#tried to speak into the void and the void grew a mouth just to say ‘i disagree and also you are The Fucking Fool’
toastybugguy · 9 months
A post that you intended to reach only a couple mutuals blowing up WAY past your circle is the most Frightening experience. It’s like when you’re laughing with your friends in class and you say some wild shit at the exact moment everyone else happens to go quiet. Like damn I was just trying to speak my truth and now you’re all staring at me
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bts-0t-7 · 5 months
The Royal Calling | JJK
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header by @liveyun Pair: Jungkook x F Reader 
Summary: In the midst of surviving, you find yourself in a sticky situation. Your connection with the King, Jeon Jungkook, had you afraid for your life. Certainly, he wouldn’t kill you… Right? But slowly, you figured out your place in the depths of the castle and you yearned to live. 
Genre: Fluff, non-idol au, werewolf au, royalty au, strangers to lovers (s2l)
Chapter Warnings: Abuse, PTSD, death, a little bit of self-degradation
A/N: I would have split this into a few different parts if it wasn’t for the fact that I wanted to make sure the year started with an OT7 fic. HEH - I would MAKE IT HAPPENNN- So yes, here is the first 10k+ fic :)) And to @liveyun, thanks for the header. I LUB YOU hehe 💜🌟
WC: 11,051
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You were done for. 
You knew you were done for. 
There was no need for any form of explanation. The moment you stepped into the ballroom, you knew that the talking would start. 
Since you were young, you never really knew your parents, only hearing from the pack’s elders that your mother passed away giving birth to you and your father had soon followed after his mate. Your earliest memories of your father weren’t bad at all. You remembered him being all smiley and happy, always doing his best to make you treasured. 
So when he didn’t pick you up at kindergarten one day, you grew fussy. The pack alpha had suddenly come and taken you away, telling you the news. Up till today, you could remember the way he broke it to you - with a monotonous voice, void of any remorse or form of emotion. 
“Your father died. You will stay with us now and earn your keep.”
That was all you remembered before you were thrown to the kitchen staff. Being young, you didn’t quite grasp the understanding of what was happening. All you could do then was cry. The maids and guards had tried their best to shelter you as you grew up, but with your Alpha ruling, nothing didn’t reach his eyes and ears. 
Growing up, you never once cursed your family. With the help and slow-paced learning, you grew to understand the situation of your family thanks to the help of the maids. They always give you the easiest task - the less strenuous ones - taught you all that they knew, and fed you extra portions. The guards would sneak you books and poems and teach you after their shifts. The people in your pack were not all bad. 
But as you started growing into adolescence and older, the maids and guards who cared for you grew old as well. So you started taking on their responsibilities, doing the harsh labour work without complaint. Soon, the shelter broke down its walls as well and people started seeing you more often. That was when you got the first taste of real dirt. 
“How dare you! You slut! You - you -” The woman in front of you screeched in outrage but you were in a daze. Blood pooled in your mouth as you lay on the ground, unmoving and in shock.
It wasn’t until the alpha came and pulled you up did you attempted to get up on wobbly feet. Only to be shoved down again. “You will not speak, look, or hear to a single person in this pack. You are nothing and no one. Know your place, omega.”
You thought to give people around a chance. You weren’t to say - weak. But as your second gender tells you, you had a disadvantage to the majority of your peers. The guards have taught you self-defense but you never showed signs of using them. You were the runt of the pack and you should know your place. If you showed signs of studies, the alpha would be ruthless to those who taught you. 
And you did not need anybody else dying. 
So you kept silent and continued to work - not speaking, not looking, not hearing anything that the people in the pack talk about. But you sure were not completely deaf. You knew - you understood - yes, you just stayed unfazed. 
And you thought that you could remain unfazed for the rest of your life until the alpha came into the kitchen one day and grabbed you off to the sides, pushing you against the wall and saying, “As much as I hate to let you go, all eligible women must attend the King’s royal ball this Friday. You will not have anything to wear. You will wear what you have on now.” He pushed you against the wall even harsher, arms pressing against your ribcage. You fought to breathe. “If I see that you do not wear this, I will personally strip you myself.”
You shivered at the tone of his voice. Feeling too exposed and humiliated, you nodded as the alpha let you go. You immediately scurried back to the kitchen, breathing deep puffs through your mouth. 
“What got you so flushed, darling?” Marion asked. 
You shook your head. “Nothing, Aunt. I just - Nothing.”
She knew something was up - you knew that much and was thankful that she did not pry any further. 
It was Wednesday when Alpha told you about the ball on Friday. Not that you had anything to prepare, of course. You were forced to wear your housekeeping clothes to the Royal Ball. You had prepared yourself for the extravagance - but it was insufficient. All the cars took you directly outside and everybody was wearing makeup, dressed in the finest gowns, expensive hairpins, and flaring updos. 
You, on the other hand, wore rags compared to their dresses, your hair a mess, and in no way anything could be done to it. 
You felt the stares and snickers of other ladies as you exited the bus. 
You felt so self-conscious.
Everybody from different regions, different backgrounds, different packs - came today to celebrate the King’s birthday in the tradition of a royal ball. You could see the looks of disgust from the court members and sympathy from the royal servants. But you didn’t want to look up. You wanted a large black hole to just swallow you whole - or home would be a good choice too. 
“Remember, know your place, omega.” Alpha reminded you before walking off.
You weaved through the mass of beautifully dressed women to a corner of the room. As the orchestra started, you watched with a wistful gaze at the elegance the women possessed in their dances. You watched them through your hair, under your lashes, until ladies caught you and snickered your way. 
You could hear the whispers and probes, the hurtful comments that were flung your way. This Friday was not a day where you could keep your emotions at bay with a nonchalant expression. 
No. Not today. 
You hid behind the curtain of your hair, humiliated and on the verge of tears. You didn’t wish to be here. You truly didn’t. Squeezing your eyes shut, you tried to regulate your shallow breathing. You didn’t want to get punished when you went back to the pack. But if you didn’t get your body under control, you would be. 
And you had enough unhealed cuts and bruises - your body couldn’t afford any more for the time being. Your flight response pushed you to react when a group of ladies walked past you, flaunting themselves. 
But everybody stopped in their tracks the moment the large oak doors banged open. You flinched at the loud, sudden sound, gaining a glare from your alpha. You weren’t making out alive this time. Loud heavy footsteps approached, a voice powerfully projecting into the room asked, “Where is she?”
All eyes turned to you as you cowered back in fear.
You truly weren’t making it out alive. 
You wore rags to the King’s birthday royal ball. Of course you would get a punishment. You just feared what type of royal punishment you would have to face. Beatings back in your pack have already weakened you and if it was any worse than those, you might as well have your soul float to heaven (or crawl to hell) first - before he reaches you.
But nothing goes the way one plans anyway. Expensive, shiny boots stopped in your vision. 
Then, you felt a large, warm hand caress your cheek. Squeezing your eyes hard, you anticipated the incoming blow. But you weren’t ready for the man in front of you to ask, “Who did this to you?”
You didn’t dare look up. 
“Look at me.” 
You were truly done for.
You couldn't figure out if this was a trick order or not - so you kept your head down, afraid of breaking royal protocol. Not that you knew any. 
The hand on your cheek moved down to your chin and tilted your head up. Your eyes met with the most chocolate, Bambi eyes you have seen. But they darkened and hardened the moment they grazed your face that your cheeks burned and you immediately averted your gaze. 
He doesn’t want us. 
Mate doesn’t want us. 
“Tell me, who did this to you?”
You didn’t dare answer him. Unable to help yourself, tears streamed down your cheeks from the pressure that you were placed under. It has been boiling and now, being called out and rejected, you didn’t know how to control such immense emotions. 
You were not expertly versed in the common language as most of the maids back home spoke mostly the Old Language. You used that more often and only during your nightly classes with the guards did you practise the common language. 
Thumbs rubbed your cheek as you found the warmth of another hand landing on your other cheek, wiping away your tears. Slowly, you peeked open your eyes and found yourself looking straight into the eyes of your mate.
The werewolf king.
Jeon Jungkook. 
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Jungkook hated parties. 
Perhaps hate was too harsh a word to use. Dislike was more like it. 
Jungkook absolutely disliked parties. 
He felt that they were a waste of time and energy. But as the werewolf king, his birthday was always celebrated with a royal ball. Just like all others before him. So he just sucked it up and let the council prepare them. But he has not gone to those parties in years. All he does is make an appearance and leave. Those attendees look for a mate in him and he refuses to mate with anybody that isn’t his true mate. 
Call him a romanticist, cause he is. 
But of course, the old folks of the council did not appeal his decision. Not that he could care any less. He was 26 and he needed to produce an heir for the kingdom soon. Jungkook felt an impending headache coming his way. Pressing two fingers to his temples, he rubbed them and sighed. 
He would wait, even if it was an eternity for his true soul. 
Jungkook was in the middle of signing off new policies to be implemented when he smelt a fresh, new scent wafting in the palace. His study was far from the entrance of the palace so he was confused as to how he could sense such a scent from so far away. 
Jungkook had always been sensitive to scents since young, therefore his lodgings have been the farthest from the city, located at the back with fresh air and trees. Intrigued, Jungkook got up and followed his instincts. It led him to the ballroom where his supposedly birthday party was held. 
Now, he got a clearer waft of the intoxicating scent as he realised the sour notes to it. It made his nose crinkle and brows furrow. Why would one be so afraid? What caused one to be so afraid?
Jungkook couldn’t sense any outbreaks in the room so he wasn’t sure what was causing it. The echoing sounds did not make his headache any better either. 
Just as he was about to enter, three guards surrounded him. “Your Majesty,” Paul, the Head Captain, bowed. “Apologies for our tardiness, we did not expect you so early.” 
Jungkook was quick to dismiss the apology. “No need, I wasn’t supposed to be here anyways. I was just following instinct.”
He could see the confusion in the guards' faces before Paul said, “We will follow you, Your Majesty.”
Jungkook opened the large doors and demanded, “Where is she?”
All sounds seem to be sucked out of the room in an instant. The next breath, there was an obvious pathway to the scent he had found for the past fifteen minutes. The first thing he saw was your scent. You were cowering in fear - of him or of the attention you were currently receiving, he wasn’t too sure. 
Next, he realised your clothes. Why would anybody allow you to wear those? Unless you were a maid in your pack. Even so, this was his royal ball and if his council was to be trusted, not one of the people came in housekeeping clothes. Unless -
The last thing he realised was your bruises. While you did a great job at concealing most of them with your hair, Jungkook could see those peeking under your clothes when you shift on your feet. 
Wanting to confirm his suspicions, Jungkook walked towards you, caressing your cheek and tilting your head upwards. He saw your eyes before your bruises - what a beautiful shade they were. 
But your bruises. Whoever your pack’s alpha was - 
He saw the change in your eyes - from a split second of mesmerisation to hurt and pain and… tears?
Jungkook moved on instinct the moment he felt his hands getting wet. Bringing his other hand up, he wiped your tears off your cheeks. You had scrunched up your eyes and tensed your body as if - as if waiting for a hit, Jungkook realised. 
He was pissed. Beyond pissed. 
But for you, he would hold it in. 
He was afraid of scaring you if he were to show his true colours now. His anger was one thing that the court feared as he was known to do anything that he put his mind to - and he was harder to handle when angry. 
When he looked back at you, he saw your eyes slowly opening, revealing the soul that he had waited for forever. 
Right then, he knew that he would break down mountains if it meant to keep you safe. 
“Find her pack alpha and bring him to me.” Jungkook commanded the guards beside him. Gently tugging on your sleeve, he held out his palm. He saw your hesitancy to take it and decided to just bite the lead and do it. Sliding his hands to yours, he connected them and pulled you along. 
Jungkook led you out of the ballroom, ensuring to keep an eye on you at all times to see how much more you can take. “Shall we walk to my quarters? I have a few guest rooms there that you can stay at if you like.” 
You nodded your head and followed him. He wasn’t sure what prompted you to trust him so much but he sure wasn’t going to let this chance go to waste. 
Leading you to the room one room down from him, Jungkook opened the door and led you in. Turning on the lights, he was about to give you a tour of the room when he spotted you standing still at the threshold. Your eyes were big as your mouth dropped open. Jungkook felt like he could just faint at that very moment. The way your eyes sparkled with mesmerisation, taking everything in was -
“You can stay for as long as you want. Nobody will hurt you here, I can promise you that.” Jungkook proposed. “I know my words won’t cut it but I truly hope you would stay. Even if it’s just for a little while, please?”
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The room that the werewolf king had assigned you was beyond any of your imagination. It was extravagant but not too much and their colours flowed beautifully with each other. The werewolf king had begged you to stay and seeing it made you feel a little… bad. So you gave in, nodding. You saw the way his eyes light up and his steps held a little spring in them as he led you around the room. 
Your eyes widened at the thought. No, no, no. This is the werewolf king. You were not allowed - not worthy - of thinking like that. 
“You are allowed to do as you wish here. Nobody will stop you. If you want anything, you can just order it.” 
You nodded silently. You didn’t need much. 
The clothes in the wardrobe provided you with everything you needed and more. It was more than necessary and you were extremely grateful. The underwear may or may not be your size but one quick look at it made you quite certain with a little adjustments, it would fit just well. As the king familiarised you with the room, he pointed out certain spaces and things that had comfy spaces. 
Plushies, plushes, fluffy rugs, fluffy pillows… It felt like fluff heaven. 
“My room is just a room down.” The king told you. His hands were in front of him, wringing them as if he were worried about your reactions to how he came off. “And erm… Please just call me Jungkook or Kook or Kookie works too! Or anything you want!” 
His Majesty is spiralling.
You nodded but you weren’t going to talk much, you knew that. In case you were to say something wrong, at least you wouldn’t have that chance if you didn’t open your mouth. This way, you would be as safe as possible. You had not seen and experienced the punishments in the royal family. You did not want to push anybody’s buttons to know what goes down behind the doors. 
As His Majesty left the room, you walked straight to the bed first, taking the throw and the neatly folded blankets, piling them onto the floor and curling up in the fluff. You did not want to sleep on the bed, lest that this was a trail. 
To see how much of the king’s generosity you would take for granted. 
You took none, of course. But you did not want others to think that you took it all. Folding the materials over your eyes and covering your body, you fell into an unfruitful sleep. 
It had probably been a few hours since you fell asleep but you were woken up by the rumbling of thunder and flashes of lightning. Curling deeper into the warm depths of the blankets, you whimpered, trying to hide away from the sounds. The rumbling reminds you too much of that day when you dug in the mud. 
You did not remember much of that day. All that came back was you ferociously digging in the mud of your father’s burial, hysterically begging for him to come back. 
“Papa! Papa, please! Papa -  Y/N’s sorry! I’m sorry! I promise I’ll be a good girl and do my homework. Papa - please come back - PLEASE-” Soil in your nails, mud water soaking up your skirt, and blood pouring out of your head from the hit you took when sliding down. 
You couldn’t believe your ears. You didn’t want to believe. 
You father wasn’t dead - your father couldn’t be -
He sent you to school this morning. He looked normal. Why did he leave now? 
You were sobbing in the rain, hurting but refusing to move. Only when you heard the head chef, Aunt Marion call for you, her warm hands coming to scoop up your small form and carried you back. That night, she tended to your wounds, the both of you letting the silence speak for itself. 
Your grief and sorrow, she knew, will never heal. 
Loosing a parent is tough, but you can’t let it squash you.
She cared for you, always giving you more portions for dinner, ensuring that you had more than enough to eat. 
After that day, whenever it rained, you always ran to one of the maid’s rooms, hiding under the covers with the warmth of the aunts. They had always soothed you and sung you to sleep. As you grew up, you tried to lessen the times that you went to their room, only occasionally during the harsher seasons do you sleepover in their cots with them. 
Now you were all by yourself, in a large room and full length windows, giving you the full view of the lighting and echoing sounds of thunder. Trying to make yourself as small as possible, you squeezed your eeys shut, hoping that you would go back to sleep. But minutes passed and by the time it was past thirty minutes, you were getting tired of trying. 
Slowly getting up, you curled the blankets around yourself and let is trail behind you as you walked out of the room. Just as you were exiting the room, lighting struck and thunder boomed, making you flinch and squeak in fright.
You left the door to your room slightly open and stood outside for a few seconds, trying to figure out what to do next. Deciding to follow your scents and instincts, you walked down to the room beside the spiral staircase, the largest door in the level. 
You stood outside, hands formed in a fist as you contemplated knocking or not. Deciding to knock incase you interrupt something you shouldn’t, you winced a the sound echoing throughout the silent hallway. 
When nobody opened the door, you bit the lead and opened it slightly, peaking in to see His Majesty staring at you with a bed hair sticking in all directions. His sleepy eyes squinted and roamed your form, making you feel self-conscious. It seem to take a while for him to relasie that you were standing there. 
But by then, you were already squeaking out a “sorry” and closed the door.
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Jungkook was having a good dream. 
A brilliant dream - to be honest. 
He was playing around in a field of flowers, prancing around like a kid again. Rolling about in the mud and making his fur dirty - oh, he couldn’t care less. 
It felt nice to be free. 
But he was woken up by the sudden rapping against his bedroom door. 
Jungkook was known to be a heavy sleeper. He does not wake easily so when he woke up, distorted at the sound, Jungkook found himself wondering why he even woke up. It wasn’t until his sleep-muggled brain registered that you were standing at his door, wrapped up in layers of blankets. Your soft apology made it to his ears and he immediately left the warm confinements of his bed. 
“Hey-” He winced at his own voice cracking, hoarse from the lack of use. 
At least it stopped you from completely closing his door. 
Your little eyes peaked through the small hole left between the door and Jungkook felt like he could melt right there and then. You looked adorable in the buddles of blankets. Walking to the door, he gently opened it, afraid that is he moves too fast it might frighten you. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He carefully brought his hands up to you, not forgetting the way your instincts acted up at the ball a few hours ago. He did not want to trigger anything he doesn’t understand or know, much less give you a reason to fear him. 
You shook your head at his question, your luscious locks waving with the direction. 
Just then, lightning stuck, lighting up the whole room as the loud snap of the thunder followed. You jumped, whimpering as you hid in the thick blankets even more. 
The storm. 
You were afraid of the storm. 
Running his hand through his sleep-mussed hair, he pushed the door open and slid his hands through yours, gently tugging you into his room. He felt a sense of pride when he realised that you had came to his room, seeking his comfort. 
Leading you to the bed, he brought back the thick quilt and gestured for you to get in. You stood a the foot of his bed for a few seconds, hesitant to enter until Jungkook sat on the bed and gave your linked hands a little pull. Giving in, you entered his bed as he tucked you in. Heading to the other side of the bed, Jungkook crawled in and snuggled beside you. 
Oh, how much he just wanted to wrap his arms around you but he did not want to frighten you. 
He watched as you slowly fell asleep, curling into yourself while facing him, soft whispers coming out of your mouth. Smiling to himself, Jungkook tucked the quilt higher, making sure that you were warm before falling asleep himself. 
He woke up the next morning before you did. The gloomy weather made it a comfortable weather to sleep in but he had things to complete - one of them being setting a suitable punishment for your old alpha. He had a hint who it was, seeing the old egoistic man glare at you when he lead you out of the ballroom. 
Suitable punishment. 
Jungkook scoffed. That old man should be hung for treating the queen that way. 
Looking over, Jungkook found your sleeping form curled up against his. A soft smile grew on his lips as he brought a gentle hand up to your cheek, tucking your hair behind your ears. He didn’t know what were your boundaries to cross and not to cross so he did not -
Sighing, he carefully extracted himself off of your hold. He wanted to get the punishment over with before you woke up. Your brows furrowed as you mumbled in you sleep. Pushing his heavily scented pillow in your hold and pulling the quilt higher, you easily fell back asleep. Quietly, Jungkook got himself ready for the day and left the room. 
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Soft silky texture glided through your hands as you struggled to force yourself awake. You had to get up and do the chores. You were sure your alarm had -
Your alarm!
You shot out of bed, hands flinging in the direction of your clock only to collide with a vase of flowers instead. You did not manage to catch it in time and it crashed onto the floor. Jumping out of the bed, you forced your sudden disorientation to go away. Dizzy, you got to your knees as you started to frantically pick up the pieces. 
You were going to get punished either way, it is better if you clean up before His Majesty comes back in. This way, you hoped to get a lighter punishment for destroying his properties. 
Hurried footstep sounded your way and you sped up the process, trying to finish the impossible before - 
You were brought out of your thoughts when blood started trickling onto the floor, staining the quilt of the red. By now, you were fricking out. The large doors banged open and large boots stopped in front of you and warm hands caught yours. 
You pried your hands out of his, trying to continue with your work. 
Please, please, please - don’t punish me so harshly. Please, please, please -
But the warm hands did not move. They held yours firmly. 
“Hey, hey. Look at me, look at me.” You shook your head. You needed to continue. You couldn’t speak, look, or hear. You were nothing. 
The same set of hands pulled you to your feet and out of the area where the broken ceramic lie. You fought out of the hold but he was firm. “Look at me, look at me.”
His hands came to your cheeks, forcing your eyes to meet his. “Follow my breathing. Follow me.”
One, two, one, two, three. 
One, two, one, two, three.
This went on all while you could hear the maids cleaning up the broken pieces. As your breathing calmed down, the adrenaline started to wear off and you felt exhausted. Gentle pats to your back did not help the heaviness of your eyelids. In fact, it made them worse. You were just about to fall back asleep when a sudden clearing of throat on your left jolted you awake. 
Remembering where you were and in what position you were at, you immediately scrambled off. Bowing, head to the ground and palms up, you begged for His Majesty’s forgiveness. But you did not dare to talk lest you say anymore things to trigger his anger. You could only hope His Majesty would understand your position. 
You felt hands grab you around your armpits and you flinched, waiting for a blow. But when none came, you pried open your eyes to see your surroundings. His Majesty was sitting on the floor beside you, holding you up while caressing your cheek. 
“Hey darling.” 
You blinked. Were you not going to be punished for your incompetence?
“I told you that nobody would hurt you here.” His Majesty pointed to himself. “Not even me. If I hurt you, you have all the rights to do as you wish with me.”
You were confused. You were suppose to be the one who is at fault. Why is His Majesty the looking like a guilty puppy?
As the both of you sat together, you took the time to observe the room and soon realised that the both of you were the only ones inside. Suddenly feeling conscious, you ducked your head, letting your hair cover half of your face. As you looked down, you saw that your palms were tended to. The blood has stopped flowing and they were firmly bandaged. 
The silence between you stretched long and thin that you decided to get up and clean up the rest of the mess. Walking over, you expected to see half changed sheets or leftover flowers and water on the floor. But all you see is clean, crisp sheets and a new vase with a different set of flowers sitting on the table. 
Turning back around, you were about to get on your knees to apologise again when His Majesty stopped you. “That’s enough.” You faltered. 
“No more bowing, no more apologies.” His Majesty put out his palms, facing them up. Why is he placating you? “Can you do that for me? No more saying sorry. Break what you want to, don’t apologise for it. Okay?”
You didn’t agree to it.
You couldn’t agree to it. There has to be a catch somewhere. Life is never so easy. 
“In return,” There is it. “I would like you to go for fittings tomorrow and find out your hobbies. I want to know what you like and what you dislike. Is it a fitting enough trade?”
You were suppose to be told to do cleaning, top to bottom, ensure that the whole castle deos not have a single speck of dust or something! You were - 
“You are my mate. You are the future Queen of the kingdom. You may do as you wish. I will not stop you and nobody will stop you. But I think we should go -”
“O-okay.” You croacked. You had not spoken for more than a day, voice cracking at the lack of use. 
You saw His Majesty’s eyes light up like a kid on Christmas and you swear your heart stumbled. 
“Okay, okay… erm… What’s your name?” 
The favour has started. 
“Y/N. L/N Y/N, Your Majesty.” You whispered, seeing his brows furrow at the title. 
“Jungkook is fine, darling.”
Darling -
You nodded.
“Say it.”
You were hesitant. I mean - who wouldn’t? The king of werewolves is asking you to say his given name, jumping up and down like a bunny, eyes sparkling when he looks at you. “Say it, say it.”
You blinked multiple times at him. Is he… for real? Is this a test?
“Please? You can’t call me by my title. I refuse.”
… You weren’t certain if you were in front of the king or a kid.
The king shot up from the loveseat he was on and clapped his hands. “Now just call me that from now on and -”
The doors opened to reveal a man clad in an expensive suit and glasses sitting neatly on the bridge of his nose. He held a stack of books and papers in his arms. You instantly looked down, afraid to look the man lest he is someone you should never piss off. 
“Well, I heard a commotion and decided to come up to take a peak. Guess it was cleaned up before I could come in.” The man said. God, it must have been a test. And you failed it. 
“Namjoon Hyung!” His Majesty bounded over to the man and gave him a big hug. 
“Hey Kook.” You envied their easy affection for each other. You were only mates to the king by bond but his heart is somewhere else. You didn’t want to stay and intrude any further. Ducking your head even further down to your chest, you mumbled out a soft apology and bolted to your room. You had overstayed your stay and it is time to go back. 
To reality. 
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Jungkook felt the ache in his chest before you left. 
And then he felt it grow that he winced at the pain, rubbing over the area, trying to ease it up. But he knew that there was nothing that could ease up the pain unless it you felt happier. He wanted to introduce you to his Hyung. Surely, he did not expect him to be out of the library, but he thought that it was a good way to slowly introduce you to his inner circle of the council. The very people who help him make the choices and keep the kingdom safe. 
But the moment you saw Namjoon, he could see the light leave your eyes as you ducked your head lower. He was about to call out to you when you bolted off, and all Jungkook heard was hte soft thud of a room door closing. 
Sighing, Jungkook pushed his hair back. Namjoon came into the room, putting down his books before saying, “That girl is scared. You can’t rush it.”
“I know. But it’s just… So hard.”
“Patience Kook, patience.” 
So with nothing much to do, the both of them sat in the room and went through the piles of letters, policies, and numerous talks on philosophy. As the morning soon turned to afternoon, the servants came in to inform Jungkook that you had your lunch in the room. He was relieved to hear that you ate. Afternoon then turned to evening and when the servants entered the dining room where he was eating with the rest of his inner circle, they informed him that you weren’t eating. 
More like refusing to eat. 
You would tell the servants to leave the food there but when they went back an hour later, the food was untouched and you were bundled in a corner of the room - refusing to move. Jungkook sighed and looked at the food infront of him, appetite now long gone. Ordering for a bowl of porridge, he piled it up with meat, vegetables, and crispy rolls. He wasn’t sure what you liked and what you didn’t like so this wild guess was… truly a wild one. 
