#this was teriffying
artsywitchling · 11 months
jumped over my shadow and booked an appointment with a therapist! After years of being to afraid to call one. 🥺
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savage-rhi · 6 months
#lucid dreaming is the most epic and teriffying thing sometimes#I've been building it up over the years and i feel like im getting to that point where when i feel that space between sleep and alertness#i can push myself into whatever is happening and mostly be in control#for me it literally feels like im walking through a heavy veil#like that tingling static you feel when your foot falls asleep#its like you're detaching from your body and going somewhere else#i can't pick how my dream turns out i kind of just walk through and deal with whatever I'm dealing with#earlier while napping i did it and i was like in my 50s or so checked my mirror and saw my wrinkles then i went out to my car#lived somewhere else entirely and i get in the car and im going down the highway and I'm in the left lane going the speed limit and this#older guy with curlyish white hair and a peppered beard black sunglasses and a white dress shirt is driving a convertible#and he looks over at me and gets pissed that im “trying to pass him” and proceeds to try and run me off the road#my car starts to begin to flip i can feel this whoosh of air in my face and hair and right before i start tumbling i shoot up from bed#like ive had an exorcism and my hearts going like 90 bpm#it felt so real like you couldn't distinguish if it was a dream even if you tried hard enough#touch taste sight smell its all there#i stg for me lucid dreaming feels like im highjacking the bodies of alternative mes in the universe and using them as temp avatars#to experience some weird shit#lmao 😂#I don't have apnea or anything else like that so not worried there#but shit man#these have been getting pretty intense over the last few months as ive gotten better at it#ted talk info dump#no magenta here#i feel like i need a safe word for these types of posts#magenta has already taken the mantle of complaining/venting
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sadboyhrs · 1 year
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sabbatiq · 7 months
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verses i've stumbled upon one of these nights & they made me burst into tears next to my sleeping roommate
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mak1lol · 2 years
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phlegmboymessiah · 2 years
I had a dream that Brendon Urrie released a new song but the music video was vaporwave themed claymation made with Blender and the song was one of those songs that's just like different sounds played at increasingly more autotuned levels and it got louder and louder as the music video collapsed around me and I woke up in a cold sweat at 7 A.M.
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usermarquez-moved · 2 years
me: i want a boyfriend :(
also me when a man says smth to me: what do you want you’re scaring me
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flowerandblood · 11 months
The Impossible Choice (3)
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Baratheon! • female ]
[ warnings: kissing, angst, physical violence, sexual tension ]
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[description: Aemond comes to Storm's End to choose his future consort. However, Lord Borros Baratheon presents him with only four of his five daughters. Being attached to his youngest child, he does not want to marry her. The prince, however, thwarts his and her plans with his decision. This is slow burn, with a lot of dark angst and sexual tension. (Anon Request)]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
All she could hear was the sound of her heart pounding as she entered the chamber where the Queen and Prince Aemond were waiting for her. She saw him of the corner of her eye, sitting in the chair by the fireplace with his legs crossed, facing her, his hand on the armrest clenching and opening again and again.
She didn't look at him as she walked further into the room and bowed to the woman that she understood to be his mother.
"My queen. My prince." She said softly, bowing her head meekly, her eyelids lowered in an act of humility.
She rose with a rustle of her red-brown gown with puffed sleeves, her brown hair was combed at the back of her head in an exquisite braid.
She knew that she looked beautiful.
She decided not to give him a single look of hers, wanting to punish him for mocking her and her sisters, taking by force what wasn't supposed to be his.
She knew that she couldn't resist him verbally or physically so she decided to do it with her attitude.
The Queen smiled at her warmly, extending her hands to her, placing them on her shoulders.
"Welcome home. The journey must have tired you. Your chamber is waiting for you." She said softly, the sound of her voice pleasant, motherly, she felt a kind of comfort in her presence, thought that perhaps she would have an ally.
