeth before lightly tugging you towards him.
"C'mere," he says, motioning towards his lap.
You look at him in bewilderment, reluctance etching itself into each of your facial features. "Jake, you're streaming-"
"Mmm," he hums, shaking his head childishly. "Don't care. They already know how far I'm gone. Besides, I need to prove them wrong—they keep calling me rizzless."
A laugh leaves your lips, but you still don't make any move towards him. Sensing your unwillingness, he places a gentle hand on your shoulder to encourage you.
"It's okay," he cooes. "It's okay, I promise."
The two of you stare at each other for a moment, as if challenging one another. His gaze is heavy on you, and eventually, you find yourself folding.
Carefully, you place yourself into his lap, the warmth emanating off of him instantly making you relax. His arms wrap around you loosely, resting on the curve of your hips.
"Stop subbing, chat. You're making my girlfriend miss me."
h3artz: i will literally gift 20 rn. do not start
minlmn: sounds like smth a PISSBABY would say
user0304: think about the children jake
"Think about the childr- Okay! Okay. Of course, for the kids," he laughs, rolling his eyes before redirecting his attention to you.
"Tired?" he asks, lips brushing the shell of your ear.
You nod, sinking further into his embrace. "Are you gonna start up the mods segment soon?" you mumble into the soft fabric of his sweater.
Whenever it's time for him to go to bed, his moderators take over the stream for the night to ensure that there's always something going on—whether that's playing games or hosting a makeshift podcast.
"Yeah, soon. Via told me she wasn't available until midnight, so just a little longer. Then we can go to bed," he whispers, fingers gently tapping a rhythm on your lower back. When he feels you nod against him, he turns his attention back to his screen.
mi11: u guys r the reason why i believe in love
streetfighter: u literally played league for 8 hours yesterday... what am i doing wrong with my life...
"Chat, stop being annoying. You should be happy for me," Jake grumbles. "And hey, to any league players out there-" he points at his webcam. "This is a sign. Don't lose hope, soldiers."
You erupt into soft laughter, removing your face from the crook of his neck and slapping him on the shoulder.
"Shut the hell up," you groan, eliciting a loud laugh from him.
Eyes scanning the live chat, you point out a message. "Look, Jake. Someone said 'not my streamer'," you snort.
"I'm used to it. I think I was collectively disowned yesterday during Uno."
"I heard about that from Jay. You must really suck at Uno."
He grins, hands travelling up to your waist. "But you still love me right?"
You scoff incredulously. "I loved you when you wore highlighter clothing to school everyday. It's going to take more than sucking at Uno for me to stop loving you, idiot."
Jake affectionately pinches your sides, causing you to yelp. Scowling, you begin to berate your snickering boyfriend before the sound of a notification interrupts you.
Upon reading it, Jake groans. "Oh, lord. Thank you for the twenty gifted."
You watch as the timer instantly shoots up another two hours, making your boyfriend close his eyes in defeat, leaning his head back against the headrest of his chair. Smiling, you brush some hair out of his face.
"They keep subbing," he whines. "It's like they enjoy watching my suffering."
You chuckle. "I don't think you should be badmouthing them. They're the ones who fund your stupid financial decisions, like buying a cardboard cutout of Heeseung. Which, by the way, came in today."
"Oh. You weren't supposed to see that."
"What is that even for?"
"You'll find out soon enough."
The two of you spend some more time talking with chat. You share what you've been doing for the past few days since Jake's been preoccupied with the subathon, recounting the bowling night you did with Jay and Sunghoon the other day. It takes you physically shutting Jake up with your hand to make him stop whining.
Exhaustion finally fully catches up to you, making you yawn. Jake watches you fondly before turning towards his monitor and swiftly muting his microphone.
"Go to bed," he coaxes, a hand smoothing over your hair.
You nod drowsily, slowly peeling yourself up from his hold. "Okay. Bye, chat."
"Mic's muted, baby."
You settle for some waves towards the camera, watching as messages bidding you goodnight flood in with a small smile. You think that you're incredibly lucky to be so well-received by his chat.
Jake's hand lingers on the small of your back. "I'll come join you in a bit, okay? I love you."
"Love you too," you mumble.
You begin to step towards the exit when suddenly, you're jerked backwards. A yell would've escaped you if it weren't for the fact that in a fraction of a second, your lips are on Jake's.
One of his hands is at the back of your neck gently pulling you down towards him, while the other one comes up into your hair.
For a second, you completely forget that you're on camera. The feeling of his plush lips on yours overwhelms you—your mind can't help but go blank.
But when that second is over, your eyes immediately snap open. You push at his shoulders, quickly stepping away from him. A scowl overtakes your face as he snickers at your reaction.
You flush crimson. "Next time, if you're going do that, turn off your webcam," you hiss.
"Mhm. Whatever you say, angel."
When you stumble out the door and frantically close it behind you, Jake turns back towards his stream and unmutes his microphone.
user899: MY EYES
redskies: highway looking so comfy rn
plays101: mom and dad get a fucking ROOM challenge
user555: this guy's asking to be slammed with a ban LMAO
Leaning back in his chair with a slight smirk, Jake's hands rest behind his head.
"Relax, chat. I'm not going to get banned. You know-" he pauses, his bottom lip between his teeth as he fails to contain his smile for the hundredth time since you appeared.
Jake hears you turn on the sink in the bathroom, yet the ghost of your presence still lingers in the way his body is still warm from your touch—the way he can smell the citrusy undertones of your shampoo.
"...that's what love is. Makes you do all sorts of stupid shit."
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bellewintersroe · 10 months
Sebastian Vettel x RBDesignEngineer! Reader.
Set in 2013 during the GP, Jennifer is fresh out of uni and has made a name for herself within the F1 world. She joins Redbull-Renault as one of their engineer designers and easily fits into the team, forming friendships easily. Most of all, she captures the attention of three time world champion, Sebastian Vettel. Part 1- just an introduction to the OC and situation, please excuse my inaccuracies about the 2013 GP and design engineering im not a pro and was like 11 back then 😭😭 here’s the LINK to part 2.
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Australia, March 2013…
“And here… right through here is… our youngest, and my personal favourite design engineer. This is where all the magic happens.” The sound of Sebastian’s German accent caused my lips to lift as I took my head set off, spinning around in my chair. Sebastian was walking alongside a camera man, touring around the garages. It was pre practice day, only two more days and the 2013 GP would begin. Although I’d been hired for Red Bull back in October of last year, it had taken 5 months to get to this point of merciless training and shadowing to ensure I was good at what I was doing. The Red Bull driver made his way over, resting on the back of my large chair with an amused smile. “Hi.” I nervously giggled, pushing my hair behind my ear as my headset fell around my neck. “This is Jennifer, do you want to tell them what you’re doing today, Jennifer?” The use of my full, formal name was sending me slightly giggly as I gazed up to the blonde man. Maybe it was just him making me feel that way…
“Um… so, to put it in simple terms so it’s not so boring, we’re just checking all the components of the RB9’s- what Sebastian and Mark will be driving- to make sure we don’t need to make any last minute changes.” “And what’s your name again?” The camera man asked. “Jen, I never go by Jennifer.” I laughed, glancing back up to Sebastian again. Whenever our eyes met I found myself struggling to keep composure on camera. “Tell then a bit about yourself.” He then nudged me on, grinning down. He could tell I was getting flustered, but continued purposefully. “Nobody wants to know about me!” I laughed, attempting to spin my chair back around in embarrassment. Hiding behind my computer for the first two weeks was my safe haven, that’s what I’d reverted back to. “They do!! Tell us, how did you get into your position?!” Seb spun the chair back, sliding a hand down onto my very ticklish shoulder, squeezing as both my shoulders jumped up with a giggle.
“Sorry.” Seb breathlessly laughed. “Um- well I started here in October, I just finished my masters last year at Manchester in Motorsport Engineering- um… Im 22- I don’t really have anything else very interesting to say! Uh- I suppose I had- just had experience from working part time with my brother who’s an engineer when I was like… 15.” I explained.
“Clever girl.” Seb responded as I automatically gulped in response, looking up to him and awkwardly glimpsing back to the camera. I didn’t know how to act with that in my face. “And what’s this?” The camera zoomed closer in on my second screen, it was just information about F1’s plan to go electric next year and use Hybrid engines, but it contained private information. My hand flew up blocking the screen dramatically, “oh! Sorry, that’s a secret!” Seb burst out laughing. “Oh no!” I laughed, “don’t worry I’ll cut that.” Luckily the camera man turned away as I sunk back into my chair. I really hoped I didn’t leak some super, confidential information about Red Bull or I’d be facing the sack a mere half year into employment.
Sebastian flashed me another smile and squeeze on the shoulder before following the camera man and showing him around some more. When they left I let out an internal sigh. I’d known Seb for the same amount as everybody else here, but I just felt this immediate warmth to him. Once the intimidation had worn off (even now I still felt it) I could tell there was an instant attraction. At points it felt mutual, Seb would openly flirt with me, tease me, I know he was a charmer, but I couldn’t tell if I was being delusional or not. He was cuddly, funny, he always looked so deeply into my eyes whenever I explained something to him. I wasn’t sure how I’d deal with the feelings that would keep me on edge for a full season. The worst thing about it??? I had a boyfriend.
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I was wondering whether u were taking requests for The Other Half.
Can u pls write a fic where the shop girl and bruce have an unplanned pregnancy or something along the lines of it.
I luv u and ur fics sm
Hav a great day
I opted for a pregnancy scare rather tan a full-blown pregnancy; hope that's okay! also the form of this chapter is a little different.
Previous Part | Masterlist | Next Part
Warnings: Canon-typical violence; angst! ! Much angst.
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You have a bad, bad headache.
“She awake yet?” 
Almost an entire week late. That was a lot of late, way more than you’ve ever been before. You’d taken a test and it turned up negative, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t be positive in a day or two.
A baby?
Are you even ready to have a child? Is Bruce? You’re hardly seen with one another in public these days.
“Not yet.” 
The possibility has caused complete and total distraction—to the point of…Well, what would you call this. A severe mishap? Failure? 
“We get anything back from Wayne?” 
A messy, messy morning. 
“Maybe he’s not really fucking her.” 
A spilled cup of coffee, a favorite blouse completely ruined. 
“They were in all the papers together.” 
“Yeah, but that was months ago. I told you we should’ve gone for Liz Wyatt. No one knows who the hell this bitch is.” 
You'd had a biting, short-tempered conversation with Bruce before you’d stormed over to the elevator and insisted that you’d get yourself to work and back.
“Maybe he’s not really rich.” 
“Please. The guy’s turds are worth more than what we make in a month. Bet they’re gold-flaked and shit…Anyway, it’s only been a few hours. Don't panic yet…Fuckin’ pussy.” 
A bad day at work, a really, really crappy takeout lunch, and a stupid, stupid move as you’d come out of the office building to head home. 
“Don’t call me that, shithead.” 
An unfamiliar car, the blur of a face before a cloth had been pressed over your nose and mouth and someone had yanked you close form behind. Panic, tight breaths, and then—
“Alright, wake ‘er up.” 
Darkness. Darkness and silence that slowly gave rise to—
“How do you want me to do that? Slap her?” 
Two nattering voices volleying arguments, questions, commands back and forth for the past half hour—
You gasp, sputtering as water is poured over you. You cough roughly as some of it catches in your dry throat, hinging forward as your throat and chest ache with the force. You draw in a deep breath as soon as you’re able, blinking rapidly and trying to get a better look at your surroundings. When you’d first come to, you’d realized how tightly your arms were zip tied behind yourself to the beam that you’d been propped against, and your ankles were zip tied in front of you. The floor beneath you is hard as hell, and you kind of have to pee. You've spent your time awake feigning unconsciousness in the hopes that they'd leave you alone.
Your gaze catches on two sets of steel-toed boots, and slowly travels up, up—You wince, squinting against the harsh overhead light illuminating the dank warehouse. You recoil at their faces, your whacking against the wide pole behind you. The two laugh cruelly, making embarrassment curdle in your stomach. One crouches down, roughly gripping your jaw and turning your face toward him. You can’t squirm away like you’d like, and you’re forced to smell his acrid breath. 
“Why don’t you get comfortable, honey,” He chuckles. “We’re waiting on your boyfriend.”
“Will you be dining alone this evening?” 
Bruce glances over at Alfred, trying not to grimace at his pointed question. He shifts on the couch, sinking down in his seat a little under his guardian’s scrutiny. 
“She should be back soon.” 
“Have you heard from her?” 
Not one word, all day. Bruce had checked his phone almost obsessively throughout the day, looking for missed calls or texts, but there hadn’t been a thing from her. Bruce had considered reaching out first, but he was still sort of pissed. He’d spent the day trying to figure out what the hell he'd done wrong, what she’d gotten so damn worked up about. He couldn’t think of a single thing. 
“Perhaps you ought to call and let her know that we’re at the mansion,” Alfred hedges again. Bruce considers it for a moment, glancing at his blank phone screen. Maybe he could…No. 
“She needs her space,” He insists. “She’s mad at me.” 
Alfred hesitates for a moment before he turns away. It may be overstepping his bounds, but he fishes into his pocket for his phone. He sends two texts—one saying that he hopes that she’s had a good day, and another asking if she needs a ride home. He sends them, and waits…And waits…And frowns. Neither message delivers. He turns back to the couch just in time to see Bruce reaching for his phone, then going still and ultimately leaning back in his seat, sliding even further down like a moody teen. 
Perhaps Alfred ought to simply take a look for himself.
He asks the first woman coming out of the Wayne Enterprises building—someone that Bruce recently had him run a background check on. 
“Pardon me, Ms...James? Rose James?” He smiles, as the young woman stops in her tracks. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could ask after a friend of ours.”
Rose’s brows raise as he offers the name. 
“Oh,” She laughs, “She left hours ago. In this huff, too, like a funk? Like not a smelly funk, like a mood kinda funk.” 
Alfred fights to keep his composure, his hands still clasped in front of himself. 
“Ah, of course,” He forces a laugh, “I must’ve confused my days. My apologies, Ms. James—and thank you for your time.” He turns away from her, fishing into his pocket for his phone and eyeing his messages. They still haven’t been delivered. 
Something does not feel right. 
You close your eyes, letting your throbbing head rest back against the pole. You have to distract yourself from your aching arms, and the sharp tingling of your legs and feet falling asleep. You’ve got to think of something else. 
What would you even name a baby? 
Your stomach flips at the thought, and you wince a little. Of all things to think about right now…Then again, what else have you got to do? 
Does Bruce want kids? The two of you have never actually discussed kids…Or marriage, or officially moving in with one another. Maybe you would’ve had those conversations if the two of you hadn’t been photographed kissing in the lobby of Wayne Enterprises, or leaving the vacation house of your Valentine’s retreat. Maybe you’d have had the conversations if Bruce wasn’t…Bruce. 
