#those ten year olds need Someone to look out for em
soothebellss · 1 year
gentle reminder that your local pokemon center has free resources for pokemon healthcare, grooming, behavioral training, food, housing, etc for those who need it
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kayesfanfics · 1 month
Hi can I request a femreader/ nightcrawler story where the reader is shy and anxious, while Kurt misunderstands this as her thinking he’s a monster?
But in truth she’s been trying to confess her feelings to him but she always backs out last minute in fear?
Thank you!
A/N: The way I’ve probably imagined this scenario at 12 years old laying in bed at night. I also made the reader friends with Rogue, Jean and Ororo since she’s closer to their ages
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“Sugah, yer lookin’ more nervous than a long-tailed pussy cat in a room full o’ rockin’ chairs!” Rogue tapped your shoulder as she walked into the lounging area, where you were having morning coffee with Jean and Ororo. “What’s gotcha all riled up, huh?”
“Kurt’s playing basketball with the others outside...in shorts.” Jean quipped before taking a sip of coffee, a playful grin on her face. Ororo chuckled at the embarrassed face you made, as if someone just walked in on you changing.
“Jean!” You whined, face turning redder when Rogue started laughing.
“Oh, Y/N! We’re just teasing!” Jean giggled as you pouted at all of them finding your embarrassment amusing.
“I just don’t see why you haven’t told him about her feelings yet!”
They all knew you’ve had the biggest crush on the fuzzy blue X-Man, Nightcrawler, ever since he joined the team a few months ago. He was always so nice to everyone, including you, and he seemed to always say the right thing at the right time. He even made your morning coffee sometimes when you got up late, knowing everyone’s coffee order by heart by now.
The boys were outside playing basketball with Jubilee and Roberto, showing the younger ones how it was done. You watched out the window at the court, seeing Gambit and Wolverine battling for the ball before Kurt teleported between them and snatched the ball from them, tossing it into the basket and laughing when they both started yelling about the “no powers” rule. You smiled before realizing you were staring, clearing your throat and turning to Rogue.
“You know I get too nervous around your brother, I can’t even ask him to pass the salt at dinner!”
“Yer always nervous, that’s fine! But y’know, he totally likes you too. I can tell.”
“No he doesn’t.” You shook your head in denial.
“Yes he does.” All three women said at the same time, side eyeing you or rolling their eyes.
“My dear, Kurt is a very charismatic man, but he goes out of his way to make you smile every chance he gets.” Ororo set her hand atop of yours. “I even see a flash of disappointment when you flee from his advances.”
“Really?” You asked, feeling a bit guilty about making him feel bad. You were a generally nervous person, but your anxiety sky rocketed around him, your heart always felt like it would explode out of your chest when he got close to you or touched you. It was difficult to hold eye contact with him, your nerves getting the best of you and looking down at the floor while you spoke to him. You’d give him a scared smile when he handed you things, your blood running cold when his hand brushed up against yours during those exchanges. You often found your eyes wandering to him when he wasn’t focused on you, it was easier to look at him when you knew he wasn’t aware of you checking him out. You loved the way his tail squashed playfully as he joked around with Morph, how his ear would twitch like a cats when he heard someone new enter the room, how his fangs gleamed when he smiled or how his bright yellow eyes sparked with mischief during a fight.
“Okay…you know what? Todays the day, today I need to confess to him! If I don’t today, I never will cause I’m a baby and will back out.” You stood up confidently.
“Yeah! Go get em, tiger!” Rogue cheered as you walked away, then lowered her voice. “She ain’t gonna.”
“I think Y/N can do things she sets her mind to.” Storm defended you.
“Wanna put ten bucks on it?” Rogue raised an eyebrow and cheekily grinned.
“…you’re on.” Storm nodded, shaking her hand as Jean spoke up, saying she’d bet alongside Storm that you could do it.
“You know I can still hear you all?” You crossed your arms from the window, getting a closer look and watching Kurt dodge Roberto’s lunge. Your friends all laughed as you shook your head, trying to get ahold of your nerves.
How were you supposed to tell the most handsome, heroic, sweetest, most amazing person ever you were in love with them? Kurt was genuinely the kindest person you’d ever met, giving you butterflies when you watched him comfort a mutant child during a fight, or how he helped his teammates so gently when they were injured. You couldn’t fathom how people were afraid or disgusted by him, he was the most gorgeous man in the world. How you could see a tinge of indigo under his blue fur when he blushed or bruised, how sculpted and chiseled he was yet also was so soft to look at. When he wore sweatpants and a tank top after training one day, you swore you would have a heart attack right then and there seeing how attractive he looked in the outfit. You adored sneaking peeks of him working out alone, his muscles bulging when he did push ups or pull ups on a bar, how flexible and agile he was and how effortless he made it look. You’d stand outside the door until you felt you would get caught staring, not wanting to seem like a creep.
You were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts when the door opened, Wolverine carrying Jubilee, pretending to be limp and passed out in his arms.
“What happened?” Jean asked as the girls all stood up from their little coffee and gossip session.
“She tripped and scraped her knee trying to get the ball from Logan!” Morph snickered as they all filed inside.
“I’ve been attacked! He pushed me and now I’m severely wounded!” Jubilee whined dramatically as Logan set her down on the counter. You waited for Kurt while you listened to Jubilee and Wolverine bicker about the seriousness of her cut knee, feeling your heart skip a beat when he finally walked in, chatting with Hank.
“Um…hey, Kurt?” You spoke quietly, but Kurt’s ear twitched and picked up your shy voice.
“Yes, Miss Y/N?” He asked, stopping and letting Hank go ahead of him.
“I…um…could you find a first aid kit, please?”
You blushed when you heard your friends laugh behind you and Storm and Jean handed Rogue money, knowing Kurt was looking past you at them, wondering what they were doing. You felt like a dork backing out of confessing and asking him to do something you could easily do, but you changed your mind at the last second that you weren’t ready yet.
“Sure.” He smiled, before bamfing off. You turned and glared at your friends, before walking walked over to Jubilee, seeing blood dripping down her shin and gravel from the court embedded inside of it.
“Ouch, let me clean that for you.” You said and wet a paper towel, ignoring Logan saying how she was fine and it was part of growing up and being a kid. You kneeled down and patted down Jubilee’s injury, soaking up the blood and wiping out any gravel from the wound.
“Here you are, Y/N.” You heard a familiar sweet, velvety voice beside you. You looked over and saw Nightcrawler holding out a first aid kit from the nearest bathroom, a charming grin on his face.
“Oh, um, thank you Kurt.” You smiled at him shyly, before quickly turning your attention to Jubilee. You didn’t see the look of rejection in his yellow eyes as the irritated twitch of his tail at that, before he sighed and bamfed off again.
*a couple hours later*
“Mein Gott!” The mutant shouted in surprise, also not paying attention to where he was going before tumbling backwards at the collision. You were on your way to training, focusing on wrapping up your hands to look where you were going. Now, you knocked down the last person you wanted to. You felt bad seeing the gorgeous man on the floor because of you.
“Kurt! I’m so sorry! Here, let me help!” You held a hand out to him, but he got up himself.
“It is fine.” He said simply before walking past you, then suddenly pausing and turning to you. “May I ask you something?”
“Sure.” You fidgeted with your hands nervously, anxious for the question.
“Do you…have I offended you in some way?” He asked, his eyes flashing with a bit of sadness.
“What? No? Why would you think that?” You asked, worried your timid behavior had finally kicked you in the ass.
“You tend to just brush me off, I’ve noticed. Lately you don’t really look at me, you respond with few words to me. I just thought…maybe I did something to scare you? Disgust you? Perhaps I…you think I’m a monster?”
You stared at him in the hallway, shock freezing your thoughts for a moment. How could he ever think your awkwardness around him could be because you thought he was disgusting? That he thought you found him frightening? You hadn’t realized how not making eye contact or responding curtly would come across to him, a man who’s been persecuted and attacked his whole life for how he looked. He was the most admirable, amazing person you’d ever met and you made him feel like a monster.
“Kurt, no! Not at all! I just…I do like you, I do! You just…make me very nervous. More so than I usually am…”
“How? Do I intimidate you?” He tilted his head in confusion. “I do not mean to-“
“It’s not that, really. I uh…I just really admire you, I guess. You make me more nervous than the others because…because I really like you…a lot.” You looked down at the floor, shyly looking up into his eyes. His face relaxed when he finally understood what you meant.
“Oh…I apologize for thinking so little of your actions. You are understanding and non judge mental, I should never have assumed what I did about you. How about I take you out to apologize for my ignorance?” He flashed his fangs at you in a charming smile, slowly approaching you before he was close enough to hold out a hand to you.
“I-I…okay.” You took his hand and sheepishly smiled up at him, allowing him to guide you down the hall. “I’m really sorry I made you feel like I-“
“No apology necessary, Y/N, really. I’m just glad we’ve come to…an understanding.” He grinned, bringing your hand up to his lips to place a soft kiss on your knuckles. You blushed and giggled at the action
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joelalorian · 1 month
Fall Into Me - Chapter Eight: We'll Dance in the Street like Nobody's Watching
dbf!Joel x f!reader
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Summary: Joel is hanging on by a thread as a single father to a tenacious 10-year-old Sarah. Feeling like he's drowning, like the world is about to spit him out, he needs some help before he breaks in half. At your dad's insistence, you show up in his life and change everything.
Story is inspired by the song Fall Into Me by Forest Blakk. Chapter titles will be lyrics from the song.
Word Count: 3.8k
Chapter Warnings: Explicit, under 18 take a hike. No outbreak AU. Lots of feelings, unprotected p in v, flirting, dads being dads. Two idiots falling in love and finally fucking admitting it. Joel is his own warning. Age gap of about 9 years (Reader 24/25, Joel 33/34). No use of y/n. Reader has a nickname used only by her dad and Joel uses various terms of endearment (darlin', sweetheart, etc.).
This chapter includes the scene that sparked the entire story idea. I've been patiently waiting for it to see the light of day. hope you enjoy!
Thank you so much to everyone who reads this self-indulgent story and extra thanks to those who comment and/or reblog - you all make me feel like a rock star!
Dividers by the wonderful @saradika-graphics
Chapter Seven | Main Masterlist
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“So, how was it?” Grilling you for the past twenty minutes, Emily was relentless in her pursuit to find out just how good Joel was in bed, after congratulating you on the new job, of course. “Come on! I need to know!”
“Alright, alright! I had no idea you were such a needy bitch. Is your hubby not dicking you down enough or what?” you laughed before regaling her with tales of Joel’s prowess.
“I fuckin’ knew he’d be big and know how to use it! He just gives off that BDE, ya know what I mean? Just how big are we talkin’, anyway?”
Rolling your eyes, you laughed again. “Well, I didn’t fucking measure it, but it’s a definite handful. Besides, you’ve never even met him, Em! How could you possibly get that vibe?”
“I’ve seen photos and heard stories, that’s more than enough to pick up on that sorta thing,” Emily replied with the confidence of someone who damn well knows what she’s talking about. “I need to know more. Gimme all the details!”
“Yeah, yeah. Speaking of BDE, I gotta finish getting ready. Joel said he had something special planned for tonight to celebrate me getting the teaching job.”
“I bet he does. You’re gonna get another deep dicking from that huge—”
“Bye Em!” you cut her off and hit end call before she could carry on anymore.
Tossing the phone on your bed, you finished putting a light layer of makeup on, putting in a little more effort to look good tonight. Ten minutes later, dressed in a pair of dark, fitted jeans and a dark blue, long-sleeve, vee neck shirt that showed just a touch of cleavage, you wandered out to the living room.
“Alright Dad, I’m off. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” Leaning over the back of his recliner, you press a kiss to his balding head.
“Have fun on your date and be careful, Spud. Call me if you need a ride home or anything,” he replied, patting your hand. You turned to leave, grabbing a light jacket from the hook by the door just in case, when your dad’s voice carried from the living room. “It’s funny, Joel told me he has a date tonight, too.”
Freezing for a moment, you squeak, “Oh, yeah?”
“Uh huh. Quite a coincidence me thinks.” He paused again, but you were at a loss for words and grateful that he couldn’t see your expression. “Enjoy your night, kiddo.”
Knowing a dismissal when you heard one, you take off through the door. Your mind raced on the short drive to Joel’s. He knows. Your dad so knows. You start to panic for a moment wondering if he’s upset before the realization hits that he didn’t seem remotely mad about it. More like he got a kick out of the idea and enjoyed teasing you. You and Joel had to fess up very soon, but that was a tomorrow problem. Tonight was meant to be all about you and Joel.
Walking through the front door, you expected to find Joel in the living room or kitchen, but the downstairs was empty. Lugging your overnight bag up the stairs, you thought maybe he’d be in his room or the bathroom still getting ready, but again, no sign of him. Where the hell was he?
Making your way down the stairs, you peeked out the window to make sure you didn’t imagine his truck in the driveway when you parked – it was there, right next to your car. He had to be around here somewhere. The sound of soft music hit your ears suddenly. Following the sound, you slipped out the back door and gasped.
A soft glow spread across the yard from lights strung from tree to tree, a plaid tablecloth covered the patio table on which sat a vase of brightly colored tulips, an open bottle of pinot noir, two stemless wine glasses, and two covered plates. Just beyond the patio, a hammock hung between two large live oaks with another set of string lights dangling above it. As your eyes took it all in, Joel stood off to the side watching you with a warm smile.
“Joel,” you whispered, afraid to disturb the dream-like quality of the moment, his name a drawn-out breath in the air when you finally turned to him. His dark eyes glinted from the string lights as he stepped forward out of the shadows, one hand stretched out towards you. There was no hesitation in reaching for him and you clung to each other for a few minutes before he stepped back to pull out a chair for you.
“Thank you,” you whispered, settling into the seat. When Joel took his place across the table from you, you added, “This is so lovely, Joel.”
A bashful smile graced his lips as he removed the covers from the plates and filled the wine glasses. Your gaze soaked in every little movement he made, in awe of the gorgeous man before you and all he’d done to make this evening special. Holding his glass up, he toasted to you. “Here’s to your new job and the start of a very rewarding career. Congrats darlin’.”
