#this only added to my desire to see justice in their names
anthroxlove · 1 year
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I’ve been following this case since JJ and Tylee were reported missing in December 2019. I remember clearly as time ran out as JJ’s grandparents waited for Lori to produce the children to the police station, and when Lori was arrested and extradited to Idaho for failing to do so. I watched from above with East Idaho News in their chopper as Chad Daybell’s property was searched in June 2020 and the remains of JJ and Tylee were recovered, and seeing the video of Chad attempting to flee. Today is the first major step in justice for JJ Vallow, Tylee Ryan and Tammy Daybell. 
In the next few months, Lori will be sentenced, and then extradited to Arizona to face charges in the murder of Charles Vallow. We also have the trial of Chad in 2024, and the eventual trial in the attempted murder of Brandon Boudreaux. Justice is coming for all. 💜💙🦆
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mi-rae07 · 5 months
Song Mingi : Burning Desire (Part 1/5)
Pairing : Song Mingi (Ateez) and named character (Moon Aeri)
Synopsis : Mingi is a ruthless warrior who rose from the bottom to a now powerful king. That was until he decided to wage a war against Aeri's empire, killing her husband and acquiring the throne for himself. Except instead of killing Aeri, mingi decides to take her as his new empress.
Moon Aeri is a cold empress whose talent is to manipulate people into making them do whatever she wanted and required. She's quiet, and ferocious.
She's all ice, and mingi's all fire. Would they fit together? Or would they cause the destruction of an empire?
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Moon Aeri clenched her hand harder against the edge of her throne as it finally cut through her skin, the prayers of ladies kneeled next to aeri's throne ringing around the walls. Aeri did not bother praying, she knew no god could save her empire anymore. The army that would save her empire had already fallen, along with the emperor, her husband. She did not know whether she felt any pity.
The ladies whimpered as the doors to the throne room were banged open, a bunch of soldiers entering with those disgusting smirks on all their faces. Aeri kept her chin high, glaring at all of them as if she had all the power in the world. She knew she was at the mercy of their king, known for his bloodthirst and cruelty. But she wouldn't allow them to see her scared and vulnerable.
If she died, she would die with dignity.
Aeri : you have reached the empress of China, I would now like to speak to your king.
The soldiers chuckled, a man stepping forward as he said
??? : would you settle for me, my lady?
Aeri : Kang Han.
Han was the king's right-hand man, and aeri had come to know of that from eavesdropping her husband's private army meetings. Because she was a woman, and women weren't allowed inside most places in the palace.
Han : that bastard has kept all the delights for himself, it seems. I can't imagine the things we could do with you.
Aeri clenched her jaw, keeping herself from doing things that would probably get her killed immediately. She was going to kill him very, painfully one day. And just then a voice was heard around the room
??? : is that how we speak to an empress, han-ah?
Han chuckled, the soldiers stepping aside as the king walked forward with a smile. Song mingi, this was the man that had caused the fall of the great empire of China within the span of 30 days. His entire face was now covered in blood, blood of her men, and yet he was a pretty thing.
Mingi bowed down in front of aeri, his one hand held behind his back as he said
Mingi : lady empress, allow me to introduce myself. I am Song Mingi, emperor of Korea and China.
Mingi looked pleased at the way he had added emperor of China in his sentence, as if it was worth nothing to him. Well, if he were the emperor of China then that makes him only one thing to her. Aeri gave mingi a small nod of acknowledgement as she said
Aeri : well then, husband, welcome back home.
The soldiers around looked shocked at her words, mingi only letting out an amused chuckle. He finally took his hand from the behind, a sphere coming into aeri's view, with her husband's head on it's spike.
Mingi : well your other husband, unfortunately, is dead.
The ladies around aeri stepped back with a scream, the soldiers laughing at their fear. But if they had expected aeri to do the same, she did not. Instead aeri sat back against her throne as she said, her voice unwavering
Aeri : I can see that.
Once again, aeri had managed to shock the 50 or so soldiers around her. Including mingi, who let out a scoff, still looking amused as aeri said
Aeri : you did not expect me to mourn the death of a man who gave me nothing but injustice, did you?
Mingi : so it is the classic.
Aeri : you have brought me justice, your highness, whether you like it or not.
The soldiers now looked angry at the way a mere powerless woman had turned their glory into something about her. Aeri smiled, looking only at mingi as she said
Aeri : your victory is nothing but a triumph of my freedom, king of korea.
Han : this little-
Han cut himself off as mingi raised his hand in the air, stopping him. He turned to face aeri with a smile as he said
Mingi : then is this how you welcome your husband and his men who have just won you your freedom, my empress? Wherever is the feast, the celebrations?
The soldiers snickered, aeri standing up from her throne as she said
Aeri : of course, I shall bring the feast to you immediately, your highness. Meanwhile please, make yourselves at home, gentlemen.
Aeri believed the way to mingi's brain was to switch between obedience and disobedience almost instantly, until all mingi could think of was about her. She was going to rot his brain from the inside, and he wouldn’t even know.
Aeri turned around and walked away, motioning her ladies to follow her. Mingi smiled, watching after her as he thought over her words. Each word spat from aeri's mouth reeked venom, and damn did mingi like it. She was saying all this while her husband's severed head was staring right back at her, and that, was strong.
Mingi chuckled as he said, throwing the sphere away
Mingi : we have found the real treasure, my soldiers.
Han : what do you plan to do with her, mingi?
Mingi smiled, leaning back against the dining room chair as he said
Mingi : nothing, I plan to do nothing to her.
Han : mingi-ya, you cannot trust her like this-
Mingi : only a fool would trust her, han-ah.
Mingi looked up as the door to the large dining room, revealing aeri who was now carrying a tray of food in her hands, her chin still held high and proud as she walked towards the head of the table where mingi was seated with 40 other men by his sides.
Mingi : but only a fool would go against her.
Han sighed as aeri put the food down next to mingi, the other maids placing other dishes on the table as well. Once they were finally done the maids left, leaving aeri alone as she said
Aeri : now please, gentlemen, feast your heart and soul away.
The soldiers around looked at the steaming food with conspicuous eyes, all of them probably wondering the same thing.
??? : and how do we know you haven't poisoned this food, you bitch?
Aeri : you really think I would make it that easy, soldier?
??? : you fucking-
Mingi : you will not use that tone with her, soldier. She is my empress.
Aeri looked at mingi with cold eyes as she said
Aeri : I am no one's empress.
Mingi smiled, taking a piece of chicken as he had a bite of it, all while keeping his eyes on aeri. The other soldiers watched, fearing whether the food had poison in it. But as their king hummed, taking another piece of chicken before biting at it, the others did too.
Mingi : are you not going to eat with me, my empress?
Aeri : no.
Mingi : even if I insist?
Aeri : especially so.
Aeri turned around with that, walking away from the table as she stepped out of the dining room with no further words. Once again, she had managed to piss mingi off.
Han : ooh, she bites. It would be fun taming her, wouldn't it?
Mingi : she is not a dog, kang han.
Han : for us she should be, for she is the last remainder of the Chinese dynasty. We are now it's new rulers, mingi, we must not let anyone remain.
Mingi : I have uses for her.
Han : and after that is done?
Mingi : then she dies, of course. The only reason breath still remains in her throat is because I wish for it to. The second that's gone, her soul will no longer remain.
Mina : but your majesty, are you…are you really going to accept him as your…husband?
Aeri took off her earing as she placed it on her jewellery table before saying
Aeri : I must, it is the only way I can kill him.
Mina : you're going to kill him!
Aeri took off her other earing as she said
Aeri : of course I am. That monster has no right to this throne and it's nation, he can rot in hell for all I care.
Mina : is that possible, to kill him and not put yourself in danger?
Aeri : I will make it possible.
Mina : is this not going to be hard for you? Accepting the dead king's defeat and this new emperor of ours?
Aeri : it will be hard, but then again, mina, my entire life has been hard. If I could live past that, I can live past this too.
Mina was about to say something further when the door to aeri's chambers opened, revealing mingi. And so he had found her room. Mina quickly bowed down as mingi said
Mingi : out, right now.
Mina nodded, giving aeri one last look before rushing out. Mingi shut the door behind him as he said
Mingi : you know what else a queen offers her king after he comes back from battle?
Aeri looked up at him through the mirror in front of her before saying
Aeri : do you wish to bed me?
Mingi tilted his head, walking closer to aeri as he said
Mingi : how so open.
Aeri : unfortunately this isn't a first, your highness. I have done this too many times to give a care about it anymore.
Mingi brought his hand forward towards the clasp of aeri's necklace, unlocking it her as they stared at each other through the vanity mirror. Aeri could feel the roughness of his hands through her neck's skin, the callous from all the years of battle. Her previous husband had had none of that, he was a fat, stupid pig.
Mingi : is that why you were glad to see your husband dead? Was he that bad in bed?
Mingi threw aeri's necklace away from them as she said
Aeri : did you come all the way here and defeat all these people to know whether the emperor of china was bad in bed?
Mingi grunted, taking hold of aeri's collar before pressing her body against the table. Aeri looked at mingi through the mirror, his eyes glaring back at her as he said
Mingi : if it were anyone else your throat would've been cut the second you uttered those words to me back in the throne room, empress.
Aeri : I hold value, then?
Mingi : some value it is.
Mingi held aeri's throat as he used it to turn her around, pushing her back against the table as she sat on it. Mingi leaned down, kissing her throat as he whispered
Mingi : this may not be the first for your body but it will definitely be the first for your heart.
