#this joke is gonna land about as well as the classic “why do girls always go for the asshole” and I'm sorry
"it'll pass" actually I don't they still think I'm a girl
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devilbeez · 14 days
Pls tell me more abt the overlord assistants au 👀
So how about I tell you a little story of how the Quintessence were formed (if you have better name please tell me. I based this off of how the four of them are the classical elements and ‘Quintessence’ is the fifth element and I’m shit at naming)
Disclaimer; this is MY version of the Au, this is not what all HellSerVants au is like just my own version of this au because Stacy Mango Li and other have their own version of this au as well
Let’s started with titular bitchular Vox’s assistant/Eelliot/Peppermint/whatever tf you wanna call him, for simplicity imma called him “Eelliot”. So Eelliot was a regular Joe not much of a power hungry type of guy, man just scrapping by and want someone to care cause his last relationship landed him in hell. He found this guy, a charmer, a flirt, one could say a bad boy other would say a Chaz. They dated and Eelliot was head over heels, want a whole ass life after death with him. But you know how they are, eventually ‘Prince Charming’ cheated and when Eelliot found out the guy laughed. Saying things like “you really thought I would settle for you? A nobody? Ha! I thought you were easy to fool but this is ridiculous!” And something in Eelliot just snapped, his whole life he been the Veronica Sawyer to other’s JD, the Eliza to other’s Hamilton, the Jane Seymour to other’s Henry VIII, why are all these musical couples? Did you expect any less from me? Point is he’s always been the support and people taken advantage of him in relationships. That day he decided he wouldn’t have it anymore and set an example, starting his now headless, lifeless, ex boyfriend.
Meanwhile, Kitty, best girl is going through a Detroit become human arc, she’s a defective, they were gonna destroy her to study where they went wrong. She was supposed to be the most advanced RoboFizz out there, being versatile and adaptable to any job the people want. Something in their programming just make them— more humane I guess, like they feel rage, they feel scared, they can feel or at least imitate feeling and emotions. So obviously when they learn they was going to be torn apart, they run and the factory worker been hunting her down.
How Kitty and Eelliot met: One day, Kitty was running away from the factory worker and bump into Eelliot who at this time have started a company that will soon be a tech&media empire and collected a reasonable amount of souls. They argued for a bit cause 1. How dare she bump into him and 2. Eelliot never saw a robofizz before, much less alone without an owner and when the people trying to take Kitty back, they begin to babble on about how special Kitty’s model is and truth to be told Eelliot was intrigued. So he decided to do some charity work and help Kitty with the offer that she’ll work for him and he’ll protect her. Kitty obviously did not like this, she saw how deals like this ruin sinners lives but she didn’t had a choice. She agreed but she refused to sign any contract or shake his hand. She might be desperate but she’s not dumb. Eelliot liked that in his new business partner, at least he know they won’t be dead on arrival when he put them to work.
While Kitty and Eelliot make names for themselves, slowly but surely on the other side of the Pentagram city we have we Travis, doing everything he can to get his work off the ground, lie, cheat, bribe, he done it all. The people in his life always underestimated and belittled his scripts writing skill and now it is his turn to show the fuckers who’s the king of film. He became a small time overlord, climbing up the rank just like Kitty and Eelliot.
How Travis, Eelliot and Kitty form a trio: The three met occasionally at the overlords meeting, Travis immediately did not like Eelliot’s whole facade. He doesn’t believe anyone could be an overlord with such— pleasant demeanor? He seem so harmless and yet this guy is slowly becoming the same level as HIM? This gotta be a joke. Then there was Kitty a goddamn machine collecting human’s soul. The duo confused and frustrated Travis a little, though he HAVE to admit they were kind of an eye candy. One day, out of nowhere Eelliot offer him partnership, to much of Kitty’s dismay. Travis denied at first because his ego is too high, why tf would he need anyone help? He doesn’t need one before. That is until Eelliot offer him everything and more, building this vision of what could be to him and Travis was sold. If this goes south he could at least maybe get the benefits before he leave and attempt to get Eelliot or Kitty into bed for a night
And just like that the group was form. Eelliot, the leader, King of Media who work in the shadow rather than putting all the spotlight on him. Kitty, Monarch of Tech, using their robotic knowledge to use and create the most advanced technology hell had ever seen. And Travis, King of the Porn Industry, his script might be bad but he work his workers to the bone to get the degenerates off, one could say game recognizes games.
But there was one member missing. Melissa. She came way later in the time line, it being 2000’s something and she just freshly died and already caused a commotion in the city. Some sinner wanted to take her home but she was a quick learner and an observer, she can tell citizens of hell, these “sinners” have power so they must get it from some where. She cornered a random, weak looking sinner and forced them to tell her everything she needs to know about hell. Just a few weeks she was able to learn how to use her newfound power, creating poison flowers and vines to fend off anyone who crosses her.
How Melissa joined: Melissa intrigued Eelliot, a sinner, freshly dead and already have this much control of her power? He’d rather have her working with him than against him. He goes to Melissa, offering a deal for her soul and Melissa denied, how dumb did he think she is? Eelliot immediately intrigued by her even, so he throws out the soul deal offer try to get her to join the team saying “smart little one like you deserve much higher position than those idiots who sell their souls” Melissa insisted on fuck no, so Eelliot leave her a business card After a few days Melissa think about it and figured it’s better to have a place to stay and if anything happens she could try and fight, overestimating herself and show up at Assistant’s door step.
And with Melissa, The Poison Rose of Fashion added to the group, the Quintessence complete.
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lazyrants · 12 days
Miss Roberta (prod 127)
Original airdate: August 4, 2005
Written by Noah Zachary, Cole Louie
Directed by Raymond P. Le Gue, Jonathan Judge
Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Mark Read, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings
Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello
Puppeteers - Ronald Binion, Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood
Miss Roberta is the last LazyTown episode I have to watch before I can put my New Superhero DVD to MORE use and watch the episode, so let's try to get through it quick.
The episode begins with Sportacus having a cup of water like a normal guy would, but Sportacus is no normal guy. So he gets his baseball bat, an ice cube and hits the cube so perfectly it lands straight into the cup.
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THEN he drinks it like a normal guy would. While Milford is cooking breakfast (this guy is actually amazing, he runs an entire town and he still has time to make food for his cousin), Stephanie tells him he is gonna throw a thank you party for Sportacus. About time! But she has her worries, considering the kids act kinda 'wild' whenever they have a party.
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Ziggy burped the entire way the last time they had one, and Stingy hid all the presents. Milford says he found one in his bread box. LOL! Milford tells Stephanie to give the kids a second chance, but then when she asks him to have the party at his house, he's all like 'WITH THOSE KIDS???' XD. David Matthew Feldman is hilarious. Anyways, it was just a joke and Stephanie has her breakfast then leaves.
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Classic 2000s Disney comedy sitcom moment where the adult guardian makes breakfast and the kid only takes one sip of juice. This time, Milford has made eggs, toast and bacon for Stephanie. However, she's not the only one with a drinking crave - Ziggy is slurping an entire cup of soda when she comes to tell them about the party. And whaddya know?
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HE BURPS. FOR EIGHT SECONDS. STRAIGHT. WITHOUT EXCUSING HIMSELF. AND EVERYONE (except Stephanie who can tell that's just immature and unfunny) LAUGHS. Then he does it again. This time four seconds. Why is Ziggy just such an annoying character in the show? That is what I hate, they spend so much time writing up stories and lessons for Ziggy to learn, but in the next episode he's still dumb and annoying. Comic relief? Anyways, she tells them she's having a party but they can't come if they do stuff like that.
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Robbie is eavesdropping and mocks Stephanie. Then he thinks he has a great idea. He questions it being a sneeze, but it's an idea. XD! He says if he teaches the kids to be really wild, Sportacus'll give up on them and leave town forever. Then he starts reading 'Manners for Polite Boys & Girls'.
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But Robbie has some hilarious opinions on the rules. Number 1 - Always say please and thank you? Waste of words! Number 2 - Always chew with your mouth closed? You can't jam enough food in there! Number 3 - Never eat with your fingers? What are you supposed to do, eat with your toes? (You have to admit he had a point on that one).
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Then comes Disguise Time.. as a woman. An elderly woman. Master of Disguise is truly at work, XD. His name is now Miss Roberta and he teaches kids how to act right by Robbie's standards.
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And here comes a risky joke that surprises me - 'Whoever invented high heels must've been very ..... short!' XD. Stephanie lets the kids come to the party as long as they can behave. Then once she mentions cake, Ziggy goes wild until Stingy calms him down and they start acting all fancy. This show is hilarious. Then they perform 'Cooking by The Book'.
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Everything is going well until Ziggy licks some frosting and burps. Stephanie scolds him but he says he couldn't stop him.. or her. It could be a boy or girl burp. XD! Stephanie starts doubting the party, but they just need some help with manners. In comes Miss Roberta! While they're running to her, Trixie trips Stingy and Ziggy.
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They might've found it funny. Nick viewers might've found it funny. I didn't. Miss Roberta is at a table with a heavily modified version of 'Manners for Polite Boys & Girls'. Her hand is in the book and once she shuts it she yells. Now THAT'S funny. Anyways, after Steph leaves to get something, Robbie says that it's time to start his evil plan and all the kids are confused until he corrects himself. Then and there I'd knew it was Robbie.
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Stephanie asks Milford to fix some stuff (she gives him a list) to buy them some time while the kids set up the party so that Sportacus'll save him. because whenever Bessie asks him to fix something, she does it and then messes up and needs to get saved. Then Milford asks 'I DOES??' then corrects himself. XD. Anyways, the plan works and the first thing he does is chop some leaves in a reused scene from Sportafake. Whaddya know, he gets saved.
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Milford says it was such a SURPRISE to be saved by him, but he corrects himself and changes the topic by asking if Sportacus got a new suit. DAVID. FELDMAN. IS. HILARIOUS. Once Sportacus leaves, he checks the list, and the next step is to carry around dangerously heavy logs of wood. Anyways, Miss Roberta's first client is Ziggy and he tells him that burping is right.
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In fact, she says that Stephanie is wrong because she's never burped, she doesn't have good manners, and hasn't wrote a book about them. And then he says that his problem is burping too quiet. Why is that so funny to me?? She demonstrates by biting into a cookie and doing a little baby burp, and then she says that with a burp like that'd you'd think she hated your food.
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Then she does a hilariously huge burp to say that if you do that, it'd be obvious you liked the food. Then Ziggy does his own huge three second burp much to Roberta's liking. Anyways, Milford is carrying wood, and here comes another recycled rescue, this time from 'My Treehouse'. Milford is about to fall down while carrying the wood and Sportacus pushes a wheelbarrow. Sportacus also catches a drink that was in the air with his log and slides it down to Milford.
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Milford tells Sportacus he cannot wait to relax at the party, then he corrects himself by saying surprise. XD! Milford is so bumbling, clumsy, and forgettable, but he is hilarious. He asks Sportacus to leave before Milford gets into more trouble.
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So after all that, Milford is STILL going to do the list, and the next thing is: Prepare Miss Busybody's fence. My god, Stephanie has got a career as a 'keep-busy-list' writer. Anyways, Stingy is admiring a tall present when Miss Roberta jumpscares him (Five Rooms at Roberta's) and tells him once those presents are given away they're gone forever, and to think about the poor person who has to open them all alone. So Miss Roberta tells him to open them.
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But Stingy has his doubts, so Miss Roberta leaves UNTIL the clown takes the gift that he gave to the superhero that saves his life a million times a week and opens it. Character development shattered episode after episode! Here comes another recycled rescue scene, this time from Sportafake again! Milford is fixing the fence while chatting with a relaxing Bessie, who tells him to shut his mouth.
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He takes that advice and when Sportacus helps him with the fence, he doesn't say a single word to him and it works! But once he starts talking again, the words just explode out of his mouth. XD!!!Meanwhile, Stephanie finishes practicing her 'We're Dancing' performance, and just in time for the party. She sends a letter to Sportacus' ship and asks him to walk with her somewhere.
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So, they enter the party, and it is an ugly scene. Stephanie is on the verge of crying (I would be too), Miss Roberta is super happy until they tell Steph that she told them to do it. Then she decides to leave via the window and ends up with a bush on her head. She starts running all over the place and Sportacus saves her using a skateboard. But the wig has fell off and the disguise is revealed.
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At least in this season, this was the most logical way for the disguise to be revealed. Robbie storms off to the lair in anger his plan failed. Stephanie apologizes for the plan failing, but Sportacus says all he needed was their friendship. (This is so cute- Oh, I mean, rad bro. Boys don't use that yucky word.) Then they sing Bing Bang. Robbie's feet hurt so much that he dips them into boiling water.
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I liked that episode a lot! But I kinda wish that we got an explanation as to why Trixie misbehaved. 8/10
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
in the spirit of the holiday do you have any hcs for the gang on halloween?
Brett absolutely leaves a bowl of candy out if he can't be there in person. usually he personall dresses up in the most,, well-detailed costumes? his favorite is a Ventriloquist dummy!! he has a whole little routine he does for greeting kids at the door. this man LOVES halloween.
Reagan never really had any halloween traditions growing up? aside from her dad batting away children from their yard with a baseball bat smsdns
It becomes tradition for Andre, Gigi and Reagan to go to shops together on november 1-3rd to get all the cheap candy <3 they literally have pounds of the stuff, The War Room has an infinite candy bowl now
Brett : 'why isn't JR dressed up :('
Myc : 'hes a capitalist that's already scary enough'
If JR does dress up, it's something Classic like Dracula!!
OH YEAH Brett is totally gonna dress up. Gigi helps convince the rest of them by starting an office vote for Best Costume(s) and they're immediately in bc they're all competitive as hell
(besides, it'll make brett happy <3)
Group costume : Wizard of Oz. Brett is Scarecrow, Gigi is Dorothy, Reagan is Lion (complete with little cat ears and a fuzzy sweater smdns), and (under threat of physical violence) Robotus is Tin Man <3
Robotus is embarrassed, Reagan is Itchy, Gigi looks the best but shes regretting the choice of heels, Brett is absolutely beaming and there is straw in every crevice of his body. Collectively they will have the best fucking time ever.
Glenn is always too shy to dress up <3 ppl are already scared of him during the year. he'll probably just put on his old army uniform and be a Solider!!
Im not sure how old Glenn's daughter is?? If shes a kid then he'll absolutely go out trick or treating with her!! People compliment how scary is mask is even though he's not wearing one :')
Gigi will absolutely change costumes so that they can do a King and Queen look, bc <3 friendship. He gets all flustered bc,, Gigi makes him a gorgeous outfit and he feels <3 kinda handsome tbh <3
Myc + Andre? Little Shop of Horrors with a twist. Myc is Seymour, Andre is Twoey!! They put Myc in overalls for each of his tentacles, glasses and everything. Andre is covered in leaves and vines he stole from the horticulture lab. They get unreasonably drunk
The Great Halloween Bar Brawl of 2021 will not soon be forgotten (Myc insulted someone, like he always does, and it kinda devolved from there. There were probably no casualties)
<3 i love these mfs so much aaa
Everyone's invited. they completely deck out the basement area with cushions and shit?? They even disable the wifi and plug up all the charging ports so they can let Robotus out of his prison for a bit smdns
Brett is huddled up with his knees to his chest. Myc and Andre are constantly cracking jokes to both make him less scared and,, because that just how they are. Most tense moments are ruined by them making silly noises and jokes
ex : (someone falls out a window, 'and he sticks the landing!' 'im giving in an 8 on execution, the pole in his head really redacts points', etc). Robotus joins in with Full Snark Activated. It's absolute chaos in the best way sdnms.
'Madam. Miss. Mademoiselle. RUN. HE IS RIGHT THERE HOW DO YOU NOT SEE HIM.' Reagan, Gigi and Robotus are weeping over the incompetence of the characters smdns.
Everyone's screaming at the screen. Brett is cheering on the Final Girl, while Myc is hoping she gets mulched smdns.
Nobody goes home, they all just end up falling asleep in piles down in the basement. Robotus stays up for a while (definitely not to make sure everyone's sleeping soundly + they aren't gonna be woken up my anything. because he definitely doesn't secretly care about them), but eventually he powers down for the night too <3
all in all a successful halloween !! <3
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simpz-art-stash · 3 years
Late beginnings
Summary: Mac goes out for a drink, and happens upon some advice he takes into consideration about his skewered relationship with Wukong. Before finally taking some action to mend the long burnt bridge. (Author’s note: I barely did any beta reading for this so if it’s worded strangely that’s just how I write without the normal filter on. I’m country so HOWDY) Next Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night was late, but he didn’t care, he might as well have been nocturnal with the way his whole life revolved around the whole stereotype of shadows and shit. He’d walked into a bar he’d passed through a few times before, donning his human disguise of course beforehand, and walked in without sparing anyone else a glance. Before planting his rear in one of the stools seated at the front bar, ordering a drink to get the night started. “I’m really looking forward to seeing that new Monkey King movie with the trailer they just released. You saw it too right?? The whole style of the film is on par with their most recent game- OH, you think they’re gonna make a game of it?? I bet you they wiiiill!~” Ugh, great, just what he’d come here to avoid.
Mac’s eyes glanced to the blabbermouth boasting about whatever new movie was being made about his ex, to see two girls residing a ways down near the other end of the bar a few seats away from him. Both looking to have had a fair night themselves already if any of the cups and plates hanging around their spot was anything to go by. “Probably. I hope it’s better than last game that came out on the Brick 360, the bugs in that thing were gross to deal with.” Their friend commented back. Before looking down at their phone and claiming that it was getting late and that they had to go. “Yeah I’ll see ya Monday!” The chick waved their friend off a lazy farewell after they’d paid their bill before going back to their drink, now taking less tedious sips as the mood seemed to smooth out from their conversation prior. “I see someone’s a pretty big fan of that ol’ man.” Macaque piped up from where he sat, earning the attention of the stranger he’d directed his comment towards. “The Monkey King yeah?” Sparks danced in the chick’s eyes at the recognition of the name, before the stranger perked up and beamed a smile back at him, “You betcha! I’m a total nerd for that legend.” ‘A legend, hah.’ “S’the whole reason I moved to China in the first place.” She jabbed a thumb at her chest, “All the way from America!” Mac whistled, “That’s a pretty far leap to take, even for a legend. What, you hopin’ you’ll get the chance to see em’ or somethin’?” He sneered, taking his glass and lazily swirling it in his hand. “I wish!” She laughed, “Nah I mostly just moved here for work. If anything though it’s cuz a them for where I am now. I’d never even heard of him till about five years ago!” Mac blinked, lowering his drink from his lips, “You’re joking…”
“Not at all! No one hardly knows the story back home. Only reason I found out was cuz I just started gettin’ into anything monkey-related as a hobby.” She pointed at him, “Don’t laugh either, it’s a wildly popular standpoint to have these days online.” Mac quirked a brow at that, he’d hardly touched the internet these days save for whenever he needed some quick info on something he couldn’t find elsewhere. He held his hands up, “Hey I ain’t judging…” He smirked a little to betray the look that he totally was though. It was kinda funny how ironic it was him being there right then. She squinted at him, “Anyways...Yeah, I’d seen stuff of him online, but I’d never paid much attention to it up until recently.” “What made you change your mind?” Mac boredly probed, taking a sip. She simply shrugged, “I was in a dark headspace, guy made me laugh.” He paused, “Wait, seriously??” “I mean have you HEARD half the crazy shit he’s done??” ‘Babe I’ve LIVED through half the shit he’s done.’ “Like, literally, the guy is HILARIOUS. My favorite story out of them all being one where he literally tricked THREE taoist immortals into drinking his own piss!!” She burst out laughing while Mac choked on his drink a little, not having expected to hear that of all things. Sure he’d heard a few of the shenanigan’s his peaches had gotten up to throughout his journey to the west but he’d never heard that one before. Nor had he the patience to read through all that mess of context that had been published either. “Ahhh man, it still gets me…” The chick sighed with a few leftover laughs as she wiped a tear from her eye. “What about you? What’s your favorite story?” She asked. And suddenly Mac felt like he’d been put on the spot as he stared back at her. “Come ooon, surely there’s one that’s gotten your gut rolling.” She pried. ‘Plenty, but there ain’t no way in hell I’d tell a soul.’ “Bahh...there ain’t the first one that comes to mind that I’d like. Honestly I’m not even much of a fan.” He waved his hand dismissively. “Whaaat?? Aw come on! There’s tons of cool n’ funny stories!” “Heh..can’t imagine what you find so charming about a guy who’s too good for his own friends.” Mac spitefully twacked himself mentally for spewing something so personal like that out. Ugh, and he hadn’t even finished half his drink yet… The chick sitting to his left seemed to tilt her head a little before she squinted at him. Her silence being what brought his attention from his drink to her as he blinked back with a quirked brow. “What?” “Your eyes, they’re like raging storm clouds.” She pointed out. He blinked, not really sure how to feel about that. The only one who’d ever really pointed that out to him before was… “...So?” “Nothing!...” She shrugged, turning back away towards her own drink as if no conversation at all had happened between them. Whatever...he had his fill of shit to drink to either way. The night might’ve been late but he was just getting started. “He makes me laugh though.” She pointed out, earning her a glance. “All his stories n’ stuff. If there was ever a man I’d want, it’d be one who could always make me laugh.” “Hmph, not one for strength?” He took a long sip. Ignoring the bitterness of others fawning over someone he’d come to love before he’d gotten so popular. “Strength is fine n’ all, but it can only take a relationship so far..you gotta have more pieces to put in that crockpot of a relationship if you wanna make it taste good. Stuff like patience, honesty, a little bit of everything to help it all come together to make it juuuuust right.” “Hm…” “It can’t be all just you putting the stuff in there either, it’s gotta be a contribution from both gardens. Otherwise you’ll just barren your lands and be left with nothing to spare yourself or others in your life with.” She glanced at Mac, “Relationships are tricky like that, but they should always be a 50/50 split~” She winked. That...actually sounded like pretty sound advice. Something he’d heard a little here and there before but never so simply laid out. Though it made sense from his standpoint, fairness n’ all that. But he’d been that way with Wukong before and it had never worked out, all the bickering and such, so what had gone wrong? “Can I...ask you something?” Mac inquired. “Shoot.” “What’re your thoughts on..a relationship that seemed fine, but then the other changed so much that everything about it fell apart?” “Mmm...care to sprinkle in a lil more context?” The chick eyed him. Mac’s face scrunched up a little, no idea why he was asking some random mortal for relationship advice of all things. “Hey man. We’re both probably never gonna meet again after tonight, so if you’ve got skeletons in your closet, your best place to let em’ out is here. Bartenders are known for being the most well kept secret keepers in all the world after all~” She winked at the bartender in question who simply looked the other way with a look that might’ve suggested such a fact as truth. “Hm…” Ah screw it, “Alright alright…” He sighed and put his drink down, “There’s..someone. We used to be real close, we were strong together but then uh..shit got real and he had to go deal with it. But when he came back he uh, wasn’t the same as before, an I might’ve sorta assumed he was cheating on me so…so we kinda fell out.” The chick nodded, “Ahh..the classic misunderstanding of change and cheating, a tale as old as time.” She seemed to hum a moment before she turned from where she was seated, if not to hop down off her stool and plop down on the one right up next to him. “Uh-” “Shhh, lemme see those eyes.” She squinted, leaning in and staring deep into his. It’d would’ve been really unnerving if she hadn’t said anything about them before, now he was a lil put off that he might’ve been asking a witch of all things for advice… “Right. Well, at least you feel bad about it. So there’s that.” He blinked and his brows furrowed, “Wh- of course I feel bad about it, it was his fault-” He suddenly had a finger pressed to his lips. “Nope! Nooononono, you do not get to throw all the blame elsewhere like that sweetheart. There ain’t no way in hell you’re gettin’ a second chance with them if you keep that up.” She pulled her hands back. His face scrunched up and he found himself crossing his arms, if he had his tail out it would’ve been irritably swaying behind him right then at just how annoyed he was getting at this weird lady and her words. “Oh yeah? An what do you think’s best then huh?” “I dunno if you’d be up for that kinda challenge…” She idly fiddled with an imaginative piece of lint off her sleeve, which only seemed to irritate Mac further at the thought of him not being able to handle Wukong of all people. Like sure he’d gotten his ass handed to him before but he could still hold his own! “Try me.” The chick glanced back at him with a smirk, which caught him off guard for a second before he shot her a glare back. “Alright, but it’s definitely not gonna be as quick or easygoing of a recovery as you might hope it’ll be. Nor is there even a chance of you recovering it in the first place. But, you at least got that spark enough to try so who am I to deny?” ‘Hmpt, dam right I got a spark.’
