#to learn is to just draw literally whatever makes me happy
giantkillerjack · 1 year
I am trying so hard to learn how to recreate junji ito's style, and I literally think that the line work is so detailed that my poor little crippled wrists are not up to the task
But! I think I have figured out a way to work around that using pre-made cross-hatching brushes in clip studio! Which means hopefully I can focus on getting down the major shapes of his illustrations, and then i can learn how to fill in the ludicrous amount of tiny tiny little lines digitally!
and THEN I am going to draw characters from the video game Don't Starve Together in that style! And vice versa. I would love to draw a cute little chibi of Tomie 😈☠🙀
Time to crack into the file entitled "scary boi jail" that I keep on both my phone and my computer, so I can trace a bunch of panels from Uzumaki.
Happy Twisted Flesh Tuesday, everyone!!
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princekirijo · 10 months
Mordred as a persona is so refreshing for me to draw because while I put a lot of thought into other persona designs with Mordred I just went "big dark half rotten dragon :]" and ran with it
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mysicklove · 7 months
do you have any more headcanons about big brother sakuna? cause your ficlet gave me so much brainrot and I've just been thinking about how big brother sakuna would react to big brother choso
my mind is PLAGUED with them so i def will be writing more, once my followers stop putting me to work with kinktober 😔😔😔 (joking ofc lol)
these r all some of the things i’m planning to add to my fics (guys pretty pls don’t steal my ideas 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫)
obviously i think sukuna rough houses with yuuji a lot, like i’ve mentioned before. but yuuji loves all the attention so he doesn’t mind lolol
sukuna often gets jealous of the kid bc you coddle him so much, and takes time away from you. but also at the same time, he hates to admit but he lovessss seeing you interact with yuuji. finds it sickenly sweet
sukuna is yuujis number one role model. wants to be just like him. draws pictures of him in class and shows everyoneeeee bc how cool his big brother is. sukuna teases him and calls him a clingy pest, but it just makes yuuji laugh even more.
megumi, yuujis best friend, hates sukuna. he sometimes will see you dropping off yuuji by yourself at preschool, and megumi rushes over to the two of you of and tries to create an escape plan to leave him LOL.
gojo, megumis, cartaker flirts with you when you pick and drop off the kids and it drives sukuna insane. literally have to drag sukuna out before he yells at him in front of a bunch of four year olds. yuuji saw gojo flirting with you the one time when sukuna wasnt around, and he started to cry about how you were going to leave them and go join megumis family. he screamed for his brother to come back and stop you, and only stopped crying when you picked him up and reassured him that you weren’t going anywhere. you were also forced to call sukuna.
yuuji learned how to swim by sukuna throwing him in the pool and hoping for the best. he swam almost instinctually.
yuuji craves physical touch in every way possible, and especially when he is tired. so often times he ends up in the two of your shared bed, literally sprawled out on top of the two of you. sukuna often wakes up to being kicked in the face by the kid. he’s not happy.
ooooooh big brother choso is not rlly been thought about. but maybe he is gone most of the time, and when he comes home, he spoils yuuji rotten. buys him whatever he wants and plays with him (much gentler than sukuna) all day. you love it because yuuji literally vibrates with joy when he is around. he admires choso almost as much as sukuna, but bc he doesn’t see him as much, he doesn’t get to express it.
sukuna, on the other hand, suspiciously carries yuuji more in public. and often coaxes the boy to tell him what he drew in class that day in front of chose (which always involves sukuna one way or the other). mentions more about “annoyed” he is that the kid looks just like him. and finds himself picking yuuji up from school, just 10 minutes before choso can get there.
choso is a trooper through it all, peeved as hell, but you apologize for sukunas strange behavior. he always ends up having the last witty remark, that sends sukuna spiraling, before he hops on a plane and leaves for another couple of weeks. yuuji cries for hours, and ends up getting another pass to sleep in your bed that night.
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shotmrmiller · 2 months
shit! but! imagine going out or just going to the bookstore, suddenly you bump into this big guy who was to busy looking through sketch books, knock you down “sorry lassie, didn’t se ya” and WHOOPS THE WORD IS SUDDENLY SO COLORFUL! it’s a meet cute, identical to some cliche rom com, but damn it feels great, you’re a bit about skeptical about meeting you soulmate, but you’re in your 20s there plenty of time, and this you meet Johnny! Suddenly the plans for they day are canceled, you spend the rest of day in the pub - he asks you about yourself, beaming with some awestruck look on his face, listening to every word you say. You learn that he’s in his 30s, currently on vacatio n visiting a mate, loves drawing, doesn’t love dog, hiscurrents rents a pace in Glasgow, but his (large) family lives Kilmarnock, apparently his “ma”s going to be so happy that you two have met, a bit shyly admits that his waited for this day for as long as he can remember. And it feels good, Johnny is charming and funny, even his bloody Mohawk can be tolerated by his accent, which makes you feel all hot not just in your cheeks. And maybe you sting to much at the pub, or its the magic of soulmate or whatever but the very first night with you soulmate is spent moaning his name as breeds you like his life depends on it. Only to all of euphoria to be crush at the sunlight of the morning when you spot a SAS tatto in his arm and you supposed true love broadly stating that he recently have been promoted to captain, acting really surprised why you reacting this way, he’s protecting you! it’s a good thing! look, Bonnie, he’s doing this for you! imagine how proud your kids are gonna be when they are going to tell their class that their deddy is a hero! not like the British army has ever done smt bad! you’re irrational! come on, don’t start screaming! you’ll need this energy to peck you staff to his home🥰
- 🪆
god the "come on, aye? stop yer screamin!" is sending me. like he's genuinely confused, like oi? is it a spider? why ye lookin' at me like tha'?
where you goin'? what's the rush? want me to take ye?
just utterly oblivious cuz he's head over heels and you're literally just screaming bloody murder and chucking shoes at him n shit.
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u3pxx · 5 months
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next, you're gonna tell me it's gonna be some made-up year like "2025" next. tch, imagine that.
anyways, whoo! 2023! compared to both 2022 and 2021, i gotta say, my art style took a hard swerve in some direction this year. i mean, look at that klavier from january and that butch kim from just this december! (granted, i heavily referenced the portrait of butch kim but still, i didn't use to paint! mama mia!)
the way i drew faces has definitely changed, that's what i get for getting into something that's live-action and into smth that has realistically proportioned art lol
OH! OH! HOW COULD I FORGET!!! IT WAS (and still will be) THE YEAR OF THE OLD MAN!! i really learned how to draw aged faces this year! ach fraulein, i have not stopped drawing people in their 40's-50's! i would say "send help" but i'm actually having a lot of fun ASKSKS
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i think a funny thing about these art summaries i've done is that they're mostly ace attorney but then there's just a month where i become a different type of ill LMAO this year it was four months for the price of two new interests!
cheers! here's to 2024!!! hope y'all have a fun art year!!!!
i'm gonna ramble more below about like, other art things i did this year but i'm gonna put it under 'keep reading' bc this baby is getting way too wordy now WHEEZES
⚖️ mea culpa comic [x]
drawing this one was so time-consuming and ambitious but boy, do i love the end result! i had fun doing the inks for this one but was it a lot! i usually color in lineart and render everything but i had to stop myself from doing it for this one bc man, i'll die asksks
this also has some of my favorite apollos i've drawn, definitely
also! the part about the lineart not being colored and no rendering ended up being a deliberate stylistic choice for this one bc i had like more freedom to do just shadows with inks without it looking too out of place.