"Thank you, my queen. It's an honor." She said, trying to make her words sound as sincere as possible. She felt that he was watching he and swallowed silently at the thought.
"My son will take you to your chamber. Am I right, my prince?" She asked, her voice warm, but also filled with pressure and anticipation.
She heard her future husband rise suddenly from his chair, walking slowly over to her, towering over her with his arms folded behind his back. Only then did she dare to look up at him, just like when he'd arrived in Storm's End, his gaze had teriffied her.
His face was completely expressionless, he seemed almost frustrated to see her, his mouth pressed into a thin line.
She lowered her gaze, knowing full well that her behavior unnerved him more than she had originally intended.
"My lady." He spoke low, cool, matter-of-factly.
He turned, heading to the doors, and she bowed quickly to the queen, following him. She walked through the cloisters of the Red Keep, staring at his back, his long hair and the barely visible outline of his face.
She felt all tense, filled with something that she couldn't describe, wondering if he regretted his choice, thinking that he could have chosen a much more refined lady with better manners and demeanor.
He didn't speak to her the whole way.
He opened the door to her chamber, stepping inside, taking her completely by surprise. She followed him in, but he didn't even glance at her, pacing restlessly around the room.
"Close the door." He spoke impassively, menacingly, she felt shivers down her spine.
She pursed her lips, swallowing hard, and turned obediently, closing the door behind her with a soft clatter of wood. She faced the entrance, not daring to look at him, knowing that they should not be alone in the same room without witnesses.
For various reasons.
She jumped, startled, as he rushed towards her, in a moment he was standing in front of her, grabbing her jaw, slamming her body against the door, she gasped, thinking despairingly that she had no dagger with her.
She breathed loudly through her mouth, trembling all over, staring at him with wide eyes, terrified of the madness and rage that she saw in his gaze, his nostrils quivered uneasily with each breath he took.
He licked his lips, as if preparing to say something.
"Doesn't the prince deserve at least one fucking look from you, my lady?" He hissed in such a way that she felt shivers all over her body, her heart stopped for a moment.
She thought, shocked, that he was completely unpredictable.
She wondered what she wanted to hear − the brutal truth or the sweet lie. Her lack of response annoyed him, he tightened his grip on her jaw, moving even closer to her.
"I can't hear you, my lady." He said mockingly, with a menacing frustration that made her throat tighten, she knew that she had to get something out of her.
"Forgive me, my prince." She whispered, looking at him pleadingly, hoping that her words would somehow soften him.
She saw him hesitate for a moment. He didn't release his grip, breathing heavily, his tongue poking the side of his cheek as he looked at her thoughtfully.
"What are you apologizing for, sweet girl? I want to hear it." He said, the brutal strength of his grip didn't match the words that he uttered.
She swallowed hard, deciding that there was no point in fighting him, she knew that she was alone here, and that she couldn't have an enemy in him.
Whatever beast he was, he was to be her husband, and even if he was like a wild, fire-breathing dragon, she had to find a way to please him, to tame him.
"For disrespecting you, my prince. That was never my intention. I am asking you for your grace.” She whispered softly, her voice like the calming sound of rain.
He looked at her as if debating whether to forgive her or not, his face stony.
"Don't ever pretend that you don't see me again." He spoke low, a little softer, but it was still an order, not a request.
She swallowed hard and nodded meekly, her gaze warm, her mouth parted in complete submission.
Something must have pleased him about the sight, because he leaned over her, his hand rised from her jaw and grabbed her hair.
She didn't dare to refuse him as his lips pressed against hers, moist and hot in brutal, quick kiss, she didn't shut her mouth against him as he slipped his tongue into her fleshy interior, purring contentedly.
He did what he wanted to her lips, sucking and biting them, panting louder and louder, making her shiver as she felt a pleasant, unfamiliar throbbing between her thighs.
