#this was a challenge but I was glad to have the opportunity to reflect
slipperygaloshes · 1 year
Thank you to @jmflowers for infusing my day with some positivity. Here’s my attempt at your gratitude challenge.
10 things I’m grateful for and/or proud of myself for accomplishing since the start of 2023:
1. I recently spent a whole weekend with my family, celebrating my grandmother’s 93rd (!!!) birthday. Learned a lot about family members I never had a chance to meet and my grandmother was really happy all weekend and I was happy to be there with her. I was also v proud of myself for attending day 3 without my nuclear family, and for forcing myself to drive in the rain. I don’t love driving but the only way to get better at it is to do it, and I think the same is probably true of making conversation. So there’s a twofer of gratitude and pride.
2. I am grateful as hell to have the dog I didn’t want five years ago by my side. He makes life brighter. He had a difficult start before landing with us, but is such a good, smart boy and I’m very proud of him. I’m forcing myself to take him on a daily walk when I get home from work and he’s slowly becoming more adventurous/less anxious, and a better walker to boot. We’re getting further every day. And we’re also working very hard to not freak out when a dog or squirrel passes by the house.
3. I’m grateful to live where I do, even if I wish I lived separate from my family at nearly all times. There is an enriching city and many relaxing beaches in close proximity, and all different sorts of people to meet and know. I’m really lucky my ancestors stopped moving around where they did.
4. I’ve read about six books this year thanks to my new NYPL digital library card. This is not a very impressive stat, especially for a former English major, but I lost my drive for reading for a long time, so it’s meaningful to me.
5. Recently did a big clean out of the mountains of miscellaneous paperwork six people accumulate over the years. We didn’t need about 2/3 of it, so that was satisfying to see. I also got rid of a ton of Christmas crap and other random things we no longer have need for. I’m a fan of spring cleaning, I think! Debating tackling the catch-alls that are the laundry room and/or garage this weekend.
6. I am actively trying to make plans with people and be a more active participant in life lately. Not sure if this is a consequence of more sun in my life or what but I’m trying to keep the momentum going and hopefully by the time it gets dark again, I’m in a good habit. Usually, I just do things alone these days because all of my friends moved out together about an hour away and I just don’t want to coordinate schedules/budgets/etc. But had a good time the last weekend we went out, so I’m trying to be more inviting.
7. Speaking of that, I had fun exploring a new place recently, living almost completely in the moment (a rarity for me), and along the way discovered that I enjoy an aperol spritz. I think one of my friends had it in mind as like a birthday activity for me, but everyone was super respectful of my wish for a quiet/low key birthday, and the day was all the better for it. My boss and my family were also good about it, so I’m grateful for that.
8. I’ve been working to reframe some of my negative thoughts recently. I like to playfully call it “gaslighting myself into mental wellness”, but in all seriousness, I do think it has helped me to retool my brain so I’m thinking a little differently and having healthier reactions to things beyond my control. So there’s something to be proud of.
9. I’m grateful to love and be loved. I don’t know a better feeling in the world and I am really lucky to have some great people in my life. I’m grateful for this opportunity to reflect on that.
10. This is a pre-pride, really, but it’s going to be my biggest accomplishment of this year, and possibly of the next few years, and I want to shout it from the rooftops but I’m too shy for that, so I’m sharing it here. I will make my final payment on my private student loan in September and be private debt free in October. This has been years of working a survival job, living with my parents, and missing out on exciting opportunities in the making, but soon I will be able to live more freely and do more of what I want to do rather than what I have to do. I’ve decided I’m going to go to Mexico to celebrate.
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writing-with-sophia · 8 months
How to write a good Anti-Hero? How to find the perfect balence, lay out a good personality + backstory?
I love your blog so much! Your suggestions are so helpful💕
Writing a good Anti-Hero
I'm glad that my blog can be of assistance to you! Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create a well-rounded anti-hero:
Identify Their Key Traits: Start by identifying the key traits and characteristics of your anti-hero. Consider what makes them different from a traditional hero and how those traits contribute to their complex nature. Are they cynical, charismatic, or morally ambiguous? List these traits to have a clear picture of who they are.
Develop a Compelling Backstory: Create a backstory that justifies the anti-hero's behavior and motivations. Their backstory should provide insight into their past experiences, traumas, or circumstances that shaped their worldview. Consider how their backstory influences their choices and drives their actions.
Establish Their Moral Code: Define the anti-hero's moral code and ethical boundaries. Anti-heroes often operate in shades of gray, so their moral code may be different from society's expectations. Determine what principles guide their actions and explore the conflicts that arise when their code clashes with societal norms.
Flaws and Vulnerabilities: Give your anti-hero flaws and vulnerabilities that make them relatable to readers. Flaws could include arrogance, a short temper, or a tendency to push people away. Vulnerabilities humanize the anti-hero and create opportunities for character growth and development.
Motivations and Goals: Clearly define the anti-hero's motivations and goals, which may be complex and multifaceted. Determine what drives them and what they seek to achieve. Their motivations can evolve throughout the story as they confront challenges and face personal revelations.
Create Conflicting Relationships: Develop relationships for your anti-hero that challenge their beliefs and motivations. These relationships can include allies, enemies, or ambiguous connections. Interactions with other characters can push the anti-hero to question their choices and evolve as a character.
Internal Conflict and Dilemmas: Explore the internal conflict your anti-hero experiences as they navigate their choices and actions. They may struggle with the consequences of their morally ambiguous behavior or question the validity of their goals. Internal conflict adds depth and complexity to their journey.
Moments of Empathy and Redemption: Provide moments of empathy and potential redemption for your anti-hero. Show glimpses of their capacity for goodness or selflessness, even if it's buried beneath their rough exterior. These moments can create emotional connections with readers and open the possibility for redemption arcs.
Growth and Change: Allow your anti-hero to experience growth and change throughout the story. This can involve challenging their beliefs, confronting their flaws, or reevaluating their moral code. Their journey should be transformative, leading to personal development and self-reflection. Remember to demonstrate your anti-hero's growth and transformation through their actions and choices. Instead of relying solely on internal monologues or self-reflection, emphasize how their behavior and decisions shift over time.
Avoid Excessive Villainy: While anti-heroes may engage in morally ambiguous actions, be cautious not to make them excessively villainous or unsympathetic. Give them redeeming qualities or justifications for their behavior to maintain reader interest and empathy.
Consistency and Complexity: Ensure consistency and complexity in your anti-hero's personality. They should feel like fully fleshed-out individuals with nuanced emotions, motivations, and reactions. Avoid one-dimensional portrayals and explore the various facets of their character.
Reader Engagement: Keep readers engaged by providing them with a window into the anti-hero's thoughts, emotions, and motivations. This can be achieved through introspection, dialogue, or interactions with other characters.
There are some questions to help you develop a well-rounded anti-hero with a balanced personality and backstory:
What are the defining traits and characteristics of your anti-hero? How do these traits set them apart from traditional heroes?