“Anything?” You hear one of the thieves say to the other. 
You draw in a deep breath, trying to calm yourself as the same slim man leans in toward you. You get a better look at him this time—at his cold, grey eyes, pallid skin and yellowing teeth. 
“You better hope that Wayne answers soon,” He warns, drawing a knife out of his boot. You flinch as he raises it, lightly tapping the tip of it on the underside of your chin. “If he doesn’t, you’ll be leaving here in bits.” 
“Did Rose say what time she left?” Bruce asks, practically bounding off of the elevator and over to the computers deeper in the cave. Alfred follows as quickly as he can, shaking his head. 
“She didn’t, and I neglected to ask.”
Bruce yanks his chair back, reaching down and hurriedly tapping into the security camera feed around Wayne Enterprises. His eyes scan the screen studiously as he winds the security footage back to when she typically leaves work. He stops it there, then skims through the footage a little faster. 
“Wait, there—” Alfred points, “Go back.” 
Bruce rewinds again slightly before he presses play on the footage. His heart leaps into his throat as he watches a man put something over her mouth, her body going limp as two men drag her into a van and take off. He hurriedly changes the camera angle and pauses the footage, zooming in on the license plate. 
Bruce glances over as he sees something move out of his periphery, and frowns when he spots someone leaving something on the front door step. 
“Go grab that, would you?” 
“You just dropped it off?” 
“Just now, you just dropped it off? Oh, for fuckssake!” 
You peer warily over at where a third man has hurried in and joined the first two. 
“I got stuck in traffic!” 
“That’s some weak–ass excuse, Frank.” 
“Hey, don’t use names,” The new guy nods over his shoulder toward you, “In front of the girl.” 
“Oh, you worried about her knowing your name? Knowing your face?” 
“Good point, Frank.” The shot rings out, and you can’t hold back your rough, dry-throated scream as the man raises a gun without hesitation and kills Frank, sending the man sprawling to the ground. He lowers the gun, turning to look at you and gesturing toward Frank’s body. 
“I known Frank twenty years. I do that to him, can you imagine what I’ll do to you?”
“The van took a route through downtown before it crossed the bridge into the Narrows—What’s that?” Bruce asks, glancing back as Alfred approaches again with a small envelope
“It’s addressed to you, sir.” 
Bruce takes it hesitantly, frowning. He takes hold of it, looking over it before he flips it over and opens it. His blood runs cold as he draws out a photograph of her—unconscious, and tied up. His other hand crinkles the envelope, unable to help it as his rage builds. He turns the photo over, frowning when he sees the untidy, scratchy writing. 
“What’s it say?” 
“There’s a phone number.” Bruce tosses the envelope aside before he turns back to the console, punching the number in.
“You’re calling?” 
“It’s probably a burner.” He only has to wait a few moments before someone picks up, and watches as his system traces the signal. 
“Took you long enough, Wayne.” 
“I called the moment I got the envelope.” 
There’s a pause, a grumble on the other side, and his heart stutters as he hears a gunshot. 
“What the hell was that?” He snaps. 
“Don’t worry about it. Listen,” The man sighs. “Two million in cash. No cops.” 
“Where is she?” 
“Don’t worry about it.” 
“I want to talk to her.” 
“You’ve got twenty four hours, Mr. Wayne. Call when you have the cash. I’ll send you an address.” 
Bruce opens his mouth to argue, but before he can, the man hangs up. Bruce clenches his jaw, fighting the urge to punch a hole through one of the screens. He tips his chin up, eyeing the spot on the map the phone signal came from. 
“Take one of the cars, one with heavily tinted windows. Drive into the city, take as much money as you can at an ATM, from tellers, wherever you can get it.” 
“What for?” 
“After that, I want you to come back, use the number on the back of that photo and call it. Get an address.” 
“And bring it to them?” 
“They might be watching the house. I want them to think I’m doing what they said. Don't worry,” Bruce turns away, striding toward the suit. "I'll get there before you do."
Names. What would you even name a kid? You’d probably want to give them a normal name…Well normal as in a typical spelling, and not some over-voweled, extra-consonanted monstrosity, like Mickayleigh or Jostlelynn or Redgeena. 
What were his parents' names? You furrow your brow, trying to remember. You haven’t spoken to Bruce about his parents much, either. Fuck, the more you think about it, there’s so much that you haven’t talked about, that you don’t know...That you may never get to find out.
“He’s got the money.” 
You glance back toward the triumphant whoop of one of the men. 
“Wayne?” He asks.
“Nah, the old guy. He's heading to the drop-off point.” 
Alfred? Your brow furrowed as you tipped your head back against the pole. You had no idea why Alfred would be the one getting cash—
You suck in a shocked breath as the room is suddenly plunged into darkness. You hear the two men tripping over one another, followed by a scuffle and a curse. 
“You alright, man?” 
“Tripped over Frankie—Ugh, he’s cold—”
You wince as the lights suddenly flicker back on, and your heart leaps when you see Batman standing over the fallen robber. The man looks up, and before he can fully get out his yell of, “Oh, shi—”, you see Bruce lifting his foot. You wince, turning your head and squeezing your eyes shut as you hear the man yowl in pain. 
It’s like being in the middle of a horror movie. You can hear what’s happening, and you desperately want to look to assuage your own morbid curiosity, but you’re worried that what you’ll see will be so much worse than you’re imagining. You hear gunshots, grunts, yelps, the cracking of bone, and then—
Nothing. You hear nothing. 
It’s another few moments before you hear the thudding of boots approaching. You dare to peek a single eye open just in time to see the edge of his cape as he rounds the pole. You hear a snick, chased by the feeling of your arms being untied. You groan as they fall limply to your sides, feeling about as heavy as a ton of bricks. He rounds you, crouching down in front of you and untying your ankles as well. It takes you a few moments to reach out, your arms weary and weak from their stretching, and the lack of blood flow. Bruce takes your hands in his gloved ones, easing you off of your feet and shushing you softly when you whimper and stumble into his chest. 
"Are you hurt?"
"—They didn't hurt you—?"
"No!" You swear, forcing your pained arms up to wrap around him. He turns his head, lips brushing against your temple.
“It’s alright,” He murmurs. “I’ve got you.” 
"You didn't recognize either of them?"
“So what you've told me, that’s all you remember?” Commissioner Gordon asks. “No names?” 
You shake your head a little, eyeing the floor. “Apart from the one guy…Frankie? They were pretty careful about not saying who they were when I was awake.” 
“Frankie was, uh…” He checks his notes, “The one that was shot twice, laying on the floor?” 
“Did Batman shoot Frankie?”
“What?” You frown. “No. One of the other guys did that. The, uh…The thin-ish one, with really bad teeth.” 
“And the other one?” 
“He didn’t say much to me.” 
“So…Batman came in and got you out.” 
“And dropped you off here at the precinct.” 
Commissioner Gordon’s brows jump before they lower again, and he jots something else down. 
“How much longer is this going to take?” Bruce grumbles.
Gordon’s gaze flickers over to where Bruce is still pacing behind you. 
“We’re nearly through here, Mr. Wayne.” 
You hear Bruce huff, followed by the thud of him slouching against the door. It’s a moment before Gordon is shifting in his seat, redirecting his attention. 
“Remind me where you were, Mr. Wayne?” 
“At my mansion.” 
He reports it flatly, and even in your weariness, you have to bite back a smile. 
“We have footage of your butler driving around and taking out money.” 
“I don’t keep that much cash on hand.” 
“And you were just going to pull as much money out as you possibly could?” 
“Whatever it took to get her back.” 
You lean back in your seat as some of the fear, panic, and anxiety well up again. You can feel tears prickling in your eyes, your chest tightening. Commission Gordon sighs, nodding. 
“I think that’s enough for today. I may have a few follow-up questions in the next few days.” 
“Of course,” Bruce answers for both of you, and you’re grateful for it. He comes closer, taking hold of your hand and helping you up. You still feel a little woozy, and you lean heavily against him. 
“I’m sorry to tell you, but there’s a lot of press outside. We, uh…” Gordon rounds the desk, opening the door to his office for you. “We set up barricades to get you from the door to your car without too much hassle.”  
“There isn’t a back exit?” 
“I’m afraid they’ve got the building surrounded, Mr. Wayne.” 
Bruce pushes a heavy sigh through his nose before he mutters quietly in concession. You don’t meet anyone’s eye as he leads you through the bullpen to the elevator, or as Commissioner Gordon gets on with you. 
“Are you driving?” You murmur. Bruce shakes his head, lips brushing your forehead. 
“Alfred is.” 
Alfred. It’ll be nice to see another friendly face. Bruce leads you off of the elevator, fishing into his pocket and drawing out a pair of sunglasses. 
“Put these on,” He orders, “And keep your head down. I’ll get us to the car.” 
You nod, putting on the thick, chunky sunglasses. They practically obscure half of your face. 
“Ready?” Bruce asks. You nod again, tucking yourself more tightly into his side as Commissioner Gordon opens the door. You don’t even have the chance to step a foot outside before you’re bombarded by the flashing of cameras, and yelled questions coming from all directions. It makes you want to run back inside and find some quiet corner to curl up in, but Bruce wraps his arm tightly around your shoulders, steering you to the car. You almost stumble trying to keep up with the pace he sets, fighting to keep your steps even and quick as he guides you down the path that the cops have set up and into the car.
As soon as the door is shut behind you, you sag down in your seat and draw your sunglasses off, peering through the heavily-tinted windows at the mob of press. The sound is let in again as Bruce gets in on the other side of the backseat, and as Alfred gets into the driver’s seat. It’s not a clean peeling away from the curb—a few press still crowd around the front, trying to get shots of you and Bruce through the windshield—but Alfred finally pulls away, and it feels like you can breathe again. 
As you strip down to shower—as you suddenly feel an acute cramping in your lower stomach—you start to cry, the full weight of the day crashing down around you. Bruce turns back from where he’s been turning the knobs to heat up the water, and through your kaleidoscope of tears, you can see his expression melting from confusion to sadness. He reaches out, drawing you into his chest, and you go willingly. You don’t even care that his hands are wet from checking to see if the water is warm enough. You just bury your face in his chest and let every bit of your fear and worry drain from you. 
“...Thought you had it already.”
“Hm?” You hum softly.
“Your period.” 
You wince at the comment, focusing on the steady rise and fall of Bruce’s chest. You’d thought that you’d have to have this conversation at some point in the next few days, but right now, tucked into his side in bed, you can’t think of anything you’d like to talk about less. Still, you trail your fingers along his side, weighing your words before you admit: 
“I was late.” 
“How late?” 
“A week.” 
Bruce is quiet for a few moments, and you can practically hear the gears turning in his head. 
“Did you think…?” He hedges.
“...Is that why you almost took my head off this morning?” 
“Yes…Sorry, by the way.” 
Is it? 
You let it hang in the air for a moment. You could let the conversation pass. You could just move—
“Would you have been happy?” You hedge, “If…I was?” 
A few moments of harrowing silence as Bruce’s fingers skate over your bare back. 
“I don’t know.” 
It’s honest, at least, but it doesn’t feel good. Yes was what you’d been hoping for. But I don’t know? You can feel yourself tearing again, and you bite down on your inner cheek, just nodding when you feel him looking down at you. He sighs heavily, murmurs, “Sweetheart,” But he doesn’t get all of it out before you’re pulling away from him and pushing yourself to sit up. You draw in a few deep breaths to steady yourself, raising your hands to swipe away the few tears that escape. To his credit, Bruce gives you the space that you need, sitting up and staying on his side of the bed. 
“Look at what happened to you today,” He points out. 
“That could’ve happened to anybody,” You grumble.
“Not like this. It happened because people know that you’re with me. It’s dangerous for you. And if it hadn’t just been you, if we ever…” It takes him a moment. “If we ever had a child, they would be a target, too.”
You sniffle softly, tucking your arms around your middle and fisting your fingers in the fabric of your sleep shirt. You know that he’s right, and you want to hate him for it.
“Is that why we never talk about that stuff?” You ask. 
“What stuff?” 
“Our future.” You turn your head back toward him, watching him in your periphery. You can see his lips pressed into a thin line, his gaze set ahead. 
“It’s not an easy conversation to have.” 
“Is that all we can have? Easy conversations?” 
“That’s not what I meant. Don’t put words in my mouth.” 
You sniffle again, turning away from him and looking down at the sheets. You feel Bruce scooch a little closer, sliding his hand along your lower back before he gently draws you back against him. You lean against him, pouting a touch as your cramps flare. Bruce nuzzles against your hair, dropping a kiss there. 
“Today was a lot,” He murmurs. “Can we just…Can we get some sleep? Talk about this tomorrow?” 
You nod, letting Bruce steer you to lay back down. You rest your head on his shoulder, fingers absently tracing shapes on his chest. 
“...For the record,” You offer softly, “Those men did what they did because they were greedy. I’m safe because of you, Bruce.” 
Bruce’s grip tightens on you, and you snuggle closer, sliding your leg over his and pressing as close as possible despite the twinging in your belly. 
Next Part
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eddiemunsonswhxre · 2 years
Hi, i don’t know if this is right but i was thinking about Eddie being tutored by his classmate, a girl who is the best on Miss O’Donnell class and she’s helping to get his D, but he invite her some weed and she accepted just for being curious, but after that he invited her a beer and she accepted too even when she doesn’t drink and you can imagine what happened…😏 the thing is that the next morning he wakes up feeling a headache and found her sleeping beside him, naked just her body half covered with the sheets, the condom box almost empty and he realized his uncle is about to comeback from Work in some minutes…
Hope this doesn’t is such a mess…thanks 🌼🤍
didn’t know if you wanted the smut written out or not, but i simply did not have the inspiration for it this time.
innocent little nerd girl / eddie munson
one shot
cw: use of marijuana and alcohol, mentions of sex, shotgunning smoke, bit of angst
eddie’s always been a charmer.
“eddie, i need you to see me after class,” miss o’donnell says in an unimpressed manner as she places down his most recent quiz. he looks from her to the calendar. he had less than two months to pull his shit together. he looked down to the paper, turning it over slowly.
of course, in bright red pen was an amazing 7% staring back at him. “shit,” he grumbles to himself, letting his head fall in his hands. he did not want to do his senior year a fourth time. he would admit, he didn’t really try that hard for most of it, but now he was. he was getting desperate and he was maintaining passing grades in every class except this one. fucking chem two. he simply didn’t get it no matter how hard he tried.
once the bell rang, everyone began filtering out to head home for the day. eddie hung back, moving his one and only folder from hand to hand as he waited for everyone to leave. and everyone did. except you. eddie approached miss o’donnell’s desk slowly, honestly kind of nervous at what she may say.