She dared to put her hand on his shoulder, exactly as she had when he arrived in Storm's End. He flinched, pulling away from her with the wet click of their saliva, still holding her hair tightly in his grasp.
They stood there for a moment and stared at each other, breathing unevenly, the expression on his face a complete mystery to her.
She wasn't sure if he was pleased or not, if he was going to kiss her again or hit her. She felt her heart pound hard as he released her and walked past her, simply leaving her chamber without a word.
She fell to her knees, only then allowing herself to take a deep, shaky breath, thinking terrified that he was a possessive, envious man with low self-esteem, who would do whatever he wanted with her.
Still, something about his aggressiveness attracted her, a certain conviction that he was only playing to get what he wanted.
He was cruel and menacing only to make her look at him with humility, to be composed and polite.
She thought that she might be, if he didn't overdo it, she was afraid of where his boundaries were, and whether he had any at all.
Would he hurt her even if she begged him to stop.
She swallowed hard at the thought, thinking about their future wedding night.
She was terrified at the thought of being left alone with him at night, at his mercy, that he would do what he pleased with her body, probably without regard to her comfort.
She thought that she had to bear his child as soon as possible.
The queen assigned her a servant, Lyanna, the girl helped her dress and bath. They didn't speak to each other, both apparently equally terrified of the new situation. She was afraid that Lyanna was queen's spy and knew that she couldn't share her fears with her.
She wanted to read a bit about womanhood and motherhood that had not interested her before, so she asked Lyanna to take her to the great library. As they walked down the corridors of the Red Keep, they past servants and lords who watched them curiously.
She knew that she was a sensation, from whispers and gossip she managed to deduce that her future husband was not at all popular at court.
Everyone was afraid of him, and the thought didn't comfort her at all.
She knew that she had to outsmart him, be strong, just like her father had told her.
She thought that the prince knew nothing about her and had no idea what her life was like before he stole her from her house. He didn't know that by being around her brother and father all the time, she knew the nature of men better than he had supposed.
She knew that men could never be deprived of their self-determination, nor could their masculinity and strength be undermined. Men also hated loud female despair and reproaches, regrets and rows. What they feared most was public humiliation on the part of the woman in any way, to undermine their superiority over them.
She stepped into the library and thanked Lyanna, dismissing her, wanting to be alone for a moment in a space other than her own chamber. She hardly ever went out, except for a few invitations from Princess Helaena; their walks were a pleasant break from her loneliness, and the princess was a sweet, warm girl, but they were constantly watched and couldn't speak openly about anything.
She looked around the gigantic hall, full of huge, long oak bookshelves, filled to the brim with old tomes. She didn't know how to find what she was interested in, so she started walking down the narrow aisles, between the shelves.
She shivered as she heard a familiar cold voice from across the alley.
"What are you looking for, my lady?"
She looked up at him, standing by one of the side racks, her heart felt like it was in her throat, pounding desperately.
She was afraid of him, and in addition they were alone in a place where no one would come often.
She knew that she had to lie, because she couldn't tell him what she was really looking for.
"Some reading for a tedious, hot day, my prince." She said, feigning lightness, without taking her eyes off his face.
She saw that he was looking at her intensely, thoughtfully, holding a small book in his hand, apparently just putting it back in its place.
"You're a lousy liar." He said low. “Just like your sisters."
She swallowed hard at his words, involuntarily clenching her hands into fists, hoping that he'd let it go and change the subject, but he kept staring at her. She could see that he was growing impatient with each passing second, his lips pressed into a thin line.
She decided, desperate, to tell him the truth.
“I want to read about how I should behave on our wedding night. What behavior befits a prince's wife." She whispered in embarrassment, dropping her gaze for a moment but then looking up at him again, reminding herself that she wasn't supposed to do that.
She saw a trace of surprise on his face, for a moment he clearly didn't know what to say. After a moment he gave her a low chuckle, sliding his book back into its place, as if something had clearly amused him, she felt a stab of humiliation at his reaction.