Heading up to your room with the bowl and spoon in hand, he knocked on your door. Hearing no answer, he knocked again. This time he pushed open the door and entered. The first thing he saw were your neatly piled clothes on the bed and then your bundled form on the floor, covered in layers and layers of fluffy blankets. 
Jungkook took a note that you liked anything plush and fluffy. Putting the bowl and spoon on the bedside table, he softly walked over to you, however purposefully creaking a few floorboards to inform you of his presence.
And it worked, of course. Your ears twitched and sleepy eyes travelled up to meet his. Kneeling on the ground to get to your eye level, Jungkook held out his hand to your snout. You sloppily sniffed him up before uncurling and dragging the blankets along with you by your bum. Jungkook chuckled at your attempt and slid himself closer, allowing you to rest your sleepy head on his thighs. 
Stroking your silky grey ears, you let out a tummy rumble. 
“I’m sorry for just now. I didn’t know Namjoon Hyung was coming. Things will go at your pace, I promise. Plus, Namjoon Hyung has a mate so don’t you worry your little furry head over the word ‘jealousy’, okay? They are happily mated.” Jungkook chuckled. He figured out why you left when he was reading a poetry on Achilles and Patroclus. “Namjoon Hyung is part of my inner circle in the council and I hope to be able to introduce you to them one day. We… We can be quite chaotic and I don’t want you to run away right now.”
Jungkook half-hugged the frame of your wolf. “I can’t let you go!” Jungkook sobbed hysterically. 
Your wolf below him huffed as if knowing his little tricks. 
The both of you sat in comfortable silence as Jungkook’s hand continued to stroke through your fur, providing you with a sense of comfort while his body heat warmed you. An alpha’s body heat is naturally higher than an omega’s and is able to better regulate itself compared to yours. It wasn’t until a particularly harsh wind forced the windows shut, the bang of it causing you to jum up in fright. 
Bringing your head to his, Jungkook told you with stern eyes, “You have to eat dinner. It has turned cold. Even the wind agrees.”
Getting up, Jungkook left you whining and trailing after him. After ensuring that the windows are shut and locked, he picked up the bowl of food and sat on the bed, patting the side as a gesture for you to join him up. Leaping, you curled around him, seeking his warmth again. 
“No, no, no. No going back to bed. Come on.” Jungkook lifted your head off the bed and pinched your tail, earning a yap and flick. “Come on. Shift back and have some food then you can go back to sleep.”
Your eyes slid to him before flattening to slits as if you were the one hunting him. That made a sense of fear and adrenaline course through him. But before he can say anything, you jumped off the bed and headed for the wardrobe, emerging later in comfortable pajamas. 
Holding the bowl out to you, Jungkook wasn’t sure if you wanted to eat by yourself or -
You plopped down beside him and opened you mouth. 
Well… Safe to say, he chose the wrong option. 
You wanted to be fed. So Jungkook obliged his sleepy mate, ensuring that every bite goes down before he feeds you another. You did not make it through half the bowl before you started falling asleep on him again so Jungkook decided that it was a better option to just let you sleep rather than to force you food. Careful with your hair, Jungkook laid you on the bed before going to the washroom and coming back with a warm cloth to wipe your mouth. 
Your hands seeked his warmth as he left the bed. Tucking you in, Jungkook turned off the lights - save for the washroom’s - and cracked open the windows, ensuring that it would not close in the middle of the night. Then he slid into bed with you immediately wrapping yourself around him. 
It felt like just a few hours ago he woke up in a similar position. Now, he went to sleep with the both of you working to better understand the other. 
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You woke up to light snores and a curly head of hair in your face. Squinting at the sunlight that streamed through the curtains, you hid your face in the being next to you. Colliding with a warm chest, you tilted your head up to see His Majesty’s sleeping form beside you. 
Turning the wheels back, you recalled what happened last night and decided that it was not a good idea to scream. 
Namjoon Hyung has a mate.
Don’t worry your fluffy head over this.
I would like to introduce you to them one day.
Things will go at your pace, I promise.
Perhaps, you could try. If His Majesty is trying for you, why say you can’t do the same? It is a choice that you knew only you could make. 
We can be a little chaotic. 
You could try. There was nobody to say - significant - in your life to introduce to His Majesty but he does. So you would like to know his friends as well. You were good at cooking, Aunt Marion has taught you much. 
I want to know your likes and dislikes. 
Deciding that you would make something that you loved for him to try as breakfast, you tried to shimmy your way out of his hold. But all he did was groan and turn over, essentially caging you between in body and the bed. Trying to wiggle out of his hold, all you did was wake him instead. 
“No…” His Majesty mumbled. “Noooo… Don’t goooo…”
“Let me out, please. I need the washroom, Your Majesty.”
His brows furrowed before groggily lifting his arm to let you escape. You left for the washroom to get ready and when you came back to the bedroom, His Majesty was already back in the dreamland. Lightly laughing, you toed out of the room and started exploring His Majesty’s lodging area. You had noted that it was the furthest from civilisation and had the well… best view, you suppose. Whenever you looked out, it was trees and forest. It made your wolf extremely happy. She was allowed to prance around without anybody scolding her. 
Carefully, you walked down steps until there were none and stopped. Now you didn’t know where to go. Not that you left much - you weren’t even certain how many stories you had climbed down. 
Eyes fluttering around, you start to grow nervous. You were in a completely new environment and you just… explored the place on your own?
Just as you were about to throw in the towel and head back up to probe His Majesty for directions, a chirpy “hello” broke you out of your trance. Whipping your head around, you stumbled backwards, barely catching your footing before you fell. In front of you stood a male with eyes like smiles and a lovely demeanour. 
Hoping that he wouldn’t be nasty, you cautiously asked, “Hello, may I know where the kitchen is?”
The man looked at you in shock. You weren’t sure why until he replied to you in the common language did you realise… you slipped back. “Hi! I’m Jimin.”
“I’m Y/N.” You replied softly. 
“Cool that you know the Old Language. Not many people know how to speak that anymore.” Jimin spoke with you with the comfort of the Old Language. His accent was much heavier, slurring the words at the end as they moulded around his lips.   
“The older folks in my pack understood mainly the Old Language so I picked up along the way.”
The both of you struck up conversations as Jimin led you to the kitchen. It was more of Jimin talking and you giving him one or two-word answers. It wasn’t that you did not have your fair share of socialisation. No, you had your classes, you knew how to talk - you just didn’t want to. Circles and circles the both of you walked, turns and turns he led you through, until you stopped by a set of large doors, wide open as you smelt the aroma wafted out. Feeling the sudden hunger, your stomach grumbled. 
“Are you… Hungry?” Jimin chuckled. 
You shook your head. 
Heading over to a chef, you slowly asked him, “May I know where the vegetables, seasoning, and dry ingredients are?”
The chef wiped the sweat off his forehead and pointed in their respective directions. Thanking him, you looked through each section and then headed for the refrigerator. You knew what you were going to make - one that Papa always made for you and a recipe that Aunt Marion learnt from you. 
You always craved them on days when you missed your dad and rainy weather. You never liked loud, harsh sounds and the fear amplified on that rainy day. It was your comfort food, one that was a staple in your diet. Sometimes, you’ll catch Aunt Marion making them early in the morning. You wondered how His Majesty would react to a food like this. Would he like it as much as you do or would he dislike it and ban it from the castle? You weren’t sure how you were going to survive without it.
After collecting all the ingredients needed, you walked over to the prepping station. Mixing the flour, salt, sugar, and grated garlic in a bowl, half a cup of yougurt, butter and lukewarm milk were poured in. With extra milk and butter on the side, you started mixing the ingredients to form a dough. Kneading until the dough gave a soft, elastic, and pliable texture, you covered it in a damp cloth and let it sit in a warm place. While the dough is resting, you turn to another station, bringing with you seven cloves of garlic and coriander leaves. 
Finely slicing the garlic cloves, you felt a sense of deja vu. Remembering when you used to help Papa make them for school time snacks so that you could share them with your friends. Shaking your head, you placed the garlic in a small dish before lightly washing the coriander leaves and finely chopping them. 
“What are you making?” You heard Jimin question you. 
“My comfort food.”
You turned around with the bowls in your hand, heading back to the prepping station when you saw Jimin pinching the cloth to lift it and peek under. Placing the bowls beside him, Jimin flinched, looking up at you with a sheepish expression.
You walked back to the station and washed up the chopping board and knives. Heading back to where Jimin stood, you uncovered the dough. Lightly greasing your fingers, you divided the dough into eight parts. You preferred smaller pieces, one that can be eaten quicker. Rolling them into balls, you arranged them back into the bowl neatly, covering them with the cloth again. It is important to keep them covered so that the dough does not lose its moisture. 
Sprinkling a little flour on the rolling board, you started rolling out the dough. Once you determine that it is a good size, sprinkle on some sliced garlic and coriander leaves. Slightly rolling them to stick, you set them aside, covering them with another damp cloth as you work on the rest of the dough. 
With the help of another chef, you managed to locate a non-stick pan and heat it over medium heat. Once the pan is deemed hot enough, you place a little water at the bottom of the naan before putting it onto the pan. When bubbles start to form, flip it, cooking until the other side forms bubbles as well. Flaming it on the other side directly on the stove gives the naan a little charred spots. 
Oh, those were your favourites. 
Once the naan is fully cooked, it is transferred to a cooling rack and as the others are cooking, you smear some butter on top with an extra garnish of coriander leaves. 
Constantly moving about, you usually wrap the naan in cloth, putting it in the small pocket under the apron you wore. So now looking at the cooling naan on the rack, you wondered what you could dip with it. Making it with ur favourite paneer butter masala is a no since you do not have enough time. 
“Why think so much? Just give it to him like that.”
You would love to but you were afraid that he would be offended that this was all you give him. A king is supposed to have a spread, not just one item. 
“Jungkook will like anything you make.” Jimin went over to the refrigerator and took out an unopened carton of banana milk. “Just give him with this. He raids the kitchen for this every morning either way.” Jimin placed the milk in your hands. 
Turning the carton over, you contemplated. You were afraid to be punished for not providing your king with what he deserves but his sworn brother told you that it does not truly matter. On the other hand, siblings can prank each other and you do not want to get in the middle of it. Then again, you didn’t know who else to listen to other than either yourself or Jimin. 
“If you’re thinking whether or not I am giving you the wrong information, trust me,” Jimin placed a hand on his chest and propped his right leg on a stool. “I would never give you the wrong sort of information. Plus, I haven’t given you anything to put me as a prankster and liar right?”
It was anything but right as Jimin’s eyes bore into yours with that mischievous smile. You were suspicious - for certain and with a good reason, no less - but you decided to try. Plating the naan and carrying the milk (it honestly made you raise your brows at it), you walked out of the kitchen. But just as you took a step out, you realised that… you didn’t know how to go back to His Majesty’s room. 
You turned back to ask Jimin to bring you along but you already found him behind you. You walked a little behind Jimin as he led you back. It was only when Jimin led you to the lift lobby did you realise, you took the hard and long way down. 
When you were outside His Majesty’s room, you could hear the soft snores through the doors. You had expected that His Majesty would have woken up by now considering that it was nine in the morning. 
“This is where I leave you. It was nice knowing you, My Lady. I hope to see you around soon.” Jimin bowed to you before walking back into the lift. 
Taking a deep breath, you opened the door and walked in. Lightly closing it behind you, you treaded on careful waters, placing the food on the bedside table before poking His Majesty’s arm in an attempt to wake him up. 
“Hmmm…” His Majesty’s brows furrowed.
Poke. Poke. Poke. “Your Majesty.”
“Your Majesty, I made something. Would you like to try?”
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Jungkook was disoriented.
He thought you had come back to bed. When did you leave again?
Jungkook yawned as he sat up in the bed, staring at you. You were standing at the edge of his side of the bed, poking him awake. 
“Your Majesty, I made something. Would you like to try?”
Sure. He would love to. 
“Hmm…” He nodded but whined in retaliation when he didn’t manage to grab onto you in time as you left to walk around the bed. 
His sleepy eyes followed you the entire time and you came back with a carton of his favourite banana milk - how did you know? - and a plate of… bread? Jungkook got more alert. Oh, how he loves bread! Anything that contains flour is his favourite. Reaching for the food on the plate in an instant, he tore into it with a content sigh. It was only halfway through that he realised that the bread was not the usual one the servants would bring him. It was softer and held more flavour. 
“Hmmm!” Jungkook looked at you. “Hmm! What is this? It’s good!”
He saw the way you ducked your head as your cheeks turned a dusty shade of pink. Oh, how cute you were. Jungkook could abandon the bread in his hand to chew on your cheeks instead. 
“It’s garlic butter naan. My dad used to always make it for me so that I could bring it to school and share it with my friends. It became my comfort food.” He observed that you were fighting the itch to cover yourself. “I’m glad you like it, Your Majesty.”
Jungkook was proud that you tried to open up to him. He was beyond happy. 
“I like it. How long can they keep for?” 
Your furrowed brows made him go into another mini heart attack. “For normal naan, I’d say to keep its freshness, a month in the freezer should be good and about five days at room temperature.”
Jungkook chewed on the naan as he nodded. “How much can you make?”
“It depends on how long I am permitted in the kitchen, Your Majesty.”
There’s that again. Jungkook was not disappointed - just a little sad that you still didn’t trust him enough. 
“There is the main kitchen and the kitchen in this tower. You can use any for however long you like. There are no limitations. There are no limitations here, okay?”
You nodded at him. 
The silence dragged on comfortably as Jungkook continued to munch on his breakfast and drink his daily calcium while playing with your fingers. Your slender hands have done too much work - but Jungkook wouldn’t say. If you decide to continue with reading and sword training, he would be more than happy to oblige you.
But not housekeeping.
He hoped you would no longer think that you must clean the castle. Some servants are in charge of cleaning up and he hoped that you would leave it to them to do most of the work. 
“Your Majesty,” You turned to him. “I… I would like to learn how to properly fight and -”
“I have a friend who can help you! He commands the First Battalion!” 
“You,” Your eyes looked like they shined a thousand stars. “You would allow me to fight, Your Majesty?”
You said it with such hope in your voice that it hurts Jungkook’s heart. Exactly what did they do to you that the simplest indulgent made you look like that? If you wanted to fight, you may; if you wanted to read and create new things, you may; hell, if you wanted to burn the whole world down, he’ll burn it down with you.
Perhaps with a few exceptions. 
“Of course.”Jungkook brought his hand to your hair and hooked the strays behind your ear. “You don’t need anybody’s permission to do anything.” 
You looked so happy a that moment, eyes shining as if they were a thousand stars in the galaxy. 
“Come on. Let’s dress you in simple clothes today.”
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“Oh! It’s you!” A head of brown locks dashed up to you and you were sure with his built, you would have tumbled onto the ground by now if it wasn’t for a bold hand grabbing him from the fabric of his waist and pulling him back. 
“Tae! Don’t be so rash!” The tall man chided him. 
“Aw, come on! I just wanted to give her a hug!” The man in his hold - Tae - thrashed and whined. But the man held firm. 
“You don’t know what she’s been through, don’t be so rash. What if all of our waiting goes back to square one because you wanted to give her a hug?”
You understood where they are coming from. They were afraid to wait longer to see you and you suppose you shouldn’t let them wait any longer. Pushing down your fears, you sturdily (at least you hoped it appeared sturdy) curtsied to the group of men in front of you. “Good morning. I am L/N Y/N. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Frequent pratice allowed the common language to smoothly roll off your tongue. 
“You’re quite educated, I see?” The same man that held back Sir Tae spoke, pushing up his glasses. His built - tall and muscular - made you feel like an ant next to him. 
“The guards and scholars would teach me in the night.” 
The man nodded, bowing at ninety degrees. “Scholar Namjoon, Your Majesty. I am pleased to be at your service.” 
Oh, he certainly looks like a scholar. While you never interacted with anybody during the morning to avoid any form of suspicions and rumours to spread in the pack, you have came across scholars at all hours of the day. They were always dressed to their finest, topped with the exuberance of elegance surrounding them. Even as the scholars who teach you during the night, wearing nothing more than a turnic and pants, remain that grace.  
Observing three of the similarly dressed men in the group, you deduced that they must all be scholars. Their clothing were prim, not a single wrinkle in sight. Even their ties were neatly tucked under their double-vested vests that are adorned with gold buttons. Their boots shine under their high waisted pants with silk gloves in the pockets of the coat. One of them took out a pocket watch before whispering in another shorter man’s ears. He stood tall himself as the man he looked over you. 
His eyes were as sharp as a cat’s and you felt stripped under his gaze. Bowing, the man introduced himself. “Yoongi, Your Majesty.”
You curtsied back to him. 
“Jungkook told us you had quite the… harsh upbringing.” Scholar Namjoon started. Wait - Jungkook? Not His Majesty? His Excellency? His.. something other than his name?! “But it seems that you had good teachers.”
You hastily looked over at His Majesty, eyes peeking from under your brows as they furrowed. You hoped that he wouldn’t be too angry that his people did not call him by his title. His Majesty looked over at you and smiled - and you felt like you’ve drifted. 
Turning back to the waiting group, you answered. “The guards and scholars in my previous pack have taught me well.”
A head poked out from across the wall before bounding over to your side. “My Lady! What are you doing here? Lost again?” Jimin whipped his head to the group and glared at the males in front, eyes saying What are you guys up to? 
“Do you know each other?” 
Jimin’s ears seem to pique at that question. “Yep! I’ve been with them since young! The seven of us are an inseparable group you know? Of course, with Jungkook at the head of the table.”
“Ju-Jungkook?” Your face pales again as your heart hammered in your chest. 
Please don’t be mad. Please don’t be mad. 
“Plus, he’s the youngest out of all of us so we get to tease him forever.” A male slapped His Majesty’s butt. His Majesty whined.
Oh no… Oh no, they’ve done it now. Violating the king’s sense of -
“Hey Y/N darling,” Large hands encompassed your cheeks. “Don’t worry. They’re always like that and they practically raised me through my adolescent years. Their my brothers. It’s alright, it’s alright.”
Your cheeks dusted a shade of pink as you held in the urge to bury your burning face in his Majesty’s cloak. Instead, your grip tightened on the fabric as you tried to cool down the rising heat. Jungkook can see the way you were holding back on running so he cupped the back of your neck and gently tugged you to his chest. With your head buried, you tightened you grip even more, as if he would disappear the moment you let go.
“Darling?” Jungkook brushed your hair back, fingers threading thorough your loose locks. “Can I introduce you to them?” 
You nodded, turning back to the group of boys waiting for your reply. His Majesty pointed to each one of them and started, “This is Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin, as you know. This is Soekjin, but you can just call him Jin.” He was the man who took out his pocket watch. “This is Hoseok or Hobi.” The cheerful guy who was clad in simple but expensive tunic and pants. “And lastly, this is Taehyung.” He was the one who wanted to give you a hug. You should return it sometime soon. 
Curtsying to the group, you quickly went back to the hold of your mate. You could see the cooing faces and lips that they were making and it made you blush even more. His Majesty suddenly spoke, breaking the electricity between the group. 
“Y/N wants to learn how to properly fight. Jimin, could you teach her?” Sir Jimin burst in front of you, hair flying all over his face as he grinned at you. 
“Of course! I would never turn down time with My Lady!” Sir Jimin’s eyes roamed your body and you can see the calculations turning in his mind. The look was quickly removed, as he held out a hand to you. “Let’s start now. Shall we?”
Timidly, you placed your hand in his and let him drag you away.
“Wait- what?! I didn’t mean now!”
You turned your head to see the other boys holding His Majesty back. But you could see that there was not much struggles coming from his as well. Waving your hand at him, you continued to allow Sir Jimin to lead you around and through some turns. Sir Jimin was excitedly blabbing on about how much they have waited to meet you and you felt a little bad. 
As the both of you stopped at the training ground, you saw the rings, an assortment of weapons, and so many different types of training elements. When in your old pack, you learned archery and swordmanship. The guards would teach you defense and ensure that you could fight but this - 
Goodness… You have never seen anything like it!
“Shall we start?” You turned back to Sir Jimin. “I’ll have to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses before I start to teach you anything.”
Throwing you a wooden sword, you easily caught it as you prepped your stance. But Sir Jimin was fast. He was much faster and agile compared to the guards in your old pack - and no, he did not go easy on you. Bringing the sword up to block the unexpected blow, you willed strength in your arms as you fought, putting more distance between the both of you. The both of you fought and your breath started getting shorter and heavier. You had to finish this quick. 
Summoning more energy into your movements, you kept light on your feet as you bounded over to Sir Jimin, feigning an attack to his right but tunring left at the last second. You hooked your foot over his and pulled, whirling to his back as you used his weight and temporary shock to pull him down and turned him onto his front. You layed the dull wood of the slab onto his neck. 
You were panting for your breath and landed in a heap over Sir Jimin. He looked like he was still in shock so you leaned forward to poke his cheek, trying to find out if he was still alive. When he didn’t move, you frowned. Feeling the man’s head for any bumps of blood for any signs of concussion, you wee certian you didn’t hit his head too hard to cause him to pass. 
Just as you were about to call for help, you heard footsteps coming closer towards hte both of you. Shoes scuffed on the rough terrain of the training ground and your fight has not left you. Turning on your heels, you prepped yourself for another fight. You weren’t sure who or what you were going to fight but you needed to ensure you adn Sir Jimin made it out alive. 
Even if he might probably be… dead?
But when you looked up, you say His Majesty staring at the both of you together with Scholar Taehyung at his side. Only then did you realise the position you and Sir Jimin were in. Your body leaned over his as you sat on the curve of his back, Sir Jimin unmoving below you. The silence between the four of you stretched long. 
“Damn.” You flinched at sudden movement below you. 
Snapping out of your daze, you leaped off Sir Jimin. You held off jumping to His Majesty as feelings overcame you. You didn’t want him to be mad but you didn’t know his boundaries to his emotions. You were caught in a compromising position by your own mate and you did not want to trigger anything else you shouldn’t. 
But His Majesty hopped over and around you, jumping around you like an excited bunny. “Finally! We have finally found the savious to shutting Jimin up! HAHA!”
You stood there, confused. 
“Jimin has always prided himself in being the best swordsman amongst our group and he would not stop bragging about it everytime we ask him for a duel. But now that you have flopped him on his ass-”
“Yah! Stop it!” You turned your head to Sir Jimin. He was dusting himself off and stomping over towards the three of you. “Stop bringing down my hard-earned reputation!” 
His Majesty and Scholar Taehyung rolled on the floor laughing. Then you heard a squeaky laugh from your side as well, one that sounded like when you cleaned the windows. The sound as the cloth passed the dry windows. 
Flinching, you turned to your left, finding Scholar Seokjin bent over his knees, pointing to the trio as he tried to mouth something but the words couldn’t get out. His wheezing form coupled with his squeaky laugh made you chuckle. When you couldn’t hold in your laughter anymore, you followed along with the group, their contagious laughter enveloping your senses. 
It was then that you realised - this is what home feels like. You still had a long way to recovery, perhaps never even a chance to return to how you were as a kid. But growth is needed if one wanted to live. But these people have taught you the true feeling of being at ease, feeling safe. And you were certaintly grateful for those you now call friends and mate. 
Wiping the tears from your eyes, you observed the clear sky with a few clouds looking like animals floating by. You hoped that your previous pack would be able to have a better leader soon. Nobody should live in fear and you wished that they would be able to see better days. Turning around, you followed the Scholars, Sir Jimin, and His Majesty. This time, as His Majesty slid his hand to yours, you didn’t hesitate to grab onto it, swinging your connected palms as the five of you walked into the future. 
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Unprecedented Resurrection
The admiral opened his mouth, then closed it then opened again and then closed it one more time. Kelly stood patiently in the hallway crowded by several UNSC officers and more than one MP, all of whom weren’t entirely sure if they were supposed to hug her or kill her. She could see the indecision and confusion in their faces, and could even read the partial awkwardness the admiral felt for the fact that he had long since moved into her old office.
How was he supposed to let her know that politely?
The MPs were just as confused and even more concerned at the outcome. They wondered whether Kelly was still considered part of the UNSC, or  if funeral rights counted as an honorable discharge. Was she even allowed to be here? But somehow she had gotten past the gate and the door which both required ID, so clearly her card was still active, but what about her rank, was that actve? Did she get hr old job back?
Or is dying considered going awol.
She turned to look at the admiral, “Admiral Carson isn’t it?”
The man nodded dumbly before pulling himself together and offered a hand robotically. She took it with a small smile and shook his hand. As she did she felt a slight tingle as a glitch came on, and watched the man’s face as she phazed into a partial shadow before returning as herself. Out of reflex he jerked in shock, and she could momentarily read his confused thoughts. Whether he should be worried about void infection.
Was she a void creature?
Had she come to hurt them?
Even he wondered if she could be considered discharged or not.
“My apologies,” Kelly said,”I seem to have trouble holding my corporeal form these days.” She enjoyed watching the dumbstruck looks on their faces as they tried very hard to understand and wrap their heads around what she was saying. Kelly had always had a wicked little sense of humor. From the outside she knew a lot of people saw her as cold and hard and kind of distant, but her cold irony was one of her greatest weapons.
She liked subtly teasing people.
“I… th… we..” The Admiral began fumbling over his words, pausing and stuttering as he tried to find the right thing to say. The others around him did not look particularly envious of the position she had put him in. She raised an eyebrow as he stumbled but eventually, “This is all…. highly …. Irregular, Admiral I…. I don’t know of the UNSC has a policy for….. For resurrection.”  She laughed at that watching as his eyes narrowed and his thought process grew that much more guarded, “And how do we know you aren’t a manifestation of the void. We have had problems with that latel.”
She nodded slowly in understanding, “that is what I would like to speak with the UNSC brass about.”
He gave her a look, “I am not going to trust you in a room with some of the most important people on earth. I am sorry, Admiral but you…. If you are you…. You should understand.”
Again she nodded slowly and simply smiled at the man who shuffled his feet awkwardly against the floor.
“No its alright I understand, a teleconference will be just fine. And as for your question, the UNSC does not have any protocols for the resurrection of an officer. But think about it this way, if an officer dies on the table and is resuscitated they still remain an officer.”
He nodded through rather guardedly, “Yes, perhaps that is so, but it is likely if he died o on the table, he also sustained injuries that would lead to his medical discharge. And death is a pretty serious medical condition.