Mingi brought his other hand to aeri's hair before tugging at the one pin that held her hair together, causing it to break as her long brown hair spilled against her back.
Aeri : first for my heart? You give yourself too much credit, your highness.
Mingi hummed as he brought his hand towards the bottom of aeri's dress, tearing it as her upper thighs and waist came to mingi's view. Mingi paused his kissing, staring down at her waist with a frown. A long scar ran along aeri's waist to her inner right thigh, as if someone had ran a knife along those areas. Aeri smiled as she said
Aeri : this is how the emperor of China was in bed, your highness. Did you now get your answer?
Mingi pulled away, stepping back as he looked at aeri with an unreadable expression
Mingi : and you enjoyed this?
Aeri : killing people gives you enjoyment, does it not?
Mingi : I did not know you were sick in the brain as well, empress.
Aeri chuckled, leaning back against the jewellery table as she said
Aeri : a sick emperor calls for an even sicker empress, does it not?
Mingi gave aeri one last smile before turning around, walking out of her chambers as he shut the door behind him. There was no point in trying to break an already broken body, he thought.
Aeri fixed her hair one last time before walking towards her door, meaning to step out for breakfast. But just as she was about to, the door opened, revealing mingi who eyed her before saying
Mingi : I see you are ready to start our first day as emperor and empress. And look at us, we've even matched clothes?
Aeri looked down as she realized both her and mingi were wearing dark red clothes, causing her to mentally roll her eyes.
Aeri : I am ready to eat breakfast, if that is what you are asking for.
Aeri walked past mingi as he followed her before saying
Mingi : so, what do you do around here?
Aeri : I manage the kitchen.
Mingi : ugh, so boring. How would you like managing the nation as a whole, hmm?
Aeri : I am a woman, I do not manage nations.
Mingi : back where I come from women rule their husbands themselves, women here do all but…cooking? How shameful.
Aeri let out a breath as she sat down on the chair in the dining table, the maids bringing her breakfast quickly as mingi sat down next to her.
Mingi : bring me the breakfast as well.
The maids nodded, rushing back to the kitchen as mingi looked at aeri's plate with a frown
Mingi : why is it all grass? Do you not get meat in China?
Aeri : I eat no meat.
Mingi snorted, leaning back against the chair as he said
Mingi : but if I order you to, would you have it? As I am your husband?
Aeri : as you are not legally my husband, I am not entitled to any orders from you.
Mingi : then I think we should make it legal.
Aeri said nothing, continuing to eat her salad quietly. Mingi smiled as he said
Mingi : how about tomorrow? What say we do the wedding tomorrow morning, empress?
Aeri said nothing. She was not ready to get married again, but did she have a choice here anyway?
Mingi : tomorrow is October 13th, and that too a Friday. It is perfect for us, don't you think?
Aeri : whatever it is that you wish, your highness.
Mingi raised his eyebrows at aeri's change of character today. Yesterday she was pissing him off every single second, unfazed and unbothered by him. But today she seemed to be the most obedient wife, almost as if she was doing this on purpose.
Mingi : what are you on, little bird?
Aeri continued eating, not saying anything to that.
Mingi : you were so disobedient yesterday, being such a pain in the ass. And now you're doing as I say, is today the day you plan to kill me, empress?
Once again, aeri said nothing, her face cold as she continued eating her salad. Mingi let out a grunt at the ignorance, pushing the food away from aeri as the plate crashed onto the ground, the glass breaking into pieces. Aeri closed her eyes, letting out a constricted sigh as mingi screamed
Mingi : are you bloody deaf!
Aeri : no, your highness, I am not deaf. I just wish to eat in peace, can you not allow that?
Mingi : I asked you a question, empress. A question you chose to ignore.
Aeri : it is rude to interrupt a lady whilst she is eating, are you not aware?
Mingi : you think I care about this land's rules?
Aeri looked at mingi as she said
Aeri : you're this land's emperor anyway, might as well start caring about it's rules if you wish to thrive.
Aeri stood up, her feet coming in contact with the small glass shards on the floor as one of them pierced through her shoe. Aeri made no noise, walking towards the door with no other words. And just then she felt someone hold her hand, turning her around as aeri was banged against the wall next to her. And the next thing she felt was mingi's lips on hers, his hands digging into her wrist as he tilted his head.
For a moment aeri paused, her eyes open as she stared at mingi. And then as she felt his tongue swiping over her lower lip aeri closed her eyes, letting mingi do whatever it is that he wanted.
She was playing a game, and in order to win the game aeri had to sacrifice things, including her own likes and dignity. Song mingi was a man after all, and all men functioned in the same boring way they did.
Mingi pulled back a few seconds later, breathing heavily against aeri's lips as he whispered
Mingi : what do you think you're doing?
Aeri : going back to my chambers, your highness, is there a problem with that?
Mingi pressed aeri harder against the wall as he said
Mingi : you think I'm stupid?
Aeri : you are the great ruler who has ended my husband's dynasty, put his head on a spike. I think you are capable enough to answer that question yourself, my king.
Aeri pushed mingi's hands off of her as she stalked past him, the long fabric of her robe dragging behind her as she disappeared from his sight. Mingi cursed under his breath, running his hands through his hair in pure annoyance.
He had met this lady a day ago and she was already pissing him the fuck off in ways no one had ever even thought of before. This was going to be hard.
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sreyaya · 1 month
|| Modern!Norton Campbell x reader FLUFF ||
Summary: Being stuck in an elevator would suck, but maybe not this time.
Word Count:
(A/n: i'm so bad at writing fluff, kinda my first time doing this. Also sorry for the bad paragraphings kekekeke)
fluff under the cut!
Late isn't a new word for the girl who's running down the halls of the building, time always seemed to slip through the fingers of the girl, sprinting across the halls with outstanding achievements, certificates and awards for how amazing the company is, making her feel smaller for being too late for everything, adding more weight to her shoulders and of course, guilty feeling.
The girl works at a heightened place and as today, an unconvinient meeting was unfortunately held at the 28th floor of the building. Stairs wouldn't do any justice, every ascending steps was a challenge, each floor being a massive excercise for the girl.
Surveying her surrounding for at least a teeny assistance, she turnes her attention towards the conviniently available employee elevator, rushing inside and without hesitation, pressed the 28th floor.
Muttering a silent 'yes', the metal door started to close, at the same exact moment, a resonant voice pierced from the other side, "Hey! Hold on!". The girl's hand darted up to the 'open' button, revealing a curly haired ravenette popping out from the door, muttering a 'thank you', bowing slightly.
someone who doesn't look like they're from here nor belong here, she noted.
The guy had multiple prominent features. He was tall, preassumably 6 foot, a charming face too. His shoulders was broad, holding a messanger leather bag, and last but not least a deep crimson scar smeared across his face.
but you dont see that face everyday, especially in an office like this, she continued her thoughts, brushing them away soon after.
He shifted his gaze towards the panel of buttons situated on the elevator's right side. His eyes slightly widened in surprise as he noticed that the button for the 28th floor was already lit from the girl standing silently next to him. He pulled his hands back, the door finally closing fully with a faint hum.
The elevator moved at a sluggish pace, frequently used multiple times by employees indifferent to punctuality. As the metal box approached the 17th floor. The lights flickered erratically before fading away into the darkness, turning the emergency lights on. The elevator came into an abrupt halt as it was ascending towards the desired number.
Startled, the occupants inside hastily reached for the emergency evacuation button, only to find it unresponsive, adding to their growing sense of unease.
"The one day I can use the elevator, seriously?" the girl muttered under her breath, signing her stroke of misfortune, looking at her mobile with an 'x' on the corner top of her screen next to the battery numerals, signaling how there was barely any service available for contact.
The raven-haired man let out a deep sigh, equally unsure of what to do in their befalling situation, slouching at their respective corners of the elevator, a shared silence settling between them. After a few moments of idle contemplation, the man decided to break the suspension.
"I'm Norton, what's yours?" he questioned, his tone warm and inviting as he extended his hand towards the girl. With a hint of hesitation, she reciprocated the gesture, offering a small smile as they shook hands. "I'm [Name], nice to meet you," she replied, preassumably making friends in such situations.
Norton chuckled lightly, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "Do you rarely use the elevator? I overheard your frustration earlier," he remarked, noting the slight curse she mentioned under her breath a few minutes before. The girl nodded, a wry smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Yeah, I usually take the stairs since my office is only on the 4th floor. Climbing 28 floors just for a meeting didn't seem worth the effort," she explained, a touch of sarcasm coloring her words.
In the confined space of the elevator, their laughter with moments of shared stories as they recounted their experiences within their lives. As the conversation unfolded, it became apparent that the man was really not from here.
could be a new guy, maybe someone applying for a position? his attire seems familiar but definitely not our company's, she thought to herself.
Minutes stretched into moments of connection, each exchange filling the air with warmth, even the girl was surprised at how easily they connected, playing a couple rounds of would-you-rather questions, distracting them from the misfortunes of their situation.
Amidst the laughter, the girl ranted her frustation upon working a corporate job, mentioning the relentless demands of work as multiple deadlines and responsibilities were covering her already tight schedule. She spoke of simple pleasures, like treating herself to dinner or maybe enjoying a calming night-ride over the city. Norton chuckled at the notion, thinking how that would put his mind off from his piling work too.
As the hours passed in their unexpected situation, the distant echo of footsteps of arrival from the safety department can be heared, their reassuring presence signaling an end to their captivity. With a mixture of relief and disappointment, they exhaled.