"You don't need to know anything about it, except that you must obey me." He hummed, glancing at her again, a twinkle in his eye that made her uncomfortably hot. She thought, horrified, that he had thought about this.
He thought about the night when he would possess her.
“If you obey me, I will make sure that we both enjoy ourselves. If you don't, well...then, the only person who will enjoy this act will be me."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @diosademuerte @rwdkarla @echos-muses @ipostwhtifeel @letmeloveyouuuu
Others: @dreamymoomin @thedamewithabook @dc-marvel-girl96 @zillahvathek @helaenaluvr @tssf-imagines @heavenly1927 @hiatuswhore @it-is-getting-better @linkpk88
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laiostouden · 3 days
do you ever think about the tragedy of utaya? who still remembers it? is it talked about in places far away? did it reach other lands and become a cautionary tale? did it spark rumors that got twisted and now barely resemble the truth? do people know that those rumors' origin was a real tragedy?
and what kind of rumors could they be? what could people still talk about 15 years later? what could they be so afraid of? the commoners know nothing of demons, of course. but monsters are close enough- teriffying enough to stay alive in the long term memory of those who heard about them. what could they be so scared of?
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and they won't know. they won't know about the village called utaya, they won't know there was only one survivor of that catastrophe. but they will talk about it, they will remember the grotesque nature of this tragedy. and maybe years later, while the sole survivor strives to prevent such a thing from ever happening again and reaches a dungeon on a small island for that purpose, there will be another man that heard of the gruesome rumors. and in his case, the tragedy will become a hidden hope, a desire to live free of the pain he endured his entire life. then, maybe, these two men will meet in the same dungeon, both pushed into action by the same event that brought purpose to their lives, and they will end up changing the whole world.
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yourfavblondy · 6 months
warning: mentions of injury
synopsis: a fight just like any other leads to confessions in the dark
It was just another normal night. You were lying in bed peacefully scrolling on your phone. Oh how naive you were. With the infamous Rindou Haitani as your best friend no night would ever be normal. A knock on your window interrupted your scrolling. You shuffled closer to let the intruder in.
To your horror inside stumbled a beaten up Rindou. He could barely walk and needed your help so he wouldn't fall to the ground. "Rindou..." you whispered helping him lay down on your comfy bed. "Stay there." you ordered before going to the bathroom to get your first aid kit. "Not like I can go anywhere." he chuckled, but his laughter quickly died down and was followed by a painful groan. Not even a minute later you came back into the room standing next to him. "Um can I unbutton your shirt?" you asked awkwardly. You just hoped that the shadow cast over your face provided you with enough protection so that he wouldn't see your red face. Sure Rin had been to your apartment plenty of times to get patched up after fights but it was never this bad and you never ended up in a situation where he needed to unbutton his shirt. Usually he would let himself in and ask you to help him with small bruises, cuts, scrapes maybe even a busted lip or a black eye but never something as serious as this. He nodded slowly and you unbuttoned his shirt. The atmosphere was heavy. Quiet and solemn. Nobody dared to utter even a word. The only sounds present in the room were the sounds of you rhythmic breathing. As you undid the last button Rindou let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Your eyes widened in shock in hurt to see your best friend like this. Bruises of various colour and size littered his torso. You tried looking in his eyes but he just turned his head the other way, ashamed. "You should see how the other guys look..." he tried lightening up the mood but nothing helped. You didn't answer instead you just applied bandages where needed and disinfected the open wounds.