Clinking your glass against his lightly, you beamed at him. He looked so handsome, thick curls pushed back away from his face, tanned skin glowing in the soft lighting. “Thank you, Joel.” Already buzzing from the way he made you feel, you sipped lightly at the wine before digging into the meal before you.
Bursts of flavor hit your palette at the first bite, the chicken cooked to perfection and the sun-dried tomatoes adding just the right tang to the red pesto coating the rigatoni. A soft moan escaped before you caught it, cheeks heating up with the way Joel looked at you with hooded eyes.
“I reckon you like it?” he asked, a teasing lilt to his gravelly voice.
“This may be the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted, Joel. Did you make this?” You took another bite, savoring the flavors that exploded in your mouth.
“Mmhmm. It’s my mama’s recipe, she made it a lot when we were younger, and it’s always been my favorite. I’m glad you like it.” He watched you enjoy another forkful, obviously proud.
“I don’t just like it, Joel. This is fuckin’ delicious. I didn’t know you could cook like this!”
His cheeks turned pink as he cleared his throat. “I can’t, usually. I practiced a lot with this one.” That melted your heart further.
You ate your fill, making small conversation between bites, until your wine glass was empty, and your belly satisfied. Joel poured you another glass, which you sipped leisurely as he cleared the table and placed the dirty dishes in the dishwasher for later. He wouldn’t let you lift a finger.
“Dance with me?” he said upon his return outside, voice deep and gravelly as he plucked the glass from your hand and placed it on the table.
“I’d love to,” you replied softly, lips tilted upwards in a sweet smile. Holding his left hand out, Joel helped you to your feet and let you off the patio.
A new song began, volume a little louder now, and you stepped closer to him. A warm buzz spread through your veins when Joel pulled you against his broad chest, one arm wrapping around your waist and the other bent to hold your hand over his heart. You could feel the thump of his heartbeat beneath the green flannel he wore as he swayed you slowly around the grassy yard, careful to not stray too close to the pool.
Nothing ever felt as right as being there in Joel’s arms, dancing in the yard like the world beyond the fence didn’t exist. Your feelings for this man were overwhelming, growing deeper each and every day – hell, each and every second was more like it – and that four-letter word bubbled in your throat. You swallowed it down, settling your head against Joel’s shoulder, eyes closed and focused on the moment.
Joel’s chin tilted downward, nudging against the side of your face, his lips near your ear, and his breath sent delightful chills down your spine when he began to sing softly.
“Fall into me and I’ll catch you, darlin’. We’ll dance in the street like nobody’s watching. It’s just you and me and the song on repeat in my head, playing over and over…”
My god, how could you not fall in love with this incredible man?
The intimacy of it all brought tears to your eyes as your fingers threaded through the hair at the back of his head. Stomach alight with the flutter of too many butterflies, the urge to speak from your heart became too much, you could hold back no longer.
“I love you, Joel.”
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You loved him.
What did he ever do to deserve something like that?
Heart clenching deep in his chest, Joel guided you to the hammock, music still carrying softly through the air. With amazing finesse, he settled you both on the hanging fabric, bodies snuggled together until you nearly became one.
He ached to say the words back to you, but they kept getting stuck in his throat. Instead, he settled for showing you how he felt, just like he did with dancing and singing in your ear – he could have written that song for how relatable it was to the feelings you brought out in him. Dark eyes stared into yours as his hands moved over your body, pulling you impossibly closer.
I love you, his lips said as they pressed heatedly against yours.
I love you, his tongue said as it licked softly into your mouth to tangle delicously with yours.
I love you, his hands said as they touched you with utter reverence.
I love you, his body said as he pressed it tightly against yours, trying in vain to crawl beneath your skin.
Joel kissed you with singular focus until you were both breathless and overwrought with need.
“Take me to bed, Joel,” you whispered when he finally tore his lips from yours. “I need to feel every bit of you.”
Your angelic voice music to his ears, he scrambled from the hammock, scooping you up in his muscled arms to carry you inside and up to his bedroom. His mind occupied by one thing and one thing only – making love to you until you knew every part of him and he knew every part of you – the string lights and last bit of wine were left forgotten in the yard.
Loving the way you clung to him, Joel swept through the house and up the stairs with an urgency he’d not felt before.
His lips moved to brush down your neck, nipping at the tender skin as he went. Once in his room, he closed the door even though you were the only two there. Joel kissed each new patch of skin bared as he removed your clothes until you were completely naked. Easing you back onto his unmade bed, a low growl rumbled from deep in his chest when your fingers slid along his scalp and tugged on his hair. Fucking lord did he love how you touched him.
“Fuck, I need to taste you, pretty girl.”
He’d never seen anyone or anything more beautiful in his life as your naked body writhed on his bed, eager and yearning for his touch, and Joel knelt to worship at the altar of you.
Starting at your delicate feet, Joel’s fingertips traced every inch of you until he reached the apex of your thighs. Leaning forward, he let the scruff of his facial hair tickle along the flesh of your inner thighs, pressing open-mouth kisses along the soft skin as he went. Grinning as you trembled, he met your wide gaze as he leant forward, tongue exploring your folds.
The first taste of you set his soul on fire. Sweet like honey yet more addicting and thrice as satisfying, Joel licked at your clit, tongue occasionally dipping down into you, slurping greedily at the very essence of you.
He couldn’t have thought of a more delicious dessert.
His movements elicited sensuous moans that shot straight to his cock, his jeans quickly becoming too tight and uncomfortable. Seeking a little relief, his hips began grinding against the mattress as he brought you closer and closer to the edge, fingers soon assisting his tongue in driving you mad. Just when he thought he might blow his load in his jeans, again, you came, crying his name out, the syllables drawing out in a beautiful, lyrical drawl. Working you through it, Joel drank down every bit of your release like a thirsty man in the desert.
“Fuck, darlin’. You taste fuckin’ delicious. I could live here, between your legs, for the rest of my life, surviving on just you.” Joel stood as he spoke, gazing down at your blissed out form on his bed as he tore off his clothes, one large hand palming his cock before he practically dove into bed with you.
“You’re too good at that, Joel Miller,” you said, the words falling lazily from your lips as you recovered from the singularly intense orgasm. Swooping down, Joel kissed you passionately, offering you a taste of yourself lingering on his tongue.
Letting his body continue to do the communicating for him, Joel shifted his hips, grinding gently against you while his mouth devoured yours. Groaning as your nails scratched down his back, he reached a hand down to guide his cock toward its home in your pussy. Dark eyes opened wide, Joel watched your face as he entered you, delighting in the scrunch of your nose and the way your eyes squeezed shut before popping open again at the sensation of him splitting you open.
With long, slow, oh so deep, strokes, Joel made love to you, telegraphing the depth of his feelings in the only way he knew how, until you were writhing in pleasure beneath him. Afterwards, he cleaned the mess between your thighs and held you close until you fell asleep with your head resting on his chest. Only then, did he finally whisper the words he longed to say all night. “I love you, too.”
Joel stayed awake for a while, listening to your gentle snores and the soft sighs you made in your sleep. He loved that you let your guard down with him, that he was the man who got to hold you while you slept. In the darkness of night, Joel made himself a promise that he would not fuck this up before falling into a deep sleep of his own.
His dreams were particularly vivid, the sensation of your mouth around his cock so strong he’d swear it was real. He’d never experienced your mouth around him like that before, though, so it couldn’t be real. Joel let his dream-self enjoy every moment, your lips around his shaft and tongue teasing the throbbing vein along the underside of his cock a divinity he’d never known before. At one point you took him so deep that a loud, guttural moan escaped his lips, hands clenching in your hair.
Eyes popping open, the moan carried on, rumbling from deep within Joel’s chest as he glanced down to find you feasting on his hardened length. It wasn’t a dream after all.
“Fuuuccckkk,” his voice, still rough with sleep, drew out the word as he watched you go down on him. Your mouth a form of heaven he suffered too long without, the cheeky, mischievous look in your eye making the pleasure more intense. You clearly enjoyed the act nearly as much as he did.
It didn’t take long before your wanton rhythm and sinful mouth had him coming down your throat, your name a prayer recited over and over in that gravelly voice. “Jesus fucking Christ, darlin’. Where’d you learn to suck cock like that, hmm? Your mouth is like God damn heaven.”
Joel’s chest heaved as you gulped down every drop of his spend, tongue darting out to lick the last bit from the little slit on his cockhead before sliding over your lips. You visibly swallowed, savoring the taste of him; his eyes glued to your mouth the whole time. His hand came up, caressing your face with the love he couldn’t yet voice shining brightly in his eyes, and his thumb traced along your plump bottom lip.
“My little gummy worm,” he murmured, delirious from coming so hard. “Felt so good wrapped around my fat cock.”
Crawling up his body, you settled your weight atop him and pressed your lips to his, letting him taste a hint of himself on your tongue as licked into his mouth, returning the favor from the night before. The kiss was languid and sloppy, perfect for a lazy morning waking up together.
“You tasted good, all salty and musky,” you said once you broke away, voice raspy from having his dick halfway down your throat.
“You can wake me up like that any time you’d like, darlin’.”
The two of you cuddled for a while, neither of you too eager to start the day knowing you didn’t have anything pressing to do. Those unspoken words bubbled in Joel’s chest the whole time, begging to come to the surface, to be spoken aloud and given credence. Still, he hesitated without quite knowing why. Finally rolling out of bed around 10, you jumped into the shower while Joel threw on some clothes and ran out to grab some breakfast.
He just pulled back into his driveway, a bag with a few bagel breakfast sandwiches in one hand – he got an extra in case you wanted pork roll instead of bacon – a coffee and orange juice clutched in the other, when JB’s truck pulled up in front of his house.
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Settled on the couch after your refreshing shower, legs tucked under you while scrolling through your phone, you heard Joel’s truck pull up. Waiting for him to come in with breakfast for you both, you were caught off guard by the deep voices rumbling in the front yard. You sat up, peeking through the blinds to find your dad out front, hands on his hips as he spoke to Joel.
Oh shit.
You couldn’t discern their facial expressions from that angle and moved to the front door, quietly easing the heavy wood open to peek out and eavesdrop. They had to be talking about you, right? There was no hiding or pretending you weren’t here, especially with your car parked in the driveway right next to Joel’s. After your dad’s comments last night, you wondered if he planned this ambush then.
“I knew she’d be here,” you heard your dad say, but you couldn’t read his body language clearly. His hands were on his hips still, but there was a smile on his face. “You sweet on my baby girl, Joel?”
You couldn’t hear Joel’s response, his gravelly voice pitched too low for your ears to catch across the distance, but you could see him smile hesitantly even as his broad shoulders hunched slightly. Whatever it was caused your dad to chuckle and punch Joel playfully.
“I knew it!” your dad exclaimed, the sudden loudness startling you. “I knew you two would hit it off, I just wasn’t sure how long it’d take.”
You caught Joel’s response this time, his surprised voice pitching upwards. “You’re not upset?”
Walking toward the house without invitation, your dad paused. “Why the hell would I be upset? You’re a good man, Joel, and I know you’ll treat her well. And she’ll be good for you, too, I have no doubt. Now, you got enough in that there bag for breakfast for three?”
Your shoulders sagged with relief as you eased the door open. “I thought I heard voices! Hi Dad,” you greeted. “What are you doing here?”
“Hey Spud. I could ask you the same thing, but I knew I’d find you here.” Pulling you in for a hug, he ushered you inside. “I got tired of waiting for you two to come clean and thought I’d put you both on the spot.”
Eyebrows shooting up, you glanced at Joel before meeting your dad’s gaze again. “How did you know?”
Giving you a shrug, he said, “You two weren’t exactly subtle and a father always knows.” Nudging your shoulder, JB turned to Joel. “You’ll find that out soon enough, my friend. I can’t wait for the trouble that Sarah will give you.”
The three of you sat at the small dining table, digging into the breakfast sandwiches, your dad insisting you tell him how long you and Joel had been seeing each other and how it all started. Relieved to finally have the truth out there, you told him the story and JB chuckled.
“That about tracks. That’s right around when I started to notice something different between the two of you. And it sure explains why you hardly gave Annica the time of day on your date.” JB gave Joel grief about that failed date for weeks knowing that there was something – or someone – else drawing the man’s attention. JB had the feeling back then that it was you, his baby girl, his grown-up Spud, who captured the single father’s attention.
“You sure you’re okay with this, Dad? I mean…” your words fell off, not really knowing what to say. You’d be heartbroken if your dad wasn’t okay with a relationship between you and Joel, especially now that you verbally admitted to being in love with him.
“Are you kidding? I’m happy as a pig in shit that the two people I care about most like each other.” Your dad was all smiles, beady eyes sparkling with mischief. “In fact, I was planning on setting the two of you up if you didn’t figure things out for yourselves first. Tommy was in on the plan, too, and was the one who suggested we give it a little time. Little shit never told me it became official, though.”
Sitting back in your seat, you giggled with relief. All that time spent fretting over what your dad might think, feeling guilty for dating his best friend and hiding it from him for so long. It was all for naught. You should have known he’d love the idea of you two together.
“So, when’s the wedding?” JB asked, a shit-eating grin spread across his lips as you and Joel froze, eyes darting to each other in wide-eyed panic. Your dad practically guffawed at his own humor while you two were practically having a panic attack. “I’m just kidding – there’s no rush. Just make sure you treat her right, Joel.”
Recovering from the initial panic – not that he didn’t want to marry you, eventually, just not quite this soon – Joel laughed a little nervously. “Of course, JB. I’ll always treat her right. I, uh… I love her.” His gaze shifted to you, heart showing firmly in those dark chocolate orbs. “I love you, darlin'.”
Taglist: @mellymbee @untamedheart81 @anoverwhelmingdin @runningmom94 @leilanixx
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probably-impossible · 5 months
A story about the End of the Wild West; or, the Prophet sees two trains explode on his one-hundred-and-fourth birthday.