The girl offered a slight bow, expressing her gratitude for the stories and time. With a hurried farewell, she dashed towards the meeting, her heart subtly racing with the hope of salvaging what remained of her time, only to learn that the anticipated meeting had been called off.
At the lobby, amidst the flow of chatters and ongoing activities, she encountered Norton once more. With a light tap on his shoulder, she greeted him with a cheerful hello. And so, in the fleeting moments before leaving once more, they engaged in yet another conversation.
"Would you be interested in a dinner with me? Just the two of us", He asked, a slight smile gracing his lips.
"So like... a date?". the girl quipped, a playful laughter escaped her lips.
"I suppose you could call it that", He answered, his tone filled with sincerity, "I'd like to know you better".
"haha, alright then, it's a date", her face filles with warmth yet a glint of joy can be seen from her eyes.
The girl supposedly felt satisfied with today. She reached down the pockets of her jacket, her fingers brushed on a small namecard that was left, It was his.
Norton Campbell, she muttered.
In that fleeting moment, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. He was THE Norton Campbell, the important figure whose absence had cancelled today's meeting. With a deep breath, she straightened her posture, examining the namecard once more.
Once again, something felt familiar. Moments before she noticed the missing puzzle piece. THE Norton Campbell, the important person holding the meeting today, the important person who didn't arrive at the meeting, that's why it was cancelled. She exhaled deeply, straightening her shoulders back up as she read the namecard once again.
Dinner at 8 on Friday, I'll pick you up cutie ;), just text me ur address later, the words on the back of the card read.
A flush of warmth spread across her cheeks once again as she grappled with the reality of the situation. HOW could such a man exist, let alone take an interest in her? Yet, there he was, offering an invitation to an evening she couldn't help but look forward to.
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gutterspeak · 3 months
from that ask meme: 6 (with the added question: how different are the answers for pre-canon, early-game, and endgame true aeon?), 16, and 27 for luthais, + 20 and 38 for iolanthe (bg3-verse her or pre-murder pwotr-verse, either one, if the answers would be different!) as a bonus? 👀👀
thank you so so much for all of these!! sorry it took so long to get around to answering them!
from this ask game!
for Luthais!
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
100% something that changes over the course of the game, absolutely. I'd consider him more true neutral-leaning-evil than lawful neutral prior to WOTR and during acts 1-3 (although he definitely has some chaotic bastard moments... but those are usually deliberate and few and far between)
BUT seeing as he's a wanted criminal in at least two countries... his view of the law is initially pretty loose!! the murder of his wife and the lack of any real action taken to punish those responsible had him disillusioned with the structural corruption of it all and vigilante justice was, in his mind, the only option. and maaaybe he took it a little too far, but hey! he did it for feminism
as act 3 rolls around and starts going down the aeon path, his view of the law changes - but mostly because now he is the law, or is in the process of wholly understanding and becoming it. there was this line that stuck out to me in my replay recently when you're making one of the first aeon decisions after capturing drezen:
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...which I think sums up how he finds himself taking a hard left into the "immovable laws" territory pretty well! he is, even at that point, the only one who understands what must be done, and he'll break himself and anyone else in his way to mete out what justice needs meting. or whatever
honestly it's not too different from how he felt before (as far as pushing justice to extremes goes...) except now, with the aeon's eyes, he's infallible!
...right? right??
16. What makes their stomach turn?
I'm taking this question maybe more literally than was intended LOL but!! he's one of those people who gets nauseous when he's anxious, which is basically all the time. thank god for his fantasy xanax potions that he mixes himself
public speaking turns his stomach in knots for sure. he can be pretty sensitive to smells, notably the smell of alcohol has a tendency to make him feel ill. he also can't STAND strawberry as sad as it is. he hates the taste on top of being mildly allergic to it, not enough to send him into shock but absolutely enough to give him a rash and a category 5 tummy moment
27. What causes them to feel dread?
answered here!
for Iolanthe!
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
Iolanthe is an interesting one to answer this for! the line specifically between romantic and platonic love is very blurred for her, there's not a structured set of criteria where a relationship will fall into one category or another, it's really just about the vibes and the specific person in question
she's also on the aro spectrum in that she usually doesn't feel romantically attracted to people in the sense of pursuing a relationship, regardless of physical/sexual attraction, but every once in a while she'll desire that commitment with someone - so... demiromantic maybe? or grayromantic? 🤔
but to give an example without deep diving into too much long-winded backstory, she has a very close relationship with another drow named Selene. they were once both slaves and came to take comfort in and care deeply for one another - to the point where Iolanthe was blinded as punishment after she took the blame for Selene's secret stash of outlawed books when she wasn't even supposed to have books in the first place. they protected each other and escaped together, and while they aren't and never were in a typical committed relationship, they do hold a lot of love and physical affection for each other that most people would probably consider to be romantic. which means yes they have explored each other's bodies <3 yuri win!!
familial love is a tough one. she was abandoned at birth and taken in by a very elderly man who passed when she was still too young to remember his name (or the one he gave her)
it's not until she's much older that she starts to learn what family is. in BG3 and 5e she and Luthais have a son of their own and she's fiercely protective of both of them. after Luthais croaks, she becomes a much more guarded person, but really anyone she manages to get close to she sees as family and that same protectiveness over them kicks into gear. by the end of BG3 pretty much the entire party falls under that umbrella so rip Mizora, Gortash, Vlaakith, Cazador, Mystra, Shar, etc LOL. she will fight the gods if pressed
and after writing an entire essay here I realized the question specifically asks how they would explain it, not me as their creator. WELL
Iolanthe's answer would probably be very short and sweet. love is love is love is love. the difference doesn't matter. find who you want to enjoy being alive with. stay with them and protect them no matter the cost
38. What memory do they revisit the most often?
I'll answer this one specifically for her BG3/5e self... and that would be Luthais' execution 🥹
the details differ slightly between BG3 and 5e but the overall story beat is the same. Luthais was framed for a crime they didn't commit and burned at the stake. something about how he dies by fire in WOTR too after he finds Iolanthe murdered and sets the whole town ablaze about it... there's symbolism there that I'll write about someday...
BUT Iolanthe was present during the execution with their infant son and was completely powerless to stop it. just like Luthais in the verses where it's all switched around and it's Iolanthe who dies instead, she agonizes over what she could have done differently to prevent it. her way of coping is less explosive and more running the fuck away and repressing her rage into a paladin oath, but yknow. the horrific, endless grief and night terrors that haunt her for the rest of her life are pretty much the same 💔
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skits-things · 1 year
IronStrange Fic Idea
So I came up with this, but I'm flip flopping between actually writing it or leaving it as a short thingy as it is. Part of the problem with my motivation to write this is what tense to use (present or past). Part of the problem is that I'm not sure how to write Pepper as I like her, but her character in this is complex and I'm not sure I'd do it justice. I'd probably need a beta but I got no idea how that would work. Therefore: Throwing the thingy out there and seeing what people have to say. Idea is below the cut.
A monkey's paw-like magical item is appearing and vanishing around nyc. Stephen Strange is on the hunt for it. 
Meanwhile, Pepper and Tony are going through another couple's argument about the same old problems. Namely, Pepper wants Tony to give up Iron Man again. 
Pepper shouts at Tony "I wish you never became Iron Man!" (Exact wording variable.)
The monkey's paw is nearby and grants the wish. Except Tony Stark always insisted that Iron Man WAS him. 
To Tony, Iron Man was all the good parts of him. The parts that care about other people. The parts that made him sacrifice himself to keep the world safe. The parts that made him think about the future for the benefit of mankind. The self-doubt that makes him hold himself to a strict moral code. 
Pepper gets her wish alright. Iron Man is no more. Instead, there is only SUPERIOR. History changes to match a world where Tony never could have been Iron Man
Tony was always Iron Man, the suits just gave him a more obvious way to show it - one mostly unaffected by the twisted public perception caused by the media that he grew up under. With Iron Man gone, there was only the arrogance, the belief he is better than others, the desire to be worshiped by the public. The future he imagines can so easily fall under his control because he's a Futurist. The Merchant of Death. 
Stephen is horrified by the ads of EXTREMIS propagated by a Tony Stark with no inhibitions about shaping the world in his image. He used the residue from the wishes to track down the monkey's paw, but with this wish spanning so far, even if it seems to be centered on Stark, he is left researching a way to undo this with less brute force. 
There is a compulsion on the item to give it away or lose it somehow after use, so the wish would backfire on the wishee without a way to reverse it. It goes dormant for a while, however, from the sheer energy expenditure Pepper’s wish requires.
Pepper, full of regret, wants to undo this, but is also terrified of making things worse. She goes to the only person she knows the location of that might be able to help. At 177a Bleecker Street. 
Stephen learns everything from Pepper. They have a rather frantic conversation about the situation. Aside from people in the Sanctums or Kamar Taj during the time Pepper made her wish, only Pepper herself is aware of the world's changes. 
Except Tony Stark interrupts them. 
This is after ENDGAME, changes: Tony lives due to magical dance powers courtesy of The Guardians of the Galaxy. Gamora and Natasha come back in exchange for the soul stones when they return to their rightful places. Other things mostly stay the same. This also means that Stephen Strange is pretty deep in denial about being in love with Tony Stark, making himself believe he feels only guilt, trust, and respect towards the man. 
