#this ones my favorite now for reasons i cant quite grasp
mechawolfie · 1 year
I'm just now noticing the amount of gender envy I felt as a kid for the main guy characters from disneys old furry movies.....
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kirbyystar · 8 months
fluff Inosuke - headcanon
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character: Inosuke Hashibira
a/n: my kyojuro blog did so well (thank you for those who reblogged and liked <3) I decide to keep this going! I will be doing Inosuke in this blog, either Giyu or Tanjiro.
NOTE: my work will always purely be fluff. I will not write 18+ work as of now.
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where do i start..
for one, he clearly has his own way of love. its clearly different and not what you might experienced with anyone else. but, his love is definitely one of a kind. Of course it took a while to grasp the idea you guys were together- his feelings were always there, he just didn't know how to cope with it. He likes to come back from missions with flowers for you <3 most of the time the flowers are crushed from being in his pocket. but its the thought that counts! he genuinely cares for you. in fact, your name is the only name he can verbally pronounce right! it took a while but he made it his goal to remember it! you understand he might be a bit.. naïve or silly most of the time but you're always there to help him understand, almost as if your guide. part of why hes so fond and attracted to you. you're so intelligent, he loves it.
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his favorite thing about you is your personality
he loves how smart, bright, cheerful you are. especially when your his #1 cheerleader lol
inosuke loves your scent, you constantly remind him if he wants to cuddle or physical contact.. he gotta shower😭 hes always out of missions and now he comes back ready to shower to soon jump on you
many many things improved of him since being with you, in a good way ofc!
he loves to physically fight with you
most of the time, he wins. but when YOU win, he immediately demands a rematch
inosuke has his way of complimenting you
he doesn't usually use nicknames bc he somewhat manages to pronounce it wrong
"my paby" 😭 took you both at least 4 times to say "baby"
he loves LOVESS when you give him nicknames, especially if you praise him
praising him makes him feel like the king of the world
not really a kisser or a hugger, moments like these are rare
although he immediately folds and is basically at your feet when your in his presence. he just cant control himself
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so, its clear to say, inosuke is in love with you. he won't ever admit being in love unless he truly felt. he's the type to be very honest and wouldn't want you to get hurt. he does his best with you because he wants you to be happy. he never wants you to leave him. separation is prolly the scariest thing for him. although its almost as if he has commitment issues, ONLY BECAUSE he worries a lot if he isn't good enough. (which ofc hes more than enough, hes everything) but inosuke is very open about the thought. just for reassurance from him. part of the reason why hes so scared to leave you is because how you guys met lol
both of you had a separate mission however, you just happen to cross path with inosuke. this made him headbutt you because silly inosuke thought you were trying to interfere with his mission </3 it was quite a moment though, he kept declaring he'll kill the demon before you can and you just stood there like... what LMAO its ok tho cuz after a lot of communication mainly from you, inosuke finally understand you, and it was almost as if it was fate, you guys kept crossing each others path, soon enough, you guys were doing missions together. it didnt bother either of you considering how many times you guys often seen each other.
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hes not afraid to stand by you in public, holding hands only makes him more flustered ofc
but hes def the "man of the relationship"
wont let you hold any of your things when shopping
keeps notes you write for him so he can always read them <3
(you help him so much and hes truly thankful)
bluntly compliments you-
"y/n, you're so beautiful today."
he always got that smirk on his face when he knows he got you flustered lol
always backfires tho every time you say a comeback (as u should)
you guys be having the most random convos
Honestly, in the end, hes truly all you got and will do anything to protect you. Your happiness makes him happy, and thats all he needs.
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divider: cafekitsune
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ganyuslily · 3 years
they say spring is the season of rebirth and starting anew — so why do the both of you keep clinging onto things that have passed years ago?
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pairing: zhongli/gender neutral reader
category/extra notes: ig its just like yearning? kind of just getting to terms with some stuff, bittersweet neither fluff or extreme angst
note: alternatively, you envy the sunlight dancing on his skin, as it is much closer to him than youll ever be.
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“im better at throwing things away now,” you say after giving him his cup of tea (his favorite, he notices briefly. something tugs at his heartstrings).
“you are?” he murmurs under his breath, golden eyes staring at your form.
you looked beautiful in the sunlight — as if covered in honey, the soft glow radiating off of you and making his heart ache. you looked like liquid gold, shining, standing right in front of him. you looked like a divine being and for the first time, he felt as if he should bow to you (a funny thought, he thinks to himself. an ex-archon bowing to a human — but you were no ordinary human. capturing the heart of a god wasnt something anyone could do, after all).
youre staring, you want to tell him, stop it, but you cant, not when youre doing the same. you feel guilty that you enjoy his company and want him to stay. you observe the way hes sitting, leg hooked on the other one, hand gracefully put upon his thigh. he wears his usual coat, the one that fits him snuggly at his shoulders and waist and you feel a weird sense of nostalgia washing over you (he looks so in place, so at home. it hurts. your home wasnt his anymore). you long to touch him, but you know you shouldnt.
you envy the sunlight dancing on his skin, as it is much closer to him than youll ever be.
“there is still one thing i cant quite get rid of,” you speak up again, lifting a ring. it catches the light, reflecting it. the mans breath hitches, his fingers grasping the cup harder.
“it seems i still love you, after all,” you muse, seemingly talking more to yourself than to him.
i too, still love you, he wanted to say. oh, but how could he, when he was the reason you both parted ways.
(i wish i could just let you go. it is spring and i want to start from the beginning, but the way you stare at me makes me think that you still feel something for me too.)
neither of you say anything. you stay in silence, basking in each others presence.
maybe one day your hearts will feel a little less heavy.
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highsviolets · 3 years
Drabble: US Ranger Javier Peña (Take Me To Church-verse)
a/n: a drabble for my dearest @frannyzooey​ as part of her Din Djarin Western/Brothel AU Take Me To Church. Thank you for trusting me with part of your story, Kelli -- it’s the greatest honor to be your friend (not to mention writing for you like WHAT). 
rating: E (18+ only!) 
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There are regulars, and then there are regulars. Gracie was always clever, and she was quick to spot the difference early on.
US Ranger Javier Peña was a regular, and he knew all the girls, affectionately greeting every one each time he paid a visit to the madam’s establishment. “Hello Freckles,” he’d say, a gentle kiss accompanying the light endearment for the red-headed girl with stars painted on her cheeks.
A charismatic man with jagged-edge soul, the other girls often complain about Javier when he leaves town — one night rough, the other tender, with no telling how he would love from one day to the next. No one denies that he’s good — if not one of the best — but something about the locked pieces of his heart, the way he loves with a mercurial touch, confuses them.
But Gracie — oh, Gracie is Javier Peña's favorite. An expert at reading his mood, she can tell from the first sip of whiskey at the bar how he will want her. Hands and knees? Bent over the bed? Or on her back, bracketed between strong forearms as he kisses away her gentle cries?
Tonight, Javi’s leaning against the bar as he always does, top button undone for an almost lewd display of skin. There’s a mild crowd: familiar faces and first-timers, some of them huddled around him for a chat about what’s happening out in the settlements nearer to the true frontier. One of them looks vaguely familiar; a friend of Francisco’s, perhaps?
“I wish I could help more,” Gracie hears Javi murmur in a honeyed rasp as she approaches. Just the half-dozen words are enough to make her toes curl and her chin lilt backward slightly in purple anticipation of what else that voice is going to tell her tonight. “But that’s all the information I have. Maybe you’ll be more effective than us, working around, uh” — Gracie spots a hint of tongue dragging across Javi’s lower lip — “official restrictions, as it were.”
The other man — shorter, and strong of build — nods in agreement just as Javier spots you  over the stranger’s shoulder, smirking around the rim of his whiskey glass as he brings it to his lips. Catching his companion’s shift in attention, the other man turns. Handsome, close-set features relax when he spots Gracie and he looks up to Javier with a knowing smile. “I’ll leave you.”
But Javi shakes his head and takes Gracie’s delicate hand in his own larger one, tugging her until she makes contact with his body in a soft stumble. He lets it lay on his chest, the other snaking around to rest low and heavy on her lower back. Comforting, familiar warmth seeps through the flimsy chemise, and Gracie’s struck once again by how sturdy Javier is, thick muscles evident as she glides her palm across the stiff fabric of his shirt.
A kiss to her forehead, openly grazing his hand across back — drifting dangerously close to her ass — Javier is the picture ease. “No reason for you to leave,” he says, regretting the words as soon as he says them. Gracie is all soft and pliant, already melting into him, the rapidly increasing rise and fall of her chest visible thanks to the low cut of her underclothes.
But the man declines, leaving their company with another smile. As soon as he turns his back, Javi spins her into him, bracing her weight against forearm. She sways, and he catches her quickly, hands settling on her waist.
“Hola, Gracie,” Javier murmurs. He lets his calloused hands skim lightly up and down her sides with a feather-touch, fingertips dancing over her curves, and Gracie feels as though she can hardly breathe. Javier is the oxygen, the flame, the cause — he is an inferno, and to get too close to him is to burn.
Gracie has never wanted to be consumed more.
“Hello, Javier,” she coos in response, tilting her head back to properly meet his eyes. Dark in the hazy light, she spots the beginnings of lust in their depths, narrowing ever-so-slightly. They track down to her now-exposed neck and Gracie smiles fondly as Javier bends down to press an open-mouthed kiss to her pulse point.
“I missed you,” Javier murmurs, that hoarse voice against her skin sending heat straight to her core. Dragging his lips north, up the column of her throat, he shuffles his feet closer, bringing his hips flush to hers.
“Javier,” Gracie replies, and even she’s not sure if it’s a rebuke or a plea for more. No one, no one, no one, can make her feel like this; can make her want them, make her thighs drip with arousal, before they even bring her upstairs.
“Missed this,” is all he offers as a whispered response against her ear. Arms tighten around her when she shivers, locking in his embrace, and she can feel the evidence of his arousal as he leans into her even further, hot and heavy against her hip.
With a shuddering sigh, Gracie gathers her wits. Raising her hand for the second time that night, lithe fingers fiddle with his collar, rubbing the material back and forth in steady rhythm. “Are you going to take me upstairs, Javier, or are you just going to keep missing me?”
“Well then, hermosa,” his mouth drawls against her skin, “take me upstairs.”
“Oh, fuck, Javier,” Gracie moans, letting her head dip back between her shoulders. “Oh my god.”
Javier groans from his position between her legs, both of which are now thrown over his shoulders. “Good girl, Gracie,” he breathes, sliding his nose through her folds. “Let me hear you, hermosa.”
Spreading her legs wider, hands gripping at her thighs, Javier decides he likes her like this — up on the vanity, skin flush with the cool surface, looking down at him seated in the chair. Leaning forward, he starts tasting her again, swirling his tongue against clit in tortuously slow circles. An insistent tug on his hair makes him look up at her again — bare, wanting, brow furrowed in pleasure and Javier cants his forward, the sight of her fueling his own need.
Dragging his tongue back down, he licks her open slowly, enjoying her soft cries and exhortations of more, Javier, please.
Slowly, slowly, slowly, he lifts a hand and traces it upwards, grasping at her breast. It’s enough to make him groan, rolling her hardened nipple between his finger and thumb. Pinching at it slightly, Javier moans again when the action causes Gracie to roll her hips against his mouth, insistent.
Still unhurried, Javier dips into her, lapping at her arousal. “God, you taste good,” he mutters against her wet heat, smiling when Gracie tries to grind down on him again. “Do you need something, mi reina?” he adds, nipping lightly at her thigh.
“Javi,” Gracie whines, twirling her fingers around strands of his hair, now curled with sweat and exertion. “Javi, please — oh”
Her request is broken off with a soft moan, taken aback by the way Javier’s now sucking lightly at her clit. “Oh my god,” she repeats. It becomes a stuttering mantra as he returns his hands to her hips, pulling her deeper into her mouth, devouring her with the reckless intensity with which he does everything, his own hips bucking slightly at the way she floods his mouth.
“Come for me, hermosa,” Javier says into her. “Come for me; I know you’re close, I can taste it.”
It should be so strange, him fucking her like this, but she doesn’t care. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror across the room, spotting his broad-shouldered back and the eagerness with which he eats her, her own eyes wild and bright, is what makes her come undone with a sharp cry. Rolling her hips into his mouth, she rides out her release like a spluttering fire, arousal dimmed for the moment, but not quite put out.
After she pushes him away, over-sensitive, Javier leans up to kiss her. His chin, his lips, are shiny with her slick but she doesn’t care, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him fiercely, letting her tongue slide across his lips and tasting herself on his skin.
“Oh, Javier,” Gracie says, glassy-eyed, as he pulls away. “You’re - you’re incredible.”
His returning grin is positively wicked. “Oh, mi reina,” he whispers, fingers finding their way between her thighs. “Who said I was done with you?”