“First of all, no more blaming, if you’re gonna tackle this properly, you gotta do yourselves a favor an quit it with the blame placing. Sure it’s easy, but it ain’t gonna get you nowhere but back to square one. It’s all in the past, the now is now. So push forward to fix it and put it behind you two so you can focus on the more important things.” “Easier said than done…” “Hey man, even if they don’t follow the same ruleset at first you could always work things out to make it one later on. I’m just tellin’ ya right now so you won’t just go diggin’ yourself a deeper hole.” Honestly at this point he was pretty much six feet down under, death to him would’ve been a mercy right then. “Fine…” He rolled his eyes. “Next up, apologizing…” -----------~----------- “I thought I told you to stay off my island.” Mac didn’t really glance back from where he stood high up on one of the breathtaking ledges that which Flower Fruit Mountain bolstered. His arms crossed, eyes sternly held against the leftover warmth of the late afternoon sun as it shifted the skies hues from blue to blood red. Hopefully that would be the only tinge of red the Mountain would see after today. “I know.” “What, no witty remark? Give me one good reason-” “I just wanted to talk.” Mac stated plainly. “Why the hell should I give you the chance?” “...” Mac wasn’t sure if he could come up with a good enough reason after the shitshow he’d caused him the last few centuries, most recent being his spat with him between MK. “I’m sorry.” That seemed to catch the king off guard, as he paused in his vicious glare to stare at the other. “Excuse me??” “I’m.Sorry.” Mac turned finally to Wukong, that look of fiery malice having softened immensely upon meeting their eyes. “I was wrong for what I did and I’m sorry.” Wukong’s face looked like it had had a stroke with how frozen in place it was, almost like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Hurting everyone around you just to get back at you, I was wrong for doing that. And I just wanted to apologize.” Mac’s face twisted a little, the words coming out a little rougher than he’d liked, but he’d managed to get three steps in so far… “If you think a few sorry’s are gonna be enough to make up for all that crap then you gotta nother’ thing comin Mac.” Wukong finally shook off the surprise and crossed his arms with a steely gaze. “Nah I know they ain’t worth shit with as long as it's been...which it’s been..a really, really long time come to think of it..nearly 3000 years…” Fucking yikes. “What’s your point?...” Wukong raised a brow at him. “My point is...my point..” What was his point? To make amends and hope they’d get back together? To go back to the way things were? That couldn’t be done with the way things were now. Wukong had a successor, a moral compass, a lotta shit that Mac didn’t. A lotta shit that he wanted but never could figure out how to get his own. His face scrunched up a little and he sighed, “I..just wanted to make things right.” “Oh-hoh? After so long you finally decided to admit you were at fault? Sorry Mac, but it’s waaaay too late for that.” Wukong huffed, “Honestly, this is probably just another one of your stupid tricks if anything. The old Macaque would never throw himself down like that.” “Well maybe I’ve changed!” Mac exclaimed suddenly, his temper flaring a bit as his eyes flashed lightning. “3000 years later? As if…” Wukong rolled his eyes and turned away, “You’ve still got that same look in your eyes you always do whenever we fight. Do me a favor and just keep away from the hot springs this time yeah? The last time you were here you sent a whole dam boulder over there and smashed half the pools.” He waved his hand dismissively. “And I happen to take my once a month bath’s very seriously.” Mac’s nostrils flared a little at just how flamboyant Wukong was acting towards him and his attempt to make amends. How he just saw his attempt as a joke and nothing more, it pissed him off. Wukong had changed and everyone had accepted him, well not everyone, but still, why couldn’t the same be for him? Had he really fooled himself into believing that there was a chance he and Wukong could be together again? His shoulders slumped a little. Of course, who was he kidding. A 3000 year old pit of grudges wasn’t about to just up and disappear at the wave of a white flag. This was Wukong, the same guy who still playfully pestered the gods and demons around him for past conflicts that had happened between them. -----------~----------- “But you can’t just go, ‘ooo I’m so sorry for what I did.’ Nah, you gotta follow the five steps.” The chick claimed. “Yeesh, this a learning course now?” Mac tilted his head to the side. “It is if you wanna make things right.” She claimed matter a factly. “The five steps have never failed me before and have worked wonders for any an all my relationships. Might not quite have the same range of effect you’re going for but it’ll at least be a good start.” “Heh, you got the guts to back up that case?” Mac sneered. “I will if you don’t manage to screw it up.” The chick pointed out. “The five steps go as follows.” - express sorrow (I’m sorry) - own guilt (I was wrong) - name specific wrongs (I did X) - name impact (I hurt you) “And finally...” -----------~----------- “What can I do to prove myself to you?” Macaque asked finally. “What can I do to at least make it to where we can..not fight anymore..and just talk?...” Wukong stood there for a long moment, his features unreadable as their silence was muffled by the wind bellowing between them both from being so high up. “You really are serious about this aren’t you?...” Wukong’s head shifted ever so slightly, but not enough to where Mac could get a reading on his emotions. “I’m tired of fighting and waiting and thinking that if enough time passes things’ll go back to the way they were...when they never will. Trying to hurt you isn’t gonna make the old you come back, no matter how many times you beat me down...It’ll never be the same.” Mac admitted finally. A quiet gust settled down between them, before Wukong seemed to let out a dry chuckle and shook his head. “Can’t believe it took me 3000 years to beat the sense into you.” He turned and looked back at the other, where he no longer held a look of seething hate, but more akin to that of the same tired look just as the one Mac wore. Mac felt a sliver of guilt wriggle its way into one of the cracks of his heart and he glanced away, pulling a hand back and scratching his head. “Yeah well...your kid hit me pretty hard last time, enough to knock it in place.” A small smile crept a little onto his face. “Hm~ He’s gettin’ pretty good at hittin’ stuff with that old stick.” Wukong’s eyes glinted a little at the appeal of how proud he was for MK having taken Mac out the way he did. A little over the top and flashy, just like him.” “He’s got a pretty strong master to thank for that…” Mac found himself yearning a little for that same glint to be reflected on his memory the same way as MK’s. Not that he couldn’t see himself holding the same appeal for MK the way Wukong did, kid was strong, just a lil desperate in some of the cracks that shaped his outline. Something Macaque found that was easy enough to take advantage of, and something Wukong held a blind eye to. “Hm.” Wukong’s reply pushed him out of those thoughts for the moment as they shared a brief look between one another. A glimmer of reconsideration flashing between the two before Wukong finally turned his head away to drink in the sunset before them. “One chance.” Mac felt his heart nearly stop at that answer. “I’ll give you one chance, but if you screw this up, don’t even think about showing your face to me again.” Wukong replied, “I mean it this time…” Mac swallowed a little and nodded. Anything, he’d be willing to do anything to gain back what little trust he could from Wukong. “Good...you can start making up for it by apologizing to MK.” Mac blinked and sputtered a little as Wukong turned away and began to make his way back down the mountain. A smile playing on his lips while Macaque groaned to the heavens about his next trial.
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dollslayer · 3 years
Shots or Dare
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: A drinking game goes one step too far. Or does it?
W/C: 1,551
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, drunken antics, hangovers, swearing
A/N: Just a quick little oneshot for y'all! I'm working on some bigger stuff but wanted to put this out there just for kicks. If you like it check out my other stuff and reblog/comment! Cheers!
Main Masterlist
‘When will yo finally jsut go on s date with me?’
You sent it before you could even really register your actions. This is why you should’ve volunteered to be DD. Drinking on Girl’s Night always lands you in trouble. Trouble in this case, comes in the form of a dare and the persuasions of an equally drunk and far more excited Wanda.
“You finally DID IT! YOU DID IT!” Wanda hollers as she jumps from the booth in celebration.
Your hand shot up to cover her mouth, noticing several tables in the bar were looking towards you. You wobbled a bit and held the table for support with your other hand. You shushed her and sat back down.
“Did what? What did I do?” You asked, seeming to be the only one not in on the joke.
“Check your texts, lover girl” Paling in fear at her words you swipe up on your phone and read. Oh, God.
‘When will yo finally jsut go on s date with me?’ Read: 1:19AM You felt the blood rush from your brain to your cheeks in sheer humiliation.
You tried your best to recall a few minutes ago when Wanda was practically typing out the message for you as Nat looked on in amusement. You were playing Shots or Dare, a very dangerous game you now realized. Wanda dared you that you wouldn’t finally say something to Steve, whom you’ve had a crush on since you joined the team. You were always so much bolder when you were drunk.
Now sobered in an instant having seen that not only had you actually sent the text but that he’d read it. Your superior officer, your teammate, your friend. God, I must seem so sloppy. How do I even solve this? What do I even say? How soon could I realistically transfer out so I never have to see him again?
Your phone sat shakily in your hands as your thumb hovered above it, unsure what to type. Before you could Nat snatched your phone from your hand and put it in her pocket. You were about to protest when she just shook her head at you.
“It’s too late and you’re too drunk. He probably thinks you’re kidding. Just sleep in my room tonight we’ll fix it in the morning” She offered.
Even though Nat herself was 4 or 5 drinks in she always seemed to have her head on straight. You swallowed and nodded before hiding your face in your hands.
“Relax, I’m sure he thinks it’s hot you’re just going for it! My turn! I choose dare!” Wanda changed the subject with a clap of her hands and eagerly awaited her dare. You didn’t know how you were going to get through the rest of the night without freaking out about it so you ordered yourself another drink and got to forgetting.
Staying out until almost 3, the group of you stumbled your way back to the tower and into Nat’s room. You promptly passed out in full makeup and without changing your clothes. You’d wake up to a hangover but that was tomorrow you’s problem.
And a problem it was, not six hours later you awoke to loud knocking from down the hall. You groaned and turn into the couch cushions hoping to fall back asleep. The knocking came again and you ignored it, sighing in comfort when you heard whomever it was retreating back up the hall.
Unable to sleep, you got up slowly and tried to gauge the severity of your hangover. Deciding you’d rather deal with this in the comfort of your own room you wrestle to get your shoes off your feet and carry them in one hand while you open the door with the other. You do your best to sneak down the hall to your room, only being a few doors down from Nat.
You make it just in front of your room when you drop your shoes and wince at the sound it makes. You steady yourself on the door to pick them up when you hit your head on the handle. It stings and you cringe at the feeling of the long handle getting stuck in your hair. Surprised, you hiss at the pain and drop both your shoes again as you desperately try to untangle yourself.
You could not be more of a mess if you tried. Maybe if you puked right now but all the willpower you had left was preventing that from happening. After a moment of all but ripping your hair from your head you’re free with one final jerk forwards, which of course, causes you to lose your balance and topple forward.
You put both your hands out and brace for the carpet burn of the collision but it never comes. Instead you’re being held steady by two large hands and all you can think to do is pray that it isn’t who you think it is. No God would be that cruel.
You slowly look up and find yourself eye to eye with Steve. No God except this one, apparently. He looks concerned as he helps you back up slowly to your feet. He picks up your shoes and opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. He looks you up and down, taking in your appearance trying to assess how best to approach the situation.
You’re suddenly very aware that you’re still in last night’s clothes and that the mascara on your eyelashes is smudged from where you fell asleep. If the Earth could swallow you whole right now you’d have no objections. You feel sweat from your nervousness mixing with last night’s too. I am a literal human disaster, this could not get worse. Please, please don’t bring up the text.
He clears his throat. “I, um, I saw you texted me last night.” Fuck. “I knew you were out with the girls, just wanted to make sure you made it home okay.”
You hide your face with your hands and huff out a breath of embarrassment.
“Yeah, um, thank… you… Yeah I’m good” You were not good. On top of the trainwreck of an encounter this already was your knees are giving out on you. You need to lay down now. Maybe get some food in you.
Steve rushed forward to pick you up again when you caught yourself against the door and fumbled to unlock it.
“Why don’t you let me do that?” He moved you gently aside to fiddle with the door before opening it and ushering you inside.
He set your shoes down by the door and helped you out of your jacket.
“When’s the last time you ate something? Or maybe you need some water?” He offered.
You shook your head at him and stuck your hands out to feel your way to your bed. This was already so embarrassing, Steve didn’t need to continue to see you like this.
Steve shook his head slightly and tsked at you. He helped you into bed and then looked at you with his hands on his hips, like he was contemplating his next move.
“I’m going to make some breakfast, do you think you could get a shower in that time or do you need to rest? Regardless after that you’re going to eat what I made and drink a whole glass of water, no protests.” He spoke gently but firm as he walked towards the door.
“Steve, please you don’t need to do this, I’m so sorry jus’ lemme get some sleep you don’t have to do anyth-”
“I said no protests. Now if I come back here in 15 minutes and you’re not in that shower I’m gonna be upset, do you understand?” He was using his Captain voice now and you rolled your eyes before giving him a lazy salute.
“Aye aye, cap” He chooses not to respond to your smart ass response, only chuckles as he closes the door behind him.
One very woozy shower later you managed to only kind of puke your guts out and put on a clean pair of clothes. You exited your ensuite to the smell of bacon and eggs. Having gotten all the puke out of your system your mouth was now practically watering at the prospect of food.
Steve was sat on your couch with two plates and he stood to greet you.
“I didn’t know what you like but I figure you can’t go wrong with the classics. I figure while we eat we can watch one of these so-called ‘classics’ you’re always on my case about watching?” He grinned at you and waited for a response.
You shuffled over to your couch and plopped down beside him.
“Why’re you doin’ this for me, Steve? You don’t have to do any of this, I’m good” You kept trying to insist, feeling guilty that you were so hungover earlier and messy in front of him on top of your very infamous drunk text.
“Well this is a date isn’t it?” He smiles down at you with a boyish smirk and all you can do is return his expression and think of what movie to pick. Maybe Shots or Dare isn’t all that bad. This time at least.
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lightbeyondeden · 4 years
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
a/n: i like to imagine this one with like,, season 4 spence cause I think that just the right amount of innocent yet horny for this oneshot but it's up to you. Also i used a bunch of dialogue prompts from this list :) see if you can spot them! 
Wordcount: 2.2k
Warnings: kinda smut!! spencer being horny, alcohol, cursing, makeout sesh with heavy petting lol
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She was trying to kill him.
 As a man of logic and reasoning, Spencer had concluded the only probable reason his very attractive coworker would insist on parading around the small cabin the team had rented for the weekend in those tiny white cotton shorts was that she wanted to kill him. 
Spencer had always found her attractive. He would’ve had to have been blind not to, and even if he was he still would’ve fallen for the sound of her laugh or the way she left the smell of lavender wherever she sat on the jet or how she was always first to fall asleep after long days spent working cases. 
So maybe he had fallen in love with her - even if he hadn’t quite admitted it to himself yet. Love, however, was not quite what he felt as he watched Y/n walk lazily into the kitchen on that Saturday morning.
Spencer had been sitting on one of the barstools that lined the kitchen counter and sipping on a very sugary cup of coffee. He was passively listening to both the birds chirping outside the oversized cabin window and JJ’s latest story about Henry. He had felt nothing but peace, until she walked in. 
She was wearing a baby blue tank top (with no bra, not that Spencer was looking of course it’s just that as she was walking in and his eyes just happened to graze over her hard nip-, nevermind.) and those white shorts. The outfit was probably perfect for sleeping in the cabin that - even now in the early hours of the morning - remained hot and humid. It was not, however, perfect for just chatting with Spencer, he already felt an uncomfortable stirring in his pants.  
“Hey guys.” She smiled, voice still soft with sleep.
“Hi Y/n, you sleep well?” JJ said without missing a beat, “Lemme get you some coffee.”
JJ got out of her seat and set to work making a new cup of coffee from the keurig that sat on the counter behind her.
“Thank you Jayge, you’re my favourite.” Y/n laughed. 
Spencer watched with intent as she brushed her hand through her bedhead and took her own seat at the counter across from him. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Y/n said as she locked eyes with Spencer. 
Crap, he hadn’t meant to stare. Honestly though, he couldn’t help it. So much of her body was on display and though Spencer considered himself to be a respectful man, he had dreamt of that body more times than he cared to admit and seeing it like this was driving him crazy. 
“Like what?” He replied, hoping that playing dumb would get him out of this.
She eyed him suspiciously, however Spencer was saved from the incoming interrogation by JJ returning, coffee in hand. 
Y/n gratefully took the cup in her hands and sipped in gently. Try as he might, Spencer couldn’t stop himself from stealing glances at her over and over again as conversation between the three resumed. 
Slowly the rest of the team began to wake up and wander into the kitchen. Conversation was playful and light, this vacation being exactly the break they needed from their stressful work lives. It may have only been four days, but any amount of time that they didn’t have to spend talking about all the horrible things they saw each day was time they thoroughly enjoyed. 
“So I was thinking we could take a trip down to that hidden beach the airBNB people were telling us about. It would be fun to all go swimming together!” Penelope had said, big doe eyes daring someone to try telling her no.
So that's why a team of thirty to fifty somethings were all walking down a wooden boardwalk together, arms filled with floaties and towing a wagon full of snacks (wagon courtesy of JJ). Spencer just happened to look over at Y/n at the exact moment the beach came into view, and he couldn’t have been more grateful for that because getting to see the way her face lit up when she saw the lake made his day.
“There's a doc!?” She squealed, “Morgan! I’ll race you to it.” 
And just like that  - the two of them took off, splashing into the water and yelling playful challenges and insults at each other, Emily and Penelope close behind. Spencer just chuckled as he settled down into the sand with a pile of books beside them. 
Truth be told he didn’t get much reading done. He chatted with JJ and Rossi, he binged on candy and chips, and most often, spent the day ogling Y/n. He just couldn’t understand how she managed to look so perfect even after Derek had thrown her off the floating wooden dock for what must’ve been the thirtieth time that day. 
When she finally came marching up the beach, soaking wet and out of breath, Spencer wondered if there was ever a situation where she could look bad. Covered in goosebumps - though the sun was sweltering hot - she tightly wrapped a towel around herself and plopped down in the sand between JJ and Rossi. 
“Hey SP!” He chuckled at her nickname for him “Can you pass that bag of chips over here please?”
The rest of the day was spent soaking in the sun. It was full of jokes and swimming and Y/n’s head on Spencer's shoulder. He watched her and JJ pass a volleyball back and forth, he saw the team smile more in one afternoon than he had in the last month. They finally decided to pack it in the sun was nothing more than a sliver on the horizon. 
They walked home to the dulcet sounds of crickets and Penelope's voice retelling all the best stories of the day. Spencer's mind moved much faster than his feet did, but all thoughts were halted when he felt a cold set of fingers grab onto his hand. That was one of his favourite things about her - the fact that she loved physical touch. Of course, at first he had a strong aversion to her love of hugs, hand holding, and cuddles, but as they grew into a close knit partnership he found himself longing for a hug from her after hard cases or for her hand to hold when he's walking to the bookstore. 
When the team got back to their beach house it was quiet for a moment, as everyone was worn down from all their hours in the sun, their skin kissed with its warmth even though it had set more than an hour ago. Emily, ever a shit disturber, broke the serenity the walk home had created the second she broke out the bottles of wine from the fridge.