“y/n, get the door, please,” miss o’donnell spoke to you, causing eddie’s eyes to snap to you. you nodded with pursed lips, going and closing the door quietly while o’donnell looked to eddie. she sighed and looked up at him through her glasses. “okay, eddie, we have some things to talk about,” she says, folding her hands together.
eddie nods, his finger lifting and pointing towards you. “and her?” he asked quietly, o’donnell slightly taken aback at how he was actually cooperating.
miss o’donnell nods, beckoning you over. “yes, she’s involved,” she nods to eddie. he nods slowly, eyes flickering between you and her. “now, you’ve been in this class three times, right, eddie?” she asks.
eddie bites his bottom lip, looking away. “yep,” he says quietly, feeling slightly embarrassed which was unusual.
“the first two years were the same, but i’ve noticed you actually putting forth a bit of effort this year, which tells me you’re more serious about graduating. believe it or not, i want you to graduate and i want to see you succeed. and i’m starting to realize that maybe part of the reason you’re not picking up grades in this class like your others is because it’s a bit of a higher level for you,” miss o’donnell explains, eddie nodding his head along with her words.
her eyes flick to you, making eddie do the same. “there’s nothing wrong with that, but, since this class is the only thing holding you back from graduating i’m going to assign you a tutor. that’s what ms. y/n is here for. she’s top of the class and has agreed to help you in her free time. this is a stressful time of year for everyone, don’t make her regret this, do you understand?” miss o’donnell questions with a more serious tone taking over her words.
“yes ma’am,” he says, fiddling with his rings.
miss o’donnell nods, and then opens her desk drawer. she pulls out an extremely thick packet and holds it out to eddie. “this is blank copies of all the homework assignments and quizzes you scored less than a 60% on. mr. higgins said i can’t let you retake your tests, but if you redo all these and get at least a c on them, keep up with the projects and tests we still have coming up, and get at least a 68% on your final, you’ll be able to pass my class. i know it seems like a lot, but i believe you can do it,” she finishes.
eddie blinks a few times. how was he going to be able to do all that when he probably should’ve never passed chem one? “i have a pretty open schedule, so we can work around yours,” you finally say, his eyes snapping to you. for the first time he really took you in. you looked really cute in your school clothes which was just a pair of jeans and a rolled up t-shirt.
he nodded. “that’s- um, that’s great. thanks,” he nods, slightly caught of guard by how cute you were. you nod and pass him a piece of notebook paper.
“here’s my phone number, just ask for me,” you say with a smile, holding your books closer to your chest.
“i’ll call you tonight,” he says, tucking it into the front pocket of his vest. you give him a thumbs up before turning and exiting the classroom.
the two started meeting up three times a week, giving eddie free days for his performances and hellfire. you always met at your house because you had younger siblings to watch over but eddie didn’t mind. you actually were really good at teaching and eddie felt like maybe he’d actually be able to pass because of you. the workload was immense though, and after two weeks of meeting after school, eddie knew he needed more time.
so, that’s why you were on your way to his house on a saturday night with a bag full of review material. this was the first time you didn’t have to watch your siblings and eddie was slightly nervous. you two had, dare you say it, become friends in the two weeks of working together on chemistry. eddie felt himself developing a crush on you, and the fact that you were coming to his house had him scrambling around and cleaning like a mad man.
he didn’t know why he was nervous, because once you got there you both fell into your comfortable grove of working through the reactions of different acids to different things. this study session was going to be long, and you knew that. eddie knew that. but once the two and a half hour mark hit he leaned back in his chair and tossed his pencil on the table. ���i need a break,” he groaned.
“take one, you’ve been working hard. want me to buy us a pizza?” you ask, highlighting a line on an information packet for eddie.
eddie looks at you in a sort of embarrassment. he wanted to be able to buy the pizza since it was his house, but sales haven’t been too good this week so really he couldn’t afford it. “uh, if you want to,” he says with a shrug.
you nod, pushing yourself out of your seat and cracking your back. “what kind do you want?” you ask, catching eddie staring at the bit of skin that was revealed when you stretched.
eddie’s eyes snap up to you, and he knows by the small smirk on your face that you noticed. “whatever’s good, uh do you want a beer? i’d offer you pop or something, but i really only have beer and water…” he asks, standing up and walking to his fridge.
“hm, i guess i’ll try it,” you shrug, picking up his house phone and dialing the number to the pizza place.
“you’ve never had a beer?” eddie asks, grabbing it from the fridge. you shake your head no, placing your finger to your lips as the phone begins to ring. eddie pops the cap off for you before setting it on your side of the table as he listens to you order a pizza. he admires you, twirling the phone cord between your fingers as you switch your weight from leg to leg.
he was so lost in his trance that he didn’t realize you were trying to talk to him. “eddie,” you say louder, snapping to get his attention.
he shakes his head, pulled from the trance and looks at you. “huh?” he asks dumbly.
you rolls your eyes at him. “what’s your address?” you ask him again. eddie feels his cheeks heat up but tells it to you quickly. he takes a sip of his own beer and leans against the counter. you hang up the phone, moving over to the table and grabbing the bottle. “they said like thirty minutes,” you say, taking a small sip of the beer. your face contorts in disgust as you force the sip down your throat. “what the heck, that’s so gross,” you say, holding the bottle away from you to examine it.
eddie laughs at your reaction. one thing he noticed pretty quickly is that you don’t cuss. ever. he found your innocence to be adorable. “no good?” he chuckles at you.
you shake your head no, taking another sip and hoping for it to be better. it wasn’t. “ick,” you mutter, but still take drinks anyway.
“why are you drinking it if you don’t like it?” eddie laughs, amused by you.
you shrug, analyzing him slightly. “i don’t think anyone who drinks it really likes the taste,” you say pointedly. eddie nods as he thinks about it.
“i’d love to see your reaction to weed,” he jokes, looking back to you instead of spacing out.
you shrug, picking at your pants. “i’d be down to try it,” you say quietly.
a small smile spreads across his face. “right now?” he asks.
“mmm, i mean, sure,” you stumble before looking up to him. eddie looks at you in shock before he’s bolting into his room to find some weed to roll into a blunt.
this is how you two end up sitting on his couch, facing each other with a blunt between you. “i don’t know how to smoke,” you say seriously, your eyes flickering between his eyes and his mouth as he puts the joint between his lips.
he lights it expertly before inhaling. he holds it for a second and then blows it to the side of you. “i figured, i’ll teach you,” he says, scooting slightly closer to you.
your nose scrunches up at the smell causing him to laugh. “that smells horrid,” you mumble.
eddie waves his hand in dismissal before carefully turning the blunt in his hands. “i’m gonna put this to your lips and i want you to suck in like you’re taking a deep breath. since it’s your first hit i wouldn’t hold it, just blow it back out,” he says and you nod nervously.
he holds it up right in front of your lips waiting for you to put it into your mouth. you eye the blunt suspiciously, feeling nerves bite at you. eddie raises his eyebrows out you and nods, trying to tell you to do it. you sit back a little shaking your head. “i’m nervous,” you say and eddie internally awes at how cute you are.
he brings the joint back to his own lips, thinking about how to encourage you. as he watches the smoke he blows from his mouth, he gets an idea. a risky idea, but an idea nonetheless. “what if you didn’t have to inhale directly from the blunt? would that help?” he asks.
you cock your head to the side curiously. “how?” you ask, so much innocence in your voice it makes eddie’s pants tighten.
“well… it’s kind of like, well, a kiss. do you trust me?” he asks, searching your face for a reaction.
you think for a moment. the main thought being ‘holy crap the hot guy i tutor wants to kinda sorta kiss me.’ so obviously you said, “yes.”
eddie feels himself become excited as he moves even closer to you. with the hand that’s not holding the blunt, he wraps it around the side of your neck so he can pull you closer to him when he’s ready. “i'm going to hit it, then when i'm ready to exhale i’m going to put my mouth to yours and exhale. you’ll just have to inhale at the same time. so just have your mouth open- yep, uh shit, yeah just like that. and then-you, you can um exhale when you need to,” he explains, his mouth wanting to water at how obedient you are, just dropping your mouth open for him.
he inhales a smaller hit, holding it in his chest as he moves the blunt away and then pulls you closer by your neck. he slots his mouth to yours causing chills to run down your spin. as you feel the smoke exit his mouth, you begin taking a deep breath in. it hits the back of your throat hard, causing you to turn to the side and start coughing rapidly. eddie rubs your back as you do, waiting until you calm down to ask you if it worked. “can we do it again?” you asked before he could and how could he deny you.
you take two more hits from him like that, coughing still. he still has his hand on your neck and his big brown eyes are just staring at you. his lips are wet and full, open as he analyzes you. you were tired of being the reserved innocent girl, you wanted him. “sorry,” you mumbled, watching his eyes flash with confusion.
before he could ask you what’s wrong you grab his face in your hands quickly and press you lips to his. he makes a noise of surprise, but then relaxes into the kiss and following your pace. you’re disturbed from the kiss when there’s a knock on the door. right, pizza.
while you guys ate you forgot about the kiss, well, you pretended to. but when it was time to get back to studying you just couldn’t do it. you let eddie share mores beers with you as you turned on some shitty movie and shared lazy make out sessions. then you got really drunk and couldn’t even remember what came next.
eddie groans as the sun shines through his curtains, waking him up. his head is pounding in the familiar way as when he gets cross faded and he screws his eyes together. he tries to ignore the pounding by burying himself further in his blankets and pillows. but what he was holding… was not a pillow. his eyes shot open, causing him to grunt in discomfort from the sudden brightness and blink his eyes a few times before he takes it all in. he was laying naked with a sheet barely covering his dick that also covered your bottom half.
his arm was wrapped around your naked frame, his hand literally holding one of your tits as you breathed heavily in your sleep. he sat up quickly, his hand flying to his head as it throbbed as he looked around his room. your panties were hung off of his guitar, your bra thrown on the chair, and both of your clothes strewn around his already messy room. next to, yes, next to not in, his trash can were two used condoms causing him to look at you in shock. he put a hand to his mouth as he saw the abundance of hickies he left all over your neck and chest. his eyes looked to the clock next and his heart dropped. “shit,” he muttered, seeing that his uncles shift got done five minutes ago, meaning he should be home in about a minute or two.
“shit, shit, shit,” he grunts, placing his hand on your shoulder and shaking you. “y/n, y/n get up,” he said quickly. your eyes fluttered open, making you wince as you tried covering your face with your hands. “hey, hey you’re up, great,” he said, pulling his hands from your face.
you looked at him in confusion as bits and pieces of the night came back to you. oh shit, you had fucked eddie munson. a lot. “y/n, um, yeah you gotta go home,” he says, trying to usher you out of his bed.
you felt your heart break a little. did you really give him all that just to be kicked out like you were nothing? what you didn’t realize was that you were only still emotional from last night. you and eddie had some pretty rough sex and your mind was still fragile. “w-what?” you stutter, tears filling your eyes as eddie gets out of bed. he pulls on a pair of boxers first before starting to search and gather your clothes.
“c’mon, l/n, you gotta go,” he says hurriedly. he didn’t even realize he’d used your last name. but to you it was a very harsh contrast to baby and sweetheart. grabbing your underwear as the last piece of your clothing he turned around to bring them to you. he saw you sit up and wipe your eyes, but not from sleep. you were crying. “hey, hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, throwing your clothes on the bed and kneeling in front of you.
you wiped your eyes quickly, feeling very pathetic. “i just- i just thought after… after that that we’d um, i don’t know actually but i figured it’d be okay because um… right, you want me to go. i-im sorry i shouldn’t have um, i shouldn’t have kissed you,” you spoke brokenly, shaking your head and reaching for your shirt.
eddie’s eyes widened, you were taking this the whole wrong way. “no- no, wait! i’m not kicking you out because i don’t want you here, if i could i’d keep you here all day and honestly keep fucking you. but, my uncle, he’s supposed to get home soon and his like only rule is i can’t have girls over so-“ his fumbling words are cut off short by the sound of the trailers front door opening. eddie’s door was also open, meaning his uncle had a clear shot of you naked and eddie in front of you.
“eddie, what the fuck?!” his uncle yelled as eddie ran to the door, slamming it shut.
eddie lets his head hit the door. “sorry! i’m sorry, just uh- hold on,” he yells through the door before turning back to you. you were now holding his sheet around you with wide eyes, even though you were pretty sure his uncle saw nothing due to his position in front of you.
eddie helped you gather your things and get ready, grabbing everything of yours from the kitchen as you got dressed ignoring the lecture from his uncle. he then went back to his room, pressing a kiss to your lips before guiding you outside and to your car.
let’s just say that wasn’t the last study session gone wrong.
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winterchildd · 2 years
"My heart is split in half..."
Tumblr media
Title: My heart is split in half...
Word Count: 1,663
Pairing: Kili x fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, tears, a little angry reader, sad reader and sad Kili, fluff, fluff, fluff, happy ending *w*
Request: Nop, I wrote this during my last influence to cheer me up a little, 'cause I was really in a bad mood, hopefully it will cheer you guys up too😚
Author's note: Don't have much to say about it to be honest, I just wanted it to be something simple, something sweet whit a little bit of angst and a lot of fluff to cheer up whoever needed it, plus Kili is the swetest of boys, we all deserve our little moment whit him 😗💕
Hope you guys will like it, and please always remember to take care of yourselves, your mental health matter as much as your physical health
Love you guys🌻
Y/N snorted throwing a disappointed look in Kili's direction, at the disgusted grimace that had taken place on his face as soon as he had swallowed the first bite of the stew she had prepared for dinner that evening, and that still, even though both had practically pretended to eat, made no sign of wanting to leave his lips. Absurd, she thought, looking at him grimly, she had spent the whole afternoon in the kitchen taking care of that stew, preparing it as he liked, following the recipe that Dìs had kindly passed her, she had taken care of every little detail, tasted constantly to be sure of the flavor, that she hadn't overdone the spices, and after all that effort she thought she deserved something more than a couple of tight smiles and grimaces full of disgust.
"Kili ..." she suddenly called him back, letting the spoon slip into her plate with an unnerved sigh, among what still remained of her meal, unable to bear that situation any longer
"I know I'm not the best cook in the world" she sighed again, finally drawing his attention to herself "That what I prepare for you has nothing to do with your mother's cooking, but this stew doesn't seem so terrible to me" she said nervously tasting another bite and throwing the spoon back into the bowl, this time badly "Not so much as to deserve that disgusted expression, not after all the time I wasted preparing it!" she spat angrily at him crossing her arms to her chest while as if to emphasize the anger that was boiling in her veins, she started rocking in her chair manteining balance with her heels.