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strawberri-blonde · 4 years
Daisy - Draco Malfoy
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Summary: You have a secret admirer who gifts you your favorite flower, after three times he reveals himself but it doesn’t go as planned.
Warnings: None
Laughter filled your body as you listened to Ron go on and on about how Hermione will never feel the same as he did. “What are you all talking about?” The beautiful Gryffindor nudged your shoulder making you giggle as the boys instantly shutting their mouths to scared to get caught. Rolling your eyes at Harry’s widen eyes and Ron’s shuttering you replied.
“We were talking about how Ron absolutely sucks at potions and he is too intimate to ask you for help.” Ron gave you a look but Hermione tilted her head. “You know how boys get. Their egos are fragile.”
“Hey.” The red head threw a crumb at you while Harry laughed along with Hermione.
“I’ll help you Ron.” Seeing the blush appeared on his pale face you picked up your cup to shield the smirk that was to evident if you didn’t try to hide it.
“Pssh, if you think Granger can help you, you’re crazy Weasley.” Hearing that familiar voice that caused chills to run down your spine. You quickly brushed off the feeling as Ron spoke.
“Ah, shut it Malfoy.” You set your cup down then reached for your fork and rested it in your hands.
“Please, Draco can we have one day without you terrorizing us?” The blonde looked at you and his  stature stiffened. Luckily, no one noticed it and he was able to concentrate on the real reason he was here.
“Honestly, Y/n.” He leaned down placing his arms on the either side you, making your heart race but you kept a straight face. “I don’t know why you hangout with these mugbloods.” And just like that you rolled your eyes and turned to him making it so your lips were only inches apart.
“Because they’re my friends Draco. You should try to get some other than your minions.” Sucking in a breath as his eyes trailed down your face towards your lips. “That’s not a friendship.”
“Hmm.” The two of you stayed in that position until the boys spoke up.
“Back off Malfoy.”
“Yeah just leave her be.”
Clearing your throat, Draco leaned back and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his robe. “When you’re ready to be around your on kind you know where to find me.” You rolled your eyes again then turned back, not facing the boy then dropped your fork to pick up your cup to take a sip from it.
“Not in a million years, Draco.” The golden trio plus others that couldn’t help but listen in snickered at the platinum blonde. The pure blood only rolled his eyes and turned away but not before sparing you one more glance.
Harry and Ron carefully watched the Slytherin walked off to sit with the members of his house. “Good, he’s annoying.” The Weasley snipped before taking a bite of his food.
Letting out a sigh, you put down your cup and went to grab your fork but when you did something else was in its place. A white daisy. “What in the-”
“Y/n, did you do that?” Picking up the delicate flower you turned to Hermione and shook your head in confusion.
“No, I...” you paused to inspect the beauty, quite literally in shock. “I didn’t do it.”
Harry squinted his eyes at the flower. “Maybe you did it on accident.”
Ron nodded in agreement. “Or someone could’ve cursed your fork?” This caused all of you to turn to Ron in disbelief. “What?”
“I don’t think someone would curse my fork to turn into something like a flower.” Hermione grabbed onto your arm and let a smile cover her beautiful features.
“Maybe someone did it because they have a crush?”
Your eyebrows rose and eyes widen at this. “I don’t think so Hermione.” Feeling her hands slip off your arms you brought the flower closer towards your face and smile at it. “But I have to say I do enjoy the sweet surprise.”
The crowds roaring echoed in your ear lighting up the fire inside as you yelled with them. Hermione and you were jumping up and down from the Gryffindor team scoring a point tying with Slytherin. “Merlin, we need to win this.” Hermione nodded in agreement clenching her hat onto her curly long locks. “Go, boys!” Surprisingly enough, it seemed as though Draco somehow heard you through all the ruckus and y’all locked eyes for a brief moment. He was the first to look away and knock a Gryffindor off his broom. Smirking towards yourself you hated that you found it hot.
“What was that?” Hermione’s question startled you a bit causing you to grab at your chest in shock.
You pushed back some of your hair as you kept your eyes onto the match, not daring to look the girl in the eye. Because you knew that if she did, the girl would know your secret. “What are you talking about?” Gryffindor blocked a goal causing you to scream but Hermione crossed her arms over her chest giving you her signature look.
“Oh don’t give me that?” You sighed making a cloud surround your face because it was so cold. “You like him. You like Malfoy-” insanely you turned around and covered her mouth with your hand.
“Don’t.” Your voice came out very squinky making you wince. “Please Hermione, not right now.” The brunette squeezed your biceps in comfort and when you let go of her mouth a smile had taken over.
“Okay, but later-Y/N!” Hermione pulled you toward her as a golden snitch came flying your way. You lifted your arms up to cover your face and flinched expecting to feel pain but it never came. Instead you felt the slightest touch. Slowly you moved your hands away from your face and looked down to see a daisy. Hermione bent down and picked it up to hand it to you. “Someone just saved your live with a daisy.”
Your breath got caught in your throat as you reached out to grasp the flower. Looking at the beauty, it looked the same as the one that appeared in the dinning hall. “I guess I’m lucky.”
After that, Slytherin had won the match, with Draco scoring the winning point for his team. Of course you were upset that your house had lost but seeing Draco’s smile made it a little better.
Walking down the main hall, you took off your hat and ran your fingers through your hair still holding onto the white daisy. “Y/n.” Surprised to hear the voice you turned around quickly to look over at the platinum blonde.
“Draco? What are you doing?” His hair was pressed to his forehead from the sweat and his cheeks were flushed from all the adrenaline pumping through his veins. Surprisingly, he smelt amazing despite having sweat all over.
“I-I was wondering if you were okay.” A sweet smile danced its way onto your face as Malfoy neared.
You took a step forward making it so you were only a few distances away. “Well,” you said as you twirled the daisy in between your thumb and pointer finger. “I didn’t get knocked out by a snitch sooo I think I’m doing okay.” Draco laughed at this and stepped a little closer.
“Well that’s a good thing.”
You grinned at him before replying. “Was the great Draco Malfoy worried about little old me?” The boy dragged his tongue across the inside of his cheek to the bottom of his lower jawed under his bottom lip. His eyes never left yours making you giggle. You reached forward with the hand that held the daisy, you grabbed the collar of his green rob and pulled him until his body was touching yours. “It’s a good look on you Malfoy.” And just like that all the confidence the Slytherin had was gone. You seeing how flushed the boy was, laughed in response and pulled away from him. “Have a nice night Malfoy.”
Cursing at himself for being so weak, Draco smiled at you one last time before you turned around to turn in for the night. “You too.”
Frustrations ran high as you stared at the piece of paper going over every ingredient, every little detail trying to get this potion right but for some reason it just wasn’t working. “Fuck me.” You groaned tugging on your roots.
“Is that an invitation?”
“Merlin.” You gasped turning around in shock. The moon shined through the window causing some light into the library but the fire did most of the work. You really didn’t expect for anyone to be in the library this late but here you were. “Draco? What are you doing here?” His slider body made his way over to where you were sitting and pressed his hands against the table.
“I was terrorizing 2nd year mugbloods and I lost them. Then I saw the light in the library and got curious.” You rolled your eyes then rested your chin into your hand.
“You know curiosity killed the cat right?” Now it was Dracos time to roll his eyes as he pulled out the wooden chair to sit across from you.
“Now it’s your turn.” You both had a mini stare off as you finally let out a sigh in defeat. You reluctantly turned the book around and showed it to the Slytherin.
”I cant figure out this spell and Snape has been giving me hell.” Draco’s eyes watched as you palmed your face in distress and his heart became heavy. “I’ve read everything at least seven times and I keep messing it up. And if I don’t get it right in class Snape will quite literally have my head.”
Chuckles filled the room as Draco grabbed onto the page. “We can’t have that can we?” Reading over the potion Dragon Dung Fertilizer. You watched carefully as his eyes gazed over the ingredients and looked at the materials. “Okay put it together like you have been because I think I know what you’ve been doing wrong.” You gave him a look but he just laughed. “I did the same thing too.”
“Whatever.” You laughed out then started to put all the ingredients together then at the last step toasted dragonfly thoraxes you grabbed your wand and lightly burned them. Before you could even put them in the bowl, Draco clicked his tongue against his teeth. “What?”
“I know it says toasted but you basically have to fry them.” You gave Draco a look but he rested his hand onto his chin. “Just trust me.” Giving the boy one last look you enknighted the spell that caused fire to spew from your wand and you burned the thoraxes to a crisp. Gently you set the ingredients all together and mixed them perfectly. Once everything seemed set you picked up the dead plant that came from Harry’s and Ron’s room and applied the fertilizer to the soil. At first nothing happened but then the golden potho came alive and grew a foot long in leaves.
“Draco!” You squealed out, dashing from your seat to grab him into a hug. Draco was stund but quickly adapted placing his arms over yours. “Thank you.” You mumbled a thanks into his chest giving the boy butterflies.
“Yeah no problem.” You pulled away first to look over at the plant and that’s when Dacro noticed the daisies in your book of spells. You were trying to see who was sending them. “I have to go it’s late.”
“You’re right.” You nodded while tidying up. “I’ll see you tomorrow Draco. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Y/n.” You listened to his footsteps until they disappeared then as you lifted up the pothos plant that’s when you saw it. A daisy.
“Oh it’s so Draco.” You let out a scoff as you pulled up your skirt then turned to your dorm mate. “I don’t know why you deny it so.”
“I’m denying it, Mione.” You looked back towards your mirror to brush your hair. “I’m denying it because I don’t want to get my hopes up.” Granger jumped up from her bed and walked behind you to comb your hair for you.
“So you like him.” Sharing eye contact through the reflection you nodded shamefully.
“Since second year. I know he’s mean to you and the others and I shouldn’t; but I see through all that. He’s going through pain and instead of standing up to his dad he takes it out of others.” Hermione gave you a soft smile, finishing up your hair.
“And that’s why we love you Y/n. It’s because you care for others who really don’t deserve it.” Shrugging your shoulders you turned to face the beauty. “But if you like him, Ron and Harry will get over it.” Her comment made you scoff. “It might take a while but they will.”
You stayed quiet but decided to shake the comment off. “I have to get to class.” Not giving Hermione a chance to start the conversation back up you threw on your robe and grabbed your wand, and books for class plus paper and a quill. “We’ll talk later. Promise.” You raced out the door not really looking at to where you were going. Once you turned a corner your body seemed to crash into something. “Bloody hell.”
“I’m sorry.” Looking up you were surprised to see the infamous Draco Malfoy.
“What-what are you doing on the girls dormitory floor?” You both bent down to pick up your stuff but once Draco handed you your book he grabbed your quill. He was the first to stand back up then lended a hand to help you up. Without hesitation you took it, and he helped you onto your feet. “Thanks, it’s seem quite the morning.” Draco let out a laugh and watched as your eyes landed onto your quill. Nervously, the platinum blonde grabbed his wand and pointed at the pen and whispered a spell.
Tears formed in your eyes as you saw the pink daisy. “Are you trying to joke with me Draco because it’s not funny.” Instantly the boy gapped and began to stutter making you push at his chest. “You saw the daisies or either heard about it from someone and thought that you could turn my pen into one pretending to be someone who might actually like me?” You pushed him again but Draco tried to grab your wrist but it didn’t work. “That’s low even for you Malfoy.” Quickly, you turned on your heel to flee from the boy but he grabbed your wrist.
“It was first year and you were talking with Hermione about how daisies were your favorite because that’s what your father gave your mother.” Hearing his words caused your heart to swell in your chest, and your eyes widen as you looked into his. “So I wanted you to know how I felt by giving you white daisies like your father.” He lifted the pink daisy and sighed. “I did it in secret because you make me nervous and I knew I would mess up.” You continued to stay quiet as you watched Draco put the flower behind his back and not even a second later he revealed a new set of a dozen white daisies. You smiled sweetly as you grasped them into your hands. “I like you Y/n Y/l/n.” A blush formed on both of your cheeks. “And I was wondering if you would company me on a date?”
You inched closer to the boy and stood on your tippy toes to press a kiss on his cheek. “I’m free tonight at 7.” Collecting yourself you moved past the boy to start walking down the hall. “And Malfoy don’t be late.”