Y/n’s had slipped out of Spencers as she and the girls got to work pouring and drinking as many glasses as they could get out of each bottle.
“Movie time!” Penelope declared, plopping herself down on the couch between Derek and Rossi. 
Everyone else settled in, and Penelope flicked through Netflix - occasionally announcing a title to the group to gauge a reaction and giving her own opinions on each. She finally landed on ‘Clueless’, a film Spencer had never heard of - despite Penelope and JJ insisting it was a classic. 
Everyone was tired, you could tell that without being a profiler, but the group was so set on finishing their day together that everyone sat and watched the movie with heavy eyelids. Y/n was hit by sleep like a truck, and Spencer could tell. Her head fell on Spencer's shoulder and he let his own arms rest around her. It was fine, they were best friends. Best friends can cuddle on late nights - it doesn't mean anything to either of them anyway. 
Except it did. It meant everything to Spencer. When he grabbed her hand it wasn’t even really a conscious decision, he just reached out and gripped onto her - he barely even noticed that he did it. 
Y/n noticed. 
Her eyes shot up to meet his own. 
“What was that for?” Her tone was joking but there was a realness behind the whispered question. 
“I’m holding your hand because the movie is scary, alright?  It’s a… Terrifying… Rom-com… ” Spencer defended. 
They both looked up at the screen to see a scene of a blonde girl driving a jeep down the middle of the road and burst into laughter, gaining some looks and laughs from the other people in the room. 
“I mean, you’re right. Unsafe driving practices sure are terrifying. Why do you think Hotch doesn’t let me drive anymore?”
“Because it's a hazard to everyone in the car and the berau called you ‘a hazard to the safety of yourself and your team’ when you drive?” Spencer quipped back, earning more laughter from the rest of the group.
Y/n just shook her head and laughed before dropping back down onto Spencer’s shoulder. However Spencer went the other direction, releasing his grasp on Y/n’s hand and setting it at his side instead.
“Why’d you let go of me?” She whispered into his ear. 
Spencer allowed himself to let out some of what he had been feeling for as long as he had known her. He looked her dead in the eyes and and tried to communicate all of his feelings telepathically - but all he said was;
“I was scared...”
She looked at him and Spencer suddenly changed his mind about the whole telepathy thing, suddenly praying she can’t see the longing in his eyes.
“Come with me.”
So they got up, said a very rushed goodnight to their friends, and took off towards Y/n’s bedroom. When she opens the door Spencer is hit by a wall of the vanilla perfume she uses. If it was anyone else, he would have found it overwhelming, but because it was her it was more like something intoxicating. 
She sat him down on the bed and took a spot beside him. Her eyes looked up and met his honey brown ones, and in hindsight Spencer swore he could pick that as the exact moment his heart rate picked up. 
“So are you gonna tell me what’s been going on with you? Why you’ve been acting so strange?” She was still whispering even though the group was well out of earshot. 
He didn’t respond, his head was fuzzy and he was just trying his best to put together a coherent thought.
“I’m your friend SP!” She laughed, trying again “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
“Sometimes I want to makeout with you, is that a friend thing to do?” 
Spencer's words hung in the air and he so badly wished he could take them back. Why would he jeopardize the relationship he had with her? For what? Some inane fantasy he had where they were together? The silence made the air crushingly heavy, and Spencer got up to leave but was stopped by her gripping his arm. 
She stood up and cupped her hand on his face, and it felt like they stood there like that for an hour. Spencer so desperately wanted to close the gap between them but the paralyzing fear that he was badly misreading her gesture stopped him. 
But then she did. She pushed her lips against his and Spencer immediately melted into her. Soft fingertips on his cheeks turned into hands intertwined in his curls, his own hands finding their rightful spot on her hips. 
They tangled together, the room filled with the sound of their desperate breaths. In an uncharacteristic burst of confidence Spencer ran a hand under her top and rested it on the small of her back. That was all the encouragement Y/n needed to clamber into his lap, never even breaking their kiss. 
“Wait-” Spencer pulled back, breathless, “What does this mean? What are we doing?”
“I love you. It took me way too long to realize it but I just want to spend all my time with you, that's how I know. I love you.” Y/n whispered into his neck, still perched gently on top of him. 
Spencer laughed a little at the absurdity of this moment. Girls like Y/n don’t love guys like Spencer - he almost wouldn’t believe it if it was any other girl. But it wasn’t any other girl, he trusted Y/n with his life - he knew she meant it.
“I love you too. I always have.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss her again.
Spencer jolted awake to the sound of Penelope’s cell phone camera going off. He moved to rub his eyes but found that his right arm was trapped under a shirtless Y/n. 
Now he understood why Penelope was taking pictures. 
“I got asked to check on you two - you know, see if you were awake.” Penelope was obviously trying very hard to hold back her excitement. “However it seems like I am interrupting something. So I will leave you lovebirds to it.” 
She turned and sauntered out the door, but Spencer heard her laughing to herself in the hallway and he knew that in a few minutes the whole world would know exactly what Penelope thought about the compromising position she had just found them in. 
The world could wait though, Spencer decided. Y/n had stayed peacefully asleep somehow, and he could feel the heat of her bare skin all over him. 
So he pulled her closer, for that one more minute of bliss. One more minute of happiness.
 One more minute of Y/n.
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Dive Bar, Ch 8/?
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Pairing: Dean x Sam (eventually, he he he) | Sam x OMC (Chase) brief 
Rating: 18+
Prompt/Summary: After a one night stand with a random college chick turns into a threesome that also featured his little brother, Dean- well, frankly, he panics. What’s even worse than gay panicking? Gay incest panicking. Luckily, Sam winds up being a little more cool about the whole thing than Dean ever would have imagined.
WC: 3,631
Tags: Awful flirting (but I’m not sorry), gay panic, angst, Dean having graphic naughty thoughts, male masturbation, blow job, rimming, anal sex, cock ring (? kinda) 
Warnings: thoughts about to brother/brother incest
Beta:  @negans-lucille-tblr, actual angel 😇
Divider: @firefly-graphics ❤️
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Sam looked up at the sound of slow clapping, expecting it to be Dean returning with their refills just in time to see Sam pot the last ball. But he couldn’t see Dean, and it took him a moment to identify the clapper as the guy with dark blonde hair strolling towards him with a look of contemplation on his slim face.
“That was pretty impressive,” the guy nodded at the pool table, and Sam straightened up a little, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
“Uh, thanks,” Sam shrugged, the game he’d felt so proud of - and wanted to rub in Dean’s face a moment ago - now making him feel self conscious. He hadn’t meant to draw any kind of attention to himself. That was normally Dean’s forte.
“Where’d you learn how to do that?”
“My um, my brother taught me.” Sam clutched the pool cue between his hands, eyes darting around and landing on Dean at the bar. His breath eased a little once he knew where he was. The new guy’s eyes followed Sam’s and found him watching Dean at the bar.
“That guy’s your brother?”
“Yeah,” Sam nodded cautiously.
“Well, that is a relief,” he laughed fully, openly.
Sam was taken aback. “Why?”
“Because if he was your boyfriend I was probably gonna get beat up for hitting on you.” He smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling, but still a little shy.
Sam blinked, dumbfounded. He didn’t know why he hadn’t been expecting it. He’d had a suspicion that this place was an LGBT haunt based on the number of same-sex couples he’d noticed dotted around, but that hadn’t led him to the conclusion that he’d maybe have an opportunity he hadn’t had since Dean had picked him up from Stanford. Sam glanced nervously back to Dean at the bar, watching him knock back a shot of something, not paying attention to his little brother. But why did Sam even care if Dean saw him talking to this guy? He breathed out sharply when he realised that he didn’t have to hide this from Dean - he’d come out to him last month. He didn’t have to be worried about what Dean thought if he saw him talking to - what was this guy’s name?
“I’m Sam,” Sam offered his hand, and the man took it, shaking it firmly. Sam noticed how smooth the guy’s hands were.
“Chase,” he smiled wider still, like he couldn’t believe Sam was actually having a conversation with him.
“So are you, uh, here with anyone?” Sam wasn’t used to making small talk anymore. The only people he talked to were Dean or law enforcement - or witnesses to supernatural phenomena.
“A few friends,” Chase nodded behind him, but not with enough direction for Sam to actually tell which table of people he might have been talking about.
“Do you, um,” Sam let out a sharp, amused exhale, not really believing he was actually doing this. “D’ya want to have a drink?”
Chase smiled brightly. “Yeah, I’d love that,” he nodded, and the pair started towards the bar. “Then maybe you’ll be so kind as to show me just how you play that game over there?”
Sam grinned, this guy was pulling out a classic, but it was a good one.
“You want me to teach you how to play pool?” he smirked and moved closer behind Chase, bracing his hands on the bar on either side of him, and ducked down to speak against his ear. “I should warn you, I’m a pretty hands on teacher.” Sam felt Chase grin, even though he couldn’t see his face.
“I think I’m counting on it. I might need a lot of hand holding,” Chase laughed at his own joke, probably realising how lame it was, but Sam thought it was cute.
While Chase ordered drinks, Sam glanced over his shoulder across the bar and caught Dean looking right at them. Sam blushed under his brother’s intense gaze, a little embarrassed that Dean had been watching him come onto this guy so strongly. But how was that different to any time Sam had to watch Dean flirt his way through every available pair of boobs in these joints? He decided it wasn’t; he didn’t have anything to be ashamed of. Sam gave Chase a once over from behind, eyes lingering on his ass. Yeah, definitely not ashamed of this, Sam resolved. He flicked his eyes back up to meet Dean’s again and gave him a bold wink.
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Dean’s face was blank, but his gaze wavered between shock and dread. He’d never seen Sam flirt so blatantly with anyone before. He’d never seen Sam flirt with a guy before either, but he guessed he should have expected that to happen eventually. It hadn’t really hit him before now what Sam being bi really meant. It wasn’t just that he was happy to have a threesome that involved two guys instead of two girls, it meant that sometimes he would want to sleep with guys, just because.
The pride Dean usually felt when Sam successfully picked up a chick wasn’t making an appearance right now, though. This was different. Dean reluctantly realised that the difference here was jealousy. He looked at the guy Sam was pressed up against and took in the spiky hair, the henley pulled across decently toned muscles, the black leather cord he wore as a necklace. He was about Dean’s height judging where he stood against Sam. Angry voices inside him shouted at Dean to break it up, stop Sammy from doing this, protect him, though from what, the voices didn’t care to elaborate. Hopeful voices inside tried to soothe his anger. Telling him that maybe Sam wasn’t with him now, but the guy he was with looked just a little like Dean… maybe… and what if that meant that Sam was drawn to him for that reason?
Dean shut down that internal dialogue with a grimace, and ordered another shot. He wasn’t gonna stay here and watch Sam hit on some guy without getting drunk.
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Sam and Chase were two drinks in and back by the pool table, and Sam was having more fun than he could remember having in a long time. Watching Chase bend over the table, ass pressing tight against his jeans, and knowing that he was doing it so Sam could look… it was exhilarating. Even the vague prickling on the back of his neck every time Dean looked over at them gravely didn’t spoil Sam’s mood. He knew his brother was just being an overprotective ass.
Chase shot him a coy smile over his shoulder, still bent over trying to corral all the balls into their frame. Sam grinned back freely, eyes glinting with want that he knew Chase could see.
“You gonna show me how to hold this stick?”
“I’m gonna show you so much more than that,” Sam promised. He pressed against him and threaded his arms through the smaller man’s, slotting their hips and their hands together. “You want to hold it firmly, but not too tight. Just give it a little squeeze.”
Chase burst out laughing, shaking Sam off his body. Sam stood back, confused and a little offended at the reaction. Chase’s eyes glinted under the fluorescent light hanging above them.
“I’m sorry man,” he stifled another laugh and tried again. “Sorry, I just, I couldn’t not think about the innuendo there.” Sam smirked and moved back to Chase, bending him back over and leaning into him heavily.
“That was sorta the point man,” Sam breathed in his ear. “Now, put your hands back on that long piece of wood and do as you’re told.”
Sam realised then that he had been repressing this part of himself for far too long. Or at least his dick thought so, because it was paying quite a bit more attention than it usually did in public.
He was never shy about wanting to be the one in control in the bedroom, but with girls, he never really knew how they would take it. He always worried about hurting them if he was being too rough. With guys it felt a little different, he felt a little freer, like he didn’t have to be scared of throwing them around as much. And he’d had enough to drink that his filter wasn’t inclined to hold him back anymore. The shiver that had run through Chase at Sam’s words only solidified Sam’s resolve to take this guy home and absolutely wreck him.
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Dean thought he was gonna be sick. Most people would think that was down to the amount of alcohol he’d just downed in such a short span of time - switching to tequila had either been a very good or a very bad decision on Dean’s part - but in actuality, he was still on the good side of drunk. The thing churning his stomach and pulling him apart from the inside was what he was watching his baby brother do to that twink pressed against the pool table across the bar.
Jesus, they were in public and Sam was practically dry humping the dude. At least respectable people would go to a club and hide behind dancing as an excuse. But there was his brother, his little kid brother, practically fucking some stranger right in the middle of the room. What the fuck does he think he’s doing?
Dean had never seen Sam so blatantly sexual before. Well no - that was a lie - he had seen him that way once, when he’d been pounding into Dany so hard he shook the bed, and looked right at Dean when he’d broken down inside her, staring right into his eyes as he came undone. But the way Sam was looking at him had Dean believing that, maybe, Sam wasn't thinking about Dany at all.
Dean wanted to pretend that he was only offended by the sight before him because it was indecent - not cool, bro - but if the guy below Sam had been him, he wouldn’t have given two fucks how decent they looked, so long as Sam showed everyone watching that it was them who belonged together. That Sam belonged to him, inside him. His.
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Chase was a horrible pool player. But that might have more to do with the fact that Sam was grinding a semi against his ass every time he helped him line up a shot. Poor guy had to be at least a little distracted. After two games of utter domination from Sam, he took pity on his playmate and graciously bought him a drink to mellow the loss.
Locking eyes over the wet edged shot glasses, Sam tipped his back and swallowed, long and deep. Sam watched as Chase’s eyes traced his throat and down into the v-neck of the t-shirt he’d revealed when he unbuttoned his flannel during the second game. His eyes settled there for a moment, and Sam wondered how long he would linger there before he caught himself. His breathing quickened slightly - bringing his chest up and down with it, and Chase continued to stare. The attention only aroused Sam more. But it was over when Chase blinked harshly, and brought his eyes back to Sam’s, looking a little startled.
“What?” he said stupidly, fingers slipping on his glass, still full and hanging in front of his lips.
“Do you want to get out of here?” Sam enunciated, a knowing smirk back on his lips.
“Yeah,” Chase nodded and downed his own drink, licking his lips to catch the drop of alcohol that had spilled over. Sam’s eyes locked on his tongue and followed it back inside Chase’s mouth. Their lips met briefly, Sam pulling back almost immediately to check he hadn’t misjudged things - to check he was actually about to follow through on going home with this guy.
Chase’s face was hot, colour staining his already sun-kissed skin, eyes wide like he was staring into the sun. Sam jerked his chin towards the door, brows raised, and Chase nodded and leant in close so Sam could hear him better. “I’m just gonna grab my things, meet you outside?”
“Yeah,” Sam nodded and squeezed Chase’s arm in reassurance. “I’m just going to let my brother know where I’m headed.” Sam jerked his head to where he had clocked Dean hunched in a booth nursing a hefty glass of whiskey.
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“Hey,” Sam slid into the seat across from Dean, slapping a rhythm against the table as he sat down.
“Someone’s chipper,” Dean grunted sourly, taking a swig of his drink.
“Someone’s bummed out.”
Sam’s sass tugged at the corner’s of Dean’s lips. but he didn’t let it get an actual smile out of him.
“Sorry the girls here weren’t exactly ‘your scene’,” Sam did look a little apologetic, but he couldn’t wipe the smug excitement off his stupid face.
“Yeah, well,” Dean grunted again, and knocked back more of the burning liquid, “about time you got laid, was beginning to think you’d accidentally pulled it off from jerking too much.”
“Ew, dude, gross,” Sam grimaced. “How would you know how much I jerk off, anyways?”
“We live in each other’s asses, Sam,” Dean excused, not caring to mention the fact that he knows Sam’s jerked off in the shower every night since he’d picked him up from Stanford, and he’s spent the last month joining in from the other side of the door. Choking down the jealousy and shame that came with it, Dean pushed Sam out of the booth with his foot. “Now go on and fuck your little boy toy, he’s over there waiting for you.”
Sure enough, when Sam checked over his shoulder, he saw Chase waiting anxiously by the door.
“You gonna be alright, man? You got a motel key?”
“Fuck off,” Dean grumbled, and watched sullenly as Sam made his way through the crowds of people to the door, slipping out behind his company for the evening. Dean knocked back the rest of his glass and stood, stretching the stiffness out of his joints. He didn’t want to stay here, but he didn’t have anywhere else to go besides the motel room. Remembering they had passed a convenience store on their walk here, Dean figured drinking alone was less embarrassing if he was actually alone while he was doing it, and made up his mind.
Arriving back at their room with a bottle of Jack he’d already cracked into, Dean crashed onto his bed and stared at the ceiling. What the hell was he doing? Sitting in the dark, drinking himself to sleep because his baby brother went home with someone else. Pathetic. Pining over Sam had become Dean’s new favourite pastime without him even realising it, and most certainly without his permission.
Dropping his hand over the side of his bed and groping for his duffle, Dean managed to dig his hand into the side pocket hiding the bracelets that he’d pushed out of sight nearly two months ago. Curling his fingers around the smooth-worn wooden beads, he dragged them out, clutching them hard until he felt his nails cutting into his palm.
More Jack; these relics in his hand from a time when he used to be a good big brother, one Sam could actually admire and love, and Dean decided he was done. If he was gonna add this to the list of everything else that was fucked up in his life, then he was gonna goddamn lean into it. He knew Sam had noticed that he wasn’t wearing them anymore, and the thought that Sam might think Dean was mad at him, or didn’t love him with literally everything he had was unacceptable now.
He dropped the beads on the comforter and the bottle on the nightstand, and rose to pull off his jeans. If Sam was getting off tonight there was no reason he shouldn't. But at the thought of Sam, Dean couldn’t stop himself thinking about the guy he’d gone home with, who he’d had bent over the pool table in front of the whole damn bar. It was too easy to picture what Sam was doing to him now. Dean settled back against the lumpy pillows and squeezed himself over his boxers, letting himself sink into the images flashing through his mind.
Sam pressing that bastard up against the door. Sam threading his fingers through the short, dark blonde hair and pulling - the very thought draws a gasp from Dean, wishing it was him Sam was doing those things to, pressing those kisses to, scraping his teeth against and leaving marks on.
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Inside Chase’s apartment, Sam didn’t waste any time. He had him pressed against the door with his wrists pinned over his head in a heartbeat. His kiss started teasing and light. He nipped at Chase’s lips, and the tip of his tongue that had tried in vain to connect to Sam’s. He dragged his teeth across the five o’clock shadow that dusted Chase’s jaw and down, locking on the hollow up his throat and pulling a heavy sign from his partner.
Sam kissed his way back to Chase’s lips and devoured him this time. Their tongues slid together but there was no fight for dominance, no illusion as to how this night was going. Sam was in charge, and that was just where they both wanted him.
Lurching backwards, Sam pulled Chase along with him, and they stumbled blindly around the entryway and managed to fall through the door to the bedroom - Chase’s doing. Sam’s jacket and shoes were discarded on the floor, Chase’s henley tossed onto the scattered laundry piled at the bottom of his bed. The sight made Sam smirk, one more confirmation that he went home with a guy tonight.
Sam sat on the bed and dragged Chase on top of him, grabbing his neck and forcing their mouths back together. At a loud groan from Chase, Sam opened his eyes and stared into the blue-grass eyes he remembered admiring in the bar, but in this dim light they looked darker, greener, and suddenly, Sam wasn’t looking at Chase anymore.
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Dean tried to picture something, anything, other than Sam but he couldn’t. He saw Sam rolling himself on top of that guy and dragging himself down - would they be on the couch, or a bed? - down to the fly on his irritatingly well-fitted jeans and popping the button open with a grin. He saw him pulling the denim down and off, saw him mouthing hungrily over the cotton-covered bulge he found himself faced with, tonguing along the head and leaving a dark stain behind.
Dean groaned and pulled himself free from his boxers, needing it faster, tighter, meaner.
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Sam swallowed Chase down eagerly. He didn’t even have the patience to pull his boxers all the way off, and he twisted the fabric in his hands, pulled it tight. It had been so long since he’d had a cock in his mouth he nearly gagged himself in his excitement to suck down every last inch. Chase whimpered above him, lost in the heat of Sam’s throat. Sam could tell he was trying so hard not to lose it already, so he eased up a little. He didn’t want to see Chase cum until he had his cock inside him.
Granting Chase a brief moment of reprieve, Sam slid further down until his tongue was thrusting in and out of his ass. Chase tried to squirm away but Sam held him down, bracing his arm across the slim hips to keep his prey in place. Chase managed to fish the lube and a condom out of his nightstand and throw them vaguely in Sam’s direction without Sam needing to stop his tongue’s assault. Sam knew he was rushing, but by the time he pushed inside of Chase’s not-prepped-enough hole neither of them cared.
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Dean could feel it, hovering out of reach. He wanted it so badly but he couldn’t get there, and the frustration was starting to outweigh the desperation. The volume of alcohol couldn’t have been helping things either, but logic wasn’t what Dean was interested in right now. He needed something else, something more. Grasping in his mind for the images of Sam to come back, Dean’s fingers clawed against the bedspread, tugging on his cock relentlessly. Then his fingers nudged something - Sam’s bracelets.