After you were done you put the first aid kit back in its place before kneeling on the floor next to he bed. Your head rested on the bed next to his arms while you absentmindedly traced shapes and patterns on his open palm. "Rin you need to be more careful. You're too reckless. I don't want to loose you, you mean too much to me. Please Rindou promise me you'll be more careful." you mumbled breaking the silence. "I promise. I don't wanna loose you either. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You mean the world to me and I'd do anything to keep you by my side. I promise I'll be more careful." he muttered. "I love you Rin." the words rolled off of your tongue so smoothly. You don't know where the confidence burst came from or what even made you utter the three words you've been keeping to yourself for the past nine months. They tore from your throat so easily it scared you. Your feelings were now out in the open and as much as it exited you it also teriffied you. What if that one phrase that should have never been spoken just ruined your entire friendship. Rindou didn't speak. Instead he sat up in bed and patted the spot infront of him motioning for you to sit down. You obliged sitting down with your legs crossed. The dim light perfectly illuminated his lilac eyes. Oh those eyes that made you swoon over him each time you saw them. Those eyes that kept you awake at night taunting your dreams. Those eyes that you wished you could look at every morning and every night for the rest of your life. Rindou gently grabbed your chin inching closer to you. His gaze flickered between your lips and your eyes before he finally closed the gap between you two trapping your lips in a tender and sweet kiss. It was intoxicating. That one touch alone sent electricity running through your body a million thoughts running through your head and a million emotions crashing down on you like a tidal wave. You were drunk off of just that one kiss, it was sweeter and more intoxicating that any alcohol you ahd ever tried. You couldn't get enough of it. So there you were kissing, giggling, smiling and laughing with your best friend. Well after this night he was probably something more than your best friend.
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savage-rhi · 7 months
I had a scary, animal accurate tyrannosaurus dream that felt HD real.
I was at a parking lot where this marketplace was located. A guy friend was in this red car that was parked between two giant pickup trucks. He and the trucks were parked away from the majority of the vehicles. It was night and just rained not too long ago. I could see the water glistening off cement and asphalt.
I'm maybe four feet away from the car when I feel this deep rumble in my body, and I hear a very loud but low pitch hum. I stop, and I feel it again. It's like all the nerves and blood in my body are frozen. I start looking around and don't see anything or hear anything else. My friend rolls down his window and asks what gives and if I'm alright. I shake my head and gesture for him to be quiet.
Then I see a pair of glowing yellowish eyes, and then the rex walks into view on the other side of my friend's car. It was so quiet despite being massive while it moved. It didn't make a damn sound. No roar fanfare or anything. It was like a giant bird just strolling by. Its body was barely illuminated by the parking lot lights, but I could see its greyish scales and dampened microfeathers. Its nostrils flared, and its warm breath turned into a smoky fog.
The rex blinked my way, canted its head in a bird like manner, and then just smashed its entire snout through the roof of my friends car. Like before, it didn't make a sound, but I felt that reverberating hum in my body again and again.
My friend was screaming, and I was in shock before I ran toward one of the trucks. I was too far from the store to get in, and I thought if I could get under one of the trucks for now, I'd be alright. As I ran, my friend hit his head on something in the car, and he went silent. The rex lost interest, pulled its snout out from the top of the car, and deadlocked its eyes on me.
It chased me around for a bit, not really running but more like power walked cause it knew I was getting tired, so why waste energy? Eventually, we circled back to my friend's car and the trucks. I managed to get underneath one, and the rex seemingly gave up the chase.
While waiting for the coast to clear, I looked to my right at my friends vehicle. The entire top was caved in and looked as if it had been in a multicar accident or a giant rock smashed through. I couldn't see my friend, but I figured he was still unconscious and maybe lying on the floor somewhere.
After maybe ten minutes or so, I finally had the courage to come out from hiding. I was in between my friend's car and the black truck I sought refuge under. Keeping crouched, I began to look for a way to open the passengers' side.
A series of deep thumps began to rhythmically travel through the ground, and my heart sank. The rex charged out from the darkness and headbutt the drivers side of the car. It flipped to its side, and before I knew it, I was sandwhiched between the car and the truck.
