#ugh they use this word all the time in detective shows
More misunderstandings from the outsiders’ povs:
After Maddie finds out about Vlad having a crush on her, she overhears Phantom arguing with Vlad about Vlad trying to kill his dad to get to his mom, assumes that Vlad must’ve been the one to kill Phantom and his family, worries that Vlad is clearly a serial killer who murders the families of the women he obsesses over and thinks her family must be next
(This becomes an even greater worry when she meets Dani, and since those other two ghosts share a name with her Danny, he must be killing stand ins for her family and he must’ve been planning their murders since Danny’s birth at the earliest)
Paulina meets Dani and decides that she must be related to Phantom and the best way to his heart his to befriend his sister, especially since it’s clear that Phantom loves her a lot and is so overprotective over her (he’s trying to keep the two of them apart so Paulina doesn’t find out his identity, Dani thinks the whole thing is hilarious)
Jack also puts the similar names of the ghosts together, decides that it must be Plasmius’ fault and if there’s some serial killer going after Danny’s and possibly their loved ones then he must keep Vlad near him so he can keep all of his loved ones safe (Maddie is stressed by this development)
The ghosts have no idea about Vlad’s cloning and so they also have no idea what the fuck is up with Dani, they keep hoping the ghost boy will clear things up but he never directly addresses it and everything they manage to overhear is even more confusing
Talks about Phantom being a relatively “new” ghost and there might be a serial killer on the loose has the whole city abuzz and each person has a new idea on who it might be, a majority of the students at Casper High are claiming it must be the teachers so they can have the excuse of not feeling safe so they can skip class (some genuinely believe it and it’s causing problems)
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austinshotbutlers · 1 year
Take a hint
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!BAU!Reader
Summary: husband!Hotch making sure he shows his ring while being hit on (requested by my babe @jayxox)
Word count: 690
A/N: I have so many headcanon and blurb requests which I'm so happy to finally be able to get around to answering!! I wanted to start with this one because I'm OBSESSED with this idea.
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"Ugh! Look at her..." you huffed as you looked across the police station to where your husband was filling in the lead detective of the case. "She is practically drooling over him."
Emily's eyes followed your eye line to where you were looking and began to laugh.
"It's not funny Em! we've been here for 4 days and she's spent more time with Aaron than I have in our whole marriage!" you exclaimed.
"I think that's a bit of an overreaction Mrs H." Derek laughed from his place at the evidence board with Reid.
"Look! She can't keep her hands off of him!" you said exasperatedly. "Can't she see he's wearing a wedding ring? Not to mention we've walked in together everyday since we've been here."
"Y/N, I wouldn't worry." Emily chuckled. "Hotch isn't going to drop 2 years of marriage away for some detective he's known for 5 minutes."
"I know that! I just can't stand to see someone hitting on him. He's my husband." you frowned which caused the whole team to laugh.
"Honey?" Aaron's voice came from beside you in the tiny bed you were sharing in the hotel. "Have I done something to upset you? You seem.... mad at me."
The worry in his voice caused instant guilt to settle in your stomach. You weren't annoyed at him, you hated that he thought he had done something. You were just fed up with seeing Detective Cassey flirting with him all day.
You sat up in the bed and looked at him. "No baby... I'm not mad at you..." you paused.
"I feel a but coming..." Aaron replied.
"It's just... Detective Cassey." you pout.
"What about Detective Cassey?" Aaron asked with a confused tone.
"You can't tell me you haven't noticed she's been all over you since we got to Boston!" You say. "You're meant to be the world's best profiler!"
"Honey... are you jealous?" Aaron asked, an amused look on his face.
"This isn't funny! Don't act like you don't get jealous. Remember that police officer in California? You practically had steam blowing from your ears if he even so much as walked past me!"
"Y/N... you're my wife. A detective on a case casually flirting with me is nothing to worry about. I love you and nothing is going to change that." he smiled before placing a soft kiss on your temple.
Two days later, there was a breakthrough and the case was wrapped up - the killer had been arrested and put behind bars. Aaron was relieved the case was over, he just wanted the two of you to get home and see Jack.
"Agent Hotchner!" called a voice from behind him, he quickly finished his discussion with Dave before turning to face Detective Cassey.
"Thank you again for coming to help us out! It really is appreciated." she smiled brightly, leaning a hand out to lay on his arm.
Aaron began twisting the wedding ring on his finger in the hope she noticed it and took the hint but Detective Cassey just kept her eyes on his face.
"Agent... Aaron, can I call you that?" before Hotch could respond, she carried on. "If you ever found yourself back in Boston or maybe if I am ever in DC, would you want to meet up?" She asked boldy.
Aaron paused before reaching his hand up to run his finger through his hair - this time, Detective Cassey finally noticed the bold silver band that sat snuggly on his ring finger. Her face dropped as she knew she had been given an answer without Aaron even muttering a word.
"Er... yes. Perhaps my wife and I, Agent L/N, could stop for a chat if we ever cross paths again." Aaron replied, ensuring he put emphasis on the 'wife' part.
Detective Cassey stammered. "Um... Er, yes. thank you again." she quickly shook Aaron's hand before walking off to her office.
From that moment on, Aaron made it very clear he was married, the silver wedding band always being on show for people to see and take the hint.
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tachikoma-x · 5 months
I thought Viz’s official English version rendering “Sherly” as “Sherlock” was bad enough, but hey it turns out it’s even worse - they kind of messed up the whole sentence??
Viz: “Tonight, you didn’t come here as a detective… you came as a friend. But … I’ve already lost. Sherlock. ”
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'But... I’ve already lost.' alters the intended meaning of this sentence (僕の負けだ) considerably. It is vague as heck and can be interpreted a number of different ways (like, was he talking about the moriarty plan??). It obscures the fact that William was conceding defeat to Sherlock in this game of two. He was not saddened or disheartened. It’s a moment of both intense joy and sorrow, perhaps in equal measure, as William finally saw crystal clear Who Sherlock is—a friend who had sought his own friendship all along—and the lengths Sherlock was willing to go to for that friendship.
(It’s my current working theory that the translator read the next sentence where William was talking about how the boards/scaffolding won’t support that much weight for longer and that fate will likely show no mercy, and decided that that sentence was simply a reflection of William feeling disheartened by the situation…)
Both the anime and fan translations are excellent:
Anime: “You came here not as a detective, but as a friend, didn’t you? You’ve bested me. … Sherly.”
Fan: “So you came here not as a “detective” … But rather as a “friend”, … It’s my loss. Sherly…”
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And while we are on this subject, Viz also messed up the translation for the first time Sherlock called William “Liam.”
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Also, that night at 221 B, Sherlock used “Professor William James Moriarty” but the translation simply said “William James Moriarty.”
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These choices are perplexing. I’d like to think these are errors, because it’s even worse if these are deliberate imo.
But at the end of the day, these translators are probably overworked and underpaid. Because MTP only comes out 4 times a year, by the time they get the latest volume, they’d probably already forgotten what the last volume was about. That, and working against a tight deadline, would make mulling over word choices and ensuring consistency throughout the series difficult. So this is still not a knock on individual translators, but Viz should do better.
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yestrday · 2 years
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— A FITTING PRISON. yan! shikanoin heizou x gn! reader
stupid people like you shouldn’t be trying to think for themselves. more so if you’re only looking to destroy yourself.
just a short read after i finished his hangout. he’s so funny lmao with itto. funky lil dude,, but also... hot
( self-destructive tendencies on reader’s part, hinted dépression )
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“poor thing. i told you, didn’t i? my detective’s intuition is always correct. they were trying to prey on you.”
you want to muster up the most hateful glare you could manage to smug-sounding boy, but you find yourself too tired to even try. the toll of today’s events have taken a drain on you. you slump down defeatedly on the waiting table in the police station and close your eyes. heizou continues to yammer on in the background.
always likes to hears himself talk, does he?
someone settles down a tea cup in front of you, the aromatic smell bringing you out from your tired stupor. uesugi smiles down at you with pity. “heizou-senpai’s talking a lot more than usual, huh? he’s always liked showing off... but i guess it has always been more severe when you’re around.”
“ue-su-gi~?” heizou impatiently taps his foot with arms crossed. subtly gesturing to the door, he gives him a pointed look. “out, if you may? i am trying to talk to my beloved assistant here?”
you roll your eyes and huff, looking the other way as you sip at the chipped cup. uesugi awkwardly chuckles and leaves. “i don’t need another hundred told-you-sos from you,” you grumble. “’you’re too gullible,’ ‘you’re too naive,’ ‘you’re too helpless,’ i’ve heard them all before, okay?! just... ugh. leave me be.”
but heizou, the oh-so-great detective never leaves people alone, does he? not until he’s finally provoked out of them the results that he wants. you feel him step closer to you, stopping at your back as his gaze peers down at you. “and i’ll tell you another hundred if i need to. this silly business venture of yours has stop, [last name]. you merely don’t have the talent for it and the cleverness to see through someone else’s schemes.”
“and what?!” you abruptly stand up, spilling the hot tea over and glaring at heizou through tears. “i’ll stay here by your side as your sidepiece?! here to make you look smart because i’m stupid and i don’t understand anything you people say?!” your voice breaks as thoughts of your own incompetency at everything flashes through your mind and stabs you harder than you liked. “you and i know i’m useless as your assistant! i faint at the sight of blood, i ruin every legal document i touch, and everyone’s complaining that i’m wasting too many resources!”
“i’m...” you sniffle, slumping down on your seat as hot tears spill onto your lap. “i’m wasting everyone’s time by existing... you should just let me go and watch me ruin every opportunity i get then die bankrupt and alone in some ditch... there’s no use in letting someone like me stay and ruin everything even further.”
the implications of what you just said lay heavy in the air and although it makes everything more awkward ( heizou’s silent stare while you fiddle your thumbs does not help ), you feel somewhat relieved. the emotions and words had spilled out of you so fast that you barely had the time to rethink what you were about to say and yet having them spoken out loud lets you finally realize what you were wanting for.
and master detective that he is, heizou has figured it out too.
“i hate sinful criminals. i hate it even more when i remind someone again and again of what they should not do and they continue to do it again.”
forcefully, he kicks the chair around and slams his palm into the backrest. your noses touch and irritation boils over you once again. you make a move to push him away, only for your feelings to simmer down and your clammy hands shakily cling to the armrest, finally taking a good look at his face and wonder—
when were his eyes so ... blank?
“and even after that,” he mumbles for only you to hear. drawing his lips to your ear, he harshly bites at the soft flesh of your lobe and hisses, “i abhor it when stupid people like you throw away their own life like it’s nothing.”
he pulls away with a smile you’ve only ever seen directed at criminals. his green eyes devour your shaking figure hungrily and decides that yes, this was better than the reckless fool who willingly threw themselves to the wolves for a chance to be devoured.