Without thinking too hard, Dean clutched them in his fist, bringing both hands to wrap around himself and pressing the small, cool beads against his heated flesh. He still wanted more, needed something to cut through this haze of want and really make him feel. He wrapped the worn strings around the base of his dick, cinching tightly, and squeezing a whimper of pain through his lips. But that pain was just the spark he needed.
The urgency he’d been chasing before came rushing back, and visions of Sam above him, touching him, choking him, calling him a desperate, pathetic little cockslut, beat against the inside of his eyelids, and he was cumming harder than he could ever remember. He felt a white heat burning through every artery, vein, capillary in his goddamn body, and it brought him to an edge he never knew existed. It was agonising, and perfect.
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Sam fucked his hips into Chase’s faster and faster. Their teeth met more often than their tongues as they kissed frantically, both reaching the ends of their tethers. Chase grabbed himself and pulled, beating himself faster and faster until he spilled into the sweat pooling between their bodies, groaning Sam’s name. Sam thrust harder and harder and froze, crammed so deep inside he barely fit, and then he was cumming; spilling his seed into Chase, and spilling Dean’s name from his lips.
Tags: Tag: @vulgar-library @jackandthesoulmates @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @whoreforackles @schaefchenherde​ @hawkerz12​ @dylansbabygirl24​ @mineshinamary​ @popsensationnicole23​ @spn-problems​ @donthateme454​ @doyouknowsamw​ @peridottea91​ @delightfulbakeryaliendeputy​ @fictionallemons​ @natastic​ @Marvelfansworld @half-closeted-bi-girl​ @j-ai-adore-dean​ @kiss-my-peachy-arse​ @tftumblin​ @alice101macwil​ @disneysloot​ @caitlinvd​ @crashlyrose​ @miufel​ @itsthedoctah10​ @leftlokiofpuppy​ @devilsbbyy​ @akshi8278​ @deandreamernp​@lyarr24​ @lovealways-j​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @delightfullykrispypeach​ 
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Family Gatherings
Meet the parents.
Pairing: Kenny x reader
Warnings: small mention of something cheeky ... maybe more in part 2
Summary: you finally make the trip to meet Kenny’s family.
so i finally found the time to sit and write a little and this ended up being a lil longer than expected bit ive enjoyed writing this one, probably be a part two (possibly 3) so let me know what you think x 
hope you like it 
You were nervous, you had been since the day Kenny booked your airline ticket to Winnipeg so you could finally meet his family. You had heard all the stories about them, and they sounded lovely, but you were still, naturally nervous. Constant thoughts had flown through your head since the day you packed, what if they didn’t like you? Didn’t approve of you? you took another sip of your drink hoping the soothing flavour would relax you.
An hour later the pilot informed the plane full of weary passengers that the flight would be making its late arrival at the airport shortly, you began to gather your things up and pack them back into your designer backpack Kenny had bought you as a gift but couldn’t help thinking you’d made a mistake by bringing it, what if they thought you were showing off? Too gaudy? “breathe” you told yourself “it’ll be fine, they’ll love you” you said trying to boost your self-confidence.
“sorry mam, but would you mind stowing your bag? Were going to land soon that’s all” asked the kind stewardess who had given you that extra miniature off the drinks trolly earlier, probably due to the anxiety she saw on your face after striking up a conversation about why you’d be visiting Winnipeg in November.
“sure, sorry” you smiled back.
 Finally, After the stress of the queue at passport control, your bag coming off the plane last and trying to find your way out of the baggage hall altogether you were here. You grabbed your phone out of your bag to see a text from Kenny already, “waiting in the arrivals hall, ring me when your out” it read. You dialled his number and he picked up immediately, so quick he must have been waiting for you thought. “finally, you here yet?” he laughed.
“yeah, just got through, been a nightmare” you replied, “where you at?” you asked him.
“just at the coffee shop with my dad, well wait here for you. You’ll see it if you walk to the end”.
“okay babes see you in a sec” you replied before hanging up, instantly feeling nervous. His dad. You were going to meet his dad for the first time in an airport after hours of travel. Fantastic.
You saw Kenny straight away, those two-tone curls where recognisable anywhere. He looked relaxed and rested whilst he sat chatting to his dad unbeknown to you about how nervous he was for you to see his home and family. “what if she thinks I’m a huge loser once she’s seen I’m just a weird kid from Canada?” he asked his dad. His anxiety spiking in anticipation.
“she won’t, she sounds a great girl and clearly likes you so stop worrying.” His dad replied smiling at his son.
So deep in conversation they hadn’t seen you approach, “hey ken” you said, smiling from ear to ear at finally being reunited.
“babe, you look amazing, I missed you so much” said Kenny, words spilling out with a huge smile in his face as he looked you up and down, clearly appreciating the effort you had made. “this is my dad, (y/n)” he said stepping to the side to introduce the older gentleman who looked very much like his son.
“hi, I’m (y/n), I’m so happy to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you Kenny always talks about you” you replied any nerves melting away at how normal and nice he seemed, internally laughing at why you were so nervous in the first place.
“nice to meet you too, we’ve heard everything about you I’m so glad you managed to make it out. Big freeze on the way” he said. “let’s get home, before it’s too dark and your mother kills us for being late.” He laughed.
Kenny grabbed your bags and you both followed to the car as soon as you left the terminal you regretted your choice of coat. The leather jacket though warm was not enough to keep your heat against the cold Canadian weather “I told you to get a good coat (y/n)” said Kenny shaking his head at you.
“okay, I just thought you where exaggerating” you replied shivering.
“your so cute, its not far to walk” he said.
After realising Kenny’s definition of short walk was not the same as yours you reached the car and were incredibly grateful when his dad opened it for you so you could jump straight in. “thankyou” you told him while he cranked the heat up for you.
“no problem, its not a far drive either so well have you home and warm in a little while” he told you smiling at your lack of appreciation for the Canada winters.
 After a 40-minute drive you were at Kenny’s childhood home, it was just what you had imagined after hearing all of the stories from him about living in the suburbs as a kid. It was your classic suburban home with a lawn out front and a porch to sit on. It was actually really cute, you where excited to see inside. Kenny’s dad got out and left you two to make your way in, all of a sudden you where back to the nervous girl on the plane with the millions of questions about whether you where enough flooding your brain. All of a sudden Kenny planted his lips on yours and you snapped out of whatever you where thinking of immediately “they’re gonna love you, because I love you” he said. It was like he could read your mind and you kissed him back, you’d missed him so much in the time you’d been apart and if it wasn’t for being in his dads car outside his parents house you’d have climbed over and had him right there in the car. The moment was perfect for it … but the location was severely lacking. “we better get in the house before my mom sends my dad back out to get us” he smirked pulling away, clearly thinking the same thoughts you had been a few minutes prior.
“okay” you smiled back “lets go”.
 Once inside the house you felt relaxed all of a sudden, it felt like a home and all the stress you had had about the visit faded away. You took your coat and shoes off and followed Kenny into the kitchen where a beautiful blonde lady stood at the counter. “Tyson, and this must be (y/n). your so pretty” she said patting her son on the shoulder in an approving manor.
“thanks mom, I’m glas you two finally get to spend some time together. It’ll be nice to have the family all under one roof again.” He replied, with his mum giving you the once over.
“I’m so glad you’ve finally brought us a girl home, I thought you’d never setlle down to be honest” she said teasing her only son.
“mom” he said laughing back “I’m gonna take our stuff up, my room yeah?” he asked
“mhmm, and (y/n) across the hall” she said trying to gauge her sons reaction.
“your joking, I’m a grown man mom” said Kenny laughing trying to cover for the fact he’d been wanting to get you into bed since he’d seen you in the airport in those skin tight pants he loved so much.
“Its fine” you interjected not wanting to upset Kenny’s mum and to stop a fight over a room before you’d even settled in. “its fine, I totally respect that. We respect that don’t we ken” you said looking at him with pleading eyes to drop it.
“fine, its fine” he said turning to walk upstairs leaving His mum feeling guilty, though she would never admit it. Honestly she had no problem with the two of you sharing a room but who wants to hear the inevitable through thin walls on the first weekend of meeting your sons possible future wife.
“thankyou” she mouthed quietly to you smiling at how gracious and kind you had been at trying to avoid an awkward situation on your first meeting. You smiled back and followed Kenny upstairs to your room for the next few days. It was a gorgeous guest room, you dropped your bags off and crossed the hall to see Kenny in his childhood room. It was painted blue and like you expected there where wrestling and hockey pictures and posters all over the walls. “cute,” you said smiling at him
“its changed a little but not much” he said smiling back “my mom painted but put all my pictures back up” he laughed.
“that’s sweet, she probably wanted it to be the same for when you got back” you said.
“not that I ever got the chance much” Kenny sadly replied.
“she understood why though” you mentioned reassuringly with your arm on his back.
“you know, I never thought id get a hot girl in my room” he said laughing
“you still wont” you said getting up to go downstairs “come on lets go hang out” you laughed Kenny following reluctantly.
 you spent the rest of the evening chilling out in the kitchen, drinking wine with his mum while him and his dad watched sports on tv. “I’m glad I got to meet you” his mum said to you smiling
“me too, I’m so glad to finally meet everyone and happy for Kenny to spend some family time at home, he’s always on the road I’ve told him he needs to make more of an effort” his mum appreciating your words.
“yeah but he’s busy doing what he loves, I would never tear him away from that” she said laughing at him and his dad.
A few hours later it was time to head to bed, his mum and dad had called it a night a few hours earlier but you and Kenny had stayed up to chill and watch a little tv together. “I’m heading up babe” you said pecking him on the cheek
“okay babe me too then” he said getting up to turn everything off  before following you upstairs
You waited for him at the top of the stairs, pulling him into a hug “guess ill see you in the morning” you teased
“unless you wanna sneak over in a little bit” he teased
“Kenny … no, I don’t want to disrespect your mom” you said back shrugging.
“okay okay, can I at least get a hand job in the bathroom” he laughed  
“goodnight Kenny” you said turning to walk away.
After completing your evening routine you settled down for the night, it was hard to drift off knowing your man was just over the hall, who you had been dying to touch since before the last time you had said goodbye all those weeks ago. Eventually your eyes began to feel heavy and just as you where settling in for the night your phone began to buzz, straight away you knew who it was. – im lonely- it read, you rolled your eyes, it was gonna be along night.
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loving-daisy · 3 years
Cry For Me | George Weasley x Reader
Masterlist | Cry For Me Masterlist 
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Chapter 7 - Make Your Rain Fall 
Words: 6.8k
Warnings: none
As if I don’t know anything, I will stay by your side then at the end, break your heart 
Hours passed after supper at the Great Hall, Y/N Icestone alongside her best friend, Daphne, was seated at the leather couch in front of the fireplace inside the Slytherin Common Room. The common room was colder than usual, thus the reason for getting close to the fire. Y/N had her head leaned on the raven-haired girl’s shoulder who was reading gossip from a certain wizard magazine. A white fleece blanket was wrapped around her body as she stared at the window glass that separated the room from the species in the Black Lake. 
Despite all the hints the Slytherin gave to her Gryffindor, it seems like not a single one was taken. He’s more stupid that I thought, Y/N contemplated. 
Daphne scoffed, closing the magazine before looking down at her best friend. “Can you believe this rubbish? This quidditch star just dumped his girlfriend because he became famous. Turns out, he didn’t need the money anymore, seeing that he has landed a good paying job. What a git.” She muttered, shaking her head from left to right. 
“Parallel situations going on in here, don’t you think?” said Pansy Parkinson, a 4th year Slytherin who was also in Draco’s year, said, absentmindedly revealing that she was eavesdropping and that she knew about the Icestone-Weasley relationship going on. 
Y/N rolled her eyes on the comment, deciding to still remain quiet and let Daphne handle the young Slytherin. “Didn’t your father ever tell you that it’s rude to butt into a conversation?” Daphne sneered, obviously irritated. 
Pansy just gave a small shrug before proceeding on replying “I mean, it’s kind of obvious isn’t it? Weasley is poor, Icestone is not.” 
This caused Icestone to snap out of Daphne’s shoulder and face the girl. “What the hell did you just say?” She said in a threatening voice, a scowl in her features being displayed. Once again, Pansy gave another shrug, this time, a smug one. “Just stating the obvious. I mean, a fact is a fact right?” 
“The fact that you put your nose in somebody else’s business speaks a lot about you.” Daphne commented. “Well...I guess you can say the same to most of the people here in Hogwarts.” replied Pansy. 
Y/N stood up from the couch she was sitting on, brushing her uniform before blankly looking at Daphne. “Come, Daph. I don’t want to be out here any longer.” She called before briefly walking towards their shared dorm room.
Y/N sat in front of her big vanity mirror, brushing her lustrous hair after she washed up and changed into her satin nightgown. 
There was one thing her eyes were focused on, and no, it wasn’t her hair nor her appearance. It was on the single diamond that was seated simply yet classically on her chest, the Icestone jewel. 
She abruptly stopped with her actions, narrowing her eyes on the glowing stone before turning around to her best friend who just came out of the bathroom. 
“Daphne.” She called. 
“Yes?” the raven-haired girl answered, stopping in front of Y/N as she dried her hair. 
Icestone only gave the girl a smirk, hundreds and millions of thoughts running wild inside her mind. Daphne stopped in her tracks and placed both her hands on her hips, an eyebrow raised towards Y/N. “You have a plan, don’t you?” She suggested. 
Y/N’s smirked converted into a mischievous smile. She turned her back towards Daphne, facing the vanity mirror again as she grabbed on her night cream. “Oh you must be mad if you think that I’m just gonna let go of it easily. I won’t. And that’s that.” She hinted, making the raven-haired girl get closer to stand behind her. 
Through the reflection of the mirror, Y/N saw the confused yet excited look on her best friend’s face. “I’m not exactly sure what you mean by that...” Daphne trailed off as she placed a hand on Icestone’s shoulder.  
Y/N placed a hand on top of Daphne’s. “You must know me, Daphne. I always finish what I started.” She proclaimed, dropping her hand to her lap. “I’m gonna continue.” She stated. 
“Continue...what exactly?” Daphne questioned, slightly still confused yet a glint of sparkle was in her eyes. “You’re going to continue what I’m currently thinking of right now, aren’t you?” She tried to confirm. 
The seated girl merely nodded, her grin bigger than ever. “I’m gonna continue what I started last year. My plan. Didn’t I tell you before?” 
Excitedly, Daphne nodded before pulling the seated girl to a big embrace from behind, jumping up and down from joy. “Finally! Weasley’s gonna get so-” 
“Y/N?” A small voice interrupted, the figure flying past Daphne and landing on top of the vanity. “Yes? What is it, Mira?”
Looking closer at the small winged-fairy, Mira had an uncomfortable look on her face, unsure whether to deliver the news to Y/N. She hummed, getting down on her knees as she sat on her heels and placed her small hands above her thighs. “Tell me, Mira.” Y/N encouraged, a concerned look enveloping her face. 
“Outside...uhm...someone’s looking for you.” Mira manages to blurt out, nervous of her action’s outcome. Y/N gave a nod, still waiting for her fairy to give her more details about the outsider. After a few seconds of waiting, she asked. “Who is it?”
“George Weasley.” Mira muttered, earning a small gasp from Daphne who was now seated on the small powder-blue couch situated inside their shared dorm room, flipping through the letters both of them received. 
“Are you going to meet him?!” The raven-haired girl asked, dropping the letters on the tea table. Calmly, Icestone gave her a nod, her lips turning up to give a small smile. With a flick of her wand, black sweatpants and a matching black jacket was placed on top of her baby pink nightgown. 
“Yes, of course. How will I go with the plan if I don’t execute it? A plan can’t always be a plan, Daphne. You have to take action. I guess mine goes back on track right at this moment. See you later.” 
Y/N managed to spot the ginger a few walks away from the common room, effortlessly hiding behind a small statue. Though her heart was beating like it wanted to come out, she managed to walk towards her boyfriend in a calm, quick yet quiet way. 
“George?” She quietly called out as she tapped the tall boy’s shoulder. When he turned to face her, he gave her a wide smile causing Y/N’s heart to beat even faster. If that was possible. 
Trying not to break her façade, she crossed her arms above her chest as she raised a brow towards the Gryffindor. “What are you doing here?” She questioned, the tone of her voice showing how she was unamused. 
“Well, I got hungry so I snuck into the kitchens to steal some cookies.” George confessed, scratching the back of his neck. 
Before Y/N was able to nag, the ginger quickly added “I figured you would have wanted some. I am aware of your love for chocolate afterall and it turns out, the cookies were chocolate chips!” He exclaimed, showing the bag of cookies that was hidden inside his robe pockets. 
Icestone felt like melting on the spot. 
Forcefully grabbing the pack inside the ginger’s robes, Y/N joined George in ducking behind the small statue as she impatiently opened the bag and grabbed a bite. 
“Woah- Woah! Calm down, Y/N! What if these cookies were products of Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes? Merlin! You really trust me like that, don’t you?” George teased, concerned yet relaxed for the Slytherin’s behavior. Only, it lasted for a few seconds as the girl froze in front of him, her eyes focused on the cookie that she was clutching with her hand. 
Her eyes immediately found the boy’s, in which she gave her stone cold glare. “George!” She complained, huffing as she shoved the ginger’s shoulder. 
“What?” George asked, a concerned look all around his features. “Is something wrong? I was only joking about these being our product! These aren’t it, I swear to Godric! Are you-”
“These are raisins!” The girl cried, giving another shove. George replied with a sheepish smile. 
One thing for sure was that even if the ginger failed to distinguish raisins from chocolate chips, the Slytherin still finished everything that was in the bag. And in the course of forcing the sweets down her throat, she had one thing, 2 meanings, on her mind: This is going to be harder than I thought.
“Aisu ston!” A deep voice called out, causing Y/N Icestone to stop in her tracks to find the owner. She knew who it was from and she was happy that they remained friends even if they barely saw each other. 
“Krum.” She greeted him with a charming smile. The Bulgarian gave a small smile, eyes traveling their surroundings before giving his full attention towards the girl in front of him. He clasped his hands together behind his back before slightly bending down to be in level with the Slytherin. “Or you bizzy?” He asked with a quiet tone. 
Y/N raised a brow due to Krum’s peculiar behavior. She could see how the boy was nervous and uneasy and it wasn’t like him at all. At least that’s what she knows over the course of years that she has known him. “Busy? Not at all. I was just headed to the dungeons to take a nap. Why?”
The Bulgarian gave another small smile, eyes darting around their surroundings before continuing to seek his intentions towards the Slytherin. “So...yor fwend…” He trailed off, unsure how to ask. 
“Daphne?” Y/N suggested. Krum shook his head in response. “No, not Dap knee. Da won ol waze in da lie burary.”
Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion, thinking hard on who in her circle of friends like to spend their time in the library. All she could think about was Theodore Nott, a Slytherin who was in the same year as Draco, someone that she knew because of the pureblood gatherings her parents attend. But they weren’t really friends and she didn’t think that he was the one Viktor was pertaining to either. “I don’t think I have friends who are always in the library…”
“But you do! I zaw you wit her in da hall...za won reading book.”
The Slytherin smirked, her mind visualizing the only witch she knew who would have carried a book with her always. “Curly hair?” 
Viktor thought for a while, visualizing the girl from his memories before nodding. “Yes.”
“Hmm…” Granger. “I guess you can say that we’re...acquaintances. Why?” The girl inquired, a teasing look on her face causing the boy to flush pink on the cheeks. 
“Wot iz er name?” He asked. 
Y/N displayed a wide smile on her face, happy for Viktor to finally get interested in a girl. When they were young, he would always suggest that romance is cheesy and that he never sees himself being in love with anyone at all. I guess the tables have turned. “Hermione Granger. She’s from Gryffindor.” Replied Y/N. 
The Bulgarian nodded, trying to pronounce the Gryffindor’s name in his head a couple of times to remember. “Thanks.” He muttered, offering a small smile.
Y/N crossed her arms, raising a brow towards Viktor to give him a small interrogation. “Why are you asking?” 
The boy shrugged in response. “Nothing.” He denied but the pink on his cheeks gave his denial off. 
“You think she’s pretty, do you?” The girl suggested, poking the boy in his sides to tease him. Krum coughed in response before displaying a fond smile. “Beautiful.” He admitted, his eyes lighting up as he said so. 
George Weasley, who was hiding at the next corner of the hallway, scoffed before walking away.
The next morning, as Y/N headed to the Great Hall for the day’s first feast, the second she stepped foot up above the Slytherin dungeons, she felt a pair of hands drag her arm to a secluded corner. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She demanded, huffing. The girl pulled herself away from the man, annoyed as she attempted to straighten her Slytherin robes to look put together like she usually is. When she looked up to spit some spiteful words towards the man, it was as if her tongue held itself back after her eyes landed on a familiar tall ginger. 
Like the Slytherin, George Weasley wasn’t so friendly at this moment. He had a scowl on his face, clearly bothered by something Y/N is yet to know. 
The Gryffindor crossed his arms. “Care to tell me how you know Krum?” He asked calmly, the tone of his voice being in contrast to the annoyed look that he had on his face. 
Immediately, something clicked in the girl’s mind that made her display a smirk, mirroring the boy’s crossed arms. “He’s a family friend.” She admitted. “Now, if you would excuse me, I don’t really want to deal with your foul behavior so early in the morning. I should head to breakfast.” She said, escaping the boy’s blocking figure to continue her route towards the Great hall. 
The boy groaned, following the girl by walking side by side. “How?” He inquired, still greatly annoyed. 
Y/N gave another shrug. “I don’t know. I don’t remember. My father has a lot of friends.” 
In response, George groaned, not getting the answer he expected. “Okay.” He muttered. 