💐 my lawfully wedded zine spread [x]
now this one isn't out yet but take my word for when i say that this is one of the most craxy things i've ever drawn for this year, on account of drawing a comic AND group shot all in one!
also literally one of the prettiest things i've rendered this year, lookit that klav...
🎉 aa4 redraw - 2022 anniversary [x]
kind of like my wedding zine piece, group photos are insane, and rendering like uhhh [looks at drawing] 11 CHARACTERS IS ALSO INSANE if i try and draw a group photo again you have to stop me DFGHDJ
🎨 my art fight stuff [x] [x]
was possessed in the month of july or smth bc i pumped out like how many drawings so quickly (before i got burnt out that is pftt)
pace yourselves and don't be like me pls ajshgdghhjk
💥 people park day [x]
my friend told me that it was very obvious i watched across the spiderverse when they saw this FDFGHJD
but yea! this is when i started getting really into like, thought bubbles or just like, panels or drawings within a drawing when coming up with layouts
i still love the colors on this one...
🪩 fem disco portraits
ok so i haven't uploaded these yet but you have to trust me when i say that something was in the water DFGHDJ
who knew that all it took for me to learn how to paint was butches
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THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT THAT SCHOOL I SWEAR PFTTT this experience has also awaken the merch beast in me and i need to make more physical things for my brain to be happy, that's just how it be pfttt
hopefully next year i can actually start like a shopee shop or whatever lmao
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i'm actually quite happy i got to participate in art fight this year! very delighted for all the art i've gotten and very fun to have drawn for others too!!
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i got invited and joined so many zines from 2022 continuing to 2023 that i kind of got burnt out from participating for now ngl ASKSKSKS not gonna be joining much this year oopsiessss! (unless i lose self-control [very likely])
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i don't actually like a lot of the stuff i draw for art school bc i tend to cram and not have fun pftt <- adhd moment, tragic! but here are some that i actually kind of like lol
i think that's it! thanks for reading all the way down here!! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
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siwy-3 · 11 days
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Twitter ship chart or something. Hate these guys. Paragraphs in the lower half below the cut, for whoever wants a closer look.
What draws them together? -The fact that both want to learn about the other. The other person is unique, strange. Not like everyone else, yet continues to provide for the other. They're both in this line of work so they're bound to form a bond. Just not one they can put a label on. It isn't romance but its still some fucked up form of intimacy and trust.
What stands in the way? -Both are actually shitass people and neither have the time nor mental state for an actual healthy, romantic relationship. I call this the "in another life" situation. Where if things literally weren't they way they are now and they weren't such shitty people, they would've had a chance at something normal and happy and healthy. What are their good traits? -At times they can respect each other. There's a mutual, unspoken agreement of "You need me, I need you." And due to that, they can still work affectively while also showing the other that they're there for them. That's about it outside of that, neither of them are gonna have a talk about what they are and if this is actually healthy or if they're both just infatuated with the other. What makes them hopeless at romance? -Isn't even defined as romance, not to them anyways. Its moreso partnership. Doc has the idea that Hank is replaceable. That whatever may happen, he doesn't ACTUALLY need him. There are plenty of people at his disposal. It just so happens that the local Killing Machine will listen sometimes and is a valuable asset to him. While Hank sees Doc as a tool. Something to get him closer to his goals no matter what, even if its selfish. He knows it is. Hank knows that Doc will continue mending him and piecing him back together. He KNOWS he's valuable but wont be replaced, at least not anytime soon. But that doesn't mean he never questions why Doc does the things he does. Neither of them are gonna ask any time soon.
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grvyrd-drms · 9 months
creepypasta piercing hcs!!!???!!!
A/N: inspo from me finally stretched my ears to 0g!!! i also didn't include brian or tim, because their irl actors didn't have any. :)
characters: toby, jeff, ben, e. jack, nina, sally, jane, liu, jane, clockwork/natalie, zero, kate, jason, helen/bloody painter, puppeteer, jason, judge angels, cody/x-virus, sally
cw: mentions of piercing infections, manic episodes, and pps LOL
toby: my boy is DECKED OUT in shit!! double eyebrows and nostrils, bridge, smiley, septum, snakebites, cheeks, practically every ear piercing. had a belly button at one point (someone please draw this) but was too insecure to show it off so he took it out. on top of this sluttiness he also has dreams of getting a pp one 🤭 but only when he's manic. prefers to do his own, mostly does them during his ✨episodes✨. the one good thing about his CIPA is he can just get whatever he wants. has to be reminded to clean them.
jeff: his skin is super sensitive and he absolutely does not take care of anything so he's had to take a ton out, but he's managed to keep a few. he def has 00g gauges and a septum, left eyebrow, a few helixes, tried a lip ring and tongue but they got nasty infections. the infirmary hates him.
ben: since he's in link's body, he already has basic lobes. i like the idea that he can kind of change his appearance (being a ghost and all) so he added some more hoops along his elf ass ears. keeps trying to dare jeff into getting his nipples and belly button done (it's not working).
e. jack: has his basic lobes. was too much of a mama's boy to get any facial piercings and was too much of a wuss to get more ear piercings. and honestly??? he's been deterred away from getting more because of jeff.
nina: OMG snakebites, medusa, tongue, septum, nostril, triple lobes and helix on either side, nipples. belly button with cute ass Y2K dangly jewelry. owns half of the claire's store earring collection.
sally: has her basic lobes with the cutest little gold bow earrings <3
jane: kept her basic lobes and her seconds, both are little hoops. silver girly for life!!! doesn't really like any other body mods or such.
liu: do his staples count has one basic lobe on his right. lil hoop in it :3 wanted to be 'rebellious' 👹.
natalie: eyebrow (on the opposite side of the clock), triple lobe, industrial on left side and double helix on the right. belly button. has a nose ring on her right, with a skinny gold hoop in it. doesn't care for metals at all, they're all mixed (monster) she learned from her clock eye to keep her body clean, so she regularly cleans them. go girl!!'
zero: stretched her ears to 16mm, tongue and septum. doesn't go crazy but she's dedicated to her gauges.
puppeteer: he's sexy so has to have stretched ears. they're only at 00g cause he likes them noticeable but not too big.
bloody painter: literally nothing except an eyebrow on his left. toby thinks its odd. secretly afraid of needles so he sticks to what he has.
judge angels: basic lobes, both tragus and a helix on her left and she's happy with it. she likes that it adds a bit of sparkle to her look but its not excessive unlike some people.
jason: he's a SLUT!!!!!!!!! has dick piercings. im not gonna look them up cause i don't feel like seeing pps but he... he has a few. has his basic lobes, nipples and belly button as well.
kate: i feel like she doesn't really care about her appearance, so she used to have basic lobes but they closed cause she never put them in. is intrigued by the idea of having a ton but she knows she could never commit herself to the upkeep. admires toby's from a distance.
cody/x-virus: got influenced (peer pressured) into getting a few due to toby. HAS to make sure everything is properly sterilized beforehand and will usually do them himself to make sure. double lobes, a tongue, both eyebrows, both helixes and a snug on his right. cleans them all twice a day.