I was almost impaled by a metal piece sticking out from the roof. It was so close to my chest that I let out a gasp, and I could hear the thumps return. The rex was gonna headbutt again. At the last second, I crouched and made myself as small as possible. He hit it not just once but several times. I could feel my space growing smaller and smaller. If it kept up, I knew I was going to get smashed.
The crashing sound of metal warping itself ceased. My body shuddered, and I felt cold despite being drenched in sweat. That's when I felt a warm gust of air to my right, and I could see the rexes nostrils flaring through a crack between the car and the truck. He was smelling me out.
The scent of its breath was a combination of mildew and a putrid musk akin to someone not brushing their teeth for months. I wanted to throw up.
I remained in place and held my breath so as not to make a peep. I thought it better to let him think I was dead in here versus being alive. I had a gut feeling that if the rex caught onto that, it would smash the car again and I couldn't take that risk.
The deep rumbles all the while repeated over and over. It felt like my body was being shaken inside of a car going through a dirt road that hadn't been tended to in years. I could see parts of the rexes snout inflate and deflate between the noise. This was how it roared. Not through displaying its teeth and screeching like a jaguar taking down prey, but through low vibrational frequency.
I was so caught up in the awe and fear of the situation that I didn't register that it had moved to the other side, and through another crack to my left, stuck its tongue through and licked my arm.
The muscle was warm and slimy with a rough patch of texture here and there. It felt like I was being licked by a cat and a dog. I tried not to scream. The rex went at it for a few minutes, then gave up.
I remained curled up in the husk of a car for what felt like hours before I had the courage to find a way out. I managed to lie flat on my back and scooted like an inch worm out of the debris. Once I was standing on two feet, I looked around everywhere. There was no sign of the rex.
I jumped, hearing a faint moan coming from the car, and my friend poked his head out from the drivers side window. In shock, he looked around before his eyes landed on me and shouted, "What happened?". I rushed over and began to help him get out of the car, all the while explaining that we needed to get inside one of the markets at the center. He was visibly confused but the terror in my voice was enough to let him know now wasn't the time to talk.
We managed to sprint through the parking lot and to an open store. There were maybe ten people inside counting the gal at the register. While my friend limped toward the medical supplies to aid his bleeding head, I was warning folks not to go outside and even shouted at one gal who was close to leaving.
Everyone at this stage was looking at me like I was crazy, and a security guy was attempting to shove my friend toward the exit. I frantically got in between them and kept warning that a giant animal was out there and that we were trying to hide. Needless to say, the security guy didn't believe us and the commotion continued.
Thats when the security guys bravado stopped entirely and his mouth gaped open while his eyes bulged out. Everyone in the store went silent.
My friend and I slowly turned our heads around, and through the window, we could see the large pair of glowing eyes in the distance and the dark silhouette of the rexes' massive body. He was staring right at us, keeping so still that it could pass as a monument.
The rex snapped its head to the side like a curious cockatoo and rushed.
The sound of small explosions going off in my body was the last thing I could comprehend as it prepared to push its head through the glass, and then I woke up.
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perduedansmatete · 3 months
ça te teriffie carrément c est vraiment pas le but mais du tout . mon message ne contient rien d agressif ou de malsaint juste que tu correspond à la fille que j aimerais rencontré un jour . ça ne se répétera plus désolée je ne voulais pas faire du mal je le jure .