Silence fell in their atmosphere as they walked. And it was awkward because George was never this quiet when he was with Y/N. Y/N also wanted to push further, seeing that the annoyed look on the boy’s face as well as his inquiry about the Bulgarian Quidditch player gave the information of how he saw their encounter and got jealous of the boy. “What’s wrong?” She questioned, her tone soft. 
The boy huffed in response. “I just think that he doesn’t see you as a friend.”
“Me?” The girl seeked clarification, the boy answering with a single nod. Y/N let out a laugh. “Why do you think so?” She asked. 
Again, George huffed as a response, the laugh Y/N let out provoking his annoyance even further. “Don’t be daft. I saw you flirting with him in the hallways yesterday. Rather, he was flirting with YOU!” He accused. “Calling you beautiful and stuff…” He muttered, his eyes landing on the floor to avoid the piercing eyes of the girl. 
The Slytherin let out another amused laugh. “Friends can’t compliment each other?” 
“I think he intended on something more than just a compliment.” The Gryffindor pointed out.
“If I didn’t know better, but I do, I do know better, I wouldn’t think that you’re jealous over Viktor Krum.” She suggested, trying to get the boy to admit his true feelings. 
George let out a scoff. “Me? Jealous? As if! He might be a professional Quidditch player but I’m the best beater around this era of the Gryffindor team! Scratch that, I’m the best beater in Hogwarts today. So no, I am not at all jealous of Viktor Krum.” 
The Slytherin faked a cough in disbelief. “But it seemed like that to me.”
“Not everything you see is true.” George pointed out.
“Exactly, George. Not everything is what it seems! He wasn’t complimenting me, he was complimenting your friend.” Y/N informed. George, still not taking any of it, continued to rage. “And who is this ‘friend’? You?”
Y/N leaned closer to the tall ginger to whisper. “No. Granger.” 
“Granger?!” He clarified, shock written all over his face. Y/N nodded in response. “Yeah.”
“You’re kidding.” The Gryffindor accused, still not believing the Slytherin. The girl raised a brow in annoyance. “Do I look like I am?” 
The shocked look on the boy’s face was replaced with amusement. “Merlin! Ron is gonna flip!” He howled, now smiling from ear to ear after he got closure that the Bulgarian didn’t fancy his girlfriend. Also because of the fact that things just got interesting for his younger brother but that’s another story. 
“What do you mean?” The Slytherin asked, confused. 
George let out a giggle. “Git is too scared to admit his feelings for the girl and now he’s gonna compete with bloody Viktor Krum.” 
“Woah.” Y/N managed to react as her mind was flying elsewhere after they turned to the hall where the doors of the Great hall is placed. Her eyes travelled to find her raven-haired best friend, who was waiting outside with crossed arms. “Things just got so interesting.” She muttered.
This time, it was the Gryffindor's turn to get confused. “What do you mean?” 
The girl shrugged in response. “Nothing. You know, just the love triangle.” She said nonchalantly. “Gotta go. See you later!” She announced, walking faster. 
“No kiss?” In response, Y/N sent him a small flying kiss before turning away and secretly making a face towards Daphne, who was now sneering. 
George groaned. “I was expecting something more than that.” He muttered. 
Later that day, as Y/N headed back to the dungeons to fetch her extra ink bottle, she was bothered once again by a certain ginger.
“Psst! Icestone!” He whispered-yelled. Y/N stopped in her tracks to turn to look towards the voice that called her, raising a questioning brow before crossing her arms above her chest. “Care to tell me why you’re down here in the dungeons?” 
“It’s George.” Fred said, a feigned worried look plastered all over her face. Y/N mirrored his facial expression, although faux like Fred’s, seeing that the boy was lying to her. “What about him?” She inquired. 
A smirk spread all over the ginger’s face. “You see, that I can’t tell.” He teased, causing Y/N to display an annoyed look. “Why start a conversation about him then?” 
“You are too stubborn for your own good.” Fred pointed out. “But-“
Before Y/N was able to spite, she got interrupted by Fred. “As I was saying, before I got rudely interrupted by a certain someone-“ 
This time, it was Fred who got interrupted. “Rudely interrupted? Me?” Y/N asked, pointing to herself as she gave a displeased look towards the boy. 
“George wanted me to give you this.” Said the ginger, ignoring Y/N’s glare. 
Y/N took the small rolled parchment, examining it. “What’s this?” She asked, earning a groan. 
“Quite obvious, isn’t it?” Fred pointed out. 
The Slytherin sneered. “Geez I didn’t know you worked part-time as an owl Freddie. Where’s your wings though?” She teased. 
The boy scoffed. “Owl? Me? If I were to be compared to a thing with wings, it definitely wouldn’t be an owl. You see, I’m an angel-“ 
“Angel?!” The girl said, unamused. “Well, you don’t look like one.” 
“Why? Do I have to be naked to look like one?” Fred suggested, raising a brow. “Oh, Icestone. I don’t think my brother would be pleased to know that-“ 
Y/N scoffed in response, holding her hand out, motioning for the boy to stop. “Oh please. You’d probably look like hell.” 
“Because I’m hot?”
“Because you look like a dump.” She teased before finally entering the dungeons and making her way towards her space. As she entered her room, she immediately laid with her stomach on her soft mattress to take the red ribbon off and open the piece of parchment. 
I love you. - G.W
The Icestone scoffed, failing to hide the grin forming in her face. “That’s it?” She muttered in disbelief, shaking her head from left to right. 
“That’s what?” 
Startled by the voice, Y/N looked up to see Daphne. She shook her head in response. “Nothing. I didn’t notice you came in.” 
The dark haired girl displayed a smirk. “Probably because you were too busy ogling over that note you got there. It’s probably from Weasley, isn’t it?” 
Y/N nodded as a response, sitting up to properly face the girl. “Correct.” 
“Huh” Daphne let out, shaking her head afterwards before pointing her finger towards the hand that held the note. “Whatever that is, don’t you think that...you don’t have to wait any longer to conclude your plan?” She suggested. 
“Why not?” Icestone asked. 
Daphne shrugged, making her way towards their shared vanity mirror to fix her hair. “I mean, he’s practically in love with you! Everyone in the school knows that! You even told me that he said it multiple times now. Breaking his heart now wouldn’t make much difference if you break his heart tomorrow.” 
“Oh but Daphne...that’s the thing. It makes much more difference because it's going to make it linger. That way, he won’t get up easily. He won’t forget what he did to me.” Y/N explained, her reply causing Daphne to turn towards her with a serious expression. 
“You’re lying.” Daphne pointed out. Y/N shot an offended look. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“I’m not stupid. I know you. I know you’re fueled with hatred, thus, the reason for your revenge plan going on but...you don’t want to end it now because you love him, don’t you?” 
The Icestone heir scoffed, looking away. “I don’t love him-”
Daphne waved a hand, not believing any of her best friend’s excuses. “I guess you…” She trailed off. “I guess you want to have this thing going on for a while before...hmm.” The raven-haired girl suggested, stopping midway to not bring up the topic Y/N was pushing away for quite a while now.  
Y/N sighed, her shoulders slumping before fully laying on her bed to face the ceiling. “Daphne, once again, you are right.” She admitted. “I just...wanna feel loved you know? I mean, for once in my life I want to experience what it feels like to be loved and to be in love with someone that overlooks...well, all of me. I don’t think I’ll experience this feeling after I finish my time in Hogwarts.” 
Daphne laid beside the Icestone heir, mirroring her position. ”I get what you’re trying to say but don’t you think it will be less painful for you if you end this now? I mean, I’m sure this ‘linger’ thing that you’re trying to imply won’t only affect the Gryff. It will linger for you too.” 
Y/N sneaked herself out of the Slytherin common room after finding out from her fairy, Mira, that a certain Weasley twin was waiting for her outside. The happenings felt like Deja vu. Only this time, she had a different feeling. She was troubled. 
“Cookie?” George offered, showcasing the bag of cookies he got from the Kitchens. Y/N groaned, crossing her arms over her chest. “I swear in Salazar’s name that if your cookies are raisins, I’m gonna feed you to the species outside the Slytherin common room.” She threatened, grabbing the bag. 
The Gryffindor shivered. “Isn’t the Slytherin common room under the black lake? What if the giant squid eats me?!” 
The girl merely shrugged, not paying attention to the boy as she struggled to open the bag. As she reached into her pocket to grab her wand, to no avail, she remembered not grabbing it from her nightstand before going out to meet George. So, she looked up at him, handing him the bag. “Can you open this?” 
George grinned, picking it up from her hands to open it before placing it back on the girl’s hands. “I promise, I double-triple checked it this time! Those are chocolate chips, not raisins!” He reasoned, now unsure of his analysis. 
In response, the Slytherin raised a brow, grabbing a piece of cookie from the bag to place it in her mouth. The second the flavor spread, she displayed a furrowed brow, glaring at the Gryffindor. 
George let out a nervous laugh. “Well, I got you your cookies so I think I’m gonna go-” 
“I’m just kidding! It is a chocolate chip. Thank you, Georgie!” Y/N beamed, grabbing another sweet. In response, the boy smiled from ear to ear, both his hands placing itself on the girl’s cheeks to pinch it. 
“Hey! Get your hands off me, please. I am eating.” The girl complained, swatting the boy’s hands away. George let out a small laugh, fondly looking at his Slytherin. 
The playful atmosphere suddenly became serious after Y/N pierced her cold-but-warm-like eyes towards the boy’s. “I hope I never found out that you’re someone else, George. Because I love you, just as you are.” She admitted. 
The heart of the ginger leaped out in joy. “You do?”
Y/N gave him a nod. “I do.” 
Saturday evening, the Icestone heir was found at the leather couch in front of the fireplace in the Slytherin dungeons. 
“Y/N.” A familiar voice softly called. 
“Draco.” Y/N acknowledged, briefly glancing up to look at the 4th year. 
“May I?” The boy asked, his eyes landing on the vacant spot beside the Icestone. The girl simply nodded in response before turning her attention back to the transfiguration homework in front of her. The boy awkwardly sat at the leather couch, hands clasped together on his lap as he turned his attention towards the girl who barely acknowledged his presence. 
After a few minutes of silence, Draco awkwardly coughed, earning the attention of the Icestone, who raised a brow in anticipation. The blonde Slytherin ran his fingers through his hair, thoughts running everywhere in his head. Something was off with the Malfoy heir today. First he kindly approaches Y/N Icestone in the common room then asks to sit with her and now he goes and initiates a conversation to which he doesn’t seem like his usual confident and cheeky self.   
“Look, about last summer…” He trailed off, grey eyes piercing Y/N’s. 
Icestone closed her eyes for a few seconds before letting out a frustrated sigh. “Save it, Draco. I don’t really want to talk about it.” She muttered before shaking her head to shake off her thoughts. 
“Are you...still with Weasley?” The blonde boy carefully asked. 
Y/N’s face contorted into a sneer before finally closing her transfiguration book to fully turn her attention towards the Slytherin boy. “What’s it to you, anyways? We still have a couple of years.” She stated, slightly getting annoyed as she has to go through this conversation once again. That is, with a different person this time. Not to mention the Malfoy heir. 
“I get it but are you aware?” He asked. 
The sneer on the Icestone’s face was replaced by a look of confusion. “Aware of what?” She inquired. 
“What he’s been doing to you.” Draco replied, his reply causing the girl to scoff and cross her arms. “Don’t tell me you know about that too.” She muttered, the thoughts she shook off earlier coming back now. 
“I do. I heard them once.” Draco informed. “I’m sorry.” 
What? Icestone looked at Malfoy with disbelief. Why is he suddenly acting so nice towards me? “Why are you acting weird?” She asked, half joking, half serious. 
“I’m not acting weird.” Draco denied. “I just care for you.” He reasoned. 
“All of a sudden?” Y/N seeked, still not convinced. 
Draco gave a small nod, making eye contact with the girl to show that he was being sincere. “I’ve always cared about you. I knew longer than you think. That was why…” He paused for a moment to carefully think of his words. “That was why I kept on bothering you.” 
“Oh...I didn’t notice. I thought that you just had fun annoying other people with your arrogant presence.” The girl teased, bumping her shoulder to the boy’s to lighten up the mood. Draco’s face contorted into a small sneer. 
“But why?” Y/N asked. “Why not do something about it?” 
“I don’t think I have a choice, do I?” He answered. Y/N hummed in response, nodding in agreement.  
Malfoy broke the brief silence. “I guess...we should work it out as early as now, don’t you think? I’m kinda tired of always quarrelling with you.” 
Y/N beamed in surprise, her eyes shrinking due to her lips curling. “Woah...who are you and what in Merlin's name did you do to Draco Malfoy?” She further teased, poking the arms of the blonde boy before bursting into laughter. Draco laughed with her. 
The other Slytherins in the common room were surprised to hear Draco Malfoy laugh genuinely. It wasn’t like the evil annoying laugh that they heard when he went on to tease Harry Potter. What made them even more surprised was to see Y/N Icestone and Draco Malfoy finally getting along. Took them long enough. 
But then again, a few of them, or rather those who were in Draco and Y/N’s circle of friends like the Greengrass sisters, Zabini, Parkinson, and Crabbe and Goyle, knew the reason why. At least they’d both be on good terms before Draco finishes school. Blaise, seated at one of the couches with Pansy, thought. 
“So...friends?” Draco offered his hand in front of Y/N, his grey eyes hopeful. The girl’s soft hand met his, shaking it. Y/N nodded with a small friendly smile plastered around her face. “Friends.”
“How long did you know? About Weasley.” The boy inquired, curious as to why Y/N wasn’t doing anything about it when she could’ve hexed him or given the ginger a piece of her mind like she usually does when someone crosses her. 
“Last year, a few days after Gryffindor beat your ass in the quidditch finals.” She replied with another teasing directed towards the blonde. “Hey!” 
Icestone laughed at the boy’s offended look. “I mean, it’s not my fault you failed to catch the snitch right before Potter.” She added, once again poking Draco’s shoulders to tease him. 
After she calmed down, her face displayed a small smile. Innocent but mischievous. “Hey, but don’t worry. I have a plan and I think you’ll love it.” Y/N announced with confidence.   
Draco mirrored the look on her face. Well, not innocent but still, it was a mischievous look. “Well, in case you need any help. You know who to owl. Afterall, I am Draco Malfoy.” 
“Oh please. Your name is just as powerful as mine.” 
Upon hearing the sound of light footsteps that belonged to a certain Slytherin, George stood up from the space that he was seated on, greeting his girlfriend with a wide grin as he held his arms open for a hug. “Y/N. You’re here.” 
The Slytherin landed inside the Gryffindor's warm embrace, her cheeks planted on top of the ginger’s chest, where his heart was placed. “Well, you did tell me to meet you here.” Y/N said.
George nodded, looking down to face the girl. “Correct.” He muttered before breaking away their interconnected bodies to properly face her. Y/N had a blank expression plastered around her face but she was waiting in anticipation on what the Gryffindor would do next. Normally, there would be a picnic blanket under a basket of snacks on their usual spot where the stars are perfectly seen but the girl noticed that neither was present. There was no picnic blanket, no basket of snacks, and no stars. The sky was filled with grey clouds as if rain would be pouring soon. 
Additionally, George looked more serious than he usually was. Something was up and Y/N had mixed feelings about it. 
After a few more seconds of silence, the girl decided to speak. “Well...why?” She asked, doe-like eyes looking at the boy’s warm ones. But even the familiar warmth in the boy’s eyes was not in attendance. It was cloudy too. Clouded with trouble. 
George sighed. “Because I have a confession to make.” He admitted. 
The Icestone heir absentmindedly raised a brow because of the statement. She crossed her arms above her chest, resting her weight on one foot as she waited for the boy to continue. Her anticipation got stronger and stronger as time passed by. 
George let out another sigh. “I love you.” He unsurely uttered, resulting in Y/N replying with a snort. “You told me that a thousand of times already-”
“But I lied.” The Gryffindor butted in. 
The statement caused the Slytherin to stop in her tracks, her heart dropping to her stomach as nervousness consumed her. “What?” She inquired, now feeling very insecure and vulnerable. 
“I said ‘I love you’ but I lied.” The ginger admitted. “I don’t love you. In fact, I don’t even like you.” He announced, nose scrunching up with a face of disgust as he examined the girl from her head to her toes. In response, the girl pushed the boy’s shoulders as hard as she could, backing away from his tall presence. 
Y/N Icestone felt foreign and she didn’t like any of it. This was the first time that something like this ever happened to her because not once did she ever expect that some day in her life, the reason for her hurt would be from a Gryffindor boy. 
“What are you saying?!” She demanded. She was furious, enraged, and heart broken. She thought that George loved her. She thought her plan was fool-proof. She thought she implemented her plan really well. How can George Weasley not fall in love with her, Y/N Icestone? 
The ginger’s face contorted into a mischievous smirk, crossing his arms over his chest. “Fred? If you will.” 
Suddenly, the other half of the Weasley twins came into the light, standing side by side with his brother as he mirrored his crossed arms position. The girl felt even more furious. She was being humiliated in front of two Gryffindors! Not only are they Gryffindors, but they’re the Weasley twins! News would spread so fast. What would people think of her now? 
“What is he doing in here?!” She bellowed, both her fists clenching in anger. 
The older twin scoffed before displaying a sneer. “You see, Icestone. You just got pranked.” He informed. 
Tears started to gather in Y/N Icestone’s eyes. If it was possible, her heart sank deeper. She was feeling a lot of emotions and not one was a great feeling to experience. One thing for sure, right now, she was facing one of her greatest fears. Losing, failing, and disappointing herself. 
“What?” She asked in disbelief, her voice hoarse from trying to keep the tears falling. 
“You got pranked!” Fred happily howled before displaying a fake frown on his face. “You’re not deaf, aren’t you?” 
The girl shocked her head, backing further away until her back hit one of the walls in the Astronomy tower. Her right hand reached the diamond that she wore around her neck, fidgeting with it to calm herself down. She avoided the twin’s eyes, blinking once, twice, thrice, four times, five times, to evaporate the tears away. She was struggling to accept the events that had been unfolding in front of her. “I don’t get what you’re-” 
Y/N was cut off by Fred and George’s maniac laugh. “For an Icestone, you’re pretty stupid for your own good.” Fred pointed out. George nodded in agreement before giving the same examining look of disgust towards the Slytherin. “Shame. You do have a pretty face though.” He said.
Outside the Astronomy tower, thunder started growling. This can’t be happening. Y/N thought to herself. She still couldn’t believe that her initial plan to get George Weasley fall in love with her backfired and now she was the one heartbroken. But George. He told me he loved me. He showed me he loved me. How was that all just a lie? 
With all the courage the Slytherin has left, she gathered her strength to pierce her eyes towards the taller ginger’s. “George-” She called out before getting cut-off once again.  
“G-George-” The younger ginger mocked, laughing with his brother. “Can you believe this Fred? We really got the Y/N Icestone wrapped around my finger.” 
George walked closer towards Y/N, the girl feeling smaller and smaller as the boy got closer and closer. The ginger stopped in front of her, looking down at her with fake sympathy. “Honestly, Icestone. Who could love you? You’re nothing but a girl walking around this school like you built this bloody castle all by yourself. You’re not like the queen that you think you are, Y/N Icestone. You’re the ice queen and nobody even likes you! Also, let’s be honest. If you didn’t carry your Icestone name, you’d be a nobody.” 
Rain started pouring hard. “The only people who you can expect to love you are your parents! Oh wait, do they even pay attention to you? I heard pureblood fools like your parents go off and marry their daughters to some other pureblood bloke to get you off their hair!” Fred mocked, the twins cracking another manic laugh. 
“How dare you! I thought- I thought you were different!” The girl cried out. Hot tears freeing themselves, free falling down the apples of her cheeks like the rain falling as the storm commences.
“Y/N? Y/N!” Daphne, who had a worried look on her face, looked down at the girl as she laid on her bed, tears all over her face. The Icestone heir sat up, shock spreading all over her body as she realized that none of the events were true and that all was just a bad dream. A very bad dream.
The back of Daphne’s hand found its way to Y/N’s forehead, checking her temperature. When her diagnosis told her that the girl wasn’t sick, she sat beside Y/N before wiping the fallen tears of her best friend using her thumbs. “Are you okay? I heard you screaming.” Daphne asked, her eyes glossy as it is still full of sleep.  
“It was a dream…” Y/N muttered to herself, shaking her head before running her hands through her disheveled hair. The raven-haired girl merely nodded, grabbing to hold Y/N’s hand. “A bad one, it seems. Do you want to talk about it?” 
Y/N shook her head in response. “Maybe tomorrow. Sorry for the disturbance. You can go back to sleep, Daph. I promise, I’m okay.” She convinced both herself and her best friend. Daphne gave her a hug before heading back to her own bed, sleep immediately consuming her back. 
“You’re getting a taste of your own medicine, Weasley. I’m gonna make your rain fall.” Y/N thought to herself.
Monday evening came and a certain ginger was found moping as if he was a toddler whose privilege of eating candy was taken away. George didn’t see his Slytherin the whole day. They didn’t share classes so the chances of seeing her was slim but the fact that he didn’t see her in the Great hall for breakfast, lunch, nor dinner was worrying him to the point that he attempted to visit the Slytherin dungeons. If it weren’t for the Potions master talking to Gryffindor’s head of the house, he would have been able to sneak himself around that area. But he had no luck.  
Midnight almost came and he waited at the astronomy tower for hours, expecting the girl to show up to make it up to him. But then again, he had no luck. There was no sign of Y/N Icestone anywhere. He tried to count the stars, count his freckles, count the trees of the forbidden forest, and count whatever he could count just to make time pass as he continued to wait for Y/N. However, he gave up when he saw that the sky was getting clearer and clearer as the sun was about to rise.