How does your anti-hero interact with others? Are they charismatic, aloof, or manipulative?
What flaws does your anti-hero possess? How do these flaws contribute to their complexity and relatability?
What vulnerabilities does your anti-hero have? How do these vulnerabilities influence their behavior and choices?
How does your anti-hero handle conflict and adversity? Are they hot-headed, strategic, or unpredictable?
What defense mechanisms or coping mechanisms does your anti-hero employ to protect themselves emotionally?
How does your anti-hero's personality influence their relationships with other characters in the story?
What significant events or traumas from their past have shaped your anti-hero's worldview and motivations?
How do these past experiences contribute to their moral code and ethical boundaries?
Are there any formative relationships or connections in your anti-hero's backstory that have influenced their behavior?
What led your anti-hero to adopt their morally ambiguous or unconventional methods?
How does your anti-hero's backstory justify their motivations and goals?
Are there any unresolved conflicts or unfinished business from their past that drive their actions in the present?
How does your anti-hero's backstory create internal conflicts and dilemmas for them throughout the story?
Balancing the character:
How do you strike a balance between your anti-hero's morally ambiguous actions and their redeeming qualities?
What moments of empathy or vulnerability can you include to make your anti-hero relatable and sympathetic to readers?
How does the anti-hero's moral code and personal motivations create conflicts and challenges for them?
In what ways can you show the growth and evolution of your anti-hero's personality and beliefs over the course of the story?
How do the relationships and interactions with other characters challenge or influence your anti-hero's personality and choices?
What internal conflicts or dilemmas does your anti-hero face as they navigate their morally gray path?
How can you create opportunities for your anti-hero to question their actions, reflect on their choices, and potentially pursue redemption?
Remember, crafting a compelling anti-hero requires careful consideration of their traits, backstory, and journey. Aim for complexity, relatability, and a balance between their morally ambiguous actions and redeeming qualities. With thoughtfulness and depth, you can create an anti-hero that captivates readers and challenges traditional notions of heroism.
Additionally, if you need, you can find the post on villain redemption here.
If you want to read more posts about writing, please click here and give me a follow!
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a-d-nox · 6 months
pac/pap: what should you be grateful for this harvest season?
take what resonates leave what doesn't - nothing is 100% for you because these aren't personalized so please no angry comments or dms about what i am saying not being a good fit for you or that you "don't claim" just keep scrolling if that is the case. be kind, self reflect, and have fun.
last pac/pap: vampire: what is draining the life out of you? what feeds your strength?
want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
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pile one
this month it is important that you are grateful for your present situation and that you know what it is to feel safe. you work hard and now is the time to be generous and share what you have - abundance breeds abundance. worry less about scarcity and more about what you have in this moment. i sense you might have your eye on something in particular, something that you may have been saving up for it - go ahead now is the time to get it, you've earned it.
you are a very mysterious person - it is always a pleasure to find someone who doesn't constantly tell people what they are up to and what they are thinking. you leave a bit to the imagination and that is admirable. you know how to have open and honest conversations despite this. you have a mind for strategy and that too is something to be grateful for - as someone who listens more than they talk, you know when the writing is on the wall and you are constantly one step ahead.
be grateful for the time you have to spend with others. i sense that you and these people you will be around this holiday season have busy schedules and it isn't always easy to connect - be grateful for being able to do so. the ones that actively want to connect with you and are trying to figure out when they can find time to see/talk to you... well they are just another thing to be grateful for. also be glad that you made the decisions that you did; you are right where you belong at this moment in time.
pile two
your intuition and emotional intelligence is something everyone, including yourself should be grateful for. you have a gift in the world of the occult - be thankful that you receive signs from the universe that help you to understand who you are and where you are going. be grateful that this month you are likely to find yourself surrounded by people that inspire you most.
you are very grateful for what you have but be aware of sounding too overly materialist this holiday season. there are other things to be grateful for like your mental health, how emotionally abundant you are, etc. - not everything is tangible.
it is time that you are grateful for the opportunities to try again. i feel like you may get quite a few second chances, so don't be afraid to show your gratitude for these chances. be grateful that you are being given the opportunities to continue to grow and change.
pile three
you know how to not settle for less than you deserve and that is something worth feeling thankful for - so many people don't know their worth but you know yours. you know how to listen to your heart and to your gut - a talent not everyone has. remember this holiday season to reflect on where you came from, who helped you along, who you used to be, etc. it is a wonderful time to reflect / remind yourself just how appreciative you should be for your present.
be grateful for the holiday season in general - you deserve a break and to have a bit of fun. so do so. celebrate the year you had - you surely accomplished more than you had in mind last year at this time. you didn't foresee all the wins that you would have, so live it up by celebrating. by doing so you are likely allowing positive opportunities to continue to flow towards you.
be grateful for your resilience and your strength. life may be full of challenges but you handle them with grace. you are wonderfully capable of overcoming things both internal and external.
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oblivion crisis dashboard simulator
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📜black-horse-courier-official Follow
Assassination! Emperor and heirs assassinated, and the Elder Council named as regents. Read this article at our blog.
☀️no-dawn-is-too-mythic Follow
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#rip bozo #rest in piss you wont be missed #tamriel ae queue
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💨chapel-climber Follow
even in death, the papers love to remind the public that old uriel took an L when jagar tharn pretended to be him for a decade 💀
mans being slandered in death
#not climbing #vlinorposting #rip uriel though
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Some affirmations:
Today, I embrace the infinite flow of time guided by the wisdom of Akatosh.
I trust in the divine plan of Akatosh, knowing that every challenge I face is an opportunity for growth and transformation.
I surrender to the divine timing of Akatosh, trusting that everything unfolds according to His will.
I am a reflection of Akatosh's divine essence, radiating love, compassion, and wisdom to all those around me.
Each day is a gift bestowed upon me by Akatosh, and I vow to make the most of every moment, living with purpose and intention.
Above all else, be good to one another. 💙😊
#sundas affirmations #akatosh affirmations #the divines #nine divines #daily affirmations
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⛪priory-of-talos Follow
Tell me why some random person just so happened to show up at an ungodly hour in the night, just to have the Amulet of Kings? I told them to find the Emperor's bastard heir in Kvatch, or whatever. Will be keeping the Amulet in my sock drawer.
🩸dagonenjoyer433 Follow
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🐺kvatchi-kvetcher Follow
omg i cant sleep wtf is that noise
🐺kvatchi-kvetcher Follow
#kvetchings #kvatch under attack
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didn't expect to enter the gates of oblivion, save a city, and retake a castle just to find this Martin fellow
by the NINE he's hot
#i'm ashamed but also kinda not #also got the title of hero of kvatch
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⛪priory-of-talos Follow
Don't tell anyone, but the Amulet was stolen.
tamriel's smartest tesblr user
#so you're telling me #that you lost the amulet #that you promised to protect #maybe stop LIVEPOSTING EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS TO YOU AND YOUR LIFE #AND WE WOULD NOT BE IN THIS SITUATION
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🤢bravilhater9000 Follow
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#dank memes #offensive memes #memes #funny memes #anti bravil
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⚔️baurus-the-realest Follow
Going on a book hunting quest with @daedraphobic down in the sewers was not on the agenda today. Another day alive though, bless the Nine 🙏
#personal stuff #daedraphobic
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☀️no-dawn-is-too-mythic Follow
Had a #great speech in front of my devoted Dagon worshippers today. A new arrival joined mid-speech. Glad to see that more are seeing the #truth.