Kelly patted herself quite pointedly and looked up at the admiral with her eyebrow still raised, “You know for someone who is dead I am feeling rather well.” She watched hsi face closely, and then saw him blanch white with confusion. 
What would thai mean for the presidency?
Kelly had died merely fifteen seconds after her inauguration, and Hunt had taken over as he was her active VP. The VP can take over the presidency in the event that the president is ill, or otherwise indisposed, and must hand the presidency back when the president recovers. But how did resurrection and death factor into this? This was going to be a whole mess and it was he who was going to have to deal with the problem.
“Follow me.:”
Together, surrounded by military MPs and curious soldiers alike.
They made their way through the hallways in an ever growing group. Officers stopped in the hall to gape, a solider nearly fell over his mop and bucket. Some enlisted cadet actually managed to walk into a door frame as she made her way past. All around her she could hear whispering and muttering and speculation.
There were too many people for her to easily read minds now, but she could hear their thoughts as a distant background chatter.
They turned the corner to the war room and their entourage reluctantly fell off as they were lead through the secure doors and into a conference room . Kelly took her seat watching as the admiral paced up and down the front of the room near the control panels. A group of intelligence analysts sitting at their computers turned to observe their boss, and stopped as their eyes fell on Kelly. One woman let out an involuntary squeak.
The man muttered to himself then paused and sighed, ``If now isn’t the time than no time is the time.” She watched him walk over to the leftmost control panel, flipping up the plastic cover on a large green button.” She had only ever used that button on one occasion, during the invasion of earth, and she was surprised to find that she warranted such worry .
The green button would send a very urgent request for an immediate telemeeting with all of the big and important people, admirals of the UNSC, the presidential cabinet members, and the justices presiding over the global court. 
Even president Hunt would be there.
She felt herself glitch again with a little more force and malice than she had originally intended, but no one saw and she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Things were going to be alright. What that mad had done to her, what he had helped Kazna do to her was unforgivable, and there was no greater desire in her than to murder him permanently like he had helped do to her, but she refused to stoop to his level. No matter how bad she wanted to, she would not become him.
She opened her eyes slowly and looked up just in time to se the admiral mash the green button.
He was sweating profusely now, and she could sea the beads of sweat beginning to appear on his forehead.
He had no idea weather this was the right call or not, but there were simply no other options.
Kelly waited quietly as the first holograms began to appear arrayed around the table like something from the Jedi council, a reference she only knew because Adam had pestered her into watching the first few movies. She was pretty sure he had pestered everyone on Arcadia into watching the first few movies.
She remained unnoticed for a time as other admiral’s, politicians and world leaders demanded to know why they had been called.
And then.
Hunt appeared. He was looking more frazzled than she remembered, older and more worn down. He had no hair, so it was hard to tell if he had gone gray, but his eyes were gaunt and sunken back into his head. He looked far older than she remembered and much more car worn.
A part of that brought her great pleasure.
Another part of her was convinced it wasn’t nearly enough.
It was actually hunt that noticed her first, his eyes turning around the circle, all holograms on his side, and froze as his eyes fell on her. She could practically feel his brain bluescreen and crash despite him being thousands of miles away. When his mouth opened she half expected to hear the emergency alert noise that comes up on tv, loud and obnoxious and completely nonsense.
But that wouldn’t really change much from his normal speech now would it.
His sudden strange reaction caused a cascade effect as others turned to see what he was looking at, their eyes falling on her and realization slowly beginning to dawn on their face.
The global court justice looked as if she was about to have an aneurysm, either that or she was incredibly constipated.
The secretary of defense went white and then green.
The Secretary of Homeland Security just started to laugh, and she couldn’t tell weather he was actually amused or if his brain simply didn’t know how to interpret whatever strong emotion he was feeling at the time.
“Tala…. Kelly….”
They turned to look at admiral carson looks of accustomed in their eyes demanding an explanation.
He simply lifted his hands in confusion, “I didn’t know what else to do.
“SHe could be void infected.” Hunt pointed out, and just at that moment, Kelly’s body chose to glitch, causing a wave of shock and exclamations of surprise around the room.
She sighed and stood, “It’s me, all be it a little worse for ware.”
“Worse for ware!” That was justice Yun, “You were dead kelly! How are we supposed to deal with this? Your body is buried at the Arlington historical site!” 
That was a weird thought all told. She had never considered that her bones were lying somewhere in the ground, not a few hundred miles away  She could go visit her own grave if she wanted though she found the thought rather depressing.
She tilted her head at the group of them, “It is true, I am no longer in possession of my physical body.”
Dumbstruck silence.
“What the hell is that even supposed to mean?” Hunt said, and she took a very long deep breath trying to calm her desire to punch him in the mouth.
She folded her hands in front of her, “My security clearance number, if you are worried and wish to identify me is 22 0 Charlie Delta 4 5 Tango Sierra, and as for that story it is simple. I did die when Kazna stabbed me, that much is true. At the time, and unknown to me, she had kidnapped my anima and locked me in….. “ She shivered at the very thought, trying to block out the memory, “she kept me for a year floating in a black well of nothingness, the sort of afterlife all of us dread, during that time I lost all sense of who I was . For a while she used me against Admiral Vir, until Lord Celex, who had also been captured by Kazna came to my aid, together we escaped and returned to Arcadia, where we have been recovering since. There is more to the story but that is the gist of it.”
Hunt jabbed a finger at her, “So you admit that you have been corrupted by the void.”
She sighed and shook her head, “No, it didn’t take.”
“How can we trust you.”
She glowered at hunt slowly beginning to lose her temper, “I am no longer bound by physical laws, hunt. I can survive the vacuum of space, gunshots, the crushing weight of the ocean. I can change my form into any creature man or beast that I like, and yet I have chosen to come here and politely speak with you like a rational being.” She locked eyes with him hoping to bore cold hardness into his soul, “Even though I could easily have gotten revenge against those that have wronged me, I have chosen not to because that is not a world I believe in. But you have managed to fuck earth so royally that they are holding the coronation tomorrow.”
Silence around the room and maybe a few smiles.
“Considering all of that I have returned, and I hope to start where I left off.”
Dead silence around the room.
Awkward paper shuffling.
An admiral turned to the Justice, “Is there precident for this?”
“For resurrection, no, not since Christ as far as I am aware, and he was only one for three days.”
“Well settle in everyone, we are going to have to figure something out.” 
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clubwnderland · 2 years
"It's okay. I understand. You can leave. They all do." 💞
Pairing: Jongin + Channie - @moonlightchn
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They could feel their hearts breaking, nothing could have prepared them for this. Things had been perfect, beautiful, and more magical than they could ever have imagined. Life had been peaceful, good. Jongin could have sworn they were a match made in heaven because everything he had ever wanted in someone - he found in Channie.
Sadly, life had its way of ruining such happiness.
"Jongin..." Channie says, tears in his eyes as the older pulls away with a smile. It doesn't reach his eyes, it's broken, a reflection of his heart but he can't show that to Channie. He has to stay strong. "I- Mingi..."
"It's okay," he replies, not wanting to hear how they talked, how happy he was that Mingi came back, how everything that Jongin thought they had was nothing more than him lying to himself. "I understand. You can leave, puppy. They all do."
Those words, they hurt Channie, but they hurt him too. Regardless of how much Jongin opens himself up, no matter how he tries to be better, it's never enough. That's always the case, isn't it? Second best, the twin who should never have been Alpha, the son who should have submitted and fallen in line. The one who always loses in the end, no matter how hard he fights, he never quite manages to get what he wants so he gives it all up so easily.
What's the point when it's so easy to throw him to the side?
"That's not fair," Channie looks away, "I'm not leaving. I just-"
Jongin shuts it all down. The tears that begin to well up in his eyes as he desperately wishes he could fight for Channie. The lump in his throat that makes it hard for him to speak, to breathe. The urge to pull Channie close and never let him go even though he's no longer Jongin's to hold.
If he ever was.
"He makes you happy, Channie." No more need for a pet name. It comes as a shock because he grew so used to the affectionate nickname that hearing his real name fall from Jongin's lips sounds foreign. Alien.
"You made me happy..." It's not a lie but Jongin can't believe it. Not if he wants to let go.
Laughing bitterly, the older wolf shakes his head, "nah, I filled a void. We both know that." He can hear footsteps coming from the distance and knows it's time to say goodbye. "You better get going, hm? I'll see you around."
Channie opens his mouth but it's too late, the door is closed. Literally. Slammed shut in front of him while Jongin slides to the floor, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth.
The price of love is always pain. In one way or another, someone pays for it.
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noellewrxtes · 2 years
please mind the tags before proceeding.
word count: roughly 2.5k
i'm sorry, it is all just under the cut. i won't be posting to ao3 at this time. i know, i apologize.
Two days after he turns twenty years old, Flash receives a text:
Happy bday. Miss u.
And it’s a totally ordinary text, nothing offensive about it except for the fact that it had been sent at all, but it sends Flash down a spiral that Peter doesn’t understand. Which is fair, in its own way. How could he when Flash has gone to great lengths to make sure that he never had enough of the pieces to put that particular puzzle together?
Still, he finds himself unfairly annoyed when Peter tries to chip in with his incomplete knowledge of the situation. “He’s your dad,” Peter insists, stretched out across the couch as he speaks through a mouthful of pizza. “I know you guys don’t, like, get along but of course he was going to text you on your birthday.”
But even that much isn’t right because Flash's father didn’t send him a text for his birthday. He sent him a text two days after his birthday and Flash knows that’s because his father doesn’t actually know when his birthday is, but he doesn’t tell Peter that. He doesn’t tell him that his father has never really acknowledged his birthday before now, either. What he does tell him is, “I don’t want to talk about this,” and it’s as true as any of the dozens of things he doesn’t say so he takes some measure of satisfaction in the fact that at least he’s not lying.
Flash doesn’t answer but the texts continue—one on Thanksgiving, two on Christmas. Each time, Flash’s mood sours instantly and for days, but when he receives a text on Father’s Day Flash is so angry he nearly breaks his phone in two (no happy fathers day?, the fucking dick) and it’s then that Peter suggests in a nervous voice, “You could try blocking him?”
It’s the obvious solution, Flash knows, but he mumbles out, "What if there's an emergency?" nonetheless. This time he knows he’s lying.
Flash joins the military not long after he turns twenty-one even though Peter tries to talk him out of it. He has a list of reasons why it’s a bad idea, some based in anti-war sentiments, some based in concern for Flash’s well-being, but none that feel even remotely convincing coming from someone who spends his nights beating street criminals to a pulp because he can.
So Flash enlists despite Peter’s concerns and he’s gone for bootcamp by the time his next birthday rolls around. His father doesn’t text him this year, not on time, not late, not at all, and Flash is so busy doing drills that he almost doesn’t notice. When it does occur to him, he isn’t sure what to think about it. He’s not disappointed, but not really relieved either–he thinks he must be feeling the void, the weight of something that should be there but isn’t. He doesn’t want the texts, but he doesn’t want the silence their absence has left him with either. Mostly he wishes the handful of scattered messages had never existed in the first place.
Peter doesn’t understand this either. When Flash mentions the radio silence a few days later, Peter texts back, that’s good isnt it?
And Flash doesn’t have it in him to explain, doesn’t think he has the words to do so anyway so he just types out, yea, and focuses on his training.
It’s easy to forget about the texts and the cramped, suffocating house he grew up in amidst the explosions and ricochets of combat. It’s harder to forget about the empty bottles of whiskey that littered his childhood home, though, when they start to take up residence in his barracks.
Flash returns to New York after a couple of deployments with two more years behind him and two fewer legs beneath him. As with so many other things, he doesn’t tell Peter about this either, but it’s probably the only time he feels guilty about it because Peter finds out when he comes to pick Flash up from the airport. He gazes around the crowd, looking for Flash, only laying eyes on him when he looks down to see Flash in a wheelchair, his legs missing below the knees.
For once he’s lost for words, and all Flash can bring himself to do is quirk his lips uncomfortably and say, “Hey, Petey.”
Peter opens his mouth to greet Flash back then shuts it again.
Flash huffs. “Yeah, sorry,” he says, rubbing at the back of his neck. “It’s probably not the best surprise you’ve ever gotten.”
When Peter finally thinks of something to say, it’s a stammered out, “I mean, are you okay?” and it’s just an absolutely absurd question and there’s no right way to answer it. No, he’s not fine, but the fact that he never really has been kind of makes it all seem like he might be, in a weird, numbed out kind of way, but Flash knows that isn’t fine. That’s just having learned to tolerate it.
So he says, “I mean, I could go for a shot right now,” and even that is a lie in its own way because he says it like a joke, knowing Peter hasn’t seen the way he gets with alcohol these days. But then again, Flash fully intends for Peter to never see the way he gets with alcohol these days.
Peter resents the distance Flash keeps between them. Flash knows because Peter sometimes tells him he’s too secretive with accusation in his eyes and he sometimes grows frustrated when Flash discusses his parents in only the vaguest terms he can. He resents that Flash didn’t tell him about his legs when it happened, too, and that’s even more fair than the rest of it.
It’s not that Flash doesn’t feel bad about it—Peter is Peter and Flash isn’t so stupid that he doesn’t realize he’s lucky to have him, but that’s really the problem, isn’t it? What happens when Peter doesn’t like the jagged edges that Flash has worked so hard to keep hidden from him? What happens when Peter realizes how fucked up Flash actually is? What happens when he decides it’s too much for him?
Peter saves enough lives as it is. He doesn’t need to be responsible for Flash’s too.
He makes it a couple of months, at least, before Peter sees Flash really drunk. He begins to understand why they call it ‘wasted’ after that because that’s how it feels: like he’s lost himself in the bottle, traded in his life for the next sip; they call it ‘trashed’ because that’s what it is, throwing pieces of himself into the waste bin with each fresh shot, but then Flash looks down at the stubs of his knees and remembers that it wasn’t the liquor that wasted him, was it? It wasn’t even the war. He was wasted long before any of that, nothing more than the flotsam left behind from a crash he had no fault in.
The texts keep coming, sporadic and unpredictable, and Flash keeps ignoring them.
“You don’t think he misses you?” his therapist asks one day as Flash scowls down at his phone, a woman the military appointed for him, with kind eyes and sympathetic smiles who Flash can’t bring himself to talk to about anything of significance. He’s thought about it, sure, but it never feels like the right time to drop that bomb on her. If he says it too casually, will she believe him? If he says it too emotionally, will she think he’s putting on an act?
He keeps his silence.
“No, I’m sure he does,” Flash answers honestly. “I mean, he does care.” And he means it when he says it, he knows it’s true somewhere in his gut, because the thing is that he still remembers when he was eleven years old how his father had tried to stop drinking. It didn’t last long, maybe a month at best, but when he fell off the wagon again and downed half a bottle in one night, he had sat on the couch and sobbed broken apologies into Flash’s hair, incoherently drunk. It wasn’t the only time he had tried and failed to overcome his demons, but it was the only time Flash had ever seen him cry.
Harrison Thompson, he knows, cares for his son. He just cares for the liquor more.
“Do you maybe feel guilty for not answering him?” she presses, a probing question designed to gauge what the relationship was like.
This, too, he answers honestly, a dismissive shrug and a, “Not really,” and he lets her extrapolate from that what she will.
It’s complicated, he’ll never say, because the thing is that fucked up people raise fucked up people raise fucked up people, and Flash knows that his father didn’t have it easy as a kid either. It used to be enough for Flash to feel sorry for him, back when he could see the misery etched into every line of his drunken expressions. He knows better now–consciously, at least–but even though he no longer lets his sympathy justify his father, he still lets it humanize him.
The day before his twenty-fourth birthday, Flash receives another text but this one is different. It’s long, for starters, and far more pathetic than any of his previous messages have been and it starts with, i know u dont wanna talk 2 me but i want u 2 kno i’m not doing well, and ends with, if u wanna visit or somethin i want 2 see u again at some point.
“Are you gonna visit?” Peter asks him when he relays the rough message to him.
Flash scoffs. “No,” he spits before tossing his phone onto the couch.
It takes three months and two failed attempts, including one where he slammed on his brakes in the middle of the street, two blocks away from the hospital, and fought desperately to stave off a panic attack, but in the end Flash does go. He hates himself for it, but he does go.
"They think I have a month, at best," Harrison says to him.
Flash hasn't seen him in close to five years. Maybe that's why it's so easy to notice how much weight he's lost since then. His father was never obese, but he used to have a bulk to him, half-muscle, half-fat buildup from a slowing metabolism. His illness has diminished him down to nothing, hollowed out his cheekbones. He looks brittle, like a thin layer of frost that gives way beneath his windshield wipers in the early winter, like any pressure would cause his entire being to collapse. It’s strange, because Flash has spent most of his life under the weight of the fear that the thought of his father’s presence elicits in him; now, there’s not much of his father left to be afraid of.
"I, uh." Flash shifts where he stands. "That's not a lot of time."
His father shrugs, the bones of his shoulder casting sharp shadows beneath his clothes. "I guess not, no."
They stand in silence for a minute.
"Flash," his father says eventually. "I want you to know..." He clears his throat, takes a deep breath. "I guess, I know I wasn't always a great dad. I was trying to--I don't know, it doesn't matter now." He looks up at Flash with a furrowed brow and never has he sounded more honest than when he says, "I love you. I hope you know that."
Flash digs his hands into his pockets and looks down. "Yeah, I know that," he says.
He wants to say more: that doesn’t make it better, or just not enough, but he learned a long time ago to keep his mouth shut and never is he better about following that rule than when he’s faced with the man who taught him.
 He intends for it to be the last time he ever speaks to his father, but he finds himself sitting in the chair in the corner three weeks later anyway, elbows rested on his knees, fingers interlacing, eyes heavy as he watches Harrison shrink away to nothing. Peter doesn't get why he comes, he knows, and in some ways neither does Flash. All he knows is that somehow, despite everything, he still doesn't have it in him to let Harrison Thompson die alone.
"My dad used to tell me he wished I was more like you," Flash says after the funeral. "Not just you. Thomas, Darius, Ben. Fucking Gwen. God, he loved her."
"Yeah, your dad was kind of a dick," Peter says with the kind of force that makes Flash wonder how much he's pieced together since they were teens.
Flash feels his stomach knotting as he looks down into his glass of whiskey and he thinks of his dad sobbing apologies into his hair, thinks of every time he bragged to his fellow officers about his son, star of his school's basketball team. He thinks of laying alone in his room, clutching his side, hurting so bad he thought he might be dying and thinking that it was probably for the best if he did.
"I know," he answers, hearing his words slur and hating himself for it but not knowing how to stop, not when some not insignificant part of him doesn't really want to stop. "But he was still my dad."
There are days when Flash wonders if Peter is aware of how lucky he is to have had May and Ben Parker for the time that he did. He tells him sometimes, and Peter nods his head in agreement and declares that they made for very good parents, but Flash still isn't sure if he really gets it. That he's not just lucky to not have an alcoholic dad or a mother who couldn't be bothered to take him with her when she left. He's not just lucky to have good parents--he's lucky to not have parents that fucked him up before he ever even had a chance, that passed on violence and a craving for something to dull the anger in his bones as his only inheritance.
The growing up is only the half of it; the damage done, Flash knows, is permanent. The effects of growing up under his father's roof haven't left him just because Harrison Thompson is buried. 
He doesn’t think Peter gets it and he doesn’t know how to make him get it, so he says nothing at all and lets Peter resent him for it. It’s easier this way, anyway.
0 notes
forsworned · 3 years
one chapter ends while another begins {modern actor!tengen uzui x actor!reader}
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word count: 1.5k
a/n: ok so the original request was for inosuke but that man was like 15 at the end of the novel and i do not write anything romantic for the minor characters so i swapped him for the amazing tengen so hope you enjoy
"And that's a wrap!"
Everyone groaned in sadness at the sound of those very words. It was the last scene you had to film for the series finale and it was finally over. The void in you was already starting to form and you knew that you wouldn't know what to do with yourself after this, but now that it was happening it felt unreal.
"Good work, [name]!" Tanjiro came to hug you trying to hide the tears that were streaming down his face. You smiled softly and hugged him back, but as you were trying to pull away everyone began to pile on you one after the other until you had a bombarding group hug. The sounds of sniffles and loud sobbing filled the room. Zenitsu in particular was making the most noise.
"I don't want it to end!" The blonde yelled in agony. You sighed as you felt yourself go a little limp in Tanjiro's arms. You didn't want it to end either. You knew that you would still hang out with your co-stars after the show ended but it just didn't feel the same. Slowly, the group began to disperse getting ready for the dinner that was planned for the last night of filming.
You froze at the voice. You had tried to avoid him for as long as you started filming. Of course, when it's in groups you would never actively do that, never alone. Not that he was a bad person, but the very first time you two met you had felt the mutually exchanged tension. Nevertheless, you turned to meet his face.
"Hey, Tengen." You breathed. The sly smirk he usually sported was replaced with a soft earnest one. His white hair was now tidied into a low bun with strands of hair that framed his face that lead your eyes to the apple of cheeks tinged with a healthy blush.
"Can we speak privately after dinner tonight? If that's alright with you, of course."
You gulped at his words. You knew what he was going to say and yet the words that fell out of your mouth were:
"Of course."
The smile on his face grew as he rubbed his neck in embarrassment.
"Great, I'll see you then."
The dinner went as expected. Sad, dragged out and, of course, who can forget the endless sobbing. Much like everyone else, you found yourself not wanting to leave. The little looks that Tengen and you gave each other did not go unnoticed by Shinobu. She was always the cheeky one.
"Hey, are you guys gonna keep looking at each other or do I have to blurt it out loud." She drunkenly whispered into your ear. You felt the immediate panick as she laughed at your expression. Damn, that woman. She was knew too much.
As soon as you knew it, it was time for everyone to go home. You looked at your watch.
2:39 AM
You sighed as you realized you still had to speak to Tengen.
"Giyuu, be sure to take care of these goons." You patted the roof of his car. He gave you a smile before laughing at the drunkenly passed out Sanemi and Kyoujurou laying on each other.
"Don't worry, I got it. You sure you don't want a ride?"
You shook your head. "I'm walking Tengen home."
His mouth went into the shape of an "o" at the mentioning of his name. You watched as his eyes widened when he looked past you.
"You ready?" You tensed at his voice and all Giyuu did was smile. Tengen was now beside you. You would be lying if you had said he wasn't handsome. He was clad in a grey suit, his button up was unbuttoned revealing his upper chest and with a beautiful ruby gemstone necklace that fell on his collarbone.
"Um, yeah. I'm just saying bye to Giyuu and our passed out friends."
Tengen laughed as he ducked his head with his hands in his pockets to speak to Giyuu.
"We're still on for Thursday, right?"
"Night with the boysssss." Kyoujurou slurred out as he weakly fist pumped the air before passing out again.
You all shared a laugh. You were really gonna miss this.
"Well, I'll see you then. Be safe guys." Giyuu said before pulling off.
You both waved goodbye until his car was out of view. The feeling of queasiness crept up on the pit of your stomach.
"So?" Your eyes flickered up to his questioningly. His demeanor flipped as soon as you peered at him. He was now nervous at your intense gaze, but he remembered what Kyoujurou had drunkenly told him while in one of their many sidebars.
"If you really like *hiccup* her, then you shouldn't let your nerves get to you."
Tengen rolled his eyes. "Oh, yeah Kyo, super helpful. Thanks for the tip, bud."
Wait, wasn't that suppose to be a helpful flashback?
"You wanted to talk to me, Tengen?" Your voice brought him back to his current position.
Right, he still hasn't gotten around to confessing and it was starting to make his blood pressure rise.
"Hey, you know you can tell me anything, right? Even stupid stuff, like how you feel like you need to take a shit immediately after downing an americano." You laughed, punching his shoulder and he laughed along with you. Your mirth so addicting and melodious. The way you smiled at him and made him feel like he was as light as air when you spoke to him. He would never tire from such a beautiful thing.
It was in that moment that it finally hit him. Watching you laugh the way you did. He finally felt Kyoujurou's drunken words sink into his head. He felt his stress melt away when he looked at you. You were the only person that had made him feel the way he did and he never wanted to stop relishing in that feeling.
"That's what that idiot was talking about." He said softly, as he lifted his hand to stroke your cheek while his other hand was still shoved into his pocket. Your laughing had come to a stop as you felt his finger lightly caress your skin. It felt so warm.
His lips barely grazed your skin as he bent down to kiss your forehead. You froze as he pulled away to look at you.
"I really like you, [name]. I hope you don't mind." His wisps of his hair in his low ponytail swayed in the breeze as you both gazed at each other like you were in a movie. You knew he was going to tell you that, but you weren't prepared for how.
"Um, I--"
"Shh," He placed his finger against your lips. "I know you like me and think I'm super sexy, but let's save that for our date."
You grimaced at him smacked his hand away. "You're delusional."
"Oh, no. You definitely like me, [name]. There's no use in hiding it. I think it's really cute in fact."
You scoffed and turned around with your arms crossed. "Leave it to you to ruin a perfectly good moment."
"I'm serious, [name]. Let me take you on date." His tone was serious now causing you to open one eye to peep at him. You noticed that he was now in front of you with a sincere look. Well, he was an actor.
"Whatever, Tengen. I need to get home, not listen to you spewing silly things." You began to walk off, but Tengen's hand on your shoulder whipped your whole body around to face him. He didn't dare pull you in. He wanted you to know that he was being genuine and you could tell he was being as earnest as he possibly could with you when you saw the look on his face.
His hand went into his pocket as he fished out a small velvet box. His index finger easily flipped it to reveal a beautiful necklace with a small [your birthstone] gem in a heart shape that was attached with a little silver "T".
"You know, cos, you're mine."
"I never said yes."
"Oh, but you will." He was being dead serious. There wasn't a hint of joke in his tone and it was starting to make your heart thump out of your chest.
He pulled out the delicate necklace out of its box before unclasping it and then stepping behind you. You stood there unmoving as you let the cool silver necklace lay between your collarbone. You touch it with your fingers as you watch Tengen look down at how beautiful it looked on you.
"You are truly stunning, [name]. Will you be mine?"
You only nodded your head not trusting your words as they would simply tremble before him. You felt entranced by him. He could be so lovely when he wanted to.
"Good." Was all he said before kissing your cheek. It was longer than expected and he let his lips linger there for a few seconds, letting the heat rush to your cheeks.
"I've never seen you so submissive before." He murmured against your skin. That was all he had to say to snap you out of his stupid love spell. You smacked his face causing him to laugh in response.
