#this would absolutely fit a d&d campaign right?
charmed-n-zesty · 1 month
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On my way to see a druid.
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dnd-smash-pass-vs · 4 months
Excuse the long post, something I want to explain about dragons. Feel free to ignore.
D&D dragons are specifically not reptiles. Any resemblance is stated in the draconomicon to only be skin-deep and we've not heard any word against that since. For instance, they're not exothermic, or "cold blooded". They constantly produce body heat!...with no way of shedding it, excess heat just stops existing because fuck you they're magic. They're not imbued with magic, they ARE magic as much as they are flesh. People just said "hey its got scales, must be a lizard." We've also heard no word on whether they have cloaca. These are not natural creatures in the traditional sense. They're magical aliens that were hurtled in from space, or crafted by gods, or practically elementals of the normal world, or any number of other setting-specific things that would have no reason to follow convention. Even without that, pretty much every phylum of the animal kingdom is riddled with exceptions anyway. Egg laying mammals with multiple vaginas, invertebrates without an entrance to their genitals, claspers, shapes designed to be incredibly impractical, prehensile junk, penis bones, accordion vaginas, ones with false endings, "teeth." My point is, we have absolutely NO idea what's going on down there. It could be a cloaca. It could be multiple. It could be something unlike anything on earth. It could be like mammalian junk, which scaling in proportion with existing megafauna could easily fit a person for the full grown ones. I had to do the math for a Tyranny of Dragons campaign, it's not what you think and likely far weirder. Don't ask. But right now? It's whatever the hell you want it to be, because I doubt we're getting an answer. Let your dreams run wild.
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marvel-ous-m · 1 year
Eddie Munson’s Guide for How to Adopt a Jock in Four Easy Steps (2/5)
Part One 
Part Three
A.N.: Um... guys, WHAT?! The outpouring of love and support for a blurb I had sitting in my Notes app for the last two months has been absolutely wild. I’ve been writing for the better part of the last day, and this is now a ~7k, five chapter fic that I will be posting to Tumblr as well as my AO3. I can’t thank y’all enough for all of the support, and I hope you like where this is heading! 
After Steve finished ranting about the middle schoolers he spent time with, Eddie launched into a description of the campaign he was working on for Hellfire. Steve listened intently as Eddie spoke, slowly making his way through Eddie’s sandwich and the bottle of water until both were finished. Eddie kept talking after Steve finished his food, distracting himself by going on a tangent about goblins in D&D. He was pulled from his rant at the sound of a soft thump- which, Eddie realized with surprise, was Steve’s forehead slumping down far enough to hit the tabletop. 
Steve sat up almost immediately when his head hit the table, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. 
Eddie snorted at Steve’s antics, piling his books together. “Damn Stevie, I didn’t realize I was that boring.” 
“Stevie?” Steve whispered under his breath, then shook his head, shooting a sheepish smile Eddie’s way. “You didn’t bore me- I liked it, really, I just-”
“Hey, Steve?” Eddie cut Steve off, smirking at him. “You don’t need to make excuses. No offense man, but you kinda look like shit, I can tell you haven’t been sleeping well. Speaking of which- why are you even here? You should probably be at home resting, not zombie-walking your way through a day of classes.”
Steve hummed at that, shrugging and resting his cheek on his palm. “S’better here than it is at home.”
Eddie frowned at that, his brow creasing. Steve had just told him a few minutes ago that his parents hadn’t been home in three months, and all of Hawkins knew he was the only child of the Harringtons. What was so bad about spending the day in a giant mansion that most definitely had central heating? Eddie would kill to spend these winter months in a house like that instead of under approximately fifty blankets (while somehow still freezing his ass off) in the trailer. 
Steve breathed out a small puff of air, and Eddie noticed that his eyes had slipped shut in the minute-or-so that Eddie had been distracted by his internal monologue. Shit, Steve was really exhausted. Eddie sighed and stood, quietly loading his books into his backpack. After zipping up his backpack and pulling it onto his shoulder, Eddie gently shook Steve’s shoulder, wincing sympathetically. The last thing he wanted to do was wake Steve up, but Mrs. Boliene would have a fit if she saw Steve like this.
He was definitely not expecting Steve to practically jump out of the chair, or for his breathing to suddenly grow erratic, in response to being woken up. There was something in his eyes- a kind of fear that Eddie could only associate to something he saw in Wayne’s eyes after waking his uncle from a particularly bad nightmare. 
Eddie held his hands up, taking a step back from Steve. “Hey- sorry, it’s just- Ms. Boliene can be kinda a bitch about people sleeping in the library. I know a place you can rest for a while if ya want. Let’s be honest, you probably aren’t going to be learning anything if you go to the rest of your classes today.” 
Steve clenched his right hand a couple times- Eddie would file that particular coping mechanism away to ask about later- then nodded, his breathing (mostly) back to a normal pace. “Sorry about that. Yeah man, whatever you say.”
Eddie nodded, let his arms drop, then cleared his throat. “Right, just go ahead and follow me, King Steve.” 
Steve sighed and stood with a wince, gathering the garbage from his (Eddie’s) lunch before following the other boy out of the library. He tossed the trash in the garbage bin outside the library then took a couple of long strides forward to catch up to Eddie. “Can you um- maybe, like… not call me that?”  
“Sure thing, Steve-o. Here, hang a right.” Eddie turned down a hallway and Steve followed, eyebrows raised in surprise. 
“That’s it?”
Eddie stopped walking when they reached the drama room door, shrugging. “Yeah man, that’s it. You don’t wanna be called something, I’m not gonna call you that. Nicknames are supposed to be fun, dude.” 
Steve nodded in understanding, but his brow was furrowed- he was clearly deep in thought. Eddie stood there a moment, waiting for Steve to say something. When it became apparent that the jock was going to keep his thoughts to himself, Eddie smiled tightly and opened the drama room door, walking past the gaggle of students sitting together and eating lunch at the front of the room. He ignored their stares and walked to the back of the room to a set of double doors, which he opened and then led Steve through. “This is where Hellfire meets. You can lay down in the corner over there on the couch cushions and blankets. I set that up last year for my mid-morning, skip-P.E. nap time.” 
Steve blinked in surprise, then turned to Eddie with a playful smirk. “Is that why you’re repeating this year? Slept through too much P.E.?”    
Eddie chuckled at that. Harrington had some sass to him, huh? “One of the many reasons. What can I say, getting sweaty for some dumbass P.E. teacher just doesn’t agree with me.” ‘There are much better things to get sweaty for’, a distant voice in Eddie’s head whispered. Eddie pushed that thought away, shaking his head at himself. Harrington was not the kind of guy to think those kinds of things around. 
Steve giggled to himself- honest to god giggled, it was quite possibly the best sound that Eddie had ever heard- then stepped into the room, taking in the variety of chairs surrounding the giant table and the various decorations on the walls. Suddenly, Steve’s playful smile disappeared, turning to a grimace. “Um, are you sure it’s okay for me to sleep here, Eds? Don’t you have Hellfire here later tonight? I wouldn’t want to intrude-” 
“Stevie, I promise it’s fine. You’ll probably be awake by the time we’re in here playing through the campaign anyways. Just don’t worry about it and get some rest, okay?” 
Steve nodded, walking to the corner and sitting down on the cushions. Eddie smiled reassuringly at him from his place at the doorway, then waved goodbye to Steve. “I’m off to English and Chem. I’ll be back in about two hours, but I could lock the doors in the meantime?” Eddie pulled a lanyard out of his pocket, grinning. “Perks of being club president. I’m the only one with a key other than the drama teacher, and he never comes in here. I just figured- maybe you would sleep better knowing that no one can get in? You would be able to get out, obviously, but- y’know what? Maybe this is creepy, pretend like I didn’t say anything-”
“-Thank you, Eddie. I… would appreciate that.” Steve cut off Eddie’s (admittedly awkward) rant and punctuated his request with a yawn, scrubbing a tired hand over his face. 