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theveesbf · 3 months
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Charlie, Angel Dust, Adam and Emily X Reader - (Charlie, Angel Dust - part 1)
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︴Notes - Hello! Again, not a request but I'm having a boost of ideas HAHAHS anyways yeah uh this is more of a self insert because the reader is basically me but uhm yeahhh I hope anyone can read it 🙏
︴Content - Charlie, Angel Dust, Adam and Emily headcannons with a reader who has insomnia but likes to sleep during the day, dislikes studying, forget things often, is distracted easily, is shy but gets talkative once comfortable around them, gets easily angry, is an ambivert and likes to do art.
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Charlie would be worried about your health, especially since you don't sleep a lot at night.
One thing she noticed is that when you're awake during the night, you go and find something to do.
Most of the time you're drawing, writing or just playing games while listening to music.
Charlie understands that you have difficulty in falling asleep and all but she'd still insist on trying to help you.
You agreed even if you knew it wouldn't change a lot without proper medicine for it.
Charlie also saw that you usually didn't slept at night no matter what happened, but ended up sleeping during the day.
That made you not interact with a lot of them too often because they're usually sleeping when you're awake.
But there's always someone who woke up or didn't sleep yet to talk to you.
Sometimes you liked it, sometimes you didn't. Depended 100% on your mood.
One thing Charlie is a bit confused is when you told her that you didn't like studying.
That's not a problem, the thing is that you spend a lot of time on random things and then say you hate to study 😭
She understands you though, I feel like math isn't something Charlie really likes.
But she loves history, and it seems that you like it too!
Charlie never touched a video game before, but for you she'd try to learn just to make you company.
Also, she tries to only call you for hotel activities that doesn't require a lot of effort to do, because she knows you don't like it a lot.
Something that she can't help with, is how you get distracted easily and have a poor memory.
Charlie can't help because she's literally the same!
So you two end up forgetting a lot of things. But hey it's fine! It's not like someone remembered it to be mad!
Charlie was really happy when you finally got comfortable around her because she noticed you were really shy.
Which made her try to get you to participate on more activities with the other residents, but once she saw how uncomfortable you looked she gave up on that idea.
Though she's trying to make you be less shy! Even if it's with little progress.
Charlie sometimes get taken back by your coldness because you're usually chill and happy around her.
But when she asked you about it, she learned that you randomly get grumpy and tired of everything and that makes you get a bit sassy towards others...
That makes you feel guilty and she tells you it's totally fine, she doesn't take it to heart!
Probably gave you an anti-stress ball or something to fidget when she saw you scream at the couch because you accidentally bumped into it.
She loves to hug you, especially when you get angry and instead of screaming or whatever you just start crying.
It breaks her heart seeing crying like that, so it's her job to go and comfort you!
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Angel Dust is worried about you, but he isn't the best example himself..
I mean, he's either doing drugs or coming back from his work during the middle of the night so he doesn't really have a sleeping schedule-
That doesn't mean he isn't going to try to help you.
Angel Dust isn't one to invalidate people's feelings, so if you got angry at him trying to make you go to sleep he'd stop.
But instead he would love to just, stay there, awake with you doing whatever.
He's genuinely interested on your hobbies, especially the drawing and playing games one.
Angel Dust probably wanted to try games but never had the chance you know? So when you find out about it, you ask him to play with you.
He'd be really happy with it, but also get (jokingly) mad at you for making fun of him for when he died to a zombie on Minecraft.
Angel Dust notices after some time how easily distracted you are, and honestly, it's a bit funny.
You're there telling him a random thing that happened to you, and then you stop and change the topic to why Charlie was running around the hotel.
Even forgetting about what you were saying before! Which makes him also notices that your memory is shit.
Like, I feel like Angel Dust's definetly going to help you with it, even if it's just placing some notes on your desk with things like "Finish that drawing" "We're playing tonight ;)" or things like this.
Angel Dust knows that you are shy, because when he went to talk to you he thought you were going to run away from how nervous and red you were.
At first he even thought you had a crush on him! I mean not like you don't but 🥰
Now you don't even shut up! And it's definetly a good thing for him, Angel loves to listen to you babble about any of your interests.
He also knows how to see when you're in your "Good mood" or "Bad mood".
When you're in a bad mood, you're usually more cold and sassy to everyone, but you apologize right after you come back to the good mood again.
You have a bad temper, and Angel Dust remembers to not get on your nerve because he doesn't want you to get even more stressed.
I mean, he saw you lose a pencil and then yell at nothing just to find the pencil right after.
But when you just, cry instead of scream, that makes him really worried.
If you allow, he's going to pull into a hug, or a cuddle. Whatever makes you feel better.
He even let you pet Fat nuggets because he knows how much you love him😭
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Duuuude you're brave for posting your art on Twitter. People over there are fucking crybabies and will literally harass you for drawing fake people in a way they don't like.
I'm not one of them. I love your art and the way you draw. Bluffy is my new favorite ship because of you. I'm just saying you're bold as fuck and I seriously envy your courage.
This pisses me off for several reasons. First, I'll be clear. Anon, you did not piss me off in any way, so do not be put off by the aggression of my reply.
Nobody should be fucking scared to post their art anywhere. Art of fictional characters doing WHATEVER is exactly what it is. Art and fiction. I am so goddamn tired of these prissy fucking babies coming at artists who are simply enjoying themselves. "Antis" and the whole "proship dni" community who base their morality on how you portray fiction can suck a fat fucking cock. They so desperately tell us not to interact with them, but the moment we post something we're proud of, all of a sudden they wanna talk. All of a sudden, interaction is okay. As long as it's an attack from THEM. As long as they can degrade, threaten and make us feel like we don't have any right to enjoy something that literally doesn't fucking hurt them.
They can come at me from right and fucking left, I'll still fucking post whatever the hell I want. They know where the block button is. They know how to filter tags. If they'd rather come onto my post that had nothing to do with them in the first place, and bitch at me, I'll gladly post more. Shit, I'll post it AGAIN and tag them if they want to play around. I don't put up with hate and I certainly don't put up with people who wanna cry and come at me for something that's fucking FAKE.
LET PEOPLE FUCKING ENJOY THINGS. FOR FUCK'S SAKE. Anons come into my inbox or people dm me asking me to light someone up for bullying or threatening that they receive. What do you fuckers gain by screenshotting and blasting artists who don't even fucking know you? What do you gain by bitching and crying at artists who just want to enjoy their ships or literally anything else? Screenshot me, bitch. Go ahead. Post your petty little comments about how wrong I am and how you're morally superior because you would NEVER. Go off about a fictional piece that "hurts" you while you continue to hurt the artist who created it even more. OR, and this is just a mere suggestion, you can move on from your high school stage, grow the fuck up, and learn how to scroll past shit you don't like. It's the fucking internet, sweetheart.