“if not the office, then i’ll just relocate you, dearest assistant!” he pats your head and stands up straight. “perhaps to the shrine, where cuz can take care of you? or maybe... my home?”
you stare up at him unbelievingly and he only laughs at the foolish expression. 
“ah, yes, perhaps that’s it.” he hums to himself in self-satisfaction. “a perfect prison for a would-be murderer.
“as for the cuffs... well, i’m sure the police station can spare some for us ♪”
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Cain and Abel Wept 6/?
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Danny watched the sunrise on the safe house’s roof. He didn’t move even as the sun got higher in the sky. His parents and Jazz were fast asleep, but Danny couldn’t relax enough to go unconscious. It was a good thing he didn’t need as much sleep as a regular human.
Danny fiddled with the card and cell phone that Batman Bruce had given him.
Once upon a time, Danny had dreamt of meeting his birth father.
Once upon a time, Danny had imagined Batman would appear like a demon in the night against Ra’s Al Ghul and save both Danny and Damian.
Once upon a time, Danny dreamt of being a family with the Detective and his little brother.
Those dreams had been crushed when his little brother thrust a sword through Danny’s chest.
Danny thought he had long since let go of the sadness and anger he felt every time he thought of Damian’s betrayal, but seeing his baby brother again brought those feelings to the forefront of his mind and a new feeling, guilt.
Danny could still see every sad look, every unshed tear from Damian every time Danny flinched away from his brother.
“Ugh, this is so unfair,” Danny yelled at the sky.
He had wanted to be a normal kid with a normal loving family. He had wanted to play with his baby brother without fearing punishment. Now, he was the fucking Ghost King running from the US government.
Danny brought his legs up to his chest and cried for the first time in a long time.
Batman entered the Watch Tower’s meeting room in his usual cool, collected manner. Clark would’ve fallen for Bruce’s feigned nonchalance if it weren't for his super hearing. As it was, Bruce’s heartbeat had been fluctuating from his normal speed to heart-stopping fast.
“Oi, Batsy, this better be important. I was in the middle of a game of poker.”
Bruce ignored Constantine and set up his presentation. He looked at everyone in the room and turned on the PowerPoint.
Clark almost threw up when he saw the dismembered body of a five-year-old glowing girl oozing some type of green blood. Batman showed more and more pictures before stopping on a slide that read in big, bold letters: The Anti-Ecto Act Laws.
To say it would be a long day was an understatement.
John Constantine had seen a lot of fucked up shit in his lifetime; hell, he’d done a lot of those fucked up shit, but what he was seeing today made him want to crawl into the House of Mysteries and forget he even existed by drowning himself in alcohol.
Batman had not pulled the punches. He showed slide after slide of dismembered body parts, cruel experiments, and cages full of ghosts from the bloody Infinite Realms! How had the fucking US government gotten ahold of such powerful beings? Even the weakest blob ghost was stronger than the average ghost.
Batman’s following words made John want to curse his very existence, “They’re also hunting the ruler of the Infinite Realms.”
Every magic user in the room cursed out loud. John took out a cigarette, uncaring who it pissed off that he was smoking in the Watch Tower. News like this warranted a little rule-breaking.  
Batman kept talking and brainstorming with the colorful brigade about how they would repeal the laws the stupid Americans had, in all their wisdom, deemed a good idea to write. John swore Lex being president had been the worst thing to happen to the country. Yeah, they got him out, but only after he had done a substantial amount of damage.
John took his last drag and asked, “So, Bats, why has the new King of the Infinite Realm looked toward you for help instead of one of us magic users?”
That’s what got to John; Bats was notorious for trying to avoid magic and anything that didn’t fit his logic. Why would a powerful being like that go to Batman instead of John or Captain Marvel?
“He was running from the government when he ended up in Gotham. He noticed that Red Hood was also considered an ecto-being and warned me about it. I decided to help immediately after the laws were brought to my attention.”
John squinted at Batman.
It seemed to make sense, but there was something else, something more. John could feel it deep in his guts. And his guts had never steered him wrong (whether he listened or not was another thing.)
They spent the rest of the day going over logistics and strategies.
Wonder Woman wanted to go straight to the GIW’s HQ and destroy it; she got vetoed. The destruction could cause a backlash from the general public and make them fear ghosts. Only Amity Parkers were aware of the spirits and had mixed feelings about them.
It was decided that Lois Lane and Clark Kent would bring attention to the laws and write about them in such a way that they were a danger to the Meta-Human Protection Laws.
Not a bad idea, to be honest.
“And you’re sure the King is all right with his kind being exposed to the world,” John couldn’t help but ask.
It was one thing for them to exist in legends and superstitions and another completely different thing for there to be concrete evidence of the existence of things that go bump in the night.
“He is,” Batman answered in his gravelly voice. Jesus, it made John think the man smoked but didn’t want to admit it.
“All right, if you say so.”
The meeting was adjourned, and John was happy to leave when he heard Batman, “Constantine, Superman, Wonder Woman, there’s something else I’d like to talk to you about.”
Great, he got singled out.
“Make it quick, Bats; I want to research and see if I can’t find anything on our mystery king.”
Batman waited until they were alone before talking.
“I am telling you this in confidence; it doesn’t leave this room, and you don’t tell anyone else.”
Batman glared at them, and Constantine felt he would have more shit added to his plate.
John sighed, “What now, Bats? What could possibly have to say that already didn’t fuck up my worldview?”
“The Ghost King is my biological son I didn’t know existed.”
John waited for Batman to scream out ‘psych’ because the man had to be pulling their legs.
Batman stared at them with a somber look in his eyes.
“For fuck’s sake, Bats, it’s called a fucking condom!”
Agent K and Agent O had isolated the ghost child’s ectosignature to somewhere in New Jersey. It had been hard.
The Fentons were great inventors and since they decided to betray the human race, they had used their inventions to hide the abomination.
But they were closing in. Soon, they would have the Ghost King and the Ghost Zone would be no more.
Wow, writing Constantine's POV was hard cuz I don't know British Slang that well, lol. Surprise, the GIW is close.
@spectralstardustandphantomnights @avelnfear @idfk-man10 @blackroserelina @candeartist422 @luer-mirin @mur-ururu @insufferablecrab @skulld3mort-1fan @meira-3919 @aethernorwood @mimilikey @marshmelloe @latheevening226 @ahyesanerd @lexdamo @chrysanthemum9484 @spooky-fm
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boredfaneliza · 11 months
heiscara sagau cuz I'm insane and it's 3 am
he's a streamer and is down bad for heizou. also heizou is self aware about this.
when he first met heizou, he didn't care for his character. it's just an anemo dps. hell it's a 4 star. even tho he did his trial. until he played his hangout and was like "wait why am I feeling like this?"
so scara decided to do a pull on heizou and try him out. it took some time getting used to. but somehow hearing his voice and learning about his story, just makes him like the 4 star more.
getting heizou cons, giving him the best catalyst weapons, and the best cv of his artifacts. SCARA IS APART OF THE 1.1% SPIRAL ABYSS BCUZ HE WILL BRINGS HIM NO MATTER WHAT.
the simp part is funny bcuz he does have heizou merch (perks of being a streamer). there's probably a body pillow somewhere... reads x readers fic on tumblr. HE WILL DEFEND HEIZOU'S ASS TO HELL. YES HE MADE THOSE THREADS ABOUT WRITING HEIZOU CORRCTLY
chat makes fun of him all the time lol
however sometimes scara wishes heizou was real. he bets the detective is such a nerd in real life. trying to make him be more active and talk about his cases. ugh scara is so touch starved he wishes heizou could hold him.
there were weird moments that he thought the detective was talking to him. but that's probably his imagination...
now heizou being self aware about this is interesting. the traveler already knows about this presence that always follow them. some sort of an entity. sometimes certain people who have visions. heizou is one of the lucky people.
he hears scara's comments about him (good and bad). sometimes sees chat's words scattering in his amusement eyes. there's so many things he had learned from this (unfortunately).
even tho he rarely uses his anemo powers when it comes to combat. he's still getting stronger, having the best weapons, and had a dedicated spot for him in the serenitea pot
heizou doesn't know how to feel this. he feels like he's getting pressured from this. scara might've wanted higher expectations from him. especially damage.
but he hears scara being defensive about him and saying he knows him better. praises and he doesn't expect anything from heizou himself personally.
when scara says "I'm glad heizou actually got a friend. the one who knows about him. I hate to admit this. even I want to hug him... I wish people knew his struggles..."
it made heizou cried hard.
he appreciates scara so much now. he knows about how the steamer hides behind walls during streams. but when it's just him and heizou. something that scara let's himself go.
it did took a while to reel in that he's a character in a story. the fact heizou won't be able to meet scara in real life or won't get to see his face. he wants to show him around, bring him to escape rooms, talk to him behind a invisible wall.
who knows when will that day come?
instead he'll dream about him and finally get to hold him.
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moominofthevalley · 7 months
Do You Hear Singing?
Trystan and Emily are invited to a spooky party on Halloween night.
part 1 of 2
trystan x emily
teen | wc: 2.3k | spoilers for book 2, chapter 15
a/n: i found this spoooooky prompt from @youneedsomeprompts. fair warning: A LOT of stuff is gonna go down in both parts 😉
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“Emily, you look absolutely breathtaking.”
Trystan marveled at his partner, admiring every inch of her body. The purple gown was perfect on her, the fine fabric curving about her form gorgeously. Starry dots of white were speckled all across the gown. The metallic corset wrapped around her chest, the tiny lace details complimenting the surly detective. Emily, however, found the dress to be a bit too...galactic.
“Ugh. Why is this lace so itchy?”
“Beauty is pain, Emily. And you wear it so well.”
“Stop enjoying this.” 
“Apologies, but I plan to enjoy looking at you in that pretty little getup every bit as much as I’ll enjoy pulling it off you,” Emily rolled her eyes, “Besides, I know how much you love watching Blades with me! You smile every time Imtura comes on screen!”
“The things I do for you,” Emily said dryly, her lips curling into an exaggerated pout. Trystan smirked, his hands resting on her waist.
Emily didn’t have the heart to tell Trystan that she never truly enjoyed watching Blades of Light and Shadow. She only sat with him on the couch every Friday afternoon to see the childlike excitement spread across his face.
“Well, that’s because she’s fucking amazing,” Emily grinned, “she’s fucking strong! She could crush both of us if she wanted to.”
Trystan chuckled, making a point to pose dramatically in his costume. He wore a black and gold suit, intricate details of gold lining around his outfit. The neckline revealed a small tuft of hair on his chest. Emily’s heart danced at the sight.
