#this series made me sick
zhi-liet · 1 year
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“Chaghan would have commanded like a demon.
Chaghan would have shattered their minds.”
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the girl next door 30
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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Steve says your name again. You open your eyes, your ears ringing, your scalp on fire. Your world is over, if it ever really was. You reach up to touch your searing tears and smear them aside with your knuckles. 
"Sweetie, we haven't done anything yet. You can stay here with mom, I can get an annulment tonight. Then we can just see how far you make it." 
"Stop, please," you beg.  
"It's your choice. Are you going to take care of your mom or let her down... again?" 
"You're mean," you quiver.  
"I'm honest, sweetie, and I'm doing you a favor. How many others have tried to help? Not even family, huh?" 
"Please, I can't think," you touch your temples and sob. 
He sucks his teeth and taps the table. He stands and sighs as his hands go to his hips. He looms before he speaks again.  
"Fine, think about it. When you've made up your mind, put your bathing suit on and come enjoy the pool." 
He stares at you before he finally goes. You feel stuck and it's more than the pudding. The front door opens and closes and you languish as you are.  
His last words say it all. You both know your only choice. He knows you have to go along with him. That inevitability cannot make you move. Not right then.  
But you will. You have to. Not just for mom, but for you. To survive. 
You stand without thinking, entirely hollow. Your body moves without conscious effort. You go through the motions of existing. Breath in, breath out.  
You go to the bathroom and undress, vision a blur, the air thick and strangling. You pull on the still damp swimsuit, the bottoms twist and chafe as you shimmy them on, and the top seems even smaller as you knot up the front tightly. You turn without hesitation, head down, feet heavy, watching each step as if they are not your own. 
The sun beams down but you’re frigid. Goosebumps rise across your skin and shade ripples above as you walk around the fence and into Steve’s yard. As you get to the back gate, you’re dizzy. You have to keep going. Just like you always have.  
You can tell yourself it’s for your mom. It’s as much out of your own cowardice. And even if it is helping her, it can only hurt her too. He married her and yet he wants you. None of it makes any sense. 
You come into the backyard, blinking through dry, salty eyes. You waver on your feet as you stop and peer around the empty space. The pool trickles soft as the filter hum and birds cheep as if all is well. You glance at the deck; your mother isn’t there. 
Maybe you imagined it. Maybe you’re delusional. Just like in the hospital when you thought Steve said all that. Or had he? 
You walk stiffly to the edge of the pool and look down at your reflection in the crystalline surface. You inhale the pollen-laced air and for a moment see yourself falling into the water and sinking to the bottom. It would be so easy to never come back up. 
“Sweetie,” Steve’s voice startles you and you turn to face him as he crosses the lawn. “There you are.” 
He smiles and swoops his shirt over his head, “I was just putting your mom to bed. She’s not feeling well.” 
You bend your arm across your middle, rubbing your other self-consciously. He’s shameless as he looks you up and down. He steps out of his sandals and purrs as he comes closer. 
“That suit looks so good on you, baby,” he touches your bare shoulders and you shiver. Baby? “And off.” 
He winks as his eyes fall to your cleavage. You gulp and he traces the movement with his thumb before drawing away. He bites his lip and shifts on his feet, tugging at the top of his shorts. You notice how the fabric twitches. 
You’re disgusted. Not only by him but with yourself. You turn back to the pool and exhale, “can I get in?” 
“Sure, sweetie, do whatever you like,” he purrs as he lowers himself to sit on the edge, “water’s nice.” 
He pushes himself off into the depths and you peer down. You ease down and slip into the water, gasping at the temperature. You hug yourself. Steve moves towards you and you flinch. 
“Sweetie,” he warns as he reaches for you, “isn’t this nice?” He puts his hands around your hips as he wades closer, pulling you to face him, “mmm, you are so beautiful, you know that?” 
You squirm and look away. You should be flattered, you should feel good, he’s calling you beautiful, but you just feel dirty. Your lashes flutter and you make yourself look at him as his fingertips press into your flesh. 
“Thank you,” you breathe. 
“It doesn’t have to be... it can be nice,” he coaxes, “can I kiss you?” 
Your eyes widen and your cheeks turn hot, “I... never...” 
“It’s okay, I’ll be gentle,” he grits. 
You can’t talk. Your chest is all knotted up. You just nod. 
He trails his hand up your hip and along your stomach, brushing the curve of your chest as you tremble. He strokes your throat and grips your chin. He tilts your head up and you close your eyes. Your nose tingles, as if you might cry again. 
He shifts even closer and leans in. His hot breath grazes over you and he presses his lips to yours. His other arm hooks around you and he holds you flush to him. Your chest is crushed to his firm muscles as he curls his fingers into your side. He clings to you, his tongue tracing the crease between your lips. 