Post whatever the fuck you want. INDULGE in that shit. Enjoy your kinks and your fantasies. Enjoy your fictional characters kissing and falling in love in seventeen different ways. Draw it, write it, read it, post it. And if someone wants to bother you, hell, you know where the block button is too. No shame in blocking people and keeping your peace. Surround yourself with people who fucking encourage you and all your weird shit. It makes you happy. That's what matters.
Once again anon, I am not mad at you lmao. I'm mad at people who can't separate fiction from reality, and feel the need to drag those who CAN through the mud.
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thankshermin · 2 months
About Beast!Dazai and His Strategies Backfiring
It backfired so bad he ended up offing himself so I have to talk about it a little. I might be a little biased because I've been crying to Beast for like two years now and I can't be consoled.
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Look... Beast!Dazai makes me want to cry hysterically, just like most things about Beast, but one thing especially strikes. 
Literally, NO ONE liked him and that was not what he wanted, at all he was not cool with this but there was nothing he could do about it.
He did every little shitty thing purely out of his selfish wishes– he wanted to be loved, particularly by Oda. So he thought he could do whatever he wanted because he knew he had/has people who cared/cares about him in the other universes. He was paying special attention to Oda because they couldn’t be both alive and well and friends in any other universe. He thought that the other bonds he had with other people would just happen someday and that it was a package deal. 
But he did NOT put any effort into that. Therefore, no one likes him. In fact, I'd say lots of characters dislike Beast!Dazai strongly. 
(and I can't even blame them because Dazai was an asshole for the whole light novel,,, if you want people to care about you YOU have to show them that, Dazai, I'm sorry no one taught you that you are so tragically unaware of everything it makes me sad) 
Still... he didn’t want it to turn that way. The thing I'd like to see more people mentioning is the fact that Beast!Dazai is a very emotionally driven character. He might be the Boss of the Mafia but that doesn't automatically mean he can't be highly emotional. He acted the way he did because he tried to pursue something he wanted, not because it was necessary for the Port Mafia. 
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...Says the Boss himself.
While the mafia is obviously powerful as hell in Beast, it is still sad because... well, still no one likes the boss so what is even the point of being the leader. (I’m aware Mori is also not loved among most of the characters but it’s not his turn yet so just ignore him.) 
And I’m always telling people this but what makes me like (canon) Dazai’s character is the fact that he is constantly trying. He is not the best person out there but hey he is improving, okay? And that’s what matters to me. I love it when characters show development, whether it’s towards the good or bad side. 
What draws the line between Canon and Beast Dazai’s is that Canon!Dazai has people who care about his well-being (I'm not arguing about this with anybody but just in case if you want examples; Atsushi, Kunikida, the whole ADA actually, Chuuya, Ango, even Mori and i can still go on) and that he is learning from his mistake whileBeast!Dazai had never tried to change and just did whatever he wanted and now, surprise surprise, no one likes him. 
TL;DR: I feel so bad for Beast!Dazai I wish he didn’t constantly harm those around him and instead made some friends. His small conversation at the bar with Oda speaks volumes.
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He was so happy that his eyes were glowing because he finally found someone he thought would be the #1 best friend in the world (yeah how did that feel when you got a gun pointed at you, Dazai? Turns out you don't automatically become friends with the person who has a valid reason to hate you.) 
Anyway thx for reading my rambling I have to go back to study biology for now.
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honeytonedhottie · 9 months
so you're my only hope and i really wish for your advice. it's humiliating to say my story but i really need help. so i was misdiagnosed with schizofrenia (i 100% know i'm healthy) i need to lie that i have schizofrenia because my mother needs money. and here comes my desires : revision and desired age/grade level and maaany more. i have no responsibilities literally zero! the way i manifest is i walk around my room and viseualise, affirm and overall manifest which is fun but the thing is do you think i should build healthy day routine instead of just pacing around my room all day long? could you provide me a routine? thank you for help because yall are saving me for real. it could be even self care habits to do every day anything to avoid pacing around
thank you for coming to me 💗 and im so sorry about ur story. im so happy that you know the law because you deserve all of ur desires and more!! 💗
so to build a healthy routine and schedule for urself. doing so builds discipline. im gonna give u some healthy habits, a morning and evening routine, and resources for those things. a good place to start tho is making a weekly agenda that changes with the week, something to switch things up every week. just make one 💗💗💗
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—healthy habits🩰⊹ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̴ ⋆⁺₊⋆
♡ moving ur body/pilates - i personally do pilates and i recommend it to literally everybody. but the basic idea is to move around (and that does not mean pacing in ur bedroom) i mean get ur blood flowing and get moving. it doesn’t have to be pilates it can be running, a sport, dancing, yoga etc
here’s a link to one of the pilates workouts that i recommend if ur a beginner : 
♡ get a hobby - some hobby recommendations: if u are good at writing try poetry, try teaching urself how to draw or paint or sculpt, learn how to dance, learn how to play an instrument, learn a sport, learn languages, become a good cook, write stories, start a blog, learn to sew or crotchet, learn tech, read lots of books, watch/listen to lots of podcasts. literally just get busy 
♡ meditating and journaling - this is so good not only for ur mental health but it can also improve focus and keep u grounded. keep a journal or start meditating every day
here’s a link to a guided meditation for self love : 
♡ self care - i LOVE self care. literally practice self care every single day. take care of ur nails, skin, hair, lashes EVERYTHING. be super intentional with ur self care bcuz it tells our brains that we are worthy of effort and it’ll LITERALLY make u feel like a princess. 
♡ manifesting - you mentioned that u wanted to do some revision so something that i recommend for revising is using SATS. or state akin to sleep. once ur in state akin to sleep go back in ur mind and revise whatever u want. or just do SATS before bed every night. this is such a powerful manifesting tool
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♡ sleep - aim to get between eight to ten hours of sleep a night. you’ll look better, feel better, and your physical and mental health will just skyrocket 
—morning🌸⊹ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̴ ⋆⁺₊⋆
♡̴ first thing in the morning, fix ur bed 
♡ open the blinds/windows if the sun is out, this all depends on what time u wake up but if the sun isn’t out just skip this step 
♡ stretch for a couple minutes 
♡ write down at least three things that ur grateful for (don’t write down what u aren’t grateful for AT THAT MOMENT, literally just write down three things that ur grateful for right then and there) 
♡ brush ur teeth and use a tongue scraper 
♡ have a glass of water with some lemon slices 
♡ take a warm shower and moisturize 
♡ skincare routine 
♡ put on an outfit that makes u feel pretty 
♡ if u get nauseous when u eat breakfast then try eating something light, but if that doesn’t work then listen to ur body and just skip breakfast. if that’s not the case tho eat a balanced breakfast 
—evening🍥⊹ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̴ ⋆⁺₊⋆
♡ take a warm shower and moisturize 
♡ 30-60 minutes of self care and pampering 
♡ make a yummy dinner that’s nourishing 
♡ read for 20 minutes or watch something that enriches u 
♡ evening yoga 
♡ drink water 15 minutes before bed 
this is just an idea, or a basic guideline to follow if u need it. customize it to ur specific needs and day-to-day life. im so excited for all ur desires to manifest cuz u deserve it! mwah 💗💗💗
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shessoft · 1 month
okay so i have a jeep wrangler right and its a thing among each other to wave when we pass by it's literally called the Jeep Wave and in the beginning i was like 'this is culty' and people make having a jeep their entire personality which is still true but honestly when i don't get a wave back i'm like 'well excuse tf outta me then'
Also duck duck jeep guys it’s a whole little culture it’s wild
anyway Regina George (2024) drives a jeep wrangler...(I linked pictures so you can get the whole vibe)
And when she first gets it she doesn’t realize she’s being waved at until Karen points it out one day. She thinks it’s weird and lame. Like “why do I have to acknowledge these losers?” She starts waving back when she’s alone in her car but she'd never admit it.