“Hm, now turn around. I need to zip you up,” Trystan ordered, his eyes facing Emily’s back.
“Where’d you get these costumes, anyway?”
“They’re straight from the set! I’m friends with the director, you know.”
“Perks of dating a rich idiot.”
Emily’s cheeks bloomed a light pink as the warmth of Trystan’s breath tickled her neck. Pressing a quick kiss on her shoulder, Trystan grabbed the zipper from the bottom of the gown and pulled it up.
“Much better,” he said, turning her around. “The party’s going to be at Marguerite’s estate in Staten Island.”
“She’s back from Drakovia?”
“Oh, yes. She’ll be in New York for a few months. She’s planning her first fashion show since...” Trystan trailed off, the memories of the last few months creeping up on him. Emily glanced at him with sorrow. A flickering memory coursed through her. Vasili’s dagger, the deafening crunch as it entered his chest; and his last words all ran through her head.
“Is Marguerite going to be okay tonight?”
“I hope so,” Trystan uttered, “but Mags is strong. I believe in her.”
They both nodded. Trystan urged a weak smile, his hands curling around Emily’s.
“Now then...are you ready to go?”
* * * *
Autumn leaves trickled down the driveway of Marguerite’s manor. A flurry of crisp colors hurried down, rain droplets staining the windows. Vines crawled up and down the extravagant walls, alongside a bunch of window boxes that were filled to the brim with colorful flowers. Orange, pink, a crisp bright red.
Emily and Trystan stood beside each other, their eyes greeting the rest of the crew. They first spotted Luke and Ruby, smiling at their Chucky and Tiffany costumes. Faux bloody stitches speckled across Luke’s face, and Ruby dawned black lipstick.
“Oh my God,” Luke gawked at Emily and Trystan, “you’re Raine and Mal! But like, in their masquerade outfits!”
“Yes, we are!” Trystan beamed excitedly, pulling Emily closer to him. “And you...actually like Chucky?”
Luke squirmed a little, his face slightly red. “She likes Chucky! I do not like horror movies at all.” Ruby smiled, pressing a kiss on his cheek. “Especially ones with evil, demonic little dolls!”
“Well, you two look amazing!” Trystan said, everyone turning to Tommy. Emily’s eyes widened, baffled at her uncle in cowboy attire.
“Howdy kiddo! You look like a million bucks.”
“You’re a...cowboy?” Emily asked, watching as Tommy politely tipped his cowboy hat.
“Damn straight! I’m Quincey Morris from Dracula! You know how much I love vampires.”
Mafalda laughed, patting his shoulder. Her wife followed from behind, dressed in a sparkly white flapper gown. Mafalda smiled at everyone, her black top hat glistening in the night.
“It’s so nice to see you two again,” Theresa smiled, pulling Trystan and Emily into a hug. “It’s been so long, you guys should come over for dinner again sometime soon!”
“Absolutely,” Emily said, “and who are you two supposed to be?”
“Marlene Dietrich and the woman she kissed in ‘Morocco!’” Theresa said, “One of the first few lesbian kisses in Hollywood. I just had to beg Mafalda to dress up with me for the party.”
The grand door swung open, and a familiar face greeted them. Standing bold and tall, Marguerite Thorne waved at her friends and family. Her blue ball gown sparkled under the moonlight.
“Happy Halloween!”
With everyone stepping inside, they gawked at the well-decorated manor before them. From above, a giant crystal chandelier lit up the room, lighting up the faces of every guest. A large table with pastries — including Trystan’s beloved belladi — was set up across the entrance. Crowds of socialites were stocked across the ballroom, all sharing different tales about themselves.
“Oh my God!" Ruby said, her arms intertwining with Luke’s. “This looks absolutely beautiful. Thank you for inviting us!”
“Of course,” Marguerite said, “Now go on! You all should go mingle! There’s lots of food and desserts for the night, so go ahead!”
Taking hold of Emily’s hand, Trystan led her towards the bar. Grabbing two glasses of champagne, the couple sat down.
“You know, we Drakovians take Halloween very seriously,” Trystan said, taking a sip. Cocking an eyebrow, Emily smirked.
“Oh, yeah? Any superstitions I should know about?”
“There are so many. For one, you must always wear a costume at night to ward off evil spirits. Tsktsktsk, let’s see...” Trystan swirled his drink, contemplating, “Always carry at least four daggers on you. And of course, there are always lots of poisonings on nights like these, but seeing as the only Thornes in here are me and Mags...it’s unlikely.”
“Hey! Last time I checked, Marguerite wasn’t wearing a costume,” Emily sniped, crossing her arms.
“Did you not see her? She’s Cinderella!”
“Oh, come on! She’s just wearing a blue dress!”
“Not just a blue dress, it’s an exact replica of the one from the movie! You, my dear, need to catch up on your Disney knowledge.”
Hearing a gasp from behind, the two of them turned around. A little stunned, Emily’s heart fluttered as the doe eyes of a woman met hers. The woman’s dark hair was braided and tied with two pink ribbons. Emily examined her cerulean dress with a white collar, pupils dilated.
“Trystan Thorne! It’s been so long.”
“Aislinn! It’s good to see you!”
Trystan wrapped his arms around her, forming a hug. Pulling away, he faced his partner.
“Emily, this is Aislinn Tanaka! One of New York’s finest lawyers,” Shaking her hand, Emily shivered as their fingers touched.
“It’s so nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too! I heard about both of you in the news, actually. You took down the Heartache Killer, right?”
“Yeah, we did!” Emily and Trystan looked at each other, every confession Eleanor told them still in their heads.
“How do you two know each other?”
“Do you remember when I told you I wanted to set up that victim defense fund? After we got arrested?”
“You two got arrested?” Aislinn asked, her eyes widening.
“Ah, yes, arrested. We tried to join a sex cult but-”
“Hey!” Emily raised her voice, “It was for an undercover mission! We called the police on the cult, but Morris and Holbeck have always had it out for me, and so they fucking arrested us.”
Aislinn blinked at them, clearly leaving her with more questions than answers.
“Anyway — I discovered Aislinn and we tried setting it up, but then Drakovia happened.” Trystan sighed, his eyes heavy as he thought of the past few months. “Well, now that I’m back in New York for good, maybe we can start things up again.”
“Definitely. I still work at Ricci & Associates, so call us whenever you’re ready.”
“How is Gabe, by the way?” Trystan asked, his hands resting on Emily’s.
“Very busy, as usual. He and Quinn couldn’t make it tonight.”
“Well, tell them both I’ll be in touch! I really do want to set it up.”
Emily sat quietly, drinking the rest of her champagne. It was no secret she never really cared for small talk with strangers — even if the small talk was with very pretty lawyers. Still, all she thought about was Aislinn’s costume. A smile crept up on her, reminded of all the times she and her father spent hours watching Ghibli movies together.
“You’re dressed up as Sophie, right? From Howl’s Moving Castle?” The freckles on Aislinn’s nose crinkled, a grin spreading across her lips.
“Yes! It’s one of my favorites.” Aislinn said, her cheeks flushing a dull pink.
“I love that movie,” Emily grinned, “I grew up watching Ghibli. Princess Mononoke is my favorite.”
“You guys should meet some of my other friends! They’re all chatting by the chocolate fountain,” Aislinn offered. Emily shook her head, her hands gripping her empty wine glass.
“You two go,” Emily said. “I wanna get a refill first, and then I’ll join you guys.”
“Sounds good,” Trystan said, pecking her forehead. Emily smiled as the backs of their heads blended into a crowd of people. Turning to the bartender, she raised a finger.
“Horse Creek on the rocks,” The bartender nodded, handing her another glass. Emily sniffed, wincing as she prepared to sip of paint thinner. She smiled bitterly, recalling all the times she and Tommy took a shot of this atrocious drink in memory of her father.
Emily sighed as she tapped on the now-empty glass. She debated where she’d go after this — she was simply not in the mood to mingle with some rich big-wigs. She settled on finding Mafalda and Uncle Tommy.
Out of the corner of her eye, a figure in scarlet jumped out at her. Turning around, a familiar red-haired face cast out a devilish grin.
“Emily Rose, my darling! I thought I saw you drinking alone at the bar!”
The detective’s eyes widened as Olivia Nevrakis stretched out her arms into a hug. Pulling away, her mouth gaped. Emily examined Olivia’s eyes, displaying a hint of something beneath.
“Wonderful to see you, love!” Emily chirped, her cheeks warm, “I should’ve known you’d scope me out.”
“Well, I do have eyes everywhere.” Olivia winked, her eyes not daring to leave Emily’s.
“What are you doing here?”
“Marguerite invited me, of course. I figured it’d be the perfect time to...catch up.” Olivia winked. “Now then, would you like to get some ‘fresh air,’ Detective?”
A dare played in Olivia’s eyes. It was clear she wasn’t just here to socialize. There was something to be said. Something to be told. Emily nodded, following her into a nearby private balcony.
The detective and the noble stared up at the New York sky. Smog and little hints of stars sparkled across the night, the crescent moon standing tall. Ignoring the muted sounds of chatter from inside, Olivia turned to Emily.
“I know what happened in Drakovia.”
Emily winced. Everything she and Trystan faced in those few months was like a fever dream. Vasili was a ghost constantly lurking, waiting to attack and torment her. Her hands began to tremble. Every now and then, she’d realize that those very hands were the same that killed Vasili. Worse yet, Trystan’s hands as well — and that very thought ruined her. She was the one who decided Vasili’s fate, and although Trystan shared the burden with her; Emily owned a whole layer of guilt and shame that she’d have to carry on for the rest of her life. Could she ever admit to him the culpability she struggled with? Trystan Thorne was no killer, and yet she made him one.
“I killed him,” Emily mumbled, her voice weak. Olivia set a hand on her shoulder. “Trys and I haven’t really…talked about it. But I know it fucked him up, too.”
Olivia nodded, rubbing her back. “I’m…sorry, Emily.” Her brows furrowed, “But Vasili was dangerous. You know that. He would’ve killed you and Trystan.”
Emily wiped away her tears. A lump swelled up in her throat. She swore a ghost was sitting on her shoulders, the weight and tension from her body unbearable.
“No,” she murmured, “we could’ve fucking…thrown him in jail. Did he deserve to die? To be killed by his own fucking dagger?”
“Yes,” Olivia snarled, “all that and more. I’m sorry you two had to go through that, but it had to be done.”
Emily looked at her, her body weak. She nodded, a solemn glare in her eyes.
“What are you here for? Really.”
“Niko Borodin is dead.”
* * * * A/N: Happy Halloween Eve! Part 2 will be released TOMORROW at 10 AM PST! See you all then!