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capricxs · 4 years
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so you’ve been roleplaying for years... things change, the way the community does things shift, and sometimes there’s new skills you need to pick up and adjust to in order to make your time rping as creatively rich and fulfilling as it can be. one of those things that’s become extremely important is plotting & hcing. either in groups, in indie, or doing 1x1s, these two are the foundation to your interaction (unless you’re the type to wing it). sometimes when i interact with people, it seems they don’t really click with this process, so in the guide below, i’ll help to explain why these are so important, and how to do it in a way that not only gives you a rich plot, but helps inspire and keep your writing partner engaged with you.
disclaimer --- this is just my personal experience and opinions being shared. i am not the end-all-be-all on how to interact with writing partners. this is just here to get people to begin thinking about things they otherwise wouldn’t have thought about.
questions regarding this help post can be found here. let’s jump in!
firstly, rp has changed a lot since the days of launching into an rp or writing a random starter for a new follower. things are a lot more established and regardless of if you’re in a bio/skeleton rp with pre-written connections, or you’re in a new plotless group or indie and you’re coming up with them on your own, it’s a major foundation to your writing experience, so don’t treat it lightly!
secondly, regardless of format, and with the shifts in rp culture, behind the scenes plotting & hcing is crucial to the development of your plot & characters. as writers, we take more time with our replies so development on dash happens a lot slower. personally i don’t mind that, but i don’t want that to hinder my writing experience so i like taking things behind the scenes to help build up dynamics and situations so the whole relationship isn’t based off one or two threads/instances.
lastly, it helps to keep things inspiring. sound dumb? you bet, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles baby. so many times i have plotted ships, sibling relationships, best friends, or other core relationships, and wanted to sink my teeth in relationship lore and background and dynamics, only to be returned with “hahah yes! i love that!” now i understand this is never ill-intentioned, but it does suck the muse right out the situation. if you do not validate & expand on your partner’s ideas, it’s not going to make that writer’s ideas feel appreciated or loved. the way to tell them you love their ideas? sink your teeth right back and send an equally meaty response right back!
you don’t need this post to tell you how to come up with plot ideas, that’s a whole different guide, but let’s say you’re in the brainstorming process. you’re throwing ideas back and forth based on your muse’s two backgrounds and seeing what sticks. what is SUCH a downer, is when a writing partner is just ... not contributing. yes, we are all guilty of the line “i’m open to anything!” but try and limit yourself to using that line once in a conversation. hell, i prefer it when a person doesn’t even say it at all and they’re HONEST. if i come in guns-a-blazing and i ask ‘what plots do you need filled?’ if a person responds with ‘i need someone who hurt my muse’ there’s two option, i fill that plot, or i don’t. it’s that simple. don’t be afraid to say what you want, the worst that can happen is the person says ‘eh, i don’t really think that fits my character’ and you come up with something else! but when you’re already passionate about the idea, you’re setting yourself up for such great success!
so what do you do when your one (1) braincell isn’t working and you can’t come up with any connection ideas? two options, you can either go to one of the dozens of guides for basic connection ideas and give your partner something, or you can look at the other person’s bio, and your muse, and try and find connections between them. both of these are painfully easy! i’m a personal fan of the latter as it seems a bit more grounded and juicy than the former, but those can be twisted into something great too! **if you’re in a group setting, even asking what that person’s other connections are, and piggybacking off of that. these create super spicy connections. example: you find out muse a is muse b’s ex, and your muse, muse c, is best friends w muse b, so it’s safe to assume your muse c will probably not get along with muse a.
this important thing is not to make your partner feel like they’re doing all the work. because that’s never fun, and truthfully, it doesn’t make that person want to write with you if you’re not also putting in the elbow grease. plotting is fun, not a chore! make it a party!
you’ve got your plot now, congrats! and you’re so excited. but now you need that plot to be fleshed out a bit. there’s some history there so you’ve got to establish it. in comes the powerhouse--- my favorite part to this whole thing: HCING. it’s the most laid back, and in my opinion, creative part of the rping process. truthfully, i enjoy it more than threads because of the absolute insanity you can dig up. but i only love it if my partner can hand it back just as i can serve it.
maybe you’ve never quite thought that this part was that important, but i can assure you, if a person is giving you 3+ sentences about the dynamic of your characters, they’re trying to hc with you, and if you don’t enrich them, your dynamic is going to wither away.
i brought up an idea in the first part of this guide that’s extremely important to how you hc with your writing partner: VALIDATE & EXPAND. it’s the idea that no matter how much or how little your rp partner gives you in terms of an hc, you respond to it with a validation, which can range anywhere from ‘i LOVE that’ to as simple as a key smash and the pleading emotion, or even repeating a fraction of what they said to show you understand their vision. but then you have to back that up with expanding on that idea. hcs could be about a situation or about your writing partner’s character, so expand on how your character feels and reacts to things. it’s beyond discouraging when i write a whole idea out, explaining how my character feels in this emotionally intense setting, and my writing partner only gives me the validation portion, and now i have no idea how my opp’s character thinks, feels, or interacts.
see, a point i mentioned above is the fact that threads don’t work like they used to. and that’s fine! but hcing is an easy and fun way to make up for the fact that we take time with our threads now. if you’re rping to find rich, in-depth, satisfying dynamics, it’s going to take many many months to get your understanding of your opp’s muse, and the relationship they have, hcing fast tracks that process. i’m writing with you, i love your muse, give me the dirty details, i promise it’s not obnoxious. the more your give back, the more you will receive. so why wait around, sitting on our thumbs for me to fully get a grasp of your character’s voice, and your character’s thoughts, when we could do that on chat and have a grand time.
but now you’re thinking to yourself: okay, but how exactly do i validate and expand? and for that, we go to EXAMPLE-BOT 3000 !! not a real bot, unfortunately, but example bot has dug up a personal interaction i’ve had hcing. for context, this is a 1x1 writing partner i’ve had for years. we have an excellent dynamic and they are perfect. they have also given me permission to use our convos as example.
here is my message [ CONTEXT: this is a sandbox-star-wars-esque verse]
Okay but I had a thot in the shower,,, where the best thoughts are had. And what if,,, after this meeting and they part ways and such and it was just another weird occurrence in their lives, blastis gets a mission and it’s either to protecc salia or like guide salia across the galaxy to do something smth and save some lives or whatever. And ofc not because she couldn’t take care of herself but he has smth she doesn’t that gives an edge or just a close loved one of her’s didn’t want to see her get hurt. So you have these two traveling across the galaxy,,, sometimes arguing bc she can manage herself but he’s just fulfilling the mission. And them both kicking but. And all the steamy tension and cliches.
let’s break this message down before we get into the response. first, hcs don’t have to be formal. they are the most fun when they’re less together and don’t rely so much on “sounding good”. you’re just rolling off the top of your brain, chatting like you would with a friend, don’t worry too much on formalities because this isn’t the place for that.
i am also presenting my idea in a way that is confident, and with plenty of ideas to work on. i am involving my partner’s character but not godmodding. i am taking things i have learned from character introductions (like salia being independent and empowered, and wanting to do good/help others) and not disrespecting them, but having her take part in the plot. there are also small bits at the end of this idea that are little nuggets to build off of.
let’s look at my partner’s response.
AAAAH okay i love the idea!!! however shes a v. freelance kinda healer and doesnt really take official things. and she doesnt have loved ones that would know if there was danger - she can telepathically communicate with her own people but if she doesnt want them to know things they cant just. force their way in its a Closed Communication line not an open invitation into her thoughts asdfghjsh. But i could imagine that some guy or family hire her to find their children maybe who were lost on their adventure/mission with friends and the last message sounded like one was hurt,,, badly. and the other cant help for some reason. and they hire blastis to both protect her and later the people shes supposed to heal??
but anYWAY the Important part is ofc. the tension. and his big ass in her ship bc why would she?? take another if hers is right there. so hes gonna take that single bed and not complain. but ooof those two?? just kicking ass and being amazing. growing on each other more and more.
right off the bat is validation. and validation doesn’t have to be as direct as it is in this message. the validation is important here specifically, my partner showed they were interested and supportive of the idea i presented, but needed the plot to fit in their character’s story better. we see them making adjustments--- this is a collaborative experience so i alone shouldn’t be the one coming up with the plot, nor would i want my idea taken just as is. instead they mold it to fit what makes sense, getting more specific than my idea with a “mission purpose”. this is where the bouncing off of each other begins.
they then take the “bait” and start building on the tension our muses will experience (this is a ship afterall). while this is the beginning of our conversation, and there’s aren’t specific moments we’re working off of, this is setting the ground for future headcanons (see: the focus on sexual tension, living in a ship together, kicking butt), we are both mutually giving each other little tethers to take hold of. this is a very good start to begin working out the dynamic and situations these two characters are found in, with multiple different launch-off points.
there’s no right or wrong way to rp. even the tips listed here might not be applicable to your style, just having the idea in the back of your mind helps. the important thing is you and the person you’re writing with are having fun. you both are respecting each other’s time and ideas and creating a beautiful dynamic or world or relationship. this is a collaborative experience, and it’s important not to leave your partner feeling like they’re doing all the heavy lifting creatively.
hope this helped! as always, you can send me any questions you have in regards to this topic HERE. you can find a tag of answered questions in relation to this topic HERE.
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marveloussupernerd · 3 years
For the Holiday Prompts, can you do #46 with Saeyoung and a f!MC? Thanks!
Aw yes!! I was hoping somebody would request this with him :)
Seven’s Jacket - 707
This is from my Christmas prompt list !
Prompt: “I’m cold. Can you give me your jacket?”
Warnings: spoilers for Seven’s real name (duh !)
Summary: Seven had planned out the perfect outdoor wintry date. However, he had forgotten to tell you to plan for the weather. Lots of fluff
“Babe!” Saeyoung whined, calling you from your shared bedroom. “Are you almost ready?”
He had been asking you for the past fifteen minutes. You had just started your makeup when he started complaining. It almost made you want to go even slower, but you were worried he actually had time-sensitive plans.
You fixed your hair one last time before heading out of the bathroom to meet up with him.
“Wow,” was all he could say. You were wearing a dress and tall boots. You’d probably pair it with a scarf because fashion. But that was all. “Wait... you look sexy as hell.”
You giggled, brushing his comments off, trying to ignore how giddy they made you felt. “Worth the wait?” You asked him teasingly.
He swooped in and wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you close to him. “Well worth the wait. You look perfect.” He kissed your cheek. Then your nose. Then your lips. Then he was peppering kisses all over you.
You tried to push him off of you, but it was hard to be serious with how silly he was being. “Saeyoung! We have to get going.”
He finally released you from his grasp, grabbing a jacket then taking your hand to lead you out the door. He picked his favorite bright red babe car, opening the door for you and making sure you were all situated before shutting it and getting in the drivers side.
“What do you have planned for tonight? I’m super excited.” You questioned, buckled your seatbelt.
“Oh lots of fun things! But we’ll start with dinner.”
“I can’t know the whole itinerary now?” You pouted.
He simply chuckled and shook his head. “That would ruin the surprise! You do trust me, right?”
You giggled and leaned over to kiss his cheek. Of course you did.
The restraunt (JESUS CHRIST I CANT SPELL RESTAURANT) he took you to was... really fancy. Like table linens. Cloth napkins. Domes over food as they served it. “Sae... how did you-“
He shushed you, waving his hand to disregard your question. He gave the host your name and you were brought to your table. They offered to take your coats and everything. Seven pulled out your chair and scooted it in for you.
“Am I dressed well enough for this? This is probably the fanciest place I’ve been in my whole life. How did you get in here on Christmas Eve?” Your mind was racing. This seemed like the type of place Jumin would take someone for an expensive business deal, not a place fit for you and Seven.
“Well, I-“ he ran a hand through his hair. “This is my first real Christmas. I’ve got you and I’ve got Saeran and I feel like I can finally be happy and enjoy it. That’s all thanks to you. I wanted to show you how grateful I am.”
“That’s so sweet. I’m happy we can share this day with each other, and tomorrow with your brother.” You couldn’t hide the fondness you felt towards the two. “You both deserve it.” The waiter came to take your order. Seven really wanted to order for the both of you (he said it made him feel fancy) so you decided, eh, screw feminism, you’d let him.
“After seeing the waiter I finally feel underdressed,” Saeyoung commented. He was wearing a dark maroon sweater and black jeans. It looked really nice, and pretty dressed up for Seven. He had switched his glasses to a plain black pair and everything.
You glanced at the women in evening gowns. “Me too honestly. I think you look nice though.”
“I think you look stunning.” He winked dramatically at you.
The rest of the dinner was primarily the two of you basking in rich people food and you poking questions to try and figure out what Saeyoung had planned after dinner, but he wouldn’t budge. Your eyes about popped out of their sockets upon seeing the bill (and that was WITHOUT an appetizer or dessert), but Seven seemed unphased. Later you’d have to ‘reprimand’ him for spending so much money on you.
Finally you left, hand-in-hand. You walked to the car, but Saeyoung kept going. “Cmon. I’ve got more planned, remember?” He tugged your entwined hands a little to get you moving again.
“Where are we going? Am I allowed to know now?”
He sighed like it was the most dramatic thing on Earth. “Well, if you must, we’re going to the park.”
The park? You hadn’t even realized there was a park over here. Still, you were more than happy that he finally gave you an answer and kept walking.
There was a giant Christmas tree in the park. “Second biggest one I’ve ever seen,” he commented. “I wanted to show you it.”