When sleep-deprived George came back to the Gryffindor tower to get ready for the day’s breakfast, he noticed a deep red withered rose sitting on top of his bed. If it weren’t for the familiar black envelope with silver writings, he would’ve thought that someone was threatening him. But no, he knew it was from the girl he was dying to see all day. Everyday.
She must have sent it last night to give notice that she wouldn’t meet me at the tower. Too bad that the rose is withered already. He thought. 
With anticipation, George examined the withered rose, frowning for letting it wither before putting it down to grab the black envelope. Slowly and carefully, he opened the expensive paper, reading the note.  
Roses are red, violets are blue; 
When I said I loved you, none of it was true. 
Guess what, player? You have been played, too. 
A second after George read the little poem written, he felt the familiar sticky white cream thrown all over his face. 
End of Chapter 7
Author’s note: I’m back! I apologize for being M.I.A. I got caught up with life but I’m back now! 
Taglist: @abrunettefangirlnerd @gloryekaterina  @lilypad-55449  @memekingofwwiii @leovaldez37 @bellaiscool @sukunas-cult-leader
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afeb · 4 years
Sebastian Stan - Sinful Things
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Move to Pollark they said, it’s a great little town they said. Well that was a load of shit. It was hot, sweaty and uncomfortable and I was beyond miserable. I was used to cold, rainy London where people didn’t talk to each other and the biggest drama was whether I was going to miss the tube or not. Driving here was a nightmare too.
It was Sunday, just having gone midday when my care began to splutter along the old road just outside town.
“Don’t do this...” I warned as the car jerked before completely dying. I managed to steer it to the side of the road before I got out. “Piece is shit...” I muttered as I opened the bonnet and peered inside.
A truck reving in the distance caught my attention, but I quickly looked back down at the problem at hand. I ignored as the truck pulled up behind me, I ignored the handsome man walking towards me and I definitely ignored his muscles.
“Everything okay, darlin?” His voice was silky smooth and deeper than the ocean.
“Yep, thanks.” I shortly said before hitting a part of the engine that looked out of place.
He chuckled before scratching his head. “Really? Cos you don’t look too good.”
“Honestly...” I fiddled with the oil cap. “I’m doing just fine.”
“Okay...well...I’ll be on my way then.” He quipped before walking back to his truck. He drove past, slowing down as he drove away. “And it’s probably your radiator that’s died.” Was the last thing he uttered before driving away.
I rolled my eyes and set to work.
Hours. I’ve been here bloody hours. The car wasn’t budging, I’d even tried pushing it. My phone had no signal and about half an hour ago ran out of battery completely. Other than walking in a random direction in hopes of finding somewhere, I was stuck. Laying on the roof of my car I stared up at the sky hoping someone would drive past.
My ears perked, a car. Yes, a car! I scrambled off the roof and waved my arms to catch the drivers attention. The same truck from hours ago.
“You gotta be kidding me.” I groaned as the car came to a stop and the same man climbed out, only a smug smirk was plastered on his face.
“Well well well, who do we have here?” He quipped.
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah yeah, can you help me?”
He chuckled and nodded. “What with?”
“Can you drive me back to my place? Or give me your phone to call a tow?” I asked.
“No can do.” He leant against my car.
“Excuse me?”
“Well, I only have enough gas to get back to my place, about ten minutes from here, and I don’t have a phone.” He answered back.
“You don’t have a phone?” I crossed my arms.
“No ma’am,” he sighed. “I’m an in the moment guy. If you got something worth sayin, well you can say it to my face.” He gave me a toothy smile.
I groaned. “Do you have a home phone?”
“Sure do.”
“Well can you drive me to yours so I can use that phone to call someone?” I asked.
He thought for a moment before nodding. “Hop in, darlin.”
I grabbed my purse from my car and climbed into his beat up truck, securing the seatbelt around my middle. He smiled at me before starting his car and pulling away.
“I’m Sebastian by the way.” He told.
“So what accent is that?” He asked.
“British.” I shorty replied.
“What’s a British girl doing out here?” He asked, making a few turns to go down a dirt path.
“I wanted somewhere new, and my family had been here before years ago so I moved here a few months ago.” I explained.
He shuffled in his seat. “How you finding it?”
I rest my head against the window. “Awful.” I grumbled.
He laughed a little but stayed silent. We pulled up to a large white farm house, chickens scurrying away from the moving car. There looked to be a small salvage yard and acres of land, small clusters of trees littering the field. He turned off the car and got out, beckoning me to follow him. He led me into the house, telling me shortly of the history of his place.
“Phone is in there,” he pointed to the kitchen. “Tow companies number is beside it.”
“Thanks.” I grumbled before heading into the kitchen. Dialing the number, a buzzing came from Sebastians pocket. He pulled out a sleek iPhone, answering it.
“Stan Salvage and Tow Company, how can I help you?” He smirked at me.
I slammed the phone down. “You had a mobile this entire time?” I seethed.
“No,” he drew out. “I had a works phone, a cell phone is for personal use.” He smartly said.
I huffed. “Well, Sebastian, you can help me by going to get my car, fix it for free because of this mess you’ve got me into, and then drive me back to my place.” I shortly said.
I approached him sternly, peering up at him. His arms crossed, brushing against my chest. “You know, you’re real cute when you’re mad.” He smirked.
“Now.” I ignored his statement.
He raised his hands. “Okay fine, gimme your keys.” I rummaged through my purse and handed him my car keys. “I’ll be back in half an hour, make yourself at home.”
After mooching round his house while he was out, the heavens opened just as he stepped through the door. “Can you drive me home now?”
“No can do.” He plopped down on the beaten up couch.
“What? Why?” I frowned.
“It’s raining.” He turned on the TV.
I snatched the remote from him and turned it off. “What’s that got to do with anything?”
He stood and took the remote from me. “It’s dusty round here, which gets all in the engine, so when it rains that clogs up the engine and it doesn’t drive.” He snarled before turning the TV back on and sitting back down.
“What am I supposed to do?” I asked.
“I dunno...” he shrugged. “Make dinner?”
My mouth fell on the floor. “You know, you’re a bastard. A cocky, arrogant, self intitled bastard.” He simply smiled at me. “I don’t need this.”
I stormed out the house, picking up my purse and walking into the rain. Sebastian followed behind me.
“It was a joke! I’ll make dinner.” He called after me. “Come back into the house, you’ll catch your death out here!”
“Go away!” I yelled back, brushing my damp hair out of my eyes.
“No! I’m not gonna let some young, pretty girl walk around when it’s getting dark-alone!” He yelled behind me.
“As opposed to staying in a guys house I met an hour ago!” I quipped back.
“Technically we met five hours ago.” He corrected me. I didn’t respond. We reached the end of his dirt track, and I peered down either side of the road. “Where you gonna go now, huh? Now can you stop making a point and come back inside.”
“No.” I turned left, walking on the muddy grass to stay off the road. “Leave me alone.” I snapped.
“For fucks sake, has anyone told you how stubborn you are? The fucking British, always coming in and thinking they know what’s best when in reality, they know nothing!” He insulted.
“I’d rather be that then some dumb American who thinks he can pick up random girls and have it his way!”
He scoffed. “I don’t mean to insult you princess, but you really aren’t-fuck!”
I screamed as I slipped on some mud and fell against the road, scraping my knee as I went down. I rolled over and looked down, blood seeping out my scrape.
“Ow! See what you did!” I yelled, dabbing at it.
Sebastian knelt down and cupped the back of my knee. The rain was streaming down his face as he looked at me. “I’m gonna have to clean you up now!” He quipped.
He stood up and leant down, scooping my up in his arms bridal style. “I can walk you know.” I said back.
“Obviously not.” He huffed before making his way back to his house.
He opened the door with his elbow, placing me down safely before turning to close it properly. I limbed over to the couch and sat down, leaning over to survey my knee. Sebastian walked into the kitchen, coming back out with a small medical kit under his arm. He sat on the coffee table in front of me and wiped the blood from my knee before grabbing a fresh cloth and pressing it hard against my knee to stop the bleeding.
“Thank you.” I whispered.
“You’re welcome.” He replied. “And I’m sorry about being...mean.”
I chuckled. “Me too.”
He gently pulled back the cloth and smiled. “Stopped bleeding, now go shower, upstairs on the right.” He told me. I nodded and scaled up the stairs. Half way through my shower Sebastian knocked on the door and came in. “I brought you a shirt of mine and some sweatpants.”
“Thank you!” I sang through the curtain, waiting till Sebastian was out the room before I shut off the water and quickly got dressed.
Walking down I found Sebastian in the kitchen, sitting at the breakfast bar. “What you cooking?” I asked.
“Steak, potatoes and vegetables.” He listed off. “For both of us.”
I nodded and smiled. “Nice, thank you.” I watched his back muscles ripple as he prepared the meal. “And, I do want to properly apologise for earlier. You were being nice and I totally...shit on it...so I’m sorry.”
He peered over his shoulder before chuckling. “It’s fine, you had a bad day, I get it.”
“Still...” I murmured.
“Go sit and watch TV, rest that knee of yours.” He told me, to which I obliged.
Half an hour later and half an hour into a documentary about the domestication of dogs, Sebastian came out with two plates piled with food and cutlery.
He sat down and passed me the plate, grabbing a pillow and resting it under his plate on his lap. “What are we watching?”
“A documentary about the domestication of dogs.” I turned my nose up.
“Um...interesting.” He laughed. He leant over and turned it off. “Tell me about you.”
We spoke for hours, laughing and joking along with telling many stories from our childhood. After finishing a story of how I ended up swimming in the Ricer Themes on a night out, Seb looked at me.
“What are you really doing in Louisiana?” He grabbed my empty plate and placed it on the coffee table.
I shrugged. “Oh you know, the classic heartbreak, needed space story.” I shortly said.
“Was he...special?” He asked.
“Well...I thought so, for a while, but he had wandering eyes, if you know what I mean.” I sniffed.
“I’m sorry, guys can be shit.” He awkwardly said.
We sat in silence for a moment, the rain filling the void. “What about you though, a girlfriend I should know about?” I joked.
He laughed and shook his head. “No girlfriend, not many single ladies around here.”
“Single guys?” I raised an eyebrow.
He puffed out some air. “You know...I’ve never tried.” He joked back.
“Maybe give it a shot.” I winked.
He cleared his throat. “So are you...you know, looking?”
I lulled my head over to him. “Not actively, but if I were to stumble across someone I wouldn’t say no.” I explained. “You?”
“I’m a man. I’m desperately looking.” I laughed at his statement. “What’s your type then?”
I shrugged. “I dunno, I don’t really have one. Smart, funny, you know.” He nodded. “You?”
“Shorter than me, but otherwise I don’t really care. Same as you really.” The sun had set long ago and we sat in darkness. “I’m gonna turn on some lights.
Sebastian walked around the room and turned on small lamps, lighting the room in a soft orange glow. I was too busy arguing with him to realise just how handsome he was. How his long, dark, shaggy hair covered his sculpted face. His cheekbones were deep, his jaw cutting and his eyes a piercing blue. He was tall, easily six foot, with a broad and muscular body. He was sweet, when he wasn’t arrogant, and he did make me laugh. Oddly, for a stranger, I felt safe around him.
He informed me he was going to shower and change. I took the time to wash up, cleaning the mess he’d made but putting nothing away as I didn’t know where anything was. Sebastian had put my phone on charge, and I had a small amount of signal here. I didn’t have any messages, but I noted my location on maps and sent the address to my mum, just in case.
“So I’ve done up the spare room for you, I’ll dry your clothes and everything tomorrow.” Sebastian said. “I won’t kill you during the night, promise.” He joked.
“Only a murderer would say that.” I joked back.
“Come on, I’ll show you to your room.” He followed me up the stairs, directing me to a large double bed room. “Extra blankets are under the bed, and my room is just across the hall.”
He lingered in the hallway. “Thanks for this, really.” I smiled shyly.
I went over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing his cheek warmly. His arms wrapped around my middle. We parted a little, bodies still close as his nose brushed against mine.
“Goodnight.” He whispered.
My breath deepened. “Night.”
He awkwardly coughed before retreating to his room and slamming the door shut. I closed my door gently and crawled in to bed, dreaming of the man across the hall.
It was pitch black out when I felt my bed dip by my side. I opened my eyes slowly, peering out the window above my head to see a bright clear moon, it had stopped raining. I looked to my side to see Sebastian sat near me, and I instantly shot up.
“I’m not killing you!” He defended, standing up and backing away.
“What the fuck were you doing in here?” I huffed, pulling the covers closer to my naked body.
“I-I had a dream about you and I came in here to see if you were awake!” He explained.
“Oh...well...is everything okay?” I asked, relaxing a bit.
He sat back down. “Yeah...” he whispered.
“What did you dream about?” The tension in the room shifted.
“You and me...in here...” he slowly shifted forward.
My breath hitched. “What were we doing?” I asked.
His forehead pressed against mine. “Sinful things.” He growled. “I can show you, if you let me.” His hand snaked under the duvet, feeling my bare knee. “Do you want me to show you?”
I fisted the blanket. “Please.”
Instantly he pinned me down, sponging wet kisses along my neck. I attempted to free my wrists from his constraint, but he pushed me deeper into the mattress. His hips began to rut through the duvet, gently pushing into me. The rough covers deliciously rubbed against my bare pussy, causing a high pitch squeak to erupt out my throat.
“You sure you want this?” He whispered into my ear, freeing my hands.
My fingers weaved into his long hair. “Yes.” I muttered against his lips.
His beard scratched against my lips as he kissed me, tongue forcing its way into my mouth as it dominated mine. His hands quickly shed the covers off the bed and onto the floor, parting our lips momentarily to remove his t shirt. My hands felt over his hot, sticky skin as his eyes bore down at my naked body.
“Sleep naked?” I shyly nodded. “That’s my good girl.” My legs twisted at his words.
His lips painted kisses across the plain of my chest, moving down to capture my nipple between his teeth. I jumped as he gently nibbled, soothing over with his tongue before gently sucking. He tweaked my other nipple with his collaused fingers, his other hand squeezing my hip harshly. He slowly moved down my body, kissing over my stomach and pelvic bone.
He came face to face with my weeping pussy, kissing absentmindedly across my thighs. “Please Sebastian.” I whined out.
He chuckled darkly. “Call me daddy.” His tongue immediately delved into me as he uttered those words, causing a scream to fall from my lips. He pried my thighs open, zig zagging up until he found my clit. His plump lips wrapped around me, sucking twice before flicking it continuously with his tongue. I attempted to clamp my legs shut but his strength over powered mine. “God, so sweet.”
“Daddy!” I muled out, running my hands through his hair.
His thick fingers teased my entrance before slowly wiggling in, his tongue slowly lapping at my clit. “Taste so good princess, so good for daddy.” He hummed against me, watching his fingers sink into me. “Jesus sweetheart, you’re so tight, how are you this tight?”
He fingers slowly retracted before sinking in again, his tongue going back to flick against my clit. Soft, continuous moans fell from my lips as I fisted the sheets next to me, arching my back off the mattress. He added a third finger, stretching me out in the most wonderful way. His eyes peered up at me, watching my reaction as he played with me.
“I’m gonna-oh! I’m gonna cum, daddy.” I cried out. My moans turned into screams as he rammed into fingers into me, his mouth harshly sucking my clit as he forced an orgasm out of me. My legs shook around his head as he continued to lap against me, my hands having to force his head away. “Daddy, daddy...daddy.” I chanted out softly, feeling his lips kiss up my body.
His lips sponged to mine shortly before he spread my legs again and teasingly ran his tip across my pussy. “This cunt ready for daddy’s cock?” He taunted. “Can my little princess handle daddy’s thick cock?”
My small hands cupped his face. “Please fill me up daddy, I wanna hurt.” His eyes nearly buldged out his head.
“Say something else princess, use that filthy mouth of yours.” He begged.
My eyes locked onto his. “I want daddy to fill me up with his cum, I want daddy to force me to take his cock, even if I beg him to stop.” I whispered.
His eyes rolled back as he let out a soft groan. “Fucking hell, you’re such a fucking slut.” He insulted as he pushed his tip into me. “Beg for the rest.”
My breathing picked up. “Please! Please daddy! Don’t tease me like this, I need all your cock deep ins-ah!” He cut me off filling me the rest of the way.
My arms wrapped around his shoulders as I hugged him tight, his cock stretching me beyond what his fingers had. He rest for a moment inside me, feeling my warmth.
“So fucking warm, daddy needed his cock warming tonight.” Sebastian whispered against my cheek.
His hips retracted as he slowly pulled out, pushing back in just as slowly. It went like this for the first few thrusts, but then something changed in him. His hand wrapped around my throat, his body sitting up slightly as he began to rut into me at a fast pace. My small hands clasped his bulky forearm as my body convulsed with pleasure.
“Daddy.” I groaned out, my face turning red from his hand around my neck.
“Daddy’s gonna fill you to the brim with his cum baby, and you’re gonna take it all. Every ounce of cum I give you’re gonna take cos it’s a gift baby, a fucking privilege to have me cum inside you.” He said deeply. “You want that? You want to get fat off of my cum baby?”
“Yes daddy! Give me everything, I want it daddy!” My pussy clamped around him, causing his hips to stutter.
“F-Fuck princess, holy shit.” He moaned. “Your pussy is the best I’ve ever had. It’s so wet, and warm, and fucking tight...I only want to fuck this pussy baby.” He fell onto me, his arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me into him. My arms wrapped around his neck, softly biting his ear. “I’m gonna cum, shit baby, daddy’s gonna cum.”
“Cum inside me daddy.” I whispered in his ear, taking his lobe and nibbling.
He groaned loudly, almost yelled, as his hips pressed into mine as hot ropes of cum leaked out of his cock into my pussy. His hips rutted a few more times, his cock fully leaking out into me as his moans and groans subsided into soft whimpers.
His head came to rest against my forehead, lips kissing mine before he moved down my body. I was about to question what he was doing but he opened my lips and shoved his tongue into my pussy. Once his mouth was full of his cum he moved up and opened my mouth with his fingers. He spit his cum into my mouth, licking his lips.
“Swallow daddy’s gift princess.” He ordered, a smirk gracing his lips as he watched me swallow. “Such a good girl.” He hummed, kissing my lips softly.
He body rolled off of mine beside me, both our chests heaving. My head turned to look at him, his hand finding mine and looping our fingers together.
“Wow.” I laughed out.
“Do you wanna go on a date?”
“Fuck yes I do.”
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scriptaed · 4 years
his side, her side | 7:10 P.M.
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genre: angst/fluff/implied smut; (bold = genre for this particular drabble)
pairing: reader x jungkook;
length: 2.7k;
synopsis: a collective snapshots in time shared between two, whose fates were undeniably intertwined and futures would never come to be.
a/n: this is not a chronological series; more so, his side her side is a collection of drabbles in which each drabble helps paint the overall picture. each drabble can be read separately without having read the others. // alternatively: his side, her side pt. 5;
her side;
“So are you attending next week’s Q&A?” 
Jungkook’s aloof reputation is no secret to anyone. This observation has only been exacerbated ever since you had been paired up with him for an overtime project, especially considering that your own detached demeanor was what had landed you a spot right next to that of his own in the first place. After months of working closely with this infamously stoic albeit deathly dashing colleague, you’ve come to acknowledge his one redeeming quality: this boy might not have the best work ethic amongst your colleagues and he really does not give, in his own words, “one shit” about work, but he is willing to invest the least amount of hours in order to avoid a big fat “fired” on his resume.
And that’s when you start wondering, regardless of how “little of a crap” someone gives about others’ opinions, no one would be willing to attend a work-related-turned-social event without an equally sadistic friend… right? So, as his partner at work and one of his few colleagues that he actually interacts with, it would only be natural for your curiosity to be piqued, right…? At least that’s what you’ve been trying to tell yourself lately to keep you asleep at night. 
“Are you?” Jungkook answers your question with another in the classic Jeon Jungkook fashion. 
Still, you can’t help but pause in an odd sense of admiration over the deep cut of his voice amid the frosty winter air. Low, groggy, rough, it’s almost as if he had just awakened from his weekly nap after gym or perhaps even throughout the workshop session. Some might have found it ditsy, some might have even found it embarrassing, particularly the pair of colleagues who had made a joke out of your partner, but you find it endearing… maybe a bit dorky, but mostly endearing, because that’s what’s so different about Jungkook. 
“Uhhh, I don’t know,” you shrug. “I guess I’ll ask my friends if they’re going and decide from there.” 
On the outside, you and Jungkook have your fair share of differences. To others, you’re the outgoing one often found laughing in the corner, despite keeping to your circle of friends. Jungkook, on the other hand, is reclusive and, more often than not, found in the other corner of the room with the one colleague he considers a friend. The more you spend your Tuesday evenings working overtime with Jungkook, however, the more the gaping similarities stand out to you. 
Sure, you have a wider range of peers at work, but none of them are as close to you as your friends at home. Still, you’d rather make friends out of your daily acquaintances than enemies. It isn’t that you’re fake per se… it’s just that you never clicked with them. It’s ironic how the friends whom you’ve spent the last two years with are the ones most distant in your circle, while someone you just started to interact with in the past months has already been one of the few to know the real you; because somehow at some point in time, you’ve noticed how much more real you feel around your partner Jungkook. Maybe he doesn’t realize it, but you two definitely share more similarities than differences. 
And as much of an indifferent persona Jungkook put on at work, you have to wonder if he ever felt the same around you as you did around him?  
“Oh,” he answers, pausing before adding, “you mean Yezi?” 
Wait a minute, you ponder internally whilst turning to look at him in slight bewilderment, he knows you’re friends with Yezi? The only way he would ever know that is if he had noticed you from afar throughout the past two years… so the fact that he’s aware of whom you keep in your circle of friends must mean he had taken note of you to some extent, right?  