“Yeah, yeah of course dude, whatever you need.” Eddie stepped out and locked the door behind himself, then slumped his back against the door. Step One: Get Steve Harrington to Take Care of Himself, complete. Time for Step Two.  
A.N.- tagging those who requested/insinuated a request, lmk if you’d like to be added/taken off the tag list.
@ellietheasexylibrarian @cuips-not-cute @melodymeddler @i-have-three-feelings @sc00ps-ahoy @singmeyoursimpsong @patchworkgargoyle @spectrum-spectre @devondespresso @thesuninyaface @obsessivlyme @angeldreamsoffanfic @carlyv @nburkhardt @inspirationorinsanity @rebelspykatie @my2amgaythoughts @lavenderagenda @just-a-tiny-void @mamafaithful @breadboi66 @beholdingloser @randomfandomcontent @oftirnanog @yellowdevilkitten @steves-strapcollection @keep-er-steddie
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zimthandmade · 2 months
Hello! Have a nice day!😊 I'm writing a fanfiction on The Death Note in the Dungeons and Dragons universe. My favorite dice were suggested to me by the roles and character classes: L is a tiefling wizard; Nate River is a half-elf robber; Mail Jeevas is a half-orc druid; Mihael Keehl is an elf barbarian. And what do you think, which races and classes will suit them?😏
Oh that's a fun idea!! ✨
Hmm I think if they were in-universe D&D characters, they’d probably all be magic wielders with insane intelligence stats. Here’s my guesses (going with the 5E only and what “feels” right):
L | Elf wizard
Near | Gnome wizard
Mello | Half-elf arcane trickster rogue
Matt | Halfling mystic knight fighter
Much more fun to think about is what character I think they would choose if they were players in a group:
L | Something insanely weak and useless in early game, like a wizard, but godlike in late game. He has to be permanently revived up until level 5. Maybe something with a hidden identity and lore-relevance.
Near | Something opposite of his real life self, like a no-brain half-orc barbarian. Anything that SMASHES THINGS.
Mello | The most perfectly balanced combination of races, classes etc he could think of. An absolute min-maxed beast. And I can’t help but assume it’s a lawful evil rogue. Mello wrote an epic tragic backstory for the guy that fits the campaign lore too. He takes this way too serious.
Matt | The silliest, most fucked-up abomination of a character that needs a booklet of extra homebrew rules. Like a chaotic neutral cursed sentient hat piloting a scarecrow. It’s a bard, of course, and he succeeds seducing the enemies every damn time. Matt comes to the sessions in costume.
Lemme know what you think :'D
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vhstown · 9 months
spider-teens ★ D&D HEADCANONS
— hobie, gwen, miles, pavitr (+ peter b & mayday!)
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warnings: d&d jargon (there's definitions at the end if you're curious), shenanigans, miles being a NERDDD, a lil shorter than usual
a/n: how id imagine these lot playing d&d!!! ive only played / ran 5e so forgive me veteran players 😭 again feel free to add / disagree w me it's all in good fun
If MILES doesn't run the game, he plays a warlock for sure. Not because it fits him personality wise but because he wants to be a magic user but also not be held back by it. My man is thinking STRATEGY and takes every opportunity to geek out about the specifics of his abilities. He also definitely has a ridiculously fleshed-out backstory he's kind of too embarrassed to tell anyone about.
Either warlock or the nerd multi-classes and it confuses the hell out of EVERYONE... I feel like he tries a lot of the classes though so warlock is kind of a starting point when he's playing with his spider friends (he defo played fighter or sorcerer in the past)
Miles is the one who gets everyone together though (and jumps through universes to make sure everyone's on time 😭 he will NOT tolerate scheduling issues)
Peter B runs a lot of their games except he used to play 3e or Pathfinder back in the day (nerd...) so Miles is just like... gritting his teeth a little whenever Peter misses a little detail or a skill check. He probably used to play in high school / college I mean come on...
Speaking of Peter B OF COURSE he lets Mayday roll the dice. The entire party could depend on that roll and she's rolling it and everyone is TENSE (And he tries not to let her eat the dice... Tries.)
HOBIE plays a barbarian or rogue. He'd play a barbarian just for the hell of it (sounds cool) and would most definitely carry everyone by total accident because he's like... the only one alive.
Rogue also for the hell of it cause stealing is rebellious and that 😭 Though if he does play a rogue his character becomes one of the most unintentionally complex characters in the game.
Hobie would figure out the entire plot of the adventure completely by accident and Peter just laughs awkwardly and goes "You'll just have to find out next session!" and maybe dies inside (but it's not like he prepares for his sessions anyway 💀)
Absolutely crits at the most ridiculous times and derails the whole campaign because he decided to interrogate a minor political figure and now they're destabilising the region's government instead of fighting dragons
And he accidentally becomes the leader of like the whole village and maybe starts a revolution and Peter is sat there lips pressed together hands pressed together elbows on table like "...I guess that happens then."
Might cheat a little bit. Just a little. Not enough to ruin the campaign but enough to have Peter sweating 💀 A lil strand of web under his dice hurt nobody right? (Those goblins are DEAD dead)
Miles is gob-smacked and definitely a little jealous of him 😭
PAVITR originally wants to play a fighter because that sounds... cool as hell BUT when Miles explains the bard class to him he takes it and runs
I'd say Pavitr is relatively new to the game as are Hobie and Gwen but he hones in on the roleplay (not as seriously as Miles but definitely participates)
Probably leads the group and goes head-first into danger (Miles is literally pissing himself) and his character probably knows loads of languages cause he just conveniently picked a race with very useful languages for the adventure (as per Miles' suggestion)
But he goes out-of-character more than once to go "WTF????" when he doesn't manage to rizz up an NPC and they're have to roll for initiative (attempts to be a pacifist)
The goat when it comes to fights though he plays such a good supporting character and if he were to die everyone would totally be finished 😭🙏
GWEN plays either a monk or a wizard. I feel like she doesn't particularly mind but she plays wizard for a little bit before realising that she doesn't really like the magic stuff? Goes for monk and it's a lot simpler and more fun
More of an observer but is helpful when it comes to investigating areas and carries like EVERY item possible: potions, magical items, 20 rocks for some reason. Bag of holding girlie (like how she holds that trauma she has in real li—)
Has THE coolest weapons. Because her character can't rely on magic she's constantly upgrading or getting new weapons and her unique monk abilities come in handy again when exploring!!!
Totally makes fun of Miles (endearingly!) And maybe points out a plot hole in his backstory and he wants to curl up into a ball and disappear for a good minute (he rethinks his entire character for 2 nights straight)
Has an NPC she would protect with her LIFE. Barmaid at the inn? Anything for you sweetums 😁😁😁 *trips over and dies*
That's all given if they have an actually functional game... It takes them probably about like a year to finish a one-shot adventure
But it is SO worth the memories (albeit very chaotic memories.) Even when they're arguing over a roll (usually Hobie's) or someone's character has literally died they make it work through the power of friendship...! And a broken table
These guys are crazy I love them
"Embrace the chaos is the mood for tonight's session. AKA you guys are screwed... Roll initiative."
"What the hell?!"
"Don't swear in front of the kid!"
Campaign: A world containing one set of characters where different adventures take place
Dungeon Master / DM: The person who creates the story and runs the game
Skill check: Rolling a die to see if you've passed or failed a certain skill when performing an action (for example charisma when trying to persuade somebody)
Crit: Critical hit. When you roll a 20 on a 20-sided die. You deal loads of damage in a fight basically.