🩸dagonenjoyer201 Follow
Someone saved that argonian, slaughtered everyone, and stole the Mysterium Xarxes :/
☀️no-dawn-is-too-mythic Follow
It has been brought to my attention that the new arrival mentioned earlier infiltrated my group and stole my fucking book.
#at least i still have the amulet #take that you bitch #tamriel ae queue
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🎨truepainter-rythe Follow
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some bosmer cunt stole my paintbrush, entered into the canvas, painted trolls to protect himself and the trolls killed him. someone please help me.
#the great forest #help
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🗺️jemane1 Follow
no fucking way rythe is stuck in a canvas
📚give-me-my-book Follow
Talk to me by the Great Oak, I have need of you.
🗺️jemane1 Follow
i don't live in chorrol
📚give-me-my-book Follow
What? I saw you, in the evening hours of yesterday. I ask of you to retrieve a book for me.
🗺️jemane1 Follow
I don't live in chorrol
#i have had about enough of people gaslighting me #i have never stepped foot in chorrol leave me alone #going to start blocking weirdos
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apparently he was a sanguine worshipper?????????????
#okay so like i was told to get a daedra artifact weird ik #i found the sanguine shrine and crashed a noble party to obtain it #gave it to him and he reminisced about it #???? #y'all think he would be a freak in the sheets or nah
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Due to recent events, I cannot keep up with posting daily affirmations. I cannot speak more about where I am or what I am doing, but I am doing alright as of now. 😊
🩸dagonenjoyer427 Follow
coc cloudrulertemplegreathall
#nonaffirming #offtopic
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Hi. My name is Angel, I go by all pronouns (neos & xenos included), I'm genderfluid and I'm 16 years old.
This is an interesting experience of mine, because I reflect about it and I realise “wow, if my parents raised me with both girl and boy shit, maybe I would have realised I'm trans sooner”.
Basically, I was raised as a girl all my lifetime. From my childhood to now, I'm raised and referred to as a girl even tho I already know I'm not. But here's a tiny little event that happened to me when I was 8 and in 3th grade:
There was a gymkhana at my school, and there was a crossdressing challenge. Boys would wear girls clothing and vice versa.
When my class was preparing, they choose me to use the boys clothing (it was my fault by the way, because my curious ass was the nearest to the box that had the outfits 😭) and I was like: “What? Why me, I ain't got nothin to do with this shit! >=(” I tried to protest, but they shushed me because we had little time.
And that's how I was Pedro for the first and last two minutes of my life.
I was angry, obviously. But the difference is, I thought it was because they were masculine outfits and not because I was floating in these senseless game, specially after I overheard my dad and my brother talking about how sinful it was to use clothes for the opposite gender. I deadass thought the gymkhana forced me to sin, whathafuckkk☠️☠️☠️☠️
But in reality, I was like “Quit this drama, crunchy looking ass.” when a boy said he felt ridiculous when wearing the women's clothing.
That teenage boy was having gender dysphoria over the opposite gender clothing. I wasn't. Every other cis person was uncomfortable wearing clothes they normally wouldn't wear at that situation. I was the only one who was upset over being shoved onto something I had nothing to do instead of the outfit I was wearing and the name I was using for two minutes.
And looking back, I realise that I didn't show many genderqueer traits as a kid because I wasn't able to, nor given the opportunity (the only time I did that as a child was walking on the streets shirtless and I got reprimanded by my parents for that (understandable, on the one hand, cause my breasts were starting to develop and I had gone to a neighbor's house that they didn't trust)). I didn't show genderfluid traits as a kid because the only option I had was femininity and nothing else.
Help, in conclusion, I was never a cis girl after all. I was always trans. And even if Pedro didn't had much effect on my journey, I really have to thank him for this experience and the reflections around it. =3
I'm glad you have worked out who you are, thanks for sharing your experience!
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mrsbsmooth · 5 months
No one I know irl plays love island so I'll just have to leave this here because I'll explode if I don't get it out - LOTTIE DRIVES ME INSANE!!!
I'm doing one last play through for Bobby and the kiss between Lottie and Gary was just exposed at the ministry of sound-party and she is so pigheaded about it!! The way she's been behaving the whole season, "girl code" & "loyalty" that when she's been a cliquey bitch so many times for literally NO reason!!!!!
When they first "found out" during the mean tweets-challenge she could've used that as an opportunity to reflect on her behaviour, why it's messed up and learn & grow from it -- but she just kept being a bitchy baby, getting on everyone's case just for looking at a boy - and now when her shit is exposed she's like it was just a kiss???? FUMING
This is like my single favourite thing about everyone replaying the old seasons, like
Literally she was such a hypocrite, but that's why I love those old seasons so much.
She's all about girl code, but she kissed her bestie's crush behind her back.
Hope is a laser-focused career woman, but gets into a tizzy over the string coming out of her hoodie
Priya is all 'I don't need no man' but is so desperately insecure that she can barely open up to talk about how lonely she is.
Lottie's entire character arc is flat. Like she is a whiny bitch baby from start to finish and I absolutely love that. She's jealous of MC's relationship with Gary from start to finish, she never really matures, she just gets better at hiding it.
I hate her so much, but I LOVE how she's written.
I'm so glad for Flo because Lottie was really out her giving Aussies a bad name fr
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astrum-aetherium · 10 months
Hey!! You mentioned something about Judy and Henry possibly hooking up and that got me thinking… thoughts on Henry with a s/o like Judy? Personality and fashion sense and all? ;)
i can't believe you caught that tiny, fleeting mention! it was in the tags of some small little post, after all (i went back to check, lol). but hey — i'm glad to elaborate and indulge.
listen, there are plenty of reasons (even canonical ones) to believe henry and judy might've (most probably drunkenly) hooked up at one point or another. she does refer to him as a bastard... which only begs the question, why? why, miss poovey? was he just rude or did he hit it and quit it on top of all that? we may never know.
as for henry with a judy-esque partner: it would certainly be a bizarre sight. however, as a firm believer in the popular!girl x quiet!guy trope, i'm wholly entranced by this scenario. i already sort of unpacked this in a previous post about henry with a partner who is his polar opposite, but let me use the additional opportunity this prompt provides to add a few more thoughts.
it would, as mentioned, be quite unusual and even surprising to both of your respective circles — the greek class and your friends. nevertheless, i see a lot of potential in an affinity like this. you would definitely complement one another in the areas you'd differ in, and despite a few occasional hiccups in the form of disagreements and possible teasing, i think it might last for quite a long time.