(Aka my Activity 1 for the @dollarstrilogyevent that I got way too into hahahaha)
By his own reckoning, Prophet was one-hundred and four years old as of that September in 1896. Perhaps unsurprisingly he had lost most of his hearing, but his vision was still good. He saw the door of his shack swing open, and he struggled to sit up in bed. “I've already found Jesus and I'm not buying anything!”
The face that poked around the door belonged to Fluke Dudley, a young man who worked on the ranch that had sprung up next door. He was just about the only one who visited him anymore. “It's me, Prophet,” he said. “I w- - - - - to - - - - you- -”
“Speak up, boy!”
“What? Where's that, then?”
“IT'S A SURPRISE!” Fluke scratched his nose and grinned. “For your birthday. You'll like it, sir, I promise.”
Prophet grumbled but allowed Fluke to lift him into the rickety wheelchair that sat beside his bed. “Don't need remindin’ about no birthday,” he said. “I've had about ten too many of ‘em, I reckon. Wish someone had put me out of my misery back when the goddamn good-for-nothing trains took my hearing!”
“Oh, don't talk like that.” 
“I'm a hundred and four years old, I'll talk however I damn well please!” 
Fluke rolled him out of the shack, towards one of the ranch's small one-horse wagons. He lifted the old man up onto the seat and stowed the chair in the bed, then jumped up and flicked the reins.
Prophet squinted at the scenery as they rolled slowly alongside the train tracks. “I used to get visits from all sorts of people, you know,” he said. “I used to know everything about everybody in these parts. They'd come from miles around to see me. To get their information.”
Fluke nodded. He'd heard this story before. 
“Lawmen, outlaws, drifters,” Prophet continued. “Bounty killers. I've seen them all. But they just don't make men like that anymore. I tell you, boy, things have got too civilized around here.”
“ - - - - ”
“Damn sure I'm right.” Prophet leaned over the side of the wagon to glare down at the tracks. “It's all the fault of those trains! They take all the civilized folk from out east, load ‘em up into their carriage cars with the lacy curtains and little fruity drink trolleys, and send ‘em out here. And soon enough there's so much civilization around a man can't hardly be himself anymore.”
Prophet leaned back and went silent for a while. “I wonder how many of those young men who used to come and see me are still alive,” he said. “They strung up Willie Foster last year, I know that. And Kid Frasier fell off his hoss. That old marshal Colby… whatever happened to him?”
“He got killed in a shootout, you said.”
“Right, right. Davey and Red Kelly done it, and then they run off to Mexico.” He blinked as another wagon passed by them. It was loaded up with people, chatting and laughing. He lost his thought for a moment, then picked it back up again. “Angel Eyes… he's long gone. That retired colonel went back to North Carolina. Now what was that young buck's name… Manco. Fell off the face of the earth, far as I can remember. And worst of all, poor old Cheyenne…”
“Shot in the gut by the president of the railroad company,” Fluke muttered.
“...shot in the gut by the president of the railroad company! Did you ever hear of a worse way to go?!” Prophet sighed. “Somehow I outlived them all. Now I'm the last of a dyin’ breed. They just don't make men like us anymore.”
“No sir,” Fluke said. There were more wagons around now, and people walking along the tracks, too. They all seemed to be going in the same direction. Fluke tipped his hat as they passed by a group of ladies holding parasols.
Prophet looked at him skeptically. “Where exactly are you taking me? There sure are a lot of other people headed this way.”
“You'll find out soon,” Fluke said. “We're almost there.” 
“There’s nothin’ wrong with my hair!”
As they kept riding the crowd really started to thicken. They passed by lemonade stands and carnival games, a grandstand with a band, even a circus tent. “Just this once I'm glad I'm deaf,” Prophet muttered. “Who's runnin’ a goddamn county fair along the train tracks?”
Fluke slowly drew the wagon to a stop and pointed up at a large banner that had been hoisted next to a section of the track. It read ‘Crush, Texas. Est. September 15, 1896.’
“The railroad company's putting on a demonstration,” Fluke said, raising his voice even more than usual over the sound of the crowd. “They're gonna take two old steam engines, run ‘em as fast as they can, and crash ‘em right into each other!” He beamed with pride. “How do you like that for a birthday present, sir? You and me are gonna watch two trains smash each other to smithereens!”
Prophet blinked. “...What? The railroad company’s gonna smash their own trains?” he said, puzzled. “What for?”
“They're old engines, I guess,” Fluke said. “No use for ‘em anymore.”
“So they're crashing them? What, with all these people around?” 
“It's supposed to be very safe. No chance of the boilers exploding or anything, that's what the man from the railroad said.”
Prophet went quiet for a while. Fluke felt his own excitement start to deflate. He'd been so sure the old man would love to see this. All he ever talked about was how much he hated trains! The whole affair seemed perfectly designed with him in mind. But he didn't look excited. In fact, he seemed a little… sad.
“The railroad company…” he muttered. “Making a whole damn spectacle out of busting up some old trains that aren't good for nothing anymore. And it's perfectly safe. ‘Course it is.”
A ripple of excitement went through the crowd; rumbling could be heard in the distance. Fluke slouched on the bench of the wagon. “...I'm sorry, Prophet. I thought for sure you'd like to see it.”
“Oh, don't look so damn mopey, boy,” Prophet said, gently. “Old bastards like me can't ever be satisfied with nothin’, that's all.”
They sat there in silence for a while. Fluke listened to the rumbling while Prophet watched two black dots appear on either end of the horizon and grow steadily closer. 
Eventually the rumbling grew to a roar, and an anticipatory hush fell over the crowd. The ground began to shake. The trains were close enough to their destined meeting place now that Prophet could make out the shape of the engine cars, could see the smoke billowing from their antiquated stacks. For the first time in his life, the sight of the damn things didn't fill him entirely with hatred. They were being put out to pasture, just like him. To make way for newer, better trains. And when it happened it would be a perfectly-designed show, perfectly safe. Perfectly civilized. 
The two trains met right beneath the banner. There was a mighty crash, so loud that even Prophet could hear it, and the sound of splintering wood. Then, a moment of total silence. 
When the explosion began, time seemed to slow for Prophet. He could see a bright orange light well up within each of the smashed engines, then blossom into two beautiful balls of flame. The light danced in his eyes, and he smiled with glee. The boilers of the old engines had blown up after all. The sight of it was breathtaking. 
All this took place within less than a second. As the fire billowed outwards, the force of the explosion sent millions of pieces of metallic debris straight into the gathered crowd. Prophet grinned with ecstasy and thought about how awful this was going to be for the railroad company. Oh, they were going to have hell to pay for this. It was a fiasco. Maybe it would even drive them out of business...! Of all the ways for a man like him to go, this was a fine one. He was grateful the boy had brought him out here, after all.
The explosion nearly knocked Fluke from the wagon, and he felt a stinging pain in his forearms as he shielded his face. It was all over in only a moment. He could hear groans and shouts from the crowd as he slowly regained his senses. He looked down at his arms; he'd been hit by some shrapnel, but not badly. 
He turned quickly towards Prophet, then froze. The old man lay flopped backwards over the wagon bench, unmoving. 
A metal bolt had gone straight into his forehead. Even so, there was a satisfied smile on his face.
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luvwich · 5 months
OC Interview: Vania
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[camera template] ❧ tagged by @tarmac-rat — thanks choom! see the adorable interview with their Riley here
V: Vania Perez. Tiny Mike: Yo. Mike Kowalski. Interviewer: We've run a profile on you already, Tiny. Just getting to know Vania, here. Mike: Well it'll have to be a twofer, because I'm takin' her to dinner in an hour and I ain't just gonna putz around Kabuki the whole time like a fuckin' delivery drone. Interviewer (to V): We'll run this by you before it's published. V: Whatever.
V: Started going by "V" at Arasaka, but I'm looser about it these days. I like my given name. If someone wants to give me a different nickname, they are free to do so. Mike: You tell 'em, hotshot.
V: I don't think this is an interesting question.
Star sign?
V: Taurus, though I'm not sure what it means. Mike: Far's I understand, it means she loves dick and gets croissant crumbs all over the bed.
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V: 160cm. Mike: I dunno how to do the centimeters to feet an' inches, but she's definitely lying. Subtract four or ten or somethin'. [Interviewee's height was confirmed to be 159cm --ed.]
V: Big, strong arms and uncomplicated psyches. Mike: Aw, you like my arms?
V: Have a U.K. passport, as much as that's worth these days. My mother's parents were Puerto Rican, and I'm not sure where the sperm came from. Interviewer: You're not close with your father, I take it? V: No, I mean, my mum simply went to a sperm bank. She's old-fashioned like that. But I think she would have used that service that's just cloning plus gene editing if it were legal back then. (glancing at Mike) By the way, d'you know how much that costs? Interviewer: Uh, no.
Favorite fruit?
V: Mum used to acquire a pineapple for my birthday every year, but the last time I had one was at an Arasaka company party. Mike (looking up from a search for BEST PINEAPPLES NIGHT CITY): Wait, did you just say "acquire"? What is this, the Night City Literary Review? Interviewer: I'm from the Watson Weekly Mirror. Mike (muttering, returning to search results): Oh, those fuckin' hacks.
Favorite season?
V: Suppose it's autumn, but there don't seem to be seasons in Night City. Or else there are about forty of them and they are all slight variations on "filthy rain" and "heat stroke."
Favorite flower?
V: I don't think this is an interesting question. Mike: Answer it, sweetie. V: Jasmine, I suppose.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
V: I like black tea with a bit of sugar and some cream. Mike: She likes a lot of cream. V: Are you writing down the things he says too? Interviewer: Yes. V: Do you accept bribes? Look, just give me a call before this runs, please. [Interviewee was unavailable for follow-up questions at the time this piece was published. --ed.]
Average hours of sleep?
V: Back when Arasaka was logging my biometrics and pumping me with all the good drugs, it was a consistent 6.25. I couldn't tell you now, though it's surely not enough. I haven't figured out how to use my new interface to start tracking it. Mike: Psh. Some "hacker." V: I'm trained in network security and combat quickhacking, love. That doesn't mean I know how to navigate neuralink menus or program your VCR.
Dog or cat person?
V: Mm, suppose I identify with cats more, but dogs and dog people are fascinating to me. Where do they find the energy to be like that? Mike: Damnit, gettin' hungry. Gonna run to the store for a snack. You need anything, babe? Tiancha? Locust jerky? Holobites? Foot rub? Anything?
Dream trip?
V: Okay, now that he's gone.. well, I really want to make it back home to London, but that's mostly to see my mother. I don't miss the town all that much. Been fucked for decades. But Mike's got this idea for a camping trip down the coast, and I have to admit I'm intrigued. I mean, it sounds dangerous and frankly a bit filthy, but I've never seen the rest of California, and I've heard it's still quite beautiful in parts.
Favorite fictional character?
V: So Jake, the protagonist of Bushido X, is really quite interesting because— Mike: I'm back. You talkin' bout those frickin' Bushido flicks again? God damn, when's this thing gonna wrap up?
Number of blankets you sleep with?
V: I don't think this is an interesting question and I'm starving.
Fun fact?
V: In physics, a "jiffy" is a unit of time measuring 3 × 10^−24 seconds. Also, we're late to dinner. Mike: Ciao.
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[📸 by breezypunk]
tagging @another-corpo-rat @aggravateddurian @fly-amanitaa @leota-nexus if you wanna interview your blorbos (if you did this already and i missed it, drop a link! 💖)
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Hey. Girly. I got your guy right next to me .. he's absolutely conked out on an Entei. The other brat who looks like him is absolutely beggin' to .. "take him to their world" or whatever.
Should we wait till he wakes up? Or just .. let em' go? He's kinda cute, but I don't care what we do with him. Kanto ain't much warmer, but it's not in total ruins. Best place I can think to take him is Viridian .. it's weirdly unscathed.
- 🥇
It’s Miss Palette, thank you very much! I think you should wait for Silver, the sleeping Silver, to wake up. But tell the other guy to slow down a bit. Silver isn’t… He isn’t okay. He was made not to be okay. He hardly knows what life is like outside those cold walls. It will take a while. It’ll take a while to set in “I’m finally free.” but it’s going to take forever to decide “what next?” now that the Masked Man- Pryce. Pryce is gone. It’s going to be a lot to know that the person who hurt him, hurt you and all of Johto, is truly gone. That nothing will snatch him away in the night. That any connection he had won’t be frozen before his very eyes again, whether he met them before or after their icy tomb.
Viridian is a good place. There’s someone there who might know how to help. I don’t know, for certain, actually how they’ll be. But you ought to trust my judgement by now, right? I haven’t lied about the extremely important information! Jokes aside, still, it might be good to let him rest and recover there.
So, in short, let him decide… Please. And if he’s ready, if he’s stable, and willing. I want him to click this ‘read more.’ It’s just for him. It’s only for him, but Silver, I have to tell you I’m sorry I had to trick you. Lying to anyone is easy. It’s second nature, but… I have to admit this stung a little. I didn’t think when you were there. In that hellscape that if I revealed who I was to you that you’d take it well. If you’re afraid of what I’m going to say and show you, you don’t have to. I just need you to know that. You’re brave. You’re brave no matter what. I wanted to protect you and this… might not protect the thing I wanted to protect the most. So, please, please, understand that if you’re connecting the dots right now I’m not going to hold it against you.
[A hand is over a camera, darkening it. A soft hum as the camerawoman checks that it’s on. Her voice following not soon after:
“Well, it’s maybe not a good idea for me to do this, I was playing the part of mystery operator so well!” She singsongs, but it grows to a seriousness, something that seems foreign for the girl as she lightly chuckles. As if she’s not sure what to say. “But… I feel a kind of need to. You’re done with all the torture. You get to be done. And I’m sure not going to be ‘who was the mystery operator’ in the middle of a too anxious to sleep session.”
The hand pulls away.
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“Hi, Silver. I’m not sure if you’d- One hundred percent recognize me- I mean, my charm is pretty hard to forget but…” She pauses. That unfamiliar, awkward little guilty smile on her face. “Well, you’re smart. You would’ve connected the dots anyways even if I didn’t do anything here.