"It's not the stew ..." Kili muttered with difficulty in a hoarse, almost dry voice, looking at her confused and a little incredulous, as if he didn't expect a similar reaction, not from her, not after the months in which, due to his work in the Blue Mountains, they had not been able to see each other, not when they were about to say goodbye again and for much longer "That's delicious, as always" he mumbled again, letting out a couple of coughs as he barely maneged to swallow up a sip of water "It's my throat" he resumed then massaging his neck with a grimace full of pain and discomfort "It hurts and…"
"And you struggle to swallow ...!" Y/N finished for him with wide eyes, inevitably feeling a fool for having yelled at him in that way and for such a stupid reason. Kili didn't answer her, at least not whit his voice, he just stretched his lips into a thin smile, nod his head and mimic a simple "I'm sorry" with his lips.
"No" Y/N replied immediately, waving her hands in front of her face in horror as she sat back down with embarrassment, with her hands placed on the table and her feet firmly planted on the ground "You don't have to apologize" she said getting up from her seat to reach him at the other side of the table
"I'm the one who has to apologize, I yelled at you for no reason" she continued "I wanted this dinner to be perfect, I wanted to welcome you with something special after all these weeks of distance, to make you feel at home before your leaving for Erebor, and the thought of having ruined everything has made me nervous, forgive me my love..." she added, looking down with embarrassment at the tip of her toes while with apprehension and a delicacy that, at that moment, to kili seemed from another world, she placed her hand on his forehead to check his temperature
"It doesn't matter" Kili replied, narrowing his eyes and letting out a sigh of relief as soon as Y/N's cool hand was on his forehead.
"You have a fever ..." Y/N mumbled with concern and surprise, throwing her hand away from his forehead, almost as if she had burned herself. A little annoyed, he wished he could have enjoied the pleasant coolness of her hand for a little longer, Kili let out a grunt.
"You need rest" Y/N told him, gently pulling away his hair from his sweaty forehead
"No" Kili mumbled in response, shaking his head "I don't feel like it" he added grabbing her hand and starting to absently fiddle with her fingers before leaving her a series of small kisses on the knuckles made rough by the years of work behind her. Y/N giggled shaking her head with feigned exasperation, softened and amused at the same time by the little pout that had curled his lips and that more than a fearsome dwarven warrior made him look like a capricious little child.
"You're sick" she told him "And in a couple of weeks you'll have to leave with your uncle for Erebor, if you don't take care of your cold now it will turn into something more serious, you risk to not being able to take part in the expedition" she pointed out then, passing with distraction and a sort of melancholy her hand in his hair, pausing for a few moments on the thin braid that dangled near his neck, identical to the one she too was hiding in her hair and which symbolized their story, the promise of a life together
"Erebor is your dream" she suddenly resumed, emerging from the trance in which she had fallen "It always has been" she said, decisively and melancholy intertwining her gaze with his "You can't put it at risk for such a stupid thing"
"I know ..." Kili sighed wile grabbing her softly by the waist, pulling her close to him "But at the moment my heart is split in half ..." he said, returning her gaze with lucid eyes, red and swollen with tears that were waiting for nothing but to streak his tanned face “I don't want to leave you…. Not for this long… ” he finally confessed to her with a strangled sob, sinking his face against her chest, holding her to him as if he didn't want to let her go. Struck by his words, with her heart thigt in a grip of pain mixed with despair and something similar, but much more melancholy than happiness, Y/N hugged him, kissing his head with affection while finally, just like him who had collapsed as soon as he had hided his face in the soft folds of her shirt, she allowed herself to shed all those tears she had forced herself to hold back in those days, in a desperate attempt to be strong and not let herself be devoured by despair.
What worried them, what anguished them so much, was not the thought of not being able to bear the distance that would separate them - both, for work, had always traveled a lot and for long periods - but the awareness that this time, unlike the others, they did not have the security that they could see each other again, that they could hug each other again and keep the promise that they had made to eachother. Erebor was a long way off, and the road to it was studded with dangers, dangers that no matter how skilled they might be in combat, none of Thorin's company was sure they could overcome. The thought of Smaug then, of his violence, of his wickedness, gave her chills, and yet, despite this, aware that those who were about to live could have been their last days together, as much as she really wanted to be selfish and begging him to stay safe next to her, Y/N did not feel like asking him to give up what had been his dream since childhood.
"I don't want you to leave ..." she suddenly said through tears, breaking the silence that had surrounded them with her own voice "I'm afraid that something could happen to you, I'm afraid of never seeing you again" she added moving away from him just enough to be able to look into his eyes, gently grasping his face in her hands "But I can't ask you to give up everything for me. You never did such thing whit me, you have always let me free to follow my heart" she continued, wiping the tears from under his eyes "I want to do the same for you, I want you to feel free to follow your heart, to fight for what you believe in" she finished, giving him a sad but equally sure smile.
"Thank you ..." Kili answered gently caressing her face "Thank you" he repeated again holding her close to him "Thank you for the freedom you leave me, for the understanding you show me and for your support" he said while his eyes turned lucid again for the emotion he was feeling "I'll come back" he resumed then looking at her with decision "I'll come back to you and we will get married, we will live the life we have always dreamed of and then there will be nothing to divide us" he promised, giving her a radiant smile full of hope.
"I believe you" Y/N replied smiling at him through her tears "I know you will come back to me" she added again drying her tears with the sleeve of her shirt, letting out a little tremulous laugh "But now come and rest" she continued happily kissing his forehead "You have to rest to recover, otherwise the disease will prevent you from leaving" she giggled, holding out her hands and beckoning him to follow her.
This time, unlike the previous one, Kili did not protest, he firmly grabbed her hands and, staggering a little, he allowed her to escort him to his room. He let Y/N help him settle under the blankets, let her place a cool cloth on his forehead and then, exhausted, lulled by the gentle sound of her heartbeat, he fell asleep.
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wheels-of-despair · 6 months
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Always Worth It | Ralph Penbury x You | Series Masterlist
What the Hell Is Compressed Yeast? Summary: Ralph wakes up in the middle of the night, and you're not next to him like you should be. Where are you, Mrs. Penbury? Words: 600ish
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Ralph Penbury woke from his slumber with a jolt.
Something feels wrong.
He looks to his left, where his wife should be, but no one is there.
Scrambling out of bed and into his slippers, he began a frantic search of your favorite places. You occasionally suffered bouts of insomnia, and would wait until Ralph fell asleep to leave bed and roam about the house. In the six months you'd been living together, all of your books had been integrated and alphabetized, you'd organized things Ralph didn't know could be organized, and you'd even taken up knitting. But you weren't in the library. Or the sitting room. Or the parlor. Ralph was growing more frantic by the second.
And then he heard a strange noise coming from the kitchen.
Tiptoeing toward the door cautiously, he peeked in and saw you sitting at the table, head down and shoulders shaking. He crept toward you and knelt by your side, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
You jumped when you felt him.
Ralph's heart broke when he saw your wet, swollen face. What could be causing his beloved such pain? Why had he not been here to prevent it?
"What's wrong, love?" he asks, tucking a strand of hair that had stuck to your soaked cheek behind your ear.
"I don't know how to do anything, Ralph."
"What?" Ralph feels offended on your behalf. You know how to do lots of things. You're one of the smartest people he's ever met. You're clever, and creative, and utterly brilliant. He doesn't like it anyone speaks negatively about his wife, including his wife herself.
"I don't even know what half these words mean." It comes out almost as a whimper, and it makes Ralph ache to hear it.
"What are you talking about, darling?"
You place your hand on a book Ralph had only just noticed and slide it toward him. He raises his head above the table to investigate the tear-stained pages.
"Bread?" This is about bread? Bread is something worth crying over?
"What the hell is compressed yeast?" you ask pitifully.
"I don't know?"
"Neither do I!" you sob, shoving the book down the table and out of reach as a new wave of tears begin to fall.
"Darling... please tell me what's going on?" Ralph has never been more confused in his life.
"Ralph, we are entirely reliant on other people. How would we survive if it were just us? If we had no money? No staff? We don't know how to do anything!"
Of all the things Ralph expected to be wrong tonight, a broken wife was not one of them.
When he didn't answer, you cross your arms on the table and bury your face in them again. Ralph sat there, feeling lost and helpless, rubbing your back in what he hoped was a soothing gesture. He didn't know what else to do.
Finally, you heave a sigh, sit up, and dry your eyes. You look down at him and let out an embarrassed laugh.
"I'm sorry," you say softly, reaching down to cup the side of his face. Ralph doesn't move. He stares in awe at the strange but beautiful creature in front of him, afraid that making a move or saying a single word might set off the tears again.
"Shall we write this off as another bout of female hysteria?" you joke.
Ralph smiles, thankful to see you return to a less distressed state. "You do know what the cure for that is, don't you?"
"Why don't you take me back to bed and show me?"
"Gladly, my love." Ralph stands and helps you out of your chair. He'll find someone to come teach you both how to cook tomorrow.
Tonight, his pregnant wife needs to be taken care of.
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luvsellie · 2 years
LITTLE RED DRESS [e. williams]
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summary after initially surprising your girlfriend on tour, she decides some things can't wait until after her show
warnings smut, fingering (f! recieving), thigh riding, lowkey brat taming (not really), there's no after-care!!
wc 2.4k
note this woman consumes my thoughts to a point that is no longer mentally healthy. also, listen to cherry by lana del rey !
part 1
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by the time your girlfriend and her bandmates had finished their dress rehearsal, you had changed out of your jeans and t-shirt.
“is that the dress i bought you?” ellie asked, watching closely as you climbed the steps to the stage. upon your arrival, she shoved her guitar behind her and walked toward you with a look of interest.
smiling, you let her drink in the article of clothing she had sent to you two months prior, your fingers brushing against the skirt of the little red dress.
“you look good,” she said a little quieter, her eyes lingering on your spilling cleavage and the lacy white thigh-high socks that dug into your supple skin. “really good.”
used to her flattery, you grabbed her hand earnestly and gave it a squeeze. “only for you, babe.”
ellie looked like she wanted to say more, but she could only clamp her mouth shut when jesse said your name, grinning from ear to ear as he half-walked half-jogged up to you. he didn’t take a second to greet you with words. instead, he pulled you in for a hug.
your fingers slipped from ellie’s as you wrapped your arms around the black-haired man, slightly taken back by his upfront attitude. “hey, jesse, long time no see, yeah?”
“yeah,” jesse agreed, pulling away so he could properly see you. “it’s been lonely without our number one fan here, hasn’t it, dina?”
“oh, definitely,” dina nodded from her stool at the drums, her signature ponytail swishing behind her. “it sucks not having a person to spark ellie’s creativity when she only has a couple of hours to finish writing a song she’s been putting off. it is absolutely tragic, i say.”
you huffed out a laugh as you looked at your girlfriend. she leaned against a wooden crate and crossed her arms over her chest, shaking her head at dina’s poke with an eye roll. “until you guys are the ones doing all the writing, i don’t want to hear shit. life’s boring around here, okay?”
jesse’s nose scrunched. “you think we’re boring? ouch, man.”
wetting her lips, ellie gave her bandmate a sharp look. “only when i’m with my girlfriend, ‘cause she is way more entertaining to be around.”
“you mean way more entertaining because you get to do her,” dina quipped, earning a frown from jesse and a blank stare from you.
ellie continued to slouch against the wooden box, her face unreadable.
“you’re not even going to argue with her?” jesse asked with raised brows, his hands resting on his hips as he looked from dina to ellie. he even side-eyed your dumbfounded figure a few feet away.
she puffed out the start of a chuckle as she shrugged. “i mean, she’s not wrong, so why would i try and deny it?”
you rubbed at your forehead as you groaned. “ellie, for the love of god…”
an amused smirk was shot your way, moss green eyes glinting with teasing delight. something about the way she looked at you was irking. ellie was never this outright. or an enjoyer of attention, for that matter. this was new, and there was no denying that even given the circumstances of the current conversation, you were enjoying it.
“what?” ellie started, pushing off the crate with ease. “don’t pretend that you-”
“i am not going to let you finish that sentence,” you interrupted with a raised hand, blinking a few times as you glanced at dina and jesse. your face was starting to grow hot, and the way dina tried—and failed—to hide her snicker set your embarrassment to well over a hundred percent.
pressing your lips into a thin line, you cleared your throat. “if you guys are finished talking about ellie doing me, then i suggest running a few songs some more. i could hear y’all as i walked over…was not the best.”
ellie’s eyebrows jumped to her hairline. something about her expression told you that she knew you were just trying to change the subject. “really? i thought we sounded fine.”
“better than fine, actually,” jesse jumped in, which prompted dina to nod.
you sighed heavily, waving them off and making your way to the edge of the stage. “suit yourselves then. give your fans a shitty experience, i don’t care.” 
when you heard footsteps chase after you, there was no more hiding the shit-eating grin you were trying to conceal. ellie’s gait was too recognizable.
as you trotted down the set of stairs in a few quick motions, ellie jumped down from the stage, reaching out to grab your wrist. “hey. where are you going?”
her voice was curious yet demanding.
“back to the dressing room. thought i’d let you guys continue to focus on your music,” you said sweetly, watching ellie’s face contort from concern to recognition.
she hummed in acknowledgment before releasing her loose grip on you. “i’ll come with.” turning to jesse and dina’s confused persons, she gave them—and you—no time to argue as she wrapped an arm around your waist and said to them, “keep rehearsing, i’ll be back in a few.”
you let her guide you to a back hallway with no objection before you finally spoke up. “you’re unbelievable sometimes.”
“how so?” she asked with no real interest, though the hand on your hip pressed you closer to her side as she studied the surrounding corridor.
“well, for starters,” you said tightly, “you just, oh, i don’t know, talk about how fun it is to bone me in front of jesse and dina like it’s not fucking embarrassing.” you were staring at her now, growing irritated with how her eyes were on everything but you. “secondly, i can never tell when you’re going to- okay, what the hell is so much more interesting than this conversation right now?” 
your abrupt question finally moved her line of sight your way, and ellie said without any hesitation, “i’m looking for a room to fuck you in.”
oh, you thought, heart leaping to your throat. swallowing the sudden thickness, you watched as her eyebrows flicked upwards, and it was then that you realized you might’ve not just thought up the word.
“oh,” she mocked, the same cocky smile from earlier making a return. taking your silence for compliance, the hand on your back continued to guide you forward, steering you toward the women’s bathroom just up ahead.
trying to calm the sudden flutter of nerves building in the pit of your stomach, you let out a shaky breath and pushed past the swinging door. you heard ellie flip the lock.