He hums and urges his way past your resistance. His tongue invades and you nearly choke. It feels weird; cool within the warmth of your mouth. He squeezes you tighter and turns you. You let him. You’re whatever he wants you to be. 
He pushes you against the pool wall. His hand drifts down your side and over your bottom. He feels along your thigh and urges your leg up, bending it around him. You take his intent and wrap your other one around his waist as he lifts you higher. 
He stays stuck to your mouth, suffocating you against the tile as his hand retreats and tickles along your side. It sends another chill through you as he drinks you in greedily. His touch crawls up between your bodies and he gropes your chest through the suit. You feel your nipple bud against his palm and squeak. 
He circles your rigid nipple with his thumb and purrs into you. His mouth slips across your cheek, smearing saliva along your flesh as the smell of chlorine wafts into your nose. You turn your head, breathless and he tugs at the knot in the bikini. It comes undone and you gasp. 
“Please,” you beg, “slow...” 
“I’m being slow, sweetie, promise,” he mutters against your cheekbone, stretching his hand over your naked tit. You whine as he squeezes, kneading as you begin to wiggle. You feel him prodding you between your legs. You let out another pathetic noise and push on his arm. “You feel so good.” 
“Steve,” you quaver, “please...” 
He hums as he continues to toy with you. You can’t stop him. You brace yourself against the pool wall and hide behind your eyelids. He slides down as your legs fall away from him, your body draining of any strength. He holds your waist as he comes eye level with your chest and buries his face between your tits. 
You whimper as he turns to nib and suck at your flesh, letting out snarls as he makes a path to your nipple. As he puts his mouth around the hard bud, it sends a frightening zing through you. The pluck in your core confuses you. You’re not supposed to like it. 
“Mmmm,” he sucks on you as his hand cups the other side of your chest, squeezing as he rolls your nipple between his teeth.  
His tongue swirls around and another tide courses inside of you. You open your eyes and look down at him. The sight stuns you. It’s intoxicating. Your body doesn’t feel like your own and yet it’s all very intense. 
He pops his mouth off and looks up at you, his face flushed and his eyes cloudy, “you taste so good, sweetie.” 
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paintpanic · 6 months
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echo-bleu · 3 months
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We needed Celebrimbor as Dalamar, to go with Annatar as Raistlin and Finrod as Crysania.
He could also double as book!Dalamar, tbh. But because it's my Celebrimbor design, he's wearing the silver ring splints I've drawn for him before.
for @chthonion and @actual-bill-potts 💙
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magicaldreamfox1 · 1 year
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“Time alters our bodies. What he went through, his journey was completely different than mine. We used to look exactly alike. Today, he's quite different. Seeing his body this time makes me sad. He's been through a lot. I have no idea how much pain he felt.”
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rosvyy · 1 month
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Last Life x Dimension 20
Super niche crossover! The concept me and my friend made for this is like with each death the person becomes more and more monstrous/nonhuman
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munamania · 1 year
literally just 5 and a half minutes of erin kellyman as maya in ‘life’
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blaithnne · 11 months
Give it to us straight, chief. How excited is Lauren for watching the Barbie Movie?
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Fucking ecstatic
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beevean · 3 months
It's truly astonishing how IDW Sonic as a series manages to be more uncomfortable/infuriating than Netflix Castlevania, a show that tackles (very poorly) far more touchy themes and subjects. Imagined if IDW Sonic tried handling those same themes.
I'm sorry, but no.
IDW Sonic has completely mangled the themes of agency and redemption, that much is true. Sonic has been turned into a preachy hypocritical bitch who will do anything to defend his "principles", including gaslighting his friends and passing off blame for his genuine mistakes, while himself not upholding them when expected ("big oof"). Whisper's trauma gets constantly disrespected by the people that are supposed to be her friends - Tangle, who steals the name of her dead friends for cool points; Lanolin, who treats her like she's insane and uses violence on her; Sonic, who tries to guilt-trip her into accepting Surge into her team. The writing is atrocious, and the lessons it accidentally teaches are atrocious, all because Flynn thinks it's just a "kids' book" so well, he can pretend to be deep but he can't actually think too hard about it.
But NFCV, among its plethora of issues related to its writing and themes - the edgy cynicism, the shallow CHURCH BAD, the veiled racism/xenophobia/Islamophobia, the complete disrespect of victims of trauma who are either played for laugh or treated like dumbasses who deserve to suffer - has honest to god rape apologism. It has a victim falling in love with, and only wanting in his life, a woman who abused him physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually, passing the message that what she did "wasn't so bad after all", because "well she also did him some good", because "he had fun" during his rape by deception (and let's face it, because she's a cute woman who is so sexy when she puts a leash on her male simp puppy 🙂). And it wasn't even intentional: it was the author's fetish gone unchallenged, mixed with his own personal spite against another person on the show. And this is completely indefensible for me. It is vile, it is a genuinely harmful rhetoric from real life, and I will never let it go.