“What’s the first?” You asked curiously.
“C&R. Who’s surprised.” Nobody was. Jumin’s father enjoyed the holidays quite a bit.
Suddenly, Saeyoung cupped your cheek, turning you to look up at him. His hands were slightly chilly. “That’s not the only reason I brought you here though.”
“Oh?” You asked, the air leaving your mouth turning to fog as you spoke. It was starting to get cold.
He let go of you and pointed behind you. It was a horse carriage, all decked out in holly! “For real!?” You turned to him, practically bouncing in excitement (and to keep warm).
“For real for real!” His eyes were lit up; it seemed he was just as excited as you. He led you to the carriage, giving you his hand to help you up, then grabbing yours as you pulled him up. The horse driver dude seemed to know what was up and started moving.
You wrapped your arms around Seven’s arm, nuzzling into his shoulder. “This is perfect.”
Tiny tiny snowflakes started to fall from the sky, melting as they hit the pavement. “Even more perfect,” he commented, kissing your cheek. His nose brushing against your face made you shiver involuntarily, which he took note of, chuckling.
“Did you just shiver?” He asked, pressing his cold nose all over your face to make you shriek.
“Yes! Saeyoung, I’m freezing cold. I did not dress for outdoor activities.” You pushed his head away from you, still cuddled up to his warm arm.
“Whose fault is that?”
“Yours for not telling me what we were doing! Baby please?” You whimpered, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes, scooting your legs closer to his to try and warm them up.
“Please what?”
“I’m cold. Can you give me your jacket? Pretty pretty please?” You were practically sitting on top of him to stay warm at this point. He chuckled, shaking his head at you, muttering something about how you were too cute, then took his jacket off. He placed it over your shoulders, rubbing his hands up and down your arms to try and warm you up.
“Thank you,” you sighed happily. “Much much better.”
“Yeah you’re telling me. It’s freezing!” He exclaimed. He paused. Then raised an eyebrow. Then asked the carriage to stop. Then bounded off, leaving you there confused. Within seconds he was back with two styrofoam cups.
“Hot chocolate!” He exclaimed, handing you both of them while he climbed back on. The warmth escaped the cups quickly, heating up your fingers to the point where you could finally get feeling back.
“How thoughtful.” You passed his cup back to him and then took a sip. The drink burnt your tongue to the point where you could hardly taste it, but you could feel the warmth going down your throat. It was so nice. You drank it in absolutely no time. He pulled your legs onto his lap to try and take in some of your warmth. Who knows how that went for him. He went to take his first drink, his glasses fogging up from the steam.
You gently took the glasses off his face, wiping the fog off on your shirt, then placing it back on him. “That’s not gonna w-“ his glasses fogged up again immediately. “Work,” he sighed. “That’s okay. I’m okay with being blind.”
You took the opportunity of his temporarily imparts vision and crawled onto his lap completely, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Guess Who?” You asked, whispering right above his ear. He shivered, some of his hot chocolate sloshing onto your dress.
“The only other person here?” He guessed sarcastically. “You made me spill my drink Babe.”
“I’m sorry.” All of a sudden the carriage stopped. “But if it helps, I think we’re done with our ride.”
Saeyoung wiped his glasses with his free hand while you clambered off his lap, jumping down from the carriage. You thanked the driver profusely, then linked arms with Seven again to go back to the car.
You were surprised when he didn’t start driving immediately. Instead, he locked the doors and then turned up the heat all the way, basking in the sauna. “You were cold, huh? I can give you your jacket back,” you offered, sliding a sleeve off.
“No! You look all cute and cozy in it. It’s okay.” He rubbed his hands together in front of the vent, glancing at you to give you a reassuring smile.
“So is that it? Are we calling it a night? Because I’m FREEZING!” You exclaimed, rubbing your hands together as well.
“We actually have one more thing on the list.”
He grinned. “Go home and eat a whole roll of Nestle Tollhouse cookie dough with Saeran.”
Now that sounded like the perfect way to end the night. You buckled up your seatbelt, signaling you were all ready to go. “Can’t wait. But if I get a tummy ache from the cookie dough you’re gonna have to stay up and rub my tummy all night.”
He rolled his eyes. “As if I wouldn’t do that anyway. You ready to go Babe?”
“Super ready!”
“I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to the car.”
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irameii · 4 years
Warnings:|| one sided love
Summary: I wish I was her....
A laugh rings throughout the air. One so familiar, you cant help but smiling automatically at the sound. His presence, one that illuminates wherever he goes. Slowly turning around, there he is ,your best friend.
There it is , a smile, a gesture so simple yet it causes a million butterflies to flutter within you and causes your mind to go fuzzy. Its like he doesn't know his own charm or the control he has over you, but no one knows. No one knows the feelings you carry within.
(Idkh these pov thingys work yet sorryy)
Eric: y/n!!!!!!. Eric yells as he jogs closer, and grabs y/n's shoulder y/n: yes Eric?* deep breath* Eric: did you do the homework for math class? * Breathe* y/n: Yeah I did.I actually finished it before class ended yesterday. Eric: you're gonna let me see it right??? *heart beating gets louder* Take a step back Y/n : nope. You should've done it. *starts walking down the hall* Thinking he's wandered off you let out a deep sigh... Knowing if you let him beg enough youd cave in and you knew better. He would never learn this way.and soon enough you could see yourself falling farther and farther into his grasp over time and he didnt even know it. You let out one more sigh before turning around to see Kevin , who cant help but look at you concerned. Kevin: whats wrong y/n?
.. You avoid eye contact. Kevin is one of those people. Someone who can tell when someones upset. He can read you well. So you knew you had to leave quickly. Y/n: I didnt get much sleep last night. So I'm feeling quite off today, its nothing serious. *nervous laughter*
He seems to kind of believe it since he just nods his head as if he can see it apparent on your face.. But something feels off, like he's pretending to believe you for your sake but you just excuse yourself and head towards the bathroom.Totally unaware he hasnt stopped looking your way since turning around as he nods to himself again as if comfirming somthing to himself before turing to head to his own class.
Y/n Pov
*in a quiet voice* 'Whats wrong with me..'.. Its like the moment I look at him I cant help it. My heart begins to race, my stomach ends up feeling funny like there are millions of butterflies, and I get nervous and run away each time he gets closer... *Looks back at self in mirror* only if he knew...
(5 min later.)
*sigh* *walks towards math*
Other POV
You sit down before class begins , and there it is again , his laughter, but this time its different. You cant help but turn around to see whats caused the change in his voice, and its like your throat gets caught. Her. The girl he always is talking to you about.It seems like he was finally able to build the courage to talk to her. The one he wants to take to the movies to see his favorite movies with. The one he wants to show his safe places to . The one who keeps him up at night. The one he wants to wear matching clothes with. The one he wants to spend his holidays with. Her. Its her. Guess he didn't need the homework anymore afterall.
You quickly turn back around , trying to keep your emotions in. You feel yourself go colder with each sound. A tightening feeling in your chest builds everytime you hear them laughing . You sigh and breathe in slowly , praying the class ends quickly .
The moment class ended you jolt up quckly and grab your things and head towards your locker for the next class.
Y/n Pov
*sigh* *grabs snack for break*
I dont respond.
Eric:y/n? Whats wrong .*looks concerned*
There he goes again.
Nothing Eric i say. He looks in disbelief. Knowing theres something off.
Eric: hmmm.You sure sure?. Hmm Well lets go with the rest of the guys. They are waiting for us for sure. *wraps arm around shoulder*
It was like a sudden new reflex. I didnt mean to. But jerking away from him seemed like the only thing that my body felt like I should do...
The look of surprise on his face made me feel embarrassed I reacted that way. And as soon as it looked like he was going to ask me what was wrong again I speed down the hall.
And there I meet the rest of the guys , thankfully.
New: thank goodness you're here. Look help me out. Changmin keeps saying this chucky doll here is cute... Come get him .
I cant help but laugh. I take a seat next to Sangyeons right side while Juyeon is on my left.
Juyeon looks towards me as i sit and smiles that crescent moon kind of smile. Of course i return it .
Y/n: I dont know about chucky being cute. But his bride is quite a beauty tho.
New:..... You... You two are something else with your horror movies... Like... You know what, forget it. *laughs in defeat.*
Y/n: *dramatic gasps* my oh my you say that like WE'RE the weird ones.🙄👀
Sunwoo and Q: periodt👀👏
Eric finally arrives.
Eric: Guys!! Guess what?
Sunwoo: you did your math homework for once?
Eric:.... Mm well Uh no, i didnt
Sangyeon: you didnt ask y/n for the answers this time?
Eric: no i did, but she said no. I got it from. H/n (her name)
Hyunjae: so thats what it is. You spoke to her?
Eric: yes and guys, like, I think I've maybe got a chance.
There he goes again... Her. Its all her. JUST her...
Jacob: so did you ask her out?
Eric: yeah I did. I invited her to our movie night tonight. I was gonna ask you guys if you guys were cool with it beforehand but I didnt think I would must the courage to.
Juyeon: anything for you to get the girl. We got you
New: IF he gets her. She just doesnt know the headache she's in for.
Sangyeon: Guess all that practice on y/n was worth it.
Thats all I was....
He says it smiling towards me , not knowing the hurt his words have just caused subconsciously but I cant smile. Not even a forced one. I just pretend I didnt heard him.
Eric: yeah she told me she actually thought I was dating y/n but of course I could never. We're like siblings.
New: true...
Q: I dont even think eric is y/n's type anyways
I make eye contact with someone who seems to have been watching my every move.
He looks like he is observing everything... From my reactions to my responses.After another 3 seconds he looks away.Not saying a word either.
Everyones laughing. Everyones congratulating him.
Everyone turns to face me.oh .
Y/n: hm?
I was too lost in thought. I spaced out.
Sangyeon: What time are you coming by?
Y/n: for what?
Sunwoo: for the movie. We gotta all be Eric's wingman here. He needs all the help we can offer.
Oh.. She will be there too? Can I handle it? Yes? No? No I cant handle it
Y/n: Uh i cant . I have something that just came up. I just remembered.
I lied. And sure enough. I was seen through.
Eric: like what?
Y/n: something
Q: really? What is it? Maybe we can help you out so you can come by and hang out.
Something is snapping within me. I need to leave.
Y/n: no thanks. You guys have fun.
I get up before they give me a response. I cant be around them . not until i get over these feelings. But its harder than i thought. But i dont want to take it out on them either so I should try.
Everytime We'd see each other after that. It was HER. It was either him with her or about her.
Everytime in class, itd be HER.
Every text , HER.
And the guys went along with it.
And everytime , itd hurt. A punch to the heart. And a bit tighter it would feel each time.
And the constant reminder that its just HER and will always be HER..
only if he knew.. I wish I was her.... its like the way he'd talk about her was like he was telling you the reason for his existence, the way his eyes shined when hed see her and then theyd soften when she'd smile at him,the smile he'd have when hed describe her or simply talk about her and trust me he was always proud to, or the way he tried to contain his happiness when she'd come around to speak to him just showed me all i needed to know.
He loved her. She made him happy . Thats all that mattered.
I felt one of those sad smiles form. Because though he was happy . I was not. I dont want to be reminded its not me constantly..so with thaat thought. I call it quits. Until I no longer feel this feeling. I'll distance myself so I can let go properly and move on with time.
I suddenly stopped responding to the gc messages. Slowly started to decline to hang out. But it seems it wasn't a big deal though. She was there eveytime instead.She became apart of everything they did. And with that I started to spend all my time in the library as a way to naturally distance myself. The guys were worried at first. But once i told them I needed perfect scores to get into my dream college, they decided me spending most of my time in the library for it was alright. It was for my other "dream college" so I should put it first they said. For my future they said.And then they also suddenly stopped asking me to hang out.It didnt take long.They also suddenly stopped directing messages towards me in the gc. Personal messages as well. Slowly one by one. We stopped having things to talk about ,like we've become strangers with time.. Now to just glances every now and then, that was all. Other than that, we became just like strangers. Strangers with memories....
Kevin: y/n...
*Distant laughter*
I turn to look at Kevin.Sensing he had something to say but it wouldnt come out. He looks towards the table and I follow his gaze towards the table full of boys with her in it. I can only smile. I smile when they errupt with laughter at something new and sunwoo said. Happy they're happy. And with that I turn back to Kevin.
I can only smile at Kevin. No words. Just a smile.
The look on his face says he has something to say still present.
For the past 6 months. He would have that same look on his face when I'd walk past him. But hes never actually stopped me.
Kevin: y/n...
And just like that . Suddenly I'm wrapped in a warmth I didnt think I missed. And it's like it went quiet..and the sound of sniffling fills my ears , and his hold gets tighter. Oh Kevin..
Authors note: Maybe I can male a Pt2? This one turned out bad tbh .