“ya know,” she said as you turned around, “i’ve wanted to fuck you the moment i saw you standing in my dressing room.”
her confession sent your cheeks aflame, and you suddenly found it hard to look her in the eye. leaning against the marble of one of the sinks, you crossed your arms, trying and failing to show that her words meant nothing. that there was no effect when she was so upfront with you. but she knew the facade was a lie and had always liked the fight of getting you to admit how much her choice of words drove you to insanity. even if it wasn’t necessarily with words.
she was silent as she approached you, nothing but confidence in her long strides. you watched eagerly as she licked her pink lips. her hands landed on either side of you, trapping you against the cold counter.
“kiss me,” you told her quietly, eyes glued to her mouth. “kiss me until i am sick of it.”
ellie let out a huff, smiling at you before moving her right hand to your back and pushing your body against hers, relishing the sound you made when her lips met yours.
cupping her face, you kissed her feverishly, squirming under her touch when her thigh slotted between your legs. “ellie…” you whimpered into her mouth, grinding down on the muscle she had offered you.
“fuck,” she muttered, pulling away just enough to watch you desperately hump her leg. she grew frustrated as she noticed the skirt of your dress hiding what she wanted to see most. so, with you still chasing for some sort of friction, she slid her hands along your thighs, up until she could feel the cotton of your panties, and pushed away the fabric, pinning the ruffles to your stomach with a hand. 
clinging to the auburn-haired woman, you panted as the texture of her jeans grew even more euphoric with time. the way your clit brushed deliciously against her thigh with every move sent chills sprawling over your heated skin. but it still wasn’t enough. you wanted to feel ellie, specifically those long, calloused fingers of hers.
“ellie…” you repeated hazily, using a hand to force her eyes up to yours. “...touch me. please.”
fortunately, you didn’t have to tell her twice.
letting out a soft grunt, she lowered her thigh, earning a protesting grumble from you. “sh, sh, sh,” she hushed, gently turning you around to face the large bathroom mirror. “i got you.”
you gripped the hand that had found its way to your breast, wriggling against her chest. that same hand snaked to your chin, forearm still pushed up against your tits, steadying your movements. she made you meet her half-lidded stare through the mirror as she said, “look at you, all desperate and squirming…and i haven’t even properly touched you yet.”
“then hurry up and fuck me,” you snapped at her, pushing your ass against her front for emphasis. “or are you just gonna stand here and- oh!”
ellie grinned as the cusp of her palm grazed your clit, the hand not pinning you to her stuffed down your sodden panties. her amusement morphed into fake worry, her lips tugged down in a pitiful frown as she looked at you. her fingers ran from your entrance to your clit, your slick wetting her fingers. “what’s wrong?” she asked mockingly. “i thought this was what you wanted.”
“i said,” you hissed out, hands fisted into your bunched-up dress, “to hurry up and fuck me, not be a tease.”
dropping her taunting demeanor, she roughly twisted your face toward her, forcing you to look at her. “stop being a brat.”
you let out a shaky gasp as she thrusted two fingers into you, her thumb toying with your clit. she wasted no time easing you open, simply prying into your pussy with force.
eyes rolling toward the ceiling, you managed a whine, her name falling from your lips like a mantra. the way the pads of her fingers dragged against your walls, the tips brushing your g-spot with every drive up, nearly sent you to tears.
noticing the way your lids were slowly starting to close from pleasure, ellie moved your chin in the direction of the mirror again. “open up your eyes, sweetheart. look at me.”
you groaned in protest, but did as she commanded.
“if i see you close your eyes or look away, you’re not cumming. got it?” she said, earning a slight nod from your already fucked-out figure. “use your words, pretty girl.”
shuddering at the praise, and the way her fingers relentlessly continued to pump in and out, you found yourself struggling to muster up any words. after a few seconds of you just staring hopelessly at ellie through the mirror, her fingers stopped inside you. and just as she was about to remove them, you grabbed her wrist, babbling out, “yes, yes i understand…jus’ don’t stop. please.”
the corners of ellie’s mouth quirked upwards, her dilated pupils narrowing in on your face. “atta girl,” she cooed, her fingers continuing their languid motions in your cunt.
“‘m gonna cum,” you panted, watching her reflection. she peppered the side of your neck with kisses, only humming in response.
“ellie…” you tried again, “i’m gonna cum.”
“i know,” she said, smiling against your now-bruising skin. she loved how easy it was to make you finish.
the hand on your chin loosened its grip before sliding down and pushing past the hem of your dress. ellie had started on another hickey when she rolled one of your hardened nipples between her thumb and forefinger. she huffed out a laugh at the sound of you moaning breathlessly.
your hips had started moving on their own accord, too wrapped up in the pleasure ellie force-fed you, and your mind was so deep into cloud 9 that you barely heard when dina started calling for your girlfriend on the other side of the door. 
ellie sighed heavily, though the pace at which her fingers moved didn’t stop their pace. in fact, you could’ve sworn they sped up.
“god dammit, dina” she cursed quietly, frustration evident in her voice. as she spoke, she added a third finger into your cunt, causing you to let out a pathetic whimper. the hand playing with your tits pressed itself over your mouth. “don’t make a fucking sound,” she grounded out.
breathing heavily against her palm, your thrusts into her hand grew sloppy. you were close and ellie was well aware.
ignoring the calls from dina, she stared at you in the mirror, eyes lowering to where her fingers scissored inside of you. “come on, baby, you’re almost there.”
you gripped both of her wrists earnestly, ass pushing back against her pelvis with every jerking move. when she tweaked your right nipple a certain way, dina’s voice no longer present, you felt your hips sputter as you came on her fingers.
whining into her hand, ellie slowed her pace but didn’t stop right then, helping you ride out your high. “just like that. good girl,” she said quietly, watching you carefully. when your breath started to grow even again, she peeled her hand from your mouth and removed her fingers from your pussy. stepping back, she said, “take your panties off.”
she brought her cum-covered fingers to her lips as she observed you, sucking your wetness from her skin.
swallowing hard, you did as she said, shimmying your underwear down your shaking legs, over your thigh-high socks, and stepping out of them. you handed them to her hesitantly.
ellie wiped her hand on the bottom part of her shirt before taking them from you. “thank you,” she chirped, stuffing them into the back pocket of her jeans. she placed a hand on your hip, fixing a few strands of your hair with the other.
as you looked at her, lips red and eye makeup smudged, she smiled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “let’s go see what dina wants, shall we?”
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borisbubbles · 1 year
Eurovision 2023 PRESHOW - part 1: the BAD entries
Okay, so here we go.
37 Countries, and sadly not as much time as I would like to cover all of them. 
Thus, 37  rambly write ups in which i loquaciously air my gripes and grievances about the upcoming famewhores / artists competing at the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest. 
There will be no holds barred and no prisoners taken. This year is trashy, some of it shit, but a lot of it is more fun than last year’s Rulll Musique!! 🙂
In this post we’ll deal with the BAD ENTRIES so we get them out of the way and you know who to hold in contempt for the next two months. 
Without further ado, in last place we have:
37. GREECE Victor Vernicos - “What they say” Semifinal 2, slot #08
There’s quite a bit of subparness in this mix, but nothing is quite as tragic as this miscarriage of a song.  It’s already bad enough that you have to rig an internal selection. It’s embarrassing to rig it for this absolute garbage. Was the scandi money worth the price of your top 10 streak, ERT? Was it really?!
Okay, so first and foremost “What they say” has some of the worst chord progression at this contest. Overproduced, obnoxious, cloying and abrasive, all at the same time. Its general cadence is that of an American driving in shift-stick gear. Why does it constantly interrupt itself? Is this supposed to create dramatic pauses where we can figure out what words he’s supposed to have said? 
Secondly, the fucking CURSED singing. I don’t care how good of a vocal talent you are, but if you twist your words like marble-mouthed goober into intelligibility such as “assholes make joy no one loses their whey” you’ve fucked up. WHY do the indie zoomer cunts insist on engaging in this tomfoolery? Do they think it gives them a personality and makes them relevant? 
“Cuz u no wud dey seh?
The message. The older I get, the fewer fucks I am willing to spare yet another mewling milktoother whining about “how fucked up the world is, it’s too late for me”. Yet, here we are, “a lost soul” (sorry, “asshole”) and “hurt one” (sorry, “huyt wun”) who solemny declares for nobody but himself his precious little feelings are hurt and thus his life is over.
this is like when Sebastian Rejman and Elliot Vassamillet implied that they would ACTUALLY HAVE SLEEPLESS NIGHTS about how bad a place the world is, when in reality they’re so fucking white upper middle class their privilege ALONE enabled them to bore us with soapbox preaching. Even if we don’t assume this isn’t some self-aggrandising hyperbole  -  having a cause to live and die for is great mate, but if you’re really going down that rabbit hole of “it being too late” at that point in your life, take a step back, get some professional counselling and don’t go to Eurovision, where you get shredded apart by fat frumpy arseholes like me!
Odds at Eurovision - Greece
I’m inclined to say this gets through, because it IS Greece and good lord Denmark is also voting for this, aren’t they? Like unironically even WITHOUT taking the fact that he’s half a Dane (X___X) into account.
And yet... I will point out that when Argo and Yianna NQ’d, Greece were performing in the same semifinal as Cyprus. 🙂
Besides, “What they say” is so ROTTED that I could absolutely see it receive votes from just Cyprus and Denmark and then nothing from any other country, dooming it to NQ purgaory. I would feel more confident if (1) we knew how Victor’s live performance skills are (given that he has no experience, i’m willing to guess they’re not very good) (2) Cyprus were actually much, much better than Greece, so they could deliver the killing blow by hoovering up the Hellene vote. Sadly, Cyprus picked Andrew Lambrou. (more on *that* soon.) if Victor does go through, I think he’s a serious contender for last place in the finale. 🙂 
Qualifier Tier: C Predicted placement: 8-14th (semi), 20-26th (Grand Final)
36. ISRAEL Noa Kirel - “Unicorn” Semi 1, slot #10
Remember when Starbucks pioneered Unicorn Lattes, which were the saccharine multicolour abominations the zoomers pretended to like because they were in vogue? That’s  the first thing I think about whenever Noa Kirel springs to mind. 🙂
The Fandom’s tastes have reached a new low if ANY woman with ANY even remotely uptempo song can be deemed “a slay” because of her gender, privilege and money. Like seriously. Europe selects a few straight male acts (none of which are honestly *bad*) in a row and the fan bubble IMMEDIATELY -out of what I assume has to be a combination of Stockholm Syndrome and latent misandry- imprint onto the first woman they see and crown her a queen without second thoughts. 
Like yeah, sure Unicorn is phenomen-phemonen phenominally bad. Like on several levels? Unicorn is actually not offensive because it’s pandering and annoying (although it is very much is both of those things), but because it’s so fucking BORING and it has no excuse to be that way. 
Unicorn is a wash of different styles, none of which go together btw, all of which  tap into the lowest and commonest of denominators. Its scuffed parts are equally far away from “slay”. The worst offender is the dance break at the end that does NOT suit the rest of the song, drawn inspiration from Efendi’s MATA HARI (honestly how doesn’t Israel just crawl under a rock in SHAME after doing that). 
BUT THE POWER OF A YOO-KNEE-CAWN!!! whatever the fuck that means. 
What also gets to me is that, despite the superficial shittiness of the catchphrases and buzzwords and fucking STUPID hand gestures, Israel also seem to not only expect the fandom to support them, but act like they’re entitled to it. 
What you are entitled to Israel, is a big fat:
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If there’s one act this year that has ZERO rights to be arrogant, it’s this one.
I’m going to be very brief here: this is bottom five in the grand final. We all know, deep down that Unicorn will fail to impress and everyone will simultaneously come to the conclusion that it’s really fucking shit, and it’ll strand itself in an obsequious 23rd place. End of story. Not wasting any more time on that.
It will qualify though. In a semi with more songs, and also more competitive songs in general, it would struggle to stand out and be on the cusp of qualification. This year though... Israel only need to beat five others, and three of those include Ireland, Azerbaijan and Netherlands, so... it’s through. Someone else will be that semi’s shock NQ.
Qualifier tier: B- Predicted Placement: 8th-10th (semi), 21st-25th (Grand Final)
35. CROATIA Let 3 - “Mama ŠČ!” Semifinal 1, slot #07
Imagine being subjected to that and having zero reaction to that whatsoever. If you can imagine that, welcome to my world! 😑
Yeah so, I can sort of respect the logic behind choosing Let 3 - Dora reached an all-time low with no real options (Harmonia Dissonance fully lived up to their name 😔) and Let 3 are a well-known and very well-established Shock Value Novelty Band, so might as well go for it!
The problem is that they’re fucking shit! 🙂
Like, “Mama ŠČ!” is the sort of nihilistic novelty nonsense i’d expect a Montenegro or San Marino to go for and, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed over the years, but I generally don’t care about the tomfoolery those countries send? I’d rather have something vapid that is pleasant to listen to, than something humourous but barely listenable. 
Also, the humour. I understand some people find Let 3 funny. I don’t. At all. I think the problem is largely that “Mama ŠČ!” tries to go for Shock Value, but I find none of it particularly shocking? Dressing up a pasty white man as Lenin throwing missiles while yelling CROCODILE PSYCHOPATH isn’t particularly witty and -given the *actual missile throwing* going on in ukraine right now- kinda poor in taste? 
I dunno. As you can tell, I respect Croatia MORE than Israel and Greece, because their entry isn’t just a safe attempt at qualification that will cruise to a bottom ten finish. It actually has a clear concept and identity! Sadly that doesn’t take away that it’s actually just kinda crap really. 😐
This is the first of many entries in this year with an absurdly wide range in terms of where it can finish at the scoreboard.
So first off, there IS a chance the humor just doesn’t land and it NQ’s anyway. Given that the field in the first semi is what it is, I’m tempted to say that, like Israel, Croatia are through by default and perhaps more securely. 
However unlike Israel, I could see this getting a good chunk of televotes, and I’m not sure whether I like this? Let 3 unironically remind me of two other godawful novelty entries (So Lucky and We Are The Winners) and I despise the idea of Croatia getting similar traction in a televote. This year generally has a lot of fun trash on offer, and it can do much better than this. 
Still, I do think there’s a certain *appeal* for this, in the same sense there was a market for Ikke fucking Hüftgold. It could be a shock top 10! it could also just be ignored by everyone for being shit and annoying and get last in the finale. 🤷‍♀️
Qualifier tier: B Projected placement: 5th-12th (Semi), 13th-20th (Grand Final)
34. SWITZERLAND Remo Forrer - “Watergun” Semi 1, slot #08
I present to you: exhibit #1 to why i’m pleased juries are banned from the semi’s. 🙂 and of course the proof comes courtesy of Shitzerland. 
So let’s get the USP out of the way first: Remo is a twink with a baritone’s voice aren’t you AMAZED?! Not really? Like he’s got a good voice but that’s not what I watch Eurovision for. I don’t admire people just because they’re competent at the things they’re supposed to be good at in the first place. (Well I don’t admire other people in general, period.) Sadly, Remo’s vocal chops are the only positive thing about “Watergun”!