“I bet it’s… strange. To see, I mean. I’m almost all grown up. And well, your sister’s a ten year old still. And you’re ten too. It was strange for me too- don’t worry, when I… Never mind, never mind! This is you. And I- I hope you grow up too, you know? I mean, given how I prefaced this message, maybe you’re grown up by now!”
There’s another pause. The silent air saying instead unspoken, “You were forced to grow up too fast anyways. We both were.”
Blue smiles, that slightly sad but still trying to be a holding it together big sister, but it’s fond, “So, my name’s actually Blue. Funny how that is, hm? Buuut I don’t mind the nickname for sake of clarity! It was cute, wasn’t it?
“And, well, it’s not exactly the same but if we’re anything like each other. I think your sister, your Green, would want to say this. Would want you to hear it, over and over again. So she could say it to you whenever you’re scared again. Scared that the people who hurt you, scared of the man that hurt you could ever possibly hurt you again even though they’re gone. I know you know what I’m going to say, but, I think you need to hear it.
I love you, Silver.”
The video cuts shortly after, the uncharacteristically complete straightness and seriousness of the young woman still ever prevalent, and you can almost just see a tear in her eyes.
Not just hearing it, but saying “I love you” was impactful, after all.
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thedragonchilde · 5 months
Chibodee writes to his younger self. Written for the prompt "looking back" on fan_flashworks (and "be someone you look up to" on dove_drabbles) at Dreamwidth. Rated PG for one swear word
Dear five-year-old me,
Hey, kiddo. I know you've been through a lot - more than anyone should be asked to. All you know is you're alone. And you're allowed to be angry about that! You shouldn't have to be alone! It's not fair. It's a rotten lesson to have to learn, that things aren't always fair. But don't let it beat the good out of you, okay? Mom called you her star. You remember that and you keep shining.
Dear ten-year-old me,
I bet you don't wanna hear anything I've got to say. I get it. You gotta watch out for yourself because nobody else is there to do it. You can't even imagine you'll make it to adulthood, so the last thing you need is some self-righteous jerk telling you it gets better. But I promise you, something's coming, something big. Someone's gonna notice you.
Dear fourteen-year-old me,
Figure you've hit the jackpot, huh? You finally made it to the colony, where you don't have to hustle or steal or fight for your life anymore - well, I guess you're fighting for your life in a different way now. But those habits are gonna be hard to break. You're either gonna avoid trusting anyone, or you're gonna wanna dig in and not let go. Learn when someone's not working in your best interest, sure, don't be careless, but you're gonna have to learn how to trust people sometimes if you're gonna make it. Your manager and your tutor are there to help you out - take it. You can do that now. You're safe.
Dear nineteen-year-old me,
Gear up, buddy. Life is about to try and knock you out. You're not gonna anticipate any of it, and it's gonna make you regret agreeing to the Gundam Fight. No, I mean it - you're gonna get suckered into doing things against your will, lose control of yourself, be humiliated in front of the whole world, face things you've been avoiding your entire life, learn what it's like to put your life on the line for someone else. And after all that you won't even win! I know you already have to fight to keep hope alive - you thought you were finally done having trouble thrown at you - and this is really gonna test you.
But at the end of it, you get to be part of something so much bigger. You get the admiration of your whole nation - people all over the world, even. And you're gonna make the best damn friends a guy can have. Yes, even the one you think you hate at first. Especially him. And remember you've got the gals too. They're family. Learn to lean on them a little, would ya? Believe it or not, that's what friends are for! 
I know that's still a lesson we're learning, that being friendly is not the same as having friends. Friends support each other, and that still feels a little too much like leaving yourself open to attack. I get it. And they'll get it too, if you just tell ‘em. But it's so worth it.
You've got this. Keep shining, kiddo.
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memestockpile · 10 months
running on empty from the 1988 film. feel free to change as needed.
hang in there, man!
take it easy.
come on, it's only a game.
if you don't like it, why do you do it?
i can't remember nothing. my brain's a sieve.
how did you learn all that stuff?
the study group's at my place on thursday.
the nerve those assholes have.
let's blow this pop stand. i'm starving.
get into bed!
what's "elude" mean?
they look kind of uptight.
that's how legends are made.
there's food for you.
you look pretty, [name].
what's the matter, kid?
i just feel kind of lousy.
you're supposed to feel that way at [age].
it's terrific not recognizing yourself when you look in the mirror.
it's wonderful having a new name every six months.
what the hell's your problem?
i wish it was easier.
there's nothing left to go back to now.
we have to hang on to each other.
i packed them, but i can't find them.
i'd probably lose my head if it weren't screwed on.
did you make the team?
we have to chop some firewood.
just tell them something. otherwise, they'll keep bugging you.
how about you, small stuff?
you're not the poster child for mental health.
you're certifiable.
i'd like a word with you.
what is this, some sort of smart-ass joke?
i want to learn to cook.
my father thinks you're the best thing since sliced bread.
don't let him scare you.
they're boring as hell. you wanna come?
fucking chamber music.
all it is is just a lot of people sitting around in ties and pantyhose.
when did you become the minister of culture?
you think you're cute, but you're full of shit.
don't talk to me like that.
you taught me to question authority.
who do you think you are? general patton?
there's some people i want you to meet.
finish your milk.
polite is phony.
don't you ever want to say, "cut the shit"?
it's kind of like you're leading a regular life.
i'm a good liar, but i'm tired.
how come i feel so uneasy?
let's take a walk.
you're out of your fucking mind!
i don't owe you a goddamn thing!
a lot of bad shit's happened. a lot of bad shit keeps happening.
the pigs or the media only pay attention when something or somebody gets blown away.
if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
do you think we'll win this by turning the other cheek?
you're a [age] year old infant.
i wasn't sure if you liked me or not.
sometimes you're so distant.
i usually don't follow people i don't like for ten miles into the middle of the woods.
you scare a lot of people.
a lot of people scare me.
what's wrong with being nice?
they see what they want to see, and they block out everything else.
i don't know a thing about you. you might as well have sprung full-grown out of the head of zeus.
i don't want pieces of tiny fingers in my stew.
you sure you ain't a [sender's last name]? they didn't switch you at the hospital, did they?
sing it, honey.
i'm very happy with you.
you're a bully.
you have a lot of secrets, don't you?
she's full of beans.
hit the sack. you got school tomorrow.
could you knock next time?
would you like some coffee?
we're not the rockefellers.
why doesn't he keep his goddamn nose out of our business?
god, i was so stupid.
it isn't fair.
it won't help to beat yourself up.
we should turn ourselves in.
this tooth is killing me.
i always worry when you go into the city.
it's been quiet. sometimes it gets too quiet.
you always make me feel so guilty.
i need you to make a phone call for me.
you can call the cops if you want to.
this is hard for me, too.
i didn't kill anybody.
look, i didn't come here to defend myself or talk politics.
there's some irony in this, don't you think?
i'm sorry that i've caused you so much pain.
cover your tracks.
you can't keep running away from something you had nothing to do with.
you deserve your own chance.
this isn't a good time to discuss this.
could you help me with this zipper, dear?
i'm going out for a smoke.
all families break up.
why do you have to carry the burden of someone else's life?
i love you, but i have to go.
i don't know how to say goodbye.
you're on your own, kid.
i love you, baby. we all love you. now go out there and make a difference.
we tried, and don't let anyone tell you any different.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Copycat: Cryptomnesia —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: I’ll take a long break after finishing this phase cause I’ve written zero (0) chapters for the next one and I wanna make it worth your while -Danny
Words: 1,882
Phase Five Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘The Fineprint’ -by The Stupendium
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xxx: The Hunter
"I need Kurt—"
"Wait, that guy trained you?" Bucky asked her. "You mean he was an agent too?"
"No. I'll handle him, okay?" Cat said, cold sweat coating her palms. "Later, grumpy." She hung up and looked at Harley in alarm. "So I'm quitting my job—"
She bolted out of his office, but Harley followed her down the hall.
"I gotta find Kurt— oh god, he saw where Kate lives!"
"What are you—"
"It was him!" She insisted. "I know it was!"
"Someone's following Kate? What are we gonna do?"
"No no, no 'us' until I see who the hunter—"
"If this is the same man that electrocuted a six-year-old and starved her for days inside a pitch-dark room, he won't hesitate to kill you. I'm not going to drag you into a situation I know you can't handle."
"What if it's just your memories playing tricks on you again—"
"Not with this," she said, trying to suppress a shiver. "I remember how it felt, how it looked... I won't expose you to that."
"So you won't expose me but you're okay calling Kurt?" He questioned in annoyance.
"I want to warn him, his weekend visits are over until I fix this," she grabbed her phone again, hands shaking. She held the item tighter. "I don't know why I'm telling you this, I'll do this myself."
Cat teleported before Harley could reply. She landed at the top of the Brooklyn bridge.
"Mouse. I need you to look for Sergei..." she thought hard, the man didn't have the same lastname as Dmitri. "Dammit, I don't know his full name!"
"You have a picture?"
"You need one?" She scowled. "Isn't the whole point of you to find those for me?"
"Of course, I was only trying to make you feel useful," her A.I. retorted. "I need a full name to do that."
"Sergei," she repeated. "He's Dmitri Smerdyakov's half-brother— always so careful to point that out..."
"I have old articles from a newspaper in Russia from a couple of years back. There's a picture in one of them. Two boys of around twelve and ten outside what appears to be a circus tent."
"Can you work with that?"
"I can try."
Cat pressed the button on her watch to get her suit. She grabbed her cape from inside her satchel and put it on, pulling the hood over her head and trying to think.
Her phone rang again. "Bucky, I told you—"
Kate's voice made her act. Cat teleported to the archer's apartment, but it was empty. The young woman swore, taking a guess as to where they were.
She teleported to the entrance of her own apartment.
"Mouse," she whispered. "I want you to start recording as soon as I enter."
"You got it."
She opened the door: Sergei, the man that tormented her and Kurt for years and forced them to fight until they couldn't stay standing. The man who'd suggested pouring acid in her brain as a way to neutralize her.
"Who do we have here?" He smiled, Cat wished she could've forgotten how vicious his face was, but he was exactly as she remembered him, only a bit older.
"Let her go," she growled, one hand placed above her spear.
"I will, mostly cause I don't care about her," the man eyed Cat hungrily. "But I won't do it out of kindness. You know that, don't you, beast?"
"My name—"
"I've heard 'em," he said with a snarl. "But you had no issue responding to 'beast' when I was taking care of you, so I'm—"
"I could kill you, Sergei," she pushed the hood off her head, "so think your next words, very carefully."
The man laughed. "Look at you calling me by name like you're not scared! I see it in your creepy cat eyes, I thought I'd never have to see them again... you've caused great damage across the world, pet, and I'm here to correct that."
Sergei pressed his dagger against Kate's throat, he nodded at the hand Cat still had over her spear.
"You wanna see who's faster?" He pressed the blade against Kate's skin, and blood started to come out.
"Stop!" Cat ordered. "Stop moving, Kate!"
"Now we understand each other!" Sergei nodded to her side. "Grab that for me. S'going to stop you from thinking you have a chance."
Cat looked down to her right, there was a bag there. "What is it?"
"Put it on."
She bent down and drew out an inhibitor. "You mother—"
"Put. It. On." He tightened his grip around Kate, making her whimper.
"What if I just shoot you instead?"
He looked down at the archer. "You can be sure I won't leave empty-handed."
"So I was going to be the first mutant in the brand-new lab?" She asked calmly, examining the collar. The effort she was making to not stumble over her words was nerve-wracking.
"I'm not taking you to the lab," he smiled. "The lab was for my own plans, but someone paid me real money to take you somewhere else."
"Cat," Kate rasped. "Don't listen to him—"
"Bravery won't help you," he stared at Cat's mask. "Take that off and put the collar on."
He sighed heavily. "Okay."
Sergei moved swiftly, Kate cried out and the blood began to pour. Cat panicked, she took off M.O.U.S.E. tugging at it roughly, and threw it at his feet.
"STOP IT— ST-TOP!" She grabbed the inhibitor, her whole body was shaking now. "I'LL DO IT!"
"PUT IT ON!" He ordered.
Cat opened the collar without making a sound, barely holding it steady she placed it on her neck. She was eight years old again, and the nightmare was just beginning.
"Close it," he commanded, relaxing his grip on Kate.
"Let her go..." when Cat closed the collar, her hair instantly lost its silver coloring, the lights in the room turned dimmer, and her ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton.
Sergei threw the archer aside and Kate tried to kick him, but the man was almost as big and heavy as Kingpin. "Stay down, girl," he said carelessly.
In two large steps, he'd lifted Cat by the collar and ripped the cape off her body. Then he carried her like a small kitten by the back of her neck. She coughed out, legs swinging pathetically.
"Heartbreaking," he sneered.
Kate got up holding onto her injury and charged against him but he pressed a button on his belt: An energy shield lifted between them, throwing Kate across the apartment. Cat's eyes were brimming with tears.
"Let's meet your new boss," Sergei pulled something out of his pocket and put it over her head.
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Cat was thrown to the floor, she blinked rapidly, not used to the light after so long in the darkness. When she looked up Billy Russo was there, smiling from ear to ear.
"Evening, Kat."
Cat groaned. She'd finished crying a while ago, and now that the fear had dissipated, she was tired and in a terrible mood. "Not the pampered manbaby..."
The young woman felt the shock piercing her neck, she couldn't hold back her screaming. Billy smiled. "It isn't smart to insult the guy that's in control of your choker."
She gasped for air. "I send you to jail once and you get all pissy about it—"
Cat got electrocuted again, her whole body hurled back.
"Are you done, pet?"
"Don't call me that!" She hissed.
"What should I call you?" He tilted his head. "Copycat? Agent Zero? Katrina?" Billy's eyes darkened. "Want to know how I found you?"
"I think telling me would give you pleasure," she tried to get rid of the taste of blood in her mouth by spitting, but it didn't work. "Let's skip the foreplay."