Eventually she starts initiating the wave out of habit and when the girls give her amused glances she says “whatever it’s just a reflex.”
Karen tries to buy her one of those fake hands to put on her dash but she shuts that down immediately because “gross Karen that’s fucking stupid.”
Suddenly she’s getting road rage when she thinks someone intentionally doesn’t wave back despite Gretchen’s very valid point. “Regina, its dark and rainy, they probably can’t see you over your high beams.” She just complains that she can't see them either but she still waved.
Another time the girls tell her all about the history of the ‘jeep wave’ and that there is a hierarchy according to their intense google search. Regina ignores them as she flips off the driver of a blue jeep instead, mumbling “bitch” under her breath.
Karen buys her a wave decal for her mirror. She lets her put it on.
Much to Regina’s chagrin Karen learns what ducking is. “I saw Aaron and his friends covering their goalies jeep in them! So I looked it up and it this whole game-“
“Ugh Karen, no.”
“But it’s so cute, Gina look!” She’s cradling a yellow rubber duck in her hands, dressed in pink and wearing heart sunglasses, in an attempt to coax Regina into letting her duck her jeep.
“It’s very cute, babe, but you’re not putting that on my car. Also, I think you’re supposed to do it secretly…” she trails off when she sees Karen’s mouth drop open the slightest bit.
“Wait, you know about the ducks?” Her surprised expression makes Regina chuckle.
“Yes, Kare I know about the ducks. Why don’t you keep it? It’s too cutesy for me.”
“Oh, okay.”
A week goes by and she starts finding different ducks in various places on her jeep, while Karen insists it’s not her. She just smiles and throws them in her bag trying not to draw attention to it. She still thinks it’s lame but it makes Karen happy. After a year or so Karen stops ducking her jeep all together, because she just forgets about their little game but Regina is fine with it. She still has a tower of ducks in her room wearing ridiculous outfits.
But one morning at the start of senior year she finds a little surprise perched on her driver side mirror. It's a little duck, this time it’s all pink and wearing bunny ears. She feels her eyes sting with the threat of tears when she catches herself smiling. This one she puts on her dashboard for all to see.
She regrets it in the end because now the ducks have come back tenfold. She really has no where to put them but Karen, and now even Janis, are having way too much fun with it. So she keeps her mouth shut. Until one day when she starts to find mini ducks, not just in her jeep but in her house, her locker, honestly anywhere they could think of she finds a mini duck. There are hundreds and she knows this was Janis’ doing. It had to be. She keeps quiet though, slowly collecting them until she has an absurd amount. She’s sure she’ll find more but she easily has almost two hundred collected so she gives them to Janis. She had one of the girls on the robotics team rig a gift box so they would fly everywhere when said box was opened. Janis falling off her seat at lunch made it all worth it. Hearing the girl curse her under her breath while trying to save face as Karen cracked up was the icing on the cake.
Regina also has mirror decals (also gifted by Karen). On her visor mirror it says hello gorgeous. (Or any of these. Honestly there are so many options.) Her rearview mirror says buckle up bitches. And the passenger mirror says passenger princess. For Karen.
Gretchen obviously gets the whole backseat to herself and she controls the aux cord.
Janis gets her this for the back window.
Y'all there are things called easter eggs please Janis would put one on the windshield and see how long it takes Regina to notice.
@erikahenningsen tagging a stranger person because reasons
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theguardianace · 20 days
Can I politely ask you to elaborate on the Aroace Nene fic you talked about some time ago? Or just simply how you see her in your brain after finding out she's aroace? If it's not much to ask, of course
OMG YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! absolutely. i will ramble about aroace literally anybody on the drop of a dime this is one of the best anons to get actually
nene's story is actually the one i have the least about, to be perfectly honest. i have a plot for both emu and tsukasa's stories, but haven't quite figured out one for nene. honestly, i think nene's the type of aroace to not really... care about it that much. she'd never cared about love or romance to begin with, so when she realized it was because she was aroace, it was mostly like "hm. cool. im gonna go play animal crossing now".
as for finding out... i think it would have happened in middle school, back when she was Online Gamer Nene TM full time. with how much she loves games and storytelling, it really only makes sense she'd want to engage with fandom content like fics. however, just... seeing the way people sexualize her favorite characters, or only write/draw shipping content... she didn't care for it. she didn't want to engage with that. not that there was anything wrong with it! people can do whatever they want with fictional game characters. she just. didnt care about it herself. which led to her feeling even more isolated even within her favorite hobbies. i think this would sort of lead her to playing a variety of games so she doesn't have to worry about getting absorbed in fandoms she doesn't care to be a part of. she still checks, every once in a while. for games that she really likes. i think its through this that she eventually stumbles across a popular aroace headcannon, goes "what", googles it, and is like "wow. thats me. sick". and then moves on
but like. even when she's moved on. it's still really nice to know, yknow? it explains why she felt like the odd one out not wanting to ship stuff, or even care to entertain it. there's people out there just like her. it makes her less anxious, a little more sure of herself.
she doesn't ever tell anyone. not even rui. (i mean, they hadn't talked in ages. how is she supposed to? "hi, we havent had a genuine conversation in years, how are you? by the way i discovered im aroace and you probably don't know what that means and honestly i dont really care about it myself. have a good day".) (and once they do start talking again, it just... never came up. she never felt the need to, and he never felt the need to ask.) until my epilouge chapter where they all end up coming out like WHAT WERE ALL AROACE THATS SO SILLY anyways
in casual life, i think nene would have been the type for adults to go "oooh, you have a crush on him, don't you? look at you, all red and shy just thinking about him" when shes simply Just Like That. it was really annoying. she knew she didn't like them like that and that was that. but shes too scared to say that so she just took it. definitely didn't help the "nene needs to learn how to make friends" department. honestly, her only relief from it was with rui- both her parents and the kamishiro parents recognized that the two really did care about each other, but it wasn't like that. also no way in hell they're ruining the one friendship their kids have.