Click here for the masterlist of all my fics!
tags: @choicesholidays @choicesficwriterscreations @jerzwriter @logolepzy @mooserii @starsarewithinme @shadyinternetblizzard @urcowboyboyfriend @lexicook74-blog @leahtine (let me know if anyone else would like to be added to my crimes tag!)
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anrasparadise · 1 year
Sooo, I’ve been thinking...
"It’s not surprising you caught me out of all of them, after all" He looks at Kokichi, who seems to be forcing his tears to not come out " I wrote you that way, like a lie detector "
"But what it is surprising is that, well, it's waaay to early. "
"Ah, you thought you were that good of an actor." Kokichi forces out the insult, but it comes out with way less force than he intended to.
"Mmm, no, I thought you were way more stupid." Gonta smiles -grimaces- and puts his hands behind his back, upright posture.
"Fuck you."
"Yeah, you might not want to waste the chance of a deal, you know. "
"What do you mean, a deal? I don't wanna have anything to do with you, bastard. " Kokichi's face was hard, but not hard enough to hide away from Gonta the hint of pain that his words caused him. After all, his brain was still trying to digest the fact that sweet old Gonta was, in fact, a cruel, cold, psychotic prick.
"Ah, look, it'll be way more easy and less of a headache for me to just, kill you " He moved his hands around as he explained, not missing the way the boy shiver at that "But ugh, I can't a afford to do so, you see, I've got people to please, and they won't be pleased if you died."
Kokichi gripped the fabric of his trousers, containing his rage. "That's my own fault, though. I shouldn't have written you so damn interesting. " he whispered.
Ouma scoffs "What does it have to do with me? From what I undertand that's a you problem, I do NOT fucking care if you kill me, I'd rather die than anything you might propose for me to not tell the others"
"Ah, Ouma, Ouma, you are way more naive than I remember writing you as" he didn't waste time trying to tell the other that the rest of the cast would not believe him, he wanted to get over this problem fast even though he would love to mess with him " I don’t plan on doing anything to you" he leans closer "Oh but to your beloved Saihara-chan..." The boy hardens his expression. "Oh to him, the things I could do to him, " he smiled as the other looked away from his eyes.
"I could easily think of thousands of ways to kill him! The Ultimate detective... tragically killed, oh dear, what a good plot!"
"you wouldn't dare..." Kokichi whispered, trying to convice himself "he's... he's the--"
"And in a hundred of those ideas, you are found guilty." That silenced the short boy, who was now looking down to his shoes.
"But, maybe I could keep your dear, dear detective safe, if you work for me. I could use a little assistance. Being the mastermind is more work than people think"
"For you? Don't even dream about it. " Kokichi's face demonstrated his fatigue, but he didn’t give in.
"What's you other choice? Tell the others? Who would believe you? After all..." He smiled, the sweet, fake smile he putted on everyday" I'm good old, innocent Gonta."
"If I don't accept--"
"Shuichi Saihara will be found dead tomorrow" his smiled was erased as fast as light and a blank uncharacteristic expression was left on his face" And don't think of killing yourself off, I will know, also, that's very not fun"
"Fuck you."
"You said it twice already, c'mon, your insults should be better " he rolled his eyes.
"... I won't kill anyone " he whispered, not looking at his face.
"I won't ask you to, don't worry, you'll have other duty. But besides that, you can have you high school love with Saihara all you want" Kokichi's shoulders relaxed just a bit, oh, he couldn’t allow that "Or well, all you can afford"
"I wrote him so he wouldn't fall in love with you." Kokichi's shoulders tensed again, but he didn’t show any expression on his face, lips tight in a line. "But you? Ha! Eventually, you will be bewitched by him if you aren't already, and even if you try not to, unrequited love is by far more interesting than a real romance. Oh, people eat that up!"
" I hate you " for the first time, Kokichi's voice sounded shaky. That wasn't supposed to happen, so it caught Gonta of guard. Though he didn't overthink it, the joy of hearing the despair in his voice was worth the technical issue. He didn't wighted the consequences of it.
"I know." Satisfaction ran through his body as he lifted a hand, and Kokichi shaked it, agreeing to their little alliance. He felt even more overjoyed when he thought that his hand was the only one Ouma was going to grab even if someone else -- Shuichi Saihara-- offered his to him.
After all, he wrote them that way, hadn't he?
That's it, it would do a good fic, I think
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misslisamiray · 29 days
I said Chapter 2 would be up today, and here it is!
Please note it's roughly 650 words longer than Chapter 1 - having the whole family talking/arguing meant a lot of dialogue. The following chapters will all focus on 2-3 characters, so they should be shorter. 😊
And now, without further ado, I proudly present the next chapter of Down With the Rickness!
The end of the countdown was drowned out by urgent knocking and the rest of the family yelling at once.
“Rick! Let us in! I have a right to know if there’s some kind of alien mutant sci-fi bacteria in my garage again!”
“Grandpa Rick! You good in there? Your flashing cube things said we were all fine, sooo…”
“Dad! What’s going on? Should I be worried? Is the President going to show up in a few minutes with a bunch of guys in hazmat suits, or whatever the interplanetary version of that is?”
“Rick! Come on! L-let us in! What’s wrong? If nothing’s wrong and this is a joke, it’s not funny, and you’re an asshole. But if something is wrong, it sounds bad, and like maybe you need help. So let us in!”
“Shit, shit, shit!” Rick muttered, pushing the cubes and the computer displaying the test results aside. He cleared his throat and said more loudly, “Alright, alright! It’s not locked, and since when the fuck do any of you knock?! You can come in, just maybe stay back. Don’t get too *COUGH!* close.”
The others all looked at each other hesitantly for a second, then Morty opened the door.
“Dad? Are you alright? We uhh, heard your alarms going off, and it sounded like the last one said you have some kind of infection. Is this something we should be concerned about? Those alarms sounded awfully…intense.” Beth said worriedly, taking a few tentative steps forward.
“Yeah, sorry about that. It’s a system I implemented a while back but never f-finished. It’s supposed to detect any type of viral or bacterial pathogen. From any planet, satellite, etc, in any reality. *Sniff!* And ranging in severity from ‘You may not even realize you have anything’ to ‘By the time you realize you have something, you’re already dead.’” Rick started to explain, keeping his back turned to the others. Unfortunately, at that worst possible point in the explanation, he started coughing badly again. The looks on everyone’s faces became more concerned. Jerry clung to his golf club tightly, now practically hugging it instead of getting ready to swing it.  
“R-Rick?...” Morty said timidly, moving a little closer to his grandpa. Beth pulled him back by the collar of his pajama top.
“Sorry again. I know, the timing of that couldn’t have been any worse. Or more clichéd. What I was trying to say was, this system is supposed to automatically differentiate between what’s trivial and what’s serious. But it’s unfinished, and there’s clearly some wires to uncross. So what happened was a high-level response to a low-level *ACHOO!* threat.” Rick continued, his voice lower and more gravelly than usual.
“So what is it exactly? Because no offense Grandpa, but you sound like shit. And I’m guessing the reason you’re not looking at us is that you look worse than you sound.” Summer said. Spotting a box of tissues on a shelf, she tossed it to Rick. It bounced off his shoulder and landed next to him on the floor.
“Dammit, Summer! It’s too early for you to be this perceptive! Ugh. Also, thanks.” Rick grumbled, eagerly grabbing the box.
He blew his nose loudly, then, still not bothering to get up, turned to face the family and continued, “I know, I know. Between the scare the alarms gave us all, and the fact I am clearly not doing great at the moment, me telling you everything is fine is not likely to inspire a lot of *Cough!* confidence. But rest assured, we’re dealing with a nuisance, not a crisis.”
“Rick, you’re still kinda talking in circles and not actually answering any questions. You keep saying, ‘This isn’t serious.’ and “This is nothing to worry about.’ But what is ‘this’, exactly?” Morty questioned.
“*SIGH!* Fine. It’s, it’s… a virus that originates in the Gloppydrop system. It causes the individual suffering from it to experience symptoms of r-random illnesses, cycling through them like you’re on the universe’s worst game show. It’s had millennia to evolve and adapt more diseases into its fucked up little database, so there’s no telling what’s going to happen next.” Despite how calm Rick was about that explanation, everyone else’s expressions quickly turned to varying degrees of horror.
“I’m sorry, but how the hell is that considered a low-level threat?! You have some transforming alien virus that can incorporate any illness, both known and unknown to man! Sure, right now it seems to just be giving you a terrible cold. But what happens if it morphs into space AIDS, or bubonic plague, or some kind of…turning inside out disease?!” Jerry panicked, dropping his golf club.
“Now honey, calm down and let Rick finish explaining. Maybe this really isn’t as dire as it sounds.” Beth said gently, wrapping an arm around Jerry’s shoulders. She then turned back to Rick and sternly switched to, “Seriously, Dad, what the fuck?! I am very worried about you right now, but I’m also pissed because it’s sounding more and more like those alarms were, in fact, justified.”
“No, you don’t get it. This is a mimicking disease. You feel like you have whatever thing it imitates, but you don’t actually have that thing. So you can’t die from it, even if you have the shitty luck of landing on all the worst spaces of its Wheel of Misfortune. And it l-leaves no lasting effects once you’ve recovered. So that’s why, while it has the potential to be incredibly painful, it’s not actually dangerous. Does that make sense now? It better, because I can’t dumb it down more than that.” Rick explained. Jerry still looked confused and more concerned than the others, but everyone else was visibly less worried now.
“I…guess so. Can we do anything to help?” Beth asked.
“Not really, sweetie. *Cough!* *Cough!* There’s no cure, and symptom management changes fast since, you know, the symptoms this virus tricks you into thinking you have do. But it goes without saying I should have something for whatever it throws at me.” Rick answered.
“Ok, so if I’m following this and you’re not bullshitting us, we don’t have to worry about this thing actually killing us, but what does happen if one of us catches it from you, Rick?” Jerry asked.
“*SNIFF!* For fuck’s sake, Jerry, weren’t you paying any attention?! If you catch it, it’ll be the same for you as it is for me – you’ll be varying degrees of miserable for 3-10 days, then be perfectly fine. But it’s probably a moot point, anyway. Infection with Gloppydropian Mimicking Disease is rare in humans to begin with, and, umm… there’s never actually been a recorded case of human-to-human transmission. So before anyone asks again, no you’re not in danger, and yes, the alarm was completely unnecessary.” Rick explained, growing more irritated by the second. Morty and Summer exchanged a look. Something didn’t make sense.
“So, I guess this bug must have a pretty long incubation period, huh? I mean, Gloppydrop? When was the last time we were anywhere near that system?” Morty commented, walking over to Rick. Summer followed, Beth not stopping either of them this time.
“God dammit, Morty, do you not understand what “originates from’ means?! The stupid virus comes from Gloppydrop originally, but it’s spread across the universe. I could have picked it up practically anywhere.” Rick replied crossly.