beyond simply being annoyed, i think he would grow to appreciate that kind of personality — snappy, argumentative, direct, unabashed, unapologetic. although there would be some irritation on his end, i believe he will grow into minding it less and less — just as you would in regard to his constant, relentless stoicism and occasionally laughable lack of self-awareness. you would simply grow on one another, grow accustomed to one another, and grow to love the other party's personality traits that may be outlandish.
also, let me just say: he would love the striking fashion choices, secretly. he would never admit to it, but i just know he would. striking red fingernails, crimson lipstick, daring clothing? it would thrill him. his favorite pastime — aside from reading — would be keeping his eyes plateaued upon you, just watching. he would appreciate your beauty and confidence, specifically in the way you carry and present yourself, immensely.
i definitely think he would be more attracted to someone who knows and owns themselves, who is unafraid and daring — a memorable, startling person. someone like that would miraculously enchant him despite his beliefs in all things aesthetic and whatnot. this, simultaneously, would cause him to become quite protective over you and your eccentricity, your individuality — he would hate for anyone to ever attempt to bring you down or challenge your aplomb. of course, he wouldn't be the textbook protective boyfriend — he'd merely be more observant and cautious of your endeavors, keeping a watchful eye on you and anyone who might imperil your caprice.
last (yet certainly not least) — the sex. do i even need to say it? dirty, absolutely debaucherous. whatever you're into, definitely, but as a few propositions as food for thought: light bdsm — choking, spanking, manhandling; marking with that red lipstick; complete ruination. locationally, anywhere the two of you deem somewhat appropriate, but especially in front of mirrors — he'd grow exceptionally fond of them. he knows how provocative you are and loves it, but he would also want you to observe how he wrecks you and thereby shatters that confident, poised façade. therefore, he'd have you gaping at your own reflection out of the merciless stretch of his cock, mewling out his name and begging for more. it would be wicked.
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theomnicode · 6 months
Saigenos date
After confessing to Saitama that he very much adores his sensei and Saitama having similar feelings towards his disciple, Genos has decided to seek out the perfect date location, to no avail however. It isn’t until they walk back from G-city with groceries in hand after taking care of a monster, does Genos see a perfect opportunity for a date.
An amusement park they’re walking past.
“Saitama-sensei, have you ever been to an amusement park?” Genos asks.
“Nah, too expensive. I worked at a theme park once and all the rides seemed really fun, but us employees weren’t allowed on any,” Saitama sourly answers.
“I will take you to an amusement park, sensei. My treat,” Genos smiles.
Saitama’s face turns surprised, then into a happy visage of hearing his cyborg disciple say that. “That sounds amazing, Genos!”
Genos shares his enthusiasm. “Let's bring our groceries back home and go immediately sensei!”
After a quick run home and back and buying the tickets, Genos’ idea of a perfect date is starting to unfold as Saitama thoroughly enjoys every single ride, from rollercoaster to fast spinning carousel to haunted house ride, always shouting out his enjoyment and Genos is glad for his stabilizers working, otherwise he might’ve found himself puking in one of these rides Saitama insisted they try out. They even indulge in treats like cotton candy and soft drinks, something Saitama hasn’t had in ages.
At the very end of their date during the evening, Genos suggests a ferris wheel to wind down from all the excitement and Saitama acquiesces easily. 
Inside, Genos takes a hold of Saitama’s hands and kisses him on the lips. Saitama blushes from the attention, but he kisses back, just as the fireworks lit up the sky in merry colors of blues and pinks, which reflect from Genos’ metallic arms and his blonde hair.
“I had a blast, thank you Genos,” Saitama says appreciatively.
“I knew this amusement park was a great choice to bring sensei in for a date,” Genos happily states back and kisses Saitama again.
Truly, what a wonderful date.
Not even the surprise attack of a monster can ruin it as Saitama jumps down from the ferris wheel and punches it down in one go.
“Heh, knew we missed something here.” Not even the lack of challenge in monsters is able to bring down Saitama’s happy mood.
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
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Pairing: Brunnhilde x female reader (no other specifications)
Word Count: 1600 words
Outline: After ages in the making it was time to bound yourself eternally to the king of Asgard.
Warnings: swearing, properly bad grammar and syntax :P
Author’s Note: This is my entry for @maladaptivexxdaydreaming jardin de poemas writing challenge. I used the prompts 'My mind has long been swept away by the sounds of bird song and laughter on those spring afternoons bathed in sunshine and brisk breezes.' + 'I would put you first, I would claim you, I would declare you when times were tough, when times were difficult, I would cling to you.' Congratulations on this milestone and may many more come your way! I had the idea of making a wedding ceremony for a while now and I am glad this was my opportunity to do so!
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics //​ banners by @maysdigitalarts​
Main Masterlist ・❥・Valkyrie Masterlist
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Centuries have come and passed, trees have evolved and turned into everlasting poetry, and yet here you were standing side by side with your most beloved, the reason for your heart to beat, your one, your breath of life. She looks back at you with a heartwarming smile, her long braids falling on her face. Expertly she pushes them back in place and lets out a soft giggle. It feels like a dream, it always felt like this, and such beauty was hard to come by. 
“Are you happy?” You ask her, a whisper so low, that only she could hear. 
“Only with you.” She reassures you and extends her arm searching for your hand. She takes your hand in and brushes her fingers over your ring. A simple small diamond with a silver band with the words ‘for eternity’ engraved inside. It has been a long time since she had given it to you and yet you haven’t managed to fulfill that promise to each other. To eternally be bonded to one another. Soon enough the day will come. The world had been in shambles and together alongside many other warriors you had helped to have it all rebuild and recreate the life that once was. Now it was time for the future, the path that you had created to walk alongside one another. 
“Tomorrow is our day.” You remind her with a proud smile on your face.
“Every day is our day.” She winks at you and drags your hand towards her, pulling you with her. 
The decorations and the preparations have been going wonderfully. In the throne room of new Asgard, big white silk ribbons were falling from the ceilings, and the golden chandleries, down to the marble floor adorned with all kinds of magical and colorful flowers. Flowers were growing and glowing to all the colors of the rainbow, reflecting a thousand realities into one.
Throwing red rose petals in your face is how she had to awaken you for your wedding morning, the ceremony would be early in the day before the sun got too warm on this august day and then followed by the biggest feast close by to the coastline. It wasn’t every day that the king of Asgard was getting married after all. It could be the only royal wedding they’d ever seen as long as you both lived. You would never let go of Brunnhidle’s side, not for anything. And that sentiment was shared by her. 
She blows the petals into your face while giggling and you push them away from your face, firstly waking up, to the beautiful face of the woman you loved. 
“Are you happy?” She asks you again. “You can still run away if you need to.” She continues, zero worries masking her voice. You shake your head and pull her closer for a deep kiss. “Never. I am only happy with you.” She nods her head and cocks an eyebrow. “Your wedding vows must be one of a kind then.” 