later with emu, i don't think there was any point where people even considered a romance, at least not at first glance. it wasn't like people at school even knew about emu (minus when she snuck in, but why would this hyperactive pink thing be looking for that shy second year?). and people walking the streets didn't really assume they liked each other like that since they were two girls. nene's mom was a little curious if they were dating since emu comes over so often and is so physically affectionate, but she never really pressed. she was mostly just happy nene has friends over that aren't just rui. (also, emu's aroace too, so nothing in her demeanor even made nene consider it could have been romantic. shes just Emu.)
for tsukasa, it's a similar thing. by the time people have realized the two are friends, nene's confident in herself and her feelings enough to shut down the people who would even dare assume she likes a buffoon like that star in that way. there's those people that go "oh but you're mean to him and girls are mean to boys when they have a crush on them" but she's tough enough to go "ew" and move on. (she did complain about it a little to rui on a walk home once. if he ended up in her classroom the next day to "grab her for lunch" and weaponize his dangerous reputation to intimidate them when she wasn't looking, it was sheer coincidence.)
also, i think out of the four, nene falls most on the loveless scale. tsukasa, emu, and rui are all beings made of love despite the fact they don't fall in it. nene's a bit different. she cares about her friends, and she's super good at making them (despite what she thinks), but she doesn't really... love them. not in the ways people usually want to describe love. she would kill a man for them in a heartbeat, don't get me wrong. she just experiences those sorts of feelings differently. it's care, and determination, and hope, and happiness, but not... love. not completely.
anyways aroace gamer nene so real fic will happen once i figure out how to tie these ideas to a plot 👍
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menofchaos · 3 months
Part VI: His Eyes
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Note: I’m not sure when I hit 1k followers but I wanna thank all of you from the bottom of my heart! Thank you for reading my stuff and loving these boys with me. In other news, I'm back with our favorite jailbird and her journey with our favorite sniper. If anyone wants more, please reblog, like, comment or let me know in my ask! I love hearing feedback on my stuff and talking about Coco ofc. Gif credit to the talented @thesewickedhands and divider credit to @spideyspeaches.
Part V
I’m so sorry our visit got cut short. I was so fucking pissed. When I first got in here, I would cause trouble all the time. I don’t really have a life outside so I didn’t care if I got extra time. I haven’t really been rolling like that for a while because I’m fucking tired of doing time. I wanna drink and fuck and be outside. Do whatever I want, you know? But one of my bunkies allegedly got in a fight on the yard and the cops assumed I orchestrated it which is fucking stupid. They suspended my mail privileges “as a precaution.” Pendejos. You’re literally the only one I talk to. They just fuck with me when they can. We were just getting comfortable :( Hopefully those dickwads didn’t put you off to another visit? Or put you off me in general? I liked seeing you. Did you ever cut that girl off? How’s your daughter? I’m working on another tattoo for you. I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever and I don’t like it. 
PS I miss those beautiful eyes
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Ma I’m not gonna lie. I was worried. I’m glad you’re okay tho. COs are always shit. They definitely didn’t put me off you or another visit. I’ll check work tomorrow and let you know when I can come back. My first stint I felt the same way. No family who gives a fuck, friends who forget about you as soon as the cop car is around the block. When you get out, we’ll meet up and I’ll help you do all the things you missed. If you’re down. My kid is good, she thought it was so hilarious that I was worried. I don’t usually get worked up over women like that. I did cut the one chick off, sorta abandoned the whole roster now that I think about it. What are you drawing me now? I’m definitely missing watching you squirm from just looking at you. Be good so I can come back for a full visit.
PS and your drama ain’t a burden. I got you. 
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Your last letter made me feel more than my entire last relationship. Fuck. I’m good, I promise. All in one pretty little piece where you left me. Where do I even start? I believe you just offered to fuck me and the thought of your eyes during sex? I’m tingling. You were worried about me? Worked up about me? I have a feeling that doesn’t happen at all and that makes me happy. Because I don’t usually get attached easily either but I think I am. At least I feel it with you. I don’t wanna ruin this though, for once in my life. You’re saying all the right things which scares the shit out of me but in the way that makes me wanna keep going. Does that make sense? I might be rambling. I’m just happy that you’re still wanting to be around at all. You abandoned the roster?? How come? The new drawing is a surprise.
PS you say that now. Wait till I fuck up.
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You’re funny. Your ex really ain’t shit if one letter from me made you feel more than his whole time with you. But I like that. You really into my eyes baby? Cause I liked watching you. I’ll make you feel more than a tingle when I get my hands on you for real. You’re right, I don’t get attached. But you made a lot of sense because I felt like I was reading my own thoughts. I wanna be careful with this. With you. I’m not going anywhere. We just gotta go with it for now, see where it takes us. I got a brother who can teach you how to handle a tattoo machine if you wanna learn. Won’t treat you like a shitty apprentice or anything either. I checked my work schedule. Three weeks and I���ll be back. I promise. I didn’t abandon the roster on purpose. I guess I just got bored of them.
PS I fuck up too. So I get it.
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My ex definitely wasn’t shit. Storing my shit while I’m locked up is the nicest thing he ever did for me. Fuck, getting your hands on me? That’s what you’re gonna say to me? Remember tho, I told you no dude has ever got me off. I’m glad we’re on the same page about this. For once, it feels nice to give a fuck. Especially since I know you get me. I’ve always wanted to be a tattoo artist and learn how to tattoo the right way. I’ve done a few tattoos when I was locked up but that’s it. You don’t have to ask him if you don’t want to. I can figure something else out. THREE WEEKS?!!! :) I can’t wait. Can we hug this time? I wanna cop a feel ;)
PS you always do.
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Coco walked into the clubhouse, looking around quietly. Taza walked out from the bathroom, “Hermano,” he smiled, “You good?”
He nodded, “Yeah, man. You?”
Taza squeezed his shoulder, “All good. You looking for someone?”
“Hank?” he asked.
“He’s in the office,” Taza told him before heading to the bar.
Coco walked back outside, lighting a cigarette as he headed up to the office. When he opened the door, Hank was standing over Chucky’s shoulder with a stack of papers in his hand.
Chucky looked up and grinned, “Coco.”
Coco nodded, “Chucky. Hank.”
Hank glanced back at him through a pair of black rimmed glasses, “Bishop need me?”
“No, I uh…wanted to ask you something. Alone,” he added after a pause.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” Hank said and turned his attention back to the computer.
Coco went back outside but stayed close to the building, hiding from the harsh sun. He listened to Hank and Chucky go back and forth, a fond smile on his face. The door pushed open to reveal Hank, glasses off and no papers.
“Sorry, this customer keeps calling in, wanting impossible shit. Next time he starts demanding, I’m telling him to deal or I’m gonna beat his ass,” he shook his head as he lit a cigarette, “What’s up?” 
“I just had a favor to ask,” Coco murmured, “I have this…friend. She’s a dope artist and she wants to learn to tattoo.”
Hank smiled, “Have her come in, I’ll teach her.”
Coco put out his cigarette, “She can’t yet. She’s uh…she’s serving time.”
“This the girl I keep hearing about from the other guys?” Hank asked, “Why you were so upset a while back?”