Well, for now, the only fact you can surmise is how silly you feel having just over-analyzed his simple question… not to mention the way your heart races with an unfounded exhilaration. 
“Yeah,” you nod and clear your throat in fear of having catalyzed a dead end to the conversation, “I-uh-I heard Q&A is actually really helpful. Aaaand considering how you’ve been doing on monthly evaluations, maaaybe you should go?”
“Woooow,” he gawks at you—it’s the most exaggerated expression he’s ever adorned in front of you and it’s most certainly a playful one feigned as offense, but something about having elicited such a reaction from a usually apathetic boy makes you prouder than anything in a long while. “You really had to call me out like that?” 
“I don’t know,” you sing-song with a grin stretching from ear-to-ear and a voice rising just like the high building in your chest, “maybe some time off of Fortnite might help you.” 
“Whaaat? You’re saying I have to work at work?” he drawls. 
“Maybe, just maybe,” you giggle to your heart’s delight, but his softer chuckle and the silence that follows have you regretting just how loudly you had laughed. It wasn’t really that funny, huh? 
Thankfully, your slight embarrassment is short-lived before it’s replaced by a dejection that settles in your chest when you notice the next block approaching. To your disappointment, this intersection would usually signal the end of your weekly, ephemeral conversation. Usually, you would bid your casual goodbyes as you watch him walk off in the opposite direction and he only utters a cool “see ya later” before heading off to his car in the parking lot. Tonight, however, and to your pleasant surprise, the boy crosses the street with you. 
“Hey, don’t you usually park over there?” you question when he opts out of providing an explanation. 
The boy continues to stroll through the dimly lit sidewalk with you, “I’m heading to the gym now.” 
Doesn’t he usually gym before workshop? His sudden change in routine has you and your usual shrewd self intrigued, but all you can manage to mutter is a short “oh,” as the two of you prolong your fleeting, shared moment. It wouldn’t have been a big deal to ask him why he had changed his plans, yet a part of you feels reluctant enough to overpower the curious side of you. Maybe it’s the desire to spend these precious minutes on more exciting topics outside of work, or perhaps you would like to retain this fantasy of yours that maybe, just maybe, he, too, searches for an excuse to extend these ephemeral conversations? 
Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter how his detour had gained five extra minutes for the two of you, because time passes by in the blink of an eye when you’re genuinely enjoying yourself. Maybe Jungkook wouldn’t say the same, maybe these five minutes are nothing but a burden to him, and maybe he’ll start parking in his usual spot again next week, but you would rather not dwell on it. Why? It’s a natural defense mechanism. 
“You live across that bridge?”
“Huh?” you say, dumbfounded that he had actually remembered something you had told him during your first real conversation with him. Turning to face him and squinting in the direction of the gym that outpours a warm, golden light which outlines his silhouette and casts shadows onto his profile,  you find yourself stuttering in bewilderment. “Oh, uh, yeah.”
“So you gonna run now?” he quips with the cockiest of quirked grins. 
This shithead is teasing you over a genuine fear you had shared with him months ago, isn’t he?
A quick scan at the jet black skies bedazzled by glittering stars that loom over you two is all that precedes before you reply with a meek, “...maybe.” 
“Better get going then,” Jungkook smirks with his hands in his pockets as he starts taking a few steps backwards toward the gym but never unlocking his gaze from yours. 
You should have been irked, you should have responded with your own clever retort against his teases, but all you can do is stare at him silence with that stupid, cheeky grin of yours, because maybe you had just discovered the true reason behind his detour tonight and the remainder of your shared weeks. You can hear him calling out to you in that smug tone of his even as you begin your trek over the bridge and you can’t help smile even wider. 
“Hey Y/N, try not to get mugged!”
You know it’s more than you should ask for or even expect, yet you still wish he would completely follow through and cross the bridge with you; but if your theory is correct and you’ve truly unpeeled a second layer of this enigma that is Jeon Jungkook, then you think you’ve found yet another reason as to why you had fell so hard. 
his side;
“So are you attending next week’s Q&A?” 
Before he really got to know her, Jungkook had been under the impression that Y/N was just another good girl at work. He’s always seen her as the bubbly gal with the diligence and work ethic of a model employee, especially when compared to his own. It isn’t really a bad thing—Jungkook would never belittle others like that, unless narcissism was in the equation—but it’s always been the one noticeable gap between the two. 
“Are you?”
Of course she is, he figures, yet he answers the question with another for the sake of conversation. 
Within the short timespan of the last few months, however, Jungkook has come to acknowledge the fact that Y/N really isn’t as much of an open book as he had once thought.  To a certain extent, she’s become somewhat of an enigma to Jungkook. Y/N has always been surrounded by at least one friend or two regardless of when or where he bumps into her—which occurs enough times for even an unobservant boy like Jungkook—so the empty spot beside her on the first day of the workshop came as a surprise to him. It only took one real icebreaker of a conversation for him to recognize that this girl, in fact, is anything but a bookworm. 
“Uhhh, I don’t know,” she shrugs and Jungkook subtly glimpses at her in surprise. “I guess I’ll ask my friends if they’re going and decide from there.” 
She always answers his questions—which are certainly much more elaborate than his to hers—but she never gives herself all away. Maybe it’s the repercussions of working overtime, but it surprises him to observe the frown she wears paired with a stoic demeanor whenever he’s around her. The most confusing—or rather, amusing—factor of it all is in those occasional moments when she bursts out laughing with a profuse, genuine joy after hearing one of his rare jokes. Why do those moments outshine the dull smiles he often spots her adorning around at work? 
In other words, why does she appear much more like Y/N—or at least the Y/N he knows—around him than around her close friends? That is the last puzzle piece of hers that he just can’t quite figure out. 
“Oh,” he answers, pausing to recall the name of the girl he would often spot by Y/N’s side, “you mean Yezi?” 
Jungkook isn’t exactly the most likely person to intermingle with his colleagues; but he’s always had the decency to at least learn their names… whether or not they know of his name, however, he doesn’t give two shits. He never really talked to Yezi after that one icebreaker he was forced to partake in during orientation, but he always noticed her strolling through work with her elbow attached to Y/N’s.
“Yeah,” he sees her nodding her head through the corner of his eyes, “I-uh-I heard Q&A is actually really helpful. Aaaand considering how you’ve been doing on monthly evaluations, maaaybe you should go?”
There it is, her constant teasing that has somehow become a normal dynamic between him and her. He would have laughed it off with a chuckle if it were anyone else, yet he decides to play along because heck why not? 
“Woooow,” his gawk blends with his cocked grin, “you really had to call me out like that?” 
“I don’t know,” she sings with the smile that has him confused to no ends, voice rising and lips stretching ear-to-ear like that of a jubilant child, “maybe some time off of Fortnite might help you.” 
There she goes again, insulting his almighty, favorite pastime. The disrespect.
“Whaaat?” he opts out of defending his hobby for whatever reason. “You’re saying I have to work at work?”
“Maybe, just maybe.” 
He can tell her giggles are a genuine manifestation of her filled heart and he can’t help the chuckle that befalls his lips. It isn’t exactly that funny to him, but he doesn’t mind being teased if it means she could be as seemingly carefree as she does now. In fact, he finds an odd sense of amusement over the satisfaction she seems to garner through her teases against him. 
He must have been really funny to her, huh? 
“Hey, don’t you usually park over there?” 
There it is, yet another element of his partner’s that takes him by surprise. Jungkook didn’t anticipate for her to notice his usual location of departure, although any other normal person would have done otherwise, so he assumed she wouldn’t notice his change in locations tonight either. She might have been the reason behind this change, but it isn’t exactly something he wants to flaunt nor explain. 
After witnessing the genuine fear underlining the mask of what she only wanted to pass on as a joke, he surmised that it was only reasonable for a girl like Y/N to fear crossing a dodgy bridge in a pitch black night. It really only took a minute or two after that conversation for Jungkook to decide on a schedule change that would accommodate the newfound revelation. Gym after workshop would be fine and he could get in more sleep before workshop. He doesn’t want any praises or favors. He just did it because it felt like the right, decent thing to do for his partner. 
Plus, an additional five minutes of conversation doesn’t sound too bad. 
“I’m heading to the gym now.”
Thankfully, Y/N doesn’t press him further for an explanation—which, judging from the curious impression he had of Y/N, is surprising—nonetheless, he figures it comes as much more of a relief than anything when they reach a gym that sits a short distance off a street across from the bridge. 
Jungkook breaks the silence as he turns to face her with his back on the gym entrance, “you live across that bridge?” 
“Huh?” she utters, turning to face him. “Oh, uh, yeah.”
The trace of bewilderment plastered across her face is evident to even a dense person like Jungkook. Initially, he had fallen under the impression that he would like to avoid any sense of gratitude from Y/N—and he still does—but something about the way her eyes light up, as if reaching an epiphany, has him patting himself on the back…
...and he wonders, has she realized the intentions behind his gesture tonight? 
“So you gonna run now?” 
He can’t help but grin.  
The girl scans the darkened skies that she had mentioned as her one nemesis just weeks prior, before replying with a meek, “...maybe.” 
That cheeky grin of hers is enough for him to know his job here is done. 
“Better get going then,” Jungkook chuckles under his breath and sticks his hands into the pockets of his gym shorts. He starts backing up toward the gym but, for whatever reason, his gaze never budges from her darkened silhouette that proceeds down the street off in the distance. It would have been odd for him to follow her along the bridge—because it isn’t like he’s her boyfriend or bodyguard—but he would like to see his intentions through to the end. The least he could do is to ensure you make it across the bridge in one piece. 
Is he being too kind? Will she start expecting much more of him if she discovers his intentions? The thought irks Jungkook, so just as she starts her trek over the bridge, he decides to return the teasing she had initiated just minutes prior. 
“Hey Y/N, try not to get mugged!”
And when she whirls around at the sound of his voice only to flash him a scowl, Jungkook finally realizes just why Y/N finds so much joy in teasing him because he, too, finds an equal sense of pride in evoking such a response out of his enigma of a partner. 
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agoldengalaxy · 4 years
read on AO3
Three (old) men reminisce about their childhood together at Ellen and Sorin’s reception.
Phoenix smiled a little to himself as he sat in between his two childhood friends, watching the happy couple and other guests dance along the patio. It had been another crazy case, that was for sure - but luckily it had had a happy ending.
“Ya know, I’m happy for them,” Larry spoke up, breaking the silence as he leaned an elbow on the table, resting his chin in his hand. “I kinda thought Elly was gonna be the one for me, but I think I was just blinded. She’s real pretty, but I know my woman’s out there somewhere.”
Phoenix’s smile grew just a tad as he reached over to place a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Of course she is, Larry. You’ll find her.” He couldn’t help but think that that woman would have to be the strongest person in the world, though.
“As long as you stop throwing yourself at any woman you see, I am sure you will not have too many problems,” Miles added in normal monotone, reaching up to adjust his glasses. Immediately, Larry’s eyes sparkled as he leaned his elbows on the table look over at him.
“Aww, do you really mean it, Edgey?!” he asked, looking to be on the verge of tears yet again. Classic Larry. “That’s so nice of you, man!”
Miles immediately looked away, though Phoenix caught a glimpse of a slight blush. “You’re making a fool of yourself again.”
Larry pouted and sat back in his seat, folding his arms across his chest as he slumped down a little. “Should’ve known the mean comments would come back. C’mon, Nick, aren’t you gonna defend me?”
“Sorry, Larry. I’m off the clock right now,” Phoenix laughed, which earned him a groan from Larry and a quiet, stifled laugh from Miles. He looked back over at Ellen and Sorin, watching how she pressed herself against him, how safe she must feel to be in his arms. And he smiled down at his lap. He’d quite like to experience that someday.
“Hey, speaking of weddings, when’re you two gonna tie the knot? Haven’t you been together forever?” Larry seemed to be reading his mind, sticking out his tongue and giving a thumbs-up. Whether he knew it would make his two friends flustered or not, Phoenix would never know.
“I-I...well, we haven’t really talked about it,” Phoenix stuttered, wondering if he was turning as red as Miles was. The prosecutor cleared his throat.
Marriage and relationships had always been a hard thing for Miles to talk about and get used to. They’d been dating for a little while, but bringing up the future seemed to make him nervous. So they took it slow...and they still were. “Hmph, well, when it does happen, I better get to be best man or I’m never talking to you again,” Larry replied, seemingly taking amusement from the others’ reactions.
“Sure thing,” Phoenix sighed, sending a slightly lopsided grin toward Miles, who simply rolled his eyes at Larry’s words.
There was quiet for a few moments as the three of them looked toward the happy couple again. “You know, lots of stuff has changed since we were kids. But it’s sorta like old times, don’t you think?” Larry looked over at them, tilting his head a bit. “I mean, think about it. I can’t remember the last time the three of us just got to hang out.”
Phoenix hadn’t really thought about that. He’d had a rough couple of years, and he knew Miles didn’t exactly have it easy, either. They’d sort of drifted apart a little. Before Larry had burst into his office with Ellen, he hadn’t seen him in at least a year, if not longer.
“Yeah, you’re right,” he replied quietly, giving him a small smile. “It’s kind of nice. Things were simpler back then.” He thought for a moment, then began to laugh. “Remember when you jumped off the swing at the park and pretended you had hurt yourself? I started crying for you.”
Larry blinked, then laughed, too. “Oh, yeah! I thought it’d be a sick joke. But Edgey saw right through me.”
“It wasn’t difficult,” Miles replied, raising a brow. “You were trying to hold in your laughter, and you hadn’t even landed on the knee you claimed to have hurt.”
Phoenix and Larry both laughed again, the latter smirking. “Okay, but I’ve definitely gotten better at lying. I’ll get you one day, big bad prosecutor.”
“I doubt it. You always crack under pressure.”
After snickering a little, they fell quiet for another moment. And then Larry asked, “Remember when Nick fell asleep at our sleepover and we drew on his face?”
“ You drew on his face,” Miles corrected, “though I do admit it was amusing. It was truly amazing he did not wake up with the amount of noise you were making.”
“It took me forever to get that marker off my face in the morning,” Phoenix sighed. “My parents just about wanted to kill you.”
Larry grinned. “Yeah, but it was totally worth it. You screamed like a girl.”
His cheeks flushed. “Hey, that’s not fair. My voice hadn’t changed yet.”
Miles smirked, looking over at the guests as they danced about. “I recall a time when you and I climbed a tree and Phoenix was too scared to join us.”
“Aw yeah! He was such a scaredy cat!” Larry nudged him with a huge grin.
“You know I’m afraid of heights. I always have been,” he said with a bit of a laugh. “Why is it that you two are only picking on me? What about the time that Larry tried to impress a girl and ended up face planting in the town fountain?”
Miles smirked. “Oh, I do remember. I am sure it was not the only time it happened.”
Larry whined. “She was pretty! It was distracting! And for your information, it only happened that one time!” He huffed, then his eyes glinted. “When Nick got that bad cold, you wouldn’t go anywhere near him, even though he wore a mask!”
“I didn’t want to get sick. It wasn’t anything personal,” Miles replied, cheeks flushing a little.
Phoenix laughed, shaking his head. “Okay, okay, I think that’s enough reminiscing. We sound like old men over here.”
“Hey, man! Thirty-five is not old!” Larry whined again.
“It’s not young, either,” the prosecutor pointed out.
Larry opened his mouth to respond, but cut himself off, watching as the girls began to group up near the front. “Oh! Elly’s gonna throw her bouquet! C’mon, you guys!” He stood up, his chair scooting back, and walked over. Phoenix shrugged, giving Miles a smile, and together they walked over to join their friend.
“Here we go!” Ellen exclaimed, turning around and tossing her bouquet behind her. Maya reached for it, and Ema smiled, and it just barely missed Athena. And somehow the flowers landed right in Larry’s hands.
He blinked down at them, then a wide grin spread across his face. “Oh hey! Look who’s next!” Miles placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head, gesturing the fuming girls just a few feet away. And Phoenix couldn’t help but smile as Larry began to run away, trying to escape the wrath of women who wanted those flowers.
“Classic Butz,” he mused, watching them run off, intertwining his fingers with Miles’. “You think he’s gonna be okay?”
The corner of Miles’ mouth twitched as he gently squeezed Phoenix’s hand. “Of course he will. Somehow, he always is.”
They glanced toward Ellen and Sorin again, and Phoenix’s smile softened. When he saw them in their wedding attire, all he could think about was marrying Miles. He knew why the other was so afraid - he didn’t want to be left behind again. But there was no way he was going to be. Because Phoenix would stick by his side no matter what. Especially after everything they’d been through.
Thinking about their childhood certainly strengthened that thought.
“You know, you’d look pretty good in white, Miles,” he said smugly, knowing for sure that it would fluster Miles.
Fluster it did. His cheeks flushed and he scoffed, looking away. “Shut up, Wright.”
And he simply laughed, standing there with him. One day, they would be married. And he supposed that Larry would, indeed, be his best man.
But that was for the future. For now, he was content to reminisce and be grateful for what he had.
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karaoke night
request: this came to me yesterday a karaoke night with your bf and his teammates. While you’re destroying a song he just looks at you with pure adoration and love like “ that’s my girl” If you’re not busy could you write about this with anyone?
summary: your boyfriend Travis invites you out with his teammates and he's reminded just why he fell for you.
warning: alcohol
word count: 1.2k
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“There you are!” The booming voice of your boyfriend’s teammate and close friend caught your attention as soon as you walked through the bar. The loud Boston native had claimed his spot in a booth by the stage and you quickly realized he had chosen this bar for a reason. Kevin always was one for having fun.
“Karaoke? Really?” You questioned your boyfriend Travis, who instead of responding squeezed your hip with the hand he had wrapped around you to help lead you through the crowd. You chuckled at the excited grin on his face, turning back to the nearly packed booth where everyone was looking at the two of you, ready to greet when you got close. 
“Hey, boys.” Travis spoke up first, sliding into the open spot on the booth before tugging you onto his lap. You ignored the smug look on his face at your position, knowing that there wasn't realistically any way everyone would be able to fit normally, not when four large hockey players already had taken up residence. 
“I’m gonna get a drink, anyone need a refill?” You question, your gaze passing over Kevin, Nolan, Carter, and Ivan as it settled on the bar. Between work and your friend recently breaking up with her good-for-nothing boyfriend, you’d had a long week and needed a night out with your boyfriend and his friends, no matter how rowdy they could be. 
“Already ordered, TK told us you needed a drink as soon as you got here.” Carter explained, pushing your usual order across the table towards you. You shifted slightly, turning behind you to look at your boyfriend who was smiling sheepishly at you. There was a chirp about him thinking you were an alcoholic on the tip of your tongue, but decided against it because it felt nice that he knew what you’d order and that you needed it. 
“You’re a dork.” Okay, so maybe he wasn't completely off the hook from your teasing, but the loud laugh he and his teammates let out told you he didn’t exactly care. 
“Thoughtful.” He argued, earning a roll of your eyes despite the wide smile evident on your face. 
“Cheesy.” You countered, and he decided that was acceptable, because instead of talking back he shrugged before leaning in to kiss you quickly. The display of affection didn’t last more than a few seconds but that doesn't stop the other boys teasing relentlessly. 
“You’re just jealous.” Travis waved them off, and you stuck your tongue out mockingly at Nolan. Travis’ arm snaked around your waist, tightening in affection as he watched you interact with his teammates. The way you joked around with Nolan and Carter, and indulged Kevin in discussions about his niece. He had always told you that he loved how you got along so well with his friends, and nights like these always reminded him of how lucky he was to have you. 
A few drinks and a whole lot of begging later you had convinced not only Kevin and Carter, but Nolan to get up on the karaoke stage. Nolan, ever the grump, claimed he would do one song and only if he got to pick what the four of you sang. 
Once you had finished his choice of Don’t Stop Believin’ he had decided that he was good for one more song. Which was how you found yourself surrounded by three professional hockey players singing Piano Man. Kevin was making sure to act like a fool and you weren’t much better, Carter and Nolan easing out of their shells and slowing becoming as ridiculous as you. 
About halfway through the song, your attention landed on your boyfriend sitting at the booth close to the stage. You don't know how you didn’t see him before, he was looking at you in such awe and so much reverence that if you hadn't seen that look on his face so many times you were certain that it would’ve knocked you off of your feet. 
He caught you looking at him, because he mouthed ‘I love you’ which, after how long you’ve been together and how many times he’s told you that shouldn’t make your heart race as much as it did. But no matter how many times you heard the phrase you’d get butterflies in your stomach and a blush would rise on your cheeks.
You tried to wink at him, though from your current state of intoxication from the liquid courage needed to get up on the karaoke stage, you probably looked ridiculous. Your suspicions were confirmed when Travis laughed loudly at you, shaking his head at your antics but still smiling fondly. 
Your attention was drawn back to the song as Kevin swung an arm around your shoulders as he tugged you into his side and bellowed out the lines of Billy Joel’s classic song. You giggled, despite being crushed into the side of the Boston native. 
Once the song ended, you followed the boys off the stage and were smiling widely as a result of the applause resonating throughout the crowded bar. You were certain that they didn’t think your performance was actually good, just that the drunken atmosphere of the bar meant that anyone who looked like they were having a good time onstage got a standing ovation. 
Your first stop once leaving the stage was to head to the bar for a glass of water. You weren't alone long, your boyfriend coming up beside you just as the bartender set the glass before you.
“Didn’t realize I was dating a famous singer.” He teased and you playfully shoved at his shoulder. He chuckled at your response, by the impish grin on his face faded to something a bit softer, though he never fully could get rid of his mischievous grin.
“What’s on your mind, Konecny?” You mused, not used to the serious side of your boyfriend. Things with Travis were carefree and fun, of course it was a committed relationship, but you felt more like you were dating your best friend and you spent most of your time together laughing and sharing inside jokes.