To be fair I’m -at this stage at least- more bored than i’m annoyed, but the more I think about it, the more i realize that ‘Watergun” is rancid and deserves to be placed amongst the other bad entries. It really just is an uninspired, empty, bland-as-béchamel Voice Lauriate’s First Power Ballad Single, and honestly does anyone care about these? Nobody had a care when Will Church and Atle Pettersen sang their boring songs in a competent, powerful voice, and likewise nobody cares about Remo :-)
You will also notice that I’m not even addressing the, ah, very interesting choice of going with those lyrics and that message, at this point in time. I’m not going to indulge in that... yet. Such is the price of being EVIL on purpose. 🙂
Odds at Eurovision - SWITZERLAND
 I REALLY want to believe  in twink death, but good grief, look at semi 1. There are only five NQs, and more than five unvotable songs in it.
Rationally, Switzerland are less secure than most because -again- the televote did NOT turn up for Will Church or Atle Pettersen, but i’m not feeling as confident as I’d like. There are other countries in that semi which are equally hopeless or potentially even more of a televote repellent, so I guess by *default* Shitz could sneak in in like... 9th-10th? 
As far as who would pick up their phone and vote for this, I honestly don’t have a clue. Cat ladies? Old Farts? Guillible fools? Idk. Certainly nobody with a will to live their best life.  Like Victor, Remo is also an unironic contender for a bottom placement in the finale. Unlike Greece though, the path Remo will follow towards the bottom will involve him receiving several smaller jury votes, with another 0 from the televote as the coup de grâce. 
Qualifier tier: C Projected Placement: 9th-14th (Semi), 19th-26th (Grand Final)
NEXT UP: The mediocrities that I sorta pity and hold in contempt, but don’t have a particular dislike for.  🙂
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Calling all Monsters
summary: steve needs a favour and eddie has just the car to pull it off w/c: 2,487 warnings: mentions of drugs, swearing, mentions of underage drinking a/n: there was no way i was forgetting these two when it came to halloween, i had initially planned something else out but then this wonderful fic got published and i couldn't not tie everything in, you should 110% read that fic it’s amazing and @pillow-titties is incredible
if you like this fic why not consider reblogging it so others can enjoy it too?
this is part seven of the god and goddess of hellfire, the rest can be found on my masterlist
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(moodboard by me)
You'd been having what could quite honestly be described as a morning from hell. Eddie had gone to work early that morning which was fine, he worked some Saturday's now they'd let him do more as a tattoo apprentice than clean up the other guys stations or go for coffee. 
No the morning from hell was all thanks to one Rosemary Munson who had apparently taken such offense to her breakfast that it had ended up on the walls, the floor, the counter tops, really anywhere oatmeal could land when thrown around by a cranky one and half year old,
"Rose you're killing me baby, please can you just try the oatmeal? I promise it isn't gonna bite you" you'd tried just about everything and were indeed very close to wondering how you were going to blackmail or bribe your daughter into eating her breakfast when the door rang.
Scooping up Rose so she didn't cause any more mayhem in your kitchen you answered the door and were incredibly relieved to find out that it wasn't someone who wanted to make another noise complaint about you and Eddie but instead Steve Harrington,
"Sorry, was this a bad time?" 
"No worse than any other, come in" you stood aside to let the younger man into the house, "just be careful, there's oatmeal everywhere" 
Steve gave you a sympathetic smile, there was probably oatmeal in your hair too come to think of it. 
"You guys are going through it huh?" Steve asked, 
"We've been in our feelings all morning and those feelings revolve explicitly around oatmeal, which I'd like to point out we had no problems with yesterday" you sighed, "but how can we help you Steve. I'm sure you're not here to listen to my woes"
You gestured Steve into the living room which was significantly cleaner than the kitchen, less chance of anything falling on him or getting stuck in that otherwise perfect hair,
"Uh yeah I was gonna ask Eddie a favour" Steve started, "is he here?" 
"Nope he's at work today. They're actually letting him tattoo some oranges these days" you laughed, "but I'm sure he'll say yes to whatever it is" 
"Yeah but if you guys have your hands full with Rose it's fine" 
"It'll be fine, either Eddie can do whatever it is by himself or i'll ask Joyce if she can babysit, I'd ask my mom but she and my dad are in … Palo Alto I think. My dad got one of those RVs when he retired and they've been touring the country loving life" 
"Well actually that kinda ties into what I was gonna ask. Apparently there's some Halloween party the kids got invited to and they need a ride. Joyce is working, Nancy's mom is taking Holly trick or treating and Hop's on duty. Joyce said she could pick them up and they're all gonna stay in that new place they got downtown but yeah"
"Don't they usually ask you for rides?" you asked, there was hardly an event that took place where the gaggle of teens didn't ask or rather just assume Steve would be their ride,
"Yeah but uh I've got plans with Nicole" Steve explained, his ears going pink as he rubbed the back of his neck,
"Aw Stevie, do you feel embarrassed about your Halloween plans?" you teased, "are you doing something naughty?" 
"It's not like that!" Steve jumped to explain himself, "we were just gonna watch a movie" 
"I'm pretty sure Eddie and I were 'just gonna watch a movie' and then nine months later - "you bounced Rose on your lap for good measure.
Steve was pink from head to toe as he stammered out a response but you finally took pity on the poor boy, "I'm joking Steve, of course we'll drive the rugrats around" 
"Really? You guys didn't have plans?" 
"Well if nobody can babysit then nah we don't have any plans. We'll take them to the party, but a couple of them are gonna have to squeeze in, the Impala isn't big enough for eight exactly so Wheeler can just sit in the trunk" 
It wasn't as though you had anything against Mike Wheeler exactly but there was something about the boy that just rubbed you the wrong way. He was a snarky little asshole but then so was Max and you adored her. 
"I'm sure he'll be fine" Steve and Mike had their own rift, mostly because Steve had dated Nancy back in the day when all this Upside Down Nonsense had first started, "do you need any help when I'm here? It's fall break so I've got time" 
"Are you offering because you feel guilty for coming by mid tantrum?" you grinned, "because as you can see Miss Rose has very much stopped once you arrived" 
"You're here alone and oatmeal is a bitch to get out of anything once it dries" Steve said, his ears going pink again at your teasing, 
"Well if that's the case, why don't you take Rose to the bath and I'll clean up the kitchen. If you do a good job I'll even let you have a brownie to take home. I made them yesterday" 
"Uh thanks? I didn't know you baked" Steve furrowed his brow, you'd never been the domestic type so this was surprising,
"They're fun brownies Steve. Who do you think you're talking to?" 
"Yeah that makes more sense. Thought I was in the twilight zone for a second"
"You're hilarious. Now go wash my daughter, she's gross and I need five minutes of alone time" 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
When Eddie came home that evening you recounted Steve's visit and how you'd agreed to take the kids to the halloween party,
"They can all just squash together in the backseat or I can shove Mike into the trunk" 
"What about Halloween in Indy? I thought we were gonna go?" 
"Unless you wanna bring Rose or try and find a babysitter in this town it's not happening babe" 
"But I thought you were asking Joyce?" 
"She's working, I mean we could ask Wayne but would he be able to get the night off at this short notice?" 
"Nah probably not" Eddie sighed, "oh well, it looks like we're the responsible people"
"God did you ever think it would be us?" you laughed, "married with a baby and being asked to be the responsible adults on Halloween?" 
"Never. I mean how responsible are we really?" Eddie laughed leaning in to blow a raspberry on Rose's cheek, "I mean we've got our happy little accident right here" 
"Eddie! You can't call her an accident!" you swatted his arm, "you'll give her a complex!" 
"Awh but she's my favourite little accident!" Eddie cooed, lifting a giggling Rose from your arms, "aren't cha sweetie?" 
"Edward Munson, what did I literally just say?" 
Eddie just laughed and bounced Rose around the kitchen singing something nonsensical to her. You sighed, what were you gonna do with this man?
»»————- ♔ ————-««
In preparation for being the designated responsible adults for the evening you'd gone by Melvad's to see Joyce about taking the kids home again and to get a little costume for Rose,
"If you can't get away Eddie and Me are more than happy to pick them back up" you'd said as she rang you through, and used her employee discount for your items no matter how many times you told her she shouldn't,
"Don't worry honey, I finish up here around nine so I'll be fine to pick them up. Will and El won't stop talking about the party, they're so excited" 
"That's so sweet. I mean I know they're sixteen and all but it's kind of adorable that they're this excited for a high school party" 
"I used to be so worried about Will, that he would have a hard time at school but I'm so glad he has such good friends you know?" 
You nodded. You knew Eddie had all but taken Will under his wing when the Hopper Byers family had returned to Hawkins after Vecna and the earthquake. The young boy had orchestrated an entire D&D game to keep Eddie occupied in the hospital while he was recovering and you knew for sure Eddie saw himself in the younger Byers.
You bid goodbye to Joyce and promised to call by the house with Rose another day so she could see how her granddaughter was growing. Joyce had unofficially adopted Eddie when she'd returned to town and met him for the first time and Wayne seemed more than happy with the arrangement. 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
The night of the party you had dressed Rose up in the little pumpkin costume you'd gotten for her, you'd been expecting another fit like the oatmeal but surprisingly she was more than excited to wear her costume. Probably helped by how much Eddie had hyped her up for wearing it the days prior. 
While you and Eddie weren't going to the Halloween event in the city you'd been planning you still wore your costumes albeit slightly modified. Eddie had still donned the puffy sleeved shirt and plastic fangs and you'd still worn yours but had decided to forego the wig that you'd bought and just wear your own hair down and your longest black dress. 
Max was first to be picked up since she and her Mom had moved out of the trailer park shortly after you and Eddie had and into another of the empty houses left abandoned by people who'd given up on Hawkins once and for all.
She slid into the front seat next to you and Rose and made a fuss over the baby in her pumpkin costume,
"You guys make really cool vampires" she'd said, "Sorry you're missing your grown up halloween or whatever because Steve wants to bang his girlfriend" 
"Well he does most of the running around after you little shits so he's allowed to want a night off to bang his girlfriend" you'd replied easily, "moms need time off too" 
The boys had decided on a group costume but El and Max weren't participating and were doing something of their own which you expected would make more sense when you picked El up. 
After Max you picked up Dustin who complained loudly about how Max got to sit in the front and next to Rose,
"It's because I'm the favourite Dusty Bun" Max shot back, "too bad, sucks to be you"
"Hey! That's not fair! I'm Eddie's favourite right?" Dustin looked at Eddie who opened his mouth but shut it again with an audible click, "betrayal! I can't believe this! I better still be Steve's favorite!"
"Oh that's a given" you laughed, "you're always gonna be his favourite child" 
Dustin seemed placated by this and settled back in his seat, for all of five minutes before he began to complain about the music and wanting to see his sister better. 
After picking up Dustin you swung by Lucas' and the group costume slowly came together. Of course these little nerds would choose Star Wars, you didn't even know why you were surprised. 
After Lucas it was Mike who was as snarky as ever and wouldn't stop complaining about Steve bailing on them which you shut down very quickly. Using the same argument you'd used with Max that Steve was entitled to one night off from being the personal chauffeur to a group of nerdy teenagers.
You finally swung by the Byers' place last. Jonathan waved from the front door as El and Will came running out, you figured he probably couldn't drive anywhere cause Joyce needed the car and envied his night alone just a little,
"Alright, Lucas, Mike you're gonna have to budge up to let the Wonder Twins in. Anyone complains they're sitting in the trunk!"
"Why are you giving orders? This isn't even your car!" Mike shot back,
"Careful Young Wheeler" Eddie chastised, "you might be in the throes of puberty and in thrall to your hormones but you will always address Lady Munson with respect" 
"Whatever" he pouted before making sure there was indeed enough room for El and WIll. When you turned around to get a good look at El you couldn't help but laugh, in her white blouse and blue jeans no one would know what she was supposed to be dressed as but the slash in the sleeve of her blouse and the fake blood pouring down her arm paired with the overalls Max was wearing and no doubt the infamous Michael Meyers mask she had stuffed somewhere would inform everyone what their costume was supposed to be.
You loved these kids. 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
When you and Eddie reached the house the party was held in it seemed as though the festivities were in full swing and the kids were clambering over each other to get out of the car,
"Hey!" Eddie yelled out the driver's side window, "Ground rules! If you drink do not lose sight of your cup, if you can't be sure if you set your drink down then forget it that's not your drink anymore, stick together, watch out for each other and if anyone offers you anything - " 
"Just say no" the kids chorused as one, probably having it shoved down their throats at school. Thanks Nancy Reagan,
"Yeah because it's probably substandard product and you don't know where they got it from since Rick doesn't sell to teeangers anymore and Eddie doesn't sell at all" you added, "now go on, get" 
The kids didn't need telling twice and they all ran for the house, the music blaring out of the sound system someone's parents probably paid a fortune for. As you and Eddie made the drive back home you couldn't help but wonder, 
"Do you miss it?" 
"Miss what?" 
"Going to parties, being the guy with the good supply, making more money in an hour than you do in eight at the studio?" 
Eddie thought about it for a minute. It was a dangerous way to earn a living and he'd been cautioned more times than he probably should have been by Hopper, probably because the older man knew Wayne and Eddie's old man and wanted Eddie to at least have a shot at a decent life, but at the same time he was the man of the hour and that was it. Come Monday morning back at school he was Eddie "the freak" again, shoved into lockers by the basketball team, berated by the football team, scorned by cheerleaders and well everyone else by proxy,
"Nah. Why would I miss that when I've got all I want right here?" he smiled broadly, his nose scrunching up and leaving a little crease in the middle,
"Sap" you laughed reaching over to kiss him briefly before he had to turn his eyes back to the road,
"You love me" 
"You're lucky I do" 
"Don't I know it?"
Taglist: @shenanigans-and-imagines @jobean12-blog @eddiesmutson @prettyboyeddiemunson @hellfireeddie6 @that-lame-ghoul9000 @xbreezymeadowsx @ches-86 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @anxiousstark @ruinedbythehobbit @winnifredburkleismyhero @boomhauer @eddiemvnsonss
If you’d like to be added/removed from the taglist please let me know!
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thegrandlinesimp · 2 years
Takes place pre-series, I imagine Kid and Killer built the Victoria Punk themselves over the course of a few years while living with Doc. It was during those years they started dating, so anything marked as “pre-series” is set in those years. Kid barley has any experience sex wise, he kept going after people way too old for him (he didn’t want to be anyone's first experience when it was his cause it would just be two virgins fumbling around and he didn’t wanna make a fool of himself) before he turned 18 and Doc would shoo them away (man would sometimes appear out of nowhere and it’d freak Kid out), so all he knows is what he saw at the pleasure house his mother worked at and the things he and Killer have tried. I mean he’s heard about a few things, sure, but it’s not like people openly talked about gay sex on their island.