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cursedmiette · 9 months
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entering the doorway exiting one haunted house to another
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mentioned this in my last post under the cut but you have no idea how much it irked me as a physicist to read about how gege consulted a FUCKING ENGINEER about limitless. an engineer. an ENGINGEERRRRRR. i just. not even a mathematician? engineers don't work with theoretical physics. engineers hardly even work with nonreal math! you're out here designing a guy whose powers involve imaginary mass and divergent series and you DON'T even go to like the two fields that actually work with those things on a semi regular basis...an engineer.......what's he telling you....how to build a bridge?????????????
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suddencolds · 1 month
Echoing some of the opinions of others, but you're so thoughtful, genuine, and patient. I can tell you think a lot of others, and I always want to be like...idk, I hope you extend that kindness to yourself, too? You have such a mellow, cool vibe and it's just very nice.
I feel calm whenever I look at your blog and read your work (even when you're stressing the hell out of Yves and Vincent, haha). You're one of my favorite blogs and just a lovely person to talk to. I admire how you write and the care you put into your work, and I'm not very good with words right now but I just think you're great. <3
😭😭😭 This is so sweet, and it was such a treat to receive this—I'm really happy to hear that I give off those vibes to you!!! You seem like such a lovely person to talk to too, anon, and whoever you are, I hope everything's going well for you!!
Also when I read "even when you're stressing the hell out of Yves and Vincent," that made me giggle (I really do stress them out often, huh) 😭 Thank you for your kind words!!! ❤️❤️
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theyellowhue · 2 years
Gun is the perfect villain
Even without reading the novel beforehand, we knew Gun was evil. The show did a fantastic job in alluding to the crimes he did to Sky. The flashbacks, especially, gave me this sick feeling in my gut because it gave my imagination just enough context to fear for the worst; and it was, he did the worst he could have done to Sky.
Now this is where I tell you how genius of a villain Gun truly is. He isn't just your run-in-the-mill bad guy. Oh no. Because Gun has a plan and a spare braincell to pull it off. 
Gun hated the fact that Sky is healing. He hates the fact that he isnt the last guy  that Sky has been with. He couldnt believe that the broken boy he left for the dust is now happy again and with the best racer in the illegal strip nonetheless. Oh he isnt please, now is he? He is livid and he is mad. He will do anything to prove to Sky that no one could ever want him at all because he had broken him beyond repair. 
So what he does, is reverse everything good that Prapai had ever done to Sky. Gun gained access to Prapai’s condo unit, where he knew that Sky would come running to when in distress, because its Prapai’s place, Sky’s safe haven’s place. Then, he’ll start with the mind games: “Why do you think we were in Prapai’s place? Of course he gave us the key especially after I told him about our past,” “Don’t delude yourself Sky, no one will love you” and he’ll continue to spout lies and after lie, hammering directly at Sky’s insecurities, insecurities he had given Sky in the first place. 
Sky isn't the only one Gun is tormenting. Gun gained access to Prapai’s condo unit because Prapai gave them the key. Prapai gave them access to the place where Sky has to relive his past again. Prapai will forever doubt his ability to protect Sky because he got cocky; “What could they do to me? If they do something illegal in my place, I could easily report them”. He let his guard down and in turn Sky got hurt. 
Gun is the perfect villain because as I anticipate what the worst he could do, he delivered and then some. The mind games and the intentional choice to use Prapai’s condo unit to torment Sky isn't just evil, its downright vile. There is a special place in hell for people like Gun and his cronies and I hope that they're enjoying their stay there because I am sure that P’Pakin dealt with them in the permanent type
Kudos to Dunk Patak for being such a phenomenal actor. You really brought Gun to life. If Gun were to be half as good as Dunk made him to be, the finale would have been shaky. Congrats to the production team and casting people who made all the right choices. 
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findingcrow · 10 months
“Dog Days are Over (Florence + The Machine)” (aka “run fast for your mother fast for your father song) reminds me SO much of the rangers apprentice. I mean imagine, it’s the end of the book, Halt and Will are talking. They’re watching the sun on the verandah, and Gilan zooms by on Blaze, laughing and waving. Crowley is next, shaking his head but laughing too, trying to catch up with him. Maybe Horace is there too, with Evanlyn, motioning to Will for him to join them. Will looks at Halt, and Halt raises an eyebrow and nods at him. Will rushes to Tug and hops on him, running after the two, and Halt watches for a moment before getting on Abelard and catching up. All of this with Dog Days are Over in the background, or maybe Willow Tree March by The Paper Kites, or some The Oh Hello’s song. Like come on, that would be so cinematic and perfect and I would break down SOBBING and would not recover for DAYS
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aprilblossomgirl · 2 years
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The Eclipse | Ep. 10.1
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my children:
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the love of my life
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