"Straight to business," he smirked. "Clever as usual, Kat."
"Business?" Cat inquired, not paying much attention to the man, and instead examining her surroundings.
"You work for me now."
She laughed dryly. "Says who?"
"Me, and Kraven," he pointed at Sergei.
Cat's manic chortle burst out unexpectedly. "Kraven. Man, you never left the circus."
"Keep her quiet until I'm done," Russo ordered.
A man put tape over her mouth (she broke his nose in the process, only to get electrocuted again), and her forehead was now stained with little droplets of the man's blood.
"You'll do what I say because you owe it to me."
He got up from his chair and approached her, crouching in front of her. Cat looked around, they were in a huge storage room, she'd never seen this place before, but Billy grabbed her chin and pulled it back so she had to look into his eyes.
"The others just wanted personal super-puppets, but I wanted to find you," his fingers dug into her face. "You're going to pay double the amount for every scar on my body. A little birdy told me you value your freedom— don't worry, you'll have your freedom, but— look at me, Kat!" He pulled her face again. "You don't deserve to enjoy it. You'll be free, but you won't get peace."
He placed his hand on her face and pushed her back, making her fall on her butt. Cat tried to kick him, but he moved away laughing.
"You're nothing without your powers. I mean, you can throw a punch," he glanced at the guy with the broken nose. "Just like any feral cat... but you are weak and stupid without all the rest."
She stared at him, hatred seeping through the darkness in her pupils.
"Let me explain exactly what you'll do," he walked back to his chair. "You came to me before an auction and offered me one Spider-man in a silver platter, and you will bring him to me just like you promised. He's better at hiding than you are, and trust me, Kraven's a mighty good tracker."
Cat shifted awkwardly on the floor, her hands and legs were tied with some kind of thick wire.
"We wanted to get him and force you to work for us to keep him safe, it looked like you were good friends two years ago, then again, he is sneaky... then Kraven had this brilliant idea to get someone even better..."
She heard sounds of struggle, someone got thrown at her side.
"Mhgghg!" Cat's eyes widened, Kurt was unconscious, he was also wearing an inhibitor and his hands were tied behind his back, his tail was trapped too.
"I heard this weirdo and you have history— Kraven was eager to get this one for himself anyway, apparently he killed his brother?" Billy clicked his tongue. "And here I was thinking you were heroes!"
Russo grabbed a second control and pressed a button. Kurt's body convulsed, but he showed no signs of being alive. Cat's muffled screams did not stop Billy.
"You don't like it when I hurt your friends?" Russo grabbed her remote control again. "But it's not me who'll hurt them, it's you! You'll kill Spider-man, and you'll kill Harley Keener, Daredevil, and every person that you ever cared for, 'cause that's what you get when you lie to me!"
He got up again and approached her fast, grabbing a hold of her hair and pulling until she was standing. He spoke in a shaky, low voice.
"Until there's no one left on this earth that could ever love you, until you're completely and irrevocably alone, that's when I'll let Kraven have you," he pulled harder. "We'll rip you apart... limb by limb... and I'll love every second of it," he got closer to her face, "justice at last."
He dropped her. Sergei walked up to her ignoring Kurt's limp figure on the floor and seized her by the wire around her ankles, dragging her out of the room.
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Next Chapter—>
@mikaelsonwhxrebae​​​​​​​ @ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​​​​ @itsyagirl01 @23victoria​​​​​​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
NOOOO RIGHT 'CAUSE LIKE... the way the Arakawa Family specialize in faking deaths already, I'm sure Jo was so on top of everything. And who better to walk Masato through it right... flight's the perfect time to get started if it's gonna take like fourteen hours...
BUT YES. YEAH. Like The Day Of he's just paralyzed with worry and caught between wanting to do something and not wanting to go against Aoki... maybe at most he chances calling Arakawa telling him to be careful, because that's not too conspicuous given his role in the dissolution, but Arakawa just gives him the old I'll Be Fine Worry About Yourself... and, you know, why shouldn't he; they've always had their enemies and he's Arakawa the Assassin, he can handle himself... he can let himself have that fleeting hope, but deep down... and THEN he finds out and has to act like he didn't mean anything to him and has to go back to his duties like nothing happened... OUGH
Can I just say. Literally such an insane fucking series of scenes in Coin Locker Baby. Because you get Jo's despondence when he's saying he might have killed Arakawa--he's being a bitch to provoke Ichiban into a fight, but it's also an admission his inaction played a part, isn't it... and then you get him expressing that he's familiar with Ichiban's need to protect Arakawa... and then you get the sheer desperation and insistence in his voice when he says he could never kill him... and then you get--I'm not totally sure how clear it is in English--but you get him actively saying his feelings go deeper than Ichiban's without really explaining how... and then you get the tinge of fondness when he's thinking back on the old days when Arakawa lived up to his name... Like. Why Did They Do That. Any Of That.
ALSO. GOD. I've gotten so much shit the past couple days because I said I want to lock Jo, Kume, and Tendo in a room for five minutes For My Entertainment. Reading those tags felt like coming home honestly 😭 Like, even Ichi was ready to kill someone over Arakawa, and Jo was out here threatening to disembowel people [in the dub]. And I Think They Should Be Allowed To. As A Treat. So FOR REAL the biggest "I'm so glad we get to talk" 😭😭😭
On that note genuinely so funny that I took an extra ten minutes re-rendering the video because I forgot to put the "flashback" part in Arakawa's subtitles at first but then nobody read it 😭
But it's also something I've been mulling over because I'm delusional. Getting actors as high-profile as Nakai and Takei back for just A Flashback is kinda crazy to me because Arakawa and Jo's screen-time took up a full four percent of the entire game [over ten percent of the cutscenes] originally. But then if it's multiple flashbacks equivalent to that... what exactly is going on here that the past is so intertwined...
And Because My Brain Is Evil there is the fact that technically speaking, Yokoyama only said that line was from a flashback, and specified Arakawa wouldn't be appearing in the main story. Now of course a normal person would interpret that as him reassuring the audience he won't appear in any present-day scenes, but part of me was like. Oh So A Side Story Is On The Table [<- it's not it's fucking not it will not be in a million years]
ANYWAYS that's enough from me for today I am [as always] glad you enjoyed One Missed Call and Kyouen, ABSOLUTE bangers
no but thats what i MEAN like i already was jokin with myself like 'jo and arakawa probably had A Thing right lmao' BUT THEN THE WAY JO TALKED BOUT ARAKAWA AND OBVI THE GENERAL FACT HE COULDNT KILL HIM REALLY JUST MADE ME (。・∀・??) AND REAALLLY LOOK AT EM CLOSER THE SECOND TIME AROUND like genuinely for what. it will fuck me up until i'm dead and gone SOOO unnecessary and yet they did it..
wack that people wouldnt want to see kume and tendo stuck in a room with jo like. from what i know everyone is a part of the We Hate Kume gang so. cmon. kume will be shredded into candy floss within five minutes. it'll be fun (๑❛ᴗ❛๑)
OK BUT NAKAI AND TSUTSUMI'S STATUS WAS A BIG REASON WHY I DIDNT THINK ARAKAWA NOR JO WOULD BE BACK FOR LAD8 THAT'S SO VALID TO CONSIDER THAT its that idea that just has me especially wondering what the plan is. im not expecting them to have MAJOR parts (or in arakawa's case too many flashback segments) but they MUST have a SUBSTANTIAL amount to warrant bringing them back right..
#long post#snap chats#when it comes to Famous Persons Coming Back i was also just like 'theres no way they could get george takei back right'#LISTEN i know the eng dub is not to be spoken of but it exists and it cant be denied takei's REALLY prolific in the states yeah#so i HAD to ask it was WORTH asking myself. unless they decide to swap arakawa's eng VA but w/e its not overly important#moving on. its ok most people dont read anyway no worries about missing a subtitle </3 a painful reality but. we take W's where we can.#OH BUT TO END /MY/ NIGHT THO i LOVED One Missed Call UGH such a good horror movie#i wanna watch it with my dad so bad he loves horror/suspenseful movies and we used to watch em whenever id visit him#KYOUEN'S A DARLING OF A SHOW SO FAR I THINK IVE SAID THAT ENOUGH but yeah......... BIG love........#i'm almost done with it. if i said i finished it earlier i think i lied i cant remember POINT IS I JUST HAVE THREE EPS#i plan on watching them before stream time tomorrow so that'll be cute :]#buuuut speaking of finishing watching things i Just finished watching the first We Make Antiques movie and UGH#love. love love love it was so silly but also really fascinating to watch... team of forgers thats WILD and i loved it..#i wish i had access to the sequels tho like PLEAASE i wanna watch these two be losers more....#they became domestic with each other so quickly like goddamn.. money can do anything#it can make two dudes trying to con each other work together.. its beautiful.....#ok now thats all from ME for tonight. id talk more on the jo and aoki bits but theres a good chance ill do that during stream#or. ill draw it during stream. me drawing is the same as me talking now innit Let My Bullshit Speak For Me etc etc#ok thats all from me fr this time BYE
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Stacy's Mom, Chapter 2
Word Count:  1.9k
Warnings:  age gap, mentions of taboo relationship, surprise child, worried mother questioning her son about the underage relationship, concerns of grooming.
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“You won’t believe who we ran into outside!” Stephanie smirked as she led her older brother into the house.  Jake looked at his parents nervously, suddenly feeling flush as his sister babbled on about seeing Stacy and her little family.
“Oh, Jake…honey, I’m sorry,” his mother sighed as she walked over to her son and wrapped him up in her arms, “I didn’t even think of her, sweetheart.  I’m so sorry that I-“
“I-it’s fine mom,” Jake sighed in reply, cutting his mother’s apologies off, “you don’t need to apologize.”
“I think he was more surprised to see Ms. Cameron had one of her own,” Steph laughed, completely oblivious to the situation, “imagine that.  I mean the lady’s got to be pushing her mid-forties, right?”
“She’s forty exactly, Steph.”
Mrs. Jensen raised her brow at how defensive her son had gotten over the woman’s age, and Jake shrugged, “what, mom?  You’ve always pointed out that women don’t like their ages being questioned…always yelled at me about it when I was younger.  Might as well get em right, right?”
She smiled a little too much as she shrugged, “well maybe if you didn’t go up to every single woman you knew asking how old they were when you were a little thing, I wouldn’t have had to have had that conversation with you…”
“I didn’t know that moms came in different ages, okay,” he chuckled, going with the change of direction of the conversation, “Stacy’s mom is ten years younger than you…it was weird to me.”
“It was only weird because you had a crush on Stacy’s mom,” Stephanie pointed out as she nudged her older brother, “you always were in love with her.”
“You always were in love with her.”
Jake jumped at his mother’s intrusion into the kitchen, the wit nearly being scared out of him, “Jesus mom…you scared the hell out of me.”
“Sorry,” she sighed.  She walked into the kitchen and to the fridge where she pulled out the gallon of milk.  Then she filled Jake’s glass, “you know…I always thought it was curious…”
“You always did all those little chores for Devin,” his mother said thoughtfully as she grabbed her own glass and a plate so that she could get a slice of the cake she made that afternoon. Jake had thoughtfully been working on his own slice for the past few minutes, “always offered to cut the grass or be her little pool boy.  Always wanted to help her out.”
“Devin is a really nice woman, mom.”
“Ms. Cameron is,” she said quickly, subtly pointing out that Jake had called her by her first name and not her last, “she always was extra kind to you…more so than Stacy’s other little friends.” 
“I’m helpful,” he pointed out, “you always said I was your little helper when I was a kid…guess it kind of just carried over…she didn’t have someone like dad there for her.”
“You know…when you were fourteen, I saw her start taking an extra interest in you.”
“I thought she was grooming my little boy,” she said carefully as she watched for the slightest ticks in her son’s movements.  When she saw nothing being given away, she continued, “I saw the way you looked at her Jacob...I saw the way that she would tease you and get you all riled up.  How she would walk around in skimpy clothes and wait on you hand and foot when you helped her.”
“Mom nothing happened when I was fourteen…”
“When was the first time something happened?”
Jake sighed and put his fork down as he looked at his mother.  She cut the edge of her cake with her fork and ate it as she looked at her son.
“Do you really want to have this conversation, mom?”
“There’s a reason why I am asking, Jacob.”
“The summer I turned eighteen,” Jake admitted after a moment.  He watched as his mother’s breath caught in her throat, “I love her mom…loved…Devin has been the only woman I’ve ever loved…and I’m not going to apologize for that.”
“Jake…your birthday is in the Winter…and you left before you had your summer at the age of eighteen.  You were in bootcamp.”
“Might have well been eighteen.”
“That’s not how that works, Jacob.”
“She wouldn’t talk to me for nearly three weeks afterwards,” Jake told his mom, “She thought she took advantage of me, and said that what we did was wrong.”
“It was.”
“It didn’t feel wrong,” he said softly.  He felt a blush rising to his cheeks when he thought about the position that he’d found himself in that summer.  Or rather, the positions.  He looked away from his mom and he shook his head, “she didn’t look at me as a kid.  She looked at me like I’d wanted for as long as I could remember.  She looked at me as a lover.”
“You were a child, Jake.”
“I was turning eighteen.”
“She took advantage of you.”
“She didn’t,” Jake said, his voice pulling all of the hurt he felt from that year, “Stacy took advantage of me…Stacy cheated on me and made me lose nearly a whole year with Devin because she couldn’t understand any of it and she wanted the attention on herself.  But she was the one who put me through heartbreak…she put me and Devin through nearly a year of misery just to run us both through a shredder…”
“Is that why Devin’s little girl has your eyes?” Jake’s breath hitched in his throat and the smallest smirk came from his mother’s lips, “if you th-“
“Mom it’s not what you think.”
“I’m not stupid, Jacob…I’m your mother…I know that is my grandbaby.”
“Have you-“
“I haven’t talked to Devin about it,” she said, cutting her son off, “I wanted to talk to you about it first…”
“I didn’t know…” he admitted, “but when I saw her outside earlier…she looked like she saw a ghost…I know that little girl is mine.”