“Well, not everyone marries the king every day…” You roll your eyes just as the maid bursts in through the golden door of the royal chambers. “ But someone has to do it…” You chuckle looking as the maids try to plead and warn about the time. “What a burden you have to bear, darling.” Brunnhilde is kissing you now, between soft giggles but it was already getting late, you had to start getting ready. Evidently, is very difficult for the maids to pull you apart from each other. But both of you needed to get dressed and since you didn’t seem to want to stop kissing one another…
An hour later, you were standing in front of the mirror looking at yourself, your breath has been cut short. You are feeling a little bit out of your element. It wasn’t rare for someone to get cold feet right at the last moment, and being the center of attention has never been your forte. Somehow the thought of royalty and the formality of everything makes your brain hazy. What if Brunnhilde realizes that you are too little for her? What if she is destined for even greater things? What if it was the war that made her long for a lover and now in the time of peace she wanted to live differently, she just didn’t know it yet? 
“She asked me to give you this.” Jane’s voice is heard from behind you and she is holding a small box in the palm of her hands. Deep in your thoughts you never heard come in. “What is it?” You ask immediately and try to hide the emotions on your face.
“I don’t know, is for you to find out.” She smiles and turns to leave the room, allowing you to be alone with the box. Taking a deep breath you decide to open it, pulling the velvet ribbon to reveal what’s inside. 
To your surprise, is a small sharp silver blade, engraved with roses and vines. Behind there is a piece of folded paper. Hesitantly you take it in your hands and begin to read it. 
‘If I ever stop loving you, you can kill me with this.’
“Fucking dramatic.” You mumble to yourself and roll your eyes. And yet it was exactly what pulled you out of your temporary darkness. She had made you laugh, even if she was a couple of chambers away. 
“Is time!” You shout and click on your heels to meet the rest of your company. Jane has a big smile on her face escorting you outside. Slowly and with the honors attached to a wedding like this, they escort you to the throne room, right before you are to enter, they place a golden veil on your face. As if she doesn’t know you already. Oh, those old traditions. You walk slowly, holding a bouquet of various flowers in your hands and once you meet her gaze, watching her silhouette standing tall dressed in all black and velvet, your heart melts once more. She looked regal, with the crown on her head and the golden scepter on her right hand. She was a king through and through. You can see her as a small smirk is curled on the corner of her lips. She is impressed by you just like you are. 
“Fancy seeing you here.” She chuckles as she takes your hand in hers and grins at you. “Thought you might get lost in the corridors.” You roll your eyes and shake your head slowly. “No, I had many people guiding me, thankfully.”
She laughs and any previous nervousness has now left the air. 
Heimdall begins a speech, talking about tales old and new all leading up to Brunnhilde’s reign and the praises of the Valkyries. Once he is finished with the historical side, he asks her to push back the veil and reveal yourself to the crowd. She does so, with a delicate move and you let her eyes fall into your lover’s eyes. This is it, where your life always was leading you to. Right into the embrace of your lover. 
“You may exchange your vows.”
Valkyrie looks at you with a playful expression, she knows she has to go first as the king but she is still wondering if she could pull a trick on you. She has been carefully planning for days the most beautiful speech that would evoke the most sentiments out of you. She was prepared and ready to make you cry but little did she know that your also your plan. 
“I will love you, amongst the stars and amongst the deepest of oceans, in health and in sickness and in any life in any universe. I would put you first, I would claim you, I would declare you when times were tough, when times were difficult, I would cling to you and I will always be by your side. As your formal lover, first and foremost and second as your king.”
Her speech is beautiful, it makes the crowd erupt in thunderous claps and you know still they are not prepared for what is coming from you. Clearing your throat you meet her intense gaze and declare. 
“All my life, I felt lost at sea. Like a mermaid that needed to go home but the oceans had dried. When I met you, is as if life got colorful again. There were sounds and colors, melodies and auras I had never seen or even dreamt of before. Fighting by your side as your second in command, taught me everything there is to know about the universe, the earth, the way people laugh and their hearts grow a size. You taught me life’s lore without even speaking about anything. Your presence alone helped me spread my wings and learn how to fly. My mind has long been swept away by the sounds of bird song and laughter on those spring afternoons bathed in sunshine and brisk breezes. And I wish nothing more than to spend each and every awakening moment right by your side. My king.” 
There were tears in her eyes, is not like that wasn’t your intention and yet it still surprised you. Heimdall declared it was time to kiss the bride and Brunnhilde wasted no time. The kiss that followed and sealed your eternal fate was the most tender you had ever felt. 
For centuries to come you’d rule side by side forevermore. And when youth turned to old age and the oceans were getting dry, there you were hand in hand and matching heartbeats. 
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for updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary!
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banging my fist on the table
please infodump about your sillies i love them so dearly 🫶🏻🫶🏻 isabel is such a darling i eat up anything with her every damn time
First of all oh my god thank you, I’m so glad you like my darling little Slytherin gremlin 💚💚 She’s so important to me and I’m thinking about her and Ominis allll the time haha
Boxd, I hope you are ready for this bc when I infodump, I infodump. >:) I’m gonna refer to this ask list here and pick a few at random because otherwise I will actually just ramble about minutiae forever hahaha
What are their love languages?
Both Ominis and Isabel’s love language is physical touch. It’s probably from being with Ominis for so long, but Isabel knows exactly what he’s feeling and how to express what she’s feeling through touch. Ominis frequently pulls her into hugs that envelop her entire body, and Isabel will comfort Ominis by touching him arm in unfamiliar or frightening situations. They give each other lots of shoulder/back rubs at the end of a long day, and Ominis will often express his protectiveness through a gentle hand on the small of Isabel’s back. No matter how old they are, they adore holding hands whenever possible. Others might think it’s kind of juvenile, but it lets Ominis know where Isabel is, and Isabel knows Ominis is doing ok.
What’s their sleep schedule like?
Their sleep schedule can be kind of chaotic, between raising children and having to take on random Ministry assignments. If they can get at least six hours of sleep next to each other, they’ll be ok. Otherwise, they might get grumpy at each other. Ideally, Ominis would love to sleep a full eight hours and take an afternoon nap with Isabel in his arms. Isabel needs a little less sleep, but is always happy to curl up with Ominis and quietly talk to him until he falls asleep.
What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone?
Isabel knew she had hopelessly fallen for Ominis when she learned how kind and gentle he was. His eyes had been slightly alarming to her when they first met, but she quickly came to realize how beautiful they are and will liken them to diamonds or stars. He was so very handsome to her, and learning about his true nature—the shy and quiet boy who just wanted love so he could return it tenfold—meant there was no hope for Isabel. Ominis knew he had fallen for Isabel when she showed signs of wanting more than just friendship. He had not previously allowed himself to even consider the possibility of a crush on her. He insisted on being a gentleman and not bothering her with his own advances, but deep down he was pining so very hard for her. His heart always skipped a beat when he heard her approaching, or she laughed at a joke he told. Being a source of comfort and trust in one another during Sebastian’s quest to help Anne during their fifth year did a lot to bring the two other.