"Shut up, Tengen. Before I change my mind." You said crossing your arms. He cocked an eyebrow at you before wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
"You're never getting rid of me, sweetheart."
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todoscript · 3 years
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SEQUEL TO  “don’t forget it”
SYNOPSIS: One week after accidentally blowing you off on your date, Bakugou Katsuki seeks your forgiveness.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
genre: fluff, very little angst
word count: 5.4k+
warnings: none really accept maybe a character sustaining an injury
author’s note: hellooooo this is a very very very late part 2 of my don’t forget it drabble that many people asked for! i hope this lived up to your expectations and was worth the wait!
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Since the events that led you to leave Bakugou’s room in a fit of bitterness after attempting to penetrate that thick head of his, he hadn’t been able to speak to you for a week.
It goes without saying he did his best to chase you down the hallway from his room and toward the elevator the moment he realized his faults. But at the stink eye you shot him through the minimizing slit of the elevator doors sliding into place, he knew he had no right to reconcile with you after pulling a stunt like that. Nor did he think you’d want to spare him any more words to begin with. It was clear you were done arguing with him.
“C’mon man, it’s probably best to let her cool down before you try to make up with her,” was the advice Kirishima offered when Bakugou returned to his room, disgruntled as he heavily fell back into his seat next to the desk. He did the bare minimum to acknowledge his friend’s words with a grunt before resuming tutoring the redhead, his method of teaching suddenly harsher than how it began thanks to his soured mood. He lapsed the day away by pounding Kirishima with problems upon problems against that hard noggin of his, both literally and figuratively.
At the very least, Kirishima earned himself a passing grade on their exam as a result of his hard work and their rigorous tutoring sessions. But what followed Bakugou’s and your relationship was still undetermined.
Days later and you were relentless in giving him the cold shoulder.
Bakugou was met with nothing but empty glances and blatant disinterest whenever he crossed your path. It felt like the wall you slotted between him grew another layer at each encounter, your defenses so impenetrable, it could give Kirishima’s quirk a run for its money. He couldn’t so much as utter a word in your direction without you effectively dodging every possible interaction in favor of joining another conversation nearby.
At first, Bakugou shrugged it off, calling your “childish attitude” unwarranted for something he thought was incredibly trivial. In his eyes, it was just an ordinary date at some run-of-the-mill restaurant he just happened to suggest to you because he took a liking to their spicy food. Not like it was some fancy dinner reservation serving caviar on dry toast beside a pretty, city night skyline. To him, it was nothing special.
However, as the week continued to roll by, it became clear to him how much he hurt you due to his selfishness. In a hangout with the Bakusquad, he learned that you apparently told Mina, along with the rest of the girls, everything during one of your girls’ nights. Which included the events prior to your heated argument in Bakugou’s dorm. And Mina, being just as peeved as you were at how Bakugou stood you up that day, had to let the blond know of the damage he’d done.
“I swear, Bakugou Katsuki, I know you can be an asshole sometimes—”
“Make that all the time,” Sero quietly adds in the middle of Mina’s rant while he lounges backward on Kaminari’s bed. If it wasn’t for his current dilemma, Bakugou would have elbowed him in the back of the head.
“—but this is crossing the line!” she finishes. Her arms are thrown exaggeratedly over her chest. The amber surrounded by the black scleras of her eyes points a beady look at the ash-blond crisscrossed on the floor between Kirishima and Kaminari.
“Poor girl sat there for hours waiting for you, only to find out she got blown off because you couldn’t even properly check your reminders!” She paces back and forth in the room, feet excessively stepping across the floor as she’s engulfed by the emotions she feels for her friend. “What’s worse? She comes back and finds out you’ve been doing your own thing with Kirishima the whole time!”
“Hey! It’s not like we were playing around! We were actually having a very serious study grind, thank you very much,” the redhead immediately clarifies. Though his explanation doesn’t alleviate Bakugou’s case in the slightest, who pounds his palms against the surface of the table they’ve gathered around.
“Look. I fucking get it, Ashido. I screwed up, okay?! Now what the fuck do you want me to do about it?!” he exclaims, anger overpowering his voice, but it does little to deter Mina.
“Fix it, obviously!” she quips back with equal fierceness, leaning in eye level with Bakugou.
“And how do you propose I do that, Raccoon Eyes? Hah?” Repositioning his elbow to rest on the table, he leans his cheek against his hand. “Y/n won’t even let me within five fucking feet in front of her and you still expect me ‘fix this’?”
Despite the situation weighing heavily on his shoulders, no immediate answer is bestowed upon him. That is, except the obnoxiously loud crinkle of a chip bag popping open next to Bakugou that cleaves into the scene like a record scratch. As if unable to read the mood in his own room, Kaminari fishes a chip to throw in his mouth, stirring the awkward silence into tension.
“Wow, Bakugou. I know you’re bad with girls and all, but you really messed up this time,” he remarks. His voice is slightly muffled as he munches his chips, continuing to wrinkle the bag for more. It incites a vein to swell on Bakugou’s forehead. He amasses all the willpower within him not to blast the bag of chips to ash, and the boy alongside it.
“If you dunce faces are just gonna sit here and throw salt in my wound then I’m outta here.”
“No, wait!” Kirishima catches Bakugou’s wrist before he fully lifts himself off the floor. “Come on, Bakugou, I’m sure we can think of something! We just need to put our heads together! Right, guys?” he assures. Finding it hard to deny his friend’s hardened conviction, Bakugou gives Kirishima the benefit of the doubt, albeit with slumped shoulders and a tentative raise of his brow as he slowly sits back down.
“Right! Everyone, let’s get some brainstorming done!” Mina yells encouragingly.
The atmosphere of Kaminari’s room is consumed by moderately thoughtful silence for the next ensuing minutes. A few hums pass, followed by an exchange of contemplative looks as four of the five rack their heads together to uncover a solution. The one in need of help only hunches in his seat, waiting with mild disinterest.
“Oh hey, don’t we have hero training with All Might tomorrow?” Sero is the first to comment, scooting to the edge of the blond’s bed.
“Yeah. So?”
“He said we were going to work on group exercises this time around. You know, teamwork and stuff,” he explains further.
At that, Mina snaps her fingers, the work of a brilliant idea flickering in her head. “Sero, that’s it! Tomorrow, during training, we’ll just form a group together with Y/n! After all, she’ll have to talk to Bakugou if you two are on the same team!” She claps her hands in front of her, her enthusiasm rippling through her body and shown energetically with each raise of her voice. “Then, while the rest of us ‘split up’ to cover more ground, that will be your chance to make everything better with Y/n! It’s genius!”
“You missed one fucking crucial detail, Pinky,” Bakugou gruffs. “That will only work if Y/n doesn’t join another group. The moment she sees I’m on yours, she’s not even going to hesitate making a u-turn.”
“Worry not~ I’ll just text all the girls except Y/n about the plan later and ask them to help sort everyone out!” She solves the problem with relative ease—quick as a click of her phone lighting up and finger sliding open to her messages.
“Uh, another thing though.” Kirishima raises his hand to spare his concern. “All Might says we’ll be splitting into groups of five at most, but there’s already five of us here.”
There’s a brief moment of deadpanning until Mina speaks casually. “Oh, that’s right. Kaminari. Take one for the team and make sure to join another group, ‘kay?” She settles without batting a lash.
Kaminari almost chokes on a mouthful of chips. “H-Huh?! What?! Why me?!!” he sputters.
“Because you’ve been eating chips this entire time and haven’t contributed to anything.”
“Hey, I offered the room, didn’t I?!” He tries justifying but is inevitably rejected by Mina’s wagging finger.
“Ah-ah, no complaints! Besides, it’s only one day of training. If we want this dilemma between Bakugou and Y/n fixed then we all have to play our part, got it?” Mina finalizes with a firm point of her finger nearly grazing the tip of the blond’s nose as he leans back to avoid it, eyebrows scrunched in discontent at the role he’s been reduced to.
“Alllllright!” Kirishima springs from his seat with outstretched arms and tightened fists. “Operation: Get Y/n to Forgive Explosion Boy is underway!”
“Dude, that’s a terrible name!” Sero laughs but rises from the bed to join the redhead’s cheer alongside Mina, the group already in high spirits.
Despite rolling his eyes at their swell of confidence, Bakugou does not object to the state of things. As crazy as it sounds, one could almost decipher the cusp of a grin pulling the seams of his lips as a possible sign he’s actually all for this extravagant little plan. Quite a first for Bakugou, but then again, there’s not much else he can do in this situation except rely on his pack of chumps.
Meanwhile, Kaminari grumbles something beneath the salty grit between his teeth.
“Alright, can you all get out of my room now?”
The scowl etched on your face carries a strong air of disdain that dampens the mood around your teammates considerably. Well, no one should be surprised. With Bakugou standing across from you, staring into the void of your expression, it’s to be expected that you wouldn’t be happy with this outcome.
No, “unhappy” doesn’t quite do your circumstance justice. You are beyond livid.
You feel your eyebrow twitch as you try quivering your lips to form a tinge of a smile. Unfortunately, all that quickly falls apart when you suddenly recall the disaster of last week, triggered by an accidental glance at Bakugou’s mug.
Trying to simmer down, you release a mental sigh amidst the turmoil boiling inside you.
Okay, maybe you’re over-exaggerating. Maybe you’re still just a bit too bitter for your own good and letting your emotions get to you. But in a class of twenty or some students, how did you end up in a group with the one person you were actively trying to avoid?
The moment All Might gave everyone the go-ahead to form their teams for today’s training exercise, you swiftly made a beeline toward two particular star students. Midoriya and Todoroki.
It was simple really. Your experiences throughout the school year told you Bakugou planned on staying away from his rivals when it came to teamwork, regardless of whether you’re there or not. He’s a competitive ass whose goal is to beat anyone he deems a threat in his climb to be the number one hero. It’s only logical you partner with people he adamantly dislikes to evade him.
Yet it seems fate has other plans for you today. By the time you found yourself pacing over to the two students you had in mind, they’d already gone and picked their own group members, forming teams before you could even ask.
Your nose wrinkles like you’ve taken a whiff of something rancid. Or, to be more specific, something fishy. Hooking an arm around Mina’s elbow, you drag the pink-haired girl off to a corner somewhere while tilting your head back at the three other boys.
“Ex. Cuse. Us.” Your words sound as stiff as cardboard. It comes out in practically a hiss when your eyes cross Bakugou. Once you’re positive you’re out of earshot, you whip your head at Mina.
“Mina, what the hell? When you dragged me over here to form a group with you you didn’t tell me he’d be there,” you groan. Childish and petty as you may sound, you just couldn’t fathom the idea of confronting the boy so soon.
Mina holds her hands out, ready to rationalize the whole ordeal. “C’mon Y/n, this is actually an advantage for us! With us four plus you on our team, we’re sure to knock the rest of the other guys out during training today! I mean we showed pretty good teamwork together at the sports festival, didn’t we?”
Steadying your gaze, you hold a finger below your chin as you slowly buy into the explanation. The reasoning is there. It’s hard to argue against a case like that, fully aware that being on the same team as explosion boy will easily snag good results for you and your party. ‘Cause as much of an arrogant jerk as he is, you have to admit Bakugou Katsuki knows his way around hero action like the back of his grenade gauntlets.
“Besides it’s not like you could avoid him for the entire school year. I mean, you two are in the same class. It was only a matter of time before you had to—”
“I know, Mina,” you interject, not wanting the rest of her sentence about the inevitable fall to your ear. “I just… Agh, you know what I mean!” You ruffle your hands through your hair in confliction, unsure how to piece your thoughts together.
Tilting your head over Mina’s shoulder, you sneak a glimpse at Bakugou, watching him as he’s cast to the side with the others. He’s fending himself from Kirishima and Sero’s combined jokes, that usual look on his face sending glares at the two and yelling something you could almost pick up on if you honed your ears a bit more. Surprisingly, when his eyes meet yours for a split second, he stands there looking nonchalant again. Both of you immediately avert your gazes.
Mina pats your shoulder, bringing you back to the conversation at hand. “I know, I know, but after this, I’m sure you can go back to ignoring his ass. After all, it’s just one training exercise, right?” she says. As her words deliver some relief to your ill-timed situation, you give in with a sigh.
Unbeknownst to you, turning your back to Mina and striding toward the rest of your teammates again, you miss the small glint in her yellow eyes, along with the subtle gestures she aims at the three boys, waving her pointed thumbs over your head secretively.
“So I take it you’re on the team with us, Y/n?” Sero asks when the two of you return. You nod in reply and the boy flashes his pearly whites in a wide grin that Kirishima mirrors. He nudges Bakugou at his sides which you subtly catch in the far corner of your eye.
You raise a brow suspiciously at their fidgeting, wondering why having you on their team warrants such enthusiasm, but you’re thankful for their energy at least. Someone has to lift the atmosphere for this not to be a complete drag and Bakugou surely isn’t going to be the mood maker of the group.
The blond scoffs. “Yeah, well, if you dumbasses are going to form a team with me, you’ll follow under my leadership, got it?”
The three readily agree. Though you roll your eyes, you don’t challenge his position, considering no one else is that much up to the task as he is. You’ll simply have to deal with the fact that you’re forced to tread through the day under his leadership. So with no objections, the five of you walk back to the class, gathering around the entrance of today’s battlefield.
Jumping into the activity, All Might goes about explaining today’s lesson to the four sets of teams—consisting of a group exercise to heighten teamwork. The name of the game? Capture the flag.
In short, each team will be split off into different sections of the labyrinth where their assigned flag is stationed. The objective is to not only protect your flag from being stolen but also try and steal an opposing team’s flag from their base and escort it safely to your home field. Nice and simple.
Not long after All Might’s explanation, the gate to the training grounds opens and you all scatter off into your teams, navigating through the twists of the maze to locate your flags. Once your group situated themselves onto your home base, you assemble in a huddle to devise a strategy before the game starts.
“So what’s the plan?” Kirishima asks, eyes darting around his teammates until they rest on Bakugou—the team leader. The ash-blond crosses his arms, a confident sneer plastered on his face as he’s already thought of his plan of action the moment All Might announced the mission.
“Easy. I’m going straight to the front-lines to swipe one of those dumbasses’ flags. You lot are gonna stay here and guard ours until I come back.” He delivers the strategy in a matter-of-fact tone that you quickly don’t take a liking to. Your fist curls in irritation.
“What kind of a plan is that?” you question audaciously, your voice louder than you intended. “So you’re just going to do all the work while we sit around and wait for you?”
Bakugou grits his teeth, leaning further into the huddle to direct his senseless logic. “Look, it’s the fastest and most surefire way to snag our victory without sacrificing anyone,” he says. Playing over his words again, he finds it surprising he even chooses to offer his reasoning. Because if it were anyone other than you he was arguing with, he’s certain he’d leave it at that.
Knowing the current tension between you was a result of his misjudgment, it feels only right for Bakugou to make an effort in communication. He ignores the antsy expressions belonging to the others who signal from behind you to follow along with their original plan.
You don’t seem to catch the hint, nor do you buy into his ridiculous strategy. “Oh, so you’re that confident you won’t get taken out by the other team then?” you quip. As a result, Bakugou’s brows tighten at your noncompliance.
“I know how to take care of myself. You of all people should realize by now that no other nerd in this whole damn class can outmatch me.”
“And what about an ambush? How do you know they simply won’t anticipate your strategy and see you coming?” You fire another counterargument and the boy purses his lips, beginning to find this quarrel spiraling into a headache rather than a step in the direction of reconciliation.
While Sero and Kirishima stand there, shifting their heads back and forth throughout the fiery exchange, Mina speedily reacts. The gears of that cunning mind of hers click into place again.
“You know what, Y/n’s right. Why don’t you two go together then?” she proposes boldly. Her suggestion catches you by complete surprise. You veer in her direction with an incredulous look blown in your eyes.
Before you can open your mouth to protest, the two boys standing beside her immediately back her up.
“Hm, Mina has a point. The chances of you falling into a trap wouldn’t be much if you two work together,” Sero remarks.
Kirishima follows, “Yeah, you guys can watch each other’s backs while going to collect the flag! It’s safer to go in a pair than by yourselves I’d say.”
The three seem adamant about the idea, sharing equally content expressions, and with all that said, you find it hard to dig yourself out of this situation. In a way, you practically volunteered yourself after questioning Bakugou’s plan and doubting his abilities. The group only feels it’s right you come along as his support since you clearly must be worried about his well-being.
Pushing your objections down your throat, you reluctantly agree to tag along with the blond. What you find exceptionally shocking is how Bakugou doesn’t oppose these new conditions. Given his hard-headed temperament, you thought he would’ve scoffed and turned his back at being paired without notice, but no such things were happening here.
“Tch, whatever. Let’s get going then,” is all he gives, starting in the direction into the urban area of the training course.
You trail behind him. “Coming, Boom-Boy…” you mutter the last bit but don’t suppress the urge to let your words be known. Bakugou turns his head and gives you a look akin to an uptight six-year-old you just offended at your local playground. You shrug in response, a corner of your lip pinched upward. He doesn’t pick a fight over the nickname, but his eyebrows remain fiercely slanted, and coupled with his heavy steps and the excessive swinging of his gauntlet-clad arms, it tells you of his emotional constipation plain as day.
The journey toward the other teams’ flags is cloaked in strained silence and the physical gap between you two does not encourage any of you to speak up. At this point, both of your levels of annoyance for each other have mellowed out. Now it just feels... awkward—strange. You don’t see his expression, nor does he see yours. It feels like you’re being left in the dark, having only the back of Bakugou’s head to stare at the entirety of the way, and though you supposedly have his back, Bakugou feels precarious in this state as he trudges along at the front, not daring to turn his head to cross your eyes.
The ambiance is reminiscent of the ancient Greek legend of Orpheus and Eurydice. Where Bakugou walks through the depths of the underworld, seeking you out in hopes you’d join his side once again. If he turns around now and spills his thoughts to you too soon, he fears that your forgiveness would be whisked away, thoroughly beyond his reach, and replaced with your promises of retribution.
That was the eloquent version of the situation anyway. To put it bluntly, Bakugou was just impatient as hell to say something to you. The silence suffocates him to the point where the words are nearly about to be squeezed out of his throat, but he bites his lip to snuff out the urges.
The more he keeps them in, the more fidgety he becomes, hands itchy and mouth trembling with grit between his teeth. The idea of not letting his voice be heard was something Bakugou detested. Mainly because it was already such a challenge to even keep his mouth shut, given his fiery attitude and lack of patience.
Man, what the hell am I hesitating for? he asks himself, that outspoken side of him spurring him on.
Ah, screw the uncertainty, he thinks. If he doesn’t say anything now, then he won’t get to say anything ever.
Bakugou stops in his tracks, turning his head. Here goes nothing,
“Hey, Y/n, I–”
Words collide into each other, jumbled and incoherent, which take you two by surprise as you meet each other’s furrowed gazes. It’s quiet as you both piece your way through this, eyes trained like you haven’t seen each other in months when the reality is that a week of bitterness has somehow made you act like strangers. The bewildered look crossing his features is foreign to you; you’ve never quite seen Bakugou as taken aback as he is now.
“You first,” you grant before Bakugou could mix up your words again. Even being given permission, the blond still isn’t sure what to say, his thoughts lost on him the moment his voice clashed with yours. He takes a deep breath, calming his senses and steadying his mind for what he wants to convey.
“Look, Y/n, I don’t know how to put this as nicely as I can,” he begins, tone consistent yet wary, assessing your expression, “but I know I fucked up and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left you there all by yourself. I shouldn’t… have blown you off like that and forgotten about you.” He delivers this bluntly—honestly—as open as a boy of his nature can muster with arms spread out, willingly exposing him to his faults and your reprisals.
Looking at you, he finds your eyes are cast to the floor, assuming to be reflecting on his words carefully. After some deliberation, you come across the vermillion in his eyes.
“Frankly, I haven’t entirely forgiven you just yet. But I will say that despite how I’ve been acting, I’m not as mad at you as you think,” is what you give, and Bakugou would be lying to himself if he didn’t achieve relief at your statement. He mentally releases a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding throughout the exchange. However, you aren’t done yet.
“I just want you to understand what moments like those mean to me. It’s during that time where I can share my feelings and learn more about you—understand who you are,” you say. Bakugou latches onto every word. “And it goes both ways, you know. It’s hard to want to stay in a relationship with someone who doesn’t make an effort to make time for you.” It’s obvious you aim that comment at him as Bakugou’s eyes soften slightly hearing it. His calloused, glove-clad hands wrap into his palms. Man, he really was a jerk.
“Still… I know you’re making an effort to be sincere and that you’re genuinely sorry for what happened, especially considering how the others seem to have set this whole conversation up, right?” Bakugou winces over the Bakusquad’s ploy coming to light and makes a note not to follow along next time unless those dummies can scrape up a more elaborate plan.
Despite that, he presses on, “So, what does this mean?” A smile settles on the curve of your lips, sensing his impatience as his voice hastens you along.
“Well…” you begin, speech drawn out in anticipation as you step toward him to where Bakugou follows your movements. That is until he catches a few shadowy figures shifting around atop the small building behind you. Before you can open your mouth to continue, his instincts flare to life.
“Hey, look out!” he exclaims, already acting on his warnings by lunging forward to push you out of the way. Your breaths draw back into your lungs, your body thrust abruptly into the opposite direction. Landing on your butt, you wince at both the shock and the pain, but your whines desist when you witness Bakugou taking a force to the head as a result of coming to your aid.
“Katsuki!” you yell, immediately getting off the ground to rush to his side, but he can’t find it in himself to respond. Afflicted with a substantial blow to the crown of his head, his whole being throbs and his vision spins.
Fuck, is Y/n, okay? is the first thing on his mind, ignoring the liquid trickling down his forehead. His question is answered upon turning his head to meet your anxious expression—your eyes wide and lips quivering as they move to say words he can’t exactly make out beneath the pounding sensations consuming his mind. As he feels a set of arms wrap around him, he tries discerning his surroundings to form a reply, but can only capture bits and pieces.
“—tsuki! ...old… n!”
“...god—! I’m so dead!”
A sputter of words tangling together is the last he hears before his vision fades to black.
The next time Bakugou awakes, his eyes slowly sever open to come face-to-face with a blurry white ceiling. The lights assault his vision as his senses take time to adjust, unraveling the environment to realize he’s laying on a bed—a hospital bed to be precise.
He attempts lifting himself but is met with retaliation in the form of his pulsating head which he immediately flinches at. His hand goes to rub his scalp to soothe the ache and he finds bandages wrapped tightly around him. “What the hell happened?” The last he remembers is traversing the urban area with you for the capture the flag mission before finally confronting the subject that had been plaguing your minds for a week now. After that, he caught sight of some object descending toward you and before he had even realized it, his feet had moved on their own. Next thing he knows, he’s waking up in the nurse’s office with a headache from hell.
Wait, what about you? Were you okay? Surely, he had to have pushed you out of the way in time, right?
His head moves quicker than it should’ve, revealing the other hospital bed in the room to be unoccupied, vacant. He sighs and his relief is further bolstered by the door to the nurse’s room opening to unveil you unharmed with only your heavy look of concern troubling him.
“Katsuki, oh thank god, you’re okay!” you say, quickly pacing over to his side with a glass of water in hand. You leave it at his bedside, sitting before him. Gauging your appearance up and down, Bakugou tries making out even the smallest details.
“You aren’t hurt?”
You’re appalled he would ask this despite clearly being the one patched up in a hospital bed right now, and likely sporting some serious head trauma.
“Of course I am, you’re the one that lunged forward to protect me,” you tell him. Bakugou looks down at his lap, figuring that was what happened, but hearing it from you comforted him more than he thought. However, his comfort is wretched from him by the intense pressure persisting in his skull. Seeing him in pain, you urge him to lay down and rest.
“How the hell did I end up here anyway?”
You fidget with your fingers, hesitating on answering. At that, the blond lifts a brow, suspicious.
“Mineta… accidentally dropped a rock on your head.”
“...You gotta be joking, right?”
Bakugou leers hard, finding the reason he was out of commission to be a damn pebble hitting his head a detriment to his pride. And because of Mineta of all fucking people. Still, if he hadn’t acted as quickly as he did, you would’ve been the one to meet his fate instead, and he weighed this outcome to better than the former.
Then you explain how the teachers had temporarily intervened to bring his unconscious body to the nurse’s, where the old lady went about tending to his injury. Said she did her job and all he needed was to rest and let her quirk take fuller effect within that time.
“So did we win the game?” He switches the topic to today’s mission of capture the flag that was cut short on his end.
You shake your head, but at least grant him the benefit of knowing Mineta’s team ended up placing last. At that, his eyelids shut and he crosses his arms behind his bandaged head. “Yeah, well, it wasn’t my intention to win anyway.”
You give him a look. “...Liar.”
Bakugou cracks an eye open at you. “Hah? What do you mean I’m a fucking liar?”
“I know you, Katsuki. I dated you, after all. And the Katsuki that I dated is an arrogant, competitive jerk who thinks of being the best above all else.” Bakugou scrunches his nose, wondering what you’re implying through your... overly frank descriptions. “Still… he’s sweet and caring at times… and reliable when he needs to be,” you continue, tone softening that draws Bakugou in, “And the kind of guy I want to give a second chance to.”
Absorbing your words, Bakugou blinks. “S-Seriously?” He doesn’t mean to stutter, but the offer catches him off-guard. He replays what you just said. That’s what he heard, right? A second chance?
You giggle at how uncharacteristically astonished he sounds. “Yes, seriously.”
“Does that mean you forgive me for what happened last week?”
You hum between pursed lips in playful contemplation. “Well, maybe you can redeem yourself by going on another date with me then?”
Hearing your proposal, a wide grin arcs his lips, edging into a smirk.
“That’s it? Well, I can definitely fucking do that,” he states, confidence rejuvenating his body at the new, hopeful chance before him.
“Oh, just one more thing though,” you suddenly add.
“We are not going to that Chinese Restaurant again.”