Word count: 2.1k+
Warnings: nothing, just good ol’ ass eating and anal sex
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The tension in Kid’s muscles slowly bled out as Killer dug deeper into his back with the heel of his palm. The older man was straddling the back of his thighs, massaging out a deep knot in his lower back he’d gotten from overworking that day on the ship. The corner of his mouth twitched in amusement as - with every third or fourth movement of the blonde’s torso - he felt a clothed, steadily growing erection bump against his covered ass.
The redhead snorted, “You seem to be enjoying yourself.”
“How so?” Killer asked way too nonchalantly to be a coincidence.
“Your dick says so,” Kid sniggered.
The older man froze, and Kid smirked, trying to save his frien- boyfriend some embarrassment by burying his face in the pillows he was laying on, shoulders shaking in repressed laughter.
It was still weird, up till three months ago he’d always seen Killer as ‘friend’, ‘boyfriend’ felt odd on his tongue when he said it, too soft and sweet. Maybe he’d come up with something different…
Significant other?
The cringing sensation in his chest told Kid to put that at the very bottom of the list.
“I…didn’t think you’d noticed,” Killer mumbled.
“Hard not to, with that monster you’re packing,” Kid chuckled, “so? Random boner, or something’s got you all worked up?”
Ohhh, this had to be good. Last time Killer was turned on from ‘just thinking’ Kid found his wrists tied to the headboard, his body near folded in half, fat tears rolling down his cheeks as the blonde plowed into him.
Fuck, now he was getting excited.
“Well?” If this was like last time, he’d have to pry it out of his lover.
…Eh, the spot above ‘significant other’ with that one, coy and sexy, but still a little cringy.
Shit, what else was there at this point?
“It’s…you might find it gross.”
“Oh, so it was ‘weird’ with the bondage and coming a bunch of times, but now it’s ‘gross’,” Kid was grinning from ear to ear by now, he turned his head so he was looking back at the masked blonde, “look, so long as all you do is come on me, I’m good.”
Killer seemed to straighten a little at that, “I…I wanna…well…eat you out…”
Kid’s mind went blank as he frowned, “I’m not a chick!”
“N-no,” blonde hair flopped from shoulder to shoulder as Killer shook his head, “I meant your, well…ass.”
He pursed his lips for a moment in thought, before saying with a shrug: “Eh, alright then.”
“Is…is that it?” Killer asked, “just…’eh’?”
“Well, what do you want me to say?” Kid huffed, glaring at him, “I mean, sure, it’s weird, but I thought the bondage thing was too and I fucking loved that. So I’m thinking, why not try it?”
As he’s been talking, Killer had taken his mask off and placed it on his side of the bed, Kid tried his best to not smirk at the deep blush the older man was sporting. Killer was quite easily flustered for a man with such perverted thoughts, though once he really got into it, a beast seemed to come out, primal and greedy.
He craved the feeling of that beast’s claws on him.
“O-okay,” Killer muttered, “so, um, just stay there like that.”
Obviously, Kid thought, as he shifted fully onto his front again with a slight roll of his eyes.
Honestly? He wasn’t expecting a lot out of this, he in no way thought it’d feel as good as Killer sucking him off. But it was rare for the blonde to bring up the things he liked to Kid, so he decided to indulge his…
Kid snorted right as the hem of his boxers were grabbed.
“Something funny?”
“Nah,” Kid replied, grinning into the pillow under him, “just thinking of dumb stuff.”
“Of course you would at a time like this,” Killer huffed, dragging the redhead’s boxers down, climbing off of him as he did, “have you washed?”
Kid had the decency to lift his legs to help him, coil of excitement tightening once his half hard cock was freed, “Of course.”
“Good boy.”
He bit his lip, glaring down at his pillow, doubting he’d never not feel annoyed at how much those two words affected him.
“Tuck your legs in,” the older man tapped his thigh with two fingers to make a point.
He grumbled, but found it too difficult to defy Killer when he got bossy in bed, face heating up at that fact as he lifted his bare ass and pulled bent his knees to pull his legs beneath himself. It left him open, vulnerable, face burning as his other half grabbed a taunt asscheek and gave it a firm squeeze.
…Almost, it was missing something, something deeper.
“You look to good like this,” Killer murmured as he kneaded his ass with both hands, “all spread out and desperate for me.”
“F-fuck off,” Kid tried to snap back, but let out a shaky whine as a thumb brushed the edge of his hole.
“And still trying to be so defiant,” there was a chuckle, dark yet promising, “I love it.”
A second later Kid twitched as he felt hot air on his lower back, a coarse hand stroked his thigh as lips pressed to his tailbone.
“F-fucking, c’mon,” he grunted, face burning, “get on with it.”
There is was again, that dark laughter that Killer saved just for him, “So bossy, I thought I told you, Kid.”
The redhead yelped as teeth sank into his ass, hard, almost bucking back if it weren’t for a firm, steadying hand on his hip.
“Bossy brats don’t get what they want.”
Kid bit into the pillow beneath him, trying to at least muffle the whine he’d failed to swallow. Instead of snapping back, he swayed his hips, face heating with his heart racing in shame as Killer’s breath hitched.
“Good boy.”
He didn’t even to try to stop the moan from that one.
Again, Kid yelped as something warm and wet brushed just above his hole. It felt weirdly good, his half hard cock giving a throb of interest at the strangely pleasant sensation. The next was around his rim, his breath catching as this time he managed to stop himself from making any embarrassing noises. Fuck, they’d barely just started and he was already enjoying it. Kid couldn’t help but get a bit pissed at his body, but for what like felt the thousandth time since he’d started dating the blonde, he reminded himself of one key thing.
It was okay to submit, so long as it was Killer.
Slowly he stopped fighting how good it was feeling, letting low hums and gasps as Killer’s tongue dragged and pressed against his hole. His cock throbbed, swollen and rock hard, dripping precome as he rocked back without thinking. Hands gripped his ass cheeks, spreading him wider, lips pressed to his ass as Killer’s tongue poked at his loosened hole.
It felt odd, if he was being completely honest, a lot like the first time Killer had fucked him. Though that had been a full feeling, whereas this one he wanted to both squirm away from and press back against at the same time. It was good, though, the soft, wet drag around his rim make his dick twitch as he groaned, unable to do much but fist the sheets. The tongue pressed and pressed, before pushing in, making him gasp and tremble.
“F-fucking- holy-!”
The blonde chuckled at the sound of his voice cracking, the vibrations making him bite down again on the pillow, cock swinging as he bucked back. Kid gave a shaky groan as the tongue pulled out, only to keen as it roughly thrust back in. The motion was repeated, again and again and again, his eyelids fluttering shut as he moaned and cried out.
With one hand he reached down to stroke his aching cock, but it wasn’t enough.
“God, fuck!” He moaned, biting at his pillow as he palmed himself in rough, quick strokes, “Fucking- dick, put your dick in me already!”
Killer pulled away, panting hot breaths against his spit soaked asshole, making him shiver.
“Say that again.”
Kid couldn’t give a damn that he’d never begged without the blonde telling him to, all he cared about was getting that long, thick cock in his ass, “You heard me, bastard, put your dick in my ass and fuck me till I pass out.”
Killer was already pouring lube onto his hand, “Only because you’ve been a good boy and asked for it.”
The redhead groaned, swaying his hips at the slick, clicking sounds of his companion stoking himself with his lubed hand.
Nearly, not quite, but close.
His breath hitched at the tip of the older man’s cock pressed into him, easily sinking after the last few months of near nonstop sex.
“Fuck,” Killer huffed as his hips bumped against Kid’s ass, “remember how you struggled to take me our first night?”
“F-fuck off,” Kid panted, already trying to rock back.
“Mmm, but I love it,” the redhead gasped as the other man pulled out and snapped his hips forward in one fluid movement, “means you’re moulded to the shape of my cock.”
His breath hitched and he groaned as Killer set a brutal pace, grinding perfectly against his prostate with each powerful thrust. He shoved his face into his pillow, shouting and moaning as the blonde effectively rode his ass.
Fingers gripped at his hair and gave a harsh tug, pulling his limp, fucked-out body up. His back was pressed to Killer’s chest, the blonde never losing rhythm as he manhandled Kid into the position he wanted. One hand held onto his hip as the other groped at his pale chest, fingertips finding a nipple and twisting it mercilessly.
“Fucking- oh, fuck!” Kid cried out as his sensitive chest was tugged and pinched.
His eyes rolled, hips bucking in the blonde’s iron hold as he trembled.
“K-Kil, gonna c-come!”
“Then come, but if you get it on the pillow you’re licking it up.”
The harsh growl in his ear, just knowing that Killer had his teeth clenched as he fucked wildly into his ass, was what did Kid in. He doubled over and near howled, cum splattering over the bed sheets, a few streaks landing on his pillow.
Killer chuckled, breathless, “Such a messy brat,” he shoved Kid down, making him gasp, before grabbing his hair again and forcing him look at the cum covered pillow, “now clean up.”
Kid whined, tongue dragging over the streaks of white on his pillow that were already soaking into the fabric. Killer hadn’t stopped fucking him, making his body rock and bounce as his over sensitive ass was pounded relentlessly, his sob riddled cries of pleasure nearly drowning out the sound of skin slapping on skin. He could feel the fat, hot tears run down his cheeks as his eyes - half shut in bliss - rolled.
“T-too m-mu-mu-“ Kid tried to get the two simple words out, but his body didn’t want to do much other than take anything and everything Killer was giving him.
Though the blonde seemed to understand, leaning over him so his hands were placed just beside his shoulders. Instead of long, powerful thrusts, the change in position forced Killer to give short, deep bucks. It was no less pleasurable, but the drop in intensity let Kid take a proper breath, sobs morphing back into broken cries and moans.
“Such a good boy,” that deep, baritone voice rasped in his ear, “g-gonna fill you up, want that?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” Kid gasped out, petering off as the blonde sat back up and ground into him.
His body trembled as Killer groaned, giving two final snapped thrusts before stilling, letting out a shaky gasp as he pumped the redhead full, cock pulsing as he grunted. Kid whined and rocked back, he could’ve sworn he’d come again, just faintly, too fucked out to really tell the difference between what his blissed out state and an actual orgasm felt like at this point.
“Good boy,” Killer murmured, rubbing his hip, “always so good for me, Kid.”
He mumbled something incoherent, shivering as the blonde pulled out of him.
A hand stroked up and down his back, that dark voice long gone as his partner spoke, “Shower, then cuddle?”
Kid gave a lopsided smile as a pair of strong arms helped him up, “Yeah.”
He liked that one.
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Headcanons of my Danganronpa OT8-9
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Firstly, Shuichi is I believe canonically bi but I could be wrong
He works as a detective after the events of Danganronpa, working along side Makoto and Hajime and Kyoko
He's married to Kokichi Oma to the public eye
Will wear suits but often wear more comfy sweaters or hoodies when he's not in the office or impressing anyone
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Not the biggest fan of his edit but whatever
Was raised in the foster system after his parents were deemed unfit to raise him
His D.I.C.E. goons are actually fellow foster kids or once foster siblings who swore to protect the little gremlin without fail, they all lived a life like Robin Hood and Lil John or better yet like Peter Pan and his Lost Boys
This is their songs
Is ftm transgender and often all his clothes were stolen by one of his "henchmen"
Fell for Shuichi and Rantaro at first sight
Is bi but has a male preference that never stopped so he just says gay "with some exceptions"
Shops at Clair's
Works in a found business selling things with Miu
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Is gay
Has known she he was REAL young
Actually does have a lot of siblings just knew of the twelve we got in the game
Is the second most in love out off the whole poly pile
Has scars he hides from his adventures and surviving Danganronpa now and before, his newest is the scar where the ball crushed his head in V3
Takes pictures of his partners a lot
Is the stay at home husband who cooks and cares for all of them
Looks damn good with grown out hair he says
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Canonically Pan-tastic (lol)
Is nonbinary who uses mostly he/they pronouns
Married to Angie by law and public
The second big spoon when cuddling happens
After talking with everyone after the killing game sought help from his trauma and cut his family out his life officially when he began to date Angie
In real life his sister was alive but was the clear golden child who didn't get punished for what she done to Korekiyo
Works as a real anthropologist as an adult
He wears his wedding ring around his neck to make sure he doesn't lose it or it breaks
Does wear his mask and bandages still out of comforting habit as the killing game made him feel comfort in a weird way cause, as he says it, "Without it I would never met my beloveds" so he does it as a reminder
But also cause he still has anxiety related to the mask
Cut his hair with help from Kokichi a month after the game ended
Refused to touch rope for a while but would use it as an anxiety calmer after a bit
Had Himiko saved as "mummy" as a joke on his phone (based off this fic) and had to change it after a coworker saw it
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Like Korekiyo she wears her ring around her neck
When they got married she cut her hair shorter for him
Does have the best relationship with her family but won't cut them out unless they say something about her dears
Owns a art studio where she does online and physicals art classes with paint and clay
Is kind of like Tamaki from OHSHC where she's a bastard affair child from a wealthy Japanese man who only came to Japan after he wouldn't produce an heir with his wife
Her school was down the road from Korekiyo's and they met before the killing game
Very opening and unapologetically pan
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Like Angie she is out and proud of her being pan
Will publicly talk about her being poly
Works as a workshop turned co-owner with Kokichi in their business
Loses her shit the fastest when her partners are cute or doing something cute/amazing
She's a kiss attacker, hide your cheeks if she's near cause she will kiss attack
Is as openly dirty talking as in the killing game but was embarrassed half the shit she said and done especially towards Kiibo
"It's your birthday we are doing what you want GET IN THE CAR!"
Wants kids badly
Was raised by just her dad
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Demisexual biromantic KING
Has bug related nicknames for all his loves
Is autistic
Actually never met his family, they left him at a young age but was taken in by a nice elderly couple
Is a real life entomologist as a job
is that husband who shoes coworkers his phone of his family while praising then to no end
Does talk like how he talks in the game and got shit on it growing up but now praise, just pure praise
Has a whole rack of weird ties and socks
Innocent roll baby TwT
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Bi Queen!
Loves her single mama to bits!
Kind of is like Will from W.I.T.C.H. with Irma elements
Is writing fantasy novels in her free time
Was first to marry out of the married groups
Married to Gonta by law
Tall husband short wife adore!