What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
Isabel is sometimes embarrassed about the noises she makes when Ominis takes her by surprise. He enjoys sneaking up on her, wrapping her in his arms and kissing her. She often squeaks, and she thinks it isn’t fit for the woman everyone calls the hero of Hogwarts—and the same woman who challenged the entire House of Gaunt just to defend Ominis. He wishes she would make those sounds more often. Ominis is often very embarrassed about his need for reassurance from Isabel. He still sometimes wakes up feeling unlovable, and it requires Isabel curling up with him and reminding him of all the ways people in his life have shown him love. She adores the opportunity to cheer him up again because she gets to also reflect on the same displays of love. She also just enjoys getting to care for Ominis.
What’s something they’ll never understand?
While Ominis feels that Isabel is the best wife he could ever possibly dream of, they both know Isabel can never fully understand Ominis’ relationship with his family. Although her mother died when Isabel was a baby, she still grew up in a happy household. It has caused some friction a few times, as Isabel doesn’t understand Ominis’ desire to seek some kind of reconciliation with his family. She doesn’t get why he holds onto every single letter they’ve sent him, despite them all being full of threats and manipulation. Ominis doesn’t hold it against her, and Isabel accepts it’s simply beyond her understanding, but Ominis holds onto the letters because it’s better than nothing in a way he can’t quite describe. When he discovers in the Daily Prophet that almost all of the rest of his family is dead, he mourns their deaths. On the other hand, Ominis doesn’t understand how Isabel can love him the way she does. By the time they are older adults and their children are grown, Ominis has a better understanding of her ability to love him unconditionally, but he will never grasp it completely. He loves Isabel unconditionally, but never gets to the point where he consistently feels he deserves the same kind of love.
How do they feel about rain?
Isabel finds the rain exciting and loves to go outside during a summer shower to get drenched before running inside to take a hot bath, regretting nothing. Ominis enjoys the rain if he can be indoors. Hard downpours interfere with his ability to navigate with his wand, and he’s afraid of thunder. The sound reminds him too much of the cruciatus curse. He’s quite happy to sit under a tree and listen to a cool spring rain, and he has been convinced to let Isabel lead him by the hand through the fields as the sky pours buckets on them.
What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
Both Isabel and Ominis need each other to fall asleep. Neither sleep well if they have to be apart, and there have been very few times when their arguments have led to one of them sleeping in another room. Any time they have tried to sleep somewhere else, they ended up missing each other and reconciled in the middle of the night so they could curl up and happily drift off together. Ominis is anxious when Isabel isn’t beside him when he wakes up, as he doesn’t know if she might be in trouble. He hesitates to admit it, but he also gets nervous about having a nightmare and not being able to wake up and reach out to touch Isabel to ground himself in reality again. Isabel simply doesn’t feel right without her husband by her side. He’s warm and she enjoys cuddling up with him, even if he sometimes pulls all the blankets over to his side of the bed or pulls her into a tight embrace and she can’t move.
Do they have any pets?
Ominis and Isabel had a pet Burmese python. I’ve never been able to come up with a suitable name for him, and I really wish I had more opportunities to weave him into fics. Ominis found him in a cage in Diagon Alley to be sold off to an exotic pet collector or, god forbid, someone in need of potions ingredients. Using his parseltongue, Ominis talked to the snake and eventually bought him so he could come live at the couple’s estate in comfort. The snake lived with the family for another 18 years, living a good and long life with the Greymoores and serving as a sort of seeing eye snake for Ominis until the python died of old age. Ominis mourned his companion for a long time and didn’t have the heart to get any more pets after that. While she couldn’t communicate without Ominis as the translator, Isabel grew to love the python almost as much as her husband did, and the python was a beloved playmate for their three children, understanding quite clearly that they weren’t food.
What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
Ominis loves to call Isabel his little hummingbird. She adores it, as he has been calling her that since the day they both declared their love for each other. Isabel has never really been one to give others nicknames, but she occasionally calls Ominis her beautiful serpent, given the fact he is a parselmouth. Ominis blushes every time he hears it, as it’s usually said in a playful or suggestive context. In the beginning, he was slightly put off by it, and Isabel worked hard to help him accept his parseltongue as an ability he should be proud of.
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stripedscribe · 4 months
Thank you @loki-is-my-kink-awakening for coming up with this!
And thank you @42donotpanic for the tag!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Words and Fics
38,518 words published in 2023
17 completed fics
Top 3 Pairings
Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson [11]
Matt Murdock&Foggy Nelson [2]
Matt Murdock&Foggy Nelson&Karen Page [2]
Top 5 by Comments
Sticking It To The Man(Round Robin Collab) 15
Of All The Good In The World - 10
ART for Romantic's Pizza Package -
Let me spin myself into yarn - 8
A Vessel- 7
Top 5 by Kudos
Sticking It To The Man - 242
A Cut String Of Fate - 39
ART for Romantic's Pizza Package - 146
A Vessel - 36
Of All The Good In The World - 26
Top 5 by Hits
Sticking It To The Man - 1,235
The Way We Say Goodbye- 559
A Cut String Of Fate - 486
ART for Romantic's Pizza Package - 393
If Forever Leaves Too Soon- 256
Fandom Events in 2023
At the start of the year the Avocados took part in a round robin challenge for Sticking It To The Man, in which 6 of us wrote a fic together! I would love to do this again.
The @daredevilexchange held a prompt fest in February, in which I posted 3 fics/art! One of these also started a collab with @udekai for our BADminton series!
In March the Avocados had our Secret Satan exchange in which I wrote Let me spin myself into yarn for @feenyxblue!
Through the year I wrote a few shorter prompted things - from our no prompt left behind challenge on the server, and also from Tumblr requests!
In October we had the @daredevilexchange where I wrote 2 fics, The City That Never (Always) Sleeps, and You know it breaks my heart in half, in half.
Upcoming Plans
I've just started the @killacharacterbingo, 4 fics in, and I hope to finish that next year! I've got a few longterm wips I want to bring back out and actually get finished, and not burnout with constant event pressures.
Writing Reflection
This year has felt quieter. I wrote about half what I did last year, and nothing can compare to 2021. It's been busy IRL, and I've felt like I've been in and out of burnout, but we're getting there!
Having a community online has been a lifesend, and even if I haven't been posting it, we've had plenty of brainrot opportunities, which I'm glad for! I also started to dabble in original fic, and that's slow going, but I'm also writing a bit more through starting DnD, and having text-based rp sessions in between, which are amazing!
Community is everything, and I'm so glad to have met everyone I did, you all hold a special place in my heart. Where else are you going to be able to cry about Matt and Foggy at 2 in the morning and there be someone to listen?
Tagging: @udekai, @blissful-thinker, @feenyxblue, @missmoochy and the rest of the Avocados discord, you know who you are!