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miyuwuki · 3 years
Hello, hope you're having a nice day🌻, I saw you take nsfw requests, so can I have midorima from knb drabble (or hc if you are more comfortable with it), maybe some jealous or possessive sex, midorima being really hot baby or something like that ahaha
If you're not ok with this just ignore)
why hello beautiful! i will most definitely write this hehe i hope you enjoy :)
warnings: nsfw, foreplay, jealous sex. minors dni (18+)
midorima shintaro x reader
i don’t like to share
midorima wasn’t having it.
not only was it one of the hottest summers in tokyo, but you were hanging out with takao way too much for his liking. he found you hanging out with him after school, during basketball practice, and even going out to the streets of tokyo and coming back with something every single time. you wouldn’t even show him what you bought, and on top of that, oha asa didn’t send a very assuring message for the cancers.
too bad! if you are a cancer, be careful and watch over the things you love today, or else they’ll be taken away in a blink of an eye! your lucky item for today is a stuffed animal!
midorima’s eye twitched at the reminder of the horoscope, gripping on the stuffed elephant he brought with him today. he wanted to give you a piece of his mind, but his pride was so huge he tried to push down his feelings. at least, until he heard your laugh in the halls.
his head turned to your voice and stole a glance of you walking with takao, holding a notepad in your hand and laughing as if takao just told the funniest joke in the world. “tch.” midorima scoffed, clenching on the elephant once more. and it didn’t stop there; during lunch you were whispering things with takao, during class you were writing things down in that same notepad with takao, and soon enough the dismissal bell had rung.
as the students of shutoku began to leave, you bid takao goodbye and wrote “water bottle” on the list in your notepad. you sighed in content and looked for your boyfriend among the crowd— though he wasn’t hard to spot. with bright green hair like that, you could spot him from miles away.
“shintaro!” you waved, signalling your boyfriend to go to where you were. you put the notepad in your bag and walked towards your boyfriend, who didn’t seem very happy to see you. 
“what’s wrong, shintaro?” you asked, cocking your head to the side. instead of saying anything to you, he grabbed your arm and stomped away at a fast pace.
“shintaro! what’s up with you today?” you grunted, struggling to keep up with his fast movements. “shintaro!”
“we’re going to my place, y/n.” he said, still dragging you along with him. his mind was foggy and in the air, the only thought being clear was the fact he doesn’t like sharing. especially when it came to you. shortly after, you guys had arrived at his empty place and when he shut the door, he kissed you roughly, not giving you a chance to speak. you stopped kissing him and pushed him away, gasping for air, “shintaro, what’s wrong?”
once again, midorima didn’t answer and refused to meet your eye. he was still and in a deep voice, he replied quietly, “i don’t like sharing, y/n.”
“huh?” you said, his words leaving you confused. you didn’t know what he meant by sharing, and you tried to pinpoint whether or not you’ve borrowed something or accidentally took one of his sweaters again. you were going to ask, however your words were caught with his lips crashing into yours once more. in lieu of pushing away, you kissed back, feeling like he needed this. he never initiates this kind of affection, so who were you to interrupt? i’ll get to him after, you thought.
one of his hands grasped the back of your neck, kissing you deeper while the other snaked around your waist. without taking a breath, he slowly pushed you down on the couch and positioned himself on top of you. he pulled away and looked into your eyes, showing hunger and lust for you, as if he was a whole different person. you shivered at the sight of this, not knowing if it was excitement from the sudden affection or worry from knowing that something was wrong. 
before you could speak again to ask if something happened to him, he dipped down into your neck, leaving sloppy kisses along your jaw. he left a few marks on your collarbone and behind your ear while your breathing started to become unsteady. his hands found his way under your school shirt and roughly gripped at your breast, his lips not leaving your neck. you yelped at the sudden pressure and moaned softly as he kneaded it in his hand and abused your bud until they were perky and sticking out. you could feel yourself slowly getting damp down there, squeezing your thighs together to relieve the feeling. midorima noticed and used his other hand to tease your hood, rubbing it from his fingertips.
“shintaro,” you huffed. “don’t tease me.” but you forgot those words immediately as your head grew hazy and clouded, and next thing you know, midorima’s cock was rubbing at your entrance. without any warning, he moved forward, not giving you time to adjust. a long groan escaped your throat, feeling the burn of your insides as he kept going. 
“slow down, shintaro!” you cried, tears forming in the ducts of your eyes. you gripped his arms and threw your head back. a dark shadow grew over midorima, and continued to push into you, not listening to the words you’ve just said.
“you did this to yourself, y/n.”
and with that, he began to thrust at a vigorous pace without any sign of slowing down. he rutted into you desperately, his tip just barely hitting your cervix. soon that pain turned into pleasure; you took in the violent pace, forming scratches at his back and moaning sinfully in the living room of his home. he plowed into your hips over and over again, continuously hitting that spot where you needed him the most.
“shintaro,” you moaned, bringing your legs up along his sides to allow him to go deeper. drool was dripping from your lips and your hair stained from the tears and spit. and then, you felt that familiar build up in your stomach, a sign of you reaching your climax. “shintaro, fuck, i’m gonna come.” you puffed, focusing on the sounds his cock was making. midorima dipped down, pressing his mouth to your ear, “you’re mine, y/n. don’t fucking forget it.”
and that’s when it hit you. the reason why he was acting like this was so so simple.
you chuckled in your head, finding amusement in his actions. he’s jealous! you thought, forming a sly grin on your face. “i’m all yours, love.” you were so going to tease him afterwards. but for now, you needed to reach your climax.
and with the final thrusts, you both came, moaning each other’s names into the void of the house. you both took the time to catch your breath, and when you did, midorima plopped on top of you in exhaustion.
“so you were jealous of takao and i, huh?” you teased, running your fingers through his hair. he coughed in embarrassment, digging his face into the cushion below you.
“no i wasn’t. you were just hanging out a lot around him and i got mad.”
“so jealousy.”
“maybe i should make you jealous often so i can get railed like this. didn’t know you had it in you.”
you heard a soft grunt of annoyance and laughed, hugging his head and placing a soft kiss on the side. “don’t worry, shintaro. i’m all yours.” you tightened your grip, inhaling the masculine scent of his hair.
“then what do you keep writing in that notepad of yours?”
“nothing, i promise you it’s nothing to worry about.”
well, you weren’t going to ruin his surprise birthday plans you were organizing with takao just because he was jealous, right?
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wyverndollface96 · 2 years
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Adaman x Female Reader: Pain In Two Ways pt 1
You were somehow brought into the Hisui region after having some wisdom teeth pulled and you were not able to communicate. But….you weren’t the only one to be brought through space-time into the region. Gonna contain some spitting up of blood.
Y/N = Your Name
E/N = Ex’s Name
You were floating through a dark void. You don’t know how, but, since you have stitches in your mouth from when you had your wisdom teeth pulled out, you couldn’t call out. You were told not to speak for a while. You also couldn’t eat anything solid until it was healed. But as you were in the dark, you heard a voice, “There is another individual of your time zone being brought to Hisui as well.” When you saw light, you knew you were gonna fall from the sky in the vast land of Hisui. And once you did, you passed out when you fell into a bush.
You woke up to see you were in a bed; a futon, for that matter. You almost forgot about your mouth; how it still hurts because of your stitches. You whimpered in pain; tears began to stream from your eyes. Just then, you heard somebody talk to you, “Whoa, miss! Are you alright?” You saw the figure rush to your side. He looked to be such a handsome young man, in fact. You slowly bring your hands up to your face to feel you were drooling blood from your stitches. You needed to spit it out. “Need to spit?” the man asks. You slowly nod. So the man grabs a trash can to bring to your side; you sit up to spit out the blood into it. “I know you have stitches in your mouth,” the man said, setting the trash can down next to the futon once after you spat in it, “just glad it wasn’t anything worse. I guess you had some teeth yanked?” You nodded. The man took hold of your hand and knelt down next to you. “My name’s Adaman. I’m the leader of the Diamond Clan. You’re in my hut in the Diamond Settlement; in the Crimson Mirelands. Don’t worry, you’re not broken anywhere. Though you are just in your shirt and socks. Your pants and boots are on the floor by the door. And since your mouth is hurting, one of our elders is putting together this pain medicine for it. It’s one of his great grandmother’s recipes for all types of oral pain. It works like magic.” You tried to smile, only it looked derpy because of your condition. “Is that a smile?” Adaman asks. You nod. It made Adaman chuckle a little. “Oh, you’re cute.” he says, gently stroking your cheek with his finger. But since you tried to smile, the pain got worse and you whimpered again; more tears coming from your eyes. Adaman’s face grew concerned. “Oh, dear,” he said, “I think you should be careful with smiling, it seems like.” He gently wiped your tears with a tissue.
You managed to eat thin soup for dinner after using this numbing medicine an elderly clan member made for you. Adaman sat with you while you were, well, drinking your soup since you couldn’t chew. You were worried about the soup touching your stitches, so as the soup was cooled down enough for you to handle, you shot it, a few slurps at a time. Adaman even made you some tea to drink. “Careful drinking it. It’s hot.” he tells you. You nod as you were finishing your soup. Adaman set your soup bowl down and blew on your tea to cool it down for you. Once that was cool enough, Adaman brought the cup to your lips and you took a sip. It tasted really good. Like a sweet and calming flavor of Pecha Berries and medicinal herbs. “You like that?” Adaman asks you. You nod, making the man smile. You wanted to smile, too, but you couldn’t in risk of your mouth hurting again, even though you had that medicine coating your stitches. You just look at Adaman with thankful eyes. Adaman grins a bit. “Just so damn cute.” he chuckles. You blushed a bit. Then Adaman asks, “Is that medicine helping you?” You nod again. Adaman carefully cups your cheeks. “I’m glad.”
That evening, you had more medicine applied in your mouth before going to bed. You weren’t spitting up blood as much now. Adaman had been super careful with you; taking care of you. It made you happy. You couldn’t show it, but you felt it. A youngster clan member had some paper and pencils for you to communicate with. You wrote down your name for Adaman to know. “Lovely name.” he says, making you blush again. He found it cute to see your face turn pink. He cupped your cheek. “How would you feel about me sleeping with you?” he asks. You took your paper and wrote, I would like that. Adaman nodded. “Alright. I’ll be sure to keep you comfortable. Just tap on me if you need anything, okay?” You nod. Then you both lay down on the futon; Adaman pulling the covers over the both of you; cuddling with you. Before you both could go to sleep, Adaman whispers to you, “You’re really beautiful, I have to say. Like…” he stroked your cheek softly, then continued, “there’s something about you I find interesting. Though, I would love to hear your voice. Even if it’s a whisper. Even a hum. Even a mumble. If you don’t mind…can I heard just one little sound? I mean, I did hear you whimper a few times, but I wanna hear you. The real you. You won’t have to say anything more after that if you still need to rest your mouth.” You nod a little, then, being careful with moving your mouth, you let something out. “A-Adaman…” That was the only thing you said; his name. Adaman smiled. “First time I’ve ever loved the sound of my own name. Like wow! I love your voice.” That made you blush. Adaman then kissed your forehead and said, “Get some sleep, (Y/N). Goodnight.” You slowly nod, then closed your eyes to sleep. Adaman looked at you for a little while before closing his eyes, too.
You wake up to see you were alone. Where did Adaman go? You wondered. You thought nothing else of it and got out of bed to go to the bathroom. Once you came back out, you see Adaman setting his table with a plate of food and a cup. You figured the cup was for you since, again, you couldn’t eat solid foods. When Adaman looked over to see you come out of the bathroom, he smiled. “Good morning, (Y/N).” He walked over to you to hug you, then guide you to the table. “How’s your mouth? Still hurting?” he asks. You nod a little. Adaman grabs the medicine bottle. “Here. I’ll put more of this in your mouth before you eat. Open up.” He dips a swab into the medicine bottle. You open your mouth and Adaman proceeds to apply the medicine in there. You were amazed at how fast the stuff numbs your condition. As Adaman had told you, it works like magic. Once that was settled, you both went right to eating (you drinking, of course). You took your time to drink your shake, still being cautious about your stitches. The tip of your tongue was stuck out as you had the edge of the cup in your mouth. Adaman watches you as he eats, making sure you were being careful with your mouth. You could still taste your shake; containing chocolate and Nanab Berry flavors. It was so good. Adaman finished his food before you finished your shake. Once you did, Adaman cleared the table and helped you back to the bed. He sat beside you and put an arm around you; looking at you with calm eyes and a gentle smile. “You seem to be strong for what you have going on. I’m pretty impressed. Have you dealt with any other kinds of mouth pain before?” You took your paper and pencil and wrote, Just having injections going into my gums, even though I had numbing stuff applied before that. And I broke a tooth once. Couldn’t chew on that side until I had that fixed. Chewing there would irritate the exposed gum. I do brush well every day, however. Adaman raised an eyebrow. “Still, strong.” he said. You chuckled, trying not to smile with that. Adaman chuckled, too. Then he had something in thought. “Oh, as I was making our food earlier, there had been some talk about the two people who fell from that hole in the sky. I know you’re one of them, but the other person, I heard, is increasingly annoying and suspicious. But you…you seem little to nothing at that. However, though, this guy was brought to the Galaxy Hall in Jubilife. Probably being signed up to join the Expedition Team.” Just then, there was a knock on the door. Adaman stood up. “Coming!” he called out. He walked to the door to answer it. A strange man with long purple hair was standing there, disgusted. “Melli, what brings you here?” Adaman asks. “There’s this weirdo who just joined the Galaxy Team, who was just talking to me out of nowhere about his ex girlfriend.” Melli says, shuddering. “Ermmm…okay?” Adaman didn’t know how to respond to that. Melli continued, “This guy says all sorts of horrid things about her. Calling her insane and mentally unstable. He even said if he sees her around here, he’d hope a wild Pokémon would kill her.” Adaman raised a brow at Melli, saying, “Did he say what her name was? Sounds like he’s the one to be mentally unstable if he wants her dead.” “Apparently, her name is (Y/N).” Melli said. Adaman’s eyes widened in shock. You heard your name being mentioned. You knew EXACTLY whom Melli was talking about. Fuck!
To be continued…
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bumbleklee · 3 years
philocaly (kaeya x reader)
masterlist | 1k prompt masterlist | discord server
★ ironically this came to me in a dream last night lol. it’s also 4 in the morning so please excuse anything that makes no sense <3
★ summary: you have the worst nightmare of your life but thankfully kaeya is there to calm you down
★ content warning: there’s a very quick, very vague sex scene that isn’t detailed at all but just so everyone knows. major angst but also major comfort so do with that what you will. also reader was written as female but its pretty vague so feel free to imagine them as whoever you want
(n) the love of beauty 
The first thing you noticed when you opened your eyes was the intoxicating smell of gasoline that surrounded you. Your body felt sticky and wet and it didn’t take long for you to realize you were drenched in petroleum. You felt dazed and when you tried to look around, your eyesight blurred and you stared into a cloudy abyss.
A voice began speaking and you jolted up, trying to find the source only to find absolutely nothing. You didn’t even know if you were sitting in a chair.
“So naive…”
Your breath caught in your throat when you recognized the voice as Kaeya’s. But your mouth wasn’t moving. You thrashed around but it was like your arms were being held down by invisible bonds.
“Don’t panic, pretty,” Kaeya said. His voice echoed around the room and finally the clouds started to dissipate. Your beloved boyfriend stood feet away from you, wearing a brilliant white tuxedo. “We’re just going to talk. For now.”
Out of thin air, Kaeya pulled a chair in front of you. He sat down in it backwards, leaning his head on his arms. He had his signature smile on his face but his eyes were dull and emotionless. Suddenly your feet hit something hard and you glanced down, seeing a polished wooden floor beneath your shoes.
“Tell me, Y/N,” Kaeya purred, looking at you in a way that made you shiver, “Do you really think you amount to anything in this world?”
His words stunned you. What was going on? You gaped your mouth to speak but no words came out. You didn’t know what to say.
“It would solve a lot of problems if we just got rid of you right now, don’t you think? I would finally be free to find someone worth my time and the rest of Mondstadt would be happy to have such a burden lifted.”
You felt like your throat was on fire. You couldn’t believe Kaeya was saying these things to you but he really was. Tears streamed down your face and you sharply inhaled, your chest aching in pain. You prayed that this was some sick joke.
The gasoline that was poured on your head before started to run down your face, sliding between your eyes and burning your nostrils when you breathed.
“You’re crying now? How pathetic,” Kaeya laughed. He shoved his hand into the pocket of the tuxedo jacket and pulled out a pack of matches. Your eyes widened and you felt yourself stop breathing momentarily. He hummed casually and stood up from the chair, “I can’t wait to find someone so much better.”
You tried to scream, defend yourself, but no sounds came out. It was like your voice box had been ripped away. Your eyesight was blurry again from your tears but you couldn’t even wipe them away. A gloved hand reached out and gripped your jaw, pulling your face upwards. Kaeya was in front of you now, his eyes even more sadistic than before. He cocked his head at you and rubbed his thumb along your bottom lip.
“You always had such an ugly face.”
And with that, Kaeya ripped his hand away and lit a match. He threw it at you carelessly and turned on his heel. As soon as the tiny flame touched the gasoline, it was like an explosion. The flames crawled up your legs and surrounded your body. You had never felt this kind of pain before and it was unbearable. Once again, you tried to scream but only silent heaves escaped your throat. The last thing you saw was Kaeya’s long ponytail being thrown over his shoulder before the flames consumed you.
You shot up in bed, your hands clutching your nightgown like never before. You heaved and erratically inhaled, trying to catch your breath. While you couldn’t feel the flames anymore, in that moment they felt so real. Never before had you had such a horrendous nightmare and you didn’t know how to handle it.
Kaeya’s words rang through your head over and over again. You couldn’t stop the tears falling from your eyes, only this time you could reach up and wipe them away. Hands crawled up your shoulders and Kaeya, the real one, rubbed them slowly.
“You’re drenched in sweat, Princess,” He mumbled, “What happened?”
Your blood grew cold as your dream replayed. You choked back a sob and managed to twist your body so you were facing Kaeya. “I’m okay,” You lied, your voice hoarse and quiet, “I’m just a little shaken up.” Kaeya raised an eyebrow at you. He had seen you shaken up before and it was never this extreme. He opened his mouth to speak but you surged forward, pressing your lips against his. “I want to do it. Right now.”
“What?” Kaeya mumbled between desperate, rough kisses. Normally he wouldn’t be opposed to a spontaneous midnight session but you were clearly in distress.
“Please,” Your voice cracked. You needed to be intimate with Kaeya right now, you needed to feel his body flush against yours. You needed to know that he still wanted you.
Kaeya only nodded and let you push him back onto the bed. You inhaled sharply again and rubbed your cheeks. You slung a leg over Kaeya and wasted no time in kissing down his neck. You placed wet kisses on his skin and Kaeya’s hands grazed your hips. If this was going to make you feel better right now, then he would do anything you wanted.
You inched backwards so your crotch was over Kaeya’s and you pulled down his pants quickly. He was still soft but you didn’t care, lifting up your nightgown and lowering yourself onto Kaeya. He didn’t make his usual sound of pleasure when he entered you but you paid no mind, placing your hands flat on Kaeya’s stomach so you could move your hips and back forth. Your movement was erratic and, honestly, didn’t feel good at all but you needed this intimacy now.
When you and Kaeya made love, it was gentle and sensual. He treated you like glass and his touches made you feel like you were on cloud nine. But this didn’t feel right. You weren’t feeling loved and beautiful this time. You could only think about what Kaeya said in your dream and maybe he was right.
You started crying again and Kaeya’s heart ached. He hated seeing you like this and he knew that having sex wasn’t what you needed right now.
“Alright, we’re done,” Kaeya said softly. His hands tried to lift you off of him but you only ground your hips down and let out a sob.
“No!” You cried, “We have to finish. We have to.”
“No, we don’t,” Kaeya countered. He suddenly overpowered you, lifting your hips off his and moving you beside him in bed. He pulled his pants back up and pulled your nightgown back down. This time, Kaeya leaned over you and boxed your head in with his arms so you couldn’t roll away. “Tell me what happened.”
At this, your cries turned into uncontrollable sobs. You couldn’t breathe and inaudible words floated out of your mouth. You tried to explain your dream but your wails only drowned it out. Kaeya waited patiently for you to stop crying. He hated seeing you cry but knew you needed this and wasn’t going to push you to stop anytime soon.
He stayed perfectly still until your sobs eventually died out. You were still a teary, sniffling mess but at least you could form coherent sentences now. You shakily explained your dream, repeating what was said to you by the love of your life. Kaeya listened and felt sick. His nose brushed against yours.
“None of that is true,” Kaeya said firmly. His eyes stared intensely into yours and your bottom lip quivered again, “You know that, right?”
“I’m so in love with you,” You started, “So in love that a nightmare about you not loving me is more painful than getting stabbed fifty times. I want to be enough for you.”
“You are enough for me.”
Kaeya’s hands brushed through your hair gently, his thumbs rubbing circles in your temple. Your eyes felt heavy and stung from your hysteria. You snaked your arms around Kaeya’s waist and managed to maneuver your bodies so you were both lying on your sides. Kaeya pulled you close to him and you found solace in the crook of his neck. Kaeya pressed soft, warm kisses all over your face and kissed away the rest of your tears.
“I love you, too,” He whispered.
Your eyes fluttered closed and Kaeya waited until your breathing was normal again to close his own. His hand found yours and laced your fingers together and in that moment you realized that this was the intimacy you were longing for so deeply. Your dream that night would haunt you probably for the rest of your life but as long as you could bring yourself back to reality, back to Kaeya, you would be okay.
Kaeya pressed a final kiss to your temple and spoke one last time before sleep overcame you both. Quoting your favorite book Kaeya said, “I’m in love with you, and I know that love in just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.”
a/n: did i just quote tfios? yes <3
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essenteez · 4 years
father || seonghwa
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⛓▪︎"𝙸'𝚖 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜. 𝚂𝚘 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙 ‘𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝙸'𝚖 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚕𝚢" 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚛 𝚑��� 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚕𝚢 𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚕 𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏"
🦂 Summary: Unable to resist the thrill, you’re sneaking out to meet with Seonghwa - a man that shouldn’t even cross your mind but you’ve let him do more than that. He’s not only a man full of passion, he’s also bound by something bigger that makes him forbidden. But you can’t let him go and he can’t stay away.
Pairing: Seonghwa x reader (f)
Genre: smut (if you’re uncomfortable with this type of content then kindly leave)
Warnings: explicit language, rough sex, dom, oral receiving (m)
Words: 3.2k
The magnetic click of the lock interrupted the absolute silence as the door slowly opened. You entered the dark hotel room solely illuminated by a weak light coming from outside the window. Your eyes still needed a second to adjust to the noir-like scene in front of you. Your entire body tensed up as soon as you closed the door behind you. You could feel every drop of blood raising its temperature in you. An even but deep breathing came from inside of the room only confirming his presence. The scent of his cologne tickled your nose, intensifying all your senses. 
As his outline started to become clearer, you noticed he was sitting in the armchair that was situated in the farthest corner of the room. He was hunched over, elbows resting on his knees, legs sprawled open. He seemed all too composed but the longer he looked at you the more he couldn’t sit still. You took a few steps forward leaving the small hall and entering into the bedroom. You put your purse on top of a drawer next to you, still keeping eye contact. You didn’t need any welcoming words from him, his stare said it all.
Keeping your distance, you stood in front of him, legs slightly ajar. You were finally in view of his face; his eyes were a blaze, but his face completely void of emotions. You both stood there taking in each other’s view, biting your lip as the slightest tug pulled the corner of his mouth. He was devouring every inch of you; taking in every detail of your attire. You wore a loose-fitting white blouse that was tucked into a form fitting black, thigh-high skirt, your legs veiled in black stockings. Despite being completely clothed, you felt entirely naked under his unwavering gaze. 
Tension filled the room entirely, making the air heavy on your lungs. You could feel your wetness beginning to moisten your underwear. Seeing as how hard he was trying to resist touching you, you decided on a small, but significant first move. You raised your hand towards a black ribbon that was elegantly wrapped up around your neck and began to untie it gently by pulling one of the ends. The moment the satin ribbon was loosened, you reached out your hand letting it flutter to the floor.  
His breath slowly quickened as he watched the ribbon slowly fall on the carpet. He never expected that any woman could bring him to his current state. Lust was something that was forbidden for him. He had successfully fought it for so long. That was until you showed up, revealing all your fetishes in detail to him at the confessional. Every urge that he suppressed was being revived in him. Your meetings were something that should have not even begun in the first place but you couldn’t resist the urges and all the possible sins you could commit with him. How could he fight it for so long? 
You waited there, ready for his intentions. Seonghwa wasn’t just an ordinary man, sex with him was a sin greater than with any other. You wondered if the reason you couldn’t let him go was due to the illicit allowance of your relationship. After all, they say forbidden fruit is the sweetest. He was filling your head with all the inappropriate thoughts that made your mouth water even without him there. Everything about him was unusual. The fact he was a priest, the way you had to hide how your eyes devoured each other during Mass, so that no one else was aware. 
The priest got up and slowly began to approach you, his head held high as he looked down at you over his nose. He slowly rolled his black sleeves up his elbows, his eyes speaking dark and dangerous desires. The moment he stood directly in front of you, his arms grabbed you by your waist, pulling you close to him. His lips hungrily crashed into yours. Seonghwa had no hesitation in him and all you could do was give in to his neediness. Your bodies were glued to each other as you inched closer to the edge of the white sheeted bed behind you. As you felt it near you, your first reaction was to sit down but he stopped you.
“Undress me”, he commanded you, breaking the heated kiss. You smirked at him as your fingers wandered towards his neck. You attempted to pull off his clerical collar; wanting to flick it aside, but before you could Seonghwa took it from your hand.
“I’ll need it” he whispered to your lips, eyes watching you intently. You smirked at him and continued down to unbutton his black shirt, uncovering his well-proportioned torso. His skin was smooth yet firm. Your throat suddenly feeling dry as you tried to swallow at the sight of him. You wanted to taste every part of him. Successfully pulling his shirt slightly off his shoulders, you began to kiss him gently, caressing his lips with yours.
You slowly relocated to the soft part of his neck making your way to his shoulder. Your lips caressed his chest as your knees hovered just over the floor. Finally meeting his v-lined abdomen, peppering his hips with wet kisses. Seonghwa loved the sight of you on your knees looking up at him. Before meeting you, he had never felt less of a man but you showed him what he had been missing. Many times he was ashamed of the thoughts he had, knowing that he shouldn’t be that way. But he wanted you, he could no longer resist. He wanted you to be his, to be your dominator, commanding you and punishing you for your disobedience. You were undoubtedly fulfilling his needs as you read his mind.