I did not edit this but i will later onnnn thank youuuuuu
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 4 years
so i cant promise that ill post something for EVERYDAY but i will do what i can:)
i hope u all have an amazing, gruvia filled week:) enjoy babies!!!
also ok u know what so maybe i did write a story literally exactly like this for gruvia week last yr...... mind ur business lmao
gruvia week day 1: home
Juvia was practically running from the train station.
This was the longest mission she had gone on in years, and while she did love to get out and go on jobs, especially with Gajeel, she was itching to get home at this point.
Two weeks without her family was driving her borderline insane, and she was ready to hug and kiss everyone to her heart’s content. She looked up at the sky and noticed it was just about dusk. At the sight of the day almost ending, she picked up her pace a little bit. If she could just speed up a bit, she could probably make it home in time to still make dinner.
In a few more short moments, she stood at the door of her house. She stepped in the doorway and breathed in ready to shout a booming “I’m home!”, but she was interrupted by a commotion that seemed to be coming from the kitchen.
From where she stood, all she could hear was the muffled radio playing music, kids screaming with giggles, and some food sizzling. She was met with the smell of delicious, but maybe slightly burnt, food.
She placed her bag down beside her, and slowly but curiously made her way to the noise. Before she inserted herself just yet, she was wondering just what was going on.
“Storm! Why did you take your brother out of his bouncer!?”!She heard Gray shout, and it was quickly followed by two very familiar giggles.
“Kai’s one year old now, dad! He wants to run around not bounce!” Storm’s voice was mildly breaking with laughter.
Juvia finally got to the point where she could peak around the corner into the kitchen, and luckily she still had yet to be noticed.
Storm was holding the wiggly baby, but was clearly struggling, seeing as Kai certainly did not want to be held. Neva was right by her big brother’s side, giggling along with him. Gray, however, did not look as amused. He was looking back and forth from over his shoulder at the kids, to the many pans full of food he had cooking in front of him on the stove.
“Ok, well, I don’t really want him running around right now. I’m trying to focus on dinner.” Gray tried to calmly explained, but Juvia could tell he was breaking a sweat.
“But if we put him back in, he’ll cry!” Neva explained back. Her curly black pigtails bounced as she excitedly explained herself.
And as if it was on cue, Kai began screaming as tears ran down his red face. Gray instantly threw down the spatula in his hand and bent down to scoop up Kai out of Storm’s arms. He turned right back around, and continued stirring with the food while he bounced a screaming baby on his side.
“Daddy, you’re making my mac and cheese right?” Neva tugged at the apron her father wore.
“Yes, Nev, I’m making your mac n cheese.” He sighed, not appreciating the nagging child.
“Yay!” She cheered.
“But you do have to eat some veggies.” He reluctantly followed up with.
The gasp of betrayal that escaped Neva’s mouth almost made Juvia blow her cover with laughter.
“Veggies?! I hate veggies!” Neva stomped.
“Storm, can you please explain to your sister why we need to eat our veggies.” Gray replied. He didn’t feel like taking the time to explain the pros of vegetables.
“Uhhh, ok.” Storm replied, unsure. He paused and scratched his dark blue waves in the back of his head “Well I don’t like vegetables all that much either. I kinda’ think Mom and Dad just do it to be bossy.” Storm shurugged.
Neva’s deep blue eyes widened with horror.
“Storm!” Gray exclaimed. He should have known a nine year old reasoning with a four year old just simply wouldn’t work. The boom of his voice upset little Kai all over again, and he continued his screaming.
“Oh shit-! I mean- shoot!” Gray spat, and put down the spatula again, this time paying more attention to Kai, and shushing him as he swayed back and forth.
“Ok, Mommy thinks it’s time to step in.” Juvia calmly walked in the kitchen and was met with four surprised faces.
“Mommy!” Storm and Neva ran at her with full speed. She just had enough time to squat down and welcome their impact.
“Oof!” Juvia grunted as her kids slammed themsleves into her, wrapping their little arms around her. “Hello my babies!” Juvia regained her footing and wrapped her arms around them, kissing their heads.
“How was it?! Did you and uncle Gajeel kick butt?! Did you use your water stuff!?” Storm spat questions at her, just as he did every time she or Gray got back from a mission.
“Yes, baby.” Juvia used her hand to push the bangs from Storm’s eyes. “Mommy and Uncle Gajeel did great.”
“Mommy, Mommy, Daddy’s gonna’ make me eat veggies!” Neva cried out for help, planning on Juvia to rescue her from the vegetables.
“He is?!” Juvia pretended to gasp, and she looked up at Gray, who gave a defeated smirk.
She stood back up. “Speaking of food, it smells delicious.” She walked towards Gray, and gave him a big hug as he still held the baby in his hands. Juvia took her hands and squished Gray’s face, planting a big kiss on his cheek, earning a grunt from Gray.
“Oi! Do you really gotta’ squeeze my face like that?” Gray twisted his face free from her hands.
“But Juvia hasn’t been able to squish Gray-sama’s sweet face for so long!” She whined.
She averted her attention down Kai. “And speaking of squishing sweet faces,” She took him from Gray’s arms.
“Hello, my love!” Juvia doted, and Kai smiled at the sight of Juvia’s happy face. She brought his chubby cheeks to her lips and kissed him a bunch, making the baby giggle.
Gray went back to fiddle with the food one more time before he turned off the stover. “Ya know, it’s a lot easier to cook around here when I have you to distract these demons.” Gray sighed, and leaned up against the counter.
“Demons?!” Juvia laughed. “Juvia’s babies are angels.” She continued to sway Kai in her arms.
“Are we talking about the same babies?” Gray playfully raised a brow.
Neva and Storm both laughed, feeling accomplished at annoying their father.
“Yeah, laugh it up.” Gray chuckled back at them.
Juvia sniffed. “Is Gray-sama cooking salmon?”
“At this point, I think I’m burning salmon.” At Juvia’s reminder, he took an oven mit and opened up the oven, taking out steaming salmon.
“It looks great!” Juvia smiled. She missed Gray’s cooking. “Salmon’s Juvia’s favorite.”
“I know. I made asparagus and rice, too.” Juvia looked at the stovetop and sure enough, they were all there.
“And mac n cheese for me!” Neva cheered, raising up her hand.
“You’re gonna try the asparagus, too.” Gray daunted.
“A-spar-gus?” Neva sounded out the word, not being quite sure exactly what it was.
“It’s the nasty vegetable Dad’s gonna’ make us eat.” Storm explained.
“Alright. That’s it you two. Now that my hands are free I can finally kick your butts!” A playful smirk appeared on Gray’s face before he ran at the kids, scooping them up in his arms and slinging them over his shoulders. The two shrieked with giggles as they kicked, trying to free themselves from Gray’s grasp. “One more word and I drop you two square on your heads!” He teased.
Storm and Neva continued to laugh as Gray shook them around a bit. Juvia admired the smiling faces from afar. When they all smiled so hard like that, they all looked the same. It seemed to be contagious, because Juvia felt herself grinning right back at them. Even little Kai was bubbling with laughter, and Juvia couldn’t help the tears that welled up in her eyes at this beautiful feeling.
“Alright, everyone!” Juvia caught everyone’s attention. “Why don’t we eat the yummy dinner Daddy made before it gets cold?” Gray, Storm, and Neva nodded in agreement.
Juvia wasn’t sure if she could put a finger on exactly what this feeling was, but if she had to, she would use one word.
This was home.
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aradias-crypt · 5 years
BH with a hero s/o headcanons
He would try killing you at first
Surely this one was obvious, no one is disillusioned enough to believe the source of all evil in the world would not attempt to off all heroes he sees.
And as a hero, it would be your ultimate goal to free the people from the dangers of villains, especially Black Hat. While you normally patrol your designated city, there has been the occasional meeting with Black Hat himself (usually when he is out collecting debts or working with contemporaries).
“If it isn’t my favorite little nuisance,” Black Hat grins, waving away his subordinates. He didn't need them for this. “Did my last attack teach you nothing? I may enjoy this little game of ours but I will not hold back any one.”
You land on the ground softly, “Should I take that as a compliment?”
“Of course, it is an honor for any human scum to be acknowledged by me.” He steps to the side, blocking your path as his soldiers enter the building behind him.
“What are you up to?”
“I would go on about my magnificent plans but that would be quite silly of me, don’t you think?”
“It would make my life so much easier.” Crystals grow from your arms, forming a shield and sword.
He smirks, shadows spilling from his body.
“But I enjoy w̴̘̲̻͈̌̀́͗͑̂̇͝at̸̢̟͓̗͓̥͈̮̼̃̄̔̄̊c̷͔̪̺̘͓̪͙͈̅͐̀̀͛͗̋̓̊̎͠h̸̡̟̞̖͍̲͊̋̀in̵͈͖͇̜̱̮̑̋̍͂͂̚g̷̮͐ ̵̧̧̧͈͍̜̫̜̬̫̮̮̔͝ỹ̵͕̗̤̍̍̊ő̷̡͕̻͙̤̤̮̣̉̂̂̂́͜ͅù̸̠̟̜̳̩̠̫̗̼̩͇̐͌͒̈́̊̍͆̑͊̚̕͜ ̵̼̲̗͓̖̒́s̵̨̢̼̟̼̬̳͇͍̩̙̓̅͒̏͌̓͂͆͜ư̷̪̞̟͖̓̒̂͂͊̓̔̇̀͜f̷̡̺̦̭̺̩͎̤̯̣̝̫̄͐̋f̶̛̫̗̺̟͖̓̉̀̋̓͆̕e̶̛̺̻̫̫̩̱̺͕͎̲͍̺͋̌͗̎̑̊͊́̃r̸̰͓̳̹͈̹̖͌̒̋̑͒͘~̵͎̯̳̓̆!̴̦̹͔̖̞̠̱̘̪̿̓͝”
He would protect you from other villains
It isn’t because he *shudders* likes you, but because you are the only hero who can amuse him. If another villain were to kill you, not only would you shame him for dying at such a lower villains hands and not his own, but because he would be bored.
You brace yourself for impact, forming a thick shell of diamond around you as the villain on the outside blasts you with gamma rays. You herded the civilians in the area far away, propping up lead walls to try and shield them from the radiation, but it left you with little energy and proper material to protect yourself.
‘They’re safe,’ you think to yourself, ‘That’s what matters.’
Slowly, you begin to feel nauseating waves pierce through your barrier.
You squeeze your eyes shut, not wanting to the the damage that will soon be done to your body.
‘This is it.’
“I’m starting to believe you truly have a death wish little hero.” A gravelly voice rasps from outside.
You look up, eyes wide as the light shining through disappears for a moment.
The villain screams, their attack ending abruptly.
You wait in silence.
The light slowly shines through again, but a shadow approaches from the outside. The outline of a hand reaches out and raps on your barrier.
“You can come out now,” Black Hat chuckles, his voice full of arrogance, “I took care of that pathetic trash. You’ve nothing to fear out here but me.”
Slowly, you would stop fighting
Eventually, you would get used to each other, no longer fighting like before. Meeting in public, you’d bicker more than swap fists. It would come to the point where other heroes would fight with his lackeys while you two debate whether the import taxes and tariffs war is good for anyone. Though Black Hat is rather relaxed seeing as how he isn’t “required” to pay them.
“I don’t understand how you can be so calm about this,” you blow on your cup of hot chocolate as you walk beside the ageless being, “you’re a businessman, this would cut your profits if people don’t pay for your goods right?”
He places a hand on his chest, “A being like me is exempt from such mortal affairs little one; I don’t need to hand over my money to anyone.” He hisses at the children gawking at him, his eye flashing red.
You shake your head, sipping your drink slowly. “You know, I forget you’re like this sometimes.”
“Powerful, awe inspiring, nightmare inducing?” He grins.
You wouldn’t officially end your rival status
Black Hat is the paragon of evil and the standard all villains should strive towards almost being, it would not look good for him to be so... civil with a hero. The same thing goes for you, you may be used to him and a bit.. fond of him, but you couldn’t leave the League of Heroes! You were one of their top heroes! And you still were drawn to justice, no matter how much you enjoyed Black Hats satirical humor and general company, you didn’t believe villains were right.
This was something you two could agree on. Neither of you could afford to ruin your public appearance.
A secret relationship
Not that either of you ever made it “official” or anything, but you both agree to keeping your public and private lives separate. On the outside, you both would resume your fights and do your own things, but away from the public you could act however you wanted. This leads t the more domestic side of your “courting”.
Visiting your home
After a faux battle leaving you with a stinging gash, you decide to finally show bring your.. partner? Friend? Beau?? to your home.
“Its smaller than I expected.” Black Hat surveys the room around him, lifting up a bottle of mineral water from your table, “Do they not pay their heroes enough?”
You snatch the bottle from him, and swap it for a bottle of disinfectant, “They aren’t cheap like you. I just prefer something cozier.” You stick your tongue at him before drinking. The water soothes the building fever in your body and eases some of the aches and soreness you received from getting smacked around by him.