c'est une façon de parler même si c'est quand même oppressant de recevoir des messages de temps en temps de la même personne sans savoir de qui ils viennent, mais allez faisons de la psychologie, pourquoi tu envoies tant de messages anonymes à des femmes que tu ne connais pas et qui surtout n'ont aucune connaissance de ton identité pour leur faire ce genre de remarques même si elles partent d'une bonne intention ? pourquoi dire que je corresponds à la fille que tu aimerais rencontrer un jour alors qu'on ne se connait pas et que même en me lisant tu ne sais rien de moi ? honnêtement j'aimerais comprendre le cheminement de pensée car là je sèche et je sais que beaucoup de messages anonymes auxquels je n'ai pas répondu proviennent de toi car je reconnais ta manière d'écrire
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sabbatiq · 7 months
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verses i've stumbled upon one of these nights & they made me burst into tears next to my sleeping roommate
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madlittlecriminal · 9 months
Headcanons for Jonathan Crane and reader, dating or married, having a Halloween movie marathon together? Horrifying slasher films filled with scares and gore like Friday the 13, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, etc, and the two not being phased at all, simply laughing with each other at them. And some non-horror, fun Halloween movies, like Hocus Pocus, Nightmare before Christmas, Coraline, stuff like that. Just the two having a nice, cuddle session together while their favorite movies play in the back. Even better if they both fall asleep while someone’s getting brutally killed lol
Movies ↦ Jonathan Crane × GN!Reader [headcanons]
lol this reminds me of the one time i was falling asleep watching a slasher film...it wasn't boring, I was just extremely tired.
Warnings: mentions of cutting in half/killing (that one Teriffier scene)
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Being engaged to Jonathan Crane aka the Scarecrow was an experience on its own
Not to mention the fact that he had a whole stash of horror films.
Slasher films, animated horror films and thrillers.
He basically had it all.
If it came out of DVD or even on VCR, he had it.
You'd tease him for having a VCR, but you both knew you loved that about him especially since you wanted one. If anything it was a bonus
Every October, you both would watch horror and thriller films for the month.
You'd both manage maybe two films through the day and maybe three if you both aren't busy.
Today was different since you both decided to watch movies all day.
You started off with Coraline since you once mentioned he should get buttons on his mask
"Are you serious?"
"No, I love your eyes. The buttons would ruin it."
He'd laugh and kiss your temple.
After Coraline, you'd watch Corpse Bride
You made another comment that he looked a bit like Victor which made him roll his eyes with a smile.
"So does that make you Victoria or Emily?"
You shrugged and played with your engagement ring.
After that, you'd order takeout and then you'd watch Friday the 13th.
"What's up with you guys wearing masks with some type of holes in them?"
"Maybe because we need to see and breathe?"
"So you don't deny that you kill?"
"You have lots of questions tonight."
"And you don't have a lot of answers."
After that, you'd both end up watching Terrifier since he mentioned that he wanted to see it.
You agreed and let the movie play while you heated up popcorn.
However, you didn't finish the movie
When Art the Clown began cutting the girl in half, you and Jonathan were fast asleep, the bowl of popcorn now on the floor with some popcorn scattered around it.
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candie-covered · 2 months
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Bro I'm actually teriffied
This beautiful piece is inspired by a random ass edit my friend made (Shown below)
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Please enjoy whatever is happening here 😭
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plasmasimagination · 2 years
let me tie ur shoes so u dont fall for anyone else
summary: u refusing to tie ur shoes (please read its not that bad as it sounds)
characters: scaramouche 
au;im dying rn im so excited to write this
au L: omg this is short but like o///o
you and scaramouche were out on a expedition,onlly you two alone~ (jk)
you were just about to head to the next location,when he just told you "tie ur shoes before u break ur nose idiot". Your brave ass decided to make a harmless joke and say "no" ,yeah harmlessi s not the right word . Scaramouche hates it when u dont listen to him when he means good for you . He slowly turned to look at you, but still, you decided to go through with what u said . He just stood there looking at you for a second, he then asked you again "tie ur shoes". You were quick to respond with a no again,he came closer to you not breaking the eye contact.You kinda start getting teriffied at this point yk how he is. But he just sighs,he swiftly looks away and then back at you, rolling his eyes in annoyance . he knelt before you, cussing under his breath,you were so confused that u dont even know what to do you just froze at the moment. He tied ur shoes while complaing and saying stuff liek "Are you really that incapable to tie ur own shoes?" or "cant u care for urself or do u need me that bad" . Stands up very fancy and brushes the dirt of his clothes scolding you.
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