“Yeah, but you haven’t exactly been off-planet much lately. It’s been at least a few weeks again, hasn’t it? And if this is so rare in humans, it’s probably not something you caught going to the corner bar with Dad and Gene.” Summer pointed out.
“Christ, what is with all these questions?! Yes, children, Mimicking Disease does happen to have an extended incubation period. I most likely contracted it months ago. That being *COUGH!* said, Earth’s not as boring a planet as it used to be these days. Which is cool and all, but one downside is shit like this making its way here. So, while it’s unlikely I got it locally, can’t rule that out, either. *Achoo!* Are we finally done talking about this?! We’ve established there’s no emergency, and everyone’s managed to annoy me more than my illness is. You’re all gonna go about your day anywhere but here and let me deal with this now, right?” Rick snapped. There were a few seconds of silence, followed by the rest of the family all yelling at the same time again.
They mostly drowned each other out, but then Summer’s voice cut through the noise, saying, “Your detection system must be more broken than you think, Grandpa. I mean, apparently, you’ve had this alien virus inside of you for a significant amount of time, and it didn’t clue you in until you were already hacking up a lung? You do see how that would be an issue if this were something serious, right?”
Rick glared at her, but didn’t say anything, prompting Summer to continue, “Also, it was hard to tell with the alarms, but I’m sure I heard it say something about the virus’s origin being Earth. Which is a weird thing to say about Gloppydropian Mimicking Disease, don’t you think?” She gave her grandfather a challenging look, daring him to argue with her. Everyone else was quiet, eyes locked on the two of them.
“What the hell, Summer? It’s stupid early, I’m sick, and do you think anyone’s more pissed off by, or aware of, just how broken the stupid detection system is?! Why are you being such a bitch to me?” Rick yelled. Or rather, tried to yell – his throat hurt and he was losing his voice a little.
“Both of you calm down. Dad, don’t call Summer a bitch. She’s right, and you need to fix that system, like, the second you’re feeling better. I can help if you want. Summer, being right doesn’t mean you can be a bitch to your grandfather, especially right now.” Beth scolded the two of them. Neither Rick nor Summer said anything, as they were now locked in a staring contest. Rick lost when he sneezed again.
“Ugh, I am so over this horseshit already!” he complained, grabbing a handful of tissues and muttering more profanity under his breath.
“Yeah, I bet. It’s a good thing you have this crazy transforming disease that should switch things up and give you a whole new set of symptoms… ooh, any minute now, according to this article I found.” Summer replied, tapping away at her phone and triumphantly showing Rick the screen.
“Are you seriously *Sniff!* fact-checking me now?! What is your deal today?”
“Yeah, Summer. Don’t you think maybe you’re being a little harsh? Rick’s not feeling well, and…” Morty tried to interject.
“Morty, shush. You can go back to kissing Grandpa’s ass after I prove my point.”
Rick, meanwhile, had pulled a small notebook out of his pocket, and was now furiously scribbling something in it.
When he finished, he threw the notebook, and his car keys, to/at Summer, saying, “Listen up, I just decided something. Even though the risk of any of you getting infected is low, we’re not gonna *Cough!* chance it. For your safety and my sanity, everyone’s getting the hell out of my garage now. Sum-Sum! Congratulations! Since you’re being so smart and helpful this morning, you get to leave first and go the farthest away. Here’s a list of shit I need you to get and places I need you to go.”
“What?! Grandpa Rick, you can’t be serious. You’re gonna send me into space, just because I called your bluff about…” Summer started to object. A large, semi-clear purple bubble engulfed her and hovered her outside to Rick’s car.
“Sorry, Summer, can’t *Cough!* *COUGH!* hear you. We’ll talk when you get back in a day or two! Car, autopilot to Space Walmart. The, the good one, just past Neptune. Do not, under any circumstances, go to the one on Venus, understand?” Rick instructed.
“If you’ve seen one Space Walmart, you’ve seen them all, but sure. Whatever you say, Rick.” the car agreed sarcastically, flying off with a furious Summer.
“Dad, I’m not trying to second guess you, but are you sure that was necessary?” Beth questioned.
“Beth, sweetie, you should, uhhh, go to work. You’re the breadwinner of the house – can’t risk you getting *SNIFF!* sick. So yeah. G-go to work.” was what she got in response.
“Dad, I don’t work for another 5 hours, and I’m in my pajamas, and…” Beth started to object. Her protests were cut off by a large bubble, like the one that had carried Summer off, transporting her out to her car.
“Not cool! You being sick does not make this acceptable behavior!” she yelled as the bubble deposited her in the car, then vanished. Beth looked at the house and thought about trying to go back in, but quickly decided against it.
“Why fight it? There’s extra scrubs at work, and it’s not like I particularly want to deal with all this.” she sighed, driving off.
Back in the garage, Rick was saying, “Dammit, Jerry. You still don’t have a job I can send you to to get you out of my hair, huh?”
“Really, Rick? That’s all you’ve got? You are off your game today if you expect that old chestnut to hurt me.” Jerry scoffed, picking up his golf club again.
“*COUGH!* I don’t have the energy to try and hurt you, Jerry. I just need you to be one less headache for me to deal with. Should’ve had Summer drop you off at the Jerryboree. It’s even on the way! Damn, I really can’t think straight right now.” Rick griped, rubbing his temples and coughing more. Morty and Jerry were both watching him closely.
“If it helps, I’m, umm, not allowed there at the moment anyway, Rick. For now, I’m only suspended and not banned, but there’s this investigation pending, and well…” a slightly embarrassed Jerry informed him.
“Really, Jerry? Was it at least worth it?”
“That’s the worst part! No, not at all! It was one quick kiss and a handshake! A limp handshake at that!” Jerry pouted.
“Eww! Dad, why? Why is the whole family like this?! Actually, no. I don’t wanna know!” Morty wailed, shaking his head and covering his ears.
Ignoring his son, Jerry continued, “And now I don’t know if that me said something because he has regrets, or blames me for how pathetic it was, or if it was some random other me who saw and complained because he was jealous, or judging us, or maybe just a tattletale… It keeps me up at night!”
Rick nodded and said, “Yeah, been there. Shit sucks. You have my sympathies, Jer. Hmmm. I’m out of ideas for what to do with you, so just go be stupid upstairs, okay? Or go spend the day with Gene, or… I don’t care. Just *Achoo!* go.”
Jerry studied his father-in-law sympathetically. Summer was right – Rick looked bad. His hair was messier than usual, his nose was running, and his eyes were bloodshot. Still sitting on the garage floor, he was starting to shiver, and seemed exhausted.
“Fine, I’m going. But not because you told me to. I have an idea to make you feel better, Rick. I just have a little research to do first.” he said smugly as he strode out of the garage, clearly proud of whatever idea he’d just come up with.
“Okay, so we’re gonna have to deal with whatever that’s about later, too. Cool.” Morty sighed, at the same time Rick said, “That’s great, Jerry. Can’t wait. I’m sure you’re gonna win a Nobel Prize or something.”
And then it was just the two of them left in the garage.
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lyrahaven · 1 month
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The official title for my fourth book, coming in October of 2024, is These Dark Hours! (actual cover coming soon)
This book is a M/M paranormal romance about Alex, a reluctant psychic who just wants to run his bookshop in peace. Unfortunately, he can see ghosts and when he finds a dead body, he can't exactly explain to the cops that he found it because the ghost led him there. Add in the fact that the man he's been flirting with turns out to be a detective and his best friend is a snarky ghost with a trashy reality tv addiction and you've got a recipe for chaos!
Below is a tiny snippet from early on in the book. His living best friend, Raina, runs a coffeeshop called Buns 'n' Roses with her girlfriend, Camille. Alex has had a bad day and ends up in the hospital.
As badly as I wanted to tell Raina, I couldn’t bring myself to say the words. I knew I could trust her, but what if I was wrong? I couldn’t lose her, but I couldn’t lie to her face, either.
“I… I found a dead body,” I whispered into the brittle silence. I couldn’t tell her the whole truth, but I could give her something.
“What?!” She clapped her hand over her mouth when it came out as a screech, belatedly stifling herself.
“Out by the lake,” I nodded. “I called the police, but I think I was in shock or something, so they took me here.”
“Are you fucking serious?”
“I wish I was fucking Sirius. The actor who played him in the movies was hot.”
Raina blinked and I could tell she was torn between laughing and slapping me. Both won, in the end, and she was fighting back a smile when she smacked my arm. “Alex, come on. You know what I mean.”
“I know. I just really, really want to forget about it. It was… fuck, Raina. It was bad.”
“What were you even doing out at the lake this early, though? You can barely drag yourself to the coffee shop before nine to meet up with Donovan. I mean, I’m gay as hell and can still see he’s worth getting out of bed for.”
“I mean, I was kind of hoping to be getting into bed with him, but…”
“Alex.” She didn’t smack my arm again, but I could tell it was close.
“You’ve got the whole ‘mom voice’ thing nailed. God help any kids you and Camille decide to have,” I teased. She didn’t take the bait this time, though, just leveled a steady glare at me until I subsided. “I couldn’t sleep.”
“So you decided to go walking in the middle of the night, in November, by a lake?”
Maybe she should be working with Donovan. At least I could practice my lies with her before the actual police inevitably came to question me. I was surprised they weren’t here already, honestly.
“I wanted to get to the old clearing. Remember the one I showed you, on the far side?” It wasn’t much, a tiny outcropping jutting out into the lake, but it was private. Only a few locals knew about it and most didn’t bother walking all that way when there was a perfectly good beach right by the entrance.
“It couldn’t have waited until after sunrise, though?” she pressed.
“It seemed like a good idea at the time. Aunt Lizzie was the one who first took me there, back when I was a kid. I guess I just needed to feel close to her for awhile.” Grief choked off my words. Even after six years, her death still hurt. At least I knew she’d forgive me for using her in a lie like this. She’d want me to protect myself.
“So you took off walking in the middle of the night. Ugh. Men,” Raina sighed, voice heavy with resignation. “You’ve literally watched crime shows with me and bitched about how stupid people are for going wandering in the woods.”
“It’s always the people out exercising and walking their dogs that find the dead bodies. That’s why I have a Netflix subscription and a cat,” I agreed.