NPC: Non-playable character. Any characters who aren't the players within the universe. Controlled by the DM.
Initiative: The roll you have to make before a fight to decide the order of turns. "Roll initiative" means "you guys are in a fight now!!!! lmao!!!!"
thank you for reading my insane midnight rant LMAOOO
i haven't played d&d in like 2 years so apologies if anything is diabolically wrong here 💀would love to hear your thoughts!
reblogs appreciated <3 read the rest of my atsv stuff here!
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mrbob0822 · 30 days
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Robert Moonbrow, Cleric of Pelor | Sole Survivor & Dogmeat
Photography by David Ngo at C2E2 2024
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Hello, Tumblr!
It's...certainly been quite a while, hasn't it? OOF. I really apologize for the unintended hiatus.
I was at C2E2 in Chicago a couple of weeks ago with some updated costumes, and figured I'd share!
Friday and Sunday I wore my Sole Survivor costume from Fallout 4, with plenty of extra weathering and proper strapping since I slapped it together prior to Halloween last year. I made the Dogmeat Heavy Dog Armor for my actual German Shepherd(Caboose), but since he's not a service animal(please don't bring your pets to conventions), I wound up purchasing a close-to-life-sized plush version that the costume *mostly* fit on. The number of people who did double-takes and "thought it was a real dog" was staggering, so I guess I did something right. Also, Sunday of C2E2 is always touted as family day, so the number of kids that came up asking to pet my dog was adorable.
On Saturday, I wore my D&D costume: a half-elven cleric of Pelor of my own design. I adore Dungeons & Dragons, and as an homage to nearly playing with the same group(multiple campaigns) since 2002, I made my first character Robert Moonbrow. I debuted this back in 2022, which revealed some issues with my design, so those fixes were made(mostly reinforcing the straps to prevent stretching and to reinforce the area around the rivets since all of the armor is EVA foam) as well as a heater shield I never got around to finishing, which turned out great, with the exception of being able to see the wrist straps through the foam on the front. On a whim, I decided to enter the Crown Championships of Cosplay this year, ReedPop's costume contest. I had zero expectations of anything, since people have no attachment to original characters other than the person making it, but I worked insanely hard on this thing, dumping probably close to 1,000 hours into the costume overall, and pushed the boundaries of my skillset to make something I was truly proud of out of a love for the fun my friends and I had with our time together. I didn't win anything, but it was genuinely great just to be in the same competition as the others who entered with their insane craftsmanship and attention to detail, and I do mean that, sincerely. We had a great time talking shop backstage during the competition and admiring one another's costumes.
Will I ever compete again? Probably not. It kind of eats up the entire day, and it takes me forever to make a costume in general, much less one to compete with. If I ever did, I might consider revamping my Grey Warden Alistair costume or something, but it's an extremely low priority. At the end of the day, cosplay is just a fun hobby for me, and adding extra stress with competition prep and anxiety kinda sucks some of the fun out of it, even though it was a fun and new(at least at this level) experience this time.
This is the only convention I'll be attending this year, much as I absolutely miss all of my friends at Dragon Con and would love to attend. I haven't been there since...2018? Oof. My friend Darryn said he'll be there in 2025, so I made the promise to him that I'll be there, which means I'll be bringing Alistair, since we became friends by cosplaying the character. I would also love to bring my D&D costume, but it's not exactly a cool and comfortable costume, so I'm going to try to test out its comfortability in the heat by wearing it to the Bristol Renaissance Faire on the Wisconsin/Illinois border at the end of July this summer(Saturday, July 27th is the plan). If you're in the area and want to see it in person or say goodbye to me as I potentially die of heatstroke(kidding!(hopefully...)), feel free! Fingers crossed the weather holds out that day for a solid test.
Anyway, time for me to shut up! Enjoy some additional shots from C2E2 2024:
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localplaguenurse · 8 months
I am just nosy, forgive me. Can you describe each one of your mutuals?
Buckle up people and prepare to get complimented >:3c
First and foremost, they’re all absolute sweethearts to me.
There are my irl friends, such as @wretchedshade, @granolabird, @siriuscitrus and @scales-of-stardust or beta as I usually refer to them. I share the same braincell with these people.
Wretchedshade has been my best friend since we were ten, we’ve been there for each other for 11 years. I initially got her into anime, and then she got me into jojo, and every once in a while we cry about Doukyuusei again. She’s a great artist and is really good at writing sad shit, which is why I write sad shit; to have the glory of finally making her cry. She kicked cancer’s teeth in a few months ago so it’s about goddamn time something good come her way and I WILL fight someone on that.
Granolabird is the dm for my dnd campaign, and like I said, absolute sweetheart, chaotic adhd haver (actually like most of my friend group is like this lmao we’re all queer and neurodivergent). Either way, we used to share thoughts on each other’s original stories, and we still do sometimes but it’s mostly just sending each other tiktoks/reels like “this you” or “this your oc.”
Siriuscitrus is usually pretty hyper, but also tries to be v considerate of everyone’s feelings. If you said that the McDonald’s employee put pickles on your burger when you said no, they’d probably be the one to tell them. They’re also scarily good at vibechecking people and told me I give “future he/they vibes” and like a week later I said “fuck you’re right oh my god.”
You’ve probably seen me and beta’s interactions on here or in the ao3 comments. We enjoy our like playful rivalry/enemyship. I like to torment tease her and she usually gets me back pretty good, it’s all in good fun. It’s also really funny to me whenever we meet up, I tell myself “you are friends with them for reasons other than fic so do not make it about fic” and then we’ll spend literally hours talking about and brainstorming fic ideas. It just Happens.
I’m also gonna add @memory-mortis into here because while we’ve not met irl I’ve introduced him to my friend group. Yet another sweetheart, love her art style a lot, and she was one of the first comments I got on ginkgo trees to motivate me to keep going. I was kinda worried about bringing him into my friendgroup because like if I’m not overthinking I am not thinking At All. I was super relieved and happy that she like IMMEDIATELY fit in with everyone so :D
For some of my other close but only on tumblr/ao3/outside my general friendgroup mutuals! (There are too many so I’m sorry if you’re not here it’s mostly people I interact with more regularly ;-;)
@crimson-ashes who I have occasionally with absolute love called my “askbox gremlin” because they live in my inbox. I need to stress this is affectionate because genuinely, I love opening tumblr and seeing I’ve got asks from them. They gotta stop posting Astarion though because I’m feeling So Tempted to play BG but I know my laptop would kill itself (joking).
@crystalflygeo and I know I’ve called everyone sweethearts but genuinely, she’s probably one of the sweetest people I’ve had the pleasure of talking to. She’s really wholesome (unlike her writing which is never gonna be a complaint in my book, good soup) and super supportive of other people.
@madamemachikonew who’s super polite and really kind. She’s also really creative/smart when it comes to referencing real world art and philosophy in her writing and integrating it into her own worldbuilding. I would have never thought to have done that, and it makes her writing very unique!
We don’t interact as much but @probably-doesnt-exist, @ethve, @euniveve and @ainescribe are such talented artists and super sweet, have literally made me screech and cackle with utter joy whenever they draw the characters from ginkgo trees. I rotate through which art becomes my phone’s lock/home screens.
This is long af but fuck it, I wanna brighten people’s days and I told myself to say “I love you” to my friends and family more, so consider this one big “I love you!” to y’all. It’s a pleasure talking to y’all!
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ghostlycoyote0 · 2 months
Two fandom blorbos and two oc blorbos. Still holding that gun.