“I know.”
“If I’d known that Devin was pregnan-“
“She tried to call you…even wrote you a few letters…”
“I threw the letters away,” he admitted softly, “I-I couldn’t let myself get attached again.  I was afraid that I’d go AWOL if I accepted her calls…I really do love her, mom…”
“I don’t approve of what the two of you did…and I can’t say that I understand it, but this summer…maybe you should spend a little time and talk to her,” his mother advised, “she didn’t date again after you left…just had Briana and raised her alone.”
“H-her name is Briana?”
“She prefers Bri.  Such a mind of her own that little one,” Mrs. Jensen smiled softly as she pushed the cake away from herself, “and she’s every bit as goofy and playful as her father…”
Jake felt his heart welling up inside of him, “Bri…”
“She’s the sweetest little thing, Jake,” she offered, “cute as a button and smart as a whip.  She’s got a bit more social skills than you, but she’ll knock you on your ass with her wit…like I said…smart little thing.”
“Sh-she looked a little small…is everything okay with her?”
“The pregnancy was rough on Devin…” his mother admitted sadly, “We-we helped her out once she had Briana...your sister and I.  Your father helped with yardwork and more manual labor type stuff when she was bedridden towards the end of the pregnancy.  She was born premature…but she’s healthy.  A little fighter if I ever saw one.”
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Jake couldn’t help it as he was led into the party with the rest of his family.  The other families had gotten together in Ms. Cameron’s back yard, and was chatting around the pool, swimming, and enjoying the barbeque.  But his eyes had instantly latched onto the three-year-old who was giggling excitedly in her powder pink bathing suit that was adorned in ruffles and her little life vest and floaties that were secured around her. 
Briana was weaving through the crowd like a pro as she climbed out of the pool and ran to her mother. 
“What are you doing, peanut?” she asked, pressing a half a dozen cute kisses to her cheeks.  The little girl squealed in excitement and Jake’s heart swelled as he watched the scene unfold in front of him, “I thought you were swimming with sissy and Dezzy.”
“Momma swim me.”
“Devin!” Mrs. Jensen smiled, leading her son and herself over to Jake’s dream woman.  She was wearing a simple summer dress, and Jake could see the strings of the bikini top peaking out around her neck.  He felt his cock twitching as he imagined tugging on the strings and watching the small pieces of fabric coming undone, “so good to see you.”
“Mrs. Jensen…”
“Amma!” the little girl squealed reaching for Jake’s mom.  She happily took her, and the little girl snuggled into her. 
“She couldn’t say Amy…” his mother explained, “Devin…you remember Jake…right?  He’s on leave all summer while he considers re-signing for another four years with the military.”
“Y-you’re looking good, Devin,” Jake offered slowly, tripping over his words, “I-I haven’t seen you in a wh-“
“Mom can you help Chet with the food?” Stacy called, cutting Jake off from the pool, “it looks like he needs more.”
“Oh…of course!” she smiled, trying to be the dutiful hostess.
“He-hey let me help, yeah?” Jake asked. 
“Oh…thanks Jake.” Jake nodded, following Devin into the garage where the extra food was.  She paid no mind as she ran towards the fridge, while Jake waited to speak until the garage door closed behind them, “thanks again for help-“
“I swear I didn’t know about her,” Jake said shortly, cutting her off when he heard the soft click of the door.  Devin turned around, tears in her eyes as she tried to figure out how to best handle the situation.  Jake nervously stepped towards her, “I never opened the letters you sent…I was too afraid that if I did, I’d go AWOL and come back to you…but if I knew…Devin.  I would have come back in a heartbeat!”
She stared at him, tears in her eyes.  Jake rushed up to her, and pulled her firmly against his chest, “I swear I didn’t know, Devin.   I would have run back so quick if I did…I never would have let you raise her alone…”
“Jake…we shouldn’t be talking about this right now,” she said slowly.  Jake sighed and held her against his chest as she sniffled ever so slightly, “Jake…what if someone sa-“
“I was eighteen when we conceived her…I don’t care Devin…”
She looked nervously to the door, “S-she-Briana doesn’t know you’re her father…I-I never-“
“We’ll figure it out,” he promised softly.  He felt her sigh against him, her body getting closer to his for comfort and he kept one hand wrapped around her waist, while the other slid up to her cheek and he stroked it, “we’ll figure it out, Devin…I promise…but I’m not leaving until we do.”
Neither one of them were paying much attention to anything other than each other.  Jake pulled away from Devin just enough so that he could look at her; look at the woman he loved.  His heart tugged within his chest, and he pulled Devin back to him until their lips met in a sweet kiss.  They both were so lost in the moment that neither one heard the door softly click open and a small  child make her way in to the garage so that she could be helpful and assist her mother. 
“Momma…who dis?” Briana asked softly with a doe-eyed expression.  Jake and Devin broke apart suddenly, jumping away from one another.
“Peanut…y-you scared mommy.”
“Momma who he?”
“Fuck…” Jake muttered.  
She studied Jake for a moment, staring at him curiously before blinking one single time, parroting back the simple word, “Fuck.”
Chapter 3
Tag List:  @notrealllyhere, @krissy25, @lohnes16, @dispatchvampire, @meanttobea
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It was rare for their little gang to even find a bit of downtime in some proper hick town somewhere that's thankfully not forsaken by dire circumstances. Him and the old guy were nursing their own shot glasses at a local saloon while the little lady and needle noggin were out snooping the locale sights. Some peace & quiet for once.
" Riddle me this then gramps. " Wolfwood leans back, arm casually slung over the back of his chair. (His burden of a cross not too far away, leaning against a wall) " Jaded as you are, what made you decide you wanted to be a reporter? "
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( unprompted asks : always accepting )
He was thankful for the peace. Roberto could finally sit down and savor the sting of the whiskey as it went down. He heard a "bottoms' up" from another patron at the saloon and some snickering from one of the tables located far from the main counter.
Roberto heard Wolfwood and turned his attention toward the man. He grunted an "mhm" to let Wolfwood know he was listening. "You're gonna be taking me back in time, kid. Alright. I did not study journalism at first, I was actually studying to become a researcher. I saw my first Plant more than ten years ago. Not too long after that, I saw one of their deaths, or Final Harvest as they call 'em. It was... eye-opening. Far more different than watching some old fart wither away in a hospice."
He looked down. "They were in absolute pain. They grabbed the glass, pleadingly to stop. You didn't have to ..." He shook his head. "You didn't have to understand what was going through their minds. The treatment of them was abysmal. Still is, I bet, and I'm sure there was more that they were doing to them. Needless to say, I changed degrees. Even changed schools, and my expose despite it being censored, got me a few scholarships. The lab was shut down not long after that so I've heard."
He downed his shot of whiskey. "Terrible experiments were done in that lab, and it was only the very beginning of a long road in investigative journalism. I think a few articles about the Eye of Michael solidified my desire to pursue a career in journalism. Albeit, the guy assigned to me at the time was shot. Someone needs to tell those stories. A modicum truth needs to come out, Wolfwood."
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pastballads · 2 years
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1. When are you usually online?
My activity is sporadic. If I even make it online depends on the weather, my plans or if anything comes up, if my family needs me to handle stuff, if I woke up with neck pain or a headache, and if I’m not so tired that I just decide to mess with video games instead. Doesn’t help that my sleep schedule is also all over the place, but when I’m basically the living alarm clock for my whole family, it can’t be helped much
2. What verses are you involved in outside of this page?
Pokemon is the big one. My Pokemon blog, Cxlxssal, was originally a self-insert I made back when I was 14 that turned full-blown OC through character development. It’s also my oldest active blog, having officially been around for seven years as of May. Other than that, there aren’t any others in different verses that I still operate.
3. What is your biggest RP pet peeve?
It’s mostly the usual pet peeves that most people have, but blogs that put aesthetics over legibility are ones I loathe. Having to strain my eyes just to read something as basic as the rules quickly drains any enthusiasm I may have to write with them. Seventeen spaces between every word, small font on a vivid neon background, mixing colors and font colors in such a way that it physically hurts the eyes to read; the list goes on. I rarely, if ever, follow those people.
Second to that are overpowered muses with no weaknesses or rivals. Got tired of that shit after my stay in the Naruto fandom, and it’s one of the many reasons why I left the RWBY fandom.
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses?
No, I’m not drawn to specific types of muses. A muse could be an interpretation of the Black Huntsman from Der Freischütz, it could be Goku, or it could be a painfully average man like Connecticut Clark. It doesn’t matter to me, I’ll love ‘em all if they’re well-written.
5. Are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice?
If there are, not even I might notice them. Because I usually don’t recognize that kind of thing until way further down the line.
6. What are your favorite RP trends?
I’ve been on Tumblr long enough to watch it go from borderline shitpost-y three sentence roleplay into novella written like an old gothic horror novel. Having me name one favorite would make me drudge up almost a decade of experiences. Mostly due to the fact that I... don’t remember most of them. My favorite trend were the days of anons bombarding inboxes with questions and interacting with muses. For a long time, I found those more fun than most actual threads.
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone? 
Generally, I just come up with a few ideas for what muses of mine might work best with theirs in terms of interaction. I would work around their interpretation of the character, then offer a muse or multiple muses and throw out ideas that try to subvert typical introductions. If they can’t read my muse pages, I’ll summarize the muse as briefly as I can... even if it often comes out poorly.
Here’s an example. Let’s say that Fillin Theblank plays someone like Tohru from Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid. I would reread their info on her, then suggest something like this; after the apartment building suffers from a sudden power outage, Tohru looks into the cause, finding Kouki after he fried the electrical system from trying to drain too much power at once. If Fillin didn’t know who Kouki is, I would explain that he’s basically an energy-based kaiju in the form of a small outlandish child.
8. How do you feel about duplicates?
Duplicates are great! I mean, more varied and unique interpretations of a well-known canon character, each with their own distinct way of interacting with others? Hell yeah dude, hit me with that!
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying?
I’ve been roleplaying since 2011/2012, originally starting on Chatzy. After several RP servers I was in died off, I moved here and made a Naruto OC blog... which is hilarious in hindsight, since I never actually watched Naruto. Or read the manga. I mostly went off the wiki and what I learned from a friend.
Oldest blog of mine you can stiff find dates back to 2014, though it’s from my days on mobile and before I learned how to make decent-looking blogs.
10. Is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t?
Verse-wise? It’s specific to certain muses, such as the white dwarf star of lore that is the Fate franchise and a series like KanColle for Claudius due to his obsession with history/mythology, or Girls Frontline for Tino due to his shtick being tech and weapons. However, me adding more verses is a rarity.
Muse-wise? Lemme tell you, having ADHD is a bitch because every single time I find a show or game I get invested in, I spend over a week trying to purge the idea of adding one of the characters to my blog. Last month, it was Soma Cruz or Julius Belmont from Aria of Sorrow. Before that, it was Kat from Gravity Rush, the Necromancer from Castle Crashers prior to that, and my take on the main character from the MMOJRPG Onigiri. Hell, I’ve even thought about bringing back Algol from Soul Calibur IV as a muse recently.
TAGGED BY: @inxtricabilis​ (Thank you, my dude!)
TAGGING: @caestusvulpes​, @monmuses​, @dcviated​, @musesnetwork​, @eliteimperialism​, @kemikorosu​, @madamhatter​, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Stood Up
You (Y/N) get stood up from a date and Kaminari decides to do something about it.
Pairing: Kaminari/F!Reader
Contains: Fluff, Flirty Denki, Established BakuSquad Friendship
Warnings: 18+ Below the cut, Minors DNI! Swearing, Electro-Stim, Overstimulation, use of pet names (cuddle bug & cutie), oral (F receiving), consensual recording
A/N: Well, here we are with the third in my Stood Up series. There is also Bakugo & Kirishima if you're interested. This one took me way too long and it's also my first time writing Kaminari at length. I hope you all like it :)
Word Count Starting Below: 2,461
You slipped your foot into the silver heels you had picked out. Something a little fancier since this was a first date after all and you wanted to make a lasting impression. Not only that but this was your first first date in a while. Being a Pro Hero made life busy and dating difficult.
Practically the entire day leading up to this very moment revolved around you either getting ready or babbling with excitement to your closest friends.
An alert chimed on your phone with a text from your date, a smile sliding onto your face expecting to read some message about how they were on their way and that they'd see you soon, but that wasn't what you were met with.
Instead, it was a screenshot of your Instagram page, multiple of them actually, all of you and the ridiculous photos you took with your friends but mostly with one Denki Kaminari. The most recent of which was from a tea shop he met you at just earlier that day so you could show him the shoes for your date.
The message below was simple and more than enough to leave a sour taste in your mouth, this isn't what I want to see when I'm supposed to be taking you out tonight. What, one date a day isn't enough? Why are you even dating? Does your blonde boyfriend know?
You giggled at what they were implying, quick to explain how these were all your friends, they had been since high school! They are people you spent what little free time you had with. Especially Denki, your best friend since you were 15!
That joy you felt started dissipating within the next few messages. You hadn't even had a first date and they were already jealous, and that was something you didn't have room for in your life. So, you slipped the heels off your feet and put them directly back in the box to return when you had the time. Tight black jeans and fitted top were exchanged with a hoodie and sweats although your makeup and hair stayed done, you didn't have the energy to undo your hard work.
Instead, you slid back into your computer chair, your headset snuggly back on your ears and before you notified everyone you were back online, you took a moment listening to the chatter of your friends.
"Shitty Hair! Fuckin' pay attention!"
"Yeah, man! We're getting slaughtered over here!"
"Less yelling at Kiri! More shooty shooty!"
"All of you are hopeless..."
Eijiro chuckled out an apology that was accompanied by a lighter giggle also coming from his mic. "Think this is gonna be my last round for a bit, guys."
"You're so fuckin' whipped." Bakugo scoffed, before screaming profanities.
"Is it whipped if I'm the one who's wanting to get her into bed though?"