Tony Stark, on the other hand, was half fascinated, half obsessed with the man he viewed as his equal that literally gave his life for him. Now as SUPERIOR, that obsession turned possessive and unhealthy. 
In the aftermath of ENDGAME, Tony and Stephen struck up an odd friendship in which Stephen let Tony run tests on his magic due to his trust in the man. Secretly, due to his paranoia, Tony created ways to block Stephen's magic. Stephen knew (because of the 14,000,605 futures which indicated that Tony would likely do this) but pretended not to because he knew that Tony might need to protect himself from other magic enemies and that Tony had the designs under incredibly strict defenses.
This makes things incredibly worse. 
SUPERIOR Tony Stark is fully aware of the sexual tension between Tony and Stephen and has little to no concerns about taking what he wants for himself. SUPERIOR has also gotten rid of his Pepper Potts not long after they met when she discovered what he was doing and tried to stop him. Thus Tony has no idea who Pepper is (the incident was before EXTREMIS, and thus not very memorable for him) and sees a very pretty woman acting very familiarly with the person he's interested in. 
It is in a fit of rage and jealousy that Tony captures Stephen for himself when Stephen just manages to send Pepper away to Kamar Taj to protect her from Tony. 
Stephen and Tony play Captor and Jailor for some time. Meanwhile, Wong and Pepper are desperately trying to get the monkey's paw back to fix everything and thus rescue Stephen when Tony is back to normal. They rush to Pepper's residence to get it, only to learn that some cleaning crews have been through and took the monkey's paw with them. 
Pepper spends a lot of this time searching with Christine, who was visiting Stephen at the Sanctum when the wish was granted. Christine had long since returned to work and was brought in by Wong to talk to Pepper while he continued the search. They talk a lot about how it was to date a man who constantly put themselves in danger and the differences in their approaches. 
Pepper eventually recognizes that her behavior of forcing Tony to become the man she wished him to be was not the right course of action. Christine is sympathetic and critical by turns, all the while being extremely worried about Stephen. Christine knows that Stephen would be aware of the Masters of the Mystic Arts fighting to break the wish. She also knows that Stephen is self-sacrificial enough to focus all of Tony's attention on him to buy the others time to break it. 
Stephen eventually gets injected with a perfected EXTREMIS like Tony has for some reason. Probably because he made Tony mad somehow. It fixes his hands and the complicated feelings that result from it makes him conflicted about his feelings towards Tony. 
The Wong manages to track down the relic and uses the remains of Stephen's research to reverse the wish. The wish breaks and the world returns to normal. Except. Stephen was never affected by the spell in the first place. There was nothing to reverse on him. He's still infused with an EXTREMIS. Similarly, Tony keeps his SUPERIOR body. There was too much change to revert him to normal. He integrated with tech on a level that Magic just couldn't undo. 
Body Horror time: Every time Tony looks in the mirror, he sees the man that raped (or at least did some dubiously consensual things) and kidnapped Stephen. His friend/kinda man crush. 
Tony struggles to come to terms with the kind of person he can become if he truly stopped caring. Stephen tries to comfort him, but Tony's guilt complex with for him is now ginormous so Stephen is just trying to get it through to his thick head that he's felt something for Tony since Titan.
Stephen eventually convinces Tony that he really does want a relationship with the man despite what happened between them. There could also be an additional flavoring of angst where he has negative reactions to Tony despite what his mind tells him.
Extra (maybe): This story could end with Pepper asking Christine on a date. 
Please note that this is a plot contrived view of Pepper and Tony's relationship. Some fics write their relationship BEAUTIFULLY and I love seeing them like that. Their relationship is written negatively here on purpose for the sake of the story.
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Robespierre likes children (in a proper sense, thank you very much) compilation
In vain, the two legislators wanted to hide from these testimonies of public recognition: as they fled, a young lady whom they met on the stairs which lead to the storage room said to them: ”allow at least that my child embraces you”; and this they could not resist.  Le Thermomètre du Jour describing the exit of Robespierre and Pétion after the closing of the National Assembly September 30 1791
Please present the testimonies of my tender friendship to Madame Duplay, to your young ladies, and to my little friend.  Robespierre in a letter to Maurice Duplay, October 16 1791. The ”little friend” here is Maurice’s son Jacques Maurice, who at the time the letter was written was 14 years old.
Present the testimonies of my tender and masterful attachment to your ladies, whom I earnestly desire to embrace, as well as our little patriot.  Robespierre to Maurice Duplay, November 17 1791
You who have smiled at my son and whom his infantile hands have carassed so many times, can you then reject my prayer, scorn my tears and trample justice under your feet?  Lucile Desmoulins in an unfinished letter to Robespierre, written somewhere between March 31 and April 4 1794.
Robespierre, if you are not a tiger with a human face, if the blood of Camille has not inebriated you to the point of losing your reason entirely, if you still remember our intimate evenings, the caresses you lavished on little Horace, whom you liked to hold on your knees, if you remember you were to have been my son-in-law, spare an innocent victim.  Letter from Lucile Desmoulins’ mother to Robespierre, seemingly written April 13 1794. Possibly apocryphal.
I may add that I have heard a Norman gentleman, M. de Broc, tell how in 1792, being forced to go into hiding with his wife and two children, he took lodgings in the house of one Duplay, under a fictitious name. He very rarely ventured out, and then only at night. Robespierre lodged in the same house. He was fond of children and took kindly notice of M. de Broc’s little ones whenever he met them. This brought about an acquintance with the parents. The Compte de Broc found him most agreeable.  ”In spite of the injury he inflicted on several members of my family,” he went on to say, ”and in spite of his opinions which I execrate, I can never forget what he was to me at that time.”  Recollections of a Parisian (docteur Poumiès de La Siboutie) under six sovereigns, two revolutions, and a republic (1789-1863) (1911) page 36
Martin, my assistant, proposed to me to see this day’s work; I accepted, for it was a long time since I promised to take my nieces to the country, and I was glad to get out of the sight of the guillotine. We went through Clichy and got into the fields, and I ran about with them; but my old legs soon had enough of this, and I sat down on the side of the road. Presently I saw a citizen with a dog, who was coming up. The citizen looked at the children, who were trying to reach some wild roses in a hedge, and obligingly came to their help. He picked the flowers, and devided them between the two little girls. I saw the little ones kiss the citizen. They came up to me talking and smiling. It was then that I recognised the stranger. He wore a dark blue coat, yellow breeches, and a white waistcoat. His hair was powdered and carefully combed, and he held his hat in his hand. His gait was stiff, his head was slightly thrown backwards, and his face wore a look of gaity which surprised me. Citizen Robespierre asked me if the children were mine. I replied that they were my nieces; he congratulated me on their beauty. Mary made a small nosegay and offered it to him; he took it and stuck it in his buttonhole. He then asked her name, so, he said, as to remember her when the flowers should fade. The poor child not only gave her Christian, but added the other, whereupon Robespierre’s face instantly changed. He said to me in a dry and haugthy voice: ”You are—?” I bowed. For a few seconds he was thoughtful; he was evidently struggling against a repulsion which he could not master. At length he bent down, kissed the children very tenderly, called his dog, and went away without looking at me.  Charles Henri Sanson’s journal 27 prarial 1794. Most likely apocryphal, but whatever.
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The Humble Origins of Superman
Action Comics #1 (1938) by Jerry Seigel and Joe Schuster.
The first step in my journey to consume all of Superman's media!
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Ah, all the way back to the beginning- the very, very first Superman comic ever. It's interesting to see where Superman came from, and what has evolved as time has gone by.
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Things to note about OG Superman.
-Jor-eL, Metropolis and Krypton aren't named. Krypton was destroyed by "Old Age"
-It's the Daily Star, not the Daily Planet.
-No Ma/Pa Kent, Jimmy Olson or Perry White. No Supervillains to be seen- just social inequality.
-he was put in an orphanage to be placed at the mercy of the state (and placed the state at the mercy of a amusingly drawn baby)
-He is not powered by the Sun at this time, but his biology is hyper-advanced.
-He cannot fly or do the Care Bear Stare- but he's super durable, strong, fast and can jump really, really good. I actually quite like these limitations myself- but they...uh...don't last for very long.
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Superman is immediately established as a champion of Justice- his very, very first act is to get an innocent woman off of the electric chair...by breaking down the Mayor's door with a confession and a sulking murderer outside. The idea, I think, is that Superman is at a point where he can protect those that the average person cannot.
I also quite like his sense of humor. He's a cheeky man, both physically and personally.
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"Gasp! I have never heard of this Superman fella! He sounds amazing and handsome with a large wiener and a desire for anonymity!"
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Based Clark. Superman is the champion of justice for all- he protects everyone who cannot protect themselves.
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Next is established is Lois and the false persona of "mild-mannered reporter, Clark Kent"- Clark wants to ask her out, she hates him for being a spineless coward (which isn't terribly inaccurate). He tries to let some scumbags dance with her, which is a shitty move- however as we've just established, Clark hates abusers, so he stalks them like The Technicolor Demon.
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They kidnap Lois, since it's one of her fundamental character traits, he scares the shit of them by outrunning their car and smashing it against a wall (Does Superman count as an Act of God for insurance purposes?), tosses them onto a telephone pole and rescues Lois. Who looks into his dreamy eyes and falls in love, adding her second fundamental character trait.
I do like that Superman asks her not to tell the newspaper about their adventure- only for the next panel to have her trying to get it printed.
Third Character trait: Reporter.
All in all, great story, establishes his setting and personality fairly well- and I'd like to praise Joe Schuster's fantastic art! I recommend you read this one!