He clicks his tongue in distaste, “I could heal you ten times faster than mortal medicine.”
“You don’t seem like the healer type. And definitely not for free.” You walk to your bathroom and pull out your medical kit, taking out a roll of gauze, needle and wire. Turning around, you bump into Black Hat who steals the needle from your hand.
“You won’t be needing any of that,” he snaps his fingers, causing the items in your arms to disappear. “Except this.” He holds the needle in his mouth like a toothpick,”I will heal you in exchange for dinner. A good bargain considering the wasted use of my talent.”
You smile, “I’ll cook, as long as the hole in my arm doesn’t grow teeth due to your healing.”
He smirks and stalks down the hall to the kitchen, “That’s not a bad idea, I quite like it.”
You follow after him, “Do it and the first thing it eats is that car of yours.”
“I have plenty to spare.”
Visiting the manor
It doesn’t take much to convince Black Hat into taking you to the manor. Ever the show off, Black Hat makes sure the house is in its top condition before bringing you along with him. Seeing how Hat Island is stock full of villains and is home of Black Hat himself, no hero has ever gotten close to the island and come out unscathed. Until you.
This means you are wholly unprepared for the sight awaiting you.
“This sums you up pretty well.” You stifle a laugh. Before you is the home of evil incarnate. The lair of the monster children are told of at night. The domain of something so evil, he could destroy the planet and dust himself off as if nothing ever happened.
That entity’s home. Is a hat.
He sweeps you inside,”Of course, everything I own must have my stamp of approval.”
“Is the airplane also your stamp of approval?”
He grumbles,”Ignore that.”
- - -
“Your home feels a bit more like a museum and you the curator, but I admit it is very interesting.” You sit at his desk, admiring the artifacts lining the walls. You were especially interested in a piece of what seemed to be a spear.
Noticing your gaze Black Hat chuckles, “I take pieces of history, much of what you see now is because of me.”
“Including the plague?”
A sigh, “Good times.”
The rest of your time is full of questions and his retelling of history (though you take the stories of heroes with a grain of salt).
Final piece to the puzzle
There is no sound of wedding bells- and you highly doubt you could convince him to enter a Church or going to the government for that- so the two of you never truly get “married”. But along the way of your partnership, you both begin to realize that you are very, very fragile. So Black Hat creates a solution. No need to thank him~.
You lift a brow at the small box Black Hat has slid across his desk to you. Picking it up, you pause before opening it.
“Is this another shrunken head because I still haven’t gotten over the last one you gave me.”
He doesn’t look up from his newspaper, “Open it.”
“If something springs out I’m not making dinner.” You open the box.
A signet ring lay inside with the black hat symbol on the top.
“I..assume there is a reason behind this?” You take the ring out, twirling it between your fingers.
He folds his paper and approaches you. You look at him quizzically as he grasps your hand and holds the ring up for you to see.
“This, my little mortal, will keep you from harm.”
He slips the band onto your finger and pats your head, “I cant have you dying on me just yet.”
You lean forward on your palm, “With you here, what could hurt me?”
He leans in with a wicked, vulgar grin and eyes ablaze with want.
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You mentioned in one of your posts that you'd love to talk about every abusive thing Gabriel (and Nathalie) did to Adrien. Please do that!
You know what? You are damn right
Even though I cant make a whole essay analysis off of it right now ( I wanna wait for “Chat Blance” and “Felix” to air first to have the whole 3 seasons list of abuse complete and I’m kinda short on time from tomorrow on) I sure as hell started actually writing down the types of abuse done by Gabriel to Adrien seen in the show. Cuz im lying sick in bed so why the hell not, its for important education reasons. Cuz the amount of people in this fandom believing Adrien isnt being abused just because Gabriel doesn’t marsh into Adriens room to punch his son in the face every 2 scenes, is actually quite concerning.  
The list is not complete yet its just what I could remember today without rewatching 50+ episodes but still I may say that I still got a very large and diverse amount (cuz the abuse in the Agreste family is one of my favorite aspects of Miraculous).
I sorely focused on Gabriel for now. Meaning:
The abusive actions Gabriel has shown to have done and used against Adrien JUST AS GABRIEL
Then Gabriel as a person. His personality, tone, bodylanguage and choice of words when being with Adrien.
Then the harmful/abusive actions against/affecting Adrien Gabriel does AS HAWKMOTH or for his plans.
Every point isnt every incident Gabriel whenever Gabriel did something because sometimes things happen twice. Every point is another factor or type of abuse that brings in another layer.
(Ill also put them here in photo form because putting it all in here will get too much)
Sadly I couldn’t dive into how these types of abuse affect and cause Adriens behaviour in the show because that is just too much for one day. Adrien is too well written. Maybe one day I’ll find the time to really make some essay posts including all sides but for now
Let me show you my “Gabriel abuse” notes
Page 1:
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Page 2 (with a little continuation from page 1 in the beginning):
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and page 3 (the continuation of point 3)
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Its frankly a fuck tone and im not even anywhere close to done. This entire abusive and toxic father-son power imbalance is so incredibly well written and often downright brutal when you think about it. But I’m just impressed that this show is for one ALLOWED to do this and two ABLE to portray this so phenomenally. Cuz this is abuse. This happens in real life to abused children. Take out the magic part of the show and you have a real life scenario.
And I freaking LOVE it!
But you know what I’ll love even more once we are there (and it is already build up and forshadowed like crazy)?
Adrien getting the fuck out of this nightmare of a house and getting adopted by the Dupain-Changs! Cuz for as much as I like Gabriel as a character and villain, I want to see this bitch burn and pay for his actions. Let him face the consequences and loose the son he abused, controlled, manipulated and neglected and abandoned this entire time.
I cant wait to see Adrien turn against his Father after finding out he’s Hawkmoth and step by step twisting out of the grasp of our toxic main villain until one day hes finally free and in a wonderful and loving family he can truly bloom in.
Yes. Its gonna get ugly. Its gonna get unfair. And its definitely gonna get more and more intense between these two. Its realistic just like it always has been and I honestly wouldn’t want it any other way.
Give me a real abuse Survivor children can look up to, because by God in heaven, there are children out there who need it! And Miraculous is doing a fantastic job with both Adrien and Chloe even if most of the fandom cant see it yet. Later, when we truly have the big picture these two will be unique characters of redemption and survival. But until then? Until they are out of their toxic situations and environments? Its gonna be ugly, rough, painful but bloody real and understandable
Because children/kids and, fuck, young ADULTS like me need ugly and bloody real and not some characters who have our backstory but still always happen to be oh so brave, so unafraid of the consequences of disobeying or rebellion and OH SO suspiciously unproblematic even though that’s complete unrelatable bullshit
Miraculous keeps this shit real, with real consequences, real behaviours and real and not rushed solutions
Thank you Miraculous (and She Ra), I would have needed you in my childhood
Thank fucking you
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dawnfromzero · 4 years
Erend/Avad Arranged Marriage headcanon
Okay, but a HZD arranged marriage au where Jiran doesn’t go off the deep end with all the sacrifices but there’s still significant tension between the Sundom and the Claim (for normal political reasons this time).
As an overture at peace negotiations Jiran offers to wed his second son to a suitably noble-equivalent Oseram individual. Erend and Ersa’s clan is one of the oldest and most influential in the Claim, and at first Ersa is volunteered by the family but she wants nothing to do with marriage, so she begs Erend to take her place and marry this southern prince instead. It takes some cajoling on her part but he caves in the end because he never has been able to tell her no, not when she’s really set her mind to something. So it’s decided that the Sun-King’s second son will marry the first son of the Claim’s most influential family and neither of them is particularly thrilled, but they are resigned to their fates.
Avad is sent to Mainspring and the moment Erend lays eyes on him he’s just ’Oh’ because oh no he’s gorgeous. Then there’s that first uncertain but sincere smile as he’s introduced to the prince and Erend is totally smitten (his sister immediately notices and teases the hell out of him later when they’re alone xD) Meanwhile, Avad isn’t quite sure what to make of his new fiancé at first. He’s big and loud in a way no one else in the Court of the Sun is, but it doesn’t take long for him to see the kindness in those blue eyes or the warmth in his easy, contagious smiles that make his heart jump.
There’s a grand total of two days before the marriage ceremony and most of the preparation is totally out of their hands, so the pair unexpectedly finds themselves with time to get to know one another. It happens by accident, really, since neither of their families finds it particularly important for the two grooms to spend time together before their wedding night, but Erend happens upon Avad in one of his own favorite haunts. A small rooftop balcony in a distant corner of the main lodge you have to climb two ladders to get to, and is far from easy access, which has always suited Erend just fine since it means no one ever bothers him there.
Finding Avad there before him makes the Oseram miss his last step on the ladder in his surprise so he half-slips and only just manages to catch himself. Avad is just as surprised to be discovered there, and a little embarrassed considering the remoteness of the location makes it pretty obvious that he was trying to get away from the hustle and bustle below, though he decides he should leave as he realizes Erend probably came for the same reason.
“I usually come up here when I want to be alone,” Erend admitted as he went to the railing and leaned against it, gaze straying out across Mainspring’s skyline with its many crowded, circular roofs and spires.
“I’ll leave,” Avad said politely as he got up from the bench he’d appropriated and started back towards the ladder. “It wasn’t my intention to intrude on your personal space.“
Before he could reach it, however, Erend reached out and grasped his wrist, grip gentle, but firm enough to stop the prince from leaving. The Oseram flushed as Avad turned his dark eyes on him, expression questioning as he fumbled for something to say. “It’s alright,” Erend managed to say. “I, uh-...I can be alone. With you. Here, I mean.” He sounded like an idiot, he knew it, but if he wasn’t mistaken, he was pretty sure that was a smile tugging at the corners of Avad’s mouth so he tried again. “There’s a lot going on down there. We could, you know... be alone together. If you want.”
Avad’s smile grew and reached his eyes at the offer. “Alright,“ he replied and Erend released his hold on the prince and they both moved to settle on the bench.
The quiet that settled over them wasn’t uncomfortable so much as... charged. There was a lot to be said, a lot to be unpacked between them, but neither of them particularly knew where to start.
Erend broke first, and Avad turned to look at him hopefully when the man shifted and took a breath, an obvious overture to speaking. He wasn’t disappointed when the the Oseram remarked, “I usually come up here to be alone but honestly... I wouldn’t mind a little company right now.” He turned to look at Avad, brow furrowed as he quickly added, “If you want, anyways.”
A soft breath of relief escaped the prince and he smiled again, making Erend’s heart flutter unexpectedly as he replied, “I’d welcome the diversion.” His fiance smiled and Avad found himself admiring the the slow curve of the man’s full lips when he did. “Tell me about yourself,” he said to distract himself from the way his pulse quickened under Erend’s gaze. “Did you grow up here in Mainspring?”
They talk for hours, and without ever actually making an explicit plan, they met there again the next day and do it all again without the awkward, uncomfortable dance they started with the day previous. The wedding comes and goes in an almost disorienting flash the next day, a peculiar affair the likes of which had never been seen before, equal parts Carja wedding and Oseram bonding ceremony.
There’s a rather incredible amount of drinking and feasting afterwards, and it takes surprisingly little effort for Erend to convince Avad to dance with him, despite the prince not knowing the steps. Luckily for him, the Oseram like to play fast and loose on the dance floor, particularly after the first round or two of drinks has been had, so if the man improvised a little no one noticed.
It was a far happier affair than either of them had anticipated going into the agreement and if both of them held the other a little closer than was strictly necessary when the steps of the dance brought them together, or allowed their hands to linger, neither of them was inclined to complain. Quite the opposite, really, Erend thought as he pulled Avad in close to him, broad palm pressed to his new husband’s lower back and was rewarded with a smile that bordered on the coy.
The hour turned late and eventually the couple was hustled out of the great hall and thrust into their new shared chambers where that sense of cautious uncertainty returned full force in the sobering absence of the raucous singing and dancing of the wedding party.
They both stood there for a moment, a little at a loss, and once again Avad found himself grateful when Erend broke the silence first. “I... we don’t have to-” he hesitated uncertainly, not quite daring to look the prince in the eye. “I can sleep in my old room. It’s not a big deal,” he finished quickly and jerked his thumb back over his shoulder at the door.
Watching the blush creep across Erend’s features as he spoke and the careful, if nervous way he chose his words set something within Avad at ease. Coming to a decision, he stepped in closer to his husband and brushed a few imaginary wrinkles from the front of his tunic in a thinly veiled excuse to put his hands on Erend. The Oseram didn’t pull away, which the prince took as a good sign as he looked up at him and canted his head to one side as he asked, “Would you prefer to sleep in your old room?”
A heavy moment of silence settled over them as Erend considered the other man before finally making up his mind. Deciding to take the risk, Erend caught Avad’s hands in his and pressed them over his heart as, voice low and fervent, he admitted, “No.”