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s10e9 the things we left behind (w. andrew dabb)
all right so i think this is the one i knew was lurking ahead of us, again thought there'd be more mark-related buildup before we got here
deleted a rambling paragraph about thinking the show is out of ideas, yet another troubled teen
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he never laughs like this, reminds me of the scene when sam gets glitterbombed by the clowns in s7e14 also written by dabb (and loflin) (i included a clip of that scene because it was so cute). sam's always so confused/concerned when dean's laughing that much (but i mean it rarely happens on screen so i'm concerned too this time around)
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but i'm glad he relaxed and enjoyed it too. and that dean was so into the grilled cheese sam made for him. but like, could they find a more uncomfortable place to sit to chill and watch tv? maybe on the cold concrete dungeon floor next time? were the men of letters anti-couch?
how many plotlines are we gonna jam in. dean and sam's business, claire and cas, rowena and crowley
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claire novak / big little lies - kathryn newton as abigail carlson
she's so pretty and i like the styling they did for her
CLAIRE You’ve changed. The Castiel I met? He was crappy. Like super stuck-up and a dick and you just wanted to punch him in his stupid angel face. CASTIEL I don’t think I was THAT bad. CLAIRE You totally were. And now you’re just … I don’t know. Nicer. And kind of a doof. No offense.
no lies detected
DEAN Cas, listen to me. There’s some stuff you just got to let go. Okay? The people you let down, the ones you can’t save … You got to forget about them. For your own good. CASTIEL Is that what you do? DEAN That’s the opposite of what I do. But I ain’t exactly a role model.
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working the wet kitten heart eyes overtime
DEAN Cas, I need you to promise me something. CASTIEL Of course. DEAN If I do go dark side, you got to take me out. CASTIEL What do you mean? DEAN Knife me. Smite me. Throw me into the freakin’ sun, whatever. And don’t let Sam get in the way, because he’ll try. I can’t go down that road again, man. I can’t be that thing again.
don't like it
didn't we do creeper dad with orphans in a house schtick already? god what even was that episode about. ugh. was that paige? whatever her actual name was. okay, yes, krissy. s8e18 my post where i mentioned cult vibes. (i searched for cult in my blog. no dice. so damned frustrating because i link to my shit all the time and i know the words i used and it doesn't even help. rrrgh tumblr pLEASE fucking fix this)
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is the mark making dean extra hungry?
DEAN Whoa, hey, Miley Cyrus. Settle. CLAIRE Eat me, Hasselhoff.
ooh (fully justified) burn
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the exact last thing dean needs to hear
i dunno, man. yeah, the whole business with angels swooping in and taking how many people away from their families? a very valid problem that they just ignored basically. so now we're gonna have a big moral reckoning over it via this kid? just feels. forced
ruth connell (rowena) is listed at 5'2" but she seems smaller than that. maybe it's these full length nearly hobble skirts they have her in
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mark sheppard just seems to bring out the best in everyone, quite compelling scene here between crowley and rowena (esp considering i'm hard pressed to care). and well, a character likely just as wily as he is, good match to play around with
CASTIEL I thought I could make it up to her. SAM I don’t think you can. I mean, Jimmy was her father, and to some people, that’s … that’s everything, you know? CASTIEL No, I don’t. I never knew my father. He was distant, to say the least. What about you? Did you love your father? DEAN With everything I had. SAM Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it wasn’t always easy, but yeah. DEAN I mean, look. John Winchester’s not going to win any “Number One Dad” awards, you know? But you know… damn if he wasn’t there when we needed him.
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right, you know i have major beef with john over the child neglect. i can't let it go. like, he was there when you needed him? when exactly? like all those times canonically we saw you calling him and he didn't show up? dean's dying in the hospital? (nevermind the not being there for their childhood that we see onscreen) i just. no :p
DEAN Somehow, we convince him to let us go. So, we all go. We all, you know, see all the sights, and uh, ride the subway, eat too much pizza. The whole nine. Well, by about midnight, Sam and Dad are zonked, and I figure… Screw it. I’m going to CBGB.
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love sam's face listening to dean's story. i don't think we've had a long stories like this before? it's cute. like jackles and padalecki telling a story at con :p
CASTIEL I know. It’s where The Ramones and Blondie got their start. DEAN Right. SAM Wow. Anyways, he was WAY underage at the time.
DEAN Then this girls walks up and she says “Hey, why don’t you come over and sit down with me and my friends at our table?” All right! SAM Yeah, and they get him drunk. First time. DEAN But not fun drunk. I’m not quite sure what was in that stuff, but the room starts to spin, and I feel like I’m going to puke … forever.
dad saved him from being roofied? i don't see how else that could be understood. fucking weird.
DEAN Yeah, and you know what he got for that? Me whining about how much he embarrassed me. Me telling him that I hated him. But then he stopped and turned around and he looked at me and he said, “Son, you don’t like me? That’s fine. It’s not my job to be liked.” SAM “It’s my job to raise you right.”
Y'ALL. i had to cover my mouth and if my kids weren't sleeping i would have screamed. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. whew
per usual i could do without the attempted rape.
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SAM Tell me you had to do this. DEAN I didn’t … I didn’t mean to. SAM No. Tell me it was them or you!
well, there it is. i truly don't know where we go from here
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lake-archive · 6 months
I Could Kiss You!
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AO3 Link - Bungo Stray Dogs Selfship / Yumeship Masterlist
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Characters: Osamu Dazai, Annette 'Ann' Droste-Hühlshoff (OC), Doppo Kunikida (mentioned)
Pairing: Annzai (Ann/Dazai)
Words: 1,159
It was a rare occurrence for Ann to walk up to the fourth floor, especially with so many stairs in between the café and the Armed Detective Agency office. And why was that? Because someone forgot something at his very own home. And Ann had to be the one who would have to deliver that to him the moment Ole showed up at the café, having carried the wallet all the way there. And when looking inside of it one good look was enough to determine it was Dazai’s. There was no money in it, of course there wasn’t (that guy doesn’t pay his tab for a reason and they for sure ain’t gonna pay his anytime soon), but other essentials you never know you need. 
Thus, after rewarding Ole for his endeavors for even bothering to bring it along by giving him some fish on the house they were heading upstairs, right to the fourth floor, to just hand over what their cat had given them before heading downstairs yet again. Though it felt like an eternity, the stairs being way too many to climb, they had to take breaks in between. That or they were just not used to so much physical exercise. Actually, when still going to school, P.E. was the subject they hated the most… Ugh, these stairs were not making it much better. But whatever at this rate… They had to pull through in the end.
It took almost an eternity but eventually they did reach the floor they wanted to reach. Luckily the door was not too far away so they had only a small distance to walk. A few more breathers before they had decided to knock at the door a few times. It may have been a little delayed yet soon they heard a voice saying: “Come on in.”
Ann opened the door slowly, peeking in, trying to observe if he was there. Honestly, if they could avoid him, they would. All they needed to do was to bring the wallet upstairs and then literally dash downstairs before he could notice. In fact, it had not been that guy who had asked for Ann to come inside to begin with. It had been one of his colleagues, luckily, and probably the one who they would say is the most reliable. “A… Ah… Excuse me Kunikada–San?” They said, calmly yet a little meekly perhaps before finally opening the door and taking a step inside.
It was then when the other male looked away from his desk and adjusted his glasses, the gaze as serious as ever. It was something they had grown used to to be honest, though the first few times they have seen it they were a little bit in a shock, unsettled even. “Ah, if it isn’t you, Annette.” He responded, then adding: “If it’s Dazai you’re looking for—”
“No, it’s fine, really. I’m not looking for him.” They interrupted quickly. To be honest they just didn’t want to see him. Besides, the air was clear… Right? “I… Just came here to bring something upstairs he forgot at home. I have no time to wait due to my shift so I’ll just leave it at his desk.”
There was luckily not much questioning from Kunikida’s part. He only nodded. “Go on then.”
“I wasn’t interrupting anything, was I?” They asked while taking steps closer to the designated desk, about to place the wallet in their hands down. They were in peace and hoped that this could be dealt with quickly. After all, there was no sign of Dazai to begin with! And yet–
“Oh? Ann–Chan! What a surprise! Did you miss me that much!?” They suddenly heard it echo right into their own ears behind them before suddenly being grabbed by the waist, pulled closer against someone’s chest. Out of shock they had dropped the wallet though it was close enough to the desk to drop it on there. In one swoop their face had turned red, flustered by the simple gesture. Yet it was made worse when noticing who it was. Then again, they were more than familiar with the voice.
“What the— Dazai!? How in the—” They let out at first before adding in desperation: “Nevermind! Let go! I didn’t miss you in the slightest!”
“Aww, is someone being shy? But that’s ok, you don’t need to deny anything!” He countered, much to their dismay. Seriously, what was up with him!? This was just… Ugh! Just ugh! He was too close, way too close! They could hardly stand it to be honest! 
“I’m denying nothing! Get off!” They kept on yelling as they turned their gaze, hoping for some help from– Nevermind, Kunikida apparently ran off. That bastard… When Ann gets his hands on that guy they make sure to also teach him a lesson. But first dealing with the pain in the ass. 
“Alright alright fine, you win~” He would finally give in, though sounding anything but serious about this. In fact, it was as if Dazai was having the time of his life and that was something they did not understand. This guy was a literal pain. Not just sometimes but all the time. Yet before they could say anything else and be on their way he just had to ask: “So, why are you here? Something important?”
They sighed, shaking their head. “Kinda? Sorta? Not for me, that’s for sure.” They responded before turning around to face him with the most serious expression they could muster. This was just too embarrassing now. “Don’t forget your stuff at home, will ya? Seriously, you made Ole walk all the way here just because you forgot your wallet. Ugh…”
“Hm? My wa— Ooh, I knew I forgot something this morning!” He said this as if he had just had the biggest revelation of his lifetime. Good grief… “So he came here to bring it to you and you brought it to me?”
“Yeah yeah. Anyway, if you wanna thank anyone thank O—”
“Y… You came here just for me? You brought something over I forgot? So you came for me!?” Dazai suddenly interrupted, his eyes tearing up from one moment to the next, as if he had been moved to… Well, tears. Obviously. 
It left them speechless yet not sure what to expect. Did he have to react like that!? It was… Something… Yet it only made them want to flee. Maybe they should while they had the chance. “I mean we are roommates I gue—”
“Guh… Ann-Chan… I… I… I could kiss you right now!”
Wha— K… Ki… Kiss!? He what now!? The only reaction they could give him was an even redder face, in disbelief at what he had just said. So much so that they stayed quiet for a few moments before shouting: “That will never happen! I will never kiss you! Ever!” Something they truly meant at the time… Right?
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roppongi-division · 4 months
Mireya's Thoughts on Suginami Division
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Ryuko Umemoto
"I'll admit, I didn't recognize this guy until my husband revealed he was part of the Yakuza group a few years ago who was trying to shut us down. Normally, being part of any sort of gang would be enough for me to despise you. I've little love for gang violence, Yakuza, or anything in-between. As I mentioned before, Kito Sakura over in Shizuoka is about as much as I can take, and that's mainly due to Reika-san."