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Next Time On The Secret Third Thing: Superman Tackles War Profiteers?
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mangekyuou · 2 years
Hi can i request a modern one where Sabo and y/n have a one night stand after Luffy’s birthday party and Sabo can’t believe he slept with one of his little brother’s bffs, so he avoided her. Y/N is obviously hurt by this, so she distance herself from him and misunderstands take place.
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✸  now playing  . . .     RADIO SILENCE。  
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✸    pairing! . . .  f!reader x sabo.
✸    type of love! . . .  romantic.
✸    cw(s)! . . .  angst. modern au. alluding to sex. alcohol consumption. she/her pronouns used. not proofread. minors DNI.
✸    wc! . . .  1.6k.
✸    notes! . . .  wrote this entirely on my phone, so hopefully i caught at least most of my mistakes. probably not my best. definitely did not know what to name this lmaoo thank you for requesting, i hope i did you justice !!
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Why he even thought this was a good idea in the first place was beyond him. This wasn’t how he imagined the conversation happening, but it was now or never.
No more hiding. No more avoiding one another. They needed to be mature about this. Even if it meant talking about their one night stand in broad day in Sabo’s car in the nearly empty mall parking lot.
Other than the engine running and the sound of the A/C blowing, inside the car was silent. ( y/n ) turned her attention to the other cars in the lot, counting and memorizing license plates, anything to keep her from looking the other way. While Sabo found himself staring at the steering wheel he was still holding, trying to put together the right words.
“( y/n ), I…what happened at your place…I just—”
“Just…don’t. Please…please just take me home.”
It was Luffy’s birthday party. The boy knew how to party. As his best friend, it was already known she was going to be there. Hell, she was helping plan the event because Luffy sure wasn’t going to do it all himself…nor did she trust him to.
Some more of their close friends came to help bring everything together. Even Luffy’s brothers came by to help out. When they arrived Nami was anything but settle when nudging (basically punching) her in the shoulder with a teasing “Your man’s here.”
“He’s not my man,” She retorted. But alas as the blond walked by, she couldn’t help but grab a few passing glances. The look on Nami’s face said it all, but she wasn’t here any of it.
When the party finally came along, rather than be on the dance floor with everyone, she was stuck in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, nursing a drink she was trying to decide whether or not she was enjoying the ‘Jungle Juice…but on a budget' because someone wasn’t willing to pay for better alcohol.
Laughing at the look on her face, Sabo entered the kitchen with a bottle of beer of his own, “I brought two twelve packs. I thought maybe Ace would want some too, but I think he prefers the punch. Want one?”
“Hit me,” She grinned, placing her cup on the counter next to her. Sabo opened up the fridge, pulling out a bottle identical to the one he was drinking from, and handing it to her. Rather than returning to the spot he stood, he took his place right next to her.
Twisting open the cap, she took a swig from the bottle, “That’s the good shit.”
“You get me. Looks like I got a new drinking partner,” He cheered, the two clinking their bottles together.
It was clear to anyone that they had chemistry. Even if it hadn’t before, seeing the blond watching her drink, rather watching her lips pressed against the bore of the bottle resisting the urge to lick his own lips.
They were off in their own little world together, ignoring the party the best they could. Neither of them had noticed just how close they had gotten, they were damn near touching at this point.
‘I wanna kiss her.’
‘I wanna kiss him.’
Going through both of their minds. The alcohol flowing through their veins only adding fuel to their deep desires.
She finished her bottle, throwing it from where she stood in the trash, just barely scoring. She turned to him, “It’s kinda stuffy in here with everyone around, you know?”
“Definitely agree.”
“Wanna go have a party of our own somewhere else?” She had gone for it, lacing her fingers into the belt loops of his pants pulling him forward. The space between them was finally closed. “You sure know how to persuade a man.”
Her apartment wasn’t far, a short walk down the street. She hardly had the chance to open the front door before the blond’s lips were on hers. Her fingers found his belt loops once again, this time pulling him into her bedroom for what their bodies were yearning for.
When the morning sun shined through the blinds, he was gone. Not even a trace of him had been left. She had pulled out her phone, expecting some kind of message from him.
There was nothing. He had just left.
Just her luck, she would see him again the same day as she headed back to Luffy’s apartment to help clean up from the party. The blond was already on his way out of the door, accompanied by a hungover Luffy who was holding his head. She was just about to knock on the door when Sabo opened it.
His eyes carried an unclear mixture of different emotions that was hard for her to read. Was he surprised to see her here? To see her so soon? Was he even happy at all to see her?
“Morning Luffy,” She greeted her friend who rested his head on her shoulder, groaning about his bad hangover. ( y/n ) looked to Sabo, “Hey…Sabo.” She greeted him with a kind smile as she usually did. The blond gave an awkward wave before giving a short, “I gotta go.” Leaving Luffy and the rest of the clean-up to her and the others that were still inside.
That wasn’t what he usually did.
He always seemed so excited to see her, many times even running over to pull her into a tight hug, resting his chin on top of her head and expressing how glad he was to see her. Even if he had somewhere to be, he still made sure to check on her and how she was doing.
How he had said only a few words to her, and could barely look her in the eyes. Even after what happened between them. It cleared up for her. Nothing had ever been so clear before.
He was embarrassed of her, of what happened.
“I’m sorry, ( y/n ). I really am…” He apologized. She finally looked at him. When his eyes had met hers, he had finally seen the tears welling up in her eyes. It tore his heart in two. “You’re…sorry? For what Sabo? For trying to pretend like it didn’t happen? Or for just leaving without a word the next morning? Or better, maybe you’re sorry about AVOIDING me after it happened like I…like I was some disease to you!”
She let out an exasperated sigh, looking down at her hands, “I thought we connected. I thought…there was something there. I don’t know why I thought that. Why…why would you do that? Are you that embarrassed of me? What about me is so EMBARRASSING to you?”
“You’re not embarrassing to me. Nothing about you is embarrassing to me!”
Her features had softened. “What?”
The blond looked out of the windshield, though he could still feel her eyes on him, “You’re my baby brother’s best friend. I’m supposed to be the big brother looking out for him. Not fucking his best friend! But I fucked up that night. I knew the consequences of my actions and I still did it because I don’t see you as just a friend or just some girl I like to hang around sometimes.”
“Why…why not just tell me? Why make me believe what I did for weeks?” She questioned, “Look at me.”
He did as she said, turning his head to face her. He could not stop his hand from reaching out to her, wiping away the streams of tears flooding her face, “I thought I’d be able to handle it on my own. But I still have those feelings for you. I still really like you, ( y/n ) and I don’t know how to handle it. Luffy is my baby brother. And I know he wouldn’t care but…”
She shook her head at him. “But what? You just said it yourself, he wouldn’t care. You’ve taken care of him for years. He drinks like he’s 45. You can stop babying him now and just live your life the way you want to live. Just because he’s your baby brother doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be happy. You deserve to be happy too, whether that’s with me or someone else.”
She melted into his soft touch, “You boys and depriving yourselves of happiness for each other. Luffy nor Ace would be happy to hear you deprive yourself of happiness for their sake.”
“That’s true. Thank you for hearing me out. I’m sorry for everything. I truly never meant to hurt you, ( y/n ). That is the last thing I would ever want. And I understand if you don’t forgive me, how I made you feel is unforgivable.”
She removed his hand from her face with her own hand, placing it on the center console, “Glad you see it that way. Because I don’t forgive you. But maybe after some time to think things over. If it wasn’t clear already, I like you too Sabo.”
“You do?”
“You know, for guys who aren’t related by blood you and Luffy sure do share a lot of same traits. Yes, I like you. I have for a while now,” She confessed, “But don’t get any ideas. I’m still mad at you, you know?”
“Right, sorry.”
A brief silence washed over the couple. He looked out the window remembering they were still in the mall parking lot, “Wanna go to the food court? My treat.”
“Sure. Could never turn down a free meal. Should we bring something back for Luffy?”
“Can empty my pockets for it? Hard pass.”
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boyslit · 8 months
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Redid her hair and added color and detail and filled out much of her character template so I feel more confident sharing :3
Name: Hyacinth
Rarity: 5★
Pronouns: She/They
Species: Long-life human
Title: Flower of the Fanghu
Path: Preservation
Element: Wind
Combat Type: Shields/Retaliation
Faction: Xianzhou Alliance
Introduction: As the architect and keeper of the gardens aboard the Xianzhou Fanghu, Hyacinth is a steadfast caretaker, a landscaper with a keen eye for beauty and symmetry, and a truly gentle soul. It's said that even thorny and poisonous plants take care not to harm her while she tends to them.
— Ability
Basic ATK - Necessary Restraint - Directs roots below the enemy to grow upwards and crush them into the dirt for X% of ATK.
Skill - Silk Hiding Steel - Unleashes a fierce gust of wind, turning normally soft, harmless petals into razors to strike the enemy. Does x% dmg/ATK and causes Bleed for 1 turn.
Ultimate - Fortress of Thorns - Obedient thorns grow up around the party, shielding them from harm and doing damage to the enemy when a shielded ally is attacked. Shields x% of Hyacinth's (def?hp?) for 2 turns and enemies take 45% dmg when attacking a shielded ally. Enemies receiving damage from Thorn Fortress have an additional 30% base chance to acquire Bleed for 1 turn.