Oh, easy. Spoilers for the end of Skulduggery Pleasant book 3, and much vaguer spoilers for book 7 (just scroll until you see the Drow in the green cloak to skip them)
Fandom first. Skulduggery Pleasant and Valkyrie Cain, the main duo of my absolute favourite book series, Skulduggery Pleasant. I’ll assume you know nothing about them because that lets me ramble even more
At the start of the series, Valkyrie is 12 and her uncle just got murdered as part of a plot to bring back ancient eldritch gods (of course, they don’t know that from the get-go). She meets Skulduggery when a nameless henchman (who I later found out from the wiki is called Vindick Leather) breaks into her uncle’s house while she’s staying there for the night and attacks her; Skulduggery then uses air magic to blast the front door off of its hinges, sets the guy on fire, shoots him in the shoulder, and loses his disguise in the fight therefore revealing that he’s a skeleton
Long story short, she takes his hat hostage and threatens to trample it if he doesn’t let her tag along, and now she’s his partner in crime
Sorcerers choose their own names by the way, so Skulduggery literally named himself Trickery, and this happened before he became a skeleton and it also became a pun. Valkyrie named herself partway through their first case
Great, context and exposition out of the way! I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC SO SO MUCH!! They shaped pretty much my entire sense of humour, I love them, I’ve loved them since I was 9 or so and I wanted to be like Valkyrie when I grew up. The way they bounce off of each other, the way they’re perfectly in sync, the little codes and recurring phrases they have that only have meaning to them (“the sparrow flies south for winter”, “doors are for people with no imagination”, and “until the end”). I just love them both so much
The fact that Valkyrie was willing to open the portal to the home world of ancient eldritch gods who despise humanity, just on the very slim chance he would be alive and have even the smallest shred of sanity left, after having been dragged there a year prior. The fact that Skulduggery was willing to go into complete and total isolation for eternity to protect her in the magic equivalent of cryogenic sleep if it came down to that. They would do literally anything for each other. I think I’m running out of ways to put how much I adore their dynamic into words, so I’ll sum it up as the ideal example of platonic soulmates. They’re very, very special to me
I mostly just talked about the serious side of their dynamic because I have no clue how to put the more lighthearted side into words without rattling off quotes. Rest assured, they are also hilarious
Skulduggery is also very quotable, too
Right, OC time. I have a limited selection; most OCs I made have been lost to time, either because they got attached to bad memories (like Kai Zoku, who I am only mentioning because I still think his name is great; it’s literally just the Japanese word for pirate and he was the Ultimate Pirate Captain. It’s an Ace Attorney level name pun, I love it), or because the D&D campaign they were made specifically for crashed and burned and I never found somewhere else for them to fit (looking at you, Myra.. at least I could recycle her name into my GW2 character)
Anyway! This is Kyrae, my Drow Warlock. Her campaign has been on a cliffhanger for two years and is officially coming back next month! This is a picrew, but I edited all of the colours myself. It’s not 100% accurate, but it’s the best I can do
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Kyrae (no last name) is from the jungle region of Xen’drik, a continent where dinosaurs still roam and everything is shrouded in disorienting, cursed mist. Her campaign is in Eberron, a lesser-used official setting, and Eberron Drow are split into three main cultures; the Sulatar, the Umbragen, and the Vulkoori
Kyrae is Vulkoori, a culture of many tribes - some more nomadic than others - who all worship the scorpion god Vulkoor, all in different ways. In Kyrae’s tribe, he has the epithets Vulkoor the Hunter and Vulkoor the Wrathful. They honour him via skilled hunting, and when given a reason to, being so ruthless and brutal that they’ve gained a reputation as bloodthirsty. That reputation came from their enemies, but they’ve never corrected it. They’re mostly isolated, with a few good allies to trade with
Her cloak was a gift from her best friend, Ryzul, who was stung by a scorpion while they were out hunting together. He was dead before they got home. Kyrae overheard a discussion about what to do; this was clearly a sign that Vulkoor was angry with the tribe, so maybe a sacrifice would appease him. And who better, than the victim’s closest friend, who was with him at the time? It’s been implied that there was another reason for that decision, but that was said out of character, so she has no idea
She ran when she heard that, and didn’t stop until she bumped into a shadowy figure wearing a smooth, white mask, with nothing but three black crescents in the shape of a smiling face. An Archfey. He seemed surprised that she could see him, and they struck a deal. She clearly needed help, and he was incredibly bored, so he would provide that help and she would provide a good story to watch. He helped her find the only port, and she boarded a ship to Korvaire, the continent the campaign takes place on
Fast forward maybe 20 minutes after stepping off of the boat. Kyrae caught a goblin child pickpocketing her, which lead to a guard attempting to throw the goblin off of a ledge, which of course lead to combat. Kyrae wasn’t having that, no harm had actually been done. For her first turn in the first combat in her first hour of being on this continent, she had her familiar, Vanguard (a winged mongoose who was summoned on the boat ride, more on him later), barrel into the guard and send him hurtling off the ledge. The rest of the party saw the fight break out, helped her, and she just kind of started following them because no one objected. They’re her tribe now, and her entire sense of identity, morality, and purpose is based on them, what she thinks they would or would not approve of, etc
So, Vanguard. A winged mongoose. The wings don’t have much significance, I had a choice between a familiar that can fly or a familiar that can swim really fast. They’re feathered, but I was so indecisive about what they actually look like that I ended up deciding they’re from a different bird every time he’s summoned. Now, the other half of his description is way more important, and I spent SO LONG deciding on it. I didn’t concern myself with specific species because then I would have never settled on one and he’s technically a Fey anyway, but. A mongoose is not only an animal Kyrae could have reasonably seen before, but they’re known for resisting venom and fighting venomous animals. Kyrae just turned her back on a scorpion god. It’s simple, but I think I’m clever. This art is, as always, by @prince-frederic
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I could also talk about everything Kyrae is now dealing with and the trauma that’s happened, but I think that’s enough paragraphs about her for now /lh
I’ve already explained Sigurd’s full backstory once or twice here, so I think I’ll pick Vivian for my next OC
This is Vivian Harker, a Bloodborne OC! The token is a picrew that I did the colours for again, and the art is once again by Milo
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I’ll pull back the curtain a bit here; she was inspired by Hammerlock! More specifically, it went like this:
Hammerlock would be really fun to have in Bloodborne, but I obviously can’t just take an existing character and use him in this TTRPG. It boils down to someone having the time of their life fighting the horrible monstrosities and maybe writing things down about them - can’t take cool trophies when you need to stay mobile. How do I justify that in such a dark setting? Maybe their dad was a hunter and they’ve grown up hearing stories about it, but they have no idea what they’re actually getting themselves into!
The end result is Vivian, who’s thrilled to be playing out the stories she’s grown up with now, and is filling out a sketchbook (with suspiciously red ink) along the way. She became a 16 year old white girl because she was made for a TTRPG campaign, and I can’t change my voice very much. She has no idea that when her father told those stories, he left out the traumatic parts
Daniel Harker was a fairly accomplished hunter. I say was, because this time, he refused to leave home to hunt. That was the first sign that something wasn’t right. The rest were little things, like teeth that are slightly sharper than before, eyes that reflect light like a cat’s. Little things, that indicated some kind of transformation was coming
Vivian could tell. She knew that the monsters used to be people, that hunters get affected the worst of all. She couldn’t get answers, though. So she took his equipment - the clothes a little too big for her - and left only a note to explain where she had gone
She’s thrilled to be here, to actually be fighting these creatures she’s been told about so many times, to be slowly filling her book with sketches and notes, but time is limited. She just doesn’t know how limited
The other, crucial thing she doesn’t know, is that there are no happy endings to be had in Yharnam
Anyway. Two fandom blorbos and two OCs!
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soapskneebrace · 2 years
Would they play D&D?