You unbelted his pants and slowly unzipped him, kissing through the fabric at him, gently nipping at his thighs. His impressive length proudly throbbed in your face as you released him from behind the undergarments. Your impatient fingers wrapped around him and began to stroke him, causing him to exhale sharply. You smiled to yourself feeling satisfied that you brought a whine from his so called pure lips. Unable to control your drooling, you started licking him from bottom to top, gathering all of the precum on your tongue as you stared into his eyes. 
“Fuck” he cursed, brows furrouging from the pleasure. He grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled you back only to coerce an evil smirk from you. Wrapping your fingers back around his cock, you quickened your movements, earning more unholy words from him. You embraced him with your mouth, gently sucking the tip, your tongue flicking over it while you fondled him below.
“Suck on it”, he hissed, tangling all his fingers in your hair. You began to caress his balls, making his head fall back, “Ah Y/n” he said sharply, “J-just like that.”
You purred as you took him completely into your mouth. Sliding up and down you coated his length with your saliva, slurping sounds filled the room. His eyes rolled back from unbearable pleasure you were causing him as you caressed his manhood. Suddenly his head whipped back up and he looked down over his nose at you. His pupils fully engulfed the colored parts of his eyes. He growled at the view of you harshly sucking on his swollen tip, as you grinned teasingly. The ecstasy was making his head spin and he couldn’t help but close his eyes again.
You separated your sweet lips from his quivering cock. You gave him a few more long strokes before taking your hand off him. Seonghwa looked at you confused, feeling the cold from the lack of your touch. You sat on the bed, slowly running your finger along the length of your legs and slowly parting a bit, just enough to give a sneak peek under your skirt. Your lower lip was caught between your teeth.
“I got tired”, you pouted, wiping the smudged lipstick off your chin. Not able to stop yourself you added a sultry toned, “Father”
Seonghwa eyebrow cocked and stoned faced, stared at your amused expression, studying it for a short minute. He didn’t feel like joining the fun you were having at his expense. The flame that had slowly grew from the moment you walked into the room, now doubled with intensity within him, making him huff in frustration. Your bratty behavior always brought out the real colors in Seonghwa. His gaze slipped down to your lower parts as you invitingly spread your legs a little more, causing the tight skirt to slide up, revealing your full thighs and stocking strings. 
“I’m not in the mood for your games. So stop 'til I’m asking nicely” his fist tightened around the clerical collar he had been clutching, chest staggeredly rising and falling, as he tried to control himself.
“Or what?” you provoked as you started stroking his inner thigh with your foot still adorned with a black leather heel. Your eyes ablaze with mischievousness. 
“Or…” he smirked, grabbing his length in his hand, “…you’re not getting any absolution tonight”
Your mischievous smile faded since you know he never went back on his word. The last thing you needed was to leave this room unfucked. Seonghwa rose his brow in victory, with a barely visible smirk, tongue wetting the corner of his mouth.
“On the bed. All four” he commanded, making sure he enunciated every word for you.
You obeyed and without a hesitation you turned around, with cat-like moves arching your back downwards in a stretch. Waiting for his move, you couldn’t be still from neediness. Seonghwa walked up to you after a long minute of admiring the sight of you in this position, it was mouthwatering for him as he licked his lips. You purred when his warm hands raised your skirt up to your waist and began to massage your plump little ass. You did everything to fit the movement of his eager hands. Surprised as he abruptly ripped the strings from your stockings, made you gasp loudly. Next thing you felt was your panties being brought down your knees. 
“Tell me all your sins”, he said in an undertone, his voice was dripping with playfulness. Groaning at the sight of your wetness leaking on your inner thighs. He bent down as his tongue quickly made contact to harvest all of your sweetness, procuring delightful noises from you, “I’ll help you" 
His hand suddenly smacked your ass harshly. His mind was being fed on your whimpers, "Did you lie to your friends and parents while telling them where you’re going tonight?" 
"Y-yes” you confessed, with that another smack graced your skin. You squealed from blissful pain.
“Did you touch yourself while thinking of impure scenes?” Seonghwa continued mercilessly, the red print of his big hand painted on your asscheek. 
“I d-did” you confirmed, biting your lip and preparing for another pleasant strike. Your hips twitched from impatience. You cursed as you felt a new stinging pain, sending a new wave of pleasure between your legs. 
Seonghwa continued his punishment, satisfied with the redness now decorating your skin,“Did you fantasize about a priest?" 
"Mhm yes, yes I did” you admitted, your nails digged in the sheets.
“Do you regret all of it?” He said now massaging your burning flesh, feeding his pride with the loud whimpers that were escaping your faltering pretty mouth.
“No”, you said shortly and confidently.
Grabbing you by your hips, Seonghwa flipped you on your back in one fell swoop. You yielded to him and laid there like a good girl he made you be.
He looked down at your vulnerable state and hissed through his teeth “You will" 
The power he held over you was astonishing. It always surprised you that you could only pull up with weak, bratty actions towards him. Experiencing how his angelic side gives way to the majestic and controlling aura possessing him when he was with you made your knees unstable. He took off your skirt along with your underwear, tossing them somewhere behind him. The wildfire in his gaze was hypnotizing you. You couldn’t do anything but just admire your lover as he took his shirt and pulled out the belt out of his pants. The skin on his slim but beautifully shaped torso glistened in the pale blue light peeking through the widow. 
He now kneeled between your legs, both hands busy holding the tools of your upcoming, sweet torture, "Your wrists” he demanded.
Overwhelmed by the increasing neediness, you reached your hands towards him without hesitation. The harshness of the leather belt hugged your skin, imprisoning your wrists tightly. Your hands ended up pinned on the cold sheets above your head as Seonghwa hovered over you.
You buckled your hips upwards towards his pulsating pride. His free hand putting the clerical collar between his teeth made you moan. He was so hot even when he was doing the bare minimum. Seonghwa only chuckled at your lack of self control and started loosening up the pearl buttons of your blouse. 
He surprised you with the way he got rid of your garments so quickly and smoothly. First he detached the straps in the front and then slid his free hand behind your back, undoing the rest of your two way bra tossing it away. Eliminating the obstacles without a problem, he left you in the unbuttoned blouse and black stockings.
“Does leaving some pieces of clothing on me make things less lascivious for you?” you breathed out underneath him. He only smiled at you, apparently you still had some piece of mind left to joke, but not for long.
He pulled the collar from his teeth, giving his grin a quick swipe with his tongue. It was a stiff, medium sized slip-in piece of thick plastic, covered with cotton material. You exhaled sharply, feeling its ending sliding on your neck as Seonghwa painted invisible abstractions on your skin with it. He studied how your body reacted when he dragged the collar down your chest, then circling it around your breasts and nipples. The provoking friction made your back slightly arch. Your heart accelerated its beating, taking on an unstable pace. Every trace of the collar delightfully burned your flesh, resulting in your vocal chords to produce delight whines. You helplessly watched how Seonghwa’s tool of torture wandered down to your core. 
“Oh Go-God” feeling the stiff collar mercilessly circling around your clit, your body convulsed but you couldn’t do much with your hands pinned above your head. The wetness gained in intensity, soaking the white material. Seonghwa let out playful sounds and chuckles, fascinated with tormenting you as he was sliding the tool up and down your dripping folds. 
“P-please, don’t torture me” you whined. The waves of heat flooding your body hindered your breathing. You felt like you were on fire. 
Seonghwa smirked at you, leaning towards your ear, “What do you want me to do?” he whispered, “Say it. Tell me how you want me to do it?" 
"Be ruthless” you begged “I want to scream…”
“So indecent you are”, he hissed out angrily, looking into your eyes, “You will have to stand throughout the whole Mass tomorrow” His lips trapping yours in a heated kiss. 
The collar landed somewhere on the floor as your lover positioned himself in front of your entrance. Provoking your core, he drew shapes with his glistening tip. He finally entered you deep with his first thrust, making you moan into the kiss. The hot touch of his hand stroking your leg from your ankle to your ass as he squeezed hard after grabbing a handful of it.
He progressed quickly but kept a rhythmic pattern. The sounds of your wet juices filled the room as he continued to push into you harder and deeper. Now with both hands, he held your wrists down while sucking and marking your neck. Beautiful moans and groans left your lips. 
“I can feel every part of you, you’re too much, i- i can’t t-take it” your breathing staggered and you were  overwhelmed by the way his painfully hard cock rubbed you from inside. 
“Look at me” Seonghwa hummed, wanting you to watch him. To watch his face while he was taking what was his. You could barely keep eye contact with him as they naturally wanted to roll back from all the pleasure. 
His gaze was exploding with control that made you feel smaller than you already were. As if he was reading your soul. He suddenly lowered himself, laying on you, fucking you slowly. You squirmed feeling the weight of his body rubbing onto yours, your breasts being caressed by the friction between you. The warmth of his body quickly warming yours.
“I want to see you like this everyday”, he whispered into your lips. You were gripping him mercilessly making him curse again under his breath, “Fuuuck, you’re so tight for me." 
Seonghwa finally decided to free your wrists. Once released, your hands quickly gripped the bed sheets on either side of you. He pulled himself up again as his thrusts quickened the pace again. His hand sneaking up and wrapping firmly around your neck. Your body arched in response, taking his movements with devotion. He was fucking you ruthlessly, as the whole bed began to move along with him. 
"Seong-” his tip attacked your sweet spot unforgivably. You were so close, your sight began to go dark. He could feel that you were about to fall apart on him and gripped your waist, increasing the speed, pushing into you like the demons he tried so hard to fight. 
“I’m cum- cumming” you cried out whilst the ecstasy coursed over every inch of your body, shatting your soul. You screamed his name loud, struggling to take a proper breath as your body was torn with spasms. 
Your climax caused your walls to close around him tightly taking everything from him. Feeling how you squeezed him from all sides, he couldn’t help but join you in the ritual, “Oh fu- fuck fuck” his cum painted your insides. 
He wanted it to be like that all the time, but only with you. The only woman that had seduced him. You were the only sin he didn’t want to confess.
He laid on you again, placing elbows on both sides of your head. as you dug your nails into his back until you both rode your highs with deep and slow movements. His lips kissing your forehead gently as he watched you calm down from the ruining pleasure, closing your eyes from exhaustion. As Seonghwa attempted to remove himself you stopped him by wrapping your legs around his hips. You wanted to feel him inside of you as long as you could. 
Seonghwa fulfilled your silent request, cupping your face and bringing his forehead to yours. He didn’t know if it was love but he couldn’t stand seeing you with another man. Simply thinking about it woke the anger within him. Your lover captured your lips with his and started to kiss you deeply as you tangled your fingers in his hair, accepting all the affection. 
To my fellow Christians, sorry guys 😂
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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— You’re caught in a web after flying a little bit too recklessly and along comes your one and only savior who requests a little help from you too as the price of freeing you.
pairing: naga!kirishima eijirou x fem fairy!reader
warnings: fairy!reader, naga!kirishima, smut, 18+, coercion, dubcon, hypnotism, oviposition, double penetration, begging, heat/rut, size diff
word count: 4,004
a/n: BAHAHA I wrote this in like 3 hours because I decided to instead watch some soul eater last night & I like it so far! ah, well, ive never actually read naga fics before, or oviposition,,, so fair warning, enjoy! also, read the damn warnings.
kinktober day 7 main kink: size difference
The world was a magical one. 
The planet was crawling with mythological creatures steaming from the smallest of pixies to the largest Kraken. The world was full of mystery, wonder, and adventure. Fire breathing dragons and cursed powerful swords were hidden away from the few humans and elves to discover. As in any civilization, there were those who got along and those who didn’t.
Some species of creatures got along with everyone, there were others that were feared beyond reason, and a few that were loved for moments and feared for others. 
You were a fairy.
And you were tiny.
Standing no more than three apples high, you had iridescent wings that curled and shone in the glimmering light whenever you so much as moved. You were a good fairy, you always have been. You were often found assisting with a multitude of mythical creatures and humans on quests and as companions. Despite your small stature, you were fast, zipping, and gliding faster than most could ever dare to catch up with.
You loved your wings, loved flying, loved having the wind whistling through your ears while you dove between branches and branches, laughing while your pixie friends failed to keep up with you. Your mother had always fluttered her wings in annoyance and partial anger when you were younger and would often outspeed her, leaving her screaming your name while she desperately tried to keep up.
What could you say? You were a daring fairy, an adventurous one at that too.
But she always warned you, even back then, of the dangers of being a small, tiny, pretty fairy who flew at speeds much faster than you should be capable of.
The wind whipped against your face, stinging at your nose, chapping your lips, and whooshing through your ears as you grew faster and faster. The traces of magic falling from your wings creating a beautiful, sparkling trail behind you as you whooped out in excitement and thrill. 
“Slow down, y/n!” your friends screamed from what sounded like many trees behind you, and like the daring showoff you were, you cork spiraled around a set of hanging branches with a loud laugh.
But as you straightened out, ready to move onward, you realized that something, thick, heavy, and sticky had caught onto the tip of your wing, and you catapulted backward. 
A spider’s web.
Even in a world of fantasy and mystery, spiders existed to catch flying pests, and to some, you were just that.
Panic consumed you, white fire coursing through every magical vein in your body as you thrashed and shook in the webs. Your hands grabbed onto the sticky strands around your wings, a desperate attempt to free yourself only to find yourself even more tightly wound up in the damp, near-transparent threads. 
A pathetic whimper left your mouth, your head dropping to your chest as silent, hot tears streamed down your cheeks. Your wings fluttered weakly, looking nothing too far from the insects and flies you were so used to seeing caught up in these webs. You strained your ears, trying to listen to the few pixies you had been flying and playing with, but even with your immense speed advantageous over them, you knew that they should be near.
But nothing.
You sat there on the web for minutes that seemed to bleed into hours, silently waiting for your friends to come and save you… but it seemed for naught.
“Please help…”
You had been trapped for hours.
Each passing second both dooming you to a life as spider food for the Arachne that had still yet to return home. Or maybe possibly a snack for any large creature that may pass, or an undeserving elf or human plucking you free and demanding to use their powers on a quest you would never approve of. That, or maybe you’d die of hunger.
There was no stopping the growl in your stomach or the parched dryness of your throat for your desperate, pathetic cry of help.
But it seemed that when your friends not-your-friends anymore said this part of the forest was for the most part void of all pixie and fairy eating creatures, it seemed that it was just void of all creatures. Pouting, you felt another rush of frustrating tears well up in your eyes, your cheeks huffing and face steaming as soft chimes of bells erupted from you while you seemingly threw a temper tantrum, not one-second closer from freedom.
Your breathing turned sharper, heavier, and overall shallow. In a flash of fury, you thrummed your wings as fast as you could, trying your best to fly out of this entrapment. To your slight excitement, you managed to loosen the webs around your wings for just a moment, your smile bursting oh so prematurely onto your face before it all went wrong again. As if the web was alive as well, it seemed to suddenly stiffen and drag you back into its sticky confines only for you to be even more trapped onto the mass web.
Like a broken dam, the tears streaming down your face were stinging, plentiful, and unable to stop.
You mourned the end of your life like this, so pathetic, so absolutely stupid way to go: caught on a spiderweb.
“Now, now, little one, why are you crying?” came a voice so soft yet incredibly loud voice, and you stiffened straight despite having a potential savior. 
You couldn’t see them, and with how the web was wrapped around you, you couldn’t even dare to turn your head around to stare at them. You couldn’t look at him, sure, but you knew just through the tenor and low thunder of his voice that your potential savior or wolf in sheep’s clothing was undoubtedly a robust, powerful mythological creature. 
Despite the way his voice seemed to whisper in your ears, you heard the familiar noise of someone moving through the grounds of the forest. The fallen dead leaves that scattered on the floor crackling with his movement. You trembled although you didn’t make a noise, not even a small bell chime of your wings. 
“Are you in need of assistance, little one?” he continued to ponder as if blind to the was you oh so very not discreetly clammed up at the sudden sound of his voice. “If you so require it, I would be more than willing to assist you in your freedom. It pains me to see such a beautiful, full of potential little fairy go to waste.”
The tongue in your mouth felt pathetically dry, your chest rising and collapsing at incredible speeds for someone of your composition of size.
“Oh, are you fearful of me, little one?” he seemed to laugh, finding your fear to be humorous, comical, really. “Most individuals at least wait until they peer into my eyes to find themselves unwilling to move or speak.”
The web shook with the vibrations of his voice. And you whined at the back of your throat as that small fact merely confirmed the size of the male creature standing behind you. You found yourself fearful of that playful tone on his voice, but you also knew that as a tiny fairy, you were quite foolish in fear when found in predicaments such as this one. You had to trust the creature behind you should you wish to escape.
“W-Would you mind freeing me?” you asked, making an attempt to sound powerful and in control despite the tremor on your lower lip and the way your voice was near childish in comparison to his own. How you actually thought fairies sounded on the same pitch as to many creatures before was beyond you, for at the moment, you deemed yourself to be no greater than a child speaking to an old man. “I was trapped while racing, and well, these frisky spiderwebs are quite the worst at capturing things that don’t deserve to be captured.”
Oh? Is that so?” his voice chuckled. His body, without a doubt, moments from yours if the way the gentle breath of his laugh brushed against your neck had anything to say about it. “I’ve always been told that they’re especially good at capturing pests.”
You flustered. 
“Yet here we are!” you pathetically countered, your wings fluttering in your distress. “If you wouldn’t mind freeing me, I would greatly appreciate it!”
“But, of course,” he spoke with great pride, and you shuddered when warm, large finger seemed to easily scoop you out from the webs. Your wings fluttered when the tight restraints of the traps were done, but not entirely freed from your beautiful wings. “Relax your wings, little one, I know you’re antsy to move, but there are still a great number of leftover webs on those wings of yours. Relax, I promise you no harm as I take these webs off.”
You shivered as his warm, strong fingers worked the plenty of sticky strands of webs off of you as if they were nothing but flyaway thread used for clothing. Speaking of clothing, you peered down at the daisy and red dandelion seed dress you wore, your eyes wide with the hope that it hadn’t been ruined. You loved this outfit. But as you peered down at your cotton shoes, you froze when you finally took in the hand you were resting upon. 
It was huge.
Without a doubt, his palm was the size of your entire body, the fingers long and thick with intimidating claws that demanded a bit of concern.
“There, all done,” he hummed, and you shook your wings, looking at the thing iridescent wings that made you a fairy, and you felt him turn his hand around where you rested. Your eyes, already wide with the looming dread in your stomach, seemed to become saucers the size of the moon when you came face to face with a naga.
Nagas, half-snake half-human, were a few creatures in this world that were both loved and hated by others — your kind included.
His scales were black, glinting red under the setting copper sun, and he was absolutely massive. You had seen nagas only a handful of times, three to be honest, but each other those times, you knew that they were hardly more massive than humans. But this male naga before you was enormous as he was solid. Rippling muscles on every exposed part of his human body and his snake bottom were large, thick, full of rippling coiling muscles that could probably strangle anyone who attempted to fight him. He had full, spikey red hair, scars on his arms, and one splitting his eyebrow. His red, slitted eyes seemed vast, cunning, and terrifying while he lifted you up to eye level. And his smile, oh his smile. Jagged, sharp teeth with lips pulled into a cunning, just a bit too sweet smile.
Naga, for the most part, were peaceful creatures. They were strong fighters, fierce protectors, all due to the fact that they were just so much larger than their co-inhabititors of the world, but they were peaceful. They slithered about most of the year, helping those who came and went, but there were moments in the year where they were of concern.
During the late spring, early summer, they were hit with their heats and ruts. Powerful naga soon filled with the lusting, overwhelming desire to shove their fertile eggs into anything that would hold them. Nagas, who mated with nagas, were known to have wrestled as their mating dance, almost wiping out many towns in their horny, hot desires, and you froze suddenly feeling the thick waves of heat coming off the naga before you.
“W-Well, thank you!” you stammered, your body bowing lowly for the naga before you whose splitting smile was becoming stamped in your brain. “I appreciate you freeing me, but I must go now. Supper is waiting for me!”
“What’s your name, little one?” the naga instead asked, his clawed finger caressing your cheek so softly, so accurately, you nearly thought he was set on taking off your head. “I would like to know the name of the beautiful fairy I saved today.”
There was power in knowing names in this world, fairy names especially, so you couldn’t help the pit that formed in your stomach on account to this, or the way fear stimulated every cell in your body. 
“I-I can’t um, I can’t tell you,” you whimpered when his thick, large finger hooked underneath your chin to raise your head.
“Ah, it’s okay, little one, I promise I won’t do you wrong,” he promised, the lure in his voice — an advantage that nagas held in their times of heat. His voice was a warm blanket, smoothly pulling your eyes closed, making your wings flutter in your lulling excitement. “You can trust me.”
“Trust… you?” you spoke, mimicking his words, feeling like you were swimming in a warm, gooey honey trap. You bit down on your lower lip, heat rushing to your face as you stared upon his still cunning, sly grin as he traced his massive finger down from your wet, pouty lower lip to your hip. “I don’t… I can’t stay for longer?”
“Is that a question on your tone, little one?” he asked, his forked tongue flicking through his pointed teeth. “Can’t you stay? I have a favor to ask of you.”
A heavy, pitchy moan broke through your mouth as the tip of his claw dragged from your navel to your suddenly blistering core. Were you always this wet? How did you get so wet?
“But I…” you struggled to think, your eyes shut tightly, face twisting as you tried to figure out where you were needed right now. “I need to go… somewhere?”
“Somewhere?” he asked, voice light, buttery smooth. “I thought you were coming with me?”
“I… was?”
“Yes, little one, look at me,” he kissed the air, and you found your eyes pressing open, your jaw dropping when his piercing red eyes hypnotizing you. “Open those pretty little legs for me, I want to see if you’re fit enough to be my dam, my mate.”
Why that sent bubbling gasps from your tongue and sent your legs apart was beyond you, but it just seemed like the right thing to do. He had called you his mate… his dam.
His finger shoved between your legs, gently rubbing the massive finger that was probably nearly your height between your legs, catching onto your clit, sending resonating, shaking mewls from your throat. You collapsed forward, hips rutting back against his finger, your tiny fingers holding onto his knuckles, your eyes fluttering in this euphoria.
It felt so good.
So good, so good, “please more!”
You sobbed at the feeling of his finger coming up to allow more friction between you and your throbbing cunt, the bone of his knuckle-dragging so deliciously, so roughly against your throbbing clit that you started to feel weak in your knees.
“Call me Kirishima,” he growled, his finger flipping underneath you so that the pad of his finger could now press onto your clit, gathering your dripping slick as he does so. “Kirishima Eijirou.”
“Ei,” you spluttered, eyes barely open to watch the way his slitted pupils were dilated with his lust, the smell he was emitting without a doubt one of an alpha male plunging further within his rut. “This feels so good, please give meeeEE ahhh, oh god, give me more!”
Kirishima growled out a peal of chilling laughter, one that had your wings fluttering in their heavy, lucid attempt to fly and kiss the man that could swallow your entire body as if you were nothing more than a potato chip to him. You keened, one of your hands shakily removing themselves from his finger, stretching out to him.
“Kiss me, please kiss me,” you beg, your heaving breathes almost in synch with your wildly bucking hips.
“You want a kiss?” he hummed, bringing your tiny body close enough to tease you, but not near enough for you to plant a desperate, small kiss to his smooth, curling large lips. “Promise me two things.”
“Anything,” you promised, watching as his forked tongue flashed between his teeth, his eyes flashing with his shaking control on the situation. Your cheeks scorched at the sight of him wanting you just as badly as you wanted him. The dam in you jittering at the knowledge that he was a good mate, a good person by holding back, trying to keep his control before giving in. But you wanted him as deep as you were. You wanted to feel his finger intruding your clenching, spasming walls, to try and take on his undoubtedly huge cock.
You wanted to try it.
You wanted him.
“Anything you want, I will give you!” you shriek with promise, your clit feeling numb from the overstimulation and lack of release as you could not reach it without penetration. 
“Your name,” Kirishima growled, his lips dangerously close. “And promise to carry my — our children.”
“I promise, I promise, I promise!” you frantically claim, knowing you would do it all just for his lips against yours, and finally, he was close enough, his bottom lip nearly the size of your entire face as you kissed him again and again.
His lips were pursed, allowing your frantic kisses to have lain all over his awaiting soft lips. You shuddered at the electric sensation coursing through you with every second, and your wings fluttered in your excitement, bringing you up into the air, lifting you off his palm.
“Your name?” he commanded, the hand you abandoned running a taloned finger down the spine of your back, pleasantly, orgasmically feeling as he reached the spot between your sensitive wings. You loved the feeling and keened against his mouth. 
“Y/l/n y/n!”
“And you will have my children?”
A possessive, all encompassing cross between a growl and a hiss slipped through his lips, and you looked down with your lust dipped eyes to see the two, twisted cocks he was rutting into his free hand. You cried at the fact that it wasn’t your cunt the sharp, near hook looking tip of his cock wasn’t ramming into. 
“Where do you think you’re going, little one?” Kirishima snarked, his eyes bright and humorous as he caught you by your wings. You moaned loudly at the lusting pull of your wings that you could feel pulsing into your core. “You’re not ready for my cock or eggs just yet.”
“But I wanna…” you cry, fingers stretching out toward the two writhing cocks that seemed to call your name. “I wanna try!”
“Shh, shh,” he cooed, his hand that was not occupied with his massive cocks releasing your wings and gently stroking your face. “It’s okay, it’s okay, you can try in a bit. I just don’t want my little one splitting in half before she’s been made useful!”
Your pouting and mouthwatering person turned to face Kirishima again, whose once red eyes were completely black in his rutting lust. 
“Split in half?” you echoed, a slight pain pinching your pussy, the thought of being split in two for those cocks not quite as horrendous as it should be. “Will I be?”
“Not if you stretch yourself out first,” Kirishima corrected, entirely missing your slight hope to be torn in half by his cock. “I want to see you fuck yourself on my finger at first. Do that, and I’ll let you sit on my cock and birth my eggs.”
A chill ran down your back, and you nodded, suddenly more than willing to throw yourself onto anything he would give you to prove yourself. And with his free hand, he presented his long ring finger whose talon was missing, most likely gone from some sort of battle.
But it didn’t matter. It was enough for you to prove yourself. 
Fluttering over to his finger, you dropped the small panties you owned onto his exposed palm before placing your sopping cunt right above his extended finger. You lowered yourself onto the tip, spreading your essence slick against his skin, your eyes unabashedly half-lidded as you watched the muscles in his arm pick up speed as you made eye contact with the excited naga. 
And with a twirl of your hips and a moan that vibrated straight through your chest, you sank onto his finger. 