Talent - Thousandfold Blossom - When an ally's health drops below 40%, Hyacinth shields them with a temporary wall of blooming plant life for two turns ( that also heals a small amount of health. - Eidolon addition)
Technique - Sanctuary - Creates an area of effect and enemies caught within the area are ensnared by thorny vines, taking damage and being afflicted with Bleed for 1 turn at the start of the battle.
— Eidolons
1. Morning Mist - Increases Hyacinth's Energy Regen Rate by 6%
2. A Time For Growth - Shields applied by Thousandfold Blossom restore a small amount of health to shielded ally as long as the shield lasts.
3. Hardy Cultivar - Increases Hyacinth's base def by 12%
4. Careful Pruning - +2 to skill and basic
5. Shears of Justice - Extends duration of Bleed applied by skills by 1 turn.
6. Steadfast Protector - +2 to ult and technique
— Character Lines
First Meeting: It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Hyacinth, Architect of Gardens upon the Fanghu. If you've come for a tour of our many beautiful gardens, I can arrange one of our best guides to lead you.
Greeting: It's good to see you again. I was about to take my breakfast in the Five-Corner Garden. Would you care to join me? The mist over the ponds and the unfurling morning blossoms are exquisite at this hour. We might even see some water-skating insects if we're lucky.
Parting: Oh, dear… it's quite late, isn't it? Time seems to fly at your side. (giggle) Don't worry. Plants do not rush to grow, nor should we. We will meet again soon, I promise.
About Self - [Gardens]: Most of the gardens you see aboard the Fanghu were designed by my hand. When I was younger, and there were fewer areas in need of my care, I tended everything by hand. These days I need a fleet of assistants to keep every garden flourishing.
About Self - [Lifetime]: I'm quite glad to be a long-life species. Imagine if I had to reincarnate every several hundred years, and someone else took over managing my gardens meanwhile? (shudder) … it simply doesn't bear thinking about.
Chat - [Flowers]: Are you familiar with night-blooming toad flower? No? It's a fascinating sight. If you're free some evening, I'll gladly accompany you to view it.
Hobbies: Do I do things besides gardening? Well, of course! One must have a balanced schedule, after all. I enjoy a bit of painting when I have the time. My watercolor technique leaves much to be desired, but it's a relaxing hobby nonetheless.
Annoyances: (quietly) They want how many wirebloom stems for the festival? I've told him time and time again those are in extremely limited quality because they only bloom every five years! … (clears throat) I'm very sorry, I didn't see you there. Can I help you with anything?
Something to Share: I know there's a rumor that the plants themselves refuse to harm me, but the truth is I simply have several hundred years' experience with handling them. That, and very high-quality gardening gloves.
Knowledge: There are over seventy species of trees aboard the Fanghu, alongside 47 species of shrubs, 168 species of flowers, ten types of vining plants, and 56 varieties of crops. There are, however, still some species of fruiting vines I've yet to get my hands on that will flourish well alongside our current crops.
About [Sushang]: Sushang… Ah, yes, the Cloud Knight girl. I know her parents better than she, but I do recall seeing her chase butterflies around the Mirror Pond Garden as a child. She seemed a sweet girl.
About [Luocha]: When I see him in the market, he's usually found a new plant or seeds to offer me. Now, often they aren't compatible with the ecosystem here, but I'm flattered he remembers to set something aside for me with so many other, better-paying customers around.
— Combat Lines
Battle Begins - Weakness Break: Stay your advance.
Battle Begins - Danger Alert: On your guard!
Turn Begins I: It is time to prune the rot.
Turn Begins II: Root and Vine, heed my call.
Turn Idling: (humming peacefully)
Basic ATK: Hmph! Not another step!
Skill: You should have run when I gave you the chance.
Hit by Light Attack: No matter… it will heal.
Hit by Heavy Attack: Ugh!
Ultimate: Activate: I believe that's quite enough. (2x: That's quite enough.)
Ultimate: Unleash: It is time to taste the nectar of retribution! (2x: Taste the nectar of retribution!)
Talent: I will not let you fall!
Downed: (weakly) To the soil I return…
Return to Battle: You will not get the best of me again.
Health Recovery: Thank you, my dear.
Technique: These grounds are off-limits to your kind.
Battle Won: Thank goodness… is everyone alright?
Treasure Opening: My, what a lovely selection… are you… sure it's alright to take these?
Successful Puzzle-Solving: (delighted chuckle) Child's play.
Enemy Target Found: Hmm, an invasive pest.
Returning to Town: Ahh… I could do with a cup of tea underneath my favorite wisteria tree.
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daboyau · 1 month
Hi!! (sorry there's so much I'm just curious. Also I WILL read your fics one day I swear)
H: How would you describe your style?
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
I am grabbing you by the shoulders and gently shaking you. very little brings me more joy than interacting with people, and I’m always super eager to talk about my writing. Never apologize, my friend. Whether you ever read my fics or not doesn’t matter. I appreciate you being here. Now, on to the games!
H: How would you describe your style?
This is…a really hard question for me. Maybe like. Vague? Character driven? Sorry, I’m not really sure. ^^”
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Okay so I know most people who will read this are here for turtles, but I had this idea for a My Hero Academia fic a while back. Its WIP name is Time Loop murder mystery ghost story. The basic premise is that Izuku ends up having a Quirk that only activates after death (original, I know). He is murdered in middle school, the Quirk activates, but it basically just brings him back as a ghost and he unknowingly moves through his final three days again and again (including his own murder), unchanging and unaware that the world is moving on without him. No one knows who killed him, but the story would follow Katsuki as he tried to solve the mystery so that Izuku can finally rest. I just had this thought of him haunting everyone’s lives without ever knowing how much he would have (and does) affect them, and the story would focus a lot on grief for someone who is still, technically, with you while you also know that they’re forever out of reach. I wrote the first chapter or two and have a lot of it planned out but just haven’t made a lot of headway with actually writing it.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
The answer is…a lot. Basically I will write the chapter in my notes app, then go back and reread it a couple hours or days later and revise it as I go. Then I’ll repeat that process over the course of a week or three, over and over and over, adding little bits or tweaking words or dialogue here or there. THEN I’ll open up a new doc on my laptop, set my phone next to it, and type out the chapter once again, editing it as I go. And then I’ll reread it one or two more times. So by the time people read it I’ve looked over and revised it like a dozen or more times lmao. That’s probably a small part of why it takes me so long to write the next chapter of my fics.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Oh I have SO SO MANY!!!! I am foaming at the mouth with the desire to talk about them at all times. I have a whoooole bunch of basic ideas written up, but haven’t started working on any of the actual chapter writing yet because I just know that if I do that, I won’t be working on my current two rise fics. But oohhhh do I want to. So a couple I’m sitting on currently are:
2012/2018 TMNT crossover, where the 2012 turtles see a portal open in the sky, go to investigate, and happen to find some very unusual, weird glowy weapons. They of course decide to take said glowy weapons home.
A DC/Rise crossover, where the boys find themselves face to face with some angry looking heroes after (surprise surprise) they fall through a portal! It would probably be a Young Justice crossover, though I’ve kicked around the ideas of a handful of different heroes/iterations. I think the idea of them ending up with Shazam would be fun, but I think that story would be best humorous and I’m not good at anything except angst. So definitely leaning more towards Young Justice at the moment while trying to decide if I want all four of the boys to have gotten tossed into a new universe or just one or two of them. 
There’s the little Rise/Harry Potter au I daydream about (mostly just bc i want to sort the boys into houses) but probably won’t ever write.
There are a lot more but this is getting long and I could go on and on about my ideas for hours so I’m reeling myself back in by force.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Oh man. Honestly I wish someone would finish my very first attempt at writing fanfiction. I abandoned it 3/4 of the way through and swore up and down for yeeeears I’d finish it, but I just never got the gumption to. I’d love for someone else to ghostwrite the last couple of chapters for me. It’s haunted me for years.
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
Plot 100%. Usually I’ll come up with the bare bones of an idea, and then from there I’ll decide which characters would fit best, and from their individual characterization and personality that sort of forms the remainder of the tone/interactions/certain plot points of the story. (I say that, but tbh I’m really bad at plotlines and usually just wing it. I have an idea to start with and an end goal to aim myself at, but I am flying by the seat of my pants chapter by chapter and just hoping nobody notices.)
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mememanufactorum · 11 months
Things I’ve said out of context (June 2023 edition)
The creature has finally appeared.
Hate this. Fucking hate this. Goddamn fucking hate this.
Yeetus deletus.
My room might be getting dangerously close to becoming 50% methane.
Don’t tell me you too are intimidated by the mcnuggies.
[name] literally so brain blunted that he doesn't even realize he's naked on a beach until someone specifically points it out to him. It’s perfect.
How are you supposed to prove you’re better than [name] by jobbing?
[name] going for blocks like he’s playing in 800 ping.
It's only when a ball's flying towards his face that [name] remembers how to dodge.
Shit’s lit.
Bruh got bullets put up his ass for saluting a fallen comrade.
How many times in a row can [name] get thrown through a glass display case.
How many times can [name] get hit by a car.
Although ACTUAL WATER BULLET PHYSICS had me thoroughly entertained at least.
So it's starting to get a little creatively bankrupt in the "Let's find new ways to physically hurt [name]" department.
So I might be making a little fucky wucky.
Oh holy shit. We actually have Korean BBQ.
If I die in the next 24 hours, you’ll know why.
I feel marginally more awake than I did before. Marginally.
This sounds like some SS13 shit.
I don't think the Bang did shit for me. I am right back to feeling like I did before I drank it.