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Most people would be surprised to find out that Captain Price is a forever DM if they didn’t know him. But he’s been playing since 3.5E, and while he doesn’t have much opportunity to play anymore, it wouldn’t be hard to convince him to sit down for a session if he had the time. He’d usually choose to play pre-written modules, but tweak them as he’d see fit. He misses it a lot. However, he will never—repeat for emphasis, NEVER—DM a game for the 141 ever again.
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Laswell played with Price a couple times before the job took over both their lives. And actually, Laswell and her wife both played, mostly because the Mrs. batted her eyelashes and convinced Kate to try it out. Their minis, a half-elf ranger and a gnome druid, still sit on a shelf at home cuddling romantically. Laswell knows why Price won’t DM for the 141 from his own firsthand account, but was not there for the catastrophe.
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The first time Alejandro played, it was because Rudy made a bet with him about something unrelated and won. Rudy used to play as a kid with some other children from his neighborhood, and he liked DMing partly for the power and partly because he’s always been a cinnamon roll who likes to make sure everyone has fun. Alejo meanwhile played a human fighter, because Rudy told him it was the easiest to play. Alejo fell in love instantly with the game, but none of Los Vaqueros ever have time.
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Graves played a TON of D&D in high school but quit cold turkey right before enlisting. He is horribly embarrassed by it and will deny even knowing his old campaign buddies. Phil thinks that Real and True and Good soldiers don’t do cringe shit like that, because they’re doing the COOL shit in real life. He’s been meaning to throw away those dice for years, and keeps telling himself he could probably make ok money if he just sold them instead. He played a human paladin all the way up to level 20.
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He likes D&D a lot, but Gaz actually prefers Blades in the Dark or Monster of the Week. He has a lot of opinions about the virtues of d6 gaming systems over what he thinks is an overly-complex ruleset that involves dice with so many goddamn sides, and really, D&D doesn’t support as large a variety of playing styles and—hey, where are you going?? Anyway, he likes to play tieflings, and vacillates between bard and sorcerer. (Also he secretly and desperately wants to play Honey Heist with the 141. Ever since That Fateful Night, he knows it will never happen. It continues to disappoint him.)
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Ghost has played once. Only once. Soap convinced him, and by convinced I mean he annoyed Ghost about it into submission. And Ghost wants to play again, actually, but he will literally jump off a cliff before admitting it, because it was That Fateful Night when Price ran the session for 141 which would go down in history as the worst time Price has ever had including active combat. Ghost played a half-orc barbarian, and secretly read through the entire PHB the week leading up to the session.
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And finally, and perhaps not surprisingly, Soap is the reason Price will never DM for the task force ever again. Soap is a rule of cool kind of man, plays dwarf and halfling barbarians almost exclusively, and is practically allergic to the PHB, which is ironic because he’s so FUCKING good at minmaxing. This clashes with Price’s very rules-lawyery DMing style, and Soap doesn’t know how to not pick a fight over dumb rules like having to roll survival checks when he wants to know what time it is in-game.
Soap was not, it should be said, actually trying to come to blows with Price—taking the piss out of people is a Scottish love language—but Price had been tired. Price had been on his last cigar. And Price already spent too much goddamn time with these men. The fourth time Soap declared that he wanted to do some especially dumb bullshit that he would absolutely need to make a cascade of d20 rolls for, Price just folded up his makeshift DM screen (a couple of manila folders) and hit the fucking bricks. No one brings up That Fateful Night, but no one will ever forget it.
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Bonus: Valeria would shove any D&D player she ever met into a locker. And honestly, they should thank her for it.
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tunarath · 9 months
major bg3 spoilers ahead, avoid if you haven't finished the game... really wanted to talk about my tav
Ilu being so distrustful of the Emperor despite how hard he tries to convince her that they're allies, and her ending up being incredibly right about him in the end. He continuously lies about himself and his intentions, lies about not having any more secrets, and only reveals the truth once he snaps at her. This dialogue (and montage that played along with it) absolutely shook me to my core, and it just proved to me how right Ilu was to question him every step of the way.
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Not to mention the Emperor keeping Orpheus imprisoned for his own gain, throwing an absolute fit if you free him, and then going to side with the Elder Brain in a matter of seconds because Ilu values freeing Orpheus over appeasing the individual who lied to her, manipulated her, and used her. Ilu was the Emperor's thrall, even if she had full autonomy.
And Ilu suffers for doing the right thing. Orpheus is free, but she is forced to become illithid to aid with the final fight due to her former "ally" throwing a fit and leaving because he didn't get his way. She turns into a mind flayer right in Lae'zel's arms.
During the last stage of the game, she doesn't have the time to feel such intense disgust over herself. But when it's all over, it hits her with such intensity that she falls to her knees and cries for the first time since she was a child.
I know if your character asks Lae'zel to stay with you in Faerun as a mind flayer, she rejects you, but if you go with her and Orpheus to fight Vlaakith, she happily reaches for your character's hand and helps them get on the dragon. And, when you ask her if she is disgusted by you being illithid, she reassures you and calls you her joy. So I like to believe that she will not leave Ilu.
Ilu finds a way to disguise herself and give the illusion of her former appearance. She infuses a gem with the source of the magic that changes her form, and implants it somewhere in her body so it cannot be tampered with. But despite all this, her body and her true form fight the magic every day. She is often ill from this, and Lae'zel worries for her more days than not.
After fighting for Orpheus, Ilu and Lae'zel retire. I don't know where they go yet, or what they do, but they both get to live their lives for themselves, and no one else.
Ilu's torment over her identity continues to plague her day and night, but she is allowed to exist alongside someone who sees her for more than her physical form.
I think it would be fun to play as secret, repressively illithid Ilu in a d&d campaign some day 🤔
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lab1rynth · 1 year
Hi!! It's 🌻 :3 I'm sending this in for your Fit for a Yandere event, if it's not open yet or closed please feel free to delete!!
I'd say I'm a pretty nerdy person, most of my interests fall in the nerd stereotype. I'm really into tabletops (D&D, MoTW, VTM, etc.), I currently play in 4 campaigns! I'm playing very support based characters right now!! That being said, I love reading and learning new systems. Video games also go in hand with my love for ttrpgs. I love story based games.
I'm also studying botany and entomology! I'm considering branching more into mycology. I spend most of my time occupied with school related things. When I'm free, I usually try and keep myself busy. I have a bad tendency of overworking myself and find it really hard to actually take time to myself.
I'm not sure if this is too much or too little,, I'm a bit nervous to send it either way!! Have a good day/night pb!! <3
𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙄 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙄'𝙢 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚. . .
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I ship you with...
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You both met over D&D, you, a few friends, and a few of their friends joined up on Discord to play D&D online since most of you were either too far to drive to a specific spot to play, or just didn't want to go through the hassle of making an actual board.
Yan!Gamer was introduced to you from one of your friends, they met over COD and eventually clicked, becoming close friends leading him to joining this little group. You both enjoyed talking and you both eventually grew closer. You knew how he was, how he looked and how disorganized and trashed his house was, though to you it didn't matter much since you both were long distanced, you did try to encourage him to clean up though.
He loves hearing you rant about things you enjoy, books, videogames, your interest in your studies, all of it. Every time you go to school, he searches up about things you've told him your interested in, wanting in on your ranting. He saw how you acted when he knew a little about a game you liked, the wide smile on your face behind the screen as he told you what he knew. He wanted to see you happy, happy he knows about your likes.
He makes you sleep with him on call, he doesn't want to keep you up too much due to school but every weekend he asks you to read him a chapter of your favorite book, falling asleep and soothed by your voice. You're basically the only reason why he has a good sleep schedule.