You clicked your mic back on then. "Hey, remember last week when Kats forgot his push to talk so we all heard him getting head and we party whipped because someone couldn't focus?"
"You better shut the hell up right fucking now!"
Everyone else roared with laughter. "Yeah! At least I have the decency to mute myself!"
"Hey, wait a sec, why are you online, Y/N!" Denki noted, "You should have already left!"
You screenshot your messages to the group chat because it was far easier than just explaining the ordeal.
"Cute shoes." Eijiro and Kyoka commented at the same time.
There was a lull as their game ended and the messages were read.
"Ya don't need 'em if they're gonna have their head so far up their ass like this."
"I agree." Hanta chimed in. "They're not worth your time."
"Still, sorry they turned out to be a shit." You could hear the frown on Kyoka's face, "I know how excited you were."
"Right, you doin' okay, Y/N? I can stick around and we can all shoot some things!"
"Thanks, Kiri but I'll be just fine! Go spend time with your girl!"
One by one, everyone signed off. You pulled up Spotify and Stardew Valley, something of a comfort for you to get lost in for the rest of the night.
Less than an hour later, you noticed your phone lighting up with your best friend's familiar smiling face. "What's up, Denki?"
"Open your door! I have my hands full and don't wanna put everything down to get my key!"
You sprang from your desk and rushed to your door. Sure enough, on the other side was Denki with bags in both hands and his phone tucked between his ear and shoulder. You grabbed it and a bag before he had a chance to drop anything like the klutz he was. "What's with all this?"
"I feel bad."
"Why? You didn't stand me up?"
He fiddled with the edge of a paper bag. "Yeah, but, we both read those messages and no one said anything but they didn't just call our group out, they called us out.
"Denks, it doesn't matter to me-"
"But, it does to me! You were so excited about this and I got in the way, unknowingly but, still! So, I gotta make it up to you now!"
He pulled out take-out boxes from your favorite restaurant. Two bottles of your favorite wine. Your top three favorite movies and video games, and a board game you both had been meaning to try. "I mean, if they think I'm your boyfriend I kinda gotta live up to the hype, right?"
You really wanted to insist that none of this was necessary. That just because some person that neither of you really knew that well, assumed something about your relationship that didn't mean he had to blame himself for it.
But, you had to admit, this was really sweet. It shouldn't have come as a surprise to you that he knew everything you liked but it was nice. Instead of sitting across from a stranger, making awkward small talk, and trying to learn about one another, you were barefoot in your kitchen, laughing with your best friend while he plated dinner and you poured the wine.
Formalities were out the window. Both you and Denki were eating dinner in your living room, laughing and drinking just as you'd done a million times before. You snapped a photo of the delicious food on paper plates, toasting good times with your cheap wine, ready to post them to your Instagram.
"Gonna make them more jealous..."
"I think they made it pretty clear they don't want to see me so why should I care?"
He shrugged. "I just thought they might, you know, come to their senses that they obviously lost."
"I don't really care either way." You wandered back into your kitchen, putting away the leftovers, "They can forget I exist or they can stalk my page like a creep. If someones' gonna try and tell me I can't be friends with my friends or just not listen to me, then I don't want them in my life. No matter how good-looking they are."
Denki watched you from the sofa, a bit of a lopsided grin on his face that had butterflies taking flight in your stomach. "What?" Laughing to hide the bit of a crush you always had on the man. It was unavoidable you told yourself. His personality was infectious and had 15 year old you head over heels.
He pushed back bright blonde hair back off his forehead and just shook his head. "Nothin'. Uh, what's next? Video game, board game, or movie?"
You peaked on the counter at the options. "Well, we probably should have checked this but the board game needs at least four people to play... guess we'll have to save that for our next game night. Is a movie okay?"
Of course, it was.
You brought over the DVD with a refill of wine and he pulled a blanket down off the back of your sofa.
It really didn't take long, just fifteen minutes or so, and you were curled up into Denki's side. You'd make grabby hands for your wine glass and he'd pass it over with that damn grin again.
And not long after that, he'd pulled out his phone, angling it to take a picture of the two of you. "What are you doing?" You could see him on his own Instagram, tagging you, with the caption, Check out my cute cuddle bug.
"I thought you didn't want to make them more jealous."
"I decided I don't care either. You're mine tonight, their loss. And since you're mine tonight, I get bragging rights." He snapped another quick picture of you rolling your eyes at him, and then he kept snapping them.
"Denki! Why!"
"Because you're cute, cuddle bug! I like having all the pictures of you that I can!"
Even as you tackled him back down on the sofa, pinning him below you, he still managed a photo. "Bet if I post this one, they'll really get the wrong idea."
You could have moved. You were the one on top of him and you had his arms above his head. You had the power here and yet you just lingered above him.
"Y/N? Not that I'm one to complain about having a beautiful person such as yourself pinning me down, like, it's kinda hot, but..." Looking down into half-lidded golden eyes, you wondered why you had to become best friends with such a damn flirt! "Are you gonna take advantage of this situation we're in or are we just gonna keep dancing around this for another decade or so?"
You couldn't have heard him right? No... no this was your brain playing tricks on you because he certainly hadn't had that much wine tonight. You sat upright on his lap. "Another decade then, Y/N?"
"You- ha- you should stop that, Denki."
He leaned up, moving his arms around you, "Gimme a good reason to and I will."
You didn't have one. And not just because you've been in love with him for ten years but also because he was your best friend. The only reason to not go through with it was the possibility of losing your friendship if something bad were to happen but, you really didn't think anything would.
Denki might have been a serial flirt but he was surprisingly loyal in all the relationships he'd been in, not that there had been all that many serious ones.
"I'm not hearing anything." He teased, his face getting closer to yours. You could count each and every one of the faint freckles that littered the balls of his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. "But, I promise, if you tell me no, I'll stop, won't push this any further."
This whole thing seemed like a frickin' whirlwind, happening faster than your brain could really process the situation but you didn't want it to stop either. You wanted to take it further, didn't want to say no.
Which was why you coiled your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. There was that small little buzz of electricity that tickled your lips when he'd kiss your nose or cheeks that was now playing on his lips, on his tongue when you welcomed him in.
He leaned back again, pulling you with him until you were both a pile of needy hands and breathy pleas. Everywhere his hands roamed you felt that faint trail of shock against your skin, making the little hairs on your body stand on end.
Clothes were shed, tossed haphazardly around your living room, both of you pausing to laugh when Denki managed to land your hoodie over a lamp. His attention was drawn back to you quickly though, still perched on top of him but now he had your chest on full display since you'd forgone a bra when your date canceled.
Electrifying tongue twirled around your nipples, sensitive normally, now it felt like you knew what it was like when he fried his damn brain. He was eager, relentless even, pulling and sucking, another hand giving your other breast a similar treatment. He had you so focused that you let out a broken moan when slender fingers found their way into your panties.
"Fuckin' hell, Denki."
The bastard winked up at you, nipple still between his lips and before you could retort, he sent another small jolt through you.
You were blatantly grinding down on his hand, reaching behind you, you found him completely solid, barely being contained in the tight black boxers he wore. You had enough sense to tug them down and wrap your hand around him making his teeth sink into your soft flesh, whining when you stroked him.
"Y/N..." He whimpered, his hand momentarily distracted from his ministrations gave you enough time to shift in his lap to scoot forward putting his cock in front of you. In one swift motion, you had his length between your slick. "Oh fuck, cutie!" Golden eyes were squeezed shut while you moved along him, feeling that pleasant curve he had, you could only imagine what it was gonna be like to have him inside you.
"You're being a little tease, ma-makes me wanna do all sorts of things to y-you."
He was kissing your neck, your chest, shoulders, and arms, anywhere on you that he could reach. His hips bucking up into you, just trying to hit that perfect angle.
Strength and agility were something most overlooked when it came to Denki Kaminari but when the man wanted something bad enough, he found a way to get it.
He had your ass rising up in the air with a harsh thrust of his hips and a small squeak from you, giving him exactly enough time to scoot down on the sofa so you were sat atop his face. If you complained, he didn't hear you. Denki already had your thighs around his head and his tongue devouring you completely.
Little shockwaves rocked you while you cried out his name, hands fisting blonde locks just trying to stay upright.
One orgasm from you apparently wasn't enough, neither was two but on the third, Denki finally relented, allowing your heartrate to come back down and your gasping breaths to come in more steadily.
You slid back down his body, his erection now smack against your ass. His hair was recked, face completely flush but he had the biggest grin on his face that you'd ever seen.
Denki kissed both your cheeks, "You are so amazing, cutie!" Kissed your lips, "You taste better than anything I've ever had!" And one more on the tip of your nose. "Doin' okay?"
You nodded, starting to really gather yourself again, and by this point, you really just wanted one thing.
"I wanna... Denks... can I take care of you now?"
"Sure, cutie! How do you want me?" The wiggling eyebrows had you rolling your eyes and pushing him on his back again.
It took little effort for you to position yourself above his cock, and with how slick you were, his bright pink head slipped right inside. He held your hands while you scrunched up your face, sliding all the way down him until he was completely sheathed within.
The curve was immaculate. Hitting in just the right way that had you moaning with just a couple thrusts from him. Before long, you were eagerly bouncing on his cock. Riding him hard so he filled you up each and every time.
You barely registered him reaching for the coffee table, his phone now in his hands. "What're you doin'?" You practically slurred, slowing only slightly. He tapped the camera lens with a wicked grin. "Seriously?"
"We could make 'em really jealous now..."
Somewhere in your brain, you knew your date wouldn't give two shits, in fact, this probably would have only validated their thoughts about your's and Denki's relationship but with his cock stuffed so deeply into you, kissing your cervix in the most beautiful way, you really didn't give a damn.
You and Denki put on the best possible show you could think of. You were overstimulated, sore, and completely elated! He balanced the phone against the wine bottle so neither of you had to try to hold it.
This way he could play with your breasts or squeeze your thighs while you dug half-moons into his chest. Shocked with the playful zaps he sent right to your core.
Your makeup you'd didn't feel like taking off now ran down your cheeks with tears. Your hair was a mess thanks to him pulling at it.
Denki had you howling through another two orgasms, telling you how perfect you were, how nice you felt squeezing him so tightly, your nails felt so good against his skin.
It was only when you collapsed against his chest did he hoist your hips up so he could ram into you, pulling out just at the last second with a strangled cry of your name.
He wiggled himself free, grabbing a towel from your bathroom and cleaning you both up before stopping the recording.
"You're, hey you're gonna send that to me right?" You asked when he handed back your hoodie off the lamp.
He dropped a kiss on your lips, plopping down beside you on the sofa again and you noticed your email already up and the video uploading. "Obviously, we share all our videos and photos. Why would this be different?"
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Aaa congrats on 666 :D you've been one of my favorite obey me blogs since I joined the fandom! can I request the brothers with an mc that looks/acts like they just walked out of a zombie apocalypse? Turns out that while the demons werent looking, things in the human realm went down hill ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
👀 I love this! Sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy!
When Solomon popped down into the Devildom earlier, Lucifer had noticed that the sorcerer looked a tad… concerned. After he left, Lucifer thought nothing of it until the second human exchange student appeared brandishing a gun and looking like they hadn’t showered in eight days.
After managing to disarm the human and avoiding the baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, Lucifer managed to explain exactly why the human was in the Devildom and what was going on. In return, the human calmed down and explained what was going on in the human world.
…geez, shit really hit the fan. Uh… Lucifer wished them luck in their exchange year and foisted them off on Mammon. Lucifer was not about to deal with that right then.
(Apparently one of Solomon’s necromancing acquaintances had something to do with the mini apocalypse going on in the human world. Lucifer and MC were assured that the zombie problem was being dealt with)
As confused and annoyed as Lucifer was at first, he quickly became glad that the human had some kind of self defence on them. The Devildom was a dangerous place, and the human could nullify some of that danger by popping a bullet or twelve into some idiots’ heads.
But one of MC’s more annoying habits were their tendency to set traps and hoard food. They didn’t seem to grasp that lack of food wasn’t an issue and that there were plenty of spells in place to make sure-
Okay, Beel just raided the fridge. Maybe MC had the right idea. Up for sharing some spaghetti-o’s?
Now listen here! The Great and Amazing and Mega-Sexy Mammon wasn’t scared of the human at all! Got it?! Good. He wasn’t scared of how dishevelled and dirty they were and how they looked like they just crawled out of a horror movie! Not at all! He also wasn’t scared of the baseball bat they threatened to hit him with if he continued to spout threats of eating them.
Pff, he wasn’t scared… totally not scared… *ahem*
Once the human took a bath and stopped pointing their various weapons at him, Mammon quickly began to warm up to the human in their own tsundere kind of way. Fine, he could admit that MC was kinda cool.
The one thing that Mammon just couldn’t deal with was MC’s traps… he kept setting them off while trying to get into MC’s room!
Oi! Don’t look at him like that! He wasn’t tryin’ to steal anything! He also wasn’t goin’ in there to hang out with the dumb human either! Wasn’t goin’ in there to check on em’ and make sure they were comfortable…
Mammon is also #2 in terms of food theft in the house. He just spotted ramen and decided that possibly getting hit with MC’s baseball bat of pain was worth getting his greedy little mitts on some dollar store noodles.
When Levi went downstairs to threaten Mammon for his money back, Levi immediately recoiled at the absolutely fowl smell coming from the human. Ew, normie stink was getting all over him! And why did they look like they just walked out of TellTale’s The Walking Dead?
Once MC explained their situation, Levi took it upon himself to mansplain the zombie apocalypse to the poor human that was going through it. He had played plenty of zombie survival games and he was surely the expert-
After that was over and done with, Levi decided it would be his job to reintroduce MC to some quality entertainment. There couldn’t be that many good shows to watch in the apocalypse, so MC (starved for entertainment) agreed to watch whatever Levi wanted.
Food hoarding? Been there done that. Levi keeps at least ten boxes of Pocky in his room at all times, and a crap ton of other snack foods too. That habit doesn’t phase Levi.