A smile warm and languid as late afternoon sunshine broke out across Avad’s face and he said, “Then stay,” and drew him to their bed.
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coyotesongwriting · 5 years
When It Rains, It Pours - Ch. 8
Avengers - Bucky Barnes/Reader
Chapter 8 - Jealousy
Story Summary:  Things are going great between you and Bucky, until one day they aren’t. He dumps you, not knowing that what you’d wanted to talk to him about was the positive pregnancy test you held behind your back.
Chapter Summary: Bucky meets Aspen for the first time
Author’s Note: Thank you guys for reading this! All mistakes are my own!
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters so don’t sue me please. I just really like them haha
Tag List (if you want to be added or removed let me know!):    @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic @queenoftheunderdark  @samsgoddess @redfoxwritesstuff​ @iheartsebastianstan​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @fookingmuffins​ @yasnooshka24​ @redfoxwritesstuff​ @amazon-belle​ @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven​ @kinkywitchy​ @superwonderwholock​ @redhairedfeistynerd​ @paranoiadestroyah​ @cool-kids-cant-be-dead​ @sarcastic-and-cool​
Previous Chapter
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Bucky nodded slowly, “Guess I deserve that…” 
“Would you…” You swallowed the lump in your throat, “Are you ready to meet Aspen?”
His eyes flashed to meet yours, “Yeah. Are you sure it’s okay with you?”
You could hear the nerves in his voice, the fingers on his metal arm fidgeting. Your hand twitched, reaching to grab and settle him, your body forgetting for a moment that you no longer had a claim to him, no reason to touch him. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure. Come on…” 
He fell into step beside you as you lead him back to your suite. The two of you said nothing to each other, both too afraid to speak. You’d almost reached your room when you heard a quiet squeak behind you. You shoved Bucky to the side, catching a hard leather ball that flew right past where he’d been moments before. 
You whirled, throwing the ball right back into the face of Volstagg. He snagged it out of the air with a laugh and you rolled your eyes as you stared down the Warriors Three, your hands on your hips. You did your best to look stern for a long moment before a grin split your face, forgetting for a moment that Bucky was with you.
“What’d we say about playing inside?” you asked, using what they called your ‘mom voice’.
“Sorry, [Y/N]. Couldn’t help it this time” his warm laugh echoed down the hall, “I was hoping you’d be too distracted.”
“Maybe you should focus on being a little quieter. Your shoe squeaked” you shrugged.
Volstagg cursed playfully and winked at you, “Maybe you should focus on your man there.”
You flinched slightly, turning to look at Bucky as they reminded you he was there. He was watching the Warriors Three, a look on his face that you couldn’t figure out. While you were distracted, trying to figure out Bucky’s face, Volstagg decided to take advantage of the situation again. You didn’t even notice the leather ball coming for you, but Bucky did. He snagged the ball out of the air and passed it back to you.
You shot him a small smile, turning back to the Warriors Three and tossing the ball to Hogun, “Sorry guys, but Bucky and I need to go. I won’t be at training later tonight either.” 
You ignored their curious whispers and continued the walk to your suite, it took Bucky a moment to catch up to you. As soon as you were out of their sight, you let out a heavy sigh and a frown slipped back into place on your face. Bucky gently grabbed your arm, stopping.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, voice soft.
“Don’t worry about it” you sighed and he merely cocked an eyebrow, waiting. Finally, you continued, “It’s going to be all over that you’re here within the hour. Those three are not good at keeping secrets like that.”
Bucky frowned, “Is that a problem?”
You shook your head, “Nope. Just a bit of an inconvenience. I’m going to have to answer a lot of questions now.”
“Like what?” 
“Look. I don’t exactly like talking about you, and the others didn’t want to spread that info without me. I think a lot of the people around here assumed Aspen’s dad was dead.” You muttered. You’d never agreed with the rumor, but you’d never outright denied it and it had taken on a life of its own over the years. 
Bucky let out a low breath, and you stepped back, out of his grasp. The heartbreak was clear on his face, and you couldn’t stand to look at him. You looked down, studying your feet. You’d never intended for the lie to get out of hand, let alone for him to hear it. This time you set off towards your room at a quick pace, anxious to get out of the hall and into your suite. 
You opened the door to find Thor and Sif sitting on the floor playing with Aspen. Bucky followed you in but stood just inside the door, his eyes snapping to the beautiful baby girl on the floor. Thor and Sif murmured goodbyes, and you leaned down, scooping Aspen up into your arms. 
You turned to face Bucky, heart racing as you held your little girl close, “Bucky, this is Aspen.”
He didn’t dare move a muscle. You were smiling down at your baby girl and began to make a few funny faces. Her cheerful giggle lit up the room and you swayed back and forth with her slowly. Bucky watched the two of you, his heart breaking all over again as he realized everything he’d lost. 
Seeing the devastation on Bucky’s face, you slowly walked up to him, giving him plenty of time to adjust. Aspen reached up towards Bucky’s hair when you were close and began to tug on it. Bucky stared down into Aspen’s little eyes, and she stared back up at him, her eyes the spitting image of his. 
You smiled softly at Bucky and began to pass Aspen to him. He froze, unsure what to do and stared at you, eyes pleading for help. Quickly, you adjusted him to have a better grip on her so she was sitting comfortably in his arms. You squeezed his arm once in reassurance and watched as father and daughter studied each other for the first time.
A few hours later, Bucky was laying on your floor playing with Aspen. You were sitting in your favorite chair, watching. It felt like someone had stabbed you in the heart, watching him with Aspen. He was still nervous around her, but it was clear he was a natural and the fact that you had kept them apart for so long was killing you. 
He’d missed so much because of everything. He’d missed Aspen’s first smile, first words, first steps, first birthday. He’d missed so many milestones that he could never get back, and while you still were upset about the breakup, you resolved to make a friendship with him. If only for Aspen’s sake. 
“How long are you here for?” you asked quietly. You’d changed back into your normal clothes, and you began to pick at the hem of your shirt, anxious.
He sat up, turning to you with a small frown“I don’t know. I didn’t really discuss anything before I made Thor bring me here.” 
“Well, if you’re staying the night, Thor can have a guest room set up for you” you took a nervous breath before continuing, “Or you can sleep on my couch if you want to stay closer…”
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” 
“It’s fine, Bucky. But if you wake Aspen when she’s asleep, I’ll kill you” you fell silent as six bells chimed through the castle and you got to your feet, turning to him, “Come on, it’s supper time.”
Bucky followed you into the dining hall nervously. You’d let him carry Aspen, hoping that it would help him feel a bit better. So far, it seemed to be working as he only looked mildly panicked. You shot him a reassuring smile and led the way over to the table you always shared with Thor, Loki, Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three. 
You caught Thor’s nervous glance at you, and you smiled softly at him. Bucky watched you curiously as you approached Thor, hoping you honestly weren’t mad at him for helping. You leaned over the sitting Thor and pecked him on the forehead once. He shot you a grateful grin in return. 
You took your usual seat next to Loki and slowly conversation at the table returned to normal as everyone dug into the meal. Bucky sat there quietly watching you laugh and joke with the family you’d made here. He frowned deeply, his eyes narrowing, as you teased Loki, bumping him with a playful smirk. 
During dinner, you spoke to Thor and Bucky and decided that in two days, you’d visit Midgard again with Aspen. It was time to stop hiding and face the team you’d left behind. Until then, Bucky would be staying in your room so he could spend more time with Aspen. You’d figure out a proper visitation schedule after your trip to Midgard, but you really wanted to try and be fair to Bucky.
Later that evening, after you’d put Aspen down for the night, you and Bucky sat in your lounge. You poured him a cup of hot tea and grabbed your own, curling the fingers around the warm ceramic mug.
He murmured a small thank you, taking the mug from you, “You drink tea now?”
You grinned, “They don’t have coffee here, I’ve had to adjust. It’s a little bitter but if you add honey, it’s not half bad actually.”
A few moments passed, the quiet wasn’t uncomfortable this time. “It’s up to you what you want to do tomorrow. In the mornings, I train with Sif and the afternoons I train with the Warriors Three, Thor, or Loki. You’re welcome to join me or stay here with Aspen” 
Part of you worried that he would take Aspen and run. Logically, you knew even if he did, he wouldn’t make it far since he couldn’t leave Asgard. While the man you’d known and fallen for would never do that, you weren’t quite sure about this guy in front of you now. The Bucky you knew would have never said he didn’t love you, would have never pushed you away, lied to you or hidden things from you.
“Would it be alright if I brought Aspen to watch you train? I don’t know who watches her or if she’s allowed or…” he trailed off, unsure.
You smiled softly, “That’s fine. Usually, Loki or Thor helps me watch her, sometimes Lady Sif if I’m desperate. Loki can help set up a corner of the arena completely safe, my shields still aren’t strong enough to last that long!”
He frowned, looking down at the mug in his hand, “Sounds like Loki and you are close…”
“Yeah, I don’t know where I’d be without him and Thor. They’ve been by my side since they found out I was pregnant. I swear Loki was more worried about my pregnancy than me” you chuckled.
“So, are you and Loki…” he trailed off and you sat up straight in your chair, eyebrows pulling together.
“Are family. Not that it is any of your business, but he is Aspen’s uncle.” your voice was hard, stubborn as you stared him down, waiting to hear what he would say next.
“[Y/N]...” Bucky began, but you cut him off with a quick raise of your hand as you got to feet. 
Your voice was a deep growl as you spoke, “No, Bucky. You don’t get to come here and judge who I spend my time with, do you understand me? Thor was there, holding my hand when Aspen came into this world. He swears I broke his hand, but he stayed the entire time. When he had to leave to go check on you lot, Loki let me cry and sleep on his shoulder. Before you go assuming things? Maybe you should shut up and look at the situation. Good night.”
Next Chapter ->
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iwhumpyou · 4 years
I cant think of a specific instance atm, but one of my favorite whump tropes is the "If we do this, they could die!" "If we dont, they will."
Oh, yes.  This is the premise of everything that happens in Alien and it is definitely one of my favorite tropes!
I have no idea whether this was supposed to be a request or just a comment, so I took it as a request.  I bounced around a couple of ideas before I realized it would fit nicely into Sabrina’s backstory.
(Yes, I have a weakness for whumping stoic leaders, how ever did you guess?)
Masterlist.  Wings.  (This takes place a week or so before the main timeline?)
“You can’t be serious.” The one in the blue shirt, the one that smelled like lavender-on-maple said.  The voice was low and sort of growly.
“Does it look like I’m joking?”  Voice flat, in a way that made their hackles raise.  Dark, narrowed eyes.  They smelled like blood and ash.
“You can’t – there has to be another way!”  Pleading, almost whining. 
“I gave you a month,” Blood-Ash-Darkness said.  “I warned you of the dangers.  You failed to come up with an alternative.” 
“A month is not enough!” a gray figure shrieked, close to the edge.  Wind sent their hair flying around them and their paws twitched with the urge to attack.
“A month was too long,” Blood-Ash-Darkness countered, “They lost a little more of their mind every day.”
“There has to be another way,” Blue-Lavender-Maple said, stalking forward until they were glaring up at Blood-Ash-Darkness, their face set in a challenge.  Blood-Ash-Darkness ignored them.  Blood-Ash-Darkness turned in their direction, and the fingers that held them tightened. 
They hissed with displeasure and the fingers loosened.  “Sabrina, please.”  The words vibrated through their fur.  “Sabrina, you can’t –”
“I can.” Blood-Ash-Darkness moved, faster than they predicted, and they yowled when they were plucked from warm fingers and held by the scruff of their neck.
Blood-Ash-Darkness did not look pleased.  The wind was swirling around them now, tugging at their fur and chilling them as they hissed and snarled and writhed in Blood-Ash-Darkness’ grip.
Blood-Ash-Darkness held them far away and their claws were too short to reach.
“Sabrina –”
“Give us some more time, please –”
“They’re not human, not anymore.  We wait too long and they’ll never come back.”  They stopped struggling, tired and cold, and hissed in misery.
“Why this?  Can’t you think of anything else?”
“Mortal danger always helps with a shift.  And there’s a reason that flying is the first thing shifters learn.”  Their yowls were plaintive cries now.
“If you do this, they could die.”
Silence.  The words tugged at a part of them that wasn’t quite awake.  Blood-Ash-Darkness looked at them, and their face twisted for a moment.
“If we don’t, they will.”
The wind was stronger now, and they stared as grey concrete was replaced by a view of pinprick lights and tiny ants.  They turned back to Blood-Ash-Darkness and stared into solemn eyes.
“Fly,” Blood-Ash-Darkness said, and the fingers let go.
The ants were getting bigger.
The wind howled around them, and they howled back, the cry snatched by empty air.  They tumbled, over and over, they shrieked a little in glee, twisting to align to land on their paws on –
On a ground that wasn’t there.