If you move in, before you do he's absolutely on it, trying to clean up everything and anything, even the smallest things. His house looked cleaner than it ever did, despite the mountain of trash bags sitting outside on the lawn, waiting for it to be taken away by the local trash company. He also made sure to take a shower, despite his dislike for the water, he does an everything shower, using all of the soaps he has. He also decides to order some star patches for his acne, plopping them on the red bumps on his face. He thought he looked quite cool!!
He tries to maintane himself when your around, same with his house. You guys play games together and read together, you both even got a cat! He normally helps you afterschool with school work (he searches it up), and he cuddles you whenever you're relaxing. I believe you would turn Yan!Gamer around quite a lot!
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. . .𝑨𝒎 𝑰 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝑵𝒐𝒘?
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blorbologist · 2 years
"Housespouses" sounds fun! Care to share a bit more about it? :D
This is one I've had in mind since Campaign 2 ended - I was sleep deprived and hadn't quite understood Shadowghast had become canon at that point, so I threw myself headlong into this silly, fluffy idea.
Beau and Yasha get a wonderful house in the Shimmer Ward, as befitting two of the people who bargained for peace (and kinda have the Cerberus Assembly scared out of their fucking minds). Beau's taken to her day job sniffing out corruption and gleefully beating the shit out of people verbally (or physically, when the Assembly occasionally tries to take her down a peg), while Yasha delights in being a housewife.
The only hiccup in all this is Astrid. She's still a driven, ambitious woman, you know, and though she and Beau were on the same side that doesn't mean they like or trust eachother. As Trent's replacement on the Assembly, Astrid is a particular pain in the ass to Beau because she's NOT actually done anything as Archmage and was a victim of Trent, but she's still vaguely shady and generally doesn't appreciate Beau potentially dismantling the power she recently acquired.
That wouldn't be Yasha's problem if she hadn't run into Eadwulf at the market one day. They chatted incredibly awkwardly, kept bidding eachother good day only to realize they were headed in the same direction.
Turns out the Empire equivalent of witness protection failed to inform Beau that Astrid and Eadwulf moved in not two houses down from where she and Yasha is. Apparently, they didn't know either.
Cue shenanigans such as:
These two being Extremely Competitive about who is the Best Spouse to their girlboss wife.
Both are absolutely certain their wives don't know they are neighbors, otherwise they would never hear the end of it, and they intend to keep it that way.
Competitive gardening. Yasha's consistently is the talk of every neighborhood potluck, because she gets cuttings from the Blooming Grove and Essek kinda smuggles her some Xorhaussian ones.
But Eadwulf's patronage to the Raven Queen lends itself to befriending the local flock of crows, which is its own delight.
There's a proxy war of how pretty
Caleb spends one year going over to Beau and Yasha's nightly to set up a permanent teleportation circle (because having one in his home, where a fugitive lives, would be exceedingly stupid should the wrong people drop in, and Beau is busy and he'd rather not get woken up at 3am 4 days in a row Again, Beauregard). Cue hijinks as he figures out what's going on and is terribly amused and exasperated.
A bit more serious hijinks is hiding Essek's visits and departures, because though Astrid is a workaholic Eadwulf is home a lot and Yasha doesn't know if he might out Essek or not.
Yasha and Eadwulf eventually becoming friends and resolving not to tell their wives because, again, they would never hear the end of it.
Wulf and Yasha share several recipes over the years, buf Wulf can never quite match the texture or moistness to many of the Barbarian’s dishes (it’s bugs it’s absolutely bugs)
They sometimes spar together because it's important to stay fit.
Sometimes nasties come to try and take Yasha hostage but she usually deals with them before Beau's home for dinner, though they usually order takeout given she's a lil tired.
Less funny assassins' sometimes try for Wulf, not to nab him but kill him, pissed off Scroungers namely, and Yasha takes to helping him deal with them and nudges Beau into directing investigative attention into the issue.
Eventually ofc Astrid and Beau find out, perhaps because Wulf actually gets nabbed and has to be rescued by three strong women. There's perhaps a lot of exasperation, which proves Yasha and Wulf right. And they all end up as more or less friends, though Beau and Astrid still rub eachother the wrong way half the time.
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archesa · 2 years
have 2, 17, 28, and a free space from the gw2 asks! :D (i feel like i've missed a couple instances of you reblogging ask games recently, though i could be making that up alsjkdfadf, but i caught this one! xD) @kerra-and-company
 Oooooh! These call for pics and long answers 😁
Thanks so much for these! 🥰
2. fave profession :
I got to say Guardian because I have a long history of playing paladins and valiant knights on several games (*cough* 12 years of WOW *cough* ) and I absolutely adore Anwen but, I've been playing a lot on my Necro lately and Æthnen has become my first character to go to if I want to chill, do map exploration or even meta events. I play him as a Reaper but rarely use the greatsword 😅 I feel like Trahearne would not have gone anywhere this kind of weapons of not for Caladbolg 😅 and since, for now, it's Anwen who weilds it...🌹
17. Your glider? (if you don’t have one, the one you want the most)
I got a few actually ^^' Elianora, both Anwens, Æthnen and Galaëd all have their own, personal glider that I wouldn't use on any other character no matter how much I love the skins, they're theirs!
Eli shifts between the Fox Spirit Glider, which fits her personality and is a little nod to her mini (you guessed! a fox!) and the Elemental Fury Glider.
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Anwen Evergreen has the Crystalline Dragon Wings since (at least - jury’s still out regarding Anwen’s becoming as a dragon champion) Aurene's ascension.
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Her elementalist counterpart, Anwen Swynwr has the Spellforged Glider (that her Guardian-self had before she used the crystalline wings)
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Galaëd has the Lunar backpack and assorted glider! The funny part is, for other characters I chose the glider based on their story / personality. For Galaëd it was the other way ‘round. I got the Lunar backpack in a Black Lion chest, so I decided he loved fireflies and stars. From there @lilypixy pointed the connection with the Moon Shield, Canach being its current bearer, and bam! Two sylvari who thought they had found what the dream had showed them only to have their whole perspective shifted (Galaëd with the Green Knight, Canach with the Moon Shield).
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And last but not least, Æthnen (aka my Trahearne clone for the two in the back 😁) has been very much nurtured back to health by the Exalted after the campaign of Maguuma, and as such he has the Exalted Glider (complete with Luminate’s Backplate Exalted Shoulders and Auric Weapons)
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Avalwyn (my other Trahearne clone, yup I got two of them, don’t rub me the wrong way or I’ll show you my third! 😅) aka Druid!Hearne also has the Fox Spirit one, as a little nod to his Fernhound Caliborn.
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28. What is your favorite legendary weapon?
I loved collecting stuff for Kudzu! I still have to upgrade the precursor to its actual Legendary form but I had a great time collecting the seeds for it! It tingled my herbalist sense nicely and fitted quite well in Anwen's themes and story!
And of course, since I'm an eenie-meanie I just have to collect Mordremoth's weapons for Æthnen ! I'll probably go with the staff but if @lilypixy 's conjecture is right and next Necro elite spec has the hammer as its weapon I will full on embrace it and give Trahearne a very nice not at all corrupted by any dragon what are you on about hammer!
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Let Trahearne smash things with a hammer! He deserves it!
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Mordremoth, dead, somewhere in the Mists, with its siblings : I gave my Champion my weapons! Look how stylish he is!
Kralk, being the only lucid one in their brood, probably : Fucked up a perfectly good scion is what you did! Look at him, he’s got anxiety!
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Edit : I forgot the free space! I used a random number generator and got 37, so...
37. Your favorite HoT event?
I have to say the Octovine! Yeah of course it's extremely infuriating when you get slackers and auto attackers but if run right it's so very satisfying! The loot is sweet and even the 'Event failed' cutscene is heartbreaking!