I am also in the shrine. My shrine.
Everyone can’t wait to not play it.
Why can’t we get Gary Busey in DBD?
I hope she ass gets the poetic justice treatment.
I'm just trying to watch a Japanese man spend 3 days in a net cafe room. I ain't ask for a near 3 hour ad.
I offer you nothing more than the silence of shame at that pun.
Bros, you want a cheap ass Keurig with Pokemon stickers slapped on it?
This isn't even the weirdest Japan thing I've seen today.
I literally just watched a video about anime VN video games made about Uno.
I know I do literally no damage, but my self-sustain though.
[name] apparently made Clara so strong that she broke her internet.
Here's everyone's regular reminder that Lucina and Kaine have the same voice actress.
My source may be that I'm making this the fuck up, but how else do you explain it?
You don’t know what powers you invoke.
I just had to fucking double check to make sure I didn't just somehow make it up in my own head.
Let me just firmly root myself in reality for a moment.
This exists. We can all confirm this is a thing that exists.
The Jhammel’s just gonna grow its head into the giant voidgate on the moon, look Zeromus dead in the face, and call him a bitch.
Time to interrogate everyone you know.
For once, a batshit comedy anime gave me practical knowledge.
Time to fucking burn the chair.
Because when you steal from the criminals' monetary depository and then suddenly turn around and try to pay them back for the same exact amount that got stolen, they're going to most likely put two and two together.
Things are beautiful just before they die, struggling until the very end.
Let me make something clear here: Just because 2 out of 3 of us aren’t a threat doesn’t mean I’m still not a threat.
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otome-corner-cafe · 5 months
After completing one character route per game (getting good and bad endings), here are my thoughts on the otomes that I’ve been playing.
These aren’t comprehensive reviews I’m giving but just quick rambles of my thoughts based on just the common route and a single character route per game.
Variable Barricade: Honestly the one that I didn’t put much thought into when I bought it. It was added to my purchase on a whim because the art looked cool and one reviewer’s description of the LIs was weird enough to stick with me. However, I was pleasantly surprised by how the game made me invest in Hibari and the whack job suitors. I think the story progression being cut up into scenes across the barricade boards was well done as it gave me varying chunks of story to read through without anything feeling like it was too short or overstayed it’s welcome. Ichiya as a first route was delightfully wild but I do worry that none of the other men will quite match the energy. But I still have faith that some fun hijinx will be delivered.
Collar x Malice: I ended up liking this game a lot more than expected. And that’s despite a lot of the translation hiccups and the weird name bug within Takeru’s route. The game balanced despair and hope quite well in my opinion. And I do love it when stories can indulge both my desire to see darkness and still lead towards a bright and happy ending. Now I reached Mineo’s tragic ending before resetting my game after encountering the name issue in Takeru’s route so I will touch on both of those. Both romances develop pretty suddenly (when you’ve got less than a month’s timeline to work with, it’s inevitable) but both still made my heart flutter. Though I believe Mineo’s route was done better. I’m also very fond of Ichika who has thus far consistently shown to have kind ideals but doesn’t quite have much experience to guide her but her desire to help gets her through it. I’m very interested to see how the other routes handle the discussion of justice and challenge the characters’ resolves.
Piofiore: Taisho Era Italy game had decently high expectations and lived up to them. I like how the game doesn’t shy away from the brutality of the mafia while still making the LIs seem good (at least for Nicola, Dante, and Gilbert. Jury is out on Yang and Orlok). While I prefer more action oriented girls like Cardia and Ichika, Liliana’s position as an innocent lady suddenly being caught up on the business of the mafia didn’t feel like she was merely a damsel surrounded by men doing all the action. She’s adapting the best she can, asking questions and putting her effort towards showing the people around her kindness. Even though she’s naive to the world, she doesn’t run from it and instead tries to understand it (to varying results in Nicola’s endings). I’m looking forward to the future routes and getting more insight on what the deal is with the church because something is up there.
Cafe Enchante: The game I looked forward to the most and, because of that, the disappointment feels stronger. The cafe setting and the magical LIs got me excited. But that common route… Oof. Granted, Code Realize also has a common route that’s eight chapters long but it didn’t feel nearly as draggy (and I am replaying Code Realize right now so I can very easily compare). And when it came time to actually do a route… the pacing for Kaoru’s was fumbled I feel. I think the route might’ve needed one more chapter to give a little more time for the romance to develop and to prevent some tonal whiplash between that and the… actual plot of the route. I think it’s a good game. The art is lovely, the themes of belonging and finding understanding despite differences resonated with me, and characters are all charming in their interactions. The pacing is the only real issue I’m having thankfully.
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vacantgodling · 7 months
The Fool, The Magicuan, The Emperor, The Lovers, Justice, and The Sun !!
(Might send another ask later. It was a long list and I'm currently at a lecture lmao)
HENRIKEEEE firstly thank u secondly LMAO felt i usually do most of my tumblring whilst at work 💀
00. THE FOOL: BEGINNINGS (What is the opening line to your current work?) 
hilarious cuz i haven’t written the first chapter of paramour yet. however i am counting cage as a current novel/project (it’s gonna have 20 chapters so 💀 fanfiction be damned that’s a fucking book LMAO) so here’s the first line from that (and shameless plug u can read it here!
Sometime closer to dusk when the number of airplanes he could make out crossing the horizon was fewer and fewer, and the lights of Gibraltar’s closest neighboring city La Linea began to kiss the night with her bright lights, Lena came to find him.
01. THE MAGICIAN: SPARK OF MAGIC (What inspired you to write your novel?) 
going back to paramour tho honestly the biggest jumping off point where it slowly began to take shape was crimson peak. i remember really distinctly wanting to want a story of that vibe, with ghosts and mystery but then it eventually evolved into the form it’s in now by drawing from other inspiration sources. like it’s very much Not like how i initially thought it would be LMAO but i love this version more 💛
i’m just gonna put my influences slide from my powerpoint to fully illustrate but yeah like A Lot went into getting this wip started.
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a lot of it also hinges on the development of both hya as a character (being the first Real Asshole i’ve allowed myself to write as a protagonist) and his relationship with amon—also my desire to write a romance on My Terms just for me that I Liked. ive always felt like i had to write what other people wanted to see or what was good and wholesome but like. i can write whatever i want and this story was the first step in doing that.
04. THE EMPEROR: STRUCTURE (How do you plot your novels?) 
this is a bit of a complicated question only because it’s kind of… all over the place. but in general what i usually do is i make a VERY detailed outline of all the events i want to happen in the book. chapter by chapter the whole nine. like down to adding bits of dialogue, plugging in any exploratory pieces i wrote before hand for context or to add structure
(and what i mean by exploratory is like basically i don’t tend to plot immediately, i write small blurbs to understand the vibes and feels. a old piece on this blog somewhere (perhaps) is when i wrote about hya asking amon to come to the masquerade reception with him in an extremely roundabout way, but that was written WAAAAY back when i was first trying to understand their dynamic; hell amon didn’t even have a name! and now that scene has a proper slot in the outline in chapter 9 lmao).
but i literally do this so i can KNOW what the hell im doing. i’m not a pants-person by any means literally or figuratively, so i need to be able to see the vision.
once i have an outline fully written out i can either write from the beginning down (like i’m doing with cage rn) or i can do what i’m doing with paramour and write based on interest level. writing based on interest level is probably going to be how i write my original novels just because whenever i’ve tried to write straight down (like i have with donut wip) i tend to get mad stuck. and i think it’s because especially in first drafts of my original novels i tend to have certain scenes… fuzzier than others. i need the context of the other scenes around them to build them up. or those are worldbuilding holes etc etc. either way my og novels i tend to get stuck in cuz there’s more thinking involved lmao.
06. THE LOVERS: RELATIONSHIPS (What are your favorite relationships to write about, whether romantic, familial, or platonic?) 
romantic >>>>>>> familial/platonic.
i’m just a romantic at heart generally speaking.
but on a deep level i have a weird personal struggle (it’s the ‘ism) with family and friends so like… i just find them more difficult to write because i don’t really experience them “easily” in my own life? — or at the bare minimum they just spark less joy to me than romance to me. i want to get better at writing other kinds of relationships but i also think writing them just makes me feel lonely lmao.
11. JUSTICE: TRUTH (What is the 'truth' of your novel i.e the prevalent themes or overarching motifs?) 
🤔 i think the most prevalent theme of paramour is truth itself tbh. finding truth yes, and the power of truth in itself sure, but also cultivating the truth within yourself—you’ll only be happy when you live truthfully to your desires yknow?
19. THE SUN: POSITIVITY (What is your greatest writing strength or skill?)
pretty prose in itself. i think i’m really good at creating saccharine, deep descriptions of emotions and those kinds of sentences long winding and emotional really tickle my brain personally so i put the most OOMPH into them.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 9 months
For the multi-muse game: The Huntress/ Anna from DbD; Vera Oberlin from Monster Prom; SCP 1867 from...well,... SCP
THANK YOU OZZIE! Love ya as always! You’ve given me a lot of really good suggestions! Food to think over for days!
And— just between us, once upon a time, some of these maaaaay have been intended to join my roster of characters, but fell through due to me not having enough time / energy to focus on them, their character & story / the fandom puttering out / roleplayers who I feel have done so much Justice to the characters that I honestly don’t think I could take them up and do more than they did!
Let’s get into the meat and potato’s though!