He glanced over Hank’s shoulder at Gilly and Angel, cracking jokes and fixing a bike together. He nodded, “Yeah, she wrote me again. She’s alright.”
Hank followed his gaze and looked back at Coco, “You like this girl?“
Coco was smiling before he realized it, “Yeah. I do.”
“Good for you,” he pat Coco’s back, “Bring her in when she gets out. Teach her everything I know.”
“Thanks man,” Coco smiled, “I appreciate it.”
Hank nodded and went back in the office.
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Would you rather me hold your stuff? We can hug this visit. I wanna cop a feel too. I can’t wait to see you baby. I remember you telling me no guy has ever gotten you off, bet I’ll be the first. I’ll come pick you up when you get out. Get you some tequila, take you to a beach house and make you cum all night. Order room service for whatever food you want. Sound like a good first day? I did a few things and you’re probably not gonna like them because I know you don’t like asking for shit. But I did it anyway. My brother said he’s down to teach you to tattoo when you get out. I also put money on your books. Not a lot. Stop glaring at me, I can feel the dirty look from here. Trust me, it’s for a selfish reason.
PS I gotta head out of town for a minute so I probably won’t be able to respond to your next letter until after my next visit. 10 days.
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You did not just offer to hold my stuff for me. And you sent money! Why? You’re right, I don’t like asking for shit. I don’t deserve you. What’s the selfish reason? That description of a first day made my nipples hard. Can it be a private beach so we can spend the whole time naked? Also thank your brother for me. My bunkie and your brother (same one?) are planning on meeting when she gets out. She has way less time than me. I don’t think I could’ve waited that long, not with the way those eyes made me feel when I saw them the first time. Ride safe, come to the visit in one piece please. 
PS you’ll get your new drawing at the visit! 5 days!!!
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Coco felt much different as he went through the motions for their second visit. He knew her better. He knew she felt something too. Something more. He sat down at the table, his eyes trained on the door. They swung open and he leaned back when a different inmate walked in. He heard a loud laugh from around the corner and his heart skipped. He stood up as Nyx walked in, a huge smile on her face as she joked with the woman in front of her. Her eyes found his while she was being uncuffed and her face lit up even more. 
“There you are,” she rubbed her wrists as she walked over.
“You okay?” he asked, stumbling when she threw herself into his arms.
Coco pulled her into a tight hug, smiling softly when he felt her tremble. He rubbed her back and closed his eyes, holding her close until a CO called her name. She sat down and looked away, bringing a hand up to her eyes.
“You okay?” he asked again, a little softer as he took her hand. He felt remnants of tears on her fingers, still watching her intently.
“Even your concerned stare makes me feel squirmy,” she joked, squeezing his hand, “I’m okay. I’m happy to see you. How was your trip?”
He smiled softly, “Long, too hot. Boring. Missed you.”
Nyx pushed some loose hair out of her eyes, “I missed you too. Now tell me why you put money on my books.”
“Cause I want you to call me,” he smirked, “Don’t wanna just hear your voice when I can make it over here.”
“You’re a secret romantic,” Nyx grinned.
He held up a finger to his lips and winked. She laughed and reached into her pocket. She set a folded piece of paper on the table.
“For me?” he asked, glancing at a curious CO.
“The drawing, remember?” she murmured, “I finished it. I mean, this one’s not really a tattoo. I just…started thinking about you and this came out.”
“Really?” Coco took the paper, “Should I look now?”
She nodded, “I didn’t get to see your reaction to the first one.”
He let her hand go and unfolded the paper, his eyes wide. It was a drawing of the two of them, Nyx in a bikini, Coco in swim trunks. It looked like a photo from a beach day. He looked up to see her fidgeting nervously with her id bracelet.
“This is crazy, baby,” he murmured, “You did all this from memory?”
“Yeah,” she smiled softly, “I kinda guessed on your tattoos and shit since I’ve only seen you dressed. So far,” Coco smirked, “But yeah.”
“Good enough till we get a real one,” he smiled and folded it back up, “I love it,” he tried to play it cool but it felt like his heart was about to fly out of his chest.
Her eyes lit up, “Really?”
He nodded, “Hell yeah,” he put it in his shirt pocket, “Thank you.”
“It was inspired by your offer on my first day out,” she admitted, lacing their fingers together when he reached out again.
“Just let me know the date and I’ll be here,” he said, squeezing her hand.
“I still have a while to go,” she told him, “I get it if you don’t want to wait.”
Coco watched her body language change as she offered him an out. He tightened his grip on her hand, “Hey, what’d I say?” he murmured, “I got you. I’m not letting you rot in here. Not anymore.”
Nyx looked away before he saw the tears pooling in her eyes. He squeezed her hand again and she smiled uneasily.
“You gotta stop saying all the right things,” she joked.
“So I shouldn’t ask if you want me to hold your stuff again?” he smiled.
She laughed and wiped her eyes, “I can’t even help you move it, so no. It’ll be fine.”
He shook his head, “Nah, I didn’t ask for help. I don’t want him to pull some shit but if you don’t want to, I won’t.”
She frowned, “I just don’t wanna be a - “
“You aren’t a burden, baby,” he murmured, “I offered. And I got a team of brothers ready to help.”
“It would be nice to be done with him,” she admitted, “I just…what if something bad happens to us?”
Coco laced their fingers together, “I won’t take it out on your stuff, I swear,” he crossed his heart with his free hand.
Nyx smiled, “Cross your heart?”
“Hope to die,” he winked, grinning when she laughed.
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Replaying the way you clung to me during our second hug. How you felt in my arms. It’s been a long time since I felt anything like this. I got all your stuff. I wish you could’ve seen his face when I rolled up 6 deep. He was pale as fuck. It was hilarious. It’s in my garage for now. My kid won’t stop making fun of me and my brothers aren’t any better. But you’re worth it ma. Gonna start coming up to see you more. I showed my kid the drawing, she loved it. She said she’s gonna ask you to draw for her too. Would you be cool if she wrote you too? You can say no if you want. I miss you.
PS I figured out why I abandoned the roster
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spookyflavors · 4 months
do you have any tips on making comics? i absolutely love sirentale its so detailed and 'timed' right, im a new ish artist and i find it so difficult making comics but i have so many stories to tell 😭 but like ur literally amazing hope u have a great day/night! :3
Thank you, so much!! It makes me so happy that you enjoy Sirentale~!! Hmm, I'm no professional but one of the best and obvious ways I learned to make comics was reading manga/comic books. When I was younger I would use my own characters and draw them in the poses from the comic frames, then built my own stories around it. I still use my old mangas as reference when I need it. Another tip I have is to visit the Etherington Brother's twitter. They literally have tips on how to draw EVERYTHING! They even have pointers on how to properly panel and center your characters in frame, which I don't follow at all because I just draw whatever looks good to me xD If you're a writer, then it might be a good idea to write a detailed script for your comic. I'm not a writer, but I write down major points and dialogue in a timeline format. It's usually best to have an idea of how the story is going to get from start to finish. I normally do this with each chapter of Sirentale and I rely on my brain to do the rest when I start the outline/rough draft of Sirentale. Next tip is patience. Which I have none of, but the first thing I wanted to do before making Sirentale was making sure that it was paced. The urge for Skull to just jump right in and give all the snuggles was strong, but I had to build the setting, flesh out the main character and the situation she's in. Pacing in a comic can be pretty difficult. Sometimes I have to remind myself that it's a comic and not a storyboard. I often take out alot of details and panels because it gets too long. There's alot of things I had to cutout that I didn't want to, but it still came out fine. I hope this kinda helps. If you or anyone else has a specific question about how I make the comic that I didn't go over, feel free to ask. I'll do my best to answer :3
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7k9sinthee · 3 months
Random headcanons;
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⌑ Nsfw/Sfw?: SFW
⌑ Reader?: No
⌑ Genre?: Fluff, headcanons
⌑ Editted?: in the process...