The traps on the other hand? HELL YES TEACH HIM MC! THAT’LL WARD OFF SOME SCUMMY MORONS! *insert Levi cackle here*
Satan was amongst the people who had the privilege of getting a gun pointed at them on the first day of the exchange program. He kept his fake little smile on his face, but he sure as hell wasn’t too pleased with the human.
He kept his distance at first, studying MC from afar and taking note of their weird little habits. Satan found it quite interesting how quickly this seemingly average human adapted to their new circumstances.
After the body switching incident and the murder train incident, Satan developed a fondness for MC. But… maybe MC shouldn’t have brought their weapons with them on one of their hangout sessions with Satan.
It was on that day that MC learned that Satan was as good a shot with a gun as they were… Rest in Pieces to the idiot that decided fucking with the Avatar of Wrath would be a good idea.
The traps… oh yes the traps… that exact skill set transferred perfectly to pranks! Oh if MC would be so kind as to let Satan teach them the way of the bastard (tm) so the two of them could annoy that pompous peacock together?
Ewwwww! What was that awful stench coming from the- EWWWWW! Why was the human so gross and dirty! Someone get the hose! They summoned a feral one!
Asmo was less concerned with the fact that the human was threatening everyone with an actual weapon and more concerned with how they smelled like a month old macaroni salad.
MC got a bottle of admittedly pleasant smelling soap thrown at them before Mammon dragged them off to the HOL.
Despite the nasty first impression, once MC took a much needed bath and washed all that gross grime off of themselves… they were honestly really hot… man, apocalypses should happen more often if they produce babes like MC~ *eyebrow wiggle*
Though, the poor human still needed some work, Asmo declared himself their fairy goddaddy (I regret ever learning how to type) and took every opportunity to make sure MC looked their best and took care of themselves.
MC’s odd habits don’t exactly phase Asmo much, I mean, look at who he lives with.
…he doesn’t wanna eat this human.
Listen, Beel will eat anything, but if he has other options, he’s not eating the gross dirty human pointing a gun at him.
At first, Beel’s pretty neutral towards anything and everything MC ends up doing. They barricaded themselves in their room to keep safe out of habit? Okay. They scarily polish and clean their weapons out in the middle of the living room? So does Satan on occasion. They cleared out the fridge- wait they cleared out the fridge?
MC miraculously survived a hungry Beel attack by chucking food at him until he calmed back down. Beel felt a little bad for scaring them, but anyone with more than five brain cells should know not to steal food from the Avatar of Gluttony.
Anyway, once the two get closer, Beel’s always there for a hug and comfort if MC needs it. Just don’t let him near the food hoard. He will reduce it to nothing in less than an hour.
More than 90% of the traps that get set off are set off by Beel trying to get into MC’s room for food.
Father Dammit, Belphie wanted a nice easy defenceless human to murder, not this Rambo-lookalike. Whatever, sure the human looked tough, but Belphie’s a demon.
Well… Belphegor’s plan went to shit when he was in the middle of choking the human, who pulled out a gun and nearly shot him in the eye. He ended up dropping them in surprise when the bullet grazed his face and ended up getting MC’s boot planted into his forehead.
Yeah… Belphie did not fare well. MC: 1 Belphie: 0
After that nonsense, Belphie demanded begged that MC become his full time nap guardian. They were scary and could protect him, the totally defenceless war criminal 🥺, come on MC, don’t be heartless!
Similar to Asmo, Belphie isn’t too phased by MC’s weird habits. As long as they don’t try and steal his pillows, he’s okay. Those traps though… perfect for a certain older brother of his…
He joins in on Satan’s crusade to get MC to join the Anti Lucifer League. Puh-LEEEEEEEAAAAAASE MC?
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 324: Is There a Force Field Around Him??
Previously on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal was all “please tell Midoriya that I spent a concerningly small amount of money upgrading U.A. into a wacky physics-defying funtime grid so as to make the final battle much more confusing for everyone.” Present Day!Mic (or Present!Mic, if you will) and Jeanist were all “if only somebody could deescalate this dangerously unhinged mob, we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.” Ochako was all “LISTEN UP PEOPLE.” The mob was all, “god??” Ochako was all, “NO, IT’S ME, OCHAKO. I’M REALLY HIGH UP ON THIS BUILDING AND THE VISIBILITY IS LOW DUE TO THE RAIN, SO I CAN SEE HOW YOU MIGHT MAKE THAT MISTAKE. ANYWAYS, DEKU WAS OUT THERE RISKING HIS LIFE FOR YOU CLOWNS EVEN THOUGH HE’S JUST A KID, SO I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IF YOU COULD ALL REMEMBER HOW TO BE DECENT HUMAN BEINGS, THANKS.” Let’s see if her Big Scolding Energy has any impact.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “so I have this speech planned out, and it’s really good, but it also only really needs about 6 to 8 pages, but I’m gonna see if I can stretch it out to 17 pages so I can kill time before we get to the next volume cliffhanger two weeks from now.” Anyway but it really is a good speech though. There are feels, and tears, and more talk about how Deku is so in need of a shower that just looking at him requires a tetanus booster, and more feels, and more tears, and bonus ship drama, and an iconic callback to the very first chapter which reframes the entire series in a new context in a totally epic and moving way, and it’s all very good. Except that Horikoshi is determined to never let anyone actually give this kid a hug. Who hurt you, dude.
omg we are opening on a callback to chapter 212, a.k.a. the chapter with by far the cutest flashback that doesn’t involve any baby Todorokis
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baby Ochako is lethally cute. she could literally murder someone with her cuteness. I just want to scoop her up and play airplane with her until she accidentally activates her quirk while we’re spinning around and we both helicopter up into the air never to be seen again
“a child’s insistence” huh well that’s all well and good, but I sure hope this doesn’t mean we’re going to drag out the whole “sternly lecture the obnoxious citizens” plot for another whole chapter. no offense but I think we’re good
so page 2 is just continuing the whole happy/worried faces monologue, which of course is very important to Ochako’s character as it provides the context for why “who protects the heroes” ended up becoming her thing. and this is making me think we actually are in for a whole second chapter of this sob. when will my boy finally get to rest
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HORIKOSHI: [reaches for a box of tissues while tearfully penning an homage to his beloved Spider-Man 2, specifically the train scene where the crowd sees Peter without his mask and they suddenly realize just how young he is]
lol at this one guy who can feel the mood of the crowd shifting and is all “WAIT, NO, I WANTED TO KEEP BEING AN ASSHOLE DAMMIT”
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as many pointed out last week, this man is wearing an All Might shirt. that’s some fantastic irony there
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“LITTLE GIRL, I HOPE YOU’RE NOT SUGGESTING THAT WE SHOULD ALL BE WALKING AROUND DRESSED LIKE A SOVIET-ERA BUS STOP.” heh. last week I said I was ashamed of BnHA being my favorite manga. that was a lie, actually
(ETA: in the original Japanese Ochako’s next two lines are basically “the only ones covered in mud will be us heroes!” followed by “please give us some time to get rid of the mud”, with that second line basically being the single funniest thing I’ve ever read rdslkjl. Ochako thank you so much for supporting my running gags. “YEAH WE KNOW HE’S DIRTY. WE ARE GONNA TRY AND CLEAN HIM UP, BUT IT MAY TAKE A WHILE, I’M JUST SAYING. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM. HE LOOKS LIKE AN ASBESTOS COSPLAY.”)
doesn’t the megaphone kind of look ever so slightly like an axe that she’s wielding maniacally here
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easy there Lizzie Borden
also that’s a really bold claim to make there. and not one she necessarily should have to make, either. but as we all know, there’s nothing that shounen manga likes more than having its heroes bravely hoist heavy burdens of responsibility like good self-sacrificing citizens
p.s. lowkey loving how Kacchan is positioned here standing slightly behind Deku. not presuming to stand in front of him all overprotectively (because he would hate if anyone ever did that to him), and kind of being unobtrusive and letting others take center stage -- but still being close enough to Deku that he can catch him if he stumbles or passes out again
(ETA: or maybe not lmao.
DEKU: [falls to his knees]
KACCHAN: [glancing up from his phone a few minutes later] “someone just sent me the stupidest meme about milk crates -- oh. uh. you good...?”
really, son. “the burdens you can’t carry, we’ll carry them for you. ...later, I mean. right now it’s late, and we’re all cold and wet.”)
also lowkey loving this OchaTsu moment here
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I was going back and binging Ochako chapters this past week for reasons, and I gotta say it really stuck out to me just how often these two are paired with each other. they do everything together. it’s a really sweet friendship that often goes unappreciated but it’s very cute
meanwhile, not to be outdone by the OchaTsu, Iida is staring at Ochako with open admiration talking about how she’s fighting too. it’s been so long since we’ve had any IidaRaka you guys. I was starving and I didn’t even know it
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THE LIGHT IS BACK. he finally looks like him again. what a cathartic fucking moment omg
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BUT, jokes aside, truth be told this is the exact right approach to take imo, and something that’s long overdue. I’ve said this before, but this new generation of heroes is shaping up to be much more transparent than the All Might generation. they’re basically abandoning the almighty, untouchable Superman “heroes as gods” concept in favor of the more nuanced “heroes as people” concept instead. and that’s a good thing. seeing their heroes as humans, with human limitations and weaknesses and flaws, will hopefully not only lead to more scrutiny and accountability, but also more awareness of how hard some of them are working and how much they’re sacrificing. that’s something All Might never quite grasped back at the start of the series -- that the weak, vulnerable, injured him could be just as inspiring as the mighty, invincible him -- perhaps even more so. there’s a power in seeing otherwise ordinary people show extraordinary bravery and compassion. it inspires others to try and do the same
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so he was still back at the hospital this whole time?? smdh at this disrespect. that feeling when your sexy self-insert character’s powers of rationality are too strong, and so you have to nerf him so that he doesn’t ruin your Deku Angst arc twice over by (1) immediately talking some sense into Deku and making him come home Right This Instant Young Man, and (2) not allowing him to leave U.A. in the first fucking place. excuse me, you want to do WHAT now, Midoriya?? that’s it, go to your room
also living for Katsuki and Hawks’s soft expressions. Shouto’s too, although his is tinier and harder to see. and Jeanist’s 12-foot-long neck. imagine Jeanist’s head with Mic’s hair. maybe Jeanist had a mohawk back in the day and that’s why U.A.’s doors are so big now
speaking of soft faces, Enji’s is also excellent
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what could this random close-up possibly imply?? hell if I know. but Horikoshi truly fears no discourse and that’s what I love about him
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“smh my child is so dumb.” poor Ochadad. your child is cute af count your blessings
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I’m telling you guys. lethally, catastrophically cute
this speech is still ongoing lol. Horikoshi you’re doing so good but I think we get the point now my dude. you gotta learn how to transition out of these things
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“there we go” Horikoshi says, crossing off the last line on his list of Ochako ships. “that’s all of ‘em”
poor Ochako is just repeating the same “LET HIM REST, PLEASE, WITH EVERYONE’S COOPERATION, IF YOU DON’T MIND, WE APPRECIATE IT” talking points over and over again hoping someone will throw her a bone and acknowledge her already. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HER
literally they’re all just staring up at her silently omg. work with me people!!
now she’s saying it for the 56th time but more dramatically all of a sudden
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they got so dramatic that for a minute I thought she had suddenly leaped off the building or something
look, not to rush you or anything Horikoshi, but I’m starting to get the feeling that this is yet another one of those “the volume is ending soon so I need to either hurry things up or slow things down in order to make sure we end it on my perfect cliffhanger ending” chapters where you go to ridiculous lengths to drag things out much to the exasperation of your week-to-week readers
(ETA: ftr, volume 31 ended on chapter 306, and I’m predicting that vol. 32 will end with chapter 316 (a.k.a. “you’re next!” [explodes]). I’m guessing vol. 33 will follow suit and likely end on chapter 326, so keep your eyes peeled for a big cliffhanger in two weeks’ time. Deku’s dad?? All Might in peril?? U.A. traitor at long fucking last?? we shall see.)
is Deku straight up falling in love with Ochako right on the spot lol what is happening
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I know I just said that I enjoy when Horikoshi gives zero fucks about discourse, but shipping discourse is a whole different beast lol. I hope he’s prepared
(ETA: and for the record, I have no interest in shipping discourse either, as always. and I think this scene can be interpreted as platonic, tbh, with the context being that Ochako was literally introduced as someone who was willing to help him so casually without a second thought, and now here she is saving him again.
I don’t think it really fully hit Deku until this moment how much he needed saving. like I said in another meta somewhere, selflessness is basically just selfishness on behalf of others. and Deku is selfless to a fault, but that’s okay, and it doesn’t mean he needs to change -- he just needs friends who are willing to be be selfish on his behalf in turn. and I think the full emotion of what it means to have friends like that just hit him at last. everything his friends have done for him, how much he needed it and didn’t even realize, and how grateful he is. anyways what a terrible day for rain.)
-- son of a --
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is he apologizing?? or pleading?? please tell me that’s not the case, because what the actual fuck. Deku you beautiful precious radiant selfless child, this is the exact opposite of how this should be. all these motherfuckers should be on their knees apologizing to you
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A KOUTA IS GOOD TOO!!! oh my god if Kouta hugs him I will seriously 100% straight up cry. go on and test me
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is this man expressly forbidden from drawing hugs in his contract or something. DO YOU DO IT JUST TO SPITE ME?? this is tyranny, sir
AND I KNOW, THIS PAGE ACTUALLY CHALLENGED THE VERY PREMISE OF THE SERIES ITSELF, AND HERE I AM COMPLAINING ABOUT HUGS, OR THE LACK THEREOF. “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes.” and just like that, he waves a polite middle finger at all of the Strongest Greatest Chosen One shounen protags of old, in favor of something much less conventional, much more interesting, and much more suited to Deku’s character. because if that one sentence doesn’t just sum up Deku to a T. he gladly relinquishes his Greatest Hero status in favor of acknowledging the hero in everyone. what a class act. that’s my protagonist
I love this kid so fucking much I swear. only just PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. GIVE HIM HIS HUG
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