Apart from that I would say the first event from the Pale Reavers outpost, in Verdant Brink! That was the moment I truly felt the weight of the mantle of Commander (and I loved it 😅🤣), when you make a stand atop that cliff with the wreckage of the fleet still burning on the horizon and the mordrem swarming below — especially when Laranthir's so relieved and happy to see you!
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enllusionsmania · 6 months
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b i r t h d a y k i s s e s
pairing : en- park sunghoon x fem!reader
genre : slight fluff
note : wherein a park sunghoon manages to get sick on his birthday 🥳
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 : 𝐊𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐧 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢
𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 𝟐𝟎 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
𝐌𝐁𝐓𝐈 : 𝐄𝐍𝐅𝐏 🦊 (Campaigner)*
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 : 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧
𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 𝟐𝟏 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
𝐌𝐁𝐓𝐈 : 𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐉 🐧 (Logistician)*
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'Cause my love is mine, all mine
I love mine, mine, mine
Nothing in the world belongs to me
But my love mine, all mine, all mine
Kyran rushed to and fro as she prepared for the boy's arrival. In fact she'd been putting together this little surprise of hers for hours now. Maybe it was a bit spontaneous, but that was usually the way she liked to do things. She'd already bought him a gift and yeah they'd went out to dinner a few nights prior in honor of his special day, but in the back of the girl's head, she knew then that it wasn't enough. At least not for her because this was the one day out of the year he had absolutely no ground to stand on when it came to allowing the girl to spoil him as she wished.
So as she put the finishing touches, she finally let the slightest breath of both relief and satisfaction escape her pretty lips. Everything was perfect, and the only thing missing now was the boy himself.
She walked toward the high top counter, grabbing her phone - quick to dial his number. The line rang for an unreasonably long time, causing a furrow to appear between the space of her brows. The girl pursed her lips but still waited patiently, until finally she could faintly hear the click signaling the line had connected.
A bright smile pulls her lips up and she clears her throat, speaking softly. "Hey Hoon, you there..?"
It took a moment, but eventually his voice is heard. "... Hi princess, I'm here.."
Kyran blinked, brows furrowing even more if possible.
"What's wrong? Why does your voice sound like that...?"
"Sound like what? Sexier than usual hm?"
"Real funny but no. You sound terrible- please don't tell me you're getting sick?"
"I'm not getting sick." His voice hoarse, a major contrast to his smooth dulcet tone, telling her all she needed to know. Her frown deepened.
"You're lying..." She whined and she could hear his breathy chuckle, that still managed to bring the smallest grin to her lips before it fell again.
"Yah... You said tell you I wasn't sick so I did." He defended, and the girl chuckled humorlessly.
"I can not believe this, when did you start getting sick? Why haven't you said anything you bum?"
"I'm not sick though."
"You're lying. You're a liar, I'll be over in 20 minutes."
"God, I love you." He spoke, before slipping into a fit of coughs.
"Yeah I know. See you soon."
Without a second thought she began gathering everything she could think of that he would need, knowing he wasn't the best at taking care of himself properly when he was sick.
By the time she'd finished she had a bag full. She dressed warmly, tugging the scarf even closer to her neck as she stepped past the threshold of her apartment door.
Kyran presses her ringed finger to the bell, before immediately putting her hand back into her pocket. She isn't waiting long when the door is opened, revealing the sweet face of the boy. She smiles softly; especially seeing his forlorn state in person.
Sunghoon steps back, allowing room for the shorter to enter the apartment. Kyran is quick to kick off her shoes and set her bag down, before she lifts her head taking him in. His form is wrapped securely in a blanket. In the tiny hole where his face is, the girl notices the irritable red of the boy's nose. And as if right on cue, he sneezes.
"Awe you poor baby." She moves closer to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. She pulls back just enough to look at his face and sighs. "You just planned to suffer all alone- and on your birthday no less...!"
"I'm sick. And it's bad karma to be mean to a sick person." 
Kyran lets him go, turning to retrieve her bag. She holds it up just enough for him to see.
"Yeahyeah so mean, so I'll just eat this soup by myself then." With that she walks off toward the boy's kitchen, as he helplessly follows after her like a lost puppy. Knowing this, Kyran can't help but to smile to herself.
She prepared his soup and gave him his medicine after 30 minutes of convincing. And now the pair sit shoulder to shoulder, perched comfortably in his bed with mugs of tea in their hands.
Kyran's eyes are trained upon the TV before them, quietly watching the cartoon that plays. However it seems muted as only the sound of Sunghoon's soft breaths can be heard. She turns her head to gaze at the side of his face. He's blinking his eyes tiredly, before again for the nth time that evening, sneezing.
"Did you finish your tea?" Kyran wonders, eyes never shifting. The boy peeks at her with a nod of his head. "...Here.." She takes the mug from his hand, and with her own she begins to climb from the bed.
"...Yah I'm sick..! Where are you going..?" His expression funnily enough mimics one of betrayal, and this makes the girl chuckle lightly.
"It wasn't so long ago you didn't even want me to know you were sick.." She sasses, but he only rolls his eyes.
"Yeah well you do now, so you can't just leave."
"Nobody's leaving you big baby. I'm taking these to the kitchen." She explains, holding the mugs up for him to see.
"Oh." He blinks.
"Yeah." She smiles at his pouty expression and turns on the balls of her feet, leaving the room.
Sunghoon's P.O.V. (3rd person)
A few minutes go by and Sunghoon begins growing impatient with the lack of Kyran's presence. As sick as he is, all he really wants to do is cuddle with his girlfriend.
He stifles a cough, glancing at the cracked door. Wondering, if he should just go and get the girl himself. But as soon as he starts to pull the covers from his body in Kyran walks, and in the dim lighting the first thing Sunghoon notices is the lit candle poking out of a cupcake.
"....Heyyy what's this?" He asks, the smile growing slowly the closer she approaches.
She doesn't say anything at first, instead taking her place in the bed right beside him. Kyran sits on her knees, facing him with the gentlest expression, that maybe he's ever seen on her. With the light of the candle, her eyes glimmer as she stares at him. Her teeth trap her lip briefly, but then her tinted lips part and she speaks.
"If I'm being honest, I know we already celebrated your birthday and maybe it was meant to be that way since you ended up sick... but I- well you know I can't help myself..."
Sunghoon smiles at her, tucking a loose strand of the girl's short hair behind her ear. "You planned something didn't you?"
"Yeah... I did."
"I'm sorry princess, we can-"
"Nope. Weirdly enough I think the time we've spent so far is way better than what I had planned. I think I just wanted to make you feel special, so I'm sorry that I couldn't-"
Sunghoon pinches Kyran's cheek and she raises a brow in confusion. "That's where I'll stop you, because you have done nothing but make me feel special and loved since you got here."
The girl's eyes widen, and he can see the sparkle in them as her expression asks if what he says is true. A soft sigh escapes him, "Really. Sick or not you've made this a great birthday K."
She pouts her lips, extending the cupcake in her hand toward him. He glances at it and smiles again. "It's your favorite." She whispers and his smile grows as he leans forward. With a breath he blows out the candle.
"Yay..! Did you make a wish?"
"Why make a wish when everything I want is right in front of me?"
He watches in amusement as the girl clicks her tongue, "Gosh you're so cheesy, you really didn't make a wish?"
"Of course I did, what you thought this was?!" He exclaims, making the girl across from him laugh heartily. He takes the cupcake from her, pulling the candle out to taste the frosting on the opposite end.
His face lights up and Kyran smiles, "May I try?"
He goes to hand her the treat, but she instead leans forward closing the space between them. Before Sunghoon can even react, Kyran's lips are pressed gently to his. And it takes but a second for the boy to react, returning the kiss. Warmth spreads through his body, successfully sending tingles down his arms and spine. When she pulls away, it's much too soon for his liking but her words soon pass softly between them.