The ants were getting bigger.
Something close to fear crept into their heart.
The chill sliced into them and they shivered, thinking of a soft rug near flickering flames and how warm and cozy and –
The ants were getting bigger.
Falling.  They were falling.
A strangled cry erupted from their throat and they startled at the sound.  That wasn’t their voice.  That couldn’t be their voice.  They flailed in midair, panic rising –
The people were getting bigger.
They were falling. They were going to hit the ground. They were going to die.
They twisted in midair, half on instinct, half in terror, because the first thing shifters learned was how to fly.
An eagle straightened out, a sharp trill of discomfort as wings caught a downstream with far too much force.  Levi hissed inside her mind, and peeled up before she reached the second story.
Another shift, and she flapped her wings to take her higher, higher.  Fear churned in her stomach, fear and panic and a jumble of confusion over memories that weren’t quite human.
She’d been falling. She’d been thrown.
She made it back to the top of the building and shifted on the landing into a mess of limbs that were uncertain on bipedalism and also on being that high up from the ground.
Luckily, she collapsed into a friendly pair of hands – she heard David’s relieved exhale as she shook in his arms.  Warmth around her, and she caught the scent of lavender from a nose that hadn’t made it all the way back to human.
‘What happened?’ she wanted to ask in a voice that hadn’t spoken English in over a month.  ‘Where was I?  What did I miss?  How did the mission end?’
But the words caught in her throat.  She’d fallen off this building.  No.
She’d been thrown off this building.
She wrenched herself from David’s grasp and threw herself at Sabrina, who was standing too close to the edge of the building.  Sabrina’s inscrutable expression didn’t shift, not as Levi’s fists hammered into her chest, not as Levi’s momentum and lack of balance sent Sabrina shifting back, not as Sabrina’s boots caught the edge of the building and they both lurched.
Sabrina’s hands curled around Levi’s wrists as they fell, and she held Levi’s gaze as wings erupted from her back, and she kept an arm around Levi as they settled back onto the roof.
Held her, even as Levi’s weak, ineffectual fists kept landing on her collarbone, held her instead of dropping her like a sack of potatoes, held her as Levi struggled and shuddered and sobbed.
“You – you –” Levi hiccupped, “You threw me off a building!”
“Yes,” Sabrina said, no trace of apology in her tone.  Her eyes were dark and burning and her arm was warm around Levi’s back.
“I could’ve died!”
“You didn’t,” Sabrina pointed out, cool and unflappable.
Just once, Levi wanted to see Sabrina break.  Wanted to see her expression slide into terror, into panic, into bone-deep fear as she stared into her own destruction.
Levi shoved off of her and Sabrina let her go, watching as Levi wavered, stumbling back before being rescued by David’s warm grip.
“You’re a monster,” Levi said softly.  Sabrina didn’t even flinch.
“Come on, Levi,” David murmured, tugging her towards the door.  She allowed herself to be led away, stumbling on legs that hadn’t yet figured out how to walk.
Sabrina didn’t follow. Levi snatched one last glance before they went through the doors, and saw Sabrina staring over the edge of the building, a dark silhouette against the setting sun.
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vixenofthemist · 5 years
Im gonna mostly talk about the Golden Deer bc I've been waiting for forever for SOMETHING about them and now I have it I'm gonna run.
But some of my thoughts on the other houses:
Black Eagles: Nothing really caught my attention other then they have the most people without crests, and Dorothea hates herself :<
Blue Lions: Well... that certainly confirms the theory that the Childhood Friends don't accept Dedue very well aosjsj Sylvain is the only one who doesn't seem to have a problem with Dimitri no wonder he's so willing to work on his womanizing he's the only friend who isn't judging him (bc Ingrid HAS to not like that Dimitri has Dedue as a retainer and even if it didn't sour their relationship completely it had to have put some strain on it. No wonder she and Felix are seen together so often aksjsj). ALSO ANNETTES A SWEET ANGEL.
OK Now Onto the Golden Deer akjsjs (I'm on mobile or else I'd put a read more sorry akdjsj)
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DOESN'T SHE MENTION AN OLDER BROTHER IN THE ADVICE BOX??? I could be remembering it wrong but I SWEAR she was like "i have to write my brother but I dont know what to write him about so tell me". Someone please explain is my memory bad or is Hilda submitting false facts to the ask box for fun?
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Hilda is definitely that girl who said "um excuse me we're having a conversation. Rude." To a teacher when they tried to stop her talking in class aksjaj
I love how persuasion is right in the middle of her otherwise totally normal likes lol i can just hear her listing off her likes and just saying that aloud so casually and the person she's talking to is just like "excuse me- wait what was that one in the middle??" "Fashion :>"
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ASSJSHAJS Lorenz likes Monitering Claude LMAO, its his #1 hobby. Also we finally have a reason to have a rivalry with Black Eagles- Lorenz hates coffee but Hubert loves it. (Also he hates vulgarity lmao bet there was at least 1 time where Leonie and Claude just swore constantly around him for an entire day alsjsj)
Also what is a worthy women and how much do you wanna bet he's been slapped in the face for phrasing it like that bc he absolutely has to have been socked at least once.
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Ignatz hates lightning and there better be some good found family fics of the Golden Deer helping him distract himself during storms!!
(Also he seems to really like the church so wonder how that goes with Claude aksjs)
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Lysithea still adorable, loves sweets and cute things and hates bitter food aksjjss also hates anything physcially laborious what a gigantic mood
Ashe also hates ghost and as someone who thinks they'd be adorable together I love the idea that they're the couple that go see a disney movie while the others go watch horror (but they still get scared by the wind that night and call Mercedes to come take care of the ghost aksjjs).
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Leonie's is exactly how I thought it'd be aksjsj don't have a lot to say except she's the big sister of the group and has for sure punched Lorenz in the face
Marianne and Claude are at the bottom bc they're my favorites and I have a lot to say about them akshshs
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Ladakdjsj why does "long rides" make me think of a dating profile?? "Hi my name is Claude Von Riegan, I love long rides on the beach and tactically scheming as the sunsets. Pick me and I'll let you grasp any part of me you want."
Anyway SO pumped to finally have stuff coming out about Claude aksjsjs after what feels like years of just getting scraps we're finally getting some gosh dang FOOD and we DESERVE IT
His dislikes are interesting, like its so clear he doesn't trust the gods at ALL kasjjs and he clearly has a reason for that which I'm sure will come out in the main plot since its all about the church who are just a bunch of people blindly following Seiros akdjs
(Also who's gonna tell him he's in a fire emblem game and is just as subject to the rng gods as the rest of us? Leaving things to chance is the underlying tagline of the combat system cause sure you have a 95% to hit but there's still a chance you won't 🙃)
Love that he likes poetry, he is the guy who can rehearse shakespear by heart but mostly just spouts the existential stuff but will whip out a real romantic verse when the moments right (unlike Lorenz who only remembers the romantic stuff). Definitely is the guy who writes haiku jokes using haiku's and it drives everyone else crazy. Also I hc that he means long rides on his wyvern and not a horse bc ever since I saw that he can become a wyvern rider I can't not think of him as one akssj (I'm calling the wyvern Goldy the Golden Good Boy of the Von Riegans, Goldy for short, becauze it makes me laugh akdjsj.)
Also wtf does planning feasts mean??? What does planning a feast entail?? Is this just a medieval way to say he likes to party??
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Ok calming down I am SO fascinated by Marianne, cause she clearly has so much story to her and I for one can't wait to find it all out. Cause she's so different from the other nobles, all of them are quite confident and loud (in personality and color) but shes the exact opposite, and we don't even know what her crest is so we can't figure out who her birth family are and what happened to them that made her get fostered by the Edmunds. And the Edmunds themselves are just another hole because how do they treat her? I cant imagine its good? But perhaps it is and whatever happened to her birth family is why she's so depressed and lacks self confidence? Akjdkss Ok I'm just rambling now I'll stop but long story short I'm hyped to play Golden Deer and see what her relationship is with the rest of the house xD (especially Claude bc they have such different viewpoints on the gods and the church so their supports are gonna be interesting aksjjs)
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seijch · 4 years
hi im about to spam u (so sorry) but ive been too scared to read doomsday until now and im so glad i finally did becasue dude. Dude. its so much. "It’s as the sky bleeds from orange to pale blue that it hits." i loveeee how you incorperated such small moments like the hot chocolate and the ily + i know... be even here just the thought of your Last Sunrise is heartbreaking, but to /realize/ your own end coming in that moment, especially watching the soft sunrise... oof.
HI!!! omg when you sent this i was like . abt to sleep but i read this before i did and went irl 🥺🥺 and then also passed out before i could formulate a response sjfksdfds
anyway!! my response to your asks (i hope i got them all but!!) will be under the cut bc i dont know how to shut up ❤
a lot of the way the interactions in doomsday unfold are honestly BECAUSE tsukki and the reader are (i mean first of all, theyre tsukki and the reader with all that comes with) fully aware that:
they have abt a full day of life left
theres nothing that can be done to elongate that time or avoid death altogether
its not like some young adult novel where a group of ragtag teenagers save the world; its the tale of two adults who have had time to come to terms with the fact that their lives and the lives of everyone they know will end soon (and once again everything that THAT comes with). its why i rlly enjoyed juxtaposing the nice weather w the crippling realization of their own mortality 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻
"you try to stress your words, make it absolutely clear that you’ve never meant anything like you mean this" this is HEARTBREAKING in a whole miryad of different ways - for a realtionship u establish as one with so many things unsaid but still understood, but here to have her say this so desperately?? like she feels this its too big to leave between the lines? it doesnt matter that he knows, she needs to say it and needs him to hear it UGH IM SAD AGAIN
IM SO GLAD YOU POINTED THIS ONE OUT!! this is EASILY one of my favorite parts of the whole fic mostly bc its something i go thru a lot? like im the definition of that tweet abt never making any damn sense but ESP when it comes to my i love yous or other serious things...i say it a lot and yes i mean it every time! but sometimes i MEAN it and i never quite know how to properly express that kinda thing. 
i think its especially big for the reader in the context of the world ending and in the context of their relationship with tsukishima to have that moment of transparency and complete sincerity for the EXACT reasons you described!!!
"It’s hollow; neither of you have been under the delusion that this was anything but." u said u werent sure about his characterisation but this screams tsukki to me. cuz hes blunt and i dont think he would lie to himself about something like this especially. and even when she tries just for a moment to pretend, he just shows her /no, its ok, this is the truth and we have to die with it/... nah it vibes dude. hes such a interesting character for this idea too? because hes not sappy or anything +
so his tears hurt so much more... oof. "This is my goodbye, he says with more than words." this just... i have so many feelings about this. cuz to me hes totally someone who shows affection through small actions when he cant find the words to match his emotions? so this is like a 4-book-saga laying out his emotions cuz he doesnt quite have the words to say it out loud and theyre out of time. its desperate, but not sad desperate? like its the end but its just him making sure shes knows everything 
ok first of all THANK YOU for saying that bc i wrote him being more vulnerable than i think we rlly see in any tsukki not like ... in junior high LMAO and immediately after i felt my characterization alarms ringing ... like yk those natural disaster alarms? thats the vibe...
but i had one of those Moments where i was no longer the one writing and it was the characters themselves just telling me what to say and how to say it nsfsfsd so im rlly glad it worked! and tbh when the concept first grabbed me by the collar i was juggling a few different characters around in my head but i think i made the right choice in the end. its like you said -- hes not a particularly sappy type and hes always been more grounded in reality imo than some of the other characters (another contender for this fic was akaashi but i realized i do NOT have any solid grasp of his character that isnt from fandom interpretation which is a double edged sword tbh)
and honetly i was ok until "If you’re going to take me out, do it in style, you’d said to him, once. So he does." and then i was all of a sudden crying. and the "stripped down to your bare selves" like theyre just being incinerated together and IM- NO WRODS JUST FEELINGS. i think the best thing about this is how unrushed it feels? and it hurts and its aching but they Know. +
and theyve come to some form of peace with it so when it does come, they can focus on eachother and not the end oh im gonna cry again. this was so gracefully put together, thank u for this. i might reread it and cry again, amazing work 😭💕
i didnt touch on it above bc i wanted to do it here but yes!!!! the absolute fucking DESPERATION felt by both parties in that last minute (which idk if you read my tags on the fic proper but 11:59 was originally one segment before i took those last couple paragraphs and made them the very last second ... i think i made the right choice? it rlly does scream FINAL to me) is SO poignant. all of the walls and hidden meanings fall away because in the end theyre all they have left, dying in each others arms at the very end of it all.
this full REVIEW honestly made me so happy to hear esp on a piece i wasnt quite sure how to feel about at first,, thank you 🤝🏻🤝🏻 i hope you have/had a wonderful day!!!!
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