Is a clingy gremlin when she's tired or needy
Has all the Percy Jackson and Harry Potter books
Randomly quotes Hermine at sudden times
Loves her dears deeply
Sneezes like a kitten
Actually had a cold during the killing game so her being tired was cause of that
Was iffy being around korekiyo after the game but fell for him fast after they talked
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Joined much later
Is bisexual and nonbinary but doesn't care about pronouns
I like to think he's based off a real boy like Astro Boy and Ortho so he has some memories of that time
Talks about his partners a lot the most with Gonta
As years go by both his creator and Miu helped him add thinks he wants like certain functions and feelings
Likes My Life As A Teenage Robot (yall remember that shit???)
Wants to be a parent with his partners
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ticklishfiend · 2 years
if you’re still accepting ofmd headcanons:
- frenchie fully believes in the tickle monster - it lives under beds and can “sense vulnerability” so when he gets jim and olu’s old room he makes sure to never lay down with his arms over his head for too long or let his feet hang off the bed so as not to “trigger an attack”. the tickle monster can also “possesses people by psychically entering their minds and forcing them into them doing its dirty work to feed its appetite for laughs”. in reality he’s just a very shy switch trying to justify his moods lol
- lucius will absolutely drag the feather end of his quill against peoples neck + ears when he’s feeling cheeky. the first time he did it to izzy, izzy nearly jumped out of his skin and the quill was immediately broken and thrown overboard.
- lee!jim. GOD lee!jim!! going off of what you said they absolutely love it when olu is playful with them and olu completely sees through their shit when they try to pretend that they don’t. love love love the idea of jim growling in between giggles to seem mad but really they’re just trying to mask their squeals because they’re embarrassed that someone will hear them + “fighting back” with punches that are not even half the strength they’d usually be + gripping olu’s sleeves so hard their knuckles turn white but never actually trying to push them away.
- jim gets flustered SO. EASILY. when it comes to tickles. not in the ‘get shy and hide your face’ kind of way but in a violent squirming + kicking + spewing threats kind of way (while also probably looking away to hide their face) lots of “shutupshutupshutup” and “i’ll fucking kill you” etc etc. it doesn’t help that olu is so teasy as a ler and it makes jim want to kiss punch him every time. (thinking of the “coming nana!” scene lmfao)
- the first time olu asks if they like it jim is so caught off guard that they can’t even make up an excuse - it’s just “WHA- SHUT UP. N-NO???? shut up! I DONT. ugh, just shut up! that’s such a stupid question...don’t look at me like that. pinche- HEY! WAHAIT-” as they’re stammering olu is just wordlessly raising his eyebrows at them like “oh, really? you sure?” until he just rolls his eyes and attacks them - afterwards he’s quick to reassure them that it’s okay to like it and swears that it’ll just stay between the two of them.
i’ll stop before this turns into an essay. jim took over this ask rlly quickly lmao but i just love the concept so much. have a good one!
first of all, not even a question of COURSE french he believes in the tickle monster. if he sees anyone tickling anyone on the ship, he delves into his own tickle monster lore to everyone around, and it usually flusters the fuck out of the lee since now their ler is definitely playing along and pretending to be the tickle monster. plus, if someone feels like tickling frenchie (cause like who wouldnt look at him), they pretend like they’re being actively possessed and taken over because if he thinks they’re the tickle monster, he won’t seek revenge bc “oh no, i know u couldn’t help it. and i’m not trying to anger that thing further, are u kidding me??”
THATS SO LUCIUS LMAOO and after that little event with izzy and he gets a new quill, izzy becomes his new favorite target since he reacted soo strongly. it pisses stede off since they have to keep getting lucius new quills but lucius gives no fucks as long as he can get even the smallest, measly little giggle out of that angry little man
lee jim is such a growler shut up, they are so embarrassed of their giggles and try so hard to keep cool and cover it up but olu just has that way about him that jim can never hold it in long. olu loves to tease them abt it too, all “oh you’re soooo scary right now, just like a lion. or more like a lion cub i guess, since ur not really fighting back all that much, hm?” and yes jim is so easily flustered by any and all teases olu throws their way, sometimes they have to hide their face in the pillows just to conserve a little dignity from their bright red face and high pitched giggles.
and jim doesn’t even realize they do like it until olu brings it up, they were always so focused on the feeling and their fluster that once olu brings attention to the fact that they’ve never fought him off once, they don’t even know how to respond. just stuttering and silently hoping olu will end their suffering but just fucking tickling them already jfc
again i am so fucking sorry for having this in my inbox for so damn long, idek if you’ll see that i posted it anon but i hope u know how much i appreciate these beautiful fucking headcanons. like these are so good idk if ur a writer on here but u definitely should be if not
again tysm, this was amazing!!! <3
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17goiingunder · 2 years
His appearance at the W.imbledon winners’ gala has become a regular occurrence these days, despite the fact that Dave is only twenty. He greets the members of the Royal Family with a fluid bow of the head and a familiarity in his handshake, and the tuxedo he’s wearing no longer feels ill-fitting and foreign like it did only three years ago. 
Dave Talbot is right when he says playing at W.imbledon is like playing in his living room. This isn’t his home Slam, but the poms have taken him to heart as one of their own. If they can’t have an English winner, then maybe a Welsh-German-Aussie is the next best thing. He’s the new King of Grass, an indomitable force at the very top of the world. Even though every movement makes his sore muscles ache and his dodgy ankle is only held together by a whole wad of sports tape, Dave feels fucking amazing. Winning never gets old.
He holds the trophy aloft for the cameras and poses in front of the pair of Australian flags, set up in honor of him and his compatriot, Sophia. Sure, she’d won R.oland-Garros last month, but nothing compares to the pomp and circumstance that the English do so well. She’s just as wide-eyed as Dave was three years ago, but the grin on her face is unshakable. She’s only a year younger than Dave; this is the age of the young guns. The new generation has arrived, and it’s arrived in style.
The flashes from the cameras are blinding, but Dave’s used to it. Blink, and keep smiling. These photos are going to be on the front page of every newspaper tomorrow, so he hopes to God he looks good. He’s slicked his ginger hair back in an effort to make himself look older, but Sophia had vetoed the Blues Brothers shades he’d intended to bring along. Maybe the All England Lawn Tennis Club doesn’t have the same sense of humor as him. Oh, well.
There’s barely a quiet moment for the two winners, but when Dave manages to extricate himself from a conversation with two older ladies, he finds Sophia standing right behind him. “Oh, thank God. I was looking for you.” He grabs her hand and darts through the crowd. Never mind the fact that he stands at six-foot-three and looks painfully obvious anywhere he goes, he still feels very Bond-like.
A darkened balcony provides a perfect escape for the pair, and Sophia carefully shuts the French doors behind them. “You looked like you needed a rescue.” She laughs.
“Yeah, well, when one of the ladies asked me if it was true that redheads have a higher sex drive, I knew it was time to leave.” Dave shakes his head, scratching a spot behind his ear in slight embarrassment.
“Look at you, Davey. You’re all red!”
“Nah, it’s just hot in there. Too many people, too much noise.”
“Thought you liked that sort of thing. I know what you get up to back in Melbourne.”
“That’s different, though. You can act like an animal in the pubs and no one will pay you any attention. Here, every time I turn around, someone wants a picture or autograph or handshake. It feels like it gets worse every year.”
“Oh, the pains of being a winner.” Sophia smacks him on the arm playfully.
“Fuck! That hurts!” He winces. “You’re a daft cunt.”
“Dave!” Sophia can’t stop the fit of giggles that overtakes her. “You’re not supposed to swear here. It’s a respectable place.”
“Oh, fuck that. I’m half man, half sports tape at this point.” Despite the shooting pain, he gives Sophia a smile of his own. “You’re lucky I like you.”
“Oh, really? Or what?” She rubs the spot on his arm where it supposedly hurts.
“Or I’d have thrown them over that balcony.” They’re looking over Centre Court, the site of their triumph. “Like this.” Dave picks Sophia up, bridal-style, causing her to kick her legs and laugh in mock protest.
“Davey! My hair!” She’d spent three hours on it earlier this evening, after all. “You fucker!” She’s barely audible over the sound of her own laughter. “Put me down!”
“All right, all right.” He puts her down with a chuckle, and leans his arm against the balcony railing. “Sorry about your dress, Soph. You look very lovely tonight, and I mean that.”
“Sure you do.” Sophia retorts, trying to smooth the ruffles on her elegant black dress. A moment of calm falls over both of them, as they admire the view of the stadium. It’s much quieter and much nicer here with just the two of them. The brown-nosers inside are too much to bear. “I’m really happy we won this together, Davey.”
“Yeah. Me too.” His hand goes to rest on her shoulder, and she leans into his touch, resting her head on Dave. “You know this already, but I’m always so proud of you. This is just the beginning.”
“I’m proud of you, too. Always have been. Except maybe when you climbed the stands today.”
“What, did I embarrass you?”
“A little bit.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“No, I guess not.”
He gives an amused snort. “Hey, Soph. I’ve got a stupid idea.”
“What now?”
“We should get married.”
“You’re joking.” She steps away from Dave and cups a hand over her mouth to suppress a laugh. “You’re mad, Davey.”
“A little bit, maybe. But why not? It would be fun.”
Sophia pauses, as if she’s considering the wisdom of explaining to Dave that people don’t just get married “for fun.” Instead, she just shrugs her shoulders. “Just listen to yourself.”
“You don’t have to tell me yes or no right now. We’ve got a long flight home. Think about it.” He’s so cavalier about this whole thing, like he’s too immature to fully comprehend the weight of marriage. “I think we make a pretty good team.”
“I’ll be honest with you, Dave. This wasn’t quite the romantic proposal every girl dreams of.” She cocks her head to one side, trying to figure out what the hell is going through the mind of her childhood friend.
“You’re not every girl. You’re Sophia. You’re a fucking W.imbledon winner, for fuck’s sake.” Dave shakes his head. Never mind the fact that they’d never so much as been intimate, or exchanged “I love you,” or even officially dated. “Just think about it, that’s all I ask.”
“Why? Why now?”
“Why not? I want a reason to come back to Melbourne. You’re— you’re real. You don’t bullshit me. You know me for who I am. You understand me in a way no one else does.” Dave pauses, trying to think of the right words. The copious amounts of champagne he’s consumed aren’t helping. “We could get that house in Prahran you wanted. You know, the one with the swimming pool and the grass court? But, uh, most of all— hey, are you listening, Soph?”
“Yeah. Every word.”
“Most of all, I want to be with you, because there’s no one like you and there’s no one who ever will be like you. You mean the fucking world to me. More than any of this.”
Sophia is silent as she takes in his words, her eyes searching his. His earnestness sends her heart racing, and suddenly all the other sounds around them are drowned out. She can only hear the blood rushing in her ears. “I don’t know what to say, Dave.”
“You don’t have to say anything.”
Sophia wraps her arms around his neck and cranes her head upwards to press a kiss to his lips. They stay locked in that embrace for what seems like an eternity, his arms cradling her waist. Inside, the organizers are probably looking for the stars of the show, but out here, they’re just two kids caught in the heat of the moment. Pausing for breath, Sophia pulls away from Dave, but doesn’t let him go.
“Yes, of course I’ll marry you, you stupid bastard.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
What's a TV show you've gotten into recently? I’ve started/finished/caught up on several shows since being in the hospital the past 2 months, but the most recent one I started finally is Stranger Things. I’ve been meaning to watch it for awhile. I’m almost done with season 1. I’m a binge watcher and can get through seasons quickly, but since my brother and I are watching this together and we usually only have time for like 2-3 episodes (plus he’s not here everyday), it’s going to take longer. I’m really into it so far and I just want to catch up already. My blog is flooded with stuff from the latest season and I want to join in. 
Do you have a hard time remembering your dreams? Yes. It’s weird, like I know it was something weird and random, but I can’t really tell you much else. And if I do remember, it’s for a brief time. Very rarely can I actually recall what happened and remember it later on. I’ve had ones that really effected me.
Have you ever or are you on any type of anti-depressant? I have been on them before, but not currently. Have you ever seen the movie Jennifer's body? I think I’ve seen parts of it. What was the last thing you painted? This cute little ceramic Easter decor. I had bought one for my brother and I to do on Easter together. 
What's your favorite 90s song? I have a ton of favorite songs from the 90s.  Donuts or muffins? Ooh, both.  What's something you've been thinking about? My health issues are always center stage, plus just my life in general. I’m going through a lot right now and have a long road ahead. I’m also always thinking of food and drinks cause I haven’t been able to have either one in over 2 months. I just wanna go homeeeee. I wish I could recover at home and be with my family in my own room and bed. I want to see my precious doggo. D: Do you or anyone you know have asthma? I know people who do. What time is it currently? 10:29AM. Do you ever stay up late to see the moon at its peak? Not for that reason, no. I’m just always up late. What does your phone case look like? It’s pink and purple and full of cute little stickers I put on it and a phone charm.  
Are you doing alright today? Meh. What's your favorite fizzy drink? Coke, Cherry Coke, Pepsi, Wild Cherry Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Cherry Dr. Pepper, that new cream Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew and various of its flavors.  Have you ever written a song? Ha, I attempted to when I was like 15/16 and going through my emo phase. When did you last pump gas? Never. Do you own a gun? Nope. Do you like milk in your coffee or tea? I like flavored creamer or Half and Half with sugar in my coffee and a packet or two of sugar with my tea. Do you have a lazy eye? No. Is your room normally messy or tidy? It’s usually pretty clean, but it’s a bit disorganized/cluttered right now because it’s been rearranged and sorted through to get rid of some stuff.  Do you enjoy windy days? No, I hate it.  Do you experience second hand embarrassment? Yeah, I have. What makes you feel confident? Nothing. What's your self care routine? I don’t have one... I haven’t taken the best care of myself in a lot of ways. :/ What would you define as "heartbreak weather"? Huh? Do you have a flower bed or flowers planted around your place of residence? We have some potted plants. What was the last thing you said out loud? I asked my nurse something. What's the last thing you remembered that you had recently forgotten? *shrug* What color is your shirt? I’m wearing a blue hospital gown. Do you have any regrets from this past week? Yes. What scents do you currently smell? *shrug* Hospital smells. What's your favorite flavorite chip/crisps? Andy Capp’s Cheddar Cheese Fries and the Ranch ones as well, Doritos Nacho Cheese, Dorito’s Cool Ranch, Lay’s Wavy chips. I love ranch, French onion, guacamole, and spinach and artichoke dips with those chips as well. What's your favorite snacks? Those chips and dips, Cheez-Itz, various sweets. Have you ever experienced vertigo? Yeah, several times. Not fun. What apps do you use the most on your phone? Kindle and Facebook. Who is someone you find to be pretty? Elizabeth Olsen. What's the heaviest weight you've ever lifted? I don’t lift weights. What color is the current object you're sitting on? White. Do you enjoy coloring books still? I do. I have a few of ‘em.
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