The Huntress / Анна : I LOVE HER SO MUCH, oh my god, call me basic but she and Sally were my first loves when I picked up DBD, and eventually I got to a point where I was humming along with her! She’s fun to play as and super fun to verse! Like, the euphoria when you dodge a hatchet? UNMATCHED. Almost as good as when you spin a Nurse for days and she can’t catch up! As for her character from a story perspective, she’s so fun. I’ve never agreed with the idea that she is secretly infantile in her mind. Naive? sure, inexperienced and unsocialized? Without a doubt. But she has analytical mind. Very intelligent, very observant, very capable. If Анна wants it, she’ll get it, she’ll find a way. Her tome only confirmed this hunch for me, and goooood. I do genuinely feel like her biggest thing— her flaw, the thing that pushes her to murderousness, it’s the fact she doesn’t understand people. She may as well be a wholly inhuman entity at this point because she neither relates and sees them as like her. They’re just another beast in the forest, like the deer and raccoons. There is no empathy because, again, they aren’t her. They aren’t her mother. They aren’t little girls like she used to be. They’re animals. But I digress! I just adore her and I live in regret that I never added that girl boss to my roster! She just came in the middle of my Sally hyperfixation and she can’t fight for my love, I’m afraid!
Vera Oberlin : I have… a very mixed relationship with Vera, though largely this is due to the way Monster Prom is written as a whole! I love her! She’s a girl boss in the literal definition of the word! Gaslight and Gatekeep may as well be her middle names. But at the same time, her shared backstory and the desire for money and material stemming from scarcity in her childhood. I get that to a painful degree and it sucks. Like not as in the badly written sucks but the ‘genuinely triggering for me,’ sucks because, minus the cold exterior, she is really, really like me and it makes wanting to play her difficult. It feels unapproachable and sometimes impossible because she’s too hard to separate that from myself. Now combine that with a REALLY REALLY GOOD Vera roleplayer being in the already tiny roleplaying scene and it’s like, it would never be in my cards to pick her up. She’s still cool though!
SCP-1867 : SNAIL SNAIL SNAIL KING, SNAIL. I love him!!! He was on a list of ‘SCPs it might be fun to introduce to the other characters,’ back when Bruce and Fred and Haunt everyone were still active and around. But, we know how that ended, and it just felt like… I don’t know, sad to try and entertain adding him cause it wouldn’t be the same! I know you’d love interacting with him and same with Ophelia but I can’t ignore that empty void where the others left. I’m waaaaaay too sentimental but I don’t know! Maybe when the fandom kicks up again!
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dylanmadeleyauthor · 1 year
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[Image description: On a rich black background, a longsword stands on its point in front of a cluster of wheat. Title text at the top reads The Redemption of Jarek. Author name at the bottom reads Dylan Madeley.]
THE REDEMPTION OF JAREK, the seventh and standalone book in its extended series, debuted on December 14, 2022. The book will be available for Kobo, Nook, and Kindle, with paperback editions on Barnes and Noble and Amazon online distribution.
As different vendor links become live, they will be added to the following universal link:
The story is told in a three part structure, beginning and ending with the personal journey of the titular character.
Much of Jarek’s youth revolved around making him fit for the throne, but one terrible day in adulthood finds him defeated, humiliated, and banned from the capital. He may only return upon complete surrender. Once home, he faces a trial by his commanders, though they are also fugitives by decree. Their land is a former province cut off from royal support, only kept free by the number of soldiers loyal to Jarek; but he swore to uphold the terms of his defeat, never to attack the capital.
As every illusion Jarek lived under is falling apart, he receives a visitor who tells him how the people of his land have suffered under his oblivious and unsustainable decision making. He faces a choice: drink himself to death while everything falls apart or change his land for the better. The latter might be impossible.
Just as he makes his choice, strangers arrive from a part of the world unknown to him, seeking a free and peaceful life, warning of a tyrant who pursues them. The story of their homeland is told in the second part. One man's insecurity combined with his greed sees him betray people who believed they were his allies. He desires a great empire that he wishes his father had pursued, but this drives his transformation into something else--or, the persistent appearance of something he can never truly be.
But his former allies have no time to consider why he did this to them, not that they are to blame. Those who survive will each lead their people in a form of resistance suitable to their ways. Some will take to the battlefield, seeking justice, or vengeance. Some will search for a new home, challenged to leave no one behind, but they may flee into the waiting arms of a different danger. And some will do another thing altogether.
And the third part brings everything together. What is Jarek willing to do? Will anything ever be enough?
(The book functions standalone, or as a tangential sequel to The Fate of Lenn.)
I am happy to have been able to release this before the end of the year. If you have the ability to buy a book and have considered supporting what I do, but have put it off until now, this is the book where I could really use your support, especially as I am still struggling to be hired and I have exhausted my savings from having sold a new laptop to pay the cover artist and the formatter properly. Any sharing also helps; not every form of support comes out of a wallet.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 8 months
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"Alfred Hall Gets 5 Years And 5 Lashes," Vancouver Sun. October 16, 1943. Page 1 & 8. --- For the first time in a decade or more lashes were added to a penitentiary sentence when punishment was meted out in Assize Court today by Chief Justice Wendell Farris to seven prisoners.
Accompanied by a scathing denunciation of the "detestable crimes" of which he had been found guilty - two charges of gross indecency - Alfred G. Hall, 53-year-old self-styled psychologist and nutritionist, was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary and five lashes.
At the same time, Frederick Hathaway, 43, leader of the Aryan Astrological Occult Church of Christ, was given the maximum term for indecent assault, two years in the penitentiary.
Charles Willard Davis, 41, former New Westminster druggist who pleaded guilty to possession of drugs while he was staff sergeant in the RCAMC, was sent to the penitentiary for six years, with a fine of $1000, or an additional six months.
Other sentences given today, were:
Pte. George Donald Bowie, 27, two years from his arrest on May 29 for a statutory offense.
Ralph Prentice, 28, salesman, and Robert Morgan, 27, laborer, three years for burglary.
Robert Findlay, 21, fisherman, one year for burglary.
HAD FAIR TRIAL When court convenes at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Mr. Justice Stiney Smith will preside for the re-trial of two cases in which there were disagreements earlier in the assizes. They are Herbert Gordon Penny, false pretenses, and Robert Walter Millman, theft.
Hall, who is general director of the World Fellowship of Faith and Service and operator of its adjunct, the Human Adjustment institute, claimed he was greatly handicapped at his trials by lack of counsel. He told the chief justice also that there was a public movement to prevent the career which he had chosen as his life work in Vancouver.
"You had extremely fair trials and your ability in conducting your defense was such that I am satisfied it would not have been excelled by many lawyers," Chief Justice Farris told the prisoner.
LONG PERIOD "I think you have a contempt for the law and the decent things of life," he added, and then recited Hall's criminal record which began in Vancouver 20 years ago and extended to Toronto, Chicago, Seattle and back to Vancouver to pile up six convictions for false pretenses, theft, fraud, con-games, violation of immigration laws and non-support.
The chief justice said Hall's conduct in court indicated more than ordinary ability and a remarkable brain. It is too bad, he remarked, that science has not advanced sufficiently to correct the quirk which prevents his ability being of service to the community rather than a disgrace to himself. His Lordship said he could see nothing in the case which war ranted sympathy or leniency.
"Absolutely brazenly you defended yourself on this detestable charge, and I sentence you to five years with five lashes, as I believe that it is only by such means you may be brought to a realization of your position. Though the thought of the lash is to me abhorrent, in a case such as yours I see nothing else that will serve."
In making the sentences on the two counts concurrent, the chief justice stipulated that if the lashes are not given in the first case they shall be given in the second, within four weeks of Hall's admission to the penitentiary.
"COSMETIC SCIENCE" "In the second case you went into the box and your admissions were such as to my mind shows a completely perverted mind and a system of carrying on these perversions with your so-called institute to further what I might term your beastly desires," declared the judge.
Objections taken by G. V. Pelton in behalf of Hathaway of alleged prejudice at his trial by reference to cosmetic science instead of cosmic and the use of the name Hall instead of Hathaway, might be grounds of appeal; also his trial by jury on a lesser charge than the one on which he was committed.
"In these days, when people are seeking faith and religious outlet, those who profess religion and in the name of that religion, commit a crime, it becomes a very serious matter," Chief Justice Farris told the cosmic science lecturer who claimed at his trial to have visited Mars, Venus and other planets.
He was not unmindful of the suffering of drug addicts, the chief justice said after hearing a second impassioned plea by T. F. Hurley for leniency for Davis, the staff sergeant who admitted stealing morphine and cocaine from army supplies and substituting other medicines for a year.
But Davis' case was different to the ordinary drug case because he knew thed anger of going near narcotics; still he took a position of responsibility know- ing there might be serious consequences.
'KNEW WAY AROUND' His Lordship thought it remarkable that Canada has no institutions for the treatment of drug addicts.
He said he took into consideration the sorrow of his parents, wife, a son overseas and a brother invalided home; also the co-operation Davis gave in preventing the serious consequences there might have been. However, the judge said the Crown might have charged him under a section with a maximum penalty of 11 years instead of seven.
A strong recommendation by the jury for mercy was taken into consideration by the chief justice, he said, when he gave Bowie two years from the date of his arrest for an offense against a young girl. He said he also recalled that the complainant was "one who knew her way about" and that the soldier had been drinking.
Criminal records for 10 years and 13 years were confirmed by Prentice and Morgan respectively, when they appeared for sentence for a dairy safe-blowing.
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