It truly did feel like his splitting you in half. You recognized immediately at the way your walls nearly couldn’t keep up with how he opened you up. His finger was already giant within your spongey, tight walls. The heat and the callouses of his appendage unreplicable as you silently screamed, your walls spasming tightly around him, an orgasm taking you out without warning. You heaved, exhaustion ticking your brain as the soft bounces you made to further his finger up your cunt making you whine. He was huge, his finger huge. But you liked the fullness it brought you, the way you struggled not to send yourself flying off his finger like some rocket while you continued to fuck yourself against him.
You could do it, you could do it.
Soft wet noises filled the air as Kirishima’s aggressive stroking of his leaking cocks, and the way his finger seemed to be so loud in your tight cavern filled the forest.
More, give him more.
Pressing the collar of your outfit down, your legs wrapped around his finger as you continued to fuck yourself up and down his finger while your hands groped and pinched at your breasts, your eyes rolling back in your horny excitement. You could feel your orgasm growing again. You could tell by the clenching quivering of your spongey, velvet walls against his finger that you were close yet again.
“Fuck, little one, you’re taking my finger so well,” Kirishima sang in his praise, his snake tail coiling and thrashing wildly beneath the both of you, and you longed to feel the snake scales beneath your blazing core too. “Are you ready for my cock? I’m so close, so close. You made me like this, little one, so fucking hot, so sexy, fuck.”
You mewl loudly, your body well aware of the lewd scene he was creating with the way he wrangled his twin cocks in his hand. Your head dropped backward, a high pitched wail shooting through you when his finger moved within you, and you nodded your head as quickly as you could. Your legs relaxing around him as Kirishima quickly picked you off his finger, and without even three seconds of being empty again, two sharp, writhing cocks slammed within your cunt.
You staggered against his hold, body convulsing at the feeling of his snake cock flicking and twirling within your womb, stimulating the puffy, wet walls that were erratically beating, as the both of you came with loud, joint moans.
White filled your vision as your wet juices splattered down his cock, and the weirdest, almost constipating feeling filled you as solid, cold, and round objects filled your womb. Making the drool in your mouth dribble down the corner of your mouth as your eyes crossed.
Four eggs.
Four eggs for you to grow, four kids you would have with Kirishima, and you sobbed in elation.
“I can feel them, Ei!” you sobbed, content with the babies he just gave you, already expanding your tiny little stomach to the optimal length it could reach. “Our babies!”
Kirishima chuckled, removing your from his cock and placing your pregnant little tiny body onto his shoulder, a sign that he would protect you through anything and everything.
“I can’t wait until they hatch, little one.”
And with that, he nuzzled against your face. And you vibrated in your happiness, more than willing to take on the world as Kirishima continued forward in the world. There was no looking back now.
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marsbutterfly · 3 years
Hiiiii! I just binged all your writing on AO3 and I love all your work, especially the one with poor Hange hallucinating. I'm not sure if requests are open right now but if they are, I'd love to make one! I'm sorry for being hyper-specific but I just had my wisdom teeth removed, they had to hammer and drill to get one of them out that grew wrong and, I'll spare you the details but it took over an hour for the one and I'm sore and swollen to say the least and not looking forward to having to eventually eat something, and I wonder how Hange would take care of a reader that just had their wisdom teeth removed.
Please feel free to ignore this if you're not interested, and regardless thank you for your time and sorry for the wall of text! Hope you have a great day!
Note: Thank you so much anon, I appreciate your support <3 It makes me really happy! I hope you are all right now and that your mouth healed up ok. This is a mixture of a short fic and headcanons. I hope you enjoy! <3
Tooth Ache
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Summary: When you get your wisdom teeth removed, Hanji tries her best to take care of you. Modern AU!
Warning: Mentions of blood.
AO3 Version! | Wattpad Version!
“Come on, baby.” Hanji says as her torso reaches over you, struggling to fasten the seatbelt. You shift your body to the left gently, trying your best to help her but the effects of the laughing gas having yet to leave your body.
All you can do is giggle, watching the messy brown hair dangling in front of you. Without realizing what’s happening, a heavy weight is lifted from your body and your lungs can expand to their full capacity once again.
You look around confused, trying to understand what just happened, only to shift your eyes to the left, watching as Hanji starts the car. The sound of the engine roaring makes your heart beat slightly faster, a hint of fear rushing through your veins.
Before any words form, a warm, gentle hand brushes against your exposed thigh softly and the feeling is enough to soothe you. 
Body resting against the car seat, you take your fingers towards your mouth, touching the area around it as you try to make sure everything is still there. The piece of gauze that sat in your mouth now lies in between your legs, a few blood splatters following closely behind.
“Hanji, did you give me cranberry juice?” You ask, not realizing what that hot liquid was. She holds in a laugh, eyes shifting from the road to you for a second as she reaches for a small pill bottle sitting in the cup holder.
“Not yet.” She replies, handing you a decently sized pill and a small, cold box of juice. “But here, why don’t you drink this?”
You grunt in annoyance but still obliged to her request, earning a bright smile in return. 
The car falls silent, only the sounds produced by the vehicle fill the void. Your eyes wander outside, green leaves dance atop of the trees while an old lady’s blonde hair flows around in the wind, reminding you of last night’s dinner.
“Can I have some noodles when we get home?” You ask with stars in your eyes, knowing that Hanji has never once denied you anything at all.
“No, love. I’m sorry.” She replies, eyes focused on the road as you enter your neighborhood. In that moment, her words felt like a knife going into your skin, destroying your heart as a consequence. 
“But…” Tears form in your eyes and your bottom lip quiver.
“It’s for your own good.” She says, right hand squeezing your thigh before you push it away and all she does in response is sigh. 
Grabbing your phone from the glove compartment, you speed dial your most recent caller. A few seconds pass before Eren answers the phone and the image that welcomes him is the desolated, groggy mess behind the screen. Tears flow down your face as you try to speak through the gauze pads in your mouth.
“Hanji won’t let me eat noodles.” You say, earning a quiet giggle out of the brunette driving the car. “All I want is to eat my noodles.”
“It’s for your own good, Y/N!” He replies, a smile on his face as he tries not to laugh. From his end, you can hear two other voices but, in your current state, you don’t realize they are coming from Mikasa and Armin.
“That's what I said.” Hanji replies, reaching for your phone. “Now hang up Y/N.”
“NO!” You scream, pressing your body against the door and moving the device barely out of her reach. “I want to show Eren my lipstick.”
“Lipstick?” The camera shifts angles and now Armin’s face fills the screen. “Uhmm… Y/N?” 
You pull your head back, fingertips gently brushing against your chapped lips until the warm liquid touches them. In response, you let out a giggle. “Oh no. I think it’s blood.”
Hanji’s laugh echoes through the car as she pulls into the driveway. Once the vehicle comes to a full stop, she places her left arm against the window, fingers pushing her glasses up as tears of laughter stream down her face. 
You shoot her a confused look, trying to understand why she’s laughing. In response, she reaches for your phone once again, finally being able to catch the device from your hands and immediately hanging up the call.
“Come on, baby.” She says, removing her seatbelt and unbuckling yours. 
You reach for the handle to open the door many times but your hand simply slips right past it. After what seemed like an entirety, you’re able to hook your hand on it and open it, little do you know Hanji is actually the one to let you out.
Your vision is fuzzy as you try to step out of the car, everything spins around and you look at the sky. A pair of sturdy hands begins to guide you towards the entrance to the house and you smile gratefully.
Hanji seats you on the couch before handing you a cold compress. You stare at it for a few seconds, wondering what it is that she expects you to do with it. 
She laughs and sits beside you, your knee touching hers. “Like this.”
The cold compress against your cheek feels godly and it relieves some of the pain you are in. You instinctively let out a moan.
“I’m gonna go get your meds and be right back, ok?” She says while getting up.
“Otay.” You reply, humming to a random song you heard on the radio early that day. Unknowing to you, Hanji’s eyes glow as they watch you from behind the couch, her heart beating slightly faster as her cheeks blush.
A few minutes go by and when she returns, you are still moving your head and feet to the melody you sing. 
She hands you a cup of cold water and you happily take the pills from her hand. 
Your eyelids become heavy and you rest your head on her shoulder, feeling as her hand goes through your hair gently. You smile through the bloody gauze pads and she giggles.
“Hanji…” You whisper, calling her close to you with your finger and she leans towards you, “I want noodles.”
“Not this again!”
Hanji is not a good driver so it takes her a couple of days to convince you to let her drive you to the appointment instead of asking Armin or Mikasa to do it.
She nearly sleeps for too long the day of your procedure because she spent the night before worried sick, even if you’re just getting your wisdom teeth out.
Once it’s done, she has to control herself and not give in to your every request like she usually does. No solid food, no milkshakes, no moving more than you have to.
Hanji sets alarms for every 8 hours so you won’t miss a single dose of your pain medicine and, if the pain is too bad, she gives you an extra pill. Not only that, she constantly reminds you of when to change the gauze pads.
You always have fresh ice to apply to your cheeks and Hanji kisses them every chance she gets.
She can’t cook for shit, she tries but when the house ends up smelling like burned soup, she immediately calls Levi, who shows up with at least 3 days worth of food. For you and for Hanji.
When the anesthesia wears off, she pulls up her phone and shows you the embarrassing videos she took while you were high. Of you singing terribly to whatever is playing on the radio, your conspiracy theories on how your dentist was an alien or simply videos of you begging her to give you solid food.
She brushes your teeth for you when you can’t, always making sure to go around the extraction sites and scrubbing your tongue.
The day after the surgery, she rinses your mouth out with warm water and salt, even if you can do it yourself she keeps saying she’ll do it better than you, so you simply let her.
Hanji always makes sure your head is propped up while you’re lying down, even when you beg her to let you put your head down, she won’t let you. Instead, she sits behind you and props your head on her chest. You can hear her heartbeat so you can’t complain.
Once you are healed, she buys you an insane amount of junk food and you suggest going on a picnic with Levi and Erwin to eat it all. She agrees and immediately picks up the phone as you run upstairs to take some medicine so you won’t throw it all up.
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milliedazzledust · 3 years
Unspoken (Bucky Barnes imagine)
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Request by @screechingdreamercollectorsblog : the reader lost all her family and also a twin sister. She’s in love with Bucky but he doesn't know and no one knows her story except Steve but he never told it as it was her decision. One day Wanda tells her "you don't know what it’s like to lose somebody especially a twin." And Reader said "Actually I do." And then She walks away. Bucky heard It and goes to talk to her and also they confess each other feelings. Also She starts an amazing friend ship with Wanda.
Words: 3183 words
A/N: So many ideas, I feel like this needs to be a several part story. Thanks for the request, this was fun to write -
She thought a lot about her family. The memory of their death, the circumstances that led to it, the guilt. It was all a constant reminder, every day, of what she lost. She often felt like she was walking with a shadow on her back, consuming what was left of light, making her into this gloomy person everyone was so afraid to get close to. In a way, she was glad. Her guilt made her believe living this way was her sentence and she couldn’t allow anybody else to carry her burden. One person knew though, the only hope on her pathway. Steve Rogers. He hadn’t been bold enough to ask her up front but instead waited, close enough so she knew he was there, until she was ready to confide in him. Late one night, he had found her crying on the rooftop of the Avengers tower. Silently, he had put a blanket on her shoulders and had sit next to her. Without looking at him, she had told him everything. There had been no judgment from the Captain, not even a look of pity. He promised he wouldn’t tell a soul and after that, she grew closer from the man she considered now family.
That’s how Steve picked up on what was happening in front of his eyes before anybody else. Everyday, he would catch Bucky’s eyes lingering on her. The Soldier often asked Steve about her, he could guess the sadness behind every broken smile. Behind her cracks, he could almost see his own. She reminded him a lot of what it had mean to become the Winter Soldier, of the pain his mind had endured as Hydra tore it into pieces. While he was curious of her past, he also understood that whatever it was, she hadn’t dealt with it. The grief was evident and he wanted nothing more than to help her anyway he could, but every time he took a step toward her, she took three more backward. Steve assured him it wasn’t his fault. They both could see the internal struggle within her, the raging battle between self-inflicted pain and sheer will to live again. So far, she hadn’t give in and instead opted for an illusion only Steve and Bucky weren’t falling for.
She wasn’t the only one feeling the overbearing weight of grief. That specific day marked the one year anniversary of their battle in Sokovia. There was an eerie, gloomy atmosphere inside the compound. For the Avengers, it was the reminder of a difficult battle, of many lives lost, of victory. For Wanda Maximoff, it was the day she lost her brother. She had barely left her bedroom and no one dared go speak to her. Natasha and Vision had gone to see how she was doing but she had refused the company. They could all hear her crying and had collectively silently agreed that it was better to let her process her feelings alone. Y/N was debating wether she should follow their example. She had been standing close to Wanda’s bedroom door for the past hour when she felt a presence next to her.
“You should go talk to her” She heard someone whisper.
She turned her head, her eyes landing on a pretty concerned Captain.
“Wil it really make a difference ?” She asked.
“She’s hurting” Steve answered. “Just like you”
The woman dropped her head.
“I’m not sure, I .. I won’t know what to say”
“You’ll know exactly what to say, Y/N. You’ve both lost a lot”
“So have you. So have everybody here”
He sadly nodded.
“Why does it have to be me ?”
“Because we’ve all grieved. We made peace with whatever happened to us. We don’t feel sadness, anger or guilt just thinking about whomever we lost.” He explained. “You do. Just like her.”
She pursed her lips.
“I can’t pretend to understand, Y/N, because I don’t. I see the mountain that is your pain everyday when I look into your eyes. And, behind this door is a friend who’s going through the same loss you’ve experienced. Even if you haven’t dealt with the death of your sister, you know what it was like for her to lose Pietro, to live without him, to not be capable to let yourself be alive when half of you isn’t anymore”
Hearing his words was enough to reopen the gigantic wound inside her chest. She knew he was right, but it didn’t make it any easier. He put a comforting hand on her shoulder, encouraging her with a soft smile.
“Alright. I’ll go”
She glanced at Wanda’s bedroom before looking back at Steve and swallowed the lump in her throat. Taking a deep breath, she closed the distance and knocked. Not waiting for an answer, she walked inside. She knew if she had ask Wanda, the Witch would have let her wait without an answer until she left.
The young woman was sitting on her bed, her gaze drifting into space. Y/N wasn’t sure she had even acknowledge her presence. All she could see was her soul bleeding an ocean through her eyes. When she sat next to her on the bed, Wanda tried to brush the tears away but it was useless. She couldn’t stop crying.
“I’m sorry you lost him” Y/N whispered.
She cursed under her breath, knowing those were in no way comforting words.
“If you came to tell me you understand, you can leave” She replied with a thick accent.
For a moment, Y/N did not say a word. She was thinking hard of something that could appease her friend, but her mind was blank.
“Are you also going to ask me if I’m okay” She heard Wanda say.
“What is the point ? I know you’re not”
She sighed.
“I’ve always hated that question. How are you suppose to know how you are if all you can feel is emptiness… It’s easier to say yes, put on a smile and turn your head”
“Is that why you’re here ? Are you expecting a yes or the truth ?”
“I already know the truth”
Wanda humorlessly chuckle.
“Are you going to pretend you know what I’m feeling ?” She told her with irony
“That’s the thing. I don’t need to pretend”
She felt her friend tense beside her.
“You should leave”
“No!” She shouted, getting up to put a distance between them. “I don’t need you to tell me I’m gonna be alright! I don’t need to hear it will hurt less with time, that I will forget ! Because I won’t, okay, I won’t!”
She started sobbing. For a split second, Y/N thought about hugging her, but she knew that this wouldn’t be a good idea. When her sister died, she couldn’t bear the hugs. They were so full of light and hope, such a bright contrast to the dark that was surrounding her. So she stayed on the bed, and watched her friend break down. Wanda needed the pain, she needed the anger, because they would inevitably lead to the last stage of grief. To life.
“Stop pretending to get this … this torture, because I can assure you, you don’t” Wanda vehemently told her, pacing around the room. “My heart is broken, okay ? It’s … It’s shattered. Not even in pieces, because he took those with him when he died.”
“Wanda …”
“No! You don’t know what it’s like to lose somebody !” Wanda yelled back. “Especially a twin!”
“Actually, I do”
Wanda instantly stopped walking and turned back to her friend, surprised. She watched Y/N playing with her hands, trying to keep the tears at bay, her eyes fixed on her lap, refusing to catch a glimpse of pity when she’ll start talking.
“It.. It doesn’t stop. The pain, I mean. It’s like this overbearing weight that crushes you every single minute of every single day. And when you get a moment to breath, a moment where you don’t feel your heart might explode of sadness, you feel guilty. So all that’s left of you now is pain and guilt. I can’t tell you it’ll get better, because it never did for me.”
She brushed the tears on her cheek as Wanda slowly sat back next to her.
“The world stopped when I lost her, my twin I mean” She continued, starring into space. “And I try, I swear I try to make it work again, but to this day all I keep asking myself is why her … why her and not…me. She was so much stronger than me, she deserved …”
A sob escaped her lips, preventing her from speaking.
“Steve told me I would be able to help you, because I understand your pain. But I can’t. What good would it do to you if I told you I feel like dying every time I think about my memories of her ?”
She humorlessly laughed.
“What good would it do if I confess I don’t want to live because I’m scarred of forgetting ? That I can’t breathe because each breath feels like I’ve cheated death ? That I’m becoming a void of darkness silently sinking ?”
They stayed silence before Wanda’s hand slowly came to hold hers. They spent a short moment without talking. Two woman with broken soul that understood each other on a level no one else’s could.
“You know ..” The Witch started to mutter. “Vis’ told me something once, and it stuck up on me ever since.”
“What was it ?”
“What is grief, if not love persevering”
A tear roll down Y/N’s cheeks, the words stabbing her right through the chest. Suddenly, she was up on her feet, alert and disoriented. This was sheer pain like she had rarely known, wide open scars bleeding through her soul.
“I can’t” She breathlessly told her friend. “I … I’m … I’m sorry Wanda I ca..”
And she fled the room. As soon as she stepped outside of it, she bumped into a muscular chest. Stopping in her tracks, she looked up. That’s when she saw it, what she dreaded the most. A look of pity. Bucky was standing in front of her, searching her eyes, his mouth open like the words were on the tip of his tongue yet he couldn’t voice any of them. He raised an arm toward her, a reflex to comfort the woman he cared the most about, but she was gone in a second. He turned back to glance at Wanda. The woman sadly smile and shook her head.
“Go get her” She simply told him.
And just like that, he was gone. He started by her bedroom, but she wasn’t there. He went to the lab, asked Tony and Bruce if they had seen her, but she wasn’t there. He passed by the gym, than their living room, but again, she was not there. He was almost running inside the building, going anywhere he could think of, but there was no sign of her. He was very frustrated when he crossed path with his best friend.
“Wha …” Steve started to ask.
“Y/N” Barnes only answered, almost out of breath.
The Captain hummed, watching his distress, knowing it was a bad time to ask him about it.
“She’s on the roof”
Bucky didn’t wait, not even hearing what Steve said next, and fled. He didn’t take the elevator and rushed up the stairs. It was a long way up but he did not care. All his mind was focused on was closing the distance between them. Finally, she was there. Sitting on the edge of the building, the sun shining so bright above their head.
“Please tell me you were not thinking of jumping” He said, half joking.
She didn’t turn around to look at him. She had felt his presence before he was even near her.
“The thought crossed my mind” She admitted.
He didn’t want to know if she was joking. Quietly, he stepped next to her and sat on the border, his legs dangling in the air.
“What happened ?” He inquired.
“I just … I thought I could help Wanda and…”
“That’s not what I’m asking” He cut her. “What happened to you Y/N ?”
She pursed her lips, turning for the first time to look back at him. She was almost expecting to see the pity in his eyes, but instead it had been replaced by worry.
“I had a family before the Avengers”
“A family you’ve lost” He guessed.
“…Yes. I couldn’t save them”
He raised his head toward her. She could see the millions of questions he had behind his stare. He was too polite to ask her but she knew he wanted to know. So she turned back to look at the garden in front of the compound, focused on the daisies Tony had insisted to have, and started to tell him her story.
“My parents were … scientists. Experts in genome manipulation. They were working for the government, for Shield. They discovered something important, something they wouldn’t tell us anything about. They started to get edgy, paranoiac, always looking over their shoulder. Whatever it was they found, they were scared. We fled America at the time. My sister and I, we didn’t understand what was happening, we didn’t get that … that they knew they were gonna die. That they were trying to keep us alive”
“What did they find ?”
“I don’t know. That’s why I’m here”
“I don’t understand”
She closed her eyes, remembering them.
“They experimented it on me”
“What ?”
He was shocked.
“We were in Stockholm at the time. One night, they took me to their lab, they said they needed me to work. I was seventeen, just so happy to be with them, so I said yes. Four days later, I woke up alone, surrounded by ashes and no memories. I found …” She stopped for a second, her lips quivering. “I found what was left of their bodies. My sister was there too. All of them, dead.”
Tears started to roll down her cheeks.
“I was convinced I killed them, I couldn’t move, I was just … stuck. So I stayed there, laying on the ground, next to their bodies, until Tony found me.”
“That’s how you came to live with Stark”
“Yes. He took me in, changed my name and my story, made me swear to never talk about this”
“Why ?”
“He helped me figure out what happened that night. My parents did succeed in their experiment. They made me … enhanced. That’s what they called it anyway”
“They gave you your powers” He guessed.
“Yes. The same day, Shield found them. While I was under, they put a bullet in their head. My sister was supposed to be sick, at home. But she sneaked out and hid in the lab. She just wanted to be with us. Shield tried to make it seen like it was an accident, a malfunction”
“An explosion”
She nodded.
“Yes. They blew up the lab, with all of us in there”
“But you didn’t die”
“I absorbed the blast”
She brushed the tears off her face, looking at her trembling hands. It was useless to try to make them stop.
“I never found out who was behind their assassination, or what I am suppose to be”
“What you’re suppose to be ?” He repeated, surprised.
“They put their secret inside me, that’s how I came to be. But what is it, and what am I?”
He frowned, his mind working a thousand miles an hour.
“Do you really think this changes who you are ?” He asked her.
“I lost my identity, Bucky. I lost the person I was. Those powers, they turn me into something I’m not”
“Are you saying I’m the Winter Soldier? That I’m … not a person anymore but a program design to kill ?”
He knew the answer to that question, but he needed her to understand.
“Of course not!” She vehemently answered.
“This is the same fight, Y/N. Hydra might have wiped out my memories, but Bucky Barnes reappeared each time they tried to erase him, because this is who I am. My strength, my arm, my alter-ego, they don’t define who Bucky is. The kid that grew up in Brooklyn does”
“Do you really believe that ?”
“I believe we’ve been broken. But it doesn’t mean we can’t be fix”
His metal arm moved to hold her hand. When she turns around to look at him, he gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear with his human hand before brushing his fingertips on her cheek, wiping her tears away.
“I don’t know how many times you’ll need to hear this, Y/N, but we’re not beyond repair” He whispered.
A shiver ran up her spine at his whole demeanor. His shoulders held high, his eyes boring into hers, all she could see was his rage to live, his will to rebuilt stronger foundations around their broken pieces. No it was not pity anymore, nor was it worry. All she saw now was admiration.
“You and I, we are survivors” He said with force.
He was a warm light she had yearn to feel, fresh air she thought would never touch her skin again. Wordlessly, she laid her forehead on his chest and closed her eyes. She didn’t want this feeling to go away and wished to hard she could bottle up this moment with him forever. They stayed like this, her body against his, his hand entangled in her hair, his chin resting above her head, and for a moment none of them spoke.
“Why do I feel so guilty to have you” She muttered so low he almost didn’t hear her.
“Because you know I can bring you peace” He honestly answered next to her ear.
“If I let you in, if I take the risk to be hurt again and I lose you…”
“You won’t”
“You don’t know that for sure”
“I know I’ve got strong feelings for you, and they won’t go away”
“And I feel the same, but we’re gonna get hurt”
“Isn’t that what love is about ? Navigating between feelings so loud they can’t be shut down, even after death. Stop being so afraid to keep on living, Y/N.”
“Bucky …” She called, slowly raising her head to look at him.
“I’m not giving you a choice, doll.”
Before she could talk herself out of this, he closed the short distance between them and laid his lips on hers. Suddenly, what was a flame became a raging fire in the pit of her stomach. She could feel her heart pumping all the way to her ears, feel the tingling sensation of his fingertips against her skin, a sense of peace finally. This was raw emotions they were sharing, sparks of electricity they were making as their lips were moving. Their own world they were creating. A promise they were sealing.
“You’re gonna be okay” He assured her, kissing her forehead.
“Promise me you’ll stay, Bucky”
“For as long as you’ll let me” He finished.
She looked up at him with hope.
“I promise”
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wonder-kid-pugh · 3 years
This isn't Funny - (Rose Lavelle x reader)
Not really up to my usual standard but I thought I would post it anyways? Hope you like it.
April 1st also known as the worst day of the year for Rose Lavelle.
The day was just an absolute pain for the midfielder. It didn't help that being apart of the Uswnt also meant putting up with the multitude of pranks that you risk the chance of stumbling apun. Being teammates with people like Sonnet, Kelley and Pinoe didn't help either.
But they were nothing compared to Y/n
Y/n L/n, Rose's beautiful, lovely girlfriend was the worst prankster on the team. No one was safe from her pranks not even Rose herself. Rose was able to reel her in once they started dating minimizing the amount of pranks she pulled. She was able to keep her in line with the threat of no cuddles or kisses. It did help that Y/n's love language was touch and she would absolutely die if she didn't get her daily cuddles from her girlfriend.
But April Fool's was an entirely different story
April fool's day was the only day she had complete uncontrollable reign over her pranks. Within reason. Rose wasn't that dumb to not to set some ground rules. So when this camp happened to roll around on April 1st it was safe to say that everyone was on high alert for one of Y/n's pranks.
Rose gently cracked open the door to the meal room. She pushed open the door fully before quickly stepping out of the door frame. But she scrunches her face when nothing happens. "It's all clear!" She hears someone inside the room.
Rose pokes her head in to see the majority of the team are down eating breakfast. Rose walks in septical of the lack of pranks, "Nothing?" Becky shrugs, "We already checked the entire room as far as we know it's prank free". Rose frowns before shaking her head, "That's not possible. Y/n loves classic pranks there's no way she didn't at least put a bucket above the door or something!"