"Happy birthday Hoon."
His hand lands on her nape, keeping her close, "You're totally going to get sick."
She smiles, "Yeah probably."
"But hey, I got my wish."
"And that was?"
"Birthday kisses. Obviously."
a / n : happiest of birthdays to k-pop’s ice prince 🥶 and my bf - park sunghoon 🎂🙌🏾
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kilo-ftd · 1 year
D + 35
       I had arrived at Fort Sill, and I was ready for a full day of perusing their collection of history. This Fort is significant in the development of America, as it’s strategic location in Oklahoma meant that it was used to process or even imprison a large number of native people during the United State’s campaign of stealing their lands. While our history may be complicated I always appreciate the efforts taken by the government to preserve it and educate the public about it. Fort Sill started like all the other frontier forts, and the old quad still remains, though it has grown immensely into a modern army base that is still in use today. 
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      I started off at the old fort museum, which contained artifacts and information from the fort’s early days. It was a short and quick stop, but right around the corner was the expansive US army artillery museum. The ground feature a massive collection of artillery pieces from many different countries spanning a hundred years of war. But first, the interior museum.
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   A collection of trench art, carved artillery shells from the first world war.
      This museum was absolutely impressive, containing an expansive collection of arms and armament from the Revolutionary War up to the modern day. The collection was split into three rooms by time period, and featured a ton of artillery pieces and displays of period weapons and uniforms.
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       I took way too many pictures to fit in this post. I spent so much time wandering the aisles and marveling over the displays of technology developed just to obliterate people from further and further away. Cannons, Rockets, Gatling Guns, Mortars, Howitzers, Self Propelled Artillery, MRLS, guidance and targeting computers, this museum had it all. It’s a complete compendium of the business of long range destruction. I’ll shut up now and give you a sample to feast your eyes on.
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      But this wasn’t all, as I still had the exterior to explore. With the lack of anything witty to say about this garden of hellfire, here’s some more pics.
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       A Chinese MRLS, captured in Desert Storm, of all places
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      This last image may be familiar to astute readers of this blog (if there are any?) This is another of the rare atomic cannons, complete with it’s tow vehicle. Though around 20 of these pieces were built, only one was ever fired. The image before it may look out of place, but it turns out rocketry is a little known component of the Army’s artillery field, or at least it was before it largely became it’s own field. There was a small secondary garden featuring some of the army’s rocket based endeavors, including some really cool Nike Ajax and other early ballistic missiles.
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      This was not all the history Fort Sill had to offer. Just down the road was a graveyard of great historic importance. Here lies grave of Geronimo, and several other prominent but less known native people, and many ordinary ones. If you’re interested, there is much to be learned about them and their relationship with this fort, drawing many similar parallels with the treatment of the Japanese in their camps. When I visited, a group of Native Americans was also there to pay their respects, and I didn’t think it would be appropriate to take any photos. After this, I headed to the nearby small Comanche Nation Museum, which was a cool experience. There is a collection of native art and clothing, a display on code talkers, and some cultural exhibits. Photography was not permitted inside, but there is a nice gift shop with real native crafts. As a bonus, just next door is the Museum of the Great Plains. 
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      When you first walk in, you’re greeted with this monstrosity, commemorating the 1979 series of a dozen twisters that ravaged the area. Around the corner from the wall, you enter a realistic old rural home, and can experience a simulated tornado with lights, sound, emergency alerts, and surprises. A little corny, but sometimes the simple stuff is just the amusement you need to give your mind a break. The museum was geared mostly towards families and children, with interactive displays and hands on exhibits. of the local history and life on the frontier plains. Regardless, I still enjoyed my visit.
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hyacinthmacabre · 2 years
Late at night musing about bad D&D experiences. I’m so tempted to write them out and anonymously post them.
Then I remember I’m a quirky character designer and any grievances I have would require explaining the situation in such a way that it would make it patently obvious it’s me.
Like a few of my character concepts (unrelated to how I felt about the campaign they were played in):
*Dall Sheep Faun/Satyr named Shirleigh - Monk with hoof attack. Says punchy punch punch every time she used flurry of blows.
*Halfling Ranger where I took the Knight background and turned it into a Girl Scout leader and brought part of my troop to Barovia with me.
*Bricklayer Shifter Barbarian I called Barb who used bricks to fight and had the ghost of old bullies appear whenever she used her feature who belittled her made her angry enough to rage.
Gnome Sorcerer where I had absolutely shit stats (highest was a single 12) and so I decided to go with Wild Magic — the DM allowed me to reroll but I was like ooooh let’s playing with completely shit stats and yes I regretted it later.
And then I really think about the “horror” of the stories and I realize that it’s mostly my perception of how things went down — or my impatience — or the quirky, weird character I rolled and how I was annoyed with having to make decisions for that character which had entirely nothing to do with the rest of the campaign.
If I’m brutally honest with myself — they weren’t horrible or terrible experiences. They were often differences in expectation. My expectations not always the same as others (sometimes unfairly in certain areas like speed of combat, style of roleplaying, and adherence to plot).
Some situations where I didn’t fit right (all were games in 5e and are actually all different groups! I feel kinda like a serial D&D group dater.):
*Once I was in a game which was very combat-focused and there was roleplaying but clearly the only one wanting to wax and wane about things between combats was just me. They were all enjoying the game and were fine with how it went. I didn’t fit there. So I left.
*My initial expectations of a game (small and local) changed when it went online due to Covid-19 as players dropped out and new ones came in. The character I designed for a small, friends-only game didn’t apply for a bigger one where people dropped in and out. Changing my character didn’t fix the disconnect I felt. So I left.
*I joined a game where there were many newbies and was excited to assist the DM with teaching how to play (I’ve run games as a DM for newbies before and love introducing people to D&D or other TTRPGs) only I realised after several sessions that nobody wanted to learn to play they just waited for me to solve everything and would only say anything when I pushed them to speak up. I didn’t want to have to keep doing that as I felt like I was DMing.
*Joined a game where the DM wanted to stream and it became apparent that the rule set was so optional as to be non-existent. That wasn’t my expectation and so I withdrew.
*I like a game with combat and build my character to be effective (curse myself for that stupid sorcerer). So a game without some kind of combat (or at least narrative tension and deeds that require rolls) is very boring for me. I was in one game where we did not have a single roll — that would affect the outcome of the story — for four sessions. Those were 3 hour sessions apiece. It reminded me too much of the roleplay chats I did on IRC in internet taverns. We learned nothing, did nothing, solved nothing, and basically on that fifth session we carried on as if those 4 sessions didn’t happen.
Oof. Okay so I complained a little bit in this post. It still was entirely my expectations and mine were contrary to what the group wanted. The heavy combatters wanted to combat. The heavy roleplayers wanted to roleplay. And all of that is perfectly fine for playing a game of D&D. How they all play is entirely valid!
The rules light game? Well it’s valid too (but should probably have used a different rule system like Fate or something).
For these games I just didn’t fit in.
I do fit in with my current group. They mix combat with roleplaying. Plot is not ignored. We design our characters around one another so nobody really overlaps in skill sets. I’ve had many sessions where my character has not shown up — and still been wholly engaged in what is going on with the other characters because it matters what happens to them and whatever they do affects the outcome of the story. I mean I still took notes!
I wish I could share these sessions with the world. But I think that’s the point of a good group that works well — you feel blessed to be a part of it and are so engaged that you want others to be a part of it too. (Don’t invite too many! That can kill a game.)
Thinking with fondness on the good groups is nice way to end this. It’s not bad having expectations, but it’s not good when you commandeer a game to conform to yours if that’s not what the group wants. In cases like that — it’s time to accept or move on.
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