"Anyway, like I said, being a Yakuza is enough for me to dislike you normally. ...But strangely enough, I don't feel that way about this guy. I don't know if it's because of his older brother, who's one of my son's teachers, or if it's because he's turned his life around and is no longer part of that life. I'll admit, when Kai told me he was an animator now, I had to do a double-take. A Yakuza-turned-animator? Sounds too good to be true. But when he showed me some of the work he's done, I had to admit, he had talent."
"So... yeah, like I said, I'm glad this guy has made the decision to turn his life around. I'm not saying I care for him or his past, and I certainly wouldn't invite him over for dinner. But it's good that that was just one dark part of his life. Hopefully, things will get better for him."
Maki Umemoto
"I've only met Maki-san a few times at several PTA meetings. Zakari tells me that, much like Rosho-sensei, he doesn't really do well with crowds, unfortunately. Of course, I'm not going to demean either man because of their shortcomings. So long as they manage to give my son the modicum of education he needs to succeed in society, then I've no problem with either of them."
Shuu Edogawa
"Ugh, my husband has far greater patience than me when it comes to this loathsome individual. When I received word that he was snooping around my club for the past week and a half, I knew something about him wasn't right. Eventually, I had enough and had security bring him to my office where my husband and I confronted him. I demanded to know why he was skulking around, and he revealed that he was a private investigator, which confirmed my suspicions."
"In case you didn't get it, I have a deep loathing for any sort of investigator, detective, generally, anyone who goes around snooping where they don't belong. Why? Because ever since I was young, I've had to put up with these individuals my entire life thanks to my mother. Almost every month she paid top dollar for these guys to come and do detective work on each one of her ex's, to see if they were cheating on her or not. It was... it was just a waste of privacy to have those guys come in and inspect everything. It was one of the things I hated about my life, and my mother." Mireya shakes her head.
"Anyway, apparently he was searching for a lost teenage girl who her mother had hired to bring her back. Hearing the girl cry about not wanting to return home because she found her home life stifling and her mother, overbearing... well, it brought back a lot of memories from my own childhood. I paid that pink-haired investigator twice as much as his client was offering him and told him to leave the girl and her boyfriend alone. I also warned him not to show his face in my club again unless it was for 'entertainment purposes only'. If not, he was going to be denied at the door."
"I haven't seen hide nor tail of that wretch since then. And I am not at all sad about that."
Sazanka Zombeez
"Much like my husband said, I'm not sure exactly what to say about this team. They're original, especially as far as their name goes, but... well, they're original, as I said. As for the members: I'm neutral when it comes to the leader, and Maki-sensei seems to be alright. But that investigator of theirs? I'm not sparing him nothing if we meet in this tournament. Nothing personal, but consider everything I say and do to you my way of releasing all my pent-up frustration from people like you have caused me and others throughout my childhood."
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thesagebrushkid · 4 months
Starting Again
So, I am trying this tumblr thing out AGAIN. I never really understood it the first time.
So, I am here main just to promote not just my art and story series The Saga of the Sagebrush kid, but also to share (with anyone who gives a fig) the history behind the series, and also some inspirational images and stuff that really gets to my heart, spirit and soul. Most of it being nature and rustic living. Sometimes its random and hard to follow and I do not expect anyone to be able to follow it and understand it. Till now NO ONE has truly understood it all. It's been mistaken by many as "fetish."
I guess in some way this whole thing is some sort of fetish, but it's not what you think. This fetish of mine is a yearning desire to just be free to live a life of adventure that I want. Just to get out of our mundane world and into this other world that does not exist and just explore. To LIVE LIFE. To be a hero, to just...ugh! How can I share in words a yearning that's built up inside me for decades now? It's not just a cowboy thing either. It's that desire to ride the waves on an old galleon, to explore the vast woodlands like a ranger, to fight mythic monster in the landscape of ancient Hellas (Greece.) To explore and find ancient treasures or travel through Africa. To walk the city at night in the rain like a detective in some old noir film. Sometimes I yearn in silence for that wild adventurous side. Other times I would love to just "gear up" (or down in some cases) and just take in the sights, sounds and smells of such scenes. Even just sitting on the beach and watching the sunset. These days the term "aesthetic" or "core" is used for such wanted lifestyles.
Yeah, I am a bit of romantic.
So, between watching movies & TV shows, as well as RPing, LARPing, meditating, crafting, cooking and my artwork, I try to get live these "aesthetic" lifestyles. Sadly, in my current financial and health state, that's about all I can do. And even then, I am VERY limited. Meanwhile this my yearning form some aesthetic lifestyle grows. Grows to the point where there are some days I actually shed a tear, because I cannot. Trapped by my health or trapped by my surroundings of what NORMAL society dictates.
Any of this making sense so far to anyone??
Am I normal doc??
Well anyway, I will not bore you anymore. Let just leave it at - This is the Sagebrush Kid. this is my OC (original character). This is his world. These are the people and adventures in his life I wish I could live. the stories and people (and even some of the events) in his life are a close, if not exact, interpretation of my own life. The rest I leave to all of your, those that wander onto my page. And maybe someday, someone that understands, who truly understands, will find comfort in what I have here.
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mary-moongood · 1 year
Time surge - A beast wars fanfic (part 1/2)
hi guys! today I want to do something different from usual I wrote a Beast wars fanfic, it's kinda small but I hope you guys like it
Word count: 2275
PLOT: the maximals find a stasis pod after a long time without them, but there seems to be something wrong with this one
4 million years ago
The maximals wake up at the sound of the alarms blaring off the Axalon’s main computer.
“It seems our sensors have located a stasis pod” informs Airazor, as she sees the set of coordinates given on-screen; Rattrap walks into the command center, his face showing surprise as he processes the situation “how long has it been since the last one, I really started to believe we had found all of the missing protoforms?” Optimus, the leader of the maximals, looks at the coordinates, it is an area a few kilometers away from the maximal base “we need to hurry to it before the predacons have a chance to activate it. The last thing we need at the moment is for Megatron’s troops to increase their numbers!”
The maximals rush to the location of the pod, Rhinox leading the way with his big size, Cheetor is next to him, running like the wind, not much behind them are Rattrap and Dinobot, while Airazor and Optimus soar the skies above them; as soon as the team reaches the pod, it becomes evident something is wrong, the pod is glitching dramatically and making abnormal noises, Rhinox approaches it and gives it a profound look, just like a youngling looking at a shiny object… “hm, interesting” “what’s interesting big guy?” asks Cheetor “it seems the time jump affected this pod, my sensors detect remains of quantic energy damaging the pod” Cheetor walks closer to the pod “which means…?” “the pod is a literal time bomb, if it explodes, it could create a wormhole that would consume all time and space” at the sound of those words, the spotted Maximal backs off quickly.
“Then why are we waiting? we have to destroy it before it destroys us!” yells Dinobot as he walks towards it while holding his sword, but Rattrap still on beast mode gets in the way, making Dinobot trip and fall “Chillax Choppa Face, you heard what Rhinox said, that thing could consume time and space if it explodes, do you want to take the risk?” argues Rattrap “at least I am willing to act, instead of merely standing like a vermin….” “Oh yeah?” begginns Rattrap “well at least I-” “Enough!” interrupts Optimus Primal “Rhinox, can you try to release the quantic energy from the pod without it causing a disaster?” Rhinox reflects in silence before changing to bot mode “I’ll see what I can do, but don’t get your hopes too high…”
Life of a predacon is no fun, Waspinator knows this, he has been soaring the skies pointlessly for quite a while now “Waspinator can’t fly anymore, Waspinator wants to go back to Darksyde” his laments sound through the mountains, but there’s no one who can hear them and pity him.
through his comm link he hears Megatron’s voice “Waspinator, what’s your status?”
“Waspinator is tired, no maximals in sight, can Waspinator go back now?”
“No Waspinator, the maximals are the exact reason I called you, our scanners located them a few meters away from your location and it seems they have encountered a stasis pod, yesss” Megatron explains, finishing his sentence with that weird ‘yes’ he tends to do when talking. “Go retrieve it, I will be sending backup to your location soon, yeesss” with that order, Waspinator went to the given coordinates as he lamented his situation.
“What’s the situation Rhinox?” Asked Optimus Primal to his comrade “have you managed to stabilize the pod?”
“not yet, quantic energy is quite delicate, any wrong move could be fatal, so I have to be extremely careful” reported the large maximal
“Understood, keep working”
It has been quite a while since Rhinox started working on the pod, and the group was starting to become impatient, especially Cheetor “ugh! How long will it take? I’m dying here!”
“quiet kiddo, none of us wants to be here but we are not complaining” Rattrap shuts him up
Suddenly the peace is interrupted by a buzzing sound coming from the sky, the maximals go into battle positions. “It’s Waspinator! I’ll handle him” yells Cheetor, as he charges with his gun in hand
In a few blasts he downs Waspinator, who transforms into bot mode and gets ready to engage, but before he can fire at anyone, the Maximals shoot at him and the poor predacon is blasted to pieces. 
Cheetor grins at the victory “that was easy” but Primal knows better than to celebrate before time “If Waspinator saw the pod then most likely Megatron knows about it, everyone stay alert, Rhinox, we need you to hurry up, the pod must not-” “Fall into Predacon hands?” it was to late, Megatron had arrived and behind him were Blackarachnia, Tarantulas, Scorponok, Inferno and Terrorsaur “I’m afraid it’s too late for that, we are taking the pod, so stand back unless you want to be obliterated, yesss” “Megatron, this pod is dangerously unstable, don’t engage” Optimus tries to warn Megatron to no avail. “Maximal lies; Predacons, terrorize” the predacons follow their leader’s orders and rush to their foes “Maximals, protect Rhinox and the pod!”
battle ensues between the two factions as Rhinox works on the pod, at this point everything he has tried to release the quantum energy had failed, and he was quickly running out of options, suddenly, his train of thought is interrupted when Tarantulas, the sneaky spider appears behind him “how about you step away and let me handle this?” Rhinox pulls out his gun at him and coldly answers “over my lifeless husk” that gives enough time for Cheetor to pounce to Tarantulas’ back, pinning him on the floor “I got your back Rhinox'' he makes a soldier salute at him, but as Tarantulas starts getting up, Cheetor goes back into battle stance, dragging the Predacon away from his comrade, who goes back to his thoughts; suddenly, he comes up with an idea, triggering the pod’s activation protocols! that could dissipate the quantum energy, but if could also detonate the pod, it was worth the risk trying
“Optimus, I need all of you to clear the area” Rattrap lands next to Rhinox “yeah… that’s easier said than done” he remarks, while covering his face from the firing from Scorponok’s blaster before running at him.