"Maybe she slept in too late to set it up" Alyssa suggests sipping her coffee. With a quick scan of the room Rose shakes her head again, "She was already gone when I woke up I thought she would be down here". Carli hums, "Now that you mention it. It does seem too quiet down here". Christen sends the midfielder a reassuring smile, "I'm sure she's fine Rose. I'd say she's just setting up some elaborate prank to pull on the team". Rose hesitantly nods, "Yeah probably".
Waving goodbye to the older players of the team she quickly grabs some food before heading over to her usual table. "Hey Rosie" Mal hums as she sits down across from her. "Hi" she says back while digging into her scrambled eggs. "Where's the devil you call a girlfriend?" Kelley asks.
Kelley, Sonnet, Pinoe and Ash were common targets of Y/n's pranks. Purely because when she first joined the team they saw her as the perfect target for their pranks. So Y/n saw this as payback and as it as justice for all the times they pranked the rest of the team. Rose secretly knew it was because she was staking her claim as best prankster on the team but she wouldn't tell them that and start a prank war because that wouldn't end well for anyone.
Rose bites the inside of her cheek, "I don't know..." Lindsey groans, "She's probably out setting up all her pranks for today". Mal pouts, "I hate April Fool's Day. I somehow always stumble into one of her pranks".
She did. She always somehow finds a way of walking into one of Y/n's pranks meant for someone else by accident. Like the time she borrowed Lindsey's hairdryer only to get a face full of flour.
They started strategizing straight away. It was common knowledge that Y/n loved classic pranks, all the old school ones. She always made sure to pull at least one every year. But then she always upped the antee with a more elaborate prank which would leave the team in stitches on whichever poor soul happened to stumble into it.
But as they started discussing ways of avoiding Y/n's pranks, Rose couldn't help but feel nervous. By the sounds of it no one had seen the forward yet today and that didn't sit well with Rose. Hoping to ease her nerves, she texted her hoping to at least know she was okay wherever she was. But as it was getting closer to the end of breakfast and there was still no sign of her and still no text telling her whereabouts, that's when Rose started to freak out slightly.
"You okay Rose? You seem really fidgety today?" Alex asked as she passed the midfielder who kept glancing at the door. Rose bites her lip, "I'm fine it's just I haven't seen Y/n all day". Alex gives her a small smile, "I'm sure she's fine she's probably setting up some pranks somewhere". Alex balances Charlie on her hip, "I just hope she doesn't have anything planned for me". Rose waves her off, "She doesn't. She said she didn't want to risk Charlie getting caught in the crossfire and thought you earned a break with your pregnancy and all". Alex grins and at the mention of Y/n, Charlie started to gurgle happily while clapping her hands.
Kelley whines, "What? That's no fair!" "Just because Charlie has Y/n wrapped around her finger..." Sonnet grumbles. Rose rolls her eyes at the two but Alex purses her lips. "Now that you mention it, it is weird...Y/n promised to take Charlie today while I organized some business stuff" Alex say to Rose. Now this causes Rose to frown.
One thing that everyone knew was that Y/n adored Charlie. She absolutely loves the child. She was always the first to volunteer to babysit her to give Alex some time off. And Charlie was always happy to see Y/n. It was extremely cute to see the two interact and it was clear that Y/n would do anything for the littlest Morgan.
And Rose wasn't going to lie, seeing Y/n with Charlie gave her major baby fever and found it extremely attractive.
Now this causes Rose to frown, "What? That doesn't make sense. Y/n never misses a chance to play with Charlie..."  Alex shrugs, "All I know is Y/n said she would take Charlie after breakfast". This didn't ease any of Rose's nerves.
Mal sends her friend a reassuring smile, "I'm sure she's fine Rose. Maybe she just forgot. You know how she gets on April Fool's". Rose sighs, "Yes but she would never forget about hanging out with Charlie. And she still hasn't answered any of my texts".
"Okay how about this. We give it an hour and if Y/n still hasn't shown up, we have a look around for her" Sam proposes. Rose bites her lip but nods, "Fine".
But one hour turns into two and Y/n still hadn't showed up. And even after searching the entire hotel, none of the team had found their missing teammate. "Nothing?" Rose asks as Christen, Tobin, Becky and Alyssa, the last group walk in. But they all shake their heads. "Sorry Rose still no sight of her" Tobin sighs.
"There isn't even a sign of a prank anywhere" Pinoe frowns. "That's unheard of for Y/n" Crystal comments. "She still won't answer her phone" Tierna sighs after trying to call the forward again. Everyone was quiet wondering where their lost teammate could be.
"Okay hear me out" Sonnet starts causing everyone to look at her, "could this be some complex prank Y/n planned? To get us all worried about her 'missing'" But Rose was quick to answer.
"No she wouldn't do that. She loves pranks but she wouldn't take it this far" Rose says adamantly. "Has anyone tried her apartment?" Christen asked. They all look between each other.
Christen sighs, "Okay let's go". Rose bolts up and is already out the door before anyone could stop her. Thankfully camp was in Utah this month. And due to Y/n playing for the Royals she had an apartment here for during the season.
Rose had a spare key just in case of emergencies which she decided this was one of them. But even as they walked in, Rose already knew she wasn't there. Y/n had a thing with silence. She grew up in a house with 4 brothers. She never got a bit of peace and quiet. She hated silence. It's a reason Y/n always carried earphones with her. When things get too quiet she starts playing music to fill the void. So when Rose walked into a quiet apartment she knew Y/n wasn't here.
Rose takes this time to try and call her again. But she sighs when the call rings out and goes to voicemail. When the voicemail beeps Rose sighs and rubs her temple, "C'mon Y/n this isn't funny anymore. I'm really worried about you. Please call me back". She ends the call and looks around the apartment for any clues where her girlfriend could be.
Christen and the others just send her sad looks though when they search the entire apartment but find no trace of the girl. Rose felt like tearing her hair out.
But then her phone rang
She didn't even check it before she was fumbling to answer it, "Y/n?!" But instead of the cheerful voice of her girlfriend, she heard a woman speak down the phone, "Is this Rose Lavelle?" Rose squeezes the phone tighter, "Yes this is she". "I'm calling as you are the emergency contact for Y/n L/n. She was brought in earlier today for a head injury".
Rose clasped her hand over her mouth trying to stop the gasp from leaving her mouth. "Is she okay?" "She's okay. A little roughed up but she'll be fine". Rose lets out a small sigh of relief, "What hospital?" After finding out what hospital she was at and telling the team they were quickly off again. Rose was already jumping from the car before Tobin had even come to a complete stop.
Rose rushes up to the reception, "Uh hi I'm the emergency contact for Y/n L/n. I got a call she was here?" The nurse nods and checks the computer before smiling at the midfielder, "If you would follow me".
Rose followed closely behind her. When she walks into the room she sees Y/n smiling dopely at her, "Hi!" Rose stares at her stunned for a second before she takes three quick strides to her girlfriend.
Y/n pouts as she rubs her arm that Rose just hit, "Why would you hit me? I'm literally in a hospital!" Rose sniffles as she slaps her arm again, "Do you know how worried I was? Why haven't you been answering your phone?" She  frowns as she takes Rose's hand in her, mostly to make sure she didn't hit her again, "My phone is shattered I couldn't answer it the screen was too destroyed".
Rose's eyes drifted up to Y/n's forehead to see stitches above her right eye and a bruise blooming on her jaw. Her hand lifted up to touch her forehead but Y/n flinched away. Rose frowns, "What happened?" Y/n pursued her lips, "I was jumped when I went out this morning to get supplies for April Fool's".
Rose frowns as her hand grazed over her bruising jaw but this time she doesn't flinch away and instead nuzzles into her touch. "I'm sorry for worrying you" Y/n whispers kissing the pad of Rose's thumb affectionately. Rose shakes her head, "I'm just glad your okay".
Y/n grins at her girlfriend, "I know it looks bad but I totally kicked their asses". Rose couldn't help but laugh, "I'm sure you did babe". Y/n raises an eyebrow, "Seriously I totally had them. They got lucky that there was two of them and they caught me off guard. Otherwise it would be them here and not me". Rose giggles and kisses her forehead gently, "Whatever you say tough guy".
"You know we would have enjoyed our prank free day if we weren't so worried about you" Sonnett teases. Everyone laughs while Y/n pouts, "I can't believe I missed April Fool's Day! I had so many good pranks planned!" The older players shook their heads at her while the younger players silently cheered at they wouldn't fall victim to her pranks.
"I know you missed April Fool's Day but I might know something that would cheer you up" Alex says stepping forward. Y/n's smile immediately brightens as she sees who sees the small child in Alex's arms, "Charlie!" The littlest member of the Carrasco Morgan Family gurgled and babbled happily and made grabby hands at the forward.
The team watch as Y/n blows a raspberry against the child's cheek causing her to sequel. They watched happily as their now found teammate plays with the small child. Rose couldn't stop the smile spreads across her face as she watches her girlfriend play with  Charlie. She couldn't help but think how great Y/n was with kids. Even though she scared the shit out of her today.
The one thing Rose did know was Y/n would be a great mother.
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ryozoro · 3 years
Hades Playlist - i.
NOW PLAYING : I n t e r l u d e [J. Cole]
cw; name calling, blood, mentions of murder, major spoilers
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“Fate is a very weighty word to throw around before breakfast.”
Despite the red-light district thriving through the night, it looked just as beautiful during the early morning. Yn was roaming the streets on her pedal bike for the first time since winter break as she plotted different ways to surprise her big brother at his newly opened bike shop. She had already purchased his favorite breakfast meal from the little café she worked at, and all that she was left to do was see the said man. Getting out of thoughts and returning to reality, she stopped at the side of the traffic light to press the ‘crossing’ button and to text Draken to make sure he was at work before she made the trip.
“hey there pretty girl, ya wanna come ride something more interesting than the little kiddie bike yer on right now?” some bleach blonde junior high kid called out to her, smirking as he man spread and took up most of the space on the park bench. “I know ya hear me pretty girl,” he leaned and rested his elbows onto his knees, “maybe ya want me to come over and beg for yer attention, huh? Want me to come and make ya listen to me?”
She scoffed and waited for the light to signal for her to cross, but its as if the gods wanted to punish her and traffic kept flowing out of her favor. Getting restless, she pocketed her phone and tapped on her bar handles in hopes of the cars to all be generous and let her through; of course, this did not happen and the young fuck boy in training had began to approach her alongside his friend who were hyping him up and recording the event.
“You might be older than me,” he walked up behind her and kicked her bike tire before circling around and leaning against the basket in the front, “but that doesn’t change the fact that I hit girls.” Yn had to refrain from spitting in his face because Draken always said ‘never start anything with others first, let them choose their fate.’ In other words, big bro just didn’t want her to put herself at risk due to minor inconveniences that were presented towards her.
Just as the light switched from a hand to a walking figure, yn politely smiled at the boy in hopes of him getting the hint that she did not wish to engage with him anymore, but – of course – that was just asking too much of him. He turned back and looked at the sign noticing it was their turn to cross, and he surprisingly moved out the way. Yn smiled realizing that her brother did know it best when he said that the ‘dumb young boys will leave you alone after they realize you’re not going to give them the time of day,’ and she moved to pedal across the cross walk with a large smile.
However, big bro’s words are not the golden rule amongst men and the boys did not leave her alone; in fact, they decided to run at her hit the back tire with a bat and caused her to lose control and fall in the middle of the walkway. The drivers were kind enough to wait for her to get up and cross the street with scraped knees and a dirty pull over. She turned back to glare at the boys, but their backs were already facing her as they leisurely walked away laughing. This wasn’t going to ruin her day, after all, she still gets to surprise her brother with her presence and might even have the chance to see his hot amazing friends whom you grew up around. After realizing that the former gang members might all be hanging around her brother’s workplace, she got up with a huge smile and skipped the rest of her way on the crosswalk. Once to the other side, yn hopped back on her bike without checking her bloodied shins and made her way on the quickest route to the shop.
Glancing up at the familiar billboards that danced in sky and looking down at the alleys being populated with street cats and new gen delinquents, she realized she was only a block down from seeing the man who has always put her first and raised her to strive to her fullest potential. Smiling as closed her eyes for just a second - she swears it – to bask in the excitement and next thing she knew, she was on the ground covered in coffee. She could hear faint voices but those were cancelled out by her skin screaming at her to get up and quickly remove any rubble and dirt that had entered. Moving to get up, she took note of blood staining the concrete and became slightly alarmed.
“Oi, you dumb bitch, you should watch where you’re going,” a man’s voice echoed through her head, “you got a drip of blood on my Milano’s.” Trying to get up, yn went to wipe her eyes, but as soon as she lifted her hands, she felt them share the similar sting that her knees and chin felt. “You deaf or something? Ha, lucky for you I’ll take the food in your basket and whatever is in your wallet as an exchange. Pin code for your card must be included, love.” Hearing as she was about to get stripped dry of her hard-earned cash, she shot a glare up at the well-dressed man’s body just to be sent in a more state of terror when she noticed the tattoo that decorated his temple; it was the infamous Bonten symbol.
“I say we just take her to the back alley and make her pretty throat match the rest of her bloody body,” she turned and seen a pinkette with long hair and two scars that sat on each corner of his ?beautiful? mouth. to be completely honest, he would have been very much at the top of her most attractive list if he weren’t just plotting to slice her neck right in front of her; she wondered if he ever heard of the Element of Surprise. “She hasn’t even apologized yet and it’s been at least 45 seconds, that is pretty rude don’t you think, Mochi-kun?”
“It is very rude,” the built man with slicked back blonde hair spoke up, “do you want me to take her in the alleyway?” He squatted down to meet yn at eye level and she didn’t know if it was the fact he was able to stare into her soul with lifeless eyes or the extremely structured shoulders that could break her bones if he had tackled her, but she genuinely felt that she was going to die. “You seem like a worthless kill if I am being honest, and I don’t like claiming meaningless prizes. So, if you want to live,” ‘Mochi-kun’ reached over and gripped her bloodied chin, “or are you going to be good dog and run your pockets?”
She couldn’t believe it; for all her life, death threats have never been directly shot at her as Draken and the others have always been there. Of course, she emptied her pockets as quick as she could and began wiping the man’s Milano’s with her cloth lens wipe.
“Good girl,” the man with the temple tattoo said mockingly, “but I’m gonna need you to put your pretty mouth to work since you don’t know – or rather – you act like you don’t know how to speak.” She felt her eyes began to fill with tears as she looked up from the ground; they mistook it for fear, but yn was just angry she was powerless to them. “Don’t worry, I like older women, so I won’t need your mouth for that,” he laughed loudly in her face, “lick the blood off.” Her glare returned and tears began to spill over her cheeks. “Be a good bitch, and lick my –“
“What are you idiots doing?” a man with a long pink and purple mullet-like hairstyle came from behind her. “Are you guys bullying young kids again? Oh, wait, you’re not a kid.” He stared at you through his multi-colored bangs and tilted his head, “Why are you all bloody like a sewer rat walking through the back alley of feral cats?” he pushed the girl’s forehead back, straining her neck to hold eye contact with him, “you’re not some whore, are you?” He craned his neck back to the man who has been treating her like a dog, giving yn a full view of his Bonten symbol tattooed across the middle of his pretty throat. “Neh, Koko, you do realize that if you want a girl’s attention you can’t just rough her up in hopes that she takes you to bed.” He turns back to yn before sighing, “You’re cute,” for some reason she felt herself swelling with pride, “but you’re not my type,” – well there goes her ego.
“Oh what-fucking-ever,” ‘Koko’ mumbled as he gently pushed her away, “I didn’t want some inexperienced princess anyway, so don’t get your hopes up.” He quickly bent down and took all the cash from her wallet and began to slide out the card, but a baton quickly swatted at his hands.
“Your obsession with money is crazy, but you can’t take hers if you still owe me 45,000 yen.” Yn turned to see a man with pushed back purple and pink hair holding the offending stick. Unlike the other members, his tattoo was in the same place as the mullet man – maybe they took over the organization after her other big brotherly figure, Mikey, left. She drank in his appearance, and although he was thinner than the other members, something about him just screamed ‘stay away;’ but for the first time in her life, yn didn’t want to listen to such obvious red flags. “Oh no, you’re bloodied up like a rat –“
“I have already said that nii-chan,” the mullet head said, “what do you say? Wanna jut get rid of her like Sanzu-san suggested?” The now known younger brother asks. She began to tremble but not out of fear, no, out of a weird feeling at the pits of her stomach that came about as soon as the stranger stumbled onto the scene. “Oi,” the younger brother flicked your chin, reminding your body that it is supposed to be in a state of stinging pain, “staring is rude. What are you – a deer in headlights?”
“Now, now, Ridou,” the man continued to meet yn’s gaze as he motioned for her to take his hand, “where’s the fun in hurting a good little lamb? Especially one who shows that she knows to yield to her Sheppard.” Against her better judgement, yn took his hand and allowed him to help her up. “Look at you go,” he smirked and scanned over her body through hooded lids, “such a strong little girl you are standing on wobbly legs after the big bad wolves tried to tear you down.”
She should feel offended, mocked, and appalled, but she couldn’t – not with the voids he called eyes staring at her. “T-thanks,” she weakly mumbled as she began to gather her bag back together and prop her bike back up, “I know you guys said you needed the pin number, but I can’t give it to you.” She hung her head and balled her fists; she was waiting for someone to hit her but that never came. Looking up she sees the ‘older brother’ standing in front of the brooding ‘Koko’ and the other members just staring around the streets.
“That’s fine, little one,” the older brother said, “we don’t need your card. Koko here will be fine with just the cash. But I will need payment of the sort since I did calm the bully over here, don’t you think?” He smiled at yn, quickly scanning her student ID and then turning back to her face, “You’re 18, yeah?” she nodded, and he smiled lazily, “Good, give me something of yours that is valuable. I want to talk to you again and if I take it, you are going to want to take it back, correct?”
“I – um,” she began to go through the bag and seen that the only things she deemed valuable were her phone and the spare keys to her room in the brothel, “all I have is my k-keys and phone.” She huffed out in hopes that he took mercy and just let her go already; if she kept in his presence any longer, she feared that every piece of knowledge on common sense would fly out of her brain.
“Well, no one wants a pedal bike here and your phone and keys wouldn’t be of use to me,” he spoke in a rather degrading tone, “how about, you give me that pretty little necklace that you’re wearing… hmm, ... oh! Give me your number as well. After all, how are you going to know when I want you to take back your precious gems without being able to plan a proper date?” His smile was too secretive to be comforting, but this was probably the best way to saving her own life.
“Okay,” she replied quickly, “just please, don’t break the necklace…” her hands shook as she unclasped it and placed it into the man’s hands. “That’s a gift from my brother, so I promise you I’ll come and get it whenever you ask.” Yn put her hands on her bar handles before straddling the bike.
“Thank you,” he smiled and put away the baton before fishing out his phone, “put your number in it and call to make sure you’re not fucking with me, yeah?” He tilted his head and softly hummed at the soft sound of her phone vibrating in her bag. “Thank you, yn-chan.”
“No, thank you,” she lightly coughed and waited for him to look back up at her after saving all her contact information. Once he finally looked up, she flinched but proceeded to stare him dead in his lovely irises, “May I have your name… if ya don’t mind that it.”
“Haitani Ran,” the older man laughed and shifted his weight onto his hip, “and I expect you to text me whenever you get the chance.” He turned around and the other members began to follow. For what felt like an eternity, yn finally let out a small breath, well at least until he had turned back around. “Oh!” Haitani-san smiled at her, “Leave it under ‘Ran-senpai’ so your brother and friends don’t get spooked. Don’t want the fun to end before it has barely even started.” With that, he turned back around and waved half-assed before disappearing into the distance.
Yn decided to just to walk the rest of the block because riding the bike has been nothing but bad luck so far. Once at the shop, she sighed and made her way to the back where she knew would be unlocked because no one dared walk up into her big brother’s place of work. Parking her bike, she quickly takes her phone back out with 3 texts from an unknown number.
Unknown: hey little lamb, its yer senpai <3
Unknown: yer probs with yer bro so ill call you later, mm around midnight so stay up
Unknown: text me back soon or I mite accidentally break your pretty necklace and youll have to  owe me a big favor for ignoring me :)
“what the actual fuck,” yn whispered as she quickly began typing away. She didn’t know if she be upset with his back-to-back messages treating her like she was his property, or mad at herself for feeling this little need inside of her that wants to please him. Yes, all of the gang members were extremely hot and DANGEROUS, but something about ‘Ran Senpai’ gave her the cold chills; what made it worse was the urge that she possessed to go against all her morals for him.
Yn: hi! Im sorry,, I was just trying to get to my brother’s shop
Yn: wait,, do you know draken-nii?
She tilted her head and rocked lightly from side to side, waiting for a reply instead of going in and surprising her brother like she initially had planned to do. While she waited, she changed his name to ‘Tani Senpai <3’ with a small smile as she imagined Draken freaking out over the fact that a boy has caught her interest. Of course, she wasn’t romantically interested in the man, but his face isn’t one that she would mind seeing from time to time – at a safe distance that is.
Tani Senpai <3: mhm, some good and bad history
Yn: oh?
Tani Senpai <3: you do know curiosity killed the cat, right little lamb?
Yn: you flirt a lot
Yn: how old are you ?
Tani Senpai <3: 28 years young bb
Yn: youre ten whole years older than me?? You look so,, young.
Tani Senpai <3: I have aged, but trust me, I am rather youthful in different aspects.
Yn: do you by chance,, like memes?
Tani Senpai <3: ofc, especially hornee ones.
Yn: haha.. well I gotta go,
Tani Senpai <3: mhm go ahead baby, remember. Midnight <3
 Yn: aye aye captain.
She felt another vibration as she placed her phone in her backpack, but she was finally able to see and surprise her brother and that is exactly what she planned to do. Quietly pulling the door open, she noted that the music blaring and Draken’s back was to her as he was fixing up what looked like Pah-chin’s old CBX 400F. It was a cute sight if she was being completely honest; her brother rebuilding his old friendships. She seen the other boys’ bikes lined up too: Draken’s Zephyr, Mitsuya’s little Impulse, Kazu-kun’s Rocket, Mikey’s CB250T, and even the late Baji’s Goki.
“Pah-san still has the old thing,” she decided to speak up instead of tackling her brother, “are you guys gonna give it to some younger kids?” right as she finished her sentence, draken whipped his head back and went to cradle yn to his chest. Suddenly, all of the stinging on her skin had vanished and she was giggling while circling her arms around her brother’s waist. “How are you ya wannabe greaser?”
“I’m doing fine you idiot, how are -,” draken lifted his head to get a good look at her, but all his excitement drained as he was met with a sight of dried blood and scraped skin. “Who the fuck did this to you? I’ll kill them right fucking now, what the hell happened yn?”
“DRAKEN,” he stopped and stared at you expecting an answer, “I tired riding my bike down the big hill by the park and this happened, okay? I’m okay.” She stared at him with a soft expression and relaxed once she noticed he slumped in his posture, “I know you said to stop riding down the hill because it’ll bite me in the ass one day, so I guess today was the day.” Yn laughed and draken tried to fight the small smile that was threatening to fall on his lips.
“Go sit on the counter and watch the store for a bit, I’m gonna get the first aid kit in the back and I guess I’ll patch ya up.” With that, he disappeared into the office hall and left yn to be lost in thought. She had never lied to Draken this heavy before. It might not seem like a big deal to others, but she just told her brother she fell down a hill instead of saying that some /Bonten/ men were just threatening her life 20 minutes ago and they treated her like a dog; well, she didn’t feel that bad anymore, considering that he would have gone and wasted his life against men that played dirty. “Get out of your head, I’m back.” Draken teased her before getting an alcohol wipe and wiping the dried blood, “don’t squirm too much, loser. iss’ gonna sting a bit tho, so try to not hit me.”
It went a lot more smooth than she had expected, yeah, the cleansing wipe and ointment burned, but now she was bandaged and able to not worry about even more blood staining her clothes til they go to the brothel.
“Here,” he handed her a spare shirt and some sweats, “I don’t like seeing you all beat up, makes me want to fight the side walk. You know where the bathroom is.” Draken slightly punched her shoulder before heading back to seat near the bike, “once you’re done, we can go meet the boys for breakfast. I bet yer hungry.”
“Yer the best, ya know that,” yn smiled before taking her bag and clothes to the bathroom. “It won’t be long,” she turned before entering the hall, “make sure the cute one is there!”
“Stop trying to fuck my friends,” Draken called out in an irritated tone as she walked away laughing. It was an ongoing joke yn had played on her brother, where she would pretend to have some crush on his friends and it’d just make him twenty times more protective around them; he never knew if she was serious or not so he had to be cautious.
Once in the bathroom, yn quickly changed into the clothes her brother had lent her and stared at herself in the mirror. She laughed when she realized she kind of looked like one of the main characters from her favorite psychological thrillers. Yn took out her phone and decided to message Mana, mitsuya’s younger sister and yn’s best friend from home, with a picture of her bandaged state and the caption, ‘take out my ankles next time, daddy <3.’ It honestly surprised her to get a reply that fast as Mana was always one to sleep until noon. She didn’t know what scared her more, the fact she sent it the wrong person, or the fact the person knew exactly what she was talking about.
Tani Senpai <3: you look hot like that
Tani Senpai <3: like being called daddy, but in this context arent I supposed to call you mommy or something LMAO
Tani Senpai <3: I can break your ankles with my baton
Tani Senpai <3: make you my little housewife and call you ‘Bum.’
Tani Senpai <3: don’t worry, I won’t turn into ashes ;) <3
“Yn,” Draken called out, “you okay in there?”
“Don’t worry about it nii-Chan,” she giggled in hopes of masking her terror, “just bumped into a wound. I’ll be out soon.”
“Okay,” draken slipped a pad and a tampon under the door, “don’t know if you might want these -,”
“LEAVE YOU IDIOT,” yn genuinely laughed and heard draken’s heavy chuckles through the door, “thank you though, I’ll be out soon.”
“I’ll be outside on the bike, bubs.”
After hearing draken’s foot steps vanish, she quickly began typing.
Yn: that wasn’t meant for you -
Tani Senpai <3: shame, I love killing stalking
Yn: wait,, really? 👀
Tani Senpai <3: mhm,, we’ll talk about it later tonite ‘bum ;)
Yn: .. deal :)
Despite every shitty thing that has happened to her since she got back, it felt as if they were supposed to meet; fate as one would call it. She was offering herself to one of the most dangerous men who rule the underworld, and she didn’t even find herself to minding.
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an: hi hello, hope yer all eating well :)
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