Characters: Romeo, Juliet, Tybalt, Benvolio
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ㄨ Romeo
⁺ Although extremely stupid- as exhibited from his irrational behavior, I believe he actually learns quite quickly.
⁺ When he was dancing at the Capulet part (1968 film), he learned quickly how to dance, although a bit poorly.
⁺ Anyways, he'd be the type to mess up a bit, glance over to someone else doing the same thing and then copy off from them.
Has probably tripped once or twice and always snaps his head back to blame someone for tripping. (Tybalt has been there once or twice...)
Secret handshakes with Mercutio and Benvolio- sometimes making one that requires all three present at once.
Everytime he's scolded his brain just. Flatlines. He literally doesn't take anything in. (Although a lesson not to do whatever got him in trouble in the first place.)
Plucks flowers from gardens to gift to Mercutio/Benvolio as a joke- more seriously to Juliet (..or yourself, if you'd like).
Every time he writes letters to specifically his friends, he adds a small " ! " to his signature.
Has so many inside jokes..
If he were to fall/trip, he'd fall right on his face. I don't make the rules. (I do)
When Romeo is happy, he always has a little pep in his step- like he's all giddy and happy.
Scratches his head when he's confused.
Seems like the type to be writing something and then accidentally misspell the easiest word ever.
Has a habit of just dozing off, leaving a lot of his friends confused
Sneaks out a bit, not a lot like Mercutio may but a reasonable amount to either meet up with friends or just for himself.
Writes horrible poetry that Benvolio and Mercutio support.
Definitely is the type to have a bedtime and tell his friends, "I can not come, as the moon rests high in the sky and beckons for me to sleep!"
Sneezes like a little girl imo
He definitely has a goofy, silly little smile.
I just know she smells like flowers every day- how she does it? Remains a mystery..
So many little jokes with Nurse that no one else would know about.
Doesn't openly call Nurse "mom" but she enjoys to refer to Nurse as she would a mother rather than her biological mother.
Also kind of clumsy, she couldn't carry a bucket full of only water to save her.. (💔)
Actually sometimes indulges in reading poems time to time.
Very, very much the type to pick a flower and smell it.
Loves to pick up flowers, pedals, feathers, etc.
Probably has a collection of dried up flowers gifted to her over time.
Juliet really enjoys incorporating little cute things in her outfits!
Views Tybalt as an older brother rather than her father's cousin.
Makes references to things only Nurse knows so it leaves everyone else much confused- and on rare occasions Tybalt might get it, too.
Picks up her dress when she runs, like a princess.
Definitely the type to be like, "Excuse me. Mind your manners..." whenever she hears someone curse.
Whenever she sees Romeo, she faces fully towards him and holds her hands out - and he comes to pick her up and spin her like a little ballerina !!
Has attempted to draw/paint multiple times before, and whenever done- Lord Capulet always hangs it up with much pride no matter if it looks "funky."
"Grab me my rapier"
Definitely the type to take great pride in his swords
Actually, seems like the type to keep a GIANT sword collection.
He's definitely the type to overhear conversions in secret but then give the fattest side eyes/disgusting glares.
Tybalt 100% has his lips sealed with any secret. Never could get anything out of him.
Juliet actually hides behind Tybalt quite often (not usually physically), and Tybalt isn't afraid to defend his younger sister.
Also, 100% defends Nurse, or rather any woman in his life. He's most definitely a woman's boy.
Has the most sly grin you'll ever see in your life.
His deep voice actually very often scares people, so depending on who he's talking to; he'll either lower his volume and attempt to speak softer or keep speaking in much confidence.
He'll soften his voice for the nicer, quieter folk and speak loudly for the annoying and cocky guys.
Little bitty scars all over him from him attempting to perfect his sword fighting skills.
Very often flaunts off and attempts to look flashy and show-offish.
Even though he's old enough and pretty mature, he'll never ever consider drinking or smoking. He believes it's far too disgusting for himself.
Although Nurse isn't Tybalts true mother- Tybalt will have moments where "momma Nurse" slip out.
Actually kinda enjoys keeping things neat in order - in his room at least, outside, he doesn't mind getting a little messy.
On that topic... Tybalt very often helps out Nurse with chores and such, but no one really notices because he doesn't want to be seen like that (question mark)
The definition of wet soggy cat
Other than that- he just is overall very sweet and polite.
Definitely the type to write little poems or works of literature but always puts it to the side to "continue later"-
He never finishes them and usually Romeo would come by and read those works out to Benvolio as a way to just tease.
Has very, very specific humor- he only really laughs at inside jokes.
Of course, he'll have a nice laugh at a funny joke but, inside jokes are what really get him.
The type to accidentally snicker at the wrong moment and have to excuse himself. (😭)
Though this would only be around friends, he most definitely can control himself from laughing around Lord Montague and such.
Very polite fellow
Seems like the type to like cross his hands when sitting down and he sits down very politely and tightly-
He doesn't want to take up much space on benches anyways.
If he was a cat, he'd be that one cat with an apple that just sits there all polite getting pet by a giant wooden spoon.
Very gentle with everything and everyone. Either physically, emotionally, or verbally-
Despite being extremely polite, he is the one that has the best insults ("thee mother looks like a yellow belly, tavern hopping maniac, it's no surprise thou looks alike!", also said in the most polite way possible)
Has a nice, gentle voice. Slightly accented, though, unlike many.
The hat he usually wears - the one seen in act 1 (1968 film) - is one from long ago.
It was gifted to him, and he constantly wore it when he was a teen-ish, but it was a bit too big, so it'd cover quite a bit of his face.
Longer hair >>>
Somehow, has extremely beautiful, long lashes.
He strangely enough seems like the one to get hurt least often, but when he does, it's like the worst thing to ever happen. (Que Benvolio accidentally falling out a window)
Picks up little branches and sticks to collect randomly ?? He doesn't really do anything with them. The sticks either end up getting thrown out or forgotten about.
The type to be writing something and then accidentally slip up and create a massive mark in the middle of the paper without a way to hide it.
Has maybe fallen out a window before ?
Benvolio has so many unnecessary items laying around in his home
He has a collection of beads/rocks of sorts- all very polished and shiny.
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Just a friendly reminder that these are all headcanons 🫶
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