“I just love seeing you with the guys.” He stated, hand resting on on your hip and this thumb rubbing into your skin through the fabric of your shirt. You smiled at the genuine adoration on his face that made your heart sore. You liked hanging out with the boys so it made you happy that he liked seeing you with his friends. You’d had more than your fair share of exes that would’ve been jealous by you being close with their friends. “It means a lot to me that you like them, since they’re such a big part of my life.”
“You’re such a sap.” You teased, pushing yourself forwards to press a chaste kiss to his lips before smiling sweetly at him. “But I love you anyways.”
“I love you, too.” He grinned, chasing after you for another kiss and you giggled, keeping him at bay with a hand pushed on his chest. He pouted at the lack of attention, but now it was your turn grin mischievously at him.
“It’s a good thing that you love me, unconditionally, because I may or may not have signed you and Nolan up to sing Hannah Montana.”
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t-lostinworlds · 5 years
Lost You (Shawn Mendes)
Feat. Tom Holland
A/N: Here is me trying to get back to writing haha and yeah, Tom Holland is here. First time ever writing him so please don’t kill me if it’s bad lakslaksal. This was written quickly too, supposed to be a blurb but got carried away. Also I don’t think this is the best I've written thus far so I’m sorry in advance if it sucks :/ Anyways, hope you still enjoy!
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First of thank you so much sweets 🥺 that means the world. Second, I changed it up a bit, I hope it’s okay ❤️
Warnings: None and Typos
Word Count: 3.2k+
Masterlist in Bio
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[Images not mine]
That all-too-familiar British accent made you look away from the car window, eyes landing on a handsome man who was sitting right beside you. A worried smile was etched on his lips as he tilted his head to the side, hand resting on your bare leg in a comforting manner, the car ride quiet aside from the soft music that the radio was playing and the soft mumbles of the other people accompanying you.
You couldn't stop yourself from admiring him as he was all groomed up, wearing a classic black suit that fitted is body perfectly, a white dress shirt paired with a bow tie, radiating that James Bond feel with his hair gelled back to give him that clean and sleek look.
You gave him a small nod. "A little bit. Thank you so much for coming with me Tom." You flashed him a grateful smile, placing your hand on top of his as you gave it a soft squeeze.
"Hey, of course, it's your first VMA's, I wouldn't miss it for the world. And I know how much you hate red carpets but still, you join me when I ask you to walk with me. The least I can do is return the favor."
You know that there was something more between you two other than being just casual friends, even Tom does too as he's already confessed to you how he really feels, but none of you has bother to do something about it yet, being that you've just broken up with your boyfriend not too long ago.
You're still figuring yourself out and Tom being the kindest, most understand and sweetest person that he is, he respected that and has done nothing but be there when you needed him most.
"Have I already told you how gorgeous you look?" The young man grinned, eyes admiring you in a way that made your stomach do a flip.
"Yes, now quit ogling, your making me melt." You joked with a roll of your eyes, feigning a slight hint of annoyance in your voice that only made him chuckle. Tom was about to says something but didn't get a chance to respond as the car came to a halt, a crowded red carpet in full view once the both of you took a glance at the tinted window.
Tom interlaced his fingers with yours, giving it a comforting squeeze before his free hand took hold of the door handle. "Ready?"
You took one deep breath as you gave him the go signal, the door sliding open seconds later as he slowly stepped out of the car.
Tom helped you out like the gentleman that he is, your grip on his hand tightening as the flashing lights invaded your eyes in a matter of minutes, your name being screamed by dozens of photographers as they try to get a hold of your attention.
You wore your best smile as you threaded down the carpet, following the usherette assigned to guide the two of you and then stopping to pose as how these things always go.
Tom lets go of your hand to wrap an arm around your waist, your eyes meeting his as he gave it a reassuring squeeze to let you know that he's got you. The amount of time the two of you had walked the red carpet this past few months made him understand why you don't liked carpet. You do get a bit flustered with this much attention, like your being held under a magnifying glass and that one wrong move could be seen even if it's miniscule.
You mirrored his smile as your turned around to fully face him, hand coming up to fix his bow tie as both of his took home on your hips.
"Why did you wear a bow tie? You know very well that you can't keep this straight not matter how hard you try." You teased, hand sliding down his chest once the tie was straight enough for your liking.
The flashing lights and the screaming were never ending but you've learned to tune it out for the amount of times you've done this already. Tom chuckled as he guided you further down the carpet again, stopping to take another pose before he spoke.
"I mean you do like it more when I wear this than a regular tie. You think I look ravishing, you just hate to admit it." Tom retorted with a smirk. You rolled your eyes at that. "Oh please, don't be so full of yourself Holland."
It was going great so far, all laughs and smiles between you and Tom but of course, that only lasted for a moment as you heard the paparazzi scream the names of the people you weren't exactly keen to see.
What a way of the universe to joke that they had to arrive just after you did. You were praying, begging that you could at least walk the carpet without seeing that specific familiar face, but we don't always get what we want in this world do we.
Tom felt you tense up a little bit his head turning to see what was wrong, but when he finally heard who has just arrived, he was quick to switch from playful to overprotective mode, his grip on your waist tightening as he pulled you closer to his side.
"You alright?" Tom leaned closer to whisper in your ear. You nodded with a hum, your faces just an inch away as he pulled back, the concern on his features only lasting a split second as it was quick to change, his smile now wide and bright as he looked at you adoringly.
"He's watching." He spoke between his grin once he took in your confused expression and you were impressed at how fast he can change his mood all of the sudden, but then again, he is an amazing actor after all.
You flashed him a thankful smile, glad that he understood why you're suddenly uncomfortable without having to explain it. So grateful that he was here just as how he's been from the beginning.
With a deep intake of breath, you willed yourself to ignore them, to not even have a peek as you focused on the tasked at hand, focusing more at the gentleman beside you.
Just grin and bear it Y/N, carpet is almost done.
Shawn however, was having a really hard time ignoring you.
Though he was walking with someone else, he can't stop himself from stealing quick glances in your direction whenever he can, making sure that he was doing it as discreetly as he could. The internet would go crazy if he gets caught longingly looking at someone who they only knew was his friend. You never did go public, you didn't get the chance to as everything when south in a blink of an eye. But seeing you right now in the flesh after many months, Shawn feels like his heart was about to jump out of his chest.
He was in awe to say the least.
You wore a fitted sheer dress covered in silver stones and glitters, the garment hugging your body in the right spots giving you a beautiful figure that was making Shawn's head spin. More so with that plunging neckline that showed just enough for it look classy, along with a low back that made the dress look even sexier. As if that wasn't enough, the dress had a slit that showed off those legs in the most elegant way possible.
Your hair was up in a messy bun with a simple yet glamorous makeup, and that beautiful smile of yours that he'd always fall for. Shawn was at a loss for words at how breathtaking you look, you always do that to him no matter the occasion, and you never fail to do so, even to this day.
But his daydreaming was cut short when he finally noticed that you weren't alone too, a certain pang in his chest when you seem to look so happy in the arms of another.
The break up was entirely his fault.
He made a choice thinking that it was for the best, but now he was starting to think otherwise and he was slowly and painfully swallowing the consequences thus far.
Shawn got pulled straight out of his thoughts once your eyes met his the moment you looked over your shoulder. He blinked a couple of time to check if he wasn't hallucinating, seeing a bright smile painted on your lips as you gave him a curt nod, no ill-will written on your face before you broke his gaze, turning to face the person who stood too close by your side for Shawn's liking.
The way his arm was laced on your waist was not sitting well with Shawn at all, especially when this Tom guy was looking at you in a way that he used to. But what truly hurts was that familiar look of adoration on your beautiful face, the one you always gave Shawn whenever you're proud of him. That certain look that was used to be for him and him only, keyword: used to.
This made him think that maybe he was too late, and that you've finally moved on. That he's truly lost you fully this time.
He shook his head with a clear of his throat, standing straighter as he shoved all his thoughts in the back of his head, wrapping his arm around the girl beside him as he smiled at the cameras.
This was going to be a long night.
It was commercial break and you were thankful, your bladder just couldn't seem to hold it for much longer. You turned to Tom, nudging his arm as he was busy talking with someone's brother that you didn't quite catch the name of.
"I'm just gonna go the bathroom real quick." You whispered once his attention was on you, slowly getting out of your seat only for Tom to do the same. "I can take you–"
"No silly, it's fine. I'll be back as fast as I can I promise." You giggled, gently pushing him back down as you waved at the person he was taking to.
"Okay then, be careful you clumsy woman." Tom gave you a playful wink with a soft chuckle, you shaking your head in response, mumbling a soft 'shut up' before you walking off.
You reached an empty hallway that one of the staff members pointed you towards, the door of the bathroom coming to view moments later but that's when you heard rushed footsteps behind you, your mind immediately thinking that it was Tom following you as he was the only one who knows where you've gone.
"I thought I told you I can handle myself and pee alone Tom?" You giggled, turning around only to stop dead in your tracks as you were met by a familiar man, too familiar for your taste, one that sported those unruly curls on top of his head.
"Shawn." You breathed out, face contorted in sheer surprise as you were not expecting him at all.
"Y/N, hey." He flashed you a shy smile, both hands in his pockets as he slowly walked closer to you, stopping himself once you took a step back, sadness flashing across his features and you tried your hardest not to scoff out loud.
"What are you doing here?" You asked skeptically, crossing your arms over your chest, but not in an intimidating way, no, it was more as a defensive stance, shielding yourself in a sense.
The break up wasn't a mutual decision, nor did it end on a good note. It was painful, very painful.
It left you in such a dark place and you worked so hard to get yourself out of there. You've made your progress but you aren't exactly fully out yet, you are still in the process of healing as wounds are still a bit fresh, and there is no way in hell you're letting him pull you right back in.
"Just wanted to see you... I miss you."
You shut your eyes tight with a sigh as you shook your head at him. "Don't. Just don't."
Shawn didn't seem to get the hint as he only took a few more steps closer to you, lips parted slightly as he took you in completely. "You look so beautiful." He gushed, fingers absentmindedly pushing a strand of hair behind your ear once he was in close proximity, so close that you just had to look up at him.
You stood there frozen in your spot, heart beating rapidly against your chest as you found yourself stuck under his gaze. Those familiar brown eyes will always have a hold against you, especially when he's looking at you so yearningly, a certain glow crossing his features as is if he was too glad to be close to you again.
The more you stared into his eyes, the more you felt your walls slowly slip, so you pulled your head away from his grasp, clearing your throat as you took two steps back, a deep frown quick to appear on Shawn's lips but you paid it no mind.
"I'm sorry but I need to go." You hastily walked pass him but being the stubborn boy that he is, he took hold of your arm to pull you right back.
"No, wait." Shawn spun you around to face him again, both hands now gripping your elbows to keep you in place, his grasp firm but not too much for it to hurt. His action only made your annoyance grow, a slight anger now slowly boiling to the surface as you gave him a pointed look. "Let go of me Shawn."
The slight waver in your voice made Shawn drop his hands, the frown on his face never leaving as his brain slowly processed how you actually didn't want him near at all. It hurts to say the least but Shawn can't blame you.
He can only imagine what you've been true. The pain he's caused seemingly unforgivable that he, himself would want nothing to do with him either.
"Can you at least give us the chance to talk?" Shawn sounded so desperate but he didn't care. He was holding onto his last beacon of hope, that maybe deep inside, you still have feelings for him, that you still love him just as how he still loves you.
You let out an exasperated sigh. "There's nothing left to talk about Shawn. We broke up months ago. We are done. I've been moving on and you have no right to try and pull me back in now when I've been doing so much better than when you left me. And just to clarify, you have a girlfriend."
Shawn ran a frustrated hand through his curls. "Please honey, I've been regretting things a lot and I can't apologize enough for what I've done. I was stupid and I've been wanting to kick my ass every single day from the moment I hurt you. And seeing you today with Tom, how you look so happy with him, it fucking hurts so bad. I miss you so much, I want you back angel, I need you back Y/N."
A sarcastic laugh left your mouth before you could even stop it, eyes rolling as you shook your head at him in pure disbelief. "Wow. You're being unfair Shawn. Now that I'm happy and have been better, you suddenly want me back? When you see me with someone else you suddenly miss me? You had months to reach out to me Shawn. Fucking months, but not once did you ever think about calling me. I'm not going to be some girl who you only show interest to when it benefits you."
Shawn shook his head, bottom lip trembling as he took your hand in his, and you let him but never did you show him that it affected you in any way. "No that's not the reason. I still love you Y/N, I really do. Please just give me another chance."
You sighed, gaze softening as you watch him slowly break in front of you, but you weren't giving in, you've grown stronger since that day and you've learned to stand your ground, to do what's best yourself. "You've been living your best life during those months, touring the world, frolicking the streets while I was suffering in the pain that you've caused. I don't want to go through it again because it fucking hurts Shawn. It was a hard battle but I've overcome it. Maybe not fully yet but I am getting there, and I'm not letting you jeopardize that. You were a beautiful mistake, but I can't anymore. I'm done. Now will you please, let me go."
"No, angel please just–"
"Y/N! Is everything alright?" A huge relief washed over your body as that familiar voice bounced off the cream colored walls. Shawn's whole body going rigid as he closed his eyes, jaw clenching at the interruption.
"I'm sorry Shawn, but I think it's best that we keep our distance. You need to sort yourself out as do I." You whispered, slowly pulling your hands out of his grip and making your way towards Tom.
"Hey Tom, you know Shawn and yeah, everything's fine." The curly boy turned at his name, a tight lip smile on his face as he gave you both a curt nod.
"Hey man, nice to finally meet you." Tom moved forward as he reached a hand out, a friendly smile on his lips but you didn't miss his tight grip once Shawn took it, the tension between the two rising as Tom shook Shawn's hand hard and firm.
You saw Shawn's jaw visible clench as he slowly nodded his head, standing tall and strong with his nostrils slightly the flaring once Tom lets go of his hand. "Likewise. Big fan of the films."
You couldn't stop yourself from rolling your eyes as Shawn's voice got deeper than normal, the stare between the two looking like some high school confrontation.
Tom only chuckled with a nod. "Thanks mate. Appreciate it." He didn't wait for Shawn to respond as he turned his attention to you, hand wrapping around your waist in a sweet yet protective manner. "Tricia's been looking for you. It's almost your turn to perform love."
You flashed him a bright smile, a silent communication happening between you two and Shawn felt his heart sink to his stomach, eyes falling to the floor as he couldn't bear to watch you two any longer.
"Let's get going then. I still need to change. I'll see you around Shawn." You gave him one last smile before turning your back on him, walking down the hall to where you came from, wondering what both of your futures hold.
Shawn only watched as you disappeared out of sight, heart breaking into pieces as he slowly felt his knees give out, a tear slipping out of his eyes at that the thought that he's pushed you away, so far and into the arms of someone else.
He really has lost you for good this time, another consequence of his mistake that he has no choice but to endure and face.
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25yearsofcrying · 3 years
Julie and the Phantoms
Summary: Trying my own hand at JATP novelization, using the show rather than the novel or the scripts. I’m sure it’s been done before but there’s never enough Julie and the Phantoms, right? If nothing else, I have an excuse to rewatch every single scene of the show all over again. And the deleted scene...
CHAPTER 02: life is a test, yes
I never used to want to be invisible, but that was before. Now I keep my head down and my cap pulled into my face as I weave my way through the hallway of Los Felis High School. I’ve had more than enough attention, the wrong kind, over the past year. That’s the one thing no one tells you about losing a mother. That people will shower you with pity. And those same people will look at you with side eye when you don’t bounce back as fast as they need you to.
I’m standing at my locker when my best friend bounces over. “Hey, underachiever,” she greets me, teasing.
That brings a brief smile to my face. “Hey, disappointment,” I counter.
She gets straight to the point, as she always does. “I know you don’t want me to ask, but have you figured out what you’re gonna do today?” And she is right. I don’t want her to ask. This is not a conversation I am ready for, despite having seen it coming.
“I’ll know in the moment,” I say and I can tell my best friend sees through my blatant lie.
My name is Julie and hers is Flynn and while she’s the furthest thing from a disappointment, but these days, I am as well be that and an underachiever, too. I never used to be. I used to work hard, apply myself as the teachers would say, and I made my family proud. My grades are still okay these days, also thanks to the teachers’ leniency over the past few months, but I can’t find my ambition. Aspiring towards anything feels hollow when my mom’s not around to witness my achievements. Everything just reminds me that she is not here anymore.
At this point, everyone thinks I’m a loser. A flake. The girl who is still in the music program because the teacher feels sorry for me, not because I belong.
Flynn looks at me in disbelief. She has one of those extremely expressive faces and I would be able to tell how frustrated she is with me even if I didn’t know her as well as I do. “Really, Jules? That’s all you’re giving me? Mrs. Harrison said this is your last chance.”
“I know. I was there.” I appreciate what Flynn’s trying to do for me, I do. She’s been kicking my behind into gear for the past year and I’m not sure where I’d be without her. They say you find who your real friends are in a time of crisis and I certainly have. Flynn can be kind and Flynn be tough, but about all, Flynn is loyal. Right now, however, my insides are twisting with nerves as is.
I don’t know what I’m going to do.
Fortunately, I’m saved from further conversation by a familiar, annoying voice. Carrie Wilson, our school’s queen bee and kind of celebrity, floats through the hallway with flyers in hand. She hands one to anyone willing to take it, which is everyone. “See you at the rally!” she says with each flyer. Her tone drips with sugary sweet fake friendliness.
Flynn’s displeasure turns to Carrie. “Ugh. What is she handing out?”
I shrug. “Desperation?” I guess and it makes Flynn chuckle, which I take as a point for me. Humor has been one of those things not coming easy to me lately and I am glad to see I can still make Flynn laugh.
“Come see Dirty Candy tomorrow!” Carrie makes her way over to us. “Here you go!” she says, handing a flyer first to Flynn and then to me. “My group’s performing at the spirit rally tomorrow.” I am shocked she mentions her group at all. Everyone knows it’s a Carrie show, supported by her father’s money and connections. “I’m sure you guys have nothing better to do,” she adds.
Carrie and I used to be friends. Right now, I can barely remember why.
“Oh my gosh, Carrie! Thanks!” says Flynn sarcastically, clutching the flyer like it’s a lottery ticket before letting her features slip back into an unimpressed expression.
“Oh my gosh, Flynn! Don’t bother coming!” Carrie says back and turns away from us. She has more flyers to hand out still.
And as she walks away, my gaze lands on her boyfriend Nick, who is waiting nearby with his skateboard and his nose in his phone. He doesn’t notice me, but I can’t help but smile to myself. He is so cute.
“Nick?” Flynn doesn’t miss my dreamy look. “Still? You know they’re gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies.”
“Nick is a sweetheart,” I protest. Nick might be a popular lacrosse player who’s been dating Carrie for much too long, but he is kind and nice. Very unlike his girlfriend.
Flynn shakes her head. “You’d actually have to talk to him to know that. And only one of them has to be a demon to make a demon baby. Demon!” she shouts and we both giggle when Carrie turns to follow her voice.
Seeing me laugh makes Flynn smile with genuine joy. “There’s that smile. Now let’s go prove everybody wrong.”
jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp  jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp  jatp jatp 
Music has always been my connection to other people. It connected me to Mom, to Flynn, even to Carrie at one point. Maybe it could have connected me to Nick, too, as he is playing his impressive solo of a classical piece on electric guitar but I’m too focused on what’s coming next.
Mrs. Harrison praises Nick when he finishes and the applause dies down. “Nice job, Nick. Almost as impressive as you game against Glandale,” she jokes and waits for him to sit before she turns to the rest of the class. To me. “We have one last performance. Julie?”
Reluctantly, I stand up. Music has been my life. Ever since I can remember, Mom and I would sit at the piano and play for hours. We used to write music together. When she was alive, I felt like some of her talent had to be in me, too, and she always encouraged me to keep playing. Then she died. And every time I touch an instrument – every time I so much as I try listening to a song – all I can think of is the pain of her being gone.
She’d want me to continue with the music program. I want to continue with the music program. Music is my dream… At least it has always been.
I approach the piano and sit down. Even though I’ve never needed to look at music sheets – I don’t forget music – I place them in front of me now. To buy myself time.
Everyone’s eyes are on me. Mrs. Harrison says, encouragingly: “Take your time.” She’d been saying that for a year now, but I know this is the last time she is going to. I’ve run out of my chances.
So I touch my fingers to the keys.
My insides twist, painfully.
I never play a note.
“I’m sorry,” I say, getting to my feet. Without looking at anyone, I grab my things.
Carrie says, in mock confusion: “Is this when we clap?”
I hear Flynn snap at her but I don’t stop to see whether Carrie looks chastised. I’m running out of the classroom, Flynn at my heels.
Tears are burning in my eyes.
I’ve failed. I’ve disappointed everyone. Mrs. Harrison, Flynn, Dad… Mom. Myself. And I gave ammunition to Carrie, too. Everyone probably thinks I’m being dramatic, but they don’t understand how much it hurts.
Despite wanting to run as far away as I possibly can, Flynn’s voice forces me to stop and turn around.
She is standing on top of the stairs I’ve reached the bottom of and she looks on the edge of tears herself, her gorgeous face twisted with pain and anger. “Girl!” she shouts and accompanies it with an urgent gesture, pointing back towards the classroom. “You better get back up here and you show them you can sing.”
I shake my head. I want to, but I can’t. I’m done here. “I’ve tried,” I shout back. “I’ve tried for myself, I’ve tried for Mrs. Harrison, I’ve tried for you, I’ve tried for my Dad and I’ve tried for mom. For a whole year, I’ve been trying. I can’t do this anymore.” Tears threaten to roll down my face. “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t. I’m done.”
I turn away again, to run, and this time I hear Flynn calling my name, but she doesn’t chase after me.
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