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felassan · 1 year
Some more snippets of insight on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf and general insight from Mark Darrah, from the comments section on this video:
Comment: "Looking forwards to the retrospective dissection on Anthem. Do you think that for the protagonist in Dreadwolf we will be able to choose their pronouns and voice actor (male or female), unlinked from aesthetic choices in CC? When you were at BioWare was there any talk of how to go about implementing, for example in the areas of programming and localization (I imagine these would be things that would have to be taken into consideration), they/them pronouns for the main character?" Mark: "I suspect that pronoun selection will be available. We were already discussing this in 2019. Its a bit of a UI challenge and there are some questions around "Chosen pronouns vs presenting as..." but these are solvable." Comment: "We would be heroes but the records are sealed" reminds me alot of Captain Kirrahe in ME1, "we would be legends... but the records are sealed."! Thinking back to Joplin, whatever happened to or with Senior Creative Director Matt Goldman? When yourself, Casey Hudson and Christian Dailey left BioWare there were blog posts or tweets explaining the changes and handovers." Mark: "OMG. We were probably subconsciously echoing that back. I totally forgot about that. I wasn't at BioWare when Matt left, so I don't have any insight." Comment: "It makes me imagine the DA4 crew in the Joplin iteration acting like the STG, conducting a war from the shadows and doing lots of spies and heists stuff :D fun" Mark: "That was the thinking, approximately." Comment: "On the box arts/marketing assets and their relations to the art directions and feels of the game, 2020 and before marketing for Dreadwolf seemed to suggest a black and gold theme. Now it is purple. Do these reflect Joplin and Morrison respectively, and was the change tied to the reboot and change from Joplin to Morrison?" Mark: "There have been a lot of explorations. The gold wasn't reflected in the UI, so I think its that more than anything" Comment: "One missed opportunity in Inquisition was not including Sandal and exploring more of his uniqueness. I hope they correct this oversight in Dreadwolf. Merely finding Sandal's journal in Trespasser was not enough!" Mark: "This was intentional. I told the writers that is Sandal was in DAI it would make him a pillar of the IP and he would have to be in everything, forever. So they COULD do it, but they needed to understand that" Comment: "Guys, we were THIS close to getting to ride dragons.... LOL jk. I am super glad we didn't get that. It would make zero sense to me. THAT BEING SAID - can we PLEASE ride Griffons?!?!?" Mark: "I have no idea what that would have looked like. Flight is a feature that takes over" Comment: "I really miss playing as a Grey Warden. I do hope we can get that option as DLC for Dread Wolf. I enjoyed DAMP. It allowed me to test which class I would play with in the story." Mark: "I would be surprised..." Comment: "Hype for #DragonAgeDreadwolf" Mark: "me too" Mark: "I expect we will get lots of Elven lore in Dreadwolf..." Mark: "I'm very hopeful for Dreadwolf"
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toujokaname · 1 year
Get Along / Episode 3
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Author: Kino Seitaro with Akira
Characters: Tatsumi, Arashi
"Nevertheless, the Lord does not give us trials that we cannot overcome."
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Location: Recording Booth
Season: Winter
Time: A few hours later.
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Tatsumi: "This is "Kazehaya-senpai's Confessional". Today's guest is the beautiful cavalier belonging to Knights―Narukami Arashi-san ♪"
Arashi: "Everyone, nice to meet you ♪ I'm Narukami Arashi from Knights, thanks for having me ♪"
Tatsumi: "Fufu. I'm sure that many of our juniors were immediately soothed by Arashi-san's cheerful voice, isn't that right?"
"The purpose of this program is for me to give advice to the troubled juniors listening, as well as to the guests."
"As a matter of fact, myself and our guest Arashi-san will soon be appearing together in a Shuffle Unit—Getto Spectacle."
Arashi: "A one-day-only unit that'll appear on an educational program―it's gonna be a great show, so please look forward to it ♪"
Tatsumi: "Well, then. Now that I've explained the reason for Arashi-san's invitation and finished the publicity―Arashi-san, have you ever listened to this program?"
Arashi: "Ufufu. Why, of course!"
"There's the "Senpai's P.O. Box" section―The listeners' corner, the chatting section, and a bunch of other stuff, right?"
"I know it's because we're in the same business, but you've got a good reputation in my surroundings too, you know?"
"I've heard so many times that when people ask you for advice about their problems, they get really spot-on answers."
"I'm excited to hear your problem-solving skills live ♪"
Tatsumi: "Fufu. Arashi-san, you sure are quick to get to the point. Shall we start with the "Senpai's P.O. Box" section?"
Arashi: "Yes. Let me and Kazehaya-senpai soothe all the lost kouhai-chans ♪"
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Arashi: ...Phew. I'm super glad the broadcast ended with no trouble.
Tatsumi: Indeed. I was also able to respond to your confession.
"I want to repent for eating sweets while on a restricted diet"―A very cute confession, and easy to answer.
Arashi: Hey now. My appetite's my worst enemy―cravings aren't cute, y'know?
Tatsumi: Fufu. Still, you seemed to relax and talk more freely as the program went on.
Arashi: I guess so. I'm just relieved it didn't turn out to be as bad as I feared it would.
I was a little worried after the morning mess, but thanks to this radio show, Kazehaya-senpai and I have grown closer.
It was so much fun that it got me thinking, if I could talk with the other Shuffle Members one by one, I could become better friends with them...♪
But I still think that Tomoe-senpai's behavior yesterday was way too sudden.
It's unreasonable to expect a group of five people to live together like a big family. I don't know if even the members of Knights would be able to live in harmony―
Because of that, I was anxious about the radio show with my senior until we entered the recording booth. I was afraid that the atmosphere would be too sensitive... I got so worried.
Ahh, jeez. Though I accepted this Shuffle Project with a positive attitude, this might affect my other jobs.
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Tatsumi: It's true. Hiyori-san certainly acted hastily.
To be honest, I think it was a very challenging proposition to live together, too.
It was different with ALKALOID, since we were in a desperate situation...
But since each of us have certain degrees of achievements and independence, living together has placed an extra burden on us.
I, who supported Hiyori-san's idea, should also reflect on it.
Arashi: Yeah... I also tend to act rashly, so I can't really criticize.
But it feels like Tomoe-senpai's forceful side came out this time, right?
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Tatsumi: Nevertheless, the Lord does not give us trials that we cannot overcome.[1]
This is surely a good opportunity to reevaluate ourselves and our usual unit activities. Instead of giving up immediately, it's not a bad idea to wait and see what will happen in the future.
Arashi: Getto Spectacle... I really, really want this to work out.
I know. How about we all go out to eat dinner tonight?
Yesterday was such a last-minute sleepover that we didn't have much time for it. If we discuss it more carefully, we could live a more respectful life together.
Tatsumi: Good idea. I'd also like to get to know you all better.
"To become friends who are able to share our feelings and worries with each other"―That was my "wish", after all.
From the bible, 1 Corinthians 10:13.