He is right, there is no way for the maximals to get away from the pod while the predacons want it, so he will have to get the pod away from THEM before trying anything, in a quick movement, Rhinox changes to beast mode, puts the pod on his back and run away from the battle; this doesn’t go unnoticed by the predacon leader “the maximal is taking the pod! get him” but his troops are unable to comply, as the Maximals have subdued them “what?” “it seems your men aren’t in conditions to follow, Megatron” mocks Optimus , who shoves Megatron into the ground, then he looks up to where Rhinox was heading “I hope your plan works my friend…” from below, Megatron laughs in silence, Cheetor notices “what’s so funny?” “nothing” responds Megatron with an innocent tone, Dinobot looks at him with suspicion, whenever Megatron is happy it cannot be good, he looks around at all the Predacons, there’s Terrorsaur, Blackarachnia, Tarantulas, Waspinator’s head trying to reach for his arm and Scorponok, he finally takes notice, Inferno is missing “where is Inferno?” Megatron laughs dramatically “oh you shall see, yess”.
A few meters away, Rhinox is preparing to activate the pod without noticing he is being watched, before pressing the activation button, he caresses the surface of the pod, as if he was adressing a child “don’t worry, if this works, you will awaken” “oh it will be okay” Rhinox turns around, finnaly seeing Inferno, the red ant Predacon is standing right in front of him “deliver the protoform to me, my queen will greatly appreciate it” as Rhinox internally cringes at Inferno refering to Megatron as his ‘queen’, he gives him a glare of defiance while slowly reaching out to the pod’s controls, the ant predacon takes notice “stay away from that panel” Rhinox stays still for a few seconds, then he slowly puts his hands up and backs away from the pod, Inferno starts walking towards it while laughing maniacally, what he didn’t know is that it had already been activated, when he was about to start reprogaming the protoform inside the pod as a predacon, the scan antenna appears on top of the pod and it starts searching its surroundings for an alt-mode, but as it does it starts glitching and shaking, the terrain it scans starts changing to show different time periods the cybertronians don’t recognize, the ground moves and electricity surrounds the pod as it emmits a blinding light.
When the light dissipates, Rhinox looks at the pod, realizing it had disappeared “what?” “what have you done!? where is it!?” the maximal turns at Inferno, who by the look of it, is enraged at the absence of the pod, he points his gun at Rhinox’s head “you shall be terminated for this” but before the ant can do anything, Cheetor fires from his back, behind him, the other Maximals approach, Inferno gets ready to fight them all but Megatron’s voice in his commlink interrupts it “Inferno, head back to base” he sighs before answering “yes, my queen” with that, Inferno takes off, heading to the predacon ship.
The maximals approach Rhinox, Optimus leading the group “where’s the pod?” Rhinox looks back at where it should be, a slight sadness visible in his optics “gone, the time surge caused by the activation of the pod caused a wormhole effect which made it disappear from our timeline” all the other maximals look at the scene in silence, until Optimus orders “let’s head back to base”
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“Hey kid! the control panel for the carousel broke again!” “on it!” another night, another ‘technical difficulty’ at the fair, ‘why is it that on the most busy days it happens the most?’ thinks Olivia Larson as she follows the carousel operator through the crowd of people.
After some walking, she reaches her destination, and as she expected, there is a good line of angry people in front of the carousel, she sets down her tools and opens the panel to start working on it “there’s the problem” she says to herself as she reaches to her toolbox for the things she needs; she works steadily for a while, taking her time, but at a constant pace “can’t you work any faster?” Olivia sighs, of course, there has to be THAT lady in every single game she attends to, as much as she would want to obliterate her, she has to conform with giving her usual answer  “not if I want to do this right ma’am” with that short answer she keeps working, until she hears another voice complaining ugh! How long will it take? I’m dying here! Exasperated, Olivia drops her tool and stands up “as I said, I want to do this right, so it will take as long as I need to-“ “who are you talking to?”  a very confused man in the line asks “none of us were talking” she looks at him surprised, ‘is this a joke?’ She thinks ‘I clearly heard someone’ “eh… Olivia? are you done?” asks the carousel operator behind her, Olivia turns around at him and pauses briefly “n-no, but I’m almost”.
After a few minutes of working, she sighs satisfied, she looks at the operator, who was standing next to her “alright, try turning it on now” he turned his key, and the carrousel started spinning and playing that cheesy song it plays; while turning her eyes at the song, she stand up, suddenly, she hears another voice stay away from that panel she jumps at the sound of it, and looks around trying to find whoever was talking “are you okay Olivia?” it’s the operator guy again, what was his name again? Tim, Kim… maybe Jim “Olivia?” he asks again “oh! yeah, I-I’m fine, I’m just tired, I will go check out and head home” “okay, see you tomorrow” “Bye!”
As Olivia entered her bedroom, she still felt uneasy “calm down Liv, you are just tired, get some sleep, you will see that by morning it will all be back to normal and you will be alone in your head again” she said to herself as she shoved herself into bed without even changing clothes “just sleep…”
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Usually when waking up, Olivia is received by the sunrays coming from her window and the sound of her alarm clock aggressively forcing her to consciousness and reminding her she couldn’t stay in her soft bed, but that morning was different.
The sun was hitting her directly to her face, there was no alarm clock, and no soft bed; instead there was…  the sound of wild birds and a hard rock floor underneath her?
“what the…” she looks around as she stands up “am I dreaming?” suddenly, she tripped on a rock and went nose-dive into the hard painfull rocks “not a dream! not at all”
It was all real, she was really in the middle of a dryland with no sign of civilization on sight, no food, no water,and  no way to communicate with anyone but herself “calm down Olivia… you will be okay, you just need to walk, there must be a town or something nearby.”
Unknown to her, there weren't any human settlements where she was, or should I risk sounding cliche and say…
When she was
“Optimus, we have detected a sudden burst of quantum energy in the area”
To be continued...
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there it is, what do you think? if you liked it stay tuned for part 2 and remember to reblog
EDIT: part 2 is out already, here it is
also, here is what I imagine Olivia would look like
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image made in https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/482731
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opalthea · 9 months
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[ Entry #1. ]
Event-based writing (for Astro Attorney), selfship.
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Somewhere in Fontaine...
"... Actually, maybe this was a bad idea." Esther shuddered, eyeing the exquisite dish warily as she pushed it away. Her order only stared back, as much as a meal could, as if mocking her for taking up the commission. She squeezed her eyes shut. "Oh, man, I don't feel so good..."
Her red-haired companion only chuckled softly, poking at his dish with his fork. It looked like he, too, was a little bit hesitant on eating it, or maybe he was just waiting for her to get the first bite. Who knew just what goes through his head?
"Aw, c'mon. You're chickening out right after I offered to pay the bill?" He cooed, his smile all cocky as he watched her expression morph into one of frustration.
"Can you blame me? I've been diving here in Fontaine before; if everything in this place has otter in them, I can't stomach it," she mumbled, then, "have you seen them? They're like rabbits. How could you eat something so cute and fuzzy and friendly??" Her hands cradled her face as she wallowed in her misery, wondering just how a restaurant could find people who were willing to chop up-- oh, ugh, Archons, the horror.
"The requester never said anything about the dishes actually containing sea otters." He rolled his eyes playfully, with that smirk on his face. He dug his fork into his food, and a knife tore into the meat. His intuition told him that it would be safe to eat, judging by the colour of the cooked meat, and the ingredients listed below the dish in the menu.
The menu itself also never mentioned anything about using otter meat. Much less anything that wasn't pork, beef or poultry.
She pushed her plate towards him, folded her arms and scoffed. "Okay, smarty-pants, you eat it then. Give me your honest opinion."
"You think I'd eat it? It's yours, you should have the first taste."
"Heizou," she groaned.
"Hey, I have my own food to finish, you should be able to finish your own!"
Esther could only return her head back to her hands, sobbing dramatically into them. Honestly, she could just eat it, but the guilt that came with it was something she wasn't prepared for. She'd been so interested in the sea life here in Fontaine, and never once had she been curious of the way sea otters tasted like. Even for someone like her — non-human origins and all that — eating exotic animals did not sit well with her. How did this restaurant even open, and why was it so full with customers? Do they realize they're eating otter meat?? Should she just run away, back to Mondstadt? WHY did she accept this commission in the first place?!
Heizou held his fork up, with a hand hovering below it. "Say ah." He smiled. His smile is ominous.
Her brows pulled together. "What is that..."
"It's my order, don't worry. Just have a bite, please."
"Your order also has meat in it," she muttered in distaste, pulling a face. It only made him lean closer, extending his arms to reach her, much to her chagrin. "Heizou, I'm really not..."
"You haven't had breakfast this morning so you could 'stomach the food', your words, not mine." His cheeky smile is long gone, replaced with obvious worry. Though Esther knew that the detective was capable of theatrics — recalling how he easily let charming flirts roll off his tongue, and the faces he'd make in doing so — this time felt real. Genuine. "Eat something at least, sweetheart. Can't have you fainting on me, or I'll get too flattered."
Well, it better be real.
With a shaky exhale and a defeated look, she leaned towards him, and ate the food off his fork. She chewed on it for a while, probably to judge on the taste, and from the grimace she was showing... She was either trying not to think about the taste too much, or the guilt. Whichever it was, she didn't look too happy.
Until she opened her eyes wide, humming in surprised delight.
"Oh- babe, it's good! What is this? It tastes like Sticky Honey Roast?!" She exclaimed, pleased with the taste, and the fact that he didn't feed her something she would've gagged at (which was something she was prepared for).
Babe. He had been waiting to hear that from her. He can only smile fondly at her sparkling eyes and the happy glow off her face.
"This restaurant doesn't actually serve otters. Here, I actually did a thorough investigation before we came here, so thank me after you're done with the..."
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[ The Mystery of Otter-served dishes in Lumiere Restaurant: Solved! ]
To all the foodies who were concerned about this particular restaurant serving sea otters as their main ingredient, worry not! This is your favourite traveler speaking, here with her partner-in-crime, reviewing the Steak Tartare.
As the name suggests, the main ingredient is the beef itself, with a variety of ingredients put together to make the raw ground beef appetizing. I would have to admit, Fontaine dishes are as delectable as they are intimidating, but I didn't have to taste test many dishes for too long! Shikanoin Heizou — my companion — had done a full background check on the restaurant through legal means, and found that there is no such thing as otter meat in any of the served dishes. He's extraordinary, that one! Can't believe I was lucky enough to have him accompany me today, haha. ♡
- Esther.
Anywho, it is safe to say that the Lumiere Restaurant respects its customers and understands that it would be quite a bombshell to use its own patrons to experiment exotic dishes! Glad to know there's still some good in this world. Esther, signing out!
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© faesther . Do not repost, rework, or translate any of my works.
Astro Attorney Extreme Bias Game.
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