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whentherewerebicycles · 7 months
ok midday UPDATE here are some Good Things:
faculty retreat was fun albeit full of Characters lol. they are such a funny species of human. i was telling macky some of them behave like they are simultaneously the most important people in the world AND the most oppressed... like deposed royalty or something. but i learned a lot about our first-year programming and got to meet some interesting people. plus my table had just finished a summer discussion group exploring the idea of implementing specifications grading in their courses and i was like omg i did specs grading and i loved it!! and then they had lots of questions about how it worked in my classrooms which was fun and made me feel briefly like A Teacher again lol
i don't like it when people act like i'm a total nobody until i say something smart & then it's as if i suddenly materialized in their field of vision and they're like oh wait who are you. i hope i never make people feel that way no matter how Important i think i am!!!! but i have to admit there's something satisfying about the challenge of being like "ohhh got it ok this person is clearly telegraphing that they don't consider me worth paying attention to in the slightest. i bet i can convince them i am and i bet i can do it not by monologuing about myself but by practicing the kind of active listening everyone in this room is starved for & asking really thoughtful questions & making connections to things they'd shared earlier that they thought no one was listening to. i bet i can make them feel Heard." and i did that with two people today lol they barely gave me the time of day for the first hour or so but by the end they were both like let's get coffee and keep talking about this why don't you come to my class this quarter why don't you come to this meeting my group is having. like i get ittttt sometimes you don't want to engage with a rando and it's not personal lol but it is still satisfying to be like ok i won you over and therefore i win. liz says not everything has to be framed as a competition but it does make life into a more interesting game.
i am wearing my new black jeans from everlane and every time i catch my reflection the mirror i'm like DAMN girl you look good. gosh they are just soooo flattering and so much more comfortable than skinny jeans. plus i feel like you can dress black jeans up a bit with a work top so i still feel Professional. also my new slip-on sneakers from old navy arrived today and i feel like they are gonna be the perfect way to wear comfy shoes at work but not look quite as casual as my white sneakers do. tbd but i have high hopes
i cleared a bunch of emails off my to-do list! this was virtuous procrastination as i am avoiding finishing the PPT for thurs lol but i think i can probably get the PPT done tonight in under 15-20 min if i just do a burst of work before bed. so i am freeing myself from having to do it RIGHT NOW at work.
it's beautiful out.... fall is so beautiful here.... gosh it's so nice and i think i am going to go home a bit early & walk the dogs since i worked late last night and will do some more work tonight too
my hypercompetent coworker is probably leaving sigh but my other hypercompetent coworker is staying and today she was like i got asked to serve on this board and i could definitely do it but i think you should do it for XYZ reasons, and that was nice. i mean i know it is added work and i'm sure she's glad to be out of it but i feel like there have been a few times where she's gone out of her way to be like "this opportunity is going to be good exposure for you/a good way to meet people/a good way to show people what you can do" and i really appreciate that. everyone else has been here so long and i am still so new both to the institution and to this level of role! and i can figure some stuff out on my own i know it's a learning curve but i really appreciate it when people are like hey i think doing this thing would be good for your career/work. my [redacted] just cannot provide any useful guidance at all so it can really feel sometimes like i'm on my own. but i'm not!!
i know i probably literally can't be pregnant yet as implantation doesn't happen until day 6ish and it's only day 5 and anything i feel could still be side effects from the hcg shot. but i have just had little cramps and twinges all day. i hope i hope i hope i hope i hope i hope i hope i hope i hope i hope i am trying to live in the light of hope and not in despair!!! clean hope clean pain!!!! can she do it!!!
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sarasavicc · 1 month
Christmas fair
activity title: Christmas fair
duration and time: December 27th, 2023
type of activity: creativity, service
Activity description: Organizing the Christmas fair in our school.
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Learning outcomes:
Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Reflection: This is my second year of participating in the organization of this great event. All IB students from my school actively prepare for this day every year in order to collect and donate as much money as possible to charity. I’m glad that I had the opportunity to participate this year as well. Knowing that the money will be donated is a great motivation and I hope that the IB students will continue to organize this event for many more years in our school.
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ineveryspaceandtime · 4 months
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it's 2.5 hours to 2024, so here's a fun lil game to end the year, with a template i found on ig!
tagging: @a-reality-dream @mrsnarl @uhbasicallyjustmilex @subtle-as-an-earthquake @shineswithyou @depressedraisin @haemoglobinheights @daddy-long-legssss @ballad-of-what-could-have-been (if you're not tagged but would like to do it too, please do so! 💖)
i don't journal as much as i'd like to (new resolution perhaps?), so i'm taking this opportunity to reflect on some of the things i've checked off on this list below the cut!
tried new foods / travelled to a new place / went to the beach / went to the mountain / watched the sunrise / watched the sunset / dyed your hair
everything above i did when i travelled to Bali! we had a LOT of good food (ayam betutu my beloved <3), including a seafood dinner on a beach during sunset; and caught the sunrise from one of the higher points in Mount Batur. but the absolute best part of that trip was that i was with my sister, and though in all honesty i was terrified we'd end up arguing (because the third member of our party cancelled, and in my head i saw him as a buffer between my sister & me), we didn't—we had a peaceful time and it was just. pure fun 💕
made new friends / laughed a lot
this one is a little bit of a surprise, because i'm an introvert, but this year in my efforts to Be Brave and Ask Questions, i've approached one particular person (who isn't from my department) a number of times, and over the year we've shared a lot of laughter & good times. unfortunately this year was her last at our workplace, but she left me a lovely little note, which i will cherish forever, i'm not even exaggerating 🥺💗
finished a book
i finished 11 books this year (out of the 32 i'd hoped to have read. sobs), but i'm checking this one off the list because of one highly enjoyable experience of devouring a book in 2.5 hours while lazing in the pool on a unicorn floatie. (was i thinking about miles and his floaties the entire time? yes, yes i was)
went to a concert
i went to three this year! the one that's most special was the strokes, because 1) i'm a baby fan, and 2) i went during the busiest work week of the year. (i completed all my work ahead of time so i could fully enjoy myself!) the crowd was amazing, the vibes were immaculate, and i had the best time, even though i was vibing so hard i ended up spilling my drink down my own leg. it's also the concert where julian imitated alex. lol
gained weight
i'm the heaviest i've ever been, and i've accepted it as part of growing older (goodbye metabolism, you were so good to me). on the bright side, i think i might also be the fittest i've ever been!
dancing w my favourite people before a concert, and seeing another initially subdued group noticing us & then letting loose was one of the top 5 experiences of the year for me tbh
made a big decision
i was asked sometime in october whether i'd like to join one of the key committees next year, and i told my boss that i'd like to take on the challenge, bc it was something i knew i would enjoy doing. even though it didn't work out in the end (because a new KP has just joined us, and her credentials are far better suited to the role), i'm glad i didn't immediately reject the offer, just because it would have meant more (and more difficult) work.
strangely, something i'm finding more difficult than grieving the people i've lost is grieving the life i might have had, even though the decision i made was one i knew to be right.
learned new skills
i had an idea to streamline some of our work processes, and i figured out how to do it all on my own. i love you online tutorials <3
if you've stuck around this far, gosh. why. also, love you <3
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